#like Lucy wants him to jump off a cliff? yeah no questions asked
jesslockwood · 1 year
Anthony Lockwood is not just a people pleaser, he’s a Lucy Carlyle pleaser.
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sinner-sunflower · 5 months
P.2 HH Lucifer-centric AU 17/?
STORY 1, PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 14.5, PART 15, PART 16, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22, PART 23, PART 24, PART 25, PART 26
I live!
I can finally post this chapter 😭😭😭
Before anyone could react, Lucifer flashes his eyes with a chilling intensity. Time itself stopped, as if the universe held its breath.
The now sinner wasn't even the least bit surprised; in fact, he didn't even tried to hide his annoyance.
Adam: Ugh. I hate it when you do that. I'm surprised Sera never questioned why our meetings were so short-
The sudden impact to Adam's chest silenced him mid-sentence. One moment he was speaking, the next he was on his back with the King of Hell straddling him. He loves seeing Lucifer furious, but only when he knows the other can't kill him as long as he's an angel of Heaven.
Can't not won't because he's pretty sure Lucifer will kill him if given the chance.
He doesn't know if he should be grateful of the fact that Lucifer didn't kill him in the last extermination.
Lucifer: How are you here?
Lucifer spoke with fire, lightly singeing Adam's face as he asked, no, demanded an answer.
Adam: U-Fuck! I don't know man! Get off du- Hey! Stop that! Hands off the merchandise!
Adam yelled as Lucifer ripped open his clothes, revealing a white scar right in the middle of the first man's chest.
Lucifer: Talk.
The other gulped. Adam had never been afraid of Lucifer not back then and especially not now. But he does value his life, so.
Adam: Man, I told you. I. Don't. Know. One minute I was dyin' on your gross floor and then next poof I woke up on the edge of some fucking cliff looking like one of you disgusting freaks. You have no idea how much of a bitch it was to walk from there to this stupid city. I kept dying from random shit and then I spawn back to that cliff!
Lucifer: What cliff?
Adam: Dude, do I look like a cliff expert? Just some random one with a weird lookin' mountain over-
Lucifer: Which direction!
Adam: -South! God, chill.
The Sin of Pride doesn't need a map to know what Adam is now talking about. He may be a recluse but he knows Hell like the back of his hand.
Lucifer: Mount Sinai…
Adam: Uh what?
Lucifer: Mount Sinai, principal site of divine revelation.
Adam: Huh? Isn't that where that Moses dude got the 10 rules-
Lucifer: Commandments.
Adam: -from your daddy?
Lucifer: First of all, don't call The Almighty "daddy". Second, yes. Most significant landscapes that form on Earth reflect here. Even the one where Satan tested Prince of Heaven.
Adam purposely yawns obnoxiously.
Adam: Boringggg. What does that mountain got to do with me?
Lucifer: Maybe it's telling you that you're now a disgusting freak like us cause you're too stupid to realize.
Adam: Fuck you.
Lucifer: No thanks.
To that, the turned sinner quirked an eyebrow and gave a little smirk.
Adam: Oh really? Cause you're not getting off me any time soon. Unless… You want the whole Eden package, Luci?
Lucifer's face spoke volumes, each expression a testament to his thoughts on the matter at hand. Adam, catching the subtle disdain in Lucifer's gaze, felt a twinge of offense directed at his pride. After all they'd been through??! It's like the guy doesn't even know him.
Adam: Rude ass bitch. Fuckin' get off then before one of us does a different kind of getting off.
The King jumped back as if he'd been scorched, hissing his disdain for the man before him.
Adam: You act like I wanted to come here. Down here is just... ugh. I want to go back up there, thank you very much. This place looks even tackier than last time, by the way. I even went to the damn embassy.
Lucifer chose to ignore the jab about the hotel.
Lucifer: Let me guess, you forgot the ban on any sinner soul to enter?
Adam: Who even thought of that?!
Lucifer: You did, dumbass.
Adam: Yeah- well- I still say it's your fault! Now go there and contact Sera for me. How are you still here anyway? Shouldn't Heaven be punishing you for killing their totally fuckable first man?
Lucifer: Fatherdamnit, why did your ego not die with your divinity? And to answer your question, Heaven hasn't contacted us ever since the battle.
Adam: What?! Why??? I'm THE fucking first man! Maybe they're preparing for a war to kill all you fuckers.
Lucifer: They're preparing for a war alright.
Lucifer didn't mean to say that but thankfully Adam's habit of selective hearing whenever he speaks hasn't changed.
Adam: What was that?
Lucifer: I said maybe you're just that insignificant to them.
Adam: Just like you? Also, why the fuck do you look like that?
The King tilts his head to the side, a calculated gesture meant to convey innocence.
Lucifer: Like what?
Adam: Like that!
Lucifer: What do you mean? I've always looked like this.
Adam: Uhhh no. I've known you for literally all my life and after. I think I would've made fun of you more if you looked like an emo clown since the beginning.
Lucifer: How would you know what an emo is?
Adam: Bruh, have you seen my lieutenant?
He had but he doesn't think she's emo. Charlie had an emo phase and that just became his basis on what that word means. An idea struck him, and he pondered sharing some old photos of Charlie to Vaggie...
His contemplation was interrupted by Adam's whistle, pulling him back to the present moment.
Adam: Helloooooooo. Earth to Lucifer. I'm still here you know and I know that you don't want me here as much as I do.
Adam is right.
Though the first man's presence grated on him, and the fact that he wants nothing more than to send him back to Heaven, he knew it was a futile endeavor.
There is no way they're going to take him back because, for one, whether they like it or not, the guy is a demon now.
He could try Sera but she hasn't contacted him since the last extermination-that-wasn't and Michael did mention "taking care" of her so that's out of the question.
Seeing as there is no other solution, he resigned himself to handling the situation as every other demon had.
Lucifer: Let's make a deal then.
Adam: Psh! A deal with the literal Devil? You think I'm some kind of moron?
Lucifer: .... Maybe.
Adam: Fuck you!
Lucifer: Yeah yeah. You keep saying that. So?
Adam must have deduced that this was Lucifer's way of saying"what other choice do you have?" and just groans in resignation.
Adam: Just lay it on me.
Lucifer: You be my personal assistant.
His reply came as quick as the offer.
Adam: No.
Lucifer: No?
Adam: Yeah fuck that. I'm not gonna be your servant.
Lucifer: I'm fine with leaving you on the streets, you know. But how do you think the demons out there will react once they discover that you're a former angel? The head of the exorcists at that. And trust me, we will let them know.
Adam: Yeah- well- The hotel! I'm pretty sure your dear princess won't turn me away if I say that I'm here for this redemption bullshit.
Lucifer: Oh! That's great then! I'm sure Nifty won't have a problem having another helping knife- I mean, hand around.
Lucifer, for his part, harbored no illusions about allowing the man near his daughter, but he found a certain amusement in Adam's discomfort, especially with Nifty.
The prospect of Adam's paranoia amuses him greatly that he allowed himself a faint chuckle.
Adam's eyes flick towards the gremlin cyclops. HDespite his attempts to rationalize away his fear, he couldn't shake the sensation of impending danger of being killed. Again. He lets out an involuntary shiver.
Weighing the pros and cons, he eventually decides that his life is more important than his pride.
Adam: Fiiiiiiiiiiiineee. I'll be your fuckin' errand boy.
Lucifer: Great! And another thing. Keep the innuendos to a zero. Especially around my daughter.
Adam: Come on. Don't tell me you don't love it!
Lucifer: I really don't.
Adam: Anyone would be lucky to have a taste of this majestic dick, yaknow.
Lucifer: Yeahhhhhh, still no.
Adam: I heard you can change into a girl.
A snap.
Adam: So, just let me fuck you once and I promise you'll never want another dick agai-
As the static noise filled the room, Adam found himself the target of collective anger and simmering hostility from the others. His ill-considered words had ignited a storm of rage, each member of the gathering consumed by thoughts of murder.
Adam was the only one physically affected, his ears covered in a futile attempt to shield himself from the overwhelming static.
Alastor: I suggest you watch what you say next, first man.
Sensing the danger he's in, Adam stood up and pointed an accusatory finger at Lucifer. Well, he tried to but he got pinned back to the ground by sets of multiple hands.
Adam: You set me up!
Lucifer: Dunno what you're talkin' about, buddy.
Charlie: Dad, what's going on? What do we do with Adam?
Lucifer: Don't worry about him, sweetie. He'll be staying at the palace doing my paperwork like a good assistant-
Adam: -Ugh! I hate doing paperwork!
Lucifer: -until we can figure out why he's here.
Charlie: I don't know, dad...
Lucifer: Trust me. You don't want him here.
The silent exchange between father and daughter carried a weight of unspoken understanding. After a while, Charlie gave her dad a reluctant but genuine expression of trust. Her acknowledgment broke the tension, softening the atmosphere between them.
Charlie: Okay. I trust you.
However, their moment was interrupted by the clearing of a throat, drawing their attention back to the chaotic scene unfolding before them. Adam is now suspended upside down by the irate Sins and Alastor.
Adam: So uh, can you tell your simps to put me down now?
So! I'm back.
I didn't really plan for Adam to be part of the hotel right now. We'll still get to see him but he'll just be at the palace.
With Lute and Heaven not knowing that Adam isn't dead but just fallen and Hell not knowing that Sir Pentious has been redeemed.... who knows what will happen?
Hope this chapter was worth the wait ;;
And yes that is a Jesus mention.
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Book Four: War (Gladiolus x Reader) Chapter Ten
From the ledge with the campsite, the path ahead is a ramp running up the face of the cliffside. It appears to be made of wood that has long-since rotted, but is able to still support their weight. Using the wooden ramps, they ascended the cliffside. While proceeding up the ramps, Gladio questioned the marshal. "How long has it been since you undertook the Trial? Thirty years or so?"
"Give or take. I was a lot younger than you are-and far less experienced. It's a wonder I even made it out alive," Cor said.
"This place look familiar to you?"
"Vaguely. The younger me had little mind for taking in the sights."
Before long, Gladio, (Y/n), and Cor reach additional wooden pathways, which they follow to a stone path along the cliffside. From there, they reach the entrance to another cavern within the cliff wall. However, the path was blocked by a flock of wyverns and a few bulettes. The marshal and War readied their weapons, leaping into battle.
The Horseman noticed the shield had yet to summon his greatsword and went to question him, but she watched in stunned silence as he walked over to a destroyed cement pillar and picked it up. She lowered her blade the moment Gladio swung the cement column at the bulette she was fighting against. She shook her head with a sigh. "Show off..."
"Heard that," Gladio chortled slightly, going after another cement column.
After disposing of the creatures, the trio proceed into the cavern. Not far into the cave, they came across another talisman and a wall similar to the one from earlier. Gladio recognized the layout. "Another trial chamber."
"And another chance for the warriors to impart their wisdom," Cor added. "It won't come easy, though-you'll have to earn it."
(Y/n) shrugged her shoulders. "Eh, I'm sure you can handle whatever's inside. Just make sure you come back in one piece."
"You worried about me, firecracker?" Gladio asked with a smug expression.
She folded her arms across her chest with a glower. "Just get your ass moving..."
Gladio knew it was still difficult for the Horseman to speak her true feelings and opted to drop the subject. He proceeds to the new trial chamber in the same manner as the previous one, leaving Cor and (Y/n) behind. The two watched the shield cross a stone bridge spanning the divide of the Taelpar Crag. Once taking a few steps onto the bridge, they noticed a fiery winged creature target him.
Cor watched closely as the enkidu targeted Gladio. (Y/n) did the same, but her attention was drawn away from the fight when they heard the voices of souls echo around them.
"How many moons has it been?" One soul asked.
"Since our last visitor? Far more than I can count," another soul replied.
"Let us see how our latest challenger will fare."
War's attention was drawn away from the fight when she sensed an all-too-familiar presence nearby. She looked around, trying to locate the only being that reeked of rotting flesh. She remained where she stood, knowing she couldn't enter the trial chamber until Gladio dealt with the enkidu. She didn't want to risk him losing his chance to obtain the power he desperately seeks.
Cor noticed her tense form and grave expression. Unlike her, he couldn't sense the dullahan's presence or smell the foul odor it emitted. "What seems to be the problem?"
"The dullahan..." She looked around the area. "It's nearby." Remaining where she was, she continued to search for the monster while Gladio fought his own battle.
Eventually, Gladio defeats the enkidu and proceeds across the bridge. He climbs through a fissure in the cliff wall to enter a stone chamber housing the next power shrine. Akin in design to the first, Gladio proceeds to acquire the power within the second shrine.
"Venture forth, Young Warrior, bearing our hopes and dreams," a soul said, addressing the brute. The shrine vanishes in the same fashion as the first, and the wall beyond it likewise splits and slides open as before. "Look ahead, for the Shield of the King must safeguard our future."
"Leave it to me," Gladio replied.
Cor and (Y/n) rejoin him and they proceed on ahead, battling more spirits dwelling in Taelpar Crag. During their fight, another soul spoke to the shield. "The skills shared by these souls have been passed down for generations. The Shield of the King would do well to put them to good use."
Moving forward, they reached a dead end. More souls appeared, standing against the trio. They struggled against the barrage of enemies, combining their attacks to take them down.
After defeating all the enemies in the room, an exit back to the cliffside is revealed as part of the wall splits and slides open. Before they continued down the path, Gladio glanced at the Horseman. "You're tenser than usual. What's the problem?"
(Y/n) was silent for a few seconds before answering. "The dullahan's somewhere in the area. I never expected it to be down here since no humans live here."
"Can you think of any other reason why it would be down here?" Cor questioned.
"I can think of a couple. One possibility is this is where it's hidden its head. The other is it wishes to harvest the power dwelling here."
"And how would it do that?" Gladio inquired.
"By consuming Gilgamesh."
"Impossible," the marshal denied.
"It may be, but that won't stop it from trying."
"And what if it succeeds?" The shield wondered.
"It'll be even more of a pain in the ass to defeat," she sighed. "Worst case, it will be my downfall."
"Then we better stop it before it reaches Gilgamesh."
The group makes their way down the path and step out onto a ledge within the gorge. Locating a wooden ramp leading around the cliffside, another soul speaks to Gladio. "Thousands set foot on these grounds, all of them fools unprepared for the dangers lurking within. They all meet with the same fate-as will you."
"I don't think so," Gladio retorts.
"Think what you may, but I know otherwise. The Lucis you call home is nothing like the Lucis I once served. Your age has forgotten the horrors of war, coddled by the king and drunk off the complacency of peace. No Shield worthy of defending the True King could be born from such depravity."
"Thanks for the vote of confidence," he remarked sarcastically.
"Look at the bright side: everyone loves an underdog," Cor said.
The trio proceed across the wooden path, then down another series of wooden ramps, eventually coming to a second stone bridge spanning the chasm. Several large creatures are on the bridge, one being a bandersnatch.
Gladio summoned his greatsword. "Aww. A warm welcome, just for me."
(Y/n) conjured her sword and set her sights on the bandersnatch. Gladio and Cor dealt with the other enemies before helping the Horseman. With their combined strengths, they were able to handle the immense beast.
With the bridge now clear, they could proceed forth. However, the redhead froze when the rancid odor of the dullahan was much stronger than before. The moment she turned around, she spotted the monster as it rode across the bridge. She quickly summoned her crimson-bladed sword, but she was shocked when it rode past her. It was targeting Gladio.
Acting quickly, she tossed her blade and warped, appearing right next to the shield. Using her entire body, she pushed him out of harm's way just as the dullahan used its whip. She swung her sword, deflecting it before it could wrap around her neck. While the dullahan retracted its whip, (Y/n) addresses her companions. "I'll keep it occupied. Go on ahead without me."
"No way in hell you're facing that thing by yourself," Gladio hissed. "Remember what happened last time?"
"I won't let this thing be the reason you fail the trials," she snapped back. "Get moving, Gladio."
Before the shield could retort, Cor spoke up. "Your fight is elsewhere, Gladio. Remember why you're here."
"I know why I'm here," he snarled.
"Then don't get sidetracked."
Just then, the dullahan charged toward Gladio a second time. It used its whip to try and decapitate him, but (Y/n) jumped in front of him. The whip impaled her in the abdomen, causing her to shriek out in pain. She grabbed the spine whip with gritted teeth and used all her strength to yank the monster off its horse. Unfortunately, her actions not only caused it to fall off its steed but also the bridge.
Because of the whip's sharp tip lodged through her gut, she was dragged off the bridge alongside the dullahan. She heard Gladio shout her name as she plummeted deeper into Taelpar Crag. She removed the whip from her abdomen, kicking the dullahan in the chest at the same time. Using her armiger, she attacked the monster and managed to pin it to the cliffside with numerous of swords and javelins. Using a few more weapons, she made sure it couldn't move a muscle. Knowing she couldn't kill it without its head, she could only keep it trapped for a short time.
Detecting the summoning orb in Gladio's possession, (Y/n) dispelled the armiger and teleported. The dullahan screeched out as her body vanished, its cry echoing throughout Taelpar Crag.
Teleporting to the campsite located at the Steps of Solace, the Horseman pressed a hand against her bleeding abdomen. Gladio rushes to her aid when noticing the blood seeping through her fingers. He offered her one of the potions he found earlier, but she pushed it away. "No, keep it. You might need it later."
"I can spare one," he said. Crushing the bottle, he watched as her body radiated with a pale green light. He looked down at her wound and saw it was healed. "How're you feeling?"
"Fine. Thanks," she stated.
Cor stood up and approached the two. "It seems you were right, War. The dullahan is after power."
"Not surprised. Since Gilgamesh is a more difficult target to deal with, its decided to go after Gladio," (Y/n) explained. "But I've managed to get it off our trail for a short while."
"If that's the case, we should get moving."
Gladio placed a hand on the girl's back. "You ready?"
She nodded. "Yeah. Let's go."
From the campsite, Gladio, (Y/n), and Cor enter another cavern passageway within the cliff face. Deeper into the cavern, they heard the soul's voice again. "He who protects the king...must boast muscle and mettle, both finely tempered. Should he lack either, the Shield will shatter."
Shortly thereafter, the trio came to a wall upon which a demon-like entity manifests. Known as an inannaduru, it was accompanied by soul of fortitude enemies. Cor and (Y/n) focused their efforts on the smaller enemies while Gladio targeted the inannaduru.
Within minutes, all the adversaries were dead. Once the inannaduru is defeated, its body discorporated and the wall it had been bonded to shatters. "The penultimate trial awaits. Prove to them you're prepared to serve as the Shield of the Chosen King," Cor said.
Soon thereafter, the trio locate the next trial chamber. Gladio unseals the third trial chamber and enters. Like with the previous chambers, (Y/n) and Cor remained behind. The redhead crouched down, feeling slightly weak from the blood loss earlier. The marshal noticed her slightly pale complexion. "So that was the dullahan you mentioned. Never have I've seen such a creature."
"I would be more surprised if you had. Dullahans are only found in the Inner Sanctum. They're a pain in the ass to deal with. Luckily, only one escaped," she said. "Let's just hope Gladio finishes with these trials before it breaks free."
"You think Gladio couldn't handle the dullahan himself?"
"If he survives the encounter with Gilgamesh, I'm sure he could. But for now, I refuse to let any mortal face that monster even with me at their side."
Cor stared into her (e/c) eyes. "Now I understand."
Her brows knitted together. "You understand what?"
"It's not that you don't trust mortals. You don't trust yourself to protect them when in fact you have the power to do so. Why's that?"
She sorrowfully looked away. "I, myself, couldn't protect my own people. Truth be told, my hands are tainted with the blood of the innocent and I no longer trust myself to protect anyone. What right do I have to protect someone with my bloodied past?"
"You learn from the mistakes you made in the past. It's how one grows and changes. From what I can tell, you have changed which means you've learned from some of your mistakes. Keep that up and you'll be able to trust yourself once again."
She lifted her head. "Have you been talking to my sisters?"
"Not recently," Cor answered.
"I see..."
"Why do you ask?"
"Nothing in particular."
Once Gladio completed the third trial, Cor and (Y/n) rejoined him just in time to see the wall located behind the shrine split and slide open. "Nice work," Cor complimented. "Maybe you've got what it takes after all."
"Maybe, but it ain't for you or me to decide," Gladio responded.
"True-and the Blademaster is a more formidable foe than any you've faced thus far."
Venturing through the new opening, the group finds another campsite. (Y/n) held out her hand, igniting the wood that was located in the campfire. While Gladio and Cor rested, she ventured a little ways away from the campsite. Sniffing the air, she could no longer smell the dullahan's presence. She wondered if it had escaped, knowing it wouldn't be able to gain the power it seeks, or if it was waiting to ambush them later on.
After spending some time prowling the area, she returned to the campsite to see Gladio and Cor were ready to move on. They made their way down another series of wooden ramps and heard more souls talking to Gladio. "Come here to die, have you?"
"You looking to die again?" The shield sneered confidently.
"You amuse but do not impress. You lack his conviction," the soul said.
"He who traversed these caves some thirty years ago. Turning a deaf ear to our wails and wishes, he proceeded unfazed, eyes ever forward. Yet he proved powerless before the general, cast out in defeat. If even he could not succeed, I see no hope for you."
"That guy must've left quite an impression...when he landed flat on his face," Cor said.
"Even the most graceful have small hiccups here and there," (Y/n) stated.
"Indeed, they do."
Making their way down to yet one more ledge, Gladio, War, and Cor soon find themselves at a sealed wall in the cliff face. Unlike previous trial chambers, this one is sealed with rock growth. The marshal stands before the wall and raises his katana. He unsheathes the blade slightly and the rock growth barring the entrance dissipates. Cor sheathes his katana once more and lowers the weapon. He speaks to Gladio without turning to look at him. "Clarus would've tried to stop you, you know-just like he tried to stop me all those years ago."
"How come?" He inquired.
"Because one aspiring to the role of King's Shield can stake his life for none but his liege-not even for himself." The marshal turns to face the brute. ""Do you dare risk all for naught in return?" His words stayed with me. And he was right: I barely made it back with nothing to show for it."
"So, you gonna stop me?"
Cor shook his head. "No, I won't. But I will warn you one last time of the danger you're about to face-just like your father warned me. Once you set foot through that door, there's no turning back-and no one to help you if you fall. One false step, and it may prove your last."
Gladio takes a couple of steps forward. "I'll be fine. Maybe I'll come back with a souvenir." He then turns towards (Y/n). "You're unusually quiet, firecracker. You worried about me?"
"I'm a pretty good actor, you know. Pay me a thousand gil and I'll pretend to be worried about you," she retorts with a grin. It then morphed into a gentle smile, which was a rare sight to behold. She strolled up to him and playfully punched his arm. "In all seriousness, I know you'll be fine. You made it this far. I know you can do this."
Gladio smiled back at her. He placed his hand on top of her head. "Y'know, you should smile more often. It really does make you a hundred more times beautiful."
War was taken aback at the compliment. Although caught off guard, she couldn't help but laugh. "You're seriously flirting at a time like this?"
"I call it "telling the truth," not flirting."
"Uh-huh, sure." The Horseman places her hand on his bare chest, providing him with one last healing incantation. "You've quite the adversary ahead. It'd be rude to keep him waiting."
"Thanks for the healing." Gladio removes his hand from her head. "Wait for me, (Y/n)."
"I'll be right here when you come back."
With one final smile, Gladio enters the chamber to face Gilgamesh. "Just come back alive. Be safe, Gladio," Cor said before the shield was gone.
Even when Gladio was out of sight, War kept her gaze focused in the direction he vanished. "He will, Marshal."
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secret-engima · 5 years
Snippet of Nox (pt 1)
(Another time-travel AU except this time it’s totally accidental on Noctis’s part. Noctis winds up looking like a thirteen year old in a time where his past self still exists and is only six so now everyone he meets who has seen Regis when he was young is convinced that “Nox” is Regis’s oops baby. And oh yeah, Ardyn is along for the ride because the afterlife was boring and life as the Uncle to the kid who’s going to rewrite history sounded much more fun. Cid, despite being oblivious to the time-travel, needs a drink. Or a paycheck. Because seriously he’s getting too old to deal with Lucis Caelum Weirdness™. Tagging @wolfsrainrules even though you’ve seen this before I think. Tentatively tagging @sparklecryptid because this is the story the adopted Axis-as-Clarus’s kid idea will be showing up in so you might find it interesting.)
     It started with reports of Niflheim bases in Lucis suddenly going up in flames one by one, all torn apart as if by some contained natural disaster. Theories dotted the news reports and images of the destruction consumed the news channels. But none of that really mattered to Cid anymore. He had retired from the war, from worrying about the war, years ago —and maybe if he told himself that enough he’d stop caring, stop looking toward Insomnia and wondering—. So he did his best to keep his ear to the ground for news of trouble coming his way, but otherwise ignored the theories and the rumors —wrath of the Astrals, new Nif super weapon gone wrong, a new weapon from Lucis—. It wasn’t his business anymore. Wasn’t his problem.
     But that’s what he’d said to himself the first time an idiot prince and his entourage had wheezed in, pushing the beautiful car they had so badly mistreated into his tiny, then-unknown gas and repair station. So really, he should have expected life to laugh in his face and drop trouble right in his lap in the form of a too-thin teenager skulking around Takka’s place looking to grab some Hunts, his cheeks just a touch too hollow to be healthy. Cid took one look at the sharp blue eyes the same color as armiger magic, the shaggy black hair tied back in a sloppy tail, the high cheekbones and long fingers —more like a piano player’s than a fighter’s, meant for more delicate work than carving up monsters— fiddling with the tattered hem of his shirt and swore.
     He’d always warned Reggie that his “nights out”, however infrequent they were, would someday come back to bite. He just hadn’t expected it to come bite Cid first —he should have though, should have known better than to think that Reggie’s mishaps wouldn’t spill over into Cid’s life, not since that first time he’d realized that if they’d need a mechanic to come along if they were ever going to survive to Altissia—.
     The boy startled at the sound of Cid’s cursing, backed away with a flicker of borderline panic on his face, like he was ready to bolt the moment Cid did anything more than curse and Cid’s tirade trailed off with a sigh. He looked the fidgeting kid up and down and struggled not to curse again. The kid’s clothes were too large on his frame, once high quality but now worn and so scruffy they’d probably come out of a giveaway bin, he had a pair of battered kukri with coeurl teeth dangling from them strapped to the small of his back as his only weapons, and he was definitely too small to be wandering around on his own. Cid wouldn’t peg the boy’s age over fifteen. Probably thirteen, if he was being optimistic about the kid’s weight and health.
     Cid rubbed a hand over his face, aware that the kid was about five seconds from bolting, and grumbled, “Settle down, boy. Ah don’t bite.”
     The boy stilled, but his shoulders were still rigid. Cid lowered his hand and came to a snap decision, “Ah ain’t gonna ask where yer parents are or why yer looking to get yer fool self killed takin’ on Hunts. But Ah do want to know yer name.”
     Blue eyes assessed him for some kind of trap, wild and wary in a way that made the father and grandfather in Cid’s heart hurt, “…Nox.”
     Cid narrowed his eyes, “No last names where ya come from, boy?” The question might be too much, the boy might bolt rather than answer, but assuming the boy still used his mother’s name … Cid needed to know which of Regis’s “nights out” had created this situation.
     A look of blank surprise and panic flickered over the boy’s face and the floor suddenly seemed very interesting to the kid, “Uh… It’s-, I-,” the boy glanced up at him in search of mercy, Cid just raised an eyebrow and channeled every ounce of stern parental impatience he’d learned from raising Mid —and Cor and Clarus and Regis for all the idiots would deny it—. The kid crumbled under his look, “Izunia,” the boy blurted, “It’s Izunia.” Takka made a strangled noise and a moment later the kid looked like he’d just admitted to the mass murder of puppies. Cid suddenly felt very glad that the place was empty save for himself and Takka at this hour of the morning. Because of course it would be Izunia. Of course it would. Of course Reggie had somehow found an unknown relative of the Chancellor of Niflheim to have a fling with. Because it had to have been an actual relative, the kid wouldn’t look like he wanted to gag himself and jump off a cliff if it was just a coincidence.
     Cid needed a drink.
     But first, he need to keep Reggie’s kid from running off into the wilderness like a scared chocobo, “Ya came here lookin’ for work, boy?”
     The kid paused in his frantic inching for the exit, no doubt startled by the question rather than profanities and accusations, “Um… yes. A- I came to pick up a Hunt.”
     Cid snorted, “With those scrawny arms of yers? Ya’d be a toothpick for the first thing ya came across that was bigger than a rat.” Panic faded in favor of an insulted expression and Cid waved the kid toward the back door, “Come with me, Ah could use an extra pair of hands in the garage.”
     Cid took several steps toward the door, then looked over his shoulder at where Nox was still standing with a baffled expression, “Well? Ya want work or not?”
     “…I’m not much of a mechanic.”
     Cid snorted, “Don’t have to be. Ya just gotta lift stuff and put it down where Ah tell ya. Maybe sweep out garage too, if ya think ya can handle a broom.”
     After a long moment of incredulous staring, the too-small boy with Reggie’s features and the Niflheim Chancellor’s last name shuffled after him.
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maaaddiexo · 4 years
Chapter Six | Peter Pevensie
[Red Series Book Two: Ribbons]
Rosemary returned to England to find things just how she left them - her father and brother missing and her mother drinking in her bedroom. But Rosemary wasn't going to give up this time. She took charge of her family as the Pevensies took charge of a country. 
But it's been a year since all five of them returned to England, and when they are called back by Susan's magic horn, they return to a completely different Narnia. Magic has been dormant for centuries and men now rule Narnia but with brute force and terror. 
The Pevensies know why they've been called back to Narnia but Rosemary is once again left in the dark. And with Aslan making himself sparse, the five kids are left to their own devices to answer their own questions.
Do they trust the exiled prince? Can they save Narnia again, and this time without Aslan swooping in to save them? And in Rosemary's case, why was she called back?
[Chapter Seven] [Series Masterlist] [Masterlist]
The next morning when Rosemary woke up, the morning sun was being blocked a familiar face. The sun on his golden hair made it look like he was wearing a halo and Rosemary noted that Peter wouldn't be half bad as an angel.
She groaned, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "What time is it?"
Peter smirked, tapping her nose. "Morning, Rosie. Wake up fast. We've got to get moving as soon as possible."
Rosie? Rosemary stumbled to her feet, blinking away the darkness that fought to bring her back down to the dirt. The fire had gone out sometime in the early hours of the morning, still smoking a little bit. Susan and Lucy were tying their capes back around their necks and Edmund was ruffling from his hair.
"Where's Trumpkin?" Rosemary shook her skirt from side to side, watching the dirt fly off.
"Behind you. Here." He dumped a handful of berries and nuts into Rosemary's cupped hands. "Let's move."
Rosemary ate on the way. The berries and nuts didn't make much more than a mouthful but Rosemary swallowed any complaints she had along with the nuts and berries. She didn't recognize some and assumed they were native to Narnia. She just hoped Trumpkin wasn't poisoning them.
"Where are we going?" Rosemary asked Peter as he helped her over a fallen tree. He helped his sisters over the same tree as he spoke.
"The Shuddering Woods. That's where Trumpkin last saw Prince Caspian. Apparently a lot of Narnians are also in hiding near there." Rosemary nodded and silently followed after Peter. He continued to head north but his eyes wandered everywhere: the trees, the sky, the dirt. Everything seemed unfamiliar to him. This was once his home and now it was barely recognizeable.
"I don't remember this way," Susan recalled, following behind Peter.
"That's the problem with girls - can't carry a map in your heads."
"That's because our heads have something in them," Lucy retaliated. Rosemary giggled at the sibling banter.
"Who's side are you on?" Peter glanced at Rosemary over his shoulder.
"Don't bring me into this. I don't get in the middle of sibling fights that aren't mine."
Peter rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. He continued to lead the group between large boulders and tall trees. Rosemary had never been outside of England, but she was sure there was nothing like this anywhere on earth. Even without magic making itself known, Narnia had a mystical and enchanting quality about it.
They came to a fork in the rocky tunnels and Peter stopped. "I'm not lost," he assured himself, looking around. He was sure he wasn't lost, but this didn't seem familiar it all.
"You're just going the wrong way," Trumpkin said. The entire journey they'd been arguing about who would lead the way. Peter had won, but not without resistance from the dwarf.
"You last saw Caspian at the Shuddering Woods," Peter reiterates. "The quickest way there is to cross at the River Rush."
"But unless I'm mistaken, there is no crossing in these parts."
"That explains it, then. You're mistaken." Peter's tone suggested no room for argument.
Rosemary frowned deeply. She had never seen Peter so angry and argumentative. When she looked back, Susan didn't seem surprised at all; all Rosemary saw was disappointment. Lucy appeared to be looking at someone she didn't recognize. Apparently, the short temper was new. Rosemary placed a hand on Peter's bicep. "Relax, Peter. It's been a thousand years since you left. The land may have changed."
Peter couldn't find it in him to argue with Rosemary. He simply turned away from her and continued walking. Rosemary's hand dropped, slapping against her thigh.
"Don't take it personally," Susan said, catching up to Rosemary. "He's been like this pretty much since we returned to England."
"What happened?" What changed?
"People stopped treating him like an adult. We ruled for fifteen years before we found the lampost and walked back through the wardrobe. Not a second had passed in England, but Peter was thirty years old one second and fifteen the next. It's been hard for him to readjust. He's pushed us away and he gets in fights a lot with other kids - argues whenever he can. He got in one right before we came here. Punched a boy because they insulted him.
"I don't think he misses being an adult - just being treated like one. Especially with the war going on back home and Peter unable to do anything to help. He led so many battles in those fifteen years and all of a sudden he was being sidelined."
"That is a big change."
"And not being able to see you probably didn't help. The fifteen years were different - we were in different worlds and he was never mad that you left. But I think when we went back, Peter assumed he'd be able to see you all the time like we had here. And that couldn't happen."
"I'm so stupid." Rosemary tangled her fingers in her hair, shaking her head. She hadn't thought about how upset Peter and his siblings would be over not seeing her. It had only been a year for her but sixteen for them.
"Not at all! Rosemary, he understood why you couldn't leave your farm. Your reasons were valid, but that was another shock to Peter that he couldn't get used to."
Rosemary looked ahead as Peter walked in front of the group. Alone. How long had he felt alone? She smiled at Susan. "Thanks."
Rosemary had to lift her skirts and speed up to catch up with Peter and when she did, she huffed, signalling her presence. When Peter didn't say anything to her, she knew he was mad at her. She would have preferred he say something so that she knew what he was feeling but it appeared he was now keeping his thoughts to himself. "You know I'm on your side, right?"
"Are you?"
"Don't say that. You know I am. I wouldn't have given you the ring if I wasn't. But just because I'm on your side doesn't mean I'm going to blindly follow your every command - that's why the White Witch lost, remember? I'll always be on your side, Peter, but that doesn't mean I won't tell you when you're wrong."
"It seemed like you took Trumpkin's side back then."
"I just wanted you to see things from his perspective. It's been a long time since we were here last. The land could have changed with time. The River Rush may have once been the fastest way to get to the Shuddering Woods, but maybe it isn't anymore. Things have changed, Peter. We need to remember that."
"Once again, you're right," Peter sighed, nodding ahead. Rosemary could see the trees and the grass, but more importantly - the canyon between where Rosemary and Peter stood and the trees she was looking at. "Guess I learned my lesson."
"Why do we always have problems with rivers?" Peter laughed at Rosemary's complaint, recalling their last visit to Narnia.
Susan came up on Peter's other side. "You see, over time, water erodes the earth's soil, carving deeper-"
"Oh, shut up."
Rosemary gently elbowed Peter's side. "Be nice."
"Is there a way down?" Edmund asked Trumpkin desperately.
"Yeah, falling. There's a ford near Beruna. How do you feel about swimming?"
Four pairs of eyes turned to Rosemary and she squirmed uncomfortably under the spotlight. "Well, it's better than falling, I suppose."
Rosemary had only taken a step when Lucy spoke up. "Guys, look! It's Aslan! He's right...there."
By the time Rosemary had turned back around and looked where Lucy was pointing, all she saw was the tip of a tail but couldn't tell if it was Aslan's. She doubted anybody else saw anything more than trees and grass.
"Do you see him now?"
"I'm not crazy," Lucy glared at Trumpkin.
"I saw him too," Rosemary adds. "When I first came here."
"He was there. He wanted us to follow him."
"I'm sure there are any number of lions in this wood," Peter said softly. "Just like that bear."
"So we're both seeing lions? I spoke to him, Peter."
"And I think I know Aslan when I see him."
Trumpkin looked at the youngest Pevensie like she was crazy. Queen or not, crazy was crazy. "Look, I'm not about to jump off a cliff after someone who doesn't exist."
Lucy felt defeated. She knew the people of Narnia doubted her and siblings' existence, but she thought that after proving their existence, Trumpkin might believe Aslan existed too.
"The last time I didn't believe Lucy, I ended up looking pretty stupid," Edmund recalls. "So maybe nobody else saw him, but I believe you, Lu."
"Why wouldn't I have seen him?"
Lucy pulled Peter in for a hug, detecting his sadness. "Maybe you just weren't looking."
Peter separated himself from his sister, shrugging off the abandonment and betrayal he felt. "I'm sorry, Lu."
Peter and Susan left to follow behind Trumpkin, but Rosemary and Edmund stayed back, waiting for Lucy as she looked back at the other side of the canyon, praying for Aslan to show himself again.
"I wasn't lying when I said I believed her," Edmund began, looking at Rosemary. "But if he is in Narnia, why hasn't he come to us?"
"When I saw him, he said that Narnians were in hiding because the Telmarines think they're extinct. Aslan is also a Narnian, and if the Telmarines caught wind that Aslan was real and in Narnia, it would be disastrous. He's in hiding just like the rest of Narnia. We're on our own."
[Chapter Seven] [Series Masterlist] [Masterlist]
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sj-thefan · 5 years
Journey to Aslan’s How
After introducing himself as Trumpkin, the dwarf suggested the group take Miraz's soldier's boat to find his friends who would help the Kings and Queens of old. Trumpkin claimed to have been near Caspian when the horn was blown and that if the group found his friends, Caspian would be with them.
"You never told us who you are?" Edmund noticed as Peter rowed the boat. He looked to the girl who was seated next to him. "You can't be one of them. You were helping us. So, who are you?"
Y/n looked around. Everyone was watching her, waiting for her reply.
"I am a telmarine," the girls' eyes widened, "but I am also part Narnian. My father was part dwarf." Everyone was silent. "My name is Y/n. I work in the palace with my father. I saw the soldiers riding away with you," she nodded at the dwarf, "and I wanted to help, so I followed them."
Everyone remained silent for a few more moments, before the dwarf spoke. "Why'd you want to help me?"
"I want Narnia to be the way it used to be. A peaceful place with no war. The telmarines were wrong to slaughter the Narnians. If all of you are gone, then we can't return to the old Narnia. I figured if I could help you, you might be able to see that there are those who wish for Narnia to be the way it was."
They rowed along in silence.
"They're so still," Lucy observed as she watched the trees.
Trumpkin gave her an odd look. "They're trees. What'd you expect?"
"They used to dance."
"It wasn‟t long after you left that the Telmarines invaded." Everyone looked at Y/n. She sighed sadly before Trumpkin continued. "Those that survived retreated to the woods. And the trees," he sighed, "they retreated so deeply inside themselves that they haven't been heard from since."
"I don't understand. How could Aslan have let this happen?" Y/n perked at the Great Lion's name but stayed quiet.
"Aslan? Thought he abandoned us when you lot did."
All the Pevensie children became very gloomy. "We didn't mean to leave, you know," Peter added.
"It makes no difference now, does it?"
Y/n couldn't help but feel sorry for the people around her. She looked to Peter. He had been High King when it was ripped away from him. Now he was a forbidden story in a book. She watched as his sadness melted into determination. "Get us to the Narnian's, and it will."
Soon the group arrived at a small bay. Trumpkin directed Peter to dock the boat. As Peter, Edmund, Susan, and Y/n pulled the boat ashore and Trumpkin anchored it, Lucy looked around. Soon she spotted a bear and began to approach it.
"Hello there," she called gaining the attention of both the group of people by the water and the bear. "It's alright, we're friends."
"Queen Lucy, stop!" Y/n shouted drawing her bow. The other Pevensies noted her behavior and began to get worried.
"Don't move, Your Majesty," Trumpkin called.
Lucy turned around. In her days, the animals were friendly Narnians. She didn't understand what was happening.
The bear began charging at the young Queen.
At the sound of the bear approaching, Lucy began running towards her family.
Everyone beside her ran to the boat to fetch their own weapons while Y/n released her arrow.
It missed.
She began loading another when Susan appeared beside her with her own bow ready. "Stay away from her!" she yelled at the bear.
The bear continued chasing Lucy who tripped over her dress.
"Shoot, Susan! Shoot!" Edmund yelled, as the boys grabbed their swords and started running to Lucy. But Susan did nothing.
Lucy let out a scream as the bear reached her and lifted itself onto its hind legs with a loud growl.
Suddenly an arrow pierced its side and the bear collapsed, dead.
Lucy turned around to see who shot the bear. Susan stood in shock, her arrow still nocked in the bow. It was Y/n whose arrow killed the beast.
She began running to Lucy. "Are you alright, Your Majesty?" she asked as she knelt by the young girl. Lucy could only nod in reply.
"Why wouldn't he stop?" Queen Susan questioned.
"I suspect he was hungry," Trumpkin replied bluntly.
Everyone made their way over to the bear as Y/n helped Lucy stand. When he drew near, Lucy snuggled into Peter's side. He continued to point his sword at the bear as if it might rise up and attack them.
"He was wild?" Edmund seemed as shocked as the other Pevensie children.
"I don't think he could talk at all."
Y/n shared a look with Trumpkin. "Get treated like a dumb animal long enough," he poked the bear with his own bow, "that's what you become. You may find Narnia a more savage place then you remember."
Trumpkin took out his blade and began carving into the bear. Lucy turned into Peter to hide.
Y/n knelt to the ground. "Come, Your Majesty. Let us see if we can find where we are while they handle this."
Lucy turned to Y/n before taking her outstretched hand and walking into the woods. Susan followed.
A few minutes later, they were joined by the males. Peter quickly took the lead.
"I don't remember this way at all," Susan groaned.
Peter turned back. Lucy was still holding Y/n's hand. "That's the problem with girls," he smiled and continued walking. "You can't carry a map in your heads."
"I am slightly offended at that," Y/n mumbled so only Lucy could hear.
Lucy giggled. "That's because our heads have something in them."
Lucy seemed a bit happier now, as she let go of Y/n's hand and ran up to her sister.
Susan leaned down to talk to Lucy when she approached. "I wish he'd just listen to the D.L.F."
"D.L.F.?" Edmund asked pausing slightly.
"Dear Little Friend," Lucy replied with a smile.
Y/n glanced back at the dwarf. He didn't seem like the kind to enjoy that kind of joke.
"Oh, that's not at all patronizing, is it?"
"Could be worse," Y/n replied with a smile before turning back around and continuing her walk.
Soon they arrived at a fork in the path. Peter looked confused as he glanced at his options. "I'm not lost," he mumbled.
"No." Trumpkin arrived at his side. "You're just going the wrong way."
Y/n stood beside Edmund as Peter and Trumpkin began arguing.
"You said you last saw Caspian at the Shuddering Wood, and the quickest way there is to cross at the river rush," Peter explained.
"But, unless I'm mistaken, there's no crossing in these parts." They all looked to Peter.
"That explains it then. You're mistaken."
Peter turned and began walking again. The group slowly followed.
After much more walking, they arrived at a gorge. Y/n stood with Edmund and Trumpkin as the other Pevensie children stood by the edge of the gorge, bickering.
"Is there a way down?" Edmund asked, looking at the natives beside him.
Trumpkin rolled his eyes. "Yeah, falling."
"Well, we weren't lost," Peter defended. Y/n looked at him. She felt bad. His Narnia was completely different than the one they were in now.
"There's a ford at Beruna. How do you feel about swimming?" Trumpkin asked.
"I'd rather that than walking."
They all began to follow Trumpkin.
"Aslan?" Lucy called. Y/n quickly lifted her eyes, she had always wanted to meet the lion from the history books. "It's Aslan!" She turned around to make sure her group was looking. "It's Aslan over there! Don't you see? He's right..." She turned back around to see nothing. Everyone had gathered at the edge of the gorge now, looking for Aslan but no one could see him. "...there."
"Do you see him now?" Trumpkin questioned sarcastically. Everyone turned to see the dwarf had not moved very much. Susan glared at him.
"I'm not crazy," Lucy defended. "He was there. He wanted us to follow him."
The Pevensie children shared a look. Y/n found herself remembering how Lucy had been the first to believe in Narnia from the history books. She wondered if this was a similar event.
Peter began to reason with Lucy. "I'm sure there are any number of lions in this wood. Just like that bear."
"I think I know Aslan when I see him."
"Look," Trumpkin butted in again. "I'm not about to jump off a cliff after someone who doesn't exist."
"The last time I didn't believe Lucy, I ended up looking pretty stupid."
Peter listened to his brother before glancing back at the place Lucy said Aslan was. "Why wouldn't I have seen him?"
"Maybe you weren't looking?" she whispered.
"I'm sorry, Lu," he replied before starting their walk again.
The group began walking again.
They followed Trumpkin until they reached flat ground. Men were everywhere, they seemed to be building a bridge. The group huddled behind a pile of logs, out of sight from the working men.
The sound of horses drew their attention as the ducked out of view.
"Perhaps this wasn't the best way to come after all," Susan whispered to Peter.
Y/n peaked her head up slightly before ducking back down. "Your Majesties," she whispered. "That man with the pointed beard is Miraz."
Peter quickly glanced at the girl before looking for Miraz. Once he saw him, he directed everyone back into the forest.
Soon they were standing at the top of the gorge asking Lucy where she saw Aslan.
"I wish you'd all stop trying to sound like grown-ups," she said sternly to everyone. "I don't think I saw him, I did see him."
"I am a grown-up," Trumpkin added.
Lucy continued like he hadn't spoken. "It was right over..."
A loud crumbling noise was heard as the ground beneath Lucy collapsed and she fell with a slight yelp.
Everyone ran to where she was, some of them calling her name.
The arrived to see she had only fallen a few feet and instead found a path that leads to the bottom of the gorge. "...Here."
They quickly made their way down and across the water. At one point Y/n almost slipped and fell into the water but was saved when she felt two very warm hands on her waist. She turned around to see Peter.
"Careful it's slippery."
Her face grew warm as she smiled her thanks at him.
On the other side of the gorge, they made camp as the sun began to fade. As they sat around the fire Y/n began a conversation.
"What's it like?" she asked the Pevensies. They all looked up at her. "Your world?"
None of them replied for a few moments and Y/n began to wonder if she crossed a line. Maybe they didn't want to talk about their home.
"Dirty," Lucy finally replied and everyone burst into giggles.
Once the laughter died down she added, "-and everyone always seems angry."
"Why?" Y/n's curiosity got the better of her.
"War," Peter responded. Y/n looked to him. "Everyone lost something or someone, so now everyone just wants what's theirs. They get sad, then they get angry that they're sad. So they try to fill their lives with stuff, but it's never enough and they just stay angry."
They were all quiet. Y/n thought about what he said.
"Is that how you felt?" His eyes told her yes, so she reached out her hand and squeezed his shoulder. "You don't have to feel like that anymore," she whispered so only he could hear her. "You're back."
He smiled at her.
Lucy broke the silence again. "What about you, Y/n? What was it like growing up here?"
Y/n sighed as she turned her attention back to the group. "I had a good life, I guess. I lost my mom at an early age but I got to live in the castle. I was happy. I spent a lot of time with Prince Caspian. He taught me how to use a bow." She smiled at the memory. "But I never really felt like I belonged. I wasn't supposed to play with Caspian but I couldn't go into the village because the girls there always picked on me. As I grew up I spent more and more time reading about the way Narnia used to be and dreaming of ways to make it happen." She glanced up at the group. Everyone had glum faces. "Let's talk about something else though. Something funny?"
Lucy quickly jumped at the chance to tell a funny story and the rest of the night was spent laughing and talking about happy things until they drifted off to sleep.
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Y/n woke to the distant sound of swords clanging together. She quickly rose to find both Peter and Lucy missing.
"King Peter?" she called. "Queen Lucy?"
Her calls had caused the others to rise.
Quickly they followed the sounds of fighting before the heard Lucy shout, "No, stop!"
Susan and Edmund moved even faster at the sound of their sister's voice.
"Peter!" Susan shouted as the group rushed into a clearing.
The first thing Y/n noticed was all the Narnians gathered around. Her joyful eyes then landed on Caspian.
"Caspian!" she called running to hug her best friend.
"Y/n?" He pulled away to look at her. "What are you doing here?"
"It worked Caspian. The horn brought the Kings and Queens of old." Her smile was bright.
Caspian looked down to the sword in his hand. Y/n noticed it was not his. "High King Peter," he said looking to Peter. Y/n smiled as the realization washed over his face.
"I believe you called."
"Well, yes, but..." Caspian looked to Y/n uncertainly, "I thought you'd be older."
"If you like, we could come back in a few years..."
"No!" Caspian cried almost desperately. "No, that's all right. You're just, you're not exactly what I expected."
Y/n watched him look over all the Pevensies. She noted how his eyes seemed to watch Susan longer than the others.
"Neither are you," Edmund added.
"A common enemy unites even the oldest of foes." Y/n turned to find a badger gesturing to the mix of creatures before them.
Suddenly a mouse jumped forwards and began to speak to Peter. "We have anxiously awaited your return, my liege. Our hearts and swords are at your service." The mouse bowed.
"Oh, my gosh, he is so cute," Lucy whispered to Susan.
The mouse heard and drew his sword, ready to attack the speaker. "Who said that?"
"Sorry." Lucy looked almost ashamed.
The mouse was quick to adjust his tone towards the Queen. "Oh, uh... You're Majesty, with the greatest respect, I do believe 'courageous,' 'courteous,' or 'chivalrous' might more befit a knight of Narnia."
"Well, at least we know some of you can handle a blade," Peter spoke.
"Yes, indeed," the mouse nodded. "And I have recently put it to good use, securing weapons for your army, sire."
"Good." Peter turned back towards Caspian. "Because we're going to need every sword we can get."
"Well, then you will probably be wanting yours back." Caspian handed Peter his sword and they all began heading to Aslan's How.
Y/n walked beside Caspian. "Why are you here, Y/n?" Caspian questioned.
"I had to help Trumpkin." She gestured to the dwarf walking beside Lucy. "They were going to kill him."
Caspian nodded. "And your father? Is he safe?"
"I don't know," Y/n admitted. "I haven't seen him since I left."
"I'm glad you're here."
They continued walking together until Peter approached and began discussing battle strategies. Y/n dropped back to walk beside Susan.
When they arrived, the centaurs that had been guarding the How, raised their swords in salute. Caspian let the Kings and Queens enter first while he followed with Y/n by his side.
Inside they found many Narnians making weapons. Caspian watched as Peter glanced around. "It may not be what you are used to, but it is defendable."
Peter nodded.
"Peter," Susan called from the hall she and Lucy had wandered down. "You may want to see this."
Caspian and Y/n followed the Pevensies to the hall. Along the stone walls were paintings of the Kings and Queens of Old and their stories.
"It's us," Susan said.
Lucy turned to look at Caspian and Y/n. "What is this place?"
"You don't know?" Caspian asked in shock. He grabbed a torch from the wall and began leading them all further down the hall.
He led them to a room filled with carvings of old Narnians. On the wall straight ahead of them was a large carving of Aslan. In the centre of the room was the cracked stone table. Y/n watched the faces of the Kings and Queens. She had never been here before but she heard stories. She never thought she would get to live her dreams.
Lucy stepped forward and rested her hand on the table. "He must know what he's doing," she said turning to face the rest of them.
Susan gave her a sad smile, but it was Peter who spoke. "I think it's up to us now."
Previous Part | Next Part
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mamabearcat · 5 years
Keys to her Heart Ch 5
Freakin’ finally! I know, it’s been forever. Please enjoy. And if you’d prefer, here’s the link to ff.net.
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Natsu slowed down his already gentle pace again, his worries increasing. Lucy's rasping, shallow breaths behind him sounded loud in contrast to the stillness of the bush around them. They had walked along the meandering track away from the cliff face where Lucy had fallen and were beginning their climb back up and out of the canyon.
The sound of her terrified scream was still reverberating in Natsu's ears – if he were honest with himself, Lucy wasn't the only one that had been shaking after her confrontation with the ghost. He'd never heard of a ghost being able to cause physical harm before, and it had shaken him to his core. Happy was confused by it too; he had disappeared a few moments ago in a sparkle of light, having used up a lot of his limited energy in the confrontation with the ghost in the cave. He needed to get Lucy back up to the top of the canyon under their own steam; he needed to make sure she was okay.
He was second guessing his decision to let her walk. She seemed fine, apart from the darkening bruise against her breastbone, her vitals were good, but he was worrying more than he usually would. Especially seeing he was partially responsible, since it was his idea to take her down the cliff face in the first place. Not that he could have known about the ghost, having been there before and not picked up anything dangerous, but still… He stopped, turning to take a good look at her. Her face was sweaty, despite the chill in the air, her cheeks pink, and her breathing shallow.
This last part of the walking track was narrow and steep, with hundreds of rough-hewn sandstone steps stretching upwards in front of them, the edges covered in emerald green moss. This was one of the easier bushwalking paths, but the steps required a level of fitness. And if his concerns were realised, and her sternum was indeed fractured, the hard breaths she was taking right now were probably causing her a lot of pain.
He had given her ibuprofen from his small first aid kit, to help with the pain and swelling, but that and the ice pack could only do so much. His medical knowledge was limited to stabilising a patient, and only if he was first on the scene. And he was worried even more about the bruising possibly masking internal injuries. If she'd been hit hard enough to damage her sternum, that could mean heart and lung damage too. Dammit.
"Hey, Luce? We're gonna stop again for a little while, let you catch your breath."
Lucy sighed. "Natsu, we stopped ten minutes ago", she panted, still taking shallow breaths. "At this rate, we're never going to get to the top. You don't have to baby me. It's just a bruise, okay? I admit, it was a little scary, but I'm fine now. I can do this." She leaned forward, resting her hands on her knees as she caught her breath, and he picked up her smothered hiss of discomfort at the change in position.
It was obviously still hurting her to breathe deeply, and his apprehension crept up another notch. "I know you can Lucy. Just humour me, okay?" He guided her over to a large stone outcrop, which served as a smooth dry place to sit. "Here, drink some water. Small sips."
Lucy scrunched up her face in protest but took the water bottle. "So, do you mother hen all the girls you jump off cliffs with like this, or am I just lucky?" she asked, before taking a small sip of water.
"Only the one's that get punched by ghosts."
Lucy snorted, spilling a small dribble of water down her chin, which she caught with the back of her hand. He grinned at her response, masking his concern. "Actually you're the first one, so maybe? Unless it's for work, I usually go abseiling with a group of guys from Fairytail, the pub Levy and I told you about."
He took her wrist in his hand as he spoke, checking her pulse. It was a little rapid, but that could have been caused by walking up the steep incline. Her skin under his fingers skin wasn't cool or clammy. "Look at me for a second Luce."
She grudgingly turned to face him, and he examined her eyes carefully, his forefinger gently directing her chin, tilting her face out of the shadows. Her dark cinnamon eyes reflected glints of sunlight that filtered down to the forest floor. Good, her pupils weren't dilated. "You feelin' dizzy at all? Weak or sick? Any tingling in your hands or feet?" She shook her head, and Natsu breathed a sigh of relief. The fact that she still wasn't exhibiting any signs of going into shock or internal bleeding made it less likely that she was suffering any major injuries.
"I think you're doing okay, but I'm still taking you to emergency to get an x-ray after we get back to the bike. Nu-uh, non-negotiable Lucy", he said seriously as she began to protest. "I'll tell you what, if you come quietly to the hospital, I'll take you to meet Cana."
"You said you were going to do that anyway!" sputtered Lucy. Natsu grinned.
"Well, now you get the bonus plan – a side trip to the hospital."
"Fine", Lucy said, rolling her eyes, frowning at him. "You're fussing unnecessarily, you know that, right?" she said irritably.
Natsu looked at her wide-eyed. "Lucy, you were punched off a fucking cliff by a ghost!" he exclaimed, flinging his arms outwards, his voice rising. "Of course I'm making a goddamned fuss. In fact I don't think I'm actually fussing enough!" He held up his hand with his thumb and forefinger almost touching. "I was this close to getting you evacuated by an air ambulance!"
He watched Lucy flinch, hunching in on herself, as if to make herself a smaller target, and he toned down his body language, dropping down to sit beside her. He'd thought her reluctance was due to her natural shyness, not wanting to draw attention to herself, but this seemed to be something more.
"I just… don't like hospitals very much", she said in a small voice, her eyes lowered to the ground. She picked at minute pieces of non-existent fluff on the sleeve of Natsu's jacket that she was still wearing.
The penny dropped for Natsu and he wanted to kick himself. Of course she didn't. After being hospitalised by her father against her will in some weird mental ward, anything that reminded her of that would be bound to freak her out.
"Lucy", Natsu said softly, "there's no need to be afraid. It's okay." He reached out for the fingers that were now twisting in the fabric of his jacket, the knuckles white. "It's only a small hospital, more of an outpatients clinic really – all the important cases go further down the mountain to the base hospital. They do have an x-ray machine though, and I have a buddy who works in radiology – hopefully she'll be able to get us in straight away if they're not busy." He bobbed his head down, trying to catch her gaze. "Luce, look at me please?"
Lucy raised her head - her eyes were wide, her bottom lip trembling. Her genuine expression of fear caught at Natsu, and a feeling of fierce protectiveness welled up inside him. He squeezed her hand gently. "I'll be there with you, okay? If you want, I'll hold your hand the whole time if it would make you more comfortable. The only time I'll have to let go is when they take the x-ray, but that's only for a few moments, and I'll be right outside the door."
Lucy bit her lip. "Okay", she sighed. "Let's get this over with."
Natsu helped pull her to her feet. "Come on Professor. It'll be fine, really."
Lucy snorted, dusting off the back of her pants with her other hand. "Again with the Professor joke. Keep saying it and it's gonna stick."
"Would you prefer Weirdo? 'Cause I could call you that too?"
Lucy wrinkled her nose in distaste. "How about my actual name Natsu!" He grinned at her.
"Where's the fun in that? Besides, best friends have nicknames!"
Lucy rolled her eyes. "Natsu, you've only just met me. How can I be your best friend?" she snorted, but Natsu could detect wistfulness in the timbre of her voice. How long had it been since someone had looked after her, like a close friend would? Did she have someone like that in the city? Based on her initial nervousness meeting Levy, he was guessing no.
He squeezed her hand gently as they began walking slowly up the sandstone steps. "Yeah, but I can tell already that we're gonna be best friends Luce, so why not start now?" He grasped her hand gently. "We're gonna take it easy up these steps okay? They can be slippery."
"Um, Natsu?" inquired Lucy, stepping carefully on the slick stone. "What are we going to say at the hospital? About how I got injured, I mean."
"Hmm, that's a good question. Any sort of blunt force trauma could cause something like that. I'll think of somethin', and you just go along with it, okay?"
Lucy sighed, the fingers of her free hand rubbing tentatively over the vivid bruise hidden under Natsu's jacket. "I don't like lying to people, but…"
"Don't worry, I understand." He squeezed her hand again, helping her past a particularly slippery patch of moss. "I learned pretty fast to be cautious with who I told about Happy. Sometimes tryin' to explain and convince people is not worth the hassle."
Lucy pushed down the fear that was still spiking at the thought of going anywhere near a hospital, a fear that was finally understandable now that she'd remembered her past. She'd never had any logical reason for why any sort of medical clinic filled her with panic, but now… "Yeah, I think we have enough hassles to be getting on with at the moment."
Their trip to the outpatient's clinic ended up being a non-event. Natsu simply said she'd been injured while abseiling, which wasn't exactly a lie. The x-ray revealed no fractures, despite the darkly purpled skin on her chest, so the doctor on duty had given her a diagnosis of having a bruised sternum. They'd given her a list of symptoms to watch out for over the next few days, and had told her to keep taking over the counter anti-inflammatory medication as needed and avoid heavy lifting.
All in all, not too scary, especially since Natsu had been as good as his word and had held her hand the entire time, apart from when they'd taken the x-ray. She couldn't remember the last time she'd held someone's hand for that long. It was comforting; his palm was warm against hers, his fingers slightly roughened and textured, from work probably. The constant contact was… nice. Nevertheless, she breathed a huge sigh of relief as soon as they stepped through the glass sliding doors and back into the hospital car park where they'd left Natsu's bike.
"All right! I'm hungry!" grinned Natsu. "How 'bout we kill two birds with one stone and get takeaway coffee and pastry and take them with us to Cana. We'll get some for her too." He handed Lucy her helmet.
"So, what does Cana do?" asked Lucy, her ingrained politeness balking at the thought of turning up at Cana's workplace suddenly, even with gifts of coffee and pastry.
"She owns a shop. Don't worry, she'll be happy to meet ya, and it won't be a problem, her customers are just as flakey as she is." Somehow, Lucy didn't find this statement comforting.
Natsu parked his bike alongside the colourful shopfront. The windows were a riot of colour, filled with Tibetan prayer flags, colourful shirts and skirts, folded saris and embroidered cushions. The tiny brass bells strung across the doorway tinkled merrily in the chilly breeze, and a waft of incense drifted from within. Lucy sniffed. Sandalwood maybe? She read the sign above the doorway.
"The Wheel of Fortune?"
"Cana does tarot readings", replied Natsu easily, stowing their helmets under the seat of the bike and taking the cardboard holder containing the three takeaway coffees and cinnamon pastries out of Lucy's hands. "I think it's the name of a card. I don't know much about it really."
"It's a card in the major arcana", replied Lucy, "related to the four fixed signs in the zodiac - Leo, Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius." Her eyes closed and her voice took on a sing song quality, the tone deep and melodious.
"The Wheel of Fortune turns evermore; life encompasses times of both good and bad, and the cycle is one that we cannot control. All are subject to its whims, and none on earth can avoid what is fated. Happiness should be enjoyed to the fullest, for what comes up must always go down. But reversely, when darkness reigns, the sun will eventually shine again."
She blinked, her eyes widening, and took a step backwards, a shaking hand rubbing over her heart.
"Lucy? You okay?" asked Natsu uncertainly.
"I don't… How do I know that?" Lucy asked. The deeper timbre was gone, replaced with her usual lilting tone, now tinged with uncertainty.
"The mind is a tricky thing – it can hold a lot that we don't understand or remember, especially one like yours", said a cheerful voice behind them. "I've been waiting for you."
A tall woman with dark auburn hair and olive skin lounged in the doorway of the shop, leaning against the frame. Despite the cool weather, she wore a blue short sleeved crop top and a long multicoloured skirt, made up of many overlapping layers of fabric, her feet bare.
Natsu regarded her suspiciously. "Cana, how'd you... Happy came and told you we were comin' didn't he?"
Cana laughed. "Aw, you're no fun, ruining my mysterious vibe", she said. "At least he has more manners than you Dragneel, turning up unannounced."
"I'm so sorry", stammered Lucy, ready to apologise for their rudeness.
"Nah, don't sweat it, I'm just teasing", grinned Cana. "But by the look of you, with your aura lighting up my shop front like it's New Year's Eve, it's time for a chat." She beckoned them both inside, then shut the door, turning the little sign on the doorway from 'open' to 'closed'. "I'll put on the kettle."
Natsu held up the paper bag from the bakery and the cardboard carrier holding three takeaway cups of coffee. "I brought provisions – am I forgiven now?" Cana leaned forward and pinched his cheek, then patted it as he screwed his face up.
"Aw, you're so cute, I could never stay mad at you 'lil Natsu", she crooned, then chuckled as he stuck his tongue out at her. "Come and sit out the back where it's comfy; I think this might take a while."
"Wait, wait, wait, hold the phone, let's back that truck up a bit", exclaimed Cana. "This ghost actually hurt you?!" Lucy nodded.
They were sitting in a small room at the back of Cana's shop, where she did her tarot readings. The room had a cosy feel, decorated in warm reds, with lots of candles, fabric hangings and fairy lights. Cana was seated across from Lucy and Natsu in an overstuffed wing backed armchair that had seen better days, judging by the worn corduroy on the arms. Natsu sat next to Lucy on a two-seater sofa, the brown leather cracked but comfortable. The room was silent for a few moments, apart from the munching sounds of Natsu eating his second cinnamon pastry.
Cana looked troubled. "Then it wasn't a ghost. Not a regular spirit, anyways."
She turned to Natsu. "Did you notice anything Natsu?" Natsu sighed.
"Nope. Not a damned thing. Just Happy freakin' out – he was really upset, screamin' at me to get her outta there." He turned his gaze sorrowfully to Lucy. "I'm so sorry Luce. I never would'a taken you anywhere near that place if I'd sensed anything bad there. I've been there before, and there was just nothin'."
"Do you mean you see other ghosts, Natsu?" asked Lucy in surprise.
"Not exactly", smiled Natsu, shrugging his shoulders. "Sometimes I hear things, or smell things, but Happy's the only ghost I've ever really seen, and Cana said that was because he wanted me to see him. We had to try really hard too, to make the connection. I heard him long before that though."
"Natsu's what you could call a 'sensitive' I guess", said Cana, still looking worriedly at Lucy. "He can pick up on things other people miss, and as he said, it seems to be limited to smell and hearing.
"So you didn't see him Natsu?" said Lucy slowly. "The ghost in the cave?" Natsu shook his head.
"But you did huh? he asked softly, reaching out to take her hand. "What did you see Lucy?"
Lucy bit her bottom lip. "As soon as I touched the back of the cave, I saw him", said Lucy. "He wasn't clear at first. It was like looking through clear water, a haze. He looked frightened. He was yelling, waving his arms at me, but I couldn't hear him at all, just see him." She swallowed, her eyes flicking backwards and forwards between Natsu and Cana. Natsu squeezed her hand.
"It's a safe space here Lucy", said Cana gently. "I'm not here to judge anything you say. And nothing should be able to harm you in here."
Lucy nodded, then closed her eyes, concentrating on her memory of the ghost in the cave. "At first, I couldn't hear him", she repeated. "Then he stepped forward and came into focus and all of a sudden, the noise was deafening, like someone had turned the volume knob all the way up. But the sound was in my head, not outside. Just yelling. Pure rage."
"What did he look like?" prompted Cana softly. "You said you could see him."
Lucy bit her lip, concentrating. "He… he had red hair. And his eyes were golden – they glowed like the sun. And he was tall. But he looked thin and ill, like those pictures you see of victims in holocaust camps – dressed in rags, all pale skin stretched over bone. His skin glowed too."
Lucy's hands trembled as she remembered. Natsu rubbed a comforting hand on her shoulders.
"It's okay Luce. Me and Cana are right here." Lucy nodded and took a deep breath, her eyes still closed.
"When you started dragging me backwards, Natsu, he changed. He followed us, like he'd switched from being frightened to wanting to cause fear. He clapped his hands together and there was a massive wave of light, almost like a bomb had gone off, but without sound. I could hear Happy trying to talk to him, but he didn't pay him any attention at all – he was totally focused on me. I could only just hear you Natsu, when you said you were going down the cliff first, and then I tried to speak to him, to tell him that I was leaving."
She gulped. "He… he said, 'Never come here again', and he pushed me, with the heel of his hand." Lucy's fingertips touched gently on her chest over the bruise. "The light, it was so bright, it hurt my eyes. But just before I fell, I saw darkness drifting out of the cave, like smoke."
Lucy opened her eyes. Natsu's face was close to hers, his eyes concerned, but calm. He smiled at her, not one of his over the top toothy grins; it was a relaxed smile, peaceful. She couldn't help but smile back. They both turned to look questioningly at Cana.
"Beats me", she shrugged. "I've never heard of anything like that before. A lot of the time ghosts are only here because they're attached to someone and have chosen to stay. A mother might stay to look after her child for instance, or a husband his wife."
She paused, taking a sip of her coffee. "And it's not like they're physically manifesting. It's more as a spiritual guide, a thought, a nudge in the right direction, small gifts of happy memories, like a song on the radio or directing you to find something precious you'd thought was lost."
"So, Happy was once a person?" asked Lucy. Cana shook her head, taking a large bite of her pastry.
"Nu-uh", she answered, swallowing her mouthful. "Poltergeists like Happy are beings of energy – an emotion left over from a major event that's become stable enough to exist on its own. That's why poltergeists are often negative beings; they're left behind after some horrible event."
She smiled at Natsu. "Happy's the only one I've ever met that has been created because something truly good happened. He really wanted to help Natsu when he was small. I guess Happy chose to keep him company because he was lonely, and he's never left." She shrugged, swallowing the last bite of pastry and dusting the crumbs off her fingers.
"But this being you saw… I'm totally out of my depth. Have you ever seen anything like him before?"
Lucy shook her head, cradling her now lukewarm coffee cup in her hands. "Not exactly." Her memory tugged a little, but then the thought was gone, before she could catch hold of it. "I've definitely never seen anything that frightened me that much, not that I can remember anyway." Natsu rubbed her back again, knowing she was referring to having her memories blocked.
"In some ways, I'm surprised", said Cana, regarding Lucy seriously. "I've never seen anyone with an aura like yours. Never."
Lucy nodded. "That's one of the reasons we've come to see you. I need to learn how to control… whatever this is", she said, gesturing to herself.
"Hmmm. I'm a simple tarot reader Lucy", explained Cana. "I wouldn't call myself an expert on this stuff." She shrugged. "The cards are my conduit, but really, I just help people help themselves. They're the ones that ask questions, and the cards answer them by giving me a story to tell. I just help guide them. I show them signposts, offer suggestions, because sometimes it's difficult to see the way forward in the maze when you're stuck in the middle."
"Stuck in a maze sounds fairly apt at the moment", chuckled Natsu.
"Cana, could you do a reading for me?" asked Lucy hesitantly.
Cana grinned easily. "Sure. Here, shuffle these for me."
She took a deck of cards out of a purple velvet pouch sitting on the side table next to her armchair and handed them to Lucy. A small shock of static electricity zapped between them, and Lucy rubbed her fingers.
"I've never done this before. How long do I have to shuffle them?" The cards were slightly larger than regular playing cards and felt a little awkward in her hands.
Cana smiled. "There's no wrong way Lucy. Just shuffle them until it feels like you're done. And think about what you want to ask."
"What I want to ask?"
"Sure. Like I said, tarot reading is a set of signposts – the cards can help me tell you about your past and present, and how it's affecting your journey. They can help me guide you to where you need to go, if you let them, but it helps to give them a starting point. You can either keep the question in your head, or say it out loud to me, either is fine. But remember, sometimes they will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want."
"What do I want to ask?" muttered Lucy under her breath as she shuffled the cards a little clumsily. A question popped into her head. "How do I deal with all of this?" she said out loud, as she shuffled. Natsu squeezed her shoulder as she handed the cards back to Cana.
Cana dealt out ten cards, five in a cross shape, another resting across the centre card of the cross, and four off to the right side.
"Okay Lucy, seeing this is your first reading, I'll take this slow." She flipped the card in the centre underneath the one placed on top of it.
"Ten of Wands. Okay, this card is referring directly to you and your situation. See how this guy is carrying this huge bundle? And not easily either, it's a huge effort for him, his back is all bent over. You're carrying a huge weight Lucy. You're struggling to carry all that emotional baggage all by yourself. And you're not sure how to handle it. If you don't reach out to others for help, everything is going to fall." She turned over the card on top.
"Ten of Swords. Dammit, I hate this card." Lucy looked at her fearfully, and Cana smiled at her. "Don't worry kiddo. I'm just feeling for you at the moment." She sighed. "Lucy, you need to stop blaming yourself. Whatever happened in the past, and I'm feeling that it was majorly bad, was not your fault. These words that you call yourself in your head. You need to cut that shit out. It's done now, but you're still letting it affect you." She pointed at the card. "See, he's at rock bottom, been stabbed to the ground, but there's a light shining through the clouds. It's gonna be okay. You need to trust in yourself more." Cana turned over the card at the bottom of the cross.
"Five of Pentacles. Okay, this is referring to the base of your story. You had your world pulled out from under you sometime in the past. You were left alone, and life was really hard. I'm feeling that your parents were pulled away, maybe they died? Your mother died?" Lucy nodded. "I'm sorry Lucy. You felt like there was no support for you growing up. But see here?" said Cana, indicating the Church window on the card, "Support is there for you, you just have to reach out and grab it." Cana turned over the card on the left.
"Three of Swords." She took a deep breath. "Dammit Lucy, I've only just met you, but I feel like I really need to give you a hug. This is… I'm sorry."
Cana looked up just in time to see Natsu pull Lucy into a sideways embrace, rubbing her arm gently as she leaned her head on his shoulder, and she smiled approvingly, before taking a deep breath and examining the cards again carefully.
"This card refers to your past. A major betrayal. Loss, pain, tragedy, heartache. This is still affecting you. Even though this happened in the past, it's still confining you, causing you emotional distress. Am I correct?"
Cana lifted her head to watch tears roll slowly down Lucy's cheeks. "I have a feeling that it's to do with your father. That he somehow caused you pain, not through his death, but something he did." Cana reached out to a side table and grabbed a tissue and handed it to Lucy.
"Are you okay, do you need to take a break?" Lucy shook her head. "Alright, we'll keep going, but if you need me to stop, I will okay?" She moved to the top of the cross and flipped the card.
"Judgement. It looks like you're coming to a crossroads Lucy. You can continue on the path you were before, or you can embrace a change to find your true authentic self. You need to accept that all the pain that was in your past, all the scars, all the broken pieces, are the strongest parts of you, because you're still here. You're still here Lucy. If you accept your past, accept it as part of you, you'll be able to move forwards, on to better things." Cana turned the card on the right side of the cross.
"Two of Cups. Aw, that's a happy card."
"About damn time", muttered Natsu. He still had his arm around Lucy's shoulder, holding her hand in his other. Cana grinned at him.
"You said it Natsu. And that's pretty apt, considering I'm thinking that this card is you." She grinned even harder at Natsu and Lucy's questioning gaze and tapped the card on the table fondly.
"This card refers to an influence coming your way Lucy. Two of Cups is a card that represents trust, compassion and true partnership. It's not as intense as the Lover's card; it's a gentler passion that won't burn out. A balanced relationship where you're the two amigos who high five each other after every success and hug and support each other when things go south. It's the friend you've always wanted paired with the lover you didn't know you were looking for." Cana giggled at the blush that covered both their cheeks. "Gotcha pegged already, haven't I. Remember to invite me to the wedding."
"Cana!" protested Natsu. "Shut it!" Lucy squirmed in embarrassment. But she didn't let go of Natsu's hand.
Cana flipped over the card at the bottom of the vertical line of four. "Let's move things along shall we? Ace of Cups. That's you right now, Lucy, overflowing with emotions. The beginning of healing. A chance for new beginnings, new love, all that good shit. It's up to you to drink it though. The choice is yours." She flipped the card above it.
"The Star. Oh my goodness. Yes, I see it too." She smiled at Lucy. "This is how others see you right now. Everything is going to be okay. See how she's got one foot in the water and one on land? She's rebuilding herself – she has the resources to make it, both practical abilities and intuition. This is the card of amazing potential Lucy. It's okay to put that sadness down and accept friendship and hope. It's time to reach for the stars. People can see that you're gifted with a light that will fill their soul and shine gently, a generous spirit. You're gonna meet people that are drawn to you, who want to be your friend, and it's okay to accept that."
"Six of Cups. Happy childhood memories. There must have been someone who cared for you during your childhood. Someone you hope to reconnect with maybe. Someone from your past who wants to get in touch with you." Cana stroked the card softly, then looked up at Lucy. "This can also refer to embracing the joy of being a child and holding on to magical thoughts. I get the feeling that you don't cut loose much. You fear that people will think less of you if you let go of your pragmatic exterior; that you won't be taken seriously any longer. But you need to remember that there's strength in joy Lucy. You need to let a little silliness in your life. But you've already made friends with this fool sitting next to you, so I think you got that covered."
"Hey!" protested Natsu, and Lucy giggled.
"Last card. Death." She put up her hand at Lucy's intake of breath. "Death doesn't mean death, it means change! So breathe! It's okay!" She grinned at Lucy. "I really should make a poster and put that up in here; people always freak out when they see this card."
She tapped the card in question. "In this position, Death is referring to the final result of your question. Looks like change is inevitable kiddo. You've been stagnating, and the universe has decided that it's had enough. You don't get a say in this. You've got to release everything old, strip down to the bone and start again, and that can be really painful, I know. He's walking slowly, so if you prepare yourself, this change won't hurt as much as it could."
Cana looked at Lucy, who seemed a little at a loss. "Do you have any more questions? Is there anything I can explain more clearly to you?" Lucy nodded slowly.
"I'm supposed to leave the past behind, and embrace the future, is that right?"
Cana nodded. "Yup. Pretty much everything is pointing in that direction."
"I don't know how to do that", said Lucy, her voice shaking with emotion. "Until yesterday I'd forgotten everything, it was buried in my subconscious. Meeting Happy brought it all back. I'd forgotten my mother was a medium, forgotten my father sent me away, punished me for being who I was. How do I forgive that? How do I move forward?"
"I'm not saying you need to do it immediately", said Cana. "The cards are suggesting that you need to reach out to others. There are so many hints there that say you're gonna have people reaching out to you. With support, everything is easier. Isn't that right Natsu?"
"Definitely", said Natsu. "You've already got friends. There's me an' Levy, an' Grandeeney."
"And me", grinned Cana. "See, you're taking the cards' advice already."
"I've never learned how to be someone's friend", said Lucy softly. "I lost Aquarius. And I've never really let anyone close since."
"Maybe she's the person from the past you're meant to find again Lucy", suggested Cana.
"She's not a person", said Lucy. Cana's eyes widened.
"Wait, wait. You said your mother was a medium. Are you saying that Aquarius is a spirit? Who exactly was your mother Lucy?"
Lucy sighed, rubbing her forehead. "Some parts of my memory are still a little hazy, especially regarding my mother. She was a medium called Layla Heartfilia, but that's…"
"You're Layla's daughter?" exploded Cana. "Layla Heartfilia had a daughter? Goddamit Lucy, it's like I'm meeting fucking royalty! She was really your mother?"
"Yes?" said Lucy hesitantly. She looked at Natsu, who shrugged, as baffled as she was.
Cana shook her head. "You don't understand. There's mediums advertised everywhere. You see them on tv, in magazines, in books, but most of them are charlatans, con artists, trading in people's grief", she said scornfully. "True mediums, who have real contact with the celestial spirit world are rare. Layla Heartfilia was one of the best." She gazed at Lucy in awe. "No wonder your aura is so bright."
"Do you think you could help me contact Aquarius again Cana?" asked Lucy hopefully. "You helped Natsu with Happy?"
Cana chewed her lip thoughtfully. "Have you ever tried meditating before?" Lucy shook her head. "Or scrying? That might work. Wait here."
She returned a moment later with a shallow black lacquered bowl and placed a hunk of pink crystal in the middle, then filled the bowl with water from a jug on the side table next to her.
"Scrying can help us to get in touch with our unconscious minds. I often use it when I'm struggling to find direction; it's a form of self-hypnosis really. If we try and shut down your conscious thoughts for a little while, you might be able to break the block that your mind has put up. It's already opened a little, I mean at the moment, you're lit up like a Christmas tree."
Lucy looked at her nervously. "I've never done anything like this before."
"Don't worry I'll guide you. And Natsu, I need you to be still and quiet okay? It's hard to concentrate when someone's wriggling like a hyper puppy next to you." Natsu went to move away, but Lucy grasped his hand.
"Please stay", Lucy said softly. "I feel safe when you're next to me." Natsu nodded, tucking his fingers around hers again, staying seated next to her.
"Okay, are you comfy?" asked Cana. Lucy nodded. Cana began speaking softly in a calm voice.
"Relax your eyes. Focus on the crystal in the centre of the bowl. Hold your intention in your mind. You want to find Aquarius. She wants to find you too. All you have to do is unlock the door. You are the key. Let your eyes soften. Relax. You're in a safe place. Natsu is beside you. Nothing can happen to you. Breathe deeply. Let images cross your mind. You've nothing to fear. You're searching for your friend. You want to find her. You miss her. Allow the thought of her to rise up in your chest."
"Aquarius…" said Lucy softly.
A yell like an aggrieved banshee filled the room and they all jumped.
"About time missy. Do you know how long I've been waiting for you? I've got better things to do with my time than to hang around waiting for you to finally unlock doors! Little brat!"
"Aquarius, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to forget", sobbed Lucy, tears pouring down her cheeks.
"Stop with the tears. I know it wasn't your fault." The voice softened and a blue light filled the room, along with a powerful smell of the ocean. "And I'm sorry I couldn't stop Leo earlier today. Call me when you need me Lucy".
"Aquarius, wait!" called Lucy. But she was gone.
Such a long delay on this chapter! Truth be told, my story changed from my original draft in the last chapter, and I needed to do some alterations to my original plot. And there was so much chatting in this chapter, so wordy - I hope it's not too boring. Also, even though I do have some knowledge of tarot cards, I only use them to do readings for myself. They help me think and focus when I get stuck. Cana is doing a reading called a celtic cross - a very traditional tarot spread. These are my interpretations of the cards - they will probably differ from other peoples and that's okay. There are lots of people out there with way more knowledge than me. And at the end of the day, this is a fictional reading for a fanfic. Please let me know what you thought. And thanks for sticking with me after such a long wait. I know 'absence makes the heart grow fonder', but that's not necessarily true when you're waiting for the next chapter in a story! Cheers!
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ratretro · 6 years
NaLu Reincarnation AU - When I See You Again
Title: When I See You Again
Pairing: NaLu
Prompt: Reincarnation AU
Rating: M;
None of these characters are owned by me, they are all owned by the wonderful Hiro Mashima!
Small angst sorry not sorry but its okay I promise
THIS IS FOR @lucielhyung‘s BIRTHDAY
           She’d always loved the stars above her, and they had always been her security. Nights with her mother flashed through her mind; sitting on the cliffside while they stargazed. Her mother teaching her exactly where Aquarius shone in the blanket of midnight. It was the first teachings required to become a Celestial Spirit user since she’d be the one to call the zodiac from their place in the sky someday.
           This was the first life she’d had the power to call upon the stars. Magic was common in each of her previous lives, but she always had a very basic capability. Like wind, or fire. One time she could even control nature itself. This one, though, was new to her. She’d never even heard of this power before this life, but hey, you learn something new every time you’re reincarnated. Right?
           Lucy wasn’t particularly interested in this life. Her father, Jude Ashley, was the same as every other ‘Jude’. Even though her multiple fathers had different names they were essentially the same person. Her mother would die. They would change. An endless warped cycle. She grunted as she hoisted herself to the edge of her window and jumped. She landed in the bushes – just like every other time – and then went on her way to her most precious spot.
           Natsu hadn’t noticed the silence from her room as anything unusual, she was actually such a quiet girl that he found it hard to leave her alone. He wanted to hear the woman’s voice as more than just a hushed whisper, or a greeting. In fact, he hated not being able to talk to her, but if her father caught wind of her being friendly with him then he’d strike them both down. He couldn’t risk her in this life, he’d already done it in their last.
           He started to tap his foot after a while at the irritating silence. By now, he could normally hear the sound of her quill running across paper while she focused on her writing with incredible intensity. But tonight? Silence. What he wouldn’t give for the girl under his protection to be normal. She wasn’t. However, he’d known every one of her lives before now and she was rowdy in all of them. He wanted to run into her room to make sure she was even there, but it was the middle of the night. What would the staff think if he wandered into her room this late?
           They’d think he was a pervert. A long, drawn-out sigh escaped his lips as he thought of Ms. Spetto spending at least an hour scolding him about going into a young lady’s chambers after hours. If she wasn’t there though, that would be even worse than the rumours he could decline if her father asked about it.
           His hands hovered around the doorknob, and his adam’s apple bobbed as he gulped. He was really testing his luck like this. What would he risk to ensure she was safe in her room? Everything, even his life.
           The hinges squeaked as he slowly pushed the door open to reveal the bedroom he had never seen. He put ‘oil hinges’ on his list of things to do at a later time, but continued to his goal. Two things stood out: the room was decked out in pink, and it was empty. She wasn’t in her goddamned chambers. A vein popped in his forehead as he shut the doors behind him. At this point in time, Natsu Dragion was absolutely pissed off at his employer. Still, he needed to find her, and damn it he needed to find her yesterday. He rushed to the open window and peered down hoping to find something. Anything.
           Below him, there were a few crushed shrubs which quickly alerted him to her escape being a jump from the window. Was she trying to get herself killed? He cursed but followed her trail by making that very same jump. Quickly, he moved through the courtyard to her favourite rose garden (the one thing he knew of because she made him go ALL THE TIME) and began searching every nook and cranny. Nothing. He moved on to the next thing he could think of: the other rose garden. Why did this property have to be so large?
           He was starting to think that he should have made friends with her sooner. He should have made any kind of connection, because in moments like this if he knew a single thing about her in the current timeline then he’d know where she was. Instead, he was stuck rushing and praying to have just a little bit of her luck.
           Luck. Lucy hated her nickname. ‘Lucky’ Lucy Ashley. It disgusted her to hear those words from anyone, and when he did it.. well it was like a raging fire had been triggered. Funny, because he was the fire mage this time, but she thought she’d set him ablaze right where he stood. Here he was talking to her like they were friends for the first time they’d met in this life.
            Wind rushed through her blonde hair, but she held her ground and stood on that cliff staring into the starry sky above. Her mother would know what to do. Her mother would soothe her, and then she’d tell her the best way to talk to him. Or just to talk to anyone. She knew ‘prim and proper’ like the back of her hand, but she didn’t know ‘Lucy’. All she knew were the Lucy’s before her. And the training her father gave for this life; still, she couldn’t figure out which Lucy she should be this time.
           It was annoying, to say the least. Maybe she should just – just try and talk to him properly. That was a good idea. That was a realistic goal. She could just talk to him. Maybe. Her cheeks flushed at the thought, and she internally cringed at the idea. Why was this so hard anyway? They’d met in every other lifetime before, and yet they couldn’t seem to get it together in this one.
           “Lucy!” the shout had clearly caught her off guard as she flinched at the sound. Natsu was just happy to have found her. He stopped to catch his breath, and when he finally looked up his breath hitched. She was bathed in the light of the full moon that shone above her. It was like she was a blank canvas, and someone had painted over her using the shine of the stars. Her blonde hair was now a shade of soft white, while her skin was as pale as snow in the winter. Her nightgown was the purest white, and it made her look like a ghost. Wait; was she a ghost?
           “Please tell me I haven’t been guarding a ghost this entire time?” these were the first words he’d spoken to her that weren’t orders from her father. The blonde burst into laughter and held her sides tightly to control the shaking of her body.
           “What? No, of course not!” what was he even talking about? It was then, that Lucy realized how she must look in her white nightgown.
           “Oh! I get it.” She clapped her hands together and then nodded to him in understanding.
           “Thank god.” A large sigh of relief passed through his body before the anger took over.
           “What the hell are you doing out here!?” his voice boomed around her and echoed even over the waves of the ocean behind her. She ‘urked’ and moved back a step.
           “You were being reckless is what!” he cut her off before she could finish her statement.
           “Do you know how—”
           “Shut up!” she screamed at him, and he halted. He’d never heard her be so loud before. It was enough to throw him off the pace of his own tirade. He didn’t even move to speak again. He just waited in the deafening silence. He wanted to hear more of her.
           “What do you even know! We’re not friends. I just wanted to see the damn stars!” her response wasn’t exactly in order, but right now that wasn’t exactly the issue for Lucy.
           “See the stars?” he looked up to the dark sky to find it blanketed in the light of a million shining dots. A mixture of white, purple, and black laid out above him, and it was such a beautiful sight that he froze. He took every single detail into his memory.
           “Beautiful, right? This is the best view on castle grounds.” She was staring back up into space just to breathe it all in again.
           “Why not tell me then? We coulda just come here without me havin’ ta search everywhere.” He was still pissed, but his tone had simmered down to mild aggravation.
           “Would you have listened?” it wasn’t meant to be spiteful – it was a genuine question.
           “Well yeah. Why wouldn’t I? Ya just gotta speak up.” He used his thumb to gesture upward a few times.
           “Do I really talk that low?” she wasn’t mumbling, nor did she sound like ‘Lucky’ Lucy Ashley. To him, at that moment, she sounded like the regular Lucy.
           “Yeah, you’re weird. Everyone talks so loud, but you never talk higher than a whisper.” He wouldn’t say it, but sometimes it was annoying. Plus, her father’s orders had him limited in how to speak with her. In this instance, he just hoped to get her back in her room before someone noticed they were missing.
           “Sorry, must be a habit. Next time I want to come out here I’ll let you know. But don’t tell my dad! He doesn’t like when I come here.” She stood still, looking away from him to the point that a light shadow covered her face. She looked… sad to him.
           “Why?” it was a simple question. So, she gave a simple answer.
           “My mother used to bring me here when I was little. He’s been different since she passed away.” She hoped he’d draw his own conclusion on her father’s idiocy.
           “Sorry.” Was all he said. He’d heard stories of her father before and after the incident that left her mother ill and dying. Before seemed better than after. She was young when it happened, so it must be a hard hit for her in the long run.
           “It’s fine.” It wasn’t. She wouldn’t say that out loud though.
           “Well, let’s get back, alright? If Ms. Spetto catches you alone at night with me I’ll never hear the end of it.” He rubbed the back of his head as she chuckled.
           “She’ll give you ‘the talk’.” He found that he liked her when she teased him. It was better to see her relaxed than to see her tense and boring.
           “Anything but that.” He whined loudly as they walked side-by-side back to the castle.
           “Hey, if ya talk like normal I think we might actually get back without anyone noticing we were even gone.”
           “Rude! I talk loud enough!” she wasn’t about to shout so close to the castle, but she at least talked loud enough to hear.
           “Oh? Do ya? Is that why ya had to talk louder on purpose?” he was teasing back, she realized. She liked this. She liked their dynamic right now.
           “I did not. You idiot.” She muttered.
           “What’s that? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of me being right.” He ran ahead of her as she tried to kick him in the face but ultimately missed.
           “Hey, if you’re not careful I’ll see your panties. Pervert.” Her face flared a deep red that mimicked the shade of the roses in the garden. He liked it.
           “Pervert!? You’re the pervert. I bet you went into my room, and that’s how you knew I was gone. What were you planning? Going into a girls’ room in the middle of the night.” This time he flinched and looked away from her. It was the exact same thought he’d had, but he wasn’t going to mention that.
           “I wanted to see if it was a disaster, and oh yeah! Check to see if someone went missing. God, almost forgot that part.” Pink flashed in his memory, and he shivered.
           “I’ve never seen so much pink in my life.” He whispered as if he was having some horrific back flash.
           “Your hair is pink!”
           “It’s not pink, it’s salmon.” He crossed his arms over his chest and kept walking. Was he being serious? She decided, yes – yes he was.
           That was the start of their relationship. It began on that cliff and ended on that cliff. Their last act as a couple was a soft kiss under the stars before they were torn apart. Before her dad decided to end the life of her lover.
           If she had the chance to do it all over again she’d choose him every time. Even now, under that brilliant sunlight in that foreboding atrium as his death loomed in front of them -- she knew she’d still choose him. Her eyes locked onto his; milk chocolate meeting mint. Her gaze softened, and she saw relief in his eyes. They hadn’t seen each other since they were torn apart under the stars she used to gaze at with her mother. Now, under these circumstances, it was strange to see that bright smile on his features. Seeing him in front of her on his way to death’s door caused a deep ache in her heart.
           “Dad! Dad, please! I’ll do whatever you say, just don’t take him!” her voice was raw as she screamed her compromise. As she willed with her entire being that he’d accept her request. That he’d see it from her side just this once. There was no response as her father gave his hand signal to commence the execution.
           “It’ll be fine. When I see ya again, I’m gonna win ya over with my charm just like I did this time.” His smirk was cocky even as tears stained her cheeks. Even as his life came to an end in front of her eyes. Blood stained the ground where his body lay, and a choked scream left her throat.
           A scream filled the room as the blonde shot up in the comfort of her bed. She’d had that same dream more than once. ‘Leftovers’ she’d called them; straight from her past life. She had many past lives under her belt, and in every one of them, she fell in love with him. The worst life she’d lived was the life where she was a princess in a castle, and her lover was the man with pink hair. She chuckled softly in her bed, and her cheeks warmed as memories of him flashed in her mind.
           “It’ll be fine. When I see ya again, I’m gonna win ya over with my charm just like I did this time.”
           The worst memory was brought to the forefront, and she held her head in her hands to steady her breathing. Some days were worse than others. Normally, that memory only pained her during the days when the sun was overbearing, and yet today the clouds covered any threat of that yellow hellscape making the light seeping through her blinds a shade of grey. It gave her some relief to see that today would be calm, but it came with the con of rain. There were pros and cons to everything, she knew that better than anyone.
           As soon as she relaxed she pushed herself from bed to continue her day as she typically would. Getting dressed. Eating breakfast. Having her driver take her to campus. In this world she was normal. Well, as normal as the heiress of the Heartfilia Railways could be.
           It appeared that no matter what life she was in she’d have an overbearing, negligent father, and a life of money and solitude. She even had the stupid nickname from back then. ‘Lucky’ Lucy Heartfilia. Luck didn’t save him. The only real change was her last name, and of course the time frame she lived in. She slammed the car door shut with a quick wave to Loke. At least, she had Loke, and Capricorn, all over again; they even took the same roles they’d had in her life as a princess.
           She gasped for air as she ran through campus hoping she’d make it to her first class. Unfortunately, she was already lost on the large campus, and there was no sign of building ‘H’. This must’ve been what Natsu felt like when he searched the castle grounds to find her. In this situation, building ‘H’ was that cliff under the stars.
           Except, at this rate, she’d never find the damn thing. She needed to find a place out of the way where she could check her map. It was then, that Lucy passed by a man with the brightest pink hair. Her entire body came to a halt as she whirled around. The man never turned back, and she didn’t move from that spot. She wanted the man to turn around, and look her way. She wanted him to say her name, but her throat was dry, and she couldn’t bear to hang on to false hope.
           Besides, anyone could dye their hair pink.
           As soon as her back had turned to him, he turned around to stare at the blonde. He’d seen the flash of golden hair and fought his entire body from turning to face her. He wanted to make the girl notice him, but it would be just another frightened woman on his list of ‘girls I thought were my lover from a past life’. He felt blessed to have been born with pink hair, and not have to spend the rest of his life keeping up with that kind of maintenance. He rubbed the back of his head after a moment of waiting to see if she’d turned around, and when she never did he continued his search.
           Building ‘H’ was decidedly the worst building he’d ever had the displeasure of looking for. It was even worse than the time he’d searched the castle grounds for Lucy, and instead, she was on a damn cliff looking at the stars. He groaned loudly as he dug into his backpack for the map he’d haphazardly thrown into it. There! He began to quickly analyze the paper in front of him. Building ‘H’ was apparently back the way he’d come, and then he’d have to cross the bridge that crossed over the small pond.
           Seemed easy enough. He bolted back the way he’d come while simultaneously shoving the map back in his pack. The bridge creaked under his weight, and he slowed down his pace as he panicked at the thought of breaking that old, wooden crossover. How did students manage to not freak out going over this thing at the same time when classes let out? Whatever. That wasn’t exactly important right now.
He lifted his arm to his face as he kept a light jog, and checked the time. It read: 11:46 A.M. Great. The class would be over in 15 minutes, and this was the first day. Was there even a point to going now? Not really. He groaned loudly before looking just in time to collide with another human rushing. He finally made it to building ‘H’ just to knock someone over. It was then that Natsu Dragneel realized this would be the worst semester of his life.
           “Sorry!” the voices overlapped each other with their apologies. Perhaps, they both weren’t looking, he mused to himself. He checked the ground around him to make sure he hadn’t dropped anything. He didn’t see any items from his end, or theirs, so that was a plus.
           “Sorry about that. I should have been watching where I was going.” It was a female voice. Crap, he’d knocked over a girl.
           “Nah, I’m sorry are you… ok..a.y?” his voice trailed off as their eyes finally met. Amber collided with emerald, and both gasped.
           “Natsu?” the blonde pointed at him as she paused from dusting off her brown skirt.
           “Lucy?” he was staring at her. Really, truly staring at her. It was like someone had punched him in the gut, and he could barely breathe as they took each other in.
           Lucy was on the brink of tears, and Natsu was about two steps away from crying himself. Instead, he laughed. At first, Lucy was going to yell at him or chide him, anything for laughing at such a serious moment; until she caught that memorable smile. She couldn’t possibly be mad at that smile, so she laughed too. They laughed for what felt like an eternity before they finally ran out of breath and started gasping for air instead.
           “I told ya, didn’t I? That I’d see ya again.”
           “Yeah, you did.” She wiped at the tears threatening her eyes until his thumb began to rub them from her cheeks.
           “I always keep my promises.” He wasn’t supposed to be making her cry. This was supposed to be a joyful meeting. A reunion. This was their happy ending.
           “Yeah. We’ll be together forever, right?” This was her promise to him. She touched the hand on her cheek, and a small smile graced her lips.
           “You’re always right.” He snickered but touched his forehead to hers. Just as they did in every lifetime. They’d always find each other again.
Aight dope done. So, for her previous life I decided to use the Edolas last names to have a distinction between the two lives
Anyways here we go! This is my friend’s birthday gift! I’m glad I was able to get it done in a day instead of 4 lmao
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boreussia-durmmund · 6 years
Hearts don’t break around here -  Prologue
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A/N: This is where we are starting with the story. Some of you probably know this already but I wanted to include this here. The first weeks there will be a chapter each Saturday and then maybe more often.  Anyone who wants to be added to the taglist needs to tell me! 
“Oh god, my ass hurts!” Lou complained jumping off of Lucifer.
Her and Markus had been going for the first long ride since she had hurt herself last year.
It took ages until her ribs finally healed and the doctor and more importantly Roman allowed her to go riding a horse again but she had been doing well the past three weeks, not once feeling any pain.
She was more than glad because it already was the first week of April by now and she needed to train hardly to be ready for the German Championship as well as the world cup this year.
“Well, seems like someone needs more training.” Markus chuckled.
“Apparently, I do. Though I'm surprised I already survived the past three hours.” Lou stated laughing at it.
She was happier again. At first she took her injury quite well but once the first month was over she was growing more impatient each day.
Lou would have wanted to go back to riding Luci in February already but no one let her do this because it was still obvious she was in pain whenever she had to do anything seriously and riding the horse was usually coming along with lots of convulsions making you feel the pain every time you went up and down on the saddle.
“Well, you wanted to go out for so long.” Markus defended himself while both of them took the leash of the rein's of their horses, leading them into the stall.
“I know, I know but mostly because I thought you wouldn't agree.” Lou admitted.
She was being serious. They went around more than 35 kilometres in the last hours. It really surprised her Markus let her do this.
“I trust you, when you say you can do it. You never failed me.” he explained stopping in front of Lupina's stall box.
“Sounds fair to me.” Lou said, nodded at him and wanted to go forward, towards Luci's box which was at the end of the stall.
“Louisa, can you do me a favour and bring Seraphina back from paddock? I still have to clear and clean Lupina's box. You did Luci's earlier right? ”
“Uhm, yeah right I did. Sure, I'll be back in a few minutes.”
Slowly Lou brought Luci into his box, took off his halter, gave him a carrot as a treat, pet his head a few minutes and planted a kiss onto his head before putting away her helmet and Luci's halter.
Then she walked out of the stall again, passing Markus who was busy with Lupina's shit.
It was an everyday routine, nothing which Lou hadn't done a hundred times already. She even had been the one who took Seraphina out to the paddock earlier, still she walked slowly.
There was no reason to rush right now, as it would Markus at least half an hour until he was finished and he was supposed to take her home later.
At the same time Lou was a little exhausted  after the long ride, although she would have never admitted this to anyone, and therefore it was the best idea not to waste more energy on doing the things fast when she didn't need to.
The way over to the paddock was about 200 meters long, passing between a few trees of the forest to get to the the wood glade on which it was on.
At first Lou didn't even notice but when she was walking a little longer she saw someone standing on the grass about twenty metres away from the paddock. The someone had black hair, which confused Louisa.
No one who was supposed to be around right now had black hair, right? With a confused glance on her face she walked towards the guy a little faster now. If he wasn't supposed to be there, she should tell him to leave as soon as possible. No one should hurt any of their horses. But the nearer she got, the weirder this turned out to be.
The guy was wearing a white button down shirt and some pairs of ripped jeans she knew pretty well, making her believe the guy could be Roman and even suspecting what he could be doing there, or better what he was waiting for to be able to do. There was something in the back of her mind already knowing exactly what was going on.
Once she was a bit closer, there was no doubt any more.
This was Roman, dressed well so he sure as hell wasn't just waiting to pick her up.  Lou kept on walking until she was only a few steps away from him, swallowing hard when she saw there was a rose in his hands.
She didn't dare to say a word, even if she had wanted to, her voice wouldn't have been working. Both of them exactly knew what was coming up.
Roman looked at her nervously and waited until she stood in front of him.
“Hello, my princess.” he greeted her, a big smile on his face now.
“I think we have to talk, or better you have to listen to me and answer a question for me then, okay?” he wanted to know.
Lou was barely able to nod, because her knees already were weak and her eyes watery.
“Our whole relationship is built on our dogs. Isn't that funny? I never thought Cliff would be the wingman to get to know the love of my life but apparently he was.
I also never thought I would say this but I'm thankful Cliff escaped that day in July 2015. It made me meet you and you were direct, funny and messed up. You insulted me and smiled it off within a breath.
Back then I was fascinated by your smile and I still am, by your warmth, your embrace, your positivity, the way you look at me...” Roman took a short breath, his eyes sparkling at her softly.
“Back then I didn't know I would like you as much as I do today.
We were only friends during this time but it only took me a few weeks to realize I needed you, need you. You have been making my life so much easier. I was a mess and you were the best friend I could ever imagine to have. You didn't just collect my pieces off of the ground but you put them back together into a masterpiece.
It only took you a few months to steal my heart and never give it back.
I didn't know how to say this to you during this time. I was in head over heels but I never was sure about you. Were you just a friend of mine or did you want me as well?
I had no idea and I didn't dare to ask, let alone do anything because I was afraid of ruining our friendship.
So I was more than glad when you dared to kiss me after Erik's birthday party. It was such a relieving feeling, knowing you wanted this as well.
However it wasn't until a few days later I really got to know what you meant to me. When you fainted and were lying on the ground, unconscious and I knew this wasn't really bad but still I was so scared. I couldn't bear the thought of you not feeling well and when you were lying in my arms this night I said I love you once you were sleeping because that day it felt true, I knew it was true.
I didn't sleep much that night. I was too busy worrying, thinking about what I would do if this was the only time I got to hold. I couldn't stand this thought, I knew I wanted to keep you in my arms forever. The moment felt so right,so pure, so perfect like the universe wanted it to happen exactly this way.
But summer came and changed everything.
Each and every day I was missing you but once again I didn't dare to say a word and you seemed fine.
I didn't know you as well as I do know, at that time, otherwise I would have been able to tell I was wrong.
So I felt betrayed, betrayed by you, by you being happy without me, your life not completely revolving around me. It wasn't right and I was aware of this. However this didn't stop me from making you feel bad for this but you were still so kind and gentle to me, making me question myself.
Then I was injured and the biggest ass hole on planet earth. I always am when I'm not able to play and you know this now but you didn't back then.
Nevertheless you stayed and took care of me, making me feel better with each second you were with me.
But then me and my dumb, self-questioning self took it too far and I was so sure I hurt you too much. You would never return but you did. You seemed to see through me and my tactics, knowing me better than I know myself.
That day, you asked me a question and I plan on doing the same with you today.” Roman took another deep breath.
Lou was ugly crying at his speech, the brightest smile on her face, tears rolling down her cheeks, her legs as weak as jelly.
“Our relationship has been growing so much ever since. You helped me through so much tough shit last year, not complaining once about me needing you so much.  I don't think I could have met a kinder soul on this planet.
I was so proud of you doing so well in your tournaments last year and you scared me so much last year as well, making me think about seriously loosing you, forever and I still can't bear the thought of my life without you.
You're a part of my life, my family, me.
My whole family loves you, I mean who could they not?
But even more importantly I love you more than I could ever describe in words. You're the best and most perfect woman I could have ever imagine to be able to ask this.” There was a calming, soft smile on his face while he reached for the box in the pocket of his jeans. He knew this couldn't go wrong, he was so sure about what she would say.
That's why he knelt down on the ground, looked up at Lou, took a deep breath, smiled and went on.
“So my dear Louisa, my princess, the love of my life, I am asking you this question: will you marry me?”
By now Lou was a complete mess. Her cheeks were stained red, her breath short and heavy while she couldn't stop crying.
She knew what she wanted to say right now, she had known this before, had known this for a long time but his words made her so happy her body refused to work properly.
It was just one single word she had to say with her mouth as dry as sand and her voice as weak as a whisper.
Roman was starting to get nervous. Until a few seconds ago he was so sure he knew what she would say but when she still didn't answer he started to doubt it.
She noticed this and that's why Lou took a deep breath, swallowed and smiled at him.
“Yes, I will.”she finally could form the words her voice trembling but it was enough for Roman to hear it.
All the worries were falling off of his face, letting the bright smile and sparkle in his eyes return.
At first he handed her over the rose in his hand so both of his hands were free.
Carefully he took the ring out of the box, it was simple in silver with a diamond in the middle, looking like a flower. Lou loved it, it was exactly her style, nothing spacy but still it was beautiful.
Then he put it on Lou's ring finger but on the left hand, confusing her. Wasn't it supposed to be on the right, or was she wrong? “Roman, why-” she started but was interrupted by him chuckling.
“I thought you would notice. In Switzerland we wear the rings on our left hand because they are closer to our hearts this way.” he explained while getting up without letting go of her hands.
Lou wanted to reply something because this was a cute tradition but Roman didn't let her. He leaned in to kiss her but stopped instantly when Lou started to put her hands in his hair.
“Stop, Louisa. They are people waiting for us. I organized a little party. You should maybe stop crying for this as well.” he stated his hands gently wiping away the tears on her cheeks.
“You organized a party? How sure were you I would say yes?” she wanted to know, her voice a little stronger know.
“Did I ever give you a reason to say no?” he asked, his dark brown eyes softly looking directly into Lou's soul, warming her up.
“No, you didn't.” she admitted.
“See, let's go! We can make up the kissing tonight.” he said winking at her and taking her hand into his before they started walking back.
@be-your-own-anchorx @buerking38 @imaweirdobutyoulikeit @pichitaasensio @iuliaaa21 @hopelessdreamer11 @degea-drama-llama @team-erikdurm @ednamor @carlaimberlain
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evangeline-perry · 6 years
Narnia 2: Peter x OC: part 3
complete series: here you find the entire story that started this series of
The five of us and Trumpkin row down Glasswater. I follow Lucy’ gaze to look up at the trees.
‘They’re so still.’ Lucy says sadly.
‘They’re trees. What did you expect?’ Trumpkin said confused.
‘They used to dance’, I told him.
‘It wasn’t long after you left the Telmarines invaded.’ Trumpkin explained as Peter continued rowing, ‘Those that survived retreated to the woods. And the trees have retreated so deeply inside themselves that no one has heard from them since.’
‘I don’t understand’, I say, ‘How could Aslan let this happen?’
‘Aslan?’ Trumpkin questioned, ‘I thought he abandoned us after you lot did.’
‘We didn’t mean to leave, you know’, Peter argued.
‘Doesn’t make much difference now, does it?’ Trumpkin proclaimed.
‘Get us to the Narnians and it will.’ Peter snapped.
When we finally reached the shore and climbed out of the boat, Trumpkin ties the boat down. Meanwhile I wonder off a little, I notice a bear.
‘Hello there!’ I call out happily to the bear, who makes a noise of surprise, ‘It’s alright, we’re friends.’ The bear stands up and looks at me.
‘Don’t move, your Majesty!’ Trumpkin shouts.
The bear starts charging towards me.
‘Stay away from her!’ Susan warns.
‘Susan, shoot!’ Edmund yells.
The bear continues charging, I scream and fall back. Just before he reaches me, an arrow hits the bear and it falls over.
‘Why wouldn’t it stop?’ Susan asks as I hear them run towards me.
‘I expect it was hungry’, Trumpkin states.
When they reach me, Peter pulls me up into his arms and holds me tightly, pointing his sword at the bears body.
‘He was wild.’
‘I don’t think it could talk at all.’
‘Get treated like a dumb animal long enough and that’s what you become.’ Trumpkin draws his knife and kills the bear, I look away, ‘You may find Narnia is a more savage place than you remember.’
All of us walk through the forest: ‘I don’t remember this way at all.’ Susan states confused.
‘That’s the problem with girls’, Peter commented, ‘You can’t carry a map in your heads.’
‘That’s because our heads have something in them.’ I tell him.
‘I wish he’d just listen to the DLF”, Susan says.
‘DLF?’ Ed questions.
‘Dear Little Friend’, Lucy and I say simultaneously.
‘Oh, that’s not at all patronizing, is it?’ Trumpkin mumbled.
Peter steps into a rock passage and stops: ‘I’m not lost’, he tells himself.
‘No...’ Trumpkin tells him, ‘You’re just going the wrong way.’
‘You said you last saw Caspian at the Shuddering Wood, and the quickest way there is to cross at the river rush.’ Peter insisted.
‘But, unless I’m mistaking, there’s no crossing in these parts.’
‘That explains it then. you’re mistaking.’ Peter stands firm.
I moved to try and reason with him, but he turned around, motioning us to continue walking. Later we come across a gorge. We can see the rushing water below us.
‘Over hundreds of years’, Susan began, ‘water eroded the earth’s soil...’
‘Oh, shut up’, Peter interrupted, ‘Is there a way down?’
‘Yeah, falling’, Trumpkin states, ‘Come. There’s a ford at Beruna. Any of you mind swimming?’
‘Anything is better than walking’, Susan remarks.
We start walking when Lucy yells: ‘It’s Aslan! It’s Aslan over there! Well, can’t you see? He’s right…’ We all look to where she’s pointing, she also turns, we see nothing, ‘… there.’
‘Do you see him now?
‘I’m not crazy’, She insisted, ‘He was there. He wanted us to follow him.’
‘I’m sure there are any number of lions in this woods’, Peter tried, ‘Just like that bear.’
‘I know Aslan when I see him.’ she insisted.
‘Look, I’m not about to jump off a cliff after someone who doesn’t exist. Trumpkin snorted.
‘Last time I didn’t believe Lucy, I ended up looking pretty stupid.’ Edmund stated in defense of his sister.
Peter seemed quite sad, ‘Why wouldn’t I have seen him?’
‘Maybe you weren’t looking’, Lucy opted.
‘I’m sorry, Lu’, He says before starting to walk away. I wrapped my arm around the young girl, ‘Don’t worry, Lu. Aslan always comes whenever he wants, he is not a tame Lion.’ She smiles and nods, ‘You’re right.’
Soldiers, with similar uniforms to the ones we saw before, are in large quantities near the water, building a bridge. We hide behind stacks of woods and watch.
‘Perhaps this wasn’t the best way after all.’ I observe needlessly.
When we reached the gorge again Peter asked Lucy: ‘Where do you think you saw Aslan?’
‘I wish you’d all stop acting like grown-ups.’ Lucy said angered. ‘I didn’t think I saw him. I did see him.’
‘I am a grown-up.’ Trumpkin says softly.
Lucy walks towards towards the edge. ‘It was right around...’ suddenly the ground underneath her feet collapses, Lucy screams. We all rush over, only to see her sitting safely just a few feet down, ‘Here.’
Looking down, wee see a steep and narrow path going slantwise down into the gorge between the rocks. We walk down the path and cross the gorge. I slip but Peter, who walked behind me, caught me by wrapping his arms around my waist. He kissed my cheek before carefully continuing the crossing.
When we reach the woods on the other side, it was already starting to get darker. We stopped and made camp for the night. Everyone falls asleep around the fire. At dawn, I hear a growl that causes me to wake up. Unwrapping Peters arms from around me, I got up. I walk away from the rest, who are still sleeping. I push branches out of the way as I make my way through the forest. A dryad floats by and smiles at me. The trees move aside, making way for me.
‘Alexa’, I hear softly. I run… and there he is. The lion stands on top of a small hill. I joyfully run over to him and hug him, he laughs.
‘I’ve missed you so much… you’ve grown!’
‘Every year you grow, so shall I’ Aslan smiles.
‘Where’ve you been? Why haven’t you come to help us?’ I ask.
‘Things never happen the same way twice, dear one.’ he tells me.
Then a twig snaps.
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thenickelportrust · 7 years
Okay. So now how would the RO's propose :3c //points to all the wedding questions
We gotta weddin’ theme goin’ with these asks now. :D
Finley: Finley’s a bit of a sentimentalist. They’d probably take the MC somewhere that’s important to the two of them and just spend a while reminiscing about all the things they’ve gone through together and how absolutely astounding it’s been to be with them all along the way. Partially because they’d planned to just reflect on this and partially because this is the kinda thing that would really really make them nervous. I  imagine it’d probably have to get to the point where the MC asks Finley what it is that’s got them so reflective today, and that’s where Finley’d take a deep breath and get down on one knee to ‘pop the question’ persay.
Raf: Raf is a sap- and if that wasn’t honest then by god he’d make it obvious with his proposal. And by that I mean that it would be specifically tailored depending on who the MC is. MC expresses a love of flowers? He’d probably propose in a botanical garden or fill their home with a buncha flowers spelling it out. MC’s a big fan of nature/camping? He’d find the best, most romantic place to go camping and propose at the top of a hiking trail up a mountain or something like that. Raf’s proposal would absolutely have everything to do with who the MC is and what he believes would make them happiest.
Jacob: Jacob… phew… talk about an easy way to stress Jacob out. I feel like Jacob would plan this whole thing and essentially freak out about it being perfect to the point that it becomes painfully obvious that he’s planning something big to the MC. Either it goes exactly as planned or, more likely, backfires terribly and Jacob just kinda takes a deep breath and goes for the tried-and-true heartfelt speech because in the end all that extravagance doesn’t matter to him, he just wanted to do something that would make the MC happy because that’s what matters to him, and that’s why he’d go through all that and more- because he loves him and just wanted to turn it into something special.
Lucy: Lucy… is it weird that with Lucy my mind jumped to this idea of her and the MC walking through the woods until they go off the path and she leads them to some kinda carved-out cliff edge or something where she wrote in ‘will you marry me?’ into the side of the rock? I mean, it kind of fits that she’d do something along those lines.
Yolanda: Yolanda’s a big fan of the classics- she finds them, well, classy. She’d be the kind of person who would set up a fancy dinner and put the ring around the neck of the wine glass. (Not inside it or a food, though, I hear some people do that but I can’t help but feel like that’s a good way to ruin it by having them choke on the ring. And honestly knowing how much the universe seems to hate the MC at times that would be exactly what happens.) Then once the MC notices she’d get down on her knee and propose to her.
Eileen: Eileen would definitely set up something super sweet, probably ask her close friends to help her set it up which would result in something a li’l eclectic but also absolutely adorably sweet. Either that or she’d be the kind of person to tape it to the bottom of a kite on a windy day or ask the MC to go out on a picnic with her and put the ring in the basket, something like that.
Informant: The Informant’s proposal would be relatively quiet. Most likely at home, he’d probably plan it around the MC’s day off and convince them to just spend the day at home with him doing different little activities and generally enjoying each other’s company before he finally proposes to them.
Ricky: Ricky’s a pretty private person, so his proposal would reflect that. I imagine it’d actually be somewhat low-key, but still rather nice. Probably over a dinner at home that he attempted to make and then ended up buying it anyway because this boy can’t cook (which is why he was at the bottom of the ‘best cook’ list way back when.) He’d do his best to be romantic with it but y’know romance also funnily enough isn’t his strong suit- which would lead to a sweet, albeit a little awkward proposal… which I imagine makes it only a bit sweeter because it’s fairly obvious by his floundering that that’s the kinda thing that’s really coming from his heart.
V: V would absolutely make a show out of this one as well. However, it’d be a more private show because even V realizes that those big proposals in front of thousands of onlookers can be big big cause for pressuring whoever it is they’re proposing to to say yes, and that’s a big no-no. If for no other reason than nobody wants to go through that awkward conversation of “I only said yes because others were there”, which is no fun for anyone.
So yeah, their making a show of it would more involve, at the very least, giving the MC some kind of riddle they’d have to solve which would lead them to places that were important to both them and V and then end up at some secret location where as soon as they open the door they’re blasted with loud classical music (a classy kind of loud, of course) and motion activated lights that would only light the area that the MC is walking in and a path of rose petals leading them through this art-gallery of paintings done of important moments/things that V and the MC went through together done in the style of Renaissance masters all probably culminating to V standing on some elaborate stage with a whole speech memorized of them asking the MC to marry them.
That’d be V’s kind of show.
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amidalogicdive · 7 years
The Sleeping Prince AU: Part 2
Winter Solstice: Galahdian Festival of Shiva
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Category: M/M Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Relationship: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Nyx Ulric Characters: Nyx Ulric, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum, "Mom" Ulric, Shiva (Final Fantasy XV), Ifrit (Final Fantasy XV) Additional Tags: Galahdian Celebrations, Celebration of Shiva, Fires, Snow, Family, Holiday Dinners, Private Talks, Understandings, Strangers to Friends, Strangers to Lovers, Slow Burn, Time Travel, Betrayals
A03 Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/13042335
Summary: They had come to Galahd that morning, at the start of the winter solstice celebrations. A holiday that was new to Noctis, and celebrated throughout the islands of Nyx’s homeland. Or so Ignis had said. When they had first arrived, the port city of Galahd laid covered in signs of celebrations. The homes and businesses in the area covered in multicolored lights and tiny festive decorations. But, as they exited the city limits the signs of the season changed with it.
This is for #HellionHolidays: Theme, Winter: Galahdan holiday, Decorating for the season, Holiday dinners, Snowfalls, Fireplaces, Cozy blankets
They had come to Galahd that morning, at the start of the winter solstice celebrations. A holiday that was new to Noctis, and celebrated throughout the islands of Nyx’s homeland. Or so Ignis had said. When they had first arrived, the port city of Galahd laid covered in signs of celebrations. The homes and businesses in the area covered in multicolored lights and tiny festive decorations. But, as they exited the city limits the signs of the season changed with it.
Nyx village laid on the opposite side of the island. It was far from the noise and vibrancy of, what many considered, a tourist town and Noctis couldn’t help but be grateful. The holiday decorations that covered the homes here were subtle, yet more heartfelt. Sprigs of an evergreen mounted across doorways and wrapped around windows. Family colors hung from the branches or laid entwined among the greenery as ribbons and colored beads caught the light. Doors remained open in welcome, despite the chill in the air, as the fire's heat poured out onto the narrow streets and people came and went.
Noctis took this all in, dark azure eyes were hidden by equally dark fringe, peaking in the homes and watching the ensuing chaos that came with it. A few villagers had stopped them, greeting Nyx, and welcoming him home for the holidays. He’d found dried fruits and warm drinks pressed into his hands, making Prompto giggle as Ignis commented on the friendliness of the villagers. Throughout the walk, the Lucian Prince had remained silent, minus a few whispered words of thanks. It was understandable, Nyx knew that the Galahd Noctis expected and the one he saw was different, so he let the man soak it in. If he had questions, they would come in time.
When they had made it to his home, his mother had greeted them with surprise at seeing her son, but joy, nonetheless. Hours later, after she’d fussed and filled their stomachs with rich stews and warm drinks. After she had straightened up the few extra rooms, with Ignis’ help, despite her scoldings and insistence that he rested. And they had agreed on the sleeping arrangements, finally feeling at ease with their surroundings. Once the others had laid down, and he had placed a tender kiss on his mother's forehead as she made her way to her room; that was when he’d grabbed a fire-warmed blanket and gone looking for the prince who’d slipped out at some point. It hadn’t taken long for Nyx to locate him beyond the house, standing on a hill that overlooked the ocean.
Wrapping the blanket around his shoulders, they both stood there silently for a time as Noctis pulled the warmed material closer. “... Den her helligdag?” His words were breathy and soft, kept low, cautious. Perhaps he was afraid someone would overhear them, question the language he spoke, and Nyx could understand why.
Noctis had habitually spoken in Nyx ancestral tongue when they were alone, though the Lucian tongue had changed little and he could speak it fluently. In his homeland, they called it the language of the ancients, of the original tribes. A dialect that had slipped through their fingers as time had passed; as Galahd had become part of Lucis and their words became influenced by a foreign kingdom that had formed over the generations. Considered a dead language, it was a part of Lucian history. Studied by those who would recreate the past, as young scholars came seeking primeval relics to prove theories and facts. It was something they taught in the villages of his people, so the newest generations wouldn’t forget where they’d come from. All born on the islands knew it to some extent, and small children used it as a secret language in their games. But, as they grew and found little use to hold onto the old tongue, most had let it slip away.
So, to hear those words spoken fluently, full of confidence and without relent? Well, it had been eye-opening to see. His mother’s tongue had flowed like the rivers of his homeland, calm and serene. Noctis spoke, and the words were likened to waves crashing into the rocky cliffs below. It was awe-inspiring to hear the language of his forefathers spoken as it would be thousands of years ago, and Nyx, well he couldn’t deny the words falling from foreign lips were anything but beautiful…
"Nyx, fortæl mig hvad denne helligdag går ud på?"
Pulled from his thoughts, the hunter turned those words over in his mind and smiled. Somehow with his, somewhat vague, recollection of his childhood studies and Noctis grasping how Galahdian had changed; the two had come to an understanding. “This holiday is the winter solstice. Replying to the question asked. “Didn’t you have anything like this?”
“Similar, but not like this… our focus lay on the Astrals.”
“Ah, I don’t know. I guess it’s more a celebration of Shiva if you want to look at it like that.” He spoke slowly, knowing that like himself, Noctis would have to take in the words to understand his own tongue.
“Shiva?” Lips pressed together into a thin line as dark eyes glanced back to the ocean. “For Shiva?”
“Yeah,” He thought for a moment, of the old stories and tales his father had told him and his sister when they were young. “I know what you’ve told me.” Walking over to a log, he sat and patted the space beside him. With hesitance, Noctis made his way over and sat as well. “When I was a little brat and don’t say anything… believe me, I was a brat.” Nyx saw a hint of a smile as the prince buried his face in the blanket. “I was told stories of Shiva’s wrath and that all of this was done to honor and placate her. Offerings for the winter to be kind, that her ill favor wouldn’t fall on our people.”
His nose scrunched up as those words hit him, tilting his head to meet icy eyes. “Why would Galahd incur her ill will?” To him, it made little sense but he now knew of the histories recorded. The lies that had spread across Eos and Nyx could read it in his eyes.
At times the Lucian came off as cold, unmoved by the world and people he met. But those eyes, like the clear night sky, enveloped in stars. He had marveled at the pure emotions that his eyes alone could hold once he’d learned to read the man. It wasn’t that he didn’t care, but that the world around him was so unfamiliar, he was unsure of the proper way to react. “You know why, due to the fall of Solheim. Ifrit had given the humans fire, knowledge, allowed them to prosper and grow. Then betrayed them, destroyed them. Shiva, who loved the people, cursed Ifrit and his followers… we are the people of Ifrit. Many are superstitious that her wrath will fall on us if we do not show her we regret what Ifrit did.”
“Mm, you are the people of Ifrit.” He repeated the words, thought on them for a time while they sat there. In all honestly, Nyx figured that the conversation between them was over at that point. So when he finally spoke, the hunter had jumped before looking back at him. “Do you believe? Believe that Shiva would do such a thing, that Ifrit did such a thing?”
“I know what you have said, and you were there.” Noctis bit his bottom lip but didn’t look away from Nyx gaze. “I have been raised to believe this my whole life, Noctis. Ifrit, Shiva, the fall and the Astral’s war… it’s in my blood, in the very person I am. So you tell me? Should I believe?”
“No.” Noctis didn't hesitance in his answer, watching as the man, the hunter, the Galahdian beside him relaxed. “Ifrit was honorable, and Shiva benevolent. She would never bring her wrath upon those that her beloved adored.”
Nyx allowed those words to take hold, running them over in his mind. It seemed odd to hear that everything he’d ever thought true, was a lie. At the same time, it brought with it a strange sense of relief. “We should get inside.” Standing, he brushed off his pants and held out a hand for Noctis. Feeling the chilled hand slide into his own, Nyx took his other and placed it on top. “You’re freezing, and it looks like it might rain so we should get in. I guess it’s a good thing we are sharing my old room, won’t wake anyone up.”
“Yes, it seems you desire to keep me close by.” While he’d meant as a comment, Nyx could hear the question lingering below the surface. Noctis’ curiosity, an inclination to understand him as much as Nyx was trying to understand this prince that had become entangled in his life.
But, he didn’t understand his own feelings and knew he wouldn’t be able to explain the whys of what he did. Not now. Not when he was looking at him like that, so he laughed and brushed it off. “You want to know the ironic thing about winter solstice?” He was rambling, avoiding the question he didn’t know answers to. Trying to ignore the warmth inside himself that inevitably pulled him back to the pale beauty before him. “It never snows. I mean, we do get snow a month after but mostly it rains. Shame, we won’t be here long and I haven’t seen much snow since leaving home.”
As the last words left his lips, a drop of water hit his face, but it wasn’t what he’d expected. It was soft, chilly, and melted against his skin before running down his cheek and soaking into his shirt. His eyes shot up, widening as fat white flakes cascaded from the sky at a slow, lazy pace. For a moment he thought he was seeing things, it hadn’t been cold enough for snow. Yet there was a sudden drop in the temperature, and he could feel the chill run through him.
Nyx turned on the smaller male, mouth opening and closing a few times as tried to properly form the words he wanted to say. “Did you do this? Shiva, she saved your life, right? Did you ask her to do this?”
“Do you see Shiva?” Nyx gaze fell to the little smile playing at the corner of Noctis’ lips. “It must be a change in weather patterns.”
Nyx shook his head, knowing he wouldn’t get anything but that from the man. Watching the snow reminded him of stars tumbling from the sky, and he couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face. A puff of white, foggy air, left him as Nyx continued to stare in awe at the puffy flakes. “Thank you.” He barely registered the whispered ‘you’re welcome’, as Noctis took his hand and moved closer to his side.
By morning the ground was pure white with a good foot of snow. The clouds above continuing to drop soft fat flakes throughout the day into the following night in a slow, but a steady storm. A fire burned throughout, keeping the house warm as Prompto dragged Ignis outside and played with the other children that had gathered. Gladio took it as the time to catch up on the book he'd been wanting to read, and Nyx and Noctis? They sat side by side, sipping on warm spiced teas and continued to watch the snowfall.
Chapter Notes: “... Den her helligdag?” / “...this holiday?” "Nyx, fortæl mig hvad denne helligdag går ud på?" / "Nyx, tell me about this holiday?"
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qqueenofhades · 7 years
Ahem. So. Here's the thing. That part 6 ending was a truly spectacular garbage display, even by the high garbage standards of Garcia Flynn, and I need Lucy to be happy (even if she would probably be better off with someone who is not a walking trash fire. That being said, formal request for part 7 or 8 or however long it takes to drag him back from this epic garbage cliff he's thrown himself off.
You can catch up on the foregoing Absolute Garbage here (now posted on AO3.). As usual, I blame @pirate-owl.
It doesn’t take Wyatt and Rufuslong after they get to the hospital to realize something is funny.Lucy is happy to see them, though still considerably doped up, and the doctorsays she’s probably out of the woods. Not anywhere close to being actuallyreleased yet, though, and that makes everyone antsy. They know Rittenhouse hasa golden opportunity right now: either the boys take out the Lifeboat afterthem and leave Lucy behind, or they stay with Lucy and let those bastards do asthey please to history. They haven’t jumped yet, but they’re going to soon.Neither choice is what anyone wants, and Lucy finally says, “Let’s discuss thiswith Garcia. Where is he, anyway? Didn’t you two say he was going to be here?”
“Yeah.” Wyatt frowns. “He saidhe’d meet us here, he was – actually, I’m not sure what he said he was going todo, run an errand or something. That was a while ago, though.”
“Can you call him?” Lucy pushesherself upright against the white hospital pillows with a grimace. “What ifsomething happened?”
Wyatt gives her a wry look, as ifto say that the only person she should be worrying about right now is herself,but pulls his phone out of his pocket, steps into the corridor, and dials Flynn.It rings once and then goes to voicemail. (Which, since this is Flynn, is justa long beep.)
Wyatt frowns. “Hey,” he says.“It’s me. Call me back, Lucy’s worried.”
With that, trying not to jump toconclusions just yet (even though, in his opinion, one can rarely go wrongsuspecting the worst of Flynn) he heads back into the room, at least until thenurse comes in for Lucy’s morning checks and gives them the kind of look thatmeans they should probably clear out. Since this is the same one unimpressedwith Lucy’s taste in men last night, she says, ostensibly cheerily, “Is yourhusband here this morning, Mrs. Wallace?”
“I – no, I haven’t seen him yet.”Lucy manages a smile, while Wyatt drills a death glare into the back of NurseRatchet’s head; it is clear that only he gets to bag on Flynn for being late.“I’m sure he’ll be here soon.”
The nurse has an uh-huh expression on her face, butdoesn’t press it. Wyatt and Rufus are shooed into the corridor and out into thewaiting room, tense and anxious and not sure what to do when half the team isdown – one shot and the other incommunicado at the worst possible time. It’snot like they have day jobs they go to anymore; their entire existence is tiedup in stopping Rittenhouse. Lucy is still here under a fake name, her rubbishhusband is still a wanted fugitive and terrorist in the eyes of the U.S.government, and history could be turning on its head as soon as Rittenhousetakes the Mothership out again. As they manage a casual stroll out of the front doors and towardthe nearest Starbucks – possibility of being busted or not, they are starving,and not eating hospital food – Rufushisses, “What the hell kind of stunt did Captain Craplord pull now?”
“I’m trying to figure that out,”Wyatt mutters back, as they join the insanely long line – is the entireorthopedics department on break at once? Because it sure looks like it –finally collect their drinks, and kick out a hipster from a corner table. Thehipster gives them a baleful look, but Wyatt does not have time for his hurtfeelings, and flashes his Army ID. “Hey, pal. National security. Write yournovel somewhere else.”
The hipster gathers up hisAirBook and scuttles off, not without a final look warning them that he isgoing to write a scathing blog post about the entitlement of themilitary-industrial complex later. Wyatt slides into his vacated seat and grabshis drink; he asked for two extra shots, and even that doesn’t feel like quiteenough to kickstart his brain. He calls Flynn once more, just to be thorough,but this time it doesn’t even ring. He puts it down and says grimly, “Yeah.He’s gone.”
Rufus blows on his latte, thentakes a slug. “Am I missing the part where that’s a problem?”
“I feel you there, buddy. Believeme.” Wyatt laughs, without humor. “But we’re already in trouble as it is.You’re our only pilot, so either way, if Rittenhouse jumps again, you have tobe part of the Lifeboat crew. As we’ve noted, I can’t be in two places at thesame time. Which means Lucy is either here by herself, or you go alone, and Ican’t agree to that. But I can’t protect you both. We need Flynn back.”
Rufus opens his mouth, takes adrink of coffee instead of saying something, and then can’t hold back frompointing out the obvious corollary. “So what, he’s going to – what, come backand apologize? Look, I know why we were stuck with him. I know why we had toget him out of jail and even make him part of the team. Not that he ever wantedthat, because he’s terrible, but whatever. But now Lucy’s hurt, we’re screwed,and he’s left us in the lurch. He made the choice to go. He clearly doesn’tgive a damn about any of us. Good riddance.”
“I don’t know.” The last placeWyatt ever imagined he’d be is defending Flynn, but much as he hates it, he hasbeen able to sense that the other man’s feelings for Lucy are real. Even if heknows absolutely nothing about how to express it. Too real, perhaps. Tooterrifying. “You know what happened to his family, his wife and kid. He told meabout it during the Watergate mission. Rittenhouse shot them while he was inthe house, he heard the silencers. Found their bodies, but it was too late. I’mguessing… well. Seeing that same thing happen to Lucy right in front of himprobably set him off a little.”
Rufus snorts. “A little?”
“Look, I’m not defending him. Itwas a pretty ass thing to do. I’m just saying, I don’t think he suddenly bailedbecause he decided he didn’t give a shit. I did – well, I did the same thing,after Jess.” Wyatt’s voice sticks in his throat, and Rufus meets his gaze witha troubled expression. “You just want to be far away from anywhere you thinkthe pain can reach you. It does, though. It always does.”
“Hey, man.” Rufus puts a hand onhis shoulder. “I’m sorry.”
“Nah, it’s all right.” Wyattsighs. “Like I said, I honestly get not wanting to go to the bother of findinghim. But we do need him back, even if it’s going to take a lot of time we don’treally have to spare. And, well.” He hesitates. “Like it or not – and it’sdefinitely not – Lucy needs him back too. We can’t un-wrinkle reality, andthey’re, well. You know.”
“Yeah. Married. Somehow.” Rufusblows out a breath. “We could just wait a few days and see if she gets overhim.”
“I wish, but that’s still not ourchoice to make.” Wyatt is realizing what he’ll have to do, and sighs again.“Can you track his phone?”
“Maybe,” Rufus says dubiously.“It’ll be harder if he’s left the country, though. Or maybe he just hopped inthe Lifeboat and peaced out to some other time permanently. Maybe that’s it,”he adds, sounding hopeful. “He can go back to his solo-operator thing andhandle Rittenhouse, but we… probably can’t let Flynn deal with things hisway. Shit.”
“Yeah, he sucks at it.” Wyattgulps the rest of his coffee, winces as it burns on the way down, and – seeinganother hipster covetously eyeing their table with its precious power outlet,and guessing they should hit the road – stands up. “Come on.”
He and Rufus head out, aretempted to go back to the hospital, but the nurse will just evil-eye themanyway and they have nothing to report to Lucy. So they make it back to thesafe house, where Rufus boots up his myriad of computers and gets cracking. Thelast place he can triangulate Flynn’s phone is at SFO. After that, nada, but itdoesn’t take too much guesswork to surmise his next move. The asshole got on aplane and assholed off God knows where.
“Really?” Rufus mutters, fingersflying over the keys, as he tries various combinations and algorithms ofdubious legality (then again, it’s not like more bending of the rules is reallysomething he’s worried about anymore) until he finally hacks intoarrival-departure data for SFO’s main terminals this morning. Even anemotionally distraught Flynn is not dumb enough to travel under his real name,though there is the question of how he’d finesse the ID requirement (thoughsomeone who worked for the NSA probably knows how to bluff his way around thatand/or pose as a government representative for whom the stormtroopers don’tneed to see his identification). Finally, Rufus stops at a blinking name on alist. “Abraham Preston? Really?”
“As in, Lucy’s favorite presidentthat he shot in front of her and her last name?” Wyatt is so exasperated bythis choice of alias that he almost reconsiders the whole retrieval plan on thespot. “Why?”
“Don’t you have to wonder?” Rufusflags the name and downloads the file. “How the heck they got together?”
“I try not to.” This is for Lucy,Wyatt reminds himself. “Where did he go?”
“By the looks of things…”Rufus clicks through a few screens, muttering to himself about the governmentnot even encrypting things properly. Really makes you feel as if your sensitiveinformation is carefully protected. “JFK.”
“New York? The hell is he doingthere?”
“Assuming that was his finaldestination. Don’t you have some special ops tricks? Call the TSAand get them to pull his passenger records?”
“That is… not a bad idea.”Wyatt supposes that at this point, the law doesn’t really enter it. So, whileRufus is monkeying around to see if he can crack into JFK’s servers or ifthey’re using a different protocol (or whatever computer-geek problem he needsto solve, this isn’t Wyatt’s lookout) he looks a few things up, makes a fewcalls, and finds no difficulty at all in informing the TSA chief that AbrahamPreston is a dangerous individual with a predilection for making terribledecisions, who important people would like to talk to ASAP. This cuts quite abit of red tape and the multiple levels of management Wyatt would haveotherwise had to circumvent, but nothing can ever be easy when it comes to thefeds. Finally, he gets the information that Mr. Preston (he snorts to himself)appears to have just left, as in minutes ago, on a Japan Airlines flight to NaritaInternational Airport, Tokyo. Wyatt thanks him for the information, assures himthat Delta Force is on it and the flight itself is not in danger, hangs uphastily, and informs Rufus.
“Are you serious?” Rufus looks asif this is probably a rhetorical question when it comes to Flynn, yes. “Heflies east to New York, and then back across the whole country and west to Tokyo? How does that makeany sense?”
“Don’t look at me.” Wyatt rubshis temples. “Easier for me, though. If I get a flight to Tokyo right away, Imight be able to make it soon after he does.”
Rufus still has plenty ofcomments under his breath about how tragic this whole affair is, which isn’t remotelywrong, but there is the problem of getting Wyatt to Japan first. There is adeparture late this afternoon, which he will have to hustle if he wants tocatch, and since they’ve already gone to the well once and there is no time tospare, he calls SFO and asks that they hold a seat for him, as a matter ofurgent national security. If all this ever gets back to Pendleton, Wyatt’sgoose is cooked, but frankly, he has bigger problems. Like tracking down Lucy’sutter failure of a spouse posthaste, then killing him himself.
This also means there isn’t anytime for Wyatt to go back to the hospital and tell her about this, so he givesRufus a look. “I’m sorry to stick you with this. Just… let her know thatI’m doing my best, all right?”
“Why are you apologizing to me?”Rufus says dryly. “You’re the one that has to deal with Flynn.”
“Yeah. Not looking forward tothat.” Wyatt is used to short-notice trips, after all, but in a time machine, not a plane. His life is weird. “I’lllet you know as soon as I get there. If Rittenhouse jumps while I’m gone…”
“I’ll go after them,” Rufus says.“Alone, if I have to. You know Lucy wouldn’t ever want us to do anything else.”
Wyatt knows this is true, even ashe practically has hives at the thought of either leaving Lucy by herself inthe hospital, or letting Rufus brave battling Rittenhouse by himself in the past.God, he’s going to wring Flynn’s neck.“Be – be careful, all right?”
“I’m not Delta Force or NSA, butI can handle myself.” Rufus holds out his hand, which Wyatt shakes, then pullshim into a brief hug. “See you soon.”
“Yeah,” Wyatt mutters. “I hopeso.”
Once Wyatt has gone, Rufus picksup a few groceries, figuring Lucy will not be terribly keen on eating Jello andprocessed gloop either, sighs deeply, stares accusingly at the sky, and finallyheads back to the hospital. He is very, very not looking forward to thisconversation, and Lucy is awake, anxious, and apparently trying to convince thenurses that she’s all right to be released, no big deal. Considering that shestill has a fairly sizeable hole in her side and was in emergency surgery lastnight, they are not buying it. As well, they have a few questions about theweapon that shot her. Ballistics testing has not been able to match it to anymodern ammunition. It looks like a bullet from a rifle from, what, the 1860s?
“1870s, actually,” Rufus mutters,supposing it’s lucky that Lucy didn’t get nailed by any of the automatic riflesthat Rittenhouse was supplying Custer’s doomed 7th with. If so –well, he doesn’t like to think about that. He and Lucy manage to fend off theirquestions for the time being, but it’s clear they can’t keep this up foreverwithout the police being involved, and that is likewise a problem. When they’vefinally got the room to themselves, he drops into one of the uncomfortableplastic chairs. “So, um,  Lucy. I have. .. something to tell you.”
A corner of her mouth quirks.“Does it involve why Wyatt’s not here now either?”
“Yeah, actually, it does.” Rufusrubs his face. “Flynn, well, he, he kind of skipped town. We found him – ittook us a while, but we found where he’s going, I promise. Wyatt went to gethim. But yeah, he. Decided to freelance again, I guess.”
Lucy’s face jerks, and then goescarefully, studiously expressionless. She looks away, twisting at the place onher left hand where her rings should be, and bites her lip. Rufus tries torespect her grief, even as he considers its object wholly unworthy of it, buthe can’t help himself. “Lucy, how did – how did that even happen? You and him?”
Lucy looks up in startlement,before apparently reminding herself that he doesn’t remember. After a momentshe says, rather hesitantly, “It was after the Yalta Conference mission.”
“Yalta Conference mission?”
“Yes. 1945, Roosevelt, Stalin,and Churchill meet in the Crimea, just before the end of WWII.” Lucy gives himan odd look. “Surely you remember that?”
“No, I don’t.” Rufus is struckwith the bizarre realization that they – himself, Flynn, and Wyatt – mustremember one version of recent events, as Lucy said that they have been marriedfor six months, and she must remember a completely different one. Did they actually go to Yalta 1945, ifhe doesn’t remember that they did? As a result of whatever changed in Sarajevo1914, the start of WWII’s predecessor, the mission from which they returned tofind this matrimonial surprise in the first place? Lucy was affected by thechanges, but they weren’t, since they made them to the timeline, eveninadvertently, while she wasn’t there? The same reason she remembered Amy’sexistence, while everyone in the present forgot it? Man, Rufus hates timetravel.
“Okay,” he says, electing not toget too off track. “So, Yalta?”
“You really don’t remember?”
“No. Technically, this me wasn’tthere.”
“Fine.” Lucy blows out a breath,clearly feeling doubly isolated. “Obviously, an event like that was huge forRittenhouse to target, and I… I was just running really angry aftereverything that happened with my mom, and I… I kept pushing the envelope, Ijust wanted to hurt them, I didn’t care what it cost. He saw me doing it, andhe… stopped me.”
“Wait, Flynn stopped you from going metal on Rittenhouse? Are you sure? Thiswasn’t another alternate Flynn from Bizarro Reality where he’s a nice andwell-adjusted guy?”
“No, it was him. He… he wasangry with me, still, but he didn’t want to see me go down that same road. Whenwe got back, he…” Lucy’s cheeks go pink. “He confronted me about it, and weended up…”
“Yeah, I can guess what you endedup doing.” Just as well that Wyatt isn’t here to hear this, Rufus thinks,although he has to at least suspect. “And then you what, got married the nextmorning? This actually isn’t the past where you have to get married after youbang because of honor and all that, I’m sure you know that, since you are,after all, the historian. So why – ”
Lucy gives him a look, cuttingoff his babbling. “No, we didn’t. It wasn’t until after – ”
She stops.
“What?” Rufus prods, feeling likethe town gossip who cannot keep their nose out of anyone’s business, but dyingof curiosity nonetheless. “After what?”
“After the Lusitania mission,” Lucy says quietly, having guessed from hisexpression that he doesn’t remember that one either. “1915. The men he killedon that one, the operatives Rittenhouse was using on that – they were the oneswho killed his family. Lorena and Iris. He finally got to avenge them, and whenwe got back to the present… well. It was emotional, to say the least. Andthings might have gotten a little mixed up and… yeah. That was the next morning where we kind of woke up married.”
“Wait, what?” Rufus is mildly stunned. “So this whole time, Flynn actuallyhas killed the guys who killed hisfamily? And doesn’t remember that either? Why didn’t you… I don’t know,tell him? It feels like it could have helped with all the meltdowns he washaving.”
“Because now I don’t know if ithappened!” Lucy turns to look at him, eyes filled with tears. “You obviouslydon’t remember anything I just told you about, none of you knew that Garcia andI were married, he didn’t know wewere married, and now we’re referring to two totally different time streams andsets of memories and no idea at all about how to reconcile them! You know hecompletely stonewalled me for two weeks after you guys got back from Sarajevo,I couldn’t even say an ordinary word to him, much less this! And now he’s onlybarely started to let me back in again, then he disappears, and this…” Shetrails off. “I may or may not get a chance to tell him at all, but when thisFlynn finds out, I can’t help feeling that… he’ll think his job is done. Hewon’t forgive me for keeping it a secret, he’ll decide we can handle the restof Rittenhouse on our own, and he’ll… he’ll leave.”
Oh. Rufus understands, unfortunately and unpleasantly. And while Flynn leaving is exactlywhat he should want, and still does to some degree, he knows it would shatterLucy if it came about like this.  Shecan’t tell Flynn because, as noted, there’s no way to know if it still happenedin this new reality, and because it would be cold and paltry satisfactionindeed, when this Flynn doesn’t even remember doing it, when he never actuallyhas. The only thing worse than not telling him would be letting him believethat he had done it, giving him falsehope, that he could rest at last, and then finding out that no, those men arestill alive. And because Lucy cannot rid herself of the insidious convictionthat Flynn would far prefer a universe where he looked into the eyes of the menwho killed Lorena and Iris in cold blood, remembered their faces and their deaths, and where he is not married to her. Notthis, where he doesn’t remember either. Where he has fairly earned neither his vengeancefor the past nor his hope for the future, neither his grief nor his joy. Whenit is all a dream for him, and he could still be hoping that sometime soon,he’ll wake.
“I…” Rufus says at last.Reaches over and takes Lucy’s hand. “I’msorry, okay? But… evidently he stuck around even after finding that out.Unless he didn’t, and we had to drag him back already – which wouldn’t surpriseme. Why did he stay?”
“He… well, yes, he was alittle surprised to find out we were married the first time, too.” Lucy lookswry. “But he said that he didn’t think the job was done, that we needed to takeout the rest of Rittenhouse too. And, well, he said that he supposed we weremarried now, and if I wanted to not be married, I could say so. But I, uh.Didn’t exactly let him finish.” She coughs. “So he bought me a real engagementring and we had a new ceremony a few weeks later.”
Rufus supposes this is actuallyquite a romantic and poignant story, so much that you can almost forget Flynnis involved. “So he… he chose to stay married before, right? And to let goof the whole vengeance thing, and keep fighting Rittenhouse because it was theright thing to do? And otherwise, you know… be happy?” He doesn’t know ifit’s their fault for mucking it up or not, when yet again, you have that pesky“which version of events actually happened?” brain-buster. “And then you gotreset to total ground zero and stuck with the version of him that sucks. Wow,Lucy. You did not deserve that.”
“I don’t know if it’s aboutdeserving.” She stares out the window, at dusk falling over theglittering lights of San Francisco. “I don’t know if we can get it back.”
“He chose it once,” Rufus says.“Maybe he can again. I don’t know.”
“Maybe.” Lucy gives him a smilethat doesn’t reach her eyes. It’s clear she thinks they might have lost theirchance. “First, we have to see if Wyatt can catch up to him.”
“He definitely can,” Rufus saysstoutly. “I have faith in Wyatt.”
“Just none in Flynn?” Lucyclearly catches the unspoken implication.
“Not really.”
“I don’t know if I should either,honestly.” Her eyes go dark, distant, far away. “But I can’t help it. I just –I just. I just really want him to come back.”
Garcia Flynn hates the almighty,ever-living, absolutely-not-a-single-one-given fuck out of Tokyo.
He can barely remember whatpossessed him to come here in the first place, and the last few days aresufficiently hazy that he’s still confused about having traveled somewhere thatisn’t in the past. He took the first flight from San Francisco to New York, gotanother one, picked Japan because it was on top of the departures board andsounded as if it was the furthest away, and now, after God alone knows how manyhours of flying across multiple directions, time zones, and continents, he’shere. It is utterly disorienting. He can just about read Chinese, because ifyou deal with Russia as long as he has, you inevitably deal with China as well,but that does him no good with Japanese. The city goes on forever, and for aman who has spent most of his life in covert ops, where the entire point is hiding, he is as conspicuous as a heartattack. Six-foot-four men stand out anywhere, but especially in Japan. Staring isn’t considered rudein Asian culture, and everyone isstaring at him. He turned around too fast in a store and almost flattened sometiny Japanese granny, whose nose reached to about his navel. This is a countrybuilt for midgets. He feels like he’s parting the Red Sea when he walks downthe sidewalk.
Flynn is also not in the least afan of all the cutesy Hello Kitty-style kitsch that seems to predominateeverywhere, the fact that riding the subway (especially at rush hour) involves pretty much literally taking yourlife in your hands, and that no matter where he wanders in this gleaming,futuristic city, the complete antithesis of everything to do with the past, henever feels remotely better. If anything, he feels worse. He hasn’t doneanything but fight Rittenhouse for too long to remember, and he can’t relax.Keeps wondering what they’ve done, if they’ve taken the Mothership on anotherjump, what the hell the trio is going to do about it if so. Christ, he’s evenfound himself worrying about Wyatt. Thingsare clearly upside-down.
And Lucy.
Flynn doesn’t even need to forcehimself to be honest (which is good, otherwise he might never get there) to beconfronted with the fact that he has felt like he wants to die every hour,every minute, every second since heleft her. He has drearily struggled to rehearse the rationalizations,everything he worked out about how it was the best choice, but that barelycompensates for the knot of agony in his chest that hasn’t loosened its grip atall. If anything, it’s getting tighter. Still more, he knows that it was thecoward’s way out, and Lucy will be so angry with him for doing it that he haslikely burned any bridges back. He’ll just… he has no notion. He’s at the endof his rope. He just wants to go to bed and sleep for five years. Maybeforever.
Flynn supposes that he could workon identifying Rittenhouse members in the present, try to disrupt theiroperations and their ability to run more missions interfering with the past, asthat is essentially his only marketable skill set at this point, and might evenbe tangentially useful for the Time Team. He doesn’t know what to do with hislife if he’s not chasing them. Lucy started that too, and now he’s lost hertoo. No more than he deserves, really.
Presently, Flynn has gottenbuzzed at a sake bar, but not very much, as it takes a lot to get him drunk and he was tired of being gawped atby the locals. He has bought a room in a grimy hostel in the bar district (well,grimy by Japanese standards, which would still be shockingly clean for budgetaccommodation anywhere else) and he’s half-hoping some mugger with a death wishwill try to jump him (they’d have to jump very high). He could do with beatingthe shit out of someone, even if this is liable to get him dragged before theprefecture police, and accordingly cause more complications. He’s drunk justenough to have a headache, and he is in a vindictively foul mood. Fine, justlet them, let anyone, he doesn’tcare, he just wants it to –
At that moment, someone steps outof the alley in front of him. Flynn can’t help but wondering wildly if hisrequest for a mugging was granted after all, even if the joke’s on them, as hehas nothing worth stealing. He reflexively loads up for a punch – and thencatches sight of the newcomer in the glow of the neon sign from the takeoutrice place ahead, and freezes.
“You?” His tongue is still too thick, but the shock cuts throughhis head like a circular saw. “What the – whatthe fuck are you doing here?”
“What’s it look like?” WyattLogan glares back at him, blue eyes almost red in the reflected glare, givinghim a momentarily hellish aspect. “Tracking down your dumb ass!”
“How did – ” Flynn isn’t sure ifhe stopped trying to hit him too early. “How did you – ”
“How did I find you?” Wyattrepeats, clearly vastly underwhelmed by the sheer disastrous nature of thiswhole situation. “Well, aside from the fact that I obviously have a fewconnections, Abraham Preston, itlooks like you completely half-assed this whole thing. Don’t tell me thatsomeone who worked for the NSA for most of his life, and who went off the gridfor two years before he stole the Mothership, doesn’t know how to properlydisappear. Instead you use the most obvious fake name possible, then go to theone place you will literally be remembered by everyone you meet. You want toknow how I found you? Just asked if anyone had seen a tall, crazy-looking whiteman. Took me about three hours, tops, since I got from the airport. It almostlooks, oddly enough, like your heart’s not in this at all.”
“I – ” Flynn opens his mouth,then shuts it with a click. “Why did you come after me?”
“I’m not even going to dignifythat with a response.” Wyatt folds his arms. “Why do you fucking think I cameafter you?”
“I – thought you’d just – ”
“Yeah. I’m sure you thought alot. And I’m also sure it was mind-meltingly stupid, but hey, what’s itmatter?” Wyatt is angrier than Flynn has ever seen him. “Rufus and I have beenbusting our asses trying to fix allyour problems, worrying about Lucy, about what we’re going to do if Rittenhousejumps again, and you’re – what? Enjoying some geisha girls and anime?”
Flynn bristles. “I am not cheating on Lucy, I didn’t – ”
“Oh, so it’s cheating on hernow?” Wyatt yells, as heads start to appear on the balconies in the buildingsabove the narrow alley. “When you’re still, as far as I know, trying to rejectthis whole marriage as hard as you can? You didn’t cheat on her, hey, no, youjust ran away? Gold star!”
“Wyatt, just – ”
“No. No, you do not get to say anything. I’m here because of Lucy. Notbecause of you. Rufus thought we should just leave you down whatever rabbithole you’d dug for yourself, and frankly, I wanted to agree with him. But sinceyou’ve fucked all of us now, not just one of us, I had to come and see if therewas any hope of salvaging anything. You know what? Now that I’m here, I’mreally not sure why I bothered. Go get drunk and run away. Fine. The rest of usmight be screwed, but at least we try to fix our own problems.”
Flynn can feel a faint heatrising up his throat, stinging his cheeks. “Wyatt – ”
“If you’re interested inapologizing, I’m not interested in hearing it.” The younger man regards himwith a gaze that has turned to chips of flint. “I’m not even the person you oweit to. That’s Lucy. She loves you, you stupid son of a bitch. She loves youmore than I’ve seen her love just about anyone, however that happened, andyou’re breaking her heart. If you think that doesn’t matter, just say so. Saveall of us some time and trouble.”
Flynn feels as if he has been runover by a steamroller. He turns away, unable to meet Wyatt’s eyes head-on,rubbing a hand over his face. He had words, an answer, he swears, but that just blew all of them to pieces. He has never hated himself more than hepresently does, he knows he can’t justify his actions in any way that wouldsatisfy Wyatt, and any less to himself. And yet –
“I can’t protect her,” he says.“I can’t protect her. She got shot right in front of me. It could happen again,I could lose her too, and I – ”
“So what?” Wyatt has absolutelyno interest in sparing his feelings. “You’ll run away, and she’ll – not getshot? Yeah, you’ll do a bang-up job protecting her from five thousand milesaway, you fucking moron. Tell me, is there any logic anywhere in your decisions? Any? The smallest bit?”
Flynn has absolutely no reply.They stand there staring each other down (or rather, Wyatt stares, as Flynn still can’t look at him straight) fora horribly long moment. A hundred potential scenarios run through Flynn’s head,a thousand. None of them end with Lucy kissing him and telling him she’s justglad to see him, that they can put this behind them and start fresh. None ofthem end with him allowing himself to believe that, even if she did.
“Well?” Wyatt snaps, when hedoesn’t say anything. “Are you coming back, or do I just leave you to whateverother terrible decisions you somehow haven’t made yet?”
“I…” Flynn swallows hard,still feeling as if there’s a sizeable chunk of shrapnel lodged in his chest.“The former.”
Wyatt is caught off guard. Thenhe says shortly, “That doesn’t necessarily exclude more terrible decisions, Isuppose. And you have not even started to fix things, believe me. But I supposethat is, statistically speaking, the lesser of the shitty options you couldhave taken. Come on.”
Flynn has absolutely no idea whattime it is by the time they finally land in San Francisco, his third flight(and second long-haul international flight) in about as many days. They wentbackward over the International Date Line, so it’s technically yesterday fromwhenever they left Tokyo, and even his well-calibrated internal clock, whichhas to deal with much larger time jumps on a regular basis, is hopelesslyscrambled. He slept a little on the plane, but not much, and he’s practicallyfloating. Whatever is about to happen next, he just wants it over with.
Wyatt checks his phone as soon asthey are allowed to turn on their electronics, and tersely reports thataccording to Rufus, Rittenhouse still hasn’t jumped again. This is baffling toboth Flynn and Wyatt – someone surely saw Lucy shot in 1876, they have to knowshe’s on the shelf, that the Time Team is distracted and divided – and more thana little suspicious. If they haven’t, it’s because they think there issomething they can more profitably be doing in the present, and that’s not terrifying at all.
Despite his singular level offatigue – a flattening brew of emotional exhaustion, double-whammy jetlag,sleep deprivation, and Japanese misadventures –Flynn is antsy to get to thehospital and see Lucy, even though he’s quite sure she will not want to seehim, and that the conversation could quite justifiably be started off byslapping him until his ears ring. He and Wyatt catch a cab, at which Flynn dozesoff in the back while they’re stuck in traffic, and has to be woken with astart thirty minutes later. They stumble into the hospital foyer lookingpractically like intake candidates themselves, and Flynn reels. “Go tell Lucy I’llbe right up,” he says. “I need a minute.”
Wyatt gives him a cold fish-eye.
“Yeah, I know. The last time I saidthat, I – never mind. But I think it’s obvious I’m not going to do that again,and it’s probably better that you warn her, rather than that I just walk in outof the blue. All right?”
Wyatt continues to stare evilly athim, with the clear indication that if Flynn takes so much as a single step outof this hospital, he, Wyatt, will shoot him on the spot and dump him in ashallow grave. At last, however, he jerks his head once, and heads for theelevator. Calls over his shoulder, “Five minutes. Then you better be up there.”
Flynn grunts in assent and headsinto the men’s room, staring at himself in the mirror. Under the harshfluorescents, he looks mostly like a corpse himself, and splashing cold wateron his face barely helps. He is so tired that even death would feel like a lightnap. He isn’t ready for whatever Lucy is going to say to him, even knowing hedeserves it. God. He really could not possibly have fucked that up more. Maybe atleast she’ll finally be free of him, his cracks and his catastrophes and hisendless mistakes. She deserves that.
Still. He has come this far. He hasto finish the job.
Flynn splashes one more round ofwater on his face, and straightens up. He’s just reached over to dry his handswhen the bathroom door opens, then shuts. He looks up, uninterested, and then –
“Hello, Mr. Flynn.” BenjaminCahill reaches to lock the door behind him, and holds up his hands to show thathe’s unarmed. “We’ve been waiting for you to come back.”
“Wh – ” Flynn can’t even get theword out. He tries to take a step, but his feet have dissociated from hissparking, malfunctioning brain. “You bastards – you fucking bastards have been watching the hospital this whole time?”
“Of course we were. Can’t afather be concerned for his daughter?” Cahill looks genuinely wounded. “I do carevery much about Lucy, I heard what happened at Little Bighorn, and I had toensure that that unfortunate slip-up wasn’t going to lead to any more permanent –”
“Shut up.” Flynn’s fingers flex.He’s fairly sure he could make at least a start at strangling him, but therehave to be more of them outside. “Shutup.”
Cahill looks at him with a faintsmile and raised eyebrow. “Listen to me, Mr. Flynn.”
“Fuck you.”
“Listen to me. There’s something you need to know. About your wife.”
Despite everything, that catches Flynnlike a brick across the face. “What?” he blurts. “Lucy?”
Cahill’s other eyebrow raises atthat. The silence briefly turns horrendous, and then he shakes his head. “No,”he says simply. “The other one.”
15 notes · View notes
My Instincts Runs My Actions
Hi guys. So I know it´s been ridiculously long since I posted a story and I´m really sorry for that but I´ve been doing pretty bad and my computer crashed which made me lose all of my writings. I hope this makes up for it :) If you by any means want to know more about why it´s been so long since I posted send me a message and I´ll most likely answer.
So this is part of @luci-in-trenchcoats challenge. My prompt was “Fake it till´ you make it”  and I´m leaving it pretty open so I´ll be able to continue it if I feel like it or if you guys want me to. This might be similar to my first story but I wanted to write it so here it is.
Warnings: Mentioned of blood, fluff, unconsciousness. 
I stood in front of the mirror of the hotels bathroom looking down at my uniform, I knew it was clean but I also knew where the blood had been. I looked over at the security suit that laid besides me on the sinks before looking back up into the mirror and sighed.
 “Let´s see how long this will work Y/N, remember you are a security guard once you put that suit on, not an army nurse.” I said hoping my surprise would work out as planned. Jensen had no idea I was back in the U.S. I take a deep breath before putting on the suit and neatly fold my uniform but never removing my ID tags. I put the earpiece in my ear and grab my duffel bag now containing my uniform before walking out of the bathroom towards the green room where I´ll put my duffel. I keep my head down and I´m thankful that I was allowed to wear my aviators, I know classic douche features wearing sunglasses inside. I place my duffel so it won´t be to noticeable before texting Cliff letting him know I was there. I walked out of the room and decided to stroll around the con. I felt someone tap me on my shoulder, I turned around and was met with a girl who looked concerned.
 “Excuse me Ms but I need your help, I think someone might have fainted.” I cursed to myself, really?! The only time I couldn´t show I was a nurse. I smiled at the girl.
 “Alright then, can you show me where?” The girl nodded and walked away when she saw I followed her. We soon reached a girl passed out on the floor. I quickly sat down checking the girls breathing and such.
 “What´s your name sweetie?” I asked the girl who brought me here. “Katy.” I smiled. 
“Okay Katy my name´s Y/N. Could you see if you can get ahold of another security guard or something. Tell them to bring water and towels.
” The girl nodded and hurried of to get another security guard. I check the unconscious girl´s pulse and breathing. She´s still breathing so I rub my hand on a spot just above her chest in the middle which will hurt really bad and usually wake you up. 
“C´mon sweetie, wake up.” I say to myself. Just as Katy and two other security guards comes over the girl let´s out a gasp and takes a deep breath. I instantly try to calm her down before letting the other guards walking her to the room where there were nurses set up for the convention. I took a deep breath before walking towards the hall that Jensen and Jared would have their next panel. I opened the door and stepped inside stopping just after the entrance and waited for the hall to get filled with fans. Soon the music began to play and I stood up straighter a small smile on my face. Jensen and Jared hurried up on the stage both grinning before jumping up in the air. 
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“Hello Jacksonville!” They said into their mics while sitting down. 
“So before we start taking questions we´d like to get someone else here on stage who has a pretty important message.” Jared said while one of the security guards that helped me with the unconscious girl earlier walked up onto the stage. Jensen handed the guard his mic and the guard smiled. 
“Hello everyone, so earlier today there was a young girl who fell unconscious here at the con and one of our colleagues helped her regain consciousness which we are all very proud of but we don´t know the name of said colleague but she is supposed to be here. So if you are the woman that help that girl could you please get up on stage?” The guard said smiling. The boys and all of the fans began clapping to encourage “the colleague” to walk up on stage. I groaned
“Why do I always let my instincts run my actions?” I muttered before walking towards the stage, I was grateful for the baseball cap and the sunglasses. I reached the stage and walked up onto it with a small smile.
“So you´re the one who helped the girl?” Jared asked and I nodded.
“So what´s your name?” I sighed a little.
“My name is Y/N.” I said putting on my best accent. Jared and Jensen looked at each other.
“That´s pretty cool, Jensen´s fiancée´s name´s also Y/N.” Jared said looking at me closely. 
I nod “I know, she´s in the army right, as a nurse?” Jensen nodded. 
“Yeah she is, she´s actually out with her platoon right now.” he says looking proud. I smile a little. 
“I´m sure she´d love to be here with you.” Jensen nodded. “I´d love to have her here too. How´d you know what to do when that girl was unconscious Y/N?” Jared asked.
 “I actually am a nurse originally.” I say proud.
“You kind of remind of her, Jensen´s fiancée I mean.” Jared said walking closer to me, I swallowed. He grabbed my glasses and his eyes widened slightly.
 “It is you!” He exclaimed excited. I chuckled and nodded removing the baseball cap. 
“What´s our usual saying babe, fake it till´ you make it right?” I said looking at Jensen small tears in my eyes. Jensen quickly walked over and gave me a deep passionate kiss making the crowd cheer. I grinned into the kiss. 
“Surprise.” I mumbled. He grinned back.
 “I can´t believe you´re here.” “Well you better.” I chuckle and placed a kiss on his cheek. 
“Y/N Y/L/N everyone!” Jared said happily and the crowd cheered. I waved at everyone before walking off the stage and went to change out of the security uniform and into my normal uniform.
Forever tags: @evyiione @bea789 @beckawinchester 
Jensen tags: @deansbaekaz2y5 @chelseypaigeake @fernandasvaldi @confusedpotatofairy @a-fangirl-stuff @lifeisforlosers @xpanicatthespnx
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amidalogicdive · 7 years
A Cute Seduction
Okay, here we go, @nicrt asked for the following prompt: 60. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to seduce me.” for nyxnoct? :D
Sorry, this is un-beta'ed and all mistakes are mine!
A03 link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11344110
The Kid, as Nyx had come to call him, didn’t look like he could be any older than sixteen when he’d first caught a glimpse of him. He’d been hanging out at the Kingsglaive compound for about a month, always sticking to the shadows and trying his best to not draw any attention to himself. Seeing that he was dressed in black, a norm for anyone in service to the royal family, Nyx figured that he was either a new recruit or the kid of some high ranking official that worked for the King of Lucis.
It was a week later when the Kid caught his eye again standing under the covered walkway, he was holding a discussion with their Captain and Nyx could only think that maybe he’d been right and he was a new recruit. Either way, it wasn’t his concern so he brushed it off and continued on with his training, noticing later that the Kid had been watching him the whole time. Throwing his dagger to the top of a column, he quickly followed it in a shower of shattered crystalline blue. It had long been broken from bouts of training and games of warp tag, but it had a beautiful view. Despite that, his eyes fell to the Kid who Nyx couldn’t help but think looked too young to be a glaive. That aside, he couldn’t help but think that he was a pretty little thing from where he stood, perhaps a little too pretty.
Ebony hair hung low obscuring his eyes, with pale skin that reminded him of fresh milk and looked like he hadn’t seen a day of work in his entire life. Nyx decided that he had to be one of the council’s kids, a bunch of spoiled brats who didn’t know what it was like to have to work for a living. Figured he was here to see how the other half lived, slaving away just to be able to survive yet always on the outside and hated for existing within the walls. If that was the case, then it wasn’t his problem. This Kid would be bored in a few days, find some other hobby or group to scrutinize and Nyx would never see him again.
Yet he did see him again, it was a week later and the Kid was talking with Crowe over by the entrance to the arena. Watching them for a moment, it looked like she was enjoying the Kids company, laughing lightly as she gently shoved his shoulder. Deciding to get a closer look, he made his way across the hard packed dirt, taking the steps two at a time before stopping beside the woman.
“Nyx, meet Noct.” Jabbing him in the side with her elbow, she grinned up at him. “You be nice, he might be training here with us. He’s a bit quiet, but I’m sure we can knock that out of him!” Crowe reached over to ruffle his hair, laughing as he tried to duck out of her reach at the last moment. “Said he’s been training with some of the Crownsguard boys,” Noct nodded, looking up at Nyx. “But we are much better so I know we can teach him some new tricks.”
Her voice drowned away as he met those amazing fucking eyes. They were bewitching, deep pools of endless, swirling ink that crackled with power. Eos, herself, could have come and plucked the entire universe from the heavens, placing them within those damned eyes. Nyx couldn’t look away, he was suffocating, drowning, and could feel magic crashing against him like waves against a cliff side. This wasn’t the King’s magic, which was easy to wield, molding it to his needs and wishes. No, he could feel this magic forcing its way into his body, feeding him with a power he’d never known existed. The power was like a hurricane, whipping through him; rough, powerful, wild and untamed. It scared him to feel this, he wanted to submit to this raw dangerous power, and that intrigued him and made him want more. Still, those eyes watched him and Nyx held that gaze like a lifeline. He knew at that moment, whoever this Kid was, it was not just another pretty face.
“Hello, Nyx! You alive in there?” Their eye contact broke as Noct turned to smile at the woman and Crowe just laughed at the older glaive. “Sorry, he’s like this at times.”
“Shut the fuck up, Crowe.” Glancing back over at the young boy, Nyx nodded. “Nice to meet ya, hope you enjoy training with us.”
“I’m sure I will, thank you for your help.” Turning to go, Noctis smiled at the two and bowed his head. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
After that meeting Noct, as they had come to know him, became a regular fixture at the Kingsglaive compound. It was always the same, he would show up three times a week at the same time every week and warm up with the glaives, and then join in on the bouts and training that would do. He had even found himself pulled into a few games of warp tag, which were often bet on when a few of them found out he could give the ’Hero’ a run for his money. Nyx had to admit that it was fun, Noct wasn’t afraid to get dirty or play rough and fit in rather well. He also had to admit, he enjoyed the younger man’s company. The way he laughed, smiled or tried to hide his face when he’d blush… but still, there was that wave of power, crashing against him and drawing him in deeper like a siren’s song.
He’d never met anyone who could control the magic of Lucis as well as he could, and the thought that he was more than he let on wouldn’t leave him alone. HIs friends seemed to like him, which in his opinion was a good sign. Libs didn’t have much to say about the kid, but that was a good thing when came to Nyx long time friend. Crowe loved to tease Noct, seeing how easy it was to make the kid blush and despite his quiet nature, he seemed very upfront when asked a question.
Crowe also noticed that Noct enjoyed watching Nyx, which she found beyond cute. At times she would just go up to him, asking how he liked the view. Other times she would push him out to go join the older glaive. Even now she was plotting ways to get the two closer together, and that was when the perfect idea had come to mind.
Nyx had been making his way down the hall towards the exit when Libertus had grabbed his arm. “Hey.”
“Yeah so, Crowe wants to invite the kid to come with us to dinner. So we are going to dinner.” Nyx glanced back at Crowe, who had an arm tossed over Noct’s shoulder and the biggest shit-eating grin he’d ever seen her wear. Right then, he should have realized that he was in trouble.
“He’s up for it, so let’s go eat and teach this boy how to get drunk!”
Figuring that he should at least try and be the responsible adult that he was, Nyx crossed his arms and gave Noct a once over. “Aren’t you a bit too young to go out and get drunk?” The look he got was more along the lines of ’what the fuck are you talking about’, instead of ’oh shit I’ve been caught’ which made the glaive blink. “What?”
“I’m twenty.”
“No… wait, what the fuck?” Libertus started to laugh as Crowe simply shook her head, utterly disappointed in the man she considered a friend. “So you two knew how old he was?”
“Of course dumbass, he told us. Didn’t you ever ask,” arching a brow, Crowe met his icy stare. “Or just assume, and not say anything?”
“Well obviously he assumed, now can we please go eat and get drunk?”
Nodding, the mage pulled Noct with her as they walked towards the exit. “Don’t worry, that’s just the way he is. Sometimes you just can’t teach an old dog new tricks, maybe it’s time to consider putting him out of his misery.”
“That’s just wrong, Crowe.” Still, Libertus shook his head as a chuckle fell from him. Noct could only smile as he shook his head at the woman, and Crowe, she just looked entirely too proud of herself.
“Are you seriously comparing me to a fucking dog, and I’m not that old!” He knew he would live to regret going with them and didn’t know what the hell he was getting himself into, but he was never one to pass up drinking.
It was several hours, one restaurant, two bars and a small hole-in-the-wall skewers shop later that they had found themselves sitting at an old wooden table and their party had grown in size. Somewhere along the line, Pelna had shown up, which had taken up all of Crowe’s attention. Then they had run into Tredd and Luche, who seemed equally drunk, as they made their way to their last stop. A pile of meaty goodness sat in the middle of the table as they ate spicy food and drank bad beer. It was perfect.
Nyx glanced over at the younger man, smiling as Noct finished off another beer before pushing it away. “You ok, kid?”
Noct looked up, meeting his gaze as a light blush crossed his cheeks. “I’m not a kid, just Noct.” Setting his elbow on the table, he rested his head against his hand and smiled. “You have beautiful eyes, like… icy crystals or something blue like that. Really pretty.” Nyx chuckled, taking another drink as Noct continued to watch him. “I mean it, and the way you warp and disappear and reappear somewhere else is just, wow. Your hands are nice too, I like how they hold things.”
“Really?” He knew the poor guy was just wasted, but it was really cute to watch him try and fumble over words and try to make some sense out of them.
“Yeah, you know how you um…” A very serious look crosses his features, trying to find the words he wanted, After a moment, Noct just shrugged and gave up. “Why are you so good looking… it should be a crime. Your tattoos are amazing, I really just… wanna touch them. You can touch me too, but I don’t have any tattoos.”
“You know, Noct.” He paused, just watching the younger man for a moment. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to seduce me.”
The elbow holding up his head slipped as Noct slammed his hands down on the table hard enough that even Nyx jumped. “I’m ok… I got it. The table tried to throw me off…” That was it, he couldn’t take it anymore, Nyx just broke down laughing as Noct watched him. “It’s not fair to laugh at someone when a table attacked them!”
“Noct, your elbow slipped.”
“…oh.” There was a moment of silence as he reached for another bottle of beer. “Then I will forgive the table.”
When he actually looked down, telling the piece of wood it was forgiven, that was it for the glaive. “Nope, you’re cut off. No more.” He grabbed the bottle away from him as a long drawn out whine left the younger male. Nyx stood to grab his jacket, slipping it on. “I’m taking you home. Come on, where you live?”
“Seriously?!” Glacier eyes glanced over at the woman, hands on her hips as she leveled a death glare at him. “He’s completely wasted and you’re just gonna drop him off at home and let him fend for himself? That is a dick move, Ulric!” She was right, and at the moment it looked like Noct wouldn’t remember where his home was anyway.
“Fine then, I got him and I’ll make sure he makes it safely home tomorrow. Happy now?”
“Very, have a nice night~!” Turning her attentions back to Pelna, she couldn’t hide the smirk that was plastered across her face.
It was late and slow going as the two made their way through the lower streets of Insomnia, even the refugees in the Galahd district has started turning in for the night. Four blocks later, and three pit stops so the prince could empty the contents of his stomach, they had finally made it to Nyx apartment. Helping the man down the stairs, he heard a light mutter fall from the other’s lips. “Hm, what was that?”
Coughing, Noct looked up at him. “Did it work?”
Noct let out a deep breath, resting his forehead on Nyx chest. “Seducing you… cuz you know? You’re just really fucking good looking and I didn’t know how you tell you.”
He blinked, taking in the words, and then blinked again. He’d actually been trying to hit on him, and that disaster was his best attempt? Funny thing was, Nyx had honestly found it cute, endearing to see Noct like that. “Yeah, I guess it did. You know, you’re quite pretty yourself.”
“Pretty?” He let Nyx lead him down the rest of the stairs and to his front door. “Can a guy be pretty?”
“Nyx shut the fuck up.”
Laughing, he unlocked the door and helped Noct into his place. “It’s not much but it’s home. You can have the bed, and I have a spare toothbrush. Why don’t you jump in the shower and I’ll find you something to wear.” Surprisingly, Noct did as he asked and brushed his teeth as Nyx started the shower for him. By the time he came back to the bathroom, the younger man was in the shower. “I left you a towel and some clothes, just come out when you’re ready.” The only response he got was an arm-wave through the frosted glass. Leaving the bathroom, Nyx changed into his own sleepwear and then went back over to the kitchen to grab a cup of water setting another aside for his guest.
Noct exited the bathroom shortly after, his hair wet and sticking everywhere from a quick towel drying. The sleeping pants barely clung to his hips and the long sleeved shirt had been rolled up a few times so he could actually see his hands. “Fuck, I feel like shit.”
“At least the table isn’t attacking you anymore.” He said with a chuckle, watching as Noct flipped him off. “Ok I’m sorry, but it was really cute.” Making his way over, he placed a few pills in his hand and held out the water. “You’ll thank me in the morning.” Nodding, Noct took the pills and finished off the glass of water before sitting back on the couch. “Any better?”
“Depends, are you asking about my head, my stomach or my pride?” Burying his face into his hands, fingers started to rub circles against his temples. “Head’s ok, stomachs empty… prides bruised.”
“I see,” Moving across the room, he took a seat beside him and buried tanned fingers in his hair so he could rub the back of his neck. Noct let out a moan, leaning into the touch as midnight orbs closed. “Better?”
“You can never stop doing that…” He whispered, rolling his head a bit. “Mm, feels really good.”
“I bet. Now we know your limit, so next time we can cut back a bit.”
“Next time?” Glancing up at the glaive, a smile tugged at the corner of his lip. “Will there be a next time?”
He nodded, rubbing a bit lowers on his neck as he met Noct’s eyes. “Gotta give you another chance to seduce me, don’t I?” He was quiet as his eyes looked down at the floor, biting his lip as he thought those words over. “You ok?”
He nodded, moving suddenly to straddle the other’s lap. “Do… I have to wait to try and seduce you again?” Nyx hands fell from his neck to Noct’s hips, holding him in place. “I mean, you did say you thought it was cute. So maybe it was a bit successful?”
“Maybe, a bit…” They watched one another for a moment, dark and pale eyes seemed to study one another as they sat in silence. Noct played with the ends of the too long sleeves as Nyx rubbed gentle circles into pale hips. “Nyx,”
Before he could speak, Nyx cut him off. “You watch me a lot, I know because I watch you.” Noct thought that over as the glaive smiled. “Always thought you were cute but young.”
“I’m twenty.”
“Yeah I know, and you don’t look it.” He countered, seeing him frown. “That’s why I didn’t do anything, just kinda brushed off the attention.” One hand rose to caress his jawline, leaning forward slightly. “Now I know better, and I really want to kiss you.” Pressing forward without any more encouragement, Noct kissed him before he could react. A moment later, he wrapped his arms around the pale man and deepened it.
When they finally pulled away, Noct was smiling once again. “That was nice.”
“Got a nicer bed right over there… if you wanna go try it out?” The grin that Noct gave him was the only thing he needed to see as he picked up the smaller man and carried him over to the bed.
It was hours later when the buzzing of a phone from him out of his peaceful sleep, groaning slightly as the annoying sound stopped. Look to his right, he found a very lovely, very tired and very naked man curled up against his body. He’d been buzzed, and Noct had been drunk… maybe having sex hadn’t been the smartest idea, but he couldn’t change what had been done. Nyx just hoped that Noct didn’t wake up regretting it. When those dark eyes opened, smiling up at him as he nuzzled his face into his neck, he knew everything would be ok.
“Morning beautiful, how did you sleep?” He whispered, brushing fingers through thick, dark hair.
“Mm good, but a little sore.” Noct was about to speak again when a phone buzzing broke the silence.
“Fuck,” Reaching down blindly, he grabbed the offending piece of technology and swiped it on. “What?”
There was silence for a moment, then a voice that Nyx knew more than well echoed into his ear. “May I ask who this is, and why you have my son’s phone?” Pale eyes grew wide as he looked at the man beside him. “Hello, who is this?”
“Sir, Majesty sir… This is Nyx Ulric, sir.” Noct was looking at him with a mix of amusement and shock, realizing that the glaive had answered his phone and was currently speaking with his father.
“Ah, Sir Ulric. Yes, I know well of you. Captain Drautos always has interesting tales to regale us with.” A light chuckle fell for a moment, then the King cleared his throat. “That doesn’t explain why you have my son’s phone, is Noctis there?”
Noct… Noctis. Why hadn’t he realized it? While it was true that few people actually knew what the prince looked like, how could he have missed the fact that their names were so similar? Of course, it didn’t help that the man really looked nothing like this father. “Sir, he was training late with us and we invited him out to eat. By the time we were done it was late, and none of us felt comfortable with him going home alone.” He was actually proud of himself for pulling this story out of his ass, like hell he was going to tell the king he son got drunk and then slept with a glaive.
“I see, that was wise if you. My son could not be in safer hands if he’s with you, Sir Ulric.” There was a stab of guilt, yes he was lying but… anyone would line in this circumstance. “May I speak with my son?”
Nyx shot the young prince a look that could have killed. “Yes sir, the Prince happens to be right here. Hold on, one moment.” Pulling the phone away, he placed his hand over the mic. “Seriously, Prince?! Are you trying to get me killed?”
“I thought you knew.”
Once again, Lib’s and Crowe’s comments of him just assuming hit home. “Fuck me…” Holding out the phone, Noct… no Noctis took it from his hands.
“Hey, dad…” Pulling the blanket around him, Noctis watched as the glaive started to pace the small apartment. “Training has been going really well. Nyx and Crowe are great teachers. Mm, yeah… I didn’t think you’d mind. I was surrounded but glaives all night.” Noctis smiled, and Nyx heart leapt. He was fucking beautiful when he smiled like that. “No, totally safe. Yeah, he let me use his bed.” The prince looked up at Nyx, smirking. “He was well behaved, I can see why he’s one of your best. Yeah, ok I’ll see you for dinner tonight.” Rolling his eyes, he nodded. “Yeah, love ya too dad. Bye.”
“Prince…” The glaive stood there with his arms crossed and completely naked. He wanted to be angry, honestly, he did but he also should have asked a hell of a lot more questions about him. “Prince Noctis…”
Tossing the phone on the bed, he leaned back against the wall. “Yes, Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum, heir apparent to the throne of Lucis and King Regis only child.” They just watched one another for a moment, then Nyx shook his head. “I’m sorry, I really thought you knew.”
“Did Crowe? Libs?” Noct nodded, watching Nyx rub his face. “They never told you… Crowe knew I thought you were good looking and she said you wouldn’t mind. That I shouldn’t let my title or who I am me from going after what I want. You just… the way you acted at first I thought you knew.”
Walking over, Nyx sat on the bed beside him. “This is awkward as shit… I’m a glaive and you’re the future king. I’m going to regret saying this,” He could see the prince curling up on himself, waiting for the rejection. “So when can we see each other again?” HIs head shot up, looking at the glaive for a moment. “I know a nice little place, but we are not drinking like we did last night.”
“You want to see me again?” He nodded. “Even though I’m the heir?”
“No, I want to see you again because you’re Noct. Fucking cute as shit, and just happen to be some hot shot in Insomnia.” Shrugging, Nyx leaned forward. “Look, if I have to get my head cut off, might as well die a happy man. So you wanna?”
“Yeah, ok.” The smile that broke out was full of so much happiness, Nyx couldn’t help but kiss the man again. Maybe he would regret it later on, it may not work out between them or the king might kill him.
But at the moment, he was the happiest man in Insomnia and no one was going to take that away.
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