#like i try not to be picky any attention makes me super excited
elytrafemme · 1 year
i think CS broke me bc in some kind of asshole way i think i began to expect people to comment on it so seeing comments still made me go !!! but it was nowhere near how it used to feel. so posting a fic with a small kudos amount, in a living fandom but definitely nowhere near DSMP’s numbers back then & still now, has reminded me that getting an AO3 comment-- especially from a stranger-- is the best thing in the fucking world.
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http-tokki · 11 months
need to know
~ choso kamo x fem!reader (tattoo artist choso au) ~tags/cw: tattoo artist choso, fem reader, tattoo artist au, tattoos, needles, satosugu is canon, modern au, choso has a scar over his nose instead of his markings, strangers to friend to lovers (strangers rn) tiny lil man verbal bashing cause men are weak lil babies when getting tattoos, reader is a lil chubby, choso is on antidepressants, smoking/vaping, drinking ~ wc: 2.9k ~ "Dude, he is so fucking hot. I wasn't expecting him to look like that!! What do I do?!! Help?!?"
You: Wednesday 8:45pm Hi, I was just wondering if your books were still open? It says they are in your bio but in case I've missed it and they're closed, please ignore this message, sorry! :)
Kamo: Wednesday 9:23pm Hey. No, they are still open. When were you looking to book? Do you have a specific design? Or are you looking for a flash?
You: Thursday 11:36am Oh, hi, awesome! Thank you for getting back to me so quickly! I was looking to book next month, towards the end. On a weekend if that would be possible (I don't mind the time), and for the design, just a flash (design 3A) on your latest post on my upper arm, around 15-20cm. :)
You: Thursday 11:52pm Unless you think it should be smaller or somewhere else, I'm not picky! I really want something of yours tattooed on me :)
 Kamo: Thursday 12:15pm Sure, no problem! I have the 24th free at 12pm. Does that work for you? The spot and size are fine, but I'll make up smaller and bigger stencils on the day in case you change your mind. The total would be $600 for the piece. However, I require a $100 deposit to secure your spot. I can send you the payment details once you confirm your interest. Please read through my FAQs on cancellation policies and further information.
You: Thursday 12:20pm 24th at 12pm is perfect! Thank you!! I'll send a deposit through now! Ahh, so excited! :)
Kamo: Thursday 1:07pm You're welcome. Here is the link x. Please send a screenshot of your payment as proof. For the rest of the amount, I accept cash only. If you have any other questions, feel free to message me. See you on the 24th.
You: Thursday 3:30pm Sending it now! Yay! Thank you so much! Super excited, see you! :)
Kamo: Thursday 4:35 pm Seen 
 "I sound like an idiot, don't I?" you grumble as your friend reads over your chat with a tattoo artist.
You watch your friend tilt their glasses down, squinting at the screen as their mouth curls into a grimace. They try to hide it with a sniffle, disguising their obvious disgust over your intense enthusiasm.
"Not an idiot," they hand the phone back to you, a frown set in the crooked way it always did when they were uncomfortable. "Just really, really eager, which can be cute if you like that."
Choso is growing tired. 
At what? There are too many contributing factors to the headache that had begun blooming his eyes five minutes after stepping into the studio to pinpoint the main culprit of his budding exhaustion. Maybe it was the late night/early morning combo, or perhaps it was the horrific lack of water and food he hadn't consumed in the last twenty-four hours. When was the last time he had taken his medication? Choso begins to run through the previous days in an attempt to remember when he had even glanced at the Zoloft sheet sitting in the bottom drawer of his trolley, but his attention is diverted from his lack of self-care to the man sitting in his tattoo chair. 
It is coming up on the two-hour mark since his client walked in. With a brazen attitude that could rival a Greek god, the man had outlined what had to be the simplest fucking tattoo known to man. Choso had rolled his eyes at the frankly impressive and thorough drawing done by the twenty-something gym bro before shifting the paper off to his younger brother. 
"Come on, it's easy! An hour tops, and then you've got like two fifty in your hand! You technically owe me an observation session, and this can be it." Yuji had gripped his brother's sleeve, tugging on it the way he used to when they were kids. 
Taking in his younger half-brother as his apprentice was a good idea in theory. The two lived and worked together, so there was ample time for obvs and practice, but today was already busy, and Choso was feeling like complete and utter shit. 
"Yuji, I don't want to do this. I have a client coming in at twelve for a full session, and I've got this headache and-"
"It's easy money, come on! Please." it technically was easy money. The design was a small band wrapped around the bicep, with no adornments or script, just a flat black line; it was the client himself that made Choso apprehensive. 
"Fine." Choso sighed, and Yuji almost jumped into the air in excitement. "You prep and clean him; I'm not doing anything but the actual tattoo." 
Yuji nodded eagerly and just about ran into the front room to confirm the walk-in appointment. 
That was almost two hours ago, and Choso is still here, finishing up the outlines of the band on a guy twice his size but carrying on like a toddler. Each touch of the needle on skin had the man flinching and hissing through his teeth, and there is only so much Choso could take. 
Choso eyes the clock nervously, his next appointment slot ticking closer but the second. There isn't going to be enough time to get out and grab a coffee or snack from the corner store. After another quick glance at the amount of work before him, Choso calls it fifteen minutes to twelve and clicks off the tattoo gun with a disappointed sigh.
 "Hey, I'm sorry, but we might have to split this into two sessions." 
He looks back over at this current client, who is sweating profusely. It takes everything in him to scowl in disgust at the once brazen man before him, but not the look on his client's face; Choso knows some form of repugnance had slipped through his composure. 
 "Yeah, sure, man, no sweat," the client replies, relief blatant in his sigh. "Sorry for taking so many breaks. I've got a weak pain tolerance."
That makes Choso feel a little bad.
"You're fine. I've just got a pre-booked client coming in like ten and need to set up." A little lie to hurry the man up. 
Hope is so close. So attainable that Choso can almost feel the sun on his face, but the shop bells slice through any dream of a break. 
"Hi, I'm here for my twelve with Kamo?" 
Choso slouches, attention now on the conversation happening in the front room. It's not even twelve yet! Why would she be here so early? 
"Yep! We've got you down for twelve, but Choso's still with someone, so if you wanna wait here, that's okay!" Yuji giggles in response. 
"Ohh, I'm just here to ask if umm…Choso wanted a coffee or anything?" his name is a question on her tongue. "I'm going to go get one and wanted to ask if anyone wanted anything so you don't have to wait in line." 
That's nice. Choso thinks and leans back on his chair, attempting to glimpse his new client, who has Yuji giggling at every word. 
"I was just about to step out to get coffee so I can come with you, but I can get Cho's; you don't need to pay for him." Another giggle. God, his younger brother is shameless. 
"That's okay! I can get them; just write your orders down so I don't forget!" the girl insists.  
"Ohh, but-"disappointment fills Yuji's voice. 
"Yuji, can you come here please!" Choso shouts down the hall, pulling his brother away from his new crush. 
Yuji groans, then the shop bells ring again, and then the sound of footsteps shuffles down the hall. 
"Can you wrap him up and finish the payment? I need a smoke." Choso rolled back from the bed, handing over the second skin he has yet to unwrap. 
Choso's brother sighs but offers the male client a friendly smile, sits down in the now vacant rollaway stool, and begins to prep the skin for wrap-up.
"I'll be back in five; if anyone needs me, tell them to wait." Choso grumbles the last part and offers a stiff wave to his current client before disappearing into the hall. 
 The knots in Choso's shoulder have been building for days now, and no amount of rolling or stretching seems to relieve the tension in his muscles, but it is nice to stretch and feel the blood move around him again. Heavy boots echo through the small shop as he stalks to the front desk, floorboards creaking under the weight of thick rubber soles. His fingers slip into his back pocket to reach for the small pack of menthols hastily shoved down after the abrupt end of his morning break. 
Stepping out into the world, Choso is blinded by the sun. Having forgotten about the passage of time while being stuck indoors all day, he now stands stunned in the small alcove of the shop's entrance. The sun nears the centre of the sky, beating down the world in a heat never seen before. It wasn't even the beginning of summer, and the sweltering days were breaking temperature records. Choso shields his eyes with a hand, and even then, his vision is blurred as his retinas adjust. 
The street is quiet; an abnormal silence had fallen over the usually busy road, but with the rising blistering temps, he suspects people aren't willing to brave the heat to shop or eat. Choso finds the familiar recess in the wall, a door had been there years ago but has long since been boarded up and now acts as refuge for him and his brother. Through any weather, time of day or season, the small alcove is a sanctuary for tired and burnt-out artists needing a second away from the constant buzz of tattoo guns. 
Choso scans the few open cafes and bars for his mystery client. Mainly office workers on lunch break and mothers with strollers waiting for the afternoon pick up; he can't see anyone that fits the image he had concocted in his mind on the short walk over until he spots a girl standing in line across the way. The tattoos that adorn her legs are what Choso notices first. Patchwork pieces from different artists in black and white with pops of colour here and there, but for the most part are monochromatic, all spaced far enough to be their own pieces but not so much that they seem gap-y. He is impressed at the choice, knowing that when getting patchwork pieces, they are usually slapped in any available location, but from what he can see, every piece flowed into each other and told a story against her skin. Her arms are equally as covered, though with more room, and he is eager to see the works up close. A flash of pink catches his attention, and he narrows his attention on the pink My Melody backpack that she swings at her side, pink wallet clutched in her free hand as she shifts her weight from her toes to her heels. Choso smirks at the bag and finds himself willing her to turn so he can see the face of the girl who we had been staring at for the past five minutes. 
He is staring and he needs to stop before he gets caught. Shifting his attention from the random woman, he fishes out his phone and focuses on the seemingly endless DMs and texts stacked on the lock screen. Sometimes, he wonders if he really should have gone into a career where his livelihood relied on communicating with strangers. With expert precision and one hand, he pulls a cigarette from the crumpled packet and slips the filter between his teeth. Biting down the filter, the taste of menthol fills his mouth, and relief floods his veins before settling in the deep groves of his brain. The cigarette isn't even lit yet, but his nervous system knows that the taste of mint will soon be followed by nicotine, and all will be well for a few minutes. Breaking the habit of smoking has been on Choso's New Year's resolution lists for the past three years, but he only ever lasts a few weeks before turning back to the comfort of those overpriced joints. Maybe next year will be the year. Choso digs through his pockets, fingers grasping for the lighter he keeps in his right pant pocket, but there is nothing. Maybe the other side? Still nothing. Third pocket? Fourth pocket? Nada. Zilch. Zero. Fuck. 
There isn't enough time to go back inside to search for matches, and he had already popped the filter and doesn't want to waste the smoke, but it would get gross sitting in the packet- his headache grew. 
"Choso?" a soft voice asks from above.
Choso looks up from his lap and is greeted by the most stunning woman he has ever seen. Breathing is no longer automatic as he stares at you, and when his lungs start to contract almost painfully, he realises and takes in an all too obvious breath.
It wasn't fair to look like that. With the sun illuminating your silhouette, cradling you in an angelic aura that has Choso debating on whether he should get on his knees and pray to you, but too much time has passed since you spoke and he acknowledged you that he has to say something, but all he can manage is a muffled yeah?
"I'm your twelve, but you look like you need a light?" you hold out a bright pink light between pretty pink manicured fingers. 
Choso offers a tight-lipped smile to prevent the cigarette from falling from his mouth and takes the lighter, flicking it to life. "Thanks, I owe ya."
He holds the flame to the tobacco, and only when it glows bright does he pull the disposable away.
"It didn't cost me anything, so nothing to owe."
There is a beat of silence as you throw the light back into your bag before bending down to pick up the coffee you had set at your feet. "Also, a coffee." another offer towards him. 
"The guy at the desk gave me your order, and I always buy my artists something before a session. I'm not hitting on you."
Your admission of this not being a move stirs something in him. Choso accepts the cold cup with a soft thank you, angling his hand away from yours, careful not to burn you with the lit smoke.
 "I'll meet you inside. Give you a moment to yourself." you nod towards the door of the studio, feet already turning to start walking towards the entrance. 
He watches you walk away, a smile creeping on his face despite not knowing why. You're as cute from the front as you are from the back, and he's glad the girl he had seen in the coffee shop is you. Soft curves make up your figure, dipping at your waist before filling out again over your bust. Choso feels his stomach twist in that familiar feeling, but he can't think of you like that; you're a client and nothing more. There is a mesmerising way in which you walk that has Choso unable to look away, and even when you've stepped into the studio, his gaze lingers on the empty space you once stood in until the rancid taste of burnt filter fills his mouth. Never in his life has he been as thankful for coffee as he is in that moment when burnt paper fills his senses. Taking a big gulp of the sweet but still bitter drink, it takes everything in him not to spit in the street, but he was raised better than that and will wait until he is in the small bathroom to spit up the gross contents.
 When Choso returns, you are sitting on the small couch in the waiting room, filling out consent forms. Head down as you read the number of your ID and scribe it down in the open line; he walks past you, suddenly horrified by his heavy choice of shoe. The thick thud of the rubber soles on the hardwood has you lifting your head and smiling at your artist. Choso feels his stomach flip.
"So," Choso starts, but the smoke still in his throat chokes the word. He clears his throat and restarts his sentence. "So, do you smoke, or do you just carry the lighter?"
"My best friend smokes, so I just carry it 'cause you never know when you're gonna need a light." Your laugh is contained, almost forced, as if the interaction you are having is uncomfortable for you. Had he done something wrong?
"Ohh." Is his only reply as you return to the balanced folder on your lap.
Another moment of silence before Choso steps towards the hall. "I'll let Yuji check you in, and then just come in when you're ready." Had he already made you that uncomfortable in the two minutes you had spoken outside? Choso takes a deep breath as he steps into his space and suddenly wishes the whiney baby was the one getting tattooed.
You: Saturday 12:05pm Dude, he is so fucking hot. I wasn't expecting him to look like that!! What do I do?!! Help?!?
Number ONE best friend: Saturday 12:06pm suck his dick? ik guys like that :P 
You: Saturday 12:06pm Idk what I expected from you. I need actual advice, please Saturo. U owe me!
Number ONE best friend: Saturday 12:07pm ooh first name, you're kinda scary. Okay, here is what you do. You act like a normal human and then flirt a lil and suss out if he's into it and then ask him out to drinks?
You: Saturday 12:08pm That works if I KNEW HOW TO FLIRT. Ugh im screwed, he's so fine fuck
Number ONE best friend: Saturday 12:09pm eww, you're getting ur jizz all over the screen. just breathe and be normal okay, pretend he's me.
You: Saturday 12:10pm  Ignoring the first comment. Im gonna sneak a pic and show u BRO YOU NEED TO SEE HIM
Number ONE best friend: 12:10pm creepy but okeeeeyyy. Sugu also says to breathe and be normal but to ignore anything you think I would do
You: Saturday 12:11pm Thanks, Suguru, please kill him for me, ill talk to u guys in a bit
Number ONE best friend:  good luck bestie 8======D
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a/n: okay so there is going to be a part two but I'm not sure when, please give me feedback if you want it or want me to stop, put the laptop down and go outside lmao lil texting format, lemme know how y'all feel about that
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cordycepsfem · 1 year
Pageboy Readthrough, Part Four
EP talks about her complicated relationship with her mom
Mom made her do things like wear dresses and tights and barrettes
Mom was worried about EP's future as a GNC person/potential lesbian/little strange kid
your reviewer says that's normal, even if it's unkind
we learned that EP's mom thinks boys should not be friends
your reviewer says that's not normal
your reviewer got maudlin at the end of it all and it was kinda a bummer
You can find previous parts of this readthrough here.
Chapter Five
Jesus Christ we start off with this boat thing again
I am so sorry Halifax that for the short time I was in you I was eating waffles and buying doughnuts and trying not to get a parking ticket and not paying attention to your obviously super important maritime disaster issue
I will do better next time
EP should just write a book about this disaster - it can't be any less readable
but if you want to read an actual book about the disaster that's already written may I recommend this one
anyway sorry what was the point of this?
oh: the anchor from this ship explosion is 2 minutes away from where EP's dad lived
we learn more about maritime history - seriously, EP, think about it
Dad was a graphic designer with a mini golf hole thing in his office
EP imagines herself as the next Ernie Els (and yes I am proud that I didn't need to look up the name of an actual golfer, you are correct)
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as far as I can tell no one tells EP that women also play golf
it goes from ships and golf to "oh, shit" in the way that one reacts to a sad disaster, because I now feel bad for EP who is clearly not well:
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Really, lady? You published this? I can't decide if this is a "Buddhist one with the whole world" thing or a cry for help, because when I felt this way - that I was a meaningless speck in the universe - the people who loved me got me help.
Also, last time I checked meaningless specks don't get acting jobs or book contracts, so... perhaps not so "almost nothing," hey, EP?
EP gets a stepmother
the stepmother comes with two children
the stepmother had a waterbed (the only one EP has ever seen) and works as a food stylist
as a digression here, has anyone ever seen more than one waterbed? because I was thinking about it and I have only seen exactly one waterbed in my life
EP has a crush on Sandra Bullock, who stars in a movie that EP's stepmother "food styles" for
later in life she has dinner with Sandy and Sandy is great
EP starts to tell us about how she was a picky eater but for some reason devolves into a story about a Canadian lighthouse
we eventually get to the point that she was a picky eater and she was forced to eat things she didn't like
EP and her dad and her stepmother and the two stepsiblings all move in together
we learn more Canadian history here which I swear I would be very into if that was what kind of book I was told this would be
the one boy I ever dated before realizing I was a lesbian was super into Canada in a way that is extreme for someone who is not Canadian, and I enjoyed experiencing Canadian culture with him rather than trying to come up with new excuses why I didn't want to kiss or hold hands, so please believe me when I say I am all about Canada
like any human with a new room EP is excited to decorate
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EP gets dreamy about having a stepbrother
like, really dreamy
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by this we can infer that no one told EP the following things:
girls can remove their shirts that way as well
girls also have torsos and can wear dangling chains
anything you can buy in the supermarket will not change your sex, including Old Spice
ETA: I came back here because a "dab" and a "dollop" are two specific unspecific measurement units that don't interact, like ounces and inches, and it finally got to me that I didn't include it. You can "dab" cologne, you cannot "dollop" cologne unless you are literally pouring it over yourself in a ladle. If EP was doing that, I retract my remark.
the next part makes me super unhappy as someone who knows how physically capable boys, especially boys who play sports, are and how powerful they can be
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but Scott manages not to paralyze EP
he just continues to be a prick, as does EP's stepmother
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also, I have two siblings and we were never rough in the way that EP says Scott was - maybe because they're both female?
EP enjoys Playmobil and still likes to play alone
EP gets ready to go on an adventure, like a normal kid might, only to have her terrible stepfamily tease her
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I am so sorry, EP, please go back to Canadian history
Dad was nicer when Linda wasn't around (shocker, men are a bummer)
also a bummer: this step mom
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at this point I will now fight anyone EP directs me to fight on her behalf
I know it's a whiplash but seriously:
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I was a weird kid. I was a lot. And yet never did my parents make me feel like I was wrong. They pointed out that I did things differently, or liked different things, and that the things I liked and did might not match up with what other people thought someone like me should do. But mostly they let me do what made me happy, to an appropriate extent.
They never mocked me when I was caught up in a world of elaborate fantasy. I went on lots of "adventures" to the point where I still call any unexpected journey, especially one I get to choose, be it to the 7-11 or the pharmacy, an "adventure," because it shakes up the day a bit.
They didn't shield me from some social consequences of being weird but they taught me that being myself was really more important. And they never asked me Why aren't you like them?
In fact, as the years have gone on and I've struggled with my mental and physical health, with employment, with my sexuality and my body, with living close to poverty, with everything - I have been the one asking my parents Are you ashamed I'm not like them? in regards to their friends' kids. Not a doctor, not a lawyer, not a mom?
And every single time, No. You're the one we love. You are on a journey that is uniquely yours and we are blessed to be a part of it. Unconditionally, without a second thought.
And as the designated "weirdo" in all of my growing-up-school years, I would have been EP's friend in an instant. We could have bonded over our short haircuts and picky eating and been the two weirdos together. Then neither of us would have been alone.
... and I guess we end this part same as we did the last one, with me super bummed and marginally more educated about Canadian history.
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bbangsoonie · 4 years
teach me about love
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member: kevin genre: fluff (preschool teacher!kevin au) word count: 2,120 synopsis: when your brother asks you to pick up your nieces from school, you find a teacher that you find to be cuter than the toddlers there.
a/n: happy birthday to our moonlight boy, kevin 🌙
You didn’t really like kids. They were adorable, of course, but they were snotty walking embodiments of germs and you had no idea how to entertain them. They were absolutely precious when sleeping but their tantrums terrified you.
Whenever they came up to you with those bright expectant eyes, you didn’t know what to do except pet their head. Everyone around you would scold you saying that they were children, not dogs. But in your defense, they didn’t seem to mind.
To be honest, you preferred dogs over kids. They were cute all the time.
Nonetheless, you still adored your nieces. The older one, Ahyoung, reminded you of your own past self. She was shy and reserved but sought out love and attention. She constantly needed assurance to fight early signs of anxiety. The younger one, Soyoung, was the complete opposite; she was loud and outgoing. She easily made friends with everyone and adjusted well to new environments.
So when your brother asked you for a last minute favor, you were more than happy to pick them up at their preschool. Unfortunately, however, you were terrible with directions and ended up 20 minutes late.
Apologizing profusely to the staff and teachers, you made your way throughout the building to find their classroom. That was another struggle of its own.
“Auntie Y/n!” you heard two familiar voices screech. You laughed as they ran up to you and hugged your legs.
“Sorry I’m late girls,” you pouted as you squished their cheeks.
“It’s okay, Auntie! Teacher Kevin was playing house with us,” Ahyoung beamed.
“Teacher Kevin was our dog!” Soyoung giggled.
You looked up to see a male teacher sheepishly escape from the tiny playhouse. You held back a laugh, pitying him for what the girls put him through.
“I’m sorry about that,” you chuckled.
“No worries,” he smiled. “It’s my job and I love kids. I had fun playing with them too.”
“I’m Y/n,” you introduced as you held out a hand. “I’m Ahyoung and Soyoung’s aunt. I came to pick them up since my brother got caught up in a work emergency.”
“It’s nice to meet you. My name is Kevin,” he said as he shook your hand. You knew it was unprofessional to think this but he was cute. Like, really cute.
Trying to leave before your smiling cheeks could reveal your thoughts, you quickly collected the girls’ bags and helped them put their jackets on. You bid their cute teacher goodbye and happily suggested an aunt-niece ice cream date. They cheered at the idea of sweets and raced to your car.
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The next week, your brother asked if you could pick the girls up from school again. Apparently they had been bugging him to have their favorite aunt come every day.
You weren’t sure if it was his flattery or if it was their sneaky plan for ice cream but you didn’t mind. As a freelancer, you had a flexible schedule. You were glad to spend time with your nieces and catch another glimpse of their teacher.
This time, you made sure to leave your house early. You ended up arriving before dismissal and watched as the kids ran around in the playground. Something about seeing Kevin’s eyes sparkle in front of them made you soft. He seemed so genuinely happy and looked at each student with honey dripping from his eyes.
Soyoung squealed as she chased after a boy who tapped her free in a game of freeze tag. She was a little confused about the rules but the effort was there.
While still keeping an eye on the children, Kevin approached you and asked if you wanted a juice box. You kindly declined, thanking him for the offer.
“You’re really good with the little ones,” you complimented.
“Ah, no, they’re the ones who are good with me,” he shyly shook his head. “I’m thankful that they see me as a fun and respectable teacher.”
“I find young kids to be difficult,” you confessed. “I don’t know how to match their level.”
“I get you. It’s definitely not easy to figure out what they want and try to communicate with them with their still-developing language skills. I’m still not great at it. I just try to improve a little more every day,” he said humbly.
He was a lot better than you who was quick to give up and run away. His words made you reflect and feel slightly guilty.
The bell chimed, making the students rush to line up in front of the door. Kevin left your side to gather everyone together and take them back inside to gather their belongings.
By now, a handful of parents had arrived and were waiting for their children. One by one, the students walked out with their matching yellow chick backpacks, excitedly running up to their guardian.
Your nieces greeted you in that high pitched shriek you loved, body slamming into your open arms. With them in your embrace, you gave them a tight squeeze before getting up and holding their hands to take them to the car.
“Wait!” you heard Kevin call out. Turning around, you were surprised to see him running towards you. When he caught up to you, he held out a book. Taking it, you read the title.
“The Body Language of Toddlers”
“I thought you might find this book useful,” his hands fumbled awkwardly, not knowing where to go. His gesture brought you a warm feeling.
“Thank you, Kevin. I’ll be sure to give it a read,” you smiled.
“Ooooh,” Ahyoung wiggled her eyebrows, making both you and Kevin blush. You ruffled her hair and ushered her towards your vehicle.
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Picking the girls up from school became a biweekly thing for you. Every Monday and Friday, you would arrive ten minutes early to chat with Kevin as he told you funny stories that happened throughout the day. And when you worked with a bunch of preschoolers, there were a lot of those types of stories.
You listened as he went on about how a little boy woke up from a nap thinking he had an argument with his friend because of a nightmare he had. Kevin had to convince him that it was all a dream and that his friend did not actually steal his gummy worms and lie about it.
The way he spoke about his students was endearing. He made them sound like lovely angels even when they were cranky and misbehaving.
“We’re looking for chaperones for the upcoming field trip if you’re interested,” he cautiously brought up. “We only had a few parents sign up so we’d really appreciate any extra helping hands.”
Panicking, you stuttered about how you didn’t have the confidence to keep rowdy kids in check at a public space. He assured you that your only responsibility would be to make sure no one ran off and to accompany kids to the bathroom if they had to separate from the group.
He was a smooth talker. He somehow persuaded you into agreeing and you couldn’t believe you left the school that day after signing the form.
“Auntie, do you like Teacher Kevin?” Ahyoung asked you in the car ride back home.
“Sure, Teacher Kevin is nice,” you hummed.
“No, she means do you like like him?” Soyoung pressed.
You feigned innocence and pretended not to understand what they were talking about. They grilled you about how often you talked with him and even pointed out that he didn’t talk to other parents like that. They sure were smart-witted for their age.
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On the day of the field trip, you spent a long time deciding on what to wear. You had no idea how casual you were supposed to dress as a chaperone.
You ended up choosing a simple outfit and rushed out the door to avoid being late. You had to say you were excited. It had been ages since you last visited an aquarium. And maybe the extra butterflies in your stomach were because of a certain someone you were looking forward to seeing.
Meeting Kevin outside of the school felt different. He stood out in the crowd of tiny humans. Even more so once you entered the place and you noticed that most of the visitors were families, students, or couples.
You softly smiled as you watched the kids fawn over colorful fish and gawk at sharks. It felt like you were returning to your own childhood innocence. You followed Ahyoung, who was pulling at your sleeve, to the jellyfish section where she asked you to take a picture of her with the transparent creature.
The photos came out so incredibly that you had to immediately send them to your brother. He texted back almost instantly and you scoffed when you read his message.
“Heck yeah I made that. Those are my genes right there.”
Rolling your eyes, the corners of your lips twitched up as you put the device away. You guided Ahyoung back to the rest of the group and ran into Kevin who was coming back from the bathroom with another student.
“How are you enjoying the trip so far?” he asked.
“It’s nice. Honestly not as chaotic as I thought it’d be,” you admitted.
“Oh don’t jinx it. Lunch time will be hectic,” he warned.
He was right. Between picky kids and the kimbap packed by their parents, the unwanted vegetables were flown around the picnic table. You barely managed to avoid the carrot that was flung in your direction. Unluckily, you were unable to dodge the spinach that was now tangled in your hair.
Kevin laughed as he tried to help you take it out, cracking a joke about it looking like seaweed and you looking like a mermaid dragged out of the ocean.
“He means you’re pretty, Auntie!!” Soyoung eagerly translated on his behalf. “Mermaids are super super pretty. Like Ariel, the princess!”
This raised a teasing crowd of “ooh”s from the group of preschoolers.
“Teacher Kevin and Auntie Y/n sitting in a tree,” a boy began chanting, “K-I-S-S-I-N-G!”
His friend made a face and screamed “ew,” making him laugh uncontrollably. Meanwhile, Kevin was trying his best to cover his burning ears. He pulled the beanie over his ears, not wanting to expose his embarrassment.
“My daddy said no boy is good enough for Auntie but I’ll tell him nice things about you, Teacher Kevin. Just specially for you,” Ahyoung proudly announced.
Awkwardly coughing, you stuffed her cheeks with another roll of kimbap. Her muffled cries of resistance were appeased with a juice box shoved into her mouth. The sweet drink diverted her attention away from you and back to her lunch.
You two were now officially shipped by all of Kevin’s students. Even the other teachers giggled as they passed by you.
By the end of the field trip, you were one of the last ones to leave. After all the other students and teachers departed from the aquarium, Kevin escorted you to the car with a sleeping Ahyoung in his arms and a sleeping Soyoung in yours.
You both carefully placed them in their car seats and closed the door after buckling their seat belts. Now that you were alone with him, you didn’t know what to say. Despite the silence, it wasn’t necessarily uncomfortable.
“So have you warmed up to the idea of kids yet?” he finally asked after clearing his throat.
“The book you gave me definitely taught me a lot of things,” you nodded. “Now I’m not completely terrified of them. And seeing you handle kids comforts me.”
“Really? How so?”
“I don’t know. It’s just… you so effortlessly take care of them and I can see how much you cherish each and every one of your students. I envy that.”
“Trust me, it’s not as easy as you think it is,” he chuckled.
Silence fell between you again but you simply enjoyed his presence. You turned your head to see him already staring at you. With your eyes, you wordlessly asked if there was something he wanted to say.
“So uh tomorrow’s Saturday,” he suddenly mentioned. He was fiddling with a loose thread on his sweater and hesitated to speak up again.
“Do you have any plans for the weekend?” he blurted. You couldn’t stop the smile that crept up on your face.
“Would you like to um grab dinner with me tomorrow then?”
He anxiously held his breath as he waited for your response. Biting his lips, he wondered if he had ruined things by going too fast.
“Sure. How’s 6?” you finally answered.
“6 is great. 6 is lovely. Wonderful. Perfect,” he replied with a huge grin.
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a/n: calling all kevin enthusiasts aka @reverienostalgia
i also may or may not have kinda wrote my little cousins into this fic.. 👉🏻👈🏻
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devildomimagines · 3 years
Hi! If that's okay could i request the brothers or the undateables (Luke included but platonic) with a MC who has a pet parrot? Their parrot is super cuddly and is on their shoulder or near them 24/7 and everyone think he's adorable but he's actually a spoiled little shit who will not hesitate to screech if he's not being held and paid attention to (he also does that annoying thing where parrots throw things off the table and when you put It on the table again they throw it again just to piss you off-) like, even if MC payes 0,01 seconds of attention to them he's screeching bsosh-
Anyways, look at the gremlin who inspired this request
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He's a bastard birb but i love him anyway😫💞 (fun fact i stopped cuddling him to type and this dude started chewing on my phone case-)
Awww! How cute!!! I wish I could draw too because the idea of MC with a bird buddy is so fricking adorable!
Thank you for requesting and for your patience while I worked on this. Also thanks for the picture of your bird because I love him! 10/10 would spoil.
He squinted at the parrot, the screeching was interrupting his nap.
“MC,” he whined, “get it to stop.”
“Sorry, he’s just so clingy, I stopped petting him for just a second.”
Belphie pouted as your concentration moved from rubbing his back to playing with the bird.
He pulled at your sleeve and placed it on his head, “You have two hands.”
You sighed, how would you ever get anything done like this? 
At first, he mainly only sees the parrot as something similar to chicken.
Once you explain that it’s a friend, not food, Beel was worried that he’d hurt the small creature so he just tended to avoid it altogether.
He’d watch quietly as you played or took general care of the cage.
One time, he happened to be eating a banana and your parrot hopped over to him asking, “Treat?”
Beel’s eyes opened wide and looked over at you, his face asking if it was ok?
“Yeah! He loves bananas!” You confirmed and watched as Beel sweetly offered his banana to the bird to take a nibble.
Unfortunately the first experience Asmo had with your parrot was when it pooped on him. He was not a fan.
The next unfortunate misunderstanding was when the parrot chased him, naturally he ran, not wanting to be pooped on again and that only added to the chase.
“Asmo, you have to stop running, he thinks you’re playing!”
“But MC! He’ll do unspeakable things to me!” Asmo was close to tears.
“Ok, ok, come here,” You opened your arms and he dived towards you. Swiftly you caught Asmo in a hug and the parrot swooped in and landed on your shoulder.
The pair came face to face as Asmo peeked a look, “Pretty boy!” the parrot squawked. When Asmo’s face softened, you didn’t have the heart to tell him that was something you told your pet and not something the parrot was noting of Asmo.
Originally intrigued by the little guy.
He was somewhat familiar with the behaviors of cats but he didn’t know much about birds
You’re excited to share all the tricks and phrases you’ve taught your bird buddy as Satan takes notes.
Satan has a lot of questions and you answer the best you can but you’re no expert so you promise to get a bird book for him.
With a scratch of his chin, he asks, “And why is he so attached to you?”
You laugh, “I’m assuming it’s because he loves me but it’s probably because I’m the one who gives him treats.”
He didn’t have a strong feeling towards the bird one way or the other at first.
When the bird picks up the intro tune to one of his animes, his interest starts to grow.
He thought it was cute and happened to catch it on video one day. When he posted it online, it blew up.
Levi tried to teach your parrot other tunes but lost interest when there wasn’t an immediate turn around.
The first time he saw the happy dancing of your parrot, his interest was back lol.
He can be caught bopping along with your parrot if there was ever a time they were left alone together.
I feel like he would dislike the bird (mainly for drawing your attention away from him) but the bird actually really likes playing with him.
Mammon always has something interesting to the bird whether it’s his feather keychain or his glasses or some shiny trinket.
Your parrot likes tapping the side of Mammon’s glasses to get his attention.
He’s pretty good at handling the bird and when asked he admits to taking care of a crow without Lucifer’s knowledge so that stays between the two of you.
He definitely talks to the parrot like any other being, “Oy!” He points an accusatory finger at your parrot, “Knock it off with the nipping!” and thus the parrot takes a nibble at his finger.
Although he talks a big game, he secretly loves that you two can be bird parents together.
His pride takes a hit that he, the right-hand to the crown prince of Devildom, has to compete for your attention with a parrot.
Oh the withering looks he gives as your pet screeches for your care.
He does know a thing or two about wing care though. XD
He also knows exactly the right spots for scritches near and on the wings and your parrot is putty in his hands, that boosts his previously wounded pride just a bit.
I think he would secretly spoil your parrot as an extension of spoiling you. 
Deep down he’s a big softie for animals so extra toys and treats find their way into the house.
Luke liked the bird initially until it screeched at him.
From then on he was kind of scared even if he wouldn’t admit it. 
It’d take a lot of coaxing to get him to pet your parrot but I think you could convince him eventually.
He enjoys how you gush about all the things your pet can do and so he starts to warm back up.
Slowly he gets back to being comfortable and the next time there is an unexpected screech, he’s better prepared.
He starts watching parrot videos online and looking up treats he could make that were safe for parrots.
I feel like he knows some things about birds but isn’t particularly fond of animals in general, not that he hates them but doesn’t really get the hype.
You with a parrot on your shoulder is pretty cute though.
Solomon smiles as you play with the parrot, the two of you bouncing. He’ll sneak a picture, just for him.
If you ask him, he’ll play along too.
Through watching you care for your bird, he’ll start to understand the bond between pets and their owners.
Eventually does get interested in the diet of your pet but you assure many times that it’s being taken care of and that he doesn’t need to concern himself with it on top of his studies.
Secretly loves birds but he couldn’t keep one as a pet in the celestial realm.
Absolutely beams the first time your parrot hops over to him to investigate.
Giggles when his hair gets pulled for attention but lovingly pets the tiny bird head.
Even with his limited technological knowledge, he takes a lot of pictures. He wants to be able to remember this time when he goes back.
He would absolutely relish the opportunity to take care of your parrot if there was ever a need and I’d trust him to do a good job. 
Offers to help take care of anything related to the bird for you definitely not to act like it’s his pet for a short amount of time.
He’s hard to impress but appreciates the refreshing sight of you smiling at your pet.
Barbatos is pretty knowledgeable so he knows what foods are ok to give to your parrot so he always has them on hand when you come around.
He smiles at you as your attention is on scolding the bird for biting at Barbatos. He wasn’t hurt, but he appreciates your concern.
You get a chuckle out of him when he catches you and the parrot in a game of chase.
Once the bird warms up to Barbatos, he chirps at Barbatos to get the treats he’s learned Barbatos usually has.
May make a toy for the bird, and even if your pet is typically picky about toys, he loves this handmade one.
He’s obsessed. He loves animals and he loves you so it’s all heart eyes for him.
He has Barbatos prepare treats for you and your parrot when you come to visit.
Adores your demonstration of tricks and claps at the end.
He asks if he can hold or pet your bird and of course you say yes. Your parrot’s reaction was to bite at the unknown fingers and Diavolo just laughs.
“He’s spunky, I like it!” 
For sure gets toys to try out for each time you visit and whether your parrot plays with the toys or not, he just enjoys the time spent with you two.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Hello! I've been super obsessed with your stories and just absolutely love your writing, you inspired me to actually want to post some more of my own writings, so thank you for your hard work and all you do! 💖 Also congrats on hitting 1K!!
I did want to ask if possible, and no rush on this at all, if you could maybe to do like a Choso x Reader x Yuuji smut? It doesn't have to have incest in it by any means if that makes you uncomfy, maybe in a way where they just give all their attention to the reader? I just feel like it'd be interesting, the dynamic between the two of them, kind of feeling like you're between a good and evil side. Lord knows I can't choose sides when they look as fine as most men do in this show. 👉👈 If that's too much, maybe just a Choso smut? I'm not picky! Whatever is easiest for you if you get to this! 😊 They can be whatever you would like them to be, I was stuck between gods or angels, but whatever you think would fit best!
Thank you again if you do get to this! You're amazing! ❤❤
The Offer: God!Choso Kamo x Fem!Reader x God!Yuji Itadori
wc: 861 tw: NSFW 1K Follower Event Masterlist
It isn't fair.
The way you're pressed between the god of darkness and the god of light... it isn't remotely fair. You're just a small flower nymph, barely in control of her gift, but you're also collateral damage between the brothers and their never-ending argument.
"You enjoy my presence, don't you? I make the flowers grow."
"I give you night! You enjoy sleeping, don't you?" You look between the men, who are really arguing against each other and not trying to persuade you.
The pink-haired god touches your cheek with a couple of fingers, smiling seductively. "But I give you sunlight to have fun in the daytime."
"And I can provide cover in the dark to have little trysts, right, nymph?" You look at the pale man with the tint of black against the bridge of his nose with wide eyes.
"I---" Choso grabs your waist, pulling you against him.
"She wants you to leave her alone, Yuji. You're really hurting her eyes with your hair and--"
"Oh, come on! Like you're not absolutely dreadful to look at with those bags under your eyes."
"Stop!" you shout, holding your arms against your sides. "I don't want to be part of your argument. We nymphs don't like being put between the two of you. Both of you are great, okay?"
The gods frown at your complaint, eyes flicking to each other before looking back at you.
"You think both of us are great, huh?" Choso laughs, crossing his arms. "Told you these nymphs are head over heels for us, Yuji."
"Yeah... Tell us more."
You sense the instantaneous change of mood, and your back presses up against the birch tree behind you, somewhat fearful. "Well... uh..."
"Do you think we're handsome?" The answer is lodged in your throat as you observe the two approaching you slowly, lust clouding their eyes. "Maybe you want to have fun with both of us. Would you like that, little one?"
"What nymph wouldn't be flattered by our offer?" Choso adds, eyes roaming over your exposed flesh greedily. "I think you've always wanted us; you're just too shy to say so." Yuji presses a kiss to your right cheek and Choso places one on your left cheek, both of the gods working themselves around you.
"Let's give her a taste of what we're really capable of." _____________________________________________________________
What nymph wouldn't be flattered by their offer?
You consider the list of spirits you know as you're on all fours, lips wrapped around Yuji's cock as Choso is underneath you, eagerly eating you out.
"Tell us how much you like it."
"I love it," you gasp, going back to sucking Yuji off with excitement. You've never had two gods give you this kind of treatment; not even the god of love himself would be bothered with you like this. Never like this.
Choso hums his approval beneath you, vigorously sucking on your clit and running his tongue along your slit as your other hand tugs at his half-hard cock. Yuji smiles down at you, brushing your hair away from your face before he hisses, groaning low in his throat. "Your mouth feels so fucking good."
Choso moves your leg aside, sliding out from underneath you and jerking his cock as he kneels behind you, pressing his cockhead past your folds. You groan as he pushes himself inside of you, rocking you back and forth on his length.
"Yuji," Choso drawls. "This feels amazing."
"Told you," Yuji grunts softly. "It always does." You buck your hips back on Choos's cock while Yuji pistons his length back ad forth inside of your mouth in tandem. The two gods moan and groan in the shade of the tree above you, hands gripping your flesh, your nipples, and your clit at random.
Yuji's cock pops out of your mouth as you gasp for air and Choso's hips smack into yours, making obscene sounds in the cool of the garden. "That's a good nymph..." Choso whispers, squeezing both of your nipples roughly.
"Ah, just like that..." Yuji whines, pressing his hand to the back of your head as you begin to suck him off again. "That's perfect..." You feel his cock sliding against your tongue and into your throat with ease, making you gag a little each time he hits the back. Your throat emits a soft clicking noise, and he lets your nose rest against the tuft of hair above his dick before letting you back up for air. Then you go back down, choking on him once more.
This feeling combined with Choso's fingers on your nipples and cock deep inside of you are enough to make you feel like you're about to explode into a million pieces as you near your climax. And when you come undone around Choso's cock, he holds your hips still, exhaling deeply as he also lets himself go. Yuji doesn't cum for a few more minutes, but when he does, thick ropes of cum shoot down your throat and you swallow without really thinking about the fact that two gods just came inside of you.
Of course... What nymph wouldn't be flattered by their offer?
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attemptinghaikyuu · 4 years
Fake Dating: Kyoutani
A/n: He’s a good boy who needs more attention, also he was kinda hard to characterize :/
G/n reader
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Kyoutani Kentarou
Your first encounter with Kyoutani was when you woke up late for school and ran into him on your way to class
Literally, you ran right into him
You’re both on the floor before you jump up, and without thinking pull him up with you
He’s looking pretty startled as you start apologizing
I mean, don’t you know that you should run away from him, not start talking about your broken alarm clock making you late..?
Apparently not, you continue to ramble and he’s not sure what he’s supposed to do
You end up talking about the school’s volleyball team?? For some reason???
But now he’s kinda interested, so he’s asking questions and you’re answering
And sure, it ends up being mostly arguing, with both of you yelling in the halls, getting to the point where a teacher hears you and comes out
Now you both have detention
But it was a very entertaining conversation✨
You’re excited to talk to him again
The teacher in charge almost gives you another day of detention with how much yelling there is happening
Y’all become the strangest pair of friends
Like he’d definitely do anything for you🥺he’s still teasing you over every little thing though
It’s really fun with him and you loose nearly every time
He’s very gentle when you have these pretend fights
His top priority is making sure you’re safe
You get pretty strong from all the wrestling
There’s also a ton of playful shoving
The team has no idea what to make of mad dog and you
When they first saw you hanging out together, they all had a simultaneous heart attack
It becomes a regular thing seeing you hang out with him, heart attacks turn into proud smiles at him interacting with you
Yahaba is jealous and tries to flirt whenever you’re around, Kyoutani drags you away from him every time he does it
He doesn’t wanna be embarrassed by the team around you
Some of them (cough, cough, Oikawa) think you’re dating
He’s always bringing up how cute he thinks you’d be together and if you wanna tell him anything then he’s all ears!!
He gets invested in y’all
His own love life is currently empty and he’s putting all of his attention onto yours
You actually get an idea from all of Oikawa’s insistent poking around
Why not... pretend date??
Plus, Oikawas kinda got the whole team into it and now they’re always messing with Kyoutani
You can tell it annoys him
So ✨revenge time✨
And people think you’re the sweet one in your friendship
If only they knew of the chaos inside, smh
Kyoutani completely refuses at first, especially since it seems as if you’re giving them exactly what they want
But then you bring up all the things you can do to the team if they think you might for real be dating
And he’s scared of how well thought out it is
Kyoutani reluctantly agrees
He has to admit, it’d be hilarious to make the team freak out with what you have planned >:)
You two really look like a couple of grinch’s when walking into the gym before volleyball practice the next day
The team doesn’t notice whats off until Iwa points out the hands you have interlocked with each other
Oikawa is SCREAMING he knew it!
He faints when you give Kyoutani a kiss on the hand and skip off to class
Kyoutani just acts like nothing happened and goes to warmup
No one is sure what’s going on
Iwa tries to ask if he’s dating you, before he can though, Oikawa is back to life interrupting him
“I was right! I knew it! Please, my precious mad dog-chan~ enlighten me as to when you got together with Y/n.”
Kyoutani looks Oikawa dead in the eyes, “I don’t know what makes you think we’re together.”
The gym goes silent
He’s spluttering, pointing at the hand you kissed, “Wh- what do you mean?! Y/n-chan kissed your hand!”
“What’s your point, they’re always like that. Are you seriously only noticing that now?”
He says it so seriously that everyone is having an inner crisis, from discovering they had not payed enough attention to you and your habits
It’s not like they never see you doing touchy-feely things with Kyoutani
They’ve seen you have aggressive shoulder bump contests...
Oikawa can’t believe this, he refuses and proceeds to bug Kyoutani for the next ten minutes
Iwa has to practically pull Oikawa off him, grumbling they had things mixed up
You’re cackling behind the gym doors, having happily listened to the whole thing
This is kept up for weeks
The both of you subtly continue to do things that are seen as signs of you dating by Oikawa, while coming up with increasingly convoluted reasons as to why you were doing them
You’re killing Oikawa, you’re literally killing him😭
It’s driving him nuts and he is going full detective mode
Every little nickname you have for Kyoutani is being hyper analyzed
He’s watching for any sweet gestures that go too far
Even Oikawa’s most devoted fans are concerned at this point
Kyoutani and you have gotten really close, not that you weren’t close before, it’s just different now
The softer teasing you have to mess with the team, is making you both blush
Small gestures making sure you’re feeling okay or just brightening each others day with each other’s favorite drinks
You’re doing all the mushy stuff that freaks people out, and it’s not always in front of the team
Going out to have study sessions together that end in goofing off, are pretty common
It’s all nice and he makes you super happy
Maybe you have feelings for your friend...
It doesn’t mean you’re going to do something about it😡😤
And maybe Oikawa is resorting to drastic measures to get you two to admit you’re dating
You were just trying to grab something for the team, before heading to your own club activities
Oikawa said it was supposed to be on the top shelf, yet you couldn’t find what he needed??
Turning when you hear someone come in, opening your mouth to ask if they can help, only to be interrupted by the door slaming shut
“I’m not letting either of you out till you admit to dating!! Or at the very least say you’re in love!!! I’m not picky okay?!”
You didn’t know what to say, other than, “Oikawa! I’m gonna throw a vollyball at your head so hard you forget what it is!!”
You know who’s in the room without looking
Someone had to let you out eventually
Except, after an hour of nothing, you realized that was not the case
What were you supposed to do? Your friend looked pissed, he was missing practice because of this
Who knew how long the team captain would keep you two in here
Without realizing it, the feelings you had been suppressing for weeks on end, we’re finally coming tumbling out
You’re standing while you bang on the door, Oikawa’s muffled screeches of joy the only sound you hear, besides your beating heart. “Now open the door.”
Turning to a wide eyed Kyoutani, you clear your throat
“We should stop this all.. now that you know,” you bite your bottom lip, voice cracking. “Sorry for not telling you sooner, I guess I wanted to pretend a littl-
“I like you too.”
Your speechless
Was Oikawa secretly the best wingman??
Wait no, that couldn’t be right, he might just be saying that to get out
“You don’t have to lie if you don’t feel the same way.”
You turn away only to be stopped and turned back around by a pair of strong arms
“I’m not lying dummy, I like you.”
When you’re let out of the room, nearly ten minutes later, you do it with your hands interlaced with your boyfriends
You thank Oikawa
Then you give him a twenty second heads up to run
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nightingaelic · 3 years
i jest I jest
But 👀
What about pets? Either ones companions would have or a very uncommon one that someone wouldn’t think was a good pet, BUT IS. Deathclaws you can ride like a pony, mole rats that want belly rubs, cazadore’s as cattier pigeons! What are your thoughts?
Or like, Danse or Piper or Fawkes with something hilarious Idek ignore me
Oooookay, here’s my comprehensive list of companions - ALL companions, across Fallouts 3, 4, New Vegas and 76 - and their (headcanon) choices in wasteland pets. I’ll give a little explanation for each - particularly as many of these companions are transients and don’t have the luxury of owning a home to keep pets at. Also, I feel like most of the companions, while they might not necessarily like pets, would be somewhat fond or at least respectful of the pets of the Lone Wanderer/Courier/Sole Survivor/Vault Dweller, like Dogmeat and Rex. 
Lily Bowen: Everyone’s favorite super mutant grandma is already an experienced shepherdess in Jacobstown, and she’s more than willing to tear some night stalkers apart to keep her herd safe. If that’s not love beyond the norm for wasteland livestock, I don’t know what is. She’s probably given all of her bighorners names after the characters in the television reruns she used to watch on holotape in Vault 17, like Grace and Audrey and Lucille. 
Raul Tejada: Actually spent a decent part of his pre-war life living on a ranch, so he knows that most brahmin don’t deserve being labeled “irritable” just because people don’t know how to read their body language. I think he’d follow wild brahmin herds around a bit on a whim and keep them from coming to any harm, especially the little ones. He gives them names like the cattle he grew up with, Corazon and Gordo and Blanca. 
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: Doesn’t truck with the wild herds, but she knows that part of the success of a caravan lies with how well they treat their pack animals. All of her caravan’s brahmin have names - Penny, Magic and Sprinkles - and she’s careful to pair them up with drivers who are patient and work well with their various personalities. 
Butch DeLoria: While Butch ultimately decided to leave Vault 101 behind, I don’t think he would ever truly lose his fear of radroaches after what they did to his mom. Having a little friend to warm his bunk in Rivet City and pounce on intruders would probably set his mind at ease, maybe a black tomcat with one ear named Pepper. He might even gift his mom a kitten when he next comes to visit. 
Star Paladin Cross: I don’t think Cross much sees the use of an animal that doesn’t contribute to the community it lives in, like most of the Brotherhood of Steel. Cats, however, are excellent at pest control, even if the rats are bigger nowadays. I think she’d give the resident cats at the Citadel some pets in passing, and she’d smile when she has to extract playful kittens from inside her power armor frame. She’s especially fond of the cat colony’s matriarch, a scarred old tabby named Gemma. 
Curie: Upon her transition into a synth body, Curie is overjoyed with most animals and their new willingness to approach her for attention. She especially loves cats because she can pick them up and better feel their fur and purring. Her favorite cat is an orange stray in Diamond City that she calls Claude. 
Piper Wright: A companion for Nat when she’s out adventuring, an unbiased friend to bounce the latest opinion piece off of before going to print, and a lap-warmer for when you’re typing up the latest article about the exploits of the Minutemen - what’s not to like? The Wright family cat is a slippery, elegant calico named Sugar Bomb. 
Preston Garvey: While the Minutemen forts and settlements definitely lean more toward keeping dogs around for security purposes, I think Preston likes his pets quieter and less likely to bowl you over in excitement. The one most likely to sleep with him in his bunk at Sanctuary is a grumpy gray gentleman named Anchovy. 
Veronica Santangelo: If anyone is crazy enough to swipe a deathclaw egg from a nest and try to hatch, rear and train a personal killing machine named Izzy, it’s Veronica. This will probably just alienate her from her Brotherhood chapter even more, but I’m sure she would take special care to make sure that her usual Mojave Wasteland haunts take a peek through a scope to see if the approaching deathclaw has a human on its back before taking a shot. 
Clover: I don’t think Clover gets out beyond Paradise Falls much, so the only animals she’s used to are the dogs the raiders bring around when passing through. She probably has favorites among the usual visitors and enjoys tossing them bits of meat when she’s allowed to get away from Eulogy and Crimson. If liberated, she’d probably get at least three of her own dogs to watch over her while she sleeps: One small dog to carry with her, a Pekingese or Pomeranian descendant named Coco, and two large dogs to follow through on intimidation and protection, a mastiff named Rock and a Doberman descendant named Roll. 
Jericho: Jericho doesn’t deserve a dog but he’d probably have one around anyway to sniff out caps caches and hidden loot after he’s shot everyone in the vicinity. Some slinky beagle mix named Dewey, probably. 
Fawkes: I don’t think Fawkes would be picky at all about what kind of dog he’d have. He strikes me as the type who would adopt any half-friendly mutt he ran across. I do think he would have a bit of a soft spot for friendlier mutant hounds, though, and maybe view their mutated circumstances as similar to his own. He’d also be absolutely amazing at playing fetch. Just imagine how far he could lob a stick or ball. All of his dogs would have literary names too, like Byron and Agatha and Edgar. 
Craig Boone: Though he’s a bit of a prodigy at sniping, Boone knows his limitations when it comes to spotting hidden enemies on the horizon. I can see him having a hound dog at his side to find the more elusive ones and help him get rid of them faster. Maybe a bloodhound mutt named Bravo. 
Cait: Doesn’t like people, but she adores dogs. Having had the life where she’s been abused, exploited and forced into slavery, she’s keenly aware that those like the ones who took advantage of her treat dogs much the same. She’s very protective of any dog she encounters and is very likely to punch you in the face if you so much as look at one wrong. She’d probably name any pup she adopted Lucky. 
Hancock: Honestly, he’s just a fan of any animal that is happy to hang out with you whether you’re drunk, high, fighting raiders or patrolling downtown Boston. The Goodneighbor strays know him as the guy who always has mirelurk jerky in his pockets. His favorite is a rough-and-tumble, black-and-white spotted cattle dog descendant that he cheekily calls King George. 
Robert MacCready: He’s not quick to trust dogs, but once he’s sure they’re not a threat, they’re one of the few critters around which he’ll relax completely. He’s still a little wary of them around Duncan, but any dog that’s a part of his family is more or less his son’s permanent babysitter. 
Nick Valentine: Dogmeat is also basically his dog. The two have a history of working cases together, with Dogmeat just turning up whenever a trail goes cold and leading Nick to the evidence he needs to reopen his investigation. Nick doesn’t know how or why Dogmeat does it, but he’s not about to ruin a good thing. 
Strong: I don’t think he would turn down a ferocious mutant hound as a friend. He’d probably feed it mole rats and call it something like Killer. 
Beckett: This former raider has a love-hate relationship with a fox that keeps going through his trash. He affectionately calls him Lil’ Bastard. 
Sofia Daguerre: Having crashed back to an earth she doesn’t recognize, I think Sofia would be tickled that the foxes of Appalachia have basically stayed the same despite the bombs. I can see her leaving dinner scraps out on her porch for one that she sometimes spots in the foliage, and slowly coaxing the critter to come into the light. She names her Scarlett once she finally convinces her to eat out of her hand. 
Mega sloths
Settler forager: I would not be at all surprised if this man ran into a mega sloth in the Mire and decided to try befriending it. The creature, probably surprised at this old guy’s nerve, decided to accept the handful of leaves he offered and grew slowly more fond of the guy’s persistence. It doesn’t know its name is Fergus but it does know that if a human is wearing overalls, it’s probably not a threat. 
Mole rats
Deacon: Alright, hear me out. Deacon has a fondness for underdogs, and mole rats are about as underdog as they come. I think Deacon thinks these little guys are cute despite their wrinkles and buck teeth, and I think he sees the value in having a tunneling pet that likes to collect shiny things. One of his deep cover hideouts is in an old tunnel system in the northern Commonwealth, where he hangs out with a young mole rat named Henry. 
Raider punk: This radio operator got wind of an abandoned nest of owlets in Appalachia early on in his career and, being the nearest to the report, decided to rescue the little guys. Now he has three owls that occasionally drop in at his camp to hoot and accept handouts: Nona, Decima and Morta. While he’s still fond of them, he’s usually disappointed that they aren’t the Mothman coming to visit. 
Rad chickens
Yasmin Chowdhury: Ever the opportunistic cook, she picked up the practice of raising chickens from the settlers at Foundation and has four hens of her own: Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme. The “ladies,” as she refers to them, give her a constant stream of eggs for omelets. 
Settler wanderer: This gal has an affinity with birds, who are always on the move like her. She admires their ability to be untethered and let the wind take them far and wide. Nevertheless, she likes to scatter corn when they come close to her on the road, and formed a sort of friendship with a particularly handsome specimen that she calls Tornado. 
Old Longfellow: This guy is the epitome of the meme about dads not wanting pets and then instantly falling in love with whatever animal enters their life. He probably found an injured wolf pup in his travels around the island and took pity on it, nursing it back to health in his cabin. It’s still got a bit of a twisted paw, but follows him around and listens like any other dog and answers to the name Lamoine. 
Yao guai
Porter Gage: I bet this guy adopted an orphaned bear cub and raised it by hand. Now it’s so big that even if Gage thinks he’s an easy target for other raiders due to his age, he’s much less likely to get singled out than he thinks because he has a yao guai following him around like a puppy. The bear’s name is Fuzzy Wuzzy. It has no hair. 
No pets, thanks
Charon: Too likely to accidentally wind up in the line of fire. 
Sergeant RL-3: Too easily corrupted by Communist influences. 
Arcade Gannon: Too much time spent getting in your way. 
Codsworth: Too likely to make messes. 
Paladin Danse: Too many wasted resources. 
X6-88: Too much of a liability. 
Ada: Too easy to lose when on the move. 
Solomon Hardy: Too unsanitary. 
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vegalocity · 3 years
Secret kisses and Touching 2, 14, 22, 23, and 44. Secret Silktea relationship, except both spider fam and Monkey fam actually know! Half of them don’t care enough to say anything (Pigsy,Tang,Spider Queen,Wukong,Syntax) while the other half wants them to reveal it when they’re ready (Min Yi,MK,Mei,Goliath,Sis) - Pixel Anon
Affection meme
49. secret kisses
2. running fingers through hair
14.putting an arm around the other’s waist
22.falling asleep on the other’s shoulder
23. carrying the other one in their arms
44.sitting on the other’s lap
this took me forever to put together because for some ungodly reason i couldn't figure out the scenario
so i decided on a little vignette compilation of sorts
They knew what they were doing.
Of course they knew what they were doing. It was in either of their best interests to keep this a secret. Just because the clan had stopped their crusade to take over the city and their queen had dialed down the ‘revenge’ ideas, didn’t mean there wasn’t still bad blood between his clan and Sandy’s family.
And it wasn’t too difficult, it just meant that when they were all working together for some greater threat or whatever that they’d have to be sneaky. It was easy stealth was one of Huntsman’s greatest Attributes and suspecting Blue of anything was like suspecting a small dog of knocking over a bulldozer.
It wasn’t too hard to simply keep their hands to themselves. Or at least, it wasn’t hard for Sandy, Huntsman was quickly finding his self control lacking in regard to being in such a situation with his… well, with him. But could anyone blame him? Blue was more or less the hottest guy he’d ever ran into before and he was kinda-sorta DATING him! How could he not want to climb that like a tree at all times?
Especially when he was always being so stupidly fucking charming. Sure the ‘needlessly nice’ stuff wasn’t something he particularly appreciated, but it was starting to grow on him, if only on the amount of restraint he must have to keep it up all the time.
Soooo yeah maybe he was purposefully pushing their luck a little, but in his defense he wanted to see how much desire based frustration it would take before ol’ Blue would just pin him against a wall and make him regret wondering.
Syntax had shooed him away from being a nuisance at his worktable, so naturally, Huntsman had to go be a nuisance at someone else’s worktable. Thankfully Sandy was far more agreeable to the company, and thankfully the bid of ‘Bugging Syntax first’ kept his alibi solid. He wasn’t just going over to see Blue he just wanted to be a louse and his normal target had already locked him out of his room. And so nobody really suspected anything when he started to peer over Sandy’s side to watch him tighten this or that thing on this or that device.
And it was pretty damn fun to see just how much of a ‘nuisance’ he could be. This particular bout resulting ih Huntsman being pressed against the car engine Blue had been working on, feeling the orange hair slide between his claws and messing up the stylized mohawk and shuddering when he felt those huge hands almost entirely encompass either of his thighs while keeping him aloft. He hissed through his teeth as he felt Blue give one of his legs a testing squeeze and rolled his hips forward a bit-
“Fish Demon? I need to get another set of eyes on these schematics or I'll actually go insane.” By the time Syntax looked up from his clipboard Sandy was working on the engine again and Huntsman was leaning against his work area and had barely had the opening to whip out one of his knives and his portable sharpener.
Though Sandy’s hair was unable to be fixed and fell to a side as he smiled at Syntax and took the offered blueprints from him.
He wasn’t a big fan of those domestic snatches of time, he wasn’t.
It was mostly an instinctual response, Spiders were pack bonders, so of course when his internal senses started categorizing Sandy as ‘pack’ then he’d relax without intending to while being pulled in with a hand on his waist.
Which was definitely the reason why he was curled up to Sandy’s side, the cool slick feeling of his scales strange against his more leather-like skin. That stupid instinct was the only real reason why he felt so comfortable and like he could practically fall asleep like this.
He felt Blue’s hand gently start running up and down his side and dammit that wasn’t playing fair, it wasn’t his fault that he had been having sleeping problems lately and was rapidly getting drowsy.
He could feel Blue’s hum as the world started to drift away-
“Hey Sandy what do you think- Uhhhh”
“Oh, hello Xiaotian.”
“You know you’ve got a spider on you, right?”
“Oh yeah, Looked like he was having some paranoia problems, took a bit of wheedling to get out but Huntsman here was up for like four days straight ‘till now!”
“Did… Did you slip him your sleepy tea?”
“Of course not! That would be super unethical! Also I'm pretty sure he’s still semi conscious and passively listening without any critical thought right now since he only just dozed off and would probably wake up angry if he overheard anything like that!”
“....right… so anyway-”
The brat knew.
Dammit he knew the brat knew. She definitely fucking knew.
He should have known better than to try anything with that Professional Snoop underfoot. But He’d had plans with Blue before having to get stuck with the brat tonight because the Queen needed Syntax’s expertise and the Sister was on shift at work and Goliath already had plans doing who knows what, and he was stuck with Minyi since he ‘didn’t have any plans’
He’d dragged his feet on the idea of cancelling with Blue, but he’d fucking done it so nobody could say he didn’t contribute to the upkeep of their clan’s youngest. It was just his luck that Sandy had been fine with coming over instead, and the brat had overheard some of the conversation and got excited about ‘Mr Sandy’ coming over to visit. The brat had insisted on stringing some of her fake flowers into his hair before he arrived, after dubbing him ‘suitably pretty’ (her words) she’d done up her own hair as similarly as she could because he certainly wasn’t helping her with her weird pre-’company is coming’ rituals.
And… Blue was a hit with the brat. He had an infinite amount of patience for the inane childish babbling, stooped low so she could string the remaining fake flowers in her possession (why did she have so many fake flowers?) into his beard, and offered to fix dinner for the lot of them (which was for the best since the brat was such a picky eater she could barely stomach some of his specialties)
And… he was not jealous of a six year old for how she was able to crawl into Blue’s lap while the lot of them watched some inane mystery show for the character drama alone since the brat called and explained the mystery within the first three minutes.
Blue was a bit awkward on the sofa, it made sense, Goliath would normally sit on the floor for how the height and width of the couch was not designed with bigger demons in mind, and Blue was considerably bigger than Goliath. So while the brat was cozy as could be in the place of honor, Huntsman was stuck perched on the arm of the couch as to not be crushed into it trying to squeeze in beside Blue.
Not that that would be a wholly unpleasant experience, but the presence of the brat made it go from tempting to awkward. Nonetheless, part of Sandy trying to get comfortable had included one of his arms resting on the back of the couch, and while it seemed the brat wasn’t paying attention, it slid down to wrap around his shoulders.
When the time came Minyi didn’t need to be told it was bed time for her, she loudly announced it herself, changed into her pajamas, and after saying goodnight to the both of them went on with a
“I am going to sleep now! And I will not be out of my room until morning so if anything were to be happening I certainly won’t know it, because I will be asleep.”
She smiled widely at Huntsman and closed her door.
Nosey little brat.
Tang huffed a quiet laugh as Sandy gingerly began to lift Huntsman into the air, his broken leg not quite able to be splinted just yet, let alone looked at properly. It seemed the lot of them had suffered some pretty nasty injuries from this last threat (and no doubt it would have been worse if their team and the Spider Clan hadn’t joined forces) including Tang himself despite being on the sidelines for most of it, he was pretty sure his shoulder was dislocated, and the cut on his forehead was still sluggishly bleeding all over the right side of his face, but compared to some of the others he was basically fine.
So once He was able to pop his arm back into place (Ouch) he took to handling cleanup with the only other ‘perfectly normal person’ here, a woman maybe a few years his junior, he’d seen her every so often with the Spider Clan (or rather, with Syntax) but he didn’t know her name.
“Do you think they actually think they’re being subtle?” Her words caught his attention and he turned to glance at the woman. She was in the middle of splinting Xiaojiao’s broken wrist and at Tang’s questioning glance, she nodded at Sandy and Huntsman. Oh!
“I’m sure Sandy thinks he’s the pinnacle of subtlety” Tang responded. He was pretty sure the ‘thing’ that had developed between their friend and the most brutal of the Spider Clan was the worst kept secret on the team since Red Son had started hanging out with Xiaotian and Xiaojiao on the weekends.
“They are so cute when you just walk in on them.” Xiaojiao said around a snicker. “Like how they jump apart like when you flip a magnet over to the matching side.”
“Does your team have a betting pool? My brother organized one for the clan, and if they do anything damning within the next month i win the pot.”
“No! Ohh man we should get one started up! Hey Pigsy! You wanna make a betting Pool for Sandy and Huntsman’s secret romance?”
“Why the hell would i want to do that?”
“Finally have dirt on Sandy after decades of him never being embarrassed about anything ever?” Tang offered with a shrug.
Pigsy thought for a moment and shrugged back before going back to fussing over Xiaotian. “Sure. Who’s bettin’ what?”
send me stuff!
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bahorell · 3 years
Les Amis (& co.) and what they’re like camping
Enjolras: Is kinda scared of the woods. Also he’s that guy that really has a hard time putting his phone down because “I just have to respond to this one email”. “Yeah give me one second I’m dealing with a work thing”. “omg did you hear about what’s happening in Canada? It’s horrible those poor people” “Enj the point of this is to get away from everything for a couple days” “Right I know…”. So if there’s even one bar of service they gotta go find a different place. When he isn’t on his phone he’s very active in all his friends activities. He’s not super outdoors-y so he mostly tags along when other people do things. He’ll have Baz or Courf take him on rides on their paddle boards. He’ll tag along when Chetta and Ferre go on hikes. He’ll be Feuilly’s little helper person when Feuilly’s working on building the fire. Or he’ll just hand out with people at camp or on the beach of the lake/river and just talk.
Combeferre: Loves camping because of all the bugs and critters! Found the tiniest little frogs on the shore of the lake one time and made everybody look at them. Brings plant and animal and bug ID books with him and will take little leaves or flowers and stick them in the pages of the book when he thinks he found a match. He doesn’t usually snack too much when he’s at home but when he’s in the woods he is always eating something and it’s really when he’ll let himself just go balls to the wall with the junk food. The only thing he doesn’t really like about camping is that he doesn’t get to go on jogs in the morning because he’s smart enough to not run into the woods in the middle of nowhere with no service by himself.
Courfeyrac: Has an inflatable paddle board that he bought! He likes to play lifeguard and will paddle around to all his friends who are swimming and give them rides to shore. He likes to share his paddle board with his friends but he didn’t have enough money to buy a super super fancy one that has a large weight capacity so usually if someone else is on it with him it sinks into the water enough to stress him out. Also he shares a big tent with Combeferre and Enjolras and he likes to sleep in the middle of the two of them.
Joly: Invested in a super super cute small teardrop camping trailer a couple years ago. It’s easier for him to get in and out of than a tent or god forbid a hammock (Bahorel has to lift him into it then Joly wants to get in one… this is also partially because Bahorel sets up all the hammocks and they are p much impossible to get in unless you are also 6’7”) The inside of the camper is just a bed and the back hatch opens up to cabinets and drawers and a counter and stuff that makes a nice little make shift kitchen. He’ll set up the camp stove and the cooking area right next to it. He’s not super involved in any of the cooking it just gives him less stress when the food area is organized and the table legs are on a flat surface.
Jehan: Jehan tells the ghost stories. They aren’t very good at telling ghost stories so nobody really gets scared (except for Marius and if they’re really doing a good job Enj will get a little spooked). They also wake up with the sunrise so they’re up and ready to start the day at like 5am… and they really aren’t quiet about it so they manage to wake up 2/3 of everybody else at camp. Has more dietary needs than other people so when every one gets together to build a grocery list and meal plan for the trip they’ll make their own list. They really don’t mind because they HATE sharing snacks so having their own little baby cooler all to themselves is the best. Bousset: Somehow manages to have the most amazing balance and can get on and off Bahorel or Courf’s paddle boards like it’s nothing but when he gets in the canoe with anybody they somehow always tip it over within like 20 seconds. He is the opposite of Jehan he’ll sleep until like 2 in the afternoon if one of them doesn’t come to wake him up. He’s also usually in charge of getting all the booze together for the trip bc he’s very aware of what everyone likes to drink. He takes turns with Chetta sleeping in the trailer with Joly since not all three of them can fit. When he’s not sleeping in the tent he’s sharing a tent with Grantaire.
Feuilly: Fire guy. Loves the fire. Is always excited for the sun to go down so he can start the campfire. Will not take his eyes off the fire. I mean seriously. They once played never have I ever and when it got to be his turn they timed him to see how long it would take for him to realize it was his turn bc he was too busy staring at the fire to pay attention (it was a solid 4 minutes). Sleeps in a tiny little one person tent that would make anybody else claustrophobic but he LOVES it. He does set up a hammock right next to Bahorel’s. He doesn’t sleep in it but the two of them will take naps together in their hammocks. He also has to dowse his body in SPF 10000000000+ because he’s the whitest person ever, and somehow he still manages to get a sunburn on some part of his body.
Bahorel: He’s the guy thats super picky about the camp spot. “eh i mean this one is cool but it’s a little too close to the other campsite and I don’t wanna be that close to other people thats the point of this trip is to get away from everybody.” “This one WOULD be perfect but it doesn’t have good access to the lake so it’s gonna be hard for those of us that have boats to get down there” “Bahorel the boat ramp is like 1/8 of a kilometer away we can just walk down to that…” “i mean we COULD… but it just kinda sucks” Also Bahorel has this super nice hammock system with like a bug net and a rain tarp, he will not sleep on the ground because he is scared of bugs and also the baby boy likes getting rocked to sleep. He always follows Feuilly around when he’s looking for a place to put his tent and he’ll set up his hammock right next to him. And he WAILS to Feuilly when they get back home because his SKINCARE ROUTINE GOT MESSED UP FEUILLY OHHH MY GODDDD
Grantaire: Not super big on camping but if he’s with his friends he’s having fun. There’s something about being in the woods that makes him quiet… but not in a sad way. He feels really peaceful when he isn’t dealing with a bunch of people in a big city (Even tho he loves the city). He always brings stuff so that he can draw or paint the mountains or his friends on the lake but he usually doesn’t get enough time to really make anything more than a sketch. He’s not scared of water but he avoids going in the lake if it’s not a part of it that’s deeper than his tummy. He won’t get in the boats unless there’s a lot of coaxing (usually by Enj)
Marius: LOVES being in the woods. I mean really loves it. Surprisingly it’s usually Marius that sends out the text to the group chat that’s like “hey is everybody free in a couple weekends? I wanna go camping!” He just really doesn’t like going by himself or going with just one or two people. He wakes up super early as well and usually will sit with Jehan and share coffee waiting for everybody else to wake up. Sometimes the two of them will go on a little walk together. He winds down pretty early in the evening though since he wakes up so early and is usually ready for bed by like 8:45pm. He’s also that guy that wants to eat all the berries on the bushes they walk past and has almost given Combeferre a heart attack like 7 times.  
Eponine: She’s… alright to camp with. She gets kinda grumpy in the mornings because of how cold it is but she warms up (both temperature wise, but also her mood) once she’s eaten and it’s gotten warmer out. She really just likes to lay in one of the communal hammocks and read book after book. She’ll also tag along with Gavroche on a lot of his little adventures. When she’s not with Gavroche or letting Combeferre show her all the little bugs and cool plants he found, she just sunbathes. For HOURS straight. Going camping for her is just a really long fun weekend to get her tan on.
Cosette: She’s so fun to camp with!! She’s like… the best person to camp with. She always does the planning and researches everything there is to do at and near the campsite. She knows all the hiking trails nearby and what areas have service and which ones don’t. She knows which campsites have lake/river access. She also makes the best camp coffee. It’s really the only time she drinks coffee unless it’s like… finals week or she’s got an early flight or something. She also ALWAYS has to tell her dad where they’re going. She shares her location and route with him on the drive there and texts him to let him know she’s about to lose service and texts him the second she has a bar of service. He’s just very protective and she wants to make sure that he knows she’s safe. Plus if anything DOES happen he knows where she’s going and can come save the day.
Musichetta: She sleeps like the entire time she’s camping. She’ll wake up in the morning and move from her tent or the camper and go lay in one of the communal hammocks near the fire ring and doze off with her hot chocolate… which she has spilled a couple times. Once it warms up a little she’s walk down to the lake or river and lay down, get her tan on, and take a nap. One of her favorite things is to go on hikes with Combeferre. He’s one of the only people in the group that can keep up with her. If they go with other people usually by the time they reach the end of the trail the rest of the group is about 2 miles behind them. One of the best parts of camping for her is going home and showering after not showering for like 3 or 4 days.
Gavroche: Spends the entirety of the first day trying to find the perfect tree to put the perfect swing on. He also likes to try to find any big rocks near the campsite and go bouldering and run around on top of them. He still really has that childhood curiosity about everything and no fear. He’ll run off trail trying to find deer or elk. If he doesn’t get back home with a couple scratches or bruises he doesn’t consider it a good camping trip. He also will swim out to Bahorel’s paddle board and Bahorel will grab him out of the water and throw him back in. Gavroche thinks it’s the most fun thing in the world even though he’s growing really fast and it’s taking a little bit more muscle every year for Bahorel to throw him as far as Gav wants him to.
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vanillann · 4 years
the 1994 battle of the performers (luke patterson x f.reader)
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i might make this a series if yall are interested!! i would write the rest in the readers p.o.v. this would just be a prologue, lmk!!
word count: 2.9k
the 1994 battle of the performers masterlist
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“Look what I found on the bulletin board!”
Alex looked around his locker, Luke's smiling face next to a piece of paper held tightly in his grip. He closed his locker and pulled the paper out of Luke’s hands, reading over the word.
Battle of the Performers
December 12th, 1994
The Charles Theatre
“What’s this?”
“This, my friend, is our first live gig,” Luke tapped the top of the page.
“A gig?”
Alex and Luke looked up once they heard Reggie’s voice sound from beside them.
“Yep, it's local but it’s something.”
Luke was over the moon about the plan, I mean come on a gig, that’s all that matters, to say the least.
“Perfect timing, my vintage leather jacket just came in,” Reggie nodded his head, just as happy about the news of the gig.
“Hey,” Bobby came up behind Alex, giving him a small pat on the shoulder and waving at the other guys. He looked over Alex's shoulder, reading over the words just as Alex did seconds ago.
“Are we gonna enter?”
“Yes,” Luke was fast to answer, bouncing on his toes at the idea of finally sharing their music with the world. Alex was about to open his mouth to say something about the paper but the sound of the hall going quite caught his attention.
(Y/N) (L/N) held her bag close to her shoulder, smiling at a few people that passed. The once confident girl seemed out of her element as she made her way to her locker.
“I didn’t know she was out of physical therapy yet?” Bobby muttered quietly to the rest of the group. Their eyes trained on the girl as she smiled when others did and accept the sad apologies.
“Did you hear they kicked her from the dance team?” Reggie spoke, overhearing the conversation from his history class yesterday.
Each boy in Sunset Curve felt horrible for the dancer, after the incident with her ACL and her long recovery. They all had just as much of a dream as she did and they’d be wrecked if they lost it all.
As the girl made it closer to the group Luke adjusted himself in front of her, giving a sympathetic smile.
“Hey (Y/N),” his voice was soft, looking around the halls at all the people that watched the two. A quick glare and half the heads in the hall were back to their original conversation.
“Just wanted to apologize, you know-”
“It’s fine, wasn’t anyone's fault,” his heart was ripping out as the girl passed him and moved around him. Her head hung low and broken and she opened her locker and rummaged through it. Luke said nothing, moving back with his little group as his eyes watched her a little longer before turning back.
“So the gig?”
“We can’t enter,” Alex closed his own locker, moving the paper for Luke’s eyes. He pointed to the requirements that were printed at the bottom of the page.
“What,” Luke ripped the paper, holding it between his fingers as he read over the words while Bobby helped guide him throughout the halls.
“They can’t do this!”
“They can, it’s their battle,” Alex commented, giving his friend a sympathetic smile. He could tell how excited he was about the idea of a gig, just for it to be ruined by their underprepared band.
Luke sighed, waving Reggie and Bobby bye and they made their way to English and Luke and Alex had Gym.
“This is trash,” Luke pouted as he made his way into the locker room, Alex luckily paying attention to the both of them and held Luke’s gym bag in his hand.
“We’ll find a different gig,” Alex clapped his friends on the shoulder, finding a stall and quickly dipping in before someone else found it. Luke didn’t care enough in the moment to find his own, easily taking off his “school approved” shirt his mother made him wear into his muscle tee.
“Yeah, but this one would’ve shown all of our parents, mine and yours, maybe even Reggie’s,” Luke’s shoulders dropped at that fact. He just wanted Reggie's parents to stop fighting all the time, Alex’s parents get over their old age ways, and his own parents to just understand it’s going to work.
Alex frowned at the thought, knowing everyone had their own reason past the love for music and why they needed a gig.
“She’ll never make it back on the dance team, they’ll have to have try-outs,” a group of “shit-heads” as Bobby would call them came into the locker room. Alex and Luke knew they were talking about (Y/N), which pissed them off and how funny they found the poor girl's pain.
But something else was rattling in Luke’s brain.
“Alex,” Luke’s infectious smile was back as he grabbed the top of the stall Alex was in, pushing himself up and holding himself there as he watched his friend with a goofy laugh.Alex fell backwards, looking up at Luke with his gym shorts barely on all the way.
“We hold try-outs for the dancers, get our own dance team.”
Alex shook his head, standing back up and pulling the pants up all the way while looking up at his friend.
“We don’t know anything about dance, plus who would try-out for our band,” Alex opened the door of the stall, Luke still keeping his grip and the door swung back.
“The dance team is super picky, anyone not on it will take any opportunity they can get,” Luke jumped down, finally moving to his bag to change into his own gym shorts.
“I don’t know Luke.”
It wasn’t the wrose plan, Alex could agree on that but realistically it would be hard and while they did have time with it being September and all it wasn’t going to be easy to make the whole thing come to life.
Sunset Curve’s music at the moment was good for head bumping but a serious dance routine would take some work from everyone.
“Let’s ask Reggie and Bobby before we decide?”
Alex watched Luke bite his lip and give his best puppy dog eyes.
“I can work with that.”
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“I dig it,” Reggie gave a goofy smile and bit into the apple that he was just attempting to juggle seconds ago. Luke jumped in his seat, smiling widely as 1/2 of the group had said they liked the idea.
“What inspired this idea?” Bobby asked, shrugging as he stole a chip from Alex bag, which caused Alex to roll his eyes.
Luke simply turned around, doing his best to hide the fact he was watching (Y/N) as she looked to be in a heated discussion with the dance team captain, Megan Ray, who looked broken about the discussion but standing her ground.
“Someone mentioned they’d have to replace her with try-outs in the locker room,” Luke muttered, watching as the girl jabbed her finger into the table. most likely trying to make her way back on the team.
“I feel so bad for her,” Bobby muttered, trying to imagine a world where he couldn’t rock out with his friends because of a freak accident.
“Me too, she’s really smart too. Basically saved me in Chemistry last year,” Reggie looked away from the girl, someone he’d considered a good person hurting so bad for something no one could fix.
Once the girl stood up from the chair, trying her best not to draw too many eyes, was when Luke went back to the plan.
“It’ll work like a dream,” Luke muttered, already pulling a piece of paper out with his chick scratch and a sad worked out calendar.
“How do you read that?”
Luke stood up and smacked Alex with the paper, easily going back to the plan.
“I talked to Coach Edison and he said the Gym is free this Friday, plenty of time to get the word out,” Luke smiled at the easily done, but still done, the research he had done.
“What will we make them dance to?”
“Now or Never,” Luke spoke with a shrug.
“Sounds well thought out,” Reggie spoke absentmindedly, trying to remember a thought he just had but lost.
“Come on, we gotta show everyone who doubts us we mean something.”
Luke didn’t know if it was that sentence that struck a chord with them but they all seemed to slowly feed into Luke’s words more after that.
Reggie turned at the call of his last name, smiling once he saw (Y/N) standing behind him at the table.
Reggie's smile was contagious as he smiled up at the girl, doing his best to avoid talking about the leg injury, he knew if something happened to his finger and he couldn’t play bass again he wouldn’t want to talk about it.
“Do you have the notes of Henderson’s class? He’s making me take all the quizzes I missed this Friday after school,” she muttered, nodding her head to the other boys as they watched her.
“That sucks, I can give them to you last period.” She gave a quick smile as a thank you, smiling to the other boys before heading back to the table she sat at before with a few other girls they had seen her around the halls with.
“Can’t believe Henderson would be that harsh,” Bobby shivered as if scared at the thought of taking that many quizzes in one sitting.
“He hates anyone who doesn’t do classic field, probably blames her for the fall,” Reggie muttered, finally making it to the core of his apple.
“What! It wasn’t her fault,” Luke jumped in, trying his best to keep his voice down.
“We don’t think that, now chill,” Alex waved at the few girls that had looked their way at the outburst.
Once everything died down, Alex and Bobby both nodded to one another, then looking at Luke.
“This Friday it is.”
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“This is going horrible,” Reggie whispered to Luke at the girl before they tried to dramatically do a split but ending up awkwardly crawling on the floor.
“Thank you Sara, we’ll get back with you,” Luke spoke as soon as the music stopped, reaching over to press stop on the crappy camera they found deep in Bobby’s studios yesterday.
Luke’s finger slipped and he was too worked up to try and find the button so he simply left the camera one, waving as Sara skipped out from the gym.
“We’ll at least she didn’t puke,” Bobby muttered, still in shock and how easily the one boy had his entire lunch on the gym floor.
“That was a nice touch.”
Luke stood up, slowly walking around the table to stand in front of his other friends.
“This is going horribly! Where are the dancers in this place?”
“Probably on the dance team,” Alex spoke up, smiling sarcastically at Luke.
“How about we go to the vending machine,” Reggie jumped up, easily diffusing the tension from the room as the rest agreed a snack would be nice.
They all made their way from the room, all talking about the different dancers and who they thought might be best.
“Maddie was good, but she couldn’t choreograph an entire team,” Bobby waited as Reggie looked over the different options in the machine.
“I didn’t even think about that,” Luke sighed, slowly becoming more and more annoyed with this whole idea.
Alex was cut off when he heard the faint sound of guitar and drums echoing the halls of the old sad school.
“Does anyone else hear that?”
“What? Reggie’s head turning as he chose between M&M or Hershey's,” Luke felt back, laying on one of the tables in the cafeteria.
Alex rolled his eyes, following the sound of the music, hearing his own beat and Luke’s voice sing from the gymnasium. He walked slowly, stopping at the double door, looking through the tempered glass at the figure in the room. He heard his friends run from the gym, meeting his side as they all looked in the gym at the same sight.
(Y/N) glided across the floor, her hands held on both sides of her head as she easily slid across the floor in her sweat pants. She moved from that to a split, easily jumping up from that and doing small little kicks to the beat of the music.
“Wow,” Luke watched as the girl threw her head back, eyes closed as she took in the music that the boys knew by heart at this point.
She clapped along with the music, looking as alive with the music as the boys did when they played. Once the beat dropped the girl attempted to spin out, catching her leg the wrong way sending her to the floor.
“Oh no,” Reggie and Alex didn’t waste any time before pushing the double doors open and running to the groaning girls side. Luke and Bobby were hot on their trail, sliding as they all huddled around her.
“Are- are you okay?”
She sat up slightly, holding her knee to her chest with her face showing obviously pain.
“I’m fine- Uhm, does anyone have water?”
Luke didn’t waste time reaching to the “judge” table and taking his own water from the table. He turned back and handed it to her, looking at her with panic in his eye.
“Thank you,” she let out a shaky breath, letting herself calm down while twisting the cap open.
“You really are an amazing dancer,” Bobby commented, thinking now the panic was gone would be a nice time to mention it.
“I was,” she spoke as she looked to her feet, watching her beat up tennis shoes with a clenched jaw.
“Uhm actually he means present tense,” Luke laughed, like the situation was funny. I mean he just watched her glide and smile all with her eyes closed.
She wasn’t even scared of being bad, she knew she was that good.
“Did you miss the fall?”
He knew the attitude wasn’t at him, he knew she had a right to be angry about her whole world changing.
“You were great before the fall,” Reggie spoke in a soft voice, hurt about watching her without permission.
“No, I was better before.” She looked up, taking in the room when her eyes stopped on the video camera that was flashing red light.
“Is that recording?”
Luke looked at the camera, jumping up and stopping the recording. He un- screwed in from the tripod and made his way over to her.
“Watch it,” he held out the video to her but she simply pushed it away.
“No thanks, just delete it,” Luke was shocked, to say the least. She could still dance, like really dance, and she was throwing it away.
“You’re just scared,” he challenged the girl, earning a harsh “Luke” from Alex, warning him not to touch that topic with a ten-foot pole.
“You’d be scared if you went through what I went through,” she spoke hurtfully, righting to say.
Luke thought everything over, he didn’t know much about the injury but that it was a torn muscle in the knee and that was the end of it. But something that tears can technically heal, he just didn’t know how that worked exactly, he hated science class.
“She has a point,” Bobby smiled at the girl, doing his best not to say the wrong thing.
“Well, face your fear!”
“Look what happened when I did,” she motioned for someone to help her up, Reggie giving his shoulder and helping her stand slightly. Her body was obviously still in shock and she was slowly taking his arm.
“We can help you! Join us on the Battle of the Performers,” Luke knew it might come off selfish, but he really wanted to help her fight her fears face first. It must suck not doing what you love, but she had a chance so why not take it?
“Do you know how hard that is to win?” She thought it was funny to say the least. The band was good, she wouldn’t be shocked if she heard them on the radio in a few years with some famous award, but people just as new and good to the scene would come from far and wide for a chance at this competition.
Plus, if they really wanted to win they’d find a dancer who wasn’t broken.
“You’ll find someone better,” she nodded to Reggie and let her leg finally work properly again, thankful she would add.
“Nobody we’ve seen is like you!” He was so close to her face, giving his puppy dog eyes like he would with the others, always getting what he wanted then.
“I’m sorry, but no. Have fun with the scouting.”
She nodded at each boy, slowly making herself excused from the now tender room as Luke felt his dreams walk away.
“She has a right to be scared,” Alex spoke, trying his best to see both sides.
“Yeah, but she needed to punch fear like she wanted to punch the dance team captain,” Luke pouted, looking at the girl who left without another look. He was hoping she’d come back like in those horrible 80′s rom-coms Alex watched so much, but she never came back.
He held the camera in his hand, looking at the tape that sat paused. Her face looked almost scared as she stepped in the gym.
“We’ll find someone Luke,” Bobby set a gentle hand on his friend's shoulder.
“Yeah, but we could have had her.”
so, should i make this a series??
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uw-us-stuff · 3 years
Kozume Kenma headcanons
🙄 Just for you bestie <3. @peachyfeelingsx Also, thanks for coming up with some of these ❤️
Warnings⚠️ - there's some angst here, also mentions of starving, unhealthy relationship with food. (I only talked about it once, didn't go into too much detail but if that's something that'll upset you PLEASE be careful)
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Kenma is Pansexual and Hinata was definitely his first crush. Kuroo poked fun at him whenever he got excited to play against Kurasuno.
He cuts his own hair. Going to the hairdresser is just too nerve-wrecking and awkward for him. His hair is super soft whenever he does put in the effort of taking care of it though. Sometimes when he's bored he'll try and braid his hair or put it into ponytails.
I feel like his parents weren't really involved in his life that much? Like they were just too busy working. When he started playing games, he just felt... at peace? He could be whoever he wanted, do things he would never actually be able to do and he was never criticised for any of it. From then on that's what his parents invested in, instead of actually speeding time their son. Buying him games is just much easier. He doesn't really talk to them anymore and because Kuroo is the only other person he really does talk to, you can imagine how difficult it is for him to talk to others.
He doesn't change/shower with the others. He's either the first one there, or the last. He hates having to change with other people around. He's going to avoid it at all costs.
Whenever he gets nervous he just pulls out his switch or his phone and messes around with it. So don't talk to him because he's obviously really busy.
He hates crowds. He hates being cramped into a small place. He hates having any sort of attention on him. Basically; he hates being out in public. Going out with someone is just slightly more bearable but alone? Over-thinking™. It's one of the biggest ways he gets a panic attack, so yeah... He doesn't really go shopping unless it's absolutely necessary.
Speaking off... This man's diet is just- He doesn't really like cooking so he needs something that's quick to prepare. He's also really picky about the food he eats so that makes it a little more difficult. He usually just stock up with snacks. Unfortunately once his snacks are finished he just... won't eat (sometimes he'll just honestly forget to eat all together). He'll keep that up for a little while until he musters up the courage to go and buy food. He'll usually just go a quiet cafe and order an apple pie. It's his comfort food and it beats having to go grocery shopping.
He has a ginger cat named Nugget. He's the only person Nugget likes. Whenever he's gaming, Nugget will just climb onto his shoulder and chill there. Kenma will just not move like... He's so use to it by now. Yes, Nugget is hella spoilt. Kenma doesn't care, his Nugget will have the best toys and treats.
You know how he dissociates? How he pretends that he's in a video game? He does that with everything he doesn't like. From school work to paperwork (yup, CEO Kenma does it still). Sometimes he ends up mumbling to himself. This happened a few times in public. Honestly, his friends are ki'd of use to it now (they were confused/weirded out by it the first time tho).
He's really awkward (as we've mentioned) but he's also extremely touch-starved. Hand holding is a 10/10. He loves it. Of course you'll have to make the first move a couple of times but it makes him feel less alone and safe. If he's really comfortable with someone then he'll just wrap his arms and legs around you for as long as you'll allow. He needs to be touching/ hugging you in some way.
He doesn't like a lot of people. He gets annoyed really easily... He just doesn't voice any of his complaints that much. When you're alone with him though? He's not holding back for anyone, he'll be so rude and petty when complaining about literally anyone that annoyed him in some way. Also, you can't tell me he isn't the rudest bitch when playing online. If you somehow managed to play with him, and you aren't playing absolutely perfectly, he's going to bully you until you quit the game. He doesn't care.
He's really stubborn when he wants to be and he probably won't apologise either. It's not he doesn't feel bad for the way he acted but he doesn't really know how to apologise. Since his parents only ever bought him gifts, he thinks that is the only way of dealing with... anything really. So instead of apologising he'll buy you the thing you were staring at a few days ago or something like that. Also, he's never going to admit that you were right. No matter the context, no matter how right you actually were in the scenario, he's not admitted it.
On the topic of gift giving, he truly believes that's how relationships (specifically romantic ones) are all about. He'll constantly buy you gifts and when you tell him that he doesn't have to he just kind of 😶... He honestly wouldn't really understand and probably just think you hate all the gifts and that your upset with him. Just pleade tell him you're not. He just needs some guidance is all...
His sleeping schedule is all sorts of messed up. For the most part he doesn't really sleep that much. He'll take naps here and there, on the very rare occasions he'll just sleep through the entire day and wake-up the next afternoon or something. Also, he's the type that moves around when he sleeps. He always wakes up in the strangest position and his neck and shoulders will be in pain because of it.
He's the type of person that doesn't tell you when his birthday is. He hates suprise parties. Kuroo tried holding one for him once and he was moody the entire day. So now he just doesn't celebrate birthdays. Of course if you did throw him a lil party with three other close friends he might like it. Or if it's just the two of you, eating some cake and cuddling on the couch- he's definitely going to like it.
Please please kisses his forehead. Just hold his face in your hands and kiss his forehead. He loves it so much.
Kenma is actually really smart (duh), but I think he'd pretend to do bad in a test or something so you two can study together, or so you can tutor him. You might think it's a little stupid but he can learn a lot about you in those few hours.
Speaking of- his way of flirting is playing the games you like, helping you with the more difficult levels or anything like that. He would build you a castle in Minecraft with all the animals you want. He'll also just start playing games you might be interested in, he'll play them when you're nearby so you can talk to him about them. He might also pretend to struggle a bit so you can help him.
a/n - I hope you guys enjoyed it. My next post is going to extremely angsty so... look out for that. Thanks for reading!
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felswritingfire · 4 years
Relationship Headcanons (SFW)
Kaioh Retsu:
I'd like to start this off that he'd be really picky with his partner. Like, super picky not because he means to- it's just diffcult for him to be genuinely attracted to someone enough to pursue a relationship with them.
Looks aren't all that important to him, but personality is an extremely important aspect. He prefers people that are a tad more outgoing, but knows when to reign in their excitableness- that being said he also really likes shyer people as well; he thinks that they're very cute (what I'm getting at is that I high-key headcanon him as Pansexual-)
Before he got with you, he made sure that you understood his fighting career and how dangerous it could be. He'd leave it up to you if you'd like to pursue a relationship after he tells you, but he'll respect your decision if you say no. But he will be e l a t e d if you say yes
Away from that, though, when he does find a partner that he wishes to persue a relationship with- he is super, super sweet!
He's an extremely considerate and understanding partner and just really wants to prioratize you're comfort
If you want a more laid back partner, he is your man- there's barely any arguements in the relationship, and if there is anything bothering you and/or him, he'll bring it up in a conversation so you guys can talk about it
It takes him a bit to be completely open to physical affection, even when he does get used to it, he's still a soft maybe on PDA; he won't hesitate to hold your hand tho. He loves holding your hand. LOVES IT.
The first time he held your hand though, it was about 1 1/2 months into the relationship (no one else knew about your relationship prior to this), and Katsumi, Katou and Doppo almost shit themselves because "oH MY GOD, RETSU'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND/SIGNIFICANT OTHER! RETSU'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND/SIGNIFICANT OTHER! RETSU'S GOT A GIRLFRIE-/BOYFRIE-/SIGNIFICA-" (and yes, I have a feeling these three have just enough dumbass bastard vibes enough to chant this)
Retsu was red for a week because these guys are (lovable) assholes. And Katou gets socked in the face because he just straight up went: "So, you bend them over ye-" and then he got a broken nose
On a different note, he's really touchy-feely in private
And if you can cook- then, baby, it's partner cooking
You are 10/10 meeting his master, he's also excited when you guys get along
You also end up becoming well acquainted with the others (Katsumi, Doppo, Baki, Etc.) If you weren't already. And, boy, do you end up with some life long friends from that (and good training partners if you fight!).
Even if you do fight, he's protective of you. He'd try to sheild you from anything- even Yujiro if you, God forbid, caught his attention (this could be from just being a pretty face that appeals to him or a SUPER strong fighter that he wants to be his pray). This man is very ride or die.
If you're with him for the Convict Arc, and you are a skilled fighter, be prepared for the fact that he almost shit himself if one of them attacks you. It's their funeral if they end up hurting you- no matter how bad- they're dead.
Now you manage to fuck one of their shits up? He is both simultaneously worried about you, proud of you and being like: Oh shit that's hot-
Retsu doesn't get jealous. He gets mad if someone is trying to come onto you and making you uncomfortable and will not hesitate to get in their face. But not jealous. He's a man who is every comfortable with himself and the relationship. He wouldn't have started dating you if he had even the slightest inkling that you were going to cheat on him.
No matter how tall or short his partner is, he likes to rest his face on their chest.
Jack Hanma:
You two, MOST LIKELY, met a Restaurant- like, maybe you got stood up by some asshole and you just happen to notice this monster of a dude sitting at the table right next to you shoving an entire steak in his mouth, holy shit?????
When he catches you staring at him in bewilderment, he just gingerly dabs his mouth with his napkin and says, "What you've never see someone eat before?"
"Oh, I've seen that plenty of times- I've just never seen someone shove a whole steak into their mouth." You snark back.
He's honestly a little flustered on the inside, because yeah, you're right. But on the other hand, this (he thinks) is prime flirting time. So then you guys hit it off from there and by the end of the night you two have become friends and exchanged numbers.
If you have daddy issues too, prepare to bond over them, because he will not hesitate to bitch about his dad, because fuck that guy
Once you do get in a relationship, you realize Jack is a very quiet lover. He's calm and collected and he doesn't say much
But he listens and you know he does because he'll hum and grunt, stealing little glances at you if you're chattering away
He's really attached to you and is another extremely sweet partner
He's also really observant and will snag things that he knows you've been eyeing
Meeting his little brother is a must, you gotta meet Baki and be approved, which you most likely will be because Baki is a super sweet dude and he knows that his brother would pick an asshole to date
He dreads the day that his dad will meet you, because it'll happen inevitably, but he doesn't want you to happen
When it does happen I feel that it's a similar situation to Baki and Kozue, the only difference is is that Jack is hella pissed and on the verge of going ballistic, because what the fuck, dad???? ME AND MY S/O WERE HAVING A MOMENT, ASSHOLE-
He's a soft maybe on PDA, it reay depends on the time of day with him
When he is in a mood though, he'll hold your hand or wrap an arm around you to keep you close
He likes to lay his head in you lap at home and just stare up at you
You're the most beautiful thing he's ever seen
Likes to give you kisses on your cheek and forehead
He also likes to pick you up and carry you: you talking your friend? Sorry, baby, it's time to go. Shopping? I don't want to be here any more and I'm bored, let's go. My dad's here? TIME TO SKADDADLE, BABE.
He's huge, so I doubt your taller then him, but, hey, I might be wrong, but he really likes pulling you into him and holding you to his chest
He takes you out on dates to fancy resturaunts
He has some insecurities from whenever he was young, so when he gets jealous he gets HEATED
Like he is ready to kill a man, pls do not push his buttons when he's like this, just take him out of the situation and shower him in love snd affection because he worries he's not good enough
Please smooch him. He's sweet
If you're a fighter, he'll spar with you, but very gently, which may or may not piss you off tbh
But he means well
Absolutly head over heels for you
Hector Doyle:
Ok, I want to say, Doyle is a very tricky man who loves his teasing.
It'd be pretty "obvious", from his stand point, if he had a thing for you and wanted to pursue you. To you and everyone around you though, he just kinda comes off as,,,,a creepy dude???
Like, this poor guy has the shittiest time with... Personal interactions, unless it's fighting or social situations where he has a "word template" to go off of. He's just a real awkward dude and he kinda, low-key, has no tact sometimes; like when he just stares at you from across that Café you like to go to like some sort of freaky stalker guy planning to kill you. It doesn't help that you two bump into each other a lot and he just blurts out "You're hair looks really soft" BUT YOU TWO DON'T REALLY KNOW EACH OTHER AND WHY IS THIS DUDE TALKING ABOUT TOUCHING YOUR HAIR??????
When you two do, somehow, finally manage to talk to one another, he explains all the freaky stares and comments and he's like obviously I was flirting? Isn't that how it's done?
No Doyle. That is not how it's done.
Once you two manage to establish a relationship, it's kinda up to you to make a lot of the first moves again, Doyle is very ignorant to how social interaction works, this applies to relationship etiquette as well. That being said though, he has some sort of knowledge about how relationships work from books and shows, that also being said, his version of relationships is probably outdated because of the type of books and shows he watches/reads (Pride and Prejudice, The Great Gatsby, The Picture of Dorian Grey, etc.)
You gotta be prepared to put in the work to reap the rewards in this relationship-which are a lot actually!
For one thing, he is an extremely loyal partner and a really good listener (this not pertaining to the end of season 3, you know?) And he surprisingly has really good advice to offer
And! Once he figures out flirting, he's really good at it! He end up flustering you a lot, so be ready for that.
He's an unintentional hard yes on PDA. He just doesn't care. Your his and he's yours- he can smooch you when he wants. BUT, he is still really weary of this since he is a convict and he doesn't want you to be used against him. Or get hurt because of him. But he does end up touching you in whatever ways he can to be close to you: so, a slight bump of the hands her; maybe if you two are in a crowded enough bar, his hand caressing your lower back or resting in your back pocket; feet resting on top of one another under the table in the very back of that Café where no one can see you two-
At home it's a completely different situation- he likes to grab your hips and press you against the wall and just kiss the ever loving F U C K out of you; his hands will wonder and this usually leads to some fun times, but sometimes it just ends in some cute ass cuddles.
And might I just add on to the whole Convict part: he didn't tell you that he was a deathrow inmate until the fourth date. And he just brought it up casually, on the inside he was nervous as hell, but on the outside he's like, normal calm and collected Doyle (I mean, if you didn't already know).
Doyle gets jealous every once in a while, but it's still pretty rare, usually he just, kinda shooes them off. But, when those rare moments do occur, get ready for a blood bath because whoever thought it was smart enough to try and flirt with you is either getting a verbal beating of a life time or a physical one. And let me tell you, either one is crippling, one just means you can walk away in tears while the other you're most likely dead
After that mess Doyle'll drag your ass out of there and take you back to the apartment where he's even more touchy then usual.
He tries his absolute hardest to shield you away from the other convicts. He doesn't trust any of them and is so, so afraid one of them will do something to you.
Similarly with Retsu, even if you do fight he'll be protective of you, but he'll most likely be more relaxed about it if you can fight.
In that same vein, he'd totally spar with you. And if it gets heated that just means he manipulate it into some fun times ;)
Really like movie night as a date night. He's been exposed to so many mainstream shows/movies because of you, it's great.
He walked into wherever you were and pinpointed you, out everyone else in the room, as the hottest piece of ass in there. Waited for you to notice the heavy weight of a heated gaze on you, look up and make eye contact with him before he gives you this lazy smirk and saunters, easy, slow steps, with all the confidence of Apollo, over to you and leans against the wall with one arm and starts chatting you up. It doesn't matter if you're taller then him, you will feel small and a lil' intimidated/turned on.
I ain't gonna lie, you guys probably start out as a one night stand and became a friends with benefits after you fed him waffles in the morning after aforementioned one night stand and got to know each other, knowing Sikorsky- he just ends up coming to you every time he needs to blow off steam, which is, admittedly, a lot.
Sikorsky is a big ol' dumbass when it comes to the dreaded things called emotions, so he drops of the face of the Earth (at least to you) after he realizes how bad he's got it for you.
He pops up again after he had time to think about it and mull it over. And, would you look at that? He brought flowers and chocolate!
He's real shit at using his words to express himself, he's more of a actions type of guy, opposed to words, that doesn't mean can't be eloquently spoken, he just has a hard time when he's getting frustrated/experiancing heavy emotions; so gift giving is his go to as an apology!
He's actually a really observant lover due to this! He also remembers really important dates too!
He's really good with his hands so more often then not, he'll offer to give you a message after you had a long day at work, this sometimes leads to some sexy time; even if it doesn't though, his hands still feel amazing: they're rough and calluses, sure, but it sends such nice tingles down your back, you can't help but sigh.
He's really gentle when he holds your hands because he knows that his grip strength is off the wall and, he won't tell you, but he is terrified of hurting you.
Another hard yes on PDA but this time it's intentional. Sikorsky likes to prove his dominance over you, which may or may not lead to some arguements between you guys, and flaunt you relationship so he will openly shove his tongue down your throat to prove a point.
He has a tendency to grab your hips and press you flush against him, or even pull you onto his lap in resturaints, he'll whisper dirty things into your ear like this, so be prepared.
He likes to push your buttons once in a while because he thinks your hot when you're mad. He's a little shit and sometime has the mental fortitude of a 12 year old boy. It just comes with the territory of dating him, unfortunately
Sikorsky gets jealous easily and flies off the handle way too much, you'll have to really talk to him about that. But afterwards he'll drag you of there and, instead of making it to your guy's humble abode, he'll take you into the closest alleyway and start making out with you hard. It's almost too much, but it's kinda hot????
Anyway, Sikorsky may not seem like it, but he has your back. He wouldn't let anything happen to you without a fight. Even if you're a fighter.
You will def. be his training partner, whomst he will smooch and smack your ass at any given opportunity
He likes to lay his head on your ads and straight up be like "don't fart, babe, or I'll slap your ass so hard that you won't be able to walk for a week" and you've never want to slap a man more in your life.
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rfadaydreaming · 4 years
☯️ & ☮️ for Jumin? 🥺 I luv uuuu
beautiful mel ilu ♡ og headcanon game > here! (closed)
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ; 𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗹𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴... 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲𝘀 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻𝘀 ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
˚. ☾; jumin absolutely loves mornings. there's just… something about them. the warm sun shining through the penthouse windows, the lazy way elizabeth the third stretches across the couch, the smell of strawberry pancakes in the air. the promise of a new day. he especially loves mornings if he’s dating you. maybe it’s the excitement of starting his day with the one he loves, always eager to see what awaits him next. waking you up with breakfast in bed is one of his most favorite things in the entire world. seeing your sleepy eyes widen or the way you slowly make your way to the kitchen when you smell his cooking, how his body moves without even thinking to give you a good morning kiss on the forehead, the first of the day, the first of many to come. he can’t get enough of domesticity. it’s something he didn’t realize he craved so desperately until he finally got it.
mini likes!
˚. ☾; sweet-sour snacks, yoosung gave him a sour gummy worm once and now ever since then, it’s a little guilty pleasure of his.
˚. ☾; people watching. not in a weird way, he just seems like the type to enjoy observing the world around him. wonders about people’s lives often. if you join in with him, sometimes the two of you create stories for strangers together as a pastime, the longer you two do it, the more obscure and drawn out the stories become.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ; 𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗹𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴... 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲𝘀 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻𝘀 ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
˚. ☾; loud noises. loud environments. loud loud loud. he’s amazing at hiding it, but he gets overstimulated way too much by sounds and noise. he tries to listen to everything at once, so many different things catch his attention. it’s a lot. on the outside no one would be able to notice, but there’s few people in this world who are able to see the signs of an overwhelmed jumin. you being one of them. hold his hand a little tighter, give him a kiss on the cheek, run your fingers through his hair on the car ride home, waiting out the aftereffects patiently, not being bothered by him being drained while the the nauseous buzz of the night takes its toll on his mind. he appreciates it more than you realize.
mini dislikes!
˚. ☾; super picky about textures. not even a “class” thing, he’s not trying to be a richboy even though zen claims that’s what it is, just can’t feel certain fabrics or materials because they will drive him up the wall. picky about his socks especially.
˚. ☾; hates popcorn. the shells get stuck in his teeth, it’s much too salty, doesn’t taste particularly good to him. will go on rants about how it’s the worst theater snack imaginable and he’s quite passionate about the topic.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ; 𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗹𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴... 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻𝘀 ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
˚. ☾; whenever you’re sad, jumin is always the friend that's always there for you within an instant. while on the outside he might not seem like the comforting type, he really does show his concern in little ways.
⇠ do you need me to bring elizabeth the third over? i can promise you, she’s much better at comforting than i am.
⇢ jumin... it’s 3 am…
⇠ we’re both nightowls. besides, i’m sure she’d appreciate the beauty the city offers this late at night. would you like to join us for a ride to get your mind off things, mc?
he’ll listen to you rant, vent, cry. he’s a good shoulder to cry on. and the same goes for you. while jumin cherishes jihyun, it’s just… so much easier to open up to you for some reason nowadays. he’s a loyal friend, any secrets you may have shared with him will never be told to anyone else. his lips are sealed!
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charmingyong · 4 years
Sassy Girl’s Obsession
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Genre: Taeil x fem!reader, university, humour, fluff, angst
Warnings: mentions of stereotype and violence, police scene
Word count: 3.7k
Plot: You were a courageous, energetic, and resolute girl that had boys falling for you. You fell in love at first sight with a particular music student who was also a relative of your friend, Doyoung. Your curiosity grew when he ignored you, making you go through great lengths to win his heart. Taeil was cautious of you and your reputation around campus, but every time he tried to get away from you, you’d always run after him… and secretly he liked it too.
A/N: This obsession is harmless and pretty humourful. Reader’s personality is supposed to be a mix of Hwang Yongsik from ‘When the Camellia Blooms’ and Ko Moonyoung from ‘It’s Okay to Not Be Okay.’ If you see that, then YAY! If not, then just ignore I said that :) There’s a Cardcaptor Sakura reference included if you know that anime.
- ❀ -
《 Picky Picky – Weki Meki 》
You inwardly groaned when Felix nervously stood beside your seat.
“Y/N, I got you this.” He handed you a box wrapped in silver gift wrap with a red envelope taped to the top.
You flashed him a smile, more fake than genuine. “Thanks.”
He beamed at you, not leaving from his spot and waited for your next move.
You quirked an eyebrow. “You want me to open this now?”
He frantically nodded, excited to see your reaction.
You sighed and ripped the envelop off before tearing the gift wrap apart. The box was a set of three perfumes of the most luxurious brands that you had ever heard of. You weren’t interested in two of the scents, but the third one piqued your interest. Japanese cherry blossom.
You chuckled. “Wow,” you breathed out. “And what’s this for?” You didn’t have to ask because every time a guy did this to you, there was only one thing they wanted.
Felix bit his lips nervously and said, “Um, it’s in the card.”
You pulled the card out from the red envelope and flipped it open.
- I really like you. Will you go on a date with me please?
Okay so you did have a soft heart for people who had manners, especially when they used the word please. He was only asking for a date, unlike previous boys who’d straight up ask you to be their girlfriend. However, you simply weren’t into going on a date with someone who liked you. There were guys who had piqued your interest and you went on some dates with them. But they’d all end up boring the hell out of you, flexing about their physique or their love for luxurious cars. Your taste in men had gone from being open to being super selective and picky.
“I’m sorry Felix. I’ll have to turn you down. You can take this back,” you said trying to hand the gift back but he shook his head.
“No please don’t be sorry. I understand you get asked out a lot so I was only taking a chance at it. I really do like you and I wish you keep the gift. Please?”
Oh. “Okay... thanks.”
He smiled and left your side, a little dejected.
Doyoung elbowed your side hard. “Ow! What the hell Dons!”
“Are you crazy? You shouldn’t give a gift back to the same person.”
“Yeah but it was hella expensive.”
“So? Don’t you sell the other ones off?”
“Yeah because they come from assholes. Felix was at least being polite.”
“Then you should have agreed on a date with him.”
“I don’t want to hurt him after by saying that I just did it for the gift so I won’t feel bad about selling it off for tuition.”
He scoffed. “You’re so nice.”
“And you’re mean.” You stuck your tongue out at him.
- ❀ -
《 Heart Attack – AOA 》
You walked your friend to his music class before you went for your coffee break. You spotted a boy that you didn’t recognize standing right outside the music class.
“Oh Taeil!” Doyoung called.
The boy looked at him and the smile that followed after had your heart skipping a beat.
When you and Doyoung stopped right in front of him, your friend did the introductions. “Y/N, this is Taeil. He’s actually my second cousin and he recently transferred here. Taeil, this is Y/N, my friend.”
Taeil smiled warmly at you. “Nice to meet you, Y/N.”
Thump thump.
Thump thump.
You could hear your heartbeat loudly at the sound of his melodic voice and the sweet smile complimented with it.
- ❀ -
In the library, you fell asleep with your forehead planted flat on the table while Doyoung worked on his assignment beside you.
He rolled his eyes at you and shook your shoulder, but no response was received.
Still no response.
He huffed and flicked his finger at the top of your head.
You jolted up and yelled “Taeil!”
All eyes landed on you in the library. You apologized to the students and shrunk in your seat, feeling embarrassed.
Doyoung looked at you with suspicious eyes. “Why on earth did his name come out of your mouth?”
You felt heat rise up to your cheeks and laughed it off nervously. “Haha oops.”
He narrowed his eyes on you. “Don’t oops me. What is it?”
You weighed your options. If you told Doyoung, then he could possibly support you. But then, at the same time he wouldn’t because this was about his cousin. Yet above everything, he was your friend.
“I like Taeil.”
“Like? What kind of like?”
“Like I mean like like.”
He exhaled. “You know I’ll be on your side for anything. But this is my cousin we’re talking about. If you mess things up, I don’t think I’ll be able to look at you because my cousin comes first.”
You nodded. “I know, but I think I’m serious about him, Dons.”
He watched your face carefully, trying to discern whether this was fleeting or something deeper. He couldn’t find any hints on the former and slumped his shoulders.
 - ❀ -
《 Signal – Twice 》
You were delighted at the fact that Taeil was in one of your classes with Doyoung. It was unfortunate that he opted to sit more in the middle of the room when you sat at the back. You didn’t like paying attention to the particular professor as his teaching method didn’t work for you. But the newbie being his cousin, Doyoung chose to sit with him.
You didn’t mind that because you were preoccupied by the task at hand. Thankful that you were an ace with your throwing skills, your paper airplane flew across the class.
The couple sitting in front of you threw a look at you, silently asking ‘are you crazy?’ and a few snickers were heard as the plane flew past them.
It hit the back of Taeil’s head and his hand went up to rub the spot. He ignored it shortly and resumed his attention on the lecture at the front.
Your jaw dropped. Did he just ignore it? But you were resolute. You prepared another airplane and flung it to him. This time he noticed something was up and found the airplanes on the floor. He unfolded the flaps and read the message, both of them identical.
- I like you, from your secret admirer, Y/N
Taeil blinked at your handwriting. First, he was surprised that a girl even liked him. He was boring and a nerd. And second, it was you that liked him. He heard about you around campus and he wasn’t sure whether you were serious about him or it was merely an infatuation that you’d get bored of later on.
He whipped his head around to find you sending a flying kiss in his way.
Taeil turned back around to focus on the board, his heart beating erratically. He couldn’t let himself fall for you, only for you to grow tired of and leave him.
You on the other hand were puzzled by his lack of response. No guy had ever overlooked you when sending them a signal and the thought of Taeil being the first one to do it added onto to the fun of you trying to win his heart.
 - ❀ -
《 Not That Type – gugudan 》
Doyoung dragged you to the library after you refused to work on your assignments. All you wanted to do was sleep and you were ready to bolt out the doors until the studious boy that had your heart beating hard caught your sight.
You left your friend’s hold and ran to sit down at the empty seat across him. Taeil was stumped when you sat with your arms crossed on the table, your eyes intently fixed on his face and a smile adorning your beautiful face. “Hi Taeil,” you sweetly greeted.
Doyoung caught up and sat down beside his cousin. “Hey, Taeil. What’s up?”
Taeil ignored you and responded back to him.
You blankly stared at him, perplexed that he once again ignored you. You got his attention once you blurted out, “I like you.”
Taeil stilled and took a deep breath before facing you. “Look Y/N, I really don’t know if you seriously mean that-”
“I’m not lying,” you deadpanned.
“I’m not saying that you are. You could really just be into me for the moment. But I know you’ll get bored of me. So it’s best if you leave me alone.”
Doyoung stayed silent, anxiously observing the conversation between you and his cousin.
You quirked an eyebrow at him. “You really don’t know how I feel about you and I’m going to show it.”
- ❀ -
《 Fancy – Twice 》
You still kept receiving expensive gifts from your admirers and so you decided to sell them off to buy some special things for the one you admired.
When you made your way to your usual seat in the back, you handed Taeil a box wrapped in pink gift wrap. Every time you saw him around campus, you’d handover the gifts to him. They’d range from chocolates, plaid shirts, denim and leather jackets, packs of Coca-Cola as Doyoung had mentioned one time that Taeil loved to drink those.
Next time, you found him sitting on one of the outdoor benches, basking under the sunlight. He noticed your form approaching him and slightly groaned inwardly. Even though he found you super annoying, he couldn’t stop his heart beating unsteadily. He secretly found it thrilling to have you run after him when it’d be vice versa with the other boys, especially when you’d send him numerous gifts of things that he loved. He could tell that you put thought into the presents and weren’t just sending him expensive things. For that, he had to give you plus points.
“Hi Taeil,” you beamed at him, clutching onto his next gift behind your back.
He sighed. “Hi Y/N. What is it now?”
You pulled out a handmade teddy bear with a red ribbon tied into a perfect bow around its neck. “I made this for you.”
He held the plushie carefully, inspecting its customized design. “You made this by yourself?”
You nodded, chuckling quietly. “Yup.”
His heart skipped a beat at the thought of you spending time to build the teddy bear yourself and it was then that he noticed a few bandages wrapped around the tips of your fingers.
Oh Y/N, what are you doing to my heart, he thought.
 - ❀ -
《 I Don’t Like Your Girlfriend – Weki Meki 》
Taeil wanted to test your liking for him and asked his female friend from his music class for help.
You walked with Doyoung into the cafeteria and your heart stopped at the sight of Taeil.
Sitting across a girl.
You didn’t want to feel like the jealous type but you couldn’t stop the green feeling from erupting when you noticed the girl leaning in to give Taeil a peck on his cheek.
You gritted your teeth and clenched your hands tightly into a fist. “Oh that girl is so dead.”
Right before you stormed off, Doyoung grabbed your arm. “What the hell are you going to do?”
You yanked your arm free. “Watch me.”
With fume coming out of your ears, you stomped over to the two being lovey dovey with one another. When Taeil saw your figure from the corner of his eyes, he tried his best to stop the smile from spilling onto his face.
You found a Coca-Cola drink resting beside the girl’s plate and grabbed it, pouring the drink on top of her head.
It took a few seconds for the girl to register what had just happened and when it did, she screamed. “Are you psycho?” She got up and ran out of the cafeteria.
Taeil looked at you in pure disgust and disappointment. “Seriously Y/N? Are you really that desperate for me? Can’t you see that I’m trying to get you to leave me alone?” He wasn’t going to admit just yet of his true feelings for you.
Your lips formed an ‘oh.’ “So was this all an act? To get me to leave you alone?”
He was tugging hard at his hair. “For God’s sake, yes Y/N. You really should go and apologize to my friend. I asked her to do that,” he yelled, his face turning a bit red. “Can you just leave me alone?”
You pursed your lips and nodded. “Okay.”
Your response took him by surprise, his heart dropping a little. “What?”
“I’ll leave you alone.”
He went speechless. He didn’t think you were actually going to leave him alone after all this time of you being after him.
You sighed, looking at the floor, acting in defeat. “You thought I was going to say that, huh?”
He blinked, looking very lost.
You lifted your gaze to his and calmly repeated. “You really thought I’ll leave you alone. I’m never giving up.”
- ❀ -
《 Why – Taeyeon 》
You sat down in your seat waiting for your professor to arrive. You didn’t have either your friend or your crush in that evening lecture, so it was going to be a pain sitting still and not snore off until class was dismissed.
A guy came up to you with his group of friends behind him. Why did they walk up to you, you didn’t know. But you recognized its leader to be one of the guys that you had rejected.
Based on his facial expression, you didn’t like where this could possibly go.
- ❀ -
“Taeil? Have you see Y/N?” Doyoung asked his cousin frantically.
“What? No. Why?”
“I usually meet her at a bubble tea shop after her class ends, but she wasn’t there.” Doyoung’s voice was laced with anxiety. Your phone was switched off, which you’d never do in class as you’d usually be scrolling on your phone.
It was getting dark as the night fell. Even though he was mad at you for the act you pulled in the cafeteria on his friend, he couldn’t stop himself from worrying about you.
A phone rang and Doyoung picked it up. “Hello? Yes I am. WHAT?! Oh my God… Okay I will be there soon.” Doyoung hung up, with a registered shock on his face.
“What happened?” Taeil asked, hoping it had something to do with your whereabouts and you weren’t in danger.
“Do you want to come with me? I need to go to the police station.”
Taeil’s forehead lined with confusion. “Yes but why?”
“Y/N’s been charged with physical assault.”
- ❀ -
You sat on the chair, waiting for your friend to arrive and bail you out. Your arms were crossed as you huffed in anger at the boy sitting beside you. He held his broken nose while his head was slightly cracked open from the glass water bottle that you had smashed on it. He whimpered in pain, making you laugh bitterly in your head.
He deserved it, you thought.
Doyoung arrived, followed by the boy that you didn’t expect to come for you as well. Taeil looked around for you and when he found you, he sighed in relief to see you not hurt. The mere reaction from him made your heart soar, making you think that he was concerned for you. But when your brain reminded you of the thing that you promised yourself to do later, your heart fell.
“Y/N, what happened?” Doyoung asked, almost like he was scolding you.
Before you could reply, the police officer spoke up. “This young lady used physical violence on this man out of the blue.”
You gaped at him and slammed your hands on the officer’s desk, standing up. “It was not out of the blue! He started it!”
“No, she started it, officer,” the injured boy said weakly.
You turned to the boy. “You asked for it! That’s not my fault!” you yelled.
“Miss, please lower your tone,” the officer said sternly.
“Y/N, what exactly happened?” Doyoung asked.
You took a deep breath in, calming yourself down for a few seconds, and narrated the evening. “I was waiting for the lecture to begin, and this guy comes up to me with his friends. He starts talking shit about Taeil, how much of a nerd he is and how he doesn’t deserve someone like me. I got so mad that I broke his nose and I broke my water bottle on his head out of anger. You cannot tell me that this was my fault.”
While Taeil didn’t like that you used violence and risked yourself into getting in trouble, his heart pounded against his chest at the thought of you standing up for him.
The boy only asked for his injuries to be paid for, in which Doyoung agreed to as much as you hated it. After Doyoung bailed you out, you stepped into the night, breathing in the crisp air.
Taeil silently took hold of you hand, startling you, and observed out of concern the small bruise that formed from breaking the person’s nose.
You pulled out of his grasp, confusing him. You met his shining eyes, having something to tell him.
“Taeil, I really like you. Actually… I really love you. I always have and always will. If someone badmouths you, I’m not going to hold back and do nothing. I’m not scared of anyone or anything.” You paused briefly, sighing in defeat. “I know I can’t force you to like me back. I thought I could but I guess I can’t. And I don’t want you to hate me if I continue this ‘obsession’ so while this might seem like I’m ending my desire to win your heart, I’ll still always love you, Taeil.”
You gave him one last sincere smile before turning on your heels and walking away. You hugged yourself as your eyes stung with tears threatening to fall out. You willed yourself to not make a vocal sound of your heart breaking for the boys to hear from the distance.
Doyoung felt his heart become heavy, seeing his friend like that for the first time in his life. He knew he couldn’t do anything as everything was up to his cousin to decide what to do with the confession.
Taeil felt the honesty behind your words, and that made his heart shatter. He always disregarded your true feelings for him and told you off, trying to get you off his back for annoying him. He too liked you but was only being super cautious in case your feelings were short-lived. He made up his mind. He wanted to confess back to you. And for that, he had to do something in order to make it up to you.
- ❀ -
《 Cover Up – Taeyeon 》
“Here,” Doyoung handed you a gift bag and you groaned.
“Don’t tell me this is you breaking our friendship promise to ask my hand in marriage.”
He laughed. “No, but you like the person that this is coming from.”
“What?” You couldn’t believe your ears. Was it really from him? Your heart banged in your chest as you opened up the bag, gasping to see a teddy bear that looked similar to your handmade one except it was in a different shade of brown, lighter to his, and the colour of the ribbon tied around its neck being a light shade of pink.
“There’s a note in the bag too,” he grinned.
“Huh?” You rummaged your hand around in the bag, feeling the card and pulling it out. The card was handmade as well, with a large red heart in the middle of the white space. ‘I LOVE YOU’ was written on the heart in big letters. You flipped the card to check the backside for more writing and your heart stopped.
- I’m sorry Y/N to hurt you like the way I did. But I really like you too. I was scared to be someone who you’d ditch once you’d find someone better than me or get bored of me. That’s why I always tried to avoid you or do things to get you to stop being after me. But your confession outside the police station made me believe in your feelings and I was bad to let you walk away. I wanted to properly apologize before confessing my true feelings for you. This teddy bear is the same diy kit you got to make mine so Y/N… I’m sorry and I love you. From your secret but not so secret admirer, Taeil
You felt your eyes sting hard as you tried to keep your tears at bay. “Doyoung, he…” your voice failed as your emotions were ready to explode.
Your friend smiled. “Yes, Taeil.”
“Where is he?”
“He’s outside our music class, the first place you met him.”
You sprinted down the hallway and turned around the corner. At the distance you found the boy that had all of your heart.
“Taeil!” you yelled and ran up to him.
He turned his head, happy to see you and held his arms open. You crashed into him, wrapping your arms around his waist, and clutched tightly onto the gift bag.
“I can’t believe you like me back!” you cried.
He laughed at your dramatic self and patted the back of your head gently. He pulled back slightly and wiped your tears away, pressing a haste kiss on your forehead. “You’re really cute. How can I not like you?”
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Since it’s pride month, the warp core 4 celebrating pride?
“Welcome to le home of sexual,” Beckett says, eyebrows bouncing up and down. She and her three best friends are standing out in 36° weather, appropriately sunscreened up for the occasion, watching Earth’s yearly Pride Festival get started. It’s a bit early in the day for Beckett’s tastes-the real fun starts at night with the bar crawling and fireworks-but everyone agreed that D’Vana deserved the full experience.
D’Vana is just as delighted as Beckett knew she would be. She squeals, jumping up and down in the balls of her feet excitedly as they weave through the busy crowd.
“I thought you said Earth sucks,” Brad points out, leaning on Beckett’s shoulder with one arm. Beckett swats him off impatiently.
“Earth sucks,” she sniffs, grabbing his sleeve and swerving quickly through the chaos. “Pride doesn't,” she finishes, flipping her rainbow themed shades on. “Now what's the plan, fellow homos?”
“Parade, funnel cakes, violence,” Sam replies, matching rainbow shades already donned. “Or we could do lunch, I'm not picky.”
“Look at the baby flags!” D’Vana wheezes. “Brad. Brad. I need one.”
Beckett cackles as D’Vana drags a disgruntled Brad toward the stand selling tiny pride flags. Brad’s honestly right, she's not one to put much stock in earth traditions, but D’Vana had been so excited about doing pride this year, she'd relented. It was fun to watch D’Vana freak out over innocuous things. Sort of like vicariously living through her excitement.
That, and Pride was pretty fun once you factored out the dead of June heat and the noisy crowds.
Sam shakes his head, probably reading Beckett’s thought process. “At least D’Vana is enjoying herself.”
Beckett loops her arm through his, grinning up at him. “And you’re not? C’mooon, I know you have a soft spot for parades.”
“Violence, I’m pretty sure I said I wanted violence.”
“You,” she begins to pull him toward the direction their friends scampered off in, “are the least violent person I’ve ever met, Samantha.”
“Lies. I’m edgy.”
“I’m hip.”
“Stoooop,” Beckett moans, headbutting his shoulder. Sam dissolves into snickers.
“For you!” D’Vana shrieks, coming out of nowhere. She throws a flag that’s probably taller than Sam at Beckett’s face. It’s the official bisexual flag, pinks, purples and blues overlapping in a gradient rather than it’s usual stripes. Beckett lets out a whoop, wrapping it around her head and shoulders like a cloak.
“You look like a gremlin,” Brad says, doubling over with laughter. He has a flag of his own-purples, greys, black and white- but unlike her, he’s folding it up maliciously to store for later.
“Nooo, I’m a wizard. No, a bizard!” Beckett says, pulling the fabric further over her head.
“You’re gonna die of heat stroke is what you are.” Sam pulls at the flag until Beckett relents, folding it up and putting it in her backpack. D’Vana grins, throwing a flag at Sam, who grins back at her.
“Solidarity,” D’Vana says, holding up her matching tiny flags and huge ass flag up next to Sam’s.
“Same hat,” Sam agrees, hugging the trans flag to his chest. “Funnel cake?” he says, hopefully.
“Funnel cake!” Beckett yells, punching the air.
Brad sighs, looking far too overheated and sleep-deprived for any of this. “Okay, but I’m not holding your hair back again when you puke because you ate too much,” he huffs.
“It’s okay, Beck, I’ll hold your hair back,” D’Vana offers.
“Not the point!”
“Brad,” Sam throws an arm over the other guy’s shoulder, leaning in conspiratory. “Have you considered...violence?”
“Stop, stop stop-” Beckett covers his mouth with her hand. He, naturally, licks it, sending her into a shrieking fit.
“I’m just trying to live up to our brand, Beckett!”
“Violence isn’t part of your brand!” She wipes her hand off on Brad’s shirt. “You’re the nice one!”
“Hey, I’m the nice one,” D’Vana protests.
Brad snorts. “Nope.”
“Way off base,” Beckett agrees.
“Yeah, that’s-no.” Sam shakes his head.
D’Vana crosses her arms. “Whatever,” she mutters. They finally arrive at the funnel cake stand.
“How much funnel cake can you legally give us?” Beckett asks. Brad elbows her in the stomach.
“We’ll take four,” he intervenes, already pulling his wallet out. Beckett pouts at him, but a look from Sam keeps her from making a scene. Whatever, she can come back for seconds later.
“So, violence?” Sam says, after they’ve paid and are ambling from stand to stand.
“Stop trying to make that a thing. It’s not a thing, Sam.”
“Actually,” D’Vana says slowly. “We should make it a thing.”
“No, no, hear me out, Beck. Consider,” she points to a display selling fireworks. “Have you ever wondered what would happen if you set those off in space.”
“Yeah nothing because fireworks aren’t reliant on oxygen,” Brad says. “They’d still work, but they’d fizzle out pretty quickly.”
“Okay, but, hear me out Brad. Not like in space, space, but like. In the Cerritos, space.”
“No,” Brad says immediately. “We’re not doing that.”
Sam and Beckett exchange a look.
“Hmm,” Beckett says, pretending to look thoughtful. “That’s an interesting hypothesis you’ve brought to our attention, D’Vana.”
“It’s not a hypothesis-”
“We’d have to test it, of course,” Sam adds on.
Brad groans, hands in his hair.
“Multiple times for us to get a reliable answer,” Beckett agrees.
D’Vana’s hands are already piled high with rainbow themed fireworks by the time Brad looks up again. His face goes through all seven stages of grief before settling on resignation. “I’m not paying for these.”
“I got it,” Sam says, grinning. Brad glares back.
“I’m not helping.”
“Yes you are,” the other three say.
Brad throws his hands up in the air. “Do any of my choices matter?”
Beckett throws an arm over his shoulder “Do you want the existential answer to that or-”
“Nevermind,” he sighs, accepting a handful of fireworks D’Vana dumps in his arms. “This is fine.”
“Alright, new plan! We stash the fireworks in my super secret contraband hideout, throw up Pride flags all over the ship, get back in time for the firework show here and then go to Dennys.”
“Who the fuck is Denn-”
“Oh my god, we can get grand slams, right?” Sam asks, like a true, cultured American. Beckett nods seriously.
“It is never too early for pancakes. Now. To the Cerritos!” She throws a fist up in the air. D’Vana echoes her sentiment, looping an arm through Brad’s and dragging him off to the transportation point. Sam follows, laughing maniacally.
Yeah, Beckett thinks. Out of all the weird things Earth celebrates, Pride is probably the most fun. She pulls out the giant bisexual flag again and ties it around her neck like a cape, running after her friends.
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