#let's not talk about pinks funky head
crittersbyk · 6 months
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Game of Chicken! Who's going to win?
Find them here on my etsy~
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nyoomfruits · 11 months
Sorry for shouting. Please and thank you.
7. made out while in costume at a halloween party (lando's outfit for reference)
“This is ridiculous,” Lando hisses, uncomfortably pulling at the pink ruffly collar around his neck as he makes his way into the kitchen. It’s already fairly packed, mostly because Lando had tried to stall actually arriving at this party for as long as possible. “I look like a fucking idiot.”
“I think you look….” Alex appraises him, looking at Lando’s ‘sexy Princess Peach’ costume with a shit eating grin. “Well. Like a princess.” Lando glares at him and makes his way over to where the booze is set up, pouring himself a hefty shot of tequila and knocking it back immediately with a wince.  
“Really putting the peach in Princess Peach with those hotpants,” George agrees, entering the kitchen and patting Lando on the shoulder as he passes him on the way to the fridge. He’s dressed as some kind of Greek god, and Lando’s 99% sure he only picked it because it was an excuse not to wear a shirt.
“I hate both of you and I’m unfriending you on Facebook the second, I get home,” Lando grumbles, adjusting the stupid tiara on his head and pouring another shot of tequila.
Alex laughs. “A bet’s a bet, mate. And you lost.”
“Yeah, my fucking dignity,” Lando says, pulling at the back of the hot pants in the hopes it will at least cover some of his ass. He’s never making another bet with George and Alex again. “Anyway, at least I am wearing something original instead of, what,” he gestures at Alex’s outfit. “A cowboy?”
“Ken!” Alex says, completely unbothered, doing a little spin.
Lando snorts, rolls his eyes. “Right. And who’s your Barbie, then?”
Charles chooses that exact moment to swan into the kitchen in a bright pink cowboy suit complete with sparkly cowboy hat and white cowboy boots. “Lads! Are you ready to get wasted?!”
“Of course,” Lando says. “Why did I even ask?” And knocks back another shot of tequila.
It gets better, after a while. He’s starting to get considerably more drunk which makes him feel considerably more comfortable about looking like a very scarcely clad Princess Peach, and he’s starting to have actual fun.
So of course, that’s the exact moment George decides to ruin everything again. “Lads,” he says. “I have fantastic news. I have spotted… A Mario.”
Alex and Charles holler like George had just told them they’d won a million bucks each. Lando frowns. “So?” He asks, regretting it immediately when he’s suddenly faced with three absolutely shit eating grins. “Oh, fuck no,” he says, suddenly realizing what they’re hinting at. “Absolutely not.”
“Come on, Lando, you have to,” Charles says, putting on his big stupid pleading puppy dog eyes. Lando hates him. “It’s Mario,” he adds, like that somehow explains everything.
“Yeah, what is Mario without his Peach,” Alex agrees, not even trying to hide the smirk on his face.
“I am not making out with some random dude dressed up as Mario just because you guys seem to think that people in matching costumes need to make out!” Lando exclaims. “Actually, by that logic, why aren’t you two making out,” Lando says, gesturing between Charles and Alex.
Alex shrugs. “We already did.”
“When you were trying to create, what was it? ‘The world’s funkiest cocktail’ in the kitchen,” Charles adds.
“I can attest. I watched them do it, it was hot,” George says, and takes an obnoxious sip of ‘the world’s funkiest cocktail’ through his straw. “This is very funky by the way.”
“Thank you,” Lando says primly. “Still not making out with Mario.”
Alex gets a very dangerous mischievous gleam in his eyes. “I dare you,” he says, and George and Charles simultaneously let out a gasp that would’ve been very funny if Alex hadn’t just doomed Lando’s entire night.
“Oh fuck you,” he says, glaring, before knocking back the last of his own glass of ‘the world’s funkiest cocktail’ and slamming his cup down onto the bar. “All right, where is that fucker.”
“That’s no way to talk about your future husband.”
“Can it, George.”
Alex snorts. “He’s on the couch in the living room.”
“All right,” Lando says, shaking out his limbs like he’s going to run a fucking Marathon instead of make out with a guy that might not even want to make out with him. “Here goes nothing,” he says, before making his way back into the living room.
It’s pretty packed, but he finds the couch easily, ducking behind two girls dressed like Wednesday and Enid before coming to a standstill in front of the guy dressed as Mario. He even has one of those stupid stick on moustaches, though he’s ditched the gloves, the pair lying abandoned on the arm rest next to him.
Other than that he’s. Kind of cute. In a sort of boyish way. He has something weirdly familiar, though Lando can’t quite place it. “Hi,” he says, trying to stand in a way that accentuates his. Something. It must work regardless because the guy’s eyes snap to Lando and then widen ever so slightly, the light flush he had on his cheeks – probably from the heat – darkening considerably.
“Lando,” he blurts out, and Lando falters a little because huh. So he does know this guy. That’s a little. It’s probably not a great start to trying to woo him, not remembering who he is. The guy must notice Lando’s confusion because he adds. “Oscar? You’re in my econ 101 lecture.” His eyes dart away and then back again, lingering for a moment on Lando’s thighs, that are very prominently on display.
“Right!” Lando says, though he doesn’t specifically remember Oscar. “Monday 8am. My favorite class.”
Oscar laughs, a loud, sharp thing that sort of seems to startle out of him, folding his body ever so slightly forward as he does so. “Yeah, that one,” he says, and he seems a little tense now, his shoulder dropping ever so slightly.
“Where’s Luigi?” Lando asks, changing the topic before he has to reveal he still doesn’t technically remember Oscar, nudging Oscar’s cap with his hand, watching Oscar’s eyes widen when Lando leans in a little closer.
“Oh, uh. Fucked off,” Oscar says, blushing slightly. “He uh. There was this girl, so.”
“Ah,” Lando says, nodding. “Daisy.”
Oscar’s brows knit together in a decidedly cute way. “Daisy?”
“Yeah,” Lando says. “You know. Daisy, Luigi.” He gestures between them then, “Mario. Peach.”
“Right,” Oscar says, blushing impossibly more. “Right, yeah. Mario and Peach.”
“Exactly!” Lando says, and then, because he’s getting signals, and because Oscar has been trying very had not to stare at Lando’s. Everything. For the past five minutes, he sits down. In Oscar’s lap. “Peach and Mario,” he says, as Oscar flails a little and seems to have some kind of internal panic about where to put his hands.
Lando solves it by grabbing them and putting them on the flimsy little waist of his body suit. Oscar lets out a slow shuddering breath as he glances up at Lando with wide eyes, but leaves his hands on Lando’s waist, as Lando readjust himself, puts a knee on either side of Oscar’s thighs. “As I was saying,” he says. “Mario and Peach.” And then he takes Oscar’s face in his hands, takes off the stupid moustache, and kisses him full on the mouth.
Oscar makes a tiny little noise in surprise, fumbling a little as their teeth clack together, but then suddenly something in him seems to snap, and he kisses back. His hands are suddenly everywhere, from Lando’s waist to his back to his ass, squeezing down in a way that makes Lando moan into his mouth, an opportunity which Oscar uses to slide his tongue into Lando’s mouth, kissing him like a man starved.
Lando lets his hands slide from the sides of Oscar’s face into his hair, knocking the Mario hat off and tugging ever so slightly, eliciting a delicious little moaning noise from Oscar that he swallows eagerly. It goes on like that for a bit, each of them giving as good as they get, when Lando finally pulls away, breathing a little heavily.
Oscar looks equally debauched, breathing heavily, eyes wide and hair messy. He looks… He looks fucking hot, and Lando vows to pay more attention in econ 101, next time.
“Mamma Mia,” Oscar breathes out, in a terrible Itatlian accent, and there’s a little twitch to the corner of his mouth, even though his words are incredibly deadpan, and it startles a laugh out of Lando. Hot and funny. Yeah, Lando’s definitely going to start paying more attention.
But for now, he presses his lips back to Oscar’s, and sends a small little thank you to that bet he lost. Maybe he should start losing them more often, if it gets him this.
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sinsandsweetness · 1 year
Longing (sex and zombies-chapter 3)
(all chapters here)
pairing- {Rick x fem!reader}
summary- A girl can dream right?
warnings- 18+ content, MDNI, though no actual smut in this chapter, it is still suggestive.
“Hunny, why on earth would you sleep in that thing?” Lori brushed your hair out of your face. She treated you like her kid. It kind of threw you off. Seeing as you daydreamed about her husband and all. Whether she could tell or not it didn’t show. 
But she’d cut your hair. Clean your clothes. Check on you like a mom. And the weirdest part is that you liked it. Made you feel safe. Well, not the same safe that Rick or Daryl made you feel. But one that comforted you in a way only a mom could. 
“Daryl was snoring.” you give her a weak smile and follow her into the house. 
“Go shower sweetie, your hair is all funky. Shane just finished up.”
She motioned upstairs. You could use a shower. She was right. “I’ll go grab my clothes-” 
“Already did,” she handed you the pile she’d picked out. Like you were in third grade again. Mom picking out your outfit. You glanced at Rick who was grabbing a plate of food. 
You mumbled a thank you and headed to the shower. Passing Shane on the way down. 
“Princess sleep ok last night?” he teased and ruffled your bed head some more. You rolled your eyes but continued up the stairs. 
Maggie was criss cross applesauce on her bed when she spoke, “We saw you you know.” She didn’t look up from her toes. 
“Who?” You leaned against her doorway. 
“You and Daryl. In the truck” 
“Not who did you see. Who is ‘we’?” 
“Oh.” She looked up at you. “Me and Glenn.” The slightest blush found her cheeks.
Whatever. Word was bound to get around at some point. It was honestly impressive that you'd kept it on the low for as long as you had. You shrugged. 
“Want yours?” She motioned to the nail polish bin on her bed. 
“After?” You motioned to the shower and she nodded. 
There was still steam from Shane’s shower. It smelled like man, maybe old spice, something delicious. You washed your hair, combed the conditioner through. Letting the water wash away your thoughts of Daryl and the smell of the leather truck seats.
Taking the sweetest smelling body wash you could find, velvet cupcake something or other, you scrubbed every inch of your body. Down to your bare toes. 
You dried off and dressed in the very modest Jeans and t-shirt that Lori had picked out.You skipped the bra, throwing it onto Maggie’s bed instead. Maggie painted your toenails a bubble gum pink. She was sweet to you, treated you like a sister. It clearly came easy to her. 
“Sooo… was he any good?” She asked with a smirk. 
You didn’t want to smile but it happened anyway. 
She smacked your arm lightly. “You dirty little-“
You chuckled, rubbing the spot she’d hit. 
“Maggie! Beth!” Hershel called from the main level. 
“You better tell me more later.” She whispered and shot off the bed heading downstairs. You followed after. Not without a quick spray of perfume from her dresser though. Now that you smelled like a cupcake and marshmallows, maybe Rick would be even more inclined to let his touch linger on your back as he walked by. Or lean down to talk in your ear when you pretended you couldn’t hear him that well. A girl can dream right?
Two pancakes. One egg. Handful of Raspberries. Breakfast was amazing. You couldn’t lie, Carol could cook. Shane dipped his pancake in your syrup earning a playful scowl from yourself. 
“How’s the cushions in that pickup ?” He asked, a flirty grin forming on his face. “They uh,” his gaze glanced at Daryl from across the room, “...nice and comfy?” 
He knew too. Jesus Christ. Not a single secret could be kept on this damn farm. 
“Comfier than your bed...” you mumble under your breath. But he heard. Earned you a kick under the table too.You glared at him but your smile escaped anyway.
“They were fine thanks for asking,” you straightened up and said a little louder, letting Daryl and Lori both hear the answer to the question they’d clearly heard. 
“Slept like a baby.” You made eye contact with Daryl. He grunted and ate another pancake. 
“You gonna help me n’ Rick with that barn?” Shane changed the subject. 
“Mhm” you nod with a mouth full of pancake. 
“Alright we’ll meet you out there in 20?” He got up and patted your shoulder. Shane didn’t need an answer,he knew you'd be there in 10. 
It was hot. The sun was already blaring down on the field. Everyone was outside, gardening, washing clothes. Doing anything to help keep busy. 
Gravel crunched beneath your shoes as you rounded the little barn.
“I thought you were gonna stay inside, and help the Greene’s?” Rick asked as you approached his work bench behind the barn. 
“Shane wanted me here.” 
“Is that right?” His eyebrow raised.
You nod. 
“Okay well you're sanding then” It was clear he was trying not to smile as he shook his head.
You helped the men with the barn. Mostly sanding boards and grabbing tools. Sometimes Shane would make you climb up there with him to hold something in place while he hammered. Lori brought out some sandwiches and water at lunch. You laid on the roof soaking in the heat of the day. Your shirt became shorter and shorter as you lifted it up your stomach. Allowing the sun to warm as much skin as possible. 
You eavesdropped on the conversation below you. Starting out rather innocent until Shane brought up the truck. 
“You know they did it last night right? Good ol’ make up sex,” he bit another piece of his sandwich off. 
“Shh man she can hear you” Rick shushed the man. 
“Nah she can’t. She’s in her own little world up there trust me.”
 A long pause. Rick pretended not to care. But he wasn't doing a great job.
“Did you see them?” He finally asked.
“Nah but Glenn told me he saw Daryl dragging her over there and then, well the damn truck started shaking man” 
“And this is relevant how?” 
“Oh come one, if he could pull her? You could have your way with her too. I’m sure she’d let you,” he paused. 
“…little cocktease like her, roaming around the camp in her short shorts and you’re telling me you haven’t even thought about it?” 
No answer. 
“Not even when she wears them little sundresses?”
“I’m married.” 
“We’ll I ain’t. And goddamnit Ricky I wanna taste that sweet- “
Shane laughed and you couldn’t help but smile up at the clouds. Rick didn’t say no. You knew he’d thought about it. Maybe in Atlanta before. Maybe in the closet. Maybe on another run or hike through the woods. Even just around the farm when you’d catch him looking at your chest, glistening from sweat. His gaze dipping lower, going as far as to notice there wasn’t a bra underneath your tank top. 
After lunch, Shane nailed another board into the roof. How long would this take? You were starting to sweat. 
“You gonna tell me about it or make me torture it outta you?” Shane asked looking up at you. Confused, you raise an eyebrow. He licked his lips.
“Daryl? Really?”
You rolled your eyes. 
“Musta been good if you forgave him already,”
"I haven't." But you couldn’t help but chuckle.
“I mean how was he? Honestly I thought the kid was a virgin. Beats me.” He hammered another mail. “Did you… did he make you… you know?”
“God Shane!” You smacked his forearm. 
“Aw come on baby girl, I’m just teasin’” His voice lowered, so Rick wouldn’t hear him from the ground. A tiny smile pulled at your lips as you looked up at the man. Your mind wandered to thoughts of him and Rick both taking you in the back of some clothing store, out on a run. Their hands and mouths torturing your body, earning those sounds you couldn’t ever keep in. A fantasy that you’d had the time to perfect in your couple days of sulking in solitude. 
Around the fire that night you laid your head in Shane’s lap, facing Lori and Rick. Both of whom seemed a little annoyed by it. Shanes hand rubbing your scalp and playing with your hair mindlessly as he kept a conversation with Dale about some part he needed for the RV. 
You thought about how you’d probably end up sleeping in the truck again. You were too sore to let Daryl even think about dragging you for another “walk”. 
Lori took Carl to bed. The other women shortly after. It was just you, Rick, Daryl, and Shane. Wonderful. Tension in the air thick as honey, you felt it was your best bet to try and escape. 
“Night” you try to leave the fire pit but Shane grabs your hand bringing you back down next to him. 
“Where do you think you're going?”
“Bed.” you brush him off again. 
“Who’s?” He looked at Daryl briefly. Then to Rick. Then back to you. 
“Ugh,” you couldn’t even help the scoff that left your mouth. What an instigator. 
Leaving the three men to talk amongst themselves, you grabbed Daryl’s spare sleeping bag and his pillow and walked along the driveway down to the truck. Setting up a cozy little nest. It would have to do. 
You woke up early. The birds chirping in the trees couldn’t help but make you smile. You slipped your shoes on and went for a walk around the house. Went to the stables. Quick hello to the horses. Then circled back to Daryl’s tent. You needed some new clothes.
Stepping into the tent, Daryl’s back peaked through his sleeping bag. Eyeing his tattoo and the scars covering his shoulder blade, you grabbed your whole bag, you’d go to the house to change. Let the man sleep. Not that he normally let you. 
Everyone wanted to join the run that day. For the motorhome part. If Hershel wanted your group gone, then you would need a reliable ride. And the RV had been acting up lately according to Dale. So the run was for car parts and batteries. And if you were lucky maybe a vibrator. That’d help keep you out of anyone's tent. 
Reluctantly, you were allowed to join the run. 
“Sweetie you’ve had a tough couple weeks, maybe you should rest here?” Lori suggested. Looking for Sophia, the guys at the bar. And then… well, another run in with random men who’d probably want to hurt you, had they been smart enough to open the closet door. 
“I am over rested at this point” you groan. 
“She’ll be good, little fresh air never killed no one” Shane responded. Rick nodded in agreement. 
“I’ll come too,” Maggie, out of breath, jogged up to the truck, surrounding the little group. “Daddy made me a list so…”
“Alright that’s enough then. Otherwise we’re leaving your father to protect the place all alone.”
You, Daryl, Rick, Shane, Dale, Glenn, and Maggie now. Kind of a big group for a little run. But everyone was getting antsy at the farm. Andrea was only alright with it after being told she could do gun training with the Greene’s that day. 
No luck with the vibrator. Not that you’d expected it. But it woulda been a nice surprise. In fact, the run had been kind of a bust. Dale hadnt found the part he needed, and a hoard of walkers came through the town, blocking you all in the dealership. Forced to wait it out. Thankfully it wasn’t going towards the farm. But you waited for what seemed like hours. Glenn and Maggie had disappeared to the break room. Shane and Dale were caught up in conversation about lord knows what. You couldn’t see them, hidden in one of the display cars. You were sitting right next to Rick on the ground of the dealership, behind the receptionist desk. Everyone hidden from the walls. No walkers could see in. 
“You don’t have to sleep in that thing, ” Rick scratched at a splotch of dirt on your pant leg. “Shane said his tent has room.” Of course he would. He’d offered his tent up even before the farm. And honestly, Shanes tent started to sound like a nice change after being fucked and left in a truck. 
“It’s not so bad.” You lied.
“You really still that mad at Daryl?”
You shrugged. Kinda. Not really. But he had acted like a complete asshole.
Rick's hand started to make its way up and down your thigh, rubbing mindlessly. Pushing a limit even you could see. 
“It’s not the comfiest thing in the world…” you say softly, looking up at the man. 
“I can’t imagine.”
You rolled your eyes. Which earned a quiet laugh from Rick. 
“He didn’t mean those things,” Rick offered. Maybe he hadn’t. Those harsh words when you’d finally gotten back from your run. The one that didn't… go according to plan.
“Doesn’t matter. He was right,” 
He’d yelled at you in front of everyone. Made a big scene. And then spat the most hurtful choice of words he could. You made it back alive, and he didn’t even seem to acknowledge that.
“He was worried about you. We all were. He just… expresses that differently.”
You nodded, looking down at the hand on your leg.
You stayed there for a few minutes. Not talking. Just enjoying the feeling of Rick's touch.
You didn’t realize how close you were to Rick until you felt your foot fall asleep. In an attempt to switch positions, you lost your balance, falling into the man. Both of your eyes wide, staying still and quiet to make sure you hadn’t made too much noise. Moving only when it was safe, into a comfier position. And that was basically laying on top of Rick at that point. His hands on your waist, as he kept glancing down between you, breathing slowly. But your hands were on his chest, and your legs tangled in his. And…well you couldn’t help it. You leaned in and pressed your lips to his. A single soft, gentle peck. Then a deep breath. 
He shook his head. Not now. But even then, he let you stay on top of him, pulled you in closer even. 
Tucking your head under his chin, he rubbed up and down your arms and your back, and though he’d never admit it, you could feel him underneath you. It took everything in you not to move your hips against him. What you didn’t know was that it took everything in him not to move them for you. 
When the hoard let up, you’d all loaded into the vehicle, practically empty handed. 
Every time Rick shifted gears, his hand would brush your knee. Sometimes he’d even keep it there. Shane, on the other side of you, toyed with a small rip in your jeans, furthering the damage to the denim. You squeezed your legs together at one point when both mens hands were on you. Desperately trying to get some sort of relief. That earned a smirk from them both. 
Knowing exactly what they were doing to you. 
(next chapter)
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radioactiveradley · 1 year
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So let’s talk about yer bones! Yeah, that’s right, Captian Holt. I said –
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An adult has (roughly) 206 bones (I say ‘roughly’! You can have non-pathological anatomical variation, such as lumbarised sacral vertebrae (an extra bone in your back) or accessory sesamoids like the flabella (a little bone at the back of the knee!))
A newborn has (roughly) 300 bones
That's a big difference! Almost 100 bones of difference! Where do they go?
Well, you see - as you get older, every time you come into the hospital we steal more of your bones...
Just kidding.
...Or am I
As an embryo, your skeleton is completely composed of cartilage. This gradually ossifies as you age, until, as an adult, you have a full skeleton, with only the interactive portions of joints being capped with hyaline cartilage.
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[Paediatric normal whole leg radiograph, showing epiphyseal plates around the head of the femur, the femoral condyles, the proximal tibia, the distal tibia and the lateral malleoli that can mimic fractures. Courtesy of radiopaedia]
See all those weird blobs? Those are bones in the process of fusing together! The transverse lines that could be mistaken for fractures are actually epiphyseal plates – hyaline cartilage bridges between the shaft of a bone and what will become its tip, which don't attenuate x-rays, and thus appear black on our radiographs! This is where bone growth occurs - the cartilage forms a sort of template matrix that then ossifies into bone.
Compare our paediatric radiograph to the AP knee radiographs of an adult with no visible pathology:
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[Adult normal AP knee radiographs, showing fully fused bones. Courtesy of radiopaedia]
See how all those ragged pieces have joined up? That’s endochondral ossification, BABY!
This is how we can figure out the age of a paediatric service user from their bones! Certain bones form at different times.
Let’s check out the carpal bones – all those fiddly little bones in your wrist! Anyone who’s binged Hatecrimes MD – sorry, House MD as often as I have will know the classic acronym for remembering the names of these bones. Moving thumb side to pinkie side, we have…
Scared (Scaphoid - red)
Lovers (Lunate - dark blue)
Hate (Hamate - green)
To (Triquetrum - yellow)
Try (Trapezium - orange)
The (Trapezoid - light blue)
Coolest (Capitate - purple)
Positions (Pisiform - pink)
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[Normal adult wrist radiograph, shown with and without coloured carpal bones. Courtesy of radiopaedia.]
But did you know that these bones form at different times?
The Capitate ossifies at 1-3 months
The Hamate ossifies at 2-4 months
The Triquetrum ossifies at 2-3 years
The Lunate ossifies at 2-4 years
The Scaphoid, Trapezium and Trapezoid ossify at 4-6 years
And the Pisiform ossifies at 8-12 years
So, I can look at this picture, and tell you that this child is approximately 3 years old, because their Capitate and Hamate have ossified, and their Triquetrum is just visible, starting to ossify below the thumb (circled!)
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[Normal wrist radiograph of a paediatric patient, triquetral ossification centre circled. Courtesy of Radiopaedia.]
Your bones continue to form and fuse until you reach about 25! Your olecranon (the bump of your elbow) starts to ossify at 6-11 years, and fuses at 13-16 years! We can look at the base of your fifth metatarsal to age afab folks who are approx. 10 and amab folks who are approx. 12, as this bone fuses in the 2-4 years following these ages! The medial end of the clavicle can be used to assess your age from approximately 18-22, and your facial bones continue to ossify into adulthood! How cool is that?
If you’re over 25, fret not – there’s still plenty of funky stuff happening to your bones. But we’ll get into all of that next time, when we take a look at the function of osteoblasts and osteoclasts and explore all the cool little jobs that your bones perform within your body - it's more than you might think! So, tune in next time for more Bone facts...
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And thank you for reading!
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nohoney · 1 year
sweetness I hope you’ve had a wonderful week mwah mwah! I was thinking about that one drabble that you wrote of us!dabi and us!keigo continuously cheating on us!yn and I was wondering if we could please get a bit of an angst drabble (I have departed from the smut/fluff train and I am now boarding the angst one)
hi darling! i hope you’ve been well and taking care of yourself! i’ve pretty much wrapped up that little cheating drabble timeline but i definitely will not deny you us series angst (´ ω `♡)
warnings: angsty-ish, touya carries reader briefly, like a sort of make up but also not?
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Right now, all three of you are in a department store looking at dinnerware.
“Does it really matter what kind I get? We just need something to eat on." Touya sighs as his eyes gloss over the different styles, sizes, and shapes of plates that are presented on a shelf. Getting something new didn't necessitate that he needed to get anything fancy or flashy. All plates are there for the same purpose; to just put food on it and then eat off of.
Keigo looks over a set of five blue plates and compares it to a set of six that are in the color black. "You know that we're replacing more than just things to eat off of. What about the bowls and the cups too?" he points out.
"God, who cares?" Touya huffs out and he gestures vaguely to the entire shelf, "Let's just buy whatever we need to replace and get going. I do not care what they look like. It's not like it will be expensive for me anyway."
You stand off to the side and keep to yourself. The boys just talk only to each other while you are simply just there with them. They are not exactly ignoring you but you're not apart of the conversation either. In fact they wouldn't be here talking of dinner plates and fruit bowls if it weren't for you.
They wouldn't be here if it weren't for the tantrum you threw yesterday.
It's embarrassing when your anger gets the best of you and you become destructive. You can't even remember what had made you upset again just like many other fights before. Just another meaningless argument with your blue eyed boyfriend where he said that you were being dramatic again. He had angrily cursed and decided to step out.
When he had returned probably no more than ten minutes later, he came back to you having emptied out the cupboard of all the dinnerware. Broken ceramic pieces were shattered on the floor. Barely anything survived your rampage.
You stood on the opposite side of the kitchen, the only clear space with no broken pieces and chips of ceramic was only where you stood. With all the little sharp bits and pieces lay before you, the only option to be able to get out would have been to crawl up onto the countertop.
Touya had pulled on his boots only to be able to step over all the broken ceramic to retrieve you, putting you over his shoulder and carrying you off to the bedroom where you were essentially put on timeout.
While you cried into a pillow, he swept up everything into a trash bag and cleaned up after the mess you made. Even in your attempt to apologize, Touya didn't want to hear you speak and he went to bed with his back to you.
So now here you are, simply watching as Keigo tries to put thought into selecting dinnerware and Touya not wanting to put in any whatsoever. Your eyes drift over to the opposite end of shelves where where there are sets of mugs as well as individual ones as well. A white mug with pink clouds painted on it catches your attention. There's other designs and sizes with flowers or cats or some cheesy quote in funky lettering that are there for sale too.
"Stoneware would be good, yeah?" Keigo's voice break away your attention and you look back to see him holding a set in his arms. "It even comes with the bowls and mugs. Isn't that great?"
Touya doesn't have a comment and you just mumble a quiet 'yeah'.
The three of you move out the aisle to head to the checkout. You remain silent waiting in the long line and looking again at the rows set up along the checkout line for any last minute purchases. Again you happen upon the same mug that you saw in the aisle and your gaze lingers on it.
Before you can even react, Touya's reaching for the exact mug you're staring at it and holds it in his hand. "Quit staring at it like that, I'm gonna buy it." he states without looking at you and just keeps his gaze forward. You try to tell him it's fine and that you didn't really want it but Keigo's foot nudges against yours.
You stay silent and guess that maybe this might be Touya's way of also trying to move on from your tantrum.
The white mug with pink clouds sits on the countertop as you unbox the dinnerware set. It's heavier than you'd expected it to be and Keigo had chosen a pleasing color palette. Four plates, four bowls, and four mugs to replace the set he had before in the cupboard. You push aside the box so that it's out of your way, unknowing that it actually pushes and tips the white mug over the edge of the countertop. From the corner of your eye, you barely catch a glance as it falls and don't react quick enough to even attempt to catch it.
It smashes into little shards and big bits.
"Baby? You okay?" Keigo looked up from the book he was reading and comes to your side. He gives you a consoling little 'oh' when he looks at the mess by your feet. "It's okay, I'll clean it up."
You're sitting on the kitchen countertop as Touya emerges from the shower with a towel around his neck. He's drying his hair and he asks if he actually heard something break or if he was just imagining it. Keigo sweeps the broken mug into a dustpan and makes sure to sweep the broom in the little corners that stray pieces may have fallen to. It's disappointing that he had gone out of his way to buy it for you only for it to break the same day.
Touya offers no words though, just waiting patiently until Keigo finishes cleaning the mess and the dustpan is emptied into the garbage.
"'M sorry Touya." you tell him as he helps you off the countertop. He only offers the small gesture of rubbing your back and doesn't say anything.
It feels a little cruel almost that the gift he had given you to try to move on ended up being broken by your own actions. So you have to figure that this is karma for what you had done. You walk out of the kitchen only to step on something sharp. "Ow!"
"Aw man, must have missed one! C'mere dove, let me see and make sure it's not too bad."
Now it felt like a punishment.
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jellysaidshit · 4 months
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Our story. Chapter 6.
Content warnings: Party, alcohol consumption, angst, sadness.
Taglist: @badaseyebags @missminho @ttoddii (dm or ask to be added!)
Author's note: I usually add these at the end, but this chapter is important to me personally. It is sadder than other chapters, this is a warning. ILY <3
Ash felt giddy as they came out of the classroom. It was Friday, and that could only mean one thing: a party. A queer party at the club that was owned by one of their friends. 
On their way to their apartment, pink-haired person was smiling as they listened to music in their headphones. The only bad thing of the day (a philosophy lecture that they took without their bestie) was over, and they were already imagining the taste of alcohol, and the dancing, and, if they are lucky, a beautiful stranger kissing them. They bit their cheek at the later thought and went their merry way. 
As they opened the door, they heard Beau’s voice speaking in Portuguese. Ash assumed she was talking to her mother as she smiled at her best friend. 
“Mãe, Ash is here,” she said as she put her mom on the speaker. 
“Oi, mãe,” they said the only words they knew in Portuguese. 
“Oi, Ashie!” the older woman answered to them, making them smile widely. The woman felt like her own mother, honestly. Other people would say the same thing about their best friend’s parents, but Beau’s mom was special for Ash. 
She almost adopted them when they turned 14. Poor child had to run when one night they became an orphan. No, their parents didn’t die, no. They disowned Ash when after going through their diary and reading about their crush on a girl. The kid had nowhere to go, and they ran to their best friend’s house. ‘Of course, my child, you’re safe here.’ The woman said as she hugged Ash tightly. That night, Beau’s mom became their mom too. 
“I’ll go get ready,” Ash whispered to their friend as they headed to their room after a small talk with the older woman. “Tchau, mãe!” They shouted to the woman, receiving the greeting back a couple of seconds later. 
Opening their closet, Ash stared at their clothes and accessories. Knowing that Beau will wear pink, black or pink and black, they wanted to match the theme and decided to put on black flared jeans and a light pink t-shirt that complemented their faded pink hair. They put on some funky earrings and some chunky rings on their fingers and decided not to go crazy on makeup. Putting their hair in some cute mess, they looked at their shoes and chose to keep their red converse.  
As they opened the door, Beau waved at them. Ash was correct: the girl chose to wear a short black dress with a y2k style pink bolero. 
“Mom said we can crash at home if we come before midnight,” she said as she adjusted her dress. Ash was stunned. The smaller girl was always gorgeous, but this dress and her hair in a ponytail looked enticing on her. They took a deep breath and smiled, although their inner voice was screaming. 
“I don’t think we will be out by midnight though,” they answered. 
“I’ll drive you back then,” River came out of her room wearing a black button-down and same color straight jeans. Her hair was down as usual, and as if by habit Ash looked at Beau. The smaller girl was staring at River. 
“You’re not drinking?” Beau asked the youngest girl. 
“I will drink a bit,” the tall girl approached them. “I just don’t get drunk even if I drink a lot.” 
“Oh, good.” Ash smiled tightly. 
“Just be quiet when you come back,” Nyx said from her seat on the couch. She didn’t even look up from her notebook as Winston snored next to her. 
“Will try to,” all three said in unison. 
Ash was dizzy. They had a cup of alcohol in their hand as they let their body feel the music around them. A random girl that they saw for the first time a couple of minutes ago was basically rubbing her boobs to their shoulder, but they couldn’t care less. It was hot, loud, sticky and bright in the club, but they were relaxed to the maximum. As they pulled away from the girl, they looked around to check up on Beau. 
The girl was sitting at the table with some people from their major, talking and drinking her cocktail. Judging by her swaying as she laughed at something, she was pretty drunk. As the girl noticed Ash looking at her, she smiled and waved at them. Ash smiled back at her and tuned back into dancing. 
Beau looked at her best friend as they let a girl rub her boobs against them. She saw a drunk smile on their lips and turned her head to look for the youngest of the group, River. The girl in all black was spotted sitting at the bar scrolling on her phone. She looked uninterested in a random girl who was trying her best to grab her attention by showing off her almost bare thighs. 
Beau swallowed as she looked at the long-haired slim girl, she looked like a dark sided princess, which Beau loved. Mesmerized, the older girl excused herself as she beelined through people towards the pretty girl. Her head was saying that it’s a bad idea, but alcohol was shouting to go for it as she sat next to River. 
“Hey, pretty stranger,” she said as she leaned so that the girl could hear her better. 
“Hi,” River greeted her back. She put away her phone and looked at the girl, who was visibly drunk. She reached out to tuck a strand of brown hair behind her ear and Beau blushed even more. 
Ash looked at the two of their friends and noticed a small smile on River’s lips. The jealousy hit them like a truck, and they bit their lip and turned in attempt to calm down. Beau saw nothing. 
“I’m sorry, but...” Beau whispered as she leaned even more into River’s space. After a couple of seconds, River felt a warm hand on her cheek and soft lips on her own, as the older girl kissed her carefully. It was a very gentle touch, and although Beau tasted like a pina colada, River was surprisingly enjoying it. She didn’t do anything other than hold Beau’s arm, just to keep it safe. 
River’s lips were soft and tender. And even though it was a simple kiss, it made Beau question the things even more. What if the butterflies in her stomach were because of alcohol? What if she is so drunk she can’t tell if she has a crush on someone? She needs to try something else. She pulled away, cutting the kiss short, and looked at River. 
“Sorry,” she mumbled as she stood up and stormed towards the dance floor. As she looked for Ash in the endless sea of bodies, River’s eyes followed her figure. 
“What even was that?” The younger girl mumbled as she looked at the girl in rush. 
Ash met Beau’s eyes when they heard her voice. The shorter girl rushed through the crowd to her best friend. “Sorry.” They pulled away from the girl, suddenly disgusted by how sticky everything seemed. Pink-haired person rushed towards their best friend, meeting her in the middle. “Beau, what are you doing?” They held her by her shoulders as the girl pulled them by the collar of their shirt. 
“Are you...” Ash felt their words stuck in their throat as they felt soft lips on theirs. One of their hands automatically raised to caress her cheek as the girl led the kiss. It was soft, like they always imagined it would be, like the one they felt in their dreams, like they always wanted it to be. 
It was seconds (which felt like hours) after when Beau pulled away, leaned on their shoulder and mumbled something. 
“Come again, Beau?” they asked her to speak up, and then they wished they didn’t. 
“I think I have a crush on River,” Ash heard her say. They didn’t know that human’s heart can crack and break like this. They were aware that Beau might have feelings for the tall younger girl but hearing her say it after the kiss was another level of a heartbreak. 
Their heart ached. It hurt, physically, and they didn’t expect for it to hurt this much. What was it? Crushes are not supposed to hurt this badly, are they? Ash tried to take a deep breath, but Beau’s perfume and the smell of the club was too heavy. They felt their eyes prickle as they hugged their best friend, who was unaware of their pain. The slow song started playing when they heard her mumble something. 
“Tired?” Ash asked her as they swayed with tears in their eyes, still holding her. “Wanna go home?” they asked her. Beau nodded. Alcohol must have kicked in. 
They led her to where River sat. Once they were close enough, Beau exclaimed shortly before letting go of Ash’s arm and rushing to lean on the younger girl. 
“She’s very drunk.” They said nodding towards their best friend. 
“I noticed,” River answered. “Are you alright?” she asked the pink-haired one. 
“Yeah,” They lied, smiling shortly. They were not alright. They hated River, Beau, alcohol, feelings, tears, this club, this song and everyone else. They despised themselves for feeling feelings. “I’ll go grab our things; you should go get her to the car.” 
As the other two left, Ash went to the already empty booth where them and Beau put their stuff earlier. On the table they saw a bottle of vodka and, not bothering to pour it into a cup, chugged several mouthfuls of the strong alcohol. The kiss made them too sober to handle it all. They grabbed their stuff and left the club. 
Nyx heard River’s car pulling into the dorm’s parking lot. She shook her head as she takes out four bottles of water out of fridge: one for herself, other three for the party people. She sighed as she walked into her room and closed the door. 
“The fuck am I doing?” she whispered while moving towards her bed. “They’re grownups, they can take care of themselves.” 
Ash swayed from side to side as they opened the door and let River bring Beau in. They walked in after them, trying to be as quiet as they could, feeling the alcohol kicking in. Beau was almost asleep. 
River led the shorter girl to her room, grabbing a bottle of water from the counter. Ash grabbed water for themselves and walked into their room, shutting the door behind them. They plopped onto their bed and felt the tears finally escape their eyes. Living hurt so much. 
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Author's note: this was very heartbreaking and also very healing. thank you for reading it, take care of yourself!
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raspberrysmoon · 1 year
sooooo.. @rtcshipweeks kind of got away from me. twice. so instead of just a short little oneshot focused only on the ship/prompt- have my funny little version of day nine: favorite poly ship! of which i used polychoir :)
!noels relationship with the girls and savannah are strictly platonic! hes only dating mischa. i may have wrote him a bit more affectionate than i needed to but they almost died together let them live tbh - also i did sm research on flowers and ukrainian customs/etiquette for this. (whether used or not) almost everything was chosen for a reason :)
"noel, get it together, dude." noel shoved the flowers at her, rolling his eyes in response.
"literally just take them. i'm not going to be your messenger."
ocean huffed, crossing her arms. "your name is literally on them. we bought them together."
"okay, and? i already gave him a gift." he leaned down slightly, "just let yourself have this."
ocean felt herself blush slightly. "noel, you're being stupid. we aren't together, and hes never looked at me like that. its.. weird to give him a gift. especially on valentines."
noel groaned. "you're actually blind! genuinely, actually completely blind!"
"who's blind?"
"constance, my savior!" ocean bolted over, "honey~ please tell noel he's being stupid!"
constance hummed, walking over and taking the flowers. "these are mischas favorites. did you get these for him?" she met noels gaze, "i thought you already gave him a gift."
noel shook his head. "i pitched in a bit, but ocean picked them out and arranged them." he narrowed his eyes playfully at the girl, "shes the one thats supposed to give them to him."
constance giggled. "ocean, they're your gift. you don't have to have a reason to give him a valentines gift. i gave noel one!"
ocean sighed. "you and noel are friends- everyone gave noel a gift. that doesn't count."
"i sent talia a gift, too." constance beckoned her girlfriend over, wrapping an arm around her. "does that mean talia and i are together?"
"how do you know exactly why i don't want to give it to him?" ocean groaned, pressing her face into constances shoulder. "you're just nice. you've always been like that."
noel sighed dramatically, dropping heavily on the couch. "ocean, please just get over yourself. you managed to give savannah one last year, look where that got you!"
she shook her head aggressively, despite the heat flooding her face. "savannah gave me one first. they don't count." she narrowed her eyes, "why do you even get a say in this? why am i listening to you?"
constance laughed, passing the flowers to ocean quickly. "come on, oce, i'll go with you. you can hand them to him and we can say they're from all three of us."
ocean sighed, but she nodded nonetheless. noel cheered quietly, grabbing constances hand and starting to pull her. "come on, i wanna see his face!"
"i cannot believe i just agreed to this."
mischa was sitting in the park under a maple tree, talking with savannah. he was in a red silk shirt and black jeans, and savannah beside him was in a flowy pink dress.
valentines, ocean told herself bitterly. valentines makes people dress all funky. savannah didn't even like pink that much.
she glanced down at her own red sweater, suddenly self conscious. even next to noel and constance, she was so underdressed. the whole choir- even penny- looked so nice and ocean was in a red sweater and black jean shorts. something she wore regularly anyway.
noel grabbed her hand and she looked up at him. curse him and his platforms, they're the same height.
"ocean, i promise, you're going to be fine." he murmured, pulling her towards him. "he's going to love them, and he's going to that thing where he jumps around and grabs you all excited, and you'll be forced to jump with him."
ocean rolled her eyes. "i really don't know about this anymore noel. if i knew you were going to make me give them to him, i would never have helped you."
constance sighed from somewhere behind her. "ocean, come on. the sooner we do this, the sooner it'll be over."
constance, with her gentle voice and even gentler hands. with her pastel pink hair bows and white lace dress. with her deep pink lips, and bright-colored nails. the epitome of everything mischa adored.
she bit her lip, looking over to mischa and savannah sitting under that maple tree. they had a box sitting between them, open, and a starbucks cup full of what looked like a pink drink with some mystery foam on top. she made a mental note to stop by a starbucks later.
noel grinned, quickly pushing his hair back and grabbing her hand. "mischa!"
the boy in question jumped, scrambling to grab the box and shove it under his jacket, as well as grabbing the starbucks cup and setting it on the other side of the tree.
savannah sighed, letting their face drop into their hands for a moment before signing, that was soooo smooth, misch.
mischa blushed, swatting at their hands quickly. he looked back at the three approaching with a smile. "hello poet!" he paused, eyebrows drawing together in confusion. "what are you hiding, ocean?"
"ohh, connie is it too late to back out?" she whispered quickly, "i don't know if i can do this."
constance laughed and nodded. "you can, i know it. just go.. shove them in his face. he'll understand."
oceans head snapped to face the other girl, eyes wide. "what!? are you kidding? that's a terrible idea!"
constance shrugged. "then come on. noel?" he nodded in response, resting a hand on oceans back.
they pushed her forward, following close behind.
"guys, what are you doing? why are you pushing me?" she stumbled, cursing under her breath. "I'm never going to help you again, noel. you are a terrible, awful man."
they stopped pushing right as she stood in front of mischa. "ocean has a present for you." noel said softly. "from the three of us."
he perked up slightly, meeting her eyes. "for reals?"
she felt the words die before they even reached her throat. she was going to say something originally. she had wanted to, at least, but she couldn't. instead, she held out the bouquet silently.
purple. his favorite color. the only thing breaking up the sea of violet shades was what babys breath placed around every few flowers, the pinkish tint of asters and the deep red of three roses settled in the middle. lilacs and violets, as well as purple hyacinth and chrysanthemums stared them in the face- tied with dark pink twine around the stems. they were bright and soft and full to brim with adoration. with affection.
mischas eyes widened almost cartoonishly, staring in shock at the sea of plants in front of him. savannahs eyes narrowed, then their jaw dropped. and i thought you were a nerd before, they signed quickly.
ocean had to stop herself from rolling her eyes, instead focusing on mischa. "i know you love purple," she whispered, "i thought it was fitting."
"oh my god," he breathed, standing quickly to get a better view. "they are.. gorgeous."
savannah made a clicking sound with their tongue and mischa jumped. "i have something for you!"
all three of them paused. "you.. what?" she felt her stomach twist with what she could only assume was fear.
he nodded, "i have something for you." he met her gaze, "a gift."
she blinked at him while he turned and dug under his jacket for a small teal box. he held it out to her with a nervous smile. she stared at it for a second before- "for me?"
mischa nodded. "would be wrong to not give you something."
distantly, she felt noel and constance move away from her and start talking quietly to savannah, who was clearly in on this, the little rat. mischa bit his lip, shifting his weight back and forth anxiously.
"here," she murmured, holding the flowers out to him, "we can trade."
he nodded, passing her the box and taking the flowers. he stared at them for a moment with wide eyes and pink cheeks, before looking to her. "open it." he urged, nodding to the box now settled carefully in her hands.
the last gift anyone had given her was christmas, and nothing was wrapped as delicately as the little thing. a shiny silver ribbon was wrapped around the top, with a bow tied in the middle. her name was written on a tag attached to the ribbon, in big, swooping cursive that she wasn't sure was even mischas writing.
she pulled the top off gently, careful not to dislodge the ribbon too much. she glanced up at mischa, who was watching her with a tense gaze.
she moved the top, and couldn't catch the gasp soon enough. it was like she couldn't breathe.
sitting in deep orange satin was a silver necklace, with a pressed sunflower petal set in a resin cylinder settled pretty in the center.
it matched everyone elses'. she glanced at noel, with his earrings, and constance with her velvet choker and teardrop pendant, and savannah with her bracelet. she thought of talia, with her gorgeous ring and penny with her anklet.
one petal for each of my loves, she remembered him writing one day. seven petals from one flower.
at the time, she wasn't sure why he said seven. he had only given four, and including his own, that only made five. that was before her and penny.
she looked back to mischa. "are you.. serious?" she asked softly.
he nodded. "seven petals." he murmured. "may i put it on you?"
she nodded shakily, and he lifted the silver chain from the box. he unclipped it, moving behind her slowly. she moved her hair to the side, with a trembling hand, and she met noels gaze.
the little shit was grinning. she narrowed her eyes at him and his smile got wider.
mischa rested the pendant against her neck lightly, and re-connected it, letting the chain come to rest against the nape of her neck.
it sat right below her collar bone, and was cool when she came up to rest her fingers against it.
"do you like it?" mischa whispered in her ear. "savannah helped me measure how long to make the chain."
ocean felt her breath leave her lungs in one fell swoop and she nodded quickly, turning and pulling the boy into a hug.
"does this mean you're mine?" she breathed. his grip tightened around her.
"i am. and you are mine." he whispered back.
she hummed, pulling away and meeting his eyes. "good."
savannah snapped their fingers, and upon all eyes being turned to them signed; i just want you to know that i planned this entire thing. they grinned. you're welcome.
noel scoffed. "i planned the flowers, thank you. you just got us all in the right place at the right time."
constance giggled, walking over and wrapping her arms around ocean and mischa. "we figured we would speed up the 'awkward miscommunication phase.'" she leaned into mischa as he rested his chin on her head. "seeing you two flounder around each other was adorably painful to watch."
ocean rolled her eyes. "i'm sorry, i'm just sooooo oblivious." it started sarcastic, but quickly turned into a playful snap.
savannah hummed, pushing themself onto their feet and holding out a starbucks cup with her name on it. the one from earlier.
she took it carefully, and mischa leaned down again. "pink drink with chocolate foam." he murmured, "you said you liked it last year."
she felt her heart flutter. "i only ever told penny that." she responded softly. "did she tell you?"
mischa hummed. "i texted everyone. asked what you liked to drink, penny responded. said you loved it."
"i do," she breathed. "i was so sad when they took it off the menu. it made it so hard to get one."
"we all pitched in a bit to get it." noel came over, setting a hand on constances back. "its from all of us. penny would've been here, but ezra had some sort of medical emergency. she mentioned cars."
ocean paused. "did he.. get hit, or something?" noel shrugged.
"with that kid, who knows. i worry about penny going gray sometimes, honestly." that pulled a laugh out of her.
"drink up." constance urged softly, "we have a picnic to start."
ocean blinked. "a picnic?"
savannah nodded solemnly. my doing, of course. ocean giggled again, and nodded back.
penny arrived 20 minutes later, and ocean got to relax into a pile of the people she loved. she got to hold constances hand, and lay her head in savannahs lap as they braid her hair, and let mischa lay on her chest as he sleeps.
even if none of them really got to relax much as noel and penny started their seemingly daily debate, it was perfect.
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feverinfeveroutfic · 6 months
The Confectioner’s Tale
a/n: no idea if this will remain a one shot or if i’ll expand it further. the fanfic community just doesn’t like me no matter what i do and i don’t think any of them realize how isolating this is, either.
They call the neighborhood “the tombstone mile”, mainly because every other establishment had fallen on hard times in recent months, and we were the only place that had our heads above water. The pink lettering stared out to the busy street of Los Angeles, and I had a way of honoring the whole shebang from my beginnings as a standard pastry chef fresh out of the Central Valley and back to the place where it all began for me there, in the southland.
As far as I knew, the higher-ups of Smell the Magic had enough money to open up a couple of new venues out here on the western wing of the country, one back in my real home of Reno and one out in Hawai’i.
And as far as I knew, because the shop here in L.A. was the only one running at its best and ran on my elbow grease as I carried it upon my shoulders, I could qualify for a transfer to one of those spots. And if I went back home or out to the ocean, I knew that I would be turning over a new leaf, after I had turned over a new leaf already.
You wouldn’t think of a girl who had lost over seventy pounds to be working in a funky little bakery, but here we are: I tightened up the belt at the small of my back, and I let the blood red apron fit my body like a glove. I had the net over my hair and my Soundgarden pendant close to my chest: I never went to the bakery without my pendant, just so long as I kept it at a certain length on my chest.
I had done something so stupid ten years before. I was your given obsessed fangirl who had the bad idea of writing a letter to Ben Shepherd. I had a crush on him, there was no way around it. The reason why I say it was a dumb idea was because the letter coincided with a time in my life I would choose to forget if presented with the choice. I had made peace with my demons a long time ago, but he loomed over me like a dark specter, especially when I thought about that time of my life.
It felt as though I could never find the right words upon writing, even with the shards of sanity I had left within me. I wrote the damned thing in pen, too, so I had hope that he found me sincere. I had filled out three pages of paper, front and back.
I had no idea about his relationship status, especially as I had never seen him with a wedding ring on his finger or heard any mention of a girlfriend other than a failed relationship prior to my writing.
You know. Typical “scoop this dude up from the muck before someone else does” type of shit that I soon realized was a bad idea. Never mind the fact that this was a major long shot, writing a letter from the forefront of a broken mind and a fragile heart to a guy whom I had never met let alone the bassist of my favorite band Soundgarden, but I was going in deep here.
He had gotten it. As far as I knew, he read it. I wound up writing him four more times as a result: my fifth letter to him was on his birthday and no one had seen him for months prior to then, either, so it was like coaxing out a venomous snake out of hiding so I could try and capture it.
We were hundreds of miles apart but I could feel him, though, and I knew that he could feel me as well…
Sometimes, whenever I thought about him, I had the strangest, most inexplicable sense of nostalgia overcome me. He just got up and left, it felt like, and I hadn’t seen him since then, I hadn’t talked to him since then, and to make matters worse, I had seen a photo of him back around Christmas and time had not been all that kind to him: an otherwise young man with a head of scraggly rich dark hair grayed out to cigarette smoke, smooth skin now with the texture of leather, crooked teeth now browned and made to look like those from a corpse, and a slender beautiful body now incredibly heavy and massive, and to the point where I could feel the heart disease coming on just with a mere look at him. I choked up at the sight of him, as I knew that I had something to do with his transformation into the portrait tucked away in the attic. 
A part of me wanted to write to him again, but I had long lost his address, and thus, I had no other means of contacting him. I still yearned the idea of writing him another letter.
But at the same time, I also had no desire to pick at that old wound.
Ben had hurt me and went on with his life with someone else, and last I heard, they had had a couple of kids together, which in turn left me in the weeds.
But I never had the chance to leave him behind, however, even as I myself started over again in a new place and with a brand-new look to me. His ghost still haunted me.
I never got closure.
Sometimes I held my Soundgarden pendant and wondered as to what could have been with him, had we not drifted apart and gone our separate ways. I needed an answer, whenever I thought about it long and hard enough. His parents and entire family had lived up there since like World War Two, so I knew that should push come to shove, I would have to dig around for him. Ask people where the big tall dead man walking resided on Bainbridge Island because I needed an answer.
I ran my fingers down the edge of the pendant, which had been crafted in the shape of a guitar pick. It ran through my mind, the tombstone of my love for him. I had the stone but no way to place it six feet under.
But I vowed to remain as soft as water no matter what, though. He was slowly digging his own grave and I had no way of saving him.
I turned my attention to the counter behind me to prepare for the day’s work, and no sooner had I done so when the tallest man I had ever seen in my life strode into the bakery. Ben looked at well over six feet in height but he must have easily been more than that. He towered high over me with his long beautiful smooth black hair and stern facial expression: his green eyes penetrated through me as if they emanated from the shadows. He was long and lanky but strong and sinewy, as if he worked out on a regular basis.
“Hi,” I could hardly muster the word out of me. He stooped down and folded his arms over the edge of the display case so we were face to face with each other. He showed me a quaint smile, to which the corners of his eyes crinkled up.
“Hi.” His voice was smooth and low, with the biggest timbre I ever heard in my life. He made me think of a vampire.
“What can I do for you on this fine morning?” My heart pounded in my chest at the sight of him: I had no idea if it came from his towering, almost overwhelming height or from those deep, penetrating eyes that seemed to be gazing into my soul.
“I’m looking for a green cake… with Bailey’s or some kind of liqueur mixed in,” he stated to me.
“We have our Bailey’s chocolate cake and cupcakes for St. Patrick’s Day,” I replied.
“Only for St. Paddy’s Day, though?” he reiterated with a furrowing of his eyebrows.
“Pretty much. We do have a green cake in the works, though. It’s pistachio and chocolate, and we’re experimenting with green tea in some cupcakes as well. But I’ll tell you this.” I gestured for him to come in closer to me; when he did, I caught a whiff of a smoky cologne on the side of his neck. “I could put an order in and we could whip one up for you if you’d like.”
“Please do,” he said in a soft tone of voice. An absolute gentle giant, nothing like Ben. I reached to my left for the pen and the notepad to take it down.
“A green cake with Bailey’s incorporated?” I asked him.
“You know it, doll.” I picked up on a slight New Yorker accent: not the most exotic accent I had heard there in the bakery, but not the most common one, however. “Bailey’s, pistachio, and a chocolate layer on top.”
“Like a ganache?”
“Yeah, that! Something nice and nutty and chocolate with a bit of decadence drizzled within.”
I scrawled it all down in one fell swoop, and I could feel him looking at the pendant around my neck.
“And, may I have a name?” I asked him.
“The dynamic Pete,” I repeated. “And an address?”
“I’m staying at the hotel across the street for the next week,” he replied. “Room 513.”
“Room 513, got it.”
“And I can pay then?”
“You absolutely can,” I assured him as I clicked the pen and tucked it back into the front pocket of my apron: I never intended it to do so, but he looked down the collar of my shirt when I put the pen back.
“You know, you are really beautiful,” he remarked to me with a slight twinkle to his eyes.
“You’re just saying that because you took a peek down my shirt,” I teased him.
“Not necessarily,” he assured me with a slightly smug look on his face. “I really do mean that, my dear.”
A warmth washed over me, and I bowed my head at that. I was glad that I had been growing out my bangs at that point because I would have wanted them to sweep over my face for that glamour magazine look for him anyway.
“Maybe when I have it delivered, I can have a note included that reads ‘from the gorgeous baker’,” I joked, but he looked on at me with a thoughtful look on his face. 
I only joked around, but I would think about that look all day long.
There was another guy who came in later that day. He was tall as well, but he only leaned against the edge of the display case with only one elbow. He had the cutest bulbous nose and the smoothest lips, like little Rainier cherries, and the longest blackest curls I had ever seen in my life: at the crown of his head was a tiny plume of silver about the size of a thumb of ginger.
His electric blue eyes locked onto me as if he was watching me from the nearest lighthouse overlooking the ocean.
“Hi,” he greeted me; his voice made me think of molasses given it was rich and full and yet very soft. He showed me a sweet little grin which hung off to the side a bit.
“Hi,” I returned the favor to him.
“Word on the street is that you make a mean cheesecake here,” he told me.
“And you’d be right, too,” I assured him. “Classic New York, plus Basque and Japanese. And we also have a raspberry cheesecake, and a cinnamon apple one.”
“Cinnamon apple, really?” He raised his eyebrows and his entire face lit up
“We make it for the Jewish New Year and the first day of fall,” I explained. “There’s this one Jewish family who comes in the day before Rosh Hashanah and they always ask me for it.”
“Oh, man, that sounds amazing,” he decreed with a hand pressed to his chest. “I’m Jewish so I’ll have to remember that.” He waggled his eyebrows at me a bit, to which I smiled at him.
“What exactly makes it Japanese cheesecake, too?” he asked me.
“It’s really emphatic on the ‘cheese’ part,” I replied, “and to the point it’s quite pillowy and soft. The crust is thin and almost nonexistent. It’s so… delicate.” I raised my eyebrows and flicked the tip of my tongue to him.
“I really like the way you just said that,” he admitted to me.
“What, ‘delicate?’”
“Yeah. Like you were trying to entice me or something.”
“Because it is enticing,” I assured him with a little gyration of my head. “We’ve been thinking of incorporating a vein of matcha into that one, too. Make it a little more authentically Japanese.”
“I’m such a sucker for authenticity,” he confessed with a sly smirk and a shake of his head. “Those perfectly imperfect human breaths of fresh air in an otherwise phony world that’s becoming more and more fake as time goes on.”
“We try our best,” I assured him. “And I do, too.”
“It’s so brave,” he said, and he showed me the tip of his tongue as well as the hooding to his eyes. Even with a display case between us, I could feel something else in there. The whirring rush of a waterfall in a sunrise in a dance of fire and water. Where Pete gave me a dose of heat, this boy here sent a chill up my spine and a feeling that I had found an oasis in an otherwise scorched, parched desert. A great number of souls came through the front door day by day, but none of them had as much of a hold on me as these two guys.
“Sign me up for a New York one,” he suggested, and he flexed his long thin fingers before me. A fair number of thoughts went through my mind at the sight of those fingers.
“A whole one or a slice?” I offered him.
“I’ll just take a slice for the time being,” he quipped. “You can take it over to the hotel across the street to Room 518.”
“Room 518, really?”
“Yeah.” He paused. “Something significant about the hotel across the way?”
I shook my head. “No, not really.”
“You wouldn’t react like that if you didn’t have a significance to it,” he pointed out to me. I locked onto his blue eyes again. He dug out the truth from me just like how standing on the edge of the ocean washed away the sands of time and beheld the truth.
“There was a guy who came in here earlier who’s staying over there,” I told him. “Like… a few doors down from you.”
I couldn’t lie to him. I had stretched the truth with Ben in my letters to him, but I could never do that with him. And I had a feeling that I could never do it with Pete, either.
“Wow.” He raised his eyebrows. “It’s gonna be busy over there, if you catch my drift.” He chuckled, a full hearty chuckle that sounded as though it came from deep within him. I couldn’t help but chuckle as well.
“What’s your name?” I asked him as I held the tip of the pen to the notepad.
“Alex,” he replied.
“Jew boy Alex,” I reiterated. “I’ll make sure there’s a nice, fat slice of rich, decadent New York cheesecake waiting for you and your tummy.”
He flashed me a wink, and a shiver ran up my spine. I watched him go out to the street with those long black curls drifted back from his head in thick waves.
I may have lost Ben but I had been sent two more angels in his wake. But then there was the rumor that had been started against me in particular by the kids down the street.
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justtrashperson · 2 years
pls elaborate abt the cursed toy idea for emp2 jimmy!! i think its rlly neat :)) and the drawings are super funky :D /pos - jimmy anon (?? if thats a name)
askjsak Thank you!! I'm glad you like it
It will be a bit long so uh, I'm putting it in read more
Again this is not really my actual design for Empires s2 Jimmy but more of a fun thing I did and a twist of the 'toy' Jimmy idea
so first of all, he accidentally got cursed by Joel. Does it make sense? No? Good /j. Anyway, it's mostly just an idea since, well, he's a god and one of the first few people to call Jimmy a toy and the one who kept on egging him on it. (also tbh I haven't watched Joel's POV of empires s2 yet so uh. yeah if there's anything wrong i said in this then uh yeah) Another Idea is because I saw how Joel threw a potion to make Jimmy smaller than he is. But basically:
What if Joel -not knowing he could actually do that- accidentally turned Jimmy into a toy, but since it was not planned at all, something went wrong, and Jimmy's brain rewired and became, well, whatever the fuck he is in the design lmao-
So, let's start with his appearance. At first I was going to go with the puppet on string kind of idea, with almost a kind of barbie doll like look (the limbs and how it's almost, human) but then I decided against it because like, he's compared to Woody, so why not make him a similar doll like it.
Anyway another reason is: threads. Dolls like that are pretty soft and have a lot of threads, right? So, that's the idea behind the 'sentient' threads I talked about in my tag. Basically, The threads are the most 'cursed' part. Because No matter what, it will fix itself up. You tear off one of his limbs? it will stitch itself back in the matter of seconds right in front of you. You exploded his Torso? not to worry, all the little pieces will attach again. His head got split in half? thread. Every body part just, in another place? Oh you probably can't do that. The strings are very quick and almost like a magnet.
another pretty cursed idea is how on the outside he looks doll like, but his organs are still there. Like, yeah probably no skeleton or muscle since they are replaced by magic or something that held him up, but his organs? why is it still there. Why? Because, why not
Which led me to his face. His face is almost the standard doll like look, wide eye, pink round blush, stitch line on the middle, hair and eyebrow made of threads, the same emotion. he can only smile. just, :) or :D. Also he have buttons for eyes, and his mouth still have actual human teeth, so he can chomp
I don't know yet If I also want to make the organs like, plush organs with somehow great detail to actual human organs, but for now he just still a human inside and it's a bit scary
Anyway yeah that's it tbh askjsak. oh and also! the curse made him a bit more, harsh, as a law maker. He will immedieately chase down anyone who broke the law, so yeah!
(there's also another thing but it's mostly self indulgent. Kind of related to Grian and the rift and watcher and how Grian and jimmy are like siblings and- basically what if Grian sensed something is wrong with Jimmy and is very worried-)
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sclfmastery · 2 years
"'Scuse me, sir!"
A bright, cheerful voice sounds from just behind the stranger in purple. There stands a young woman, only a few inches shorter than he; she's covered in grease stains and wearing coveralls with a teddy bear patch over a painfully bright pink floral shirt. Her smile is brighter still.
"You wouldn't know where I might be able to find parts for a compression block engine, do you? No one in this dump seems to have anything newer than a series 1 repair kit. Useless," she grumbles to herself before seeming to realize there's still a person in front of her.
"Beggin' your pardon. Been a long day and I don't want to head back to my ship without what I'm looking for." (for Dhawan Master from a funky little spaceship mechanic)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
"...OHP! I'm....sorry, luv, were you talking to me?"
It's not as though the Master hasn't heard every syllable the young human has spoken; the novelty is that she's speaking to him, with neither suspicion nor malice.
He's never been happier to be a nonentity.
Absurd. How sentimental.
"....Regardless, you've caught my attention, and my interest, whi-CH!"
He snaps his teeth down on the closing consonants, with a curl of the bridge of his nose and a little shudder of glee. "Is NO easy feat. Know your way about a machine, do you? And in this sector, well--" He's cut off by the sight of the girl's attire. Another shudder; this time it's not out of pleasure.
"....almost redeems your sense of couture."
He snatches out a hand and tugs on a coverall. Like a suspender strap.
And the smile.
S t o p .
"...which ship?"
Dark eyes rove the clamorous market, while his smile puts piranhas to shame.
"I'll help you find your engine, if you let me peek around on board. Finding it's not a matter of where, by the way, but when. This place'll finally get a makeover when every merchant literally runs out of antiquated gear to sell."
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liahtypes · 24 days
Pinkie's Love for Rainbow Dash
By Workard2 on Fanfiction.net (With grammar corrections.)
Chapter 1: The Pink in a Rainbow.
Chapter 1: The Pink in a Rainbow.
It was a rainy day in Equestria. All the ponies were inside their cozy beds except for a few fillies playing next to Twilight's house. They seemed to enjoy the rain.
Pinkie was sitting at her window inside Sugarcube Corner watching the 3 fillies jumping around and laughing, not caring about getting wet. She clearly remembered that when she was a filly herself, she enjoyed it just as much as they seemed to. She always enjoyed playing in the rain. The more rain the better.
She loved to play this one game she made up where you had to look up at the sky and just simply try not to close your eyes. She played it for hours every time it was raining. She loved it for the reason that you didn't need friends for this special little game. That was her favorite part. At that time Pinkie didn't have many friends, luckily that had changed.
As Pinkie was dazing off in her memories, she smiled and thought back at the time she was sick. Many years ago after playing her favorite game in the rain, she got a cold. A bad one. She had to stay in bed all day, and according to Pinkie Pie, that's a very boring game. But the one thing that changed all that was when her friend Rainbow Dash appeared in all her glory outside Pinkie's window. She had her wings flapping around trying to stay still in the air. Pinkie would jump over to the window and open it.
"Rainbow Dash!" she yelled with the biggest smile a filly could have.
"Yeah, Hi Pinkie. I heard you had a cold so I decided to check on you"
Pinkie's eyes were filled with joy.
"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" She repeated while dragging Rainbow Dash inside.
And that was the start of the most special day of Pinkie's life. They would sit up all night and talk about.. Well, Everything! Pinkie always had something on her heart. Actually the day after, she started to call Rainbow Dash "Dashie". Oddly enough, the proud pony never commented on that. While Pinkie sat there at the window, a tear ran down her cheek. "Dashie" she whispered to herself while working her way back to her bed.
The next morning was bright and sunny. If you hadn't experienced the storm yesterday you never would have guessed it had rained so much. It was dry all over Equestria. Pinkie woke up by the sound of ponies laughing outside. It was 8 am. Pinkie was surprised. She always wakes up at around 6 am. "Oh well." she smiled and bounced out of her bed and went downstairs. Another fun day for Pinkie Pie to enjoy.
After fixing her mane with a brush and some shaking, she went outside and decided to give Rarity a visit. She was the closest to the Sugarcube corner after all. While she was happily bouncing her way over there, she stopped by the sound of a familiar voice.
"Good morning Pinkie"
She looked back and saw her best friend Rainbow Dash with a bag of apples strapped to her body.
"Dashie!" She screamed with joy, so loud everpony in the area looked their way.
"Quiet now, Pinkie Pie." She chuckled.
"Oh sorry!" she quickly said with a very low voice. "Where are you going with those apples?" She noticed that she actually had 2 bags around her body.
"I was just quickly heading over to Applejack to deliver some of these green apples. It seems she is overstocked with the red ones." She said while looking at the store where she just bought the green fruity apples.
"Hey, wanna come with me?" Rainbow asked.
"Do funky donkies like jazz?" She happily replied.
"Uhm. Is that a yes?" Rainbow Dash looked very confused.
"Of course they do silly. I once saw 2 donkies at a party going crazy over som-" Rainbow Dash was wise enough to break in.
"Yeah. Let's get going. We don't want to upset AJ"
Pinkie's mind quickly rushed through the thought of Rainbow Dash calling Applejack "AJ" She didn't like it when she called her that, but she managed to keep her smile up.
"Yes of course. Let's gooo!" she said while jumping in the wrong direction.
"Uhm.. Pinkie. It's this way."
Pinkie quickly looked around.
"Hmm. Okey Dokey Lokey!" She replied and started jumping in the right direction.
After a few minutes of walking, Pinkie couldn't stand the silence anymore.
"So Dashie. Do you remember the time when I was sick some years ago? I think it was a cold or something." Pinkie didn't want to give the perfect details sending the signal she had thought about that event a lot.
"Oh, you mean the time where I visited you and we talked all night? Yeah. That was fun. But you really talked a lot despite your cold." Rainbow Dash smiled.
"But I just love talking to you Dashie. How can anypony not love talking with the popular Rainbow Dash?" Pinkie had a huge smile on her face.
"Aw come on Pinkie. Don't make me blush"
Pinkie took a deep yet silent breath. "But hey Dashi-" again she was interrupted
"We're here. Now let's go check to see if we can find AJ." Pinkie's smile quickly faded.
She looked down to the ground for a second and took another deep breath.
"Yup. She's probably working outside as usual." And she sure was.
Applejack was outside next to her brother moving some barrels.
"AJ. I got your apples!" Rainbow Dash yelled while flying over towards her.
"That's just mighty great. Thank you Rainbow"
Pinkie had stopped walking the moment Rainbow Dash started flying. She just looked at Rainbow Dash talking to Applejack. She turned around and started walking home.
"Pinkie! Where are you going?" Rainbow Dash had noticed she was walking away. "I got something for you!"
Pinkie brightened up and ran towards Rainbow Dash. She stopped a few inches before her face.
"What is it, what is it?"
Rainbow Dash had a grin on her face.
"A challenge. You see those apples over in those 2 baskets there? AJ just gave them to us. And I don't feel like carrying them home. So how about a little game?"
Pinkie was all ears.
"Whoever eats all the apples in the basket first, wins. Are you up for it?" Rainbow Dash was spreading her wings. She always loved to compete.
"But what does the winner get?" Pinkie whispered, but loud enough for Rainbow Dash to hear.
"The winner gets to decide what we should do for the rest of the day."
Pinkie Pie was jumping up and down shouting "Yay! I will win, I will win!"
Rainbow Dash quickly flew over to the 2 baskets and placed one in front of Pinkie and one in front of herself. Pinkie was now in her serious mood. She really wanted to win this.
"Are you ready?" Pinkie didn't even answer she just placed her head in front of the basket filled with shiny red apples. Rainbow Dash did the same.
"Ok. 3.. 2.. 1.."
"Pinkie. Do we really have to be here? I don't think it's safe.."
"Hey. I won. Now don't be such a scaredy pony!"
Sure enough, Pinkie had won, and they were now both in the middle of the Everfree forest.
"What are we doing here anyway?" Rainbow Dash said while looking around nervously.
"Oh. You'll see!" With those words out of her mouth she quickly took a pile of mud and threw it at Rainbow Dash.
Without Rainbow Dash noticing, she got the thick mud right in her face. Just then, Rainbow Dash noticed that there was mud all around them. Rainbow Dash just stood still for a moment.
"Pinkie.. How could you?"
Pinkie Pie froze. Did she hurt Rainbow Dash?
"Dashie.. I'm sorry. I-"
Pinkie fell to the ground. Mud covering her eyes.
"Haha. Right back at ya!'" Rainbow Dash was laughing.
Pinkie got up. "Oh, you'll wish you'd never done that."
She quickly took another pile of mud and threw it at Rainbow Dash. But this time she was ready and evaded it.
"Ha. Missed me!" she said while grabbing more mud from the ground.
These two playmates were now playing around in the mud, dirty as ever. Time went by, and the bright light faded to a dark cold afternoon. While Pinkie was grabbing some more mud, she noticed it was getting late.
"We better get going. I don't like being here at night." Rainbow Dash was gasping for air.
Pinkie was really good at this mud game.
"Yeah. You are probably right." Pinkie sighed. "I wish we could play some more though."
Rainbow Dash was looking at all the trees that were so bright and fresh a few hours ago, which were now looking old and dark.
"Alright, let's go."
But before they were able to take one step a howling sound was heard. Both the ponies looked at each other nervously.
"A wolf?" Rainbow Dash let out.
That question was quick to answer itself. Behind one of the big trees close to Pinkie Pie, a shadow appeared. Pinkie was quick to jump behind Rainbow Dash.
"What.." Pinkie couldn't finish the sentence when a little dog shaped creature became visible.
Even though it looked mad, Pinkie didn't see it as a threat and happily jumped up and said "Hello!" with a big smile. Rainbow Dash looked nervously as Pinkie bounced over toward the little creature.
"Are you lost little friend?" Pinkie was now standing right in front of the unknown animal.
But before either of the ponies had time to react, the creature jumped toward Pinkie Pie. Pinkie was lucky enough that her random flapping of her hooves hit the creature away. Pinkie was scared, only able to move slowly backward. Pinkie looked at Rainbow Dash.
"Watch out!" Rainbow Dash screamed while running toward Pinkie Pie.
Pinkie got so scared that she just fell to the ground, closing her eyes. Rainbow Dash flew over Pinkie Pie and smashed one of her hooves right in the creatures face. That didn't seem to help a lot though. The animal that was now looking as mad as ever jumped toward Rainbow Dash and bit her in her right front leg. Rainbow Dash, who was airborne, shook her hoof violently until the creature had nothing to do but to let go. Pinkie Pie was still lying on the ground. but had observed Rainbow Dash's bravery. The creature seemed to have had enough and ran away. Pinkie quickly reacted and jumped up and cheered.
"Yay! Rainbow Dash!"
Rainbow Dash smiled proudly for a moment before she fell to the ground.
"Rainbow Dash. What is it?" She nervously asked.
Rainbow Dash was just lying there.
"Dashie?" she whispered.
To her horror, she saw that Rainbow Dash had passed out. Without saying a sound, Pinkie quickly placed her on top of her back and started running.
"Oh no. What have I done?" Pinkie cried while running as fast as she could with her friend on her back.
Her heart was beating as fast as her hooves were running. Tears running down her eyes.
"I'm sorry Dashie. I- I love you." She could barely talk.
"I love you Dashie!" She let out a crying sound.
When Ponyville finally came in sight, she slowed down a little. There was nopony around to help. She just kept running at a low speed trying to find her way home. At the time she saw her home, she realized how heavy Rainbow Dash actually was. Pinkie let out a final tear and jumped inside Sugarcube corner, running upstairs and placing Rainbow Dash safely on her bed. She was breathing. Pinkie fell to the floor exhausted from all the running. She quickly came to her senses and got up. She looked at Rainbow Dash's body, trying to find any wounds or cuts. It was hard since they were both very dirty.
"I'm.. Sorry. I thought-" Pinkie was now placing Rainbow Dash more comfortably on the bed.
Without caring for the dirt getting all over, she pushed her to the edge of the bed, so she could lie next to her. She didn't know what to do. They now both lay motionless in Pinkie's bed. All that could be heard was Rainbow Dash's breathing.
"Dashie" Pinkie cried while gently hugging her.
She placed her head over Rainbow Dash's shoulder. Though her heart was still pounding away, Pinkie quickly fell asleep.
"Pin- Pinkie?"
Pinkie Pie opened her eyes wide open. She saw Rainbow Dash lying next to her with her eyes open wide as well. Pinkie let out a tear.
"What happened?" Rainbow Dash asked with a low coughing voice.
"I'm- I'm so sorry Dashie"
They were both extremely tired. There went minutes before Rainbow Dash replied
"It's okay… Thank you.. Pinkie"
Pinkie Pie started crying. She hugged her even tighter by now.
"Pinkie. My- my leg hurts"
Pinkie Pie quickly jumped out of the bed and searched again for any wounds around her leg. Nothing to see. She dusted off some mud covering a small part of Rainbow Dash's leg. Rainbow Dash let out a moaning sound like she was in pain. And there was a reason. Pinkie saw that under the thick mud, a deep cut was bleeding down her leg. Pinkie just stood there next to Rainbow Dash, examining her leg.
"Oh.. No" Pinkie whispered.
There was a little tooth just under the cut.
"Oh no" Pinkie said again.
She now first saw that Rainbow Dash's blood was purple. Not red. Everything seemed unreal. Pinkie knew what had happened but she couldn't believe it. The creature that bit Rainbow Dash must have been from the poisonous animal "Drutaa"
Rainbow Dash shivered.
"What is it Pinkie?"
She wouldn't answer. But she had to.
"Your leg… Is infected with a deadly poison."
There was no reason to tell her what creature the poison came from, she knew Rainbow Dash had no idea about animal life in the Everfree forest. Pinkie placed herself in front of the bed, just looking inside of the bloody wound. Pinkie's mind went through with what she knew was going to happen. "There is no cure." "It is my fold." "Dashie… Is going to die."
These were her thoughts. But her mouth was just mumbling noises. Pinkie started crying heavily. "I must get some help." she said.
But before she could move Rainbow Dash turned around.
"Wait." She looked straight into her eyes.
"Please Pinkie. Stay with me." Rainbow Dash seemed surprisingly calm.
"But-" Pinkie couldn't finish her sentence.
Rainbow Dash's eyes were fading away.
"No. This isn't happening." Pinkie thought while nervously looking at Rainbow Dash.
"Hey, Pinkie-"
Pinkie Pie was surprised she had enough energy to talk.
She closed her eyes before she cried out "What?"
Rainbow Dash smiled.
"I love you too."
Pinkie who was sitting next to her friend on the bed, now opened her eyes widely.
"…Dashie?" She said silently.
She looked at her best friend. She was lying there motionless with her eyes closed. She wasn't breathing. Pinkie smiled for a second, then started to cry again. She bent her head over Rainbow Dash's, and kissed her on the forehead, thinking of all the memories they have had together. All the times Rainbow Dash had helped Pinkie Pie through some rough times. And when Pinkie kissed Rainbow Dash on the mouth and claiming it was an accident. Rainbow Dash had always been her best friend. Pinkie looked at the beautiful pony just lying there.
"Thank you Dashie"
Click here to access the original writing
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georgi-girl · 4 months
BABBLE: Track 17
I know my sister like I know my own MIND,
You'll probably never FIND
Anyone as trusting or as KIND
I choose her happiness over MINE
Every TIME!
(Authors note: Rose and the Platinum tribe belong to artstar1997. For this au, I’ve made changes to the Platinum tribe lore.)
Zodiac and Rose spent all day together, talking about themselves. Apparently, Rose had come through a portal that opened up near her camp site. That tracked, lots of portals had opened and closed randomly around town since the "incident".
Rose was happy to gush about the history of her world and the music-worshiping people in it. “There are many Troll species. And long ago, the six most numerous species lived together their settlements making a perfect circle.” She drew a ring of circles in the dirt, and pointed to each one. “Pop Rock Country Classic Techno Funk. And in the center of the circle was a special area reserved for children born of interbreeding. The country rock, the funky techno, the classic pop, etc. Over time these hybrids inter married so much they created their own species. The Platinum Trolls.”
“Platinum as in the metal or platinum as in the record award?”
Rose hesitated before answering. “… yes.”
Zodiac laughed. Laughing felt good. “So, is that your people?” They asked.
"Yeah. We're supposed to have the best aspects of all the other tribes. But it's been so long since we've even written a song."
“Have you met the other troll species?”
“Some of them. I don’t tell them who I am to avoid a fuss. But now, I don’t know if I see any of them again.”
Zodiac leaned back against a tree and said, “I… we know how that feels. We aren’t ourselves anymore. But we aren’t one person either. Maybe this is our punishment for almost destroying our world.”
“Let’s leave together.” Rose said. “I can look for other trolls and you can find a way to turn back into yourselves.”
They made arrangements. Printing out clones to go back to Piedmont and the the Gleefuls and the Corduroys and the Valintinos and the Northwest’s and even someone to go back to Abuelita and Melody.
At the very edge of Gravity Falls, they stood with Rose on their shoulder. The first step outside was the hardest, like literally walking through jello, but they made it, and they took another step, and more, and more steps. Until everything faded away behind them.
Riley pulled away from Zodiac, something clinging to her hand.When her head cleared, she realized she was holding hands with a little boy who had brown curly hair, a sunburnt nose, and wearing a salmon pink t-shirt with a blue puffy vest and blue shorts, and a blue and white baseball cap. Holding his hand was a girl with long curly brown hair, wearing a hot pink sweater and a skirt. They both landed on the ground bellyflop style. Zodiac gasped and collapsed senseless. The old man ~ Fillbrick Pines Riley realized ~ got up and limped away.
The boy ~ Dipper Pines ~ was to first to wake up.
"Oh my GOd don't tell me we've fallen into a deeper depth of magic and madness where we've convinced ourselves we're each back to normal..." He bumped into a tree, then sat down examining his hands. "Or maybe I really am back to normal..."
He noticed the girl still laying in the snow and shook her awake.
"Hey Mabel,"
She sprang upright, revealing the stylized shooting star sewn onto her sweater.
"AHHH! What's happend? WHere are my powers? I forgot how to hambone!!!" Then she looked around. "Oh."
They looked around, Riley was staring at them dazed, Zodiac was sprawled out senseless on the ground, Kryptos was gone, Tone was gone, they were exposed to the cold and danger.
Mabel started freaking out again. Dipper took her hands and comforted her.
“It’s going to be okay. I promise, as long we’re together we”
He coughed mid-sentence, and a splatter of blood splashed onto Mabel’s sweater.
“Your…” that was as far as he got before collapsing in her lap.
Riley gasped at the scene before her. This was bad. They had to get shelter immediately.
She called Miguel and Species. They helped carry the children back to the clinic while Jack Frost helped carry Zodiac, who was actually glowing in their unconscious state.
Zodiac paced back and forth in agitation,
“You know what? This is good this is perfect. Now they can go home and we can…”
“What? Aren’t the rest of you going to come out? Riley can just pull you apart.” Mabel said.
Riley looked at Zodiac, feeling uncomfortable, the memories still filling her mind.
“That man… was he…”
“A distraction. Nothing more. Probably just some artificial life form that creep created to mess with us. We’ll probably never see him, IT, again.”
Pitch Black chose that moment out of all moments to make his entrance.
“Dear Jack. You’ll be glad to know I’m no longer going to scare children. I have found something much more fulfilling.”
He walked right over to Tone, took her hand, and kissed it. Tone cringed in discomfort.
There is gunfire.
Species is afraid of guns.
Miguel tried to comfort him. He reached out his hand to touch his shoulder.
Species only registered that he was in danger! And someone was going to touch him! Instinctively, impulsively, he turned around and struck!
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hislittleraincloud · 9 months
Blood Draw with a Cute Mexican Daddy 🌯 🌮💦
To the best of my recollection, as I'd gone into the City (S.F....I live where Enid lives) for bloodwork before I catch up with my specialist today. BG: I hate the incompetence of this clinic, but as a Poor, I must go there. It's LGBTQ+ friendly and is known for its 🏳️‍⚧️ care. I hadn't had this phlebotomist before, though. I was thinking of working it into Afterburn, but I'll do something else that's similar. This one tickled me.
Me: This time you guys need to get what you need to get from me in this one shot. Last time you asked me to come in for a similar thing, I sat here and made sure that the nurses double checked the list of needs, and they still called me the next day saying that they forgot something. I cannot come into this clinic or anywhere where my immunocompromised ass can get sick and die from COVID.
Funky Cold*: Uh...okay. I get you, I've got all that the doctor asked for right here.
Me: *notes his several tubes* That's why I wear my mask and goggles everywhere. *notes his mask is pulled over his chin* But I do like to be able to see your beard.
FC: *instantly blushes* Thanks...*proceeds to try and find a vein on my right arm and is failing*
Me: Did you want to try my left arm? It's where I usually get it drawn from. The vein is easier to see.
FC: Yeah, sure. *I could tell he felt like a bit of a failure...but he was still grinning and bright*
Me: *unsheaths left arm from jacket and puts it on the armrest* Hold on a sec, let me help you. *PROCEEDS TO SMACK THE EVERLOVING SHIT OUT OF THE CROOK OF ARM, HARD*
FC: *looks shocked but nervously so* Whoa!
Me: It's fine. Do you need me to do it some more?
FC: NO... *sees that it's red and doesn't know what to say*
Me: Are you sure? I like pain.
FC: *is shaking his head and getting ready to insert his needle* Tell me something, though: Is it raining outside?
Me: Unfortunately no.
FC: ...Unfortunately???
Me: I love the rain.
FC: Yeah, but that means I'd have to take an Uber.
Me: *ttly confused since it seems like it would be more dangerous to take a stranger's car than BART*
FC: *delays the pricking, proceeds to tell me about how taking an Uber instead of walking to BART if it was raining would spare him from getting drenched*
Me: Huh. I guess that's fine if you don't like to get wet. You sure you don't need me to hit it some more? I should let you hit it...*quieter* Smack...oo Daddy, gimme more.
FC: No, you're good, heh... *has a real nervous grin on his face as he sticks it in and fills tube after tube as I just stare at his beard and talk more about why I just can't come in as often as I used to*...*finishes up and pulls it out (odd, because usually the phlebotomist will just hit the spring to retract), almost jumps up with a grin, huffs*
Me: What?
FC: *pinked, huge nervous grin, chuckling* Nothing, you're just the first one all day who's gotten me all...WOO! *more chuckling*
Me: I tend to have that effect on people.
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*Gen X will get this ref, and the poor man's last name is the rest of the song title (I think, I had trouble reading his name badge because of my poor eyesight/goggles...plus his name badge was on his belt and he probably thought i was looking at his 🍆).
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analogskullerosis · 2 years
Tagged by- @cowgirliee and @delanore-roosevelt
Rules: shuffle your “on repeat” playlist from spotify or the music service of your choice and post the first 10 tracks
Note: These are all from Spotify, but I'll also be providing Youtube links for any non-Spotify users. :)
1 : El Dorado - Magdalena Bay (https://youtu.be/mA6lKJNsrqg)
I enjoy the way that singer Mica Tenenbaum switches between Spanish and English on a dime. It's like how Sarah Bonito switches between Japanese and English on Kero Kero Bonito songs. I also enjoy the late 80s atmospheric synthpop vibe this song goes for.
2 : So Hot You're Hurting My Feelings - Caroline Polachek (https://youtu.be/sn3cHUtNZKo)
I want Caroline Polachek to kick me in the head and run me over with her car.
3 : Funky Duck - Vulfpeck (https://youtu.be/dhNfddJRulQ)
"He owns a truck, but he drives a Saab" is the line that keeps me coming back. Also, Antwaun Stanley is just a killer vocalist.
4 : Mr. Pink - Level 42 (https://youtu.be/Dt1APRRddS4)
Imagine this: a fun little dance contest for couples, but they have to figure out how to dance to every second of this song.
Every Slowbro I run in Pokemon these days is named after this song.
5 : pRETTy - Lil Yachty (https://youtu.be/8w3z-7Hq9Ak)
Yachty's weird vibrato moaning at the beginning of this song will not leave my head. It makes me laugh. Fousheé's guest feature on the second verse is great.
6 : Unconditional - Magdalena Bay (https://youtu.be/hQjqyxC97gA)
My new go-to example of how to define "catchy, fun pop song." Chorus is infectious and has gotten lodged in my brain for days, bass line rules, the whole song is everything I enjoy about pop music.
7 : Romanian Drinking Song - Vulfpeck (https://youtu.be/Xg-5ie0OCo8)
Theo Katzman is the greatest kazoo playing drummer of our generation. When his kazoo follows that bass run at around 2:43 it is nothing short of spectacular. Also, Joey Dosik's sax keys apparently got stuck near the end of the recording but it still sounded good enough to keep. These dudes rule.
I've been listening to Vulfpeck's Schvitz album pretty much on repeat all year so far. The whole album rules and this one is a fun highlight.
8 : Woww - Magdalena Bay (https://youtu.be/mb-PYrATAuI)
This is the last Mag Bay song, I promise. This song always reminds me of something that seemed like it came from the Kirby SuperStar soundtrack. This mini song features classic insults such as: "Get out my face / With your stupid face." Lyrical masterminds. Mica Tenenbaum and Matt Lewin are the best pop duo working today.
9 : I Don't Want It At All - Kim Petras (https://youtu.be/JC9FA8lZRy8)
My personal issues with Petras aside (she REALLY needs to understand why people have a big problem with her choosing to defend and keep working with Dr. Luke, infamously known as the man who sexually and emotionally abused Kesha) this song rules. Like "Unconditional," this is everything I really enjoy about modern pop music. It's fun, it's catchy as hell, and Petras is fantastic performer. She's been deserving of the recent hype she's been getting (criticisms aside).
By the way, in case you were curious, yes, Dr. Luke is one of three producers on this song (though it's not under his usual name. He likes to use aliases sometimes in order to hide it... probably no big reason why). Yes, I can still enjoy this song despite knowing that. No, I don't think he should be allowed to keep producing pop hits.
10 : Live and Let Die - Paul McCartney & Wings (https://youtu.be/ZwnX0iqKDdQ?t=7)
This has been on repeat because I plan on writing about it (which you will be able to find over at @therecordconnection in the next few days. Shameless plug? I don't know what you're talking about.)
I'll at least say that this is in my Top 5 of 007 movie themes. I love how explosive and cinematic it is and the way the song randomly transforms into a reggae beat halfway through for like 40 seconds ("What does it maaaatter to ya?") is classic McCartney songwriting (even though that bit was provided by Linda McCartney). It's good stuff. Wings' two 1973 albums, Red Rose Speedway and Band on the Run, both turn 50 this year. They're worth your time. :)
Thanks for stopping by! These are always fun. I'd like to tag @memento-more-tea @themarvelousinterrobang @tahlwyn @the-mind-wanders @oleskellybones and anybody else that would like to join in! :)
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hyliandreso · 6 years
Bruh why the fuck everyone so salty about people paying gaud money to eat them crayons? It's not like they begged to be paid either, hell, if I had the money, I 100% would pay someone to do something so ridiculous. If those people wanted to donate to a different cause (and I'm pretty sure a shitton of them probably did and do, but really all half the population cares about is shittalking each other) they would've. I mean, if it was me getting bribed to eat some nasty ass crayons I'd make a fucking full course meal out of it. Let people chill and do stupid things idk
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bugrry · 3 years
okay miss mags. since u love bugs. how about reader and h hiking or having a picnic and she points out all the bugs they see or a ladybug lands on h’s shoulder and reader spews facts or somethin. just an idea that i think u could make reallyyyyyyy cute 🤍 - caty
ah!!!!!! i'm in love with this short little fic, even though the ending isn't superb @thebigbutterflytattoo
thank you caty cat for this request ilysm
word count: 1.2k
The couple had only been hiking for about an hour and Y/N had already pointed out more bugs than Harry could probably count on his fingers. Every time Y/N saw a bug she recognized, her eyes would light up as she rushed to get a closer look at it.
Harry was often pulled out of his thoughts by Y/N shouting, “Harry! Woah! Look, it’s a carpet moth!” or “Look at this tiger beetle! Isn’t that so cool!?”
Y/N would then proceed to tell Harry anything and everything she knew about the specimen she’d found. Harry loved watching her talk about these kinds of things, the things that seemed simple – or even gross – to some people, still made her smile and, quite often, squeal if she saw an insect that she was particularly fond of.
The two of them had just sat down to eat their lunch on a small patch of grass just off the trail they’d been following. Y/N pulled out the blanket they’d packed as she talked about some insect she’d seen not a few minutes earlier.
“They can be pink, or yellow, or even a mix of both! Can you believe that? I can’t believe we actually saw one! I’ve never seen one in real life before, primrose moths are almost never in California! Wow.”
Harry smiled to himself as he sat on the blanket that Y/N had set out. He pulled the sandwiches out from their bag and handed one to Y/N. She nodded in thanks and immediately tore into it.
“That’s crazy, looks like something out of a cartoon, no?” Harry said before taking a bite of his own sandwich.
“Mhm!” she said, her mouth full. She swallowed, and continued talking, “They do! I honestly wasn’t totally convinced they were real. Thought people had just photoshopped them or something.”
The both of them laughed before resuming their meals, which were accompanied by casual conversation.
After a little while, Y/N cut herself off mid-sentence when her eye caught something especially exciting.
“Harry! Turn around, look! On the branch right above your shoulder! Oh my gosh!” Harry turned his head, trying to find what she was seeing.
“I don’t see what you’re seeing, love. You’ll have to point it out a little better.”
Y/N stood up abruptly and moved to where he was sitting. She plopped down right next to him and reached to turn his head in the direction of what she was seeing.
“It’s a praying mantis, Harry! Wow! I almost missed it! Their camouflage is so good!” Y/N almost squealed, and as much as Harry wanted to look back at his love and see the look on her face, he kept his eyes on the insect, “Did you know their brains make up their whole body? And they’ll eat things that are up to three times their size! Can you believe that! That is crazy!” She shuffled around his body, pulling out her phone to get a picture.
“Woah, Peach, that is crazy! I don’t think I’ve ever seen one in real life, they’re so funky looking,” Harry said, chewing on the last of his sandwich.
“Yeah! And their heads can turn 180 degrees! And they only have one ear, it’s on the underside of its belly! Isn’t that so weird?”
“The weirdest,” Harry said, looking back at her as she observed the insect. Her eyes were so bright as she pondered the creature in front of her, sometimes turning her head at different angles as if she was photographing it with her mind. Harry thought she was the most beautiful thing on the planet, and couldn't bring himself to look away from her. At one point, she nearly turned her head completely upside down, before letting out an excited gasp. “What is it, lovie?”
“I think this one’s a female!”
“How can you tell?” Harry asked, finally breaking his stare away from the slope of her nose or how her hair framed her face.
“By the number of sections on her abdomen! Look!” She pulled Harry closer, pointing at the bug’s abdomen and counting quietly. Harry still didn’t get it, but he still let out a hum of intrigue. “I wonder if she has eggs nearby!” Y/N stretched her neck, trying to look around without leaving the bug.
“I don’t know, Peach. If you want to look, you can, but it is going to rain soon.” As Harry said this, Y/N looked back at him with a pout on her face.
“No, it’s okay. I don’t want to be in your car all wet.”
“But you’ve been wet in my car before, so go ahead and look for those eggs.”
Y/N frowned at Harry’s joke — if she could even call it that — while he grinned at her childishly, “Ugh,” she said, waving her hand as if she was waving away the existence of Harry’s joke, “Let me put this lady under these leaves so she doesn’t get too wet, so we can finish eating and go.”
It was Harry’s turn to frown, “You’re going to touch it?”
Y/N looked at him like he was insane, “Well, yeah. I gotta make sure she doesn’t get washed away!”
“What if it has a disease or something!”
“She doesn’t,” Y/N sighed, moving to let the bug crawl onto her hand, “but if she does, I won't be holding her for that long, anyway.” Y/N stood up with the bug in her hand, and Harry sat flabbergasted that the bug had actually crawled onto her. He watched as his girlfriend placed the bug on a higher leaf, one that was directly covered by some other leaves. Once the bug was settled, she stood back, wiping her hands on her pants. “There!”
Harry noticed he’d been grimacing the whole time the mantis had been in her hand and managed to right his face before she turned around. He mirrored her smile as she turned back to look at him.
“Okay! Now we can go, mister grumpy.”
“I’m not grumpy! I just don’t want you catching some sort of bug disease.”
Y/N rolled her eyes, “I’m not going to catch a bug disease,” she said, laughing as she went to finish the last few bites of her sandwich, “Now come on! I want to get out of here before we get drenched!” Harry opened his mouth, and Y/N recognized that look on his face, and held a finger up, “Yeah yeah, insert sex joke here, grow up and sit down, please.”
Although the words Y/N was saying sounded harsh, Harry knew she didn’t mean it in that way as she patted the space next to her and held up his sandwich. He plopped down next to her, and the both of them finished their sandwiches and watched the praying mantis just, kind of, exist. Y/N would pipe up every once in a while with random facts about the bug, making Harry smile as he chewed.
Even though they did end up getting caught in the rain on their way back to Harry’s car, both of them agreed that the day couldn’t have been more perfect.
i hope you guys liked this! feedback is greatly appreciated!!
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