#like i miss being here so much and i’ve just had no time or energy to
ahappyphjl · 6 months
dnp can u pls upload tonight pls pls pls pls 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
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yueebby · 1 year
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indulge me? — gojo satoru
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synopsis you and gojo go on an overnight mission and it goes wrong in every way
contents so. much. pining. (2.8k words of it!?), one bed trope, whipped!gojo, ooc gojo, completely self indulgent, a lot of cardiovascular talk, they’re first years in this!
notes first time i’ve written in AGES. sorry :3 ps this is a little snippet from a satosugu x reader series im thinking about starting. thoughts?
(edit: i wrote a part ii)
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Gojo Satoru was born blessed. From birth and to death he will always be honored. It wasn't his fault that the Heavens delighted in him. So when Yaga had announced that he and you would be sharing an overnight mission to Kyushu, he nearly leapt in joy (lucky him)!
You, on the other hand, were less than thrilled to find out that you were going to be traveling alone with Gojo Satoru. For two whole days. It was a death sentence.
“Make sure to text me, so I know you're not dead.” Shoko looks between you and Gojo. Either your head will implode as a result of Gojo, or he is gonna be on the receiving end of your wrath. Shoko can’t wait to see which.
“Do take pictures, I heard the onsens there are incredible.” Suguru slyly adds. Satoru perks up at his comment. The two of them share a knowing look before Gojo speaks up.
“Wanna take a dip with me once we get there, [Name]?” He looks into your eyes, his lips are quirked upwards like he’s up to no good (which he is). “I promise I won’t take a peek!” He winks.
“Keep fantasizing, Gojo.”
“Oh I will.” He hums happily. The smile on his lips is kind of cute, you decide. Just a little.
— — — — — — — 
Kurokawa, you come to find out is a very small town in Kyushu. So when people start to go missing, the entire town falls into shambles. Before your trip, Yaga had made it known the enemy you’d be facing. 
“A common denominator of the missing persons is that they were all young women.” He had warned you and Gojo. “It’s an unidentified curse, but I trust that the two of you will be able to handle it.”
Three missing girls. All under the age of 25. Two of which were locals, one being a tourist. 
The moment you arrive on the island of Kyushu, your guard is higher than ever. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Gojo.
“Don’t tell me you’re scared of some horny curse,” He looks down at you as the two of you make your way down a small street to your ryokan. Kurokawa was a traditional town, its pride resting on the old culture causing it to be untouched by modern architecture.
Unamused by his nonchalant attitude, you decide to ignore his vulgar comment, “What grade curse do you think we’re up against?”
He makes a noise to show that he’s thinking. “Does it really matter? It’ll be no match for me either way.”
You roll your eyes, “Don’t get ahead of yourself, we still have to figure out what happened to the victims.”
“I don’t see why that’s necessary, but okay.” Your snow haired peer dismisses. It makes you a bit envious that he doesn’t have to ever feel fear for his life. Must be nice.
The two of you arrived at your designated ryokan soon enough, it was a small town after all. Gojo leads the way with you following right after. You can’t discern any cursed energy in the building, but you still make a mental note to ask Gojo about it after you both are situated. 
An elderly lady in an orange kimono stood behind the desk, smiling at you and you returned it back happily.
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen a young couple here.” She says. That’s right, with the recent disappearance of young girls, there would be a sudden decrease of tourism around this part of town. “You certainly are a beautiful match!”
You gratefully accept her compliment, “Thank you, but we’re not–”
“Thanks granny!” Gojo wraps a strong arm around your shoulder. “I don’t know how I even managed to win her over!” There’s a wide grin on his face that makes your eye twitch. Leave it to him to tell people the two of you were together. Not only that but he totally disrespected the old lady with his informal talk!
“Unhand me, you!” You forcefully whisper at him, while trying to unwrap yourself from his hold. His arm does not budge even as you try to push it off. What the hell is this boy eating? Gojo chuckles with the old lady while you struggle.
“My, the two of you remind me so much of my husband and I in the days of our youth,” She sighs dreamily. Her age must be interfering with her memory because there was nothing inherently romantic going on between you and Gojo. “How long will you be staying here?”
“Only one night,” Gojo decides that he has tormented you enough and lets you go. He slides her his card and she pulls out something from the old wooden counter she stands behind. 
A single key.
Your eyes bug out. Gojo’s eyebrows raise. You laugh nervously, face feeling warmer than it was thirty seconds ago.
“There must have been a misunderstanding. We need two rooms, ma’am.” You hold up two fingers to emphasize your point. 
The smile on the old woman’s face falls, “I’m afraid I cannot do that.” Your jaw drops.
“Huh? Why not?” You press on further. Surely they could not have been booked out of all of their rooms. Tourism is at an all time low after the strange disappearances.
“I’m sure you’ve heard of the strange disappearances in the area. It’s a miracle the two of you have even decided to stay here, which I am very grateful for. That is why I must repay you back by ensuring your safety. Otherwise I must ask you to leave and stay in the next town because I will not allow you to endanger yourself so carelessly.” 
You blink. Neighboring town? That was hours away. The curse was here in Kurokawa. You can’t afford to jeopardize a mission just because of your own feelings.
Gojo’s hand is halfway to the key, but he waits for your approval. You sigh.
“It’s fine, we can do one. Thank you.” You bow your head. She smiled apologetically as she handed Gojo the key. Gojo, unbothered by the revelation, whistles happily as the lady leads the way to your suite.
— — — — — — — 
operation satoru x [name]!!!!
Gojosatowu added getosugu, shoko.ieiri
Gojosatowu You wont believe it!!! shoko.ieiri What the hell is this gc And what the hell is Operation satoru x [name]?  getosugu  how come [name] isn’t in this? Gojosatowu Ladies, ladies, one question at a time please getosugu  Expect a forehead flick for that comment shoko.ieiri  Stfu and just answer the questions Gojosatowu alright alright [name] and i are sharing a room in kyushu!! i may come out of this mission a changed man. shoko.ieiri  someone make sure [name] is still alive and well Gojosatowu I dont appreciate your lack of faith in me >:( shoko.ieiri  Keep a six feet distance from her at all times perv Gojosatowu I might have to for my own sanity. What do you think she wears to bed? shoko.ieiri  You disgust me sometimes getosugu  Only sometimes? shoko.ieiri  Let me correct myself. You disgust me. Gojosatowu Im feeling the love :(
“What are you giggling to yourself about?” You place a hand on your hips as you watch Gojo smile at his flip phone.
“Oh don’t you worry about it,” He closes it. Weird. “What’s the living situation?”
You sigh. “Despite its traditional arrangement, there is a bed.”
Gojo perks up. “Yeesh I’m glad! If I had to sleep on the floor my back would be all sore right on a mission. Y'know how annoying that is?”
You suck your teeth. “Allow me to rephrase myself. There is only one bed.” 
There is an awful silence in the room, save for your erratically beating heart. Of course the old woman decided to place you in a couple’s suite.  
“Heh.” Gojo chortles happily. “Wow, this must be a divine sign from God Himself. I mean, who are we to ignore this?”
“Don’t start,” You hold out an accusatory finger at him. “I’m gonna go request an extra futon.”
He pouts, “Don’t be like that, sharing a bed with me can’t be that bad.”
“I’m willing to bet otherwise.” You walk past him. The white haired boy watches you go like a sad puppy.
— — — — — — — 
You took your time getting an extra futon, using it as an excuse to get all of the nervousness out of your system of sharing the same room as Gojo Satoru. Sharing a room with a boy was already bad enough, but Gojo? Your heart skipped a beat (out of nervousness, you insist!).
By the time you make it back to the room, the lights are out. You assume that Gojo decided to go to sleep early. You don’t blame him. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day of hunting for the curse rampaging Kurokawa. 
The only light source in the room is coming from the bathroom. You sigh. The idiot must’ve forgotten to turn it off. Nonetheless, you were gonna go get unready either way so you make your way to the half open door.
On the sink is a complimentary toothbrush that you help yourself to. You apply some paste and–
There is a sound of something sliding shut from behind you. You look up at the mirror. Standing behind you was Gojo. Wet. And naked. 
“Oh my gosh!” You spit out your toothpaste and ran out of the room. How did you fail to see that Gojo was in the restroom? You blame it on the sliding doors separating the shower from the rest of the bathroom. Oh my gosh. Your face feels like it’s on fire. He has a six pack. And why does his stupid hair look like that when it's wet? Your heart was beating at an abnormal rate. This is so inappropriate.
Shortly after your freakout, Gojo steps out of the bathroom. There was no way you could face him now.
“Aw, don't be so shy now. It’s not like this will be the last time you’ll see me like this.” Gojo stands in the doorway. There is a towel wrapped around his waist, still leaving him indecent in your eyes.
“I don’t like what you’re insinuating Gojo! And lock the door when you’re in the restroom you creep!” You look anywhere but him.
“Hey, it wasn’t my fault, was it? You were taking so long I thought you left me here alone.” You can practically hear him pouting. “Either way, you were the one checking me out.”
Your eyes widen, “I was not checking you out! Don’t flatter yourself.”
“Don’t feel ashamed, this can all be yours,” He gestures down to his body.
“You freak.” you blanch.
He winks at you.
This was going to be a long night.
— — — — — — — 
It takes you about half an hour to calm down from the bathroom catastrophe. By now, you’re situated in your futon while Gojo is tucked on the bed. If you had to guess, it’d be nearing midnight around now. You just need to close your eyes and get some sleep before your mission tomorrow.
Except you can’t sleep.
Every time you close your eyes, your mind betrays you and an image of Gojo post shower illustrates itself in your mind. And it doesn’t help that he sleeps shirtless. You seriously need your mind cleansed.
That wasn’t your only issue. The room was sub zero. Who knew traditional ryokans had such advanced air conditioning systems? All you could hear was the air conditioning machine overworking itself. You could even argue that it was colder than Shoko’s morgue. And your sleep shirt and shorts were doing little to help insulate you. 
“Wanna come cuddle with me?” The last person you wanted to hear from breaks the silence. You pretend to be asleep. “I know you’re not asleep! My six eyes tell me that you’re shivering.” Busted.
“I am not cuddling with you.” You stare at the ceiling above you, arms crossed. How could he even propose such an idea? Has he no shame?
“Well I can’t face the old granny here if my girlfriend ends up dead by freezing!”
“I am not your girlfriend, Gojo. Nor will I die.”
“That’s not what she thinks. Plus we have a mission tomorrow, so I can’t have you getting sick on me now.”
“I’ll be fine, Gojo. Now go to sleep.”
“I run hot when I sleep, y’know. Let me be your personal heater.” You don’t have to see his face to know that he’s grinning.
“I refuse.”
“Well I refuse your refusal.”
You blink.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. Now c'mon,” He pats the spot next to him. “I’ll even make a wall in between us.”
You hear the bedsheets shuffle and you have to sit up to see that Gojo was stacking two pillows in the middle of the bed to prove his point. You’re nearly certain that the only thing you’ll be catching soon is a headache if you keep up with his antics. It was a tempting offer, one that you would surely accept if it wasn’t Gojo Satoru.
“Gojo, I—”
“...Please?” His voice is softer than you have ever heard it. It was unfair how Gojo was making it harder and harder to reject his offer.
A silent moment passes by.
“...Fine,” You reluctantly get up from your pathetic excuse of a futon. “But no funny business!” You warn him. 
You see Gojo perk up from the bed. He looks at you with expectant eyes, “You got it!” He gives you a thumbs up. 
Whatever. If Gojo knew what was best for him, he wouldn’t try anything. You take in a deep breath before turning to face the opposite direction of where Gojo laid. 
“Good night [Name],” You hear Gojo whisper. You sigh.
“Yeah, yeah, goodnight Gojo.”
Eyes closed, you pray a silent prayer that everything will be fine for the remainder of the mission.
— — — — — — — 
Ever since Gojo was young, his body has been used to getting little amounts of sleep. Unsurprisingly, that caused him to have a natural alarm. It was always annoying whenever he woke up at the crack of dawn on a day when he didn't need to, but luckily for him, today it proved to be a blessing. There was an unfamiliar warmth radiating onto his body. Satoru opens his eyes.
He thinks he feels all of his six eyes widen when he feels himself wrapped around another body.
There you were, in all your beauty, lying fast asleep. In his embrace. Soft snores were escaping your mouth and there were stray hairs in your face. Did he mention how beautiful you looked sleeping? He might have to ask Shoko about heart disease because of how fast his heart was beating.
Unfortunately for him, you also seemed to be drifting away from dreamland and back to reality. Your eyes flutter and your eyebrows furrow. Gojo takes this to his advantage and does the worst thing he can think of; pretend to be asleep.
When you wake up, your mind is still hazy from the good night’s rest you had gotten, but not hazy enough to realize that your body was tangled with another’s. And you’re pretty sure the pillow you had been laying on last night was not this hard. You try to delude yourself into believing that this is all a dream, but the effects of your sleep were fading.
It takes all the strength in you to summon the courage to open your eyes. To your horror, you were firmly wrapped in Gojo’s arms and your legs were intertwined.
“What the hell?” You pull yourself away from him. On the floor below the bed laid the two pillows that Gojo had set up as a makeshift wall. You stare at them utter shock.
“No, don’t go, I’ll freeze to death,” Gojo whines, miraculously waking up. You glare at him.
“Explain to me what just happened or I swear Gojo, I’m going to–” You try to threaten him, but you can’t seem to formulate anything.
Unlike you, Gojo looked unbothered by the sudden turn of events. He even looked pleased. There was a lopsided smile on his face as he sighed, “What can I say, I guess you subconsciously want me after all.” 
"I do not—"
“But if I had to guess, I’d say the room got too cold and we most likely cuddled for warmth unconsciously.” He shrugs it off like it was no big deal. You note that his hair is tousled from the night before.
You leave the warm bed you and Gojo had made. His theory was probably true, meaning it was neither of your faults. You purse your lips.
“I suppose that makes sense. I apologize for overreacting, I guess I was under the impression that we had done something lewd last night.” With that comment, you make your way to the bathroom to freshen up both your mind and body.
You don’t end up seeing how red Gojo’s face got. It was foreign to feel all the blood rising to his cheeks. He takes one of his hands to slap it over his eyes before chuckling to himself. Yeah, he definitely knows why he likes you. 
All of a sudden Gojo feels like he’s on top of the world. For you, it was just a moment of weakness.
┊⋆。˚. ੈ ┊
Extra notes:
gojo wished he and you got to go to the onsen together. 
gojo also regretted not taking a photo of you sleeping soundly in his arms. it would’ve been his new wallpaper. 
for the remainder of the trip, gojo was at an all time high, successfully locating and exorcising the curse in less than an hour.
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daydreams-after-dark · 5 months
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Sub Reader x Bratty Han (plus Doms Lino, Chan and features ot8). Established poly ot8 relationship.
Synopsis: Bratty Han convinces you to let him go down on you without permission from Chan and Lino. They punish you both when they get home.
Word count: 2.9k approx.
Unhinged level: 🤡🤡🤡🤡
CW below the cut.
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⚠️⚠️⚠️Warnings: NSFW // 18+ content // MDNI // coercion //dom chan and lino // sub reader // oral sex (f and m rec.) // creampies // unprotected vaginal and anal sex // butt plugs // spanking with a belt // restraints // sex in front of a group // everyone cums all over reader // name calling // disrespecting reader (but it’s consensual punishment) // let me know if I’ve missed anything.
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Han. The fucking brat. He loves to rile up the doms and soft doms, pushing their buttons, making them snap. He likes to coerce the subs into messy situations in the hopes of getting into trouble off the doms Chan and Lino.
Han loves to get you into trouble, and for some reason you can’t resist his bratty, suggestive energy. He makes you lose the fear of consequences, or maybe it’s that he makes you forget about consequences entirely? Until, of course you are being thrown face down on the bed, your panties pulled down around your thighs as you get spanked by Chan while Lino fucks your face (although you love that kind of punishment).
You think every idea Han has is a good one. There’s just something about him that makes you want to please him. You want to please him as much as you need to please Chan and Lino. You’d honestly let him do anything he wants to you.
That’s how you ended up here. On the couch in the living room.
“Come on baby.” He whispers, kissing your neck. Your shirt is already off and he’s cupping your breast, under your bra, with one hand, and is three fingers deep inside your cunt.
He knows you are pliable right now. You’ll agree to anything. “Let me taste your sweet pussy.” He thrusts his fingers in hard making you squeal. “So fucking wet. I know you want more than just my fingers, right?”
You shake your head. “Sungie, no. We don’t have permission. What if they find out?” you say timidly.
“No one’s gonna know. Just think about how it’s gonna feel with my hot… wet…mouth,” he kisses you sloppily. “Against your…aching…dripping…pussy?” He breaks away only to lean his forehead against yours. “You are my baby, aren’t you?” he asks with a serious tone. You nod. You are. “So… can I?” he pushes.
“Yes.” You whisper. He is right. Your cunt really was aching for him. His fingers had almost taken you over the edge, but you know his skilled and quick mouth will have you seeing stars in no time.
“You’re my favourite, you know that, right? Always up for anything. Such a good girl.” He says as he makes his way down between your legs. “Spread them wider for me. Let me take a good look at you.” He pushes your legs open and bites his lip hungrily as he inspects your most intimate parts.
“Such a pretty, tight, little hole.” He watches your pussy clench around nothing as he removes his digits. He spreads your lips apart and licks a stripe up from your vagina to your clit. You cry out. Why does it always feel so good? You throw your head back and squeeze you eyes closed as Han laps up all of your arousal that’s dripping from you. Your back arches off the couch when he slips his tongue into your cunt.
“Fuck, Ji!” you cry. “I’m so close.”
And then you hear it. Your phone ringing. You know the ringtone. Han knows the ringtone. Lino is calling.
“Answer it, baby. You don’t want to get in trouble for missing a call from the boss.” Han pauses his movements.
“I… I can’t-”
“Answer it.” Han repeats himself.
And of course you do as he says.
With a shaky hand and a fuzzy brain, you answer the call. “H-hello?” you say softly.
“What the fuck took you so long, kitten?” Lino is angry. Fuck. “Um… I’m sorry, I was just…ahhhh.” You feel Han’s mouth latch onto your clit.
“You were just what? What is so important that it took you more than three rings for to answer the phone?” Lino growls.
You can barely find the words you need. Han is bringing you so close to climax that you can feel a sheen of sweat forming on your chest, and you know your heavy breathing must sound suspicious. You try with everything you have to ignore Han and to focus on Lino.
“I was just….working out… yes…running.” You manage.
And then you feel Han’s fingers in your pussy again, pumping in and out of you whilst he slurps loudly against your clit. The wet, obscene sounds becoming so loud that it threatens to give you away.
“Kitten?” Lino’s voice tries to cut through the overwhelming feeling of pleasure that has taken over your body. It is so hard to concentrate on Lino. Han is too intoxicating. Han feels too good. Han is your whole world. Han is the only person that matters. Han making you come is the only thing you need right now. You would surely die without it.
“Hannie-” you choke and the tension inside you snaps, sending pulsating pleasure through your veins and your legs shaking around Han’s head.
“You have to be fucking joking.” Lino does not sound happy. “Chan and I will be home in one hour. You and Han better be ready. You are going to be so fucking sorry.” And with that Lino is gone.
You lean up on your elbows and look down at the man that just took you to the stars. He is already looking up you with the most smug look on his face. You can’t tell if he is feeling pleased with himself because he convinced you (yet again) to let him have unauthorised access to your body, or that he has managed to get the you two caught?
It is a rather odd dynamic, between you and Han. Han is a bratty little shit, but he is not the boss. Not by a long shot. He just loves stirring up trouble and making life challenging for Chan and Lino. Han thinks it’s fucking hilarious to get himself, and any of the other subs, into trouble. Why? Because punishment is always fun. What he finds the most fun of all is the bemused expressions on Chan and Lino’s face when, as always, you have gone along with some devious idea of his.
You don’t even know why you always go along with whatever Han wants. But you can’t seem to stop yourself.
Even when it leads to this situation right now.
One hour later you and Han sitting side by side on the end of the bed, awaiting punishment.
The bedroom door bursts open and Chan and Lino enter the room - followed by the rest of the members. This was different. Punishment had never involved an audience before.
It makes you wet, and you were sure it is making Han hard.
They look pissed. Lino speaks first. “Everyone take a seat, stand against the wall. Make yourself comfortable.”
Seungmin and Changbin stand against the wall, and Felix, Innie and Hyunjin take places on the bed behind you.
Chan disappears out of the room momentarily, returning with two dining chairs and placing them in front of you and Han. Chan sits himself down on one and Lino drags the other a little further away to the right side of the room.
“Han,” starts Chan, “strip, then sit on that chair.” He nods to the empty dining chair.
Han immediately removes his clothes and takes a seat as instructed. You are right, he is hard. You hear Seungmin snicker to your left. How fucking humiliating.
“Everyone listen up.” Chan addresses the room. “Lino and I have called you all in here today because there are some of you who do not know how to follow rules.” Silence and anticipation fills the room and you start to become nervous.
“Han, in particular, doesn’t think he needs permission to play with our kitten here.” Lino says as he stands in front of you, grasping your chin forcing it so you’re looking into his dark, angry eyes. “Take off your top and bra and go lay over Chan’s lap so you can receive your punishment.”
You do as he says, nervously removing your garments and walking to were Chan sits.
“Lay over me, ass away from Han.” He pulls you over his lap and slaps your ass. Your head dangles by his shoe and you can’t see any of the men in the room. Chan pulls your shorts and panties down exposing your bare pussy and ass to everyone and pulls your cheeks apart. “Look at that boys… Han thinks this is his.” He snarls and roughly prods your pussy with his fingers. You gasp. You are so vulnerable, and so turned on. “Lino, come look at her pretty little holes.”
Lino kneels down next you, and the pair start finger fucking you at the same time. They plunge two fingers each into your cunt, stretching you, opening you up, showing everyone how much of a little whore you are. You begin to moan with pleasure, which apparently is against the rules. “Felix. Come pull the rest of her clothes off.” Chan instructs. “That’s it, Felix. Now shove her panties in her mouth to shut her up.”
Felix comes around and stuffs your mouth with your panties to muffle your whimpers, and then he’s gone again.
From where Han sits, all he can see is all the other men’s reactions to what is happening to you. He is turned on as fuck, but also jealous. He wants to see what was happening to your pussy. He can hear it though. The sopping, sloppy noises of your wetness. His dick is leaking. He knows there’s a good chance he’s going to come untouched. His hand automatically grips his cock.
"Hey, he’s touching his dick!” Innie exclaims, pointing to Han.
“Hyunjin, tie him up.” Chan growls. “This is meant to be a punishment.”
Hyunjin swiftly ties Han’s hands together and someone decides it’s a good idea to tie yours together too. “Let’s tie here’s behind her back.”
All you can do is lay there and take whatever punishment you are given.
“Everyone. This is what’s gonna happen.” Lino addresses the waiting men. “Our little darling here is going to choke on Chan’s cock, while I fuck her greedy little cunt. Your job, boys, is to jerk off while you watch. When you need to cum, you will come up, ask for permission, and choose where you want to cum on her.”
Seungmin, another dom, pipes up. “Hey why do I need to ask permission? And I don’t want to cum on her - I wanna cum in her.”
Lino rolls his eyes. “Don’t forget who's in charge here! But yeah, anyone can cum anywhere on or in her. Except Han. He’s not allowed to cum at all.”
Your pussy clenches at the thought of having everyone’s cum all over you.
“Everyone, get your cocks out.” You hear zippers and belt buckles as they free their dicks. Chan and Lino continue to finger your pussy. They jiggle your ass cheeks, make noises of approval at how wet you are. You feel Lino spit on your asshole and spread it around the rim, then plunge a finger deep into your hole. You tense and clench, making the pair chuckle to themselves. “Innie, give me the butt plug.” You brace yourself as Lino presses the rather large plug into your ass. He is careful as he presses it in. He doesn't actually want to hurt you. In fact, everyone knows everyone else's limits, hard no's, safe words and gestures. Even though you're tied up and your mouth is stuffed with panties, everyone knows if you shake your head rapidly, that means you want to stop.
“Pass me your belt, Changbin.” Says Lino standing up, leaving your hole clenching around the plug.
“We must set an example, mustn’t we Chan?” And without warning you feel the belt hit your ass cheek. You can’t cry out, or grab hold of anything. Chan holds you still. The belt comes down again. A little harder. Your skin stings. Again. Tears well up in your eyes. Another smack with the belt. You squeeze your eyes tight and the tears slip out. The next hit with the belt is on your pussy. It’s not as hard, but the sting is harsh. You hear gasps from some of the onlookers.
“Ummm,” you hear a timid voice next to you. “Can I please cum?” Felix.
“Already?” Chuckles Chan. “Sure. Where you going to put it?”
“The base of her spine please.” Always so polite. The spanking pauses, and you feel ropes of hot cum land on your lower back and hear the sweet noises Felix makes when he cums.
“Good boy.” Lino says proudly. “You did so good.” Chan concurs. “You may leave if you want. Or stay and watch. What do you want to do?”
Felix hesitates. “I’d like to stay and watch.” He says quietly.
“That’s our boy.” Seungmin claps his hands.
You are repositioned so that you are kneeling on the carpet in front of Chan. He lifts up slightly so he can shimmy his sweatpants down, freeing his enormous cock. Chan has the biggest cock out of everyone, and you know you are about to gag and choke very soon. He removes the panties that were in your mouth and fists a handful of hair on the back of your head and shoves your mouth down over his cock without care, forcing you take as much as possible. Then he pushes you down even more. You splutter, gag, and make a whole host of humiliating sounds as Chan pulls your mouth up and down on his cock, hard, fast and rough. You can get out of his grasp if you really want to. But you don't. You love this.
Meanwhile, Lino positions himself behind you, lifting you up enough to push his cock into your sopping cunt. The fullness feels incredible. Lino fucks you rough from the get go, leaving you no time to adjust. With your hands tied behind your back you are 'helpless'. And it’s driving you, and the men wild.
One by one, they come up seeking permission to cum on you.
You’re pulled up off Chan’s cock so Binnie can cum on your tits. You sneak a glance at Han to who looks so fucked out, his dick red and angry. Fuck you want to relieve him of that.
Innie wants to cum in your mouth. “Swallow it, kitten.” Lino instructs. You swallow it all and then continue to suck Chan off. Hyunjin wants to cum on your stomach, so again you’re lifted upright so he can mark you. Felix comes back again, this time wanting to cum in your mouth.
Finally Seungmin is ready to give you his load. “I’m going to cum in her cunt.” He announces. Lino grumbles and pulls out of you, and you feel Seungmin at your entrance. He thrusts into you hard making you gag on Chan’s cock. He digs his fingers into the side of your body and snaps his hips three times and you feel him release himself deep inside you.
“I’m not sticking my cock back in there after you. I don’t wanna feel your jizz on my dick.” Lino sounds irritated. Seungmin laughs and leaves the room.
“You’ll have to fuck her ass then, mate.” Chan says between clenched teeth. He was close to cumming.
“Hmm, you’re right.” Lino pulls the plug from your ass and pushes his thick cock into you, grasping your neck for both leverage and to feel you choking around Chan’s cock. Your pathetic cry is too much for Chan and he cums down your throat. “Swallow it.” Lino says from behind you, pounding his cock into your ass with an unimaginable force. You swallow and open your mouth, showing Chan your empty mouth.
You can feel Seungmin’s cum dribbling down your inner thigh, Felix’s cum dried on your back, and your breast and stomach are sticky. You are a mess as Lino fucks into you, holding you up by your tied arms. He pulls you against his chest, his mouth close to your ear. “Look at him,” Lino hisses, referring to Han. “I don’t know why the fuck you let him get you into this mess. Maybe you forgot who owns your pussy, hmm? Maybe you forgot I own your ass.” He growls. He reaches a hand down to your clit. “Now cum for me.” He demands.
You’re close but you can’t quite get there. You look at Han again. His cock. Yes, you love that cock so much. Closer. His trim waist and defined torso. Yes, you love to have your legs wrapped around it. Almost there. You look up to his face. His eyes. They are locked on yours. Encouraging you to cum. Fuck!!!! You clench around Lino’s cock and he pumps into you a few more times before you feel him paint your walls.
Lino pulls out and plugs you back up. “I own your ass. Don’t forget it.” He says and stands up. He and Chan pull their pants back on. You look around the room. It’s only now you realise that the rest of the men have left.
You see that Han has cum untouched, cum plastered on his abdomen, but he is still hard as stone. Chan unties him. “Now you clean her up - with your mouth… and then fuck Seungmin and Lino’s cum back into her holes.”
You and Han are alone again. He’s at your side untying you, immediately licking the cum off your tits, then kisses you. “That was so worth getting you into trouble.” He smirks and picks you up to lay you on the bed.
He hovers over you and gazes at you tenderly. “You are my baby, aren’t you?” He whispers.
You nod.
“Then… will you let me?”
“Let you what? They’ve given you permission to fuck me.” You say.
He shakes his head. “Will you let me make love to you? Slowly?”
Typical, bratty Han, still not wanting to follow instructions.
You nod. “Yes.”
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A/N: I kinda wanted to end this on a sweet note, and make Hannie still unable to follow rules, like if he’s told to fuck her, then he wants to go slow and tender. But… he is a sneaky little shit getting her into so much trouble.
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@kangnina @noellllslut @channieandhisgoonsquad @weareapackofstrays @wolfennracha @3rachasdomesticbanana
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world0fmadness · 3 months
oscar piastri x silent hill / horror game obsessed! reader x lando norris ( kind of )
faceclaim: none!
୨୧ this is uh… this is just very self indulgent to be honest! i’m someone that cannot shut the fuck up about video games in general but especially silent hill and other survival horror games so yeah! i haven’t slept in 20 hours, i’m running on monster energy so sorry for any major errors
୨୧ part two of this smau available here
reading music recommendations: the reverse will by akira yamaoka - laura plays the piano by akira yamaoka - waiting for you by akira yamaoka
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ynlovesthehorror: it’s raining and hailing outside today… you know what that means… classic survival horror game marathon 🥳
landonorris ✔️: girl you would’ve done this if the sun was shining and the birds were chirping…
> ynlovesthehorror: shut your mouth
> landonorris ✔️: i’m telling oscar
> londoacaryn: never beating those future throuple allegations i fear…
oscarpiastri ✔️: miss you tons, can’t wait to get home and watch ❤️
> ynlovesthehorror: miss you more! can’t wait for you to get home, i still have lore to explain :3
> landonorris ✔️: oscar she told me to shut my mouth, tell her off
> oscarpiastri ✔️: no way mate, you deserved it
> landonorris ✔️: right well i’m just gonna drive off a bridge then i reckon, since you obviously all hate me so much 💔
> oscarpiastri ✔️: okay
> ynlovesthehorror: okay
> danielricciardo ✔️: okay
landoontop: my favourite wag, she just wants to chill all the time 😭
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landonorris ✔️: GET A GRIP YOU MUPPET 😭
danielricciardo ✔️: DISTURBING! someone needs to show this to the FIA…
> landonorris ✔️: DONT ENCOURAGE HER
landoontop: and where was oscar when this was happening?
> ynlovesthehorror: toilet 😔
> landoontop: seems suspicious… you don’t think…
> ynlovesthehorror: 😟
> oscarpiastri ✔️: 😳
landoscaryn: she couldn’t be serious if she tried 😭
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ynlovesthehorror: went to the paddock with oscar today! you already know the psp had to come with me <3 also l*ndo got me this shirt… i think he might feel bad about threatening me with a gun for being passionate about a game
landonorris ✔️: still going with how i and a unknown assailant apparently put you in a chair and pointed guns at you for talking to our engineers about silent hill?
> ynlovesthehorror: you left me traumatised
> landonorris ✔️: absolute muppet
> ynlovesthehorror: thanx for the shirt :3
❤️ liked by landonorris and oscarpiastri
danielricciardo ✔️: nice seeing you again yn! thanks for letting me borrow your psp for a bit, took me way back
> ynlovesthehorror: you’re welcome <3
oscarpiastri ✔️: always a better race when you’re here ❤️ love you lots, my lucky charm
> ynlovesthehorror: you flatter me too much, love you more <3
charlesleclerc ✔️: the paddock is always more fun with you around! hope to see you again soon yn 🙂
> ynlovesthehorror: only if you bring alex and leo with you again
> charlesleclerc ✔️: leo? sure! alex? absolutely not
> ynlovesthehorror: don’t hate me because your girlfriend liked my nerd swag
> landonorris ✔️: “swag” someone run her over
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ynlovesthehorror: me at comic-con last year vs me at comic-con this year! i have a new sidekick :3 oscarpiastri
oscarpastry: holy fuck
> iluvf1: holy FUCK
> piastrilover: HOLY FUCK
oscarpiastri ✔️: most fun i’ve had at an event in a long time, love you lots ❤️
> ynlovesthehorror: i finally have a bf that will cosplay with me 🥹 AND HES AUSTRALIAN AND SUPER HOT
oldf1lvr: well… this is it! this is the cutest thing to ever happen in the history of f1 couples
landonorris ✔️: nerds
> ynlovesthehorror: you get absolutely no bitches, leave my comment section
> oscarpiastri ✔️: lando you messaged me that you were upset we hadn’t told you we were going to comic-con this year and you would’ve come dressed as james if yn wanted
> landonorris ✔️: snake
> landoontop: lmao poor lando 😩
eatoscarlikepastry: so this confirms that oscar is a silent hill fan too right?
> landoontop: idk… he might just be dressing up with her, supporting her!
> ynlovesthehorror: he wasn’t a silent hill fan before i met him, he didn’t even know wtf it really was 💔 i changed that real quick, he’s almost a big of a fan now as me… almost
oscarynlove: something just happened in my brain and i don’t know what…
danielricciardo ✔️: good work on crafting the costumes both times yn! always lovely to see your talent
> ynlovesthehorror: don’t praise me, i’ll cry
> landoscaryn: she’s just like me </3
> danielricciardo ✔️: don’t be stupid! you deserve praise love ❤️
> oscarpiastri ✔️: she’s crying but she says thank you lots
> landonorris ✔️: what a strange girl…
> oscarpiastri ✔️: 🙄
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ynlovesthehorror: life update! me and osc got a kitten :3
maxverstappen ✔️: good choice of pet!
> ynlovesthehorror: thank you maxi pad
> maxverstappen ✔️: 😕
oscarpastry: oscar with a kitten oh my god… what did you name it?
> ynlovesthehorror: heather <3
> landonorris ✔️: of fucking course you named her that…
oscarpiastri ✔️: i love our child ❤️
> ynlovesthehorror: our BABY!
charlesleclerc ✔️: i must bring leo over so they can meet and be best friends!
> ynlovesthehorror: yes 🥹 next week!
iluvf1: they’re the cutest couple on the grid i fear…
❤️ liked by landonorris
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ynlovesthehorror: you’re the james to my mary (minus the murder part) i’ll always be waiting for you ❤️
eatoscarlikepastry: i’m so obsessed with them…
landonorris ✔️: “minus the murder part” i just… why can’t you just be normal?
> oscarpiastri ✔️: i don’t want her to be normal ❤️
> ynlovesthehorror: you heard the man
landoscaryn: WHEN WILL IT BE MY TURN?
oscarpiastri ✔️: i love you, lucky charm ❤️
> ynlovesthehorror: love you more speedy <3
oscarynlove: you as mary or maria and oscar as james when?
> ynlovesthehorror: soon… very soon :)
⋆ ˚。⋆ ୨୧ ˚ NEW ADDED BONUS ˚ ୨୧ ⋆。˚ ⋆
a chat is needed
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i2ycat · 4 months
Trouble is a Band
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synopsis being in a band was all you ever wanted, and so when you were able to fly across the globe to join your brother’s high school band, you jumped at the opportunity to show everyone everything that you’ve got. singing in a band? check. performing in front of a crowd? check. falling in love with your brother’s best friend, who is in a complicated relationship with one of your fellow bandmates? check?
pairing park jongseong x fem!reader genre high school!au, kind of band!au, fluff, angst, friends to lovers, brothers best friend trope, slow burn-ish? word count 7.5k warnings implied sexual relationships (there’s no smut), kind of an implied fwb situation, liking someone who is taken(??), mentions of toxic relationships, bitchy character lol, cursing, kissing, nicknames (princess, baby), semi-proofread, lmk if i missed anything else lyn speaking i’ve been writing this for like 2 months and even lost sleep over this, the real ones know ☝🏻 idk why but this was much harder to write compared to my heeseung one… and this is not my best work, wouldn’t say i’m entirely proud of this i’m ngl so i won’t be too surprised if this flops </3 also this got me thinking ab jay and guitars wayyyy too much main masterlist
reblogs and comments are very much appreciated!
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“Are the schools here always up a damn hill?” You heave out an exasperated pant, your legs burning from the early morning cardio you definitely weren’t prepared for, or even expecting for that matter.
The summer sun is so unforgiving that in under ten minutes, you’ve become such a sweaty mess that you’re furiously sweating from every possible angle; your uniform practically drenched from your back and underarm areas. A layer of perspiration sheens the expanse of your forehead and it results in you resembling something the likes of Abby from Chicken Little as individual strands of hair stuck to it like glue.
You look over at an unbothered Jake with his hair still perfectly intact and looking as if he had just walked out of Vogue magazine. You scoff at this.
The only things you and Jake had in common were having the same last names, a slight similarity in facial structures, and maybe a shared interest in band music but that was about it. You’ve had totally different upbringings up until now, with you having lived in France while he was in Australia, and soon after, in Sokor. You were apart for most of your childhood, only seeing each other for vacations and special occasions, like that one time Aunt Jung had her outdoor wedding in Barcelona and you’d met Jake and your mother at the airport out of pure coincidence.
But despite the distance, it didn’t deter the both of you from being as close as you guys are, still making the effort to talk almost every day, even if you were drained from school. You remembered nights when you would call up Jake just to rant to him about boys — yes, multiple — you were talking to while he ate lunch on the other side of the world.
However, other than just being brought up differently, you guys were total opposites. If Jake was known to be the golden retriever with his high energy, bright smiles, and friendly dispositions, then you would be considered the chihuahua — closed-off and somewhat sarcastic. You didn’t have a social circle as expansive as Jake's because you liked to be alone. People have always told you that you had this brooding aura about you, and you could never tell if they were complimenting or insulting you.
“You get used to it,” Jake simply shrugs, adjusting the straps of his bag in a manner that did not mirror yours in any capacity. It was ridiculous how not even a single drop of sweat was in sight. “Now hurry it up! If we walk any slower, we might actually be late.” He drags you by the arm, to which you inwardly groan, already regretting the fact that you transferred to a pseudo-gym of a school in the dead of summer.
Transferring to an entirely different school system definitely posed itself as an inevitable challenge at first, but even then, half a day passed you by uncharacteristically fast. It might have been because you were sleeping through the majority of your morning classes, unable to totally grasp or get used to your supposed mother tongue just yet, that made time pass seemingly faster.
That, coupled with the fact you never functioned properly in the morning in the first place thanks to your night owl tendencies.
You’d spent most of your life conversing in either English or French, rendering your skills in your own mother tongue to an intermediate level at best. You could, at the very least, listen and understand it to a certain degree but not speak it as well as Jake does. You were only able to communicate with simple sentences and the few swear words and phrases your father used whenever he was lecturing you.
A day before your flight back home, you’d even attempted to touch up on your language skills with the help of your father and a facetimed version of your brother and mother, but it was already too late then. You were a lost cause. You definitely don’t blame your parents for your inability to speak the language, but rather, you blame your own lack of enthusiasm to learn it on your own in the first place.
“Y/n, right?” You rub the sleepiness from your eyes away as your gaze averts to the girl standing in front of your desk. She, with her neatly braided hair and black rims, sported a welcoming smile that gave you the impression of a class president. Maybe she was; you haven’t been paying attention to anything the teacher said since this morning.
You slowly nod, “Yeah, I am.”
“I’m Mia, the class vice president.” Okay, so your guess wasn’t entirely off the mark. You were only missing a word.
“Hi.” You purse your lips into a tight-lipped smile, unknowing of what to say next and silently wishing that your brother would come get you faster. Why did his classroom have to be so far from yours? Did the administration really think you could handle all this on your own?
In the painful silence, you were sure that this Mia girl could sense the awkwardness radiating from you with the way she’s trying so hard to keep the conversation afloat, probably thinking that you’re an introvert that doesn’t like approaching people first — which if it was any other day she would’ve be right on the money on but all you wanted right now was to be left alone to your own thoughts. You were still suffering from jet lag and time differences, and those two combined ran your social battery dry.
“Where’d you transfer from?”
“You’re french?”
“No, I just moved there really young.”
“I see,” she said, nodding her head as if she were deep in thought. “I’ve always wanted to go to France.”
“It’s nice there.”
“So, can you speak-”
Before she can even finish her question, a blaring bang coming from the front door reverberates in your almost empty homeroom, save for yourself, Mia, and a group of friends in the back with their homemade lunches. You almost dropped to your knees to thank the heavens for hearing your prayers as you watched your brother's figure stand there, taking a moment to catch his breath as if he’d just finished running a marathon.
“Hey, Jake!” You damn near winced at Mia’s drastic change of voices in your brother’s presence. You were sure she had a deeper voice just a few seconds earlier, even having the same mezzo tone as you do. It definitely raised a few brows, but you weren’t the type to judge people too quickly, and you didn’t want to think that about such a sweet-looking girl.
Maybe she just had a crush on your brother; whatever it was, your senses were telling you that they were currently not in favour of Mia’s presence.
"Oh, hey, Mi. I see you’ve met my sister.” Jake acknowledges her before turning to you and saying, “Come on, we've got to go meet the others.” He beckons you towards him with a nod of his head, to which you happily oblige, just thankful that you don’t need to go through the rest of lunch with any more of Mia’s interrogation-style questioning.
You follow your brother after handing Mia a terse goodbye, attempting to at least have an amiable smile on your face in the process.
Even if Mia had more things she wanted to ask you, she put them aside on the backburner for a later date. Instead, opting to just wave you and Jake off with the same friendly grin she always has on.
When you’re out of earshot, making quick work to slide the door close behind you, you make your way beside Jake in quick strides. “You know her?”
“Obviously. Why?”
“Nothing.” You shrug the feelings of uncertainty off, not having the energy to try and dig anything up on the first day of school. “You said we’re meeting the others?”
“Yeah, my friends, you’ve seen them. They heard you were transferring here and really wanted to meet you.”
From the number of times you’ve called Jake during his school hours, you were bound to interact with a few of his friends, mainly the three youngest of the group: Jungwon, Sunoo, and Riki. There would even be times he’d leave you alone with his friends while he went for a toilet break, and when he’d come back, you'd already be three months into the storyline with your then-current situationship.
You were obviously excited to finally meet them after only having talked to them via Jake’s phone. Throughout the four years, you’d like to think that you’ve created a connection with some of the boys, given that they already know so much about your life and you know theirs. The older ones, not so much, despite being much closer in age ranges.
Out of the four oldest, you’ve only managed to properly talk to Sunghoon. It was when you were on call crying to your brother about the fourth boy of the month, and Sunghoon just so happened to be going home with Jake that day. He’d eavesdropped on your conversation and offered you some advice, explaining that he had a sister of his own, as if that gave him the certification needed to meddle in your affairs.
You didn’t even know he was with Jake, let alone hearing you bawl your eyes out, blowing into copious amounts of tissues included, until he started going off about how boys are scary and that you shouldn’t trust them so easily. It startled you, almost making you scream, but you were grateful for his brotherly advice either way.
When the two of you finally make it towards the other end of the sixth floor, Jake slides the door to his homeroom open, and you’re immediately greeted with the view of six boys scattered around the empty classroom, a few having acoustic guitars and drumsticks in hand. This may sound cringy, but it reminded you of that one scene from Lemonade Mouth, where everyone was in the detention room and just communicating through the music. Except you weren’t in a detention room, and instead of singing, mindless chatter filled the space.
You’ve always daydreamed about being in a band, even going as far as attempting to create one of your own, but keyword: attempt. You obviously failed at doing so in your previous school because nobody likes being in bands nowadays, and your brother, knowing this, instantly jumped at the idea of adding you as their newest member.
He’d already gone through the logistics a week before you even officially transferred, coercing everyone in the band to agree to your addition, but truth be told, it didn’t even take that much toiling since everyone was just excited to finally meet you, and they'd already heard about how talented you are thanks to Jake’s endless bragging.
“She’s here!” Jake announces, prompting everyone to halt whatever it was they were doing and immediately jump at the sight of you gracing their homeroom entryway.
“Y/n!” Jungwon, Sunoo, and Riki are the first ones to capture you in a big embrace, effectively squishing you under their hold. Is this what people feel when they finally meet an online friend?
The mixture of fulfilment and excitement bubbling inside you was hard to maintain levelled, spilling out of you in the form of a grin that extended from ear to ear. You considered these three your babies at this point, wanting to spoil and shower them with as much love and affection as an actual mother would. It didn’t matter if you were only a few months older than them, that’s wasn’t the point.
When you’re released from their embrace, you can finally see the rest standing there with a cordial expression plastered over their features. You must admit, you’ve always thought that Jake’s friends were all attractive and had a relative charm to them, but it’s even more apparent now that you’ve met them in real life. With their tall stature and undeniable talent, you could only imagine the long line of girls waiting for them.
As you start to scan the boys one by one, you catch yourself gravitating towards Jay. He’s donning the school uniform, the same exact ones that the rest are, but he makes it so uniquely his by unbuttoning it to show the black shirt underneath and cuffing the sleeves until it reaches his forearms.
From the plethora of Instagram stories you’ve seen about Jay, you knew that Jay was into fashion and occasionally designed the outfits the guys wore onto stage. And as a fashion guru yourself, you applauded his impeccable style, finding yourself in constant awe of the effortless aura and innate ability for fashion that he possessed.
It also didn’t help that he was totally up your alley in terms of physical attractiveness. The others were pretty and charming in their own way, yes, but Jay had you hooked the moment Jake posted that photo of him fresh out of the beach, with tan skin and wet hair, looking like a damn Greek god.
Did you mention that you’ve also watched an unhealthy amount of videos of Jay playing the guitar? Because you have and it made getting attracted to him so much easier. Even through the screen, you could just tell that he was in his element, like he was born to perform as the passion he had for the instrument oozed out. Everything about him was just so mesmerising; you’re sure that you’re not the only one who sees that.
The timeline is blurry but from then on, you’d developed a small, insignificant crush on him, one that you didn’t bother mentioning to your brother because you were scared he would force you to act on it, even when you weren’t sure if you liked him enough to want to date him. You haven’t even properly met the guy at that point.
To you, it was simply an attraction. One that you’d get over in about a month because it’s what you always do.
“Hey, guys.” You wave.
“You’re awfully shorter than I thought you would be.” Riki says this from beside you, silently mocking you for all the times you’ve challenged him about his height.
“Of course you would say that.” You playfully roll your eyes. “You’re obsessed with your height, Riks; we get it.”
"Okay, back off, guys. That’s my little sister you guys are hogging.” Jake shoos the younger boys away with a flick of his hand, to which they dejectedly comply, making way for you to enter further into the classroom. “What was on our agenda again? Right, Y/n’s position in the band.”
“We could use another guitarist.” Sunoo muses, with Jungwon and Sunghoon silently agreeing on the side.
“Nah, we already have Jay and you for that.” Your brother shakes his head. “Wait, speaking of Jay, where’s Jiwon? You said she’d be here when I came back.” At this, all eyes shift towards Jay, who simply shrugs.
“I don’t know.”
“Don’t tell me you guys are having a lover's quarrel again.” Heeseung sighs. Your ears immediately perk up at the mention of Jay, Jiwon, and a lover's quarrel in the same sentence. Confusion starts to pervade your stomach.
Huh? When did they start dating? You thought Jiwon was only a close friend.
You’ve only ever heard of Jiwon, not once seeing her face in Jake’s stories or any of the others. All the information you had on her was that she was the same age as you and played the keys for the band. Jungwon, Sunoo, and Riki mentioned her once or twice, but it was more of them complaining about her. Other than that, it was as if her existence evaded you completely.
“The third one this month, mind you.” Riki quips.
“It’s only the second week of the month, though.” Jake’s mouth gapes at the fact that his best friend is still willing to go through such a toxic relationship, or whatever it was, even when she limits the people around him until she’s the only one left in his life, when they constantly fight over the smallest things, or even when she encourages him to drop his best friends. He doesn’t understand what’s so good about Jiwon that’s got Jay under her spell, and he doesn’t want to know either.
“Can we just drop it?”
Your brother puts his hands up in defeat and says, “Whatever you say, bro.”
An awkward air of silence starts to permeate the air, and by now, you’re sure someone could cut through the tension with a knife.
You clear your throat before saying, “Is it okay if I’m just a singer?” in an attempt to divert the conversation back to its original agenda, which thankfully works because the others start talking, adding in their own thoughts here and there. And by the time lunch ends, you’re officially set as the band’s lead singer and lyricist.
Finding out about Jay and Jiwon’s relationship made you realise just how little you know about these guys, only having talked to them through FaceTime and watching them live their lives through snippets of Jake’s Instagram.
The warmth and familiarity you were initially met with made you completely forget that you only officially met these guys today. They were all, to some extent, still strangers to you.
A few hours of school turned into two weeks, and two weeks into a month. By now, you’ve gotten more than used to everyone’s dynamics and energy, though it was still a little too high for you at times. You were thankful that your brother was there whenever you couldn’t communicate your feelings and thoughts as well as you wanted to, and for the rest for being so understanding.
All of this was a dream come true for you, truly. Ever since your father introduced you to the world of music, you’ve dreamt of being in a band yourself, singing your own songs in front of people, and feeling the music course through you as you stand on the stage.
But no matter how much you wanted to saturate your mind with happier, less confusing thoughts, it always seemed to circle back to the same thing: Jay and Jiwon.
Over the course of a month, you’ve managed to interact with Jiwon on several occasions, each lasting around a minute. They consisted of mostly quick pleasantries, instructions, and the rare ‘how are you’s? She wasn’t cold but not entirely friendly either, which you totally get because it’s not like you were any different.
Throughout the majority of the breaks in between practice sessions, she stuck by Jay’s side, engaging in playful and flirtatious banter that the boys would secretly roll their eyes at. You’d asked your brother why everyone seemed to not like seeing Jay and Jiwon together, but he simply shrugged you off, leaving you with even more questions.
“Hey, Y/n.” You look up from your notebook to see Mia, who you’ve wrongly assumed was a pick-me at first, cheerfully greeting you.
Somewhere along the line, she’d bashfully admitted to you that she liked your brother. It definitely explained the change in personalities and voices whenever he was around, but it didn’t make you want to recoil any less. She was a good-natured girl who hated letting anyone down, so when she asked for a favour from you — one that involved you setting her up with your brother — there was just no way you could decline. If she wanted to date your brother, you would happily aid her in that.
Which brought you to a now-blooming friendship.
“Hi, Mi.” You managed to reciprocate her energy.
“You’re having band practice today, right?” She asks with a tilt of her head, to which you nod. A beat passes before she bites her lip in anticipation. “Is it okay if I come watch?”
From the way her eyes glowed with hope, you could immediately tell that she only had one mission in mind: to see Jake. “You’re not being very discreet with this,” you chuckle, endeared by her amateurish antics. “But, sure. Practice starts at 4.” Hearing this, she immediately clasps her hand into yours, thanking you as if you just saved her entire bloodline.
She leaves you to your own accord not soon after being called by the teacher, “I’ll be there!”
With twenty minutes to spare and no one to spend it with, seeing as your brother was busy with lunch detention and your three babies had a student council meeting to attend to, you decided to make your merry way towards the practice room with your notebook in hand.
Pushing the door open, the view of Jay playing the guitar by the window warmly greets you. You're awestruck by the way he strums the chords so effortlessly, filling your ears with the most beautiful progressions you’ve ever heard, like it was heaven’s sonata. You would’ve loved to just stand there all day and relish in the intimate moment he’s created in the dingy room, but it only takes a few seconds before Jay inevitably notices your figure by the door.
“Sorry, I didn’t think anyone would be here right now.” You take a step back, ready to shut the door close behind you, but before you could move even an inch, Jay refused, instead asking you if you could keep him company. “You want me to stay?”
“I mean, why not?” He pats the space beside him and scoots over.
Your steps are hesitant, somehow alarmed by the prospects of Pandora's box in your heart breaking open the moment you decide to sit next to him. But it was just a simple, friendly act, so what could possibly go wrong here? You push those thoughts away and plop yourself on the cushioned window seat, leaving just enough space between you and him.
“So, why are you here?” He asks you as he carefully sets the guitar back on the floor.
“Everyone else was busy,” You could feel Jay’s intense watch on you, and you couldn’t help but feel the burning sensation on your skin. Just being in his presence alone was already making you feel hot; your cheeks were heating up in the process. “How about you?” You just wanted him to stop looking at you, because you wouldn’t know what to do if he noticed just how he was making you feel.
“Me?” He hums. “I guess I just wanted some peace and quiet.”
“Oh, am I disturbing your peace and quiet? I could leave right now.”
“You don’t have to be so antsy. I’m not going to bite you, ya’know?” He chuckles, clearly amused by your response. “And besides, you’re giving me peace by just being here.”
“I see.” You nod slowly as you bite your lip in an attempt to get a better hold of your nerves. There was absolutely no need to be so nervous around your brother’s best friend.
“I just realised something,”
“What?” You shift in your seat to get a better look at him.
“This is the first time we’ve ever had a one-on-one talk.”
“Yeah, I wonder why.” You retort, and he raises an eyebrow at this.
“What do you mean by that?” His head tilts at an angle, looking at you with those deep-set eyes of his. You can try to deny it all you want, but the skip in your heartbeat is hard to mistake; it’s not a feeling you’re stranger to.
“I don’t know; you never seem to talk with anyone else other than Jiwon during practice, so it’s no wonder we’ve never actually talked before.”
“Wow, you’re sounding a little salty there.” Jay’s lips form a lopsided smirk after noticing the defensive expression that adorned your features. “Nah, I’m just toying with you.” The airy laugh he lets out does little to nothing to soothe the chaos that ensues in your heart and mind.
“For your information, I am not salty. It’s just a bummer that you never really tried forming a closer friendship with anyone else in the band.”
“It’s not that I haven’t tried." He mumbles.
He shakes his head and says, “It’s nothing.”
A comfortable silence engulfs the air between both of you before Jay continues, “Hey, since you’re so salty about me not giving you my attention, how about I buy you ice cream tomorrow?”
“First of all, I am not salty. And second of all, it wasn’t that-”
"So, is it a no?”
You narrow your eyes at him. “If you admit that I’m not salty, then maybe I’ll agree to it.”
“You’re not really in the position to be giving me a challenge, seeing as I’m the one offering you free food,” he bites down a simper. “But fine, your highness, I hereby declare you not salty.” He adds a curt bow for the dramatics, and you can’t help but roll your eyes in faux annoyance.
“You’re so annoying.” You huff out.
“If you’re going to be in our band, you’re going to need more tolerance and patience than that.”
You could feel yourself slowly letting your guard down in Jay’s presence. The playful and witty banter he offered you made you feel like you’ve known him longer than you actually do, and it felt nice.
It felt almost too nice to be around him. But like everything else in your life, this feeling too shall pass. He has a girlfriend, for Christ's sake. So you better make sure that it will.
With your head resting on your hand, you silently watched the busy street beside you. When you first came to Korea, it was summer, but now that the leaves were starting to turn orange little by little, you could tell that it was nearing your favourite season of the year — autumn. To you, everything felt just a little more romantic under the autumn leaves and the cool breeze that hangs in the air.
“Were you waiting long?” Jay’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts, and you quickly shake your head. “Sorry, Ji wanted me to teach her this riff on the guitar.” He pulls the seat out in front of you to sit, and you take the opportunity to sneak a longing glance at him: tousled hair, swollen lips, an untucked collar. It definitely looked like he did more than just teach her chords, but you bite your tongue.
It was none of your business.
“Did you order already?” He flips through the menu of desserts.
“No, I was going to, but I realised I didn’t know what flavours you liked.”
“Sorry,” He passes you a sheepish smile. “I’m going to go on a whim here and guess that you like Rocky Road.”
You raise an impressed brow. “How’d you know?”
“I just know you like that.”
“We’ve known each other for 3 weeks, Jay.”
“Okay, damn. You really do wound me,” a hand raises to his chest, feigning hurt. “Okay, now you guess what flavour I like.”
You ponder over for a while but decide to just settle on the most basic flavour of all, “Vanilla?” His face visibly falters at your answer; you could almost make out a pout forming on his kiss-bitten lips.
“Wow, I could tell the amount of thought you put into that.” His sarcastic claps boom throughout the modest ice cream parlour, earning him dirty looks from the few customers at the neighbouring tables.
“So you don’t like vanilla?”
He crosses his arms and asks, “What do you think?”
“Ugh, this conversation is going nowhere; go order it yourself.” You groan out, rising on your feet to order on your own.
“Calm down, princess; I’ll go order it.” Before you could protest, he'd already made a beeline for the cashier.
Princess? That was new. Oh, who were you kidding? All of this was fucking new.
A feeling of internal turmoil starts to bubble violently, like a seething kettle waiting to be opened. You hated how he was so nonchalant about everything. And you hated how he unknowingly made you feel things you shouldn’t feel. It felt awfully wrong on so many levels, but this thing was just a friendly gesture, a payback, if you will. There was nothing wrong with hanging out with your brother’s best friend on a Thursday evening, even if you held an underlying attraction for said friend, right?
“Here, one Rocky Road for your highness, and one good ol’ vanilla ice cream for her loyal servant.”
“So you do like vanilla ice cream,” you scoff.
“I never said I didn’t.” He shrugged. “Woah, this might actually be the best vanilla I’ve ever tasted. Try it!” He scoops a chunk out for you to taste, which you politely decline. There was a certain line you didn’t want to cross, no matter how insignificant and innocent the gesture might’ve been. Maybe you were thinking too hard, but it would’ve been weird for you to share an indirect kiss with a taken man, even if he was your brother’s best friend. “Hm, your loss then.”
The both of you remained in silence with the dulcet melodies of Wave to Earth playing in the background, and it served as a pleasant companion to the overly complicated noise in your head, all caused by the boy sitting a few feet from you.
“I’ve been meaning to tell you.” Jay’s voice pulls you out of your own mind, causing you to look up at him expectantly. “You have a really beautiful voice.” His warm smile shoots you in the heart, right where you know it shouldn’t. It was just a simple compliment, one that you’ve heard plenty of times before, yet it sounded so good coming from him. It almost made you want to keep proving yourself to him so you could keep hearing him praise you like that.
“Thank you,” You bite the insides of your cheek as a way to chide yourself. Just why were you so easily affected by everything he says and does?
“I really want you to sing this song I’m writing. I mean, I’m not totally done yet, but I wrote it with your voice in mind. It’s for the upcoming music festival.” He pulls out his phone and earphones from his pocket, sliding his chair closer to yours and offering an earpiece, which you cautiously take.
You straighten your back in an effort to keep yourself focused, not wanting to mind the way his shoulders are pushed up against yours, or the way you could practically make out every single feature on his face, or the fact that you would’ve felt his breath fan against your face if he turned even just a bit to the left. You needed to physically force yourself to focus solely on the music.
Don’t mind the confusion.
The sense of focusing.
The only sure thing is you.
So now, put it all behind.
I’m just going to walk according to how my heart beats.
Fatal trouble.
Jay’s voice fills your ears, alongside Jungwon and Sunghoon’s. You could appreciate their heavenly voices all day, but the striking lyrics seemed to be the main reason for taking your breath away. It sounded as if they were speaking to your troubled thoughts right in the face, slithering around you to tempt you into falling deeper. Deeper into what? You didn’t want to even think about it. 
"So, what do you think?”
“It's... it’s good.”
“That’s it?”
“What did you want me to say?”
“No need to get so feisty, princess.” He ruffles your hair, and you sigh, feeling the overwhelming defeat take over you because, no matter how much you wanted to fight the feeling, you knew that all your efforts would come crashing down anyway.
You were a weak woman with many faults, and being attracted to someone who is so painfully taken is the biggest one of them all.
With only a few weeks left until the school’s music festival, it’s no surprise that everyone has been on edge, but particularly so with Jay and Jiwon. Anyone with a pair of eyes could tell they were going through a rough patch in their relationship right now, made apparent by the abnormal amount of distance between them and the lack of flirtatious banter filling the room.
Every practice session was filled with the suffocating tension that made practicing so much more exhausting, and Jake had had enough of it.
“I know you guys are having yet another lover's quarrel, but can you guys quit it? We have a festival coming up, and we can’t afford to have both of your immature asses fucking this up for us.” Your brother’s stern voice shakes the entire room. He was usually never the one to get mad at people, so it felt unusual to see this side of Jake.
“We’re not lovers,” Jiwon retorts as her fingers mindlessly hover over the keys on the keyboard. She tilts her head at Jay and says, “He made very sure of that.”
“Look, it doesn’t matter what the fuck you guys are or not; I just need you guys to keep it civil for the sake of our performance, if not our team.”
“Oh, fuck off. As if you guys have ever even tried keeping it civil with me,” Jiwon seethes, the dark chuckle of complete disbelief she lets out hanging heavy in the air. “Yeah, I see the way you guys roll your eyes at me, and I hear the way you guys bitch about me behind my back too. I’m not fucking blind, Jake.”
You could see the way everyone shifts uncomfortably in their spots, and you can’t help but do so too.
“Quit it, Ji.” Jay’s attempts at getting Jiwon’s rampage to stop proved futile, as it only spurred her on.
“Shut up, Jay. I know the only reason you refuse to make it official is because you started liking your best friend’s little sister over me.” As soon as she dropped the bomb, all eyes darted towards Jay, who only stared at Jiwon. His jaw ticks in what you could only surmise as vexation, with the evidence of it starting to sprawl across his features. “What, baby? Cat got your tongue?” Jiwon sneers.
“Jiwon, if you’re not going to contribute anything to the band, you can just go home.” Sunghoon speaks as he points to the exit.
“I was planning to anyway,” she says, picking up her bag from the floor. “I am so fucking done with this, and you guys are all fucked.” With that, the door behind Jiwon shuts with a deafening bang.
The eight of you remain frozen in your spots with the shock of it all coursing through your veins like a hot iron. You needed a minute or two to even begin to assimilate whatever the fuck just went down.
When she said that Jay liked you over her, she meant it as a friend, right? There’s no way it meant anything more than that, right? Why does he keep confusing you? Why did he have to have your heart right in the palm of his hand? You felt your head start to pound the more you thought about it, and you just wanted to escape from it all.
Life since you joined your brother’s band has been everything you’ve ever imagined and more. You were finally able to meet people you called your family; you were able to sing your heart away on stages the way you always wanted to; and you were able to feel alive in a way you couldn’t when you were in France. But it didn’t stop there. You fell in love — a little too hard at that — and now you were suffering the consequences of that.
You had a track record for falling in love way too easily with people, as evident by your long list of situationships turned relationships, so when you found yourself staring at Jay for a bit too long, you weren’t entirely alarmed because you knew you’d be able to get over it in a few weeks. It was no biggie, or so you thought.
After Jiwon’s official departure from the band, the overall atmosphere had lifted and everyone was back to their normal selves; Sunoo and Sunghoon were back to bickering, and Jungwon and Riki were back to hogging you. Heeseung occasionally joined in sessions despite the senior duties that called for his presence. Jake and Jay, on the other hand, were preparing diligently for the festival, working on the song non-stop. It’s because of that that you haven’t been seeing either of them lately, which you were thankful for because it gave you time to really think. Think about whether Jay liked you as a friend or in a romantic sense.
“You’re thinking about it again, aren’t you?” Mia nudges you in the arm. She knows you like the back of her hand at this point, given the amount of time she’s spent at your practices. It’s thanks to your cupid skills that your brother and her have been spending much more time together inside and out of the practice room, and despite either of them telling you that they’re just friends, you know better than that.
You sigh, knowing that it’s no use lying to her. “Is it that obvious?”
"Oh, baby, it’s written all over your face.” Her neatly manicured fingers push loose strands of hair out of your face just before squishing your cheeks in an endearing manner. “Talk to me about it.”
“Ugh, I don’t know.” She gives you a knowing look. “It’s just... that I liked him for so long, thinking that he was taken, and I felt so fucking guilty for it. Then the whole ‘Jiwon leaving’ thing happened, and now I’m all confused. Honestly, there hasn’t been a moment where Jay hasn’t confused me. Everything he says and does just makes me want to scream, ‘What the fuck are we!’ but I know he’s just doing it because we’re friends or whatever.
I mean, he literally calls me princess. How does he not expect me to not feel things? It’s so damn frustrating. I thought I would be able to get over these feelings before winter started, but here we are in the dead of winter, and I’m still helplessly pining over my brother’s best friend, like a damn loser.”
Everything you’ve been holding since you transferred here finally threatens to spill out, and by now, you just couldn’t help the tears from lining your eyes and your throat from constricting.
“Oh, my Y/n.” She embraces you in a hug and connects her forehead with yours; it only eggs you on to fully succumb to your emotions, and so tears become full-fledged sobs. “It’s okay, let it all out.” Her voice, along with her hand ministering to gently soothe your back, lulls you.
Until you’re left only as a sniffling mess, she continues to caress your back. “Thank you, Mi. I really appreciate it.”
“I’m always here for you,” She squeezes you one last time for good measure before letting go of you. “Now, we need a plan for you to get your man.”
“No, we do not.”
“You did it for me, so it’s only fair if I return the favour.”
“I don’t even know if he likes me like that,” you exhale for what seems like the nth time this month.
“Then we’ll make sure he does. Simple as that,” she claps her hand. “Boys fall for anything, so if he doesn’t already like you, he will anyway, because just look at you! You’re stunning, funny, kind, talented, and so so so much more. Believe me when I say that, Y/n.” Her features soften even further as she shares a look of sympathy with you.
Her words melt right through you, and you’d like to believe that you do hold the ability to make Jay fall for you.
Endless weeks of toiling had brought you all to this exact moment — d-day. You fidgeted with the microphone stand to try getting a better hold of your emotions because there was no way you would mess things up, not when you’ve all worked so hard for this.
The seats in front of you are filled to the brim, yet out of the hundreds of faces, you could only recognise a select few: your mom, Mia, and a few of the others’s family members.
Jay, who stood not too far behind you, could see the trembling in your legs. “You’ll do perfect; I know that because you were made for this.” He whispers in your ear, squeezing your hands in the process. You’ve never wanted anything more than to just kiss the boy for being so damn near perfect — everything you could’ve asked for and more — but he wasn’t yours to kiss, so you heed those thoughts away, instead simply nodding your head.
“Hello, we are ENHYPEN, and we’ll be performing an original song called ‘Fatal Trouble.’” Jake’s voice echoes throughout the school hall, with claps following shortly after, just before it falls back to a silent abyss.
Sunghoon’s keys fill the empty air before you start, “Can’t believe. You, in front of my eyes, everything is the same. But your smile is one I don’t know. Your pupils are like an abyss.” You shut your eyes, letting your emotions lace through each and every word you sing.
As soon as Sunoo and Jay’s electric guitars and Riki’s drums joined in on the melody, you could physically feel the shift in the air. It brought goosebumps to your skin watching people gape at you in awe and watching their eyes twinkle against the stage lights.
“Fatal trouble. It’s getting blurry. The memory of you is crumbling down.” Heeseung and Jungwon’s lower voice harmonises with your higher one, creating the most heavenly of harmonies to echo across the expanse of the hall. It felt so electrifying to finally be able to see the fruits of all your hard work. You’re happy you got to perform with these boys side by side.
By the time the instrumentals fade to complete silence, your heart roars against your chest like a lion so hard you can practically hear them in your ears. You all take time to thank the audience before heading backstage, where you all instantly huddle together.
“We did so well!” Sunoo beams.
“For all our hard work, I say we go drinking after this,” Heeseung suggests with a motion of his hand, to which the others instantly agree.
“Drinks are on me!” You chuckle as you watch your overly excited brother raise his arm like a puppy. You of all people know just how hard he exerted himself just for this performance, if the dark circles under his eyes were anything to go by, so you’re just happy to finally see him be himself again.
Cheers and hoots are heard throughout the backstage area until the staff politely asks you to leave. Before you could even follow the rest past the door, Jay’s call to you stopped you in your tracks.
“You did well out there,” he compliments with a sheepish smile, and it does the same thing it always does to you — make you fall even harder. You were so damn weak for him. “I knew you would kill it.”
“You did too, considering it is your song.” He steps a foot closer to you, and despite the hitch in your throat, you don’t do much to shy away. Jay takes this as a sign to be more forthright with you. He takes your hand in his, tracing circles with his thumb along the backside of your hand.
“I wrote this song for you. It wasn’t just your voice that inspired me to write this song; it was your smile, the way you made me feel, and the warmth you gave. So, technically, it’s our song.” The boyishness in his tone is obvious, almost like he was scared to admit this to you in the first place.
“I-…” You’re rendered speechless at his insinuation, feeling the familiar giddiness starting to spread across your body. “Are you confessing to me right now?” His deep eyes hold yours, staring at you with such admiration and intensity that you feel like you could cry.
“Yes, I am, princess.” His voice was nothing short of a whisper. You could see the way he eyes your lips, and so without much contemplation, or even hesitation for that matter, you take the first step in your newfound relationship by trapping him in a kiss. Further closing in the distance between you, your arms travel around his neck while his hands find purchase in your waist.
As breathless as you felt, you couldn’t let him go — not when this is all you’ve ever wanted for so long. Months of seeing him with Jiwon and hopelessly pining over him brought you to this moment, and you were going to let yourself relish the fuck out of it.
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taglist @enhaslay @channiesdarling @kim2005bomi @letwiiparkjay
© i2ycat 2024
451 notes · View notes
caraetdeul · 18 days
Right Beside You
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Choi Seungcheol x gn!reader
Distance is nothing when you've got a love like this.
TW: None. Fluff, Long distance relationship, use of nicknames, some light cursing, slight mention of sex but nothing exclusive
A/n: this was shorter than the usual ones I write but nonetheless, it was still fun to do. Here's a fluff fic for Coups as a remedy for the angsty ones. Enjoy reading caratdeuls!
~Main Masterlist~
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You’ve been having a hard time sleeping lately. If you haven’t felt the exhaustion in your body already, then the prominent bags under your eyes will definitely tell you that you are. But it’s not much of a surprise for you at this point because you know that the reason behind this isn’t something that should be astronomically studied. Instead, it all stems from the fact that you can’t sleep alone ever since your relationship with Seungcheol started.
Maybe there’s some sort of scientific reason as to why your boyfriend’s weight on your body as you cuddle up with each other is the only thing that can calm you enough to fall asleep. But maybe it can all just be a coincidence and you’re just having a mental breakdown at the thought of sleeping by yourself. Either way, nothing helps. And just like every night since Seungcheol left for his world tour, you’re left on your shared bed by yourself, staring at the ceiling while contemplating if the time difference between you won’t be much of a bother for him.
You know how tiring his work as an idol can be. Even when you’re far from him, there’s no doubt how much his job takes a toll on him just based on the updates you get from his messages and his group’s social media accounts. But even then, you still witness how hard he worked for each project they had. The passion and love that they give, not just for their work but also for their fans, are unmatched. As for you, you’ve never been so proud of someone until Seungcheol walked into your life and you always make sure he knows it. But he’ll be damned if he didn’t share the sentiment with you every time. So whenever you both come home from working all day, all your energy may be drained with the day’s demands but it will never hinder you from spending quality time within the comfort of each other’s arms. Safe to say, that was how your days always end.
Unbeknownst to you, Seungcheol’s not faring any better than you. Jet lag may be a bigger factor in his exhaustion but he couldn’t deny that being without you by his side is also affecting him. Now that he thinks about it, that’s probably why the other members have been very mindful of everything that they do around him ever since they left the country. So when your phone rang just as you were about to Facetime him yourself, you knew right then and there that you weren’t alone in your misery. The relief of finally seeing your face once again washed over him the moment that you answered, the tension leaving his body in the meantime.
“Hi honey,” Seungcheol smiled sheepishly, his eyes crinkling with poorly hidden mirth, “Sorry, did I wake you?”
You hummed, “No, I was already awake. What’s up?”
“Nothing. Just missing you.”
Your heart melted at his innocent confession. You can feel your cheeks warm up as you reply bashfully, “I miss you too.”
Seungcheol’s smile widened but immediately turned upside down once he got a good look at you. Concern was written all over his face as he looked at you through the screen.
“What? Is something wrong?”
“Have you been sleeping?”
Seungcheol sighed and you knew he caught your lie.
“Why haven’t you been sleeping?”
You inhaled deeply, “Well, it’s not much of a why but more of a how…”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you know how I’ve been sleeping with you ever since we got together?”
Seungcheol snorted, his cheeks turning pink, “Oh, honey.”
 Your eyes widened once you realized the double meaning behind what you just said. The screen shook as you immediately sat up, your hands waving around as you tried to explain yourself, “That’s not what I meant! I promise! I was talking about how we’re sleeping together— beside each other! Beside. Each. Other. On the bed. Innocently. Not sex. Definitely not sex. But not like I’m saying that I don’t want to do that either ‘cause I do but that’s not what I meant. I just—”
Seungcheol’s laughter finally registered in your mind, effectively stopping you from digging yourself into a deeper hole. You pouted annoyed, “I hate you.”
“I’m sorry.” Seungcheol cooed, still laughing in between words, “I couldn’t help it. You were just being all cute and shit as you tried to defend yourself.”
You rolled your eyes, biting your lip as a smile fought its way onto your face. You then giggled when Seungcheol hadn’t stopped laughing, his joy outright contagious. As his laughter died down, so does yours. The air in your room was lighter than before and you only have your boyfriend to thank for.
“Now be honest, what’s the real reason why you’re not sleeping?”
You sighed, your voice softer with slight embarrassment, “I couldn’t sleep without your big arm around me and your body snuggled onto my side.”
His eyes softened, smiling remorsefully at the thought, “I’m sorry, honey. I wish I was there to be with you.”
You shook your head, “You don’t have to apologize. I know your work is very important and I know how much you enjoy it. I don’t want to be in between you and your work. I can deal with this in the meantime. This will pass, don’t worry.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure.”
The side of his lips twitched in thought, still unbothered by your situation despite your reassurances. His mouth opened, about to say something more but he was cut off by someone in the background shouting his name. You watched him from the other side of the screen as he talked to the person just out of the camera’s view.
Seungcheol turned back to you with a grimace, “Honey, I’m sorry but I got to go. I’ll call you back as soon as I can. Please, try and get some sleep. I love you.”
“I love you too.” You sent a flying kiss and laughed when Seungcheol caught it in the most dramatic way possible before ending the call. It wasn’t even a minute later when the silence of the bedroom dampened your mood. You sighed, lying down on your bed once again. You check the time on the bedside table, realizing that you only have 4 hours before you need to get up and go to work. Shuffling under the covers in an attempt to get comfortable as much as you can, you closed your eyes dreading another sleepless night.
It’s been a week since you had that call and since then, your sleep wasn’t getting any better.
You trudged your way into your apartment, exhausted from a stressful day at work. You probably had 3 cups of coffee already by lunchtime and an energy drink that was given to you by your coworker who had already witnessed you nodding off multiple times on your desk. Despite all of it, your sleepless nights were definitely catching up to you.
You made your way to your couch, leaving your shoes messily by the door. It’ll just be future me problem, you thought as you stumble through your living room. Plopping down on your couch, you were met by a big rectangular box on your coffee table with a note on top. Your senses immediately woke up, slowly panicking at the thought that someone was inside your apartment without you knowing. You cautiously took the note, eyeing the exterior of the box as if it were some kind of bomb waiting to explode on you. But once you opened the note, your heart slowly went back to its normal pace as you read through the letter.
To my loving and gorgeous partner in crime and in life,
I know you’ve been having a hard time sleeping ever since I left and I know it’s because I’m not there with you to hold you while you sleep. So to make up for my absence, I bought this for you. Hopefully, it can suffice for the time being. I even sprayed it with my perfume so it would feel closer to the real deal. Stay safe, I love you and I’ll see you soon.
Lots of love,
P.S. Joshua got bored in the hotel so he begged me to embroider a small part of it. Couldn’t really deny his request when he told me his idea.
P.P.S. Please, don’t panic once you see the package in your apartment. I asked your mom to bring it to you and I told her where the spare key is.
You immediately opened the package and almost sobbed once you saw what was inside. You slowly pulled out the folded weighted blanket from the box which was also in your favorite color. Even from a distance, you could already smell Seungcheol’s perfume all over it which only made you want to cry more. As you unfolded the blanket on your lap, you finally found the embroidered part of the blanket which was on the top left corner. You laughed under your breath in amusement and awe once you realized that Joshua embroidered a chibi version of your favorite animal holding a big cherry and underneath it were both of your initials in red thread.
It was perfect.
That night, Seungcheol received a selfie of you snuggled up under the blanket with the embroidered part, which he was guessing was right over your heart. You then received a selfie of his own, which shows his dimpled smile with a half-heart sign on his cheek. Needless to say, you finally got a good night’s sleep.
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Taglist: @moonwonuu @belladaises @porridgesblog @sasaapportela @allys-reads @clownprincehoeshi @yoonzzziino @gyuguys
260 notes · View notes
princessbiteme0o0 · 7 months
Just Friends, Hmm?
So in other worDS MINORS D.N.I. 🔪
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(Thank you @littleskeletonprincessss for the pic :) )
This is pure filth…
Description: Welcome to, I’m bored and my mind likes to run wild (a dream that I had last night). Schlatt makes my heart do the buhbump type o’ flutter (his dumbass makes me melt) so I hope you enjoy this as much as my brain enjoyed the dream.
Warnings: AHEM. SMUT… very VERY detailed smut ;)) Slight (fem pronouns, some adjectives) descriptors used, kinda Daddy kink? It’s only used a few times sooooo- but it’s HEAVILY implied.
Other than that, I’m sick and easily irritable, so if you don’t like it, don’t read it. Otherwise, hope you enjoy. (I don’t think it needs trigger warnings ((just Jay being rough)), but if you disagree lmk). Love y’all ❤️
(Updated A/N): RAAAAHHHH I AM SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG- I’ve had a very rough last few days.
Schlatt should’ve known better than to cave when Ted asked for him to bring her onto the podcast. She was a fellow streamer and they hadn’t decided whether their relationship was anything real or if it was just ‘for funsies’, as she put it.
Biting the inside of his cheek, he watched her image through discord as she answered questions here and there for Ted, while he just leaned back in his chair and his eye twitched.
“So, (Y/N)… Anyone special in your life?” Ted asks, a small smirk on his lips as his eyes flashed to Schlatt’s- Ted had his suspicions, but no substantial evidence to his assumptions.
“No, not really.” She hums softly, taking a sip from her energy drink- He could use that.
“Where’s the gamer supps, (Y/N)?” His tone was stern and it made her eyes do a little flutter- that Ted definitely didn’t miss.
“Did you check up your ass and to the left?” She is quick to quip back, despite her little tumble.
“No, but would you like me to check yours?” He has an eyebrow raised in subtle warning and Ted is all grins as a warm blush raises on her cheeks.
“In your dreams, pube-cheeks.” She hisses out, glaring through the camera.
“Wanna repeat that, sweetheart?”
“Am I missing something?” Ted interjects, but she quickly composed herself and she shook her head, while Schlatt recovered from his fuming at her comment.
“Not a thing, Teddy.” She hummed, batting her eyelashes at him. The subtle flirtatious gesture did nothing but stoke the fire set on Schlatt’s ass.
“Mmh, that right, Honey?” If she was at his house right now, he’d bend her over his desk, finger fuck her until she couldn’t see straight and make her beg for him to stop. A brief silence on her end and her eyes becoming hazy for a moment was a sign that she was slipping back into submission, just at the way he spoke.
“Th-that’s right.” She tried to confidently huff out, but her voice came out shaky as she stuttered on her words. The interaction went forgotten between Ted and Tucker, but Schlatt couldn’t help but smirk each time he noticed her looking at him and adjusting herself in her seat. Once the recording for the podcast was over, Schlatt gripped his phone firmly in his hand and dialed her number.
“Jay…” Her voice whined as she answered. He let out a soft ‘tsk’, clicking his tongue before replying.
“Now, now… Is that any way to answer the phone, Toots?” He teased, making a soft whimper sound through the speaker of his phone. Chuckling softly, he leaned back in his chair.
“I’m sorry…” She mumbles softly.
“Then why don’t you come over here and show me just how sorry you are, Pumpkin?” He hums warmly, the grumble in his voice making her rub her thighs together and let out a shaky breath.
“Yes Sir…”
She doesn’t remember much of the drive to his house (obviously not, with so many distractions on her mind). Somehow, she became coherent enough to realize she was sitting in her car, staring at his house. Her heart raced in her chest, as it always did when he was involved. For the first time in a long, long time, someone made her feel special; made her want to dance in the rain, made her want to lay on a blanket and stare up at the stars. He made her want to do all of the stupid, cute shit you see in the cheesy romantic movies. He also made her melt, whether that be between her legs or her heart sat comfortably in her chest- she wanted to give him the world even though he already had it.
When she finally summoned the courage, she stepped out of her car and made her way towards his front door. Before she could even knock, the door is swung open and she’s pulled inside. The door is quickly slammed shut and she’s shoved against the wall, both hands pinned up by his right hand and his left hand resting comfortably around her throat. Her eyes closed and a smile spread across her lips at the feeling of his fingers pressed up against her soft skin.
“I don’t know what you’re smiling for, Toots.” He whispers in her ear, his mutton chops brushing against her cheek. “I never said I’d let you cum.”
“But, Jay…” She whines making him chuckle. Every sound she made and every expression that crossed her pretty little face made him fall more and more in love with her. He struggled to keep his composure for a moment, but then he lets out a soft tut.
“You made your bed, Honey… Now I’m gonna fuck you in mine.” He growls lowly, moving to quickly throw her over his shoulder. She lets out a soft squeal as he does this and she smacks his ass repeatedly as he walked towards his bedroom. She was giggling wildly as he trekked his way up the stairs and he felt his heart melt at the sound. He delivered a solid spank to her rear and she let out a soft sound somewhere between a yelp and a moan. Throwing her down on his bed, he crawled slowly and menacingly over her, his fingertips ghosting up the inside of her thighs.
“Not seeing anyone, hmm?” He asked, eyes glancing up at her as he leaned down to kiss her belly over her shirt.
“I- I’m-“ She stuttered out nervously, body trembling with every touch from him.
“What was that?” He played dumb, fingers moving further upwards and sneaking below her skirt.
“Jay I-“ She’s quickly cut off by a lewd whine when he presses his thumb firmly against her clit through her panties.
“Finish your sentence, Doll.” He hummed the demand as if it were the most simple thing to do in the world.
“P-please Jay…” She whines, hands reaching down to rush him, but the reply he growled made her retract her hands.
“Don’t you fuckin’ dare.”
“Yes Sir…” She mumbles and he slaps the inside of her thigh, making her repeat it more firmly to show that she understood. He pushed aside her panties and with a feather-lite touch, his fingers passed over her and he closed his eyes at the warmth while her juices already soaked his fingers. Her thighs subconsciously tried to close and as a result, he buried his teeth into her skin. She whined and thrashed beneath him as he sucked a warm, wet hickey on her inner thigh.
“You don’t seem to have such a problem with my pube-cheeks when they’re rubbing between your thighs.” He grumbled, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to her sensitive bud, making her mewl his name.
“Jay!” Her voice whined out, making a chuckle reverberate through his chest and the air rolled vibrations across her warm, pulsating center.
“Maybe I should call Teddy and let him hear who really makes you feel good.” He growled softly, biting the inside of her thigh.
“N-no!” She squeaked out, hands fisting into the sheets as he sucked a dark purple mark on her soft, pale skin.
“Why not? You thought it was so appropriate to flirt with him right in front of me. What? You tryin’ to make me jealous, Toots?” He hummed, eyes peering up at her. As soon as his eyes met hers from his place settled between her legs, she looked away in an attempt to hide her growing blush.
“No!” She snapped, but he could practically hear the deception in her tone.
“Surely you know better than to lie to me by now, Angel.” He spoke lowly, a growl settling in the back of his throat while he spoke. Her legs quaked and the blush on her face creeped down her neck as she slowly became more and more embarrassed.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She huffed, a frown set across her lips. While she wasn’t looking, Schlatt used this opportunity to press his middle finger and his ring finger inside of her. Her facial expression twitched, but she tried to hold her guard.
“C’mon, Pumpkin… You can tell me.” He cooed, trying to coax the truth out of her by curling his fingers upwards, making her body jolt with a rush of pleasure that made her blood run hot and her heart rate jump.
“Jay… Please…” She begged softly, her legs twitching on either side of him as he continued to work his fingers.
“You make it hard to focus when you beg with such a pretty voice.” He hums, tongue flashing out to run across her pretty little flower while he worked his fingers.
“Nnhhg J-ay!” She mewled, her legs closing around his head.
“Mmh look at you, my pretty little angel… I bet Ted would just love to see your face.” The sound that came from the back of his throat when she tightened around him at the thought would’ve struck fear into the depths of her soul if it wasn’t for the amount of pure bliss coursing through her every cell. “Oh, so you like that idea, hmm? Like letting your dear, sweet Teddy know who you really belong to?” He hissed, biting down on her clit and ripping a scream from the back of her throat.
“Schlatt! Pl-please!” She had tears running down her cheeks by now as she thrashed under his hold. He was quick to wrap one of his arms under her thighs and yank her closer to him so his face is pressed so deeply into her that she couldn’t possibly escape.
“Who do you belong to?” He growled as he pulled his fingers from her and replaced them with his tongue.
“You, Jay! I’m all- yours!” She hiccuped out, choking on her tears.
“Louder.” He grunted into her, the vibration of his words making her legs shake and clench around his head, squeezing his cheeks.
“I belong to you…” She whispered, barely able to breathe with the sheer pleasure making her body stutter and attempt to silence her, but Schlatt would have none of that so he sucked her throbbing bud into his mouth, flicking his tongue over it as he sucked. “Daddy!”
That one word made him stop for a moment. He lifted his head just enough to stare seemingly through her soul. “What was that, Toots?” His voice was just a touch above a whisper and he held back a smirk, just staring at her. Whimpering, she shook her head as her cheeks grew an inflamed shade of red.
“N-nothing Jay.” She mumbles out, unable to make eye contact with him. He gave her absolutely soaked pussy a light slap in correction.
“None of that…” He grumbled as she whined and mewled in embarrassed pleasure beneath him. “Say it again.”
“No…” She whispered softly, rapidly shaking her head in vibrant insecurity. Growling, Jay lowered his head between her legs again in an attempt to hear the word tumble from her lips again. When he slipped his fingers into her, angling them upwards and started sucking on her clit again, her hips bucked up and pretty whines fell from her lips once more. “Please, please, oh god, please Jay, please! Please, Daddy!” She cried out and Schlatt was absolutely delighted with the arch of her back and the sound of her voice.
“That’s it… Good girl, good fucking girl.” He hummed into her and in a second her hands were buried in his hair as she twitched over and over again.
“More- I need- Nnghh-“ She choked out, tugging on his hair. Schlatt pulled away for a moment and leaned his head on her thigh, looking up at her with a dopey grin.
“What is it, Pumpkin? Tell me what you need.” He cooed, placing gentle kisses along her thigh. His sudden turn to gentle behavior made her heart melt and her composure break.
“Need you, Daddy. Need it so bad.” She whines out softly, her voice broken and desperate.
“Aww, is that right? Baby doll needs her Daddy’s cock? Hmm? Is that it?” He asked while gently massaging her hips with his hands and placing warm, wet kisses across her abdomen.
“Need your cum… Please, Jay… Please?” Her request made him grind his hips against the bed. A deep rooted groan leaves him and he completely abandoned her aching cunt. Her words, her voice, her desperation, sent him into a state of pure adrenaline driven lust. Sitting back on his heels, he shoved his joggers down, making his cock bob free. He gripped her hips and yanked her towards him, curling her legs up over his shoulders and laying his body against hers. Sliding his cock deep into her, a squeak of surprised pleasure leaves her and his body twitched, letting out a sigh of relief.
“You want me to make you a mommy? Hmm? Want me to fuck a baby into you so I can see you all round and gorgeous?” She couldn’t do anything but mewl for him with the position he placed her in. He was quick to piston his hips against hers, hand squeezing between them so that his thumb could brush over her clit in tight circles.
“Yes Daddy! Yes, yes!” She nearly screamed, back arching and body shaking. Schlatt used his free hand to gently wrap around her neck, applying pressure carefully to the sides. A dark chuckle leaves his lips when he watches her eyes roll back in her head.
“Hope you’re ready, Toots… I’m not stopping until you’re so full of my cum that there’s no way you’re not pregnant.” He hums, pulling his hand from her neck to slip two fingers into her mouth. He watched and his cock twitched as she looked up at him with those big, innocent blue eyes as she sucked on his fingers and attempted to muffle her moans around them.
“Then, when I’m done with your pussy, I’m going to plug you up and make you swallow my cock. How that sound, my little Angel?” She whines and her pussy tightens as she approaches the edge. He slowed his thrusts just enough to teeter her on the edge. “Tell me who you belong to.” He grunts out between slow thrusts.
“You, Jay, you… I’m all yours- I love you.” As soon as the words leave her mouth, his thrusts pick back up, along with the movement of his hand on her clit. His lips crashed to hers, slipping his tongue into her mouth to assert his dominance, as if it wasn’t already clear enough.
“Fuck, Darlin’, I’m gonna cum.” He grumbles against her lips, pressing his forehead to hers.
“Please, please, please, please.” She chanted, nails digging into his shoulders, sure to leave marks for the next day. With a growl mixed somewhere with a groan, he shoves his cock as deep inside of her as it would go and releases. The feeling of his cum painting her walls caused a chain reaction- tears streaming down her cheeks, illegible sobbing words, her pussy clamping down so hard it nearly suffocated him and then finally, her pussy squirting and covering over his lower half, her lower half and even the sheets in her juices.
“Oh fuck, Pumpkin.” He mumbles as he tries to catch his breath. A smirk slowly inches its way across his lips and his eyes turned into a devious storm. “You made quite the mess, tsk… Let’s see if you can do it again.”
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pascallftv · 2 years
Headlines (Pedro Pascal x Reader)
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summary: you and pedro had been close friends since the movie you shot together wrapped nearly a year ago. you decided to have game night with some friends at your apartment, but pedro stays behind after everyone’s left. a little too much wine and pent up feelings lead to the moment you’ve been fantasizing about for months.
wc: 3.4k
warnings: SMUT! 18+ age gap, oral (f receiving), fingering, unprotected sex
You waved goodbye to the last two of your friends, closing the door behind them with a sigh of relief. Your social battery was running low after nearly 6 hours of card games, and probably an entire bottle of wine. You were sobering up, but you still felt a nice buzz. You closed your eyes and put a hand over your forehead, inhaling a deep breath.
“You okay?”
You turned towards the couch, your heart race picking up. You had totally forgotten that you had one straggler left: Pedro. But, you didn’t mind. You cherished alone time with him, which was something you hadn’t had recently. Both of your schedules were booked tight between press and various photo shoots to promote your latest projects. It had already almost been a year since the film you met on wrapped. On set, you and Pedro hit it off immediately. You both had the same goofy sense of humor, and fed off each other’s energy. You admired Pedro’s kind heart, and he admired yours.
You kept in touch after the film wrapped, texting and calling nearly every day, and meeting for coffee or lunch whenever you could. The only issue was you were in your mid twenties while Pedro was nearly fifty. Your innocent friendship didn’t translate well in news articles. It was impossible to have a platonic relationship with a male counterpart without it being misconstrued as an intimate relationship in the headlines. Deep down, the headlines enthralled you. You were sure Pedro didn’t feel the same way, but there was something about the fine lines by his eyes when he laughed at your jokes and the way he placed his hand on your lower back to guide you through doors made your heart skip a beat. You couldn’t deny that you had feelings for him, but you knew you couldn’t act on them. There was no way Pedro would feel the same, let alone date someone who was half his age. Yet here he was, alone with you in your apartment in the middle of the night, both of you tipsy.
“Yeah, just tired.” You responded, sending him a reassuring smile, walking towards his spot on the couch.
He was slouched back in the couch, his legs spread comfortably in front of him. His arm was draped across the back of the couch, his other hand propped on his thigh holding a glass of wine.
“Come here.” He said, patting the cushion next to him. You wasted no time sitting down next to him, the musky smell of his cologne engulfing your senses. He returned his arm to the back of the couch, placing it behind you head. You were sitting close enough to where his knee was barely touching yours, his body heat radiating through his tight jeans onto your bare skin.
“I haven’t had you alone like this in weeks. I miss this.” Pedro said, his big brown eyes staring down into yours. You know his words were innocent, but your mind went elsewhere. Your lower belly was taught with nerves. Why were you so nervous? You’ve never felt so on edge around Pedro.
“I’ve missed this too.” You muttered, your eyes glancing down at his lips subconsciously. You couldn’t help yourself.
“Is something bothering you? You seem nervous.” Pedro furrowed his eyebrows. He brought his arm down to cradle your shoulders, rubbing soft circles into your shoulder with his thumb. His touch littered your skin with goosebumps, and you felt heat beginning to grow between your thighs.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine.”
Pedro didn’t believe you. He could sense how tense your body was. Your fists were curled up in your lap, and you were avoiding eye contact. It worried him. Had he done something to make you uncomfortable? The thought sent a pang through his chest. He cared about you so deeply, the last thing he wanted was to see you so on edge around him. He couldn’t help but wonder if the news headlines were affecting your friendship.
“Is it the headlines? You know those journalists are full of shit. They’ll makeup whatever they can to get clicks.” Pedro said, angling his body towards you. You glanced up at him, shaking your head.
“No, it’s not that.” You said, taking your bottom lip between your teeth.
“If you’re worried about people thinking we’re together, we can keep our distance. I understand.” Pedro said quietly, his hand leaving your shoulder. Your stomach dropped at the loss of touch.
“Distance is the last thing I want, Pedro. It’s just..” You began, averting your eyes to your hands in your lap. You didn’t know what to say. Your feelings for him were bubbling up and you wanted to tell him everything so badly, but you didn’t have the courage. There was no way he would feel the same, and you couldn’t risk losing his friendship.
“Just what?” Pedro questioned, taking a sip of his wine before setting his glass on the coffee table. “I’m not ashamed of you. I don’t care what anyone in the media has to say about us. At the end of the day, our friendship is more important than some fucking random journalist’s clickbait.”
Your eyes returned to his. His doe eyes were soft and full of care. You loved his eyes so fucking much. You took a deep breath. You suddenly built up the courage.
“I’m not ashamed of you either. I’d be lying if I said I’m not scared of the headlines. They scare the fuck out of me. I know we’re just friends, but what if the rumors start affecting your gigs? I couldn’t let that happen to you.” You began. “I saw a headline the other day claiming that we’re hooking up and that you’re old enough to be my father. Does that not concern you?”
Pedro furrowed his eyebrows once again and stared down at your face that was full of concern. In all honesty, he had seen all the headlines, but they excited him. He was to the age now where he didn’t give a fuck about headlines. No matter who he associates himself with, he’ll face backlash of some sort. Why veer from the people who make him the happiest? You had made him the happiest he had been in years. You were young, but you were so incredibly wise, caring, kind, and unbelievably funny. He wanted more than anything to take it to the next level with you, but he was so much older than you. You were not only an amazing person, but you were gorgeous; you could pull anyone you wanted, so he felt intimidated. Why would you choose him over someone closer to your age?
“I couldn’t give a fuck less about those headlines. Would it really be that embarrassing if those headlines were true?” Pedro said, his hand finding its way back to your shoulder. Your heart felt like it was going to pound through your chest. Did you hear him correctly?
You were speechless. You gawked up at him with parted lips. You didn’t know how to respond. Of course you wouldn’t be embarrassed, you’d actually be quite content if those rumors were true.
“If I’m being completely honest with you, I wish they were true.” Pedro voice filled your silence. Your stomach was doing backflips. His hand moved from your shoulder to your jaw, his fingers tracing along your chin, his eyes admiring every detail of your face. Your body began to give into his, your torso angling towards his subconsciously.
“Can I kiss you?” Pedro whispered, his hand burrowing into the hair at the back of your head.
You’d forgotten how to speak, so you nodded vigorously instead. That’s all Pedro needed.
His lips crashed into yours, his other hand gripping your waist, pulling your body into his. Your lips moved in sync, not too soft, but not too harsh, just needy enough. You’d been fantasizing this moment since the moment you met Pedro all those months ago. Your hands migrated to the back of Pedro’s neck, then to his chest. God, he felt so fucking good in your hands.
In one quick motion, Pedro lifted you into his lap, deepening the kiss. His tongue entered your mouth, grazing along your teeth and tongue. You felt high off his scent mixed with the sheer passion behind his touch. Any sense of doubt of his feelings for you were long gone. Your hips grinded down into his lap, your center meeting his already hardening erection. It ignited a fire deep in your abdomen, and you let out a breathy moan at the sensation. Pedro pulled away from your kiss for a moment.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking beautiful, you know that?” He breathed out, his hands running down the length of your back to your backside. He firmly gripped the flesh of your ass through your thin shorts and brought your hips down harder into his. He tilted his head back against the couch with a moan. His erection met your clit through your shorts, making you suck in a fast breath.
“Fuck, I need you to touch me.” You muttered, pressing your forehead to his. You were both breathing heavy, your lips ghosting each other.
“Tell me what you need, baby.” Pedro said lowly, his hands spreading your ass through your shorts. His hips bucked up into yours, your head flying back in arousal.
“Touch me.” You began, grabbing his dominant hand. “Here.”
You brought his hand down to the front of your shorts, making him cup your heat. You were throbbing so intensely that it hurt. You weren’t wearing panties, and you were sure you were going to soak through your thin, cotton shorts soon. Pedro wasted no time in pushing your shorts to the side, his fingers brushing along your core. You were completely soaked, his fingers becoming slick with arousal.
“Jesus christ, you’re fucking soaked.” Pedro grunted, his fingertip brushing your clit. You jolted from the sensation, your hands gripping his shoulders to keep yourself steady. You were so fucking desperate for his touch. Your face fell into the crevice of his neck, the smell of his cologne became more intense.
Pedro placed his lips to the side of your neck, peppering soft kisses to your sweet skin. He reached his free hand into your hair while his occupied hand slowly ran a finger through your drenched folds. He breathed heavily, his lips ghosting over your ear.
“You’re so fucking beautiful. Gonna make you feel so fucking good, baby.” He whispered, pushing a finger inside of you. You whimpered, pushing down onto his finger, craving more. Your hands wound up in his hair, pulling at the strands at the base of his neck. His tilted his head back, staring up into your lustful gaze. He added another finger, and your mouth formed an “o” shape, with a quiet moan escaping your lips.
You pressed your lips back to his. Your kiss was full of desperation. You had never felt so fucking turned on in your life, and you just wanted him as close to you as possible. You pressed your chest firmly against his, and grinded down against his fingers. His hand left your hair, and lowered to your chest. He took one of your clothed breasts into his hand, giving it a firm squeeze. His fingers suddenly left your entrance, making you sigh at the lack of contact. He grabbed the bottom of your shirt, and lifted it upwards. You raised your arms, helping him take the shirt off of you. He wasted no time in unclasping your bra, tossing it mindlessly onto the floor somewhere. Your nipples were rock hard, your piercings on display. Pedro’s eyes lowered to your nipples, a moan leaning his lips at the sight of your piercings.
“Holy fuck.” He groaned, taking your breasts into his hands, lowering his mouth down to one of your nipples. He took your nipple into his mouth, sucking on the sensitive flesh while he played with the piercing between his fingertips on your other nipple.
While he was occupied with your tits, you raised your hips slightly to pull down your shorts. You needed bare contact immediately. Pedro lifted you off his lap and onto the cushion beside him, and stood up from the couch. He began unbuttoning his jeans. As good as those jeans looked on him, you needed them off. You were surprised to see he was also sporting no underwear. You bit your lip as he slid the jeans down his legs, his erection breaking free. He was so fucking thick, pre-cum dripping from his tip. He pressed a hand to your chest, laying you down into the back of the couch, your feet on the floor. He unbuttoned his shirt, tossing it on the floor next to your other disregarded clothing.
Pedro knelt down between your legs, prying your thighs open with his hands. He wrapped his arms around the back of your thighs, lowering his face towards your heat. His eyes flickered from yours down to your folds. You were glistening with arousal. He lowered his mouth to your inner thigh, peppering it with kisses. He was taking his sweet time, teasing every ounce of desperation out of you. You whimpered impatiently. You gasped when you felt his hot breath hovering over your heat. He flicked his tongue once through your folds, getting a taste of you.
“Pedro, please. Touch me.” You begged, running your hand through his chocolate curls.
Pedro’s lips wrapped around your clit, his tongue flicking quickly against it. You moaned and threw your hand back into the couch, your hand tugging the roots of his hair. Pedro worked your clit with his tongue while he brought his fingers back to your opening, slipping two inside of you. You squeezed your eyes shut, breathing out in relief. He pumped his fingers in and out of you, curling up inside of you, hitting your g spot perfectly.
“Fuck, Pedro.” You whined, struggling to keeps your thighs apart. Pedro squeezed the flesh of your thigh with his free hand, moaning into your core from the grip you had on his hair. The vibrations from his moan sent you into a frenzy. Your lower abdomen was filled with fire. Your legs were shaking uncontrollably, which you probably would’ve been embarrassed of if you weren’t so blindsided by pleasure.
Pedro inserted a third finger into you, and you slapped a hand over your mouth to conceal your moans. You were never this vocal, but you couldn’t control it. You were so overwhelmed with sensations. Pedro grabbed your wrist and pulled your hand away from your mouth. Pedro’s mouth left your clit, flicking it with his tongue one last time before pulling away.
“I want to hear you.” He said, pinning you hand to your side. Your chest heaved, you were out of breath.
“Fuck me, please. I need you closer.” You whimpered, reaching down to his cock, wrapping a hand around his shaft. He groaned at how soft your hand felt against him as you began to stroke his tip. As good as your hand felt wrapped around him, he needed to be inside of you.
Pedro lifted you up into his arms, carrying you away from the couch and into your bedroom, laying you down on the bed. Your head fell back into your pillow as you watched him crawl up between your legs. He ran a hand up to your chest, squeezing your breast while his other hand guided his cock to ghost over your folds. You were throbbing again, your hips bucking up towards his cock. He bent down and kissed you passionately. He took your bottom lip between his teeth for a split second before pulling away.
“Ready, baby?” He said softly, pushing his tip between your folds, barely pressing your entrance.
“Yes.” You breathed out, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him down to kiss you again.
“I want you to watch.” Pedro pulled away, lowering his gaze to where he was teasing your entrance with his cock. Your stare followed his. He slowly began to push into you, your eyebrows furrowing together in pleasure. He was stretching you so fucking perfectly. He pushed halfway into you before stopping for a moment, tracing his hand down the length of your torso before landing his thumb at your clit, working in soft circles. Your legs trembled, clenching around his hips and he pushed into you fully. You felt so fucking full.
He started to move, thrusting into you in rhythmic strokes, his fingers still working your clit. You were already approaching your orgasm. Your head felt cloudy with pleasure, your entire body completely overcome. Your eyes rolled back into you head as he picked up the pace, fucking you hard and fast. Your first orgasm hit you like a train, your vision going white. Your walls clenched around him, coating his cock with your cum. Before you had time to recover, Pedro flipped you over onto your knees, slamming into you from behind.
“Fuck!” You gasped, fisting the sheets for leverage while Pedro relentlessly fucked into you. His hand came down in a smack against your ass, then grabbed your cheeks and spread them apart, getting a full view of him sliding in and out of you. He brought his thumb down to your tightest hole, slowly ghosting the rim of it.
“You feel so fucking good.” Pedro moaned, his thumb pressing against your asshole, but not penetrating it. His other hand ran up your spine, grabbing your shoulder as leverage to pound harder into you. You were seeing stars and he filled you up completely, hitting the deepest part of you over and over.
“Can you cum for me again, baby?” Pedro whimpered, his thrusts becoming sloppier. “I’m so fucking close, but I need you to cum with me.”
“I’m close.” You whined, you hand reaching back to hold his against the flesh of your ass cheek. Your touch was enough to send Pedro into overdrive. With the last of his energy, he began slamming into you as hard and fast as he could, his fingers lowering to your clit, rubbing fast circles. You couldn’t handle it. You bit down on your free hand, uncontrollably whimpering into your skin. You’ve never felt this much pleasure in your life and you thought you could pass out.
Your second orgasm hit harder than the first. You threw your head back, letting out a loud moan, tears filling your eyes. Your walls clenched hard around Pedro’s cock, sending him closer to his orgasm. You came hard, your toes curling at the overwhelming pleasure. Your limbs felt numb, and you swore you forgot how to think. Pedro gripped your hips hard, his strokes slowing down as his orgasm grew closer. He slid out of you and flipped you over again onto your back.
“I want to see your pretty face when I cum.” He moaned, sliding back inside of you. You grabbed his face with tired arms and brought his head down so you could kiss him. One of your hands dropped to his throat, gently squeezing the sides of it. Pedro whined, a hand flying to your breast to squeeze.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” Pedro whimpered, his sweaty forehead meeting yours.
He quickly pulled out of you as his orgasm hit. He came in thick ropes over your abdomen as he stroked himself, milking every last drop. He gave you a quick, breathless kiss, and stared down at his cum that littered your belly.
“You look so pretty with my cum all over you.” He whispered, pressing soft kisses all over you neck and collarbones. You ran you hands along his sweaty back, digging your fingertips into his hot skin and he panted into your neck. He left your neck to lower down to be eye level with your belly, and began licking up his mess. He gave your tits a gentle squeeze as he worked his tongue over your soft skin, cleaning up any remaining cum.
When he was finished, he peppered kisses back up your torso until his lips met your again for a sloppy, yet passionate kiss. He laid beside you, his fingers tracing up and down your belly, occasionally ghosting over your nipples. God, he loved those piercings.
“Looks like the journalists aren’t completely full of shit now.” Pedro grinned, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You smiled up at him with a giggle. You nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, giving him a kiss there.
“I think we might need to go another round just to make sure.”
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minniesmutt · 3 months
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐢 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮
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☾ ━━━ PAIRING: HAN X READER ☾ ━━━ CONTENT: GHOST!HAN, MEDIUM!READER, MASTURBATION, SEX TOYS, PERV!HAN, EXHIBITIONISM (?), POSSESSION, PENETRATION, UNPROTECTED SEX (?), MULTIPLE ROUNDS (2), MULTIPLE ORGASMS, DOM!JISUNG, PET NAMES (BABY, BABE). THE WORD “PERVERT” IS JOKINGLY THROWN AROUND, LMK IF I MISSED SOMETHING! ☾ ━━━ WC: 1.8K ☾ ━━━ repost from old blog ☾ ━━━ 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI! you will be blocked, put an indicator on your blog somewhere that you are 18+ before interacting with this work/blog
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     The moment Y/n stepped into the apartment to tour it, she knew there was something in there. The relator did disclose someone had recently died in the apartment —which explained the lowered price compared to most units in the building. And she’d have to be crazy to not take that deal.
     A month after moving in, is when she actually noticed it. She’d always been more sensitive to the dead, seeing ghosts and the like. Never really interacted until now. 
     It was a long day after work. She was sitting on the couch watching one of her shows, trying to destress. Then she saw him. At first, she felt his presence and turned to him. The ghost had zero clue she had actually seen him. 
     “You know I can see you, right?” she asked him
     He blinked and took a moment to realize she was talking to him. 
     “Me?” he asked, pointing to himself 
     “Is there another ghost here I don’t know about?” 
     It was a very weird friendship from that point on. It was like having a pet. Jisung was always there, never left, a good companion. He just wasn’t as expensive as a pet. Oddly, he became one of her best friends and she told everything to him. And who was he going to tell?
     “What’s one thing you miss about living?” Y/n asked him one night as they were watching an anime he suggested.
     “Besides coffee and food; sex,” Jisung admitted 
     “Yeah. Speaking of sex, you’re loud.”
     “Do you listen to me masturbating?” Y/n looked at him
     “Not by choice? I haunt this small one bedroom one bath unit. It’s hard not to hear,” Jisung defended himself. 
     “Perv,” Y/n joked and threw a pillow at him, just for it to go through him. 
     Jisung was very good at being able to take energy to take somewhat of a physical form. He was able to sit on the couch and chairs and pick up small items. Still was able to walk through basically everything and stuff mostly phased through him. Helped a bit that Y/n was a natural medium so he could pull from her to stabilize himself in the land of the living. 
     “Me?! I’ve seen some of the guys you’ve brought home! They are into some weird grade-A pervert things.”
     “I can’t even defend them because you’re right,” Y/n sighed, “They all suck in bed anyways.”
     “I know. Need I remind you of last weekend?”
     “No.” Y/n flushed, remembering when the guy she invited over in the midst of being just absolutely desperate for an actual cock.
     The guy had left after he finished and didn’t bother helping her get off and he was just an ass the whole time. Jisung watched the guy leave not even an hour later. He locked the apartment door after him before going and checking on her. 
     He didn’t think much of just walking through the wall into her room, only the be met with her fucking herself on a dildo. He should have left after but he definitely didn’t. She didn’t even notice his presence until after she finished.
     “You didn’t need to watch,” Y/n sighed
     “I mean, it was kind of hot,” Jisung shrugged 
     “Perv,” Y/n called him again
     “I can’t even really deny it now.” The two laughed as they switched their topic to the dumbass shit the mc in the anime was doing at the moment. 
     Three in the morning, Y/n was turning in bed, unable to sleep, and thinking about her earlier conversation with her ghost best friend. At the time the incident happened, she was shocked at him but thinking about it late at night, it was kind of hot.
     “Fuck,” Y/n groaned, dipping her hand into her pajama pants and panties. Rubbing circles into her clit slowly. 
     She could feel Jisung close by in the small apartment. Not in the bedroom, but close. Y/n moved down to push a finger into her, eyes shut as she went through rubbing her walls and thrusting her finger in and out. 
     It wasn’t enough though. Even after she added a second finger into her, it wasn’t satisfying. She pulled her fingers out and sat up, grabbing a dildo and lube bottle from her bedside drawer and stripping herself of her pajamas and panties, rubbing lube on the toy before slowly pushing it into her, imagining her ghost roommate instead. 
     Jisung heard a noise coming from her room. At first, he thought nothing but curiosity hit. He stood outside her cracked door. Then he heard his name being moaned from inside. He went into the room and his jaw dropped at the sight. 
     The pretty girl that had moved into his old apartment in the wake of his death, was laying stark naked in his old room fucking herself with a toy, moaning his name. He didn’t know ghosts could get hard until now. 
     His eyes raked all along her body from her pretty cunt to her perky nipples. He was frozen. Not knowing what to do. Should he say something? Would she let him fuck her instead? Could he even fuck her?
     “Please, Ji. Wanna come,” Y/n whined as she pumped the dildo in and out of her. 
     If he could be in any more shock, he would. She was really fucking herself to the thought of him. God he wished he was alive. 
     Y/n sensed him in the room now. She was too wrapped up in her pleasure to look for him. Her legs opened more, slightly hoping he was watching her fuck herself again. The thought alone turned her on more. Suddenly she felt it get colder near her bed before it dipped down at the end. She slowed down and opened her eyes. 
     Jisung was leaning forward on the bed, eyes glued to her cunt. “Keep going baby,” Han told her. 
     Y/n felt shy all of a sudden. Legs closing to his view but he was quick. Pushed her legs open, sitting between them now. Y/n looked at him with wide eyes, no longer even trying to use the dildo. 
     “Don’t get all shy on me baby. Do you need me to help you get off now?” Jisung pushed the dildo into her again, a whine escaping her
     “Please, Ji. Need your help.”
     Her hand fell away as Jisung took over. Using all the energy he had to hold the base and quickly thrust the dildo in and out of her, watching as her hands moved to play with her nipples and head threw back into her pillow. Then he got an idea. 
     He didn’t know if it would work. But if he could phase through walls and sit on the sofa, he could try. 
     He worked the dildo with one hand as he pushed down his sweats. He was glad he did comfy and was going through the afterlife in a hoodie and sweats. His cock sprung free before he pushed the toy deep into her. 
     He took his hand off the toy and pushed himself into it, stopping when he got to his pelvis. Slowly, he pulled out, testing to see if the dildo would come with him. And it did. 
     Jisung smiled as Y/n looked down. Her face went red when she realized he had possessed the dildo. All thoughts left her as he harshly pushed back in, hands holding her hips. Her eyes went wide while Jisung fucked her. 
     His hands were cold on her skin. They left a trail of goosebumps on her skin as they ran up her skin and grabbed her breasts. Nipples hardened more under his phantom touch. 
     Her back arches as the toy hit a particular spot inside her. Legs shaking the longer he fucked her, not losing any stamina. Hips rolling against his before she finally came. Cursing and calling his name as she gripped her sheets. 
     Jisung slowed his pace down to let her come down from her high. He pulled the toy out and his own dick out of it as well while she caught her breath. Jisung looked over the faux cock covered in her juices. He really wished it was his dick instead that was covered. 
     Y/n focused on him staring at the toy. His own cock was still hard between her legs. 
     “Ji,” Y/n called to him. He focused back on her, one hand still on her breasts. 
     “Can I… please let me fuck you babe.” He squeezed her breasts. Y/n moaned before mumbling a “yes” for only him to hear. 
     Jisung wasted no time pushing himself into her again. It was an odd feeling at first. To feel full but not at the same time. Didn’t stop her from feeling him pounding her sensitive hole. 
     Y/n could only imagine just how good he was when he was alive. How she wished they met when he was still breathing. Probably would have saved so much heartbreak and shitty one-night stands. Especially with the way he was talking. 
     “Fuck. Wish I could feel you,” Jisung groaned, leaning over her and groping her breasts. 
     Everything around her was hot but cold at the same time. She was sensitive from the first orgasm on the toy but the odd feeling of Jisung inside her was doing more than she thought it would. 
     One thing she quickly figured out Jisung was a hundred percent a shit-talker during sex when he was alive. Proven by the way he was mumbling about “no one alive is gonna make you feel this good” and the “got you all pretty on my cock, huh? Like having your ghost roommate fuck you silly?”
     Definitely not Casper the Friendly Ghost but he could at least prove his shit talk. He did indeed have her fucked silly at the current moment.
     “Gonna come Ji,” Y/n warned him as her fingers reached between her legs to play with her clit
     “Give it to me baby. Wanna see you come for me,” His eyes watched where he disappeared in her and where she was playing with her clit. 
     Y/n bit her lower lip as she came for a second time that night because of her horny ghost roommate. 
     Jisung didn’t stop until moments later. He was burying himself in her before pulling out. He definitely felt the motions of an orgasm but when he pulled out, nothing followed nor did he feel anything come out. 
     “Damn. No more creampies,” He tsked after a minute once they both came down from their highs. 
     “You poor thing,” Y/n giggled as she sat up on her elbows. 
     “Maybe I should possess your next hook-up,” Jisung joked
     “They’d probably fuck better if you did.”
     Y/n for up on shaky legs to clean up so she could get some sleep. 
     “It wasn’t weird? Fucking a ghost?” Jisung asked once she came back to her room and tossed her pajamas back on. 
     “Kinda. But in a good way,” Y/n answered as she lay down under her covers
     “I wish I was still alive,” Jisung sighed as he lay next to her
     “Me too. But, we could probably have a lot more fun with you being a ghost.”
     “Who's the pervert now?”
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☾ ━━━━━━ M.LIST    TIP JAR
☾ ━━━ please support writers by reblogging and/or leaving feedback
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catch1ngmoths · 4 months
Anywho im allergic to happiness rn so could you write a joost x reader (gn if possible, if you don’t do gn do whatever your comfortable doing idm:3) with like reader admitting that they’ve been struggling (like with depression, suicidal thoughts etc etc)
If you’re uncomfortable with any of this feel free to ignore!! Have an amazing day/night AND GET SOME SLEEP(•̀ᴗ•́)و
࣪˖ ཐིཋྀ SOBER TO DEATH ࣪˖ ཐིཋྀ
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𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ “take your hands off your neck and hold onto the ghost of my body…” - car seat headrest 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋
Summary: you’ve been struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts. You’re struggling with a pretty bad mental episode just as your boyfriend Joost comes home…
Note: I love you all omfg, the support is insane! I absolutely love writing and reading angst so I get you annon 🙏🏻. PART TWO OF, “Only stay with you one more night” WILL BE OUT TOMORROW!!
Warnings: mentions of depression, suicidal thoughts, bad mental episode + comfort
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You’ve been going through it, really going through it. You had no energy to do anything anymore. No energy to get outta bed, brush your teeth, or even eat. You felt utterly and completely worthless every single day of your life.
The thoughts of getting rid of all the pain and suffering your mind made you go through on a daily basis plagued your mind. The only reason you’d haven’t gone through with your plethora of ideas to end it all was your boyfriend, Joost.
He was the most important person in your life and the best guy you’d ever met. He always helped your mood; anytime he smiles, you smile. Anytime he laughs, you laugh. Anytime he’s happy, you’re happy. But he wasn’t around, not here to talk to you and hold you in his arms.
He was on tour and had been for the past few weeks, you’d realized how bad it’s been without the comfort and just presence of Joost. Don’t get me wrong, every day he was away from you he felt even more annoyed and irritated with everyone around him. Not his fans of course, while performing that was the little peace he got in the day. He just wanted to hold you, he craved it. Just the sight of you made his nerves calm immediately.
You both were like a cure to each others bad moods (THE CURE MENTIONED??!!), fixing each others problems by just being near each other. But your mental health has been the worst it’s ever been these few weeks. You don’t remember the last time you ate and especially drank water. You haven’t left your bed even, falling into deep thoughts of harming yourself that would worry anyone.
The good news is Joost was coming back today, he was practically rushing to get back home to you. FaceTime calls and texting just wasn’t doing it for him, he needed to hold and kiss you. You on the other hand totally forgot Joost was coming home, you’d lost track of time a while ago.
It was around 6pm when you heard the familiar sound of keys opening the front door of your apartment. Your eyes widen, is he home?? Is it really him..?! Before you can get outta your bed a figure comes running towards you with a wide smile, jumping on you and pulling you against them.
You feel yourself smile for the first time in weeks, breathing in the familiar smell of Joosts cologne. He grabs your cheeks and presses kisses all over your face, “missed you so so much baby” he says, his accent bringing the much needed comfort you craved.
He pulls away, looks at you and can immediately tell something’s wrong. He scans your face with narrowing eyes. You looked skinnier and had dark circles around your eyes, even still looking beautiful as ever but he knew you weren’t okay. He doesn’t need to elaborate or even explain, he just says, “what’s been going on in that pretty little head of yours hmm.?”
You sigh, he always knew when something was wrong. He would never let it go unanswered or ignored, “I’ve been getting worse without you here..” you say with a sad sigh, you could always be open and honest with him both of you knew that.
“Talk to me mijn lieve schatje” he says, rubbing your back comfortingly. You pour you heart out, you tell him all about your suicidal thoughts. You tell him about how you haven’t eaten or drinking anything in god knows how long. Your body felt so weak, it took a lot out of you to even raise your arm. You explain how depressed you’ve been, feeling like the most miserable person ever.
He gives you his full and undivided attention, keeping eye contact even when you looked away he stares at you with the most intense eyes that were filled with love and nothing but utter care and worry for your wellbeing. Once you’re done he immediately begins, “well first of all, I’m gonna make you something to eat and drink.”
He says picking you up and carrying you to the kitchen, placing you on the countertop and making you food. Not before handing you a water bottle and making sure you drink all of it. Once your fead, he brings you to the bathroom. You both shower together, he washes your hair and body affectionately while he presses kisses wherever he could.
Once you were both back in bed and ready to sleep he speaks once more right before you were about to fall asleep. “You’re coming on tour with me for now on, I don’t think I can spend that long without you again.” Is the last thing you hear before long kisses are pressed to your eyelids before you’re consumed by darkness….
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imaginesig · 7 months
The Y/l’s
Logan Sargent x journalist!reader
Similar to Allison and Issac Rochelle Kutch, the internet decided that you are not a Sargent, but rather Logan is a Y/l. I imagine this takes place years in the future (Logan isn't 22 and in his rookie season but a little older)
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Liked by: Alex_albon, daltonsargent, y/nsargent, and 369,298 others
logansargent: I recommend marrying your childhood crush. Y/n, this past year of being your husband has been incredible, every year I get to count as being yours is better than the last. It's always been you -Your husband ❤️
Tagged y/nsargent
y/nsargent from friends to “friends” to dating to married, who wouldn’t thunk it! Love you so much Lo❤️
logansargent love you more ❤️
alex_albon “friends” is crazy
daltonsargent those teen years were something
user1 my standards aren’t high, I just want a man who will openly declare himself mine on main
Williamsracing our fav bride💙
y/nsargent Williams admin 🔛🔝
user2 I cant decide if I love or hate the idea of wrecking the dress at the end of the reception 🫠
oscarpiastri I can’t believe I’ve had to deal with y’all for so long
logansargent do you want compensation or something??
y/nsargent here’s a cookie for your troubles 🍪
user3 "its always been you" SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP
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Liked by lilymhe, oscarpiatri, logansargent, and 275,230 others
y/nsargent been making Sargent look good for a whole year 💪💪 Logan, it’s been a fairytale with you!! Thank you for being here for everything and showing me that long distance is worth it❤️
Tagged logansargent
logansargent you make Sargent look damn good baby❤️
y/nsargent 🥰
lilymhe absolutely stunning- one of my favorite days ever!!
y/nsargent best maid of honor ever (even though you showed me up at my own wedding)
lilymhe i couldn’t never show you up (you can get payback at mine promise)
y/nsargent can’t wait!! @/alex_albon tick tick
alex_albon you’re either flirting with her or encouraging a proposal
user1 uugh the wedding collage is such a vibe 😫
user2 literal goals
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Liked by user5, logansargent, user8, and 504,394 others
y/nsargent: the grind>>>
Tagged: no one
user1 full time journalist AND full time wag
user2 what can’t she do
logansargent it don’t stop 💪😎
landonorris ok frat boy
user3 Logan is the real trophy husband here
oscarpiastri real
lilymhe I’m still in awe of your ability to work on a plane
y/nsargent it’s less of my ability to and more of that Coke next to me in the first pic 💀
user5 LMAO
user6 I love how she never misses watching a race
user7 especially bc her schedule is already so crazy
user8 fr she’s constantly flying from one place to another writing for a million companies
user9 She's everything and he's just Ken
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Liked by landonorris, williamsracing, user12, and 474,393 others
logansargent Podium in my home race for my good luck charm- it'll always be you 🍀🏆
Tagged williamsracing, y/nsargent
y/nsargent when he dedicated his home race to you >>>
landonorris he talks like a frat dude and you talk like you’re chronically on tik tok…
oscarpiastri match made in heaven
y/nsargent I don’t remember inviting this energy into my comment thread
user1 screaming crying throwing up
user2 “my good luck charm” 🤸🏼‍♀️🚊
user3 sleeping on the Highway
user4 toaster bath bomb fr fr
user5 Logan making it on the podium and still bringing up his wife is literal trophy husband behavior
user6 Logan Y/l fr fr
user7 who’s Logan Sargent anyway? Ew
y/nsargent 👀 @/lilymhe
lilymhe well when you bring Taylor into the convo…
Williamsracing on three everyone say thank you y/n
y/nsargent thank you y/n
Alex_albon girlie bffr
user8 why am I crying? no reason just Logan always telling it is or it always will be her
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Liked by lilymhe, user3, user1, and 208,829 others
y/nsargent wreck my plans that’s my man 🇺🇸🦅
Tagged logansargent, Williamsracing
logansargent and what did I do to deserve a T Swift caption??
y/nsargent just by being the trophy husband you are ❤️
logansargent proudly ❤️
user1 y/n always delivers 10/10 Logan content
user2 the emojis💀
lilymhe that pic is literal goals
y/nsargent we're literal goals
lilymhe love you bae
logansargent do we have any defense here
Alex_albon none mate
Y/nsargent with spokeswomen
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liked by taylorswift, lilymhe, Serenawilliams, and 960,483 others
y/nsargent: no one is gonna tell you this kid, but I can now. You are gonna have so many sleepless nights, so many long plane rides across the world, so many abandoned relationships, and so so many tears. You're gonna cover more sports games, fashion shows, and political events than you ever thought possible. You will hit the very rock bottom of it all multiple times, but you’ll keep going. Thank God that you did, because now you have multiple awards under your belt as well as your own news provider, @/spokeswomen!
I don't know what the future will look like other than more busy, busy days but thank you to everyone who has supported me on this journey and will continue to 🫶🫶
Tagged: spokeswomen
lilymhe your journey has been so so inspirational to women in all fields! I am so excited that because of you and your connections the world now has another safe space for female based news!! 💖
y/nsargent love you lil!! You are as much as an inspiration to me💖
logansargent I'll be your coffee runner forever if it means shit like this gets done 👏
y/nsargent you're gonna regret saying that user6 we love a supportive husband user7 Mr. Y/l raising standards everywhere
taylorswift such a incredible creation!! So many wonderful stories are gonna be shared and many necessary actions will be kicked started here-- you have a loyal follower
y/nsargent ahh thank you so much!! It is such an honor to read this, especially after all the hype sessions to "The Man" and "Mad Women"
user1 if @/spokeswomen has a hundred followers I'm one, if they have 1 its me, and if they have 0 I'm dead
user2 I love the idea of all women based and written articles on a wide range of topics-- they website/media pages are so aesthetic too😫
user3 so Logan goes vroom vroom for a job while Y/n created an entire news company to share women's voices??
user4 official petition to have their last names changed to Y/l
liked by y/nsargent and lilymhe
user5 live, laugh, love Y/n Y/l
serenawilliams it's people like you who make the world a better place
y/nsargent likewise- you've been one of my biggest inspirations
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liked by oscarpiastri, Alex_albon, user94, and 573,902 others
logansargent: the setup v.s the view 😍
tagged: y/nsargent
y/nsargent is this a thirst trap for our marriage??
lilymhe you can take the boy away from the frat boy mentality, but you can't take the mentality out of the boy...
user1 men<< women fr fr
y/nsargent Logan Y/l energy
user2 LMAO Y/N 💀
logansargent how does that equate to Kenergy
williamsracing room with a view 🫶
User4 his hands???
User5 foaming at the mouth
User6 what does she use to do her hair? It looks great
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Liked by y/nsargent, user4, logansargent
Williamsracing: the air smells like a podium for Mr. Y/l this weekend‼️
Tagged logansargent
User1 Babe wake up Williams called Logan Y/l
Y/nsargent Williams gets it
Lilymhe the word is spreading
Logansargent I’m still just as confused as in Y/n’s comment section
Y/nsargent don’t worry babe
oscarpiastri it’s your true form
user2 *eagle screech*
user3 the last name was the final factor to becoming the ultimate trophy husband
user4 lmao he's about to ascend
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Liked by lilymhe, partner1, user4, and 847,280 others
Y/nsargent vacation with the Y/n’s
Tagged Logansargent
Logansargent I feel like I’m losing my manly man cred with this new trend
Alex_albon don’t worry man you can’t lose what you never had
Lilymhe Alex you're one to talk
y/nsargent BAHAHAHAH
user1 not Logan losing his mind over this 😭
User2 “my manly man cred” ROLLING
oscarpiastri he called me to complain about this
User3 not Dalton telling on him
Logansargent if you’ve spent the amount of time I have talking with her abt being a SARGENT and then spend over a year with the name SARGENT you’d be concerned too
Y/nsargent awww lo 🥺
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Liked by ylnsargent, landonorris, user9, and 736,028 others
Logansargent can’t here y'all up here
Tagged y/nsargent
Y/nsargent get them with the clap back baby!!
Lilymhe we’re rooting for you!!
Logansargent y’all are both assholes
User1 Leia ate
logansargent golden hour goddess
user2 oh to travel to the mountains with my husband and our dog
y/nsargent I'd also like to add Leia has my last name at the vet...
logansargent too bad I don't go to the vet as well
user3 LMAO
user4 we love the middle school comebacks
user5 this entire family has pretty privilege
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liked by y/nsargent. alex_albon, logansargent, and 720,208 others
lilymhe dinner with the He's and Y/l's
tagged: y/nsargent, logansargent, Alex_albon
y/nsargent I missed our dinners
lilymhe same!! screw adult life with adult responsibilities
user1 that looks so good
user2 oh to be invited to a dinner with Y/n and Lily
user3 why does that salad look so plain💀
Alex_albon wondeful night darling ❤️ thank you to everyone involved for trusting mine and Logan's cooking
logansargent a very big thank you
user4 he's just building the resume, soon all Y/n will need to do is work and be pretty
logansargent that's the goal
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liked by taylorswift, user9, lilymhe, and 938,238 others
y/nsargent we've hit 1 million followers on @/spokeswomen!! This project has meant so much to me and to see it grow has been unreal!! Thank you to the wonderful group of women who stand beside me and help keep this dream afloat- I love y'all more than words💖
Logan (and Leia), thank you for all the nights you've held me together when I wanted to fall apart and quit this project. You saw the vision that was so much bigger than me. I love you so much ❤️
tagged: spokeswomen, logansargent, partner1, partner2, partner3, partner4
user1 since they adopted Leia she's been in every post of theirs 😭
user2 they're so real for it
partner2 I'm forever in awe of your hard work and how you made a dream your reality!!
logansargent you have always and will always be the one for me, wether or not 7 y/o me knew it. You are such an inspiration to me always. I will always pick you up when you fall, because you've always been the wind beneath me to keep me soaring high ❤️
y/nsargent now I'm crying at work, I love you so much Lo❤️
user3 that office in an introverts nightmare
y/nsargent don't worry! Everyone's preference and comfort was taken into account when designing- we have plenty of support for all kinds of social types. Plus we've all grown close so it feels more casual than cold and business-y
user4 that's so considerate
partner3 she's the best boss ever
partner1 I'm in debt to you everyday for bring me onto this amazing project- I cannot wait to see what the future holds
user5 aww Logan and Leia
Alex_albon top tier dog dad right there
lilymhe when can we get one
Alex_albon with what time?
y/nsargent you're so right, y'all are too busy for a dog. Now a specific diamond ring however...
lilymhe you heard the lady
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liked by y/nsargent, daltonsargent, landonorris, and 824,202 others
logansargent cheers to 2 whole years of marriage! I never want to imagine a reality where we aren't together- thank you so much for all the support and love. The only girl you could ever come second to is Leia. I promise to forever bring you coffee, make sure you rest, and mostly importantly love you. Its always been you- Mr. Y/l
tagged: Y/nsargent
user6 "its always been you- Mr. Y/n" I can't handle this rn
user7 Logan finally used Y/l
user8 as much as I hated the wait, this was the best time for him to do it
y/nsargent I love you so much Lo, I'm holding you up to your promises- specially the last one
logansargent yes ma'am
user2 the childhood friends to lovers trope is truly magical
user3 God it's me again
user4 I just want a man who will openly admit his love, as well as say it's always been me
user5 Y/n just lives in a romance novel
lilymhe my absolute favorites 🫶 many years of happiness and adventures to you three
y/nsargent 🫶
Alex_albon congrats on the big 2!! Love you both
logansargent thank you man
williamsracing we're not crying over the Y/l's, you are🥹
f1 in this house we support the Sargent's/Y/l's
762 notes · View notes
outsideratheart · 8 months
A Return Worth Celebrating (Fridolina Rolfo x reader)
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A/N: Here’s a little something to celebrate Frido’s return to team training!
Monday’s had the reputation of being terrible but not this Monday. No, today was a good day. Today was the day that Fridolina Rolfö, your girlfriend, returned to team training. 
“You ready?” You ask as you walk out onto the field together. 
“As I’ll ever be” the blonde wore a smile on her face but you knew deep down that she was nervous. The two of you had spent the night previous cuddled in bed discussing what the blonde was feeling and why she was feeling it. 
Before you reach the group you wrap your arm around her waist, pulling her close as you place a gentle kiss on her hairline. 
“You’ve got this. You are strong and you are powerful” 
“What? I’m not beautiful today?” Fridolina knows the mantra well, you had made her say it to herself whenever she was having a bad day. 
“You, Miss Rolfö, will always be beautiful in my eyes. Now let’s get going. I’ve haven’t been late once this season and I won’t have you tarnishing my impeccable record” you jog off towards your team mates. 
“Right because I’m the bad influence out the two of us” the swede says sarcastically. Everyone knew it was you who corrupted her. 
The session goes better than Frido expected. Her passes were accurate, her movement fluid and much to her surprise her fitness wasn’t far off from where it was before. It did come as a shock to find your cubby empty as she entered the locker room. She assumed you had gone for a shower until she saw a note sitting in her locker. 
I had to go. See you at home. 
I love you, always. 
“What no celebrations for your return?” Ingrid asks. 
“Looks like she had a meeting or something. We discussed our schedules on Friday and she didn’t mention anything. It must be something last minute” Frido defended your actions even if they had hurt her. 
She had been so excited to be back on the pitch for numerous reasons but being able to play with you again was top of that list. You seemed so happy for her this morning and she automatically assumed you would do something together to celebrate. 
Little did she know you did have plans to celebrate. Your celebrations were a little bit more intimate than what was planned with the team. 
As on queue, Frido walks into your shared apartment just as you finish setting the table. 
When the blonde walked through the hallway she smelt home, more specifically a home cooked meal. Then, as she turned the corner, she saw you standing next to the candle light table. 
“Baby, i’m so proud of you” 
She was rendered speechless. 
“Say something, please” you ask politely. 
She says nothing. She lets her actions do the talking and you don’t complain at all. You loved moments like this when it was just the two of you. When you could express your love with kisses and other displays of affection. 
“Is that my —“
“Kött” you pull away from her hold to read the name of the meal of your hand “Köttbullar” 
Frido pulled your hand towards her to see if you had really written down the name of the meal. Lo and behold, you had. 
“I think I did it right. I was this close” you pinch your thumb and index thumb very close together “to going to Ikea and buying some” 
You follow to the take and pull the chair out for her. 
“For you, m’lady” 
“Why thank you” she kisses your cheek as a show of appreciation. 
You watch nervously as she takes a bite of the meatball. It mimicked the nervous energy you feel as you watch a team mate take a penalty. She takes her time and it feels like she chews it 100 times before giving any indication of whether it’s good or not. 
“5 stars” Frido does a little happy dance in her seat “who knew this is what you were preparing for when you ate my Mamma’s Köttbullar by the bucket full” 
“It was all apart of my master plan” you raise your eyebrows playfully. 
“Is that right? What else does this master plan entail?” Frido asks curiously. 
“Stick around and you’ll find out” 
You had a lot planned for you and Fridolina. Some things had been ticked off, some were in motion and others were due in the future. 
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multifariousqueer · 9 months
Felix Catton Headcannons 💛🪩
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a/n: AHHHHH ITS SO GOOD TO BE BACK!! i revamped the blog so hopefully its more authentic and grown up. however, still respect my policy of black reader(no messy buns and crimson red cheeks sorry{not sorry}) being the main reader and smut still happening on this page. I’ll lyk when requests are open again(hopefully soon) and yeah! To all of my new friends, hi!!!! I’m multifarious and hopefully I can provide as much brainrot as possible. i have no intention changing my name rn but still be respectful and kind always 🫶🏽🫶🏽
warnings: tooth rotting fluff, cute scenarios, kissing, suggestive language, that’s all(for now 😏)
summary: just some good ol’ Felix brain rot and headcanons(ik yall missed them)
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Felix Catton headcanons
You two first met at Oxford and he was immediately intrigued. You shocked him when you asked what one of his wristbands meant and he answered with a pleasant smile and you retorted that you had been there before. He smiled and asked for your name which you happily obliged in giving him.
You went to a pub and saw him again and he asked where you were headed and when you answered, he huffed and insisted that you stay with him instead.
He spent the entire night holding you by the small of your back and being very touchy and you were giggly(whether from the alcohol or his intoxicating energy still leaves something to be desired).
Felix walked you back to your dorm where you couldn’t stop thinking about him.
He was spotted by you in the library and he struck up a conversation about where you are from and your hobbies:
“A pretty girl like you must be from somewhere special”-he said
“Oh! No, I’m just from(enter state or city here)”- your ears fell hot and you felt yourself melt into his gaze.
“Ahhhh I think I’ve heard of that place before” even when he hasn’t
“Oh haha yeah. So what about you?” You chuckled, picking up on his white lie.
“Oh my family just owns a house in Saltburn, have you heard of it? It’s kind of small” he said modestly
“No sorry. I don’t know much about the UK besides the Beetles” you laughed
Felix chuckled at this and he found your naivety cute and endearing
He introduced you to most of the things in the UK and over time, you started getting closer
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Actual headcanons:
-Spoils you relentlessly and doesn’t understand the concept of not doing so. To him, you’re a princess and you deserve to be treated so.
-His friends don’t like you because you aren’t wealthy(unless you are, slay queen or king) but Felix doesn’t care.
-Asks you if you want to smoke and accepts when you say no
-Has fluffy hair and mewls when you run your hands through it
-Kisses you when you wake up and when you try to push him off of you, he just grabs your hands and kisses them too.
-Makes you look like a ragdoll(and throws you around like one too ;)
-Loves picking you up and spinning you around while kissing you
-Doesn’t understand the concept of personal space when it comes to you but fully expects you to give him space when he needs it
-Loves to hold your hand and play with your fingers while making comments about how small you are compared to him
-Plays with your feet when you’re sleeping next to each other
-Helps you with your homework when needed
-He loves tanning and even though you’re already tan, he will ask you to come and read to you during it
-Reassures you whenever he gets hit on and playfully blows girls off
-If you’re getting flirted with, he will go out of his way to make the other guy feel like a third wheel by kissing you, spinning you, and calling you pet names while nuzzling your nose
-Begs you to go to Saltburn; when you do, his entire family loves you.
-His mom cups your face in her hands and remarks about how pretty you are.
-You two gossip while Felix rolls his eyes and makes comments
-Felix calls your parents and flys out to meet them
-They love him(he took his piercing out so they wouldn’t think he was a freak)
-He is horrible at Just Dance and when he messes up, he pushes you slightly so that you mess up too
-This leads to him flopping on the floor while holding you and laughing
-Felix is super protective and he tracks your location 24/7 and asks you about it when you come home
-If he is lying anywhere, he will pull you into him and kiss you into a full makeout session
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greymoonfeelings · 1 year
You and Me
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pairing: Jake Seresin x fem! reader
word count: 0.7k
note: this is a little blurb I’ve had in my drafts forever and I wanted to get it published. I firmly believe Jake says says “give me some sugar” when he wants a kiss and you will not change my mind.
You let out a huff, swirling the ice cubes in your drink around with the plastic straw. With your head in your hand, you watch as Jake celebrates his latest pool victory with his friends. He wasn’t ignoring you on purpose, but he was so wrapped up in the energy of his friends that he had yet to realize you weren’t feeling the same.
After Coyote slaps him on the back, Jake spins around to face you. He looks over to you expectantly, hoping to see you smiling at him, but instead notices the downturn of your lips as you stare down at your drink. Jake excuses himself from his friends before approaching you.
“What's wrong, darlin?” He slides into the booth beside you, throwing an arm around your slumped shoulders.
“Nothing.” You force a smile, not wanting to ruin his fun with your sour mood. Jake cocks his head to the side giving you a knowing look. There is no use lying to him. He has always been able to see right through you.
You sigh in defeat. “I thought tonight would just be us. I love your friends, but we’re with them so much and I miss spending time alone with you.”
“Why didn’t you say something earlier?” His tone is soft, not accusing.
“I didn’t want to sound needy.” You peer down at your drink again, pretending to be interested in the condensation running down this side so you don’t have to look your boyfriend in the eye.
You’re terrified of Jake suddenly deciding that you’re too high maintenance. Maybe he wants a girlfriend who’s more go-with-the-flow and less clingy. Jake is a boisterous and extroverted person, why would he ever want to be with someone who was the exact opposite?
Jake recognizes that look on your face. The one you make when your order comes out wrong but you eat it anyway because you don’t want to be a bother. The one you wear when someone suddenly starts talking over you because they either didn’t realize you were speaking or they just didn’t care. Jake hates that look, hates that you feel like you’re not good enough to take up space.
“There’s no one else I would rather spend time with than you, darlin’. You can always tell me what you’re feeling, you don’t have to hide from me or feel embarrassed.”
“You’re so good to me, Jake. I’m not used to my feelings being considered.”
“Your feelings deserve to be treated with respect and I love you, I always want you to be comfortable.”
“I love you too.”
“Gimme some sugar.” Jake leans in, his lips searching for yours.
“Not here.” You duck away from him, looking around at the crowded bar.
“No one’s looking. They’re all too focused on themselves. C’mon, I missed you too, darling.” Jake whispers reassuringly as he presses kisses to the side of your face.
You take another quick look around the bar before deciding that he’s right. You lean into Jake’s side and press your glossed lips against his.
When you pull away, Jake licks his lips trying to savor the taste of you. “Mm, cherry. My favorite.”
“You’re not supposed to lick it off, weirdo.” You laugh and give your boyfriend a playful shove.
“Let’s get out of here. There’s a carton of ice cream back home with our names written all over it and I may have finally caved and subscribed to Disney Plus.”
Jake wraps his arm around your waist and tucks you against his side. After saying goodbye to his friends, he leads you out into the parking lot, his body warming you against the cool breeze from the ocean.
The two of you spend the remainder of the night curled up in bed sharing the tub of ice cream while your favorite movie plays. Jake makes sure you know just how much he cherishes his time with you. Being alone with just him refills your energy just the way you were hoping it would and you fall asleep feeling even more in love with your man.
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bubblebaththoughts · 10 months
Beach Sex
Ao’nung x Fem!Metkayina!Reader
kinkmas masterlist
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warnings: 18+ MDNI, p in v, oral!male receiving, sneaking around, bit of fluff at the end. One use of Y/n.
“Bro, just come with me, Neteyam said no and I know Kiri won’t go.” Lo’ak begged “You’re my only other friend, please.”
Tsireya had invited him to go to a party with the other Metkayina people.
He didn’t want to go alone, that was the problem.
“I never go to these dumb things, even before you got here.” You poked Lo’ak’s chest “It just like… one big orgy.”
“Please?” He whined “It’s the first one I’ve been allowed at!”
“Eywa help me.” You rolled your eyes “Fine, just this once, after this you’re on your own!”
“Ha! Thank you!” He smiled, “After last light is what she said… so meet me here?”
“Yeah, sure.” You grimaced
Lo’ak doesn’t know how or when to shut up. That’s what you’ve learned in your time of knowing him. Ever since he got comfortable with you, he’s always talking. About literally nothing. You didn’t mind it though, he would talk and you would listen.
Like now, for example.
He was rambling on about Tsireya while you listened to him.
You led him to the secret beach, and it instantly reeked of sex and alcohol.
“Lo’ak!” Tsireya called out, she definitely had been waiting for him, she came into view with a smile on her face, “Oh! Y/n! You came?”
You nodded, almost scared of her reaction.
“That’s great! You never come!” She smiled, bringing you in for a hug
“Right well, I think I’m gonna go find a drink.” You break away, waving them off as they snuck away together
Another one of your friends, Oreya, found you a drink. You hadn’t had one in forever, it made you wince.
“Can’t hold your alcohol anymore, Syulang?” A teasing voice made you look up, Ao’nung
You roll your eyes, looking back at him with a nasty look. “I remember it was you that couldn’t hold his alcohol.” You sassed
Ao’nung merely laughed, his shoulders shrugged as he backed off.
“You know how it is, Syulang.” He smiled “Why’d you come tonight?”
“Brought your future brother.” You teased
“My futu- Lo’ak?” His jaw dropped “He is not my future brother.”
“Well… where are they?” You gestured around “Sounds like someone’s sister might be making-“
“Shut up!” He groaned
“You’re really upset?” You laughed at his pained face
“Forest people and reef people shouldn’t be together.” He shook his head “I couldn’t imagine the outcome.”
“Of their little babies? Oh they would be adorable!”
Suddenly you’re being shoved against a rock, “Thought I told you to shut up?”
You shove him off of you, “You’re such an ass!”
He mocks you, pissing you off further.
You couldn’t deal with him like this, so you stomped off and did what anyone else would do, you started drinking.
You found yourself sitting at a fire, next to a couple that was making out. You weren’t drunk, just sober enough to be aware if your surroundings while also not having to think about anything too much.
You hear you name called from across the beach, you look up.
Just by a small nod, that signaled you to follow him.
As soon as you closed in on him, his lips were on you.
“Syulang,” He groaned “I miss you. You don’t play with me anymore.”
“We’re not kids.” You chastised “Not anymore.”
“You know what I mean.” He laughed, his hand cupping your pussy
You gasp in surprise, “Ao’nung!”
You’re shut up as his fingers begin to rub tour clit in perfect motions “Hm?”
“I know you too well, Syulang.” He whispers to you, “Know this perfect body too well.”
“We shouldn’t be doing this.” You whisper into his ear as he kissed your neck
You feel his smirk grow against your skin, “That’s what makes it fun.”
“Ao’nung…” You whine
“What is it?” He mumbled, still working your clit “You wanna come? Is that it?”
“Ao’nung… I shouldn’t.” You breathlessly whispered
“Yes, you definitely should.” He leans in, capturing your lips in a fiery kiss
You feel the warmth of his body against yours, and you can feel the energy between you two. His lips are soft and gentle as he kisses you, his hands exploring your body. You can feel the intensity of the moment, and you let the passion take control. You're completely taken by him, and you can't help but feel the electric current between the two of you. You can feel your heart racing as he pulls you closer, deepening the kiss. You can feel the emotion in the air and you can't help but give into it. You let go, completely lost in the moment, and you know that you never want it to end.
Your heart races as he pulls away, leaving you wanting more. The world around you fades away as you stay lost in his embrace.
He pulls his hand away from your needy pussy, “Did you miss me Syulang?”
“Ao’nung… I see you everyday.” You mumble
“Answer me.”
“Ye-yes, I missed you.” You stumbled
“Mm, I missed you too.” He smiled
He stands before you, looming large and waiting for your next move. You take a deep breath and slowly move closer, a sly smirk playing on your lips. You can practically feel the anticipation radiating off of him.
Your hands reach out and slide around his waist, your fingers tracing the contours of his body. Your touch sends a thrill through him, and you can feel his muscles tense beneath your fingertips. In response, you press yourself closer, your body melting against his.
The next thing you know, you’re backed against the rock and his mouth is on yours, his tongue exploring your depths. His hands roam over your body, igniting a fire within you.
“Get on your knees.” He demanded as he pulled away from your lips
You obey with a nod, dropping to your knees in the soft sand of the isolated beach.
“You know what to do.” He pushes your hair back
Ao’nung untied his loincloth for you, revealing his hard cock.
Your heart races as you kneel before him, the scent of his desire intensifying with each passing second. You take him in your mouth, your lips wrapping around him like a glove. His gasp fills the air as you start to move, your tongue swirling around him in a way that only you know. You can feel him trembling as you take him deeper, your throat constricting as you feel him swell.
He moans as you continue, your hands running up and down his length as you work your way further and further down. You can feel his breathing becoming labored, and you can sense that he's about to let go.
You take him as far as you can, your mouth and throat feeling like they're on fire as you milk him for every last drop. His body quivers and shakes as he releases, and you swallow every drop of his pleasure.
“Damn, Syulang.” He moaned, his hand holding your face gently
You can feel yourself trembling as you pull away, the taste of him still lingering on your tongue. You look up at him, and the look of bliss on his face is all you need to know that you did a good job.
He gets down on his knees with you, and he pulled you into a passionate embrace. His lips were soft and inviting against yours, and his hands moved to cup your face as he deepened the kiss. His tongue explored and caressed, and you felt your body melting against his.
His hands moved to your waist, and he pulled you closer. His lips trailed down your neck, sending shivers of desire through you. He cupped your breasts, and you gasped as pleasure surged through you. His hands moved lower, and he tugged at your loincloth, eager to explore more of your body.
You untied it for him, and his hands roamed over your body, caressing, exploring, and arousing you until you were trembling with need. He moved you back to the sand, and you sank into it as he settled between your legs.
He kissed your throat, and you felt his hardness pressing against you. He teased you, his movements increasing in intensity until you were both panting with desire.
With one smooth motion, he entered you, and you gasped as pleasure surged through you.
He moved slowly at first, and then faster, each thrust sending waves of pleasure through you. You clung to him, and he groaned with pleasure, his movements becoming more urgent.
He began to rut into you at an unmatched, animalistic, pace.
“Rub that little clit for me, huh?” He brought your hand down for you
You listen to him and begin to stimulate yourself while he fucked you.
“Gonna make me cum if you keep clenching down on my cock like that- fuck!” Ao’nung cursed
“Ao’nung I, I’m gonna…” You whimpered
“I know, go on baby, do it for me, cum on my fucking cock, do it.” He relentlessly thrusted into you, making your eyes roll back and your hands dig into his arms
Your orgasm almost broke you, made you over sensitive. He fucked you through it with reassuring words of praise with small kisses.
Once you came down from your little high, Ao’nung picked his pace back up, his own personal goal was to cum in your sweet little pussy tonight.
And oh how he did.
Refused to pull out even after, but when he did, he watched his own cum dribble out of you with awe, and then used two of his fingers to push it back in you.
He lies there with you, holding you to him as close as you would let him.
“Missed you so much.” He mumbled
“Missed you too.” You tiredly answered
taglist: @danniackerman @loakslut
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nieceeee · 10 months
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W/C: 1.9k
A/N: Yes I’ve been gone. Can I explain why? Life been lifeing fr but aye what can you do but make some shhhhh shake. So we byke! I have so much to write ngl but here is the FU from this fic. It’s not much that goes on in here, some things are suggested but nothing too explicit
Pairing: bestfriend!ony x black fem reader.
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That night Ony tossed and turned, his mind playing tricks on him, still reeling from the whirlwind of events that had occurred. The consistent cycle of forcing himself awake each time he felt his dreams shift to you made him physically and mentally exhausted. After several jolts from jumping up in cold sweats he gave in, knowing that it was wrong and hoping for forgiveness when he woke up. Unfortunately the only thing he woke up with was a wet stain in the crotch of his sweat pants and a horrible case of blue balls. Ony groaned to himself, dropping his head back into the pillow. I havent had a wet dream since I was fucking 13 he thought, dragging his heavy hands down his face.
He forced himself from the bed, stripping down and making his way to the bathroom to clean up the embarrassing mess. “Okay Ony, think.” He says to himself, washing away the evidence of his filthy thoughts from his body. He took a little bit more time than usual running through his morning routine, or better yet taking time to try and build up the courage to face you. Your morning routines always blended into each others but this time was so different for him. I mean it wasn't like he could tell you what happened. What the fuck would that look like? “Oh hey bestfriend, how’d you sleep? Just to let you know I heard you moan my name last night and I nutted over and over again to the sound of it. Have a great day” Ony groans again as he steps out of the shower and dries off. Ony just hoped he wouldn't make it so obvious.
“Good morning Onybunny.” You say hearing him walk into the kitchen like normal. “Hey.” He croaks, clearing his throat slightly. Your brows furrow slightly in confusion as you let out a little giggle. “You ok?” You ask him, opening the fridge to reach in for a quick breakfast. Ony averts his eyes from your bent frame, shifting his gaze down to his hands. So much for not making it awkward he thought to himself. He rolled his shoulders back to ease some of the tension. You grab a carton of vanilla Greek yogurt and some fruit out of the fridge, settling on a parfait and toast for your morning meal.
Ony took a moment to look you over as you worked your way around the room. It was like something inside of him has been awaken. A new sense of being, everything around him was like staring through a different lens. His eyes roam your body and he notices things that he never appreciated before. His brown irises took in the rise and fall of your breasts, the curve of your hips. The way your body was perfectly mapped out and he wanted to explore it all. Lost in his own thoughts, he missed your look at him. “Ony?” You call again. He shook his head slightly, pulling himself from the trance you unknowingly put him in. “Huh?” He asks. “Are you okay?” You ask him, walking up and pressing a hand to the side of his face and running it gently against his jaw. He knew this was one of your tactics for him when he would space out and his heart tugged at that thought. Ony melted into your touch, his bigger hand coming up to hold the back of your hand. He felt energy swim through his body.
“Ony, talk to me. Are you okay?” You look at him, concern morphed into your features. “Y-yeah. I’m good.” He says softly, his fingers gently caressing the back of your hand. You felt a bundle of nerves ignite in your belly as the memories from last night flood your mind, recalling those very hands doing something else in your dreams. You intake a sharp breath of air before slowly pulling your hand from his grasp. “You talking about me, look at yourself.” he teases, giving you a small smirk. You playfully roll your eyes at him, pulling your hand away. “Boy bye. I’m not checking on you no more. You play too much.” You go back to the other side of the counter and finish up your breakfast. Ony watches you carefully this time, his eyes raking over your body. He takes note of the way your jeans hug you at the waist and wrapped firmly around your hips. Your cropped tank showing a sliver of your belly.
Ony really loved your body shape. He would always say that. He loves the smoothness of your skin. Whenever you would lay up under him, he always found his fingers grazing against whatever skin was showing, whether that was your arm or the sides of your thighs as you lay together watching movies. No matter the occasion, Only always has his hands on you but it was nothing sexual. He simply loves his best friend. He never fails to compliment you and shower you with affection. You were his best friend after all. But now, thinking about last night he was imagining your body in a totally different way. And those thoughts caused him to shake his head quickly, trying to get back to reality. You quickly finished up your meal, completely oblivious to the turmoil that your bestie was going through behind you.
“So what do you think?” your voice perks up as you turn to face him. “Uh yeah.” he said, trying to scrape together the bits and pieces of what you had said. You tilt your head at him, a blank stare on your face as you watch him try to put an answer together like he always did when he zoned out on you. “Okay it's settled then. I'm shaving my head and joining the cult.” you say shrugging and sliding him his plate. Only’s head snapped back to you, “What the fuck? Wait, I didn't agree to that-” he starts but your laugh interrupts him. You doubled over, gripping your side, amused by the utter shock and confusion on his face. “That's what the fuck you get for not listening to me.” you tease. His eyes roll as he grabs the plate that you made for him and sits at the island. You enjoy your breakfast and casual conversation, continuing your morning with each other as usual.
“Okay so we are still meeting E and them for lunch later right?” you say walking towards the door, phone in hand as you close out your messages. “Yeah, they’ll send the reservation later.” Ony says meeting you at the front door. You both stood at the front door, your eyes watching him with expectancy. His brows pull together slightly. “What?” he asks. You hitch a brow at him, “You bump your head or something?” His confused expression scrunches his features more. “Since when have you ever let me walk out the door without my hug and kiss? What's up with you?” you try not to sound hurt by it but the emotion still coats your words. You and Ony have a system when you leave the house. It's been like that from day one. Fuck. he thinks. “Sorry, I’m just not in it today.” he admits to you softly. You give him a forced smile as the breath leaves you body. “Don’t worry about it. It’s all good. See you later.” you whisper before turning towards the door and gripping the nob. “Shit…wait.” Ony says before you have a chance to open the door. His heavy hands grip your wrist and turn you back to face him. You look at him, doe eyes glistening. “I’m sorry prettygirl. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night.” he says stepping close to you, his hands sliding from your wrist, up your arms and to your shoulder blade then gliding down to your lower back. Why didn't you come to me you want to ask but then your cheeks heat as you realize what he would've walked into if he did. Instead you swallow heavily, lips slightly parting as you take in how close he was to you.
Ony’s face flashes with emotion but he masks it quickly. Because he knows that you would’ve wanted him to come to you, which he did, but he couldn’t tell you. Not after the things he heard. Honestly he doesn't know if he will ever be able to sleep next to you again with everything he heard and how his body reacted to you last night. You’ve slept in the same bed on multiple occasions but there would be no explaining him waking you up with a wet stain in his bed and him standing at full attention pressed against you. Even thinking about you in his bed in one of his big t-shirts, brown legs bare against his sheets was not helping his current situation.
Pushing arousal aside, he takes a deep breath and pulls you into his arms. Your arms wrap around his neck as his tighten around your waist. He breathes in your familiar scent and it heats his body to the core. Ony buries his face into your neck, the bridge rubbing gently against your skin. Fuck she smells good. Has she always smelled this good? The way he held you close to him made you feel every sculpted muscle in his body through the cotton fabric of his t-shirt. Your breath quickens as your head gets lighter. The air in the room seemed to shift, thick with an intensity that wasn't present before. Ony, pull back his head was screaming at him. That familiar heat surging through his body. He reluctantly loosens his grip, lifting his head from your shoulders. His eyes find yours as you glance up at his face. “Ony,” you whisper, his name coasting from your lips. “Yeah, prettygirl.” he lets out. Your chests are touching and his arms still wrap around your waist. “W-we gotta go.” you explain. “Right.” he starts, letting his hands slip down your waist and off your sides. “Sorry.” he says, eyes still fixed on yours. You take a step back to offer yourself room to breathe. The air was heavy with anxiousness, neither of you sure of what to do next and unsure as to why the other was uncertain. Thoughts plaguing your mind if he actually heard you last night calling out to him makes your cheeks heat. Ony being tormented by the sound of you calling out to him over and over as you pleasured yourself and wondering why he didn't walk in and coax more sounds out of you.
After another deep breath to calm your senses, you finally manage to break the staring contest. You take a small step back releasing your breath as you do so. “Well…” you start. “I’ll see you there?” He stared down at you as he ran his tongue across his bottom lip. The action sent a tingle running through your spine. “Yeah, I got to grab something so I’ll be there in a little bit.” You give him a small nod and walk out the door. Ony’s eyes trail after you as he follows the movements of your hips. He waits until you’re in the car and pulled out forces driveway before he walks back towards his room, dropping his bag and keys by the door. He locks his room door before heading back towards his shower to get another release.
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Don’t ask me how I feel I swear I don’t know. I feel like I lost my mojo but I’m getting it back. Anyway hope yall like this one.
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