#like girl what if i told you this is a self portrait
luxuryghouls · 2 years
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all i ever wanted was the world
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neteyamslovrr · 2 years
Hii, just wanna say luv your stories. I hope u can do a series if ever. I wanna suggest like aonung x fem reader. Like she is so super kind and pure like the opposite of the typical strong and gangster vibe. Its like she melt aonung heart with her kind words and pure actions, like innocent vibe. Any way, hope u can consider this hehe
Melt For You
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summary: you were a pure soul, a kind heart that brought happiness to all of the metkayina, including the tough son ao'nung
1k words, fem!metkayina reader
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The entire village knew you as kind. A pure hearted girl whose joy filtrated through the entire village. Your smile made others smile. You sparked happiness within everyone’s heart.
Your heart-warming presence had its effect on everyone. Even the harsh son of the chief Tonowari. Ao’nung couldn’t deny that his lips slightly curved seeing your bright smile. Or the way his chest would flutter seeing you walk by and wave.
It made him melt, you made him melt. Like ice cream on a hot day dripping onto the pavement melt. If you and the stars were next to each other you’d be shining brighter. If there was a shooting star in the sky he’d still rather stare into the galaxies in your eyes.
He was laying on a hammock just outside where his family rested. The light breeze rocked him side to side lulling him to sleep. The warm sun shining on him filled his body with warmth. It was a time he felt truly calm.
You came up beside him, slightly bouncing on the tightly pulled fabric that formed a path over the sand. Resting a soft hand on his shoulder to not scare him too much.
“Ao’nung.” Your voice was gentle in his ear, like a perfect song he’d listen to for eternity.
His eyes immediately went to your crouched figure next to him. Your skin shimmered in the sun, and your hair softly blew in the wind. You were like a portrait, framed in the museum of his mind, each stroke of a brush created your beauty.
“Hi Y/N.” His voice was croaky, a tired morning voice, not yet ready to be spoken to the world.
“Would you like to come make some baskets with me?” His heart fluttered when you offered. The thought of you thinking of him made him feel like his heart grew wings and was ready to fly away.
“Of course, I would.” Getting off the comfort of the soft hammock he followed your enthusiastic figure down to near the shore.
You had laid out multiple piles of leaves to be handwoven into intricate baskets to hold anything from tiny trinkets to the produce of a successful hunt. He watched you take a seat on the warm sand and followed suit.
He’d follow you to the ends of the earth if you told him to. Your smile was intoxicating to him, your being was like an addictive substance he would never let go of.
He watched your fingers intricately weave with the leaves with such ease. You made everything just look so graceful, so perfect.
“Ao’nung you’ve barely started, do you need help?” The tenderness of your voice rung in his ears. It would’ve made him shudder, but he had at least a little presence of self-control.
“I don’t weave, I am a hunter Y/N. So yes… I would like some help.” His voice grew small at the end making you chuckle.
“You’re cute when you’re embarrassed.”
If he were a man before this statement no one would have ever known. Because he now felt like a puddle of mush on the sand to be washed away by the high tide.
He stammered a couple times before being able to get a retort back. “I’d hoped to be handsome.” Batting his eyelids in a joking way to cover the fact that his heart sounded like a drum.
“Fine, you can be handsome then.”
Ao’nung’s brain might have malfunctioned. The cogs of his brain stopped working and his hands froze looking up to you giggling figure. How could you think he was handsome when you were beauty itself.
“I need help with the basket Y/N.” Stern wasn’t exactly what his voice sounded like, but it was what he was going for.
“Oh yes. That’s right.” Grabbing his fingers softly you started to guide his hands in the detailed pattern. You watched him get continuously flustered as he gulped harshly whenever your hands would reposition themselves on his.
He was a mess in your touch. If he were to be a candle you’d be his flame. Flickering in the breeze slowly heating him up and melting him with your warmth.
“Y/N.” His voice was gruff, like he had been holding back his voice for a millennium.
“Are you understanding this pattern? You don’t seem to be listening.” A smile grew on your face as Ao’nung’s eyes tried to avoid anywhere but yours. He couldn’t meet them just yet. Not while his thoughts brewed in his mind that was filled of you.
“Y/N… I can’t focus on the basket. I can’t focus on anything right now.” Desperation echoed through his voice as looked up into your curious eyes. Your head tilted slightly waiting for him to continue explaining.
“I can only focus on you.”
Eyes wide you smiled at him. You weren’t oblivious to his feelings, and you hoped he wasn’t oblivious to yours. I mean who wouldn’t fall in love with the man. He was handsome, strong, funny and only a little daft.
“Then focus on me.” You tilted your head forward to get closer to his face. The proximity making the air between the two thick and filled with tension. Loving tension, tension that had been held back for years.
Ao’nung under his tough exterior and harsh nature was still a soft boy at heart. And you had cracked his shell.
The tension was sharp enough to cut with a knife, but no knife was needed as he softly put his lips to yours. Slowly kissing you, his eyes shut tight as his hands travelled to hold your cheeks.
This was ecstasy to him. Pure bliss. He was in a state of euphoria feeling you touch on him so delicately.
The way your lips melded together perfectly made your heart flutter as you hung your hands around his neck. You heart pounded in your chest and you kissed deeper to try and silence it.
Breaking away his lips were slightly swollen, licking the bottom lip in disbelief that he had kissed you. You had enchanted him completely and he was ready to be bewitched by you till the very end.
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authors note: hope you enjoyed this! and thankq sm for all the love every like reblog and comment i'm so grateful!
(i love your comments i'm kicking my feet reading them)
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Regarding the painting class in the recent EMTTS - what is Eddie’s reaction to Steve being called his friend!
Eddie barely has time to register that she called his husband his friend. He is too busy trying not to laugh because Steve just told this woman that she looks like a clown and then doubles down on it when she says that she’s not painting a self-portrait.
He looks at her and then at the canvas like, “You sure? It looks just like you. You’re very talented.”
Eddie loves these moments where Steve gets jealous and possessive so he’s positively beaming when Steve passes by him to go back to his own badly painted canvas and squeezes his hip. He gives Eddie a very pointed look and Eddie just grins back at him.
He almost informs Stephanie that Steve is not just his friend, but Steve beats him to it. He refills his wine glass and mixes some green paint, and says, “Are all the men on this “list” of yours married? Are you into infidelity, Steph?”
Eddie ends up in a conversation about guitar amps with a mom whose daughter is taking a guitar class at her school, and Stephanie and Steve somehow get to mean girl passive with each other. There are definitely barbs thrown but they both seem to be enjoying this game of verbal tennis.
Stephanie spends the last half of the class trying to wheedle out Steve’s celebrity crush because, “I know you have one. Everybody has a celebrity they’d risk it all for.”
She might have worn him down or maybe it’s just that Steve gets sappy when he gets wine-drunk, but his cheeks get rosy and he gets this dopey look on his face when he says, “There is someone.”
“Oh, is there?” Eddie chimes in, grinning when Steve looks at him. “Do I know them?”
“You might.”
Eddie knows what’s coming, but he still feels giddy and bubbly when Steve puts both his hands on his face and pulls him into a kiss. Eddie’s not going to say he melts, but he melts just a little.
They pull apart and then because Steve also gets a bit frisky when he drinks, he slaps Eddie on the ass and tells him that he’ll meet him in the car. He walks out of the room with some pep in his step and a whistle on his lips, an ugly painting under his arm, and Eddie just laughs.
He says to the shocked looks on Stephanie’s gals night out group’s faces, “That’s my husband, by the way.”
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come-away-with-me87 · 2 months
The Art of Love Chapter 4
Chapter 3 here
You typically wore a blouse, pants, and ballet flats to school; it was the most comfortable type of outfit to move around and teach in. On Monday, though, you opted for a different outfit. There was no special reason, you thought to yourself. Today, you decided to wear a pale blue, flowy sundress with a white cardigan, and wedge heels. You took a look at yourself in the full-length mirror in your bedroom, did a little spin, and thought you looked presentable enough. Again, you thought to yourself, there was no special reason for the change in outfit; you just wanted to try something different today. At least that's what you told yourself.
You made it to work at your usual time, and as the students started trailing in, many of them complimented you in their own adorable ways. "You look pretty today, Miss L/N!" one student exclaimed. They always knew how to bring a smile to your face in one way or another. That morning, Mirio dropped Eri off again at school, just as he did on her first day. "Good morning, Miss L/N!" Mirio said with a wide smile. You couldn't help but smile back at him; he had such an infectious personality. "Good morning to you, Mirio. It's nice to see you again." His smile beamed even more when you said that. "Mr. Aizawa will be picking Eri up at school today; he mentioned having a meeting with you?"
"That's right," you replied to him. "That's good! Well, I'm off, I have classes to get to myself." With that, he gave you one last dazzling smile, gave Eri a small hand squeeze and a wink, and took his leave. After Mirio left, you looked down at Eri and gave her a sweet smile, "and how was your weekend, Eri?" She beamed up at you; she seemed a lot happier now than she did during her first week. "It was amazing! I got to spend time with Mirio and Izuku, who gave me candy apples! And I trained with Mr. Aizawa! He said I'm growing stronger every day!" Your heart beamed at her sentiment; she seemed so genuinely happy.
"That's wonderful, Eri! I'm so happy to hear you had a good weekend!" She beamed up at you again; she seemed like such a sweet girl. You couldn't even begin to imagine what kind of trauma that she has been through to bring her to your classroom, but you were grateful she was here. The bell finally rang, so Eri and the rest of the students took their seats. That day, you asked them to draw self-portraits. You were interested in how they viewed themselves.
While they drew their self-portraits, you reviewed their work from the previous week. You looked at Eri's colored mandala once again, thinking of Shouta stating the color choices she made were interesting. Those colors seemed to be the general theme of the majority of the creations she made; variations of purple, green and black. You were interested in talking more to Shouta about her past, and why she seems to normally choose these color themes. You stopped yourself mid-thought; why did your mind keep going to Shouta?
Even though you asked yourself this question, you couldn't lie to yourself; you found him intriguing. You were mesmerized from the moment you laid eyes on him. No man has made you feel anything in years, not since your dear Kento passed. You frowned at the thought of Kento; all of these years later, you did still miss him, and you felt guilty at the thought of even entertaining liking another man. You remembered Kento's funeral, how you decided then and there to close your heart off to relationships from that point forward.
But were you being fair to yourself in this decision? Kento loved you, and would want to see you be happy. You were happy…overall. You absolutely loved your job and your life, but you had to admit you felt lonely at times. You knew that, deep down, Kento would want you to find someone that will open your heart back up. That's not saying that it would necessarily be Shouta Aizawa; you don't even know the man, but Kento would want you to eventually open your heart back up to someone.
You were so lost in your thoughts that day, that you didn't even notice that the bell rang and school day was over. Suddenly, you had a line of students standing in front of you, waiting to hand in their self-portraits. While the students' parents came in to pick them up, you collected their self-portraits, telling them all you would see them the next day. Eri was last in line, and handed in her portrait; it had a child in a light tan dress, wearing what looked to be white bandages going down both arms and legs, and the background was solid black. "Eri…" you trailed off, when you noticed Shouta and another man in the doorway.
You put the drawing down, stood up and welcomed both men in. "Eri, did you have a good day today?" Shouta asked her. She beamed up at him and nodded her head. On the outside, she appeared to be a happy little girl; you could tell that the staff and students at the U.A. took good care of her. However, based on her artwork thus far, this poor little girl is definitely still experiencing inner turmoil. Shouta then turned to you, "hello, Y/N. This is my friend, Toshinori Yagi, or All Might, as you may know him." Toshinori bowed down to you, saying, "it's a pleasure to meet you, young Y/N." You bowed to him, returning the greeting.
Shouta spoke up, "Toshinori is going to take Eri back to the U.A. while you and I talk." He turned to look at Eri again, "Eri, I will see you back at the campus. You'll be on your best behavior tonight, right?" Eri beamed up at him and exclaimed, "I will!" Eri took her leave with Toshinori, leaving you and Shouta alone. You know he was there to talk about Eri, but you couldn't help but feel nervous. Shouta turned back to you, looked you up and down, saying, "you look very nice today." Your heart practically pounded out of your chest at the compliment. What was wrong with you? "Thank you," you breathily replied, "please, have a seat," as you motioned to the seat on the other side of your desk.
To be continued…
Tag list: @lili-pond ; @jaguarthecat ; @big-denki-energy
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pandenewie · 10 months
RULE THREE: No Kissing (on the lips)
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“Dude, since when could you draw like that?”
The sudden question from Jake leaves Niki stunned for a second. What is he talking about? He hasn’t drawn anything serious since freshman year.
“Is it a self-portrait?” Sunoo asks, making Niki’s eyes widen. Did they find it? He spins around to see Jake and Sunoo looking intensely at an opened copy of The Promised Neverland. Niki had been rereading it recently and knew it was the perfect place to keep the drawing Y/n had given him… apparently, he was wrong.
“Stop snooping through my stuff.” Niki scowls, ripping the book from their grasp (careful not to crinkle the drawing.) “Woah, no need to get so pissy. It’s cool to see your art; you never draw anymore.” Jake says sincerely. “It’s not mine… Y/n drew it.” Niki mumbles, the mention of their name causing Jake and Sunoo to look at each other with a smirk. “Aww cute! He’s using it as a bookmark!” Sunoo gushes.
“You should invite them to come bowling with us this weekend!” Jake exclaims. “Why the hell would I do that? They’d be so uncomfortable.” Niki grumbles defensively. “No, they wouldn’t! Sunghoon’s bringing Gaeul, come on, it’ll be fun!” 
“He’s bringing his dog bowling?” Niki asks, disgusted.
“Not his dog, his girlfriend.”
“I still think that’s really weird by the way.” Sunoo chimes in. “That’s like Niki dating someone named Bisco. Or like you dating someone named Layla.”
“Okay, let’s not judge Hoon for his dating preferences. He’s bringing Gaeul so you should bring Y/n. It’s a great way to integrate them into the group!” Jake attempts to convince him. The thought of Y/n getting involved with his friend group terrifies Niki. The two of them could barely keep it together during lunch - how are they supposed to keep this act up for an entire evening? And if the relationship gets exposed as fake, Niki will never live it down.
On the other hand, he doesn’t want to seem like a possessive asshole who’s gatekeeping his relationship. The guys are already on the fence about whether it’s real or not, keeping Y/n hidden away could only add fuel to the flame.
“Okay… I’ll invite them. But I can’t promise they’ll show. And if you guys pull that same crap you did at lunch we’re leaving immediately.”
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The sudden sound of their name being yelled through the halls cuts off Y/n’s conversation. Y/n turns to see Niki jogging up to their group. “Oh, hi Riki.” Y/n smiles, the mention of his real name causing the girls to look at each other with wide eyes. “Are you free this Saturday?” The question was unexpected and caused Y/n’s eyebrows to furrow with confusion. Noticing this, Niki elaborates: “My friends and I are going bowling and they told me to invite you… it’s all good if you’ve got plans since it’s kind of last minute but… I don't know, it’d be fun if you could come.” He rambles, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. Eunchae snorts slightly at the boy's out-of-character shyness, earning a glare from Y/n. “I’d love to go.” They smile, relief washing over Niki’s body as the words fall past their lips.
“You have the audacity to ask Y/n to go bowling and not invite us as well?” Eunchae asks, gesturing between herself and Danielle. “Well, did you want to come?” Niki asks. “No.” The girl shrugs simply. 
“Why would you get upset about me not asking if you were just going to reject me anyway?”
“It’s your punishment for not asking in the first place!”
"Okay, I think we should go before this escalates any further." Danielle interrupts, pulling Eunchae away from Niki. "Are you coming Y/n? Or are you two eating lunch together again?" She continues, her eyes darting to Niki. Y/n looks at Niki for confirmation, causing him to shake his head with a smile. "Go ahead, I've probably been stealing you too much recently… I'll see you this weekend, anyway." He says, ruffling Y/n's hair before turning around to find his friends.
As Y/n turns back to their friends, their eyes immediately roll at the expressions on their faces. "Don't you even start." Y/n warns, their words falling on deaf ears as the two girls begin to awe at the affection they just witnessed.
"That was so cute! He definitely has a crush on you." Danielle teases. "He definitely does not. We have a deal and real feelings are not a part of this." Y/n argues, earning a scoff from Eunchae. "If either of you think that you're gonna stick to whatever rules you planned, you're both much dumber than I thought," She says. "Now come on, I want to get to the vending machine before all the good stuff is gone."
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Y/n doesn't go out a lot. Not in a weird way, they just happen to spend a lot of their time at home. And in the circumstances where they do leave the house, it is usually with the comfort of Danielle and Eunchae - not their fake boyfriend and his entire friend group.
"If you start to feel uncomfortable, just tell me and we'll leave, okay?" Niki asks. He had gone through the effort of picking Y/n up from their house (something Sunghoon has insisted all good boyfriends should do) and the two had caught the bus together to the bowling place.
"You don't have to worry about me, just have fun with your friends." Y/n reassures. Their words cause Niki to look at them with a deadpan expression. "Okay fine, I promise I'll tell you if I get uncomfortable." They add, earning an assertive nod from Niki.
As soon as Niki's friends are spotted, he grabs Y/n's hand tightly, leading them towards the group.
"So the lovebirds finally showed up, huh?" Heeseung teases, immediately earning a slap on the head from Jay. "Sorry about him, we're glad you could make it, Y/n." Jay says. “It’s okay… thanks for inviting me.” Y/n smiles politely before turning to the only member of the group they don’t recognise.
"I'm Gaeul, Sunghoon's girlfriend." The girl says, waving slightly. Y/n waves back before turning to Niki, their eyebrows furrowed ever-so-slightly. "Wait, didn't you say his dog was called-"
"Anyway, should we start bowling?" Niki asks, interrupting Y/n’s question. “Come on, let’s go pick our shoes!” He continues, dragging Y/n by the hand.
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Since half the group has never gone bowling before, they decide it’s best to split into teams - with Niki, Y/n, Jungwon and Sunoo on one team and Heeseung, Jay, Jake, Sunghoon and Gaeul on another team. Juniors vs Seniors.
“I feel like these teams are a little uneven…” Jungwon points out, looking at the difference in skills between each team. “It’s fine, Sunghoon will bring them down.” Niki laughs, earning an offended scoff from Sunghoon. “Yah! Have you seen me bowl? Tell him, babe.” Sunghoon points, turning to Gaeul for reassurance. “Well… you can definitely hit some of the pins.” Gaeul replies sympathetically. “I’ll show you.” Sunghoon challenges, only making his friends laugh further at his competitiveness.
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Y/n quickly finds that they suck at bowling. Niki, on the other hand, is practically a prodigy. He even joked at one point about putting the gutters up and using the kiddy ramp to “give them a fair shot”. His teasing only made Y/n even more determined to get a strike but at this rate, that won’t be happening any time soon.
“Come on, try it with this one.” Niki reassures, walking towards Y/n, a cherry red bowling ball perched carefully between his palms. “Isn’t that one heavier?” Y/n questions, attempting to take the ball from Niki’s grip. As soon as they get a taste of the weight, however, they immediately give it back to the ball. “Yeah, no. I’ll break my wrists trying to use that.” They laugh, patting Niki’s arm before walking to grab their regular ball.
“You can do it, Y/n!” Sunoo cheers. “Y/n, fighting!” Jungwon adds, making Y/n laugh as they get ready to bowl. Y/n gets into position, aiming as best they can before carefully rolling the ball down the lane - mustering as much power their body can handle.
Everyone watches eagerly as the bowling ball rolls slowly down the lane, starting to lean towards the left gutter as it goes along. “Come on, come on.” Niki please quietly, praying he has somehow gained telekinesis that can lure Y/n's ball back to the centre. Although that doesn't happen, the ball does somehow manage to keep out of the gutter, knocking down the far two pins before rolling off.
“I got something!” Y/n exclaims, jumping with excitement. Their team matches their enthusiasm, jumping out of their seats to cheer for their member. Niki runs towards Y/n without thinking, picking them up in a bone-crushing hug and spinning them around as if they've just scored the winning point.
“Yah! Let them hit the rest of them, you idiot!” Jay scolds playfully, a look of fondness present in his eyes. “Okay, if you get a strike I'm gonna throw you in the air.” Sunghoon says bitterly, making Gaeul laugh. “It’s not a competition, babe.” She says, patting his chest reassuringly. “It is now. I'm not gonna let some 17-year-old out-boyfriend me.” He scowls, only making her laugh more.
“Okay, okay, you can put me down now.” Y/n laughs, patting Niki’s shoulder as he lowers them back onto the ground. “You can do this.” Niki cheers quietly, pressing a chaste kiss to the top of Y/n’s head before walking back to his seat.
Y/n can’t do this. It's as if all their luck and bowling skills left their body the second those two pins hit the polished pine floorboards. They miss. By quite a long shot, as well. “Nice try, Y/n!” Jungwon exclaims. “If it makes you feel any better, Sunoo was making you guys lose anyway.” Jake says, attempting to reassure Y/n. “Uh, rude.” Sunoo scowls. “Come on Y/n, don’t let him turn us against each other.” He continues, shielding Y/n from Jake.
Eventually, the bowling comes to an end, with the seniors absolutely thrashing the younger team. No one expected a different outcome - the other team was far more experienced. Jungwon however, claimed that their team had better chemistry and therefore, they were the real winners.
“Niki, you need a ride?” Jay asks, twirling his car keys around his fingers. Niki turns to look at Y/n, unsure of what to do. “Go ahead, my bus is almost here, anyway.” Y/n smiles. Unsure, Niki turns back to Jay. “Nah, I’ve gotta make sure Y/n gets back.” His words cause the boys to break into a chorus of oohs, causing Niki to roll his eyes. “Uh… yeah, I don’t need a ride either. Gotta make sure Gaeul gets back safe.” Sunghoon coughs, causing the group to erupt into fits of laughter.
As the group splits up, Niki and Y/n begin walking to the bus stop. “You could’ve just gotten a ride, you know? I can get myself home.” Y/n mumbles. “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I did that?” Niki scoffs, nudging his shoulder against theirs Y/n goes to remind him that he isn’t actually their boyfriend but for some reason, the words don’t come out.
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The peaceful silence of the bus ride is suddenly cut short by a grumbling sound coming from Y/n’s stomach. The two pause to look at each other for a moment, both silently wondering whose stomach it was before their thinking is cut off by yet another growl.
“Sorry… I haven’t eaten much today.” Y/n mumbles, sheepishly, their words almost immediately being waved off by Niki. “It’s okay, we were a bit busy with bowling… did you want to get something to eat?” He asks. Y/n seems apprehensive at his words, looking up to check how far away their stop is. “There’s this really cool sushi place down the street from my house… my treat.” Niki adds, wiggling his eyebrows as he attempts to convince them.
Y/n would be a fool to pass up sushi. Free sushi, at that.
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As soon as the sushi roll hit Y/n’s tongue, it was as if the taste had exploded in their mouth. Niki was right to recommend this place, the sushi is amazing. Y/n had largely underestimated how hungry they were.
“Slow down before you choke!” Niki laughs, reaching forward to hold Y/n’s chopsticks away from their face - waiting for them to finish their current mouthful before letting go. Y/n rolls their eyes, shoving another sushi roll between their lips.
“Did you have fun today?” Niki asks, digging into his meal. Although he had tried his best to keep his attention on Y/n throughout the day, being around the boys occasionally distracted him. Hopefully, Y/n didn’t feel ignored. Niki’s overthinking gets cut off by a wide grin from Y/n. “I did! The only people I really hang out with are Danielle and Eunchae… and I guess you, now. So it was fun to get to know new people and do something I haven’t done before… even if I ended up being really bad at bowling.” Y/n says, laughing slightly as they think back at their failed attempt at bowling. “That’s good, I was scared the guys were gonna say or do something and make things weird.” Niki sighs.
“I never really asked… why are your friends so obsessed with you being in a relationship, anyway?” Y/n asks, causing Niki’s eyebrows to furrow. “I don’t really know, I guess it’s because I’m the only one in the group who’s never been in one… unless you count the whole thing with Eunchae.” Y/n nods at Niki’s words. “Any particular reason?”
Niki doesn’t remember the last time someone asked about his love life in a way that wasn’t to tease him. “At first I just wasn’t that interested. I didn’t want to just date for the sake of dating and I was never put in the position where a relationship would naturally happen so I just… didn’t.” He shrugs, the words spilling from his lips a lot easier than he thought they would. Y/n smiles at this, almost like they completely understand what he means. “You say at first, what changed?” They ask sweetly.
The extra question causes a subtle blush to spread across Niki’s cheeks. He considers dodging the question and changing the topic but the way Y/n’s eyes sparkle with curiosity somehow tricks his brain into answering.
“Ah… it’s kinda dumb. Jake was in a relationship with a girl called Lily… you probably remember seeing them around school together.” Niki starts, earning a nod from Y/n. “Well, they were basically like… the it-couple in our friend group. Everyone else would date around, get together, break up but they were consistent. For a while, it felt like they were going to be together forever. And then one day, they were done. Nothing bad had happened, no one did or said anything, they just broke up. And that kind of freaked me out because… they were so in love, you know? And suddenly… they weren’t. I don’t want something like that happening to me.”
Y/n smiles understandingly at Niki as they take in his words. “That’s not dumb, love can be scary.” They agree. “Giving someone your heart and trusting them to not break it… I don’t know how people do it so carelessly.” Y/n admits. “Yeah… I think I’ll just be forever alone.” Niki mumbles, making Y/n snort. “We can be alone together.” They smile, causing Niki’s heart to flutter.
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“How many times have I told you that you don’t have to walk me home?”
“Probably the same amount of times that I’ve told you I don’t care. You never know who or what is out here.”
“The chances of me getting attacked are very slim, Riki.”
“And with me, they’re nonexistent.”
Y/n rolls their eyes as their mini-argument subsides, letting Niki win this round. He smirks proudly, nudging Y/n’s shoulder slightly as a silent “I win” before shoving his hands in his pockets.
The pair, once again, find themselves standing outside Y/n’s house. Niki’s feet begin to drag slightly as they walk up the neatly stoned path, towards the front door. He doesn’t want them to go inside; doesn’t want the day to end just yet.
Y/n pauses, almost as if they can read his mind, and turns around to face Niki. “Today was really fun.” They smile. “You already told me that.” Niki teases, earning an eye roll in response. “Just telling you again… thanks for inviting me.”
Smiling, Niki ruffles Y/n’s hair. “You’re welcome. It was way more fun with you there.” Such a simple complement and yet Y/n still feels their face heat up at the words. “I should probably head inside…” Y/n mumbles, turning their head to look towards the door.
With Y/n turned away, Niki leans down to press a kiss against Y/n’s cheek. He’s always been pretty good at timing things but he can’t tell if this is impeccable timing or the worst case of bad luck. Y/n’s face turns just as his lips go to make contact, the feeling of their lips and not their cheek causing Niki’s eyes to widen in shock.
They just kissed…
Niki had his first kiss…
And it was with Y/n.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” Y/n gasps, pulling away completely from Niki. They stare at each other for a moment, eyes wide as saucepans, before Niki coughs awkwardly. He turns away to look down the street as Y/n stares down at their feet.
“Oh, would you look at that, my bus is coming.” Niki lies. “Gotta run so I don’t miss it, I’ll see you at school.” He blurts out, turning and practically running back towards the street. Y/n moves just as quickly, rushing inside their house and slamming the door shut behind them.
What the hell just happened?
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TAG LIST: @j-wyoung @thesassy-mia @luvistqrzzz @yourmyst4r @heerinnie @odisdad @wzy3ka @mrchweeee @rizzkisworld @beomsbeanie @ablackbtsstan @sweet-kisses-and-bloody-screams @kang-yeosangs-initials @wildflowermooon @k1ttylvr @pinapplefntacupss @luva1y @microwvdstrawb3rri3s @en-happiness @haechansbbg @ashiitex @nuttyenthusiastdaze @coolwitu
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minkkumaz · 1 year
hey! would you consider making a fic for any bnd member about that bf lipstick trend on tiktok? if it can be so fluffy it's sickening i'd dedacate my wedding vows 2 u 🙈
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you lazily cuddled up with sungho, scrolling through tik tok together. when you came across a cute lipstick trend, you wanted nothing more than to try it with him!
PAIRING park sungho x fem!reader WC 0.9k TAGS established relationship. fluff. lots and lots of kissing! OMI NOTE hi cutie anon!! i think this lipstick trend is so cute and just imagining sunghos pretty face all marked up adhfksdkafakjhfadf brain malfunction...
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when sungho asked you out, he swore to do all of the little things for you. hopelessly in love with the way you rain delicate hands through his hair, the way you fought back sleep during movie nights, everything about you. any sacrifice, big or small, he’d do it in a heartbeat if you asked him to.
he was perfect for you, like key to the lock on your heart. nights like these especially reminded you about how amazing he was. 
you both lay cuddled up on the couch, surrounded my fluffy pillows and fuzzy blankets. basking in the warmth of eachother, skin against skin. your fingertips traced the outline of his pretty abs, while you scroll mindlessly on tiktok with the other hand. 
sungho watched peacefully from above, grinning at your hushed giggles from tiktoks you found funny. if he could sit and stare at you forever, he’d create the most beautiful portrait (however it wouldn’t compare to your real self at all).
a couple videos and laughs later, you scrolled upon a video of a girl applying lipstick and messing it up. her boyfriends hand came into frame to wipe it off, only to pan to his face covered in kiss marks. you quickly looked up at sungho and held the phone up to his face.
“sungie we should do this!” you beam, thinking about how cute it would be to try.
“anything for you my love, as long as we sleep afterwards, okay? don’t want you to be tired tomorrow.” he strokes your cheek gently.
“deal! i’ll be right back i need to find a good shade!” you scramble away from your portable heat source to grab a color that complimented you nicely.
when you returned, sungho sat criss cross atop the comfy cushions, waiting for you patiently. seeing you running back down the hall excitedly made him fall in love a thousand more times. he’d truly do anything for you.
“i’ll use this one you bought for me on my birthday, it’s one of my favorites.” you told him while waving around the gold case with a colored dot on the top. it was more fancy than you were used to, but sungho was always spoiling you so you promised to use the shit out of it.
“i’m glad you like it, it looks beautiful on you.” he opens his arms out to you and you gladly accept, welcoming yourself into his lap. the scent of laundry detergent still clung to his shirt.
“can we just hug like this forever?” you mumble into the crook of his neck.
“but you wanted to do the trend right? let’s finish up and we can hug all night cutie.” he gives you a smooch on the top of your head.
“you just want me to kiss all over your face, silly.”
“maybe i do, maybe i don’t.”
“okay fine i suppose i can do that since i kind of sort of love you.” you dramatically sighed, taking the cap off the lipstick and applying it to your lips. 
he watched you intently as the applicator dragged a creamy pigment over your lips, he wanted to kiss it off of you already. you popped the cap back on once you were finished and set it to the side, bound to get lost in between the couch cushions. 
“prepare yourself for the best kisses of your life, sungie.” you promise, cupping his face with both of your hands. “all of the kisses you give me are the best, what ever do you mean?” he jokes, interrupted by your lips pressing quickly against his.
“just shush and let me do my job.”
you admired him for a second, making sure he didn’t have anything else to say, before you placed soft kisses on his forehead. you trailed down to his cheeks, nose, chin. you could feel his lips pull into a smile the closer you got to his mouth. 
after rewarding him with a peck on the lips, you pull away to admire your artwork. by far this sight was the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen. living proof that he was yours, and you were his.
“you look so good sungie, i wanna gatekeep this sight for myself.” you pout your lips, the lipstick fading already.
“how else will everyone know i’m yours, my love?” he pulls you closer into his lap, until he’s almost looking completely up at you.
“that’s true, can’t have any girls looking at you funny. you’re too handsome for your own good.” you grin, taking out your phone and pulling up the sound.
the recording goes according to plan. his hand wiping some of the messed up lipstick from your face, looking at you with so much love that he barely accounts the camera facing towards him. many comments flooded in after you posted it
omg when will i get someone that looks at me like that?!
my fav couple on this app yall are so cute.
you guys look so happy, this trend makes me feel so single!
you leave your phone to collect notifications while you wipe the lipstick of sunghos face with a wet cloth. he was a little hesitant at first, not wanting to get rid of your innocent markings.
“all clean now.” you squeeze his cheeks together cutely.
“you’re so precious love, can i have more kisses to make up for all those ones you washed away?” he puckers up his lips.
“you don’t even have to ask.”
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butmakeitgayblog · 2 months
I would like to run over Lexa, resurrect her, kiss her better and run over her again.
She loved (loves) you for fuck sake, she told you that and you broke up with her?!
I know she had reasons, and I know Clarke is not entirely innocent here (even though until now she's just a babe but I trust you), but I would be so furious if I was Clarke when Lexa will eventually confess her feelings.
Can you imagine feeling not enough for someone you love? To know to be not enough because even though you are indeed soulmates, the person you are sure to be THE one, broke up with you? And you know why, or maybe you think you do, but she's still rejected you.
I'm so mad.
I know Lexa comes from a place of survival instinct and pain, but I'm so furious.
I'm... I'm so sad for the both of them, but because I was once in Clarke shoes, it's so sad I want to hug her.
In most of the ff Lexa is the one portrait as tough and still fragile, strong and delicate, but to observe Clarke being put aside (I know they still keep seeing each other, and being cute to each other and loving but it's... Not... You know? Enough?).
And to marry someone that you know, you KNOW is not the one for you but you do it anyway because you gave up on your soulmate, you chose the second best option... I really wanna run over Lexa.
I want to hug her really tight and punch her with love until she understands.
And then I want to hug Clarke and push their faces together while I whisper "And now... Kith... AND STAY TOGETHER OR I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL HUNT YOU DOWN."
My doctor would be a little bit disappointed about my heart rate right now.
I read this 3 times cackling 😭 (not the part about you, that im very sorry for and I'm sorry you can relate 😔 if you ever wanna send asks aboit Clarke's perspective you can! It help balance this out a bit because so far everything has been filtered through Lexa's pov)
Listen these are all valid things to feel. Lexa is very stupid in some ways, but those ways are indeed born out of insecurity and problems with accepting her self-worth.
I do want to point tho, just as a possible way to kind of... console the anger we all feel here, Clarke was not at all alone in how much she threw herself into this relationship. Lexa absolutely, 100%, just melted herself into Clarke. This 19 year old kid went from having no stability beyond her own work ethic, and no one who she felt cared about her, to having this sarcastic, mouthy, and genuinely weird little blonde lady who was very pretty and very much in love with her. And she did devote herself and her time and every ounce of her disgustingly robust affections to Clarke whenever they were together. Lexa forgot the world just to be near her, because that was obviously the only place she was meant to be.
But that was the problem.
Just how much she actually devoted herself and her time to Clarke became the problem. I mean it did more than that, there are other thoughts and emotions and insecurities at play that Lexa will word-vomit out eventually, bUT the crux of it all came down to her not having the emotional maturity to know how to balance a love that big, along with everything else.
But she never stopped loving Clarke. Not once. And while, no, she wasn't entirely truthful with Clarke or herself about what kind of love for years, and while it certainly wasn't "enough" (i know, for lack of a better word here), it was still incredibly palpable to anyone around her. It was tangible and demonstrative enough that it kept Clarke right there with her for almost a decade. It was intense enough and blatant enough that Costia gave up even trying to compete in under a year. There is just no questioning it when they're together. Everyone sees it pretty much immediately: Lexa is head over heels in love with that girl.
And that was the thing... Clarke saw it too. She felt it every single day.
She's just kinda stupid too 🥴
So I hear you, I do. Breathe lol. Check the pulse bby it's ok I promise. Just distract yourself with thoughts of them married with lil Griffin babies that Lexa cooks up herself simply because she loves Clarke that much
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shae-mermaid · 4 months
You Are A Queen, Part 3
Part 1! | Part 2!! | Part 4!!!! | Part 5!!!!! | Part 6 (FINALE)!!!!!!
A/N: I'M HAVING SO MUCH FUN WITH THIS!!! and I hope you all are too! There should be at least one more part to this, but we'll see. A lot of this is coming to me as I type, tbh. But I'm surprisingly liking how this story is evolving, for it being an impulse project.
Now, as our Beloved Devil likes to say:
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Before you knew it, it was a couple days later. Your (after)life was really starting to shape up. You and practically all the hotel staff & patrons became pretty fast friends. You loved hanging out in Angel’s room the best though. He was so much fun to talk to! Plus, an added bonus of getting to hang with his little piglet, Fat Nuggets. You loved that little dude.
Since you were rescued so quickly after getting here, you didn’t really have anything except the clothes on your back. So Charlie, being as kind and thoughtful as she is, thought you could do something with her old clothing. 
She had given you the dress from the infamous “Goth-y phase” portrait Lucifer had shown you. You couldn’t help but smirk a little, trying not to giggle in front of her.
“I know it wouldn’t exactly fit like a glove, but I thought I could try to help with some modifications,” Charlie kindly offered, snapping her fingers to reveal more black fabric, trim, and other sewing supplies, including a sewing machine on your dresser. “These are all left from my…teenage years,” she says, trying yet failing to disguise her cringing face as her normal, happy self. “I realize not everyone knows how to sew…”
“Oh, that’s ok! I know how,” you replied, excited. “I actually love creating new clothing like this. It was one of my hobbies back on Earth.”
“Ooh, really? That’s cool! I hope this dress isn’t too…depressing,” Charlie said hesitantly.
“I actually love it! I loved wearing darker styles like this sometimes. It’s a perfect blank base to add my own ‘flair’,” you said in a playful manner. 
Charlie giggled. “Well, I’m excited to see what you make of it! You sure you won’t need my help?”
“I shouldn’t, but I’ll let you know if I do,” you replied.
“Ok! Well, have fun!” she said, as she practically skipped out of your room. You finally let yourself giggle out loud a bit, before laying it flat on your bed to get some inspiration. 
Fast forward to the next day, you basically finished the sewing part. But you wanted to add some more visual interest, and decided on using fabric paint. You catch Charlie in the lobby, asking if she happens to have some.
“No, but I think my dad just might,” she said, with a slight pondering expression.
You instantly hunch your shoulders and look to the floor, unable to stop thinking about their interaction on your first night, and how you may have overstepped with him. “Are you sure? Wouldn’t he be busy?”
“He told me he cleared his schedule today, so that he could help me with lessons later.”
That’s sweet of him, you thought. You sigh in an attempt to calm your nerves. “Ok, if you’re sure he’s not busy…”
Charlie nods and grabs your wrist, running you both up the stairs, which honestly leaves you out of breath a little. That girl must’ve been on the track team in high school or something. Jeez. 
You started to feel your heart beating a little harder, and not just because of the stairs, as you both got closer to Lucifer’s door. 
“Dad?” Charlie called out, while knocking on said door. 
After about thirty agonizing seconds (might as well have been a century), you both finally hear a faint “Come in, sweetie!” from the other side of the door.
“He must be in his workshop. Come on in,” she said to you, opening the door to her dad’s personal suite.
You had seen his apple-shaped tower from the outside the other day, and thought it looked big enough to tilt the whole building. But it pales in comparison to how huge it looked on the inside. The power of Angelic magic, you thought.
You couldn’t help but stare in wonder, looking all around the suite and seeing all manner of circus motifs, mixed with old,  Victorian style furniture and chandeliers. And of course, many portraits of Charlie. A few had him and another woman in them with Charlie. You can only assume it to be…her mom.
Turning steely-eyed, you turn back towards Charlie, who was watching you, covering her mouth a little as she giggled. “Sorry. Your expressions are just adorable,” she says admittedly, which made you blush a tiny bit from embarrassment. 
Charlie starts pulling you along to the farthest door on the right, that was even more ornate than the rest of this space. A golden door, with a carving of a pond, with little ducks swimming in it. You love his over-the-top style. He surely must have what you’re looking for, and more.
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“Dad! Can we come in?”
“Uhh,” Lucifer hesitates, only because he’s working on a present for his daughter. “I’ll meet you out there in a sec!” We? He wondered. Charlie’s normally the only person that visits him in his suite. After frantically putting his little surprise away, he practically runs toward the door. He shouldn’t have been so shocked to see someone with Charlie, well, perhaps, if it wasn’t you.
“Uh..Hi, sweetie,” Lucifer says, giving his daughter a side-hug while eyeing you. “Hey, Y/n”. He suddenly realizes he’s staring and trying to look away, acting cool and aloof. “What’s up?”
You shyly fold your arms together, looking more self conscious than even normally, which is saying something, for you.
“..We were just wondering if you happened to have some fabric paint for Y/n to borrow,” Charlie spoke for you. 
Lucifer spies you looking at Charlie, mouthing out what he assumed was a ‘thank you’ to her, to which she responded with a reassuring smile back. 
“Um, I should have some somewhere…” he says, while thinking out loud and turning back to his workshop to look. “Just one sec.” He walks back to his desk, scanning through his (lack of an) organizing system, with paint brushes spread everywhere, but somehow, no paint. Finally, he remembers the box he keeps them in, opening up a miniature version of his wings to lift himself up towards the ceiling, grabbing the box on the highest shelf.
He walks out of the room, and gives the box to you, which you struggle to hold, it’s so full of heavy paint bottles. “Oh! Sorry!” He says to you, levitating the box with his magic. “I’ll just make a portal for you,” he snapped his fingers to reveal a portal in the middle of the room. Another snap, and without even looking, Lucifer levitated the box to the floor, right beside your bed, and closed the portal.
“Uh, dad…she could’ve just used that portal to get back to her room,” Charlie chimed in.
Lucifer smacked his forehead with a frustrated sigh. “Sorry, Char-Char,” he replied, opening the portal back up again. “My mind’s been a bit scrambled all day,” he says with his pointer finger making a circular motion around his ear. 
You grin and let out a quiet hum. “I feel the same all the time”. You said something! Woo!
Lucifer and Charlie responded with a slight chuckle. Lucifer was curious, though. “If I may ask…why do you need the paint?”
“Oh, um, I’m actually, uh...painting. On some old clothing that Charlie gave me.” you say sheepishly. 
Lucifer’s eyes lit up a little bit. “Oh! You craft, too?” he asked. A crafting buddy! He was excited at the prospect.
“She said she would ‘add her own flair’ to the old clothes I gave her,” Charlie added, seeming a little more excited than she should’ve been, at least to you.
“Oh! Nice, nice,” Lucifer said, while his thoughts drift off into realms even he didn’t know, for a split second. “Well, have fun, Y/n! I’ll be waiting to see what you come up with. Maybe you could help me out with one of my projects sometime?” He lays the question out in the open, nervous for your response.
Your eyes light up now, looking at Lucifer with those gorgeously vivid eyes you have. “Sure! That would be cool,” you say, trying to act relaxed about it. “Just ask me whenever.”
Charlie has been eyeing you both this whole time, and it was obvious to her that there was something going on between you and her father. She was suspicious, or more accurately, curious. But she, as always, tried to assume this situation was a positive one.
You and Charlie finally give her father one last wave, before stepping over the threshold of the portal, with it dissipating a second afterwards.
“See? My dad’s not so bad,” Charlie says, with a playful flick of her wrist. 
You chuckle. “I know. We’ve talked a little before. I’m just surprised to know that he likes crafting too. But then again, I shouldn’t be surprised, judging by how AMAZING his suite is!” you say, dramatically opening up your arms before flinging yourself backwards on your bed, to which Charlie responded by laughing wholeheartedly. 
“That’s just how he is. And hey, when one has the power he has-” Charlie snapped her fingers to reveal a dress form, with your dress already on it, and some black strappy kitten-heel sandals to go with it. “-You make your space however you want it.”
You stare wide-eyed at Charlie, jumping up from your bed and giving her a bear hug. “THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU~” you shout, as Charlie hugs you back. “You didn’t have to do that for me!” 
“It’s nothing, Y/n,” Charlie started. “I just thought you’d want something to go with it, as a…nicer option for certain events~” Charlie tried (badly) to hint at something that you were refusing to realize could even be a possibility.
You scoff, playfully.”Well, I highly doubt that, but I thank you nonetheless,” you respond with a subtly accepting tone, you resigned to the idea of anyone ever being interested in you, romantically or otherwise, long ago. 
“Oh, don’t sell yourself short! Besides, we’re having a little get together on the grounds in a few days. Dad’s creating a pool for the hotel!” Charlie jumped in place in excitement. She thought that would draw more people in. And it was a good idea.
This is gonna be interesting, you thought.
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A/N: Slow burn, but I promise you, all the good fluff is coming soon!!!
If you like it, please tell me in the comments, or through my ask! I love hearing what people think!
~Shae <3
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themuseandantarctica · 10 months
* 𝒊 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂 𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒈𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒏
sentence starters from joanne greenberg's novel i never promised you a rose garden. change however necessary. i never promised you a rose garden is a semi-autobiographical account of a young girl admitted to a mental hospital for treatment for her schizophrenia, which means...
tw: mental hospitals, medical, self-harm, suicide, suicidal ideation, ableism, ableist language
it should look as if we trust her. she must feel that we trust her…
they call it a mental hospital, but it's a place where they put people away.
we should have expected them. why should we be so surprised?
i told you the truth about these things you asked. now are you going to help me?
you are just in time for the patient's soothing tea and the end of the world.
it was considered advisable to terminate the interview.
well, i'm a hundred square yards sane.
you will not have to give up anything until you are ready, and then there will be something to take its place.
the prisoner pleads guilty to the charge of not having acute something-itis and accepts the verdict of guilty of being nuts in the first degree.
someday i hope to help you see this world as other than a stygian hell.
it seemed like a good life -- a very good life she had. now they say it wasn't.
i can't really see you and i can't really hear you.
they think that both of us would be too much just now.
it's without a cause, you see, and that's what is so frightening.
i hated it and had no talent for it. it was one of the flags to capture, you see, and he had to try to win it, even through me.
it's going to cost us -- everything. you know that, don't you?
am i not what you wanted? do you have to correct my brain, too?
you see, she knew, in her own way, that she was not attempting suicide, but making the call for help, the call of a mute and confused person.
waiting for the blows… and then there came a time, later -- a time where she began to arrange for blows to fall.
i swear to you that i will not use you.
they never said they were sorry, not one of them.
is this… forever?
that was not my doing. i was not even in on the consultation.
you are walking around your destruction and poking a little finger at it here and there.
it's funny… i never figured that kid was really sick.
i scratched my arm a little -- that's all.
do you know what a coldsheet pack is? i'm going to set one up for you.
this is the little tart i was telling you about.
there are flowers in a hospital and strength, too. you will live and be strong.
i could not be sure. i am good at getting deceived, you know.
you know… the thing that is so wrong about being mentally ill is the terrible price you have to pay for survival.
there is no injustice being done.
don't hit me, [name] -- don't hit me! i know how hard you can hit!
once i greeted my best friend and she turned from me. when i asked why, she said, "after what you did?" she never spoke to me again, and i never found out what happened.
none of the others laughed, really. you were only afraid that they might laugh. you alone made yourself lie.
there are other deaths than death -- worse ones.
we might someday… have to be "well" and be in the world.
i didn't want to hurt you -- to make you sicker.
when i get around to it, i'm going to do your portrait.
my hair feels dirty.
it is my selfness and it is poisonous. it is mind-poisonous.
another camouflage is to blame it all on someone else. it keeps you from having to face what they really did to you, and what you did to yourself and are still doing.
somewhere there is a thief who has heard that people bury and hide their gold and jewels. can you see the expression on his face when he comes on what i have buried!
i like being somebody's punishment; it makes me feel needed.
their religion doesn't permit them to commit suicide.
i found out about being insane. it really is something.
lay off [name], will you?
do you think the sick people are all in hospitals? do you think you have a corner on suffering?
you ought to know mental trouble when you see it.
it's envy! the best and smartest are always envied. walk straight and don't let them know if they touch you.
i thought i was going to die, but at last they came back.
that kid looks through me as if i'm not here at all.
i am a hair in my eye, and so are you.
a pacifist is one who uses his open hand.
i never promised you a rose garden. i never promised you perfect justice, and i never promised you peace or happiness. my help is so that you can be free to fight for all of these things.
it's because of the maybe. it's because of the little, little maybe.
she never took your world at all, don't you see?
what do they want with me, broken into and spoiled already? i'm not good enough for anyone else.
i could still be crazy if i wanted to?
i wish i could have made it to that narcotics cabinet.
are you calling me? is it me you want?
you have quite a number of bits and pieces all copied down on those papers of yours.
who ever told you that learning facts or theories or languages had anything to do with understanding yourself?
there is nothing you can do to me that my own craziness doesn't do to me smarter and faster and better.
i'll be around. you could even get privileges to come and visit me.
i never could ask for anything. i thought you knew that. when i have to ask, something happens to me and i… well, i start to fight.
i always wondered why those reports seemed to be more about [name]'s thoughts than about her body, like pulse or temperature.
maybe the cannon blast we were fearing was only what we heard.
you are captive and victim. we did not want you to escape.
it's going to hit -- please -- it's going to hit harder than i can stand up under.
god, they build their tortures cunningly!
everyone is so afraid of getting blood on the living room floor. "i can't stand to see suffering," they say, "so die outside!"
i think now, though, that you are little too happy with yourself for this trouble you have.
mommy and daddy are shelling out plenty on that bitch who isn't fit for saving.
get away from that door, [name]. you have no business there.
you are trying to hurt yourself now. what happened?
don't forget what i know about you!
i had known all those years and years how sick i was, and nobody else would admit it.
if you're seeking objective reality, this is one hell of a place to start.
even if you didn't really talk out loud, it was that look you get…
i'm not giving up; i'm just tired, that's all.
occasionally, others are damned by you to punish you.
this you have earned. i don't often give presents either, so take it.
this is one-by-one from the jawbone!
my difference is not my sickness.
when i get upset… i usually have trouble seeing properly.
did i hurt anybody? did i hurt anybody?
kid, i never knew you had it in you. you can really fight!
if i want to die, what am i saving myself for?
you've seen this… awfulness before; why are you so shocked?
measure the hate you feel now, and the shame. that quantity is your capacity also to love and to feel joy and to have compassion.
i would be worse than wasteful to give a moment's time to a hopeless case.
you will find no shortage of moral issues and hard decisions in the real world.
i have decided not to be immoral, because of what happened to [name].
where is what you used to scratch this?
it is why you need a hospital.
you are worn out, but no longer so very frightened, are you?
what am i doing here with all these crazy people!
i don't want to think anymore! i'm tired and scared and i just don't care anymore what happens.
i like an anger that is not fearful and guilty and can come out in good and vigorous english.
we just didn't get on. we didn't like each other. i think perhaps we were too much alike…
you've only got one kind of cold, the kind coats can fix.
you may not even have to do anything about it. you may not even have to think about it.
it was just a simple statement in my mind that i was going to live, to come up alive.
what hurts is being kicked by the forces that everyone else lives by and years of being nuts and not being able to tell anyone and have them believe you.
i tried to go easy. i hope it didn't hurt too much.
grapevine never told me you were back.
it can be very, very tough, but people are sometimes better than you think they will be.
somehow lately, there's been something like a caring in her.
now, am i crazy or did you make that story up?
you can have something on which to model yourself.
stop it! will you never end it!
if everybody would stop dying over the big secret, it'll be a lot easier.
you're not here that much. i want to see you this week.
no, [name], he was weeks ago -- i just went to the party with him.
when she blows, she's going to cover the ceiling.
sometimes you have to fight what won't yield and put yourself where it's safe to be crazy.
whose idea was this in the first place?
if i weren't scared to death of it, i would be so grateful!
you're not just rubbing it in good to get a little free suffering out of it?
alive is fighting. it's the same thing. i still think [name] could have made it.
well, i hope you like the room.
now, when you have come again to the world, you are able to remember what was also there with the darkness. much of it was darkness only because it was balanced against the light of loving and experiencing truth.
what about your new friend, [name]? do you still see her sometimes?
the one place i could never go… the one hunger i could never admit.
do they know how beautiful and enviable their lives are?
i can't go back to my merry high-school days again, volleyball in the gym and teeth-teeth at the school dances.
could you call them for an appointment?
just… well, i liked to think of you being outside and starting along, that's all.
hey! you know what happens when you burn yourself? you get burned, that's what!
is it true that you bring me beauty lately only when you are threatened?
if it's okay with the people down at that place she mentioned, i'll be ready whenever they are.
say "hello" for me. throw something at her and be rude so she'll know it's me.
she is prompt and obedient and never insane in the classroom.
does it all have to go? do we pile it up and throw it all out?
i will never have that. not by fighting or study or work or withstanding will i be able to walk with one of them or be warmed by their hands.
we had to call your landlady and tell her you weren't coming back there tonight and that you were here.
you rotten whore! let me go!
i am going to hang with the world. full weight.
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heartlvrrss · 11 months
haechan x reader
Word count: 1127 (puku puku pow pow)
requested? Yes( •̀ ω •́ )y
Warnings: Small mentions of being gutted (not anyone in the story itself don't worry I'm not cruel) THIS IS ALSO NOT PROOF READ SO IF ITS SHIT IM SORRY T-T other than that nothing (I think)<3
It was finally halloween, the time of year where you would usually call up your best friend lee donghyuck to do all those little halloween things before scaring and bullying kids.
You originally wanted to do a little party with your friends but apparently everyone all of a sudden had to do something, which, in your opinion was total bs. But at least you still had haechan, god did the man piss you off at times but he was a good friend, a cute one maybe even pretty.
“That actually looks like shit” Haechan had the audacity to say while you were carving your pumpkin that you were actually working very hard on, but your ego came back up after seeing his. “You have no right to talk, I cant tell if your trying to make a version of jack the skeleton that was dropkicked as a baby and fell down the stairs 1 million times or if your just making a pumpkin self portrait” You snapped back
“My mother told me to be an honest person, so I told you the truth, no need to insult me!” He replies with wide eyes. Before you could say anything more both of you heard a bell ring, a grin crept up both of your faces before running to the door with vegetables.
You both fought to open the door until u slapped him “get your fatass hand away from the handle I wanna see our victim first” you whispered loudly, the bell rang one last time before you opened the door.
You both saw a young girl in a unicorn costume
“Well hi! What are you this halloween?” You asked
“Isn’t it pretty obvious” the child said, which shocked me with the attitude. She really deserves a vegetable now.
“Is it a fairy??”
“I’m a mermaid you dumb bitch”
I turned to hyuck and mouthed “goddamn..” 
“Oh.. Uh… Choose 3 candies from here” This girl scares me i literally might shit my pants on the spot.
You and hyuck watch as the girl skips away to her mother that was waiting by the end of the driveway, still in shock.
“You were supposed to give her the vegetable!”
“Well she’s got fucking anger issues i don’t wanna get cursed out by a child again!”
I walked back to the kitchen with hyuck right behind me, while i try to extend my legs as much as possible (which TOTALLY not an attempt to trip him)
“What the fuck are you doing ___”
“Its a walking habit hyuck, have you not known me long enough to know that?” you ask with a fake betrayed look on your face
“__ Ive know you for far too long to know thats not a habit of yours. Its a poor attempt of trying to trip me. YOU are the traitor not me.” He grabs his chest and looks away in a fake dramatic manor
you roll your eyes “drama queen.. Well whatever lets watch a movie we can finish the pumpkins tomorrow.” and you gave him the bright smile that hes always loved.
When he saw that smile his heart leaped as usual, whenever he saw you he swears he might have a heart attack; just how could a human be so perfect, is what hed always ask himself whenever he saw you. You are the epitome of perfection to him, and thats exactly what hurt him, he wanted you so bad but he just didnt want to ruin your relationship with him incase you didnt like him back.
Hyuck decided to watch scream on whatever illegal website you could find on your tv, when the part where Casey becker was gutted you flinched a bit immediately holding on to hyuck for comfort, as he just cuddled you closer in response, wrapping you around with the blanket. You looked up at him admiring him for a bit, your heart skipping a bit while the movie plays in the background, you then lean in to kiss him lips barely brushing against each others, thats when you heard a ring your house phone was ringing. A bit freaked out thanks to the scream movie you were watching, you walked up to the phone with hyuck trailing behind you, a bit bummed out the moment was interrupted. 
“Hello? Who is this” the fear in your voice evident
“You dont need to know who i am” the deep voice replied, you look at hyuck to see if he had anything to do with this, but he looked equally confused
“Do not fucking play with me right now, im watching scream right now and you using that voice is gonna make me shit my pants now fuck off and dont joke around” you hang up pissed “just some creep” you told hyuck “ok whatever, can we please contin-” his voiced was cut off by the phone ringing again.
You turn around and pick up the phone again 
“Dont fucking hang up on me bitch”
“What the fuck can i not just enjoy my halloween for goodness sake” someone started loudly banging on the door
“Open the fucking door”
“Open the fucking door NOW”
I cover the phone dk the person couldnt hear me “hyuck please open the door”
“Yes ma’am” I walk next to him with the phone still by me, as hyucks hand slowly reaches for the door knob he opens it
You scream and jump into hyucks arms scared for what would happen, only to be met with a loud 
“SURPRISE!!!” you open your eyes to see a bunch of your friends laughing at you including haechan 
“That was not fucking funny!” you say close to tears, looking at giselle holding a phone “And you YOU i thought no one was coming!” you jumped out of hyucks arms close to tears (angry tears be so real)
“Woah woah we are so sorry ___! Youre right that wasnt funny” hyuck apologises hugging you
“Thats right you better be sorry” you say as you cried
“I think we should leave.. seems like somethings going on here and i dont wanna be a witness…” you hear ningning say as the group walk away
“Are you mad at me?” hyuck asks worried
“You actually thought my tears were real? I didnt know i was that good of an actor” you reply, a bit shocked he believed your stunt
“You were lying??” 
“Ofcourse i just wanted to get the away so i could kiss you in private” you say as you grab his face and give him a sweet pure kiss, finally able to continue the urge after you got rudely interrupted right when you were about to kiss him. 
“So are we official now?” he asks
@polarisjisung here hua! ik im very late but I'm finally finished T-T I hope you like it<3
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cookies-over-yonder · 6 months
hatching eggs
Hey, Taylor?” Link asks, looking up from his sketchbook and kicking his legs back and forth in the air.
“How did you know you were trans?”
Or, Link has a well-needed chat with Taylor about gender.
for @oneinchfrog <3
“Hey, Taylor?” Link asks, looking up from his sketchbook and kicking his legs back and forth in the air.
“How did you know you were trans?” he asks, grabbing one of Taylor’s plushies—a weighted Ditto plush—and squeezing it against his chest.
There’s a certain glint in Link’s eye. One that’s not just out of curiosity, Taylor senses, especially with the way he’s worrying his lower lip between his teeth.
Taylor pauses the anime on his laptop and turns over on his mattress so he’s lying on his stomach just like Link.
“I was really little, and I think i just didn’t like being called a girl? So my mom stopped. She asked me if I wanted to change my name, but I like my name.”
“So you just… felt like you were a boy?” he asks with creased eyebrows.
“I guess, yeah.”
“Did you like, wish that you were one?”
“No, I think I kinda just told my mom I was a boy, and she was like ‘okay cool.’”
“So it wasn’t like, like you weren’t like, upset that you weren’t a boy or whatever because you knew you were one…?”
Link is doing that thing where he subconsciously pushes back all of his cuticles one by one. It’s a nervous stim Taylor’s noticed quite often, though sometimes he’ll start tearing at his nails without realizing and Taylor has to hold his hands and stop him.
“I wasn’t upset or anything, I think it might be partly because I was so little. But my experience isn’t, like, universal. My mom is trans too, and I don’t think she realized it until highschool? I don’t know.”
“I didn’t know your mom is trans.”
“Yeah, she is. If you want to, like, ask her stuff then I’m sure she’d be cool with it,” Taylor says, eyeing Link to try and identify whatever’s going on in that beautiful brain of his.
Taylor’s gotten a little more curious lately about what’s been on Link’s mind. Last time they went to the mall his gaze lingered on the dresses and skirts at Hot Topic. Taylor was just there to get some more graphic tees, and he didn’t really take Link to be into that kind of fashion, but maybe there’s another explanation.
“Do you… are you…” Taylor starts, treading lightly, because Link’s never brought this up before.
“Just curious. Uh, I, yeah I’m just curious.”
Taylor leans over and sneaks a glance at Link’s sketchbook. It’s a self portrait, it seems, and he’s wearing a flowy dress and holding a soccer ball in one hand and making a peace sign with the other.
“Do you wanna wear a dress?”
“I think they’re pretty.”
“I think you’d look pretty in one.”
Link buries his face in the Ditto plush he’s hugging.
“Um… sorry I don’t know why I wanna keep talking about this…” he says.
“Go ahead, I’m chilling,” Taylor says.
“Okay, like, you, you wear dresses and skirts and stuff sometimes, and you’re still a guy, obviously. So I… I…”
Link turns to lie on his back and presses his hands against his face with a big sigh.
“Sorry, this is so random,” he says, “I’m just… I don’t know? I don’t know. It’s nothing, really.”
Judging by the shuddering breath Link takes in, Taylor suspects it really isn’t nothing.
“Link, hey,” Taylor puts a hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay. You can talk to me about it. I’m all ears.”
Link sits up and buries his head in his knees. “I—I don’t know why, lately I’ve just been, like, like, I hate my voice. I’ve hated it since it dropped but I was like oh I’ll—I’ll get used to it, but I—I—”
A sob rips through him, and he curls further in on himself. Taylor is quick to wrap him in a tight hug.
“Sorry I—I don’t know, I’m so confused, because sometimes I’m like, I’m like oh, I wish I was a girl, but I’m not, and I can accept that, but every time I think about it I feel like throwing up. Is that normal?”
“That sounds like gender dysphoria to me.”
“I don’t know what to do,” Link cries, lifting his head from his knees to rest it on Taylor’s shoulder. “I don’t—I—I don’t know why I’m… I’ve… I was fine before but I just… I guess it’s just… puberty? Like I’m like oh yeah, this is… this is real… and I’m scared —”
Link cries harder, and Taylor can feel and hear him start to hyperventilate, and Taylor knows Link is already prone to panic-attacks, so a dysphoria induced one isn’t too far-fetched at all.
“Link, Link, I need you to breathe.”
Link whines and shakes his head, trying to say something but it all coming out in a nonsensical babble.
Taylor backs up and cups Link’s cheeks in his hands. “Link, it’s okay, I promise. Just take a deep breath.”
“Can’t—” Link forces out between gasps. “‘M freaking out.”
“I know, I know, but listen to me. My mom transitioned in highschool, and she’s so much happier now. She made it though all the tough shit. You can too. You can be a girl.”
That latest sentence seems to strike a chord with him, because a whole new onslaught of tears comes flowing out. “I—I’m so scared, I don’t wanna have to—to—to tell everybody…”
“It’s okay, it’s okay, you can wait until you’re ready. And I can help you with that if you’d like.”
Link nods, loosening up a little and breathing deeper.
“Sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean to—to—to freak out on you like that.”
“It’s totally okay, I promise,” Taylor says, hugging him again and rubbing his back, “And hey, we can go shopping sometime soon to get you some dresses. If you like makeup, I know a little, and Hermie knows a lot. Scary also knows a lot.”
“That sounds nice.”
“Do you want me to start using femme terms for you?”
“I don’t know. I don’t know what I want.”
“Okay, well, we can maybe try things out? What about pronouns?”
“I think I still like he/him, but I also like the idea of using she/her…”
“What if I use she/her for you in a sentence and you tell me if you like it?”
“I love my best friend Link. She’s so cool, and she’s so pretty, and I’m gonna take her shopping to get some cute dresses.”
Link leans back and Taylor looks to see him smiling so wide. “I like it a lot.”
“Hell yeah.”
“My god, I’m so sleepy,” she says. “I always get sleepy after breaking down like that.”
“It’s okay, you go to sleep, and dream about spinning in the new dresses we’re gonna get you.”
“Okay, I will,” Link says, turning to lay down, resting his head in Taylor’s lap. “Thank you. I love you.”
“I love you too,” Taylor says before planting a kiss on her forehead.
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adachimoe · 16 days
After thinking about this game for a long ass time and writing walls of text about random bullshit, I think this exchange is easily one of the funniest parts of the game. It's during the curry ingredient shopping part, and the girls - who don't know how to cook - are trying to figure out what to put in curry.
Yukiko: Okay, let's get potato starch, and... probably flour too. Chie: Fl-Flour, right, flour, that stuff. Do we need soft flour or hard flour? Yukiko: The harder the better. We've got boys to feed!
Soft flour (aka pastry flour) is the usual / correct / normal thing for curry. Like when a JP recipe calls for flour, it probably means soft / pastry flour. Hard flour (aka bread flour) is not normal, but it could be fine if you add extra water or something. As Yosuke comments during the camping trip, the curry tastes like sand lol, so we know that didn't happen.
I think the combo of Yukiko's dumb ass logic, the... rock solid confidence in her voice when she says "Because we have guys!", and her portrait even switching to the heated up / yelling portrait really sells this scene and cements it as one of the funniest parts of the game to me.
The English version rewrote this exchange and changed Yukiko's portrait to her neutral face instead of the more heated expression:
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In the past year or so, I have told multiple people what the Japanese version said (including random strangers in random public Persona Discords lol), and they actually thought the original Japanese exchange was funny.
I think the joke about "hard flour" works in English too, as-is, because it's really just... self-explanatory? Like Americans have all of those unserious stereotypes about Manly Men doing Manly Tough Guy things: A dude wouldn't want ~*~soft~*~ flour, no no no, he'd want the Manly Man xXxtreme !!!HARD!!! Flour.
The English version going for whole wheat because "it's healthy" doesn't seem to have any comedy to it (I wonder - did a guy try to write it to make fun of women for being health conscious...?), which should be illegal because Yukiko is definitely a silly. Combined with her line from April about not wanting steak that's too fatty, it's almost like she has a secret subplot about ?? her weight ?? going on. But no, not really, her brain just has incomprehensible logical reasoning ability!
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come-away-with-me87 · 2 months
The Art of Love Chapter 5
Chapter 4 here
"Please, have a seat," as you motioned to the seat on the other side of your desk.  Shouta and you both sat down in your respective seats, and he looked around your desk for a moment.  It was primarily scattered with the kids' drawings, but over to the side, there was a picture of you and Kento from your engagement photoshoot.  Even though he's been gone for years, you never had the heart to take it down.  You had told yourself it was a reminder of the decision you had made back at his funeral, but now you were having complicated feelings about everything.
"Is that you and your husband?" Shouta asked, finally speaking up first.  "Oh...oh. That's...that was my fi-fiance, Kento. He passed away a few years ago."  Shouta looked over at you, "I see. I'm sorry."  You looked over at the picture for a moment, then looked back over at Shouta, "thank you."  You two sat there in an awkward silence for another moment, until you said to Shouta, "so, you wanted to tell me about Eri's past and why she's here?"  His shoulders seemed to relax a little bit after the awkwardness, simply replying, "yes."  
Shouta then went on to explain everything from the beginning.  For years, she was used and abused as an experiment to make a Quirk-Destroying drug by the leader of the Shie Hassaikai, Overhaul.  "Her body was destroyed then restored over and over again by Overhaul's Quirk," Shouta said with venom in his voice.  He then went on to explain how he Shie Hassaikai joined forces with the League of Villains, which is when the rescue plan was put in order by a pro-hero named Sir Nighteye.  After much grief and loss, Mirio and a boy named Izuku Midoriya were finally able to rescue Eri, with Mirio losing his Quirk in the process.
"Eri lived a very fearful and secluded life," Shouta stated.  "We never saw her smile for the first time until long after she was rescued, when Mirio took her to the U.A. School Festival.  I've been working with her since then on maintaining her Quirk.  Overall, she shows to be better, but I thought this class could also, in a way, provide a form of therapy to her that the U.A. can't."  You sat there and just looked at Shouta with tears in your eyes; what a heartbreaking situation for a young girl to go through.  You blinked back your tears, trying to remain professional, and brought out some of Eri's artwork.
You slid her self-portrait across the desk to Shouta stating, "this is one that has concerned me the most so far."  Shouta picked up the drawing from the desk and observed it.  "Interesting..." you heard him say for the second time now.  "It's difficult to tell, but this looks like the outfit she was in when she was being held captive in. She had on a tan dress and was covered in bandages."  He put the drawing back down and you automatically looked down at it, saying "it seems she still views herself that way for some reason."  "I agree," Shouta replied, "I'll talk with her about it tonight after we're done training."  
"What exactly are you training her on, if you don't mind my asking?"  He looked up at you thoughtfully for a moment, "I'm helping her train on controlling her Quirk since she was never taught how to. She's shown tremendous progress so far, but still has a ways to go."  You smiled at him in response, "you're pretty remarkable, you know that? You spend your days teaching and training students on becoming heroes, then you spend your evenings training Eri. It takes a pretty special person to do something like that."  Shouta slightly blushed and looked down at his lap, quietly saying, "it's not a big deal."  You just smiled again in response.
He looked back up at you, "the colors she chose for her mandala..." he trailed off, "I believe she associates those colors with Overhaul," to which he explained what Overhaul's outfit consisted of.  "Ah, it makes sense why you said it was interesting when you first saw it. I promise, I will do my best to continue working with Eri through her trauma, and help her become the best version of herself," you said with confidence to Shouta.  "It seems like she is also in excellent hands with everyone at the U.A., so between that and her art therapy, I'm confident that she'll heal."  
It was Shouta's turn to smile at you, "thank you for taking her into your class, Y/N. She thinks very highly of you, saying you're very kind to her. I can tell you're a warm person, and I appreciate you now being a part of not only her healing process, but her life."  Now it was your turn to blush.  "Listen, I don't normally do this, but I would like to give you my personal phone number in case you ever need me for anything...for Eri, of course."  You wrote your phone number down on a piece of paper, and slid it across the desk to him.  "Thank you, Y/N, I appreciate that. I'll give my number as well, in case something happens in the classroom or you're concerned about anything...regarding Eri."
He ripped off a small piece of paper from the one you gave him, wrote his number down on it, and slid it back across the desk to you.  "Well, I better get back to the campus. I have training with Eri and I also have papers to grade. Thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to talk to me."  You smiled over at him, "it was my pleasure."  You both got up at the same time, and you walked him over to the door.  "Thank you, Shouta, for everything you've been doing for Eri; I can tell you've been such a positive influence in her life; she's lucky to have someone like you."  He smiled at you once more, said goodbye, then took his leave.  You couldn't help but stand there and stare at him walking away.
You went back to your desk, picked up the piece of paper with Shouta's number on it, and plugged his number into your cell phone.  You then noticed yourself smiling the whole while.  After you finished putting his name and number in your contacts list, you put your phone down, and took a deep breath.  Sure, Shouta had some sort of effect over you that you couldn't explain, but you only have his phone number for Eri's sake.  That was all.  At least, that's what you told yourself, as you continued to smile down at Shouta's name in your contacts list.
To be continued...
Tag list: @lili-pond ; @jaguarthecat ; @big-denki-energy ; @ivydoesit23
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tinyluminaryzombie · 6 months
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@jilymicrofics | May Prompt #7 - Seething | 686 words tw: mentions of violence and blood (not gorry/extreme) Read on AO3
Lily kept replaying the scene. Time was fuzzy but she remembered every detail of when Severus's pack of wannabe death eaters cornered her.
It was stupid, walking all alone in deserted hallways. She had just finished her head girl duties and she had convinced James to leave early after he was about to chug another black tea just to stay awake. Quidditch schedules weren’t for the weak. 
Lily thought she’d be fine. Ultimately, she supposed she was fine. At least, she was alive. Minutes ago, she arrived in the common room seething, tears from her eyes and blood from her hands mixing on her face. 
Stop crying. Stop crying. Stop crying! echoed in Lily’s head. Crying would be her admission of weakness, her final surrender. She didn’t know what made her weaker: being paralyzed by Severus’s violent betrayal or disgusted by her acts of self-defense. 
It had started with a gasp. A portrait clutched her chest, looking ill. As Lily opened her mouth, ready to whip her head around, the portrait fearfully shook her head in warning. She kept walking, relying on the portraits’s reactions and the frames’ reflections. It quickly became clear. Four masked figures were following her. Lily was outnumbered. She kept walking as long as she could, whispering protective charms. There was no way to attack all four at once without putting the whole castle in danger. She was trapped. 
“Lily! Lily!” a voice called out. 
She blinked twice, reminding herself she was back in the common room, sitting on the gold rug, feeling the cold stone on her back, smelling honey and lemon. She was safe, for now. James came into focus.
“Lily,” he said again. This time, it felt more like a deep whine. She hummed hallowly. “Oh my god. Where are you bleeding? Shit, shit, shit. Lily, we need to get you help, right now.”
“It’s not my blood,” Lily said, looking at golden threads instead of warm eyes. She held her hands up. “It’s not mine.” She crumpled into James’s arms, her head in his chest. She balled her hands up tight fists behind his back. 
“I’m here. I’m here. I love you. I love you. I’m not going to let anything happen to you,” James whispered through her hair. 
“He hesitated. I didn’t.” Lily said. 
“What do you mean?”
Lily let out a shaky laugh. “Severus, he hesitated. Three of his death eater friends pushed him to the front and ripped his mask off. Told him to do his worst. Sev–Severus grabbed my arm and then froze. I yelled one of the blood curses that we were banned from learning in class. As soon as it hit, I yanked my arm away and ran.” 
She heard James sniffle. 
“So it’s Severus’s?”
She nodded. “James?” He needed to understand. 
“I just used one of the vindictive and painful curses on someone who I used to call my best friend.”
“I know. I’m so sorry, Lil.” He head, holding her tighter.
“But– but how can you still hold me? How can you still love me? You’re the most loyal person I know. You would never purposely hurt a friend. You’d never use a spell half as bad on them. And your girlfriend just–,” she paused, not wanting to say it again. “I just did that! ” Lily started sobbing again. 
James tried to brush her tears away, his thumb damp from his own. 
“Lily, I have never been more grateful that you’re the top student. I have never been more grateful for vindictive and painful curses. I have never been more grateful that you’re alive .” She feels his lips on her head. “The boys would never hurt me—or you—like that. But he doesn’t understand loyalty, doesn’t warrant loyalty. Just because he hesitated doesn’t mean he deserves your mercy. That goddamn graceless asshole doesn’t deserve your grace.” 
James kissed her temple. “I love you, I love you.” Lily continued to cry as he whispered to her. She reached over to squeeze his hand. I love you. I love you , she thought. 
Maybe together, they could get through this.
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jinkookspencil · 2 years
bts x halloween couples costumes
Description/Tags: Fluff / OT7 Scenarios / No Smut At All / This is an OT7 post that is basically little scenarios of each member and their s.o., but they’re inter-connected - they’re all getting ready to go to a couples costume Halloween party hosted by Hobi and his S.O! I'm sure you can guess what Hobi has planned.... You don’t have to read every member, it’s just that that’s the setting in my head and some members are mentioned in some of the other members’ scenarios.
Author’s Note: I had the idea to write a post on this a while ago, but I completely forgot about it and I just wrote this on a whim. I wanted to try something different! Pretty happy with how it came out, it’s my first time writing like this for a few of the members so I’m at least glad I tried that. I’m sorry it’s taking me longer to post my other WIPs! I’m not that proud of my Namjoon drabble I planned to post but I might just upload it soon. Also I sincerely want to thank you guys for all the love on take off your glasses - i didn't expect it to blow up and i think i reached 2 follower milestones since then, so thank you sm!! (gifs are not mine! can't find original sources, so please lmk if i should just remove them from the post)
“Honey, I have a couples costume idea for Hobi’s Halloween party!”
“Oh, really?”, Namjoon asks, walking over to you from his office chair upon hearing you at the door. “I thought you were matching with Jin’s girl? And me and Jin were gonna do a Pokemon one? Wasn’t that the plan?”
“It was… Wait did you and Jin get your costumes yet?”
“No,” he sighs. “It felt weird if one of us was Ash and the other was Pikachu then we just couldn’t decide who got which Pokemon onesie. Now he wants Charmander and I want Bulbasaur, but they only had Eevee and Squirtle and.. forget it. I, of course, want to match with you instead. What’s up, what’s your idea?”, he rubs your shoulder. 
“Okay so, I have two ideas.”
“Of course you do.”
“Shh,” you smile. “The first one is a bug catcher and a butterfly. You’ll be the bug catcher and I’ll be a butterfly. You can wear a khaki or brown vest and shorts with a bucket hat and a net in your hands, and I’ll wear wings and do my makeup all pretty,” you say proudly, batting your eyelashes jokingly before looking at Namjoon to see his eyes in a crescent moon shape due to the wide smile on his face.
“That’s adorable, baby. I love it. My pretty butterfly,” he says, squishing your face. “I’m good with that, it already beats me and Jin’s onesies. What’s the other idea?”
“I think you’ll like this one more.”
“So…. we’d need some more help with this, maybe Jungkook can come over and help us out since he’s a great painter, but…. What if we were Van Gogh and his sunflowers? We ca-,” you stop for a moment and restrain your smile, taking in the sight of Namjoon’s eyes widening. 
“We can do it in so many different ways, babe. We can both be covered in paint, you’re his self-portrait and I have sunflowers painted all over me. You can just dress as he does in that portrait of his with the hat? Maybe even with the bandaged ear? And I’ll have sunflowers in my hair either way. What do you think?”
Namjoon doesn’t answer, but pulls your head closer to his to meet your lips, sighing against them after a kiss. “I love you.”
“Nice, huh?”
He quickly kisses you again on the lips, staring at you in adoration with a big, heartwarming smile on his. “Amazing. My beautiful genius.”
“So? Which one?”
“The second one,” he laughs. “Is that okay? Let’s leave the butterfly for next year…..” Namjoon’s voice trails off, and suddenly he’s staring at the corner of the ceiling.
“Wh…. You’re thinking of more art costume ideas we could do, huh?”
"There's American Gothic too...." he mumbles before his gaze returns to you. “Have I told you that I love you?”
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“Seokjin, no.”
Your plans for Hoseok's Halloween party were set. You and your bestie would match while your respective boyfriends - Seokjin and Namjoon - would match, a genius twist on Hoseok's "couples costume" theme this year. But when she texted you telling you the plans were off and that she’d be matching with Namjoon, you were back to square one and broke the news to Seokjin.
You didn't think it could get any worse..... But he got an idea when he heard that one of their initial costume ideas was a bug catcher and a butterfly.
“Seokjin. I am NOT dressing up as a FISH.”
“Why not?!” he pouts. “You’ll be a fish and I’ll be a fisherman! It’s cute!”
“Seokjin, I’ve been to Hoseok’s parties before, everyone is going to be in their most amazing, creative costumes and I’m going to be a fish? I still have to make a good impression on some of your friends!”
“Honey, everyone already loves you, don't worry about that. And we’ll be sitting in the corner talking to each other and the guys like we always do.”
“But a fish, Seokjin?”
“Yes, what’s wrong with it?” he defends. “You know I love seafood!”
“To eat! But dressing up AS a fish?!”
“You don’t get it, honey. It’s because you’re a CATCH.”
Seokjin’s expression brightens at his own ‘genius’, and you try to restrain a smile - you always admired his ability to make a pun out of every situation.
“But I’d be a FISH, Seokjin. A DEAD and SMELLY CATCH.”
Now it's his turn to laugh, but he erupts rather than holding it in. “Honey, you’d be my favorite hobby! Well, you already are,” he winks, “but you know what I mean.
Put on a little extra of that floral perfume you always wear and we'll say you're a magical fish from a pond that smells like roses and can survive out of water."
“I can’t believe I’m dressing up as a fish for you, Seokjin.”
“Yes!!!!” he cheers, kissing your forehead. “Thank you, honey. Ah, be prepared, I’ll go around all night making that catch joke.”
“Why couldn’t we have been Mario and Peach? We have those costumes in our closets….. Can’t I at least be a mermaid?”, you slump. “Like you caught a mermaid?”
“Honey, that’s not realistic.”
“I’ll find a way to be a sexy fish,” you pout.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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“Okay?” you make sure.
“Yes,” Yoongi nods. “I like it.”
“Tell me honestly.”
“Honestly?,” Yoongi asks. “It’s a bit uncreative for a couples costume idea, darling, but I like it……… But judging by the expression on your face, you don’t believe me.”
You hadn’t noticed your eyebrows were furrowed until Yoongi pointed it out. “You just said it was uncreative, Yoongi.”
“Gomez and Morticia Addams is not a creative couples costume idea! It’s been done, but I like it.”
“Well, you come up with something, if you’re so good at creative costumes!”
“Darling, let me finish. I like it. You know why? Because it’s accurate,” he says.
“Accurate? What does that mean? Because you’re pale?”
Yoongi chuckled before turning his chair to face you completely. “It’s accurate to me and you. I remember watching that Addams Family movie and Gomez was so in love with his wife…. And I’m madly in love with mine. What’s that thing he tells her? ‘To live without you, only that would be torture’? That.” Yoongi blinks. “I like it because it’s accurate. Okay?”
You grab Yoongi by his cheeks and pull him towards you in a kiss.
“What the fuck, Min Yoongi?!”
“What?! I just said it’s accurate! Just draw the mustache on me. Gomez and Morticia Addams…. I like it.”
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“Wait, what did you tell everyone we were dressing up as?”, you ask your boyfriend from the makeup chair.
“Woody and Bo Peep from Toy Story,” Hoseok replies from the armchair beside you.
“Oh that’s going to be hilarious,” you smile for a moment before instantly suppressing it so the makeup artist couple complete your look. “They won’t see this coming. Are you completely done?”
“Yep,” he replies.
“So are you,” the makeup artist replies with a final stroke of her brush. “Take a look, Mrs. Frankenstein.”
When Hoseok said he’d take care of everything and would go all out, he really meant it. The makeup artist he hired did a great job at somehow making you look both fabulous and creepy, and so did the hairstylist, who gave you permanent white streaks in your hair as per your request, to surprise Hoseok after the party. Even the sort of wedding dress you wore was tailor-made as per Hobi’s insistence, but he let you have a hand in designing it, resulting in an edgy, fitted white dress that was a mini at the bottom to show off your thigh-high boots and a lacy corset on top of a short-sleeved lacy top. You looked like a rockstar version of the Bride of Frankenstein and turning to Hobi as he got up to take a look at you, you realized he looked like one too. Green all over with dark circles under his eyes, but a rockstar nonetheless… Hell, he even made the bolts on his neck look natural and cool. Where did he find this team of artists to put together your looks?! Sure he loved spoiling you, but this was almost too much, even for Hoseok.... and it didn't help that he was fidgeting all day, which he only did when he was incredibly nervous, setting you on edge as well.
“You look so cool, baby,” he smiles, hands in his pockets. “Ready for the party? We should get going now so we can start welcoming the guests in.”
“I think I am... Baby, you look amazing… we look amazing,” you say, taking in your look. “But there's something.... different about tonight. Don't you feel it? You don't seem like yourself too."
As soon as the words leave your mouth, you regret it, because suddenly, it's as if he hadn't had jitters the entire night. "I'm fine, baby. I'm excited! This is going to be the best party I threw, I planned so many things that even you don't know about. How about you? How are you feeling?"
"I can't describe it. I’m kinda nervous or… excited but in a way, I’ve never felt before.”
“Why?,” he laughs. “This isn’t the first time we’ve hosted a party together.”
“I know, but this feels…. big? Different? I don’t know why.”
“It’s nothing, honey. Forget that stuff about it being the best party, it's just another party! Besides that are you feeling okay or is something bothering you?”
“No, I’m fine, it’s just…,” you look Hobi in his eyes, “something feels different.”
Hoseok’s smile grows as he shakes his head. “It’s just a Halloween party with all of our friends, who love us. No reason to be nervous.”
You nod, taking his hand in yours. "I don't think it's nerves."
“Can I tell you something funny to help ease you?”, he says.
“I heard Jin made his girlfriend dress up like a fish.”
You and Hoseok burst into a cackle, despite that he already knew of the fact.
“Knowing her, she’ll find a way to make it cool, though,” you say. “That helped, baby. I’m ready.”
“Good,” he smiles, touching over his jacket pocket before grabbing your hand. “Let’s go, my beautiful bride.”
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“Jimin, are you home?” you yell from the bedroom upon hearing the front door slam.
“Yes!” he calls out. “Who else would enter with a key?”, you hear him gush under his breath. His voice and his excited face are too adorable for you to get annoyed…. and you had a pressing issue at hand.
“Baby, hi. So I’m kind of stressed because I couldn’t come up with anything to wear for Hoseok’s party.”
“Oh, right, when is it?” he asks calmly.
“Jimin, it’s Halloween. It’s tomorrow.”
“Oh!”, he gasps. “Then I’m in trouble too. Isn’t it supposed to be a couples costume thing too?”
“Fuck. What do we do?”
“I actually think I still have my Mickey Mouse ears that I got from that Disney trip with the boys…. How about Mickey and Minnie?”
You had discovered that Jimin was even more of a sweetheart than he seemed as you got to know him, but this was damn near one of the sweetest suggestions he had ever made in all your time together. “Mickey and Minnie?!”
“Yes! Do you have Mickey or Minnie ears?”
“No….” you reply shyly.
“Then let me ask Jungkook, and I’ll make a note to take you to Disneyland,” he smiles, but it almost immediately turns into a frown. “Ay, I forgot he got Donald Duck.”
“I can probably do my hair up in little buns?” you suggest.
“You’d look adorable, baby.”
“But what would we wear?”
“Just black? We might look weird, huh?”
“Why did we both forget?! I want to match, Jiminie, you can’t suggest Mickey and Minnie and just give that up, it's too cute but we'll look like Mickey and his weird rat girlfriend instead of Minnie.... but I can’t think of anything!”, you whine with your forehead against his chest.
You feel his chest vibrate beneath your skin, and the sound of Jimin's giggles nearly makes you forget the issue entirely. “Baby,” he giggles. “You won't look like Mickey's weird girlfriend. It’ll be okay, even if we show up in our normal clothes with no costumes and say we’re dressed as us.”
You lift your head up and stare at Jimin. “Dressed as us?”
“Mm,” he says calmly.
“I have an idea," you reply. "What if we dressed as each other?! I know we borrow each other’s stuff sometimes but we still have different styles right'? What if I went dressed as you and you dressed as me?! I think we can use whatever’s in our closets…”. You stare off in the direction of your wardrobe trying to form a mental image of all the outfits you both had. “What do you think?”
Jimin tilts your head so he can look you in the eyes. “I love it. Unfortunately for Hoseok, for a couples costume party, we’ll be the most coupley couple there and we didn’t even have to think about it too much… this is why we’re PERFECT together, babe...." He brings his soft lips to the top of your head. "I love you."
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“Taehyung, isn’t this a bit of a sad costume?”, you ask your boyfriend while applying lipstick in the mirror.
“What do you mean?”, he replies suddenly appearing behind you in the reflection, in full costume.
“Well, Bonnie and Clyde?”
“Yeah?” he raises his eyebrows.
“Well, you know…” 
“I know…. what?” his eyes widen.
“Well, it’s a real story and I know we’re going off of the movie, but they die at the end.”
Taehyung licks his lips, his eyes darting around the room…. 
“You didn’t finish the movie, did you?”
He cringes, a faint shade of red appearing in his cheeks. “I slept before the ending.”
“And you didn’t even see it coming?”
Taehyung covers his mouth with his hand, biting his index finger. “I’m sorry.”
“Baby,” you sigh, turning around and cupping his face in your hands. “Why are you sorry? It’s a classic couples costume. I just said it’s kind of sad but you know what else it is?” His eyebrows raise quickly in question.
“It’s sexy. Well, not Bonnie and Clyde, that feels kind of weird and wrong to say. But this whole 1940s type of clothing on you, on us,” you say, your hands roaming over Taehyung’s chest before fiddling with his suspenders. “I know you like to wear this type of thing often, I mean, hey, you didn’t even have to buy anything, you just got everything from your closet but…. It feels good to actually wear them, you know? I’m not sad at all. I wanna walk into that party with my partner in crime.”
He brings the tip of his index finger to your chin, slowly kissing you… and as he breaks away you notice a bit of your red lipstick stains his upper lip. 
“Partner in crime, huh?”, he asks, a smug smile on his face.
“Uh-huh,” you giggle, wiping off the lipstick from his lips.
“I like that. Let’s go, pudding,” he jokes in an exaggerated, undetectable accent as he wears his fedora, grabbing your hand too excitedly as he makes for the door in a laugh.
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“Baby, isn’t Hoseok’s party in like 3 weeks? It’s the beginning of October!”
“And we’re already too late!,” Jungkook complains. “Look, I don’t mean to outshine anyone in that party, especially not Hoseok since he’s got a lot planned, but we need to have an amazing costume, baby, just for our sake.”
“Okay, so, any ideas?”, you ask.
“Too many to choose”, he says. “It’s a couples costume party, right? So I thought about the most romantic place to look for inspiration since I’m so in love with you and this is an opportunity for me to show everyone how madly we’re in love with each other.”
“Oooh, I like where this is going… Let me guess. Something from Jane Austen? Pride & Prejudice?! Or Shakespeare? Is it Romeo and Juliet?”
“Shakespeare? Jane? What? No, that feels like something only Namjoon and his fiancee will understand. No, baby….,” he pauses for dramatic effect. “DISNEY!”
“Disney?” you ask.
“Yes!” he says excitedly. “Do you… not like it?”
For the split second before your answer, you cringe at the idea of you having to wear a Cinderella-like ballgown, or an Aurora-esque dress… It was the first thing your mind went to, and it was the farthest thing from a costume you’d like to wear, but seeing the sparkle in Jungkook’s eyes, you couldn’t say no.
“I like it!” you reply, trying to match his excitement. “Which couples were you thinking? Cinderella? Snow White? Jane and Tarzan? Belle and The Beast”
“Cinderella and Snow White? Me, the Beast? What? Baby.....no,” he laughs. “ Where is your head at today? Imagine you in a Cinderella gown, I mean I think you’re always beautiful but that’s just not you.. Right?” he asks.
….Well this surely isn’t what you were expecting.
“Right…. Then… What did you have in mind?” you ask, more intrigued than ever, which Jungkook could sense, judging by the readiness in his eyes, and you immediately regret the disappointment you felt when he brought up the idea. Fuck, you could never hide your emotions from him.
“Okay,” he continues with a smile on his face, pulling up a collage of Disney characters on his phone. “I thought of many and I did my research. The only one we can’t do is Woody and Bo Peep because that’s apparently what Hoseok’s doing but I have other options. There are many Disney couples - baby we have to do a marathon soon. Anyways, there are some where one suits me and not you, or you but not me. I went through people like Aladdin and Jasmine, Peter and Wendy, Hercules and Meg, Flynn and Rapunzel…. I know some of those are princesses but they seem more like you? Or we could do Mickey and Minnie - we could borrow Jimin’s Mickey ears but it seems like a last-minute costume so, actually scratch that. We could do the Dalmatians? I know Bam will like that! What’s more ‘us’? I think some cool ones might be Mr. and Mrs. Incredible from The Incredibles? Or what about Jack and Sally from the Nightmare Before Christmas? Baby, there are so many options and I just don’t know what to do and -“
You stop Jungkook by kissing him on the lips - it takes him a moment before he responds and kisses you back.
“Jeon Jungkook…..I love you.”
“I love you too,” he replies shyly. “Are my ideas that good?”
“They’re that cute. I’ll tell you what, you pick your favorite.”
“Baby, that's the whole point of this, I can’t pick - you probably know Disney characters better than I do. Which characters are more like us? Or, actually, which ones are the most in love?”
“I don’t know I guess every couple’s love is different.”
“Is there one that’s similar to ours?,” he asks, eyes wide.
“No, our love is ours, Jeon Jungkook.” 
He smiles. “That doesn’t help. See? Do you see, baby? We need something as romantic as that. I’m starting to think we’re more romantic than Disney movies….”
“I have an idea, baby. Let’s pick a few of the couples, work on the costumes for the next few weeks, and then we’ll see what suits us best. I think you have the charms of Peter Pan, but you have the emo soul to be a good Jack Skellington…. and you’d make a pretty accurate Hercules….”
“Hercules, huh?” he raises his eyebrows. “I’ll show you the strength of Hercules rescuing his damsel in distress”. He begins to tickle your waist, and you instinctively attempt to push his hands away, knowing they were making their way to your thighs. 
“Okay, Jungkook, you really need to watch these movies because Meg says that she’s not a damsel in distress!”, you get out, with shrieks and giggles in between.
“Just let me make out with my princess,” he giggles, finally firmly grabbing your waist and pulling you up to his chest, kissing your lips more sweetly and lovingly than any prince in any fairytale you ever watched or read about.
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cozylilgurl · 3 months
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Welcome to my
Cozy Lil Space!
My name is Sophie and I’m an age regressor who is about 6 years old little age, 31 years old big age 💜 I am both an agere and can also be a bit of a flip (have care giver energy).
I wanted a space to be my smol self, to feel little and cozy and safe to explore my age regression experiences. I feel very much like a lilgurl, while also being nonbinary/genderfluid. Bi/Pansexual&Polyamorous💜💖 I am physically disabled and I have ADHD-I, Major Depressive Disorder, Gen Anxiety with Panic Attacks, and PTSD. My age regression stems from/ is a way to cope with my reality (past and present), and is often involuntary for me. I am exploring this and trying to better understand myself to cope, feel safe, and just have fun being my authentic self 💜💖🩵
I have always felt like a child at heart, but was “advanced” in my early childhood; I started reading at 2 yo. I was reading and speaking at an adult level by the age of 6. But I also had to be taught not to baby talk by a speech therapist, I collect dolls and stuffies, and I adore all things cute and kid friendly. I’ve been told I dress childish, but I love the way I dress: EGL/Lolita style fashion plus cute, soft girl/boy vibes depending on how I’m feeling.
I feel an innocence in my soul that can only be soothed by letting the little self be seen and heard 💜
This is a space for me to explore, to learn more about the age regression I experience, involuntarily and voluntary. I am very open to learning from everyone here in the agere community, as I change, grow, and I learn who I am 💜💖🩵
On this blog I will:
Be 100% SFW and Child friendly content 😋💜🥰
Create mood boards 💜💖🩵
Reblog agere posts that I identify with
Share my own agere experiences and thoughts and experiences I am having
Talk to other age regressors and am open for asks 🤗
Create my own smol space or little space
Explore what works for me, what I identify with, what makes me feel safe, basically what age regression is for me 💜
Switch from big speak to little speak, as I have always been a baby nerd 🤓🤭
Be silly and serious! 😋😝😐😯🤓
And lastly (for now) I will post photos of myself that are edited and will be SFW of course. Please DNI with my photos in an inappropriate way. I am sharing how I feel through self portraits and photos of my life as an agere, so please respect my boundaries.
Speaking of Boundaries:
Please Do Not Interact (DNI) if: you are going to sexualize me, are a Kink blog, are going to DM me for those reasons, are NSFW, or are not kiddo friendly🫣🫢😑 This seems obvious to me, but also DNI if you are racist/ableist/homophobic/transphobic, hateful in any way, or just want to bully/be mean. I am a 100% Safe Space for Ageres of all ages, Big and Smol, so please keep this a safe space for me and anyone else who identifies with agere 💜 Again, DNI with me if it’s NSFW, not appropriate content! Thank you for respecting my boundaries, my safe space 💜
More about me:
I am an artist, a doll collector, love stuffed animals and toys. I adore dark academia aesthetic as well as soft, pink, pastel aesthetics as well. I will post moodboards bc I love to create visuals that show how I am feeling and what I love, as I love beauty and visual arts. I also customize dolls and fix toys, love to sew, and adore fashion, nail art, and all things pretty!
Cartoons are my favorite shows: Adventure Time is number one, but I also love Steven Universe, We Bare Bears, Craig of the Creek, The Amazing World of Gumball, and more!
I’m sure I will add more as it occurs to me, but that’s all for now! I know it’s long, sowwy! 🙈
Thank you for reading 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Now let’s have some fun!
Much love,
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