#liddle creechures
artnewvielle · 1 year
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nightmarist · 4 months
i love this guy.
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stationerykid · 1 year
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@eechytooru you've done this to me hhhhhhI love him......
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oheck-trainwreck · 9 months
I finally finished my animation! Please take a look, I worked very hard on it.
It's based off of one of Bad's lore streams just after Purgatory (technically the audio is directly from it, but all the stream added was thunder)
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bylertruther · 2 years
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stormbreaker-290 · 10 days
Bestie you are so creature in the best way possibly
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Eheheheheheheheeheh :333
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so last night I had a program that I did like more than an hour's prep for, based on something /I/ care a lot about, and no one showed so I killed time cleaning and stuff for an hour and today I had zero prep program I really really didn't feel like dealing with and I'd given an optimistic guess of being an hour long and 2 people showed up and they stayed almost TWO HOURS and I had no time to do anything else for my job
I'm just glad tomorrow is a no program day for me and I'm hoping I get things done!
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itsamarlfox · 1 year
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I got my wish
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silo1013 · 1 year
Thoughts on the fluke man (I love him, my liddle creechur). And just the episode in general lol
I LOVE THE FLUKEMANNNNN i haven’t watched the host in a while but i thought it was a good and a bit underrated episode! it’s pretty gross but in kind of a goofy way which i appreciate. the way that the cops were treating this fucked up leech creature as a regular person like taking it to normal human jail and and giving it a psych exam and shit was hilarious
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jemwolf · 10 months
I know next to nothing about fma, therefore have no strong opinions on it in general. But Sev.. Sev has captured my heart. Such a funky liddle creechur we are so lucky to see <3
Woe, Sev be upon ye~
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No but for real, thank you so much. I love that people love my funky little creature 😭
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Yes you are that strange
im just a strange liddle creechur. do you folk study me under a microscope /silly
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funkylilomen · 1 year
-One Can of Raid
-i am just a liddle creechur
-Faerun? More Like Gayrun
-sometimes an angry kitten is as good as a will to live
I hope these are vaguely entertaining playlist names
these are all very entertaining playlist names
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ibis-gt · 3 years
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remade this post bc i hate making mile long posts if i can help it
i got a LOT of prompts wow so i'm combining some of them where i can!
mermaid luther au bc ive been neglecting it unu
Cam leaned back in his chair and stretched his arms up over his head, rolling his neck from side to side and groaning. “Uuugh, I’ve been sittin’ here too long,” he said. “Gotta get up and move around.” He glanced at the aquarium tank next to him and smiled. A snail clung to the glass wall closest to him, but otherwise nothing living was visible. The little angel was hiding again. Luckily, Cam knew how to coax him out.
He got up from his chair with a grunt and reached for the shaker of fish food. He’d wondered for a while now if it was really getting the little guy all the nutrients he needed, but according to his research it should be fine, and he hadn’t heard any complaints. He lifted the lid of the tank and sprinkled a generous helping inside, then stepped back and waited.
After a few minutes, a tiny blue and green head poked out of the stand of fake seaweed. Big orange eyes flicked up to the gently descending flakes, then out to where Cam stood. Cam gave a little wave. The tiny creature ducked back inside. That’s fine, Cam thought, you’re shy, I’ll wait.
Another two minutes passed. The head poked back out and the intense eyes focused on him again. Ever so slowly, the tiny mermaid drifted forwards, exposing shoulders, then arms, then torso and fins. He stopped halfway out, gaze still fixed on Cam.
It had been two months since Luther started living permanently with Cam, but the little dear was still incredibly shy. His instincts were hard to overcome. The slightest movements from Cam sent fear and adrenaline coursing through him. At only eight inches long, and most of that taken up by his impressive tail, he was easily intimidated by Cam’s 6’4 frame. But he did genuinely like Cam’s company, and was working hard on getting used to the huge man.
“Hey,” Cam whispered. “Food time, buddy.”
Luther’s eyes darted back to the flakes. Most of them had settled near the bottom by now. With a graceful flick of his tail, he fully left the cover of the seaweed. He started to grab the flakes and eat them, one by one, eyes flicking back to Cam every now and then. He was gorgeous, all deep blue with thin yellow stripes down his back and arms. When he’d finally finished his meal Cam expected him to dart back to safety, but instead he stayed out in the open, turning to stare up at Cam. He knew what that meant. Cuddle time.
“Okay, here I come. I’m gonna move closer now, you ready?” Slowly, slowly, Cam took one step towards the tank. Luther flinched, but stayed where he was. “Ooh, real brave today, huh? Little closer, here we go.” One more step, and he was right up on the tank again. “Here it comes. It’s just a hand, nothing to worry about. You’ve seen it before, you’ll see it again.”
He lowered his hand into the water and let it sit there. As soon as it broke the surface, Luther sped away, ducking behind the big oval of rock that was his second-favorite hiding place. He immediately poked his head out again, though, letting Cam know he was still interested.
“No worries, take your time,” Cam murmured. He was proud of the progress Luther had made. From what he could tell, mermaids had kept secret for so long because they were so skittish and quick. The fact that he wasn’t cowering back in the seaweed was an achievement all on its own.
Luther drifted forwards again, ever so slowly. This close up, Cam could see his tiny mouth set in a determined line. He had to fight to keep himself still, but it was so cute he wanted to clutch at his aching heart in his chest. He kept his hand loose and relaxed and waited patiently as Luther slowly, slowly closed the distance between them. There was a pause and Luther pulled back just a hair, then suddenly shot forward and crashed into Cam’s palm, seeming to startle them both.
“Whoa,” Cam whispered. “Okay. Hey. Hi there.”
Luther’s arms were wrapped around his hand, his body pressed hard into his palm. He could feel the tiny heartbeat racing like Luther had just run a marathon. Luther’s tail wrapped itself around Cam’s pinky and the tiny mermaid began to relax a little. He rubbed his face against Cam’s palm like a cat marking its scent. Cam chuckled. This was the only mermaid he’d ever met, so it was hard to make any solid conclusions, but it seemed like this was a common sign of affection for them. And then there was the other sign of affection, which he was less fond of.
“Ah, ah, hey, what did we say about the teeth?” He hissed, trying to keep his hand from clenching as he felt those tiny, needle-sharp teeth sink into the soft flesh of his palm. Luther’s teeth looked like a moray eel’s, long glassy affairs that hurt like a bitch when he did his little lovebites. He felt the water hum as Luther gave some kind of response, but hell if he knew what it meant. “Yeah, yeah, just take them out, please.”
Begrudgingly, Luther slid his teeth back out and pressed a kiss to the bitemark. It hadn’t broken the skin, at least, that was a small mercy. Lord only knew what kind of shots he’d need for a mermaid bite. Luther wriggled forward and pushed himself between Cam’s pointer and middle fingers, laying his body over his knuckles and giving a happy hum.
“I love you too, buddy,” Cam murmured, and gave him a very gentle squeeze.
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pippindot · 3 years
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More group posing with the Swissters. Avalon is people.
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frogfamiliar · 5 years
i miss @viitavirginia ;-;
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upstartgeek · 5 years
thylekshran replied to your post “thylekshran replied to your post “thylekshran replied to your post ...”
physically he might be taller than us but spiritually?
spiritually he’s just a liddle granpa creechur. that’s all. he cannot change this.
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