#like either (a) how bad did u fumble or (b) what did u do to piss him off damn
yuwuta · 4 months
as a true geto hater it brings me immense joy to remember that he got packed up by a suicidal anxious loser w/ the power of true love who hadn't even learned his own cursed technique yet and had been studying jujutsu for less than a year
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dreamcrow · 1 year
13, 15, 30
(from this trollhunters meme; thank you for the ask!)
3.) favorite non-human character?
not 2 b basic but i think i do have to say strickman lol.* not as much as he was three years ago…but i do. stinky bastard rock man. zesty tormented purely marshmallow-fluff monster. god, i really had a whole backstory for him 🙈
*obviously if u think the order is not human then the answer is the order, duh, 1000 times duh. but for me. i mean. look at them. they're Literally Just Some Guys!
15.) most heartbreaking scene in wizards?
NO don't make me be basic on main… well. sorry not sorry. bellroc right after getting blinded ;___; yeah yeah big bad evil yeah yeah they veer right back to full-throttle anger right after but there's just—those few seconds of their armor eyes flicking back and forth, man! the little glimpse of something vulnerable behind the dread, terrible façade! i hate everything about this stupid mortal world, they said, caringly! stupid horrible bastard bird light of my heart joy of my life
30.) something i would change about wizards
god. god. those of you who have been playing along at home may have picked up that i think the arcane order deserved a little…better. at least more nuanced treatment. (especially as villains in a GUILLERMO DEL TORO PROPERTY…) but like!! it's so frustrating because the threads are there, right.
nari, a character we are supposed to sympathize with, never says the order was wrong.
she also only says what the order did "was not worth it" -after- bellroc is blinded.
are the order WRONG about the balance of magic/mundane being off?
multiple villains in both trollhunters (bular, strickler, angor rot) AND 3below (kubritz, tronos madu) are either are offered the chance to change, or are at least portrayed with SOME level of sympathy
but a combination of 1.) rushed and 2.) bad writing in wizards means we just got left with !!! NOTHIN. as much as it physically pains me to acknowledge rott: even at the end, once they've lost the only other things in the world like them, bellroc still offers jim mercy. how do you get that one thing so right and then fumble the entire rest of everything so badly, lol
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barbiegirldream · 3 years
did you delete your reblog? i liked reading it! u can keep it up if you want, i don’t mind
oh okay i was like reading it back and I was like hmm this is probably annoying ha I'll put it here though cause I did copy and paste it into a draft:
i think the reddit underestimates George so hard. One of George's... biggest traits in MCC is his bloodlust. It either works out well or poorly. You see it in Sands of Time, Survival Games, Battle Box, Skybattle. He sees someone or something and just keeps pushing no matter what.  It's the same thing that's gotten Sapnap and Dream killed many times. Dream Team really got that bloodlust but Dream can be distracted by it if he's in team leader mode.
George just gets so focused he performs well individually and like Dream knew that. It's why he told George to go do his own thing while giving Quackity and Sam advice. Or H told the team to follow George in Sky Battle because he was going off on his own and needed backup. Like in Battle Box Fuchsia fumbled the ball that was on all of them Dream was being too aggressive and splitting from his team, George wasn’t hitting crossbows like he usually does, Quackity and Sam should have been trying to play support instead of getting picked off etc. Dream thought he didn’t need to practice pvp and I think they could have benefited from team training. But in SG they did good the scoring change just is bad and actually discourages fights because kill points are worth nothing anymore. George popped off in TGTTOS and he did good in SOT he was excellent in Ace Race.
I saw there was a post on the reddit showing the biggest coin carries and George was up there with Dream where most teams had one player who was a big team carry. George more than pulled his weight. Fuchsia for some reason just thought they did way worse than they actually did. Like Dream was more pumped after his team finished in 7th last MCC than coming individual 3rd and having a 5th place team and he thought both teams were possible winners pov. Something about MCC18 just rattled Fuchsia and they weren’t as high spirits as their placement should have been (I think their confusion and disappointment at how they preformed in Battle Box did it ngl)
I do think Dream did have to work overtime on comms but that's not surprising. I think the tired dad jokes came from A Dream sounding very tired cause he was and was also repeating himself a lot and B he would swap between scolding, advice, and hype ups so fast he sounded like a parent at a little league game lol. But it’s to be expected Sam was new, Quackity was nervous, and George generally isn’t super responsive to comms because he’s a strong enough individual player to not need them and ignores them to focus. And Dream was even saying he made some bad plays and whatnot. Like Dream goes crazy with the strats and sometimes they work out sometimes they don’t. In TGTTOS was his most dad moment cause he kept saying don't punch and then every time he looked at them they were punching and then trying to justify it lol. But they play the game as a team so something was just off and putting that on Dream’s teammates isn’t fair. And Dream himself said he hates when that happens. But also I'm glad reddit isn't trying to blame it soley on Dream's leadership cause they have done so in the past which also isn't fair.
I just think people including Fuchsia think Fuchsia fell off way harder than they did. Quackity placed his avg, Sam is new. George had his best performance yet 8th place on a 5th place team and Dream had 3rd on a 5th place team. (Which also if SG hadn't been adjusted Dream would have come 2nd which is crazy good for his placement)
Fuchsia did actually really well, they should be proud of themselves, George especially and no one was totally at fault for anything.
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aalissy · 3 years
Truth or Dare
Day 11 is done!! Sorry this one’s kinda late to I was moving into my new house! Anywho, I hope you guys enjoy this lil one-sided reveal hehe. Lemme know what you think <3. 
“Marinette, truth or dare?” Alya asked, the smirk present in her voice.
Marinette, Nino, Alya, and Adrien were all in her room as they all finally had free time to hang out. Luckily, they had all even been able to have a sleepover together. As it got later and later, however, they began to play more party games which had led her to be in the situation she was in now. 
Marinette gulped quietly, eyes darting over to Adrien’s smiling face before looking back at her best friend. Alya’s smirk grew even wider after she watched her reaction and Marinette squirmed uncomfortably. She knew exactly what her friend would do if she picked dare.
Her cheeks turning a bright red, she murmured, “Truth.”
Alya tsked as she rolled her eyes fondly. With a quiet laugh, she pouted and said, “You’re no fun, but fine.”
Marinette felt herself relax as she prepared herself for Alya’s question. Surely whatever it was couldn’t be as bad as making a fool of herself in front of Adrien. She couldn’t stop herself from grinning with that thought. Unfortunately for her, Alya’s eyes narrowed at the sight. 
“Alright, so Marinette, have you ever kissed anyone?” Her smug smirk appeared once again.
She opened her mouth before snapping it closed quickly. Ducking her head, she felt her face turn an even darker shade of red. Obviously, the best choice here was to say no, she hadn’t had her first kiss. But... that would be lying. She had kissed someone before. In fact, she had kissed the same person twice. To be fair, Marinette couldn’t exactly remember the second kiss but that didn’t mean it hadn’t happened.
Nibbling her lip, she mumbled, “Yes.”
“What?!” Alya shouted excitedly, “Who?! When?! How come you never told me?”
“U-um, that’s another four questions and I already answered my truth so it’s my turn,” Marinette turned to Nino, ignoring the looks everyone was giving her. “N-Nino, truth or dare?”
“Dare.” He grinned at her rather lazily.
She hummed, tapping her finger against her chin. “Hmm, I dare you... to beatbox for us, right now.”
Nino shrugged before starting off with a slow beat. Gradually, he picked up volume and speed, making everyone smile and nod their heads along to the music. Eventually, when he finished, they all clapped with a loud cheer and he gave a small bow of his head in acknowledgment. Opening his mouth to ask the next person a question, he was cut off by someone clearing their throat.
His eyes turned to Alya who was staring at him pointedly and his eyes lit up in recognition. Nino gave her a subtle smirk before asking, “Alya, truth or dare?”
“Dare. Come on babe, do you even need to ask?” She rolled her eyes.
Nino gave a quiet chuckle at her response. “Alright, I dare you to give me a kiss then.” 
Alya rolled her eyes even as she giggled quietly. Quickly, she leaned over to press a gentle kiss against her boyfriend’s lips. Adrien and Marinette both protested together loudly when neither of the two seemed to want to pull away from their kiss. 
“Gross!” Adrien scrunched his nose up in disgust even as he gave a quiet chuckle.
“Get a room!” Marinette threw a pillow at the two of them, which finally got them to pull apart as they laughed loudly. 
Alya stuck her tongue out at her best friend before a devilish smirk lit up her face. “Ok then, Marinette, truth or dare?” 
Shoot. This was a lose-lose situation. She could either say dare and get stuck having to either kiss Adrien or do something equally embarrassing. If she said truth, though, she’d have to reveal who she kissed. With a quiet groan, Marinette said, “Truth.”
Alya giggled mischievously. “Who did you share that kiss with, Marinette?”
Her heart thumped loudly in her chest. Of course, she had to lie. There was no way she could admit that Chat Noir was her first kiss. Alya would probably have a heart attack if she said that. Giggling nervously, her gaze darted to the side. “I-it was L-Luka, obviously.”
“Nope.” Alya shook her head smugly, “I talked to Juleka after your date and she said that your kiss got interrupted because of an akuma attack. Come on, Marinette, this is a game of truth or dare. There’s no need to lie here.” 
Marinette practically choked as Alya called her bluff. She had not expected that! What was she supposed to say now?! Her mind raced as she tried to come up with an answer of any other boy that might have kissed her. An answer never came to her, though, as all her thoughts had frozen up.
Tensing up, Marinette blurted out, “It was Chat Noir, ok?!”
She had expected a loud outburst from Alya, but it was actually Adrien who looked the most shocked and shouted the loudest. Her eyes blinked in surprise as she stared at her crush who was looking back at her with his jaw practically touching the floor. 
Marinette turned a deep shade of red, snapping her gaze from him to gaze down at the floor. Carefully and nervously, she tucked a stray strand of hair back into her pigtails. Clearing her throat lightly, she said, “S-so, Adrien, truth or dare?”
“Nuh-uh, Marinette, you can’t just drop a bomb on us like that!” Alya shook her head frantically as she stared at her eagerly. “How did you manage to kiss one of Paris’ superheroes!?”
“Yeah, I’d like to know too,” Adrien chimed in, nodding his head as a small frown creased his brow.
Even Nino stared at her with interest as her flush turned even darker. Slapping her hands to her cheeks, Marinette tried to calm her racing heart. She couldn’t tell them the truth and explain that she had to save him from Dark Cupid. That would risk her identity and their safety. Oh, why had she ever agreed to this game?! At the very least, she should have just said no when Alya asked if she had her first kiss yet. 
Groaning quietly, Marinette turned to her best friend. “You remember Weredad right, Alya?”
“Mhm,” she nodded with a frustrated sigh. “I couldn’t get here fast enough to record anything for the Ladyblog.”
“Right, well...,” Marinette tapped her fingers together anxiously as she tried to come up with a lie that wouldn’t be too far from the truth, “That day, I-I um, confessed my feelings for Chat.”
Oh my god, what am I saying?! If I manage to fumble my way out of this, I am never playing Truth or Dare again. Why did I do this?! Alya’s going to know I’m lying, Marinette screamed at herself mentally. She wished she could tug harshly at her pigtails, scolding herself for ever mentioning the kiss in the first place.
“What?!” Alya stared at her in confusion. “Why would you...? I mean, I thought you only liked you-know-who.”
Alya’s gaze subtly darted to a suspiciously red-faced Adrien who looked like he just got hit by a truck. Frowning slightly at his reaction, Marinette shifted uncomfortably. With a nervous laugh, she said, “I-I do! Chat just appeared at the right moment at the right time! A-and really who doesn’t have at least a small crush on him?!”
Alya and Nino both nodded their heads at that. Adrien wheezed quietly and all of them looked over to stare at him. His mouth had fallen open as he blinked at all three of them. He then spoke up with a small stutter, “B-but aren’t you two dating?”
“Yeah, but it’s Chat Noir,” Nino laughed, “Besides, dude you must have a pretty big crush on him too. You always turn red whenever anyone so much as mentions him.” 
“I-I that’s not true!” Adrien protested even as his face turned darker.
Alya, Nino, and Marinette all burst into laughter at that. As Adrien continued to frown and pout at them, their laughs simply grew louder. Eventually, they straightened up and Marinette blew out a quiet breath of relief. It seemed like everyone had forgotten about her answer.
Just when she was about to suggest that they turn out the lights to try and get some sleep, Adrien’s voice spoke up, “But Marinette, you still haven’t answered the question. When did you kiss Chat Noir?”
Her face flushed as she snapped her gaze over to her crush. Surprisingly, he was staring at her with a determined glint in his green eyes. Why was he so interested in her answer? With a small frown, Marinette nibbled on her lip before murmuring shyly, “R-right. W-well, um, after I confessed my feelings, I may have given him a small kiss on the lips. Nothing happened though! W-we agreed that it’d be better that we remain friends, though! He is a superhero after all.” She rushed to clarify with a nervous giggle after Alya whistled loudly.
“Good for you, Marinette. I didn’t know you had that kind of confidence after seeing you stammer like a nervous chicken around your actual crush.” Alya snickered before giving her a sly wink.
Quickly, Marinette hushed her, shooting a pointed glance at Adrien. With a loud, awkward laugh, she then said, “Right! Well, I’m glad that’s cleared up now, I-I suppose we should all go to bed so we can get some sleep!”
“But Marinette, your story isn’t true. That didn’t actually happen.”
For the second time that day, Adrien’s voice cut into her pleas to get them to sleep. Her head whipped around to stare at him as he shook his head with a light frown. Feeling a brush of indignance brush through her, Marinette pursed her lips. He was right, of course. But he couldn’t possibly know that. Unless...
No! She shoved that distracting thought back into the corner of her mind like she usually did. If she began to think about that, she’d surely go insane. A tight smile forming across her face, Marinette said. “W-well, it did. Papa even got akumatized because of it. He saw the kiss and was surprised that we agreed to be only friends. That’s why the battle ended so soon, because Chat was already there.”
She turned to look at Alya who was nodding her head along to the lie. Phew, at least her best friend believed her. Relaxing slightly, Marinette turned to look at Adrien who was still staring at her in disbelief.
He shook his head once again before speaking, “Yeah, Chat Noir was there and all but you two didn’t kiss.”
Feeling a prickle of annoyance, Marinette pursed her lips before snapping slightly. “And just how do you know this, Adrien? You weren’t at the bakery when he got akumatized and like Alya said the battle was over too fast for anyone to get there.”
Immediately, he flushed as his eyes widened. His mouth opened and closed a few times before he finally chuckled nervously and said, “You’re right, Marinette. I don’t know why I said that. Also, you’re right about going to sleep now. I have a photoshoot in the morning.”
With that, Adrien flopped into his sleeping bag and pretended to snore. Marinette, Alya, and Nino all stared at him in bewilderment. Finally, Nino broke the tense atmosphere by shrugging and relaxing into his own sleeping bag. Giving Alya an awkward smile, Marinette stood up to go and turn off the light.
As she slipped into her covers, she shot one last glance at her partner’s tense rigid form. A slight smile tugged at her lips as she heard his fake snores. After that reaction, not even she could pretend anymore. Adrien was Chat Noir. 
Biting down hard on her lip, Marinette tossed around ideas about how to let him know that she knew. Finally relaxing when she realized that they had a patrol tomorrow and she could simply tell him then, her eyes slowly fluttered closed. Soon. Soon, I’ll tell him, she told herself as her smile grew ever wider.
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drivingbatty · 4 years
― rory keaner fluff alphabet
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i know this is sorta random but what can I say? I love this batty boi💗. I'll probably be doing this with everyone else too! gifs by @bodhirookes
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
One thing that is certain about Rory is that he’s not the best at saying “no”. So he’s up for whatever you are! Even though he can get a bit antsy he won’t mind spending a quiet day with you and he won’t mind running around town causing mayhem. He’s very neutral is what I’m saying. If he had to pick a favorite though, he loves it when you let him take you flying! He thinks it romantic.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He admires your kindness and patience. Most people (aside from the Gang) would immediately snap at him for bothering them or asking a ”dumb question” but you answer them without much hesitation or annoyance. And he loves you for that
If we're talking physically, he absolutely loves your smile. Just knowing that his favorite person in the whole world is happy makes him 10x as happy! And he makes sure to let you know that. When you’re sad he’ll poke your face or do something stupid to get you to smile.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He's not the best with words so he'll try to cheer you up the best can. Just tell him what you need, and he’s got you. Snacks? He’s already back in 5 seconds with your favorites. More tissues? Bam, he’s brought you a baker’s dozen of boxes because he didn’t know what brand to get. Cuddles? Hell yeah!
 D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He doesn't have any plans, he just hopes that you two will be together until the day you die. Rory’s an “in the moment” thinker and he plans on being in this teenage honeymoon stage forever. He might turn you though, but only if you're okay with it.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He likes to believe he's the man in the relationship as most teen boys would, but he's hella soft and if you so much as look disapprovingly at him he'll shut up pretty quickly. So yeah, he's pretty passive.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Rory is not very good at holding grudges. So he's very quick to forgive you whenever you have a disagreement, which rarely happens since he's pretty hard to upset. If things ever somehow managed to escalate he'd stay quiet until your done talking to apologize and change the subject. He really hates arguing and wants it to be over as soon as possible.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He thinks about how lucky he is everyday and will never take anything for granted. He's not used to receiving attention (physical or otherwise) so he'll dwell on even the smallest things forever. He just can't believe that you are interested in him.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He might hide his vampire-ism for awhile due to Ethan and Benny, since apparently not everyone finds being with an undead creature of the night appealing. Aside from that he's an open book! He has a tendency to ramble so there will be virtually no secrets between you two.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Congrats, you've just made him even more clingy! Now he's physically incapable of being alone for too long and will seek you out because he misses you :( even if its been like 10 minutes
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Rory doesn't get jealous due to his issues with social cues so he won't overthink any interactions you and someone else may be having. But on the off chance that he does get jealous he'll just get really pouty and try to drag you to do something else.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Rory is pretty inexperienced in the smooching department but he tries his best. His kisses are kinda stiff at first but the more comfortable he gets the warmer they are and the more he seeks them out. Surprise kisses are his personal favorite. He also loves doing the exaggerated 'mwah' sound too, the goof.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Being the wannabe Casanova he is, I feel like he asked you out a million times before you actually said yes. The time you said yes he actually tried to ditch the pick up lines and be sincere about it. I mean, how could you say no that face?
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Eh, he's thought about it. Again he's never really been known to think ahead so it probably doesn't cross his mind all too often. But if he was asked he'd most likely say yes since "That's what people usually do, right?"
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Literally every single one in the book. He's also pretty creative if "spice angel" and "blonde hottie mclovely" is anything to go off of. So you have an endless supply of petnames coming your way. His favorites are probably sweetcheeks, angel face, gum drop, fruit cake, and ragamuffin. He's very corny.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
You're all he will talk about. Ethan and Benny will be tired of it pretty soon. He'll also become more susceptible to his floating quirk whenever you so much as look at him. His head's in the clouds and his heart is full. Impressing you will become a main priority and he will not leave you alone. He's basically a lovesick puppy that follows you around.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Rory is very upfront about it. He's always bragging about you to everyone in the vicinity and he will be damned if someone won't hear about you atleast 5 times that day. He wants people to be jealous. And they should be! He gets to date you and they can't! The poor fools.
As for physical attention, he might be kinda shy to it at first. He's a teen boy and while things like that are exciting, he's also scared of embarrassing himself. So he mostly held your hand everywhere and refused to let go. But once he gets comfortable expect everything to be going your way. Pecks on the mouth, cheek, hugging, hand holding, the whole works! Though he won't do anything to risque like making out or anything.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Oddly enough, Rory is pretty good at reading your face. Or maybe he just worries about you alot. All you know is that any minute that you're not beaming with joy he's already asking what's wrong and if he can help. He just really doesn't want to see you upset so he'll make sure to check up on you when he can.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
All Rory knows about romance are loads of cliches he's seen. He use to play up how bad alot of them were before he was with you, but now? Ho boy, they are his only language. Getting you gifts, saying weird lines, attempting to get dressed up for dates, and getting flowers (he'll do this no matter what gender you are and you can't tell me otherwise). Though he fumbles in the "smooth" part of the romantic gestures, he's really trying.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He believes in you so much its insane! He's literally your biggest fan when it comes to anything.
"You got a test coming up and you're worried about passing? There's no need, babe! You're a genius!"
"You're doing a certain extra curricular or club? Everyone is gonna be jealous of your greatnes. They can't compete!"
Hell, he'll even encourage you in things that sound absolutely terrible.
"Wanna try and eat 5 whole tacos in 1 minute? I'll go set the timer!"
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Being with him is honestly a series of surprises. You never know what you're in for whenever you two meet up. Sometimes you might even get pulled into whatever The Gang™️ want to solve. But you guys have one routine of always having a movie night on Fridays. Cuddling and snack binging ensue.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Even though he's scatter-brained he actually has a pretty great memory, especially when it comes to you. He notices a lot of your ticks due to almost always being around you somehow.
Rory doesn't always get social cues, so some things may fly over his head. But once he understands the situation he totally has your back.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Rory doesn't have . . . a lot of priorities. He has his friends, his mom, and virtually nothing else. So you're pretty high on his list of important things! If he could, he would most likely die for you (although possibly by accident).
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He always visits you in the morning. Since vampires don't need to sleep he's usually already there before you wake up. And he'll be super annoying while trying to wake you up too. Then after you get ready you both go to school together, either by flight or just walking.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Definitely! As I said before, PDA isn't a big problem for him and he's still just as affectionate in private. I'd have to say he prefers kissing but he's honestly up to anything when it comes to you.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He can do pretty fine on his own at first, but he gets pretty bummed after a while. But like, its not like he can't see you. This man got all the way to FLORIDA I doubt he'll let a little bit of distance get in the way of you two.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Again, he would die for you. He'd even commit a felony for you if he had to! Honestly you might need to teach him that he has a choice and that he doesn't have to do everything for you.
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grabthemhorns-old · 4 years
Damn, I can't hide over here xD In any case, if you're still up for it, how about doing the alphabet for Beel and/or Belphie?
Smut Alphabet - Belphie
Here’s my one for Belphie :3 he’s my fav boi, so this is a bit spicy and my fav one.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
- You’ve never been snuggled and cuddled as much after sex as with Belphie. He wraps himself around you like he’s afraid you’ll leave or let go. He nuzzles into your neck, peppering it with kisses, soft, sleepy moans tickling your neck before he quickly falls asleep, moulded against your body, the warmth of his breath rhythmic against your skin. He’s nearly always first to fall asleep, and you don’t mind, happy to watch him fall away in your arms with a smile that’s only for you.
If the sex has been particularly rough though, he’s attentive, gentle, making sure any hurts are kissed away, touched away, and embraced. It’s these times that you’re first to sleep. He watches you, making sure you’re absolutely okay afterwards.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
- Belphie loves his Demon visage. His horns, his tail, his marks. He LOVES it when you touch any of them for any excuse. 
Grab onto his horns while riding him; stroke them gently while he lazily gives you oral; pull his tail while you peg him; bite into where his demon birth marks are, making your own mark. He loves it because it reaffirms that you love his demon form too, and that you’re no longer afraid. 
-He loves your thighs, he loves burying himself between your legs, with horns out and not, feeling warm and cosy, kissing, licking, drawing his claws lightly up and down the skin so lightly it tickles. He’ll happily tease you for so long between your thighs, his soft laugh rumbling against your skin.
But also...your neck. It’s fragile - a beacon of your mortality-, beautiful, a memory bad....that you both turn good. He loves the way he can feel and see your heartbeat against the skin; the way the skin feels thin beneath his lips, and the rumble of your voice, your moans as he touches you.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
- Usually, the lazy boy prefers to finish inside. And especially in your mouth. It just feels so good. But he has a particular preference for covering your face as messily as he can. He quite enjoys the favour being returned too.
Belphie will lazily clean up with his tongue if he’s in the mood.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
- He wants to share you with Beel, aka, threesome. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
- Belphie’s had plenty of experience. Maybe not as much as some of his brothers - his laziness taking over - but he knows what to do. Even with humans, since he used to visit the human realm a lot. But it’s been a while, and demon and human bodies need different treatment he’s soon reminded.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
- Anything that’s incredibly intimate. Limbs tangled, looking at you, close enough to kiss. Probably side to side. 
His other favourite is you on top, riding. So he can lay back and watch you in all your glory, his tail wrapped around you to steady you, his hands wandering as he pleases.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
- Belphie is more serious during sex, as he’s come to claim it as a time to grow and build with you. If he is humorous, it’s darker humour during your more kinky sessions, with that low, slow laugh you’ve come to know and love. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
- He trims himself mostly. He asks you what you prefer and does as such, happy to please you. There’s a white streak down there too, just like his hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
- Lots of Belphie’s guilt and regret comes through initially during your sex, and it’s intense. He wants to make it up to you, showing you how sorry he is, how much he wants to repent and love you. It almost spills into absolute adoration at times, and although you enjoy it, you remind him that this relationship is both ways. You make sure there’s time for him too - to nurture the fragility of his heart and mind as you both heal together, your unexpected love the gold between the cracks. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
- Being lazy, he doesn’t do it too often, but when you arrived the frequency did increase. He used to do it when you visited him in the attic behind the door, when he was manipulating you. He got off on it.
Then after it all, he didn’t do it for a while, the guilt weighing on him, but as he realised your smile for him was really real, he let himself jack off to the thought of you again, this time to just, kissing you, to holding you, to just wanting you. 
He sometimes lazily jacks off in the morning if he wakes up before you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
- Choking and breath play. Belphie loves to use his tail to do so. And you both use it to make the bad memories of his hands around your neck, to good. It might take a while for you to trust him to do it - or you might crave it from the start - but however you do it, it’s one of his biggest kinks, and he loves that he can do it from lying on his back while you ride him too, as well as so up close he can feel the breaths he’s stealing away.
- TW: consensual somnophilia.
Another one he loves, is consensual somnophilia. He brings it up with you and you talk it through. He loves the idea of you sleeping and touching you, feeling you, waking you up with his mouth between your legs; with his fingers sticky. And he wants the same. He wants to be lazily woken with your lips around his cock, or pushed on his back, while you fumble on top, watching as his eyes slowly open, as his tail feels before his hands.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
- Either of your beds. Cushion piles. The sofa. Soft spaces that Belphie loves to nap on are his favourite places to have sex.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
- Touching and teasing. He loves it when you’re snuggled on the sofa or chair, or standing in the kitchen and being handsy, whispering against his ear. He loves it if the teasing lingers on for hours, or if it happens in places and moments that you both absolutely can’t do anything about it. If you tease him from afar, say in the RAD classroom, bending over, glancing from afar, crossing legs, showing off your neck, your thighs; sending dirty texts and nudes are a huge YES, and doing it throughout the day, as a long, long build up until you both see each other again into an explosion of fucking, is one of Belphie’s fav things.
-Dirty talk. Especially doing it in public places and situations like above.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
- There is very, very little Belphie won’t do. He is up for a LOT. 
A turn off is probably whips as it reminds him somewhat of Lucifer. But he can improvise. 
He also has a thing about being restrained himself and anything that makes him too claustrophobic due to being locked up. He enjoys bondage on you, but on him not so much.  
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
- Being a lazy boy, Belphie does a preference to receive, but when he gives, he gives good. He gives his all, for a long, long time, until you are absolutely spent. Part of it is from his favourite body part being your thighs, and he’s nestled comfortably right between them.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
- Slow and sensual is the default for Belphie. He loves to feel every movement and touch with you, taking in each curve and edge. Even when you’re both being kinky or rough, it’s often sensual and slow. You’d think it was just his laziness, the sloth of his mantle, but Belphie wants to etch every detail of you, to take in all of you now that he has you. He doesn’t want to forget a thing.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
- Belphie doesn’t do many quickies. He’s much more a fan of the build up of teasing, tension, to later when you can both go to your bed, cushions or somewhere that’s yours, and spend as long as you want to fuck. Sometimes though, his impatience will win over and he’ll drag you away. He’s more a fan of oral quickies.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
- Yes! Belphie is into trying new things with you that you neither of you have tried. There’s quite a bit he’s done with previous Devildom partners that he’s keen on trying with you - but he’s a little nervous about your human body, especially remembering how easily he broke it before.
He’s often the one to suggest new - and kinky - things.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
- Despite his mantle, Belphie can go as long as you need as as he wants during sex. Being a demon has its advantages. He will sleep even longer afterwards though to recover, and needs longer in-between each orgasm than others. He might not have the stamina to go and go and go, but he has it when it counts.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
- Belphie owns lots of toys! He’s a big fan. If he’s feeling particularly tired or lazy, he enjoys that a toy can do the work for him, and vice versa. You understand, and indulge him in this, buying new and fun toys for you both that you can share and enjoy together. He particularly enjoys using them on you, and also watching you use them on yourself until he gets the energy to join in or take over.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
- As we covered before, teasing is a BIG fav of Belphie. Between you both. The build up to sex is one of his favourite things and the teasing is a big part of that for Belphie. Also, having the upper hand in the teasing too is his favourite.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
- Belphie is usually quiet. He has low, longing moans that he loves to sound into your ear or against your neck with a kiss. He likes to muffle himself that way, or into a pillow or just against you somehow. He loves to encourage you to be loud though, to hear just how good he’s making you feel. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
- Belphie can cum solely from stimulating his horns when he’s really turned on, and sometimes the base of his tail.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
- Demon cocks relate to their visage. They have scales? So does their cock. 
Belphie’s birth mark spreads over his cock too, the black patches wrapping around the thick length with skin that is rougher than you’re used to. His tip is unique. It’s split, as if there’s two heads and it’s hella fun to suck, and the first time you felt it inside, it was wild. He didn’t feel self conscious about it when you first got together, as you hadn’t been the first non demon he’d been with, but he did warn you things would be...different.
He is also pierced. At the tip and once along the shaft. It's not his only body piercings, but you love how they feel in you and against your tongue.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
- His sex drive is high, but his motivation can be low sometimes from his mantle of Sloth. Your teasing together often negates that though.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
- Belphie falls asleep VERY quickly after. He loves just sinking into your arms, feeling loved, satisfied, and whole. He’s so used to falling asleep, but this time it’s different. He’s needed, wanted, and trusted. 
There are times though, when he stays awake, watching until you’re asleep, stroking your hair, listening to you breathe. There’s never really been a time when he didn’t want to sleep, but with you, he’d happily stay awake forever, watching, waiting, in love.
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domesticmail · 4 years
hammocks and hamburgers
word count: 1.6k
pairing: jj maybank x artist!reader
summary: this is BASICALLY 1.6k words of u being a dumbass artist and jj pining, bc i don't feel like y'all are together yet in this whole fic au whatever this is lmao
requested: no
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You do not want to leave The Chateau tonight. And for once, it’s not because you’re being antisocial.
Tonight, you’re focusing on what you think is probably the greatest thing you’ll ever paint. Maybe that’s a stretch, you’re not a bad artist, and you’ve been getting better and better with every painting, but this is special. This is real, and you’re not going to let it be ruined by JJ’s restlessness.
“C’mon, loser, we’re going to get food.”
You don’t even bother turning to him, scared that if you look away, you’ll ruin the magic. And god, how could you ruin something as beautiful as this? “Correction: You guys are going to get food. I’m staying here.”
JJ is jangling the keys in his hand, trying to get your attention. He loves your dedication to your art; really, he does, it’s adorable the way you throw yourself into every painting, but god damn, it is difficult to get you to go out. It’s not like this is a date, he’s not going to break the rule (No pogue on pogue macking, he reminds himself, like a mantra, every time he sees you at the easel, brows furrowed, biting the inside of your cheek, so focused, so beautiful – but the rule, the rule, no macking on other pogues, JJ, you idiot), it’s just dinner at The Wreck, but you won’t even look at him. You look absolutely dead set on staying in the same place, like you’re glued to that stool you’re sitting on.
“Y/N, it’s dinner. You’ve gotta eat, dude. Your body needs, like, nutrients and shit.”
“Okay, bring me back something, then.”
He groans. “You haven’t moved in hours. You’re gonna freeze like that.”
You shrug, not taking your eyes off the painting, putting care into each stroke. You’re really only half-focusing on everything he’s saying, anyway. If you have to go without dinner, so be it. You’ll survive if you skip one meal, right? “I’ll freeze here if it means I can finish my painting.”
John B. peeks his head out of the door. “Yo, Y/N, dinner at The Wreck, c’mon.”
“She refuses to go, dude.”
“Go without me, just bring me back some food,” you tell John B., not bothering to turn and look at him, either.
“Anything specific?”
“No, just whatever.”
“Sounds good. C’mon, Jay, let’s go.”
JJ looks helplessly at John B., then throws his hands up in defeat. “Okay, whatever. Starve,” he says as they walk into the house, leaving you alone on the porch.
“Bye, guys,” you call after them. Their goodbyes echo through the house as you settle into your seat finally, all attention back on the painting.
Okay, so maybe you’re making a big deal out of nothing. The painting’s not even anything special, really – just the backyard. Not even that, actually. It’s of the hammock attached to John B’s tree, moved a few days ago by you, just so you could get this done. The hammock is a vanilla color, hanging off of the tree branch emptily. Swung a little to the side – maybe a gentle breeze is pushing it, or maybe someone just got out of it to go inside. Maybe they decided they’d watch the sunset in the hammock – the sun is down in the background, the sky is dark, stars beginning to shine – but got up once it got dark. Or maybe it was a little kid, being called in for dinner, Mom’s voice beckoning them inside. You’re leaving it open to interpretation on purpose, you want it to be for the viewer to decide who it is, giving it a personal feeling.
Your stomach rumbles. Okay, maybe you should’ve gone with everyone to The Wreck.
“Oh, the life of a starving artist,” you mumble to yourself.
It’s at least an hour later when JJ walks through The Chateau and stops in the middle of the hallway, eyes set on you at your easel. “Jesus christ, guys, she’s still there. She hasn’t even moved.”
Your head is bent forward, focusing on the hammock now, trying to give it that in-motion look. Your hand is gripping the brush, and you know that’s not how it should be, you should be using light strokes, should relax the brush in your hand, but you just have to get this right, it’ll kill you if it’s not right. It means so much to you for this to look good, for this to be good, and if you mess up the hammock, it’ll all be wrong, and wow, that stroke was too small, maybe be a little careful and make it a little wider, but not too much wider, you can do this, just focus, Y/N, focus.
JJ’s looking at you looking at your painting, watching you with – is that admiration? Love? Appreciation? Even he doesn’t really know – he just knows he likes the way you look there, bent over on the stool, one hand holding a brush, the other gripping the front of the stool, stabilizing yourself. You’re doing that thing he loves, eyebrows pushed together, mouth pursed, judging the stroke you just made, and here you go – his favorite thing: your teeth pull your bottom lip in, gnawing at it, and you scrunch your nose, pulling back, free hand removing itself from the stool and tucking a stray hair from your bun behind your ear. You pull the brush back, and maybe your nose itches, or you see something on it, because you move to itch your nose, and accidentally poke your face with the end of the brush. You rear back a bit at the unexpected action, almost falling off of the stool, but stabilize yourself quickly, and there you go with another little thing he loves, the way you close your eyes and laugh at yourself, giggling like it’s an inside joke with yourself. He’d give anything to make you laugh that way, so unconscious of yourself, so genuine.
Pope knows exactly why his friend is just standing there, staring at you.
“JJ’s pining again,” he announces.
John B. snorts and moves up behind JJ, pushing his shoulder with the hand not holding a takeout bag. “Dude. Go talk to her.”
JJ turns around and recoils, then straightens his posture indignantly. “I’m not pining.”
“Right, you’re just simping.”
“I’m not fucking simping – ”
Kie and Sarah join the group now. “What’s this about JJ being a simp?” Sarah asks.
“I feel like we already knew that,” Kie says, and they look to each other and nod in agreement.
“Okay, why is everyone teaming up on me? You’re supposed to be my friends.”
John B. nods. “Yeah man, that’s why we’re calling you out for being a total simp.” He tosses the takeout bag to JJ, who fumbles and catches it. “Go give her her food, you goon.”
JJ scoffs, but turns around nonetheless. You appear to not have heard any of their conversation, and thank god for that. If you thought he was a simp, he’d run in front of a bus. No thanks.
When he opens the back door to the porch, your head snaps his direction. “Oh thank god,” you say, dropping the paintbrush to get off the stool and take the bag from his hands. Within literal seconds, you’ve opened the to-go box and are eating a burger – a fucking amazing burger, you inform him.
“You eat like an animal when you’re starving, fuck, Y/N,” JJ says, grinning.
“I’m hungry,” is your only response, because hey, brevity is the soul of wit – and it’s true, anyway. You’re hungry.
“Maybe you should, like, eat actual meals, then.”
“Maybe you should, like, not smoke so much, and not get drunk all the time,” you retort, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Hey,” JJ says, putting a hand to his heart in mock offense. “I don’t get drunk all the time. Just like, two days every week.”
You’re silent.
“Okay, three days.”
Still silence.
“Four is the best you’re gonna get, Y/N.”
You nod approvingly, smiling. “Thank you for the food,” you say after swallowing.
“Yeah man. Couldn’t let my favorite artist starve.”
“Awwww, I’m your favorite artist?”
“I…I don’t know any other artists.”
“Oh, I’m so disappointed,” you tease, grinning.
“How’d the painting go?” He asks, gesturing to the easel.
Your smile drops and you sigh, returning to sit on the stool. “I think I messed up the hammock.”
“Oh no!” He says, faking shock. “How terrible!”
You laugh. “I get it, it’s not a big deal, but…” You sigh, looking over at the canvas. Everything’s right at first glance, but then you see the hammock, and all of a sudden nothing is right, it’s all wrong. “I messed up one part, and it was the most important thing, so now it’s all messed up.”
“Lemme see.” He rolls his eyes, coming to stand behind you and analyze your painting. He rests his chin in his hand, examining the canvas with mock expertise, one eyebrow raised. The over-the-top pretending makes you giggle.
After a second, he leans back and crosses his arms. “I don’t know what you did wrong. It looks great.”
You shrug. “I dunno. Doesn’t feel like it looks great.”
He smiles, pushes your shoulder lightly. “Well, I couldn’t paint like that, so…you’re better than me.”
“Oh my god, did a member of the Maybank family just tell me I’m better than him?”
This earns you an eye roll. “Here we go.”
“This is a momentous occasion. This is historical. Seriously. Guys, come out here – ”
“No, no, stop it, shut up – ”
“JJ admitted that I’m better than him at something!”
“God damn it.”
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reversecreek · 4 years
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clicks onto the dash wearing kitten heels n coyly holding my bang....... hi. me again. it took me so long to select a gif to use on cricket’s intro n i settled on this one bc he looks so unsure abt his smile n it’s rly his essence <3 u can find his pinterest board here n his (work in progress) spotify playlist here. hmu to plot!!! 
* alex wolff, cis male + he/him | you know cricket donahue, right? they’re twenty-two, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, all of their life, on and off? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to should have known better by sufjan stevens like, a million times this year, which slipping on wet leaves to photograph a tree struck alight by lightning, delivering a tedtalk to your own reflection to hype yourself up to buy groceries, hiding your hands inside of your sleeves in case you grew an impromptu megan fox thumb overnight thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is october 1st, so they’re a libra, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( nai, 24, gmt, she/her )
cricket ws born to a couple tht lived in lilac ridge. their trailer was tucked closest to the woods n always fell under the shade. it was like the leaves wanted to pretend they were a perpetual hanging cloud on the family n that was kind of fitting. their only reason fr having him in the first place was a kind of shrugged like........... we’re under the income bracket we’d get child benefits so why not! may as well try it to rake in some extra cash! needless to say they didn’t rly think it thru or anticipate all of the responsibilities tht came w children n wound up seeing him as an extremely large burden n boy didn’t he know it!
(child neglect & abuse tw) i’ll try to keep this part vague n brief but things were Not Good for cricket growing up. people in lilac ridge didn’t like his parents n it was for a gd reason. he remembers foggy things. being little n wandering around combing the grass with a stick to search for wrappers to suck on bc he was hungry. feeling uneasy when the front door opened. finding out his name was cricket bc the insects used to crawl into their trailer thru the vents n his parents liked to squish them into the carpet -- his mum told him as much once. i think this says a lot. to excessively trim the fat of the story he wound up entering the system at around 8 after his latest and most serious hospital visit. his parents hd to deal w the authorities n last he heard they bounced to evade charges.
(anxiety & violence & trauma tw) cricket sustained a few lifelong injuries from his time in lilac ridge. his knee didn’t heal right which meant he had (n still has to this day) a limp n he’s partially deaf in one ear. he’s always been an incredibly insecure n anxious person so this mde him rly self conscious going into a strange n new environment tht wld b difficult fr any kid to adjust to, nvm w these added worries. he jst felt like something weird to ogle at honestly. he probably wld have felt like that no matter where he was or what he looked like. he cld be in a huge hall of 200 people all wearing the same uniform n he’d still feel like the odd one out. needless to say this didn’t rly help him make friends
cricket’s coping mechanisms were romanticising the things tht other people found ugly or embarrassing or painfully ordinary. he liked it when the rain hit clunky drops against school windows n forbid everyone from playing outside bc he could feel the vibrations through the rubber soles of his shoes n it was a little bit like hearing all of the world at once fr just a moment. he liked medieval fantasy lore about stout gnomes w crumbs in their beards n cheeks red from ale. he liked fallen nests with the remnants of hatched eggs still dirty from the branches n soil they’d hit on the way down. he liked the way the sunlight leaked thru the leaves of the trees in the woods and how, when he sat very still, he could tune into the ringing that was always in his ear n pretend it was coming from the same place, that light thru the leaves, that the angels were trying to talk to him.
he spent a lot of time in the red room at his high skl (i’m begging u this is not a 50 shades reference) (after googling i jst realised it’s called a darkroom bt i’m leaving this fr the sake of sexy bimbo authenticity) n felt quite at home in there. he borrowed a camera whenever he cld (maybe he did yearbook) n photography became his way of immortalising the world as the romanticised version he wanted it to be. his memories were bad bt his photos were beautiful. maybe if he took enough they’d paste over n bleed into each other. maybe bad cld be replaced w beautiful if he tried his very best.
he got placed into fostering w a family once bt apparently didn’t meet the vibe check of their tastes so he wound up returning to the group home he’d initially been placed in. overall this is where he grew up n he aged out the system rather than getting adopted. there was a sense of floundering/isolation/not feeling gd enough in tht bt cricket made do the best he knew how. 
that said there were some gd points! (shocking i kno bc his life hs been so fking bleak so far bt please it’s ok........) (is it?) (🤔). basically he interned as an assistant at this local photography studio during high skl working under this kind of whimsical yet endearing old man. suspected wizard possibly in cricket’s eyes, as an avid fantasy genre reader. for one of his bdays said old man / his boss bought him his very own film camera n cricket cried bc he’d never been bought a bday gift. this ws rly embarrassing bc this old man didn’t know how to emote n neither did cricket so he ws jst sort of sat wiping his eyes n sniffling saying he wasn’t crying as the old man pretended to suddenly clean his lenses. when cricket graduated he offered him a full time position there. they do like. wedding photographs n family portraits n all kinds of things...... pay isn’t huge bt it’s something n he Loves taking photos so it’s sexy <3
SUCH an anxious person it’s actually unreal. overthinks absolutely everything he’s ever said. one morning he might hv put green socks on n for the rest of the day he’s nervously looking around like omggggggg they’re all looking at my socks probably thinking im a little green sock boy thinking i’m a fool n a jester this is all everyone’s probably thinking about i hv to hide my green socks..... even tho literally no-one cares
once saw a girl eating a chicken wing n in his head was like ok she likes chicken good future gift idea..... n turned up at her house with an entire rotisserie chicken
probably thinks WAY too hard abt what to write in bday cards n googles like generic ideas that he can use.... u open a card from cricket n it always says smthn weird like “Warmest wishes and love on your birthday and always!” or “You deserve everything happy. Wishing you that all year long!” tht he got off google
nervously fiddles w things a lot. literally anything. his hair. the cuffs of his sleeves. a thread on his bag. u name it
struggles w eye contact sometimes............ it’s like. he wants to talk to ppl n make friends bt he’s honestly so bad at it. he’s fumbling thru life like a nervous headless chicken
ALWAYS has his camera on him. like always. will tke a photo of u bc he thinks u look nice then be like im so sorry im so sorry...... bowing his head shakily holding his camera bc he doesn’t even kno what possessed him he jst thought it’d be a nice photograph bt boundaries exist. probably breathes very heavily over this later in his room panicking thinking he nw seems like hannibal lecter
probably more confident online bc he has time to think abt what he says more.......... i can see him hving a group of online friends tht he’s more confident w. honestly he’s pretty witty at heart he jst has a hard time verbalising things so ppl overlook him sometimes bt once u get to know him more / he’s more comfy he can b a funny little man.....
loves photographs where he cuts something out of them. loves missing spaces n voids. thinks it’s a rly interesting concept when something that isn’t there becomes the focus of a photograph where everything else is. probably loses his mind fr a collage like a front row 1d stan. likes experimenting w light n perception. pretty artistic honestly hs probably made a stop motion film in the past bc that’s just an extended form of photography in his mind bt i doubt he showed anyone
ummm...... very sweet bt like. he reminds me a lot of this quote. “he had the awkward tenderness of someone who has never been loved and is forced to improvise.” feel like tht sums him up quite nicely
someone he met at a wedding: cricket probably ws forced to photograph a wedding fr his boss one time n it cld b interesting as a place to meet from that....... like. i can imagine either it being rly awkward maybe he accidentally spilled a drink on ur muse n was stuttering rly apologetic n it ws just a train wreck. or mayb they took pity on him or even (in a shocking turn of events) a shine to him n invited him to drink n dance. omgggg the thought of cricket trying to dance makes me wna die n probably mkes cricket wna hyperventilate bt idk maybe he went wild n let loose. mayb they wound up damaging the camera somehow. mayb they had to scramble to get another one n ur muse covered the cost n it was a strange late night excursion tht cricket thought about a lot since. cricket probably vowed to pay them bk somehow no matter what. idk. we can work things out. lots of diff options here. doesn’t have to b a wedding either can b any event tht required a photographer
ppl he went to school w: pretty self explanatory i suppose...... maybe they were frm completely different worlds..... mayb ur muse was popular n cricket was definitely not but they got paired fr an assignment n had to work on a project together....... mayb cricket asked ur muse on a date one time n it was completely embarrassing bc he didn’t realise they had a bf n it haunts cricket at night still bc he’s rly dramatic.... mayb ur muse felt sry fr him n ate lunch w him n inducted him into their group like a lost puppy finding a home.... world’s our oyster
neighbours from his brief time at lilac ridge: not to reference taylor swift but i’m gna reference taylor swift n say we cld do a seven inspired plot here. sighs a little..... then sighs a lot. he was here ages 0-8 so idk. we cld work out childhood plots perhaps....
sickening simp: i mean.............. cricket probably gets crushes on ppl so easily like just. anyone who’s the slightest bit nice to him.................. he’s a disgrace. ok i take it back. bt also please get it together freak............... i didn’t say that. he’d probably b extra nice to this person n try n pay close attention to things they liked so he cld get them little gifts. just a bit embarrassing n lovestruck bless his heart. wldn’t expect anything back tho honestly that just isn’t something he tends to do.
let’s go gays: cricket’s bi but he probably was rly in his head abt liking boys n tried to sort of squash it internally during his younger yrs...... i think he’s more comfy w it now MAYBE idk bt back then i picture him having a friend tht ws kind of like. similarly loserish as him perhaps (no offence to ur muse potentially filling this plot or cricket bt let’s face the facts) n they’d hang out n play games a lot n one time it jst kind of happened n he was like............. *struts in looking around sharply* What going on here? except not. bc it’s cricket. more like *shambles in looking around anxiously* What’s, uh... What’s... the happenings? S--... I’m sorry. (immediate apology for saying what’s the happenings bc nobody talks like that n it was an impulsive panic bc he didn’t know what else to say)
those who grew up in the system w him: maybe at the group home or i’d also like the family that fostered him n said sayonara. honestly i imagine the parents just thought he ws a bit too much of a handful / had too much baggage which is rly quite merciless n terrible but. if u think that aligns w ur muses home situation hmu......
um. can’t think of more bt just anything honestly. jst go wild.......
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Girl Help Part 2
I wrote this in a fucking frenzy
there’s no, like, content worth warning about in this one though
"calais," said Marvus. "cuh-LIE-is. soundz like a troll name."
"A troll name?" asked Calais.
"fo sho babe," said Marvus. "six n six. marvus xoloto. trizza tethis. all part o da fxxked up hellawhack shiznack dat dictates r planets whole history n shit. twelves all over da dam place."
"Is that what you are?" asked Calais. "A...troll?"
Marvus blinked at her, a slow, lizard-like blink. He gave a low whistle. "dam we gotta start w da basics here."
The planet was called Alternia, the species was called trolls. The entire society revolved around a rigid caste system based on blood color, which divided trolls into twelve distinct subtypes with different physical traits. Red was at the bottom, Fuchsia at the top.
"its all bullshit tho," he added at the end. There was a flash of something in his eyes.
"What was that thing you were doing?" asked Calais. "Earlier. To me."
Did Marvus stiffen ever so slightly? Was that a flare in his nostrils? His eyes flicked up and down Calais with lightning speed before he leaned back with affected nonchalance.
"chucklevoodoos," he said. There was something guarded in his voice.
Calais blinked at him for a second, hoping that the jumble of noise he had just poured at them would sort itself out. No luck.
"chuck-el-voo-doos," said Marvus again. "purpleblood shit. wuz doin it 2 every1, not jus u."
"You mean like...mind control?" Calais guessed.
Marvus frowned. "controlz a strong word 4 it, my dude. its more like vibez."
Calais suddenly understood something.
Should she say it? She usually liked to have her cards on the table. She did it as often as she could, in the hopes that the other person would do the same. She got the feeling this man wouldn't, though.
But then again, he already had all the power in this situation. The only hope that she had was to try to build some sort of relationship with him, and she liked it when those were built on trust. Besides, she liked being honest better. Easier to remember her answers.
But still, a voice in the back of her head screamed at her to think it through a bit more, even as she opened her mouth and blurted out-
"You don't like that you can't control me."
Marvus looked slightly taken aback. He narrowed his eyes a bit. "no, I don't," he said slowly. Candidly. His hand started to edge towards his cane.
Oh shit, he thought she was trying to flex on him. Calais started to fumble, multiple different de-escalators and disclaimers colliding on the way out of her mouth and throwing random sounds everywhere.
Eventually she managed to concentrate enough to form real words.
"I-I mean you CAN," said Calais. "You CAN control me. I just hate it. I hate it enough that I can tell that it's happening."
Marvus paused. Calais continued, trying to explain everything in a rush.
"Not that it feels bad. It feels good. That's what I hate about it. I can tell in my head that it's not how I'd normally feel. I know that normally I'd be...repulsed. Normally I'd have a sense of...boundaries. And what's gross and what's not. And whatever the chuckle thing does, it doesn't stop me from being scared. I'm always scared of that."
"scared of wat?" Marvus asked. His teeth glinted in a smirk. "gettin ur pail on?"
"My what?"
"dam. dunno wat pailing is? gettin freaky, babe. all concupiscent n shit."
"Oh. I mean. Yeah? I'm kind of scared of it...I mean." Calais stress stimmed a little. "It's more that I'm scared of not being in control? Like, did you know that being horny actively lowers your disgust response? Even without the voodoos or whatever. Literally, the only reason that we can enjoy reproducing is because we no longer have an accurate sense of what's gross and what isn't. That's what I don't like. The idea that I could be in a situation where I'm doing all these, just. Objectively disgusting things? And LIKING it? And not being able to tell that it's nasty? Or even being able to tell and not caring. I hate it. I hate it so much. It scares me. And I definitely don't want to be like that around another person."
"huh," said Marvus. "never met any1 else like dat."
Calais shrugged. "Maybe because they don't come to whatever it was you were doing."
"nah," said Marvus. "I seen ppl roll up who didn't want 2 b there. they come around in the end." He tilted his head at them. "prolly cause ur an alien," he said, seeming to decide it as he said it. "pailing n murder r pretty normal mental states 4 us. disinhibition doesn't bother ppl."
He looked a little more relaxed now for having come to this conclusion. Calais figured that was a good thing.
"so wat r u?" he asked.
"Oh! Um. We call ourselves humans," said Calais. "Uh, we all have the same blood color, so that's not a thing...and I'm pretty sure nobody has any psychic powers, either."
"dam. wat do u do then?"
"Uh..." Calais puffed air through her cheeks. "I dunno. I'm not sure what to tell you. Whatever it is would be completely normal for me, so..."
"wat color's ur blood?"
"Um, red?" said Calais.
Marvus winced, but he was smiling. "ooh. dats gonna b rough."
"Yeah, I was gonna say..." Calais curled into herself a little, then remembered her ribs and winced, stopping up short.
"how'd u get here?" asked Marvus.
"I...have no idea," said Calais. She blinked. "I don't know. I don't know at all. I was suddenly just. Here."
"where were u b4?"
Calais looked around, as if the answer were written somewhere in the room. "I...I don't know!" she exclaimed. "I mean, I must have been somewhere, but I don't...I can't..." she started to wring her hands.
"woah, woah, babe, calm down," said Marvus, lifting his hands in a placating gesture. "it's all gonna b ok."
Calais shied away from him instinctively. He was awfully close. But she realized that the fact that this bothered her was a good thing.
"What did you see?" she asked.
Marvus shrugged. "u weren't there. then u were."
Calais wondered briefly if he was telling the truth. But even if he weren't, there was no way they would be able to tell. They would have to take him at his word.
"That's...not very helpful," they said absently.
Marvus laughed. "guess not. dam."
"I don't know what I was doing before I came here, I don't know how I got here, and I don't know how to get back." Calais thought for a bit, chewing her lip. "M-maybe someone at the concert saw? Someone in the mosh pit?"
"m tellin u babe, there was nuthin 2 c," said Marvus.
"Can we...check?" Calais asked carefully, looking warily at her clown host.
Marvus smiled, a somewhat easygoing smile that was nevertheless a little too toothy. "my concerts r wild, my dude," he said. "they was deffs all distracted. n they're all prolly all hells 2 the indisposed atm."
Calais dimly remembered the general reaction - or lack of reaction - to their appearance and realized that this was probably true.
Calais looked at Marvus, running calculations in her head. She was starting to realize how this was going to go, although she didn't want to believe it. Didn't want to need him. But she needed somebody, and...
"u don't have anywhere 2 go, do u," said Marvus. It wasn't really a question.
Calais flinched. "Yes," they said.
Marvus drummed his fingertips against the table he was leaning on. They clicked on the wood. Calais realized that his fingernails were claws and swallowed hard.
. "tell u wat, babe," said Marvus. "m on the homeward part of my tour atm. y don't u come w me n we'll see if we can figure out how 2 get u home."
Calais closed their eyes and took a deep breath. Don't think about the creepy clown, don't think about how you feel, just consider him, consider yourself, consider the situation, there's no need to be scared if you just figure out what's going on and why you're afraid...
Blessedly, Marvus let her sit there in shut-eyed silence until she was able to put her thoughts together and turn to him.
Direct communication. It was something that she liked.
"You want to keep me near you," she said. "You don't know what to make of me, and you want me in...in, like, your hand."
"well yh," said Marvus. "dats all true. but dat doesn't mean it can't b mutually beneficial, ufeelme? yeah ur an alien n u might b useful n shit but dat doesn't mean I can't help u 2. u do need somewhere to stay right? alternia is vy dangerous. 'specially 4 mutants n aliens. 'specially 4 mutants n aliens w red blood."
"I do need your help," said Calais. "I just..." pain and trauma emboldened her; fear wasn't enough to keep her quiet. "I just don't want you to pretend your motives aren't selfish. I don't want you to pretend anything. It's okay that you want to use me...I mean, it's not okay, but I don't exactly have a choice and I probably can't fight you so at the very least I want to know that that's what's happening, get it?"
She picked at flecks of teal under her fingernails and realized for the first time that it was blood. Their stomach lurched and they froze, setting their hand back down. "I'll probably be more cooperative than you think," she said quietly. "As long as I know what I'm getting into. I mean. When you manipulate someone, you want to make them feel at ease, right? Like they can trust you? So they'll do what you want? Well, I'll feel way more at ease if I think I can trust you. If I know you're telling the truth. Even if it's bad. So just...don't try to sell me anything. Do you understand?"
She glanced up at Marvus. He was shaking his head slowly. "ur a rlly weird alien," he said. "sure. if dats wat u want."
"Do you promise?" asked Calais.
Marvus nodded. "fo sho, babe. promise. but m not tryna use u. not yet @ least. ur a wild card. jus wanna keep an eye on u 4 now."
"Right," said Calais.
"so it's a deal, then?" asked Marvus with a smirk. He held out his hand.
Calais looked at his hand, then back up to his face. Hesitated. Then reached out and took his hand.
Marvus' grip was strong, and his hand seemed to swallow up her own. Calais strengthened her grip, but she got the feeling that no matter how tight she squeezed, it  wouldn't impress him.
He grinned at her and gave her hand a quick up and down shake. She seriously doubted that he was trying to make a show of strength, but it still felt as though he could wrench her shoulder from its socket, just by shaking her hand.
"alrite then. it's a deal," he said.
Calais pulled their arm back against her chest. A deal.
This creature was, evidently, not Satan. Just an alien with horns and freaky mind powers. But that didn't keep the phrase "deal with the devil" from reverberating wryly through her mind.
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reading-hub · 5 years
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Bakugou/shy reader - Studying
Contains: smut, bl*w jobs, face f*cking
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A study partner? Aizawa explained to them that last week's test was bombed significantly by almost a large portion of the class. Now guilt silence consumed class 1-A. [f/n] was nervous-no she was panicking! She wondered if she failed with the rest as well... Her worries were getting the best of her as they pilled on. Would she have to get one? If so, would she have to pick her own partner? And if not, she just hopes she's not paired up with Bakugou. It's not that she hated him. She's just never had the chance to have a full-on conversation with the explosion boy. The only closest thing she ever had a conversation was him walking past her in the hallway. Not to mention her huge crush on him----WHAT?! who said that!
As for Bakugou take on this AND the smartest guy the class, he was pissed that he had to face the consequences along with everyone else, it wasn't his fault that so many people failed this ONE test. Not that it mattered. Aizawa furthered explained that it didn't matter if you were proficient in last week's test. They would be assigned partners as well. It would only be fair if everyone is assigned one, proficient or not. Ok, now Bakugous' blood was definitely at boiling point.
Aizawa paired these study partners carefully. He didn't want anyone to get distracted by a friend they would know too well-so no Kirishima. Nor could it be anyone that they would despise too much into not studying with at all-stupid Deku...
[F/n] was relieved, but she was still worried about whom she assigned to. As for Bakugou, he just wanted a partner that won't irritate him...
Skip to Saturday, and here you were standing in front of Bakugou's dorm room. You couldn't believe it! You secretly thought that this was all turning into a dream of yours. It was all falling too well into place...
Before you could knock, the door opened immediately, making you stand frozen and eyes wide like a deer in front of headlights. Bakugou stood there, sweatpants and a black tank top that was showing all of his jacked arms that he worked hard to become a hero.
The sight was too much to handle! You could faint right now!
"Hey, idiot." You blinked in response, bringing you back to reality. "Let's just get this study over with so I can do something worth my time." He left the door open for you to come in. You fumbled as you walked in, closing the door behind you, not wanting to make him anymore annoyed than he already was.
You turned around to see Bakugou sitting on the floor, his textbook and needed materials on the floor with him, you plopped yourself on the floor to join him after. You took this time to look around his dorm room. Which was surprisingly clean and organized. Was it always like this or did he tidy up knowing you were coming over?
An hour passed, this alone time together has made you fallen more in love with Bakugou than ever before. Something about him was to be admired for, in your eyes at least. It was possible you loved him simply because he was everything you weren't.
The things he did during the last two years of him at UA was a lifetime achievement for you. You never one to get out of your comfort zone so easily, the thought of you ever hurting someone on any level of emotional or physical would haunt you till your death, and when comparing quirks: he's got it all in the bag.
Not to mention how built he was...oh no. Your dirty mind was getting the better of you now.
"Hey, I'm done with my side of the study." He spoke. And that voice of his too! How rough and dominant it sounded to you. The things he'd demand from you during a passionate night, and you happily oblige him with no question after. The thought made you bite your lip in excitement...
You notice you were taking a while to answer back. "U-uh yeah, so am I..." Ugh, he probably thinks your stupid for answering him like that.
Little did you know, as you were distracted from your thoughts, you didn't see that Bakugou was eyeing you up and down, heck, he's been eyeing you the whole study session! Damn him for being too smart to study at all!
"How come you're so nervous all the damn time?" He bluntly said to you. You looked up at him, shocked. "I, uh..." Was he asking about you? Well, better not keep him waiting.
"It's just how I am." You said clear. "B-besides, not everybody can say that their study partner is Katsuki Bakugou." You looked down in embarrassment. All Bakugou could at that moment was smirk ever so deviously. An idea popped in his head at that moment, an idea that he sure as hell knew that you wouldn't mind making happen for him.
He just needed to egg you on a little further.
Without noticing, Bakugou moved inches closer to where you were sitting. "So you think I'll become a hero?" He asked, a little too sinister. You looked at him with wide eyes, you were too innocent for your own good. "Of course, Bakugou, I think you would be a great hero." You exclaimed.
He had you right where he wanted you. "Anything more than that?"
"Wha-what do you mean..?" Confused, just what exactly was he asking from you? "Ever saw me more than just a hero," He continued "perhaps maybe, the thought of me had your all panties soaked." How did he..?
Before you could fully understand, you felt a hand caress your own. It felt like your hand was getting a deep tissue massage, and Bakugou was providing it. Did he--?
"I've seen the way you avoided me." His tone was deep but it wasn't anger, maybe lust. "I thought it was because you were another extra who was weak-willed,"
"But then I notice how you easily it was to make your cheeks turn red, especially around me." You just didn't want this to end, it was plucked straight out of a fairy tale in your eyes. "So it wasn't out of fear, huh?" You shook your head. "It was something else?" He asked after that. You nodded vigorously.
You then felt something wet and warm around your neck. You gasped in shocked, only to realize you were too deep in Bakugou's words, that he's been getting closer and closer to you, to the point where he's licking and sucking your neck as we speak.
Meanwhile, you couldn't believe this was happening! It had to be a dream? Right??
His mouth hovered over your neck, leaving behind a little hickey he planted on you. "You want this, don't you?" He prodded. "Y-yes! Yes, I do, Bakugou!" You said, already in need of him.
He kissed you, roughly. His hands gripping the back of your hair from all the intensity that's happening right now in this room! Your hands also wandering around his shoulders and finally his chest. Lips still colliding with one another, Bakugou must have known you weren't exactly the most experienced, so tongue was out of the question, for now.
You both stopped, trying to breathe in any oxygen that escaped from both of you during that kiss. His body was on top of you, you underneath him like prey, and he was ready to eat you up...
Without any reaction, your body suddenly decided to do all the talking right now. Next thing you know, you're lifting your hips up and down, grinding on him. You both looked down, noticing that his sweatpants were giving him away, at how he was feeling you grind him like that. The sweatpants outlined what was down there, and your imagination did the rest...
Bakugou was heavily breathing from all this and had another idea.
"On your knees." He demanded. You being the submissive minx deep down, you happily nodded and did exactly just that.
Now here you were. On your knees, Bakugou sitting on his bedside, trying to rub himself out right in front of you. To have a front seat to all of this, suddenly have a pool of your own fluids below your waist.
Without warning, his dick was touching your lips, and you were smiling in lust. "Your quite dirty arent you, little slut." His devilish smirk came back again. His tone desperate and in want. You hummed in delight as you kitty licked the head of his cock.
"Heh, then why don't you put your whole mouth into it, huh?" He held both his hands on each side of your head for support, slowly pushing in your mouth to meet his whole base for one second, only for him to quickly pull your head back so you wouldn't choke on it.
You gasped once more, licking your lips in response to taste the precum still on your lips. Bakugou watched you in desire, grinning like the Chesire Cat.
"I'm gonna mess you up, so bad, you'll never want anyone else's dick but mine, got it?" You nodded once more, he pushed your head back down. You were all about his needs right now, to hear his groans of pleasure, knowing that your the one making him do that.
He was cursing up a storm as your head bobbed up and down, showing no sign of stopping, every ounce of warmth and wetness in your mouth was getting every spot on his cock to be jolted with pleasure. His hand never leaving your head, gripping it once a while to show you whose cock you're sucking on.
Those tiny jolts of pleasure that you were giving were now rapidly increasing every second. He was so close to cumming. You noticed as well, as he was gripping on you tighter and tighter, bruising your shoulder in the process, you saw the pornos.
It was either the guy quickly lifted the girl's head off his cock to cum on her face or maybe Bakugou was gonna leave you still in your mouth, and cum inside your mouth.
Without warning, both his hands held your face close, making sure you didn't move. You then felt some sticky fluid run through inside your throat, you were getting nervous again as more and more kept coming through, you weren't sure if you were gonna drink all up.
You breathed through your nose in the hopes of helping, it did, sort of. However, before you thought it was done, some still landed on your cheek. Bakugou helped out by cleaning off the evidence with his thumb, putting said thumb in your mouth to have you lick it off, which you oblige.
He then hoisted you up from the floor and had you lay on his bed. Before you could protest, he stopped you by cupping your clothed pussy, which was dripping wet at this point. You felt your cheeks getting hot, Bakugou saw this, "You're still embarrassed after what just happened?" He smirked.
He lifted your skirt, fingering you through your panties. You had a feeling he wasn't done with you yet...
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Moonshine - A Beetlejuice Fanfiction 10
Warning: swearing, duh, Ouija-boarding, BJ's trust issues
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- Are we seriously gonna do this like we were in a goddamn Z category horror movie? - asked Ari, while she rubbed the bridge of her nose. The coffin-table in the living room was decorated with at least 10 huge white candles, and in the middle there was a grey Ouija-board with a bright pink planchette. Sof already dimmed the lights and now was sitting on the floor, legs in criss cross applesauce. Beetlejuice was floating above the coffee table, laughing his ass off at the inscription he read on the planchette: Hey there demons, it's me, ya boy.
- And it's coming from the weird sister... - commented Rei as she folded her hands before her chest. Sof let out an annoyed sigh.
- Shut up, it gives an eerie vibe to the whole thing! I've been dreaming about using this shit for years, let me live my dream guys! - Rei and Ari both looked at each other, sighed, then sit down. Beetlejuice stopped laughing, wipped his laughter-tear filled eyes and rolled over to his belly in the air, legs dangling, hands under his chin. He had a devilish smile on his face and bright, neon green hair, mixed with a couple strikes of yellow. Even though he was excited to communicate with all residents of the house, he was kinda worried the Ouija-board won't work. He's been existing for at least a couple hundred years at that point, but nobody ever tried communicating with him through one of those suckers.
As soon as the girls got comfortable, Sofía cleared her throat.
- Okay, I know Ari knows how to handle this bad boy since we bought it together and had quite a good time while we looked into the use of spirit boards, but I'd like to state some instructions and ground rules. - Ari, Rei and Beetlejuice both nodded in agreement. - Once we start the seance, non of us should lift our fingers off the planchette. If any of us do, it might cause some trouble in the ghostworld. Concentration is essential, so please focus on contacting the dead. We have to take this thing seriously and must act respectfully towards the board and the spirit we deal with, so no frivolous questions.
- PFFFFFF kay, partykiller. - said Beetlejuice as he floated closer to the board. The girls put their pointing fingers on the planchette, breathed out, and looked at each other.
Thoughts were running around in Ari's head. Was this really a good idea? I mean if we can contact our homedemon effectively, I could tell my sisters I could hear him and they won't think I'm crazy. That's why I thought of doing this. But why am I so afraid then?
- Okay so let's start the session by asking simple yes and no questions. - said Sofía, closed her eyes for a bit, then started to talk. She sounded really confident for Beetlejuice, but her sisters noticed how her voice cracked a bit. Was she only nervous, excited, or was she genuinely afraid of what she might contact? - Is anyone here with us? - the planchette didn't move. Sofi let out a huge breath and gulped. Beetlejuice put his pointing finger on the planchette and literally screamed when he realized he could actually touch it. - Channeling the dead isn't easy so it might take some minutes to...
As soon she said that, Beetlejuice moved his finger, and literally yeeted the planchette across the room.
- FUCK I DIDN'T MEAN TO DO THAT!!! - he screamed in a rather girly manner. Rei jumped up from the coffin-table and shook her head.
- That not normal man, a ghosty ghost couldn't do that in any horror movie! - Ari got up too and went to get the planchette. Beetlejuice floated before her.
- Sorry babes, I swear I'll be more gentle next time. Even though I know you looove wild stuff. - Ari replied with an eyeroll as she bowed down for the tiny pink thing. - Holy shit sugar I could imagine several hot scenarios with you in this position.
Ari headed back to the table and put the planchette down.
- Let's continue. - Rei sit back, fixing her glasses and putting her hair up in a messy ponytail. Ari looked at the planchette as she speak the words. - Could you please confirm that you're here? - Beetlejuice, as lightly as he could, put his finger on the pink thingie and moved it to YES.
- NAH MAN THAT'S CRAZY NA-AH I'M OUT! - shouted Rei and started to stand up.
- SIT YOUR ASS BACK DOWN PUTA! - shouted Ari back at her sister. - You said amen to this shit, we're gonna go through with it now. - Beetlejuice chuckled as Rei sit back down with the most panicked look on her face that he had ever seen. He tapped the planchette slightly.
- L-E-T-S-A-L-L-G-E-T-N-A-K-E-D. - Ari let out the the biggest laugh Beetlejuice heard yet. She snapped her head back as she squeaked like a degenerated seal while snorting. - OhmygodslashSatan your bursting laugh is so weird, I love it! - said Beetlejuice with a high voice and full on glowing hair.
- You did that. - stated Sofía, looking at Ari seriously.
- No way José! - she still giggled like crazy as she looked back at her oldest sister. - Looks like our presence is just nasty! - Sofía had a very annoyed and slightly angry expression on her face.
- ANYWAY, no, we are not going to do that.
- W-O-R-T-H-A-T-R-Y. - spelled the board. Sofía threw her hands in the air, annoyed out of words to express her feelings. Rei clicked her tongue.
- What happened to the "don't let go of the planchette" rule? - she asked.
- Shut up. - explained Sofía. She put her fingers back on the pink object before she stated the next question. - Are you a spirit guide? - the planchette moved to NO. - Then are you a ghost? - the planchette moved to NO again. Sofía shook her head in a way people do when they don't understood something.
- Did you ever live on Earth as a human? - asked Rei who calmed herself down enough to ask questions.
- B-R-I-E-F-L-Y-V-E-R-Y-B-R-I-E-F-L-Y. - Sof interrupted with her next question. Something really bugged her.
- Okay then WHAT are you?!
- S-E-X-Y - the girls all threw their hands up. They shared a look, all stating "I can't even" with their eyes. Without either of them touching the planchette, it started to move again on its own. - A-L-S-O-D-I-S-L-E-X-I-C. - Rei snorted.
- This bitch is a fuckin comic. - Sof growled in annoyement.
- No I mean what's in your pants? - she asked. Now neither of them was touching the board. And after a couple of seconds, the board answered.
- M-A-G-I-K-A-N-D-M-I-S-C-H-I-F. - Ari facepalmed, Sofía huffed.
- I can't believe that this thing is fuckin with us... - Beetlejuice could literally see the veins on her neck bulging in anger as he spelled HAHAHA out on the board. She slammed her fists on the table. - NO. TELL ME WHAT YOU ARE, SMARTASS!!!
- I-M-Y-O-R-G-U-I-D-E-T-O-T-H-E-O-T-H-E-R-S-I-D-E.
- Kay that's definitely a demon. - she stated with a huge hand gesture.
- Shit we're busted babe. - said Beetlejuice, sounding a tiny bit worried. Ari gulped.
- Why would you think that? - she asked, acting all naive. Sof pointed at the planchette, which was now moving up and down in the air since Beetlejuice was playing catch with it.
- Cause demonic spirits enjoy using deception and being a dick!
- What a keen observation, Sofía! - stated Beetlejuice, talking sarcastically. - That's built into our nature, you know!
- Let's just... - Sofía sighed midsentence. - ...stop.
- No! This is fun! - proclaimed Ari with the biggest puppy eyes. Classic smallest child trick.
- We are unprepared to deal with dark and negative forces that can wreak havoc in our lives!
- Sofía, let's be frank with each other, he already causes a lot of trouble. - Sof huffed. - At least let me ask his name. - said Ari in a sweet voice with a shy smile. - That would be the polite thing to do. - her eldest sister tried to say something but Ari stifled her speech. - Just one question. Then we can stop.
- That was a son of a bitch thing to do, and you know it. Tricking your sister into letting me tell you my name... That's low babes. - said Beetlejuice while folding his hands and shaking his head, floating next to Ari. - I'm so proud.
- UGH FINE! - said Sofía, while throwing her head back. - Little Miss Pushover. - Ari flashed a toothy grin. That was her moment. She already had a plan how'd she persuade her sisters to accept his offer of helping them out a bit and to say the demon's name 3 times. She cleared her throat and breathed out before she stated her question.
- What is your name?
Beetlejuice breathed in in excitement and grabbed the planchette.
- Welp let's hope it's gonna work this way. Here goes nothing. - the planchette started to move. - B-E-E-J-F-Q-J-E-S-U-S-I-C-A-N-T-S-P-E-L-L-S-H-I-T. - Ari sighed and Rei laughed. Come on Bug, don't be an idiot now!, thought Ari. The object started to slide on the board again. - B-E-E-T-L-E-J-U-I-C-E.
- OKAY GOOD NOW WE KNOW IT'S NAME CAN WE STOP PLEASE?!?! - shouted Rei as she reached for the planchette, but Sofía grabbed her hand.
- Wait. - with her other hand, she pointed at Ari. - Ariadné Rodríguez McLoughlin, you are suspicious, girl. Why did you want to know this demon's name so badly? - Fuck., thought Ari. She didn't think this through. She couldn't answer, she opened her mouth but no voice came out. - Demon, have you communicated with anyone from this group before tonight? - Beetlejuice fumbled through his hair.
- I'm sorry babes. But you wouldn't tell them about your superpower any other way. - he said before the planchette moved to YES. Sof looked straight into Ari's eyes. She hated that cold dead stare.
- Tell me who was it!
- A-R-I. - the oldest sister slapped the desk.
- Please I can explain... - said Ari in a shy, almost inaudible voice. Gosh things were not going the way she imagined they'd go.
- BITCH, I WILL SLAP YOU! - shouted Sofía, clapping after every word.
- Excuse me but... - cut in Rei. She mimicked a closing mouth with her hand. - ...tone! Let the girl speak for herself! - she turned to her sister. - So how long have you been talking with the dead, bitch? - Ari sighed, rolled her eyes then started to talk with very heavy hand movements.
- Let me state that I can only hear him, I've never seen him but we've been talking for weeks now and he's so awesome and funny! I mean he's actually a really nice guy to talk to!
- Ohmygod he's that special someone who's been making you feel better!!! - realized Rei who just slapped her forehead. Beetlejuice was floating beside Ari, giggling to himself. The whole situation was so comical.
- Yeah, we're buddies.
- FOR LYFE YO! - screamed Beetlejuice into Ari's ear.
- Why did I teach you how to use yo, seriously, this is getting out of hand... - she asked the thin air, rubbing the bridge of her nose. She was starting to get a headache.
- Wait you can hear him now? - asked Sofía with a jaw dropped.
- I can hear him all the time when he's near me... So yeah during every minute of the day, kinda. - she stopped for a sec. - You don't think I'm crazy, right?
- I mean we all saw what happened during the seance so nah fam, you good. Weird but good. Gee my sister is a comic book character! - proclaimed Rei excitedly. She even clapped.
- And what does he want? - asked Sofía. She calmed down a bit but her eyes were full of anger.
- Right now, and I quote him singing: "🎶I'm on the bench, but coach, just put me in the game! All you gotta do is say my name. Three times in a row it must be spoken, unbroken.🎶" - she mimicked Beetlejuice as good as she could, she even tried to do his voice. She looked at Rei, who almost had questionmarks for eyes. - Yes, he sounds like that all the time. Like he swallowed a cheesegrater, I know. - Rei nodded understandingly. Sof held her head.
- So he wants to be summoned. - she looked deep into Ari's eyes. She looked so serious. - You know we're not gonna do that, right?
- Why?! He promised he'd help us then just go away! - Sof shook her head but Ari continued. She sounded kinda desperate. - Just imagine, he could actually help us get revenge on our father for being such a prick with our moms! Just let me...
- No. - she stated. - In the Council of Sisters I vote no. - she looked at Rei. - Your vote now.
- Look I... - she sighed and looked at Ari whose eyes were now getting teary. She didn't want to tell her sisters how much she wanted to summon Beetlejuice, not because of his promise, but because how much she liked his company. She didn't have a friend like him in, why would I lie, ever, and she secretly craved his presence in her life. There was finally someone who totally accepted her as how she was, and now her sisters were robbing her of the opportunity of meeting him. - There are always a million reasons not to do something. - Ari covered her mouth with her right palm.
- No, not you, I thought you...
- Girl, we've been swimming with piranhas, we don't need a shark!
Beetlejuice was silent... until this point. He knew how arguments worked. How bloodyminded people were once they decided on something. His hair slowly turned from green to a purplish redish tone. His anger was building up and now it busted.
- And I thought you were special... Not like any other breather. - he spit between his teeth. Ari looked at his direction and shushed her sisters.
- Bug, what do you...
- YOU PROMISED YOU'D SUMMON ME! - screamed Beetlejuice. - YOU PROMISED BUT YOU WON'T! AND I TRUSTED YOU! - Ari stood up and stepped in his direction. She tried to sound calm but Beetlejuice's voice was so angry and frightening...
- Beetlejuice, I will, somehow, just...
- NO YOU WON'T! YOU'RE A LYING BITCH LIKE ANY OTHER HUMAN ON THIS GODDAMN PLANET! - he started to run while cussing at Ari. The girl ran after him, followed by her sisters. As soon as he got to the attic door, which the girls were unable to pry open, he floated through the door and laid head back to it. - I HATE YOU!
- You know that you don't and that that was uncalled for. - Ari sighed while trying to get the door to open. Rei asked if she needed an axe but she refused. - Please, this is hard enough as it is!
- Oh, I’m sorry sweetheart. - answered Beetlejuice in an annoyed way. - I just tend to get a little upset WHEN PEOPLE RUIN MY LIFE! - tears started to run down his cheeks. - FUCK YOU, GET LOST! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!!
Beetlejuice heard that Ari stopped trying to open up the door. She sighed and put her hand on the hard wood.
- I'll talk to them. And I'll keep my promise. - her steps faded and as they did, Beetlejuice's hair turned fully dark purple as he started crying. He really trusted her... And he did get that she'd want her sisters to know that she'll summon a demon at their home but why would she betray him like that still? He sniffled to himself as he summoned a sockpuppet.
- 🎶You could use a buddy... Don't you want a pal?🎶 Yes I do! - he put his head on his knees, sniffling hard. - ...yes I do...
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kittykatz009 · 4 years
Mocha Choco Latte: A KiriBaku fanfic
My first MHA fic, and it’s going to be a multi-chapter KiriBaku one! A special thank you to my lovely wives @wingsonghalo and @ittybittytoostormy, and my dear friend @musics-lifes-record. This insanity wouldn't have been possible without your constant encouragement. A special thank you to Wing for helping me with edits <3 I love you lots, babe Title: Mocha Choco Latte Pairing: Kirishima/Bakugou (with background Izuku/Ochacco) Rating: T, mostly for language  Wordcount for chatper 1: 3,039 Summary: Katsuki hadn't anticipated spending his senior year of University working at a cafe, but who was he to complain when it paid the bills? Besides, what could be the worst thing that could happen? Also available on: AO3
Chapter 1: Caramel Mocha Frappuccino 
If there was one thing that Bakugou Katsuki despised, it was people. Specifically, idiotic people. Like the ones who came in with a stupidly complex order that he had to repeat back twice to make sure he got each and every instruction right. Or the ones who would watch him make their drink, and the moment he would finish it, they would mention that they needed a milk alternative because god forbid they say something when ordering, or when they saw him grab the container of milk. And don’t even get him started on having to take their food orders; that was a new level of idiocy he hadn’t believed could be possible. Whoever said the customer is always right should be kicked in the face. He swore that this cafe was a beacon for idiots, and here he was, front and center, having to cater to their every whim.
“Kacchan, you’re scaring the customers again,” Midoriya Izuku commented as he approached the register to clock in.
“Can it, nerd. It’s not my fault that some people can’t get their order right the first time they order it,” he grouched, throwing a glare at the woman at the end of the counter who was typing away at her phone, her foot tapping impatiently as she waited for him to give her her drink.
“Still, you can try to be nicer to the customers. You are the cashier, after all.”
“And whose fault is that? I was perfectly happy being the cook until you fumbled because you were geeking out and spilled hot coffee all over the CEO of Nighteye Records.”
“Oh come on. I’ve apologized for that enough. You know I didn’t mean to! I just can’t help getting excited when I meet celebrities,” he complained as he shrugged on his apron.
“You’re lucky he didn’t try to get you fired, dumbass,” he scoffed, eyes rolling. He grabbed the cup from the steamer, the extra hot almond milk frothing, and quickly poured it into the to-go cup, mixing it in with the mocha syrup and the three decaf espresso shots, before popping a lid on the cup because heaven forbid he make the mistake of adding the whipped cream.
“Here,” he said, placing the drink on the edge of the counter aggressively. The woman huffed, throwing her phone in her purse before she scooped the cup up.
“About time. And would it kill you to be a little more appreciative of your customers? After all, you were the one who messed up my order in the first place. I can just take my business elsewhere, you know?” The challenging smirk she wore as she took a sip of her drink made Katsuki’s blood boil.
“Alright, listen here you b-”
“We are so sorry about the mistake! Please, have this cookie on the house!” Izuku interjected quickly, forcing himself between the seething Katsuki and the lady, thrusting a pastry bag in her direction.
“Well, at least ONE of you has manners. Thank you.” She snatched the bag out of his hand and stomped out of the store. Katsuki was fuming; how DARE she treat him like he was the idiot when she was the one who couldn’t get off her phone for more than five seconds to order her damn drink with the proper milk? He hoped she enjoyed the word “KAREN” scrawled across her cup. He turned toward Izuku, eyes narrowing.
“Quit it, Deku. I had that under control.” Izuku gulped, taking a step back from Katsuki, throwing his hands up in front of him in defense.
“You were about to call her a bitch, Kacchan. I had to do something. Sato’s told you if he gets any more complaints about you being rude to the customers, he’ll have to fire you.” Katsuki sighed, shoulders sagging as he realized just how right his friend was. He couldn’t afford to get himself fired, not with rent coming up soon. He was sure that Deku would help him out if that did happen, but damnit, his pride wouldn’t allow freaking Deku of all people to be the one to help him out of a bind like that, even if he was his roommate.
“Whatever. Anyway, Batteries for Brains dipped early, so I’m glad you showed up. Wasn’t looking forward to trying to run both the line and the register on my own. He should be lucky that all the orders so far have been for drinks and pastries, otherwise I’d have to kill him.”
“Kaminari’s a good guy. He probably had a very valid reason for leaving early,” Izuku said, heading toward the kitchen.
“Hopefully to tutoring. That guy’s math is atrocious,” he griped, counting the drawer down for shift change. “Oh yeah, pastry girl asked about you,” he called over his shoulder, smirking as he heard Deku run into the door frame, a muffled swear falling from him.
“U-Uraraka? What did she have to say?” he asked nervously, rubbing the red spot on his forehead.
“Wanted to know what you were up to this weekend. Told her to ask you herself.”
“Kacchan! That’s so rude!” Izuku whined, grabbing the pickup order ticket that printed off, scanning over it before grabbing one of the to-go cups to scrawl the instructions on it.
“What? I gave her your number, you moron. I’m not that heartless.” He finished counting down the drawer, noting that that idiot Kaminari short changed him, and took the cup from Izuku, whose face was as red as one of Sato’s cherry danishes.
“W-why would you do that?” he stammered, grabbing the next ticket and moving to the pastry case.
“Because clearly you’re not going to be the one to make the first move. You’ve been pining over her like an idiot since we first started here. I still can’t believe she caught you when you tripped on that drink that you spilled. You could barely stutter out the words ‘thank you’; do you really think I expect you to be able to ask her out?”
“I guess you’re right,” he sighed. “Thanks for having my back, Kacchan.”
“It’s whatever. You owe me one,” Katsuki grunted out as he sprayed the whipped cream on top of the drink before fitting the lid on it snugly. He placed the finished drink next to the pastry bag on the pick up rack and went for the next order. “Here, this one needs actual food. Get out of my space, loser.” Izuku took the ticket with a smile and went to the small kitchen, humming as he got to work.
Time passed idly, customers trickling in—some passing through for pick up, others dining in—and Bakugou was counting down the minutes until he was off. The dinner rush had come and gone, leaving the two to focus on the pre-closing procedures in between orders. Which left Katsuki with time to let his mind wander.
Working in a cafe wasn’t how he anticipated his senior year of university going, but it paid the bills. The place had a nice homey quality to it—the mismatched chairs and tables scattered about the dining area paired with various paintings and prints from local artists really made the ambiance. There was a small section by the register that displayed various knick knacks made in the community that were for sale, though Katsuki hated dealing with those purchases since there was a lot of paperwork involved to make sure that the right artist got their money. The real money maker of the cafe laid in the pastry case, though. Sato’s confections were famous throughout Akihabara; many locals supported the young business man who had a heart of gold and sweets to match. And Sato wasn’t a bad guy to work for. Quite the opposite, in fact; he paid his employees well and was very flexible with their schedules since most of them attended University of Akihabara, which is how Katsuki got roped into the evening shift. Not that he was complaining about that—it was generally a quiet time and he didn’t have to deal with as many stupid customers. Overall, it wasn’t a bad gig.
Katsuki had just finished breaking down the decaf espresso machine (good riddance—it was an abomination to mankind) when the bell at the front door jingled, announcing the arrival of a new customer. He took a deep breath to prepare himself for this onslaught of stupidity. The last patron had argued with him until they were both red in the face about the cafe having diet whipped cream, even though he assured him that the cafe never had any to begin with. Eventually, he was able to convince him that the drink was perfectly delicious without a topping, and sent him on his merry way, all the while wishing he could punt kick that pint-sized asshole across the room.
He exhaled and made his way to the register, finally looking up and blinking in surprise as he took in the appearance of the customer waiting on him. This guy looked ridiculous—his obnoxiously bright red hair was spiked up and Katsuki was sure that this guy was trying to emulate either a hedgehog or a porcupine. His choice of clothing, or lack thereof, was as disastrous as his hair. His chest was fully exposed and the only sort of covering his upper half had was some sort of weird cropped red and black jacket. Black pants tucked themselves into hideous muddy-red boots, but what really took the cake was not the weird open-mouth face mask that he wore; instead, it was the piss-poor attempt at red chaps that were held together by a gaudy-looking R-shaped belt buckle. He looked like he walked right off the page of some sort of shitty manga that he was sure Deku would read. It wasn’t like they didn’t get cosplayers in the cafe, because they did all the time, but this was surely the most bizarre one he had seen. The guy smiled at him, and Katsuki had to fight the urge to roll his eyes. Stupid, over-friendly cosplayers.
“Welcome to Sugar Rush. What do you want?” he asked gruffly, ignoring the softly chastising “Kacchan” coming from the kitchen. He couldn’t help it—he had had his fill of idiots for the day and his feet were fucking sore.
“Uhh,” the redhead eloquently replied, craning his neck to look at the menu. Clearly this guy was more brawn than brains, in Katsuki’s most humble opinion. Miraculously, he kept himself from tapping his fingers against the countertop in annoyance while the other scanned over the hand-written list of drinks, his eyes finally lighting up in delight as he settled on one.
“I would like one of the caramel mocha frappuccinos please!” he said with a smile and Katsuki noted that the guy even had put in false teeth; the ones grinning back at him were sharp and dangerous looking.
“Um, large?” he replied, though to Katsuki, it seemed like he was uncertain.
“Is this for here or to go?” Katsuki was praying that the guy said to go because if he had to wipe down the lobby one more time before they closed, he was sure he was going to lose his mind.
“To go, unfortunately,” the cosplayer laughed, handing his card over as Katsuki gave him the total. “Oh yeah, don’t you need to ask my name?” he asked, putting the card away along with his receipt.
“Nah, I’ve got it. Just go to the end of the counter,” he replied, scribbling on the cup then turning to get the ingredients, effectively cutting off any conversation. He swore he heard the cosplayer mutter something that sounded suspiciously like “of course you do ” under his breath, but Katsuki refused to ask. As he stood up, milk in hand, he was met with disapproving green eyes peering at him from over the kitchen window.
“Not a word, Deku. And I swear to god, if you come out here, I’ll kill you,” he threatened while measuring out the milk. Izuku sighed, shaking his head and disappeared from Katsuki’s line of sight, which he much preferred right now. He poured the milk in the blender, added the pumps of mocha and caramel syrup, and tossed the ice in before popping the top on the machine and turning it on. Katsuki caught himself checking out the cosplayer out of the corner of his eye while he waited for the drink to be blended perfectly. The guy was sort of cute, he mused. Kind of in that endearing puppy dog sort of way as he hummed along to the shitty pop music that was playing on the speakers while he scrolled his phone. It was ridiculous, however, that he would even be thinking about how attractive the guy was—he was sure that he would never see him again. That, and he was nothing more than a customer; Katsuki had no business daydreaming about how nice it would be to feel those arms wrap around him, crushing him to that stupidly beautiful chest that was on display for all to see. Nope, not at all. It was hopeless. Just a fleeting crush that would never come to fruition.
A crash from the kitchen followed by an exclamation of “oh holy shit ” snapped him out of his delusional thoughts, and he huffed out an angry sigh. Leave it to Deku to break something once again. He emptied the contents of the blender into the to-go cup, adding a swirl of whipped cream to the top before securing the lid to the cup with a soft pop. He felt a smirk start pulling at his lips as he turned around.
“Large caramel mocha frappuccino for a ‘Shitty Hair,’” he called out, causing the cosplayer to look up from his screen, blinking in bewilderment as he looked between Katsuki and the drink that was on the counter. The reaction was priceless, if Katsuki could admit that to himself, and it was totally worth the look on the cosplayer’s face and the shrill “Kacchan ” yelled at him. What Katsuki wasn’t expecting, however, was the cosplayer to start laughing, a deep rumbling sound that sent shivers running through him. God, why was this guy’s laugh even attractive? It wasn’t fair.
“Oh shit, that was great!” the cosplayer replied once he was finally able to catch his breath, wiping tears out of his eyes while reaching for the cup. “I haven’t laughed that hard in ages. Have a great day, man!” he exclaimed, placing some coins on the counter as a tip before grabbing a straw and leaving the cafe. Katsuki was baffled at the guy’s reaction—most people didn’t thank him for insulting them. He shook his head, pocketing the yen, and turned to see a heaving Izuku with his hands on his knees like he had just ran a marathon frantically looking between him and the now closing door.
“Kacchan! You can’t call people names like that! Do you even know who that was?” he cried.
“Uh, just some shitty cosplayer, duh?” Katsuki rolled his eyes at Izuku’s theatrics, grabbing the blender and heading to the sink to rinse it out.
“A cosplayer?? No! That was Kirishima Eijirou, Kacchan!” Izuku replied and Katsuki dropped the blender in the sink, whipping around to face him.
“Kirishima Eijirou, as in the fucking actor?” Katsuki could feel a ball of dread curling up in his stomach. He was hoping that Deku was wrong, but that nerd knew celebrities like the back of his hand. The exasperated look he got in return was more than enough to confirm his worst fears.
“Yes that Kirishima Eijirou, Kacchan. Oh my god, I can’t believe you called him Shitty Hair. What were you thinking?” he asked, pulling at his hair.  
“In my defense, I thought he was just some shitty cosplayer! What the hell was that get up, anyway? God, it was awful.”  
“Oh my god, you’re kidding me, right? He’s currently filming for the live-screen adaptation of the Red Riot comics. This has been a highly anticipated movie from director Toyomitsu Taishiro that’s been in the works for the past four years. All Might productions picked it up and they finally just got the casting settled last year and were able to move forward with the filming process. And, he’s the main character. Oh my god, my best friend just called the actor for one of my favorite comic book heroes Shitty Hair. Oh my god, what if he gets the cafe shut down? What will we do about rent money? I’m sure mom could help me out, but still…” he trailed and Katsuki had to take a deep breath.
“Calm down, you dork. I highly doubt he’s going to get the cafe shut down. Hell, he seemed to have a good laugh over what I said. Besides, if he was upset with anyone, it would be me, not you. So don’t overwork your brain over there with things that won’t happen.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Izuku exhaled, visibly calming. “I still can’t believe you did that, though.”
“Are you ever going to shut up about it?” Katsuki groaned, going back to cleaning the blender out.
“Only when you decide to stop holding you being a barista over my head because of the Nighteye incident,” he laughed, walking out to the lobby to lock the door and turn the ‘open’ sign over to ‘closed.’
“Fair enough. Now, let’s get this shit done quick. My bed is calling my name.” They continued with their closing procedures, and as Katsuki was counting down the drawer for the night, his thoughts were haunting him. He just happened to have the shittiest luck, he determined. Not only was he crushing on a customer, but the customer was an actor. An actor who he happened to insult. Holy fuck. Great job, Katsuki. Way to fucking go. As they finished closing and were leaving the shop, he decided that it didn’t matter. This would just live to be an embarrassing tale that he would make sure he and Deku took to their graves. It’s not like he would ever see the guy again, after all.
Thanks for making it to the end of chapter one of my very first BNHA fic! Hope it was to your enjoyment. Please feel free to leave a review and let me know how I did! Chapter 2 should be coming soon <3
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We met in a Sonic parking lot
I wanted to write out something of how Mikey and @animdude-official first met... I accidentally made it more sad then I meant to but the ending is just as chaotic and gay as their relationship so AYY
Content warnings: PTSD and traumatic flashbacks, dissociation, unintentional self harm(staying in cold for too long). Read at your own risk!
It was cold. Colder than it normally was for 2 in the morning, at least. Mike sighed, tugging on the sleeves of his hoodie as if that’d offer him any more heat. When had he even gone outside? Why? He was running from something- he never goes out at 2am unless something’s causing him distress, but he can’t even remember what it was this time. Same trauma, probably? … He should probably go to therapy. Guess it didn’t matter, though. The zombie looked around, trying to figure out where he wandered off to in his spell of dissociation. Downtown Hurricane, in the parking lot of… a Sonic. Huh. Well that’s… new.
“What am I even doing…” He murmured to himself as he sat down on the concrete divider between asphalt and grass, observing how each breath he took let out a small puff of condensation. He didn’t even realize how cold he was until he looked down at his hands, observing how violently they shivered. For some reason, this made him get… mad? He tried to force his muscles to relax, but he kept shivering. Ugh, stupid body! Can it EVER do anything right?! … Can he ever do anything right?!
“Dammit…” Michael hissed at his eyes warmed up- heated by tears that started to roll down his cheeks. Why was he crying?! He wasn’t even sad, if anything he was angry! The more he got furious at himself, the more tears welled up and fell. His chest heaved as he fell into near hyperventilation, letting out one small yell of frustration before throwing his head down and holding it with his hands.
Small gasps of air before sobs echoed around him, the surrounding area might as well have faded to black as he fell out of touch with reality once again. No, no, not here, he can’t break here, not somewhere he can be vulnerable to robbery or worse…
He pulled his hands away from his head enough to look down at his hands. His shivering hands. His hands. That’s how he can ground himself, by observing what’s going on around him… what’s the exercise? 5 4 3 2 1?
5 things he can see.
His hands- His shivering hands. There’s one… the hoodie he wears all the time and really needs to wash… the old sneakers he wore- worn and scuffed but still good… the asphalt of the parking lot… the body before him-
No- NO! He’s NOT going back there! He refuses. He refuses. He won’t remember that night. He’s not there now, he’s not. He’s in a dumb parking lot. He won’t remember. Not here, not now.
4 things he can hear.
His breathing- uneven, but he’s still breathing. Unlike her- NO, NO! Next one! He can hear the faint plips as his tears fell onto the ground below him… the soft hum or an airplane far over him… the cars that drove in the parking lot, not knowing they were in the alley behind the diner-
“STOP!!!” He yelled to himself, pushing those memories back to the back of his mind, He’s NOT there, he’s NOT that child that found the body of his best friend, he’s in a GODDAMN SONIC PARKING LOT.
3 things he can feel.
The curls in his hair as he tugged at his locks again- The rain that soaked them to the bone- How cold her skin was.
“No… Please…” No matter where he tried to look, his mind was still in that alleyway. He wasn’t this adult anymore; he was a child again. He wasn’t himself. He was… staring at Charlie. They were young- he couldn’t remember how old. It was too late to save her. She was still wearing that green bracelet… the security puppet wrapped around her, soaked to the point of being broken.
2 things he can smell.
Metal. Metal. He knew what it really was, but it smelt JUST LIKE METAL.
1 thing he can taste.
METAL METAL M̴E̴T͜AL M̶E̸͢T͠A͜L̷ M̴̴̡E̶͠͠͏͟T̨͟͡͡Ą̧́͞L̶̷̕҉̶
“Um- a-are you okay?”
… That wasn’t her voice… it wasn’t his either… what?
Mike looked up, eyes wide in shock at the presence suddenly beside him. There was some adult looking down at him, looking… almost scared? Oh, they must see the body…
… Wait. No… there wasn’t some random adult that found them. No, no, that’s- that’s because he’s not… he’s not back there. He’s in the stupid Sonic parking lot… he’s not a child anymore, he grew up…
Wait. Shit. He was asked a question.
“Oh- u-um-” Mike stammered, wiping the tears from his eyes as he tried to keep his spirit in his body. Memories threatened to flood back and bring him to those awful places again, but he forced a smile while he fought. Fought to stay grounded and not make this stranger worry. “Haha, s-sorry, was I making a scene? I’m a dramatic lil dork~”
The stranger took a step back, eyes wide. Wait, what? No, Mike put on the cute act to calm them, not scare them more. Why did they look scared? What did he do wrong? Fuck, no, he can’t let his shell crack, this never happens he’s supposed to pass as FINE why can’t he JUST BE FINE-
“Do… um… do-do you want to get some milkshakes?” They pointed to the Sonic, offering a wary smile.
… What. They’re… being nice… but why? Didn’t Michael scare them? Aren’t they afraid- or at least revolted by how- how he was in the middle of a breakdown?
… and yet, them being here kept him HERE and not that alley…
“A-Are you sure? I mean- you- w-we don’t- um… know each other?”
“Well, um…” They scratched the back of their head, fumbling just as much as Mike to think of the right words. “You just… s-seemed to be uh- a little upset by yourself, I-I just thought… you know.”
They were… kind. And not the sinister type of kind that someone with bad intentions would be. It was like trying to make friends on the first day of school, in a way. They were both shy “… I don’t have any cash on me…”
“I have a- a few dollars, if you really want something?” They smiled, and Mike’s heart skipped a beat. Woah. That was… weird. All it took was smile for this person to go from a random dude to something almost like a magnet, drawing Mike in.
He probably shouldn’t say yes, but… “Well, i-if you’re okay with paying.”
An order placed. Vanilla with caramel for them. Extra dark chocolate for Mike. Payment, delivery, and now they both sat on that concrete divider. Just… sitting. Drinking. It was cold outside, too cold for angels to fly, too cold for milkshakes… but how could Mike turn down a milkshake? It was… oddly comforting.
“Y-You know, most people don’t… don’t like the cold, b-but its… nice, at this hour.” The stranger spoke again, trying to start a conversation.
Mike felt numb from the cold, but… it was far better than the breakdown he was having earlier. He decided to keep the conversation going. “It’s quiet… helps you think, right?”
“Yeah! You- You get it!” They smiled, seeming genuinely happy to connect with him. “Like- how the stars get clear and you can see them- a-a-and how it’s almost- like another world!”
“Mhm…” Mike took another sip of his shake before fiddling with the straw. “I’m… I’m Michael, by the way.”
They smiled, that same smile that made his heart skip a beat again. “Michael… I’m Anim- well, Scott… Well- I- uh-”
“You use two names, I guess?” Mike looked up at the other.
“We-Well, most call me Anim… it’s just- you know- my family calls me Scott, h-haha…”
… There was something weird about how he said that. Not a nickname thing, that was normal. But… there was something in the tone. The way he tried to laugh it off… it was like how Mike always tried to laugh off his trauma. … Of course, of course he’s hiding something hurting him. No mentally sane man would be in a Sonic parking lot at 2 in the morning, buying milkshakes for some stranger… was this Anim like Michael? … Maybe that’s something he can bring up later.
“… My brother’s name is Scott.” Mike decided to just keep the small talk going, not wanting to lose the friend he just made by prying too much. “He goes by “Red” though, not “Anim”, so that’s funny how you both have nicknames.”
“Oh, y-you have a brother? That’s neat!” Anim seemed to relax, probably grateful that Mike didn’t pry into the name business. “I um- don’t have a uh- any siblings, b-but! I have 3 kids, so there- there’s that!”
“Oh, you’re a dad? That’s awesome! I always wanted kids…” Mike trailed off, smiling at the fantasy of starting his own family one day…
“Well, if you want, um, i-if you don’t want to- to go home tonight, I can let you st-stay over at our house?” Anim asked gently, as if hesitant… probably wondering if it’s appropriate to ask something to someone who’s practically a stranger.
“… Pff, wow, you’re uh… awfully trusting of bringing a stranger to your family… how do you know I’m not some- some serial killer or something?”
He shrugged “You… don’t seem like that type, o-or something. I don’t know. I don’t just… want to leave you here when-” as he spoke, he moved a hand to gently pat Mike on the shoulder, but almost immediately pulled it away “O-Oh my gosh, you’re freezing-!” Before Mike could argue, Anim had already grabbed his free hand, holding it tightly as Mike saw the way his pupils visibly shrunk in shock “You- You’re like ice! How long were you out here-?!”
“I… don’t know…” Mike admitted shamefully, glancing off to the side. He stopped feeling cold forever ago, he just felt numb now. But, with the way his hand was held, he felt nothing but warmth…
“Oh no, o-oh no, I shouldn’t have kept y-you out here- c-c’mon, I need to get you somewhere warm, m-my house isn’t far from here, you can stay and warm up!”
Michael almost said no. How could accept such a kind offer from someone he didn’t know? How could he trust this stranger who may not have good intentions? How could he…
Yet, the warmth he felt when the other held his hand… this was a warmth he was determined to protect with his life.
“Okay, if it’s alright, then- aH-” He yelped when Anim grabbed him rather suddenly, literally sweeping him off his feet and carrying him, making sure his jacket was wrapped around them both before hurriedly carrying him back to his home. There was certainly an urgency in his step- was he worried Mike would freeze to death? How strange… to have so much trust in each other when they just met, it shouldn’t be how it works. He should feel cold- afraid- distant…
And yet, all he felt was warmth.
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shooter-nobunagun · 4 years
Quarantine UST 10
//Aaaand we’re almost there, I guess! Alas for those of us in real life, it isn’t over, but hopefully I wrote something that was relatable and also entertaining.
I say ‘almost’, because truth be told, I thought I was gonna be able to wrap this up in 10 chapters, but when you start writing smut things automatically get longer XD;; so this chapter will be split in two.
Warning, NSFW (because let’s be real, the UST is what we’re all here for)
[Sio]: omg Asao-san I can’t believe it O_O
[Asao]: ?_? Did something happen?
[Sio]: we...actually did it...!! or okay not exactl y but some thing!!!!! shfiosadfheior sf hdaf h
[Asao]: ?? Wait what? Do what? Hang on, let me call you instead
The phone rang once before the sniper snatched it up. “Ohmygod Asao-san! I can’t believe it but we, we...”
“Are you alright Sio-chan?”
“Ah, iya iya, sorry—I’m fine, it’s nothing bad, it’s just...well...!”
“...Did something happen?”
Something happen? That was the understatement of the century. “Y-You could say that...it’s just...I’m still kind of in shock...”
Her friend made a disgruntled noise on the other line. “What happened Sio-chan? It wasn’t something bad, was it? You know you can tell me anything, right?”
“R, Right...” Still, the sniper was hesitant; this was a pretty big milestone in terms of relationship progression, and it wouldn’t be a lie to say things had happened fairly quick. “It’s just...we did...that!”
“...That? What’s ‘that’?”
“U-Um, well, y-you know, like...” She squirmed in embarrassment, fidgeting with her sheets until they were wrinkled. “W, We...touched each other...! Like, down there...”
“Oh. I...see...”
“...Yeah. It just...kinda happened...”
“...Well, was it good?”
“Asao-san!! Really, that’s all you can say?!” Sio nearly screeched into the phone, her face a brilliant red but her friend couldn’t help but laugh on the other end. “Moou...”
“Sorry, sorry,” there was a pause as Asao caught her breath, “I’m not sure what more to say, except you probably wouldn’t have done it if you didn’t want to? But, it sounds like you enjoyed it?”
Now it was Sio’s turn to be flustered. “Y, Yeah...it...felt really good, actually...” she mumbled as her body flushed hotly. The roughness of his fingers, yet he was gentle and touched her with such finesse, despite his strength. “A-And I...rubbed his...you-know-what...and it actually was all hard, like everyone says it is...”
Asao’s light giggles floated through the speaker. “Aww, my Sio-chan is growing up! Well, congratulations on your first intimate experience! I hope it wasn’t too awkward or forced? It’d better not have been...”
“No no, he was really kind about it! Like, I mean okay, yeah it was kinda awkward, but...” As she recalled how she and Adam fumbled with each others’ bodies, trying to figure out what worked and what felt good, the sniper couldn’t help but smile. “But Adam...he really made sure I was comfortable with it first...and he’s so cute when he gets all nervous and stuff...” Sio giggled. “Whenever he blushes, it’s sooo cute; I can’t believe he’s Jack the Ripper.”
“Ah okay, well I’m glad to hear that. So I guess you two really are serious about each other, huh?”
“Ah...yeah, I guess so...” It’d always seemed obvious, but now that her friend brought it up, Sio wondered. Would it be okay to continue this relationship after they got back to DOGOO? Adam had made it pretty clear he was willing, but would it really be alright? “I mean, I hope so...though, I think we’re both in agreement to keep it on the down-low for now. At least until we can figure out how to...y’know, spill the beans. Or I don’t know, maybe everyone else will just figure it out eventually.”
“Sou sou. I think that’s a good idea,” said Asao. “Still, I’m very happy for you, Sio-chan. And I’m grateful you trust me enough to talk to me about this type of stuff. I know it’s probably really awkward for you...”
“A-Asao-san...” The sniper was touched by her friend’s sincerity. “Of, of course...if anything, I really should be thanking you for being such a good listener; honestly, I don’t think I could’ve made it through this whole time, much less with all these things going on, if you hadn’t been there for me...”
“Heheh, well that’s what friends are for, right? You’re always welcome to talk to me about anything, truly. Even if you think it’s something mundane or weird, trust me I won’t mind. I’m always happy to hear from you.”
“Mmn!” Sio wiped her eyes. A friend like Asao seemed almost too good to be true, sometimes. “B-But, yeah...I’m glad Adam and I were able to...er, do something intimate like that. Even though I was really embarrassed at first, and I don’t think either of us really knew what we were doing...it felt, comfortable with him. I wasn’t scared or anything.”
“It’s because you trust each other now, Sio-chan, I’m sure of it,” and Sio nodded at her friend’s words. “Well, I know you said you’re heading out of there soon, so hope you two can make the most of your time!”
In the beginning it seemed like forever until they could leave, but now, on the eve of their departure (pick-up was scheduled for tomorrow morning, just after breakfast), it seemed like it all passed in a blink of an eye. Sio looked at her half-stuffed duffel, groaning as she remembered she still had to finish packing the majority of her belongings before going to bed. Just before the group scattered after dinner, Adam reminded everyone that tonight was their final night in San Francisco, and to make sure they had everything.
‘I don’t know exactly when they’re arriving, but best be ready by then. I don’t want anybody suddenly remembering they left their phone or whatever when we’re halfway back to the Logan.’
Swinging her legs, she got off the bed and folded up the rest of her laundry, packing it neatly into her bags. As she smoothed the clothes in, she quirked a smile. ‘Heh, hard to believe when I first came here, I didn’t even know anything about laundry, and now I’m washing and folding my own clothes. When I go home, I’m sure mom will be surprised...’ Not just laundry; but also cooking, taking care of herself, making decisions on her own... Sighing, Sio felt that wave of nostalgia creep up again, only this time it was in anticipation of departing.
‘This place...sure was an experience, huh? I learned a lot of things...not just about myself, but everyone else...’
Sitting around the table and bantering about movies after dinner, or arguing over which restaurant was worthy of a return order. Fiddling with the ancient record player, and playing so many rounds of board games she lost track of how many they actually ended up playing... To her surprise there was an ache in her chest, as the sniper realized there might very well never be another time she would get to experience such a lifestyle. Even though these bonds and memories would last long after they returned to their base, it wouldn’t be the same. To live and get to know each other beyond comrades, and see her teammates as friends and family, and even more than that... Sure, the hovering threat of COVID-19 always stayed in the back of their minds, but overall, this had been a once-in-a-lifetime experience. 
And Sio didn’t want to trade anything for it.
Finally stuffing the last of her clothes in except for her uniform, she glanced around the room one last time. With most everything packed away, it was finally (almost) as neat as the day they’d arrived; when Adam first visited her, she could see the way his eyebrows raised at the way her clothes were flung haphazardly across pieces of furniture; her belongings just strewn all over the tables and chairs. Especially when it contrasted with the spic-and-span appearance of his room.
“Huh, I wonder if he’s done already? Knowing him, probably.” The sniper glanced up at the attic staircase, where the door was shut. Luckily the temperatures had cooled again to a more reasonable range, otherwise Sio had a feeling Adam might’ve actually taken up her offer to sleep in her room. Not that she would’ve complained. Gingerly she crept up the stairs, gently knocking on the door. “Adam? Are you there?”
“If you’re looking for Adam, I think he’s still in the shower,” Sio whirled around at Jess’ voice. “Last I saw, anyway. Did you need something?”
“Oh, Jess-san...not really, I guess I just...feel kinda restless.” The sniper hopped down the stairs to the landing, where her blonde teammate was toweling her hair off. “So you’re packed and all that?”
“Pretty much; I didn’t bring that much to begin with, and you know how Adam is about being punctual.” The two shared a laugh at that comment. “So, any plans for our last night in this quasi-house arrest?”
“Uh...not really. I’ve just been packing up and making sure I haven’t forgotten anything. What about you?”
“Me? Well, likely nothing special; mostly just taking in the view, enjoy sleeping in a real house one last time. You know, the small things.”
Sio nodded. “Yeah...heh, it’s weird to think that tomorrow, we’ll be going back to being e-gene holders and all that stuff.”
There was a warm hand on her shoulder, Sio looking up in surprise at Jess’ thoughtful expression. “This time we spent together here...it’s something special, isn’t it? Of course, I think everyone would agree it would be best if this pandemic didn’t happen in the first place, but I think this proves, that even in times of crisis, there are good things to be gained.” Giving the sniper one last pat, the blonde went off to her own room.
As Jess suggested, the bathroom door was indeed closed when Sio passed by. Remembering that embarrassing incident right on their first night, she made sure to knock quite loudly this time, instead of just barging in. “Um, Adam? Are you in here?”
“Yeh? What’s up, Sio?” A second later the door creaked opened and her now-boyfriend stuck his wet, shaggy head out. “Sorry, did you need t’ use the loo?”
“Ah, no it’s not that; I just, was kinda looking for you, and Jess said you were probably still showering...”
“Well, I’ll be done in a minute, if you don’t mind waiting. And no, I’m sorry but you can’t peek this time,” he teased, Sio stuttering and blushing as she flattened herself against the wall.
“So, did you need something?” Adam emerged in a cloud of steam, still running his fingers through his damp silver locks. “You all good to go for tomorrow, then?”
“Yeah, pretty much...um, sorry to bother you and all...”
Adam shook his head. “It’s not a bother, love. Anyway, did you want to do something, or...?”
At that question Sio turned a bit pink. Perhaps it was too much to ask, given that they would essentially be thrown back into the fire tomorrow, but then again maybe that was why now was a good time to just ask. “Um, I was just wondering if we could...kinda like, hang out and chill before bed or something. I-I mean, we don’t have to do anything like watch a movie or play games, b-but just, uh, I figured since this’ll be our last night here I just wanted to...spend some time with you...”
“...Why do you have to be so bloody adorable?” Sio only barely looked up in time before she was folded into his embrace; the sniper eagerly burying her face against his broad chest and enjoying his clean, just-out-of-the shower scent. “I’d love to, Sio. In fact, I was kind of hoping we’d be able to spend some more time together, before duty calls and all that. So, where do you want to go? My room? Or yours? Or would you rather just sit around in the den?”
“A-Actually, I...kind of like your room. I know you said it gets stuffy, but...well, maybe it’s because attics are rare in Japan, but I dunno, it’s kind of cool,” she said shyly, fiddling with the hem of her shirt. “I think it’s cozy.”
Adam raised an eyebrow in amusement, but nodded. “Sure, if you’re alright with it. Lucky for you it’s not as beastly as it was yesterday...”
“Well, if it’s too hot, you’re always welcome to...share my room...” Sio mumbled, tugging at the hem of her shirt. “I don’t mind...”
“Oh love...” Sighing, he scooped her into his arms, Sio squeaking a bit. “It’s alright. I appreciate the offer, but it seems tonight’ll be bearable. Of course, if it does turn out to be too much...I’ll keep it in the back of my mind.”
He winked, and Sio blushed. They slowly ascended to the attic, which was a lot sparser than it already was: most of Adam’s belongings were neatly packed into a standard-issue duffle, alongside a sturdy backpack that presumably held his personal items, with only his uniform for the next day hanging neatly in front of the closet. The bed was, as usual, neatly made, and the only thing out on his desk was the laptop computer.
“Wow, so neat...” Sio couldn’t help but utter as they stepped in, Adam chuckling at her comment. 
“Eh, it’s just my preference. Plus it’s easier to find things when they’re not scattered all over the place,” he glanced at the sniper, who was busy making herself at home on the covers. Not that he demanded she become a neat freak, but certainly, tidiness did not seem to be high on her list of priorities...
“Mm, hard to believe it’s all gonna be over tomorrow...” Sio sighed, suddenly feeling melancholy all over again as she snuggled against Adam’s pillow. “It feels...weird. Like, logically it’s nothing to be sad over, but still...I’ll miss it. I’ll miss...this.”
There were no words, not even when she felt a pair of strong arms encircle her into a warm embrace. It always amazed Sio how she and Adam went from constantly arguing with each other about the smallest details, to now where they could sense each other’s moods and thoughts.
“No one’s saying we can’t continue when we get back, you know.”
“Yeah, that’s true, but I meant more like...this. Y’know, just living together in a cool house, screwing around and playing video games, not having to worry about saving the world—well mostly...”
“Like a family, yeh?”
“...Yeah. Family...” Her fingers gripped his arm and Adam tightened his hold; Sio wished she could burrow herself completely inside him, even though he was already wrapped around her. It was an inexplicable feeling of wanting to literally be one entity with him; to melt and join until she didn’t know where she ended and he began. Nuzzling furiously, she squirmed and wormed her way to what felt like the deepest reaches of his arms—until her head rested firmly against his chest, the sniper curling into a tight ball against his entire body.
Well, that’s new. Adam raised an eyebrow as the girl suddenly began wriggling around, as if she wanted to hide away somewhere... Finally she seemed to be satisfied, snuggled against his chest with her head buried just below the crook of his neck. He couldn’t help but smile to himself as he gently patted her back, the girl seemingly appreciating the soothing gesture.
“...Don’t fret, love. I’m sure this won’t be the last time we experience something like this. Even if it means waiting until the war’s over...that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.”
“Hmm...I want that, too...” The pets along her back were very relaxing, the sniper feeling herself drift off as she listened to his heartbeat. So warm...everything about him made her feel safe and sound, content to just stay like this forever. “Mmm...I wish I could just sleep like this...”
“...Well, if you do want to, we can,” Adam replied quietly, not wanting to disturb her peaceful state. Even though the thought of sharing a bed with her still made him a bit nervous (if only because he was worried about whether or not he could control himself), something told him to not squander what opportunities they had left. “I mean...if you really are comfortable with it, then I don’t mind. After all, it is our last night here; might as well make the most of it.”
That woke the sniper out of her nap. “E-Eh?? R, Really...? I-I mean I didn’t mean anything serious by it; just, um, that...” But that wasn’t really true, was it? “Well...I, I’m sorry for imposing on you all of a sudden...but if you, you’re okay...th, then, I’d...I’d like to.” Then, as if finally realizing what she said, the sniper turned beet red and dove back into his chest again, Adam laughing all the while.
“Sure. Then, if you don’t mind letting go for just a couple of minutes so I can set the bed up properly...” He cleared his throat slightly and Sio unwound her arms with a nervous laugh. “Don’t worry; when we’re all settled in for night, you’re welcome to use me as a body pillow.”
The sniper blushed and hugged a regular pillow as she stood to the side, while Adam spread out additional blankets and smoothed out the sheets.
“Alright, you’re welcome back on now.” Adam patted the blankets and Sio shyly scooted underneath, still flushing pink as she realized they were about to spend their first night.
‘Calm down Sio, and get your mind out of the gutter! We’re just going to sleep like regular people, not do like, like...that...’ Indeed, if anything it seemed like Adam was quite calm about the whole situation, now leaning back against the pillows with what appeared to be a novel in his hands. Now she felt silly, as if she should have prepared something to wind down for the night as well. Unfortunately, Sio did not have the foresight to bring any books or whatnot, and so could only pull the covers up to her chin and lie there stiffly, wondering if it would be rude to ask Adam to turn off the lights too early.
Is she uncomfortable? Adam spared a side glance towards the girl, who was currently lying next to him as if she were in a coffin rather than his bed. Holding his novel closer to his face, he pretended to be engrossed in a particular line, instead of trying to cover his blush. Even though he suggested it, just knowing they were about to actually sleep—in the same bed—caused his heart to race, though he was better about not showing it compared to Sio.
‘Do something, you idiot! No doubt she’s feeling awkward about all this, and you’re just off doing your own thing.’
“Um, Sio? Are you comfortable enough? I can grab some more pillows or another cover if you’re cold?” He reached over and offered the girl an extra pillow, but she only shook her head, eyes averting his gaze as she pulled the blanket up even higher until just reached her nose.
“N, No...I’m okay, Adam.”
“Well, alright...just, let me know if you need anything, yeh?”
The painful silence continued for a while longer, Adam attempting to read a few more pages of his book while Sio laid there, eyes staring at the ceiling even though she was quite tired.
“...Actually, Adam?”
“Yes, Sio?”
“...Do you mind turning off the light? I know you want to read, so I’m sorry—but it’s kinda hard for me to sleep when the lamp is on...”
Adam mentally slapped himself for being so insensitive. “Apologies; I should have thought about it or at least asked you. You must be right knackered, and you’re right—we should get some actual sleep.” Before Sio could say anything else he clicked it off, and Sio heard the sound of rustling fabric as he slid underneath the blanket.
“S-Sorry about that...I didn’t want to interrupt your book...”
“Nah; it’s not that important, I just like to wind down a bit before going to sleep. I’m sorry, next time I’ll read outside so I don’t disturb you.”
Next time? Sio’s heart gave a flutter as Adam casually mentioned it, though she tried not to read too much into it. ‘I highly doubt Command’s gonna like it if we keep sneaking into each others’ rooms when we get back...’
“...Thank you, Adam. I appreciate it...” Even under the cover of darkness, the sniper couldn’t help but be self-conscious about her blushing cheeks.
“You’re welcome, Sio. Well...good night, then. But don’t hesitate to wake me if you need something; I left the window open a crack for some air, but if you find it too drafty, go ahead and close it.”
“Mnm-hm. O-Oyasumi, Adam.”
Adam seemed to be taking all this in stride, as Sio heard his breathing slowly even out until she was sure he was asleep—or close to it, anyway. Alas for the sniper, while Adam preferred mundane activities such as reading to relax before bedtime, her own method was...a bit more, involved, so to speak. Especially as the object of her desires was literally lying right next to her, and although they weren’t touching he was close enough for to feel the heat that seemed to be emanating off of him. To Sio’s immense embarrassment, there was another part of her body that was heating up rapidly, as all sorts of kinky ideas started popping around her mind.
‘No, I can’t do that...! That’d be so wrong...masturbating while I’m sharing a bed with him...not to mention rude, to boot!’ Still, even as she tried to convince herself, another part of her brain was already casually thinking of ways to keep her little self-care activity on the down-low. 
‘Maybe if I’m really quiet, and just go slowly he won’t notice...ah stop it Sio, you perv! What the heck are you thinking...!’ But the more she tried to squash those feelings, the stronger they bubbled up; before she knew it, a hand was already wedged between her legs, and with a few strokes the sniper resigned herself to obeying her hormones. ‘Jeeze...and they say guys are the ones who are totally horny all the time...I’m starting to think that’s not actually the case...’
Still, the sniper had enough sense to try and keep her movements to a minimum. The hardest part would be keeping quiet; most of the time she could swallow her moans or muffle them pretty well, but if she managed to hit a particularly sensitive spot... She forced her fingers to go slowly, keeping her legs shut instead of spreading them wide as she preferred. The pleasure didn’t build as quickly as it usually did, but soon enough she felt her panties becoming damp, and gingerly she slipped a finger inside to stroke her swollen clit. A moan surged forth but Sio managed to clamp her mouth shut just in time, instead breathing hard as the same finger rubbed back and forth, teasing her slick nub. A wild sort of thrill started running through her, replacing the fear she felt minutes earlier. ‘Maybe I really am some kind of pervert...getting all excited like this, masturbating in secret while trying not to get discovered...’
Next to her, Adam’s breathing remained even and relaxed. For one second Sio wondered what would happen if she woke him up and asked him to touch her, but quickly shot it down. ‘N-No, I can’t...he’d probably be disgusted, or get upset about being woken up...’ She got herself into this situation, so it was up to her to resolve it. Despite the restraints, Sio could feel herself edging ever closer; her insides were tightening up as she touched her clit, even sliding a finger in to let her walls convulse around something other than emptiness. As a precaution, she put one hand over her mouth, just in case. Sweat caused her t-shirt to cling to her body, Sio wishing she could fling the covers back, but that would wake Adam up for sure.
‘A-Almost, there...I can’t believe, I-I’m, actually gonna cum like this...!’
She gasped silently for air, breathing in great gulps to prevent herself from crying out. Now lying on her back, legs spread as much as she could without bumping into him while she fingered her slick hole, feeling the slippery juices run down her thighs as her thumb tweaked her sensitive clit that was about to send her straight over the edge...just a little more, another couple of tight circles and she could feel the sparks of pleasure as her body started twitching...
“...! Mnnmph...!” In an instant Sio felt her body pulling tight, her inner walls clenching down on her finger as she breathed hard into her pillow while she trembled. Hot liquid gushed out around her hand, her insides pulsing as the orgasm made its way through her entire body. 
She lay there, letting her body calm down from the high while she strained to hear Adam’s breath. It still sounded the same, though who could actually say? Sio decided to not think about it too much and just feign ignorance. Like they say, out of sight, out of mind, right?
Unfortunately, in her post-orgasm haze, she forgot to be careful about spreading her limbs out and accidentally kicked him in the shins.
“Wha th—Sio? Is everything alright?”
“A-Ah, A-Adam I’m so sorry—” Mortified, she immediately pulled her hands out of her panties and desperately tried to wipe them on her pillowcase. ‘Eww, gross...!’
“‘S fine, it kind of comes with the territory...” Adam’s voice certainly sounded as if he’d been asleep, though Sio thought she detected some odd tremble or other. “Anyway...you alright?”
“Y, Yeah...sorry, I hope I didn’t hurt you...”
“No, you just...startled me.”
At least, that was putting it mildly. What Sio didn’t know was that Adam had most definitely not been asleep—not fully, anyway. Adam had always been a light sleeper, and now with the addition of his training as an e-gene holder, his senses were sharper than ever. So when he heard the sheets start rustling (very slightly), he thought nothing of it—until he realized there was a rhythmic pattern to it. At first he tried to ignore it; he was just imagining things, there was no way the sniper could ever think to do something as risqué as...touching herself, while they were sharing the same bed, could she? But the more he tried to will himself into sleep, the more he seemed to be able to hear; admittedly the sniper had done a good job in being subtle, and probably to anybody else it wouldn’t have seemed suspicious at all. But Adam was no ordinary human, and as he adjusted to the night sounds, he realized not only was she moving rhythmically, but there was a very slight ‘moist’ sound, along with a sudden deep breath every so often...
Oh yeah. Sio had definitely been masturbating.
As soon as that realization hit, Adam felt himself get very hot...and to his horror, his own erection started perking up. Cursing at his hormones, he had debated on whether he should pretend to snort or something to get her to stop, or just lie there in a sweet torture; hearing his girlfriend discreetly pleasure herself but unable to do anything himself.
Well, mostly anything. At the time, Adam’s reasoning was ‘well if she’s doing it then so can I’, but when he found his hands stroking himself, it took every ounce of self-control to not just turn over and touch her right there and then. So both of them just lay there, each pretending to hide their lust from the other while simultaneously wishing they could just touch each other instead. And now he was left with a rather painful hard-on, while Sio managed to somehow finish herself off.
“Well, sorry about that...good night...” Sio ducked her head underneath, sighing with relief. Luckily it seemed like Adam didn’t notice...though this whole deal made her realize that even something as normal as sleeping was drastically different when you were sharing a bed with someone else. 
Just as Adam was debating about resuming his own activity, a pair of hands subtly slid around his waist, causing him to nearly jump out of his skin. ‘Shit, I was the one who said she could cling onto me, too...’
“Mmm...you’re so warm...and comfy...” Behind him, he could feel Sio nuzzling against his back, her slender body nearly wrapped around him like an octopus. Normally, he would’ve welcomed such a gesture, but as it was, it was all he could do to pray and hope her hands wouldn’t touch that one very specific part of his body that was now literally stiff as a bone.
Unfortunately, it seemed Sio possessed a pair of wandering hands, and there was nothing he could do as he felt them gently brush against his torso, before they casually slid down and just brushed the tip of his erection.
He gulped.
Sio, meanwhile, froze the second her hands brush something incredibly hard and hot. ‘Oh crap...is this his...and it’s...!’
Both holders seemed frozen in place as this awkward situation developed. Adam could feel her heartbeat drumming against his back, just as surely she could feel his pulse while being nearly smothered against him. 
‘Well Adam, what have you gotten yourself into now...’
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affectionatealien · 5 years
Your Heart is a Garden
Summary: Habit’s had something on his mind, and tries to do a little gardening to distract himself. It’s a bit obvious though he can’t quite focus on anything else like he wants to.
Warnings: None
A/N: Another fic of my flower protag/ insert and habit! This time it’s long sappy confession junk bc I’ve been dying to write this out ;v; 
Mountain air seemed to be so refreshing in the morning like this. It seeped in through the windows Boris opened while he busied himself in the kitchen, and crept into the living room while I usually tried to prepare to be awake for the day.
 However, it took me awhile of laying on the futon to realize there was no mountain air, or kitchen bustle to wake up to. I hadn't woken up that late had I? No, a glance at the clock assured me it was still early. Still trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes I got up, peeked into Boris's room since he'd left the door open. Not there either. Odd, especially for him. 
I had to catch myself as worry threatened to bubble up- Boris was probably just down in the garden, or, somewhere else in what was left of the habitat. Of course. Besides, it was silly to worry about him not being here just one morning... Perhaps a little time to myself could be a good thing, after all! 
Making breakfast was easy enough with something simple like toast and cereal, and now my mind could wander to what I'd spend the rest of the day doing. Maybe I could watch that one movie I'd been waiting to check out... Ah, no, I wanted to save it for me and Boris to watch. Games? No, I'd already beaten most of what I had and just liked doing two player stuff with Boris when he was in the mood for it. Art? Now that could work... Ever since I'd come to stay here, my inspiration had spiked like I hadn't seen in years. It was refreshing to make something I didn't hate as soon as I was done with it...
Flopping back onto the couch, I fished out the sketchbook that was always hidden away under it or in a crevice somewhere, depending on how tired I was when I stashed it. Opening it, I was met with what I was last working on... A page full of sketches of different blossoms, ones found in the garden me and Boris had been tending to so carefully. Among them, was a single sketch of the tall russian man himself- carefully cutting a rose blossom from a bush. I'd almost forgotten about it, about watching him look so tender and focused and the urge to capture it that was impossible to ignore. And something about it feels so embarrassing and... Alien about it, I close the sketchbook again, any previous ideas gone. Damn.
Perhaps it wasn't a bad idea to go down to the garden anyways. I just needed some fresh air and sunshine maybe, certainly that would clear my head, help me pass the time. And if Boris was down there I could check on him. Maybe even work in the garden with him a little. It'd be much better than being so listless up here. I just had to actually finish getting ready for the day first...
Coming down from the apartment through the boiler room, I found myself in the courtyard, now repurposed into a garden and fully in bloom. It was something Boris had truly put his heart and soul into since he closed the Habitat for good, and it had really shown in even just the past couple of months I'd been here.
 Blossoms of all shapes and colors and sizes made a meandering maze, one I'd learned to navigate by memory at this point. The only hard part would be finding Boris- he was prone to attending to the plants in a somewhat flighty manner, never too still before finding another plant that needed his love and affection (and maybe some fertilizer). 
With that in mind, it was pretty surprising when I found him sitting in one of the nooks formed by a gathering of hydrangea bushes, a single potted flower in his lap. He didn't seem to being so much gardening as he was letting himself get lost in thought. 
"Boris?" I called out, moving carefully past some recently planted bushes. His head snapped up upon hearing his name, and that surpised look lingers a little too long, like he's in a daze. But it quickly disappeared, giving way to a soft smile upon recognizing it was just me. But, there was more to it... The way his smile is just a little too tired for this time of the morning. Almost forlorn...
"Ah! Finn... I didnn't expect you to come down. Did you need som-thing...?" He asked. I shook my head, instead opting to take a seat in the cool grass next to him.
"Just wanted to check on ya. Not used to seeing you down here this early I guess..." I explained. And in the moment I want to tell him how lonely mornings without him feel, but it'd be too much. So instead I lingered, waited for him to say something so I could forget about it.
"I see... Sorry, I didn't mean to worrie you. I just needed some time to think I suppose... The garden seams to be a good place for that." His gaze had returned to the flowering plant in front of him, like looking into it would help him eventually have some grand epiphany about whatever seemed to bother him.
  "Yeah, I get what you mean... And, y'know you can talk to me too. It's what friends are for right?" He didn't answer right away- leaving an uncomfortable pause hanging in the air.
"Yeah... Of course." Even as plainly as he tried to say it, there's still a tinge of pain to it. It wasn't a tone I'd heard from him in awhile, which was particularly worrying. He'd never had issues talking to me about what was on his mind in the past, why start now? Was it me, something I'd done? 
We continued to sit in silence, nerves wracked as I desperately wanted anything else to replace the silence that soured the fresh morning air. Anything that could change the mood, or subject... 
My eye was drawn to what looked like a flower bush Boris had been planning to plant. A hole already dug for it, it just needed to be reburied and whatever other tending it needed. "U-uh... I noticed that bush it looks like you were gonna replant. Did you want any help with that? Or, really, anything else out here? ... Since I'm out here and all!" I asked. Still staring into the flower, he shook his head. 
"I appreciate it, but I think it will be fine for now." He sighed, placing the flower in his lap to the side. "...I'm really not doing anything out heer. I should probably go back inside." Boris stood, dusting his coat off- only to freeze again as my hand darted to the hem of it, like my body was on autopilot. He stared down at me, expression somewhere between startled and anticipation. I had to say something now, I couldn't just let him go without saying anything-
"Boris. Please tell me what's wrong. If it's something I did we can talk about it... You're my friend, I need to know if I messed up, or if I can fix it-" His face furrowed into a pained expression as he continued to stand, frozen, looking like he can't even sort out his own words. This continued until he sighed, resigned, and knelt back into the grass beside me.
"You didn't do anything. I promis. It's just how... Exactly that. You're my closest friend, and it means a lot to b here with you, through everything... But... Is it, ah... Is it wrong to want... More?" He asked. His question brought back plenty of thoughts- almost all of them about how he's always so close, how he lets me sit in his lap when we play games together, or how his comforting hugs never seem to last long enough no matter how long we sit there. The way I'll hope and wish a late night movie marathon will put him to sleep so we have an excuse to wake up the next morning together. But that was just Boris being... Boris isn't it? Of course he'd be close with his first real friend like this. I'm reading into it too much. Even with him, in front of me, staring at me with nothing but longing in his eyes. It was too scary, too exhilarating to think it could be anything else, it had to be. 
"I-I'm sorree. This is selfish. I shouldn't- you shouldn't have to answer that. We can just-" He shifted again to get up, only to freeze when I spoke up.
"Boris... I-It's not. It's okay. Especially when people... Mean so much. But it can be.... scary you know?" He nodded, understandingly. His gaze had lifted from the spot on the ground in front of him, attention on me. 
"Do you think it's worth it? Even if it's scarey?" He asked. Now it was my turn for my stare to wander to the grass beneath me, unsure what the correct answer was. 
"I don't... know, really. Guess you just have to find out sometimes." I said. It wasn't much of an answer, but it was all I had. "Boris... Could I... Kiss you? I want to know." At first he didn't, perhaps couldn't say anything- and slowly, he gave a very deliberate nod. He fumbled across the grass, side to side with me, and even sitting down towered over me. It certainly wasn't intimidating though, not with how he squeezed his eyes shut, leaned forward, tense. Not quite sure what to do with his body. Waiting. I leaned up to him, careful as lips met- god his face was so warm. And for a moment, I'm the only one leaned into the kiss, as he remained still, like he wasn't sure how he felt. Enough to have made me waver too, close to pulling away and apologizing. What a stupid idea. But at the last moment it was like he'd come to life, pressing feverishly into the kiss. And for a moment I know what it feels like to be a flower in bloom, face to face with the sunlight it needs so much.
It was dizzying how fast he went from frozen in place to practically fumbling into my lap, hands grasped over my shoulders, nudging his way further into the kiss. It was nervous, inexperienced, and downright heavenly the way his mouth clumsily pressed into mine. My hands buried into the soft fuzzy collar of his coat as I matched his fevered passion, and it only drove me further on as he whined into the kiss at even the hint of my touch. Time was slow, or maybe just didn't mean anything for the longest time as he melts into the kiss, unsure frozen hands slowly moving to pull me flush against him, a warm embrace so much like all the ones he'd given me before but.... more this time, one that didn't leave me feeling like I was still missing something. 
Boris was the first to break the kiss- his hands didn't move, and he's still staring at me, like the rest of him is still catching up with what was happening. He wasn't quite panting- but he drew these deep, long breaths, clutched to me like I'd fall into nothing if he dared let go. 
"Still... Scar-ed?" He asked. I shook my head and chuckled, which made a warm smile ease onto his face. 
"No.... This is good. It's, uh. Wow. Kinda exhilarating, I think." His smile turned wide at that, showing off that characteristic, cute crooked row of pearly whites of his- and now it was my turn to be the flustery one out of the two of us. 
"Are u shure? Maybie... We should do it again so we're doublie sure..." Boris hinted. It only took a short nod for him to lean back in, hands cupped on either side of my face. He pulled me up, ever so gently into another kiss, but not as pushy or urgent- this time it was deep, slow. He was still a bit hesitant about what to do with his mouth, but god it didn't matter, not with how soft and deliberate he was while I clung to him. Surrounded by the garden we'd poured our hearts into, and now pouring into each other, it almost felt unreal, the only thing that kept me grounded was Boris's thumb stroking gentle circles against my cheek, and every other little sensation of him against me. 
Boris pulled away again, giving a satisfied hum as he did- he looked like he was in as dreamy of a daze as I had been in. His clawed hand pushed a strand of hair from my face ever so carefully, eyes fixated on me. 
"Boris..." I started. A pause. I knew what I wanted to say but it felt stuck in my throat, awkward to say. So instead I opted to bury my face in his coat collar, soaking in his scent, thinking those words again, and again, and again. "... I love you." His arms squeezed around me, tight, warm, unyielding. I felt him rest his head on top of mine, face nuzzled into my hair. 
"Ah, flower..... I lov you, too. I love you a lott..." And I can hear it in his voice- after all the hard work he's poured into making the garden around him flourish and bloom, his heart has done the same, alongside mine. 
His embrace loosened, prompting me to look up at him. That goofy smile of his was still there- for someone who fretted about his teeth so much previously, it was amazing how gorgeous it was. So handsome. So very, well, him. 
And I couldn't help the laughter that bubbles up next, but it didn't matter, not with how it spread so quickly to Boris too, just as relieved and giddy as I was, and perhaps still wandering if this was a dream like I had been. 
"Ah, if onlee you had said somthing sooner... There were som lovelie lillies in bloom I daydreamed about giv-ing you, you knowe." He confessed. I smiled, and patted his arm reassuringly. 
"Oh, Boris- don't worry, they'll have time to bloom again. And I'll be here, still." I promised. And the smile he gave me was perhaps the sweetest I'd ever seen on him.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Notebooks and Post-it's - Chapter 10 - (Branjie) - Thankyoumissvanjie
A/N: Thank you guys so fucking much for the response I received for last chapter. It warmed my heart! And yeah. Strap in. This is a big one.
Everything was pain.
Black spots were appearing in her vision, as she both felt present in her body, while also floating somewhere outside of it.
Everything was pain.
Black spots were appearing in her vision, as she both felt present in her body, while also floating somewhere outside of it.
She could feel the lightning strikes of a sheer agony running up her leg.
But at the same time, she was also being able to admire the whiteness of the bone and how it contrasted so beautifully with the black of the catsuit.
Everything seemed to be moving - the crowd, the stage and everything turning into a blur as all she could see was that bone.
How had that happened?
Brock, please.
He felt phantom touches on his arms, pushing them away.
Baby, come on.
A sudden jostle made him scream in pain. The movement minuscule but enough to send flares of pure torture up his leg.
“Brock, please wake up!”
From one moment to the other he went from screaming on that stage to lying awake in bed, face to face with a worried José.
“Shit Mami, what you dreamin’ bout?”
Gasping and fumbling for the light, Brock didn’t answer him. He squinted against the sudden harsh light as he ripped off the sheet.
His ankle was hurting and then suddenly… it wasn’t.
The erratic beat of his heart filled his ears, making his head hurt.
He knew that José was talking to him, but couldn’t hear him. Couldn’t breathe.
Nothing was wrong.
No bone.
Just a dream.
The sweat was dripping down his chest.
It had felt so real.
“Brock. Baby. You gotta breathe right.” José’s voice was soft yet loud. Brock couldn’t concentrate as he leaned over his legs, grabbing the ankle, swearing that he could still feel the moment the bone had pierced his skin.
“Shit… my foot, my-“ He couldn’t look at him, couldn’t turn around, the memory felt too real. His chest hitching as his mind kept replaying the snap of the break.
It had felt so real.
“Shh. No talkin’ before you able to breathe like the rest of us,” he could sense that José was touching him, but his mind kept replaying the sound.
“But I-“ the black spots were getting bigger. His throat felt tight, and he could feel himself going from feeling tense to experiencing full-on panic.
“Boo. You’re panicking,”
“Shit, Mami, imma need you to look at me.” José’s voice seemed far away, as Brock’s eye were zeroed in on his full functioning and definitely not broken ankle.
“No… I. My… foot-” His lungs were on fire.
He somewhat clinically registered that he would pass out if he didn’t start breathing regularly.
But the bone.
“Hey. You good. Just a dream. Nothin’ real. Yo foot is still smelly and ugly, and your face still cute.” José was trying to speak low, he was trying to seem comforting, but it couldn’t reach him. His eyes were glued to the ankle.
“Fu-” It had been such a long time since he had last had a panic attack. He needed to get this under control. He needed to just breathe.
“Bitch, what did I just say ‘bout speaking before yo breathing?” He could feel him moving on the bed, while also noting the alarmed tone that had appeared in his voice.
“Stop. Brock. Look me at me.” Suddenly his face was turned and he looked into José’s eyes. The deep brown eyes that were the definition of home and comfort.
“Breathe. Can you do that for me, baby?” He tried to take a deep breath but it only sent him into a coughing fit.
José was breathing in deeply, exaggerating for Brock’s sake.
“Good. You just be followin’ me. Easy peasy, just in and out. You got this.”
For minutes they sat there on the bed.
Faces inches apart as Brock tried to copy his breathing pattern. Trying to make his lungs realise that the air wasn’t the enemy. That breathing was a good thing.
José eyes shone with worry. He had never seen Brock like this. So out of it.
As he got his breath under control, he could feel his skin prickle from the intimacy of what had just happened. He felt exposed.
It made him pull back from José. Made him avoid eye contact.
What the fuck was he doing?
“Yeah, wow. Sorry.” He quickly got up from the bed, avoiding him, avoiding whatever had just happened. He felt a phantom pain in his ankle and wanted to scream.
Just a dream. Nothing more.
“You wanna tell me what the hell that was all ‘bout?” The care and worry in his voice made him want to cry.
If he closed his eyes he could make himself believe that this was more than just fucking.
That what they were doing was the beginning of a restart to their relationship and not just a mistake that kept on happening.
“I need a drink,” This was all getting too real. He could feel his frail heart already getting cracks. The glue and tape he had used to repair it after last time slowly dissolving.
“Brock,” He was crawling over the bed, trying to reach for his hand.
“I am getting a drink”
He walked out of the bedroom to find the rest of the wine, using it as an excuse to also get a single moment alone.
He knew that he was giving mixed signals, knew that José was probably sitting on the bed confused.
But fuck, he couldn’t take the idea of getting comforted by him, knowing that it was only temporary.
Knowing that the moment this tour was over he would go back to L.A. and Brock would…
Go somewhere else.
Finding the wine, forgotten on a table, he quickly downed both glasses. Feeling more centred after tasting the perfect mixture of sweetness and acidity on his tongue.
“Now really-“ the loud voice from the bedroom pulled him out of his musing.
“José, I do not want to talk about this,”
Pouring one more glass, Brock could feel all of his walls getting back in place, his armour covering him like a second skin.
He needed to protect himself.
Or stop this.
Either one.
Taking a deep breath, relishing the fact that the air didn’t get caught somewhere between his throat and lungs, he walked back into the bedroom.
“Well that’s too bad Brookie poo, cause I ain’t asking, I’m telling. So you best sit that lovely lil ass down and start splaining. What happened?”
The worry was etched into every corner of his face, the slant of his brows and the downward turn of his mouth giving the illusion that he cared more about Brock than him just being a good lay.
José must have gotten better at his acting since the season had ended.
“You can leave if you want,” Brock was tired. His body felt like it had run a marathon while his mind was going in circles, spiralling out of control as the horror of the dream mixed with the sweet torture of what he was doing to himself.
Casual sex with the ex that you still love? In what fucking universe was that ever going to work out.
“Shuddup! I ain’t leaving, so get talking.” Sitting down on the edge of the bed, he had his back turned toward him. He couldn’t look at him and see that worry.
It hurt too much.
“My foot. I-I.. broke my foot.” It was a nightmare that he had suffered through countless of times, breaking a limb one of the biggest fears of a ballet dancer. But it had been years since he had last had it.
“No, in the dream. I broke my foot. In the dream. During a performance.” he could still hear it.
Could still see the shock in Vanjie’s eyes as he fell.
“Babe… it wasn’t real,” A hand was tentatively running up and down his back. Brock hated how his body betrayed him, as he felt himself relax under the touch.
“But what if it had been?”
“That stupid, cause it ain’t, no use in thinking about it, Boo… put down the wine and come back to bed.” The bed rustled lightly, as a small kiss was placed on his shoulder.
And then one more. And more.
“Fuck. I-I….” he could feel all his defences falling away. He could deal with the utter feeling of despair tomorrow. Tonight he could bury himself in José and hide away from the reality of what they were doing. Placing the glass on the side table he moved to turn around.
“Brock, I get it, I get all of this.” All the effort that had been put into making him relax flew out the window, as his shoulders tensed.
“Shut up, you don’t fucking know shit-“ he moved away from the bed, standing up so he could look him in the eye.
“Stop.” It was amazing how one word could have such an effect. José looked him calmly in the eye, his face displaying too many emotions for Brock to decipher. “I get it, Mami. You think my ADD ass don’t get panicky too?”
Of course.
“I… shit. Sorry, I’m all over the place,” all the anger left him, his shoulders dropping as he realised how stupid all of this was.
“Don’t go all Canadian on me, bitch. You remembered your meds?”
All he could do was nod. His whole body felt heavy. The dream, the panic attack and even this conversation were catching up with him.
“Good. Wanna came back to bed. You look dead on your feet, Mami.”
Slowly he got back into bed. José turning off the light and draping himself all over him.
It should have felt comforting.
His presence should have shut up the voices in Brock’s head.
Instead, it just reinforced how much he missed this.
Jason has been a champ. Leaving them alone for a whole day, even though José knew that he wanted to drag them outside.
The weather was, for once, amazing in England, and they should enjoy it while they could.
Jason had been a Good Judy and left them alone to fuck each other into oblivion.
But even the best of Judy’s had a limit.
So you guys ready to actually go and get something to eat or are you still “catching” up? - J
Shut. Up. Jason. B don’t kno u kno. So be cool - V
He had left Brock in his room, needing some new clothes and a shower, and just a moment to go through the night on his own.
The sex had left him slightly raw, the intensity and emotion had been amazing and terrifying.
They were so good together… physically.
There were so much trust, so much love and so much care… and yet.
The moment you involved feelings and the mere idea of commitment, it would all crumble. Something happened to both of them when they were asked to deal with the idea of being monogamous.
It made Brock run away and hide, while José instead started having unreasonable expectations of his boyfriend being the personification of a Nicholas Sparks novel.
It was why they had broken up.
But the sex though…
The sex was out of this world, it had been then and it was now.
There were still feelings. Still a whole lotta love.
Yeah. But you best be silent and say nothin’… he ain’t looking good today. - V
He didn’t. When José had left the room he had looked lost and tired in a way that he never had before.
The nightmare had really shaken him.
To be honest, it had also scared José. Waking up to Brock’s scream had been terrifying, and it had taken every ounce of self-control to not go into full panic mode.
But he had managed.
He had wanted to talk it through with him this morning, but Brock has withdrawn from him, almost cheering with relief when Jason had written, as it seemed to give him the perfect excuse to kick out José.
His phone chimed, bringing him out of his thought spiral.
Miss Vanjivanjie! Move your ass, we’re waiting for you! - J
Putting on his cap, he grabbed his fanny pack and walked out of the room.
Time to be social.
It had been a long day.
They were their usual messy Branjie idiots.
Shopping, doing Instagram lives and eating amazing food.
The weather was ridiculously hot, and they were all soaked with sweat.
That didn’t stop them from going to a club.
Didn’t stop José from dancing all night long.
Didn’t stop him from cosying up with every guy in the club.
He could feel his eyes on him. The way they were tracing every inch of his body.
He could just imagine him sitting in the corner with his beer and scowling, probably not even participating in the conversation that Jason was trying to have with him.
He knew this game.
Had played it multiple times.
Smirking, he leaned closer to the tall blonde man in front of him. Seductively touching his bare chest, licking his lips suggestively.
He could almost feel the anger from across the room.
He was cute. But José had no intention of going home with him.
It wasn’t about the trade looking hopefully at him but instead about the scowling blonde sitting in the corner.
He wanted to go home with that idiot.
His idiot.
“So… you wanna get out of here?” Those words would normally have made him shiver in anticipation, but the prospect of going home with the angry Canadian was way more enticing than this hopeful hunk of a man.
“Nah, bitch. I’m just waitin’ for this fine ‘tender to give me ma drink. Hoes gotta stay hydrated, ya know,” he kept on touching him, though. He needed the illusion, as it would turn Brock into a green-eyed monster that would give him exactly what he needed.
A jealous Brock had always been his favourite.
“You sure?” He looked pointedly as the hand still caressing his chest, indicating that he was giving him very mixed signals.
“Oh yeah babe, I got my eyes on the prize tonight, and Mary, we ain’t leaving ‘till I’ve got it. You see that tall blonde scowling at us? Wearing a dumbass t-shirt and ridiculous shorts?” He leaned closer still, whispering in his ear, knowing how it would look from Brock’s perspective, feeling giddy with the anticipation of the night to come.
“He my stupid idiot ex.”
“No, really?”
“Yup and imma need yo assti-asssisi… your help to make sure that he gon give me that good dick tonight,”
“I don’t think you need help, he looks ready to kill me,”
“Trust me, baby… You gon be important in helping me get what I want. Best believe. So you in?”
“You’re hot… so, why not?”
“That’s the spirit, mama!”
He was dancing. Though dry humping was probably a more apt description of what was going on.
He had lost the blonde trade a while ago, changing partners with every number, knowing that his moves were luring everybody in and not caring.
He didn’t want them.
New hands gripped his hips, and he followed them, ready to use the newcomer to accomplish his plan.
“I know what you’re doing,” the whisper sent a shiver through his body. He knew that voice well.
It was dripping with promises of long nights and pleasurable pain.
He leaned back against the arms that were circling him, slowly moving to the rhythm, wanting to turn around, but knew that the right grip would stop any attempt.
It wasn’t a part of their game.
“Oh really, Mami. And what’s that,” grinding back into Brock, feeling his arousal, grinning because that meant that he had won.
“You’re misbehaving,” one hand went underneath his barely-there tank top, and it took every ounce of self-control that José had in him, not to turn into a puddle of want on the dance floor.
He could feel the power and jealousy that was rolling of the blond. He knew he was in for a night.
“And so if I am?” He was happy that the music was loud, otherwise, the whole club would have been able to hear his whiny moans.
“Well,” the world was whispered right next to his ear, the warmth of his breath, adding to the need that José felt all over, “I guess I’ll have to punish you, then.”
His teeth softly grazed his ear, making a broken moan escape José’s lips, his eyes closing and body shivering in anticipation…
He was ready to turn around, get on his knees and just suck him off right then and there. Not a single care about the people in the club.
He loved it when Brooke got like this. When he was exuding dominance.
“What are you gonna do, boo?” The arms around him tightened for a second and then they were gone.
The loss of touch happened so quickly that it took José a moment to gather his wits and turn around, preparing himself to meet the steely gaze of a jealous Brock.
Instead, what he found was a crowd of dancing club goers.
Brock not anywhere in sight.
He had left.
That. Fucker.
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