#like is it not pronounced queer?? Q- WERE? like????
horangslay · 6 months
you're telling me they debuted a girl band called QWER???
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
At a bar in Euljiro, one of Seoul’s up-and-coming hip neighborhoods, two voices intertwined in a duet. One was high-pitched, the other an octave lower.
But there was only one singer, a 27-year-old named jiGook. The other voice was a recording made years ago, before he began his transition and hormone therapy deepened his voice.
“I don’t want to forget about my old self,” he told the 50 or so people at the performance, a fund-raiser for a group that supports young L.G.B.T.Q. Koreans. “I love myself before I started hormone therapy, and I love myself as who I am now.”
Like many other South Korean singers, jiGook, who considers himself gender fluid, transmale and nonbinary, wants to be a K-pop star. So do Prin and SEN, his bandmates in QI.X, a fledgling group that has released two singles.
What makes them unusual is that they are proudly out — in their music, their relationship with their fans and their social activism. They call themselves one of the first openly queer, transgender K-pop acts, and their mission has as much to do with changing South Korea’s still-conservative society as with making music.
In the group’s name — pronounced by spelling out the letters — Q stands for queer, I for idol and X for limitless possibilities. Park Ji-yeon, the K-pop producer who started QI.X, says it is “tearing down the heteronormative walls of society.”
Very few K-pop artists, or South Korean entertainers in general, have ever been open about being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer. Though the country has become somewhat more accepting of sexual diversity, homophobia is still prevalent, and there are no legal protections against discrimination.
For entertainers, coming out is seen as a potential career killer, said Cha Woo-jin, a music critic in Seoul. That applies even to K-pop, despite its young, increasingly international fan base and its occasional flirtation with androgyny and same-sex attraction.
“K-pop fans seem to accept the queer community and imagery so long as their favorite stars don’t come out explicitly,” Mr. Cha said.
That’s not a compromise that QI.X is willing to make.
The bandmates’ social media accounts, which promote their causes along with their music, are up front about who they are. So are their singles, “Lights Up” (“The hidden colors in you / I see all the colors in you”) and “Walk & Shine,” which Mx. Park says “celebrates the lives and joy of minorities.”
“Someday, we want to be on everyone’s streaming playlist,” said Prin, 22.
As a producer, Mx. Park, 37, who identifies as queer and nonbinary, has worked on hits for well-known K-pop acts like GOT7 and Monsta X. But she wanted to make music that spoke directly to people like her, with “an artist who could encapsulate our lives, love, friendships and farewells.”
She met some of the QI.X members through a K-pop music class she started in 2019, designed with queer performers in mind. (In other classes, she said, “It was assumed that female participants only wanted to learn girl-group songs and male participants only boy-group songs.”)
SEN, 23, said that when Mx. Park asked her to join QI.X, “it was as if a genie in a bottle had come to me.”
SEN had been a dancer and a choreographer for several K-pop management agencies, including BTS’s agency, Big Hit Entertainment, now known as HYBE. The people she worked with knew she was queer, and they were welcoming.
But whenever she auditioned to join an idol group, she said, she “never fit the bill for what they wanted.” People would say she was too short or boyish, or comment about her cropped hair.
That’s not an issue for QI.X, which doesn’t aspire to the immaculately styled look of the typical K-pop act (and, in any case, couldn’t afford the ensemble of stylists those groups have). Individuality, they say, is part of the point.
QI.X often performs at fund-raisers, for L.G.B.T.Q. and other causes, and sees its music as inseparable from its activism. Maek, for instance, an original member who sang on both singles but is on hiatus from the group, works for the Seoul Disabled People’s Rights Film Festival and volunteers for a transgender rights organization.
With no support from a management agency, Mx. Park and the group do everything themselves. They handle their own bookings and manage their social media presence, recording videos themselves to post on TikTok and Instagram.
Many of the videos are shot at LesVos, an L.G.B.T.Q. bar in Seoul that often serves as QI.X’s studio and rehearsal hall. Myoung-woo YoonKim, 68, who has run LesVos since the late 1990s, grew up at a time when lesbians were practically invisible in South Korea. “I would often think, ‘Am I the only woman who loves women?’” they said.
The QI.X members adore Mx. YoonKim, whom they call hyung, a Korean word for older brother. During a recent video session at LesVos, after dozens of increasingly comical lip-syncing takes of “Walk & Shine,” Mx. YoonKim started to join in. Before long, everyone was bent over with laughter.
To a casual observer of K-pop, it might seem surprising that so few of its artists are out. As Mr. Cha, the music critic, notes, L.G.B.T.Q. imagery has been known to surface in K-pop videos and in ads featuring its stars.
Some critics see this phenomenon as “queerbaiting,” a cynical attempt to attract nonconformist fans — or to deploy gender-bending imagery because it’s seen as trendy — without actually identifying with them. To Mr. Cha, it suggests that K-pop has a substantial queer fan base, and that some artists might simply be expressing their identities to the extent they can.
Mr. Cha thinks the taboo against entertainers’ coming out reflects a general attitude toward pop culture in South Korea: “We pay for you, therefore don’t make us uncomfortable.” (Similar attitudes seem to prevail in Japan, where one pop idol recently made news by telling fans he was gay.)
QI.X’s fans, who call themselves QTZ (a play on “cuties”), love the group for charging over that boundary. Many are overseas and follow the group online, leaving enthusiastic messages. “I’m so happy I can finally have an artist in the K-pop industry that I can relate to on a gender level, on a queer level,” one said in a video message to the group. “I’m so excited for you!”
The band also gets hateful messages, which its members do their best to ignore. Prin, 22, is optimistic that attitudes in South Korea are changing. (Joining QI.X was Prin’s way of coming out as gender queer, but friends were much more surprised by the news that Prin was in an idol group.)
The biggest show of QI.X’s career, so far, was in July at a Pride event, the Seoul Queer Culture Festival. In recent years, it had been held at Seoul Plaza, a major public square. But this year, the city denied organizers permission to hold it there, letting a Christian group use the space for a youth concert instead.
Activists saw that as discrimination, though the city denied it. Conservative Christians are a powerful force in South Korean politics, having lobbied successfully for years to block a bill that would prevent discrimination against gay, lesbian and transgender people. Organizers held the festival in Euljiro.
For its set, QI.X had about 20 backup performers, some of whom were their friends (Mx. YoonKim was one of them). They had rehearsed only once together, on the festival stage that morning, because they hadn’t had the money to rent a big studio.
Christian protesters were picketing the festival, some with signs that read “Homosexuality not human rights but SIN.” But fans were there, too. As QI.X sang “Lights Up” and “Walk & Shine,” hundreds crowded in front of the stage, many wearing headbands that were purple, the group’s color. There were Pride flags, and signs that read “We only see you QI.X.”
Hours later, the excitement still hadn’t faded for QI.X. “I felt alive for the first time in a while,” SEN said.
Text by Jin Yu Young, photos by Chang W. Lee (if you have a NY Times subscription or a free trial, the videos and photos of this piece are wonderful!)
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lemonsharks · 3 years
sometimes I think about cho chang
I need to be working at work, not writing an entire essay (too late) about How To Introduce Cho Chang (for starters, not with that name) And Not Have Her Entire Character Arc Be A Massive Fail
And, well, it would build out into a large not!fic that I am not starting because: I am also working on a queer/ish regency romance series set in magical england (still figuring out what bits of 'worldbuilding' to keep/toss, as "adding magic" means keeping sexism etc is now a deliberate choice)
1) introduce important characters for later as soon as you can
2) portray them through a lens other than the pov character's thirst, ie, people go for "friends to lovers" way more than they go for "she's hot to lovers"
3) portray characters through their actions, not their stated traits
4) if you're pulling a late- or mid-game love interest switcheroo, and you want audience sympathy, you really need to do it with a character for whom you've already built some sympathy.
Anyway. if I WERE writing the Cho Character Redemption Fic (because I'm already writing the not!fic apparently...)
fix Cho's backstory:
She'd be chinese-korean, for one: two muggle-born parents, bonded over being asian at the most anglo school in the universe. ("My English name is X. My Chinese name is Y. My Korean name is Z. I answer to all 3 of them so pick the one you can pronounce without extra coaching and do not call me [Offensive mispronunciation Q].)
Cho's grandparents are the expected amount of disapproving that their kids (1) did not follow their plans for their educations and (2) married outside of their nationalities but (3) ADORE their granddaughter enough to (begrudgingly?) follow their kids rules about grandparenting (most of the time).
Cho herself appears periodically throughout books 1-3 as a peripheral friend of Harry and Hermione who is sometimes called upon when they new eyes on a problem
She still sorts into Ravenclaw, but it's as much for her common sense as her book smarts. She's seen around campus as a friend to Luna in books 2-3.
Introduce Cho earlier, via not cancelling quidditch in book 3.
an overheard/witnessed conversation in ... book 1 or 2: Some Tool: "Where are you from" Cho: "Glasgow" S.T.: "No I mean where are you REALLY--" Cho: "Whin ah say a'm fae glescae ah mean a'm fae (*&^%!) glescae "
at which point Harry realizes that that wow, 1) wizards have some of the same prejudices muggles have, and 2) he'd like to get to know this girl better, because she has a firecracker personality. ie, make her More Scottish.
Book 2 or 3 sees Cho become Harry's Quidditch Friend.
Book 3 sees Cho become Hermione's Study Friend/
Cho catches the snitch but Gryffindor wins the match; Harry is gracious about it and Cho responds, cheerfully, in defense of both her teammates and the Gryffindor team's skills. They have some time so they get into an interesting conversation about snitch-catch "end with points" vs "simple end" rules (does catching the snitch end the match and earn 150 points or does it simply end the match? this is a matter of DEEP IMPORTANCE and MANY impassioned letters to the editor.) At some point we find out that Cho reads The Quibbler, which gives her some unexpected depth. "Only under the covers with alohamora ;) "
Re-arrange the trio, Hermione's backstory, GOF dynamic:
Ron and Harry are already fighting, but this time Hermione firmly takes Ron's side.
Because Hermione's parents are dentists, but they're also dentists in the 80s and living anywhere from just to oh shit above their means. Plus, the GBP to Wizard exchange rate skews heavily in favor of Wizard, and Hogwarts tuition, which richer than god Harry doesn't have to worry about, is expensive. Books and tools are expensive. Even cat food (you think Crookshanks tolerates anything but the bougiest of magical cat food?) is expensive.
Hermione Understands Poverty, and while it's not like Ron understands poverty, it is in her own way. She has talked her parents into telling her more about their finances than she has any right to know. ("Nothing that's actually happening could possibly be worse than what I've come up with in my own head.")
Hermione was a scholarship kid at her primary school but she's not one at Hogwarts (something about )
She has significantly less patience for Harry's empty-headed "it's just money, it's not important"ing
Because this Hermione? has come home to find the lights turned off because Dad paid the credit cards and not the electricity, then forgot to call the electric company and arrange a payment plan), but she's never woken up hungry the week before payday because Mum magicked extra food into the family dinner.
She's not Rich like Harry and her parents would NEVER self-identify as working class and probably don't vote labour, despite it being against their best interests and she's absolutely listened to her parents argue about whether paying their own mortgage or their employees' salaries is more pressing, because one too many patients wrote them a hot check this past fortnight.
(the answer is your employees. you pay your employees before you pay yourself. then the business bills. then your own household bills.)
So you get a secondary trio for GOF:
Harry, Cedric, and Cho
Harry approaches Cedric early on and goes: I swear I didn't put my name in the cup. You're the real champion and I'm going to stay out of your way so you can *be* champion.
Harry deliberately loses all of the Triwizard events, because he didn't sign up and he's not supposed to be there and they can force him to participate but they can't force him to try.
Cedric and Cho are not dating, but they are very dear friends (Cedric having been Cho's Dad Friend during books 1-3, as she also had a lot of Hufflepuff friends.)
They activate the room of requirement without realizing they've activated the room of requirement, because Gryffindor is being shitty to Harry about not trying to win and Hufflepuff is being "???????" to Cedric for befriending Harry.
Cho asks Harry to the yule ball, because all the boys are too intimidated by her to ask for themselves. Harry accepts. It's weird but not bad-weird but still weird-weird. They decide to keep being just friends for now.
They (Cedric and Cho particularly) have suspicions about "Mad-Eye" that none of them can substantiate, which is DEEPLY FRUSTRATING.
"Mad-Eye" keeps creeping on Harry, which causes Yet More Conflict with Ron and Hermione ("special treatment, ugh") but which Cedric and Cho find fucking creepy because it's fucking creepy
Harry comes to rely on Cedric and Cho for reality checks--and more importantly, learns how to ask for a reality check when he needs one.
At some point Harry gives up his conviction that Something Is Up With Snape, to be turned upside-down and sideways in book 5-6-7.
Someone, probably Cedric, spells it out in small words money makes people weird. It's a pride thing, and it's stupid, but when you don't have any money you have to cling to what you do have, and so very often that's pride, therefore setting up his reconciliation with Ron and Hermione at the beginning of book 5.
Harry actually puts in some effort in the maze, but only once he realizes that Cedric and Cho are in danger.
Ending is roughly the same as canon book 5.
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thevagueambition · 4 years
Thank you so much for answering my ask! They/them pronouns were the next question I had :) Could you share any other queer Danish words? Also, I know there are more vowels in Danish than in English; what words would be good to speak/listen to to practice those? Finally, although I know words aren't pronounced how they're written, is it safe to assume words that are spelled the same (like ending in -lige) all have the same pronunciation, or not? (sorry for all the q's in a row!)
Okay, so I’ll do a separate post for Danish queer vocab, because otherwise this ask will get REALLY long
Hmm, I’m not sure what words make good pairs for comparison... When I was trying to learn how to read IPA (I still can’t really, but at least I’m not completely lost) I looked at this page, which might be useful.
I suppose To (two) / Tog (took) / Tog (train) is an interesting comparison. To and tog in the first meaning are pronounced the exact same. Tog as in train is pronounced with an Å-sound (ɔ) instead.
Are useful bit of orthography to keep in mind is that double consonants always denote a short vowel. Eg. the difference between vener (veins), which uses a danish e sound, and venner (friends), which uses more of an æ sound, is the difference between a long vowel (vener) and a short vowel (venner). 
Other examples:
at male (to paint) vs malle (catfish)
at læse (to read) vs at læsse (to load (eg a car, never something digital))
at kysse (to kiss) vs kyse (bonnet)
byge (shower, as in sudden rain) vs at bygge (to build)
dame (lady) vs damme (ponds)
biler (cars) vs biller (beetles)
at køle (to cool) vs kølle (club, as in the weapon)
Each of those pairs have different vowel sounds, which is orthographically denoted by the difference between a single consonant and a double consonant.
Hmm, common prefixes or suffixes, such as “-lige”, can be assumed to be pronounced the same way between words for the most part. In a more generalised sense, though, there are a lot of homophones, as illustrated with the two meanings of tog above.
The prefix “gen-” with the hard G most of Danish has might be conflated with the “gene-” of eg. generøs (generous), genere (irritate) or genert (shy) which uses more of a soft G (close to Danish J) because they are originally loanwords from French. That is always the origin of that type of G in Danish, for the record. Confusingly, though, not all French loanwords used as soft G, eg general (general, as in the miltary title) uses a conventional Danish G. 
Anyway, excepting cases like that, common prefixes and suffixes should be pronounced the same across the board.
Hope this helps!
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disasterhumans · 6 years
1/ This is a gender advice question, feel not to answer, you were just talking about nb feelings earlier and I don’t know many nb people. Is it ok to identify as nb as a point of connection with other people? To explain: I know I’m a lesbian but I’m dysphoric and don’t really have a specific sense of gender- gender just doesn’t make sense to me and I have NO clue if “nb” describes me. But other people with similar gender feelings to me seem to identify as nb so is it like. Okay to ID as nb so
2/ that other people have a vague idea of what I feel? I know nb lesbians have a variety of experiences but at least when I introduce myself as such people might understand my feelings a little better without having to explain them? And I could connect to other people with similar feelings? Is this ok or am I appropriating stuff? I don’t understand or like gender and identity is really hard for me. I feel like all I know is that I’m a lesbian with weird gender stuff. Sorry if this is weird (End)
Before I get to the rest of my answer I’d like to say: there’s nothing weird about this ask! I am always happy to answer asks from questioning folx, or people who feel uncertain about their identity.
I think one of the most important functions of labels is to communicate something about yourself to other people. When it comes to matters of gender and sexuality, I think labels help make communities more visible, and easier to find. Being able to find other people who share that same identity is a good reminder that you aren’t alone. Labels are a form of solidarity as much as they are a type of self-categorization.  
Putting names to feelings can help clarify what those feelings are.The first time I found the word ‘demigirl,’ the way I thought of my own gender began to feel a little less confusing. I don’t think it’s a word that fits me perfectly, but it articulated a concept of being able to identify with womanhood (and identify with womanhood specifically) that I hadn’t yet encountered so explicitly. As an identity/label ‘non-binary lesbian’ is useful in similar ways. While I identify as bi, I definitely understand and relate to the idea of being a person who identifies with womanhood and who wants for form intimate relationships with other women (or other woman adjacent humans).*
The beautiful thing about the word ‘non-binary’ is that it demands nothing from you outside of not identifying with a specific “binary” gender. It’s possible that ‘agender,’ might also be a label that you connect with. (And if not, that’s also okay!) Not all agender people identify as non-binary, but if you don’t identify particularly strongly with either “binary” gender–whether that be because you’re somewhere in between them, or to the left of them, or entirely outside of the gender system in general–then “non-binary” is definitionally a word that you are allowed to use. Even if someone does only really identify with one “binary” gender they can use the word if it captures something about the way they experience their gender. (Since I think this ask was prompted by my thoughts about Beau being non-binary–I think that you could totally read Beau as someone who primarily and singularly identifies as a woman, but who also has sufficiently complicated feelings about gender in a way that makes ‘non-binary’ feel like a word that fits.)
Also, the concept of appropriation in relation to queer/trans/non-binary identity is complicated in and of itself. I’m not saying it doesn’t exist–cis and straight people can and do appropriate aspects of queer culture all the time–but I don’t think that labels are a site for queer culture appropriation. We include a “Q” for questioning in the acronym for a reason. Gender and sexuality are legitimately super complicated, especially when the vast majority of us have been raised and socialized to assume that straightness and cisness are the default. I’d argue that feeling nervous or unsure about using a particular label for oneself is almost a quintessential queer experience.** ‘Non-binary’ may not always be a word that feels like it fits you, but if it fits who you are now, and helps you connect with other people, and live your life more comfortably, it is most certainly not appropriative to use it.
Also, also: please do not let my verbosity fool you, I also think gender makes no damn sense and I deliberately picked a name for myself that can be pronounced multiple ways to intentionally confuse other people as a reflection of how confusing I find my own gender. For me, ‘non-binary’ sometimes serves as an “it’s easier just not to think about this” container. That picture of all the china falling off of shelves behind a closed glass door? That’s my gender.
*I’m not sure how much other people use the phrase “woman adjacent,” but that’s language I often use to refer to myself, and I find it to be good shorthand for describing non-binary people who experience their gender as relating to womanhood or femininity. 
**If you’re one of the rare few who immediate found your One True Label, more power to you, you are still quintessentially queer ;)
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mycroftrh · 7 years
I was tagged in this by @gayspacehippie um... more than a month ago... but I didn’t see the email until just now so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
a- age: 24
b- birthplace: Waukegan, Illinois (part of Chicago)
c- current time: 18:56:11
d- drink you last had: Starbucks Doubleshot Espresso (two)
e- easiest person to talk to: my brother
f- favorite song: Hmm...  I don’t really rank them that precisely... but out of my top twenty or so, two are Top of the World (Imagine Dragons) and Defying Gravity (Wicked).
g- grossest memory: I think when I got knocked over by one of my horses into a poop-urine-mud-rain-hay slush.
h- horror yes or horror no: Honestly, I just find horror kinda boring.  It doesn’t really scare me, aside from the instinctive reaction to jump scares, so it’s really just sitting there waiting for people to die.  Lame.
i- in love?: Ehhh.
j- jealous of people?: Sure, sometimes.
k- killed someone?: I kill fire ants with prejudice.  (I’m lethally allergic).  Otherwise like... I’m an ethical vegetarian and a pacifist... so.
l- love at first sight or should I walk by again?: Love at first sight is bullshit, and is only physical attraction.
m- middle name: I’ve got several - my full name is Mycroft VL Mendel Danger R----.  (Yes, Danger is my middle name.)
n- number of siblings: One brother.
o- one wish: Mm...  Either to get bottom surgery or to successfully get a job as a college professor in Queer Studies. 
p- person you called last: Either my mother or my brother - but both were butt-dials (from them).
q- question you’re always asked: "How do you pronounce your name?” or “Ma’am... uh... Sir?”
r- reason to smile: Dogs.
s- song you last sang: Stressed Out (21 Pilots).
t- time you woke up:  Uh... like 4PM?
u- underwear color: Blue and maroon stripes.
v- vacation destination: I’m going to Romania in June for the month.  And SDCC in July.  Both of which are high on the list.  Places that I’m not already going...  Iceland, UK, Star Wars Celebration (does that count?).
w- worst habit: Is a trigger warning.
x- x-rays: I’ve been x-rayed for kidney stones.  Funnily enough, when I broke a rib I didn’t get x-rayed (I didn’t get any treatment at all, which... might be why it still hurts occasionally two years later).
y- your favorite food: Muttar Paneer or Malai Kofta, probably.
z- zodiac sign: No.
I don’t really feel comfortable tagging people, sorry, but if you wanna do it, consider yourself tagged, I’d like reading this for any of y’all :)
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sampagu · 6 years
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            Is megan fox bisexual?
28 Stars You Might Not Know Are Bisexual
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Sharon Osbourne recently made tabloid headlines for coming out as bisexualafter she opened up about her sexuality on "The Talk." The only problem? She never actually said she was bisexual. 
The incident highlighted just how much confusion there can be around sexual identity and also served as a reminder of how little many people know about what it really means to be and identify as bisexual.
When they aren't being forgotten about, erased or misunderstood, bisexuals are often characterized as greedy, hypersexual or indecisive in mainstream culture, the media and in the queer community.
But bisexuality absolutely is a valid sexual orientation, and one just as worthy of celebration and visibility as any other identity.
One way to foster more discussion and understanding of the identity is to highlight the lives and experiences of bisexual people, especially highly visible ones. Below, check out 28 celebrities who have spoken out about being bisexual.
For more info and resources about bisexuality, head here.
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1 Megan Fox
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In a 2011 Esquire interview, Megan Fox confirmed her bisexuality, stating, "I think people are born bisexual and then make subconscious choices based on the pressures of society. I have no question in my mind about being bisexual. But I'm also a hypocrite: I would never date a girl who was bisexual, because that means they also sleep with men, and men are so dirty that I'd never want to sleep with a girl who had slept with a man."
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2 Billie Joe Armstrong
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The Green Day front man opened up about his sexuality in a 1995 interview with The Advocate: "I think I've always been bisexual. I mean, it's something that I've always been interested in. I think everybody kind of fantasizes about the same sex. I think people are born bisexual, and it's just that our parents and society kind of veer us off into this feeling of 'Oh, I can't.' They say it's taboo. It's ingrained in our heads that it's bad, when it's not bad at all. It's a very beautiful thing."
3 Margaret Cho
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Comedian Margaret Cho has long been open about her sexuality. In August 2013, Cho discussed the semantics surrounding her open marriage to artist Al Ridenour, saying that she's "technically not able to stay with one person sexually because I’m bisexual,” and joking that she just “can’t stop up that hole.” She also identifies as queer, and opened up about her sexuality in an interview with HuffPost Gay Voices Editor-At-Large Michelangelo Signorile.
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4 Clive Davis
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Twice-married record executive and music mogul Clive Davis came out as bisexual in his 2013 memoir, The Soundtrack Of My Life. Davis opened up about two long-term relationships he had with men after his divorce from his second wife.
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5 Anna Paquin
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Anna Paquin is adamantly open about her bisexuality. The actress told "Zooey" magazine in a 2009 interview, "For me, it’s not really an issue because I’m someone who believes being bisexual is actually a thing. It’s not made up. It’s not a lack of decision."
6 Megan Mullally
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After telling The Advocate in 1999 that she was bisexual, Mullally clarified her statements in an interview with Queerty, telling the blog: "I said that I thought that everybody is innately bisexual. I think there are different levels of awareness attached to that, so I may believe that everybody is innately bisexual, but somebody who is very homophobic may not see that quality in themselves in any way, shape or form. That’s on a very philosophical or even metaphysical level, you know what I mean? It’s not something that I think people are ready for yet. I think if you ask the average guy on the street if he was innately bisexual, he’d be like, ‘What the fuck are you talking about?’ and then he’d punch you in the face. So, we’re not quite there."
7 Azealia Banks
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The rapper has been openly bisexual since the early days of her career: "I mean, I'm bisexual, so it makes sense. But I don't want to be that girl who says all gays necessarily hang out together, of course! I have people say to me, 'Oh wow, my friend is gay, too,' and I'm like, 'Yeah, so?'"
8 Andy Dick
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Many people mistakenly assume that Andy Dick identifies as gay. However, he told The Washington Post in a 2006 interview that, "just because I've been with guys, and I'm bi, doesn't mean I'm gay."
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9 Bai Ling
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Actress Bai Ling is openly bisexual -- and the identity category has often provided some humorous mix-ups involving her first name. According to GLAAD, she discussed it in-depth in a 2009 interview with Entertainment Weekly: "[A]t first when I was in the United States I didn't always have an interpreter in interviews and I didn't speak English so well. There was some confusion. My name is pronounced 'bi,' so when I was asked, 'Are you bi?' I said, 'Yes, I am Bai.' Do you like men? 'Of course!' Do you like women? 'Why yes!' And later I found out what that means and I said, 'Sure, I am bi!' But I think the interpreters and the reporters thought that I didn't know what I was saying because I was so open about it. They were uncomfortable about it. Such a thing is not important for me."
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10 Carrie Brownstein
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The "Portlandia" star and former guitarist and vocalist for Sleater-Kinney is often assumed to identify as gay. However, she told "Willamette Week" in 2012 that, "It’s weird, because no one’s actually ever asked me. People just always assume, like, you’re this or that. It’s like, ‘OK. I’m bisexual.’”
11 David Bowie
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Though David Bowie has historically played coy surrounding his sexuality, he clarified the subject in a 1976 interview with "Playboy." "It's true -- I am a bisexual. But I can't deny that I've used that fact very well. I suppose it's the best thing that ever happened to me."
12 Snooki
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The always-polarizing Snooki sat down with The Huffington Post in February 2012and sought to clarify her sexual preference. "I would consider myself bi. I've done stuff with girls before. But I would never be with a girl because I like... penis. But I've experimented."
13 Amber Heard
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Amber Heard has been openly bisexual for quite some time, and discussed this aspect of her identity in "Elle." The model and actress told reporters: "[I] didn't want to look like I was hiding anything."
14 Angelina Jolie
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Angelina Jolie has been open about her sexuality for quite some time, having had numerous encounters and relationships with women. She reportedly told OK Magazine that, "I have loved women in the past and slept with them. I think if you love and want to pleasure a woman, particularly if you are a woman yourself, then certainly you know how to do things a certain way."
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15 Evan Rachel Wood
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Evan Rachel Wood came out on Twitter in 2012: “I myself am bisexual and have always ‘joked’ about Miley giving me gay vibes. Not a bad thing! Just an observation.”
16 Sapphire
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The author of Push, the book that inspired the critically acclaimed film "Precious," describes herself as bisexual.
17 Drew Barrymore
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Drew Barrymore originally came out in an interview in Contact Magazine in 2003, saying, "Do I like women sexually? Yeah, I do. Totally. I have always considered myself bisexual... I love a woman's body. I think a woman and a woman together are beautiful, just as a man and a woman together are beautiful. Being with a woman is like exploring your own body, but through someone else."
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18 Frenchie Davis
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This former "American Idol" and "The Voice" contestant came out in 2012, telling her fans that she had been in a relationship with a woman for the past year and had dated men and women.
19 Vanessa Carlton
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Musician Vanessa Carlton came out publicly at 2010's Nashville Pride, announcing to a crowd of 18,000 that, "I've never said this before, but I am a proud bisexual woman!"
20 Fergie
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The Black Eyed Peas front woman confirmed speculation surrounding her sexual identity in 2009 through an interview with The Advocate: "Q: After you discussed past sexual experiences with women in an interview with 'The Sun' in May, headlines everywhere read, 'Fergie Admits She’s Bisexual!' A: The funny thing is that I was very open and honest about that from the very beginning, and everyone was acting like it was some new trend. Go back four or five years, people, and you’ll see the same answer.

21 Pete Townshend
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In his book, Who I Am: A Memoir by Pete Townshend, this musician confirmed that he is "probably bisexual" and cited his attraction to Mick Jagger, calling him "the only man I've ever seriously wanted to fuck."
22 Tila Tequila
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Tila Tequila is not one to shy away from anything. The former Myspace celebrity did several reality shows centered around identifying as bisexual, beginning with "A Shot At Love With Tila Tequila." She was also the girlfriend of Casey Johnson, the Johnson & Johnson heiress, who passed away in 2010.
23 Amber Rose
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Amber Rose has long been perceived to be openly bisexual without actually addressing the way she identifies. In an interview with Complex magazine, the model sought to clarify the rumors: "They label me a bisexual freak stripper that fucks Kanye on a daily basis. To answer that: I’m extremely open with my sexuality. I can be in love with a woman, I can be in love with a man. I’m not into bestiality, but as far as humans go, I definitely find beauty in everybody, whether they’re heavy-set, super-skinny, if they’re white, black, Indian, Asian, Spanish. I can see beauty in anybody. I’m not into threesomes or orgies and shit like that. If I see a women and I think she’s beautiful and I like her, and she likes me back we can definitely try to be in a relationship together."
24 Cynthia Nixon
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Currently married to wife Christine Marinoni, Nixon confirmed in a January 2012 interview with The Daily Beast that she is bisexual. The "Sex And The City" star stated, "I don’t pull out the 'bisexual' word because nobody likes the bisexuals. Everybody likes to dump on the bisexuals... We get no respect."
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25 Jillian Michaels
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The first lady to ever come out in "Lady's Home Journal" as bisexual, "Biggest Loser" coach and personal trainer Jillian Michaels told the magazine in 2010: “Let’s just say I believe in healthy love. If I fall in love with a woman, that’s awesome. If I fall in love with a man, that’s awesome. As long as you fall in love… it’s like organic food. I only eat healthy food, and I only want healthy love!”
26 Kim Zolciak
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Former "Real Housewives Of Atlanta" star Kim Zolciak was in public relationships with both the mysterious "Big Poppa" and DJ Tracy Young before marrying Kroy Biermann. In a 2010 interview with Life & Style, interviewers posed the following question for the reality queen: "Q: Do you feel you're giving a voice to other bisexual parents? A: I'm among the millions of parents who have been in a gay or lesbian relationship. It hasn't been an easy road lately, but I feel there are no mistakes in my life. Everything happens for a reason. To have the opportunity to speak for myself and to have people understand what I'm going through is really special. I myself was confused and scared at first. Being able to speak from my heart and get this all out, it's a huge relief for me."
27 Lady Gaga
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Lady Gaga has been open for quite some time about her bisexuality, initially coming out in a 2010 interview with Barbara Walters.
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28 'Mama June' Shannon
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Charles Norfleet via Getty Images
The star of "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" revealed that she's bisexual in an "Inside Edition" interview in April 2015. Her daughter "Pumpkin" Lauryn Thompson also came out as bi at the same time.
Correction: An earlier version stated Megan Mullally spoke with The Advocate in 2009. The interview took place in 1999. This has been corrected.
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