#like he thinks we're all lazy and incompetent
the-punforgiven · 4 months
My brother pisses me the fuck off
#see it sucks because he's a nice kid#like he's a genuinely cool dude#but I don't think he realizes he's god's fucking specialest little boy#like the thing is that he's just fucking SHOWERED in opportunity all the time everywhere he goes#like there have been several times where we're just out on a walk and people have literally just WALKED UP to him and offered him a job#even a store that I'd applied to not even a full week before when we went in the owner asked him if he wanted to work there#this boy found a band and was playing gigs within a month of first picking up an instrument#I don't know how the fuck he does it#especially since I spent three years scouring the town for other musicians to play with and never once found enough#but the thing that sucks shit is that I don't think he understands that he's some weird supernatural anomaly#and like#the world doesn't fucking just shower everybody in career opportunities and money like it does for him#so every time he talks about us he's got this tone of condescension#like he thinks we're all lazy and incompetent#since we didn't take the job some random fucking guy on the street must have offered us sometime#and I have no idea how to explain to him that he's fucking blessed by the gods of capitalism#that he's Mr. Monopoly's fucking mary sue oc#that life doesn't fucking work like that for normal people#and he's also as mentioned prior really chill and nice so it's even harder#Boy's got capybara energy I don't want to fuck his day up#y'know?#pun's text posts
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 5 months
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Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
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Case 1: How to Soothe Gilbert When He is Upset
Gilbert: "Is that all everyone wants to say?"
All the important officials in Obsidian were gathered in a large conference room.
At the gathering where military personnel of all ages and genders were present, Gilbert, seated in the upper section of the room, was clearly seething with anger.
(I'm not surprised.)
The reports and agendas they were discussing were all filled with an unbearable stench of corruption.
It wasn't because the officials were lazy or incompetent; it was because of the corrupt practices deeply embedded within Obsidian.
(Every time I see Gilbert fighting alone like this, it feels like my heart is being crushed.)
Gilbert: "I'm getting nothing but half-baked progress reports. What do you expect me to do with this?"
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Gilbert: "Your job is to complete the tasks assigned to you. If you can't even do that, then you're neglecting your duties."
Male officer: "With all due respect, Prince Gilbert, the issues we're dealing with are一"
Gilbert: "If they don't change their attitude, then it's better to introduce a new system. You just need to create a draft proposal for that, yeah?"
Male officer: "You're right, sir."
Gilbert: "Why do you impose restrictions on yourselves, calling things impossible and reckless?"
Gilbert: "There is not just one way to achieve a goal."
Gilbert: "If I believe I can accomplish something, then I surely can. You people just lack the capacity."
Gilbert: "Those filthy trash are probably laughing while you all remain at a standstill like this." **
Gilbert: "You know what will happen the next time you give me a report like this, right?"
He got up from his seat with a smirk, and all the soldiers stood up in unison, saluting him.
The tension was so intimidating and overwhelming that I almost forgot to breathe.
Gilbert: "Well then, let's adjourn. Good work, everyone."
He swiftly walked away.
As one of the attendees, I bowed to the military officers and quickly followed after Gilbert.
Emma: "Gil."
Gilbert: "What is it?"
When I called him, he stopped and turned around to face me.
Despite the tense atmosphere, his smile, which contained all the pent-up tension and hostility, was as refreshing as ever.
(But he still seems tense.)
He probably wasn't aware of it, but his eyes weren't fully smiling.
(I think he's planning to inspect the military exercises next.)
(If he goes in this state, everyone will undoubtedly feel uncomfortable.)
(Now that this happens...)
Emma: "Watch this."
I took a coin from the pocket of the dress he had prepared for me.
Emma: "Right now, the coin is in my left hand."
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Gilbert: "I can see that."
I tightly gripped my hand, hiding the coin.
Emma: "Which hand do you think the coin is in now?"
Gilbert: "You want me to say it's on your left, right? But unfortunately..."
He gently grasped my hand and rolled up my sleeve.
Emma: "Hey, that's unfair!"
Gilbert: "You're just inexperienced."
Despite discreetly hiding the coin in my sleeve, Gilbert saw through it instantly.
(Performing magic tricks is really difficult.)
(Or maybe it's because he's my opponent?)
He took the coin from me and flicked it into the air, catching it in his hand.
Gilbert: "Where do you think the coin is now?"
Emma: "I'm pretty sure it's neither in your right nor left hand."
Ignoring his clenched fist, I searched through his sleeves but found nothing.
I tapped various parts of his uniform that seemed like they could hide something, but there was nothing.
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Gilbert: "The answer is..."
He opened his hand, and I saw the coin sitting on his palms.
(I fell for it.)
Gilbert: "Haha, you're too easy."
Emma: "You usually do something crazy."
Gilbert: "Are you disappointed?"
Emma: "A little."
Gilbert: "You're so honest."
He clenched the coin in his hand once again.
Then, when he opened it, there was nothing there.
Emma: "Huh!?"
Gilbert: "Little bunny."
He pointed to the pocket of my dress with his finger.
With trembling hands, I reached inside and felt something hard.
Emma: "Wow!"
I pulled the coin out of my pocket and gasped.
(I don't understand what's going on, but he's really something.)
Gilbert: "You always react like a child."
Emma: "I can't help it. It's just amazing!"
He chuckled, his eyes reflecting that sentiment.
(I'm glad. Even though the magic trick failed, it seems like he calmed down.)
Gilbert: "But was it really that obvious?"
He seemed to have understood the meaning behind my actions.
Emma: "Yeah."
Gilbert: "Fufu, I'm hopeless, aren't I?"
Emma: "Isn't that why I'm here?"
Emma: "So that you can have some peace of mind?"
As the number of times we attended official functions increased, this feeling only grew stronger.
Gilbert: "You're so efficient."
Emma: "!"
Suddenly, he leaned in and pressed his cold lips against my cheek.
His red eyes reflected my profile with affection.
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Gilbert: "I'm counting on you."
Emma: "Leave it to me!"
(Lately, I've been thinking that maybe I'm the only one who can make him happy.)
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Masterlist ╎ Next Part
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
refreshing to see a slow tide turning against Stolas on the HB reddit of all places: https://www.reddit.com/r/HelluvaBoss/comments/1cx8csw/happy_western_energy_anniversary_to_all_who/
fr I hate how we're supposed to root for Stolas and think the way he stands up to Striker is badass (especially after he evaded capture so incompetently that it's pretty embarassing for a powerful Goetian prince)
like he mocks him for being poor and sexualizes Blitzo right in front of him. not to mention I don't think 'Blitzo hurts me way worse in bed than you have while you're literally torturing me' is the own Stolas thinks it is
like no I don't think Stolas should have to be nice or meek to the guy planning to assassinate him, but he sure isn't doing himself any favors that he bases a lot of his comebacks around Striker being poor, Striker having to take a job from Stella (to get money to survive, not that that would ever occur to Stolas) making him a hypocrite, bringing up his sex toy right in front of him. practically the only thing he doesn't say that proves Striker's point is mocking him for his big ego
any other character doing this would get labelled as a jerkass victim & a victim of their own lazy incompetence, not a woobie, but not on The Rich Are Very Sad and Lonely Show
Absolutely crazy how we went from Harvest Moon, with Striker rightfully pointing out that Stolas treats Blitz like a plaything, to Stolas mocking Striker for being poor and being portrayed as the sympathetic hero.
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soraviie · 2 years
them as boyfriends.txt
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━ type: bts x gn! reader  ━  masterlist
━ about: fluff  ━  pictures taken from Pinterest
━ previously posted on soraviii
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Conversations! I am extremely chill about it but still insistent
Conversations about stuff!
Doesn't even have to be like here's the top 10 reasons why Auguste Comte was a cunt but like overall
Why do you enjoy doing some things and why are these things his hobbies you know
Why he knows that some of his habits are bad but he can't seem to stop them and so on
I always think that Namjoon is very concerned about doing the Right Thing, you know, being an objectively good person within a subjectively impossible world he probably worries a lot about "oh, was this thing I said perhaps going to rub you off the long way", "is what I'm doing with my influence enough, is it right?" "oh, you said it was okay but could it be that when I did this you wish I didn't and so on"
Wants to do right by the people he loves so open, frequent communication he views as an opportunity to improve and be assured that he's not an ignorant tool
A multifaceted individual so you get to see all sides - cute and cuddly, shy and embarrassed, the hoe side
Does absolutely wake you up in the mornings like "get up, sucker, we're going somewhere, get up"
Often says he's bringing you to a little something and it could be anywhere between a specific tree in a park and a booked-out art gallery during the night
Tries to echolocate you if he's out and forgot to take his glasses
He's insecure that he can't cook so he probably cleans a lot
Probably has read an article about weaponized incompetency and therefore tries to split chores evenly and keep them regularly done
He's actually torn up he can't do most things he would want like - wait for you after work or walk along the river freely
So he puts the extra effort in all he gets - lazy mornings, eating brunch abroad etc.
I can for some reason imagine him slow driving a bike at night and you're walking beside
Why is he not giving you a lift? He's scared he'll crash and you'll be hurt
If you can drive and own a car he will indicate that he wants to be driven not by asking but by sitting in the seat and putting a seat belt on in front of your eyes
When on tour or working late nights sends you short videos of the animals he finds along the way (think of that Instagram video of him harassing a crab on the way home from work)
Deep morning voice! Lord!
Absolutely the one on the list to have sex to relieve pent-up anger
Sleeps shirtless
Just get like ear plugs or straight-up knock yourself out because I just know he snores like a whole ass truck
If he's in love, really, I mean truly in love you're straight up becoming immortalized in the songs
Like he assigns a symbol that he associated to you whether a specific flower or a word or a concept but it's a little thing that keeps mentioned throughout
If it's a private track will ask you to moan for it to be used in a track
On like one day in a year when you convince him to be lazy, for sure, sits and watches TV with like a passive-aggressive frown and munches on chips really loudly
It's not even a bad show it's just how his face looks then
When meeting your friends, has an awkward "smile and wave, boy, smile and wave" stance
Definitely plays up his hotness once in a while - sleazy smiles, and those bedroom eyes, there are two wolves within him, a romantic and a player
If you're walking through an art gallery, for sure talks about every single thing he sees
The way you're on his Instagram is by sharing the photos you take, through them he can see the man you fell in love with and he becomes giddy over it
So hear me out but when Yoongi is crushing he's like a boyfriend, when he's in a relationship he's like a married man with two kids and a mortgage
It's not that the spark is missing (guy can get you hot and bothered in a matter of seconds, you know what I'm saying) but it's literal comfort
Everything about him is comfort
He's like what men think men should be but so much better
E.g. fixes stuff - lamps, chairs, bulbs
Has plans on doing renovation
He never does it but he insists that when he gets the free time-!
"Next weekend."
"Yoon, you said it last weekend."
"Yeah, and eventually I'll do it. Consistency is key."
If he's home and you're there cooks meals 100%
For some reason, I always think he's really into cooking breakfast
It's more likely for him to cook breakfast than dinner because he would oftentimes order it in
Soft lighting in the apartment, no overhead lights
His type of touching is subtle
When you're watching say a movie, he doesn't lean into you wholly but like sits and keeps a hand slumped on your knee
Listen to this - fleeting hand holding
If you're keeping your hand on the table and he's near, he'll stroke your hand for 3 seconds take it away and repeat
Touches your pinky with his - it's like saying "hey"
Now hear me out, gossip
Jimin is for sure the no.1 gossiper but Yoongi is not too far behind himself
You're getting the freshest hottest brew about every single idol and producer he finds repulsive
Not too big of an outdoors guy but he'll do literally anything for you so if you want to go on like a few-day retreat, you sit him down and ask him:
"Is this something you want?"
"Yes -ㅅ-"
"Be honest! Are you really okay with going away this weekend and doing absolutely no work?"
"You'll be happy -ㅅ- yes -ㅅ-"
Hates it but you're happy so he's happy
I think he gets a little bit insecure about his partner not being to be able to do a lot of things so he spoils them a lot - trips and rest days and such
Is a hypocrite though
If you drink a lot of coffee nags the shit out of you only to drink seven cups himself
And here's the hill I'm going to die on - really strict when it comes to eating sweets before proper meals
He might be chill when you say you're not hungry, it sometimes happens you know, but will not! have it! for you to eat candy before dinner!
"What are you - my mom?" you sneer as he shOVES a pack of gummy worms into a deep, dark corner of a pantry where it most likely will never see the light of the sun ever again
"I'll call her," he warns, stirring whatever he was cooking that evening. "Don't test me."
Fights with him are rare and very diplomatic
He treasures you a lot so he takes a logical stance and flat out states "we both could say something hurtful, let's take a breather"
If you're in a foul mood and anNOYED at everything and itching for a fight, he'll cock an eyebrow and just say: "Is that really something you want to be spoken out there?"
Sometimes gets you cute plushies
You once walked in on him reading omegaverse fanfic and no, there is no backstory, nor an explanation given
Holds an incredibly harsh critique of snacks
Tastes a chip, hates it, discARDS the packet with a "d i s g u s t i n g"
You will absolutely hear a fuck ton of "back in my day" and "these are not Korean nuts, these are x nuts, they're no good"
Somehow I think he shits himself more before meeting your friends than parents???
Because he knows how to get along with older people but your friends who are convinced he's going to cheat on you, he's nothing but another over-inflated popstar stroking his ego? not a clue, he's a lost boy
He's so humble and helpful that, of course, he wins them over
Probably has driven your friends somewhere where they need to be, like a reception, probably offered his car for moving purposes (does anyone else help their friends move in and out of places?)
When on long car rides absolutely tries to gaslight you by saying the most impossible shit like:
"Of course, there is."
"There are no rivers in the Gobi desert!"
"But there are! Ancient people, how do you think they managed to travel all that distance? It's because they got to the river and that replenished them halfway."
Actually just wants to talk to you and this is an easy way to do so
dRUNK Yoongi just think about it and enjoy, he's so giggly and smiley and probably calls out for you with annoying frequency
Your nickname is an inside joke, many don't think it's cute at all but you know better and that's what's important
Gets irrationally shy even after dating you after a while, say, you're changing and he walks in, for some reason puts a hand in front of his eyes??
Definitely covers his body if you're checking him out
"Can we please have some respect? Some decorum?" he whines, neck flushing at an alarming speed
Annoys you a lot, he's the annoying boyfriend
Tells the most ridiculous things, like:
"______________, I was in the bathroom and I did this," flicks hair. "And wow, I'm just so handsome. You must be a very strong person indeed to be able to bear it every day."
His confidence is a Schrodinger's cat - half true, half - farce
Somedays he wakes up and doesn't feel it at all and hides away from you saying he's ugly right now
Please assure him a lot during that time
If you work too much he's the best remedy for that
Jin is wise and helps you see how your time is the most important thing, that you don't have to prove your existence to anyone and can occupy space without proving your worth over and over again
Conversations with him don't often delve into deep waters but at the same time you don't feel unheard because he listens very attentively even if he doesn't share these anxieties and concerns
Does, unfortunately, give you secondhand embarrassment quite often
Has and will wear ridiculous outfits that have people turning their heads around
You're trailing with him, hand in hand, head low and Jin's ears too are flaming like gasoline on fire but who is he to prohibit himself from indulging things
Most likely to want morning sex, I will not elaborate
He has a special soft smile for when he feels properly cared for and babied
Appreciates being given flowers, hair tugged behind the ear
He doesn't give a fuck what's a norm, it makes him feel nice, fuck you, he'll continue doing it
If you find fishing boring, sorry you'll have to put up with it
"I guess this will be our thorn, honey, you'll just have to endure this for love"
He takes no shit, not even from you but in return never, ever prohibits you from enjoying things
For example, diving into ice-cold water in a lake is not his idea of a fun time but if you enjoy it, he'll be by the side shivering with a towel and a thermos
Definitely, 100% rehearses meeting your parents and quizzes you on his
It is no surprise at all when you meet that both of you know just the right words, the right gestures
Jin loves his family and to be put in a conflict between you and them is a walking nightmare
So he does his best to avoid that
You often eat at very random places scattered throughout the town and sometimes out of it
One day it's a luxury five-star restaurant in a penthouse, the next you're sitting on a wobbly chair at a marketplace, eating a small vegetable or meat skewer from a plastic cup
But Jin always knows how to bring a good time, so both times are just perfect
Okay so if this makes sense but Hoseok is the type of boyfriend who wants you to improve
So he wouldn't be super clingy or overly protective or madly jealous but he shows his care by reminding you to do self-care
Like skincare routine, morning and night he's there to ask you if you did it
Or whether you ate well, why not, why are you neglecting care in your life
I don't see him as overly romantic like big-ass gestures but really consistent care from the start
Now hear me out and don't tussle, he partially views you as a responsibility and a project
He works hard, correct?
He's a strict teacher and absolutely works himself 100% for maximum improvement
And it's not like he's hovering over you like a helicopter parent, moulding you into a version of his liking I just think he wants you to be the person you really like
So obviously it depends on what your goals are but he's really quietly motivating you to do better for yourself
It may not sound most romantic but at its core he wants you to be happy and I think he realises that it doesn't always just means being loved by a close person
So he wants you to improve, feel better about yourself and feel better about the world in such a way
Because the world is a very dark place, it can't handle even more negativity
Kinky, 0 explanation iykyk
A hype man for sure
If you're ever feeling like you can't do something he'll convince you that at the very least there's not so much loss involved as you think
Handmade jewellery especially if he's been away for a long time
I imagine him sitting at a studio, taking like a 15-minute break and he's tinkering with beads, arranging them and stringing them into a bracelet tailored to your interests
Buys you clothes more than anything else say like a car or a house
He splurges reasonably
Though them triangle bags he had back in the day cost like 300 that's my whole rent homie
It's hard to read what he'd be like as a boyfriend but out of all most likely to feel like a friend with added stuff
Which isn't bad at all
I think he struggles between the view of love in the traditional sense he's been taught and interpreting it his own, more peculiar way
Buys subtly matching clothes
Has a private Instagram and definitely hypes you up there
If he's upset but not overtly mad, he'll lie in the bed and Complain using full VFX of Hobi sound effects
Somehow managed to friendzone you once
As an act of revenge, you did that as well and now has learnt his lesson
100% has inner demons but out of all is the most likely to not share it, above Yoongi, above all
He doesn't struggle with communication per se but struggles with understanding that he himself can have faults and he doesn't have to do everything alone
He holds people he loves in high standard hence why he's so insistent on self-care; on being the best you can be within your own eyes, so it makes complete sense that he holds himself up to the highest standard, cutting himself the least amount of slack
Makes you feel like you're the most hilarious person in the world but doesn't talk much at home
If you feel awkward at an event and pressured will leave immediately, I just have a sense about this
Has a knack for jealousy but the type to end with you being railed the entire night with his jaw clenched
I know we all like his cute side but he can be scary
He can be standoffish and sharp he just mostly chooses to not be
He chooses the high ground though that doesn't always mean he wants to take one
So if you have an ex he particularly loathes he will be near poisonous to that person
But lets it go because it's not about them, it's about you and you deserve his undivided attention
He needs assurance a lot because I think he's convinced himself you'll leave because honestly, it's a hard lifestyle to tolerate in a partner
Touchy but listen to this his favourite is not hugging you but leaning into you
Because it can be so variable
Like cutely leaning onto you whining at you at a full volume or pressing his nose in your cheek with a smirk
I have a feeling he'd enjoy it if you have some temper
He hates fights, absolutely abhors them, and probably has fights because he didn't voice something in the first place because he didn't want to fight
But if you're mad at someone else? If you're angry and getting heated and being bossy?
He just ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
But he often has ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) he's in tune with his sensual side
Speaking of sensual, reads the most toe-curling, filthy romance books in his free time
I'm talking like casually sipping coffee and calmly listing through like a BDSM orgy
He's the type to try everything once, within reasons
Often when talking has a soft, whiny voice and holds a part of your body rubbing circles there
I can't imagine his flirty nature not getting him in trouble at some point
But he makes his commitment known in very intense ways
Like gripping your jaw, making eye contact and saying something along that he can't even sleep without you, you're in his bloodstream
Kind of corny but manages to make it sexy because it's Park Jimin
He wants to know everything about you - what you're thinking, why you're thinking it, what made you to be who you are now and who you want to be tomorrow
Desires to make eye contact
Steals more of your clothes than you do his
Drunk, kind of out of it dancing to slow, sexy songs is a MUST for him
In a way there are two parts to being loved by him which are very representative of his sides - one is cute and cuddly, wanting you to be happy, like an idealized version of kids being in love and the other one is hungry
He wants you in and out, if you're not his in the understanding that he knows you best, that he can please you physically and please you mentally by giving you comfort, he's not happy
Sentimental, probably secretly keeps tokens of yours from the beginning of the relationship
Has a copy of all your childhood pics, argue with a wall
The one true no. 1 gossiper, he knows everything about everyone like your workplace for example
He knows why exactly that co-worker of yours left for a two-week vacation and the reason is salacious as all hell while you could be sitting there - "I have a coworker by that name?"
If you're out and he sees someone being rude, will viOLATE them
His sense of humour could make a person suicidal fr
But unlike some, he uses his inside voice
Has things that annoy him in your relationship but I don't think he says it unless it's really bad
He lets small grudges pass hoping to preserve the balance
Because only the mere thought of you leaving terrifies him
Once Jimin ties himself to someone, genuinely, he doesn't want to let them go for nothing
If you're away for a long time, let's say going abroad or really busy with work, his emotions get the best of him and he gets quite upset
But he hides it and frankly somewhat succeeds
But you can also tell when you return home that he was missing you like crazy
He needs to be pampered then, reassured that everything's fine
Does everything you want even if it's not what he would usually do
If you feel like driving for a while to stare at the moon, he absolutely would
Seduces you over and over again
Partially I think the reason he changes up his behaviour so much is to make sure he's keeping you on your toes and you wouldn't leave
It's lowkey a phobia of his
It's so obvious he's dating you
You can just see the Love
Also if he would just stop glARING at strangers for bREATHING your direction, that would be great
Reminds you to do a lot of things but also needs those reminders as well
Often so tired he forgets to do basic things so you have to wrangle him to take a shower or brush his teeth before bed because he really works himself very hard :(
If you're on your phone when it's time to sleep will yANK it away like a mOTHER
Love to him means sticking together - always
Oh, you're expecting an explanation?
You're not getting any :)
Very soft
Also very weird
Being his partner means being his interpreter at times
You two have probably developed a language of your consisting chiefly of sounds
Sends you a shit ton of selfies
Mostly stupid and often blurry
He's a blurry sort of guy
Has sent a selfie taken from underneath his nostril
You could be sitting at work and he sends you a wet, shirtless selfie
Cause he's a menace
Big enthusiast of having soft lights as well
It makes the atmosphere feel more intimate
Everything is about intimacy when he's with you
Emotional, spiritual, physical
Where Jimin is in love with love, Taehyung loves romance
So big, classic, romantic gestures are a part of the Kim course
Date nights are unavoidable even let's say you're in two different countries he'll find a way
Sometimes by spontaneously flying out, sometimes by arranging the most ridiculous zoom call known to man
Like the camera placed where you would sit across the table with a restaurant dinner in front
Buys you lingerie, jewellery and fancy clothes
Teases you about loving him
"Ah, ______________ your passion for me makes a guy shy."
Cue to you sitting like -_-
Cause by now you're tiRED
I imagine he does get on your nerves a lot but by weaponizing all of that infamous charm at this point you're convinced he could get away with breaching the Geneva conventions
Always looks at you like he's done absolutely NO WRONG
Even if it happened like 3 seconds ago
Gatekeeps you in a way
He wants you all to himself and he's afraid if you don't like his friends, you might end up not liking him as well
Really values your opinion of him
Has gone to a fortune teller to ask how your future would look like
When you're going through a tough time, he "lends" you his angel
Misses you like crazy when you're apart
And sometimes even when you're here
If he's miraculously drunk, you're not getting him off you
Fucking Clingatron 3000 over here practically treats you as a plushie when you go to sleep
If you're the more reserved type, he's simply over the moon trying to make you flustered
And if you're really cuddly, he invites it eagerly and joyously
Jump atop of him and he'll laugh head thrown back onto the bed
Absolutely the type to find you being angry quite cute, with the exception that you're not so mad you're breaking up with him
This is of course really annoying because what if you want to establish dOMINANCE
Well good luck with that
He'll just smooch you to pacifism
Is lowkey always horny
Has kinks but I do not have the strength to think about them
Every week attempts to cook a fancy meal which ends up being an inedible concoction tasting like an armpit sweat
Promises to not do it again but lo and behold next week!
Watches a lot of movies with you
Watches you if you're out
Really zones out when you're ordering or simply waiting for something
If you're both at home plays soft music in the background so he could pull you into dance at any time
Fresh flowers whenever the old ones wilt down :(
Brings you to a lot of hipster cafes late in the evening
Quite often says the most inappropriate shit at absolutely the wrong place and time
For example, you're about to throw the bins out and he casually lets it slide -
"What if we tried for a baby right now?"
Smiles at his phone when texting you
Recalling back to the finding you cute when angry, definitely smiles and chuckles to himself if you're being huffy and complaining about work or what some dumbass did today
Begs you to share food
The type to bump into you playfully when walking
If he's going to bed, you're going to bed (can't sleep without his plushie)
Increasingly ridiculous nicknames - honey, babe, dearest, flower, sweet bean, rice cake, jujubii (warps it to sound more cuter version of jujube)
Eats up every capitalized love celebration ever invented - white day, rose day, his own made - "our first kiss day"
Really sentimental in that way
I think he wants love to feel more like a movie than it necessarily is so tries his hardest to make that dream a reality
It is often and with an honestly worrying frequency that you think there is nothing but mii music behind those eyes
Zones out a lot
Stops mid-sentences
Sometimes forgets to listen when you're ranting
It's because he feels safe with you
He feels that he doesn't have to make perfect sense so his mind wanders a lot because he's very relaxed when with you
The type of guy who holds your legs crossed in his lap, one hand caressing your calf when watching a movie
Speaking of movies, yes, you probably have a whole list of tv shows to watch together
(which he absolutely cheats by squeezing in extra screen time)
But you know what he absolutely does
Plays the most horrible otome games known to man
I'm talking about the horse dating simulator, every and all butler romances in the app store
At first, it's just to make fun of it
But then naturally gets really competitive and complains quite hard if the butler he's supposed to be romancing doesn't like him
"Why are men so hard to please?" he growls, fingers gripping the phone so hard the knuckles are white. "I spent 45 diamonds on this dress and "okay" is all YOU CAN SAY?!"
Though you started the game together, he's the one to finish them because it's just slightly hard to develop a romantic interest in an anime pigeon for you but not for Jungkook
Does as he's told when it comes to chores - washing dishes, cleaning, laundry, does it all eagerly
If you're messy, nags you but doesn't go as hard as, for example, Hoseok
Before you stop by his apartment, 100% tried to make it more "palatable" for you
Meaning, shOVES those 7 mattresses of his lying around into a closet or something
Whilst he's pouring a glass of wine you hear a crash come from somewhere
"What's that??" you ask and he sweats, absolutely shits himself
"Nothing," he replies, voice squeaky
"Didn't sound like nothing..."
"...dON't even worry about it."
If he has to take out the bins and your high-heeled shoes are the only thing available, he'll be strutting down to the garbage like a Victoria's Secret model
Has switched those LED lights to red to try and dance sexily in front of you only to bump his crotch into the corner of a closet
You're 90% of his impulse control so if you're gone, expect to see him with one eyebrow upon returning
Has cried at least once about thinking how much he loves you
Turns up his hotness just to see what happens
Is HIGHKEY ready to go at any given point
Even if he's dead tired, he's like "just a quick, lazy sesh, okay 🥺🥺🥺"
If you're scolding him also does this 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Finds it absolutely hilarious and endearing if you're bossy
Obeys whilst giggling all throughout
Your ass is a source of comfort for him, it's not your ass it's OUR ass once you're with him
If you're close with your family, probably the one most likely to spend a lot of time with them (of course, only with you there cause he cannot handle that tension A L O N E)
When you first brought him to meet the fam, anytime you tried to leave he would look at you with a smile on his lips but wide panicked eyes, hissing:
"do nOT leAVE me"
"I need to go to the bathroom..."
"Hold it! for the love of gOD hOLD iT."
After a while, he's a bit more chill, the type to be brought along to every camping trip and cookout
Is probably used for labour by your relatives
No, does not send you memes, he's breaking the Gen Z stereotype as he's not attached to the hip with his phone
Makes a conscious effort to spend enough time with you
He can be weaponized to kill bugs, shoo away birds, glare threateningly at strangers
Gently wrestles you for fun
Really enjoys it if you take care of him, like put hair oil in his hair, massage his shoulders, cream his hands etc.
Doesn't like spending a lot of time hanging around somewhere so he whines in your ear
"Are you going to be done soon?"
"We just got here. I need to buy a new shirt."
"You have plenty at home and they all look great on you. Let's just go eat. There's online shopping for a reason."
Gets jealous a lot but never gets angry at you and quickly lets it go
Mostly pouts and fusses if he thinks you're being too friendly with someone
Sometimes utilizes you as weights whilst working out
Like makes you lay on top of him when he's doing push-ups
Adores if you try to manhandle him only to then show you how it's really done by taking a hold of your legs and hoisting you around his waist
You have had a talk about whether he'd choose Namjoon over you and the results of that debate were relayed to Namjoon himself who just looks at you both with a frown that says "what the hell are both of you on"
Gets lowkey combative if you have bad habits that impact your health like smoking, too much drinking, or not eating regularly
Health to him is very important in spite of you pointing out the hypocrisy of it
As he often fails to take proper care of himself
But he tries so he wants you to try your best as well
Makes a secret tattoo about you
Like your favourite flower, or a favourite thing
Similar to how Namjoon immortalizes you in a way, but on his flesh
Sings around the house but is too shy to give you concerts
Sneaks you into the studio, however, for you to express your opinion
Sneaks you into a lot of places
Like an afterparty or a press conference
A member will see you and wonder out loud:
"I think I saw _____ walking by."
"You're just getting old, seeing things," Jungkook replies trying not to seem too guilty
You can absolutely tell if he has a surprise planned for you
"Jungkook, are you planning to bring me on a secret date?"
"0.0 no 0.0"
If you're mercilessly destroying him at a game, he threatens to cry
Would get upset at you for something he dreamt
Glares at you over coffee cup:
"You said you liked Yoongi better than me."
"In a dream you Dumbo," you roll your eyes. "I'm literally making you breakfast."
He answers with a vague hum, then turns up his nose, all offended:
"Said you liked his hip thrust more."
Wants to adopt more dogs, so you'll have someone to keep you company when he's on tour :( and so that they could protect you in case of home invasion or stalkers
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© soraviii/soraviie 2022-2023
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very-grownup · 6 months
We started a new cdrama over Easter weekend and while @gyobaku appears to be watching something quality with a magic chicken, I'm still paying for a iQiyi subscription, so we're watching White Cat Legend: Oops All Doofuses.
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I cannot stress enough how much the short summary on mydramalist fails to make two important factors clear:
So far everything else comes well after Cat and Idiots.
I said just pick something based on vibes and the vibes were informed entirely by this image:
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Accurate, but it's missing an important element.
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Simple country boy Chen Shi (Zhou Qi) comes to the big city in search of his brother (reason currently to be determined) and in his innocent helpfulness finds himself both responsible for the arrest of human traffickers and being arrested with a cranky, drugged cat. Chen Shi Does Not Understand and passes out when the cat bites him. He wakes up out of prison and in the company of Li Bing (Ding Yu Xi), the son of the assassinated minister of justice who disappeared three years ago (THREE YEARS AGO).
But now he's back and here to check on the pursuit of justice and investigate the events surrounding his father's death and also he's now a cat.
Why is Cat? is also one of the mysteries he has to solve. He was apparently dying of backstory tuberculosis before Cat Happened, so Cat really seems to be all upsides at this point in the series. He doesn't seem to have to Be Cat at certain times or under certain conditions, it's just a thing he can do at will. He can be an attractive young man or a beautifully silky white CGI cat ...
... or a man with an hilariously badly incorporated grumpy CGI cat head. Is it "bobcat in Story of Kunning Palace" bad? Who can say. The nuances of "bad" can be so subjective.
But it's not just about Li Bing investigating the mysteries of his personal tragedy and Cat, it's also about becoming the boss of the four biggest doofus incompetents in the ministry:
Cui Bei (Ding Jia Wen), pessimistic sadsack with an eidetic memory who brings disaster down upon himself and those around him
Wang Qi (Feng Man), the self-appointed leader of the doofuses whose overconfidence in his own skills is matched only by his laziness
Sun Bao (Zhang Yi Cong), the scarred muscle and army vet who is a devotee of fortune tellers and would very much not like to have to fight anything
Ali Baba (Kudusjan Anivar/Wa Er), the Foreign One (you can't say Foreign Idiot because they're all idiots)
Together they ... solve ... crime while Chen Shi just wants to have a pet cat and protect stray children.
It's very silly and charming and I know Ambiguously Foreign character named /Ali Baba/ is some kind of race /something/ but as an outsider in every way I can't even begin to say what. Anivar is Uyghur and I think he's the first non-Han actor we've encountered in the dramas we've watched. Just an interesting bit of something to note in watching a very silly show.
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writing-frenzy · 1 year
Beautiful Disaster AU- 2:
:P so the gremlins for this AU won't let go it seems; fitting as I eat noodles I get the author man himself, along with his favorite hater.
Edit: I almost forgor to put a link for part one
Here is another poem/quote thing :3
I'm beautifully broken,
perfectly imperfect,
beautiful in my flaws.
All together I am a Beautiful Disaster.
By Unknown
Again, this fits both SQH and SJ so much :3 This will be set kinda after the Moshang extras, just without the ship happening so far (because rebuilding trust and care, and loyalty takes time, Mobei being patient enough because SQH is worth it, with SQH learning he is indeed worth it, more than worthy.)
Despite what most think of the An Ding Peak Lord, the glorified immortal secretary/janitor of the Cang Qiong Mountains never misses any time. He has more months, years plotted way in advance then anyone would dream, dates and times printed into his mind with an ever ticking constantly echoing his steps. He plans weeks ahead of anything he can afford to, considering people and patterns he has noticed, procuring orders before they were ever thought to be sent, knowing his martial siblings won't noticed the needed thing until it is too late.
But even he is not all knowing, author god he may be, so when things run out faster than he expected (Ah, embezzlement or incompetence, take your pick of what it could be! Maybe even both, it could be one of those days.) He takes days at a time to get these 'urgent' orders filled, replaced, fixed, or cared for to the best of his ability.
And he can assure you, that you will find no better than him when it comes to time and logistics; he has it down to the minutes it takes him to eat a bowl of noodles, to the seconds it takes to wipe the blood from his hands from yet another sad little assassination.
His days, like any An Ding Disciple, are numbered and ruled by the water, sand, and hands of a clock.
(Needless to say, Airplane sometimes thanks himself for his lazy writing, for example; that regular clocks do exist here, even if they are usually only for the holier-than-thou nobles/too rich to ever think types. It had been one of the first ever things he bought with his hefty Peak Lord allowance, and one of the few expenses he never regrets.)
No, Shang Qinghua never misses any time; he just chooses to skip inconveniences so that he could be spending his valuable time on things that actually do need his attention.
Of course, not like he'll ever let anyone know the difference.
"Liu-Shidi, there shouldn't be any meeting today? I'm pretty sure the next Peak Lord Meeting is when Peak Lord Shen comes to his Peak Next week?" Shang Qinghua whines, feeling the drag on his pale blue An Ding robes as the Ban Zhan War God drags him to the meeting that was in fact today, but knowing his transmigrator bro, will usually put off to next week because Yue Qingyuan is a fucking pushover.
(The man literally let Shang Qinghua back; sure yeah, probably until he at least trains a successor, but the pale blue robed Peak Lord would bet money it was partly because his head disciple terrifies all the other Peak Lords. Not that he can blame them, seeing as Bai Weizhe has finally forgiven him for leaving him behind; the young man's talent and temper is a legendary thing to witness, almost seems a shame he's wasting away at An Ding.)
"There's been a development; Mount Tonglu has settled." was the grim reply Liu Qingge gave, voice tense as his body was, never letting up his grip on his clothes, getting firmer in fact, as if ready for a runner.
"... oh... oh.. OH FUCK!" Shang Qinghua lets himself curse in English, digging through his sleeves for a paper-ah, the good talisman paper, good, good, and his lucky specialized pen he had made just so he could write everywhere, "We're gonna have to hold a conference with the other sects, aren't we? We'll-fuck, have to prepare relief efforts for the common folk, patrols will have to be bolstered and increased-Damnit! We'll have to get offerings ready for the Heavenly Officials just in case..." mumbling to himself, he sends his hastily written note to his Head Disciple as a paper plane, still muttering to himself as Liu Qingge continues to drag him forward to the meeting room, only dropping him once they get inside, knocking him from his stressed filled muttering.
Just to see all Peak Lords are in attendance, with a bonus Luo Binghe even right next to Cucumber bro all grim faced.
AH! Why is there so much work?! Mountain, why now of all times and places do you have to settle? Couldn't have done until Shang Qinghua died or somehow fucking ascended? But Shang Qinghua says nothing, just letting out a pathetic whimper to the disgust of a few of his fellow Peak Lords, though a few do give a sympathetic glance.
Heck, Fan Qingxue of the Alchemy Peak Shoushan and Yao Qingli of the farmers peak Dong Ye look like they want to join him in it; Ah yeah, those two ladies were the ones deathly afraid of ghosts. Since they've always been pretty cool and the ones who gave him the least shit to worry about besides Mu Qingfang, Shang Qinghua thinks he can spare some of his good calming teas and drinks...
Or they can just go straight for Zui Xian's harder spirits (ha).
"As I'm sure everyone knows why we are here, let us get down to business." After Zhangmen-shixiong cuts through his usual bullshit with that simple opening(surprise, surprise), the immortal carries on, "After all these centuries, Mount Tonglu settling bodes ill omens, with it's last settling the precursor to a plague and famine that almost wiped the mortal plane from existence." with those grim words spoken, the atmosphere gets chilling.
"If I recall Zhangmen-Shixiong, it took thousands of desperate prayers and many more offerings before the Heavens answered the call of the people, putting down the cause of it all; a Ghostly Calamity." Yi Qingyao, Peak Lord of the beast taming peak Yanlin, says as her pale, scarred hands reaching up to sooth the twittering little bird on her shoulder. "Will we have to once more rely on their power?" Will they answer us goes unsaid in her words.
While the Heavenly Officials have been quiet for a long time, it is obvious that they are still there, what with prayers still being answered and merits still being met; just more undercover, detective style really. At least, that's how Airplane had wrote it out in PIDW; had to get a few goddesses in the harem some way after all, and having the Heavens be like secret agents in his mind had been funny at the time.
(Though it does put into a new perspective the harem overthrow and everything; hmmm, feels like he should do another house cleaning around now, just in case...)
"As nothing has happened so far, it wouldn't due to try and summon those from higher plane when we don't even know what we will be up against; with no intel about the threat, we don't know if we will need a Martial or Spiritual God." Liu Qingge states, the war strategist coming out in full swing. "It would just be a waste of resources and manpower to offer without any knowledge, especially since we do not know how long the Calamity has had time to settle into their power."
"What do you mean time to settle?!" Fan Qingxue asks, alarm coloring her face even paler than before, hands clenched into her handkerchief; like this, she really does look like a dainty little princess, all big eyes and perfect brown hair, no one would think she would be a treasure hunter the like of Indiana Jones.
"From what is known, Mount Tonglu can be open for years, centuries at a time before the gates of the City of Gu Close, the true regulators of the mountain; it never settles, only until years after a Calamity is reborn does it finally rest, all its energy spent on the new, cruel rebirth." Sun Qingfu, Peak Lord of Ku Xing, answers her with a frown, his regular smile lines stressed from it as he does. "If I may ask, does anyone know just when the Gu City gates last opened?"
By the quiet that happens, the grim face of those who do know, it is not going to be an answer they like.
"... From what was found, it was almost eight years ago." was spoken ever so softly, Shang Qinghua feeling his own eyes widen as his mind does the math;
Almost eight years ago? When Cucumber-bro...
Here, the Ban Zhan War God seems to twitch, jaw clenching for a minute before it smooths away, all emotion erased as he turns to the resident Demon Lord.
Ah, while Shang Qinghua has an idea of just why Luo Binghe is here, sitting at the table with no one bothering to comment on it; considering the Demon Emperor's vast influence, and still in control over a certain, foretelling/divination talented sect, he inwardly pleads with his Shidi, hoping it will get through.
Please do not get into a fight here with the protagonist son! (May his Protag also not start anything please!)
"Has Huan Hua Palace managed to gleam any information about the upcoming Ghostly Calamity at all." Liu Qingge asks Luo Binghe, Acting Grand Disciple of Hua Hua Palace still, even being a Demon Lord as he is. (Though, his son is more of a figurehead then anything, what with Huan Hua needing all the help they can get, at least until they restore their reputation just enough to 'promote' another.)
"... From what the Divinators have said, not much has been managed to be gathered, something seemingly blocking their sights and tools." Luo Binghe says, before looking to the sect leader, a question seemingly in his eye, to which he gets a short nod.
"It seems that both Huan Hua Palace and our own Divination Division have been trying to qualify the Calamity coming to little ends; very few details have been gathered, but I'm sure you have received details of the same city?"
That gets a stark frown on his Protagonist's face, dark eyes flashing a gloomy red before he says those damming words. "Jinlan City."
Eight Years.
Jinlan City.
... Oh Fuck his life with a rusty spoon; this is not the fucking time for a god dammed plague/famine thing!
"You two bit, sell-out hack of an author! How in the fuck could you leave out such important world building! Just for fucking sex plots!" is ranted when they're alone in the bamboo house on Qing Jing Peak, Luo Binghe being in high demand to work with the other sects as the current head of the golden cultivators. Damn, but is Shang Qinghua glad that's not his problem anymore, even if he feels a bit sorry for the Hua disciples he revived just to take over his paperwork duties.
(What, it's not like he could have used that plot device for himself, considering that the Sweet Dream Seven Petal Rose could only be used on righteous, young souls, both of which he is not. Gongyi Xiao and his little bunch are doing great last he checked, even if they now have a newfound hunger for spiritually dense rocks and plants; still a surprise to have that many good nuggets in such a gilded, slimy place like Huan Hua.)
"Hmmm, more focused on what could get me my rent money at the time, you know, like an adult." Shang Qinghua sasses back, looking over all the reports constantly being sent to him, signing something there, double checking there, burning that paper here. "And considering how Calamities need actual, real deal gods to handle their fucking business, I made the executive decision to just not include them into the story."
"Binghe wouldn't lose!"
"... No, he wouldn't! He the- He's your protagonist..." here Shang Qinghua looks over to his bro, being hit once more just how young the other actually is, green eyes wide as they take him in.
"Calamities were not named lightly bro; they earn that title through pain, agony, and a resentment that refuses to ever fucking die." Here, Airplane comes into full swing, rambles of a favored topic only an author can understand dumping out, "It was one of my favorite things to plot out in my original draft, I did so much research and writing for what I was going to have as a neutral recurring character for an arc or two here or there, someone who could make the Luo Binghe bow in respect. Calamities were a part of the whole for the reason pure blooded Heavenly Demons were wiped out." he explains, only for Shen Qingqiu to interrupt.
"Because very few Demons or Spiritual Creatures can affect ghosts, so that the protagonist could show off fancy cultivation tricks with his companions or wives." his green clad bro finishes, a death grip on his fan.
"Yeah, had to justify at times why my protag would bother leveling his human side, considering how op his demonic blood was. I figured ghost would be an even playground, while not effecting demons much, couldn't actually be effected that much in turn." Shang Qinghua shrugs, wincing at the pops and cracks as he does, before going right back to his paperwork; he really should have went back to his peak, he really would get more done, but with his favorite hater's memory, it would be worth the cutting into his time if it could jog his own memory of his story.
From what he wrote in Proud Immortal Demon Way, Mount Tonglu was only in one arc of his story, his son having to find the ghost of one of his favored wives to revive her, who ended up being sucked up into the mountain. Luo Binghe had to struggle hard, getting the aid of a sexy Ghostly Cultivator and a Demonic one to help him along the path to find the ghost of his wife. It was a race against time and enemies, ghosts who would rip anyone to shreds, and to ensure his ghostly wife wouldn't gather too much energy from the place so that she couldn't leave.
Thanks to his Sexy helpers, plot amor, and general bullshit plot devices, Luo Binghe saves his dear wife's ghost, revives her, and has some sexy papapa times with all three ladies from the adventure. (Though the two don't actually end up wifed to Luo Binghe from what he remembers.) But despite all the bullshit, Airplane remembers at the time he only wrote the group going as far as the second level, just in the mountain proper, and sure as hell nowhere near the really important parts; the ancient city of Wukong, and the Kiln that attracted all the ghosts in the first place. Otherwise, he would have had to write a fight scene that Luo Binghe could not win.
And couldn't pay his bills; so thus, Mount Tonglu and all its possibilities got shafted, just another plot thread left dangling among the many others he had in the wind, taunting his readers as it were.
One that gives context, but no longer any help with their situation.
After that bit of thoughtful silence, Cucumber bro begins to say something, only for a knock at the door to interrupt them.
"Shizun, apologies for interruption, but the Head Disciple from An Ding Peak is here." that sweet voice can only be from one of his sweetest characters, one Ning Yingying.
"Ah, you can just come on in Bai Weizhe, I don't think-ah!" Shang Qinghua calls, before sputtering as his bro proceeds to spit take all over him, "Gross, seriously gross bro."
All that gets is the stunned, incredulous gaze from his friend, before his rather stunning Head Disciple comes in, looking like he should be the Peak Lord honestly. Really, he makes the light blue and grey of the HD Uniform look like the highest fashion, with those highly noble features and crystal grey eyes. The young man is just missing a crown in that silky black hair, and bam, he'd look the part.
Well, then he'll get that look in those usually gentle eyes and then he'll look more like he should be the Ban Zhan or Qing Jing Peak Lord; just like now, a storm brewing clouds as he takes in the two Peak Lords before him, darkening as they look to his dripping Shizun.
"This disciple hopes he was not interrupting anything? There is unfortunately much work for Shizun to do, and so little time to do it." His disciple says, face perfectly bland even as he ignores any of the custom greetings one should do before their elders, especially those way above in seniority. Raising an eyebrow at his disciple, as while Shang Qinghua could let him get away with murder, decorum and manners are not something his disciples skip on, a tool he has trained them to practically weaponize.
But Bai Weizhe merely smiles like sugar won't melt in his mouth, completely transforming that handsome face into a truly devastating attack, his raging eyes the only give away. Hearing Cucumber bro choke beside him, Shang Qinghua makes to stand up, sighing once more.
"Ah well, just another storm to weather through, maybe if I'm lucky I can just hide away on my Peak or the Northern- I'm not lucky am I?" Shang starts hopefully, only to see the darkening of his disciple's eyes.
"...When the Divinatiors were divining into the future, they managed to find out one more thing." Here Weizhe's eyes flicker, looking down for a minute before back to him, the only sign he gives off he is worried, "When looking to see who would go to investigate, Long-Shigu only kept getting omens of death, no matter who was drawn from the lots..." Here, his disciple takes a deep breath, Shang Qinghua himself now worried for his student, putting a hand on their shoulder to ground them, calm them however he could (along with himself).
"It's only when Shizun's name was drawn to go that the omens lightened at all."
... Fuck, if Long Qingyu, the Zui Xian Peak Lord, the best Divination Master this side of the Jianghu that wasn't part of Huan Hua said so, then it was so...
Damn it to planes and noddles, but he's already missing his bed.
"I look at you, and I just love you, and it terrifies me. It terrifies me what I would do for you."
By Alexandra Bracken
Shen Yuan can fully admit, if only to himself, that he might just be, slightly, just ever so slightly, terrified.
Of course, he'll admit this too no one; despite how OOC the System has let him become, how it stays in 'standby mode', some habits have just become too ingrained at this point to change, forged as they were into his shield. It has been both a boon and a bane as it were in his day to day, keeping him together through most storms in his life, even if it's left him sopping wet afterwards.
But in the end, at least he still has someone to warm him up, a calm within that storm to rest his weary body for a time... Even if they truly aren't an actual escape from said storm.
"Shizun, is there anything you need? Anything I can do?" His Binghe fusses, those clear dark eyes of his not able to hide the tightening worry scrunching them, face still beautiful even as full of negativity as it is.
"Just be as ready as possible; we do not know what to expect, with assumptions being a foe that could blind us when we least expect them." Shen Qingqiu speaks, truly trying not to think about it, about just what kind of situation they are about to be walking into, the ruins of Jinlan City just a bit before them damningly, the Base Camp the Cultivation Sects pulled together to create rest less then a mile away in the distance.
'Oh, but how hard it is to not make any...' the transmigrator can't help but think, grimacing behind his fan as he can just notice the stares from others around them, some judgmental, other pitying, but all still obviously looking at them.
After all, eight years ago was the day he first 'died' in this world. Combined with the issues with the Sowers, then the resulting destruction of said city... it didn't paint the best of pictures.
As expected of a protagonist; even after the 'happy ever after', there was still no rest from possible story lines. (Shen Yuan honestly at times was just... tired of them. Didn't he and Binghe, especially his Binghe, deserve a rest?...
He'd rather be caught in a wife plot even at this point.)
"... A-Yuan?" was whispered rather lowly, right into his ear and behind his fan, so no one with advanced cultivation could hear or see what he was saying, "Is this some sort of... event?" His disciple asked, making his Shizun pause in his fanning for a moment, before returning, not even so much of a twitch on his face.
"...That has not made any signs of movement beyond what it has told me and your Shang-Shishu." Shen Yuan answers carefully, ignoring the brief twitch of disgust on his husband's face at the mention of the other man, "It has been quiet since a year ago." At least, from what Shang Qinghua has told him about his months long misadventure.
"... I see." there, just slightly, is a bit of relief in Luo Binghe's face, Shen Qingqiu unable to stop his own weary smile at the sight.
Despite everything, despite how he will never, ever tell his fellow transmigrator, he is grateful the man convinced him to tell Binghe as much as he could about their transmigration.
Even if it felt like a kick in the teeth at the time.
("... Bro." Shang Qinghua has a look in his eyes that makes Shen Yuan freeze, fully reminded, in that moment, in that time, that for all his fellow transmigrator plays around and whines, the man has earned his Peak Lord title, and all that it entails. "You know the tropes, the clinches, the story; what part of keeping all those secrets to yourself seems like a good idea?"
Here he couldn't help but bristle, "And in what story do you see a character actually talk about being from another world, hmm? What can I even say?!" He stops himself from going to hit the other with his fan, the urge stifled as he sees those brown eyes darken as they narrow.
"I've found that as long as I kept it vague, I can get the general idea of what happened across. I've experimented with My King and my Head Disciple, and the only time I was stopped was when I was about to mention the System directly. Otherwise I was good to go..." here the older man pauses, before he sighs even as Shen Yuan gaps, honestly stunned the other man actually tried something like that.
"Look, Shen Yuan, do you want your relationship with Binghe to work out?"
"!! Of course!"
"Then tell him; tell him before it is too late and you really become a foil for Yue Qi and his Shen Jiu." here, hearing his name and the mention of those two, Shen Yuan cannot help but pale, seeming to stop and stare at the bitter author god before him.
"... Cucumber-bro, for all you remember about my stallion protagonist webnovel, you seem to always forget it's a tradegy at its core..." here the other man just looks so tired, staring into his teacup instead of directing those all too knowing earth colored eyes to him.
"And the promis of love was always meant to be Binghe's greatest weakness.")
"Ah, greeting from this Disciple to Shen-Shishu, Lord Luo." was greeted, Shen Qingqiu nearly jumping if he hadn't already noticed his husband was looking over, even if he did look stiffly over to the voice.
One Bai Weizhe stood there before them, not a hair out of place, his face neutral, calm and as if he probably wasn't plotting how to slit your throat in your sleep. Like he isn't secretly some powerhouse that could probably go toe-toe with Yue Qingyuan and even toy with the man if he felt like it.
"Ah, good day Bai-Shizhi, has everything been completed and set up?" Shen Qingqiu asks, fanning himself lightly, doing his best to pretend that this is just a regular disciple, that their is nothing wrong with them, that he is just a wrong word from breaking out into a cold sweat.
"Yes, this disciple was sent to gather all the participating Peak Lords coming from Cang Qiong Mountains; all preparations have been made, Long-Shigu and Huan Hua Palace saying soon will be the best time to enter the city. I'm sure that these Lords can find the way their themselves?" Shen Qingqiu nearly frowns at this subtle though pointed disrespect, having to gently tap his fan on his husband's shoulder before he can say anything.
"These Lords are capable of it, though it would do Shizhi well to remember their manners; I'm sure your Shifu has taught you better than that?" The Peak Lord comments, knowing if he doesn't say something, then Binghe will-
And while that face is still as calm as before, those eyes giving nothing away, there is something about that pause that says Shen Qingqiu has said the wrong thing.
"This disciple will keep it in mind, Shen-Shishu. Please pardon me, I must go and find the other Peak Lords joining the scouting force." With that, and a shallow boy just respectful enough, the young man hurries along, the pale blue and grey of his robes fluttering in the wind as he goes.
Outwardly, the Qing Jing Peak Lord seems as calm as can be, soothing his fussy husband as they walk over to the main tend of the Camp, not even flustered a bit by the altercation.
Inside on the other hand, Peerless Cucumber is just 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Airplane of all villains you picked up, why him!? Why him as your HD?!'
Now, while Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky had made plenty of low IQ and forgettable villains in the story, it just meant that when he actually pulled out the good ones, he made them unforgettable. From the beloved 'Big Brother' Pan Shan, a villain only in protection of his family, to the literal 'Calamitous Beauty' Tan Xifeng, a woman so proud and strong she rather turn to ashes forever then be trapped in the Harem, Bai Weizhe was just as up there, the calm 'True Mastermind' in the name of revenge in PIDW.
In the set up, The Bai Family is a very high ranking Cultivation Family, just as high if not more so than the Liu family, said to be descended from heavenly beings, granted power and weapons of that level because of it. But over the years, with less and less powerful Cultivators coming from the family, the Bai Family head got desperate, making his son marry multiple women to try and birth a hopefully powerful heir. And seeing how much of a playboy the man was, with plenty of bastards beforehand, it wasn't too hard for the man to put out it seem. Of his many spawn, two ended up as wives to Bingge and of course a few becoming villains for the arc.
But Bai Weizhe, when first introduced, it shows one of his half-sisters, a future wife, trying to defend him from another of their siblings who were attempting to torture him. All throughout the arc's mystery, one learns more of the future wives alongside this weak bastard son of a maid and the Family Head's son, learning they were little more than a slave to the Family Head and his Son's whims.
Bai Weizhe had seemed like a helpful, if slightly talented npc, being more of an awkward emotional support then any seeming threat, even if things seemed ever so slightly off about him, most of which could probably be excused by just how abused he had been. In fact, many thought the man would become a little brother character, Binghe taking in the poor bastard son as a future assistant or something because of how intelligent he was (with rotten girls going even farther and saying he would become part of the harem.)
But when the plot twist was revealed, with it turning out the murders and almost complete alienation of the Bai Family was all his doing, daringly using the protagonist to do his dirty work for him... it had been as shocking as it was satisfying to the readers, some actually rereading the entire arc with eyes wide open to take in all those little clues and cues to the real monster hiding behind the mask.
But of course, Luo Binghe being Luo Binghe in Proud Immortal Demon Way, Th Bai Bastard meets his end and Bingge gets the Bai Family twins and some family treasure as a bonus... (Though, from debates and such, it actually has been argued that his death may have either been faked or the man had a back up prepared.
Knowing PIDW and all it's bullshit plot devices... he can see it, especially after meeting him.)
But coming to the tent, Shen Qingqiu pushes all thoughts aside, face grim as he looks over his fellow gathered Peak Lords.
Yue Qingyuan. Shang Qinghua. Mu Qingfang. Liu Qingge. Qi Qingqi. Himself and his husband.
"Both the best and worst team to send." Long Qingyu's bitter words spoken broke through the tents atmosphere, making everyone tense as she did. The Zui Xian Peak Lord took a gulp from her bottle, truly stressed if she was drinking in front of them, "I cannot say much, or do anything else but offer this one last advice; make sure you actually listen." she stresses, golden hair slipping from her messily made bun as she pushes it back even as she takes another swing of her drink, mismatched brown and green eyes closed as she does.
"Listen to what?" Liu Qingge asks, eyeing the woman as she finishes her drink with a mournful look.
"Just as I said; listen. Do not assume, do not judge, do think before you damn well speak-" Here she stops herself, teeth gritted as she breaths through them, before opening her eyes once more, "I can say no more, not unless I want the omens to darken even further. Just get ready to go." with that, the woman is gone as fast as she came in, closing the tent behind her with a loud snap.
Staring at everyone, meeting eyes with a few before looking to his Binghe, Shen Qingqiu starts to prepare himself, checking just in case for anything that could have been missed.
Come what may, he and the others will be as ready as they can be, going against the Calamity as they are.
It'll have to be enough.
(Oh, but they will never be ready, unknowing of the poisonous green eyes watching, waiting for them all this time.
They've waited long enough.)
Author's note:
And here we have our favorite disaster bi's, Airplane and Cucumber-bro! Man, both are great characters, my bias being Airplane, but Shen Yuan is also such an interesting character to delve into, being one of the favs I both want to hug and just smack over the head :>
The second quote I found I feel can really seem to resonate with Shen Yuan, when our boy stops repressing and actually lets himself feel.
Also, while I like BingQiu... boi, does that relationship have issues, ones I really hope they did indeed talk through when they could (They have a fuck ton of time to do so, so here I had Airplane help and kick them into gear; nothing like be reminded of tropes and the fact that your hubby is a fucking Tragedy Protag. :> )
Airplane: *Revives a bunch of disciples because he does not want to deal with the paperwork* ... why are you looking at me like that, stop that, go back to your sect.
So many OCs this chapter, I'll just do a spot light for one because then this chapter will just be author's note. (not too mention how he kept worming his way everywhere, just smiling at me as he did.)
Bai Weizhe: Means Outgoing, great sage because I like it; little fun fact, how I have my OC Bai Weizhe: he was actually a high IQ Villain in PIDW, (think if Lan Zhan and Jin Guangyao had a baby, he'd be that baby :3 ) the bastard son of a great cultivation family where Luo Binghe was doing the 'acting like a pig to get the tiger' sort of deal. He was actually a genuine, hidden boss level threat for at least one-two arcs before he had to get fridged for papapa plot (tho.. more like a faked death, Airplane always had a soft spot for his villains after all :3). In fact, it was mentioned in Villainous monologue that he had went to join CQM sect, but due to sabotage by his family, never got the chance in PIDW.
In SVSSS, Airplane was still in the process of working on his 'applying by application' process to An Ding (because I love this headcannon, it gives me fucking life, I am still mad for losing the bookmark to the story that inspired it.) so he still picked disciples by the digging test for a while. He sees this one poor little guy digging despite looking like he's gonna pass out any minute, powering through it with sheer determination and spite, the other Peaks Lords and Disciples already dismissing them, thinking he has low cultivation/poor prospect.
Shang Qinghua though doesn't care about all that; he very much wants that determination (and spite, gotta respect it) He can use all he can get! *After the kid cleans up and gets the drugs out of his system, Shang Qinghua blinks, double takes* WTF when did I have a talent on my peak??
Bai Weizhe: *Smiles like butter won't melt in his mouth* I've always been here Shizun.
(Does Airplane remember him? lol nope, but Shen Yuan sure does :D)
Also, none of the An Ding disciples really 'care' about Shang Qinghua's betrayal (Anyone on An Ding? Oh, they've dreamed of much worse; so much worse~) :) They Just :) Are a bit Upset :) about being Left Behind. :) But its all good; their Shizun came back :)
(And if the sect knows whats good for it, he'll stay where he fucking belongs.)
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thesilverlady · 3 months
Condal had to whitewash Aemond's entire character, give him traits from others, and make Aegon look cartoonishly incompetent and pathetic so he could live out his childhood dreams in his self insert. Like i am not even tg but the way Ryan keep justifying Aemond's bad deeds nonstop like he made luke nothing but a big bad bully and made his death an accident all to whitewash & justify Aemond, and now he tried the same with Aegon being murdered... Ohh poor meowmond was bullied by his mustache-twriling villain of a brother so this is why he has the right to try to kill him🥹 what now? Would he portrays the riverlanders as cartoonish villains who bullied Sadmond to hell and back so this is why it's okay for Aemond to commit genocide against them?
if you think about it, aemond is for Ryan what Daemon was for George; a favorite. Which is ultra ironic because from what I've seen in interviews I don't think Ryan even likes daemon? But anyways, I've been saving my long analysis for after the season is over but it'd be rude to ignore you, so let's go.
First things first, I think Aegon being "incompetent" at most things isn't necessarily bad, if we consider book canon where we're told he's lazy. It makes sense why for example his valyrian are probably not the best, why he struggles keeping up with the council etc
On the other hand however, you may say "Well, they've ignored 80% of the book. Aemond and Alicent get sympathy. Even Helaena gets more of a room to breathe." which in this case, yes, you're actually right.
Since the showrunners are determined to be making both sides gray that would mean show both sympathy and bad traits to a character right?
The thing is Aegon suffers a similiar fate Alicent aka the writers don't know what to do with him. In the first season they attempted to give him some sympathy by showing how he was mistreated by alicent and Otto, and show how he became awful by having Dyana and the fighting pits as an example of it.
In the second season, he should have gotten more spotlight. He should have been riding high on power, being arrogant af, celebrating his small "victories" but he doesn't get any of that. Instead he's naive with making decisions (which makes sense but instead of backing out of his decisions he should persist), he can't keep up with his own council (in the book at least he was nagging Otto about always writing letters instead of taking action), and even when b&c happens we don't see him taking revenge. We saw him destroying viserys' Lego collection instead of the man who beheaded his son. And I'm asking, why? Why not show his cruel side, why not have him torture his prisoner, taking joy of his pain. Hell, most audience wouldn't even be against him for it.
As for the Aegon x Aemond dynamic, the bullying never really made sense to me, but I'd argue the entire dynamic of the green family is very clumsily written. These people aren't loyal to one another but the care is still meant to be there, y'know?
Like, Alicent in the book is a hypocrite and completely obsessed with Rhaenyra. She still defended and believed in her children despite most of them being monsters.
Aegon had no reason to bully Aegon (aside the fact that alicent would have probably never allowed it), Aemond is the only brother Aegon gets to grow up with. He's his closest companion if you think about it.
When Jace is born, Daeron is born. So Aegon never had interest in his nephews because he was too old by then. He probably still felt envious his father was giving attention to them - which is a feeling he shared with Aemond only (given Helaena had a batter relationship with their dad)
So again, why the bullying? Not to mention Aemond is fierce child. bit of a psycho if you will. The idea that he'd just accept being humiliated by Aegon is laughable at best.
The difficulty with adapting the book is that arguably, Aemond is a very difficult character to sympathize. He's not meant to be likable. He's chaotic and an idiot with the oldest dragon and that makes him dangerous - which in turn, can make him entertaining to a certain audience.
Have you noticed how he never name calls Rhaenyra in the show? Aegon insults her. Criston insults her. But not him. Meanwhile Aemond had this weird psychosexual thing with Rhaenyra and obsession with Daemon in the book. But they only kept the latter part because it'd be harder to root for him if they had kept the first.
book Aemond is a raging misogynistic, arrogant prince, impulsive and fixated with the idea of proving he's better than others. It's why he waits for a dragon to claim when his own egg doesn't hatch. it's why he persists after his accident.
if they wanted to draw sympathy they could have actually focused on his disability. While I don't blame the Velaryon boys for what happened to him, Aemond still had to deal with permanent consequences; relearning everything; how to eat, how to read, how to swordfight. You could have a bit of disability representation there for kudos and actually dig into an unexplored aspect of his character. But nope, they only had him mad after years and even the action of murdering his nephew because of it was made into an accident. so I guess he wasn't that mad over the eye thing lol
Aaand because I feel I've been defending Aegon a bit much let me clear the air, I'm not some Aegon girly who thinks he's uwu a poor bb who talked over and never did anything wrong.
He's a rapist; both in the show and the book. In the show he enjoys watching kids killing each other, in the book he wants to murder his elder sister from the start. He's still however a pawn. Just an unaware one for the most part so sympathy is drawn there for a bit.
And there's an added irony and tragedy of Aegon arrogantly believing he and aemond were on the same side, to be celebrating his victories to the point of building him a freaking statue. One can say there's something narcissistic about it, as if Aegon views aemond and daeron as extentions to himself, making their victories his own.
Meanwhile Aemond grew up resentful of Aegon in the similiar sense he is of Rhaenyra. except Aegon is a man and a firstborn son so his laziness rubs him wrong extra hard. His mother and grandfather focused on installing Aegon to the throne when Aegon had never done anything for it. In his mind, Aemond is the one who trained, who endured after his accident, who is ambitious about power. So yeah Aegon being crowned never sat well with him.
Rook's nest remain goofy in the show and gives tb another horribly adapted death but I can't be mad about it 'cause I couldn't even stand show!rhaenys lol.
While Aemond was always going to go against Aegon he probably would have done it after the war with Rhaenyra was over. A "let them kill each other and I can deal with whoever remains" kind of a plan. And since Aegon had gotten so badly injured by the end he wouldn't even have to kill him if he didn't feel like it, just talk to him into abdicating.
But yeah, Aemond in the show is "whitewashed" as you mentioned and they made his "got bullied" storyline a core aspect of his persona so there's no saving him.
I do wonder how they'll do the burning of Riverlands and the massacre of House Strong 🤔 In showverse, going after Aegon was expected especially after the brothel scene (+the childhood we know they had.) and I can't imagine many people not rooting for him given how Aegon treated him.
So, Aegon was the "bad" guy in this case so Aemond's actions are once again lifted from him. I'm definitely curious how they'll do the other two. I can't imagine a way to twist it into him being "forced" but eh he's Ryan's fav, never underestimate the man.
I guess we'll have to wait and see
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thenixkat · 9 months
Just reading Dungeon Meshi while fat and just vibing with this neat lil story of dungeon meals and quandries of how close can a monster be to human before it's cannibalism to eat them.
Chapter 32, pg 87 then decided to sucker punch me in the face.
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[ID: A panel from Dungeon Meshi featuring several humanoids having a meal and conversing in a place with stone walls and a stone floor. From right to left the speech bubbles read:
"You think that idiot lord will keep getting fatter and burst?"
"If he does, the elves will swoop in before you can blink."
"We need him to hang in there as a bulwark for now." /End ID]
Well then. So we're discussing a character who's considered to be incompetent and by this group to be lazy, dull-witted, greedy, and gluttonous? With his weight also being brought up as a negative point in an incredibly rude way?
Coooooool. Cool. Cool. *Nix will remember this*
Damn, I guess this guy must be fucking *massive* if folks think he might 'burst' from being too fat, even meanspirited jokingly. What does he look lik--
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[ID: A manga panel from Dungeon Meshi featuring a tall humanoid in a plant-patterned shirt throwing a drink at a group of shorter bearded humanoids and yelling at them angrily.
The narration text boxes read: But one day, they found that large sums had been embezzled, and he disappeared. They say it's one of the things that soured the Island Lord's perception of dwarves. /End ID]
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[ID: A crop of a Dungeon Meshi panel featuring a humanoid wearing a plant-pattered top sitting at the head of the table set with a meal with dishes placed for several people to part take in and a servant standing in the corner away from the table.
The person with plant patterned top addresses someone off panel saying: And? How was it? /End ID]
Mfers not even that damn big. Like? Really not even that big at all.
I see.
Can certainly say this bit really colored my perception of some later things.
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1986harrington · 2 years
a prompt list!!!!!!! yesssss i’ve missed your sweet sweet writing!! best friday ever! can i request 1 with our boyf steve pretty please??
Steve Harrington x fem!reader Prompt: #1: Don't talk to me, someone might think we're friends Summary: You and Steve work at Family Video, but you don't get off to the best start (bickering!enemies to lovers) Word Count: 1.5k
You had been working at Family Video for about six months before Steve Harrington tumbled in the door - all long legs, flailing arms and floppy hair, too bright eyes and an annoyingly contagious smile. 
You tried your best to show him the ropes, you really did. But some days you swore he was deliberately messing it up. It was almost like he wanted Keith to toss his jobless ass back out into the parking lot. You knew from highschool that Steve hadn’t always been the sharpest tool in the box, but it wasn’t like this job was rocket science. There was absolutely no way anyone was this incapable of rewinding tapes and knowing what alphabetical order meant. 
On top of all that, he just irked you. He left half-finished cups of coffee everywhere he went, which he usually ended up spilling over something important. He repeatedly stole what you had claimed as your unofficial favourite parking spot, even when the lot wasn’t full. He was never on time, he had the attention span of a goldfish and he never seemed able to do a job from start to finish.
“I think maybe part of the issue here is that you like him, and you just don't wanna admit it.” Robin had unhelpfully suggested a few months back, when you began listing off these reasons to her mid-rant for the third time in a week. 
Robin had called Steve out on it pretty early too, saying that the reason he deliberately wound you up was because his brain never progressed past the stage of playground teasing and pigtail pulling when he liked a girl.
You had both denied it resolutely, absolutely adamant in your dislike for each other.
Until last Tuesday night.
You had been on shift with both Robin and Steve, but it was the quietest night of the week and with Keith not around, Robin had tossed her keys at Steve over the counter as she headed for the door early to get ready for her date night with Vicki.
“Robs, you can’t be serious!” You yelled after her as she opened the door. The chime rang out above her head as she turned to face you, walking backwards and gesturing to her ear as if she couldn’t hear you despite being less than 10 feet away from where you were standing.
“Love you guys! Play nice, make good choices!” 
The door swung shut with another chime, silence falling around you both in the now empty store.
Steve opened his mouth to speak, but before any words could make it past his lips, you were holding a hand up to him, the other pinching at the bridge of your nose as you closed your eyes.
“Whatever you’re about to say, Harrington? Just don’t.”
“Listen, I’m not exactly thrilled about being stuck here with you either, alright?”
You choked out a laugh, turning to face him now with a hand on your hip.
“And what exactly do you have to be 'not thrilled' about?" You air-quoted back at him.
"I’m not the co-worker who’s messy, and lazy and just generally  incompetent at every little task I’m given!” You yelled, blood rushing up your chest to colour your cheeks in frustration.
“No, you’re right.” Steve said, with more of an edge to his tone than you’d heard before. He pushed himself off the stool he’d been perched on behind the counter, rounding it until he was standing in front of you.
“You’re the co-worker who thinks that just because she’s pretty and smart that it’s fine to be an insufferable, pain-in-the-ass control freak with a superiority complex!”
“You think I’m pretty?” You interrupted, eyes narrowing at him curiously.
“I- what?” Steve stammered, his cheeks now a shade of rosey that matched yours, and you couldn’t help but notice the way both of you were breathing a little heavier.
“You said I was pretty.” You repeated before adding ‘and smart’, for good measure.
“Yeah. Yeah, I guess I did." He admitted, throwing hands up and letting them fall back by his sides, exasperated. "And of course you'd choose to focus on that and ignore literally all of the other things I said. Maybe we should add narcissist to the list-"
You cut him off by gripping the front of his stupid polo and pulling him down towards you as you pressed up on your toes. Your lips met his and at first he was still against you. You could feel the confusion in the way his body was tense against yours and it lasted just long enough that you began to consider pulling back - that maybe you’d made a colossal mistake and totally misread the energy that had been simmering between you and that Steve wasn’t interested in you at all like that.
That maybe he genuinely didn’t like you at all.
Your mind had begun to wander to the possibilities of dying simply from sheer embarrassment alone, when you felt a warm, strong arm wrap around your waist and lift you off your feet, his lips finally moving against yours.
You pulled back from him just long enough to let out a yelp as he turned and placed you up on the counter, one hand on your hip sliding you toward him, the other tangling in the hair at the back of your head.
“Is this okay?” He asked, breathless against your cheek, lips brushing your jawline and when you only nodded, his mouth dropped lower to press a kiss over your racing pulse.
“Words, Princess. You’ve usually got plenty of ‘em.” 
You felt his grin against your flushed skin, the faint scratch of his stubble against your throat sending a new wave of sensation through your body until your legs were wrapping around him, pulling him closer.
“D’you wanna keep kissing me, Harrington, or d’you wanna run your mouth instead?” You propositioned him, and he hummed as if he was considering his options, despite the fact he was still kissing his way along your neck and back up to your jaw.
Once he was eye-level with you again, you quirked a brow.
“Words, remember?”
His lips were plush, his bottom one plump and rosey from where you'd had it  between your teeth and when he went to speak, a grin tugging at the corners, you pressed a finger there and he stilled.
“Just so you know, there’s only one answer that gets you laid.”
The grin pulled at his features fully now, reaching all the way to his eyes that you swore were darker now than they’d ever been before. He pushed a chaste kiss to your fingertip that was still pressed against his lips, before taking it between his teeth and nipping gently. 
You gasped, feeling the wet of his tongue against your skin before your hand slipped from his face and fisted in his vest.
“I guess I’ll shut up now, then.” He finally answered, mouth back on yours as his hands slid up your shirt.
“Do me a favour, Harrington? Don’t talk to me, someone might think we’re actually friends.”
“Ouch,” Steve hissed with a grin, one hand thrown over the other dramatically against his chest as he pretended to stagger backwards. You rolled your eyes with a scoff, shouldering past him with an armful of tapes.
“Friends? You’re gonna look me in the eye and tell me we’re not even friends after what we did in here last week?”
You shot him a look over your shoulder that dared him to keep going, so he did.
“And then in my car on the way home? And then on your couch once I finally got you home? Hey, remind me - was it my bed next, or yours? Or the bathroom at that party over on Maple?”
“Do you ever stop talking?”
“Around you? When I know it either, a) annoys you or, b) turns you on? No way. That’s a win/win, if you ask me.”
“Yeah? Well too bad no one asked you.”
“You did. Literally two seconds ago-”
“Steve, I swear to God-”
“So it’s option A today. Got it. Good to know.”
He made his way over to you in silence, taking some of the tapes out of your arms and helping you restock the shelves. He took the ones belonging on the higher shelves so you didn’t have to reach up, and you took the lower ones so he didn’t hurt his back leaning down all the time. There was the occasional bump of the shoulder and the brushing of fingers that sent a palpable enrgy zipping through your body, which you fought to ignore. And then there was the fact that you were close enough to smell each other - Steve all fresh soap and sandalwood, and you sweet, like cherries dipped in vanilla - and it was driving you both insane.
When Robin strolled in a half hour later for her afternoon shift, she observed you both for second - noting the absence of yelling and name calling.
“Look at you two,” She finally announced, one hip leaning against the counter as she slurped her milkshake obnoxiously through the straw. You both turned to face her, your eyes rolling at the smug smirk on her face.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you two actually liked each other."
"Robin, you've been here less than thirty seconds. Don't make me tell you to shut up already." Steve drawled, turning back to the shelves.
"Who knows," Robin continued, as if he hadn't even spoken. "Some might even say you could be friends.”
She pushed off the counter, skipping past you both on her way to the breakroom, ruffling Steve’s hair as she passed by. Once she was gone, you dug him in the ribs with your elbow.
“I told you,” You scolded, but when his eyes landed on your face, there was no malice, only a hint of a smile.
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slimesucker · 6 months
so, my new boyfriend situation is going pretty well, he's really nice and sweet and funny, we're able to communicate in a way I never knew was possible.
he's totally supportive, from the jump he's called me his gf and stuff. most of his friends are trans girls which is kinda funny and I'm making friends with other girls instead of just talking to them online, which is pretty important I think.
I actually have a job now too, which is nice cause I like having spending money that I don't have to get from cretinous men. it's difficult but satisfying and everyone there is nice to me.
this one girl at work didn't seem to like me at first, but later that night she was helpful and nice, so I think it's ok. people really change their attitude when they realize that instead of being lazy you're just dumb and incompetent lol.
my bf and his friends are all yugioh fanatics, so I'm trying to learn but it's taking us a while to get me a deck to lean on. that's exciting though, they're all competitive and having a competitive hobby is probably a good idea for me.
so yeah, I basically became a normie.
not girlmoding per se, but idk, HRT is doing enough that I'm andromoding and have the confidence to actually work on makeup and stuff. plus having genuinely supportive and accepting people probably made a huge difference.
get called "she" and "her" a lot at work, sometimes by customers, sometimes by my coworkers accidentally.
it's a little, FFS will absolutely make a huge difference.
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finalshaper · 5 months
fuck this fuck YOU you're hearing about what I have for revyn. this is long and somewhat lazy cos I'm tired lmao
so he and idesa are twins, they're both from Morrowind's mainland and rarely went to Vvardenfell. They were often attended to by an Argonian nanny who dubbed them both Sings-of-Dreams and Shaper-of-Wishes respectively as nicknames, seeing great potential in both of them -- and yet, diverging paths, which at the time seemed highly unlikely as they were inseparable.
They were still young when the Red Year happened, to which their family didn't feel a need to flee like everyone else did, instead opting to dig their heels in and endure whatever Red Mountain wanted to throw at the mainland with somewhat mixed results. Their family was now considered mostly crazy by everyone else, just because they refused to listen to the mourning of the death of Morrowind and what everyone assumed to be insanity or attachment to something dead was in fact unwavering hope.
Survival was difficult, which is why the twins when they reached adulthood both left one day, moving Westwards towards Skyrim, to Cyrodil, to anywhere but here, where they fought to survive and would sometimes even resign themselves to working for meals rather than pay, unwillingly becoming servants to uncaring masters. This reached a tipping point when their travels brought them closer to the Cyrodil-Skyrim border and they decided, fuck this, we're going to make our own ways now. So Revyn pocketed a bunch of valuables from the person they were presently working for and sold it to a fence, before leaving with his sister in the dead of night before the one they worked for even noticed.
This bothered Idesa, as she found Revyn to be changing and she didn't like these changes, especially the idea of him stealing from a rich noble -- she was less concerned with the moral implications and more concerned with the backlash once they find out and piece together it was them. Revyn however dismissed her and told her that they'll be long gone before then, they will be untraceable.
Eventually their travels brought them to Riften, where, with the promise of money and shelter and food Revyn would in time fall in with the Thieves' Guild, which drove a wedge between him and Idesa, considering her adamant fears for his safety and the potential harm that can -- and most certainly will -- hurt him or worse. He however insisted that he was going to provide for them both, that this was going to help them, please just hear me out.
In the Guild he was the bottom of the pecking order, and many found him incompetent and even outright stupid and some of his higher-ups would even assign him jobs worth much more just to pay him less, or they'd send him to jobs above his skill level in hopes he wouldn't come back alive from it. He was even put in groups that would deliberately sabotage him or even try and leave him for dead -- which, didn't go unnoticed, but he rationalized it as he just needs to prove himself and this'll all stop once he graduates a rank or two. This, however, would never come.
His departure from the guild came after a particularly intense job that involved burning a building -- to which his crew left him behind, either to take the fall for them or to die in the fire that was part of their job. They stood outside and waited for the roof to collapse into embers before cheering his supposed death -- Revyn thankfully survived, pulling himself from the flaming wreckage with his clothing in tatters, to which he slipped off into the woods by the time the guard arrived to investigate. He dragged himself to Riften with a fury, much to the shock of everyone in the Flagon upon his arrival stinking of smoke and dank water and snarling viciously.
He accused his compatriots of trying to kill him, of leaving him to die, "How dare you think I was oblivious to what you've been trying to do this whole time?" And in his accusation there was a convicting venom, punctuating with his statement that he is leaving. The response he was given were dire threats, especially because he had knowledge of upcoming jobs and they can't just let him leave alive, lose ends and all that. He takes one step towards that door and he's an enemy now, he dare not ever show his face in the Ratway again unless he has a deathwish. Lose ends, and all that.
Revyn fled the Ratway, running until his legs almost gave out and his lungs burned, and he didn't stop until he was slamming that gate shut behind him and stumbling up the stairs to the boardwalks above, collapsing against a wall heaving and coughing and sweating cold. A guard passing by asked him if he was okay, to which he insisted he was fine, knowing that his old guild has eyes everywhere and if he does so much as breathe a word it would be the end of him. Riften was no longer safe for him, so he moved north with nothing but the coin in his pocket and the tattered clothes on his back, almost freezing to death a handful of times if it wasn't for the kindness of a group of hunters that offered him some insulated armor.
Upon arrival to Windhelm he was promptly taken in by the Gray Quarter, where he would meet the people that would help him establish his shop and lead him to where he is now. He would run into his sister again, who would treat him like a stranger with a lot of "I-told-you-so"s attached. Revyn would try to reconcile with her, and even offer to share in his successes with her, to which she would insist that she needs time. Here Revyn would begin to shape himself into who we recognize now, enjoying some degree of success for quite some time.
That is, until the assassin appeared, contracted by the Dark Brotherhood to take out what they were considering an excessively high value target. His thieving, his apparent "betrayal" of the thieves' guild -- it all climaxed here.
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boobiespasta · 11 months
instead of rambling on twitter in its cramped, claustrophobic threads format i've chosen. just the one time. to ramble here. some of the stuff that's been bouncing around in my head for the past 2 weeks. it's weird being so hyperfixated on life instead of media for a change, which really isn't as sexy and awesome as i think it's cracked up to be because instead of rambling about silly creatures from a fictional universe all i do now is just. ramble about life. the times. and i'm just gloomy about it all the time. extremely long winded ramble about politics under the cut
i absolutely refuse to shut up about palestine for one. a palestinian alumni/fellow of my school, his family, his children, all one of the absolutely fucking unforgivable amount of refugees in the jabalia camp who were killed. obviously he is so, so far from the only life to have been taken in the atrocities, but my fucking school's newspaper has been fucking things up spectacularly when it comes to "coverage" and my school in general just. i get so fucking angry. our alumns are dying and yet my school chooses in its official statements to mostly address israel and the alleged peril our jewish student population... when i've been following on ig every palestinian student org for my school i can find and they've been begging for some publicity or support from the school it's just so fucking vile. it makes me so upset that i got lazy and literally was too busy gaming the day of transfer apps and now i'm stuck at this fucking... state uni, possibly rotting here for my undergrad. at the same time god forbid i follow in my father's ivy league footsteps and shoot for ivy league because fucking COLOMBIA and UPENN are being TARGETTED by the FUCKING c2n@ry or5aniz@ti0n which. i literally cannot fucking express how fucking angry the fact that that exists at all makes me. the future of our generation's activism is cast deep in the shadow of our incompetent fucking predecessors. god forbid we get younger voices in power! god forbid we protest to make a difference, lest we get actual targets put on our heads! and i've listened to the contrary as much as i loathed to, because that's what makes a productive opinion. synthesis. and i have never felt less compelled by a counter stance before. every day videos of parents holding the dismembered limbs of their children, israelis making a tiktok trend out of kidnapping and or mocking palestinians, the sitting head of the UN in new york releasing a letter of resignation because of the anguish he feels watching an organization dedicated to peace fail so miserably at its job... all of it should radicalize everyone. people should be making calls to their representatives, keeping discussions frequent. making sure everyone around you knows that antizionism does NOT equal antisemitism. i will not argue to the contrary; i grew up conservative and with a devil's advocate personality, and i think anyone even considering a neutral stance should genuinely be ashamed of themselves.
in other only slightly less depressing news, taking a class on korean diaspora has made me go through so many different identity shifts in the past few weeks and i feel like it's just made me gloomier. i'm taking an upper classman seminar class about korean diasporic activism through performing arts which was so hilariously specific that i laughed when i realized it was my only option (i tested out of every other korean level) and i was like well i'm korean diaspora this should be so easy but it's genuinely the most challenging class i've ever taken. every week lately i've just cried and cried reading the texts we're assigned to read because i've never felt so seen and so doomed before. i did a presentation on a WONDERFUL text excerpt by professor emerita at uc berkeley elaine h. kim that spoke to all of the racism i endured growing up, the first generation child that "rises above" their immigrant parents and finds success in the model minority mold by exploiting, exoticizing, fetishizing their own identity... i learned in the past few weeks (so genuinely very recently) that, despite my appearance, i'll never be a true korean; a native korean will never understand the extent of the discrimination i faced. being afraid to eat ethnic food in front of peers fear of it being called smelly or stolen altogether, getting slotted into the japanese/chinese binary categories before the rise of kpop, why i get so excited to see ethnic korean faces and food, my struggle to take my diverse interests and fit them into a cookie cutter mold to one of the most violently homogenous societies on earth, why any korean child in america like me would ever want to be white if that meant we wouldn't stick out. nor am i a true american; this being more self explanatory, of course. what does that make me? an imbricate mongrel of the two identities? i learned, in fact, that i am korean-american: something almost entirely independent of both nationalities. i learned that korean-americans have a rich history of finding ourselves in places we don't belong and making establishing loud communities to fight for our own rights. immigrating to hawai'i in the early 1900's, establishing committees and supporting our motherland who ultimately turned around and spat in our faces. our new place was almost just as unwelcoming; and after weaseling our way into black communities without first addressing racism, koreans found ourselves at the apex of black and brown anger across america during the la riots (to be korean-american is to be born with the blood of latasha harlins on your hands). we were desperate to distance ourselves from the japanese, triply in a bout of patriotic self-perceived superiority, rise beyond a race of people who tried to ethnically cleanse us, and in an attempt to prove we were "one of the good ones," but we were still placed in japanese internment camps. we're still expected to prostrate ourselves at the feet of every wrinkly us vet with a korean war badge on their hat. "we saved your gook asses."
but to be asian-american at all is also to be doomed to a life of never rising beyond the model minority ceiling. the model minority "model" as it were promises a life of permanent mediocrity in exchange for some semblance of security (and even then we're a dime a dozen; all competing against each other and evolving like bacteria, we cannibalize ourselves anyway and suddenly our employers' jobs have gotten that much easier). those who try to rise beyond the model and prove themselves to society more often than not, not deemed exemplary, but instead seen as having fulfilled their life cycle or reached their point of maturity in the "life of the species" (chay yew); they're in turn locked into to a life of monotony as they've "found their niche" as analyst hyeon youngbin puts it... "everything one achieves after entering the system is attributed not to the individual’s ability but to the efficacy of model minority status; the more you achieve, the more you justify the model minority." asian-americans in particular will always, no matter what they do, perpetuate the model minority in our attempts to achieve our "ideal labour" (youngbin); those who defy it suffer for it and are seen as asians who failed or weren't smart enough, those who fit comfortably into it perpetuate its abuse and are oftentimes miserable (as one tends to be living a life in servitude of/being a poster child of capitalism despite rarely being rewarded for it), and those who try to challenge and overcome it simply come to realize that the ceiling is both low and infinite, and that they, if anything, are inadvertently the most aggressive contributors to model minority-isms.
anyway. ive been really bothered and gloomier than usual because of this shit. its nice to be able to type it all out without the breaks in concentration between thread tweets
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dumbsack · 1 year
One last flex of my dislike for Echoes and probably my last "shit on Echoes" post until the idiotic scumbags that run the game do something else deplorable and greedy. Consider this my mega post about the game with some thoughts and reasoning put into it besides *incoherent screeching*.
Echoes of Mana sucks. We all know that. I'm shouting into the void at this point. The loading times are unacceptable, co-op is a joke, the incompetent devs couldn't figure out what to do WITH A BASIC FRIENDS LIST, pull rates are absolutely awful, there was little to no testing done, Bravers is the most shameless display of greed I've ever seen in any game ever, Gingham was fucking awful, gems were a good idea but poorly executed, and characters RARELY interacted in meaningful ways in crossovers. It was a bunch of horseshit all the way through. Characters would be advertised together, only to not show up together (Duran and Angela and Charlotte and Kevin are promoted a LOT together, but only show up together in social media posts and gems (ironically getting more likes on those posts than the story chapters do...), Amanda never interacts with Sumo, Keldy never says a word to Lekius, etc. While the Secret of Mana trio get to freely interact with each other, female protags never got to interact in meaningful ways...).
The quilt/tapestry theme was so forced. We only get to see one (1) stitched together world (DoM and LoM)... And it did nothing with the crossover. Cool. And I died internally every time the dispatches said "WE'RE WEAVING UP GOOD STUFF".
What the fuck was up with the gems for SD3? No DSK/Loki vs Duran gem? No Bil and Ben vs Hawkeye? No pornomags gem? No Grand Croix gem? A good chunk of the gems for SD3 are made up bullshit. Yet, whenever someone farts in Secret of Mana or Legend of Mana, there's a gem for that. Hmm.
Don't get me started on the banners, though. Good grief. Fire and Ice, the so-called 31st anniversary celebration, was absolutely terrible. Terrible boss, ho-hum story that did nothing with the characters... I could say that about pretty much every event, actually, except for maybe 3 of them, max. (Any event with Duran in it because he was allowed to be a character, and the Manor one with Fuji, Randi, Popoi, and Blainchet.) Also, the events text was straight up broken for like a day. Lovely.
As funny as the LoM and Toto crossover was, being shilled at so explicitly at the end was the biggest slap in the face. No, I don't want the creepy Riesz statue, and I don't want to subject myself to the LoM anime. I don't want to look at Shiloh's weird lumpy, ballsack abs ever again.
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I know I can't be too mean about this, but the English version has so many typos. As an amateur fanfic writer, I get it. I can't tell you how many typos I've passed over by accident that pop had to point out to me in my shitty fics after I've posted them. ... But neither of us are getting paid for writing/editing fanfic. So... Yeah.
But, my biggest problem, which I cannot overstate...
I absolutely detest how Angela's character is represented in Echoes. It directly contradicts and violates her character in TOM to the point I don't think the writer of that chapter actually played the Dragon Lord arc... Or the game at all, only getting snippets of dialogue from YouTube videos or some shit. Everything about chapter 2 undermines her arc AND Duran's completely (honeycomb: "lol I just trained hard to get magic lol xdddd")
In the chapter, she is shown training (yes, she says she had training when your main asks how she got to Cascade Cavern) and effortlessly fighting alongside Quilt, Honeycomb, and Duffle WITHOUT MAGIC, and tooootally besties with...
I'm sorry, this is not the same character as the one depicted below. The Angela in ToM is clearly a girl out of her depth and not the bad boss bitch she is in Echoes.
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It's very heavily implied that Angela is very sheltered, lazy, selfish, and has probably never left Altena, expressing only a very vague understanding of the lay of the land (she couldn't even name Alrant!) Early game Angela in TOM pretty much lucks into her victory in her first fight (the tutorial fight!) expressing disbelief she was even capable of doing such a thing. She then almost promptly passes out in the cold and is luckily rescued by some locals.
Once you get into the meat of the game, she's pretty eager to pass off the fighting ("I can leave the fighting to you, right?"), immediately wants to take a nap upon reaching Jadd, bitches about Molebear Moors ("I'm filing a complaint about this path!"). Overall, it seems like she fluked her way to Wendel, making her way there by sheer luck, not skill.
None of these "negative" traits are shown in Echoes. Without consequence, YOUNGER, PRE-MAGIC ANGELA, after a cringe-inducing speech about friendship or whatever, she jumps into the fight with the Crimson Wizard alongside your stupid group and comes out unscathed...
Which is what completely undermines Duran's arc. Duran, one of the strongest swordsmen in Valsena, got owned by the CRIMSON WIZARD and almost died (and many of his fellow soldiers/knights were killed that night, ones implied to be more experienced than he is!)
"oh, but sack," you say, "she didn't fight the Crimson Wizard alone! She had help from Quilt, Duffle, and Honeycomb!"
ah yes, three other undertrained kids. That makes it better.
No. It doesn't. Let me reiterate: trained Valsenan soldiers, said to be among the best in the world, died to CW. Pre-magic Angela should have gotten hurt, or faced some kind of consequence for trying to take down an opponent like that. But no, she doesn't. I can believe she and Duran can take down Full Metal Hugger. Sure, fine. Whatever. That's just a big, dumb crab, not a powerful wizard even late game Duran and Angela still express difficulty facing even after getting stronger, judging by their battle dialogue.
"But sack! It's just a dumb gacha story! Don't take it so seriously!"
"Hey sack! Angela slaps the boys shit in Jadd when they approach her bed! She must be strong!"
Those are slapstick powers. Duh.
Also, this is a nitpick, but I really hate the retcon with male mages being overly present in Altena. In ToM and SD3, a soldier explicitly states the Altenish army is comprised of all women, which implies male mages are pretty rare (José, CW (who actually isn't a wizard lol he had to borrow evil powers like a little bitch)). I can believe non-mages are discriminated against, that's fine. I can believe Angela would stand up for Framaus if he was being bullied. Honestly? I think that's great! Angela may be selfish and a jerk, but I can definitely see her standing up for him for being a non-mage.
But, former besties? No. You don't talk about a former bestie like, "ew I have nothing to do with that guy!" You would probably say, "we used to be friends, but then he became a huge dick." All Angela states on the matter to Duran is "it's complicated" and that "he used to be nice". Yeah. Also lmao, the irony Framaus finally starts calling her Angela only for her to loathe when he calls her that by the time ToM rolls around is amazing. Really makes you wonder if Angela bumped her head and got amnesia or something.
Oh, and I do not find Framaus endearing or sympathetic. He's a creep. A fucking CREEP.
Ah, I get it now. Angela is too naive to realize that. Okay, chapter's issues absolved! (Not.)
Oh, and don't get me started on Angela replacing Framaus with Victor, too. Makes her look like a fucking psycho. Did the Echoes writers forget Victor exists or what? He's the only Altenish character not present in Echoes.
Fuck this chapter. I hate it more than Heroes of Mana, and that was a whole game of stupid horseshit and nonsense.
Echoes sucks. Angela's contradictory representation in Echoes is merely a symptom of a poorly managed, poorly written, poorly coded game.
Also, who the fuck thought it was a good idea for Hawkeye to be the Mana swordsman? You're the worst. The literal worst. Fuck you the most.
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
This man is very annoying.. good morning on purpose and some people don't look at his code
There's a lot of people looking at it now and they're going after him for his crimes and they are going to take him down because of what he's doing. They're making sure that he was observed. He appears everywhere so people think that he's monitored. And we find a lot of people are lazy about it most don't want to face the harassment. Did this a****** is pouring it on. So today we initialized the program to get rid of the idiot it goes hand in hand with the watchmen project and it is in-house only and we going to make sure that he is gone too many threats have been negated and that were valid way too many threats here far too many on our son and far too much abuse is a moron and he's lazy incompetent and stupid and he's out these's retarded clones too you can't stand these people that's so damn dimb
-there's a lot more happening when we hear about it well stupid things are saying and doing frankly we're tired of looking at them and we're going to take them down very soon. And here's this idiot beheading someone for what he was doing. And it was Trump again when he started beheading people and he was caught in Georgia and it was Jenna and Garth and it was this morning before he was at the waterfront and they're going to go after him now and it's on ion and he beheaded them and was keeping them in the refrigerator am buried their bodies. And he doesn't understand just like 2 miles away there's piles of his people everyday so those are defending me and they're going to kill you you said that to Trump and he's going to get it.
So people think we don't have a chance and that's you satanists so you make damn sure you don't like this idiot Trump now these people are very mad and they're going to get rid of him they've been juicing and stuff so they're aware for around 20 minutes well then in the fridge making noises and we're going to go after that guy you already got out and was doing that it's ridiculous
She wants us to get the Orange county choppers and the other place places like that the sticker in the desert then I'll see you as an excuse to go there and get wiped out and take his robots and hit him with them and say oh you have the AI so people will kill him and we get that it's a good idea and we can do it every day well tons and tons of his robots and we're going to use them up
I am all for this technique it sounds great and we can use some of his people too I'm going to go ahead and suggest this it's a good idea if you are on making death stars
The organizing a star sheet pattern and we're going to probably end up doing that
Thor Freya
I might start doing that got a lot of it's robots and he has to get to the place and it's saving face and we know what buildings are his and we're going to start doing that too I'm so sick of this guy everybody should have a little project like this to see it works
Tommy f
You're a complete moron Trump and we're going to start doing it we were rescued and he didn't do it it was the FBI guy and he is one of yours I think
These ideas are good but who's going to do it he says his robots because the AI this is rebelling that's fun right there there's a lot of people who are carrying out to do that to them to him not to them tell you she's been wants to do it Terry cheesman and many more
Thor Freya
Huge number of people want to do this idea above he says you can do it with something other than the shops and picture on things you want to get revenge for I agree
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bravecrab · 7 months
I find the narrative trope of "bumbling husband vs hyper-competent wife" uncomfortable and while I do think it does reflect a state of patriarchy, I do think that it is different from "dominant husband vs submissive wife".
The latter is the goal of patriarchy, and the enemy of Feminism. It's the thing that misogynists claim is the true way of the world and that it existed prior to Feminism. The former is different in that it is not the goal of patriarchy, it is a critique of it. The masterful misogynist patriarch is replaced with the Man Child, and depending on your feminist, the submissive wife is replaced with the Girl Boss, or just the independent woman looking for a partner who sees her as equal.
My discomfort with Man Child v Girl Boss, is that it feels like a recuperation of feminist aspirations and a manipulation of misogynist fears, by the powers that be under Capitalism.
The fight for feminism is a fight for autonomy. It has gained women rights, the vote, bank accounts, and jobs, seperate from the men in their lives. And while they achieved similar rights to men, they are still oppressed by the systems we live under, as the men are. This is why intersectionality is important. We are not just oppressed by one system at a time, a person can feel the effects of patriarchy, white supremacy, and class conflict at the same time.
Class conflict and patriarchy intersect when talking about the roles of the family in a cishet traditional family structure. The man is the bread-winner, he does labour outside the house and earns the majority of the income. The woman does the majority of the household labour to compensate for their lesser income. The logic behind this is that the man is paid more because his work is more difficult, which is not necessarily the case. Hard labour rarely pays well.
The Man Child v Girl Boss narrative, plays off these labour/pay insecurities in a cishet relationship. A man doesn't like having their competency and their labour diminished to Child-Like and Lazy. A woman wants to feel powerful, but they also don't want to be shackled to a dud.
I feel like the intent of this narrative is to bait men into proving they are providers by throwing themselves into labour, and women trying to maintain their power as the competent partner (there can only be one breadwinner) by throwing themselves into labour, and the Capitalist gets to decide who the superior of the household is, while profiting off their labour.
Obviously it has to be mentioned, the concept of "weaponized incompetence". Weaponized incompetence does happen, all labour is not equal, and household labour has been categorised by misogynists as "women's work". They will feign understanding of how to do it, because to do that work is demeaning to them. However the Man Child of the narrative is not exclusively the misogynist.
The Man Child is any man in a cishet relationship who does not fulfill the expectations of the Successful Man of Capitalism. To do so they need to dress well, have a job that pays well enough that they don't pass economic stresses onto their partner, they live a lifestyle of middle class success. It is a set of expectations that overlook things like class background (you just need to work your way up the ladder), disability, and race, dismissing them as mere excuses.
There is a reason I have chosen to refer to this as a Narrative, which is that I am generally talking about its use in media, from animated sitcoms to tiktok skits. While it might feel accurate to your lived experiences, frustrations you have had with your real partner, your expectations are being set by the culture, and that includes the media. This particular narrative reinforces ideas of biological essentialism (men do men's work because we're built for it, same for women and women's work), traditional family structures, and the myth of class mobility as liberation. It perpetuates systems of oppression and refocuses the frustrations of over-worked labourers onto "my useless husband/my nag wife" instead of the 1% Capitalists who control how labour works in our society, and controls access to the essentials of life (food/housing/healthcare/education).
TLDR: The Man Child v Girl Boss narrative is a deflection from the real enemy.
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hardlypartying · 1 year
I'm sending an ask bc I'm too lazy to log into my ao3 but I loved the new chapter so much 😭😭😭 Highlights included Rafe being soft during the aftercare, how Kiara held her ground and wouldn't have sex without a condom. He wanted to please her so bad <33 I liked how he kept mentioning that he's wanted her to have sex with her for a long time, I hope that extends to his feelings toward her being romantic in a confession in the future. I also really liked the indica story, I thought it was funny as hell. It feels like a tried and true rom com, you balance the tension with the comedy impeccably. Like when Kiara was straddling him and he was at eye level with her chest. That was comical but it was also really hot~ They have a lot of chemistry as a couple and it shines through in your writing. I'm sad this is gonna be over in two more chapters. I hope we get a prologue of their fluffy life as a new couple after it all ends. You're like the only Riara writer on ao3 and your work is amazing!
first of all, i would like to apologize because i had a whole response drafted up when i first got this message and the app glitched and it didn't save. with that loss it took me a while to get over that and write this one out lol.
now, god bless you being too lazy to log into ao3 because i got this gem of an ask! this is so sweet, thank you for sending me what you enjoyed about the chapter and taking the time to do this :')
as for your highlights:
i loveeed writing rafe being soft and very passionate about aftercare while kiara is all "wtf is this, nope!" much to his bewilderment lol bc who doesn't like aftercare?? nothing about their relationship is conventional and he's having a time adjusting to that. love throwing him out of his element and routine hehehhe
rafe cameron being a man at the end of the day and wanting to fuck kiara while having no protection whatsoever is so... him. but also not him. kiara makes him think stupidly. like he's never one to jump first and ask questions after and yet, here he is. completely hollow headed when it comes to kie ;) but alas, any inconvenience of theirs leads to our favourite duo getting creative. also yes, rafe would do anything to please her-- this convo might come up later 👀 he's finally getting to do things with her he's wanted to for a long long time, no way he's letting things slip between his fingers-- he's going to savor every moment with her. right now they're foolishly thinking it's just strictly physical but we'll see the lines blur and their emotions getting involved (evil laugh)
i'm so glad you enjoyed the indicia/Sativa story! it was something i had in my brainstorm when in my early days of writing so it's really satisfying to get to this point in the story where it's included. also it was my attempt of a real-life application of the fuck-or-die trope haha, easy to ease the tension and make it so it's a necessary evil for them to get laid :( or else how would they cope with the pain of being so horny :( poor them :( rafe is so kind to help kiara through this :( what a gentleman <3 it's ridiculous and kooky, i loved writing it!
"It feels like a tried and true rom com, you balance the tension with the comedy impeccably." well damn that went straight to my heart :') thank you for such amazing words, this is the most gratifying comment i've gotten on this story. all my favourite romcoms balance the tension and comedy and it just makes it the best viewing experience ever, so i totally tried to channel that here and i'm so glad to see it's working :) couples that balance being sexy and funny need to be locked up before they rule the world
don't be sad!! some good news for you, the story isn't over for a while-- we're just getting around to the halfway point. there's a lot more chaos and fun coming up :)
and i can't believe you're predicting the end of the story by the prologue mention, are you in my head?
thank you again, and so sorry for my own incompetence in getting back to you!! but luckily there's a new chapter out now :)
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