#like I went on ff.net as well and tried to see if any were there but no??? there’s none?? I’m baffled.
collectiveclams · 6 months
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Trying my best to figure out what these guys look like in my head before I go look at the fandom’s generalized designs for the characters.
A friend of my twin got us into the show and a week later we’re at season 8!
I definitely need to tweak Cole’s design a lot- I want him to have a more strongman build & revamp his entire face design. But at the very least I’m happy with getting his hair the way I want!
Kinda hard to see, but Zane’s got little screws for earrings! I honestly didn’t account for how much older the faceplate would make him look, I intended him to look way more boyish.
Rambling about my current HCs of the Ninja’s appearances below:
I’ve been having a bit of an trouble deciding what various flavor of Chinese & Japanese these dudes should be based on. Considering the show is based on a 2010s vague idea of “Asia” and carries traits of both Japanese & Chinese influence, I’m just going to use both. I don’t know what sorta general consensus the fandom has of their appearances bc I have barely interacted with the fandom, so if this violently contrasts with that then yippee I have original thoughts, I guess.
-Kai is Japanese. Kai, being vain and caring more about training than Jay for example, has a more aesthetic build that’s definitely form more than function. Like a natty powerlifter who’s not competing. I’m not sure what height he should be, but if he’s taller his muscle definition would appear smaller so I’ll have to keep that in mind.
- Nya has initially a more functional build- far less muscle definition than her brother. Not outwardly buff and doesn’t have pronounced muscles, but can fairly easily haul a 100lb hunk of metal from a scrap pile to her workbench. But after becoming the water ninja, her new training gives her more pronounced muscle definition. Initially shorter than Kai but grows taller as the show goes on.
- Cole is southern Chinese. He’s got a strongman heavy set build. I envision him as fairly short so his muscles can be a little more pronounced. If you stripped his muscle definition from his ninja training away, I still want him to look like one of assholes who haven’t worked out a day in their lives but still somehow looks jacked.
- Zane is what pops up when you look up “Chinese teen male stock photo” because he needs to look like The Most Generic person ever. No muscle definition at all on this dude. He’s a nindroid & so there’s no need to include muscle decision to show that he’s strong. He’s either average height or slightly on the shorter side bc gravity is a bitch and the taller make a humanoid robot, the more balance becomes a bitch to deal with. So average height or short Zane it is.
- Jay is Uyghur so I can get this dude his reddish-brown hair. Minor muscle definition. His isn’t for aesthetics like Kai, he’d rather do ninja training than do the types of sets & pushing to failure needed to achieve more pronounced muscle definition for aesthetic lifting. Jay needs to be shorter than Nya. He’s definitely taller than Cole but I need him to be just an inch shorter than Nya because that’s funny to me personally.
- Lloyd is Japanese. Solely because Oni come from Japan & I got spoilered that Gargamon is an Oni later. Lloyd is a stringy ass kid at first & has no muscle definition at all. During his Green Ninja training before the Travelers Tea, he’d be trained for efficiency & not for aesthetics with the deadline of him fighting his father possibly being around any corner. After Travelers Tea he likely kept his training to function over aesthetics and would share similar muscular definition to Jay & Nya. And he’s tall. His dad is tall as shit with 4 arms. I want this kid to go through the Worst gangly teen era anyones ever seen and only barely fit his form once he finishes growing.
Additional thoughts:
And as a big comic nerd who owns around 800+ comics (might be more around 1000 now?), hoo boy I have so many thoughts on Lloyd and Jay liking Starfarer. I cannot wait to make a fic that’s just Lloyd and Jay ganging up against Kai over some incredibly wrong take of the comic he absentmindedly said and trapping him in a 3 hour long conversation about frequent mischaracterization and mishandling of the characters in Starfarer & how what Kai said was wrong. I just need a fic of Jay and Lloyd talking to each other about their favorite runs of Starfarer and complaining about a tie-in/crossover comic that’s written particularly bad, or complaining how an author completely misunderstood Fitz Donnegan or complaining over an author change & etc. I just need to make a fic of these boys talking about average comic book fan things.
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minniethemoocherda · 2 months
Iridescent: Chapter 22
A/N: Holy shit!! Cannot believe that it has been over a year now since I started this fic! Thank you so much to everyone who has stuck around for this long!! Xxxxxxx
It was early the next day and Prowl was trying to catch up on paperwork after the fire had completely knocked him off schedule. Which was not an excuse to not go to see Bluestreak in the temporary med-bay.
Prowl hadn't even opened his first file when his office door was hacked open.
At this point, Prowl had come to expect Jazz's unscheduled break ins, so he when the door opened, he was surprised to see the twins instead. Not least for the fact that the pair were supposed to he unconsciousness in the temporary med-bay.
Sideswipe's optic was still cracked and without any replacement lenses they were just going to have to wait for the self pair nanites to do their work and whilst Sunstreaker's arm was hidden behind his back, Prowl knew that it was currently wrapped in a cast.
An unusually serious expression was work by both their faces. It was never a good sign when the twins were serious.
Before Prowl could ask what they thought they were doing here, Sideswipe as usual opened his big mouth.
"So you know how we were banned from the med-bay right?" Sideswiped started.
"I am aware." Prowl replied curtly.
"Yeah well we were trying to sneak in to see Bumblebee so we borrowed a trick out of his book and went through the vents but Sunny's fat aft got stuck.-"
Sunstreaker punched his brother in the arm but Sideswipe continued unbothered.
"-so whilst I was trying to push Sunny along the vent for no particular reason whatsoever, through the grill we saw Silverstreak running out of the med-bay. Which is odd because usually you only people running towards the med-bay like when they're dying or rushing to see their conjunx who's been injured after a big battle. But Silverstreak was totally fine after her last mission and according to the base gossip she isn't dating anyone. So we thought that she had to be running away from a wrench wielding Ratchet. So obviously we hung around to watch because that's always fun to see when its not us and-"
"-And then the med-bay exploded." Sunstreaker interrupted cutting straight to the point.
"Yeah exactly and then- err hey Prowl? You doing okay dude?" Sideswipe asked. Sunstreaker barely managed to drag his brother out of the way as Prowl marched out of his office.
Prowl couldn't speak. They couldn't even think. All he felt was white hot rage. All of his tactical net was now focused on one mission. To kill Silverstreak.
For once luck was on Prowl's side as he spotted Silverstreak at the end of the command corridor.
Silverstreak took one quick look at him and she must have seen the bloodlust in his eyes because in the next second she bolted.
Prowl transformed, sirens blaring as he raced after her.
However his luck was short-lived as he hadn't even made it to the end of the command corridor when someone walked out of a nearby door opened and Prowl immediate switched all his focus into breaking on time to not run them over.
"Do you want to tell me why you're trying to kill one of my agents?" Jazz asked, appearing unbothered by the fact that he had almost been flattened.
"Because she tried to kill Bluestreak!" Prowl yelled, trying to drive around him, but Jazz just stepped in front of him again.
"And you think this because?"
"The twins told me!" Prowl yelled, aiming a punch mid-transformation at the spy's face.
Jazz caught his hand with a raised optic ridge.
"I know the twins," Prowl argued, trying to yank his hand free of the spy's grip. "And we both know that they wouldn't joke about that."
"Well that would explain why I've currently got Sideswipe shouting down my comm that you're going to kill somebody." Jazz replied, keeping a tight hold on Prowl's wrist. "But we can't kill Silverstreak yet. We need her alive for questioning first."
Reluctantly Prowl had to concede that Jazz did have a point. Not that he was going to tell him that. Prowl managed a sharp nod, finally pulling his hand free as Jazz loosened his grip.
Prowl didn't wait for Jazz as he returned to vehicle mode, catching a glimpse of Silverstreak before she turned a corner.
It was late so the corridors were relatively empty. The few bots they did come across were to quick to get out of the way.
Prowl took a few shots at the traitor but despite their shared Praxian forms, Silverstreak was faster, her sleeker form allowing her to dodge his lasers. Jazz wasn't having much luck either, the other spy already knowing most of his tricks before he even got a chance to try them.
Suddenly Silverstreak transformed. In the air, during her transformation, she used her new legs to leap off the wall, down the sharp turn of a slim maintenance hatch.
Prowl sped past before his optics even had time to process what had just happened. He skidded to a stop, scrapping his sides on the walls as he forced his body to turn around. Jazz had to jump over him to stop themselves from crashing.
Now in robot mode, Prowl squeezed himself down the maintenance tunnel trying to shove himself down it as fast as he could despite the fact that he had to run sideways down the narrow passage. The hot rusted cogs of gears and bolts stabbed into his paint. However, Prowl paid no notice to the warning of surface level damage to his body, his mind focused entirely on one purpose.
Prowl saw a flash of light up ahead as Silverstreak must have opened and closed the hatch at the other end. Barely a minute later, Prowl reached the same hatch. He charged through it, a set of hinges clattered to the floor as it snapped.
On the other side was a seemingly ordinary corridor. Prowl glanced left then right but he could not see Silverstreak. He did however spot Inferno.
The fire truck who had been driving along the metal floor, jumped the sight of the Second in Command running towards him.
"Woah where's the fire-"
"Did you Silverstreak?" Prowl demanded, his voice barely more than a growl.
"Err no, not since we came back from Tyger Pax." Inferno replied, turning into robot mode so that he could hold up his hands as took a step away from the usually stoic commander.
"Then where is she!"
Prowl scanned the corridor back and forth and back and forth. Logic dictated that Silverstreak should still be within his lone of sight but no matter how many times he turned his head he could not see her anywhere.
Eventually Prowl's sight latched back onto Inferno, the only other bot there.
"And why aren't you at your post!" Prowl screamed.
Inferno apparently decided to interpret that as a rhetorical question and sped towards the temporary med-bay before they could give him an answer.
Prowl was about to storm after them when he felt someone grab him by the shoulder.
Prowl spun around, hoping to find Silverstreak but instead it was Jazz climbing out of the hatch.
The spy was apparently unfazed by his anger, simply pointing to the ceiling. Prowl looked up to see a vent with the grate now hanging by its hinges.
Prowl shoved Jazz off him. He climbed up the grate. His wings screeched against the metal as he tried to push himself inside the enclosed vent. But the facts of reality was that he was too large to fit inside.
"I commed Red Alert," Jazz called up to him, evidently deciding that trying to stop him would be a pointless battle, "I told them to seal off all exists, including the vents."
Prowl couldn't even bring himself to nod. He was too angry at himself for being too much of a slave to his emotions to think to call Red Alert before. If he had, the chances that they would have caught Silverstreak increased astronomically.
The suddenly influx of calculations and missed possibilities crashed onto his head like a freight train. He stumbled as he dropped from the grate.
Jazz caught him before he could trip over his own exhaustion.
"It's okay." Jazz tried to reassure him, stroking a hand down his arm, but Prowl just shook his head.
"No. It is not. Not until Silverstreak is dead."
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longing-for-rain · 20 days
I was reading one of your fanfiction and you’ve written in disgusting detail about zuko getting r@ped, why?
Interesting question. I wonder about it myself sometimes.
But what the hell, let me psychoanalyze myself tonight because it’s been a really bad time lately and it’s Friday night so you know what that means 🥴🥃
Weirdly enough I’ve been drawn to that kind of content from a young age, like age 12 young, pretty much right after I’d gone on the internet and been exposed to shit. It was always confusing for me. I always had this weird compulsion to watch certain male characters get hurt very badly in ways women typically get hurt. I’m not just talking about rape either; that’s probably the most extreme part of it, but it was also things like “damsel in distress” situations, eating disorders, body image issues, etc. I’m not saying men never experience these things, just that especially in media, they’re almost always associated with women.
I felt really weird for it because let’s be honest it is pretty fucked up. How did I get like this? It’s not even like I found it hot or anything—I’m a lesbian, I don’t feel attraction towards men at all. Besides, it was only violence I was drawn to. The minute a story started getting to some kind of Stockholm Syndrome situation where the victim starting falling in love with his abuser, it became a squick and I had to run away. It also couldn’t be just any male character. It had to be one I really liked. There have been others but you’re right, it started with Zuko and over the years it’s mostly Zuko. And yeah, that’s why I ended up writing content like that myself, because it was on my mind and I use writing to vent. But why? What was I subconsciously trying to vent about in that specific case?
Lately though I think I figured it out. The best way I can think of to describe it is a revenge fantasy. Which I know is deeply fucked up but hear me out.
So I get on the internet at age 12, right? At the time, my favorite shows were ATLA and HTTYD. So as one does, I start looking for things about my shows and come across art of the blorbos and naturally discover the world of fanfiction. And how wonderful for 12 year old me! I latched onto Zutara almost instantly because even as a kid my favorite scene in the show was the Final Agni Kai and I really wanted to see them get together. Now I find out there is a whole world of stories I can read online about that exact thing happening in so many different ways? It was beautiful.
But as you know if you know anything about fanfic sites (which I assume you do because you found my fucked up stories lol) I found some unpleasant things. Keep in mind this was around 2012 and I was browsing ff.net which had nowhere near the tagging/warning system that AO3 does. And even if it did it probably wouldn’t have mattered because I was 12 years old with a dangerous combination of naïveté and curiosity.
So anyway! What do I find on ff.net when I went scrolling for my lovely Zutara fics? Well, I did find some really cute ones. There are some I still think about but can’t find for the life of me because they’re either deleted or buried in the depths of ff.net. That was all good. You know what wasn’t good? The…other things. And oh boy. The people complaining about how Zutara is some kind of colonizer abuse fantasy wouldn’t have lasted 10 seconds back then. I remember reading a fic where Zuko raped Katara while she was tied to a tree. No warnings, and in the end note the author said it wasn’t rape because she ended up liking it. Many, many fics revolving around the idea of Zuko kidnapping Katara and making her into some kind of sex slave but it’s okay! She likes it and he turns good on the end for her so it’s true love! I also vividly remember a Blue Spirit x Katara fic where they were fucking, he took off the mask revealing himself as Zuko, Katara got scared and tried to push him off, Zuko just held her down and kept going. Not called rape. No warnings. Comments full of people talking about how “hot” it was.
Get the picture? It was horrifying. Keep in mind I was 12. It made me deeply angry, not just because of the misogyny and glorification of sexual violence, but also because it was Zuko doing it. I loved this character. I loved him because his story was so compelling, he was good and kind, he seemed safe to me. And reading about him violently abuse and rape the person he was supposed to love most was horrifying. It felt like some kind of betrayal. It made me hate him.
Middle school era me stopped reading Zutara fic as a result. I kept getting burned by it, and felt drawn towards that kind of Zuko rapefic instead. An old Zhaoko fic still sticks out in my mind. It was a pretty simple plot where Zhao kidnapped Zuko, whipped him and raped him, then at the end Katara rescued and healed him. It was oddly cathartic for me. Because it a) satisfied my revenge itch to see Zuko hurt in the same way I read about him hurting Katara in those other fics and b) put Zuko in a vulnerable position that would render him incapable of being a perpetrator in that universe (I know that’s not how it works in reality but that’s just my gut reaction there idk). Also read tons of fucked up Boiling Rock fics because it’s kind of a no brainer in the Zuko rapefic genre.
I don’t remember exactly why, but in the mid 2010s I didn’t really read much fic at all and my interest sort of fizzled out. I was mostly into HTTYD at that point and had a brief fling with Voltron before the fandom went to shit (which didn’t take long). So I guess that dark side of mine went dormant for a while and I didn’t think about it a lot.
Then oh boy…COVID hit. I was 19 when it started and found myself drawn into unhealthy levels of internet usage like most people during that time because what else were we supposed to do for fun. I was also going through some really fucked up heavy personal shit which led me to turning back to my old comfort ship…Zutara. Found my way onto tumblr, then to the fanfic sites. AO3 was a welcome surprise after being used to ff.net. Also for the first time I discovered the “community” aspect of fandom which I really enjoyed and helped me fight some of that COVID-induced isolation. It was really nice at first. I even began writing my own fics for the first time. And as you can see from my AO3 profile, they were very simple and cutesy in the beginning. Back before I went insane lmao.
But that happiness was short lived, because I kind of had a repeat of what happened when I was 12, only worse. Same pattern of reading some really good Zutara fics and some really bad ones. Zuko is sexually violent towards Katara. Zuko kidnaps Katara. Zuko rapes Katara. The author has some kind of technicality that makes it “not really rape/abuse” when that was clearly the intention. But this time, I was in a “community” with “friends” who promised me I mattered to them and that they cared about me. So I mentioned something about how disturbed I was to see things like this, naïvely thinking they’d understand where I was coming from.
And they…told me I was a bigot.
Yeah so. This was after I’d been sexually assaulted the first time. I also had this older creepy beta reader who I later realized had been sexually grooming me but that’s another story. Anyways! Point is I was in a bad state of mind, especially surrounding the topic of sexual violence, so it really hit me hard to have it used against me like that, made to feel crazy for having a problem with it, and dogpiled on for trying to explain myself and speak out.
Needless to say, I ended up feeling isolated, hurt, and confused by this. Much like I was back at age 12, so I relapsed into bad habits.
Honestly I’d been doing it before the breaking point, just more subtly. If you’ve creeped my AO3, you’ll see various flavors of “femdom” shit there. I like to call that my “I was being groomed lol” era. I had someone basically trying to convince me that male domination was “empowering” and that it was a sign of “maturity” for me to embrace it. Basically trying to convince me most/all women secretly desired it, resisting was a sign she wanted it deep down, I’d come around eventually, etc. Honestly I think this person just liked my writing and wanted me to pump out free fetish content for her, but it kind of backfired since it made me uncomfortable and I ended up just wanting to write femdom and Zuko rapefics because in that situation, it was the only outlet I had to express my hurt and discomfort at being bombarded with that disturbing kind of fic where Zuko is a rapist. I was subconsciously trying to reverse the narrative to escape the misogyny and the trauma I was suffering as a result.
Then after I got out of the grooming situation it just went off the rails from there. Stuff in my personal life was also getting worse so I just had this mass of stress and anger constantly running through my mind. It also really fucked with my sense of identity since the groomer/community I was in sort of left me with the impression that a woman’s role in society is to be objectified and abused and humiliated, and that she’s supposed to embrace it. I don’t think they necessarily intended it that way, but it left me with that impression because I saw so much content like that and barely anything representing women the way I wished to be perceived as a woman. It even made me feel alienated from other woman to the point I didn’t want to be a woman anymore (which is a feeling I’ve grappled with since puberty basically but that’s another story).
I don’t know which fic of mine you’re specifically referring to in which Zuko is raped in graphic detail, but I’m assuming it’s Dark Reflections because that’s probably the most graphic thing I’ve written. That’s the fic I started writing in the middle of that whole mess. It was very cathartic. I went with a female perpetrator against Zuko because it allowed me to fuck with the gender dynamics. A key plot point in that fic is also that Jun’s motivation partly stems from the fact that she mistakenly believes Zuko raped Katara so the idea of taking revenge against Zuko for being a rapist felt more direct. And of course, the reason why it’s so detailed and graphic and contains a lot of typical violent kink shit is because that was all the same shit I’d had thrown at me in the context of Zuko abusing Katara, so I just wanted to give it back to him if that makes sense. It brought me a morbid sense of comfort to see him be abused in the same way. I just have a catharsis generally about men suffering what they make women suffer. I know it’s fucked up, but it was a fucked up part of my life. And for the record I’m not trying to justify it or say it’s okay, I’m kinda of neutral on that tbh. Just acknowledging where my mind was and the fact that it’s a thing that I did.
For what it’s worth now, as I took the time to focus more on healing, I’ve felt less drawn to pure violence. I find myself wanting to write more about the thematic aspects of it and explore it that way. Even with Dark Reflections itself, the fic is incomplete and much longer than I originally intended it to be because I actually do want to go back and work through those themes and unpack what they mean for both the characters and the society they exist in. The more recent things I’ve written have been more along those lines too. Less graphic shocking violence, more philosophical as I pick my own brain and try to make sense of things.
Honestly writing this out helped me organize my brain a lot so idk hopefully it answered your question too.
And yes I know I’m sounding absolutely batshit but this is like my brain’s toxic sewer outlet valve. Believe it or not I am surprisingly normal in real life. I have a dog and big biceps and a cool rock collection and an office job with a nice view and everything. Anyways I’m passing out now. Night.
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p-artsypants · 8 months
Paint it Black (14) Investigating
Ao3 | FF.net
“Chief Anderson Duffy speaking,” said the voice through the Batmobile’s intercom. 
“This is Batman. I’m calling regarding the investigation you conducted with the missing boys.” 
“Oh! Batman! Right, well, just as you requested, we removed the remains and returned them to those who had families. The rest were cremated. If this is truly the work of Joker and Two-Face as you suspect, we will ultimately leave their capture up to you. I have assigned a team to look into their locations. With a month headstart, I can’t guarantee we’ll find them. They may even be back in Gotham.” 
“They aren’t,” he said definitively. “I have my sources. They haven’t been seen in Gotham in months. I highly suspect they’re still in Jump, laying low and trying to think of a new plan.” 
“Well, we’ll let you know if we find anything, but they did a good job of clearing their tracks.”
“Did you leave everything else where it was?”
“Just like you requested.” 
“Good. I’ll let you know if I learn anything new.” 
“Good luck, Batman.” 
He ended the call, heaving a sigh of relief. Working with the Gotham PD was always a pain, and if Gordan wasn’t on duty, it was damn near impossible. So when Jump PD was so cooperative, it was like a breath of fresh air. 
He assumed their disposition was thanks to Robin. 
The Batmobile pulled up to the building, the address that Cyborg had provided him with. Two dudes were having a smoke on the opposite street. 
“Hey, you Batman?” One guy called. 
Batman just looked at him as he closed his door. 
“Like the real one?” 
“Who wants to know?”
“You the one that’s been catching the petty crooks and leaving love notes?”
“No. Just got into town.”
The guy nudged his buddy. “See, told you it wasn’t Batman.” 
“You guys smoke here often?” Batman asked. 
“Fairly. Live upstairs.” He threw his thumb at the building they were leaning against. “Why?”
“Ever see any freaks come out of this building?” 
One guy, the larger of the two, dropped his cig and stomped it out, and then came closer to Batman so he could talk in a softer voice. “I mean no disrespect Batman, but everyone in this neighborhood makes it a point to mind their own business. It’s not safe to witness anybody coming in or out of any place.” 
Batman grabbed him by the collar and lifted him off the ground. “I’m not asking about other people coming and going. I’m asking about a clown or a man with half his face burnt to a crisp. I don’t give two shits about anything else.” 
“G-got it. Yeah, uh…I definitely saw those guys.” 
Batman set him down. 
“It was a while back. Probably a month was the last time. They were noisy as hell. Always laughing. I heard gunshots a few times.” 
“Do you know where they went?” 
“Sorry, I don’t. But I always knew they were in when I saw a white utility van parked where you are now. Some electric company logo on the side that I can’t remember. Oh, and the license plate started with ‘A’, if I remember that right.” 
Batman gave him a clap on the shoulder. “You’ve been very helpful.”
“Don’t mention it.” He started walking back to his friend. “Seriously. Don’t.” 
Batman went back to the parking space, scanning the ground for tire marks. Several prints came back, so he abandoned that idea. 
Then he went to the backdoor that Cyborg had detailed in his report. It was unlocked, but he had a feeling anyone that tried to loot the building would quickly change their mind. 
The torture room was worse in person. Blood everywhere. Horrible devices spread across tables and hanging on the wall. But no empty syringes, no notes, no journals. Nothing of use. Just enough information to paint a very ugly narrative of nineteen young men finding their doom, and one entering a torturous existence. 
But perhaps the information he was looking for was never in this room to begin with. He scoured the building. Checking every room he passed. 
He did find an office. There wasn’t much that would allow him forward, but there were some documents left behind that would shed a little more light on the experiment. 
Three piles of applications. 
14 labeled as ‘fodder’. This pile consisted of deeply disturbed and highly medicated individuals with conditions such as schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders. 
Another pile of 5 were labeled ‘true candidates’. This group had been hospitalized for violent episodes towards other minors or foster families. They all were diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder or Bipolar. 
Then, there was one application in between the two piles labeled ‘Control’. It was Robin’s.
‘This one has a strong moral code, despite his level of depression. He may help or hinder the experiment, but is not expected to last long.’
Batman couldn’t help but snort. Neither Joker or Dent were scientists, and had no idea what they had gotten into. 
It looked like these applications had come from the beginning of the project and that further documents had been taken wherever they had gone. 
Then there was the basement. Those two rooms may not contain anything useful, but he was not doing his due diligence if he didn’t at least check it out. 
It took him a minute to find the ladder that Raven had mentioned, but soon he was able to let himself down to the dark, dank, hell mouth. 
It still smelled foul, even without a body still hanging around. But it was a smell Batman had encountered before and knew how to deal with. A dab of Vick’s in the nose, and he could handle being down here for a little while at least. 
He checked out the containment room first. 
There were some flies, still subsisting off of the putrid puddles on the floor. The Slade bot laid in a heap on the ground, broken to pieces. 
As he moved around the room, he noticed tick marks on some of the walls, as evidently the boys were trying to keep track of how long they had been there. 
He saw Starfire’s name on the wall, written in blood. 
He flipped the unsaturated mattresses, just checking for any hidden messages, but found nothing. 
Nothing but grief. 
So he moved on. 
The room next door had housed the skulls of the other victims. The cards that had labeled the skulls remained in place, while the bones were gone. The knives on the workbench were in the same position as the photo. 
Out of the three drums of sulfuric acid, one was gone. The two remaining were still factory sealed. 
Batman made a call.
“Chief Anderson Duffy,” said the voice on the other end of the line.
“It’s Batman. What information did you glean from the drum of sulfuric acid that’s gone?”
“Oh that. Forensics were on that. Let me see what they reported.” There were some clacking of keys on the other end. “They found trace bone fragments in the acid. Says here that the acid didn’t contain the sludge often left over from dissolving a body, let alone 18. They think that these sickos may have only dissolved a few parts of a small number of bodies, before deciding to do something else with the remains.”  
Batman growled, disgusted, frustrated, and angry. 
These were all boys with full lives ahead of them. Boys that were taken advantage of because of where they were in life. Orphans, sick, vulnerable, impressionable. They could have been helped. They could have—
He tried not to dwell on that. They were gone, and it was his job to find out where they were taken. 
I don’t eat processed meat because I don’t want to accidentally eat human meat.
At first, Batman had foolishly taken the statement at face value. Black said something insane, because that’s what he was. It was shock value, it was delusional, it was paranoid…but now it made sense. 
“I know where the other bodies were taken.” 
“Oh great! Just tell us where to look and we’ll take care of it.” 
“Unfortunately, nothing is going to be recovered. I’m fairly certain they were cooked and fed to the other victims.” 
There was silence from the other line, Batman assumed shock. “...If that’s what you think, we’ll go with it for now. I would like proof though.” 
“I’ll get you either a confession from the Joker or Dent, or a witness account from the survivor.” 
“You found the survivor?”
“Yeah. He’s in treatment. His mental condition is very unstable and he has retrograde amnesia. It might be a while before he’s able to talk about this incident.” 
Duffy was quiet for a while before admitting, “you’ve made more headway on this case in the two days you’ve been here than the four months we’ve been working it.” 
“Don’t beat yourself up, Chief. I know how these two operate, and the clues they left were only going to be picked up by me.”
“Well, at any rate, thank you for working with us. Now, if only we could make some headway in Robin’s case.” 
Batman huffed. “Who do you think the survivor was?” 
“What? Really? That’s excellent! Well, maybe not, considering what you said about his mental state.”
“You would do me a great favor if you closed that case and stopped thinking about it.” 
“Right. I’ll pretend like I don’t know anything. Let me know if you need anything else.” 
“I will.” And he hung up.  
There was a part of Batman that was frustrated with how messy this whole thing had gotten. Of course Robin was going to go undercover when he heard about this operation. Of course the easiest and least suspicious way to do so was to use the identity he used as a volunteer at the hospital. 
He just hated that it led back to his real name, and now that name wasn’t safe anymore. 
He was less concerned that Richard Grayson be linked back to Bruce Wayne, because really, how uncommon was the name? 
Emerging from the basement, he crossed over the threshold to the torture chamber and twitched in surprise when he saw a man sitting in the rigged dentist’s chair. 
It was not the half-faced mask he wanted to see. 
“Ah, so that truly was the Batmobile out front. Interesting.” 
Batman observed this new foe quickly, taking in the armor, the physique, the posture, and lack of weapons. 
“I have no business with you, Slade. But I suppose I could fit time into my busy schedule.” 
“You have heard of me. How nice. My old apprentice mentioned me?” 
“No. My old friend mentioned a psychopath blackmailed him into stealing. I told him not to worry too much about a grown man that gets his rocks off bullying children.” 
Slade’s eye narrowed. He tilted his head slightly, his expression completely hidden behind his mask. “So. What does the great Batman want in my building?” 
“You own this block? I assumed it was abandoned.” 
“‘Owned’ is a…loose term. I acquired it, because no one wanted it. It serves its purpose to me.” 
“Ever rent it out?” 
“No. Which is why I’m here. Heard someone was playing doctor while I was away.” 
“Taking a vacation?” Batman snipped. 
“Something like that,” Slade said casually. “I died. Did some sight-seeing in hell. Did some overtime during the apocalypse and got my flesh back. Then I spent several weeks trying to relearn how to walk.” He shifted so his head rested on his fist. “And now I hear I missed out on a very interesting experiment…but why would that concern Batman so much to bring him all the way here?” 
“Ever heard of the Joker or Two-Face?” 
“I subscribe to Villains Monthly.” 
“Got jokes, do you?” 
“I have a new lease on life Batman. Got a little more…pep in my step.” 
“I hope those steps lead you out of my way.” 
“You’re very serious, aren’t you? I see where Robin gets it from.”
Batman just glared at him. 
“In case you’re wondering, I had nothing to do with whatever happened here. Frankly, I’m rather upset I wasn’t invited. I have clean up to do, since your friends decided to make a mess. So if you wouldn’t mind showing yourself out, that’d be just swell.”   
“Sure,” said Batman. “But before I leave,” he cracked his knuckles, “why don’t I take the trash out?”
Batman returned to the Titan’s tower about an hour later, a limp in his step and blood on his uniform. 
“Sir? Are you alright?” Alfred asked as he entered. The rest of the Titans were sitting around at the table, empty plates in front of them. 
“Fine. Just…had a little altercation. Tore the stitching in my leg.” He slid in next to Beast Boy, and leaned on his arms. 
Raven was quick to go to him, and pressed a healing hand to his wound. “What happened?”
“I did a little investigating into that building where Robin was held, hoping for a lead to where Joker and Dent may have gone. Instead I ran into the building’s owner.” 
Alfred placed a plate of Chicken Parmesan in front of him. 
“...was the owner a tough dude?” Beast Boy asked, noticing the blood on his shirt was from his own nose. 
He huffed, annoyed. He didn’t really want to reveal all this to them for several reasons, but they needed to know. “Yeah, tougher than expected. He’s a man by the name of Slade. Ever heard of him?”
Cyborg, who was on his fourth serving, nearly choked on his mouthful of pasta, while the other Titans gasped in horror. 
“But he—” Starfire protested. 
“Trigon resurrected him,” Raven bit. “He was there in the final battle, and then he disappeared.” 
“Apparently, he had to relearn how to walk,” said Batman, shooing Raven away from his leg. “I took care of him. He put up a fight, but I knocked him unconscious and delivered him to Duffy personally. That’s why I’m late.” 
The Titans shared a look, all being slightly embarrassed that Batman had been able to do alone what they hadn’t been able to do together. 
“I can’t imagine this is going to actually stop him, but I bought you some time.” He finally started eating some of his dinner. “And he was tough, but definitely not ready to fight. I think he was still weak.” 
“Still, it’s a little humiliating that you had to take care of our bad guy,” Beast Boy winced. 
Batman smirked slightly. “I have had daydreams about sending that bastard to the hospital. Robin told me all about what happened with that sham of an apprenticeship. Blackmailing him by infecting teens with nanobots that slowly and painfully kill them unless he does what he wants? Sounds like Arkham’s next inmate.” He took a drink of water. “But that’s something to worry about later. How’s Robin—or Black, I suppose?”
“He is unwell,” Starfire looked over to the couch. For the first time, Batman noticed the boy was laying down, but was very still and quiet. “He did not eat dinner, and says…I believe the phrase was, ‘his think meat was thrown against a wall’?” 
“That’s not a real metaphor,” Beast Boy offered. “That’s just his brand of stupidity.” 
“Well, he’s making jokes, so he’s doing alright for now,” Batman argued. “We’ll just have to keep an eye on him. Right, Robin?” He asked a little louder, so he could hear him. 
The other boy didn’t answer for a really long time, but the team was quiet and listened if either Black or Robin would respond. 
Then, in the quiet of the room, with only the hum of the air system and a ticking clock on the wall, he sang. It was in his pathetic falsetto, with a scratchy tone. Up until now, Black’s songs had really depressing lyrics, but he had delivered them joyfully. This time, the song was far too sad. 
“I am…the only one that got through. The others died wherever they fell.”
Starfire floated up from where she was seated and rested on the couch beside him, petting his head gently. 
“It was an ambush…they came up from all sides.”  
Batman set his silverware down quietly and listened very closely. 
“Give your Masters each a gun and then let them fight it out themselves.”  
Beast Boy swallowed thickly, biting his tongue. Black had changed the lyrics. 
“I've seen demons coming up from the ground. I've seen hell upon this Earth.”
Raven closed her eyes as the image of that corpse came to mind against her will. 
“The next will be chemical…but they will never stop.” 
Alfred turned his back, hiding his face.   
Once silence reigned for more than a minute, it was clear that the message was over. 
“He changed the lyrics,” both Batman and Beast Boy said. 
“The song is ‘In Memory of Harry Patch’,” Batman elaborated. “He changed ‘give your leaders’ to ‘give your masters’ and ‘they will never learn’ to ‘they will never stop’.” 
“What do you suppose he was trying to say?” 
“Maybe he thought Dent and Joker turned on each other? Or perhaps they’re going to try this again?” Batman mused aloud. 
Black sat up from the couch, and they could already see the faint veins standing out against his pale skin. “Can I have one of dem Gumby skittles?” 
“No,” Batman said, not blinking an eye. “We’re not giving you any medicine for a while, because we need a clean blood test.” 
Black frowned and turned to Starfire. “You said that if I was ever in pain I should come to you, because you don’t like to see me in pain.” 
Starfire hunched her shoulders, feeling guilty. “You are right, but I cannot give you the medicine you require. Perhaps a shoulder massage will help?”
He stood, stretching. “No. I think I’ll just go lay down in bed for a while, where it’s dark and quiet.” 
Batman swirled some noodles around on his fork. “Alright, we’ll check on you in a little bit.” 
Black nodded in understanding and left the ops room. He only stopped into his room for a moment to grab his trenchcoat, before escaping quickly to the hall, and then to the underground access tunnel. 
Thank goodness for fingerprint scanners.
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Fanfic - Desynced: Chapter 4
(Ao3 Here) (FF.net here)
Tucker waved at Danny as he approached him in the park. He’d rather have met at a fast food place, but Sam had shut that down quick. Of course, Danny didn’t see him.Danny was too busy frowning at something on his phone, so Tucker added a shout as well, “Hey man!” Danny’s head whipped up and turned to face Tucker. Tucker stopped walking for a second as he took in what he was seeing. Danny seemed to recognize something was wrong and ducked his head and turned away. His hand slowly reached up before stopping a foot away from the side of his head.
Tucker shook himself out of it, before forcing a smile on his face. He quickly sidestepped a man wearing overalls and was standing in the center of the pathway and jogged up to Danny. “Yo,” he said, sliding into the picnic table. He tried to feign as much nonchalance as he could in the action. He thought he was pretty smooth about it, but Danny just frowned harder.
Tucker chewed on his lip as Danny weakly waved at him, but he didn’t say anything else. Tucker glanced at Danny’s open lunch box and smiled when he saw the plastic ziplock bag in it. The only content left in it was a few crumbs of a sandwich, probably a ham and cheese.
Sam might have been trying to turn them both into vegan nut jobs, but at least Danny was still seeing reason.
He slammed down a bag from the best fast food place in town, the Nasty Burger, and leaned over the table. Tucker wasn’t ever really the tactful one, that was Sam’s thing. So, he addressed the elephant in the park the best way he knew how. “Sick head trauma, dude.”
Danny laughed despite himself and rolled his eyes. “Thanks man.” He eyed the bag on the table and sighed. “Sam’s gonna flip.”
“Sam can deal,” Tucker snipped. He immediately regretted it when he saw Danny flinch, but he was already tired of this vegan thing Sam had going on. He was fine with it at first, Sam hadn’t been pushing him to change, but then she went and took away the beef stroganoff. That wasn’t cool. Sam wanted to be a vegan, fine, she could make mistakes.
But making him change was crossing the line.
He tore open the bag and pulled out two nasty melts, double juicy lucy patties with slices of cheese, mayo, ketchup and mustard with bacon. He slid one over to Danny. “Here dude, I got one for you too.” Danny blinked as Tucker waved it towards him. “Come on, what Sam doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”
Danny shot Tucker an unamused look, but grabbed it anyways, opening it up almost as fast as Tucker. “She’s gonna see the bag.”
It took a lot of Tucker’s effort to not let his frustration show. He didn’t understand why Danny was so bothered by this. Sam was taking away his food too! It was stupid. Things were going great. Everyone was fine. Nothing needed to change.
And then Sam started doing this thing…
“She can deal,” Tucker said, rolling his eyes. Okay, so he didn’t keep his frustration completely in check. He was human, sue him. He took a bite into the cheesy, gooey mess, before frowning. “Aw, dude, I asked for no pickles.”
“A vegetable isn’t gonna kill you.”
“It might! I might get e-coli or one of those brain eating worms!” Danny glowered at Tucker, but any threat he had was lost in the grease that was dripping down his face. “I’m serious! That’s real! Look it up!”
“I’d rather not, I got enough going on right now.”
“Anyways,” Tucker said, going back to what he really wanted to get to. “Sam isn’t gonna die if we eat meat.” Danny looked like he was about to say something, but Tucker cut him off. “So, what’s the story with the head wound? Cut yourself trying to trim your hair into a style Sam’d drool over?”
“Ha. Ha.” Danny said with no inflection. He huffed and took another bite. He pulled the burger away and stared at the tasty meat for a while. “No, it’s… you know how school’s shut down right?”
“Yeah, something about renovations? The email they sent out didn’t say much..”
Danny took a bite and shook his head. “Nah,” he said with his mouth full. He chewed a couple more times and swallowed before continuing. “I mean, yeah, they’re gonna renovate stuff, but it’s because some kind of monster attacked.”
Tucker raised an eyebrow. “A monster… seriously?”
Danny pointed to the wound on his head. “Do you see this? Do you think I’m joking.”
Tucker leaned back. “You know dude? Yeah, I do.” Danny dropped his hand to the table and Tucker continued. “Look, alright, I know you’re saying magic is real, and though I haven’t seen anything other than that candle trick, I’m gonna go out on a limb and believe you. Ghosts? Okay, that’s starting to push it. But now you’re telling me there’s monsters out there? Is bigfoot really just low res in real life and that’s why we can’t get a good picture of him?”
Danny opened his mouth to respond, but then he looked past Tucker. “Can we help you?”
Tucker turned around to see that man he had stepped past earlier had approached them. Now that he wasn’t focused on Danny, he saw that the man looked strangely pale, and his eyes looked like they were bulging.
“Box…” The man whispered.
Tucker scooted away from the crazy man. “What?” he asked, glancing at Danny for help, who was slowly standing up.
“Box!” The man shouted, throwing his hands up in the air. “BoxBoxBoxBOX!” Tucker at this point was jumping away from the table, when he heard a sickening crack. His eyes widened when the man’s arm snapped in half in the middle of his forearm, making an almost ninety degree bend.
And that was just the start.
The cracking continued, and the man’s leg snapped back, popping out of his hip and twisting until his heel was by his ear. His head then began to shake back and forth until his neck snapped and his head twisted and fell off his neck. Tucker could see a part of his spine poking up from the skin of his neck.
The process continued with his other leg snapping up in front. He should have fallen, but instead he floated there in the air in front of them. His lower half snapped backwards, right into the middle of his stomach. Then it happened again, this time, vertically. Then he was folded in half again. This repeated over and over like someone was folding a piece of paper.
Tucker watched this all happen. His eyes were seeing it, but his mind was not comprehending it. It felt like he was watching a movie. It was just too unbelievable. His mind went blank as he tried to process what was happening, but the sounds of the body breaking in front of him were too sharp and crisp for him to think that this was anything but real.
This.. thing… folded over and over in front of them. Bones and flesh were crushed and pulverized until all that was left was a box with a human face on it.
The cube fell to the ground. The quiet thump felt comical compared to the horrific crunching sounds that had been ringing in Tucker’s ears. The box quivered and shook until an arm snaked out of the box and started to pull itself along the ground and then up onto the table.
The arm reached into Danny’s lunch box, and flung everything that was in it out onto the table, before finally pulling itself into the box, grabbing the lid, and sealing itself shut.
Danny calmly reached over, and locked his lunch box.
“Dude,” Tucker began, his tongue felt thick in his mouth. “What the hell?”
“Well what was I supposed to do?” Danny shouted.
Danny looked up as Sam was approaching, fortunately from his good side. He breathed a sigh of relief as he saw her. He and Tucker had spent the last 30 minutes in silence and it had long past the moment that the silence had been uncomfortable. Tucker didn’t even finish his burger. The grease in it had begun to cool and congeal back into fat, which given his recent experiences was really unappetizing.
Thankfully he had finished his burger before that happened to his.
Sam sat down and looked at Tucker’s burger. Her eyes narrowed, and a grimace smeared across her face. “You know those things are gonna give you a heart attack someday.”
Tucker didn’t respond. He just sat there, elbows on the picnic table and his hands pressed together in front of his face as if he was praying. For all Danny knew, he might have been.
Sam looked between the two before turning back to Tucker and sitting next to Danny. “What’s wrong?”
“Monsters are real,” Tucker stated. He didn’t open his eyes or shift at all.
Sam turned toward Danny “What? What are you… Danny, why is your lunch box duct taped closed?”
“Monsters are real.” Tucker repeated.
At that point, the box rattled and jumped over the table. Danny slapped his hand down on the box and held it in place for a minute before it calmed down. He huffed and pulled his hand away. The box rattled in place before a very quiet, and muffled, contented sound came out of it. “Boooooox…”
“What on earth? Do you guys have an animal trapped in there?”
Tucker shook his head just slightly. “Monsters are real…”
Danny turned toward Sam to explain, as much as one could explain something like this. But before he could even begin Sam gasped and reared back. “Danny!” She said behind her hands covering her mouth, “What happened to you?”
Danny sighed and rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah, uh, so after school yesterday. I was going to do my labs with Mr. Falluca, but then we heard a sound. We went to investigate, and it turned out to be this…” Danny paused, as he realized that Sam would probably NOT want to hear that the monster was made out of meat. “Giant blob monster thing…” Sam didn’t react to that news at all, instead her gaze was focused solely on the side of his head. “It attacked us. That’s why school is canceled for a while.”
Sam gently pulled her hand away from her mouth and gently reached out toward Danny. Danny tried not to react as he felt her fingers press against his face, before pushing through it. It felt like she was pressing through his skin and bone. Her fingers were piercing him and pushing all the things that made him him aside.
Before her fingers made contact with the side of his head, gently stroking the side of his head. He could feel her fingernails gently caressing the area below the giant wound. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”
Danny hated this.
He didn’t get it. He knew that Sam wasn’t being completely truthful. He didn’t know why. It had been bothering him ever since Sam had started going vegan. There was something inside him that twisted every time she said she had a problem with meat. It hurt. It was like something inside his chest was tearing.
But he had no clue why this was happening.
“I’m okay, Sam, it’s just a flesh wound. It’s gonna heal up pretty soon.”
Sam smiled softly, in a way that didn’t quite feel right. The way her cheeks lifted up and crowded her eyes made him think she was just shy of crying. She pulled her hand away from his face and he felt her hand start pulling itself out of his body. She held her fingers up to cover up the wound. “You know, it’s a good look on you.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah… yeah it is.”
“Monsters are real…” Tucker repeated. Sam jerked back, the action making Danny gasp as he felt her hand rip its way through his other face. Tucker finally put his hands back down on the table and opened his eyes. “Magic is real, and monsters are real. But instead of getting hippogriffs or invisible horses, it’s monsters straight out of Call of Cthulhu…Wait... are werewolves real?"
Danny gave Tucker an unamused glare. "I've seen your deviant art, I don't know, and I'm not gonna help you of all people find out."
"Fuuuuuckkk…” Tucker groaned as he slammed his head into the table, "Then there are no upsides to this, are there?" The impact of his face against the wood made the lunch box rattle and start off another instance of the creature inside freaking out. Danny slammed his hand on top of the box before giving Sam an apologetic smile.
“Do I want to know what’s in there?”
“No,” Danny and Tucker said at the same time. Danny let out a slow breath as Tucker sat back up. Tucker closed his eyes and shook his head, the action reminded Danny of a dog trying to shake off water. It was like Tucker was trying to let everything that happened today just roll off him so he could go back to normal.
Which meant he picked up his burger and started eating again.
“Ugh, do you really need to?” Sam lamented. She twisted away, and Danny felt that tearing feeling coming back in his gut. He watched her face twist as if she were about to vomit.
Tucker on the other hand started chewing loudly. “Yes, Sam, I need to. I’m hungry.” The feeling inside Danny got stronger as Tucker continued to chew. He swallowed and then continued. “Mmhmm. Good old bacon and cheese. A perfect combination if there ever was one.”
“Stop, Tucker!” Sam shouted.
“No. I’m not going to!” Tucker shouted back. “Look, Sam,” he continued at a much more reasonable volume, “You can make whatever decisions you want, but the line stops at me. You don’t get to make me change. I don’t want to change. I want us to all keep being friends but you’re pushing this vegan thing on me, and I don’t like it.”
The twisting feeling reached a peak, Danny felt like his entire insides were being cracked open, and ice was pouring out. As Danny tried to hold onto his own countenance, Tucker turned toward him. “Danny, back me up on this!”
Danny grimaced and looked at Sam. Sam wasn’t looking at Danny or Tucker. Her gaze was focused on the ground behind Danny. On one hand, Danny agreed with Tucker, but on the other hand…
Something was wrong.
Something was wrong, and Danny didn’t know what it was. Sam’s vehement anti-meat stance didn’t feel like a whim or a decision made lightly. There was something there. He didn’t understand anything that was going on with Sam. She wasn’t explaining her sudden shift.
But he knew that meat, of any kind, was causing her some sort of pain.
“I think…” Danny began, and he could see Tucker’s face begin to fall. “That it’s easy for us to eat before hanging out with Sam.”
“Dude!” Tucker shouted. “Come on! I know you like burgers as much as me! Come on man, she’s taking it too far!”
Sam jumped up from the table and ran away. Danny jumped to try and follow her, but out of the three of them, Sam was the fastest. (There was a reason why he couldn’t outrun a sentient wad of meat after all) He didn’t even get two steps before he realized it was a lost cause. He groaned and turned toward Tucker.
“Dude…” Danny began.
“Don’t dude me!” Tucker said, throwing his arms wide. A chunk of cheese, or maybe it was fat, flew off into the grass. “I’m right!”
“I know, I know-”
“Nah, man, forget it.” Tucker said, getting up. “I get it, she’s her and I’m me. Of course you’re gonna side with her.” Danny tried to get a word in edgewise, but Tucker turned around and started walking away. “You go calm her down or whatever… I’ll see you later.”
Danny stared at Tucker’s back as he walked away. His insides felt like they were being torn apart. His veins filled with ice, and his skin felt clammy and loose. His breathing began to quicken, and even though there was no sound at all, it felt like the world was too loud and-
The box on the table rattled.
Danny’s gaze snapped toward the box. That creature was the reason why they were arguing right now. Danny and Tucker could have easily finished eating before Sam had gotten there. It was its fault.
Danny reached out and grabbed the box. Only, he didn't. His hand was a foot away from the box. But he could feel the metal underneath his fingers, the roughness of the tape that they had used to close it compared to the smoothness of the metal. It was like he was holding it in his hand.
Danny lifted his empty hand, and the box rose up with it.
Danny roared and threw the box. He watched it arc across the park before impacting against the building that housed the park’s toilets. The box landed on the ground, with the lid bent slightly open. The creature inside slipped out from the crack, and then scuttled off into the woods.
“Fuck, I shouldn’t have done that…” Danny muttered to himself. He definitely should have given that to his parents instead.
“Hell of a throw there, kid.”
“JESUS CHRIST!” Danny shouted, jumping away from the man who had spoken right next to him. The man stood out quite a bit, wearing a long trench coat. “You scared the crap out of me…” Danny looked him up and down as the man looked at him with an amused smile. “Did you see…”
“I heard you yell and saw that lunch box sailing through the air, that got a lot of air time. Your football team must be proud.”
Danny rubbed the back of his head. It seemed like he hadn’t quite seen the part where Danny wasn’t actually holding onto the box “I… uh… don’t actually play any sports.”
“Good, Casper’s sport teams are fucking stupid.”
Danny looked him over again, on closer inspection, even though he had a bit of goatee going on, it was faint enough that he didn’t quite seem that old. In fact, Danny couldn’t quite tell what side of 18 he was on. “I… don’t recognize you from Casper?” Danny started.
The man huffed. “Yeah, it’s called dropping out for a reason.” He held out a hand. “Name’s Johnny.”
“Danny,” he offered back, taking Johnny’s hand in his and shaking it. “Sorry about the yelling, it’s just…”
When Danny didn’t continue, Johnny raised an eyebrow. “This have something to do with the cute goth chick that I saw running out of the park?”
Danny groaned. “Yeah, she and my other friend got in a fight and-”
“You’re caught in the middle defending your girl or the one who’s in the right… I’ve been there.”
“She’s not my girl.”
“Ah, my bad. Well, good news is then, you don’t have to just side with her. If she was your girl, I’d have told you to just agree with her next time. Makes your life a whoooole lot better if your girl is happy with you.” Johnny hummed looking Danny in the eye. “You wanna talk about what’s bothering ya?”
Danny looked up to the sky and sighed. “Nah, no offense to you or anything but…”
“You need a moment or two to process it yourself?” Danny’s head snapped back to Johnny and Johnny chuckled. “My girl’s a self described empath, I’ve picked up a couple uh.. what’d she call it again? Emotion intelligence? Emotional? Whatever. Point is, like I said, been there.” Johnny said, waving goodbye. “Anyways, Imma let you keep throwing boxes. See you around kid.”
Danny waved goodbye himself and he started walking over to his lunch box. He picked the thing up and…
He wasn’t using his hands.
In fact, he hadn’t been using his entire body for the last few minutes. He had been on autopilot for a bit there and that was when it was nearly impossible for him to remember which was his body and what wasn’t.
Johnny had looked him in his eyes.
He was looking above Danny’s head, and into the eyes of his other face. Hell, Danny couldn't even be sure if he had shook Johnny’s hand with his real hand or this ghostly one.
Danny turned around to look for Johnny. He saw him get on a motorcycle before racing off. The engine roar echoed across the park, loud enough that it almost felt like it was coming from inside his head. Johnny raced out of the parking lot long before Danny could even think to wave him back down.
Danny swallowed as another thought entered his head.
Why did looking at Johnny with the wrong face feel so natural?
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snowbellewells · 1 year
Self Promo Sunday: “Operation Future”
This week’s little re-run is a bit more Captain Cobra than CS, in all honesty - though the CS love and devotion is certainly still present. I originally wrote it just after 5x08, desperately needing some fluff to make up for the painful reveal we had just gotten. I thought this was really more of a canon compliant missing moment fic, but as I went back to try to find scenes to make the art, I realized I had imagined more of this than I thought. In my mind, it still seems like a missing moment we just didn’t get to see though, rather than truly canon divergent. At any rate, I hope you enjoy if you give it a read (or read it again.)
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Summary: (5x08 really gutted me for a bit, and now I have to write some fluff in order to recover and survive the wait for 5x10. Luckily, once I calmed down a little, I saw that there were some lovely sweet moments in the episode too, and I thought I might explore them further. This one is courtesy of Killian and Henry and their very own secret code name operation. Hope you enjoy! Obviously, I still don’t own them – if I did, I would play with them much more nicely! ;)
Also available on AO3 and ff.net, as part of the one shot collection “Of Swans and Swords and Hopeful Hearts”
by: @snowbellewells 
When Emma’s lad had first come to him whilst they idled in Camelot wondering what to do and how to proceed, Killian had arched an eloquently skeptical brow – not sure why Henry would possibly want his opinion, want to include him in this way, and imagining Emma’s indignation at their plotting a major life decision for her in such a manner. However, the genuine hope in the young man’s eyes, the tone of voice that tried so hard to sound firm and sure while under the surface beseeching the pirate for help and support in continuing to believe, and the enthusiasm when Killian listened and showed interest, quickly led the pirate to acquiesce and become Henry’s partner in his newest secret operation.
And what a worthy mission it was. Though the Captain had known this about the boy already, the joyously enacted scheme drove the fact home to him even more forcefully. His love was not the only one stubbornly invested in the happy endings of everyone she cared for – her son was exactly the same. Heroism ran in Henry’s blood as surely as the sea flowed through Killian’s own veins, and the boy was pure love for all whom he cared about, without the extra protective shell of cultivated cynicism and walls Emma had been forced to develop so early in life. Henry had always had a home, been loved (even if Her Majesty Regina had not always expressed that love well) and known that he was wanted. The boy’s belief in Right and Good was a powerful thing, not allowing him to give up nor admit defeat when others might.
Thrusting the newspaper from Storybrooke into Killian’s line of sight, Henry had plowed forward with his explanation, growing more and more enthused as he could see the man warming to his vision. “Okay, so these three are the ones I like best, but give them all a look and see what you think…” he offered as he pointed to the classified section where several homes on the market were displayed. Even as his excitement had him near to bursting and he bounced on his toes slightly while Killian took the paper and began to peruse the choices with genuine interest, Henry still spoke quietly and kept a furtive eye on the others in Granny’s to ensure that their plans were not overheard.
Somehow, it wasn’t until he really studied the homes Henry had indicated that Killian felt this gesture’s importance hit him right in the chest. Tears he refused to let fall stung mightily in the corners of his eyes as the Captain realized quickly that all of the lad’s choices were near the docks and the Jolly, along with boasting lovely views of the water. True, Henry was looking for something good his mother could hang onto, something lovely – a hard-earned reward – to anticipate as she fought for her very soul, but he was also telling Killian that he wanted his mother’s boyfriend to be there with them for the long haul, that he was a part of their little family now, and that Killian had his acceptance and love; it was abundantly clear in the way the lad had chosen only homes that a sailor couldn’t help but love.
Glancing back up and holding earnest, eager brown eyes with his own intense blue gaze, Killian hoped desperately that he could express just how much this gift meant to him. The emotion swelled, tightening in his chest, and where words usually flowed from him eloquently, all he seemed able to rasp out in that moment was, “These are fine abodes, m’boy. Right worthy choices, to be sure.” He licked his lips, striving to continue, to say thank you, to let Emma’s lad know how much he truly cared for him in his own right, as well as for Emma’s sake, but all he could do was nod meaningfully to this extraordinary and astute young man, hoping it would convey his agreement, approval, and a growing sense of paternal love – all the things he was unable to force from his throat aloud just yet.
He could see though, as enthusiasm lit Henry’s gaze and the young Author gave him a determined nod in return – as if setting their course – that he should never have doubted the Truest Believer. Whether he had been able to voice all he felt or not, it would appear that he and Emma’s son also understood each other.
“Well now, Master Mills,” he gave Henry a playful, secretive smile, keeping his voice soft, but allowing a degree of joviality as well, “if we are in accord, perhaps we should shake on it and seal the deal? A gentlemen’s agreement of sorts?”
Henry literally beamed back at him, extending a hand to take Killian’s inconspicuously proffered right and finalize their arrangement – their gift for the mother and savior they both loved. “Aye, aye, Captain,” he said with equal good humor.
Killian circled the house he liked best, jotting down a tentative note of “This one?” beside it, then handed the classifieds back to Henry, who tucked the paper into his tunic for safekeeping. The lad had begun to back away, looking the tiniest bit awkward and unsure for the first time, when Killian couldn’t resist speaking once more to offer his appreciation and approval, even if it was not truly his place. “This is a stellar notion, Lad,” he murmured, hoping to show his fervent sincerity in even a quiet tone. “I do believe your mum will be quite happy with it.”
Henry’s head dipped for a moment, bashful, and then, in a quick shuffle, so brief Killian almost thought he was imagining it even as it happened, the teen jerked forward, hugged him tightly, and then fell back and moved away before the man could even respond. Watching Henry’s retreat as he neared his grandpa, and Charming turned to clap him on the shoulder in greeting and welcome him into the little circle he had formed with his wife and Henry’s infant uncle to enjoy the repast Granny had made, Killian felt warmed from the inside and a smile lingered on his face. He was more strengthened for the struggle than ever, well aware that he was not alone in battling for Emma’s happiness, and as her two greatest loves united, they could not fail.
Four weeks later…
Henry stands on the front walk, looking up at the façade of the two story house he and Killian had picked as their favorite back in Camelot. Dew still glitters on the grass in the yard, and he huddles into the heavy wool of his coat against the chill of the cold, grey, early morning. The house is every bit as perfect as it had looked in that newspaper ad, and his mom does live here, but somehow things are still all wrong, and nothing has turned out the way he had hoped.
Not only is Emma still the Dark One, but something is wrong with Killian too. At first, Henry had attributed it to the fact that they were back home with no memories of their time in the other realm, and the frustration he knew the Captain must feel at thinking he had failed his love and seeing her so cold and distant, fully embracing the entity he had fought to destroy for hundreds of years. Henry had felt pretty guilty himself, though Emma had assured him that he was not one of those who had failed her, and he knows that his partner in crime, the man he thinks of as a stepdad, must be hurting even more.
The young man has tried to seek the Captain out, to listen, or to ask for sailing lessons as a distraction – even to enlist the man in a new mission to help his mom together. However, it seems that lately Killian is avoiding his company, keeping his distance for no reason that makes any sense to Henry. When they are in close proximity, as when they had used the Crimson Crown to summon Merlin, Killian is as encouraging and loyal as ever, assuring Henry he has faith in him, but otherwise there is a distance that Henry doesn’t like. One that had not been there before. Even without all his memories, the boy is nearly certain of it.
Clutching the old ad in his hands, Henry looks down at the picture of the house now standing before him, and Killian’s flowing script indicating it as their choice. Henry doesn’t really understand what has happened. He doesn’t know what he needs to do – yet. But he will not be deterred. His mom deserves her Happy Ending. Just as she had been so determined to provide for everyone else, Henry is going to see that she receives no less. He knows Killian needs to be here in this house with them. He needs these two people – his parents, he hopes, if they can have two seconds of peace all together to enjoy it – to be back to themselves and in his life once more.
Sighing, he admits to himself that hope seems lost right now, but he won’t give up on Operation Light Swan, the joyous reunion he and Killian had planned, nor on Killian and Emma themselves. He loves them. They’re family. And in his circle at least, family always finds each other. This house is meant to be the happy home of their dreams, not a cold, lonely mausoleum where Emma can hide with her darkness and heartbreak. He’s the Author and the Truest Believer, and even if it is his mission alone now, he will find a way.
Tagging a few who might enjoy: @searchingwardrobes @kmomof4 @jennjenn615 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @laschatzi @jrob64 @apiratewhopines @stahlop @teamhook @revanmeetra87 @therooksshiningknight @spartanguard @tiganasummertree @optomisticgirl @thislassishooked @wefoundloveunderthelight @elizabeethan @the-darkdragonfly @donteattheappleshook @scientificapricot @tomeandflickcorner @winterbaby89 @gingerchangeling @gingerpolyglot @cosette141 @xarandomdreamx @justanother-unluckysoul @xsajx @anmylica @motherkatereloyshipper @zaharadessert @nachocheese-itsmycheese @booksteaandtoomuchtv​ @kazoosandfannypacks​
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letthewhumpbegin · 11 months
Faithful, chapter 1 - Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Fandom: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Characters: Newt Scamander, Albus Dumbledore, Gellert Grindelwald Short summary: Newt finds a fugitive Gellert Grindelwald and is forced to a duel. Word count: 2230 Warnings: contains magical injury, mentions of blood, passing out and magical healing.
A/N: this story is already posted on my FF.net and AO3 account, but now posted onto here as well.
This is chapter 1 of 2. Second chapter will be up on 8 November.
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The manhunt for Gellert Grindelwald lasted for months now. Over several continents, the Ministries of Magic of at least a dozen countries, and even Albus Dumbledore, were involved in the search, but Grindelwald was neither caught nor found.
That was, until now…
It was a cold, snowy December evening when the unlikeliest of wizards, quite accidentally, stumbled across the clue that led to the discovery of Grindelwald's hiding place.
Newt Scamander was not a man who went looking for an opportunity to duel or see his name in the newspapers. Quite to the contrary even: he usually stayed away as far as possible from things like that, but this information on Grindelwald's location looked very solid, and at least worth investigating. Newt had simply overheard a couple of wizards talking in a tavern earlier in the evening, and he had to admit it all sounded way too good to be true. Still, it felt wrong to dismiss it as bollocks immediately, and only a few short checks later, Newt could only conclude that this might be the clue they had been hoping for.
Newt knew he had to act fast, or Grindelwald would slip through their fingers once again. The information he found led to an abandoned estate in Scotland, not even that far from where Newt was now, and he decided in a split-second that he would go and check it out. Supposedly, Grindelwald stayed there alone at the moment, but that could very well be a trap of course.
It would be dangerous, very dangerous even, but there was no time for doubt. Grindelwald had eyes and ears everywhere, and would know in a heartbeat that he had been discovered, so there was no time to lose.
Before he left, Newt sent word to everyone he could think of being involved in the manhunt here in Britain, but he would not wait for them. No, he had to act immediately. He tried not to think of the possibility that he might not survive this, and what that would mean for his creatures. That he would escape the inevitable duel unscathed was unlikely, but Newt had made his decision: if he didn't act now, it would be too late. And he at least owed Dumbledore this level of commitment and faith.
So, for now, and probably against his better judgement, Newt set off on his own…
Newt Apparated at the beginning of a lane, lined with tall trees, that ended at a handsome mansion. One of the Scottish lochs in the distance reflected the moon overhead, and the fresh snow crunched softly under Newt's feet as he hurried up the lane.
The lack of defenses as he carefully made his way to the mansion set Newt unbelievably on edge. It was highly unlikely that a wanted criminal and exceptionally skilled wizard like Grindelwald, would not have any defensive spells in place to fend off intruders. Still, so far, Newt encountered nothing.
The entire mansion was dark, except for one window on the ground floor. A faint light escaped through drawn curtains, betraying someone was in that room.
All of Newt's senses were in a state of highest alert as he approached the front door. At any moment, curses could start flying his way, and he knew those would not be innocent Body-Binding curses…
The front door of the mansion stood slightly ajar, almost as if to welcome him in. Newt pushed it open and stepped into the hallway, wand at the ready. He halted for a moment, looking sharply around for movement that announced an oncoming attack, but all remained eerily quiet and desolate.
"I must say, I am disappointed."
The voice came from the living room to the right side of the hallway. Newt apprehensively crossed the threshold, and found Gellert Grindelwald sitting in an armchair by the hearth fire. Even though Grindelwald had his back turned to him, Newt knew very well that the wizard's wand was pointing towards him.
"What disappoints you?" Newt ventured the question. His eyes darted around the room for a possible ambush from Grindelwald's allies, and yet again he saw none. Grindelwald indeed seemed to be alone here.
"I had rather hoped to see my old friend Albus," Grindelwald replied, still not looking at Newt. "And no worries, Mr. Scamander, I am quite alone here." Newt nervously took another step closer, reducing the distance between himself and Grindelwald to less than three meters. "That's close enough." The menace dripped from Grindelwald's voice.
Newt readied himself for the attack that could start any second now. He was well aware that he alone would likely be no match for Grindelwald, not even with Grindelwald being without allies, so delaying was his best strategy.
"I might be able to persuade Dumbledore to come here," Newt tried. Grindelwald scoffed. "You and I both know he is already on his way. But he is not coming for me, he is only coming here for you." "Dumbledore doesn't care about me," Newt lied. "Well, you might be right," Grindelwald sneered, "sending you here is tantamount to killing you, so maybe indeed he doesn't care… or he just grossly overestimates your abilities."
Newt fidgeted his hands together without slackening the grip on his wand. He would not be able to keep Grindelwald talking for much longer. The only thing Grindelwald wanted was to kill Newt and disappear again before anyone else arrived, and Newt was sure he would do so sooner rather than later.
Grindelwald slowly rose to his feet, back still turned to Newt. "Any last words, Mr. Scamander?" Newt kept his gaze firmly fixed on Grindelwald, taking in every minute movement, but he refused to answer that question. "Have it your way," Grindelwald mumbled venomously.
In a flash, Grindelwald spun round. The first curse was already flying before he was even fully facing Newt. A jet of green light flashed past Newt's head, but this attack was what he had been expecting. He fairly easily dodged the curse and sent his own counterattack in Grindelwald's direction. Grindelwald blocked Newt's curse, immediately sending the next one flying.
Newt was not fully able to dodge or block this one. He felt the intense pain of the Cruciatus Curse flood his body, but he willed himself to remain upright. If he ended up on his knees, Grindelwald would be able to finish him off before this duel had even properly started. Newt bit through the paralysing pain of the curse, and with immense power of will, managed to send a jinx hurtling towards Grindelwald.
Grindelwald had clearly not been expecting this. Newt's jinx hit him square in the chest, and the force of it threw him backwards against a bookcase. His reply, however, was instantaneous.
It was the first curse Grindelwald actually spoke, but he did so with so much menace that the word alone instilled fear in Newt. There was no chance for him to block this curse, and he only half managed to leap out of its way. The curse only scraped the right side of his chest, but it still left deep gashes across Newt's ribs. Warm blood spilled onto his shirt and hands, making the grip on his wand slippery. The injury left Next momentarily unaware of his adversary. A mistake he immediately regretted.
Grindelwald cast the Diffindo-curse again, hitting Newt across the back of his shoulders. Fresh wounds bit into Newt's flesh and sent him crashing to the floor. Grindelwald seized this opportunity to cast the Cruciatus Curse again. This time Newt caught the full force of the curse, seizing him with an excruciating pain.
To Newt it felt like hours later before Grindelwald lowered his wand and lifted the curse. Newt lay on the floor, panting and trembling as the after-effects of the torture curse still flowed through his system. "What shall we do next?" Grindelwald taunted, glaring down at Newt with a look that promised a whole lot of misery. Newt's vision was blurry, but he did his utmost best to keep his focus. If he didn't act now it would surely be the end of him.
Grindelwald obviously did not expect Newt's next move, or he just believed Newt was already beaten. With the last of his strength, Newt tightened the grip on his wand and rolled himself onto his back, ignoring his painfully protesting wounds.
Now with an unobstructed line of fire, Newt bellowed his curse."Reducto!" It knocked Grindelwald clean off his feet, throwing him to the ground a few metres across the room. "Expelliarmus!" Newt quickly disarmed Grindelwald before the wizard could even think of another curse to cast. With another flick of his wand Newt made ropes appear which tightly bound Grindelwald and left him unable to move.
"Newt?" The familiar voice of Albus Dumbledore was heard only faintly from outside, but to Newt it was the sound of saviour. "In here," Newt answered. He suddenly became aware how weak his own voice sounded. Black spots blurred his vision all of a sudden, and the world swam around him. He firmly closed his eyes, willing the unpleasant sensation to pass. It only got worse, though, and Newt had to grab hold of a nearby desk to keep himself on his feet.
He startled to hear a voice from so close by and hands suddenly resting on his shoulders. Newt opened his eyes. The blurry shape of Albus Dumbledore, standing in front of him, slowly came into focus. "Professor?" "You don't look too good, Newt." Concern was written all over Dumbledore's face and laced in his voice. "I– I'm f-fine…" Newt hadn't even fully finished his sentence when his legs would no longer support his weight. Dumbledore caught him by the armpits before he could fully collapse, and guided him to sit down on the rubble-strewn floor. "I got you, take it easy now."
Blood stained Dumbledore's hands as he released his grip on Newt. He carefully pulled Newt's coat a little aside to reveal the wounds to the magizoologist's chest. Dumbledore's brow furrowed into a concerned frown. "This looks serious, Newt. You injured your back as well?" Newt nodded weakly, but did not find the strength to answer with words. "We need to wait for Ministry officials to take him away." Dumbledore motioned over his shoulder to Grindelwald. "But then I'm going to take you to have those wounds treated, okay?" "It's not looking good, is it?" Newt wasn't able to keep the tremble and the hint of fear out of his voice. Dumbledore gave him a reassuring smile. "You'll be fine, Newt."
They had to wait for at least another 15 minutes for the Ministry officials to arrive. Newt remained sitting on the floor. Even just breathing hurt him, and he was still losing blood. All his muscles hurt with the after effects of the Cruciatus Curse, and suddenly he felt cold as ice. Altogether, Newt knew his condition was deteriorating fast now, but he just had to hold on for a little while longer.
Dumbledore stood leaning against the desk in the room, hands buried deep in his trouser pockets and his gaze directed down at his own shoes. His eyes often darted in Newt's direction, but not once did he acknowledge that Grindelwald was in the room, too. Grindelwald, on the other hand, was glaring at Dumbledore. The ropes Newt had conjured were still binding him tightly and made it impossible for him to move. Several times it looked as if Grindelwald would speak to try and provoke Dumbledore, but he never actually did.
Voices from outside announced the arrival of the Ministry officials. Within seconds the room was filled with at least a dozen Aurors from the Ministry of Magic. Dumbledore hurriedly spoke to one of the Aurors, while the rest safely incarcerated Grindelwald and inspected the rest of the house for other possible threats.
"We need you to come with us to the Ministry, Dumbledore," the Auror with whom Dumbledore had spoken suddenly said. "No." Dumbledore shook his head. His tone was friendly, but final. "I have more urgent obligations at the moment, and I'm sure the Ministry can handle this alone." The Auror looked ready to protest, but Dumbledore had already turned his attention to Newt.
"Come on, we need to have you looked at." Dumbledore rested a hand on Newt's forearm. "Merlin's beard, you feel like a popsicle." He shook off his coat and carefully draped it across Newt's shoulders for extra warmth. "Thank you," Newt mumbled. He only now realised he was the 'more urgent obligation' Dumbledore had to attend to. "Where are we going?" "The only place that is always safe," Dumbledore winked, before moving away to collect his things.
Newt slowly hoisted himself up onto his feet by the desk. He felt even worse than before, and his exertions did not improve the pain much either. As soon as he stood, he was in immediate danger of collapsing again. Vertigo hit him like a sledgehammer, and he swayed ominously on his feet.
Dumbledore caught up on the situation, hurrying over to Newt's side again. "That's not such a good idea." He slung an arm around Newt's waist for support. Newt stammered some objections, feeling slightly embarrassed. "I won't have it, Newt." Dumbledore shook his head. "You are coming with me, whether you like it or not."
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eomma-jpeg · 1 year
Heyyyyfor the writer ask! 20, 32 (not me please I want to hear about other cool writers!!), 58, 66, 73, and 75 for itm have a good one!!!<33333
squid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
I gotta brainstorm this
I used to use the word ‘jarring’ all the time because I say that in real life LOL
I think when it comes to writing and more dynamic themes, i think the main thing i try to emulate in my writing is that you know whats going on in the scene. I want to make sure that the reader knows the layout and how every person is interacting with each other. I try and go back over my writing over and over again to make sure it is understandable
I think a newer theme is emotions ? i focused so much on physical descriptions in my older works that it wasn’t,,,, fun? To read my stuff. So with my newer works i tried to experiment with more complex emotions, especially the physical repercussions of the emotions lol
32. Name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
Squid said i cant say her T-T
SmutWithPlot on FF.net is an author who’s style inspires me SO MUCH. Their description style and flow is something I aspire to have. tension is so good….. (they’re also on ao3)
I’ve said this before but @eilwen is SUCH an incredible writer. No Reason is a fic that I cry whenever i see that its been updated. Their style is so poetic and detailed and i lovelovelove the story and world building its so incredible.
Kuwakun or @tomboyyyaoi here on tumblr has the most beautiful like,,, poetic style of writing… i want to try my hand at poetry style writing one of these days. I have such a literal and straightforward writing style that i would need to practice if I wanted to write the beautiful imagery that they have in their works…. (I sincerely believe they are one of the only people that really understand trimax vashmeryl)
58. What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? (Brainstorming, outlining, writing, editing, etc)
I think outlining and editing are tied in my mind. I LOVE creating the story, and that happens when i outline. I see it all in my mind and can normally get it down on the page okay, but the story really comes to life when i outline, and then it is reborn when i edit lol
I love going back over my work and editing. It helps me realize what isn’t flowing well, what words were strange to use, what sentences just make absolutely no sense because my brain was moving so fast that i forgot half of the words lol. But I love editing in general…. Its so fun.
66. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie. pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc.)?
So far i haven’t faced a lot, which has been nice. I think what helps is that I do this because I like to. I love sharing it with people and knowing that others really enjoy the story,,, but its really a selfish act LOL 
If i get negative comments,,, those fly over my head. The positive ones far outweigh the negative ones (although, i havent gotten any ! which is so nice lolol)
Updating and deadlines,,,, i set those myself ? so like,,, if they need to be moved or adjusted i can just do that
And you can too ! please work at your own pace. Don’t feel burdened by those who read or consume your creations, I am certain most if not all are patient and willing to wait however long it takes for you to feel like its good enough to share
73. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
Hmmmmmm im gonna be a brat about this and say I write stuff that flows well. Funfact about lace, this is because I have written so many history papers, and those need to flow well in order to make sense. I go back over my works countless times to make sure everything is coming across well and that the audience knows whats going on. Is it perfect? No. I went back and reread chapter 1 of in the meadow recently and immediately wanted to start fixing lolol (i might do that 👀)
I would say it helps that I know grammar lolol,,,, i try to not put dialogue for different people in the same paragraph or do run on sentences,,, but I am certainly guilty of using the same adjectives over and over or putting too many commas in one sentence lol 
75. What scene in in the meadow took the longest to write? What was difficult about it?
Okay,,, there have been a few parts where i had to pause and take a moment before i actually got my thoughts down
The first was the fight between Milly and Knives about Wolfwood. I had planned that scene so early on,,, but I … i couldn’t figure out each character’s motivation for SO LONG. it took me forever to find why Milly would even put up with him when he was the one to kill WW but also Milly wouldn’t hold a grudge like that and yakjdlkfjsdlj it took so long and i went over it a billion times to fix it and change it ugh
Another one that was sillier was in the latest chapter (28) I was having the hardest time planning out the silly conversation with the sisters. It literally made me stop writing for like a week T-T I couldn’t figure out how to make the conversation flow or how to make Vash seem like a sleaze while not a huge sleaze or for the ladies to tease Meryl UGH
I still don’t think its good but it was the best i could get it
I also avoided writing the final chapter for a minute cuz i didn’t want it to be over,,, then i wrote the whole thing in one day lol (squid knows lol)
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sushigirlali · 11 months
Bad Idea Right? - Part I (Reylo Fanfic)
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Part I | Part II | Part III (Complete!)
Summary: Rey Niima realizes she may not be over Ben Solo when Hux’s social media posts show her ex-boyfriend is moving on at Poe’s Halloween party. Donning a matching costume purchased before their breakup, Rey decides to stop running and confront him. Horny Halloween hijinks ensue!
Pairings: Rey/Ben, Rose/Hux, Finn/Poe
Continuity: Modern AU
A/N: I wrote the outline for this on my phone with speech to text while stuck in traffic and listening to Olivia Rodrigo 😂 Happy spooky season, rats! I was definitely inspired by some reylo/hellcheer Halloween art I’ve seen recently as well 😛
Master list –> AO3 | ff.net | Tumblr
Bad Idea Right? - Part I
By: sushigirlali
Boston, MA
Friday, October 24
Haven't heard from you in a couple of months
But I'm out right now, and I'm all fucked up
And you're callin' my phone, you're all alone
And I'm sensin' some undertone
Rey Niima had a problem. Was it a problem of her own making? Perhaps. But it was a problem nonetheless. 
After swearing off men and dating and love for the last two months, she was lonely and bored and horny. More specifically, she was horny for her ex-boyfriend Ben Solo. It had been exactly 62 days since their breakup (yes, she had been counting), and every night without him was worse than the last. 
The urge to text him was almost overwhelming at times, but she tried to see it as an exercise in control. It made her feel a little better, to have a goal. Even if the goal was to ruin her own life.
Rey blew out an irritated breath, moving her unwashed brown hair away from her face. She really should shower and change after a long day’s work, but she just didn’t care. Flopping down on her bed in an oversized blazer and yoga pants, she wondered whether Ben was thinking about her just then as well. It was hard to focus on things like hygiene and personal needs (beyond what was strictly necessary on a mandatory zoom call) when there wasn’t anyone around to judge you. 
“Or praise you,” she thought wistfully, because Ben used to praise her for the tiniest, sweetest things…
Rolling over onto her stomach, crushing the front of her semi-professional blazer, Rey pressed her face into her battered, space-themed comforter and screamed.
And I'm right here with all my friends
But you're sendin' me your new address
And I know we're done, I know we're through
But, God, when I look at you
My brain goes, "Ah"
The breakup had been stupid, really. Or, she was stupid. 
Near the end of August, on the date of their four year anniversary, Ben had planned an elaborate scavenger hunt for her through the city. And at the end of the trek, there had been a box and a question. 
She could still remember the pain in his dark eyes when she refused him, the slump in his broad shoulders as he balanced on one knee, the quiver of his lips…
Rey pushed her guilt aside and focused on the other ways his lips had made her feel over the years. They were full and plush, with a tendency to hike up on one side when he grinned. And when he kissed her, sometimes she forgot her own name. And when he didn’t stop kissing her until she begged for more, slipping his lips hotly down her cheek, her throat, her breasts, her stomach… Well, she liked those memories most of all.
Stripping out of her house clothes, she tossed them onto an existing pile of dirty clothes by the foot of the bed. Ben would be horrified that they didn’t immediately go into the hamper, but again, he wasn’t around and she just didn’t care. At any rate, it wasn’t like one pile of junk was going to ruin the ambiance of her small, dingy apartment. 
Which honestly just felt like another fitting punishment for breaking Ben Solo’s heart. “Not that I could afford anything better on my own,” she lamented, thinking about the mountain of student loan debt she owed.
Shaking her head to clear it, she went back to disrobing, removing her favorite lace bralette and matching panties and tossing them aside as well. She didn’t even know why she’d bothered to keep the very expensive, yet impractical cream ensemble besides years of childhood poverty making her thrifty. It definitely wasn’t because they were a gift from Ben and he loved peeling them off her.
“Don’t think about… actually, no. That works.”
Rey stretched to retrieve her cell phone from the bedside table and navigated through her contacts to the entry entitled “Ben Solo.” Her finger hovered over the call button for a second, the thought of hearing his deep voice again tempting, but she chickened out. 
“I really should have deleted his number by now, or blocked him at the very least.” But he hadn’t texted or called in 62 days, and she hated how hopeful it made her that he still could.
Closing her contacts, she opened the files app instead and unlocked a folder titled “Gardening Tips 🍆💦” with an extremely long and complicated password. Biting her lip as sultry images flashed before her eyes, Rey leaned back against her second-hand cotton bedspread, which had been washed so many times that the thin fabric felt like silk against her bare skin. 
The first few photos were of Ben’s hands, his long, tapered fingers and calloused palms. Despite his family’s wealth, Ben liked to work with his hands at his firm’s tech lab. He was an engineer, like her, so she understood the need to tinker.
Rey imagined those hands on her body again, running one of her own across her taut stomach to cup one of her small breasts. The pads of her fingers weren’t nearly as rough as his, she usually worked on sketching designs instead of with hard materials, but a picture was worth a thousand words as they say.
“Ben,” she whimpered, flicking through a few more photos before finding some of his face and chest.
He was smiling in a lot of them, something he rarely did around anyone but her, his expression intimate and open. Or, at least, that had been the case when they were…
Zooming in on his chest, she traced the curve of his muscles, the shape of his trim waist, the blush of his nipples, touching herself in each of those locations in turn. But it wasn’t enough.
Backing out into the folder, she skipped down to pictures of his ass, his cock, of them together. “Fuck.” She flushed with arousal at one particular set from the night before they broke up.
Ben was deep inside her, his pubic hairs meshing with hers, his thumb on her clitoris, her body contorted. Every frame showed a different angle of his penetration, from her point of view. 
Lifting her knees, she bent her legs toward her chest, trying to mimic the position, before flipping open the camera app and snapping a few new photos. She wanted to recreate the scene, but it was too difficult to hold the filthy position and touch herself at the same time without Ben pressing down on her hips.
Annoyed, she hit the share button and sent off one of the new full frontal nudes to her man before thinking better of it. 
Then, “Oh, shit. Oh, fuck!” Scrambling upright, Rey stared at her phone in horror. Ben wasn’t her man anymore and she had no right to send him unsolicited sexts. “Fuck, fuck, fuck—FUCK!”
Rey jumped as her screen lit up: Ben was calling her.
Can't hear my thoughts (I cannot hear my thoughts)
Like blah-blah-blah (blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah)
Should probably not
I should probably, probably not
I should probably, probably not
Rey was frozen solid for the first three rings, but on the fourth, she impulsively hit the talk button. Hitting that button meant she’d hear his voice again, it meant he hadn’t blocked her either, it meant… 
“Rey?” he said hesitantly, her name from his lips immediately heightening her arousal. 
Her jaw worked up and down, but no sound came out. She wanted to respond, to keep him talking, but what could she say? Sorry I haven't called? Sorry I’m such a mess? Sorry I ruined our lives? 
“Rey, why did you send me that picture?” 
“Are you still naked?” His tone was neutral, but the question still brought heat to her cheeks.
“Yes,” she whispered.
“Did you just take that pic? Is that what your pussy looks like right now?” His voice became gruffer.
“Are you keeping your curls tidy for any particular reason?” He was stern now, or was it jealous? Maybe a bit of both.
“No,” she said, because, “I’ve ignored every other aspect of my hygiene except a biweekly bikini wax in case you ever wanted to eat me out again,” was insane.
“Good girl,” he said warmly.
Praise. Ben was praising her. “Fuck.”
Rey propped herself up on several pillows, put the phone on speaker, and set it on her chest with the microphone facing her mouth. Using one hand to pull her right leg up and back, the other slid between her legs. “Ben, I’m so wet.”
He blew out a breath. “Fuck, Rey. Do you need my help, baby?”
She nodded but then realized he couldn't see her. Clearing her throat, she said, “Yes, please,” very politely.
“That’s my girl,” he chuckled. Then, with more heat, “Are you touching yourself already?”
“Where? How are you positioned?”
She told him and he groaned. “I’m so turned on, Ben, but it just isn’t the same without…” She cleared her throat. “What should I do?”
“I want you to run your index and middle fingers over your slit,” he commanded.
She did as he said and sighed into the receiver. 
“That’s it, baby. Do that until you’re so slick my thick cock could slip in without a hitch.”
She pictured him over her, touching her, fucking her. “Oh, god, I am!” 
“You’re doing so good,” he praised. “Now slowly spread your lips and slip your fingers inside.”
“Okay,” she panted, swirling her fingers around her opening before sinking them knuckle deep in her pussy. “They–they're in.”
“How does it feel?” he asked.
“Good. Really good. But I wish it was your fingers, Ben, they’re so thick.” Shit. She shouldn’t have said that.
He choked out his next demand, clearly affected by her statement. “Drop your leg, baby, and use your free hand to massage your clit. If I were there with you, I’d keep you open so wide, but you need to use both hands for me.”
“Okay,” she said, the image of him pinning her down with his big body flashing through her mind.
“Now close your eyes,” he murmured. “Are they closed?”
“Yes, Ben.”
“Picture me while you pump your fingers inside your cunt and rub your clit with your other thumb.”
“Ohhhh!” she moaned, doing his bidding. Her sheath clenched around her fingers as he continued to whisper into her ear, telling her how sexy she was, how much he loved this, how good he wanted to make her feel. 
“Are your nipples hard?”
“So hard!” She didn’t even know what she was saying anymore, she just wanted to please him.
“Is your pussy dripping all over your sheets?”
“Yes!” she screamed, rubbing, straining, curling and twisting her fingers until a flood erupted between her splayed thighs.
Ben talked her through the blinding orgasm, her first since they had parted, until she calmed several minutes–hours?–later. 
“Hmm?” Rey was breathless, her body tingling and satiated.
“I have to go now.”
Her euphoria shifted into confusion and hurt, which was rich considering he had just helped her get off and asked nothing in return. “Oh, okay. Uh–thank you.” Then, her deep-seeded fear of rejection taking control, she quickly disconnected the call before he could say anything more.
Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
Seein' you tonight, fuck it, it's fine
Rey pulled her comforter tighter around naked body, trying to smother out the light streaming through her window. During the excitement last night she had forgotten to pull the blackout curtains closed. 
“Ugh,” she grumbled when her phone buzzed a few times in quick succession.
Sticking her hand out of the warm cocoon, she blindly felt around for the device before pulling it back under the covers. Switching the light setting to dim, she read:
Ben: Good morning, sweetheart ❤️‍
Ben: Rey, are we really doing this again? 
Ben: I know what it meant to me, but what did last night mean to you? 
She sighed her favorite word in lieu of doing anything productive. “Fuck.”
Fiddling with the phone, she started texting him back several times, writing and rewriting a positive message, a negative one, something neutral, but in the end she turned it off without sending anything. 
She knew she should respond, that he’d take her silence to mean last night meant nothing, but she was scared. Last night was incredible, he was incredible, and he hadn’t even touched her. Just his voice had reduced her to a quivering mess, bringing back all her memories of them together. Sexual and otherwise.
Rey swore again, frustrated that she hadn’t gotten him out of her system. “It was just one call, idiot. It’s not like you fucked him again.”
But that couldn’t happen. Her dumb heart wouldn’t be able to stand letting him go twice.
Yes, I know that he's my ex, but can't two people reconnect?
"I only see him as a friend, " the biggest lie I ever said
Oh, yes, I know that he's my ex, but can't two people reconnect?
I only see him as a friend, I just tripped and fell into his bed
A/N: I intended for this fic to be a one-shot, but whoops it’s >10K words of feelings and smut. Part II coming tomorrow! Happy All Hallows’ Eve Eve!!
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stillafanofsonic · 7 months
😅 🎢 ⛔ 🙋‍♀️ ❌ 😬
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
The first fanfic I ever wrote as a teenager that's still on ff.net somewhere... I don't remember the password so I can't go delete it (funny story, a friend once tried to find it and then said she left a comment. I couldn't login, but I found the fic and looked through the comments and said there was no new comment. She left one on the wrong fic, LMAO).
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
And the truth comes limping after. God that was so much fun to write, I legit had trouble sleeping after posting chapters because I was so excited.
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
Kinda... I thought about doing a swap about the human characters went to mobius as children and were taken care of by the hedgehogs. It didn't work out for me.
🙋‍♀️Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
No, they know I write and that I want to be a novelist but not that I write fanfic or what it's about.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
Anything really romantic focused. It's just not interesting to me
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
Hmmm.. honestly, I don't write about anything really horrific but I would worry they'd see my stuff and be like well, this explains so much about you (I'd die on the spot)
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cg29fics · 1 year
Tagging 🔖 Sorry if I’ve missed anyone - If you would like to be tagged in these updates then please let me know and I’ll add you to the list: @janetm74 @drileyf @katblu42 @psychoseal @weirdburketeer @alexthefly @misstb2 @thundergeek59 @burningcowboyhoagietaco @dragonoffantasyandreality
8 Chapters Left: The complete fic is also available via FF.Net & A03 - CreativeGirl29
Previous: Chapter 46. Talking.
Chapter 47. Further Conversations.
The morning after Sanderson’s arrest had seen the police arrive early, with them insisting on questioning the entire family one at a time. Thankfully, when it had come to them taking Virgil’s personal statement the police had allowed him to have his father present, alongside Doctor Sylvia. Several hours later the officers informed them that Maria Andrews had been released and Emily Sanderson had been charged with attempted murder, with no bail being granted. Further to this, several other charges were also made against her aunt, brother and father, who the police believed had been helping her with this and further other crimes she may have previously committed. Upon hearing all this news, the entire Tracy family were delighted to see Virgil visibly relax and fall into a much-needed sleep. It was a good 24 hours later when Virgil finally opened his eyes, a natural smile falling across his face when they rested on his next oldest brother, John sitting next to him.
“Hey, Sleepyhead. How are you feeling?” John asked.
“A bit thirsty,” Virgil answered, trying to sit himself up.
“Let me help,” John offered, adjusting the head of the bed into a slightly raised position, and then pouring him some water.
“Thanks,” Virgil replied, “what time is it?”
“11am, about your usual wake up time.”
“Cheeky!” Virgil laughed. “Where is everyone?”
“Scott’s just gone to get us some coffees and everyone else is back at the hotel. We decided to take shifts while you were sleeping,” John informed him.
Just as he had finished speaking Scott stepped in the room. “Virgil,” he beamed, spotting his brother was now awake.
“Hey, are one of those for me?” Virgil joked.
“You can have some water for now,” Scott said, passing the one coffee he was holding over to John, “we’ll find out about the coffee later.”
No fair!” Virgil retorted, scrunching up his face.
“You’re sounding a little bit happier today,” Scott commented.
Virgil nodded. “Relief can do wonders!”
“Glad to hear it,” Scott grinned, “and now you’re awake, I will give the others a call, I’m sure they’ll be pleased to see you looking a bit chirpier.”
“Do you have to call them?” Virgil asked.
“Err, yes bro... If I don’t dad will go mad. It took a lot of persuasion to get him to head back as it was… Why, don’t you want any of them here?” Scott questioned.
“Yes, of course I do. It’s just it would be nice to let dad get some more rest, I know he’s been with me constantly, and it would be great if we could chat.”
“Chat?” John and Scott questioned.
“Not about that... Just normal stuff, like we did before.”
“What, like how many different nurses John’s tried and failed to chat up in the past 24 hours since you’ve been asleep?”
“I have not failed,” John protested, “and you’ve been just as bad, Scott!”
“Oh, so you have both been chatting them up then?” Virgil teased.
“Well, they do look pretty good in their uniforms,” Scott admitted, “and now you’re awake and a bit more alert, we all know how bad you’ll get!”
Virgil went to object, but stopped when the door opened, and a young nurse entered. “Sorry to disturb you.”
“It’s okay,” all three of them responded.
“Hi Virgil, I’m Hannah and I’ll be your nurse for today. How are you feeling, any pain?”
“Not too bad,” Virgil replied.
“Really?” Scott and John both responded.
“Honestly,” Virgil assured them, “I’d say the pains a 4 out of 10, whatever painkillers they’re giving me are working well!”
“Well, I would prefer if you weren’t having any pain,” Scott frowned, “but it’s an improvement on how you have been… If it steps up to a five or more, then make sure you let one of us know so we can get a nurse.”
“Yes Smother,” Virgil grinned.
“I’m not a smother!” Scott protested.
“Err… Yes, you are!” John stated.
“Hey, I’m the eldest, which means you’re meant to be sticking up for me!” Scott protested.
John released a smirk. “I don’t think so… Virg is younger, and you know that the little ones always win an argument. Plus, he’s sick… And you really are a Smothering Hen!”
Scott looked back and forth from John to Virgil. “I’m not going to win, am I?
“With four younger brothers when have you ever won?” Virgil answered with a slight laugh.
“You’re definitely right about that,” Scott agreed.
Hannah shook her head at them all. “Are you guys always like this?”
“Pretty much,” John responded, “and it’s much worse when all five of us are together.”
“Mm, I can imagine… And I’m beginning to understand why all the other nurses warned me about you lot.”
Virgil chuckled. “Well you can’t blame me. I’ve not really been with it, but it’s good to know my bro’s have been maintaining our reputation.”
“Well, from what I’ve been told they certainly have!” Hannah stated, while she finished checking Virgil’s obs.
“Cute!” John observed, when Hannah left the room.
Scott shook his head. “Leave the poor woman alone!”
“Why should I?” John questioned. “I’m single!”
“Yes, but if you chat her up, that means I can’t,” Scott complained.
“Hey, stop it you two,” Virgil broke in, “I’m the sick one, which means I get the first go.”
Scott and John both glanced at each other and released hearty laughs.
“What?” Virgil demanded.
“Oh Virg, we both know how bad your pick-up lines are,” Scott remarked.
“Well, if you think about it Scott, we should leave Virg to the chatting up… Once he’s finished, we’ll definitely be in with a chance!”
Scott grinned. “Personally, I think he needs to save the chat-up lines for Penny!”
“I have no idea what you mean!” Virgil declared, trying to hide his reddening face.
“And I’m not that bad at chatting women up,” he added, trying to change the conversation.
“Oh, come on,” John laughed, “don’t you remember Sarah Fields horror at your awful attempt to ask her out to the school dance.”
“I was only 12,” Virgil protested.
“Actually, you were 15!” Scott stated.
Virgil scrunched up his face. “Why do you remember everything?”
“I can’t remember what she said that had all of us laughing so much!” Scott admitted. “Can you John?”
“Sorry bro, I can’t.” John glanced towards Virgil to see if his brother could provide the answer. However, when he noticed Virgil’s pale face and sudden drop in energy, he instantly nudged Scott before addressing his younger brother. “Virg, are you okay?”
Virgil shook his head. “I remember what Sarah said.”
“And what was it?” John and Scott asked, with puzzled expressions.
“She said my chat up lines were like being slowly tortured,” Virgil released a nervous laugh, “from personal experience, I’d say the girl didn’t know what torture was really like… And to be honest, it is quite funny.”
Scott reached out and grasped his brothers hand. “Virg, you don’t have to pretend with us!”
Virgil nodded, desperately trying not to make eye contact.
“And if you want to talk we’re right here.” John added.
Virgil glanced up at them both and quietly nodded his agreement. Scott and John both exhaled in relief and pulled their chairs in closer. After waiting patiently for around five minutes, Virgil began to speak. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared and alone in all my life. I never thought anything would top how I felt when the Sentinel shot me down… But this certainly did… I kept trying to be strong, I was answering him back… I even told the Hood to go and get a Hobby, instead of chasing International Rescue all the time… But then he revealed what he did to mum… And then the nightmares started…” Virgil breathed out slowly, then continued. “When I saw the devices and camera being set up, I began to feel sick with fear… Not for myself, but for you guys… I’m so sorry that you had to see that.”
“Virg, this was not your fault.” John soothed.
“But I… I wasn’t strong enough,” Virgil sniffed, “I tried to hide the pain that I was in… But I couldn’t.”
Scott wiped away the tears from Virgil’s eyes. “None of us would have been able to hide the pain… And personally, I think you’ve been very brave.”
“No,” Virgil replied, “I haven’t been brave, I should have hidden it better… What that must have done to you all, having to witness what he did to me.”
“Virgil, listen to me,” Scott commanded, “now, I’m not going to lie to you… We were all angry, scared and extremely upset when we saw what the Hood was doing to you… But, like John’s already said, and we’ve already told you on multiple occasions… None of this was your fault!” Virgil went to object once more but was silenced by Scott. “And you really need to stop focussing on how we felt and start concentrating on your own wellbeing!”
Virgil nodded sadly, stifling a yawn.
“You should get some more sleep,” John suggested.
Virgil shook his head. “Haven’t I slept enough recently?”
“Your body and mind need the rest, so it can recuperate,” John informed him, “you’ve already been awake much longer than you have been… And don’t pull that face!” He scolded, when Virgil grimaced.
Virgil sighed. “Will you both stay with me?”
Scott nodded. “Of course, we’re not going anywhere.”
Note: Virgil’s reference to ‘The Sentinel’ shooting TB2 down - Refers to an original series episode: Terror in New York City.
NEKT: Chapter 48. Dreams
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arisu-artnfics · 3 years
“The ghost island”
A Danny Phantom fanfic.
Note:  First Danny Phantom fiction ever. I really can not say how bad or not I had these characters.  Credit to:
Beta by Clydeside on AO3. (@clyde-side). Based/inspired on two fanarts/ideas: Full Moon by @the-random-phan on tumblr. Silly reveal scenarios by @bctoastyyy on tumblr. Summary:  The class goes on a field trip but things don't go to plan. Winding up on a deserted island sounds just like Danny's sort of luck.  Also on: DA || ff.net || AO3 || Facebook Version en español
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. They weren’t supposed to be in this boat going to that island in the distance. It all started about a week or two weeks ago, with the field trip permission form. Daniel Fenton/Phantom aka Danny, had tried and failed to get out of it. He never liked to leave Amity Park. The ghosts were there, he needed to protect it. A field trip to one of the islands on lake Michigan was not where he wanted to go. But when not even his sister could give him an excuse for it, his parents signed the permission form without even thinking about it. Danny was going, no exceptions. After Danny found out that he couldn’t get out of it; a plan was made. It was simple: he would go, but he would also lock the portal with a code that his parents wouldn't be able to figure out until he was back. Then his sister Jasmine Fenton, also better known as Jazz, would check on it to make sure. Jazz had gotten a lot better as a ghost hunter, even though nobody would likely admit it. But for a weekend, Danny would trust his sister. And now Jazz was comfortable back home, and Danny was stuck in a small boat. But it was of course Dash and his stupid, stupid dare, and for once Lancer actually trying to stop them. Danny didn't even remember what the dare was. Just that it involved climbing into the small boat. That boat wasn't part of the emergency strategies the ship had, it did have lifejackets anyway but nothing else.
What happened was indeed a collective amount of actions happening at the same time. The captain spoke through the speakers, warning and asking everyone to take cover in the hold. A small storm was building ahead of them and it needed to be avoided. Everyone except Dash decided to do the intelligent thing and follow safety procedures. That's where the dare started, Dash wanted to prove that he wasn't scared of nature so he stupidly challenged himself. It was simple, he was going to climb into the small boat, and grab tight to the side the whole time that the storm lasted. Lancer caught up with what was happening, he was about to make sure that everyone stuck together when he noticed. Dash was going to be filmed by Paulina, so Paulina with her suitcase and Star was next with her were close by. They could see the clear sky, couldn't understand what the captain was referring to, so hadn't thought about the possible danger that they were actually putting themselves into. That's when it all happened. Lancer noticed that one of his students was doing something extremely ridiculous just for the sake of it, while two were just watching and probably filming for the future. So he did what he thought was the correct action, turned around to the rest of his class and ordered them to stay, while he went to stop them. Danny, unable to believe his luck, and seeing the storm the captain mentioned, knew he should do something before any of them got in serious trouble. Tucker and Sam, his friends who were also noticing everything that was going on, couldn't believe that they were about to also get involved in helping Lancer stop the idiots of the class. Being in the A-list didn't mean that they were the smartest, did it? Valerie noticed as well in that moment that rather than stay like their teacher had ordered, they were going out.
“Are they insane, what was going on?” Valerie thought. She was pretty new in their group of friends. "Oh I'm going to kill them, if the storm doesn't," murmured Valerie, upset that her new friends, but friends nevertheless, were going crazy. The storm was about to start. She also followed them. She was as well regretting her own actions but too late to stop, it seems.
“Valerie?” asked Sam when she noticed that she had followed them. “Sam, Tuck?” said Danny when he turned and noticed them. “And Val?” he added once she was also close enough. “I can handle it,” he whispered more to Tucker and Sam. Hinting his ghostly powers would help. “We know,” said Tucker in the same voice level, he couldn’t allow Valerie to know about it. “You are crazy! Not here, not now…!” Sam warned. Especially close to Valerie that could easily call a ‘watch’ in her wrist to check for ghosts close by, by their ecto signature. “I know, I wasn't… not something obvious, just…” Danny stopped himself when he noticed confusion and a suspicious eyebrow raise from Valerie. They had stopped whispering and started talking and it was getting too loud to be heard. “Never mind,” Danny concluded. Valerie shook her head, wishing that they trusted her a bit more. Although without her knowledge they did. "Daniel, Tucker, Samantha and Valerie, didn't I say to please stay put inside?" said Mr. Lancer when he noticed the four students behind him. That made them stop discussing what they were talking about and tension was in the air. They half forgot why they were all standing there, right now. "Mr. Lancer?" Asked Paulina once she noticed the commotion behind her and Star, and turned around to see them; just as Dash had finished climbing the boat and sat inside with a thumb up signalling that he was tight, safe inside and ready to be filmed as soon as Kwan returned from the toilet. "What are the losers doing here? This is going to be my challenge, my own record!" said Dash while looking past Lancer to Danny and his friends. “Well Mr. Baxter, as much as I'd normally appreciate a record well done, I must stop this crazy act—” Mr. Lancer started but stopped in one when the wind picked up very fast and rain started falling stronger than ever. The storm had started. "Oh crap," said Danny, knowing that it was indeed too late. "Language," scolded Lancer with some difficulty. He couldn’t stop himself from correcting his students even when it was starting to be very difficult to even stand still any longer. They all were in real danger.
Danny took that as an opportunity to think fast, the only thing that was secured at the moment seemed to be the stupid boat where Dash was. Dash was already grabbing tight there, so it should be relatively safe, hopefully safe enough to stay in one piece after the storm. Everyone else except Danny was starting to slip and close to falling overboard. It was time for action, and that's what Danny did. He grabbed Tucker and Sam and put them together to his other side closer to the boat. They got the hint and jumped in, pulling Paulina and Star with them. Paulina with difficulty as she refused to let go of the suitcase. Lancer as well jumped into the boat as he noticed what his students had decided, while Valerie who was about to just lay down on the floor and grab whatever was close to her and pray that she managed to survive the storm without activating her suit. She really was going to kill them, specifically if that caused the class jerks to know her secret. One thing was her dad knowing, 'thanks' to Phantom, but it would be a whole other thing if her friends and class knew.
After putting his closer friends safe, Danny helped Valerie with a bit of super ghostly strength to also get her inside the boat. He knew that in the worst of the cases she would be fine thanks to her hunter suit. Even when he supposedly didn't know about those 'extra curricular' activities. Although, that would probably mean that he would be dead, wholly dead, if Valerie’s secret got out. Eventually, they all were on the tiny boat, with Paulina’s suitcase and everything they had in their hands. It was definitely not the best situation, luckily not the worst, but it was something that they could hopefully survive.
However, the storm only got worse with time. They all were grabbing the safety line tightly at the side of the boat. In seconds the wind was ever stronger than before, they all could feel it lifting the boat. It was Danny who actually swore when he noticed that the boat, while not being one of the life savers, was just on top of the floor fastened down with only a few knots. Lancer also noticed the same thing and for the first time that day he allowed the swear, he could feel how doomed they were. Lancer would normally be happy thinking of ‘Doomed’ but not right now, when it was a real life situation and not his favourite game.
When things couldn’t get worse, as many had now noticed the danger that they all were, it got worse. The wind finally managed to have loosened the boat, the rain was pushing it close to the edge, and then finally the stupid small boat rolled overboard. The students screamed, while Lancer tried to calm them, ordering them to not move much so the boat would land upright. The storm was a big one, so it was hard to see, the captain didn't pay attention to that side, nobody did. They were more concerned about the people inside and avoiding the huge waves that had quickly appeared out of nowhere. It felt like being in the middle of the ocean. It was terrible, that was it, as the ship pulled away, leaving the small boat with the students and teacher struggling not to flip over.
Time passed, and the storm finally stopped. The students and Lancer were relieved that by miracle, or actually ghost powers provided by Danny sneakily, they didn’t flip. They were all alright, at least that’s what it looked like. Mr. Lancer checked everyone. Paulina and Star were trying to accommodate a suitcase, he still doesn’t understand how or why that was here. Tucker, and Dash were actually green looking, heads hanging over the edge. Sam had found the lifejackets and was trying to pass those around. Danny was silent looking at all, odd but alright, probably dizzy as well. And Valerie was laying down on the edge.
That made Mr. Lancer react, noticing as well that nobody was actually calm. “Please everyone calm down,” he finally said. That’s when Paulina screamed, her suitcase finally budged and fell over. “My suitcase!!” she said while trying to reach for it. Star stopped her, before she fell as well. Sam at that moment was trying to give Danny one of the lifejackets. “You need one,” she said through her clenched teeth. Valerie finally managed to lift her head, she had herself in the boat with the help of her suit in a sneaky way, but at the last second of the storm she bounced a bit out of it. “A little help here, please!” she screamed, it was the worst that it could happen to her and everyone but c’mon, they couldn’t be that bad.  “Sorry, I’m going to…” said Tucker, totally green with nausea, having accepted the lifejacket Sam was passing around. “Don’t look at me either…” commented Dash looking as green or worse than Tucker “Shit,” was the only thing that Danny could think at that moment, then it was him being the closest to her to help her out.
Lancer also helped Valerie to sit straight, then making sure that Paulina finally gave up trying to get the suitcase that was drowning bit by bit. He was very surprised that it lasted that long on the top. He then proceeded to help Sam and make sure that everyone, including himself, had a lifejacket. Once he helped with that and the two dizzy boys stopped looking so green he decided that it was time to form a plan to get rescued.
"Wait… is that the moon?" Asked Dash after a couple of seconds of calming his stomach. He said just before Lancer could even get their attention. "A full moon, but yes," said Danny with a tired expression. Using his ghostly powers while avoiding suspicions or being discovered, especially by Valerie, was harder than he thought. Especially if you count the fact that he was saving everyone there. "Is it really that late…?" said Paulina, finally paying more attention to the rest in the boat. "Well, the storm started when the sunset was setting, so," said Valerie with a shrug afterwards. They should have paid more attention to the time she guessed. "What a way to change the time," commented Star, feeling disoriented as well. "Tell me about it," murmured Tucker, he was feeling a bit better but that didn’t mean he was liking the situation a bit less. "Mr. Lancer, shouldn't we look for a way to contact everyone else?" Asked Sam, she wasn't going to spend more time than necessary with them if she could help it.
"Oh, yeah" said Lancer, shaking himself out of the conversation passing by himself around and clearing his throat. "All right, everyone, obviously once the storm stopped, someone on the boat should have noticed us missing, so it will be only a matter of time before they rescue us. Meanwhile, we should probably find a way to get dry… a bit at least, so nobody gets sick and keeps calm, maybe even see how far we are from the coast, remember that we aren't in the sea and the closest islands should be habitable, so people should help us there even better. I don't think any of you guys have a working phone with you, even though it was strictly prohibited..." He stopped when everyone put their hands in their pockets looking for their devices as if they just remembered they had them on them. That made Lancer just sigh in defeat, he wasn’t surprised; not even a little bit. "Dead," said Danny with a small smile that hinted at an inside joke for him and his closest friends. That smile got removed from his face when looking at his phone with dead battery and totally soaked, he almost hadn't noticed how wet he was, his powers helped him to stay dry, normally. But that wasn’t relevant at this moment. "Same," said Sam after checking hers with similar conditions. "My baby is dead…" said Tucker, showing his phone more wet than the others if possible. He is going to be looking for a new one as soon as possible, that was for sure. And cry about his phone debts. "Dead," said Valerie with a shake of her head. "Mine was in my suitcase…" said Paulina, with tears in her eyes. "And both were very brand new, now I'll have to ask my papá to get new ones again," she said as if it was nothing, that probably was true for her. "Mine isn't that wet, but I don't think it has service," said Star, trying to lift as much as possible her hand with the device. They all look at Dash who hasn't said anything yet. "What?" he asked. "Your phone…" said Paulina as if that was the most obvious thing to do and check. "Oh, no, sorry ‘Lina, dead as well, it only lasts like a week… sad, but oh well, my dad would get me another," Dash replied with a shrug at the end. "How about yours, Mr. Lancer?" Asked Danny, he was at the end the closest sitting to him. Lancer sighed. "I did check a while ago, but…" he showed his old fashioned phone. "As you can see, I don't have any luck either." The phone was wet with a dark screen screaming broken as well. "Then our only hope is that the rest of the class said something to the captain," commented Valerie. “Great” she whispered with sarcasm. It would take a real miracle now. "I suppose that's true," said Lancer simply, there wasn’t much to do now, was it? "We are going to die," screamed Dash, getting in panic mode again. "We aren't going to die Dash, don't be stupid, we are close to there," said Valerie, she was tired of everything, and as Lancer said before they should be close to shore, an island shore but land nevertheless. She point out what she could see in the close distance. "And how the hell do you think we will reach it, Gray?" asked Paulina, annoyed about everything. For her, everything shouldn’t be like this, now she was stuck with them. Lancer then looked around, and noticed that indeed they didn't have anything that would help them navigate the small boat to the island. "Ah," said without much thought "Are we going to use our hands and arms to move around?" said Dash, adjusting himself so he could put one arm outside the boat in the water to demonstrate what he meant. "You know like this, but well, it should work if all the losers help too," he said looking to Danny and Tucker specially. "Hey," Tucker complained, it wasn’t the time. He was thinking of pointing out that it was Dash’s fault that they were all in this situation. "Don't start Dash,” interrupted Sam. “It's all your fault, you and your stupidity put us in this situation, if you didn't think that you were the best or whatever you were trying to prove this time, then Mr. Lancer wouldn't try to stop it and us too. You are a jerk but that doesn't make it right to let you be that stupid specially when you put others in danger!" Sam was mad. She wasn’t going to let Dash’s behaviour slide, not this time. It could have all ended worse than what they knew, she and probably Tucker knew Danny had been using his powers to help them all. Lucky enough Valerie hasn’t noticed or said anything about it if she did. "Wow," commented Tucker, happy to know that he had his friends on his back as always. "She is right, you know," said Valerie, getting the same amount of annoyance from Dash and his stupidity. "Hey," complained Dash. "I never asked you losers to play heroes or whatever—" "We aren't playing…" said Danny, getting tired of everything even more than before. They might not know about his secret, but they always knew when and how to do the right thing. They always tried their best. "What do you want, fentoni?" said Dash, getting annoyed that everyone seems to be against him, it was supposed to be a little dare, a record even; something funny. Nothing more, as nothing was supposed to go wrong. "All right, all right… that's enough," said Mr. Lancer stopping both parties, who decided to just glare at each other for a couple of seconds before both breaking contact at the same time. "Then, Mr. Lancer, what are we going to do? There's no way to move the boat that easily… or it is?" Said Paulina, Star nodding along to that observation. There weren’t any paddles that they could see, probably lost in the storm. "I could do it easier, but that won't be easy to explain," thought Danny. He sighed. "I can’t believe I'm saying this, but maybe Dash was onto something, it’s not that bad of an idea to try to use our hands like that. We just need to coordinate better," he said, deciding that admitting that was going to bite him back but he was so tired of everything and they needed it out and fast. "Wow, I never thought I would see that happening any time soon," said Tucker, even though he could see that for the first time ever it seemed like Dash was right in something helpful. "Mmmm… me neither," said Valerie. It was easy to agree with what they were saying, she wished it was their idea rather than Dash’s, just for the fact that well, it was him. "I'm impressed," said Sam while nodding. "Whatever," said Paulina, she knew that they were right, she didn't like it, but the sooner she was safe the better. So she prepared herself to help too. "I'm surprised we are all right, it feels like it’s been hours," said Star out of nowhere. "Mmmmm…" was a collective agreement by everyone else.
Like that Mr. Lancer took the attention of the students and started guiding the students on what to do. How to navigate the boat with their bare hands and with what they had. It took them a couple of more hours for sure, but then they were all finally out of the water. They knew they were on an island, the question was which one and if there was anything here. Lancer did manage to keep the small group together long enough before one of them complained and decided to explore or something else. They should be close to something, anything for real, they were supposed to be close enough to civilization. This wasn’t an island in the deep ocean.
“Mmm… Mr. Lancer, I think that we are in the deserted island… the one that doesn’t even have a name…” said Tucker after a moment of looking around. Everyone had been hoping it wasn’t the case but it was. “How can you be so sure, Tuck? I thought that all your gadgets got wet and/or have no battery to tell you where we are,” said Sam with an eyebrow raised. “I don’t need technology to know that it’s a deserted one… Look around, there is nothing, NOTHING!” replied Tucker while making a show with his arms open and pointing around as if the answer was obvious. “Are we going to die here?!” said Paulina, getting worried while looking around as she needed to confirm that they were indeed on that kind of island. “Okay, okay,” said Lancer with his hands up showing palms, trying to get in control of what to do. Now that they had looked around and found nothing, it was really looking like what Tucker said. They needed a plan and fast. “We need to stay calm, wherever we are, look even if the next island town is just ‘around the corner’,” he said, making air-quotes. “For now we should use the advantage of the full moon light to start improvising a camping spot, and get ready to sleep. Tomorrow when the rescue comes, it will be all for the better,” he finished with a smile trying to provide a calming atmosphere. “But we’re all wet, well, getting dry in different stages of wet, have nothing but our clothes on, how the fuck are we going to camp, here… also camp??” complained Valerie, who normally wouldn't complain or swear like that, but she probably could be the one with actual resources, thanks to her hunter suit, but she wasn’t about to say that any time soon. “Language, please, Miss Gray,” said Mr. Lancer. He sighed, “Yeah, I know, it doesn’t sound good or looks like it for that matter, but right now in the middle of the night, I can't do much. And if my memory serves well, those lifejackets that we wore before, should have a GPS location for emergencies like this one when a person gets thrown overboard so the crew can find that poor lost soul in time,” he said, explaining that fact that was explained in the main boat as safety procedures. Considering that his students don’t know or actually paid attention the first round about when the trip started. “But what if it isn’t. We are going to stay here stuck, forever, living off… whatever those trees are… and… nooooooooooo,” said Paulina who started crying after that, Star who never left her side patted her on her back. Star was worried as well, but they should all be fine at the end, right? Their teacher was right after all. The GPS should work. “Okay… dramatic much, but we aren’t going to die,” said Sam. Danny gave her a sheepish smile. “Well, not all the way,” she murmured for just Danny to hear, sometimes she couldn’t believe that she followed his sense of humour, “I believe Mr. Lancer is right. None of you noticed but those had a red light on the whole time we had it on and still on, so rescue is on its way, probably because it’s late, won’t be here until the morning.” Sam finished nodding to herself, feeling proud of that. She knew the whole time that’s why they always used them on small boats like that, actually in all kinds of boats. “Thank you Miss Manson, so let’s go that way,” Mr. Lancer said and pointed to the closest group of trees that, funnily enough, had grown in an arch, giving the illusion of a roof. “We can all fit under that, so at least we will have shelter for the night.” Lancer had been looking for something like that for a while, while the rest were focusing on the worst.
Everyone looked at what he was pointing at and agreed with the teacher, sometimes they forgot that he was a scout when he was younger. At least Dash was sure that Lancer had said so in the past. Even Danny could agree with what had been planned out. Like that, everyone got into a task, even without words, they seem to be working together fine for once. Paulina and Star started to collect some smaller branches and put them all together to make a fire. Sam was walking around collecting some berries and fruits that were growing close to them and easy to collect. Valerie decided to help the other two girls, she could probably be the only one there that would be able to start the fire without a problem, but wasn’t going to expose herself. She was starting to hate that fact, but secret identities were for something. Dash, Danny and even Tucker were helping Lancer accommodate the big branches and making sure that all of them could lay down with enough cover for the night.
Once everything seemed fine for the night, they all sat together around the fire. In a surprise turn of events, it was Paulina and Star who started the fire. Valerie was surprised as well as everyone else. Danny did surprise the rest a bit when he without too much thinking was the one that did some hard lifting to move away one of the heavy branches. Although that did surprise everyone else who wasn’t aware of his powers they just shook it off as an odd thing from him, and continued as if nothing unusual had happened. Just like that everyone started to get in better conditions and less wet than before, more dry and comfortable with their clothes as far as they could. Once Sam returned with everything that she collected, she divided it up equally.
“I can’t believe I must eat this… I didn’t notice but I was starving,” said Tucker while helping some of the fruits, knowing well enough how sick he is going to get after all this. Hopefully his body resists until after the rescue. “I can’t believe what I’m about to say, but thanks Manson,” said Dash who was as well starving and eating what he was given. “Well, I don’t have my stuff, but at least this isn’t that bad, I guess I’d have to give you some credit, Sam,” said Paulina, who was wishing to have at least her phone working or her own food. “Unbelievable…” commented Valerie after hearing Paulina. “Well, okay, before you guys start another of your… debates,” said Mr. Lancer. “Wish they were this active in my class rather than blaming each other thousands of times” he thought and sighed, “you may have missed that I found the perfect place for your… needs,” he said, pointing out a bit farther behind them where it could be seen a small hole. Their toilet for the night. The disgusted faces of his students confirmed they got the message. That was good enough for him, he wasn’t planning on explaining that.  After a couple of seconds Paulina said, “No way, I will hold it until we get rescued, I’m dry and tired, so I’ll just lay down…” She stood up from the circle that they all were sitting close to the fire. That got her a couple of nods from Dash and Star.
Like that Paulina, Star, and Dash move to the impromptu camp that Lancer with the boys had managed to create. Mr. Lancer just sighed at their reaction and decided that, for good or bad, he was going to use it. He left Danny, Tucker, Sam and Valerie still sitting close to the fire while the A-list students were already laying down and closer to falling asleep than they wanted to admit. Danny on the other hand just smiled at the situation, even when he was worried sick of what all of this could mean, at least they all were safe and sound. Sam had already confirmed that the lifejackets had indeed sent the GPS signal. They were all going back to Amity, later than never, and faster than they think.
Danny was just looking up to the sky, admiring the stars, he had a plan, or at least he hoped that he had. He was simply waiting for everyone to fall asleep and fly back to see where they were and well, if Phantom was the one that made sure they got help, so be it. He just needed to be very careful when doing it. Valerie was there as well, and even though they had a truce, he wasn’t risking a shot just because he was there as Phantom. It would be very hard to explain why he was there, well Phantom.
After a while, Lancer returned and asked them if they were alright. They did reassure him that indeed they were fine considering the circumstances. They just wanted to look at the stars for a little longer before laying down with the rest. Then Lancer decided that he was as well going to lay down, but remind them to wake him up if something happens. Once they promised that, he went with the rest. Valerie followed suit, she wasn’t going to do much if she was as tired as she was feeling, it didn’t help that just before the trip, she did have a long night ghost hunting. Sam and Tucker as well followed suit, they could tell Danny had something in mind, but also knew that he could be the one that finds something useful.
Then Tucker and Sam wish Danny luck and warn him about the obvious treat that was Valerie. Danny knowing their good intentions affirmed that he was very aware about the sensors on her suit, they all knew -well, the team Phantom- and he knew how to be very careful. Danny stayed a little longer stargazing before taking for a walk to get some distance, transforming, keep invisible just in case, and flying away. In the distance, not that far off the island at least for him, just his luck, he found the main boat. Keeping the invisibility, he passed through walls until he found the captain and the crew actually trying to locate the missing persons and the boat that they had. With that in mind, and noticing that they were on the right track, Danny decided that they would be fine until the next day. Seeing that they all seemed tired and were actually pausing the search for the next morning. All did point out that they were going to get rescued very early in the morning. Finally some great news from all this.
That’s how Danny decided that if the captain and crew were in charge of actually rescuing them, then he would have to be there with his classmates to be rescued. He flew back to the island, but not before grabbing some stuff that could be useful that he ‘could have’ in his pockets and ‘forget’ about it. Dash or even Valerie won’t be happy about it, while Paulina and Star would probably be very confused as to how he forgot about those. He knew well that Sam and Tuck would know but pretend that they didn’t just to see how confused is Mr Lancer as well with all. Once he arrived on the island, he pretended to use the ‘toilet’ before deciding that it was time to sleep with the rest. He was exhausted as well.
Once the next day arrived, the fire was long gone, and the students and teacher were getting up. Sam decided to look for more fruits and berries to eat once more, and Valerie volunteered to go with her. Actually, during the night she had noticed her suit alarm, but not had a chance to check for ghosts, so worried about that, she decided to look around. Sam didn’t mind though, she could tell that she was looking for what should be just Danny the night before. Meanwhile, Dash pushed Danny to help him collect more wood for a new fire. He insisted that if he did it yesterday, he would be able to do it again.
Danny, not liking where that was going, stopped harshly and fell face down into the sand. “Hey what was that, fentoni, I know you aren’t that weak, at least yesterday you weren’t,” Dash said annoyed. “I don’t know how that happened.” said Danny lying from the sand without raising his head. “I don’t think anyone here understands you, dude,” said Tucker, just playing along. “C’mon Danny, you don’t want your friend Tucker helping him, right?” said Paulina, she knew that Dash was right and it would be very interesting to see Danny do something like that. “Aren’t you, like, the one that always helps… in a way?” said Star. She had noticed that detail from him over the years, even before all the ghosts appeared. Danny lifted his head and part of his body from the sand and started to stand up. “Really? That’s what you guys got? Shouldn’t Mr. Lancer be the one helping? I mean collecting the wood for the new fire?” asked Danny, he could tell what they were trying to do. “Mr Fenton, as much as I appreciate the vote in favour, I’d have to ask you guys to do the hard work today, it shouldn’t take that long for the crew to find us anyway…” Mr Lancer said, hinting that yesterday did a number on his back, but wasn’t saying it. Noticing that, Danny sighed. “Fine, I’d do my best,” he said, and gave a smile to the group. “Star and I will go to that small clear water entry we found yesterday, the water from yesterday is almost gone,” said Paulina pointing to the bottles that weren’t there earlier at night but later on. “Just be careful girls, don’t forget to reuse the bottles that were on the boat,” Lancer said; he still didn’t recall when or how they found those underneath the ‘pocket’ in the boat that contained the lifejackets. What he didn’t know was that it was Danny who brought those and by ‘chance’ found those during the night in the boat. When he was supposed to use the ‘toilet’. “Sure thing,” both girls said.They also couldn’t believe that the bottles were there the whole time, but how the saying goes ‘don’t look a gift horse…’ so they just shrugged it off.
Minutes passed, it could be even around an hour, they didn’t know how long had passed, just that time had. Sam and Valerie were returning with more fruits and berries and such to last for the day. Paulina and Star had managed to get as much water as possible, without adding any sand in it. Tucker and Lancer were finishing accommodating some of the stuff that got moved during the night. A new fire pit was ready to be lit, and just in time Dash and Danny returned, carrying enough wood for the whole day or even longer although they didn't need it.
It was there and then that everything seemed to be happening at the same time in slow motion. Dash arrived first with the first and bigger amount of wood that was put down close to the fire pit created from the night before. Danny was following suit, didn’t notice that action. He was carrying a bit bigger than his own height in amount of wood but not that much heavier than what he could carry. At the same moment, the girls were arriving with the food and water respectively. Mr. Lancer and Tucker, noticing what was happening, looked around to see. Danny, when he didn’t notice the wood in front of him, just tripped. To avoid collapsing to the rest of the wood already on the fire pit and throwing his part on top of Dash or anyone close to him, with his instincts he just passed through those.
In that precise moment, Valerie's suit was softly beeping the signal of a ghost. She ignored it for the sake of Danny, hoping against everything that it was wrong. Paulina and Star almost drop all the rest of the water they had in their hands. Sam and Tucker just palm head themselves. While Dash and mr. Lancer just stood there standing gasping with their open mouths. Danny couldn’t believe his luck, that wasn’t how he had planned it; he didn’t think that he was going to use his powers any more, he knew the rescue was close.
“What was that, Fenton?” asked Dash after closing and opening his mouth a couple of times. He couldn’t believe what he just saw. “Did you just call him by his name?” said Tucker, as pointing out the obvious, Dash normally wouldn't ever do that. Although at this moment it didn’t matter. “Well, he is a ghost isn’t he, oh god he is a ghost isn’t he?” Dash said what the A-list students and Valerie were thinking, although Valerie didn’t want her suit to be right, Danny couldn’t be one. “It can’t be…” Valerie said, softly. She wasn’t sure if anyone heard her but she didn’t care. “You are one… aren’t you Fenton?” said Dash more like a fact than a question and looked directly at Danny. “Because no way you are possessed, are you? Your eyes aren’t different colours… oh god…” He really didn’t know what to do or think at that moment. “Um…. ah…no?” Danny hesitated. He didn't know what to say, the obvious option was to deny it, but after that, not even super ecto contamination or some sort of lie like that would work. He knew it, he was very screwed. “Oh god, you are hesitating,” accused Paulina, she didn’t get it. It shouldn’t be possible, they should know. “No!” Danny tried to deny it with more precision than before. “No way, you went through those, here I thought you were about to fall all the way down, you did it earlier” said Dash pointing to the wood branches that were in front of him as to need to point out the obvious. “It was reflexes, okay,” Danny said, finally putting down the rest of the wood that he had next to the wood that caused the whole dilemma. “Reflexes he said…” said Tucker, not believing his friends' reactions, after all this time. Danny glared at him. “Thanks for the help, Tuck,” said Danny, a bit annoyed by his friend. “Wait… is that true… are you okay?” said a bit sad sounding Paulina who was out of her own dilemma with what was happening. Danny looked around, noticed that they all were waiting for a reply, he also looked at Sam who only shrugged as saying at this rate, there wasn’t much to do, was it? “Yes…” he replied. “Oh for the ‘Lord of the Flies��! Daniel, you are a ghost and you just say yes?” said Mr. Lancer unsure of how to react to that fact. That was something that he was sure it couldn’t happen but it did. “But your parents…” said Dash, putting out the fact that they are ghost hunters, and getting worried, even when he doesn’t like Danny that much. He couldn’t imagine ‘living’ like that. “Don’t know, and I’d appreciate it if that stayed like that, please.” Danny begged them with his tone and eyes. “And before this goes more crazy, I’m only half ghost, that’s why… well, I look like this…” he said, pausing for a couple of seconds. “Now,” he added almost like a murmur and turned his head down. That was it, no turning around out of this, it seemed. Tucker and Sam both got closer to Danny and put their hands on his shoulders respectively. “All right, he wasn’t going to say much, and if he didn’t do what he did those branches would have squashed any of you,” said Sam looking at the students with a very serious expression. “You two knew and didn’t tell me, I guess I know why, but still… It hurts! We are friends now, right?” said Valerie. She knew that she was being a bit harsh but they needed a distraction from the rest. Danny needed it more than them, more than herself and her suspicion that they knew her secret as well. “What?” Danny said very fast as he also turned his head back as fast as possible to look at her. “Of course we are, me, Tuck and Sam… we do consider you our friend… I’m sorry I didn’t tell you… yet… ” “Yet?” Valerie said with an eyebrow raised. “Yeah?” said Danny, he was planning to, they have a truce after all, but not saying it yet. “Look, it's complicated,” added Sam, nodding as though hinting that they knew what her watch really was. “I’d say,” replied Valerie, having the more secure suspicion that she knew what they meant with that. Her sensor was actually telling her Phantom was close, or it did when he used his powers. It was unbelievable, indeed but very believable at the same time if she tried. “Mmmm…” said Paulina, she could understand Tucker and Sam already knowing, they were his friends after all, but she also had the suspicion that they knew something more, something that looked like it had to be with Valerie and that’s why she was saying that. “Wait… Danny,” called Star, unsure if it was okay to ask. “Yes?” Danny replied and looked to see her. “What do you mean by half?” Star did notice that before, and seeing as nobody else was saying much about it, she was going to ask. “Oh, that’s simple…” Danny started. “Are you sure?” asked Sam, worrying that maybe that was a bit much information. They all don’t need that. “Yeah” said Danny. “Yeah?” asked Tucker just to be sure. “Yes,” said Danny seriously and then looked to Star and Paulina who was next to her. “Half ghost and half human, halfa,” said Danny simply. “Impossible,” said Dash with a snort. “Well, I'm still ‘alive’, right? I mean I'm still here… eating and doing all that ghosts shouldn’t be able to do, right?” said Danny. “But I saw my ghost boy do all that stuff before, I mean he was seen in the Nasty Burger before…” said Paulina while Star nodded along. She had also seen that before. “Oh, well… haha,” said Danny with a forced laugh at the end and putting a hand behind his neck, his nervous signature. “No way, that’s bullshit” said Dash. “Language!” said Mr Lancer, getting annoyed by all the times he had said that in the last 24 hours. Even though he could understand that reaction, he was having trouble understanding himself what that meant. “But Mr. Lancer, you don’t believe that, don’t you?” said Dash incredulously. “I don’t think it’s important what I believe right now, other than even if Daniel here-” started Lancer. “Danny, please just Danny,” Danny said, letting his green eyes pass through. He never liked that, it always reminded him of Vlad. Right now, exposed as Phantom as well, if they all got the message, he wasn’t feeling that calm any more. “You scary eyes are out,” whispered Tucker. “Oh!” said Danny as his eyes returned to his natural blue. “Sorry about that.” He didn’t know what else to say, he only knew that he must calm himself before something else happened. “It’s okay,” said Lancer, getting the feeling that obviously Danny hasn't planned any of this, and it would be better for all if he was all right, as much as a halfa could anyway. “No, it-” started Danny when a strong ‘honk’ was heard.
They all turned to look at the ‘sea’, and noticed that the ship had found them. At that moment everyone outside of team Phantom forgot about Danny being a ghost. With that the almost clear implication that he was no other than Danny Phantom, their town hero. They weren’t going to ask how that worked, they would only just accept that as a fact if he actually admitted it to them. Meanwhile, all of them were happy that indeed the lifejackets with the trackers did the deed and they were found. It was like a miracle for everyone except Danny. He was happy that everyone else seemed to forget all about him. At least a break for now from him.
The crew of the big boat sent the real lifesaver boats to them. They explained and confirmed that once they noticed a small boat missing with a group of people after the storm they hoped that the trackers were on. Once that was confirmed to be on, they noticed that it looked like they were just at the other side of it. It was pretty late when the storm had passed, so they weren’t so sure of what they were going to find. Everyone on the ship was glad to find out that the missing people were safe and sound on that island. The news spread quickly. The rest of the class were happy and not that much -well not that serious- of finding the missing classmates, and their teacher.
Once the small group was back on board and checked over, they all returned back to the coast as it was planned. For obvious reasons the rest of the trip activities were cancelled, even though the rest of the class was safe the whole time, mind. In no time, the whole class was on their way back to Amity. That was something that Danny couldn’t be more grateful for. Once they were on a bus back home, Lancer took the opportunity to ask Danny about his condition, he hadn’t forgotten about it. He was going to make sure that neither of the small group said much, and he understood, in a way that the Fenton's parents couldn’t ever know about it. Unless Danny said something first.
Danny didn’t find it comfortable talking about being a ghost like a condition, but did appreciate the effort from his teacher. While Dash had reunited with Kwan, (who was going to the toilet just before the disaster and like that avoided the island); couldn’t stay with him as he apologised himself to talk with Danny. Kwan was confused as to why Dash wanted to talk with Fenton, but was glad to see his friend back. Paulina and Star sat close enough to Danny and co, so they could actually promise not to say a word, because even being them would not guarantee that anyone else would believe them. They were smart after all, not just pretty; also they had agreed between them that they would keep it a secret.
Once they arrived at Amity, and back to Casper High, they all acted like nothing had changed. That helped Danny to feel a bit more at ease with that, that and the fact that he knew that they could be nice persons when proposed. Lancer had a bit more serious talk in his office later on during the week, explaining that even when he appreciated his help against the other ghost he couldn’t keep missing so many classes. So team Phantom now with Valerie being officially part of it as the hunter as well, created a plan together to help in general. They did explain to Lancer, so he would know that they are working on a better time manager to fight ghosts and such. Lancer did help them adjust the plan. Like that Danny and even Valerie were doing better at school. It all seems to go for the better from now on.
The End? :D :D
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izayoizuki · 2 years
A Place In The Suns
Pairings/Characters: Alpha!Paz Vizsla x Omega!F!Reader, Assorted Star Wars Characters
Summary: A Festival has been arranged, where Clan Alphas will fight for your hand in marriage. But your heart has decided on the worst candidate, Paz Viszla. Will politics and duty allow you both to have a happy ending? Inspired by idea by @maybege which I will link as soon as I can find it.
Tags: a/b/o dynamics but only when I like, soulmates (of a sort), marriage of convenience, elopment, eventual smut (which will be tagged accordingly), nobody will die (except maybe some evil people), 100% happy ending, fluff, angst, pining, yearning, hurt/comfort, I haven't written in over 7 years so please be very very gently with me.
Warnings: allusions to arranged marriage, there will be torture and incarceration for the main characters.
Rating: G for this chapter, but upcoming chapters will be 18+ (no minors please)
(Written on phone so no wordcount)
Masterlist || Crossposted to AO3|| FF.NET
Chapter 1: A Raincloud in the Desert
As Binder, the Cup of Welcome was yours to bear. It was misnamed, you thought, as you clutched a the oversized goblet? Chalice? Trophy? with both hands, one around the stem, one around the foot, tight enough that the engravings bit into your flesh. You had made the drink with half your mind, feverishly muttering to yourself as you added each ingredient, as if you hadn't made it a hundred times, as if this hadn't been your job since childhood, as if you had needed to tell your body what to do out loud; rosewater for freshness, spring water for strength, honey to bind, while the other half of your mind burning with every lesson you had received since childhood: "You are the Binder", your father had roared. "You exist to Serve. Your life will be in Service. There is no greater Honour."
Now, as you stood at the head of two rows of Welcomers, in front of the Ten Steps, waiting on all the hovering ships of Clan Leaders to land, to fight over you, to claim you like a piece of meat, you resolved to yourself once again that you would run away. If the clans were weak enough that they had to rest on your shoulders, on your sacrifice, they didn't deserve to live. You did not deserve this, and nor did any other Binder from any other clan. It felt blasphemous to think this, but you knew that you would sooner die than be wed to someone that you didn't want. And truly, was there someone miraculous that both you and your clan would agree on? It was a simple answer: no. 
But thinking was all well and good; execution was a different thing entirely. You whole body jerked as the horn was sounded, and the ships began to settle, emissary parties disembarking. The parties each announced themselves before striding up the people lined avenue, and as the first party neared, you could see that they had spared no expense. Every finery afforded to armour had been applied, and they moved like- like puppets, you realised, that you had seen in the crèche as a child. They jangled to a screeching stop at the Eighth Step, only letting their Leader step to the Ninth, in front of you, and you found yourself thankful that you only had to Welcome the leaders.
The leader bowed jerkily, and when he opened his mouth, his tone was oily. "I ask Welcome and bring Peace."
Bullshit, you thought to yourself, even as you answered, by rote. "You and your Peace are welcomed." You bent forward so you could tip some of the drink into his waiting cupped hand, and saw with part dismay and part satisfaction that most of drink fell through the ornamental metal of his glove, his tongue hurriedly darting out to catch even a drop. You pretended not to notice as you went back to your initial position. After all, there were dozens of parties left.
The ritual repeated itself till you lost track. Every clan seemed to want to outdo one another, but all they managed to do was appear more and more untrustworthy. Some tried to be seductive, some simpering, some others yet aloof. But all of them wore the veneer of lies, and as the suns rose to their twin apexes and beat down mercilessly, your anxiety over the whole affair increased, taking away your capacity for tolerance. After seemingly hours, there seemed a gap in the constant stream, and as you re-assumed your position, re-assumed your thousand mile stare, you saw.
He rose out of the shimmering desert air like a mirage created from all your most secret dreams. No party was this. He was one man, leader above all others, his stride sure, unerring even on the feckless desert sand. He seemed tall, seemingly almost there, but he just kept coming, coming, till you realised how massive he really was. His armour was polished to a high sheen, but held no great ornamentation- you supposed the blue beskar spoke for itself. Unlike many, if not all of the other armours you had seen so far, his contained a fair amount of leather, which probably accounted for his more natural movement. He walked up the two rows, and a hush fell over the crowd, and as he walked up to you, his breadth eclipsed both suns, a raincloud in the desert. He climbed up the Steps and you had to bend your neck back to look him in his visor, and you smelt his scent- of soap and leather and metal, but also of a darker musk, and a sweetness you associated with the tabac that some old men chewed, and of the salt that only the ocean contains.
He bent on one knee in one fluid motion, cupping both his hands together in front of him, like a monk in supplication, and you recognised the respect he gave you. 
"I ask Welcome," his voice a deep baritone with a curious rasp, but for all that, it held no overtone other than reverence, "and bring Peace."
You answered as if in a trance "You and Your Peace are Welcomed."
Something about your voice must have been odd, because he moved his head up as you tipped the drink down, and even though his helmet was completely closed, his you couldn't help but lock your gaze where you knew his eyes must be. Out of your periphery you took in how his leather-shod hands did not lose a single drop of water, and how appreciatively he drank. He rose in another fluid movement, and you struggled to re-assume your mien as Binder. But even as you strove, you were startled by a raucous jeer. "Finally, we see Paz Viszla, Clan of one."
This was new. Thus far the Welcoming had been almost boring in its ritual. No one has been this openly disrespectful. You weren't sure if you were allowed to turn around, and as you struggled to figure out the correct answer, you felt a hard shove in your back, and felt yourself falling to the ground. You closed your eyes and wrapped your body around the Cup. You were expendable, the Cup was not. But even as you braced, you felt your fall halted by two strong hands. Your eyes opened to blue beskar, and a cacophony of yells and shouts rent the air. "He touched the Binder! Paz Viszla has touched the Binder!", and before you could understand what was happening, the strong hands were torn away from you, and the one they called Paz Viszla was shackled and dragged away.
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celtics534 · 3 years
Crash into Me
First fic of the year! Just a little one-shot but a good one! A muggle AU where Harry and Ginny had never met before... basically my bread and butter. I hope you all enjoy, and let me know what you think :)
Also Read On: FF.net or AO3
Ginny’s head was spinning. It was like she’d been on the spinning teacup ride twenty times in five minutes. Noises were muffled and at the same time heightened. Voices, blearing guitars, beeping, the sound of metal on metal all pounded in her head. She could see bright lights behind her eyelids. Slowly opening her eyes, Ginny’s heart rocketed into her throat. The hood of her car was hanging over a rapid river fifty feet below. 
 A scream rose in her throat only to be released in a choking sound. Ginny couldn’t remember what had happened... how she’d ended up driving halfway off a cliff? She slowly adjusted herself, feeling the car sway with her motion. 
 “Ma’am!” an unfamiliar voice called from behind her. “You need to stay still!”
 Ginny tried to turn to see who it was, but the car jerked again, so she froze. Moving slowly, she fell back against the seat, her body shaking uncontrollably.
 “Ma’am?” The voice spoke again, and this time she was able to assess it as a deeper, more masculine tone. She could also tell it was somewhere near her back seat, or maybe the hatchback. “Ma’am, are you injured?”
Ginny looked down at her torso and legs. From where she was sitting, nothing seemed broken or bleeding. “I think… I think I’m alright.” She paused; her head was pounding, and thinking of the right words wasn’t coming easy. “Besides being stuck over a cliff that is.” 
 The man snorted. “That’s a fair assessment, I’d say.”
 “Do.” Ginny swallowed; her mouth felt incredibly dry. “Did you see how I got here?”
 There was a beat of silence. Ginny’s pulse picked up at the idea that her new companion had left her, but then he said, “Some prick came around the corner too fast and clipped you. Your car flew into the guard rail and broke through it.” 
 Ginny looked down at the sharp rocks below her and could see a long metal pole stuck between two. “Oh.” She didn’t know what else to say; her head was still throbbing. Ginny wasn’t a doctor but she could guess that she’d hit her head against something… and hit it hard. 
 “He crashed into the side of a tree,” the man continued. “My godfather went to go check on him.”
 “Your godfather?” 
 “Yeah, we were heading to my parents’ house for their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary when we witnessed the whole thing.”
 “Oh.” Again, words failed Ginny as the ache in her head increased. A harsh soreness had started to form on her chest and Ginny was having a hard time ignoring it. 
 “What’s your name?”
 “Huh?” Ginny shook her head, hoping to clear the fog that had formed, only to instantly regret the motion when the pounding increased ten-fold. 
 “I asked what your name is.”
 “It’s, erm, it’s Ginny.”
 “Hey, Ginny. My name’s Harry.” He paused. “I would offer to shake your hand but it seems like your hands are full at the moment.” 
 A shocked laugh came from her. “That’s one way to put it.”
 Silence fell between them. Ginny focused on breathing. The pain in her chest was increasing.
 “So, Ginny, where do you work?” Harry’s voice was way too calm for the situation, but for some reason, it still soothed Ginny. It reminded her a bit of talking to her brother Bill. How during any problem, Bill kept a level head and tried to keep the rest of the hot-head Weasley’s calm. 
 “I um, I write for Sky Sports. I head the premiere league column.”
 “Wait.” Harry’s tone shifted from calm to that of an excited child. “Are you Ginny Weasley?”
 Ginny wanted to turn and look at him but resisted the urge. “You read my work?”
 “I love it! You’re so straight and unbiased, it’s refreshing.”
 “Well, that's incredibly kind of you to say. That’s what I always aim for." 
 "Would it be too forward of me to ask for an autograph?"
 Ginny let out a merciless laugh. "Listen, Harry, if you get out of this I'll do you one better. I'll take you out for a pint and then give you an autograph."
 "Well now… as if I didn't have enough of a reason before." 
 Again Ginny's laughter rang out oddly loud in the quiet street. It was an odd thought, but Ginny trusted this complete stranger. She wished she could look at him. Put a face to the name and sweet voice. 
 Before Ginny could give in to the urge to perform a spin, Harry’s raised voice brought her back to reality. “Hey! We’re over here! I’ve got someone trapped in a seat!” 
 It was only then that Ginny’s ears picked up the sounds of other voices, loud car engines, and footsteps pounding cement. In her peripheral vision, she could see the reflection of blue lights. 
 “Hey, Gin, you still with me?” Harry asked, his voice lowered back to a normal level. “Responders are here.” 
 “Huh.” Ginny let out an exaggerated sigh. “And here I was just really starting to appreciate this amazing view,” 
 Harry snorted. “How about after you buy me that drink I show you a better view?”
 “Well, well, well, was that a come on, Harry? I won’t lie, this is the most unique place I’ve ever been flirted with. Not that I’m opposed to your offer.”
 There was a moment of stunned silence before Harry laughed. “Jesus, you’re a cheeky one aren’t you?”
 Ginny couldn’t help but smile. His laugh was adorable. “And don’t you forget it.”
 “Excuse me.” A female voice came from near Harry. “My name’s Tonks and I’m an EMT. How many are in the car?”
 “Just lonely old me,” Ginny replied. 
 “What’s your name, miss?”
 “Alright, Ginny, I have a tow truck just a few minutes out and they will pull you back onto the road. Before they get here can I ask you a few questions?”
 “Why not. It’s not like I’ve got anything else going on. But don’t start off with anything too spicy. I’d hate to embarrass Harry.”
 “I’ll keep that in mind.” Tonks sounded amused. “Do you feel any pain?”
 “My head is pounding, my chest doesn’t feel great, and my back is stiffer than a tree trunk.”
 “Okay. Can you see any blood?
 “Unless I’ve lost the ability to see red…” She slowly reached for a strand of her hair. “Nope, I can still see red. So no blood.”
 Ginny heard Harry chuckle and Tonks sigh. She lowered her arm to her chest, wanting to unbuckle the restraint. The tight band was painful on her chest. As she moved to unclick the buckle, her body jerked as the car shifted. 
 Her body stiffened as the vehicle swayed. She could feel her heart beating rapidly against her chest as her eyes closed. 
 “Ginny!” Harry’s voice called loudly over the rushing blood in her ears. “Stay still.”
 “And here I was hoping to get a start on my new workout routine,” Ginny murmured dryly. She could feel her body shaking as the sound of gusting wind picked up. Bloody English weather and its ability to flip on a dime. Up on a hillside like this, wind speed could get pretty bad… which would be extremely bad for Ginny. 
 “Ginny?” She recognized Harry’s calm tone. “I’m going to come in and get you out. The truck is still five minutes out and I’m not waiting for that.” 
 “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Ginny could hear the tremor in her words. “Won’t adding more weight up to the front likely send us into a nosedive?”
 “Not if I have more people sitting on the back.” Before Ginny could ask what he was planning she felt the car shifting again, this time from the hatchback boot. She heard the voice of Tonks and another man, then a gentle hand touched her shoulder. She turned her neck just enough to catch a glimpse of her savior’s face. His straight nose, thin face, and crooked comforting smile. “Hey, Gin.”
 “Hey, Harry. Lovely view, right?”
 “Not bad, but I think back on the road might be a little better. Wanna see?”
 Ginny tried to fire back a cheeky response but a lump had formed in her throat preventing it, so she settled on nodding.”
 Harry squeezed her shoulder gently. “Alright. Can you unbuckle?” 
 Again she nodded, her arm slowly moving back to the clicker. When her fingers touched the cool button it took a few tries for it to release. She hadn’t realized how numb her hands were until that moment.
 “I’m going to put my arm around your chest so you stay still,” Harry announced. “Don’t worry this isn’t me making a move, I have more finesse than this.”
 Ginny felt his strong arm slowly enclose her body, keeping her back pressed to the seat. She glanced over her shoulder at him. “Oh good, I was hoping I wasn’t going to have to explain how a woman likes to be touched there.” 
 Harry leaned ever so slightly forward, allowing their eyes to meet. Ginny’s heart stuttered at the bright green color. Despite his serious expression, she could see the amused glint in his eye. “I promise when I make such a move, you’ll be very pleased with my knowledge on the subject.” 
 “When, huh?” Ginny raised a brow at him. “That’s some confidence.”
 Without realizing it, Ginny’s fingers had steadied enough to hit the release on the buckle and now she was only being held in place by Harry’s arm. He had slowly brought his other arm around the seat and had started guiding her body towards the center console. She scooted her legs up near the shifter.  
 “Yeah, well, they say fake it till you make it, right.” Harry’s self-deprecating tone made Ginny give a light chuckle. 
 “That’s my motto for everything… except while in bed.”
 She felt Harry’s choked-back laugh as he pulled her into his chest. He had somehow maneuvered her to sit on the fold-down back seat. They sat together, her still facing the front window, his body positioned directly behind her. 
 Ginny could still see the raging water down below but for some reason having moved from the driver seat made it all feel all the more surreal. There was something about seeing the dangerous drop while leaving the most dangerous zone that made Ginny’s heart thud harder than ever against her sore chest. 
 “Are you — How do you feel?” Harry’s voice was soft as his arms continued to hold her tight. 
 She swallowed a lump in her throat that had suddenly formed. “I — I would really like to get out of this car now.”
 “Right.” Harry started to scoot backward, his hold helping to guide her. “We’ve only got a little bit to go, alright? I’ve got you.”
 Ginny could only nod as they moved in sync like a rowing team. She kept her gaze on the front window as the river and rocks gradually faded from view. The next thing she knew, Harry’s warmth was gone from her back and she was being hoisted up by powerful arms. 
 “We’ve got you, Ginny.” Tonks’ steady voice was to her right. Looking around, Ginny discovered she was in Harry’s arms as he carried her with ease towards a lifted cot. A pink-haired woman, who Ginny assumed was Tonks, was walking beside Harry, her hand grabbing Ginny’s wrist to take a pulse.
 “See.” Harry smiled down at her. “Told you I had you.” He gently lowered her onto the hard cot. 
 “Thank you, I’ll take it from here.” Tonks nodded gratefully at Harry before stepping sidestepping him to get to Ginny. Before being pushed away, Harry’s hand found Ginny’s and squeezed it, bringing a bit of life back to the numbness that had settled back into her limbs. 
 Ginny’s eyes followed Harry as he slowly stepped backward. Their gazes locked over Tonks’ shoulder and she felt a rush of heat that had nothing to do with the blanket Tonks had wrapped around her arms. Despite her head pounding and her body aching, Ginny could still recognize the strong attraction that she had for Harry. The man who had most likely saved her life. She wanted to call him back but Tonks moved and blocked him from her sight. 
 “Ginny, can you start by telling me what your full name is?”
 Tonks asked Ginny numerous questions ranging from the date to the current prime minister. She said it was to see how conscious Ginny was. To see if she still could respond to verbal queues. Ginny answered all of the questions with precision, only stumbling a few times. While she was getting her blood pressure taken, Ginny noticed Harry had moved closer to her side. Those stunning green eyes that captivated her came back and Ginny could feel her pulse quicken. 
 “Everything is coming back as normal, or at least as normal as it can after such an incident,” Tonks told her as she loosened the band around her arm. “I would still like to take you into the hospital for observation.”
 “Alright,” Ginny agreed easily. She knew she likely had at least a concussion and figured it was best to get checked out. 
 “Great.” Tonks opened up a black bag that she’d placed on the ground beside the cot. She quickly threw all her equipment into the bag before snapping it shut. “I’ll go let my partner know.” She glanced over her shoulder at the police officer approaching them. “He’s going to be looking for a statement. If you don’t feel up to it —”
 Ginny shook her head, immediately regretting the action, and stopped. “It’s fine.”
 Tonks stared at her for a moment before nodding. “Alright. I’ll be back in a moment.” Bag in one hand, she waved over the uniformed man. “You have five minutes before I’m taking Miss Weasley into Exeter.”
 “That should be more than enough.” The officer had a deep rough voice that reminded Ginny of when her brother had swallowed a bunch of sand for a dare. His appearance wasn’t any more comforting. He looked as if he’d been through the wringer and kept going back for more. When he smiled (or what she figured was supposed to be a smile) it had the opposite effect that most smiles had. “Hello, Miss Weasley. My name is Sergeant Moody. I have a few questions for you.”
 “Okay,” Ginny said, stifling a yawn. She was starting to struggle to keep her eyes open. 
 “Can you tell me what happened?” 
 “Sergeant, I can give you a statement so Miss Weasley can get some rest.” It was like a bolt of lightning hit Ginny, shocking her awake, when she heard Harry’s voice. He had moved from the sidelines to stand by her side. His hand came to softly rub at her lower back which felt heavenly. 
 “And you are?” Moody asked, his lips twisting into a deep frown. 
 “Detective Potter of the MET. Homicide division.”
 That surprised Ginny so much she twisted to look at him. He didn’t look how she’d expect a detective to look… well, except the kind on television.  
 Moody took Harry’s identification and nodded. “Well, Detective Potter, as you know, I’ll still need her account of the accident.”
 “Yes but you can get it after she settles in hospital,” Harry argued. “No disrespect Sergeant Moody, but for now my testimony should be enough.”
 The grisly officer stared at them for a moment. He had two different colored, eyes and Ginny swore the electric blue one could see right through her. Finally, he nodded. “Very well. Miss Weasley, I will visit you after you’ve been cleared by your doctors. Detective Potter, as soon as you're done here, come find me.” And with that he walked off, Ginny noticing a slight limp.
 “He’s a good guy,” Harry said, making Ginny's attention fall back onto him. He was smiling at her with a sweet, adorable smile. He gave her shoulder a light squeeze. "How are you, Ginny?" 
 "I'm —" Ginny started to say she was fine but choked on the words. She swallowed, ready to try again but again the words wouldn't leave her mouth. Instead, a startling sob rose from her throat. Once one escaped there was nothing Ginny could do to hold back the tidal waves of emotions that coursed through her.  Uncontrollably tears started leaking onto her cheeks as her body shook with her failure to suppress her sobs. 
 “Oh no, Gin,” Harry’s arms wrapped fully around her as he turned her into his chest. “Ginny, it’s alright. You’ll be alright.”
 Ginny dug her fingers into the back of his jacket, holding on for dear life. It was like he was a ring buoy and she was drowning in the ocean. He had become a sudden lifeline and Ginny wasn’t sure she could let go. His hands started rubbing soothing circles on her back as he murmured words of comfort. When he pressed a kiss to the side of her head, Ginny let out a loud sob. 
 They stayed like that until Ginny finally gained control, her throat raw and her eyes stinging. She pulled away from his chest, words of apology forming in her head until he pulled her back to him. His hand threaded gently in her hair as he continued to hold her. “Don’t you dare apologize,” His tone was soothing as he lightly massaged her scalp. “I know you’re a strong woman but after what you just went through… you deserve a moment to lose it.”
 How did he understand her so well? How could he just know what she needed? Know the right things to say? They had never met before this horrible incident and yet he seemed to know her at her core. She prided herself on being tough and independent but sometimes she just needed to lose it without judgment. And to have someone to hold her while it was all happening. 
 She pulled away from him again, tilting her neck so she looked up into his gorgeous eyes. “Thank you.” Without thinking about it she gently pressed her lips to his in a chaste kiss. When she pulled back Ginny watched his lips curl into a goofy and completely adorable smile. 
 “Is that how you thank everyone, or….” 
 “I reserve that for special cases.” Ginny could feel her own lips turning to match his. “So far this has been the first case.”
 “Well, you won’t hear me complaining.” Harry’s hand slowly moved around to cup her jaw. “Does that hurt?”
 “Trust me, pain is the last thing on my mind,” Ginny murmured as her heart raced faster than a formula one car. When Harry started to lean in she closed her eyes, already anticipating the feel of his lips again. 
 “What are you doing?!” Ginny’s eyes shot open as Harry jerked back from her. Tonks stood to her side, her expression reminding Ginny of a disapproving mother. “Detective Potter I allowed you a moment as a professional courtesy, but —”
 “I’m sorry,” Harry’s hand shot to the back of his neck. “I didn’t come over here too — I mean I won’t lie I definitely thought about it, but I hadn’t planned to —”
 “I don’t care about your plans.” Tonks stepped forward, pushing Harry back with a hand to his chest. “I’m taking Miss Weasley to Exeter.” Her expression softened as she adjusted Ginny back onto the cot. “If Miss Weasley wants, you can visit her there.”
 “Please.” Ginny tried to sit up enough to look at Harry, but Tonks kept her down with a firm hand. 
 “I’ll be your first visitor,” Harry claimed from somewhere to her right. “I — I — get some rest, Gin.”
 "Oh that won't be a problem," Ginny muttered, her eyes already shutting on their own accord. Between the blanket Tonks had covered her in, the soft pillow behind her head, and the draining adrenaline in her system, Ginny's body was done. 
 Tonks chuckled lightly. "Alright, Girl. How about you just take a nap and we’ll be at the hospital before you know it.”
 “I don’t really sleep well in cars!” The words sounded as if they came from the far side of a tunnel, yet Ginny knew they’d come from her mouth. She heard Tonks chuckled again as the cot started to slowly roll. It was weird how peaceful the movement was. Ginny wouldn’t have thought it possible to sleep while being driven in the back of an ambulance, but the moment the doors had closed behind her Ginny was out cold. 
 “So I’d just like to keep you overnight for observation, but based on the CT scans I think you’ll be just fine, Miss Weasley,” Doctor Pomfrey said, her lips curled into a pleasant smile. “We’ll keep the lights dimmed in here to help with the headache. You’ll feel incredibly sore for the next few days and we can prescribe something for the pain. Just let one of the nurses if you need anything.” 
 Then five seconds later the doctor was gone and Ginny was alone in the dark room. She fell back onto the lumpy pillows not sure what to do with herself. She was tired, that was for sure, but after the hour nap in the ambulance ride and the nerves of all the tests the doctors performed, Ginny felt awake. 
 She could hear the sound of bustling feet and many voices outside of the small room they’d placed her into after all the tests. Ginny tried to listen to one of the conversations but found it difficult to focus. Her head was pounding worse than ever and her doctor told her the concussion would slowly heal itself. As for her back… well that was going to take more than popping some pain meds. 
 A quiet knock on her door made Ginny’s head rise quickly from the pillow. Instantly she regretted the motion and relaxed back. “Come in.”
 Light filtered in behind a tall shadowed figure. The visitor shut the door behind them with a soft click. It took a moment for Ginny’s eyes to adjust to the dimmed room again but it only took a few seconds for her to recognize that crooked smile. 
 "Hi, Ginny." His soft voice was sweet as he approached the bed.  "Remember me?"
 Ginny squinted, forcing herself to resist the smile tugging at her lips. "No. Sorry. Concussion gave me some temporary amnesia.".
 Her visitor placed an appalled hand to his chest. She could see the delighted light twinkling in his eyes. "With the wedding tomorrow?  Whatever shall we tell our guests?"
 Ginny chuckled.  "Hi, Harry,” His name rolled off her tongue with ease. The butterflies that fluttered in her stomach were the best thing she’d felt in hours. 
 “Hey, Gin,” Harry repeated, the nickname he’d given her sounding like a perfect symphony on his tongue. “How do you feel?”
 “Like I was in a car accident, but I hear that’s normal after being in a car accident.” 
 Harry chuckled. “I’d guess you’re right.” He grabbed a stiff wooden chair that sat against the wall and placed it on her right side. As he sat down his hand grabbed her, lacing their fingers so naturally, it sent another round of lovely butterflies through Ginny’s stomach. “So, I don’t want to load too much onto you after all you’ve been through, but… maybe once you have a chance to get yourself back on track — That is I was wondering if you’d like —”
 She watched his eyes flicker around the room. His nerves were practically palpable. Ginny had a guess at what he was trying to get at, and despite wanting him to ask, she was never one to miss an opportunity to tease someone. With skills she’d developed being the youngest and only girl of a large family, Ginny made her expression overly innocent. “What was that, Harry?”
 He sucked in a deep breath as his eyes came back to hers. “I was wondering if you’d… you’d like to get a drink?”
 “Oh!” Ginny beamed at him. “I’d love some water. The nurse left a jug over there.” She gestured with her free hand. 
 Harry blinked at her once, then twice in confusion before he realized where his question had gone off course. To his credit he took the misunderstanding in stride, squeezing her hand as he rose from the chair. 
 One part of her wanted to giggle at the little game she was playing, but the other part of Ginny wanted to swoon over how amazing Harry was being as he poured her a cup of ice-cold water. He even situated the straw in the cup to be easier for her. 
 “Thank you, Harry.” She said as he held the cup in front of her. 
 “My pleasure.” That damn beautiful smile he had curling his lips nearly made her give up her little game. But Ginny was a Weasley and a Weasley never gave up on a prank so easily, even if they had to resist kissing a beautiful man. So rather than focusing on the man in front of her, Ginny took his offering. After one sip Ginny couldn’t stop. She hadn’t realized how thirsty she actually was until that moment. Before she knew it the entire cup was empty and she was sucking at air.
 Harry pulled the cup away once Ginny released the straw. "Wow, that was some impressive sucking."
 Ginny could only stare at Harry. She wanted to laugh at the typical double meaning of his phrasing, but before she could decide how to react Harry visibility cringed. He put the cup down on a side table placed his head in his hand. When he spoke his words were muffled. “Oh, God. That sounded so wrong.”
 This time Ginny couldn’t resist. Her laughter came out strong, echoing around the room. “Oh, so wrong!”
 “I’m so sorry,” Harry said, lifting his head. “I didn’t mean to say… say something so… I’m sorry.”
 Ginny waved a dismissive hand at him, still laughing. “I grew up with six brothers, trust me when I say I heard worse. Hell, I know I’ve said much worse.” She reached out a hand pulling him back to her. He came willingly, his cheeks a bright red even in the dimmed room. 
 He looked too adorable with his sheepish grin and bright blush that Ginny couldn’t resist teasing him. “Besides, Harry, I only take the offer to suck from someone I like.” Harry’s jaw dropped a surprising choking sound rising from his throat. Ginny let him flounder for a few seconds before laughing so hard it made the pain in her chest worse. “You should see your face.”
 Harry shook his head, a smile slowly creeping onto his lips. “Jesus, Gin, I can’t believe you said that.”
 “Well, I was just in a car accident, and teasing you is bringing me some… comfort so I couldn’t pass on the opportunity.” 
 “That’s fair enough,” Harry took her hand in his giving it a gentle squeeze. “I would hate to deny you of any comfort.” They stared at each other with silent smiles speaking a thousand words. Those butterflies that his grin created came out in a powerful wave and Ginny’s eyes lingered on his mouth. 
 His bottom lip tucked into his teeth as he released a deep breath. “Ginny, I was wondering… maybe once you’re up and moving… what I’m asking… more hoping… was to take you out?”
 Ginny quirked a brow at him. “Like on a date or with a sniper?”
 And as she hoped Harry’s jaw dropped in surprise before he lifted his eyes to the ceiling for a moment before meeting her gaze. “I already feel like such a prat for doing this at the worst moment of your life, but I just… I would regret it forever if I didn’t ask you because… just in the little time I’ve spent with you… I really want to get to know you more. And I know this is the worst time but I can’t help but —”
 “Harry,” Ginny reached up and covered his mouth with her hand effectively cutting his spirling ramble. “Harry, I’d love to go out with you.”
 Even in the dimmed light, she could see his shoulder relax. “Really?”
 “I figured that kiss would have hinted toward my interest. Not to mention I already agreed that I was going to treat you to a pint.”
 She could feel his mouth curling into a grin against her palm. “I mean I hoped, but I didn’t want to assume."
 Ginny slid her hand away from his lips, settling on his right cheek. His crooked grin was even better than she remembered. "That's smart, Harry, because assuming leads to letting down your guard. I'm known for keeping people on their toes."  
 Harry leaned down so his lips hovered inches over hers. "I’ve noticed." 
 Ginny laughed. "I’m glad. I’d hate for you to discover it far down the line. At least now you now know what you’re in for."
 "That I do,” He murmured, “And I’m very excited to see where you take me.” Then he closed the gap between them. 
 Ginny never thought she'd be grateful to the prick who side-swiped her, but as Harry's lips met hers, she considered sending the prick a bouquet.
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Some thoughts about my favorite piece of fiction that I needed to put into words
Experimentation is finished and it makes me feel things. So many things, in fact, that my brain has trouble computing it. If there was a dictionary stored in my mind’s library, filled with my own definitions for every object, concept, or being I’ve encountered in my life, the entry to Experimentation would be a long string of keysmashes and random emojis.
There are words inside Beca. She's confident enough in her vocabulary to say that there are a decent amount of them, though she can't always remember which one is the right one to use and when or how. They're all there though, she has access to them.
Alas, I need to make at least some sense of it – for myself, to process the fact that the story that has been a constant for me for years is now finished. Naturally, finished does not mean gone, and I’m sure I will be re-reading this wonderful piece of fiction many, many times, but there is certain grief to be processed nonetheless.
I’ve never been one to have hyperfixations. Growing up, I never had strong favorites of anything, be it books, tv shows, songs, etc. I enjoyed things, I got excited over them, but nothing could ever capture my interest and hold it for a long time.
Startled, Beca blinks as she untangles herself from the redhead and looks around. Sure enough, there are other people besides Chloe present – Cynthia Rose, Stacie and Lilly, to be exact – and she tries to withhold her embarrassment in favour of pretending she'd know that all along. That she hadn't been blinded by Chloe.
This changed when I accidentally discovered bechloe. The Pitch Perfect franchise is not especially popular in my country and I, similarly to Beca Mitchell, am not very fond of movies, so I was not aware of the existence of the said movies until I watched a Rose&Rosie video in which they mentioned it in passing. It sounded like something I could enjoy, so I decided to check it out and the rest is history; I fell into the bechloe hole. I was 19 at that time—technically an adult, about to start uni, and there I was, developing my first (and so far only) obsession, as well as joining my first fandom. I’d read some fanfiction before that, for a few other fandoms, but I’d never shipped two characters as intensely as I do Beca and Chloe.
So naturally, as soon as I finished watching the movies (there were two, at that time), I went looking for fanfiction. I read through the completed ones first—not all of them, obviously (even back then there were...a lot of fics), but I’d say the majority of multichapters—so it took quite a while before I even considered starting any of the unfinished ones.
“Awesome.” She mutters, clicking down furiously on the mouse pad in the hopes that doing so will magically make her laptop thaw its way back from freezing glitchiness. Maybe her dad would buy her a new one if she told him she needed it for school.
“If this is some new way you have of announcing my presence to the room,” red hair and a sly smile greet her as she looks up and finds Chloe lingering at the top of the staircase, “I like it.”
I don’t know when exactly I first started reading Experimentation, but it must have been either 2017 or early 2018 at the latest. I’ve been eyeing the story for a while, as it was on the first page on ff.net (the only fic site I knew at that time—shameful, I know) when filtered by favorites, so I expected it to be good. Having finished the first chapter, I could already tell that it was not, in fact, good.
(On the off chance that anyone is actually reading my stream of consciousness, I shall explain myself before I get hate anons. See, to say that Experimentation is a good story is like saying that Aretha Franklin was a good singer. Ridiculous understatement is what it is.)
"I could carry around like a little white flag and wave it around at the appropriate time?" Chloe bursts out laughing at the image, at the way Beca has made a fist with her hand and is flicking an imaginary flag back and forth, at the stupid too-wide smile she's plastered onto her face. She laughs because she believes, without a shadow of a doubt, that Beca would do that if Chloe asked her to.
I was absolutely enchanted, hooked from the very first paragraphs. Every aspect of this fic was beyond perfect; the language, the pacing, the characterization, the romantic tension with no unnecessary drama. I’ve devoured all the chapters there were at that time, as stopping was impossible once I started. Once I got to the last one, I wondered briefly whether I should have waited until the story was finished.
I am so incredibly thankful to my past self that I did not.
Waiting for updates for months was hard, sure. But it made me appreciate every single chapter all the more. It allowed me to savor every sentence, enjoy every tender moment between the girls. And the joy I felt whenever I would get an email notifying me that Experimentation was updated? Unparalleled. I still have a folder in my mailbox created specifically to house these notifications.
“Thank you,” Chloe’s words of appreciation swing Beca’s gaze back up to her face and she finds the redhead looking at her with such a sense of solemn gratitude that it upends any potential response. Thankfully, Chloe continues. “For everything. Not just,” she gestures between them, “this but….” Chloe trails off, running the fingers of one hand through her hair as she tries to collect herself. “For joining the Bellas. For coming back even though Aubrey was awful to you. For making us important to you.”
You are important to me , Beca wants to say. The most important.
I can’t even imagine reading Experimentation for the first time in one go. A few weeks, months maybe, if one’s busy, and that’s it? That is not nearly long enough to be able to fully appreciate this masterpiece. I started reading it a few years after its first update, but still, Experimentation was with me for long years. It was there, sitting in a tab on my phone when I started university. It was there, five years later, when I graduated and then defended my MA thesis. It was there when I moved out of my parents’ house, moved to a new city, found my first job. And it was there, on the first day of 2022, when I read the last chapter.
During this last chapter I cried three times—one was at the author’s note. What an incredible journey it has been. Now that there’s only an epilogue left, I am sad that it’s over because it’s been such an important part of my life. But mostly I am just filled with love for Experimentation. Just because it is completed, doesn’t mean it is gone or forgotten. I know it will always be special to me, a source of comfort whenever I need it.
“You’re a ten,” Chloe says again and now Beca can hear the warble in her voice. Can feel it like something tangible as it reaches inside her chest and squeezes. Catches her breath in its hand and holds it. “You’re an A-plus.” It’s only when Chloe lifts her hands to wipe at the underside of her eyes that Beca realises she’s crying, sees the shimmer of tears on her fingers as she crosses her arms over her chest. “I love you so much.” Her voice catches, stumbles over a sob in the middle of her declaration, but she powers on through. Doesn’t hold back. “I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you.”
@redlance, you absolute queen, what could I possibly say to you? You took a piece of your heart, shaped it into this beautiful story, and shared it with hundreds of strangers who now hold it in their own hearts. If there are any words appropriate for that, I do not know them. So let me simply say thank you and I love you <3
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Fanfic - Desynced: Chapter 6
(Ao3 Here) (FF.net here)
It took a week, but eventually the school reopened. Danny was both dreading, and looking forward to, the school day. While nothing new had happened, there had been no sign of that one ghost (or Danny’s lunch box) but Danny also hadn’t seen or heard from Tucker or Sam since that day in the park.
It left a feeling like there was a gnawing pit in his stomach.
But, not just in his stomach, it went up his chest as well. Like his ribs had been torn open and left a gaping wound in his chest.
Danny tried to run up the stairs to the school, but each step he took he’d falter. Each step he took, he’d feel the ground beneath his feet a full second before his foot would actually find purchase. And if it weren’t for his white knuckled grip on his backpack straps, he knew he’d lose track of where his hands were.
It felt like he was a stranger in his own body.
Eventually, Danny made it to his locker. Even though he had trouble placing his extremities; he felt like a stranger in his own body. It wasn’t difficult to make it to his locker. His body felt larger than it was, which helped him avoid running into anyone else. When he made it to his locker, he took a moment to breathe. He carefully reached out for the lock on his locker. He felt a hand phase through the metal of the door, the metal felt weak and fragile as he pushed his hand through.
Eventually, his flesh and blood hand made contact with the lock. He breathed out and carefully pulled it away from the door. The metal door creaked as the ghostly version of his hand (that for some reason felt more real than his human hand) slid back.
Slowly and methodically, as not to forget which hand was which, he entered the code to his locker. The twisting of his fingers was hard to ignore as he could feel the ghostly version of himself scraping his palm open with sharp claws.
It took way too long, but eventually he got it open.
He tried to ignore the fact that it felt like he had an open wound dripping something on the floor next to him.
“Yo!” Tucker’s sudden greeting made Danny jump and whip around. He put his (bleeding) hand to his chest. “Whoa, dude, you a lil’ jumpy there?” His eyes widened and he glanced around, before leaning in. “Did you see another one of those… things?”
Danny shook his head. “No, not that. I got a name for them apparently,” he said, shrugging. “They’re apparently ghosts.”
Tucker raised an eyebrow, “You mean like… the things that go boo?”
Danny nodded and shrugged off his backpack before slowly putting his backpack on its hook. “Yeah, that’s apparently what they really look like. They can do that thing where they walk through walls and stuff, but when they manifest in the real world, they look like that monster.”
“Well, there goes any desire to see my great grandma…” Tucker muttered quietly. He raised an eyebrow. “You bringing coffee to school?”
Danny followed Tucker’s gaze to his locker. On the back of his backpack what looked like a metal thermos was hanging off his backpack. Danny pursed his lips and looked back at Tucker. “Yeah, no, it’s not a coffee thermos it’s… okay, so like there’s this tradition called a bottle tree. It’s meant to trap evil spirits because the spirit can enter the bottle but has trouble getting out of it.”
Tucker scoffed. “Are ghosts bugs that can’t understand windows?”
Danny rolled his eyes. “Some spirits follow rules that we don’t have to, and some evil spirits really are just malevolent crawling entities. There’s a LOT of folklore out there about it. Anyways, the point being, remember what I said before? My parents' job… what I thought was my parents job... was basically finding out what works and doesn’t work in folklore and magic and turning it into repeatable stuff. This is their version of a glass bottle tree so it’s-”
“It’s a spirit containment device,” Tucker cut off. “You could have just said that.”
“It’s a theoretical spirit containment device. They don’t have any idea if it’ll work or not.”
“Oh, well, that’s comforting.”
“Better than nothing,” Danny sighed, and reached out to close his locker. His hand stopped almost a foot before the door. Bone scraped against metal, the shock of it made him look up and see he wasn’t truly touching the door. He took a couple breaths before pushing and he felt his hand sink into the metal of the lockers, and the metal scraped through his hand, sliding between bone, muscle, and sinew as he used his human hand to close the door.
“You alright?” Tucker asked, glancing at Danny and looking him up and down.
“I’m fine,” he lied. “Anyways, you know my locker combination? Just in case… ya know?”
“How could I forget? Six-six-six… wait, if magic is real, is that actually cursed?”
“How has this school year gone?”
Sam tapped her pencil against her notebook. Her lip was beginning to feel raw with how much she was chewing on it as she tried to place the unease she was feeling in her gut. It felt like she was going to vomit, but unlike the past couple weeks, it wasn’t because of the smell of cooked meat. No, something else was bothering her.
Something was bothering Mr. Lancer too, seeing as he snapped at Dash to put his racket ball away. Dash tried to protest, saying that it was just for rolling out the muscles in his arm, but Lancer told him to just focus on the lesson.
Mr. Lancer never had told off any of the ‘jocks’ before. Usually he did nothing but sing their praises, calling them modern warriors and scholars.
It felt… wrong. The way the air tasted felt off, everything was cold to the touch, and sounds just felt so much sharper.
And it felt like there was something breathing down her neck.
There was a thudding of footsteps out in the hall, and Mr. Lancer’s head snapped to the door. “Hey!” he shouted, as he made his way to the door. He opened the door and looked down the hallway. “No running in the-”
Anything else he said was cut off by the sound of alarm bells ringing.
“Mr. Fenton!” Mr. Lancer shouted, absolutely furious. “That’s not a-”
Danny’s voice shouted back. “Get everyone out! Now! Towards the main entrance!”
The rest of the class all looked at each other with wide eyes, before Mr. Lancer stepped back into the classroom. Mr. Lancer grumbled under his breath, “This better not be a prank…” before he clapped his hands. “Alright everyone! Just like the fire drills, let’s get going. Single file and no pushing! We’re gonna do this nice and orderly.”
Everyone got up immediately, and started rushing towards the door. The line started going out but Mr. Lancer turned toward the closer emergency exit, not towards the entrance like Danny had shouted to.
“Mr. Lancer?” Sam called out, “Didn’t Danny say to go the other way?”
“This is the fastest route out,” Mr. Lancer said, turning around to give the students a calming smile, “There’s no smoke coming up the stairs here, so we should be fine.” The lead student gasped as they and Mr. Lancer turned the corner. “What the fu-” Sam saw his face turn from confusion to panic and he turned and pushed the students next to him away. “Other way! Run!”
The urgency in his voice made several students turn and book it. Forgoing the ‘single file line’ that he had asked for to just trying to run past each other. But some were slower than others, the sudden shift in plans made panic start coming to the forefront. Sam got pushed out of the way, before she too turned and started running.
Then the ground shook.
Sam turned and looked back, and her feet froze to the floor.
There was a giant hand, large enough that it could easily wrap itself around her chest, slammed against the wall, but the hand wasn’t flesh. Sam recognized it immediately by the way her stomach roiled in protest at its existence.
Ground meat, marbled with fat was slapped against the wall, bones poking out of it scraped against the wall. It felt like it was moving slowly, but the sheer size meant that a slow movement for the giant mass of meat swept across a wide area.
And then it pulled itself forward.
The body turned toward Sam, and the thing’s eyes saw the students scrambling to get away. It opened its mouth wide and Sam felt her chest shake as the sound of children screaming practically crashed into her.
That was Sam’s cue to start running again.
Sam turned and started running. She paused for a moment to pick up one of the other students. She thought his name was Mikey, but she wasn’t sure. “Come on, get up!” She shouted at him before pushing him forward.
She paused again to pick up another student, this one she knew was Trisha. Then she heard Danny shout. “Sam! Look out!”
Sam felt something loom over her, and she looked back. The creature had crossed the distance of the hall way faster than something of its size should have been. There was a fleeting moment where she realized wouldn’t have been able to outrun it…
Before a boney and meaty limb slapped her against the wall.
Bright splotches filled her vision as her head struck the wall, and she fell to the ground. She couldn’t scream, not with the air from her lungs being forced out the way it was. But the bile in her throat rose as the smell of rotting and fetid meat assailed her. It was worse than all the sharp pains she felt across her body where the bones had sliced and cut her.
Her vision began to darken, before a scream snapped her awake. “Sam!” Danny’s voice snapped her eyes open, but her vision swam. The world was shaking and jittery, and she could only see red splotches spread across her skin.
Before the creature stepped in front of her, its mouth opened wide as its limbs reached for her.
The smell of rotting meat assaulted her as the same time hot air coming from its mouth washed over her.
And she realized she was trapped in its hands as it pulled her into its mouth.
A second time, she fell to the floor as some kind of missile slammed into its side. Sam blinked as her vision began to clear, and she saw something in front of her. To say its skin was pitch black would be an understatement. It was like all light vanished by the creature in front of her. Even the hallway was darker in the direction of it. There was an ethereal green glow around it, like the corona of light around all the pictures of black holes Danny would show her.
A long tail, littered with boney spikes flicked back and forth in front of her, snapping back and forth like a whip. Each sudden movement was accompanied by the sound of bones breaking.
She’d never forget how she knew what that sounded like.
The meat creature’s body twisted, not quite moving, more like the meat rotated around a core so that the mouth and face were facing the two of them. Its eyes settled on the creature in front of her, which widened its stance.
Sam glanced down to see digitigrade feat that were encased in a bone like material, before the movement of limbs made her glance up. The arms looked like someone had forgotten to put musculature on the arms, before the hands ended in large claws that were as long as Sam’s torso.
The meat creature roared, the sound of sirens ringing out from its mouth before the black one slashed the other. The meat creature stepped back, placing a limb over its face. The limb melted into its head as a new limb sprouted from the bend of its arm.
Sam couldn’t see the black one’s mouth open, but she knew it screamed as well. This was louder than the meat creature by far, and Sam was brought to her knees by the sound. Unlike the meat creature, the sound coming from it could have been made by another creature.
It was the sound of a young girl, screaming, and a young man calling for help, over the sound of breaking bones.
It was Tucker’s yelling, and Sam screaming as Danny fell out of his parents’ device. The screams she let out before she had to save her breath to give Danny CPR, and the sound of his rib cage breaking underneath her hands as she tried to keep him alive.
The black creature sprung forward, its claws pierced the meat monster’s eyes and it twisted as it leapt over. It planted its feet on the ceiling and with a harsh yank it pulled the larger one away from Sam.
Sam scrambled back as the pile of rotting meat fell to the floor. The ground shook underneath her. The black creature leaned forward, its claws slicing in the ceiling, leaving plaster to fall down onto the meat creature. The one on the ground began to swell, letting out a wet squelching sound as it stood back up. It looked up, and once again let out a scream, the sounds of pots crashing was drowned out as Sam’s own screams came out of the black creature’s mouth.
The black one dove off the ceiling, crashing into the meat monster. There was enough force behind the tackle that it dragged the both of them through the wall. The resulting hole was just barely larger than the smaller of the two monsters, with the larger being dragged through. The screaming of Tucker calling for help and the sound of breaking bones echoed through the school, and it made Sam jump up.
She ran over to see that the two were now fighting in the cafeteria. Sam couldn’t help herself, and she ran over to the railing to see the two of them. The smaller of the two was circling the larger, its claws tearing up the tile as if it were paper mache; it looked like a panther circling prey as its tail whipped about. Each movement was followed by the sound of breaking bones that made Sam’s skin crawl.
The meat monster in comparison was fairly still, if it weren’t for the fact that the body spun as if on an axis it’d look like it was completely stationary. The eyes of the creature tracked it as it slowly prowled around it.
It gave Sam another good look at the black creature, Sam had expected it’s face to look like an animal’s but that wasn’t even close. It was quite obviously humanoid, it almost looked like a skull, but it had long teeth that looked more like fangs.
Then a green light came from the eye sockets and the mouth, before more of Tucker and Sam’s screams came out of it. The meat monster braced just before the black one dove at it. It leapt up, pouncing on it before sinking its teeth into the other. The humanoid head jerked around about, like Tucker did when he was eating a particularly stubborn bit of beef jerky.
The meat monster’s mouth opened in a roar, the sound of children screaming echoed in the cafeteria before it reached up and grabbed the black one in one meaty limb before prying it off and slamming the black one into the floor.
The floor cracked, but Sam couldn’t hear it over the sound of breaking bones. Each creek dragged her back to the basement, back to when Danny’s body fell out of the device with a sickening thud as his skull cracked against the ground, back to when she tried to keep him alive. She could practically feel Danny’s ribs giving way as she tried to keep his heart going, as this weird creature defended her.
The black one twisted underneath as it was pinned. It’s head, arms and legs turning 180 degrees to turn and continue trying to tear the meat monster into pieces.
The meat monster roared again, before it whipped about and threw the black creature through a wall. The concrete and bricks tumbled to the floor, causing a cloud of dust to begin to rise off the floor.
Then it turned to look at Sam.
Suddenly, two men burst into the cafeteria. Their white suits were ruined with red blood stains. One of them immediately drew a pistol and started firing at the meat monster, as the other sprinted across the cafeteria. The crack of gunshots were nothing to the sound of the creatures’ roaring from earlier, and the bullets did virtually nothing to the creature.
They would impact against its body, occasionally splintering a bone that was poking out of it, but other than that the only effect was ripples spreading across the body.
But it got its attention. The meat creature took several steps towards one of the men, getting close enough to raise its arm to swing at him. But then a bolt of fire flew across the room. Sam stepped back as her eyes practically burned from the sudden light. She tried to blink away the spots in her vision as the monster screamed. It whipped around, turning towards the second man, before practically flying across the cafeteria.
It got about three quarters of the way there before the first man shouted something, before a bolt of fire got flung from him and then thrown at the creature. Sam once again stepped back as the creature screamed, her hands covering her ears in a useless instinct.
Sam watched in fascination as the men played with the creature. Even though it seemed like what they were doing was effective, even she could tell the men didn’t do any real damage to it. The fire striking the body didn’t even leave a mark on it, but the beautiful flares sure as hell pissed it off.
It was too angry to think, turning its focus to whichever man was flinging magic at it. Back and forth they switched, casting spell after spell after spell. Till eventually, the creature threw its head back and roared, before disappearing into mist, leaving only the smell of cooked meat wafting in the area.
The two men stood still for a moment before straightening and dusting off their suits in sync. Then both of them looked up at Sam. Sam wanted to run, but her legs might as well have been made of stone for all she could use them right now.
The two men made their way out of the cafeteria, but before Sam could get her legs to obey her they came up to her on either side of the hallway, blocking her off from any escape she could have had.
“You’ll need to come with us,” they said in sync.
Faced with two obvious federal agents of some sort, Sam said the first thing she had on her mind. “I’m…” Sam gasped, “I am exercising my right to remain silent.”
Then the smell of burnt and rotting meat got too much for Sam, and then she threw up.
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