#like i said i dont think he'd much be into theatrics
miiilowo · 2 years
unfortunate happening, we introjected your will and now him and our will (dave)... well they arent fighting... im not sure how to describe the look theyre giving eachother.
anyways id love to learn literally everything i can about your will!
(that and i have no choice but to try to turn this wood block of a will into himself through learning about him.)
ive said will too much.
please and thank you for if you choose to humor me ^^
well, i guess my perception of him is like. 90% based in canon evidence. There's some headcanons, but theyre not pulled out of nowhere, usually being derived from some trait hes shown to have in the books
The two timelines that have piqued my interest regarding fnaf are wendigoon's timeline and matpats (which is . kinda surprising tbh), and while I think matpat's might be slightly more grounded, wendigoon's covers williams personality and motivations in more depth, which is what i generally stick to if you want to take a little peek over there. The rundown, though, is this:
Evan gets his shit rocked by fredbear -> william notices hes in there -> is kinda wrought with grief -> really loves him and wants to bring him back, starts experimenting with the idea of Killing Murder -> sister location animatronics -> elizabeth dies -> he shuts down circus babys pizza world due to 'gas leaks' (its elizabeth dying) -> henry notices whats up, kicks him out of fazbear ent -> he snaps, kills charlie -> goes on to kill the 5 kids at freddys. hands on this time
while i dont necessarily think this is canon, it still sets up the grounds for his personality in my mind, with the main things being that he set out to be a childrens entertainer, loved his kids very much, and when shit gets bad he kinda starts spiraling in the worst way imaginable. Perhaps always a little bit on the .. silly. side when it comes to The Killing Murder, but whatever happened here pushed him over the edge
speaking of silly, he just straight up is that. i mean, you could infer that from the fact he made a chuck e cheese kinda restaurant chain where he'd get in a rabbit fursuit to entertain kids. for fun. his idea. but beyond that, the books corroborate it:
he is incredibly theatric, a good example being the reveal of his springlock scars to carlton; explaining in extreme detail what will happen if carlton fucks up while wearing the suit, very calmly, and then with a flourish he reveals his scars and screams at him to not move. not normal behavior
hes very expressive with body language. this is seen in the books, but it also is very evident when you look at how glitchtrap and vanny move
he says he viewed dave as a role to play over just like, a disguise and alias. i cannot emphasize enough how much he did not need to make up a nightguard oc
he kinda did the same thing with springtrap in the novels, stating he wanted to be a comical over-the-top villain
(theres also like...the fact funtime foxy and spring bonnie dont really.....have solid genders. like in fnaf world spring bonnies blurb is 'boy? girl? its a rabbit, who cares' and then theres funtime foxy having he/she pronouns. these are williams creations. one of them being very close to him, near & dear to his heart. much to consider when you remember he was a dad of 3 in the 80s)
there is always those journals they find in the books. i can let those speak for themselves. the exact description for them: "A search of his house…found stacks of journals full of raving paranoia, passages about Henry that ranged from jealousy to near worship." Do with this what you will
This more so comes from me rather than canon evidence, and is inferred (unless im wrong and there is evidence for it- i dont really own the books) but I generally imagine he was incredibly charismatic. Not in the way where he was charming because he was attractive, but in the way where he was charming because hes just a fucking weirdo. over-expressive theatric childrens entertainer that loves his job? and a businessman, no less? come on now. Though, you could also see the intro bit for sister location where he's being interviewed about circus baby; his voice. his.Voice his bvvvrhrrg
There is conflicting information on HOW he killed the kids thats present; In the ultimate guide (which is, decidedly, more canon than the narrative timeline) it details that the murders were done via telling the kids something and then kidnapping them before killing them, some of which done in..incredibly violent ways. In the novels, it mentions sedating his victims before killing them for use in his remnant research shenanigans.
The difference here is that in the novels, William is killing out of a pure desire to advance his understanding of possession and remnant, and in the ultimate guide he's doing it in a far less calculated and clean manner. It's messier, more violent, and frankly, probably more fun for him.
Generally, when it comes to William, I try to take what I can from the novels, and if it contradicts evidence offered up by the games, I can probably disregard it as canon. This is one of those few situations where i CAN disregard it, because I highly doubt he, in a heat of the moment, passion driven murder, killed charlie because he thought to bring a sedative in his car. (not the mention how the books are dubiously canon and the ultimate guide has more grounds in what is actually real)
I did forget to mention how much I think he did care about his kids; I mean, outside of just that rough timeline I presented, theres a shitton of evidence he DID care about them over the evidence he was abusive or purposefully neglectful. He more than likely had all this triggered by evan's death via fredbear, which says enough in of itself, but theres also the cameras in their house, and the fredbear plushie that has a speaker and a camera in it. No matter where HE was, he could always keep an eye on them, talk to the kid that was constantly riddled with anxiety, and make sure they were okay. idk about you but that doesnt sound like the actions of someone who doesn't like their kids. Arguably, he might have loved them too much, since that kind of crosses over into like...Weirdly TOO watchful, but it makes sense since he was really obsessed with his work.
Baby is also worth mentioning, since we can glean that she was based off of Elizabeths appearance & made specifically for her, but since shes. yknow. a murder robot, William forbades Elizabeth from ever going near her, because he doesn't want her to get hurt. That says enough i think.
also i think his wife either left him or he never had one in the first place and the kids are a result of one night stands gone wrong amen
This is not NEARLY as in-depth as it could be, and if you ask specific questions I can certainly narrow things down more, but as a quick rundown of some of his traits:
Silly :3 Very expressive
Obsessive & jealous
Bit paranoid; Superstitious as well (i know i didnt touch on that but it is corroborated by the books)
Charming in a manner of ways
More than likely got a kick out of killing
Really did love his kids, particularly evan and elizabeth
A good resource for what hes like based off the books is the @canon-william-afton blog, which has been a lifesaver for me personally
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creation-help · 2 years
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the first two are clementine pre n post wither storm n the third is an oc ive just been calling [DATA EXPUNGED]
theyre both pokemon ocs, w clem specifically being a mash up of being a minecraft storymode oc and a pokemon oc
[DATA EXPUNGED] is the Champion of Arceus n is v ? theatrical ? fancy ? either way he speaks like its the early 1800s, i also dont have much of a backstory for him since i created him like, 4 days ago n im VERY slow at giving ocs backstories
clementine on the other hand ive been making a backstory for several months so i have a lot to say but i wont so to sum up her backstory (in a way thats prolly shit ngl) its:
clem n her (still unnamed n undeveloped) friends go to a con, they win, they go to a post con festival, clem meets some guy, the same guy clem meets makes the wither storm, she defeats it but is v traumatized from it, she becomes a mayor of a town at some point but she ends up running away from kalos to kanto
[Is not familiar with the Pokémon storylines you're talking about and thus has nothing to comment on it, so apologies if that is relevant to the review]
I'm assuming [DATA EXPUNGED] isn't, at least in the current state of things, related to Clementines story at all?
I'll tackle [DATA EXPUNGED] first!
Very solid color scheme, I think the dark skin tone fits perfectly with black white and gold, especially since the shirt (top?) is white. The accessories and face patterns really give off a fancy, perhaps priest like aesthetic and it makes the whole collective come across as very distinguished. Supernatural too, considering the one white eye and again, face patterns, although it leaves some ambiguity since this could also just be a very fancy cultural getup. I have to say though, I'd probably have made the roses some other color: though the black is strong and very cool, you can't really see them from the black hair and thus it sorta muddies the effect and makes it look more like the character is wearing some headgarment rather than a rose crown. Unfortunately, since this is a picrew, i can't say much for more core aspects of the design like the shape of the face, eyes and nose, which I consider very essential aspects of designing human characters. This is no fault of yours, as I said, picrews can be limiting in this aspect.
Judging by the art style though I'm going to guess this character is meant to have a strong angular face and jawline with a straight, square nose. Strong but elegant brows, I assume? The beauty mark on his jaw though is a very nice touch! Gives some uniqueness and personality to the otherwise very conformed, untouched image the character has.
The character strikes me as a very learned, wise personality who knows things beyond this world, and I can definitely see that he'd speak more theatrically, like a preacher or professor (the book and quill help this).
If the character ever ends up drawn by free hand, here's things I'd suggest adjusting or adding to [DATA EXPUNGED]: Facial traits. I think a strong nose with a bit of a greek shape would do wonders for a theatrical, regal looking character like him, and if the angular jawline is intended, keep that!! Depending on age (or how dramatic you want him to look), I'd also suggest more visible cheekbones perhaps? Strong brows and serious eyes would contribute to this vibe but depending on of course where you take this character, you can change things to suit that! For what I'm suggesting here, the character feels like a sort of apocalypse preacher person who is more interested in studies and has a tendency to push people away. However you could also easily go a softer route with him as well but I think, if you do, I'd still keep the angular dramatic facial features. The rest of my suggestions would just be to add maybe the smallest bit more decoration or jewelry, maybe something with a more personal touch? Earrings, rings, ect. I feel like he'd be the type to carry around some very sentimental piece of jewelry or other item, something he holds in great value. He doesn't seem like he'd pretty up just for appearance sake. Also I feel like sideburns or some stray hair whispies would add a fun little touch that could divert from the more serious groomed image the character gives, just something to create uniqueness in general. Doesn't have to be those exact things I suggested.
Then Clementine!
Design is simple but functional. Personally I think she could also use a bit more to make her less generic ykno? To be fair this could also be a fault of whatever you used to make these images (not sure if that's a picrew or some other dollmaker thing). I like the amount of change you have between the before and after states, especially liking the touch of her expression changing, even though its not related to design here lol. The first one with the simple, a bit girlish and old timey dress works well with the half up hairstyle and simplistic outfit to establish a younger character who's out to see the world. The two things diverting from this image are the sword and maybe(?) her being barefoot. The sword evokes imagery of either someone who seems more innocent or naive but turns out to also have sharp, honed skills. OR a strapping enthusiast who is looking for adventure and her place in the world, with only the clothes on her back and this sword she found (lighthearted tone). The barefoot aspect also gives a bit of a rural vibe, of being more in touch with nature. Which is something the After™ version contrasts, with a more modern feeling outfit, and the loss of the sword.
I really like her having a longer hairstyle in the latter one, with the braids/dreads. Hairstyle changes are a great way to communicate something in a character so it fits! It feels more subdued mature while still keeping a bit of that openness and freedom, with the dreads hanging freely, and hey, still being in a half up style! Good one!
I'd suggest maybe adding more signs of experience or wear on the latter version, just to communicate her having gone through something major, even traumatic. Scars or something like more visible eyebags, or something to show a more scuffed up appearance ykno? You could also make her more stocky and built, or maybe a bit chubbier in the latter, bc to me it feels like a slightly older version of the character and so, getting more built feels appropriate for that.
Overall just add more simple, small touches to communicate personality more. I think the latter one is good at that but the first one feels more generic. If it's meant to be simple though, I understand! But still. Doesn't have to be anything major, could just be things like small accessories or things she's personalized for herself. Maybe In the first version she could have a little patched up clothing to show her outdoorsy lifestyle? If not, you could add something else, just a suggestion.
From a purely visual standpoint, [DATA EXPUNGED]'s design is lots more interesting and distinct looking, and I'd only really adjust the person under the clothing and accessories. For Clementine, I feel that she could use to stand out just a tad more. However I hugely appreciate them both being poc and also having natural hairstyles (both having dreads at some point) to it! Definitely helps make them more diverse, which is always a design plus!
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deanwena · 2 years
There seems to be a lot of fighting in this fandom over how people interpret different characters, and while I think it’s stupid to fight over this stuff in any case, I’d still like to make an attempt at helping everyone find some common ground re: Dean + commitment (specifically marriage).
I know a lot of people don’t like the whole Destiel/Saileen weddings endgame (and for valid reasons, personally that one is lower on the list for me but as an annoying multishipper I still enjoy it in some cases!), but I think the “Dean would never ever want to get married” take is not the greatest — hear me out.
It’s all about perception. A huge reason as to why marriage was not always his thing was because he never believed he could have this kind of steady presence and this normalcy in his life (so marriage would also signify moving on from his past life and embracing a new one). During a lot of the earlier seasons and even in the later seasons, marriage wasn’t a thing on the table for Dean; in the beginning, marriage is seen as an either/or scenario, in that getting married (to someone who... isn’t Sam) would mean an end to his life with Sam.
We see a significant change to the discussion in later seasons, with a focus on settling down with someone in The Life. (i.e. someone who can accept and love all parts of them, including the hunting life they share with each other, so it isn't an either/or with hunting and marriage/a family/whatever, but rather an enhancement of what they've already got). So once things started looking up in later seasons (and post-canon), I think he would’ve opened up to it a bit more (remember how he talked about retiring and going to the beach and stuff?).
After defeating Chuck (however you imagine them doing that), they'd know that there is no one messing with their lives, there's no next apocalypse looming that keeps them caught in a destructive cycle that can only sustain both brothers. They can expand now, have each other in their lives and a significant other on top of it. Even here, with Dean having hope for the future, I understand why one might be still hesitant to believe marriage is something Dean might want to do — which brings in my next point.
I think marriage IS within the realm of possibilities for Dean because it would be a way of his partner, whomever that may be, promising they won’t leave him; which is something Dean struggles with a lot. His whole life people left him and he had no idea how to ask them to stay (I could talk about the “I want you to stay but I don’t know how to ask you to” / “I want to stay but I don’t know how to tell you that” and “person who pushes people away before the other person can leave” / “person who leaves before the other person makes them” Destiel dynamics all day, but I digress). So I think the concept of binding his bond with someone (even in just a small, not-extravagant and not-legally-binding way like just getting rings and saying “we’re married” then bickering for a hundred years) would be incredibly reassuring to Dean and allow room for a lot of healing in his relationships and himself in general.
Obligatory author’s note: I know I mentioned Destiel in here a few times, but I promise I’m a bibro and big time codependency enjoyer that thinks even if Sam and Dean got into separate romantic relationships they’d still live very close to or with each other because they’re just that insane. I just also happen to be very multiship and Destiel made the most sense for the examples I was giving; the message I am trying to convey, however, can apply to any Dean ship.
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munsons-maiden · 2 years
I dont think dear eddie is gonna make it cuz they'll probably wanna kill a character for theatrics and plot and hey eddie is the theatrical one also when they defeat vecna how are they gonna prove to the police and the residents of hawkins that eddie didn't kill Chrissy so it's more convenient for the writers to get rid of him plus everyone loves him so much it feels too good to be true. I so so so hope I am wrong and this is all bullshit but I just don't trust them. I need eddie to live and to be in the next season cuz I want more eddie screen time but : (((
Yup. Never before have I been so terrified for a character like I'm terrified for Eddie because I agree with everything you said.
The whole "there's no shame in running", "I'm not brave" etc. thing Eddie has going on since episode 1 is definitely leading up to him being the brave hero he didn't think he'd be - and I'm scared out of my mind that it'll entail a heroic sacrifice.
There's at least one heroic sacrifice in every season of Stranger Things, but since this season is the penultimate one, it would make sense that nobody dies. Plus, Eddie is not a side character. He's a main character now, and they never killed off a main character before (Hopper doesn't count for obvious reasons). Eddie's death would contribute nothing but pain to the story, and to kill off a character simply for shock and pain sould be bad writing. Look at Billy - even his death wasn't just a plot device to save the party in season 3; it was the foundation for Max's character development and by that even a factor for the development of her romantic relationship with Lucas. And even then, Billy was still not a main character, at least not in the way Eddie is now. I believe pairing Eddie with the party equals the way Robin and Erica were brought into the equation last season - as new lovable main characters.
Regarding the witch hunt for Eddie: as I said, I agree and I'm scared out of my mind that they'll kill him off so it'll be easier, but...apart from that being bad writing - we already know that Hawkins has a storm coming. Eddie is the main suspect, but that's because he's their only suspect. The witch hunt wasn't started by the police, it was started by Jason. At the rate the gates are plopping up all over Hawkins at a faster rate than Starbucks Coffee houses, it's only a matter of time until people realize what's happening isn't Eddie's doing. Dr Owens already told us Hawkins would be in the eye of the storm, and I think that's the exact cliffhanger that'll be waiting for us at the end of Vol. 2.
Shit's about to hit the fan, to an extent where people realize that the things which are going on don't have anything to do with satanism or Eddie.
But still...yes, I'm terrified as well.
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straykats · 2 years
Soft Minho thought of the day is Minho and his tiny ways of showing affection. It could be opening the door for you or putting his arm around you protectively as the two of you cross the street, or how he'd switch sides with you on the sidewalk so he'd be the one who's closer to the road than you. Its those tiny little ways that matter to show how much he cares for the people he loves even though he's not that expressive.
NAJSJSNS yes and he would do them really quietly/naturally without making much of a fuss. it wouldnt be "hey, swap sides with me." it'd just be a gentle tug on ur arm while ur talking about something, and you dont even realise you've swapped sides and he's walking next to the road.
and like !! he would just so casually take care of you that youre like. is he always like this? hes doing it to naturally that you feel a little silly for getting flustered the furst few times. when he picks a piece of dust out of your hair, or pours water for you when youre out to eat. if it had been chan, or changbin, it'd be such a /them/ thing to do. but when minho does it? it's.. new (and totally welcomed) but it leaves you wondering if he'd always been like this.
that being said though, it'd be one of the things that the person he's doing it for wouldnt realise, but someone who nnew minho well and was watching him would realise (if that makes sense). (chan watches on, laughing under his breath)
note: he doesnt need to do it because he's romantically interested in you. the moment that you enter the circle of people he really cares for and feels like he needs to protect, there'll be a difference.
note on that note: i feel like when you get more comfortable with eachother, and especially if youre romantically involved for a while, he continues to be protective and show his love but yeah he becomes more tsundere (kind of, not really) about it while doing it. his words will be all uGHhHH but he's smiling softly and shaking his head or hes being very theatrical and obviously comedic about his behaviours. acting angry but in a way thats so dramatic it makes u laugh (yknow that video of bts' jin going rapid fire abiut smth and i think he's wearing christmas stuff??? yeah.)
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