#let them ryde
crownedwille · 2 months
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Netflix Nordic 🌯❤️
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annefolklore · 2 months
I feel like we don’t talk enough on how in Young Royals timeline, Wille went from this in fall
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To this
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He went from twink to TWUNK 💀💀
Like Wille/Edvin looks so buff in that scene like??? I don’t know if it’s maybe the pink sweater that empathizes his muscles, or maybe the hairstyle that gives him this more manly look or something but DAMN
He’s so fine I can’t 😩
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skibasyndrome · 4 months
I mean I would've loved for the project to be something else and I also really would've liked for them to wait a little longer but like........... the sheer amount of content and the quality of a OMR beauty style campaign??? with all the photos and clips???? and you add Edvin into it longside Omar as well?????
this might be our chance of getting the type of promo we didn't quite get for s3 🥹
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youngroyals-stuff · 11 months
Things I love about YR (pt.2)
- characters being immature, they are supposed to be sixteen and still be learning about life and they are, they live in the moment and are sometimes reckless but you can see that they are trying and growing up, they're just being teenagers with too much drama, stuck in a boarding school somewhere in Sweden. 🇸🇪👑
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why is their hate against edvin? I thought he was very loved within the fandom!
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barrowsteeth · 2 years
Q+ Exclusive Interview – Omar Rudberg & Edvin Ryding
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randomjreader · 2 years
Tell me someone sees it TELL ME IM NOT THE ONLY ONE
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brownbitchshit · 2 years
Wild theory for S3 :
What if s3 is broken into 2 parts totalling 10+ episodes where we see the present time in pt 1 and circumstances break Wilmon apart and then see a time jump for pt2 and get a happily ever after?
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fanaticallyfleeky · 2 years
This is the type of happy news I needed after the devastating death of my grandmother yesterday 🥺💜
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edvinception · 7 months
Transcript of Edvin's radio interview
This is nowhere near perfect and not a word by word translation. BUt it took me over 2 hours so...
You owe me hahaha
Some discussions of season 3 and minor spoilers but nothing huge.
I: Edvin Ryding, it will soon be time for the third season of Young Royals, that's why we are here to talk about that among other things. I just have to start off- you arrive here blonde and with what looks like a racing jacket in orange, red, beige, lots of colours. 
E: Yes, I like it, I bought it this weekend when I was in Paris and walked past a Second-Hand Store where I found it and thought it was cool. There’s something a bit cool with stark colours and logos and with the blond hair. I’m at a phase where I need to experiment a bit I think. 
I: Yeah, because as Wilhelm in young royals you don’t, Wilhelm doesn’t want to stand out.  
E: In particular it’s the way he’s been raised. He is told what to wear and how to style his hair, how long his hair is allowed to be. You should look the part so to speak. Not standing out from the norms which is what the royal family wants to portray.  
I: In season 3 he says “I’m not allowed to cut my hair shorter” 
E: Exactly, he’s trapped in those norms. I remember when I tried to map Wilhelm down before season 1 I wrote down some of his interests and dreams. As soon as I did it I thought it was beautiful that he had these dreams, thoughts and interests but then I realised that he won’t be allowed to realise them, they will always remain vague interests. I’ve always thought of him as into fashion that’s into style but he’s stuck in history, traditions and expectation which is prominent in his whole life. In many ways, that’s what the series is about. That's the reason why he’s not allowed to cut his his hair shorter.  
I: Could you say he lives out through his love? 
E: Yeah, that's where he actually can’t resist anymore. These traditions and expectations have kept him from realising who he wants to be but when moves to Hillerska he meets Simon and realises this is a person I can be myself with, a person I’m in love with, oh wow I’m in love with him. And that becomes a catalyst for other parts of his life where he wants to be free and test his wings. 
I: And Simon can dress the way he wants and be more free. 
E: Exactly, he comes from a background where he’s allowed to be who he is with his family but when he comes to Hillerska with all those traditions he is also influenced by that and now in season three they have chosen each other and are a couple officially after the speech in season two. ANd that changes Simon's life too. He’s suddenly in the spotlight for the first time and is faced with new dilemmas with how he wants to handle things 
I: In preparation for season 1 you said you went through Wilhelm’s dreams, who it was and his limitations, the expectations on him and the rules he has to obey. What did this map look like? What was the big dream? 
E: The big dream was for him to have room to breathe and be free. I remember that Rojda Sekezöz who was conceptual director for season 1 and 2 asked us to write a diary entry from the first week of Hillerska and I wrote that Wilhelm dreams of having a good relationship with his family and his mum, for her to be only his mum. He dreams of being allowed to let loose. When we first meet him in season 1 he is kindof a party prince and that’s a way for him I believe to express the frustrations inside him that he has carried in all seasons but now in season 3 he actually lives out- He dreams of being free meets SImon and realise it’s possible. 
I: What about you Edvin? As an actor, have you changed in these seasons? It’s years of your life, You are young with alot going on but alot of things must have changed for you as an actor too? 
E: Yeah, you are right, it’s been a very live changing experience with the reach of the series and the fact that we got to make 3 seasons, alot of things have happened in my life. You are trying to find your identity and you you are. I’m very thankful for these 3 years with this show and these people. I’ve learned more than I could ever dream of from directors and all the actors. It’s been a privilege to be around what I believe is Sweden’s future in this industry. There are so many young and ambitious people. We have been free and learned so much from each other and also become very close. That’s what I will miss the most I think. 
I: Because this is the last season. 
E: Yeah it is the last season. 
I: Can you tell that you have developed as an actor. I think you can tell that you’ve gotten to know the environments, both as an actor and as the character. You are confident in some situations but also have pressure and expectations in others. Can you look at yourself from season 1 and then now in season 3 and think, “wow I’ve developed alot” 
E: Yeah, I would say that. I look back at scenes from season 1 and think “wow I’m so young” and how clueless I was. I thought I had everything under control but I’ve learned so much up until now. It was the first time I was the lead role. For a very big project and I was very nervous but Rojda was very caring and safe so she guided me. She’s not a a part of the final season but I feel like when I started working with new director that I felt alot more confident and trusted myself more. And that will get you very far as an actor. 
I: And you are meant to develop. It’s been three years. You are new at the school in the first season. Maybe it works out very well that you as an actor develop as the series does.  
E: Yeah, we’ve been shooting it for three years but the story itself takes place during one school year. But I’ve also realised that what these characters are going through in a school year is what most people experience in 3. SO it works our very well. 
I: This show has had exceptional reception. Netflix is talking about a worldwide success. You’ve already talked about this alot but how has it been for you recently? Howfrquently are fans in touch and how does it affect you? 
E: It affects me alot. In a good way. It becomes quite abstract and it’s hard to grasp it when you are on social media and sees a number. It’s hard to realise that these are real people. BUt then we’ve had opportunities where we got to meet people. When we were at Kimmy Fallon we met people and Omar had his own show with a big audience from across the world that we got to meet. Just now in Paris we met people. When you get to meet these people and they tell you what the series have meant for them and that they have met people across the world thanks to the series it feels powerful. I’m doing this because I want to move people with this artform. And with this project we’ve managed to do that. It’s huge.  
I: This will be with you your whole life, it’s a milestone. 
E: Definitely! 
I: BUt you were in Paris to talk about the show? 
E: No, I was in Paris for Fashion Week. There’s alot of love on social media, of course unpleasant people too and I have periods in my life where I can handle it better and periods where I’m not as good and when people around me get affected it’s harder for me to handle but I’ve kept away from social media for a bit. Now that I went to Paris it was because i wanted to and I didn’t share it on social media but people found me there anyway and wanted to talk. It was beautiful 
I: And the future? Do you get people contacting you from other countries asking you to be part of things? 
E: If only it was that simple! 
I: Not really, I’ve signed with an American agency in autumn 2021 and I’ve worked with them for a while now. That work continues and I talk about projects abroad continuously and they will come. I’m trying to not stress it. 
I: Sounds smart. 
E: I think so. To think sustainable. At the same time, the industry is very global and you can reach an international audience with stories from Sweden. It doesn’t hurt to do projects here that I want to do. At the end of the day it’s about the story, and portraying characters. It doesn’t matter where. It’s about working with talented people.  
I: Are you rich now?  
E: Yeah, I’m doing well money wise. Maths was never my subject so I struggle to be on top of that myself. 
I: But with the third season, were there opportunities to negotiate?  
E: Eh...I’m pleased with my economy. But of course, since this has been so successful you are in a better position to negotiate. But ti’s not about money for me. It’s never a factor in me saying yes or no to a project. 
I: We talked a bit about the US and reaching out with a story. But when it comes to acting, how do you improve apart from working on things, you’ve worked alot, the abyss among others. BY the way do you remember your first project on Svt? Mannen under trappan? 3x1 hours you told me. Do you remember? How old were you? 
E: I was five, I do remember parts of it. It was my parents that pitched me and handled everything. THey have always supported me in all my decisions. If I didn’t like it I didn’t have to do it. It’s supposed to be fun and feel right. I’m thankful for that and it carry it with me. Even if it was a dark story, it was a thriller, and Jonas Karlsson had schizophrenia, his character. I remember it s fun. There was a trampoline and we got candy when we worked at night. We played. We had a fantastic director that unfortunately is no longer with us, Daniel LInd Lagerlöf. He was great with us kids, it was me and Johanna Hintze that played the kids. I remember it as a fun experience. 
I: It made you want to do more? 
E: Yeah, evidently. 
I: About improving, and your tools as an actor, do you work on that? BY working? 
E: In a way you do...in recent years I’ve started to spend more time with the people I call the future of the industry. Actors from Royals...other co workers. I surround myself with people that are driven and ambitious and want to improve. It's a good thing because it makes me want to improve as well. You have drinks night and improvise scenes, it comes back to that naturally because everyone is so ambitious, You get inspiration right from the street. That woman for instance, she’s talking in her phone and she has 100 things going on in her life, she’s getting inside the car... things like that you pick up. You pick them up when you improvise and then you bring it along to set. It’s a craft which I love and die for. It’s amazing and you get obsessed with it. 
I: So Friday night, you and your friends, drinks and improvisation.  
E: Totally. You let loose. The people I surround myself are very driven and want to write their own things. Felicia Maxime comes to mind, we’ve done Young Royals, Avgrunden and A part of you together. Amazing actress, and also a script writer and director and very driven. She pushes me to let loose and improvise things. We can have coffee or drinks and brainstorm ideas and we can spend an hour in character and it’s wonderful. 
I: Do you write anything? 
E: I’ve gotten closer to that in recent ideas and have had ideas in my head that I write down. I recent year I’ve concretised them and written them down. It’s alot of fun but very hard. Then it’s good to have people around you that are experienced who I can learn from. I’m a person that puts alot of expectation on myself and can struggle to admit that I don’t know as much as the people around me and it’s been a process to get to a place where I can trust that I just need to learn more. 
I: To be vulnerable? 
E: Definitely. I feel like I’ve learned alot about that and that I can be vulnerable in private but in my working life it’s hard. It’s an industry with alot of expectation and pressure and you need to get picked. It’s not surprising that you try to be tough. But you get far by being vulnerable because it allows you to learn new things.  
I: You have alot of fans. People write about you and Omar, it’s intense, you’ve shot alot and you've been in other things as well. Is it hard to separate the private person Edvin and the actor Edvin? 
E: Yeah I’ve struggled with that. I think it’s because in season 1 alot of things happened and quite intensively and I had to create a character and as soon as Young Royals is brought up that character starts working. It was thar character that answered questions and used social media, all that. And they kinda merged which hit me just recently. It’s been hard to separate. It’s not surprising that you have these different persons. You have your business self and your social self but it’s important to separate for your ow mental health and I work on being able to do that. 
I: Do you have a bit to go to get there? 
E: Yeah I think so and that’s okay. I will be in different situations, that’s what I work with, to be different characters and I do with with alot investment. You give it your all and dives deeply. It will take a while but I need to accept that. 
I: So it’s the interview person here today. Not the private person Edvin? 
E: I think you’ve gotten a bit of a mix; I feel like. I’ve been quite open with some of my issues. Congrats.  
I: I have to say I got a bit surprise, seeing you in that Jacket from Paris, the blond hair and the trousers, it feels like you’ve toughened up. 
E. Maybe I have.That’s interesting... maybe I have. 
I: It’s only based in the image I have of you. I’ve met you once or so before. 
E: I’m in a period of my life where I... I’ve also grown up on set and it made me grow up faster than many other people my age and now I’m in a period of my life where I experiment and I’m the same vulnerable person on the inside and I’m very adamant about being open about my feelings and I think it's very important but I experiment more when it comes to the looks. 
They rambled about the weather at the end but I didn't include it.
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yronnia · 8 months
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[Edit: check my reblog too, screenshots from the book kindly provided by spookydazechaos]
Agnesses Nyce and not so accurate prophecies with screenshots.
The full list below.
Some are unreadable (to me), so I inserted some X-es instead, where necessary. Interesting is, that Orient Chariot is mentioned twice, in prophecy nr. 3819 anf 4019.
Prophecy nr. 3012 is only one I cant allocate, dont tell me its about Aziraphale and Crowley, when Agness adressed Aziraphale by "angel" "thyf " and "principalitee", whats the bit about the dragons? Because they have wings?
1111- An the Great Hound sharl come
and the Two Powers sharl watch in V
Goeth Where is, Where they
Notte, and he sharl name it, True to l
and Hell sharl flee it
2213- I tell ye thyf, and I charge
ye with my wordes. Four shalle
ryde and Four shalle alfo ryde,
and Three sharl ryde the Skye
as twixt and Wonne shal ryde in
flames, and theyr shall be no stopping
themme, not fish, nor rayne nor rode, neirher
Deville nor Angel. And ye shalle be theyr also
2214- In December 1980 an Apple will arise no
man can eat. Invest thy money in Master Jobbes
thinking machine and good fortune
will tend thy days.
2315- Sumsay It cometh in Londo xxx or
New Yorke, butte they be Wronge, f xxx is
Taddes fild, Stronge inne hys powr, h xxxxke
a knight inee the fief, he divideth the xxx
4 partes, he bringeth the storme.
3001- Behinde the Eagles Neste a grate Ash hath fallen.
? 3007- Brings forth
For the devil lucks in plain sight.
Under an arc of pale moonlight.
3008- When that the angel readeth these
word of mine, in his shoppe of other mmennes
books, then the final days are certes upon us. Open
thyne eyes to understand. Open thyne eyes and rede
I do say, foolish principalitee, for thy cocoa doth
grow cold
3009- Seven, who hold the Scepther shall be killed,
xxx shall become a saint.
3011- xxThe?
and churces be laid open
opressed shall prevail, and oppose the cruen
foreginers. For a Boar of Cornwall shall give his
assistance and trample their necks under his feet
3012- A shower of blood shall rain and a ragging
famine shall afflict mankind. When dhese things
happen, the Red Dragon shall grieve, but when his
fatigue is over, he shall recover his strength. Then
shall misfortunes hasten upon the White Dragon,
and the buildings of his gardens be pulled down.
3017- I see Four Riding, bringing the Ende, and
the Angells of Hell ride with them, And Three sharl
Rise. And Four and Four Together be Four, and the
Dark Angel sharl Own Defeat, Yette the Manne
sharl claim his Own.
3477- Lette the wheel of Fate turne, let harts
en- join, there are othere Fyres than mine, when
the wynd blowethe the blos- soms, reach oute one
to anothere, for the calm cometh when Redde and
Whyte and BLacke and Pale approache to Pear is
Our Professioune.
3819- When Orients chariot
inverted be, four wheles in the
skye, a man with bruises be upon
Youre Bedde, achinge his head
for willowfine, a manne who
resterh with a pyn yette his
hart be.
3988- Whene menne of crocus come frome the
Earth and green manne frome thee Sky, yette ken
not why, and Plutos barres quitte the light- ning
castels, and sunken landes riseth, and Levia- than
runneth free, and Brazil is vert, then Three cometh
together and Four arise, upon iron horses ride, I tell
you the ende draweth nigh.
3989- He is not what he says he is
4009- Where the Hoggs back end the young
beast will take the world and Adams line will end
in fire and darkness.
4019- When Orients chariot inverted be a
man with bruises up thy bed, aching his head for
willow fine
4020- Let the wheel of fate turne, let harts
enjoin, there are other fyres than myne, when the
whirl wynd whirls, reach oute one to another.
5001- When the skies are xxxx, then ye
both must stand between the world and life and the
world of wae, where the iron bird lands no more
5004- When alle is fayed and all is done, ye
must choofe your faces wisely, for soon enouff
ye will be playing with fyre
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mereallycan · 7 months
Edvin Ryding is masterful. There's something about watching him that is so ✨art ✨. Art in the sense of transporting you and bringing you into another world and consuming and subsuming you to see what the artist sees and letting you wholly and fully submerge into the experience so much so it takes on its own life and "3D realness", that you can feel and touch, and has the full attention of your senses and emotions with unmistakeable and fierce ferocity. That you are able to form complex, dynamic relationship, (and not even only in projected relatability) with the art material regardless of what it is. That you are able to experience it in an alive living, breathing, form with a pulse and a heartbeat. Edvin does that. Edvin really does that, unfailingly and beautifully every time. (And since this is about me seeing him right now in young royals) He comes on screen and you're with him at Hillerska and you see Willie and Willie alone and you're fully seeing Willie in all his complex, complete glory and you're immersed and transported and undoubtedly convinced and transfixed.
And then there's actors that leave you wanting and dry and thirsty. There's actors that you read lines from a script along side with all the while that they are on screen, and you can just always see"think" their next course of action and see that they are almost holding their breath, all rigid and stiff. There's actors that keep you on earth, in your own clothes, in front of a screen watching them technically interprete other given directions. Actors that you can tell started walking into a run at the sound of action.
Whereas with Edvin, it's so effortlessly seamless and smooth, it's like he's meant to be walking into the room because he's been walking a long while to enter into it like he intended, he feels the room with such sura and his undeniable presence and feels right at home, not out of place there, not even like he's front of a camera. Edvin is so intuitive and internalizes his characters brilliantly. He's so self directed and innovative and inventive and intelligent and expressive and it's refreshing like soaking fully in a body of water, he's the freshest breathe of air with the most amazing talent and unprecedented skillful performances. He's fully given to and lost in his character that even his voice, at every pitch, his breathe, at every inhale and exhale, his every element, purposeful and powerful, every part and piece of his body, at every second is totally the character, with such fluidity and innateness and natural flow.
With him it's never a sprinkle or a squeeze or a waste or misuse of source material, it's always a platter, the deepest and richest of experience no matter the brush he's been handed or the colour or medium he's painting with. Everything is meaningful and useful and worthy and wonderful. And for that I'm grateful. I'm grateful for him and his genius as an artist that showcases the power and beauty of art and what it represents, maximizing and and utilizing every stroke so meaningfully and masterfully and experiencing his art makes you feel something and everything in the fullest, highest, strongest, overwhelmingly intense, ,"Alice-in-wonderlandesque" escape type of way.
Watching that shift and drop in energy and hold everytime he shares screen used to grind my gears and make me scream internally, but today, today, I choose to see it as reason to be grateful for him and about him.
Tl-dr watching actors trying to act, making an awful attempt at it, and watching Edvin embody and be his character and experiencing him and his performances is something I'm thankful for today.
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ineshb · 2 years
okey, so now that the news about joe locke being casted in agatha: coven of chaos are out, i need him to play billy maximoff/wiccan. he would do an amazing job, and i can totally see him as elizabeth olsen's son.
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however, i have to admit that the casting that i've been manifesting for months is kit connor as teddy altman/hulkling. he was born to play that role (and nick nelson).
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some may not be in favor because they already play a couple in heartstopper, but there have been other actors that play couples in more than one project (like adam sandler and drew barrymore). also, these drawings by alice oseman exist...
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also, if marvel casts them, they make sure that the actors have chemistry, and that they have a huge fan base that will endorse the show (because let's be honest, we know how the public reacted to she-hulk, so imagine a show with lgtb+ main characters).
my other petition is to cast edvin ryding as tommy maximoff/speed.
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chevvy-yates · 11 months
WIP Wednesday
Been tagged by @morganlefaye79 thx! <3
I tag: @imaginarycyberpunk2023, @itzsassha, @medtech-mara, @therealnightcity, @humberg, @pinkyjulien, @hydrasshole @kharonion and @elvenbeard as always: no pressure!
— VP
No plans atm other than preparing and thinking about sth for Arki as his birthday follows up next. Also promised I'll take some pics of Enzo and Jay as i couldn't make it in time for Enzo's bday. So I don't have much to add other than what I sneak-peaked last week that will be posted when I feel ready to push the button in my drafts (some pics are already months old again …). All other VP ideas are on hold as I still would liketo play the game a bit longer and only do random pics in between — but I need to solve first my problem I have with Thyjs' save data that is crashing when wanting to watch the deathshead BD in Judy's van. I want to look into it on the weekend because before I hop back into my bigger VP ideas I plan to get every oc into Phantom Liberty start and have them skilled a bit because that also motivates me to actually play the game from time to time and helps me to describe their fight style in the rp story. If I can't solve it I'll try Vijay next and see if he crashes too at the same point or not as I remember he's not far away from the Scav mission either. Then last I can try is Jay but he needs to get through the entire prologue first which will take me a weekend as well.
Once I get Vijay's npv, @nervouswizardcycle and I can finally start taking story pics as well, though I believe she might just wait until she gets her new pc for that. I have overworked "The Golden Demon of Kabuki" text some months ago so it is a better readable fic now. I will place it into layout as soon as the needed pics are done. Then I'll see what happens next. Probably try and get ch2 ready.
I've said enough now, let's give you another snip-bit:
CORPO PARTY RP SNIPPET (my part only):
He noticed that Vijay says something Ry can’t concentrate on since he’s busy staring the redhead down and trying to see through him, but sees V starts walking and so he follows. They walked a bit further away leaving the red-haired man alone, Vijay pleased to stay and wait until they would come back to him. Once they were far away enough, Ryder turns around and raises his voice with a certain gnarl in his undertone “I leave you alone for almost an hour and you take the next best chance to shove your tongue down the throat of one of those Corporats?!” “Ry—” Vijay starts but Ryder is not done and so he hisses dangerously. “ON A JOB!? — Seriously V!” Scharfenberg shifts his weight to one leg, breathes audibly through his nostrils, crosses his arms and waits for V’s explanation.
Somehow Steyr finds it funny because he knows Ryder exaggerates it as always. Nonetheless Vijay feels a bit embarrassed as well because he knows Ry is also right. He should behave in a certain manner here but he is bad at being a Corpo. “Calm down man — Part of the job now,” V answers and gives him a stupid smirk. “You weren’t in reach. Had to escape from that escort chick otherwise I’d have blown cover. Unlike you I dunno how to friggin’ corpo. Dunno how to even pronounce my fuckin’ fake name either. Stainback von Kra– Krawnee–” “Steinbach von Kranichstein!” Ryder repeats fast in exasperation. 
They’ve practiced it a few times before and V still wasn’t able to pronounce it right. “Yeah whatever!” Vijay gestures with his hands. “But uh— Arki happened to—” “Oh, it’s ‘Arki’ already?!” “—chill a few feet away from me, so I took the chance to escape and, yeah — he’s my fiancé in disguise now as long as we are on the job here. He’s the dude from the Afterlife weeks ago, ‘member? Could help us out on this.” Ryder raises both eyebrows, his mouth opens a bit and he feels how Beast wants him to yell at V yet he -tries- to stay the calmest he can be. “Afterlife red haired rando? Supposed demon — your fiancé?! Alter Vadder! Tell me this is a joke!?” Ryder throws both hands in the air and makes a few steps as if he wants to walk away now and curses further in German “Ich glaub, ich bin im falschen FIlm!” He wasn’t in the wrong movie, though. “Chill, bro. I’ve got it under control. All good,” Steyr tries to calm his friend. “V, you know he’s a—” Scharfenberg starts but stops abruptly as he realizes something now that doesn’t make much sense to him. Wait. Afterlife merc rando— a true Corporate? How’s that fitting in? “He’s what?” V raises an eyebrow at that. “Forget it!“ “M‘Kay, if y’say so.” V crosses his arms, not satisfied about Ry’s answer.
“Just don’t like to get into a fucking mess,V!” Scharfenberg spits his sentence out rather inappropriately. Judging by V’s face however Ry notices it is meant seriously, so he facepalms with an angry growl as Beast already tells him to just flip the switch, turn around and kill some of those poor dancing souls behind him. “I’m not riding us into a mess. I bet he can help us to klep the info we here for.” Ryder gets immensely fidgety, looking into every direction trying to ignore the voice as best as he can. He fiddles out a menthol cigarette, lights it up and takes a few long puffs inhaling it deeply into his lungs as he walks up and down glad that Vijay waits until he’s done. The least V could use was having Ryder in a critical state on this job, so V gives his best mate time to clear his mind.
“Fine— But we’re not done talking about this!” Ryder states as he throws the smoked up stub on the bottom to rather aggressively put it out with his double varnished fine shoe. He doesn’t look amused about the fact that his best friend obviously seemed to know this dude named Arki already better than he thought. Steyr must have kept this info from him for whatever reason and he doesn’t like it at all. But since it is not part of the job right now, he accepts this now changed situation. So he takes another deep breath and says under gritted teeth “Let's get back to your new flame then, see if he can be of help as you predict and brief him.” Vijay gives him a thankful gaze. He knows it’s not easy for Ry to control but he managed well enough not to raise any suspicion and V does feel guilty too for not telling Ry he knows Arki already better than he might think. They would discuss it later. But now back to business. So they walked back to the redhead who was awaiting them back where they left him, enjoying a cigarette.
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fate-bound-in-crystal · 9 months
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"... What troubles you?" she asks, watching him look out over the island below them. He glances at her and sighs; no getting past her keen senses, is there? He shifts forward, leaning on his knees.
"Something doesn't feel right about all of this," he says softly.
"The 'esteemed' ambassador... or the armor that Lord Hien gave you?" she replies, the corner of her mouth lifting with a knowing smirk.
Ziero glances at Ryde then, his cheeks dusted with pink, and looks away.
"... Both." When Ryde doesn't respond, he sighs again. "I have a bad feeling about Asahi and what he wants with Tsuyu. What I saw - we saw - leads me to think he's a much, much crueler man than we know."
She nods, the end of her tail flicking against the wooden planks. "He's a snake, and a vicious one at that. Yet, if she regained her memories - his methods aside - then by rights Lord Hien had to let Asahi take her." Ziero nods, shifting his arms from one knee to the other. A glance at the woman beside him leads to one more sigh.
"I am... grateful for this armor, do not get me wrong, I just..."
"Think you're cursed and won't let him close, yes we know," she says with a chuckle and grin. Ziero glares at her and rolls his eyes. "Two lost men a curse does not make, Z."
An ear flicks in irritation. "And yet those I become close to keep dropping like flies and Doma needs her liege if it is to survive. I won't rob them of him simply because he wishes to pursue something with me." Ziero flashes her a canine, lilac eyes hard. Ryde chuckles softly, reaching to squeeze his elbow. The gesture is gentle, and reassuring, and not for the first time Ziero finds his chest fluttering at her touch.
"I've been with you since Titan and I've yet to fall. The twins---"
He cuts her off with a look. "Ryde, you are not like the rest of them, you know this. I... Fine, let us make sure this prisoner exchange goes well and maybe... maybe I'll... talk with Hien about. Things." Ziero looks over to see the bright glow of her limbal rings flare with encouragement. They dim almost immediately, the seriousness of their task settling into Ryde's face.
"Yes, let us make sure the 'honorable' Ambassador does not murder all of us. With a sword in his gut."
Ziero snorts and shakes his head. "C'mon Scaley. Let's go."
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