#like DAMN i really like thaaaaaat
candor-creator · 2 years
don’t forget that if ghost were to ever speak or communicate in some capacity it would probably sound like
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just EXACTLY the amount of information that needs to be conveyed and absolutely nothing more. this fact amuses me and i’m sad that I don’t see it more often
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magnetoapologist · 9 months
damn some people really hate peggy huh
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owatazumi · 1 year
Hello!!! Can I maybe request a Idolniki x normalfem reader where she is like more like a tomboy and she is over at the dorms and playes videogames with the boys and usually she wins but she let niki win one time and he openly starts kind of flirting? With her or making fun to kind of embarrass her or make her shy infront of the boys like "awww y/n it's okay, you're handsome, talented and super cool boyfriend is just a pro gamer you know no need to be sad babe ;)" but then she pulls out the most savage comeback ever like "dang idk who you mean but that man sounds like a dream of a boyfie" (not thaaaaaat savage but idk just for a idea yk) and everbody starts laughing (including niki ofc) like a really funny and fluffy scenario thank you!!! Have a great day
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girlz is players 2 | niki
parings: idol!niki & normie!reader :))
warnings: none? tell me if I l’m wrong please !!
word count: 738
authors note: thank you so much for this request it was soooo fun to write !! I kinda switched up some things but I hope you like it anyway~ thanks once again for the lovely request !! have a nice dayyy~~
“istg ___ you should stop playing games so often!” niki said as his character drifted around the banana peel “oh yeah? well I play just as often as you, and I’m not an idol, so maybe you should just live with the fact that I’m better than you!” I bumped my car into his making him hit the wall “hey back up!” as we continued fighting for who is better and who was not, I came up with a plan. why not let him win just this once?
I win almost all the time so it would just be fair to give this victory to him, right?
so at the next cliff, I pretended to lose control and fell right when he was at the finishing line “god damn it!” I shouted as my character flew back up but it was too late to continue driving since niki already made it through the finishing line, shouting in victory “yes! bam loser!” he started doing a victory dance to celebrate his one-time winning streak “well guess who lost, our pretty little ___” as he stopped shouting “yes!”s and “wahoos!”s he kneeled in front of me, his eyes piercingly staring into mine. I had to make sure that I didn't start kicking my feet in excitement because that stare was one hell of a kind…
“and because I won and you obviously lost, how about a bet after the game, hm?” his index finger started lifting my chin a bit “since I won…” he stopped as his face started getting closer to mine “I want you to admit that I’m a way better gamer than you” a smirk was plastered on his face as he spoke. I just nodded hastily, wanting this whole situation to end because I would have probably exploded from excitement if this went on for a little longer and I can’t handle that much excitement.
“yeah yeah, you are-”
“no no no! I want you to say it”
my eyebrows raised when his words reached my ears. I chuckled unamused “oh no, that won’t happen, not even in your dreams babe” when I realized what I had called him it was already too late as niki had already started rolling on the floor laughing while I just sat there regretting to have used the word ‘babe’ and just then do I realize that he wasn’t the only one chuckling. his members walked through the living room entrance with their leader at the very back. some sat down on the couch while some were uninterested, walking straight into the kitchen “so you guys did finally get together, huh?” jungwon chuckles. I looked at him unknowing of how to react “no!” I stutter out, “that was an accident, obviously I wouldn’t wanna get together with him!” I regained myself, stood up, and sat down in one of the armchairs looking at niki who was then sitting up again looking at me “so you meant somebody else with babe?” he asked, “no, it was just- it slipped out okay?” I crossed my arms in front of my chest. he started chuckling and stood up, walking towards me slowly. “just admit it” he started, “you like me, don’t you?” he leaned slightly down to my eye level, copying the way I said ‘babe’ earlier as he put a strand of hair behind my ear. “ew, get a room you two” an annoyed Jay spoke up from the kitchen counter as he ate his ramen with his phone on the other hand not even looking at us. I looked back at niki who was already staring at me and answered his question from a few minutes ago with a “not in your dreams” and chuckled to which jungwon started chuckling as well while niki just stood there flabbergasted. he gave up on saying anything back and just hugged me “shall we take on jays suggestion? we can talk about the details there without the others interrupting” he winked before offering his hand to me, “only if you admit that I'm better though” you could hear the others chuckle and this time with an agreeing niki nodding his head, “ok, you're slightly better than me” he laughed “but I'm gonna train until I beat you!” I smiled, “give it your all” and with that, the room was filled with chuckles and laughter as niki waddled behind me into his room
thx so much for the request anon~ it was a bunch of fun and I hope you liked it !! If you got any other request I’d love to hear it :))
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threadsun · 1 year
Ah, Rory, Rory Rory Rory. Can you tell I have a hard time starting these? I sware, it’s like pulling teeth, I black out, and then I have seven paragraphs just sitting in a google doc. Anyways! Rory is obviously part of the Cloudy Town Crew, a colorful group of clowns that rolled back into this town in their teens along with some parental guidance in the form of Mama Rise and Papa Shine. They aren’t Rory’s actual parents but they took him in when he ran away
Thaaaaaat’s right, Rory has trama! Rory came from a very traditional household, the kind that clutches their pearls if they see a boy even make eye contact with a Barbie. Rory’s “sin” was liking baking and the color pink, so his parents wanted to get him working, some hard labor would do the boy good. While being dragged out by his dad to go job searching he couldn’t help but notice a big top set up in the local park, and a boy with blue hair lifting some heavy-looking crates
Rory blames his blush on the summer heat and totally not the handsome sweaty guy over by the tent. He tells his dad to look at how heavy those crates look and think about all the hard work that goes into running a circus, and just how much he’d hate to work there. Either he’s a really good liar or his dad was just tired of dealing with him but either way, he had his in. Jack said they’d love an extra pair of hands but Rory would have to stay with them the whole time, only going home for emergencies
Rory almost literally jumps for joy before faking a groan and moaning about how uncomfortable that sounds, and that was enough for his dad to shove him off to the handsome stranger and promise he’ll come back with some of his stuff. Rory does end up doing quite a bit of heavy lifting but it was worth it to hear Jack’s praise at the end of a long day, which he pretended to hate, poorly
The first time Rory let Jack see that gooey side of himself was after their last show at the park. That night he took Jack to his little bed and told him just how much all of them meant to him, how much he meant to him, how he doesn’t think he can go back to being told how worthless he is every day, how he can’t go back into the closet. Jack stops his panicked rambling by kissing him. That night Jack talks to his folks, who already figured Rory didn’t have the best home life, and asks them to let Rory join the circus permanently
Rory can’t even remember his old name anymore, having gotten a new one once he properly joined the crew. Rory Rainberry isn’t repressed, Rory Rainberry wears pink, and Rory Rainberry gets to sleep in Jack’s bed every night. He doesn’t need his old life, he doesn’t his old name, he doesn’t need to question how Mama Rise and Papa Shine are so good at avoiding the cops, he has his Sunny Day now, and he’ll be damned if anything gets in the way of that
After a few months of traveling, Mama Rise tells everyone that they’re moving camp back to her and Shine’s hometown, the cult. I’ll get more into that in Jack’s backstory piece but needless to say, they make it back to town and start to settle back in. Rory’s not a fan of all the people staring at him but he does like that he and Jack get their own bedroom now, so it works out. He learned about you in one of Papa Shine’s propaganda classes and thinks you sound neat. Yeah, he’s excited to meet you but he’s already got Jack, how could you even compare to him? Oh how his wax wings melt once he meets you
Ooooooh I love this so much!!!!!! Lil gay baby Rory having a crush on Jack is so cute!!! And their relationship sounds so weirdly wholesome for the setting, but like in a super fun way that makes everything more interesting >:3c
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potassium-pilot · 1 year
FFXIVWrite 2023, Prompt 6: Ring
"All right, if I was a bunch of important documents, where would I be?" Dia asked absolutely no one as she stood alone in Aymeric's home study.
"Beats me", answered Ardbert in her head, the only person who could conceivably answer this question. "Only way anyone can get you to stay in place is to beat the ever-loving shite out of you, anyroad."
"You're so helpful and remind me of so many wonderful things that happened to me that I simply can't contain myself", Dia barbed sarcastically. "Now then, documents. Important government documents", she blathered on as she began her search. "That's what girlfriends are for- fetching bloody papers. Never mind the nice lunch I made for us this week. I'm the Delivery Girl of Light, after all."
"It's like we're adventuring again", Ardbert dryly remarked. "He said it was in some sort of big envelope, yes?"
"Yup. And I think..." Dia pulled one out of a pile left on the edge of his desk, "...this is it. Even has the little classified sticker."
"How important. Now then, let's get the damn thing over to him."
"Gladl--" A sight passed by her eye as she moved her head away from the desk, making her do a double-take. "Now what's this?"
Upon closer inspection, she found that a small black box sat in a spot close to his office chair. Dia picked up the box and took a closer look. "Is this a ring box?" She asked.
"It looks like one to me. Question is, is there a ring in it?"
"I don't know if I should open it. I mean really, him asking me to find some documents is not permission to snoop about his private business."
"But what if you really wanted to open it?"
"Hm. I didn't consider that. Yeah, you're right. I should open it."
Dia lifted the top of the box and revealed a ring sitting in a pillowy interior. The ring was comprised of a mythrite band topped with a rather large diamond, glittering in the light of the nearby lamp. "That's...that's a nice ring."
"Shiny, anyway. What's he doing with this?"
"I'm not sure." She tried to find context, and noticed a House Borel insignia on the band. To the right of it, there was text engraved.
May the fire in your heart warm the winter in my soul.
"Thaaaaaat's something", Dia's voice quavered.
"Dia, is this a bloody--"
"Engagement ring." She put the ring box down quickly. "Ohhhh gods, it's an engagement ring. Oh no. Oh no no no no no. Argh!"
"Well, let's calm down for a moment", Ardbert attempted to keep the both of them relaxed. "It might not even be for you."
"Who the fuck else is he going to give this to?"
"Well, I'm just saying. It might not be for any giving purpose. It might not even fit you. You'd think he'd get your ring size before he'd try that."
Dia pulled the ring from the box and attempted to slip it onto her ring finger on her right hand.
"It fits like a godsdamn glove. Ahhhhhh!"
"Okay, okay, so it fits you perfectly. We don't have to panic. Plenty of people share ring sizes. Even if it is for you, what's the worst thing that could happen if you marry him?"
"I'm not marrying him. Not now. It's the fact that I'm going to reject him that's got me all upset."
"...Dia, you cannot reject that guy."
"Oh yes I can."
"What could possibly keep you?" Ardbert demanded in disbelief. "You already live with the man, I've accidentally popped into just horrid sights from when you two are alone, you barely leave Ishgard any more."
"I'm too young!"
"You've 27 summers under you."
"I may as well have just left the crib!"
"Good gods in every heaven."
"And...I wouldn't just be his wife. I'd be his viscountess. I'd be the Lady of House Borel, and that's not who I am, Ardbert. I'm an adventurer, not a noblewoman."
"I can guarantee you that he would never ask you to be a Lady of anything."
Dia groaned. "Every time I think about marriage, I just...I get nervous as all hells. I know it's not rational, but I just-just...I can't do it yet."
She brought her focus back down to the ring on her finger and stared into it for a moment. "Though...this is a nice ring. It'd be nice to wear this around the place. I could enchant it a bit so I could teleport back to the manor as needed, provided that I find a piece of aetheryte." She laughed lightly. "I'd be able to flaunt it a bit."
As soon as she started getting lost in the ring, she snapped out of it. "No. No, I'm not marrying Aymeric for vanity." She took off the ring and placed it back in its box before picking up the envelope. "I've got documents to deliver and lunch to eat with him."
"You know what kind of couple likes to set up routines?"
"Shut up, shut up, shut up."
Upon reaching the doors to the Seat of the Lord Commander, Dia knocked against the double doors.
"Who is it?" Aymeric called.
"I'm you from another dimension. Listen, I don't have much time, but you've gotta let me in!"
"Come in, Dia", he laughed. Once the doors were open, he stood up and grabbed a chair from the eastern wall. "Silly, silly girl."
"And yet, you still let me in every week. Who's really the silly one?"
Aymeric's lips pursed as he tried to keep back laughter. The chairs was placed in front of his desk and so was Dia.
"Once again, you are my hero. Thank you, Dia."
"Of course. Dia Sito Delivery Service offers 100% satisfaction guaranteed."
"Ah, what a coincidence. So do I." He smirked suggestively. Dia giggled.
"Euugghhh", Ardbert groaned.
Quiet, you.
"Ah, and you've brought lunch as well, thank the Fury."
"I did." Dia placed the basket on his desk. "I hope you're hungry. I've beef stroganoff with a pumpkin potage and Thavnairian chai for us. If you've room for dessert, I placed a peach tart in here as well."
The two of them took their seats, Dia levitating the food to the plates and passing shares accordingly. Once the chai was poured, they took their cups and gave a small, "Cheers!" before they drank.
As the tea made its way down the hatch, her nerves seemed to settle and worry seemed to slip away. Her focus became the present. Nothing demanded either of them in this moment, aside from their hunger. Dia could just sit and watch Aymeric enjoy her food while she held a warm cup in her hands close to her heart.
Is this...what it could be like? Would things just stay the same if we...
Of course, all Aymeric saw as he looked up was Dia looking to him with a fond smile on her visage.
"Has something caught your eye?" He asked.
"Is there something on my face?"
"Yeah, someone put all that gorgeous on your face. You should be more careful."
Aymeric blushed.
Oh, just tell him already!
"Actually, what I was thinking about...I saw that ring on your desk. It's beautiful."
"Ah yes. A marvel, is it not? Still in good condition after all these years. I'm certain the Pillars to Firmament Society will be utterly fascinated."
"...come again?"
Aymeric tilted his head. "I told you about this, did I not?"
"You...might have? Refresh my memory, if you would be so kind."
Aymeric placed down his fork. "A group of scholars have created an historical preservation community called the Pillars to Firmament Society and have begun documenting anything they can about this time. Seeing as I am Ishgard's first- and I pray not the last- Lord Speaker, they wished to gather what information they could about me. Alas, I'm not dead, much as I'm beginning to suspect these historians might wish me to be that they can begin pilfering through our personal belongings, so I offer them objects of some personal significance that they can record for future generations."
Ardbert cackled in her head.
If I could go in there and throttle you, I would!
"Forgive me. I completely forgot. So...would that have belonged to your mother, then?"
"Aye. They've been combing my house's history that they can find any crumb of information to present. I thought to present them a piece of my mother's history." Aymeric rubbed the back of his neck. "I do hope this society of theirs lasts. I was thinking of you when I heard of the formation of this group."
"Indeed. You're a scholar of Nym, both in the fact that you know their healing arts and that you study their history and culture deeply. I could only imagine how frustrated a scholar of Ishgard might be in the distant future if they were left with nothing of this time. I also thought about what you told me before the ecumenical council."
"The...oh, what I said about the statues."
"Yes, and your point did have merit. Through the creation of museums, we can preserve such things without erasing the horrid acts of our forefathers. I believe it to be a nice compromise, but until now, we had no one who would be qualified to act as a keeper of Ishgard's history. With the creation of an historical preservation society, we may one day be able to arrange such a museum."
Dia stared with great affection and pangs of guilt. "Well, that makes me feel bad for what I did with the ring."
"What...did you do?"
She focused her gaze to the ground beneath her. "I mayyyyyy have tried it on."
"Oh, is that all? Did it fit?"
She perked back up. "...yeah, it did. Perfectly."
"Then no harm was done. The ring was already examined. It only just returned is all"
The rest of their lunch hour passed far too quickly for either of them. Aymeric helped her clean up the mess and Dia left with a wave. He sat back down and took out an agenda, opening it to a page for the next day.
In the column for the beginning of his day tomorrow, he wrote the words, "Ask Pillars to Firmament about the size of the ring."
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brandonwayneb · 1 year
lol if you want to laugh,
just look at how many blames my name has 'white magically' accumulated
somehow Im Satan, Eat Children, Do Drugs, and has off shore bank accounts wealthier than any president
LOL. yah right! LOL
what the fucks left!?
I was called so many names,
that the entire english language doesnt exist anymore! lol
oh yah,
hmmmm.... really guys?
LOL how fucking sad lol
those are called
Blame ScoreBoards
those are called
Hot Potato Rearrange Faces
lol crazy mother fuckers
If I did all that
if I do all that,
where the fuck is my profits!? lol
What, I do allllllll those 'magically white' crimes,
and somehow there's always conveniently white people waiting to cash checks, and re cell banks.
Do you know what a Stool Pig Onion is?
lol, Onion is their joke about people who have multiple layers, specially in eye sight.
a list of crimes.
lol. dont make me laugh,
let me check my pockets first,
nope, not a damn dime
lol look at this list
Child Molesters
hmmmm..... and somehow Im blessed with all 4?
LOL america!!
stupid as fuck lol
if my bank account doesnt reflect overflowing expenses,
then dont use my name LOL
I literally just look into white war 24:7
its no wonder theyve called me so many names,
look how crazy this is,
Child Molester
Soda Might Spa
Sim Dime
ummmm.... is english done speaking to me yet?
"white" can fuck off
"english" hah, dont make me laugh
Don't you wonder how "white" people so conveniently 'collect'
Uh, Duhhhhhhhhhh!!
corrupt agents literally read the entire fucking english dictionary LOL
before you talk to a "white" agents who "knows" in the inner "loops"
take the dictionary,
throw it out the window
Now, you know english lol
and if ur next accusation is German slurs and imaginary Arabs.
than welcome to total bafoonery
English is NOT allowed to have thAAAAAAT many accusations
thats clearly insane,
even for the agents who dare say all those to 1 single person at a time.
thats how they "laser drill"
thats how they "microsoft peel"
thats how they "scapegoat"
English language was not meant to be THAAAAT CYNICAL 🤨
those are agents literally reading the entire fucking dictionary and then pretending to be catching child molesters and aliens,
because they know thats the easiest way to make everyone question each other
lol really ive heard every hot word,
and its flat out embarrassment and mass war executions.
English was not made those ways,
abusive agents have decided to take advantage of the fact that bilinguals will not understand how ridiculously insane it is, to blame people for THAT many crimes,
absolutely ridiculous.
the question is,
What haven't I been called?
thats why i never stop laughstocks.
"English" has already played all their cards
and their favorite word hook words are
"Ver Bait Tom"
and "Fall Soul Lay Tea Dough"
and "Sold Dough and My Tea"
for Soda.
for Spa bath bomb
I dont 'need' english
but I know one fact is certain,
Tom, was never made for this amount of disrespect
Lots of English pride counts on Tom and Thomas.
I mean thats insane to screw victims on the name "Tom"
for what?
"potato mozzarella"
"Thumbelina and Cinderella"
really? disgusting,
english will do anything to say animal and food names,
and try to blame a random Fool or Ghost or Ghoul.
you should say English,
this way "EngGooLosh"
that is what those Agents are drooling on.
England fought Irish people too you should know,
Im not a huge english man,
but i know how to save resources and respect for bottom lines
and calling "Tom" and endless list of harassment and death names,
is not dignified for anyone involved
Tom, is Tom.
that english name should never be corrupted.
And I dont even like English THAT much!
I know my decent share
and I dont care
But to listen to agents,
endlessly list criminal names and drug names...
for months, and years,
at the same people,
c'mon ridiculous!!
those "agents" cant stop, or they would be criminally executed,
so your not listening to men going crazy,
ur not listening to random gays trying drug and molest everyone,
ur listening TO and WITH agents who cannot back down,
or they would be exposed as literal mass, MASSIVE war criminals.
Not 1 person
Not 10,20,30,40,50,60,70
starts at a few teams in each buildings,
Dont you ever wonder how 1 person gets "Sing Ghoaled" out
the old white crimes are called
"Shingle Chicken Pox"
and "Goose Bumps"
that means pimple and veins actually pop and blister
thats ur lovely white co "agents"
who always seem to have every final answer right? lol
always playing first word
always playing last word
Now only dirty "porters"
Now only dirty "cell jockey"
which is a horse rider,
that they've covered up with "Potato Midgets, and Moto Psy Schools"
Horse Blood
and the engine of a motorcycle on the dick as you drive
god damn white people could drive me crazy, if i didnt have faith, and wisdom.
but now,
u have you guys telling me about Fat Fa Fa 24:7 lol
and Wicca Satan 24:7
thats okay.
but if you acknowledge,
you were saying "Fossil"
and you were saying "Fault Seal"
At least now ur focused on Fast Faith, a little better...
although Fat and Muse.
still gains attention.
Just say a Fat Muse.
not necessarily muscle.
Fat. Muse.
Muse, like an inspiration singer
Muse, not "stab a muslim with a straight jacket pot comment"
"straight jacket"
there's your lovely "blue star fish"
Lol. before they cut people on those comments they laugh and say "dont worry it grows back"
and they say Murder a Muse,
and say Hot Rum.
and say See these bitches started Rumors.
Protect Fat
Protect Muscle
and throw the english dictionary at white "agents" who conveniently know how to list "every word imaginable under the sun"
if you want to fight wizards and witches,
start with nasty ass goose
Lose Zee
Goo Zee
I say Dragon,
because dragons dont give two shits about a goose
but now they have all these black people obsessed with "Dray Guns"
and crazy cell crimes run "Rapture"
"Phillip Gas Station Bomb Bust"
and "TerrorDakZakZaZaSaSaTalTil"
and blacks dont even get a final say on those,
ALLLL whites telling them how to see rushed inn accurate assumptions
If you are scared
if you are curious
here is the answer,
anyone can know
1) Jinns are living souls that shapeshift and move around
2) crazy aases with lab science, are typically a mixture between USED TO BE "WHITE" but now a mixture between Lizard and Alien
Their not all the same thing
here's how to see more correctly
1) Jinn, is okay
2) white criminals who owned Science Lab, and either run around as crazy aliens, lizards, or some form of cannibalism with or without tech cloaks.
and thats literally it,
besides random being who only survived outliving each other in mixed realities.
really the world isnt complicated on these topics.
1) Jinn: Is Okay
2) crazy lab science: Is Not
and really anything else going on,
is all "projectionist suppressionists and in ventriloquism."
which is almost as equally stupid as lab science, according to the practice and practitioner
I manifest through summons of attention.
I dont need objects
I have to be asked, wanted, or prayed, or someone has to draw or force attention.
big difference in life.
I dont keep materials
So all these crazy american agents always saying MAT MAT MAT MAT MAT POT POT POT POT POT
are participating in genetic "genocide"
and mass mutilation.
which will always come straight back from Karma.
So Just Make Kind.
Start with Ken.
and quit reading that in all kinds of directions.
Ken. Kind.
or Say Kentucky shit pot america jokes lol jk
alright well,
i tried to clear up social rumors,
you can see how it wont get much clearer, because this is what illegal whites call "Oh! Yummy! Lets pretend we didnt do all this, and lets prepare for "Easter Bastard Kits and Cry at my ass christmas"
Cell Eggs.
Cell Cherry
they also call the end of english accusations "George Cherry Pick Tree"
those are VERY different types of "english whites"
Definitely not my type,
and thats why and how, i rage and fight my best for everyone,
Not even English was meant those ways, thats what SICK BUSINESS has become,
Not Bodies
Not Minds
Sick PHYSICAL exchanges of currency for souls or bloods
thats the enemies you're looking for,
ur not looking from random Homo Sappy Pee'd On You
Homo Say Fee Ann
Homo Say Re Ban
Unleash a red eye rabbit
and protect "May"
for Silver War May.
Those are Maze Workers.
Love "May"
Love "Fay"
A May Fair!
A True May Fair.
not bombarded with white comments subjecting child molester comments, food, and animal names.
May. not "city town Mayor"
May. not "Mayan Calendar"
May. not "white dump agents"
May was used so many times,
you can see why?
THIS MANY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
God Bless May.
and do not accept a blame
and do not start derogatory potstickers 🥟 shit pot comments.
and thats all the fuck I choose to say,
if you keep listening, I will purposely séance and our souls will twine god's songs and satans slanders
If you want me,
after I am already done
I will rhyme genocide and watch the world die.
I will not be a hostage
and everyone cared about my energy and languages so much,
Where The Fuck Is My Money?
Where The Fuck is my Showers of Gifts and Gratitude?
Instead, its all greedy codes, and excuses to rush lab crimes.
Sick white government,
dont degrade yourself for their deals,
they paid with their life the moment they took my blood
and the joke is, and always has been, i have no body anyways
I will literally just fly directly back down, and everyone will rethread skin, and we will go all over again,
with playing Cat and Mouse
crazy ass Tom and Jerry.
stupid and stupid.
I always stay with the stupid's
I upkeep honors for Gothic Cupid
how the fuck else do I save a bottom line for fucking birth? lol
Okay, saved the gothics
Okay, saved their rights to be known as equally right.
Rainbow Gothic
saves literally everyone
Okay. I know I sent Tons.
I just hope today is the last time I have to talk about sauerkraut idiots listening on how to demand gay guys to "give and sale more pre psy dens"
Co Psy Den
Po Psy Den
blah blah fish food and sharks
and idiots asking about Doll Lore Fans "Dolphins" "Sharks" and "Fish Food"
thats how stupidly dumped america is
all because stupid fuckers wont stop telling me "psy"
if i hear PSY,
I am going to scream WHY!!
U have a fucking mouth and you cant even use it right
U have a fucking body, and live as a Radio Tower LOL!!
thats so fucking stupid LOL
I took 1 look at their "psy circle"
and said No Fucking Way stupid fuckers! lol
its like their praying to a pizza lol
anyways, adjust
anyways, fix
if you count on "psy" that much, than you're only becoming a balloon head who stares at circles lol
Try not to overly relate me to crimes I dont do.
I translate!
and their trying to make that illegal too!
Wear Wings On Ur Feet
only to truthworthy
or clearly victimized citizens
avoid "orders" and "claims"
if the voice sounds greedy and selfish
or if you've literally heard the same dumb fuckers playing Cake Shop Agents 24:7
justice doesnt require food names
justice doesnt require animal names
those are all SUBJECTS designed to be thrown away at someones expense
If "agents" still need to talk about Food and Animals, to catch criminals, than their psy is similarly stupid.
and they all know that,
they say, stupid codes, or TOO common of words,
because then its easy to train sleeping and sedated victims
with Puppy and Kitty jokes
and Potato and Pizza jokes
as they dump, stab, or drain bodies and soul energy that a person may of worked THEIR ENTIRE LIFE FOR.
All so agents can laugh about Cookie Party jokes and make Coo Coo comments
I would NEVER design a language so stupidly commonized with babies
which is why I speak God prayers private, and Satan languages private.
my languages dont catch voices
my languages push away or attempt to meet half way
if there are extended arguments any direction is engaged,
because I share Freely
because I speak Freely
or dont talk to me!
or dont comment of me!
or dont share with me!
i dont play 1 to 1
if you tell me 1,
i could tell you 99,000+
and i will say the same fact,
Dont Like It?
Dont Mention Me Then!
so all these "agents" who Sell Pit all day...
their not catching much,
their mostly harassing me or citizens with high energy levels, or many life hardships in translations.
because remember THEY cannot speak freely, they would be exposed,
and to hide that, they double pretend "well thats my job"
if their job was to catch child molesters, drug addicts, and all this other crazy stuff,
they wouldnt be talking about fucking werewolves and shadow creatures LOL
thats THEIR personal obsessions and science crazy greed crimes,
that they've made excuses into casual work.
And if they catch criminals legally,
they would not 'get excited'
criminals are not for excuses to be excited, just say you can hide and say "Im only acting this way, because I have someone with me, as part of my job"
that means every officer job,
could literally say On Psy, Off Psy.
and if anyone asks,
say its Xyz, on our team chats
thats all bullshit,
the majority of those men, only want to fuck Jinns, and promote their body or mental capacity or sadistic entertainment,
in false alpha empire schemes.
men and women both.
just remember the basics
1) Jinns: Okay
2) crazy lab science repeated offenses that officers and technicians are now personally benefiting from... bad. not okay.
I dont even like science
its just as stupid as that Psy word
thats why all they do is stare at circles and pizza holes all day,
literally all day,
and as their "land" agents,
they then talk about Worms and Mosquitoes all day
so here is the majority of white corruptions
1) circles
2) pizza
3) worms
4) mosquitos
5) sauerkraut
6) fat balloon heads who cant stop talking about Cheater Cheetahs, Food and Feet.
if this message didn't enlighten, than thats a total loss,
I just pray you find better 'codes'
to live by, if thats what you've decided...
but dont assume they will fit me.
I have a huge habit of jumping INTO traps purposely,
how else can you set a trap off?
like a DareDevil
how else can you feel like you're truly learning to become a true hero?
acquaintances feel each other's fire
true friends jump in together, and never forget
I always cherish this
"I will walk through the gates of Hell with you."
I do my best daily to watch out for Gods people being sent to Pigeonhole Farms.
Say Potato Smidget, really really fast, and say Bat Eyes
Lol... so many agents that literally get excited to hear OH THERES FREE FOOD AGAIN?
Okay This Message Is Made For Anyone.
I hope this enlightens,
My goal today was drink a bunch of energy drinks, and try to completely liberate giving a fuck about explaining the same american bullshit 24:7
america wont change anytime soon,
however with a long message and as detailed as possible,
I can rest knowing i've tried my best,
this message is just meant to be a more 1 hit finish type message,
since i included every government role, and every name possible to be blamed for.
Truthful Accounts
As much as I hope this message was enlightening,
I just ask, watch who you Trust
and keep the word TrustWarThee
I will keep faith.
with or without fat comments
so doesnt matter how many times theres now fat accusations too...
wow go figure.. *eye roll*
1 last point to this message,
Im not racists,
but dont trust white people so much,
look more about reverse systematic crimes,
The Top, is the bottom
The Bottom, is the top
and watch who plays Frisbee Golf
and watch who kicks sewer lids and folds pizza boxes
To leave this message on a public helpful positive,
Sebastian, Steinhausen
Just free roam for anyone,
namespace is namesake
you actually wiser if you create an unspeakable name.
Okay Cheers!
Keep Chippy
Keep Chipper!
and no those arent codes,
their anti code really lol.
0 notes
silvermuffins · 2 years
Pokemon Scarlet Liveblog!!! Part 3
Listen. I had a very good reason to delay this. The best reason even (you know who you are <3)
where were we? oh right, we were lost.
i have no memory of this place
aaaaaa there's a crab following me
battles an artist who can't finish a sentence
!!! GIMMIGHOUL hello my new pal Boxly. It's up on top of this tower, which seems to just be a lookout tower.... I can see Artzon from here, and also Light Pollution. And also a really giant butte? can't wait to go up there! Oh, neat, you can fly to the watchtowers once you've been to them.
oooh i see where the titan klawf is now, hello down there
small blue...that's not a rookidee. What are you? What are you??? Get back here! Nymble? bug i think...cricket but it almost looks like a like. fidget spinner. oh goddammit poison point, killed it.
Found another, finally, while wandering. If they wanted me to accomplish anything they shouldn't have given me an open worl. Anyway I still think Nymble looks like a fidget spinner folded up so her name is Fidget. !!! Look, a Growlithe! get over here Fai Do!
i wonder what's with these ruined buildings? don't like how they seem to be where i find Drowzee.
AAAA WHAT'S THAT PINK THING Tinkatink? You're gonna be Pebbles.
I think the signs pointing to Artazon are starting to get desperate about my adamant exploration. They keep yelling at me like I'm not deliberately going the opposite direction of what they say.
New Headcanon: enough kids got hopelessly lost in these cliffs that they just put signs goddamn everywhere.
lmao the signs like "okay if you're down here you MUST be lost"
sorta hate that i can only jump while riding koraidon
"Caught 63 battled 81" damn, my dex is at a phenomenal start
well now. I have 45 minutes until i need to get ready for work, and I'm right about at the crabby paddy. jfc these fuckin Klawf have this like....creepyass moan of an activation noise, they're at the intersection of no thoughts head empty and nightmare fuel.
now wait i tick i SAW the big klawf on this wall earlier, where is ti? ....oooh, i found him. exploring, tho--
well, that was easy. I could go down the long way....but it's more IC for Fani to just leap off the cliff after it. Whee!
Awww Arven uses a Shellder! And I am massively overleveled.
Heyyyy, Teach is evolving! Clodsire??? Oh, it's fully evolved now, I can grab something else from my box.
Also, looking for more Herba Mistica! In a caaave. Oh, it's just more cutscene. This one's sweet. That's the flavor associated with speed...
ARVEN IS GONNA FEED ME. He makes kung fu movie noises while he cooks, what the fuck. Aaaaa this is so cute.
Arven why do you hate koraidon
oh....i don't get to eat sandwich. gotta feed it to Koraidon... just goes hungry ig
aww Arven sharing OH I GET TO DASH NOW NEAT
what is your deal my guy
Sada how do you know that
Swap Teach out for Sotero...we'll be doing a grass gym next I think? But we have Scoots for that.....i just. it's ten more levels until Scoots evolves, do I want a half-bird team that long? Not really. Ah well, sort it out later.
oh more places to explore Oh dunsparce with Tera Poison. Might as well try and catch thaaaaaat was a critical capture, okay then
how does headbutt work with a nacli just it just yeet its wholeass self. anyway the new Dunsparce is now Dunviped.
damn wild pokemon just keep running into me LEAVE ME ALONE FOR TWO SECONDS SO I CAN FIGURE OUT WHERE I AM
uhhhh how'd i even get to this part of the map.....
okay i am going to get ready for and go to work we will figure this out Later
and now it is later! I am still lost! I think i jumped off one too many cliffs,,,,,,
let's just. fly back to the watchtower.
okay where the fuck am i NOW
for those wondering: no, my sense of where i am is also this bad in reality i just almost never leave the neighborhood i've lived in my entire life
ohhh this cliff looks out on a team star base....damn they're big
back on track! keep forgetting to heal up,,,
finished an accidental battle and immediately slid down a cliff.... Fani is battered and bruised.
Finally on the Artazon outskirts! And I found...twin mice? Tandemaus. How....do you name a Pokemon that is two Pokemon??? fuck it. You're Beep & Boop now.
Okay I think I'm done dicking around, time to actually enter town. NOPE there's more Pokemon to catch here! Tish the Shuppet, Nimbus the Drifloon, and FINALLY found a Squawkabilly to name Elvis.
Okay NOW i'm in town, oh look the same food shops I found in Mesagoza.
Man I get nothing for reaching the center of the maze??? you'd think there'd be a little prize, like a person saying congrats and giving me a pokeball or something.
"what a nice breeze" this little girl says, in the middle of a thunderstorm....
wait does Koraidon already have surfing capabilities, just in case i fall in some water?
love this giantass playground, would be better with interactible elements!
man i miss unique gym designs why do they all need to look the same on the outside...anyway, time to beat up Hubert von Vestra. Can't believe they made his shiny colors green. Well. After I rip up his garden or whatever.
....no time limit or anything, this will be a cakewalk. oh, this one flees- oh, it wants to FIGHT. bitch I have a Shroodle. damn the maze one isn't even at the center and three more were right at start, what a wimpy test.
just noticed there's a Surrendering Sunflora on top of the Pokemon Center....
OH MY GOD WHAT A FUCKING EDGELORD oh jesus fuck that smile is terrifying don't do that. especially while soggy.
What is that at his hip anyway is that a garden hoseoh Nebula you right this music is incredible
WAIT I MISCALCULATED Chomper's tera type is normal not Poison! Augh! I still win, but damn.
Brassius is so fucking intense. Fani is a little....scared.
I see another excalibur thingy....up on a cliff where i can't reach...
Anyway, Falmenco is another Oricorio.
I am approaching the fire Star Base, and Cassiopeia calls in-- who in the FUCK is this?!
wait a second
oh no is that who i think it is
it....it has to be.....
oh NO im gonna die this is hilarious
Clive and Cassiopeia both like "fuck i can't press you while also concealing my own bullshit"
ah crap got rammed from behind by a Tauros- JUST STAY IN THE BALL. Finally. Your name is Noctober. OH, CYCLIZAR. Definitely need a you. Ah fuck accidentally killed it. there's another one! Fuck, killed that one too. But at least Sirea is evolving! Time to swap her out for Jupe.
cutscene took me down the cliff so now i gotta catch up on some explorin'
trying to find another Cyclizar, or a Toedcool since the map says they're here, but I'll take this Venonat. Sana. Ooh! Teddiursa! Crit captured, even, you'll be Renange. I have no Flabebe yet but this grass tera Floette will do... Banchata. ! Sotero evolving into....Naclstack. I was going to say that's pretty cool but honestly it's pretty minecraft. Komala! I'm calling you Ponchi. Pineco, you're Gonzo. Finally found a Toedcool! dammit I killed it. Found an Applin! You're Froot. CYCLIZAR. You'll be Zips.
i am Tired and Slightly Ill, so I do believe I will be calling it here for the moment!!!!
0 notes
fucktheroyals · 4 years
Ok, I'm rewatching The Clone Wars and this is so funny I had to bring it up, this is from "Rookies" (1x05) where Rex and Cody meet Fives, Echo, and Hevy, and this is when Rex and Cody don't report in...
Obi-wan: They should have checked in from the Rishi station hours ago. (To Anakin) It appears your captain follows orders as well as you do.
Anakin: Hmm. Perhaps Cody is boring Rex with standard procedures and protocol.
They have the minds of five year olds or popular teenage girls.
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dyns33 · 3 years
Little Star
I used some of my imagines from yesterday, so not really original...
I did a Female Reader, sorry, even if Jotun Loki is still bi !
And the smut is not thaaaaaat smutty... But it's here. So be warned ! 
Tumblr media
Frat bros.
It was the first thing Y/N had thought of when she met Thor and Loki.
Besides the fact that : Oh my God aliens exist, some look a lot like us, they are almost immortal, they are strong, have magical powers, we have no chance against them and if one day they go to war, we are so  dead.
Especially if the battle was against the Jotuns.
Fortunately, there was little chance that this would happen.
There had already been a war between the Frost Giants and the other realms, especially Asgard. After long fights, and much bloodshed, Odin, the Allfather, had defeated Laufey, the king of the Jotuns.
A resentment could have lasted between them, but something had happened.
After the departure of his enemy, Laufey had returned to his palace, to his temple, sure to find his beloved son, Loki, there. But the baby was missing.
The king then thought he had been killed, and he mourned him for days, swearing revenge.
Odin learned of his torment. The child was not dead. The kind of Asgard had found him, he had thought that the little one had been abandoned, left to die, and so he had picked him up.
It was only a misunderstanding.
As a father himself, who would have destroyed everything if anything had happened to Thor, Odin immediately returned to Jotunheim with the child, to explain his mistake, and returned the baby to Laufey, who was overjoyed, accepting the apologies of the old fool who thought he was doing the right thing.
After all, Odin could have said nothing, kept Loki, hid him, used him against his people. He had done much worse before.
It was then decided that their kingdom would henceforth be friends. Their sons grew up together, like two brothers, and like Odin's son, Loki was showered with love and care, free to do absolutely whatever he wanted, sometimes behaving like a spoiled brat.
But, unlike his friend, his brother of another mother as he liked to say, the prince of the Jotuns was smarter, more polite, more cultured, more calm, when he decided to be, which made him more lovable, at least for Y/N.
And on top of that, his size ! Damn !
Her crush for him was almost as big as the Jotun prince. It was a little embarrassing.
Because Y/N was tiny next to him. She was already small compared to Thor, who was making fun of the height of the Midgardians.
And she was mortal.
And not blue with red eyes.
And not beautiful like a Goddess... Anyway, this crush was stupid, and no one should ever know that she liked Loki. No one, especially not him.
The best solution would have been to avoid him, but Jane had insisted that she come with her. As a scientist, it was a unique opportunity to learn more about other worlds ! Her friend wanted her to be there every time.
Seeing her, Thor had simply smiled, saying that she was as short as Jane, which was not entirely true.
Loki had smiled too, but differently.
           "Is that the friend I asked for, Earth girl ?" he purred, leaning towards Y/N. "So pretty. I am won over. A pleasure to meet you, little human."
           "Asked for ?" she wondered, looking at Jane.
           "Yes. For our double date."
           "... What ?!"
           "Don't listen to him." sighed Jane, who had obviously forgotten this story. "And Loki, leave her alone. Y/N is here to study."
           "Y/N ? What a lovely name. As your friend just said, I am Loki, Prince of Jotunheim. You can study me as much as you want, my Lady. Then we can sing our names while our bodies will"
           "Come on Y/N, let's go get a drink. Thor, calm your tall brother."
Thor didn't calm Loki, who continued to flirt with her throughout the evening. He must have found it very funny, because it turned into a running gag, which started over every time they saw each other.
He still agreed to answer all her questions about his kingdom, and the nine others, if in return she answered his, which were more personal. Never too embarrassing, but intimate enough that she wanted to go and hide under a table. Loki said she was adorable, and yet didn't insist if she didn't want to answer him.
Y/N would have liked to ask him personal questions too. She loved it when he talked about himself, what he liked. When he laughed. But Loki was smart, he would have understood that she was interested if she dared to ask him something about him.
So she asked the others. Especially Thor, although the moron was not very discreet. At least he knew everything about Loki.
           "Why do you want to know all this ?" he asked her one day, when he was a little drunk. "Do you want to hurt my brother ?!"
           "What ? No ! I just… want to know him. And it's always safer to ask others."
           "Hmm. Well, Loki is the best ! He's my brother !"
           "I already know that. You can tell me if he has any hobbies. How is he with people. If he's... single ?"
           "Ah !" Thor laughed loudly. "Loki ! Single ! That big seducer ? Our Silvertongue ? I mean, yes I think he is. Relationships are not his thing, you see. He has partners, tons ! But nothing really serious."
           "... I see."
It was true that even though he was very considerate of her, Loki would go to see other people, men, women, humans, aliens, tall, small... Everybody.
It hurt as soon as she saw him touching someone else, whispering tender words into their ears.
But it was just a crush, they weren't together, it was nothing. No one seemed to notice her unhappiness.
And it wasn't like Loki had a real relationship. Not only serious, but also intimate. None of his conquests were the right size to... make it... fit.
Y/N sometimes tried to picture how they could do it. Then she had to go and put some water on her face, because her imagination was certainly going too far.
Loki wasn't even able to kiss or shake someone's hand. His own hand was as big as a person !
As she returned to sit next to Jane, Thor began to jump all over the place, pointing to the sky.
           "A shooting star ! Loki, make a wish !"
           "A wish ? Okay ! I want... I want... Ah, I know !"
           "Tell me !"
           "No dear brother, otherwise it will not happen."
           "Loki !"
Thor insisted but Loki refused to speak, smiling proudly as he came to take the seat next to Y/N.
           "How's my little human tonight ? You don't seem to be enjoying yourself. Did you miss me that much ?"
           "I'm just tired."
           "I can give you a massage if you want ? Thor says I'm very good with my finger. Or you can sleep on my shoulder. Come on."
           "Ah ! Loki !"
Not listening to her protests, the Jotun took her to rest her on his shoulder, from where she could not jump without risking injury. A little scared, she held on to what she could, his hair and head, then being very close to his face. With his red eyes, Loki looked at her, amused.
           "You are even more beautiful up close."
           "I want to get off !"
           "Nonsense. Rest away from noise and people. Don't worry, you won't fall, I'm watching over you."
It was really strange to find herself in this position. She could even better see the size difference between them, and Y/N had dirty, shameful ideas, so much that she stuck herself against the giant's neck in an attempt to hide her embarrassment.
           "It's exciting to be upstairs, isn't it ?" Loki purred.
           "... What ?"
           "I can tell you are excited, my little darling."
           "Not at all !"
           "No, you don't understand. I can smell it." he repeated, touching his nose.
This time she wanted to die. Normally she was too short, and in the crowd, so Loki had never felt her desire for him. But, now that she was so close to him, it was obvious.
           "Oh ! You... You !" He chuckled happily, putting his hand on her, touching her whole body, but not trying to force her to look at him. "You like me !"
           "Shut up..."
           "Since when ?! I want to know !"
           "... The first time."
           "Really ? Attracted by greatness ? It's understandable."
           "No. I mean, yeah, you're incredibly handsome and breathtaking but... I like it when you talk to me. You're funny and smart. Well, not all the time, you're stupid when you party with the others and when you flirt with everyone, but I love... to be with you."
If they had been alone, silence would have settled, but the party continued around them, as if they weren't there. Y/N suddenly wanted to jump off that shoulder to run away, but with his long legs, Loki would have caught up with her. He certainly would have even grabbed her as she jumped.
           "So... you really like me."
           "Do not laugh." she mumbled.
           "Never. My wish just came true. I didn't think it would work. After all, asking for the most beautiful and best person in the world to fall in love with me was cheeky."
           "... I am small and human."
           "So what? I asked for the best. I got the best ! I knew we should have done this double date a long time ago. But you didn't seem ready, so I waited. I couldn't tell if you were shy or scared, if you didn't like me, or just weren't interested in a big blue monster."
           "You are not a monster !" Y/N exclaimed, finally raising her head to look at him. "You are... different, that's all."
           "Oh, my sweet little wonder." he whispered, putting his lips to her head.
           "... Yes, little. Tiny, and mortal. That's not a good idea."
           "Don't think about it. I know a lot of witches and wizards. We'll find something. Only now matters. Let's go to my room !"
           "What ? What ?!"
Still on Loki's shoulder, Y/N couldn't do anything, allowing him to led her into the large room that served as the prince's bedroom during his stay on Midgard. A special bed had been prepared for him. When he put her down in the middle, she felt minuscule.
It was worse when he started to take off his clothes.
           "Wait ! We can't ! We... you are so... so..."
           "Hmm, flattering. Don't panic, darling, I know what I'm doing. You don't risk anything. I'm not going to crush you, there will only be... pleasure. Trust me, I will take care of everything."
It wasn't like she had a choice anyway. Not because Loki wouldn't have let her go if she had said no. He would have accepted her refusal.
But because underneath him, Y/N couldn't really do much except let him lead the way. And as promised, Loki knew very well what he was doing.
He was everywhere at the same time. There was only him.
His tongue, his fingers, his lips. He could have swallowed her raw if he wanted to, in one bite.
And then there was his voice, between two growls. Loki really loved to talk, even in bed.
           "Oh Y/N, sweetie, look at you. You are beautiful. I love the little noises you make. You are so precious, so adorable, with your tremors when I touch you. And you smell so good ! Divine. As divine as the nectar flowing between your thighs. What a delight. You are so good for me. I wish I could come inside you and feel all your warmth."
           "St... stop..." she pleaded with a moan as he lifted her legs to admire her.
           "Someday we'll find a way. For now, one finger should be enough. Do you mind if I rub against you ? Oh no, your pretty noises tell me it's okay with you. I'll rub the tip of my cock against your entrance when I feel like I can't hold on anymore. Ah, you'll be totally filled with me."
           "Loki ! Oh !"
           "I see, wrong finger, a little too big, sorry. I'm going to use the smaller one, for my little darling. Oh Y/N, you're perfect, you know that?  As soon as I saw you, I knew you were made for me. I've waited for you all my life."
           "Silvertongue." she growled, remembering Thor's words.
           "Not with you, my love. Never with you. Or just a little, to tease you. I love your reactions so much. But I won't do it again if you ask me. I'm yours, all yours."
Maybe it was just a lie, or the passion that spoke, but Y/N wasn't really listening, focused on that giant, slightly cold finger penetrating her, as Loki sucked her breasts at the same time, while masturbating against her belly.
If she had woken up then to find it was a dream, she wouldn't have been surprised, if a little frustrated.
But Loki was really there, again placed on top of her to appreciate the view, as she was about to come.
           "You're all tight around my finger. I love it. Get ready my little darling."
As her whole body froze, overwhelmed with orgasm, Loki did his best to release his seed inside her, even though it also covered her chest and the sheets.
           "It was… amazing…" he sighed as he lay down next to her, stroking her skin and licking the cum that had reached her face. He took a clean sheet to wipe the rest. "I was a bit pissed off that we didn't do it sooner, but it was worth the wait."
           "Have you been thinking about it from the start ? About sex ?"
           "That, and more. Thanks to the star, you are finally mine. My little human."
           "Stop saying I'm little. Even if it's true."
           "Oh my little star is sulking ? I have to fix this." Loki joked, tickling her.
           "No ! Be serious !"
           "I am very serious."
           "Thor says you're never serious." Y/N sighed.
           "You asked that fool ? I love Thor, we're brothers, but he doesn't get it sometimes. It's true that so far I haven't really had a lasting relationship, but it's just because I didn't find the right person. Much like him. Maybe Jane will help him settle down. That would be a good thing."
           "Until we die."
           "You really haven't been listening, have you ? Stubborn little star." He kissed her on the head. "I'll find something. To keep you with me as long as possible. You thought I was saying this to seduce you and only have you for one night ? I might be a smooth talker, but not a liar. Okay, sometimes I'm a liar, but not with these things. If it's just for fun, I say it. Same with Thor, if that worries you. He's an idiot, but he's a nice idiot. He really loves his Earth girl, it's just that he doesn't think about the next step. I think about it. There has to be a spell for that. Or I'll do another wish. It might work, what do you think ? Honey ? Y/N ?.. Are you sleeping ?"
           "Oh my little wonder is exhausted. Rest, I'm here."
Snuggled up to him, totally surrounded by his huge body, Y/N obeyed, letting herself be rocked by her blue lover, who sang a lullaby in a language she did not understand.
The next day they would talk. They would think about the future. They would start looking for a solution, if there was one, to make things work. But not now.
They were just enjoying this peaceful moment, together, blessed by the stars.
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ichayalovesyou · 3 years
The One With The Whales (Live Reaction):
Saw parts of this one when I was super little! Oh good! This one is also directed Leonard Nimoy! He has my whole heart already so can’t wait to see this play out!!
Uh Oh. TOS crew on trial 😬😬😬 SAREK?!?! Oh shit oh shit oh shit!! Ohhhhhh man the gang is already in deep shit.
Awww looking at Spock from the distance all dramatic like huh Jim? You getting some mini therapy from yo mommmmmm 😭😭 I love Spock so so muchhhhhh. And I LOVE Amanda!!!! Oh, and the Captain of the Saratoga! She seems awesome!
Bye Saavik, you were cool and I hope we see you again someday. Awwww Bones is worried about Spock :( he and Jim both want Spock back so bad but don’t wanna push him and awwwwwwwww!! Also why does the probe sound like Jumanji drums??? Bones and Spock are actually killing me, this conversation is actually killing meeeeeee, arguing really is McCoy’s first love language! 😭
Whatever I may think of Sarek as a father, he is such a cool character and Mark Lenard really is an absolutely fantastic actor. Oh yikes, looks like the stars have aligned for Jim and the Bridge Family to save the world yet again lmao. Honestly this whole thing with the message for the whales makes me think of “So Long & Thanks For All The Fish” from Hitchiker’s Guide To The Galaxy. Also Bones being protective of Spock ☺️
I’m so glad at least Bones is acknowledging the plot of this movie is absolutely fucking insane 😂 THIS IS WHY I LOVE OLD STAR TREK! It’s not afraid to be absolutely unapologetically ridiculous! I love it!!! Thaaaaaats a weird dream right there, you good Jim?
Stupid problems require stupid solutions! LOVE the headband Spock 😂🤣 what an ENTRANCE!! Wow it sure is the 80s, WOW, the cognitive dissonance of these bozos wandering around 20th century San Fran I am LOSING MY MIND! They are just little kreatures and they have no monies 😂😂😂 NUCLEAR WESSELS!!!! Oh god stahp I can’t breathe!!!!
I BELIEVE IN THE BEASTIE BOYS MEETING SPOCK ON THIS BUS THEORY OHHHHH MY GOD!! Jim is so old lmao! And then everyone clapped! Kirk please, I’m already laughing so hard PLEASE don’t teach Spock how to swear I’m losing my mind!!!
Wow that vibe when you remember this movie actually legitimately helped save the blue whales as a species. SPOCK IS GOING SWIMMING HERE WE GOOOOOOOOO!! JIM’S FACE! Also Nimoy can get it, damn “these are not the hell your whales.” Lmaooooo
I love this marine biologist lady she’s great! Lol. “No ma’am no dipshit.” Also “Gracie is pregnant.” *HITS BREAKS* this movie is fucking amazingggggg the legendary Italian food conversation I love themmmmmm. Bones & Scotty’s improv skills are legendary “millions of- I mean thousands of miles from Edinburough” look at this insanity, I love it.
Why do I hang around with that ditzy guy who knows Gracie’s pregnant and calls you Admiral? “He’s my husband.” (Totally posting this one! XD)
UH OH PAVEL!!!! 😨 RUN PAV RUUUUUUUUUUUN!! Oh noooo. NO THE WHAAAAALES!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS BAD YALL AHG MY FEELINGS FUDGE FUDGE FUDGE AND CRAP!! This poor woman oh my god lmao, that look on her face when she saw Spock she was like “oh, he’s an alien, that makes a lot more sense.”
“Pavel... rank... Admiral!” ON BRAND LMFAO! SHE GREW A NEW KIDNEY! This movie is going to kill me in the opposite freaking way TSFS did lmao. Oh wow whale lady was just like IM COMING TO THE FUTURE FUCK YOUUUUU and honestly, mood.
Bones and Jim being so happy to see that Spock is (for the most part) back to his old self and my heart is meltingggggg
I really do not understand people who don’t like Kirk I really, really don’t. He’s wonderful and sweet and smart and brave and I love him. Nobody convince me otherwise that he is good and awesome and good.
Dude this scene is so wholesome and good and fun!!! Oh my god!! The music! SPOCK IS SMILING! This is single handedly watering my crops and clearing my skin! “I stand with my shipmates.” THEY GOT OFF BECAUSE THEY DID IT FOR LOVE AND THEN SAVED THE WHOLE ASS PLANET AFTER YASSSSSSS!!! Spock & Jim should’ve kissed right there I’m just saying. Also Jim & whale lady deserve a long lasting (if long distance) friendship.
Spock even gets to reconcile with his parents awwwww, Sarek is finally recognizing that his son can move mountains because of who he is. “Tell her (mother) I feel fine.” Okay good I’m crying again. 💚🖖🏻💚😭😭😭
ITS THE ENTERPRISE B!!!! 🤩🤩🤩 THEYRE HOMMMMME *Pterodactyl shrieking*
That was so wholesome oh my goddddd
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Maki and her protective best friend celebrate her birthday one-shot: Have Your Cake and Eat it Too
The life of an assassin was a rather lonely one, for Maki Harukawa at least. Nothing but hiding and killing people. That was it for the most part. Often times she’d think back to a certain mission that would change her life, the mission that allowed her to just be a person for a while, the assignment that took her to Hope’s Peak Academy. Initially she was just there for work, but in her time looking into her target’s schedule, she got to get to know people, talk, and laugh with others, get roped into others’ silly plans, just have fun with her class. After taking out her target she was supposed to leave, but she stayed. She kept attending as the Super High School Caregiver, for the first time she ignored an order and made a choice for herself. She stayed and made friends. It was by far the best time in her life. She found herself just wanting to be with them, and she fought for it, and it was all worth it. No matter how she longed to return to those days she could never go back though. The moment they graduated it was all over, she had to slink back into the shadows and return to her true work.
At times, she wondered if things could have turned out different though. It is said that all those who attend Hope’s Peak Academy and managed to graduate were guaranteed a great future. Perhaps there she could have made an even bigger change in her life than allowing herself agency. Perhaps she could have gone even farther, find some way to make lots of money to keep her old orphanage running without the need of assassins. Leave her old life behind and make a new one, one where she could keep better contact with her friends. One where she wouldn’t have to worry about their safety if she stayed close to them. Very few of her old friend could she keep around to some extent, but even then, she had to keep them at a great distance and disappear for years on end from them.
Maki never regretted attending Hope’s Peak and staying, never even crossed her mind to consider it. Leaving hurt, but her memories could never be taken away. She could always keep those precious moment close at hand, times she drew strength from like her time at the orphanage. No matter the amount of blood spilled, the constant moving from place to place, hiding and attacking, the paranoia, she always had those memories.
It was rarer, but at times, her missing these times became too much to bear, there was one place she could return to for a week or less to recapture the carefreeness she could never attain anywhere else. A single apartment tucked away in some city, hidden away from the world. It was the perfect place for those who preferred to hide away from one and all.
As Maki approached the apartment, she heard the distinct sound of laughter and something being knocked over. Maki leaped back, the door suddenly slamming open. “Nishishi! Ah! MAKIROLL!” The purple haired gremlin ducked behind her, clutching something. “Protect me with your scary, evil, assassin, murder, death glair!” Maki shoved Kokichi into the wall behind her, slapping a hand over his mouth. “Do you want to die?” Her grip was not tight though, knowing Kokichi was not stupid enough to so loosely say that, he would only do so now knowing no one could be listening in. Even so, her reaction to hearing that was so instinctive. Kokichi managed to slip out from under her hand. “Yeah! That look exactly! Now! I choose you, Maki! Use scary-evil-assassin-murder-death-glair on Y/N!” She looked to the open door, you out of breath, your smile beaming. “Maki!” She didn’t move accepting you tackling her into a hug. “You’re back! You’re back, you’re back, you’re back!” A bright blush instantly erupted on her cheeks as you squeezed her tightly, nuzzling into her. “Oh~ What’s this? Our stoic assassin has a weakness for hugs?” Kokichi hugged her tightly as well, only making the blush on her cheeks darken to a bright red. “D-do you want to die!?” “Maki get’s hugs.” “Maki get’s hugs!”
If Maki could only keep one person from her high school days, she was so glad it was you, her best friend… even if you usually came with Kokichi of all people.
Eagerly you took Maki’s hands, dragging her into the apartment as Kokichi did the same but instead shoving her in. “Aw, this is the best! I didn’t think we’d have you for your birthday!” “My birthday?” As you dashed away into the kitchen Kokichi hopped up, taking Maki’s coat. “Whaaaaa!? You didn’t know today was your own birthday!?” Those crocodile tears came pouring out as he wailed. “Thaaaaaat’s sooo saaaaaaad!” Those tears however abruptly stopped as Kokichi spotted you. “Oh! Cake!” “Happy birthday Maki!” You presented the white frosted cake to her, giving it a twirl before placing it on the island that separated the living room from the kitchen. Kokichi had already scampered off, gathering plates and forks.
So it was February already? Maki hadn’t even noticed. As she sat at the island, watching as you and Kokichi playfully bickered about who was going to cut the cake, you worrying about Kokichi taking a giant piece for himself or some such, Maki wondered how long it had been since she had seen the pair of you. It had been at least little more than a year, she knew that for sure.
“Ugh! Why do I even live with a brat like you anyway?” “You make almost no money and only I do.” “… Damn it!” “Y’know, the offer to join my secret evil organization is still open! Same goes for you miss, evil scary assassin! We could use someone li-” Kokichi’s offer was cutoff by you slamming a hand on the Island, before Kokichi. “Maki is not evil, nor is she scary you monster. Look at her, she’s the definition of adorable!” Maki immediately turned away, nervously playing with her hair. “Not this again.” A light blush dusted on her cheeks knowing what was happening. “Excuse me!? Yes, this again!” You leaned over the table, gently poking her cheek. “Soft squishable cheeks. Big eyes. Little ears. Pouty smile. Get’s flustered easily. Simply adorable!” It seemed every time she came to see you Kokichi would appear at some point and say something to get you to go off on how great, cute, or amazing she was. She’d almost think Kokichi was doing this on purpose specifically to get you to compliment her so much but to Maki this could not be the case. To Maki, Kokchi was a selfish creature. All he did was for his own entertainment so getting you to compliment Maki and fluster her was for Kokichi’s entertainment, not for Maki, she couldn’t understand the dictator’s behavior in any other way.
As you continued to go on how adorable she was Kokichi cut three giant slices of cake for each of you. It was red velvet. It was delicious. She never said anything about it, but… Maki liked it, knowing that at least you and maybe Kokichi were going to celebrate her birthday, even if she likely wouldn’t have been around to celebrate it too. She remembered how despite it happening every year, every time she was surprised when you and the whole class threw a birthday party for her. And yet again the exact same thing has happened, you and others, well, one other, surprising her by celebrating her birthday.
Before Maki knew it, most of the cake was gone and the three of you were making a fort in the living room. “This is stupid. Why are we even doing this?” “What!? Stupid!? Gurl, we’re making our secret base!” Kokichi skipped away to gather more blankets while you were trying to figure out where to place a chair. “Well, you seem to be enjoying yourself, so I think that’s a good enough reason!” “Maybe I am.” Maki acted as your assistant getting blankets and pillows from your room to add to the fort, all the while Kokichi mostly keeping to his room, occasionally popping out and cause chaos, knocking down a wall only for you and Maki to make the fort even bigger and more sturdy. Soon there was nothing else that could be used, and it was a mighty fort indeed.
You and Maki sat huddle inside. You held Maki’ hand, carefully brushing the first coat of nail polish on her nails while Kokichi kept being unable to decide which color Maki should wear… despite you already brushing a color on. “Say, when was the last time you got your nails painted?” “Last time I visited you.” “Three years ago!?” Ah… so that’s how long it’s been. You looked to your dear friend in disappointment. “Maki! You promised me you’d try to do more things for yourself!” “I came here, didn’t I?” “Well, yeah. But you need to take care of yourself more often, not every couple of years!” “I don’t have many chances to do this. I much rather paint my nails with you than on my own.” “…” You were silent, just thinking for a moment. “Was this really the first opportunity you had in three years?” “… No, this isn’t, but this was the only good chance. My next assignment is not too close, no one is following me, I can actually be here.” “Then what about those other times when you can’t get here. Can’t you do even a little something for yourself then?” “I have to focus on work.” “All work and nothing else… well, you’re unfortunately used to that.” “Yeah.” Kokichi groaned as he placed one of the little bottles down. “Geez Maki-dearest-” “Don’t call me that.” “Your life must suck. Why don’t you make a change! Have some fun!” “Shut up, you don’t know why I have to do this… Why I can’t do anything else.” “… Wow, so depressing. Is this why you’re always sulking?” “I don’t sulk!” “Oh, miss sad assassin, I’d almost pitty you if you weren’t heartless.” Kokichi smirked seeing you had tried to hit him with a rolled up magazine. “Maki has feelings, and she expresses them too! She’s just not as loud and obnoxious as SOME people!” “Aw, Y/N, it’s okay. We already know you’re a cry baby, you don’t have to tell us.” Kokichi immediately sprinted out of the fort, you lunging after him for a tussle. “Don’t bother, he’s just trying to get a ruse out of you.” “Yeah! That just makes beating him with a pillow more fun!” Maki couldn’t help but laugh a little seeing you were just as fiery, looking for any excuse to fight as ever. “So, how has the underground wrestling been treating you?” “I won the world championship!” Your eyes sparked with delight as you went on to explaining how it was one of your toughest matches, both you and your opponent trying your best, not holding anything back, even if it meant playing dirty and using weapons or throwing chairs.
And that was how the rest of the day went, just you and Maki happily chatting as you did whatever Maki liked and not often had the chance to do, like playing with make-up or styling her hair. Small little things that Maki so loved and appreciated that so many others got to do without a second thought. All too soon that fun had come to an end though. You had long gone to sleep and would not awaken for another few hours while Maki was up and restless.
Maki looked around the kitchen, searching through cupboard after cupboard till she found where the plastics were kept. She took out a little container and a fork, placing much more money than the cost of the things on the counter in case these were something more expensive than expected. She then cut a slice of cake, placing it in the container, along with the fork. She then stowed it away in the bag she had discarded upon arrival. Collecting that as well as the coat she had all she brought and left.
Upon exiting the building she looked up, finding the sky pitch black, pure white snow gently drifting down mixing and twirling around her frozen breaths which drifted up into the air, getting carried away by the wind, no control as to it’s destination before dissipating into nothing with the air. She pulled on the ends of her coat, hugging herself making it tighter as to be a better shield from the chilled world which surrounded her. With her every step down the sidewalk her lone footfalls echoed, a soft crunching sound of the snow being crushed under the weight of it all as she moved on. Of all seasons, winter had to be Maki’s least favorite, she couldn’t see why so many others found it to be so fun and great. It was just cold to her, nothing else. She sighed, wondering how long this awful snowfall was going to last, there seemed to be no end in sight.
There was hardly any other soul around, it was the early morning hours after all, just a little past midnight in fact. No one would want to be out in this dreadful cold. It was dark out too, making it hard to see. However that did not mean one could not notice some things like sounds that were almost silences by the snow that seemed to blanket everything, even it however could not cover up that distinctive voice. “Awww, you leaving already Maki-bear?” “Shut up. Stop giving me stupid nicknames. What do you want anyway?” That dreaded ‘Nishishi’ laughter rumbled out of him, the smile clear in it’s tone. “Why do you have to be such a meanie! I just want to say goodbye to my big sister!” “I am NOT your big sister!” A sigh escaped him at that response. “You always do this, sneak away when we’re not looking. Is it that hard for you to say goodbye? Don’t want to relive saying goodbye to everyone at our graduation ceremony?” He hummed away for a moment, then spoke, cutting off any response Maki could have made. “Say now that I think about it… You said goodbye to everyone but Y/N and I. It’s because we’re the only ones you knew you could see without putting into danger right? Because we both also specialize in illegal activities and know how to avoid people like you, right? Right!? I’m right, aren’t I! I knew it!” How his tone could so effortlessly change as if turning on and off a light with a single flip of the switch, that must have been one of the things Maki disliked most about the man, only second to how annoying and childish he relished being. His tone went from something somewhat serious to jubilation.
“You know, you can see them again. You don’t have to keep killing yourself. You can have your cake and eat it too!” “What?” Maki instinctively took a step back, hearing Kokichi was drawing nearer. This was a tone Maki had so rarely heard. It was a tone she could never quite place what it was, it was something like serious, but it was more open, light, earnest… who was she kidding, Kokichi could never be honest and open. His embrace was tight and warm. Even with the layers Maki could feel Kokichi’s heart beating next to her’s. “You know just as well as I do that crime can pay. How do you think I can afford an apartment for Y/N and other places around the world for me and my lackies? Join us. Slaving away at something you don’t even like. That’s just cruel torture. I know you can see it, a chance to break free. You can risk it all for a world where you can live a little, laugh, have fun, see everyone again. You can be family and not just on stand by waiting for SOMETHING! You can make a choice! Come with me, leave your cold dead world behind and come join me in the warmth of others. Let yourself love without any walls. Embrace others unabashedly without worry. Join me in a better life… Please. You can’t keep going like this Maki. We could have days like this every day, and we can protect whoever you want. I know you see it, you don’t need to sacrifice them or yourself anymore. No more aching, no more distance. You can let yourself be warm and close with others.”
Suddenly Kokichi pushed himself away. “But why would you believe a liar like me.” There was that childish tone Maki was all too accustomed too. “Whatever, I’m going to draw on Y/N face with marker, I’ve been getting rusty in my graffiti skills.” Then he skipped away. Maki huffed in annoyance, moving on. The hell was that brat saying. This was Maki’s life, she couldn’t move on to something else…
Sitting on the train Maki watched as she was carried away from the little town, the sun begging to rise, it’s golden glow obscured by the dark clouds. Opening her bag Maki found something unexpected. It was the rest of the cake in a container. There wasn’t much cake left anyway, but… Maki shook her head at the notion, the moment she opened the lid it likely would explode or something, Kokichi would do something like that. Maki did indulge on her slice. Even a little piece was better than nothing, leaving it all behind. It’s hard to quit something once you’ve gotten a taste of it after all.
It was a good thing maki left so soon, she was unexpectedly given new work not even an hour later. She was setting up in her new apartment. It was quiet and empty save a few basic necessities, but nothing else. Maki didn’t need anything else anyway. As she unpacked she cautiously placed the cake on some counter. As she took off her coat something fell out of one of the pockets. On one side was an address, and the other it just said ‘If you want to have your cake and eat it too’ followed by a little doodle of Kokichi’s face. This was all just some elaborate prank, it couldn’t be real in the slightest.
And so she continued to unpack though there was not much.
And she did her work.
And she waited for another assignment.
And she did her work.
And she waited for another assignment.
And she did her work.
And she waited for another assignment.
And she did her work.
And she waited for another assignment.
And she did her work.
And she waited for another assignment.
And she did her work.
And she waited for another assignment.
And she did her work.
And she waited for another assignment.
And she did her work.
And she waited for another assignment.
And she did her work.
And she waited for another assignment.
All that time though she kept the cake, untouched in its box. That was till she found everything just tasted bland. So she tried the cake. It was stale, a little hard, but… it had some taste. And it felt warm.
It couldn’t hurt to at least look into where the address lead too. Who knows, maybe there really would be cake, and it’s be fresh and truly warm.
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tomsrebeleyebrow · 4 years
Hey! So, we can all agree on Tom being loud in bed and moaning and whimpering and such, but is he also a dirty talker? Also what about Haz? I feel like he is not so vocal but he has a strong game in dirty talking 👀
Alright. My dear. My dearest.
Like you said, I can totally imagine Tom being loud af in bed because I don’t know really? I think he gives out that vibe somehow 😂
And don’t ask me why, but I imagine Haz being a damn cheeky little shit in bed... Him being a dom (duh... even if I’d love to see him as a sub— COUGH), really touchy and needy with a high level of dirty talking oof 😳 having no shame on saying out loud what he’s actually doing to you and how much you love every single thing— *cough* But let’s not forget that this boy can also be a softie so don’t forget some good vanilla sex with lots of aftercare— oof help me I need all thaaaaaat fndhfishdoagsudsjeowhya 🥵🥵🥵🥵
Cla’s 1.4k summer week party
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crossxskulled · 4 years
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☠ - “......” Oh.
Thaaaaaat. That was a hell of a lot of people. Somehow the winds of change managed to also extend it’s invisible hand for words to fly through a town like wildifre. He swears that over 1000s of non-pleased faces were busy gathering around his adobe, as if finally cornering a grand criminal who aimed to shake this land’s entire infrastructure. What baffled him further was how all of this hailed under one solitary name. While he wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box, it’d take another level of dense to not see the sheer hand of her influence.
Many of these people were here to simp out of their ever loving minds. Being met against such a build of rallied hearts alongside with Vision donning warriors to the ol’ classical brand of fire and pitchforks, somehow, what escapes his lips out due to impulse alone would be one impressed whistle. ‘These people ain’t effin’ kiddin’. Is getting along with her on the same damn scale of being upon breaking some national treasury!?’ Then again the title of Deaconess was also a newly learned concept for him, reflected importance being shown in the way she could send morale from under the sea to crashing towards Mondstadt’s whimsical skies in a heartbeat. All of these hearts were burning with a desire of somehow wiping him out of the picture as a bag of skin and broken bones. And since would a Phantom Thief of all people come to decline such a humble challenge?
Welp. Looks like there really was no getting out of this one. People who carried love for Barbara on a level like this were going to chase him to the ends of the Earth...
Was this Earth? That happens to be the least of his worries right now!
Instead he begins his answer by hopping forward, balancing himself upon the stone support of the window sill, giving him an ample few to who may as well be his opponents en masse. If it hadn’t been for this case being overwhelming adversity (something he’s happily bred to handle), he’s sure that bashfulness of being before such a large crowd would’ve taken hold. “Looks like you guys are set to pull out all the stops here.” And at that Ryuji here was grinning with a twinge of satisfaction. “No more sneaky snares? None of those death thread letters? Trying to throw rocks into my shoes? I’m almost proud of you bastards for wanting to gang up on me!”
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”I ain’t the type to roll out with the tail between the legs just cause you pups found a way to bark a lil louder. So how about we get a new holiday to celebrate for us to celebrate out here? ME VS EFFIN’ Y’ALL!” With that familiar strength kicked back underneath his sails on top of that?
It might be time to make a lil history.
No damn wonder this was called the City of Freedom!
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Chapter 3: A Class Act
So let me get this straight; we moved in during the most intensive, town wide, elementary school LARP session the world has ever known, you’re all fighting over a goddamn TREE BRANCH, and all of you seem to think that me and my sister are the same person. Oh, and also boys, point for mom and dad, I guess. Have I covered all of the craziness happening here or am I missing something?
Lynnea knew she wasn’t going to get an answer -- Kyle seemed like a nice enough kid, besides the whole ‘quasi-abducting her under false assumptions’ thing, but Alyssa was the only person who she could really ever communicate with. Came with the twin territory, she supposed. Or just being raised in the same weird way.
“So? Will you join us?”
Part of Lynn wanted to say no, wanted to just go home and finish unpacking and not get involved in this mess… but Kyle sounded so damn hopeful and…
...when was the last time she ever got to have fun like this? As her, not her-pretending-to-be-Lyssie-pretending-to-be-the-same-person. And... well, dad DID tell them to make friends…
Fuck it. For once in their lives, she was doing something she wanted to do.
Lynnea nodded.
Kyle grinned, “Awesome! Okay, so first things first, you can choose from a few classes,” Kyle told her, leading her over to the well labeled shop, “You can be a ranger like Stan, a warrior, a mage, a healer… you can’t be a Bard unless you know how to play an instrument, that’s why Jimmy’s the only one.”
Well, that’s right out then unless being able to play a really shitty recorder counts. Go back to that healer class, can I heal AND hit things or is it just one or the other? She picked up the healer headband and the sword, holding them both out toward Kyle quisitively.
“Dude, that’s not the warrior armor,” Stan says. Lynn gave him a flat look, gesturing again to both, and hoping this wasn’t about to turn into a frustratingly stupid game of charades --
Kyle tilted his head, eyes going from the headband to the sword before something seemed to click, “Oh! You want to heal and hit shit?”
Ding ding, we have a winner!
Kyle looked contemplative, “We don’t really have a class for that, but… hm,” he tapped his fingers against his opposite arm, “I think we can manage that. Cartman’s got Butters as a Paladin, but he made that class human only, so we’d need to think up a different name for it. What do you call a healer who hits things?”
“A really bad healer?” Stan offers up.
“Ha ha, very funny.”
Lynn tapped him on the shoulder, helpfully showing him her phone screen with the wikipedia page for Cleric opened up on it, I think THIS is what you’re looking for.
Kyle read it, then nodded after a minute, “Yeah, we can totally swing that. It’s… ugh, it’s essentially the...” he mumbled something under his breath, “Class.”
Lynn blinked, then tilted her head, putting a hand up to cup behind her ear, Wanna run that one by me again, I think I just SERIOUSLY misheard you.
“Ugghhhh, Cartman called it the Jew class, alright?” Kyle said, with an exasperated roll of his eyes, “Cleric’s a way better name, though, so that’s what we’re going with.”
Wow. Ooookay then.
“Yeah,” Kyle sighed, clearly seeing the shock on her face, “Right, let’s get you geared up.”
It was a little surprising to see just how MUCH stuff the shop had accumulated, and how creative the boys had gotten with their homemade weapons. Well, if a zombie apocalypse ever hits, these guys are set. It was a little annoying to have to spend her allowance for her ‘staff,’ though. At least Kyle gave her the armor set for free, mostly because they had to pick and choose pieces from their already established classes, and helped her get the fake pointed ears on.
“Just don’t futz with ‘em too much, we tried gluing them on but well -- a couple peoples’ moms got mad,” he shrugs. Lynn dropped her hand from where she was playing with her hair, trying to get it to settle around the pointy appendages, “Okay, so, we’ve got your class, your equipment… oh, right, add me on facebook so you can stay in contact,” Kyle said, “It’s how I usually give orders, Cartman keeps trying to assassinate me every time I leave my yard,” he rolls his eyes.
Oh. Thaaaaaat was going to be a problem…
Kyle raised an eyebrow at Lynn as she fidgeted awkwardly, “Dude, what? I know you’ve got a phone, what’s the issue?” Well yeah, her parents learned that lesson that their while daughters would concede to share many things - a room, clothes, an identity - a phone would not be one of them. It had only taken a few fights for them to cave and get a second phone. But only one of them had the Facebook app downloaded, and that phone? Was in Alyssa’s possession at the moment.
Sighing, Lynn pulled her phone out of her pocket and handed it over to Kyle, who looked confused as he flipped through the screens, “...you don’t have Facebook?” He finally asked when he put two and two together.
Technically, no. But it’s not like I can explain that me and my twin sister have to share a facebook page that’s heavily monitored by our parents, sooo… Lynn took the phone back, opening up her contacts, and tapping the screen next to her parents’ cell numbers, “Ohhh. Overprotective parents?” Stan guessed.
Close enough, she nodded.
“W-well, we won’t t-t-tell if yyyyyou d-don’t,” Jimmy grinned. She gave him a flat look, and the grin dropped slightly, “S-ssorry. Sore sp-pot?” She shrugged, willing to let it slide. At least he apologized.
Then her phone wasn’t in her hands as Stan took it out of her grip, “Here. I’ll make you a Facebook page, that way your parents can’t get mad at you for doing it, right?”
I am pretty sure that is NOT how that works, Stan. But she didn’t try to grab it back, letting Stan fiddle with it.
“Dude, what do I put in for your name?” Stan asked, looking up at her, and Lynnea’s brain froze up. She couldn’t tell them her real name -- for a number of reasons, the current top of the list being they thought she was a guy.
“Well not his real name, obviously, if we don’t want his parents finding the page,” Kyle saves the day, “We do need to call you something, though. Unless you want to keep going by ‘New Kid’.”
Preferably not, but I can always change it later, right? She shrugged, motioning for the phone back. She’d send all the relevant people a friend request in a minute if they didn’t beat her to it, But first, let me take a selfie, she thought with an inward giggle as she held the camera up and snapped a picture. At least she didn’t feel too out of place as the friend requests flooded in -- it looked like all of the boys had their costumes on in their profile pics, at least for the moment.
It struck her, about then that, for the first time in possibly her whole life… she had friends. Friends that were hers, not hers and Lyssie’s. Lynn blinked rapidly -- she didn’t know MUCH about these guys, but crying in front of a bunch of boys probably wasn’t going to win her points. She shoved her phone in the pocket of her new robe, looking up at them.
So… now what?
‘Now what’ was apparently teaching her the rules of the game, and how to fight -- that one, at least, she already knew. She’d gotten into enough scuffles with Lyssie over their lives to know how to defend herself, at least. And that was without the solid, somewhat sharp metal rod she now had to hit people with. She also got the privilege of holding onto a slew of health and power ‘potions’ -- snacks. At least Kyle lent her a backpack for those.
“Now that you’re fully initiated into my army, I have your first task for you,” Kyle said, hopping back up into his throne once he felt she wouldn’t make a fucking fool out of herself, “The humans will stop at nothing to retrieve the stick, so we need to take it somewhere they won’t look. Stan, I want you and the New Kid to escort the Bard back to the Inn of the Giggling Donkey. Jimmy, I’m putting you in charge of guarding the stick. We’ll get our men set up inside to keep you safe.”
“Yes, Your Majesty!” Jimmy and Stan said.
Kyle grabbed the stick off the arm of his throne, handing it over to Stan, who took it with a firm nod, “Guard it with your lives. The Grand Fatass canNOT get his hands on it again,” Kyle said, “Now, go! Before they have time to regroup.”
“C’mon, New Kid, we’ll show you around town while we head to Jimmy’s -- er, the Inn,” Stan said, tucking the stick in his belt and heading toward the back door. Jimmy followed after him, pausing to shake mud and grass off the ends of his crutches before going inside. Lynn practically bounced along behind them.
Maybe this move wasn’t going to be so shitty after all.
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smolgreenboi · 5 years
Out of curiosity: After the incident of 'the beast within', do you think that Beast Boy has better control of the Beast in him (if it exists) and under what circumstances and to what extend does it resurface/influence him, if at all? Also, do you see it as a separate entity trying to fight for control (and maybe occasionally even talking to him in his mind) or more like a manifestation of his subconscious (another part of himself)?
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ehhhh, i’ve personally never subscribed to the idea of gar’s animal forms having “minds of their own” since his powers come from his ability to fully control his own DNA while still maintaining his human consciousness. so unless he purposely ‘activates’ 100% of an animal’s instincts, it’s unlikely that he would behave differently than he usually would. and i doubt he would ever willingly do this because it could potentially risk LOSING said human consciousness, and thaaaaaat’s dangerous.
my interpretation of the werebeast is that it’s more a subconscious thing. not necessarily a “part” of himself, but more a manifestation of some inner pain, compartmentalized anger and frustration, and an overall conflict within himself and the varying degrees of social pressure he might feel around him. the chemicals de-stabilized his genetics for a bit and, in my opinion, it did something that fucked around with the sakutia virus which lead to it wigging out which lead to his brain kinda being like “hey you’re pissed and you should do something about it” and then hulk smash. 
his hesitation to use its form again might be more of a shame factor than a “letting it take control” sort of thing. he doesn’t LIKE that it represents emotions that he hides and he doesn’t LIKE that it might remind his friends of a time he was a total jackass toward them. 
especially considering that my take on gar includes him discovering his ability to turn into anything he damn wants to, after he turns into that alien creature on tamaran in “betrothed”? 
werebeast is just another example of a fantastical/mythical/unearthly creature that he can turn into. the tip of the iceberg, essentially. there are FAR more powerful and terrifying forms he could potentially take on, from the dragons of myth, to the rocs from DnD, to a friggen thresher maw from mass effect like???? i don’t. think you guys. understand. what. this smol. sunny. boy. could really do. if he fucking wanted to. he just has to be able to function biologically and NOT accidentally kill himself by messing up a piece of his genetic make up and, boom, good luck everybody else.
ANYWAY, tl;dr: it’s less controlling the WEREBEAST (as it is not its own entity) and more about controlling himself and his powers. the werebeast doesn’t fight for control and the only reason “it did” was because the chemicals most likely screwed around with the sakutia already existing in his system, which peeled away mental defenses, effected his attitude, and ultimately caused the sakutia to sort of ‘act on its own’ and change his form to reflect what was going on emotionally. the werebeast is less a “part” of him and more a “representation” of what’s going on behind closed doors.
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jade-curtiss · 4 years
Me whenever someone tries to get close to me: cool gotta start on working on a stupid project then.
Them: k that's so cool. Can't wait for this.
Me now: k cool so now here's my model, she has like 22k followers, the video is really shot like shit but it's intended. Slap a bad bootleg you can rip of it, I don't have anything readily accessible.
Person: ok fuck how long do I have?
Me: 15 minutes and render gotta be below 25mb, it's really like this.
Person: *send me an over 300mb video*
Me: I don't have mobile data so I'll footage my own content so they understand the purpose and do all that crap for me because damn bad rendering isn't thaaaaaat haaaaaaaaard
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