#like a fucking PSYCHOPATH
sga-owns-my-soul · 11 months
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lotus-pear · 6 days
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charm stat at debonair ‼️‼️
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jeremyjohnirons · 6 months
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so theres this sweeney todd revival recast....
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risuola · 4 months
hear me out... stalker!sukuna watching and following you for months, calling and messaging you even though you changed your number twice. turning your life into a living nightmare before he finally breaks into your house. you hold a knife, you want to scream but he presses you too the wall, one hand on your wrist and one on covers you're face. he's—
edit: allow me to invite y'all to the comment section
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blueskittlesart · 8 months
someday when you're in college you may be registering for classes and see a 'TBD' next to the professor category on a class you're required to take. and you will hear a little voice in your head saying 'just take the class anyway, it can't be that bad. surely the school i'm putting myself in debt to go to wouldn't hire someone who doesn't know how to teach.' that voice is the devil. do not listen
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About Miguel taking the place of Gabriella's father -
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I know we say ooooohhhh Miguel is a psychopath, he's evil for taking her dads place. that's so creepy
and yeah, it is creepy. horror movie shit
But Question:
If you saw a child, a child belonging to another you, going through a deep pain, alone. Wouldn't you step in?
If you knew that a child was about to experience a traumatic event - and you were the only person in the universe with the ability to help.
Would you? Like you, personally. Or would you turn the other way and let fate take it's course?
Would you even have the strength to do that?
When Gwen lost her father in front of Jess, Jess felt like someone had to step in. WE felt like someone had to step in.
When Gabriella lost her father in front of Miguel - wouldn't he feel it too? Wouldn't you?
He did. He stepped in. And he tried to change it. And he killed her.
When Miguel and Jess are both faced with a young girl, on the verse of losing her father in an abrupt and traumatic way, they probably both thought the same -
'Someone has to do something. I have to do something.'
So with that in mind - can we imagine that Miguel felt that same way when looking at Gabriella? A girl who just lost her father abruptly? In a violent, permanent way?
Looking at her father and knowing that...eventually - Gabby is going to know something is wrong. Her father isn't coming home. And very soon - she's going to start getting scared.
Knowing that from this day forward her life will chance in a very big and very painful way.
Or it couldn't.
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Or, he could step in. Or, he could head 'home'. He can tuck Gabby in like nothing happened. She could go on like she lived everyday - normal, happy, safe, and with a dad that loves her. Nothing has to change. No funeral. No death anniversaries. No empty space. All he has to do is step in. Or, he can look the other way and let fate take it's course. And let Gabriella end up wherever the universe decides.
What would you do? Can you even decide that?
Look, Do I think what Miguel did was right - taking her father's place? I don't know. Does it matter? Either way - Gabriella suffered.
But do I think Miguel is a psychopath? Do I think he was obsessed, and scheming? No. I don't at all. I think he, like Jess, saw a kid in need. I think he's normal. He's Just Miguel. I think he was monitoring the universe for other Miguels, the same way they monitor all universes for anomalies or recruits. And when Lyla told him about the death - about Gabby - he was faced with a very hard decision -
I don't believe Miguel - at his baseline - is an intentionally malicious person. In any capacity.
I think he's a dude, like Jess - who saw a little girl in need. And now he's in way too deep, and people are dying, and he doesn't know how to stop it no matter how hard he tries and everything he does seems to make it even worse
And when he's trying - when he pulling out all the stops, finding all the best, watching universes day & night - nothing helps. Anomalies keep happening.
Even after all that, after making a whole society - he can't stop it. People are still dying.
And the moment he realizes this - the moment Miles breaks free and escapes. He realized once again - the universe is in control. He was never going to fix it. He never could.
All the efforts he put into The Society can't stop Spot - and they can't stop Miles.
And now, because Miguel isn't good enough to catch him, people are going to die, on his watch AGAIN.
Or..at least that's how Miguel sees it.
Miguel didn't sign up for this. He didn't sign up to be a boss holding all of existence together with duct tape and silly string.
He signed up to be a dad. He just wanted to help a little girl.
And now people are dying, Gabriellas dead, People's universes are on the edge of collapse, and now Miles is coming into play, and he's gonna lose HIS dad and Hobie's finally gone AWOL knowing it was gonna come eventually -
And Yes, he snapped. (lol not in the cvnty way)
Between those moments he went from this -
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To this. The emotional deterioration is sudden. Everyone around him is stunned he's capable of this.
Does Miguel even know he's capable of this?
I don't know.
I just know this is us seeing a Miguel with reasoning - and a Miguel without it. A Miguel who is being conscious about what he's doing and the words he's picking, to a Miguel running on pure rage and fury and desperation alone.
There's no planning here. There's no stopping to think. He can't and he won't. He wants everyone in the field now.
This is Miguel not being normal. And he got to this point -
All because he wanted to help a little girl. The same way we wanted to help Gwen.
I don't think Miguel's story is about an unhinged man using trauma as an excuse to rule with an iron fist.
I don't think that's what this is. Miguel's story is the same as Jess story is the same as Peter's story.
He wanted to help this kid who needed him. And it backfired.
I think Miguel's story is a reminder that sometimes our help can hurt.
And I think his story is a reminder that Yes, even normal people can reach Miguel's level of rage.
Even normal people can be pushed to the point total powerlessness, of feeling like everything you do makes everything worse. To total desperation - just to make anything better some way, some how. To just get any sense of control back when you're on a ride you didn't ask for and can't get off of.
No - I don't think anybody would go mauling children, but I do think there is a point where it does get to much. When literally nothing in the universe is going how you want it to, and you're angry. At it, and everyone in it, anyone that goes along with it-
Anybody can snap.
At this point..I'm not trying to justify what he did - I never was.
I guess I'm just saying I admire Miguel and his character depth for making a very difficult choice. And I hope Gabriella enjoyed the time she had left with Miguel.
Not because he deserved it.
Because she didn't deserve anything that happened to her. She deserved a loving and happy dad. And I hope that's what he gave her. I hope she didn't have to know about all this terrible shit, or why her dad had to wear that watch ALL THE TIME now.
I hope Miguel did what he came to do in the time he had to do it and everything else sucks.
But back to the question.
You see a scared child about to lose their parents. Do you help them?
If that child was technically your child, if they looked like you and laughed like you, - if you knew no one else in the universe could make this better BUT YOU - would you help them? Or no? No judgement, I'm just curious. Because honestly...I don't know what I'd do. At the very least, I don't think Miguel malicious. I don't think he was scheming. In fact, maybe he didn't even think twice.
Who knows.
But looking back, I think everything - everything we see happen in ATSV - was solidified the moment he stepped into Gabriella's world. I don't think there was ever really a point where Miguel would be allowed to say 'I'm in over my head and I need out.'
He was never going to fix it. He never could. We know it. Maybe he knows it too.
But that doesn't mean he can stop trying.
Miguel was never gonna fix it. He was always bound to snap.
I guess what I'm saying is I feel bad for Miguel. Shoot me. Call it a brick and a hard place. But also don't maul kids.
I think he's just Miguel. And he's in way too deep, because he wanted to help. Some Mild Miguel. But anyway -
If you were Miguel: Would you have helped Gabriella?
BONUS QUESTION: If you knew you were going to be leaving behind an orphan child- and you knew your other self would love your child like their own and take your place without the kid enduring the pain - would you want them to step in, or no? Would you rather your kid know you're dead, and then let the system and proceedures play out as fate makes it?
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disasterofcondom · 2 months
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Oh fuck oh my god, sir.. sir, are you there?
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degenerateshinji · 1 year
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(first post) for context
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Forever grateful that heartbreaker high S2 gave us a TRUE love triangle.
Unfortunate that it had to come at the cost of one of them being a classic school shooter white boy and also the school but yk what baby steps
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strawberryspence · 2 years
Steve Harrington has always loved the sky.
How vast, and complex, and free it is. How it changes colors with the season and weather. Sunsets and sunrises, and the things they signify. Some may hate the way it makes them feel smaller, but Steve loves it. He feels safe being a tiny particle under this big sky.
At the early age of six, Steve remembers his mother, sitting beside him in the garden. She was the one who thought him cloud watching. Laying mindlessly in the garden, as they both point out at shapes at the blue sky. There’s a cup, a shape of a heart, a bear. One even looked like a guitar! It was one of the only things they did together for fun.
At thirteen, the sky becomes Steve’s only companion. His parents has left him again, alone in a big quiet house. He’s been in the pool for almost three hours, floating aimlessly as he stares at the sky. There’s different shapes, and it makes him a little less lonely knowing that he’s at least not alone as long as he’s under the big sky.
At seventeen, Steve finds the beauty in the night sky. The dark canvas, with the shining stars and the moon looking down at him. He doesn’t cry, because Harrington’s don’t cry. But there he was, laid in his backyard, nursing a broken heart from the first person he’s ever loved. He’s alone again, and he thinks he’ll always be alone. Just him and the big vast sky. However, there’s more important things now, more than heartbreaks and loneliness, like 12 year olds that get experimented in labs, a girl getting pulled in his pool and to her death and monsters living underneath him. Although underneath the big dark sky, Steve feels like he’s being wrapped in it’s darkness, almost like a comforting blanket.
At eighteen, Steve finds a real friend. Not the sky, but Robin Buckley. A friend he found under the night sky as the place they met went into flames, including Billy Hargrove and Jim Hopper. It’s cruel, but one of the things Steve has learned is that there’s always lost, and there’s always gain. Two nights after the fire, Steve asks, if Robin would lay beside her on the ground. They watch as dark sky turns as the sun rises, too scared to go back to sleep because only then can the nightmares haunt them again. They watch as colors mix from darkness to brightness, and the for the first time in a while, he has someone there with him.
At nineteen, Steve meets Eddie Munson. Really meets him, a brand new slate from what they had in high school. It’s the night just after they come back from the upside down, his bits have been eaten and they’ll probably go back there again tomorrow. Nancy has some kind of plan and he wants to sleep, but he can’t. They sit at the back of the trailer, away from people that could see them (specifically Eddie) smoking a cigarette.
“I can’t believe you guys have been doing this for years.” Eddie says, disbelief apparent in his voice.
Steve shrugs, “I don’t either. They’re—“ He pauses, thinks about El who’s only 15 and has the weight of the world on her shoulders, thinks of Will who’s been through hell and death, thinks of Max who’s still grieving her dead brother only for it to be used to lure her into death, he thinks of the kids, the kids who’s all barely 15 fighting this entity, “They’re all too young for this.” He finishes.
Eddie gives him a look, Steve doesn’t like it. It feels like he’s being studied, he feels naked under Eddie’s eyes. Like he can see through him, see the pieces Steve has hidden for so long.
“You’re young too.” Eddie answers back, tilting his head, “You, Robin, Nancy, even me.��
Steve shrugs, “I guess. I just want this to end already.”
Eddie looks away, staring at the skies as it finally starts changing its hues.
“I don’t really like sunrises.” Steve looks at him, offended and ready to defend his dear old companion.
But Eddie continues, “I’ve always liked the sunsets more, you know? Sunsets are— endings. But they show you that even endings could be beautiful.”
Steve stares at him, watching silently as Eddie smokes. Steve knows the sun is rising now, and he’s never been one to miss it when it’s right in front of him. But there’s something about the way the different colors are hitting Eddie’s face, the light dancing on his skin and his brown eyes illuminating the colors, like it’s lighting him up in ways Steve has never seen before. It’s breathtaking, Eddie’s breathtaking and it makes him feel things he’s never felt before.
When the silence grows heavy, Eddie breaks it with, “Plus I really like it when the sky turns orange.”
It’s the first time Steve has ever ignored the sky.
At nineteen, Steve learns that the sky could also be red. He doesn’t remember much, just Dustin crying over Eddie’s body as the red sky above him thunders on, menacing and cackling at their demise. The clock just struck, four fault lines running across the town above him. Vecna got Max and Eddie’s dead in Dustin’s arms. It’s hard to look up at the sky then, when they finally emerge from hell. Steve thinks that no clear blue sky, or no dark starry night, can ever give him comfort again.
At twenty, almost three months from the first Vecna fight, the sky is permanently gray and stormy. Steve Harrington is bones and meat. Nothing else. He is nothing but a body, weary of the life that has been given to him. They fight for the last time. Steve wants to run away, pack his bag and never look back but as long as his under this fucking sky, he will always remember that he abandoned them. He fights, he fights, he fights. Eddie’s dead, and Max is in a coma, and Steve Harrington fights until it ends.
They get Max back, but she’s forever changed by the experience. They win, the skies turn back to blue and Steve wants to vomit. If this is what it means to win, then why does he want to die? Why does winning feel so much like losing?
At twenty-two, Steve moves to Boston with Robin and Nancy. It’s a weird group, his best friend and her girlfriend, who was also his ex-girlfriend. But they’re Steve’s family (aside from the kids) and he’d go anywhere if Robin asks. He hasn’t laid in his back to watch the clouds in three years, he hasn’t stayed up to look at the night sky, he hasn’t watched the morning sun rise to it’s beauty and he hasn’t watched the sunset in a while.
It’s a conversation they’ve always avoided. Robin knows that Steve used to love the sky, he told her just as much, how it feels like a companion he’s always had. She doesn’t know why he stopped, why he stopped looking up and pointing out random shapes, or random constellations. Why he hasn’t been waking her up in the morning just so he can show her the sky changing to another beautiful color, morning after morning. All she knows was it stopped after Eddie died.
Eddie’s death has always been hard for the three of them. This one person who’ve they known for almost a week, leaving such a big impression in their lives. She knows Nancy has stash of metal music, smiling with a sad grin whenever Metallica comes on. Robin has multiple guitar pins, always an electric guitar in the color red, pinned in her coat, in her bag, in her bedroom and anywhere else she can stick it on. And Steve, well, Robin held his hand as he got his first tattoo. A D20 dice, just above his demobat scar. Robin’s still not sure if he cried because of the pain of the needle or the pain of having the same scar, in the exact same place, of someone who didn’t survive it.
It all comes out one day. The anniversaries has always been harder, not only were they far away from the kids, but the Vecna spring anniversary always hits them the hardest. It’s also Eddie’s death anniversary, to make it worse. Robin plans it all out, they stay in all day. Just watch movies, eat snacks, stay wrapped in comfortable blankets. The three of them fall asleep in the middle of their fourth movie of the day, all tangled together and it’s days like this— like this that makes it harder to ignore the fact that it should’ve been the four of them rather than just three.
Robin wakes up with Steve not beside her, Nancy still sleeping peacefully beside her. The digital clock— they all can’t stand the silent tick tocking of a clock, reminds them too much of a grandfather clock, no matter how big or small— blinks at her, it’s almost 5:21 in the afternoon. From where she is sitting, she can feel the cold wind brushing her feet, the door of the apartment balcony open. She stands up, wrapping the blanket around her shoulders and walking out to the small balcony.
It’s a surprise to see her soulmate watching the sky start to change colors, the sun impending to set in a few more minutes.
“You’re watching the sunset.” Robin states, making Steve look up at her.
“Yeah.” He replies.
Robin sits beside him, putting the half of the blanket on his shoulder, the half on hers. They watch as the colors start to change. The blue shifting to pink and purple.
“I stopped watching the sky because of Eddie.” Steve starts, startling Robin. It’s been a conversation waiting to happen for years now, but she didn’t think it would happen today. She finds her footing almost immediately, “Why’s that?”
Steve isn’t looking at her, just watching as the sky dances in front of him. Robin have imagined hundreds of ways that this conversation could go but she never expected him to say, “I think I could’ve loved him. Sometimes, I think I do love him.” She had her suspicions, that maybe her bestfriend isn’t entirely straight. But she didn’t connect the dots that it was Eddie who made him realize this.
Steve continues, “He said he loved sunsets, he loves when it turns orange. Because it showed people that endings could also be beautiful.”
Steve has watched maybe hundreds, maybe thousands of sunsets in his life. But this one— they stay quiet, Nancy comes out a little later, sitting on Steve’s other side and holding his hand through the sunset. Together they watch as the day of the anniversary ends, with what Steve could only call the most beautiful sunset he’s ever seen in his life. It turns into the most beautiful hue of orange and Steve breaks.
“That’s him.” Robin tells him, as she wraps him into a hug, as Steve finally cries on her shoulders, both grief and pain chocking him as he sobs harder, “It’s okay. Eddie’s okay now, and he’s letting us know. We’ll be okay.”
“We’ll be okay.” Nancy reassures, hugging the two of them.
Only then does Steve find comfort in the sky again, with the two people he loves and he knows loves him and under the sky as an old friend watches over.
At twenty-six, Steve graduates with a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Atmospheric Science.
Steve doesn’t avoid the sky anymore, he studies it now, writes the weather news for a big Boston channel. He stops to point out random objects in the sky, has a telescope set up for constellations. He drinks a hot cup of coffee, every morning, watching as the sun rises.
He lays in the grass with Dustin and Suzie’s son and teaches him how to cloud watch. He takes time to send reminders to Max and Lucas to wear a raincoat if he sees that it’s going to rain in California. He talks to Will and Mike for hours, just trying to describe to them a weather phenomenon so Will could draw it and Mike could write it for their latest best-selling comics. He knits El a gorgeous sky blue scarf, because he knows how cold it gets in New York.
Wayne calls him, every other day, to ask how the weather is in Boston and Steve asks how the weather is in Indiana. Steve spends a few months in a year in the guest room of the farm house Joyce and Hop bought in 1986. He stays and writes about the stars and the planets, because the skies are so much clearer in rural places.
He still lives with Robin and Nancy, but they’ve moved to a house now. He’s got equipment for sky watching at the backyard and the girls surprised him with sunroof in his office. They have a dog named Hetfield and cat named Sabbath.
And more than anything, Steve loves sunsets. He has the time of every sunset for everyday charted in his room. He stops, whatever he is doing, however important it is, just to go out and get a glimpse of the sun setting. Sometimes, at home, the girls accompany him, like an unspoken ritual, to just watch the sun setting. He waits for it to turn into some shade of orange and smiles when it turns to the color.
It’s a hello, a how are you, a comfortable hug.
It’s an old friend in the form of the sky.
It’s Eddie Munson just checking in.
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→ @undreaming-fanfiction’s beautiful addition (p2)
→ dustin henderson & sunsets (p3)
-> the alternate nicer, fluffier sunrise fic
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sexologii · 27 days
not to be mushy, but sometimes I see my little underdogs on this show, and they’re just so tired from the game and they’re having a moment of being down and they’re ready to throw in the towel, and I sit behind my screen saying “there’s a lot of game left to play, don’t give up just yet” and then in my life, I’m just having a period of being extremely down and I’m just so ready to give up on everything and I don’t know, there’s a lot of life left to live
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shadystranger · 1 month
this moment so fucked up💀
#horror spn moments and its dean torturing sam psychologically in 4 different ways under a min he could've just asked if sam lied#the pacing the lightful to knife lethal seriousness the yelling dean so psychopath 💔#this messes with my head bruh i hated how i couldn't actually predict how he'd lash out on sam#chat I think its time to kill dean#its fucked up that sam spends this arc trying to SAVE dean and the narration and dean treat him like he's melting the earth's crust#and must be crucified#meanwhile when dean decides he might have to KILL sam it's painted as a heroic sacrifice for the greater good#sam doomed if he tries to save but is manipulated and doomed if he tries to also save and well-intentioned#and his punishment for both times Is just death#why are we lowering the guillotine on the guy for trying to save his brother???? he was literally distressed and hiding about it#like he's smuggling a nuclear bomb with full determination to destroy the planet#yea there was grave consequences later but dean's gripe was him going against his wish to be doomed with the mark#you can talk respecting wishes if dean wasn't spending the whole last season flagrantly ignoring sam's wishes half the time#and the other half he spends it DEVASTATED when sam says he'll respect his wishes if he were in his shoes. the whole theme of s9 finale#was dean WANTING to be saved by sam and asking for that morally grey treatment back#If he's gon change his mind one minute and the other then he could have just not practically begged for what sam was doing here#dean's emotional fluctuations arent sam's responsibility#this sounds deancrit but no I'm just speaking from a pov everyone collectively decided to ignore part of its nuance#sam winchester#dean winchester#samdean#spn meta in tags#mine#the editing is supposed to make it haha but the scene is still not hahaing sm..
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Just learnt ‘Findis’ is a combination of ‘Finwë’ and ‘Indis’—
they were that sort of sappy parent.
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chilling-seavey · 1 month
Me @ Will Buxton right now:
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Critiquing their driving, their performance, and their skills weekend to weekend is absolutely fair play.
Critiquing and psychoanalyzing the drivers personalities to the point where it almost sounds like you're a teenager talking shit for a reaction is not in your job description, buddy.
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cryobabyy · 1 month
it’s all so speculative and we’ll likely never fully knowwww (which is fun) BUT what do you think cooper and rachels relationship was actually like? do you think he genuinely loved her and wooed her? do you think he ever did? the wedding photo we see is so cute and i do genuinely believe he loved those kids so it can be done!!
Tbh I think that he was a great husband. My boy is a PERFORMER, he takes out the garbage, handles dinner Wednesday-Friday, he’s present with his children, he’s extremely neat and cleans on Saturday mornings, mows the lawn, you don’t have to ask him to do shit twice, king of back shots, and he probably eats box like a champ! If he does everything perfectly, he raises the least suspicion because no one suspects the perfect husband/father.
I think where he fucked up was assuming there is such a thing as a perfect performance and that it could make up for any minor missteps. Because at some point, the mask might slip, and no amount of good husbandry excuses the fact you’re working strange and late hours, smell like hospital cleaner, and actually fr murder people lol.
As for if he actually loved her; realistically speaking, technically yes. Psychopaths are capable of ‘loving’ things in their own way, but it’s fundamentally different than what a neurotypical person would consider love. He probably loved her in the way you would love a favorite sweater—once it gets worn out and isn’t useful to you anymore, you discard it because it’s an inanimate object you don’t have actual empathy for. He definitely loved Rachel as a tool. She gave him children, made him look more outwardly normal, he could easily control and manipulate her. But once she became useless to him and his pursuits, he had no problem killing her.
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feralsteddie · 2 years
Modern AU where Steve has had an obvious and very vocal crush on Eddie since his freshman year.
He showed up on his first day and somehow that gangly 8th grader with the shaved head who moved to Hawkins halfway through the year is, like, a gangly sophomore with a head of wild curls who looks like he would stab someone who looked at him wrong.
And Steve immediately is crushing and doesn’t care who knows it.
Tommy and Carol fake gag and ask him what the fuck is wrong with him, but he doesn’t even bother looking back at them when he rips Tommy gently to shreds. He’s too busy fixing his hair and standing up straighter while Eddie walks by.
And, in true Steve fashion, he never hesitates to slide up to Eddie at any opportunity, all unearned 15 year old confidence used to hide the fact that his ears are red and his hands are shaking every time Eddie Munson turns those big eyes his direction.
And nothing really changes too much about Steve. He’s still friends with assholes, still a bit of an ass himself in that absent way where he just doesn’t think about what he’s saying, just that it’d get people to give him a wide berth in the hallways. He still goes on dates because Eddie hasn’t even so much as flirted back, even though Steve is nearly two years into shooting his shots with him.
He just watches Eddie’s lunchtime tabletop rants sighing dreamily as he calls him and his friends ‘mindless sheep’ and ‘nuclear family tragedies in the making’. Steve doesn’t really know what Eddie’s going on about with that second one, because Steve’s had their wedding invitations drawn up since halfway through his freshman year.
He pulls back when he gets with Nancy, because he’s pretty sure he loves her too, and she at least looks at him with something more than confused disdain when he flirts with her, and Steve starts to think maybe she’d like if he made their wedding invitations. Maybe she’d wanna come home to Steve and a few kids when she got off work. Maybe she could love him back.
And all the monster shit still happens, the messy breakup, Steve throwing himself down the social ladder and finding maybe his six kids dream really just looked like him and a pack of middle schoolers. Then six kids became seven with Erica and Robin Buckley becomes his best friend and life caries on because high school crushes don’t mean much in the real world.
And then Dustin has a new friend he doesn’t shut up about and, well, Steve’s never been one to miss an opportunity.
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