#life learning
callmezeeshan · 2 days
When a man knows too much.
He becomes lonely.
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cozycottagelife · 7 months
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tincel-cat · 1 year
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I love this meme so much🙌🏻🙌🏻
(Srry for all the hashtags)
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merakirf · 1 month
if the actions doesn't prove the words, it's just a bullshit.
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selfhealingmoments · 1 year
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27paperlilies · 8 months
Enough is enough
This is it now. Enough is enough. I've had it with myself and my stupid ways, no more going back on obligations, no more missing important deadlines, no more hiding away from the problem hoping it will go away. This is the end of the bloody cycle. Time to make progressive movement.
There's only so many times I can make the same mistakes, and have the same choas circle around me in a taunting dance. It ends. Now. Yes it terrifyingly, yes the brain immediately recoils and self sabotages, but what's the alternative? I don't want to go through this state of panic and stress every time. It's like unconsciously walking through fire with no control. I'm just being worked by a default programing, and I've had enough.
This is my fault, the absolute avalanche of problems that I'm blind to every time they come around, are my own doing. Everyone has their own default programme, its learning to override it that's going be your saving grace, not using the same tools and functions as before just because they feel the safest and easiest to use. Its difficult, but not impossible.
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im-madam-baby · 1 year
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a friendly reminder.
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bullshitpoetry · 6 months
The biggst lesson I've learned in life is probably that you can like people, but don't depend on them. Enjoy their company but don't expect anything from them.
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toyastales · 6 months
The biggest lesson I learned this year is to not force anything: conversations, friendships, relationships, attention, love. Anything forced is just not worth fighting for, whatever flows flows, what crashes crashes. It is what it is.
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sheherrzaad · 8 months
Today, someone just said to me, "don't be so hard on yourself for not being the "adult version" of yourself you want. You're still a kid in adulthood, it'll take time for you to know how it works."
Wow. I'm too stunned at how much it makes sense.
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diamondgrlteam · 8 days
As my 25th birthday approaches this Sunday I would like to share with you a few life lessons I’ve learned so far:
🩷 be intentional with the people you surround yourself with. the closest people to you should inspire, motivate and enrich your life.
🩷 take every advice with a pinch of salt, although some may have good intentions know one knows yourself like you.
🩷 hold on to memories and the happiest moments of your life whilst they’re happening. no one truly knows when they’re gone.
🩷 don’t be afraid to let go of people/experiences that no longer serve you.
🩷 God’s plan is always best, trust him more and maintain unwavering faith.
🩷 reinvent yourself as many times as you want, fail and try again and again until you find what works for you and what is the best fit.
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journal-rasa · 6 months
Welcome to Reality #2
Apakah cinta itu benar-benar ada? Apakah rasa itu nyata? Apakah jika kau merawatnya dengan sungguh maka rasa itu benar-benar akan tumbuh?
Nayatanya, tidak. Tidak ada yang menjamin. Bagi sebagian orang, rasa itu... bisa hilang seketika. Secepat kau mengedipkan mata. Tak percaya? Tapi memang demikian adanya.
Kembali, semua rasa hakikatnya hanya titipan dari-Nya. Termasuk juga kemampuan hatimu untuk merasakan sebuah rasa. Jangan terlalu tenggelam di dalamnya. Karena Dia bisa menariknya kapan saja.
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neverluckygoldfish · 5 months
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Walt Whitman
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selfhealingmoments · 8 months
you did what you did, I felt what I felt, and it is what it is.
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Elden Ring and Lessons in Life
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--This was my victory shot in my first playthrough of Elden Ring, right after beating Radagon and the Elden Beast. Took me more than 3 days of trying. My build there is dexterity/arcane, equipped with an uchigatana and rivers of blood katanas.--
For most people, especially the ones who are completely disinterested and abhor video games, playing games is a shallow hobby and complete (and expensive) waste of time. However, to me (and I think for other gamers out there), Elden Ring came in an opportune time. The time when I needed life lessons the most.
Because of the pandemic, lockdowns and being on constant furlough, I searched for things to do during my indoor staycation. I have always been an indoor person but because times were unprecedented back then, I have to keep my sanity up and running. I have been always playing computer games but I needed something like a rabbit hole that I will play for a long time.
Enter Elden Ring.
I have heard of the game since February 2022. Around this time, I already resigned from my previous job, recovering from burnout and mental struggles brought about by losses I experienced in 2021. I was trying to dig deep within me - asking myself what direction I will be heading, moving forward.
I have seen gameplays from my favourite gamers like RadBrad. He jokingly said that he's a bit crap in soulsborne games like Elden Ring and looking back, after playing the game, he was - a bit and for hilarious reasons. Haha!
I rediscovered my Twitch after months of being inactive and followed people who play the game as well. I eventually made the decision to acquire the game as a birthday present. My partner asked me what I wanted to have on my birthday and I asked for Elden Ring and Spiderman. I played Elden Ring and oh boy, I fell down into one of the deepest rabbit holes I've ever been into.
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--Me, after beating the notoriously difficult Malenia, Blade of Miquella. She was a dreaded boss in the game. It took me 35 tries with a summon (which is pretty useless anyway because she kills it first. Also she heals with every strike landing on you). I am looking forward to dance with her again, this time, without a summon.--
For a first timer who encountered a game like Elden Ring, sure, it was difficult and confusing. I always die even in the weakest of enemies. I dread facing the area boss. I was that anxious to the point, I scheduled playing Elden Ring during the day because my anxiety carries over to my dreams (I have a thing with nightmares because of a very anxious and active imagination).
I managed to find my way and style in the game. I managed to defeat area bosses after multiple times of trying. It all clicked one day. Elden Ring is a game designed to teach you how to take failures - both in game and real life - one of the most important lessons that you could ever come across.
Failures are part of life. These are not dead-end alleys, rather, they are detours / redirections to lead you to something better. All you have to do is to learn the lesson, gain your self-awareness, strengthen your self-confidence and temper your ego. I was at a point in my life that I was constantly receiving rejections from job applications and the job market that year was chaotic. Even finding a part time retail job proved to be very challenging. The lessons that I learned from Elden Ring carried and helped me with dealing with all these rejections and failures.
I know for a fact that a lot of people don't like Elden Ring because of its difficulty. I eventually learned that soulsborne games as a genre is notorious for its difficult games. Apparently, the kind of games that are not meant for the general populace. Masochist gamers are the kind of market for this genre. Well, in my case, let's call it a "living failure" or "failure enthusiast" (LOL).
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-- One of my favourite quests in the game albeit, a sad one. Jellyfish was one of my early favourites as a summon. I later realized that Jelly's name was Aurelia. And her sister was waiting in the Stargazer ruins in the Consecrated Snowfields. After reuniting Aurelia with her sister, you will find their graves below the cliff. Turns out that the jellyfishes in the game are the souls of innocent children who perished in the Shattering. --
Moving forwards with 2022, I found myself at a crossroads again. I decided to return to university for start a degree in Computing/IT with the hope of majoring in Software Engineering by Year 2. Take note of this: I made this decision as a person with loads of self-doubt and math anxieties. I always doubted myself when it comes to the subject of Math. I was led to believe that I was a complete numerical numpty.
I have to dig deep. And this time around, Elden Ring gave me something to cling on.
Why not imagine Maths as a soulsborne boss? That the only way to go forward is to keep on trying with that belief in yourself that you will get it's patterns and beat it? Practice makes perfect isn't it? If you can beat Malenia, then you can beat your Maths soulsborne boss!
Of course. Dealing with maths needs constant practice and encouragement when you don't get the correct solutions. There is no best way to deal with math anxieties but face it head on. Because you have to - if you want to conquer that one.
In order to prepare for my degree, I recalled my younger student years, critiqued it for my silly mistakes, swore that I will not do it again nor procrastinate. But at the same time, I will be kinder to myself, understand how my brain learns as in meta learning and establish an effective study strategy. I have to let go of whatever I feared back then. And just jump into it.
So far, so good. I am in my current year 1 and to my astonishment, I re-discovered myself again. It gave me stronger motivations to pursue things - even if its the ones that make me scared.
Elden Ring saved my sanity. Elden Ring saved me and let me become a brave Tarnished, ready to face real world and the Lands Between.
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im-madam-baby · 1 year
If you're the one who keeps apologizing to the person you love and they ignore you or are indifferent toward you, leave them, walk away, and maintain some dignity for yourself. They are unwilling to engage in a conversation with you. To put it another way, they don't care about you anymore. You must save yourself.
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