#levi needs to stay far away from me
ruffroy · 8 months
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this is about levi from obey me. i promise that i love losers yall but not the type of loser that levi is :(
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pinkberryfox · 2 months
My loves, it’s a little inspired, and maybe a little dialogue-y, but here we go with part 2! Thank you for all your support on Part 1 <3
Part 1
Traumatized! Levi Headcanons 2
-Levi who shivers when you kiss his scars, soothing away the painful memories for far more pleasant ones
-Levi who dreams of a peaceful life with you one day- hopefully when the titans were gone, and he could open a tea shop, start a family and give you the luxuries you deserve
-Levi who just about loses it when you get severely injured on an expedition, casting blame on himself (and on you for breaking protocol)
-Levi who can’t even look you in the eyes for days after because he keeps imagining you dying. It's not a punishment, your wounds are enough, he just keeps seeing it
-Levi, who when you confront him about it, can’t stop himself from yanking you against his chest and hugging you so tight it hurts
-Levi who says, “You’re not allowed to die on me. Not you.”
-Levi who doesn’t let go until you promise to be more careful, until you reassure him you'll stay alive, that what he sees in his nightmares isn't real. That your flesh is warm and your heart still beats
-Levi who is so relieved when you leave the Survey Corps for him he almost cries. He peppers you in the softest kisses across your face and hands and he thanks you over and over
-Levi who visits you before expeditions for courage, to remind himself who this is for. Who tucks you in and watches you sleep for a while, because here you're safe
-Levi, who proposes to you one night when he’s holding you after a hard mission. It’s just a simple question while he strokes your back and murmurs in your hair, there’s not really extra fluff to it, but he means it with his whole heart
-Levi who has the most radiant smile you've ever seen when you say yes, whose expression is so hopeful and warm it stirs your soul
-Levi who believes he might be dead when he sees you again on the battle field with the beast titan’s turned soldiers using borrowed ODM gear because you PROMISED you’d stay safe, and what is this?
-Levi who is both extremely PISSED OFF and thoroughly grateful you have his back, grateful he isn't alone in this massacre, but can't decide between scolding or praising you first. He goes with scolding
-Levi who shouts your name and says, "You reckless fool, who do you think you're trying to save?" But then says, "Watch your back and keep up."
-Levi who is shocked speechless when- DURING BATTLE- you ask him to marry you?!
-Levi who clicks his tongue in disapproval but agrees to your proposal anyway because why not?
-Levi who says “Is this why you came? Your timing is absolute shit-don’t even have a damn priest.”
-Levi who rolls his eyes when you tell him you don’t need a priest to make a vow to God and each other. You can get married again the right way if you survive.
-Levi who kind of likes the idea of marrying you twice.
-Levi who gives his vows WHILE he’s destroying the beast titan
-Levi who says, “Was hoping I’d get to lift a veil, but I guess blood-matted hair fits us.”
-Levi, who after ripping the battered body from the nape, mutters, “We have a witness. Was I impressive enough to kiss my bride?” But he doesn’t really wait for Zeke’s answer.
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yorsgirl · 6 months
Grant me a wish
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Levi Ackerman x Reader
Synopsis: In which, Levi takes it upon himself to fulfil that one wish of yours.
Trope: Fluff, established relationship.
Warnings: Post Canon, implied nsfw, kissing, no mentions of y/n.
Word count: 1.3k
A/N: Nothing just me milking my daydream with this fine specimen of a man. Fuck you Isayama for making my man go through all that shit 😭 (jk, thank you for writing this amazing story for us)
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Levi never said that he loved you.
In all the years you've spent with him neither did he once speak those three words. He never said those words while you were in the infirmary being treated for your broken ankle.
Neither had he ever urged you to skip any expedition nor did he push you away when you were adamant to fight this war alongside him.
Perhaps, his love is not to be heard. It's meant to be felt.
It was felt when you were the first one he looked for after every expedition. It was felt when he'd ask you to stay back for training. It was felt he himself strapped the harness of your ODM before an expedition. It was felt that after submitting the paperwork he'd take a trip to your room. It was felt when he told you about his past; revealing each and every darkest secret as you shared a cup of tea under the starlight. To know the hands which caressed your form every night with tenderness were the same hands stained with the red of death.
Amidst this never-ending war, the concept of a blooming romance was like a far-fetched dream. And there was a hint of fear. Fear of you suffering the same fate as everyone he loved.
For everyone he loved had been taken away one way or another.
It wasn't on any special day that it happened.
The air was humid and you could hear the crickets chirping outside your window. The sun was setting down the horizon slowly when Levi asked you that question.
"They died for us..." He had said, gazing out the window before shifting his form towards you.
"Would you live with me for the rest of my life?"
There was no bit of hesitation on his face but you could sense a subtle hint of fear when his voice turned heavy. Fear of what might be your answer. It wasn't a question on impulse or one of reassurance you had answered previously.
He didn't kneel before you nor did he voice out any of his feelings. It was a question, as simple as that. Yet, it was the most important he had ever asked of you.
When you didn't answer for long, he was prepared to apologize as his shoulders slumped down. But before he could conjure those words, your lips met his. It was unlike any other kisses you had shared until that day. Your lips didn't move against his, it stayed like a touch of a petal.
It was a kiss to shush him from wringing an apology (what was there to even apologize for), one to convey your answer.
He brought out a ring from his pocket. Nothing fancy, just a silver band on first inspection. In the second look, you found his initials engraved on the backside. He slid it on your finger without any further ado.
Next, he had passed you another identical ring and forwarded his hand to you. You found your initials engraved on its backside as he urged you to put it on him.
"I could only afford this." He confessed, meeting your gaze. There was a subtle disappointment lingering in his voice. He could have gotten you something more intricately crafted or one made of a more valuable metal.
You offered a soft smile, intertwining your fingers with his. The pad of his thumb rubbed circles upon your knuckles, the silver ring glinted as the sunlight reflected on it.
Only if he knew, you needed no ring for you had him by your side.
Each step towards the altar was a step-down memory lane.
Clad in a black suit, similar to the one he had worn to all the meetings in the survey corps. You always told him he looked like some nobleman wearing such an outfit.
You noticed the slight change in demeanor when he saw you walking down the aisle in your white dress and a bouquet of white lilies. He was standing before the priest; waiting for your arrival.
That caused a frown. His knee was still damaged and from the medical reports, he needed to rest it as much as possible. You remember repeatedly chiding him to use the wheelchair but his stubbornness was evident. You were sure to give him an earful after this was over.
You never took Levi as the one to want a traditional wedding ceremony. You were sure he'd want to just sign the papers in court and be done with it. That's what you thought. 
Until he asked you to pick a dress and a location. Informing you he had sent word to your union to the needful people. So you did, chose a dress to your liking and the spot which held both of your memories—the survey corps headquarters.
Walking between all the guests you reached him. A lot of guests weren't present to witness this matrimony. Only his remaining squad and the queen made a graceful appearance with her daughter - Ymir. But they were your family. The very family with whom you had fought a war alongside. The ones who held witness to your laughs and tears, who had your back through thick and thin.
A family brought together by tragedy.
Levi helped you up the stairs, offering his hand which you took gratefully. Standing before him, all the doubts that plagued your mind previously faded into thin air. There were no regrets, no second guesses, no jitters, nothing except the love you held for him. Looking back, there were a lot of things he didn't say but his actions conveyed proof of those unspoken words.
Everything felt right when you looked into his eyes.
A sense of tranquillity settled on you. Your loud heartbeat seized to a comforting pace when he held your hand. Gazing at you with no bit of hesitance whatsoever. There was a ghost of a smile adorning his lips.
He never looked more beautiful than now.
"Grant me a wish, Levi."
"What kind?"
"To speak of your honest feelings when the right day comes."
You were the strongest in his eyes.
Humanity's strongest soldier, they called him. He carried loads of expectations behind his back; and carried the hopes and dreams of every soldier who gave up their life for this cause. For a chance at freedom which was so valiantly fought for till the end.
And now, he stood before you. You, the woman who stuck by his side till the end. To not keep a distance when he revealed his vulnerabilities and shared about the darkness residing in him. Quite the contrary, you closed the distance into an embrace.
Surreal to know, you were here and not some vision in the air. You were here, right before him. And this war was over. The bloodshed, the death, the conflicts, everything was over. Hence now, he decided to live. Live a life with you which you used to speak about. A normal life.
He honestly didn't know what the future held. Neither was he aware of how this decision will turn out. He never had but he knew if you were with him; he'd figure it out.
The priest's voice reached his ears.
"State your vows."
Vows. He was never vocal about his intentions. Not the one to make sweet, empty promises. But here, he wished to say something which he always meant to express.
He took a deep breath, clutching your hand tightly in his. Each syllable of your name rolled off his mouth in an agonizing slow pattern.
And after a long time, he saw tears slide down your eyes. For once, these tears were not of sorrow but of happiness. The absolute bliss to hear him speak of his feelings for you. He granted your wish on this very day.
Those words:
"I'll always be yours."
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obae-me · 1 year
Nightbringer has already given us a decent amount of domestic Solomon, but I need MORE.
I need Solomon and MC leaving enchanted sticky notes for each other around the house, even going so far as to cast spells on them to sparkle or grow a flower or smell like their favorite scent or even give the sensation of a warm kiss.
I need Solomon pouting when he's forced out of the kitchen, looking like a puppy walled off behind the gate, brightening up when he's allowed inside but only to keep MC company. He has his own apron he puts on anyway, even if he's not permitted to participate. Any attempts to touch the food gets a playful slap on the hand.
I need some of their clothes to get mixed up together in the wash, leading to them wearing some part of each other's clothing.
I want them to work on chores together, one of them washing dishes while the other puts them away. Both of them use magic to speed up the process sometimes, but even the great sorcerer Solomon occasionally prefers to do it the normal way. It brings a bit more humanity to him. He feels more...connected that way.
I want MC to be staying late at the House of Lamentation but making sure Solomon has something filling to eat at home, a meal perfectly wrapped and preserved with a little note on top. It always hurts him when they're not here, when he knows they're out with someone else, but the meal comforts him. He reads the note over and over again until they come home.
If they share a bed, they both do their own thing next to each other before they sleep, peeking over at the other person if they laugh or gasp or make any sort of reaction. I imagine Solomon mutters to himself a lot. Waking each other up if one of them oversleeps or trying to tempt the other to stay in bed if they have to wake up to start the day.
Solomon going out to buy groceries and bringing back home stuff he thinks MC would like and forgetting what he was meant to go out and buy in the first place, resulting in them going shopping again together. He may or may not have planned it.
Solomon going out to find MC for whatever reason he can. "Oh, there's a small chance of rain today, so I thought I'd bring your umbrella to you." "I knew you would be busy today, so I thought I'd bring you a pick-me-up. Store bought, don't worry, I know." "I was simply heading home from the castle and thought I'd drop by." "I was bored." Literally anything he can do to just see MC again.
I want one of them to stay up really late for the other if they're out late only to fall asleep, the other coming in and either using magic to take them to bed or tuck them in on the couch/chair they're in, giving them a kiss on the cheek.
I want Solomon to be nervous, to be jealous in a teenager-y sort of way. I want him to be awkward, almost more so than Levi, because it's just been so long since he's connected to someone like this, if ever. He constantly shifts his hands around if they're holding them, because he's not sure if he's doing it properly. He happily announces to MC when they return home everything that he's cleaned with a child-like proudness, because it's been so long since he's been proud of himself for something. Calling MC on the phone and purposefully making it sound as casual and loving as possible just so he can go to the others and brag about the conversations he and MC have had together.
I have so many feelings about him.
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ghouldump · 2 months
here a silly request... louis has a sister and that's who lestat is interested in and louis is just a means for lestat to get what he really wants! I'm imagining that scene with lestat, louis and lily where lestat practically just used lily so he could sleep with louis, Louis will be so much more worried about Lily that he won't even notice Lestat seducing his sister 🤫🤭
Spider And The Fly | Lestat De Lioncourt x Reader
ෆ when Lestat uses Louis as bait to lure and trap his actual prey.
this is FAR from silly !!
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Fierce, Secretive, Cunning, you were quite a vixen with everyone wrapped around your fingers as if you were a goody two shoes - but Lestat could see right through you. He remembered the first night he'd laid eyes on you.
You had no business being on this side of the city, some salesman pressed against you. You'd paid one of the many prostitutes to warn you, if Louis came through, and low and behold, he had just parked.
Pushing away from the guy, you pretended to be uninterested, unlike seconds ago. He kept trying to whisper sweet nothings into your ear, but you kept shrugging him off.
“What’s the matter, darling?” he asked, his hand brushing down the sleeve of your dress.
“I need to get going,” you said, standing, but he followed, throwing the money on the table, and going outside.
“Hold on now, princess,” he said, trying to stop you and kiss on your cheek, while you attempted to push him away. Unexpectedly, the man was punched, groaning, confusedly staring up at Louis.
“What are you doing out here?” he asked you.
“I came with some friends, but they left, so I was going to get a drink,” you said, pouting at your dearest big brother.
“Hell no, you don't need a drink, get in that car and wait for me,” he pointed. Nodding a solemn expression in place, you walked to the car. As you passed Lestat, he could see the mischievous glint in your eyes, you could put on a good show.
He had to get close to you, he found out about your background, your usual circle of friends and associates. How other than Louis, you were the only other child to have some sort of socialite status. You were popular amongst men, and while you weren't a loose young woman, you weren't as innocent as you led your family to believe.
There was only one problem, you were impossible to get to. Louis was protective, extremely protective, perhaps it was his way of projecting his fears. Whoring out women, day and night, yet the idea of his baby sister doing the same thing bothered him. Paul, when he wasn't chasing down Louis, expressing his dislike of Levi, or at church, he was trying to warn you to stay away from men, in general, and Grace was too focused on her wedding to care as much as the two. It was challenging, but Lestat wasn't going to give up easily.
He became close with Louis, and while he enjoyed the man and what he had to offer, Lestat already had made his decision. He recalled fondly, the first time you'd met each other.
Sitting at the dinner table, next to Louis, he was cordial with everyone in vain conversation. Abruptly, the front door could be heard opening, before your head poked into the dining room.
“Y/n, where have you been?” your mother started.
“I was over at Anna’s house,” you said, as you waved everyone at the table, making your way to the empty seat next to Louis.
“This is Lestat de Lioncourt, he is a friend of mine, this is the baby of the family, Y/n,” Louis said, as you sat down. Facing the man, you thought how handsome he was. He was probably Louis’ lover, heaven knows he had never brought a woman home.
“I have heard many things about you,” he said.
“I hope only good,” you smirked, briefly glancing at Louis.
“Of course, Louis goes on and on about you,” he smirked.
The conversation shifted back to Grace and Levi as they went on and on about their wedding. Picking at your food, you sat uninterested in the topic. “Is this all they talk about?” you heard, making you look up at Lestat.
His mouth hadn't moved, as he still faced Grace, nodding his head as she spoke to him. “I see why you're always disappearing” you heard again.
“Excuse me?” you spoke, everyone’s attention turning to you.
“Something wrong?” your mother asked.
“Nevermind,” you shook your head.
“Be careful, ma chérie, they’ll think you're like your brother,” he said, this time when you looked up, everyone sat frozen.
“What is this?” you asked him.
“A specialty of mine,” he smiled.
“Unfreeze them,” you demanded.
“I’d like a word, I have anticipated this moment, since the first time I laid eyes on you,” he smiled.
“You and Louis, are you not together?” you asked him.
“We’re colleagues, who like a little fun on the side, but you, your brother is very protective over you, a precious gem, inaccessible, but I wonder if he knows you aren't even a virgin. Even I can't help but want a taste from you,” he said before everyone unfroze, continuing their conversation.
This was only the beginning of seeing and questioning the essence of the Frenchmen. It was also the start of the inception of Lestat’s plan.
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“You okay, pudding? You look a little on edge,” Mr. Clèmence asked, reaching to touch your lower back. He was your father’s business colleague before he passed, and also a creep. Not long after you turned twenty-one, he began trying to bed you.
“I’m okay, I think I‘ll have another drink,” you smiled.
“Go on and hurry back, we have some catching up to do,” he whistled as you walked away.
Rolling your eyes, you regretted accepting the party invite and having to deal with his perverted tendencies. Walking to the bar, you made small talk with a few old friends along the way, thanking the bartender as he replaced your empty glass.
Making your way back to the table, your heart sped up, seeing Mr. de Lioncourt. What was he doing here? When did he get here? Was Louis with him? Why was he talking to Mr. Clémence? They seemed to be having an interesting conversation until you approached.
“I’ll be right back, Y/n,” Mr. Clémence said, standing up, and walking away. He looked hypnotized, never meeting your eyes as he left.
“Join me”
“Is Louis here?” you asked him.
“Louis is working, he has an establishment to run,” he smirked, crossing his leg over the other, as you sat down.
“Then what are you doing here? You don't want business with Mr. Clémence, he's a crook,” you laughed.
“Yes, depraved swine, I am here to see the star of the night, Ms. de Point du Lac,” he said, smirking.
“You seem special to my brother, I don't want to cross any boundaries,” you shook your head.
“Is Louis the only thing stopping you? Or is it the act you plan to keep up for your family and friends? You and I aren't much different, carefree, meant to live your truth, unapologetically, without fear of judgment”
“You wouldn't understand, we’re from two different worlds,” you told him.
“And with just the snap of my fingers, I can make you a part of my world, I just need a yes,” he said, you didn't realize how close he was to you, until now.
“Mr. de Lioncourt-
“Lestat,” he corrected you. Gulping, you stared into his eyes, he was inches away from your face.
“Lestat, I appreciate your offer, but I will have to decline. Louis has the business, Grace has Levi, Paul has the church, and Mama. It is up to me to make a name for myself and have something of my own. I can not ruin my future because I was known as the French man’s créole plaything, good night,” winking at him, before standing up to leave.
Your rejection only added fuel to Lestat’s burning lust. He bit his lip, watching as you walked away, and headed toward your driver. So set on what you needed in life, or what you thought you needed, you were willing to sacrifice everything you were. Marrying an attractive, but poor man, or an old ugly rich man, and for what? To please your family and finally receive the approval you craved, to show them you had something of your own - but this, this fantasy, was not what you truly wanted. You wanted freedom, from misogyny, racism, social pressures, etc.
“I will set you free, from the troubles of this life, ma chérie”
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Time went on and Lestat was no longer a concern in your mind. You'd seen him at a few events, sometimes alone, sometimes with Louis, regardless, you kept your distance. He'd stare, but you ignored him. Eventually, you didn't even acknowledge him anymore. There was still a small feeling that you were being watched, or followed, but you ignored it until it went away completely.
“Paul, you have a fever, mama said to lay down,” you told him, helping him into bed.
“I’m alright, really, I just need to see Father-
“I’m more than sure God wants you to get better before you go to church,” you said, sternly. Putting his head down, he nodded, climbing back into bed.
He had been sick with a nasty cold, and you had been helping your mother take care of him, since everyone else was too busy.
“I have soup,” your mother announced, holding the tray with the porcelain bowl on top.
“Good, and now you can explain to your son why he needs to get better before he runs off to church”
“Paul, Y/n is right and you're risking getting others sick,” she told him, setting down the tray.
“Where’s Louis, maybe we could read a few chapters together, like old times,” he said, hopeful.
“Sorry, Paul, he's working-
“Go get him, he won't mind coming home,” your mother told you.
“How am I supposed to know where he is? You want me to go around the French Quarter screaming his name?” you asked. Louis was never in one place for long and it would be a struggle to find him, now that the sun was setting.
“Check at Mr. de Lioncourt’s house, and the red light district,” she said lowly.
“No, Y/n, you have to stay away from that devil,” Paul shook his head.
“His address is in the address book, please, I think it would be nice for him to bond with Louis,” she said. Holding back the urge to groan, you nodded, leaving the room.
She was always trying to accommodate Paul, he had his issues, please Louis, he carried the family, help Grace, she was the first to marry - but what about you?
Taking the car, you went straight to the red-light district. You frowned at the smell in the air, as you looked around. You didn't see him or his car anywhere in sight.
“Hey, have you seen Louis?” you asked Bricktop, one of his madames.
“He left a while ago, either went home or to that French man, he didn't say,” she told you.
“Thank you,” you said, reaching over, giving her a few cents, before driving off to his home.
By the time you parked, night completely covered the sky. You couldn't differentiate between the vehicles, as you pulled up to the curb. Turning off the car, you hope that he is in this house because you did not want to see this man for the fun of it.
Anxiously, you approached the gate, raising your hand to knock, and you realized it was unlocked. Making your way to the door, you reached to knock, when the door opened.
“Y/n, it is a pleasure to see you, what can I do for you, at this hour?” he smirked.
“I'm looking for Louis, is he here?” you asked, standing on your toes, attempting to look over his shoulder.
“Come in,” he opened the door, stepping to the side to let you in.
“Well, is he here?” you asked, as you walked in, watching him shut the door.
“You knew he wasn't here, ma chérie, but you had to give in to your desire only a little, to see me again,” he grinned at you.
“What the hell are you talking about Lestat, get out of the way,” you said, seeing that he stood in front of the door.
“You can fool them, but I see you, I know you wanted to give in, you want to give in, but you're too afraid, you'd rather hide your true self from the world,” he said, moving out of the way, walking towards the living room.
Rolling your eyes, you went to reach for the door but stopped when he spoke again.
“Just so you know, what happens in secret, is always revealed”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Mr. Clémence, Mr. Smith, Gabriel, William, Isaiah, he seems like he is you're favorite. Funny how people with the very names from the Bible are usually the most troubled, I mean, look at your brother,” he laughed.
“Shut your fucking mouth, you don't get to speak about him or any of them-
“I wonder how poor Louis would take it, knowing his innocent baby sister is a femme fatale, struggling with hypersexuality because she didn't get enough love as a child”
“Does Louis know that you're a dick, he'd love to hear that,” you spat, but it only made him smile.
“Bathrooms, boats, fields, cars, at the park, it would break his heart, to know how erotic you truly are”
“You've been watching me, you pervert,” you realized.
“I think you're entire family would be disappointed, moans such as those could only be made by a nymphomaniac”
“So tell them, is that what you want to do? Are you jealous? They get to have me any way they'd like, but you were rejected,” you taunted.
“I have you where I want you,” he smirked, tilting his head.
“The only place you'd ever have me is in your dreams”
“Is that why you haven't left yet? I moved from by the door and you followed me, you want to argue for my attention, but it is already set on you. I could never be jealous of any of them, they don't make your heart skip a beat, make you nervously chew your lip, clench your thighs together, I do,” he said, approaching you.
“Asshole,” you said, backing away from, them and turning to leave. However, your feet stopped on their own, running back to him, jumping into his arms.
Pressing your lips against his, you moaned as he hungrily explored your mouth, reaching for the back of your dress. Lestat was frightening, not because of how mysterious he came off to be, or his appearance, or background - but because he was always spot on. He had been right about you.
You last track of time, Louis wasn't even a thought, as you gave yourself to Lestat. In his lap, on the loveseat, panting in the most ungodly manner, you gasped, as he bit into your neck. The pain was quickly replaced by pleasure, his cool arms wrapping around your warm skin. It wasn't until the euphoric ecstasy came down, that you realized what you'd done and with whom. He was special to Louis and yet here you were, lying against him.
“I’m sorry, I need to go,” you said, scurrying to get dressed, your hand going to your neck, holding the two holes in your skin. He smiled, satisfied, for now, at least he had more access to you, with his blood in your system.
Rushing home, you tried to look as natural as possible, taking the small backup scarf from your purse, tying it around your neck before entering the house, and going upstairs to your room.
“Hey, they told me you went looking for me?” Louis spoke from the bottom of the stairs, making you turn around. Your eyes softened, guilt plaguing your mind of your actions.
“Yeah, I stopped by the district, at Mr. de Lioncourt’s and I drove around a while,” you lied.
“Sorry about that, I went to see Ms. Lily, her birthday recently passed,” he said.
“It's okay,” you said, told him.
“What’s with the scarf? It’s hot as hell tonight,” he chuckled.
“The mosquitoes are tearing me a new one, I had to hide my neck, I can't wait until winter,” you said, going up the steps as he laughed.
Entering your room, you immediately pulled off the cloth, staring into your reflection. Wincing, your fingers pressed against the two holes, moving to your lips, you thought about Lestat, how he kissed you as if it was his last kiss. Held you, as if you would slip away. He was everything you could ever want, and he was right about all of the things he'd said and for that reason, you would have to stay away from him.
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“I’m so glad you're feeling better, partying just isn't the same without you,” Anna, your best friend, pouted, intertwining your arms, as you both sat in the back of the car.
“I know, I think I caught whatever Paul had,” you said to her.
You heard, making you glance around, but he was nowhere in sight. It had been two long weeks of hiding away in your room. At first, it was only until the bruising went down, no amount of makeup could hide the holes in your neck. Then it started, calling for you, telling you to come to him, but you couldn't, you wouldn't. He plagued your mind, crept into your thoughts and dreams. You felt crazy until it finally stopped, immediately, you were rejuvenated and accepted Anna’s invitation to her boy toys party.
“Your mother had you tending to him again? I swear, you need to get married Y/n so you can get away from them,” she said.
“Uh, Laurent lives in the French Quarter?” you asked, feeling the hairs on your body standing, as you recognized the area.
“Yeah, I forgot to tell you, he recently bought a house here,” she said, your eyes landed on his house, as the driver drove past.
Parking in front of the large home, you stared down the road, he stayed minutes away.
“Come on, I can't wait for you to meet him,” Anna squealed, dragging you into the house.
As the party began, houses down the road, Louis faced a dilemma. He and Lestat had been growing closer, concerning too many. He knew by their looks the multitude of slurs they were biting back. Lestat had brought Ms. Lily to his house, insinuating on a threesome. However, after a little kissing, he whispered into her ear, grinning as she fell into a deep sleep.
“Ms. Lily?” Louis pulled away, worriedly staring at her.
“She is only sleeping, where were we?”
“I’m supposed to trust your word, wake her up?” he said, lightly shaking her.
“I can't, she's in a deep sleep, she’ll wake up…eventually,” he chuckled to himself.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, she's innocent,” Louis screamed at him.
“When has prostitution become innocent?” Lestat laughed, watching as Louis picked her up, carrying her out of the house.
“Stay away from me”
“Y/n, come to me, I can not wait much longer, ma chérie,” he called out.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you leaned against the wall, the glass to your lips, as you listened to Anna’s boyfriend and his friends go about uninteresting matters.
“Ma chérie, I will set you free”
“Get out of my head,” you muttered under your breath, looking off to the side.
“You said something?” Anna asked you.
“No, I think I seen someone I know, I’ll be right back,” you excused yourself, going outside.
“Y/n, come,” he said, as soon as you were outside. You were beginning to panic, your body moving on its own, headed to his house. To his front door, until you reached for the knob, entering. Going to the living room, you stopped, his back facing you, as he stood in front of the piano.
“Why are you doing this to me? You have Louis,” you asked him.
“I have never wanted Louis, it was always you,” he said, as he finally faced you.
“He just left and wants me to stay away from him, you have no competition, ma chérie,” he continued.
“Lestat, I told you, I can't-
“I love you, and I see you, your efforts, your attempts to please everyone around you, to live up to the standard they have for you - but you don't need that with me. There is nothing too little or too much, you could do, to change the unconditional love that has grown,” he said. Embarrassed, you covered your face as you began to cry. You couldn't recount a time anyone had ever said something as loving.
“You don't want me, I’ve pretended my whole life-
“I want nothing more than to have you, and so you've done a little acting, it doesn't matter. Accept me, and your life will start anew, and you can decide, according to your standards what is best,” he said, he was in front of you within milliseconds, reaching for your hand.
“What are you?” you asked him.
“I will teach you, what I am, what you are, and what you're meant to be, I just need a yes, a simple nod from your beautiful head,” he said, caressing your hand.
Staring into his pale eyes, you wiped your tears, before hesitantly nodding.
“Yes,” you said, taken by surprise when he pressed his lips against your own. Kissing along your neck, you released airy moans, your eyes shut. Taking the back of his hand, he wiped the makeup from your neck, revealing the mole-like scarring from the bite.
“Your new life starts now,” he said, his fangs sinking into your neck.
In the end, the fly was left tangled in the webs of the beautiful spider, awaiting death. Lestat had succeeded and he couldn't wait for the eternity ahead, spent together.
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leviraaaaaa · 3 months
Here it is safe. (Levi x reader)
Slight, very slight mentions of anxiety attacks? Idfk. Basically reader often gets overwhelmed and hides, guess who's there to help?
Levi knocked at your door, not surprised when he didn’t get a response. But he waited nevertheless. He tapped against the door a few more times until he reached for the doorknob and twisted it, cautiously pushing it open. Also not to his surprise, your office was empty, not a hair of you in sight. Seemingly. If not for the fact that he’d seen you entering here just two minutes ago and if not for the fact he’s been here way too many times to know better. And so he found himself slowly stepping in, soundlessly shutting the door back. Light on his feet, he approached the desk standing near the back of the room and peered down. “Hello.” You whispered when his silver eyes found yours. It was rather unusual to find most people crouching beneath their desks, was it not? Levi thought so too, the first time he found you here. He remembered being so confused, watching you as you curled up in a ball, rocking back and forth. He remembered being clueless, wondering if you were sick, wondering if he should call Hange or Nanaba, wondering if he should just leave you alone. But time has passed since and he’s learnt a thing or two. That everyone gets overwhelmed sometimes. Levi sighed.
“What are you doing?” He asked softly. “..hiding.” You mumbled, avoiding his gaze and pulling up your knees against your chest. You drummed your fingers anxiously on the floor. “So I’ve figured.” He nodded. “From what exactly?” "I.." You cringed a little. "..don’t know?” “Come out please.” You hesitated, meeting his gaze. It was soft. Warm. Understanding. Safe. But yet, the world was far scarier still. You glanced back at the floor.  “I don’t want to.” “It’s alright. Come out please.” You shook your head. Levi exhaled. “That’s okay,” He said, shifting. “I’ll just come down then.” Before you could even respond to that offer, he was already squatting down, slipping himself into the small space under the desk that could barely even fit you. But he settles in anyways, leaning back opposite of you, your knees touching his. You smiled, letting your hand find his and hooking your cold fingers through. In response, he rubbed circles on your palm with his thumb, squeezing gently. For a moment you just simply sat there, feeling gratitude flood your thundering heart as it quiets, the tension leaving your body and everything wrong in your mind eases away. In that moment, there was only you and him. You could finally breathe again. “You don’t have to do this every time, you know?” You told him. “What would people say?” He raised a brow questioningly. “Your reputation would be so screwed if people find out you hide under tables like a little child.” You shook your head, trying to explain. “Just because I’m weird, doesn’t mean you have to be too.” “You’re not weird.” “Levi.” “What?” ‘“You don’t have to do this. I’ll be fine in a bit.” “I know.” “So why?” You demanded. He looked at you and shrugged. “Because you needed me.” That’s all he says.  “You needed me." He repeated softly, "And I’ll stay as long as you need me to.”
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hunterscabin · 1 year
Everything Goes Wrong
Summary: Dean is there to comfort his little sister after she suffers a fatal injury while hunting.
Pairings: Dean x Sister!Reader; Sam x Sister!Reader
Warnings: Angst; hurt/comfort; whump; death
Word Count: 1.3k 
Author’s Note: Requested from anonymous many moons ago. 
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Dean. He was running toward you, screaming your name. You couldn’t comprehend his urgency; the leviathan were dead, the fight was over.
It all happened so quickly. You walked into a battle already underway. A small group of hunters also trailing the levis were first to arrive at the hideout, complicating an already dicey hunt. At the sight of their chaotic fighting, it became immediately clear that none of them had the tact or skill of a Winchester. Your brothers took action, causing two of the chompers to flee. Dean tossed one of the rookie hunters a sack of crude borax bombs and instructed them to capture the runaways. Sam crossed the warehouse, distracting one of the remaining leviathan. Dean took advantage of his brother’s diversion, driving the righteous, blood soaked bone he brandished deep into her skull.
On the other side of the abandoned stockroom, you were taking a beating from the last leviathan. He had been momentarily stunned by the bottle of borax you smashed over him, but his resiliency was remarkable. Almost immediately regaining his composure, he flung you into a pile of scrap metal. You scrambled to your feet, unsheathing your knife in the process. He made quick work of disarming you before effortlessly pinning you against a steel support beam. You winced, preparing for the worst, when suddenly, he retreated. Your eyes opened to find Sam impaling him with the bone several yards away.
High off the action, your entire body pulsed with energy. Or was it throbbing? Normally, the adrenaline of a hunt didn’t make you this… this… what was this feeling? You heard Dean shout your name again. Why did he sound so strange? A warmth spread across your stomach, and you looked down to find a mess of red. Blood? Your blood. Soaking your clothes and pooling at your feet. Bewilderment washed over you as your fingers wrapped around the handle of your blade. 
Just as Dean reached your side, your legs buckled. He braced your fall and carefully lowered you to the ground.
"Sammy!" Your eldest brother’s voice was gruff and full of urgency.
Consumed with killing the leviathan, Sam had been unaware of the commotion behind him. When he turned to see you bleeding in Dean’s arms, Sam shot up and sprinted toward you. He landed hard on his knees in front of Dean.
"Just the knife?" Sam’s eyes darted rapidly up and down your trembling form, trying to assess the damage.
Not wanting to speak the words, Dean nodded, his expression telling Sam the severity of your injuries.
“The car’s too far.” Dean thought aloud.
Sam wrestled with his next move. He didn’t want to leave you. He knew your chances of surviving were slim. He heard it in Dean’s tone. He saw it on your bloodstained clothes. Still, if there was even the slightest chance of saving you, he had to try.
“I’ll see if I can catch up with the other hunters.”
Both men knew it wouldn’t be enough, but it was the best Sam had to offer. Dean nodded reluctantly.
As your brothers’ muffled voices became more clear, so did your reality. The once dull pressure was now a searing pain. Your body screamed and your face contorted.
"Y/N, look at me.” Your eyes, wide with fear and confusion, found Sam’s. "You're gonna be okay. I’m going to get help.” 
Sam leaned forward and pressed a long kiss to your forehead. “I’ll be right back, Y/N/N. I promise.”
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Through a large, broken window, Dean watched Sam tear across the field and into the nearby woods. When he glanced back at you in his arms, your eyes were closed.
"Y/N, you gotta stay awake." Dean gently shook you until your gaze met his. "That's my girl."
"So tired, De." Your groggy voice begged for sleep.
"I know you are, kiddo, but I need you to keep your eyes on me.”
"Too hard,” you murmured, “Can’t do it."
"Yes you can, sweetheart." Dean was no longer able to mask his concern. "How can I help, Y/N/N? Tell me what to do."
Your brother’s desperation lifted the fog numbing your senses, and you clearly understood what you hadn’t before; you were dying. Anyone else would panic at this realization, beg their God for more time, cling to the last bit of life and fight. Not you. You woke every morning knowing this was a possibility. Saving people, hunting things; it was a dangerous road.
You weren’t bitter; no matter how menacing, your days were full of purpose, and that wasn’t something most people could say. You weren’t afraid; years of close calls had prepared you for this moment. You were, however, insurmountably saddened by the fact that Dean had to watch you die. You knew he would bear the weight of your absence completely despondent and guilt ridden. There was so much you wanted to say to ease his inevitable grief, but talking had grown increasingly difficult as words and breath eluded you. The most you could do was take the hand of solace Dean extended. You silently prayed that would be enough. 
"Tell me a story."
Dean smiled. Between your sleepy eyes and the way you were curled in his arms, it felt like you were little again.
“Have I ever told you about the day mom and dad brought you home from the hospital?”
You shook your head “No.”
“Sammy was not happy.” Dean gave a weak laugh remembering how ornery his brother had been. 
“He locked himself in his room. I tried to tell him that having a little sibling wasn’t all bad, but he wouldn’t listen. Dad had to take his door off the hinges to get him out.”
“He loves’me now.” you noted dreamily.
“He sure does.” Dean agreed, furrowing at your slurred speech. Another sign that your body was succumbing to its injuries. 
“That phase lasted less than an hour,” he continued. 
“He held you.” Dean’s voice was thick with nostalgia. “Mom convinced him. He sat in Dad’s chair, and she laid you in his lap. He wasn’t sure at first, but then you smiled.” 
Despite your pain, a contented grin eased across your face. 
“Just like that.” 
“D’d you hold me?”
Dean nodded. “You were so small, but I swear your eyes were as big and Y/E/C as they are now. I stared at you for hours. I never wanted to let you go.” I still don’t want to let you go. 
Dean paused to clear the sadness from his throat, but he was losing the battle against his emotions. He could see your eyes growing dim and feel your skin getting cold. You didn’t have much longer. 
“I love you so much, Y/N/N.” Dean’s words were short and breathless. 
“I love you too.” 
Dean pulled you closer and placed a warm hand on the side of your face. 
“De?” A small, crimson spot appeared at the corner of your mouth. “C’n I close m’eyes, now?"
At once, Dean felt everything and nothing. He knew the instant your eyes closed, he’d never see them again. He cursed himself for bringing you on such a risky hunt. He cursed himself for not keeping a better eye on you during the fight. He cursed Sam for still being gone. Not because he thought his younger brother would bring anything or anyone to save you, but because he knew how broken he’d be, returning to find his little sister asleep forever. He wanted to shake you, to scream, to do everything in his power to ensure your heavy lids didn’t fall, but he refrained. He knew this would be the last comfort he could ever give you. Dean surrendered to his heartache and let you slip from this world.
"Yeah, baby girl. You can rest now. I’ve got you.”
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sulumuns-dootah · 3 days
Your work inspires me so much!! If its ok, could i request something…? I´m in need of some angsty headcanons, since i dreamed about this particular scenario… How would the kings (who are deeply in love) react after discovering that his beloved MC is madly in love with one of their most faithful subordinates? MC has rejected their romantic advances before, but they are only now realizing why… And that… Hurts. I imagine would be Satan-Sitri, Beel-Bael, Levi-Foras, Mammon-Bimet?, Luci-Marbas? (my heart can't do this with Gami, its his little broo), and Belph-Beleth. Sorry if my english is bad, but thank you so much for your hard work!
WHB kings reaction to their crush liking someone else
⟡ Masterlist ⟡ 
A/N: Aw, thank you and dw your english is good! ^^
Warning: Some of these get a bit yandere :)
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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Well, Satan is seeing red
He's unable to look at Sitri the same
In doing so he spends more time with Amy, which makes Sitri mad
The two eventually end up having an argument about it and if you haven't told Sitri yet, he's in for another shock
Being the good king he is, he won't stand in your relationship as long as you hide it in front of him
If he sees you two together without leaving a space for Jesus, one of you is getting kicked across the whole Hell
Also to add onto the angst: his visits to pubs and heavy drinking get more frequent
At some point it gets so bad that the smell of alcohol just carries with him, but his mind is still sound enough to be a king
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Well, this is a first
Wanting something, but he can't have it?
So this is what it's like to be a common peasant
Mammon hates the feeling of that
He would never hurt you, you're his master and you're free to do what you want
Still, that doesn't mean that Bimet won't feel the sting of it
So Mammon gives him less and less change
Bet you feel stupid now, since Bimet has barely any money
Oh, and look... Mammon just so happens to be very hot and fanning himself with a stack of money
Care for a 5* hotel stay at the most expensive spa in all of Hell?
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Full Yandere mode
What, did you expect anything less from the king of Envy?
How foolish you are, really...
Leviathan gets commisioned a golden cage that's installed into his bedroom and that's where you stay
If you try to escape too many times, he'll even go as far as chaining you to the metal construction
For extra security, while he's away, there's at least five of his servants guarding you
If you're to go somewhere, it's only with Leviathan himself
Even Barbatos and Glasyalabolas can't be trusted
Oh, and Foras? He's lucky to even be alive
Anytime they cross paths in the halls, he's hanging from the cieling in a matter of seconds and isn't let go until he's passed out from the lack of oxygen
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Ahahah, nope
That doesn't stop Beel
No, he dosen't even acknowledge the fact
You're his
Bael? You fell for him while he was dressed up as Beel and now you're just confused, silly Y/N.
Is he gaslighting you or himself? Kinda both, actually
Poor Bael is just witnessing the whole thing and can't do anything about it
Beel is just an unstoppable force and nothing can change his mind
It's probably best to just let him forget about his feelings towards you
Let's hope that'll happen within your lifetime, otherwise youv'e got a stalker that defies all natural and supernatural laws
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Now, Belphie might be asleep most of the time, but that still doesn't mean you get to just run around and wanna be with anyone else
Oh, it's Beleth you're into?
Hm, looks like Belphie has to have a lengthy talk with him about it then
Since he hates long convos, it has to be short, sweet and straight to the point
And that's how Beleth finds himself smothered by the king's power as he's practically threatening to make him evaporate if he doesn't back off from you and reject all your advances
(Actually, you can still be in relationship with Beleth outside of the king's palace, but if Belphie finds out from someone else or smells your scent on Beleth, you're both gone)
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Lucifer tries to be as mature as possible, but there's still this jealousy gnawing on him from the inside
Asks Buer to help him with some meditation and breathing excercises to chase away his feelings and the thoughts
As one of the Seraphims, he had to learn to share God's love and this comes in handy
Actualy, what's wrong with having more than one partner? This is Hell, afterall...
The rest of his nobles know not to bring up you or Marbas in the same sentence or even the same context
Luci, being the demon of pride and all, firmly believes, that your feelings for Marbas are just temporary and soon you'll come to realise which demon is superior to that sex-crazed maniac
If things take a little too long for his liking, however, he's not against serving you a special type of tea strained through his underwear to speed things up
But don't worry, he's doing this for your own good :)
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warping-realities · 5 days
Beautiful Things
Hey, everyone! This story is part of the Viral Transformation funfarre proposed by the one and only @occamstfs, in celebration of hitting 2K followers! Congrats, bro, you totally deserve it. He’s one of our top authors and never fails to bring the best stories.
Before I dive in, I gotta give you a heads-up that this is a story about corruption, where good people turn into the worst kind of folks. If that’s a sensitive topic for you, I’d recommend not moving forward. Trust me, in the original project, things were way worse, but after chatting with the MAN himself, who helped me with some edits, I softened the tone of the story a bit. If you’re interested in the original version, I can post it later, but this is the final cut.
That said, I hope you all enjoy it and join me in celebrating this awesome author!"
Alois was strolling mindlessly in the morning towards the student exchange center in Seattle, where a bunch of fresh-off-the-boat students from all over the world were gathering for the adaptation phase of their exchange semester. The eighteen-year-old Austrian was loving the experience of taking a gap year before diving back into his studies in Vienna, where he planned to become a doctor. As he walked down the busy street, on what should be the only sunny day of the year, he spotted one of those types he had seen around the city. They were all buff and tall, with wavy, well-groomed hair, and the big ol' mustache that defined them, giving off the vibe of some douchebag brotherhood or whatever. This one in particular was jamming out to music on headphones that looked straight outta the nineties, just like his outfit, which consisted of Levi’s jeans, a white tee, a dark jacket, and combat boots. The whole look cranked the douche factor up to eleven, making Alois's heart race a bit as a shiver of attraction ran through him. When the guy passed by Alois, he shot a look at the smaller red-headed man, dripped with arrogance while a smirk played at the corners of his lips, like he knew some secret that Alois was clueless about. To make things worse, the music blaring from his headphones was so loud that Alois couldn’t help but catch a snippet.
“Please, staaaayyyy…”
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That stupid song again. At first, Alois thought it was kinda interesting, despite all the religious preaching in it, which rubbed the young atheist the wrong way. What he didn’t realize was that the singer was all about filming a lot of TikTok videos to promote his work, videos that inevitably flooded the social media feeds of a gay dude with an unfounded attraction to that type of guy. A type that seemed to be multiplying on the streets of Seattle every damn day. Sure, Benson Boone was from Monroe, just a few miles away, but still… Maybe he was looking at things from the wrong angle, maybe it was the singer who was cashing in on the style of the group he and his fellow exchange students had dubbed the Mustache Gang.
The fact is, after several months, the hype around the song should’ve died but apparently that was still far from happening. Trying to leave the discomfort aside Alois headed to the coffee shop that had quickly become his favorite spot during his short stay in the city. As he walked along, head down like most introverts do, he got lost in thought about what kind of work the exchange agency would hook him up with, until his daydreaming was interrupted when those familiar chords hit his ears again.
“I want you, I need you, oh God…”
But this time, someone had slapped a cheerful electronic beat onto the song, which not only butchered it but also made it even more annoying. Looking for the source of that cacophony, he lifted his head and glanced to the side. He could’ve sworn he saw a chubby dude coming his way, but now there was no sign of him, just another one of those big-mustached douchebags strutting around with the swag all of them seemed to have, along with the usual cocky grin. Dressed in a white tank that showed off his defined arms and hairy chest. There was no one else close to Alois on the street at that moment, which was a blessing, since his dick was starting to stir at that sight. But that also freaked him out. Where the hell did that damn music come from? Was he seriously imagining things now?
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Distracted and worried about his sanity, he stepped into the coffee shop. At that moment, the place was almost empty; there was just an old dude, well past his prime, fiddling with his phone, looking like he was in a bad mood while he seemed to be listening to something that deeply disgusted him through the giant headphones he was wearing. Apparently, the use of those things was a trend around there.
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Passing by the old guy, Alois headed to the counter and ordered his usual coffee with cream and sugar. As he made his way back to the exit, still freaking out about his mental state, disaster struck. Clumsy as ever, he tripped and faceplanted on the floor, coffee spilling everywhere and staining a good chunk of his clothes.
“Alois, du bist dumm…”
He said stunned in embarrassment, as he turned to the side, starting to get up. His view landed on black combat boots that ended in large calves covered in denim, leading up to thighs as thick as they come. But the old man was wearing a suit, no? Clearly not, since the Levi’s pants had been replaced by a black hoodie that concealed a massive chest, which the sleeves were stretched to the limit by powerful biceps. The grand torso gave way to a handsome face framed by wavy brown hair, and right in the center, the ever-present slick mustache that even the guy’s prescription glasses couldn’t diminish the douchebag effect. With his eyes closed and a focused expression, he didn’t even seem to notice what just happened right next to him.
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But Alois couldn’t help but wonder, where the hell did that old guy go? While trying to figure out when the old dude left the shop and the Mustache Gang member took his spot at the table, the man seemed to wake up. Smiling and fixing his hair, he finally noticed that a kid was trying to get up from a puddle of coffee right next to him.
“Need a hand, little bro?” he asked, though not with a genuinely empathetic expression; on the contrary, the grin he shot at Alois did little to hide how much he found the situation hilarious.
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“No, I’m good, thanks!” Alois replied, finishing getting up and bolting out of the shop as the guy burst into loud laughter behind him. Apparently, this dude wasn’t just rocking the look of a douchebag. Rushing to wipe the coffee off his hoodie, Alois continued his march to his destination. Luckily, no other mortifying events unfolded along the way. Upon entering the classroom, he passed by Charles, a French dude with long blonde hair and delicate features, who was checking something on his iPad while also rocking a pair of those old-school headphones. Not wanting to disturb his classmate, he didn’t say hi and headed further back in the room, where bis friends Arjun and Qian, hailing from India and Taiwan respectively, were hanging out. As he passed Charles, he heard that stylized version of Benson Boone’s song again.
“I found my mind, I'm feelin' sane
It's been a while, but I'm finding my faith…”
Apparently, he wasn’t going crazy after all. He quickly turned towards the source of the music only to find one of those big-mustached douchebags and no music font at all. But he could’ve sworn that… wasn’t there another person there? A kid with long, well-kept blonde hair? Well, his hair was definitely blonde and well-kept, just like the his mustache. Wearing a tank top that showed off his arms and staring at everyone in the room with an air of immense superiority that made Alois feel torn between attraction and disgust.
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Resuming his path back to his friends, he discreetly adjusted his boner in his sweatpants while sitting down and trying to forget about that damn song.
“So, who’s the jerk sitting at the front of the class like he owns the place?”
“We’ve been wondering that too, man,” Arjun, the skinny Indian boy with long limbs replied.
“I guess we’ll find out soon enough,” continued Qian, who was more compact, as their teacher, Mr. Sizemore, spoke to the class.
“Guys, today I brought the manager of one of the establishments where you might work. Chuck works at a pub called Shooters; it’s an opportunity we typically offer to our students over twenty one. However, the place has expanded and now also has a Hookah Lounge, the Puff Palace. Although I must say the best option would be for no one here to inhale anything, this is still a decent job opportunity. Without further ado, here’s Mr. Chuck Morris.”
The guy smiled arrogantly before stretching and scratching his neck, causing the lightweight, almost see-through fabric of his tank top to expose his nipples, which didn’t seem to bother him at all. He took his sweet time getting up, like he was in some kind of private show.
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But in Alois’s opinion, it would’ve been better if he had stayed seated and shut up, because the first words that came out of his mouth to the class raised a wave of utter dissatisfaction.
“Hey there, guys! Happy to finally leave your miserable countries behind and be in the greatest nation in the world?” The conversation didn’t get any better after that, and Alois was sure that whatever happened, he’d never set foot in that bar called Shooters.
After class, he was chatting animatedly with Arjun as they headed back to their dorm.
“I’d love to know what that illiterate would do if he knew he was talking to future doctors, engineers, journalists… while he’s gonna spend the rest of his life working in a bar serving people like him,” Alois commented.
“Probably nothing would change. People like him always think they’re superior just because of how they look and because they were born here in the States. Doesn’t matter if they live in a trailer and rely on government assistance.”
“True, ahhh, I want a coffee; I spilled mine all over this morning. Do you want one too?” Alois asked as they passed by his favorite coffee shop again.
“No, I’m good. I’ll go ahead; we’ll catch up later,” Arjun replied, continuing on while Alois entered the coffee shop. After carefully getting his to-go coffee to avoid a repeat of that morning’s fiasco, he turned and headed to the exit when he heard the synthetic chords again, accompanied by that familiar lyric.
“Don't take these beautiful things that I've got…”
This time, he saw where the sound was coming from—a Latino guy a bit older than him was listening through those giant headphones. Feeling sure he wasn’t losing it, Alois allowed himself to breathe a sigh of relief, only to get a major scare. In the blink of an eye, where the guy had been, now sat one of those big-mustached dudes, this one bigger and more muscular than the others, but with the same wavy hair and infamous mustache.
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Alois was stunned, staring at the man, who in turn pointed a finger at him as if to assert something and gave him a smile that freaked the young guy out to his core.
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Not knowing how to handle that situation, Alois bolted from the shop, trying to make sense of what he had seen. Still in shock, he entered the room he shared with Qian in the dorm, where his friend was sitting on his bed, fiddling with his phone, still dressed in the button-up shirt and khakis he wore to class.
“Dude, you won’t believe what just happened. You’re gonna think I’m crazy, but… I... I forgot... How bizarre, I'm sure it was important Qian! Qian? Is everything okay? Qian…? You good?” he asked, realizing his friend hadn’t heard a word he said, just to see his face contort and his eyes roll back as if he were convulsing, and then… puff. Right in front of him stood another member of the Mustache Gang, wavy hair, slick mustache, a chiseled face and a muscular body on display.
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“You good??? Qian? Who the hell is Qian? I’m Ken, you foreigner dumbass.” Said the young man of Chinese descent, the irony of using that kind of comment not even crossing his arrogant and brutish mind. “You’re here only because I couldn’t score with an American ass. But a hole’s a hole…”
“I… what…?”
“You just accept a quick hookup on Grindr man, It's not that difficult. Gonna act all shy now? Here in America, that kind of behavior doesn’t fly. Either you do what you came to do or bounce, but then you'll miss out on all this,” the guy replied, flexing his powerful muscles while giving him an arrogant grin. Alois was thinking about where exactly he was and what he was doing there.
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“So ginger, what's it gonna be?”
When he got to the dorm for international students  after getting his ass wrecked by the massive schlong of his Grindr hookup, who he discovered was co-manager of Shooters and Puff Palace alongside Chuck —those two even shared an apartment above the pub—he hated himself for getting into that mess just for a quick lay. Yet, at the same time, it was the best fuck he’d ever had. As he stripped down and got ready to shower and wash off the sweat and sex smell from his body, the distinct ping of a Grindr message caught his attention. Opening the app, he found a new message from Ken Lee.
“Hey ginger I think you’re gonna like this.” Ignoring all common sense, thinking it might be a nude, he clicked the link the other guy sent along with the message. Strangely enough, it was a clip from a podcast where a young woman interviewed a flamboyant man, who was wearing a bright and flashy suit, both chatting animatedly. Everything about them screamed obnoxious  starting with their shrill voices that didn’t stop talking for a second. Losing interest and wondering why a guy like Ken would send that to him, Alois let the video play as he headed to the bathroom in the room he occupied alone in the dorm.
“… so, Benson Boone? He’s such a total hottie, girl!”
“Don’t even get me started, Yasmin! I melt for a guy like that! I’d do him in a heartbeat.”
“Me too, Nico! But with that whole Christian boy vibe, I’m not sure he’s got the moves.”
“Girl, it’s just marketing. A guy like that, with that body? And anyone rocking a mustache like that knows exactly what to do with a girl… or a man.”
“Nico you slut, I heard some rumors…”
“I know, girl! I wouldn’t doubt he’s hooked up with more than a few, after all, a man has his needs, and to a guy like him a hole’s a hole like my brother used to say”
“Oh, my brother always said the same thing. What’s going on that there aren’t any more men like him in America?”
“I’ll tell you, I don’t get it either. Everywhere I look, I only see snowflakes and wimps. They say they are our allies, but this talk about toxic masculinity has turned all of them into whiners. Of course I prefer not to be attacked in the street by a bunch of homophobes, but sometimes all we want is someone to fuck us senseless And no one does it like a good douchebag, and don't come to me with that talk that this is a white, cis man's thing, yada yada yada... all due respect to the cause, but we need more men like this hottie, not less. Real American men, who know what they want and make it happen, I don't care what they do with their lives as long as they fuck me right. So I vote for more douchebags, of all races, creeds and sexual orientations, sis!
“True, Nico! I wish I could make that happen…”
“Me too, girl, but how about we listen to his updated song while we wait for the real American men to come back?”
“Sure, girl, this version is way better and more danceable, perfect for a man to sweep me off my feet. Play it!”
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Then, the chords that had been haunting Alois all day started playing, and he quickly turned on his way to the bathroom to stop the video—there’s no way he’d want to listen to that on his own.
“Mm. Please stay. I want you, I need you, oh God…”
As he turned towards the source of the sound, he froze, hearing it as a feeling of numbness invaded his head and took over his body, barely letting him take a step back before being flooded with memories and sensations that weren’t his. His childhood in Austria was being replaced by one  in Virginia, time spent studying swapped for sports practice, the memory of a skinny physique giving way to a powerful, muscular body, atheism giving way to worship at church every Sunday, even if he spent most of the time distracted, checking out the girls present. And speaking of girls, nights of sex, just banging them in the ass to keep his virginity intact, and when a girl refused, there was always a twink willing to step in. After all hole’s a hole. Then there was the end of school five years ago and the move to Seattle, working as a personal trainer during the day and a bartender at Shooters at night, the apartment shared with Chuck and Ken, and all the possible and imaginable orgies they had . He knew that, as a good Christian, he’d eventually have to give it all up, settle down, and start a family, but until then, the single life was too good to pass up, and he was gonna enjoy it. And even after he gets married if the desire arises, well a man has his needs and one thing he has learned is that no one is a better bottom than a slut boy desperate for a fuck.
“No… no… what the hell…. This can’t be real…” Alois grumbled as he tried to move towards the phone that he now knew had to be the source of this whole bizarre situation. However, with every step he took, his muscles expanded. His skinny chest exploded into slabs of meat that are now pecs, below his abs form into six brick-like blocks, and his arms and legs thicken to a considerable size. His hair grew longer in well-kept waves, and that infamous mustache sprouted and grew on a more masculine and angular face. At the same time, the room he was in transformed, and he found himself on the other side of the city, in the place he had just left a little over 40 minutes ago.
When he got to the phone, Allen adjusted it, fixing the camera angle. That video was gonna be perfect for his TikTok, especially with that new version of Benson Boone’s song, one he’d used in a bunch of other videos, but this remix version was fire.
Fixing his hair and flexing his powerful muscles, he smiled at the camera.
“Yo, what’s up, fam? Today’s heavy lifting day and a wild night at Shooters. If anyone’s interested in what I’m packing here, just swing by or hit up the link to my OnlyFans in the bio. Only for the grown folks, are you really gonna miss out on this?” he wrapped up, crossing his arms in front of his body and flashing one of those grins at the camera.
“Damn, that looks so good!” he said, posting the video on TikTok and heading towards the living room of the apartment he shared with Chuck and Ken, not even bothering to shower. He had a new client coming to the gym in the next hour, so why waste time on more than one shower? “Tonight’s gonna be lit for sure, guys,” he said, talking to his roommates.
“Are you talking about the Indian skinny boy who’s training with you?”
“Ugh, definitely not. Dudes like him are for when there are no other options. But it wouldn’t be a Friday night if Big Al didn’t get some real action.!” He said grabbing his cock and balls over his shorts, laughing. "I can't wait to get some ass." He concludes while shaking his huge cock out of his shorts and making everyone burst out laughing.
“We’re all gonna get some, man. Chuck’s been spreading the word in an exchange class; soon, it’ll be packed with foreign slutty chicks and twinks looking for an American dick, and we can bang them all we want, Red.” Said Ken with a mischievous grin.
"And God bless that! "Chuck added beside him with an identical smile, which was also mirrored on Allen's face.
Allen was sitting on a bench in front of the gym, waiting for his new student, a scrawny Indian dude from the exchange program named Arjun.
“You coming, bro?”
“Sorry, I’m on my way. Got held up.”
“So, meet me in the gym locker room so we don’t waste time. In the meantime, check this out,” Allen said, sending the link to Yas and Nico podcast, she was a hot babe even if she seems as dumb as a rock. Not that he cared much about that at all; she was hot, and that was good enough for him, and that Nico had a very fuckable butt. He didn’t even stop to think about why he was sending that video; it just felt like something he should do.
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While he was chilling on a bench in the gym locker room, mindlessly scrolling on his phone, he didn’t notice the transformation happening to his student right behind him. The skinny Arjun was rapidly inflating with muscles and attitude without Allen even realizing it. It was only when he looked up and saw a dude of Indian descent with silky hair and the infamous mustache, wearing nothing but gym shorts, casually scratching his powerful pecs.
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“Art, you still haven’t finished getting dressed, you asshole? We gotta workout, take some pics of our pump for OnlyFans and hit the bar shift afterwards.”
“Chill, Al, I’m getting ready. It’s not like your muscles are gonna disappear because of a five minute delay in your workout.”
“Five minutes is already too much,” he replied, flexing his arms and smiling arrogantly. “Tonight, I want the max pump in these Beautiful Things I’ve got.”
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jayden-writes · 9 months
to belong
pairing: Lucifer x gn!Reader
wordcount: ~2.9k
genre: hurt/comfort, angst
cw: skipping meals due to stress, anxiety, insecurity, school-related fears, self-esteem issues
summary: In an attempt to prove yourself worthy to be amongst the demons you were living with, you ended up pushing yourself too far.
other notes: no name, Y/N or MC used // AO3 // thanks again to @gravedwe11er for helping me so much with this fic!
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Sometimes you wondered how you fit into the House of Lamentation, if you even belonged there in the first place. You were a mere human among demons, the seven Avatars of Sin, and no amount of pacts could hide that fact. Everything you did, they did better - and with less effort at that. Mammon's grades were as bad as yours, with the difference that you have been studying night after night for them. Meanwhile, he rarely ever picked up a textbook, if at all.
The final exams were approaching at a rapid pace and you were trying and failing to keep up with the curriculum. Following your return from RAD, you had cooped yourself up in your room and it must have been a few hours since then - Levi had called you for dinner a while ago, and you had declined. How late it was exactly, you couldn’t tell and couldn’t be bothered to check. But you knew that getting enough sleep tonight wouldn’t be possible, just like all the other nights before. With a groan, you leaned back in your chair, running a hand through your hair as you yawned.
Deciding to allow yourself a small break, you went into your adjacent bathroom, standing in front of the sink and splashing cold water on your cheeks. The droplets trailed down your skin and you looked into the mirror, examining your face with a heavy sigh. The dark circles beneath your eyes could almost rival Lucifer’s, and you were nearly as pale as Levi. Your features were beginning to look sunken in and you were barely able to remember the last time you had a proper meal - you were lucky everyone was too busy with their own things to really pay attention to you, otherwise someone would have already scolded or forced you to take better care of yourself. As much as you wanted to do that, you just couldn’t; you had to do as well as possibly could on the exams, well enough to prove yourself to them. Or perhaps more so to prove yourself to Lucifer, to make him proud of you and your efforts.
Feeling a blush creeping up your cheeks at the thought of him giving you one of his rare compliments, you shook your head. It was embarrassing how hard you've been trying to get his attention, his approval; your attempts, however, stayed unsuccessful - the best result you've managed to achieve was the absence of criticism and just the tiniest upward quirk of his lips and-
“Focus, dammit!” you hissed at your reflection, sprinkling some more water on your face to shake yourself out of your reverie.
Finally, you stepped away and made your way to the kitchen to at least eat something small. When you opened the fridge, you grimaced at the harsh light and the emptiness you found inside. You huffed in annoyance and grabbed a cup of yogurt and a spoon, leaning against the counter while you ate your second “meal” of the day in the dim lighting. The cup was quickly emptied and you threw the packaging into the trash before going back to your room. Despite knowing that you should be eating more, especially since your brain needed energy to work properly, you just couldn’t get yourself to actually do so. It was either because you lacked the time or because you simply weren’t hungry; you attributed the latter to the stress you've been putting on yourself.
With that, you returned and sat on your chair, determined to somehow get through these piles of papers and books in front of you. Before you knew it, more hours passed and it was soon past 2 a.m. The letters and numbers were blurred by now and you blinked hard, attempting to bring them back into focus. Setting down the pen, you rubbed at your eyes and, when that didn’t help either, you stood up. The moment you were on your feet again, the room spun around you. Cursing under your breath, you staggered to the bed, collapsing onto it rather than lying down. The light was still on and you were too tired to turn it off. Sleep came easily, although it was anything but restful.
At 6 a.m., the sound of an alarm pierced the air, and you wanted nothing more than to roll onto your side, to sleep off the pounding ache in your head. You clumsily reached for your D.D.D. and turned off the blaring noise, groaning at the overhead light that burned itself into your aching eyes. Without a doubt, you were looking even worse compared to yesterday - you certainly felt like it at least. You sat up and swung your legs over the edge, wincing at the increasing pain behind your temples but pointedly ignoring it as you walked into your bathroom with unsteady steps. While washing your face you caught a glimpse of your appearance and cringed. It would only be a matter of time, and someone would eventually notice how you were neglecting yourself.
Still, lying to anyone who asked about your eating habits had gotten surprisingly easy - you had either already eaten or were going to get something on the way to or from RAD. It made you feel bad, but you couldn't have anyone meddling in your life, not when you so desperately needed to do well on those exams. All you had to do was to focus, to ignore everything that wasn't important until it was over. It was only one week. Seven more days and you could return to how things were before. You would be fine, you knew it.
After getting dressed and gathering your school supplies, you placed them in your backpack and headed to the main entrance. On your way there, you glanced into the dining room, noting the absence of Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, and Belphegor. The ones that were present greeted you halfheartedly, being absorbed in either their D.D.D. or the food in front of them to pay you any attention. You left the House of Lamentation, walking to RAD with an open book in your hands, intent on getting more subject material into your overwhelmed mind before you inadvertently had to write one of the exams later.
The classes went by in a blur and you barely saw the brothers throughout the day, exactly like it has been for the majority of the past few weeks. Somehow, your condition managed to deteriorate with every class that passed, your head spinning and throbbing. Nothing made sense to you anymore and you were unable to focus. By the time you finally had to get to the class you had an exam in, you felt completely out of it and absolutely terrified - at this rate, you were going to fail. Hurrying to the classroom, you climbed the stairs towards the correct floor, taking two steps at once despite the lingering dizziness. They were winding and you were rounding a curve when you forcefully collided with someone. Shrieking in surprise, you lost your balance and began to fall backwards. It all seemed to happen so slowly yet so rapidly. A strong arm quickly snaked around your waist and you were drawn against something firm. Lucifer. You would recognize that outfit anywhere.
“Can you not watch where-” he started to reproach you, but the words died on his lips as you pulled away. His brow furrowed and he gave you a quick look-over.
“Sorry. Didn't mean to. I'm in a hurry, sorry,” you explained, your speech rushed and a little slurred, and you pushed past him to continue your ascent. However, you couldn't get much further because his hand reached out towards you again, this time grabbing you by the wrist.
“Where do you think you're going?” he asked, his tone calm and controlled. His hold on you was tight, although not painfully so, and you turned back to face him.
“To class, I have an exam,” was your simple reply, and you attempted to shake him off once more.
“Oh no, you're not going anywhere,” he responded sternly, not releasing you and instead firmly, yet carefully, guiding you down the stairs.
“What? But why? My exam!” you sputtered. “I apologized, no need to punish me!”
“Punish you?” He frowned, stopping momentarily before shaking his head and continuing downwards. “This isn't about punishment.”
“Then what-” you began, only to be cut off when an especially intense wave of dizziness washed over you, making you lose your footing. Catching you for a second time, he steadied you against his side.
“Alright. Enough of this,” he muttered, keeping hold of your waist while sliding the other one under your knees, hoisting you into the air. Your stomach swooped and you yelped, instinctively wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Calm yourself,” Lucifer said tersely, holding your quivering frame securely. “I’ve got you.”
With a whimper, you pushed your face into the fabric of his suit to avoid seeing the stairs as he descended. The thought of being carried down the steps made you feel queasy and you anxiously held onto him tighter.
“I will not let you fall,” he stated, sounding mildly exasperated. “See? It's already over.”
And indeed, the harsher rocking motions of him descending had ceased, being replaced by the smooth swaying of him walking. You withdrew from him and looked up at his stoic expression. There was a small blush coloring your cheeks at the proximity and you quickly pressed yourself against him when red eyes glanced down at you.
“Are you not… putting me down again? I can walk by myself,” you mumbled, your voice muffled by his shirt.
“Yes, I saw how well you were able to walk down those stairs,” Lucifer retorted sarcastically and tightened his hold on you.
You only huffed and pouted, but that didn’t seem to deter him in the slightest. Soon enough, the main entrance opened and a cold breeze hit you, causing you to flinch, and you buried yourself further into his chest.
“Forgot your jacket somewhere, hm?” he concluded, setting you down carefully, making sure you were at least somewhat steady on your own feet before withdrawing his touch to take off his coat. With a confused look, you observed his actions, barely able to hold yourself upright, whether it was still due to your exhausted and weakened state or due to what almost felt like Lucifer fussing over you, you were not certain. Before you knew it, the warm and heavy fabric was wrapped tightly around your body, and then you were swiftly lifted back up.
“H-hey!” you protested. “You can't just give me your coat! What about you? Won’t you get cold?”
Lucifer's shoulders heaved with a deep sigh.
“You need not concern yourself with me, I will be fine,” he said and you could practically hear how he rolled his eyes.
It was silent aside from the sound of the gravel beneath his shoes as he carried you towards the House of Lamentation. When he stepped through the door, you expected him to set you down so you could go to your room. But instead, he walked up the stairs.
“What? That's- that's not the way to my room,” you exclaimed, shifting in his hold.
“That is correct, yes,” he replied easily, holding you securely and continuing his ascent, undeterred by your confusion. Maneuvering the door to his room open, he entered and placed on his large, pristine bed.
“I don't understand…” you muttered as you shrugged off his coat and made yourself more comfortable, leaning against the headboard.
With a furrowed brow, you watched Lucifer stride towards a cabinet and look through it.
“You will be staying with me for now. You are foolish if you believe that I will let you out of my sight anytime soon.”
Those words stunned you and you didn't know whether you should feel annoyed, intimidated, or flattered. Perhaps it was a mix between the three.
Finally, he found what he had been searching for, returning to your side with a small vial that contained a shimmery blue liquid and sitting down on the edge of the bed.
“I'm assuming you have not eaten a sufficient amount lately, am I correct?” he asked, his expression not giving much away as he uncorked the vial and held it out towards you.
“This will replenish your energy and hold you over for a bit,” he explained once you tentatively took it from him. “I want you to drink this and then sleep. After you've had some rest, I will make sure to prepare you a nourishing meal.”
“Do I really have to drink that?”
“I will not force you to, though I highly recommend you do; you will feel better afterwards. So be good for me and drink it, alright?” he spoke, smirking a little.
At that, your face flushed and you huffed, “D-don't talk to me like that!”
“My apologies,” he chuckled, his eyes glinting with amusement, “but I simply can't resist making you blush. You do look rather endearing when you're flustered.”
You looked up defiantly, fixing him with a mild glare as you chugged the potion with a grimace. Lucifer quirked a brow and eyed you closely, a fond, barely there smile playing around his lips.
“That wasn't so hard now, was it?” He took the vial back and set it aside, leaning against his desk with crossed arms, watching you.
“It absolutely was,” you shuddered in disgust at the aftertaste. A pleasant warm feeling spread rapidly through your body and you did feel slightly better, albeit still terribly exhausted, and you couldn't help but yawn.
“What about you, though? Where will you sleep?” you questioned, sinking into the soft mattress nonetheless.
“My bed is more than big enough for two people,” he pointed out. “Plus, I do not typically sleep during the day. There is paperwork that needs to be done. However, I will not return to RAD today. I will take care of everything from my desk, to make sure you're actually doing as you're told.”
He gave you a stern look before walking to his table to busy himself with his work. Except for the scratching of his pen or the shuffling of paper and your steady breaths, it was silent while the time passed. Just when you were about to drift off, Lucifer began speaking in a hushed voice.
“Lord Diavolo, I'm afraid you will have to do without me for today, and tomorrow as well. I have some urgent matters at the House of Lamentation to attend to… It’s nothing for you to be concerned over, I will handle it… If something important comes up, you can of course-… Alright, yes, thank you for understanding…”
Listening to the call made you feel tense, hot shame flooding you. Lucifer, Diavolo’s right-hand man, won’t be able to do his job properly because of you. Because you were unable to keep up with the demands of the Devildom. The spoken words faded into the background as you burrowed yourself further into the mattress, willing yourself to disappear. You hadn’t even noticed that he had hung up until you felt a finger stroking your cheek, wiping away tears. When had you started crying?
“What’s the matter?” he asked quietly; the gentleness in his tone only making you want to hide more.
The mattress dipped and you opened your eyes, seeing him sit on the bed with a frown.
“You’re busy…” you muttered, averting your gaze and fiddling with the edge of the blanket.
“That I am, yes,” he replied slowly, tilting his head in confusion.
“… and I’m keeping you from your work…”
“I see. So that’s what this is about?” Lucifer questioned, his hand moving from your cheek to brush a strand of hair from your face.
Stubbornly avoiding eye contact, you stayed silent. With a heavy sigh, his touch disappeared and he shifted away from you, looking into the distance as if contemplating something. Before you could comprehend what was happening, he had already joined you beneath the covers, the heat of his body seeping into you as he gathered you in his arms.
“I assure you, Lord Diavolo will be able to handle everything without me for two days. Besides, you and your well-being are far more important than any paperwork or meetings with some nobles,” he whispered, pulling you towards his chest and tucking your head under his chin.
“But-” you began.
“No buts,” he cut you off, holding you closer. “I want you to sleep now.”
You wanted to protest, but the way you were nestled against him, enveloped in warmth and a sense of safety, made all your objections vanish into thin air.
“Fine…” you mumbled.
“Good. I will stay here with you until you fall asleep, alright?”
A tired hum was the only response he got from you and he chuckled affectionately, the sound vibrating against your cheek.
“Sleep well,” he breathed, pressing a kiss to your scalp and tracing small circles on your back.
It didn’t take you long to succumb to your exhaustion, and when you woke up a few hours later, you fully expected to be alone - instead, you were surprised to find Lucifer’s presence next to you, now also sleeping. Still in his embrace, you draped an arm across his waist as well, snuggling even closer. He stirred slightly and hummed, sleepily nuzzling your hair. With a smile, you nuzzled his neck in return and drifted off again.
Perhaps you were exactly where you belonged after all.
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books-and-catears · 9 months
I need to cry, my suicide tendencies are at there peak, can you help me with something with the Obey me brothers?
Like please I want to cry my eyes out
Okay hon, you really need to talk to someone about this okay? Please make sure you're not alone. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I don't know what's wrong but things always get better...You will get through this. Again please talk to someone and don't isolate yourself okay?
It's been a while since I've received this ask, I apologise deeply for the delay, and I sincerely hope you're feeling better now.
TW: Suicide ideation
Cry Your Heart Out
Lucifer doesn't like the way your eyes look as you sit in on another RAD council meeting. Your mind is far, far away. Like you don't want to be here. He ended the meeting early so you could go home. But you look the same.
"MC." He knocks on your door after dinner. You open the door. Somehow your eyes look worse. His gut screams at him to not leave you alone.
"I feel particularly tired today. Would you like to listen to some music with me?" He asks. You shrug and say, "Sure." You almost seem like you're on autopilot.
He takes you by the hand and leads you down. The music has a strange melancholy that stung your heart. Like it understood you. Like it was screaming your misery out loud. You didn't know when your face flushed red, steaming tears falling off your cheeks. In the next second, you're buried in his chest.
"I- I can't-"
"You don't have to say anything. Just stay here for as long as you want."
Mammon didn't like the way you were avoiding him. It's not like you were ignoring him, but you seemed so distant. So...disheartened. Why? He couldn't even bring himself to ask.
There was something he dreaded deeply about the answer. Because he'd seen a semblance of those eyes before and it never ended well. And the long rope just resting on your desk brought forth more worry.
"Oi Lucifer, I have a favor to ask." He muttered into his phone. That day, after school, you found him hanging upside down from the ceiling in your room.
"Mammon what-"
"What's wrong with ya lately?"
"Me? I'm fine-"
"I can't get down unless you tell me the truth. These ropes are enchanted and everything! So if you want me out of here, you better spill okay?!"
Why do you care? The question died in your throat. And you spilled tears before words. He was down in seconds, cooing in shock and distress. "Oi, I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"
But you held on tight to his jacket. He cared. That was all you needed really.
Leviathan was sitting straighter than usual as you entered his room. Alert and eager. You almost felt bad coming all the way to his room to tell him you don't feel like gaming today. But the console wasn't even plugged.
"Hey Levi-"
"Don't do it. Don't you think about it!" He sounds around. He was trembling, on the brink of crying.
"O-okay I won't say no to gaming with you I'm sorry I didn't know-" You bent down to his level. He caught you offguard, throwing his arms around you.
"You're thinking of leaving again, aren't you?" Levi's voice cracked, muffled in your shoulder. "You're thinking of going away and never coming back."
"Wait...Levi, when did I even say-"
"I thought you were just spending less time with me, I just assumed you finally got tired of me. But then you weren't with my brothers either... you're tired of ALL OF US."
You were tired of yourself, you wanted to reassure him. But he wasn't going to stop wailing anytime soon. In your heart you were just a little bit glad to have someone want you.
"Please don't go... we'll be better. I'll be better. I'll be even better than my brothers! I'll try my best to be! So don't you dare thinking of going anywhere!"
Satan seemed to be extra wary of you during all the magical classes. Potions, Charms, Curses and hexes - everywhere the demon of Wrath followed even tricking teachers if he needed to.
"I'm not trying skip my classes or anything, Satan." You said one day, turning to look at him. It was the last class of the day and everyone had left the room except the two of you.
"What I'm worried about is much worse than that and you know it, MC. Now let's go home."
He reaches out his hand. You don't take it, just sighing and glancing at the potion on your desk.
"Everyday I wake up hoping that all these bad feelings were a nightmare. But every morning, it's real. I'm tired."
"What is it that worries you so?" He leans down to cup your face, turning your eyes to meet his earnest ones.
"It's a human problem."
"I don't need to be human to understand your pains. Just give it a chance, won't you?"
You left the classroom holding his hand, the vial of the Sleeping Draught potion you'd concocted lay smashed, a mess on the floor. Satan apologized for his clumsiness.
Asmodeus had the unfortunate timing to barge in the middle of your breakdown. He gasped and fell to the ground watchin you curled up in bed with your eyes red and puffed up.
Immediately on his knees he crawls towards you, his gentle touch nudging you back to some resemblance of reality. "Darling..."
"I'm fine. Just need some more rest." You shook your head and tried to brave a smile. "Need to be alone and relax a bit."
"Oh MC, if it's relaxation you want, there's noone but me that can provide you the best!" He promptly tucked you in the sheets with him.
"Asmo I don't need-"
"Shhh! Give me a chance, won't you? If you don't like within 10 minutes, I'll leave you alone."
You closed your eyes and sighed, wanting to get over it. But then Asmo's fingers ran through your hair, soft and cool, gentle and slow. For once, all the horrible voices in your head fell asleep before you did.
"How do you feel MC?" He coos as he brushes some hair off your forehead. You only murmur in hia name in response, he chuckles and pulls you closer. His heart beats easier seeing you at peace.
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chaotic-on-main · 9 months
Shoveling Snow with Levi
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moodboard and drabble oneshot for @humanitys-strongest-bamf who requested shoveling snow and hot tea snuggles with Levi <3
content: fluff, modern au, established relationship, marriage, winter
word count: ~1.3k
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Levi is the kind of man who will do all of the hard chores, even though you're very much capable of doing so. Shoveling snow is one of those. To be honest, you didn't mind because shoveling snow was the worst part of winter next to having to drive in it. But it means time away from your newly wedded husband, and for that you were sad about it.
On this particular day, Levi awoke to a few feet of new accumulation staring right back at him from the window. The weather forecast predicted no such thing so he grumbles something under his breath, unfortunately waking you up for the day. He feels you stirring and rolls over to see your face half covered from the plush pillow, a sleepy eye peeking over the navy blue cloth.
“Sorry, Love. I didn't mean to wake you.” Levi says softly as he inches closer to you and wraps his arms around your waist just to pull you into him. His bare chest is warm from being under the sheets all night. The gentle beating of his heart threatens to lull you to sleep again, but you remember the grumbling that woke you up in the first place.
“What's wrong?” You ask, muffled from being pressed up against his chest.
“It snowed a lot last night, so I need to shovel. Again.” You can already feel the scowl that pulls on Levi's soft lips.
“No. We're staying inside all day. You said.” You whine back, snaking your own arms around him to keep him close. You wouldn't let him go, not ever.
“That was before I knew the forecaster was a liar.” Levi grumbles yet again.
“The weather is unpredictable, you know that.”
“Tch. If I don't take care of it, then it will just melt and make it worse. Do you want to fall on your ass like last year?”
“That's not fair, I was distracted!”
“A cat running down the sidewalk is not a valid excuse when you could have been paying attention to where you were going.” Levi chuckles and rests his chin on the top of your head before kissing it softly.
“Mean. And to be fair, he had a bow in his mouth and he was really cute.” You whisper, a smile still appearing despite the silly comments.
You both lie there a little longer, the only noises in the bedroom coming from the soft exhales you both made as well as the little wall clock on the opposite side of the room. You're almost about to fall back asleep until you're jostled awake by Levi pulling away from you. You do your best to grab him and bring him back but he's too strong for you. Before you know it, you're staring at Levi's muscular back.
“I won't be long.” He says as he stands up and stretches his arms above his head. His back and arms flex from the movement and you can't help but stare. Oh how you wish you could trail kisses down them right now. But you didn't have time for that.
“I'm coming with you.” You state matter-of-factly as you rip off your sheets in a dramatic show of display. You wish you hadn't as the winter morning air bites at your bare skin, but you had to make a point. Pushing yourself out of bed, you turn and stare at Levi with a look of determination.
“You hate shoveling.” Levi states back. He makes his way over to the closet to grab some winter clothing.
“I do. But you promised me hot tea and movies today and I'll be damned if this stops us. It will make it go faster.” You shrug as you follow Levi's steps.
Eventually, you and your husband are both fitted for the snow. He helps lace up your snow boots and you do the same for him. You look like you're ready for some miscellaneous winter sport, but unfortunately you were heading out for something far worse.
Shoveling sucks. Ten minutes in, you can already feel your arms burning and your back aching from bending at such an odd angle. Levi told you to only worry about the walkway connecting the front porch to the driveway. It's a small section compared to his and yet you're still struggling. You're doing your best to slow your breathing and take your time but you still feel sweat starting to accumulate. This chore is enough to make athletes question their fitness, you think.
About an hour passes until you're both done. You collapse into the snow, reveling in the cool that permeates the cloth beneath you. The sky is a brilliant blue with a few low clouds in the sky, no doubt the traces left behind last night's snow.
“I thought you said you wanted hot chocolate and movies.” Levi says as he steps over to you. His shadow covers your face and all you see now is his pretty features with a sun halo around his head.
“I do! I'm just waiting to see if death is going to take me now or later.”
Levi holds his hand out to you and you take it. He pulls you up like you're air and steadies your body to keep you from falling head first the other way. His nose and cheeks are rosy pink from the cold and you reach up to touch his face with your palm. He really is pretty.
“Something on my face?” His gray eyes almost look blue from the reflection of the afternoon sky and bright white snow.
“Yeah, your face. I like it.”
“You're so weird.”
“Yeah, but you like it.”
“Do I?”
“Well you better. You’re stuck with this forever.” You laugh at his stoic expression with one raised eyebrow.
“Just go inside already. Take a warm shower while I get some tea started.” He shakes his head at you as you start to walk away. He calls your name at the same time you feel his gloved hand wrap around your arm.
In just a few seconds, he pulls you into him and is tilting your chin with his other hand towards his face. His lips meet yours gently, the warmth of it all spreading into your face and down to your toes. Then it's over as it started. His face pulls away as he looks into your eyes earnestly.
“Now go. I'm sure you have a ton of movies in mind.”
Levi’s special tea is done brewing around the same time you step out of the bedroom in a fresh pair of pajamas with fuzzy socks to boot. He had the living room ready for a night in. Fairy lights and candles decorate the mantle of the fireplace that sits ablaze. The warmth of it is immediate as you make your way to the couch already adorned with your favorite blankets.
“You know me so well.” You smile over at Levi who is just now setting a tray full of snacks and tea.
“Being together as long as we have will do that to you.” He says back nonchalantly, though you spot that little smile of his tugging at the corners of his mouth.
The movie you picked out was really good. The tea Levi made was even better. As you snuggle up into Levi's side, you take a few deep breaths of his musky scent. It's not long before you're drifting off to sleep again with dreams of snow-filled adventures and your perfect husband.
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There is a little over a week left of my winter event! If you'd like to request something, go here for the rules! <3
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nogenderbee · 9 months
May I request the brothers reacting to s/o feeding the undateables?
Aoh, yes! Absolutely! It was pretty fun to write so I just hope you'll like it as well! ^^
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔽𝕖𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞 ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ 7 brothers react to reader feeding undateables
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @vodka-glrl @miya-akane @indi-has-fallen
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✧ Lucifer's reaction will strongly depend on who it is EXACTLY
✧ if it's Luke, he'll let that slide as he's aware you treat him like your own child, he may sigh at the view and be a bit annoyed at it but will not interrupt
✧ if it's Diavolo, he'll be upset at not only that you're feeding another men but also because according to him, you're being a bit disrespectful
✧ so if it's that red head... you may receive a stern talk from him instead
✧ if it's anyone else tho... he'll do his best to just roll his eyes in slight annoyence at the sigh and stay quiet
✧ you don't expect him to actually tell you he doesn't like you feeding anyone else than him, do you? That would most likely destroy his ego so sorry hun
✧ if you ask him about it, he'll decline any of your ideas he might be jealous
✧ he's actually pretty good at hiding it so even if it bothers him for weeks, he won't show it and if he does, he'll immidietly blame it on his work or brothers
"Nothing's wrong with you feeding them. I honestly wouldn't even notice if you didn't told me about it."
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✧ to Mammon it doesn't really matter who you're feedint. What matters is that it's not him!
✧ will never show thaf it made him a bit jealous in front of everyone
"I ain't jealous! It's Levi's job!"
✧ will immidietly pull you away from that person with random excuse that isn't event any good
✧ if the other person would try to put a fight against him like Luke for example he might end up carrying you out of that room...
✧ but once you're finally alone, he'll decline any assumptions of him being jealous but with enough prying, he'll eventually break and admit the truth
✧ on the next day, he'll seek for any ocassion for you to feed him
✧ bur he won't tell you about it, no... instead he'll just randomly say how he brought cake for both of you and doesn't touch his hoping you'd get the hint
✧ if you don't, he'll just eat by himself. But don't be surprised if he'll start being a bit pouty
✧ but if you somehow do get that hint, he'll blush a bit but be happy despite saying all the time that he's doing it for only your satisfaction
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✧ Levi is literally Avatar of Envy, all he needs to get jealous is for you to look at someone else for too long and yet you're doing something like this!?
✧ he's about to break to tears on spot...
✧ he either makes a random excuse or just leaves quietly to his room
✧ you better notice it and go after him because if you won't, he'll go deeper in his thoughta eventually considering you don't love him anymore
✧ BUT there's also a chance for his other reaction which would be blowing up on a person you're feeding for having all your attention, but it only may happen if you're feeding anyone else than Diavolo or Barbatos
✧ if he manages to get some private talk with you, depending on his mood he'll either confront you about it or stay quiet
✧ if he's quiet, he'll probably play on something to avoid eye contact as he just feels like he needs some time alone after what he just saw (when in reality he needs a bit if reassuring)
"Are... Are you sure you still love me...? You're not with me just because you pity me?"
✧ like when he's in his demon form, you know he'll definitely hold you in place and confront you how he should be the only one getting this sort of treatment
✧ after he realizes what he's doing tho, he immidietly becomes emberrassed instead...
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✧ Levi may be the own who's Avatar of Envy but Satan's the Avatar of Wrath and these two aren't too far away!
✧ when he notices you feeding someone, it better be just one bite, because there's very little he can hold in...
✧ during first bite - he'll treat it as if it's mistake, second - does his best to pretend he didn't saw anything, third - he's holding himself back but on fourth - everyone's running away because he just turned into his demon form
✧ doesn't care if it's Diavolo or Barbatos, he may not actually attempt to fight them but he will tell at them
✧ anyone else than them tho? Better stary running because he's not playing around...
✧ now good luck with calming him down, it was technically you who caused it + you're the only person he won't harm so that duty falls on you
✧ be prepared that he'll just keep you on his lap or side as he reads with his hand strongly wrapped around you with no intentions of letting go, that's his way of making sure you won't be going around and making another mistakes like that again
"No, you have to face your consequences. Next time don't try to piss me off on purpose."
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✧ somehow Asmo is extremely calm about this...
✧ he'll just get in between you, shamelessly asking you to feed him some as well and join whatever conversation you were having with your friend
"Hey hon! Don't you think you're missing on someone? Who's gonna face this face~?"
✧ he somehow doesn't get jealous at all, he knows how kind you are and he's happy you have such a close friends!
✧ plus he knows you love him just as much as he loves you so you wouldn't change him for someone else when you literally have HIM on your side!
✧ if you want him to actually react negatively onto that action, it'd had to happen over and over, like every time that person comes or so
✧ it all starts by him asking you to feed him on daily basis too but if you decline... that's when he gets moody
✧ you'll have a whining demon on your side, clinging onto you and probably not letting you out of bed untill you give him some of your love and affection
✧ but he goes back to his normal self eventually either way
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✧ I feel like your relationship with Beel would include lots of times you two fed each other so he doesn't mind you feeding someone else for a change! It's a nice act!
✧ he really sees it as just a friendly act and doesn't think badly of it, mostly because he had lot of trust in you
✧ he may come and ask for a bite himself we all know it won't be a bite so he may as well stay for a bit and chat alongside the two of you
"Hey that looks tasty... will you mind if I have a bite as well? Oh and can you feed me too, please?"
✧ even if you do it every time that person comes over, he just doesn't get jealous or anything really
✧ the worst that can happen is him getting into a bit worse mood because you will ignore him while constantly feeding the other person, but he makes it known by putting his hand on your arm or so
✧ just give this boy small smile and a kiss, and he'll be back to his happy self!
✧ BUT there might happen some things he does on the next day without even realizing it
✧ like staying closer to your side for most of the day! Or wanting to feed you or for you to feed him, even if it's just one small bite
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✧ now... when Belphie wakes up just to see you feeding someone else? Oh no, he will not accept it
✧ he immidietly goes and lays his head on your lap claiming to just be taking a nap, hoping you'd stop feeding the other person
✧ but if you keep doing so, he'll get up, saying how he's not sleepy anymore. And that was supposed to be your first straightforward hint to stop!!
✧ but if you didn't... he'll either drag you out of that room or try to move your attention to him, depending on who the person is
✧ and when he wants your attention? Oh good luck...
✧ here he wants food, then he complained it's too hot, then he doesn't let go of your wrist when you want to do something else, then he's back at your lap, then he move shid head to your shoulder...
✧ if you don't get hint from there, he'll just hold your wrists down as he naps because all that act tired him out completely
✧ but if you do get it and finally leave with him, be prepared for a long nap. And don't even think of leaving! He won't let go of you even when he's asleep
"I want to sleep now... surely you can spend some time for me..."
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mayajadewrites · 6 months
I Wish I Hated You (Levi Ackerman x Reader)
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story summary: You don't do second chances. Especially after you gave your heart to Levi Ackerman, and he decided to throw it away so the next person has to repair the damage. Will Levi put his ego aside and finally admit his feelings for you are far deeper than you imagined? Or is a second chance out of the question?
C H A P T E R E I G H T : T O M O R R O W
WARNING: explicit scenes in this chapter!! let me know what you think :)
Levi lead you into his living room that you were all too familiar with. His expression was... blank. You couldn't tell if he was sad, mad, or anything in between.
You sit on the couch opposite to the chair he's sitting in. "Levi, I-"
"You should know this," Levi looks down. "I'm not the best at... well, talking. My mother is someone who was... so special to me." 
"Levi." You press your hand on top of his. "I'm here to listen." 
Levi sighs as he sits back in his chair. "My mother and I grew up poor. Like, dirt poor." Levi started talking. It feels like it's been forever since you and him had an actual conversation instead of just arguing. "We were couch surfing and squatting in abandoned houses. Then, she got sick. We don't know what it was since we couldn't afford to go to a doctor. We couldn't even afford food. I was starving every day. Dreaming of bread." Levi looks down. "One day, she wouldn't even attempt to get out of bed. Or even talk to me. I remember her telling me about her brother, my uncle, and I had his phone number written down. I begged the corner store to let me use their phone, and thankfully they let me."
Your heart sinks thinking of how lonely Levi felt. How he was lacking basic needs.
"I called Kenny and he came and stayed with my mother during her last moments. I stood on the other side of her with my hand in hers. I remember her saying, 'Kenny, please take care of my Levi.' The pressure I was feeling from her hand suddenly just... disappeared. My mother's body was still there, but her soul was gone." 
Tears start to well up in your eyes. Levi's eyes were glued to the floor as he spoke, his deep voice cracking when he spoke of the final moments with his mother.
"Then I went and lived with Kenny. Which... wasn't the best either. He fed me, but he wanted me to learn to fend for myself. I would cause fights in school and Kenny had to beg them to let me stay." Levi cleared his throat. "He didn't know how to be a parent. I don't blame him. His sister died and left behind me. My father, who the hell knows who he is - Kenny felt he had no choice. But he did have a choice. He could've just-"
"Levi, he could not just leave you."
"He could've."
"But he didn't. You're his nephew, I'm sure he saw you and saw some of himself."
"Well, when I turned 18, he left. He told me I was an adult now and I had to figure life out. I was being... well, to put it lightly, a delinquent when I met Erwin. He's a tall, well kept man and I wanted to steal from him. He looked like he had money so he was the perfect target. For whatever reason, he wanted to be my friend. He's been in my life ever since." Levi finally looked at you. "He opened his home to me. He fed me. He taught me the ways of being a business man."
You didn't know how deep Erwin and Levi's friendship was. They're bonded brothers.
His mother left, Kenny left - no wonder he likes to leave. Must be an Ackerman thing. 
You stared into Levi's eyes - watching the storm brew. Your heart sank as you explored his face, your feelings for him resurfacing.
"Now you know why I am the way I am." Levi put his hands on his knees. "I don't blame you if you want to leave."
"Levi." You walk over to his chair, slowly sitting on his lap. "Do you want me to leave?" You gently wrap your arms around him. 
"I think you want to -"
"Answer my question." You grab his chin, pulling his face towards you. "Do you want me to leave?"
"No." Levi shook his head. "I never want you to leave." 
You felt like there was life brought back to you. The piece of your heart that broke off when you left Levi mended back to you. 
"We have to start over then." You caress his face gently. You wanted to just hold him during this vulnerable moment. "Like, we're going on dates. Almost like we were never together." 
"Hm?" Levi tilted his head. "But we did date... for 2 years."
"Levi. Do you want to make this work or no?" 
"I do." 
"Then we're starting over. I don't want us to jump back into this and make the same mistakes." 
Levi nods, letting his hand rest on your thigh. "Are you sure you don't want to leave? I'm giving you an out." 
"Levi Ackerman." Theres attitude in your voice. "If I wanted to leave, I would. I have before - remember?" 
"I'm sorry I made you leave."
"Shhh." You pull Levi into your chest, letting him lean on you. You felt his eyelashes flutter on your skin as he closed his eyes. His breath is slow and you know he's listening to your heartbeat. He's always loved cuddling in your chest and feeling your beating heart. Levi starts to bury his face in your breasts, his hands traveling up to your waist.
"Hey," You giggle as Levi grabs your left breast with his large hand. "Levi, this isn't the right time to be-"
"Sh." Levi demanded. His fingers pulled your shirt over your head, revealing your plump breasts. They bounced as they were released from the captivity of your shirt and Levi is mesmerized. He brought his lips to your right tit, sucking on your skin roughly as he squeezed the other. You throw your head back at the contact. Levi has always loved your chest and he likes to take his time there when he can.
"This isn't a part of starting over." You breathe.
"We can start over tomorrow." Levi mumbled as he unclipped your bra without looking. His mouth attached to your nipple, sucking it gently. You feel the wetness in your pants already as Levi sucks, bites, and licks all over your tits. 
Levi sits you on the chair, his large hands trailing down your upper body to the buttons of your jeans. He's on his knees now as he pulls your pants off, throwing them across the room. "My favorites." Levi hums at the sight of your black lace panties. "Too bad they're coming off." Levi almost rips the panties off of you, revealing your soaked pussy. 
He marvels for a moment, watching your arousal leak from you. You throw your head back as your core starts to throb. "Levi-" He cuts you off by inserting his tongue inside you. You gasp as you feel his tongue exploring your pussy, finding your clit soon after. Levi wraps his hands around your thighs as he devours you, his lips squelching against your core. 
Levi wraps his lips around your clit, sucking gently as he inserts two fingers into you. You bury your hands in his hair, pushing his face farther into you. You felt him smile as you pulled on his hair, something he's always loved. He pumped his fingers in and out of you quickly while his mouth was solely focused on your clit.
"I could eat this pussy all day." Levi hummed, the vibration from his words only adding to your pleasure. "This pretty little pussy."
"Levi." You moan, wrapping your legs around him as your toes begin to curl.
"I love when you moan my name." His fingers started to pump faster as your walls began to pulsate. "Can you come on my fingers, princess?" 
You nod silently as you feel the high quickly approaching. Your chest feels tight as the world begins to fade away, leaving only you and Levi. His tongue lapped your dripping arousal as you reached your high. Levi doesn't stop though, he keeps sucking on your clit until he wants to be done. You came on his fingers, his mouth - practically his entire face.
"Levi, I need you inside of me." You whine.
"You want my cock inside of you, my princess?"
"God, yes." You nod. Levi's mouth leaves your pussy and he picks you up and lays you on the couch gently. His shirt is off quickly, along with his belt and pants.
You watch his cock spring out of his pants. Every time you see it, you're mesmerized.
"Are you sure?"
"We'll start over tomorrow." You nod a Levi's arms are on either side of you. You feel the tip of his cock at your slit, easily sliding in due to your arousal. Levi lets out a husky moan as he feels your gummy walls wrapping around his cock.
"You were made for me." Levi starts thrusting into you. "This pussy fits me so perfectly."
"Baby, it's all yours." You stare into Levi's eyes. He presses his lips to yours roughly, leaving sloppy kisses as he thrusts inside you faster. You wrap your arms around his neck as he watches his length disappear inside of you, stretching your walls. You'll never get used to his size, no matter how many times you fuck.
"Princess, I need you to come again. Before me." Levi grunted as he slammed into you. He attaches his lips to the side of your neck, biting and sucking until your skin is purple. He then brings his fingers to your clit, rubbing it gently. 
You throw your head back, feeling your walls pulsate once again. Levi's thrusts start to become uneven as he feels you grip him, which means he's close.
"I'm not coming before you." Levi rubs circles on your clit. Your toes curl as Levi is almost overstimulating you - but that high comes back. 
"Levi." You practically yell as the hardest high of your life hits you. You see stars as Levi slams into you again and again. 
"Where should I come?" Levi whispered.
"Inside." You whisper in his ear, which causes him to lose all the control he had left. He coats your insides with him as he comes, gripping your hips tightly. Levi fills you up with his cum and somehow there is still more. 
Levi pulled out slowly and you whine at the now void. He pulls his pants on and grabbing a towel from his hallway closet and helping you clean up.
"So... tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow." You press your lips to his gently, letting your worries melt away.
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leviraaaaaa · 1 year
I'll follow. (Levi x reader)
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"Holy sh-" A curse escaped you when the figure in the hallway caught your eye, jumping on your feet. You clutched your heart, bracing yourself against the wall trying to calm yourself as you looked at him.
"You scared the shit out of me."
Levi turned his head towards you. "You." He said.
"Levi." You gave a slight nod in acknowledgement.
"Nice to see you're alive."
"Nice to see you're walking around."
He cocked an eyebrow.
You sighed. That was too far.
"I'm sorry. It was a joke. A bad, insensitive joke, but it was a joke."
Levi nodded, shifting his weight on his crutch.
"It's been a month. I haven't even seen a glimpse of you till now."
"Eh." You shrugged, walking over to him to stand beside him on the balcony. His eyes followed your movements. He leaned against the wall, relieving the weight off his damaged leg and giving you space. You matched his stance, folding your hand on the railing.
"You do realize you can't stay inside your room forever?" He glanced at you with the corner of his eyes.
You squinted when the afternoon light hit your face. Unused to the brightness as you haven't seen the sun for a long time.
You spent your days in your dorm, curled up in a bed. You slept, woke up, sneaked off to the kitchen and bathroom when needed in odd hours, to avoid the people.
You haven't seen anything really. Or even heard anything. You don't even know about anything that's going on. You're too tired to. You don't even bother turning the lights on in your room.
It was strange, now. Being in your dorm. You tried your best to not think about it much but your dorm was so oddly empty, eerily silent. All your roommates were gone. Sasha and the other girl dead. Mikasa gone to where you have no idea.
Yet, there was a sort of peace in there. A sense of comfort. A shelter from the world outside. You were scared of the cruel reality that waited outside the door. So you made your own solution, you decided to not step out the door at all.
So It's the first time in a month, you caught a glimpse of life outside. It's the first time, you've seen him in a month.
And you didn't even dare admit it to yourself, but maybe...a part of you was avoiding him as well.
But you missed him.
The way he leaned over against the railing for support, how he winced at every slight movement, it sent a dull ache through your heart.
You sighed. "Try me." You said. "I saved the world, give me a break. Also, the doctor gave me bedrest."
"For a week only." He pointed out. "And you didn't save the world alone."
You groaned.
But you knew it was true.
That people wouldn't just let you stay in your room all day. That people weren't taking your isolation too well and there's only so much, your unspoken 'hero of the war' privilege can get you. Sleeping for 1 month straight was just too much.
But generally speaking, you saved the world. You should get to do whatever you want.
"You're gonna lecture me, captain?" You mumble. "I'm too tired to care, I'm afraid."
"Don't talk back. This is unhealthy for you."
"So what? That's my business. Let me rot away to death."
He glanced at you from the corner of his eyes and that look alone erased your attitude.
"Yeah, sorry." You muttered the apology quietly. Old habits die hard. You didn't give two fucks about the authority usually but one glare from Levi was still enough. And as much as you liked fucking around with him, that never changed.
"Horseface told me you've shut everyone out."
You frowned in annoyance. "What, is this a therapy session? Are we going to talk about our feelings and get all sappy?" You said sarcastically.
Again, Levi didn't say anything. Only shot a warning look towards you in response. Seems like he wasn't in much of a mood for your jokery.
And to be honest, you weren't either.
So you sighed.
".. I didn't." You answered quietly. "I'm just tired."
"All you do is sleep." He frowned.
"Yeah but like, I sleep, and then I get tired of sleeping, so I go to sleep again-"
"Why," He exhaled sharply. "Is it so hard for you to just converse like a proper adult without making fun of everything?"
"I don't like serious conversations." You huffed, folding your arms.
"So I've noticed." He sighed.
"Why'd you care anyways?" You muttered under your breath.
Levi pursed his lips.
"I don't." Was all he said.
Silence lasted a couple seconds.
There was something in the air, you could feel it. It was thick and it wrapped around your throat like vice, the pounding in your heart warned you of something to come.
Your eyes flicked to Levi and his blank face, wondering what was going through his head.
You followed his gaze, eyes catching in a field further away. Children played along it, you can just make out the outlines of them.
Happy kids, you thought. They don't have to stand awkwardly besides their captain as he's deep in thinking God knows what.
"Are you.." You asked after a pause. A pang went through your heart, the words stuttering. You hoped he wouldn't notice the slight crack in your voice. "Are you resigning..?" A calmer, more braced tone.
And you knew before he even answered. "Yes."
You nodded.
Your heart twisted itself into a painful lump of knot.
But you understood.
So why did it hurt so much?
You looked up at the sun. You hoped the sun would burn away the tears that was welling in your eyes, you hoped it would burn your soul along with it.
Is this how it ends? How you part ways?
"You're too old anyways." You finally said in a light-hearted voice. Like you weren't fucking breaking inside.
He snorted. "I can be an 89 year old grandfather and I'll still be able to take you down with one finger."
You watched Levi as he fidgeted with his fingers, his other hand going over the bandaged knuckles. You winced at the sight of the missing digits.
"What are you going to do?" He suddenly asked.
"Me?" You were caught off guard. You hadn't expected the sudden steer of the conversation. But you considered, thinking.
I don't know, Levi. You tell me. You wanted to tell him.
I don't know what I'm supposed to do if you're not here.
But you only shrugged. "I was thinking of sleeping my life away. Make up for all the nights I couldn't."
He scrunched his face, clearly unimpressed with your choice of way to spend your life. He looked like he had a lot to say about it but then shook his head, probably realizing it's worthless arguing with you.
"You aren't coming back?" You asked then. More of a statement really.
"Is there a reason for me to?"
Me, you thought.
Say my name.
"I guess not." Maybe you will shrivel up and die.
He wouldn't even look at you.
And seconds passed, seconds turning to minutes.
Your heart beat, pounding with the seconds.
And then, Levi spoke.
"Hey kid?"
"Wanna get the hell out of here?"
You stared, eyes wide with confusion. But then his gray eyes locked with yours and you finally, finally realized.
Relief wrapped you around it's warm, warm embrace. And for the first time in a while, you felt like you could breathe properly.
You nodded. "...yeah."
And then you almost snorted because his face was so very flushed. And somehow you knew, it wasn't the sun.
"Was that a confession, Levi?" You asked after a while, almost tiredly, eyes falling shut.
"...would it be so wrong if it was?" His voice was quiet. So low you could barely hear it.
"No" You shook your head. "No, I suppose not."
He nodded, shoulders slumping. And you wondered if he felt the same wave of relief you felt.
You wondered if he waited all those years for you as well.
"I can't," Levi suddenly blurted out, his tone was hesitant, unsure. "I can't promise you anything, but I swear I'll try. For you. For us."
You swallowed, every word sinking into your skin, healing wounds you didn't even know you had. But you took it.
He'd try. For you, he said.
"I'll go."
Levi looked up.
"I'll go with you. Wherever the hell you want to."
".. you will?"
"I'm your second, aren't I?" You grinned at him, eyes sparkling. "I'll follow you straight to hell if you ask me to. Im stuck with you for life."
And you could've sworn Levi almost smiled. Just the barest hint, but it was there.
"What a pain in the ass." He closed his eyes.
"Hey, you're the one who asked!"
You felt a hand on your hair, ruffling it. The only way he ever showed affection. The ever familiar gesture was comfort. A reminder. You didn't even know how much you craved his touch until he touched you.
You'd be alright, you thought.
You and him.
It'd work out.
You'd be alright.
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(kinda inspired by this song lol)
@sad-darksoul @anxious-chick
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levilxvr · 10 months
Forget about him. (p2)
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PAIRINGS: levi x f!reader
WARNINGS: nsfw 18+, breakup, car sex
SUMMARY: erwin calls to tell you he won’t be home for the night so levi drives you to his apartment, where he can no longer hold back his desires.
Your phone rings and you curse.
“fuck, he’s calling.”
You quickly end the call with levi and pick up erwin’s incoming call, then sigh when you hear him giggling over the indie music blasting in the background. Clearly he’s drunk again- he never controls his alcohol intake. Typical erwin.
“hey,” you mumble
“hey baby, im gonna be over at marlene’s place for the night, hic- you ok to be alone right?” You rolled your eyes. The fact that he had the audacity to explicitly state who he was sleeping with made you want to hang up on him. Normally he wouldn’t say who he was with, but this time he seemed too intoxicated to think properly.
“Oh, can I go home then?” You fake a little bit of sadness in your tone. Not like he cares anyway.
“Yeah- hic- okay I gotta go now, I’ll see you tomorrow baby cant wait to see your pretty-”
You hang up on him, throwing the phone aside when you remember you’re still laying there with your shorts off, panties damp with cum. You can’t stop thinking about the fact that right now, he was probably heading to some other girl’s place to sleep- no, probably fuck. You ignore the hurt in your heart and finish cleaning yourself up and retrieve the extra set of clothes from erwin’s closet, throwing your soiled ones into his laundry basket as you pick up your phone again.
Fine, if he wants to play this stupid game he can go ahead. You had other plans, anyway. It’s still pretty early, about 10:30pm. Your phone buzzes and you see a banner come in, this time from levi.
levi: everything alright?
you: yep, he’s staying over at someone’s place tonight and won’t be home.
levi: oh
you: I was thinking, if you don’t mind maybe you could drive over? Wanna chat with you.
levi: of course, meet me at the parking lot in ten :)
On the other end of the line, he’s got the silliest grin on his face. His heart flutters in his chest and he immediately shoots out of bed, throwing on a black hoodie and grabbing the car keys. Erwin’s place isn’t too far from his, it’s just down the road a few blocks away. Two years ago when he’d just gotten his first apartment, he used to meet up frequently with erwin at the park round the bend. But now..his heart sunk a little when he realized they probably couldn’t be best friends anymore.
Screw it, his jaw tightened. You deserved better. And after doing what he just did with you over the phone..Sure, it felt amazing and he got the relief he needed so bad. But it also left him wanting more. He couldn’t get the sound of your pretty moans out of his head since you hung up and it was driving him crazy. He felt like his old self a few years back when he was a horny teenager.
Soon levi was pulling over at the parking lot as you emerged from the lift lobby, walking over to his car. You get in the front seat beside him and, with your sudden surge of confidence, peck his cheek lightly. “Where to?”
“We can go to my place if you’re ok?” You can barely make out the blush on his cheeks in the dim lighting of his car.
“I’d like that.”
The drive to his apartment is silent. His right hand is on your exposed thigh, thumb stroking idle circles on the soft skin as you try to keep it together. Your gaze is focused on his hand, that pale, slender hand you imagine thrusting in and out of you every night. Now that you actually look at it in detail, you realize how smooth and veiny it is, his nails neatly trimmed as well.
“What’re you thinking about?” he asks softly, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Not much.”
He hums in response. Every time he glances at you from his peripheral view all he thinks about is how perfect you are. As you stop at a traffic light, he’s admiring your hair, your features, your outfit..hold on. “Is that my hoodie?”
“Mhm. It’s the one you lent me at the library a few weeks ago.”
His breath catches. God, suddenly you became even more attractive.
You let out a sigh and lean in to rest your head on his shoulder. Somehow it’s so natural, and you don’t feel the same tension that’s lingering in the air whenever you’re with erwin. Levi tells you that you’re reaching, giving your thigh a little squeeze. He parks the car in the corner lot but doesn’t get out- instead he relaxes back into the seat and wraps an arm around you.
“Can I ask you something?” You face him, taking his hand.
“Did you really mean it when you told me to forget about him and just..you know,”
“Of course I did.” He closes his eyes and kisses your hair. He loves the smell of that sweet coconut shampoo you use. “Did you think I said it in the heat of the moment?”
You shrug and he lets out a long breath.
“Fucking hell y/n, you have no idea how badly I’ve been wanting to be with you. I just didn’t want to ruin things between you and Erwin. Thought maybe it would get better, but now that you’re really gonna break up with him, shit, I don’t think I can control myself anymore.”
“Then don’t.” You slip your hands under his hoodie, finally running your fingers over the toned, smooth skin you’ve always wanted to feel. His muscles tense and he shivers as you begin tracing the lines of his abdomen.
“What?” His voice is shaky.
“You don’t need to control yourself anymore, levi.”
He pulls away from you and bites his lower lip, hesitating for a moment as he runs a hand through his already tousled black hair. “You sure?” His fingers caress your jaw, thumb pressing down lightly on your lip. You give him a knowing smile and seconds later you’re both leaning in to kiss each other. It’s sloppy and rough, there’s no rhythm but neither of you care. Months of emotions- sadness, anger, love, joy, are all escaping from him as he tightens his grip on your waist and pushes himself closer to you.
“Kinda wanna fuck you real bad.” You laugh at how casually he says it.
“Your house is right there, levi.”
“don’t care.”
Then you’re on his lap, legs on either side of his as he grabs your ass and pulls off your shorts. He lets you grind against him, feeling his pants become tight again as his cock hardens. The little noises you let out only made him throb as he hastily yanks the fabric down, letting his erection free. It’s about the same size as you imagined, maybe slightly thicker. You straddle his hips and press yourself against the shaft, precum dribbling from the tiny slit.
Levi’s forehead is pressed against your shoulder, whimpering and cursing softly as he guides his cock to your hole, being careful not to do it too fast. You’re so soft and warm, it’s even better than he thought it would be, nearly cumming on the spot because of how good it feels. You didn’t realize how pent up you were until you felt him stretching you out so blissfully, pussy hugging him so tightly you can practically feel him throbbing inside you.
You start bouncing on his cock, starting slow while he adjusts to the feeling. Levi can’t believe you’re actually doing this right now, it feels like a dream come true. He pulls you in for another kiss, desperately beginning to thrust himself upwards in rhythm with your movements. Your fingernails dig into his back when his thumb presses against your clit, toying with it while his other hand slides under your top, brushing it on the underside of your breast.
“fuck, i’m so close baby,” he moans, head hitting the back of the seat as he hisses through his teeth. Usually he takes longer to cum but this time it just feels too damn good and he’s so sensitive. He can tell you’re gonna cum soon as well from the way you’re squeezing around him, so he speeds up and you feel the head of his cock kissing your sweet spot.
“fuck, yes levi- right there,”
“here?” he groans, doing the same thing as you whimper. It’s the first time hes fucking you and yet he knows your body so well.
“you on the pill right?”
“mhm,shit i’m gonna cum-”
“me too pretty girl.” his voice is a pitch higher, breathy moans escaping his swollen lips as you both climax. Levi stills inside you as he empties his load and your head is thrown back while you ride out your orgasm. It’s more intense than the ones you’ve been giving yourself for the past month, and your legs are shaking as you try to lift your hips off him.
“fuck baby, look what you did,” he gasps, tensing at the wet mess you made over his legs. Shit, he couldn’t believe he made you squirt. You’re surprised as well, cuz you’ve never done it before. But before you can recover from your high, his strong hands are flipping you over so you’re lying across the backseats, Hips slamming against yours as he continues fucking you.
“levilevilevi, wait i’m-” still sensitive, you were gonna say, but the rest of the sentence turned into a high pitched groan as you feel your core heating up again. Minutes later he’s sending you over the edge for the second time and your pussy clenches around him, clear fluid spurting onto his abdomen.
You’re breathing hard, body trembling as he leans down to kiss your lips. He watches as a mix of both of your fluids begin seeping out of your cunt, burying his cock back inside you to push it back in. “shit, you’re so hot, I could do this all day.”
you giggle and tangle your fingers in his silky hair, lying below him in silence for a while.
“Let's go upstairs and get in bed, it’s gonna be midnight soon.”
The next morning, you’re woken up by the sound of your phone ringing. You’re tangled in levi’s arms and he lets out a low, sleepy groan as you reluctantly wriggle out of his grip. Unsurprisingly it’s erwin calling you- probably wondering why you’re not home.
“hello there, hope you had fun with marlene last night.”
“Babe, are you out?”
“Yeah, don’t bother looking for me, I’m done with our relationship.”
“What the hell?”
“i’m breaking up with you, erwin.”
He starts bombarding you with a bunch of questions you can't be bothered to answer, so you hang up on him mid sentence and put your phone on silent mode. You feel levi’s arms wrap around your waist from behind, pulling you down beside him as he tucks your hair behind your ear. He gives you a small smile.
“that’s my girl.”
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