#like i get so worked up but i can turn it off so fast if someone needs help
pathologicalreid · 2 days
litmus test | s.r.
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in which Spencer needs your expertise to help solve a murder, but crime fighting is most decidedly not for you
find more chemist!reader here!
who? spencer reid x chemist!reader category: flangst (like. the end is a little angsty and it has case details) content warnings: typical cm violence, science talk, fem!reader, reader is not built for crime, morgan being an older brother, some fun banter!! death by firework is crazy lmao word count: 1.68k a/n: this is one of my favorite fluff pieces i've written in agessss i missed chemist!reader so much i learn so many things when i'm writing her. this was a request! i hope you like it as much as i do!!
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“Do you have a second?” Spencer asks, his voice slightly choppy over the phone. Between his ancient phone and being inside concrete police precincts, some disconnect was bound to happen.
Saving your document to your computer, you rest the lab phone between your shoulder and ear, “If you’re asking me if I have any corrosive chemicals in my hands, the answer is no.”
He chuckles lightly, “I never know with you.”
You roll your eyes in response, even if he can’t see you, “It was one time and I needed a new phone case anyway.”
“You fused the plastic of your phone case to the material of your phone,” he retorts far too quickly for your liking.
“Yes,” you acquiesce, “but I know the exact chemical reaction that caused that phenomenon.” You cross your legs one over the other, maintaining your balance on your lab stool as you speak to Spencer over the phone.
He gave a light hum in response, “Speaking of chemical reactions – I need your help.”
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise, “You’re asking me for help in chemistry?” There really was a first time for everything, you suppose.
Spencer was more than capable of navigating a lab on his own, even so, he admits, “You have more applied practice than I do.”
Pursing your lips, you nod to yourself, “Fair enough. What’s stumping you, Dr. Reid?” Your inquiry, while innocent enough, garners a wolf whistle from your graduate assistant.
“There’s something burning a hole in these bones, and I’m not sure what would be causing it to happen this fast,” he explains, giving you minor background information on how long the bones were out and if the medical examiner had treated them with something.
You clear your throat, frowning at the notes you had scrawled down in front of you, “Burning or corroding?” What was seemingly a meaningless distinction would actually allow you to filter through approximately half of the possibilities.
“Corroding,” he corrects himself, “My mistake.”
Crossing off some of your notes, you purse your lips at the new possibilities, “No worries. Did you try flushing it out with water?”
You hear papers flipping on his end of the call before you get a response, “That would destroy evidence.”
“Well,” you raise your eyebrows, “It sounds like your evidence is destroying itself.”
“Baby,” Spencer says in a no-nonsense tone reserved for when he was deep in a case. You could’ve sworn you heard Morgan in the background of the call mocking him for the pet name.
Turning back to your notes, you sigh, “Yeah, yeah, all work and no play. Was the body buried?”
“Partially,” his reply intrigues you, “I can have Garcia send you the crime scene photos if you think it’ll help.”
Wrinkling your nose at the thought, you made an unsure sound, “Right, because nothing says lunchtime like getting up close and personal with a homicide victim.”
“What lunchtime? It’s three pm in D.C. right now,” he caught you, a slight chiding tone in his words.
Ignoring his questions, you ask more of your own, “Was the body near water? Did they test the pH of the soil and water?”
There were more papers flipping, likely someone presenting the results of those tests to him, “Yeah, the soil was a five-point two and the water was a seven-point eight,” he listed off for you.
While your knowledge of the pH of the soil in Iowa was limited, you did know that those levels were pretty on par for the northern Mississippi River. “O-kay,” you say, extending your vowels, “and they didn’t find anything else on the scene that points to corrosive materials. Hydrofluoric acid?” You posit, “No, you know what – maybe you should send me those files. My work email is encrypted, you can give it to Penelope.”
He speaks to someone else in the room with him and you resist the urge to ask him if he’s enjoying Iowa, “It’s sent,” he confirms with you.
Pulling up your email only takes a moment, and once you get over the initial shock of seeing a dead body on your computer screen, you lift your lab glasses to the top of your head in order to get a better look. “I mean,” you think for a moment, “those look like alkali burns to me. I’ve never seen them on bones before, but you should do a litmus test to check either way.”
“So, we rinse it with water?” He asks, seeking instruction from you in a way that makes you feel oddly powerful.
Your eyes widen, “No, no, no. If it’s a metal compound then it’ll be covered in a mineral oil, so rinsing it with water would actually make the burn worse.”
Pausing for a moment, you consider the possibility that Spencer didn’t have the luxury of time – he was trying to solve a murder, not do experiments in a lab.
“Alkali burns can be serious, it all depends on what caused them, and most are helped by rinsing with water. So, unless you have the time to test for metal compounds, I’d go ahead and rinse it. You might want to brush the damage to the bones with a dry brush first. If there’s lime on the bones it’ll foam, which not only will corrode the bones even further but it might release a toxic gas,” you have no idea how the corrosion would interact with bone marrow, but something tell you that you don’t want to know
“Wait a minute,” Derek interjects, being included in the conversation now that Spencer put the call on speaker, “I thought things like alkaline water were good for you.”
You scoff instinctively, “Oh, there’s no definitive evidence that shows alkaline water as having any real health benefits. Especially not the benefits that the internet says it has.” Straightening up in your stool, you continue, “In fact, there is evidence from the NIH that says drinking alkaline water could cause kidney damage. There’s a particular-“
“My bad,” he interjects, effectively stopping your rambling before it really took off, “I forgot whose girlfriend I was talking to.”
Groaning at your new vexation, you huff, “Oh, fuck off, Derek. Go kick down a door.”
Spencer quickly switches the phone back, “Thank you, angel.”
Squinting at the photos that were still on your laptop screen, a crude, disturbing thought came to mind, “You know, sparklers can cause alkali burns. It might be something to consider because of the diameter of the burns.”
Your boyfriend was silent on his end of the call for so long that you had to check and make sure the call hadn't dropped. “Did you say sparklers?”
“Yep,” you confirm, “like the ones you can get everywhere this time of year.”
He says something to Morgan, placing his hand over the receiver so you can’t hear, “There’s only one spot in this town, though. I’ve gotta go, see you soon.”
“Stay safe, please! I prefer your bones unburned,” you rattle off into the phone before it clicks, placing the phone back on the stand and deleting the crime scene photos from your inbox.
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The front door to the apartment opens and shuts quietly, with Spencer under the assumption that you already went to bed, he was surprised to find you on the couch, nursing a cup of tea. “Hey, baby,” he chirps, unusually peppy for this time of night.
“Hey,” you say half-heartedly, threading your fingers through the handle of the mug.
Your somber tone gets Spencer’s attention, “What’s wrong?”
The slight panic in his voice causes your eyes to snap up to his, “Nothing,” you murmur. “It’s just… the woman who was in those pictures. There- the burns on her bones, they were signs of torture, weren’t they?”
You’d been thinking about the burns ever since Spencer showed them to you, “Yes,” he answers with a reciprocating softness, sitting down next to you on the couch. “The medical examiner concluded that she was burned antemortem.”
That woman had been burned alive by fireworks, sparklers had seared their way through skin and muscle until it finally met her bones. You blink a few tears from your eyes at the thought, “I like my lab, Spence.”
The confusion on his face was palpable, “I know you do.”
“I like my minimal human interaction and my chemicals, and I like knowing why certain things cause certain reactions. I like it when things make sense.” You take a deep, shaky breath, “Killing someone. Torturing someone with fireworks. That just doesn’t make sense to me.”
You had no interest in hearing the excuses that the killer had provided. You had no interest in hearing the psychological breakdown of that woman’s killer. Spencer knows that, “The photos got to you?”
Taking a sip from your mug, you nod solemnly, “I can’t stop thinking about the way it must have felt. Oh, the smell must have been horrible. That poor woman.” In theory, it was a ridiculous notion, killing someone with fireworks seemed neither probable nor possible. Yet here you are.
“But we got the person who killed her,” Spencer reassures you, resting his hand gently on your knee. “We couldn’t have done it without you,” he adds.
Your face warms at his compliment, “I wish I could have helped before she was killed.” You were grateful that Spencer hadn’t passed on any personal information about the woman, it was easier for you if you kept things in separate storage files in your mind.
Spencer hums, reaching out and sweeping a strand of hair behind your ear, “There’s always going to be another one. I’m sorry about the photos, I should’ve made sure Garcia only sent the necessary ones.”
Nodding absentmindedly, you look at him thoughtfully, “This will pass, but for tonight I just feel bad for the victim.”
“I can have Penelope share some of her favorite baby animal videos, if you’d like,” he offers softly, resting his head on your shoulder.
In return, you give him a small smile, “Well, I suppose it really can’t hurt.”
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honeybeedewdrops · 2 days
Photo Gone Wrong | L.Norris
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Summary: McLaren ask Y/N to take a picture of Lando and Oscar holding their first and third place trophy. What could go wrong?
Warnings: mention of a bloody nose
The McLaren garage was the place to be after the Singapore Grand Prix. "Y/N" Someone called as you walk out of the garage. You stop and see one of the social media managers calling you over, Oscar and Lando close by her side.
"hey what's up" you say walking over to them. "Would you be able to take a picture of the boys holding their trophies for the McLaren socials." You nod and start to get your camera out. "Sure any particular way" You ask. "yeah were thinking like this one" the social media managers says getting out her phone and showing you a picture the boys had taken a few weeks ago.
"oh uh ok" you says not so sure about this picture many things could go wrong. "What? What's wrong you seem hesitant" the social media manager asks "I just what if one of them drop the trophy and break my camera or worse me" you state "come on Y/n don't you trust us" Lando says "You not so much. Oscar he's fine" Lando rolls his eyes. "Come on Y/n" Lando begs "i'll make sure he doesn't so anything" Oscar says "fine" you agree. You get down on the ground and point your camera up "Ok lean in" you say. Lando grips his trophy and nearly drops it causing you to squeal and turn away. Lando started laughing, "Lando" you complain "alright alright i'm serious" he says as the two lean in.
You snap a couple photos and before anyone could react Lando had dropped his trophy. He scrambled to catch it but even with his fast reflexes it was too late. The trophy came to a crash against your face the end hitting just perfectly in between your camera and cheek hitting your nose full on. You toss your camera aside not caring about it and sitting up grabbing your nose, crying out in pain. Blood started to gush out. "Oh my gosh Y/n I am so sorry I didn't mean it" Lando panicked. "I think, I think you broke my nose" you says as tears started to pool and fall. "We need a medic" Lando calls and Oscar takes off towards the medical center at least that's where you hopped he was going. "I am so sorry. what can I do?" Lando asks "Can you maybe get me a towel or something?" you ask holding your bloody nose that was really hurting. Lando looks around and spots a bag a few meters away he opens it and hands you a shirt. A crowd started to form and you started to get embarrassed. You tried not to put too much pressure as if you did it hurt.
A few minutes later Oscar came rushing over a few of the medical team right behind him. At that point your hands and the t-shirt you had were covered in blood. "Hey can you tell me your name" one Medic asks "Y/n" she says as the medic takes the cloth away. "ok that looks pretty bad" He says going into his bag and removing the t-shirt the medic poked around your nose making you flinch any time he'd touch a tender spot. "I'm sorry" he'd say.
Once the medic was finished he handed you some tissues to catch the blood. "Ok now we are going to get you onto the stretcher and get you down to the center" you nod as the three medics helped you up and then onto the stretcher. Lando walked up to you "Y/n i am so sorry" Lando apologies once again. "It's fine Lando I'll be fine" you said as they wheeled you away Lando following close behind.
They get to the medical center where you are put on some heavy medication to help with the pain as well as a blood thinner to help with stopping the bleeding. "Y/n we are going to take you to the hospital to get you checked out and make sure it's not a serious break from the looks of it you'll be fine will just have to wear a splint for about 2 weeks" "ooookkkk" you nod lazily the pain meds really doing some work.
The medic leaves to get the ambulance ready. "Sorry about your shirt" you said holding out the bloody McLaren shirt. "It's ok it's not even mine" he said pushing it back into your lap "oh good" you say and closes your eyes. "Y/n" Lando says "mmhm" "I am so sorry" you groaned tired of hearing him apologise "ugh stop apologising" "I can't help it. I feel really bad" you sighs "I'll be fine Lando" the medic comes back and start loading you into the van. Lando once again by your side. In the ambulance the bleeding had finally stopped and your nose was really swollen and starting to bruise.
Once at the hospital the doctor did confirm you had a broken nose but it wasn't severe enough that you needed surgery just needed to set it back and keep a splint on for 2 weeks.
Lando was very sweet the entire time, he waited the entire time. Even after you begged him to leave to celebrate his win with the team he didn't.
Luckily for you there was a 3 week break in between Singapore and Austin. When the Austin race did roll around you didn't have to wear a splint anymore and the swelling had gone so now it was just really bruised, but many still asked what had happened. 
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bbokicidal · 2 days
"I Guess I Never Knew You." | OT8 [SKZ]
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Genre : Angst [NO COMFORT]
Pairing : SKZ OT8 x GN!Reader
Summary : Based off of a request asking for reactions/how it would play out if the members were to cheat on you during your relationship. Each scenario is different - and these are rather short simply because I am trying to focus on Kinktober right now. Hopefully whoever requested this will be satisfied!
Warnings : CHEATING, lots of crying, angry responses from the boys, dismissal from the boys, reader gets angry in a few of them, yelling, etc. Very emotional.
These situations are all fictional and are not made to represent the boys. While I do write them as well as I can - based closely off of their personality and how I think they would realistically react - I honest to God do not think any of these men would be capable of cheating on their partner. Specifically Jeongin.
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Bangchan - He cheats while you think he's busy with work
The excuses were so easy to make with you. 'Sorry, Angel. I'm staying late at the studio again because Jisung is sick.' 'I'm going in early to work on choreography with Min. See you.' 'Be back late, don't wait up.'
When eventually he just stopped giving you warnings, worry set in. His health was your top priority - but nothing of your own was his apparently. You'd walked into the studio with a small lunchbox full of snacks and water for him, assuming he was staying late again, only to see him with someone in his lap.
It's enough to make you tense, barely hearing his whispers and gently shushes of worry. He was sorry, he meant it, he swore, he didn't know you would find out --
It took every bone in your body to not hit him with that little metal lunchbox.
Lee Know - He cheats with an old friend from school
A girl you'd seen in his posts before. You'd found them kissing in a park while you were on your way to work, walking along the sidewalk only to stop and stare. A few girls had also paused to point and giggle, assuming the girl he was holding hands with was his girlfriend as he'd never done anything with you in public - no one knew that you were the one he should've been sucking face with.
Minho kisses the girl once more before they depart, pivoting on his heel only to fault. He stares at you from where he stands, your unmoving form timid and beginning to shake as the tears streaked down your face. He lifted a hand to reach out, watching as your body turned and - in the pouring rain - dropped your umbrella in your pursuit to get away.
He yelled, crying out for you to stop and let him explain. You didn't seem to listen, putting your feelings first and refusing to hear him out as he chased you down. He was fast - you were faster - darting across the road and narrowly missing an oncoming vehicle as you stumbled to the sidewalk before continuing to run to your apartment.
It really was a good thing you hadn't moved in with him when he'd asked you to.
Changbin - He cheats while away for a weekend
Seungmin had sat you down, told you everything. He'd shown you pictures he'd taken on his phone because he knew you were -- God, you were wonderful. And that wasn't his own feelings for you talking.
You'd been so good to Changbin. You made sure he ate three meals a day, made sure he had water, encouraged him to keep working on his music, his solos - choreography, etc. You'd done everything for him when he didn't have the energy to, visiting him during late nights and hugging him tight to tell him how wonderful he was and that he deserved the world.
Apparently, he grew a bit too cocky during their recent trip to Japan. Seungmin's pictures painted a portrait of your boyfriend with another woman in his lap, his face hidden by her hair as she sucked marks onto his skin that would disappear by the next morning.
You didn't confront him - didn't feed into it. You thanked Seungmin, left after patting his shoulder knowing it would likely be the last time you'd see him, and went home to move everything out of your shared apartment.
The next day, Changbin went on an indefinite hiatus.
Hyunjin - He cheats online
It started with the fucking instagram models.
Then he was messaging people, you find out. Contacting women he'd seen at fashion weeks or previous works with magazines. He'd asked them for photos, told them just how beautiful they were, and after looking through their profiles on your own, you'd felt like every ounce of self confidence you'd had was completely destroyed.
He'd only realized you'd found out when he came home from practice - no, 'practice.' - and found you sitting on the couch with tear stained cheeks and his phone in your hand. He hadn't even realized he'd left it behind, so eager to meet up with the other woman in his contacts.
You'd packed all of his stuff, told him to get out, and he'd immediately started crying. You'd never seen him so devastated, kneeling at your feet to beg you forgiveness until you slapped him and shoved him back by the shoulders. He sat on the floor, stunned at your boldness to yell in his face that he was a liar - a cheater - and that he never loved you.
He'd sniffled, moving to get up and grab the bags you'd packed for him so he could leave. He stands in shame as he waits by your door while you seethe on the couch, silent, calling his new hookup to come get him. He couldn't call any of the members - they couldn't know about this. Not yet. The shame was eating him way.
Han - He cheats while on tour
He's in the USA when he texts you that he needs to break up. It's enough to break your heart, have you sobbing on the phone as you ask him over voice memo why he needs to break up with you now of all times. He was two weeks from being home in your arms - why now??
He'd chalked it up to just feeling distant, feeling as though you were neglecting him and his needs a bit while he was away.
Jeongin later reveals to you over a phone call that Jisung had hooked up with multiple women while they were gone over the months. He sounds broken as he relays the information to you, apologizing as you sob into the phone and saying how you never deserved any of it.
You were more angry than anything that Jisung had broken up with you in an attempt to cover up his own wrong-doings while also saying it was your fault.
Oh, but the twitter post you made the following day was enough to be near career-ruining for Jisung. And it was damn well enough to have him crawling back to you, blowing up your phone and begging you to delete the post. But it was already far too late for him by then.
Felix - He doesn't cheat on you because he's the most perfect sunshine angel baby on earth (I'm running out of ideas)
Seungmin - He cheats on you with someone you know
Your best friend - Well, ex-best friend - was the woman Seungmin had his eyes on. Not you.
He'd dated you to get closer to her, using you as a pawn in his little game until he was close enough. He would curl up next to you in the mornings, whispering soft goodbyes as he left for work before returning home late after he'd spent the evening in her bed.
You'd found out through another close friend who she had let the information slip to. Sleeping with an idol - definitely something to brag about.
He'd knocked on your door for nearly half an hour before you answered, threatening to hit him with a frying pan if he didn't leave. He was filled with confusion until you hissed out that you knew what he was doing. His eyes widened, puppy-like and scared after realizing you'd found out about his little scheme.
"Everyone is right about you! You're a fucking snake, Seungmin. You use people, you're full of fucking lies and bullshit! Do us all a favor and never date anyone again, you piece of dogshit!"
I.N - He cheats on you with a trainee
It's hard to stomach when you see it. He was so young when he entered the idol scene - How was he even doing it? Hooking up with a nineteen year old-- A girl who had just appeared at the JYPE building a few months ago.
She was set to debut in a new girl group - a pretty thing, tall and slim with long hair and a cutesy style. The ideal young woman for a girl group. And apparently he'd enjoyed her, too.
He isn't aware of your presence until you're stomping up behind him and shoving him by the shoulders, stumbling away to turn to you. He stops, breathing hitched and arm still around the girl's waist as she stands stunned.
You'd bit at him, yelling how he was full of shit when he'd said he'd never understand why 'I Like It' was a good song, how he'd never be able to imagine hooking up with people with no romantic intentions.
"You want to be with her then, right? You want to date her? If you really don't believe in just hooking up for fun, that must be the explanation."
He stutters, stumbling over his words as his eyes avert. "W-- ... Well..."
Your chest raised as you took in a breath, wanting to slap the man for his actions. Instead, you'd turned to leave, bumping into a very oblivious Chan on your way out. He'd stopped, asking what was wrong, before turning to peer over at Jeongin and the girl standing there, shame filling the two of them.
"Oh, mate..."
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Permanent Tagist : @dwaekkicidal @jabmastersupriseee @possum-playground
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makeitmingi · 19 hours
Destined To Be A Girl Dad
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Genre: Romance, Comedy, Cute, Fluff
Pairing: San x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Mom!Reader, Dad!San, Daughter (Choi Haeun)
Summary: When San found out you were pregnant with a girl, he could not be happier. You knew that she'll have him wrapped around her tiny finger but he'll gladly be a fool for his princess. And from the moment she was born, he prove it to be true.
Word count: 8K
Warning(s): Mentions of bodily fluids, giving birth, medical procedures, postpartum hemorrhage, (y/n)'s very stressed, scared, anxious and overwhelmed.
[A/N: This is a little 'flashback' chapter to when Haeun was born. I came across a lot of parents showing their newborn daughter and the dad's reactions just reminded me of San so much.]
San was rudely woken up by the sunlight that was streaming in through the gap in the curtains. Before he could even wake his brain, he got out of bed and went to close the curtains. He turned to make sure the sun wasn't bothering you. Thankfully, you were still fast asleep, unbothered by the sun.
"I love you." He leaned over to kiss your head, eyes scanning you to make sure you were comfortable and okay.
"San, I'm fine." You mumbled into your pillow, having felt his gaze on you despite being asleep. San chuckled, pressing his forehead against your temple lovingly.
"Just wanted to make sure you're comfy and safe, baby." He kissed your cheek.
"I'm the size of a whale, I don't even know what it's like to be comfortable anymore." You groaned.
"Don't say that about my princess. She's perfect, you're perfect." He laid down beside you, letting your rest your head on his arm. It was the best was to have you close to him since your belly was in the way.
"At this point, I just want my water to break already." You sighed in slight frustration.
"She'll come when she's ready. I know it's hard, baby. I'm sorry." He pouted, rubbing your arm.
"Want me to massage your feet or get you something?" He offered. With you going to give birth soon, your ankles have been swelling and bothering you so San has been very kind in giving you foot rubs whenever he can.
"No, can you just hold me?" You asked.
"Of course I can do that." San let you move on your own at your own pace to get yourself comfortable. You tilted your body so you could press your face against his chest.
"This should make you more relaxed." San whispered, reaching up to massage the back of your neck and shoulders.
"That feels good. You take such good care of us and she isn't even here yet." You melted into his touch.
"She's not born yet but she's here, she's a part of you. And I'll always take care of you and princess." San chuckled. With the massage and the sound of San's heartbeat, you slowly fell back asleep again.
"Sleep well." He stroked your hair.
Since you were due soon, San had taken some time off work. He still did his practices but there was less travelling just in case you went into labour.
Another thing is that ever since your pregnancy started, San has become a very light sleeper. He was always hyper vigilant and aware of your movements. Not that you wanted him to help you 24/7, he was just worried, he couldn't help it. So when he felt you stir and struggle to sit up, he opened his eyes.
"What do you need, baby?" San asked, sitting up just as you managed to stand on your feet and get out of bed.
"I'm just going to get more water, my bottle is empty. Go back to sleep, Sannie. I can manage it on my own." You giggled and put on your house slippers.
"I can get it for you, baby. I should have filled up your bottle for you before going to bed." He said.
"San, it's really okay. I can get my own water. And you did fill up my bottle, I just drank it all." You assured with a soft smile.
"Okay, call me if you need help." San told you. You hummed and left your shared bedroom to go to the kitchen. He didn't go back to sleep, he just sat there, waiting for a bit before going to help you.
"Sannie, do you want coffee?" You asked.
"I'm good, baby. I want you back in bed with me." He replied. He could hear you laughing.
"Baby!" San shot out of bed and rushed to the kitchen. You were standing there, the glass of water that was in your hand was shattered on the ground. You winced, knees starting to wobble as you held your back.
"Sorry." You groaned amidst the pain that you were in. Now San was worried you hurt yourself.
"It's okay, it's okay. Come. Careful." Holding both your hands in his, San guided you over the broken glass. He was grateful you were wearing the slippers Seonghwa bought you.
"Did the glass get you?" He sat you down and checked you, looking for any signs that you were cut from the glass.
"No, it hurts." You held your back.
"Braxton Hicks?" He bent down in front of you, helping you to rub your back. San knew that you have been having Braxton Hicks since you were going into labour soon.
"No, Sannie. I think it's real. The Braxton Hicks have never hurt so badly and it never reaches my back." You groaned.
"Oh........ OH!" It took a while for your words to sink in as San jumped to his feet.
"We should go to the hospital. Or should I call an ambulance? What should I do?!" He asked.
"Sannie, calm down. It's okay, breathe. It just started so we don't have to go to the hospital yet. But I should start timing how long they last and the intervals between them." You squeezed his hand as you reminded him of what the doctor told you, trying to maintain a smile as you felt him beginning to panic.
"Right, right. I'll help you. Let me clean up the glass first." San was reluctant to let go of your hand but the broken glass on the floor was a hazard to both you and him.
"I'm sorry I made a mess and can't even help clean it up." You sighed.
"No need to apologise, baby. You're in labour. You just focus on yourself and princess." He looked at you with an excited smile.
"You're such a goof." You chuckled. San shot you a flat look with a playful pout before returning back to cleaning. After he was done, San escorted you back to bed to rest.
"Are you timing your contractions? Are they getting more intense?" He asked as he retrieved towels.
"Still manageable." You groaned.
"Alright, come here, baby." San laid out the towels for them, knowing you would be stressed out if your water broke all over the sheets and the mattress.
"Careful. Easy..." He cooed, adjusting your pillow for you so you were comfortable.
"Shall I get you some food? A drink?" He asked.
"No but after the princess comes, I want a big coffee. A BIG coffee, Choi San." You held his collar to show how serious you were. With your pregnancy, you had to severely cut down on your coffee intake, which you did not really like.
"Of course, baby. Anything you want." He kissed the top of your head and went out to the kitchen to fix you snack. You did your best to stay distracted, watching San fancams on your iPad.
"Hey! I'm here!" You heard noises outside and put the iPad down. In came Wooyoung with a big grin.
"So, how's my god daughter doing?" He asked, reaching over to hug you.
"She's not here yet but soon, she'll be here in our arms. Just a little more." You chuckled, patting his back. Wooyoung was also very involved in your pregnancy.
"Even with the man right here, in the flesh, you're still watching his fancams?" He raised an eyebrow, seeing your iPad.
"It distracts me, okay?" Your cheeks heated up, closing the iPad before San could come in.
"Well, it definitely distracts you in one way because that's how my god daughter got here. And perhaps my future god children." He teased and you slapped his arm in embarrassment.
"Anyway, I brought you some food. San's too panicked to cook now but you should get some food in you." He told you. You laughed and nodded your head. Just then, San came in with a tray, plating up the food that Wooyoung had brought along with him. He placed it on the bed for you.
"Come on." Both San and Wooyoung helped you sit up properly so you could eat, even if San insisted on feeding you.
"Ah... Damn it." You cursed under your breath as another contraction hit you. San rubbed your back and let you squeeze his hand until the wave of pain would pass.
"So, how long can this last? Or rather, how long should it last until you go to the hospital?" Wooyoung asked.
"Dude, did you not read the parenting books I got you?" San asked his best friend in disbelief.
"Look, I tried my best to read two! I couldn't continue reading the other five." Wooyoung groaned and whined. You laughed and patted San's shoulder.
"It's fine. Basically, we time how long they last and the intervals between them. Then we go to the hospital." You replied.
"I already texted our OBGYN that the labour has started. She's ready when you are." San informed.
"When I am ready? More like when your daughter is ready." You chuckled. San cooed and kissed your temple. Even if you were full, you tried to eat at least half of what Wooyoung brought you. And you made sure both Wooyoung and San ate too.
"Trust me, you'll both need your energy too." You told them, holding the wall and slowly walking around. San had his bowl in his hand, his other hand held out to support you in case you fell.
"San, eat your food. It's fine, I'll manage on my own for a few minutes." You assured.
"No, I'd rather just be here by your side." He shook his head as he chewed his food.
"Is your go bag packed?" Wooyoung asked.
"Oh, I need my phone charger and the book from my nightstand." You replied. San was going to go but Wooyoung held his hand out to stop him, going into your room to retrieve the items for you.
"Don't know if you're going to be able to get much reading done with the princess here." San laughed.
"That's why I have you and Woo, right?" You joked.
"That's right. I am not leaving my princess' side." Wooyoung declared as he came out with your items, tucking them into the bag that you had packed and ready on the couch.
"You mean, my princess." San corrected with a glare. Wooyoung rolled his eyes. You laughed with a shake of your head. If the two were already fighting before your daughter was born, you can only imagine how much worse it was going to be when she actually gets here. Not the mention, the 6 other uncles waiting.
"She's not even here yet and you two-" You stopped mid sentence as you felt a pop.
"What?" San asked in confusion and worry. Until you both looked down and saw the trickle of liquid go down your leg.
"I think now's a good time to go to the hospital." San said and you nodded, feeling your cheeks heat up. You were frozen in your spot as the trickle was consistent.
"Text my parents. Tell them her water broke and we're going to the hospital now." San told Wooyoung as he pulled on clothes and grabbed you a hoodie that he knew would keep you comfortable.
"What's wrong, baby? Does it hurt?" San frowned, wondering why you haven't moved.
"It's dripping..." You mumbled, hiding your face in your hands.
"Hey, it's okay. It's okay, it's normal." San hugged you, rubbing your back. Tears welled up in your eyes, you didn't know what was happening, you just couldn't handle it.
"It's so embarrassing, I'm going to die." You cried. Even if you expected this to happen and knew it was going to happen, it still felt so embarrassing to have your bodily fluids leak out of you, especially in front of Wooyoung.
"(y/n), listen to me. This is normal, you're giving birth. There's nothing to be embarrassed about." Wooyoung assured.
"It's alright, hmm? Don't worry." San kissed your cheek, wiping your tears away. You nodded tearfully and squeezed San's hand as he slipped your shoes on for you and guided you out of the house.
"Careful, easy." San placed a towel on the passenger seat for you to sit before loading up the car and driving to the hospital.
"Oww..." You took deep breaths, feeling the pain become more intense and frequent.
"Sir, you can't park here." The guard said as San stopped his car.
"I know! I know! But my wife is in labour, can you help her? I'll move my car right after." San came out and opened your door. He watched as the guard called nurses to come with the gurney.
"I'll see you inside, baby." San squeezed your hand. You nodded and shot him a small smile before he got in the car and went to park.
Of course, you were slightly freaked out that you were now alone and without San, you were scared and nervous. But a part of you didn't want to make him panic even more so you took a deep breath and tried your best to calm yourself down, telling yourself that he'll be back by your side soon.
"Hey, (y/n)." Your OBGYN came into your delivery room. Since your water broke, the nurses brought you to the delivery room right away instead of checking you into a ward.
"Dr Min, I'm glad to see a familiar face." You smiled tearfully.
"Hey, I'm here for you and your baby. You're in safe hands." She patted your shoulder and began to check you.
"San's parking the car but he said he got you up to speed on everything? My brain's just a little foggy now." You admitted honestly, watching her put on her gloves.
"Yes, he did. Don't worry. I'll just check you now to see how dilated yet." She told you.
"I'm here! Is she born yet?!" San burst into the room, breathing heavily. The nurses in the room giggled at his outburst.
"Sannie, shhh. No, she's not born yet." You chuckled, opening your arms for him. As San made his way over, he smiled at Dr Min and gave you a hug.
"Looks like we're getting there but not yet. We'll have to wait a little more." Dr Min said, standing back up and removing her gloves to throw them into the bin. You let out a long, defeated sigh and San stroked your head.
"Thanks, Dr Min." San bowed his head.
"Don't be discouraged. Baby girl will be here soon." Dr Min smiled softly at you. You nodded and waved as she left the room. San pulled up a chair so he could stay by your side as the wait began.
"Are you sure you don't want anything for the pain?" San asked, his eyebrows furrowed.
"I'm okay. It's all on our princess, we'll wait until she's ready." You said, reaching up to hold his face in your hands.
"But you're in pain and I don't like seeing you in pain." He kissed your hand. One of the options that you and San had discussed was inducing or speeding up the birth but you wanted to push through.
"You're so strong, baby. You're a good omma." He smiled softly, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb.
"You do whatever makes you feel comfortable, okay? It's your decision." He assured.
"Thanks, Sannie. I just feel better with you here." You said. There was no other person you would rather have a child with. San was always there for you, always supportive and encouraging. He never pushed you to do anything you didn't want to do, he trusts your instinct and decisions for both yours and your daugher's wellbeing.
"You know I'll always be here for you and for the princess." He pressed your hand against his cheek.
"I just want her to be okay." You teared up. Hearing your suddenly serious words, San stood up from his seat, leaning over you. His eyes searched yours.
"Hey, hey. Where's all this coming from? Baby, you'll be okay. Both you and princess will be okay. I've got you both." He frowned.
"I know, I just suddenly feel so scared." You rubbed your eyes like a little child crying to her parent.
"It's normal to be scared. But don't be. Dr Min and everyone will take care of you." He comforted. As another contraction hit, you winced and squeezed San's hand. He rubbed your back soothingly.
"Let me get you some water. Breathe, baby." San poured cold water into a cup for you and held the straw out for you to drink.
"Thank you." You coughed slightly and grabbed a towel you bought to wipe your tears and sweat.
"Princess, I know you're comfy in there but omma is dealing with a lot of pain. Be a good girl and make it easy for omma." San said, pressing his ear to your stomach like he always did throughout the pregnancy. You ran your fingers through his hair.
"Ooh, she did not like that." San chuckled as both you and him felt her move and kick where his ear was. San pouted at your daughter but still planted a kiss to your belly.
"I'm gonna miss her kicks." San pouted at you.
"Alright, I don't know what you're implying but slow down, cowboy." You pushed his forehead.
A few more hours passed with San staying by your side and helping you through the contractions. Your parents and San's parents came, both mothers making sure you were okay and comfortable.
"Okay, omma. Let's see where baby girl is at." Dr Min came in again. San wiped the sweat off your forehead for you.
"Looks like we're ready to start pushing." Dr Min's head popped up.
"We'll be outside. Call us if you need anything." Your mom and Mrs Choi said, leaving the room to give you and San some privacy. They didn't want to overwhelm you further.
"I've got you okay? Don't be afraid, you can do this, baby. I know you can." San looked down at you and you nodded. With the guidance of your OBGYN, you began to push. San squeezed your hand and you tried your best to push. Even when you got tired, all the staff were encouraging to you.
"I can see the head. You're doing great, (y/n). Just a little more." Dr Min told you.
"She's out, she's out." Dr Min announced and clamped the cord, separating your baby from the placenta. You both watched as she handed the baby to the nurse practitioner.
"She's here." San excitedly looked over but still remaind by your side. Even as your daughter let out her first big cry.
"Go, see your princess, comfort her." You patted his hand. All you had to do was deliver the placenta.
"Cut here." The nurse handed San the scissors to cut the umbilical cord. He couldn't even stop the huge grin from forming on his face as he watched his daughter.
"Hi there, it's okay. Appa's got you." San cooed as the nurse placed the baby in his arms.
As much as San wanted to hold her longer, he knew skin to skin with you was more important. So he brought her to you immediately.
"She's perfect." San smiled as he lowered her down to you. You smiled tired and weakly, eyes blinking slowly. And before San could release her into your arms, your eyes closed and your head dropped. San's eyes widened in shock.
"She's hemorrhaging! Doctor!" The nurse yelled and Dr Min ran over as the machines beeped in alarm.
"Baby?! (y/n)!" San yelled out in fear. Your daughter began to cry and San felt tears in his eyes too. What was happening? What was going on? All he could see was your pale face.
"BP dropping. Someone take Mr Choi and the child to another room." Dr Min ordered.
"Please, save my wife." San begged as the nurse led him to another room.
"We will try our best, Mr Choi. Dr Min is the best. But now, you need to have skin on skin with your daughter." The nurse advised calmly and San handed the baby to her.
"Like this?" San removed his shirt, letting the nurse lay the baby against his chest. The moment she did, the baby calmed down.
"Please go save her." San cried. The nurse nodded and left the room. His parents and your parents came in, all panicked. Of course, San wanted this to be a joyous occasion, he waited so long to meet his daughter and now she was here, in his arms. But he just couldn't, knowing you were unconscious.
"What happened?" Your mother asked worriedly.
"I don't know. I think they said she's hemorrhaging. She was fine, all she had to do was deliver the placenta. I shouldn't have left her side." San cried.
"San, San. Calm down. (y/n)'s going to be okay. You need to be strong for her and your daughter." Mrs Choi told him.
"Okay." San took deep breaths. He and his daughter seemed to be able to calm each other down.
"She'll be okay." Your mother assured, wiping San's tears. San looked down at the baby that was sleeping on his chest. He gently kissed the top of her head.
"Omma will be okay." He whispered. Soon, another nurse came in with a baby basinet.
"How's my wife?" San asked.
"I'm sorry, sir. I don't know. I need to bring the baby for her checks." The nurse apologised. San didn't want to let his daughter go, even with his mother around, he felt like your baby was the only thing that could comfort him now.
"Can it wait?" San pleaded. The nurse looked conflicted, unsure of what she should do.
"I'm sorry. But if there was a birth complication, we need to check. I promise I'll bring her back as soon as possible." The nurse said. San reluctantly handed the baby to her.
"Mr Choi?" Dr Min came in and San immediately stood up, even when his shirt wasn't fully buttoned up yet.
"Doc, how is she?" San felt like he couldn't breathe.
"She's fine. Out of the woods. Bleeding after birth is normal but she bled a lot. But don't worry, she's okay. She's recovering. I'll need to keep her here for a few days longer though." She informed.
"Of course, anything. We'll stay for as long as she'll need. Thank you so much." San bowed deeply to the doctor.
"Now go be with your wife. I had the nurses send her up to your ward already." Dr Min smiled and San went up to the ward where you were wheeled up to.
When San entered, you were fast asleep, probably tired for the birth and the huge loss of blood. But San knew you were a fighter. He hovered over you and kissed your forehead, feeling another round of tears threaten to fall. Obviously he didn't know the severity of the bleed but he knew he almost lost you.
"I love you. Thank you." He pressed his head against yours. As he took a chair to sit, he held your hand the entire time.
"You did good, baby. You did so good, you deserve to rest. She's perfect, an angel just like you. Sleep for as long as you want." San said to you, even though you were asleep.
When you woke up, you looked around in confusion. Until your eyes fell upon San, walking around with a bundle in his arms, singing softly.
"Look who it is, baby girl." San turned and realised you were awake.
"San..." You began to cry. San put your daughter back in her basinet and came over to you.
"It's okay, you're okay. I got you. I got you." He hugged you tightly, his hand resting on the back of your head. You cried into his shoulder and San felt a lump in his throat too.
"You did so good, baby." San continued to comfort you for as long as you needed.
"Can I see her?"
"Of course you can, baby! You're her mom!" San laughed and went over to pick up the baby that was beginning to fuss. But as San gently laid her on your chest, the baby calmed down. She blinked up at you and you smiled softly.
"Hi there. You're so cute... You're perfect. Did you name her yet?" You cooed and looked up at San, who was smiling at both of you. He shook his head.
"You should name her. You've let me make a lot of decisions in the pregnancy, you should name her." You told him.
"Baby, I let you make those decisions because it was your body, you were the one going through the pregnancy, not me." San laughed.
"But I do have one name that I like. Haeun." He added.
"Haeun, Choi Haeun. I like it. It's perfect for her. Welcome to the world, Haeunnie." You smiled at her. San gave you a kiss then kissed the top of Haeun's head.
Since you woke up, San called Dr Min to come and check on you. At the same time, the nurse taught you how to feed Haeun.
"You gave us a scare earlier but you're fine now, (y/n). Nothing major. However, I was mentioning that I would need you to stay in a little longer just for observations." Dr Min explained. You nodded obediently, too preoccupied with staring at your daughter that was drinking from you hungrily.
"Thanks, Dr Min." You and San bowed your heads as she took her leave. You smiled softly, watching Haeun grasp your finger in her hand as she drank.
"You must have been hungry, my love." You cooed.
"She has a big appetite like her dad." San grinned proudly at you, making you scoff.
After Haeun had her fill, she fell asleep. You couldn't get up so the nurse came in to help you with cleaning her and changing her diaper before wrapping her up in a swaddle.
"Oh, so that's how you do it." San said, looking over at the nurse's actions, his glasses on as he took notes on his phone.
"Hey, grandpa. Can I get a glass of water, please?" You teased. San's head whipped around to glare at you.
"You're lucky you're cute." He glared with a pout as he handed you the water. You grinned cheekily as the nurse placed the swaddled Haeun in the basinet and wheeled her by your side. But San constantly hovered over her.
"Let her sleep. Nothing will happen with her a few inches away from us." You chuckled. You and San enjoyed each other's silence, well it was more like San not being able to take his eyes off Haeun.
"Knock knock." The door opened and Wooyoung poked his head in with the others, all carrying flowers, gift baskets and balloons.
"She's sleeping." San quickly shushed everyone.
"Sorry, overprotective dad over here." You snickered. Hongjoong held up a huge cup of iced coffee for you and you swear you nearly cried at the sight.
"Lifesaver." You whispered gratefully and received the cup in your hands to take a big sip.
"Slow down, baby. You shouldn't finish it in one go." San stopped you, placing his hand to push the cup away from you.
"I pushed a bowling ball out of me. Please just let me have this." You begged. San sighed in defeat and let go, letting you enjoy your coffee. But of course, you did heed his advice and drank slowly.
"Oh my gosh... She's the most perfect little angel." Wooyoung cooed, trying to contain his squeal, leading to him slapping Seonghwa's shoulder. Seonghwa hissed and pushed Wooyoung away. Before they could all get too close, San stepped between them and the basinet, pointing to the sink.
"Wash first." San ordered.
"How are you?" Jongho asked, taking a seat by your side. You assumed San had told everyone about the complication after birth.
"I'm okay now. I think it gave all of us a scare but the doctor stopped the bleeding and I'm fine, just have to stay in here a little longer for observation." You shrugged.
"That's good." Yeosang hummed. You watched as San reluctantly let the boys carry Haeun.
"She's so cute when she sleeps." Yunho cooed over Wooyoung's shoulder.
"I have a feeling everything she does is going to be cute to all of you." You laughed. You trusted San to watch out for Haeun and help the boys properly hold her so you could relax.
"You should rest more. I'm sure you've been through the wringer. We brought you food too." Mingi told you, adjusting your blanket properly. You smiled gratefully, watching Seonghwa take a rice porridge out of the container for you.
"We didn't even ask her name yet." Seonghwa said, wheeling the table close to you so you could eat.
"Her name is Haeun, Choi Haeun." San smiled proudly.
"What a perfect name for a perfect princess." Wooyoung cooed softly at the baby in his arms. After a bit, Haeun woke up and began crying. San patted your hand and went to retrieve her from Wooyoung.
"Don't worry, appa's got you." He swayed, patting her back softly to soothe her.
"He's got it. Eat up, get your energy back." Jongho encouraged. You took a spoon and began eating, glacing over at San and Haeun.
"We should go, give you three time to rest." Hongjoong said, checking his watch. The boys came over to give you hugs while San watched with a frown.
"Stop hugging my wife." He whispered harshly, careful not to disturb the now calm Haeun. Only when he placed her back in the basinet, he happily hugged the members who congratulated him again.
"I can't believe she's finally here. The princess is finally here." San let out little squeaks of happiness as Wooyoung hugged him. Wooyoung nodded with a soft laugh and patted San's back. Everyone was waiting for your baby's arrival, even more so when it was announced that you were having a girl.
"We'll see you soon. Take care." Yunho waved as the boys all left.
"She's asleep, Sannie. You can put her down." You chuckled. San looked up at you with a disappointed smile.
"You can watch her. I want cuddles." You held your arms up. At that, San placed Haeun down and came to you. Luckily the hospital bed was big enough.
"Are you feeling ill? You have to tell me or inform the nurse." He said as you laid on his chest.
"I'm fine, Sannie." You squeezed his arm, snuggling closer to him. San He reached over you and rubbed your back.
"I love you. You did so good, baby. Thank you so much for giving me my princess. Really, thank you. I can't thank you enough." San repeated, planting many kisses on your head.
"There's nothing to thank me for, San. I'm lucky to have you with me and to be the one to have your daughter, you've been the perfect partner. You're such a great dad, she's lucky that she'll have you to raise her." You smiled up at him.
"You always speak so lowly of yourself, my love. I'm lucky to have you and her now. And she has the best mom in the whole wide world. So she's pretty lucky." He said.
"Yeah." You nodded, the both of you looking over at your sleeping child.
"Is it weird that I already love her so much? Like looking at her makes my heart hurts." San asked.
"Not weird, that's called being whipped. Or being a fool for your daughter. She's a few hours old and already has you wrapped around her tiny finger." You lifted up your pinky finger.
"Don't make fun of me." He whined.
"But she's finally here, San. She was inside of me and now, she's right there. She's laying there, sleeping, breathing on her own." You said.
"All thanks to you, baby. Now, you should continue to rest. You're not 100% yet, take all the time you need to recover." San reached over to lower the lights so you could sleep. Since you were still feeling weak, it didn't take long for the tiredness to wash over you and you fell asleep in San's hold.
You were woken up by Haeun's crying but San already jumped out of bed, going to her to scoop her up into his arms. As you turned up the lights, you watched San try to soothe her.
"She could be hungry." You rubbed your eyes tiredly.
"Are you okay to feed her? We can use formula if you still feel weak." San asked with a worried frown.
"I'm fine. I just need the pillow." You said. San nodded and let you carry Haeun while he put the 'U' shaped pillow under Haeun and around your waist so you wouldn't have to carry her full weight.
"Is this okay?" San asked, adjusting the pillow properly. You hummed and fed a fussing Haeun.
"Good girl, Haeun. It's okay." You stroked her head as she drank from you hungrily.
"My poor baby must be tired." San came and reached over, cupping your cheeks. You smiled tiredly, knowing that this is going to be your routine for a while. But it was comforting to see Haeun peacefully drinking and staring up at you.
"Awww, now you're nice and full, aren't you, angel?" You cooed as she released you so you could cover yourself up. Since you were still feeling weak, San helped you with changing her diaper.
"Post birth poops are awful." You groaned.
"Nonsense, my princess' poop doesn't smell at all." San grinned dreamily, cooing at Haeun who squirmed.
"There we go. All done." San gently lifted her up, pressing a kiss to her cheek before placing her back into your arms. Haeun stared at you and you smiled at her.
"Your dad has become such a fool for you, hmm?" You tapped her cheek and she grasped your finger.
"Don't call me a fool in front of her." San scoffed. You smiled cheekily and San reached over to pinch your cheeks for teasing him.
"She's asleep." You shushed San.
"You should sleep too, baby." San waited for you to be ready to hand Haeun over him. Once you did, he placed her back into the basinet and tucked you back into bed, getting in beside you. He couldn't sleep without you by his side too. San softly sang to you until you fell back to sleep.
And over the next few days, San took great care of you and Haeun. He prioritised your recovery and took over so many tasks, making sure you were not pushing yourself.
"Hello?" Wooyoung came in.
"Shh, they both just went to sleep." You said from your spot on the couch, nodding over to where San was asleep in your hospital bed.
"Stealing the patient's bed?" Wooyoung tilted his head with a snort as he looked at his best friend. Despite being asleep, San's hand rested on the edge of Haeun's basinet.
"How are you?" Wooyoung asked, sitting beside you.
"A lot better. Can't wait to discharge tomorrow. But I couldn't have done it without Sannie, he's been taking great care of us." You smiled.
"He is a good partner and dad." Wooyoung agreed with a hum. With San and Haeun sleeping, Wooyoung decided to cut up some fruit for you to eat.
"I'm grateful that Haeun is such an angel baby and I'm not just saying that because I'm her mother. She's so patient and loving, rarely cries except for milk or diaper changes. But I can 100% say, she's a daddy's girl for sure." You giggled.
"Of course she is. San must be ecstatic." Wooyoung rolled his eyes.
"I haven't seen the smile leave his face since the day she was born. Everything she does, he thinks it's the best thing since sliced bread." You smiled at a sleeping San.
"He's a fool for her already. But I can't blame him, she's perfect." Wooyoung shrugged and you pushed his shoulder.
"You are just as big of a fool for her." You accused. But deep down, you were glad that Haeun is going to grow up with love from everyone.
"Look who is awake." You were washing your hands when you realised Haeun had woken up and was just laying there without making a fuss.
"Uncle Wooyoung is here to see you, baby." You lifted Haeun out of the basinet and kissed her cheeks.
"Ack. Luckily we're in a hospital because she's going to give me a heart attack." Wooyoung fangirled as you placed Haeun in his arms.
"Haeun." San shot up, having realised the basinet moved slightly from when you picked Haeun up. His sudden movement had made you jump. He sat up and looked around in slight panic, only to see Wooyoung holding Haeun. He let out a sigh of relief and you went over, standing between his legs.
"She's fine, appa. Wooyoung's got her." You chuckled, running your hands through his messy hair. San put his arms around you to hug you and pressed his face against your middle.
"I didn't even know I fell asleep." He murmured.
"You've been working so hard, taking care of us. You deserve to rest too, Sannie." You comforted him.
"Look at your parents. They're gonna make uncle Woowoo puke." You both looked up to see Wooyoung talking to Haeun, holding her in a way that elevated her to see you two.
"She's smiling." You pointed at Haeun's brief, lopsided smile.
"She just loves uncle Woowoo the most." Wooyoung cooed. San didn't take too well to that comment and marched over.
"My baby." He emphasised, taking Haeun out of Wooyoung's arms. He smiled down at her, planting a kiss to her head. You just shook your head at them.
When it was time to feed Haeun, Wooyoung took his leave. As you sat against the headboard to feed Haeun, San massaged your feet, noting that your ankles were still slightly swollen so he put on compression socks for you.
"Are you still feeling sick?" He asked worriedly.
"No, I feel fine actually. So we can go home tomorrow." You smiled excitedly, looking down at Haeun.
"A-Are you sure? Because if you don't feel right, you should stay for a few more days until you're sure you're 100% well again. Maybe we should speak to Dr Min." San suggested.
"Sannie..." Luckily Haeun finished feeding so you could put her back in her basinet. You moved closer to San.
"What's wrong, Sannie?" You cupped his cheeks with a concern frown. You searched his eyes and all you saw was fear in them.
"I was just really scared. When you lost consciousness, there was so much blood. The doctor and nurses were rushing..." San struggled to breathe and you hugged him, letting him lean on your shoulder.
"I'm sorry, Sannie..." You hugged his head.
"I thought I was going to lose you..." He muttered softly, hands gripping your waist. You rarely see San cry so seeing him cry and be so vulnerable around you was indicative of how scared he really was. And for San, he always believed that he has to be your rock so he really tried to keep it in.
"You've been through a lot too, Sannie. But we're here for you, both me and Haeun. You don't have to go through this alone." You stroked the back of his head.
"You won't lose me, lose us, so quickly. I love you." You lifted his head and gave him a kiss, caressing his cheek.
"I love you too." San wrapped his arms around you, pulling you to sit on his lap.
"Baby girl's smiling at us." San chuckled. You lifted your head from his chest to see Haeun looking at the both of you, squirming in her wrap but her head turned to smile at you and San.
"Our baby. That's our baby." You smiled softly and San turned his head to meet your eyes, nodding in agreement.
"I still can't believe she's here. No more talking to her through the tummy." San chuckled.
"Well, before you know it, she'll be able to reply to you when you actually talk to her." You said. At your words, San held his chest dramatically, squeezing his eyes shut like he was going to implode at the thought of Haeun growing up.
"Alright, appa... Breathe. Don't have a heart attack here or I'll need to call the nurses." You patted his arm. San pursed his lips and just pressed a kiss to your shoulder.
"Thank you so much, Dr Min." You said as you hugged the doctor, who patted your back.
"Take care of yourself, (y/n)." She chuckled.
"Do we have everything? I feel like we're forgetting something." You heard San in your room, trying to pack up everything, making you and Dr Min giggle.
"You and baby girl will be just fine." Dr Min squeezed your shoulder and left while you entered your ward.
"Everything okay in here?" You asked.
"Just fine, baby. Whatever we forget, we can buy again. As long as I have princess and you, that's most important." San grinned, holding the baby carrier basket with Haeun sleeping soundly inside.
"Want me to carry her? Or get the bags?" You offered. San shook his head, holding Haeun away from you as if you will steal her and run. Even if the doctor cleared you, San didn't believe you were entirely recovered so he didn't want you doing any heavy lifting or anything strenuous. You just walked beside him.
"Also, baby. Even though the news is out that baby girl is born, KQ says that they'll do whatever it takes to keep her picture and name out of the press." San informed.
"Great, remind me to send them a thank you basket." You chuckled as you both walked to the car.
"Are you excited to finally go home with us, princess?" San cooed to Haeun.
"You're asleep and probably don't care as long as there's milk, right?" He continued to talk to her as he loaded the basket into the car seat inserts that he had already installed previously.
"She's so cute when she sleeps." You adjusted her blanket as you sat in the backseat with her while San drove.
"She's cute doing anything, please. She's our child, of course she's cute." San scoffed from the front seat and you shot him a flat look.
You stifled a laugh to yourself, imaging how things are going to be when Haeun grows up, she'll definitely be leading her father by his nose. Well, in his defense, he did warn you about how he would be if you got pregnant with a girl.
"We're home, princess. Home sweet home." San cooed as he helped to remove the carrier from the seat clips. You unlocked the door to your home and took a deep breath.
"Feels good to be home." You let out a content sigh. San chuckled and leaned over to kiss your cheek.
"I need a shower." You groaned. San hummed and let you go. But you didn't want to shower too long, wanting to relieve San for a bit.
"Sannie, I'm-" You came out of the shower to see him fast asleep on the couch, sitting up and holding Haeun to his chest, who was also still asleep.
"Aww, look at you two." You whispered and took your phone to snap a picture, a smile on your face.
Only when Haeun woke up and fussed then San woke up, immediately patting her back to try and soothe her.
"It's okay, appa. Take a break, I've got her." You smiled and took Haeun from him. San nodded with a tired smile and leaned back into the couch to rest. You leaned over to kiss the top of his head before walking to get Haeun's diaper changed. Then you checked if she was hungry before feeding her, sitting in your rocking chair.
"My love. You are so beautiful." You gently stroked her head as she drank from you. You softly hummed 'Mist' to her with a soft smile on your face.
"Thank you for being born." You giggled.
When she was done, you burped her and walked around with her in your arms, still humming to her.
"Look at your appa sleeping. He's been taking such good care of us, baby. He'll protect you and love you forever, you're such a lucky girl." You spoke to Haeun, who blinked up at you.
"My two girls." San woke up, stretching his limbs and yawning as he caught you and Haeun.
"You should sleep more, Sannie." You said, sitting by him.
"I'm good. You should rest more, the birth and everything must have been tiring on you." He stroked your head. You handed Haeun over to him, letting her rest on his chest.
"I'll heat up some food for our dinner. You should skin on skin with her if you can. Dr Min says it'll help." You patted his thigh and went to the kitchen to heat up the food that your mother and San's mother had helped stock in the fridge.
"Auh, go to sleep, precious. It's okay to sleep. Appa is here." You could hear San speak to Haeun.
"You're really destined to be a girl dad, San." You stood at the kitchen entrance, seeing San coax Haeun to sleep. He sat there, shirtless with the small baby against his chest.
"I am. I am destined to be this girl's dad." San agreed, smiling down at Haeun, who was slowly going to sleep.
"ATINY will eat this up if they saw you." You joked. San rolled his eyes but still posed for you to take a picture of him to save.
"So, we're establishing here that you'll be the one to discipline her while I'm the good one that comforts her when she cries right?" San grinned cheekily.
"We'll see about that." You scoffed.
"Thank you, baby. For all that you did and went through for my princess to be born." San leaned over to kiss you.
"You know despite everything, I would do it again. Couldn't have asked for a better partner and we know this girl is the luckiest little girl in the world with such an amazing dad and 7 chaotic, silly but great uncles who will always dote on her." You smiled softly and laid your head on San's shoulder.
"Yes, she will definitely grow up with a lot of chaos. I mean, look at her godfather. He's the definition of chaos." He chuckled.
You nodded, San was right but you knew the boys, especially Wooyoung, would make sure your little girl grows up with all the love in the world.
And that proved to be right because after a day of hanging out with Wooyoung, Haeun came back home and said her first word.
"Sannie!" She lifted her arms up with the biggest grin on her face.
"What did you say, baby?" You stifled a laugh. She repeated it again and you saw San freeze, unsure of how to react. She didn't call him 'appa' but his name was her first word.
"She said her first word." You reminded San.
"Still..." San gave you a look. He was big on respect and traditions, he didn't want Haeun going around calling him by his first name.
"No, not Sannie, princess. Appa. Can you say 'appa'?" San pointed to himself, bending down to her height so he would be at her eye level. You were having a field day and didn't have the heart to correct Haeun, she was just so cute.
"Sannie!" She giggled bashfully. San playfully lifted her up, making her squeal with laughter.
"I'm going to kill Jung Wooyoung." San turned to you.
"Sannie! Sannie!" Haeun gleefully wrapped her arms around San's neck, burying her face against his chest.
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l4ndonorizz · 2 days
painting stream gone wrong / lando norris x reader
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pairing: lando norris x reader
song: fred again... - just stand there
summary: what starts as a simple paint job quickly turns into a paint war, a kiss, and a live-streamed moment neither of you expected… especially not in front of thousands of fans
wc: 1.1k
The plan was innocent enough. Lando had convinced you to help him paint an accent wall in his apartment, making it seem like a fun project for the night. But of course, being Lando, he had another idea in mind—he wanted to stream the whole thing for his fans. The chat had been buzzing since the moment the stream started, everyone excited to see what chaos might unfold.
You stood side by side in front of the blank, white wall, paint rollers in hand. Lando had the stream set up at the perfect angle, giving his fans a full view of the soon-to-be colorful masterpiece.
“Alright,” Lando said, dipping his roller into a tray of bright blue paint, his grin already too mischievous for your liking. “Let’s see if we can make something that won’t get us laughed off the internet.”
You laughed, rolling your eyes as you dipped your roller into a soft lavender paint. “I’m not making any promises. You’re the one who thought it’d be fun to do this on stream.”
Lando turned to the camera, addressing the chat with his signature grin. “What do you guys think? Masterpiece or disaster?”
The chat exploded with comments, half of them betting on disaster, while the others rooted for you to somehow pull off a miracle.
You both started out pretty strong. Lando made wide, sweeping strokes across the wall while you filled in smaller areas with pops of lavender and green. The banter between you was light, and the chat seemed to be enjoying the friendly competition as you worked side by side.
But you should’ve known it wouldn’t stay serious for long.
Out of nowhere, you felt a cold splatter of paint hit your arm. Your eyes widened as you looked down at the splotch of blue that now stained your shirt.
“Lando…” you said slowly, turning to face him.
He had the audacity to feign innocence, holding his roller up like a shield. “What? I thought your side needed some color.”
The chat erupted in laughter, emojis flooding the screen as you grabbed your brush and dipped it into the nearest paint tray. “Oh, you’re not getting away with that.”
Before he could dodge, you swiped a streak of green paint across his chest, leaving a long line over his shirt. His mouth dropped open, eyes wide in mock horror.
“Oh, it’s like that, huh?” Lando stepped closer, flicking his roller at you and sending splatters of blue all over your arm.
“Lando!” you shrieked, laughing despite yourself as you backed away. “I’m supposed to look semi-normal after this!”
“Too late,” he grinned, grabbing a paintbrush dripping with pink. “You’re in this now.”
Before you could react, he swiped the brush across your cheek, leaving a bright streak from your temple to your chin. The chat was going wild, the chaos unfolding exactly as they’d hoped.
“That’s it,” you muttered, grabbing your own brush and swiping it across his mouth without hesitation, leaving his lips covered in bright yellow paint. “How do you like that?”
Lando froze, his eyes going wide with surprise as he processed what had just happened. His lips, now covered in yellow, twitched as he fought to hold back laughter. Then, with a gleam in his eye, he stepped closer, closing the space between you.
“Oh, you’re in so much trouble now,” he murmured, his voice low and teasing.
You tried to back away, but your giggles made it impossible to move fast enough. Lando’s hands found your waist, and in one swift move, he swiped his paint-covered fingers across your other cheek, leaving bright streaks of color in their wake. You gasped, playfully shoving him back, but he didn’t let go. Instead, he leaned in closer, his face just inches from yours.
“Lando, don’t—” you started, but before you could finish, he gently pressed his paint-covered lips to your cheek.
Your breath hitched in your throat as the playful energy between you suddenly shifted. You blinked, realizing how close you were, how his warm breath brushed against your skin. His eyes met yours, and for a second, everything else disappeared—the paint, the mess, even the stream.
Without thinking, you reached up and smeared more yellow paint across his cheek, then down to his lips. “How do you like that?”
But before you could pull away, Lando’s grin turned wicked. “Oh, you’re not getting away that easily.”
And then, in a move that caught you completely off guard, he leaned in and kissed you—right there, in the middle of his living room, paint smeared between your lips and his. The kiss was soft at first, hesitant, like he wasn’t sure if this was really happening. But when you didn’t pull away, he deepened it, his hands sliding up to cup your face.
Your heart raced as you kissed him back, the world around you melting away as you got lost in the moment. You’d always had this playful back-and-forth with Lando, but you never imagined it would lead to this—kissing him, covered in paint, in the middle of a live stream.
The sudden realization hit you like a bucket of cold water.
“Lando,” you mumbled against his lips, trying to pull back. “The stream.”
He froze, pulling back just enough to glance at the camera. His face, still smudged with paint, went slack with realization. “Oh. Shit.”
You both turned to the screen, where the chat was exploding with comments, emojis, and what looked like a million laughing faces. The viewers had seen everything. Your face burned as you wiped a hand across your mouth, trying to clean off the paint (and maybe some of the embarrassment).
“Well,” Lando said, his grin returning as he faced the camera, “that escalated quickly.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, despite the situation. “This is all your fault, you know.”
“Oh, I’m fully aware,” he chuckled, wiping paint from his chin. “But come on, you have to admit that was worth it.”
You shot him a playful glare, though you couldn’t hide the smile tugging at your lips. “I guess the wall can wait.”
The chat had gone into overdrive, spamming everything from “FINALLY” to “THIS IS THE CONTENT WE’VE BEEN WAITING FOR,” and while you were still flustered, you couldn’t deny that the moment had been… well, perfect.
Lando winked at you, still catching his breath. “So… do we keep painting the wall, or do we give the stream what they really want?”
You rolled your eyes, smudging more paint across his face. “We finish the wall, and maybe we’ll figure out what happens next.”
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gojo-licious · 3 days
The Big Bad Wolf?!
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Summary: Satoru is a wolf hybrid and started working for your department where only prey animal hybrids work. What could possibly go wrong? It’s not like he has a crush on you, his boss who just so happens to be a sheep.
Warnings: 18+, mdni, fem! reader, afab reader, hybrids, reader is a sheep-hybrid, Satoru is a wolf-hybrid, reader goes into heat, sub-ish! Satoru, bondage (Satoru gets his hands tied up), breeding kink, pet names (baby, sweetheart), unprotected, p in v
a/n: I read "I'm a Wolf, but by Boss is a Sheep" and got inspired to put my own twist on it!
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"I'm sorry Satoru-kun, but we need you to work overtime today. But I promise it’s the last time this month!“ you say empathetically, understanding that he probably wants to go home on time.
The deadline for the project your department has been working on is moving closer, much faster than anticipated. Most of the work has been already finished, but the draft Satoru sent in needs to be refined before tomorrow's meeting.
"Oh! It’s okay. I will finish my work as fast as you can and then I can drop you off at the station." Satoru replies without showing a hint of sadness or any tiredness. In fact he looks excited to spend more time at the office. Especially since it’s just the two of you left on the floor, everyone else already left.
"I'm still very sorry, Satoru-kun. I know you were excited to head home early today. You did say that one of the games you play is releasing a new DLC today. I will buy you dinner tomorrow to make it up to you, is that okay?“ you reach to ruffle his hair affectionately in an attempt to convey that you truly feel apologetic.
Satoru's ears perk up. The wolf-like ears on the top of his head stand up and his tail starts to swoosh back and forth like that of an excited puppy. Dinner? Alone with you? That’s the closest to a date he has ever had! "Of course!“ he states a little too enthusiastically. "I mean- I mean, yes, that would be lovely!"
His eagerness is delightful and elicits a giggle out of you. "Okay. I will make a reservation for us. Now, how about we both finish our work and head home, hm?" you lightly scratch behind his ears affectionately.
Since Satoru is the only predator-animal-hybrid in your department. At first it seemed to be a hurdle, since the other members of the department wanted to keep their distance. It is a little nerve-wrecking to have a predator so close at all times when one isn’t used to it. But all the worry turned out to be for nothing. Satoru is a delight to work with. He is always eager to help, very gentle with everyone and, most of all, understanding of the difficulties in predator and prey interactions. And a well-built man who can carry all the heavy things is always a plus.
"Okay Boss!" Satoru's tail keeps wagging in excitement and hearts form in his eyes as he watches you leave to your office. He lets out little whimpers at the loss of your touch but makes sure that you don’t hear how pathetic he is being.
The only sound that Satoru can hear is the air conditioning cooling the office air, providing a comfortable work environment. He honestly just wants to go home and play games, but for you, he would willingly spend a few more hours here. And the thought of walking you to the station and talking to you just sweetens the deal even more. His games could wait.
The typing on his keyboard speeds up as he understands what improvements need to be made. The presentation at tomorrow's meeting will be easy to handle for you, if he finishes up quickly.
The clock ticks on as the sky turns darker and the streetlights outside of the office window turn on. Satoru sends the final draft to you and stands up to stretch his aching back from all the hours of sitting. He packs up his bag and carries his cacao brown suit jacket on his arm as he gracefully maneuvers through the halls.
As he stands in front of the door to your office, he takes a deep breath to gather his composure and courage. Satoru looks confident and dashingly handsome as he stands in the hall, but internally he is freaking out. His crush on his superior messes with his head to the point where he stumbled over his words and, in the worst-case scenario, can’t even form a coherent sentence.
The knock on your door goes unanswered, which makes Satoru nervous. You always answer with a small come in or come to open the door yourself, but right now there is no sign of you. He raises his hand to knock on your door again, but he hears a loud thud. Satoru freezes. Are his ears messing with him?
His worry gets the best of him and he reaches for the doorknob. "I'm coming in!“ he lets you know and swings the door open. The first thing he notices is that he smells something strong. It’s your scent, but somehow stronger and more alluring. It makes his ears ring and nose twitch. The second is your face covered in a light sweat. Your hands are harshly gripping the mahogany desk as you breathe unevenly.
All the symptoms only have one obvious cause. You are in heat! This is bad. "F-fuck! W-what should I do?" Satoru asks out loud. He doesn’t know how to help a sheep who has gone into heat.
"Satoru-kun~" you whine out to him as you stand on your wobbly legs with most of your weight being supported by the desk. You look good enough to eat! No, bad Satoru. He needs to do something. "Come here~" you call him over to you.
Satoru is frozen in place. What should he do? If he gets any closer, he will have a hard time helping you. His brain is already malfunctioning. Your pencil skirt is hugging your hips so deliciously and you’re also wearing a turtleneck! It has been on his mind all day.
You walk towards him, but stumble because of the feverish symptoms from your heat. Satoru drops his bag along with his suit jacket and hurries to catch you in his arms. Your sweet scent envelops him completely. There is no way he is making it out of here without developing an even more crazed obsession with you.
Right now, Satoru feels like the prey. You yank him down by his tie and push your body weight onto him for support. "Satoru-kun, can I kiss you?" you manage to ask while looking up at him with a barely functioning mind. Your lips ghost over his.
"Are… are you sure? This is your heat talking. We need to call someone!“ Satoru panics at the thought of doing something he might regret and ruin your relationship with him forever! He can’t let that happen.
You, on the other hand, shut the door behind Satoru and push him up against it. Satoru closes his eyes in surprise and feels terrified that if he sees you up close like this, he will lose his mind.
"Toru-kun~ I like you. This isn’t only the heat. I like you a lot, I promise." you say earnestly.
The breathlessness in your voice eggs Satoru on as he gains a little more courage. "Really?" he asks as he peeks down at you with barely opened eyes. His tail starts to swish back and forth, giving away his true feelings.
"Hmm…" you hum to support your previous statement. "I really like you.“ The confession is muted since you decided to bury your face in Satoru's chest in hopes of smelling his scent better. Not only does his woody scent ground you a little, you can also hear his heartbeat pick up. It’s pounding against his ribcage. Maybe he’s nervous, or maybe he’s about to have a heart attack. Satoru couldn’t tell either.
"Y-you like me?" he’s stunned. He leans closer to you and gently cups your face in one of his hands. "Say it again, please! I need to hear you say it again," he mutters as his body heats up. His face and ears turn red and he uses the back of his left hand to cover the lower part of his face.
He looks at you with such an intense gaze. Your hand lets go of the fabric of his shirt and wanders lower and lower until your fingertips graze his bulge. The sharp inhale makes your ears perk up. "Let me show you how much I like you, Satoru-kun." you coo at him.
His false, somewhat calm demeanor breaks into pieces as he lets out a loud whine. Satoru leans in to capture your soft lips against his own. The spit, tongue and heavy breathing get to his head. He feels dizzy. He feels overwhelmed.
He breaks away from the kiss, allowing the spit to connect your lips to his for a few seconds longer. The dashing smile that follows makes your pussy quiver. Satoru wipes the spit away with the back of his hand and goes to wipe the spit away from your lips using his thumb. But what he didn’t expect was for you to take his thumb into his mouth and suck on it. "Oh~ f-fuck-" he moans out loudly, not expecting your lips to have this kind of effect on him.
His reaction makes you smirk. He’s so cute! You take this opportunity to gently stroke his cock through his slacks. Up and down. Up and down and squeeze lightly.
"Fuck- fuck! Baby! Your hand f-feels soo~ good.“ Satoru throws his head back. His hair falls over his eyes. His prim and proper look exchanged for a disheveled mess.
He pulls at his tie with one hand. Meanwhile you release his thumb from your mouth with a loud 'pop'. "Can you help me, Toru?" you ask with faux innocence in your expression, trying to hide the carnivorous look in your eyes. If only he knew you wanted to swallow him whole.
All Satoru can do is nod dumbly and let you strip him off of his clothes. The belt falls to the floor along with his slacks, boxers and shirt. The tie is repurposed by you, into a make-soft bondage. His hands are tied snuggly behind him as you push him to take a seat on the sofa in your office.
Satoru’s eyes a shining brightly under the fluorescent light. He looks like a puppy more than a wolf, with his ears pressed to his head. On the other hand, he never expected you to be the predator everyone should have been worried about in your department. A real wolf in sheep’s clothing.
"I wanna fuck you soo bad, Toru." you run a nail down his chest, teasing him. "I want to ride you and you can suck on my nípples, okay?" You throw your unbuttoned blouse to the floor, followed by your bra. Satoru’s eyes stay glued to your tits as they jiggle while you try to shimmy your way out of your pencil skirt. His mouth opens involuntarily, letting a small moan escape and hoping you will let him latch on to one. Tempting you to do so.
His reaction coaxes a giggle out of you. He’s so eager. In a way, seducing you without even trying to. "I-I want- no need your tits in my mouth. Please, please, please- I need it so bad!" he sounds delirious. So desperate to bring you any kind of pleasure.
„Like this?“ you ask teasingly as you straddle him and shove his head into your chest.
Satoru hums in appreciation and lets his eyes roll to the back of his head.
"Oh~" you sigh out in pleasure as you start to move your hips against his. Your clit bumping into his bulge repeatedly. "Yeah… such a good boy~" you coo out. „but I need more. I wish you could feel how wet I am." your grinding comes to a halt. "Actually, you can! Silly me. Here, feel.“ you slowly slip his tip in, not giving him a second to adjust to your warmth as you slide him in completely.
"F-fuck! Baby, you shouldn’t have, I‘m gonna- cum!" Satoru cums immediately. His face is bright red from embarrassment. How could this happen! He’s going to die from how embarrassing this is. Now you are going to think he can only pump once and can’t bring you any kind of pleasu- Huh?! Are you giggling? "Baby, I’m so sorry, so sorry! Nnngh- fuuuck. Wait- d-don‘t move so fast, I just came!" he rambled desperately, trying to gain some kind of control over the situation. Are you really going to overstimulate him?
"S'goood. I'm not going to last long! You need to go deeper. I want your babies! You have t- to fill me up good." You stammer out in a horny haze. It’s clear to Satoru that your heat has hit you full force.
You place your feet next to his thighs to get a better angle. This position also makes it easier for you to ride Satoru's cock like a dildo. The mixture of Satoru's cum and your slick is pooling on the sofa, but there is no sign that you are stopping anytime soon.
Both of your moans fill the room along with the wet squelching 'plap' 'plap' 'plap'.
Satoru leans his head back and allows the drool to leak from the corner of his mouth. „Ugh- I'm… baby! Sweetheart, no- not again! Please cum with me, I don’t want to do it alone. Cum, cum, cum!" he lets out a whimper followed by a loud groan that sends shockwaves through your body.
You let your own orgasm wash over you as you continue to grind against him and milk his cock of every drop. You take the opportunity to lick the drool off from the corner of his mouth that had already wandered down to his sharp jaw.
"F-fuck baby.“ he groans seductively. "You wanna go to my place so I can fuck you good? Don’t wanna let my girl do all the work, especially since she wants my babies soo bad." he teases you for your earlier comment.
"Only of you wear your glasses." you tease back with a smile smirk on your face.
"Only if I get to play with your little horns." he retorts as you loosen the tie, freeing his hands. They quickly find their way to your waist and he envelops your lips in a kiss. One of his hands reaches for your horns as he lightly races them and in turn makes you shiver from how sensitive they are.
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ilwonuu · 2 days
𝖺𝗆, 𝗉𝗆?
❧𝗅𝖾𝖾 𝖿𝖾𝗅𝗂𝗑❧
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• 𝗉𝖺𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀- 𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗂𝖽𝗈𝗅!𝖿𝖾𝗅𝗂𝗑 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋, 𝗌𝗈𝖿𝗍𝖽𝗈𝗆!𝖿𝖾𝗅𝗂𝗑 𝗑 𝗌𝗎𝖻!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
• 𝗀𝖾𝗇𝗋𝖾- 𝗌𝗆𝗎𝗍, 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿
• 𝗌𝗒𝗇𝗈𝗉𝗌𝗂𝗌- 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖻𝗈𝗒𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝖼𝖺𝗇’𝗍 𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗉 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝖽𝖺𝗒 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗇𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍, 𝗇𝗈 𝗁𝗈𝗇𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗅𝗒.
• 𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌- 𝗇𝖾𝖾𝖽𝗒 𝖿𝖾𝗅𝗂𝗑 (𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝖼𝗁𝖾𝖾𝗋𝖾𝗌), 𝗅𝗈𝗍𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝗎𝗇𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗍𝖾𝖼𝗍𝖾𝖽- 𝗂𝗌𝗁 𝗌𝖾𝗑, 𝗅𝗈𝗍𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗂 𝗆𝖾𝖺𝗇 𝖺 𝗅𝗈𝗍𝗍𝗍, 𝖽𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒 𝗍𝖺𝗅𝗄, 𝗉𝖾𝗍 𝗇𝖺𝗆𝖾𝗌 (𝖻𝖺𝖻𝗒, 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾), 𝗌𝗆𝗎𝗍 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗉𝗅𝗈𝗍, 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗉𝗋𝖾𝗍𝗍𝗒 𝗁𝗈𝗋𝗇𝗒 𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 (𝗌𝖺𝗆𝖾), 𝗋𝗂𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝖼𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗆𝗉𝗂𝖾 (𝗒𝗎𝗆, 𝗅𝖾𝗍 𝗆𝖾 𝗄𝗇𝗈𝗐 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖾𝗅𝗌𝖾 ♡︎♡︎
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you and felix have only started dating recently and you are already all over each other. i mean- as it should be right? you knew he liked you and you were more than happy. he couldn’t bare normal things with you anymore. he was kissing you in 10 minutes. of course when you let him (when do you not) felix was particularly horny tonight. the pjs you decided to wear were driving him crazy.
the loose cut tank top you were wearing with your shirt black shorts. your slippers of course. felix couldn’t wait to climb in bed with you. the two of you eating some ice cream in the kitchen. you two always shared everything you wanted but today was different. felix was asking you for a bite every time. you went in for one. not without an added kiss in between.
“you might as well eat it out my mouth lix.” you giggled at his desperateness and he just looked at you with a smirk. “would you let me?” he smiled at you with an innocent smile as he took the ice cream bowl from your hands. he set in on the counter as he turned back to look at you. “what’s gotten into you tonight? where’s sweet lix?” you said playfully. you knew he was always sweet but never this naughty. you liked ever bit of it.
he didn’t bother responding as he leaned you against the counter to kiss you. you melted into his kiss instantly. how could you deny him? he looked all cute bare faced with his sweatpants and t-shirt on. you wanted to rip it off him. he grabbed your waist gently as he worked you around to the island counter behind the two of you. “you know-“ he said as he planted kisses along your neck.
“i was thinking about this all morning and all night- this outfit- god you make me crazy. i’ve never had to fight my self control so much.” he pulled you to kiss him again. this time you couldn’t hold back the noise you made. you moaned into your boyfriend’s mouth desperately. you needed him just as much as he needed you. he guided you to the bedroom you two shared. he didn’t want to wait anymore. he laid you back against he pillows as he eyes your chest.
your boobs look so good right now (in his opinion). he asked you permission with his eyes. making you moan out a yes when he got closer to your shirt. “everything about you- makes me want to get on my knees.” he whispered softly into your skin. he gently pushed your shirt up revealing your chest. he played with your tits a little as he continued to talk to you softly.
“i think about you in the morning- in the afternoon- at night. you are never not on my mind. all i want is to please you- the way you deserve to be pleased.” he pulled you into a sloppy kiss. he was devouring your lips. you could feel his need for you. he played with you tits a little more before moving to your shorts slowly. “want me to take them off love? whatever you want baby.” he let you lead him to where ever you wanted him most. he just wanted you to tel him exactly what you needed.
“can i- ride you lix?” his eyes have never sparkled more before. it’s like you read his mind exactly. “i’d love you to baby.” the next couple of minutes were to two of you trying to get naked as fast as you can. you climbed in his lap sloppily as you two finally stopped caring about the amount of clothes. you took off just enough for you to ride him. his hands were on your waist as he held you gently. he made sure to give kisses to your chest before he positioned you over his length. he kissed your neck and chest all over.
“how are you mine? perfect girl. everything about you. god i want you so bad baby.” he whispered into your ear as he finally helped you to the perfect position. “love you lix. all yours-“ you said with a smile as you lowered yourself on his length. both of you were shocked with how good it felt. usually you guys would use protection but you were to horny to care about that now.
“god- you’re so wet love. did i get you like this?” he kisses your ear as he helped you move slowly against him. he knew you were still adjusting to him but he knew exactly how to relax you. “a-always- lix fuck.” you were so far gone. the way he sounded when he let a whine of pleasure out was making your brain hazy.
“just like that- i love you so much. always making me feel so perfect.” he whispers soft praises into your skin as you start to move more against him. he pulled you into a passionate kiss. not failing to stop guiding you as you rode him. his lips were soft as always. you could never get tired of kissing them. felix let his hands roam you body.
both of your moans filling the air as he continued to give you everything you needed. he knew how to move his hips the best way up against you. both of you couldn’t stop even if you tried to. you had fell completely into pure pleasure as you neared your high. felix’s voice got deeper and dirtier with the things he said to you. you knew he was getting close too.
“l-lix- right there! i’m so close.” you threw your head back a he hit against the perfect spot. “right here? angel you look so pretty when you come for me.” he whispered into your ear softly as he felt you clench around him. “coming lix-“ he cut you off with a deep kiss against your lips. you felt him come shortly after you. you guys are ones to use protection but you know that with being on birth control that you can worry a little less. both you and felix are cautious- not today.
the feeling of his cum inside you had you ready for another round. your hips came to a final stop as your tiredly climbed off him. you smiled at your boyfriend as you kissed his head. he looked exhausted after the sex you two just had. “did i kill you lix?” you giggled as you moved his hair out of his face. “in the best way possible.” he gave you the sweetest kiss after that. you knew that the rest of the night was full of more kisses just like that.
꧁𝖺𝗎𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗋𝗌 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾꧂: 𝗁𝗂 𝗆𝗒 𝖺𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗅𝗌!! 𝗂𝗆 𝖻𝖺𝖼𝗄 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝗆𝗒 𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗅𝖾 𝗁𝗂𝖺𝗍𝗎𝗌!! 𝗂 𝗆𝗂𝗌𝗌𝖾𝖽 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗌𝗈 𝗆𝗎𝖼𝗁. 𝗂 𝖽𝖾𝖼𝗂𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝗂𝗆 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗀𝗈𝗇𝗇𝖺 𝗍𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝗊𝗎𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗌 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝖺 𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗅𝖾 𝗐𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖾 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝗂 𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝖾 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝗈 𝗅𝗈𝗇𝗀!! 𝗂 𝗁𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗀𝗎𝗒𝗌 𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗁𝖾𝗁𝖾𝗁 (𝖺 𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗅𝖾 𝗌𝗇𝖾𝖺𝗄 𝗉𝖾𝖺𝗄 𝗈𝖿 𝗉𝗎𝗌𝗌𝗒𝖽𝗋𝗎𝗇𝗄!𝖿𝖾𝗅𝗂𝗑) 𝗂 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗀𝗎𝗒𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖽𝖽 𝗂 𝗁𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎’𝗋𝖾 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗐𝖾𝗅𝗅 <𝟥 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗄 𝗎 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗍𝖺𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽
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bpmiranda · 3 days
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The Bodyguard III |l. howlett|
A/N: slow burn, angst, friends to lovers, bodyguard!logan x original character, 21 y/o f!reader, flirtationship, organized crime, mentions of death
The Bodyguard The Bodyguard II
There was a need for Mercedes’ skills again today and Logan had to seek her out at the clinic where she worked. It was a shabby minute clinic with a full waiting room and understaffed medical support. The nurses ran around frantically while the doctors sipped coffee at their discretion. “Looking for Mercedes.” He told the receptionist who nodded and immediately went to retrieve her from the back.
Her eyes widened when she rushed out and spotted him in the waiting room. “Logan?” He simply gave her a nod and cocked his head towards his car which she could see parked outside. “Mierda.” (Shit) She whispered underneath her breath as she quickly gathered her things.
It was incredibly awkward having to excuse herself early from work without being able to give her supervisor a legitimate reason, and she knew there would be consequences later on. “We gotta run.” Logan said, ushering her quickly into the passenger seat and hurrying behind the wheel.
“What’s going on?” She asked, her heart beating fast as Logan basically sped all through town to get her to one of the safe houses in the outskirts.
“One of Emilio’s guys got shot.” He told her, taking a particularly sharp turn which made her slide in the seat toward him and she stopped herself by grabbing onto the dash. “Put your seatbelt on.” Logan scolded, reaching around her and handing her the buckle which she clicked immediately.
When they arrived at the safe house, Mercedes was surprised to find one of Emilio’s cars there. “He’s here?” She asked in surprise as Logan opened her passenger door and led her inside without a reply. Her breathing was shaky as they weaved through the house and to the kitchen where she saw Emilio standing over his second in command, Gomez. Her brother looked over at her and he quickly grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her towards the table where the man was straining to breathe. “Por fin!” (Finally!) Emilio exclaimed urgently. “Take the bullet out.” He ordered and Mercedes carefully moved the bloodied shirt up enough to see the wound was on his right side, just below his ribs. “Que esperas?” (What are you waiting for?) Emilio demanded and she gave him an exasperated look.
“Emilio, look around,” She snapped. “I need more equipment. Better yet, he needs to go to a hospital.” Emilio shook his head. “Hermano, por favor.” (Brother, please.) She pleaded. “I need more than what I have in my bag. I need something to dig the bullet out with, it needs to be sterile, and I need him to be sedated because this is going to hurt like hell.”
Angrily, Emilio looked around at his men as they were watching the two of them and he threw his hands up in the air. “You heard her!” He yelled at them and they quickly scrambled to find the items she listed.
Mercedes turned to Logan anxiously and he quickly shook his head as he approached her to place his hands on her shoulders. “Don’t,” He told her, crouching down to be at eye level with her teary eyes. “Don’t cry right now. Cry after, okay?” Mercedes sniffed, but she nodded, blinking the tears away as she took in a deep breath. “Do you need anything from me?” He asked, one hand softly caressing her cheek. A gesture that did not go unnoticed by Emilio.
“Yeah,” She nodded as she motioned to Gomez who was coming in and out of consciousness. “I need to take his shirt off so I can clean the wound.”
Logan let his claws protrude and he carefully sliced Gomez’ shirt off, watching as she gently peeled it back as it stuck to his skin from all the blood. Her hands were shaky and he wondered if she would be able to get through this. More importantly, what would happen if she didn’t. Mercedes offered Gomez something to bite on and he wearily refused, instead asking for a shot of tequila from the one of the few bottles they had lying around. Logan brought it to him, lifted the man’s head to let him swallow the shot. “Gracias.” Gomez said hoarsely before he looked back at Mercedes who was shaking a bottle of disinfecting alcohol. “I trust you, doctora.” (doctor)
Gently, she poured the alcohol over his wound and her brows turned up anxiously as he groaned in pain. “Lo siento.” (I’m sorry.) She said as she lightly dabbed the blood away so she could better see the bullet entry hole. Emilio was watching from a few feet back the way the bodyguard was so attached to his sister and Logan noticed, forcing himself to give her some space as she continued cleaning the wound until her brother’s men returned with makeshift equipment that she could only hope would work for her needs.
It took almost two hours to extract the bullet. Mercedes had fallen quiet as she focused on not hurting Gomez, not digging too deeply, not pushing the bullet any further into the wound. Emilio and Logan were watching from across the kitchen. Emilio had an arm crossed and a fist pressed to his mouth as he kept an eye on the procedure. Logan was leaning against the empty fridge, arms crossed over his chest as he watched her desperately easing the man through this subpar procedure as he teetered the line of between consciousness and death.
Finally, the bullet was out, but Gomez didn’t make it.
Emilio called his men to take care the body before he reassured his sister that he wasn’t upset and he knew she did everything she could. “Logan, ven conmigo.” (Logan, come with me.) Emilio said as Mercedes silently washed off her hands at the kitchen sink. Logan made sure no one else was in the kitchen with her as he followed Emilio out into the living room. “Is there something going on between you and her?” He asked Logan who stared at the drug lord for a moment before shaking his head.
“No, there’s not.” Logan said.
Emilio clearly didn’t believe him. “You know what happens to the guys that want to mess around with Mercedes?” Logan says nothing. “They disappear. They go away. You know why?” Emilio shoves a finger into Logan’s chest. “Because she doesn’t need that shit and neither do you, entiendes?” (Understand?) Logan nods. “No distractions, Logan. You do not need no fucking distractions.”
“There’s nothing going on, Emilio.” Logan says again, not afraid for himself, but simply wanting to return to the kitchen and make sure Mercedes is okay.
“Take her home.” Emilio says after staring him down for a moment.
Logan returns to the kitchen where he finds her leaning over the sink, staring at her blood stained hands with a quivering bottom lip. “‘Cedes?” He asks as he places a hand softly on her back, her whole body is shaking. Mercedes looks up at him with teary eyes and she shakes her head.
“It’s not coming off, Logan.” She whimpers, her hands are trembling and he touches them, feels how cold they are before he tests the faucet. “I can’t wash his blood off.” She choked out, sobbing, and it made his heart ache for her.
“There’s no hot water.” Logan says, moving her away from the sink and grabbing her medical bag. “We gotta get you home. It’ll come off, sugar. I promise.” He said as he led her out of the safe house and to his car. Emilio caught his eye outside as he was discussing Gomez with another employee and they shared a curt nod while Logan opened the passenger door for his sister. Distinctly, he heard the man Emilio was with say something about ‘el lobo’, but he decided to worry about it later on. “It’s going to be alright, yeah?” He said, peering at her through the window after closing the door. Mercedes nodded, tears rolling down her cheeks as she stared at her hands in her lap. With a sigh, he patted the car’s roof and walked around to the driver’s seat.
It was a long night. Logan could hear her sobbing in the bathroom over the shower that was running, his sensitive hearing picked up every sniffle, and he felt awful not being able to do or say anything. While he knew that Gomez was most likely going to die from the shot itself anyway, he also knew that wasn’t something that was going to make her feel better to hear. It was Emilio’s fault. Gomez should’ve been taken to a hospital like Mercedes said, but what could be done now? When he heard the shower shut off, he wondered what he could do for her right now. How could he possibly make her feel better after a man died in her care?
“Logan,” Mercedes found him in the living room where he was standing almost apprehensively as they locked eyes and she sniffed, reaching her hand out to him. “Can you come to bed with me?” She asked in a shaky voice. His heart softened at her request and he found himself nodding as he took her hand and let her guide him to her bedroom. Logan closed the bedroom door behind him as she crawled underneath her covers and he removed his boots and his jacket.
It didn’t feel odd or inappropriate, Logan was comforting a friend that had just witnessed what was perhaps her first death. One could argue this was within the lines of consolation. “You okay?” He asked as he laid down next to her, welcoming her into his arms as she laid her head on his chest.
“No.” She whispered, her voice was wavering and she inhaled his scent quietly, letting out a trembling breath as she closed her eyes. That comforting aroma of his cigars and his familiar cologne grounded her a little better and she found herself able to drift into sleep. But Logan couldn’t sleep with her this close to him. Emilio’s vague threats crossed his mind, but it didn’t really bother him. Nothing could upset him at this moment.
In the morning, Logan found himself still in her bed. His arm was wrapped around her, her back pressed into his chest, his nose buried in her hair. He should’ve gotten up, he should’ve removed himself from the situation, but when she began to stir awake, he wanted her to know he was still here with her. Her body turned in his hold, a hand came up to rub the sleep out of her eyes, and those deep brown irises looked like pools of honey as the sunlight caressed her face. God, she’s gorgeous, he thought to himself. “Hey,” Mercedes whispered, shyly covering her mouth with her fingers as she smiled at him. “You sleep okay?” Logan nodded.
“How about you?” He asked and he saw the reminder of last night dawn on her face. “It wasn’t your fault.” He told her, lightly caressing a strand of her hair out of her face. “You did everything you could, ‘Cedes.”
Her eyes closed and she nodded, a small tear fell from the corner of her eye and she sniffed before looking back at him. “Thanks for staying.” She said, her hand wrapped around his waist and he kissed her forehead as he lightly scratched the back of her head, stroking her soft hair.
“I had to,” He murmured, caressing her cheek softly. Her face grew warm and she tucked her face into his chest. Logan smiled to him as he held her close. “Your bed is uncomfortably small, but you know, it’s fine.” He teased making her giggle.
Her hand fiddled with the chain around his neck and her eyes held a different look in them as she looked back up at him that Logan had not yet seen from her - it was submissive. “You’re just big.” She said in a timid voice, her hand gently tugged on his chain and her tongue peeked out to moisten her lips. This was a drastic change from her usual forward personality. Logan caressed her back softly and he found himself leaning in until there was a knock on her apartment door. Mercedes let out a small sigh before she got up to answer the door and Logan expelled a deep breath as she left the bedroom. His hand rubbed over his face in frustration as he tried to collect his thoughts.
When Mercedes opened the door, her eyes widened at the sight of her sister in law standing in the hallway, a smile plastered on her face. “Buenos días!” (Good morning!) Clara grinned brightly as she let herself into the apartment, walking past a still surprised Mercedes who leaned back against the door to close it. Her eyes were glued on the bottle blonde as she walked slowly around the apartment, as if looking for something, or someone. “Are you just waking up?”
“Uh, yeah, I had a long night.” Mercedes answered, her eyes darting to her slightly ajar bedroom door where Logan was still lying on her bed. “What’re you doing here?” She asked, crossing her arms over her chest as her mind spun to prepare a lie.
Clara turned to Mercedes with a small smile. “Emilio sent me to check on you. He wanted to come on his own, but you know he is just so busy.” Her nostrils suddenly flared as she inhaled deeply and she chuckled. “Does it usually smell like Logan in here?”
Her heart nearly dropped into her stomach. Emilio didn’t send Clara to check on her, he sent her to check on something else. “He’s my bodyguard, he’s here a lot.” She shrugged, her heart was beating fast as Clara gave her a small nod, a tiny smirk on her lips as she slowly backed into the hallway leading to the bedrooms. “Clara.” Her tone was almost warning and her brother’s wife laughed.
“Por favor, Mercedes, no soy una idiota.” She laughed lightly. (Please, Mercedes, I am not an idiot) “His car is parked outside. Why must you complicate things for yourself?”
“Nothing is happening, Clara.” She almost snarled at the older woman who rolled her eyes as she looked at her with disbelief. “Why is it your business? Emilio can’t take two seconds to call and ask me himself if I’m fucking my bodyguard? Why would it matter anyway? I’m an adult.” Her chest felt tight as she had to defend herself, as she had to stand here and have this conversation with possibly the last person she wanted to see in the world right now. The last thing she wanted was an interrogation about who is in her pants, a man had just died. Did no one but her care?
Clara only sighed and shook her head. “See, that is your problem right there,” She said as she took a few steps towards Mercedes whose eyebrows furrowed in anger. “You think everything is about you. Logan is more valuable than you or any of Emilio’s men combined. Emilio doesn’t give a damn who you bring into your bed, cariño,” (darling) Clara pointed to her bedroom door. “But it can’t be him.”
“Scared he won’t care all that much about the organization that keeps you all comfortable and blonde if I fuck him?” Mercedes asked with a smirk. “I’m flattered you think I have that effect on men.”
Clara was silent for a moment before saying, “Don’t think you have any type of upper hand here, cause we will do what we have to in order to keep Logan’s head where it needs to be, got it?”
Once Clara left, Mercedes let out a shaky breath and she held onto the edge of her counter as she heard Logan come out of her bedroom. Their eyes met and she gave him a small smile. “Thanks for letting me handle that.” She said as he stood in front of her, gently pulling her into a hug. Her arms wrapped around his waist and she nuzzled her face into his chest with a deep sigh.
“Would Emilio hurt you?” Logan asked.
For once, Mercedes wasn’t sure that she could confidently answer that question.
🏷️: @dontfeedthebigbadwolf @peterparkernotfound @httpsells @evasmlp @ayatotiddies @thatlittlered @seasonofthenerd @littlemisscantloveyouback @scorpiosaintt @simpingfor-wakasa @spencerswh0r3 @thatweirdtheaternerd12 @shybluebirdninja @iamburdened
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Hi, I have a request. I was hoping if you can do a one-shot or short story of Alastor x reader with telekinetic powers that's similar to Carrie White? It can be romantic or platonic, which ever fits better is up to you.
It can go something like this; the reader fell into hell because they did something really bad with their newborn powers, and it was during extermination day. When the exorcist angels were going to kill the reader, they use their TK powers to defend themselves against the angels and manage to kill one before getting away from them. This was caught on news and immediately caught the attention of all the sinners in hell to see the reader has telekinetic powers and manages to fight off the angels. This even caught the attention of all the overlords, including the three Vee's, the Hazbin Hotel crew and Alastor.
That was honestly all I got 😅, I'm sorry if it sounds confusing, but I was hoping you can do something like that, if that's OK with you, because your work is very amazing to read.
Welcome to Hell! - Alastor x reader
Helloo!! I’ve decided to keep this as a one-shot for now since I want to focus on finishing my ongoing stories. However, if inspiration strikes, I might dive deeper into this idea in the future! In the meantime, it was a wonderful request, and I hope you enjoy it! ❤️ A/N: I was supposed to post this tomorrow but I accidentaly clicked post instead of schedule so... here you have it. Warning: Not proofread!
Words: ~2300 TW: none.
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Your hands were shaking.
What had you done?
Your heart was racing, your breathing erratic.
You’ve killed someone again.
You only wanted to protect yourself… you always had!
You're a monster.
The golden blood splattered all over you, all over the ground, awakening memories. It happened so fast, so quickly that you still believed it was all a dream. They attacked you, didn't they? It wasn't your fault. You just wanted to survive. Doesn't everyone?
What was this place? Why is everyone so panicked? Why are these beings attacking you?
The sound of a bell rang across the strange city you woke up in, the weird beings flying in the sky. The streets echoed in screams and cries, grunts of pain and suffering sending shivers down your spine.
Once the panic subsided, creatures surrounded you, whispering and watching with wide eyes.
"You... You killed an exorcist?" one of them asked.
"What?" you couldn't understand. What was happening? Was this a joke?
"We're gonna die!" another screamed.
"What? No, I-" You tried to protect yourself, but fear overwhelmed you. You noticed them approaching you, your eyes falling on a nearby wrecked car.
A loud noise echoed as the car blasted through the crowd, giving you a chance to escape. Corpses of these things surrounded you, and blood splattered all over the streets. What was this place? What happened here?
You felt threatened, like prey running from unknown hunters in unfamiliar territory. What was happening? Were you dreaming?
Am I dead?
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"Welcome back to 666 News, the premiere station for all things Hell! I'm Katie Killjoy with today's top stories!" Katie's voice echoed through the TV in the hotel's lobby, mere moments after Extermination Day was over.
"Extermination day has just ended, and as usual, demon parts and blood litter the streets of Hell, as clean-up crews get to work."
Charlie watched the news, Vaggie's hand slowly caressing her shoulder. "You want me to change it?" she asked her.
"No... I need to know the damage..." Charlie said, sighing, clearly distressed about her people getting killed once again. Vaggie hugged her tightly, knowing how painful it must be. She'd erase that smile on Katie's face if she could - always so happy to announce the death of other Sinners every year.
"But the news doesn't end there! As it turns out, a newcomer has been reported for recently killing an Angel - using telekinesis, no less!"
They both watched with wide eyes, as Husker joined, his curiosity getting the best of him too. The images of you blasting a car through the car appeared on the screen, screams of people echoing through it.
"Holy shit!" Vaggie said, not quite believing what she was seeing. "They must be confused."
"And what a hell of a start..." Husker said, not phased by the events.
The doors of the hotel burst open, Angel frantically looked around as he tried to catch his breath. "We... We need- Oh, shit..." he tried to say, but running as fast as he could all the way there surely took a toll on him.
"Angel, what happened?" Charlie asked.
He took a deep breath, trying to let the words come out. "We need to take that sinner... I've heard Vox and Valentino talk... They want them!"
"No! If The Vees have them, especially with that power..." Charlie said, worry on her face. It would've been a catastrophe. Having someone like you, powerful and confused controlled by The Vees... It couldn't happen.
A laugh echoed in the room, as everyone's attention shifted. Alastor appeared in the room, shadows emerging everywhere, the smirk on his face wider than usual. He clearly heard what happened, lurking in silence for the perfect time to make his presence known.
"My, my... What an interesting little situation we've managed to find ourselves in! It seems our new arrival has made quite the impression." he said, excitement filling his tone.
"Alastor, you need to help us-" Charlie pleaded, only to be cut off by Vaggie.
"Hold on, Charlie... I don't think Alastor is the best to handle this situation."
"Let me disagree, my dear!" Alastor intervened quickly, stepping closer to them. "I think my skills in... persuasion must be of good help, don't you agree?"
"Manipulation, you mean," Vaggie said harshly, making his eye twitch a bit.
"Ah, that's such a negative word, my dear... I think my term is a little bit more friendly, hmm?" He pushed her aside, wrapping his arm around Charlie's shoulder. "Now my dearest Charlie, let's think about this for a moment, shall we?"
"Charlie, no!"
Charlie fiddled for a moment, thinking about it, but as much as she hated to disagree with Vaggie, Alastor was right... He always managed to convince people to do different things, and right now, having the newcomer come to the hotel was all that mattered. She sighed, turning to face Vaggie. "I think we should let Alastor try..."
A small chuckle escaped Alastor's lips, his smile growing even wider as he heard Charlie's words. "Excellent choice, my dear Charlie! I promise not to disappoint you!" He clasped his hands together, his eyes sparkling happily as he was clearly enjoying this.
"Ugh, fine..." Vaggie groaned. "But if you fuck up"
"No need for threats, my dear! I assure you there's no need for you to worry!" his eyes turned to Angel, a glim of mischief into them. "Now, where do I find this little dearie of ours?"
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You walked the halls of the huge building that the demon took you, still shivering from the... unconventional way you were brought there.
"Ah, I truly apologize for my assistant's... way of bringing you here." The TV demon, who presented himself as Vox, said, resting his arm on the small of your back as he guided you from one corridor to another. "I specifically told them that shoving people in that... black van is surely not the best idea." he laughed a bit nervously.
Your heart was beating so fast, a knot in your stomach as you didn't know what to expect. You took a moment to gather your thoughts, confusion still washing over you.
"Am I in Hell?" you asked, things starting to make sense.
"Yes, you're unfortunately in Hell darlin'," he answered, his voice smooth and almost melodic. You weren't surprised to be here, not after what you've done. Not after how many people you've hurt. "But don't worry, you're safe here with me." He chuckled a bit, his clawed hand brushing slightly on your back. "Now, I don't want to pressure you into anything, but I do look forward to finding out more about you. I think we could really help each other."
"I guess..." you said, realising it was better than roaming around this strange city without knowing anything.
Your eyes fell on your reflection whenever you would pass the big windows. You didn't look much different from your human self, but you seemed to resemble a rabbit, rather than anything else. A reminder that you'll always be what you've been your whole life - a prey, something meant to run and hide, in order to survive.
Vox eyed you closely, humming to himself as a smirk slowly formed on his screen. "Looks like you've figured out what you are," he said, his arm still resting on your back. "A rabbit, huh? Cute."
You blushed at his words, trying to hide your face. You felt so cornered right now, so vulnerable to him, not knowing if he was really going to protect you or give you a much worse fate.
"No need to be so shy, doll," he teased lightly, his arm gently tightening his grip around you. "I promise you're safe here. You're under my protection now, after all."
You watched as he unlocked a door, keeping it open for you. You swirled inside, taking in the huge apartment, looking rather luxurious. Vox followed you, shutting the door behind him. The apartment was lavish and spacious, with large windows at the end of the room, and the city lights glowing underneath it.
"Welcome to your new home," he said, his voice slightly echoing through the empty space. "Make yourself comfortable."
"Is this all mine?" you asked, still not believing.
"Yes, darlin', everything in this apartment is yours," he answered, watching as you looked around in wonder. "Consider yourself lucky. Not everyone in Hell gets to have a place like this." He stepped a bit closer, pride lingering inside of him as he watched your reaction. "Velvette will take care of your attire while you're here, so really no need to worry about anything."
You turned to face him, a bit puzzled by this entire situation. "Why are you helping me?"
Vox’s smile widened as he leaned casually against the wall, arms crossed. "I'm a businessman, sweetheart," he said, his tone almost playful. "And I always have an eye out for potential investments. As for you..."
He walked toward you, striding over to you. He slowly trailed a finger along your chin, making you look up at him. "You're something... special. I couldn't let such a precious little thing get lost in this shithole of a city."
Your cheeks burned. You weren't used to being treated with such kindness, a warm feeling settling in your soul. He looked at the watch on his wrist, his eyebrows furrowing in frustration. "Ugh, have a meeting to attend to," he explained, moving away from you. "Settle in and think about my offer!"
"What about Valentino?" you asked, recalling the man you’d encountered upon your arrival, unbeknownst to Vox.
"What about Valentino?" He repeated, chuckling nervously.
"He said he has an offer for me too..."
You watched him sigh, his screen glitching slightly. "Just... don't. Ok?" You nodded, not sure if you should ask more questions or just keep quiet. Vox left, leaving you alone in your thoughts, a lingering sensation of loneliness filling your soul once again.
You walked around a bit, looking at how neat and beautiful everything seemed. You didn't expect to be like this and you surely didn't expect to be met with kindness, not here at least. With small steps, you took in the sight of the city. Was this how you were going to spend eternity? Was this all real?
"Impressive." a voice echoed behind you, making you jump. Your heartbeat quickened as you watched a demon that resembled a deer stand in front of you, his eyes fixed on your figure. "I have to admit, Vox really outdone himself with this one."
"Who are you?" you asked, your voice coming out more weak than you expected. Your ears flattened against your head, as you tried to distance yourself from the stranger, only to be met with the cold glass.
"Quite the frightened little bunny, aren't you?" he teased, a low chuckle echoing in your ears as static accompanied his voice. "My name is Alastor, it's a pleasure to meet you."
You just stood there frightened. In a moment, you made a lamp fly towards him, a frail attempt to protect yourself without making a big mess again. But just mere moments before hitting him, the lamp disappeared into a portal, nowhere to be seen anymore.
He chuckled, taking another step closer, almost towering over you. Alastor watched you from head to toe, clearly evaluating the situation and you. "Very interesting."
"I... Are you Vox's assistant?" you asked, feeling cornered by the deer demon.
He raised an eyebrow at your question, letting out a huff. "Well, of course not, my dear. I am actually here to make an offer." he crouched down to your level, his smile sending shivers down your spine. "You made quite a show for your first day... Those powers of yours..." he seemed almost lost in his thoughts, the possibilities you might offer pleasing him, but first, he had to make you leave Vox. "I know a place where you'll be safe, my dear. And perhaps..." he paused a bit, your ears perking up a bit in curiosity. "... perhaps even leave this place forever..."
Your face lit up for a moment. "Leave... Could I leave Hell?"
"Well, of course!" he said, getting up, his tone cheerful once again. "Is that something that you'd want?" You thought for a moment - you didn't think it was fair for you to end up in Hell... all you did was protect yourself, but... having the chance to go to Heaven? He smiled at your hesitation. "I take that you'd be interested, hmm?" he offered you his hand, helping you get back up.
"But... What about Vox?"
"Oh, don't worry about him. He just wants to use you to his advantage, dear. I can actually help you!" The static in his voice grew slightly when he spoke.
"How can I trust you?" you asked, making him sigh at the question, clearly frustrated by your questions.
"How about a deal, my dear, hm?"
"A deal?"
"Well, yes. I always respect my deals! You come with me and I guarantee you that one day, you will go to Heaven." he raised his hand, green flames engulfing it as you looked at it. "What would it be?"
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"The fuck you mean she left?!" Vox asked, slamming the door to the apartment open.
"I told you, Vox! I came in, and she was gone!" Velvette protested. "I told you we can't trust the bitch!"
Vox walked around the apartment, his screen glitching from time to time. He was so angry, it felt like he was about to crash. "Ok, ok.... We can find her..." he tried to calm himself down, but his eyes fell on a little piece of paper on the counter. He quickly grabbed it and as soon as he read it, his screen almost overheated and froze.
"Maybe you should try harder than that, old pal."
"Um... Vox?" Velvette asked, a bit afraid he might have a short circuit again.
"I'm... gonna... kill... that fucker..."
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Tags: @ratsematary @littlebluefishtail @xghostnuggsx @vxllys
@ustulia @n0tmentallystable @ohmylovewhereartthou-blog
@alastorthirsty @l3rittany @catticora
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emmcfrxst · 10 hours
cannot stop thinking about chaperoning a dance held by the academy with logan <3
you're both supposed to be watching the kids, making sure everything is good, but logan only has his eyes on *you*, just thinking you look so so beautiful, being so distracted that he misses multiple kids messing around their their powers to mess with the decorations, music, etc.
after the dance when y'all are supposed to be cleaning up, the music's still playing softly from the speakers, and y'all end up dancing together, and it's such a sweet moment, so soft until a few students catch you two
next day the whole school knows and does NOT let you two live it down. logan's grumbling a few threats of detention but you can see the soft flush on his cheeks whenever it gets brought up <3
(also sorry if none of this makes sense my brain does not want to work haha)
the only time he takes his eyes off of you is when one of the kids tries to spike the punch with some of logan’s alcohol stash, his nostrils flaring at the familiar smell and he turns slowly to stare down the perpetrator, who’s standing frozen over the punch bowl, unopened bottle in hand, with the most intense expression of “i fucked up” you’ve ever seen on a kid.
also logan gets SO childish when he’s genuinely embarrassed. does not hesitate to stoop down to teenagers’ level— if one of his class kids says something he’ll immediately be like “surprised you even noticed it with how hard you were making googly eyes at [teenager’s crush’s name]” and the kid sinks down into his chair SO fast lmao no punches pulled when logan is embarrassed 😭
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snowball-doie · 3 days
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| pairing: sadistic!Dom!Yuta x fem!sub!Reader
| info: 18+ MDNI. Bondage. Shibari. Overstimulation. Dacryphilia. Toothpaste punishment. Markings. Impact kink (spanking/slapping/etc). Unprotected vaginal and anal sex. Hair pulling. Aftercare.
| aurora's note: it's my birthday week, i'm posting what i want, L + ratio
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| Dom!Yuta who wants you to be naked and kneeling at the door when he comes home from a rough day at work and he texted you that he wanted you to be in position by the time he got there.
| Dom!Yuta who likes to use bondage gear more than not.
| Dom!Yuta who likes to have you spread out wide so that he can do whatever he wants to you, for however long he wants-- playing with him is not something that takes a few minutes and is done within the blink of an eye. no, yuta likes to take his time pleasing and torturing you.
| Dom!Yuta who has drawers filled with sex toys. they're always organized and clean, ready for use at any moment.
| Dom!Yuta who learns shibari so that he can make you look really pretty while tied up.
| Dom!Yuta who asks for your safe words and a reminder of the stop light system while he's tying you up.
| Dom!Yuta who will tie a vibrator to your leg to make sure it stays pressed against your swollen clit for hours on end.
| Dom!Yuta who likes to see you cry.
| Dom!Yuta who likes to overstimulate you until you're begging for him to stop, but he doesn't.
| Dom!Yuta who punishes you with toothpaste on your clit. he'll get off to the sight of you squirming as the cold feeling of the mint toothpaste turns into a stinging pleasure that you can't escape.
| Dom!Yuta who makes you call him "Sir" in bed. sometimes in public, too......
| Dom!Yuta who likes to leave all kinds of marks on your body-- Hickies, scratches, marks from whips and paddles, handprints on your ass and face, etc.
| Dom!Yuta who will make you beg for him to fuck you before he even considers touching your body.
| Dom!Yuta who doesn't play nice, doesn't fuck slow. once he's on top of you, he's fast and rough, chasing an orgasm while abusing your body, grunting in your ear about how tight you are.
| Dom!Yuta who will fuck your ass on special occasions.
| Dom!Yuta who can eat you out for hours on end.
| Dom!Yuta who cums in your mouth when he sees you crying as he fucks your face roughly.
| Dom!Yuta who cums inside of you every chance he gets
| Dom!Yuta who will spank your overstimulated clit until it hurts if you break any of his strict rules.
| Dom!Yuta who loves to pull on your hair.
| Dom!Yuta who'll slap your cheeks a few times if you're getting tired from orgasming, just so you stay awake for him while he tortures you.
| Dom!Yuta who will finally let his kind side come out once he's done with you and it's time for aftercare.
| Dom!Yuta who slowly undoes the bondage, massaging and gently stretching your limbs to make sure nothing hurts or will be too sore in the morning.
| Dom!Yuta who leaves gentle kisses all over your body while praising you for being such a good girl while he selfishly let off some steam.
| Dom!Yuta who tells you to lay still while he cleans all the sweat, spit, and cum off your body.
| Dom!Yuta who will put you in his oversized clothes so that you can get comfortable in bed.
| Dom!Yuta who holds you as he helps you drink water and eat your favorite snacks.
| Dom!Yuta who plays with your hair until you fall asleep in his arms, dressed in his pajamas, his cum still leaking out of you.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 3 days
on the flipside what about fuckgirl reader that falls for steve? maybe billy and eddie are after her too? 🫣😳🙈
Request by anon. (I hope you like this anon, I haven't written anything like before so it's a little bit soft and sweet)
Steve is fast asleep beside you. It's early morning and you should be tired but you've been having trouble relaxing, ever since you had that small epiphany last night.
You liked Steve. You really liked Steve. This was just meant to be incredible sex and then the two of you would move on. Maybe you'd date Billy or that cutie Eddie Munson. Your fling with Steve was meant to be no strings, just like the rest of your relationships.
There was something about Steve that made you soft and eager for more of him. You wanted to know everything there was about Steve, you wanted to wake up every morning and find him beside you and fall asleep beside him every night.
This feeling was dangerous, you had never felt it before but Steve's sweetness, his kind and loving nature had brought down all of your walls. You had fallen deeply for him.
Steve moans as he wakes up, when he catches you staring and a warm blush coats his cheeks and he pulls you close to him so you're flush against his chest. You would never get tired of this feeling.
"Hey beautiful, you aren't leaving are you? It's cold out and I'll miss my sweet girl. I'll be lonely in this bed by myself" you giggle and press a kiss to his lips.
"I have a shift soon but I don't have to leave yet" you're perfectly happy to cuddle into his chest and stay here all day if you could.
Work comes calling eventually and when you leave a sleeping Steve it's like your heart is aching at the very thought. This was ridiculous. You'd see him tonight.
But it didn't stop you missing him as soon as you left.
Billy hasn't left you alone since you started your shift at the local library, he's been bugging you for the last half hour and normally you'd flirt back with him.
But now? Now the thought of flirting with Billy turned your stomach. Steve's handsome face would flash through your mind and you ignored Billy.
All you could think about was Steve. Did he even feel the same way? This was new territory for you and it was terrifying, how could you open up about your feelings when you were scared that Steve would reject you.
"Come on babe. Let's have some fun" Billy smirks and you shake your head as you return some books to their original place.
"No, I think you should leave me alone Billy" you snap and he backs off, holding his hands up.
"What's up with you? Don't tell me you're actually faking for a pretty boy like Harrington?" He snorts and the disdain in his voice irritated you.
"So what if I am? He's amazing so you can go to hell with that stupid attitude of yours" Billy holds up his hands looking stunned.
"Whatever. I'm out of here" he storms out and your brief a sigh of relief. That relief is short lived as you realise that the feelings you have for Steve are stronger than you thought.
Maybe you really did need to tell Steve how you felt?
It's late when you head back to Steve's, you had been plucking up the courage to talk to him all day and had avoided seeing him until you knew what to say.
The perfectly planned speech you had came up with disappears as soon as you see Steve. He's poring over lessons for his kindergarten class, trying to think up fun things to do that were also educational.
He had been working as a teacher for two years now and you knew it brought him a lot of joy.
You also knew that he was serious about having a whole brood of his own and for the first time you imagine having a child of your own with Steve.
Instead of scaring you, like thoughts of the future usually did, the very idea filled you with so much longing.
Instead of your carefully thought out planning about what you're going to say to Steve, you merely take a deep breath and settle on his lap.
His arms around you felt like coming home and you knew without a doubt you wanted this for the rest of your life. "Give me two minutes babe then I'm all yours" he assured you but the next words out of your mouth had his complete attention.
"I love you Steve. It's crazy because I've never been in love until now and I understand if you don't feel the same but I just needed to say it"
The look of shock on Steve's features melts away to a blissful smile.
Steve softens. "I'm crazy about you honey, I love you too and I know this is all new for you but we'll take it slow, we're a team and we'll do things together" he strokes your cheek and the elation you feel is incredible.
Together. You liked the sound of that.
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winchesterwild78 · 1 day
A Twist of Fate
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Characters: Dean x Reader, Billy x Reader
Warnings: Nothing too extreme, just some angst, language, and fluff
A/N: Got this idea from a picture I was tagged in by @jackles010378. Sorry it took me so long to write this. Dean and the reader were dating and broke up. Dean sees the reader with her new boyfriend and things unravel. 
This is a work of fiction, all work is my own, do not take it or copy it. 
Minors DNI 18+
The crisp autumn air nipped at my nose as Billy and I strolled down Main Street. The leaves were a kaleidoscope of reds, oranges, and yellows, a beautiful contrast to the gray sky. I couldn't help but think about how much my life had changed since I'd last seen Dean.
Three years. That's how long we'd been together. Three years of laughter, love, and a shared passion for the supernatural. And then, just like that, he was gone. A letter, a simple explanation that he couldn't be with me anymore. The pain had been unbearable, a wound that had slowly healed, leaving a scar that I would always carry.
That morning I woke up and found the letter on his pillow. It was the day my world broke. Tears fell on the letter as I read his simple words. 
Dear Y/N,
These past three years have been great. We’ve shared so much and done even more together. I know you love me. You’ve said it so many times, and showed me every day. I just can’t lie to you anymore. I don’t feel the same. That’s not fair to you, to make you think we have a future together. One where we get married and have kids. I can’t do the apple pie life. I’m sorry, Y/N. I do hope you find the love you deserve.
It didn’t make sense to me. We had just shared a night of love and passion, tangled in each other’s embrace. Whispering words of love and affection. We talked of the future and he said he’d love to be a dad one day. He was the love of my life, then he was gone. 
Now, here I was, two years later with Billy. He was kind, considerate, and everything a good man should be. But a part of me couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing.
We met through a mutual friend and had an instant connection. I wouldn’t call it love, but I was grateful for the companionship. I hadn’t even spoken the words to him. Billy was quick to say “I love you”, but I couldn’t say it because I didn’t mean it, nor did I feel it. 
Billy spent all of his free time with me. At times it felt suffocating. Dean and I spent a lot of time together too, but we also had our time apart. I’d bake and he’d work in the garage, it was a perfect balance.
Walking hand in hand through Main Street my mind kept comparing him to Dean. When Dean and I would walk, his arm was around me in a protective way. Billy just held my hand. Dean would lace his fingers in mine, Billy just cupped my hand. 
When Billy kissed me, it was hard and fast. When Dean kissed me it was soft and full of passion. Every step I took my mind kept comparing Billy to Dean. I couldn’t figure out why Dean was in the forefront of my thoughts.
And then I saw him. Leaning against the Impala, looking as effortlessly cool as ever. Dean. My heart pounded in my chest as our eyes met. A flash of something crossed his face - regret? Jealousy? I couldn't be sure.
As we continued walking, I glanced back. He was still watching, his gaze fixed on me. A wave of emotions washed over me. I stumbled as I looked back. I saw him gasp and jump off the car. Billy grabbed my arm trying to steady me. “You okay?” I nodded. I couldn’t pull my eyes away from Dean. Billy followed my gaze. Clearing his throat I turned and met his eyes. “Who’s that?” He asked, his voice laced with hurt and something else, anger maybe. I looked at Dean then back at Billy, “he’s my ex.” 
Billy wasn’t happy. I could feel the tension between us. As we walked into the quiet cafe he shot me a look that sent a chill through me. The cashier offered a soft smile. “How can I help you two today?” She said with a sweet voice. Billy looked at her and said “We will both have a coffee with 2 creams and 1 sugar.” She nodded as she started to put in the order. I spoke up, “Um, excuse me. I’ll have a vanilla latte please.” Billy shot me a look and grabbed my hand, “No, you’ll have what I ordered you. You’re my girlfriend and you’ll have what I order.” 
The cashier stood shocked. My mouth was on the floor. He’d never acted like this before. I touched his bicep softly, “Billy, I am your girlfriend, but I can order what I want.” Billy huffed and mumbled something. The cashier told Billy the total and she went about making the order. 
When we had our order Billy directed me to a booth at the back of the restaurant. I sat across from him and looked at him, shocked by his behavior. “You want to tell me what the hell that was about, Billy? Since when do you order for me and grab me?” Billy just stared at me, anger flashing in his eyes. It honestly scared me. 
“I didn’t like how you kept staring at pretty boy out there. It’s like you’re in love with him or something.” I bit my lip, not knowing what to say to him. I was in love with him. I never stopped loving him, but how could I tell him that? 
I swallowed hard. Touching Billy’s hand I started to speak, “Billy, I was in love with him when I was with him. He broke my heart and I’m with you now. That’s all that matters.” 
Billy pulled his hand away from me. “So you can love him but not me? You know what, screw this. Why don’t you go back to him and be his little whore again.” I gasped, “Billy! What the hell. Please calm down. I don’t want to be with him, I’m with you.”
Before I could say anything else, Billy stood up and told me to have a nice life and left. I sat at the table in shock. What the hell just happened? How did one little thing set him off like that? 
I sat at the table thinking about the past few years, how my love for Dean slipped away, and how Billy reacted to me seeing Dean. I was lost in thought and didn’t hear the bell above the door. 
The sound of a deep husky voice pulled me from my thoughts, “Hello, sweetheart.” My eyes flicked up and they met the piercing green eyes of my favorite hunter. My breath caught in my throat, “D…Dean, what are you doing here?” “Sammy and I were in town on a hunt, I heard you moved here. I’m so glad I ran into you. Can I sit?” 
“Sure.” I said without hesitation. Dean sat across from me. His hands instinctively grabbed mine. My head is screaming at me to pull away, but the rest of my body is holding on for dear life. 
“Sweetheart, I’m so sorry. I was foolish and a complete jackass for leaving and for leaving you the way I did. I was scared. I had finally found the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, have children with, and I got scared. Scared you would be taken away from me. Scared because I don’t deserve the love you had for me. I’ve never deserved love or to be loved. I’m broken, Y/N. 
As I sat across from him, hearing him say how he didn’t deserve love my heart broke for him. “Dean, you deserve so much.You, Dean Winchester, deserve all the love in the world. You were four years old when you saved your brother from the fire, you raised him. Dean, you had to be mom and dad to Sam. Dean Winchester, the man who willingly went to hell to save his baby brother, the man who was willing to die for so many people. Dean Winchester, the man who took on the Mark of Cain to help save the world. You deserve all the love this world has to offer. You deserve so much more than I can give you. I NEVER stopped loving you, Dean, and I know I never will.”
Dean stood and walked over to me. He reached out his hand and took my hand in his, pulling me up and flush to his body. He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, and his hand cupped my face, “You are even more beautiful now than you were two years ago. I was a fool to let you go, and I intend to spend the rest of my life making that up to you. That is if you’ll have me again.” 
I leaned into his hand that cupped my face. My heart hammered in my chest. His touch ignited that fire, that love I had buried deep inside me. Without another word I leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his lips. It was soft and Dean hesitated for a moment. Then something changed. His hands went into my hair and pulled me in. The kiss became more passionate and full of need. 
The hurt from the past two years was fading with each kiss. When we finally parted, I looked at Dean and smiled. His eyes are full of love and desire. “Dean, take me home.” I said as I leaned into his embrace.
Dean took my hand and led me out of the coffee shop and to the Impala. He opened the car door and I climbed in. When he got in the driver’s seat, he looked over, smiled and took my hand. “Let’s go home, sweetheart.” He stepped on the gas and we headed back home. Home, where we both belonged, together and in each other’s arms. 
Tags are open, if you want to be added, let me know.  
@nescaveckwriter @kr804573 
@k-slla @jackles010378 
@jawritter @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx 
@roseblue373 @cheynovak 
@jassackles  @chriszgirl92
@suckitands33 @arcannaa 
@n-o-p-e-never @ladysparkles78 
@smoothdogsgirl @hobby27 
@manicjk @stoneyggirl2 
@deans-spinster-witch @snowayumi 
@shadowqueen1318 @shanimallina87
@muhahaha303 @fitxgrld
@nancymcl @baby19sthings
@cheekygirl2309 @oceean
@kindollss @foxyjwls007
@lmg14 @cevansbaby-dove
@spxideyver @reignsboy19
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Weekend Loving
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Female Reader
Word Count: 1500
Summary: The perfect way to combat a cold rainy weekend in autumn is by cuddling and keeping warm together.
Warnings: Fluff, Cuddles, Oral (Fem), Smut, Unprotected Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Cursing, Andy’s beard is a warning, Quote: “If you only knew the things I want to do to you" & Prompts - cuddling in front of a fire & cuddling on the couch during a cold rainy day.
A/N 1: thank you to @lfnr-blog-blog-blog & @pigwidgeonxo for beta reading this. Also thank you to @firefly-graphics for the divider.
A/N 2: This is for @sweater-daddiesdumbdork & @yenzys-lucky-charm autumn writing challenge.
Reblogs & Comments are welcomed and encouraged. It lets me know you like my work. 😊💜
I do NOT consent to translating or reposting my work on any social media platform, app, or third-party site. If you see my work anywhere besides my personal Tumblr & AO3 accounts, it has been stolen. I will NEVER give written or verbal permission to repost or translate any of my fanfics as they’re MY intellectual property. 🚫🚫
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It was a cold rainy day in autumn and you were thankful it was the weekend. Both you and Andy had today off which meant one thing cuddling on the couch with a fire going. The fireplace in the living room was currently warming the room thanks to Andy’s quick thinking of trying to get you warm fast. You watched the rain pour down against the colorful shades of leaves on the trees. Autumn has to be your favorite time of the year. 
You wore leggings, fluffy warm socks, and a long-sleeved shirt. Andy came down the stairs dressed in his gray sweatpants and henley. He was built with broad shoulders and a trim waist. His eyes were cerulean blue and his amazing beard made you clench your thighs together.
You were on the couch with a large blanket covering you. It was big enough to cover the both of you while cuddling. Of course, if you had it your way you would wrap yourself like a burrito in the blanket and not share with Andy. 
Andy loved weekends like this where you could spend quality time with one another and relax after a long week at work. Whether cuddling under the blankets or spending time between your legs Andy always considered himself a lucky man. 
After a few minutes, Andy came shuffling into the living room ready to get warmed up. He kissed your forehead and made his way under the blanket. As he gets settled, you whine as he stretches out behind you. Bringing your body against his chest.
“Mmmm… you're so warm, babe.” You try to cuddle closer, your butt rubbing against his crotch causing him to groan into your neck. 
“Keep doing that and you’ll be in trouble, Mrs. Barber.” He seductively whispers against your neck, stealing a light kiss while his beard scrapes against your skin.
“Trouble is my middle name, Mr. Barber.” You rub up against him again but this time you can feel his erection. He lets out another groan as he adjusts his sweatpants. You turn to face him as your hands roam down his chest to his sweatpants.
“If you only knew the things I want to do to you, sweetheart right here on the couch.” 
“Enlighten me.” You whisper against his lips before you give him a quick kiss. 
He grabs your hips and does a dirty grind against you. Pushing you onto your back he climbs on top of you keeling between your spread legs. He pushed the blanket briefly off the both of you and pulled your leggings and underwear off. You squealed by the roughness of his hands on you but you would be lying if you said you didn’t like it. Andy then pulls you into a sitting position and peels your long-sleeved shirt off. You shiver from how cold you feel but instantly warm as he sucks a nipple into his mouth. Every nibble and soft bite has you gasping in pleasure. Andy pulls away with a pop and uses his fingers to roll your nipples. You start to let out little gasps and he stops abruptly making you whine.
Andy stands and pulls the henley off revealing his body you swore was sculpted by the gods themselves. Seconds later he pushed his sweatpants and boxer briefs down his legs revealing his hard, thick cock. He smiles down at you as you stare at him, taking in his nakedness. Grabbing the blanket he covers you both up as he kisses his way down toward your wet pussy. Reaching his destination he kisses your inner thighs and rubs his beard against your core. The roughness from his beard has you whimpering until you feel his tongue lick a stripe through your folds.
“Fuck, Andy!” You moan out as you feel another pass of his tongue. Your hands grip the blanket tightly as he makes another pass through your folds. 
Andy buries his face in your pussy, licking and gently suckling your clit. Your breathing hitches every time he plays with your clit. The more he takes you apart the louder your moans get. You feel Andy’s fingers run through your petals getting arousal all over them. He pulls back his face for a minute and slips his fingers inside of you. His mouth is now focused on your clit as he swirls his tongue around it and gently plays with it. You can feel yourself getting closer to your release the faster his fingers work you. Making a come hither motion sets you off as you cum screaming his name from the pleasure he just brought you. As your body twitches from the aftershocks of your orgasm, Andy climbs back up to your face and kisses you. You can taste your release on his lips and tongue. 
Your tongues dance together in a sensual kiss, both fighting for dominance but it is Andy that is taking over. His kiss is passionate and he groans against your lips while he grinds his hard cock against your wet pussy. You wrap your legs around his hips and roll your hips against him. God did he feel amazing against you. Before you can do anything else Andy sits back on his legs as he forcefully turns you over onto your stomach. Lifting your hips for him Andy runs his hand over your butt and smacks it causing you to mewl. Grabbing his cock he strokes himself a few times before he sinks into your cunt. The thickness of his cock stretches you in all the right ways as he slowly starts to thrust into you.
“Oh…my… feels so good baby.” Your hands are holding onto the cushion below you as Andy slowly takes you apart. 
Andy picks his pace up and starts to piston his hips into you over and over again. Skin slapping against skin fills the room while the fireplace continues to keep you both warm. He continues to thrust into you harder and faster as you moan his name to the heavens above. Now and then he slaps your ass causing you to push back into him hard. Andy can’t help but groan as he feels your walls flutter against his cock. He loves the way you feel around him and taking you like this sends a primal groan through him. 
“Fuck…baby…fuck…. Take my big cock.” He groans out as you squeal with every piston of his hips. 
Your hand moves to your clit and starts to rub it to the pace of Andy snapping his hips. His thick cock plunged into you so hard you swore you could see stars. You’re a mess, a moaning fucking mess for him. You feel like you’re going to cum any minute now. 
Harder and faster Andy snaps his hips against you. Just as he feels you start to flutter against him again he pulls out of you and then rolls you to your back again. Before you can say anything he grabs your legs, throwing them over his shoulders and sinking back into you.
“Andy. I’m so close…” You rake your nails down his chest causing him to groan out. His hips are starting to falter at the pace he is keeping up. Your walls start to flutter and tense around him again as you chase your high. 
With a swipe of his right thumb against your clit you are moaning his name again as you finally fall off the edge into eternal bliss. Andy feels your walls grip him tightly as he now chases his high. A few hard thrusts and he is cumming deep inside you. He groans your name a few times before he finally is spent.  He gently moves your legs back to the couch and all but collapses on you. His forearms are keeping him from crushing you under his weight. You smile up at him with a blissed-out grin and he leans down to kiss your lips. 
“I love you so much, sweetheart.”
“I love you too Andy. With all my heart.”
Andy gently pulls out of you and goes to the bathroom to clean himself off. Once done he brings back a wet washcloth and cleans you as well. He throws the washcloth into the washer and comes back over to the couch. Grabbing the blanket he lays beside you on the couch and holds you close to him again. With the fire still roaring to life you sigh as you are now warm from both the fireplace and Andy taking you apart.
“Let’s stay like this forever,” you whisper to him as you begin to yawn. 
“Forever my love, forever you and I,” he whispers back. 
Andy kisses your head and snuggles closer to you. He can’t believe how lucky he is to have these moments with you. Thanking the lucky stars above he cuddles you close as the rain continues to pitter-patter on the windows. It may be cold outside but it is warm inside their home. 
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Caffeine fix and beyond - Part 2
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A/N: Did I come up with the worst fic title? Lmao. This is for @elixirfromthestars Thank you for hosting the cutest writing challenge.
Sitting at the Coffee shop AU table, with some sweet treats - “I’m only doing it because you’re cute.”, “Why don’t you tell me what I can do to make your day better?” & Saying ‘I love you’ for the first time.
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
Warning: fluff!
Word count: 2.4k
Find Part 1 here.
It had been a whole fourteen hours since your first kiss with the most famous Avenger and the smile that decorated your face still refused to leave.
After sharing a few more soft kisses and some delicious pizza, Tony left your apartment with a promise of seeing you at your shop the next morning. One could call it the hyper excitement that came with a new relationship but that night, you baked him his favorite blueberry muffins, picturing his handsome, grinning face as you’d feed them to him.
The next day your staff noticed an extra spring in your step as you entered the shop, nobody mentioned the eagerness with which your eyes would scan the door as someone entered in hopes to see that strikingly good-looking face again. The day went by as usual, busying yourself in work seemed the only way to get through without letting nerves get in the way as the clock ticked.
Day morphed into evening and eventually it was time to wind down and head home.
You had checked your phone only about a hundred times to see if there was any message from Tony, every notification only brought disappointment when it wasn’t from him.
He probably had a good reason for his absence but you felt dejected nonetheless. Shrugging your obsessive thoughts aside, you went home and took an elaborate shower. With no updates from the genius billionaire, you turned off your phone and went straight to sleep.
Your colleagues sensed something was up the next day when you arrived, your mood was snappy and irritated which was rare considering how much you loved coming to work. They did their best to not piss you off and you did your best to not have a meltdown over your silly little heart for hoping so much out of that one moment of connection you shared with Tony Stark.
The aroma of freshly ground coffee mixed with delicious baked goods filled the air as usual, something that always brought a smile to your face. But not today. Today you had busied yourself at work to a point where your legs began to ache, you had a headache for some reason and you hadn’t a peep from Stark.
The next day you arrived earlier than you normally would, you hadn’t slept a minute you were in dire need of some caffeine. You almost rolled your eyes realizing the fact that you were behaving like him now. As the day drew on, you were back in your groove, mingling with your regulars at the coffee shop, chatting with your staff.
Commotion could be heard outside as you came back out after lunch. The source seemed to be a few blocks away from the shop, which was also where Stark tower was located. You could see Tony in his suit hovering above the helipad before a blast resounded, making everyone gasp.
You could see a blue beam of light shoot straight up in the sky, making way to a portal that had opened up. You saw Stark head straight up towards it as sentient beings from outer space streamed down from the portal. He hit a few of them effectively, blasting them into smithereens with repulsors but there were too many incoming.
A collective gasp echoed as these creatures flew closer and began firing before people began scrambling to safety. Cars overturned and chaos ensued, making it seem like everything happened too fast and in slow motion all at once.
All while you felt frozen on a spot, there was something bigger incoming from the portal that had opened up, a monster floating down towards the Earth. There was no time to think as a car exploded just a few feet away from you, blasts coming in from all directions making you head back inside for safety.
While it all seemed unreal, you jumped into action by dragging a few injured individuals towards the kitchen, helping a few others get inside right before the glass facade of your coffee shop blew up, shattering to bits as the aliens or whatever these beings called themselves flew by.
You were sure Tony was right in the middle of it all, you just prayed somehow he would come out uninjured. By the looks of it, it seemed like a losing battle, the destruction, debris everywhere, you couldn’t bring yourself to think how many civilians had lost their lives up till this point, and how many would until someone could put an end to it.
Tony’s POV
As unbelievable as the whole situation was, he knew he had to keep going. New York was under attack, it seemed like a losing battle but he knew if the team gave up, the world would probably be ruled by the likes of Loki and his army. They were running out of resources and they were heavily outnumbered. The Chitauri had an endless supply of these monsters and the Avengers, despite their best efforts, were falling short.
He heard Fury over the comms that a nuclear missile was headed towards the city, ordered by the World Security Council. Thinking fast, he decided to use it to their advantage by guiding it towards the wormhole as a last resort.
He knew it could all be over soon, and that he may not make it out alive, but he had to try. The weapon zoomed in and he flew along with it, grabbing it with the suit before increasing the thrusters to maximum speed.
“Sir, shall I try Miss Potts?” JARVIS chimed through the suit, sounding solemn as he too knew there was no way Tony would make it back.
“Might as well.” he mumbled back, partly paying attention while his mind raced through every possible thought; his thoughts landed on you as the wormhole inched closer and closer. Pepper didn’t pick up, the line went blank after ringing hopelessly and he was about to get JARVIS to call you, in hopes that you had somehow survived this, when the AI glitched and went offline.
He released the nuke and watched it head straight towards the enemy before his suit gave up and his eyes turned heavy and he passed out. It was when the missile exploded that the impact of it threw him back towards Earth, sending him hurtling towards the ground just as the wormhole closed.
When his eyes opened, he was on the ground surrounded by the team, heart hammered in his chest, indicating he had by some miracle made it and the mission was successful.
“Please tell me nobody kissed me.” his thoughts quickly returned to you as he said it, wanting nothing more than your lips on his, to let him know he was indeed alive.
It seemed like an eternity later that you crawled out of your hiding space, unscathed minus a few cuts here and there, your heart dropped down to your stomach when you saw the condition outside. Dust and rubble had settled but the silence was deafening. You could no longer see the portal that was opened but you couldn’t be sure if all was over.
As people slowly scrambled out and on their way, you found yourself right outside your shop, looking dazed as you plopped down on the street, unable to comprehend.
There was a shuffle behind you, before Tony Stark appeared right by your side and wordlessly took a seat next to you. It was at that point that you felt tears gather in your eyes and cloud your vision.
He pulled you in a hug, clinging onto you just as much as you were to him, stroking your hair in a gentle manner.
“I was so worried, Tony.” you croaked once the tears subsided, leaning into his touch when he cupped your face.
“I know, Y/N. I’m just glad we still have this, well parts of it, anyway. God knows I can’t do without your coffee.” he joked, chuckling when you hit him in the chest and touched your foreheads together.
All the day’s events were made just a little more believable when Tony’s lips touched yours in a kiss that was more of a promise, a promise that you were the sole reason for his more than frequent visits to your little shop.
It took more than a month to finally set up the shop post the repair work. You were grateful you had insurance that covered it all, but Tony being Tony, had taken care of a lot of things, even added a few upgrades after convincing you with persuasive kisses and cuddles.
He wore you down, like you even had a chance with that gorgeous smile and doe eyes.
“Why don’t you tell me what I can do to make your day better?”
This was something he always asked, something you didn’t know you needed to hear after a hard day. That one question had the power to dissipate any residual anger, frustration or unpleasant thoughts from your mind.
It made you wonder how on Earth was this guy known to the world as just a genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist. He was so much more than that.
It was five o’clock when he showed up one evening, making your little heart flutter as he gave you that winning smile.
“There she is!” Tony exclaimed, holding two cups of coffee as you made your way around the counter to meet him.
“Did no one tell you it was a crime to bring your own coffee to a coffee shop, Stark?” you frowned at the cups in his hands, wiping your hands on the apron you wore.
Chuckling, he placed the mugs aside before wrapping his arms around you, placing a loving kiss on your lips. You felt some heat rise to your cheeks as the onlookers stared at the pair of you. It wasn’t uncommon for him to display his affection for you out in public but it was still something you were getting accustomed to.
“Hello, my gorgeous girl.” he murmured, looking fondly at you while you hopelessly blushed.
“Hello, my handsome boy. How was your day?” you smiled, placing your hands on his chest, idly tracing the outline of his arc reactor.
“Just got better.” he winked.
The cafe was relatively empty as you made your way towards a secluded area which housed a cozy booth. Tony had brought you your favourite coffee from a cafe you loved. You liked yours with a hint of mandarin and there was one quaint cafe that made the best brew. You were shocked he remembered it given you must’ve mentioned it once in a random conversation; the man really was full of surprises. He admitted to having asked one of your closest friends who also worked with you at your cafe about your go to coffee, she had been sworn to secrecy to not mention anything to you.
He had also shown genuine interest in setting up a meeting with your brother, something you assumed he would forget eventually. You couldn’t be gladder that he was proving every assumption of yours wrong.
“This is the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me, Tony. Thank you.” you placed your hand over his, giving it a squeeze. You noticed how he weaved your fingers together and held them against his slightly trembling ones, letting you know he may have been underslept and over-caffeinated again.
It seemed to you like your life was turned into a romantic movie, with the perfect guy and rose-tinted situations. It was almost too good to be true, but you allowed yourself to dream on.
Tony stayed back as you closed up, even helped you clean up as best as he could, looking rather adorable in an environment that was foreign to him. But he was there for you.
It was then that you realized how hard you were falling for this man. It was inevitable, like you were meant to be. It felt right. He felt right. You and Tony.
“Earth to Y/N?”
You blinked as Tony waved his hands in front of your face, getting you to snap out of your daze. He pulled out a small bag of berries you hadn’t known he’d stashed away behind a counter, making you shake your head fondly.
“What’s going on in that mind of yours, Y/L/N?” he gently prodded again, feeding you a sweet strawberry from the bag.
“I–I love you, Tony.”
You blurted before you could stop yourself, your heart immediately leapt out of your chest at your confession, making it hard for your brain to process. Almost like in slow motion, Tony leaned away from the counter and made his way closer to you, standing between your legs with a hint of a smile playing on his lips. Arms snaked themselves around your waist before pulling you flush against his chest, his face inching closer to yours as that stupidly handsome smile on his face grew.
“Say it again.” he whispered, nose nudging yours lovingly as his eyes scanned yours for signs of doubt.
“I’m in love with you, Tony Stark.”
You said it again, this time a lot more confident in your head as you matched his grin, locking your arms behind his neck.
“I love you, Anthony Edward Stark.”
“Jeez, not my full name, Y/N!” he made a face, chortling when you hit his chest, yelping when your fingers hit the metal arc reactor instead.
“You’re supposed to say something back, Stark. Not leave a girl hanging. Maybe a hey I love you too back, or a sorry I don’t feel the same way. Something? And ow! That really hurt.”
You were blabbering at this point, you were well aware, your overactive thoughts almost resurfacing until Tony Stark finally opened his mouth to speak up, shushing you with a finger on your lips.
“I love you too, Y/N. Of course I do. I think I have for a long time now. I just wasn’t sure if you felt the same way. You are the reason I smile so much these days, ask the team, really. They’re probably wondering what pills I’m on. I’m all yours if you’ll have me, my sweet Y/N. And you’re all mine, sunshine.”
Tony really left you speechless once again, smirking down at you before descending those godly lips over yours to prove how much of truth his words held.
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deadbydangit · 3 days
Hiiiiii. So I had a silly thought.i thought would maybe make you laugh? How would huntress, Knight, and trickster react to an S/o who likes to bite on their shoulder? Like, reader will show up at random points and just chew for a few seconds before *poof* disappearing. I really love your works, and I'm really hoping things look up for you soon. 🧡🧡
Hmm, I think I can do that. I'm sorry if this one is a little shorter. To make up for that I added Mastermind. Please enjoy.
With a Reader who likes to bite playfully.
Huntress, Mastermind, Knight, Trickster
Why are you biting her?
Anna is able to tell the difference between a playful bite and an aggressive one.
So as long as you don't bite down too hard, she won't take it as a threat.
But she will be very confused.
She might even bite herself to check.
Is she edible?
Has she been edible all this time and not even know it?
You're going to have to explain to her.
But before that, patch up the spot where she bit herself.
She will be bleeding.
Gentle is not a word in her vocabulary.
She was actually trying to eat herself.
After lots of explaining, she'll finally start to understand.
And she might even try and bite you herself.
Which will probably end poorly on your part.
Again, gentle is not a word in her vocabulary.
So you're either going to have to teach her how to bite gently, or stop biting altogether.
Sure, Anna is a little rough around the edges.
But her clueless naive nature is just so cute.
He doesn't have time for this nonsense.
"What on earth are you doing?"
"Are you trying to make me angry?"
He has lots of questions.
He's not expecting an answer, he's just really confused.
"Why are you biting me?"
He won't take it as a threat.
Not because he doesn't whether or not to take it as a threat.
It's because he knows he's much stronger than you.
Besides, a little bite isn't going to stop the great Albert Wesker.
Once you explain, he'll start to chuckle.
He's amused at your antics.
"Well, I suppose if there is no ill intent."
He might even bite you back.
Problem is that he's amazing at sneaking up at you.
He'll bite you on the side of the neck, the ear, or the hand.
He just wants to see you jump and panic.
And after you do, he'll chuckle and whisper in your ear.
"I'm sorry dear heart. Did I frighten you?"
He's having fun.
Hey, you started this. He's not going to stop.
First off: oww.
Where are you going to bite him?
Like, he never takes off his armor.
You're going to be biting into rusty, bloodsoaked metal.
You have fun with that.
If you do manage to catch him without his armor on, you'll have to be quick.
He's got very sharp reflexes and will use them.
Even if he doesn't mean to, he could still hurt you.
It's a force of habit for him.
If you do manage to bite him, he'll be shocked.
Possibly angry.
"What is this? You attack me? After all the trust I've placed in you?"
Tarhos we'll take this as a threat to a safety.
So you'll have to explain really fast.
Or, you know, risk getting your head chopped off or something by an angry knight.
He's skeptical about it.
He knows you aren't lying, but he still didn't like it.
"I see. Please refrain from doing that again."
He'll look angry.
But he'll probably ruffle your hair or something.
"If you wish to give me attention, just ask."
"There are better ways to gain affection without biting like an animal."
Ji-Woon actually doesn't mind.
Like, at all.
He finds it really attractive.
It's a real turn-on for him.
So long as you don't mark up his beautiful skin.
If you do, then he'll be upset.
"Careful, you don't want to cut my beautiful skin, do you?"
He's really self-conscious about his appearance.
But he doesn't really have any room to talk considering what he's done to you.
He'll bite you back, but he'll bite hard.
He has a thing for seeing others in pain.
He loves looking at all the marks he leaves on your body.
If it's too much, you'll have to tell him.
Otherwise he'll keep doing it.
And he doesn't care if he cuts your skin and makes you bleed.
In fact, that really gets him going.
His favorite place to bite you is the side of your neck.
His favorite place to be bitten is his shoulder and his earlobe.
Whenever you do, he'll chuckle lowly.
"Did you want my attention my dear? Well you've got it."
"Now, entertain me."
So don't bite him unless you're ready to spend a lot of time with him.
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