#like i think its just as old as wild kratts??? and i never heard of it????
vazaez · 2 years
Been watching this show and these are some of my fave shots so far lol
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The bedheads 😭😭 they're so cute
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Marcos appreciation cuz he's the cutest boy ever
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I adore this Blonde mf omg he's so stupid and gross but look at that dumb silly goofy face he's adorable
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Also i love Beatriz, she's very sweet<3
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rosey100 · 3 years
Its been a while but here it is
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Age: For most of her life she has power since even the wild kratts could remember, when she was a baby she just started to warming up to the Kraft team, she was quite but very basically noisy if it was Martin leaving or not or anything feels dangerous etc.
At 6 years old, she used telekinetic mostly on people, objects sometimes animals even.At 12 training was a must have, she wanted to use the creature power suit but cause her powers would getting stronger, it was never addressed in to fear of injury or any other disasters and at that time she just started to shape-shift.
When she was 15, her powers would have abilitys to control her powers easier, she was also going through a emo phase (so if you think about it yaaaaaaaaaaa ) . Her powers are very dangerous but also adaptable to any time,day or environment she's in.
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Eyes: Rose's eyes can change colors depending on the mood and/or power (forget to mention she knows when someone lies or telling the truth also on the picture) and also can see almost 20 times then an average person but needs glasses for purposes like how your eyes strained looking at a piece of paper.
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Hair : Just like before I post a whole head cannon about it and I quote "the rose also has powers too. Mostly the ability to turn her hair into snakes when not in contact with her hair."
She can use her hair for defense too. Almost like Rapunzel (and yes Disney it )
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Ear: Her ears are mostly cover up and sometimes they change too. Any types of ears (mostly animal ears) you can imagine.
She can hear anything and anyone but can go no hear in seconds (just putting in here "donkey ears" yes I said it) and on one wouldn't know if she heard it or not.
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firephoenix39 · 4 years
Chapter 7: The Chinese Expidition
9:00 PM Liuzhou,China 583 miles to Fuzhou in the fujian province in mainland China.
The brothers were sleeping while Adrian Aviva,Koki and jimmy were still awake Adrian  just finished making a shocking mechanism that fits in the gloves for his creature power suit when ever a animal attacks him or the team that it stuns the animal sending a mild shock but when Zach Varmitech's Zach-bots are in involved it sends a shock to disable the robots completely.
Aviva: Hey Adrian whatcha Making there?
Adrian: oh it's a shock gauntlet whenever a wild animal tries to attack us it stuns the animal for a few moments it's use is a last resort,but when it comes to Zach or anyone who tries to hurt us it incapacitate the villain and shuts down Zach's robots instantly.
Aviva: smart but I would be careful with that alright.
Adrian: alright Aviva I hear you only as a last resort.
It was 9:50 pm Adrian, Koki, Aviva and jimmy were tired Adrian told everyone good night and hugged Aviva before he went to sleep.10:20 pm Adrian was done praying and drifted to sleep and started to dream in his dream he was in a forest that represents his peaceful setting there was a river in front of him and trees all around him the sun was in the middle of the sky birds and wildlife were frolicking. Adrian climbed up a tree and relaxed listening to the birds chirping until he felt something heavy on his chest he opened his eyes and to his surprise there was a tiger right in front of him he was shocked but the tiger surprisingly did not attack he was just staring into Adrian's eyes
It was like he was controlling the tiger and he realized that he can some how have a spiritual link between the big cats which is lions, tigers,leopards cheetahs,panthers, and jaguars. He then climbed down and walks away but the tiger follows and sits besides him Adrian pets the cat and allows him to pet his fur coat felt soft and fuzzy than Adrian stopes and gets back up and then every big cat there was gathered around him and a bright light pulses and they disappeared Adrian's pupils go big an return to normal he has the spirit of the big cats.
6:30 am Adrian woke up in shocked he then looks around and sees that Jimmy, Koki,Aviva and Martin were still sleeping. He then gets a notification on his phone about the weather in fujian, no rain clouds calm winds and hot temperatures. He then gets dressed and starts to get an apple until he sees a note from Chris
(In note) to anyone who reads this I've gone out to explore if you want to catch up to me I'm near by the river see you there
From Chris Kratt.
Adrian grabs his vest and gloves, his pouch with creature power discs and shocking gauntlet inside and his translating device
And heads out into Fuzhou
Adrian was walking around the forest it was kind of peaceful but at the same time he was on guard aware that any animal can strike him he then hears a girls voice in the distance
He goes to check it out and ends up finding the girl she was about Adrian's age and have beautiful hair
???: (Chinese translated to English) hi my name is Jingfei what's your name?
Adrian: hello my name is Adrian I live in America my group and I are visiting Your country.
Jingfei: I can see that what puzzles you Adrian are you looking for someone?
Adrian: well earlier one of my friends in my group headed out and left a note to meet him at the river do you know where it is?
Jingfei: yes it's deeper into forest if you want I can go with you.
Adrian: thank you we better get a move on
Adrian and Jingfei walked into the forest and got to know more about each other.
Adrian: so where were you born Jingfei.
Jingfei: I was born in the capital City Beijing in 2004 in June 5,but we had to move cause of the  there was so much violence at the time that's why we moved to fujian where were you born in Adrian?
Adrian: I was born in Texas in august 13 2004 a state in America in a city called Laredo its a small Bordertown near Mexico but my parents moved to another city called Corpus Christi and a few days ago my parents passed away and I live with this group that I'm with now. Yesterday we were at South Korea and we thought to visit China next.
Jingfei: oh I'm sorry to hear about your parents So what are you and your group going to do here?
Adrian: oh we study animals and I got a tip that there are tigers here in this province.
Jingfei: oh that makes sense Um Adrian do you have friends or any girlfriends back at America?
Adrian: um no besides my group I don't have any friends also can I ask you a question can you speak English?
Jingfei:(speaking English) yes I can can I tell you something Adrian.
Jingfei gets close to Adrian's ear and whispers to him.
Jingfei: Meet me at the river to tomorrow.
Jingfei goes back home in to the city leaving him in the forest.Adrian blushes and got the feeling that she likes him. He then walks around the riverbank waiting for Chris but little did he know that he was watching him from the trees.
Chris: hey Adrian
Adrian: gah Chris where'd you come from
Chris: I was up in the trees and got to say I think she likes you.
Adrian: really (in thought) so that's why she wanted to meet me here tomorrow.well Chris um she did ask me to meet me here tomorrow you might have a point.
As the duo were talking little did they know that a tiger was creeping up on them he was about to prance on Chris but Adrian was able to save him and both avoided the tiger's claws Adrian puts Chris behind him and the tiger was growling at Adrian but still he stood his ground and then the tiger layer down
He managed to tame the beast.
At first Chris was surprised and impressed that Adrian was able to tame a tiger.
Chris: how were you able to do that?
Adrian: I don't really know it seems like I have a spiritual connection with them maybe it has to do with the month I was born in.
Chris: wait what month were you born in? You never told me or Martin.
Adrian: I was born in August I was born a Leo but what's weird is that I was born in to a fierce animal and to an element of fire but I just crave to live in the ocean.
Chris: well I don't know how to tell you but we all crave for something different.
Adrian: thanks Chris.
Chris: no problem from little brother to little brother.
Chris and Adrian activated the tiger creature power suit and Adrian was surprised to have the strength of the tiger but he noticed that his canes teeth got long and sharper and started to feel weird like he needed to run
Chris: Adrian are you feeling alright?
Adrian started to act like a tiger and went on all fours he than ran away with Chris chasing him
Adrian tried to get the tiger instincts out of his head but the suit took over him. He stopped and circled Chris in a fighting stance
Chris: Adrian please I don't want to fight you fight the instinct.
Adrian: Chris I cant fight it just run away I don't want to fight you ether.
Than Adrian's pupils turned wide and the tiger instinct took over him and still in his fighting stance He than strikes Chris and ends up scratching him, Chris tries swing back but Adrian evaded and knocks out Chris he then ran away. Adrian ran to an abandoned cave and tried to deactivate but the button didn't work he tried everything to get it off but he just founded out that the suit is connected to his nervous system and if he damages a limb it hurts him too he than lays down and started sobbing due to letting the instinct control he then heard a voice
???: Adrian ... Adrian where are you?
Adrian got back up and peeked out of the cave and saw Martin calling him he ran to Martin, but in fear of the instinct coming back he climbed up a tree and called him out
Adrian: Martin I'm up here but don't get to close.
Martin: look I'm here to help you but tell me what happened.
Adrian: look as soon as I transformed I had a weird feeling I'm my mind and I felt like I was an actual tiger And also the pointy part of my teeth grew and became sharp similar to the tigers.
Martin: well as that's strange Chris, Aviva, Koki and I never went through anything like that.
Adrian: I might have a theory to that now I think that maybe it has to do with my age I'm still 15 and I won't turn till august and we are in the middle of June so anyway since I'm still young the instinct got to me more since I was going through some emotions.
Martin: you could have a point but get down I can help you deactivate.
Adrian was hesitant to get down due to fear of the instinct taking over his mind but he gets down the tree and allows Martin to help later he deactivated and was happy to be on two legs again and starts to hug him.
Adrian: thanks Martin so how is Chris is he ok? Did I hurt him to bad?
Martin: well you gave him a bruise but so far he is doing ok.
Martin and Adrian headed back to the Tortuga and Adrian was devastated to what he did to Chris but the two made up and became friends again.
The next morning Adrian woke up early and went to the spot Jingfei told him to meet from yesterday and waited for her he then sees her walking to the spot and quickly ran up to her.
Adrian: it's good to see you again Jingfei I missed you.
Jingfei: I missed you to Adrian so what do you want to do today?
Adrian: well I want you to meet my group if it's alright with you.
Jingfei: that's quite alright.
The couple walks back to the HQ and started to have a conversation.
Adrian: so where and who are your parents
Jingfei: about them I have to tell you something
You see my parents also passed away when I was 14 a few weeks ago.
Adrian: oh I'm sorry to hear so we are the same all children lost in the real world.
Jingfei: you have read my mind Adrian.
Adrian: but do you have any relatives or anyone to live with?
Jingfei: yes but my grandma has a few more days left she is 99 years old.
Adrian: oh I'm sorry to hear but hey I'll be with you when that day comes. Hey um can I have your phone number?
Jingfei: sure thank you for your understanding Adrian.
The couple were close to HQ till Adrian stopped and grabbed Jingfei's hands.
Jingfei: wait why have you stopped?
Adrian: Jingfei I want to ask you a personal question Will you be my girlfriend.
Jingfei and Adrian blushed she cried tears of joy.
Jingfei: (sniffling and sobbing) Yes Yes I will.
Adrian got close to Jingfei and started to kiss her meanwhile the Kratt brothers were about to walk out till they saw Adrian kissing Jingfei and walked back inside to give them space.
Adrian and Jingfei stopped kissing and pressed on.
Adrian: hey guys I want you to meet Jingfei
Jingfei: hi there I've always wanted meet you
Chris, Martin,Aviva,koki, and jimmy introduced themselves.
Chris: so how long have you been living here
Jingfei: I have been living here ever since I was 5 years old.
Adrian asked the crew to step out to talk to them.
Adrian: guys I need to tell you this but Jingfei lost her parents when she was 14 a few weeks ago she has been living with her grandma but she won't have much time to live but I feel like I should stay with her till the day comes.
Chris: thanks for the warning but we will be prepared.
It was 11:59 pm Adrian and the crew were asleep till Adrian's phone rang and woke up the crew.
Adrian:(in phone call) hello?
Jingfei:(sobbing) Adrian you need to come my grandma is in the hospital.
Adrian: what? I'm on my way what hospital are you at?
Jingfei: Fuzhou general hospital
Adrian: alright I'm on my way.
Adrian: guys Jingfei's grandma is in the hospital I've got to go.
Chris: wait I'll go with you it's dangerous at night.
Adrian grabbed his translating device and left with Chris to the hospital; they met up with Jingfei and saw doctors tending her grandmother.
Jingfei: thank you You two for coming
Adrian: what happened to her Jingfei?
Jingfei: well I was watching tv and then she was calling me to her room to talk to me then she had a bad chest pain and I called the ambulance.
Jingfei went back into the room to be with her grandmother while Adrian and Chris were in the hallway.
Adrian:Chris I don't want to sugar coat this but Jingfei probably has to come with us.
Chris: ok I don't mind more people joining us but why are you telling me this?
Adrian: well before we came to China I searched up that once a orphaned child is 15 they kick them out of the orphanage basically to fend for themselves.
Chris: oh why do they do that?
Adrian: supposedly China's population is always expanding cause people always want to have children so the government proposed a rule that maximum capacity for children is two if they have more they would ether kill them or adopt.
Chris: wow China is a messed up country the more you think about it.
Adrian: you said it.
Jingfei: Adrian she wants to see you.
Jingfei and Adrian stepped in the room and Adrian was getting flashbacks to when his parents died he then started a conversation with Jingfei's grandma ChangYing
ChangYing:( traditional Chinese translated to English) hi I am ChangYing it's nice to meet you Adrian.
Jingfei: she is introducing her self to you.
Adrian: hi I am Adrian it's nice to meet you miss Ying.
ChangYing: I see that you are well aquatinted with my granddaughter I want you to make me a promise before I leave.
ChangYing was sighing heavily and showing signs that she is passing.
Adrian: I'll do anything miss Ying just tell me and I will do it.
ChangYing: take care and never leave Jingfei I hope you to be happy with each other for the rest of your lives and Jingfei I love you my little Xiao Hua I will be waiting for you.
ChangYing gives a necklace pendant of her and her mother's picture on both sides to Jingfei and starts to slowly close her eyes, the heart monitor goes off showing that she has no pulse and that her heart stops.
Jingfei kisses her forehead right before doctors covered her face with the blanket and rolled her bed away to the morgue.
Jingfei hugs Chris and Adrian for attending.
Adrian: you can come with us so you won't have to be living poor.
Jingfei: thank you Adrian (sniffling) can you take me home so I can gather my clothes I don't have much.
Chris: it's the least we can do.
1:35 am Chris and Adrian takes Jingfei to her house to collect her clothing and they all headed to the Tortuga in the forest.
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ongames · 8 years
The Funniest Tweets From Parents This Week
Kids may say the darndest things, but parents tweet about them in the funniest ways. So each week, we round up the most hilarious 140-character quips from moms and dads to spread the joy. Scroll down to read the latest batch and follow @HuffPostParents on Twitter for more!
"Awwww they're so fun but also soul crushing at this age." - me, meeting a child of any age
— The Glad Stork (@TheGladStork) February 28, 2017
Having 3 kids means I literally have no concept of what is or is not gross to normal people anymore.
— Unfiltered Mama (@UnfilteredMama) February 28, 2017
I don't always sleep in on Sunday mornings but when I do... Just kidding. I'm a parent. I don't sleep anymore.
— MyQuestionableLife (@2questionable) February 26, 2017
Taking my kids somewhere special for a treat is a great way to find out where they would have rather gone.
— Jennifer S. White (@yenniwhite) February 28, 2017
I just broke up a fight over someone repeatedly calling someone else a “nightgown face,” if anyone wants to know what parenting is like.
— Unremarkable Files (@ThatEvansLady) February 27, 2017
My favorite part of being corrected by my 6-year-old is how he's wrong 99% of the time. My least favorite part is that other 1%.
— Dad and Buried (@DadandBuried) February 27, 2017
My 5yo just popped his eyes open from a nap and said "What can I have for dinner?" so definitely my child.
— Emily McCombs (@msemilymccombs) February 26, 2017
Everyone has practice so we can either have dinner at 4:30 or 9:00.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) March 1, 2017
5pm, to kids: "Stop complaining that there's nothing good to eat here! Have some fruit!" 11pm, to self: "There's nothing good to eat here."
— Six Pack Mom (@Six_Pack_Mom) March 2, 2017
Some days parenting is so rewarding and joyful and amazing… or so I’ve heard.
— Court (@Discourt) February 28, 2017
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can, and will, be used against you by your child in a busy public setting.
— Mommy Cusses (@mommy_cusses) February 27, 2017
My 3-year-old is watching Beauty and the Beast for the first time. "Is that a broken cup?" He's wondering who is busted for breaking Chip.
— Jennifer Borget (@JenniferBorget) February 28, 2017
My parenting backup plan is to keep handing out snacks.
— Meredith (@PerfectPending) March 2, 2017
Practice makes perfect. And headaches, when it's Mary Had a Little Lamb for the bazillionth time on a recorder for school.
— Andy Herald (@AndyHerald) March 1, 2017
The worst part of my husband getting up with the kids is trying to decide if I should join him, or escape out the window & start a new life.
— Dragging Feeties (@DraggingFeeties) March 2, 2017
Having a house full of cold-ridden kids isn't so bad when you give up on life and let them watch Netflix for 12 hours a day
— Ash (@cray_at_home_ma) February 27, 2017
You are NEVER watching Wild Kratts again!! *and other irrational bedtime threats
— here comes the son (@idtweetforever) February 28, 2017
When I go grocery shopping without my kids, I use that freedom to get so much food that people must think I’m a doomsday prepper.
— The ParentNormal (@ParentNormal) March 2, 2017
My fairy tale ending: 3yo is finally, truly potty trained and the old pee smell that has become my constant laundry companion is vanquished.
— Missy (@MamaFizzles) February 28, 2017
I told my kid I wasn't going to pick up after him anymore, and then we laughed and laughed. I cherish these moments together.
— MyMomologue (@MyMomologue) March 1, 2017
6: Mom I'm sad that you're sick Me: Aw, I'll get better soon, ur so swee- 6: That's good bc I can't reach the cookies Me: 6: It's so sad
— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) March 2, 2017
CURRENT MOOD: I can hear everyone snore in my house. http://pic.twitter.com/iyJUu8B7KB
— Jacques Nyemb (@jnyemb) March 1, 2017
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
The Funniest Tweets From Parents This Week published first on http://ift.tt/2lnpciY
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yes-dal456 · 8 years
The Funniest Tweets From Parents This Week
Kids may say the darndest things, but parents tweet about them in the funniest ways. So each week, we round up the most hilarious 140-character quips from moms and dads to spread the joy. Scroll down to read the latest batch and follow @HuffPostParents on Twitter for more!
"Awwww they're so fun but also soul crushing at this age." - me, meeting a child of any age
— The Glad Stork (@TheGladStork) February 28, 2017
Having 3 kids means I literally have no concept of what is or is not gross to normal people anymore.
— Unfiltered Mama (@UnfilteredMama) February 28, 2017
I don't always sleep in on Sunday mornings but when I do... Just kidding. I'm a parent. I don't sleep anymore.
— MyQuestionableLife (@2questionable) February 26, 2017
Taking my kids somewhere special for a treat is a great way to find out where they would have rather gone.
— Jennifer S. White (@yenniwhite) February 28, 2017
I just broke up a fight over someone repeatedly calling someone else a “nightgown face,” if anyone wants to know what parenting is like.
— Unremarkable Files (@ThatEvansLady) February 27, 2017
My favorite part of being corrected by my 6-year-old is how he's wrong 99% of the time. My least favorite part is that other 1%.
— Dad and Buried (@DadandBuried) February 27, 2017
My 5yo just popped his eyes open from a nap and said "What can I have for dinner?" so definitely my child.
— Emily McCombs (@msemilymccombs) February 26, 2017
Everyone has practice so we can either have dinner at 4:30 or 9:00.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) March 1, 2017
5pm, to kids: "Stop complaining that there's nothing good to eat here! Have some fruit!" 11pm, to self: "There's nothing good to eat here."
— Six Pack Mom (@Six_Pack_Mom) March 2, 2017
Some days parenting is so rewarding and joyful and amazing… or so I’ve heard.
— Court (@Discourt) February 28, 2017
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can, and will, be used against you by your child in a busy public setting.
— Mommy Cusses (@mommy_cusses) February 27, 2017
My 3-year-old is watching Beauty and the Beast for the first time. "Is that a broken cup?" He's wondering who is busted for breaking Chip.
— Jennifer Borget (@JenniferBorget) February 28, 2017
My parenting backup plan is to keep handing out snacks.
— Meredith (@PerfectPending) March 2, 2017
Practice makes perfect. And headaches, when it's Mary Had a Little Lamb for the bazillionth time on a recorder for school.
— Andy Herald (@AndyHerald) March 1, 2017
The worst part of my husband getting up with the kids is trying to decide if I should join him, or escape out the window & start a new life.
— Dragging Feeties (@DraggingFeeties) March 2, 2017
Having a house full of cold-ridden kids isn't so bad when you give up on life and let them watch Netflix for 12 hours a day
— Ash (@cray_at_home_ma) February 27, 2017
You are NEVER watching Wild Kratts again!! *and other irrational bedtime threats
— here comes the son (@idtweetforever) February 28, 2017
When I go grocery shopping without my kids, I use that freedom to get so much food that people must think I’m a doomsday prepper.
— The ParentNormal (@ParentNormal) March 2, 2017
My fairy tale ending: 3yo is finally, truly potty trained and the old pee smell that has become my constant laundry companion is vanquished.
— Missy (@MamaFizzles) February 28, 2017
I told my kid I wasn't going to pick up after him anymore, and then we laughed and laughed. I cherish these moments together.
— MyMomologue (@MyMomologue) March 1, 2017
6: Mom I'm sad that you're sick Me: Aw, I'll get better soon, ur so swee- 6: That's good bc I can't reach the cookies Me: 6: It's so sad
— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) March 2, 2017
CURRENT MOOD: I can hear everyone snore in my house. http://pic.twitter.com/iyJUu8B7KB
— Jacques Nyemb (@jnyemb) March 1, 2017
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from http://ift.tt/2mjjgv5 from Blogger http://ift.tt/2lmFrRZ
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imreviewblog · 8 years
The Funniest Tweets From Parents This Week
Kids may say the darndest things, but parents tweet about them in the funniest ways. So each week, we round up the most hilarious 140-character quips from moms and dads to spread the joy. Scroll down to read the latest batch and follow @HuffPostParents on Twitter for more!
"Awwww they're so fun but also soul crushing at this age." - me, meeting a child of any age
— The Glad Stork (@TheGladStork) February 28, 2017
Having 3 kids means I literally have no concept of what is or is not gross to normal people anymore.
— Unfiltered Mama (@UnfilteredMama) February 28, 2017
I don't always sleep in on Sunday mornings but when I do... Just kidding. I'm a parent. I don't sleep anymore.
— MyQuestionableLife (@2questionable) February 26, 2017
Taking my kids somewhere special for a treat is a great way to find out where they would have rather gone.
— Jennifer S. White (@yenniwhite) February 28, 2017
I just broke up a fight over someone repeatedly calling someone else a “nightgown face,” if anyone wants to know what parenting is like.
— Unremarkable Files (@ThatEvansLady) February 27, 2017
My favorite part of being corrected by my 6-year-old is how he's wrong 99% of the time. My least favorite part is that other 1%.
— Dad and Buried (@DadandBuried) February 27, 2017
My 5yo just popped his eyes open from a nap and said "What can I have for dinner?" so definitely my child.
— Emily McCombs (@msemilymccombs) February 26, 2017
Everyone has practice so we can either have dinner at 4:30 or 9:00.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) March 1, 2017
5pm, to kids: "Stop complaining that there's nothing good to eat here! Have some fruit!" 11pm, to self: "There's nothing good to eat here."
— Six Pack Mom (@Six_Pack_Mom) March 2, 2017
Some days parenting is so rewarding and joyful and amazing… or so I’ve heard.
— Court (@Discourt) February 28, 2017
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can, and will, be used against you by your child in a busy public setting.
— Mommy Cusses (@mommy_cusses) February 27, 2017
My 3-year-old is watching Beauty and the Beast for the first time. "Is that a broken cup?" He's wondering who is busted for breaking Chip.
— Jennifer Borget (@JenniferBorget) February 28, 2017
My parenting backup plan is to keep handing out snacks.
— Meredith (@PerfectPending) March 2, 2017
Practice makes perfect. And headaches, when it's Mary Had a Little Lamb for the bazillionth time on a recorder for school.
— Andy Herald (@AndyHerald) March 1, 2017
The worst part of my husband getting up with the kids is trying to decide if I should join him, or escape out the window & start a new life.
— Dragging Feeties (@DraggingFeeties) March 2, 2017
Having a house full of cold-ridden kids isn't so bad when you give up on life and let them watch Netflix for 12 hours a day
— Ash (@cray_at_home_ma) February 27, 2017
You are NEVER watching Wild Kratts again!! *and other irrational bedtime threats
— here comes the son (@idtweetforever) February 28, 2017
When I go grocery shopping without my kids, I use that freedom to get so much food that people must think I’m a doomsday prepper.
— The ParentNormal (@ParentNormal) March 2, 2017
My fairy tale ending: 3yo is finally, truly potty trained and the old pee smell that has become my constant laundry companion is vanquished.
— Missy (@MamaFizzles) February 28, 2017
I told my kid I wasn't going to pick up after him anymore, and then we laughed and laughed. I cherish these moments together.
— MyMomologue (@MyMomologue) March 1, 2017
6: Mom I'm sad that you're sick Me: Aw, I'll get better soon, ur so swee- 6: That's good bc I can't reach the cookies Me: 6: It's so sad
— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) March 2, 2017
CURRENT MOOD: I can hear everyone snore in my house. http://pic.twitter.com/iyJUu8B7KB
— Jacques Nyemb (@jnyemb) March 1, 2017
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from Healthy Living - The Huffington Post http://huff.to/2mjbPnU
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