#like I’m not that convinced of the importance of the Hulk’s appearance and that he’s the strongest there is
rael-rider · 3 years
Sam Wilson, Thor, Bucky Barnes, Namorita, Gamora. Scarlet Witch. Shuri. Black Panther. Whichever of these you want to talk about, have at it. Good day.
I’ll do three of these characters and if you really want me to talk about the others just ask me again. I do only three because I tend to ramble sometimes (partially because I can’t decide on one thing for certain questions) and I’ll stretch this to infinity if I do all of them.
Sam Wilson
First impression: I think it was when I was reading older Captain America comics and I got to his first appearance and I vaguely knew he was Cap's partner in the comics at that point. I remember thinking that I liked his power since I love birds and Sam talks to birds, I also liked his chemistry with Steve.
Impression now: He is one of my favorite Cap characters, I really love him and I think a Captain America isn't Captain America without him. Like I consider him essential to the Cap mythos. I love the Gruenwald and Roger Stern runs but my major gripe about those runs is that Sam is barely in them.
Favorite moment: Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #8-9 AKA the first time Sam became Captain America. I also liked his Generations story with Steve.
Idea for a story: Something that deals with Sam's telepathy and how powerful it is and maybe the fact that it can also extend to other animals, creatures, and aliens that are related to birds (Since the Shi’ar are part birds would his telepathy work on them?). Other than that I guess I would like more stuff with Sam's family.
Unpopular opinion: I don't know if this is unpopular but I liked the Remender Sam Cap run. Probably waaay more than his run with Steve.
Favorite relationship: Sam and Steve obviously is number one, I'm pretty much convinced they're married. I also like Sam's relationship with Sharon, Bucky, Joaquin, and Misty. I pretty much like Sam with a lot of characters although I guess I didn't really care much for his relationship with Jane since that really came out of nowhere and I don't think they ever broke up or anything.
Favorite headcanon: He's worthy of Mjolnir but he just doesn't care to find out. Sam has anxiety and Redwing helps him deal with it. Geese are some of the bird species he doesn't particularly like to talk to because they're major assholes. Crows are some of his favorite because of their ingenuity and how well informed they are (he will get information from them when he's on a stakeout). He knows Steve will do anything for him and sometimes he'll take advantage of that for the most mundane stuff (like getting a glass of milk from him, getting Steve to cook for him, or if Steve is going to an event where he can only bring a +1 Sam gets to be his plus if he wants too). He doesn't really like to call Bucky James because the name reminds him of his nephew James Wilson. Because Bruce Banner refused to give his blood to James Wilson when he was dying (he didn't want to create another Hulk) Sam doesn't exactly see eye to eye with him. Sam has trouble sleeping because he's a light sleeper (he didn't live in a good area while growing up and had to always be alert) and he likes to wake up early.
Black Panther
First impression: First time I saw him was in the Fantastic Four cartoon when I was a kid and I remember thinking he was like a cat version of Batman. He manages to beat the F4 easily if I recall and I thought that was badass.
Impression now: I like T'Challa, I binge read his comics up until the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda (which I still have to finish).
Favorite moment: When he beats the KKK in McGregor's run that was such a powerful moment. Panther's Quest, his fight with Killmonger in Priest's run.
Idea for a story: I would like Al Ewing to do more stuff with T'Challa, I liked how Ewing handled him in Ultimates. I haven't finished Coates' Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda but what I read I thought was interesting. I guess I want more BP cosmic stuff, the TLA tie-in comic was good too.
Unpopular opinion: I really didn't get that much into Hudlin's Black Panther run.
Favorite relationship: T'Challa and Steve Rogers, T'Challa and his family (Ramonda, Shuri, and yes even Hunter), I enjoyed his big brother type of relationship with Asira AKA Queen Divine Justice. His friendship with Everett Ross in the comics (which I kind of miss). His frenemy relationship with Namor is kind of interesting too.
Favorite headcanon: T'challa exudes confidence and coolness but I imagine he internally freaks out about some things but he's just THAT good at hiding it. He is a bit of a momma's boy. He is angry about Hunter being such a difficult asshole because part of him really wanted to have a normal sibling relationship with him (he might have bonded with Thor over that at some point when Loki was still evil). There are moments he wishes he wasn't King of Wakanda because the responsibility is that great and he wishes to have more freedom. He's very much a tea kind of guy.
First impression: He popped up in some of the Marvel cartoons that I saw and I just thought he talked funny and like most of the Avengers back then I was vaguely aware of him.
Impression now: I love Thor, I went and did a deep dive of all his comics and he’s a character I really love.
Favorite moment: Various moments from the Walt Simonson run. Like his talk with Jorgumandr before they fought was interesting. How after he literally became a puddle of ashes from how many times the Destroyer kept zapping him trying to kill him(he was unable to die because of a curse from Hela) his spirit jumps into the Destroyer, he goes to Hela's Domain and harasses her until she lifts the curse and returns him to normal. The scene from Thor: Heaven and Earth were he reads a dying Catholic Priest his last rites. Every time he earthbends or shows he's Gaea's son is a pretty cool scene.
Idea for a story: A story were Thor meets his mom's side of the family and acknowledges them as family. Like Gaea is the Earth Goddess in every pantheon and pretty much gave birth to almost every God and Goddess on Earth and is related to them (this would makes Zeus Thor’s nephew and the Hawaiian Goddess Pele his half-sister). I still wonder why no one has made that story (lets face it the whole Phoenix thing? It's going to get retconned).
Unpopular opinion: While Donald Blake isn't necessary for Thor's story now I feel that making him into a different person and not Thor takes a lot of Thor's character and kind takes away an important part of Thor. Mainly the idea that when given a new clean slate in life and being reborn as a mortal, Thor chooses to become a healer. If Blake is a fake person that Odin made (and ugh the whole thing is convoluted now because of it) and Thor never did anything it makes no sense. But the way I see it Odin lied about making Blake out of nothing and he just separated Thor's mortal side from him as a way to take Thor's attachment to Earth. it would explain why Blake is acting the way he is and why Thor has been written as such a jerk lately. I also don’t care for the angry violent Viking portrayal that some writers do with him.
Favorite relationship: Thor and Loki, because the most interesting and complex relationship both of those characters have is with each other (I have a tag for them). I also like Thor's relationship with Steve Rogers who is his favorite mortal alongside Jane. I also like Thor's relationship with Balder (who is also his brother and needs to come back), Sif, and the Warriors Three. I also loooooove Thor and Beta Ray Bill.
Favorite headcanon: I think Thor likes to read books and has some of his own geeky interests that stayed with him from the time he was living as Don.
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thepancakeboi · 4 years
38. “Wow, you’re hot.”
When we had learned that one of the games in Sae’s Palace was a battle arena, I never would have guessed that I wouldn’t be participating. Unfortunately, the rules state that only one person can participate, and, as much as I hate to admit it, Joker’s versatility with his Personas makes him the best candidate. I can’t reveal my secrets now, can I? It would certainly be interesting to see how far I could go massacring my opponents alongside my Persona. That will have to wait for another day.
Instead, I find myself among a cognitive crowd of people and the rest of the Phantom Thieves. The room encircles a central area that likely serves as the battleground for these three fights. I’ve distanced myself from the others, preferring to watch this fight alone. This is the best chance I am going to have to truly watch Joker fight without any distractions. I don’t need the Thieves’ prattling to get in my way.
The simulated crowd erupts into cheering. It’s obvious why. Joker waltzes into the arena like he owns the place. He’s playing the part up for all it’s worth.
“Now then, our gripping battle is finally here! The idiot leader of the adult-defying thieves has come!” an announcer’s voice calls out from over the loudspeakers. Oh, this commentary is going to be good. “Odds are 1.1 to the house, 23.0 to the Phantom Thieves! Wow, the Phantom Thieves are surprisingly popular! It’s rare to see odds in the double digits! Now, let us begin our serious one-on-one battle! Bring out the first contestant!”
The first opponent, or should I say, opponents, appear in the form of two human-sized bipedal elephants. These are the same as the one we fought to get a member’s card in the first place. Joker had called it Ganesha. “Uhhhh, what the hell!?” Skull yells loudly enough for even me to hear him. “There’s two of ‘em!”
Clearly, they weren’t planning on giving Joker a fair fight from the start. That’s not surprising. I had anticipated this happening. I just hope my faith in his skills isn’t misguided. You better not lose, Joker. I did bet a lot of coins on you.
“Now then, it’s time for this hellish trio of battles to begin!” the announcer continues. “Ready...”
Joker’s eyes unerringly find me in the crowd.
He grins, mouthing “watch this” before turning his attention back to the two Shadows he has to face.
The Ganeshas waste no time rushing at Joker, swords at the ready. He just...stands there, looking around the room. What is he thinking!?
He waits...and waits...
Only when they’re nearly on top of him does he take action. He spins in a clockwise rotation, a thin, nearly invisible line shooting away from his extended left hand and latching onto a beam on the ceiling. I recognize what he’s doing just as he’s lifted into the air by the grappling hook. The Ganeshas end up swiping at empty air, their inertia causing them to nearly trip over their own feet. Joker releases the grappling hook well before he reaches the ceiling, doing a couple of front flips as he lands. He’s already showing off an awful lot. That’s saying something when it comes to Joker, who constantly does a backflip before going into what the Phantom Thieves call an “All-Out Attack”. Not that I can say anything, considering I’ve taken to doing the same. Turning his head to look at me, Joker has the audacity to wave at me during this fight. Is he even taking this seriously?
One of the Ganeshas rushes recklessly again, likely hoping to catch Joker off-guard. It’s too bad that Joker sees it coming and backflips into the air, sailing high over its head. He cocks his gun mid-flip, firing bullet after bullet into the Shadow’s back. I can feel a murderous intent from the two Shadows. Joker deploys his grappling hook and flies clear out of the way of the other Shadow trying to avenge its injured comrade.
It’s impossible not to laugh at the pathetic Shadows stumbling around, making fools of themselves as they try to land a single hit. Using his trusty grappling hook and acrobatic skills, Joker moves all over the arena, confusing them tremendously. It’s almost a show. The thief flips and spins as he goes like he has to show off at every possible moment. I for one can’t take my eyes off him. His movements flow one into another, captivating the cognitive audience as well. These weaklings are no match for him. So why doesn’t he just finish them off quickly as he should? He’s wasting time.
As if hearing my thoughts, Joker’s hand reaches for his mask. Playtime’s over. He summons the paperlike Persona Shiki-Ouji. “Ravage them!” he yells as a myriad of pink and cyan blobs assault his opponents. The two Shadows collapse under the barrage, one of them being taken out by the attack. The other one struggles to get back up, but it’s no use. This Ganesha is as good as dead. Joker uses his grappling hook to swing around the Shadow, his dagger cleaving right through its neck. He lands right where the Shadow is as it explodes into black dust. Joker stands right in the middle of it, looking cool as ever.
I know that I’m staring right now. I don’t care. He made that fight look simple, and he looked good doing it. “Wow, you’re hot,” I whisper to myself, hoping the announcer’s derisive voice echoing through the room will drown out my musings.
Oracle walks up to me a few seconds later. Thank goodness I- “Mwehehe! I’m gonna tell him.”
“What-” I start to ask, only to realize she had heard me after all, despite my precautions. “No.”
“I’m gonna tell him,” she repeats with a mischievous grin.
“Please don’t tell him.” The last thing I need is for Joker to think I find him attractive. Granted, he is quite attractive, but that’s beside the point.
“He’ll find it cute after you guys were holding hands!”
“What are you talking about?” I can hear my voice pitch higher. There’s only one event she can be referencing, and if she saw that...god, I hate how worried I sound.
“In the House of Darkness!”
She had noticed after all. Joker had sensed my...unease upon first entering the maze and had grabbed my hand to calm me down. That was all it was. It meant nothing, even if he had continued to hold my hand through the entire thing except in the rare instances we had to crawl through the vents. Not that trying to convince Oracle of this will help. “Don’t tell him or else,” I say, trying to sound confident once again.
“You can’t stop me. If you try, I’ll tell everyone you’re so scared of the dark you held Ren’s hand!”
“Are you...blackmailing me?”
She laughs. “Maybe.”
“Damnit,” I hiss.
Seeing no way out of this predicament, I turn my attention back to the fight just as Joker slaughters three Rangdas all at once with a well-timed Makouga from Isis. They certainly didn’t last long. He laughs jovially as he remarks, “Now that’s comedy!” He sounds slightly surprised as if he himself hadn’t expected them to be destroyed so easily.
“Bullshit! Why the hell aren’t you dying, you goddamn Phantom Dweeb!?” the announcer yells, clearly annoyed that Joker simply refuses to lay down and die. Wait, when did the announcer start calling him a ‘Phantom Dweeb’? What even is a dweeb? Never mind; that’s not important. “I have a bet on this too! Grr, there’s no way in hell you’re getting away with this! Time for our final contestant!”
What an inane fool the announcer has to be to think the cocky, rebellious boy that is Joker is going to accept defeat. He’s been defying the odds stacked against him since April, and that isn’t changing now. He’ll keep fighting.
Even if the enemy that materializes in front of him is a hulking humanoid at least three times his size.
“Yowza... That’s a big one,” Oracle says in shock. At least Joker’s final foe takes her focus off of me. Hopefully, she’ll forget my little comment from earlier.
“Go, grind his bones to dust! Let the extreme third battle begin!”
Thor looks down at its foe. “Let’s get this over with,” the Shadow says. To it, Joker must look like a puny opponent. It’ll learn soon enough not to underestimate him.
Joker looks like he’s still chuckling despite his opponent’s size. He takes off his mask, but the Persona he summons isn’t Shiki-Ouji. “Magatsu-Izanagi Picaro!” he calls. Something about this Persona’s appearance feels...familiar, somehow. Perhaps...? “You need proper punishment.”
I raise an eyebrow because, even though he’s looking at Thor, the way he’s positioned makes it seem like he’s directing it at me instead. Does he not understand proper phrasing?
A black and red mandala appears on the floor right under Thor’s feet. The Shadow is surrounded by red symbols swirling faster and faster around it. The symbols are impossible to make out from this distance. Whitish-red streaks of light build up in intensity from all sides before a large beam shoots down on Thor in an explosion of energy. “What a powerful attack,” I remark idly to myself.
In a completely unnecessary move, Joker uses his grappling hook to move in my direction and away from Thor. The Shadow is preparing for an attack. He once again does nothing to stop the Shadow charging head-long at him. I soon see why. Shiki-Ouji suddenly materializes in front of Joker and grabs Thor mid-rush, holding the Shadow back before Joker commands his Persona to use Dormina.
Thor falls asleep almost immediately while standing up. It still amazes me how Shadows can be so dumb as to fall asleep in the middle of a fight. I nearly start as Joker walks right up to me and leans against the glass separating the two of us. “Hi, Akeppi.”
“What are you doing, Joker?” I respond.
“Nothing yet.” He hums in thought. Like the shameless flirt he is, he asks, “Enjoying the show?”
“Perhaps you should save your questions until after the battle is won. You’ll have plenty of time to ask for my opinion later.”
“Fine,” he says, whining a little as he turns around. Just in time too, for Thor is starting to stir from its forced slumber. He casually takes his mask off, resummoning Shiki-Ouji to attack with Mapsi before his opponent fully wakes up. It doesn’t bring Thor down as it did previously with the Ganeshas, but it still must have hurt. Just as it gains lucidity, Joker has Shiki-Ouji use Dormina again. He doesn’t waste time talking to me again. Instead, a bunch of circular pink, yellow, and cyan beams surround Thor before striking all at once and send the Shadow reeling onto the ground. With a cocky grin on his face, he uses Psio again for good measure.
“Yeah, keep smiling, buddy,” Thor growls as it pushes itself to its feet. It swipes its electrified hammer at Joker, who deftly backflips away. However, the electricity shoots forward and hits him head-on.
Joker, you fucking idiot. Sure, other than looking a little disheveled, he’s no worse for wear. He’ll be okay, but he shouldn’t have let such an obvious attack hit him.
Something inside Joker seems to snap. The glare on his face is fiercer than I’ve ever seen from him. He looks utterly enraged...and somehow even hotter at the same time. His Persona disappears, but even with the mask, I can sense the fiery rage in his eyes. Pulling out his gun, he jumps to his right, twirling in mid-air as he shoots a couple of bullets. He somersaults as gravity brings him back to the ground. However, he isn’t done. He leaps straight into the air from his crouched position. It’s almost impossible to perceive what happens, but he seems to combine the twist from earlier with a front flip, followed by another spin in the air as he proceeds to fire bullet after bullet in mid-air while upside down. He uses his feet and left hand to take the brunt of his fall. Thor collapses to its knees shortly after, the continuous gunfire too much for it to handle.
Joker stands up and looks contemplatively at his left hand. Is he seriously thinking of using the grappling hook now? With a shrug, he looks back at Thor and does a running leap into the air. He performs a couple of front flips before his momentum brings him to Thor’s head. With a level of dexterity only Joker could pull off, he straddles Thor from below, his legs wrapped around the Shadow’s neck. His left hand grabs a hold of one of the horns on Thor’s helmet while he points the gun right at Thor’s face. “You’re done!” Joker yells as he shoots at point-blank range.
The Shadow crumbles into black dust, but not before Joker pushes himself off its body, twirling in the air and backflipping so he lands crouched on the ground facing me. He grins as he hops to his feet, pirouetting before he poses, right arm outstretched and left hand resting on his chest.
I blink, startled. I know exactly where that maneuver came from. I’ve done that exact same thing once or twice in those All-Out Attacks. How did he manage to figure out how to copy it so quickly...?
The announcer groans in disappointment, having no comment on the fact that Joker just won their rigged game in style. I can’t help but grin as I give my own snide remark.
“Once again, justice prevails.”
Prompt list
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twiceblackvelvet · 4 years
One Night Stand
A/N; someone requested this but for some reason i can’t find the ask in my drafts among all of the other requests but hopefully they find it anyway. enjoy me writing way more than i expected and ending things on an open note in case people become interested and i get to write a second part.
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Nights like these very rarely happen. In fact, they never do. Usually, you’d be sat at home with a glass of wine, binge-watching yet another drama, and stuffing your face with whichever snacks you could find in the cupboards. An unhealthy combination, sure. But it’s what comforts you the most after spending way too long dealing with people during the day. 
But tonight, your friends have practically dragged you out of the pit you’ve created in the middle of your sofa that you tried endlessly to convince them had not in fact molded to the shape of your body, it just looks like that naturally. Apparently, a new bar opening offering free entry is enough reason for you to break your usual habits and let your hair down instead.
It’s been so long since the last time you went out to a nightclub that you’d forgotten how much work goes into just getting there and looking somewhat acceptable. Spending hours on end searching through your closet for a dress that you had been told must cling to your skin and not look like something a librarian would wear. 
Maybe, it’s just time to get some new friends who won’t rip your everyday style to shreds for a quick laugh. 
You’re not even sure why you agreed, really. The thought of drunken slobs throwing themselves all over anyone within proximity in the hopes of getting lucky at the end of the night is not something you’ve ever found appealing, thus, you’re yet to gain your one-night stand card. Not that such a thing exists, but according to numerous sources, or rather just all of your friends it’s an important step in the life of an adult. You’d rather keep both feet firmly outside of that circle and never dip your toes into the daunting pool of regret and possible after-effects of bedding a complete stranger. 
Despite the lingering feeling deep down that this night would not end well, after a few pre-drinks to get you in the mood, excitement soon washes away any worries. Even the one’s telling you that you’d likely spend half the night pulling your friends away from anyone they find attractive only because they’re wearing beer goggles.
Stepping out of the cab and into the cold night air makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and brings about your first regret. The short black dress you decided upon makes it impossible for your body to find any warmth as you walk toward the queue hovering outside waiting to get inside. It’s shorter than you expected, which you’re all grateful for but there’s still a good amount of people there.
After a few minutes of pacing on the spot, your teeth have begun to chatter and the alcohol that had previously warmed you up has started to lose its effect. 
“How long until we’re in?” You decide to ask, aimed at no one in particular, just hoping for a positive answer from anyone that the cold suffering will end soon.
“It’ll be about ten more minutes babe, don’t worry.” One of your friends shouts from behind you. The loud music from inside blaring out into the street makes it impossible for you to know which, you’re just grateful it’s not going to be too long before you can get inside and feel warmth once again. 
Bodies begin to shuffle closer towards the door and soon two burly men dressed head to toe in black come into sight, the words security plastered across one side of their chest. One of them, more muscular than the other and with a far more intimidating face places his meaty hand upright in front of you to pause the steady flow of patrons being allowed inside. 
“Do you have any identification?” The smaller of the two men who now that you’re closer is in fact still huge in comparison to you croaks out, his voice not matching his appearance. You notice he has a cut above his eye, likely from someone drunkenly thinking it’s a good idea to fight the hulk’s cousin after one too many. 
Your hands roam around inside the small clutch bag you’d decided upon pairing with your outfit and pull out your driver's license and point it towards both of them. They eye it suspiciously, but you can see the cogs in their heads quickly trying to decipher whether your year of birth makes you legal to enter or not.
“Great, thanks. Go right ahead.” The larger man speaks and ushers you toward the door. 
Before stepping inside, you turn in place to face your friends who are also being inspected head to toe. A strong breeze gusts past all of you and without thinking too much about upsetting them, you walk in alone and leave your friends to the freezing weather. You quickly holler that you’ll meet them inside, but it’s unlikely that they heard it. 
Walking through an extra set of doors, you’re greeted by a dark interior with painted black walls,  a bar placed dead in the center of the room with low lighting hung above it. Red seats line the counter and one half of the room and your feet move without you thinking about it towards one of them. The other half is an open dance floor full of people moving along to the music, some less on the beat than others but they’re trying. 
A small woman, no taller than 5’2 with brown short hair appears out of nowhere in front of you, a sharp smile placed on her face which you easily recognize as the fake customer service greeting she’s likely learned from years of experience handling people in an intoxicated state.
“Hey! What can I get you?” Her voice is soft, too soft to be working in this kind of environment.
You decide to look further down the bar at some of the other people seated next to you and spot a woman holding a glass filled with a light blue liquid. Truthfully, it looks like something you’d clean your kitchen floor with, but it’s calling out to you for some reason. 
“I’ll have whatever that is.” You point toward the girl and the bartender gives a quick nod before heading off to pour the potentially poisonous concoction you’ve just ordered on a whim. 
As you watch a couple of people throw down some moves that would be acceptable if they were from a five-year-old child, not a grown adult, small hands wrap around your waist that startles you for a second until you come face to face with your friends who’ve finally made it past the two roadblocks patrolling the doors.
“Here you are, this place is nice, right? Have you gotten a drink yet?” 
“Yeah, I just ord-” 
Before you can finish your sentence, the bartender returns and places the drink down in front of you. 
“The first one is on the house, have a good night!” Her words are far more excited than previously, probably more than they should be for someone offering out drinks for free during opening night. Part of you wonders if this is her way of flirting or maybe just hoping for some extra tips.
“Thanks for the offer, really but I’ll pay, I’m not looking to date anyone right now and you’re not my type, sorry.” 
Her eyes widen the more you speak and you realize that perhaps you’re the one who is in fact sat in the very wrong tree and barking like an idiot.
“I’m one of the owners here, the flyer outside says the first drink is free for everyone. Sorry to disappoint you, sweetheart, but I don’t swing your way.” 
She’s already turned around on the heel of her foot before you can force out an apology. However, her swift exit doesn’t stop your cheeks from heating up and a mild headache from forming out of embarrassment. Your friends’ laughter all around you isn’t helping the situation either. 
“Next time, maybe save that for someone who bats for your own team.” A husky voice from beside where you’re seated speaks lowly into your ear. 
As you swing your chair quickly to face where the words came from, all you find is flowing brown hair trailing off toward the dance floor. You watch the body strut away, and by watching, you definitely saw something far more appealing than a kind yet uninterested bar owner. Her hips sway casually as she floats in between several bodies moving to the music and enters the bathroom without waiting in the line formed outside of the door. 
A few angry customers shout after the girl, but she doesn’t bother to listen to their calls informing her of the queue. Whoever she is, her attitude is one of not caring about anything other than herself. Usually, this would be a major red flag under any other circumstances, but something is drawing you towards her even though you have no idea who she is or what she looks like other than her back profile. 
Your friends order their drinks one after the other, all of which is a cocktail of sorts that will definitely cause the world’s worst hangover for each of them individually, however, that’s their problem. The lights near the dance floor quickly change colors to strobe blindingly through the crowd that’s formed, drinks have been spilled already causing some already inebriated bodies to crash land on the ground only to rise up once more to sway from one side to another. 
You can’t help yourself from watching the bathroom door every few moments, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mystery woman and confirm whether she’s everything you’ve managed to imagine in the few moments since she decided to teasingly whisper into your ear. But, the line outside quickly moves and disappears meaning she has already left and you’ve missed it. 
Before you know it, several hours have passed, numerous drinks have infiltrated your liver and your sight has become less and less able to make out whether the person in front of you is that close or if they’re actually halfway across the room. Your body has been dragged to the center of the dancefloor and whilst you are trying to keep up with the rhythm of the music, your loose limbs have a mind of their own and sure enough, you too end up looking like an inflatable tube blowing in the wind in any direction you decide to throw it. 
At least two of your friends have decided that ramming their tongues down someone’s throat is a far better way to spend their time. You’re strangely quite envious of them.
Just as you’re about to stagger off back to the bar to relieve your throat of the dryness that has formed and maybe rid yourself of some of the sweat you’re unsure of which belongs to you or someone else, a hand slides it’s way around your waist and pulls you backward. Your body now pressed against another in a tight embrace that had you been sober you’d struggle to get out of, however, in this state, it’s even more difficult to break free.
“Why didn’t you follow me?” 
When the words hit your ears, you recognize the voice from earlier and a cold shudder settles itself throughout your spine. The mystery woman has somehow managed to find you amongst the full capacity crowd whilst you couldn’t even keep up with her in the midst of a small bathroom queue. The teasing tone still there but her husky voice now replaced with a more hoarse yet sultry one.
Without even thinking about it, you force your body further into her own and spin around all at the same time. Turns out, that was a mistake as it sends both of you flying toward the ground at a pace that makes it impossible for either of you to break your fall. You may not have gotten to see her face previously but in your current position of laying on top of her, you’re now offered a close up to what your drunken mind can only describe as perfection. 
Her wide eyes bore into your own, they’re a dark shade of brown and intensely eye you the same way in which you’re doing to her before quickly flitting toward your lips for a split second. Your own eyes can’t help but do the exact same to her in return. Pink plump lips that are daring you to take them in with your own, but you manage to resist, or rather, she pushes you upward and stands before helping you off the ground too. 
She’s taller than you first thought. A loosely fitted blazer covers a black crop top that lies just above an abdomen that threatens to bring tears to your eyes from how toned it is. Dark pants tightly hug her long legs that you’re sure would look better without the material hiding them. You’re having difficulty removing your eyes from her magnetic form when she cups your chin and raises it so she can meet your eyes once more.
“You didn’t answer me.” She says sternly this time. 
“I didn’t know you wanted me to follow you.” No thought goes into your response, you’re simply on auto-pilot mode and hoping she doesn’t vanish once more. 
“Well, I did. But, your loss.” 
She begins to stride away, once again. However, your arm flies out and grasps hold of her wrist before she can escape. Despite having way too much to drink, your strength still exists for a split second as her body ends up bumping into your own, hips clashing with one another.
“What are you doing?” She asks.
“Who are you?” 
The airy way in which the question leaves your mouth makes it sound like you’re asking something far more prophetic, or as if you’re expecting her to give you her life story in the middle of a packed nightclub. Truthfully, you’re just after a name. 
“Come with me.” Her words should be a question, instead, they sound like a command and you’re helpless to it as you trail behind her without worrying about the consequences or thinking about what it is you’re going through with. Placing in your trust in someone like this is not something you’d ever dare to do previously, but this feels right, somehow.
The two of you step outside of the club, her strides are way too quick for you to keep up with as she wanders down the street away from the loud music and your friends who you’re quickly trying to type out a text message to tell them not to send out a search party for you, though, you still don’t even know this girl’s name so perhaps that isn’t the smartest idea. You send it anyway and hope your blind faith in this godly woman who keeps checking you’re still behind her every few seconds is correct.
Her arm raises at the end of the street and a car pulls up. Everything about this feels wrong, yet, you get inside the vehicle with her anyway. 
“Sooyoung.” She bluntly states. The confusion your face makes it obvious that you have no idea why she’s saying this suddenly. “My name… is Sooyoung.” 
It could just be the alcohol talking, but you’re sure that it is the prettiest name to exist. 
“Do you have one? Or am I supposed to guess?” She follows up after watching you mouth her own, something you hadn’t even realized you’d been doing. You quickly slur out your name that makes it only barely comprehensible and Sooyoung just chuckles in response.
You can’t help but let out a small laugh yourself when you consider your thoughts earlier in the night about your entire crisis of still clutching tightly onto your one-night-stand card and how this complete stranger in front of you is about to snatch it away, no doubt.
“What’s so funny?” The teasing tone is back in place as one of Sooyoung’s hands rests carefully atop your thigh. Her hand is cold yet despite only just finding out her name, you feel safe with her placing it there. It feels like she’s trying to steady you with it.
“Nothing, I’ve just never done this before.” 
“You’ve never used Uber?” She cocks one of her eyebrows as she looks at you with an amused smirk. 
“Very funny.” 
Her face straightens out and turns serious for the first time since you’ve been graced with looking at it. You can tell she’s thinking about something but unsure of whether or not to speak it into existence. The ability to read people so far hasn’t disappeared no matter how much tequila you’ve consumed. 
“I guess you meant it when you said that Haseul wasn’t your type.” She quietly lets out after a few moments. She spots the confusion once more and continues. “The bartender, her name is Haseul. You told her she wasn’t your type.”
“Oh, no. She definitely is my type. I just… wait, what exactly do you think I meant by saying I’ve never done this before?”
Now it’s Sooyoung’s turn to feel lost by the conversation as she tries to decipher where things have gotten lost in translation between you both.
“Well, girls. You didn’t pick up on me wanting you to follow me and now you’re telling me on my way back to my place you’ve never done this before. I’m assuming that your usual type is the two meatheads working the door stopping people from smashing the bar up.” 
Loud laughter fills the small space of the car. The driver even looks into his rearview mirror to see what is so funny that you’re doubled over in pain from Sooyoung’s assumption. 
“Oh that’s good. You know, trying to take a straight girl’s home is a massive stereotype.” You’re not sure if the look you’re receiving from Sooyoung is of her being offended or still lost. “I didn’t mean I’ve never slept with a girl before. I meant I’ve never gone home with someone that I just met hours before.”
Everything suddenly clicks into place for both of you and Sooyoung bites her lower lip, likely feeling that same embarrassment that you did earlier with the woman you now know is named Haseul.
“I didn’t think you were straight, by the way. That’s not why you’re here with me. I just assumed from what you said.” 
The two of you continue to laugh at just how crossed you’ve managed to get the wires in the few minutes you’ve been traveling towards her home which was longer than you thought as soon enough, the driver is pulling up and asking you both to leave a good review. Sooyoung politely tells him that she will before helping you out of the car.
Had you known that going back to Sooyoung’s apartment meant that you had to conquer stairs, you may have turned her down. Well, you wouldn’t have because she’s the personification of flawless. But you’d have prepared your legs to feel less like jelly and more capable of completing the trek up to her front door.
She slides a set of keys out of her blazer and opens the front door inviting you to step in first. You do and are greeted by a  space with hardly any furniture. Sparse is the only word that fits her home. Anyone with a knack for home design would have a field day if they were to be welcomed in too. 
“I know, it’s not much. I just moved here from the city and I haven’t had time to finish decorating.” 
All thoughts about how Sooyoung could still be a serial killer who has lured you away from your friends to her apartment that is lacking any form of personal touch evaporates with her explanation. You set yourself a mental reminder to never drink whatever that blue liquid was again, it makes you feel way too trusting.
You move further into the apartment and see that it’s spacious and open planned. The kitchen is well lit with brand new appliances that look like they’ve yet to be used. A television far bigger than the one you own sits on the wall of the living room. Sooyoung sits casually on one of the two white leather sofas as she plays with the remote and turns it on to a music channel. A door blocks off both the left and right side of the apartment, likely leading to a bedroom and bathroom. 
“You can sit, you know. I don’t bite.” Sooyoung pats the space beside her as she speaks. “Well, unless you’re into that.” 
There’s a confidence to everything that Sooyoung says, it makes you feel envious that she’s able to pull it off without being cocky. If you tried, it would likely come out sounding pretentious. You sit beside her, though, there’s probably more space between your bodies than she was hoping for as she shuffles closer toward you. 
“So, what now?” Once again, words are leaving your mouth without you thinking about it. But, you can’t help in feeling awkward that she’s seemingly not made a move beyond putting her hand on your thigh since you agreed to leave the nightclub with her. 
“What do you want to happen now?” 
Truthfully, your lack of experience with the whole one night stand thing had led you to believe that people didn’t even get the chance to scan the person’s apartment that they’d decided to sleep with. Part of you expected Sooyoung to just tear your clothes off the second you walked through her door. Part of you wanted her to do that, then you wouldn’t find yourself in this semi-uncomfortable situation. 
The logical side of your brain that is screaming for you to listen to it is instead and telling you that Sooyoung is not a threat. She’s teasing, flirty, and probably thinking about all of the former things your mind has listed, but she has been respectful thus far and it doesn’t look as if that is going to change anytime soon. 
“I’m not sure, I told you… I’ve never done this before. I thought I’d be back inside another Uber on my way home by now.” You finally reply.
“Are you accusing me of being a five minute hit it and quit it kind of girl?” Once more, that look of being offended without actually being offended overtakes all of her features. Features you can’t help but admire in the clear lighting now rather than the darkness of the club. 
Her face is lacking any blemishes whatsoever, and despite being ready to enter her bedroom, you also wouldn’t like seeing her bathroom just to know what kind of skincare routine she has going on. The same plump lips you wanted to touch with your own are still inviting, but you restrain yourself once more.
“No…  But why would you want me to stay once we both get what we’re here for.” 
This time, it does offend her as your words hit her like a slap to the face and she huffs out a deep breath. 
“Maybe, and bear with me here because it could be a concept you’re unfamiliar with, but just maybe, I like you beyond tonight.” 
She stands abruptly and shuffles towards the kitchen area, her footsteps heavier than previously and shoulders slumped. You consider following her to apologize and ask if she wants you to just leave now, but she returns with a glass of water in one hand and a box in the other. 
“Here, take this.” She opens the box to reveal a strip of tablets and pops two out of the metallic packaging placing them down on the table in front of you both. “Painkillers  for when you wake up, your head is going to feel like hell no doubt.” 
She moves away once more toward one of the closed doors but again returns quickly, this time with a pillow and blanket in tow. She lays the pillow down gently and offers you the blanket to hold onto. 
“As much as I’d love to spend the night with you, and I would have by the way, had you followed me earlier in the night when you still had some sobriety about you. I’m not much into sleeping with drunk girls.” Despite not having a clue who Sooyoung was prior to tonight, you can’t help but feel both happy and hurt by her words. Happy she isn’t willing to take advantage of people in your state. But hurt because by god you’d love nothing more than to wake up next to her after a night of being beneath her. 
She turns on her heels to leave you once more but stops herself upon reaching the bedroom door. 
“But hey, I’ve always had a thing about morning sex, so, who knows? Maybe you’ll still get lucky.” She offers you a quick wink before closing the door. 
This time, she doesn’t return and you’re left to wonder about just what the morning with Sooyoung might have in store for you.
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nettlestonenell · 4 years
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Armie Hammer wants a sequel to The Man From U.N.C.L.E.—shouldn’t you?
This post is a long time in coming, Gentle Readers and @jammeke​, but now, though it might be here, before your very eyes, to think it will be well-laid out would be a mistake. It’s set to be just about as messy as Ilya’s misplaced loyalties and murky motivations.
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How dare!
I probably first watched this film well over a year ago (courtesy @jammeke​ posting things about it). I used Sling OnDemand (I think on TNT). In the ensuing viewings I also watched it in that way, but as I was sitting down for a fourth(?) viewing, it kept coming to me that I was tired of watching it with commercials I couldn’t skip, and I had a sneaking suspicion that it had been edited for time and I was missing out on scenes. [pointless aside: I was also watching the film in chunks, and never as a whole]
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Where is she now? What’s the time stamp? How far along did she get? Are you shagging the hotel hostess yet?
So, I, uh, set out to buy it on DVD—without any luck! In the sense that copies I could find cost more (w/ shipping) than buying it to stream. So, I bought it to stream on Amazon. Do I regret my choice, Gentle Readers? No, no I don’t. I do regret burden of knowledge in learning that TNT was already playing the entirety of the film. That was a hard pill to swallow.
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Nope, I’ve looked. That’s absolutely everything. Nothing additional lurking around here...
So here it is, as it is, @jammeke, “My Notes on The Man from U.N.C.L.E.”
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Look, I don’t know what this film is. I probably can’t fully articulate its appeal. Or maybe I can--certainly after transcribing four page I’ve tried. Number One thing to know about me and fiction/films is that a top draw for me is seeing something out of the ordinary, such as beautiful locations, a historical era, delicious costumes. There are times, frankly, this can trump weak story and undefined character for me. (The best films, of course, combine all three) Certainly, The Man... delivers in the delight of the eyes. Additionally, I must confess that growing up as a person older than @reblogginhood​ but younger than Miss Fisher, so much of what was on TV was essentially reruns of this film’s iconic Look(tm). So, when I see women dressed like Gaby I am just another three-to-seven-year-old overcome with the drop dead glamour of it all.
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Darling, tell me how you really feel...
Some questions I have:
·         IS Armie Hammer a hulk of a man? Everyone in this film seems to think so, yet he always tracks to me as trim (rather than hulking)
·         Why translate via captions some Russian speaking, but not all?
·         IS Napoleon’s backstory directly cribbed from USA’s White Collar?
·         DOES Gaby have a German accent?
·         Does Ilya get preternaturally attached to all the people he’s ordered to look after? Also, what is his bonding rate with kittens?
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Sorry, wrong iteration. 
 ·         If Lady Villain knows the lens is wrong—if her technical understanding is that in-depth--does she really need Gaby’s dad to make the bomb?
·         How old was Gaby during the war?
·         What happens when Ilya gets a NEW puppy assigned to him? (please let this be addressed in film #2)
Hooray for:
·         That bathroom fight! *all the Burn Notice feels!
·         Gaby is her own lady, and chooses sides as necessary—not always unilateral in her support for either male character. Case in point: she sides with Ilya over the clothes, and Napoleon over the incident of the wallet.
·         That delicious (speaking as Rusty, here) Ocean’s 11-stylized action. It’s pretty, so I’m not bored with it. Sometimes a sandwiched montage gets shown, so I’m REALLY not bored. I’ve got 18 tiny moving boxes of things to look at!
·         Pinkie rings. There, you’ve told me everything I need to know about that character.
·         Solo in a beret. English has not yet found a word for the feeling it evoked in this viewer. Somewhere between ‘precious’ and ‘oh, no’.
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See, there? Now you’ve felt it too.
·         Goggles! All the accessories! Dune Buggies! (I mean, that’s what I’m calling Napoleon’s chase-scene ride)
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Things I adore:
·         It seems (after some research) that more than a few folks view Gaby as a third wheel, and though she’s not exactly a Princess Leia commandeering her own rescue and exuding competence and a deserved take-charge-attitude at every corner, she IS a foci for both male characters (though romantically it would seem only for one), just as Ilya is a foci for both her and Napoleon [no one seems to worry about Napoleon, though they should--film #2, anyone?]
·         Mechanic Gaby not needing a beauty makeover, or being dragged into one. She gets some nice clothes, but it’s never suggested that she’s not attractive or acceptable before putting them on, and I respect, nay, embrace it.
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Oh, my heart. She’s still not as tall as them!
·         Ilya, drab pigeon Ilya, knowing fashion
·         Oh man, don’t even get me started on the power of the statement, “it doesn’t have to match”
·         You knew it was coming on this sublist: the wrestle-fight. I mean, c’mon. Poor little Gaby, locked behind the Iron Curtain, living a life of always being watched. She’s in the swankest hotel (I mean, Napoleon chose it, so we can be sure it’s swank with an E). She’s trying to celebrate her freedom, her liberation. She’s playing verboten music, she’s drinking to excess. Girl wants—and deserves—a party. And Ilya is…not built for that (that he knows of). For some fun, just imagine if she had been given Napoleon to room with instead.
                            o   I will say that this scene, and some of their other interactions have what I would call early (non-sibling) Luke and Leia energy. Ilya seems to have moments of being struck by Gaby in a way Luke is struck by Leia in the early part of the trilogy. When Leia takes charge, and Luke accepts it. When Leia does something incredible, and Luke is left open-mouthed. *no, I don’t see OT Star Wars in everything. Shut up.
·         “He fixed the glitch.”
·         Again, shout-out to the non-action action.
·         “I left my jacket in there.”
·         The whole race to rescue Gaby I am in love with beyond words. [I have noted it as “Crazy Jeep Drive with Warhead!”] Probably b/c it comes across as totally egalitarian. Both men want her rescued. They’re no longer in competition. It’s just as important to Napoleon as it is to Ilya to catch up to her. Also, it is bonkers, like some sort of X-games version of a commercial for the vehicles they’re driving. And screaming Willie Scott does not make an appearance.
         Someone says “winkle” out.
·         Look! Another note about the screen divisions and how I love it, shout-outs to the original Steve McQueen The Thomas Crown Affair (a contemporary of when this movie is meant to be set), and TV’s 24.
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Things that get a great, big NOPE:
·         Jerrod Harris: you’ve been in so much streamable content in the last decade I can’t hate you, but frankly, you’re terrible here—unless you’re supposed to be giving a mannered, not-campy-enough-to-be-enjoyable performance here. Your American English puts me in the mind of Alex Hawaii 5-0′Loughlin where it feels you’re concentrating so hard on your accent that you fail to convince anyone that you’re a harried, over-worked and exasperated spy handler. Your performance is at odds with every bit of dialogue you’re given to say.
·         That awful, mishandled title that doesn’t even connect to the film until the final moments (a sequel set-up, for sure)
·         Look, you don’t introduce Hugh Grant casually mid-way through your film in a throwaway appearance. I mean, he’s HUGH GRANT we all know something’s up now.
·         This is not exactly a great big NOPE, b/c I love a flat cap, Tommy Shelby—but I feel like a less tall man with a far rounder face in a flat cap would track more as Russian to me that AH does. To me, he just looks like he’s about to go golfing.
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Over par? Unacceptable!
·         Is Victoria a British-accented Italian? A British woman who married—what? Gaby’s uncle isn’t Italian!? An Italian who went to school in Britain? My head hurts. Also, is her hair meant to be unconvincingly bleached?
Other commentary:
·         Napoleon’s adult ne’er-do-well backstory is so far from being emotionally equivalent to Ilya’s childhood trauma [and his enslavement to the USSR] it seems bestial when he calls it out on multiple occasions. Badly done, Solo.
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·         Gaby is the film’s key (sorry, Buffy fans). Everyone is connected to her. Yes, she could have been given a bit more on the character front, but I don’t see her as as much of a flaw in the film as some others/reviewers seem to.
·         Look, essentially (and not very nuanced-ly), Ilya is a stalker. I think the film goes a certain distance in establishing that his early behavior toward Gaby is not normal, but concurrently it does not truly call him out on it. He’s essentially viewed as an odd-duck, sure, but not a true threat to her (should she not reciprocate or tolerate his intensity toward her). I think I might be able to cite his behavior when Gaby comes on to him (that he doesn’t jump at a chance with her) that maybe he’s given a little more nuance than a straight-on stalker, and it helps that he and Napoleon never get into a pissing match over Gaby’s person, only over her new clothes. But overall the film has to walk a fine line (and the jury is still out on how successful it is, I’d say) between playing Ilya’s laser-like attention to Gaby for its humor, and calling it out for the unsettling, threatening behavior it is.
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·         Honestly, it wasn’t until I engaged the Closed Captioning that I understood Napoleon was calling Ilya the ‘Red Peril’. So, that was nearly three viewings in.
·         I give the screen credits A+, on both ends. Not to mention the end credits are actually INTERESTING with lots to see and learn! (Certainly we learn more about HG in them than we do at any time during the film)
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Things I would have liked:
·         More of fish-out-of-the-Iron-Curtain Gaby moments
·         A better dichotomy shown of East vs. West Berlin/Germany. There’s nothing easy either visually or otherwise to distinguish the two.
·         HC being given a more specific American accent (from an actual locality). This, for an American viewer, works better than the flat, unlocated American accent many a British actor will bust out. *Mind you, HC does a generally good job, but he fails utterly on both “Immediate” which he pronounces at least twice as “immeedeejt” [rather than imm-E-deeot] and “Nazi” as “NAHT-zee” [rather than “NOT-zee”]. And let’s not get started on that late in the film use of ‘earnt’, a word that—well, it’s just not in the American English twentieth century lexicon.
·         C’mon. You gotta tease the Hugh Grant more.
·         Solo is a blank before the war. I’ve read thoughts on the film calling out Gaby as the blank character, but they’re wrong. Solo is the blank. He’s the ‘made’ man, his identity seemingly assembled during the war and after. For example, he doesn’t go into the war a thief, nor (it would seem) a particularly educated or urbane individual. Now THAT’s a juicy backstory I’d love to learn about, perhaps in film #2--or #3? What creates a Napoleon Solo? What would he be doing if he weren’t on the government’s leash/incarcerated? Is anyone left caring about him back wherever he calls home? I mean, who doesn’t love a gender-flipped 60s-era Holly Golightly backstory? [And yes, I would love there to be an ex-wife or even a current wife mixed up in his origins as well—Guy Ritchie, call me!]
Notes I have that I’m not sure if they still make sense to me:
·         Only mom calls me Napoleon (do he say it ‘mum’?) Is he a secret Canadian?
·         Solo’s torture, 1st view recall Napoleon’s childhood? *I think this means that after watching the first time I somehow erroneously believed that during the torture Napoleon’s childhood was a topic gone over. This was wrong. HOWEVER, this would have made far more story-sense than the backstory we’re given on an easily disposeable villain.
·         “Even the average Russian agent. You’re special.” ?
·         Uncle is Baddie (*so glad I made this note to myself)
·         Ilya’s dad IS an embarrassment. I’m not sure what genius commentary I had in my mind, here. Perhaps that Ilya himself is embarrassed of him? Not just Ilya’s handler’s? [Also, aside: Napoleon totally slut-shames Ilya’s mom, which is the doublest of double standards from ‘I got myself the biggest and most ornate suite b/c I-wanted-plenty-of-space-for-my-random-seductions’ and I really wish Ilya had thrown that back in his face] *yes, of course I know that Ilya and Napoleon would not likely equate a wife/mother’s sexual exploits with that of Solo’s, but let’s be honest, this film tweaks the nose of (I won’t say reverses, it doesn’t go that far) plenty of tropes and gender expectations, and this certainly seems like a missed opportunity to call Solo on the carpet (which I hope film #2 does far more)
Things I wrote down so long ago I don’t recall what they mean:
·         CC-save
In conclusion:
What does film #2 look like? What title does it get? Will the Peter/Neil White Collar dynamic continue to grow? *note that I have no confidence a second film will ever come to pass...
In the end, all I know is, “It didn't help when American Tom Cruise, who was slated to play U.S. spy Napoleon Solo, dropped out, prompting the casting of Cavill (who had previously read for the Russian role).“ I would not have watched that film.
21 notes · View notes
theshatteredrose · 4 years
Relic Keepers: Awakening of the Red Lily (Chapter 14) - Original Fiction
AN: Ok, so we’re approaching the meat of this novel quickly. The following chapters should be fun to write :3c This is going to be a long series. So, hope my readers are enjoying themselves, too~
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Chapter 14:
The tunnels deep underground wasn’t as dark the second time around. That was entirely due to the fact that they had powerful high-beam torches with them. But even with a team of Elites acting as escort, Eishirou was still nervous about their surroundings. It wasn’t that much of a surprise. He just didn’t want to encounter one of those large, reckless centipede ShadowDwellers again.
Battling against it in the middle of a large field was bad enough. How difficult would be in these small, cramped, confined tunnels?
He honestly didn’t want to imagine it.
The halls they moved through were that of the ancient tunnelling. The path unilinear. Often curling from left to right, the ground beneath their feet would dip up and down at random intervals. Old, disused torches lined the walls.
And they weren’t the only things. Ancient cave paintings and carvings were etched in other side of the tunnels. The deeper they moved through the passageways, the more prevalent the paintings on the walls became.
There was one in particular that caught Eishirou’s attention. Enough to pull him to a stop to stare. It was similar to the one he came across before. However, the figures painted purposely as dark and black as possible were in the form of large, hulking humanoids. Yet, they appeared to move on all fours. They towered over the dark brown human figures who held spears and torches of fire as they battled the creatures.
Those creatures…they looked like the ones he saw from his recordings.
Both of them. But it was the one attached to the Elite team that had him the most concerned. Could a ShadowDweller they’ve yet to encounter have followed them?
“Eishirou?” Zayne asked him, worry in his tone.
Eishirou decided not to divulge his concerns with Zayne in the bleakness of the tunnels. “Sorry, got distracted. Just examining a painting. I’ll muse more on it later,” he said as he used his tablet to take a photo.
He couldn’t help but stay close to Zayne as they continued on their way, though. The more he thought about that recording with that humanoid shadowy figure scurrying after the Elite team, the more unnerved he became. There was something undeniably creepy about a humanoid figure with long spindly legs walking on all fours.
No, scurrying on all fours.
A low glow of light in the distance caught everyone’s attention. And they all tensed and fell silent in preparation for a possible confrontation. They couldn’t hear anything, though. Eishirou was fairly confident that a ShadowDweller wasn’t the origin of the light. ShadowDwellers were darker than shadows, so they were incapable of producing light.
He had to remind himself that his preconceptions were from their current research. And as a researcher, he was taught to never say never.
Zayne instinctively grabbed Eishirou by the elbow and pulled him toward him as they moved as a group toward the distant glow.
Eishirou was incredibly surprised to find a small side room through a crack in the wall. And it was filled with low, glowing lights. And those lights originated from patches of mushrooms and fungi. They glowed with neon green and blue lights. Shimmering, but steady. So bright that they didn’t need torches to look around the small room like area.
“Glowing mushrooms?” Eishirou was surprised, but excited by the find nevertheless. After all, he had only read about such things!
“They look pretty,” Rinka admitted with genuine but restrained awe in her voice.
“They also look toxic,” Zayne added, undeniably cautious.
Eishirou couldn’t deny either observation. “They certainly do.”
He slipped out of Zayne’s grip to take a step forward. Toward the closest grouping of mushrooms on the ground. Blue and green mingled together. The lights were gentle, reminding him of fairy lights that would be hung during Christmas or other celebrations.
He crouched down, making sure that he didn’t touch the mysterious discovery. “Luminescent fungi. I’ve never seen one in person before.”
He obviously needed to take a photo and check it against the database. Jacob would be interested to see pictures of them, too. So, he took a couple of pictures. And took another of the whole room.
“Hm,” he murmured as he tapped at the screen of his tablet. “No matches. I’ll need to take a sample.”
“Is that really necessary?”
Eishirou stifled a sigh at the bored, yet exasperated voice of none other than Tatsu.
“We are on a research investigation, Tatsu,” Ernesta chided quickly.
Eishirou didn’t hear a response, but he could feel a pair of eyes on the back of his head. He could also feel some of the tension that was in the air. He couldn’t help but wonder if Tatsu was simply agitated that he was on such a lowly mission. Or if he was actually worried about that other Elite team. He was the one to discover that badge, after all. And he appeared to be a lot more irritated than usual.
But he may just be looking too deep into it.
“This will only take a second,” Eishirou promised as he pulled his bag to his side and rifled through it. Luckily, he had picked up a couple of specimen jars with him. Not to mention some gloves. He couldn’t be too careful. Fungi was notorious toxic in general.
Picking out two of the largest mushrooms that could fit in the specimen jars, Eishirou carefully dug at the ground near the roots and pulled out the entire plant system. With both mushrooms chosen, he carefully set the two into their separate jars. He then set them in a separate pocket in his bag.
“There, done.”
Eishirou pulled out his tablet and instinctively moved toward Zayne as they all moved as a group out of the small room. He concentrated on jotting notes down on his tablet as Zayne guided him through the tunnels with a hand on his elbow. He also took a moment to check their map and quickly noted that they had already moved at least a kilometre. Not in a straight line, but they had travelled some distance and the paths of the tunnel spiral outwards.
He hoped that they would reach an exit soon. They had been fortunate not to encounter a ShadowDweller so far. He could only hope that their luck held out until they at least found a way outside.
As they rounded a slight bend in the path, they were greeted with a dim light in the distance. It was different from the lucent glow of the mushrooms. It was the low light one would associate with the sun. The air felt fresher, too.
“There’s a light ahead. Be ready,” Ernesta commanded.
They fell into silence once more as they walked toward the light. The path began on an incline as they moved, giving the sense that they were indeed heading toward an exit of some kind. Whether or not it they would be able to use the exit was still up in the air.
It took them a moment or two to allow their eyes to adjust to the bright light as they stepped out onto a rocky landing.
After the glare had faded from his eyes, Eishirou scanned their new environment. They appeared to be in a natural bowl, surrounding in steep mountain cliffs. The foliage was as green and lush as the forest Flutterlight Forest. But there was a slight difference; there was a tall white building in the distance. He didn’t recognise it, but it did feel familiar.
“Ah, it’s the lighthouse! I saw that in a recording.”
Of course, it looked slightly different to the one he saw in a recording. It was a mosaic in his vision. But it was still a lighthouse. And he was certain that it was important. It was sure to led to an interesting discovery.
The members of Elite Team 3, however, obviously didn’t feel the same.
“I can’t see the other Elite team,” Tatsu stated, his tone as brisk and terse as ever.
“No, neither can I,” Ernesta replied.
It was extremely obvious where their thoughts were centred on. Not that he could blame them. Elite teams all knew each other. Just like researchers did. If a researcher was lost somewhere, Eishirou would be worried, too.
“You guys should go search for that other Elite Team,” Eishirou suggested firmly.
Ernesta turned to him with a surprised expression on her face. That soon dissipated into a placid expression, though it was obviously a forced one. “…We have our own assignment.”
Yes, he understood that. But it didn’t sit right with him forcing them to do something they weren’t entirely focused on.
Eishirou sighed at gave the Elite leader a pointed gaze. “Look. I’m going to be busy inspecting the lighthouse and surrounding area. If you want to search for your fellow Elites, it’s fine. I know you’re worried.”
Zayne took a step forward and clasped his hand on Eishirou’s shoulder. “I’ll stay with him while the rest of you look.”
Eishirou turned to look at Zayne and nodded his head in acceptance. Yeah, he found that perfectly fine with him. Zayne actually seemed interested in his research, so he was likely interested in learning more about the lighthouse, too. Especially after Eishirou had told him about the recording he had witnessed.
Ernesta didn’t appear all that convinced, though. Torn, maybe, but certainly not wholly convinced. She had been given the task of escorting Eishirou through the Flutterlight Forest at the request from Jacob himself. She was dedicated to her role.
But as an Elite, it was understandable that she was worried about her fellow Elite Teams.
It wasn’t like she was going to abandon him. They lighthouse stood out like a sore thumb. And unlike their previous dealings with the lush forest, this particular area had an open canopy. Allowing for Elites to use their mana wings at will.
“Jacob would understand,” Eishirou added. “In fact, I’m sure he would be far more insistent that I am right now.”
That seemed to helped Ernesta to make her decision. And maybe even put her mind at ease. “We’ll escort you to the lighthouse and secure the area first. After that, we’ll conduct a surveillance of the area further.”
Ok, that sounded reasonable.
Eishirou turned his attention back to the view before them, this time intent on searching for the best possible route to the lighthouse. The foliage of the woods was as dense as ever, but there was a natural trail along the steep cliffs. And it led straight to the tall white structure.
Ernesta took the lead once more as they moved in single file along the path. And they walked in silence, waiting for a noise or disturbance in the environment. Be it ShadowDweller or the other Elite Team.
Thankfully, their trek to reach the base of the lighthouse was an uneventful one.
The lighthouse itself was in a small peak that overlook the basin. With stone steps spiralling toward it. The steps were covered in moss, and broken in some instances. But appeared sturdy enough to be scaled.
Ernesta turned to regard both Eishirou and Zayne with a pointed look. “Do not wander from this area without alerting me.”
“Easy, I’ll be sure to keep him safe,” Zayne replied, both dismissive and reassurance. “I’ve done it before.”
He had. And, honestly, Eishirou couldn’t imagine trusting anyone else to keep him safe.
A placid smile finally appeared on Ernesta’s lips. “Yes, that is true. Very well. We will return, soon.”
The four Elites called out their mana wings and took into the air in order to get a higher perspective of the area. Eishirou saw them off, hoping that they would find some kind of evidence that the other Elite Team had somehow made their way to this area, too.
If not, they were still somewhere in those tunnels.
And he certainly hoped they weren’t trapped or lost somewhere in there.
“Right, let’s see what this lighthouse has for us,” Zayne said as he turned toward Eishirou.
Eishirou nodded. “Right.”
They both turned to face the lighthouse. It was a relatively simple structure. A tall building. It appeared about five stories tall. And made from white stone. Not paint as there was no obvious peeling. Though, it was most certainly had patches of moss dotted across the outer façade.
Oddly, though, there was no windows. He couldn’t see the very top of the structure, but as they walked along the stone pathway that spiral along the peak toward the white structure, he couldn’t see a port or window anywhere.
“It’s the one from the runestone recording?” Zayne asked
“Well, the recording I saw was that of a mosaic, but I’m certain that the mosaic was actually pointing to this structure,” Eishirou replied. “Besides, it’s in the middle of a forest. It’s suspicious, right?”
Zayne stifled a snort. “No kidding.”
After a few more minutes, they finally reached the top of the stairs. They led to a small grassy landing that, in turn, led to the entrance of the lighthouse. However, the door to the structure was not what he had been expecting; the door was large, set within an archway made from old grey stone. The door itself appeared to be made from old stone, too.
“That’s quite the door,” Zayne commented sarcastically.
It most certainly was.
Eishirou quickly approached the door while Zayne moved at a more cautious pace behind him.
There was nothing to be seen on the door. Just a small hole within the very centre. It was likely they keyhole. Though, it wasn’t shaped as normal key, it was quite obvious that something indeed fitted in that slot.
So, since that slot was there…
“It’s likely locked,” Eishirou mused aloud.
“Not jammed?” Zayne questioned as he stepped forward. “Let me try opening it anyway.”
Zayne placed his hands upon the door and steadied himself. He tried pushing it in first before attempting to shift it to the left. There was suddenly the distinct sound of rock grounding against rock.
Had he managed to open it after all?
Unfortunately, the door moved no further.
And Zayne pulled back. “It moved a little. But something is preventing me from moving it further,” he explained.
“I’m going to assume there’s a locking mechanism here,” Eishirou continued to muse aloud. He walked closer to the door and laid his hands upon it and closed his eyes. He soon furrowed his brow. “There’s…also a bit of mana, yet…I can’t access it.”
“Can’t access it?”
“Y-yeah,” Eishirou stuttered, both unnerved and puzzled as he pulled his hands back and opened his eyes. “There’s…something blocking me from accessing it.”
He could feel the mana. It was there. So close. And yet…there was something stopping him from reaching out to it.
“That happened before?” Zayne asked.
Eishirou shook his head, still obviously unnerved. “No…”
It was just…really unnerving to be able to feel something, but unable to reach out to it. Though, it could be because the door itself wasn’t complete. The key or item that fitted into that slot might be the very thing needed for him to reach that mana.
Yeah, that made sense.
Well, he supposed there was little he could do about it. Getting unnerved wasn’t helping anyone. The door might not allow him to access the mana stored within at the moment, but maybe something else would?
“Hm,” Eishirou murmured as he held his chin in thought. “If there is a locking mechanism, then there’s got to be a hint of how to open it around here somewhere. If I can find a runestone or mosaic, then maybe I can pull another recording.”
“You’re reading ability is quite useful,” Zayne unexpectedly commented, causing Eishirou to turn toward him with a subtle expression of surprise. “Can you do that with any object?”
Eishirou shook his head. “No, just objects with mana of intent. Basically, someone infusing mana into an object with the sole purpose to document something.” He paused and rubbed the back of his neck. “W-well, that used to be the way. But I was able to get a recording from that badge. From the badge’s point of view.”
He couldn’t really imagine the owner of said badge purposely infusing mana into their badge just to show something from the object’s point of view. Maybe it was completely unintentional. But that would mean…the owner of said badge had a spike of powerful emotion.
…Like fear.
“From the badge’s point of view?” Zayne questioned with a curious tilt of his head.
“Yeah. Just like that.” Eishirou shifted on his feet as he took a moment to find a way to explain further. “From the point of view of the badge as it laid on the floor. That was honestly a first for me. As is that blockage. I wonder if that has something to do with me or…”
“It might just need a key,” Zayne interrupted.
Eishirou turned his face toward Zayne and gave a small smile. “I think so, too.”
A loud explosion in the distance suddenly erupted and echoed around the basin. It was so loud and sudden that it caused Eishirou to jump. And for Zayne to immediately pull out his mana holsters, move to stand in front of Eishirou in a defensive stance, and attempt to search for the source of the sound.
He soon narrowed in on an area within the forest where birds fluttered into the air in a giant flock. And right behind them was a plume of smoke.
“That sounded like Tatsu,” Zayne murmured. “They must have encountered a ShadowDweller.”
“Wh-what should we do?” Eishirou asked as another explosion was heard.
Before Zayne could answer, Eishirou himself witnessed four figures dart into the sky. Their mana wings and weapons fully materialised. They were quite a distance away, but Eishirou knew that they were the other members of Team 3.
And they were rapidly heading in their direction!
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ascottywrites · 5 years
The Sterek List --Heads
I have a guilty pleasure in enjoying Sterek (Heads) and Steter (Tails) fanfiction, if you could not tell by the last post, it's crazy outta control like woah. I hope you enjoy this list of fics that make my day while keeping me up during all hours of the night and tossing my free daylight moments down a swirling time vortex.
 ...don't be like me. It's probably for the best.
           --Sterek a.k.a Stiles Stilinski/ Derek Hale--
  *a.k.a the inappropriate light of my life 
Move A Mountain by ZainClaw (Complete: 9/9| 69,008) --Sterek/ --Biker!Derek 
Stiles goes camping with his friends in New Mexico after graduation where they befriend a biker gang led by Derek: a guy whom Stiles can’t decide if he will be either relieved or devastated to never see again once their week is up.
Racing With The Wind by lowlifetheory (Complete: 3/3| 26,478) --Sterek/ --Biker!Derek
'Sure thing Scott, I'll give him a ride,' Derek practically leered. Stiles faltered, the sudden image of Derek pinning him down, his muscular torso rippling with movement. Derek's smile spread into a smirk as Stiles got closer.
'I'm not really comfortable with this particular mode of transport.' Stiles said clutching the helmet. He wondered what it was made of, how secure it was, would it save his life if he fell off?
'Don’t worry, I know how to handle her,' Derek said resting a warm palm on Stiles's shoulder, fingers squeezing slightly as he guided Stiles closer to the massive hulking black bike.
'I should hope so,' Stiles muttered glaring at the motorbike.
The Feeling That I’m Under by wearing_tearing (Complete: 20/20| 289,584) -- Sterek/ --Biker!Derek Bunnysuit/Paramedic!Stiles
Stiles is a paramedic and Derek gets into a bike accident. It’s kind of love at first sight.
Part of the Pack by JusteAmusant (Complete: 7/7| 13,035) --Sterek 
Season one of Teen Wolf, seen through Sterek-colored glasses. Canon Divergence after season 1 idk there's slow burn Sterek and a puppy, and way more Derek sneaking in through Stiles' window
“He could have shifted in front of them,” Derek hisses. “That means they find out about him, and in turn find out about me.” He pauses. “What the hell is that?”
“It’s a washing machine, what the hell does it look like? It’s a puppy.”
In which Derek is a struggling Alpha, but still the Pack Dad, and oh god, does that mean Stiles is the pack mom?
(There's) Sulphur in Our Blood by WonderWolf (wip: 18/20| 178,650) --Sterek 
"Harris put you on a recon mission with Derek. You. Alone with Derek. On a mission. Together,” Scott says, slowly. “Does Harris want you dead?”
“I believe so," Stiles says gravely.
(Secret Agent AU where Derek blames Stiles for his sister’s death and Stiles is pretty sure that Derek’s going to murder him. As if that weren’t enough to deal with, Stiles’ familiar keeps having public breakdowns. Oh, and there’s a mole in the agency, so there’s that too).
Prince Among Wolves by Rawren (Deshonanana) (Complete: 20/20| 101,000) --Sterek 
Looking for full day/evening sitter. 2 twin boys age 4. Must have exp. w/werewolves. Must be human. No pedophiles. No teenage girls. Pay negotiable.
Pretty Human Virgin Boy Comes to the Pond- Feed Him All the Best Heads by Delta_Immortal (Complete: 8/8| 49,771) --Sterek/ --Dark!Derek 
Stiles knew it was a bad idea to go into the woods, but little did he know his actions would cause the death of everyone around him. Running from the thing that killed Danny, Scott and Stiles stumble upon a pond, which happens to hold a strange man named Derek who floats around in the middle of it. Derek assures them they're safe now.
What appears to be salvation is nothing more than the start of the death of everyone Stiles cares about. The being known as Derek haunts him at every turn, unsatisfied until Stiles succumbs to Derek's whims. Stiles isn't sure if that involves sexing him or eating him, and he really doesn't want to find out.
*This had me like Holy Crap
It Was a Wednesday by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella) (Complete: 2/2| 80,119) --Sterek
What happened? Where are you? What’s that sound?” Derek jumped, having momentarily forgotten Scott was on the phone with him because Stiles had started moving. He’d stalked over to the other side of the cave, still eying Derek warily and growling, then settled protectively over a mass of clothes, leaves and animal innards. It was probably where he was sleeping. Lovely. No wonder he smelled like death. “Stiles,” Derek said, answering Scott’s question. Or, one of them, at least. “Stiles? What do you—Stiles is making that noise?” “Yes.” “Why?” “How fast do you think you can make it to the south lot of the Preserve?”
*Looking for that Stiles whump? 
I'll Be With You Through The Dark by the_misfortune_teller (Complete: 61/61| 138,101) --Sterek
"Me and Scott talk about everything, about all my poor decisions.” “So I’m a poor decision?” “Probably, yes. Considering how you rudely threw me out of your apartment the other day after convincing me to kiss you and admit that I like you." ~ Set post Season 2 finale. Stiles is having a rough time at home and finds himself going to Derek for help in Scott's absence. He doesn't expect for Derek to end up turning to him for support, leading to something more than just friendship between them. Slow, slow, fluffy slow build!
*Based on the spoilers that just keep on coming, this is very likely to be canon divergent for s3!*
I Think the Problem Here is There's Nothing Wrong by wait_for_it (Complete: 1/1| 5,156) --Sterek 
"Stiles wasn’t really sure what was going on, but if he had to guess, he’d say Derek Hale was losing his touch. The amount of times he’d been called out with the guy, presumably to stake out some new supernatural baddie only to have it be a false alarm, was starting to inch into the double digits."
In which Stiles and Derek are dating and everyone knows it. Except Stiles.
The One You Choose by Livinginfictions (Complete: 7/7| 13,440) --Sterek 
Stiles hadn’t seen Scott in over a week, except for glances he caught during school hours.
How I Long For Yesterday by sweetbutterbliss (Complete: 1/1| 6,017) --Sterek
Stiles blinks, his throat going dry, and he moves his thumb without thinking - liking the post. He feels a surge of petty satisfaction. At least the fucker will know he knows now. He stands up, his body feeling too heavy, and he blows out the already guttering candles. He lets out a sob of frustration when the last one won't fucking blow out. But he sucks it back in and bites down on his tongue, using his thumb and forefinger instead.
He throws himself into their empty bed without undressing. He lies there repeating the words 'Derek blew me off for Isaac' over and over. He tells himself to shut up while rearranging his pillow violently, but he goes to sleep with the refrain continuing its painful loop.
And You Say You're Alone by taelynhawker (Complete: 1/1| 30,314) --Sterek
Between the kanima, the Argents, and Peter's untimely return from the dead, everything has fallen apart. Stiles and Derek try to put their lives back together once the crisis has passed. Stiles deals with the aftermath of being tortured, and the distance growing between he and Scott. Derek attempts to become a stronger alpha and keep his pack safe, and that includes Stiles.
Can't Take the Heat? by Ilovesocks_24 (Complete: 15/15| 55,425) --Sterek/ --Chef!Stiles Chef!Derek 
Hi, I’m Stiles, and what I have for you today is…”
“Stop, just stop.” Grumpy Eyebrows interrupted. “That is honestly the worst looking Pasta Primavera I have ever seen. I don’t even want to eat it, it looks so bad.”
Stiles narrowed his eyes. No one insulted his creamy bacon carbonara without even trying it. And no one insulted his creamy bacon carbonara after they tried it either. “It’s actually a Creamy Bacon Carbonara, asshole,” Stiles snapped. “And for the record, it’s supposed to look like that.”
Or the one where Stiles is a new sous chef at Full Moon Steakhouse and Derek is the Gordon Ramsay of all head chefs. So of course they fall in love.
*This is one of my favorites
Love Runs Wild by DevilDoll for neptunepirate (Complete: 1/1| 9,494) --Sterek/ Neckz 'n' Throats
"You've got a hickey on the back of your neck!" A Neckz 'n Throats story.
If I Could Trade Mistakes For Sheep, Count Me Away Before You Sleep by alisaj (Complete: 1/1| 33,383) --Sterek
"Thing is, Stiles," Derek says, his voice hard and unfaltering. "I didn't sign up for you. You just hung around until we got used to you being here."
That stings. He hadn't realised how Derek feels about him. They've been getting on quite well, teaming up on little missions and bantering back and forth without malice. Stiles sometimes lets Derek crash in his room after a big fight, trying not to let on how intriguing he finds the werewolf.
"Well now we can get used to you not being here. You're a liability, Stilinski. You can't protect yourself and we always end up having to help you when we've got more important things to do. You're out of the pack."
The one where Derek is a terrible Alpha and Stiles ends up walking into a big pile of shit.
Teach Me How Love Goes by RoseByAnyOtherName17 (Complete: 1/1| 9,482) --Sterek 
Derek asks Stiles to have sex with him. Stiles says no, because he doesn't want to get his heart broken again. Somehow it happens anyways, but really, it's his own fault. He's the one who fell in love with Derek against despite knowing how bad an idea it was.
a taste for the forbidden by demonicweirdo (Complete: 1/1| 5,982) --Sterek 
Stiles narrows his eyes. “I haven’t been doing anything to you.”
“Bullshit,” Derek snaps.
The air in the room grows colder. “I swear it. The only magic I’ve used around you is to make your crops grow!” Stiles takes a step away. “How could you think that I would… You know what? Screw you, buddy. I’m sick of walking in circles around you.” His words are sharp and annoyed, and his shoulders are tense, as though he’s preparing for a fight. “You feel something for me? Wow, it must be sorcery! Because - what? I’m not good enough for your feelings, Derek?” he snarls.
Hello, Heartbreaker by astoryaboutwar (Complete: 1/1| 18,472) --Sterek
It’s a popular joke among Alphas: fuck an Omega, get heartbreak on your hands. Omegas are fragile little emotional things, needy and whiny. Stiles refuses to become that, or to believe that he’s anything like that.
Stiles and Derek have been fuckbuddies for a while when Derek loses his memories of the past three years - and them - in an accident. (Also - everyone's a werewolf, and everyone's alive.)
Bruises and Bitemarks by orphan_account (Complete: 27/27| 121,566) --Sterek 
Biologically, Stiles is weak. When he presented as an omega, he knew that to be the truth but that never stopped him from running his mouth as a defense mechanism. However, it could only save him so many times before he ended up pissing off the wrong person. After he's attacked in the parking lot outside of school, Stiles realizes he can no longer protect himself with just pure wit and sarcasm. When the attack lands him in the hospital, his dad forces him to pick between two options, report the alphas who attacked him or join a kickboxing gym run by omega rights activist and alpha, Derek Hale, a man Stiles has been in love with for many years. *Now includes an extended chapter featuring Nate/Jupiter*
I know that you love me, even when I lose my head by LunaCanisLupus_22 (Complete: 13/13| 135,577) --Sterek 
“We’re not mates, Cora,” he insists. “I mean look at him-“
“Ouch,” the kid says, no longer pushing that shit eating grin.
“He’s- he’s,” Derek tries, at a loss of how to explain why this can’t be possible. Why it shouldn’t be possible. Or the one where Derek gets attacked by hunters, ends up with amnesia and forgets Stiles is his mate
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dailyfantastic · 4 years
Jack Kirby had a type.
I don’t mean the gruff, down-to-earth, hardworking types like Ben Grimm and Oberon that feel somewhat inspired by his actual persona. I mean, Jack Kirby had a type, in the “ooh, Jack Kirby likes a girl!”  kinda way.
We know a lot about Jack Kirby’s relationship to Roz Goldstein, and how she served as the inspiration for Big Barda. That says a lot, honestly, and is why I speculate that Jack Kirby just really liked tough, confident, powerful, fun-loving women. 
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Depicted: Big Barda fits into my favorite category: women who could absolutely kill me with minimal effort
I would argue that Jack Kirby was right about a lot of things and boy, this sure is one of them. This kind of character is a wonderful archetype in every story it appears, and also, real people who are like this are also wonderful. This describes Barda to a T, and I’d argue it also describes Sersi in The Eternals.
And this is why Sersi is the only good Eternal...
We met Sersi in the last issue, clad in her signature one-piece bathing suit getup, and reminiscing about how much she misses the parties of Ancient Greece. This is, of course, a huge swerve from the rest of the first three issues, which contain extremely self-serious lore and Ikaris knocking Margo unconscious because her dad told him to.
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Depicted: Eternals show up in the most unexpected places, like one of the most populous and diverse cities on Earth(?)
In this issue, we learn more about Sersi, specifically that she loves rearranging the atoms in things to turn them into other things. Such things include “doing close-up magic to impress Merlin” and “turning all of Ulysses’s men into hogs” because yup, she’s that Circe. 
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(Aside: Margo is told that Sersi’s name is spelled that way because the Greeks spelled it wrong, which doesn’t explain either the fact that the Greeks use a different alphabet than we do and the other fact that Margo had not seen Sersi’s name written down so wouldn’t realize it was spelled differently)
Sersi is fun, a breath of fresh air in a fairly stuffy series. Building off of what was discussed in the last installment of It’s Only Forever, she’s the only character in this series who feels like a Marvel protagonist. Honestly, she plays with a trope Marvel wouldn’t really return to until She-Hulk.
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Depicted: This is Sersi’s reaction to turning Deviants into lizards and folks, I love Sersi
Sersi isn’t largely important to the main plot of the Eternals. She acts as Margo’s bodyguard in this particular storyline and then kinda just appears to be a flirty, chaotic-good force throughout the entire run. She sticks around, because  Jack Kirby clearly likes her a lot. I’m glad she does.
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(Aside: Sersi will be played by Gemma Chan in the MCU Eternals movie, which feels like a good choice. However, you may remember she previously played Minn-Erva (That One Kree Woman Captain Marvel Fought in Captain Marvel), and folks, I am not ready for jokes / fan theories / fan works about this fact. I’m just not strong enough. Wasn’t Chris Evans Johnny Storm enough??)
Sersi’s not the only way this issue marks an improvement for the Eternals (a series I already liked, but still). The plot really picks up as Kro sends all of his devilish hench-Deviants to attack Manhattan. We don’t get a ton of superhero action; it’s more of a sci-fi B-horror movie as devils menace cops and Kro laughs maniacally about it.
Kro’s plan is that if he can convince humans that demons have returned to Earth (from outer space), they’ll start panicking and lash out at anything different from them, which will get them to attack the Celestials. (You’ll remember that Kro and his Deviants hate the Celestials because they like doing crimes and the Celestials don’t want that.)
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Depicted: Folks, I think I like Kro as a villain???
I’ve been listening to a lot of the amazing podcast You’re Wrong About, which spends a lot of time discussing the real-world Satanic Panic. (You should listen to the episodes on Michelle Remembers if you want more context). It’s fantastic that The Eternals is playing around with the same idea, tying fear of the abstract evil of Satan to escalating fear of anything and anyone unusual. This is where, despite all the sci-fi weirdness, the series finally seems like it’s trying to comment on real-world issues, which is always where comics excel.
Also in this issue, Ikaris gets knocked unconscious by a BRAIN MINE and then gets sealed into a torpedo and shot into the ocean, so that’s a positive as well.
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Depicted: he deserves it
The Eternals might be just the series I was looking for after all.
And coming next time: what do Eternals do for fun? It’s not what you expect. I promise that.
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issuedsideways · 4 years
might fuck around and make a list of tony’s alters*!! right now. why not. its hard to differentiate but i could take some stabs in the dark. ok this got long so its under a cut.
mark aside (because ive said enough about him), there’s at least the two who look young, no surprise. there’s probably at least one more young one (younger, with more focus on home/family/howard trauma) but he wouldn’t be relevant to this whole... plot, anyway. but we do see one who looks to be in boarding school, so under 15, and a slightly older one who still looks ~young, i want to say 17-20ish?? and he’s very “look how fine and okay we are! our life is awesome!” but is literally in a racing suit as if fast cars aren’t somewhere he gravitates mid breakdown. i love that for him. very in character. 
there’s also uhh. cave!tony, actively bandaged. he absolutely never left the cave, and wont. theres no... yknow. there’s no adjusting to that that’s a clean split kind of thing. i dont know how long 616 was in the cave but i’m assuming also a couple of months?? like mcu?? more than long enough to end up with a permanent split who can’t really... i mean we all know he didn’t like. get therapy. he cant reintegrate. he’s probably either the old host who “died” in the cave, or he split in that environment, but either way, he doesn’t make it out. 
there’s at least two iron man splits, the sort of... early grey one and the red&gold one are shown, and i dont know enough about early comics canon to make a guess at why they’re distinct, exactly, but i’m guessing some sort of near-death-or-actual-death event that puts a nice clean line in between them. or a team change, could be less dramatic than that? unless the grey one’s JUST the mark I, in which case nvm because the difference then is obvious. escape vs be a hero, you’d need two. notably theres not a super modern iron man split shown, i’m assuming once he stopped doing the secret identity thing that stopped being a split type he’d need, but prior to that he’d need an active, functional iron man split at all times. and he’s got at least the two. (whether or not you want to call mark an iron man split... shrugs! he’s not quite the same tho, since his job is not to pilot the suit, necessarily.) 
there’s an actively drunk one, and he’s an important split, because he’s obviously going to hold onto a lot of the desire to drink/etc. i know tony does the “keep a bottle nearby to figure out how bad he’s doing” thing but honestly that’s also a “how close is this tony” meter, imo. he’s necessary but he’s also, generally, possible to keep away. if he’s holding onto the majority of that impulse it’d be, honestly... well i think it’d look like the way tony approaches his alcoholism actually (and the whole crown meant specifically to control, yknow, hulk, in ts:im? was also clearly aimed at this one, on tony’s end.) 
we’ve got this very coherent seeming business-y tony also, who i’d peg as “The Tony Stark” -- as in, the face, the name, the one who’s “on.” especially in the early days when the “host” tony was drinking, having a split whos job is company things, PR things, etc, that’s going to go a long way. he seems like that, but i’m stabbing in the dark. i could be missing sth obvious. 
we’ve also got the one in eScape in ts:im who doesn’t show up on the page in im2020 but because the kid shows up in both, i’m really... willing to extend this to him also. he has no reason to show up re: mark anyway but he seems coherent and specific and extremely out of time. probably an old host but cut after the alcoholism spiraled out of control? since he clearly drinks without much concern. but, fwiw, he doesn’t seem to line up totally cleanly with any “real” time period, and was actively being manipulated by motherboard, so...? i dont know. 
i’d argue there’s also The One Who Died In Civil War II but he wouldn’t show up in this whole convincing-mark thing because. well. he’s “dead.” like hes in there but he’s Deactivated, so to speak. host change. 
the new tony, post-mark, is someone distinct! new host. but a shaky one so far and i think this tracks with what i’ve read of iron man vol 6 also (which is only whats on MU), tony has no idea what he wants or what he’s doing but he’s trying a bunch of things, that are all very different from what he was doing before but also falling back on things that are familiar, like hosting big parties, even when it’s incompatible with his new goals. this would track with it being a whole host-switch since pre-CWII and post-mark tony are just... not going to be the same person, imo. 
i am on the fence a little about if ts:im tony and IM vol6 tony are the same person or not, and i was leaning towards “yes” because i feel like ts:im tony didn’t have enough time to stabilize, like, there were too many breakdown events happening in rapid succession while mark was building up in the background. but he had a relationship with jan that was going well, he was really trying with the eScape, etc, so i want to give him that distinctness, at least, and IM vol6 tony also did the thing where he changes his appearance up a bunch, which is kind of a red flag for host changes, especially... right after the year-long interruption that was mark’s whole... thing. 
i’d have to read a LOT more comics to say any more than this, because i’m sure i’m missing some obvious ones who should exist but aren’t present/relevant re: mark. but. here are some of my thoughts anyway!!!! tony& gives me life. 
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molluskwritesfic · 4 years
An Enigma of Broken Wings: Chapter Five
Reeling from the Time War, the Doctor finds comfort in a mysterious creature that no one has ever seen. Things get more complicated when he discovers that this kindred spirit is a member of one of the most feared species in the universe.
Chapter One, Previous Chapter, Chapter Five, Next Chapter
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Chapter Five
The next time the Doctor looked out upon the town of North Swafburnfer on the little world Glocnappenspa, it was with a different face; one with soulful brown eyes and a terminally messy head of hair that somehow managed to look decent no matter what the universe threw at it. As soon as the cool breeze smacked him in the face with the promise of rain, the Doctor knew exactly where he was.
“Oi! Where are we?” Another voice complained from somewhere over his shoulder.
“Glocnppenspa!” The Time Lord proclaimed proudly, side stepping out of the doorway so his blonde companion could take a look.
“Glo… What?” 
“Glocnappenspa!” Rose echoed, looking pleased with herself. “Not quite as bad a Raxacoricofallapatorious, is it?”
“Nah,” the Doctor agreed, already strolling off down the muddy street with his hands shoved in his jacket pockets. “I came here once before, y’know… oh, not all that long ago…” The Doctor trailed off thoughtfully.
“Does that mean you want to leave?” Rose asked, glancing about the relatively human-looking town.
“Nah!” The Doctor brightened up again, mind evidently made up. “I didn’t look around much last time. Helped a few locals out… and there was… Anyway, this is the lovely little town of North Swafburnfer…”
“North Swaf—“
“Swafburnfer,” The Doctor repeated patiently, not bothering to look back over his shoulder as he continued ambling off down the road. “And tell you what, it must have been a few years since I was last here… or decades. Look.” The Doctor nodded towards the holographic screens that lined the insides of the glass of the shop windows, advertising various products instead of placing the objects themselves on display. 
The Doctor turned his attention upwards. “No power lines, either. Last time they had power lines. Must’ve moved on to something else; household matter-energy generators or site to site power transmission via energy beam or…”
“Doctor,” Rose interrupted, eyes flickering about skeptically. “When you were here last time, was it this quiet?”
The Doctor blinked in mild surprise and swept his eyes along the streets more critically. He was forced to admit: Rose was right. The streets, while not having been necessarily crowded during his last visit, were now virtually absent of all signs of life.
“No… it wasn’t.” 
He was about to come to the conclusion that the place had been abandoned altogether when he caught sight of a middle aged man exiting one of the shops. The appearance of a life form in the practically uninhabited town did nothing to dispel his concerns. In fact, they deepened as the Time Lord’s old eyes observed the quick, slinking manner in which the man walked. Eyes darting side to side, slinking on his toes like a terminally anxious cat ready to dart at the slightest sign of danger, the man scampered down the street a bit and into another shop. The CLOSED sign was flipped with far too much energy and the blinds slid down over the storefront windows.
“What is he so frightened of?” Rose voiced the question the Doctor was turning over in his own mind.
He had his suspicions, but wasn’t sure enough in them to draw them to the attention of his companion.
“No idea.” He turned to face her with a rakish grin. “Care to find out?”
The Doctor remembered the town’s layout fairly well, especially since it had expanded exponentially since the last time he’d walked its streets, leaking into the surrounding forest like a poorly contained spill. 
The walk to Saint Stonpul was a short one, full of Rose pestering the Time Lord with questions about the nature of his last visit and the latter sidestepping them as gracefully as he did the puddles scattered along their way. Persistently damp world, Glocnappenspa was.
“Well,” The Doctor mused, coming to an abrupt halt halfway up the hill to the Religious Building, “that definitely wasn’t here before.”
Rose stopped at his side and took in the sight. Down the hill, what had obviously once been dense forest was now a gutted, muddy pit. Large yellow machinery crawled around it like massive hulking insects, digging into the sludge and shoving heaps of mud three times the height of a man from one place to another. The pit itself was massive, practically expanding half of the mountain and into the valley below, surrounded by a vast quantity of chain-link fence that extended further up the mountain to encapsulate what had once been a church, now converted into a makeshift on-site office for the project. 
“What are they building?” Rose asked, eyeing the workers ambling about with marginalized suspicion.
“Nothing,” the Doctor muttered, stuffing down encroaching feelings of dread. “They’re not building anything. They’re mining.”
“What for?” 
“No idea,” the Doctor said gruffly. “But ‘what’ isn’t nearly as important as ‘where’.”
“Alright, then. Where?”
The Doctor didn’t answer, just responding with a, “Come on,” and starting up the hill towards the building.
They got past the guard at the gate with a flash of the psychic paper, slogging through the well-trampled mud and into what had once been the Worship Center for North Swafburnfer. Rose stopped to knock some of the mud off her boots before entering, but the Doctor strode straight in without a second thought, leaving Rose to catch up with him with a sigh.
By the time she did, the Time Lord had already introduced himself to whom Rose assumed was the Foreman. 
Foreman Darrew was a round man. That was really the only word anyone really could think of to describe him physically. Round. Wide as he was tall, which wasn’t saying very much, with a thick mustache and a permanent scowl with a personality to match. Not to mention that the prospect of two State investigators turning up at his doorstep didn’t do much to improve that. Combine grouchiness with a general disposition of someone that dressed and acted like they belonged in a proper household in mid-nineteenth century England, and you had Darrew.
“I must say, a State investigation is completely unfounded,” Darrew sputtered, face turning red with blood pressure. “We’ve received all the necessary permits, and the local complaints have been looked into by the local Protective Social Services…”
“Ooh, they’ve got their own now!” The Doctor beamed. “That’s an improvement form last time.”
“...and have been disproven in entirety,” Darrew finished as if the Doctor hadn’t spoken. “So an investigation is nothing short of a inefficient waste of—”
“Mr. Darrew,” The Doctor interrupted, working hard to keep from sounding impatient, “I understand that you are a very busy man with a schedule, but maybe if you could just give us a quick rundown of these complaints, we could be on our way.”
Darrew opened his mouth to respond but was interrupted by a woman poking her head in through the open door. With a bony red crest on her forehead, she was obviously not of the same species normally found on Glocnappenspa, which caused the Doctor to raise an eyebrow in mild surprise. When was ‘first contact’ for this planet, again?
“Foreman,” the woman announced in warbling tones, “Mister Actom Gravenn is here to see you.”
Darrew groaned and rugged at his mustache stressfully. “Fine, send him in.”
“Actom?” The Doctor echoed in bewilderment as a rather old man shuffled in the door. 
Despite the toll time had clearly taken on him, Actom was still very clearly Actom in the Doctor’s eyes. Something about the shape of his eyes and the spring in his step gave it away. 
“Mr. Darrew,” Actom huffed moodily, “in our last meeting, I left under the impression that if I did leave, I would come back to the books I requested boxed and ready for delivery. It’s been a week, and it’s obvious that no progress has been made.”
“Mr. Gravenn,” Darrew growled, “my workers have enough work to do without catering to your face whims.”
“Whims. Whims?” Actom snapped back, voice raising with indignation. “The history of this community is not a whim, sir! And if you don’t comply, I’ll just be back with a State issued warrant.”
“Fine.” Darrew waved a hand absently at the other two people in the room. “If you want to talk to the State, talk to them.”
The Doctor, sensing an opportunity to get the information he was looking for from a more pleasant source as well as catch up with an old friend, bounced over to shake Actom’s hand.
“Gladly! Books, you say? We’d be happy to help, wouldn’t we, Rose?”
“Yeah, sure,” Rose agreed with significantly less enthusiasm. 
Actom squinted his old eyes at the overeager man in front of him. “Not to be rude, but you are…?”
“The Doctor,” the Time Lord answered slowly, searching the man’s wrinkled face for any sign of recognition. “You probably don’t recognize me, but we’ve met before.”
The lines on the old man’s face deepened with thought. “I did know a man that went by ‘Doctor’, but he would be very old now, and he certainly never looked anything like you.”
“Oh, that was me!” The Doctor beamed. “I’m not from this planet, I can change my face.”
It didn’t take much to convince Actom that the Doctor was who he said he was. The old man was fairly trusting as it was, so once the Doctor explained his origins a little and recounted a few details from their last meeting, Actom was overjoyed to find that he did, in fact, know the man before him had returned.
“I’d always wondered what had happened to you,” Actom admitted as he led them towards the back rooms of the old building, where they intended to box up more of Old Broodo’s book collection, which had been left to Actom upon the Reverend’s death. “Old Broodo said that you left town, but that was it.”
The Doctor rugged at his ear sheepishly. “Yeah, sorry about that. Goodbyes aren't really my strongest point.”
“The alien thing is a surprise though,” Actom admitted, pulling out a set of keys to unlock the door to the storage room they’d stopped at. “You don't look like the others.”
“Yeah, about that—” The Doctor sneezed loudly as soon as the door opened and he got a whiff of the scent of mold and dust. “—What’s the story behind the other species? I wasn’t aware you lot had had a first contact yet. How long’s it been since I was last here, anyway?”
“‘Bout sixty years.” Actom picked up a book that had been left out and placed it in a box. “The Ablerrions came about twenty years ago. It was a huge mess at first, but everything settled out in the end.” He gave an amused snort. “Bet we could rewrite the books with you, though, seeing as you were technically the first alien on this planet.”
“Mm… better not,” the Doctor hummed. “Stuff like that gets complicated quick. Right, so what’re we doing here?”
Actom sighed. “Packing and moving books. Broodo left them to me, though I never paid them much attention until a few months back, just checked on them and made sure no water made its way in…”
“And then they started the mining?” Rose ventured a guess, joining the Doctor in putting together a few pamphlets into a stack.
Actom nodded. “The State sold the land to an Ablerrion-run company after Alpherdeinianite. Supposed t’be valuable for spaceships, or somethin’.”
“It is,” the Doctor acknowledged, pausing to sneeze again when Rose managed to stir up a cloud of dust. “Alpherdeinianite is for spatial distortions. Ships that go through certain types of nebula line their hulls with it. So they’re ripping up the Labyrinth?”
“The place is riddled with the stuff.” Actom nodded. 
“Makes sense,” the Doctor mused. “In large amounts, Alpherdeinianite is known interfere with electrical signals within the brain. Which would explain why people that go inside the tunnels get so disoriented. Really should’ve noticed that last time. Must be getting old.”
“Aren’t we all,” Actom sighed ruefully. “But now that they own the land, I’ve been trying to get Broodo’s collection out of the way before they destroy any of it. Hasn’t been easy, either. Darrew would rather see it burned, but it’s too much to move in any sort of hurry.”
“Well, we’ve got some of it together now,” Rose piped up when the Doctor started sneezing again. “Let’s take what we’ve got and come back for more later, eh?”
Actom agreed and the three started off towards Actom’s vehicle, each carrying a box. Actom’s vehicle could almost be called a car, bright red with five wheels instead of four or six. They made three more trips to get more boxes to fill the  available space before climbing inside themselves, Actom and the Doctor in the front, and a disgruntled Rose in the back, squeezed in amongst the boxes.
The Doctor peered around at the more or less empty streets with a critical eye. 
“Where is everyone?” The Time Lord asked over the sound of the engine. “Much quieter than I remember.”
“Scared,” Actom grunted.
“Of what?” Rose inquired, leaning up between the two front seats.
“There’s been a rash of murders. People going missing. The Police say they’re looking into it.” He laughed dryly. “But really, no one has a clue.”
“Darrew said something about complaints,” the Doctor pressed.
Actom hummed in acknowledgement. “That’s ‘cause it started around the time the mining started. Don’t be fooled by the lack of religious interest, a lot of the people ‘round here still believe that the Labyrinth is sacred, and that the Creature exists.”
“What creature?” Rose asked, finally more interested now that the conversation had turned away from dusty books. 
“Creature of the Labyrinth,” the Doctor answered rather impatiently. “Really really old being that no one has ever seen. It lives down in the tunnels. Sometimes it leads people that get lost in there to the surface, or it doesn’t.”
“A lot of folks think that the deaths and disappearances have to do with it,”Actom confirmed dryly. 
“How many?”
“Twelve. Eight disappearances. Four snapped necks.”
Rose grimaced and the Doctor looked grim. 
“Does sound a bit suspicious, though, doesn’t it?” Rose mused. “And there aren’t any other leads?”
“No,” Actom sniffed curtly, turning into a long driveway. “Leave it for now through. We’re here, and I don’t want that kind of talk around my granddaughter.”
“Aww, you’ve got a granddaughter?” The Doctor beamed. “Seems like only yesterday you were a child yourself.”
“To you, maybe.”
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backofthebookshelf · 5 years
Something Survives of Us (jonmartin)
(creators are on hiatus post tropey h/c fanfiction)
[Also on AO3]
Of course when Basira said she'd booked passage she meant the Tundra. Jon doesn't know why he's surprised when he sees the name stenciled on the hulking thing at the dock. A shipping vessel seems excessive for two people traveling to what turns out to be something of a tourist destination, but when he asks, Basira just shrugs and says it's safer. Jon doesn't like it, but he supposes it might well be true.
That lasts for about ten hours, when after a lengthy conversation about the turns their lives have taken Basira admits just who's been providing her all this intel. Jon hasn't given Elias a thought in months but his mind fills with the memory of blood spattered across his desk, Melanie's shocked tears, Martin trying to hold onto anger through his sobs, and he snaps. Accuses her of betraying him, betraying Daisy, of planning to sacrifice all of them to the monstrous thing that Elias serves. When she tells him that he's turning into that thing on his own, Jon spits curses at her he didn't think he knew and storms out onto the icy deck of the ship.
It's unnervingly silent. Of course it is. Away from the bridge, the ship is mostly containers lashed down and, yes, rusted in place. Jon paces the narrow pathways between them, seething, running through everything he might have told Basira in the past few months that had by now surely made its way back to Elias. There's no one to interrupt him. If there is anybody on board aside from Basira and himself, he hasn't seen them. Too much to hope, he supposes bitterly, that Peter Lukas might make an appearance aboard his own ship. Jon thinks he'd rather like to pull a statement from the man just now.
The salt spray is refreshingly cold on his heated skin (and Jon remembers that he used to be cold all the time, but it's been a long while since that was true, another thing to blame Elias for) and the sea air really does clear his head, so he feels no desire to return to the cabin. He doesn't want to rip the memories of her conversations with Elias out of Basira's mind, to review them for all the details that might now be a threat, to do something to her that she'll never forgive, but his control has been slipping for months now and he's too angry still to be sure of himself. So he walks, and eventually he finds a place where the containers are stacked unevenly enough to provide a ledge to sit on.
Jon leans his head against cold metal and closes his eyes. Just for a moment, he thinks. The adrenaline is draining out of him and he just feels tired, the exhaustion of weeks (months) (years) of fear and overwork tugging in his chest, fogging his mind. The ship moves in a steady rhythm beneath him, shifting on the waves, and he loses track of consciousness.
He wakes to a shaking and a familiar voice calling his name. Fallen asleep at his desk again -- he shifts to sit up but his spine is already straight, pressed against something hard and unyielding.
"Jon? Oh thank god," Martin says. There's a blindingly hot pressure on his shoulder that with some concentration Jon resolves into the press of Martin's fingers gripping him desperately. Either Martin is too warm, he thinks fuzzily, or he is too cold, and one of those is more likely than the other but he can't think why. He's still half-asleep, maybe, and Martin -- Martin isn't supposed to be here, of course. But he's come back. Jon tries to focus enough to tell Martin how glad he is he came back, realizes his eyes are still closed, blinks them open.
Martin is bending over him, worry all over his face. It's so achingly familiar, so very different from the last time Jon had talked to him, it brings hot tears to Jon's eyes. "Martin," Jon says almost by reflex, so quietly he can barely hear himself, but Martin flushes red and doesn't meet his eyes.
"Okay good," he says, "good, you're awake. Can you stand up, Jon? You're..." His hand squeezes Jon's shoulder, pulls away, drifts back again. Jon leans a little into his touch as if maybe that would stop him leaving again. "It's really cold out here, and I don't know if you can die from hypothermia but that doesn't sound like something I'd like to test right now."
Jon considers. He isn't cold, particularly, but Martin might be right; he hasn't paid much attention to the signals from his body lately. Ever, truth be told, though it's gotten easier now that he's so much more resilient. But Martin is back, and if he's worried then the least Jon can do is help ease his mind. he leans forward, shifts his center of gravity, but his legs don't want to take his weight. Martin's there though, putting an arm around him, so hot pressed up against Jon's side it feels like sitting next to Jude Perry again. There's no pain in this touch, just that steady support and the frustrating numbness of his limbs. Jon's hand finds the one that's not wrapped around his waist and clings.
Martin makes a noise somewhere between a laugh and a sigh and Jon's heart skips a beat. He still can't find words, though, and balance is taking an awful lot of attention at the moment, and Martin is very focused. "All right, half way there," he says cheerfully, though Jon can still hear the strain in his voice. "Let's get you inside, all right?" He starts guiding Jon very gently away from the rail, into the pathway between containers. That's right, the Tundra, they're on their way to Norway to stop the end of the world. Again.
It doesn't seem very important at the moment. "You came back," Jon finally manages to say, only a little louder than before. His voice is raspy with sleep and his lips are numb. Maybe he is cold.
There's a long silence, and Jon wonders if his words were lost in the hum of the engines and the wind over the water but eventually Martin says, just as softly, "Jon, I'm not - I came -"
"You're here," he says, because that's what he meant. Martin has his role to play just as Jon has his, and as much as it terrifies him Jon thinks he's maybe beginning to understand that, but Martin is here, right now, at last.
"I'm here," he agrees, quiet and relieved, and he squeezes his arm around Jon a little tighter.
Jon isn't sure where exactly they are when Martin shoulders open a door and pulls Jon into a tiny, bright cabin. The warmth hits him all at once, pins and needles in his frozen skin, and he groans. He's shaking now -- maybe he was shaking the whole time, but now he can feel it, blood rushing through freezing tissue, nerves misfiring wildly. He can't stop shaking, in fact, and it's a little concerning even to him.
But Martin doesn't flinch, pulls Jon over to the bed tucked away in the corner, half built into the wall. He starts tugging at Jon's shirt and Jon flinches away, a well-honed reflex, and Martin sighs at him. "Come on, your clothes are damp, you can't stay like this. Serve you right if you get pneumonia," he mutters, which Jon doesn't think was meant for him to hear. It warms him as much as the shelter of the cabin, though, Martin's familiar solicitousness. He can't believe he used to complain about it.
And he's right again, of course. Jon shrugs his own shirt over his head, but his fingers won't work the button of his trousers, so Martin reaches in with a muttered apology, blushing again. It's an intimacy at once both nerve-wracking and oddly gentle, and Jon doesn't breathe again until Martin leans back, giving him some respectful distance.
Jon peels out of his trousers, the effort exhausting; before he's registered the thump of wet cloth on the wooden flooring Martin is wrapping him up in a soft quilted blanket, rubbing at his arms. He's stopped shaking at last, and he leans closer to Martin, but he still doesn't have much control of his body and winds up leaning more on him than anything. Martin makes that noise again, like he's too surprised to laugh, or maybe (more likely) too put out with Jon's ongoing inability to take care of himself. He wraps his arms around Jon, though, pulling him close and resuming rubbing at his arms, down to his hands where the fingers are curled stiff with cold.
He wonders what the last few months would have been like if Martin had been there to remind him to take care of himself. Wonders if he'd feel any more human. He wouldn't, he thinks, have gone into the coffin after Daisy -- Martin would have hated the idea, would never have put up with Jon's fumbling attempts to make himself an anchor -- and he can't bring himself to regret that. But Jon is also fairly certain that he wouldn't have survived to become something inhuman if Martin hadn't been there for years before, bringing him tea and sometimes sandwiches, reminding him to go home and sleep, asking him questions that dragged him out of his own head. And he finds he can't regret that either, no matter how much he worries that the thing he's allowed himself to become is a danger to everyone, not least the people who love him.
And Martin does love him, he knows that now. He's not sure if it's the kind of Knowing that comes from the Eye or just that tenderness and vulnerability after so much isolation have finally convinced him of what he should have known before, but it's here now, a fact as solid as Martin's chest against his back. And he loves Martin, of course he does, his abandonment would never have hurt so much if he didn't. He goes a little dizzy with the thought, put so clearly at last. There are so few people in his life Jon has loved -- his parents, who he hardly remembers; his grandmother; Georgie -- and Martin. Martin with his unwavering support and devotion, who undoubtedly deserves better than a ruin of a no-longer-human Archivist, but there's a streak of stubborn selfishness Jon has never been able to eradicate that makes him want to try to be good enough for him anyway.
Suddenly it's very important that Martin knows all this. Jon squeezes his hand where Martin has been massaging warmth back into his fingers and although it aches he never wants it to stop. "Martin, I -"
"Shhh," Martin says softly into his hair. "It's all right, I know."
He doesn't know, Jon is sure of that, but arguing takes too much effort and he doesn't want to argue with Martin anyway. Besides, Martin is pulling him down to lay on the bed, curling around him, his steady warmth soaking through the blanket and thawing the last of the chill in Jon's bones. Everything is beginning to ache, and that will be the least of the consequences he'll have to face in the morning, but for right now Jon is content. He falls asleep again, knowing that this time he'll at least be watched over until he wakes.
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castielgurl · 5 years
What Is And What Should Never Be Chapter 6
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fan art by: luccia chan
you can read in AO3 here:https://archiveofourown.org/works/18920308/chapters/45542353
Soul World was a mysterious world. But according to a fairy tale. Souls that have been exchanged with Soul stone cannot be taken back. The dead soul will die forever. No other power is able to restore it. Even though the combination of six Infinity Stone will not change anything. But according to the ancient story, souls taken by Soul Stone can be returned only with creatures that have a pure soul. And the creature must have a blood relationship with the dead soul in the Soul world. Only pure souls can master Soul Stone's power. But the person with a pure soul is very hard to find.
"How did you come here?” Natasha talks with her son
"I don`t know, I`m not sure as the Soul Stone is in my hands, I wake up in this place” James explained.
"I am alone in this place. Sometimes there are some spirits that come and go here” Natasha explains to James. She stroked the hair of her son. Natasha saw little James playing alone. James always in his own world. Sometimes she will see James communicate with his imaginary friend. James lay on his mother's lap. They are both felt comfortable with each other. "Could you be that person?" Natasha remembered something
"What are you talking about? James asked
"There's a spirit here talking about The Master of the soul stone, they say that they can free the spirits of this world, and they can replace the spirits here, they say the masters must be those who have a pure heart." Natasha looked at James
"I don`t know, I’m not sure, I've been rude to my dad, I'm mad because he left you, he's so quick to forget you. He returned to the Second World War and married Peggy. I`m angry, I never talk like that to him "James was not sure he was a saintly man
"He deserves the happiness he is looking for, he has made a lot of sacrifices for others, and I understand why he's acting like that, why would he waiting for me?” Natasha tries to calm James "After I gave birth to you, I never saw a person so pure like you. You are a kind-hearted child, patient, and less trouble, not crying much. It still doesn`t explain why and how did you come here" Natasha said.
"I don`t think I'm special, I just want to save my mom and dad and save many people. But anyway what happened to you here? And why Dad doesn`t know about me?" James wanted to know
Natasha recalls the memory in 2018
Nat undergoes a health examination in a secret place to prevent the government from knowing where she was. She was told she was pregnant two months. Natasha thought the doctor was joking. Steve and Natasha spent the night when they had a mission in Qatar. Sam was back in America for personal matters. So only she and Steve stay at the hotel. They sleep together, and Steve certainly wants more than what Natasha can give. She was convinced that Steve had fallen in love with her. But Natasha and Steve knew it was not the right time. Natasha tried to avoid talking about it.
Then the battle took place. Natasha has planned to tell Steve. For the first time Natasha believed in family life, the baby gave her hope. Natasha needs to tell Steve after the war. But Natasha never prepares what the snap causes them. She saw people turning into dust and she starts to panic and finding the most important person in her life is Steve. She was relieved Steve was thereby holding the dead body of Vision. Natasha was disappointed because she knew they had lost. But suddenly felt something cold in the abdomen. As something has been pulled out of her body. Natasha continued to stroke her stomach and then she realized Thanos had taken it. The baby was gone, and the doctor also confirmed it. No one knows about the baby except her and the doctor. Natasha did not even tell Steve that their son was dead. Steve has lost a lot of people in his life. Losing their unborn child only makes the situation worse.
"Why did you not tell him afterward?" James looked at his mother
"It's no use anymore, the baby is gone, and if they are able to reverse the snap, it's not possible the baby can come back. When the sacrifice was needed, I knew my life was over. But it doesn`t mean that other people's lives will end. Clint owns his family, I do not have anyone. " Natasha said and she knew she was doing the right thing
"If you tell him, maybe he will not leaving, and he will not let you go to that place."
"I know. If he knew there was a baby he would have felt very disappointed and cannot concentrate on his duties as Captain. It would be difficult for him to accept that I've died. I cannot do that to him”
James now understands how great it is to have a mother like her she is selfless. Although she and his biological mother are different people, yet their hearts are still the same people.
"I don`t know what's going on, I'm sitting alone here, and suddenly I know I'm still pregnant, maybe it's a mother's instinct, at least I'm not alone here, I know we've won. When you're born, it's a hard-to-describe the feeling, I love you since the first time I'm holding you. You look just like him”
"And you love him," James revealed
"I thought Steve was crazy, I didn’t` deserve it, but he did tell me he loved me, but now I understand that I loved him, a long time ago. I'm aware of it after you were born, but I'm going to be here forever "Natasha is aware of the fact
"You said only the master of the soul stone that was able to set you free from this. So you think I'm The Soul stone master?"
"You were born here, technically no one was born in the soul world, and no one who still alive ever came to this soul world. And the stone you still got it?” Natasha got up
"It’s with me" James hands out the stone in his pocket.
Meanwhile Avengers HQ 2025
"What happened? Where did he go?" Morgan was very desperate because James suddenly disappeared
Dr. Banner and Dr. Jane try to find where James goes. They use the tracker to search James around the world.
Suddenly, there was sound coming from the Quantum Tunnel. All Avengers gather to the tunnel
James and Natasha stood on a platform with a child.
Cassie and Morgan were relieved. But everyone was shocked to see Natasha.
"Nat?" Wanda wants to make sure what she sees is real
"Hi everyone, I know this may be very weird." Natasha didn`t know how to explain. Wanda, Sam, Hulk, and Rodney, are all very happy and come to hugs Natasha. Some of them were in tears
"But who is this little child?" Sam leans against Nat's hug.
All eyes focused on the boy. The boy was hiding behind his mother.
"Oh, he is mine, his name is James." Natasha hesitated to tell his last name. "James .. Rogers"
Everyone was shocked by the disclosure. Especially, Bruce, he looks a bit disappointed.
Natasha promised to explain everything. There are some individuals she doesn`t know. And see someone is not here.
"Where is Tony?" It is obvious that Nat doesn`t know what was happening to Stark.
Natasha learned that Tony had been killed for doing that snap. Thor had traveled elsewhere, and Clint brought his family away from the city. Natasha wept over Tony's grave. Natasha also managed to track Clint; she was united with the family. All of them are happy that Auntie Nat has returned. Little James played with Nathaniel.
James, Cassie, and Morgan go home to their universe. Carol should have to do snap to bring everyone back. They call the other Captain Marvel from their universe. They believe she is the strongest person to do the snap. Particle machines created by Shuri, Jane and Bruce managed to close the time vortex to separate the two universes. Now they will be separated forever. No one can come from another universe. It is best to avoid Beck or anyone else to do the same.
All Avengers and gather to bid farewell to Next Avengers. Including James and his mother. James advises little James.
"I need you to take care of your mum and remember buddy, you are very strong." James hugged little James.
Apparently, little James can only communicate with James. He was just two and a half years old.
"Thank you, Mum. Well, what going to happen to you and Dad?” James hoped they would meet again
"No thanks, he has found the happiness he deserves. He's got a family of his own. I can take care of myself. Don`t worry about me. Besides I got my family back and thank you for everything James" Natasha said before holding face James and kissed his forehead.
"But you have to tell him about little James, at least he needs to know." James tried to persuade his mother
"I'll think about it later," Natasha thought if by telling Steve it would change anything?
Next Avengers say goodbye to everyone. They return to their world. And bring Beck together. He will be punished in their world.
Natasha was reunited with old Steve. He cried when he saw Natasha in front of him.
"Nat, you're back, I'm sorry I've tried to bring you back, but I didn`t succeed, I should not let you go to that place." Steve is sobbing
"Steve you know it was destined to happen and I came here to tell you that I understand why you went to the past to live with Peggy." Natasha holds Steve's hand
"I'm supposed to live with you, I really want to invite you to live together, that's true Nat, but your loss is very painful." Steve shed tears.
"It's not your fault I know you really want to do that, I know you love me, and I love you too, and this little boy is a symbol of my love for you." Natasha showed his little boy to Steve.
"Forgive me, son, I wish we will have time together,” Steve said and hugged the little boy. Little James holds Steve's face.
Cassie and Morgan return to their universe. But James is not yet there. Cassie and Morgan start to wonder if James might be lost. James then appears after a few minutes.
"James, why are you late? What has happened?" Cassie asked
"I've been to somewhere," James told
"I went to fix something"
"What have you done?
"It's a secret but I know I have to do that"
Natasha took James for a walk in the mall. Nat wanted to find clothes for James. Nat holds James's hand and goes up the escalator. Natasha smiled as she remembered the memories of the escalator that she and Steve kissed for the first time as they ran away from the STRIKE team. When Natasha came to the children's clothing section, Nat was busy find clothes for James. Natasha looked back and found that James was not there. She looks for James, she looks left and right. She finally found him. He's in the toy section.
"James! Here you are!” Natasha hurried toward her son
Natasha finds James holding a Captain America action figure and next to him a grown man. The man was tall, brown-haired, and bearded. James giggles and was very comfortable with the man. When the man carried James and Natasha could see clearly the man's face.
"Steve?" Natasha mouths gaping in disbelief at what she saw.
"Nat, you're late, you promise to meet again in a few minutes, but you didn`t come back” Steve recounts the sad moments of his life
"Steve forgives me. You say whatever it takes.” Natasha came to Steve and saw James hugging his father. As if he knew that it was his father. He`s a smart kid, of course, he will know.
"I didn`t think you took seriously my words until you choose to sacrifice your own life, Natasha it was not supposed to end like that, I'm angry and blame myself because I let you go to that place, why did you do it, Natasha?" Steve said emotionally.
"Steve, Clint has a family, I don`t know how to deal with his family to tell that their father is dead, and I have a lot of bad records in the past, you know what I've done before," Natasha explains
"Do not go there Natasha, you are a hero, everything that happened in the past doesn`t describe who you are, I told you, I didn`t care whatever you were, I love you who are caring, loving and selfless. That's why I love you, Nat. "Steve confessed.
"Steve .." Natasha stunned she didn`t know how to respond.
"And you hide James from me, why didn`t you tell me about him, he's my son too, he's our son, I go to the hospital and find your medical records, and I know that you were pregnant. Why Natasha?" Steve was a little angry because she keeps a big secret from him
"Because you bring the compass everywhere you go, everything you do you will look at it. I think I have no place in your heart, and you are still trapped in your past. When I lost James, it would not give any difference." Natasha replied
Steve finally admitted his mistake. Natasha did say the truth.
"Nat, I`m sorry, I think our relationship is just a casual relationship, after that night, you avoiding me, you made me think I`m just one of your one-night stand and its hurt." Steve felt guilty
"Steve both of us both made a mistake, and I love you too." Natasha hugged Steve
"Nat, don`t leave me again.” Steve hugged Natasha. He really misses Natasha. Steve kissed Natasha's hair, and then kissed his son's cheek.
Steve and Natasha walked in the Mall with James. James refused to part from his father. Apparently, the toddler fell asleep on his father shoulder.
"What about Peggy? She is waiting for you is it?”
"Peggy? She's pass away in 2016" Steve felt weird why she ask about that
"But you are married to her right? You have two children with her." Natasha was shocked why Steve did not know anything about it?
"I'm not married to her. She's married to Danial Sousa." Steve doesn`t understand
Natasha then thinks. Has the future changed?
"But James told me you went into the past to meet Peggy and then get married"
"James? You mean Bucky?"
"No, James, an adult he is in his 20's, he's our son who comes from the future, and he’s tall like you, red-haired, he saved me from soul realm”
"I met Peggy when I returned to Tesseract in 1970. I talked to her and said goodbye and that`s it. But I think I met the same young man you described earlier and he told me you will be back in 2025. And he asked me to look up for your medical information, he told me that you were pregnant with my child. At first, I thought he was crazy, but he said if what he said was true, I had to wait until 2025 to see you again and I did. James came to me and I know right away he is my child. "Steve explained everything
"So you really are waiting for me and you are not married to anyone?" Natasha stopped and stood in front of Steve
"Nat, if I want to get married, you're the one."
"Really, what if I did not come back and he lied about everything?"
"Nat, I'll wait for you even a thousand years. You are worth it"
Natasha chuckled with Steve's cheesy words. She likes it despite cheesy. Anything he said was he really meant it. That's why Natasha falls in love with Steve. Natasha then held Steve's face with her palm and kissed him. Steve return her kiss. The kiss is very sweet and romantic. And it happens on the same escalator.
Natasha smiled, for the first time in her life she was very happy.
"You have not answered my question yet" Steve wants to ask the big question
"What was the question?"
"Do you want to marry me?"
"If you keep that beard, I will think about it,” Natasha said as she teasing him
Notes:  Carol Danvers is the strongest character in the MCU, she succeeds to do the snap and bring everyone back. Well, she is the badass! James reunited with his parents and his friends. The second snap brings everyone back including the one who disappears in 2018. So the new Avengers are back, Tony is alive and Cassie managed to take out her father from the Quantum Realm. Happy ending for everyone yay!
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ty-talks-comics · 5 years
Best of Marvel: Week of August 7th, 2019
Best of this Week: Absolute Carnage #1 - Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman, JP Mayer, Frank Martin and Clayton Cowles
God is Here.
The seeds have been sown all over the Marvel Universe for the re-emergence of Carnage in a big way for months. He’s had single back-up pages in The Avengers, Black Cat, Captain Marvel, Immortal Hulk and many others portending his arrival and the sheer amount of people and creatures that are now within his thrall. Everything is coming to a head and it is absolutely terrifying.
The book begins with Eddie Brock recalling the events of everything Donny Cates has written since he took over the character.and other past events that have ultimately shaped what will soon happen. Eddie tells his son Dylan, who doesn’t know that Eddie is his father, about Knull, the God of the Symbiotes, and how he’s being kept asleep by the planet of symbiotes surrounding him. The only way for Knull to be woken up is if someone collected enough symbiote pieces and DNA to reconnect to the hive mind and if Knull is reawakened, he will begin spreading a new age of darkness across the cosmos.
Eddie references the fights against the Dragon of Knull in the beginning of his run, but also talks about the other people who have held the Symbiote or symbiotes. He pulls so much history out in so few sentences, along with a stellar double page spread by Stegman that one might be convinced to check out other great stories just to see how deep the rabbit hole goes. Characters from Maximum Carnage are shown, heroes that may have been changed during Venomized and of course Captain America, The Thing and Wolverine from the amazing Carnage USA.
After Eddie recounts the danger that the two are in, they see that Eddie is a wanted man after killing many inmates at Ryker’s Island. Of course Eddie was never there and after suspecting that they’re being followed, Eddie tells Dylan that they need to make a break for it and they run away from their tail into the subway. Unfortunately for them, Cletus Kasady was lying in wait and pushes them onto the tracks, only for them to be saved by their tail; Venom. 
Eddie re-bonds with the symbiote after derailing the train and a new and terrifying Carnage confronts them. Stegman wastes not a single stroke in making Carnage look like a menacing force of pure psychotic evil. His teeth are jagged, his limbs are gangly with “skin” that looks like it’s constantly dripping with blood an his ribcage and spine are exposed, but covered in the same material. He could almost be considered skeletal if not for the pumping veins all around him. This is a Monster Carnage, even more terrifying than 2015’s Carnage series and many times more powerful.
Carnage, like most children of other symbiotes, has always been stronger than Venom. Though, with enough force and maybe some help, Carnage has always been defeated one way or another, but not this time. Kasady beats the ever living hell out of Venom, smacking him in the face and smashing him into the ground. He gets right on the cusp of killing him before Eddie grabs the third rail of the subway line and electrocutes the both of them, a temporary victory so that he and Dylan can escape. The symbiote puts Eddie into something of a coma while he heals the body and takes them to the one person that can help.
In a little diner where they think it’s safe, Eddie, Dylan and Spider-Man talk about what’s been going on. Spider-Man is taken aback and annoyingly jokes to Eddie about all of this being out of his league before a news report is shown depicting a mass grave of people that have had their spines ripped out, likely for the Symbiote DNA or Codices (plural for Codex) as Eddie calls them. After some chumps try to rob the diner, Spider-Man takes them out handedly while formulating a plan with Eddie, saying that Reed Richards could have made a machine to help remove the Codex from anyone that has ever been attached to a symbiote, but he would have needed to start long ago.
We then cut to The Maker, the Reed Richards from the Ultimate Universe that has taken up residence in the 616 Universe, as he’s actually been working on such a machine for use on Flash Thompson. The Maker’s goals and those of his employers are unknown and that makes for horrifying implications because there is no way that he is up to any sort of good at all and makes it clear that he too is trying to reunite the symbiotes.
Spider-Man shows up with Normie Osborn as the first possible test subject, but doesn’t want it to be used until he knows that it’s safe. Maker moans that if he has to be so sure, then he should find someone else with a codex, someone dangerous that Carnage may in fact go after next. Peter and Eddie get the same thought: Norman Osborn.
Norman had used the Carnage symbiote to become the Red Goblin not too long ago and after his defeat at the hands of Spider-Man, lost his mind and gained the memories and personality of Cletus Kasady. Things go to hell in a handbasket very quickly as John Jameson, the guard who let them into Ravencroft also known as the Man-Wolf, reveals himself as another of Carnage’s infected puppets.
Mayer then coats the book in an intense and overbearing red hue, signaling nothing but danger as Carnage throws pieces of himself into each cell. There are elements of body horror as he pulls these tiny bits of himself out of his chest and they burrow into the victims. Kasady’s mouth and eyes also seem to drip with his symbiote form as he and the other barrel down on Venom and Spider-Man. A giant and beautiful brawl ensues with the infected ripping and tearing at the pair. The mass of bodies overwhelm and Eddie almost begins to kill before being reigned in by Spider-Man. Unfortunately Spider-Man gets caught by Carnage.
It was around here that I had the realization that Pete and Cletus haven’t actually clashed in YEARS. Maybe as far back as 2011’s Carnage USA was the last time the two fought, so to see Pete finally see him again with half of his mask gone, there’s a small bit of fear in his body language. This is doubled as Carnage throws Spider-Man into Norman’s cell door, breaking it open to reveal a deranged Norman who appears to have been slicing himself with a piece of glass in his cell. With the combination of the bright red of his blood juxtaposed against the darkness of his cell, Norman stands out, not as the cunning genius that we knew him, but as another victim of Carnage and he smiles with mad glee.
Absolute Carnage #1 absolutely lives up to the hype that has been built for it. This story can expand so far and with the tie-ins that have been announced, I’m actually very excited. Carnage has been scary, but this is on a whole new level for him. You never quite know who is one of his thralls! Hell, John Jamson appeared to be completely normal until the trigger was pulled in him and turned him into another monster. Carnage has always been a problem for the larger Marvel universe whenever people have had to fight him individually. Deadpool had a hard time fighting him. Captain America, Wolverine, Hawkeye and the Thing almost died fighting him. Even when he was temporarily a good guy during AXIS, he was still horrifically dangerous.
With new god-like abilities, lack of weaknesses and unimaginable unpredictability, what can anyone do?
Ryan Stegman’s art needs to be absolutely praised as well. His lines are crisp and heavy in an almost perfect way. He manages to give things a darkness and depth to them that makes everything feel absolutely brutal, disgusting and weighty. He can capture faces of absolute terror, rage and every wonderful expression that Venom makes. Personally I love how emotive he makes Spider-Man’s mask with the eyes widening and shrinking with his surprise or incredulity. He also has a talent for spreads as there are about three really good ones that really shows his skill for depth of field. Venom and Spider-Man also look incredibly strong. We all know that I love muscular art and all of their muscles are accentuated through their costumes. Spider-Man has his lithe and athletic body and Venom is nothing but raw strength and I love it.
Absolute Carnage hit every correct note. There was violence, horror and even a little bit of family drama. The stakes are very high and while not on the same scale as War of the Realms, the sheer amount of murders caused and their horrifying nature is more than enough to be concerned about. Donny Cates looks like he’s going to do it again with his first big Marvel event (I think, I don’t really remember) and bring us all to another level of badass storytelling.
High recommend.
I have never been more interested in Moira MacTaggert than I am right now.
Runner Up: House of X #2 - Jonathan Hickman, Pepe Larraz, Marte Garcia and Clayton Cowles
I've always seen Moira as just another supporter of mutants that tragically had their life ended because of The Brotherhood's evil schemes. I loved that she supported Charles dreams and wanted to help mutants, but never actually knew that she herself was a mutant. She's always had something of a tumultuous history and this issue of House of X expands on that in the most amazing way and shows how important she truly has been in the advancement of the lives of mutant kind this entire time.
In her first life, Moira MacTaggert lived a fairly normal existence. She went to school, married, had kids and died at the rope old age of 78. Soon after, she woke in her mother's womb, capable of remembering everything that she had done in the past life. It was strange and she couldn't let on what she knew, but she knew that she was special somehow. It wasn't until she saw Charles Xavier on the news that it all clicked for her. When he said the word mutant, everything changed for her. She went to try and meet him, only for her plane to crash, ending that life. 
In her third life, she dedicated herself to biology and sought out a cure for the X-Gene, achieving as much only for it to go horribly wrong when Mystique and Destiny, a character who died in Fall of the Mutants (1988) and was last seen in Necrosha (2010), appear and murder all of her fellow scientists. Destiny tells Moira that she knows what her abilities are and that if she continues down a path that could lead to the extinction of mutants, Destiny will always be there to stop her. She tells her that the only path to stop this cycle of reincarnation is to do whatever she can to help mutant kind. 
As a reminder, Destiny has Pyro slowly burn Moira alive so that she never forgets what it will be like to die at her hands.
From here, Moira becomes a radical, leading lives that take her away from Xavier's dream and push her further into darkness. Everything becomes a lesson in repeating the past, however. At first she lives the normal life and history that we already know. Forming a school for gifted youth, the schism between Magneto and Charles, The X-Men and eventually Charles' and mutantkind's death at the hands of Sentinels.
In the life after that, she shows Charles her past lives and turns him into a radical, managing to take over America before Sentinels kill them again. The next sees her kill the Trask family line, only for someone else to design Sentinels instead. She aligns with Magneto or Apocalypse in different lives, all reaching similar or even worse endings.
Eventually, she realizes that there's only one path that she hasn't truly tried: Embracing the dream and making it real. This is the House of X timeline.
We've seen Moira passively protect mutants, but never engaged with Charles in a way that could truly help him. With knowledge of past events, the two can find a path forward that would not only save mutants, but propel their evolution farther. I believe that's why Charles has sought to UNITE everyone. Apocalypse, Magneto, Mystique, Mister Sinister, all of mutantkind under one banner to make the lives of all better. It's certainly a dream, but Moira MacTaggert is the linchpin that makes that dream a reality.
She's always been one of the X-Men's smartest and loyal friends. With her help, her genius behind Charles' vision there's no way that the House of X can fall. It's very telling that every path that utilizes violence or tries to eradicate one side has always lead to ruin. It's even more telling that even the peaceful path requires some bit of strong arming, but if that's what it takes to get humans to stop killing mutants, then it really doesn't matter. Charles will have peace between the two sides and Moira is more than willing to embrace this beautiful new path.
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parkersharthook · 5 years
All My Sides Ch. 3
(Peter Parker x female!reader)
warnings: tension, stupid decisions, kidnapping
3.5k+ words
Ch 2
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“Spider-man… I have something you want.”
Peter’s blood ran cold as the video panned over to Y/n who continued to hold her head high despite the fear in her eyes. She had a bruise forming around her right eye and blood spotted on her bottom lip. Her wrists were bound behind her back and her feet were tied to the chair she was currently sitting in. There was a gag in her mouth. Peter sprung to his feet, running to get his suit on immediately.
“Spider-man… this is a live video that is playing on every news station and screen available. Every billboard in Times Square, every phone in civilians’ hands, every radio and TV station… they will see your beloved Y/n Y/l/n die if you don’t listen to every instruction I give.” Peter watched on the TV in his room as Dr. Connors appeared with a sinister grin. “Meet me in Time Square in thirty minutes or…” he glanced back to Y/n, “well you can guess.”
“Mr. Parker, Sir is calling you.”
“Decline.” Peter’s voice came out rough and gritted as he pulled on his civilian clothes over his Spiderman suit and shoved his mask into his backpack. He slung it over his shoulder and sprinted down the steps of the tall tower, and continued running the short distance to Times Square. He saw the hordes of people stopped and staring at the billboards and then to the sky as numerous avengers began to appear in the sky overhead. Peter pulled up his hood and dropped his head. He knew what Dr. Connors was looking for, and if he let Y/n get hurt due to his stupidity… he would never let himself live it down.
The mad scientist came back onto the screen, “I’m glad you followed my orders Spider-man. But I see you didn’t show up as you… I’m proud. You remembered our little game. Citizens of New York!” His voice bellowed out of every speaker nearby, “We’ve been missing a certain web slinger for the past week. No one knew why, until now. Our friendly neighborhood Spiderman,” he spat out every word, “has lost his powers.” Gasps rippled through the crowd.
He continued, “He is just an ordinary boy. But this is no ordinary girl, you see. This is Y/n y/l/n. Not only is she the daughter of former police captain but she has a special relationship with Spidey. And if he doesn’t cooperate then at 6:30 pm her body will be dropped from the bell tower of St. Margaret’s church. You know the one.” Y/n’s eyes filled with terror and her body tensed against its restraints. “So… Spidey. You know where to meet me. It’s where we first met. Just you and me. You have twenty minutes.”
Peter could still see the avengers with the ability of flight soaring through the sky scanning the people below them. They were looking for him, trying to stop him from doing something stupid. He noticed Sam tuck his wings and turn tightly around, heading towards the large church in search of Y/n. Peter shook his head and fell into the crowd of people. He knew that Y/n wouldn’t be there. He quickened his steps as he walked towards what might be the place of his demise. He had shit to do.
“Can anyone see him?” Tony barked out from his spot above the pointing crowd
“Nothing.” Bucky muttered as he pushed through the crowd.
“He should be here!” Steve growled out into the comms.
“That guy said that this was a game.” Wanda stated, looking down back alleys for him. “They’ve done this before.”
“So Peter’s not here?”
“He said that Spiderman showed up but not as ‘him’.” Natasha muttered and then it clicked, “he’s not out as Spiderman.”
“Fuck.” Steve muttered, “We’re never going to find him.” He turned his head towards the sky as Sam began to fly back in, “Sam?”
“She’s not there. Nobody is.”
“It’s a game guys.” Wanda repeated, heading towards the rendezvous point. “Nothing is going to be straight forward. Stark, don’t you have some kind of tracking on his suit?”
“If he even has the suit…” Tony muttered, “But it’s only activated when he has the mask on.”
“Well we know he’s going to confront this guy either way. We’re just gonna have to wait.” Sam suggested.
“Not gonna happen.” Bucky growled out.
“Bucky’s right.” Clint said, “let’s find out everything we can about this guy.”
“We can’t waste time going back and forth between the tower and here.” Natasha met Bucky’s eyes from across the crowd and nodded slightly. “Meet me and Bucky on the corner of Broadway and 7th. I have a plan.”
“Seriously guys?” Tony said with a raised eyebrow as he stepped through the doorway into the small apartment. Natasha rolled her eyes and walked to a small linen closet.
“We don’t tell you everything Stark.”
Tony sat down in an office chair and spun around slowly, “but maybe you should.”
Wanda picked up a throw pillow with a small smirk, “it’s cute.”
Bucky fought back a groan, “don’t make us regret this.”
Clint folded his arms and leaned against the wall, “so what’s the point of this. Why are we here?”
Natasha pulled out 2 large metal briefcases from the closet and set them on the dining room table, “It’s close to times square and St. Margaret. We can use this as a base until we know for sure what is happening. It saves time and energy.”
“We have more resources at the tower.” Tony drawled out in a complain
Steve rolled his eyes, “Natasha has everything we need right here, and I know you have your mobile computer with you. You take it everywhere.”
Tony grumbled under his breath but still pulled out a rectangular device. He flicked it in the open space causing blue holographic projections of the news to appear. Wanda and Clint took a step closer to examine each broadcast and headline. Anything that could give them a clue.
They all worked in silence for a while, trying to solve the mystery when Tony spoke up, “A secret apartment? Really?” Everyone groaned in annoyance, “next thing we know, you’ll be telling us that you two are married.”
Natasha walked by him with a stack of reports. She sent him a devious wink, “maybe we are.” She sat down at the table with the folders and opened them up one by one.
Steve, who had been looking over her shoulder, stopped her movements. “Check out this one.”
“But you guys aren’t… right?” Tony turned to Bucky who was concentrating on the profile of Dr. Connors, “married, I mean.” Bucky glanced up at the older man but offered no answer as he just got back to work.
“What’s important about this one?”
“Look at these.” He spread out the photos of a fight that Spiderman had been in a few years ago.
“What about them?” Wanda asked as she came up to the table. “It’s just Peter fighting a big lizard.”
“Right but look at this one.” Steve repositioned a grainy photo of Peter fighting a large lizard who had a shredded lab coat on his back.
Clint picked up the photo and looked at it closer, “I remember this. It was something with Oscorp before they went out of business. SHIELD try to uncover the details, but everything was pretty much burned to the ground.”
“Gross… Oscorp.” Tony said with an exaggerated gag
“Do you remember anything else about it?” Steve asked Clint. Behind them Bucky’s eyes had widened as he read a particular file sheet.
Clint scratched his head like the old man he was. “I think that this lizard guy was some guy who experimented on himself. Went completely wrong, as they always do. But after the battle with Spiderman he didn’t show up for a while. We assumed he died.”
“Why hasn’t anyone asked Peter about this?” Wanda asked
“It never came up, I guess.” Natasha supplied
“Well after all of this is over we need to get more details on this.”
“Guys!” everyone turned to Bucky who had grown paler. “The lizard is Dr. Connors.”
“Look here.” Bucky showed them all the written report on the scientist, “He was a scientist at Oscorp for years and then he suddenly went off the grid after that incident. He lost an arm from an accident and his main topic of research was regeneration of tissue.”
It clicked for Tony, “he tried to regrow his arm and turned himself into a lizard.”
Wanda furrowed her brows, “please connect the dots.”
Tony swiveled to face her, “lizards have a regenerative property. Dr. Connors probably studied them and mixed their genetic makeup with something else producing a mix of the super soldier, hulk, and Spiderman serum. He injected it into himself and it went wrong.”
“Meaning that he turned into a big ass lizard?” Steve asked, obviously still not convinced.
“Think about it. This doctor guy suddenly disappears after this incident with a large lizard which is the animal he happened to experiment on. Then he suddenly comes back looking for revenge on Spiderman?” Bucky said, “It’s obviously him.”
“Okay but how would he know Peter’s identity? Or his connection to Y/n?”
Wanda smacked her forehead, “Y/n had an internship with Oscorp back in Highschool. She literally worked next to the guy.”
“Okay but Peter and she weren’t dating back then.”
“But they were still friends.” Wanda supplied, “she told me that her and Peter would sometimes meet up for lunch during her break and talk about all this sciencey stuff. Dr. Connors even approached Peter about him working there full time.”
“But he decline because he had an ‘internship’ with Tony Stark.” Natasha supplied. Wanda nodded at her.
“Okay but how does he know that Peter is Spiderman?”
“Ladies and gentlemen! The main act has arrived!” The TV which had not been previously on, switched to life with the live broadcast.
Clint frowned deeply as he stared at the television, “oh shit here we go.”
Peter froze as the broadcast came over his phone.
“Hello there Spiderman! Still dressed as a civilian I see… good boy.” Dr. Connors’s voice was chilling. He continued on, “I’m proud of you for going where I wanted you to, but you aren’t finished yet.”
“Leave her alone!” Peter’s voice came out rough and hoarse.
“Tsk tsk tsk. Not so impatient young man. But congratulations are in order as you have solved my previous riddle. But alas neither I nor this fair maiden is there.” Peter moved to turn around and walk right back out of the sewer, but Dr. Connors’s voice stopped him. “Awww, don’t leave yet Spidey. In fact, I don’t think you can.” He laugh maniacally, “I have a camera on you right now. You turn around… you reveal who you are.”
Everyone tensed. Everyone in that apartment full of superheroes, everyone on the streets of New York, everyone who had a radio in their car, everyone who was hearing this tightened their muscles.
Natasha, though nervous for the boy, still had her mind in spy mode and took notice that Peter seemed to be in an abandoned subway tunnel.
“He has his backpack.” Wanda whispered, “That means he has his suit.” At least that was some good news.
“But Spiderman you seemed to overlook a few key details. Yes… it is true. I wanted you to end up where you are, but that isn’t where we first met. Think hard, Spidey. You can do it… you’re a smart boy.”
“Why don’t you just reveal my identity now? Why do this? What’s your end game?” Peter called, his back still turned to the camera
“What’s all the fun with that?” he cackled loudly. “You have 30 minutes to get where you need to be. And please… do show up as Spiderman. It’ll just make it that much more dramatic.” The screens went blank and it took a few moments for the shock to wear off.
Peter got moving immediately. He knew exactly where he had to go.
“Where is he going?” Tony asked in frustration as he slammed down some paper on the table
Steve pressed a finger to his ear, “Sam? Status?”
“Empty.” The voice came back static, but everyone still heard the message. They deflated.
“If he isn’t at the Oscorp building and he isn’t at his apartment, then where could that fucking mad man be?”
Natasha sat in silence, fingers pressed together as she thought over everything. She turned to Bucky who was in a similar position as her, “where did Y/n intern?”
“Oscorp Industries.” Bucky replied stoically.
“Yeah I know that. But where? Which location.”
“What do you mean which location?” Natasha rolled her eyes at her sometimes clueless boyfriend and pulled some papers closer to her. She checked them over once, twice, and then a third time again. Something wasn’t adding up. Click.
She opened her laptop quickly and typed out a quick google search. She let a small smile slip over her lips. “Boy oh boy, are you guys lucky to have me on the team.”
“What do you mean? What did you find?”
Natasha turned her laptop around as everyone crowded around, “The location listed under Y/n’s place of work is the Oscorp in Midtown. But if you go through the records of their listed employees she isn’t listed there.”
“An unpaid intern?” Wanda asked. Natasha shook her head and pulled Dr. Connors’s file closer.
“Look at his. Place of work, same building Red Division.” She pointed to something on her screen, “This Oscorp building was very open to the public. It had tours and interns and schematics online, but as we know Oscorp was into some very shady stuff.”
“They had a secret division with a secret building.” Tony said as he smacked his forehead, “how could we be so stupid?”
“But we would have found out about that when Oscorp fell.” Clint pointed out.
“Not if it was listed under a different name. That Oscorp building was organized into 3 colors or access levels: blue, green, purple. And if Y/n was as high up as she is labeled as, she would be in blue. There is no red.”
“Then where did Connors work?” Wanda asked, studying the file and still not making sense of anything.
“Here.” She typed out a quick search and spun the screen back around towards her teammates.
“Location not found?” Clint gave her a look
“Exactly. It doesn’t exist… anymore.”
“Wait… that address. That seems familiar.”
Bucky looked at the paper, “that’s because it was the Red Line Grocery Market back when we were kids. We worked there for two summers.” he looked up at Natasha, “but the address would still exist.”
“Not if they redid the gridlines in that neighborhood. That grocery store is still in business, bought by one Norman Osborn almost 2 decades ago. They moved locations once the gridlines were redone to a new and upcoming neighborhood… in Queens.”
“How did you even find that out?” Wanda asked somewhat amazed.
Natasha shrugged, “googled red division with Oscorp. The article that the Red Line Market was under new ownership came up. Researched the given address, linked it to its old address and the gridline renewal. Found its current location.”
“So, that’s where he’s hiding Y/n? In a grocery store?’
“Not exactly. A block from that store is a supply warehouse where they keep their inventory. I bet you, that’s where we find them.”
Bucky slowly shook his head, “I don’t doubt that this is all a connection but how on earth would Peter have his first meeting with Connors at this warehouse that no one affiliates with Oscorp?”
“I’m honestly not sure, but we’re gonna find out.”
Peter took a deep breath and walked through the warehouse doors. He didn’t even remember this place for the longest time, but as he took in his surroundings the memory came flooding back.
“Hey Peter!” Y/n called as she walked down the sidewalk with a new-found energy. Peter spun around, his bag of groceries hanging from his fingers. He smiled widely.
“Hey Y/n! What are you doing down here?”
“My boss sent me to pick up some supplies from the warehouse around the corner. I’m meeting another scientist there.”
Peter chuckled slowly as they fell into a steady rhythm, “no offense but that sounds kind of shady.”
Y/n laughed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, “I thought so too honestly but a ton of the other interns have been here before and have met this Doctor, so I think everything will be okay.”
“Do you want me to walk you?” Peter suggested lightly, “Just in case?”
Y/n bit her lip and looked up at Peter through her eyelashes, “I’d like that.”
Peter pulled the mask over his face and threw his backpack behind some random shelf. He didn’t really care if he lost this one. “Spiderman!” The loud booming voice came through a set of speakers on the wall. Peter shivered, knowing that the man behind the voice was much closer.
“Welcome everybody! To the final act! This next performance will truly test your precious Spidey’s heroics… if he really is the hero you believe him to be.”
“Let her go!”
“Sorry Spidey… no can do.” his words came out slow and taunting. Peter wanted to punch him in the face. “do you remember?”
“remember what?”
“the first time we met. You stood in front of me, shook my hand, smiled, worked beside me.”
Peter shook his head and frowned, “I wish I never met you.”
“hey now. Don’t say anything that you’ll regret.” He stepped out of the shadows, crazed look in his eye. He cocked his head to the side and smirked, “words hurt you know.”
“Where is Y/n?”
He clicked his tongue, “oh don’t worry… I’ve been taking very good care of her.”
“Guys! Guys!” Wanda yelled loudly pulling everyone out of their heads. “he’s back on.”
Bucky leaned against the back of the couch as he stared at the TV, “well Nat he looks like he’s in a warehouse.”
“And you’re surprised because?” She smirked as she loaded a gun and slipped it into her thigh holster. “Now what are you waiting for? Let’s go get our boy.”
Connors pointed his finger at Peter and stepped towards a large door, “follow me Spiderman, I’ll take you to her.” Peter took a hesitant step forward as Connors whirled around to face him again, “oh by the way you’re still being broadcasted. Say hello to New York!” He waved his hand excitedly into the air.
“Dr. Connors, you’re sick. You’re not stable.” Peter said calmly and slowly
Connors’s eye twitched and he shook slightly, “I’m fine! But your girl won’t be if you continue like this.” he breath heavily, “now… follow me.”
“Dr. Connors, you know me. You know Y/n. You don’t want to hurt us, and I don’t want to hurt you.” He raised his hands steadying them. His web shooters pointed directly at the man.
He cackled maniacally, “You think that I know you can’t handle your web shooters? You have no powers! You are nothing right now! Oh silly silly boy.” He pulled a small button out of her pocket and hovered his thumb over it dangerously close. “I press this, and she’s gone.”
“What?” Peter’s voice cracked slightly
“There is a gun.” Peter swore he stopped breathing, “Sitting directly in front of Y/n. Fully loaded and ready to be fired. now guess what the button does.”
Peter didn’t know what to do. he was lost. He had never been in this situation.
“now, if you’re’ ready to cooperate. Follow me.” Peter took slow hesitant steps behind the crazy doctor until the two entered a large empty room. In the middle was a metal chair, she was tied to it. Her hair was matted to her face with sweat, small dribbles of blood were falling down her face. A gun sat directly in front of her face. She shook with fear.
“Y/n….” Peter barely whispered. he moved to reach her, but Dr. Connors just moved his thumb closer to the button. Peter stopped and tore his eyes away from Y/n to look at Dr. Connors, “lower the trigger. What do you want? Money? Security?”
Dr. Connors laughed and shook his head, “don’t be ridiculous Spiderman. I know you don’t have any money and the minute that your little Y/n is here, I know you’d send those little friends of yours to find me. No, I want something else. Something that only you can give me.” His smile widened, and Peter felt his blood run cold.
He watched as Dr. Connors slowly walked over to Y/n and pushed the chair forward by an inch, the gun almost pressing against her skin. She whimpered in fear and squeezed her eye tightly.
Peter’s voice wavered, “what do you want? I’ll do anything.”
“I know…”
“please, Dr. Connors.” Peter was one threat away from dropping to his knees and begging.
He laid a surprisingly soft hand on Y/n’s head, but she flinched away anyways. “I want you to take off your mask, Spiderman. Reveal yourself for who you truly are.”
Ch 4
taglist: @awkwardfangirl2014 @givinggoodvibes @unhealthyobsessionwithmarvel
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huronnade-moved · 5 years
Completely AU drabble ahead.  Set in a universe where, though the Crossover between Huron and Vide happened, Deeana is strictly Kuro’s squadmate.  No cheating, no relationship drama.  Also, though the drabble is written in English, all dialogue is in Hural.
                                                           _____  . ( 🞮 ) .  _____
       The theatre tended to be quiet after hours.  The only sounds that filled it were quiet breathing and page turning.  Occasionally, the quiet would ebb away with gentle voices, ciclicle carriages of conversation running their course before the atmosphere returned once more.  Neither were bored;  both were enraptured by the ambience that had always existed between them, even after they’d long since parted ways.  
     Tonight felt different in some way, though.  For some reason, the air felt even more charged than usual.
     ❝ Well, ‘s gettin’ late.  I should head home, ❞   Kuro muttered, folding his book closed and hopping from his perch on the end of their stage.  Murr tried not to swallow too hard at the feeling of their knees brushing as he did so, heart leaping into his throat like a bear-trap attempting to catch something.  It didn’t take long for it to sink back down, landing like a stone in his gut.  It always sucked when Kuro had to leave.
     ❝ Yeah, I getcha.  Ya probably gotta be up early, huh? ❞   Though he forced his voice to echo its usual ease, there was an undeniable pang of longing attached limply to the end.  Please just stay.  Just tonight.  I’ll never trouble you again if you just stay with me tonight.   ❝ Thanks fer comin’ over. ❞
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     ❝ Y’don’t gotta thank me every single time, y’know, ❞  Kuro replied with a brow arched high, shrugging his coat on as he attempted to make eye contact with him.  Though Murr’s face was often cloaked in static, much like everyone else he tried to look in the eye, there were moments where his image would come through,  like a transmission finally reaching its designated station after a hell of a delay.  Those times were what Kuro hungered for.  Though he wouldn’t admit it out loud, Murr had grown into a beautiful man.  It confused him greatly.  He’d never looked at men like he was looking at his friend before;  he didn’t think he had any interest.  There were a lot of things he didn’t understand upon this whirlwind of a person inserting himself back into his life.  Perhaps this was his punishment for wounding him so:  an eternity of questioning.   ❝ Yer my best friend.  Of course I’ll come ‘n’ see y’whenever I can. ❞
     ❝ It still seems important enough ta be thankful fer. ❞   Though Murr’s face was concealed by that pesky shadow that hung over his shoulder, Kuro watched as his friend turned his head, breaking assumed eye contact almost nervously.     ❝ I know what it’s like ta not see ya fer ages, so I’m happy ‘n’ grateful when I do. ❞
     There was a strange pause, one filled with energy neither of them could place.  Unsure of the cause, Kuro took in his slightly elevated heartbeat with some amount of chagrin, cursing himself for being so easily afflicted.  So he’d had a crush on Murr in his youth…  so what?  They were changed people, far past the awkward phase that they’d left each other on.  Things were different now.
     If that’s so, why do you feel hot under the collar?      Shut up.  I don’t.
     His hand hovered over the theatre’s door-handle, heartbeat thundering in his ears as he thought about how best to bid his friend goodnight.  Why are you even thinking about this?  Just say goodnight.  His lips parted to speak, though no sound came out;  his frame remained like a pillar in the doorway, hulking and dark.
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     ❝ Uhm…  everythin’ okay? ❞
     ❝ ... ❞   Was it?  He couldn’t really make heads or tails of the feelings currently swarming him.  For months now, he’d felt the tension in him rise to an unbearable level.  He’d spent countless nights lying awake thinking about the terrible things he’d forced Murr to endure after leaving him without a word.  He’d also spent a few wondering what Murr would look like in the throes of orgasmic ecstasy, quivering like a ripple in a pond, drooling like a dog in heat--  stop it.  Stop thinking about that.   ❝ … I just…  I don’t wanna go home, Alé. ❞
     He listened to Murr’s wordless stammer, enchanted by the sound, before he allowed his hand to fall from the handle.  His body turned slowly in the other man’s direction, head feeling foggier by the second.  You’re so close, yet so far away.  I don’t deserve you, not after all I’ve done, but by God I want you.  I don’t think you even realise.
     ❝ W-Well, ya don’t have ta…  I don’t mind leavin’ the door open fer you... ❞
     ❝ Don’t leave. ❞
    Though he couldn’t see his face, he knew for a fact that Murr’s cheeks had turned red.  It was in the way his torso shrunk;  the way his arms went rigid by his sides;  the barely audible stutter as he stared at him, somewhat stupefied, wondering what he could even say in response.  Eventually, he settled on a flustered:   ❝ I-I wasn’t goin’ to! ❞
     ❝ Good. ❞
     ❝ What’s with you all of a sudden…?  Yeesh... ❞   Murr tugged lightly at his collar, attempting to get air beneath it.  Suddenly, he felt trapped in this beloved place, as if he’d poked a bear with a stick and had nowhere to retreat to.  He attempted to mentally talk himself down, turning in place so that he could hop back up onto the stage.   ❝ We can keep readin’.  Or we can…  talk. ❞
     ❝ Talk, ❞   Kuro echoed, tone slightly inquisitive as he began to bridge the distance between himself and the stage.  All of a sudden, he was unable to focus on anything except his friend’s appearance, lit from behind by the dim stage lights as if a small piece of Heaven had opened up and chosen him.  For the briefest of moments, Kuro saw his face.  The way his mouth was pressed into a thin, confused line, teeth gently worrying his lower lip, had a pang of heat rising in his stomach.  As he came to stand in front of him, head inclined slightly to look at him, he uttered a meek:   ❝ Let’s talk, then. ❞
     ❝ O-Okay.  Well-- ❞   He fell quiet, shoulders rising like a child’s when they were being scolded, before he suddenly exploded:     ❝ Well now ya’ve gone ‘n’ made it tense!  I can’t think of anythin’ ta say!  You go!  You say somethin’! ❞
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     ❝ Nhm…  yer so fuckin’ adorable sometimes, Murphy. ❞
     ❝ What…? ❞
     ❝ Murr.  I can’t keep bullshittin’ like this. ❞   He wasn’t entirely sure of what he was doing.  All he knew was that he felt positively untethered.  His heart was a fragile thing, tampered with by darkness and shadow, but right now it pooled with light, emotions oozing like drip from a cake.  His hands came to rest on either side of his friend’s body, sandwiching him between his own frame and the stage supporting him.   ❝ Y’know, that crush I told y’about way back when?  I--  ain’t think it’s quite dead yet. ❞
     ❝ B-But you said... ❞
     ❝ I know what I said, ❞   Kuro interrupted, almost grunting.   ❝ I moved on.  I let go of y’when I made the decision t’leave y’behind, right?  Was a load’a shit, Alé.  I just didn’t wanna make things fuckin’ weird. ❞
     ❝ ‘n’ now’s a better time ta make things weird…? ❞
     ❝ Is it weird? ❞   The silence that hung between them was heavy, as if they were both afraid of the answer to the question.  They’d spent so long convincing themselves that they’d moved on, that they could see different people and let go of their childish fantasies, that being stripped of this thin lie left both of them feeling naked.  After another thoughtful pause, wetting his lips nervously, Kuro continued, before his bravery failed him.   ❝ Would y’really mind if I just…  I don’t know, leaned up ‘n’ kissed y’?  Would y’stop me? ❞
     ❝ I-I don’t know…  Kuro, please just stop, this ain’t funny... ❞
     ❝ This ain’t a joke, Murr. ❞
     ❝ It seems like it is ta you! ❞   Though he couldn’t exactly blame his friend for feeling doubtful, Kuro would be the first to admit that Murr’s scorn stung some.   ❝ Is this all my feelin’s mean to you…?  Is it just some punchline?  Some stupid tease?  You know how I feel about you--  you know I never stopped--  c-carin’ about you, ‘n’ if you don’t know that then you suck as a detective. ❞
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     Kuro was somewhat flabbergasted.  Though he’d been able to read between the lines on occasion, Murr was nothing if not a convincing actor.  When they’d told each other that they’d gone on with their lives, Kuro had almost wholeheartedly believed him.  There had been rare traces of doubt in him when the other had slipped up, revealing a little too much about what still resided in his heart, but for the most part the Sheriff was almost certain that there was absolutely no chance of salvaging what they once almost had in their youth.  He suddenly felt very bare, heart racing, and though he wasn’t sure if he was crossing a line or not, he found himself unable to resist any longer.  He pushed his head closer, their lips making the briefest of contact before he felt Murr jerk his head away.
     ❝ Stop it.  J-Just stop-- ❞   He was unable to finish as Kuro grasped at his collar, tugging him closer once more.  This time, their mouths connected with more certainty, and Murr’s cut off whimper was promptly smothered.  The exchange was short, though they lingered close to one another long after it had been broken.  In a quiet murmur:   ❝ Kuro... ❞   It sounded as if he was going to tell him to stop again, so the Sheriff pressed close once more, kissing him harder.  The shred of doubt previously on Murr’s tongue ebbed into a small, relieved noise, his hands-- fingers previously turning white due to how hard he was gripping the edge of the stage-- coming to rest on his shoulders as he finally allowed himself to give in.  In a positively precarious whisper:   ❝ S-Stop… nm.. ❞
     Consent was something that Kuro took incredibly seriously  ( especially after his unfortunate run-in with his own witch of a rapist ),  but he could tell by the way that Murr clung to him, by the soft sounds that left him whenever they reconnected, that he didn’t want him to stop;  that it was a pleasantry he was uttering in an attempt to save face;  that he was as relieved as he himself felt.
     ❝ Stop…? ❞   He asked in between kisses, hands flat against the stage.  The warmth of Murr’s palms on his shoulders was like fire, and he rolled one lazily in an attempt to provoke curiosity.  Curious Murr was, but not without caution.  His hands traced up his neck with hesitation, the drag of his fingers driving Kuro crazy.   ❝ Is that…  what y’want? ❞
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     ❝ Mm… no... ❞   Murr whispered back, sliding from his seat on stage and onto his feet.  It was much easier for him to press close, lips pressed fervently against his yet again, his tongue suddenly introduced into the equation as he wrapped his arms around his neck. Kuro hummed softly, meeting him halfway, an arm coiling around his waist.  They grew wild from there, impatient, centuries of longing and pining escaping them in the form of wandering hands and exchanged saliva.  They couldn’t get close enough, bodies on fire, hearts hammering, any trace of distance unbearably painful.  It prompted Kuro to back Murr up against the stage at one point, body pressed into his, and Murr mewled sweetly while simultaneously pulling at his hair. Such an abundance of personality made Kuro shiver.  Although Murr was trembling vigorously, hands shaking, voice quivering, his mouth was hungry, body receptive, movements demanding more;  his fiery disposition would never be stamped out, not even by a man more domineering than he was.
     At one point, Kuro felt his coat slip from his shoulders, and suddenly Murr felt closer than before.  It prompted a charged change of course, his hands filing beneath the other man’s finely pressed shirt and making contact with his waist.  His skin was warm, soft, and not even their furious pace could distract him from said facts.  When he was feeling a little calmer, he’d have to take a moment to pay close attention to him.  His body, though smaller than his, was lean and well-built, muscles clenching whenever Kuro’s fingers brushed over them.  Even when the pads of his fingers curled around to the smooth canvas of his back, the thews tensed and squeezed in time with his soft gasps and shudders.
    ❝ Fuck...  more--  touch me more... ❞   The needy plea fell hotly against his throat, a mix of tongue and teeth scraping along his skin, growing more and more familiar with the taste.  The way Kuro rocked his hips into his had a breathless moan tumbling from him, face pressed tightly into his neck a moment later in an attempt to squash the sound.  My voice sounds weird right now.  He silenced the thought with a feverish buck into the other man’s body, listening to him grunt, feeling him attempt to push closer still.  At one point, Kuro dipped his head low and recaptured his lips with his own, a deep, passionate kiss ensuing as the pair held onto each other for dear life.
     It was a touch to his belt that awoke Murr from his drunken haze, a lick of sense returning as an abject bolt of fear ran through him.  He wanted this, he wanted this perhaps more than he’d ever wanted anything, but the truth was that, at this point, he was afraid to lay with someone far more experienced than himself.  The last thing he wanted to do was disappoint him.   ❝ K-Kuro… ❞
     Either he didn’t hear him or he chose not to listen, lips dragging down his throat, a myriad of kisses and nibbles left behind.  Murr’s head spun, throat willingly exposed, his hand clutching the back of the other man’s head as he wrestled with his inner thoughts, trying to decide whether it was a good or bad thing that he was half-hard in his dress pants.  Maybe you can do this.  Kuro wouldn’t hurt you.  Kuro would never force you to do something you didn’t want to do.  Kuro would look after you.  Kuro would make you feel good--  so good--  like you always dreamed of--  but when he felt his pants loosen around his waist, belt tugged free from its position, he knew in his heart that he wasn’t ready yet.
     ❝ Kuro…  ahn--  stop-- ❞     Though he shuddered delightfully at the hand that brushed along his outer thigh on its way to his hip, it also provoked the first push that Murr had thought to administer.  It wasn’t hard, just enough to stop the other man from going further.   ❝ Stop...!  H-Hold on…  I’m n…  th-this’s goin’ too fast... ❞
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     When Kuro went still and held his silence for a moment longer than his anxiety could take, Murr thought for sure that he was going to turn cold.  To his relief, the Sheriff pulled back panting, eyes unfocused, but he’d clearly resigned from the task.  After a couple of seconds staring at him, trying to regain some level of concentration, the Sheriff cleared his throat and backed away slightly, reaching a hand up in an attempt to flatten his mussed up hair somewhat.
     ❝ Gods…  shit--  sorry.  I--  didn’t mean t’overstep no bounds.  I just--  lost control’a      myself. ❞
     ❝ You don’t have ta apologise... ❞ 
     For the first time in a while, Murr felt like they were looking each other in the eye.  Unbeknownst to him, they were.  His face had become visible to Kuro in the moment, desire and a deep-seated form of love slicing cleanly through the dark and revealing him to him.  He looked beautiful, already wild hair thoroughly dishevelled, russet cheeks flushed pink, lips parted in order to allow him to breathe--  very lightly reddened in the wake of such a feverish advance.  For a moment, he wasn’t sure what to say, content to stare and heave for air, lungs aching, fingers itching to feel him once more, heart ablaze.  His eyes flitted downwards briefly as Murr shifted to readjust his belt, fingers fumbling briefly before he managed to loop it back into place properly.  Are you as excited as I am?  Is it hard to focus?
     ❝ Uhm…  I’m sorry.  I want to, w-with you, but…  I’m…  I…  don’tknowwhatI’m doin’... ❞
     ❝ Yer a virgin…? ❞
     ❝ SHUT UP! ❞   Murr crossed his arms tightly across his chest, frame shrinking somewhat.  With a tad more venom than he meant to apply:   ❝ Some of us don’t handle our grief by screwin’ everythin’ that has a pulse, idiot. ❞
     ❝ Ahah…  noted. ❞   Though, something about Murr’s reluctant confession had a pang of warmth blossoming in Kuro’s chest.  With a hint of a smile:   ❝ So, I’d be yer first…?  Hypothetically? ❞
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     ❝ W-Well…  yeah. ❞   He listened as Murr cleared his throat, a hand curling around the back of his neck.  He tried not to focus on the blooming mark just above where his body tapered off into inky blackness, eyes attempting to fix on his face once more.  The static had returned.   ❝ I just…  I don’t know.  I was--  preoccupied with other stuff, ‘n’ I never met anyone else that was special ta me.  Kinda hard ta when yer isolated up in the woods.  Please don’t make fun of me. ❞
     ❝ Heh.  I was more surprised that nobody had jumped on y’yet.  I mean, look at y’. ❞
     ❝ Oh, please... ❞   he muttered dismissively, blush deepening.  His hesitation was stark, bleached with uncertainty before he finally found his voice.   ❝ What does this all mean?  I don’t…  think I could take a fling, no matter how much I want y-- ❞
     ❝ I ain’t want a fling, Alé, ❞   Kuro interrupted, albeit softly.   ❝ ‘m sorry I jumped the gun.  Maybe we should’a talked more about how we felt first.  But I do…  have feelin’s fer you.  I thought they’d go away, y’know?  As we progressed with our friendship?  But the truth is that they’ve just gotten stronger.  I just--  couldn’t resist anymore.  ‘m sorry if it’s awkward now. ❞
     ❝ It ain’t!  I just…  know yer history... ❞
     Kuro frowned, then sighed.   ❝ Listen…  no matter what y’may think’a my choices, yer gonna be my first in a couple’a ways too.  I’ve never…  y’know…  with a man so, we can be fuckin’ useless together. ❞   He huffed, feeling slightly embarrassed himself now.   ❝ Let’s not get caught up in all that.  I’m sorry I rushed.  But this ain’t about sex or whatever.  I--  I don’t wanna be just friends, Murr.  ‘n’ I know that I don’t really have the right t’say that but-- ❞
    ❝ Shut up. ❞    It was Murr’s turn to interrupt, though he did so with his whole body, arms wrapped around his dearest companion, head finding his shoulder instinctively.  A small smile formed on his face, and for the first time in a long time, Aléjandro felt happy.  ❝ Just shut up, Kuro. ❞
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theshatteredrose · 5 years
A Gathering of Guardians: Prologue (Chapter 18) - Etrian Odyssey Nexus Fanfiction
AN: Almost done! Just the epilogue to go. After that, I might take a small break and attempt some oneshots. Or at least finish playing DQXI. But the next saga to TTS is also calling. Ah, so much to do Q^Q Anyway, hope you enjoy reading~!
Ao3 | Wattpad | FFNet
Chapter 18:
The cool, crisp morning air was barely felt as everyone was busy going through their checklists to ensure that they had all they needed. Luggage was being placed upon carriages to be carried to the city of Maginia.
Drayce’s belongings had already been sorted and was packed into the horse-driven carriage. He helped the others with their luggage, while subconsciously counting them all to ensure that everyone was there. The last thing he wanted was to accidentally leave someone behind. That would be devastating!
Every member of his guild was accounted for, thankfully. Except for Ramus. Drayce was reluctant to step foot upon Maginia until Ramus joined them. He’d prefer to be with him when he temporary left the land of Arcania. It was a huge moment for him, after all.
Thankfully, as he glanced down the path that led back into the city of Iorys, a familiar figure appeared. With him, the tall, hulking form of guildmaster Egar. Ramus was dressed in his usual garbs. Egar carried Ramus’ luggage easily in one hand, while the other rested on Ramus’ upper back. Likely placed there in a comforting manner.
“Great, you're here,” Drayce said with a smile as the two reached them. “Ready to go?”
Ramus returned his smile with a polite one of his own, though it was more like an attempt to hide his nervousness. “Yes. It took some convincing for the councilmembers to accept.”
Drayce resisted the urge to sigh, and instead scratched his cheek in an exasperated manner. “They still dislike me, huh?”
Egar audibly scoffed as he handed Ramus’ belongings to Ashton to be placed upon the carriage with the others. “They are irritated by the fact that you have been more of an asset to the kingdom then they have ever been.”
“Wow, you're going to make me blush,” Drayce murmured with said blush making its way to his features.
“Egar here was a great help,” Ramus explained before a wry smile appeared. “As was the fact that I was going to go anyway.”
Drayce had to chuckle. Ramus was standing up for himself. Good!
“They finally accepted that I would temporarily take Prince Ramus' role while he joins this important expedition,” Egar continued as he folded his arms across his chest. “They did have one condition. That Prince Ramus takes a guard with him.”
“Oh?” That certainly was a surprise. “Who did you choose?”
Egar motioned toward the path behind him with a quick tilt of his head. As Drayce dutifully looked in that direction, he immediately recognised the familiar figure as they approached. They may be wearing the armour that all Iorian guards wore, but Drayce recognised him all the same. It was the flock of chickens at his heels that really gave him away.
“Virgil? Hey!” Drayce greeted as the guard meet up with them.
“Good morning,” Virgil returned as he removed his knapsack from his shoulder and placed it at his feet.
“You're joining us?”
“Yes,” Egar was the one to answer. “Under the guise of supporting Prince Ramus. Though, I'm sending him on this expedition as a vacation of sorts.”
Drayce nodded his head in understanding. “Well, Virgil is a hard worker.”
But what Egar said next caused him some concern. “His illness is also acting up.”
Virgil immediately sighed and sent Egar a sour look. “You just had to tell them, didn't you?”
“I doubt you would be able to hide for very long,” Egar was quick to retort.
Drayce wasn’t surprised that Egar was concerned. He and Virgil had been friends for many years. And Virgil had been dealing with his illness for many years, too. It often left him exhausted and in discomfort, but since he lived alone (besides his chickens, of course) he still needed money to pay for his medicine. He didn’t want to rely on charity, as he believed there were others in more dire need than him.
That was why Egar gave him the job of a guard on the first floor. Close to the entrance at that. He could be helpful in guiding new explorers while also allowing for him to indulge in the one other thing that brought him some joy.
Egar was such a huge softy. It was a shame he couldn’t join also. But if there was anyone who could keep both the council of Iorys and explorers under control, it would be him.
“From what I understand there's several dedicated healers already on Maginia, so I'm sure Virgil is in good hands,” Drayce said. A thought soon occurred to him, however. “Wait, what about your chickens?”
Virgil gave him a small smile. “They'll be joining, too. Maginia is allowing livestock to help with the feeding of residents and explorers.”
Ah, that made sense!
“I've also been told that I can bring my little flock of hens into this Sanctuary,” Virgil continued as his pet chickens patiently clucked at his feet. “Apparently, it's the name of a community that is housing the guilds and explorers that a man called Villard had gathered.”
Drayce watched idly as another chicken darted from behind him to join the little flock. “Deloris will be happy to be with her sisterhood of chickens again.”
That got an amused laugh from Virgil. He soon paused as a mild look of discomfort spread across his face. He continued to smile absentmindedly, however, and patted at his chest.
“Faelen, Sarkis; help Virgil with his chickens,” Drayce called out.
“Kay,” Faelen happily replied as he and his brother joined Virgil’s side to help him get both his little pets and belongings ready to join Maginia.
Speaking of which. They couldn’t dawdle for any longer.
“We should get going.”
“Yes,” Ramus agreed. Quite eager to get the expedition started. However, as his expression fell into a solemn look, he turned to face his loyal knight and guildmaster. As he did so, Drayce dutifully took a step back to allow the two to talk in peace.
“Egar, thank you. For everything.”
Egar unexpectedly reached up to remove his helmet, revealing a scarred but fatherly face. He set his helmet in the crook of one arm as he placed his other hand on Ramus’ shoulder. Again, in a comforting and father manner. “Not at all. Go on, your Highness. Learn more about yourself and your role. Meet new people. Learn their stories and share your own. And have fun.”
Though tears glimmered in Ramus’s eyes, he managed to smile and nod his head. “I will try.”
The scene was heart-warming. Yet, there was a sense of underlying sadness to it. Egar and his wife were more supportive and comforting than Ramus’ own parents. In fact, they were closer to him than his parents. Case in point; Egar accompanied Ramus to the gates of Maginia while his parents stayed within the palace walls.
Did they know that he had chosen to join this expedition? Did they even care?
Drayce shook his head to rid himself of that thought and placed a smile to his lips. “We'll take good care of him,” he promised.
Egar glanced over at him and nodded his head. “I know you will. And Virgil, remember to take your medicine daily.”
Virgil sighed and nodded as Egar moved to replace his helmet. “Yes, yes.”
That was their cue to move on. No matter how tough it was. Goodbyes were always difficult. But they weren’t forever. They would return one day. And Ramus would have stories of his own to tell and share with Egar.
As they moved together to board Maginia, Drayce slipped an arm around Ramus’ shoulders and pulled him to his side. “You ok?” he asked softly.
Ramus automatically nodded his head. “Yes, I’m fine,” he replied, though that was indeed a lie. His royal duties forbid him from showing weaknesses, after all.
Ramus didn’t immediately reply. He was silent for a moment, his eyes forward and his face passive. He soon nodded his head, however. “…A little. It’s no surprise. But I’m excited, too.”
“So am I,” Drayce returned as he tugged the young prince firmly against his side. “But we’re all together in this. This should be a lot of fun.”
That got a small chuckle from Ramus. “I certainly hope so.”
Drayce smiled reassuringly down at his little brother and they both lapsed into silence as they followed the carriages with their luggage and the rest of his guild.
As they walked along the large boarding bridge that led to the inner city of Maginia, they entered the large steel hull, momentarily plunging them into darkness. But after a few minutes they stepped back out into the light. And found themselves in the middle of a large city.
It was quite beautiful. Tall, sturdy buildings with stone roadways and paths. The city wasn’t as open as he was used to. Not unlike Iorys. Covered pathways, buildings made from strong masonry, and the parks and gardens were enclosed. There was a large steel ceiling over the entirety of the city itself.
Well, since it was a literal flying city, it made sense.
They continued to follow the carriage through the streets. After a few minutes they soon reached a set of steel gates set within a tall sandstone wall. The gates were opened into a large courtyard.
When the carriage stopped, Drayce assumed that they had reached their new place of residency, known as The Sanctuary.
He looked around the courtyard and soon narrowed in on a small group of men that stood together in front of a set of opened doors. He recognised two of them. Specially Axel and Lynus. But those that stood with them were completely new.
“Do try to behave yourself.” As Drayce walked through the gates and down the path, he heard Lynus say to a man with long brown hair and dressed in purple robes.
“You may be the first and only person that I’ll allow to order me around.”
“That was hardly an order, but a plea.”
The man with brown hair shook his head. “Even so. And solely for the fact that if I do something to upset you, I’m fairly certain Axel wouldn’t hesitate to launch me into the vacuum of space.”
“He wouldn’t do that,” Lynus returned as he nudged Axel with his elbow. “Would you?” Axel didn’t answer, however, which prompted Lynus to turn to face him. “…Axel?”
“We all know the answer to that,” Axel stated, which prompted everyone else to laugh aloud at the response.
Lynus, however, shook his head as he sighed. He soon straightened his posture, however, and turned to look behind him. His gaze immediately narrowing in on Drayce. And a large smile appeared on his lips. “Ah, Drayce! Welcome!” he greeted warmly.
“Haha, thanks!” Drayce said in response as he stood before the group. “Glad to be here.”
“Is everyone here?” Lynus questioned as he glanced over Drayce’s shoulder, where his guildmates were in the process of unpacking the carriage.
Drayce nodded. “Yup, everyone is accounted for.”
“Good. That means everyone has finally been gathered together,” Axel said with a half-smile before he turned his head to glance at the tall brown-haired man that stood next him. “Time to start with the introduction process.”
“Yes,” the man said in response to Axel before he took a step forward and offered his hand toward Drayce. “My name is Roxbury, leader of the Phaedron Guild from Tharsis.”
As Drayce shook his hand, another man with light-brown hair and a scar on his left eyebrow took a step forward to offer his hand, also. “Lindis. A representative for Etria and the Midgard Library.”
“And I’m Oracle,” the man Lynus had pleaded with just moments ago quickly introduced. “Leader of the Aurora Guild from Armoroad.”
Drayce shook their hands in turn, nodding and smiling. “Drayce, leader of the Angelward Guild.”
Lynus turned around and gently pulled a young man to his side. Purple hair and striking blue eyes, the young man appeared shy, skittish even, as he clung to the front of Lynus’ coat. “This is Azure, my apprentice.”
Axel slipped his arm around the neck of a man with spiky blue-hair and pulled him playfully to his side. “And this guy’s my protégé,” he introduced, earning a light blush from the teen in his hold. “His name is Zadkiel.”
Apprentices, huh? Drayce got the feel that they were more like adopted little brothers.
“Nice to meet the lot of you,” Drayce returned in a friendly, good-natured manner.
Roxbury continued to smile politely as he glanced over Drayce’s shoulder, to where his guildmates were gathering together to ensure their belongs were all accounted for. “Ah, you have a large guild, too.”
“Yup,” Drayce replied readily. “And from what I hear, so does everyone else.”
“Very true,” Roxbury said around a chuckle. “There’s going to be a lot of introductions to be had, that’s for sure.”
“Good to see that Prince Ramus is here, too,” Lynus said in earnest as Ramus moved to stand by Drayce’s side.
Ramus smiled politely. “Please, just Ramus will do. I’m not a prince here on Magina.”
Lynus unexpectedly chuckled. “I was going to ask about that. We have a few sovereigns with us already and they bristle at the thought of formalities.” He paused for a moment as a thoughtful expression appeared on his face. He tapped his cheek in thought and asked a rather unexpected question; “Hm. Do you have any interests or hobbies?”
It seemed that Ramus was also caught by surprised by the question. “Oh, well…”
Tokala appeared behind Ramus and draped himself over his back and shoulders in a friendly manner. Something he liked to do often because, in his words, Ramus was the right height for cuddling.
“He enjoys cooking,” he answered for him before he raised an arm into the air and exclaim, “And so do I!”
That answer seemed to please Lynus and he smiled. “Ah, that’s prefect. We could always do with more cooks in the kitchen. Flavio would be more than happy to teach you a few recipes.”
“Ramus’ a good cook, too,” Drayce said proudly, and from the corner of his eye he saw a light dusting of red on his cheeks. “He might be able to teach a few things, too.”
“Of course,” Lynus replied as he nodded his head idly. He also gazed absentmindedly around at the others. His eyes soon paused. “Hm? I see a new face.”
Drayce didn’t need to turn to look for himself to know who Lynus had to be referring to. “Yup. That’s is Virgil. The council wouldn’t let Ramus join unless he took a guard with him,” he explained.
He paused to finally glance over his shoulder toward Virgil, who thankfully appeared to be busy inspecting his chickens with Faelen to notice. He then turned back around to give Lynus his attention. And motioned for Lynus to lean in. Though somewhat startled, Lynus curled a piece of his hair behind his ear and leaned forward.
“He’s also not good health wise,” he whispered.
A flicker of concern immediately appeared on Lynus’ face and his eyes darted over in Virgil’s direction once. “Yes, I can see,” he murmured after a moment.
Lynus appeared that he wanted to ask a few health-centric questions when there was a suddenly noise of a window being slid open. Followed by the shout of someone sounding excited.
“Chickens! Cress, there’s chickens!”
Surprised, Drayce and those with him turned toward the sound of the noise just in time to witness a couple of young teens scramble out of an open window. One with blond hair, the other with purple. They looked to be in their early teens at the very most.
“Joren, Cress,” Oracle called out chidingly. “What have I told you about jumping out of windows when you get excited?”
The teen with blond hair paused. “Um. Make sure the window remains open so I can get back inside?”
“And check the height before leaping out,” Oracle finished before he made a shooing motion with his hand. “Now, go on. Don’t forget the introduce yourselves.”
“Kay,” the blond said before the two kids made a beeline to Virgil, and his chickens that pecked and scratched contently at his feet. “My name is Joren and this is Cress. Are they yours?”
Virgil regarded the two with a curious, but amused tilt of his head. “Yes. I raise and care for these chickens. They’ve even been in the labyrinth.”
“Wow, really?” Cress returned honestly enthusiastically. He then turned to face Oracle and those that stood with him. “Are these chickens staying here?”
Oracle folded his hands into the sleeves of his cloak while he turned to look toward Lynus. Likely asking him for what he thought.
“Hm. I don’t mind,” Lynus finally answered. “Maybe they would be ok in the greenhouse?”
“They’re quite docile,” Virgil reassured as Cress crowded down to give one of the clucky chickens a cautionary pat. “They’ll be happy anywhere as long as they can do their pecking and scratching.”
“I haven’t raised chickens before,” Joren revealed. “Can I help?”
Virgil smiled. “Of course.”
And the look of excitement on Joren’s face was genuine. “Thanks! Suzy will like them, too. Oh, Suzy is my pet lamb. I’m making a garden in the greenhouse. Nitish and Jeroden are helping, too. You’ll like them.”
“Joren,” Oracle called out, interrupting Joren’s rambling. “Show Virgil to the greenhouse and help him get his chickens settled in.”
“Kay,” Joren immediately returned before he reached out to grasp Virgil by the wrist, ever-so-slightly startling the gentle guard. “This way, Mr Virgil.”
Virgil glanced toward Ramus, silently seeking his approval. And Ramus smiled in return. “Of course,” he said simply.
Joren quickly led Virgil by the wrist through the courtyard. He and Cress chatted happily as the chickens dutifully followed, clucking and chirping the entire way.
Good to see Virgil getting such a warm welcome. His chickens, too!
“Come on, Baldur!”
A new voice caused Drayce to turn his attention to what he assumed was the front foyer of the main hall within the Sanctuary. Appearing from the two large doors were two figures. Again, they appeared to be teenagers, no older than seventeen.
One with blond-hair and a friendly expression on his face. The other had greyish hair and purple eyes, and an expression of exasperation and disgruntlement on his face as the blond dragged him around by the hand easily.
“Stop dragging me around already,” the second teen murmured, though it fell on deaf ears. And his voice wasn’t that loud to begin with, so it was likely something that happened often. More often than not, perhaps.
Roxbury turned toward the two and smiled. “Ah, good,” he said as the blond continued to drag the other until they reached Roxbury’s side. Roxbury moved to stand behind them and placed a hand on each of their shoulders. “These two are Blayden and Baldur. Members of my guild. Baldur is a prince, too.”
Ramus immediately perked up at the notion as his gaze focused in on Baldur. “Oh?”
Baldur, however, furrowed his brow in disgruntled confusion. “Too?” he asked before he his attention suddenly narrowed in on Ramus. And he stopped.
“Yes, I am Ramus, Prince of the Earthlain Royal Family,” Ramus introduced. An introduction he had given many times before.
Baldur didn’t reply, however. Drayce wasn’t sure, but he could have sworn that a lump of emotion lodged itself in his throat. And his hand, the one held by Blayden, suddenly tightened into a fist. “…I see,” he said, slowly. “Do you have…?”
He trailed off, however, and simply…looked. His expression was melancholiac in a way. Far away. Lost in thought. Or memories.
Ramus was both unnerved yet concerned. “Um…?”
Baldur abruptly snapped himself from his thoughts and he turned to look away. “Nothing.”
“Well…It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Ramus stated, politely.
“…Yeah. You, too,” Baldur said before he abruptly turned around, pulling his hand from Blayden’s. “I have to go.”
A tense silence fell over them as Baldur power-walked back through the doors to which he was dragged through. Blayden watched him leave with a…pained look on his face. He finally torn his gaze away to instead share a look with Roxbury. The taller man just smiled sadly, however.
Drayce didn’t need to know everyone to know that Baldur was haunted by something. He was curious, concerned in a way. That was the big brother in him, honestly. Still…
“…Anyway, once you guys get settled in, I’ll show you around!” Blayden suddenly announced and waved at them before he spun on his heel and jogged away. In the direction Baldur disappeared in.
“Did I do something wrong?” Ramus asked softly, worry abundant in his voice.
“No, it’s not you,” Roxbury immediately reassured as he turned to give Ramus a small, comforting smile. That smile soon faded, however. “Baldur…has been through a lot. And carries deeps scars of his kingdom, you could say.”
He was purposely being vague. Which was understandable. It was painful for Baldur. Something that his guild knew, but wouldn’t talk about in his absence, nor without his consent. And Ramus soon realised that.
“I see…” Ramus returned with a nod of his head. He glanced over in the direction that Baldur left. In his eyes was concern.
And yet, Drayce could see a small sense of bubbling determination. Determined to get to know Baldur. Maybe make friends with him. In a way, that made Drayce happy. Ramus practicing his right to be stubborn and curious was a very good thing indeed!
The sound of his brother’s wheelchair pulled Drayce from his musings, and he turned to instinctively look for his twin. Sure enough, Kyrell wheeled Rhain in his chair toward them. Though he looked tired, he had a small smile on his lips.
On his lap, a small black bird. Fat, fluffy, sitting on its butt with its little yellow legs sticking out in front of it. And a tongue flopped out from one side of its peak. A dopey looking bird, honestly.
But it was no ordinary bird. That was Raven. A wraith. Kyrell’s wraith partner. Despite its appearance, Raven was rather…intimidating in nature.
“Rhain, how are you feeling?” Lynus asked gently as he walked over to him.
“I’m feeling all right today,” Rhain answered truthfully. “I’m happy that everyone is together.”
Lynus smiled in agreement. “It is comforting, isn’t it?”
Raven suddenly flapped its stubby little wings and took to the air. Lynus watched, his eyes widening in surprise as Raven flapped over to him. Instinctively, Lynus raised his hands up, letting Raven to drop down onto his upturn palms.
The moment that Raven touched Lynus’ hands, his head reeled back sharply in surprise. “That…?” he murmured.
“This is Raven,” Kyrell explained simply. “He’s a wraith.”
Lynus, however, didn’t answer. Just stared wide-eyed at Raven. He appeared confused, startled, and just bewildered. It was highly likely that he didn’t know how to take the wraith before him. Didn’t understand what he was sensing.
“He has quite a presence,” Rhain said sympathetically.
“Y-yes,” Lynus finally stuttered as Raven rose from his hands and flapped back over to Rhain’s opening arms. “I’m…sorry, I don’t have much experience with wraiths.”
Rhain wrapped his hands around Raven and pulled it toward him, gently nuzzling his cheek against him. “Raven has protected me numerous times. He’s kind.”
Lynus continued to eye the wraith with a curious gaze. “I see,” he said simply.
“More puppies!”
Lindis immediately spun around and suddenly, he had a small brown-haired child in his arms. The child himself looked confused as to why he was suddenly not going anywhere, and that his feet was no longer touching the ground.
Shortly afterward, another appeared from the entrance of the large building at the end of the courtyard. He ran over to Lindis, who kept the child in his arms quite easily, even as the child began to wiggle and struggle. He stopped in front of Lindis and leaned forward to rest his hands on his knees, as he panted.
Oddly, he was another orange-haired medic. He looked strikingly similar to that of Lynus.
“Hah,” the orange-haired man wheezed. “T-thanks. He’s getting faster, I swear.”
Lindis simply smiled as he manoeuvred the kid in his arms, so that he was holding him under one arm. Carrying him much like one would with a heavy sack of potatoes.
“Hey, Remedy, you all right there?” Axel was the one to ask.
Remedy nodded his head as he continued to pant heavily as he rested against his knee. “Getting there.”
“This is Remedy and his nephew, Nathan,” Lynus quickly introduced. “We’re not related, though we’re both medics.”
Oh, ok. Somewhat like Salim and Andre, then? Unifamilial twins or doppelganger. Ah, didn’t matter.
“Anyway, let’s get you lot settled in,” Axel said as he looped an arm around Drayce’s neck and dragged him toward him. “After that, expect to meet a few characters.”
“Hah,” Drayce chuckled as he let Axel lead the way inside. “Looking forward to it.”
… … … … …
Whew. Axel wasn��t kidding when it said there were a lot of introductions to be had!
There had to be well over a hundred people living within the Sanctuary. Most of them explorers. Experienced explorers. With specialised skills. Investigators. Search and rescue experts. Researchers. Just guys who are generally helpful.
There were also those who weren’t explorers, but still supportive with their own skills. A builder of airships. A bar-keep who would garner up requests. An inn-keeper. Guildmasters. Even important figureheads were all on board.
They certainly had an interesting group of people on the expedition.
Drayce entered the dining hall and took a moment to glance around. He soon noticed that Zohar seemed to be speaking with a small group. He appeared to be the focus of attention, really. There wasn’t a sense of discomfort from him. In fact, the slight upturning of the corner of his mouth, there was a very slight sense of amusement.
“I hope I’m not being intrusive,” Simon started. “But I had heard that you have something called Wraiths that you use in battle, correct?”
“This is true,” Zohar answered simply. Soon after he said that, Drayce felt that chilling forewarning to Theodore.
Seemingly materialising out of thin air, Theodore dramatically appeared before Simon and those that stood with him. There was a notable gasp of surprise from the small group, and Drayce anticipated either yells of fright or someone lashing out to defend themselves. The usual reactions.
Theodore really needed to stop scaring people like that.
Varuna was the one to react first by lashing out his unarmed hand and…grabbing a handful of Theodore’s face.
“It’s so squishy,” Varuna unexpectedly stated in a slightly confused tone as he grabbed at Theodore with both hands, compressing him and decompressing him in an experimental manner.
As Varuna continued to inspect Theodore’s elasticity, Simon joined him readily with his own prodding and poking. “Interesting. Feels like soft rubber. Very adaptable.”
“Do you think it can bounce?” Flavio asked as he, too, gave a few cautionary but experimental pokes.
“I’m more interested to know if it’s resistant to fire~” Sigil grinned almost menacingly.
That…wasn’t the kind of responses Drayce had been expecting. But he was thrilled by them nonetheless. They all appeared to be cool guys. Perhaps researchers in their own right. Always good to have an interest in the unknown and unexpected.
The four men continued to chat quite excitedly to each other as they poked and prodded the white wraith in interest. Completely ignoring the fact that Theodore flailed about, his face in an expression of distress as he waved a surrendering and pleading arm in Zohar’s direction.
Pfft. Theodore was likely enjoying the attention in some way. He could easily get himself out of their grasp if necessary.
A few muffled chuckles urged Drayce to turned toward the sound and noted that another small group of explorers had gathered together close by. No doubt attempting to keep a close eye on the other group. Or simply observing their surroundings out of habit. Blayke was with them, too. Good to see!
“Man,” Bryce sigh aloud with an exasperated shake of his head. “Researchers.”
Next to Bryce, Axel gave a half chuckled. Though, there was a sense of self-loathing to it. “That’s a better response than mine.”
“What?” Kardos started with an amused tone to his voice. “Hauled off and punched it?”
Axel sighed. “In the face, no less.”
The corner of Blayke’s mouth twitched into a half smirk. “Into a wall. Left a crack, too.”
Bryce snorted, but it definitely had a sense of mirth to it. Kardos, however, released a laugh, and made no attempt to hide his amusement.
“To be fair, I’m pretty sure I would have, too,” he said.
Blayke’s expression darkened ever so slightly. “Little shit deserved to be punched in the face,” he muttered.
“Aw, man,” a new voice whined aloud. “Why does that thing get all the babes?”
Axel immediately honed in on the direction the voice originated from and his eyes narrowed fearsomely at none other than Agata. A ninja, apparently. Even with the high visibility orange vest. And Drayce had been…warned about him.
“Talking about someone needing a punch to the face…” Axel said, warningly.
Agata had obviously heard him as his head whipped around in Axel’s direction. And winced in a comically unnerved and frightening manner. He made no attempt to respond. He simply scurried away. In a right hurry.
And Axel watched him through narrow eyes until he was out of sight. Drayce had to chuckle. Protective guys were always good to have around. Fun to watch, too.
Turning his attention back to his surroundings, Drayce’s gaze found its way to his brother. It was a habit, really. Rhain sat with another who was confined to a wheelchair, Zydon. From what Drayce knew, he was under Lynus’ sole care. Which kinda indicated that his health was pretty…precarious.
He seemed to get along with Rhain, though. And the two had a group of healers gathered nearby, occasionally turning to ensure that the two were comfortable. Lynus, Isiah, Remedy, even Fiorello stood together to chat.
Azure, Lynus’ skittish but sweet apprentice, however seemed to gravitate toward Rhain. He sat on the edge of a chair next to him as they talked. He was very shy and quiet when Drayce was introduced to him, but it seemed that both Rhain and Zydon were able to get a few more words out of him.
And at the table closest to them sat Ramus. With him sat Highland Count, Quinn, and Seyfried. Though the older men appeared to be the ones who did most of the talking, they did engage with him. And Ramus appeared quite interested in what they had to say.
It was honestly good to see. So many different people in one place, getting along, working together as they travel to an unexplored island. They were all good people, too. Drayce could tell they were. Their professions, their eagerness to welcome new people, their willingness to be of help for others.
Moving to Maginia for an expedition was a big step. But Drayce wasn’t worried. In fact, he was absolutely certain that he had made the right choice.
He was looking forward to what they’ll encounter once they get to Lemuria. Together. As one large guild.
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paganinpurple · 5 years
A Feline’s Family - MariChat May 2019
I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.
Buy Me A Coffee?
Chapters (If there’s no link, it’s not written yet)
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10
11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20
21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31
Day 5- Cooking/Baking
“I knew you shouldn’t have let me help,” Chat whispered to Marinette as her mother placed the slightly lop-sided cake in the centre of the table.
For a first attempt at baking a layered cake, it wasn’t too bad. He had obviously put the layers together too heavily, and there were still some lumps in the icing from where the crumb coat had failed to hide that the buttercream and jam inside was desperately trying to escape. But it still stood on its own, and Marinette had taught him how to ice little golf clubs on top, even if they were a little messy. The letters spelling out, ‘Happy Birthday’ had been piped by Sabine, so they looked strangely elegant next to the rest.
But it was clearly kilometres from what they could have achieved without him.
He’d been so nervous all night about what Tom would think of such a disaster food stuff, that he’d snuck away early this morning to ensure he could be there to see for himself –and plead forgiveness if necessary.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Marinette hissed back, “Papa’s gonna love that you wanted to do something for him.”
“I hear whispering,” Tom said from his seat at the table, eyes clamped tight shut at Sabine’s earlier insistence, “Can I look yet?”
“Yes, now you can,” his wife answered, finishing lighting the candle on top quickly, “Happy Birthday, dear.”
Chat held his breath as Tom opened his eyes and took in the cake before him. He looked puzzled for a moment and Chat felt his heart drop from his chest to his stomach. But the look only appeared briefly before it slid from his face, leaving a delighted glow instead.
“It’s fantastic!”
The large man leant forward to blow out the candle, leaning further still when Sabine reached across to kiss him on the cheek. “We all made it. Together,” she said, very deliberate in how she stressed the word to include everyone standing round the table.
“I had a feeling.” Tom beamed and turned his face to address the boy beside him when he spoke again. “I’m so glad you took part, son. Did you enjoy it?”
Giving a nervous laugh and awkwardly scratching at the back of his neck, Chat considered the question. While the whole baking experience could have been considered enjoyable (he fondly remembered the fits of laughter he and Marinette had gotten themselves into when he’d kept getting cake batter all over his face) overall, he’d felt too stressed to fully relax. He wished he’d trusted the Cheng ladies when they’d insisted Tom preferred the hard work and intention that went into making something than some over-priced flashy present. Maybe he could convince them to let him help another time.
“It was good,” he said shyly, his forced bravado no longer something he felt was needed with these people, “I think if I hadn’t been worrying about messing it up so much, I would’ve liked it even more.”
“Hey, as long as it’s edible, it’s a success.”
The hand on his shoulder and the voice in his ear made his gaze stray from her father’s face for Marinette’s instead. She was smiling fondly at him, the reassurance he took from her appearing to take no extra thought on her part – as if it were simply built into her nature to be there for him.
“I’m not sure that’s the best business model for a bakery,” he snickered, “I hear presentation is key.”
“For customers maybe. But we don’t know them, so the way the food looks is all they have to go on. When it’s just us, we know care went into making it.”
“Do you have to go?” Marinette asked, walking beside Chat as he made his way downstairs to the front door, “You’ve barely been here an hour.”
“Sorry.” He grimaced at her words. “It’s a lot earlier than I usually sneak off. I’m frightened someone will notice this time.”
“You say that a lot,” she frowned, “That you sneak off.”
She watched his face for any sign of a reaction, but one didn’t seem to be forth coming when he suddenly became very interested in the last stair they had just stepped down. While she didn’t want to press the issue, she felt it was important for Chat’s self-esteem that he knew she wanted to be there for him, whatever he needed. She just wasn’t sure how to do it.
It was a strange thing, their new-found friendship on this side of her mask. She hadn’t expected him to be so interested in spending time with a random civilian girl he’d helped a bunch of times, but in hindsight now, she could see that Chat didn’t have a lot of positives in his home life.
As much as she liked to complain that her mama and papa were so involved in her life that they were embarrassing and knew too much, she knew that ultimately, they were amazing parents. They worried for her well-being whilst also giving her a lot of freedom to enjoy her young life – and even took an interest in what she liked and who she spent time with.
Chat had mentioned a few friends here and there, but she got the impression he never got much time to see them. Last night’s bombshell about not having a mother anymore, and the kind of person his dad was had made her realise just how much hurt her sweet Kitty must have been hiding the whole time she’d known him. Her heart ached when she thought about him going home to that every day.
“Hang on!”
Her dad’s hulking form came dashing around the corner at the top of the staircase and Marinette very nearly shrieked when he stumbled on his way down towards them. He took a moment to catch his breath before pressing a small cake box into Chat’s hands.
“A couple of slices of birthday cake,” he said in response to Chat’s blank look, “Take them home. Maybe…share one with your father?”
Ah, so her mama had spoken to him about her partner’s home life. It seemed they were just as concerned as she was.
“Oh, I couldn’t. It’s your birthday. I would-”
“You’re family, son. I insist.”
Chat’s mouth gaped and he took a few moments to remember how to form words, but when he did, it was with the largest grin she’d seen him wear in a while.
“Right. Thank you.”
As much as Adrien would have liked to just walk up to his father and offer him some of the cake he’d helped make, in reality he was borderline terrified of the questions that might lead to and he needed time to psyche himself up for them.
But he also didn’t want to let Tom down after the man had been so kind to him, so after a lengthy discussion with Plagg he had decided to leave a slice of cake in the box, along with a brief note saying he hadn’t wanted to disturb his father. Hopefully, he would be more prepared by the time the man found time to ask him about it.
A quick check by Plagg to make sure the coast was clear, and Adrien had stolen away into his father’s empty office. He left Plagg to listen for anyone making their way towards him as he placed the cake on the desk, but he had barely taken two steps away from the kwami when they both straightened at the sound of voices coming towards them.
Panicking, he grabbed Plagg and ducked down under Nathalie’s desk – figuring that if she was the one to find him, she’d be the more understanding and possibly keep quiet until he had managed to wiggle his way out of this. He waited with baited breath as the voices drew closer and it was only as the door was opening that he registered that while one of the two was certainly Gabriel Agreste, the other was unfamiliar to him.
“-just think there are better ways, Master.”
“I have told you time and time again, Nooroo. I am in charge here and I know what is in my family’s best interests. Now you will keep quiet until we are safely in the butterfly chamber – at which point you will be transforming me and therefore still silent.”
Unable to believe what his own ears were hearing, Adrien carefully lifted his head above the desk slowly until his wide eyes could make out his father, standing by his mother’s painting with his back to him.
As well as the small purple kwami floating beside his shoulder.
“Yes, Master,” the little being said sadly before flying into the suit jacket Gabriel was holding open for him. Unable to do anything more than stare in horror, the boy watched as his father pressed his hands against the painting before disappearing into the floor beneath it.
Buy Me A Coffee?
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