#like bro they have at to train people for rb
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red bull JUNIOR team btw
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fancyfade · 4 months
I had to back out of the notes of that post I was getting too worked up over a bad take lol. Dick is a *whole ass man* he *should* be taking care of the emotional needs of a ten year old and he just didn't. Like I'm sorry your salty over your eldest child syndrome but having a shite parent isn't the kid's fault. What did they want Damian to do for Dick? Die protecting him? HE DID.
(Also Tim making himself responsible for *a grown ass man* at 13 years old was a *bad thing*.)
i didn't read the notes for that so yikes.
OMIGOD and also I forgot. yes damian literally did die saving dick's life. What else is he supposed to do???????????
I dont feel comfortable talking about other people's personal traumas if I don't know them/what they're OK with (hence why i didn't mention them in my RB) but like (keeping this comic related). I do think its pretty clear that Dick was not a real person who was responsible for his younger siblings as a child and then had to raise them. He was at least 25 when he met Damian. he had helped train tim, run the teen titans, run the outsiders, saved the world multiple times, briefly helped train rose, volunteered to teach kids gymnastics... he was not an inexperienced 18 year old who had not had any similar challenge before. his peers had children they were raising as well at this time (Roy, Wally).
I also think Tim stans way overstate how responsible Tim was for Bruce. like. his existence helped bruce get his head on straight at a very difficult time. Tim clearly cared a lot about thim. Then his entire Robin run was pretty much not about that. He was doing regular teenager stuff and having adventures on his own! Bro was not Bruce's therapy dog! Lonely place of dying was the intro Tim comic but it was not the only Tim comic.
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supermaks · 7 months
I don't really know how people analyse/read testing times so like whyy does everyone think rb will be the fastest? I mean I can understand that they were dominating last year and that that lead doesn't just completely dissappear over winter break, but at the same time they've changed the concept a lot and maybe the new concept is a flop?? Just looking at testing times and long-runs the ferrari looks just as good as the rb (to me lol as I said idk)
Aight honey I gotcha here’s what to actually look for in testing and what NOT to look for
Pay attention to:
Consistency - drivers will run what they call ‘programs’ set to see if the data they’ve spent all winter working over in their lil computers actually correlates to the finished product on track. It’s important that it does lmfao. When the wind tunnel and the tarmac give u similar ((controlled)) lap times in !!similar environments!! then u know you’ve got a good base to work on for the remaining of the season. So look for consistency in ur drivers laps. Look for race sims on c1 c2,c3 ((hard and medium compounds)) wid obvious delta references and see if they were actually able to deliver consistent times across the board.
Tires used by teams - personally always find it interesting and telling when teams will focus a lot more on softer compounds and harder compounds instead of miss ole reliable her majesty the long run queen - C3. C3 is a medium compound baddie thats the most likely to give u a broader picture of how the car actually handles at a race speed. A few nailed laps on c4 and c5 ((softer compounds)) DO look sexy and strong on top of the table, but for testing they’re kinda like stretching a muscle u won’t even get to use all that much. But if ur fav gets on top the table, no harm done right 😭
Laps completed - Nando Alonso said it best, 3 days of testing is fucking bonkers . And it is. Imagine not only u gotta learn everything about one of the most intricate and sensitive and complex pieces of machinery on the planet but u gotta also use whatever data u find to extract some type of competitive, podium scorer, race winning performance . All this against 10 other mfs ((yes even haas)) who are trying to do the same. So , how do u get an edge here? Simply put, u run your car from the moment it’s green until it becomes like against the law to have the fucker out there. More laps = more sim data = more data overall = better quality corrections between sim and on track behavior = more knowledge of how car responds to different programs = where to improve and gain performance
Immediate statements from drivers on how the car is behaving *relative* to last year - drivers are pr trained to death but they’re not robots. One of the most important aspects of an f1 car is its drivability. If a driver tells you it’s better or it’s worse /or they’re having less or more fun, believe that . That is important
Do not give a fuck about:
Testing classifications - or, to put it bluntly, it doesn’t matter who tops the charts in testing. The term ‘glory runs’ // ‘sandbagging’ comes to mind, and while teams theoretically shud not b wasting precious testing time wid that nonsense bro sometimes those mfs can’t help themselves . And it’s all utterly meaningless until fp1 in Bahrain . Lemme tell u why. There’s simply too much we don’t know about how teams are moving atp. What engine modes they’re on, fuel loads, delta targets, programs. Apples to oranges. Except apples is a fresh lap on c4s and oranges is like 15 on used c3. Cud mean something, cud mean nothing. Don’t focus too much on it.
Hope this helps love u mwah
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ceasarslegion · 5 months
Regarding my tags on that last rb:
One thing that really fucking bothers me about those posts that act like every dog in public is some wild animal about to snap at any moment is the like, slight self-importance you get from a lot of them. Like is it just me, or do those "never EVER bring your dog ANYWHERE" posts have a slight hint of "how dare your dog bark at me when i got in its personal space as a stranger, they're basically a savage beast" to them?
And hey bro if youre that utterly terrified of dogs maybe either dont go to places that dogs frequent or prepare yourself for visiting them. Like if you go to the park there might be a dog there, no the owners are not assholes trying to kill you if they unclip the dogs leash to play fetch for a bit. If you go to the airport you might see small dogs in the terminal. If you live in a place built for walking youll probably see dogs tied up outside grocery stores and cafes waiting for their owners to get back. You can not demand dog owners to lock up their pets forever for your comfort. If your issue is with poorly trained animals then say that, but dont pretend that the issue is with people just bringing their dogs out with them. Jesus christ.
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twinkinspector · 2 years
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❥ author’s note: this has been in my drafts for way too long and i NEED to post it
❥ pairing: kaminari denki x fem!reader
❥ summary: you only came to this party for him. so when he suggests you hide away from the crowd, you have no choice but to accept.
❥ word count: 2.9k
❥ warnings: oral (m and f receiving), alcohol, parties, weed, “pretty girl”
❥ as always, i love interacting so feel free to rb and leave me some tags/comments/asks! oh, and here’s my masterlist! luv u, kiss kiss
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“hey, y/n!” denki calls. his face lights up when his eyes find you in the dimly lit room. “i never see you at these parties!” he shoulders his way through a group of particularly drunk college students to get over to you. “yeah,” you respond, smiling back at him a bit. “it’s just not my scene.” you look around at the christmas lights strung up around the dark room, the stolen street signs and flags pinned up on the walls.
he was right. you didn’t often come to house parties filled with people you actually know. you usually marched yourself across campus to a different frat house each weekend. you preferred the anonymity anyway. “what changed?” he asks, pulling a joint from behind his ear and pressing it to his lips. he lights it and takes a deep drag, closing his eyes.
“just finished a tough few weeks of class and wanted to let loose a little, i guess,” you say, taking a sip of the fruity drink in your plastic cup. the truth is you heard denki would be there and wanted the chance to see him outside class. even if it meant braving a party where you weren’t completely unknown.
he exhales, blowing smoke off to the side. “well…” he says, getting closer to your ear so he can lower his voice. “i’m really glad you’re here.” you feel his breath on the shell of your ear and butterflies stir in your stomach. he offers you the joint and you accept, smiling sweetly at him. “thanks,” you say. you bring it up to your mouth and inhale deeply.
“ughhhhh, that was quick,” denki groans, his eyes trained on someone behind you. “people think i’m giving out weed.” the annoyance was evident in his voice, even over the pounding bass of the party. as if on cue, a guy with dark hair and a shit-eating grin saunters up behind you, placing his hand on the small of your back.
he looks at you expectantly, flicking his eyes to denki every so often. “go ahead,” the blonde says to you. you pass the joint to the dark-haired guy who must be friends with denki, you think. “dopeeeee,” he says happily, grinning. “just one hit, bro. i mean it,” warns denki, watching him carefully. “you always do this.”
“yeah, yeah. whatever,” the brunette rolls his eyes. “this is my party anyway,” he grins. “sero, y/n. y/n, sero,” denki says, gesturing between the two of you. “i like her already. it didn’t take her very long to pass me the joint,” sero says with a smirk. he takes another hit, laughing as he exhales the smoke. “that’s enough, man,” denki says pointedly, snatching the joint back. “i thought you were about to leave anyway,” he says to sero, raising an eyebrow.
“yeah, yeah, i was. but i wanted to grab a hit from you first. you always have the best shit,” sero says, somewhat distracted. “hell yeah i do,” denki grins. he pulls the joint back up to his lips, the lit tip brightening as he inhales.
“well, thanks. i’m out, man.” sero starts to walk away. “see ya,” he calls, saluting as he disappears into the crowd and out the front door. you flick your eyes back to denki. “do you want to smoke a little more?” he asks, talking directly into your ear again. “we can hide in sero’s room. if we smoke out here, people are gonna keep trying to steal my shit. sero’s roommates always do,” he laughs.
“are you trying to get me alone?” you joke, reaching out to lay your hand on his chest. you can tell his body is toned, even under his dark shirt. “what if i am?” he laughs. “would that be so bad?” he growls into your ear. he puts his hand on your waist, rubbing circles with his thumb. “i’m tired of this party anyway.” you look around.
the party is still in full swing. it’s only 12:30, after all. people are still crowded around the kitchen table, throwing little ping-pong balls into plastic cups. people were still arriving every so often, the whole crowd looking up to cheer when it was someone they knew.
“alright, alright,” you agree and he grins. “i’m a little tired of it too,” you say, grabbing his hand. that was a lie, of course. but your goal wasn’t really to enjoy the party... it was to enjoy him. “lead the way,” you smile. he pulls your hand up to his lips and gives it a dramatic kiss before leading you through the crowd of sweaty, drunken bodies.
you turn the corner and go down the stairs to an empty-looking hallway with a door on each end. denki opens closest one, a door with a big “s” on it. looking around, he slips inside, pulling you with him. as he flicks the lightswitch to reveal an empty, well-lit bedroom, you both take a deep breath of the cool, uncrowded air. you can still hear the rhythmic thumping of the bass, but it’s so much quieter now.
taking a few steps, you flop down to sit on the bed. denki pulls the joint from behind his ear again and quickly locks the door. you quirk an eyebrow and smirk. “just in case,” he mumbles, gesturing to the joint. you chuckle. he’s really so cute. he relights it, pops it between his lips, walking over to you. when he exhales, you stick your face in the smoke, giggling.
“oh, did you want some?” he jokes, flopping down next to you. he takes another puff and blows a more focused stream in your direction. you lean in to swallow the smoke, shotgunning it from him. you’re so close that it would take barely anything to brush your lips across his and kiss him—
all of a sudden, your lips crash together, denki’s slender hand against the back of your head, guiding you into the warm kiss. you gasp a little into his mouth, not expecting the bold move. he pulls back. “is this okay?” he looks into your eyes.
“more than okay,” you smile. you lean back in and kiss him deeper, pushing your bodies together. you both let out a moan, exhaling the breaths you were holding. his tongue swipes across your lips, feeling how smooth and plush they are.
you quickly let him in, sliding your tongue around his. you slide your hands up his loose black shirt, feeling his lean body. “mmph,” he grunts, trying to get your attention. you pull away, confused. “we need to finish this,” he says, presenting the j he’s been holding. “i think i’ll be needing a free hand,” he grins. “ladies first.”
you accept it and take a few puffs, trying to slow your heartbeat. you throw your head back, blowing smoke toward the ceiling. handing it back to him, you look around the fairly plain-looking room. “that guy from earlier… sero. this is his room?” you ask.
“yeah,” denki replies between drags. he puffs a little smoke out of his nose. “i mean, he technically lives here. but he stays with his girl most of the time. he’s only really here when he throws parties. so the room is usually free.” he hands you the joint and grins. “he’s staying there tonight. he already told me.”
you take a few more puffs and feel the weed really starting to hit you, your extremities getting heavier and lighter at the same time. “you were planning on bringing a girl down here then, huh?” you tease, licking your lips and raising an eyebrow.
“it never hurts to be prepared, okay?” denki brings his hands up in defense, chuckling. “i didn’t really expect to take advantage of the free room, though,” he looks at you pointedly. you get up and walk to the attached bathroom, flicking the roach into the sink.
you’re feeling uncharacteristically confident. maybe it’s the weed. maybe it’s the alcohol. maybe it’s the beautiful man alone with you, the obvious tent in his jeans getting bigger by the second.
you turn to look at him. his eyes are getting red. the tension in the room is thick, the air between you absolutely buzzing. he wants you, you can feel it. he licks his lips and smiles at you, feline eyes trained on your body, almost like a predator. you walk back over to him and kneel in front of him, putting your hands on his knees.
you look up at him through your lashes, giving him the best doe eyes you can. “how are you feeling?” you ask. you know the answer. you can see his dick getting harder through his tight pants. “i feel great,” he drawls, smiling down at you. “i’m just glad to be away from everyone.”
“oh? why is that?” you ask, feigning innocence. you slowly slide your hands up his thighs until you reach his growing bulge. “didn’t want all those people to see how hard you are for me?” you put your palm over his clothed cock, the warmth making him groan. “that must be it…” you muse, looking down at his lap.
you lick your lips. it’s like a present, all wrapped up just for you. you move your hands to his waistband, undoing his button and zipper. you give an experimental tug downward, looking up at him for permission. he lifts his hips to help you pull down his pants, leaving him in his underwear. you reach down the front, wrapping a hand around his cock and pulling it out.
“so fucking pretty…” you mumble, leaning down to kiss the head. you run your lips down his length, how smooth and soft the skin feels even though he’s painfully hard. in general, denki’s a rather lanky guy. so it’s no surprise he’s got a big, long cock. what’s impressive isn’t the girth, it’s the length. you just know you’ll feel him all the way in your throat as he fucks you.
“i bet it tastes even better than it looks” you breathe, dipping your face down to run your lips lightly down his shaft. you open your mouth and suck him in, savoring the fullness. you moan and hum around him as you bob your head up and down. he tastes so fucking good. you wiggle your tongue on the underside of his shaft, trying to give him more stimulation as he starts to fuck into your mouth.
and you let him. you let him hit the back of your throat over and over, relaxing your jaw to let him use your mouth. he threads his long fingers through your hair, moving you at his pace as you drool all over his lap.
putting your hands on his hips, you hold him still, as if to tell him to stop thrusting. you take his length into your mouth as far as you can, the tip poking the smooth wall of the back of your throat. and you just hold it there, looking up at him with big eyes, tears welling up and getting caught in your lashes.
“ffffuckkkk,” he throws his head back, feeling your throat clench around him as you start to choke on his cock. he takes a deep breath, trying to resist the urge to thrust and fuck your throat and fill your mouth up with his hot cum.
he pulls you off by your hair and you whine at how empty your mouth feels. “i’m not gonna last if you do that,” he says, pulling you up to your feet. “let me see your tits. been teasing me with them all night.” you obey, pulling your shirt off and throwing it onto the floor. left in just your bra, you push your breasts up and together, the fat spilling out of the cups.
“fuck, yes, look at those,” denki breathes, reaching his hands out to grab one. “so perfect,” he groans, finding your nipple with his thumb. with his other hand, he reaches around the back to undo the clasp and lets the garment fall to the floor. he takes your other breast in his other hand, rubbing gentle circles on both nipples with his thumbs. he pushes his face into your chest, kissing the stretch of skin between your perfect tits, looking up at you.
the feeling and the look in his eyes have you moaning and warmth pooling in your core even more than it was already. you slowly turn and sit down on the bed, laying back. denki follows, positioning himself between your legs. he hikes your skirt up past your hips, eyes hungrily devouring the wet fabric of your panties. he hooks a finger in the crotch and pulls them to the side, licking his lips when he sees your pretty little pussy.
he groans, thinking about how good you’re going to taste. he dips his head between your plush thighs, fingers grabbing at your ass for purchase, and gives your slit a teasing kiss. “this is all for me?” he grins up at you.
“yes, kami,” you mewl. “i’m so fucking wet for you.” he attaches his lips to your drooling pussy, his tongue tracing your slit. you shudder, and you feel him smile against you, obviously pleased he can make you react like that. you thread your fingers into his hair, trying to pull him closer, trying to urge him to stop teasing you. he takes one of your lower lips into his mouth, sucking and running his teeth gently along it.
tracing your slit with a long, slender finger, he gathers up all the slick that’s pooled so far. he sticks one finger inside your aching core, curling it and watching your face for a reaction. “fucking finally,” you breathe, grinding your hips for more. grinning, denki brings his face back down to your pussy and sticks his tongue between your folds, dragging it lazily across your clit.
“kami, please,” you whine. “i’ve been waiting for this all night.” and it’s true. you only came to this party on the off chance you’d see his gorgeous amber eyes lust-clouded and looking up at you from between your thighs. “wanna take my time with you, pretty girl,” he murmurs. “wanna watch you beg for it.” and that has your pussy clenching around the single digit he has inside you.
he brings his lips back up to your erect nipples, flicking the pad of a finger back and forth over one as he finally adds a second finger to your aching cunt. “fuck,” he breathes. “clenching so fucking hard on me.” he grins, speeding up the pace at which he fucks you with his fingers. “are you about to cum all over my hand?”
“mm-hmm,” you whine, reaching down to play with your clit, desperate to chase your release. the second you touch it, denki pulls his fingers out of you and releases your nipple. “ah-ah,” he teases. “i said i wanted to take my time with you tonight.”
all you can do is whine at him. still almost fully clothed. teasing you so hard. making you want him so bad. “kami, i want you to make me cum so badly. please,” you whine, squirming to create some friction somewhere.
you look so desperate like this. so drunk on him. he does want to take his time, but he wants to make you cum all over his face more. “hmmm...” he pretends to think. “you even said please. and how could i deny such a pretty, polite girl?” he coos.
he lowers his warm mouth to your slit, breathing on your pulsing cunt. he licks from the bottom to the top, pausing to thrust his tongue between your lips when he gets to your clit. you can’t help your back snapping into an arch at the contact. you feel him grin against your core as he starts flicking your little bud with his tongue. he watches you from between your legs, almost fox-like, watching his prey as he increases his pace.
your pussy clenches around nothing. you need something to fill you up so badly. “kami! need you inside,” you huff. he stuffs three fingers into your pussy, your squelching the only sound against the thump of the bass upstairs and your desperate moans.
finally, something to give you some friction where you needed it. you squeeze around his fingers, his skin catching and massaging your inner walls just right. he only stops his assault on your clit to growl “cum for me, cum right in my mouth,” before diving back in.
the sight of him so intent on getting you off pushes you over the edge. you feel the familiar tingles in your belly build to a fever pitch until you’re cumming, contracting and squeezing and moaning his name.
denki slips his fingers out of your spasming pussy to thrust his tongue inside, letting your walls envelope him. he stays like that, letting you ride out your high on his tongue until your orgasm dies down.
after you still, he gently starts to swirl his tongue around, cleaning up your arousal. he slurps and hums into you, savoring the way you taste. “i love the way you taste, but i bet you’d feel better on my cock,” he growls.
he kisses a trail up your tummy, making sure to take each nipple into his mouth and flick his tongue, then up your collarbone, sinking his teeth into the skin of your neck and sucking until you’re marked.
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envythepalmtree · 3 years
fma blogs to follow?
Ooh I've actually been planning on making this post for a while too!
Art blogs that ID their own posts that you should follow
@morningsaidthemoon - does ids in alt text! I really love their pieces - they're kinda soft in like. color and lines? and tender if that makes sense. Multifandom, they tag fandoms.
@mildly-artsy - @mildly-nerdy's new art blog! also does them in alt text. Her lines are so clean and I love how people look in her style. Mostly FMA.
Other blogs that write IDs and/or look through the notes for IDs (that you should follow and reblog the IDed version of posts)
@liathgray - they're the author of Blackwell Springs, an extremely popular fic I have not read yet, and the A Hop, Skip, and a Jump series that I'm very much obsessed with. Multifandom, they tag fandoms.
@nerdywriiterchild - bro I love their xerxes fics so much 😔 Multifandom.
@xingeseprince - IDs almost everything. Good descriptions! Sideblog, all FMA.
@princess-of-purple-prose - the meme ID person! (They're one of the people who started a huge doc of ID templates for memes to save people spoons, which is cool.) Multifandom, tags fandoms, mostly not FMA.
Other art blogs I love
I wish I could tag like. every one of my art mutuals but alas I'd be making color of the sky 2.0 😔 So sorry if I didn't tag you, I'm kinda just scrolling through my following list and picking urls at random here, all of you guys are amazing!
@chewytran - their royai college au!! is so cute!! All their royai stuff is just. chef's kiss. Art sideblog, mostly FMA. Other fandoms are tagged.
@wawayu - their use of light and colors man!! Art sideblog, majority FMA. (Also. check their notes when rbing their art because I rb and ID like. everything they post lol)
@neorei - their homunculi art!! Wish I had art-critic-training (is that a thing) so I could properly express the emotions that their art invokes. but. ahh it's so melancholy and kinda abstract, the kind of art that you could find different meanings in. Sideblog, all FMA.
@fmamangacaps - Photoshop counts as art. Their cleaning up of manga panels and tagging system is a godsend.
@humming-fly - you probably already follow them but their team greed comics are just so funny!! I always have at least one of their pieces in my drafts that I'm procrastinating on IDing lol. Multifandom.
@pumi-envy - just. lots of art of Envy. Sometimes I'm looking through the Envy tag and the majority of it is me and this artist. I love that for us. Their style's super cute. All FMA. (again. check the notes on their art 'cause I reblog and ID everything they put on my dash)
One of those Royai writers whom posts from me and my positivity blog mutuals always seem to make it to
Don't ask me why this is a category, it's just funny to me when my positivity blog posts or posts from my positivity moots make it to Royai tumblr.
@firewoodfigs - Xingese squad!! Her prose is beautiful. So poetic and meaningful. And her poetry?? is gorgeous. Ownvoices Xingese Roy content 💚 Mostly FMA.
@lantur - wrote delicate. Go read it right now if you haven't (but also tw for parental abuse and older military officers taking advantage of mentally ill young women while they commit genocide together) Multifandom, fandoms are tagged.
@hanamuri / @royriza - literally the sweetest person and runs like 4 blogs which is iconic. Her psychoanalysis of FMA characters is super interesting. All FMA.
Other writers I love
I have a habit of reserving way too many books from the library meaning that I haven't gotten around to reading most fanfics yet, oops. That's on me.
@ta1k-less - I adore her writing style!! Fun fact, one of her atla fics was probably the first multichap fic I had finished in roughly five years. She's very funny. Love how she fleshes out Ishvalan culture. Also draws sometimes and has started IDing her own art. Mostly FMA, multifandoms, tags fandoms.
@edisacornball - boomer he knows Edward very well, if that makes sense. Like, reading his fics I can tell that he understands Edward as a character very well. His Edwin fics are great. Has been in the FMA fandom for 15 years or something, which is crazy to me. Multifandom, mostly FMA.
@calangkoh - metas count as writing. So not a fic writer, but their 03 metas are wonderful. Obvious spoilers for 03 if you haven't seen it yet. Sideblog, all FMA.
Well fuck, now I'm realizing that I haven't gotten around to reading any fics from the vast majority of the writers I follow. Y'all are such lovely people sorry I still need to read your fics!! I gotta update this list once I get my act together and clean up my AO3 marked for later list, lol.
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meear · 4 years
HOW is reibert still not canon (long post oops)
1. there was literally no reason for reiner to look this salty. is this how y’all look when you tease a friend about their crush???
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2. we KNOW yumihisu is the one ship confirmed canon af and this whole arc they’ve been trying to protect the other what’s not clicking
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4. you can’t possibly think Reiner was being subtle in any way. it’s him. he’s talking about himself because he is the CEO of projecting onto others and we know that
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5. projecting onto Annie again
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how many times did Bertholdt rush to save Reiner from a life-or-death situation. hint : a lot
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the fact that reiner both consciously and unconsciously called for him haha anyway
6. you’re all aware by now but if Ymir doesn’t like men and she’s always with Historia it doesn’t take a genius to understand how she and Reiner parallel each other
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7. this line exists but go off I guess
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(the look he gives her though)
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he’s literally only thinking of Bertholdt. funny how he later worries about not being able to protect him against the titans when they had already lost Eren huh
8. by the way, right after Reiner says that about Ymir, Bertholdt worries about him dissociating again. 
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it’s interesting how Bertholdt immediately associates Reiner’s crush on Krista with Reiner not being himself and Reiner knows it perfectly. it literally can’t be more obvious, otherwise it doesn’t make sense for Reiner to say “I’m a warrior, so I’m not interested in Krista because she’s cute”. how out of the blue is that??? people still think Reiner is bi. he isn’t.
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Bertholdt really isn’t amused by Reiner’s bullshit and honestly same
9. remember the rushing in to save Reiner thing ? and how “if you lose you die, if you win you live” is a motto in this series?
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mikasa swears to win for Eren’s sake
historia literally tells ymir they’re going to live for each other
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“he has his own reason why he can’t lose” lmao so... Reiner is his reason to win?to live????? just say you’re in love and go
10. remember how RB’s mission would have succeeded if only Ymir hadn’t suddenly stopped everything to go back for Historia? how that gave the survey corps the time they needed, and how RB basically helped the SC??
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Bertholdt stopped for Reiner and gave the SC the time they needed to get away from the explosion. if he hadn’t done that, he definitely would’ve killed them all
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Bertholdt is a hypocrite lmao
11. nothing to see here just dudes and gals crying for their bros and pals
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12. we know Bertholdt is a much more capable warrior than Reiner and that he mastered the colossal titan immediately. there is no way Reiner would’ve been able to fight Mikasa like Bertholdt did. Isayama said that Bertholdt “could do anything physically”. sure, Reiner ranked above Bertholdt and Annie during training, but when you look at their childhood, i think both of them could’ve surpassed Reiner if they had been 100% serious. this is just my interpretation though, it’s also possible that Bertholdt’s lack of initiative and Annie’s unability to work with others hurt their grade. i think hand-to-hand combat (Reiner’s weakness) wasn’t graded either 
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at the very least Isayama’s literally saying that Bertholdt would let Reiner win if they fought
wild how reibert keeps on paralleling characters with confirmed romantic feelings
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(Ymir slacked off on purpose too)
+ Bertholdt waiting for Reiner as they race
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13. Ymir and Bertholdt are two tall dark-haired shifters who are both really tired of their smaller blonde partner retreating into their fake persona out of a desire to be liked what is n o t c l i c k i n g this is so specific
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14. reiner’s main reason for thinking Bertholdt likes Annie is that he stares at her and I mean sure
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look I’m not putting every instance of RB doing exactly that because sometimes it’s just because the other happens to be talking lmao but these?? no explanation
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bruh you can HEAR the stare
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this one is especially glaring since Annie is also in the picture so why didn’t he just draw Bertholdt looking at her??? guess we’ll never know
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Reiner has NO excuse for staring at Bertholdt here I’m sorry literally everyone is looking at Sasha and Connie teasing Annie. Bertholdt isn’t doing anything
15. Bertholdt’s development after accepting Reiner’s possible death and deciding to end it all is SO similar to Mikasa after Eren’s death in Trost. they’re both moving in this trance-like state before repeating that the world is cruel, but it’s really interesting because the events are in reverse order for Bertholdt. so it’s more like a mirror. i’ve tried to represent it lmao i hope it’s readable
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there’s the same onomatopoeia for the heartbeat, and Bertholdt and Mikasa were making similar expressions. even if isayama’s drawings weren’t as good in the first chapters, you can see that Mikasa has that same blank, wide stare when approaching Eren (it’s chapter 9)
both seem to become another person as they move, though Bertholdt is much calmer than Mikasa (which makes sense if their “normal” personality has switched I guess since Bertholdt is usually the nervous one). He sees everything around him perfectly, but Mikasa runs out of gas because she wasn’t paying attention to anything anymore
see it’s funny because Mikasa literally loves Eren
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only difference is after falling, Mikasa says the world is beautiful as well, which makes the omission in Bertholdt’s case (as he rises) obvious 
anyway might as well put those too I guess, though i wouldn’t consider them direct parallels but we’ve made it this far lmao
it reminded me of Historia after losing Ymir and Reiner after coming back alone :
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(btw the music when Historia cradles Ymir in her arms after she fought as a titan is also called Her heart still beating on Youtube, but I don’t know where that comes from because the actual title is AOTs2M他3... probably just a fan name, but that’s a cool coincidence)
16. this post i made the other day still not over it
17. if reibert not canon then why literal actual canon????
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blog1917 · 3 years
Marlene Vasquez
November 5, 2021
Family and Community Treasures
EDCE 22102 - Fall 2021
 Breaking the Barriers “Farmers Market”      
             After our last assignment, I realized something very interesting about the Farmers Market. People who have “snap” benefits are able to use their cards to pay for fresh produce in any NYC farmer’s market. So, this got me thinking about the area where I live and how many Farmers markets are available to people within my community, which is low-income families. I took it upon myself to investigate this. I did some research online to see how many farmers markets I could go to within a 5mile distance from where I live and the dates/times they are open. This is what I found:
1.     McCarren Park Green Market only open on Saturday 8am-2pm
2.     Down to Earth McGolrick Park Farmers Market only open Sunday 10am-3pm
3.     Ridgewood Farm stand Open only Saturday 8am-3pm
4.     RB Bushwick Farmers Market Open only Saturday 9am-4pm
Then I interviewed some of my friends and families on the topic. I simply asked them three questions. First, “Do you know what the farmers market is? Second, do you know where the bears famers marketplace is around the area where we live? Third, did you know people with Snap benefits can use it towards buying fresh produce from the farmers market? Their responds where:
Lisette G:
Question 1: “Yes”
Question 2: “No”
Question 3: “WOW No I did not, That’s amazing!”
Ricardo A.
Question 1: “Yes”
Question 2: “No”
Question 3: “Nice”
David F.
Question 1: “yes”
Question 2: “No clue”
Question 3: “Oh word! I thought that was only for rich people”
Johnny A.
Question 1: “No Se”  
Question 2: “No”
Question 3: “Que bueno” how good
Tony V.
Question 1: “Yes”
Question 2: “I think There’s one all the way down, where the Williamsburg Bridge is”
Question 3: “For real? Then How come we don’t have it near our house though?”
Ana V.
Question 1: “Si”         
Question 2: “hay uno en la 14st cuando tu sales del tren L” There’s one on 14st when you come out the L train
Question 3: “no lo creo, dejame decirle a Patria” I can’t believe it, Let me tell Patria (her friend)
Jasmine T.
Question 1: “yes”
Question 2: “Not a clue bro”
Question 3: “That’s awesome, it’s sad they don’t announce it on tv or social media so that people would be well informed of this”
Bryan M.
Question 1: “Isn’t that where people from close farms like from NJ come over to the city and sell their crops?”
Question 2: “I don’t think they come to Brooklyn. That’s for rich wealthy people”
Question 3: “Oh word! No way! I have to look into that. I have a lot of friends that are going to be really hype to hear that”
             I also when to the farmers market that is located in Union Square Park, and I was able to interview one of the venders that was there. I was able to ask if he often gets many people paying for the produce that they purchased, by using EBT/Snap. He responded that he does get some customers that uses it but he has noticed that most people pay with either Apple pay, Debt/credit or cash. I then asked him why he think that is and what he thinks would help people become more aware of this amazing benefits? He explained that he does think that the reason why most people use other forms of payment instead of EBT/Snap, is because it’s not promoted well enough. The way that it could change would be by making the signs up higher on each tent that shows that people can use their EBT/Snap benefits. It was a great experience because I was able to be well informed on this topic and it influenced me to speak more about it with those around me as well as positing it on my social media to inform others that perhaps have EBT and would like to get fresh produce from the farmer’s market.
 The way That I would be breaking this barrier would be by talking with more people on this topic. Which I started off by doing so with the interviews of those around me. The second thing I plan on posting this information out on social media so that it not only reaches people within my home community but also those that live in different locations where they could then do their own research on whether or not they would get the same benefits with their nearby farmer’s market. Lastly, I spoke with a couple vendors in the farmers market located in 14st Union Square about putting up a large sign that indicates all the different payment methods and showing off the Snap card in bold. So far this action has brought awareness to many people that I know, and it has provided those people to spread the word to others as well. I think this barrier needs to be broken down because there's a lot of people that should be able to benefit from having fresh produce in their home without having to use other forms of payments and not having to travel far to get this service. In the reading “Language Development in Early Childhood” by Beverly Otto states great insights on the importance of children's exposure to language not only in schools but also with their families. Chapter two states, “Verbal interactions with children at home are more tailored for each child or, at most, shared with other children in the family unit” (Otto, pp 30). This is something that is very important because children grasp so much from their family and the day-to-day involvement that their families go through. One of the greatest things about breaking this barrier is that children can help their parents obtain this information when they go with their families to the farmers market. Going based off the community I based this topic on, there’s a large amount of people that would have trouble speaking English to the venders, therefore they can have their children not only be exposed to this new place of getting fresh produce but also exercising their language by helping translate for their parents/guardian at the farmer’s market. There is another interesting article that gives some rich insights of system theories titled, “Ecological Systems Theory: The Person in the Center of the Circles” by Nancy Darling. This article states, “When predicting the strength of association of parental knowledge with positive aspects of development (social skills, friendships with prosocial peers, good academic performance), one might predict a stronger association in high-resource environments'' (pp 215). This is so important for children to be exposed to a new system, where people come from a different state to provide fresh farm grown foods that their families can enjoy together. I think this is a positive aspect of what can occur with this barrier breaking.  
Another insightful article is “The Experimental Ecology of Education” by Urie Bronfenbrenner states, “Thus the experience of a child in day care, in the classroom, or the informal peer group, may change the pattern of activities and interaction with parents or siblings in the home, or vice versa, with consequent implications of learning and development” (Bronfenbrenner, pp10). I think this quote is very important because as I stated before when families go food shopping, they tend to bring their children alone with them. By doing so they are exposing them to a new way of shopping for fresh produce that they could eat as a family and perhaps use that information through imaginary play with their friends and open to the conversations about the farmers market that that child’s family goes to. In the last article “What Is a System and a System Perspective?” By David Aloyzy Zera, I’ve gathered insight into system theory. It stated, “When one part of a system changes (or adapts to change), further change occurs, necessitating self-organization as the system tries to equalize itself to the new demands” (,pp). I think that this is a very important quote to analyze because it relates to many systems changing by breaking this barrier of exposing the information of people with snap being able to use their benefits to pay for fresh produce in a farmers’ market. As well as the change that would occur if more farmers market stations would open around the low-income family’s area and they would be available more than just once a week. I believe that system theory would play a big role in this area.
 Beverly Otto. 2018. Language Development in Early Childhood. 5th ED. Pearson
 Nancy Darling, 2007 “Ecological Systems Theory: The Person in the Center of the Circles”
Urie Bronfenbrenner. (July 16, 2014). The Experimental Ecology of Education.
  http://www.jstor.org/stable/1174755. 10.
David Aloyzy Zera. What Is a System and a System Perspective?
1. Did you know that the farmer’s market accepts EBT/Snap as a form of payment?
2. Do you know the nearest Farmer’s Market place near your community? 
3. Do you think this this is an important topic to share? if so, why?
4. Do you agree that this is a barrier that needs to be broken? Why or Why not? 
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silverislander · 4 years
tag me
rules: answer these 30 questions and then tag 20 people you'd like to get to know better.
tagged by: @onthestupidtrain  @unadulteratedcolorkid @dissonantdreamer and @souncivilized17 !!  thanks yall :D
name/nickname: lee
gender: uhhhhhhhh,, at this point your guess is as good as mine my guy.  probably nonbinary, definitely lesbian??...  girl but to the left??  gender is a lie made up by the government to sell more bathrooms and it does not spark joy for me, but at least it gave us women
star sign: sagittarius
height: 5'5.5"
time: is a lie made up by the government to sell more clocks
birthday: dec 11
favorite bands: mcr, rise against, mother mother, paramore, against me!, the oh hellos
favorite solo artists: sleeping at last, hozier, palehound, phoebe bridgers
song stuck in my head: graceland too by phoebe bridgers!  i want to see if i can learn it on guitar- it even has my favourite guitar chord in it :D
last movie i watched: the thing (1982) with my good good dnd bros saturday night!  it was pretty fun, and the gore was v good a+, we love some practical effects in this house
last show: burden of truth- my family is watching it together
when did i create this blog: uhhh june 2019 i think??  it was def june
what i post: it’s like 95% tlou (esp part 2/ellie and dina my beloveds), but also the locked tomb series, memes/jokes, horror movies, trying to figure out my Brain Issues(tm), gay shit and whatever else i’m into for the week lol
other blogs: none!  all my bullshit stays right here baybee
last thing i googled: “figured bass inversions”... i have music theory hw to do and i suck at remembering figured bass :/
do i get asks: only when i rb games usually, but i’ve gotten a few abt my writing too which is always cool :D
why i chose my url: so i have this history of winning second place in competitions and stuff?  if i place, it’s almost always second, so that’s where the silver part comes from.  plus i am an islander :)
following: 472
followers: 300!!  thanks gang :’)
average hours of sleep: 6-7 hrs
lucky number: 13 and 7
instruments: piano, guitar, ukulele, trumpet/cornet and i am currently a voice major.  basically my whole life is music lmao
what am i wearing: denim shirt w the sleeves rolled up, jeans, socks and my key necklace.  i’m at home but i had to look nice for a recording lol, plus i just like this shirt :)
dream trip: ooo idk!  i’d probably want to go somewhere really different and learn abt the history and culture, maybe try some local food.  the problem is i’d have to be super careful to stay safe while travelling some foreign countries bc i’m visibly gay/gnc... i did a project on morocco in hs and i would have loved to go someday until i found out i’m illegal there 🤠
favorite food: burgers mmm
nationality: canadian!
last book i read: the city we became by n. k. jemisin.  it’s absolutely amazing and i am SO close to finishing it that it’s KILLING ME but i have so much schoolwork (and executive dysfunction) lately,, how to pause the entire world to read for several hours please :’(
top 3 fictional worlds I'd like to live in: most of the stories i like are either in the normal world or Not worlds i’d actually want to live in, oof.  as much as i’d love to hang out in jackson with ellie, dina and the gang (and i would LOVE to,, universe let me meet my fav characters and have a hug w them :( ), the ensuing trauma and near-certain death... idk if that's really worth it lol.  probably (in no order) camp half blood from pjo, infinity train maybe and uhhh... probably our dnd campaign in phandalin bc i would Love to be a bard.  performing/music, charisma score that isn’t less than 0 AND cool powers?  hell yeah, where do i sign
favorite color: never can decide if it’s blue or green tbh
tagging: @angelknive @schwulchen @sadgirlindiemusic @yourcandleonthewater @primaryass only if you want ofc!  no pressure 💛
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pandascanpvpmoved · 4 years
Also I dont watch imty but you sound rlly soft when you talk about him, and you said you could talk about him all day and I'm interested so,, tell me him? (You can ignore this if you like. You have no obligation :) )
ok first of all I’m sobbing that you asked me about him in the first place second I’m assuming you know nothing about him so he used to be schlatt&cos intern during smplive and that’s all I knew of him for a while until I looked at twitch again and saw him and he was playing a space exploring game that I can’t remember the name of but he really like playing it and I remember him saying smth like ‘I’m so happy people are actually here to see me play smth that isn’t minecraft’ bc that was only the second time he’d played it on stream and he has literally the BEST chat I’ve seen bc it’s always pretty small like the biggest I’ve seen it get while I was there was like 300 viewers and just hes SO sweet and epic and has excellent music taste like I have this Universal Playlist that I use to put all of my songs I like in but anyway I’ve put like 4 songs in there bc of his streams bc his music taste slaps so hard so if you want something for like the background or just need to chill I suggest his truck driving streams bc they’re so chill and fun and occasionally people join like schlatt or some friends like milomumbles. he really really likes simulator games like train sim or truck sim or PLANE SIM !!!! bro I remember him sounding really excited when talking about it and putting the trailer for it on stream to show everyone and ❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕🥺💕❤️🥺❤️🥺💕🥺💕💕 he also started his clothing company that isn’t involved with steaming or his brand of anything that also includes twitter artists and he even credits them in the description of every peoce of clothing and that really made me feel :)))))))) and his ICONIC fnaf streams were always fun esp with schlatt but also I remember he played the vr fnaf game but it was the Halloween edition and he really liked foxys pirate ride a lot but he could never figure out the Frankenstein’s monster game but it was fine. I just ...,,.,.,.. really like his truck driving streams a lot so I’m gonan go to them again he always just talks to chat or about life and it’s so peaceful if I think about anything else I’ll rb with it but this is all I got for now :) tysm for asking me to talk about him :)))) ily
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resurrged · 6 years
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〢▓█  ✕   𝟏.𝟐  ▷▷     SMALL CRACKS  /  IN BLACKOUT BLINDS
yeah maybe one day this blog won’t be a fucking mess of me giving up halfway through everything but today is not that day so check out what happens when ymir stays in paradis below the cut.
all of these will be written as crappy headcanons until i get my shit together.
UPRISING.   ↳     if ymir had truly stayed in paradis,  i definitely feel like this would’ve been the start of her biggest developmental arc.   her death ended in the bittersweet story of a girl who was never able to find a balance in her vices & virtues,  letting herself succumb to a part of her she tried so hard to suppress.   with historia kidnapped, and the chance of going through even more with her cadet class,  i think she could’ve gotten something of a medium in widening the tunnel vision she had grown accustomed to.
as a now-revealed titan, she was definitely held under suspicion for a while.   she was thrust into squad levi to be trained alongside eren, but the guy did not trust her nearly as much as he did eren.   it took a while for her to be brought back into things and the only people who really stood by her side at first were eren & historia.
#1 “historia” corrector when people would still call her krista.
made it a point to coo tf outta her real name whenever she could.
her biggest clash with capt. levi was when he pushed historia to become queen.   while, sure, she respects* levi enough now, she still resents him & believes historia wouldn’t have said yes otherwise ( i.e. doesn’t want the role / she’s playing the path given to her )
* ymir shows her respect by being slightly nicer and all this really means is she’ll tease you and be crass instead of snarling & ignoring your mere existence.
scares & annoys all the children in historia’s orphanage 24/7.   if someone shouts  “ill tell YMIR!”, you can bet everyone gasps and falls silent, a quiet, “... you wouldn’t”  hitting them from the back.
RETURN TO SHIGANSHINA.  ↳     ymir would’ve obviously been required to join in the fight here, and was likely perched on eren’s titan the whole time & ready to be thrown wherever depending on where RB show up to spread their power.
primary eren-ymir tactic is literally just eren softballing her into the ring like YEET
also a yeager bro parallel
biggest takeaway here is just to remember WHY she chose to go with reiner & berty in the first place :  she felt like she was indebted to them.   in this verse, that’s going to taunt at her constantly.  if it ever came down to it, and she had to face reiner 1v1, there’s a 99.9% chance she couldn’t do it.   when eren was fighting him, she would likely be given the opportunity to drop down and end / grab reiner once and for all when eren has him in a lock for their first fight, but her hesitation gives bertl enough time to get to him instead.
i’d imagine she’d get called out somewhere around here,  and get a moment where the cadets kind of remind her they’re well, her friends ?   like they make it a point to show she matters and she’s more than just “that girl who’s around historia all the time” & a bunch of really gay shit that would make her cry & feel worth something and probably have some sappy inner monologue of “i thought i knew what my new purpose in this life was, but i guess in the end, none of that really matters anyways”  because she really starts to see that the world isn’t as simple as she was used to from her youth, and shit expands / changes and you just gotta go with the flow and let yourself enjoy the now.
she didn’t say shit for the serum bowl.   while she, personally, agreed erwin should take it, she could tell levi was hiding something, and high key, she trusts his decisions over anyone else’s, even hanji’s.
PRE-MARLEY.  ↳      direct EMA parallel where ymir grows closer to people other than historia tbqh & now her relations are just overall deeper. that's not to say she's not still a huge fucking Sap though she def sends her Ugly Ass letters daily no matter where she is & that includes straight up in mitras where she just leaves them outside historia's room before leaving for training so she can wake up to her thanks.
she wasn’t in the meeting for historia’s whole baby-carrier thing.   she could tell something was off the second historia got back out from it,  but historia wouldn’t tell her, insisting she needed to be somewhere & ymir couldn’t come along, and neither would eren or mikasa because they were just ?? too shook / disgusted to speak of it yet, let alone to Ymir of all people, knowing it’ll rile the hell out of her.   they all just exited to their respective rooms without even making eye contact.   she had to corner hange and squeeze it out of them, instead.
after learning what the fuck was up she immediately tried to beat up all 3 of kiyomi’s guards, had to be held back by the random new SC members who stayed behind & weren’t really sure what was happening because all ymir was saying was along the lines of  ‘ill fucking kill you’  and  ‘you disgusting bitch’  with no other real context.
definitely got jailed for that lmao
more eren ymir bonding time in all his tips on living efficiently in a cell ig
held historia a lot and told her they could fight against this, but was told time & time again that this was fine / hisu didn’t mind ( cue ymir’s rendition of why the fuck you Lyin )
nothing historia says will ever make ymir think she’s happy in the state she is now & this has huge potential for causing a rift over ymir feeling like everything she told her was Straight Ignored.
still told historia she’d support her no matter what, and did / does, and dotes on her like crazy during the entirety of her pregnancy.
gets into fights with farm boi on an hourly basis, but never around historia. she’ll drag him into the kitchen or smth and start shout-whispering about how useless he is bc he made her eggs sunny-side up instead of poached, the way she prefers them.
MARLEY.   ↳     i hope porco sees her and tries impaling her titan with a stick
for real though she probably stays in the main team looking like just any other soldier until they need to pull out a real trump card to fuck up the cart titan when yelena fucks them up
dancing vs. cart titan just looks like two puppies going at it tbh
lmao yo this bitch gonna wail at sasha’s funeral idc what you say she was only just starting to be nice to her & even then she’ll start regretting even the moments she would tease / fuck with her.   
but don’t think for a second this’ll turn her into a straight sap she’ll probably cry on mikasa for like a hard minute & get up like  “your shoulder’s too fucking bony”  before walking away.
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cryptidcheese · 3 years
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I posted 12,938 times in 2021
22 posts created (0%)
12916 posts reblogged (100%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 587.1 posts.
I added 4,374 tags in 2021
#gravity falls - 1007 posts
#mob psycho 100 - 812 posts
#dc comics - 749 posts
#naruto - 599 posts
#infinity train - 268 posts
#succession - 262 posts
#rb bait - 196 posts
#richie tozier - 165 posts
#adventure time - 158 posts
#vintage - 158 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#that’s so interesting me and my bro were watching this movie and he was like ‘jesper sounds like kuzco’ even tho they arent the same voice
My Top Posts in 2021
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I like this sketch a lot
3 notes • Posted 2021-12-24 18:48:49 GMT
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Hangin’ in there
3 notes • Posted 2021-12-24 18:45:07 GMT
Tag game 5 songs
I got tagged by @the-cloud-whisperer thanks dude! These aren’t songs that I’ve been listening to recently, but these are by my fave artists!
Rules: share five songs you’ve been listening to on repeat recently!
Suburbia Overture by Will Wood!! This is from “The Normal Album” I discovered this album a couple of months ago and I keep coming back to it! At first I didn’t like it, but once I appreciated the lyrics and listened closer to how unique the sound is, I couldn’t stop listening to it! This is one of my favorite songs in the album. Something I love about Will Wood is his music follows themes while incorporating his own sound into it. You’ll have to listen to it and you’ll get what I’m talking about.
Green eyes by erykah badu! Man... I love this woman and her music... I learned about her back before the pandemic in February because I was on a mission to go to a bunch of concerts last year, and she happened to have a concert with affordable tickets... but then the covid nation attacked. One day Erykah Badu.... one day...
One Rainy Wish by Jimi Hendrix! I don’t really listen to Jimi Hendrix that often bc his music is only available on Spotify and I usually listen to music on SoundCloud or YouTube, but sometimes I indulge in my Jimi Hendrix addiction. Sometimes if I’m in the car with my dad, he’ll bring out his cd’s and we’ll listen to the same songs for a week until he gets tired of it and listens to the radio or another cd, and he brought out his bold as love Jimi Hendrix album and I really liked One rainy wish.
Save my life tonight by Lydia Benecke a.k.a Blue kid. This song is only available on SoundCloud, but you should definitely listen to her other music too! Her lyrics are very interesting and her voice is beautiful! Sadly, I don’t think she records music anymore (I follow her twitter and she hasn’t said anything about her music, she hasn’t uploaded any new music since like 2011 that I know of), but the music she has is already a gift so I don’t mind.
Love ballad by Autoheart. Autoheart is my favorite band ever, and this is one of their lesser known songs that gets barely any attention. I love Autoheart because it’s something my best friend told me about and they’ve been my favorite band ever since (for about 3 years now!) this song is on YouTube! It’s just so... good...
Thanks for tagging me in this!! I love talking about my interests, so I guess this was a shameless excuse to do so.
People I’m tagging:
@vampirevolution @weedle-testaburger @fordtato oh jeez and anyone else that might want to do it!
3 notes • Posted 2021-01-30 01:03:01 GMT
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Sometimes, I feel like I’m surviving.
4 notes • Posted 2021-12-24 19:04:06 GMT
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There’s an old black train a-coming
79 notes • Posted 2021-12-24 18:52:32 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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supermaks · 2 years
tbh i think daniels just tired and wants to go on summer break (mood!💙) and uhh obviously i’m sure having poor results and having to speak over your own boss about your loyalties every single week makes it extra exhausting:/ he always makes jokes like this and uses this tone tho, like even at RB/renault, so nothing too weird imo. honestly hes held it together so well, daniel just speak ur truth. also this is completely off topic but he’s so well spoken! like in podcasts especially— always gives good, substantial answers even with shit questions lol. & when they veer into stuff he doesn’t wanna talk about, i always cringe bc then daniel has to “answer” the question by rambling on for 2 mins without actually saying anything. it’s such a skill— the media training and how articulate he is, it’s seriously impressive.
Thank u for ur perspective 💘 tbh ur probably right it was just a very sudden change. Yuh agreed people joke about it a lot but he really is such a character in f1 he makes the sport better. He’s like this ‘glue’ the marketing people can throw anything at and he’ll make it stick. And I think he’s so sharp bro ur brain has to be running hot to come up with some of the things he says. Ok u gotta be smart to make it in f1 period, but with Danny ric’s whole class clown vibe that witty side of his often goes unnoticed
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racingtoaredlight · 4 years
RTARL’s 2020 NFL Season Week 7 Extravapalooza
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With the way the COVID-19 situation in America (and lots of other places around the world) is rapidly heading in the wrong direction, I’m beginning to genuinely wonder if the NFL is going to have to pause the season for a few weeks as some states potentially decide that the gatherings that come with staging a football game are less than necessary. 
Once the league decided to start the season as scheduled, I figured there was no way they’d stop the train once it began lurching forward, even if some unlucky teams were forced to start someone like Brian Hoyer at QB instead of their normal guy. Ahem. But, I also didn’t think things would deteriorate virus-spread wise quite to this degree. I was really giving us as a society way too much credit, it would appear. Given the resistance to the first round of shutdown measures, I think there’s a real possibility that shit could hit the fan in a way few of us have seen before if another batch were implemented, but it seems like the only option going forward for some places if they don’t get their shit together. Our choices in the very near future appear to be: court massive civil unrest spurred on by the very worst among us, or do nothing and let many of those same people carry disease to every corner of the country as hospitals become overwhelmed and people die alone and miserable. Hooray for letting the dumbest assholes dictate the courses of everyone else’s lives. 
Now for some football picks!!!
My picks are in BOLD, and the lines come to us courtesy of our friends at Vegas Insider. I use the “VI Consensus” line, which is the line that occurs most frequently across Vegas Insider’s list of sportsbooks. Your sportsbook of choice may offer a different number, and if you’d like my opinion on said number A) you are insane, and B) leave a comment below and I’ll try to answer at some point before things kickoff today.
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Detroit Lions at Atlanta Falcons (-2)
Ah, a team who recently fired their terrible head coach against a team who desperately needs to. I’m glad it finally appears to be dawning on Detroit’s offensive braintrust that D’Andre Swift is the best RB on the team and thus should get the bulk of the touches. You could even say he deserves the LION’S SHARE. Sorry. 
I was ready to declare Matt Ryan officially washed heading into last week’s games, but then he went out and threw for 371 and 4 TDs against the (admittedly trash-ass) Vikings defense, and now I just don’t know. Does having Julio Jones in the lineup really make that much of a difference for him? Maybe! This game should be enjoyable slop and I don’t have any strong leanings one way or another. I’ll pick the Falcons just because a Lions loss gets them one step closer to freedom from their dipshit Goomba-from-Mario-Bros-lookin’ motherfucker of a head coach.
Cleveland Browns (-3.5) at Cincinnati Bengals
I like to make fun of the Browns just like everyone else, but I’d prefer to see less digital ink spilled on QB Baker Mayfield’s crappy play and more celebration of DE Myles Garrett instead. Garrett is AWESOME. Through 6 games he has 7 sacks (2nd in the NFL) and 3 forced fumbles (also 2nd in the league), and those numbers don’t fully capture how disruptive and nightmarish he is for opposing offenses most weeks. Sure, he maybe tried to kill a guy with his helmet last year, but c’mon. That was just a harmless little goof. No reason to hold it against him, in my opinion. Like, have you seen what Mason Rudolph looks like? He had it coming.
I feel bad every time I pick against Joe Burrow because I want he and I to be friends, but *points to previous paragraph about how Myles Garrett swallows planets whole*.
Pittsburgh Steelers at Tennessee Titans (-1.5)
Last week I wrote a whole big thing (with stats to back it up!) in the Titans blurb about how Derrick Henry wasn’t playing well and was potentially wearing down, and then he proceeded to rush for over 200 yards and 2 TDs, including an unreal 94-yarder. I concede that I may have been misguided, and that attempting to use research is for lameass nerds. That said, I HIGHLY doubt he’ll have a huge day against the Steelers defense, but the combo of Henry and the Ryan Tannehill-led passing game should be able to put up enough points to win. 
These teams are both very good and very evenly matched, but I don’t want to pick Pittsburgh because I actively dislike them. You won’t find that kind of analysis on Football Outsiders, friends.
Carolina Panthers at New Orleans Saints (-7)
New Orleans will be without WRs Michael Thomas and Emmanuel Sanders for this one, and I think QB Drew Brees is too far over-the-hill to make chicken salad out of the chicken shit that remains in their group of pass catchers. RB Alvin Kamara is great, but he can’t do it by himself. Oh, and speaking of Michael Thomas, a report came out yesterday that the Saints are open to dealing him. This report came from Mike Florio, so grain of salt and all, but it did lead to me reading a rumor that Thomas’ teammates hate him and secretly call him “Can’t Stand Mike,” a play on his “Can’t Guard Mike” Twitter handle. I found this hilarious and very much want it to be true.
Let’s raise a glass to Panthers backup RB and fantasy football savior Mike Davis, as his gravy train likely comes to a halt after today with the impending return of Christian McCaffery. The New Orleans rush defense is very good, so I don’t see him going out in a blaze of glory, but his out-of-nowhere statistical bonanza deserves to be celebrated.
Buffalo Bills (-10) at New York Jets
LOL Jets Head Coach Adam Gase still hasn’t been fired despite losing 24-0 to Miami last week. What’s it gonna take, I wonder? A second consecutive shutout may do it, but the Bills defense has been terrible, so it’ll take a real commitment to ineptitude for the Jets to put up their second squadoosh in a row. NY QB Sam Darnold is returning to the lineup, but he’s going to be without his best weapon, WR Jamison Crowder. I honestly feel terrible for poor Sam, as he was drafted into the worst situation I can remember. At least David Carr was hit enough that he likely doesn’t remember ALL of the bad stuff. 
Nearly all of the Bills’ TEs are in the COVID-19 protocol, so I’m not sure how they’re gonna address that. BRING BACK JAY RIEMERSMA!
Dallas Cowboys at Washington Football Team (-1)
The Cowboys being underdogs against Washington is hilarious, even more so because it’s justified. I thought QB Andy Dalton would do a decent job leading the Cowboys offense last week against Arizona, and I was very, very wrong. I still think he can get his shit together somewhat, but the ceiling for this team has been lowered to “Darren Sproles might have to duck a bit” height. I can only condone watching this game for schadenfreude purposes, but even that’s stretching it. Any more than a quarter is just straight-up masochism.
Green Bay Packers (-3.5) at Houston Texans
I’m simultaneously excited to watch this game and struggling to come up with anything novel to say about it. I’m interested to see how Green Bay deploys their awesome CB Jaire Alexander, as whichever Texans WR avoids him is likely to be peppered with targets. Shoutout to Will Fuller’s hamstrings for holding up so far and allowing him to kick ass. 
As of right now it looks like Green Bay will be without studly RB Aaron Jones and sexy touchdown beast TE Robert Tonyan, which isn’t great. But, if there’s one opponent where you should still be ok using a backup RB, it’s the Houston Texans and their atrocious rush defense. Wait, why am I picking Houston? Whatever, fuck it, the heart wants what the heart wants.
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Tampa Bay Buccaneers (-5) at Las Vegas Raiders
A couple of days ago, it looked like the entire Las Vegas offensive line might miss this game due to being placed on the COVID-19/Reserve list. As of this writing, all those beefy boys are cleared to play, which is good news since they’re going against Tampa Bay’s top-shelf defense (ranked #1 in defensive DVOA). Even with their full compliment of offensive personnel, I still predict many hilarious angry and frustrated faces from Jon Gruden.
Tampa Bay has decided to sign WR Antonio Brown, despite already having two Pro Bowl-caliber receivers in Mike Evans and Chris Godwin. It’s pretty clear this signing was done entirely because QB Tom Brady wanted it, as Brady has been pushing for his team to sign Brown going back to last year in New England. It’s so weird, Tom Brady doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who would advocate for an emotionally unstable and supremely narcissistic accused rapist who’s left multiple organizations in disarray upon his unceremonious departure.  
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Kansas City Chiefs (-7.5) at Denver Broncos
Fuck yeah, our first potential snow game of the year! The gametime forecast as of right now calls for 5-degree windchill temps with a 35-40 percent chance of flakes throughout. That sounds horrible to play in, but glorious to watch. If we don’t get at least one shot of steam rising off of an offensive lineman’s head I’m gonna be pissed. I’m curious to see what Kansas City does with newly acquired RB Le’Veon Bell in this game. He’s definitely played in more winter-weather games than my boy Clyde Edwards-Helaire, so do they give him more carries this week than they would normally? I hope not, but I can definitely see the argument for it.
San Francisco 49ers at New England Patriots (-3)
I’m a little shaken (relatively, I’m not a complete lunatic) by how shitty New England, and Cam Newton in particular, looked against Denver last week. The lack of practice time due to multiple COVID-related outbreaks is a valid reason for it, but still. I think the Niners are the much better team when healthy, but they’re gonna be missing their best RB Raheem Mostert for this game (and the next few), which does impede their power-run game somewhat. Backup Jerick McKinnon is still very good, he just has a different, less-demoralizing style. Handsome Jimmy will have to make some plays, and I think he can do just enough. The overall talent gap will be too much for NE to overcome, I fear.
Jacksonville Jaguars at Los Angeles Chargers (-7.5)
The Jags have lost five straight games coming into this one, while the Chargers have dropped four in a row. Something’s gotta give! I will say that the Jacksonville losses seem more depressing (3 of them were by double-digits), while even though L.A. is losing, they at least feel exciting. A shiny rookie QB who looks decent will do that, I guess. Still, I’m riding with my man Minshew to cover one last time here. If he fails, well, I think it’ll be time for us to go our separate ways. “Separate Ways” by Journey is also what plays in Gardiner Minshew’s helmet speaker instead of play calls, coincidentally. 
SNF: Seattle Seahawks (-3.5) at Arizona Cardinals
Seattle’s already abysmal secondary is going to be down Pro Bowl safety Jamal Adams for this one, so Cards QB Kyler Murray should be able to sling it around with relative ease. His best weapon, WR Deandre Hopkins is Questionable with a lingering ankle injury, but he’s been playing through it so far and it hasn’t seemed to slow him much. I think this is the week the magic runs out for the Seahawks, and they take their first L of the season. Russell Wilson can’t bail them out EVERY time. Probably. This game is likely to be the stylistic opposite of the Monday nighter, because...
MNF: Chicago Bears at Los Angeles Rams (-6)
...all signs point to this being a butt-ugly game. I like good defense, don’t get me wrong, but nobody should purposely watch Nick Foles and Jared Goff play QB against competent defenses. I suppose I can see some entertainment value in getting to see both Aaron Donald and Khalil Mack torment quarterbacks in the same game, but I think I’m gonna pass for the same reason that I don’t really like to watch animals get eaten in nature shows. I get that it’s the way things are meant to happen, but damn. I’m a real wimp, by the way.
Last Week’s Record: 7-7
Season Record: 44-38-4
0 notes
deliverydefresas · 7 years
masters of the scene
This has been on my drafts since June yet I’m only writing (and posting it ofc) now. The idea came out in the middle of the night, and somehow I managed to wake up and tell Pau before it erased from my mind completely. 
Shout out to cupcake and my baked goods bc without them I’ll probs would’ve have never managed to do it, and probs would never written it lol 
It’s an au i think you’d like so I really hope you do <3 
AU: Matteo Balsano is a famous singer who has been crushing on this one girl he saw every day behind a window many years ago, back when he first started recording his debut album and inspired his first big hit, “Princesa”. Luna Valente, professional Olympic skater turned actress is at a local (and very popular) talk show to promote her breakout movie. This is where it all starts. 
“Why do you even bother reading that bullshit, bro?”
“It’s amusing how they’re so sure you’re dating your cousin.” His best friend told him, sipping on his coffee while flipping over the pages of the tween magazine that had been delivered that morning on his doorstep.
He groaned, disgusted. “It’s not amusing, it’s fucking gross.”
“If you had let me clarify since day one who Flor was to you, this wouldn’t be happening.” Gastón reminded him, taking another small sip of his cup. He resumed his reading once he found the page with that article; “hey look, they say her name is Clara and that you’ve been dating for over two months; ‘a whole new record for our Italian Casanova Balsano!’” Matteo flipped him off.
“First of all, ‘day one’ would mean you were my lawyer at 19, without even finishing one year in Law School, you dumbass. And second, it was you who gave me the idea of protecting Flor’s privacy.”
“I was very smart at 19, thank you very much.” Gastón threw the magazine at him, which he dodged easily and got into the kitchen and prepare himself an espresso, but smiled fondly at his friend anyway.
It was hard to believe so much time had passed since he was discovered in that small bar years ago, when all he had left were his songs, his guitar, and the support of his best friend for over fifteen years. Going against his father’s wish of a diplomatic future for him hadn’t been easy, especially when you’re an eighteen-year-old boy with no working experience or a survival plan. Having had his parents’ back his whole life, the abrupt change of living alone and financially supporting himself was a challenge he hadn’t foreseen for at least another four years; but it had been an experience so groundbreaking, and so eye-opening that he wouldn’t dare to have it any other way, at all. Gastón had helping him a lot by letting him crash in his room multiple times, as well as approving and correcting his songwriting before he even presented it to a crowd.
His way of repaying had been hiring him as his lawyer as soon as he was out of law school, even if it went against his management’s ideals. Matteo would rather have someone he trusted 100% and minded his interests first, than a stranger whose decisions would favor anyone but him. Call him stupid, or naïve, but he had blind faith in Gastón, and knew it had been for the best. His friend hadn’t been first in his class for nothing. (He did like to joke it had been because of his pretty face and good hair, though).
"At least now they'll drop that 'Mambar' crap, since I'm 'off the market' and whatnot."  
"I don't know, bro;" Gastón laughed, "they're capable of saying you're cheating on Flor with your ex." 
Matteo groaned again when he realized Périda was right. Dating Ámbar back in the day had been proved to be a mistake, even when they'd never confirmed their relationship to the media (or anyone outside their circle of friends); because the rumor hill and theories didn't disappear to this day. Gastón liked to joke that he could get married and have ten kids, and even then Ámbar would get mentioned as the mistress at least once. It certainly didn't help that he shared management with her, since they always made sure they were photographed at any event they happened to be at the same time. They were lucky they didn't hate each other or were dating anyone else yet, because it'd make everything more annoying. 
"She still in town?" Gastón passed him his cup, and he dropped it in the sink for them to clean later. He nodded. 
"Yeah, she's got a promo interview for her movie with Jazmín tonight, then she leaves for promo tour past-tomorrow morning. She invited us to the show, by the way." 
His friend arched his brows, questioning, "to Ja Jazmín? She's not trying to set me up with Delfi again, is she?" 
Matteo smirked, "how did you know?" He laughed when his friend's face turned white, "don't worry, stud, I heard she's seeing Pedro now; you lost your chance with her. Ámbar just said she wanted to say her goodbye's since they're leaving right after the premiere tomorrow night, and will be out of the country for a month and a half." 
"That's never stopped her from disappearing before without telling you, though. Not even when you dated." The italian shrugged. It wouldn't be the first time Ámbar planned something for her convenience without explaining it to him first; and he trusted her enough to be sure it wouldn't put him in a bad place to the public. She could be a mean bitch, but she wasn't one to hit that low. 
"Beats me. Maybe she just wants more promo, since the RB guys will be there, too." 
"Her name isn't enough, now?" Gastón joked, grabbing his portfolio from the couch, arranging his tie with his free hand. It was almost nine, and he didn't doubt his friend was late already. Frankly, he didn't even need to work at his dad's firm, since he paid him more than enough to be his only client; but his best friend wouldn't dare to leave his family's business to a stranger once his dad retired. 
Matteo shook his head, "more like, her name's the only recognizable one. The protagonist and her co-protagonists are all professional skaters; Ámbar's the only professional actress turned skater for the film." 
Gastón whistled lowly, "blondie really knows how to pick challenges, doesn't she." 
"She did date me, y'know." 
"Sure thing, casanova. I'm leaving now, don't miss me too much, darling." Jokingly, he blew him a kiss, which his friend caught in the air and, with a wink, left him to go to work - already late. 
Since he'd finished his latest tour a month ago, and was procrastinating songwriting, Matteo decided he'd spend the morning sleeping. He'd order pizza in the afternoon, maybe sleep some more and then shower so Gastón and he could leave some time after dinner. 
For now, though, his bed was calling to him. 
“Luna, we’re on in twenty.”  
She nodded, smiling as nicely as she could with her nerves doing flip backs in her belly. Ámbar had reassured her Jazmín was nothing but nice, but there was a little voice in the back of her head that was screaming with excitement. She was not only going to be in national TV, but also in one of the most popular (if not the most popular) talk shows in the last decade. Ja Jazmín was it when you wanted your name to be out there. Her background wasn’t in the film industry by any means, but she knew very well what this opportunity meant for her and her career.
Even if she didn’t plan to leave skating like, ever, her dream was opening her own rink and teaching people her passion, and she was working very hard to achieve the recognition she needed to make it happen one day.
Her parents laughed that with two Olympic Medals in her bag, she still chose to go out of her comfort zone and pursue an acting career; but how could she not, when the Marissa Mint, the three times gold medalist asked her personally to play her in her autobiographical movie? Her idol, the one person she had looked up to in her professional life, asked her to play her, a legend in the skating community. Luna couldn’t say yes fast enough.
And so it began; after winning her first gold in the 2020 Olympics, she took a break to start her new career move. She spent a whole year with Juliana (as she had asked to be called), learning and practicing all the moves, steps and choreographies that had made her what she was to date; the best female skater known. And even then, she still didn’t feel like one year had been enough to learn everything she had to offer, but rehearsals and filming schedules were approaching, and her one-on-one had to end.
Soon she was joined by Ramiro Ponce, a silver-medalist male skater that was to play her love interest; Jim Medina, bronze medalist that had been only decimals away from silver, and a close friend she’d made since they were both in the 2016 Olympics, and who played one of her team mates. Then there was the only professional actress turned skater in the movie, Argentina’s princess, Ámbar Smith. Luna had to admit she’d been intimidated by her in the beginning, her icy attitude and proud personality made her a little hard to get to know her, but the girl took a challenge and surpassed it. By the end of her training, if Luna hadn’t known she had never skated before in her life, she wouldn’t have guessed it. After all, she had had to learn how to skate Olympic-worthy, not just professionally. She played the rival’s team’s captain, and she was splendid. Luna admired her a lot for that, since Olympic skating was very hard to achieve after just one year of training.
Once group training started, the small group formed a nice relationship. She could say, honestly, that these people were her friends and she appreciated them a lot.
A year later, months after filming had ended, it was time to start promoting the movie all around the world, sharing with the public what Luna liked to call ‘a new side of a legend’, since the movie itself wasn’t just skating, but also the aftermath of one of the most heartbreaking falls in sport’s community.
“Earth to Luna?” her best friend’s sweet voice called, gaining Luna’s attention to the real world again.
“Is it time already, Nina?” She asked, shaking her hands, wishing it were that easy to calm herself and get rid of her nerves. Her friend smiled, but shook her head in negative.
“Jazmín’s team came to say Ámbar wanted to introduce you to some of her friends before the show started, since they’re making a brief appearance to show you and the movie support.”
“Her friends?” She repeated, trying to remember if the blonde girl had told her about it before. Her mind answered with silence. She knew Ámbar had asked her to invite the Rollerband, since Simón was her best friend and she knew it, but beside that, Ámbar hadn’t spoken about inviting more famous people with her.
Nina shrugged, “I heard she invited Matteo Balsano and Delfina Alzamendi, but you already know Delfi. Maybe Matteo invited someone else, too?”
“She knows Matteo Balsano?”
Nina laughed, most likely at her lack of knowledge in popular culture. “He sang with her in that musical years ago, ‘Prófugos’, I think.”
“Oh, the one where she played an Asylum escapee, right?” Nina nodded, extending her hand to help her stand up from her chair, “I didn’t know Matteo starred there, too.”
“He didn’t, he just sang the promotional song with her.”
Luna nodded, flattening the skirt of her dress while she stood up, stumbling a little thanks to the height of her heels. She loved Yam to death, but her choosing on heels could be her death. Besides, she wasn’t that little, she really didn’t need that much additional height.
“Well, my dear Watson, shall we go meet Princess’s friends?”
“We shall, my dear Sherlock.”
“You finish my cupcakes and I swear to anything you find holy, Balsano, your balls will be decorations for my car’s mirror.”
Matteo gulped his last bite of a strawberry cupcake, not out of fear but because if he didn’t, he’d probably choke on laughter. Gastón, sitting beside him, wasn’t as thoughtful and choked on his chocolate cupcake.
“You say the most endearing things to me, Ámbar. Why did I let you go, again?”
“I let you go.”
“To-may-to, to-mah-to.”
His friend scoffed from her make up chair, “I didn’t invite you to eat my food, you ass.” Matteo rolled his eyes, grabbing another cupcake from the food table, and licked the top of the icing.
“Then why did you? We both know it’s not because you’re leaving after tomorrow, as I’m going to the premiere tomorrow.”
Ámbar smirked, turning away from the mirror to look at him, “I have a surprise for you.”
He was immediately suspicious, “it’s not another song about mirrors, is it?” Her smirk turned into a scowl.
“You know what? I changed my mind. You can choke on that cupcake and die, Matteo Bastardo.”
Gastón, who had finished choking by now, gave her a thumbs-up. “Nice one, blondie.”    
“Eh, I give it a seven. Not very original.” A voice called from the door, taking them by surprise. Jazmín winked at them, leaving the door open as she walked into the dressing room. She kissed everyone on the cheek as a greeting before she spoke again, “why do we want Balsanito to die?”
“Isn’t existing a good enough one?” Ámbar said, gaining Matteo’s middle finger in response.
“Is this the way you greet your hostess? I came here to greet you, and this is what I get. Shame on you, I should just say a monologue on how much you suck.” Jazmín joked, and put her hands on her hips in mockery. Her words, of course, fell on deaf ears.
Matteo was about to respond when a knock on the door interrupted them. The first one to turn was Ámbar, and when she saw who it was, smirked again in his direction.
“Surprise.” She mouthed at him, standing up. Matteo frowned, confused as he wasn’t sure what she was talking about; then, he turned to look over where she was looking, too.
He froze.
In a couple seconds, he was taken back to six years ago, outside a recording studio; watching her smile, laugh, beaming at a person who wasn’t him.
“It’s you.” An affirmation in a mere whisper. Green eyes blinked at him once, twice, confused.
“I beg your pardon?” A question in a polite, yet stunned squeak.
Matteo could barely make out Jazmín’s amused call.
“Well, well, well… Isn’t this interesting?”  
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franeridart · 7 years
Hmmm.. what do you think about the monoma x shinsou ship??
It’s… possibly a good ship? I guess? I’ve seen it around a bit, but ngl I don’t really understand it haha
Anon said: when’s your birthday?
November 13th! It’s still pretty far~
Anon said:you say you like seeing the bakusquad taking care of babies hmmm? draw them maybe? OuO
I did haha
Anon said:Because of your art (you made me fall in love with Bakugou and Kirishima and Kaminari) I started BNHA and got my best friend into it. Now I can’t stop writing them and my friend and I have several AUs already.
This is the best kind of ask omfg !!!!! Glad I could get you into my disaster trio!!! …but also are you maybe gonna share like I’m starved for bakushimanari content a n o n
Anon said:Aw man i was gonna recomend that fic by newamsterdam to you. Like i finished reading it and thought you could like it since you like that other kuroo x teru fic (thanks to you and the anon for that btw) and it seemed your style? Im kinda sad i missed the chance (ok i know this whole ask sounds stupid)
Awwww don’t be sad anon, reccing me bakushima stuff is seriously hard because I might or might not go daily in the ao3 tag to read anything complete that’s been updated and I might or might not be following all fics regularly updating unless they have a character death/angst with no happy ending warning oops - thank you for thinking about me tho!!! That made me happy haha
Anon said:I pestered my friend until he watched (and fell in love with) bnha and now I’m pestering him to look at your blog because your art is top notch and every bnha fan should look at your art imo
Thank??? You???? Holy smokes !!!
Anon said:Aaaaaaa I really love your bakushima art its just so pure and wholesome and makes me really happy when I see it!! ;;u;;
B O I THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:The Uraraka and Bakugou fight!!! !!! !!! Probably my favourite fight in the tournament ahhh just the depth of character from both of them I’m ;; and the “Todoroki isn’t you” line ahhhhhhhhhhh
Haha well my fave is still the bakushima one ngl I’m weak for Bakugou actually having fun, but I feel this!! It’s a great fight and the anime did it so so well too!!!! Can’t wait for next episode tbh aahhhhhhh !!!
Anon said:With the latest chapter, I’m gonna assume Midnight ships the hard bros lmao. But honestly tho, she was me!! I love them!!! It was everything I hoped it to be, the graphics, the focus on their hands, the handshake, thE FREAKING SPARKLES!!!!
It was!!!!!!! Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! And such a sweet surprise too, I thought I wouldn’t get to see it this episode and YET!!!!! I might have yelled hahaha
Anon said:“Three sets of eyes and still can’t see bakugou” 1000% accurate I’m crying
*wiggle eyebrows*  the pun was calling for me
Anon said:Things that automatically make my day better: seeing a notification that says “franeridart has posted a photo”. I always give a little gasp and go “FRANNY!” Before immediately looking at the picture. Even the ones that aren’t for fandoms I’m in are so super cute!! So long story short I love you and your art k bye
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’re so sweet oh my g o s h!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *O*
Anon said:Would it be possible to see any bokuroteru or bakushima art in your rb?
Anon said:The bakushima smooches would look great on a notebook/mug/etc !
I added the smooches!!!! And I mean to go through my bakushima stuff to see what else works!! As for the bokuroteru, is there anything specific you’d like to see? Nothing seems worth it tbh haha rip
Anon said:I just bought a bag and a t-shirt and this shirt will be worn at anime expo in July and I would looooooove it if some of YOYR matsuhana S made it into your shop because I would buy all of them
THANK YOU SO MUCH OH MY G O D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:M'cryin the way young Mirio looked was like a colonial American teen. Also holy shit the character development showing Tamaki’s anxiety and pessimism, and then Mirio being the super supportive friend he is and just ugh everything about this chapter was amazing
IT W AS I love it so much Amajiki’s such a good character honestly and his relationship with Mirio is!!! So good!!!! Also long haired Mirio might have been a nod to his liking rock music actually!! I love it!
Anon said:Do you ever wonder if Mirio is maybe too good and one of these days we’re gonna find out he’s actually a bad egg
…Nah. He’s not the only exceptionally good character after all, Deku, Uraraka and Kirishima are right there with him, and Toshi too! Pure characters are a Thing in bnha, which makes sense since they’re all heroes, it’s their job to be good haha
Anon said:Heeyyy so, I have this dream of owning a bookstore, and was wondering if I commissioned so e work, if you’d be ok with me displaying it in my store? Just you know… hypothetically speaking…
Well, as of now my commissions aren’t open so there’s that. But once I’ll open them then it’ll depend on what exactly you commission me to draw, I guess? I dunno! Once my commissions will be open you can contact me off anon and we can talk about it one on one~
Anon said:What do you think of platonic Tokoyami x Tsuyu dynamic? They work so well together! I think they could be good friends! Also do you ship Tokoyami and Shouji? They earned a place in my heart since the training camp!
I love!!!! TokoTsuyu!!!!! Holy heck!!!! I’ve drawn them together a couple of times, their exam together was really amazing I wish I could see more of them interacting! Also they were my first faves in bnha, so seeing them interact has always been like a treat to me haha also yes to ShoujiYami!! Drew that once as well, they’re so cute~ smallest boy x tallest boy, what a good couple !!
Anon said:Have you ever thought about Tetsutetsu x Kendou? I can’t stop thinking about it since the training camp, I love Kendou so much she’s so awesome and sweet, and Tetsutetsu is amazing and a true hero, and they have such a lovely dynamic!
MY MAIN TETSU SHIP !!!!!!! I drew them once too, I love them so so much they’d make such a good couple honestly I should draw them more
Anon said: I love your Hagakure hc you posted! She’s so lovely, I hope she learns how to make herself visible because I can’t imagine meeting people and knowing no one knows how you look like. She’s probably cool with her quirk now, after so many years, but I’m sure she must get upset sometimes…
My fave thing about Hagakure is that she sometimes acts as if she forgets no one can see her - not even in an angst way, like she complains about Mineta looking in their changing room or stuff like that, I can’t tell if she just genuinely forgets or if she’s so used to being invisible that for her is like being visible anyway???? Either way it’s gonna be fun if and when she’ll learn how to make herself visible! 
Anon said:This latest chapters have me shipping Kirideku a little~~~~ haha. Man, I love their interactions, they are so supporting of each other and so work well together. Its nice seeing Deku interact with someone who doesn’t expects anything of him and who is just a friend
Nah, there’s lotsa people who don’t expect anything from him, Deku’s friends love him a lot~ but yeah his interactions with Kiri are fun, most times it’s just Kiri getting excited and being overly energetic as usual and Deku going “ye-yeah!” with his uncertain face, it’s??? fun??? Seeing the members of the bakusquad interact on friendly terms with the dekusquad is always fun for me exactly for that, Deku’s friends are all so mild compared to Baku’s, you notice the squad’s energy even more like this haha
Anon said:(Waifu2x anon) *gasp!* I’m not worthy!!
You keep me in too high regards, anon haha
Anon said:fran!! i saw your art for todays chapter and promptly died all over again. ive fallen in mirio/amajiki hell and i dont wanna get out. ive also taken to using miriama as their ship name too?? so idk what else people use but!! i just need to scream at you how beautiful your art is and i would buy things from you if you ever opened a shop
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Since posting those doodles I’ve heard MiriAma MiriTama MiriMaki MiriJiki TogaAma and TogaJiki and I love??? All of them???? I don’t know which I’ll end up picking honestly I wonder what the main tag is atm haha is there even art for them? There should be t b h
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