#like age gaps are fine with me usually like one time i fucked a 68 y/o when i was 18 like age is not a problem but when its a couple
jubillii · 5 months
swingers are always so aggressive with it like calm down
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Running Into You - No. 6
Installment number 6 in my series of AU oneshots about Dan meeting his favourite youtuber AmazingPhil for the first time.
AO3 link
Genre: Fluff, with a sort of 2009-ish feel (but it’s still AU)
Warnings: A bit of swearing and some mentions of low self-esteem but literally it’s just fluff
Prompt: Missent Text
Summary: Dan’s on his gap year, so naturally he’s spending most of his time lounging around on the internet, watching his favourite youtubers and scrolling through tumblr. When he gets an accidental text from an unknown number, he doesn’t think much of it, until a series of events start to convince him the sender might just be someone he idolises: AmazingPhil.
A/N: This draft is like 2 years old, but @agingphangirl convinced me to post this while we’re waiting for pinof. It’s epistolary form, so I hope it isn’t too confusing. Hope you like it ^_^
Phil’s texts are italics, Dan’s texts are in quotation marks
6. Missent Text
Where r u?
Sorry what?
Where r u I’ve been here 10 mins
…Am I supposed to be somewhere?
You said on dm you’d be here at 6, I’m getting cold ^_^
Um I’m sorry mate but you must have the wrong number
Oh crap!! Sorry!!
.Lmao it’s ok. Just checked my dms and nothing interesting enough to make me be outside in this weather sorry
Tell me about it x_x I’m freezing. But if you’re not peej then I’ll be here a while
Unfortunately for you I go by Dan
Oh. Well, hello Dan. Sorry for bothering you with my freezing antics
Nvm it’s cool
It’s more than COOL, it’s COLD enough for ICICLES
I’m sure ur exaggerating
No my nose is an actual block of ice
Where even are you? Unless you’re in the Arctic you might want to get that seen to
Sorry! Peej showed up eventually (the friend I thought you were). Turns out he gave me the wrong number. All sorted now. I promise not to bother you again
Honestly it’s fine. I probably need more human contact so you did me a favour
Haha, glad to be of service ^_^ also I was in Manchester. It’s so cold it snowed. My icicle nose is allowed
Manchester? That’s like waaaaay in the north
Not that far but cold enough for icicle noses :P
Yes yes ok you’re allowed an icicle nose
Haha thanks :P so where are you, if not in the north?
Ohhhh so a proper southerner
I guess you could say that
Well hello Dan the proper southerner
God no that makes me sound like a queens guard or something
Do you queens guard people have time to text?
We’re too busy dealing with the corgis and all that shit
I knew it 0.o
XD but really I’m sitting in bed on the internet lol
Actually same
Haha really?
Yep. Which sites you on?
Just the usual. Tumblr, YouTube. My favourite youtuber has a new video due out tonight
Nice ^_^
What sites are you on?
Currently uploading a video to my YouTube channel
You have a channel?!
Haha yeah ^_^
Which one? Would I know it?
I don’t know. It isn’t a huge deal but it’s fun
Yeah I mean I admire that. I’d love to have a channel
Why don’t you?
Idk too scared I guess
Awr ^_^ nothing to be scared about honest, it’s just you and a camera
And the whole of the internet xD
Haha I try not to think about that part 0.o thousands of people watching me
Thousands? Wow so you must be a pretty big channel
Heh I guess, maybe ^_^ so who are your favourite youtubers?
Oh man I have loads XD Smosh, community channel, AmazingPhil (the one I’m waiting for the new video), charlieissocoollike
That’s a good mix ^_^ my new video is 99% uploaded and stuck there x_x
Seriously? Your connection needs to sort its shit out
Haha yeah it really does. I think it’s being attacked by bees
Or wasps
Tiny horned beetles?
Do they even exist?
Idk but if they do they’re attacking my wifi
I’ll send the insect spray
Haha thanks XD it must have worked as my video is finally uploaded!
…Great video. Especially the lion wedding, that was sweet
Haha thanks! Glad you liked it, took ages to get the dress on lioness. Plus my mum nearly walked in on me 0.o
Holy fuck you actually are AmazingPhil aren’t you
Um, well, yes.
AmazingPhil, FantasticPhil, Epic Youtuber
or just Phil if you prefer
I probably should have told you
Jesus shitting fuck I’m sorry for bothering you
Don’t be daft! I accidentally texted you first ^_^
Yeah but I bet you didn’t expect to end up with a weird fanboy. Um. Not that I’m a stalker I promise
Haha it’s ok Dan honestly
I’m not going to spread your number around or anything holy shit like I’m so sorry
Honestly, please don’t worry, it’s been nice talking to you ^_^ I appreciate you not spreading my number around though. I got lucky with you, don’t want to risk a creepy stalker finding me 0.o
Lmao I promise xD how do you know for sure I’m not a creepy stalker though
0.o I’ll set the bees against you
I’ll start running now
So out of curiosity how long have you been watching my videos for?
Oh um a couple of years now
Really? That’s awesome!
Yeah. You actually replied to one of my comments once ^_^ made my day
Aw haha that’s great, which video?
The toxic one
Oh my god >.<
Haha it’s a good video :P
I should remove it from the internet immediately
Don’t you dare! Your fans would be sad
X_x well this isn’t very fair if you know about me but I don’t know you at all
Well you know my name’s Dan
And you’re from Reading. Tell me more? ^_^
unless you don’t want to, that’s fine, I’m just curious
Haha no it’s alright. Um. I’m Dan. I just finished my A levels and now I’m taking a gap year
Oh cool ^_^ going to uni after that?
Probably. Thinking of law
Wow, that’s impressive
Haha we’ll see ^_^
Just checking but how old are you? I don’t want to be a creep 0.o
Lmao dw I’m 18 everything is legal
Phew XD Anything else I should know?
Well I’m currently undefeated at mario kart
What seriously? You’ve never lost?
Nope and I don’t plan to start :P
I’d beat you
I really wish we could test that theory
Haha that would be fun :P we could always test it over Skype sometime?
That’s probably really weird sorry
I promise I’m not a creeper
It’s ok, and yeah, I’d love to Skype sometime
Yeah? Yay! :D
Lmao you’re probably going to want to run a mile when you see me though
I doubt that very much unless you have like five eyes or something
Five eyes? Wtf XD
Idk you could be a giant spider
[insert pic] See? Not a giant spider :P
Oh wow yeah not a giant spider. I spy a cute guy :P
Shut up >.<
Nice hair
Lol I swear I had it like this before I started watching you
[insert pic] And here I thought I’d started a trend
Crap you actually are Phil >.< yeah your hair is cool enough to be a trendsetter tbh
Haha thanks XD and yeah I am Phil. Is that a problem?
Are you kidding me? Nope except I turn even more awkward than normal around people I admire
Aw well awkward people are the best. And at least there aren’t videos of you half-naked on the internet
You make a good point
Hey so I’m uploading a new video tonight but I can’t decide if it’s actually any good. Check it out for me?
Omfg are you seriously saying I get a sneak preview on an AmazingPhil video
Yes please ^_^ I might have overweirded. Need a second opinion
just like
give me a moment
fucking hell
wow ok
I’m calm now
yes I would love to check your video for you
Haha thanks. It’s up as unlisted, [insert link] please be honest with me if it’s terrible
Wow man that’s awesome! I love how interactive it is!
Omfg seriously how are you this creative like you shouldn’t be allowed
Haha really? Wow thanks, I’m not sure about the shot angle though and the lighting is kinda terrible
Yeah ngl the lighting is bad but you can’t control the sun
You never know! I could be a weatherman. But you seriously think I should upload it?
[insert pic with thumbs up] totally I love it
Aw I forgot how hot you are. It’s going up tonight then
Gah I’m sorry
Haha it’s fine, getting called hot is never bad in my book ;)
Would you believe it was autocorrect?
Haha if you want :P sounds pretty unlikely though
I’m hiding in a pillow and never coming out
No! Then your subscribers will hate me for taking you away
[insert pic in a pillow] do you like my new home
XD don’t hide from me seriously like you have a video to upload
[insert pic] ok true it’s on 68%
Damn YouTube upload times
Tell me about it. Have you ever uploaded a video then?
Lmao there’s one of me being a boss at DDR
Yeah? Can I check it out?
>.< Um sure, I’m a lame nerd though
Dan, have you even met me?
Haha ok true :P [insert link] just don’t say I didn’t warn you
No one’s feet should be allowed to move that fast. You’re so good, I fall over whenever I try and play
Haha I could teach you
Please be my DDR master Dan-sensei
Depends what you give me :P
I’ve got Pokemon cards
I’m sold
[insert pikachu with a lion pic] this was too cute not to show you
Awwww! Rawr ^_^ where is that?
Shop called forbidden planet. I’m in London on work experience and went there on my break
0.o London? You’re braver than me, capital cities scare me
Aw poor Phil haha
[insert pic] do I look ready for work?
Very serious
Srs bsns
[insert scared face pic] I’ll take YouTube any day
Haha. Me too tbh. Law offices are big and dull
Why do you want to do it then?
Idk. Job security? Having a point in life?
Fair enough :P
You did English didn’t you? Sorry I swear I’m not a stalker
Haha it’s fine ^_^ and yeah, English language and linguistics. Then a masters in post-production
Wow that’s so cool. So you’re in your 20s?
22 ^_^ My masters is the only reason I know how to edit videos :P
I wish I could
Well I can always teach you
Yeah of course, I reckon you’d be great at making videos
Really? Lmao I’m so awkward tho
That can work in your favour, trust me :P
Haha well if you say so, YouTube senpai
Listen well Dan-kun and you too will learn the ways of the YouTube
Haha you’re so strange
You’re just jealous
[insert pic] so much
Stop taking pics at work
But it’s so boring. At least send me one back, save me from the dullness
[insert pic] on my way to a meetup so might be a bit slow
Oh cool meetup like YouTube meetup?
I guess that must be fun
I’d love to go to one but too scared and awkward lol
Save me work is literally killing me
I can’t actually keep working here
ugh why did I ever think law was a good idea I’m going to die at uni
Whoops sorry I seem to have spammed your phone
Hey Dan, sorry! I forgot to bring my charger to the meetup so my phone has only just come back to me. I mourned it’s passing *plays lion king music*
Oh that’s ok
I really am sorry that I couldn’t distract you from your work
Lmao no worries
Don’t know if it’ll make it any better but I am working on a new video and lion says he thinks law is a very admirable career option
Tell lion thanks and I’d be even more grateful if he did my degree for me
He says sign him up where are you going to uni anyway?
Well I’m not there yet. I have to start applying soon
Looked around any?
Errrr I’ll get on that
Isn’t the deadline soon?
Yeah but I’m an epic procrastinator
Lion is very disappointed
Lion can suck my dick
Lmao I was kidding
besides you’re 18 you have loads of time to sort stuff out
Yeah but I have literally no idea what I’m doing
No one does. That’s why you go to uni - to figure it out
You seemed to have it all together
Haha thanks, but honestly, I was just making stupid videos in my bedroom
does that sound wrong?
Lmao a little yeah
Dw lol if you’re a sexual predator you’re a bit far away to do any real damage
:( I’d rather you were nearer tbh
Even if I’m a sexual predator?
Lol I don’t really think you are though
Well I’m not
And me too, Dan
[insert pic] last day at the office today I literally couldn’t be happier
Lol I can see from your face
[insert pic] is it that obvious
I’ll send lioness to aid you
Lioness not lion?
She’s much fiercer
Lmao probs true either way I’ll take help
At least soon you’ll be free
Yeah I literally can’t wait
Gonna do something to celebrate? ^_^
Lol all my friends are at uni
[insert pic] well Lion and I are proud of you
Aw thanks ^_^ I still forget you’re AmazingPhil sometimes
I’m deeply offended
no but really I’m just Phil and you’re really cool
Na it’s fine I just had to work
Oops XD
I’m hiding out in the toilets now so we’re fine lmao
and I have no issues with you being Phil
I mean it could be worse at least you aren’t a creepy stalker
I hope not. Also uploading another video tonight, I think you’ll like it
!!! Best celebration ever
So I may have been stalking you on Twitter and it seems your birthday is soon?
0.o stalker. And yeah it is ^_^
wait you follow me? What’s your Twitter handle?
Um. Yes I follow you. And this is going to sound very awkward and stuff but I kind of want to send you a birthday present
Omg Dan you don’t have to do that
Well I’d kinda like to so :P should I use your PO box?
Nah that takes ages to check, I’ll give you my actual address
I promise not to hunt you down
Tbh if it’s you I wouldn’t even mind
[insert pic with address] there you go
Lol is that a bank statement?
Yeah I’m so profesh
Phil! I could literally rob you
Well I trust that you won’t :P
Lmao you’d better
What’s your Twitter handle btw? You never said
Uh its danisnotonfire.
But please don’t judge me oh god I’m such a nerd
Dan honestly you’re the coolest person I know
sorry was that a bit much?
No! I’m just struggling to respond to the best youtuber out there calling me cool
Not just cool, the coolest :P wow you’ve commented on my tweets quite a bit
Sorry I never noticed you properly
You accidentally texted me I think that wins
Haha true
Happy birthday!
Thanks! ^_^ I have family stuff but I’ll talk to you as soon as I’m done
Sure sure have a great day!
[insert excited pic cuddling the presents] you’re amazing
you’re so amazing
I can’t believe you
honestly you’re too amazing
how did I ever meet someone this nice and funny and cool and kind and cute and sweet
and I know you must be sleeping it’s like 2am but I have to tell you
OMG you’re too adorable
who let you be like this and you’re too far away :(
I wish you could be here so I could give you a thank-you hug
Wow I’m glad you liked them :P I’ll take a thank-you hug
What are you doing still up?
Can’t sleep how was the party?
GR8 M8! My parents embarrassed me in front of everyone
Oh no what did they do?
Got the baby photos out >.<
Lmao I’d love to see that
I was ginger
OMG for real?!
Yes >.< *hides forever*
That’s adorable
You’re adorable
Your mum’s adorable
Actually shut up
:P aren’t you too old for immature arguments now
Go to sleep
Lmao I’m glad it was good though
Thanks yeah it was rly good
Looking through the photos now
Any good ones?
Mostly drunk XD [insert pic]
Who’s that guy?
My cousin
Lmao ok I was about to say hands off
XD he was really drunk
You look a bit worse for the wear too
I may be slightly intoxicated
Haha tut tut Lester
Shut up Dan :P what is your surname?
Howell? Like a wolf?
Lmao if you like
You’re so strange XD
it suits you though
you’re very brown
XD aren’t wolves grey?
Well yeah
but like
you have their wildness
Lmao I’m taking that as a compliment
You should
you’re hot as hell
but so young and sticky out
like a baby deer
A wolf and a baby deer?
And eyes like an owl
You and your animal metaphors
None of those are quite right though
Like your eyes are too pretty they’re more like the night sky
but coloured with earth
You’re drunk
I mean it though
…I know
I wish I had eyes like yours
No! Yours are perfect
They’re big and weird
They’re deep and beautiful and I could swim in them all day
and I’m not drunk
I should be sleeping
You’re sleep-drunk :P which is actually a thing you know
Right I’m going to sleep
We’ll talk about this when we’re both more sane
But I don’t want you to go
it’s quiet and sad when you aren’t around
and I’m cold here now
and it’s my birthday
Happy birthday you idiot. Now go to sleep
night Dan <333
I’m so sorry about last night I had too much to drink
Haha it’s ok it was your birthday
Yeah but still
I’m so sorry if I made you uncomfortable
You didn’t. There’s nothing to worry about
Do we need to talk about this?
Um. Do you want to?
Kind of
But kind of not
I don’t want to make you feel awkward
I’m always awkward
Dan, for real. You know what I mean.
Yeah I think I do
Do we need to talk about it?
I think we’re both aware it’s there. Let’s just see where it goes?
Yeah ok sounds good. And no awkwardness?
None at all, I promise <3
Good <3
Hey Dan, are you still up for Skype at some point?
Yeah, sure ^_^ tonight?
Yeah! I’ll just finish up editing
Ooh, what’s it like?
Haha spoilers :P what’s your Skype name?
Danisnotonfire same as Twitter
Original :P
added you
‘AmazingPhil has added you to his contacts’ you’re just as original I see
Shut up and answer the call
So my eyes are even bluer on skype? :P
Haha shuddup
They’re even more blue in person
Are they even blue lmao they’re like 3 different colours
[insert pic] mostly blue
Greeny yellow blue
Very poetic
Shuddup :P
sorry I’ll stop
Please don’t
Lol fishing for compliments?
Well if they’re being offered
You’re impossible
That isn’t a compliment
You’re ridiculously strange?
I’ll take that
Haha of course you would :P
So what are you up to?
Actually answering a few texts for once, you?
Throwing around some video ideas but I’m bored now. Who’re you texting?
Some school friends who are at uni
Nice ^_^
Well. Sort of. It’s weird
Tell me about it?
It’s just they all have these lives that are moving forwards and away from home and leaving me behind
and I just
My ex is dating someone else and I’m in exactly the same place as I was when she broke up with me
And I’m not content but I don’t really want to go anywhere or do anything and I just don’t know what on earth I’m going to do with my life
Were you happy with them before school ended?
Idk. I thought so at the time. But I don’t think I’ve ever really been happy, not yet
It’s ok. You don’t have to know right now. And one day you’ll leave all of them behind too and move on to something better
I think I already am. Having you around is better than them
Haha don’t apologise for being so sweet ^_^
Also I’m single now. And bi. Just to avoid confusion
I’m bi too. Probably
Not a massive fan of labels if I’m honest
If I feel something for someone then that’s all that matters
Might be demi, might be bi, might be somewhere inbetween.
And I don’t want you to worry about your future, ok? Everything is going to fall into place
And if it doesn’t I’ll be around to distract you with more lame animal comparisons
Haha I actually love you
Me too <3
Get on Skype!
Ok it’s late you’re probably sleeping
it’s just
ugh I don’t know who else to talk to so I’m going to rant at your phone like a completely normal person
but mum yelled at me for not doing my uni application yet
but I just don’t know what to do I mean law yes but how do I decide where?
This is huge
and I don’t want to rush into it
but she thinks I’m going to miss the deadline though there’re months left
and I just
now she isn’t talking to me
Dan I’m sorry I was sleeping. Skype now?
I really don’t mind you spamming my phone, please do, always, I’d rather you had somewhere to talk about this stuff
And you know, Manchester uni is good. I could show you around
I spoke to mum about going to look around the uni.
She asked where I would stay.
I kind of told her I have friends at uni there.
It’s a half truth right?
Awesome ^_^ Um do you think she’d like to know the truth?
She might freak out and be worried
Because you’re meeting a random man you’ve never met before?
Lmao when you put it like that
Are you honestly ok with this? It’s fine if you’re not
No no I’m so ok. I want to meet you. Like properly
I want that too. So much
So it’s going to happen. I’m buying train tickets
Awesome ^_^ but your mum?
Do you think I should tell her?
I think she’d be happier knowing where you are
Yeah. Yeah I know. I’ll talk to her
Give her my phone number too. And my address
Lmao you after more stalkers?
Dan I’m serious I want you to be safe
You spoon
yeah I’ll tell her everything. She might not be best pleased though
Dw if she locks you up I’ll come rescue you
I told her
!!! And?
She said yes
OMG!!!!! I’m out atm but Skype as soon as I get back?
Yes please :P
[insert happy pic]
[insert happy pic]
Hey Dan you should make a YouTube channel before you visit me
?? Really?
Yeah I mean you always say you want to. And we could do a collab ^_^
For serious?!
Yeah! I mean, if you want to
I’ve been wanting to do a Q and A for a while and it would be fun I think
Is that a yes?
Hell yes it’s a yes
Um only problem is
How do I even make a video?
However you want ^_^ you’ve told me loads of good ideas
But they’re so lame lmao
They’re really not. I promise.
Why not start with an introduction? Then you can go on to your actual content
Omg but like do you really think I could?
Honestly! Yes.
My mum’s going out in a minute so I’ll have the house to myself. I could film
That’s brilliant! I’m about to head out with mum but film whilst I’m gone and we can Skype later yeah?
Ok wow
Phil this isn’t working I sound so stupid
fucking hell I can’t do this
You can! Act like you’re on Skype to me
Can we Skype?
Still visiting my brother sorry :( tonight we will
Ok. I’ll keep trying
You can do it! Pretend the camera is me. Or any friend. It’ll help
Ok <3
Holy fuck Phil I have views.
And subscribers! So many subscribers!
Told you!!
This is because you tweeted it
No, it’s because you’re really bloody talented
>.< I can’t believe I did that
You did and you’re awesome and I’m so proud of you!
Can’t wait to collab :D
Me neither, if you still want to I mean
Silly, of course I want to. Best thing about this month
Um so a bit of a change of plan
??? Do I need to cancel the train tickets?
No no! Just
Turns out my parents aren’t going to be here the weekend you’re visiting.
Is that a problem?
Lmao no why would it be
are you planning to ravish me or something
>.< I don’t think I’ve ever ravished anything in my life
Well you can start with me ;)
Seriously though. Is it ok?
Yeah. Honestly it’s great.
Are you sure?
Are you?
Yeah I mean honestly it’ll be nicer to see you without having to get around them
I just don’t want to weird you out
You won’t
I hope not
Phil honestly I can’t wait
:D me neither
where are you btw? Skype isn’t picking up
Oh yeah, my internet is down, sorry
:O no wifi?!
No wifi. I’m not sure how I’m going to survive
I’ll spam you with texts
Actually I have something better
[incoming call: AmazingPhil]
I’m at the train station and it’s super early I’m not even sure you’re worth it
Sorry! I’ll make it up to you with hot coffee and hugs ^_^
Ok yeah you are worth it
Aw :D
On the train next to an old man who’s threatening to fall asleep on my shoulder
x_X tell him to keep his hands off
Lmao yeah I’m sure you’d really sort him out
I could be fierce
You’re literally a muffin with an emo fringe
I’ll fill your bag with bees
I’ll tame them into my own personal army
Then you’ll be our evil overlord
Can I be on your side when you take over the world?
Your lion powers could come in useful so yeah I guess so
Awesome we can run the world together
Yes :P
ugh the train is running late
:( by how much?
Twenty minutes atm
I’ll still get to the station at ten to
Well it might be running quite late by the time we get that far north
I don’t want to miss you. I’ll be there <3
I can’t wait
Me neither
Stuck in Stoke now. Literally the weirdest station I’ve ever seen
Haha really?
Yeah. And it’s packed. I had no idea this many people travelled this early on a Saturday, I didn’t even know this time exists
It doesn’t and you’re travelling in some other dimension right now
Shut up :P
Just waved my parents off. I’ll head out to the station soon
I’m so nervous
Me too <3
Promise you won’t run a mile?
Promise. I’ll see you soon Dan
See you soon
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17, 35-39, 42, 48, 58, 62, 67-70, 73, 77, 78, 81, 85 for the slight nsfw asks;)
Hot damn thats quite a bit lolWarning: some of these questions and answers are personal and a bit NSFW. This means they may contain slightly sexual themed content. I don't want to hide things from my followers, but I'm letting you guys know that if this is sensitive content, I will change the settings to hide it. I'd have it as a keep reading, but mobile is a bitch.17. Do you like kissing in public?If it's controlled or for a reason. PDA I usually keep to a relative min, but if someone's flirting with my partner you can guarantee somethings gonna happen.35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?Significant age gap? No. Then again, I've only been kissed by 3 people romantically, and each of those relationships was in high school.36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends?Yes; that actually ended up being my 3rd relationship.37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated? We all ended up hating him after he dumped one chick, got with me, and then dumped me 21 days later because I wasn't giving him any because we were at school.38. Have you ever liked someone you didn't expect to?Yeah, a couple times. I'd realize it and go "Wait what the fuck how?????"39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn't have?Yep, loads of times. This is one of my issues tbh; I tend to like the guys I find out later I can't be with for some reason, whatever that reason is.42. How long can you kiss before your hands start to wander?Depends on the kiss and who's leading. If it's passionate, then only a few seconds. If I'm leading, it might take a minute or so. I also try to take some hints from my partner if I can.48. If the person says they like someone else, what would you say?That's fine. They told me, they're not trying to play me, so I'd probably respond with "Oh, that's cool. Sorry 'bout that then, have a good one."58. What are 5 ways to win your heart?Tell the truth, have random debates, spend time, humour, and be someone I can talk to are all very good.62. What's the sexiest thing someone could ever do to/for you?Alright real shit here; Do to me: Pin me against something.67. What's your idea of the perfect date:Tbh, something just the two of us. Small, romantic.68. What's your sexual orientation?I am bisexual, with a tendency towards those kf the opposite sex.69. What turns you off?Tbh if I'm in the mood then I'm In The Mood(tm) but waiting too long, distraction by anything attention grabbing that takes full mental capacity to comprehend, and sensory overload are all not helpful.70. What turns you on?Nipping/sucking my neck, grabbing, pulling my hair, domination (pin against something, tell/show what to do, etc), and then there's that whole "Make Me" thing.73. What's something sweet you'd like someone to do for you?Tbh bring me flowers that won't set off my allergies. I have a soft spot for flowers.77. What's your opinion on age differences in relationships?If you're over 18, you can be with who you want. Your problems are yours. If you're in it for the money, then go fuck yourself, you shouldn't be doing that. If you actually like the person though, and it's not just some play, then it's none of my business I spose. Dont be a pedophile though. Thats very wrong.78. What's your dirtiest secret?I love knee-high socks, lingerie, and dressing up. If my partner stated that they'd like it, I wouldn't hesitate.81. Who are 5 people you find attractive?Tom Holland, Harrison Osterfield, Killian Jones (OUAT), Tom Hiddleston (don't judge me alright), and Conor (he's a guy at work).85. Would you ever date someone from the internet?I wouldn't toss the idea out the window right away, but I'd be cautious about it.Thanks a bunch dude!!Ask me something? Here's the link to the latest one because I can't do shit on mobile! http://sdsena.tumblr.com/post/82828634703/vaguely-nsfw-asks
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heartofheir · 8 years
Psst. You know why I'm here. Do eeeeet. :3c
1,2 3 and 10 are done! :D
4: Do you find it easy to trust others?not really lmao
5: What were you doing at 11PM last night?knitting and listening to the off topic podcast
6: You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you?my dogs and @themysteriousballetanon 7: What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on?lie down on the floor, cry and than kick their ass8: Are you close with your dad?kinda, we are both have the same kind of humour and personality which is p cool 
9: I bet you kissed someone last night, right?ye i smooch my doggos when i got bk from work last night
11: You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it?coffee, its got some water in it so ill be fine
12: Do you like hickeys?ye
13: What time do you go to bed?5:30am oops
14: Is there someone who continuously lets you down?ya
15: Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both?nah im quicker with both hands ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
16: Do you always answer your texts?yea unless i forget or fall asleep 
17: Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for?Y U P
18: When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?yesterday; we all went to the beach it was top notch
19: Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?my dogs and my siblings even though they are all little shits
20: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?probs something about being tired af
21: Is anyone else in the room with you?i hope not….
22: Do you believe what goes around comes around?i guess?
23: Were you happier four months ago than you are now?nope
24: Is there someone you wish you could fix things with?i think so
25: In the past week, have you cried?yea
26: What colour is the shirt you are wearing?maroon
27: Do people ever call you by your last name?yea a variation of it that i cant say cause i dont wanna give my last name out to the interwebs lmao
28: Is anyone ignoring you right now?possibly 
29: Do you have a best friend?yea kinda
30: Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed?nope
31: Who was your last call/text message from?my manager telling me what time i start work tomorrow 
32: Are you mad at anyone?i dont get mad i just get tired™
33: Have you ever kissed someone older than you?yea
34: How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday?21
35: How many more days until your birthday?im not doing math go away
36: Do you have any summer plans yet?nope just working alot r.i.p me
37: Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex?ye! :D
38: Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now?yup one of them doesnt even know im gay lmao
39: Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone?ye
40: Have you ever regretted kissing someone?kinda?
41: Do you think age matters in relationships?if theres a giant age gap than yea it does
42: Are you available?nope! :D
43: How many people have you had real, strong feelings for since high school ended?no idea my dude
44: If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get?so many!! i wanna get an industrial, another helix ring, maybe my tongue, nipples lol, belly button and my second lot of normal ear piercings plus alot more ear ones
45: Do you believe exes can be friends?it can be awkward af but yea
46: Do you regret anything?lots of things lmao
47: Honestly, what’s on your mind right now?im running out of mango ice tea :(
48: Did you ever lose a best friend?yea 
49: Was your last kiss a mistake?yes and no?
50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like?she already said yes! (miraculously) 
51: Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry?yep
52: Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed?he was an ass to me last time we spoke so no
53: What was the last thing you ate?i got one of the chefs at work to make me gnocchi it was delicious 
54: Did you get any compliments today?nope but one of my new coworkers last night said i was really good at my job!! :O
55: Where are you going on your next vacation?no where so far, but one of my friends wants to go to rottnest at some point though
56: Do you own anything from other countries?ye! my auntie went to france and brought me bk a really pretty kitty mask not a furry lol
57: Are most of your friend guys or girls?i guess its even but more so guys
58: Where have you lived most of your life?i use to travel around when i was younger but now ive been in the same spot for 10 years I NEED TO L E A V E
59: When was the last time you took a long drive?i wasnt the one driving but it was when i was a babby and we drove from my hometown to perth took us 5 hours
60: Have you ever played Spin the Bottle?nope
61: Have you ever TPd someone’s house?nah but our house was tomatoed once
62: Who do you text the most?it changes all the time
63: What was the last movie you saw?moana! i loved it!!
64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex? i dont actually know
65: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2011?none
66: Is the last person you kissed younger than you?nope
67: Do you curse around your parents?not on purpose it just slips out
68: Are you happy with where you live?nope
69: Picture of yourself?
70: Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships?im a jealous hoe so just monogamous
71: Have you ever been dumped?no
72: What do you most like about making out?i dont think a guy being like a mcfucking vacumn cleaner counts as making out so i wouldnt know
73: Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren’t seriously involved with?yes but again i dont think it counts as making out
74: When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other?i just go ‘fuck it' and do it (but only if i know they cool with it)
75: What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive?hands and backs, also necks
76: Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed?a friend i use to go to school with
77: Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour?nah
78: Had sex with someone you didn’t know their name?nope
79: What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face?pickup lines im a sucker for them
80: Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already?ye! i loves kids
81: Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you?yea
82: Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush?nope 
83: Do you miss your last sweetie?fuck no
84: Last time you slow danced with someone?MCFUCKING YR 9 there was this guy who liked me since yr 7 and me and him were both in dance class at school and OF COURSE the dance teacher put us together for the slow dance performance i left dance and moved to drama cause it just got way too uncomfortable 
85: Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met?ye! im dating a furry from the internet
86: How can I win your heart?you already have ;0
87: What is your astrological sign?cancer! karkat
88: What were you doing last night at 12 AM?the same thing i was doing at 11pm
89: Do you cook?ye but i tend to set things on fire
90: Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication?ye
91: If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship?i dont have to wish :D
92: Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly?id prefer a monogamous relationship
93: What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest?not a clue my dude
94: Name four things that you wish you had!more garlic bread from work (we make the BEST gb), mango ice tea, unlimited wifi and a phone that can actually work
95: Are you a player?of games, yes; of people, no
96: Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day?nope
97: Are you a tease?ive been told i am but i dont mean to lmao
98: Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr?i saw @miss--kiwi yesterday at work and than she was mean 2 me even after i gave her gb :
99: Have you ever been deeply in love with someone?what even is love
100: Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with?id date the FUCK outta @themysteriousballetanon 
101: Hugs or Kisses?both! oxox
102: Are you too shy to ask someone out?normally yes but sometimes ill have a rare moment of bravery lmao
103: The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?height
104: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe?may or may not be a kink for me LMAO
105: If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in relationship, would you go for it?fuck no
106: Do you flirt a lot?i have no idea how so sometimes ppl think im flirting when im being friendly, or think im being friendly when im flirting
107: Your last kiss?sometime in September in the back of a car with a VACUUM APPARENTLY 
108: Have you kissed more than 5 people since the start of 2012?nope
109: Have you kissed anyone in the past month?only my doggos cause they deserve all the kisses
110: If you could kiss anyone who would it be?my girlfriend even though im not into kissing furries :3c
111: Do you know who you’ll kiss next?my dogs and hopefully teanii
112: Does someone like you currently?i would hope my gf does 
113: Do you currently have feelings for anyone?ye!! :D
114: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?flings really arent that great
115: Ever made out with just a friend?ye
116: Are you happier single or in a relationship?i thrive off affection so id prefer a relationship
117. you didnt give me a question to answer and ur asleep rn so imma use this spot to say ur a gotdamn cutie
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cheetagon · 7 years
Another 100 questions thingy
1.Sunrise or sunset?  Both are fucking pretty
2.Are you mentally ill? Per definition, I am
3.Are you physically ill?  Not that I know of?
4.What is the most expensive thing you have bought?  Probably my current computer
5.Do you have a job?  NO IT'S FINE, RUB IT IN
6.Are you in school?  NOPE HAHA
7.Are you a dropout?  More or less?  I mean I've been to school for 10 years an graduated properly, but I was offered the chance to try my hands at the A-Levels so I did but couldn't even keep going past the first 6 months due to depression
8.Are you in college?  Used to
9.Introvert or extrovert?  Introvert
10.What do you think when you look at your body?   Ugh, disgusting.
11.What have others said when they look at your body?   Depends on who was looking at it.
12.Do you have a particular song that you feel deeply?   I need Love by Akira Yamaoka/Mary Elizabeth McGlynn
13.Talk about a time in your life where you have felt most alive?   Early 2012, I think it was. I don't know why or how it happened, but a series of days in a row I'd just get up in the morning and feel super good, for my standarts anyway.
14.Are you confident wearing a bikini?   Not entirely. I can wear the tops but usually wear bathing trunks to cover up my upper legs
15.Can you look people in the eyes while talking?   Not particularily well... But I've been getting better.
16.Has anything terrible happened to you?   Do you mean my life
17.Has anything wonderful happened to you?   My friends <3 And my kitty
18.Favorite part of your personality?   I'm snarky and sarcastic as fuck
19.Least favorite part of your personality?   Everything else
20.Favorite part of your body?   My hair
21.Least favorite part of your body?   Everything else ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
22.Favorite quote?   "Decide to be fine till the end of the week. Make yourself smile because you’re alive and that’s your job. Then do it again the next week. I call it being professional. Do it right, with a smile, or don’t do it." ~Frank Devereaux
23.Do you have friendships with all genders?   Dude the gender spectrum on its own is nearly infinite so don't even go there
24.Do you have a good relationship with your father?   I guess
25.Do you have a good relationship with your mother?   I guess
26.Do you have a good relationship with your siblings?   As good as it can get :')
27.Have you ever been hurt physically or mentally by a family member?   Physically? Nah. Mentally? You betcha!
28.Have you ever had a near death experience?   ....I think. One time I went roller skating and let's just say I didn't pay much attention to what I was doing.
29.Do you know anyone who has taken their own life?   Technically, but I hardly remember anything about that person except that he was our landlord. And when he killed himself I was only 5 or 6 so, yeah.
30.Have you ever tried to take your own life?   -
31.Biggest lie you have told?   I told my mum I was out with my friend when I was actually out with my boyfriend, OOOOOO SNAP. I don't usually lie tho so I think that was the biggest one I ever dropped that wasn't an emergency lie. :U
32.Do you follow any conspiracies?   Conspiracies are interesting, but I don't follow any actively.
33.Do you believe in a New World Order?   shrugs
34.Do you respect your government and the way your country is run?   I think. I mean I couldn't do it any better if I was in charge, so lmao
35.Is there currently any strife in your country?   Don't think so??
36.Have you ever been displaced within your country?   No??
37.Are your friendships healthy?   Most of them are, yes. The ones that matter, anyway. <3
38.Are you currently fighting with a friend?   Nope!
39.Are you jealous of a friend? Why?   I am on a constant basis, but that's because I'm jelous of nearly everyone for one thing or another lmao
40.Do you believe in the Illuminati?   The Illuminati did infact exist. If you do mean the conspiracy Illuminati-Run-The-Government however, then no. (Everyone knows it's the Patriots who run everything anyway 👀)
41.Do you think any celebrities are associated with the Illuminati? Who?   See above
42.How can people tell you are nervous?   Not speaking much, tense face, intense gripping on stuff or keeping hands occupied, FOOT TAPPING
43.How can people tell you are sad?   I try my best not to show it, sooo better ask others
44.Do you ever express your true feelings?   To my friends, I do.
45.Regrets in your life?   Sure, a lot. But none I could name specificaly on the top of my head right now.
46.Achievements in your life?   *looking around nervously*
47.What did people say about you in school?   lmao fucking loser
48.What did you say about people in school?   Flithy peasants I hope all of you die in a fire you set off yourself
49.Is there something you have never told anyone?   Oh there are quite some things
50.Have you committed an illegal act?   What are you a cop or something
51.If you had two days to spend one million dollars how would you spend it?   Probably invite my friends to go on a shopping spree and give parts of it to my parents so they can pay off their dept
52.What were your aspirations at age 5, 10, 15, 18?   Age 5: I'll be an artist!   Age 10: I'll buy a shop to sell Sonic Merch in there! (go ahead, laugh at me)   Age 15: I'll be a famous person!   Age 18: I'll be in a fulfilling relationship some day!
53.Describe your first kiss? Was it how you imagined?   My bf didn't know how to kiss AT. ALL. Needless to say it was awful.
54.Growing up were you in a wealthy, average, or low income household?   Average I guess, tho my dad always went out of his way to afford gifts for me.
55.Are you from a broken marriage?   Nope!
56.Have you been raised by a solo parent?   Nope!
57.Do you know both your parents?   Yup
58.What colour eyes, hair and skin do you have?   Eyes: Green/Grey   Hair: Black/Red   Skin: The Whitest™
59.Have you abused drugs or alcohol?   Nope, done my best in the past 25 years to avoid any contact!
60.What languages can you speak?   English and German fluent, basic Italian and Spanish.
61.Do you conform to your societies standards?   ahahahahahahahahahahaha
62.Do you cry often?   I WANT to cry often.
63.Do you tell people what you think of them?   Depends on the person.
64.Are you comfortable accepting compliments?   Absolutely not, I am the worst when it comes to those.
65.Are you comfortable giving compliments?   Yes. TAKE MY LOVE, GOD DAMN IT!!!
66.Is any mental illness hindering your life?   Is the sky blue?
67.Is any physical illness hindering your life?   I have super super SUPER. Shaky muscles, the more precise the work I need to do, the more likely it is for me to fuck it up because WHOOPS one of my arm muscles decided contract instead of just standing still.
68.Do you keep up with current events?   I guess?
69.What’s the latest news in the world you have heard/read?   Trump insisting he is being treated unfairly lmao
70.What have you done today?   :')
71.Do you sleep well?   At the moment I do, thank god.
72.Do you sleep badly?   What even
73.Have you ever hurt anyone because you were hurting?   Yes.
74.Has anyone ever hurt you because they were hurting?   Yes.
75.Have you ever had to end a friendship/relationship? Why?   Not in the regular sense. I just stopped talking to or meeting that person and we grew apart.
76.Have you ever stopped someone from hurting themselves?   Don't think so
77.Has anyone ever stopped you from hurting yourself?   Nope
78.Do you like your laugh?   Got the diabolic laugh down quiite well at this point, so yeah, sometimes.
79.Are you preparing for an apocalypse? And what kind?   Hoarding Bottlecaps 👀
80.Do you have any funny family stories?   My mum walked straight into a glass door once and my dad took a picture of it at the exact moment lmao
81.Are you religious?   Not really, no. Tho I do like religion itself.
82.Do you like to watch true crime shows or movies?   If they're well executed, sure, why not.
83.Are you interested in cults?   Depends on the cult, but usually not
84.Would you like to raise a family in your country?   Since my country is pretty cool about pets, yeah sure why not 85.List some things you wanted in your childhood but never got?   Those stupid shoes that light up when you walk   Super Soaker water pistols   Slot Car Racing Track   A certain type of body wash because the bottles were FUCKING FIGURINES AND THEY LOOKED SO PRETTY I REALLY REALLY WANTED THEM   Animal Action Figures with joints that would bent properly   A shitload of computer games that didn't run on a Mac, which is what I grew up with
86.Is there a large age gap between you and a sibling?   Define large, I don't think 3 years is that much
87.Are you from a blended family?   I don't think so?
88.Do you believe in marriage? Why/Why not?   Shrugs
89.What is the nicest thing anyone has said to you?   "Since you don't have a patreon I'm just going to give you a 5€ pizza tip on paypal every month from now"
90.Do you keep a journal?   Nope.
91.Would anyone be hurt by reading it?   -
92.Do you have children?   Do Fur-Babies count?
93.Have you been pregnant?   Heck no
94.List your favorite movies?   Silent Hill and Scott Pilgrim vs. the world
95.List your favorite people?   My friends <3
96.Talk about the birthmarks and scars on your body?   I have a SHIT ton of birthmarks on my body and a few scars here an there. The most visible ones can be explained with one word: CAT.
97.Do you look after yourself?   Shrugs
98.Do you put yourself or others first?   Others. Always.
99.Are you happy today?   Eh.
100.Are you loved?    I think?
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