#liang rexy's works
liangrexy · 3 years
I drew something for a Danny Phantom alternate universe of mine. The AU is called "Wings of the Ravens", and I have talked about the AU.
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My post on Lofter:
Liang Rexy嘅第2篇文章。 于2021年9月9日发布。
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liang-rexy · 3 years
I drew Danny.
Do not repost.
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My post on Lofter:
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liang-rexy · 2 years
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Don't repost.
I drew @suekis-stuff 's alternate universe Sam.
My post on Lofter:
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liang-rexy · 3 years
I drew something about my alternate universe "Wings of the Ravens".
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Last time I mainly talked about lines with the same thickness (@liangrexy 's 6th post), and this time I used more lines with different thickness. I basically drew lines with ink painting, calligraphy and pen drawing methods. You can see the strokes pretty clearly I suppose. Some ends of the lines, which were where I stop moving the pencil, look obvious, because I was imitating how I paint and write on actual paper. Although I don't paint very often and I really need to improve my skills, I know how it works and what I probably want. The brush I mainly used was the felt-tip pen tool, and honestly the lines has something to do with how hard I pressed the pencil against the device. When painting with an actual brush, I can hang the brush and let the tip of the brush stay on the end of a line for a little bit longer so that the water and ink can leave a pattern on the paper (to draw some lines I also need to rotate my brush). And I need to write strokes as well. As for the lineart in this post, I used techniques that are usually seen in landscape paintings. For example I drew dot leaves (pine tree needles here), which are groups of lines, to represent hair and other stuff, and I used tree branches and fabric wrinkles to draw shapes and outlines. Usually I don't colour my line drawings, so it will be nice if the lines are smooth and well-organized. If I want to colour my lineart, I can draw rougher lines theoretically (I don't really enjoy colouring my lineart now! ! ! ). 😂😂😂
I did colour something. Most of the colours I used were low-saturated. The bottom right Danny is in blue while the whole scene is basically in a red tone, so in order to achieve colour harmony, the saturation of the blue colours had to drop. The same goes for the bottom left little Dark Danny. I used the oil painting brush tool (I guess), the felt-tip pen tool, the eraser tool, and some other brushes. I drew the colours with methods of oil painting, watercolour and acrylic painting, and I didn't use that many lines. I left some brushstrokes and drew different kinds of edges because of my personal preference. Last year I often used the magic wand tool to draw this kind of art but now I realize that I can draw more quickly with brushes, although the bottom right Danny with a background still took me over two hours to draw. 😂😂😂 I think the coloured ones kind of look like prints and paper cuttings.
All plants in the picture are fictional. I just wanted to test something. I designed foliage's shapes and decorated them with branches. I have observed Cinnamomum camphora, Ficus microcarpa and some other species, and drawn a few line drawings. So I remembered something about how the branches grow, but sadly I didn't draw things very accurately. I will draw real species later I guess. 😂😂😂 SunnyTP (Lofter and Twitter) said that the dark red bushes were too saturated when we talked about colours, so I changed the bushes' colours.
The bottom left Danny's sketch doesn't have blood, and when I was colouring, I realized that I wanted to draw blood and a crying child again. I released feelings and it was cool. The blood is Dark Danny's, and I did use some horror stuff elements but I drew things in a mild way since the point was not showing something actually scary. I mix the features of several materials like hair/ fur, fire, liquid (water), clouds/ mist, plant textures and some other things together to design Danny's hair. So I can make his hair look convincing and at the same time it's clear that the character is fictional. Drawing the colourful smoke were interesting, too. One side of a wisp of smoke could have some twists while the other side could be drawn smoother.
The middle left Dannys: @suekis-stuff said my AU Dannys can lick each other and I thought that would be fine to draw so I drew the boys being friendly (or maybe not really).
There will be a few coloured chapters in the AU's comic, so I need to find proper ways to colour.
And here's one more piece of art: something about the Far Frozen people.
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@liang-rexy 嘅第130篇原创文章。
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liangrexy · 3 years
I drew something for my Danny Phantom alternate universe "Wings of the Ravens".
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My post on Lofter:
Liang Rexy嘅第3篇文章。
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liang-rexy · 2 years
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Randy, Nomi Randy and my ghostly creatures.
Don't repost.
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liangrexy · 3 years
I drew something for my alternate universe "Wings of the Ravens". The little bear in the picture is my character Bella.
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Top left: The bear. 🤔
Middle left: 👀👀.
Bottom left: Feeding time (kind of).
Top right: Danny is trying to love "himself", or maybe not really.
Middle right: Danny in his lab coat!
Bottom right: 😢😭.
It usually takes me quite a long time to draw. 🤔 And I often feel stressful when I create works. It was great that I finally felt a little bit happy again when I drew this picture.
The joy of conveying what I want to say can really encourage me to create more works. 😭😭😭
There are mainly two ways of drawing lines here. One way is to use lines with the same thickness (there are two to three kinds of thickness), and the other way is to use several different lines (like the lines in ink painting). When I used lines with the same thickness, I could draw pretty clear shapes and the more important thing was I could focus on designing the density of lines in an easier way. The other way of drawing is a lot more similar to ink painting methods and it is always interesting to use. I can write lines you know.
I have posted some drawings of Danny wearing his lab coat and Bella the Bear before (@liang-rexy ). Apparently Danny has more than one coat ha ha! 😂 I also drew two limiters (the belts) for the boy this time since I mentioned that my AU Danny uses "power limiters" willingly. 🤔
I wanted talk about my AU Danny AGAIN. Some concepts below were mentioned before and I still wanted to write them again. 😂
The Danny here suffers from some illnesses and he does get separated, and then there is Dark Danny and a more human-like Danny (sharp-incisorsed/ black-haired Danny), and neither of the Dannys is nasty/ violent enough to become something really horrible. Both Dannys are still half humans and they actually need what humans need. The two Dannys are fine with the existence of themselves and they can get on well with each other. They can fuse together (then separate if necessary) without using any tools/ devices, and when they are being one Danny, Danny can be more reasonable than his black-haired self. (Unfortunately Dannys are still suffering from illnesses. 😞)
In this world the Dannys are regarded as shapeshifters by other people, although I know that the "going ghost" thing is different from shapeshifting. Both of the Dannys can shapeshift but the black-haired Danny doesn't do that very often. Danny doesn't change "back" to any forms, so if he is very tired he will just stay in the current form. Basically he can only be other versions of himself and he has preferred forms. He needs to shapeshift occasionally or it will be uncomfortable for him to stay in a form, because staying in one form for too long (a few days or several weeks will be alright) is not very good for his health, but he can't shapeshift too frequently or it will be too tiring/ painful and even harmful/ dangerous for Danny. For example, he won't want to change immediately after a transformation (sometimes he just cannot transform after that without taking a rest). So he needs to be careful when he chooses a form. He uses some devices like the limiters mentioned above to monitor his health condition. The devices can also help him stay in a particular form if that's really necessary.
Danny has some hobbies and he really has the time to do his things. I have already talked about that. And I might talk more about what Danny can do/ like to do later. The boy takes good care of (most of) his toys and models and he is fine with playing toys with Jazz or other people, but he is afraid of stuff toys (only occasionally). Cute fluffy animal toys might scare him, so someone who knows Danny might use dolls to try to frighten Danny.
By the way, I didn't want Dannys to know the TUE timeline earlier, but this year I changed my mind. Little Dan here does see something of the TUE alternate universe (TUE is a parallel world in this case).
Liang Rexy嘅第6篇文章。
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liang-rexy · 2 years
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Dewey Duck.
Don't repost.
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liang-rexy · 3 years
I decided to post something about my characters.
Do not repost.
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阿敏 (Min) (the human), 研仔 (Yan) (the great bittern), 蝉若虫 (Cicada Nymph) (the large nymph-shaped creature with only four legs) and 纸鸢 (Paper Kite) (the floating creature).
The characters are from my comic (it can be something else) that is called 鱼和齿轮.
纸鸢 was created in 2017 and I was glad to draw her again.
I've written several chapters and drawn some sketches already. I hope I can finish one chapter and then post it this year.
My post on Lofter:
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liang-rexy · 3 years
My 陆家屯鹦鹉嘴龙 Psittacosaurus lujiatunensis character and the home of this character.
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My post on Lofter:
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liangrexy · 3 years
I drew a Zhejiangopterus linhaiensis and here are two versions of my Zhejiangopterus.
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It took me 8 days to work on the Zhejiangopterus. Reconstructing the creature was not easy for me. Honestly something is wrong with the Zhejiangopterus's chest and shoulders, and I didn't really draw the coracoids😂. But anyway, it was good to try to draw a new species and learn something about Zhejiangopterus. I will draw the species again in the future.
I have a more detailed post on Lofter:
Liang Rexy嘅第1篇文章。
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liang-rexy · 3 years
Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Passer montanus.
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Do not repost my works.
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My post on Lofter:
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liang-rexy · 3 years
I wanted to complain about things so I did. 😒😒😒
I saw several events, and I am disappointed and I feel so helpless.
Creating something is usually a very very lonely and tiring process for me. I am so tired (and upset I guess) (It doesn't have to be upset. It's just that I am not THAT cheerful.).
Sometimes I think I should stop posting things (especially fanart and fanfic) but I don't actually want to do that.
Like many people, I do want to get some attention and some feedbacks, and at the same time, I don't like to post things that are… Attractive? Something that many people like or prefer to see?
I mean I don't want to care about my followers' interests. I think I know people prefer to see what sorts of contents but I'm not fond of the idea of posting those things frequently. (I don't get paid anyway.) 😞But I still kind of try to please my followers sometimes, and this is just terrifying.
Also I probably need to make some of my posts on Lofter invisible AGAIN since many people keep liking my freaking old posts and don't even bother taking a look at my latest stuff. I didn't talk about this problem very often because I tried not to care about it. 🌚🌚
Or I can just delete my fanart and fanfic, but it's unnecessary. I don't like to delete my posts. 😓
And I don't like the word "画手". There aren't many people calling me that but it's uncomfortable for me to think about the possibilities. And the words "吹爆太太!" "神仙" "老师" are the scary ones (they're kind of like flattering words) (Basically, people praise someone with some exaggerated words). I mean what are people talking about??? I don't "understand" their words. Perhaps I am too sick and too "old" for that. Haha. 😒🌚
I am not too comfortable when I am around fandoms, either. The Danny Phantom fandom is probably the most comfortable one that I know. However, it's not convenient for me to hang around with most of the people there. And usually I don't know/ understand what people are doing. I simply don't get it (I don't understand some of the new words on the Internet anyway…). Many events and news are distant (I have difficulties finding the right words to convey this). I am not someone in the Danny Phantom fandom, so I guess I know why I can't understand many things. And I don't usually ask people about the fandom stuff (It's inconvenient, remember? 😂).
I myself write and draw fancomics. I don't know how to feel about it. It's not very enjoyable. I create DP fancomics because I have something to say. Maybe I am not too proud of what I am working on. Maybe I'm not as confident as I thought. I would love to finish creating the comics but maybe I'm just daydreaming.
It's so sad that I should not post my original works at the moment.
And I have other things to worry about…
@liang-rexy 嘅第133篇原创文章。
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