#like idk maybe the literal teenager just doesn't wanna kill ppl even if they do horrible things
wereh0gz · 1 year
I wonder why ppl interpret sonic not jumping at the chance to kill an enemy as him giving "second chances" to bad guys who don't deserve it like eggman
#ramblings#yes that includes writers who worked on actual sonic media#like ian flynn. i like his work but this is one thing that keeps bugging me abt the way he writes sonic in the comics#i'm glad it doesn't seem to be transferring to the games he's working on#since he's working even more directly with sega now#like idk maybe the literal teenager just doesn't wanna kill ppl even if they do horrible things#also it's fiction with an audience of mostly children like. you can't expect it to go that far#and yeah he has Technically killed someone before with erazor djinn#but he's immortal so like. he's technically not dead maybe. just can't hurt anyone anymore#like i don't think he'd care if someone like eggman died in on of their battles#but he's not going out of his way to murder him#and it's not like he's just letting him go most of the time either. eggman is just good at making a getaway#sonic isn't judge jury and executioner. i doubt he thinks it's his place to kill someone as punishment for their crimes#he'd rather let nature do it. or let them die from their own hubris#but him not going out of his way to kill his enemies doesn't mean he's giving them a second chance#and expecting them to turn over a new leaf then being shocked when they don't every single time#he knows better than that#i don't think it's that complicated#like 'not wanting to kill ppl as a literal kid' and 'not forgiving ppl for horrible crimes' are two ideas that can coexist i think#him not wanting to kill doesn't need to be justified as him giving second chances or whatever
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teenagemilkshakefan · 5 months
I am currently on my 4th episode of elite and well..Needless to say I have many opinions. Firstly the amount of new things I got to learn about in relationships is definitely fresh and well it's new so I am gonna need some time to figure out if it's good or bad.
Spoilers ahead!! (proceed with caution) ......
Marina’s death has been pretty shocking to me but tbh I don't like her as a person but that doesn’t mean I wanted her dead lol. She's way too deceptive and feels like goody too shoes. I mean all those ppl her brother, her parents they are just trying to help her and protect her and hey I get the whole teenage rebellious phase thing but this is utter stupidity. It is unfortunate that she got HIV positive and well I do sympathize with her but it feels like she just sort of puts herself in dangerous situations deliberately, I am in no way inferring that being with Samuel is wrong or whatever but nano! seriously?! that guy is a walking criminal and she very well knows it than why for god's sake is she with him..it's so messed up I can't- and also the fact that she's basically two timing samuel who btw is an amazing person overall, i don't know what happens later or anything maybe he killed her but so far I like Samuel as a person he's supportive, and makes good out of a bad situation, assertive and his introduction in class..god that was good stuff but anyways yeah so she's swinging both the guys and honestly fuck nano he says the school doesn't deserve Samuel but actually he doesn't. The one girl his brother genuinely cared about who he told him everything about he had to mess with that particular girl..why!!? and got her pregnant! Comeone.. Overall I hate both nano and marina and love Samuel (opinions might change at the end of s1)
Guzman and Nadia.. I love Nadia.. like literally I wanna be her when I grow up she is awesome so far we have seen her actually stand up to bullies, and even thought her cultural issues came up she still continued her education because she knows that right at this point she needs to be educated in order to make a change in the world. girl clearly knows to pick her fights. and the way she doesn't just let Guzman demean her and slither into her heart but instead makes him grovel for it.. that's gold srsly. Guzman so far is a total douche-bag seriously there are no words. he might be going through some shit but he's definitely not handling it in the best way, although I love that he stands up for his friend Ander and marina( one time so far) but I can't really say I like the guy.
ah yes the throuple so Carla, polo and Christian sure make a hot couple this is pointless to deny, at first there relationship seemed a bit weird I mean voyeurism is a popular kink but it just felt as if the two of them had some trouble..*shrugs* anyways this is my first time seeing a story about a throuple so you can call me an Amateur in that regard but I am not a huge fan of the story it seems a bit odd.. (idk if that's a word that perfectly sums it up but..) Since I am new to this I am very much open to broadening my horizons and see where this goes.
Ander and Omar is meh-.. I love Ander but I feel like Omar is a bit fishy but let's see..(Again opinions may vary at the end) .
lu is getting on my nerves srsly what's up with her. the girl has some major mean girl vibes. Ugh
I am sorry if my assessment of marina was a bit harsh..I guess I am being a little too closely looking at her character or something I mean she is after all only a kid.. just to clarify this is just my opinion that too formed after watching just 4 episodes of elite so I might be very wrong for some characters. Don’t get peevish it’s all in good fun. My motive is absolutely not to offend anybody.
and I just found out that marina and nano are actually a couple in real life because godamn but there's absolutely 0 chemistry between them. It’s like what joey tribbiani said guys..it's true. anyways this was my elite update so far. I think I took every main character if I missed anyone we are going to talk about it as soon as I finish my 1st season till then cheers!
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