#lex; ic
playedbetter · 9 months
Every Shinigami has a different method of procuring a human's remaining lifespan. Of course every Shinigami writes the human's name in their Death Note to kill them, thus claiming that human's remaining lifespan for their own, but it's which human the Shinigami chooses that varies. Some choose humans who have less time left to live, to be more merciful, in a way. Others choose humans who have a lot of years left on their lives, to give themselves more time. Other Shinigami choose completely at random, without any regard to a human's remaining lifespan.
Doomsday chooses completely at random. She doesn't particularly care who she kills, and that's not because she's concerned about forming attachments or anything, it's simply because it doesn't matter to her. Whenever she needs to add more time onto her own life, she looks through a portal into the human world, picks out the first human she sees, writes their name in her notebook, and goes about her day. Unless they have a small amount of time left, and then she might write a few names before calling it a day.
Sometimes, though, when she's bored and making bets with Ryuk and taking turns throwing their notebooks through the portals to mess with the humans, Doom will observe the humans a bit more closely. She's spent a bit of time both on Earth and watching the goings on of Earth through the portals. Whenever Ryuk is with a human on Earth, she watches him through the portals, laughing at his successes and failures. Whenever she herself is with a human on Earth, she learns all that she can about them.
She's learned how very greedy some of them are. How power hungry. Some of them like to hoard wealth. If they hoarded anything else it'd be called a mental illness and they'd have people from all over the city called in to haul away all their stuff, but if they're hoarding resources? Cash? Then apparently it's okay. Applauded, even, and heavily protected by the law, even if it's directly causing the suffering of millions of others.
Humans are really weird. And as evidenced, they love death.
This human would certainly love death. Call it a sixth sense, Doom can just tell. He has a lot of money and power, a certain ambitious air about him that tells her he'll give her the show she wants. The death parade. Ryuk will be impressed after this. This human is going to make his first human look like Gandhi.
Giggling to herself, Doomsday creeps into the office of Lex Luthor and simply drops her notebook right there on his desk, right where she knows he'll see it. She's been watching him for a few weeks now, she roughly knows his comings and goings in this little part of the world. It's not likely anyone else will come in and get to it first. And if they do? Well. That just might be interesting too.
That done, she then goes off and does her own thing for a little while. She'll know when her notebook has been claimed. And when it's used. And from that point, she'll have 39 days to reveal herself to the new owner of the Death Note.
(tldr; Lex Luthor has been given a gift by Shinigami Doom!)
Plotted Asks / Accepting!
He'd just returned from a meeting about furthering the company presence in various countries, he approved or denied each for his own reasons mostly tying to how lax their enforcement of scientific ethics were. Progress was never made without some broken eggs, and it was far easier if nobody made any fuss over those eggs.
Immediately he noticed the notebook on his desk, he knew he didn't put it there, and it looked too out of place to be put there by any of his employees. Especially with a title like death note on it. This was certainly a sloppy attempt at delivering contact poison to him in order to kill him.
He retrieved a thick pair of gloves and put them on before touching the note and examining it. The text inside was certainly fascinating, if true. Considering the world he lived in where aliens and magic walked amongst man, he wasn't going to take any chances by letting anybody else take hold of it. He let the security team know to review the footage of his office before he went off to his lab to further examine the death note.
Upon review he found nothing off with the notebook, no poison or drugs, no clue as to where it came from. Stranger yet the security team came back with the story that the notebook had just suddenly appeared. This made the likelihood that this was real skyrocket in his opinion. He still hadn't touched the notebook.
He'd test it. He wrote down the name of a competitor he had in the market space, one he had a meeting with that very week, and wrote down that during the meeting they would have a sudden, fatal, brain aneurysm. As he did so, he still did not touch the notebook, as he was wearing lab gloves.
During the meeting he couldn't help but pay extra attention to his rival, did the man have a ticking clock over his head? Only time would tell. And tell it did when they suddenly grasped their head and collapsed dead. On the inside, Lex smiled.
Finally back at his lab alone afterwards, he picked up the notebook without thought to put on any gloves beforehand, finally becoming its official owner. He flipped it open to the first writable page and considered his next steps.
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shadyhouse · 4 months
happy pride im going on a date today for the first time in years 👉👈 im nervous as all hell tbh
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hello-mrpresident · 7 months
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leatafandom · 2 months
Ok, saw your summer prompts list, and while this isn't technically on the list, you could probably incorporate one or more into it.
So, I'm thinking Smallville is in the middle of an extended heatwave, and even though Clark isn't affected by the heat very much, he's very determined to find ways to help Lex cool down...and maybe that leads to a different kind of heat building up between them 😏
Oo yes, yes! The muse fell in love with this idea. I ended up picking Ice Cubes cause that's fun 😈 and semi-incorporated Lake Day because of the location, which I might come back to with a part two of this for skinny dipping. I hope you enjoy it!
Cooling Down
Rating: Explicit 
Warnings and Tags: vacation, smut, anal fingering, Clark takes care of Lex, Clark runs hot, overheated Lex, temperature play, ice play, ice cubes, nipple play, oral sex, heatwave, college student Clark Kent, season 4 au canon divergent 
Word Count: 3,552
Summary: Clark and Lex get away for the weekend during a record-breaking heatwave.
The heatwave was bad everywhere but in Metropolis it was breaking records every hour, and it had already been three days of heat. Without classes, Clark had been on the move constantly trying to put out fires and help where he could. However, when he returned to the penthouse he was sharing with Lex, after a particularly hot day, he could see how much the heat was affecting the CEO. 
“Hey, do you own a cabin somewhere?” Clark asked, wrapping his arms around Lex from behind. 
“Probably,” he responded, not looking up from the reports he was reviewing. Clark's arms held tighter to him, stopping his pacing about the living room but not managing to fully grab his attention. “Why?”
“Because it's cooler outside the city.”
“It's just as hot in Smallville, Clark,” Lex mumbled, making a mark on the report before flipping the page and leaning back on Clark's firm chest. 
“Doesn't have to be Smallville,” Clark retorted, kissing the back of his head and holding him closer. “I was thinking somewhere with a lake or something…” His eyes drifted to Lex's pen as the businessman fidgeted with it as he crunched numbers, “and without work.” His pointer and index fingers purposely pulled on the corner of the folder before gently flicking his papers.
A sigh rolled through Lex, his head going back and finally looking away from his paperwork. “I've spent all of your vacation working, haven't I?” A regretful frown pulled at his lips as he lowered his paperwork.
Clark shrugged, hands interlacing on Lex's middle. “I've spent most of it running around Metropolis and the Midwest. I just thought it would be nice to get away for a bit,” he said, turning his head to kiss Lex's cheek. “Get you out of the heat and out of these suits you insist on wearing every day,” the college student added while his hands moved under his light suit jacket. 
“Out of my suit?” Lex's lips crooked in a smile turning his head to look fully at the brunette. “You should have led with getting me naked, Clark,” he teased, closing the folder completely. “I'll make a few calls, find out if I own a cabin by a lake,” he smiled at Clark's excited grin and the happy shimmer in his eyes. “Preferably one where we don't need swim trunks.” 
Clark laughed more at that. “That sounds perfect,” he said, dipping his head to steal a kiss while turning the older man in his arms. “Why don't you take a shower, cool off, and change first?” The brunette asked between kisses adoring the way Lex seemed to melt against his front. 
“Gonna join me?” Lex questioned even though he was already pulling Clark from their living room towards the master bath. 
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The long weekend in a wooded area beside a lake had been a wonderful idea. While it wasn't much cooler there, the easy access to water and the lack of need for clothing around the secluded multi-floor cabin made the heat more appealing than anywhere else. They had spent most of their first day by the lake or within the water, but by the time the sun was high, Clark had gotten worried about Lex's fair skin and urged their return to the air conditioner and fan-filled vacation home. 
Lex hadn't made much of a fuss at being corralled by a nude and wet Clark Kent, especially after riding the always eager man on the couch. However, once Clark had filled him the heat was all that was on the human’s mind. His eyes roved over Clark's heat-resistant body, the man barely sweating while Lex felt like he was melting. He couldn't help his glare of jealousy at the alien's biology as he lay pressed against the younger’s broad chest. Lex groaned, shifting off of Clark's lap and out of his hold before moving further away from the too-warm body. 
“Sorry, Clark,” he huffed when the brunette tried to pull him back into his arms. “It's too hot to cuddle with a solar panel today.” 
Clark frowned, looking affronted before he took a closer look at the sweated man beside him. His lips twisted with guilt at not realizing how hot Lex was feeling as he took in his flushed cheeks and the exhausted collapsed position he was in on the curved sofa. 
“I'll get you some water,” Clark said before he was gone and back again. 
“Thank you,” Lex hummed, taking the glass and enjoying the wind Clark made with his super speed. 
“Should I turn up the air conditioner?” 
Lex shook his head finishing the glass. “No,” his eyes roamed the large living room of the estate that was modeled after a hunting cabin. “This place was my father's,” he said, wiping his sweated brow while Clark turned more towards him. “I don't remember this place,” he said, squinting with a tilt of his head as he tried to think of a time he or Lionel had come here but failed to, “I imagine the wiring hasn't been updated in decades. I don't wanna overload it and spend our vacation time fixing it.”
Clark frowned, using his X-ray vision to look over the house, having learned some repair skills from helping around the farm. “I could take a look,” the alien offered, only to sigh when the older man waved off the idea. 
“I'll be fine,” Lex reassured his worried partner. “I just need to cool down,” he added, handing the glass back to Clark.  
The brunette took it, gracing Lex with a fresh breeze of air when he ran and returned with it refilled. “Take another drink,” he said as Lex relaxed into the breeze. Clark pressed the cool glass against his forehead, cooling his brow before handing it to him and adding, “Then a shower.”
Lex wasn't one to enjoy being babied, but at Clark's concern and how horrible he felt, he didn't argue. He did, however, refuse Clark's request to carry him to the large shower, mainly because he didn't want to feel the heat from Clark's bare skin. Instead, Clark promised to try and get their bedroom cooler. 
Lex thought he would find Clark waiting for him in the bedroom, however, when he walked out from the bathroom he only found that the younger man had added two fans to the room in addition to the small window unit. He smiled at the fans that hadn't been there and hummed at the breeze the diagonal oscillating fans were making across the bed they shared. He groaned as he stretched before laying out on top of their cooled bedding, humming as water droplets dried on his skin under the breeze cooled by the struggling air conditioner. 
The relief unfortunately didn't last more than a few moments before Lex started to feel too hot all over again. The breeze from the fan brought a modicum of relief but only for the few seconds they were on him and so long as he stayed completely still. He closed his eyes, living for the few seconds of wind the fans brought as they swept the cooled air over his naked body.
“You're still too hot?” 
At the sound of his lover's voice, Lex's head rolled to the side, eyes cracking open to see Clark in all his sun-kissed glory standing in the doorway holding a metal mixing bowl and a large bottle of water. Blue eyes roved over the farmer's tan the alien still managed to have and the slight gleam of sweat over him. 
“Not all of us have the benefit of Kryptonian stamina and resistance, Clark.” His words were clipped, annoyed at his own inferior biology, but still taking the time to appreciate the brunette's body. When Clark frowned, shifting on his bare feet, Lex shook his head and rolled his eyes at himself. “I didn't mean it like that. It's just hot,” he amended, in a way of apology, realizing his tone and recanting his words, knowing the younger man was only fretting out of concern, not because of some idea of Lex being weak. “I'll be fine,” he added, seeing the other's worry and letting his head rest back on his pillows. “Even you can't control the weather.”
The brunette sighed, shifting the metal bowl and bottle he had brought with him before stepping further into the room. “I know, I just…” Clark walked towards him, sitting on the bed and placing the water on the nightstand and the ice-filled bowl on the bed between them. “You haven't had a break either, Lex.” His brows pinched as he spoke wanting to press closer to him but kept his distance. “I want you to enjoy being here and the whole point of coming here was to cool off.” 
Lex hummed, opening his eyes again to look up at him. “Clark,” his left hand raised to pat his broad chest, knowing the other was abstaining from touching him due to his naturally warmer skin. “Trust me. I am enjoying being here with you.” His brows lowered, leveling the brunette with a serious stare. “We haven't had clothes on since we got out of the Porsche. I am enjoying myself.” 
Clark smiled at his partner's reassurance but still didn't like the color on his cheeks. “I brought water and something I think will help.” He shifted the cold bowl, ice clinking against the chilled metal. “I ran out and grabbed some ice.”
Lex smiled up at him imagining how far and quickly Clark had gone and returned while he was in the shower. His eyes closed, humming when warm fingers pressed a bit of ice against his lips, rouge moving to greet the intrusion. 
Clark hummed watching him as he glided the ice across his lips, before running the melting chunk of ice over Lex's chin and along his jawline. The overheated man sighed at the cooling water that ran down his neck and throat as the ice melted. He tilted his head back offering more skin for Clark to smooth the ice over. Lex kept his eyes closed as the brunette shifted beside him on the bed attempting to keep his distance. The bald man huffed at the action and despite the heat radiating off Clark, Lex moved closer.  
Clark's voice was soft and close to his ear as he spoke, cool wet fingers running over Lex's neck. The older man could only nod at Clark's gentle touch and the cool press of his normally warm hands. 
The brunette’s fingers left to gain another chunk returning in a breath to swipe it behind his ears. Another half-moan left the stretched-out man at the relief it brought and how much better the fans felt on their next breeze over him.
“Much better,” he finally replied as his hips shifted as Clark tended to his sweaty brow. 
“Then let me take care of you,” Clark hummed, kissing the crest of his ear and reaching for another piece of ice. “I think I have a way to cool you down inside and out.” 
Lex released a huff of air, lips parting in a gasp at the tease of cold against his collar. Clark hovered his hand just over his too-hot skin and a ghost of cool air caressed him. His head rolled slightly to the side against his pillow, blue eyes opening, half-lidded, focusing on Clark. 
The brunette had shifted beside him, propped up on his elbow with his right hand gripping the melting ice. The smile that teased on the brunette’s lips was a delicious mix of lust, intrigue, and pride. It made the older man swallow, momentarily overwhelmed with being the center of Clark's attention. His breath caught as the spherical chunk of ice dripped onto him, melting in the stifling heat. 
A hum left his lips as the cold water ran down his sweaty collarbone to the mattress beneath him. Lex's head rolled closer to the crook of Clark's bent elbow, the brunette’s palm supporting his head. Lex leaned to each drop of cold water from Clark's hand, the alien letting it drip slowly over his flushed chest. The older man's skin prickled slightly, and a breath left him when the oscillating fans returned, blowing cool air over the cold water on his heat-flushed body.
Clark drank in his every reaction, hand moving higher as the ice disappeared from his grip. “Feel better?” He asked, caressing his cold palm over Lex's neck.
A shiver ran down Lex's back at the shock of cold that ran straight to his hardening cock. “Mmm, yeah.” His words were stolen by a gasp when Clark wrapped his wet hand around his nape. 
The college student smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to Lex's parted lips. He smiled into the kiss and cupped the back of his neck with his cool hand. Lex relaxed under Clark's guiding touch, tilting his head to deepen the kiss. Distracted by the contrast of temperatures and the press of Clark's lips, Lex was surprised when new drops of ice water landed over his left nipple. 
He groaned into the kiss, left hand moving to tangle in Clark's soft locks as his member twitched in interest. His chest arched, leaning closer to the tease of cold as the younger's hand pressed the ice against his quickly pebbling nipple. Lex's tongue licked over Clark's bottom lip, his skin prickling further when the melting ice circled his areola. 
Clark hummed into the kiss, pressing his lower half against him as Lex rose to meet him. His fingers held tight to the melting ice chunk, rolling it around the hardening bud. Lex groaned and broke the kiss, head falling back onto his pillow at the press of Clark's shaft against his thigh and the caressing cold across his chest from his left nipple to his right. As the fan blew back towards them Lex shuddered, body cooling further at the blow of air over his chilled chest. Green eyes roved over the expanse of Lex's chest, watching as water ran down towards his abdomen before looking back to the hard buds.
When the ice was gone, cold fingers toyed with each bud. Fingertips circled the perk nubs, cold and teasing and pulling a moan from Lex's parted lips. The older man's hand fell from Clark's hair, holding tight to his shoulder as the large hand traveled down his abdomen. 
“Still feeling overheated?”
Lex released a sound of distracted thought, his shaft hardening further when Clark's hand came close but not nearly close enough to his fattening cock. “It's a record heatwave, Kent. I think I need more ice.” Blue eyes rolled up to him, and the devilish smirk that had woven across his lips only grew when Clark answered with a dimpled smile that was too bashful to be wholesome. 
“Good thing I grabbed so much.” 
A whine nearly escaped Lex when Clark took his hand away to grab more ice, fingers brushing against his length. The clinking of ice within the cold metal bowl caused his breath to hitch with anticipation. His eyes didn't leave Clark while he shifted beside him, sliding an oblong ice chunk into his mouth. The brunette smiled, sucking on the cube and chilling his lips, bending and moving down Lex's body. The bald man released a sigh of contentment at the cold press of lips against his side, spreading his legs when Clark kneed at them. 
The younger man hummed against his hip, nipping at it while sliding between Lex's spreading thighs. When Clark's hands finally returned, they were both colder than Clark's naturally warmer skin. Lex moved easily under his familiar grip, the brunette slid his hands down the fronts of his thighs before pushing his knees up. While he adjusted Lex's position, raising his legs and bending them at the knee, his mouth continued to leave cold kisses and bites along Lex's hips and towards his groin. The older man shivered under his cool wet touch, hips raising trying to wordlessly encourage Clark closer to his aching length. 
Clark chuckled against the cooling pale skin as Lex rocked up to him. “You're supposed to stay still,” the brunette said, pulling back to sit on his heels. 
“Don't tease me in this heat, Clark,” the billionaire groaned, eyes rolling over Clark's naked form between his spread knees. 
“Patience,” he said, hands digging in the ice bowl only pausing when he found a larger spherical piece. “Let me cool you down.” 
Lex's hands twisted in the sheets as his hips shifted on the bed. “Cool me down faster,” he retorted, watching Clark push another chunk of ice into his mouth.
The younger man scoffed, rolling the ice around his mouth before bending back over his partner's erection. At the first press of cold lips, his toes curled. Lex's lips parted as Clark dragged his cold mouth down the side of his shaft before leaving wet kisses around his base. Lex's hips rocked up to the slide of dripping ice water as it escaped Clark's lips. His head rolled to the side, watching as Clark moved back up to his tip, ice crunching between his teeth before his lips parted and encased his tip. 
A punch-out groan left Lex's lips, body jerking and curling towards Clark's steadfast grip. He shuddered feeling Clark's nimble tongue swirl around his aching tip. A moan hummed through him as Clark groaned at the drop of pre-cum that had splashed over his taste buds. The brunette shifted, pulling Lex's legs over his shoulders and digging back into the bowl. 
Lex's fingers tangled into Clark's chocolate locks, gripping them tightly. The alien didn't move under the tugs of Lex's hand, tongue teasing his tip while his fingers slid an oblong chunk of ice between his cheeks and against Lex's puckered star. The bald man groaned, head going back as Clark's fingers dragged the ice against the clenching muscle. 
“Are you hot inside Lex?” He teased, his breath chilled against his throbbing cock. “Want me to cool you down inside too?” 
Lex nodded quickly and without thought, the teasing press of cold and dripping water stealing his breath. “Fuck, Clark… Yeah, yes, I'm so hot,” he groaned, rocking back towards the melting ice. 
Clark hummed tongue swiping over his tip to stroke over his cockslit, cold tip digging slightly into it before sucking him back into his mouth. Lex huffed the lukewarm embrace of Clark's mouth paired with the push of ice into him. He rutted back to the chilling sensation and the uneven edges of it, clenching around the melting shape as it was pushed past his rim. A chill ran through him as Clark's head bobbed slightly on his cock, shuddering as the ice melted too quickly within him needing more. He groaned, licking over his parted lips wanting a larger piece inside him, unwilling to let the spine-tingling cold vanish so quickly. 
“Bigger one, baby please,” he groaned, fingers digging into and massaging the brunette's scalp. 
Clark hummed around his cock, the sound of ice clinking filling Lex's ears. His eyes closed, moaning as Clark dropped lower on his length and a thicker oblong piece of ice was pushed into him. His hips rocked and Clark's free arm braced him, wrapping around his waist to keep him still. Lex groaned at the use of strength in Clark's arm, feeling the ice shift and push deeper into him before melting within him. Lex groaned, feeling the ice water inside of him as Clark kept moving on his cock, lips tight around his shaft. 
“Clark,” Lex groaned, trying to move with his quickening pace. 
A huff left him as Clark's finger pushed into his cooled canal, biting his bottom lip as Clark's tongue swirled around his shaft on his next stroke up. Lex's eyes opened as his body jerked within Clark's hold, toes curling as Clark pushed two larger chunks of ice into him along with two fingers, still open enough from taking the younger's thick cock earlier. A moan left him at suddenly having so much inside him and Clark's warm tongue lavishing his shaft with each move of his head, pushing him closer to the edge. 
Clark's eyes rolled up to Lex, always loving to watch the older man fall over the edge because of him. He groaned around him, his own cock heavy and throbbing, fingers twisting around the melting ice within him before fucking them into him. Another groan left him at the impossible tightness around his thrusting fingers, feeling Lex's building orgasm and pushing him over the edge with a swipe of his tongue. 
Lex's body stiffened, toes and fingers curling as a stream of curses and Clark's name left his mouth. Clark didn't let up, working him through his orgasm and grinding against the bed as he swallowed around Lex's spurting cock. Lex huffed a hard breath, collapsing back against the bed as Clark's fingers slowed, and the younger man pulled back from his spent shaft. 
“Better?” Clark asked, pulling his fingers from him and letting his legs down off his shoulders. 
“Much better, Clark,” Lex reassured, having momentarily forgotten about the heat under Clark's imaginative touch, the ice, and the breeze from the fans. “Good enough to cuddle my solar panel,” he teased with a satisfied smile that only grew when Clark returned it and pulled him to him.
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taylorswiftstyle · 1 year
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"Karma" music video | May 26, 2023
Candy Ice 'Pearl Sprinkles Earrings' - $2,200.00 Dylan Lex 'Beni Necklace' - $480.00
Worn with: Erdem dress and Stuart Weitzman pumps
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misterbaritone · 7 months
If you think about it, DC comics has two big 3s
The first is the classic Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman trio
The second is Reverse Flash, Black Manta and Lex Luthor. The big 3 of hatin ass niggas
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the-mocking-robin · 7 days
Tell us, Jason! Why is Lex Luthor a raging dumpster fire???
Fuck 'em, Lex is just one example of many billionaires who look at people who threaten their frail hold of personal control over the mass populace and throw bitch baby fits about how they shouldn't be allowed to do that, casually whispering under their breath "except me" and acting surprised when someone catches them in their bullshit.
Nevermind that we've seen Lex's attempts at genocide, segregation and eugenic social practices before. For a man who claims to be a genius, he is increasingly of the time tested and proven inferior opinions and moral disposition.
I honestly don't understand how anyone could support someone who seemed to look at the last world war and said "But they were right," before setting his eyes on what he felt was the target he could get away with wanting dead, tortured and experimented on.
I even have it under good authority that he's a regular purchaser of kryptonite in large quantities. Far more than strictly needed to deal with a whole... What? Six people? It's a rare, radioactive isotope and he's buying up enough to poison all of metropolis if he ever experienced a leak in his protective containment.
Lex Luther? A shit person. A shit human. Unfortunately, too rich to touch legally and too well known to shoot and be done with.
... For now, at least.
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autcnomy · 10 days
"You're full of secrets."
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He mightn't know that the Batman is Bruce Wayne, but if Gotham's dark seraph has any competition in the art of the impervious mask, it's Lex Luthor. A tic, a half-smirk, is Lex's only tell, as his mind roves far afield of the current--very strange--social encounter on the Luthercorp roof.
Secrets, hm. Yeah. Would you recoil, or would your Arkham charges give me a run for my money?
"Huh." So curated a sound, even that little puff of laughter, into the chilly night.
Just as cold, that night. His hands white-knuckled over the cradle. The form too small and still, skin so pale it was translucent framed by the blankets, every little blue vein visible inside its milky vessel. Too late.
After the eruption of red meteor dust in that cornfield. Smooth-headed, head pickle-sour from hazing and shunning at Excelsior, heart still peculiarly swollen and unguarded: for that little baby. They were gonna have so much fun. Lex's birthday parties weren't gonna be at empty tables anymore.
(The age-old tale: Dad never loved me, because I couldn't be his diligent appendage, a sword of capital or conquest, a proper heir; my baby brother was his miraculous do-over, but my mom.....)
(My mom....)
"I guess you're right. You're doing a great job of making that statement sound ambiguous. Is that a question, a complaint...? A compliment?"
The smile is full now, but doesn't reach pewter eyes. They're sad eyes, eyes that know too much for a man not yet thirty. Hands rest, poised and casual, in Lex's long wool coat pockets. The smile disappears and the visage with it.
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"Please allow me to be blunt. What're you doing in my city, Batman? Always thought Metropolis was a bit Midwestern for your taste. Gotham really that quiet tonight?"
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deityofhearts · 9 months
I think I’m in my hot drink era, hot drinks are my bestie now
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sixersigned · 1 month
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ANONYMOUS said: how exactly did mothman end up owing you money
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“ Office lamps. I am not even joking; I look away for one moment, and the entire thing is gone. Most of my budget went to replacing light sources. Got to the point I had to resort to good ol' fashioned candlelight, “ Stanford replies with exasperation, looking through his filing cabinet. He never minded the odd draw to the light... he just wished the Mothman hadn't just made off with entire lamps. “ Unfortunately, he's about as elusive as the Invisible Wizard. My luck has been abysmal trying to track him down. “
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flamingredanon · 1 month
What type of trainer is Misha and what is her pokemon team?
Misha would be a fairy type trainer and her team would be Sylveon, Alolan Ninetales, Comfey, Togekiss, Azumarill and Grimmsnarl.
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pocketramblr · 2 months
crisis 2.0 my b
#Alexander Luthot Earth Three was right there was something horribly wrong with reality and i have to fix it by hand#b- Bruce was on a roof in Gotham arguing with Jason when Blüdhaven got nuked#ic- Bruce was in New York unraveling the crisis plan when Blüdhaven got nuked#ic- Bruce met Dick outside Blüdhaven after the nuking and both were fine#nw- Bruce dug Dick out of the rubble in Blüdhaven and brought him back to treat him#r- Tim was in Blüdhaven and running around with the military at the time of the bombing#and then was distracted from that when Cassie picked him up to meet a beaten up Connor and break into LexCorp to help#yj- Tim was at the tower getting beaten up by Jason twelve hours before crisis started#vanished somewhere to fight robots in the morning#but was found by Cassie in time to intervene in the Connor injuring fight and treat him there#yj- Jason was beating up Tim at the Tower twelve hours before crisis#b- Jason was busy with his joker torturing plans twelve hours before crisis#everyone is at minimum two places at the same time#sometimes three#AND MY HANDS HAVE TO BE THE GIANT GOLDEN LEX HANDS PICKING AND CHOOSING WHAT DETAILS TO MASH TOGETHER#you know what#i get it#i get why after all of this#after the crazy end of the world crisis#Jason watched the rest of his family leave on a cruise to finally relax#and was like 'yeah i think I'm gonna dress up like dickie and run around nyc being annoying more#*now#:3c'#because yeah man#at this point#what else do you do
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comicbooksaregood · 4 months
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Adventures of Superman
Volume: 1
Issue: 497
Under Fire
Writers: Jerry Ordway
Pencils: Tom Grummett
Inks: Doug Hazlewood
Colours: Glenn Whitmore
Covers: : Tom Grummett
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hello-mrpresident · 8 months
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Lee managed to capture a picture of me looking particularly annoyed. I found it funny enough to share.
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maykrisms · 2 months
we mean the lux luthor from the 3100s edition of Justice League where he ends up ruling the team in place of Batman because Batman as we all know dies at the end of -
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❮ I see. ❯ He does not. ❮ You mean that one. ❯
And he cuts them off by closing the channel.
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kintsugiscars · 3 months
g'raha gives his husband a new stack of books hand-picked by him for their library... as well as a soft little kiss on the cheek.
[ give my muse an object! ]
Lex's ears flick with glee, and he drags G'raha into a proper kiss. "Thank you," he says as he pecks G'raha's forehead for good measure. Gentle affection was the best gift of all. They spent too long apart for him to care about simple physical objects. All he wanted was to spend as long as possible in G'raha's arms.
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