#like he hits his head or like just before he enacts the Plan or w/e
owlrageousjones · 1 year
Yes Chancellor, Pilot Script
"Chancellor, you've been asked to give your opinion on the Rimworld People's Liberation Front."
"Are they the terrorists we hate or the freedom fighters we're supporting?"
"The former, sir. The latter are the Rimworld Peoples' Liberation Front."
"... Senator, which one is it? The terrorists or the freedom fighters?"
"Well, the Rimworld People's Liberation Front are officially recognised as terrorists by the Senate, but the Rimworld Peoples' Liberation Front are-"
"Hang on, you just said the same name twice!"
"Ah, yes, I see the confusion. The Rimworld People apostrophe s Liberation Front are not at all similar to the Rimworld Peoples apostrophe Liberation Front."
"... How so?"
"Well, we're against the former and supporting the latter for starters."
"I... see."
"Now, these are their flags."
*presents two identical flags*
"Senator, these are identical."
"Nonsense, Chancellor, these are-oh, my apologies. I had the Rimworld Peoples' Liberation Front one the wrong way around."
*flips one of the flags - they remain identical*
"There, is that clearer, sir?"
"As the Swamps in Naboo, Senator."
"And there is of course the matter of the Rimworld Peoples Liberation Front to consider as well."
"... Where's the apostrophe for that one?"
"Oh, it doesn't have one, sir."
"And... what do they want?"
"Well, sir, we're not actually sure yet. It's really rather muddled things for us."
"Yes, what a shame. And it was so straightforward without them."
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ebonyslasher · 1 year
Hey I'm new to these requests so sorry if it's bad. Plus been reading ya stuff and I feel like you are the only one who can do this justice. But for some reason having the slashers react to their s/o having a decrepit version of their fit makes me laugh. Like they seem so excited to show them and it's just.. 👁️👄👁️bad. (Um I do see you're on hiatus so I'm sorry if this is an inconvenience or anything.) Also can this be the mask that Michael s/o has plz?
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Hey! Thank you so much for reading my work and sending this in. That mask cracks me up
What the hell you got on?!! Slasher mask reaction:
Michael Myers
You saw that mask at a spirit halloween and had to get it
That specific one in Haddonfield couldn't sell the more accurate, original one anymore....mostly due to combined ptsd lol.
But, this would be great to use to try to get a reaction out of him...maybe a chuckle 🤭
It seems impossible but you were successful a few times, he just has....dark humor.
Knowing him, you had to just go ahead and out the costume on in the parking lot. That nigga be stalkin'.👀
You bust through the door🚪 with the whole fit on, confident as hell
😠Michael strides to the front door, figuring out why you making all that fuckin noise and slammin' doors in HIS house.
Michael sees you. And he stops.
You looking how you looking is looking at Michael and he's looking at you.
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Girl...what the fuck you got on?
Michael knows he don't look like that y/n🫤, you look derpy. He looked intimidating- there's a difference!!!
He starts to walk past, acting unaffected. But, he swiftly pulls that shit off.
You're shocked 😲, he just scalped you! You start giggling.
"Michael that cost money!!!" 😩
Michael thinks, 'You shouldn't care, you were wasting it with this shit anyway.'
Stu +Billy
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Oh, this shit was perfect.
You saw this while browsing on e-bay and thought that Stu and Billy would love this. And you got an old big ass block cordless phone too? Oh baby!✨
You went over their house to spend the night. And of course you hid the costume and mask in the spennanight bag 👜. Y'all were in the middle of the first blunt rotation. You excused your self to the bathroom so you could enact your grand plan.
Taking your personal fat ass weed 🍃pen, you hopped into the bathroom and put the costume on. You also smoked tf up out of the bathroom so you could have some smoke as a background.
Throwing open the door, you jump out and say, "Wassuppppp!!!!"
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They look at you, shocked, before Stu and Billy double over. They are hollering.
Y'all all crying 😂 over the mask. The weed wasn't making things better
Stu and Billy both randomly say WASSUPPP😝 and point at each other as they laugh.
Honestly they love it. and your grand entrance ? Fantastic
Bubba Sawyer
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Listen.... you don't know about putting someone else's skin on your face
If you want to do that, by all means. you strong as fuck. And fit right the fuck in with who you with.
But you find this mask for pretty cheap online, the others were....costly (like $100 + for the good ones, dayum!)
Once it's delivered, you run up into a random room and shut the door. You put it on and look in the mirror as you evaluate the mask.
Man, what the hell were these ears?🙃 It looks like someone tried to make earmuffs but didn't really know what they were.
Also this fucking hair? You looked like a fucked up lunch lady
It's huge asf on your head, balloon 🎈 ass mask. It's lopsided. Looking like you got hit and was turned halfway loose
Bubba comes in and spots you with the mask.
He starts, jumping and clapping❤️❤️. Bubba is bubbling and squealing at how cute you are.
Essentially he's like, "oh baby yay!" He loves it. Bubba doesn't think it looks bad! He's flattered! 🤗
It's like physical thing that represents you truly being a part of the family~
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Well...Pinhead's face isn't a mask. It's his damn face. But it'd be a mask for you!
You gotta show your appreciation to yo mans!!! and mess with his ass. He's dramatically hilarious.
There were, surprisingly, a lot of masks made of Pinhead's face. It was a bit odd, but useful for what you needed. At least you didn't have to make one from scratch. 🤷🏿‍♀️
However, You still wanted to be a little creative. Dip a lil toe into your ✨craft era✨.
So, it was obvious you got one without the pins! Going to the store and seeing to most colorful 🎨 of pins was an automatic yes.
Now, this shit was not easy putting in. Some of them was bent every whichaway, the holes were uneven so some were drooping.🫠
You looked a mess, chile.
"Y/n...what is the meaning of this?" You snicker. "Babe, I'm You!"
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"So, you attempt to mock ME! Blasphemy!"
"Not trying to mock you!! I was making this so I could be like you...and mess with you a little."
"Silly human....tsk tsk. I will have my comeuppance."
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angelicichor · 5 years
Wait. Requests are open? Fuck yes. Then I request Thomas bending me over stuff and fucking me into next year! Art or words man it don't matter. Its gonna be fantastic either way .My U R G E S are out of this world right now.
U… I like you. I might actually do some more….. F I L T H Y art of Tommy-boy, but I ain’t home now so that’ll have to wait. For now however… 
Thomas being a bit too eager… but in a good way.Female reader for this one… sorry folks.
Summer has been a bad season in Texas, for obvious reasons - heat, dryness and dust, oh god the dust, it was everywhere, sticking to everybody’s sweat covered bodies, making it unbearable to go shirtless, but also impossible to go with anything more prude on.
In a way you had a hate-love relationship with this season, you’ve always lived in colder places, so the warmth of the sun was murdering you and seeing Charlie with his big ol’ belly pouch and old man tits out, covered in white, untamed chest hair was an ENORMOUS problem, but at the same time tis’ was the season for drinking refrigerated sodas and eating copious amounts of ice cream that Luda Mae made herself and gosh darn it was delicious.
But the most amazing stuff wasn’t any drink or a snack, no, it was the full-blown dinner date that was Thomas, abandoning his usual shirt and tie to don a simple black tank top, that clung to his chest almost perversely, showing off his robust bicep, beautifully shaped triceps, as well some of the powerful muscle of his back, his tan skin glistening with sweat as he bent over a car’s hood, opening it to check what in tarnation was wrong with Hoyt’s sheriff car, the old man being too damn lazy to do it himself, god bless him for that.
With the apron gone you also had a wonderful view of Tommy’s firm legs and thick ass, stretching the material every time he’d bend over to reach inside the machine. It looked so damn squeezable, but you knew better than to interrupt the man at work, knowing that Luda would be over you in a second, scolding you for not working yourself. You loved her, but how could she NOT understand that her son was a god damned gem and you NEEDED to take a closer look at him.
He seemed oblivious to your hungry gaze coming from the porch, unaware how his form made your heart flutter and your gut heat up thinking of all the wonderful things that behemoth could do to you and that fact made you FURIOUS. It’s not like you didn’t try to initiate things either, just every time you tried anything Charlie would bring in some new meat or Luda would need her son to go to the station with her to help unpack some deliveries or Monty needed to be carried off the sun, too tired from the heat to move on his own.
Little to say, you were frustrated, but a chance to take revenge on this beautiful, dark haired bastard was coming and oh so very soon.
The thought brought a devilish grin onto your face, an expression that made Charlie go “You alright, girlie?” above you and you snapped to attention. “Ya lookin’ at my nephew like he the next one in line for dinner.” He laughed and you puffed at him, standing up with a slight blush, dusting off your jeans.“Sorry, sir, just thought of something funny.” you lied and he cocked an eyebrow, not really believing you.“U-huh, sure, darlin’. Ya ready to go into town? Got the money?” he asked and you smiled warmly, lifting your purse up and shaking it slightly. “Good, let’s go.” 
With that you almost jumped towards the old pick-up that waited right next to Hoyt’s sheriff car. Not able to resist the urge you took a swing and slapped Tommy’s perked butt, making him rise in shock and hit his head on the metal above him. You laughed, before getting into the truck and closing the door, so he wouldn’t pull you out. He most likely still could, but instead he rolled his eyes, massaging his head and shaking it shortly in disbelief before going back to work.
Once in the town you quickly parted with Hoyt, running to find a decent, still functioning clothes store, a woman on a mission.
Your plan wasn’t enacted until the next morning, however. For once you’ve been happy that Thomas always woke up way before you, leaving you to your own devices. That was his biggest mistake yet.
The day was pleasant, even with the sun shinning down on all of you mercilessly, there was a nice breeze going through, something you all hoped would be there to stay. You were very helpful right from the morning, shining with enthusiasm when told to hang the laundry, feed the chickens in the coop Charlie and Thomas installed some time ago, and then come back to help Luda Mae make some cookies.
And you probably though you were cute, wearing that baby blue summer dress that was just a bit too short to be innocent, with a bow in front, slightly to the side, as well as those stockings that hugged your tight just right, making it look so squeezable, with those flat sandals that made you look just so much shorter and more adorable. 
And you’d also think you were being sly, brushing your hand across Tommy’s forearm while passing him on the way to the coop in a rush, as if the chickens were going to escape, or when you heard his boots stop in from of the kitchen entrance and ‘dropped a fork on accident’, bending down with only your back, giving him a peek at your white, frilly underwear, and acting like you totally didn’t mean to lick that batter of the spoon in such a seductive way.
But he knew what you were doing, realized it the moment he has seen your outfit and those hungry eyes you gave him unconsciously, but Thomas was a patient man. He let you play your game, refusing to give in to your advances, so you’d be forced to come to him and ask properly for him to take you, enduring the constant sting of arousal building in his body when he would notice you, going around, completing your tasks, acting like you don’t notice him. He was doing a fine job, too.
That is, until you up and tripped, falling to your knees right before him and looking up at his masked face with those huge, bashful eyes, a blush creeping it’s way onto your cheek.
And Thomas could swear he heard something in his head snap. 
You tried to get up, but before you could rise one leg you’ve been swooped up by your neck to met his eyes. There was an anger to them, but it wasn’t what made you shiver, it was the true, unfiltered, primal lust that resonated from them, as well as the sweet smell of hormones and frustration making your head spin and leg pull up slightly, as your hands helped the rest of your body not suffer from the Butcher’s hold.
The next time you blinked, your whole body has been shoved onto the kitchen table, Thomas’ free hand throwing multiple objects onto the floor, creating a lot of noise that made your anxiety spike, but he couldn’t care less, leaning into you, one hand still keeping you in a choke-hold, the other gripping onto your tight, giving it a good, firm squeeze. His forehead pressed onto your lightly, his eyes focused on yours, a small smirk rising on his lips, followed by a hungry lick, delight hitting him hard when you shivered just at his hot breath hitting you.
With a rushed motion he pushed one of your legs away, the other giving way for his muscular tight, pressing onto your heat, you hips bucking against it in reflex, wanting to feel the man’s warmth.
His free hand shifted from your tight to your chest, rising with your heated breaths, stopping at your right tit and massaging it roughly, pinching your nipple the moment it started hardening, a quiet laugh moving his body when you squeaked at the sensation, your hands moving form his forearm to your mouth, pink painting your cheeks. With that the hand holding you down moved, trailing your body down, until it reached your heat, then pressing against it and rubbing it up and down slowly through your already soaked panties, his index finger pressing them in to reach deeper inside you. 
Your hands stifled your whimpers and moans as he teased your chest and entrance, seemingly not phased by the fact that anyone could walk in on you two at any second, that Luda Mae was supposed to come back to resume making the baked treats, but you were slowly forgetting about all that too, too focused on how good his hand felt on your covered cunt, how his eyes pierced yours, so close, warning you not to move a muscle if you wanted him to be nice and you feared what would happen if you disobeyed. 
Soon enough one of his fingers slid your panties to the side, making you feel vulgar, even more that you already did, exposed to the world on the table, but all the anxiety you felt melted into nothing, as one of his fingers slid inside you, unannounced. It moved slowly, parting your walls and teasing your nerves, making you tremble at the feeling, insides clenching with need, allowing him to please you, even more so when a second one joined, picking up the speed, already making you feel almost full with how thick and rough they were, hitting you exactly where you needed them. 
Your trembling fingers kept collecting your sounds of pleasure, hiding your face from him once he lifted his head away from your face, to look down at your squirming form and he wouldn’t have that, leaving your breasts and pulling your hands above your head, your lips pressing in a line as a reaction and you saw the satisfied smile on his face. 
A third finger squeezed it’s way inside you, making your head loll back in shock, a weak moan leaving your lips and that was enough for him. 
Slowly he pulled his fingers out of you, making you whimper at the sudden emptiness, eyes closing just for a second, just to look back at him with a small pout, silently telling him how rude he was to do something like this to you, but his devilish smile let you know that he didn’t care, bringing his fingers, still covered in your slick to your face with a silent order, to which your lips pressed together in an act of rebellion. 
An act that he quickly ruined, pushing his hips against you, spreading your legs further to accommodate his width and making you gasp with the pressure of his hardened erection, still covered with his jeans, on your needy cunt. The moment your lips parted his fingers slid in and his eyes warned you not to bite, so fearfully you obeyed, letting your tongue collect your wetness, with a deep flush on your cheeks. 
Finally his fingers retreated, leaving you panting below the giant, eyes closed in shame. 
You heard a clack and some shuffling and just seconds later something warm and slick pressed against your entrance, forcing your eyes open, wide in terror as you struggled to get your hands free, but to no avail with Thomas’ hand still holding them down like an iron shackle. 
“No, no Tommy!! Somebody will see, please not he--!” ignoring your pleas he shoved himself into you, the power in his thrust making you scream out, moving the table slightly. Your legs pressed up to your chest, spasming slightly, as the thickness of his cock spread you wide, making your muscles tighten, a long whimper escaping your mouth, your body unable to relax around him, your only saving grace being your wetness and you scolded your brain for bringing the phrase “curiosity killed the cat” to your head.
The pull of his hips burned, sending spiking pleasure throughout your whole body, mixed with a hint of pain, and the second thrust was not kinder, again earning him a sweet whimper, as you desperately tried to stay at least a bit quiet, but as his speed slowly picked up, reaching a steady rhythm, making the leftover things on the table clatter, you couldn’t handle being silent anymore. Every time he hit your end, you moaned, screamed, cried for him to go faster, harder, and he happily obliged, making you see stars over and over again, your hands struggling in his grip, body lifting off the table in a fit of pure ecstasy, letting him ravage you, use you however he wanted, you brought this upon yourself, after all, and now you were going to pay dearly for your teasing.
Just as your mind was becoming a mess you heard a crack and panic returned to you, making your walls clench against his dick sharply, making him groan, his free hand pressing onto your hips, hard enough to leave bruises, but you noticed another crack and realized something horrible.
“To---Thomas!!” You screamed and his eyes shoot up to yours, making your skin errupt in goosebumps at just how feral he looked. “Th---The table!! The table’s gonna!!” You warned and he growled, both of his hands lifting you up to his chest, still kept full of him, until he pulled out just to slam you on your belly onto the kitchen counter, kicking the breath right out of your lungs, and plunging right back into you, his furious hands reaching to the walls as he kept himself steady, pounding into you aggresively. One of them pressed your head to the wooden surface, before grabbing your hair and forcing you up and into an arch, the other following to keep you steady by your waist, forced to look him in the eye.
You felt your climax building, quickly and he didn’t protest when your fingers found your swollen clit, circling it furiously, desperate to reach that peak and you saw him smile, his lips mouthing the word “COME” and with your eyes shooting wide open you did, your walls collapsing on his cock in an almost painful manner, but he forced them away, seeking his own release, ridding your orgasm out as you screamed his name repeatedly, only strengthening his desire to destroy you, finding the strength to pound you harder, fuzzing your mind, making you a babbling, begging mess, moaning as your head was slammed back onto the counter and adoring the dizziness that came with the sudden motion.
His fingers digged into your hips, keeping you still and the stutter in his last harsh thrust was the only thing that warned you of his collapse, warm strings of thick come filling you up, making you moan in a higher pitch, your insides twitching against him, reaching another, smaller orgasm alongside his and your body gave out, trembling, shaking, exhausted, whining when he pulled out, cum slowly dripping out of you and onto your oversensitive thighs. He didn’t move you, instead putting his dick back into his boxers and zipping his pants back up, buckling his belt and letting you get up onto your shaking arms before wrapping his strong arms around you, his leather mask pressing onto your neck, so he could kiss it’s nape and you could swear you heard something similar to the words “I win” escape him, but he wouldn’t... Yeah, no, he would and you elbowed his belly weakly in protest, to which he rumbled a laughter, nuzzling into your hair, both of you covered in sweat.
Then again you felt your body being lifted and eased onto his shoulder, your hands shooting back to your skirt to cover your slightly exposed pussy as he carried you out of the room, grabbing one of the already prepared cookies off the counter and biting into it with a cocky smile.
“Tommy!” you heard Hoyt’s voice from the living room and you hoped he couldn’t see you, one of your hands covered however much of your face it could. “Ya done fucking over there, ya bastard?” The old man laughed and the embarrassment of being caught made your shake in Tommy’s grasp, even more so when he just.... NODDED. “Good! Get me some meat when you’re all cleaned up, boy! We need to get dinner started.” Hoyt replied and you died slightly inside, knowing damn well that you would not survive this evening, mentally.
It didn’t help that after the shower your body refused to function, protesting to the treatment your monstrous man has given it, so Tommy had to carry you down to the table, his chest just swelling with pride and you HATED IT.
Still, even with Hoyt’s rude remarks... It was worth it.
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