#like he judges people for primarily using weapons that fire from a distance rather than physically fighting up close
daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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The Incredible Hulk (1968) Annual #10
#while I don’t deny that Bruce and the Hulk’s relationship is more complicated than two completely seperate people who happen to share a body#and I’m not strictly opposed to stories having moments where a certain action of the Hulk’s is attributed to Bruce influencing him#I disliked it back when it was the norm to frame it as the Hulk is a straightforward monster#and anything good he did was because of the man buried deep inside briefly coming out#in part because that’s frankly boring as it makes the Hulk a non-character with very limited interiority#I prefer it when Bruce's influence on the Hulk is limited to knowledge#like that the Hulk did something because he subconsciously remembered something relevant about how radiation works#and I like it better that Bruce and the Hulk have their own different ethos and understanding of right and wrong#I'm thinking of this one scene in The Rampaging Hulk where Bruce sees a child being abused and tries to ignore it#because he doesn't want to get upset and turn into the Hulk#but when he does and the Hulk sees that he immediately intervenes in the situation#but also there's that the Hulk has certain opinions about how fighting is supposed to work#like he judges people for primarily using weapons that fire from a distance rather than physically fighting up close#and I'm sure that Bruce doesn't care about things like that#this story is taking that the approach that the Hulk’s ability to reason is solely limited to Bruce’s influence#so that when they’re seperated the Hulk isn’t capable of reasoning at all#which is not how the Hulk was portrayed when the two of them were separated previously#and which I’m attributing to Bruce’s biased perspective on the Hulk rather than the reality of the situation#I’m not sure how to word this right but I think my understanding of the Hulk’s problems#is more focused on how his intelligence is understood than some other readers’#like I’m not that convinced of the importance of the Hulk’s appearance and that he’s the strongest there is#while they’re not not contributing factors I do think that the Hulk is devalued because he’s not intelligent#that trying to kill him or ‘cure’ Bruce of them are seen as viable solutions to the problem of the Hulk#because he’s essentially not worth saving#and in turn that it’s particularly tragic that this happened to Bruce because he matters so much as an intelligent person#marvel#bruce banner#my posts#comic panels
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heartfeltheart · 5 years
Alchemy: Magic Vs. Science
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Chapters: 24/25 Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist/Harry Potter Rating: T Relationships: Edward/Winry, Lan Fan/Ling, and May/Alphonse. Primary Characters: Edward Elric, Severus Snape Additional Tags: Crossover, Teacher!Edward, BrOtp Edward/Severus. Sassy beyond measure. Series: Part 1 of 9. Summary: Magic and Science, are they the same or are they completely different? It just takes one person to point out all up and downs. Along with breaking the stereotypes that come up with being a wizard, alchemist and most of all being human. Thank you, @amynchan! D/C: I do not own Harry Potter or Fullmetal Alchemist. Discord: La Red(Mesh Mash of… stuff.): https://discord.gg/KYjmVAb Alchemy Series: https://discord.gg/DejEYNJ
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“English and Edward’s accented voice.” “Amestrian or another foreign language.” “Written notes.” ‘Thoughts.’ First Name: Informal Last Name: Formal (Or used to annoy others)
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Edward couldn't help it, he started to grin at the turn out for the Battle Royal. Each of his thirteen students had brought along the maximum of students they were required to bring along. On top of that, each of the Heads of Houses brought along a couple of their own students to watch the show. There are several individuals in the empty field looking on with disbelief. 'Ah... the non-believers... we'll see by the end of the day if they are still non-believers.'
"It appears we'll have more spectators..." Roy stated to Edward with a slight smirk on his lips. He glanced over at the castle to see students piling over each other to peek at the windows and others actually are at the courtyard away from the scene but not close enough to fully see. "Wanting a sneak peek of what true alchemy is like..."
"They're curious and the fact rumor travels extremely fast here." Edward waved him off. "Is everyone ready?"
"The Ministry Officials are here and ready to critique us every step of the way." Roy responded with a shrug, he pulled out his ignition gloves with a heavy feeling falling over him. "I take it they don't know about you, Alphonse and myself?"
"None of them know and they don't have the knowledge to take note of it. If they do take note of it... distract them and pull their attention elsewhere." Edward stated as he rolled his shoulders to release some tension. "It makes things far more fun to mess with them."
"True... true..." Roy snorted, he put on his gloves, he then smirked at the former Alchemist when he saw his future opponents wave at him from the other side of the field. "How about we get this show on the road?"
"Alright... Get ready with Al to create the stands, if they want a show, might as well make it one." Edward grinned, he clapped his hands together and somewhere out there... something grinned manically at the consequences of that day.
The moment Alphonse Elric and Roy Mustang created a mini arena, mainly creating a couple of stands for the spectators and a couple of obstacles, mainly boulders with varying sizes. In all, it looked like a very tempting fight to see for the Magical Community that are given front row seats. The eight students that have previously watched a fight between Alchemists are giddy with excitement. This is going to be amazing!
The entire arena went quiet when General Mustang stood in the middle of the arena. "Welcome, welcome! Welcome to the Battle Royal! A battle to the death!"
Roy flinched at the glare that Riza sent his way from her spot in the stands. He laughed nervously and coughed into his gloved hand to regain his composure. "Anyway... We were invited to your lovely...haunted... school! Mr. Edward Elric, Headmaster Dumbledore along with Emperor Ling and myself, have decided to create this little show... To showcase not only Alchemy but showcase what Amestris and Xing have to offer. Alphonse Elric, Mei Chang, Scar, myself, Emperor Ling and the Emperor's top bodyguard Lan Fan will be battling each other in last one standing match. Do not blink or you might miss the entire show..."
Edward snorted when he saw Roy snapped his fingers and flames flew up toward the sky causing everyone in the crowd to look on in awe. Just a snap of his fingers and he already has the crowd eating out of his hand. Clever. Very clever.
No one knew how to describe what is occurring down in the arena floor. Many of them had seemed fights, magical and non-magical alike. But this... This just takes the cake in so many levels to the point it makes many wonders... are they holding back? Yes. Judging by the fact how Mr. Elric only liked mildly impressed or scoffed at the many close class that is occurring down below.
The audible sounds of snaps ringing out throughout the arena which quickly followed by a massive burst of flame. Bright light engulfing the area which was quickly followed by destruction none had ever seen before. What seemed to take the cake for everyone is the fact two of the opponents that showed no Alchemical skill are at the same level as the others. The only things that they had on them are short blades, bombs and... is that a metal arm?
Yeah... that's a metal arm that is shooting out bombs...
Pale, terrifying and expressions filled with alarm at what is occurring in front of the Ministry Officials. They had anticipated something simple and complete laughing stock in all their opinions. That thought process grew when Emperor Ling and Princess Mei decided to join this Battle Royal. The moment the battle started... they began to wonder... Who the bloody hell are these... PEOPLE! If that is what you want to call them. They aren't even human, how could a simple human do all of that! That is completely impossible. How are they able to jump that high? Dodging at such speeds?
And by Merlin's beard! The only one that appeared to not be in shock by what is occurring down there is Mr. Colonel Edward Elric. The young man is actual calmly answering questions that were shot his way about the battle. If anything, he isn't treating this as a form of entertainment, but an actual life lesson.
"General Mustang control is meticulous..."
"Miss. Chang abilities primarily focus on healing or long range form."
"Alphonse, well-rounded. Prefers hand to hand combat of using staffs as a primary weapon."
"Mr. Scar... run. Just run."
"Emperor Ling... get food to distract him. You might get a chance."
"Lan Fan? Hand to a hand specialist, you mess with the Emperor, then you better watch out."
The whole situation is absurd to the point they are at complete disbelief. As much as they want to deny, deny, and deny, they cannot deny this. How could they? The Student-Faculty of Hogwarts is here as witnesses to this, along with a good handful of professors. Here's the kicker, if they deny this then both Amestris and Xing will call them out and the repercussions of that... only makes them shudder.
Then... there's the few within the group that are watching, the wheels in their mind spinning a thousand miles a minute. There are so many possibilities, so many future possibilities and opportunities that could occur if the dealings between all three counties are done. Of course, all dealings in their favor. Imagine it? Witches and Wizards able to do such feats, to have an army of them with such power? It is so close, they could just reach over and take it for themselves.
What really caught everyone's attention and fact, is that the Emperor of Xing had brought along the Amestrians as bodyguards. It is obvious by the fight down below... he appears far more capable of taking care of himself.
The moment the Battle Royal came to an end, the crowd roared out their approval of the fight. It is by far the most remarkable event many of them had ever seen. If this is what Alchemy had to offer, then they want to know more, learn what exactly what the true meaning of Alchemy is like. Too bad for many that dream will sink or sail for many the moment the Alchemy Teacher stood up and down to the arena floor.
"Well... Did that exceed all of your expectations?"
All throughout Hogwarts, the students rambled on and on about the Battle Royal. No one could stop gossiping on said subject. It was so unbelievable to many and if it weren't for the fact that so many students and professors had laid witness to it, disbelief would be the emotion many would have. But no, everything is true... except for adding a few more details here and there. Just to make it all more exciting for the listener.
"Was that what you saw over at Amestris, Terrance?" Fred and George asked their older classmate.
"Similarly, what we saw is General Mustang and a Major Armstrong. Even if it was of a smaller scale to the Battle Royal, it was still rather epic to watch." Terrance grinned at the twins as the three of them headed over towards the Great Hall for dinner. "Even what we saw, it is still on a small scale. All of them were holding back or were not in their element to showcase their abilities to the fullest. It's amazing..."
"Do you believe..."
"We could do that one day?"
"Maybe...if we continue with our learning and possible training." Terrance replied honestly, not fully knowing the answer to their question himself. "Dr. Marcoh told us back in Amestris that there are different branches of science and that is the same with Alchemy. General Mustang specializes in fire, Major Armstrong mixes alchemical skill with physical power, and along with that, he told us he knew a couple of individuals that dealt created metals, weapons, explosions and let's not forget Miss. Mei is s Alkahestric. Alkahestry performs a higher medical transmutation than Amestrian Alchemy and is able to perform it in long distances, unlike Amestrian Alchemy. There are many forms of alchemy which one would choose to study and perform."
"I want to make things go boom..."
"Very big boom..."
"What about Mr. Scar?"
"Er... I... don't know? I heard someone else asked Mr. Elric about and he got all quiet about it..."
"Wait... You guys are also going to have Alphonse teach here?" Edward asked, taken aback by what was being told to him. He is sitting behind his desk with a cup of hot tea and a plate of food on his desk. The Mustang Unit, Scar, Dr. Marcoh, Ling, Lan Fan, Mei, Alphonse along with Severus and Filius are sitting around the classroom with their dinner. Everyone who could speak English spoke the language for Edward's new friends. Well, here and there. Some information is better left incomprehensible. "Who made this up?"
"The moment the Ministry Officials saw Alphonse perform alchemy, they wanted him to become the 'Alchemy Professor'." Roy snorted into his own cup of steaming hot tea. "They wanted to replace you with your brother. Fortunately, with Dumbledore's help, we convinced them that won't be necessary. I won't bore you with the details right now, the end result is having you and Alphonse alternate years."
"And what the hell should I do during that free year?" Edward asked with an eyebrow raised.
"Congratulations, we promoted you to be an Ambassador of Amestris. You'll be the go-between Magical Great Britain and Amestris. While your brother will also be a go-between for them and Xing, depending on the situation." Roy laughed at Edward's expression of complete horror. He scooped up a spoonful of mash potatoes and pointed it at Edward. "Don't worry too much on it. You won't be permanently stationed here, just mostly traveling back and forth once every other couple of months or whenever your presence is needed."
"Good, he might get a little stir-crazy..."
"Shut up, Severus."
"Making a very plausible point."
"Shut up..." Edward retorted glumly in defeat while placing down his cup of tea on his table. He ran a hand through his hair. He looked pensive over what was just said to him, the Alchemy Teacher needed to think this through with Winry. It is no longer himself anymore, the moment he asked Winry to marry him, everything changed. Even if he is here being what he became, was something that was sort of planned. A year to travel west to study Alchemy. Well... he isn't exactly studying alchemy... he's teaching it. Traveling? Nope... Ugh... "I need to talk to Winry about this... We still need to set a date on the wedding and this is..."
"Don't worry about it, we are still ironing out the kinks to this." Riza assured him.
"I am scared how Winry will react to this..."
"Don't worry about it, we told her before we told you of this." Roy grinned at the Colonel.
Fortunately for Edward, he had finished his drink otherwise it would have spilled all over his ungraded classwork. "WHAT! What the fuck did you tell her!"
Severus and Filius shifted their gazes back and forth between Edward and Roy growing argument. Knowing Edward for this long, they knew it would be pointless intervening in the argument. They would get pulled into it and it will not end well. Especially with how Ms. Hawkeye is slowly edging towards them. They began to wonder how normal this is for everyone in this room.
Edward laid on his bed, staring up at the ceiling deep in thought. So many things had occurred to him during the week that his friends arrived at Hogwarts and left since then. Heck, many more the moment he became a teacher and that made his mind go a thousand miles a minute. So much has changed for him the last year or so.
Where to go from there? What else could he do? Traveling seems... not something that seemed to appeal now. He traveled all throughout Amestris with a purpose of finding a way to get his and Alphonse bodies back. He got Alphonse's body back while he got his own arm back. The main reason for going west to look for Alchemy was...
Edward blinked slowly at a realization that suddenly struck him. He doesn't remember the exact reason he decided to travel west. Sure, to possibly learn more aspects on Alchemy and now thinking back on it. The main reason he went on this trip was that Alphonse mentioned he wanted to go East... by himself... on his own trip... This is an adventure that he went on his own and this is different. Very different. The excitement is nearly gone. Sure, there is an excitement in seeing others getting so psyched up in learning alchemy, it was like seeing himself and Alphonse in all his students. It's an honor to teach but this wasn't something he never saw himself doing. Now here he is and seeing how the situation is like, this is something that he wants to do to need to do. He needs to ensure that Alchemy is standing true and ensure that Truth will not play its games. Then again... Edward wouldn't be surprised if that thing is already pulling all the strings.
Not only that... Edward has plans on turning another government on its head and it will be one hell of a ride. With a grin reminiscent of a white figure, Edward turned off the light and allowed his mind to wander off to sleep.
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esaeld · 4 years
The Science of Footwork
"The essence of fighting is the art of moving."- Bruce Lee
The JKD key to defeating any attack. By Ted Wong
Before I begin this article on the significance and proper bio-mechanics of footwork, let me state that this is by no means a thorough exposition of all of the various types of footwork available to the students of JFJKD. There simply isn't sufficient space in an article to cover all aspects of footwork, and so this will serve, hopefully, as a primer on footwork. Hopefully, it will cause you to research this too-often-neglected aspect of combat. 
Introduction  Of the many things my late Sifu Bruce Lee impressed upon me, the most important was the need to be fluidly mobile. Probably the most important component in JFJKD is footwork. Ironically, most of the martial artists I see practicing today- and this is by no means addressed only to amateurs or beginners- are neglecting their footwork which is unfortunate, owing to the fact that footwork is, quite simply, the science of motion. To me, the more I learn about JFJKD, the more I see the scope of just how important footwork truly is. Please don't think I'm overstating things when I say that footwork is, in a word, "everything" in JFJKD. Take another look at the quote of Bruce Lee's that I opened this article with - I mean really think about it. "The essence of fighting is the art of moving," and moving is footwork. The principles of movement form the very heart of combat. Footwork means mobility, and being mobile is strongly emphasized in Bruce Lee's art. The two chief things that proper footwork provides for the martial artist is a means of finding a target and a means to avoid being a target. It will beat any punch or kick and get you to where you want to go; whether in for a strike or the hell out of harm's way. 
Bruce Lee once said that the four components of footwork consisted of:
The sensitivity of your opponent's aura,
Aliveness and naturalness,
Instinctive pacing (distance),
A balanced position at the start and finish.
It should be obvious that you cannot use your hands or legs effectively until your feet have put you into position in which you can do so- if you are slow on your feet, you will be slow with your punches and kicks. Good footwork allows you to hit from any angle and also to follow up your initial attack with more powerful finishing blows. Footwork, in short, "gets you there and gets you out." Another important tool in JFJKD is learning how to correctly judge distance, which Bruce Lee referred to as "the fighting measure," which is simply another way of saying, "distance." It's very important to know to judge distance because distance is the relationship between you and your opponent. It all depends on the length on the distance you need to bridge or close between you and your opponent and also your opponent's reaction speed.
Bruce's main emphasis was always footwork. He told me that "Good footwork can beat any attack." And he used to have me drill constantly on footwork, in an effort to get me to improve my balance. He wanted me to be able to glide in and out, throwing techniques from all angles after coming into various ranges through footwork. And, of course, he emphasized the avoiding of attacks through footwork. Without footwork, you cannot complete the task of fighting with any degree of efficiency.
Footwork is Purposeful Movement
Many people think of footwork as some sort of bouncing movement, but the one thing Bruce Lee stressed to all of his students was never to move for the sake of moving, and not to bounce simply for the sake of bouncing. Bruce didn't bounce around much when he was sparring; he was very controlled and motionless- until he saw an opening. And by then you were flat on your back. Every move you make should be purposeful; it should be done to either deliver a hit, to move into position to deliver a hit, or to move out of the range of being on the receiving end of your opponent's hit.
The key to success in footwork is to keep it simple. If you aim toward simplification, rather than complex or intricate foot patterns - which more resemble dance patterns than efficiencyyour footwork will be smooth, direct and efficient. If you use economy of motion, you will always be relaxed- which is crucial to your reaction time and to the speed of your attacks, defenses and counter-attacks.
Another great benefit to proper JFJKD footwork is the fact that it provides you with a means by which you can employ the force of inertia, which - properly applied - can tremendously boost your punching/kicking power. These are some of the reasons that footwork seems to me so important. Footwork also serves to enhance your body alignment, which makes your leverage more favorable and your strikes more devastating.
Another aspect of combat that is enhanced by proper footwork is speed. I mean footwork is what gets you there to deliver your technique- and out of there - before your opponent can deliver his. Footwork is not only used to deliver techniques or avoid techniques, but also to set up techniques. It's part of strategy- a form of P.I.A. (Progressive Indirect Attack). It can lure your opponent in to a trap, allow you to gain the proper fighting measure and also bridge the gap to your opponent. Good footwork accomplishes all of these things.
I liken good footwork to operating a four-wheel drive. Most people only utilize a two-wheel drive; that is, they're limited as to what techniques they can throw because they're really only comfortable in their two-wheel drive mode. However, once you learn on the options that avail themselves to you with increased mobility, you realize that footwork is an option provider.
While some people mistakenly consider to be merely bouncing around like Muhammad Ali or Sugar Ray Leonard, others - equally as mistaken - think of footwork as simply something that moves you in to hit your opponent, without realizing that it's just as important in preventing your opponent from hitting you. In Thai Boxing, for example, you see a lot of "give and take" - wherein one fighter will whack his opponent and then stay there and get hit back by his opponent. Such back-and-forth exchanges are common place, and quite often the winner is the one with the highest pain threshold. In JFJKD, however, the bottom line is to hit your opponent- and not get hit back. JFJKD teaches one how to be a thinking fighter. A smart fighter. Nobody should opt to get hit particularly when you can substantially reduce the chances of that happening by employing proper footwork.
The Four Basic Types of Footwork 
Basically there are only four types of footwork- the rests being simply variations on these four. The four basic types of footwork are advancing, retreating, circle left and circle right. Incidentally, "circling," as I use the term here, means, "sidestepping."
First Things First - Stance
All footwork is initiated form the On-Guard Position which is also known as the "Ready Position." The On-Guard is the most versatile of stances because it allows you to be ready for all things- attack or defense- instantly. It's a geared position that is geared for mobility. You have to feel very comfortable in the On-Guard. If you're not comfortable in the On-Guard Position then there is something wrong. You have to feel comfortable at all times so that you are able to react instantly. If you are tense- that is, not comfortable - you're not able to react quickly. You need to so relaxed that whatever happens, you respond to it instantaneously- whether it be the need to immediately advance, retreat or side step an attack. That's why the On-Guard Position has been called the "Anchor of JFJKD"- for all techniques flow from it. The On-Guard is the best way to move straight back, forward or to the side. You're not overcommitted one way or the other. The On-Guard places your strongest side forward, which, in JFJKD is typically your right side, with your strongest hand lifted up so that your fist is in line with your shoulder. Your chin and shoulder should meet about halfway, with the right shoulder raised an inch or two and the chin dropped about the same distance. The right side of your chin should be tucked into your lead shoulder. Your left hand is also in close, to protect your midsection. Your right hand is your attack weapon so it should cocked and ready to fire. The right shoulder is slightly raised and your chin slightly lowered in order to protect your chin and jaw from strikes. The right knee is turned slightly to defend your groin area and your right foot should be rotated in roughly 25 degrees so that, if necessary, you can employ it as a kicking weapon. Your left foot should be angled at approximately 45 degrees. The heel is raised because it is your sparkplug- ready to ignite you forward, backward or sideways- and depending whatever besets you. Your stance should be like a car with its engine idling; you're ready to go- with as much power as you need- as soon as you engage the transmission, which in this case, is your legs and hips. Now that you're ready to move, let's look at some of your options.
Step & Slide
The Step & Slide is used primarily as a gap-bridger. It is not utilized typically to execute an offensive technique. However, it is very effective in gauging and obtaining correct distance from which to launch a strike. You take a step forward and your rear foot (left) slides up to where the right foot was. Typically your step forward does not exceed six inches, which means that your rear foot travels a maximum of six inches as well. The weight distribution in the start and finish position is 50-50, with 50% being on your right or lead foot and 50% on your left or rear foot. However, during the movement, all your bodyweight is moving forward on your right foot initially and then 50% of it settle on the rear leg when the movement is completed. If you push off harder, you will notice that it to the front leg quickly- but this is only momentary. You should be able to control the weight distribution and be in perfect balance at all times. 
Push Step 
The Push Step is used primarily for bridging the gap to the opponent. The Push Step is very effective when employed with PIA (Progressive Indirect Attack). You can fake with the hand, for example, and then move right in instantly when the opening presents itself. The Push Step is really the only type of footwork that works well for efficient punching. A Step & Slide, for example, would prove to be inefficient for delivering a punch because, by the time you step - and slide - it would be too late. Punching in JFJKD occurs in one fluid motion. Footwork always comes after the punch is initiated - the hand moves first and then the feet. Even in evading a blow, the body should move before the feet. If someone were, for example, coming to deliver a punch to my face, I would avoid the blow with my body and then employ footwork to position me either further out of harm's way, or to deliver a counter strike. 
Shuffle Step 
The Shuffle Step is more like a pulling movement, than a stepping movement. Regardless, it's a quick movement. It's one motion, whereas the Step & Slide is a two-part motion. All of the torque comes from the toes and the balls of the feet. While the front foot looks as though it's flat on the floor, it isn't. Most of the weight is on the ball of the foot and the toes. It's less a push than a pulling movement, as you push with the rear leg while pulling simultaneously with your lead leg. It's almost like you're trying to grab a clump of earth and throw it back to your rear leg - that's the type of tension that should be in your feet and the correct motion your lead leg needs to assume to perform this movement correctly. At the beginning of the movement it's very subtle and it's hard for the untrained eye to see it. However, while it may be a delicate, deceptive motion, it's tremendously powerful and efficient, allowing you to throw your bodyweight - instantly - behind a technique. Even though I'm moving, it appears as though there has been no bodyweight shift at all. I'm not moving - and yet I'm moving. Or, as 
Bruce Lee once said: "The stillness in stillness is not the real stillness. Only when there is stillness in motion, does the universal rhythm manifest." - Bruce Lee 
The Burst 
The Burst is also a push-pull movement. It is used for a quick advance, for kicking and for punching. The Burst is used primarily to deliver a devastating kick such as a side-kick, or to counter an opponent's attack. That's why footwork is not just for "transition" between techniques - but also the delivery system that allows you to execute your techniques properly. Any Properly executed kick or punch comes off the footwork. 
There are many forms of retreating as there are advances, techniques such as the Shuffle or Step & Slide, can also be used as retreating tactics. However, I'll focus on one retreating technique that differs from the others in as much as it's not simply the reverse of the advancing techniques as outlined above. 
The Pendulum Step 
The Pendulum Step is used primarily to avoid an attack. From the On-Guard position, the lead leg is quickly drawn back to where your rear leg is, while simultaneously withdrawing your rear leg backwards. The entire weight of your body should be resting on the lead leg at this point, with the rear foot barely touching the ground for counter-balance purposes. As soon as this happens, you have an option- to either maintain the On-Guard from this new vantage point, safely out of harm's way - or to immediately reverse the movement, with the rear foot moving back to its former position and the lead leg becoming an offensive weapon of attack by returning fire. If you watch the first movement that Bruce Lee does in Enter the Dragon, it's a pendulum step backward out of the way of Samo Hung's attempted shin kick. If you watch Bruce fight against Bob Baker in The Chinese Connection, you will see the pendulum step employed as a means of avoiding an attack and launching a counter kicking attack.
"Sidestepping," Bruce Lee once said, "is shifting the weight and changing the feet without disturbing balance." Sidestepping serves many purposes.
It can be used to frustrate an attack simply by moving every time an opponent gets "set" to attack.
It may be used as a method of avoiding blows or kicks.
It may be used to create openings for a counter attack. In sidestepping, the rule of thumb is that if you're going to move to the left, your left foot should move first which, if you're in the On-Guard position with your right side forward, would be your rear leg. Then, once your rear leg has moved into position - anywhere from 6 to 18 inches of travel - then your right or lead leg moves over 6 to 18 inches as well. The same sequence applies when sidestepping right, only the right or lead leg moves first, with the rear leg following in a lateral motion. The key is to maintain perfect balance at all times. Sidestep Left From the On-Guard position, move your left rear foot to the left roughly 18 inches. Then slide the lead foot (right foot) an equal distance to the left, all the while maintaining the On-Guard position. Sidestep right From the On-Guard position, move your right lead foot to the right roughly 18 inches. Then slide the rear foot (left foot) an equal distance to the right, all the while maintaining the OnGuard position. People should practice the sidestepping motion on their own in order to master it. In fact, practice is the "secret," if you'd care to call it that, of success - not only in JFJKD, but also in any other martial art. I remember coming to Bruce Lee's house and seeing him practice. He was constantly practicing. He would practice for hours on end. He would practice moving and striking with his hands, and then moving and striking with his feet and then just moving so that he became more and more comfortable and familiar with what he could do and how he could maneuver at different angles and at varying speeds and distances. I personally have been practicing - as best I can - what Bruce taught me since 1967, which means that I'm fast coming up on 30 years of training in JFJKD. Some things I've become quite good at, while others I still need more work on. However, I will say that I am a much better martial artist now than I was back when Bruce was teaching me, simply because I've had so many more years of practice. Like Bruce said, "Like boxing or fencing, JKD is a step by step process in which each maneuver must be repeated many times." Another important aspect of training that Bruce Lee emphasized to me was: "quality - not quantity." He said: "It's better to know how to throw 5 really good punches, than 20 LOUSY ones. So every time you throw a punch, put 100 percent into it." Bruce always stressed emotional content or intensity in the execution of one's techniques. Learn to react - not plan. Let it flow from within. Personally, I had a real problem with this in my early years of training with Bruce. Often he would look at me and say "Ted, you lack a killer instinct," meaning that I wasn't able to summon enough pure anger or violent energy from within when I performed my techniques. I've learned however that "killer instinct" is hard to switch on or off like a light switch - it is largely a situational reaction to you circumstances. Based on the degree of self-knowledge I've obtained - thanks to Bruce Lee's teachings - I know now that I do possess "killer instinct" - in abundance. And that should I ever need it, it's there. The key is to maintain a clear mind that is unobstructed by thoughts or concerns. Your reaction must be pure and honest and, If the intent is expressed honestly, your opponent will be in serious trouble. Since I've been able to make my footwork more efficient through constant practice, I've found to my delight that I'm able to move just as quick as I could when I was younger, and probably hit a little bit harder. I'll be the first to admit that footwork is not an exciting thing to practice but what it enables you to do once you've mastered it is very exciting indeed. It's like exercise for the body - nobody really enjoys taxing themselves physically - but we know that it's necessary in order to enjoy the benefits that good health provides. If you want options, i.e., different angles and possible combinations, then you need balance and skill in movement- and that is footwork. Practicing Footwork One of the best exercises I've found that you can do to enhance your footwork is shadowboxing. Shadowboxing teaches you how to relax when you move, how to explode when you move, how to throw techniques while in motion. It alerts you as to which techniques are assets and which are liabilities. You can bob and weave, move, kick, punch, kick/punch/kick and you can also cultivate the coordination necessary to successfully execute all of the above. It also teaches you how to regain your balance after throwing a technique or combination - and just how important balance is. Other activities such as skipping rope or running, will also train your neuromuscular pathways to handle your bodyweight better and enhance your balance, but shadow-boxing seems to be the purest exercise for enhancing your footwork skills. Bruce is the Standard When I hear people say, "You shouldn't bother to train like Bruce Lee did, or to follow his teachings, because you don't possess his attributes," I realize that they've missed the point as to what Bruce Lee was all about. He would frequently tell us that he wasn't anything "special," but rather that he was a very dedicated trainer. Bruce was so good, because he made himself so good. He practiced all the time and then looked for ways to make his practicing even more efficient. If you only work out 20 minutes a day, or three days a week- I mean if that's all you're willing to commit to your martial arts training - then, yes, it would be impossible for you to obtain attributes similar to Bruce's because he practiced long and hard for every inch of progress he made. "Don't expect Bruce Lee like results, unless you're willing to put in Bruce Lee like hours to obtain them." Ted Wong I know that the more I practice what he taught me, the better I become at it - and the same is true for anybody reading this article. I always looked up to Bruce Lee for his work ethic. And even now, if I find myself sitting around not wanting to train - I think of Bruce Lee, and how hard he worked - and I feel guilty. I know that I'm capable of better effort. Bio-mechanics or body leverage and balance, distance and timing are the keys to success in combat, and all of them are the direct result of getting in tune with yourself, knowing what you can do - and at what angle and with what degree of efficiency you can do them at - and this, folks, all comes down to a simple matter of footwork. Excerpted from Martial Arts Legends Presents - January 1997
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petegriffinuk · 6 years
Top 5 Zanpakutō in Bleach
There are many Zanpakutō in Bleach, so many that it feels like a momentous task to come up with a top 5.  However, we feel we owe it to our readers to provide our reasons for why we consider the following swords the best in Bleach.  Of course, this list is subjective, and you may feel differently. That’s ok! But read along for our rationale of why we consider the following 5 Zanpakutō to be the best.
To make it interesting, we will judge using four main criteria.  While power will definitely be one of them, it won’t be the only one. Other criteria include usefulness in various situations, the psychological edge over opponents it creates, and the appearance of the ability (how “cool” it looks).
Special Mention
While not one of the 5, we feel Ichigo Kurosaki’s Zanpakutō Zangetsu deserves an honorable mention. First, while it was never revealed what form its Bankai takes, it was considered so powerful by Yhwach that it was disabled immediately before it could be used.  Second, because it produces energy blasts that can be directed and controlled, it is useful in many situations. Finally, it is one of a few Zanpakutō that remain in a state neither fully-sealed nor fully-unsealed, leaving it with two blades, making it immediately recognizable to opponents and unique.   However, Zangetsu does not make the list because we do not know the full extent of its abilities, and we feel its abilities, while indeed powerful, are overshadowed by the others in this list.
Kisuke Urahara’s Zanpakutō takes #5 on this list.  In its sealed state, Benihime takes the form of a cane rather than a normal Katana.  It is one of the few Zanpakutō with a spirit of the opposite gender as its wielder. Like Ichigo Kurosaki’s blade, its Shikai can fire energy blasts.  However, its Bankai form has a completely different ability, allowing Kisuke to restructure anything he touches with Benihime. While the exact limits of this restructuring are unknown, it is able to restore vision to wounded eyes and manipulate things in Kisuke’s path to remove obstacles.  Its abilities may be limited primarily by Kisuke’s own imagination. Fulfilling all 4 criteria, it makes the list, albeit barely.
Gin Ichimaru’s Zanpakutō comes in next to take the #4 slot on the list.  While simple in form and appearance, Shinsō has the ability to extend up to 100 times its length when released, and much further in its Bankai form (up to kilometers).  However, the length is only a small part of what makes this ability so useful. Shinsō can extend and contract faster than a bullet, allowing Gin to impale his targets with ease and push people out of the way of falling objects.  Its cutting ability is also greatly amplified, making slashing attacks deadly as the Area-of-Effect of the swath is incredible - once literally slashing a town in half while Gin stood some distance away. Furthermore, the sword can turn to ash for a split second when contracting or extending, leaving a piece of itself inside the momentarily impaled and future victim.  From then on, whenever Gin chooses, he can kill his target at will, simply by raising his hand and uttering a few words. The target will then dissolve from the inside out. While perhaps having a bit less utility then #4, the sheer coolness factor of Shinsō’s abilities and the challenge of using them to their fullest potential means we put it a spot above Benihime.
Byakuya Kuchiki’s Zanpakutō is a normal Katana that, when released, separates into a thousand small fragments that move around, directed by Byakuya’s will through the motions of the hilt remaining in his hand.  Each fragment carries the power of a full sword and reflects light in such a way as to resemble a cherry blossom. While perhaps not as powerful as the previous Zanpakutō, Senbonzakura is balanced as much for defense as offense. Any opponent attempting to get close is liable to be cut by the fragments, and only Byakuya himself is immune, as he stays in a “Hurtless Area” where the sword fragments are not allowed to enter.  Its Bankai is even more powerful, instead of a thousand fragments, it has a thousand full swords that he can control. With both abilities, Byakuya can form constructs that can take many shapes using the fragments or swords, which greatly amplifies the abilities’ usefulness. What really takes the cake, however, and gives Senbonzakura the middle-spot on this list is the following. Not only can the Zanpakutō’s power be further increased by combining the fragments back into a single sword with an insane amount of power, but it can also grant Byakuya wings with which he can fly!
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Ryūjin Jakka, the Zanpakutō of Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, takes the next slot in the list.  In its sealed state, it has the appearance of an unassuming staff, though even in this form most Shinigami are still afraid of it because of its immense power.  Unsealed, it looks like a normal Katana, albeit with flames surrounding it. Genryūsai can burn almost anything to ash just by waving his sword at it, and in this form it is powerful enough to fight the Shikai of two other captains simultaneously.  A very useful feature of the weapon is that when it is resealed, any ability already used against an opponent does not end. Its Bankai form stores the flames inside the blade, causing anything it touches to be reduced to ash, and also removes any water from the surroundings, rendering any ice-type Zanpakutō nearby useless.  Furthermore, Genryūsai can use raise an undead army from the ashes or corpse of anyone he has killed, making him more and more powerful as a battle progresses. The only weakness of this sword is that it is so powerful that it could obliterate soul society if used for a an extended period of time, but because it’s so powerful, it would never be needed to.  With unmatched power, coolness (hotness?), and ability to have its enemies fight for it, Ryūjin Jakka deserves a spot high in this list.
## 1
Finally, the one we’ve all been waiting for  - what we consider the #1 Zanpakutō in Bleach.  This honor we give to Ichibē Hyōsube’s Zanpakutō Ichimonji.  In its sealed state, it appears as a functional calligraphy brush.  In this form, it can be used to draw characters that have the power of their meaning.  When used as a weapon, the brush cuts the name of what it touches, reducing its power accordingly.  When released, it transforms into a short glaive that releases ink as its swung. Whatever this ink touches loses its name and consequently, all its powers.  However, its true power comes from its ability to control black - anything with black on or inside it is vulnerable. This power seems to have no range limit.  Ichibē can use this power to draw black from his surroundings, and, by drinking it, take away all the darkness from an opponent, leaving nothing of his opponent left.  As the first Zanpakutō to achieve Bankai (before the name “Bankai” even existed), Ichimonji has the distinction of being the only Bankai activated with a different word - “Shin’uchi”  In this form, it becomes a long white thread. Anything touched by its Ink can have it named changed, giving it the powers or abilities (or lack of abilities) of the new name. This makes Ichimonji the most powerful, useful, and unique Zanpakutō in existence, as there is practically nothing it can’t do, especially considering that Ichibē himself can determine the true name of everything in existence, and has centuries of experience to draw upon.
Regardless of whether you agree with our ranking or not, one thing we can all agree on is that Zanpakutō are awesome!  We carry many Bleach Swords besides these, including some that may have made your list.
See our Bleach Swords >
Image Credit: Bleach.wikia.com
from BladesPro UK - Blog https://www.bladespro.co.uk/blogs/news/top-5-zanpakuto-bleach from BladesPro https://bladesproco.tumblr.com/post/179400223997
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bladesproco · 6 years
Top 5 Zanpakutō in Bleach
There are many Zanpakutō in Bleach, so many that it feels like a momentous task to come up with a top 5.  However, we feel we owe it to our readers to provide our reasons for why we consider the following swords the best in Bleach.  Of course, this list is subjective, and you may feel differently. That’s ok! But read along for our rationale of why we consider the following 5 Zanpakutō to be the best.
To make it interesting, we will judge using four main criteria.  While power will definitely be one of them, it won’t be the only one. Other criteria include usefulness in various situations, the psychological edge over opponents it creates, and the appearance of the ability (how “cool” it looks).
Special Mention
While not one of the 5, we feel Ichigo Kurosaki’s Zanpakutō Zangetsu deserves an honorable mention. First, while it was never revealed what form its Bankai takes, it was considered so powerful by Yhwach that it was disabled immediately before it could be used.  Second, because it produces energy blasts that can be directed and controlled, it is useful in many situations. Finally, it is one of a few Zanpakutō that remain in a state neither fully-sealed nor fully-unsealed, leaving it with two blades, making it immediately recognizable to opponents and unique.   However, Zangetsu does not make the list because we do not know the full extent of its abilities, and we feel its abilities, while indeed powerful, are overshadowed by the others in this list.
Kisuke Urahara’s Zanpakutō takes #5 on this list.  In its sealed state, Benihime takes the form of a cane rather than a normal Katana.  It is one of the few Zanpakutō with a spirit of the opposite gender as its wielder. Like Ichigo Kurosaki’s blade, its Shikai can fire energy blasts.  However, its Bankai form has a completely different ability, allowing Kisuke to restructure anything he touches with Benihime. While the exact limits of this restructuring are unknown, it is able to restore vision to wounded eyes and manipulate things in Kisuke’s path to remove obstacles.  Its abilities may be limited primarily by Kisuke’s own imagination. Fulfilling all 4 criteria, it makes the list, albeit barely.
Gin Ichimaru’s Zanpakutō comes in next to take the #4 slot on the list.  While simple in form and appearance, Shinsō has the ability to extend up to 100 times its length when released, and much further in its Bankai form (up to kilometers).  However, the length is only a small part of what makes this ability so useful. Shinsō can extend and contract faster than a bullet, allowing Gin to impale his targets with ease and push people out of the way of falling objects.  Its cutting ability is also greatly amplified, making slashing attacks deadly as the Area-of-Effect of the swath is incredible - once literally slashing a town in half while Gin stood some distance away. Furthermore, the sword can turn to ash for a split second when contracting or extending, leaving a piece of itself inside the momentarily impaled and future victim.  From then on, whenever Gin chooses, he can kill his target at will, simply by raising his hand and uttering a few words. The target will then dissolve from the inside out. While perhaps having a bit less utility then #4, the sheer coolness factor of Shinsō’s abilities and the challenge of using them to their fullest potential means we put it a spot above Benihime.
Byakuya Kuchiki’s Zanpakutō is a normal Katana that, when released, separates into a thousand small fragments that move around, directed by Byakuya’s will through the motions of the hilt remaining in his hand.  Each fragment carries the power of a full sword and reflects light in such a way as to resemble a cherry blossom. While perhaps not as powerful as the previous Zanpakutō, Senbonzakura is balanced as much for defense as offense. Any opponent attempting to get close is liable to be cut by the fragments, and only Byakuya himself is immune, as he stays in a “Hurtless Area” where the sword fragments are not allowed to enter.  Its Bankai is even more powerful, instead of a thousand fragments, it has a thousand full swords that he can control. With both abilities, Byakuya can form constructs that can take many shapes using the fragments or swords, which greatly amplifies the abilities’ usefulness. What really takes the cake, however, and gives Senbonzakura the middle-spot on this list is the following. Not only can the Zanpakutō’s power be further increased by combining the fragments back into a single sword with an insane amount of power, but it can also grant Byakuya wings with which he can fly!
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Ryūjin Jakka, the Zanpakutō of Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, takes the next slot in the list.  In its sealed state, it has the appearance of an unassuming staff, though even in this form most Shinigami are still afraid of it because of its immense power.  Unsealed, it looks like a normal Katana, albeit with flames surrounding it. Genryūsai can burn almost anything to ash just by waving his sword at it, and in this form it is powerful enough to fight the Shikai of two other captains simultaneously.  A very useful feature of the weapon is that when it is resealed, any ability already used against an opponent does not end. Its Bankai form stores the flames inside the blade, causing anything it touches to be reduced to ash, and also removes any water from the surroundings, rendering any ice-type Zanpakutō nearby useless.  Furthermore, Genryūsai can use raise an undead army from the ashes or corpse of anyone he has killed, making him more and more powerful as a battle progresses. The only weakness of this sword is that it is so powerful that it could obliterate soul society if used for a an extended period of time, but because it’s so powerful, it would never be needed to.  With unmatched power, coolness (hotness?), and ability to have its enemies fight for it, Ryūjin Jakka deserves a spot high in this list.
## 1
Finally, the one we’ve all been waiting for  - what we consider the #1 Zanpakutō in Bleach.  This honor we give to Ichibē Hyōsube’s Zanpakutō Ichimonji.  In its sealed state, it appears as a functional calligraphy brush.  In this form, it can be used to draw characters that have the power of their meaning.  When used as a weapon, the brush cuts the name of what it touches, reducing its power accordingly.  When released, it transforms into a short glaive that releases ink as its swung. Whatever this ink touches loses its name and consequently, all its powers.  However, its true power comes from its ability to control black - anything with black on or inside it is vulnerable. This power seems to have no range limit.  Ichibē can use this power to draw black from his surroundings, and, by drinking it, take away all the darkness from an opponent, leaving nothing of his opponent left.  As the first Zanpakutō to achieve Bankai (before the name “Bankai” even existed), Ichimonji has the distinction of being the only Bankai activated with a different word - “Shin’uchi”  In this form, it becomes a long white thread. Anything touched by its Ink can have it named changed, giving it the powers or abilities (or lack of abilities) of the new name. This makes Ichimonji the most powerful, useful, and unique Zanpakutō in existence, as there is practically nothing it can’t do, especially considering that Ichibē himself can determine the true name of everything in existence, and has centuries of experience to draw upon.
Regardless of whether you agree with our ranking or not, one thing we can all agree on is that Zanpakutō are awesome!  We carry many Bleach Swords besides these, including some that may have made your list.
See our Bleach Swords >
Image Credit: Bleach.wikia.com
from BladesPro UK - Blog https://www.bladespro.co.uk/blogs/news/top-5-zanpakuto-bleach
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susiemedina93 · 6 years
Top 5 Zanpakutō in Bleach
There are many Zanpakutō in Bleach, so many that it feels like a momentous task to come up with a top 5.  However, we feel we owe it to our readers to provide our reasons for why we consider the following swords the best in Bleach.  Of course, this list is subjective, and you may feel differently. That’s ok! But read along for our rationale of why we consider the following 5 Zanpakutō to be the best.
To make it interesting, we will judge using four main criteria.  While power will definitely be one of them, it won’t be the only one. Other criteria include usefulness in various situations, the psychological edge over opponents it creates, and the appearance of the ability (how “cool” it looks).
Special Mention
While not one of the 5, we feel Ichigo Kurosaki’s Zanpakutō Zangetsu deserves an honorable mention. First, while it was never revealed what form its Bankai takes, it was considered so powerful by Yhwach that it was disabled immediately before it could be used.  Second, because it produces energy blasts that can be directed and controlled, it is useful in many situations. Finally, it is one of a few Zanpakutō that remain in a state neither fully-sealed nor fully-unsealed, leaving it with two blades, making it immediately recognizable to opponents and unique.   However, Zangetsu does not make the list because we do not know the full extent of its abilities, and we feel its abilities, while indeed powerful, are overshadowed by the others in this list.
Kisuke Urahara’s Zanpakutō takes #5 on this list.  In its sealed state, Benihime takes the form of a cane rather than a normal Katana.  It is one of the few Zanpakutō with a spirit of the opposite gender as its wielder. Like Ichigo Kurosaki’s blade, its Shikai can fire energy blasts.  However, its Bankai form has a completely different ability, allowing Kisuke to restructure anything he touches with Benihime. While the exact limits of this restructuring are unknown, it is able to restore vision to wounded eyes and manipulate things in Kisuke’s path to remove obstacles.  Its abilities may be limited primarily by Kisuke’s own imagination. Fulfilling all 4 criteria, it makes the list, albeit barely.
Gin Ichimaru’s Zanpakutō comes in next to take the #4 slot on the list.  While simple in form and appearance, Shinsō has the ability to extend up to 100 times its length when released, and much further in its Bankai form (up to kilometers).  However, the length is only a small part of what makes this ability so useful. Shinsō can extend and contract faster than a bullet, allowing Gin to impale his targets with ease and push people out of the way of falling objects.  Its cutting ability is also greatly amplified, making slashing attacks deadly as the Area-of-Effect of the swath is incredible – once literally slashing a town in half while Gin stood some distance away. Furthermore, the sword can turn to ash for a split second when contracting or extending, leaving a piece of itself inside the momentarily impaled and future victim.  From then on, whenever Gin chooses, he can kill his target at will, simply by raising his hand and uttering a few words. The target will then dissolve from the inside out. While perhaps having a bit less utility then #4, the sheer coolness factor of Shinsō’s abilities and the challenge of using them to their fullest potential means we put it a spot above Benihime.
Byakuya Kuchiki’s Zanpakutō is a normal Katana that, when released, separates into a thousand small fragments that move around, directed by Byakuya’s will through the motions of the hilt remaining in his hand.  Each fragment carries the power of a full sword and reflects light in such a way as to resemble a cherry blossom. While perhaps not as powerful as the previous Zanpakutō, Senbonzakura is balanced as much for defense as offense. Any opponent attempting to get close is liable to be cut by the fragments, and only Byakuya himself is immune, as he stays in a “Hurtless Area” where the sword fragments are not allowed to enter.  Its Bankai is even more powerful, instead of a thousand fragments, it has a thousand full swords that he can control. With both abilities, Byakuya can form constructs that can take many shapes using the fragments or swords, which greatly amplifies the abilities’ usefulness. What really takes the cake, however, and gives Senbonzakura the middle-spot on this list is the following. Not only can the Zanpakutō’s power be further increased by combining the fragments back into a single sword with an insane amount of power, but it can also grant Byakuya wings with which he can fly!
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Ryūjin Jakka, the Zanpakutō of Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, takes the next slot in the list.  In its sealed state, it has the appearance of an unassuming staff, though even in this form most Shinigami are still afraid of it because of its immense power.  Unsealed, it looks like a normal Katana, albeit with flames surrounding it. Genryūsai can burn almost anything to ash just by waving his sword at it, and in this form it is powerful enough to fight the Shikai of two other captains simultaneously.  A very useful feature of the weapon is that when it is resealed, any ability already used against an opponent does not end. Its Bankai form stores the flames inside the blade, causing anything it touches to be reduced to ash, and also removes any water from the surroundings, rendering any ice-type Zanpakutō nearby useless.  Furthermore, Genryūsai can use raise an undead army from the ashes or corpse of anyone he has killed, making him more and more powerful as a battle progresses. The only weakness of this sword is that it is so powerful that it could obliterate soul society if used for a an extended period of time, but because it’s so powerful, it would never be needed to.  With unmatched power, coolness (hotness?), and ability to have its enemies fight for it, Ryūjin Jakka deserves a spot high in this list.
## 1
Finally, the one we’ve all been waiting for  – what we consider the #1 Zanpakutō in Bleach.  This honor we give to Ichibē Hyōsube’s Zanpakutō Ichimonji.  In its sealed state, it appears as a functional calligraphy brush.  In this form, it can be used to draw characters that have the power of their meaning.  When used as a weapon, the brush cuts the name of what it touches, reducing its power accordingly.  When released, it transforms into a short glaive that releases ink as its swung. Whatever this ink touches loses its name and consequently, all its powers.  However, its true power comes from its ability to control black – anything with black on or inside it is vulnerable. This power seems to have no range limit.  Ichibē can use this power to draw black from his surroundings, and, by drinking it, take away all the darkness from an opponent, leaving nothing of his opponent left.  As the first Zanpakutō to achieve Bankai (before the name “Bankai” even existed), Ichimonji has the distinction of being the only Bankai activated with a different word – “Shin’uchi”  In this form, it becomes a long white thread. Anything touched by its Ink can have it named changed, giving it the powers or abilities (or lack of abilities) of the new name. This makes Ichimonji the most powerful, useful, and unique Zanpakutō in existence, as there is practically nothing it can’t do, especially considering that Ichibē himself can determine the true name of everything in existence, and has centuries of experience to draw upon.
Regardless of whether you agree with our ranking or not, one thing we can all agree on is that Zanpakutō are awesome!  We carry many Bleach Swords besides these, including some that may have made your list.
See our Bleach Swords >
Image Credit: Bleach.wikia.com
Source: https://www.bladespro.co.uk/blogs/news/top-5-zanpakuto-bleach
from BladesPro https://bladesproco.wordpress.com/2018/10/24/top-5-zanpakuto-in-bleach/
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