#like in either his weapon story or one of his hidden stories he talks about being lost and not knowing what to live for any more and like
cryptidghostgirl · 7 months
Humanity’s Most Favored Fantasy (Alastor x Reader)
Paring: Alastor x Reader
Description: It wasn't love. Alastor didn't feel love, not anymore. He'd lost that part of himself the day he died so it couldn't be love, could it?
Warnings: Look, I'm writing and it's not for a request. Angst. It's always angst. I just love Alastor's inhumanity, what can I say? This bitch is in denial. Also, bodies, blood, death, no gore but like, eh. Also Adam is in this one and he's his own warning. Loose Mistki quoting at one part. Also a loose Sappho quote “pale as grass” and self harm.
Word Count: 2,420
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A/N My classics major side came out a little bit in this one lol. Also I have a big classics major side fic in the wings so if you guys like this, just wait. Also Sir Pentious is from the 1800s so he for sure had a classical education. Also the title came from an article I was reading about the history of witchcraft for one of my classes.
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The most complex and yet the most simple of the human emotions. Feared by some, wielded by others, out of reach for many, perennial for more still, and taken as easily as a breath of air by a solemn few. What a strange thing, love.
It was this last category that bewitched Alastor. Even when he had been alive, he had never understood the people like that, the ones who took heartbreak in stride, the ones who shared any love they had the minute they felt it with everyone and everything. The ones who weren't paralyzed by potential loss or violent embarrassment.
The people who feared love made sense. It had a vast capacity for harm, it was able to destroy without a second thought. Even when it was good, love could be devastating. Those who wielded it as their weapon of choice nearly fell into a subcategory of this group. They used other people's fear of the matter against them or they lured people in to get what they wanted and threw them to the curb without a second glance.
Everyone on earth, living or dead, had felt at least once that love was out of their reach, Alastor reasoned. Hopelessness is one of the most vital parts of the human condition, after all.
Perennial was the category in which most people fell. Love came and went. It lived and died, but always returned like the plants he had named this grouping for.
Then there were people like Y/n. Not a day went by where she wasn't explaining how much she adored something random or telling people she loved them, throwing the word around as if it had no weight, as if it was the easiest thing in the world to love, to share love. When Angel had made some snide remark about everything being her alleged 'favorite thing,' Y/n had quickly replied, saying:
"Aren't I lucky for that? Isn't that just wonderful?"
Alastor couldn't tell in which category he fell or what his opinion was about that answer of hers. One thing he did know was that Y/n was to be avoided at all costs.
She was the typical sinner. Never too bad of a person when alive, but never too good either. She wore her hedonism like a badge of honor, living her afterlife in much the same way Alastor assumed she had lived her living life: in a constant state of indulgence.
It wasn't the typical form of being that takes a person's mind when they think of the word. No, Y/n didn't indulge in a reckless, Dionysian way. Instead, she devoured everything. Books, good food, music, friends, you name it. Y/n had a million stories about each and a million examples of the best they all had to offer on hand. She relished in all that every word had to offer.
Alastor had overheard her talking to Charlie one night about that. He hadn't meant to, he had just been wandering the hotel, unable to sleep and in need of some air, when he'd heard a slight commotion in the lobby. Hidden by his shadows, he had entered the familiar space to find an exhausted Charlie standing tensely before a bulletin board.
"God is in the details." Y/n was saying as she adjusted the plans pinned on the structure so they were easier to read, more cohesive, "Anything can be a work of art, don't forget that. It's what makes everything so undeniably worth it."
She was so utterly out of his reach. Not that Alastor wanted Y/n in his reach, no. How ridiculous would that be: the Radio Demon, the most feared overlord in all of Hell, getting butterflies because he heard a girl tell someone else she loved them and imagined it was him. No, that would be utterly foolish which was why it wasn't the case, couldn't be the case. He must be getting sick, that was why his stomach had felt weird.
"What are you reading?" he heard Sir Pentious ask as the snake demon took a seat on the couch beside Y/n.
Alastor was at the bar, sharing a drink with Husk. His ear twitched in their direction.
"It's a book discussing the changes in interpretations of Sappho's poetry over time." Y/n replied, her tone soft and even.
It felt like a salve against Alastor's ears. Husk raised an eyebrow towards his master but made no remark.
"Really? I didn't know you were interested in that sort of thing."
"I was actually a professor in the human world... living world? Whatever. I didn't work on Sappho, I worked on ancient medicine, but I always found her intriguing and lovely. I mean, phainetai moi is creating a diagnosed love, using all the language of medicine. How could it not capture my attention?"
"You know, if you look at Homer, the same language Sappho uses is also used to describe love. She is actually working off a preexisting cannon of love as something painful and destroying."
"Yes, and curse tablets tend to draw off medical writings quite a bit as well, especially those involved in love magic."
"Huh, that’s a neat little intersection I have yet to explore: medicine, magic, and love. I never knew you knew so much about this. You died in the 1890s, right?"
"Sometime around then."
"I should have guessed then, my mistake. Tell me, what was it like growing up with all this wonder at your finger tips? It was hard for me to even find a university with a classics department, let alone a good one. You’re lucky to have had it all right there."
Now that was an interesting idea to Alastor. A diagnosable love, a painful and deadly thing. Love as a curse, love as being shot through by an enemy spear, love as a god. It made more sense to him than anything else about the matter had. Unavoidable, not something self imposed. A cursed love, a medical love, something that controlled a person rather than vice versa.
He lay awake at night, unable to speak, pale as grass, thinking unwillingly of the way her lips curved to form words, of the way one could see the gears of her mind turning behind her eyes. He lay awake, unable to do anything else. He stared at the ceiling.
"Ah! Angel! Thank you!" Y/n exclaimed as he handed her the sweater he'd spotted her eyeing a few days before when they'd been for a walk around town, "This was so kind of you!"
Alastor watched as Y/n pulled the lanky demon into a hug which he reluctantly returned, looking down at her with a platonic version of the sort of fondness that was so forbidden to him.
"Great work Angel!" Charlie clapped excitedly, "That's a step in the right direction."
No, it wasn't love. Alastor Hartifelt didn't love, he had lost that ability the day he had died and he'd barely had it before that. It didn't matter that his heart skipped a beat, there was no truth to his upset stomach when he had to speak to her except something bad he must have eaten. The sleeplessness wasn't new, sleep had never been his friend so to speak, the two had never really gotten along. The reason it got so stuck in his head, the way she threw her affection around, was the carelessness of it all, the foolishness. Only, what he had overheard her saying to Charlie that night, that anything can be a work of art, were the words of someone who acted purely on intention, who did nothing without considered thought.
Y/n couldn't be a wielder of love. Alastor never once saw her manipulate someone or even really ask anyone for anything at all. There was no way she was scared and the way she freely gave took her out of the other two categories as well. It didn't make sense. The intention, the earnestness, the true meaning behind her actions and words that always seemed to shine through no matter what she did, was what had him stuck. She barley even fit into her own category because of it. Most people that threw love around the way she did had the words and actions lose their meaning over time but, somehow, that seemed never to be the case for her.
He pictured a life on earth. He pictured walking with her beneath the stars, the way the light of the moon would play gently across her skin. He pictured her in the recording studio, the one he'd worked at while alive, waiting by the door for him to finish his work and taking him by the hand, dragging him off into the unknown. He pictured waking up beside her in the morning, all messy hair and smiles. He pictured, he dreamed, he dissolved. The doctors diagnosed him and he went to see other people because he didn't like the answer they gave him.
Y/n pulled Vaggie from her seat at the bar, spinning the demon into an ungraceful waltz to the music Alastor was playing on the piano for the group. He nearly fumbled, nearly missed a note. She missed so many steps and it didn't matter because she was laughing, and so was Vaggie. She didn't have to be perfect, but he did.
They each smiled ear to ear while Charlie clapped along to the beat. He imagined himself in Vaggie's place, he could practically feel his hands on the gentle curve of her hips. The world was half real.
It wasn't love because he didn't know her, he never spoke to her. It wasn't love because that was impossible, he couldn't love. It wasn't love because that was an ability he'd left in the world of the living. It wasn't love because she was too kind, too good, and he was nothing if not brutal and bloodstained to his core. It wasn't love because it couldn't be. It wasn't love because if it was...
It's not love. It's not love. It's not love.
He repeated the mantra to himself. Alone walking the halls, in meetings with the other overlords, making tea in the kitchen. He whispered the words to himself like a prayer.
It's not love. It's not love. It's not love.
Y/n was out of reach, untouchable, destined to join the ranks of Heaven while he remained rotting in Hell. It couldn't be anything else, no other future was possible which was why it wasn't love. She was made of all the things a human is and he was made of those a monster is. She was bright, she shined, and Alastor fed off the light of others, burning it out into darkness. He refused to do such a thing to her, he couldn't. Not when she was practically the sun. Not when he wasn't even a star but the black hole of the earth revolving around her.
He saw her holding Husk's hands over the bar top as he told her something, a look of deep concern etched into her features. He watched her pick Nifty up by the waist so the little demon could dust the tops of the bookshelves. He watched her, he waited, he would always be waiting because nothing could ever happen. Nothing would ever happen, he wouldn't allow it and goddamnit it wasn’t love.
It was also impossible, Alastor reminded himself. He had left that part of himself when he had died, it hadn't made the journey with him. The most favored fantasy of his own humanity, or what was left of it. The little spark of the person he had been that glowed softly from the center of his chest. Alastor had tried to douse it, tried to kill it, tried to rip it from himself but all he'd ever ended up with was bloody hands and torn flesh and the light pulsed on in its eternal hunger, its eternal hope, its eternal harm.
And then it was too late. Then, she really was gone, double dead or however anyone wanted to call it. Adam dropped her lifeless corpse to the ground and Alastor's world crashed in around him because no matter how many times he had said it wasn't, no matter how he had avoided her, no matter what he had done it had been love, or the beginnings of it at least. The closest thing to it he'd ever really felt. His hand tightened around the staff of his microphone. Alastor bared his teeth, he saw red.
"What have you done?"
Adam turned to him, grinning. Y/n deserved a viking funeral, to be surrounded by flowers and sent off in a burning boat. She deserved a Greek burial, reduced to ashes and buried with all the proper rites that made sure she would make it to the afterlife. She deserved, she was owed, he was angry.
"What." Adam laughed, "Was she your little bitch?"
Alastor didn't think he had any room left inside him for the fury, but found his rage redoubled at Adam's words.
"What did you just call her?"
"Your little bitch." Adam smirked, "She was a cute one, shame you all are gonna have to burn. Woulda kept her for myself."
Adam looked down, nudging Y/n's lifeless corpse with the toe of his shoe. Alastor attacked. There was no thought, no order, no grace, there was only the anger. Only now that it was too late, was he at last able to let loose, be less than perfect, exist in an unintentional manner. Or was it that this was the true meaning of intention -- reckless abandon? Y/n probably would have thought that. It didn't matter. It didn't matter what she would have thought, what any of them did think. It was too late. There was no more time and Alastor had come to terms with his own frailty a second past the buzzer. He would never forgive himself.
"You will pay for what you have done. You will die for what you have done."
Because it had been love, all along and Alastor, who had thought himself above it all, had been in that first group. He had been scared, not of what love could do but of what Y/n would, of what she had already done to him. Now it was too late and he would never get another chance.
"You will fucking die!"
Part Two --> → Humanity's Most Favored Fantasy pt. 2
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echoingspectrum · 4 months
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐺𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑟'𝑠 𝑃𝑒𝑛𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑡
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☆ pairing : gamer!streamer!dan heng・character!reader
☆ synopsis : how does it feel to be in dan heng's shoes and vice versa?
☆ word count : 1.1k words
☆ cw : ooc!dan heng・that's all~ here's the headcanon!
⌗ Oh, how the tables have turned~ Instead of the usual gamer you and character Dan Heng, this time it's the other way around, with Dan Heng behind the screen and you as the newest character that developers have introduced to the game in the early version. 
⌗ I imagine Dan Heng plays Honkai Star Rail 24/7, so he knows every lore like the back of his hand. He must have a deeper understanding of the game mechanics and its attributes, creating a sense of career for this game. Like a cute nerd he is~
⌗ Not only is he a gamer, he's also a streamer. He streams moderately, sharing tips and tricks with his fellow gamers, but he is known to stream Honkai Star Rail contents. He enjoys engaging with his audience and discussing strategies, making him a valuable resource for the gaming community. 
⌗ He even streams with his fellow streamers, especially with Caelus. They often get labeled by the viewers as the chaotic duo due to their dynamic and entertaining banter during gameplay. 
⌗ Now, let's proceed to you~
⌗ With version 2.4 approaching, there was a leak of your character saying that you'd be one of the important figures of one of the Xianzhou Alliance, and everyone was suspecting that you'd either be one of the swordsmen or the arbiter-general, similarly to Jingyuan or Jingliu. 
⌗ Do you know the Silhouttes marketing drip that the HSR developers posted? There were eight of them⏤including you. Ever since the new March 7th drip marketing, everyone has been hyped for the following characters that are soon to be released. 
⌗ There are four characters hailing from the Yaoqing, others from the Zhuming, and March categorize in Luofu. One in particular that caught their attention is your silhouette banner, which illustrates your figure with your desired weapon in your grasp, bird crane origami surrounding you, and a subtle winged dragon shadow hovering in the background.
⌗ Meanwhile, Dan Heng, being one of the lore fanatics, has speculated that you may be one of the Vidyadhara species like Bailu⏤Correction. He's not just speculating; he's certain of his theory. Despite the lack of the draconic features in your character, you're somehow linked to the Vidyadhara race.
⌗ The developers dropped an animation where the five high elders of Vidyadhara are shown, and one of them bears a striking resemblance to your silhouetted character. This has sparked even more speculation from Dan Heng about your true identity and affiliation to the Vidyadhara race. 
⌗ Despite you're in a cameo, Dan Heng is captivated by your character design; it's aesthetically pleasing to the eye. The developers must increase their efforts to include more details about your character in future updates to satisfy the demands of players. 
⌗ Although he notices that you lack the draconic features present in the other high elders, this would mean that your hidden role must be disclosed in later updates. 
⌗ While streaming, Dan Heng nonchalantly talks about you and the design itself, even theorizing what unit you will be in the future and the most effective relics that would give you massive damage. 
⌗ Do you guys know those informative videos where content creators break down every aspect of a character's abilities, potential damage, which lightcone suits them, or what pieces of relics would give them a buff? Dan Heng is one of those, except he's quite immersive when it comes to you.
⌗ The audience quickly notices how passionate Dan Heng is, and they labeled him as a SIMP for you. He himself hasn't noticed how well absorbed he is into you, which is terrifying to say the least.
⌗ Imagine the day when the new patch was released and Xianzhou had added a recent interlude story mission, which somehow ties to you and other characters, and Dan Heng immediately logged in to the game with breakneck speed. 
⌗ Do you guys know that every time a new story is added to the game, there's the main cover of the chapter? Where are all the major characters going to be included in the story? Yeah⏤that's basically what Den Heng is seeing right now! There's a midnight-isque backdrop, and the characters are having a smile on their faces, enjoying whatever the heck they are doing. But that's not what Den Heng is focused on.
⌗ In the corner of the cover, there's a suspicious figure in a clay blue colored cloak that seems to be hanging around with several children who are all circling around the figure. Squinting his eyes, he sees a tuff of your hair out of the cloak. He's now certain that you'll be part of the story somehow. 
⌗ During the story, Dan Heng ( he's streaming the walkthrough ) secretly basks at every moment of your screen time; he screamed internally at your first appearance⏤or every time of your appearances; he would take a minute or so to glance at your expression and design every chance he gets. His fangirl moment. 
⌗ Your voice was pleasant to hear. The audience started to spam him with SIMP texts in the chats or even memes due to his not-so-subtle, flustered reactions. Overall, he enjoyed the mission story. Because you were in it.
⌗ Now, he's waiting for anyone who leaks your gameplay.⏤Who am I kidding…HE'S THE ONE WHO LEAKS YOUR GAMEPLAY AND IDLE ANIMATION. He may seem to be a reserved guy, but mentally, he's zealous. He enjoys and approves your gameplay and animation because they are appropriate to your character and your aesthetic. 
⌗ One of your idle animations consists of creating a bird crane origami and letting it fly away, watching it with awe. A unique feature of this is that for each bird crane origami you've created, different colors and patterns are displayed.
⌗ Another idle animation of yours is⏤since in your default form, you appeared to be human. Then clouds materialize and envelope your figure. With a burst of wind, it showed your Vidyadhara form. 
⌗ In your gameplay, however, before entering the battle, you were still in your default form. Following entering a battle, you've changed into your Vidyadhara form, draconic features and all. Similar mechanics with Firefly/SAM. Your author is biased when it comes to dragon-based characters. I'll let you imagine your basic attack, skills, and ult. 
⌗ Once your banner is dropped, oh boy…Dan Heng is going to E6 and S5 of you and your signature lightcone. AND HE FRICKING DID! Giving you the best relic and maximizing your talents. Every battle he encounters, he always wins, and hearing your triumphant voice line, he's proud of himself. This guy is fucking devoted y'all. If only I had money, then I could E6 Imbibitor Lunae. 
⌗ He subtly boasts you and your build to his viewers and his fellow streamers. Caelus lost his 50/50 in your banner and got Bailu instead, but at least it's also a Vidyadhara. Overall, Dan Heng adores your character and loves to see more of you in the future patches. 
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Ghost x City Girl Reader
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Ghost isn't too happy about hearing that you've been seeing other men, as he sees fit to remind you why your eyes shouldn't wander.
NSFW 18+. Shameless Smut, Explicit, Porn with very little Plot, Toxic Relationships, Hate-Fucking, City Girl Reader, Jealous/Possessive Ghost, Hints of Sub/Dom stuff, Brat Reader, Sexual Tension, Flirting, Cheating(?), Dirty Talk, Rough Sex, Finger-Fucking, Handjobs, Mask Kissing, Manhandling, Facial (?), Light Hints of Angst
Word Count: 3k
Part One | Part Two | Part Four | Part Five
Can be read as a one-shot
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Things between you and Ghost had grown... odd.
You didn't have a relationship. You hardly had a friendship. The team couldn't catch you two next two each other longer than a minute (they've counted), and any time you talked, it was less fireworks, and more deadly bombs of taunts, jabs, and mild hostility. Work colleagues, through and through.
Outside of work, it had been an entirely different story.
The only time he hears you call him by his name is at night when he's buried his cock so deep into you that you can't help but gasp it out to him. Otherwise, it's Manchester. Nothing more, nothing less.
The only time he kisses you is when you've got him in such a lucid trance, pumping in and out of you with such pent-up aggression, that when your eyes finally lock and you've felt his breath tickle your lips that it only felt natural to meet his mouth with yours. He's as distant with you as he's always been otherwise.
You don't touch him unless it's to let your hands take delicate hold over his throbbing member, hands brushing back and forth against the base of his pelvis as you've let your tongue let saliva blanket him, to better help you get him off.
He hasn't taken his mask off in front of you yet. Nothing beyond his mouth and not anywhere with good lighting. You used to nag about it, but at some point, you either stopped caring or simply knew it would be a losing battle.
Nothing was ever planned; it would just happen. All it takes is a quick glance across the room or a hidden comment shared only between you two. In the eyes of one another, you both were merely objects to be used and discarded by the other, whenever the need arose. This had all been fine.
Until recently, where Ghost had been reminded of every aspect which came with getting involved with a woman like you. Where it's Cloud Nine behind closed doors and psychological warfare outside them.
It had been a random morning that he caught you getting dropped off at their compound by another man. It wouldn't have made him bat an eye, having seen the sight before in the past. However, it felt different seeing it now.
And as if that weren't enough, to solidify the difference between Ghost and every other man in your life, you leaned back in and kissed him goodbye passionately. Familiarly.
"So who was he?" Ghost asks you later, once everyone's left the office for lunch and cleared out of the building.
You stand from your seat and turn to face him, smirking. "Who?"
"Don't play dumb," he's grown less humored now. "You know who. The bloke I saw you with this morning."
"Oh, right," you say sarcastically. "That guy. He's just some dude I met on Tinder a few weeks ago-"
"Weeks ago?" That detail catches the man off guard. Weeks. The same weeks you shared with Ghost, only he saw now that hadn't been exclusive. "You been seein' him for weeks?"
"I'm seeing him tonight too," you add. "With luck, I'll see him tomorrow as well. Problem?"
No, it's not a problem, Ghost had thought. Or it shouldn't be. Yet, when asked, he can't quite bring himself to give you an answer, opting for silence instead. Silence you quickly weaponize.
You smile, eyes half-lidded and a giggle bubbling in your throat. "Don't tell me you're jealous, Manchester."
"Not in the slightest."
You laugh now; naturally, you didn't believe him. You knew those quick remarks hid a hurt man inside, even if that man had been as stoic as Ghost.
"Does he know about us?" Ghost asks, now having had more time to sort through all his burning questions.
"He knows I'm single and seeing other guys," you clarify, following it up with a peculiar look. You thought it strange there had suddenly been an emphasis on the word "us" in his sentence. "You're trippin' Manchester-"
"Did you fuck him?"
"Ah," you've been waiting to hear that question leave him since the conversation began. "There it is."
You stare at Ghost for a good while from across the room, not feeling as inclined to divulge him with an answer right away. You needn't bother, however. Ghost knew the answer before he even asked it. He just wants to hear you say it.
"I asked you a question." His voice grows low, dark even, as his eyes all but bore into you like knives, ready to carve you up and dissect you where you stand. Ghost takes a few steps forward, until he's a foot or away from you, towering over you like a skyscraper. "Did you fuck him?"
"I sure did," you say. "I fucked him on the first date. I fucked him five days ago, and I fucked him yesterday. I plan on fucking him tonight too. Problem?"
Ghost boxes you in, his hands firmly on the wall, resting beside either side of your face. You don't flinch, nor do you budge. Your chin is held high, as is that mocking tone in your eyes. You let him close that small space between you two, smelling the cigarettes and cologne on his uniform and feeling the warmth of his body shower over you.
Even under his mask, you could see the man doing all he could to not look like he was seething. However, his skin vibrates with anger, telling tales of jealousy and rage his lips would not. Heat pools off him like a predatory aura, his eyes having not left yours since you started.
A long time ago, it used to intimidate you, as much as you'd never admit that fact. It was a look that needn't be followed by physical action; his gaze alone could constrain as good as any rope or bondage.
But as said before, that was a long time ago; he had still only been a man at the end of the day.
All Ghost could think about was the thought of another man's hands on you. He can see it clear as day: their hands -- filthy fucking hands -- touching you, pleasing you, pulling moans out of you that should only be for him to hear.
Ghost always suspected you hadn't just paused on him; if the man had been interested (or invested enough) in finding a relationship, he'd be doing the same he's sure.
Only he hasn't. And he didn't really realize how odd that had been until now, seeing how little interest or investment you'd apparently returned to him.
Still, Ghost wasn't so hurt that it made him unconfident. After all, you're here in front of him, even now.
He leans forward until he's felt his mask-veiled lips gently graze your ear. With a low, breathy tone, he says, "He must not know how you like it, then. Or else you wouldn't come crawlin' back 'ere, beggin' me to fuck you."
"And how do I like it, Manchester?" You whisper back into his ear.
Ghost felt keen to remind you the difference between him and every man you've tried to replace him with in your life. One of his hands drops down to grab your hip, as he's brought his head back to look you in your eyes. Your misty eyes which always taunt him.
Once he knew he had your attention, without breaking gaze, he lets his hand slip between your pants, skipping past your panties and heading straight for the prize.
You gasp as his cold fingers play roughly with your cunt, the tip of his finger slipping in lightly as he teases your hole, making you a wet, quivering mess. As he's felt you lubricate over him, he uses it to then DJ knee-wobbling circles against your clit, already having calculated every way he wanted his fingers to play you like an instrument.
"I know how you like it," Ghost whispers.
He let's too fingers slip back into you, his thumb continuing to play with your clit as he furiously pumped his fingers in and out of you. The two of them felt girthy enough to substitute for some average guy's dick alone. Your pussy follows after the pleasure his hand gives you, lips quivering with moans as your heart races in your chest.
He's not gentle, watching your body spasm against the wall with this sudden rush of pleasure as it overwhelmed you, the stimulation leaving you shaking. To keep your squirming at a minimum, he's wrapped his other arm around your shoulders, hugging you close to him so that you had no choice but to look at him as he fingerfucked you.
You moan at every swift circle he massages against you, holding onto his other arms for leverage as you couldn't help but keep your back pressed against the wall, at the mercy of your lieutenant's devilishly well-trained fingers.
The whole time, Ghost has made sure your eyes stayed on his, daring you to move them so he can punish you for so much as thinking of another man when he's right here.
"Does he know you like it rough like this?" He whispers to you, "I'm just usin' my fingers and you're already a bloody fuckin' mess."
Suddenly, he's felt you bring your hands to his crotch, as you've let your hand rub generously over his hardening cock. Feeling the shape of him through his pants, you press just hard enough so that he can feel you touch him through the fabric. You hear the tattered breaths that want to leave him with barely so much as any skin-on-skin contact, his gaze halved, and olive eyes dilated with lust.
Through your own moaning -- as Ghost hasn't stopped letting his fingers wreak havoc on your pussy -- you tease him, "I haven't even touched you and your cock's already throbbin' for me."
You continue to rub the indent of his him, feeling his hips slowly shift towards your touch, the more aggressive your tugging grows. Each time, you've heard him swallow down another breathy moan that wanted to leave, taking it out on your cunt instead.
His palm smacks against your clit as his fingering grew downright diabolical. You feel his hands shake in you as you start to unbuckle his pants and lower them down, feeling his large cock now spring out from its tight confinement.
You look down at Ghost, seeing these parts of him that had been for your eyes only. The parts of him your body craved, any late night you could not have him in your bed.
You bring your eyes back up to him and smirk. "Big Ben returns!" you joke. Ghost doesn't even reward you with a reply, merely rolling his eyes and letting his fingers continue to do the talking for him.
Even with both your hands now wrapped firmly around his cock, there had still been more of Ghost left for your fingers to play with, as you pumped your hands back and forth over him, jerking him off to the same rhythm he played with your pussy.
By now you've learned this technique that gets a pretty visceral reaction out of him. You let one hand cup his balls, gently groping and massaging them as you let your other hand pump at his cock, your thumb rubbing over the tip of him each time you've passed it.
As you pick up the pace, you feel him chase your hand, humping into your grip. He buries his head in the crook of your neck and groans, using your skin to hide his quiet moans.
"What's wrong, Si'?" you tease him. "You had so much to say a second ago."
You bring your lips to his neck, planting kisses against his mask, as you trail up to his jaw, feeling him melt in your touch. Your lips trace his chin, trailing up to his nose, before Ghost has finally had enough and had let his mouth come crashing into yours, mask and all.
Your lips desperately feel for his through his mask, the fabric rubbing roughly against your skin, as his hot breath tickles you. It hadn't mattered that his mask was in the way, especially to him. If you wanted his mouth, you'd take it as is, and from how you both kissed one another, as passionate as it would be without it, this would more than suffice.
Despite the hindrance, your kisses grow as sloppy and wet as you both had each other's privates, doing all you could to taste what little he left behind through his mask. It was here you both knew that deep down, it didn't matter what amount of venom you two fed each other. Once together like this, you didn't want anything else.
You don't announce that you've come, knowing that the man would most likely stop right when you're on edge just to see you in shambles about it. You instead let a weak moan dance from your tongue, your cunt throbbing against his fingers as your legs shake pleasurably.
Ghost rips his hand from you once he's seen you've come without warning. You know he has a smart remark just waiting for you, however, you then get this real freaky idea.
You grab his hand that had been glued to your cunt for nearly five minutes now, seeing how much of yourself had now dripped onto it. You bring his fingers to your mouth and you clean the mess you've made off his hand, leaving no trace of you there.
Ghost exhales heavily, his breath laced with arousal.
"You're such a dirty fuckin' woman."
Watching your tongue work its way across his hand had his cock just dying to sheath itself back between your lips once again. But if he waited for you any longer, he just might not make it to the best part.
Ghost whips you around, facing you against the wall and pressing you there harshly. He takes both your arms and brings them behind your back, holding them there with a single hand, before he's used the other to tug your pants down, leaving your ass bare to him, still healing from the last flurry of spankings he'd given you.
Marks he knew you couldn't hide. Marks that let any who saw them know who you really belonged to.
Ghost thrusts himself into you and goes right away into a punishable speed, your ass smacking loudly against his pelvis as he fucked you hard. Mercilessly. And with all of himself.
Ghost made sure you felt every bit of him, just as much as he let his cock memorize every warm, wet groove of you, which pulsated over him like a sopping mess, wanting your walls to remember the shape of his cock so much that you won't want anyone else's but his. If he could fuck you into wanting him, he would.
"Does he fuck you this good?" He taunts. "Did 'e 'ave you like this?"
Your face presses against the wall, Ghost's hand gripping your hair roughly, while he's let the other cup at your chin, his fingers playing with your bottom lip, before he's dipped them into your mouth, feeling you suck and tongue at him. It only makes him lose himself in you further, as his pace has gone so carnal you feared how you'd be able to continue your day after this, your legs already feeling like jello.
And it's exactly how Ghost wanted you, too. He wants to hear you cry his name. He wants to feel you shake at his touch, and crave the taste of him. He wanted you to want him, in every possible way.
Just as you had before, Ghost doesn't announce that he's about to come. Your only warning is that rough sensation when he's ripped his cock out of you suddenly, using your hair like rope to bring you down to your knees.
"Open your mouth," he orders.
You do as he asked gladly, opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out for him, as you've let your eyes fall back on his again. Ghost brings the tip of his cock to your tongue, the taste of you both coating your lips as he rubs himself against you, using his hand to furiously jerk himself.
Ghost's breath shakes, his back arching slightly, until you've felt the warm liquid of his cum shoot across your tongue and into your mouth. Wanting more, you bring your lips to his tip and suck what remnants hadn't yet come out, feeling Ghost's body shake at the overstimulation, before he's finally pushed you away from him.
You laugh, wiping your mouth off as you pulled your pants back up. "I should make you jealous more often," you tease. "Where was this three days ago?"
"Figured you needed some reminding," he says.
"I might need some more later," you wink.
"You can get it from your boyfriend," Ghost says coldly.
In turn, you scoff, expecting no less from him. "I'll make sure I do. Thanks for the extra pointers by the way. I have all sorts of ideas for him later."
You two could go on, going back and forth like children. However, Ghost had a sudden lack of interest in the matter. Had it been so outlandish to believe that your words could in fact hurt at times, in the strangest and most unexplainable ways. So the lieutenant does not give you a response. He simply leaves it at that.
A small part of him thought that maybe you might cancel the date, having a sudden change of heart inspired by yours truly. Yet, somehow, he doubt this had done anything to dissuade you.
Ghost watches you fix yourself, readjusting your hair and uniform to look as you did before. Happy with what you got, having just used him so. You share a few parting words, and then you step out.
And Ghost feels more a fool now than he had at the start of this.
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Part Four Here!
@13thprogenitor ꒰ · ◡ · ꒱
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
Another writing that got long, so putting a Read More~
I wish I could've continued this interaction as a comic, but I ran out of energy. Life got busy, my mood fluctuated. So this one's written. X3
Lavender woke in her bed with a gasp. She sat up, gulping air as the dream vision invaded her waking mind.
It wasn't real... It was just a vision... It wouldn't have hurt you, Lav. It wouldn't have hurt you...
As she calmed down, her attention shifted to something else.
She reached out with her mind.
Lav's face scrunched up in anger. Dang it...
She flopped back onto her pillow, her arms sprawled out beside her. Here eyes were shut tight. Rrrrrrgh... Sorry, Nico, I didn't mean to wake up!
Something tickled her attention in her mind, but she didn't dwell on it.
Curse the flimsiness of our connection!
This time, she couldn't ignore it.
Lav froze, listening intently and focusing with all her might.
...u.. s....ll ..ear m....?
Lav smiled and mentally shouted as strongly as she could, careful to not connect with her family's mindscapes. I hear you, Nico! I hear you! Can you hear me?!
Lav? Lav!? I heard you!
Yes! Lav clenched her fists in her spike of joy. YES! Finally! We can talk without the worry of it collapsing at the slightest breath!
I'm... Kinda surprised you still want to talk... I'm sorry about the visions. I got carried away...
No, no, it's fine! It just startled me!
...It seemed like a strong reaction for just a startle...
I'm fine, honest! Lav tried to ignore that he was right. Anyway, that’s not the end of the story, right? You said you didn’t feel guilty then… But you clearly regret what happened.
...I do... His voice was subdued. Yes. I now regret what happened. But... Back then, I was truly the monster they wanted me to be. I was their good little weapon, until I decided they didn't see me as an equal.
After I d... d-destroyed the lab... I roamed Kanto. I challenged people and Pokemon alike... I attacked them... I...
His mental voice broke.
I killed them...
Both Lav and Nico fell silent. Lav could tell she was getting more adept at this connection thing, as she faintly felt that they were still linked.
What changed?
You said Fuji taught you gentleness and kindness, but you still... She shivered, hoping that he couldn't sense her apprehension. What made you change your mind from "monster" to regretful?
Lav couldn't help smiling at the pure warmth in his mental voice. Your mate?
He spoke with a wistful tone. If Fuji planted the seeds, Jovie watered and nurtured them.
I, uh....
I stumbled into her home town. A little hidden place called Shadegrove. I... I attacked... And she defended.
Looking back... she was amazing.
So brave, and strong. Determined to save the town and people she loved.
And she succeeded.
I couldn't overpower her, so I left. Exhausted. Embarrassed.
And Furious.
First my parent, then this...
Lav felt a jolt.
I figured Mews wanted nothing to do with the Monster they had created.
Woah woah woah, wait! Your parent? Did you know your parent?
I saw them leave. Before I left my incubation tube.
Incubation tube? Lav took a mental note of the strange phrase.
I'm sure of it... It's my earliest memory.
A Mew's tail vanishing into the distance... Either my parent, or a Mew who knew me...
It abandoned me.
And after Jovie attacked me, I thought... I thought it was me. Mews hated me.
But I was wrong.
She followed me.
And I would be dead now if she hadn't
She found me after a challenge I'd made went wrong, and healed me up. And she did the unthinkable.
She was kind to me.
She worked to get to know me.
She cared about me.
And I found myself returning those feelings.
She made me laugh.
She made me care.
She made me happy.
And eventually... we fell in love.
That's... pretty much all the important stuff...
Lav sat quiet, contemplating the rest of the story she'd heard. Is that how you got that scar?
You ever hear about Zapdos?
She felt her heart skip a beat, remembering stories her dad had read to her of the powerful electric-type legendary bird. ...Wow...
They both went quiet.
Lav's mental voice was soft.
Thank you. Seriously. For being brave enough to share that with me.
Wou... Would you be okay with me telling it to my dad?
Nico was silent. Lav could almost feel the buzz of his mind as he contemplated. Finally, he spoke up.
If you think it'll help. I... I worry it won't, but... You know him better than I do.
Do what you think is best, Lav.
Lav tried to form the question; Why are you afraid of him? But a yawn broke her concentration. She looked at the time.
Shoot. I should go back to sleep, or I'll be hurting tomorrow. Catch ya later?
If you want to!
Yeah! She smiled. Good night, Nico!
Good night, Lav.
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my favorite art piece
pairing: knight!steve harrington x fem!princess reader
wc: 777
warnings: none. tis' a clean story.
summary: knight and princess talk about the visiting duke over oil painting.
A/N: another story to my knight!steve series. alone together is the first one but you could read either one standalone.
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“was hoping i’d find you here. was beginning to worry you climbed the palace walls again and i’d have my head chopped off.” a male voice entered your quiet art room.
barely a glance over your shoulder you knew who was stepping behind you. the gentle clang of his armor and weapon reverberated off the high ceilings.
“i’d never let them do such a thing. can’t waste a pretty face away.” the smirk evident in your words.
the footsteps and clanking stopped just over your right shoulder, “they don’t write sonnets about this face for nothing, princess.”
an unprincessly snort left your nose, “oh do they? you must recite some to me one day. would adore to hear.”
steven hummed, “what is your focus on today, princess? you mostly paint when stressed.”
focused brush strokes paused, ignoring the way your heart beat just a bit faster that he knew something so small about your ticks. “not always. it’s just when… inspiration hits me. and perhaps it may be when i can’t control something.” resuming practiced strokes, a band of fury hidden beneath a poised grip.
“might i inquire what has you… vexed?” steven took two steps over, now in your peripheral.
shades of periwinkle and indigo mixed, “if you must. but mind your words.” speaking slowly, fully concentrating on your work.
“would this have anything to do with a certain duke? one who happens to be visiting for the week?” you ignored the gentle venom of the word duke.
“lord hargrove’s arrival has been known for many days. though his intentions of travel have not been stated until the day of his arrival.” seeing shades of red while adding spots of white.
“i’m guessing-“ “marriage! lord hargrove is here for my hand in marriage. in request of my father and his, for the good of our kingdoms.” stains of paint dripped down the canvas in tears.
“marriage,” steven repeated, you could imagine the slight snare on his face at the word.
“yes, marriage,” a deep sigh from overuse of the word, “to a man i don’t know and is expected to wed in the spring. no choice in the matter.” rinsing your brush in the murky paint water, tapping it against the lip before pressing it onto a cloth.
“not quite fair to expect that of you.” steven grabbed a stool close by to be placed beside you. he was now sitting shoulder to bicep.
you couldn’t help your scuff, “i’m but a woman. they only tolerate us cause we can be sold like sheep and breed like a calf. a single syllable from our lips can bring us death. seen not heard.” your once melancholy painting transforming into a brutal storm, one that brings sailors to the ocean floors.
dropping your brush beside your easil, you finally turn to sir steven. his back straight with knees bent at the perfect angle, a slight spread to the long limbs. forearms resting on thighs while mindlessly tugging at his fingers, head dipped with untamed strands of hair flinging about.
you spoke before you could stop, “let me paint you.” speaking quietly not wanting to disrupt the peace.
steven’s head picked up and met your wondering eyes, “pardon?” a pinch to his brows.
you cocked your head, “let me paint you. would cheer me up.” standing to your feet in search of a spare canvas.
“princess-“ “please? i wish to paint the face people pen poems and sonnets about.” trying to feed his ego.
you heard the deep sigh but saw the little smile before he could wipe it away, “your wish is my command, princess.” starting to move before you rushed over and rested a palm on his shoulder, “stay. the lighting is perfect.”
he peered up, long lashes framing normal brown eyes that held something special. his patches of silver armor cool under your warm palm. “just sit like before, but keep your head up.”
“am i getting a portrait done by the lovely princess y/n l/n? i must be the luckiest man alive.” his sword clicked off the wooden stool leg.
you started collecting more oil colors, “i would say so. and i would also say i’m the luckiest princess alive since i’ll get to stare at you while detailing my work to perfection.” 
satisfied with your supplies and making sure they stay put, you begin your simple outline in black chalk. the simple task is a distraction from your loose words and hummingbird heart.“quiet flattered, princess.” princess said in a low tone that forced you to suppress a shiver. “only the best for my favorite knight.” saying the words only to yourself.
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
evil swk only it's him finally fed up with everyone hurting mk so he kills the latest villain of the week and takes the powers of the Jade Emperor for his own thus: Monster (epic)
oops, hands slipped!
He meets MK on accident. Sun Wukong does not make it his ordeal to wander where mortals are near, but sometimes needs must. his little Suns have chosen to pester him about this specific brand of chips (how they ever got their hands on a bag of chips in the first place is a mystery of itself), so after hours of twisting his arm, Wukong obeyed their pleading cries and whines.
the accident came when Wukong found himself run over by a meager delivery cart. the boy, probably only two decades old, hopped off his death kart immediately, apologies spilling from his lips while Wukong debated throwing his disguise down the gutter and raising this whole block to the ground.
“—you have to understand! The Megapolis Grand Prix has a grand prize of an immortal peach and I thought I could both race and deliver, you know, kill two birds with one stone and all that but—“
“I don’t really care, kid.”
The mortal was quick to shut his mouth and nodded. Another apology was thrown out while Wukong dusted off the spare dirt from his clothes, and he was pretty sure the mortal made sure to follow him back to the safety of the sidewalk. It was a little overbearing, but Wukong was trying to keep a low profile for the sake of a stupid bag of chips. He would rather not bring Heaven or any other celestial’s attention to himself.
The things he did for his monkeys.
He met MK again on New Years. Again, his little Suns sent his out for a task— apparently, some idiot decided to teach them what noodles were and Wuking spent months suffering while they bemoaned and cried about it.
There was a plaza full of food trucks, so Wukong figured he’d find noodles over there somehow.
“Oh! It’s you!”
Wukong was startled by the smile, how it spread wide, so easily like a trained soldier (except soldiers were more fixed and lacked the warmth this smile gave). The mortal stood behind one of the windows of a truck, apron tied around him.
Wukong grunted put a hello.
“Can I get you anything?”
“Eight helpings of noodles.”
“Wow, that’s quite the haul! Got a party or something?”
“More like a family of rascals.”
The mortal laughed, quickly writing down the order before placing somewhere near the kitchen. There followed some indignant shouting about the order while the mortal— MK, the cool called him MK— placated and answered all the cook’s questions.
“It’ll be ready in an hour? Maybe longer.”
The third time, he found MK through his monkeys. A mortal, they had chirped at him, a mortal on the beach! Color him surprised when it was his mortal he found. How he got past the volcanic mountains was something he figured MK would tell him when he woke up.
And, boy, did he ever.
MK told Wukong of his old sworn brother, the Demon Bull King, and the would-be Spider Queen. Two demons who found it in their heads that Megapolis was their city, and neither were keen on sharing. And both seemed to believe that their solution was a secret weapon hidden in Wukong’s vault.
“And we thought— my friends and I— that if we found it first, then they wouldn’t be able to.”
It was a hilarious story. One Wukong made sure to laugh at in MK’s face. Because really, why would either demon think they had the balls to invade his island?
“I’m serious! We need to find it now or else they’ll—“
“Tell me, MK,” Wukong spoke, keeping a bright smile on his face. It was different from the ones MK would share. Less genuine and more senile. “How much do you truly know about me?”
Finding the terror in the mortal’s eyes shouldn’t have been endearing, but Wukong would argue that after receiving plenty, he was open to judge them all. While MK was slow on the uptake on who he was talking to, he was a quick learner in figuring out just how dangerous Wukong could be.
In the end, neither of the demons stepped foot on his island. And if he had to twist their arms a little to ensure there would be no future attempts of them sneaking in, that was between Wukong and them. The fact that a little delivery boy was included in that clause was neither here nor there.
The fourth time was when Azure made his appearance on Wukong’s island, smiling and laughing as if none of the past millennia had ever happened. Wukong played a good host to his old brother even while his skin crawled and his little Suns whined. But that all came to pause when out of Azure’s scroll came MK and more of his old brothers.
“So you used him,” he asked, eyes closely watching the mortal shake and tremble (he was mumbling something too but Azure was speaking too loudly).
“We needed someone on the inside in order to retrieve the rest of our brothers. With all of us here and reunited, we can finally put Heaven in their place!”
Wukong tilted his head. “What of the Bull King?”
He watched MK flinch when Azure scoffed, the mortal clutching his robes tighter. He was still in shock, but it would not last long. The new buzz of magic told him as much.
“He has forsaken the cause.” There seemed to be more but MK finally cracked.
“You said we’d free my friends.”
Wukong raised a brow, watching Azure’s careful sigh and friendly smile.
“And we will, but there is something I must do first. You have to understand?”
MK shook his head. “You promised. I’d go in the scroll and free my friends. You said you’d help me—“
“And I will, MK.”
“No you won’t.”
All eyes faced Wukong. He saw as Peng rolled their eyes, ever the dramatic one, but Wukong chose to ignore him.
“Azure is too set on his goal of overthrowing the Emperor that no other task will matter until that endeavor is complete.”
“And we will complete it. Wukong, you are not one to be so glum.”
“A lot has changed.”
“So much that you would turn your back once more to us?”
Wukong watched as MK’s eyes pleaded at him.
“I would.”
Given that he was the last one in possession of the missing memory scroll, the Diyu was quick to point their fingers on Wukong and claim MK as his accomplice. How they came to that conclusion was, quite frankly, insane and stupid of them. Wukong told them as much while they placed him on trial.
“And yet there is no other living soul we can find.”
“Well, duh,” he sniffed, keeping MK behind him at all costs, “I killed them all.”
“So you could have it for yourself?”
“Because they threatened my subjects.”
This one king was starting to get on his nerves. All his questions seemed posed to specifically point all attention on MK and Wukong refused to bring any attention to him. He’s not blind, there was obviously something mystical with the mortal. What exactly, he wasn’t sure. He could just hear Macaque lecturing him about it. As if that shadow monkey knew anything! He just spent most of his time trying to steal the attention of Wukong’s subjects like the asshole he was!
“And so why was this mortal involved?”
Again, the same king. He was a strange one, his magic not exactly the same as the others. Wukong was not liking the look of him.
And it turned out his instincts were right. As the trial continued and he asked more questions, the King began to call MK the harbinger, a title MK seemed to recognize and freeze at.
But in the end, none of their words held any good defense. Not that Wukong expected anything different. In fact, he was excited for it. Both the Diyu and Heaven have dreamed of shackling him down once again ever since his first havoc. So, when the chains came to shackle MK as well, Wukong felt he was excused enough to start a little mayhem.
Or a lot.
Actually, a lot, a lot.
It was only a pleasant occurance that Heaven chose to bring Wukong up to their realm and place him before the Emperor. And if said Emperor threatened to erase MK out of punishment of Wukong’s behavior?
Who is to say that Wukong is not excused from cutting that old goat down to size?
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pillarsoflove · 1 year
can i request sleep over hcs with any characters? can be platonic or romantic!
hi! yes! sleepovers are so fun 🫶 sorry these are short, I couldn't think of much :(
gn!reader, they/them if any
characters: march 7th, dan heng, sampo, stelle (f!mc), caelus (m!mc)
up for interpretation of platonic or romantic!! fluff 🫶
first off, definitely the type to forget to give you a blanket
but don't worry!! she has a lot of those soft decorative ones, so you aren't short on options, she just forgot
"this is a sleepover! you think you're supposed to sleep??" fr
if you are just friends, she definitely asks about who you're romantically interested in
gossiping about your trailblaze missions!! giggling about some people you met, thoughts on what happened, I'm ngl y'all definitely smack talk people you don't like too
hello!!! dress up?? yes
she doesn't typically like people close to her face, but if you two are close enough to have a sleepover she trusts you enough to allow you near her face! so you can mess with her hair or do her makeup
you both eventually knock out with the lights still on
Dan Heng!
if you have a sleepover you either don't live on the express or it was an accident
in the accident case you probably wanted to spend more time together and ended up falling asleep in his "room" (the archives), or you had a nightmare and being in the same room as him calmed you down
offers you his bed and he'll sleep on a pallet on the floor – it isn't much different from his makeshift bed already – just less padding
if you end up falling asleep after trying to spend more time with him he'll carry you to his bed, not wanting to risk waking you up by carrying you to your room if you live on the express
idc how big you are, he's stronger than he looks, he has hidden muscles similar to swimmers thanks to his weapon!
good luck man, I don't think he has a house
just hops from one hotel/motel to the other
so you're either sleeping in your room, or in a hotel room
if you're part of the astral express, the hotel room is probably the better option considering the hate dan heng and March has for him
and the others probably will as well ngl
anyway! he will offer to sleep in the same bed if the room only has one bed as a joke
(platonic only, or romantic but haven't slept in the same bed yet ->) insult is probably what he's expecting, if you want to catch him of guard, accept, it's funny bc wait?? what?? deadass??
if y'all are friends he's trying to explain it was a joke without sounding like a loser 🤧
probably snores
if you wake him up bc he's snoring too loud he's gonna go on about how he needs his beauty rest so excuse you
honestly, I think she would enjoy chill nights
like she's everywhere all the time during the day, so calm nights are a nice break, plus she's tired from the day
you two do some small activities, like maybe playing a game, or reading, or just talking, maybe watching a movie
the room lights are dim too! off during a movie :)
I feel like she would have a seal plushie..
won't go to sleep until you say when because she doesn't want to make you feel pressured to sleep at the same time as her
though if you take too long she'll probably nod off in a beanbag
offers you her bed too! let's you sleep with her seal plushie if you want (if you have plushies then let her sleep with one at the next sleepover pleasee)!!
skin care together!! you can use each other's headbands for the night, just for fun :)
he also doesn't say when he wants to sleep because he doesn't want you to feel pressured
plus I feel like it's hard for him to get to sleep anyway, so it's not hard for him to stay up
will take an interest in your items if you brought any knick knacks over
like a ring holder, music box, fidget toy, figurine, etc etc
he wants to see what it does and know the story behind it if you have one
honestly, just wants to spend time with you, doesn't care what you do, so it's up to you!
be warned, if you do each other's nails, he's not great at it and will end up getting quite a bit on your skin and the polish on your nails might (will) be a big lumpy
but he does his best! might even try to make a design on it if you ask, though it comes out unrecognizable (he's still happy with it if you are, also, gets happy if he sees you still wearing it a while after!)
once it's time for sleep he'll turn out the lights and plug in his nightlight (apologizes profusely if it bothers you, he can't sleep without it though)
sleeps on a pallet next to the bed while you sleep on the bed
also has a plushie! it's a grey cat
it typically sits on his desk, he only sleeps with it if he's having a particularly hard night, so you can sleep with it if you want
just make sure to put it back on the desk tomorrow though
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revlischarm · 1 year
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Hydrodynamic AU
uhhh hi so. This has been cooking in my brain for a few months now (6???) and basically it’s a ROTTMNT Separated AU with Donnie as the focus but like, y’know. It’s all of them. I call it Hydrodynamic AU cause a lot of it comes from Donnie being more…water-based I suppose?? Either way. Yeah.
The story (if I ever find the willpower to draw it up) would revolve around Donnie going out and finding their siblings in the various locations; not to try and turn them towards the side of light or whatever. Donnie just wants to hang out. The universe has other plans, however.
More on each character under the cut!!! And lmk if any of you are interested in this!
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Donatello Hamato
•Raised by Splinter
•They/them pronouns (Non-binary!!)
•Goes by the usual canon nicknames, but mainly uses “Dee”
•This Dee’s whole thing is being extremely water-based
•Donnie actually knows Repo Mantis before he got mutated! They started sneaking into his junkyard as a kid and got caught and they actually bonded
•When Don got older, they started helping Repo out with repossessing work; the two are even closer after Repo mutated!
•Don usually doesn’t wear their battleshell in this AU! It gets in the way of swimming stuff, so they prefer to be without it most of the time
•All of their stuff is painstakingly designed to the waterproof
•The whole lair has a ton of water slides in it, it’s super fun
•Don is extremely bad at socializing and doesn’t know how to mask (nor do they care for it). Can’t identify social cues well.
•Still friends with April; Don also hangs out with the Purple Dragons regularly (they give them ✨validation✨)
•Athletic only in how they’re an avid swimmer
•Really likes Lou Jitsu movies, and likes hearing their father talk about the films
•Splinter helps them train when they ask, thought Donnie also trains on their own with just. Copious amounts of research and looking up techniques
•Splinter is also extremely overprotective of D due to both their soft shell and the fact that he lost D’s siblings previously.
•More open to active destruction than canon Don?? At least in the way that’s like. More disregarding the well-being of others sometimes. Basically this Donnie doesn’t have their brothers to stop them from doing stuff. Violence and loose morals ensue.
•Builds Shelldon earlier on in life (was lonely and wanted company)
•Don has thoroughly explored the city’s sewers and set up tons of markers so they wouldn’t get lost; they’ve practically memorized the layout underground by now. Don has also installed a filtration system in the sewers to help take care of pollution because they don’t like how icky the waters can get
•Uses more turtle noises than actual words at times
•Fights with tech bō staff, but also knows the basics of other weapons; has the second most proficiency in daggers/knives.
•Doesn’t know anything about mysticism until meeting Mars and Draxum
•Technically, Donnie meets Mars first, then Leo, then Rento. However, we later find out that Don has met one of their siblings beforehand and knew of their existence. But that’s for later.
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Marciano Draxum
•Raised by Draxum
•He/they pronouns
•Goes by Mars most commonly, but other nicknames include Marc, Marcie, Mar-Mar, Marky, Marce, and Marcus
•Draxum is actually a good parent okay
•Instead of Doctor Feelings and Doctor Delicate Touch, we get Sir Feelings and Sir Delicate Touch (they’re used as ranks, it’s some class thing idk. It’s ranked below Baron is all I know)
•At a certain age Draxum started letting them out more (with supervision) and Mars got super friendly with all the yōkai he came across!! Due to this, Draxum has a much stronger active relationship with the Hidden City yōkai community.
•Mars uses their free time to create art around the Hidden City
•Has never seen the surface; wonders what the sky looks like
•Extremely strong mystic powers that were discovered early on
•Mars knows like, everyone in the city, and by the time they’re older are allowed to go about it from the lab as he pleases.
•Has a secret fascination with humans and their stuff that he keeps from his dad
•Draxum mellows out a tad raising Mars, being fatherly and all that. Still wants to take down humanity, he just wouldn’t do it if it meant endangering his child.
•Mars is an extremely adept fighter, having trained with Draxum since they were able to.
•Secret love for Lou Jitsu movies that he found one day in the yōkai markets
•He and Leo have met before and they have a very intense rivalry. Those two. Do not like one another.
•The reason behind the name “Marciano” is that I doubted Draxum would name his kid after some human artist. “Marciano” has French, Italian, and Latin origins, though I was mainly going for Latin when I chose it. It means little warrior! The name also has a lot of relation to the Roman god of war, Mars, which also happens to be the main nickname I picked! So it fits.
•Doesn’t like to kill; would rather thoroughly incapacitate a person through extreme measures instead.
•Terrible swimmer
•Draxum’s whole place is a lot more…nice looking? It’s got more style and creativity to it. Mars helped decorate.
•Fights with kusari-fundo and hand-to-hand mostly. Also knows the basics of fighting with other weapons.
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•Raised by Big Mama
•He/him pronouns
•Trans man
•Goes by Leo most commonly; the other in-canon nicknames still apply too
•Both outfits are colored after Leo’s pride flags
•The paint designs vary a lot, Leo likes to show variety
•After meeting Donnie, he actually starts to incorporate more purple into his color scheme!
•Gay gay gay gay gay gay GAY.
•Fights in the Battle Nexus for fun; really loves the thrill of it.
•Manipulative as fuck, picked it up from his mother. EXTREMELY good at lying
•Gets bored easily and will act out to negate this feeling
•Talks a whole lot while fighting; always making jokes, trying to throw his opponents off their game. (Think Spider-Man or Deadpool)
•Leo can actually get really violent at times
•Backstory behind Leo’s name is that they had an old name when they were younger and hadn’t come out yet, but upon realizing they were trans, wanted to pick out a new name. Big Mama gave him a ton of resources and books and stuff to help with that process, but it was actually in an old book of Lou’s that had been left behind that Leo found the name “Leonardo” and went with that. It’s a really stupid coincidence, but it is what it is.
•The fact that Leo chose that name from one of Lou’s books is bittersweet for Big Mama. And kinda funny lol
•Mars and Leo have a rivalry that formed because of BM and Draxum.
•Super fond of Lou Jitsu movies, but can only ever watch them in secret
•Leo will sneak out to Hueso’s whenever he can because he feels like it’s the one place where he can relax and not have to hold up appearances
•Leo still knows Spanish in this au
•He’s still a very cocky showboat in this, just dial that up to 11.
•Mainly uses ōdachi or katanas to fight, however, Leo tends to just use whatever’s on hand in matches. Knows how to fight with a wide variety of weapons semi-professionally (and I say that loosely, Leo mostly just wings it)
•Able to use mystic powers and uses them well, but prefers not to when fighting.
•LOVES stage magic with a passion, and actually practices it in his spare time.
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Rento Jones
•Raised by the Foot
•She/he pronouns
•Goes by Ren for short
•Backstory for Rento is that little Cassandra was lonely and didn’t have anyone her age in the clan, and the Foot Lieutenant & Brute ended up finding this baby snapping turtle on a whim and gave him to her as a pet. Little did they know Cass just gained a new sister instead of a pet.
•Much more prone to violence than in canon (or at least to anger)
•The name Rento has a few meanings to it, but I mainly chose it because it started with an R and it fit. And was of Japanese origin.
•Cassandra is adamant about the two of them being siblings, and since Ren didn’t have a last name of her own, Cass shared hers
•Rento is still extremely soft on the inside, but is very afraid to show that side to people he doesn’t know.
•The entire Foot Clan will annihilate you if you hurt Rento in any way
•The clan is super fond of its spiky murder reptile!
•Ren doesn’t realize what she’s doing might be seen as “wrong”, he’s just focused on helping the Foot and being proud of that. Only ever hesitates when directly hurting innocent people or animals comes into the picture.
•Rento’s only issue is with hurting innocent people or creatures; she won’t hold back if something gets in his way.
•Cass and Ren have a habit of hyping each other up
•Rento is super proud of looking big and scary cause it means she can better protect the people she cares about!
•Cass and Ren can both speak Japanese to a degree
•She has a huge collection of plushies that have either been gifts to him or were stolen from large businesses; can’t sleep without at least a few plushies around.
•Only turtle of the four who doesn’t know anything about their backstory or having siblings
•Switches between sai and tonfa to fight, but mainly sticks with the sais.
•Second-best fighter of the turtles; also knows how to fight with other weapons in basics. Mainly relies on hand-to-hand combat.
•Doesn’t know anything about mysticism
•Not very good at origami
•Loves watching Lou Jitsu movies, though Cassandra doesn’t share the enthusiasm.
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em0-alpaca · 9 months
after like over half a year or smth i finally finished him
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meet Dante, the master of light!!! [srry for the bad english, i dont think ive ever written lore for any of my ocs lol]
HIS LORE IS STILL A WIP SO SOME THINGS MIGHT NOT WORK WITH CANON!! [i might miss some details, but thats because i dont wanna write too much]
plus in my au, Wu met Morro when the Elemental Alliance was created already and before Acronix and Krux betrayed them. [if.. thats not already canon lol, i dont keep up with when anything happened]
[12-16 y.o.]
- He was one of the most determined and challenging teenagers, training hard.
- Dante has been the youngest member of the Elemental Alliance, making him the main interest as every single elemental master trained him. [his parents went to a journey, leaving him with Wu ans Garmadon at the monastery and they never came back. no one knows what happened to them, although, that didnt effected him much as he was often left with Wu.]
- when Dante was 16 years old, Morro was taken in under the blonde man wings. At first he didnt like it, but after some time he grew warmer to the jet-black haired boy, taking him for a younger brother and training with him. He mightve gotten more protective over him.
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- Dante, too, believed that Morro was the green ninja after Wu talked about it, encouraging him and and lifting his hopes up subconsiously. the rest of the story is obvious.. this was one of the moments that really affected him.
- as he watched the EA fall apart, he craved for more power to fight against evil and find his little brother. he was told his whole life that he should never take his power for granted as its one of the strongest elements, especially with him being exposed to the main source of light very often. Dante, on the other hand, couldnt really deal with others leaving.
- can bend and materialize light into weapons [his weapon of choice were mostly his light blades, but anything dual wielded was fine for him].
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- he could move at the speed of light, often did it to attack his enemies from suprise [not a stealthy ability as he leaves glowing bright lights behind him when using it].
- can flashbang others by either throwing a small light ball at their eyes or snapping his fingers.
- as hes pretty strong during sunny days, at night and on cloudy days he usually uses weapons from Wu. [that doesnt mean he cant use his elemental power, but during his youth his power wasnt so strong with absence of the sun. it only changed what weapons he uses though]
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[18- 27y.o.?]
- one night after sneaking out to clear his mind, a strange figure approached him. it was a tall one, hidden under the black cloak. everyone knew who Dante was, so with no beating around the bush, the mysterious man gave him an offer in joining him. green haired boy declined his offer immediately, but after what he heard he was shocked.. the mysterious man told him that he would help him find his so-called younger brother.
- after making him believe he can erase the evil from all of the ninjago he joined the cult. They burned the mark on his face to officialy take him as their member, making him their leader. the longer he stayed with them, the more corrupted and brainwashed he was, turning him into their weapon. they formed a plan, making an elemental burst and trying to erase "the evil".
- one day, he started his journey to look for Morro, going for days and days into every part of Ninjago, only to find his cold body in the Cave of Despair. he grieved him for a good few hours before finding a field to bury him and let him rest in peace.
- his desire for ubspeakable strenght grew bigger, forcing him into trying to create artificial element of light and mixing it with his own. this, unfortunalety, worked horribly with his mental state and making him more of a villain. when he attacked the city once, Wu was devastated and tried to help him. this lead them to have a fight with Wu desparately trying to convince him and change his mind. Wu after that meeting tried to talk with other elemental masters to stop Dante.
- when the city got under Dantes control after the cult betrayed him and he fought with the new-built Elemental Alliance, he used the Elemental burst. unfortunately, his light element mixed with the artificial one made him fail to destroy anything other the city. this, made him half-blind and left him scarred on his limbs, losing his power.
- after that he finally snapped out of his sinister desires and managed to ran away unnoticed from the city somewhere far away.
- he lives far far away from the town and anyone else in a small cottage house out of shame.
- if necessary, he comes out of the house in disguise to buy some food. hes had various jobs already, but his bad eyesight [no glasses helped with his vision] he couldnt work in too many for too long.
- his elemental power was slowly recovering, but due to the fact that it was corrupted and mixed with the artificial one, it was infecting his body, making it age slower and weakening him over time.
- after so many years he started recieving money in his mail.. perhaps from someone with a kind heart?
- he tries to stay away from anyone with elements and people who couldve been a part of a terror he caused, especially away from Wu.
ive been thinking of making another oc [his child] so for now im not planning on adding too much!!
im not really sure what to add to him in present Dante, but im up for any ideas. :) also i was too lazy to draw more doodles lol!
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duhragonball · 1 month
Chainsaw Man ch.96-97
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tfw you can't believe you ate the whole thing.
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Last time, Makima defeated Chainsaw Man once and for all. She's about to savor her victory, but first she pauses to pay a visit to Flavor Country.
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To be clear, Makima's goal was to secure control over the Chainsaw Devil's power. For that, she needed the Chainsaw's heart, not the version we've seen through most of this series, which was "weakened" by the merger with Denji. Makima's story is that Chainsaw is the one devil that other devils fear, because when it kills a devil, they die forever, and the thing they embody is erased from existence. Makima wants that power to alter the world for what she considers the good of humanity. Unlike other devils, Makima likes humans, although she sees us as little more than dogs. Her utopian vision isn't exactly big on free will.
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But as she plans for her new life with Chainsaw, it turns out that she forgot one thing. One very important thing...
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Motherfucking chainsaws.
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This is awesome, because even though it doesn't make a lot of sense in the moment, it also makes all the sense in the world. That's because in the last chapter, Makima kept scolding Denji for failing to be the Chainsaw Man in the way she expected the Chainsaw Man to be. She thought he didn't "get" Chainsaw Man. She thought he wasn't worthy of being Chainsaw Man. Well it looks like he gets it pretty well from where I'm sitting.
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Turns out the guy Makima defeated in Chapter 95 was a decoy. Several chapters before this, Makima was able to launch Chainsaw Man into space, and he got back down by pulling out his own heart and tossing it back to Earth, where the heart could regenerate itself a new body. Denji vaguely remembers doing this, and figured out a way to do it again here. This time, he tore off a piece of his own heart and it grew into a second body, a proxy who could fight in his place.
We saw Reze do something similar when she attacked that Public Safety facility, so maybe this is something unique to hybrids. Anyway, the important point is that while Makima was complaining about Denji's weakness, she never suspected that she was being lured into a trap.
I think Denji must have made the switch when he was covered in that pile of bad guys earlier in the fight. That way the real Denji could lay among the corpses without being noticed. Either that, or he set up the decoy from the very start, and the real Denji was better hidden than I would have imagined.
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Okay, but so what? Makima's taken worse damage than this and come back from it. What was the point of setting up this whole fight just to do a single sneak attack? Well, that was no ordinary chainsaw Denji just used. He made it with Power's blood. Remember, they made a contract in that dumpster back in Chapter 91, and she gave him her blood in exchange. So I guess that means Denji could use her blood-weapon power, similar to the way Makima could use the Angel Devil's powers. Denji had to exhaust tha ability to pull this off, though, so it's not like he's got Power powers for all time.
Anyway, he sent Power's blood into Makima, where it can attack her from the inside, and apparently that's enough to slow down her regeneration and keep her in this vulnerable state.
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Makima isn't impressed, since she can still recover from this, but Denji's not finished yet. No, he's only just gotten started.
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We jump ahead a few hours, I think. Kishibe complains about his back, like he just helped Denji do a bunch of manual labor. There's still work to be done, but from here it's up to Denji. Kishibe is skeptical that this plan of his will work, but he wishes Denji luck and promises to return and see if Denji survives the attempt. So what the hell are they talking about? What is Denji going to do?
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Well, he starts cooking dinner. He talks to Makima while he does it, and explains that while he still loves her, he can't just ignore all the people who died because of her.
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All he has to do is become one with her. Are you getting the picture yet?
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I don't know how long this takes, but eventually Denji meets up with Kishibe and he's got Meowy and all of Makima's dogs with him. he informs him that he ate it all, and by "it" he means Makima's body.
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Kishibe still can't quite believe this actually worked, but Denji says she didn't regenerate in his stomach, or from the toilet when he pooped all those meals out. Denji believes that his intentions have a lot to do with it. He wasn't trying to murder Makima, but he became "one with her" as an act of love.
Kishibe is more practical about it, and speculates that there must have been some loophole or except in the contracts she made to empower herself. For example, she said she made a contract with the Prime Minister of Japan to transfer her own deaths onto random Japanese citizens. If the specific terms of that contract only referred to enemy attacks, then Denji might have managed to get around it with his "act of love" thing. Makima probably never imagined that someone would cook and eat her, so she never bothered to make a contract to deal with that contingency.
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What Kishibe really wants to know is how Denji was able to get the drop on her like he did at the end. Kishibe's been trying to stay off her radar for a long time now, so the fact that Denji snuck up on her so easily is probably the most impressive part of this story for him.
Denji says he took a gamble, based on everything he ever heard from and about Makima. She seemed to only perceive people by scent.
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And so he gambled that if Makima were in the middle of fighting a Chainsaw Man decoy, she would never notice Denji sneaking up on her until it was too late. Because she never really noticed him at all. She was only interested in the part of Denji that she could exploit for her own purposes.
I don't want to read too much into this, but this whole story feels like it was inspired by a bad breakup. You have this manipulative woman who draws people in by feigning attraction, kindness, and interest, and then once you're in her sphere of influence, she ignores and dismisses you except whenever she decides you're doing something she doesn't approve of. And in the end, no matter how badly you want to please her, no matter how much you want her, you ultimately realize that she never thought much about you at all.
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While they're discussing all of this, some creepy little girl wanders over to pet one of the dogs, and when Denji tries to shoo her away, she bites his finger, and he sees her eyes look just like Makima's.
Kishibe reveals that he brought the kid with him for this meeting. She's the Control Devil, but she's not Makima anymore. He found out she was in China, so he abducted her and brought her here.
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Kishibe figures that if she's left in the hands of some government, or if she's on her own, she'll eventually become just like Makima, so the best thing to do is leave her in the care of Denji, who can bring her up right. Kishibe expects to get busy soon, so he can't handle this himself. Denji tries to bow out of this responsibility, but...
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... Kishibe pulls a Batman on him and vanishes without a trace. So now he's stuck with the girl, but look at her riding that dog like a horse. That's adorable. She says her name is Nayuta.
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So he takes her in. They go home and eat dinner, and then they go to bed, and this looks really cute with all these dogs everywhere.
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As he sleeps, Denji dreams of Pochita, and he finally gets to cuddle with him again. Pochita tells him that his dream was to get hugged, but as simple as that sounds, it was nearly impossible, because the Chainsaw Devil was too powerful and untouchable. So he became Pochita and befriended Denji, and then merged with Denji to become what they are now, and his dream has come true.
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Pochita then explains that the Control Devil's dream was similar. She wanted to have equal relationships with people, but she didn't know how, because she could only experience other people through power or fear. What she wanted was like a family, and that's what led her to try to remake the world. Pochita asks Denji to fulfill that dream for the Control Devil, since she couldn't do it herself. Denji asks how, and Pochita's answer is simple:
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Give her lots of hugs. D'awwwwwwww.
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So where does that leave Japan? Well, there's still devils out there, and the public still needs saving, and Chainsaw Man is still a big hero to the people. Even as these panicky civilians flee, they can't stop talking about Chainsaw Man news 'n' rumors. But while they run away from the monster...
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This dude stands his ground and pulls a cord in his chest. Roll credits.
I don't know, this last panel kicks a lot of ass for some reason. It really does feel like the final shot of the hero at the end of a movie about his origin story. Except I usually find those movies kind of uninspired, and yet somehow Chainsaw Man manages to pull it off. I guess it helps that this storyline has been so long, and it really feels like he earned this moment. The problem with Spider-Man doing it is that everyone kind of already knows how it'll turn out, and Spider-Man's origin doesn't take that long to tell, so there's not much suspense over whether he'll actually get good at this Spider-Man thing.
But Denji's come a long, long way in these past 97 chapters. At this point, all that's left of the main cast is himself and Kishibe, and Kishibe just left town. I guess Kobeni might get back into the Devil Hunting game, but I'm pretty sure she's done with this. So it's all up to Denji from here on, and in spite of everything, he seems to have grown into the role. He's beaten a lot of powerful devils, and he understands the importance of the work, and he has the emotional maturity to stick with it. Plus he's taking care of all those pets and Natuya, so he's more responsible than ever before. He's earned this final panel.
And yeah, that's the end of the Public Safety Arc of Chainsaw Man. There's a Part II of the series, and it looks like it's about 75 chapters or so in, but I don't want to dip into that this month, mostly because I don't think I'd have time to cover it all, but also because I'd like to wait until that arc is finished. So for now, that's it for me and Chainsaw Man.
But I'm definitely impressed with this comic. As I drew closer to the finale, I wondered how the story could get me interested in Part II, and I have to say it did a great job. Denji seems to be on his own, but he's got plenty of old business to tackle, like raising Nayuta and seeking out the Blood Devil. Plus, it's not clear just what happened to those Hybrids he fought in the last several chapters. They seemed to be unkillable, and with Makima out of the picture there's no telling what they might do next.
So I'll definitely be back for more. We'll see how things stand next year.
I kind of hope Denji doesn't eat the bad guy next time...
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istadris · 4 months
A Paperinik fic idea :
Some rich guy offers a very big reward for anyone uncovering PK's secret identity. Usually Scrooge doesn't give a flap about Paperinik, except to shake his cane at him when he's on the wrong end of PK's shenanigans, or when he asks Donald to pass a message to his friend . But now, a reward?? A BIG reward ?? $w$ NOW we're talking!
So Scrooge embarks on a mission to find out PK's identity, while Donald, who heard about it, panicks and goes on to try and sabotage every attempt; especially when Scrooge gets his hand on a photo that proves clearly Donald is Paperinik. I can't decide if it would take place in regular PK or PKNA continuity, but in PKNA, even Uno can't stop Scrooge (and he can't delete the photo as it's not digitalised). Donald's bad luck strikes full force in this story : hijinks ensue, whacky race between Scrooge hellbent on getting this picture and Donald trying to stop him without gving himself away, either as Paperinik or by staying hidden while putting banana peels on the street (and slipping on them) .
They both reach at the same time the building where Scrooge is supposed to give the picture in a sealed envelope (he hasn't had time to check it himself), and of course Scrooge realises Donald has been sabotaging him.
"Yoo good for nothing nephew, you can't help but cost me time and money! If you want the reward, you have to earn it!"
"I don't care about the reward! Please, Uncle Scrooge, you can't give this photo!"
"And why not?"
It's the closest Donald has ever been to reveal his secret identity to Scrooge, but he can't, even now, and he's just staring beggingly at Scrooge. Scrooge who glares back at him. But who has seen Donald beg and whine his way out of many situations. He knows how petulant, lazy, angry Donald looks. This...this is different. This is Donald being desperate.
"Please. If you do it, this...this will change everything for Paperinik. And for me."
Scrooge wavers, then seels himself.
"Out of my way, nephew, I've had a long day," before he pushes Donald out of the way.
Once Scrooge is inside the building and as he climbs up, however...he hears people talking about the situation; how Paperinik's identity will be broadcast on all televisions in the evening.
"Man, I can't wait to see who it is!"
"Yeah, with all the damage he's caused before, he's bound to have so many angry people after him!"
"I wonder where he lives?"
"You think he got any family ? A wife, kids?"
"Nah, this lunatic works alone, I bet he doesn't have a home to return to!"
"Imagine the look on his friends's face if he turns out to be just some average lame-o"
Etc etc
As Scrooge climbs up the stairs, we cut to several people waiting impatiently in front of their TV: friends and family of Donald, Donald himself being utterly depressed in his lair (if PKNA verse, Uno is trying to motivate him to move and brace himself for the upcoming fallout), average citizens, journalists, criminals of every kind sharpening and loading their weapons... With Scrooge thinking back on Paperinik's pranks who's infuriated him before (the mattress! He still hasn't let it go!), but also all the times he's fought to defend Scrooge, and he keeps thinking about Donald's pleading eyes
"Please, you can't give this photo!"
"Sentiment doesn't make money, he should learn about it someday if he ever wants to make it far" he grumbles to himself.
And then. Something hits him. He slowly comes to a halt. Right in front of the rich guy's door.
"This will change everything. For Paperinik. And for me."
"Oh," he says as the door opens, "I'm such a fool. How could I not notice before?"
Cut to Donald watching the broadcast.... Aaaaand by some event which I let you imagine, the photo is NOT the compromising one, but it's pointing out to like, Gloomgold or Rockerduck or a Beagle Boy, which causes a lot of trouble for them but all ends well for Paperinik.
Later on Scrooge bangs the door of Donald's house open, startling him awake from his TV nap (all these emotions took a toll on him):
"DONALD! You better thank me for keeping your secret!"
"Why didn't you tell me Paperinik is your boyfriend?? You think I wouldn't have approved ?? What do you think I've seen back in my days??"
So yeah, Scrooge is now patting himself on the back for being a good ally but also now he's pestering Donald for never bringing his boyfriend home for dinner.
"If it's a serious relationship, Huey, Dewey and Louie should have a chance to meet their potential step-father properly!" He rants to Grandma Donald over tea and biscuits.
"You just want to claim Paperinik as your in-law, don't you?"
"Hmpf. I can tell you, he's an infuriating scoundrel but at least he has good taste."
"...Are you talking about Donald or Paperinik??"
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newtthetranswriter · 1 year
Soulmates? Soulmates.
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Paring: Soren x nonbinary half elf reader
Summary: You were born to an elf and a human in a world where elves and humans don't get along. At the age of five you lost your parents and end up being adopted by the King and Queen of katolis. Shortly after the queen passes, your soulmate bond appears. now you have to try and keep your true self hidden while hearing the thoughts of your not so bright soulmate.
Word count: 6687
A/N: so, this my attempt at a multi part fic, it is a soulmate au cause I'm a sucker for them let me know if you like it and want to read more.
Warnings for this chapter: Death of parents and talk of assassination.
Being born to an Earthblood elf and a human really was not the best thing to happen to me. Sure being connected to the earth arcanum is amazing, when I was younger and still lived near the border of Xadia, my elven father taught me how to use planet magic. I learned how to help crops grow faster and stronger, I also learned how to do minor healing spells. I bet you are now thinking well you got to learn magic. How can that be so bad, well I’ll explain.
You see being half elf, I don’t exactly look very human. While I do have five fingers like humans, but my ears are pointed and have a pair of short branch like horns that sprout from the top of my head. You may be also asking how on earth do you hide that from humans, and there is a fairly simple answer. When I was younger it was easy to hide with hats or head scarfs, but as I’ve gotten older, my horns have become more difficult to hide. To help hide them when I was about five my family took me to The Moon Nexus deep within the human kingdom of Katolis and requested help from the guardian of The Moon Nexus. Lujanne was able to craft a moon opal necklace that created an illusion that made it look like I had normal ears, and no horns. The illusion also makes it so that if someone were to ruffle my hair they wouldn’t feel the horns either. 
There are two other things I need to address before we get into our real story. Firstly not only does this world have magic, elves, and dragons, but everyone here has a soulmate. Soulmate bounds can appear in numerous different ways, some are born with tattoos that match, some can hear each other's thoughts, some can feel each other's pain, basically if you can think of it as a connection it has probably happened. I’ll tell you about my connection later. Every creature, human or elf, has a soulmate. In most cases humans have human soulmates and elves have elven soulmates. On rare occasions a human will be paired with an elf and they are both forced to make hard choices: do they find their soulmate and risk both of them being killed because of disagreements between the two peoples or do they forget their soulmate and try to live normal life without them. My parents were one of these rare mixed pairs, obviously they chose to meet and had me. 
And secondly, like I said before when a human and elf soulmate pair chose to meet it almost always ends poorly. You see when my small family was leaving The Moon Nexus after getting an illusion to hide my true self, we were spotted coming from the Cursed Caldera. My father had yet to cover his own horns and one of the humans who spotted us reported it to the knights of Katolis. We were unaware of them following us until we decided to set up camp a few miles away as it was getting late. As we were about to eat dinner the knight ambushed us pointing their swords at my father.
“Step away from the woman and child, and you won’t get hurt.” yelled one knights as he moved closer to our small family.  
Frightened by the sudden yelling and pointed weapons, I hid behind my mother trying to get as far from the swords as possible. “ Please, you don't understand, I’ve done nothing wrong. This is my family.” I heard my father say as he tried to explain the situation, hoping they would let us go.
The next things I heard were the sound of a bow being fired, something hitting the ground and my mother’s scream of agony. It took me a moment to understand that the knights took my fathers protest as an act of disobedience and one of them shot him. My mother’s scream was one of horror and of pain as she felt her bond with her soulmate snap as my father died.
“You’re safe now, we will get back to town safely.” I heard one of the knights say as he started to pull my mother off the ground, as she had fallen to her knees from the pain in her chest. Apparently my mother was not willing to leave her soulmate's body as she fought with knights to get back to my fathers corpse. I had completely spaced out at this point, having just heard my father be killed and hearing my mother’s cries for her lost love. I didn’t even hear my mother shout at the knights for killing him, or the sound of the knights telling her he was better off dead, and lastly I didn’t register the sound of the same knight who shot my father taking another shot. All I know is that one second my mother was cursing at these nights and the next I was an orphan being carried away by a group of knights who had just killed my only family.
At age of five I had lost both of my parents in the span of a couple minutes all because of an ancient feud between humans and elves that I didn’t and still don’t understand. At the age of five I had to hide my true self from everyone because if anyone found out I would be killed as well. Being a half-elf orphan in a human kingdom was hard. No one even looked my way not because of what I am but because after that night I stopped smiling. No one wanted a kid who didn’t show joy or happiness. That is until Shortly after I turned eight.
At the age of eight I was greeted with something that would shock any kid. The royal family was traveling around Katolis to meet their subjects and see the status of their kingdom. Now you may be asking what that has to do with me. Well, the answer is simple, Queen Sarai saw me sitting alone and weak in the street and couldn’t bear watching a young child not much older than her first born son suffer in such a way. She decided then and there I would be brought back to the castle with her family. King Harrow tried to protest, commenting on how they already had two children and it didn’t make much sense to pick up a random kid from the street, but being the kind yet headstrong woman she was, Harrow had no choice but to agree. And just like that I was adopted into the royal family.
It was weird having a family again, Sarai treated me like her own child and tried her best to get me to open up. It was still hard for me to smile, after a week of being in the castle I had quietly told Sarai about what happened to my parents and accidentally let it slip that I was half elf. She was such a kind woman but I thought she would have me killed for it but she assured me that no one would find out about it unless I wanted them too, even going as far as hiding it from King Harrow. Being able to share that part of me again brought me joy but it was short lived.
Not long after I had joined the royal family, I lost another person who was very important to me. While on a trip into Xadia, to find a magical item to save two kingdoms, my adoptive mother gave her life to save the life of The high mage of Katolis. While I may have only known her for a few months, it felt horrible losing another mother figure and the only person I could be my real self around. To top everything off not only did I lose my adoptive mother but after years of hoping my soulmate bond would never manifest it happened, an hour after I was told of Saria’s passing.
I had been sitting alone in my room crying to myself about life being extremely unfair. I heard a small voice in the back of my head, but it wasn’t mine. Hey, who’s crying? I heard the voice of a young boy ask, but it seemed like he didn’t understand what was going on. I realized almost immediately.  
Of all the times for my soulmate bond to appear it had to be now. I thought to myself not knowing if he could hear me, but my suspicion was confirmed when I heard his reply.
What do you mean soulmate? Wait, don't answer that I think I heard my dad say something about it. So you’re my soulmate, does this mean we are going to be best friends? Anyway, why were you crying? Is everything okay? I heard the boy ask. I had to admit it was nice knowing that there was someone I could talk to right now, who hopefully wouldn’t judge me.
Nothings okay. My adoptive mom just died. I just got her and she was taken from me just like my first mom and dad. I don’t know why this keeps happening to me. I responded to him letting my feelings out that I hadn't voiced since King Harrow told me and Callum that our mom was gone. But I guess if you’re okay with hearing about my problems we can be friends. I followed up trying to make it so my first conversation wasn’t all bad even if I still was sure I wanted a soulmate after what happened with my parents and now seeing King Harrows face after telling his two adopted kids that his own soulmate was gone.
I’m sorry, you lost your mom, moms? I’m not sure which is right but I don’t mind hearing your problems, that's what friends are for. If you don’t mind me asking what happened to your first parents? Also I’m _____ what’s your name? The boy on the other side of my bond said, I was confused by the pause in his last question, but figured it was probably an aspect of our bond.
I don’t think we can share our names through the bond. It’s probably to stop us from finding each other before we are supposed to. And I don't mind you asking about my parents, they were killed in front of me a few years ago. I don’t want to go into detail but after that I spent three years living in the streets before I was taken in by a lovely couple. I left out the fact that it was the king and queen because I didn’t want my soulmate to feel different because I was now royalty by association.
 It’s nice to know someone took you in, I don't know what I would have done if my soulmate was left to take care of themself in the streets. Can we share where we are from with our bond or do you think it will also get blocked? My soulmate responded accepting my answers and questioning if we could at least know where we both are in the world.
I don’t think so, if it’s trying to keep us from meeting until we are ready it probably won’t let us say places. I responded, it was kind of frustrating that i can’t even know if my soulmate is in the same kingdom as me or if they’re an elf or human. But that’s just how some bonds are, some give you all the information you need to find them, while others make it impossible to meet before a set time and place. Hell, even with the ability to hear each other’s thoughts we could be looking right at each other and not know until the universe was ready for us to know. Anyway it’s getting late it was nice of you to talk to me, I guess I’ll think to you tomorrow. I said getting ready for a restless night.
The last thing I heard before falling asleep was a gentle goodnight soulmate. It brought me a small sense of happiness knowing that even though I begged the universe to skip me and not make me have to be bonded with another, it didn’t listen and gave me a connection when I needed it the most.
That was ten years ago, I still talk to my soulmate every day. I’ve gotten closer with my adoptive brothers but I still haven’t told them or Harrow about me being half elf, I just don’t know how they would respond. I did however accidentally tell my soulmate about my heritage. It was a couple years after our bond formed, and I was outside playing with my younger brother Ezran when I had tripped and cut open my knee. I had momentarily forgotten about the person on the other side of my mind, and had silently wished I could just heal myself. What i wasn’t expecting was to be integrated by my soulmate about the comment.
What do you mean heal yourself? Wait, can you do dark magic? My dad and little sister practice dark magic, I’m not a fan of it, it’s kinda sad. I was startled at first but hearing that his family practiced dark magic confirmed my belief that my soulmate was at least human. It was also nice to hear that he didn’t fully agree with their practices.
I don’t use dark magic, it’s horrible and cruel. I responded, how could I ever think of hurting innocent creatures for my own gain.
Ok, but how could you heal yourself, oh my god are you an elf? Hearing his question I froze for a moment. Do I tell him the truth or do I try and say it was just a joke, but then i realized he would find the truth anyways so might as well just tell him.
I’m Half elf, please don’t tell anyone. I know we don’t know each other, but i can’t risk people finding me, i don’t want to end up like my mom and dad. I begged him not to tell anyone. He may not know my face or name but if he shared that his soulmate is half elf, he may be pushed to find me so they can get rid of me. Especially your father, if he really does practice dark magic he might try to find away to get to me. Just please I like my life as crazy as it has been.
I don’t think my father would do that, but if it concerns you that much I guess I can keep it a secret. If you are so worried about people finding out does that mean you live in a human kingdom, I know you can’t say which one but, it’s nice to know we are at least on the same side of the border between the human kingdoms and Xadia. He responded, it was nice that he was willing to keep it a secret even if he didn’t believe people would try to use him to find me. If you don’t mind, how do you hide that you’re part elf, I would think you have distinct features that would give it away.
Yeah I live in the human Kingdoms, and I wear a special necklace that’s enchanted with moon magic to create an illusion. It hides my pointed ears and Horns, but those are the only things that make me look like an elf. I appreciate you keeping it a secret. After that I closed our connection for a bit to have time to myself. We both have the power to open and close the transmission of our thoughts but can sometimes just slip, which is how that conversation started.
Back to right now, where I am sitting watching my younger brother Callum be taught the art of Sword fighting by one of the crownguard. It was honestly amusing to watch, Callum sucks at anything that requires physical aptitude, so instead of training it was more Soren smacking Callum repeatedly with a wooden sword.
“Parry, Parry, You’re dead.” Soren said, hitting Callum in the forehead with the hilt of the wooden sword.
“You know Callum if you actually listened to Soren you might learn how to fight.” I shouted from my spot on the bench. The only response I got was an eye roll before he was once again smacked with the wooden sword being knocked to the ground, followed by a “you’re dead” from the knight enjoying beating up the young prince.
“Really? Are you sure? Even if I was wearing armor?” Callum asked from his place on the ground.
“Even if you were wearing the rarest legendary armor forged by Sunfire Elves… Super dead.” Soren chuckles leaning into the boy's face.
Callum scoffed “I’m terrible at this!”
Soren just responded with a yep and helped Callum to his feat. As much as I wanted to stay and watch Callum get his ass beat by Soren repeatedly I decided it was time to go somewhere else to relax. It totally had nothing to do with the fact that I noticed Claudia approaching, that girl just gives me the creeps. Don’t get me wrong she’s always been kind to me but knowing what she would do if she found out what I am, has put me on edge around her.
“Well I'm gonna go find Ez, see if he wants to go steal some jelly tarts with me. See you jerks later.” I said getting up and leaving.
After a few hours I was just sitting with Ezran and Callum eating jelly tarts, when a guard knocked on the door and informed us that King Harrow wanted to speak with us. We all just shrugged and left towards the Throne room. Now I have a slight idea what was going on, there had been murmurs all day about something happening tonight and I had a feeling it wasn’t good.
When we entered the throne room we were greeted by the High Council gathered around the war table off to the side of the room. Seeing this I knew exactly what was happening. I didn’t say anything because I know whatever we are going to be told will be a lie to try and protect my brothers from the truth.
“Kids! You’re going on a trip. To the Banther Lodge!” Harrow said with what seemed to be excitement, but I could tell he was hiding something. Callum and Ezran shared a look of confusion before Callum spoke up.
“But… It’s spring. That’s the winter lodge.” Callum said, perplexed as to why we were being sent to the Banther Lodge all of a sudden.
“Eh. Winter is coming eventually.” The King responded thinking for a moment.
Ezran looked more confused by what we were going to do there. “What will we do? Everything fun there has to do with snow or ice.”
“Maybe you can invent new versions using dirt and rocks. You could build a dirtman! Or what about mud-sledding? That could be a thing!” Harrow said, trying to cheer up the youngest of his children.
I just rolled my eyes at this. “It’ll be fine Ez, we can find something to do while we are there.” I said ruffling his hair, trying to cheer him up. God why do adults lie to kids, like they aren’t protecting them just prolonging the inevitable. I thought to my soulmate, maybe he would agree with me.
I’m not sure, maybe they just want to keep kids innocent for as long as possible. The world can be a really messed up place. I smiled at his response, he’s right I should try to keep it so Ezran and Callum can be happy kids without having to face the dark truths of our world. What brings this up though, is everything ok?
I’m not sure, my adoptive father is sending me and my brothers away for a last minute vacation and it’s obvious he’s hiding something. I responded to him before realizing we were being ushered out of the room, and being told to go pack. As I walked out of the door King Harrow tapped my shoulder signaling me to stay back for a moment.
I complied, understanding he wanted to say something to me without the boys hearing it. “Is there something else you need me to do, your highness?” I asked, still not willing to call him dad even after ten years of him treating me as his own.
“You know you don’t have to call me that,Y/n. But anyway I know you figured it out, you have always been very observant. I just ask that you don’t tell them until after everything happens, please try to protect them from the harsh truths that await them. Please help Ezran because he is so young and will have to deal with so much, please just help him.” King Harrow asked, he knew i wouldn’t say no, he knew I loved Ezran and Callum, so much to the point I would do anything for them.
I looked him in the eyes so he knew I was being honest. “I promise I will do everything in my power to help both of them. All I ask in return is please tell me what is happening? I understand it is something big and probably not going to end well but I need the details, so I can explain it to them when the time is right.”
“You do not need to concern yourself with the details. If everything goes as we plan, everything will be fine.” Viren said, making his way around the War table. I completely forgot that pompous ass was here. “Don’t worry your pretty little head princess. Now go be good and leave the safety of the King to the adults.” I sneered at the dark mage. He knew that I resented that title. It never felt right not only was I not royalty by blood, but I did not identify as a woman. Everyone in the castle respected that and just called me by my name, except Viren, it’s like he has a personal vendetta against me.
As I was about to snap at Viren for his comments, I was interrupted by King Harrow. “Everyone but Y/n out, I would talk to them privately.” With that the High Council left to give us the room. Once the room was empty and enough time had passed for there to be no one lingering by the door, he turned back to me. “I wanted to talk to you about this privately because I know you have your reasons for hiding it and I know you trusted Sarai, but shortly before our trip to Xadia she told me about you. I know you are part elf and you wear that necklace to hide it. I’m not mad, you have been a great older sibling to my sons, and are a very important member of the family.”
I was shocked, he’s known for ten years that he was raising a half elf and said nothing. He trusted Sarai’s word that I wasn’t a threat and let me live here like a normal human for a decade. Before I could thank him for his kindness he continued. “I believe that with your guidance and support Ezran can change the way things are. Please make sure he doesn't hate elves after tonight, tell him and Callum the truth when you get to the Banther lodge please. Help him forgive them and create a bond between our worlds. As for what is happening tonight, there are reports of Moonshadow assassins gathered in the woods, preparing to kill me tonight under the full moon. Viren is trying to find them or find a way to stop it, but we both know Moonshadow elves aren’t easy foes to best. I ask you to keep your brothers safe and help them forgive even after this. I did horrible things to the people of Xadia and those actions can only be repaid in blood.”
I couldn’t find any words. The man who took me in as a child and raised me like his own wants me to help his sons forgive a group of assassins, and work to bring peace between the human kingdoms and Xadia. It was mind blowing. “You have my word, I will do everything I can. And thank you for accepting me for who I am even if I wasn't the one to tell you.” With that being said King Harrow gave me a gentle hug before walking me out of the throne room.
I slowly made my way back to my room in the castle to pack my bag for the trip tonight completely lost in thought. I didn’t know how I was going to get my brothers to forgive a group of assassins for killing their father, after all I still haven’t forgiven the knights who killed my birth parents. I also had no clue how they would react to me being part elf, they have spent their whole lives being told elves were evil and now I'm supposed to tell them and an entire kingdom of elf hating humans that the king’s adopted child is one of them.
Hey soulmate, are you free to chat? I asked hoping my other half would be able to help me through my thoughts. Even though he tended to be a dork, when it came to serious conversations he was rather helpful with figuring things out.
I’m a little busy at the moment, there is a group of assassins after the King I work for, and I’m currently looking for them, but what’s up? I was completely shocked, what were the chances of two kingdoms facing an assassination attempt at the same time. I started to piece everything together, my soulmate was a member of the Crowngaurd, a group directly in charge of protecting the King, and he was currently out looking for a group of assassins. My adoptive father is a King currently writing out his last goodbyes to his kids because a group of assassins are planning to end his life tonight. Hey soulmate you still there, what’s going on why’d you get all quiet.
Are the assassins Moonshadow elves? I asked knowing that if the answer is yes, I know who my soulmate is.
Uh yeah, how’d you know? 
I took a deep breath before responding. I know because they are coming for my adoptive father, The King Of Katolis, which means we have already met on multiple occasions. I wasn’t sure if he would hear the part about Katolis because if the universe isn’t ready for us to figure it out yet, it won’t let us say places, but there are too many coincidences for it to not be time to figure it all out.
Wait you’re saying you’re Y/n, King Harrow’s oldest kid, but you’re part elf, what, i’m confused. I could hear the perplexion in his voice as he also connected dots but was confused as to why the King of Katolis would adopt a half elf. I laughed to myself as I placed my belongings in a bag knowing I would be leaving my home shortly, but hoping my soulmate would be back at the castle soon so I could look him in the eyes knowing who he really was to me.
Just get back to castle before me and my brothers are forced to leave for the Banther lodge. I want to wish my soulmate luck to his face before he fights a group highly trained assassins. Met me at my room when you get to the castle.
Wait I know who you are but how do you know who I am, I haven’t said my name. I chuckled to myself again.
It’s not hard to figure out that the great crownguard Soren is on the end of my mind, after all how many crownguards have a father and sister who practice dark magic. I laughed as I could hear him chuckle at my comment. 
It wasn’t long before I heard the sound of armor making its way to my door followed by a rather loud knock. I swung the door open to immediately be wrapped in a huge by the tall blonde. “I’m so glad I found you.”Soren said with his head buried in my shoulder.
I hugged him back, pulling him into my room. “ I feel the same, now I need you to promise to stay safe tonight, I know it’s your job to protect the king but I need you to make it out alive. I can’t lose you after I just found you.” I said looking into his eyes.
He was about to respond when there was another knock at my door, when I asked who it was, it was another guard coming to inform me that I needed to find my brothers and get ready to leave. “Hey I’ll be fine, and I’ll do everything I can to keep your dad safe. And don’t say he isn’t your dad, because he is, he’s been there for you for ten years. Now you promise that when you get back, I get to see beyond the illusion you wear. I want to see the real you.” Soren said after the guard had left my door.
I nodded in agreement before leaving the room to look for my brothers, the guard wouldn’t have told me to find them if they were where they were supposed to be. As I walked the halls I ran into Callum, who looked like he was also looking for Ezran, so we started looking together.
As we walked in silence only calling out occasionally for Ezran, Callum stopped suddenly. “Ez, is that you?” He paused to look around, while I looked at him confused. “Hello?” When there was no response we continued on down the hall looking for the boy and his glow toad.
After a few feet we both stopped feeling a presence behind us, Callum started smiling thinking it was Ezran, “You know you can’t sneak up on me.” he stated as we turned around only to be greeted by a Moonshadow elf with her blades pointed directly at us. “Uh, Uh, you’re not who I thought you… You’re one of those with the pointy…”
“Oh, you don’t like my ears?” the elf responded, unamused by the boy’s rambling.
“No. I mean, yeah. Yes, I do, I guess.” Callum said, fumbling over his words. I rolled my eyes at his stupidity.
“He meant the pointy swords.” I responded, for him before he kept putting his foot in his mouth. We both tried to step back from the blades.
“That’s far enough. I’m looking for someone.” The elf said.
Before she could continue her statement and ask questions Callum opened his mouth again. “oh , uh, did you check back there?” He pointed at a curtain, once the elf had turned away, he grabbed my hand and started running down the hall.
When the elf had realized she had been tricked, she started to chase after us. We made our way outside with Callum trying to block the elf’s path with armor stands he knocked over in the hallway. We saw a couple guards and shouted at them that we were being followed. I managed to watch as the elf jumped past the guards and swept their legs out from under them using her blades.
“Hey you swept the leg!” Callum exclaimed leaving both me and the assassin confused by his outburst.
“What?” she asked before stepping closer to us.
“Uh, uh, nothing” Callum said before grabbing my hand again and started running up one of the many towers in the castle coming to the doors of the High mages office. “Lord Viren! Claudia! Anyone!” He shouted as we pushed into the room.
All of sudden we were knocked over by the elf once again pointing her blades at us, now we were cornered. “Neither of you have to die.” She said, stepping closer to us.”There are only two targets tonight.”
I looked at Callum confused, “Wait, two? What do you mean?” I asked the elf, only thinking they were after King Harrow.
“I’m here for the King. And I’m also here for his son, Prince Ezran.” She said moving her blades closer to both of our throats.
We both looked up in shock. “ You can’t. That’s not fair. Why would you hurt someone who’s done nothing wrong?” Callum asked, voicing our shared question.
She pushed her blades closer to our throats, the tips now making contact with skin. “ Humans cut down the King of the Dragons, and destroyed his only egg, the Dragon Prince. Justice will not be denied.” She said matter-of-factly.
I watched as Callum thought of what to say next, when he spoke I definitely was not expecting the words he said next. “I see. Well, then, you’ve found me, I’m Prince Ezran.” I looked at him like he was crazy as the elf processed his words.
I was about to protest when we heard a small voice coming from a large painting, “Callum, Y/n” We all looked towards it slightly confused before I registered who was on the other side.
“Psst Callum, Y/n” ezran called again.
“Shh, go away.” I whispered back as I was closest to the painting.
“But Y/n, I found something.”
The elf stepped closer to me and the painting. “Are you talking to that painting?” she asked, confused by what she was witnessing.
Callum chimed in. “Uh, why would they do that? ‘Cause it’s not a good time.” He said getting a little louder towards the end.
Before either of us could stop her the elf reached over and swung the painting forward, revealing Ezran holding Bait and a jelly tart. “Uh… Jelly tart?” he asked, holding it up to the elf.
“Kid, get out of here.” Calum Said pretending he didn’t know his own little brother.
Ezran looked at me confused and concerned, before addressing our brother. “Callum, What’s going on?” I could hear the concern in his voice not understanding why his siblings were in the high mage’s office with an elf who was currently pointing blades at them.
“Callum? I thought you were Prince Ezran. You lied to me.” The assassin said, realizing she had been tricked.
I started to move into the passage with Ezran as I looked at the elf bewildered “How is he lying worse than you trying to kill someone?” I was amazed she felt offended by a lie when she was here to kill my brother and his dad.
After Callum had moved closer to us, Ez held up Bait for the elf to see him clearly, and asked “Have you met Bait? Say hello to my little friend.” And on queue the glow toad started to glow extremely bright blinding the elf. Taking this as a chance to escape we all moved down the passageway before closing the painting again and running as fast as we could. “Guys, follow me. I have to show you something.” Ezran said as we made our way through the tunnel.
After running for a little while, we could hear our new elf ‘friend’ chasing after us. “You’re only making this worse.” We heard her call out.
“Worse how?” Callum said, antagonizing our hunter. 
“Hey Callum, here's a great idea, don’t antagonize the elf assassin who is chasing us with the intent to kill.” I said, trying to keep up with Ezran as he turned down another path.
“This way” He yelled as we rounded another corner, only to be met with a dead end.
Callum was not impressed with our brother leading us to a dead end and popped off with “We’re trapped. What do we do now?”
Ezran approached the wall and handed Bait over to me so his hands were free before saying. “Time for a puzzle.” He then started to push the different rocks in the wall while saying “Rock, rock, stone, rock, stone, stone. Rock, stone, rock, stone, stone…”
“Wait, what's the difference between the rocks and the stones?” Callum asked, interrupting Ezran’s concentration.
The smaller boy let out a goan before saying “Ugh! You made me do stone instead of rock.” and then he returned to pressing the pattern into the wall. “Rock, rock, stone, rock, stone, stone, rock, stone, rock.”  I just looked at the boy confused, but figured he probably knew what he was doing.
After a moment Ez turned to us and grind as the floor behind us opened to reveal a spiral staircase into a hidden room below. “Wow” was all that came out of Callums mouth before we all made our way down the stairs. 
At the bottom of the stairs, we were greeted by what looked like a dark mages supply cupboard. There were jars of animal parts and random books all around the room. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. The first thought in my head was to ask Soren if he knew about this place as it obviously belonged to his father, but I decided against it as I know he was getting ready to try and protect the king's life. I figured I would let him reach out to me the next time he needs to speak with me just to not interrupt him and his job. 
I failed to notice that Ezran had closed the staircase but I did hear the conversation that followed.
“You’re sure she won’t be able to follow us?” Callum asked.
“No way. It took me over a month to figure out that combination.” Ezran said feeling proud of himself, before the sound of the passage opening again revealing the Moonshadow elf. “But how did you…” Ezran started confused as to how she figured it out so quickly.
She just smirked at him before responding with “ I just pressed the stones with the jelly handprints.” Ezran groaned facepalming leaving a handprint of jelly on his face.
I watched as she inspected the shelves lined with jars, and stepped back lifting her blades and pointed them at the three of us. “What is this place? Runaan was right. There’s nothing in humans worth sparing.” She stepped closer to us.” Times up. Humans destroyed the egg of the Dragon Prince. There must be justice.”
I pushed Callum and Ezran behind me remembering my promise to protect them, making eye contact with the young elf, “You’ll have to get through me.” I watched as she looked me up and down her eyes catching on the moon opal hanging around my neck before stepping closer placing the tip of on of the blades against my neck.
“Realy?” she asked, ready to take out whoever she has to inorder to complete her mission.
“Wait!” Ezran exclaimed. Stepping out from behind me looking towards a corner. “You need to see something.”
She rolled her eyes at this, “I’m not falling for that flashing frog trick again.” She said pointing the blade at Ezran.
The glow toad in question flashed red before Ezran responded to the statement. “He’s a glow toad. But there’s no trick this time. Please, look.” He pointed at an object covered in a cloth.
The elf hesitated, but eventually agreed. “Fine. You uncover it. Slowly.” She stepped back still pointing on blade at Ezran with the other pressed to my neck still.
Ezran walks over to it “I can hear something inside, something alive.” he said as he pulled the cloth of the mystery object. We were all stunned as it revealed a large glowing egg.
Slowly approaching the egg, the elf gasped. “It… it can’t be.”
Me and Callum both watched stunned as Ezran and the elf turned to face us. Callum then voiced what we were all thinking. “ The egg… It wasn’t destroyed.”
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cienie-isengardu · 1 year
Jango Fett' childhood on Concord Dawn
One of the things that I think bothers me the most about Jango Fett: Open Seasons comics series is how a 8 (or 10) years old Jango was told by his dad to repair a harvester
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and then… left alone for who knows how long in the middle of a crop field?
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I was born in the city so obviously I don’t know how life on a farm goes and all so forgive me my ignorance but:
A) Jango was introduced with a weapon in his hand, while he walked through his own family’s property
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and was taught by father how to use a blaster at the age of 8 - 10.
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At this point in the story, I think it is safe to assume Jango’s dad knew Mandalorians were in his field, as he brought food to Jaster and his men. So I assume he was contacted by comlink or he already talked in person with Jaster and he probably had some idea of what was going on - unless Jaster didn’t warn him about Death Watch on his trail, but I think this is pretty unlikely, as the Mandalorians stayed hidden in the field, instead of coming to Fett’s house.  
So there is a reason to think that leaving a kid alone in the middle of the field was not the smartest idea.
B) Jango has never been any technology genius or even that good with it in sources? His jetpack was repaired by a droid whose main job was to take care of little Boba on Kamino. I’m pretty sure Jango as a Mandalorian Merc was capable of maintaining his armor, weapons and ship but if the harvester was so important to put back into use - and I assume this is the case, as Fett’s parents were usually described as simple farmers and the first part of comics clearly represents the season of summer (childhood) and this was very likely grain harvest time  - then I would not pick a kid to do the job, unless the kid was Anakin Skywalker who could fix all kind of machinery, as it was his specific gift. Jango though? I’m not so sure about his 8-10 year old self’ skills.
Of course, the harvester’s problem could be a simple matter but then why not send Arla, Jango’s older sister (14 years old) to either do the job, or help Jango to speed up the repairs? Not saying Arla did not have her own share of duties and all (unless the kids were treated unfair, as Arla did not hold/use a gun against the invaders
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but that could be just matter of her being too terrified or there could be not enough guns which is why only the mother was armed), but considering how the comics implies that Jango’s dad, mother and Arla were at home when he was working during sunny (if not hot) day, in the middle of a field, no shadow, repairing a vehicle bothers me a lot. 
And sure, on Concord Dawn living on farm could be just that tough even for kids, but looking at AotC novel (that admittedly does not mention Jango’s time with Mandalorians at all) 
Other than that, though, this was just a  job,  well  paying  and  easy enough. Financially, he couldn't have asked for more,  but  more  important, only the Kaminoans could have given him Boba - not just a son,  but  an  exact replica. Boba would give Jango the pleasure of seeing all that he might have become had he grown up with a loving and caring father, a mentor  who  cared enough to criticize, to force him to perfection.
This, then, was Jango Fett's greatest reward, right here, sitting  with his son, his young replica, sharing quiet moments.   Quiet moments within the tumult that had been Jango Fett's entire life, surviving the trials of the Outer Rim alone  practically  from  the  day  he learned to walk. Each trial  had  made  him  stronger,  had  made  him  more perfect, had honed the skills that he would now pass along  to  Boba.  
and old source material like outdated starwars.com’s databank entry:
Fett all but disappeared from bounty hunting circles as he took time to raise his son. He sought to experience what his life might have been like had he been raised by a caring guardian.
I can’t help but wonder about Jango’s childhood before the Mandalorians showed up.
So far my research showed, only Fact Files v.3 #14 mentioned he had "as idyllic a life as could be while making a living off the land, in close family unit with his mother, father and sister, Arla"
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which gives some hope Jango's childhood although tough, was a relative happy one.
[Just to be clear here: I don’t think Jango’s biological family was by any means pathological, I just think Concord Dawn is a pathological place as this planet's record is not the best when it comes to people's backstories.]
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writingescapades · 11 months
Livestock II
A/N: Based of my knowledge of Ancient Egypt culture, gods, and society.
Escaping the executioner’s blade didn’t mean your life was safe. Your freedom initiated the start of a new life, one that kept you on your toes. Soon after Prince Cyno released you, you were brought to the magician’s school. You weren’t just there to hone your skills in calming animals. The prince could care less about that. No, he was after a more hidden talent, one that needed rough polishing from an academy and professor. You didn’t have the ability to calm animals, Prince Cyno informed you. You weren’t just a good storyteller. You had the gift of language.
Everyone follows some ideal. They form it at birth and develop it during their lifetime. Experience, environment, upbringing, and education are just a few factors that mould the ideal. A person may never be able to explain what pushes them, what defines their existence, but when their soul connects with the world, understanding occurs. To be able to step in between this bond and act like a spokesperson was not a unique skill in of itself. Influence and influential people were a dime a dozen. But when an individual could reach deep into the soul and etch their words over the existing ideal, such a person could only be compared to a god. And god in the hand’s of mankind becomes a weapon.
You were put through rigorous training. Nights spent studying the art of magic and weaponry. Any free moment was spent with the prince. Everyone had the potential to harm him, especially magic users. So he trained with the best and most loyal, enduring everything in order to retain his position as communicator between the gods and man. Cyno had made his body strong for his people. He studied for his people, and now, he would strengthen his mind for his people.
You would practice your magic on him, convincing him to drop his weapon, weaken his attacks, give up, and give in. He struggled. As a magical user, your words had more hold than the words of a charmer. There were many times where you had to drag the prince off the training field for fear that he had pushed himself too far. But the prince was the chosen heir for a reason. He improved. Slowly he started to resist your words, and as he improved he upped the odds. It became a training lesson for both of you as you learned to simultaneously fight physically and mentally. Neither one of you ever best the other. Instead you subtly shifted into a dance, mimicking the desert wind as it simmered, whooshed, burned, and whipped the landscape into life.
As the prince, Cyno could issue you to do anything. He could send you to Osiris and tip the scales or he could remove your existence from all records both in the living and the afterlife. But the prince only had one rule for you, to never use your magic against him unless he told you otherwise. Once Cyno deemed you as trustworthy and capable, you transitioned to your next role, royal spy. You would sneak into neighbouring areas, assimilate with the people and pick up the threads that built into a coup, an assassination, or a rebellion. Sometimes you were sent as the assassin. A renowned storyteller and singer, sent to a kingdom as a gift. You regaled the audience with favourite stories of Isis putting Osiris back together and warned them of Set. The audience listened in ardour, never noticing the poison you laced in your words, darting them at your targets and slipping away before the carnage occurred.
Whenever you came back from a mission, Prince Cyno was always waiting for you with a food laden table. Your reward, he said. Really though, it was his company that made your missions worthwhile. Under the harsh training, you made no friend. Everyone was either indifferent or they despised you. You certainly built up your share of thwarted assassins. The prince was the only person who would talk with you. Even if it was primarily related to your work, it was still nice to share your thoughts and be heard. It was nice to be able to share a meal and not check if the food was poisoned. It was nice to have someone frown at your wounds and clean them. And, it felt nice to return the gestures.
You knew not to get carried away. You were treated well because you were useful. Yet, that didn’t stop you from offering your prayers to Anubis before and after each mission. Nor did it still your heart’s smile when it heard Cyno calling out the name he chose for you into the night air when he caught sight of your return. The prince would tell you jokes and little tidbits as you ate. Sometimes he would even feed you, his eyes showcasing a subtle excitement for your reaction to the new dish. These moments would soon be trampled by the mission report and planning future steps. Guards were everywhere in case of an attack. Yet still, these were the moments you recalled on sleepless nights when you fought to return back.
When the Pharaoh passed, Cyno dawned his new apparel and took on the royal name. His appointment was celebrated with the start of his tomb. Nobles catered to him, gifts arrived by the dozens, and harems were suggested. To his kingdom he was the new Pharaoh of royal name and godly lineage. His responsibilities tripled as he dealt with all three kingdoms, present, past, and future. When his status rose, so did yours as you became entrusted to take on his reputation as Pharaoh Cyno embraced the light.
Though your duties separated you, that didn’t stop Cyno from reaching out to you with food, fingers lingering a little too long on your lips. Nor did it stop you from tending to his battle wounds, your palm daring to rest on his heart where no wound lay. Neither one of you acknowledged these moments. Words, after all, were a moot aspect in your relationship. What subject addresses a Pharaoh? What Pharaoh attends to a single subject? Still, that didn’t stop you from entering into his chambers, senses anticipating to hear Cyno whisper the name he chose for you into your skin. In these moments, he was still Prince Cyno, the man who gave you a new life. Silence followed the mornings as you slipped away before the Pharaoh had to greet the day.
But, nothing ever lasts in the kingdom of the Nile.
An assassination plan. Easily discovered, routed, and stopped, or so you hoped. But one man slipped away, and in order to stop him from reaching the Pharaoh, you broke your oath. Cyno felt the familiar pull of your magic weighing him down. It had been a long time since your last training session, and he had been easily overpowered by your words, finding himself unable to move as the sword came down. Then blood. Two bodies fell to the ground and the kingdom was washed away by the howls of Anubis for his Anput.
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A Shadow’s Tale - Chatper Two
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Azriel x Pirate!FReader
Chapter Two
Summary: Y/N tries to bargain with the High Lord, ends up stuck 10,000 steps above ground in a house full of secrets.
Word Count: 3,000+
a/n: I was not expecting the amount of love I had on chapter one!! Thank you so much!! I hope you love this one as much!! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts? Happy Mother's Day!
Warnings: none
Of all the lessons you got growing up, swordsmanship was always something you loved. You were good at it. Too good. Your father always proud of having such a weapon tried his best to keep you hidden, safe, but your wild spirit didn’t allow you to keep it to yourself. You were eager to grow up and fight, and train with the others. Even if it displeased the great Captain Hook. You knew you had a target in your back when everyone found out about the daughter of the incomparable pirate of the seas but that never stopped you.
You quickly learned how and when to pick your fights. And that’s why your hands were tied behind your back with shadows. You knew it was work from the spymaster. A shadowsinger, a myth that turned out to be such a weird reality. Who controls lights and shadows? How? 
The High Lord was walking a few steps ahead of you. You kept silent, accessing the dark walls and the dim lights on the ceilings, certainly to intimidate. 
A door at the end of the corridor was open by some force and a room with a table and a few chairs was beyond it. 
The three of you walked inside and Azriel signed for you to sit. You did as told and the High Lord turned around locking his gaze on you. You felt those same claws in the back of your mind and you knew it was him trying to access your thoughts or perhaps your memories. You took a shuddering breath and then you heard his voice in your head. 
We can either do this the easy way or the hard one. Luckily for you, I’ll let you choose. 
Daemati. You thought as you recall the lesson on magics of the mind. 
You saw him smiling darkly and he came closer sitting on the table in front of you. 
That’s correct. Now, tell me. 
You huffed trying to adjust yourself on the chair as your hands were still restrained. You took a look at the spymaster and then looked to the High Lord. You licked your lips before starting talking. 
“If you know who I am, you know why I am here.” 
“Let me tell you what I know, sweetheart.” He purred venomously and you lifted your chin almost in defiance. “You and your crew sailed into my court, through my wards, uninvited.” He smiled narrowing his eyes, “How?” 
“You tell me.” You spat not breaking the eye contact and you saw his smiled faltering as recognition hit him.
“It’s impossible, they’ve been lost at sea since…” He stopped himself and you cocked your head smiling. “How?” 
“I know humans are the ones who write the stories about us, just like they do about you fae, what do they tell you about pirates… Rhysand?” 
The room became very quiet suddenly but no one moved. 
“Where is it?” He said suddenly and you could feel the darkness of his power on your skin. His emotions coming through his power. Your smile never faltered even if your heart was trashing wildly in your chest. 
“That will depend… Do I and my crew have your blessing to stay and recover after Hybern’s hit?” 
“You want an alliance?” His eyebrows rose and he laughed mockingly scratching his chin. “Your father was allied with Hybern, you all helped attacking the Summer Court, I had to send my Illyrians and my army to help stop the bloodshed… And now you come into my court wanting alliance?” 
“Now, don’t put us all in the same bag Rhysand.” You spat his name, “My father’s choices were never my own.” 
“You all crawled from the same sack, I don’t care if you had a say in it, I don’t trust you, why should I after everything?”
“Hybern does not know of the existence of these objects, or better said, that I have them in my possession… They could be the difference between winning and losing the war.” 
“Who else knows about them?” 
“Me, my second, now you and the creep in the corner.” You took a glance at the spymaster and winked mockingly. 
“I want to see them, then I’ll make a decision.” He got up from the table and you furrowed your brows.
“You see that’s not gonna happen.” He looked at you with a death promise in his eyes and you stood face to chest to him and looked up. “You know they’re real and you know I have them, after all how could I have sailed past your wards?” You noticed Azriel stepping closer and preparing to jump on you if you did something to his High Lord. “We will do this my way, or we can forget this meeting at all and I’ll sail somewhere else… I kind of miss the spring anyways.” You raised your eyebrows defyingly and you felt him in your mind before he spoke. 
Do not disrespect me in my court Ms Hook. And be careful with the game you’re playing, let’s all hope you’ve got it in your arsenal to back up all that talk.
Is my alliance such an ordeal for you that you can’t see beyond your hatred? 
I’ll think on it. 
What about me and my crew? 
“There’s plenty of lodges and apartments in the city, your crew might visit and stay while we negotiate the terms of our… situation.” He said and nodded to the spymaster who stayed put with his gaze fixed on you. “Everyone will be closely watched, one foot out of way and I’ll know.” He came closer to your face and you swallowed, your confidence and adrenaline slowly leaving your body. “And you will be the one paying for it.” 
You only nodded as he started walking out of the room. 
“What about me?” You looked at his back as he walked away but he only waved his hand dismissing you and you scoffed. “Entitled prick.” You muttered and felt a cold hand on your elbow. 
“You’re coming with me.” Azriel said with zero emotion crossing his face and wondered if Rhysand also had been talking to his spymaster this whole time. Suddenly you felt like a fool but quickly shut out the thought. 
“Where? Back to your five star hotel?” 
“No, this one has a better view.” And without another word he and threw you over his shoulder making you yelp. 
Flying. You were flying. 
You couldn’t help the giggle that left your mouth at the sight. The city underneath was so small the people looked like ants. The cold bite of the wind and the adrenaline pumping your blood made your cheeks flush. Nothing could ever compare to the feeling of being so far away from the ground. You took one look at Azriel’s face and you saw some sort of amusement in his face but he quickly concealed it. 
His grip on you was firm and you felt him everywhere. It was intoxicating, his touch, his scent. Not once he spared you a look, his focus was ahead and you look in the same direction seeing the building you were approaching. 
It was breathtaking and you couldn’t help but gape at the view. 
“That’s where we are going?” You shouted over the wind in his ear and he didn’t give up any reply. 
His wings kept beating at a steady pace and you observed them curiously. 
After you left the dungeons, he made you promise to behave if he were to unrestrained you. You agreed and when he picked you up bridal style you couldn’t help but laugh at the situation. 
“Flying is the easiest and fastest way to get to where we’re going.” He had told you, “I hope you don’t get flight sick.” He said before taking to the skies making you hold onto him tighter. 
You reached a hand towards the base of his left wing feeling how waxy the membrane was and then you  were screaming as you lost some altitude. You gripped him tighter closing your eyes preparing for a hit. But it never came, you were still in the sky as he quickly recovered. 
“Don’t.” He snarled at you, “Ever touch my wings again.” 
You looked in his eyes and you saw the hatred and darkness in his gaze. There it was was. The ruthless killer you always heard people talking about and fearing. And you were in his arms, hoping he didn’t decide against his High Lord and drop you and make you go splat on the city grounds. 
You made no more sounds, only looked away. Finally you reached the balcony and he dropped you on the ground not so gracefully. 
“I’m… I’m sorry…” You blurted getting on your feet but he had already gone inside the double doors. You took a few deep breaths trying to contain your emotions. 
You were not going to cry over that idiot treating you like shit just because of an innocent touch. Not after all you’ve through with you father and Hybern. You waited a few minutes breathing the fresh air and then walked inside. The room was silent and you looked around trying to find Azriel but there was no sign of him. You frowned.
“Who are you?” A feminine voice came from behind you and you quickly turned to find a girl with golden brown hair and grey-blue eyes staring at you with her arms crossed over her chest. 
She was wearing what you recognized as Illyrian fighting leathers but you frowned at the pointy ears and the lack of wings. 
“Is… This place your house?” You lifted your chin and she walked closer. 
“Sort of,” She frowned, “Who brought you in?” 
“I did.” Azriel appeared from other room, which you guessed was the kitchen as he was holding two cups of water. 
At least his anger seemed to ebbed away as he walked towards you offering you one of the glasses. You eyed it suspiciously and then looked at him, he rolled his eyes. 
“It’s not poisoned, just take it.” He forced it into your hands and you took it offering him a fake smile. 
“Always the gentleman,”  You said and took a sip. Your throat felt immensely better afterwards. 
“You’re a pirate?” The girl asked directing my attention back to her. 
“Sort of,” I answered just as she had and she chuckled. 
“Fair enough, are you hungry?” 
“Starving.” You replied and walked towards her. 
Something about his girl just attracted you and for some reason you knew you could trust her. 
“I’m Nesta,” She guided you towards the dining room and plates with food appeared at the table magically. You gawked at it and you heard her laugh. And it was such a lovely sound. 
You took a sit. “This is a lot of food even for me,” You joked and she simply smiled taking a seat on your left, Azriel sat on your right.
You heard it then, the commotion and the voices and laughter. Your smiled faltered and you stood there between them staring at your empty plate as the table filled up with other fae including the now familiar dark presence.
The silence settled and you felt all their eyes on you. You swallowed and then you heard him.
“This is Miss Hook, she will be joining us for a while.” The High Lord spoke amidst the silence and you finally looked up at him in confusion. 
Be nice. He talked into your mind and you lifted your chin nodding slightly. 
“What’s with the costume?” A red hair male asked in confusion taking in your clothes and you looked at him. He looked so out of place in this court. In your best guess you’d say he belonged to the Autumn Court. 
“I’m a pirate.” You replied softly and slowly taking in his surprised reaction. Then looked around the room and frowned. 
No one else seemed surprised by this, the High Lord must have warned them. But there was a female with fae features, golden brown hair and brown eyes who also seemed surprised and curious. 
“A pirate? Like from the human stories?” She asked, her voice was soft and her beauty made her look so innocent like a fawn, you only nodded. “They are myths amongst mortals… Do you have a ship?” She was smiling in awe and you chuckled. 
“Yes, I could show you someday if you wish.” Azriel went stiff next to you and you looked at him.
“It’s not that great, I’ve seen it.” The general, who was sitting across the table from you said and you looked at him narrowing your eyes. 
“You clearly have a lack of taste then.” Nesta on your side laughed lowly into her napkin and you saw the general chuckling too as they exchanged a look. 
You felt like there was some joke you were missing out on and suddenly felt like a fool. Silence fell again and everyone started eating. 
“I’d love to visit it someday.” The female spoke again and you looked at her with a grateful smile. 
“So you’re he daughter of Captain Hook, just like in those stories?” The female sitting next to Rhysand asked.
“In the flesh.” You answered dryly tired of being the bottom of the joke and you gained a glare from Azriel, the general and Rhysand. “What?” You swallowed your food looking at them one at a time.
“Be careful how you speak to my High Lady.” Azriel narrowed his gaze and you looked between the males and the female, Feyre Archeron. 
You had heard all about her. From Under the Mountain to the High Lord of Spring, to Rhysand. You nodded in recognition. 
“My bad… Your majesty.” You saw her rolling her eyes but not at you, at them. 
“Ignore them, and please… don’t call me your majesty.” She snorted a laugh and you gave her a polite smile. 
She would be a great ally in order to get Rhysand to accept an alliance with you and your crew and you made a mental note to try to get her alone to speak. 
After dinner the food and plates vanished with the same magic they had appeared and you looked at the now empty table curiously. 
“Are you going to take a drink with us how are you going to keep gawking at the table?” The tall blonde female appeared holding out a glass of wine for me and you took it from her mumbling a thanks. 
She was about to leave the dining room to join the others but you grabbed her delicate hand stopping her. She turned to you with her eyebrows raised and a smile, “Yes?” 
“What’s your name?” You gave her your best smile.
“Morrigan, but my friends call me Mor.” She gave me a bigger smile this time, “My cousin can seem all big and scary but the fact that you’re here and not stuck in the dungeons means he trusts you… Well, kinda.” She laughed and you only nodded. 
“What did… What did Rhysand told you… about me?” You asked in almost a whisper and she looked at you as if she was searching your face for something. 
“Rhys is… not very trusting, specially if people come through his wards and sail in unannounced.” She chuckled and you joined, “He is a good male, and I don’t know what it is but… There’s something about you... Different. Good.” You swallowed trying you best not to react at that, “And I know he sees it too.” 
You only nodded and you both joined the group. You walked to the balcony appreciating the cold air the castle in the sky gave you. You closed your eyes and took a breath in thinking back to your crew, to Bonny and Sebastian who were probably worried sick about you. You had to go to the city and find them. Make sure they were alright. Make sure that the High Lord had kept his promise. 
How could you trust any of these people? What if Bonny was right and this won’t be as easy as you thought? What if you just walked into a trap? How far up are you right now? How the hell do you reach the ground floor from here? You walked back inside taking in the group that was now sprawled around the living room.
Azriel was in a corner talking to the beautiful female from earlier. They were super engage in a conversation mostly whispering. The red head male was talking to Rhysand, his posture was tight, just as it had been during dinner, as if he was uncomfortable around them in a way.
Morrigan was sipping her wine and talking to Feyre in one of the couches.
Nesta and the General were cozying up on another couch and realization hit you. Mates. You could definitely smell it now that they were close together.
“I’d like to go to back my crew now.” You announced to the group and Rhysand looked at you smiling darkly while shaking his head. 
“You’re free to take the stairs if you dare, but you’re staying here otherwise.” He said and you chuckled.
“I’ll take the stairs then.” You said decisively and you heard some chuckles. You’re a fool. Your brain seemed to scream at you but you shook off the thought walking towards the door that was hiding the stairs. 
You opened them and inhaled loudly. 
“How many?” 
“Ten thousand.” It was Nesta who had replied and you closed your eyes taking a deep breath. You turned to the group. 
“Can’t one of your bats take me?” You bit off annoyed.
“My bats are not mules, so no.” He replied with an irritating smile on his lips. 
“Where am I supposed to stay then?” 
“Nesta will show you to your rooms,” you saw the female glaring at him but getting up all the same and making you to follow her. 
You asked for some alone time once you got there and she let you to explore the room that was huge. A four poster bed against the further wall in the middle, a walk-in closet and a door that gave access to the bathroom. To the right of the window there was a ceiling to floor window that opened to a balcony. Everything was decorated in Night Court style and it seemed incredibly cozy despite the dark decorations. 
You turned towards the door locking it and then decided for a bath. You took your time in the bath and noticed that the water did not get cold despite how long you were under it. You smiled saying a little thanks, to who you didn’t know… Magic. You chuckled a little playing with some bubbles and then playing with the water creating water balls in between your hands and fingers. The buzz of creating magic making your heart beat a little faster. 
You really liked magic, but as no one else knew about it, you could only yield it in private, where no one could see you. Despite the feeling you had of being observed at that very moment.
Who is it? Are you paranoid or is someone actually watching you? What do you think is going to happen next? I can't wait to hear your thoughts and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! <3
Next Chapter
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teecupangel · 1 year
Tee, I'm adding another fandom to our Isekai Protagonist Desmond bunny bank. I finally got around to playing Rune Factory 5 (after being distracted by a bevy of other games) and was hit by the idea that Desmond would find eating BREAD to gain new crafting recipes to be really fucking wild. Like. How in the hell?! And that, to separate them from normal bread- they're. They're just. They're just called [Insert Craft] Bread and that's it.
For example! You want to make a potion? Gonna have to scarf down some Chemistry Bread! A new battle-axe with added poison damage? Weapon Bread! Wanna learn how to make some, I dunno, soup dumplings to woo the local wolfman himbo? (Or himbo wolfman, either way he's pure of heart and dumb of ass.) Well, you might need to level up your cooking skill but once you've gotten a level (or three or ten), then you might get lucky after chowing down three or four Cooking Breads but when you don't get any sudden bursts of enlightenment after that then you're gonna need to level up again!
All of it might have Desmond questioning reality some more but at least he's got some eye-candy to make up for it all! (And we could even make some of the potential husbands local expies of his usual AC partners. And yes, you can choose to romance and marry your own gender now in RF and it's non-fantasy sibling game Story of Seasons.)
(Just in case anyone is wondering, Story of Seasons is the real Harvest Moon sequels, not whatever ‘Harvest Moon’ game Natsume Inc is publishing. If you’re wondering if it’s a real ‘Harvest Moon’, any Harvest Moon released in the US by 2014 named ‘Harvest Moon’ are not part of the real series under Marvelous/Xseed)
Okay, so let’s talk about Desmond waking up in some weird place he has no idea ever existed in his own world. People assumed he has amnesia because he ‘forgot’ so many things about their world but Desmond is pretty sure he’s been transported to a different world.
Exhibit A: monsters.
Exhibit B: the logic behind these… ‘specialized’ breads.
So Desmond is left with no choice but to… well… go with the flow.
He has no idea why they gave him a farm though but… it was nice.
There was something nice about how everyone was helpful. It made Desmond feel like he was truly part of Rigbarth. SEED sounded fishy as hell though so he didn’t agree to joining them (also, he didn’t want to join any organization right now).
Desmond liked to think of this as his retirement.
And it was fun trying to figure out how this world works. There was a lot to do for the farm but, even though that was true, Desmond had never felt more relaxed.
There were also a lot of kind people who didn’t mind joining him in exploring what lies beyond Rigbarth.
Hell, he even got a monster ranch going on in one part of his farm.
And then…
A man with amnesia going by the name Lucas arrived in town and…
He believes he knows Desmond.
He doesn’t seemed to remember when or how though but it was a clue. A clue to why Desmond had been sent here…
But the real question is…
If he finds the answer to his questions… would he be able to return to his old world?
Did… did he even want to?
Unorganized Notes:
I kinda like the idea that the bachelors and bachelorettes remain who they are and this will be a case of Desmond finding love in the ‘strangest’ of places.
His children though… the game gives 3 (1 older and twins) so that means we can have Desmond’s children be reincarnations of Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton (called Connor in this one). The twist can be hidden at the beginning on and Desmond learns they’re really his ancestors later on. This does mean that you’re free to choose who Desmond falls in love with (or make it a vote idk).
Considering Lucas’ true identity in the game, this might end up being one of those “eternal love” setup where Lucas used to be an Isu who created the world Desmond is sent in as some kind of simulated universe and placed his conscious there to escape the Solar Flare millenias ago. Minerva’s last ditch effort to save Desmond pushed him into the Grey and Lucas noticed that Juno was trying to take him so he grabbed Desmond and yanked him to his ‘safe world’. Lucas lost his memories because Desmond isn’t part of his world so Desmond’s sudden appearance caused a chain reaction that ended with Lucas’ amnesia (as he’s being repaired). His children being ‘reborn’ is actually his Bleeds gaining their own bodies.
Will Desmond make his own Brotherhood in this one? Probably not. At most, he’d teach his children Assassin-like tricks to help them be safe but not train him the way Bill did. That’s why it took a while for Desmond to realize his children are his ‘ancestors’. Ezio was the one who realized something fishy was going on at the start because (1) his older brother is named Altaïr and (2) one of his parents is named Desmond. The monster and fantasy-esque setting of the world he was reborn in offkiltered him a bit though XD
Up to you if you want to have an actual ‘oh the world is in danger… sorta’ plot as well or you just push it in the background with Lucas and Radea and let Desmond have his retirement.
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