#light lord marinette
nobodyfamousposts · 2 years
Both concepts (Littlebug and Chaton meet ninja turtles) sound really cool, so either option sounds good. :)
Then let's do Overlord/Light Lord/Doll Army!
For the lulz...
(During the class trip to New York...)
Alya: I'm finally gonna see my penpal!
Marinette: Penpal?
Alya: Yeah! It was part of a project back at my old school before I moved to Paris. I became penpals with a girl in New York named April O'neal. And guess what? She's into comics, heroes, and journalism! Just like me!
Marinette: That sounds really cool!
Alya: I'm gonna meet her at the park during our break and we're gonna chat for a bit over lunch!
Marinette: Just make sure to be careful. New York is weird.
Alya: Pfft! Hardly. Sure, she's written about some crazy stuff, but there's no way any of it is true.
Marinette: Like what?
Alya: Like mutants and yokai and papermen and aliens and "mystic" stuff. I mean really! What are the odds of something like that happening in New York?
Marinette: The same as Miraculous and akumas and sentimonsters and "magic" stuff in Paris?
Alya: …
Marinette: …
Alya: …I'm gonna take the Dolls for protection.
Marinette: Your protection or theirs?
Alya: Gotta go! (Grabs bag with Chaton and Littlebug)
Littlebug and Chaton: (Are startled by the sudden movement but let themselves be taken along for a ride)
(At the park, April and Alya meet up)
Alya: Are you April?
April: Alya?
Alya: Oh my gosh! It's awesome to finally meet you!
April: Same!
(The two are chatting. Unbeknownst to them, Littlebug and Chaton have gotten bored in Alya's bag and have snuck out to play.)
April: (Looking at Alya's phone) So this is the Ladyblog?
Alya: Yep! My pride and joy!
April: (Looking over the blog and the posts) And this is all for real? The superheroes and monsters and everything?
Alya: I kid you not. Sometimes I wonder how Paris is still standing…
Chaton: (Finds a carousel and climbs on it)
Littlebug: (Spins the carousel)
Chaton: (Spinning around on the carousel)
Littlebug: (Jumps on)
Alya: Speaking of things you can't believe…were you joking about that stuff you wrote about?
April: What stuff?
Alya: Like…with the mutants? And the demon armor? I mean, I told my friend about it and she freaked out a bit because yeah, things get crazy in Paris, so I want to reassure her it's not real so she doesn't have to worry.
April: …
Alya: …she doesn't have to worry, right?
April: …
Alya: Right?
(Meanwhile, Chaton falls off the carousel, his eyes spinny. Littlebug hops off the carousel and helps the dizzy Chaton to the girls and into one of the bags to rest.)
April: Well, would you look at the time! Gotta go!
Alya: Wait! I need answers!
April: (Grabs her bag and leaves)
Alya: (Huffs) I'm gonna get that scoop sooner or later!
(Alya lifts her bag….then pauses once she notices the weight.)
Alya: (Opens the bag to see no dolls) ….uh oh.
(At the Lair…)
April: Hey, guys! (Sets bag down)
Mikey: Hey, April! What happened?
April: Nothing much. I finally met my penpal today.
Mikey: Ooooo! What's she like?
April: Nice girl…a bit brash though. She's running a blog in Paris that's all about the crazy stuff going on there.
Leo: Mutant crazy or New Jersey crazy?
April: All this stuff about "Miraculous" and monsters and magic. (Pulls up Ladyblog on her phone and shows it to the boys) And a cult apparently?
Leo: Like the Foot?
April: I dunno. Cuter, I guess?
Leo: (Reading) "Join the Light Lord Marinette's followers and get your own doll?" I don't see the appeal.
(Unbeknownst to the assembled group, the dolls have gotten bored and jump out of the bag to explore. Chaton wanders off.)
(Raph has been minding his own business and just finished doing some training so he was putting the equipment away. All that was left were the weights.)
Raph: (Picks up the weights one at a time to put back on the stand)
(A small weight is lifted up to Raph by little hands.)
Raph: Thank you! (Takes the weight and puts it on the stand)
Raph: …wait. (Spins back to see Chaton)
Chaton: (Lifting another small weight, trying to be helpful because Mama taught him to always clean up and put things away when he's done with them)
Raph: …
Chaton: (Smiles)
(Back with the others)
Leo: So monsters and superheroes and ladybugs, oh my!
Donnie: Impossible. If even half of that stuff is true, how do they even keep the city standing?
April: It's magic, I guess?
Mikey: OooooOOOooooo! Magic! Like real magic!
Donnie: Scoff. It's not magic.
Leo: You can't just deny magic in everything.
Donnie: I'll admit to actual magic when it comes alive and beans me in the head.
(A red and black-poka dotted ball smacks Donnie in the back of the head.)
Donnie: …oh hah hah, Leo. Slow clap. (Picks up ball)
Leo: That wasn't me.
Mikey: (Looks behind Donnie) There's nothing back here.
Donnie: See? It was Leo.
Leo: Not everything is my fault!
(Long pause)
Leo: …today, at least.
Donnie: And I suppose one of those "magical creatures" just somehow found their way to the Lair? Without any of us knowing? To just surprise us?
(Suddenly, the sound of Raph screaming from another room can be heard)
April: …
Mikey: …
Leo: …
Donnie: …
Leo: …aren't you gonna…?
Donnie: No. I refuse.
Raph: (Shouting from the other room) AAAAH! DEMON DOLL!
Donnie: It's not magic.
Raph: (Shouting from the other room) MAGIC DEMON DOLL!
Donnie: If I don't acknowledge it, it's not real and I am technically not wrong.
April: DONNIE!
(They run to the other room.)
Raph: (Backs away from Chaton in fear)
Chaton: (Confused)
Raph: Wait! If this is a demon like that creepy Cuddles demon, all I have to do is laugh at it! (Laughs at Chaton)
Chaton: (Stares)
Raph: (Laughs louder)
Chaton: (Starts to cry)
Raph: (Immediately stops laughing) Wait.
(Donnie, April, Mikey, and Leo rush into the room.)
April: What's going on?! Is Mrs. Cuddles back?!
Leo: Is that a catboy doll?
Mikey: (Gasp) And is it crying?
Donnie: …nope. I draw the line at crying inanimate objects. (Turns to leave, revealing Littlebug had been clinging to the back of his battle shell)
Raph: AAAH! There's another one!
Donnie: Wait—what?! (Spins)
Littlebug: (Hopes off Donnie and runs over to Chaton)
Chaton: (Still teary) ;_;
Littlebug: (Turns and glares at Raph)
Raph: (Tenses)
Littlebug: (Wags her finger at him, clearly giving a lecture and looking quite cross)
April: I think you upset them.
Leo: (Hamming it up) Raph! I expected better of you!
Raph: I didn't mean to! He was there and I just…
(Chaton's tears fall to the floor and everyone stares in shock and growing concern as the tears begin to burn through the floor where they land.)
Donnie: And its tears are corrosive, apparently.
Leo: Yeaaaah, you might want to make it stop before we end up with a basement?
Raph: (Looks down at Chaton)
Chaton: (Looks up at Raph, eyes still teary)
Raph: I'm very sorry.
Chaton: (Wipes his nose)
Littlebug: (Huffs at Raph, then pulls out a red and black-spotted handkerchief and wipes Chaton's eyes)
Chaton: (Sniffles but smiles once the tears are dried)
Leo: Well, I guess we know who the big sibling is.
Mikey: (Gushing) AWWWWW! They're so cuuuute!
Chaton: (Preening at the attention)
Mikey: (Pokes Chaton)
Chaton: (Nuzzles Mikey's hand)
Mikey: (Gushing even more)
Donnie: So I don't mean to interrupt this…this, but am I the only one concerned about the intruders to our Lair?
Leo: Good point. Any idea how they got here?
April: Didn't Alya mentioned something about Dolls on her blog? Maybe they hitched a ride with me during my meeting with her?
(They look at April's phone.)
Raph: So there are monsters and heroes in Paris?
Mikey: And these little guys are based on those heroes! How neat!
Leo: Does kinda give more credence to the whole "Light Lord" and "free doll" business.
Raph: So your friend just happened to have magic dolls with her?
Donnie: How do you even know they're magic?
Leo: Because they're dolls? And alive? Kinda screams magic there, Don.
Donnie: Not necessarily! EXPERIMENTATION will determine the truth!
Mikey: (Looks worried)
April: (Looks worried)
Chaton: (Looks worried, lip wobbling)
Littlebug: (Glares, silently promising swift and painful retribution)
Donnie: …and by "experimentation", I mean non-invasive non-painful mystic scanning.
Chaton: (Smiles)
Littlebug: (Suspicious but allows it)
April: Orrrr I could just try calling Alya.
Donnie: Sure, if you want to be boring about it.
April: Seriously, it'll take five minutes. Don't do anything while I'm gone! (Leaves the room)
All: ...
Donnie: You all know I'm doing it anyway, right?
Leo: You wouldn't be you if you didn't.
(With April)
April: (Calling Alya)
Voice: (Picks up) Hello?! HELLO?! Is this April?
April: Uh yeah. Who this?
Marinette: My name is Marinette. Alya told me about your meeting and...nothing weird or anything, but would you happen to have a couple of dolls with you?
April: You mean the living dolls? Then yes, I have them here.
Marinette: Oh no! Please don't freak out! They're good kids, I promise! They're just children who like to play! They don't hurt anyone and usually stay out of trouble. Wait they haven't gotten into trouble, have they?
April: Trust me, they'd be in good company.
Marinette: (Confused) Eh?
April: Nothing! So about this whole "Doll Army" and "Light Lord" thing?
Marinette: I keep telling Alya to take that down! (Sighs) Can you tell me where they are and I'll explain it on the way? Preferably before anything happens?
April: What could happen?
Donnie: (Scanning Chaton) Seriously, what are you made of?
Chaton: (Goes BRRR in the scan, clearly having fun)
Donnie: No mechanical parts to be seen. Just pure energy. And felt.
Leo: Soooo…magic?
Donnie: Not EVERYTHING has to be magic, Leo!
Chaton: (Nods because he is magic! Mama said so!)
Donnie: (Points at Chaton) Don't you argue with me!
Leo: (Looks back and forth between them) But…he didn't say anything?
Donnie: I know what he said! Per my scans, these two apparently have empathy—
Mikey: Awww!
Donnie: No, I mean empathy as an ability. Where they can sense the feelings of others and convey their own in their own form of communication. Like something out of a badly written teen vampire romance novel, but less pretentious. And annoying.
Mikey: (Gasp) They communicate through their FEELINGS!
Donnie: The one language barrier we cannot cross.
Chaton: (Holds up arms to Mikey because it sounds like he wants a hug)
Mikey: AWWW! (Hugs Chaton) You are adorable!
Chaton: (Smiles and purrs because hugs)
Raph: (Still nervous) Are we sure that hugs don't power them somehow? Like screams did for Mrs. Cuddles?
Donnie: (Doing energy readings) ….oh, they do. He's absorbing the ambient energy from Mikey’s presence as we speak.
Mikey: (Pauses, then goes back to hugging Chaton anyway) It's not like a little lost energy never hurt anyone.
Raph: Mikey! Put him down! He could kill you!
Mikey: (Hugs Chaton tighter) Worth it! 
Chaton: (Hugs back because Orange boy is warm and sunny and he would never hurt him)
Donnie: Calm down. They’re merely absorbing excess energy. Like osmosis.
Raph: …why?
Donnie: (Shrugs) They appear to just be storing it like little batteries.
Leo: Okay…to do what?
Littlebug: (Throws hand in the air, causing a red and black-spotted screwdriver to appear)
Turtle Bros: (Stare)
Donnie: (Intrigued) …okay, that’s handy, actually.
Raph: Donnie.
Donnie: What else can you make?
Raph: Donnie, NO!
April: (Pokes her head in) Guys! I talked with their Mom. She says they aren't evil but ARE magic.
Leo: (To Donnie) Told ya.
Donnie: (Glares)
April: I'm gonna meet up with her to get an explanation. Don't do anything too crazy while I'm gone! (Leaves)
All: ...
(Ten minutes later)
(The Dolls are set up on the table and looking confused or amused in Littlebug’s case. Mikey is sitting on a chair in the corner, underneath a sign that has “Bad Boy Jail” crossed out and new words of “Quarantine Corner” written on it instead.)
Mikey: Can I come out and play with the Dolls now?
Raph: No! You just hugged one, Mikey! And we’re still not sure what it’s done to you!
Donnie: (Checking Mikey over) Nothing yet as far as I can tell.
Mikey: Nothing other than giving me AFFECTION AND HAPPINESS! Like that’s so bad, Raph!
Raph: We can’t let our guard down until we know what we’re dealing with! The last time we had a doll in the Lair, it turned out to be evil.
Mikey: Awww, these guys aren't evil! (Turns to the Dolls, talking baby talk) Awre youw?
Littlebug: (Nods)
Turtles: (Stare)
Turtles: (Glance at each other nervously)
Raph: Okay…so how evil are we talking exactly?
Littlebug: (Frowns, considering)
Littlebug: (Holds her hands a distance apart, which amounts to half a foot or so)
Leo: Eh, still less evil than Donnie.
Donnie: Eyeroll. You just can't appreciate genius.
Raph: I would feel better if we knew exactly what we are dealing with and just how evil these two are.
Mikey: Don't worry! Doctor Feelings can handle this! (Turns to Littlebug) So, what exactly do you mean by "evil"? (Does air quotes)
Littlebug: (Makes a gesture indicating a box and taking something and putting it in the box)
Mikey: You dumped a man in a dumpster?
Littlebug: (Holds up two fingers)
Mikey: AND his assistant?
Littlebug: (Nods, proudly)
Mikey: Well, that's not good but not so bad. But why?
Littlebug: (Frowns)
Littlebug: (Makes a comedically frowny face and gestures at her face)
Mikey: Uh huh…
Littlebug: (Stands up and strikes several poses then collapses to the floor)
Mikey: (Eyes widen)
Littlebug: (Sits up, taps her wrist but shakes her head)
Mikey: Oh.
Littlebug: (Points to herself and makes the gesture of the box again)
Mikey: (Looking less nice and more angry)
Littlebug: (Holds up three fingers and makes a sad face)
Mikey: (Expression is now stormy)
Raph: Uh…Mikey?
Mikey: (Pulls out weapon) And where did you say this guy lives again?
(Five minutes later)
Mikey: (Sans weapon and pouting, now sitting back in the "Quarantine Corner")
Raph: Okay, now that we've confiscated Mikey's weapons...what should we do about...(Looks down at Chaton)
Chaton: (Smiles up at Raph)
Raph: Yeah…and we're SURE they're not evil?
Mikey: Only to those who deserve it. (Darkly to self) And trust me, they deserve it.
Leo: Okay, anyone else worrying about Mikey's sudden turn to the dark side? And if the Dolls have hypnotic capabilities? No? Just me?
Chaton: (Climbs up on Raph)
Raph: ….uh hi?
Chaton: (Smiles)
Raph: (Staying very still)
Chaton: (Leans on Raph's plastron and purrs)
Raph: (Eyes wide and shiny)
Leo: Raph? You okay?
Raph: (Hugs Chaton) It's everything I've ever wanted.
Leo: Aaaand we've lost Raph. Looks like it's just you and me, Don…
Donnie: (Talking to Littlebug) And you think a death ray would be enough for that?
Littlebug: (Nods and points to a section of a map)
Donnie: I see! I could easily increase the output to scale for size of land mass…
Leo: …I have concerns. I have many concerns.
(With April and Marinette, the two are heading to the Lair.)
Marinette: I am so sorry about this! They're usually pretty well behaved, but sometimes they can get into mischief.
April: (Pats Marinette on the back) Well, that is what kids do. Still, I can't get over how you manage everything. Emotional terrorists. Magic. Monsters. Being a mom to magical dolls. And your own friends trying to take over the world on your behalf? The only way it could be tougher is if you're Ladybug.
Marinette: (Laughs nervously) Y-yeah...hahah.
April: No worries! They're with some of the best guys I know right now. I'm sure they're being responsible and not doing anything too crazy with the Dolls.
Marinette: (Hopeful) Really?
April: (Nervous smile, lying through her teeth) Totally!
(At the Lair)
Leo: Okay. Recap. Dolls are magic. And possibly evil. Raph, Mikey, and Donnie are apparently hypnotized by their cuteness.
(The sound of lightning and evil cackling comes from Donnie's Lab)
Leo: ...no no, that's just Donnie on a Tuesday.
Leo: (Pulls out his phone and looks up the Ladyblog)
Leo: So it looks like the Dolls are...weirdly popular. And in high demand. Huh, no wonder they've got a Doll Army. And this "Light Lord" is their creator....and mother. (Thinking a plan) Hmmmm...
(Five minutes later)
(Leo is sitting across from Littlebug, )
Leo: Okay. So what IS your plan?
Littlebug: (Holds a picture of the world and words "Domination!")
Leo: Kind of figured. And where do my brothers fit in?
Littlebug: (Holds up picture of Littlebug and Donnie in mad scientist gear with a giant ray gun zapping things)
Leo: That sounds like Donnie, all right. Jerk was probably just waiting for the excuse, knowing him.
Littlebug: (Shifts the various papers and holds up a picture of Donnie wearing a sash that says "Minister of Science")
Leo: Yeah, he would love that. What about Mikey and Raph?
Littlebug: (Points to a picture of Mikey dangling a weird-looking blond man over a pit)
Leo: Ah. I'm not sure who that is, but it seems Mikey does. He looks happy about it, at least. And Raph?
Littlebug: (Points to a picture of a happy Raph covered in dolls—more than just Littlebug and Chaton. Apparently there were others?)
Leo: That can't be all?
Littlebug: (Pauses and turns over the picture to reveal another drawing of Raph having tea with a young lady with pigtails, both smiling underneath a banner that says "Leader Stress Free Zone")
Leo: …huh. Okay. May need to talk to Raph about that. And I'm guessing the girl is your Mom, right?
Littlebug: (Nods)
Leo: So…why all the rest of this then? What would you even do with the world once you conquered it?
Littlebug: (Holds up a picture of the Dolls giving the world to their Mom)
Leo: …okay, that's cute. But does she even WANT the world?
Littlebug: (Pauses)
Littlebug: (Frowns, thinking it over)
Leo: Or does she want you guys because you ARE her world?
Littlebug: (Pauses)
Littlebug: (Tears up)
Leo: Maybe you should give her a hug or something the next time you see her instead of a planet? I think owning the world would just stress her out more.
Littlebug: (Nods and looks up at him pleadingly)
Leo: Do you want me to call her?
Littlebug: (Nods)
Leo: Sure thing.
Littlebug: (Hugs Leo)
Leo: (Sighs)
Leo: Wait. Did I just save the world?
(April arrives with Marinette)
April: Hey guys! I brought their Mom!
Leo: So you're human?
Marinette: And you're a mutant.
Leo: I just thought a creator of living dolls would be a yokai or something.
Marinette: This is a crazy world we live in. I hope they weren't trouble.
Leo: Well they DID kinda try to bring my brothers into their world domination plans, but I managed to talk them out of it.
Marinette: What?! HOW?!
Leo: (Acting serious and dramatic) With the Power of Love.
Marinette: (Grabs Leo) No, seriously! HOW?!! I have been trying at length for AGES to get them and my friends to stop this insanity and you managed it in two hours!
Leo: Oh. Uh...sorry?
Marinette: (Releases him and takes a breath of relief) No. No. This is...this is great actually. Thank you!
Leo: Anytime.
Donnie: (Slams open door) DAMMIT, NARDO!
Leo: What?
Donnie: You talked them out of world domination! NOW what am I supposed to do with the Apocalypse Device?
Leo: ...why do you have an Apocalypse Device?
Donnie: For the World Domination Plan I was helping create for the Dark Lord!
Marinette: (Annoyed) I'm not a Dark Lord!
Donnie: (Ignores her, continuing to lament) My inventions would go down in history. AND I would become the royal scientist! But now the Dolls don't want to do it! 
Leo: ...sucks.
Donnie: I created a whole PLAN, Leo! It was a 12 step process!
Marinette: But how do you take over the world if you destroy it? Wouldn't an apocalypse leave nothing left?
Donnie: ...oh. (Eyes widen) I have to go stop the timer! (Runs out of the room)
Leo: .....what?
Marinette: (Eyes wide)
April: ...so yeah. These are my friends!
Marinette: (To Leo) It's no wonder you knew how to deal with the kids. You must be used to it.
Leo: (Shrugs and refrains from mentioning his own antics) Yeah well y'know...
(Littlebug and Chaton run out and hug Marinette's legs. Raph and Mikey watch from the door, teary and sniffling at the reunion.)
Marinette: I've been worried sick about you two! (Hugs the Dolls)
Chaton and Littlebug: (Hug Marinette back because they didn't mean to make her worry, honest!)
Marinette: (To April and the others) It's been nice to meet all of you. Sorry about the trouble.
Mikey: It was no trouble!
Raph: Yeah. They're good kids. We wouldn't mind seeing them again.
Mikey: Speaking of, Littlebug mentioned a certain someone and I was hoping you could give more information on who it is. He needs a meeting with Dr. Delicate Touch.
Marinette: Who is—
Leo: And that's our cue to leave! (Pushes Marinette and April out) Thanks for everything! Lovely to meet you! Give a call if anything happens! Buh-bye!
(Three days later)
(Leo gets a phone call.)
Leo: Hello?
Marinette: Hello, Leo. It's Marinette.
Leo: Oh hey. Something wrong?
Marinette: I wanted to say thanks again for derailing the whole "world domination" plans the Dolls had. But they seem to have picked it back up again.
Leo: What? Why?
Marinette: They wanted to do something nice for me and are convinced that I deserve the world.
Leo: Cute. Evil...but cute.
Mari: You seem immune to the chaos and talked them out of it once. Do you think you could do it again?
Leo: Well, I can try?
Mari: Please! I will give you a box of croissants if you do!
Leo: Sold!
(Fifteen minutes and a portal later)
Leo: (Enters room with a box of croissants and jam, and wearing a sash that says “Minister of Foreign Affairs”)
Mari: (Stares)
Leo: (Shrugs) So yeaaah…they made a better offer.
Mari: If you wanted jam you should have said something! I WOULD HAVE GIVEN YOU JAM!!!
And thus the struggle continues...
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deusvervewrites · 9 days
Dread Lord X Miracle:
Tikki: “This means you are now the Exalted Lady of Fortune and Light, rightful heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Day.”
Marinette: “So, yet another set of responsibilities to weigh heavily on my shoulders, in addition to being a baker, fashion designer, class president, and a magical superhero?”
Tikki: “Yes.”
Marinette: “Horray… why did it have to be me?”
Midoriya: “Boy, running a whole kingdom sure is a lot of work. I sure am glad that I’m not in any clubs or anything like that. I’d have absolutely zero free time!”
Hey she's the one who chose to be class president
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mae-dwrites · 7 months
DPxMLB Prompt
Paris was the City of Lights, Romance, Art, Fashion Capital, home of The Lady of Iron, and so on and so forth.
Well that's all it was before, now though it was a city of magic! It's cool, Lord/Lady Paris (Lady Gotham style cause yes) finds this amazing, they’re a magic city. They were a capitol of many things, and they were proud of that, but magic?? Oh-ho that's just better!
Yes they're kinda pissed at Gabriel but if it weren't for him they wouldn't be an official magic city. (Paris is glaring at Gabriel everytime he neglects Adrien tho, you can be the villain but he a good father!!)
Paris loves their heroes, Marinette their sweet Marinette is growing up so well, she represents every about them. And Adrien, their poor concealed child could express himself more and learn better than he ever could in that snobby house (*pointed side-eye at Gabriel*)
There was only one issue, their people were dying, now this was just a headache! At least the magic brings them back, but now there's a waft of death out and about and not just in the catacombs. And not only that their people held death in them, like it wasn't bad necessarily. But now it was getting out of hand and their heroes really need some support.
Hmm, they heard rumors of a new ghost on the throne, a halfa at that, a warrior even, and he was kind. Perhaps they should seek him out to assist his heroes.
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ot3showdown · 1 year
Final Bracket for the Ultimate OT3!!!
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Polls will be linked below STARTING ON: FRIDAY, APRIL 7TH
Round 4 - Semifinals: (April 29 - May 6)
Parker/Alec Hardison/Eliot Spencer (Leverage) VS Zuko/Sokka/Suki (Avatar: the Last Airbender)
Legolas/Gimli/Aragorn (Lord of the Rings) VS James T. Kirk/Spock/Leonard “Bones” McCoy (Star Trek TOS)
The final 32 Contestants are as follows:
Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness (Doctor Who)
Parker/Alec Hadison/Eliot Spencer (Leverage)
Chel/Miguel/Tulio (The Road to El Dorado)
Geralt of Rivia/Yennefer Vengerberg/Jaskier (The Witcher)
Zuko/Sokka/Suki (Avatar: the Last Airbender)
Thanatos/Megaera/Zagreus (Hades)
Megamind/Roxanne/Metroman (Megamind)
Finn/Poe Dameron/Rey Skywalker (Star Wars)
Legolas/Gimli/Aragorn (Lord of the Rings)
Alucard/Trevor Belmont/Sypha Belnades (Castlevania)
Elphaba Thropp/Fiyero Tigelaar/Glinda Arduenna Upland (Wicked)
steve harrington/Nancy Wheeler/Jonathan Byers (Stranger Things)
James T. Kirk/Spock/Leonard “Bones” McCoy (Star Trek TOS)
Don Lockwood/Kathy Selden/Cosmo Brown (Singin' in the Rain)
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon/Guinevere (BBC Merlin)
Will Stronghold/Layla Williams/Warren Peace (Skyhigh)
Joaquin Mondragon Jr./Maria Posada/Manolo Sánchez (Book of Life)
Link/Zelda/Ganon (Legend Of Zelda)
Wolfgang Bogdanow/Kala Dandekar/Rajan Rasal (Sense8)
Donald Duck/José/Panchito (Disney/Three Caballeros)
Lito Rodriguez/Hernando Fuentes/Daniela Velazquez (Sense8)
L/Light Yagami/Misa Amane (Death Note)
Lonnie/Kyle/Rogelio (She-Ra & the Princesses of Power)
Will Herondale/Jem Carstairs/Tessa Gray (The Infernal Devices/Shadowhunters)
Troy Barnes/Abed Nadir/Annie Edison (Community)
Danny Fenton/Sam Manson/Tucker Foley (Danny Phantom)
Neal Caffrey/Peter Burke/Elizabeth Burke (White Collar)
Dave Strider/Jade Harley/Karkat Vantas (Homestuck)
Chiaki Nanami/Hajime Hinata/ Nagito Komaeda (Dangan Ronpa)
Blue Sargent/Richard Gansey III/Henry Cheng (The Raven Cycle)
Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Kagami Tsurugi (Miraculous Ladybug)
Ferris Bueller, Cameron Frye, Sloane Peterson (Ferris Bueller's Day Off)
The bracket is seeded so that the ship with the most votes goes against the ship with the least (1 v 32, 2 v 31, 3 v 30, etc.)
Polls will be linked below STARTING ON: FRIDAY, APRIL 7TH
Round 4 - Semifinals: (April 29 - May 6)
Parker/Alec Hardison/Eliot Spencer (Leverage) VS Zuko/Sokka/Suki (Avatar: the Last Airbender)
Legolas/Gimli/Aragorn (Lord of the Rings) VS James T. Kirk/Spock/Leonard “Bones” McCoy (Star Trek TOS)
Round 3: (April 21 - April 28)
Parker/Alec Hardison/Eliot Spencer (Leverage) VS Chel/Miguel/Tulio (The Road to El Dorado)
Zuko/Sokka/Suki (Avatar: the Last Airbender) VS Danny Fenton/Sam Manson/Tucker Foley (Danny Phantom)
Legolas/Gimli/Aragorn (Lord of the Rings) VS Elphaba Thropp/Fiyero Tigelaar/Glinda Arduenna Upland (Wicked)
James T. Kirk/Spock/Leonard “Bones” McCoy (Star Trek TOS) VS Merlin/Arthur Pendragon/Guinevere (BBC Merlin)
Round Two: (April 14 - April 21)
Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness (Doctor Who) VS Parker/Alec Hardison/Eliot Spencer (Leverage)
Chel/Miguel/Tulio (The Road to El Dorado) VS Geralt of Rivia/Yennefer of Vengerberg/Jaskier (The Witcher)
Zuko/Sokka/Suki (Avatar: the Last Airbender) VS Thanatos/Megaera/Zagreus (Hades)
Danny Fenton/Sam Manson/Tucker Foley (Danny Phantom) VS Troy Barnes/Abed Nadir/Annie Edison (Community)
Legolas/Gimli/Aragorn (Lord of the Rings) VS Alucard/Trevor Belmont/Sypha Belnades (Castlevania)
Elphaba Thropp/Fiyero Tigelaar/Glinda Arduenna Upland (Wicked) VS Lito Rodriguez/Hernando Fuentes/Daniela Velazquez (Sense8)
James T. Kirk/Spock/Leonard “Bones” McCoy (Star Trek TOS) VS Wolfgang Bogdanow/Kala Dandekar/Rajan Rasal (Sense8)
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon/Guinevere (BBC Merlin) VS Joaquin Mondragon Jr./Maria Posada/Manolo Sánchez (Book of Life)
Round One: (April 7 - April 14)
Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness (Doctor Who) VERSUS Ferris Bueller, Cameron Frye, Sloane Peterson (Ferris Bueller's Day Off)
Parker/Alec Hardison/Eliot Spencer (Leverage) VERSUS Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Kagami Tsurugi (Miraculous Ladybug)
Chel/Miguel/Tulio (The Road to El Dorado) VERSUS Blue Sargent/Richard Gansey III/Henry Cheng (The Raven Cycle)
Geralt of Rivia/Yennefer Vengerberg/Jaskier (The Witcher) VERSUS Chiaki Nanami/Hajime Hinata/ Nagito Komaeda (Dangan Ronpa)
Zuko/Sokka/Suki (Avatar: the Last Airbender) VERSUS Dave Strider/Jade Harley/Karkat Vantas (Homestuck)
Thanatos/Megaera/Zagreus (Hades) VERSUS Neal Caffrey/Peter Burke/Elizabeth Burke (White Collar)
Megamind/Roxanne Ritchi/Metroman (Megamind) VERSUS Danny Fenton/Sam Manson/Tucker Foley (Danny Phantom)
Finn/Poe Dameron/Rey Skywalker (Star Wars) VERSUS Troy Barnes/Abed Nadir/Annie Edison (Community)
Legolas/Gimli/Aragorn (Lord of the Rings) VERSUS Will Herondale/Jem Carstairs/Tessa Gray (The Infernal Devices/Shadowhunters)
Alucard/Trevor Belmont/Sypha Belnades (Castlevania) VERSUS Lonnie/Kyle/Rogelio (She-Ra & the Princesses of Power)
Elphaba Thropp/Fiyero Tigelaar/Glinda Arduenna Upland (Wicked) VERSUS L/Light Yagami/Misa Amane (Death Note)
steve harrington/Nancy Wheeler/Jonathan Byers (Stranger Things) VERSUS Lito Rodriguez/Hernando Fuentes/Daniela Velazquez (Sense8)
James T. Kirk/Spock/Leonard “Bones” McCoy (Star Trek TOS) VERSUS Donald Duck/José/Panchito (Disney/Three Caballeros)
Don Lockwood/Kathy Selden/Cosmo Brown (Singin' in the Rain) VERSUS Wolfgang Bogdanow/Kala Dandekar/Rajan Rasal (Sense8)
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon/Guinevere (BBC Merlin) VERSUS Link/Zelda/Ganon (Legend Of Zelda)
Will Stronghold/Layla Williams/Warren Peace (Skyhigh) VERSUS Joaquin Mondragon Jr./Maria Posada/Manolo Sánchez (Book of Life)
The final 32 Contestants are as follows:
Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness (Doctor Who)
Parker/Alec Hadison/Eliot Spencer (Leverage)
Chel/Miguel/Tulio (The Road to El Dorado)
Geralt of Rivia/Yennefer Vengerberg/Jaskier (The Witcher)
Zuko/Sokka/Suki (Avatar: the Last Airbender)
Thanatos/Megaera/Zagreus (Hades)
Megamind/Roxanne/Metroman (Megamind)
Finn/Poe Dameron/Rey Skywalker (Star Wars)
Legolas/Gimli/Aragorn (Lord of the Rings)
Alucard/Trevor Belmont/Sypha Belnades (Castlevania)
Elphaba Thropp/Fiyero Tigelaar/Glinda Arduenna Upland (Wicked)
steve harrington/Nancy Wheeler/Jonathan Byers (Stranger Things)
James T. Kirk/Spock/Leonard “Bones” McCoy (Star Trek TOS)
Don Lockwood/Kathy Selden/Cosmo Brown (Singin' in the Rain)
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon/Guinevere (BBC Merlin)
Will Stronghold/Layla Williams/Warren Peace (Skyhigh)
Joaquin Mondragon Jr./Maria Posada/Manolo Sánchez (Book of Life)
Link/Zelda/Ganon (Legend Of Zelda)
Wolfgang Bogdanow/Kala Dandekar/Rajan Rasal (Sense8)
Donald Duck/José/Panchito (Disney/Three Caballeros)
Lito Rodriguez/Hernando Fuentes/Daniela Velazquez (Sense8)
L/Light Yagami/Misa Amane (Death Note)
Lonnie/Kyle/Rogelio (She-Ra & the Princesses of Power)
Will Herondale/Jem Carstairs/Tessa Gray (The Infernal Devices/Shadowhunters)
Troy Barnes/Abed Nadir/Annie Edison (Community)
Danny Fenton/Sam Manson/Tucker Foley (Danny Phantom)
Neal Caffrey/Peter Burke/Elizabeth Burke (White Collar)
Dave Strider/Jade Harley/Karkat Vantas (Homestuck)
Chiaki Nanami/Hajime Hinata/ Nagito Komaeda (Dangan Ronpa)
Blue Sargent/Richard Gansey III/Henry Cheng (The Raven Cycle)
Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Kagami Tsurugi (Miraculous Ladybug)
Ferris Bueller, Cameron Frye, Sloane Peterson (Ferris Bueller's Day Off)
The bracket is seeded so that the ship with the most votes goes against the ship with the least (1 v 32, 2 v 31, 3 v 30, etc.)
Thanks to all of you who voted in nominees, to all of you who sent in asks talking about your favorites, and to all of you who are here now! I hope you enjoy!
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iceheap · 10 months
plssssss more aarmau / aaron head canons i will eat em UP
Hmmm I have one I thought up a few months ago but it might be a bit meta.
So basically you know how Aaron doesn't have a personality at all in both nystreet and MCD? I think it's pretty obvious that the fact he has no defining characteristics or traits besides being a former lord and him hating Zane is obviously the fault of Jess and Jason, not Aaron's. But I do think this is interesting from a limitation perspective.
See, I don't like completely rebooting a story concept, I like to work with the limitations of the original source material to create depth, not something brand new. I've been doing the same for Zane as well, though we can talk about-face him another time. I like to use the peices that are already there in a story and add everything else around it. Sure, I will do canon divergences here and there, but if I can use something in the original canon and keep certain events as close as possible, I will.
So, Aaron's severe lack of personality. It's obviously because of bad writing. But what if it wasn't?
Shad is a very interesting character. Mostly because we don't get the exact details of WHY, exactly, he turned out so... Twisted.
Like as a creature itself, Shad is weird. He used to be a good person. I genuinely believe that Shad was never evil, just assigned a set of abilities he couldn't really handle. He kind of reminds me of Chat Noir because of the way he and Irene's magical dynamics are so similar to Marinette and Adrian's. Irene was the light, and Shad was the darkness.
Now, sure, we have the absolute shit-show that was MCD season 3 and Mystreet season 6, and the ensuing retcon that has Irene kind of be a terrible person? Which, I have a headcanon about that retconed version of the story that I might write and post on AO3 one day, but for the sake of my sanity I consider the original story of Shad's betrayal canon. The other male members were in love with Irene and stabbed Shad in the back.
Thinking about it, though, where was Irene in all of this?
What, exactly, made Shad into the Shadow Lord? Irene would have reasonex with him. If Shad had come out of the altercation alive, he could have been reasoned with. Yes, maybe Irene's communications skills were lacking due to centuries of immortality and maybe she caused a misunderstanding that led him to the dark side, but Shad was not a BAD person. Temperamental, traumatized, tired and emotionally disregulated, sure. But he was not a bad person.
That's if we're assuming Shad lived.
I think he didn't.
I think the other male divine warriors killed him.
Of course, Irene would not have been okay with this. And they probably would have had to do it behind her back. Maybe they chose a time they knew she would not be there. Maybe they told Shad Irene agreed with their plans for his death.
But Irene loved Shad. She maybe didn't know how to show it anymore, but she LOVED him. She would have never let him die.
Shad probably didn't know that though.
So he dies. And somehow, Irene finds them. The others try to explain, at first, but it's moot point because for the first time in multiple lifetimes, Irene emotes. She shows an emotion. She feels something.
She tries to heal Shad. She's a healer after all. It's what she does. She tries.
It doesn't work.
She tries again.
It doesn't work.
She tries and she tries and she tries and she tries and--
And Shad comes back.
But it's not right. There's something WRONG. Irene fucked up. Because Shad is dark, and Irene is light, and they're not supposed to MIX.
So Shad comes back as an angry, furious, broken shell, twisted and dark and evil and angry. And they fight him and they win, and Irene locks him away, and the Irene looks around at what her companions have TAKEN from her and she can't STAND it anymore and so she locks herself away and sleeps, because she doesn't feel ANYTHING and she wants to FEEL and--
Anyway, we know this story. So what does this have to do with Aaron?
What if Aaron isn't Shad? What if Aaron is a PEICE of Shad?
Because light and dark aren't supposed to mix, but when they do, they create something unstable. And like any chemical bond that does not want to exist, it explodes. And what did it explode?
And what part of Shad did it explode?
His soul, of course.
The heart of darkness. The Shadow Lord. These are PEICES of Shad's soul. He was fractured.
And that's why Aaron has no personality besides things like revenge and being a lord and helping raise Lilith and loving Aphmau and nothing else. He was the peice of Shad that carried Shad's humanity, but NOTHING ELSE. He doesn't have the Shadow Lords Passion and anger and rage. He shows glimpses of it, but only enough any other human would show. That's why he's blank and distant and doesn't emote. His heart is gone, and with it, all the deeper complexities of emotion.
He has no hobbies or interests. He just fights and eats and sleeps and drinks water and functions from a creatures instinct, because he's human, but he has NOTHING ELSE.
He's also probably the only peice out toghether enough to reincarnated. But he's missing things and that's why he's so bleh.
Anyway, yeah, that's my hc for Aaron's lack of character development. And I think it's super interesting that Irene would have fractured Shad without realizing it. She was probably too desperate to bring him back to realize how much damage she was doing.
So yeah! Aaron is a peice of a whole and that's why he's WEIRD AF thank you for coming to my TedTalk WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
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celestiall0tus · 1 year
Why don't we cover one of the originals, the ladybug
Ah, the Ladybug of Creation. Let's dive into this.
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Miraculous AU features two ladybugs with Marinette and Adrien, Ladybug and Lord Bug. Their powers are still the same as the others, but rewritten. The lesser power is Creation, allowing them to create whatever temporary object they need. Their greater power is Lucky Charm, which allows everything to go their way for about 5 minutes. They're basically invulnerable with the added bonus of luck completely on their side.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: "Tikki, Spots On"
Lesser Power: Creation
Greater Power: Lucky Charm
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Now we have Luka Couffaine as Metal Bug in Salvation. Given that I currently have no plans to make him an avatar, his only power is limited to Creation. This creation is small objects, sounds, lights, and things along those lines.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: "Tikki, Spots On"
Power: Creation
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Here we have Marinette again as Ladybug but in Absolution. Absolution and Separate Worlds share similar power systems with the passive and main power. Her and the cat will have interesting uses of their powers. The passive and main will be Creation, but the passive allows for just object creation while the main allows for a wider range of creation.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: "Tikki, Spots On"
Power: Creation
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Marinette again as Lady Beetle in Separate Worlds. Again, same as Absolution, but her Creation power is limited to objects and permanent. Passive is Good Luck Aura.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: "Tikki, Spots On"
Power: None/Innate
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A change to the ladybug in Paradise. Marinette returns as known as Hope. She will be capable of countless actions of creation with her only limit being her imagination.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: None/Can't Speak
Power: None/Can't Speak
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The latest addition to the Ladybug roster, Marc as Scarlet Lord in All That Remained. His power is simple and that being able to create any object he imagines.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: "Tikki, Spots On"
Power: Genesis
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For all the Ivangami shippers, I'm making this a somewhat proper AU, kinda. Anyway, Kagami in Siren's Song as Lady Beetle. Power is Creation like the other ladybugs.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: "Tikki, Spots On"
Power: Creation
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Ah, Marinette is back as the Ladybug in Court of Miracles. She is amongst the Highborn within the court. Her powers are:
Omnifabrication - invent anything
Omnireplication -replicate anything
Object Creation
Absolute Creativity
Activation phrases: None/Innate
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Alright, alright, I hear y'all. Chloe is Carmine in Amaranthine. Her power is that of creation that she uses more for object creation as distractions.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: "Tikki, Spots On"
Power: None/Innate
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uptoolateart · 1 year
I know it's been forever since I updated my Miraculous tarot deck. I've just been so busy writing fics instead! Then I saw the S5 finale and I decided to replace one of the cards I'd already done. So, this is Reality, which is a replacement for The World. An explanation is below the image. It turns into a bit of an analysis of 'Re-Creation'.
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My previous image for The World was Marinette/Ladybug and Adrien/Cat Noir, i.e. their dual images. Then I got stuck because actually, that image would be perfect for the 2 of Yo-Yos...but I want to update it because I can draw better now, so that's on its way.
So, why did I go with Gimmi / Reality for this card?
The World is the end of the Major Arcana, or the archetypal cards at the head of the deck. Therefore, it speaks of fulfilment, completion, harmony, and the end of a certain cycle or phase of life. One journey has ended and a new one begins. From this point, we return to The Fool and start the sequence all over again.
The traditional Rider-Waite-Smith image shows a dancing figure, showing that fulfilment is ever-changing and dynamic. He/she is surrounded by a wreath of success / the achievement of a goal. This circle shows the cyclical nature of life. To quote an old Smashing Pumpkins song, the end is the beginning is the end….
In the corners are four figures who also appear in The Wheel of Fortune, symbolising the elements in harmony.
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The central figure has one leg up in the air, reminding me of Lord Shiva in ancient Indian stories. Also referred to as the Lord of Dance (not to be confused with the Lord of the Dance, i.e. Michael Flatley), Shiva is a classic symbol of balance, walking the two paths between spiritual life and material life / desires. I thought of him the instant I saw Gimmi in 'Re-Creation', which I'll discuss that below. (I mean, look at all those arms...but even besides that....)
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Ancient Indian traditions have this idea of different yugas, or eras. There are four of them, each one shorter than the last. When all four come to an end, Shiva does a special dance so powerful that it shatters the material universe...clearing a path for the universe to be created anew and the whole cycle to begin again. This process goes on eternally.
(Incidentally, we are currently said to be living through the last yuga in the cycle, the Kali yuga, when people are at their weakest and live shorter lives. But don't worry - there are about 427,000 years left of this yuga.)
Many traditions say Brahma is the creator god, after Shiva cleans the slate. Others, though, give Shiva the role of creator, too - specifically describing him as destroying in order to create again.
Hence in 'Deflagration' Plagg reminds Tikki that 'you and I are one', and in 'Re-Creation', when we see Plagg and Tikki in their ultimate forms, they make similar statements. Gimmi is not one or the other - Gimmi is their unified state. Reality = the constant ebb and flow of life and death, creation and destruction...like when Gabriel makes his wish and reality is collapsed and recreated. His wish is Shiva's dance. Constance is an illusion.
I think it's really interesting how when Gabriel 'dies', we never actually see a body. 'That's just because it's a children's show!' Yeah, maybe...but it's a children's show full of esoteric imagery, too. When Gabriel 'dies' he simply floats up and becomes a bunch of glowing light, returning to the energetic source of everything. Even basic physics tells us that energy never goes away. It simply...transforms. In a weird way...Gabriel's still floating around in some form, in the end. (Now there's a creepy thought.)
By the way, if you've noticed the placement of the Gabriel figure on my card...yeah. I didn't choose that. My reference image was a screenshot from 'Re-Creation'. I'm certain Gabriel's positioning was on purpose, to illustrate that is he but one humble emanation of the Creatrix (a feminine source of life - and with all that pink, I'm sure Gimmi is meant to be something like this, too).
And can I just note that I love the way Gimmi's head is surrounded by the atomic model. You may have gathered from other posts that I was less than satisfied with that S5 finale...but everything about Plagg, Tikki and Gimmi was fantastic.
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beezonia · 10 months
Okay so I’ve had this idea for a while now!
MLB Pixie Hollow au!
Marinette - Tinker fairy - Weaving talent
Adrien - Winter fairy - Winter animal talent
Alya - Fast flying fairy - Message talent
Nino - Music talent
Luka - Music talent
Kagami - Fast flying fairy
Chloé - Light fairy
These are all I’ve got so far but I know Mylene would be a garden fairy and Nathaniel would be an art fairy
Nino and Luka work quite closely due to their love of making music with the pond animals
Adrien is the son of Lord Gabriel of the winter fae
Nathalie is Queen Clarion in this (plugging my gabenath agenda in this yes)
I chose light fairy for Chloé because it give her a chance to shine in her own way! And you can’t tell me she wouldn’t use her talent to show off
Kagami works with the thistles mostly but does help Alya with her job as a messenger
I feel like Zoé would either be a light or garden fairy I’m not sure
Juleka is fast flying
Rose is garden
Ivan is another tinker
Kim is a water fairy
Auroré is a snowflake talent specifically
Alix is fast flying for sure
Max is a tinker
Sabrina is a garden fairy or could be a water fairy
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diana-bookfairchild · 2 years
Fanfic Recs
One fanfiction recommendation for each of my fandoms on AO3!
If anyone wants a particular genre (Harry/Hermione, Merthur, Harry is raised by someone else, Percico, God Percy etc.) send me a PM or comment and I'll see if I have something!!
Harry Potter: The Sum of Their Parts by holdmybeer
I literally have no words to describe how incredible this fic is. Dark Lord Harry Potter usually has unreasonable descents into darkness, ridiculously perfect Harrys and breakings of friendships, but this one gives it a whole new twist. Harry as a dark lord in this is VERY believable and his relationships with Ron, Hermione, the other Weasleys and the DA remain as strong as in school and become better in fact. Teddy is adorable and Harry is a wonderful godfather. The struggle with his conscience on what he's doing, Harry's immense magical power, Hermione's in depth knowledge and Ron's advice and strategy and their teamwork, and the technicalities of being a Dark Lord are very well described. Gen, with no focus on relationships. It ends abruptly, and the emphasis on the title itself rather than the deeds of a Dark Lord is a bit weird, but it is AMAZING. Check it out!
2. Marvel Cinematic Universe: Never Odd or Even by memoriaeterna
Are you looking for something to heal you from No Way Home? Or in fact from Endgame, Loki or WandaVision? Featuring BAMF Peter Parker, redeemed Loki, Peter and Loki friendship, Irondad, Stephen and Peter friendship, Wanda and Peter friendship, good!Thanos and Hela (well, sort of, anyway) and time travel, this fic is IT. One of the best fics I've read. Purely gen as well.
3. Merlin: Seeds of Darkness by N16
A realistic Merlin fic beginning from mid-Season 5 that reveals Merlin's magic and has a happy ending? Surely not! What I really loved about this fic was that it didn't follow the 'Prophecies are BS! Arthur learns about Merlin and is immediately horrified about what he's done for 'destiny'' route. Arthur does confront Merlin about this, but it is a consensus that prophecies are something to be wary of, and that destiny IS a very strong force. With a lovely Arthur and Merlin friendship, a wonderful take on Mordred and his relationships with Merlin, Arthur and the knight, a fix of Gwen and Merlin's friendship, Gwaine and Merlin friendship, BAMF Merlin, and a realistic progression of wary-and-slightly-horrified-Arthur-and-knights to them accepting the magic, this fic is one of the BEST. Gen, with Arthur/Gwen.
4. Chronicles of Narnia: Grey England by Alara
This fic is a lovely incomplete piece of how the Pevensies adjusted to being children again and back from Narnia. A very realistic take on how they didn't lose the qualities that had made them the monarchs of the golden age, but retained their childishness and flaws as well. Lucy's struggles at school, the Pevensies' close relationship, the friends of Narnia and Susan's drifting apart are all splendidly done. Gen.
5. The Queen's Gambit: The Slav Defence by Skellypup
This fic is still in the beginning stages, and the first chapters are not very well formatted, but the premise is interesting. Time travel has given Beth an incredible opportunity, and her reconnecting (for her) with Mr. Shaibel, Jolene and Alma, and her struggles with her addiction are very relatable. Gen for now, with tags suggesting Beth/Benny later.
6. Song of Achilles: My Grave; My Heart by fouryearslaterdrabbles (Cheshire Cat Life)
A cute oneshot about Patroclus remaining beside the grave and interacting with gods who are now forgotten. Mostly Gen, but hints of Patrochilles (mostly pining).
7. Miraculous Ladybug: Strings Attached by macaronize
A light soulmates AU. Identity shenanigans, misunderstandings and heartache ensue. The resolution could have been better, but it was definitely a fun read. Marinette/Adrien, side Alya/Nino.
8. Sherlock Holmes (Downey Films): Marriage a trois by Sorrel
Maybe Mary Morstan/John Watson/Sherlock Holmes isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I love the relationship and I ADORE this fic. Both Mary and Sherlock are of course already in love with John, their falling for one another is gradual and believable and everyone's characterization is incredibly on point.
9. The Hunger Games: The First Rebel by Linquist
The first and only OC-centric fic I'll recommend in this list, because Cara and this story are amazing. A brilliant take on an alternate 75th Games involving relatives of victors. Cara is a character with incredible depth, and the other OCs - Kol in particular - strike true as well. This story is complete, with a sequel underway. Meant to be Gale/OC, but Gen until now.
10. Frozen: Chaste as Ice by Karis the Fangirl
Not a particular fandom of mine, but this story is really very good. Kristoff/Anna and their impetuous natures, Kristoff and Elsa's friendship, Kristoff's protectiveness over her and a discussion on the realities of being a female ruler. Just. . . Sweet found family fluff.
11. The Lizzie Bennet Diaries: Hypotheticals by Matril
Fanfiction within fanfiction! Lots of relationship fluff. Ingenious idea of alternate scenarios of what could have happened being discussed by the characters themselves. Lizzie/Darcy.
12. Carmen Sandiego: Saved For Memories by Rueitae
A fic exploring Player and Carmen's friendship. Player is kidnapped by VILE and the faculty's characterization is outstanding. The metaphor used for the rescue is heartbreaking, and it's always nice to see Carmen outsmart the villains! Gen
13. Descendants: you love a pretty girl with a twisted mind by meliebee
Headcanon of a fic detailing the growing up of the Isle kids. Rotten Four as family and BAMF Mal. Gen, with Ben/Mal at the end and slight Uma/Mal and Harry/Mal.
14. Enola Holmes: In Spite of Ourselves by Eienvine
Angst galore! Enola not knowing how to emotion, pining, lovely family moments with Sherlock and Eudoria and a good old kidnapping to resolve it all. Enola/Tewskesbury
15. Kane Chronicles & Percy Jackson: The Death God Alliance by Asilda
I can't recommend this enough!! This series is beautiful. Nico stumbles across the House of Life, gets a god inside his head, nearly sparks an inter-pantheon war and befriends Carter and Sadie. Featuring the big brother Percy we should've gotten. Gen. Later fics feature Percy/Annabeth.
Hope you enjoy the fics!! Reblog and comment!
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feather-dancer · 7 months
Writing patterns (tag game)
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern!
Tagged by @creativenicocorner
Given I have two accounts and I'm curious, gonna put my alt under a cut.
Anybody who said long distance relationships are as rough on the head as the heart is speaking the truth though for the right person?
While the Arcane Order might be considered the guardians of all the majicks contained within this world, not once have they sought to lord over either.
Toby Domzalski has a plan.
It has been a handful of months since they had developed a routine of meeting up outside the bakery to hang out together in a two, three or four.
Barely gone 10am and already it feels as though an entire day had swept past while barely having the decency of allowing a breather anywhere in between.
Every day for as long as Marinette can remember if the weather planned on being good before the bakery opened, her papa would put out two tables with an accompaniment of two chairs each for anyone who wanted them.
Greetings true believer!
For all the best intentions in the world the wizard, it seems, will be running rather late for the upcoming engagement due to being half distracted by one thing after another instead of focusing on the far more pressing matter of simply getting ready.
Across the very fabric that is woven of time and space there are certainties in the life it creates, events that are consistent in how they occur over and over again if with light variations. - This is c/ped from the currently being edited version
Yeeeah you can def tell much of this is before I started really clamping down on sentence run on. I like my set up for the start damnit and it really shows. Also times for some reason?
Right lets see the alt account:
One of the biggest surprises Félix had in spending so much time with seafarers is just how cat like they can be.
Life for Félix had changed when he was little more than six years old.
To all that dwell below the soft barrier that exists between them, it must seem that the humans have the strangest habit of conjuring tales whenever in the need of explanations involving the sea.
From the little bit of internet research she’d done way back when, nothing should be able to get the drop on a cat. 
As luck would have it the Liberty is currently moored within reasonable distance of Caladh Soillse, the ancient ceasg community known better to surface dwellers as Finfolkaheem.
Even before they met, Luka knew probably more than most nathair clans did when it came to humans. 
There was something truly magical about being around a suen’s ship, any of them really, that never seemed to get old no matter often Luka did. 
From hard won experience of spending an entire childhood constantly on the move thanks to the whims of faceless bureaucrats, Lila knew it was wise to carve out a little niche as soon as possible. 
In comparsion the run on sentence issue has VASTLY improved geez. My set up habit won't stop for anybody though nor will my AU bullshit.
Tagging anyone who wants to join in!
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 6 months
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fragileizywriting · 1 year
hmmhmhmmhmhhmmhhmmhmhmhmhmhmmh adrien snatching up marinette's phone right from under her bc she just never stops texting and she's falling asleep while holding her phone but she just can't stop texting and she's whining about how he's being mean but she's also yawning and he's telling her oh my lord, please, just hurry up and go to bed already, you're too old for this
she's out like a light in her little burrito, using her own elbow as a pillow bc luka refuses to share
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generalluxun · 1 year
Fanfiction: Swimming in Circles, Chapter 1
Just a little fic in honor of Pride Month. University-aged Marinette encounters a new guy who turns her world upside down in a post-hawkmoth, post-Adrien(but still friends!) world.
Link to the fic on my AO3 page in bio, full test of the chapter under the cut. As always comments welcome.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was in trouble, and she knew it. It was a familiar kind of trouble, but one that hadn’t come knocking in years. The flushed cheeks, the sweaty palms -even underwater- and the sudden lack of coordination that was all the more alarming in her current activity.  You see, Marinette was swimming, or trying to at this point, and making a bad job of it all things considered.
Normally her laps were peaceful, serene, a great way to unwind from classes. She would grab one of the two lanes set aside for laps at the pool and burn through her 1.5 Kilometers without incident. She’d been doing it for years, ever since conquering her fear. It also just felt good to know that not all of her physical prowess came from a pair of earrings. This time she’d bumped into the wall, fouled herself in the lane lines, and swallowed enough water to make herself feel queasy. She stopped at the shallow end and clung to the wall, barely daring to peek at the cause of her problems.
He was blond, so maybe I have a type, his hair was so feathery and light it made her fingers itch to run through it. It was cut just above the shoulders, and had body Marinette would kill for. Sunglasses atop his head, which wasn't uncommon for lifeguards, but he wore them like a tiara. Eyes bluer than the deep end, at least that part is different, and one of those cocky little easy smiles that flashed perfect teeth and made her toes curl.
Sleek and cuddleable, but with just enough firm muscle that she could imagine herself feeling safe in his arms. The cropped white T-shirt he wore with his red trunks gave a full view of abs she could lay her head on all day. Over all of it was body language that kept pulling her back. Some lifeguards were Lords, some were bored, some were just there to pick up, this guy felt like he both owned the pool and was glad people were enjoying it. It was casual confidence in a slouch that was disarming without being sloppy.
In her mind, he turned to her. Those deep blues widening slightly before one eyebrow arched in a playful smirk, and he said, ”hey.”
She knew it was only in her head, but still she was powerless. She sank lower in the water to soothe her inflamed cheeks. She was in university now, and so her brain had a lot more to work with than the last time she’d had this kind of a reaction to a guy.
“Hey.” the word echoed again; gentle, teasing.
“Hey.” Forceful this time, louder. His tone was rich, but the joke never left it.
“Lane 1!”
Marinette blinked and shook her head. She was lane one right now. She looked up, and.. He really was looking at her. Confusion and bemusement playing across his features. Marinette managed a juddering, ”Y-yes?”
He extended the arm he wasn’t leaning on in his high-backed Lifeguard’s chair. waggling the fingers of his hand towards the side of the pool, “Pauses are okay, but if you need a longer breather, could you get out of the lane and let someone else swim a few laps?”
"Oh!" Marinette sank slightly lower in shame, then slunk to the ladder.
As she climbed out another swimmer slipped into the lane and began their own exercise immediately. Marinette mastered her blush and glanced one more time back at the lifeguard, he gave her a tip of his head and a thousand watt smile before turning his eyes back to the pool. Marinette fast-walked to her seat, dried her hands and snatched her phone up in a heartbeat.
Marinette:OMG OMG OMG
Marinette:Hot guy alert!
She flipped to a second conversation and wrote something a little more coherent.
Marinette:I think I did it! Slump defeated!
A notification came in on the first conversation. 
Alya: hot, or hothot? Are we talking another 'he's pretty Alya, but he's not…'
Marinette: Hothot. Clumsinette hot. All systems are functioning hot. What do I doooooo, hot.
Alya:Yes! Yesyesyes! Congrats, M! So, you gonna move in, or just bask in your revival?
That was a real question. Marinette was still too giddy to decide. It had been so long, since Adrien, for a guy to do this to her. She'd dated guys who were 'nice'. She still wanted a relationship in her life, despite assurances from all sides that there was no rush. Marinette knew she was a girl who liked having a partner, even if she could make it on her own.
After she and Adrien had broken up in the gentlest of ways, she had just lost the spark. Mourning first love, drowning in schoolwork, still Ladybug after Hawkmoth, there were plenty of reasons. That didn't make it hurt any less. Finding she could get this excited about anything, anyone again, it was a victory. Marinette's thumbs spend across her screen.
Marinette: Should I? I don't want to come on too strong and spook him. He might have a girlfriend! Maybe this is better just to admire from afar? I'm going to send you a picture!
Another notification came in while she was typing, from the other conversation.
Adrien: Woo hoo! I feel like I should be jealous but I'm just glad to hear it! Tell me about him, her, them?
Marinette: not that far yet! I just had to tell someone or I was gonna explode! How's Kagami?
Marinette exited out to open up her camera. Then a convoluted process began of trying to take a picture without looking like she was trying to take a picture. She got one she wasn't entirely happy with. Mr. Lifeguard was looking to the side, and there were shadows in the way, but she sent it off to Alya anyway.
Adrien: she's good, we're good. Don't think you need to reassure me, marinette. This is about you! I gotta go though, text me later! We still on for this weekend?
Marinette stuck her phone back in her bag and had a little war with herself. No. She decided. I'll just enjoy this, keep coming to the pool, and not wreck a good thing the moment I find it.
Resolved, Marinette walked back over to take up a spot waiting for one of the lap-lanes to be free. She even flashed Mr. Lifeguard a smile when he glanced her way. She got a playful eye roll in return over a smile in return, and it had her bouncing on her toes.
While she waited ideas started to creep in of their own accord. When it was her turn again, Marinette jumped into the water with possible scenarios coalescing in her mind. She swam her first lap to a candlelight dinner. Her second and third to talking on a rooftop -who cared if it didn't make sense. Her fourth through sixth were hushed whispers and sweet nothings. Her seventh was imagining something entirely too personal so so-
Light and pain exploded in Marinette's head. She'd missed her turn and powered full speed into the end of the lane. She opened her mouth, swallowing water. she darted for the surface but was turned around and careened into the bottom of the pool, scraping her shoulder. Chlorine was burning her lungs, forcing her mouth open again in a cough that spent the last of her precious air before she pulled in even more water. She flailed in a sudden desperation, for Ladybug of all people to drown in less than two meters of water.
A strong arm encircled her neck and shoulder. Marinette lashed out blindly in her panic but the grip held and she was yanked bodily from the pool.
Light, sunlight this time, blinded her. She was rolled onto her side firmly and spit up lungfuls of pool water. Someone was rubbing her back.
“Can you hear me? Not too waterlogged?"
Mr. Lifeguard's face swam into focus. Marinette's first thought: He's wearing eyeliner, blended into her second: His makeup game is on point. Followed by realizing what must have happened, and her old friend, humiliation, of course.
At least she was coherent, "Yes, I-I'm okay."
His eyes stared into hers for a long second then flicked up to her head. The hand on her back moved up, pulling off her cap and running fingers through her hair with a professional firmness. Marinette winced when he found the bump.
His eyes came back to hers. "No dilation, no bleeding, you can go to the front office and have a seat for a bit if you want, just to make sure."
Concussion, Marinette reasoned. She shook her head and the world didn't spin. She sat up, everything was still stable. "No, I think I'm okay. I've had worse."
That got a warm laugh out of him, and the pounding in her head lessened for it. "The walls can jump out at you. Take your time, no need to rush."
He sat back on his heels, then stood and offered her a hand up. Marinette took it without catching fire, which just showed how far she'd come since collége days. "I know. You'd think after years I would be able to do it in my sleep, but sometimes my head gets elsewhere and…" she shrugged helplessly.
"Some things never change."
Instantly their roles were reversed. Marinette's curiosity spiked, while Mr. Lifeguard was suddenly abashed.
Before Marinette could reply he stepped back, "Well, I have to get back to my chair. People complain if we aren't visible. Take care, and remember, swim safe." He was back up at his post while Marinette was still struggling with her thoughts. He knows me? How does he know me? Oh god, what does he know about me?
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pyrrhicraven · 9 months
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Just wanted to share a little bit about a few of my unpublished fics :) since I posted my unpublished master list for the year/next year!
Transformers: Now that I have an idea of where I'm going with both fics, Hyper Lane and Drift will set after a truce is formed and everyone is still kind of getting used to the notion, Hyper Lane will focus on MegaOp and Drift is so far Gen. Harry Potter: I've talked about Emerald Waves before or at least mentioned a Harry is a Vampire fic. The general storyline is Harry takes Lucius Malfoy by surprise, biting the man and making a deal to destroy the insane dark lord. Dreary is a Death Eater Remus Lupin Fic, He takes off with Harry basically to raise as his own and he's pissed off at Riddle for killing his friends. Fortress is a Harry figures out the light side might not be the right side and asks the Goblins for help and they kind of just...Adopt him? Hellsing: Blood Auction, Enrico Gets Kidnapped and Alucard makes a choice to help him. Basically, plus there's a dragon and a few other things, Enrico dies (Kinda) and everyone is happy in the end except Integra. Monsoon, Walter finds out that there are things out there worse than death...
My Hero Academia: Aizawa wasn't kidding in that first test, he expelled Midoria who goes rogue. I'd say more but I might give away too much lol
Miraculous Ladybug: House Of Mirrors Felix and Marinette go through a traumatic experience together and bond. Felix/Marinette 100%
Star Wars: A Change of Fate is a gift fic and it was requested to be a reader/Obi-Wan fic where the reader is Obi-Wan's padawan and things get a little steamy ;) My untitled Sith Obi-Wan is a Codywan fic where Obi-Wan is fed up with the war and goes 1000% batshit crazy lol Abandoned is a Clone! Centric Fic at this point of my Plotting, and Silver Veil is going to be a collection fic for stuff that happens off-screen for my fics Horizon of Yesterday and Red Shift.
TMNT: This one has been in the works for a stupidly long time and it's basically my story for how my version of Mikey became the super famous Theif Soot and other tales.
MegaMind: Pandora is kind of a mess plot-wise, I just knew I wanted to write a new Megamind fic. In this Roxanne for unknown reasons dumps Mega and he well freaks out a bit honestly and that's all I've got lol
Super Mario Bros: Untitled #1 Booigi. Honestly, it's an excuse to write smut lol I've already written a chunk for this one and it's just Boo pushing our boy around and Luigi liking it lol As for the other untitled Luigi and Peach just having friendship moments and also set in my Devil's Trap universe so it covers how Luigi got invited to Girls Night. Not that it really needed explaining but I enjoyed writing it and wanted to write more lol
Danny Phantom: Tempest also has been waiting around stupidly long and it's a Pompep fic where Vlad shows up on Danny's doorstep injured. It's very Fluffy by my standards.
Most of these have been hanging around for a while so most of them are at least 100 words of the first draft if not an extensive outline, there are a few that are just vague ideas that caught my attention lol
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soulless-angel25 · 3 months
Whumperless Whump Event: Day 5 Prompt- Stealing my breath (give it back): Wheezing / Light-headed / “I'll count, you just breathe.” @seth-whumps
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng
AO3 Link!
Marinette's head was spinning, the room turning upside down more then a few times as she tried to hold on to her sense of up and down. This horrid lightness in her head, it felt like something was missing.
It felt like she was going to fall forwards, or maybe backwards. She wasn't quite sure. All she was sure about was that she was going to fall over soon.
And... huh, should those things be blurring together? And what is that noise? Lord it is, it sounds like a dozen people talking all at once, but none of the words were making it through. Her legs stumbled from underneath her.
She was vaguely aware of hitting the floor, and blackness overtaking her. With one last coherent thought, what was she forgetting?
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marcmarcmomarc · 5 months
Wings Around the Globe Rally
Leg 1
AANG (V.O.): Race fans, it’s that time of year again. Welcome to the Wings Around the Globe.
AANG (CONT’D): I’m Avatar Aang, here with the rest of Team Avatar, Katara, Sokka, Toph Beifong, Fire Lord Zuko, and Kyoshi Warrior Suki, and this is the flagship event of the world’s fastest sport where only the best of the best compete.
KATARA (V.O.): Each leg brings a new challenge, testing agility, navigation, and endurance. But when it’s all said and done, speed is the name of the game.
SOKKA (V.O.): The racers are making their way to the runway now. Twenty-seven contestants have been selected. Folks, a step onto this field is a step into history.
Starting line: JFK Airport in Queens, New York
(The racers emerge from a dark tunnel and into the bright light.)
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(Confetti swirls through the air as the racers are led to the starting line, with Gabriel in the lead. They take their places on the starting grid.)
Starting positions:
Gabriel Agreste
Nathalie Sancoeur
Chloé Bourgeois
Marc Anciel
Aeon Hill
Nathaniel Kurtzberg
Max Kanté
Jessica Keynes
Juleka Couffaine
Kagami Tsurugi
Socqueline Wang
Sabrina Raincomprix
Kim Chiến Lê-Ature
Mylène Haprèle
Zoé Lee
Alix Kubdel
Rose Lavillant
Nino Lahiffe
Ivan Bruel
Félix Fathom
Fei Wu
Lila Rossi
Alya Césaire
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
KNIGHTOWL: (OVER MIC) Racers, start your engines!
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(All across the starting grid, propellers start to blur as the racers prepare themselves for takeoff.)
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AANG (V.O.): Seven legs. Over 31,000 kilometers. The world’s highest mountains and deepest oceans all stand before them, just waiting to be conquered by the right competitor.
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(All of the racers are ready to start. Now they’re just waiting for the starting signal.)
ZUKO (V.O.): All the predictions, all the pageantry, all the preparation, it all comes down to this moment. One of these racers is about to fly off into the pages of sports history and become a champion.
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(The starting signal is a green flag held by Majestia, which she raises.)
(At the drop of the flag, the racers roar forward.)
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TOPH (V.O.): And we are under way!
(The crowd roars as the racers take off.)
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(One-by-one, they climb into the air, over the ocean, and raise their landing gear.)
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(As they start to spread out, Gabriel takes an early lead, followed closely by Nathalie and Cash.)
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(Marinette trails the group, but is caught in the current of the other racers.)
MARINETTE: Whoa! Swirlies! Whoa, whoa.
(She descends and navigates just above the ocean.)
7,729 km
KATARA (V.O.): Our first stage is tremendous. A dead sprint over the Caribbean Islands.
(The others speed through the clouds.)
SUKI (V.O.): That’s right, Katara. This is how it works: the winner of the leg today will be the first to take off tomorrow.
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(Far below, Marinette is alone. She watches the others speed by above from the tailwinds, dropping her into dead last.)
Destination: Rio de Janeiro-Galeão International Airport in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Finishing positions:
Gabriel Agreste
Sabrina Raincomprix
Alya Césaire
Nino Lahiffe
Nathalie Sancoeur
Chloé Bourgeois
Ivan Bruel
Max Kanté
Rose Lavillant
Kim Chiến Lê-Ature
Nathaniel Kurtzberg
Kagami Tsurugi
Lila Rossi
Socqueline Wang
Mylène Haprèle
Alix Kubdel
Zoé Lee
Juleka Couffaine
Fei Wu
Jessica Keynes
Marc Anciel
Aeon Hill
Félix Fathom
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Leg 2
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