solivcgant · 1 year
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(   sms   :   eiji!   ) HUH did you try to make them look as vague as possible or did you hype them up b/c ur only asking me if its one of the two... i'll do it no matter the answer but i NEED to know
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[ sms: spence 👻 ] i said you were prettier than their favourite biases-- they didn't believe me.. and said 2d girls didn't count! (#`Д´) so if you're able to help me save face.. please.. help me out.
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trapton · 1 year
❝     i  should  kill  that  li'l  play  thing  of  yers.    takin'  up  too  much  of  yer  time  'n  attention.    i  don't  like  that.     ❞
🔧 @lichthey
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"𝚖𝚖𝚖. 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝚟𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚢?" glitch wonders aloud. soft electricity running through his smooth voice. buzzing about within the safety of dead space, that which occupies their mind. "do i sense a spot of jealousy?" little rabbit in mind's eye flashes grin, impossibly widening. "-- she's of no threat to you, my dear. you should know that i need to guide her more readily than you. just a further display of my trust, is it not?" that they can handle themselves, anyway. he requires vanessa complacent. this entails [...] a certain amount of time. make no mistake, he will cease to explain himself the moment this is no longer to his amusement. though for now, that has not been the case.
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merchenary · 1 year
ITS BEEN TOO LONG —-— he’s simply been gone too long. and fuck does it get under his skin. but UNFORTUNATELY that’s the live he leads. constantly moving, constantly working to the bone. and while he does his best to ignore it, it’s something he can’t quite ESCAPE from. but those aren’t things he needs to worry about… not right now. especially now that he’s been reunited with spencer, and for once the hotel actually seems nice.
boots are kicked off almost immediately before falling FACE FIRST into the bed. quick to roll over, eyeing the other down. “ — would it make me sound lame if i said i missed ya? ” he’s never prone to show SINCERITY, but this is him at least making an attempt. trying to sound sweet while making a bad joke; the signature ‘ KOSKI STYLE! ’ he can’t help but stare, wanting to drink in the other’s features. wanting to make sure he didn’t forget anything while he was gone. “ because i did. i really missed you spence… more than words can explain. ”
surprise for @lichthey !
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knifvd · 1 year
@lichthey asked : do that again. that was really cute. / ethan!
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                                  𝙛𝙡𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜  𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙩𝙨.  𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙚𝙥𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜.
             (     you   shouldn't  let  it  mean  anything   .  you  know  it  .  BUT  THERE'S  no  denying  this  kind  of  softness  lingering  in  your  chest  ,  contracting  every  time  they  LAUGH   :  silvered  laugh  with  happiness   sprinkled  in  like  the  fairy  dust  you  only  told  rose  about  when  telling  her  STORIES  about  mia  before  bed  time  .   but  they're  DIFFERENT  .  you  know  it  .  there's  no  LINGERING  ,   harrowing  feeling  to  grow  a  chasm  in  you  ,   like  afraid  that  the  rug  will  be  pulled  out  from  underneath  you  the  MOMENT  you  let  your  shoulders  untense   .   it  doesn't  come  ,  and  it  doesn't  stay  .  you're  just  left  with  this  GIDDY  feeling  ,  chasing  after  a  high  you  haven't  felt  since  you  first  met  mia   .   
            you're  not  meant  for  it  though  .  not  REALLY   .  scarred  wrist  from  where  death  itself  failed  to  prevail  no  less  the  proof   :  invisible  ball  and  chain  of  that  house   ,  that  manor  attached  to  your  ankle  beacuse  you  are  nothing  if  not  barely  a  man  .  you're  just  a  traumatized  cadaver  that  has  life  breathed  back  into  it  .  you've  got  a  new  lease  on  life  ;   but  you're  not  human  .  not  anymore  .  you  lost  any  right  to  something  as  SOFT  as  them  when  you  comitted  to  a  woman  who  had  more  interest  in  pushing  the  boundaries  of  science  at  the  expense  of  your  life  .   )
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           he  chokes  on  the  COFFEE   &&   thanks  his  lucky  stars  that  it's  not  SCALDING   hot  anymore  ,  as  it  most  nearly  comes  up  his  NOSE  .        ❛     cute   ?   if  you  find  men  having  a  MIDLIFE  CRISIS  cute   ,   we  gotta  start  talking  about  your  taste  in  men    ,       ❜        ethan   mutters   ,   but  the  blush  never  fade  from  his  cheeks  ,   instead  settles  and  stays  like  gentle  pink  water  color  stain  .    eyes   linger  on  the  OTHERS  ,  awkward  smile  ,  uneven  and  lopsided  to  find  itself  on  chapped  lips  ,  and  lets  an  idea  of  coffee  dates  and  spencer  make  headway  in  his  THOUGHTS  .    
           (    no  ,   you're  definitely  not  meant  for  it  .  but  you'll  still  dream  .  after  all  ,  if  there's  one  thing  that  makes  you  human  ,   it's  that  .   )
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xamassed · 1 year
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⟬ @lichthey ⟭
❝     tell  that  human  if  i  see  them  touchin'  ya'  like  that  again,   i'll  rip  their  arms  off.     ❞
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"Why do I gotta tell 'em? It ain't like I'm gonna see 'em again!"
When they'd asked for a photo with him, he anticipated being touched. It was unavoidable, given his looks and his willingness to pose beside them. What he didn't expect was a hand slipped into the back pocket of his jeans and the cheeky little squeeze the stranger had given him.
He brushed it off, gave them a wave when they walked off, and now found himself listening to the deeply threatening ( and always attractive ) growling of his ghoulish lover. They were rightfully peeved, but he hoped that the gift he'd brought them would settle their nerves and murderous urges.
"I'd love t'see ya go t'town on 'em, babe, but look what I've got~!" He gave the distant stranger a quick glance, was pleased with their distance, then pulled something from his jacket pocket. It was a small but simple wallet, and behind it he flashed Spencer a grin.
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"They coped a feel, so I thought they should pay me for it. This ass ain't free, y'know." He took their hand, turned the palm up and dropped the wallet into it. "I checked, the dumbass has loads of cash in there. We could spend it all t'night if we slip away now!"
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lifesliced · 1 year
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❝ eh, ren texted. he said he can't make it. ❞ family emergency, but it's really because of his son. akira is wise enough to keep some details to himself. besides, he's supposed to be calling him "ren" here anyway, not yori. sigh. this is getting complicated. ❝ but he said to apologize for the last-minute cancelation. sorry. ❞
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he bows his head quickly. ❝ ... if you want to reschedule when yor — ren — is available, uh, i understand. ❞ he's not disappointed, but he is a little put off that he had come out all this way just for a bust. besides, akira was more the welcome tagalong than anything. ❝ his schedule is pretty full these days. hm. we'll find time again. ❞
already calling it quits, akira just assumes the desire here is more to see ren than the two of them equally.
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❝ not like the bar is going anywhere ... ❞ but the festival they were going to beforehand will be. // * @lichthey liked for a starter && got fujita akira !!
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muutosarchive · 1 year
send 🍀 and i'll recommend an oc rp blog !!
* send a symbol and i'll recommend my favorite rp blogs!
@lichthey ! I’ve come to adore spence, & they’re really such an amazing original creation made by a lovely mun. consistent writing & replies, too & just so much 🤩 fun!
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lunarscaled · 1 year
"---Cut away from yourself, not towards."
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-> They're waiting for Spencer to finish with this body so they can take it back for processing.
@lichthey | one-liners
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@lichthey: “ yer th’ guy that gave th’ trailblazer a hard time? s’almost laughable. ”
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      it's not the first time he's approached like this, nor it'll be the last. it makes him tempte to eyeroll any time it does, mind him- he's used to be understimated. in fact, he prefers it like this, where he can ride almost unnoticed under shallow waters. an interaction aimed to be as uninteresting as possible- and then he's free to slip under the radar. that's a consolation- not to be sized up properly.
      what does he gain in trying to change this person's mind? clearly, they have their own opinion of Sampo Koski- if a voice is filled with contempt for the poor conman, he'll let it be. so much effort and sweat and words would be wasted where he can employ elsewhere to strike a good deal... Sampo doesn't like to argue when he meets a dead end. there's no deal to strike and no showing of wares- so they already lost his attention.
      he was already sized up wrongly- so he gives the person exactly what they want, in terms of acting.
      “ wha- an hard time?! wow- ouch! ” his entire body draws back, a wounded expression falling on his face. “ the trailblazer is what i consider to be a good friend to me- we're pratically best buds! did they really said that...? ”
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      poor Sampo, with his sad, wet puppy eyes mulling over the betrayal of a good friend! poor, misurestood good guy in a world against him, he is!
      “ i bet you two had a good time laughing at poor ol' me, huh. ”
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stellarhistoria · 1 year
this is going to be funny / / @lichthey. / / spencer & aryin.
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"Oh, no, I am quite aware, thank you!" chirped with a bit of absentminded delight, "You see, I'm trying to see how the people who can't play fair manage to win, so I have ways of getting around it with the people who cheat on bigger scales. You understand the premise of learning from experience, yes?"
the knight giggles and takes out another pouch of mixed types of pieces. "I am not actually broke. I left half of my funds with my partner in crime, so to speak. Gambler he is, he will not spend what is not his."
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ekleipsi · 1 year
❝     no,   faye    —    'm  not  sayin'  th'  shirt  isn't  yer  color.    i  don't  think  it's  anyone's  color.     ❞
--- Shopping for something suitable was...trying sometimes, but the model was usually rather adept and pairing things appropriately. That said, it was always better to have a second opinion and Spencer's had been somewhat invaluable. While Faye didn't always agree or approve of the fashion choices the other made, they weren't so horrible that aspect would look down on them.
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--- ' Tch...everything can be my color in the right application. We just...we just have to find the right pair of pants to complement it... ' she hummed thoughtfully, looking at the cardigan. It was cute, the material was comfortable and light; it was a burnt orange, so naturally it would only have matched well with something...dark! ' Mm. Navy...I need navy, or a rich army green pant...actually. Even a high waist short could be acceptable if we go so far as to trim the bottom off. That might be even better...what do you think? ' as ideas as spewed out, she glanced at companion for confirmation or denial.
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trapton · 1 year
🔧 @lichthey (𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚊 𝚕𝚢𝚛𝚒𝚌 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚛)
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"𝚒 𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚖𝚢 𝚎𝚢𝚎𝚜, saw the divine lies -- why, the power lies within m̴̪̾e̵̎. not in worship of idols [...] i am my own authority. i break the chains of the past. oh, sweet freedom at last"
"i can breathe, i can see i can touch, I̵ ̴C̸A̵N̶ ̶F̵E̸E̸L̸."
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moralpuppet · 1 year
☎️ @lichthey: ❝     remember,   orel.    s'morally  wrong  t'  start  a  fight,   but  they  say  nothin'  'bout  bein'  th'  one  t'  end  it.     ❞
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❝  Oh no, Spencer. I could never teach anyone to turn the other cheek that way ever again. Last time I got way out of control! ❞  HE HAS SWORN OFF OF USING HIS FISTS TO SOLVE A PROBLEM. Last time he hit someone it became a reflex to just starting swinging left and right at anyone who even so much as clenched a fist to pick up a glass or even pray. Hitting someone one time must have been enough to open a dangerous door to a harrowing room of lack of self-control. Instinctive. Maybe a buried need to protect himself ruthlessly and recklessly without reason.
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❝  Yep from now on if someone wants to punch me I'll just lead by example and turn my cheek! ❞ EVEN WITH A SHINER TO THE EYE LIKE HE BEARS NOW... Orel's developed a tolerance for pain somewhat.
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knifvd · 1 year
𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇   𝐎𝐑   𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒 / kat or ethan? 👉👈
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                                            𝙨𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙝  𝙤𝙧  𝙥𝙖𝙨𝙨.  𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙚𝙥𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜.
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              AGENT   to  raise  an  eyebrow   :   mulling  over  thoughts  in  her  HEAD  of  the  other  ,   coy  smirk  to  curl  'pon  glossed  PINK   lips  as  she  takes  a  drag  from  her  cigarette   .   smiles  like  she's  sharing  a  SECRET  with  herself  ,  and  she  laughs  a  small  laugh   with  golden  tones  of  happiness  lingering  in  it   .           ❛      oh   ,   i'd  eat  them   up   ,       ❜       katarina  says  ever  so  LIGHTLY   ,   but  weight  is  held  in  tone  ,   she'd  do  that  and  MORE   ;   but  call  her  shy   ,   not  to  act  unless  given  orders  to   .   (    guess  you  don't  really  change  .  not  really  .   )           ❛      but  that  much  was  OBVIOUS   .       ❜       
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                ethan  blinks   ,   and  scratches  his  cheek  with  INDEX  finger  awkwardly  ,  but  eyes  linger  on  FORM  of  someone  far  away  :  as  if  he's  still  reminiscing  a  BETTER  time   .  (     you  don't  get  to  do  that  kind  of  thing  .  not  anymore  .  NOT  ANYMORE   .   you're  too  fragile  ,  too  damaged  for  anything  other  than  kindness   ,  you  know  it  ,  you  know  it   ,   but  still   ...  you  linger  .  you  reside  in  complacency  as  you  always  find  yourself  looking  at  their  BACK   .   it  doesn't  matter  what  your  answer  is  .   it  doesn't  .   )            ❛     i  think  they're  attractive   ,  yeah   .   i  wouldn't  mind  ---      ❜     eyes  linger  on  their  form  ,  far  in  the  distance   ,            ❛     it  doesn't  matter  .   we  both  have  different  shit  we  gotta  sort  out  .  so  my  answer  doesn't  matter  .      ❜     
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xamassed · 1 year
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⟬ @lichthey — Mammon’s Birthday 9 • 10 ⟭
spencer practically pounces atop mammon from behind, arms coiled around his neck as their cheek pressed into his shoulder blade. “li’l birthday boy, i have a surprise for ya’ ~ !” overtime at the diner had resulted in more than enough to spoil their husband, at least for the day. laminated card had been plucked from their back pocket & dangled in front of his gaze. “whatever ya’ wanna do, anythin’ at all, my treat.”
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"Ya do? Gimmie! I wanna know what'cha got me!" Aside from themselves, of course. Gifts and birthday wishes were all well and good, but all he really wanted was to see his ghoulish spouse. With a lull in the bang and boom of celebration, it was easier to slip away with the one that made his heart skip a beat with a single smile and the call of his name.
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"Whatever I want, huh? Gettin' awfully bold sayin' stuff like that t'day of all days." He could have easily taken advantage, but that wasn't how he wanted to treat them after all of the time they had put into each other. He loved, deeply and fully, and he wanted to spend the rest of the day proving that fact to them.
Head tilted back, he kissed at their cheek and plucked the card from their fingers. "I'll only tell ya what I wanna do if ya promise t'stick by me for the rest'a the night. Ain't a real birthday if ya ain't there with me, precious."
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spring-lxcked · 1 year
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@lichthey liked for a short starter.
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William studied them a moment, unlit cigarette hanging between his fingers. "Don't mind if I take a smoke break, do you?"
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