#liam too tbh
bi-astolfo · 7 months
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Official artwork of Critical Role’s upcoming Daggerheart one shot characters. In order:
Sir Dante Terrapin — played by Taliesin
Pango Small — played by Sam
Xarlo Grandall — played by Liam
Sweatpea Betabean — played by Laura
Oppenheimer “Oppy” Betabean — played by Ashley
Kexon Peros — played by Travis
Bunnie — played by Marisha
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livingdeadvoid · 1 year
Liam: My mom told me to follow my dreams.
Scott: So you followed Theo around?
Theo: I don't know whether I should focus on the fact that I'm Liam's dream or the fact he called Stiles mom.
Mason: Probably the first one.
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the versatility of your art style scares me /pos (between ATL and AU-01)
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ye >:]
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pansexual-puppy-pack · 2 months
beaten, bloody, and bruised boyfriends
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janegrey9 · 11 months
i feel like the majority of british male celebrities are proof that people who like men don't actually care if they're buff and conventionally attractive like i have seen yall thirsting over guys who could be in a live action flushed away with no cgi or makeup. no one cares how much they bench.
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theninth09 · 2 months
yet again thinking about parallels between thiam and my favorite sapphic ships. hear me out, this totally makes sense.
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LISTEN. adora unwillingly/suddenly becoming she-ra, getting thrown into this new world with a bunch off new friends and powers = liam getting bitten, getting introduced to the world of the supernatural and becoming part of the pack. silly, sunshine, golden retriever personality. heart in the right place. reckless to the point of being self-sacrificing.
theo & catra literally have the same personality. mean, cold, sarcastic. always need to be in control. focus on nothing but their goal, uncaring of anything else. misunderstood "villains" who go through a redemption arc, but keep their asshole attitude. actually have a soft core, but basically only for liam/adora. sacrifice themselves for liam/adora. also, they're both were-creatures, kinda? i mean. catra is a cat. so.
and oh yeah. they're both enemies to lovers. onto the next ship.
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WALK WITH ME.. clawdeen and liam are both werewolves who are relatively new to this whole being a monster thing. they're both jocks but they're also both nerds. both incredibly brave and again, have this silly, sunshine kind of personality. they're both good leaders and take on a lot of responsibility.
toralei and theo are both were-creatures. again, misunderstood "villains" who actually just want to belong and only follow their evil goal because of the circumstances around them. they're mean and cocky and assholes, but actually very soft inside. especially for clawdeen/liam.
and again. enemies/rivals to lovers.
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okay so. theres less for me to list here but still. luz and liam getting introduced to this new supernatural/magical world. they're both bisexual. again, golden retriever personality, kind and brave. dare i say, they both have daddy issues (luz' dad being dead and liams bio dad, as a headcanon, not being a good person)
amity and theo being mean assholes, but, what a surprise, they're actually very soft and are just that way because of their circumstances. they're just insecure and want to belong, etc. changing because of/for luz/liam.
enemies/rivals to lovers. obviously.
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HOW COULD I FORGET THEM. coco/liam getting introduced to the new supernatural/magical world. kind and brave and hardworking.
agott/theo being mean assholes, even though they're actually soft and kind. have a soft spot for coco/liam. redemption arc, etc, the whole thing.
enemies/rivals to lovers. mhm.
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dear-ao3 · 5 days
hope you don’t mind haterism on this blog but . i am so happy abt this being danny ric’s last race i can’t wait for him to be gone. and we get to have liam lawson instead! win-win!
how dare you disrespect my car mechanic like this
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lavelans · 3 months
i think it would be incredibly funny if it turns out liam o’brien is lucanis’ va. once again playing another dark-haired rogue assassin associated with corvids (and possibly also associated with death). died 812 PD born 2024 welcome back vax’ildan
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"It's just you now. Take care of mother."
i have the normal amount of emotions about them (lying) <3
#a redraw but also not really cus i ended up tracing a lot from the old one hfldsjdfs#it was only supposed to be for reference but i ended up keep messing w it instead of redrawing it proper......#feel like i got his expression down better in the old one; looks more strained/ hearbroken like i feel#but thats fine#my art#my ocs#oc: liam hawke#i'm still not sure if liam or varric is the one who deals the killing blow#love both the thought of liam having his own sisters blood on his hands and never being able to wash it off fully#or his (future) best friend saving him that fate but now having that stand between them#cus liam would be grateful for it but part of him would always remember that and hold it against him#(both options also make the bartrand encounter crunchy in slightly different ways)#either way in that moment he kind of hates varric for even just being there. and fenris too#(though tbh im not sure how realistic it would be for him to take sb else except bethy and varric down into the deep roads)#((so maybe in canon fen wouldnt be there idk. havent decided this yet either))#logically he knows its not fair ofc but it just feels like an invasion of privacy. it feels Wrong.#they have no place in this they shouldnt have been there they shouldnt have been part of it they shouldnt have seen him like this#but its sth that binds them too#the rest of the trek is miserable and awkward for all of them in any case#but yeah.#idk if they would be able to bury her down here properly so maybe they end up doing it via lava?#theyre not leaving her body out in the open to rot and/or become food for darkspawn or spiders thats for sure
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sp-love · 10 months
listening to 1d as an adult makes you realize how many of their songs subtly talk about sex
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ndostairlyrium · 5 months
15 Lines of Dialogue
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
Tagged by @greypetrel 💛 thank you dear, scrolling through the pages was super sweet and it reminded me that doing something for myself without stressing too much on how it could be perceived was one of the best decisions I've ever made ;; <3
So, luckily for you I only have just a dozen of chapters translated so you're getting just the Haven + trip to Skyhold arcs :' there she's more jokes oriented wait until the trip to the Dales kicks in
🌸💀 Ankh before the "Lav" 💀🌸
"I should have listened to you. And this will be the first and last time you ever hear me say it!"
"Every culture strives to make [death] poetic in order to make sense of the pain of loss, but reality is much more selfless than any theory."
"This is the point at which I usually lay out my theory to Varric and he raises ten coppers that the situation is actually far worse than what it seems."
"I'm not "an elf". I'm the one who’s going to send you chopping wood with a butter knife, if you keep this attitude."
"Do you really want me to strip completely naked and dance around the fire, hooting in the moonlight under the influence of psychotropic mushrooms?" she paused. "With this cold?
"They give us a certificate along with the rabbit ears when we sprout from the ground."
"This isn't caution, it's lack of decency. If a man is hovering at the edge of a ravine, you carry him to safety, you don't check his ears first. And don't tell me it's a coping mechanism, or I'll tell Sera where you sleep!"
"And if I die, I'd like you to use my skull as a candle holder. Whatever Avaar may say, skulls make terrible mugs."
"I don't believe in redemption. It's like giving candy to a child after class. Mistakes are not stains, they are a reference point for those who make them to spur themselves to do better. They should be welcomed as much as a person's merits. They exist for those who suffer them and for those who make them, to help them give direction to their path"
"Don't transfer your inability to flirt to the Chantry, mister. It's too convenient."
"Not you too, please! You can't catch the plague if you sleep in the same room with an elf. It's scientifically proven. Unless the elf has the plague, but you can notice it on the fly." she pointed at her face with a circular gesture. "Bubbons, blisters, death."
"Oh, shut up! Thanks to my stubbornness, latrines have never been so clean!"
"I complained as well myself, but your saints have a no refunds policy."
"Humans are fickle, huh? First they hate me, then they praise me, then they forget me, and now it seems like I'm the heroine of all lost causes all over again. In all of this... where's my darn griffin?"
"Oh, I have no weapons; I have an arsenal. And if I really wanted to hurt you, you wouldn't be here now. I know where you sleep, I know your patterns, and it would take very little to convince most of the Inquisition elves that inside the council chambers there's an individual worth shaving at night."
I'm tagging: @herearedragons and @bruxbea
If you want to get tagged too just drop a ✨ in the replies u-u
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loichte · 1 year
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isa-ghost · 2 years
Hm ok not sure how to write this post but it's a fun thing and I've been wanting to gush about it for weeks. Uhhh
Achievement Unlocked: Finally found something that's pushed me closer to agnostic than atheist??
Basically, I was seeing an obnoxious, totally inexplicable amount of hawks and corvids in my area irl, especially whenever I was stressed. So I asked all my witchy friends about it (one was straight up born into a coven, it's fuckin sick 🤩) and they sent me some stuff those animals symbolize.
And then I asked about what deities/entities they're associated with. They sent me a short list, so I started looking into each one to see if I felt a strong pull to any of them. One of them was Apollo, the Greek God of [A Lot of Cool Shit]. Right away, I clicked with him. The god of truth, prophecy, healing, the arts. It's all stuff that matters a lot to me. I especially found it fascinating he's said to be a protector of the young, and I, a psych major, want to be a therapist of some sort (read: healer) specifically for teenagers. He's also Known for being incredibly bisexual, and even though I'm pan, my sexuality is still a huge part of me. And a lot of other things about him clicked with me too, both big things like my career goal and my identity, and small insignificant things like the fact that he's a Sun God and I'm a Fire Sign. There were way too many coincidences and connections I was making to myself while reading about him to just think nothing of it. Most damning of all, hawks and corvids are said to be his messengers. If that wasn't a "Hello Isa I've been trying to contact you about your car's extended warranty" moment, I don't know what is. So I said fuck it, I'm gonna give working with him the way my witchy friends work with their deities/entities a try.
It's been like three weeks now? And I haven't done much but I'm really happy about the concept of it all. I see hawks and crows a lot still, especially when I'm stressed or upset (One morning I was getting roadrage omw to school and I shit you not, I watched a hawk land on a street lamp and there was a crow sitting on the very next one. I couldn't help but laugh). I got myself a necklace with a crow on it because I don't really have a space to do formal practice type stuff. And last night I had my wife do a tarot reading for me, and the gist of it was "you have a budding relationship, it's a good thing and it'll help you, nurture it with all the creative freedom you like and be chill about it." Which is basically what I've already been doing.
But my favorite part of this wild ass development is that I realized while reading up on Apollo that my whole life I've thought of or spoke about something and then it either happened or something related to it would suddenly show up in my life right after. I don't believe in ✨️manifesting✨️ and holy shit I'm not calling myself psychic whatsoever, but this weird coincidence thing has been happening to me as long as I can remember and I've been noticing it even more after looking up Apollo, both irl and in my dreams. I think Apollo's dodgeball being my favorite Tumblr meme before this all happened to me is making a comedic amount of sense now.
I'm still pretty skeptical of most religious practices because I just. Am one of those people, I guess. And I had Catholicism shoved down my throat by my dad as a kid, AND I'm queer, so I have a Bad relationship with the concept of religion as it is. But this feels right, and it's fascinating to me, and the idea that these weird happenstances in my life could be a figure that represents several things that make up my core values and my identity trying to get my attention feels really touching. It feels like something wanted my attention so badly, and I've been happier since I gave it a chance.
TLDR: After consulting my witchy friends about some weird shit that keeps happening to me irl, I did some light research and figured out I feel a strong connection to the god Apollo. He represents a lot of things that matter to me and the concept has made me a lot happier recently. And I'm pretty sure he's given me minor dodgeball privileges. I'm finally invested in some form of religious practice, and best of all its one I kinda get to just make my own because it's not an organized one.
So if yall need a dodgeball thrown at something, maybe I got you. 👈🏻👀👈🏻
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mp3minded · 5 months
note: this was written before volume 12's release.
The Liam Route Experience, in Casa Amor.
Going back to the beginning of Casa Amor for a Liam redo, I knew I'd experience the worst of his behavior again. Which, on the one hand, really put my quest for him to the test, to say the least. (Here are all the times where I let my MC keep her backbone, and Liam in check 💀)
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(And for the record, he was lying about Bea here 🤡 but MC couldn't know that then, realistically 😭)
On the other hand.. I'd also say it was worth the trip back. 👀 It was funny to see everyone look at MC crazy, whenever she expressed interest in Liam;
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And uwu there was a number of things that jumped out at me this time 'round, now that I only had my attention on all things Liam. Despite how much he initially banged on about Bea, he did nothing with her on the 1st night of Casa, even though she was open to bedtime kisses by then, one can assume;
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And, speaking of The Liam List.. he put Claudia below "Emel" (the interchangeable other OG girl) because she'd of been more "difficult" to win over. And, MC was below Claudia. It can be easily argued that, he knew he couldn't gameplay his way to MC, which was why he didn't bother in the first place. He just avoided his own opinion on her, by talking about what he thinks she thought of him instead—classic deflection. Why was that only done for MC? 👁☕️
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Not mention something else I connected the dots on, which I think is a huge revelation.. Liam infamously flopped the Mr. and Mrs. Challenge with Bea, since he basically zoned out during his entire date with her. But MC? He's got quite an opinion on her situation with the OG!LI, to where he wanted to plant a seed of doubt with them—and why would he want to do that? 👁 I think it's a shady/sabotaging form of grafting.
In any case, this moment here showed me that yes, he was keeping tabs on MC, more than he normally lets on 👁☕️
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Even though he never really verbally reciprocated MC's flirts with him.. he did always say "thank you, MC" whenever she did, and. I don't know why, I found that kinda cute uwu and i like imagining him say my name in an earnest way too OKAY SHUSH 😭💀
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When him and MC do share 'lil moments together, it's so innocent? 🥺 like I think the best example of this was during the one-on-one you can have with him at the Casa pool.
At first, I didn't expose his gameplaying to Bea because I thought something would come out of that choice, but it just made the scene shorter to the point of boredom, and through exposing him instead, I got the chance to then apologize;
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And this is from taking the high ground, instead of pushing him into the pool (which I did do the last time, so I haven't seen this before 😭);
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And, oh my god. This next moment (from the same scene) below, tore me up so bad, that I kept revisiting it in my photo gallery in-between my breaks from replay, and my imagination would just run on overtime, everytime. If there was ever, a screencap picture that could say a thousand words on its own, it'd be this one;
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THE IMPLICATIONS!!!! FROM SO EARLY ON!!!! WHY is he giving me those puppy eyes!? 😭🥺
At first, I thought we could've only seen GLIMPSES of what can be learned during later interactions with him in the villa—that he doesn't find MC as ineligible for him, as he lied about in Casa. So yeah, when I saw this, I.. well. I think I'd rather save those first impressions for fic writing, I found it that thought provoking 🥺
Like, why did Liam want MC to stay? 🥺
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it's got me so emo like—GOD. I have to see his route through now, come hell or high water.
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breadcrumbsz · 19 hours
someone bring mick schumacher back pls bro won f3 and f2 it’s not his fault he was driving a haas 🙏
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cardinalfirefly · 1 year
New favourite LG moment dropped.
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