#like im eating purple tiled floor as we speak
dozyrogue · 8 months
The way tubbo is notorious for shutting down and his friends just don't realize makes me AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Like the way its happen so many times and none of his friends realize or if they do it to late. Like when fred was kidnapped and the 3 and one combo quackity/cellbit/roier made a joke. PHIL LAUGHED BUT IT WAS THE BABIES CHAY AND TALLULAH THAT WERE TRYNA PULL HIM BACK.
Like the only person i think about constantly who tried to get him to talk and push past his walls is bagi when she was like "we need to talk about fred" basically saying hes not ok and normal. But she did also think it was cuz he was only sad about fred. So close but took a left turn last minute
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whattodowithace · 4 years
I Hate You Part II (Byeongkwan)
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Title: I Hate You Part II
Pairing: Byeongkwan (A.C.E) x Reader
Genre: Spice
Word Count: 2.2K Words
Writer: Whattodowithkpop
I sigh nervously as I stand at the entrance, adjusting the scarf I had secured around my neck, covering up the evidence from the previous day. I close my eyes, hoping to avoid him as much as possible, pushing the doors open and being engulfed by loud conversations from the students that frequented the halls. 
I walk with my head down, focusing on the tiles that lay before me as I make each step carefully, hoping not to bump into anyone. I hear my name suddenly, my head raising at the familiarity of Chan’s voice. As I look up, I see Him. Panic rises within me as I see his red hair flash against my sight. I quickly notice the black turtleneck he wore, covering his neck all the way to his jaw, showing no evidence either. He turns his head, feeling my eyes on him. I glare at him instinctively as I approach where he was talking with his friends. Instead of a glare, he lips turn up to a smirk as he looks down to my scarf, giving me a quick wink. My eyes widen, not expecting that reaction from him at all. I nearly run into Chan as my quickened heartbeat clouds my mind.
“Can you two please, get along once?” Chan laughs, not knowing of the events that had transpired less than a day before. “Also, why are you wearing that scarf, it’s so hot in here!”
“It’s a fashion statement.” I grumble at him, walking next to him as we make our way to our first class.
I knew he would also be there, but I push that into the back of my thoughts, focusing on Chan’s conversation.
I watch the door nervously, hoping he wouldn’t walk through and that he would hopefully moved schools, but alas, he strolls into the room immediately looking up to me as he finds his desk, his eyes not leaving mine until he has to face the front.
“What was that?” Chan asks in a shocked tone.
“What was what?” I turn to him, raising an eyebrow at his question.
“That was a longing gaze right there.” Chan giggles like a school boy as he gently pushes my shoulder.
“Chan, you are seeing things.” I roll my eyes, focusing on the paper in front of me.
I hear nothing else from the boy next to me, but I know he is smiling excitedly at his theory of ‘sexual tension’ being correct.
The rest of the morning classes go over without incident. Byeongkwan wasn’t in any of the classes, giving my mind a break to actually focus on school. I was thankful for the lunch period, being able to eat with Chan and Chan alone bringing me relief over my tense body. I had told Chan to go ahead of me, him having to buy his lunch while I just needed to retrieve mine from my locker. I waited for the halls to die down before braving them, the foot traffic much lighter after everyone had made their way to the cafeteria.
I walk to empty halls, traveling slowly to bask in the quietness.
I hear footsteps approaching me, turning to face the owner of said footsteps. I stagger backwards as I see Byeongkwan approaching.
“No.” I tell him, turning back around to continue walking away from him. His footsteps continue to follow me as I reach my locker, opening it in the hopes that the door would block me from him.
“Nice scarf.” He says, a smirk clearly evident in his voice.
“Nice turtle neck.” I retort back with monotone, not looking up at him as I close my door having retrieved my lunch.
“Dont you think the artist would like to see his work?” He asks, pulling at the scarf gently.
“Byeongkwan.” I warn, stepping back from him.
He leans closer to me, his mouth leaning down to my ear, his hot breath causing a shiver to run up my spine.
“I want everyone to see.” He whispers, one of his hands resting on my waist. His closeness causes me to freeze, not being able to stop his hand that reaches for my scarf, unwrapping ti from my neck to let the marks be on display.
He steps back from me, the scarf hanging from his hand as a smirk appears on his face. I blush, bringing my hands to my neck in an attempt to mask all the marks.
“Give it back.” I growl as I make an attempt to grab the scarf.
“No, I prefer you without it.” He bites his lip, running off in the other direction with my scarf in hand. I groan out angrily, feeling my body heat up from anger.
I enter the cafeteria, looking for Chan as I cover my neck with both hands, hiding the majority of the dark bruises. I find Chan sitting at a table, eating his food by himself as his backpack saves a seat next to him. I walk quickly towards him, my head down so as not to draw any attention to myself. I hear Chan call my name as I approach him, looking into his eyes.
“Chan, I need your jacket.” I tell him, only keeping eye contact with him as I sit next to him.
“My jacket?” He asks confused. “Why?”
I squeeze my eyes shut as I sigh out in defeat. I face him directly, blocking the view for everyone else as I slowly uncover my hands to reveal my neck.
Chan gasps loudly. “Who gave you hickeys?” His voice was loud, catching some other students attention, making me shush him loudly.
“I just need your jacket.” I plead him. His eyes dart behind me, looking past my shoulder before his eyes widen.
“BK is wearing a turtleneck…” Chan states, the pieces connecting in his mind.
"BK gave you hickeys…” His eyes focused on what I assume to be Byeongkwan behind me.
“And you gave him hickeys…”
“Chan, please.” I whine, covering my neck again.
Chan shakes his head, handing me his jacket with a smirk on his face.
“So, there was sexual tension.” Chan notes as he goes back to his food.
“Chan, I will hit you.”
“I hate to tell you this…” Chan trails off as he stares at my neck as I put his jacket on. “That jacket cant cover everything.”
I sigh out as I zip the jacket as much as I could, the top of my neck still visible, but nothing my hair couldn’t cover.
“Are they hidden?”
Chan furrows his eyebrows. “If you don’t look too closely.”
“I’ll take it.” I huff, finally ready to start eating. 
When I look up I see Byeongkwan in my sight, him and his friends sitting at the table just across from Chan and I’s. 
His jaw was clenched as he looked at my attire, clearly frustrated I had covered my neck again. His eyes connect with mine as he glares. I smirk back at him, feeling proud. 
Byeongkwan reaches up the the collar of his turtle neck, looping his fingers to the inside. He holds my eye contact as he gently folds the fabric down a few times, revealing light red marks on the upper part of his neck. I glare at him, turning back to my food to ignore him.
I avoided Byeongkwan for the majority of the day. I avoided his eyes and side stepped his advances as best I could. Chan’s jacket covered my neck, but it wasn’t full proof, many other students saw the marks, staring at them once they realized what they were. 
The one class I had to interact with Byeongkwan was biology. We had to finish taking notes on our dissection project. 
I had been taking notes quietly, telling Byeongkwan to make his own notes since he didn’t help me with the dissection in the first place. I was doing okay, until I felt him breath on my neck as he looked over my shoulder to copy my notes. I felt a wave of nervousness as my body heated up as my mind drifted to yesterday, making me anxious. 
I quickly stood up from my chair, asking the teacher if I could be excused to the bathroom, which she granted. 
I walk to the hall quickly, rushing to the bathroom so I could splash cold water on my face. AS I look into the mirror, I can see the hickeys darkening in color. I gently run my finger over my collarbone, feeling a twinge of pain at the contact. I huff out in annoyance, trying to cover them back over with my hair.
“I hate him.” I tell myself in the mirror, glaring at the thought of him. I shake my thoughts, focusing back to the dissection and the class, hoping to finish it without anymore distractions. I make my way out of the bathroom, immediately spotting Byeongkwan resting against the wall.
“They never let two students go at the same time.” I glare at him, the heat coming back through my body.
“I have my ways.” He smiles, pushing off the wall to make his way over to me. “Im sad you covered up.” He feigns a frown, flicking the zipper of Chan’s jacket as his eyes focus on his handiwork.
“You look real broken up about it.” I roll my eyes, pushing past him to walk back to class. 
Before I make it too far, Byeongkwan grabs my wrist dragging me past our classroom.
“What are you doing?” I ask him in irritation, being dragged into a dark room that I recognized to be the third music room that no one seemed to use.
“You have been avoiding me all day.” Byeongkwan remarks, releasing my wrist to face me fully.
“I wonder why?” I glare at him.
“You were 100% willing yesterday, in fact, you started it.” Byeongkwan lets out, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “I just…” He sighs out, looking me in the eye. “I don’t care how, I just want you attention.”
My eyes widen, not sure if I understood his words.
“If you want to go back to screaming at me fine, just please give me something.” He admits, his eyes never leaving mine.
I stay silent awhile, trying to process his words in my mind. I open my mouth to say something but no words come out, making me look down at the floor.
He sighs again, his voice sharp as he speaks again. “God, you’re so annoying.”
“I’m annoying?” I scoff at him as I unzip Chan's jacket. “Do you know how annoying it to have marks this dark? Im going to get in trouble by the teachers!” Byeongkwan’s lips turn up into a small smile making me realize he had said those words to get a reaction from me. I glare at him as he walks closer to me, his fingers reach up to his collar.
“You haven’t seen your work have you?” He asks darkly, slowing pulling down the neck of his sweater past his collarbones and part of his chest. Dark purple bruises cover his chest and collarbones, making my breath catch in my throat as I realize I had made those marks and that I was the one that marked him. I gulp nervously as he steps closer to me, our bodies nearly flush by his close proximity.
I reach my fingers out, running them gently along his chest, making him wince in pain. I suck in a breath as I watch his body react to me, making me feel hot again. I trace my fingers up his neck, watching his skin tense under my fingertips until I reach the back of his neck, my hand wrapping around it to pull him down. My lips meet his as I run my fingers through his hair and his move to my waist. He deepens the kiss, forcing his tongue into my mouth as it dances with mine. I breath through my nose as I wrap my arms full around his neck, standing on my tip toes to reach more of him. He pulls away, quickly pushing the jacket off my body as he begins to kiss the tender skin of my neck.
I gasp from the twinge of pain. “Byeongkwan.”
He hums against my jaw, starting another mark below it.  
“We are going to get in trouble.” I whisper to him as I push his head to my skin, keeping him on my neck.
“I don’t think you care.” He pushes, trailing kisses up to my ear.
His hands travels down my waist, leaning down slight to grip my thighs. “I- I do care.” I stutter out weakly, helping him wrap my legs around his waist.
“Then tell me to stop.” He challenges, kissing along my jawline as he awaits my answer.
I strain my neck backwards, giving Byeongkwan more access to my neck. He breathes against my neck causing goosebumps to rise on my skin.
“Byeongkwan.” I pant, digging my fingers into his shoulders. “We should go back.”
He kisses the bruises over my neck. “I don’t want to.”
I pull his hair to look into my eyes. “I would rather make out with you in a more secluded place.”
He groans out. “Meet me after school in this room.”
I bite my lip as I smile. “Okay.”
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