#lets fucking learn to drive and maybe get a phone and even a job and meet 1 fucking person i could conceivably speak to
mercurialvixen · 5 months
So I've spent the last near decade after my mom died just trying to cease to exist. My only friend is my dog and she is elderly and on her way out. I'm not particularly okay. Trying a momentum thing where I had the revelation, 'what if I just don't lay down and die'. Maybe this will help, maybe not.
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pepprs · 2 years
hm. i think i am going to stop going to counseling. he does not understand me. he pathologizes things that are not pathological.
#purrs#the premises of counseling / therapy are that you need to have boundaries and be self sufficient and fully healed. FUCK THAT! relationships#are not transactions. we are allowed to need each other. we are allowed to blur lines. we are human and messy. our thoughts and feelings ar#PRECIOUS. im not letting go of my thoughts they mean EVERYTHING to me they are the key to the WORLD. im not letting go of redacted why on#EARTH would i stop redacteding to redacted that is HELPFUL for me. i don’t CARE about the roots. who the fuck is it hurting????? NO ONE!!!!#the way he flat out told me he agrees with my mom. bitch im done forever. im done literaly forever. i don’t know how to tell him but im don#forever. maybe it’s just my id which is what he said to me LMFAO and like maybe i just don’t like being uncomfortable or facing hard truths#but i don’t fucking think it’s TRUE!!!!!!!!!! yeah i need to grow yeah i have unhealthy behaviors. but i don’t need to let go of the whole#THING bc of some arbitrary transactional concept of what relationships are supposed to be / mean. ive NEVER had a counselor try to uproot t#the whole damn thing like omg what is WRONG with you. i#im paying this man $25 a week to UNDERSTAND me and not ONCE have i felt understood by him. counselors can disagree with me but i literally#never feel like he is on my side. he’s adhering to conventional ideas about what parents are supposed to be and friends are supposed to be#and work is supposed to be etc etc. and so patronizingly said just enjoy being 23 you don’t wanna waste your 20s! FUCK YOU. i will not#regret anything even if it’s unusual. FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!#and also i know he probably watches back thru the recordings and has like his supervisor and professors watch them too which means that#there is a whole team of scientists + my family studying me in a lab and thinking im insane and finding ways to tell me. but fucking bold o#him to assume he can give me any meaningful valuable insight when he is actively checking his laptop / phone during our sessions and rarely#if eve gives me a chance to drive MY OWN CONVERSATION THAT IM PAYING FOR and is so phony abt being on the recording. like Omg. maybe im jus#grown out of it. it fucking SUCKS bc i actually have things i am not normal about and really need help with and i can’t actually get help f#from ppl whose job it is to fucking help me bc they think im not normal about things i PROMISEEEE i am normal about. and the way i effectiv#effectively told him that and he responded that he can’t take that credibly bc there’s no action behind it BY WHICH HE MEANS I HAVENT#STOPPED REDACTEDING TO ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT REDACTED IN MY WHOLE LIFE? THAT I HAVENT DECIDED IM DONE LEARNING SND GROWING AND CUT IT#OFF?????? DO YOU FUCKING HEAR YOURSELF. INSANE. the ANTITHESIS of human. we are MEANT TO BE CONNECTED. FUCK!!!!!!!!!#delete later#my old counselors challenged me and disagreed with me b it i never felt like they flat out were unwilling to meet me where i am and#compromise with me. is that not what counselors are supposed to do???? or have i just had bad counselors until now??? because im NORMAL. i#swear to fucking god. im normal. im literally normal and it is not doing ANYONE harm. what is wrong with you. GOD
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wheneverfeasible · 1 month
So we all know the mechanic Eddie aus out there, all love a greasy dirty Eddie Munson in coveralls, but what about mechanic Steve?
Steve, who has a nice car, who learned how to take care of it himself. Steve who found that he was actually pretty good with his hands, and a knack for fixing things. He understands cars, likes to tinker with them in his spare time, even if he had to teach himself at first.
Eventually he sees a Help Wanted sign at the mechanic’s and…well, why not? He applies, and he’s inexperienced, but they hire him. He sweeps and keeps things clean and tidy at first, and then he learns some hands-on experience, moves up in the job, and eventually he becomes the guy everyone wants to work on their car.
When the owner retires, it’s Steve who takes over the place, making the shop his own and making certain that it’s a safe place in a town where safety isn’t always guaranteed. The kids he used to babysit who aren’t kids anymore all learn car basics, Steve making certain they’re not caught in a jam and unable to help themselves, especially the girls. In the window, a small picture of Dorothy from Wizard of Oz rests, letting those who know…know.
And then maybe one day rockstar Eddie Munson returns to the small town he blazed out of after finally graduating, packing his shit up and high tailing it outta there like the bats of hell were chasing him. Maybe he’s still driving a shitty van, or maybe he got something a little more fancy. Maybe fame and money got to him a little bit and he’s got some fancy high end sports car and a bit of a dick personality. And this car breaks down. Who does he have to call?
King Mechanics.
And Eddie is huffing and complaining at it all, at his car for crapping out, for being late to meet his uncle, for having to wait for some mechanic to show up. And one does, not too much later after that first annoyed phone call. And the mechanic has surprisingly well-styled hair, and a body firm with muscle, filling out those oil stained coveralls nicely, and maybe Eddie starts to sort of flirt with the guy, until he looks at him properly.
Until he sees it’s Steve fucking Harrington.
And maybe they don’t get along well at first, and it’s all Eddie’s fault really, who is now huffy and puffy about having to deal with King Steve. Steve, on the other hand, is nothing but polite and professional, maybe even friendly. He might have taken back the moniker of king for his shop, might have even taken it as his last name after his parents disowned him when he came out as queer, but he’s far from who he was in high school.
And honestly? Teasing Eddie is kind of fun. Watching him get flustered and annoyed is funny because enough time has passed that Steve is comfortable with who he is and everyone in town knows he’s turned over a new leaf and it’s just amusing watching Eddie not realizing this yet.
They didn’t really have the parts he needs to fix Eddie’s car at the moment, however, so he orders them in. Offers to give Eddie a ride to wherever he needs to go. Maybe even mentions Wayne, with whom he actually got kind of close with, and who sometimes comes around for a cold drink now that he’s retired and has more free time on hand.
Eddie is incensed Wayne never told him he was friendly with King Steve, but Wayne never cared much for gossip, and Steve has been a godsend more than once when Wayne’s old clunker died frequently.
And so Steve and Eddie are thrown together, and Eddie realizes that maybe there’s more to Steve than meets the eyes, and that’s even before he discovers the Dorothy in the window. Sadly, he doesn’t discover it until after he goes on some rant about how Steve is clearly homophobic, but Steve just stares at him amused because he hadn’t even known Eddie was gay back in high school.
Eventually, Eddie realizes he and Steve have more in common than he ever realized. Realizes he’s become the sort of people he always despised and was a bit of an ass. Steve meanwhile was already aware of his crush on Eddie and was merely waiting for the right time to make his move.
Anyways. I just like the idea of done-up Eddie, slick and fancy, and dirty grubby mechanic Steve.
hostage tag: @derythcorvinus
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akirathedramaqueen · 3 months
Some thoughts on the Western Energy trainwreck
Soo, I've come across that post, and... it made me thinking.
Stolas spent there the whole time, not knowing Blitzø *did*, in fact, send help. He assumed he was all alone, although still had some resemblance of hope, a fragile straw he hang on to piss off Striker, allowing to tear up only when one didn't look at him.
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And... hell, I used to see many comments about how Blitzø let him down there... But did he?
Oh course, some think he did, and he surely thinks he did, too. But, although the whole sequence with him and Loona trying to get that S.H.O.T. was a fucking circus and looked like a joke compared to suffers Stolas had to endure and barely survive...
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To be honest, these scenes being put together on surface do, in fact, make it think that the whole Stolas being on the verge of death ordeal is a joke to Blitzø and he would rather spend time running around with big needles and stuff.
If to get back to the phone convo between them at the beginning of the episode, Blitzø mentions that it took him 5 years to book that appointment, and it means a lot for him to not miss it. Missing out on that shot meant to put Loona in potential danger, his daughter, and, although we don't know what kind of shots they were talking about, we know for sure what does missing out on a vaccine schedule could mean in the real world - we tend to forget how dangerous polio, for instance, is, as most of us have access to the vaccine and don't get to experience it not even themselves, but in close vicinity as well. For us, vaccines might seem to be some kind of stupid routine, something we got comfortable with in a privileged world, something which surely could be skipped for a day, right? But in Blitzø's one they are luxury.
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Despite all of that, I also want to put your attention to the fact that he wasn't going to ignore it. He is speeding up, and I think (although it's not expressed explicitly, but not everything should be, right?), that he already made up his mind that Stolas is a priority.
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You are not thinking it's about shots, right? He wasn't that reckless in driving before *that* call.
And! He wasn't even the initiator of Millie and Moxxie going instead of him. *M&M's* were.
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And Blitzø trusts them, because why not? They are his employees, they are skilled and capable, and they are his friends as well, they know that shit is important to him (although he isn't willing to admit it himself).
We see also, how Stolas was admitted to the hospital immediately, which already gives a hint on how different their stance in the world is. I wonder sometimes how it would've turned out if Stolas proposed to Blitzø to use the royal influence to get another appointment shortly after Blitzø saves him, but we know he didn't get much time to even think about that. He wasn't even able to finish the sentence before Striker took his phone off him.
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To be honest, I don't think the outcome itself would have been much different. I don't think Blitzø would've done a better job at saving Stolas, but, maybe, only maybe, he would've felt better because he was, at least, there for him.
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Because you know that shit is going to haunt him till the day he dies. Because it only reassured him that he isn't capable of sticking around for his people.
Because, you know... happened once already.
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No wonder he left Stolas's message on "read". Knowing all things before and after, it's not a surprise that he, tending to take all of responsibility for all the wrongs on himself more than he should to, couldn't face the consequence of what he thinks he failed in. He, speaking figuratively, left Fizz on "read" for 15 years, and he kinda sorted it out only because he couldn't run anymore and had to face the trauma as circumstances didn't give him a chance to chicken out.
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I wonder what he was trying to tell Stolas. But I don't think we will ever get to learn that.
Aw, crap, I am done here, I am going to go and cry for a little bit. Thanks for coming to my ted talk, see ya in like 5 minutes to experience some Full Moon trauma again, because I can't get over these two. XD
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obsessive-valentine · 7 months
How would your oc’s react to a sick reader?
In sickness and in health
General hcs for some of the yanderes, where darling isn’t seriously sick just a fever or bug. Would love to expand on them if anyone’s interested in a certain scenario.
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Barbarian - You woke up feeling awful and weirdly being carried by your ‘husband’ through the camp, it’s still early and very cold but he’s wrapped you up in a blanket. After he woke up and noticed you broke out in a sweat and unusually hot to the touch, he carries you to the camps medic before you have the chance to wake up and understand what’s going on. They prescribe somethings and foods that might move the sickness on quicker and he takes you back to the tent. He still has work to do around camp so he tucks you under the furs tight and stays with you as long as he can ;he works extra hard so he can come back sooner and keep a watch over you while you rest. If it were to get worse he’s stealing medicine from a village or stealing a doctor; holding him captive until your well and letting him go with his life if he succeeds.
Ice Hockey player - He was waiting outside to pick you up and drive you to school, but after his texts go unanswered or opened he knocks on your door. Your parent explains that you’re sick and will be staying home today, so he has to go to school without you and almost worries himself sick too -checking his phone constantly for any messages and counting down the time he has till he can leave and see you. Totally ditches hockey practice if he has one that day and goes straight for your house after picking up your favourite snacks of course. Just hangs around, lingers and worries over you till as late as he can and will sleep on the floor next to you if your parents let him stay the night.
Changeling husband - Stresses the fuck out of this ‘man’. He’s never had to deal with something like this, he can’t get sick in that way and wasn’t interacted in learning about humans so deeply until you came along. So when he woke up to you coughing he falters for a moment, unsure what to do he just rubs your back until the fit is over. He tries to question you, ‘what can he do?’ ‘Why?’ ‘Are you okay?’ But you shrug him off saying is just a common cold, a bit confused whys he’s confused and worried about a seasonal sickness. When you get back to sleep he slips out of bed to sit in the living room with a computer and research remedies and comforts. Puts them all to use in the morning. He’s a bit strict -making sure you don’t make any unnecessary moves but it’s out of concern and love. This also means he’s doing everything for you, even cooking, which he isn’t good at but he’s trying ❤️
Ex-Military-Man - You gotten sick the day before and stayed over at his place so he could take care of you, he insisted because he ‘wouldn’t sleep well knowing how hopeless you are at taking care of yourself’. You wake up to him talking quietly on his phone, when the call ends he explains he’s called out sick of work for you, not giving you a say. He also calls out of any odd job he had booked -and you both spend a peaceful day mostly in bed but then you move to the sofa while he cooks whatever you wish. One of the less worried ones, he just wants to keep an eye on you and make sure you’re not pushing yourself.
Platonic Mad-Scientist - You were meant to be asleep but he could hear from his office that you were still awake, because you were coughing, he thought maybe it was a tickle in your throat so he left you alone but when it got worse he rushed to your room. “What’s going on, you were meant to be asleep a hour ago?” He kept his voice quiet and switched on the nightlight. You explained you couldn’t sleep and didn’t feel well. And after failing to get you to sleep himself by giving you cough medicine, reading you a book, turning on one of the contraptions that he’d made that never failed to get you to sleep before. He gives in and wraps you up in a blanket and takes you downstairs, letting you stay up past your bedtime and watch tv with him for as long as it takes till you fall asleep. He made you, literally, so he knows how to get you feeling better as fast and efficiently as possible, but for now you need to rest.
Farmers darling sick from heat-stroke
Classic Yanderes Darling sick
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pennyserenade · 23 days
thomas shelby nsfw headcanons:
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tommy doesn’t always have to be in control, and he doesn’t always want it, but most of the time he is. if he cares about you and if he really wants you, he deems it his responsibility to care for you. this applies sexually. and much like with his love, sex with tommy can sometimes be a possessive act: telling you you can’t cum until he says; making you touch yourself while he watches; the tender act of asking you to say your his and the less giving one of telling you so, forcing you to agree before he gives you what you want.
he’s not really any exhibitionist, but he thrills at the idea of being heard. in fact, he prefers it. he wants you to sing his goddamn name at the top of your lungs. he wants to fuck you hard against the walls, let you whimper and moan and knock the frames of their nails. somewhere, someplace in that life of his, he learned that being loudest was sometimes the only way to be heard; it bleeds into all facets of his adult life. big house, best horses, all of england, the motorcars, and you, keeping his poor guests up.
he’ll fuck you everywhere, any time of day if you’ll let him. sex to tommy is sometimes an act of slipping out of himself. when he’s stressed or angry, he’ll fuck you and he wants you to fuck him back. ride him until his cock nearly falls off. tug on his hair so sharply the sting causes his eyes to well up. scratch up his back. bite at his lip.
he can be strangely (and sometimes erotically) detached. he will answer a telephone while you’re on top of him, twirling his thumb around your nipple, his eyes on yours. a finger to the lip to tell you shush. sometimes it’s a cruelty, like he’s got better things to do. other times it’s a gift, like nothing in the world could stop him from you and your cunt, not even the phone that he’s got to answer. just be quiet for him and he’ll reward you for your silence. or don’t. make a noise and let him tell you what a dirty whore you can be.
he likes when you dress up. the best sex comes from a good role play scenario with tommy because it’s just another way to take himself out of himself. dress up like a nun and let him finger you while you read a passage of the bible. play maid, clean his office, bend over with no underwear on and he’ll play with your cunt while you organize his desk top. maybe, if you do good, he’ll put you on top of it, lick your cunt until you whimper for doing a better job than any maid he’s ever had before. be the demure, ditsy secretary who scheduled two meetings on the same day, and let him bend you over his knee and reddened your ass cheeks.
thomas can get personal and intimate. sex is not always a way for him to turn off. he can be needy, desperate. he’ll wrap himself around you, press you as close as you can get into him as you ride him. he’ll hold your hand as he ruts into you, brushing his nose alongside your jaw. he’ll go slow, like sex is a ballet you’re practicing, a beautiful twist of muscle and flesh. he’ll trace the arch of your back, the shape of your shoulder, the shadow of your lips. he’ll take your nipple into his mouth and lick at you like he’s mapping and remembering the crevices of you.
sometimes he needs you to tell him what to do. it takes a long time for him to submit to the idea of it, because he doesn’t particularly like how vulnerable it can make him feel. when he is in love with you, it’s simpler for him. if you tell him he’s yours, that there’s no other in the woman who could fuck him like you, that there’s no other woman he wants to fuck like you, it drives him insane. bring him to his knees. pity him. know he kneels at your altar, because even though he does not believe in god, he is reverent.
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sturniolo-rat · 6 months
A Very Matt Morning 2
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Matthew Sturniolo X Reader
Part 1
A/N: listen, part one has exactly 15 notes rn and that’s more than I expected so I will treat you to part 2. This is the sexy part get ready, bby. Also don’t @ me because you don’t think all this can go down in 36 minutes. This piece is auto biographical if you’re a pro lots can happen in 36 minutes. This 100% isn’t proofread.
Contains: big time smut, silly goofy!matt, oral, fingering, p in v sex, lots of dialogue
TW: mentions of working an office job🤢
In which Matt wakes up y/n the right way to prep her for her big day of working at her big girl job.
Five minutes later the order confirmed and set to arrive in 36 minutes. “Just enough time to wake you up the right way” Matt whispers in y/n’s ear.
Y/n releases a frustrated groan “But I should really dressed and I have to respond to this email real quick”. She knows that even waiting for the coffee she’s cutting it close to being late.
“Hush, baby” he touches his finger to her lips. She’s being entirely too reasonable right now but Matt knows what she needs. She has the whole rest of her work day to be responsible and boring. He runs his hand up her thigh and under the extra large t-shirt she uses as pajamas. It’s not his though because he’s actually quite small with a slutty little waist. She stole from an ex boyfriend of hers. Matt doesn’t mind though because one day he’s going to marry her and everyone else will fall away. “I’m just going down here. Don’t worry about what I’m doin. Just take out your phone and answer that little email, okay?”
“Okay” she exhales softly and takes her phone from the bedside table. Rachel from accounting should really learn how to do her fucking job. She’s distracted as he shoves his hand between her legs, covering her heated center with his palm, squeezing gently. He always does this before sex It’s almost like gentle greeting or a quiet hello. Arching her back, she plasters myself into his hand, searching for more contact. "Mmm. I like that."
He strokes her slit through her panties, drawing an oval around it with his finger without actually touching it. Maybe it was because his touch was unhurried, fleeting, and designed to drive her wild, but her panties dampened. Y/n was going through the sweetest of tortures.
“No no, Sweetie. Just write your little email.”
She hits him in the head “How can you expect me to write a clear concise professional email under these conditions.”
He lets out a chuckle “Hey don’t sway me on the head. I’m trying to give you head down here.” He trails kisses up her inner thigh all the way up until he’s nearly where he needs to be. “I can’t give you head if my head hurts. Did you know that?” He does the same to her other thigh “You’re the reason I have to carry around ibuprofen for when I’m ready to be a munch.”
She laughs and her legs shut closed. They weren’t fully open to begin with. She’s still holding onto the idea that she’ll get up and get ready when she finishes her email. “Oh shut up. You love me.”
“Come on, spread your legs.” He coos in a sing song voice. “What… is she shy this morning.” He peppers y/n’s stomach with kisses. “Did you wake up with stage fright… is your pussy anxious?” He teases and she hits him again. “Hey hey cut that out”
He leans in close to her pussy and whispers “Hey, Darlin, I know right she’s sitting there trying to close you off from me. You and I have such a special bond and…”
Y/n raises her voice “Are you talking to my coochie!?”
He looks up at her “Yes, yes I am talking to your coochie. What do you want… this is an A B conversation… C your way out of it and finish your email.” She does as she’s told but he lowers his head and picks up where he left off. “She’s so fucking rude. Like I’m trying to have a conversation… women am I right.” At this point y/n has let her guard down completely and opens her legs for him to have his silly little conversation.
Finally after all his hard work Matt is able to kiss her pussy. He starts off light and gradually gets rougher until his tongue is swirling around her clit. She likes to watch his mouth move. His jawline looks so sharp against the softness of her thighs. He reaches a hand up to massage her breast while the other snakes around her thigh to rest on her tummy. He loves the taste of her and the tenderness of her skin. Y/n’s hands find their way to his head and her fingers tangle into his hair. She’s grinding her pussy onto his lips. To him if feels more like she’s grinding his face into her pussy but that’s neither here nor there.
She’s moaning uncharacteristically loud and he knows it’s time to start licking and teasing her entrance. Y/n knows he’s about to finger her and as if on cue she opens her mouth right as he moves his hand from her breast and puts his middle and index finger in her mouth. He lists his head to say “You’re gonna get these fingers nice and wet for me, Okay.” She nods her head still sucking on his fingers. He lets her suck longer than usual thinking about how her lips would feel around his hard cock. When Matt can focus again he pulls his fingers back and slowly pushes his middle finger into her hole. He groans out of sheer horniness “Oh, come on, you’re sooo tight right now… is she still shy. Fine, hold on, I’ll to talk to her again.” He works his finger in and out of never pushing it in past the knuckle. “ Hey, Lovie, I know it’s really early and obviously you’re having a bit of performance anxiety but you and I know each other. We get along, right? Don’t close me out. Don’t be shy with me.” His finger pushes in just a little bit farther with every thrust until she can take his whole finger. “There we go, baby.” He looks up to y/n “You see, Honey, her and I have reached an understanding.”
Fingering her like this without touching her clit is torturous. She can’t orgasm without clitoral stimulation but it feels good it’s basically like perpetual edging. And he’s making it worse by moaning along with her as if he’s getting off on her pleasure. “Oh yes, oh you are so fucking tight. I am going to lose my mind the moment my tip goes in. Don’t get mad at me if I come right away, okay? I’ll just keep going. You know how much I like to fuck the cum into you.”
“Oh my god!” Y/n says in complete and utter shock as she wacks his head. “That’s too horny for this early in the morning!” She hits him again “Also suck my clit you dickhead!”
“Ouch! Im sorry. Im just havin a little fun! And I’ll get to your clit in a minute” Matt says then goes to do what he was told. He sucks entirely too softly but very passionately. “ Can you take two fingers for me, baby?” She shakes her head. She’s never been one to talk during sex but fuck. Matt does it so well. Matt’s second finger slips in so easily “Oh good girl. That’s more like it one of that being shy bullshit.” His fingers moved faster within her and she moaned as they curled at just the right angle to make her writhe on the bed, panting and moaning. Then he finally does it. He absolutely devours y/n’s clit with his sucking, licking, and moaning. She could feel herself approaching the edge and so could he. “You’re already there, Baby. Come on, cum for me.”
She shoves his face back into her pussy “Shut up and keep sucking!” All this talk is so hot but it sure as shit does feel better than cuming. Her thighs quaked, bracketing his ears. Her fingers in his hair, tugging viciously. Matt went harder, rougher, latching on to one of her tits through her top and pinching her nipple. Her eyes popped open and looked at him behind a curtain of innocent lust. The climax seized every muscle in her body head to toe. An odd sensation-of floating in warm water-conquered her. She rocked back and forth against his face, unraveling inch by delicious inch.
“Do you feel awake now, Darlin?” He says with a grin.
Y/n sighs with a laugh “Yes, Matty baby, I am very much awake.”
“Can you keep going? Or is that too much for you?”
“Oh course I can. After my super awesome morning orgasm I can do almost anything.” She jokes but she also genuinely feels that way. Maybe her day won’t be so bad.
Matt moves so that he’s above her using his hands to hold himself up. She squeaks, hips bucking slightly, and feels his hardness press up against her inner thigh. He reaches his hand down to rub his cock against her sensitive folds, and she releases a gasp at the sensation.
“I knew from how fucking wet you felt.” He groans as he pushes himself in farther. “You would milk my fucking dick but Jesus Christ” She gasps slightly, her cheeks reddening at the feeling of arousal welling up within her at his words. He bottoms out with moan from deep in his chest. She feels so full and whole. Slowly he starts to fuck her. Each thrust eliciting a whiny bordering on pathetic moan from him. He really isn’t going to last long.
Her legs wrap around him and pull him close. “Fuck that’s not fair you can’t pull me into you like that.” It’s so tight and warm inside her cunt it feels like a second home. His thrusts get sloppier and more needy as he approaches his climax. “Look at me. Look me in my fucking eyes while I fill you up.” She looks at him with pleading eyes. She really wants to watch him cum and watch his face twist in pleasure and pain as he continues to fuck her with his overstimulated cock.
He comes with a powerful grunt but he keeps up his pace and doesn’t stop bucking into her until hurts more than it feels good. He collapses on top of y/n and she kisses him on the forehead. “Do YOU feel awake now, Darlin?”
“Could take on the world, my love.”
They sit there cuddling for a while until she gets an email from work. There’s more bullshit to respond to and a world or responsibilities to get back to. Matt however is asleep. It seems he did not in fact feel awake. Y/n leaves him to his sleep and prepares for work. When she finally opens the door to leave there are two Dunkin’ coffee cups sitting on the welcome mat outside.
pls give me feedback. Like should I do the thing where they make the dialogue different colors? Or maybe should I write in a different pov? Any other suggestions?
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ghost-likes-drawing · 5 months
Just Wish I knew what caused it
(Fitpac exs to lovers)
Ch. 1 (to be named maybe)
Next Chapter
Translations done with assistance from: @caracolast (Portuguese) @keezers and @iridescentpull (Spanish)
Fit was driving along the interstate in silence…. okay mostly silence.
The Radio had given out about an hour beforehand and Ramon was sitting in the passengers seat fixing it; which wasn't all that quiet.
Fit was almost thankful for the lack of music, even if it did mean he couldn't stop thinking, because at least that meant he could wear his prosthetic arm and keep control of the wheel. With this distraction Ramon wasn't itching to take it apart again.
Fit’s mind was wandering, thinking about the circumstances he'd ended up in.
A single father traveling halfway across the country in the middle of summer to live on a ranch with strangers; one of which he had possibly fought in a war with.
The only reason he was even entertaining the idea was because Phil had suggested it.
And the only reason he was going is that he ran out of ways to avoid it.
He had no job, no extended family, and his savings were dwindling fast.
Phil had called Cellbit last week asking if he still needed more hands and if he had space for them.
A few days later, Fit and Ramon had as much of their life as they could fit in the back of their truck, that was almost twice Ramon's age, and were off to California. Everything else of value they managed to get in storage and Fit had a Trust to keep that paid for a while.
And as he thought about how he'd even get their stuff, he realized he didn't ask nearly enough questions. He knew he name of the guy who agreed to hire him; Cellbit. He knows he has kids near Ramon's age and that he is married but to who? Phil mentioned another hand who lived there but through the frenzy Fit didn't at all hear who it was and based on how Phil was talking about it, maybe he was supposed to know one or both of them? And if he didn't were they trustworthy? Were any of them? Fit had already been thinking of that anyway. He didn't care much if something happened to him but if something happened to Ramon, his beautiful baby boy, a gift from heaven, Fit could never-
There's a sudden loud static noise before some cheesy pop song that Fit doesn't know starts playing. The volume is turned down, “Finally! Fuck… look Fit I got it.” Ramon proudly lifted up the radio for Fit to see out of the corner of his eye before Ramon put the Radio back in its spot in the dash.
Fit smiled letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding “Hey good job kid… you're going to make a lot of money one day, just don't forget about me when you're a rich and famous mechanic.” He ruffled Ramon’s hair and Ramon laughed.
“I could never. I learned everything from fixing your shit” Ramon scoffed, smiling before flipping down the visor and opening the mirror.
Ramon gently traced his fingers over his upper lip examining it excitedly. Ramon had wanted a mustache since he was 5 and he finally had some dark lip hair develop after his 15th birthday.
Fit was excited for him. Even if it would come with the discussions of how the hell do you even maintain and clean facial hair. Fit had personal experience and it could be a hassle.
“How much farther do we have?” Fit asked after a bit getting worried they somehow missed the exit.
Ramon checked his phone which was navigating them; “5 miles to the exit, then another 10 till we're actually there. It'll be about 20 minutes”
Fit nodded appreciatively. “Alright then.” he mentally calculated which lanes he should get in and when based off the traffic level in each. “You excited? There's bound to be plenty of stuff that could use your touch.”
Ramon nodded but even only half looking Fit could tell something was off. “…Tallulah and Chayanne wouldn't lie to you about the kids you know”
“I know… it's just a lot of change… and… I still feel like it's my fault.” Ramon shrugged
“Ramon…” Fit cooed in his usual tone when he's trying to be assuring
“I know… I know. You're the one who wore the wrong arm and then lost the data but just-” Ramon faltered
“Ramon, this could have happened without you being around. And honestly my arm was a bad place to store the data I don't know why he insisted upon it.” Fit put his hand on Ramon's shoulder “This isn't a ‘you’ problem. I have it handled now, and if this doesn't work out I'll get us a cheap camping spot and I'll find something eventually.”
Ramon nodded “alright” he hummed and looked out the window “Thanks, dad”
Fit smiled feeling that maybe this time Ramon would internalize it.
Soon they were off the interstate and driving straight until they got to the Ranch. Waiting to meet them was a man Fit hoped was Cellbit, with a child who Fit thought couldn't be older than 6 and an older child that seemed to be around Ramon's age.
The older one was sitting on the fence, swinging his legs. He wore a yellow and green Jersey for a team Fit didn't recognize but seemed to have a Brazilian flag on it. His eyes were covered by his curly hair that he seemed perfectly content on leaving despite acting like a lookout. He was wearing shorts and one of his socks seemed to go up higher than the other. Fit thought this looked odd…
The younger kid, who was using the paved road just inside the fenced area of the ranch to skateboard, was wearing a red and white striped shirt that was definitely to big for him as you could only just see his shorts even though they went to his knees. His knees were covered by his pads, the kid was also wearing a helmet that covered most of his hair but it seemed to have a curl of its own.. He did note this kid probably had the largest pair of glasses he ever saw on someone under 18. The kid almost looked like Where’s Waldo.
The adult, who appeared to be taking a break from his own skateboard, wore a white tank top and brown pants with a green long sleeve tied around his hips. The back of his brown hair, that was graying in the front, was pulled back and he seemed to be enjoying the sun. He turned as he heard Fit’s truck pull up and stop before the gate. He smiled and climbed over and hopped down.
The older kid went to hop down as well but the man clearly recognizing it before it could happen stopped him “Richarlyson! Tua perna não aguenta isso! Não pula dessa altura.”
The kid, Richarlyson, frowned climbing down instead and walked over to stand next to the man. Fit put the car in park and got out. “Hello, my name is Fit. I got hired to work here, I'm looking for Cellbit?”
The man smiled and offered his hands “I'm him, It's nice to meet you, Fit” he looked him over, his eyes eventually landing on his prosthesis “Nice arm, who do you get them from?”
Fit looked at his arm “oh. Uh my son actually made this one, I had kept a bunch of my old arms in a box and he managed to put this together for my birthday one year.”
“Que massa! My Pai made my leg!” Richarlyson proudly proclaimed pulling up his shorts to show where flesh met the sleeve of a prosthetic. That “sock” was not a sock at all but metal painted fully black and honestly it looked very well made.
“Oh wow” Fit looked to Cellbit impressed but Cellbit shook his head.
“Ah! Não sou eu. that's someone else. I mean I am his Pai but not the one who made the leg.” Cellbit chuckled putting an arm on Richarlyson’s back.
Now that Fit was closer, the scars that littered Cellbit’s arm’s and face became more obvious. That was a war veteran if he ever saw one.
“So kid,… uh how old are you?” Fit asked, that was a question you were supposed to ask kids you don't know right?
“14” Richarlyson answers. “You?”
Fit pauses, that's not usually how these conversations go, but before he can answer
"¡Apa Cellbi! ¿Puedo ir y decir hola?" The younger child called
Cellbit waved him over.
The kid took his helmet off and crawled through the fence before running up and hugging Cellbit “Hello!”
“This is my youngest, Pepito” Cellbit introduced
“Aww, hello Pepito, my Name is Fit.”
Pepito pointed to the truck “Who’s he?”
Every one looked to see and Ramon waved through the window realizing he was being stared at.
“That's my son Ramon. He's a bit shy” Fit explained
“Oh okay…” Pepito nodded “I like his hair.”
“I’ll tell him you said so” Fit assured.
“Let me go open the gate and you can drive up to the house” Cellbit said “we’ll catch up”
Fit nodded “I mean, I can drive you. The only stuff in the back passenger area is a couple of suitcases and a cooler that can be put in the back since we're here now.”
Cellbit nodded “Alright, thanks, thank you.”
Cellbit had the kids move to the side and then hopped the gate before getting it open. Fit got back in his truck and after explaining to Ramon, he slowly drove through, the kids walked in and Cellbit closed the gate before Fit got out of truck to move the bags.
Ramon got out too. “Hey Fit” Ramon said grabbing his bag and keeping his voice low.
“Yes, my child?”
Ramon held back a huff “I can sit in the back with the kids” he offered
“You sure?” Fit asked, in Fit’s mind the truck was more Ramon’s then it was his own. Sure Fit bought it well before Ramon was something he even dreamed of having in his life but it only still ran because Ramon had got really into machines at age five. Ramon was his go-to mechanic since he turned eight. When Ramon was ten, Fit adapted his Will to specifically say the truck was not to be sold till Ramon decided. If felt wrong to sit Ramon in the back.
“I'm sure. It's a short drive. Makes you look better if your son has manners anyway.” Ramon nudged Fit with his shoulder
Fit nodded and patted Ramon’s shoulder before everyone filed into the truck.
Since Pepito was so young and Also small for his age, he sat upfront in Cellbit’s lap while Ramon and Richarlyson sat in the back. They were at the house in less than 2 minutes.
“So you're going to just pull up here. There's been a change of plan unfortunately.” Cellbit stated.
Fit stopped the truck and looked to Cellbit, worried.
“The guest house we'd usually have you stay in had a pipe burst and it flooded 2 days ago. It's still getting maintenance.” Cellbit explained “so for the time being you'll be in the guest room in the main house. It does lock” he said assuredly seeing Fit tense up.
Fit nodded. That was fine wasn't too bad, they'd manage. “Thanks for the heads up” he turned the truck off and got out.
As soon as Pepito was allowed to get out he ran into the house to go put the skateboarding things away. Cellbit chuckled and got out as well.
Ramon and Richarlyson waited a second but they didn't have much to stay in the car for, so they followed their dads.
“Mr. Cellbit?” Ramon piped up.
“Hm, yes?” Cellbit looked at him “what is it?”
“If you need help with the pipes situation I might be able to lend a hand” Ramon offered “I'm pretty handy”
Cellbit smiled “that's good to know but I think we got things under control"
“Yea my Pai is handiling it!” Richarlyson smiled “he's pretty good with that stuff.”
“It's true. I'm lucky to have him around” Cellbit shrugged “but hey, maybe he’ll want the help. We can always ask”
The door to the house opened “Cellbit, 'cê não me contou que o funcionário novo 'tava aqui” the door closed.
Fit thought the voice sounded familiar but… no that couldn't be. He looked up to see his new co-worker.
“Foi mal, Pac,” Cellbit states although whatever else he says was drowned out in Fit’s brain as he locks eyes with Pac for the first time in over a decade.
This couldn’t be happening… right? This was all a weird fucked up dream.
“Pai!” Richarlyson runs up to meet Pac pulling him into a hug that disrupts Pac’s eyes from looking into Fit’s as Pac hugs Richarlyson back “Olha pro braço do cara novo! Ele disse que o filho dele que fez, igual você fez minha perna!"”
And the nightmare gets worse as the realization dawns on him that not only has he disturbed his Ex’s peace half way across the country, but that Pac’s husband is his employer. “That’s just great”, Fit thinks.
Fit adjusts his shirt some and finally averts his gaze. Yep, he only feels the shirt in his right hand, he’s wide awake.
“Do you two know each other?” he hears Cellbit ask as the world goes back into focus.
“Oh uh, yea we did.. once..” Fit responds, not daring to lie
“Don't worry about it” Pac adds “it was a while ago.” But Pac’s face hides nothing in this moment. He's not happy. “I'm going back to fixing the guest house” And Pac kisses the top of Richarlyson’s head before walking off.
Without his permission, Fit’s eyes follow Pac .
If Cellbit knows what's happening he saves Fit the embarrassment of making it clear. “Come on. You're probably tired from all the driving. Let’s go get you two settled”
He pats Fit’s back hard enough to bring his attention back to the present and helps them get their bags before he leads him and Ramon inside. Pepito is coloring at the table and Ramon smiles and waves as they pass.
Cellbit leads them upstairs and to a room that's the most separated from the rest on that floor. “Com licença, I need to get the door unlocked”
He counts five bedroom doors and one labeled bathroom plus the one him and Ramon will be sharing for the time being and Fit starts trying to work out who they belong to. Just to keep his bearings. Only two of the doors actually seem to lock so one is probably Cellbit and Pac's while the other probably belongs to the other ranchhand he hasn’t met yet. One of the doors has a little pillow on the outside meant for teeth when parents don't want to risk waking their kids up by going under the pillow. That's probably Pepito’s. One of the blank door’s is probably Richarlyson’s but then who's the other belong to?
Cellbit finally managed to unlock the door, “Entendi!” He hands the key to Fit. Cellbit holds the door for Ramon and Fit as they shuffle in and put their bags to the side. It was a nice room, Decently decorated, there was a photo of an older gentleman labeled “Alfredo” on the bedside table that caused Cellbit to sigh "ai meu Deus...” he rolled his eyes and grabbed it “sorry I thought I cleared all the photos out, my husband must have snuck back in here and left this as a joke.”
Fit nodded not getting the joke himself “No worries. Thank you so much again for this. You have no clue what this means to me”
“Of course, of course, veterans have to look out for eachother.” Cellbit shrugged “and honestly you're saving my ass, we really need the help”
Fit nods and Cellbit leaves them to unpack
“That guy, Richarlyson’s other Pai.. you knew him, more then you let on.” Fit looked to Ramon “didn't you?”
Fit paused but before he could answer he was getting a call and used that as an excuse to avoid the question “one sec Ramon, Hello?”
“Hey Fit, haven't heard from you since you left just making sure you're safe.” It was Phil, he could have checked he just forgot.
“Oh yea… things are good… We got here safe, everyone's been nice…” Fit nodded
“Seeing Pac bothered you more then you thought it would huh?” Phil hummed sympathetically
“You knew?!” Fit demanded
“ I told you! How did you miss that!?” Phil demanded back
Fit paused and the more he thought about it the more of that conversation felt like a blur “You-!… you… probably did…” Fit sighed “yea it shocked me…”
Fit could hear Phil frown “I'm sorry Mate.., would you have not gone if you realized?”
Fit thought about it “no I would have… just would have been nice to be more prepared, it's my own fault I didn't pay attention” he chuckled. Ramon sat down on the bed testing its comfort.
Phil hummed “yea kinda is.” He said in his usual smug tone that at least caused Fit to laugh “but seriously, you going to be alright? It's a big change”
“Yea we’ll be alright don't you worry” Fit assured
“Alright, just remember if you need to talk-”
“I know I know” Fit interrupted “alright old man get back to your kids and let me get back to mine”
Phil scoffed to hide his laugh “yea whatever. Talk soon”
“Talk soon” and Fit hung up
Ramon looked up at him “didn't you” he repeated less a question and more of a reminder.
Fit frowned “well if you have to know, Drama Queen, yes I did. But it doesn't matter. Please drop it.”
Ramon seemed unsatisfied with the answer but shrugged “fine, that picture of the old guy was a really weird joke though right?”
Fit smiled “totally weird. Also ‘Alfredo’?”
Ramon chuckled and nodded “double weird”
Fit chuckled back.
Things just seemed to get complicated whereever Fit goes. But maybe this time… maybe this time things will just be okay.
Please point out any weird looking errors if you see them so I can fix them. I did get this beta's like twice and I found 3 different problems while making this post.
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octuscle · 1 year
I'm 21 and working on building sites. It's a really hard job but school wasn't my favourite. I'd likte to work with my hands. Sometimes we're working besides or in direct view of these big advertising boards seeing the young models for calvin kline, tommy hilfiger and so on. Then I dream to be a model myself like them. Ok, it's not working with my hands but withy body. Is there a chronivac model agency helpping me change my job?
Well… I'll see what I can do… I mean, you don't look bad… But I'll see what I can do.
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When you look at the big billboard across from the construction site the next morning, you can't help but reach into your pants and massage your cock. Fuck, the guy in the photo is already an extremely handsome guy. A bit smooth, a bit effeminate. But he certainly gets every chick. And every guy. Fuck, that makes you so horny. You need to jerk off urgently on the porta-potty. But now to work. And if you don't work, at least drive the apprentices. The job as foreman has its advantages. If need be, you can let others do your work.
During your lunch break, you can get a salad at the deli around the corner. And a large mineral water. And after lunch, you do a few pull-ups on a scaffold. The other guys here could really do more for themselves. Only hard work does not form a perfect body. And smoking and drinking beer don't help at all. Anyway, it's not your business. Everyone as he wants.
After work you go to the pool. It's just part of your daily routine. Relaxes the body. Challenges your body. Shapes your body. And since you don't usually get to it in the morning before work, you shave after your hour of freestyle swimming and apply body lotion to your body. You save the styling of your hair. Just a hair treatment. You will now eat a bowl and drink two liters of water. And then to bed. Eight hours of sleep is your minimum.
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You start your next working day with a selfie. In the morning there is no dust on your skin. That's how your followers like you. A little bit the guy from the construction site, a little bit the dreamy boy. Before you even put your phone back in your pocket, you have two dozen likes. And a scolding from your foreman. Maybe the diva can lend a hand. They're real rednecks. Somehow you don't belong here.
During your lunch break, you go through your messages. Strike! An invitation to a casting. Your big dream comes true. This is your ticket to the red carpet to the world of the rich and beautiful. But first you have to raise a wall. You are still dreaming your dream.
The next morning you ask yourself whether you should have learned a real job. Get up at 4:00 a.m., an hour at the gym, and at 6:00 a.m. the first photo shoot. You have to laugh at yourself. What kind of real job should you be doing? You have everything you always wanted. Living in hotels and airports. Tons of followers and fans. You're booked solid for the next 14 months.
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But sometimes it's really exhausting to be yelled at by a photographer in the morning sun, to finally look a little bit dreamier. But what won't you do for $1,000 an hour?
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bright-and-burning · 26 days
dropping some treats from this au onto the dash Very Carefully. enjoy!!!
“Pierre just started work at Esteban’s firm, you know,” George says, setting his beer down on a coaster. A signal, that his monthly update on their friends (and enemies, after a few drinks) has begun.
“Got him the job, or failed at keeping him from getting it?” Lando asks.
It’s all public on LinkedIn, he’d even dropped a like on Pierre’s post last week, scrolled the comments for Esteban’s name, but it’s more fun, letting George put on his show. Playing up his reactions, setting George up for the reveals. Alex never checks LinkedIn, anyways.
Alex elbows Lando lightly, drink swishing dangerously close to the edges of his glass.
“Hey, maybe they’ve changed, you never know. Three years, that’s a long time.”
Lando’s face scrunches up in disbelief without his permission.
“To go from screaming at each other on the quad to pleasant coworkers? Think they need more than three years, mate.”
Alex laughs.
George knocks his knuckles against the table, drawing his audience back in.
“And they’re in the same department. Bridge design, or something.”
“Guess I won’t be driving over the river any time soon,” Alex says. “Anything else? Still no news from Logan?”
“No, he’s still offshore somewhere. Pretty sure he’s back in the land of the living next month, though.”
“And, uh,” Alex pauses, eyes darting towards Lando.
Lando’s good at this bit. Ignoring the awkward pauses in George’s monthly updates on their friends (and, after a few drinks, enemies) from school. He tips his chin down, junk email from Adobe suddenly riveting.
The silence stretches, longer than normal. Lando is learning quite a bit about the webinars Adobe offers. They’re going all-in on generative AI from the looks of it, the morons. Weekly fifteen minute conversations on how they’re using it and everything.
There’s quite a lot of cut-off motion in his peripheral. George’s face is going to get stuck like that if he doesn’t stop.
Lando puts down his phone.
“And Osc-ar is moving back to start his masters in CS. Same program as me. I check my email too, you know.” Lando clears his throat, ignoring the way he’d stumbled over his name. “Drinks, anyone?”
He doesn’t wait for a response, standing and walking to the bar. Lando could rattle their drink orders off half asleep anyways. Doesn’t need to sit around while they frantically communicate with their eyes, trying and failing to act normal. They can whisper-scream at each other when he’s not at the table. His gift to them. Drinks on him, and a few minutes to pull it together.
Lando closes his eyes as the bartender pours their drinks. He can act normally about this. He’s going to have to act normally about this, if he wants to survive it.
God. Back to school with Oscar Piastri.
Like being nineteen and fucking stupid again. Or twenty-two and even fucking stupider.
The sound of their drinks hitting the bar top shakes him from his thoughts.
“-eaves the room whenever he’s even mentioned, and now they’re gonna be in the same-“ Alex cuts himself off as Lando returns.
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whatitsdecending · 1 year
Chokehold: Pt. III
Vessel x Reader x Noah Sebastian
Disclaimer: I do not know anything more about Vessel than you do, all of this is fiction.
Word Count: 5.7k
Content warning: smut, smut and more smut. Biting, choking, dominate reader, dominate Vessel, submissive reader, submissive Vessel, edging, unprotected sex (wrap it up please, don’t be stupid like this).
The soft light filtering through the curtains pulled you out from your sleep. You stared at the environment around you, and for a split second you’d forgotten where you were. Once your brain cleared up that bit of fog you snorted at your slight stupidity. You rolled yourself over to the side of the bed that had the clock on the table next to it, 12:52 pm is what it read. A sigh escaped from you as you never let yourself sleep so late, but you came to realize if you’d forced yourself up at the normal time you definitely would’ve hated yourself for it later.
You rolled out of bed and to the window, drawing the curtains and letting the white light flood the room. From between the blinds you could see that snow now covered the ground, and it was still falling at a light rate. You adored whenever it snowed back home, especially the first dusting that just covered everything in white and seemed to bring a different brightness to the world around you.
A soft smile was stuck on your face for the entirety of your morning routine, in the shower and in front of the mirror as you did your skincare. You couldn’t wait to get outside to take in the scenery, you kinda hoped Vessel would join you.
Vessel. You haven’t heard a sound from him this morning, not even the creaking of his footsteps in the hallway or the sound of him in the kitchen. Maybe he was still asleep? You never really figured out if he had a set time he’d wake up, although he would typically go to sleep later whenever you spoke on the phone.
You went with the idea that he was still asleep, so when you left the room you quietly made your way downstairs, doing as much as you can from waking him up with a creak on the stairs. The house was very quiet and the lights were all off, allowing the natural lighting to do its job. It was peaceful. Your apartment wasn’t as quiet as Vessel’s home, only because the walls were thin and your neighbors were loud. Living in the middle of nowhere seemed like the thing you needed to do.
With it being past 1pm already, you decided the window for breakfast was closed and that having lunch would be a much better option. You walked into the kitchen and almost leapt out of your skin when you saw Vessel sitting at the table reading a book.
“Jesus Christ.” You breathed, clutching your heart as it beat rapidly. “You scared the fuck out of me, Ves!” He placed a bookmark between the pages he was on and closed the book, a look of amusement on his face. “Oh so you think that’s funny.” You crossed your arms in a sassy manner.
“Yes I do actually, you got so scared of me just relaxing in my home.” He responds, placing the book on the edge of the table. His eyes wandered outside to the snow that was falling. “Did you see the snow?”
You stepped closer to the window. “I did. Instantly put me in a good mood the second I saw it.” That same smile from earlier sat on your face again and the urge to go run outside grew stronger.
“You like snow?”
“Oh I love it. It’s one of my favorite parts about winter.” You expressed. He stared at you with wonder in his eyes, taking in your body language as you spoke. The excitement truly radiated off you like a little kid who just learned that a snow day had been implemented and they can spend the entire day at the local sledding hill with their friends. “Do you?”
“I only hate shoveling and driving in it, otherwise it is quite beautiful.” Vessel said as he rose from his seat, picking up the book to put it back into its rightful place in his collection. With your eyes stuck on the snow outside, he came up behind you and placed a heavy coat over your shoulders.
“What’s up with the coat?” You asked, turning around to see him lacing up a pair of heavier boots and a jacket resting on the table.
“Thought you’d maybe want to go outside and sit in the snow together…” He trailed off at the end of the sentence, glancing up at you. “If not, that's totally okay… I can get the leftovers from last night out-”
You pulled the coat over your arms. “I would fucking love to.” Realizing you didn’t have your boots, you rushed back upstairs to your room to put them on. Your heart raced as you tied the boots up as quickly as possible, hands shaking from the lack of nutrients in your body; but you didn’t care. The last time someone ever invited you to sit in the snow was years ago in elementary school. So at your age, this really was an invitation you could not decline.
Running back down the stairs while your boots loudly echoed against the wood, buttoning up the coat as you sped back to the kitchen. Vessel had an amused look on his face once again as you returned, leaving you to throw your hands up in defeat.
“What now?” You asked.
He chuckled. “You need to see how ridiculous you look in my coat.” He pointed over to a mirror that was just a few steps away, leaving you curious to just how stupid you look. Yeah, he was right. You definitely looked ridiculous. The coat hung down to your knees and the sleeves swallowed your hands, with where your boots ended on your legs it made you look shorter than you were.
“Eh, at least I’ll be warm.” You shrugged, pulling the hood over your head and adding to the look. The edge of the hood covered your eyes and you had to tilt your head up in order to see Vessel, he was just shaking his head at you and unlocking the door to the yard. “Are you regretting letting me stay with you now?” You followed him outside, the chill of the air hitting the part of your face that wasn’t covered.
“Nope.” He said. “I’m actually enjoying it.” You flashed a big smile at him and earned a chuckle in response. Taking big steps through the snow, you stayed quiet to determine if the snow was heavy or not. The crunching beneath your feet gave you the answer you needed.
“This snow is perfect for a snowman.” You blurt out, kicking a small pile that had built up. “If you want to build one with me.” You turned back around to face Vessel, noticing he had both hands behind his back and the most devious look you’ve ever seen on his face. “Oh no-” Was all you barely managed to get out before a snowball came barreling at you. You turned to the side quickly as a reflex, letting it hit your arm. “So you want to play that game?”
His laugh filled the air and added to the playful energy between you two. You bent over to scoop snow into your hands, mashing it together into a ball and whipping it at him. It hit him directly in the center of his chest, making him stumble back a bit.
“Goddamn you have an arm. What did they have you doing on tour?”
“Lifting the heavy shit the guys can’t.”
He grinned. “Of course.” He already had another snowball ready to go and launched it at you, missing by an inch. You laughed at him for it and threw another snowball that hit his shoulder. He stood there staring at you, a bit of defeat showing on his face.
“Oh, did you give up already? Didn’t think you were the type to give up so easily.” You egged him on, trying to get under his skin so he’d continue the fight. He raised his brows in a playful way taking a step forward in the snow before taking off in a sprint towards you. You had zero time to react due to how quickly he came up on you, all you could do was brace for him to impact your body. His arms wrapped around you quickly before the rest of his body hit yours, knocking you to the soft ground.
Your breath hitched as you made contact with it. You noticed Vessel had moved one of his hands to rest against the back of your head, making sure you didn’t smack it too hard. He pushed the hood of the coat up so he could see your eyes, but the second you made eye contact you started laughing. It was amusing that he just slammed into you like a linebacker into the snow. He couldn’t help but laugh along with you, the glimmer of the snow and pure joy reflecting in his eyes and leaving you to just stare in awe.
He calmed down the moment he realized your mind had switched to something else. “You okay? I didn’t hit you too hard did I?”
You shook your head. “No… I’m okay. I’m just-” You couldn’t bring the words together, it wouldn’t come out of your mouth the way you wished it would.
“Need me to get off?” He asks, starting to move off of you and the look of worry starting to creep onto his face. Just as his chest lifted from yours, you subconscious reached up for the collar of his coat and pulled him back down to you, pressing your lips against his. The softness of his lips were all you could’ve dreamed of, the way they pushed so gently against yours allowed the butterflies that were being held back to be freed.
You kissed for what felt like only seconds before he pulled away and the ache for air dragged at your lungs. You took a deep breath and could only stare up at him as he hovered only inches away from your face. He pushed himself up off of you and reached out for your hand, drawing you up once you placed your hand in his.
He seemed to be studying your face as his hand rested against your cheek. You watched as his eyes were locked on your lips and he ran his thumb over them. “You’re turning blue.” His words slipped from your mind before he pulled you close to him. “Y/N, your lips are turning blue.” Vessel walked you back to the house, stomping the snow off his boots and you doing the same. “Come with me.” He says, guiding you through the house into a room you have yet to see. A beautiful velvet couch sat in front of a large brick fireplace, more books littered around the room. This room seemed more lived in than the rest of his home, it had a more comfortable atmosphere to it as well.
Vessel had you sit on the floor in front of the fireplace, taking the wet coat off your body and replacing it with a blanket. He quickly removed your boots and placed them off to the side. You watched with awe stuck on your face, he just did all of that without you even asking.
His face lightened as he lit a match for the fireplace, throwing it onto the logs already resting in it. The fire slowly came to life, adding a warm glow to the room around you. Vessel stepped out of the room for a moment, coming back in just his clothes from earlier. He sat down beside you, glancing at the color of your lips before rubbing your hands between his. He was extremely warm, the heat coming from the fireplace and his body was enough to keep you from shivering.
“You warming up okay?” He asked, a genuine expression on his face.
“Mmhm.” You responded and watched as he poked at the fire a bit. “You didn’t have to do all of this for me.”
“You were turning blue, Y/N. Why wouldn’t I make sure you didn’t freeze on me?” He said, the slightest bit of a “duh” tone ringing out.
“Are you sassing me Ves?” You pretended to be offended and clutched at your heart.
“I can get sassy if you want me to.” He joked. You shook your head at him and turned your gaze back on to the fire in front of you. It danced around as the logs burned, the smell filling the room and bringing you to a calm place. Your mind had been going insane since the kiss you had with Vessel, the fact that he put so much care into you after you started getting too cold made it so much worse. Each little thing he did, from removing your boots to replacing the damp coat with a blanket, had your heart flipping around inside of you. It was these small gestures he seemed to do without any hesitation that made you want it all from him, everything he could ever offer to you, you’d take. You’d take it all so fast, but at the same time it scared you. Things were changing and changing rapidly. If you had asked yourself four months ago if you’d see your future self in a position like this, you definitely would’ve said no. From how things were going for you at that time, keeping your extremely casual relationship with Noah going for however long you both needed was the furthest you were willing to go at the time.
Noah. You’d completely forgotten you had promised to call him back… he probably thinks you’re dead at this point. A deep sigh escaped you at the promise you remembered, now felt the guilt creeping up your spine.
“Hey Ves?” You broke the silence, taking your mind out of the forest of thoughts it was just in.
“Hmm?” He mumbled. He lingered close to you, something you hadn’t noticed until now. His arm was draped lazily behind you and pulling you closer to him. The ability to ask the question you’d originally gained his attention for had suddenly gone away, you couldn’t seem to form the necessary words to say. You could feel his eyes on you as he waited for you to say something; they burned into you deeper than the fire ever could.
Instead of asking what you originally wanted to, you decided to ask another question that had been on your mind since September. “Do you remember when we first met?”
“There’s always been something I’ve wanted to ask you, especially now with how things have come between us.” You felt him shift his body weight in order to get a better look at you, raising his brow as he waited for the question. “What exactly did you mean by “one on one”? Was it just going to be something random like what me and Noah had been doing or…” You trailed off from there, turning and meeting his gaze. “Or am I reaching too far now.”
“You’re not reaching at all darling.” His voice soothed you. Bringing that up had been something dragging you down for a little while, especially when it became clear that Vessel was turning into a more special person in your life. “I remember leaving you that note with the intention of getting to know you better. The moment I saw you I just had to do it… even though I didn’t know the full extent of what was going on between you and Noah until you had explained it later on to me. It was a risk I was willing to take.”
“Are you still willing to take it?” You whispered just above the crackling of the fire. He held his gaze on yours for a long time, until his eyes started lingering on your lips. Your eagerness got the best of you, knowing damn well he could sit and stare for hours and torture your body by not touching you. You ripped the blanket off your shoulders, letting it fall to the floor before climbing onto his lap and pushing your lips on his. The desperation in this kiss compared to the one you shared in the snow was mind boggling, he was just as desperate for your lips now as you were for his.
His hands furiously tugged at your shirt, giving you the opportunity to pull away for a second and take it off. For just a moment his eyes glowed at the sight of the one part of your body he had yet been able to see. He leaned forward to attach his lips to your neck as his hand that had been placed on your back masterfully unhooked your bra. After you let the garment drop from your body, his other hand instinctively took hold of your left breast and massaged it gently. The stimulation of his lips against your neck on top of this had you moaning, your head leaned back to give him all the access he wanted to your neck. His teeth grazed along your skin and sent a shiver down your spine that made your hips buck.
“You like that huh?” He quipped, leaving another kiss against your neck. “Do you want me to mark you up darling?” A whine left your lips as a response, leaving him to chuckle at how desperate you are for him. He trailed up your neck before finding the area he wanted to mark, he licked it meticulously before sinking his teeth into you. Your body didn’t know how to react to that feeling, a new sensation that trickled through your nerves and sent your brain into overdrive.
“Oh fuck, Ves.” You breathed, gripping the back of his neck to drive him closer to you. He pushed his body up from the sitting position he had been in and began to push you gently down against the floor, his hand never leaving the spot on your back. After you’d laid down, Vessel pulled away to take his shirt off and revealed that physique you had grown to miss. He was glowing with the light from the fire bouncing off his skin, and in that moment it seemed you were about to sleep with a God.
He leaned down to connect your lips once again, this time with a more fiery passion than before. His tongue pushed into your mouth, letting yours fight against his. In the battle for dominance over your mouth, his hand made its way to the spot on your back to push your chest into his. His skin was warm and soft against yours, the heat from the fireplace adding to what radiated off him.
Vessel pulled away from the kiss and sat back on his feet, his hands going to your jeans to undo them and pull them off your legs. He stared at the laced panties you chose to wear that day, the lust that filled his eyes as it took every bit of patience in him to not rip them off of you. His fingers delicately slipped under the fabric that wrapped around your hips and pulled the garment down your legs, not once breaking the eye contact between the two of you. He leaned back fully on his feet as his eyes toyed over your body, taking it all in and memorizing every single detail he could see.
“You are so beautiful.” He breathed, his palms resting on your knees as his fingers circled your skin gently. “I want this to be for you, this moment everything is for you. Y/N, tell me exactly what you want and I’ll do it.” There was a pleading tone in his voice as he spoke. His hands remained where they were, not leaving until you would tell him to move them.
“Vessel…” You say, his body perking up at his name. “I want you to touch me, show me how badly you’ve missed me. Show me all that you wanted back in September that you couldn’t do.” A devilish grin crossed his face as his hands moved their way closer up your thighs, his body leaned forward with them. He placed kisses along the inside of your thighs, slowly moving closer and closer to your core. You grew restless as each kiss made you more wet, the slow inching of his face to where you wanted him most drove you crazy. Just as his cheek brushed up against the skin of your folds, you said one last thing. “And don’t you dare edge my orgasms this time.”
“Wasn’t planning on it darling.” Vessel says before the feeling of his tongue dragging up between your folds overran your body. Your hips bucked upwards into his mouth as a moan escaped from you. He was going slow on you, aware of the fact that it’s been a little while since the last time someone had gone down on you. That did not matter for you though, he knew exactly what he was doing and learned quickly the first time around. He lifted his face up a bit so he could focus his tongue on your clit and watch your face when he slipped two of his fingers into you. Your body arched at the stimulation of his fingers pumping slowly into you and his tongue delicately swirling circles on your clit.
“Ves.” You breathed. “Go faster.” With your instructions, Vessel picked up the pace with both his fingers and tongue. The wave of pleasure that hit you was almost enough to send you over the edge, but you held yourself together. His free hand tapped at your leg, giving you the notion to put them on his shoulders. You obliged and draped them over him, allowing you the power to hold him there for however long you pleased.
You used your heels to push him down closer into you as the knot built in your stomach. The moans that came from you were loud and high pitched, which led to Vessel removing his fingers from you and using both hands to grip your hips. He increased the pressure and pace of his tongue on your clit in order to make you cum. You cried out in pleasure as the ecstasy hit you, your hand gripped tightly on the blanket underneath you as you searched for some piece of reality so you didn't get completely lost in the pleasure.
Vessel kept his mouth on you, watching your body shake as it came down from the orgasm. He did not let you catch a breath before his tongue was back at it again and his fingers pushed into you, the extra slick that came from your orgasm made it simple for him to add another finger to the mix. You whined as his tongue hit your clit, it had grown sensitive from all the stimulation that you haven’t experienced in a while.
“Ves.” You cried out, a hum in response coming from him and sending vibrations through you. “I want you to fuck me.” He lifted his face from your core, the sight of his chin and lips being covered in your slick made a smile pull at your lips.
“Is that what you really want, darling?’’ He leaned back against his feet again, taking your legs off from his shoulders and setting them back down on the floor. You nodded, biting your lip as he began to remove the belt from his jeans. “I wasn’t even worried about getting myself off today, but since you’re insisting I fuck you, how could I resist?” He’d pulled his jeans down, revealing his cock that struggled against the fabric of his briefs. He never broke eye contact with you as he pulled the briefs down, exposing his hard cock. You bit at your bottom lip as you watched him remove the articles from his legs and throw them somewhere in the room. He reached over to the couch and grabbed a pillow, motioning for you to lift your lower back up off the floor so he can place it below you. He let you lay back and adjusted it as you needed until it was comfortable for you.
He leaned into you again, placing a kiss on your lips and then your forehead. “You ready?” You nodded and gave him a reassuring smile. He returned the smile before taking your legs and placing them on his hips, using them as a guide to line his cock up with your entrance. Before he pushed himself into you, he ran it through your folds to slick it up, not wanting to cause that much discomfort going in. He focused on the sight of his cock spreading the muscles of your entrance, going slowly in order for you to adjust to his size.
“Oh fuck.” You muttered, the feeling of him inside of you after not having anyone fucking you since September was intense.
“God you’re so fucking tight, Y/N.” He groaned as he slowly thrusted in and out of you. His grip tightened on your hip, adjusting himself to be able to get a better angle to thrust into you.
“Go faster.” You spat out. He nodded and picked up his pace, the sounds of his thighs slapping against the skin of your ass echoed through the room and mixing in with the moans that came from the two of you. The initial bit of discomfort had completely disappeared now and the pleasure that racked your body was all you could think of. He felt so good, the first time he fucked you was good, really good… but with the circumstances of that time, you don’t think it could ever compare to this now.
His moans had turned to whimpers and his face was beginning to contort, notifying you that he was close. Except, this time you wanted to be the one that edged him. Torture him a bit like he’d done to you. So, you put your hand up and signaled for him to stop. He hesitantly pulled out of you and had a confused expression on his face.
“What-’’ Before he could finish his sentence you cut him off by pointing to the couch.
“Go sit and lean up against the couch.” A tone of demand came from you that was unfamiliar, but you liked it and he clearly did too as he quickly moved to where you told him to go. He watched as you stood up, ignoring the weakness you felt from how hard he’d just been fucking you. His breath hitched as you stood over him, placing one hand on his shoulder while you came down to straddle him. Your other hand wrapped around his cock and aligned it with your entrance, the feeling of it filling you up as you sat down left both of your mouths wide open. You let yourself get used to this position before slowly bouncing yourself on him.
“Jesus Christ Y/N.” Vessel groaned, throwing his head back against the cushion of the couch.
Your hand reached out and wrapped around his neck, making him return his gaze to you in shock. “I don’t think so, Ves. Keep your eyes on me, pretty boy.” You kept your hold on his neck, making sure not to add too much pressure to the point where you were actually choking him. His hands found their way to rest on your hips, but you swatted at them. “Keep them on the couch, I don’t need your help with this.” He smirked at how you demanded him, a new found power that you’ve never had the control over.
A rhythm took you over and Vessel’s eyes constantly rolled back whenever you squeezed both his cock and his neck, each roll from your hips bringing him closer to that release he chased after. You watched his face and listened for that same whiny tone in his moans that informed you he was about to cum. You were getting close too, unsure if he was going to cum before you did or vice versa.
“I’m going to cum.” Vessel cried out and his breathing became more rapid. You clenched tightly around his cock and his neck, clearly sending him over the edge as the warmth of his cum filling you up took you by surprise. Your release happened right after, your moans mixed in with the heavy breathes he took as you rode it out on him. You let go of the grip you had on his neck and fell against his chest, your face pressed against the crook of his neck.
The two of you sat there for a little while, coming down from the high. Admittedly, you sat there because of how numb your legs felt from all of this. Vessel seemed to notice your uncertainty with getting up, so he took matters into his own hands and shuffled his way over to the blanket in front of the fireplace, laying you down on top of it. You hissed at the feeling of him taking his cock out of you, your entire core was extremely sensitive now and any little touch or movement made you squirm.
“Let me get you a warm cloth, I’ll be right back.” He kissed your forehead and stood, walking away to the kitchen. You took the time to regulate your breathing a bit, letting yourself come back from the ecstasy you’d just experienced. Vessel came back into the room just a moment later, a damp cloth in his hand. He sat on his knees between your legs, gently running the cloth along your folds and cleaning up the cum that was dripping out of you. The warmth of it soothed your body and finally brought you all the way down from the high.
Vessel placed the cloth off to the side after he made sure he did a good job cleaning you up. He laid down beside you, letting you lift your head up so he could rest his arm beneath it. His other hand rested on your stomach, watching as it rose and fell with each breath you took.
The two of you laid there in a comfortable silence. The primary reason being the utter exhaustion you felt after the physicality you endured, but also still being a bit jet lagged didn’t help either. Also maybe the fact that you just had some of the best sex in your life had some kind of power over you not being able to speak.
Breaking the silence was a loud grumble from your stomach, reminding you that you never ate today. “Jeez I felt that.” Vessel laughed as he removed his hand from his stomach, leaving you to laugh at it as well. “Is this my sign to make you some dinner?”
“I think so.” You wiped at the tears that sprinkled the corners of your eyes from your laughter. “I’m going to go take a bath while you do that.” You rolled out from his hold and pushed yourself up into a standing position, your legs wobbling as you did so.
“Need me to carry you to the bath?” Vessel asked as he placed a hand on your leg to help stabilize you a bit.
“Nope, I should be good, just need to walk around or else it will stay like this for too long.” You smiled down at him, giving him a thumbs up as you started waddling away, the chuckles that erupted from him as he watched you walk away was enough to make you laugh. You knew you looked ridiculous, but you could not help it. Glancing at the time on a nearby clock, you realize it’d probably be later enough in the morning for you to call Noah and not have to deal with his grumpy ass after waking him up.
As you struggled a bit to get up the stairs and to your room, you decided to call him the second you got the bath running. You couldn’t help but have a nagging feeling that calling him was wrong, especially now right after you’d had sex with Vessel and was running a bath in his home.
But you promised him… and who knows exactly the reason he needed to talk to you. Could be work related, most of the time it is. You knew you were capable of keeping it professional and in this case that’s exactly what needed to happen. Then again, the idea of hurting him by telling him exactly where and what you were doing toyed in the back of your mind. Why? You weren’t sure.
It will be the first time since October that you will be speaking to him, the last time being when you all parted ways at the airport after the US leg of the tour ended. You hate admitting it but you did miss speaking with him, especially music. His face lit up each time he got on the topic of how he wrote a specific song or his plans for the future of the band.
Your hands shook as you picked up your phone that was still on the nightstand, glancing at the overwhelming amount of notifications on the screen before going to your contacts and pressing on Noah’s name. You hovered over the icon that will take you to a call, debating if it was the best thing to do.
You walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind you, starting the water in the tub. You stared at the screen again and took a deep breath before hitting the call icon, your phone coming to life as it rang.
It didn’t take long for the ringing to stop and Noah’s voice to echo through the speakers. “Hey pretty girl, I’ve been waiting for you to call.”
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aeligsido · 2 months
[WM] Prompt 2 — Thriller.
Rating: T.
TW: stalking, implied kidnapping.
Characters: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Regulus Black; guest appearance of Alice Longbottom, Minerva McGonagall.
Additional Tags: spy au, Sirius is a spy, Remus works at HQ, married relationship, Regulus is a kid and they have adopted him.
Summary: The situation escalates quickly.
Words count: 839.
A/N: The ideas for this au are rotating in my head, but until now it was mostly vibes lmao. Good on this prompt for making me write a bit about it finally! Hope you like it ❤️
Sirius hears the dogs first. Padfoot always barks loudly when they come back to the flat — an adorable habit if Sirius has anything to say about it. Then it’s the gentle tap-tap-tap of small feet hitting the floor, and Regulus bursts into the kitchen with a wide smile.
“Aunt Dorcas gave me a new book!”
“She lets you borrow it,” Remus corrects him, appearing right after their son.
Usually, he would glance over at Sirius and they would exchange a commiserating and fond look; this time, Remus keeps his gaze on Regulus, brows furrowed in a worry he doesn’t verbalize but Sirius knows to recognize.
As they move through their routine, handing over tea and milk and snacks, Remus finally mouths him later.
It’s only after they’ve put Regulus to bed and they’re in the middle of washing-up that Remus finally talks.
“When I was driving back after picking up Reggie, there was… well, it’s probably nothing but—”
“It’s not nothing if you worry about it,” points Sirius, handing him a cup to dry.
Remus sighs. “I guess. It’s just, there was this bike, and it overtook us on the road, yeah? It’s pretty normal and nothing to be worried about, but then the passenger turned around and looked straight at me, and I don’t know, I just…”
“Don’t have a good feeling about it?”
Sirius lets it sink in. It could be anything, of course, from a too curious person to someone admiring Padfoot who always likes to sit at the front; but considering their jobs, they’ve learned long ago not to take things simply.
“Do you want to tell Minnie?” he finally asks, and Remus sighs once more.
“I don't know. It could be nothing.” He wants it to be nothing, he doesn’t say, but Sirius doesn’t need him to. “Let’s wait a bit? I don’t want to raise the alarm for nothing.”
“Alright.” Sirius dries his hands and kisses Remus’ cheek. “I’m here if you need me.” Then he grins, and adds, “I don’t have another mission for two weeks, after all.”
It gets an amused smile out of his husband, at last. “Colour me surprised.”
(They met almost ten years ago, when they both started training at the MI6. They went into different branches, but their friendship remained, and then some more.)
Two days later, Sirius decides to pack up the dogs to go visit the office and, maybe, terrorize new recruits with Alice. She has been benched after her last mission, the whole thing a bust and leaving her identity possibly compromised. It’s an annoyance and a half, even more so for Remus and Lily who are left dealing with the possible security leak. McGonagall is too busy dealing with paperworks and overseeing everything to take care of it, and Moody being Moody isn’t useful on that front.
And, well. Both Lily and Remus are formed to take over those particular duties, after all.
Alice uses him as a prop for training up until lunch, where she skillfully avoids her mother-in-law to sit by Lily. As he passes by, he hears them gushing about their toddlers and new gadgets in the same breath, and he can’t stop a snort. Terrifying women, indeed.
Remus is still in his office; he raises his head and smiles at him when he enters.
“Is that food in your hands?”
“You know it!”
Halfway through their meal, Remus notices an urgent mail on his phone; when he opens it, he freezes, and Sirius suddenly knows things are about to get worse.
They bring the matter to McGonagall. It’s a simple picture, of Remus walking Padfoot and Moony, but it’s fucking worrying; even more so considering Regulus is on the picture, too.
They up the security; Fabian is assigned to shadow them for the time being; they cite family problems to get their son out of school for now. (They have to hope it's enough.)
Three days later, Sirius is doing laundry when Regulus’ school calls him.
“We got someone calling to ask about your son,” says the secretary after the usual greetings. “We didn’t give any information, of course, but I wanted to warn you.”
Sirius’ heart beats a little too fast.
“Did you get a name?”
There’s a shuffle on the other side. “Yes; a woman, Bellatrix?”
Sirius’ breath catches, and he swears a storm as sound as the call is over.
(Four years ago, Walburga and Orion Black died, leaving their estranged son a baby brother he didn’t even know existed.
Still, he refused to let the three years old go to his bigoted-probably-terrorist cousin.)
“The mission won’t be long, just a few hours at most.” McGonagall promises, and Remus confirms it.
Sirius is not comfortable leaving the city, even for such a short time, but it could give them important data on the Death Eaters, and he can’t be picky when national security is involved.
He leaves at dawn.
When Sirius comes back right after lunch time, it’s to the news that Remus has disappeared.
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1waywardbirdlane · 3 months
Unsolicited Lore Dump
tagged by @ancuninfiles , a beloved mutual
Do you make your bed? Occasionally when i’m tidying up and want everything to look nice & neat, but it’s not something I do habitually. 
Favourite number? 19. Not sure why
What's your job? I tell people I’m a homemaker. 
If you could go back to school would you? If I could go to a trade school, like for carpentry or welding or something, I would in order to build my skills and my art portfolio into larger scale and more intricate projects. I would maybe go to university. I would definitely love to learn more. I love being able to deep dive into a subject, to really learn the nuance & history of it. There’s definitely lots of subjects I’d be interested in, but if I were to actually devote that kind of time to school, I’d also want to have a goal in mind- a Masters or PHD or whatever.
Can you parallel park? Yep
Do you think aliens are real? I think it’s the height of arrogance to assume that there are no other sapient life forms in our whole universe. As much knowledge as we humans have accumulated, there are most definitely still things we cannot even perceive, let alone understand. Most media depicts “alien life forms” as largely humanoid, but that is so limiting and it drives me crazy. Of the films & TV I’ve seen, the film Arrival is the most unique and exciting depiction of alien encounters on earth. The creatures themselves were more imaginative, but also their concepts of language and time were presented in ways that felt fresh and caused a lot of introspection, both for characters on screen and for me personally.
Can you drive a manual car? No
What's your guilty pleasure? This is probably a terrible thing to say here, but fanfic? I still feel like I’m going to be teased if someone asks why I’m crying over my phone and I tell them the new chapter of my favorite fic came out and my ship had a huge fight. (Looking at you @Aevallare jk ilysm) Or if someone asks what I’m reading these days and the only answer I have is “so many Astarion/bg3 fanfics that I literally can’t keep the Tavs straight anymore.” I know I shouldn't feel embarrassed, and if anyone said all these things to me I’d tell them to be proud and just enjoy what they enjoy, fuck everybody else. But…I’ve realized I actually got teased a LOT about things I loved as a kid. My family would pick on me about what I realize now were hyperfixations, like a movie or certain activities that I seemed obsessed with. When I watched fellowship of the ring everyday one summer my brother would mockingly quote lines at me and tell me I needed to get over it. 
Tattoos? I have 2! A henna/paisley -like flower design on the inside of my left forearm and 3 sparrows flying from my right shoulder blade up to my neck. & plans for MANY more
Favorite color? Green. All of its shades and hues. Purple as a close second, especially lilac purple.
Favourite types of music? I think I have a very eclectic taste. I can appreciate most kinds of music, but… folk, indie rock/pop, grunge are probably the most accurate categories? I like female singer/songwriters- Ingrid Michaelson & Maggie Rogers. We’ve seen the Decemberists like 5 or 6 times, but probably my most favoritest band is Incubus. I’m convinced Hozier is some kind of magic Fae creature who fucks off to another realm or dimension between albums. I’ll fight anyone who tries to take a shot at Eddie Vedder. Bowie always puts me in a good mood and reminds me of college and Wes Anderson movies. Radiohead and the White Stripes were some of the first bands my sister introduced me to. The Flaming Lips’ Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots and Lauryn Hill’s Miseducation of Lauryn Hill are still some of my favorite albums of all time. 
Do you like puzzles? Yes! It kind of runs in our family on my mom’s side. If you went to visit Grandma and Grandpa and they were having a quiet night, they'd be doing a puzzle and listening to music or watching a movie. My aunts and uncles do it, and so do a few cousins, and my sister & her family love them too. I can get lost for hours with a good podcast and a puzzle. 
Any phobias? I originally went on an ADHD tangent about bear bells and tip toeing to cliff edges, but then I realized the only phobia I probably have is deep water. I LOVE being in the water, water creatures and ecosystems, but if I think too much about what is possibly swimming around just below me I can get a little freaked out. Truthfully this might stem from a “game” my brother and sister played with me when we were little and our house had a pool. They were 11 and 10. Both of them had taken swim lessons, could swim underwater and jump in without holding their noses. I was 3 and had a bathing suit with a built in innertube. They would take turns diving under the water with their hands on their heads imitating fins and grab my ankles and yank me down. Obviously it scared me and they did it so much that I stopped going in the pool with them.
Favourite childhood sport? Soccer
Do you talk to yourself? Oh yeah. Sometimes I pass it off as if I’m talking to my cat, or one of my plants, but yes very much a lot.
What movies do you adore? The Lord of the Rings Trilogy is #1 for of all time. Nacho Libre is another all time favorite. What We Do in the Shadows, the John Wick movies, Fast & Furious movies, Mad Max Fury Road…
Coffee or tea? I love both but if I have to choose then COFFEEFirst thing you wanted to be growing up? Somewhere in my parents’ house there is an old video of me saying that when I grew up I wanted to be a princess or a mermaid.
Gunna tag all 10 of my followers lol. If you've already shared yours just ignore me lol.
@astarionancuntnin @midnight-musings-of-nyx @adoenamedjane @originalin @giganticrodent @shewhowas39 @halsinwhore @swancensus
I really love doing these!!
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salty-professor · 4 months
You should know this already
So, I have several degrees. This isn't a humble brag. It is what is required to teach in Higher Ed. I did the work. I earned the degrees. I was a student over and over and I learned and I learned so that I could, one day, like say, today, impart my knowledge to a student who wishes to learn from me. Maybe not me per se but someone like me. Someone who is an expert in a particular field who can help people become better at something.
This is the job I do. This is the job I just did ten minutes before I sat down to write this. I have a student who is riding the struggle bus at the moment with this unit's concepts. To help out, I've spoken to her, met with her virtually, chatted with her on the phone, and today, replied with a detailed email.
I have the privilege to do my job, but I worked my ass off and made huge mistakes along the way and now, here I am, in the Ivory Tower, trying to take it apart bit by bit so that it can be built again, stronger than before.
I teach. That is what I do. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I am a professor who doesn't profess. I teach. I like to actually find out what my students need and I work with them to crack the code. Does it take more time? Yeah. It does. Is it the right thing to do? I mean, I guess it depends on each person who sits on my side of the desk, but I think this is the job.
A few things drive me crazy about my colleagues. OK. Way more than a few. I wrote a whole book about it because my list is so long. I should say ONE of the things that drives me crazy is when one of them says to a student "You should know this already."
For those who have never been insulted with this bullshit line, here is what it sounds like.
Student: Um...Professor Fuckhead, I am really struggling with subject/verb agreement. You keep telling me that I am doing it wrong, but I just don't really get what you are saying. Professor Fuckhead: That was something you should have learned in elementary school at best or middle school at worst. I don't have time for that. I'm not teaching you English, I'm teaching you how to write effectively.
Yeah, so, Professor Fuckhead isn't wrong about a lot of that, BUT, he should take a few minutes to help out. He totally has the time. The class only meets 2.5 hours per week. All kinds of fucking time. Beside, the fact remains the student doesn't know it and s/he/y is asking for help. So, it is Fuckhead's fucking job to help. I'm not suggesting that Fuckhead needs to set up private tutoring sessions for this struggling student, but the internet is vast and the resources are free.
If it were me, I would say something like:
Page 22 in the free handbook I send you all on day one of the class should give you a lot of insight. Also, Grammar Girl has some excellent videos and resources that can help you refresh your skills. Let's look at a few instances in your writing where you are doing it wrong and then you can look at the resources and you can try to find the others in your paper. I'm not going to fix them for you, but I will show you how you can fix them.
I didn't shame the student. I didn't put up a wall. I didn't do the work for h/er/m either. I gave some help. I showed the student how to fix the problem and shared some resources because, yes, the student should know this already. This is college BUT s/he/y is struggling.
I know I can pass the course I am teaching. That is sort of the point of getting all the degrees. At some point, someone with more degrees than me took a moment to explain things to me that I didn't know even if I "should" have known it.
The world is big and our brains are stuffed with a lot of shit. I know that Brian May is both a rock god AND an astrophysicist. Is that helpful? No. Could I have used that mental space to remember something someone taught me when I was 9? Maybe.
Instead, I listened to Queen and then I asked a question of someone who knew more than me and while I was told on many occasions by Professor Fuckhead that I should know that already, thankfully, I had plenty of teachers who decided to take five minutes to help me out. Seems only right that I pay that forward.
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yeastinfectionvale · 7 months
Franky really shouldn't be standing on the side of the road alone. But there she was, thumb out and backpack on the floor.
A few cars drove past but none stopped.
How the fuck was she supposed to get to her job interview?
The taxi that was pre-paid and supposed to get her from Rome to the Rossi shop in god knows where ditched her in the middle of nowhere. Her phone had died and in a rush she hadn't had breakfast. Franky sighed, picking up her backpack and starting to walk, hoping to find somewhere to stay the night and try not to get murdered by an ax-wielding madman.
HORK. what the fuck?
She turned around to see a small power yellow fiat 500 slowing down.
Well she was going to die. Someone call her mother and ring the funeral home. Ave Maria and all that.
A small woman with mousey brown hair leaned out the window, a pair of sunglasses firmly planted on her face. "Are you okay?" The mystery woman asked, a Spanish accent evident in her voice. Maybe it was the kindness in the woman's smile or the fact that Franky was dehydrated but she felt as if she could trust her. She shook her head slightly as the woman laughed. The woman pushed the passenger door open and gestured for Franky to get in.
Oh she was so fucking dying.
Franky climbed in as the woman began to drive again. "I'm driving to Tavullia, I can drop you off there if you want." The woman said as Franky nodded gratefully. "I'm Alexia." She took a hand off the steering wheel and Franky shook it. "Franky. What's taking you to Tavullia?"
Alexia gripped the steering wheel, her brows furrowing. "Getting revenge." Franky sat there awkwardly.
Nope she was 100% dead, Alexia was an ax-murderer and was going to chop her up into a kebab.
"This bitch in Tavullia played with my sister's heart so I'm going to throw a brick at her window." Alexia cleared up as Franky relaxed. "Understandable. I'm supposed to be going to a job interview but I'm pretty sure I've messed up my chances by being late. I don't even know where I'm going, my phone's dead and the address is in it." Alexia patted Franky's hand. "Want to throw a brick at a bitch's window?" Franky laughed and nodded, "yeah why not, let's avenge your sister."
The pair drove, making small talk as Franky learned more about Alexia and her sister Marcia. Alexia learnt more about Franky, her family and how she was a trained mechanic. The both of them exchanged numbers, vowing to stay in contact as a story as interesting as this has to be told. A friendship blossoming from what was a day gone wrong.
They laughed loudly as they pulled into a wholesale store for builders, purchasing two singular bricks and some chalk. Franky wrote what Alexia dictated onto the bricks as they neared the edge of Tavullia. The sun had begun to set, streetlights not yet turning on.
"Ready?" She asked as Alexia slipped into a dirt road and into a commercial area. Alexia nodded, parking the car behind a tree. In front of them was a large building, a business of some sort, Franky couldn't make out the name as it was too dark. The pair got out of the car and made their way to the building.
The sun had set fully but the streetlight hadn't turned on yet. If they wanted to throw the bricks they had to do it now. Alexis took the brick from Franky's hand and tossed it in the air twice before launching it through the storefront. No alarm went off as Alexia laughed. Franky tossed the brick between her hands, thinking about missing her interview, about the taxi deserting her and about how she had become good friends with Alexia only to have to be split. Channelling her anger, Franky threw the brick up and into the upstairs section of the shop. The light turned on as soon as the window broke.
Fuck. They both were so dead.
Alexia grabbed Franky's hand as they both ran into an alleyway. They stayed hidden, slowly walking out to the car hand in hand as if nothing happened. Alexia paused before getting in. "Call me when your phone is charged." She said hugging Franky. "Text me when you get home safe." She replied. Alexia passed Franky her backpack and hugged her again before climbing into her car.
Franky watched Alexia drive away as the streetlights finally turned on. Pulling her backpack on she began to walk in the direction of the store they bricked, her breath catching in her throat as she read the name of the store.
Rossi Family mechanic. Oh fuck off.
Franky watched a disgruntled and clearly half asleep woman walk out the store with a broom in her hand. She walked up to her and coughed lightly. "Um is this the Rossi mechanic?" The woman looked up, drool crackled around the corner of her lips. "Yeah who's asking?" Franky adjusted the strap of her backpack. "I'm Franca Morbidelli, I was supposed to have an interview today." The woman looked her up and down before handing Franky a broom. "I'm Marcolina Bezzecchi, call me Bez. You're hired. Start sweeping."
Oh okay?
She did as told, cleaning up the glass that she helped shatter, silently nodding along to Bez's rant about everything and anything. They quickly cleaned up and Bez invited her inside. Franky and Bez ate a quick dinner before Bez led her to a small room where she could sleep.
Franky put her phone to charge, opening it and sending a quick text to Alexia before falling asleep.
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madameoni · 11 months
My current fave bg3 take is that you can't possibly justify playing durge as a cleric. Specially a good one.
My sweet bhaalbabe, maybe what you're missing is creativity- and reading comprehension.
Bc I ran into that dumb take while looking for inspiration to build Scipio's lore, I'll rant a lil bit down here, might help if you're building your own cleric durge.
From the idea of your durge being a cleric before the crash, not as a whim after losing their memory:
• If you rest right away after the crash you can ask yourself about your race and class. Both hint to a life before the urge, almost forgotten but there. The dragonborn remembers his people (you know their customs and even speak draconic in game), but haven't lived near them in a long time. The cleric feels foolish for praying, it's something done out of habit and it feels ancient. Note that you feel foolish bc your God doesn't answer but:
•God's can't interfere with durge's story. Withers just watches you stumble around, not even the butler can tell you your past bc the higher-ups told him not to. It is very probable that your chosen deity is giving you powers, but not directly answering your calls, because they can't interfere. So you can cast spells in their name, but papa bahamut isn't answering the phone. Your deity would probably hope for your redemption (if good) or your devotion (if evil) and give you power while you find yourself. If you go back to Bhaal- then he is giving you the powers.
•Haven't played but the Paladin storyline hints that it isn't the first time you take and break your oath.
•The butler hints heavily that durge needed guidance often. The worse thing you ever did, for him, was giving a beggar money for no reason. Any hint of mercy was scolded- but they were there. It is perfectly possible that teachings of another God remained either from your past or in search of getting rid of your urges.
•Durge didn't grew up in Bhaals temple, you had a foster family and nice childhood at some point, and you murdered said foster family at a young ("adolescent") age. That leaves your "biological" family, where you learned about your race, and a nice chunk of time to learn your religion. Most clerics start at a very young age, it is perfectly possible you had your teachings at a very young age and they just stuck. Maybe you tried to reconnect during the years as the Urge, but failed spectacularly.
•What I DO wonder is after your super lovely redemption arc, and daddy Withers pulls a fuck you to Bhaal, where you lie there. Because you're referred as faithless, because your father God forsake you. I wonder if that is meant as a you're now in a clean slate. Or you're liberally condemned as a faithless regardless of who you choose to worship afterwards (after all, you don't need to be a cleric to be a worshiper of any god).
Overall- the plot hole of the "ending" applies pretty much to every character that believes in any God, so it isn't a big enough plot hole for me.
Anyway, after coming from DA where we disregard half of the canon to make it work better, having so much canon to work with is a delight.
I think BG3 does a good job of giving you a nice skeleton to build the missing pieces of your durge to your pleasure. Were you a tortured child, lead astray from your path by your evil father? Were you always a monster and your urges simply exploited what already was there? Your choice.
Btw writing your durge to have a good deity and a good past doesn't mean you're erasing the Urge nature. Bitch is a murderer. But let them have an extra layer of tragedy.
It's crazy people seem to not understand this logic when SHADOWHEART is right there. You can drive parallels from her lore easily.
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