#like how canon misaki is fascinated by mikoto
sarumint · 2 years
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little personality swap doodles
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
okay, so what about an Hogwarts!Au where Fushimi ends up in Ravenclaw and Yata in Gryffindor and it's all like ''Why we are in different houses? There must be a mistake!''. But they are still friends, and suddenly Yata starts hanging out with Homra, an gryffindor group, and drag Fushimi along, but he's from Ravenclaw and fells unconfortable. Then one day Munakata, invites him to join the ravenclaw study and defence club, which has rivalry with Homra, and he accepts, making Yata feels betrayed.
So imagine Yata and Fushimi are cute small magic children who happento live near each other and become best friends. Fushimi’s from anold prestigious wizarding family that also happen to be assholes andhe hates them and he hates having magic. Then one day he’s outwalking by himself near his home and he gets accosted by these randombullies who try to hit him up for money, they don’t know he has magicand just think he’s that rich spoiled kid who lives in the creepymansion nearby and doesn’t go to normal school like the rest of us.Fushimi’s all ready to attack them with magic just to show them who’sboss when Yata rushes in to help him, thinking Fushimi’s beingbullied. The bullies turn on Yata and that’s when Yata accidentallyuses magic to chase them off. Yata freaks out afterward, askingFushimi not to tell anyone because if people find out he hassuperpowers he thinks he could get in some kind of trouble. Fushimiscoffs like ‘superpowers? Are you an idiot?’ and casts a small charmor something to show he can do magic too – maybe he like turns abranch into a snake intended to scare Yata away but instead Yata’sfascinated by it and thinks Fushimi’s the coolest ever.
After that Fushimi tries to avoid Yata but Yata won’t be deterredthat easily and they eventually end up becoming friends like incanon. Fushimi shows Yata all kinds of spells that he can do, Yatacan’t really control his magic much since he’s a Muggleborn butFushimi’s known how to do magic since he was small and he likeshearing Yata tell him how amazing he is. When they both get Hogwartsletters they’re super excited to be going to the same schooltogether, Fushimi tells Yata about the four Houses they can be sortedinto and Yata’s like 'I bet we’ll be in the same house and it’ll beawesome!’ Fushimi’s kinda secretly worried though because Fushimisare usually sorted into Slytherin and he knows that as a MugglebornYata won’t really fit in there but he can’t imagine being in adifferent House than Yata. On the day they’re supposed to go to theschool Fushimi goes to get them a compartment to sit in while Yatatakes care of their luggage, as Yata’s on his way back down the trainhe runs into Munakata and Mikoto talking to each other and doing thatpassive-aggressive kinda-flirting thing they do. Yata thinks Mikotois the coolest person he’s ever seen and Totsuka, seeing Yatastaring, starts talking to him about ow Mikoto’s the most infamousmember of Gryffindor. Yata is now all excited to be in Gryffindorwith Fushimi, though when he gets to the compartment where Fushimi’swaiting he gets interrupted before he can mention it.
Then they reach the school and the sorting happens, Fushimi is sortedfirst and probably immediately thinks 'not Slytherin.’ He’s sortedinto Ravenclaw instead, much to both his and Yata’s dismay becausethey both know the odds of Yata getting into a House known forintellect is unlikely. Yata ends up in Gryffindor and while he’sexcited to be in the same House as Mikoto he’s also upset that he andFushimi were separated. He insists that they’re still best friendsthough and so he always tries to get Fushimi to hang out with himoutside of class. The problem is that Yata wants to hang out withGryffindor too, so what happens is that everyone’s hanging out in theGryffindor common room with Fushimi skulking in the corner watchingYata and getting slowly more lonely and upset and feeling like he’sbeen replaced by all these other people. So then one day when he’sabout to leave the Ravenclaw dorm to go see Yata in GryffindorMunakata stops him and introduces himself, he’s the House prefect andhe would like Fushimi to join his study group. Fushimi declines butthen when he gets to Gryffindor Yata’s just talking and smiling withMikoto again and Fushimi gets pissed off suddenly by how stupid thisall is, how easily he was forgotten.
The next day he goes with Munakata rather than visiting Yata, Yata’sso confused and later confronts Fushimi asking where he was. Fushimisneers and starts mocking Yata as a stupid meathead Gryffindor, likewhy would a Ravenclaw want to hang out with the Idiot House, Misaki.Yata gets super pissed and Fushimi continues to mock him andGryffindor and Mikoto, stating that he’s had enough of humoring astupid Muggleborn who can barely do any magic (and maybe he burnssome kind of magic keepsake Yata made for him, like the first magiche and Yata did together was to make a flower bloom and the flowerstayed alive via magic, Fushimi’s worn it inside his shirt next tohis heart all this time). Yata is pissed off and betrayed, like hecan’t believe that Fushimi’s shown himself to be one of those snottyassholes after all and vows never to forgive him for it.
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