#like genuinely obscene levels of time demanded from you to sit down and beat her
beyondtheciouds · 4 years
The sun was setting on the third day Tessa was missing. There had been no witnesses and no evidence of any foul play. Nothing to do but search and wait. Will had sent messages to every Warlock he could count on.
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The room was cold, dimly lit and dusty. It had been too long since Lucie had been up here. Shadows played upon the stone walls and angeled themselves against the hanging weaponry into the the tight corners of the cathedral ceiling.
Lucie kept looking over her shoulder for a bony set of hands reaching out for her. She was worried, as everyone was.
"On the outside, you need to be pulled together. Calm. Collected. But, Lucie darling, on the inside you can crumble. Rhwygwch eich hun ar wahân. Rhwygwch eich hun yn ddarnau, ond cofiwch galon annwyl; dewrder."
The ghost of Linette Herondale smiled faintly as she pointed to the place where her heart used to beat. "Real courage is keeping your secrets."
Lucie shivered at the sound of the voice she could hardly recall from her childhood. She sucked in a breath, goosebumps coating her skin even through the thick wool of her knitted sweater. Bright yellow and itchy as heck; made by Bridget as a get-well gift.
She wished her brother hadn't made her wear it, but she couldn't get into her dresses. Cordelia had paired with a hideously long, dark navy skirt that likely mimicked Lucie's brooding mood.
Cordelia sat on the floor, wiping down Cortana with quiet care. She was humming, content, and Lucie noted she wore Linette's diamond on her ring finger.
Lucie looked away, jealousy creeping around the corner. She wasn't entirely swept out to sea. She knew what they were all hiding; her mother was kidnapped and they had been sentenced to baby-sit the injured girl.
Lucie had a very educated guess on who had taken her mother like a theif in the night. Logic was not obvious in the kidnapper himself, but he was cunning with his reasoning.
Lucie was convinced Belial was brains.
She only knew because the dream was real.
Lucie, exhausted, sighed, her eyes dazed. She needed to find out more of Belial's plan. It was easy to be ignorant of the details and Lucie had noted Tatiana hadn't even looked at the dismembered body. That to Lucie seemed odd and worth a second thought.
Grace. Grace would know.
Matthew glanced at Lucie as though he could tell what she was thinking. These days they seemed to be on the same page.
She had suspected he was worried and his demeanor seemed uncertain all day. Bags lined up under his green eyes, dull with a deep tiredness. Despite his crisp and clean clothes, he looked like he hadn't slept in days.
When Lucie had awoken, confused and scared, his had been the first face she saw. He had smiled and kissed her forehead. When he exhaled his genuine relief, her heart melted. Now, as she thoughts of Jesse crept into her heart, guilt tugged at her. The pain burned like a gnawing rat. The guilt had her thinking maybe she owed Matthew an explanation.
Lucie was momentarily distracted by the tug of reality, a heavy throbbing in her side. She swore she felt blood pulsating through the thick threshold of the bandages as a wave of nausea crashed into her. "My secrets get me in trouble, Nain."
Linette patted Lucie's arm like she might have in life; a grandmotherly gesture that had been meant to comfort. The feeling sent bubbles of ice courting Lucie's veins and a flutter in her belly. "Lucie, your secrets are what makes you special."
With her mouth drawn into a thin line, Lucie scowled, turning her eyes on her brother in an attempt to dissuade further conversations. She watched quietly how easily James's feet moved; choreographed to Matthew's own movement. It hadn't taken Lucie long before she realized she was sitting in a scene she could not be a part of and had been all afternoon. Now she understood why James insisted.
Matthew was staring at her and so was James.
They were worried about her.
The thoughts troubled her; knowing at this moment she should be rounding Grace up. Right now, Lucie should be searching and demanding the truth but instead she was stuck in the training room being babysat.
Lucie couldn't deny that she felt hurt to be treated like an invalid. In her heart she knew that she needed to strengthen her body and mind. But still. She was weak. Her blue eyes were heavy as they watched the boys do the dance of death with their daggers.
Suddenly breathless, she wanted to sleep. Disappear for awhile.
It had been almost two days since she awoke and two full days since her mother vanished. Today she felt alright enough to stand without getting dizzy or sick to her stomach. James had encouraged her to watch him and Matthew spar in the training room during their session in the afternoon since she felt better. Getting out of bed would do her well.
Lucie reluctantly agreed to keep the pestering of her brother at bay.
James had thought it would be a good idea to get her mind off Jesse, their mother and her wound that was just starting to heal. There was another thing James hoped his sister hadn't yet noticed and wouldn't for quite some time.
James decided in his heart he would love it, because it was a complication as much as a miracle.
Uncle Jem had told Will in confidence the condition of Lucie once he returned to the Institute.
James had overhead and saw Will crying. He knew he couldn't tell Matthew yet. Especially not since Lucie hadn't figured it out.
James wasn't blind to their new connection. He could only speculate something huge occurred between them since Matthew was so tight lipped. He had seen the discouraged and angry looks on Matthew's face everytime Jesse's name was said.
James had also witnessed the quiet and desperate look in his eyes as Matthew held Lucie's hand when she was sound asleep.
James knew his sister remained oblivious to Matthew's want to possess her as his wife. He silently applauded Matthew's efforts. He knew his parabatai had tried to ignore the fact that Lucie was calling for another boy instead him. Although Matthew was clearly upset, he continued to tend to Lucie day and night.
Today he had carried her up four sets of stairs just to prove to Lucie that he could.
Lucie was told she had asked for Jesse every moment she was conscious. Now all she wanted to do was try to remember because she was tired of forgetting. "Why can't I remember?"
The ghost's mouth curled to the side, an invisible hand lovingly crafting onto Lucie's shoulder. "Don't fret dear heart, you will remember."
Lucie sighed disappointed with herself. Her blue eyes were shrouded by her lashes and she turned away from James. Contemplating her next move, she stared wistfully out the only window in the room. From this level in the Institute she could just see the quiet roof tops of the other buildings. No birds. Just pure white snow and a periwinkle sky. Lucie longed to be out in the frozen air. "I highly doubt that."
Her tone teased sarcasm and her mood darkened as her grandmother shifted to a protective posture. Lucie arched her mousey eyebrows and bit her lip. Her eyes were still focused on the glaring snow reflecting off the glass.
James threw both of his daggers; they sailed through the air like a pair of lethal weapons. Matthew was unprepared, still gazing at Lucie with a fixation James found spineless. With the blinding of an eye, Matthew had suddenly channeled his cat-like reflexes; honed by years of training.
Matthew jumped and somersaulted into the air as the daggers soared beneath him. He landed on his feet with a thud that drew Lucie's attention.
James groaned and threw two more daggers. The weapons flew over Matthew's head as he ducked, expertly avoiding decapitation. All four black-handled blades landed in the red center of the target on the the wall.
Matthew grinned, bowing. Even in despair he was ever the actor. Linette and James clapped as Matthew strode over towards Lucie.
Lucie frowned as her brother's eyebrows knit together as he stood in front of Lucie. No doubt, he had seen the ghost standing beside his sister. His gold eyes were focused on the ghost of their grandmother. "Nain Herondale?"
Linette turned towards her grandson with fringed interest. "My, my. You my boy look like my William more every day."
James frowned. He didn't trust his grandmother's spirit. His gut told him something was wrong. "What are you doing here?"
Linette smirked; a suspicious smile that showed her broken bottom teeth as her gaze looked past her grandson, ignoring him once more. "Byddwch yn ofalus yr hyn yr ydych yn dymuno amdano."
She spoke to quickly for Lucie to be sure that her words held an unforgiving weight. "That one. He's one of your secrets."
Lucie blanched.
Linette laughed, a jarring sound. "A secret that will soon be exposed as expected."
Lucie scowled, glancing at Linette. "Speaking in rhyme, now Nain?"
Linette grinned broadly. "Fe welwch gariad."
Lucie stayed quiet, not trusting her mouth. Her lips stayed clamped together even though she wanted desperately to scream Welsh obscenities. Hastily, her shaking hands pulled the blanket up, over her lap.
Lucie shivered as Linette's transparent fingers tapped the edge of her collar bone.
The apparition said nothing else, only stood gravely silent at Lucie's side, her blue eyes set on the Fairchild boy.
Will Herondale was tired. He raised his fists, cursing the angels above, his head in his hands and his heart on his sleeve. He coughed, choosing to choke on a new reality.
Lucie would be a mother and Tessa might be dead.
Tears burned in his eyes as he thought the unsettling words: Is this what you want? Giving me more than I can chew? Are you hoping Raziel, that I wil finally renounce? First my daughter. Now my wife. Who's next? James? Then the maid?
He had spent the last two nights frantically searching the streets of London for his wife instead of tending to his injured and pregnant daughter.
The locals in the bars and pubs believed him to be unlucky and insane.
Now, he sat at his desk as the sun set and Bridget prepared dinner as normal downstairs. He couldn't bring himself to see Lucie or James. He couldn't face them knowing he was crumbling.
Nothing was normal, he thought bitterly. Not even for Shadowhunters.
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body say ↬ tommy shelby x reader
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A/N: really hope you guys like this imagine. i wrote it all in just a little over two hours. not a song fic, but loosely based off of demi lovato’s song “body say”. hope you enjoy :) (gif isn’t mine) Warnings: sexual content, conversations of sex (no serious smut, still quite risque, though). Word Count: 2.7k+
Tommy Shelby was a man who loved to be in charge. He was dominant, demanding, and controlling. Those surface traits are what made him feared by all in Small Heath, Birmingham, and even those outside of it. He was notorious, in the worst definitions of the word. But the truth is, not even I could control the man that was Tommy Shelby.
Not yet.
If I had it my way, I’d take control. I’d let him know what was on my mind, what I wanted, and when I wanted it. I’d assert my dominance for a change, I’d be the one in charge. But I hadn’t brought myself to do it. I hadn’t brought myself to the point where I could give him a command without fear of retaliation. He always told me what to do: when to strip, faster, slower... and I wanted it to change. I wanted to make him watch me change, yet never be able to touch me.
Every woman has a deep, dark fantasy buried inside of her. No matter what it is and what nature it is of, it will claw it’s way to her surface eventually and make itself known. It will roar loudly, so loudly that it will shake the ground. 
Little did my husband know, that urge was rising like the tide on a stormy day, and there was nothing that could be done to stop it. 
Watching him mingle with the rest of the Blinders always brought a smile to my face. They cracked ridiculous jokes and make each other laugh, no matter how angry the other was. They were family, blood or not. The strongest gang with the strongest bond. 
Strongest bond, I chuckled to myself, I’d like to tie Tommy up with the strongest bonds and- 
I cut myself off, shaking my head in an attempt to get the obscene thoughts out of my head. They’d been surfacing like goosebumps, constantly covering my mind. It was scary, in all honesty. I was afraid that one of these days, my desire would be voiced involuntarily or by accident. The truth is, I’m at the edge. I’m about to break. It wasn’t safe for me to even open my mouth, or some obscene thought would try to slip out and I would have to cover it up with a cough of some sort. My sexual desire wasn’t fulfilled, hell, I hadn’t been fulfilled in what had seemed to be closing in on a month. Tommy had been so busy, coming home late and just having quick, genuine conversations with me. I wasn’t angry at him, nor did I suspect him of cheating. I was just.... frustrated. 
The event was just beginning, which made me sigh. I couldn’t wait to slip out of this pale blue floor-length dress, and the red lace that was underneath it. Just in case Tommy was in the mood, I had to be prepared. Besides, I looked good as hell in the little red one piece, and I paid a little too much for it.
I swirled my glass of whiskey in my hand, sitting at the bar. Music was blasting, people were dancing, it was a jolly good time. I wanted nothing more than to get out on that dance floor and dance with my husband, but at this point, that close proximity to him would push me off the edge to a dangerous place. I had seen Tommy floating around, greeting the people who attended the event. Our eyes had met a few times, crossing paths and saying unspoken words. It’s so funny, how you can read a person’s eyes and know exactly what they are saying without them saying a word. Tommy and I had that extreme level of communication under our belts, and it came in handy quite often. However, I could not bring myself to silently tell him what I wanted. There was no way that I could pull him away from an event that he was hosting. 
A tap on my shoulder pulled me out of the dark corners of my mind. I turned to see Michael Gray looking at me with a funny expression on his face. “You still with us, Y/N?” he questioned, slight concern in his voice.
I nodded. “Yeah, yeah. I’m fine, just a little tired is all.” It wasn’t exactly a lie, I were just tired of being bossed around in the bedroom. It was petty and quite frankly, ridiculous to be carrying this problem around with me, as it was visibly affecting my mood.
“Would you like to dance?” Michael asked, offering his hand. I set my whiskey down on the bar, taking Michael’s hand and gathering up my dress with my free one so that I wouldn’t trip over it. 
He stopped at a small space on the overly crowded dance floor. Jazz music played in the background, and the two of us took frame, bouncing in time to the beat. “You seem stressed.” he noticed.
I shrugged my shoulders. “A little. Tommy’s just been busy and I haven’t had a lot of time with him.” I kept the explanation short and sweet, hoping Michael would just move on from it, but a mischievous glint formed in his eyes.
“So you’re horny, eh?” his eyebrow raised and there was a teasing note in his voice, and I shoved his shoulder with a scoff.
“No need to proclaim it to the world, Michael.” I scolded, half-joking. 
He chuckled. “Have you proclaimed it to Tommy?” 
I shook my head, looking down a little bit. “No, I don’t want to bother him. He’s busy.” 
It was Michael’s turn to scoff. “You tryin’ to tell me that Tommy’s gonna turn down a fuck?” He began to laugh, and I did, too.
“No,” I started, once my laughter began to subside, “I just... I don’t know, Michael. It’s complicated.” 
“How complicated can it be? You’re married, you’re horny, just ask the man and you shall receive.” he stated, and I shook my head.
“That’s the problem.” 
Those three words slipped out before I could stop them, and I felt my face begin to heat up. The action went noticed by Michael, who just studied you for a few seconds. “What is it, Y/N?” he asked, even though he knew he wouldn’t get an answer.
But my bashful silence was answer enough. “Oh my Lord,” he began laughing loudly, almost so loudly you could hear it over the roaring music, “you want to dom-”
I slapped his shoulder harshly, hoping he would lower his voice. He did, but he still laughed. “You want to dominate Tommy Shelby?” 
“I’m his wife.” I defended. “Is it so wrong?”
Michael shook his head. “No, it’s not wrong. But it’s Tommy fuckin’ Shelby. He’s probably not gonna let that go down easy.” 
I stayed silent, replaying Michael’s words in my head. He’s Tommy fucking Shelby, he’s probably not gonna let that go down easy.
It was like a light bulb went off over my head. “You’re right, Michael.” 
“About what?” 
“He may be Thomas fucking Shelby,” I stopped, a smirk growing on my face, “but I’m Y/N fucking Shelby. And if anybody’s gonna get that man down on his knees, it’s gonna be me.” 
My words came out with passion, determination, and had a hint of domination in them. I had a point, after all. If I wanted Tommy so bad, I was going to take him. My way. And I knew just how to do it.
The song ended, and I thanked Michael for the dance. He sent me a joking wink and a growl of encouragement after it was over, letting me know that he was rooting for me. It made me laugh as I turned away and headed back towards my seat at the bar.
Little did I know, Tommy had seen my whole encounter with Michael. And he didn’t like it, not one bit. The green rage monster we often refer to as jealousy had sprung up from his depths, ready to fight. More accurately, to claim what was his.
But the rage monster that belonged to my husband was going to have to face the tiger that belong to me. A fair fight, but one that I had already won.
After sitting at the bar for a half an hour, I felt a hand press against the small of my back, which caused me to instantly straighten up. “’s just me, love.” Tommy’s voice greeted me, and it simultaneously calmed me and sent a shock wave down to my core. The hardest battles never were won easily. 
“How’s the party going, dear? Are the guests enjoying themselves?” I asked, watching Tommy take a sip of his whiskey. 
He nodded. “They are. Including Michael, who I saw dancing with you earlier.”
Ah, there it was. The jealous monster, the monster that was the first key to torturing Tommy. 
“You two were having quite the laugh, weren’t you, love?” Tommy’s voice changed tones, from normal to almost threatening. 
“We were.” I smiled as I remembered the conversation I had with Tommy’s cousin. 
“You know, it’s been a while since I’ve made you laugh. It hurt to see another man do that to ya.” Tommy began, setting his whiskey glass down at the bar. He took a seat on the stool next to me, leaning so close to me that I could feel the warmth of his breath. “You know what else it’s been a while since?” he asked.
“Hm?” I asked, nudging him on.
“Since I’ve made you moan. Made you scream my name. It’s been what, a month, love?” his voice wasn’t rough, but felt like silk sheets on freshly shaved legs. 
“Just about.” I answered.
“And you do realize, I need to remind you of the fact that it’s my job to make you laugh, not Michael’s, right?” he asked, and I knew exactly where he thought this was going. 
And I knew exactly how to prove him wrong.
The syllable fell from my lips sternly, and Tommy’s eyes practically fell out of his head. His eyebrows had raised considerably, because I’d never voiced defiance so bravely before.
“No?” he repeated, almost as if he was giving me a chance to correct myself.
“It’s kind of loud in here.” I commented, leaning closer to him. My lips grazed the shell of his ear as I whispered the word again. “No.” 
Again, he was taken aback by this attitude you had pulled out of nowhere. “What do you mean, love? Are you willing to offer some clarification?” Tommy’s voice was treading a line of threatening and... nervous. Have I made her upset? Offended her in some way? Neglected her? His thoughts ran wild. He wasn’t sure why I was acting this way. 
I turned the stool so my body was facing his. I leaned towards him, so my words could be heard by him and only him. “You want to take me home, bend me over a desk and grip my hair harshly as you remind me who I belong to. You want to hold both of my wrists over my head with your firm grasp as you snap your hips into me, slowly, and then quickly. You want to make me come again, and again, and again. You want to remind me who makes me feel this way, make me scream your name until my voice is hoarse. Am I wrong?”
He was speechless for a few moments, as I’d never spoken to him this way before. It took him a little bit to gather his thoughts and find his almost lost ability to speak. “No, you’re not wrong.” 
A smirk crossed my face. “Let me tell you something, Thomas.” His name fell off my lips, almost as if I were about to threaten him, “If I had it my way, I would take the lead. I would be the one in control, and you would be at my mercy. I would be the one to control how deep within me you’d go. If I were the one in charge, I would remind you who you belong to. I’d tie you up, teasing and taunting you with my scent, and my slick. I’d get a vital pleasure from watching your eyes as they follow my hands, and from hearing your voice crack as you’d beg for me to touch you, or, beg to let you touch me. I’d strip you down and leave you naked on our bed. I’d stand with my back to you, taking of this dress and showing you all the red lace that hugs me underneath. And then I’d take it off, without your help. And I’d stand with my back to you, blocking you from the view you want the most. I’d tease you with my eyes and I’d push you to your edge, again, and again, and again.” I repeated my words from earlier. “Until finally, I’d sink down onto you and untie one of your hands, on the condition that you touch me slowly. You’d take my orders as I told you what speed I wanted it at, my name would fall from your lips until you’d gone hoarse. And eventually, I wouldn’t be able to resist the feeling of both hands on me, so I’d untie the other one, letting you hold me while I made love to you and tasted you. I’d make you scream my name, and I’d make you submit to my every touch and every word. I’d be the one to fuck you, and tease you, and bounce on you. I would be the one to call the shots, you’d serve at my pleasure. Only my pleasure.” 
Tommy was still, unmoving. His eyes were frozen as they looked into mine. For a small second, my confidence faltered. I wondered if I’d pushed it too far, made him upset at my words. I did say he’d serve at my pleasure, and that’s not me saying he never has before, but....
My thoughts trailed off once I heard his breathing. It was ragged, almost as if he was panting. He hadn’t uttered a word, and it was that moment that brought my confidence back. The tables had turned. My hungry tiger had defeated his jealous green rage monster. 
“But then again, that’s just what would happen if I were in control,” I sighed dramatically, turning my body back towards the bar. “But I’m not.” 
It was almost as if my words snapped him out of a trance. I watched as his eyes slowly closed, like he was trying to compose himself. Before he could get out a word in response, my hand found it’s way on his thigh. He reacted with wide eyes and a sharp intake of breath, almost as if he had been electrocuted. 
“So, if you’ll exc-” I stopped myself. I didn’t need to excuse myself, I didn’t need to ask him if I could. I didn’t need his permission. I’m in control, not him. “I’m going to go find Ada and share a dance with her. Have fun greeting the rest of your guests, my sweet.” My voice was teasing, and I could tell that he was crumbling more and more with every word I spoke. 
Turning on my heel, I walked away to find Ada. I didn’t even look back at Tommy, because if I did, I would have taken him in front of every single person at this party. 
His pupils were wide and dark, his jaw set and nostrils borderline flaring. His eyes watched as I walked away, observing the swing of my hips and the broad confidence of my shoulders. His mouth was dry, but his lips were parted slightly, almost as if he were going to call after me. But he didn’t. And even if he did, I wouldn’t have turned around.
Because it was no longer “if” I had a say. I had a hell of a lot more than just “if my body had a say”, my body commanded.
And as she began to dance to the upbeat jazz music, Tommy realized that he would listen to every command that rolled off her tongue like a trained dog. He would gladly give in to submission if it meant one night of overflowing confidence from Y/N. He’d give anything to watch her sit on top of him, with her head thrown back and her eyes shut. 
He’d listen to every single command that her body had to say.
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