#let's pretend ways rhyms with says
avacoadohater · 2 years
Hey, I know I've gotta repent
All of your patience has been spent
I put you through hell and back
Honestly, common sense is something I lack
It's quite a big issue
They're not even good.
Though neither of you retch bile
Even when I've been at it for a while
And neither of you throw food
And sometimes even smile
But your support is finite
The end is in sight
If I continue, the bark
might just become bite
You confronted me on my behavior
And I've realized I'm not a savior
I'm simply making humor
Worse than that of a boomer
She says that's tight
She says that's hard
Now all of y'all are very scarred
If for each instance I had a tissue
Then I'd have a giant pile
*It would honestly be pretty annoying
Like what would I do will all those tissues*
I'd have to contemplate for a while
And in the end
I'd figure out, without a doubt
The right course of action
for this large infraction
Would be to make...
babies with your mom?
no, scratch that,
an apology song
So here I am
With a whole hearted speech
And some apologies that I preach
Will I change my ways?
"Yeah, of course, he says"
I promise it's not a scam
But changing the way I am?
It's harder than you'd think
Just like my dick
So do I feel bad,
Yeah, I'm sorry
for making y'all sad
for being within earshot of this mad lad
I can try my best to reduce
the amount of harm I cause
If we choose to make a truce
The dirty jokes will pause
So what'd'ya say?
Do you want the jokes to stay
Or do you want them gone
Just like the break of dawn
I'm willing to listen
I'm willing to adapt
So tell me now, while I'm rapt
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09yards · 5 years
Chapter 4 - broken hearts club, part one (Days Gone By - NCT)
Days Gone By masterlist | main masterlist
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Broken Hearts Club Part One
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'Cause misery loves company, so hey, what do you say?
15th June
Renjun had woken up first the morning after. Disorientated, dizzy and drunk on the familiar scent of freshly baked vanilla cookies and general comfort, like a hazy mid-morning daydream. Gradually coming around from his slumber, he began to register his surroundings; streaks of light, streaming sporadically through the cracks in the blinds, dark grey duvet only reaching his hips, his small frame on display, a large hand splayed gently across his back, curling him into a furnace – the source of the cookie smell. The t-shirt he was wearing hanging low and lose off his body - evidently not his - and his head was resting on something  (or rather someone ) far too firm to be a pillow. He was not in his own bed and he was not alone.
The scent was familiar, it was one he had become well accustomed to over the years. Belonging to the ever-so-perfect Jaemin. Shit, he was in bed with Jaemin, wearing Jaemin’s clothes and memories of the two making out and grinding on one another... and (oh god)  the soulmate mark, flooding his mind. Consecutive images flashing every time he blinked, dread flowing through his veins.
Why did he do that? That was his best friend , nothing more. That was not supposed  to happen, Renjun was supposed  to hold in his feelings up until graduation next year when he could happily move to the other side of the country, or another country for that matter, and avoid Jaemin until any and all feelings had faded away. Yes, he very much thought that running away was the best (and only) way to cope with his feelings.
Maybe he could fall in love with a nice foreign boy, forgetting about the picture-perfect, ideal type that was his best friend.
Feelings could be dealt with later. Broken hearts can be mended later. After all, misery loves company and it was beginning to feel like misery was all Renjun knew.
2nd of august [continued]
“Oh, come on Mark, just show us!”
The only time Renjun ever acted cute was when he wanted something, putting on a lilted whiny voice, fluttering his eyelashes and pulling out all his aegyo - which frankly just irritated Mark; he’d never understand how it worked on Jaemin, the younger would practically fall on his knees then and there whenever Renjun used it to get whatever it is he wanted. Maybe he’d just become immune to it after having a no longer adorable little brother who once upon a time didn’t need to try to do aegyo, he just was cute and Mark would’ve given him the world if he’d asked.
Jisung once asked if he could have the moon and Mark ended up spending two hours putting a glow in the dark stars and moon sticker set up on Jisung’s ceiling, which are still there.
“Mark! Why are you hiding it, everyone knows about mine and Yuqi’s, about Renjun and Jaemin’s, Johnny and Ten’s, Doyoung and Jaehyun’s, the list goes on. You’re just the next one to have it, it’s no big deal.”
No big deal that you don’t want to tell your best friend because the moment you see his reaction, you’ll know if he’s your soulmate or not. Sure, no big deal.
“Okay! Lucas leave Markie alone. He’s my shy little brother remember; his soulmate mark is interesting  to say the least and we’ll leave it at that, shall we?”
“Lucas is right though, what’s the big deal, it can’t be worse than Johnny’s.”
Mark inhaled quickly, firmly and very noticeably. Way to be subtle Mark!
“Oh no, you’re kidding its worse than Johnny’s! That’s brilliant.” Jaehyun turned and took a few steps out of the kitchen back to the living room, confusing the others until they heard a, “HEY! Doyoungie come here!” Doyoung appeared instantly from lord knows where amongst the seemingly endless amount of people gathered in his house, navigating his way through and around groups that Mark barely recognised. They were quite disgustingly domestic, as usual, but it was amplified by the copious amounts of alcohol consumed – most of which by Doyoung. Kisses to cheeks and pecks all over, stood just too close together for it to be publicly appropriate, Jaehyun’s hands never leaving Doyoung’s body and consistently moving to inappropriate places for innocent eyes.
Finding his spot with Jaehyun’s arm around his waist, body curled into Jaehyun’s chest but head turned enough that he was capable of conversation, or rather joining in on the teasing of Mark to get him to show the others his soulmate Mark (which had been hidden by his choice of a flannel shirt this evening, resisting the urge to roll his sleeves up despite the heat.
“What’s going on now? Injunnie are you still trying to get Mark to reveal his soulmate mark, I thought I told you to leave him alone?”
Doyoung was actually sticking up for Mark, but everyone knew he wanted to know just as badly. Everyone was desperate to know the moment Mark spluttered when he was first asked, apparently that was just the sign they needed that it was a good one. Not boring like all the other recent ones had been.
“No babe,” shaking his head and tutting at his boyfriend, “trust me, you’re going to want to stop pretending you don’t want to know – it’s worse  than Johnny’s .”
Doyoung’s eyes visibly widened at that, the same reaction as everyone else. Doyoung couldn’t stop laughing, gripping onto Jaehyun’s shirt in order to attempt to balance himself.
“Okay,” barely audible between wheezes as he tried to catch his breath from laughing, “Mark you have to show us, you cannot keep that from us. Seriously, how can  it be worse than Johnny’s, no offence Ten.”
Johnny’s mark was notorious in their small town (possibly village if you were feeling technical about population sizes), everyone knew about it. Word spread like wildfire the moment someone outside of their intricate friendship group overheard - the seal had been broken and that was enough. Johnny would never get over how utterly mortifying it was when his mother returned home to tell him all about the delightful conversation she’d had with Mrs Potter down the road about how scandalous this teenagers soulmate mark was, only to be told she didn’t know the name of the boy who had this tasteful  (said with quotation marks and dripping with sarcasm) phrase emblazoned on his body only that the soulmate was ‘the one who goes by the number rather than a proper name because his names too long’. His mother was devastated she hasn’t been told and that Johnny never explicitly told her that he was gay - although Johnny argued it was rather obvious and that he didn’t watch magic mike, multiple times, just because he loved romantic films. Johnny couldn’t look his mum in the eye for at least two weeks afterward.
Ten slapped his best friend on the arm for his commentary. Even after almost four years, Ten still hadn’t lived that one down and doubted he ever would – but he still hadn’t made his peace with it, the teasing continued to be relentless whenever the topic of soulmates came up and Ten was quite sick of it, his truculent nature sparking every time.
“Shut up Doyoung, just because yours is cute and all because Jaehyun was four and you did look like a fucking  bunny!”
“Correction, he still looks like a bunny, especially when we’re fucking.” Doyoung became visibly flustered at that, Jaehyun never being one to shy away from admiring his boyfriend at indecorous times, “Shut the fuck up Jae. Back to Mark! We were talking about Mark; Mark show us your mark!” Clearly Doyoung was a master at attempting to turn the conversation away from himself whenever he was flustered.
Doyoung was definitely a giggly drunk and a little obstreperous under the influence of alcohol, despite the situation, “oof that rhym-ryhmed, I’m a poet and I didn’t even know it!” He was grinning now, clearly impressed with his efforts towards an outdated joke, prompting Jaehyun to coo over his boyfriend (cough, disgustingly domestic, cough).
“If you not wanting to show us is about Haechannie, we get it, but you know we wouldn’t tell him if you didn’t want us too.”
Ten’s usual bite to his voice was gone and he spoke softly to Mark, despite his tendency to be louder and easily making his presence in a room known, he had a soft spot for Mark – seeming to care for the younger far more than he’d ever let on if asked. Typical tsundere Ten.
“Hyuck’s not here yet, right?”
Ten replied with a simple nod and a quick eyebrow raise to Johnny, a gesture that didn’t go unnoticed by Mark but he was used to being incapable of decoding their years-in-the-making ways of communicating nonverbally.
“Just, I’m not ready to tell him yet okay? If I show you all, he doesn’t hear a thing or I will know who to kill and I won’t hesitate to – I have dirt on every, single, one of you.”
“Okay, okay, whatever Mark, we solemnly swear to not tell Haechan or let him find out. Now show us that freaking tat!” Lucas would be the death of him one day, slapping a hand against Mark’s back and making him wheeze at the sheer force, partially knocking the wind out of him. How Yuqi (teeny-tiny, possibly quite fragile but also rumour had it she had a black belt in martial arts, Yuqi) hadn’t been crushed by one of his death-grip hugs, Mark will never know.
Exhaling deeply, Mark began to roll up his sleeve. He’d managed to tuck the tattoo away, hidden from eager eyes, underneath a long sleeve easily and hopefully he  could find some sort of watch or bracelet in order to cover it up before having to leave the house over the next few days. As he pushed his sleeve toward his elbow and lowered his arm to allow the others to see, the kitchen had gone silent. All four of the onlookers (not counting Johnny and Ten who having already seen it, were no longer completely shocked by the marking) were in utter shock. Silence had washed over them, the thumping from the heavy bass dance music Ten had put on earlier and the ticking of the kitchen clock were the only things heard. That was until Doyoung was, foreseeably, the first one to lose all composure and let out an unattractive snort before clutching to Jaehyun’s shirt once again in a fit of giggles, gasping in attempts to breathe, between muttering ‘ oh my gods ’ and ‘ holy shits ’, the others all swiftly following suit after that. Even Mark managed to crack a smile at their reactions, despite his unwavering feelings weighing down his shoulders. But hey, what’s new?
Lucas was the first to speak, managing to catch his breath enough in order to be able to from a comprehensible sentence. “Okay, you win, that is understandably something you wouldn’t want to share.”
“Damn, Haechannie did not hold back. Babe I’m so glad we were in reception, all these dirty thoughts, you people are so disgusting. I have never been as grateful as I am right now to have bunny written on my hip and for my first thought to have been ‘squish’.”
The seemingly automatic assumption that Hyuck was the one responsible (again), didn’t fully register with Mark, too focused on the conversation continuing – not giving him the chance to protest what everyone was thinking, maybe it was for the best.
“Johnny, please tell me we’ll never become as disgustingly domestic as them, I don’t think I could handle the desire to vomit every thirty seconds. I like fun, I like spice and flirting, not patterns and cheesy nicknames.”
“Shut up Ten, domestic is cute! Domestic shows commitment - don’t be bitter just because you can’t handle that.”
“Go take Yuqi on dates to drive in movies and other corny shit Xuxi, keep pretending you’re in one of those American movies from the nineties.”
“You’re just jealous because you can’t have dates outside of a five-mile radius of this house.” Ouch, wrong place and wrong time Yukhei, not good - not good at all.
“Okay everyone! Ten do not respond to that, Lucas go somewhere else before he starts fighting – you know I can’t hold him back. We’re here for my  baby brothers eighteenth everyone, not arguing over soulmates and relationships. We’re done here, everyone back to the party.” His voice was stern and husky, stretching himself to his full stature - Johnny was a fluff ball but not one you wanted to make angry.
Johnny was always the mediator, the only one allowed to tease either of his baby brothers – as soon as someone else did he would automatically switch into over-protective older brother mode. Mark thought it was his way of protecting them, he’d been instrumental in the raising of Jisung and had grown up alarmingly quickly after having lost their father and as their mother became busier and busier with her work. Then he grew up more after he was pulled into the world of parties and late nights by older friends from various sports teams, desperately trying to forget about his newfound feelings for Ten at the time, at the tender age of sixteen. He continued to mature as he started his A-levels and helping Mark with his GCSE’s and Jisung venturing into high school for the first time. Their mother was busy, always there for them whenever she could be but that didn’t hide the absence of a father figure. Yet, they made do. Their mum did everything she could and more and they’d be forever grateful for that. He’d had to mature once again when Ten got accepted into an entertainment company in Korea – his lifelong dream – and they weren’t ready to go their separate ways, knowing that as soulmates it would only hurt them more. Ten not being able to wander around town or take Johnny on magnificent dates during the daylight hours was a sore subject for the two of them, not seeing each other in person for months at a time was hard – but they made it work. They both remember, unfortunately very well, the pain they went through when they both realised their feelings for each other and Mark remembers listening to Johnny cry to their mum when he realised that he was hopelessly in love with his best friend. Mark remembers the homophobic kids that were the year above Johnny and Ten, threatening them in the hallway, Mark remembers Johnny outing himself in front of a substantial amount of the student body in order to stick up for Ten; not caring about if he was ready or what people would say. Mark remembers Johnny as a protector, a rock, their anchor – always keeping them safe and grounded.
Luckily, everyone knew when to drop a conversation and most quickly dispersed from the kitchen, re-joining the party. Mark let out a sigh of relief – he knew he wasn’t ready to deal with this yet. He could feel himself sobering up by the minute.
“Hey, Mark. I’m really sorry for pushing you earlier. That wasn’t fair, not after how understanding you were about me and Jaemin. Do you want to get some air?”
Getting some air was their secret code, their way of escaping the world – even if only for a few minutes. Mark always thought there was something about the way you could just sit there, watching the world go by without a care in the world. Something about the way the air flowed around them – like it was easier to breathe, easier to let go of your worries. Their words would flow out, sitting with their legs dangling over the edge of the treehouse with the ability to chat the days away. Thoughts, feelings, dreams, all shared with the world and no longer the insides of their minds, eating away at any and all insecurities and worries. It took them back to when they were young, when they didn’t care about what went wrong, whether they messed up or not. Mark liked how naïve they were back then, not a single care about the future - everything would work out in their eyes - now, it was a continuous cycle of crippling anxiety, an overwhelming desire to achieve, sleep deprivation and a strong inclination to do nothing at all. Procrastination was, and always will be, a total bitch after all.
The two took their designated spots, watching the sun beginning to set over the field before them, casting a rose-coloured hue over the scene. Mark always had a fascination with sunsets, he isn’t sure when it started but there’s something about them that draws him in, maybe it’s the colours or the way Hyuck’s skin glowed just like the sun itself whenever the golden hour light was cast over him, highlighting his features and only exemplifying his beauty more. God, shut up Mark. You sound like a stupid lovesick teenager, oh wait... that’s exactly what you are.
“Earth to Mark? Calling Mark back to Earth in three, two and - “
“Sorry! Sorry, got distracted, guess there’s just a lot on my mind.”
“You don’t say. Come onnnnn! It’s your birthday Markie, we’re supposed to be having fun and getting far too drunk off of what will be later recounted to our parents as ‘just the one cider or beer’ and then regretting our entire existence in the morning when we’ve realised all the mistakes we’ve made while under the influence. For example, being three drinks in and already kissing boys that are far too pretty for their own damn good and frankly it’s very unfair.”
“So we’re less than two hours in to the party this time and you and Jaemin have already made out in my bathroom?”
“No, we only got to the hallway and then Hyuck rang him, something about an emergency and Heejin. Oh shit, sorry Heejin free zone.”
“It was a rhetorical question and I’m okay, you don’t have to keep things from me. Honestly, I’m okay. I know it’s the same old stupid, stupid trope but i’m not going to spend the rest of the year pining for my best friend. i’m going to enjoy this year; i’m going to get my grades and i’m going to get into uni and you know what renjun? i can do this, i can; not anyone elise - just me. I’m going to do this. I am sick of waiting around for things to happen. I am not going to sit around and look pretty while he inevitably breaks my heart, he has Heejin now. He’s not gay. School is my priority and that is something I can control. All the things I can fix, why not fix them now while I can?
Me and Hyuck, we don’t act like boyfriends, people don’t assume we are. They assume we’re best friends and maybe that’s all we’re ever meant to be. Maybe i’ve just confused the line between caring about someone and loving them. I am done crying over him, I’ll focus on being friends nothing more. That’s all we need and I’m perfectly okay with that.”
“So pining hours are over for you?”
“Pining hours over Hyuck are officially closed.”
“And where do we stand on pining hours for me over Jaemin being open?”
“Still very much open young padawan, it’s time for you to be honest with me.”
“Great because I love him, so much. But I’m also super scared. I know it’s supposed to be us against the world, I know that it’s supposed to be about you and hyuck being able to be just friends but I can’t do that with him - I really love him, like singing and dancing in the rain love him, hold a boom box outside my bedroom window love him. Like one make out session was so intense I forgot everything in that moment, I want to do that again and again.”
“So rather than telling him your feelings, you’re going to keep getting tipsy at parties and kissing him?”
“Yep. He has nice lips okay, don’t judge me.”
“Why won’t you just admit you’re soulmates? You could be happy, you can fall in love and let him look after you.”
“See, that sounds nice and all but after he freaked out thinking I don’t have a soulmate mark and we’re some freak exception to the rules, I don’t really know how to tell him he forgot to take my socks off? It also sounds kinda kinky and he’ll definitely make a sex joke and I’m not ready for that.”
“Well, whenever you are ready, for any of it, you know you’ve always got me.”
“You know this is the part where you’re supposed to tell me to go get that Jaemin dick?”
“I am not telling you to go get that dick-“
“Why are you two always hiding out here? Okay, why do I feel like you were talking about me?”
“Hey Jaemin, we were just coming down. Just wishing Markie a happy birthday.”
“Come on you two, but avoid the snug - Doyoung is giving Jaehyun a lap dance, Jaehyun’s also shirtless so there’s a bunch of girls drooling, mainly Mina so soon enough she’ll be on the vodka crying over the fact that ‘all the cute ones are gay’.”
“Let’s go then!”
You can do this Mark, you can have fun. It’s your birthday, get drunk and dance the night away.
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marissabdbdp-blog · 7 years
Marissa: I needed to go to the shop to get a few things, I had to get out and have some time to myself, it’s been so busy lately I wanted a few minutes to myself. I left the office and headed towards the clinic, saying to Ehlena I was just popping out for a bit and i’ll be back soon.
I headed out the door and walked slowly down the street, going towards the supermarket.  I picked up a few things, some sweets for the little kids. I picked up a bottle of wine. I paid for my things and headed back to Safe Place, but something was wrong I could feel it.  Then I thought I heard was a baby crying I couldn’t see where to look, hoping the baby was not in pain. So I looked around couldn’t see anything, so I kept on looking, it got louder and louder. I stood still, laying on the ground was a female with a baby in her arms, she was covered in blood. I reached down to see if the female needed help.
Gen: She couldn't remember where she was much less how she got there. Everything seemed to be a bit of a blur for her. One minute she had been putting Sebhastian down for his nap when the doors of the Daea estate were kicked open, the appropriate house doggen fleeing for safety, the males try to take up arms to protect the mistress. Lessers raided the house, ripping the upholstery, the furniture tossed on its back.  They had come so fast, she froze. It wasn't until Stefan, her beloved Stefan, who also happened to be the family cook, and father to her young. He was handsome and brave. Especially in those last few brief moments they had together. It was he who had ushered her out the back doors, Bhastian in her arms. But it wasn't good enough. They weren't soldiers. They had no training. Her and her family were born in poverty, it was why they took the job as a “fill-in doggen”. Not doggen. They couldn't go out in day, but they needed the money and it was the best they could do.
She'd ran as hard as her legs would carry her, Bhastian fussing in her arms from the bouncing around. The lessers had noticed her right then. Chasing their prey, their bodies faster, catching up to her with no qualms, they scratched and clawed their way to get to her and still she refused to give up, no matter how much her sides cramped and her legs burning. And still she refused. They wouldn't get her. No. Not when she had someone to live for, who needed her. Bhastian needed her. Even as they lunged and grabbed her foot, forcing her body to twist so she didn't land on her young, the wind getting knocked out. It seemed hopeless. And still she held onto him, his cries ringing her ears. She kicked herself free, but not without sustaining some cuts. In fact she could feel most of her flesh cut from their excessive need to catch their prey. But Scribe help her, somehow even now she was alive, she could tell, just lying on the ground, her arms refusing to loosen around her young, she was alive. By some miracle. Slowly lifting her head, her face wet with sweat and blood beginning to dry across her cheeks. It took the last but bit of strength she had to call for help, her voice hoarse from her previous screaming.
“H-help! S-someone help!” Losing the power in her voice, her one last final plea a more softer subtle touch. “please.” And out like a light. It was the last thing she could do and pray. Pray someone would find her before the sun did.  
Marissa: I was trying my hardest to wake the female, the baby was still screaming loud not even the baby could wake her up, I leaned down I checked to make sure the baby was fine.  But I could see the baby was so stressed I tried to grab him, pulled him towards me and wrapped my coat around him, I got my cellphone and dialed Ehlena and hoped she picked up fast, this female and her child needed medical treatment fast.
Listening for my phone, it finally started to chime oh good, I am glad, I answered Ehlena It’s me, I have a female that needs medical attention now! Grab Rhym, bring some blanklet’s and come quickly I can’t wake the female, her son needs help to. I am trying to keep him warm, hurry as fast as you both can. I don’t think I can wake her.  I’ve been trying even the baby crying is not helping. Hurry, don’t wait I need you both now. I will keep trying to wake her.
Ehlena: *I started talking on the phone to Marissa trying to calm her down, “Marissa I will be right there in a couple of seconds and I will bring the stuff that I am needing to help the female just make her comfortable as best as you can until I get there and help you” I hung up the phone when I got the details where Marissa was shouting to the supervisor to grab some blankets and a flask of some water, I pointed to the sink, “Rhym in the storage cupboard it is still open there is some things that you would need including things for the baby, We need to be quick female is in trouble and she has a baby I need you there with me” Grabbing the medical bag that was under my table with everything in it for an emergency, soon as I saw Rhym with the things that I had requested I made my way to where Marissa was with Ryhm walking beside me.
Rhym: As we head towards Marissa. I get a update on what as happened from Ehlena. How bad is her injuries? is the young hurt? Opening the doors we exit. The smell of the female’s blood was strong in the air.
Ehlena: *Walking out the doors then walking towards Marissa was when I say walking it was more of a jog I knew that a female was needing help and Marissa was needing my assistance with the female that was in trouble. I could not answer Rhym correctly “sorry I don’t know all of the  information at the moment” Walking fast and spotting Marissa doing everything that she could for the female in trouble, I could see that she was doing a grand job without me being there. Finally I had answered Rhym with what I knew. “Don’t think the young is harmed in any way, Not sure how bad her injuries are at the moment I know that she is bleeding” I ran over to Marissa who had the female in her arms noticing that the female and her young were in trouble. This female needed my help and fast.
Marissa: So glad you got here, we need to get them inside it’s too cold out here, this female needs help now, let’s move her. I looked over to Rhym, can you take the baby? I will make sure that we help this female, the wounds are so bad she might need surgery depends on how bad the injuries are. Looks bad to me looking at the blood on my hands, starting to shake it’s getting colder let’s move now!
Rhym: Taking the baby from Marissa I place him near my chest for warmth. Don't worry I have this little warrior. *Cooing as I look down, your mayhem is in the best hands, quickly looking over the young. You I've good lungs. Walking back into safe Place keeping the doors open for Marissa and Ehlena.* Once they enter, I tell them I will inform the Brotherhood in case a missing person is reported. I head towards the kitchen to get a bottle for the young.
Ehlena: *Taking one look at the female in trouble who Marissa was with and noticing that she needed urgent medical assistance she needed to be at the medical wing getting the help that she needed, I had got the blankets from Rhym and I placed another gauze bandage over one of her wounds. “Try to keep the pressure on this or she will bleed out just until we get her to the wing there are lots more to help her there, We need to cover her with the blankets to keep her warm, I took my radio to ask for a trolley to the clinic where I would work on her there. The trolley came so quickly to the entrance Marissa and I got the female up onto her feet and we both walked to the entrance where the trolley was waiting for us.
Gen: Her eyes dancing behind her lids, a slight crease along her brow. She needed to wake up. She needed to keep going, keep fighting, away to safety, away from the lessers. Her consciousness had faded long before, dreaming of a time before all of this, all of the chaos. She had been dreaming when she and Stefan were in the kitchen one evening, showing her how to slice onions. She cried like a babe. Stefan had asked her what was wrong, his grey eyes looking into hers for a search for answers, concerned it was his teachings. Which, to be fair, was an adventure all in itself. His instructions were always a little hard to follow, that maybe he was being too harsh with her in his lessons. She'd confessed it was the onion that was making her cry and Stefan laughed. Embarrassed, she'd playfully swatted at his arm, begging him not to laugh, even though she herself was starting her little fits of giggles, the mood swaying to a lighter setting between them. He was fun and exciting. He was patient in her lessons even though it was more like rocket science to her. Never did he hit her or was he harsh. A bit facetious, but she liked him that way. He didn't pretend. And now he was gone.
She couldn't remember much as her mind slowly drifted back into reality, yelling at herself to go back, to keep on dreaming. The air felt different. Something she couldn’t quite put her finger on, something was pressed against her back. She was lying on something. Her brows furrow with concentration. Where was she? What happened? Was she dead? Was this the Fade? ‘Does this mean I can be with Stefan?’ Her thoughts beginning to race, throwing all kinds of what-ifs. But if she were dead, why couldn’t she open her eyes? They still felt heavy, like a force forbidding her to wake just yet. Her mind beginning to make sense of the world around her, voices could be heard above her. Her baby. Where was her baby? She needed to get to Sebhastian. She needed to get him to safety. If not for herself, Scribe help her she would give at least one last ounce of strength, something, anything, long enough to get him somewhere safe. By sheer luck, her lids opened to the world around her. A brief second of confusion, lost to the events of the world around her. Where was she? How long had she been asleep? Was she still alive or was this her Heaven? Made up to fit whatever, continuing on as if she were living only living in the realm of the dead. Then it all came back to her. Looking frantically around in search of her young. “Bhastian? Bhastian where are you? Baby?”
Marissa: [Looking over at Ehlena, as we pushed the trolley down the hall towards the Clinic and fast, I could see the female finally waking up. All I could hear was her talking about her baby, she was worried. Learning down to her ear, whispering in her ear to tell her, the baby was safe we was making sure he was okay, also if he was hungry we was going to feed him. You are okay now, no one will hurt you here. “My name is Marissa, I run safeplace it is to help females like you it’s to protect you from a loved one, or if a female needs help.”  We make it right. Me and my family will take care of you, you’re injuries look bad, I found you and brought you here.]
Please don’t worry, Ehlena is a nurse she is going to look over you and see what the damage is, If we need a doctor.  I can call Doc Jane if it is that bad. She lives with the brotherhood.
Once we find out how bad you are we can help you to get better, I can go and find Rhym and bring the baby to you. But please try and relax, you are safe here need a drink just ask. Looking over at Ehlena, how bad do you think she is?
Ehlena: *Helping to push the trolley down through the corridors to the clinic I heard everything that Marissa was saying to her trying to keep her calm. “Marissa is correct we will look after your baby no harm will come to him and she is correct you are safe you will get the treatment that your needing here” We finally got to the clinic at safeplace. I knew that Jane could be on hand to help out if I was needing it but surely although it won’t come to that I could try to do my best for the female. First of all I had to clean a few wounds, pointing out to Marissa that we needed a bottle of cleaning fluid and some gloves, some sort of dry cloth from the cupboard would be good to clean up the females wounds I had to check to see if she is going to need some surgery anywhere, checking all over the female’s body paying attention to the bones that could break easy, A injury has came up on her ribs it looks as if some of the bones are broken and with her breathing in a funny manner. More than likely it is a few of her ribs she will need to have plenty of rest. A bandage needs to be on the ribs for a little bit we need a big bandage Marissa from the bandage cupboard.
She will need round the clock care just in case she happens to get a fever. And her temperature goes above 104.F then she will need Jane, Need to keep an eye out for her breathing and any other signs that she may have an infection. I would have liked to put her under some sort of sedation a drug called ketamine will be used if possible just so that she gets the rest that she needs. This bleeding will also have to be addressed, I took the bandage and wrapped what I could around the female but not too tightly enough so that she could breathe, Whilst Marissa passed me the cleaning fluid I got to work cleaning her wounds putting some gauze on them and plasters. I got out the needle with the ketamine taking the correct dose that I was needing and maintaining her blood pressure at the same time I placed the needle inside the bottle taking some of the liquid to give the injection to her. looking down at the female “This will help you and give you the rest you need so that your wounds can heal correctly, This female will need round the clock care while she is staying here at Safeplace. I will be here to help out when I am needed and will be spending lots of time here checking as well, We will have to get her to another bed where there are some monitors to check for everything” I checked the female’s blood pressure since I had gave the dosage of the that drug “Everything seems fine for transportation to another bed.
Gen: There was very little that transpired between them. She couldn't keep track of what was happening around her except several beautiful looking young women around her, one above her who seemed to be speaking to her. ‘Ehlena? That's a pretty name.’ She thought. Oh Scribe! Her body hurt! It felt almost impossible to speak. Badly she wanted to let the kind female know she acknowledged her. And what put her More at ease was the mention of her young with another female. Good goddess. He was alive. Thank goodness. She wasn't quite sure what she would do without her baby. Aside from some broken ribs, she'd managed to strain enough to listen to the voices around her. Broken ribs. Probably some bruising. No internal bleeding as far as she could tell. Definitely scrapes. It hurt to breathe but at least she would live and yet, the weight of events came crashing against her in a wave. Her family. Gone. Her Stefan. Gone. Never will Bhastian ever grown to know of his father. He’ll never hug him, or kiss him, or do what any other father and son do by bonding. Bhastian had no warrior blood in him, so it wasn't as if he could train to be a Brother.
Suddenly she could feel something break into her skin and something easy over her, her limbs turning jell-o, automatically relaxing her body. Her lids having grow heavy, she managed a weak smile. “please. Help my baby. He's...the only family I have left in this world. I can't lose him. Please. Do everything you can..for him.” She refused to cry. Later. Later she would cry, and mourn. But not now. Now she needed to stay strong for Bhastian.  
Marissa: Listening to the women, please try not to panic I will go and find Rhym to see how the little warrior is doing, he didn’t look to bad just needed feeding and into the warm. You need to rest you are in a lot of pain. You need to get better for the both of you. We will keep you safe and make sure you have the best care. “My name is Marissa, this Ehlena” She will keep looking and make sure that the pain doesn’t get worse, then we will have to call doc Jane if it does. I am happy that everything looks good.
Please don’t worry, I am going to leave you in the hands of Ehlena. I am going to find your baby, bring him to you. I think he is getting fed and maybe sleeping, but I will speak to Rhym see if he is okay then bring him to you. I will be back soon. I exit the clinic and walk towards the baby clinic to check on the baby and Rhym.
Rhym: *looking up as Marissa enters, while gently rocking the young as he was tired.* how is She? This little one a fine, no marks or bruising or redness. She did a fantastic job keeping him safe. *looking down at the young I smile, he is asleep I whisper. Shall I take him to her. I will stay with them in case he needs anything.
Marissa: We can go together I said that I would bring him down, I don’t want to disturb him if he is sleeping, did you feed him? I know but she is not good she is in loads of pain. I think she has a few broken ribs and other injuries, I am sure Ehlena will look after her. They both can stay here until she is 100%. Let’s go and take this little warrior to his mother, “Smiles at Rhym as we head towards the clinic” I am glad I found them Rhym, or we could have lost both.
Ehlena: *When Marissa left and all of the wounds were clean, After she was given the correct dosage of Ketamine I was convinced that the female laying on this table was going to get past this she will live with a lot of care and looking after she will do well. She had to, she had a baby there a fine young little warrior who was going to survive through this as well to get revenge after what this female his mother has went through.
I looked down at the female and pulled up a chair that was in the corner of the room. I checked the female’s breathing and she was doing well so far  I checked the wounds made sure that the bandage was secure that was on her body. I kept on checking her vitals until Marissa had came back with her son. Then maybe she would be ok enough and she can see her son. The female was a little sleepy with the drug that I gave her but she was awake talking now I could not give her too much of the drug since she wanted to see her son.
It would be a good idea after she saw her son to give her some more Ketamine so that she is comfortable and that she could get a good night’s sleep where her body can recover the trauma that she has just been through. waiting the arrival of Marissa and Rhym with the little baby when I heard some footsteps at the Safeplace clinic door.
Marissa: Walking towards the clinic with Rhym and the baby, knowing that the female would be happy, knowing her little warrior was safe and not harmed in anyway. He had been fed and was asleep in Rhym’s arms, you could hear his breathing as he was away with the world. Such a special little warrior, made me think of all those other females and their young. How many we have helped and it was only going to get busier.
“I looked over to Rhym, I am sure we can give the baby to his mother now.” I smiled at the female as Rhym passed the baby other, placed down next to his mother. I have never seen a mother and a son bond like that, something must of happened to this poor female. “I smiled as the baby laid closed to his mother chest” They were both home, together.
#FemaleInTrouble #SaintsNSinners #BDB #SASBDB
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