#lights dad: I wonder who Kira could be
dark-elf-writes · 10 months
Random thought: everything’s the same but the death note is one of those singing journals marketed for six year olds. Every time light wants to write during the early days he has to deal with it blaring the my little pony theme song or something
I’m going to be honest with you I misread “singing” as “secret” and I imagined Light busting out one of these bad boys every time he wants to do a murder.
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And the microphone never works and his options are to keep screaming whatever edgy bullshit he make as his password on the off chance it actually hears him or pry that mother fucker open like the rest of us did
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applestorms · 12 days
thinking about how near refers to light at the end of the series— not really as light yagami, not even really as kira, and not quite as L, but rather an amalgamation of titles: L-KIRA, a twisted mix of two personas, masks on top of masks. no longer a person but a series of letters, a filtered voice through a screen. a man who has built his entire life in the space between lies, who cannot let himself stop for a second without the weight of his own guilt, his sins, crushing him. regrets repressed because this is the only way it could ever be, it has to be worth it, it has to, it has to, because you can’t even bring yourself to consider what it all means otherwise.
i am a firm believer that light yagami, the son, the student, the average human person, dies at the same time that L does. at least at the beginning of the series he has some semblance of normalcy to hold himself to, the Serious Student persona that keeps him walking to and from school and talking to people and eating dinner with his family at home. how many times do we really see him going outside, post-L death? how often do we see him outside of some L-based police HQ, talking to people he isn’t trying to manipulate? really, it’s no wonder he falls so far, alienated as he is from the rest of humanity. when was the last time he breathed long enough to remember what the sky looks like? hugged his mom, laughed with his sister? did he ever visit his father’s grave? does he remember what the breeze smells like? was he ever really happy? did he deny himself his only chance?
at least in the case of L and near the isolation feels intentional, a preferable choice, carefully and logically considered for all the pros and cons. light never asked for the position he fell into, that fell upon him, that he created for himself. he denies the death note being a curse, but it’s not like he could ever admit it if it was.
light’s story arc in death note really feels like a tragedy to me, specifically in the sense that he never really gets the chance to change. on a plot level this is true, much of the second half of the story post-L death is light utilizing the exact same strategies as before (taking away his ownership of the DN to Strategize, romancing a woman he doesn’t care for to use her, fighting a snarky troll of a super genius hiding behind a letter whose real name & face he cannot find), but it’s true on an emotional level too. light never really gets to grow up, he never gets the chance to truly question his ideals or goals without the world he’s built by himself crashing down around him.
i keep thinking back to the significance of matsuda asking him about his dad, how he could drag him to his death for the sake of all of this. light’s response, so truthful in its desperation, really sums it all up: he died for a reason. KIRA has to win, or his dad died for nothing. he cannot face the idea that he caused his own father’s death, so KIRA must be justice. there is no other alternative. KIRA is god, or light yagami killed his own father for a fairytale.
really, it’s so fitting that his name uses the kanji for moon. moonlight— not originating from the moon itself but a reflection, of something brighter, greater, more powerful than he could ever be. light dies the same way as every other criminal he passed his judgement upon, on his knees and desperate, pathetic, begging for life even as he knows he is doomed to the same fate of nothingness that he granted to everybody else. godhood denied. he said it himself, that he could never be anything more than a human, but somewhere in the fog he lost track of the person he once was. and it’s near’s cruelest observation that stands out the most to me in that final scene— that he never really had to be this. he could’ve stopped at any point, felt his guilt, paid his regrets, and moved on with his humanity still intact. light has spent far too long repressing and denying to ever consider that an option anymore— but there was still room for sympathy for the 17 year old kid who killed without thinking, long before he built up such a dedicated palace of lies to justify his actions and hide away his guilt.
L-KIRA dies on the floor of a dirty, abandoned building, surrounded by the people he spent years manipulating and lying to and betraying. light yagami dies in a helicopter, locked and chained to his only closest equal, holding a notebook that he would use to sound the death knell of his own fate and wearing his father’s gifted watch.
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jayalaw · 8 months
Thoughts About Light Yagami Being A YouTuber
Thanks to @cacklingskeleton for starting this idea, and @kingofthewilderwest for talking with me about this.
For reference: I am referring to Light from the first five volumes of the manga mainly, rather than the various spinoffs. We will not speak of the horrendous Netflix version. This would be taking place after the Lind L. Taylor incident, which confirms that Kira is in the Kanto region for the whole world.
What's fascinating about Death Note in modern times is that it came out before social media. Light has to get all his news about criminals from newspapers and television, to the point that he had to hide a mini-television in a potato chip bag to avoid surveillance.
Social media has changed things; you can find information about criminals and trials in real-time. The Internet is forever, and we all have smart devices now. Kira could kill a criminal as soon as their mugshot hits Twitter. Not to mention that with the right credit card, you don't need shinigami eyes; you can find all the info that you need on a person.
King and I were disagreeing about one point: would Light do well at YouTube? I think so because Light knows how to control his image, and L was the only person who could see through it. King doesn't agree, because Light's mask falls away rather quickly in the manga. He may know how to plot murder, but his ability to act normal fades away rather quickly.
So let's consider these two angles. There are two ways this could go:
If Light Yagami Is Good At YouTube
Light is calculating and intelligent, good at building his image. I remember this from the manga, how he is popular both in high school and college,
My headcanon is that Light would do videos talking about justice systems in fiction. You have stories about if the apocalypse in Mad Max has appropriate punishments for the antagonist, and if the chickens in Chicken Run have any legal rights. He knows that you can go viral for the wrong reasons, and chooses his topics carefully. What's more, his dad may not understand YouTube, but it would be shameful if Soichiro Yagami's son was caught doing something uncouth.
If Light has some disagreements with YouTubers? He knows how to do what James Somerton did: hide behind an aura of feigned innocence and send his fanbase against them. And how can he be a bad guy? He doesn't even have a Patreon or crowdfunding! All his YouTube revenue goes towards charity, because he has a full-ride to university and his needs are few since he still lives at home to help out with his little sister. She posts videos of them dancing to Misa-Misa's songs. All the other YouTubers are more worried about their careers and are just jealous little shits.
Here is the thing: people leave patterns. And there are whisper networks. Light may think he's leaving no trail, but computers have screencaps, and memory.
If Light Yagami Is Bad At YouTube
He gets by with his channel topics due to his natural good looks. I admit that Light isn't my type because he seems too dark and broody, plus the whole what he did to Naomi Misora, but he might have been appealing.
In this case, the channel topic could be anything: Let's Play video games, reactions to vines and viral videos, "The Best Snacks To Eat While Studying for Entrance Exams." No one doubts that Light can cook, even if he eats those nasty potato chips.
So let's go with King's interpretation. Light is someone who is big talk about general topics, but if you look up close, it's really shallow. People follow him because he's good-looking and has a lovely voice. It's a voice that makes you want to go into battle. Some of his more impressionable fans wonder why he wasn't scouted by a J-pop band. It wouldn't have worked; Soichiro Yagami would stake any manager or agent that would dare keep his son from the college path.
The problem is when Light gets the Death Note. He still posts videos, but he starts getting sloppy. Though he doesn't want to admit it, murder is a huge weight on the human soul. And he takes it out on the communities that welcomed him, in subtle ways.
The Video
Hbomberguy has noticed some trends. Any YouTuber that crosses Light Yagami, even for pointing out something like, "Dude, you took footage from me," somehow gets hit. Light is careful to go only after small people, the marginalized that may leave YouTube from the harassment.
He is careful. After all, if you are going to accuse someone of plagiarizing videos and using his fanbase to destroy the competition, including YouTubers that considered Light a good friend, you need hard evidence, and backups. So hbomberguy brings the receipts, with permission from the victim.
The Kira stuff is the real bombshell; Hbomberguy cites what happened with Lind L. Taylor, and how Light is one of the biggest international YouTubers from the Kanto region, who is bilingual to boot. And something something how he figured out the shinigami thing because there have been incidents of people online talking about writing names in notebooks, getting creeped out when others died, and tossing the books away. They talked about having seen mysterious figures. Yes, it could be Internet hearsay, but the heart attacks match the pattern.
The video goes viral. Light can only watch in horror, because hbomberguy points out that if he dies of a heart attack now, Light will be the prime suspect. Ryuk is cackling.
And somewhere, L is leaning back in his weird crouched position and puffing out a deep breath of frustration. Several months of subtle investigation down the drain, thanks to YouTube drama.
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houseofpendragons · 2 years
Thoughts of Teen Wolf the Movie while watching it pt.3
Derek still sneaking around corners and just randomly appearing 😂 "🎶I always feel like somebody's watching me🎶"
Feel like Derek could scare Eli himself...give him that s1 Derek stare "I'm not afraid of you" 😠 "okay maybe I am afraid of you"
Eli is so me, clumsy af😭
Derek "😠" Hale
Malia! you can't just cut people open🤦‍♀️
Make the plan. Execute the plan. Expect the plan to go wrong...throw away the plan
Man Allison pulled a Derek 🏃‍♀️💨
Allison's tweaking dudes
Why the hospital lockers look like the ones at high school? Would've been coll if that was one of Nogi's illusions to manipulate her
She's very confused and is supposed to be very dead
Split up!?! One of the biggest rules in horror movies is to never split up
Cause a ball cap is such a good disguise 🧢👍
I got her 👊💥🤛💥🤜💥 I don't got her
"Fuck me man" me whenever my alarm wakes me up for school😭
Allison is karate kid 👍
"Scott Who?" ...oop
"Where's the alpha, I have to find the alpha." "What do you want with Derek Hale?" "No, not Hale. McCall. Scott McCall." Vibes. Oh no, now Braedon flashbacks for me😢
Where is Braedon?! She's supposed to be Eli's badass step-mama
Damn to be honest, I wouldn't have taken that. Woulda thrown them scissors back at that zombie bitch ✂️🧟‍♀️
Poor Argent, imagine the pain of seeing your daughter again after 11 years of her being dead and she runs away
Move, bitch! We know she's back, now let us go catch her🙄
But...isn't it your job to hear about the crimes...sheriff?
oh never mind😂
How didn't he know he was a kitsune? Wouldn't weird shit start happening to him like it did Kira? C'mon you can't tell me this man ain't never got his picture taken w/ the flash on before
Could've made him Hikari's family in some way to add some emotional depth for her and give her more ties to the pack
Or he could've been a host for Nogi like his dad I think? If his brother was that one dude wouldn't that make his dad the man who was possessed by Nogi during Chris's first gun deal?
"I don't want to kill you" oh really?👀
🎶I wish that I could wake up with amnesia🎶
So the hunter thingy place is still here but Monroe's peeps are gone🤨
"who are you🏹" "a friend👹" yea okay Pennywise🤚
Nogitsune: "time to hunt" Pennywise:"time to float" I rest my case
No i would not trust my mother who's a psychotic bitch, especially when she looking at me like I just took the last shrimp fried egg roll that she wanted to save for later😑
bitch so was you 30 minutes ago ⚰
Hey don't talk about my smexy dilf werewolf man Derek like that
Oop, that light was a paid actor
Omg I love Jackson 😂 I never thought I'd say that😶
hahaha Derek holding Eli like a baby
"Yes you did, I saw it🥺"
Man Derek such a good dad, got me all up I my feels
I wonder how Talia was as a parent, especially with Derek since he had such trouble learning control 🤔
Man, Allison honestly fuck you. You had to ruin a good father-son moment by trying to take off Eli's head smh I could never. Stay unproblematic people💅
Not the Chinese ring daggers
Honestly flashbacks to the supply closet when Allison told Isaac that. Hey, wait a minute...no one thought to tell Isaac that his late girlfriend is back (bc they were still together when she died)
"Allison?" No bitch it's Katniss🙄
Hey foul play! You shot my man's while his back was turned!! Now you turn around allison, it's my turn! Imma pull a Peter...Peter where u at, she attacking your fav nephew, Kate her ass
Yayy Liam
dude Hikari that was fire 🔥 (no pun intended 🤣; I'm so sorry guys)
Awww he don't even care if he's hurting himself worse, he just cares about his son🥺
Shut up, Scott! Let the man talk!
Damn Scott, couldn't even take my man's pain?
Everyone but Stiles, Isaac, Theo, Kira, Cora, Corey, Hayden, and Braeden... *clears my throat and looks directly at the camera*
The oni really said, "Suprise shawty!"
I knew I should've retired 🤣🤣
Awww first thing he said was his son's name
if this was a short series we totally should've got a scene of Eli, similar to the scene where Scott Howard first transforms in the og teen wolf movie, and then he just passes out. It would've been so funny😭
I'm sorry but the song that popped in my head when that oni floated down was 🎶I'm spinning like a ballerina🎶
Why's mason's gun sound like its popping popcorn
Sheriff Stilinski said, I can be a ninja toooo
Peter's entrance is iconic and so him, such a western-soap opra villain😂
Deaton and Chris:🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
oh c'mon Peter, I thought we were past the whole throat slashing thing😬
How does Peter always know everything 🤔
Also I want to see Eli and Peter bonding, feel like they should have a relationship ay peast similar to when Derek and Peter were younger (hell I just want to see young Derek and Peter again, give me a Hale prequel)
Peter: "Is it me? Am I the drama?"
Ofc they have a plan Scott 🙄 not everyone just makes it up as they go and pretends that hunters aren't dangerous (that's always pissed me off about Scott, not everyone is redeemable)
Allison Argent that is a child
There's gonna be an explosion
There was an explosion
Jackson worried about his tail, please bye💀🤚
Would've been better if it was actually an illusion and not really Allison
You better hobble a little faster Eli
Oh, you can't hobbled fast but ur ass can climb
Me personally, I woulda stayed in that car
"Allison stop" bc that'll work🙄
Damn Scott pulled a Satomi, nice. Why he look confused though, you forget you have supernatural reflexes my guy?🤨
lmao not him trying negotiate as she shoots arrows at them
oh but what if I'm not a werewolf? Really Eli HALE?!
Pretty eyes though 😁
Run, Forest, run
"She's tryna get an arrow through you" Omg Eli is meee like fr Scott listen to the kid
"You faint at the sight of blood?!" "No, but I might at the sight of a chopped of arm!"
You think?!
Scott flashbacks, Eli's future partner is in that car "omg we almost hit someone" jk it's Sheriff Stilinski
Peter has a right to be filled with such anger, legit family was burned alove infront of him and was in a coma for 6 years, I would've been forever angry too bc that's not just something you get over
"Allison stOoOoOp" bc that worked so well last time
also backtrack to Chris saying that Allison wouldn't kill a 15 year old, what about Boyd and Erica? Legit grl went psycho in season 2 and I don't want to here and "Well Gerard..." She still did it
"sure lets talk" 🗡🗡🏃‍♀️💨 we have very different definitions of talking
Eli and Derek are the best part of this movie🥺
Hikari said, "I got one of those too mfs"🗡
Flashbacks to when Hayden got taken by the ghost riders 😭
Meanwhile in the Hale house:
Pt. 3- 5
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crimsonsnippet · 1 year
TYSM FOR ANSWERING <3333 i love asking so i’m glad u like answering!!!
i love that misa keeps thinking light is harmless, he’s just a pathetic little meow meow of course he can’t be the second kira. when do you think she’d finally realise maybe he’s not so harmless after all? or would she not realise at all? would kira win in this au? or do you not know yet.
light would totally fuck with l by dressing more risque around him, especially since it makes a vein pop in soichiro’s neck every time too. it’d be a win-win.
it’d be so funny if light and hideki ryuga had a sordid love affair, especially if hideki ryuga is like desperately pining for light who is just like ‘i was into you for like a week last year, man, get OVER it.’ would l be jealous? probably not since he knows hideki ryuga is like so far below light it’s not even funny, but then again, if light did date him once…
that’s so cute for light and rem, and i love light and sayu being close that’s so sweet. even if it’s because of sachiko dying lol. speaking of, how did she die? were light and sachiko close before her death or not really? also, if light tells mikami he’s kira do you think he’d tell sayu too, or would he want to protect from all of that? in this au would sayu be a kira supporter? and would she be as upbeat as she is in canon or would she be more resentful like light? would she and light drift apart a little when he becomes the second kira? do you think he’d let her meet rem? probably not, but i’m wondering about how she and rem would get along.
YEAH OFCCC i sat on this one thinking of how to reply for a bit bc of the first question lol
and the answer to that one is- maybe you’ll see at some point!
YEA HE ABSOLUTELY WOULD i joked about the school uniform revolution thing but that’s exactly the type of shit he’d pull
this is so canon now hideki has like 12 alts and light keeps having to block him
the family dynamics for the yagamis were taken from the jdrama! i could explain the plot but they probably explain it far more coherently on the wiki :] i honestly dont know wether he’d tell sayu or not i think it depends on the circumstances and i haven’t really thought about specifics like that as of rn but i think it could go either way! sayu would probably like kira as he is with his less drastic actions because of the way the jdrama goes but she wouldn’t be a fanatic about it just vaguely pro kira i think. as for general attitude i think she’s a little more mature and maybe a little more subdued than in the series but she doesn’t have as much to be angry about as light does although she sympathises with him more than their dad. light essentially has to take on running the household as the older sibling when their mom died so he’s stand in parent running the house cooking doing most of the chores etc and then soichiro comes home and shakes his head when he acts out so light is pretty explosively upset while sayu probably just really doesn’t like the fighting and has grown used to helping her brother when she can.
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captainhysunstuff · 1 year
The Chain - Date: Gallery Transcript
The Chain - Date: Gallery comic
*Light and L leave the restaurant*
L: So, what now?
Light: Eh. We could walk around for a bit.
L: You didn't have another location planned?
Light: This area in general is the location. If we find something interesting, we can check it out.
L: Hmm...
Light: You've never been on a date before, huh?
L: If we're not counting your dates with--
Light: *rolls eyes* We're not. Those weren't dates. Those were hostage situations.
*They start walking down the sidewalk*
L: ...I was just under the impression that a date was defined as a social or romantic appointment or engagement. Meaning that it's completely preplanned.
Light: Dates don't have to be that rigid. Sometimes if a date's going well, the people involved will find excuses to stay together if time allows.
L: *thinking* There's no way that this isn't preplanned. He was fishing for responses while we were eating. Light Yagami doesn't just wing it. This has to be a front for something. Wait... *out loud, blushes* You think this is going well?
Light: You don't see me demanding that you take me home, do you? *blushes, thinking* Oh, that could be taken a different way.
L: I suppose not.
Light: Anyways, how's the case going? Kira's been quiet, and Dad won't tell me anything.
L: We've decided to wait another week for any suspicious behavior. Lapses in Kira activity isn't a new phenomenon. It happened while you were confined if you remember. If nothing occurs, then we'll begin the process of closing the case.
Light: Will you be leaving Japan then?
L: I may linger just in case. We know that Kira's power can transfer, and Rem has implied the possibility of multiple notebooks floating around.
Light: *watching their reflection* Really?
L: I still want to do tests, but the team has been staunchly against it, and I don't have enough leverage to convince them. *smirks* Maybe if Kira would rear his ugly head again...
Light: *sighs, rolls his eyes*
L: Oh! A gallery!
Light: Hm? You like art?
L: Yes. *reading* "An exhibit featuring the conflict between L and Kira."
Light: I wonder if they're comfortable hosting a show like this because of Kira's inactivity?
L: It's likely. *smirks* "A neutral space?" Could be interesting~.
Light: *smirks back* Indeed~.
*They enter and look around*
*Looking at a Pro-Kira piece*
L: Hmm... I wonder about their interpretation...
Light: Don't be salty~.
L: *reads the artist statement* ...I understand where they're coming from, but I still don't like them calling L a coward. *thinking* I was the first one to publicly confront Kira after all!
Light: *looks on approvingly*
*Looking at an Anti-Kira piece*
Light: WHAT?!
L: Henh-henh-henh. That's so mean.
Light: *violently reads artist statement* Who the hell did this?!
Light: Whatever. *thinking* They're all anonymous anyway.
*Looking at an Anti-Both piece*
Light: *pissed* Well, that's rude.
L: *pissed* Hey now--
*Looking at an abstract sculpture*
Light: *confused* Umm...
L: *confused* The statement doesn't help much...
*Looking at a "L and Kira are the same person" piece*
L: What do you think about this theory?
Light: It's a pretty cynical take. Conspiracy theorists love it.
L: It certainly would be interesting if that were the case: L and Kira being one and the same.
Light: Pulling off that balancing act sounds incredibly tedious, but if anyone could do it, it would have to be L. The police go to him when they're stumped after all. Who better to dupe them than the best detective in the world?
L: Hm... If I were L with Kira's power, I would definitely make an effort to appear like I'm trying to solve the problem. Pretend to try and catch myself while making the police force run in circles.
Light: *thinking* Basically what he thinks I would do if I stole his title. *out loud* How long do you think he'd last doing that?
L: ...Unless he eventually dropped the case... not very long. L may be reclusive, but he's not unknown. Sooner or later, he'd be hunted down and be expected to explain himself. His reputation would work against him. *thinking* I would probably be forced to retire, then I would be Kira fulltime. That would certainly hurt my pride...
Light: I've heard that L's never failed to solve a case, but has he ever dropped one?
L: It's safe to say no.
Light: What would make him drop a case, do you think?
L: Death or something equally extreme. *walks off to examine a sculpture*
Light: *laughs and shrugs* I see. *a work catches his eye, and he walks towards it*
L: *notices Light walk off* ? *notices the series of works that drew Light in* Oh, I know this artist. Hm... I wonder about their opinions... *reads the statement* ...I suppose the context makes sense, but still... They really seem to see Kira as a heavenly being. Unsurprising, but...
*L's voice fades out as Light focuses on Kira's face in agony as they're being prepped for execution*
L: These pieces are really brutal towards both sides. Almost gratuitously so. ...Light?
*Light is silent. L looks back up at the piece*
Light: *turns around* Let's leave.
L: ...All right.
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white-poppie · 3 years
I'll play God
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The fic is based on the song, Oh Ana by Mother Mother
1st image is an art by @mabtis
Character: Light Yagami x G! n reader
Source: Anime- Death Note
Genre: ANGST
Warnings: gore, Death, SELF HARM, manipulation, gaslighting
Writer: @white-poppie
Song recommendation: Oh Ana by Mother Mother
A/N: The topics in this fic can be very triggering, read at your own risk. I am just assigning a random name to the father because writing F/N would make it sad. I don't want to kill anyone's dad for the sake of a fictional fic >:(
⤗ DEATH NOTE デスノ一ト masterlist
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Light Yagami is an intelligent student with an amazingly radiating aura. Cleanest records and highest grades.
Falling for him was not a difficult job, he was kind and caring. One similarity he and your dad had was the fact both worked in the police force.
It started with a few dates, mutual pining and then the two of you were official. It was a dream come true. Your parents thought highly of him and so they approved of him as well.
That was until Kira appeared. A maniac who went into a frenzy, killing people. A task force was assigned to find Kira, your father and Light's father were a part of it.
Light seemed to have been slowly distancing himself from everyone. It was suspicious. How everyone in the task force was dying even though no one knew about the members.
Eyebrows were raised and you and Light Yagami were framed as the prime suspects, that was of course due to obvious reasons. You were scared, not for you, but for your dad, you wanted him to leave the task force, to which he refused despite your pleading.
And what you feared the most happened.
Officer Haruo L/N, was found dead in his residence. Cause of death: Heart attack, but the task force suspects it to be the work of Kira. The world seemed to have come crashing down on you. Surely, your Light couldn't be Kira...right?
One day you knew it was enough. People kept dying! If your Light was Kira, then-
Then...then what would you actually do? No scratch that, what could you do?
"Light, I know this sounds stupid, but you aren't Kira...right?"
Light blinked at you and then laughed a bit, "of course not, why are you suddenly asking me this?"
"Why did everyone except a few people, die then? Why was your dad not killed, but mine was," you cried, burning your eyes in your palms.
Light sighed and kept his hands on your shoulders, "if I were Kira, I would never kill anyone close to my loved ones."
True, Light would never do anything like that.
"It is a part of the grief, it's natural to be distrustful. Besides, you are just being paranoid."
Yes, you are being paranoid, it's nothing else.
Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months. Light had started working with the task force, along with you and Misa.
She was weirdly obsessed with Light, but you didn't mind her. She was a good person otherwise.
The process stretched out and out. Anytime you got close to cracking the case, you took 5 steps behind. The case was taking a toll on your mind and body. You had barely recovered from your father's death and then this?
You could feel bits of sanity leaving slowly and gradually.
Until one day, you were sitting in the bathtub. Fully clothed, your sleeves were rolled up and the blood from your self inflicted cuts evaporated in the water. The world seemed to have been buzzing, who knows for how long you had been sitting there.
"Y/N?" how long are you going to take? A voice called at out.
Light..., you wanted to whisper, but the water in your mouth made your lungs burn.
"Y/N?" he knocked, "Y/N? are you okay?"
Light, save me, you wanted to shout.
"Y/N if you don't respond I will have to break open the door!" he said panicking.
Your eyes fluttered close, Kira or not, he cared fr you. You wondered what your dad would think of your current state. So dependant on someone, holding onto fleeing bits of your past self.
Light pushed the door, it did not budge open. He kept on shoving his weight onto the frame, till the cracked open.
He gasped at your state, slowly picking you up from the bathtub.
Your eyes caught a glimpse of his knuckles, even with your consciousness fading you made a mental note.
You woke up in your bed. You had been changed into a hospital gown, you turned to your side and saw Light sleeping on a chair.
"Light?" you croaked.
Light's eyes snapped open as if he was never sleeping, "you are awake!"
"How long was I out for?"
"Almost half a day, your vitals had dropped low. Have you been eating less these days?" he asked.
You felt warm, he didn't ask you about them, not yet at least.
"Y/N..." he said softly, "I saw the marks." Oh no.
"Why are you hurting yourself?" he asked.
You looked at him with soft eyes, "I don't know, everything seems to be against me. Dad dying, us getting in this mess and..." you looked him dead in the eyes, " you being Kira."
Light's breath hitched for a second.
"Light Yagami, from here on I am breaking up with you. Do me a favour and never show me your face again," you sobbed.
"I would tell you to kill me while I am sick because then no one would suspect you, but I know you are going to do it anyway," you sniffled, "I wanted to live a normal, happy life. We would date for a few years, get married from my dad's blessings while both of us have stable careers. Happily Ever After, but you just had to ruin it with your saviour or messiah complex."
"I don't want to even look at your face," you said, "I will have no regrets if I die here, at least I got to see a look of pain on your face, after ruining my life. Now leave."
Light got up and left, he would kill you tonight, just frame it on extreme deficiency or low bp or even suicide from cutting a major artery, but no, he couldn't.
He would take care of you, from a distance.
Oh, Y/N, I'll be with you still
You are the angel that I couldn't kill
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stardustincarnate · 3 years
EARLY TRYST // Light Yagami x Reader
word count : 4534 genre : fluff <333 ! crack-ish, pre-kira!light, all that  mushy mushy stuff, best friends to lovers because who doesn’t love that trope?
a/n : i’m not sure if i’ve posted this here before but i’m fairly certain that i haven’t oh godric you’ll have to forgive me if i had  --
Who wakes up 5:00 early on a Saturday morning just to bug their neighbor to have a match with them?
Technically, you did. You were bored, and the first thing that came to your mind was playing your favorite sport with one of your bestfriends, who's also your neighbor, Light. Surely he wouldn't mind, would he? But it mattered not since he also did the same to you back then, insisting you two bike together just because he wanted a companion and knew you wouldn't refuse. You were hella pissed even so, and now it's your turn to get revenge.
You brought a ladder, placing it just enough to reach the window to his bedroom on the second floor. You eventually climbed up, practically pressing your face against  the window to get a clearer sight of him sleeping peacefully on his bed, his angelic face barely visible as it was partially covered with his blanket.
'Say goodbye to your sweet dreams, lover boy.'
You thought and knocked on the window loud enough for him to hear. Your first tries were futile so you knocked a little louder and more violent. To his dismay, Light woke up with a teeny-bit of panic in his chest. Creasing his eyebrow and squinting his eyes, he looked at the window, seeing a familiar figure. You snickered as he awakened, languidly making his way to the window, an irritated look on his face when he met your eyes.
He opened the window. "[Y/N], what the hell are you doing here? What time is it?"
"About time for you to play with me."
"Huh? Play with you? You're acting strangely childish. I was still sleeping." He clicked his tongue. You chuckled and shook your head. "Aw, sleeping beauty is upset because his dream was left unfinished. Don't worry, his dashing savior is here to make him feel better."
"You mean worse."
"Bad!" You playfully punched his shoulder. "Says the one who still has sleep in his eyes."
"Of course I have. You just woke me up." He scowled, turning his back at you and rubbing the sleep from his eyes, his face a little flushed.
"Heh, don't be shy!" You teased, wobbling a little in your position.
"I'm not shy! Tch, seriously though, you're in a ladder? You only made it harder for yourself when you could've just knocked on the main door. Mom and dad are already awake. They'd let you in."
"Eh? But I was shy- you know- err, how am I supposed to say 'Can I go to Light's room or something?'" You blushed a little. He hummed in response and gave an understanding look. "Come on in."
"I can't fit in here- just meet me outside. I'll wait for ya."
"You got yourself in this so don't turn back now. You can fit but in another position." Before you could reply, he suddenly grabbed your arms and indicated you to push your head inside. You did, whimpering as he pulled you in by grabbing you by the armpits, your faces almost bumping in the process. You gave a squeal as you felt your feet of the ladder, causing you to grip him tighter, almost hugging him-or maybe even inhaling him.
For a better description you basically looked like a flying fish from outside who's getting devoured by a portal.
With all his might, Light pulled you in until your whole body finally got inside. Of course, as he was secretly anticipating to, you both fell on the ground, with you on top of him, your head against his chest.
You immediately stood up and accidentally stepped on his ankle, resulting a loud whimper from him.
"That hurt, you know."
"Sorry. But-" You both heard a loud crash from outside. You were certain that the ladder you used had fallen, and it was so loud you swore some of your neighbors woke up. "...As I was saying... That was a dangerous way to get me inside. I could've fallen."
"Too bad you didn't."
"How rude!" You scoffed. You jauntily walked towards his bed, flopping down as if it's your own. It felt so soft, and it kinda smelled like him too.
You closed your eyes and spread your arms. His expression softened that he couldn't hide a smile which you thankfully didn't see. He cleared his throat and picked up a pillow, throwing it at your face.
"Hey, I'll go get some coffee. Want some?"
"I've already drank one, but sure!"
"No wonder you're already so hyper. Now get out of my bed."
"Fine." You scoffed and got up, walking behind him on the way downstairs, making yourself smaller so they wouldn't notice.
"Light! You're up early." Sachiko greeted.
"Yeah, and it's her fault." He slid right to reveal your cowering figure. You shyly greeted his mother, flushing pink. "Oh hello [Y/N]! I didn't see you come in. Were you in Light's room the whole night? You two had a sleep-over..?"
"No mom. Why would we do that? She just has her own ways of disturbing my sleep. Is dad still here?"
"He's on the living room and just about to leave. I'll make you two breakfast."
"That's not necessary. We just need some coffee, after that we'll.. What are we gonna do again?"
"Play badminton outside."
"It's still a bit dark, don't you think?"
"It's alright. The sun is about to rise. It'll rise quickly." Light replied to his mom, taking two cups and then pouring hot water on them. "Mild coffee [Y/N]?"
"Nope. Black coffee will do."
"Didn't you already-"
"It was creamy white. It was bland for my liking. I need something stronger." You cheekily replied. He sighed and started mixing your coffee and then his own. "If I recall, yesterday I saw you walking home while drinking that black iced coffee from the convenience store. Too much caffeine is unhealthy."
"Yes, Sir Light, noted." You grinned, blowing your drink before taking a sip. "Hey, not funny. I'm genuinely concerned."
"Concern appreciated."
You both entered the living room, greeting his father who eventually got up, off to work. You sat beside Light as you both watched Sachiko kiss Soichiro goodbye. You smiled and mumbled an 'aw,' nudging Light and causing him to slightly spill the coffee he was about to drink.
"What?" He looked at you then to his parents.
"Ah, I get it. You wanna do that with someone someday, don't you?"
"That's not-"
"It's okay. We all daydream like that, even me. So don't be shy."
"I'm not shy!"
"There goes my line."
"Hmp. So who's the lucky girl, or boy, you daydream about?"
"Why are you suddenly interested? Well what about you?"
"You didn't answer my question."
"Because that doesn't matter-"
"Unfair. You're so secretive."
"Fair enough since you're just as secretive as I am. You don't even tell me the guys you like, and I'm your bestfriend."
"Because that doesn't matter-"
"Why do you keep on stealing my lines?"
"Oi that's not the point! I mean come on, an honor student like you rarely talks about romance so when you do, of course I must know. I am your best friend after all."
Light cringed, chuckling. "There's nothing special about that."
"Pfft. Honor students like you are so busy with studying that you rarely have time for romance."
"What? No. Look at you, you're an honor student yourself."
"Yeah but I mean the pros, like you. The valedictorians, first honors."
"Just because I don't that about romance doesn't mean I don't think about it. But like you said, I rarely think about it."
"Ooh! So who is the lucky one?"
"Why do you want to know?"
You puffed your cheeks. Honestly you had no idea too. Let's just say you were... curious.
"I need to gather information. I need some information to sip. Either way I'll figure it out when I start my investigation."
"Augh- I'll disown you, Light Yagami."
He put his cup down, looking at you.
"It's not really possible to disown the person you like, you know."
The coffee that you were drinking almost came out of your nostrils.
"Don't have so much hubris on yourself. I can do a ten-paged essay about why you are so dislikeable."
"But you can do an essay about why you like me ten times longer than that."
"I am so going to hit your ugly being!"
His smile only grew wider, fascination twinkling in his eyes.
"Hit me with your sweet love, maybe I won't mind."
Not blushing wasn't really an option. He burst out of laughter as you'd been left speechless. You continuously punched his arm, but he never stopped laughing. And his laughter was indeed infectious.
As you two were having fun, you suddenly felt eyes on your back. You stopped and turned around, seeing Light's mother slyly smiling at the both of you as she slithered away towards the kitchen. You and Light avoided each other's gaze for a moment and blushed, finishing your coffees wordlessly instead.
"Well, I'll go change now. You wait here."
"Let me come with you-"
Light raised an eyebrow. "What a pervert you are, [Y/N]."
"NO! That is not what I meant!"
"Well what did you mean?"
"I mean, let me wait outside your room instead," You leaned in, whispering. "What if your mom comes here and talks to me? I mean.. I'm super shy around her."
He nodded in agreement but then he added, "There's no need to be shy around your future mother though."
'This smooth-talking bastard!' You sighed and rubbed your nape, 50% about to roll your eyes and 50% about to blush again. You knew what he meant by that. He had always been a tease to you. But you decided to play against his will.
"Wow. I didn't know that the Yagami family will adopt me someday."
"Tch, dummy."
"Did you just call me dummy?"
"What? Of course not! You really need to clean your ears. I said dumplings. Your cheeks remind me of them. And now I'm hungry."
"You are awful!" For the nth time in history, you hit his arm. "I'm really gonna disown you in one of these days. Now get your ass moving already so we can conquer the street first."
"Well you were the one constantly blabbering and delaying things here-"
"Shut up."
"Pft. Fine." He pulled you up, holding your wrist even on the way back to his bedroom.
After about five minutes of changing to a plain white t-shirt and jogging pants, matching yours by the way, you two headed out the neighborhood. You picked up the rackets and shuttlecock you had left on the ground, handing him one.
"We don't really have a net-"
"Oh come on! This is just a friendly match, so there's no need for that."
"What about the scores? We can play somehow else if you'd like."
"That's not necessary. I'm making the rules, and the only rule here is that the opponent gets the score if you fail to prevent the birdie from hitting the ground."
"That's not how you play badminton.."
"I am well aware of that. I used to be a part of the school's badminton team, hello? But I make my own rules here." You grinned slyly. He shook his head. "There's no fun in this. You just woke me up to make me do some pointless things with you."
You were actually a little offended by that. You puffed your cheeks and crossed your arms.
"Is it bad that I just wanna have some quality-time with my friend? And to get my revenge, too."
What you said made his heart leap a little, and he was having a hard time resisting the urge to smile. But in the end, he only snarled against his own will. "Let's get this done quick. I'll make sure to destroy you."
"Oh, you wish."
And the game started. The eerie silence vanished, replaced by your grunts, pants, and intense movements. The sky was eventually transitioning from a dim purple to a pale yellow one as you two played, eyes focused on nothing but the shuttle, sweat dripping down your bodies. Light was just as determined as you were to beat his ass. The scores were being mentally recorded by you two-no cheating of course. It was a pretty fair game. One moment you'd be on the lead, but he'd take it, and you'd take it back, and the cycle continued. He was the worthiest opponent for you in this, and he thought the same about you.
The deal was a maximum of 50 scores. Currently, Light was leading and almost close to winning. Certainly you didn't want to get beaten so you struck the shuttle at a perfect angle with just enough force. It flew fast; you were sure he'd miss it. But his reflex was quick, and he struck it with a force much stronger than yours-but his flawed angle sent the shuttle flying higher than he intended it to, and it unfortunately landed on one of your neighbor's roof.
That neighbor just so happened to be the one you two-no, the whole neighborhood-absolutely detested.
Light rubbed his nape and laughed nervously, seeing your grimace. "I'll give the score to you then. So, you have an extra shuttle?"
"Unfortunately that's my last one." You facepalmed. You used to have lots of shuttlecocks but you just kept on losing them since everytime you play with someone, they'd either get destroyed in the process or fly too high and land on unaccessible places, just like what happened.
He frowned. "Seriously? What about inside your house? I'm sure there are a bunch of them tangled in your mess."
"I told you that was my last one. I haven't been able to buy more of them so yeah. But thanks to this nerdy friend of mine, I'm now left with none."
You were only being sarcastic, but it sounded way too derisive for him that he felt somehow guilty.
"Now what do we do.." You pouted to yourself. He averted his gaze which then met the ladder from earlier, a brilliant idea crossing his mind. But the last thing he wanted to do was to get involved, in any way, with that awful neighbor. A grim expression crossed his face and you saw it as you walked closer to him.
"Hey, I'm not actually mad at you, dummy."
"No- I mean, that's a relief. But I think I can retrieve it with the ladder. They might notice me though."
You snorted, but at least there was still a way to save that shuttle. You then looked at the sky. The sun was now rawly smiling at you. Surely those rogues weren't awake yet.
"You know what? I'll do it myself."
"Don't. You might fall. I'll go do it. It's a gentleman's job after all." He grinned. "Do you think they're awake?"
"I don't think so. The curtains are closed anyway."
"Alright. In case I fall, you stay below."
"Okay, Princess Light. I'll catch you using these strong manly arms of mine. Muah!"
Thankfully they didn't have a second floor so the ladder's height was alright- although still short. Once Light had climbed up, you stayed below, holding the ladder just to stay sure.
"Damn. How did it get that far?" He struggled to reach it with his racket, even with his arms and body stretched already. After a few valiant attempts, he sighed and steadied himself a little. He had an idea of climbing the roof but the risk of falling down in the process was high. And he certainly didn't want to squash you either.
"Well this is hopeless."
"Don't give up now, my princess!" You continuously poked his butt with the handle of your racket, causing him to give you a death glare, wobbling a little in his position.
"Are you asking to get squashed? Stop that or I'll fall on you."
"That was just to power you up, silly! Don't you dare fall on me."
"How about falling for you?"
"Now now, don't say bad words!"
He chuckled and was about to continue his mission when suddenly, the curtains flew open, revealing a grotesque face of a woman staring at Light's crotch-because that's where the window was apparently placed.
Let's just say that you two never want to recall that twenty-minute rebuking that you swore went on even as you two had already left the neighborhood, heading elsewhere.
"That went well." Light heaved a sigh, poking your racket with his as you two walked side by side. You nodded.
"Mission failed. Geez, that woman just wouldn't stop talking and bombarding us with malarkey. I'm starting to hate her."
"To be honest who doesn't? The whole neighborhood hates her as far as I know."
"Pfft, right. So what do we do now?"
He poked your cheeks, and poked, and poked, before pinching them so hard.
"Stop your fetish for my cheeks! This is abuse!"
He laughed, a genuine kind. He didn't reply but put an arm over your shoulder. You puffed your cheeks and played along.
"Where are we going?"
"I'm a bit hungry. So let's head to the convenience store."
"Unsurprising but I didn't bring any money with me."
"Not a single cent?"
"I guess it's fine since I'll be the one treating you. You should be thankful." You only smiled.
On the way to the store you noticed a group of older and drunk men resting on the side of the street. Their eyes pierced uncomfortably through you. You lowered your head, still feeling their laviscious stares nonetheless. Light also noticed this, and so he pressed himself to you. You hadn't even passed them and when you did, the inevitable came. They cackled, whistling and calling you by names as they rapped the table for attention.
You ignored them and thankfully, they didn't bother you more. "Those bastards." You heard your companion clicking his tongue in annoyance, looking back at the drunk men. He saw where their gazes were and it strongly disgusted him. There was an unnerving silence as you two arrived at the store.
You both had hotdogs with buns and ice cream which was your specific request and which Light reluctantly complied to. The two of you were sitting side by side, looking through the glass wall and discussing mostly about school projects and then some gossips which all came from you. After running out of food to munch on, Light went back to buy a huge bag of chips you two would be sharing.
The sky was now a saturated mixture of orange and yellows. People strolling outside were quickly multiplying until eventually the sidewalk got packed. Few vehicles came passing by. The day was starting for a lot.
"Those guys often do that to you?"
Snapping back to reality, you cooed, "Pardon me?"
"The drunk men we just came across with, was it the first time they've called you out like that?"
"Nope. They're always out drinking.." You saw him creasing his brows. "I know what you're thinking. Well they can't be help so don't think too much about it."
"Can't be help or not, that's still wrong. Did you see the way they looked at your curves? Those men reek danger for a young woman like you. Who knows what their next moves are?" Clenching his fist, he growled. He was truly worried for you. He knew how the world is full of suspicious people like them, and who knows that they're capable of doing?
"Now now worry-wart, don't be so angry."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner? You should really start walking home with me early. Does it kill you to immediately go home after school even when you have no business there anymore?"
He got you there. "But I don't want to instantly go home."
"Keep thinking like that and you might never be able to go home again."
You pursed your lips at how scary he made that sound. "Listen, [Y/N]. In this world, there are only a few people you can actually trust. And those guys? They're not looking worthy of someone's trust, even one bit. They're also not the only possible threats to you. Anyone you don't know, or even who you're acquainted with, could be. Even if they look so charming. I'm saying this as a warning, and as your friend. The way they looked at you really triggered me. I can't let you continue your routine anymore. Sure, I know you're going to argue that there's lots of bystanders in case something happens, but that's not always the case. And we're not even sure if they'll help you or proceed to give a blind eye to it."
There came a long pause as you absorbed his words. Hearing them made you feel grateful for having a friend like him-someone who speaks up because he cares about you and your safety. You merely nodded with your mouth agape.
"..I-I'll do as you say then. Thank you Light, really. I appreciate your concern. You give the best advices.. I-you're one of the best people out there."
"Sorry to suddenly explode like that." He smiled, and your heart softened. You asked, "And so, by saying that.. You trust me?"
"Needless to ask dummy. I wouldn't have said that if I didn't."
"Thank you. You know I trust you too. You're one of the people who's worth my trust." You flushed pink as you scratched your nape. This kind of conversation will always make you shy.
"You don't have to say thank you to me for trusting you. And what you said.. You're worth trusting, too."
You didn't argue. The following minutes were silent as you two stared at the void while eating potato chips. You didn't have any new topics in mind, and he seemed to be lost in his thoughts-or his daydreams. You didn't want to interrupt whatever was going on in that complex mind of his.
You absently stood up, craving for another black coffee, but you halted and went back when you remembered you didn't have your own money.
"Oh? You want something?"
"I want coffee. Well- if you don't mind. Ehehehe."
"That I am not going to buy for you. That's going to be your third coffee and the day's only starting."
"Hmph. Forgot I have a mom for a friend. But anyway, you good? You seemed to be thinking about something rather serious earlier."
"Yeah, I'm fine." He smiled. Although he was really deep in thought of something-but what was it?
As he'd already said, he trusted you. He had been friends with you since middle school. He developed the ability to read through your mind. With you both growing closer day by day, he had already memorized your hobbies, your predictably unpredictable schedules, your common moods, your personality, and your flaws as a human being. Heck, he could even write an entire biography book about you with all the facts 99% accurate if he wanted to.
To him, you were fascinating, despite the fact that you weren't his ‘ideal’ girl. But as they say, some ideals are bound to get broken when something unexpected and much more interesting comes along the way. Sure, you couldn't read his mind as good as he read yours. You couldn't decipher and foresee what his next moves would be very well, wasn't in the exact same level as he was, but he grew attached to you. He trusted you, which was a rare thing for him to do-and consider the fact that trust is a hard thing to earn. You were an honest person, mildly annoying at some point to him. You're one that's willing to help others too. Rarely gets the initiative, but when you do, you execute amazing plans and actions.
The world is ugly, indeed, but he considered you to be one of those who made it less that way. You were one of the beautiful people in this ugly, mundane world. And that, he admired you for.
He couldn't see you as just a friend anymore. He could basically see through you, like you were his other half-like you were meant to be. You were someone he could connect with, someone he trusts, someone he could love. The label 'bestfriends' bothered him because he felt like it didn't suit you both, because something else did.
A couple.
And going back, what he was thinking about was the act of courting you and becoming your boyfriend. But doubts flooded his mind, such as you two being too young for romance, the possibility of your parents being against it since he knew you once swore that you wouldn't get a boyfriend until the age of 25 (which was actually a half-joke), and him not knowing what to properly do afterwards. Was he ready for this? Having you as his girlfriend wouldn't really change or affect anything such as his studies. It would still be the same.. just with an upgraded relationship and label with you. Besides, he had been wanting to court you for some time already. And if he doesn't do it then he'd only grow more and more restless.
He wanted to be yours. He was sure you also reciprocated his feelings. Getting into a teenage relationship is easy and quick and maybe reckless, they say, but not for someone with a complex and rational thinking like him. There were some things to consider- but you know what Light said?
'God damn it.'
"Huh?" You weren't expecting that response at all.
"I mean I was thinking about romance."
"Ooh! Finally, you decided to add some teenage thrill in your life. So, what about romance?" You gave a sly look. "Need help? I can be cupid, except I will be hitting you with my fist."
His smile was little but genuine, looking out. "There's someone I like for some time now. I've been wanting to court her."
"Awe! My boy has finally grown! My son is finally having a love interest! Eh, but why do you look so uncertain? Is there a catch?"
"Not really." He looked at you, his cheek resting on his palm. You raised an eyebrow.
"If that's the case then go for it! Who would dare to refuse the Light Yagami anyway? If you're feeling doubtful, which is highly unlikely for you, don't be. Any girl would swoon over you, even myself." You chuckled. He gave a fake impression of still being doubtful, looking down with his hands now on his thighs. It was a rare sight to see. You placed a hand on his shoulder, tapping it. Just then, he looked at you straight in the eye.
"It's not like you to lose some confidence. Come on, don't be sad. You can do it. Go ahead and court the lucky one. Cupid approves." You gave him a thumbs up.
"..If you say so," he seized your wrist and stood up.
"Can I court you then?"
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mostlydysfunction · 3 years
From The Stars, Part 9
Summary: Kira moved out of town for isolation and peace and quiet. But that quickly gets turned on its head when a spaceship crash lands not far from her house and a strange creature decides she's its new queen. Luck had never been on Kira's side, but things are going to get a lot worse for her as she's forced into this new role and everything her new alien subject thinks it entails.
Warnings: Lying, shady parents, some hinted at violence at the end.
Authors Note: Again, this has been up on my Ao3 since like February. Link is in my masterlist if you prefer to follow there and get updates sooner. There’s going to be only a couple more parts to this one however, so might not even matter. 
Kira watches the SUV roll down the hill and into the lake. It’s cloudy, the moon and stars covered, bathing the trees in darkness. Kira’s only light is from the flashlight in her hand, aimed at the SUV currently sinking in the lake. She won’t move until it’s gone under completely, not wanting anyone to see what’s happening.
Two months ago if you had told her she would be standing in the woods in the middle of the night sinking a federal agent’s SUV in the lake to cover up their murder by her alien babies, she would have thought you were insane. But now she felt nothing. Her babies needed to eat and it was just unfortunate that the Feds happened to be the first to show up.
Kira waits until the bubbles have stopped before turning, making her way up the hill and back to the road. It’s a bit of a hike back to her house, the air cold enough she can see her breath fog in front of her. Her mind goes to her children and if they’re warm enough in the barn. Her alien hadn’t shown any signs of minding the cold, but her children were obviously different than him, and she can’t help but wonder if they can tell the temperature difference.
She feels a sense of urgency as she gets closer to her house, hating being apart from her family. They were her family now. Her children, their father. She doesn’t understand the relationship between them, she doesn’t even know if it’s biologically possible for her to love an alien. Humans could feel emotions towards animals, inanimate objects. Emotions including love. Who’s to say it’s not possible to feel the same for an alien lifeform she has no communication with who had forcibly impregnated her with his eggs. Maybe it’s only the oxytocin talking, the immediate motherly instinct she had felt over her babies that was drawing her closer to her alien. Or maybe it was because around him, she felt safe.  
Kira opens the door to her barn when she returns to her property, quickly closing it behind her as her babies run up to her. They’re hip-height now, growing faster than she thought possible. All eight of them surround her, bumping her gently with their heads. She smiles down at them, patting them each on their smooth heads. They let out content little cries, warming Kira’s heart. Her alien approaches her, nudging her gently with his own head. She gently strokes its elongated head, leaning against him.
Her eyes drift closed, her brain buzzing with energy. She focuses on it more and finds she can see with her eyes closed. The barn looks distorted like she’s seeing out of a fish-eye lens. The colors are darker, not quite as vibrant with her own eyes, but she can hear every small sound wave bouncing off the walls. She can hear something speaking, not words but a sort of idea in her mind. She can feel her eight babies around her, all of them like strings connected to her mind.
She wants to lose herself in the sensations, bury herself in them, and never come out, but her phone vibrating in her pocket snaps her out of it. She pulls away from her alien, her brain reeling for a moment before she centers herself back on Earth.
“I have to take this. I’ll be back.” She says, backing away from her babies and her alien.
She leaves them in the barn, heading back towards her house. She looks at her phone. She doesn’t want to answer, but she knows she has to.
“Kira? God, I thought something had happened to you! I was going to come and check on you but...you sounded so sick when we talked last and then you weren’t answering.”
Kira feels a pang of guilt in her chest. “I’m sorry, dad. I was on some heavy meds. It was some kind of viral thing. Wiped me out for a few days. I didn’t even think to look at my phone. I’m doing better now though.”
“That’s good. That’s...really good.”
“Do you want to come over? Catch up a little?”
“Yes. That would be great.”
Kira sets the cups of coffee on the kitchen table before taking a seat. Her dad looks old. Older than the last time she saw him. He’s had something on his mind. She can tell by how messy his hair looks. He would always run his fingers through his hair repeatedly when he was thinking hard. Her mother used to joke he’d go bald from doing it one day. Now that she looked at him, Kira can see his hair is thinning. There are dark circles under his eyes and he looks about as bad as she does, but she doesn't think he birthed alien eggs days ago.
“Kira...I’ve had a lot on my mind recently. About you. About this place.”
Kira sips her coffee. It’s scalding but she can’t bring herself to care. She hums in response, letting him continue.
He runs his finger in a circle around the rim of the cup. It’s an old habit. It means bad news. “You’re all alone out here. I shouldn’t have left you out here by yourself. But...your mother...I just couldn’t...”
Kira reaches out, putting a hand over his. It feels strange to her, to touch human skin again. She almost doesn’t like it. “It’s okay. I know.”
Her dad stares into her eyes for a moment, taking her in. “There’s so much she wanted to tell you. She begged me to tell you, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I couldn’t face the truth. I didn’t know how to tell you. I wasn’t sure you’d believe me.”
Kira frowns, her stomach churning. She doesn't like his words. “Dad...what are you talking about?”
He sighs, taking a long drink of his coffee, staring out the back door. “I remember it like it was yesterday. Right out there. Where the roses are. It used to be hydrangeas before...before you arrived.” He runs a hand over his face. “God, I should have told you this years ago Kira...”
“Dad...you’re scaring me.” Kira’s hands are shaking as she sets her coffee cup down.
Her dad turns back to look at her, holding her gaze. “You’re not ours.”
Kira’s body goes cold at his words, a strange feeling running through her. Her whole life she’d been told they were her parents. This was her dad sitting across from her. And now...
“W-What?” She pulls her hands into her lap, squeezing them into fists to stop them from shaking.
“We don’t know where you came from. Well...we sort of knew...” Her dad glances back out at the garden before looking at her again. “Kira...you fell from the sky.”
Kira can’t say anything. None of it was making sense. Her brain was buzzing, churning, his words seeming like a foreign language. Thankfully he doesn’t wait for her to respond.
“It happened almost twenty years ago. It was almost dark. Your mother was outside planting tulips on the other side of the garden. I was making dinner. Grilling, like I used to. Everything was quiet like it gets out here, but then...the sky exploded. Blew the windows out, it was so loud. Came down in a ball of fire right into your mother’s hydrangeas. I thought it was the end of the world for a moment, but then...your mother was always so quick to act. Put the fire out with the garden hose. I thought it was some kind of meteor, but once the flames died, I could see what it was. It was...some sort of space pod. We tried and tried to get it open, see inside. Eventually, we managed to pry it open and inside...You couldn’t have been more than four years old. Teary-eyed and sucking your thumb. You looked so human.”
He runs a hand down his face. Kira can see the tears in his eyes.
“The feds were on us almost immediately. I wanted to turn you over to them, but your mother refused. She knew what would happen to you if we did. So we hid you. Made up some bullshit story. The feds didn’t believe us, but we were insistent.”
Kira’s mind begins to work at high speed. The visits from the feds suddenly didn’t seem so strange anymore.
“You were so human in every way. Almost every way. You never got sick. Kids always got sick but you never did. You could bend metal with your bare hands and you could hear things miles away. Your mother taught you to control it. She was better at that than I was. I made it my job to make you feel as normal as possible. She dealt with all the...strangeness. That’s why when you told me you were sick...I knew something had to be wrong. Something was going on. You’ve never been sick before.”
Kira clenches her fists tighter, taking in her father’s words. She had arrived on Earth in a spaceship? She supposedly had superpowers? He was right in one thing...she had never been sick before. She just thought it was a good immune system. But apparently, it was something else. Something more.
“Kira...please say something.”
“I don’t...” Kira bites her lip, breathing deeply. “You expect me to believe that? That I fell out of the sky in a spaceship and...I’m supposed to be what, Superman?”
“No, it’s...” Her dad sighs, looking down at his coffee. “I knew you wouldn’t believe me. I wanted your mother to tell you from the beginning but...she thought it would be best...if you thought you were normal...”
Kira stands from the table, unable to sit anymore. “Bullshit. I call bullshit.” She makes her way to the back door, looking out at the roses. The place she supposedly crash-landed on Earth. “You had an affair, didn’t you? I was never my mother’s child and you couldn’t live with that so you made up some bullshit story to hide it! That’s why you couldn’t stay!”
“Kira, you know I would never have...”
“I don’t know anything anymore.” She clenches her fists again, glaring at him. “I don’t know what’s more unbelievable. The story that might be true or that you would spew some bullshit to try and hide something else you did to fuck up.”
“Kira, I loved your mother!” Her father stands from the table, knocking over the chair. “I loved her more than anything. But we couldn’t...” He takes a deep breath. “We tried. We tried so many times. She wanted so badly...but we couldn’t. Then you fell out of the sky like an answer to our prayers.”
Kira feels tears prick behind her eyes. The story is starting to sound not so fake the more she thinks about it. She had an alien hiding in her barn with her babies she had birthed after mating with him. An alien that had crashed to Earth and found her and chosen her. If she was also an alien...it would make her new reality not quite so strange anymore.
“Kira...I’m sorry...”
“I want you to leave.” She says, her voice shaking. She hates it. She turns back to face her dad. “Get out. Go home. Don’t come back here.”
Her father stares at her brokenly for a moment before grabbing his coat and heading towards the door. Kira stays where she is until she hears his car door shut before heading out to the barn. She’s shaking by the time she reaches the door, slipping inside quickly and closing the door.
She takes a few steps into the darkness before dropping to her knees, tears falling down her cheeks. She’s overwhelmed, not knowing what to believe or even what to think. If the story was true, then so much of what had happened made perfect sense. But if her dad was lying to her to cover up something else...either way he had lied to her. He had hidden the truth about her for her entire life. She feels anger bubble up inside her.
Her children are by her side in seconds, snuggling up to her. She reaches out to them, touching them, solidifying herself in reality. She should have died. She had carried eight eggs to term and birthed them. She had lost so much blood...too much blood. But here she was, mostly healthy with no medical help. She had never been sick a day in her life. She had managed to tame an alien simply with her presence. She had seen what he was capable of. He could have killed her instantly that night, but something about her had stopped him.
Maybe she was alien.
Kira is on her feet as soon as the barn door slides open. It hits the other side with a slam, the shadow of her father standing in the doorway. Her heart leaps to her throat, the buzzing of her babies loud in her ears.
“Kira...what the hell?”
“Dad...you should have just gone home.”
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13eyond13 · 3 years
14, 21, 26, 28 for Soichiro please? I tried to ask interesting ones for him lol have a good day!
14. What is something that never fails to make Soichiro excited?
I think the most excitement he usually shows in canon is him losing his temper or scolding other people sternly, maybe? He definitely gets riled up whenever people are being dangerous and reckless and ignorant and rude. I think he has a strong sense of duty about being respectful and polite and about protecting other people, and that extends from protecting their lives to protecting them from embarrassing themselves or making bad decisions. He definitely takes his responsibility as a role model and a moral compass and an authority figure seriously, and I think it is more or less constantly on his mind.
21. Does Soichiro prefer giving or receiving gifts?
I feel like he likes giving gifts, especially when it comes to providing for his family and showing them how proud he is of them and their accomplishments. He gave Light that nice watch as a high school graduation present, for example. I think he'd be gracious about receiving presents too, but possibly also a little uncomfortable about it, because for the most part he's usually thinking about life in terms of what he can do for and give to everybody else.
26. What is something Soichiro is legitimately bad at?
It's a bit hard to know how to put this. But I think he's so concerned with being a tough and fair and heroic role model and father figure and unfailingly sticking to his values and carrying out his duties that he can ironically be a bit cruel to the people he's trying to protect and guide at times.
For example, I'm sure he is extremely proud of Light, and it's probably difficult for him not to spoil Light and dote on him and brag about him to everybody constantly. And because of this he probably downplays his pride to others and also tries extra hard to acknowledge and mentor other people who aren't as fortunate and accomplished as his own son, too. But because of this I think he's also overly harsh and distant toward Light sometimes with his high expectations of him as well.
For instance, it would probably bother Light at times to see things like Soichiro being so parental and tough-loving and mostly understanding with his immature coworkers like Matsuda, and then turning around and being so non-protective and brutal on him with stuff like how much he allows Light to be pressured and scrutinized during L's investigation. I'm sure Light's impressionable age and his guilt and fear about genuinely being Kira kept him from really digging into any buried anger or resentment over this toward his father during canon very much. But he easily could have been a bit shocked to witness the illegal and unsafe things that were being done behind the scenes and kept secret from the rest of his family too. And also shocked to experience the reality of the extremes his dad genuinely thought he could handle when it came to proving his innocence to L and everybody else. Imagine Light really had been innocent, and yet he was still put through all of this traumatizing stuff while his father continuously gave the go-ahead to L. It would be a very confusing mixture of feeling both like Soichiro had unfailing faith in his innocence and capabilities and zero faith in his innocence and capabilities all at once. I assume Light must have developed much of his toxic perfectionism and strong sense of heroism from his relationship with his father, where he subconsciously believes that the failure to fix everything for everyone by himself and acknowledging any sort of personal limitations or making any sorts of errors in judgment is totally unacceptable, extremely shameful and weak.
It's sad to think about, because I also don't think Soichiro has bad values or bad intentions or poor judgment a lot of the time either. And I wonder if Light had had a chance to grow up and mature without the Kira case happening then he might've eventually been able to view his father in a more nuanced and balanced and less completely idealizing way... as somebody who is both admirable sometimes, and also just another flawed person like everybody else who can sometimes gets things wrong and who he can fundamentally disagree with sometimes, too. But in this extremely specific worst case scenario you can definitely see how some of Soichiro's character qualities and strong beliefs that he probably ordinarily views as inherently positive to model could also be potentially harmful and negative ones in certain circumstances / when adopted by somebody else less mature and experienced who wholeheartedly looks up to him, too.
28. When left to his own devices, how does Soichiro spend a free day?
He probably has a really hard time relaxing and turning his brain off from all the worries of his job. I feel like he plans his free time far in advance with things like date nights or trips with his family, since he very rarely gets any time off. Spending time with his wife and kids would probably be the thing he'd most want to do, but he doesn't strike me as a relaxing in front of the TV watching dumb entertainment together sort of dad. More like a "let's take the kids to this famous war landmark that they should know about because it's important to our nation's history" sort of dad.
ask game (x)
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secretshinigami · 2 years
In the Way of Justice
Author: @complicatedmerary
For: @nearlyrae
Pairings/Characters: Light Yagami, Misa Amane, LightxMisa (one-sided), Teru Mikami, Kiyomi Takada, MikamixTakada (one-sided …?), Yagami family (cameo)
Rating/Warnings: Teen and Up; violence, verbal abuse, negative self-talk, suggested sexuality, alcohol, unrequited love, brief discussion about crimes done by children, and implied character death
Prompt: Misa’s life if she managed to marry Light AND Takada and Mikami crying over dinner.
Author’s notes: Hello, hello! After trying out both prompts separately, I decided that there could be a greater story if I were to fit those stories into one and still make it cohesive to the original timeline. This led to the burning question, “If Misa and Light got married way early in the manga, how would that affect the rest of the battle between Light and Near?” As it turns out, it’s not just the battle of wits that gets shifted by one decision. I could make a huge multi-chapter about this, but only if you wish! Hope you enjoy!
Six years had passed since the Great Detective L was eliminated by Kira, as well as every single person that got in the way of justice. L, Aiber, Wedy, Kyosuke Higuchi … All of them. In Kira’s perfect world, criminals cannot coexist among virtuous people and the only way to pay for their bad deeds is through death. Some might say it’s an extreme and terrifying society to live in, but for those that truly believe in justice, it’s only fair that the vermin gets wiped out by a true God. Those who believe in said God affirm that Kira is an invisible force of nature that is retailing against humanity’s failure to maintain peace on Earth. Others believe that Kira was chosen among mortals to become a savior. However, the reality may be stranger than anybody can possibly imagine.
To Misa Amane, Light Yagami is way more than her savior; he is her one true love and her new family. After her parents’ unjust death, Light is the closest thing she has as a normal life that can be read about in fairy tales. In her fantasy, Light slayed the monster who kept her trapped, took her in, made her his equal, and they share a relationship so pure it can create a better, crimeless world.
She has no complains so far—why would she when Light is still as wonderful as when she first met him? —but there is still a ghost of a symbolic representation of their eternal love that can only be fulfilled if Light wasn’t so cautious about every little detail. L is gone and Kira is considered a God, what else is he waiting for?
“It really is a shame that more faces keep getting leaked on the Internet,” Light sighs, his arms crossed against his chest. “It’s almost as if people are deliberately giving Kira help to create this new reality we are living in.” Before the case, a typical Yagami dinner involved discussions about Light’s achievements, Sayu’s gossip about the entertainment industry, and a brief overview of their father’s current workload. For the last few years, however, the glooming threat of Kira’s next move has kept them fearful. Even if every member of the family considers themselves good people, who is to say that Kira might not come after them next? After all, Soichiro and Light were this close to losing their lives after confronting Kira; unless Kira is truly gone, they are not safe from random judgment.
“Seriously, Light?” Sayu pinches the bridge of her nose, exasperated. “You and Dad always talk about Kira every time we meet up as a family. We can see the news; we are not missing anything. Can we change the subject?”
“I’m sorry, Sayu,” Soichiro nods, giving a brief sympathetic smile. “We didn’t mean to worry you, it’s just that this has become our livelihoods now. You are right, we can discuss something else. What do you have in mind?”
“Well,” Sayu darts her eyes at the other couple sitting across the table. “Isn’t there something you want to ask them?”
Misa, who was squeezing Light’s arm with hers this entire time, perks up.
“What do you mean, Sayu?”
“Come on, Misa, how long are you going to let Light get away with making you live with him with no sign of proper commitment? Six years is way too long.” She giggles.
“Sayu, don’t do this—” Light shakes Misa off him and pleads to Sayu with gritted teeth.
“I didn’t want to bring it up, but she’s right,” Sachiko comes in from the kitchen with a tray of teacups. “It’s bad enough that you temporarily quit your studies to be with her and you still haven’t proposed?”
“Mom—” Light wanted to argue, but Sayu intervenes.
“Light, come on, you are living with Misa Amane, and you don’t plan to keep her off the market? At this point, I’m surprised that none of her famous friends has taken her away from you. For such ladies’ man, you sure don’t know what you are doing!”
Misa looks at Sayu with glazed eyes, her heart beating faster than normal. Could this be her chance to finally have her happily ever after? If the family supports this union, then, the next step should be getting it over with a ring and a ceremony. It is now or never, if she doesn’t speak up, she loses her opportunity to cement her and Light’s future together.
“Aw, Sayu, don’t worry about us,” Misa rubs her head against Light’s arm, practically beaming. “We wanted to keep it a surprise, but I guess I can’t contain it any longer. The truth is, Light already proposed and we are getting married by the end of the month!”
Light bolts upright from his seat—unintentionally making Misa fall from her grasp—and his breath becomes shallower by the second. He needs to get out of here, now, there is no way this is happening, it must be a nightmare, and he’ll wake up soon. If that’s the case, why is his father staring at him like he committed a crime?
“Light,” Soichiro begins talking carefully. “Is this true?”
“I—” Light’s throat is starting to get dry, and he takes his cup of tea from the table, sipping slowly, still standing. “I don’t know what to tell you—”
“Oh, my sweet Light,” Misa is quick by his side, trying her best to soothe him with a gently hold of his hand. “I know we should have told them sooner, but it’s too late now. Don’t you think this is the right thing to do? I want them to attend the ceremony, it’s no use keeping it to ourselves.”
It feels like a trial for his life, everywhere he moves, concerning eyes surround him, begging for an explanation for his actions. What else is there to say? If he tells truth that Misa is a blatant liar, then the question arises on why she would do that in the first place? He couldn’t reveal that he isn’t in love with her, it will blow his entire cover. If he goes along with it, then he has no choice but to keep up the act and marry Misa as soon as possible.
She put him in a terrible predicament, and, for the first time in his life, he couldn’t think on his feet. Damn her and her desperate attempt to keep him trapped. If only he could kill her now, he would never have to deal with her ever again. And yet, he still needs her …
“Mom, Dad,” Light takes a deep breath. “It’s true, Misa and I are getting married.”
“Light, I—” Soichiro clears his throat. “Congratulations?”
“What’s the matter with you?” Sachiko gives her husband a quick glare. “Light, I’m so happy for you. I can’t wait to see you get married, it’s one of the things I always wanted for you.”
“Oh, my gosh,” Sayu stands up and hesitantly gives Light a hug. “You did it, you finally did it. I’m so happy for you, Light. Oh, my gosh, my big brother is getting married to Misa Amane!”
Light gives Sayu a quick pat on the back and holds on to her, resisting the urge to cry. In any other scenario, this would have been a tender moment between siblings, and for a few minutes, he’ll pretend that he is truly making his sister proud. He hates disappointing her, so he’ll keep up the act for her sake.
He finally lets her go and the tears roll down in front of her. To someone who doesn’t know any better, those are the tears of a man who is experiencing the height of happiness. However, those are the tears of someone who feels trapped and doesn’t know how to escape.
“Sayu, I have to go,” Light gives her a quick smile. “We can talk about this later, but I have to be with Misa for the rest of the day.”
“Of course,” Sayu weeps some tears that she didn’t realize at first were there. “Don’t forget to send the invitations.”
“I won’t, I promise,” Light chuckles softly. “When your time comes, I’ll make sure to embarrass you in front of your groom.”
“Hey, that’s not funny,” Sayu punches Light’s shoulder lightly.
“It is for me. Mom, Dad, I’ll see you later.” He waves at them as he guides Misa in front of him towards the door.
The trip back to their apartment was uncomfortably ice cold, no said one word to each other with the anguish that the wrong move could cause irreparable damage. Misa didn’t like how Light was being so mean towards her; the best day of their lives was coming, and he was not celebrating. She could be clueless at times, but even she knew better than to intervene when Light had that look in his eyes; she knew he was angry, so she waited for the okay to speak again.
Light unlocked the door of their home and he let her come in first, giving her time to see that he wanted some distance. Despite attempting to getting over what happened in his head, his true feelings were revealed when once he grabbed the doorknob, he slammed the door back in with such a brute force that the echoes of his actions resounded across the entire room.
Misa had never seen Light like this before, and she wanted to reassure him so badly, but he walked towards the kitchen as if she didn’t exist. With deliberate hesitation, she followed him silently, and drew in her breath to say something, anything.
“I would suggest you stay where you are because if you move, there is no way I would hold back.” Light didn’t even look at her, it was hard to read him when his hair covered his eyes. The iciness of his statement caused some chills to roll down her spine, but she was still willing to speak.
“Shut. Up.” He finally lifted his head and Misa gasped at what she saw. Light’s eyes were bloodshot red, and his nostrils were flaring audibly. Maybe Light was right; one more step and there was no way to tell if he would stop from putting his hands on her. Misa gulped and retracted herself, giving Light further distance.
“Oh, so you do get it, huh?” Light scoffed, making his way towards her. “What you did back there was a blatant disrespect of my boundaries and my trust for you. I asked you to live with me, I let you kiss me, and I let you be my girlfriend under the condition that you help me judge criminals. Hell, I even asked you to not reveal our relationship to the media because if my name is out there along yours, who knows what might happen. Keep them guessing, but that’s it, I told you that. And what’s worse, you lied to my entire family. I don’t like lying to them, it’s bad enough that they don’t know I’m Kira. I had to pretend, at that moment, that your little outburst was a happy scene.”
“Light, please, I’m sorr—”
“No, you are not,” Light loomed over her, creating a large shadow under her head. “You wanted that to happen, you were so desperate to change our relationship to a more permanent one that you pulled that stunt. To say that I’m furious at you is an understatement, I don’t even want to deal with you anymore.”
“Light, please,” Misa started to cry. “I’m sorry, I thought, I thought that’s what you wanted eventually, we love each other, I didn’t mean to make you mad, I thought you’ll be as excited as your family were. Don’t worry, I’ll call them first thing in the morning, tell them I was just joking around—”
“Forget it, Misa,” He walked past her and sat down on one of their sofas, exhaling deeply. “What’s done is done. If we tell them that there is no wedding, they’ll never forgive me. I hope you are happy because you got what you wanted.”
“W-What do you mean, Light?”
“I’m not sure how I’ll put it off, but we are getting married by the end of this month. I’ll set up some invitations for Mom, Dad, and Sayu—no one else! —and we will have a date set up. When that’s ready, we’ll have a private ceremony and get this over with it.”
“Light!” She threw herself at him, wrapping her entire body around him. “I’m so glad you are not backing down; you have made me the happiest girl in the world! I love you so much, Light Yagami!”
“I love you, too, Misa,” Light replied monotonously, feeling defeated. If anything, this could keep Misa devoted to him for way longer, a low chance that she’d ever backstabbing him. Sure, in an ideal reality, they could pretend that this relationship wasn’t a sham and just left each other alone with their respective goals. As future spouses, there was the promise of staying together in sickness and in health, with the addition of a flimsy certificate that wouldn’t matter much to him, but would matter to her, his family, and the law. And that was going to be enough.
Fortunately for Light, the ceremony was straight to the point with no interruptions. What they managed in the last minute was obtaining secondhand traditional wedding clothes, bringing just the Yagami family as guests, obtaining a wedding certificate, and celebrating with a quick dinner afterwards.
After everything was said and done, the marriage was consummated, going through the mechanics Light was used to keep Misa infatuated with him. Misa got what she wanted, and by this point, Light couldn’t care less about what happens next. There may be legal paperwork between them, and she may had taken his family name, but as far as Light was concerned, nothing had changed.
 Light looked over Misa, who was sleeping soundly beside him, and sighed. He grabbed one of the robes they received as gifts and contemplated for himself across the room. Yes, this was nothing more than a milestone in their fake relationship, he could live with this. Was he happy it happened? Absolutely not, but there was no turning back now, especially with his family involved. He couldn’t take back their joy of witnessing the eldest son getting married, doing so would be cruel.
Misa’s phone rang loudly by the nightstand, her annoying ringtone blaring across the room. It didn’t faze her one bit (was she really that heavy of a sleeper?), so Light felt obligated to pick it up to make the ringing stop. He saw that it was Yuki, Misa’s newest manager (her third one this year), attempting to reach her. He answered the phone and was taken aback by her shrill voice.
“Misa-Misa, I tried my best to stop it, I’m so, so sorry!” Yuki practically screeched. “I don’t know how it happened, but the media knows! They know! Please don’t hate me, it was out of my control, I don’t know how it got out!”
“Yuki, this is Light Yagami,” Light said calmly. “What are you talking about?”
“Oh, Yagami, it’s so good to meet you!” The phone continued to blare. “Can you hand the phone to Misa? She needs to know what happened; this is between the two us.”
“Well, since I happen to be her husband, I deserve to be involved in her business. Now, tell me,” He lowered his voice. “What are you talking about?”
“Light, I’m so sorry, I don’t know how else to tell you this, but … The marriage certificate got leaked to the press. I know you tried your hardest to keep it private, but someone must have gotten a hold of it from the city, it’s everywhere!”
News stations were buzzing over the breaking announcement that model and actress, Misa Amane, and NPA member, Light Yagami, were secretly married after years of speculation about their relationship. It was initially leaked to Sakura TV and everyone else followed, not letting this piece of gossip die down for the rest of the week. What could this mean for Misa Amane (now Yagami)’s career? Would she serve tradition and retire from the entertainment industry to have a stable marriage? What about children? Is Misa going to be pregnant soon and become a mother? And, what about NPA member, Light Yagami? What does he think about this attention since he seems like such a private man? What do they even have in common? How did they meet? Was it love at first sight? The speculations were endless!
Among the controversy, Kiyomi Takada was one of the first people who heard about the announcement during one of her televised news reports. To say she was shocked was an understatement; she felt dread hitting at the bottom of her stomach, almost losing her balance on live television. Light Yagami, a man he respected during her college years, was now married to that ditzy Misa Amane. To this day, their relationship didn’t make sense to her, but she tried her best to respect it to avoid confrontation with Light after he rudely ditched her for Misa. Yes, it still wounded her that someone as amazing as Light Yagami dropped her like a hot potato to date a celebrity. It was so beneath him, or so it seemed since he prioritized intelligence over anything else. To imagine that he could be so shallow was such a disappointment, but not surprising since he was, you know, a man.
She wanted to pretend that she was over him, but this announcement reopened some salted wounds, and she tried her hardest not to cry. Tears would not do, specially tonight, since her and Mikami were having dinner together as scheduled. To Kiyomi, Mikami was quite the peculiar character. He was so disciplined and rigid, she often wondered if shaking him out of his shell would do him some good. However, what intrigued her the most about him was his formidable intelligence and his pure sense of justice. They met last year during one of her hosted discussion programs about the rebuilding of Japan in the 21st century, and once Kira was brought up, she could sense his passion for a better world, and she instantly felt a connection. That year was notorious for the political divisiveness of integrating Kira’s ideology to the mainstream, and to have this man, who was a prosecutor, advocating in favor of pro-Kira world, was so refreshing. She had lost friends for her pro-Kira views, a good amount of them admitting that the reason why they couldn’t support Kira was because of petty crimes in the past. That was their loss; who needed friends like that anyway? Shoplifting, stealing, underage drinking … Good riddance. At that point in her life, she needed a friend with a similar viewpoint as hers, and Teru Mikami was the perfect candidate for it. During recess of that discussion program, she approached him and opened to him about her thoughts on the criminal justice system and social ills in Japan, and after seeing his eyes widen in shock, she knew that was enough for him to continue the conversation. After that, he told her that he was going to fit her in his schedule (she thought it was odd at first, but she understood), and they were friendly ever since.
As time went by, Kiyomi learned a hard lesson when it came to him: A friendship with Teru Mikami was like a porcelain teacup: Rare, valuable, and authentic, but if not handled with care, it was easy to crack under pressure. It was such a miracle that their relationship had survived her unintentional tactless tongue; if he was that teacup that she kept describing, he should had been fine powder.
In one of their dinners, they had a heated discussion about making it more common to reveal the identities of child criminals to the public; if common criminals could be exposed for their immortality, so should juveniles. This was the first time they disagreed on something this serious.
“He is a twelve-year-old boy!” Takada narrowed her eyes at him, trying her best to lower her voice. “Yes, he stabbed his mother brutally, I don’t like that at all, but he is a child, it doesn’t feel right that Kira can just kill him because he messed up. Let the police handle it.”
“What you call ‘messing up’ is an excuse to absolve him from responsibility.” Mikami argued back. “I was that age once and I know firsthand that children are old enough to understand right from wrong. If a child can bully someone and continue doing so despite witnessing someone suffer, then resorting to murder should have a fitting punishment.”
Kiyomi scoffed. “I see what’s going on, you are projecting on this child because of your childhood trauma. I understand that it was a difficult time for you, but it’s best to move on from it and not let it affect you anymore.” The moment she stopped speaking, she realized this was the worst thing to say to him, and she regretted it once she saw his reaction.
Mikami didn’t cry, at least never in front of her, but the shine on his eyes told a different story: It was as if he was trying his hardest not to show emotion, but she knew better: He was seething inside, he didn’t appreciate being told that his trauma didn’t matter.
“Mikami, I—”
“Let me just get the check, we are done here.” Such a simple statement but cut her like an icicle stuck in her chest. She screwed up, she lost him, and there was nothing she could do about it.
The next week, however, he texted her to meet up again same time, same restaurant. The message was clear once they sat down and ordered their meals: I’ll let it go for now, but I’m warning, don’t ever speak to me like that ever again.
Takada shook her head. It was best not to think about it, tonight was supposed to be a fulfilling event discussing crime and how to improve society.
“Takada, have you been listening to one word that I said?”
“Huh?” Takada got out of her daze, her mind accidentally wandering over Light and Misa. Was he happy? Could there be a chance that this was a publicity stunt? Did she mean that little to her after all?
“You weren’t listening,” Mikami said matter-of-factly. “I assumed you would be interested in talking about the current political climate, but I guess I was wrong.”
“No, no, I am interested,” Takada sighed. “I’m sorry, I just had a rough week, it’s not a big deal.”
“Okay.” He paused for a bit, and then realized that it would be best if she could talk about her issues. At least for a minute or so. “What happened?”
“Do you remember that I mentioned a Light Yagami to you?”
“I may or may not recall, go on.”
“We dated in college, right? From my experience, he was quite the intellectual and we had similar viewpoints about crime and justice. I just found out that he married the woman he dumped me for, Misa Amane.”
“I see,” Mikami considered his words carefully. “You loved him, and it hurts that he moved on.”
Takada’s face scrunched in embarrassment. “God, it sounds pathetic, doesn’t it? What am I doing pinning over a man who couldn’t care less about my existence? It’s been years, I shouldn’t let him have this much hold over me, I’m so stupid.”
“Takada, you are not stupid—”
“Yes, I am!” The tears began to roll down, she couldn’t stop them in time. “None of that matters and yet I’m acting like it’s the end of the world. Maybe there’s something wrong with me; I look down on others for being emotional and desperate, but here I am, being exactly that in front of you. I bet you don’t think highly of me anymore.”
Mikami was speechless; this side of Takada was unexpected, and he didn’t know how to react. “Takada, it’s okay … “
“No, it’s not,” Kiyomi dabbed her tears with a clothed napkin, mascara smearing over the fabric. “I’m sorry,” She stood up from her seat. “I have to go.”
“Takada?” He felt like a broken record, repeating her name over and over with no results. “Where are you going?”
She didn’t say a word, she kept walking, like she had no free will of her own, being guided by nothing but her emotions.
 If she had any remaining dignity left her, she would have noticed the murmurs and stares from other guests at the restaurant. Once she was left out of sight, it was as if nothing happened, and they moved on with their lives.
The only person who didn’t take their eyes off her, despite the immense confusing plaguing their minds, was Teru Mikami himself.
Contrary to popular belief, Misa Yagami was still in the entertainment industry. While she teased that she might retire to be a devoted housewife, there was a still a pending task to continue working on a short film for an independent director was trying to get his name out there. Yuki was able to score this gig to solidify Misa as a serious actress, and she happily took it to showcase to the world that she wasn’t just a ditzy star whose greatest talent is beauty.
Misa and Light were separated for a few days so she could focus fulltime on the film, and, if Light were honest with himself, he appreciated her lack of presence at home. No whining, no shrieking, it was heaven. As long as she had her shredded pages of her Death Note to continue judging criminals, he was alright with their time off.
Two weeks have passed, and she was still gone. At this rate, it was starting to concern him that the lack of phone calls decreased significantly since she wouldn’t stop updating him on the movie at least three times a day. On the short time that he was enjoying the lack of silence, his mind started racing that something terrible must have happened. He hoped that it was just overly busy scheduling making her not call him because the other option could be … No, he wouldn’t go there.
He dialed her number and waited for the line to stop ringing, his heart racing fast, and for a second there, he was relieved that the call was picked up, until the voice behind the other side of phone was something he couldn’t recognize.
“It’s about time someone was concerned for her whereabouts.” The person said, and then snapped something with their mouth.
This was so unlikely Kiyomi Takada, it might as well be another woman living her life, someone she would make fun of on the spot. After that fiasco at the restaurant, she had been ignoring phone calls from anyone trying to reach her. Even Mikami tried to call a couple times, but she never picked up, not wanting to face him after the way she treated him. What else was there to say? Nothing, she ruined her only meaningful relationship in her life, and she couldn’t face his disappointment again. A couple of days passed, and she finally informed her boss that she was dealing with a contagious illness that might not be resolved for the rest of the week. It was humiliating to lie like that, but she had no other choice. All of this over a man, she cringed for the twelfth time today, allowing her nasty side to fill her head with more negativity.
Maybe it is for the best that you end up alone; no friends, no romance, and specially not the prestige of having a great reputation. You have been lying to yourself your entire life; you are not smart, you are not likable, and you are not worthy of respect. You may be pretty, but that means nothing if your personality is so boring. Crying over Light Yagami for the fifth time this week? Pathetic. Maybe he saw right through you and that’s why he dumped you. You may have fooled the entire country that you are refined and classy, but I know better. That façade you put yourself in the morning is starting to crumble and sooner or later, everyone will realize that there’s nothing to rave about you. If you were to die tomorrow, you’ll be nothing but a small obituary that deserves no more than two sentences. I can already picture it! Here lies Kiyomi Takada, a mediocre news reporter, survived by NO ONE—
A sudden doorbell ring snapped her out of her thoughts, and she sat upright on her bed. Maybe she was speaking out loud this entire time and someone came to complain. Better pull up the “contagious illness” card and see if she will be left alone.
When she opened the door, she was shocked at the figure standing across from her. Teru Mikami looked like his usual self, but he somehow didn’t feel that iciness that she sometimes sensed from him. He was …. concerned? For whom? It couldn’t be her; she didn’t deserve it.
“Mikami?” She finally spoke. “What are you doing here?”
“I tried calling you, but you never picked up. I had to make sure you were okay.” He spoke slowly, almost like he had to rehearse his words.
“I see,” Takada crossed her arms across her chest. “Are you sure it’s not for anything else? Maybe I needed the reminder that I’m not worthy to have anyone worried about me—”
“Takada, could you stop speaking like that?” Mikami barely raised his voice, but it was enough to shut her up.
“Mikami, come on—”
“No, that’s enough,” Mikami interpreted that as an invitation, and he went past her door. “In case you haven’t noticed, we have dealt with some many ups and downs for the past year, and I still haven’t walked away. You want to know why?”
Kiyomi nodded hesitantly.
“Because you happen to be my friend, thankfully the only friend I want in my life, because dealing with anyone else has been a headache.” Kiyomi’s mouth dropped. “Don’t be surprised, you feel the same way about me, too. You are probably one of the most moral and intelligent people I have ever met, and I don’t say that lightly about anyone.”
Among her gloom, a smile was beginning to creep on her face.
“You are also empathetic with others, and you are capable of understanding how overcoming struggles is not an easy feat, but you get through like a champion.”
“Let me finish,” He was becoming sterner. “I know you long enough to see that despite your pretenses to other people, you do care about justice and bettering the world, and that’s always been enough for me. You told me once that you were recognized mainly for your beauty, but that’s not what matters to me, it’s so frivolous. I just wished you were more open with me; you are not going to lose me either way—”
Kiyomi couldn’t help herself, she leaned over him and kissed him fully on the lips; he liked her for who she was? He didn’t care about her reputation and the superficiality of such petty things, finally a man with some depth.
For what seemed like a long minute, Kiyomi finally realized what she was doing and took a step back. She could hear her heartbeat thundering in her ears, searching for any indication of distaste or disgust for what she did to him. Instead, he said nothing, his expression was blank, just fingers ghosting over his lips, attempting to process the sudden turn of events.
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runwithwolvcs · 3 years
You Know I'm No Good - six
sick days
Warning(s): Vomiting?
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Sometimes you just have to rest. The world can wait.
Waking up the next morning, Tallulah felt as if she had been run over by a bus. Her head was heavy, the nausea she had been consumed with had yet to disappear, the light in her room seemed brighter than the sun and the sound of the rain sounded like rocks being pelted against her skull. Pulling herself out of bed was more exhausting than when she had to run the 12 minute mile in tenth grade, she thought to herself. Grabbing the comfiest clothes she could find, which consisted of a dark pair of leggings and a way too big hoodie, she put them on, only stopping once as she felt woozy. The world around her was spinning and before she could even think, her feet were moving. She ran to the bathroom, thankful it wasn’t occupied, before throwing up anything her petite body held from the day before. Too busy dry heaving as a wave of nausea refused to pass, Tallulah didn’t hear someone join her in the small bathroom, holding her long hair from falling forward and rubbing soothing circles around her back. By the feel of the small hand and the motherly gesture, she could tell it was Kira.
Tallulah sat back on her heels as hoped the worst was out of her system, minus the nagging in the pit of her stomach. Kira held her palm up to her forward and frowned, “You don’t have a fever.” she said, just as her dad came in holding a bottle of water, handing it down to his daughter, who used it to rinse her mouth before taking little sips, hoping to keep it down.
“Maybe it's stress,” he theorized. It wouldn’t have shocked her, but it felt like more than that. Like something wasn’t right and her body was trying to tell her.
The two adults helped the young girl back onto her feet, before moving her back into her room. Joseph tucked his eldest daughter into bed, something he hasn’t done since she was six. Kissing her on the forehead before leaving her room to let her sleep off whatever illness she was currently fighting.
Tallulah closed her eyes once her door was shut, but she could just hear Kira and her father on the other side of the door, ‘I told you this would happen’, she listened to Kira say, the audible sigh came from her dad but his next sentence was too hard to hear as she began to drift off to sleep.
Tallulah was surrounded by the tallest trees she had ever seen, looking upwards to the sky, she could barely see the blue skies peaking through the leaves. She was sitting with her back against a broken tree, her legs tucked underneath her. She felt calm. The most she had felt since arriving in LaPush. In front of her, there was the largest dark gray wolf she had ever seen, and sure, she hadn’t seen many in real life, but this one seemed to be unnaturally big. It stalked closer to her slowly, as if not to frighten her, but she wasn’t the slightest bit afraid of the furry animal. She reached her hand out slowly for the same reason as to not frighten the wolf, as it dipped its head forward, allowing her to touch its snout, and then forehead. She caressed the wolf, giving him small scratches behind both of his ears, a sound of delight leaving the wolf's mouth, almost human like. The gray wolf settled down, nestling its big head onto her lap as she continued to pet him, the two beings both closing their eyes in solace.
It was early afternoon when Tallulah awoke. The feeling of nausea seemingly had passed, only to be left with a dull ache in her chest. She picked up her phone to check the time only to be hit with a slew of text messages, from Lina to her mother, as well as Chase and August, with whom they exchanged numbers the day before during their second independent study class.Only one text message caught her off guard, it was from an unknown number. She clicked on it and read it over three times, barely comprehending it,
‘Hey, your dad told me you like to paint and I was wondering if you could do me a small favour?”
‘It’s Paul by the way.’
Tallulah furrowed her eyebrows trying to figure out a response, I haven’t painted since middle school, she thought to herself, while simultaneously wondering why her father was telling Paul this in the first place.
She typed out a response only to delete three times before settling on,
‘What kind of favour?’
Simple, yet assertive, she thought. Before clicking the sleep button on her phone, deciding she would read the rest of her messages later.
Slowly making her way out of bed and down to the kitchen, making sure the woozy spell she had in the morning was just a once off, she was met with Kira sitting at the kitchen table, typing away at her laptop. She cleared her throat so as not to scare her, before grabbing a glass from the cupboard and filling it with water.
“How are you feeling, sweetie?” Kira's voice filled the quiet room. After taking a small sip of water she turned to face her stepmom, “Better, probably was stress, like dad said.” Tallulah said, and Kira nodded in agreement. “Did you get Paul's message?” the older woman asked, a glint of hope evident in her eyes. “I did..” Tallulah spoke apprehensively, “I thought you guys didn't like him and now you're giving him my number and telling him I can help him out?” she asked, not in an aggressive way, more so curious. This brought out a laugh from Kira, “It’s not that we don’t like him, per se.” she chose her next words carefully, “It's just that, we’ve known him since he was a child and we just want to make sure you are careful and don’t get too caught up in his world. Plus his age doesn’t help..” she trailed. His world, Tallulah questioned herself, chalking it up to be what Lenna had been talking about at the cafe, him and Rachel's tumultuous relationship. She smirked at the age comment before slyly saying, “aren’t you six years younger than my dad?”She was only 7 years younger than Paul, and while she had absolutely no interest in him in that regard, there was definitely something interesting to her about him.
Kira nodded her head at her comment, “Yes. But I wasn’t 18 when I met your father. We both had life experience before meeting, it makes a world of a difference dear. But it is your life, and we want you to be safe, happy and healthy. Whatever gives you all of that, we will be supportive of. Within reason of course.”
Tallulah smiled, appreciative that Kira was treating her like an adult, not a child.
Letting Kira get back to her work, she heads out to the back porch, hoping some fresh air would do her some good. Settling on the porch swing, she checked her phone again as it buzzed, the same unknown number she now knew to be Pauls, had sent her message,
‘The Uley’s bookstore down by Third Beach got some water damage a few months back after a storm. I could use your help repainting some of the structures, nothing too intense.’
Tallulah thought it over. It would give her something to do, that her dad would actually allow her to do. The idea of spending time with Paul didn’t hurt either, if anything, it made her excited. She added him into her phone as a contact before replying,
‘I’m in.’
She sat in the porch swing, breathing in the fresh air and watching the treetops sway. It reminded her of her dream, the dark gray wolf filling her thoughts. The dull ache in her chest had been replaced with a fluttering feeling. The sound of a wolf howling through the windless air broke her train of thoughts, causing her to smile. Maybe the wolf was real.
Tags: @cperry0516 , @bhasbhabiessss
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xofanfics · 4 years
String - Part VII
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Prologue | Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII
Genre: angst, fluff
Pairing: Baekhyun x Female Reader x Sehun
Word Count: 4.3k
Summary: You find yourself in a friends-with-benefits situation with your best friend. You have no business falling for him, but your heart begs to differ.
You took extra care with your outfit tonight. Not that you wouldn’t take extra care anyway, being that you were going on a date. Conveniently, you’d see Baekhyun too. 
You ended up pushing your date with Sehun back to nine instead of seven. He didn’t seem to have an issue with it, thankfully. He said, “Go support your friends. The jazz bar isn’t going anywhere.”
“Thanks for understanding,” you said. “He asked me to come at the last minute.”
“It’ll be fun. Just save a little bit of energy for me,” he said, chuckling. 
“What’s that supposed to mean, hm? Why do I need energy?”
“So you don’t fall asleep mid drink, you little perv.”
The two of you burst into laughter. For someone who wasn’t actively trying to have sex with you, he did enjoy making dirty jokes. You didn’t mind. It reminded you of the stupid, slick comments Baekhyun used to make when you’d wear short skirts. He’d whisper, “Are you going to let me eat you out later? I think my head fits perfectly between your legs,” while your friends weren’t paying attention. You smiled at the distant memory but then you shook it off, bringing yourself back to a Baekhyun-less reality. 
You felt bad pursuing Sehun when you still sort of had these unresolved feelings for Baekhyun but you needed to move on. It wasn’t that you were using Sehun. You actually liked him a lot and you could see this going somewhere. He was a good guy and, to be honest, it seemed like you had more in common with him than with Baekhyun. But still, for reasons you had yet to discover, it felt like your heart would burst out of your chest and jump on Baekhyun if it could. 
You looked in the mirror. You were wearing a long sleeved maroon colored dress, a few inches above your knees. It was long enough to cover your butt and short enough to show off your legs. The dress hung off both of your shoulders, showing off some skin. You wore a pair of stud earrings and a simple necklace that wasn’t too dressy. Your date was at a jazz bar and you figured you’d dress up a bit. You admitted to yourself that you had a double agenda, hoping that Baekhyun noticed you and even more so, delusionally hoping that he’d want you back. 
You slid on your black booties and put your bag over your shoulder. You checked for your phone, keys, and wallet before heading out of the door. Excitement ran through you and so did anxiety. Tonight could go very good, very badly, or very neutrally. Could you handle it?
People were piling into the auditorium as you arrived a bit later than expected. Sadie and Evie told you they’d saved you a seat and were waiting for you somewhere on the right side. You’d find them eventually. Since the lights were still on, you found your friends easily. You squeezed past other people, making your way to the middle of the row. 
“Hey guys,” you said, plopping down next to Daren.
“Well, well, well,” said Daren. “Look who finally decided to show up.”
You smiled, giving him a quick hug before sitting down. You waved to Sadie and Evie on the other side of him. “I’m sorry I’ve been MIA…”
“Yeah and, uh, I…”
You shook your head. “You don’t have to feel bad for me or anything. I’m fine.”
Relief washed over your friend and the lights dimmed. The host went onto the stage, taking the microphone in his hands. “Hey, hey, hey! I know we’re all super excited to be here this evening. I’m your host Kalled…”
You started tuning him out, thinking again of how the night would go. Would you be able to speak if Baekhyun stood in front of you? What kinds of things would you say? Part of you wanted to be mean, to hurt his feelings like he did to you. But the other part wasn’t sure.
“The first group to compete in the Battle of the Orgs: Dance Edition is…”
To be honest, you weren’t quite paying attention. You knew that KSA was going last and you had no interest in the Bollywood dancing or the Chinese fan dance or the hip-hop or the ballet. You even found yourself dozing off. Daren nudged you as the host announced the group you actually cared about. 
You rubbed sleep from your eyes as the first song came on: Under Cover by A.C.E. You watched the group’s sharp movements and, if you didn’t know them, you’d think that they might be professionals. Baekhyun liked to dance but you had no idea that he could pull this off. You watched the way his body moved in his black shirt and joggers. You watched as his body twisted and turned. He looked concentrated and, knowing the person Baekhyun was, you knew that he could be a bit of a perfectionist when it came to things like this. 
You sighed to yourself as they started performing Sha La La by Pentagon. You wondered what this girlfriend of his was like and if she was here. Did she get him flowers or something to congratulate him on his performance? Was she here right now, in this crowd? You didn’t know anything about this girl so far and that was part of what killed you. And you supposed it was better off not knowing because then you’d find yourself comparing and contrasting.
Before you knew it, they performed Regular by NCT 127 and their performance was over. As the crowd roared and people put in their votes, you tuned it all out. All you could think about was Baekhyun. Why did this have to be so hard? Why was it so hard to move on when Baekhyun already let you know that you weren’t the person he wanted? Shouldn’t it be easy? Shouldn’t you think, “Fuck him!” Why was it that your heart still clinging onto those feelings?
As predicted, KSA’s dance team won the competition and the crowd roared again. Your friends jumped up and down next to you, yelling and shouting for your friends. You clapped but you didn’t jump. Right about now, you couldn’t bring yourself to feel excited. You didn’t want to feel like this but you couldn’t help yourself. You wanted to leave. You didn’t want to face Baekhyun but you also knew that you couldn’t hide from him forever. Eventually, you’d cross paths again and you’d have to act like a reasonable adult. 
The auditorium started to empty out and you led the way out into the hallway. You excused yourself to the bathroom so that you could gain your bearings. You went to the bathroom and washed your hands. You turned the water off and dried your hands. You took a deep breath, looking in the mirror to make sure you didn’t look as distressed as you felt. For now, you could pull it off. Chill out, Y/N, you told yourself as you walked out of the bathroom and back into the hallway where you left your friends. 
Before you could even search for them yourself, you found them standing with a man whose face you knew all too well. You knew it wasn’t their fault that Baekhyun was there because it was no one’s job to protect your feelings. After all, they were still friends with Baekhyun even if your relationship with him was up in the air.
You took a deep breath, as you’d been spotted not only by Baekhyun but by Drew. It was too late to run in the opposite direction so you did your best and made your way over to your friends. 
“Y/N, hey,” said Evie, attempting to break the ice that had formed between you and Baekhyun. You stood a safe distance away from Baekhyun, choosing to stand next to Sadie instead of next to Daren which would bring you dangerously close to Baekhyun. 
“Hey guys,” you said, as a general greeting just so that Baekhyun didn’t assume you were speaking to him directly. You could feel his eyes on you like glue. “The performance was really good. Good job…”
“Thanks,” said Drew and Baekhyun at the same time. 
Baekhyun let out a nervous laugh before Evie cleared her throat. “So, is anyone up for a party tonight?”
“I’m down,” said Baekhyun.
Drew looked at Daren. “We’re not doing anything tonight.”
“Whose party?”
“One of the girls was saying that there’s an Airbnb party tonight. Whoever’s throwing the party must be rich. I heard his dad is a diplomat from Ethiopia. It’s some place that’s not too far. A little further uptown. I followed her on Instagram. She posted the address on her story,” Evie explained. 
“Y/N, are you coming?”
You shook your head. “I actually have plans tonight.”
Sadie said, “Just bring him with you!”
Before you could say anything else, someone crashed into Baekhyun and wrapped their arms around him. She said, “You did amazing, babe.”
Baekhyun smiled back at her. “Thank you.” He planted a kiss on her forehead, just like he used to do to you.
There she was, in all her fucking glory. Miss Kira had blessed you with her presence after all this time. Not only did you have to have a run-in with Baekhyun but with his new girlfriend, too. This was the cherry on top of all of your problems. Kira looked up and greeted the rest of your friends. She said, “I’m Kira. I don’t think we’ve met.”
Baekhyun said, “Kira, Y/N. Y/N, this is my girlfriend Kira.”
If everyone was being honest, you’d admit that you wanted to punch her in her pretty face. You’d admit that you wanted to pull her stupid long, bone straight hair. You’d admit that you wanted to rip her jacket in two. But you didn’t admit any of those things. And you definitely weren’t being honest. 
She smiled at you as she reached out her hand. Mustering the fakest smile you could, you smiled back and shook the bitch’s hand. You felt bad referring to her as a bitch, even in your thoughts. But it’s what your brain did automatically. When you thought of the name Kira, you couldn’t help but think of the word bitch to go along with it.
Kira the bitch. 
Bitchy ass Kira. 
The bitch-who-stole-Baekhyun Kira. 
What sucked for you is that she didn’t seem like the type of girl to be a bitch. Hating her would be a lot easier if she had her nose up in the air as if she was better than you or if she was acting standoffish. But meeting her face to face tonight, she seemed excited to meet you, another one of Baekhyun’s friends. 
“Nice to meet you,” you said even though you didn’t mean it.
You cleared your throat and turned to Sadie. “I’ll ask him. He just said he’s outside.”
You weaved in and out of clusters of students, the post-performance buzz had spilled out onto the sidewalks. You heard the chatter of your classmates, with most of them trying to figure out plans for the night. Just like you, you had no idea what the plan was for tonight. You didn’t even know if Sehun would agree. Your mind was pretty much a jumble after dealing with seeing Baekhyun and meeting Kira for the first time ever. 
You found Sehun standing across the street, on the corner. You jogged across the street once the road was clear to cross. He smiled upon your arrival and pulled you into a quick hug. “Wow. You look good.”
You smiled as you pulled away from his hug. “Thanks.”
“Are you ready to head out?”
“I was actually wondering if you wanted to go to this party instead,” you said. 
“What kind of party?”
“There’s just this rich kid who rented out an airbnb a little further uptown. A lot of people are trying to go.” You cleared your throat. “My friends asked if I wanted to go and said that I should bring you. But don’t feel pressured to go. We already made plans but I just wanted—”
“Let’s go,” he said, much to your surprise.
He shrugged. “Yeah. I haven’t been to a college party in a couple years. I’m down to relive college for a night.”
“Are you sure?”
“As long as I get to hang out with you, I’m happy.”
You smiled. “Thanks. Plus, I think my friends kinda wanna meet you.”
He returned your smile. “I’m great with friends.”
You liked this about Sehun too. Even though he seemed more reserved, he was still very open and friendly. You had no doubts that your friends would like him. Hell, you figured Drew and Daren would probably like him, too. Sehun was the ideal man and you knew that. You just wished that your heart would keep that in mind, too. You were trying to forget about Baekhyun but your heart was holding you back. You had to push him out to make room for Sehun, because you deserved better.
Your friends spotted you before you spotted them. Sehun looked past you and nodded behind you. “Are these your friends?”
You turned around and found Sadie and Evie walking toward you. “Heeeeeeyyy,” sang Evie. “There you are.” Sadie wrapped her arm around your shoulder as your face turned a little red with embarrassment.
With a sigh, you said, “Well looks like they found us. These are my friends Evie and Sadie.”
They shook hands with him and Sehun said, “My name’s Sehun.”
“So you’re the guy that’s been stealing our friend away the past couple weekends,” said Sadie.
“Nice to meet you,” said Evie.
Sehun said, “So I heard there’s a party?”
“Yeah,” Evie answered. “You’re coming right? I figured we should pregame or something.”
“My place isn’t too far. We could go there. I have a couple bottles of something or another,” Sehun said.
And that was that. The four of you headed to Sehun’s house in Chelsea. To be honest, you’d never been there. You had no idea what his house looked like. And to be honest another time, you realized that you assumed that he lived in Brooklyn like you. But tonight was full of surprises, clearly.
The four of you walked into a luxury building that was a thousand times better than the third floor walk up you lived in. As you walked into the lobby, the concierge said, “Good evening.” Sehun nodded and led you and your friends toward the elevators. The gray floors were so shiny that you could almost see yourself in them. You gawked at the grand chandelier hanging above you as you waited for the elevator.
As the elevator arrived, Sehun held his arm out and let you and your friends on first. Evie whispered in your ear, “What a gentleman...” 
You smiled to yourself as the four of you got out on the nineteenth floor. Sehun led you down a long hallway, ending up at the end of the hallway. He took out his key and let everyone inside. He flipped the light switch and put his keys down on the kitchen counter. 
“Make yourselves at home,” he said. “I’m gonna see what we have. My roommate had some leftover bottles from a get together we had a couple weeks ago.”
You nodded and sat on the couch, sandwiched between your friends. You watched as Sehun rummaged through the mahogany kitchen cabinets. He looked so concentrated and you couldn’t help but notice how he raised his eyebrow at the bottle holding the brown liquid in question. He held up two half full, half empty bottles. One was clear and one was dark. 
Sauntering into the living room, Sehun held up the two bottles. “Light or dark?”
“Light,” the three of you said.
“You’re scared of dark liquor huh?”
“It always gives me a hangover,” said Evie.
Sadie nodded in agreement. “Do you have some juice or something to chase it with?”
Sehun started walking back toward the kitchen. He opened the fridge. “Yeah. Looks like there’s some orange juice and if you guys want something different, I have some of that shitty lemonade mix. And there’s Sprite.”
“Vodka lemonade sounds good,” you said. “We can top it with sprite.”
Evie nudged you. “Go help him!”
You laughed and got up, heading into the kitchen to join him. “Need some help?”
He looked up, smiling. “I could always use some help. Apparently I’m a little heavy handed with adding sugar...” You started helping Sehun, grabbing measuring cups and the sugar jar as he washed the pitcher. 
He got four glasses and started pouring a little vodka in each. “How about a shot to get started?”
You were tipsy. Not too drunk but not too sober either. The drinks you and Sehun made were pretty good. There wasn’t much sprite left in the bottle so the four of you had to make it stretch a bit. And Sehun was right about being heavy handed because the first batch of lemonade ended up being sugar water rather than lemonade. Luckily, you had salvaged it, dumping some of the water in the sink and adding more water.
Sehun got more and more outgoing as the night went on. He told your friends about the night you met and how you stood out to him and how he felt like he had to talk to you. When you disappeared for a moment into the bathroom, you heard him say that he was starting to like you. This made you smile. It felt good to be wanted. It felt good to not have to question a man’s feelings for you. 
To be honest, you liked him too. You enjoyed his company and he made you feel like the only girl in the world. When he spoke to you, he only saw you. You could tell that he’d invested a lot in you so far. You didn’t have to wonder if he was entertaining other women. He told you that he wasn’t like that and you could tell that he was being genuine. Sehun was the most genuine guy that you’d met in a long time. He wasn’t about bullshit and pulling you around on a string for weeks, months, and so on only to drop you at the last minute. For the first time in a long time, you saw a clear path in front of you. There were no bumps or obstacles standing in your way. It was a straight shot.
When you came back in the living room, Sehun had turned some music on and he started singing “Diamonds” by Rihanna. You and your friends joined in on the song and started singing and dancing around the couch and coffee table, clutching your vodka soda lemonade drinks in your hands. It was going to be a good night, you thought.
Before you knew it, it was about to hit ten o’clock. Evie let everyone know that people were starting to head to the party. As you left Sehun’s apartment, Sadie added that Baekhyun was most likely coming too. But, at this moment, you didn’t care. You felt much better going to this party if Sehun was at your side. You felt better, more confident, with Sehun on your arm. This was a great way to show Baekhyun that you’d moved on after all. You didn’t need him anymore and, to be honest, you were through. Why were you even thinking of Baekhyun and all the bullshit you’d been through when you were walking next to a man that made you question nothing? When you were walking next to a man who openly admitted to liking you? He hadn’t told you directly and you knew that he probably had no idea if you heard what he said in the first place. Hell, he might even admit it to you if you just asked. Either way, you were in a much better place now. You were no longer hanging onto some string, with Baekhyun pulling you in all sorts of directions. You were free, free to let go of that fucking string and go after what you wanted. 
Baekhyun knew he had no right to feel hurt but he did. For some reason, he felt hurt that you’d possibly moved on. He knew that it was stupid and that none of it really made much sense but it was how he felt. Baekhyun had moved on. Hell, it seemed like you had moved on, too. 
Even with this beautiful girl standing in front of him, he felt jealous. Even though you weren’t his and he wasn’t yours, he still felt some type of way. He was so torn and confused by these feelings, so he started toward the kitchen for a drink. He needed something that would push his feelings to the back of his mind. Kira had walked off with a friend to fix her makeup in the bathroom, so he felt less guilty about leaving her on her own. 
As he walked into the kitchen, he spotted Drew taking a shot with a bunch of other guys he’d never met before. Drew slammed down his plastic shot glass and looked up at his friend. “Baek, take a shot with us!” 
He shrugged and figured why not? He grabbed the shot his friend had poured and downed it quickly. “Can I vent?”
Drew nodded, “Let’s go to the balcony.”
Baekhyun weaved in and out of the clusters of people scattered across the living room, his friend following behind him. He slid open the door, relieved that the balcony wasn’t crowded. There was a couple smoking a cigarette together on the other side. He sat down on one of the patio chairs and Drew sat across from him. 
“What’s up?” Drew said. 
Baekhyun sighed. “It’s Y/N...”
“What about her?” he asked. “Was it weird seeing her tonight?”
“Well, it was...but did you see the way she purposely didn’t stand near me? It’s like she doesn’t even wanna breathe my air. She barely acknowledged my presence. And that fucking sarcastic smile when Kira said hi to her? I bet she didn’t even listen to my voicemail either. And she’s already seeing someone new?”
Drew was perplexed by this situation between you and Baekhyun. This wasn’t the first time he went on a rant about you and how you weren’t answering any of his messages or when he pressed him for updates about you. He was always wondering what you were doing and why you weren’t answering and why things couldn’t be the way they used to be. 
Drew said, “I mean, you fucked her over. Did you expect her to just...forgive you?”
Baekhyun pouted. “Well, no but—”
“Think about it: She liked you a lot. And, I mean, I thought you did too…”
“I did, but—”
“Did or do? I know we’ve both been drinking and you’re probably in your feelings but you have to admit, you’re acting kinda crazy right now.”
“How am I acting crazy?”
“You started dating Kira! Can you blame Y/N for moving on? You’re saying you liked her, in past tense, but it sounds like maybe you still do.” Drew cleared his throat. “Look, what’s your problem exactly? Are you upset because she won’t forgive you or are you upset because you’re jealous that she’s moving on?”
Baekhyun was annoyed. He had come to Drew to vent and here he was psychoanalyzing him. Was Drew his friend or his goddamn therapist? 
Baekhyun let out a sigh, pushing those negative thoughts about his friend away. He knew Drew was right and that he was just trying to help him out. In a way, it was as if his friend knew him better that he knew himself. Drew was only giving him some things to think about. 
What was he even doing? Why was he obsessing over what you were doing when you’d clearly made up your mind that the two of you were no longer even friends? He, apparently, needed to move on, too. If he wanted a relationship with Kira, he needed to think less about you and more about her. Otherwise, it might go up in flames and blow up in Baekhyun’s face. 
“You’re right,” Baekhyun said, rolling his eyes. “I know you’re right.”
Drew said, “I’m not saying to break up with Kira and go to Y/N or the other way around but I think you need to take a step back to figure out what it is you want.” He threw his arm around Baekhyun. “Look, let’s just enjoy the party tonight and think about this complicated stuff later, okay?”
Baekhyun nodded. “Yeah. Deal.”
As soon Baekhyun closed the balcony door behind him and turned back toward the party, he saw you walk in, in all your glory. The worst part of it all was that you had your arms wrapped around some douchebag in a bomber jacket. Actually, he lied. The worst part of it all was the fact that not only did you have your arms wrapped around that douchebag’s arm, but that you were smiling harder than he’d seen you smile, like you were having the time of your life. 
The way his heart dropped and the way his blood began to simmer in his veins, he knew what Drew said was right. 
This was going to be a rough night.
Thank you for reading, as always and please let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list for STRING!
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Back In The Day
Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes know who they are. Heroes. Avengers. Saviours of the universe. Full-time frenemies. Here they discuss love, sexuality, and homophobia through the years.
Rating: Teen
Content: Homophobia mention, Hydra mention
Ship: Sambucky (alluded)
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers (dw they just say 'Steve' like twice)
Word count: 1.8k
Tagging: @marvel-mushroom @lesbians-love-samwilson @purelyutilitarian @kiras-sunshine @daddypickle @icarusfellintomyarms @space-and-ace @fenny2613 @your-genderfluid-parental-figure @purple-cactus-cat @burntout-bi @classified-bluerose @disasterbionlineround2
"Alright. When was the last time you kissed anybody?"
He and Sam have been sat here looking out over the water for an hour now, coaxing each other into talking about things they don't want to talk about. Trying to get to know each other. For Steve's sake, they say, in honour of their old friend. For the mission's sake, so they can work better together, more in sync. Not because they're curious. Not at all.
Bucky considers for a minute. When was the last time he kissed anybody? Were there some with Hydra; ones that he can't remember, didn't want, didn't choose, women that had to be seduced before he could put a bullet through their head. And then there are the ones that don't count, the ones he doesn't want to acknowledge...
"I don't know," he replies eventually. It's complicated. Everything's complicated. How old is he? Mentally? Physically? Legally? He doesn't know. Who is he? He doesn't know.
"Come on," Sam says, in a joking way that shows maybe he doesn't understand the mental gymnastics required to try and work this out. "What, have you never been kissed?"
"Course I have," Bucky mutters in response. "I don't know, it was..." He counts for a minute, remembers some things, forgets others. "Forty-one."
Sam's eyes get wide. "Forty-one years?" He sounds incredulous. He'll sound even more incredulous when he learns the truth.
"Uh, nineteen forty-one."
"You haven't been kissed for eighty-two years?" Sam says, disbelieving. "There are people who don't even live that long."
Bucky shrugs. "I can't help it. Trust me, if I had my way I'd be wrinkled and grey right now. Old. Normal."
Sam smiles weakly, and Bucky can see he's contemplating. Wondering what it must be like. To be so lonely for so long.
"So you really haven't..." Sam starts talking, then stops. Sometimes Bucky forgets he's technically old enough to be Sam's grandfather. It's times like these that he remembers. "Not even late nights in the army?"
Sam's teasing. He means well. He always does.
Bucky sighs; he says nothing but in less than two seconds Sam has picked up on it. Although he might act like it at times - jumping out of planes, not doing things early enough, never moving the seat up - that man is not stupid.
"Alright," he says carefully. "When was the last time you kissed a girl?"
"Nineteen forty-one."
"And the last time you kissed a guy?"
Bucky shuts his eyes, remembers Wakanda, the heat, the deep marron light of the setting sun, the peace, the distant sounds of rushing water and birds. A place of safety and calm and freedom. For a while. "Two thousand-eighteen."
Sam says nothing for a minute. Bucky hates this part. The telling; then, the waiting. Is he judging? Does he hate me? Does he see me any differently? Truth be told, he's never told anyone, but he's considered it a thousand times. Tell Steve. Tell any of the other Hiwling Commandos. Tell Hydra in those brief, flashing moments of clarity - maybe they'd have been so disgusted they wouldn't want him any more.
"And the first time?"
"Nineteen thirty-three."
Sam says nothing again, looking out across landscape before them. The water is gentle, a mirror, a mass of flaming reflection.
"So did -"
"Sam," Bucky interrupts before his friend can even begin. He offers a smile that just feels false to wear. "I don't wanna talk about it."
Then, less than a minute later, "But -"
They're silent for a while.
"I just -"
"Oh my God, Sam," Bucky says. He's not irritated, per se, he just doesn't feel this is something he needs to discuss. "Can you not?"
Sam seems a little bashful. He looks out over the water as if it might start talking to him instead. "I just always thought you were, you know, the ladies' man."
"Well, maybe I'm the ladies' man and the man's man, alright?"
"But what was it like, you know, in the thirties?"
Apparently they're talking about it.
"I don't know, Sam," he replies, and he doesn't. He's lived so long and been told what to forget and what to remember that his memories of the thirties could be memories from two years ago, and his memories from two years ago could be fifty years old. "We didn't talk about it. It wasn't like anything, because it just wasn't acknowledged. And if it was... It was brushed under the carpet. A whisper about the weirdo neighbour. A funny look when you talk about certain people."
"But how did you know?" Sam asks, insistent. Bucky looks at him, confused, trying to ignore the way the light shines on his friend's face. "If no one talked about it, how would you know if you were... Bi, gay, whatever?"
"Well... How do you know you're attracted to someone?"
Sam raises his eyebrows, his mouth curving into a smile. "Well..."
Bucky rolls his eyes fondly. He should have seen that one coming. "Well, you know, I mean... Whatever. But, you know you're attracted to someone, right, whether you ignore it or ashamed of it or not - because you're aware that you feel shame or regret or something, I don't know. It's just..." He shakes his head, trying to find the right way to explain this. How do you explain something that just is? How do you explain that the sky is blue? It just is. How do you explain that you feel nervous? You just are. How do you explain feeling attraction? It just is.
"It's like, the minute you asked yourself, 'do I find guys attractive?' the answer had to be, 'I don't'. And if you had to actively tell yourself that, odds are, you did."
Sam nods, but the expression on his face is distant, contemplative. If he looks out at that water any longer he might just fall into it.
"You know," Sam says finally. "Growing up, in the eighties, there was this, uh, disease -"
"Sam, I lived through the eighties. I probably remember them better than you do."
Sam smiles. "Well, anyways, you hear about this disease on the news, and it was the only time you'd hear about gay people. I asked my mom once, 'what's a gay person?', and she told me, you know, in a sensible way, that it's someone who loves someone like them. For a while, I thought that meant, like, two black people, two white people, not two men or two women. Kinda traumatised me, to be honest," he adds with a sad-sounding laugh. "I thought it meant my parents would get ill, too, and I got so upset about it my mom had to explain what it really meant... I don't know, even for a straight guy, if the only time you hear about gay people is in conjunction with sickness, it scares you a little, because eventually, you think gay, you'll think disease, too."
A straight -? Right, Sam's straight. Bucky has to try and remind himself for a minute. Sam's straight. It doesn't mean anything. It doesn't matter to him.
He nods. They didn't have this disease when he was a kid - or they didn't know about it - but he knows what Sam means. If you only heat about something in a negative context, it becomes negative in your head.
"They thought it was a disease when I was younger," Bucky says. "Just, in itself. A mental one. People tried cures, they weren't -" he looks down at his hands, unsure of whether he wants to think about this, talk about this. "They'd probably kill you. And when the war started, you know, you weren't supposed to enlist if you were having these 'inappropriate feelings and desires'. I was so confused, man," he says, and Sam looks at him because now he's really getting into the conversation, recalling how it was, and it still gets a little exciting when the memories piece themselves together properly. "They had this psychiatric test to see if you were mentally fit enough to join the army. I'd already, you know - what's it they say? - experimented at this point, so when I passed I really didn't know how."
"They say people don't care about it anymore," Sam says, and shakes his head with a bitter smile. "They do. They just aren't allowed to be so loud about it."
They stare out over the water now together, just watching the waves as the sun sinks beyond them, bathing the world in orange and inky blue. Bucky forgot he was supposed to hate this conversation. He forgot he doesn't get on with this man.
"If you could go back and tell them," Sam says, when the world has finally submerged itself into nighttime, and they really need to be getting back. "Your mom and your dad and your sisters. Would you?"
Bucky thinks for a minute. There's so much he wishes he could tell all the people he left behind.
"I'd tell them everything. All the little things and the big things. You don't realise how much you wish you could have said until you don't have the opportunity any more."
That night, Sam sits awake in his room. It's late - it's been late for hours - and everything is shrouded in shadow and the faintly distorted shapes of the night.
He can't get the conversation with Barnes out of his head.
You don't realise how much you wish you could have said until you don't have the opportunity any more.
What would Sam say? What does he have to say? Who would he say it to? No one. Nothing. It's nothing. But how much of a nothing is it if you've been thinking on it for thirty years?
It isn't like his family should be going anywhere any time soon. They're all healthy, live safe lives, none of them are ridiculously old. But in his line of work... Any day could be his last. A well-placed bullet, a neatly-thrown knife, a bomb, malfunction in the suit, that's it, Sam Wilson no more. And he's told nothing to his Mom or his Dad or his sister, people who he loves more than anything in the world.
He should do it. He should call one of them. Now? He checks the time. It's nearly twelve, but his mom stays up late. Worrying about her boy, she says.
In the darkness, the blue light from his phone is as bright as a blanket of snow. Blinding. Disorientating.
He dials her number, and she, as always, picks up immediately.
"Honey, how are you?"
His mom sounds worried. She sounds worried every time he calls. This is it, she thinks, he knows she does, this is the time when it's not Sammy, it's one of his super friends, delivering the bad news that someone's finally done it. They've got the Falcon. It's the end of her beloved son.
"I'm good," Sam says with an uneven sigh, preparing himself. "I just have something I need to tell you."
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scilessweetheart · 3 years
For the soulmate au alphabet thing?
C and Stalia!!
C: You see in black and white until you meet your soulmate
Stiles had very strong opinions about anything and everything. He despised the taste of barbecue sauce. He thought that “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” by The Proclaimers was the worst song ever recorded. But most importantly, he hated the color grey.
Probably because that’s all he ever saw. 
When he was younger, he was fascinated by the idea of soulmates. He had begged his parents over and over again to tell him their Soulmate Story. How his dad had walked into a seminar his junior year of college and taken a seat next to this pretty girl. When he turned to ask her if she had done last week’s reading, they locked eyes and their whole world erupted into vibrant colors. At this point, his mom would interrupt and laugh, saying how she couldn’t believe she was soulmates with someone so ridiculous, but she couldn’t deny how much she loved his light blue eyes. Then, his mom died, and he stopped asking about it. He knew it hurt his dad too much.
Stiles always wondered if his eyes were that color too.
He knows realistically that he shouldn’t have found his soulmate. His parents met in college. Some people meet while working, or at weddings, or at other events in their adult years. A couple down the street didn’t meet until their 60s. But… he was pretty much alone in this feeling right now. Scott had Kira and they were so disgustingly in love. Stiles was happy for Scott - honestly, he was - but Scott forgot that Stiles couldn’t see colors, and would often point things out like “oh, that green car over there.” Stiles doesn’t know what green is. 
He wished that it was Lydia Martin. He was fascinated by this smart little girl in the 3rd grade and followed her like a lost puppy for years. But no matter how many times they made eye contact, his world stayed black and white. Now, they were friends. And they were so compatible. They were both smart, had a similar dry sense of humor, and worked together so well. Other than Scott, she was his best friend. So he didn’t understand why the universe couldn’t put them together.
But none of that mattered right now. There were darachs and alpha packs and wild coyotes (who may or may not be teenage girls). His love life has been forced to the periphery for the time being.
Scott’s roar echoed through the preserve shaking the very roots of the trees. Stiles whipped his head around, instantly being able to tell where the sound came from. “That’s what I’m talking about!”
He and Lydia tore through the trees, trying to reach his location as quickly as possible. This meant that Scott had either found Malia or…. Something much worse. He wondered where Allison and Isaac were.
Luckily, his questions were soon answered. He skidded to a stop when he saw his best friend crouched in front of a girl. She was huddled around herself, with Scott’s jean jacket draped over her shoulders. Her hair was messy, sticking out from her head at all angles, and she was smudged with dirt. Wow. Scott really did it.
“Malia?” He asked hesitantly, stepping forward.
The girl turned around and her eyes met his and time stopped.
He looked up as the trees spread to be a vibrant green. Lydia’s hair was red. The dirt beneath his feet was brown. The sky was a beautiful blue. So that’s blue. 
In school, he had been told what was what color. He knew them all in theory. But seeing them? Right now? It was… incredible. He started to tear up as he took it all in because God, it was so much better than he ever even imagined. 
Then it hit him. Malia. Malia was his soulmate.
“I want to go home.” She announced, standing up.
“Malia, wait-” He tried to call out to her, but she turned her back on him. 
“The sheriff will be here any minute and he’ll be able to take you home.” Scott told her, leading her back to the main road.
Stiles stood there in shock. His mind was running a million miles a minute. Why didn’t she want to talk to him? Why wasn’t she also fazed by the colors? And most importantly, what now?
“Stiles? Is everything okay?” Lydia asked, coming up next to him. 
He swallowed back all of his questions and put on a fake smile. “Well, we were right. We saved her. So everything is great.”
He didn’t turn to look at her, as he was sure he would crack. Instead, he jogged to catch up to the other two weres. They stood at the road waiting for their ride, Scott fiddling with his sleeve impatiently. Lydia walked up to Malia, so Stiles seized the opportunity to talk with Scott.
“Scott!” Stiles hissed, gesturing for him to come over.
“What?” Scott whispered back.
Sensing his hesitation, Scott immediately went on high alert. “What’s going on? What’s wrong?”
“She’s my soulmate.” Stiles blurted out.
Scott’s jaw dropped, but before he could respond, his dad’s car was pulling up in front of them. Without waiting for Scott, Malia climbed into the backseat. Seeing that she only had Scott’s jacket on, his dad offered her one of the old oversized t-shirts decorated with the sheriff’s station logo. It was short sleeved, which Malia didn’t look too happy about, but she accepted it nonetheless. As soon as she was done changing, Stiles and his dad joined her in the car. Scott opted to take the others home and give them some space.
The drive was short, as Mr. Tate lived close, but it was awkward. His dad could obviously sense the tension, but Malia was pointedly ignoring him, and Stiles didn’t know what to do. 
When they got there, the Sheriff headed up to the door first, leaving Stiles and Malia alone in the car. He figured this was as good a time as any to get to know her. He turned around in his seat, for once being able to fully look at her. She had long brown (brown!) hair and similarly colored eyes. She was… beautiful.
“Hi. I’m Stiles.” He offered her a small smile, before approaching the elephant in the room. “Um… So what happened earlier…”
“You mean with the colors.” She answered shortly. 
“Yeah. That.” He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
She shrugged and slumped back in her seat. “So, I’m your soulmate. Big deal.”
“But… it is a big deal.”
“Not to me. I just want to change back.” 
His eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. “Change… back?”
“Yes. Ugh, it’s so cold.” She muttered, wrapping her arms tighter around herself.
Stiles immediately jumped at the chance to help her. “Here! Take my sweatshirt.”
“Thanks.” She shivered, and zipped up the front of the jacket. She chewed nervously on her thumb nail as she continued to talk. “I just… I don’t know how to adjust. It’s been years, Stiles. I don’t know how to be human.”
“I’ll show you.” 
He reached his hand out to her. She took it, and for the first time, she smiled at him. 
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fiction-fun · 3 years
Loving in Color
That's right! It's time! This probably will have 3 parts so keep an eye out for the second part!
Fandom: Power Rangers (Dino Thunder)
Pairings: Tommy/Jason, Conner/Ethan, Kira/Hunter, Trent/Oc
Words: 12068
Warnings: fighting, light swearing(as with most of my stories) and homophobia (trust me it makes me iffy about even posting this but the scene is breif)
She blinked at her reflection in the mirror and glared at it. With a huff she reached over and grabbed her favorite bandanna, the green looking nice when tied into her hair. She carefully rolled the article and tied it around her hair brushing her hair back into place.
“Kaley! Come on, or you won’t have time for breakfast!” Kaley heard the shout and looked towards her door.
“I’m coming Poppa!” she called as she grabbed her leather jacket and her backpack heading to the door.
She walked downstairs and gave her Poppa a hug before slipping past him and into the kitchen, beelining right for the coffee maker.
“Not you too, look if you have coffee you have to eat real food too!” Her Poppa said walking over to her and reaching up for a plate.
She nodded and offered him a smile.
“Dad only come up from his lab long enough to get a shower and a cuppa?” Kaley asked looking at him.
Her Poppa nodded and handed her the plate he had made her. Moving back to the table where his own plate sat.
“I don’t understand how he can work all night and then teach during the day.” Her Poppa said.
Kaley smiled and laughed as she sipped her coffee.
“Wasn’t it you and Uncle Billy who told me Dads a determined caffeinated workaholic?” Kaley questioned lightly as she started eating the pancakes.
Her Poppa nodded and sat back.
“Yes, but I was hoping, SOMEONE, would lighten up on the work over the years, clearly not.” He said as he drank his juice.
Kaley laughed as she heard a thump.
“Someone call me?” her Dad asked as he came up the stairs wiping his hands on a washcloth pressing a kiss to her head and her Poppas cheek.
“I was more speaking in general, dear, but you two both have to get going, or you’re both going to be late.” Poppa said.
Kaley stood and put her empty plate in the sink, reaching over and grabbing a napkin and a pancake she carefully placed a couple stripes of bacon and a few pieces of eggs inside before drizzling the syrup on top and rolling it up in the pancake and the napkin around it.
“Here, dad eat. But I do have to go. Love you Dad! Love you Poppa!” She called as she handed her dad the breakfast wrap and kissed both parents on the cheek.
“Kaley! Training after school?” her Poppa asked.
Kaley tuned and put her hands on her hips.
“If you’re home, I’ll meet you in the park.” She said and he winced slightly.
Her Poppa walked over to her.
“I know I’ve been working a lot, but I’m trying to make it so I can be home more.” He said hugging her.
She nodded and sighed as she hugged him back.
“I know, doesn’t mean I have to like it.” She said softly.
Her Dad came over and hugged them both before looking at the clock.
“Jason, we have to go if we want to be on time, Kaley I’ll drive you today or you won’t make it.” Her Dad said smiling at them.
Her Poppa laughed.
“With you driving, Tommy, neither of you will make it on time!” Her Poppa said laughing lightly.
“Hey! I’ve gotten better about that!” Her Dad replied.
Her Poppa just smiled and shook his head nudging them both towards the door.
“You both have a chronic problem with not being on time. Now go, I love you both.” Her Poppa called out smiling and waving.
Kaley and her Dad waved back calling responses as they climbed into Tommy’s Jeep.
“All buckled?” Her Dad asked her.
“Yeah! Let’s go Dad!” She said with a nod and smile.
Tommy nodded and put the Jeep in gear bringing it around to face the dirt road leading to their house, he ate the last of the wrap and passed her a green travel cup of coffee his black one already in the cup holder, and hit the gas. The normally forty-minute ride to the school was done in twenty and Kaley leaned over and hugged her Dad as they parked.
“I’ll see you later Dad, I love you.” She said smiling.
“I love you too.” Her Dad said hugging her back.
She opened the door and grabbed her cup and bag, heading straight for the office.
*Two months later*
“He’s your best friend and you haven’t even seen?” Kira asked looking at her.
Kaley choked on her drink, coughing lightly.
“Kira, seriously not here.” She said looking around to see if the person was around.
Kira rolled her eyes.
“He’s not here today. Remember? It’s what you were complaining about all last period.
Kaley felt like she could slap herself.
“Yeah, right. And no, I haven’t, I just enjoy spending time with him. Besides he hasn’t either.” She said sitting back.
Kira sighed.
“Girl, you’re insane! You have too!” she said with a huff.
Kaley shook her head rapidly and waved her hands in front of her face.
“No, no I don’t! I don’t want my Dad’s to kill him!” she said lowering her voice a bit.
Kira sighed again and stood.
“Kay, all I’m saying is don’t let him go, before you know. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go play some music.” She said grabbing her guitar and heading towards the doors.
Kaley stood up quickly tossing her trash.
“I’m coming with you.” She said as she grabbed her bag.
Kira nodded and slung an arm over her shoulder with a big smile.
“That’s my girl!” she said with smile directed at her.
Kaley laughed and nodded, going to pull her jacket from her bag she paused.
“Crap, I must have left it in Winslow’s, I’ll just be a minute you go get started.” Kaley told her friend as she turned and ran back to the school.
Kira laughed as she walked to a picnic table and sat down to start playing, Kaley shook her head at her friend’s laughter but kept running. Getting into the school and turning down the history and science department halls she slid to a stop outside her History teachers’ class and knocked.
“Come in!” was called.
“Hey Mr. Winslow, I was wondering if you saw my jacket? I can’t find it.” She asked ducking into the classroom.
Mr. Winslow paused and then nodded.
“Yes, its still at your seat I believe.” He said offering her a smile.
She sighed in relief and ran over to her chair, grabbing her jacket from where it had gotten stuck in the little basket.
“Thanks Mr. Winslow! I’ll see you tomorrow!” Kaley called as she ran out of the room and back towards the yard.
She had almost made it when Three kids surrounded her.
“What do you want, Benson?” she asked looking towards the obvious leader of the group with a sigh.
He huffed and looked at the other two.
“Look at that guys, she thinks she can talk to me like that!” He said with a cackle.
Kaley sighed and waited, watching them as they laughed. Benson got up into her face.
“What freak? Not entertaining enough for you?” He asked snidely.
Kaley rolled her eyes and placing a hand on the center of his chest and shoved him and his foul breath away from her.
“No, I’m just waiting for you to get bored so I can go back to what I need to do.” She said her voice soft and bored sounding.
That was clearly the wrong thing to say as Benson, in classic bad guy movie fashion, snapped his fingers and the other two jumped grabbing her arms as he punched her in the face. Kaley rolled her eyes and raised an eyebrow at him.
“Is that it? Because, that was rather weak.” She said even as blood dripped from her nose and split lip.
Bensons goons tightened their hold on her, and he came up and punched her a few more times, once in the eye, once on the cheek and once in her stomach, she huffed a bit but didn’t do anything else.
“What freak? Not going to yell out?” Benson cackled.
“No, why would I when none of that hurt?” She returned the question, as she felt her face and stomach throb.
Benson huffed and walked back a few steps back turned to her, before he spun and locked eyes with his buddies and her.
“You just don’t want to worry your freaky fag dad.” He said.
And that was one thing to many. In the blink of an eye, the two holding her where on the ground in various forms of pain. Kaley herself was sat on Benson beating the ever-loving daylights out of him.
“Don’t. You. Ever. Call. My. Dad. That. Again!” she screamed each word punctuated with a punch.
Benson couldn’t even respond, he just kept trying to block the hits, but blood was spraying everywhere, and he looked more like raw-meat then human. Just as she was about to punch him again a pair of hands wrapped around her and pulled her off him. She turned her glare onto the one who had stopped her only to freeze when she came face to face with her Dad, Principle Randall behind him with Kira and two others.
“I think it goes without saying that she has at least a weeks’ worth of detention.” Randall said looking at her Dad.
He nodded a pinched look on his face.
“Kaley, go straight to my room.” He said setting her down on the floor.
“Dad…I...” She tried but her Dad gave her a soft glare.
“Go. Now.” He said firmly.
Kaley nodded and with a mumbled “Yes sir.” She turned and headed back down the hallway, stopping at her Dads room she opened the door and closed it softly, moving to sit at one of the tables, she huffed sitting down. She looked down at the floor, feeling both tired now that the adrenaline was leaving her, and upset that she had upset her Dad by doing what she did. She looked up for a second before dropping her eyes again when she heard the door open. Her Dad pulled a stool from another table and sat in front of her.
“I managed to talk Randall out of suspending you. But you do have Detention starting today for the next two weeks.” He said softly.
Kaley nodded not trusting her voice as she sniffled wincing at the pain in her face. Her Dad sighed and lifted her head, carefully wiping the blood and tears from her face.
“You never fight like that, especially when you don’t know if the other person has had any training. What caused it?” He asked her.
Kaley sniffled thickly.
“He insulted you, and I got angry.” She said softly.
Her Dad smiled gently at her, hugging her tightly.
“Oh sweetheart.” He said softly.
She wrapped her arms around him trying not to stain his jacket.
“I’m sorry Dad, I just…I got so mad. He doesn’t know you! He can’t say that!” She said crying softly.
Tommy rubbed her back and kissed her head.
“I know Sweetheart. I know. But you can’t do that at school, or anywhere. Fighting is never the answer. What’s our rules with training?” Tommy asked her gently.
Kaley sniffled and sighed.
“Martial arts are only for defense never to attack, never escalate a fight.” Kaley said softly.
Tommy nodded.
“Exactly. Although it looks like you tried not to escalate things.” He said softly.
Kaley nodded.
“No, he punched me four times and insulted me a bunch before I even reacted. Not that I really could at first with his buddies holding my arms.” She said agreeing with his statement.
Her dad sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“You know we have to tell your Poppa.” He said gently.
Kaley nodded.
“I know. I really am sorry I got into a fight.” She said just as softly.
He nodded and hugged her again, before pulling her to her feet.
“I know you are.” He said gently.
*a few hours later*
“And here are your delinquents, your personal one included.” Randall said as the group of four walked into the room, and took seats.
“Really, I wanted to go to the museum.” Her Dad said looking at her.
“Good, take them with you educational and boring perfect.” She said walking quickly from the room.
Tommy groaned before turning to face them.
“Alright guys, let’s head out.” He said grabbing his suitcase as the kids grabbed their bags.
Kaley grabbed her bag and walked towards the door. Looking back at the others with a sigh she headed towards the parking lot.
“What’s her problem?” she heard the jock ask, glancing back she saw the one with the computer always present shrug.
“She got into a fist fight, got hurt and got in trouble. Why don’t you be nicer.” Kira said with a huff as she picked up her pace to catch up to Kaley.
“Hey, just let them go. They don’t know me its fine.” Kaley said softly as she threw her bag into the front seat of her Dad’s Jeep.
Kira tossed her bag in the back seat before looking at her.
“Still its not right that they’re talking about you, you’ve got enough stuff going on.” Kira said looking at her.
Kaley shrugged and climbed into the jeep.
“Wait, why does she get the front?” the jock asked again.
Kaley shot him a glare.
“It is my Dad’s Jeep.” She said with no room for argument.
“One fights enough for today isn’t it?” Her dad asked as he climbed in.
She nodded and turned back to the front as the other all got in the back. With that Tommy started the Jeep and took off headed towards the museum. Most of the time spent in silence and when they arrived her dad let out a long sigh.
“Looks like its closed.” He said looking around.
“Oh, well looks like that’s it, detentions over and we should really be getting back.” Kira said turning back towards the Jeep.
Tommy turned and looked at her with that smile on his face that meant he had a plan. Kaley sighed and rolled her sleeves up a bit knowing where this was going to go.
“Alright, how about you guys look around, try to find anything even remotely historic and I’ll cancel detention for the next week. While I try and figure out why the museum is closed.” Tommy said muttering the last bit to himself.
The others groaned even as they took off towards the side of the museum, Kaley hanging back for a second.
“Just don’t break in, I don’t think Poppa wants another call about one of us in trouble today.” She said with a small smile as she moved to follow the others.
Her Dad turned and gave her a smile.
“Don’t worry, I’m just going to look for any information.” He said.
She nodded and turned to the path. After a while of listening to the boy’s bicker, she huffed and walked passed them.
“Hey what’s your rush, sweetheart.” The jock called.
Kaley froze at his words and spun around; in three quick steps she was standing in front of him. She raised a hand and poked his chest backing him up with each poke.
“Listen here, I don’t care who the fuck you are. But my name is Kaley. Get it fucking right or I’ll make what I did to Benson look like child’s play.” She hissed softly.
He put his hands up and nodded. She sighed and turned back around. They kept walking for a few minutes before Ethan the one with the computer spoke up louder than before.
“Fine but don’t look at me when you fall into a sink hole or something.” He called out as Conner the jock walked on ahead.
Conner shook his head when there was a rumble and the ground collapsed out from under them. They landed in a heap at the bottom, except for Kaley who as soon as the ground dropped, she tucked and hit with a roll. She stood up and looked at the others.
“Are you all ok?” she asked them, as they started to stand up.
They nodded and started looking around. After a few seconds Conner looked at them all.
“I’ll climb up the wall, go get Dr. Oliver and be back soon.” He said looking up at the wall.
Kaley snorted as Ethan gave him a look.
“Why are you going?” he asked.
“I’m the most athletic.” Conner said puffing his chest out with pride.
“Alright Mr. Tough guy. You go ahead and climb the wall and when you fall, I’ll tell you why you failed.” Kaley said with a soft snort and a laugh.
Conner shot her a glare as they backed up and he started climbing up the wall. Very quickly he fell back down landing hard on his back. Kaley moved to stand over him.
“One, its old rock. Two, its old sandstone making it weaker than other stones from time and erosion. Three, you’re not the most athletic, you’re just the one who plays sports on a school team. Now can you stand, or did you break yourself?” she asked looking down at the boy still on the ground.
Conner groaned but rolled to his feet standing up.
“Good, now let’s try and find another way out.” She said turning towards the tunnel at the far side of the cave.
“What did you mean, I’m not the most athletic?” Conner asked a little bit later, after gaining Kira’s wrath by calling her babe.
Kaley shot him a look and rolled her shoulders.
“I’ve been doing Martial Arts since I was five. Could I have even made it out of the hole? Maybe. But most probably not. The stone was to old and the ground to wet. But that’s not important. The fact is I am much more athletic then you I just don’t believe in the institution that is school sports.” Kaley said as she slipped her hands into her jacket pockets.
“Oh.” Conner said trailing off.
They walked in silence for a while longer before coming to a cave or a control room. Everyone looked around.
“This must be like the mothership for you dude.” Conner said looking at Ethan.
“Normally id be insulted. But when your right your right and right now, your right.” Ethan said dazedly.
Kaley was to busy looking at the consoles to pay much attention and she huffed out a sigh, she’d know these monitors anywhere.
“Guys look!” Kira called.
That drew everyone’s attention to a central raised pillar, where four stones sat. the four of them walked down to it and looked at the stones that were there.
“What do you think they are?” Kaley asked looking at the to her grey stones.
The others shrugged and Conner reached out to grab one by him, Ethen tossed his hand out.
“Dude what are you doing?” He asked looking at Conner.
Conner shrugged and looked at the other three.
“Look I’ve been in enough Science classes to know those things are major prehistoric.” He said.
Kira bit her lip.
“I hate to agree with him, trust me I do. But I’ve already missed one practice so.” She said reaching forward.
Kaley took a deep breath and reached out too.
“I’ve got another week beyond you guys anyways, but I can’t miss study sessions with Trent and training with Poppa because you’re nervous, Ethan.” Kaley said softly.
With all three of them against him Ethan nodded and together they took the four gems that sat there.
“What are they?” Conner asked voicing the question again after the gems glowed slightly.
Ethan shrugged looking at his gem.
“I don’t know, I can get on the computer later and look them up?” He suggested.
Conner faked a gasp.
“You, on the computer? Let me put on my surprised face!” He said voice heavy with sarcasm.
Kira turned and walked away.
“Hey where are you going?” Kaley called looking at her.
She turned back and raised an eyebrow.
“I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to see what kind of freak lives in a place like this.” She said as she turned back to walking.
The boys nodded and headed after her. Kaley taking an extra second listening in the silence. Above her she could hear footsteps and soft talking. She shook her head.
“Hey you coming?” Ethan called as he stuck his head back around the corner.
She nodded and moved to follow them.
“Yeah, just wanted to make sure we didn’t trigger alarms or anything.” She said as they walked down the path.
They figured a way out and started back through the forest when they started to be followed by weird creatures. With a nod they all took off running through the forest, Kaley and Conner leading the pack with Ethan next followed by Kira, who fell in a ditch. The others doubled back and helped her up. As they where running Kira fell again and they were to far away to do anything. Kaley turned and jumped up kicking off a tree to try and get closer, but Kira let out a loud piercing screech. Kaley landed in a crouch near her and covered her ears. They all decided to ask questions later and got Kira back up as they ran back through the forest. Kaley turned and got separated from the others.
“Not good.” She said as she went into a guarding stance seeing creatures all around her.
Without a thought as the monsters came at her she jumped and dodged their hits, skidding across the ground she flipped seeing the monsters close in on her she threw her hands up. Two large tornado strength winds flew from her hands and knocked them back away from her, she jumped up and looked at her hands for a second before looking around smiling and shaking her head.
“Time to play.” She said throwing her hands out again, this time lighting shot from one hand and the other caused branches and things to slam down into the enemies.
“That was so cool!” Kaley cried out with a grin as she took off running to try and find the others.
She cleared the forest and found Conner.
“Oh, goodie it’s you, any idea where the others are at?” she asked.
Conner shook his head.
“No, they must still be in there.” Conner said.
Kaley looked back at the forest.
“With those things.” Kaley said nodding at the monsters on the ground.
With that they ran back into the forest finding Kira and Ethan unharmed and just finding each other.
“That was.” Ethan said looking down at his arms.
“Incredible?” Kaley suggested.
“Freaky?” Kira said.
“Cool.” Conner said with a nod.
Ethan nodded.
“All of the above.” He said in amazement.
Kaley laughed and shook her head as the group started back towards the road.
“We don’t tell anyone. Right?” Conner said looking at the rest of them.
They all nodded just as they found the road.
“Hey guys, any luck?” Tommy asked looking at them.
They all glanced at each other, shaking their heads.
“No, no luck.” Conner said speaking for all of them.
“What about you Dad?” Kaley asked looking at him.
He shook his head.
“No, come on. We should get back.” He said and they all headed back to the car.
After a while they were back in town and dropping the others off.
“Dad wait! Please? He wasn’t in school today.” Kaley said pointing to Trent.
Her Dad nodded and parked the car.
“Make it quick, ok?” He said looking at her.
She nodded and unbuckled her belt as she ran from the Jeep.
“Trent!” Kaley called running towards him.
He turned and looked at her, with a smile. Kaley wrapped her arms around him.
“Are you ok? Where were you? Why weren’t you in school?” She asked pulling back slightly.
Trent laughed and shook his head.
“I’m ok. I was home. I woke up and wasn’t feeling great you know how my allergies are.” Trent said looking just passed her.
Kaley’s mind flashed back to what Kira had said earlier, and she looked down at the ground.
“I probably won’t be able to make our study sessions for the next little while.” She said softly.
Trent shot her a look.
“What? Why not?” He asked her.
She shrugged and looked up giving him the first proper look at her face with the bruised cheek, busted lip and slightly swollen eye and nose.
“I got into a little fight today at school.” She said looking passed him.
Trent reached up and ran a hand gently across her cheek.
“Little fight?” He asked.
“You should see Benson.” She said with a dry humorless laugh.
Trent sucked in a breath and pulled her in close.
“You ok?” He asked.
She shook her head.
“Nah, I hurt. I have detention for two weeks, Dads disappointed and I’m sure Poppa is too. Just been a long day.” She said softly.
Trent nodded and looked passed her.
“Hey, looks like your Dad wants to go.” He said.
She turned and waved to her Dad before turning back and nodding.
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