#like it's a shame i haven't built them yet lol
good morning!! <3
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oneslimybastard · 4 months
Ghetsis facts:
>At least two grunts are scared of him (musharna being able to spook them off with visions of being scolded by Ghetsis)
>His speeches does in fact convince some people to release their pokémon or at least second-guess their view on the trainer-pokémon relationship
>Tells the grunts to give Bianca's Munna back
>Persuasive enough to essentially wiggle some of his Guys out of arrest in Driftveil, even if Clay does it reluctantly
>Knows Reshiram and Zekrom would not fuck with him so he picks up a miracle child from the forest to do it for him instead. Raises said child kind of like his own but also kind of not, there's a deliberate distance put between them
>Did make this wonderchild who can speak to pokémon and are clearly very empathetic towards them hang out with pokémon who had been mistreated for the purpose of instilling an ideology in him.
>Randomly has 3 ninjas who are just ride or die until the end of time for some reason
>Lots of team plasma is ride or die for him actually, otherwise Neo Team Plasma wouldn't have been a thing
>He rubs the death of Alder's partner pokémon in the mans face. All cheeky beaky like. Because he can.
>He will tell the teenager his Adopted I Swear Not Related Promise son is fixated on as a rival all about how he basically groomed say son into doing all of this dragon bullshit while having them cornered on a bridge. Then just casually walks off. His ninjas are there too.
>Will also happily tell said teenager they probably aren't that special or chosen or whatever, lol lmao, seems like ur dragon haven't woken up yet, dw maybe it will, lol.
>Cannot take an L to save his fucking life. Will lash out at everything and everyone around him and build a stupid airship with a stupid laser powered by the crinkly old grandpa of the dragon trio and do a terrorism before taking an L
>Refers to himself as being PERFECT while inhaling massive amounts of copium
>Needs a cane in bw2 and is only ever seen using one of his hands, so probably physically disabled to some degree
>Strong enough to jam the butt of that cane into the solid frozen earth of a cave. Probably just kind of a visual metaphor for him being threatening but also Hear Me Out What If He's Fucking Built-
>N is ride or die for him enough to still try and get through to him during the bw2 climax despite having been utilized as a silly little pawn yet again. This does not work, because as previously mentioned, man just cannot take that L
>When faced with literally no other option but to take an L, he passes out. His ninja squad punctuates this with him probably not being a threat anymore.
Ghetsis interpertation:
I think all of these things weave together into just a very fascinating person when you look at them a little deeper. Someone who's clearly charismatic enough to acquire that much loyalty, love, and fear — but also not equipped to handle the shame of failure in the god damn slightest. When threatened he devolves from a calculated cult leader above it all to a snarling animal fighting for its life, because he's probably rotted away behind a mask of perfectionism for years rather than done any significant growth as a person. He's clearly intelligent, probably highly emotionally intelligent because if he wasn't he wouldn't be able to pull this shit, but all of that shatters and breaks and splinters with one (1) crucial failure. He tries to recuperate but can't, the survival instinct is breathing down his neck because to him the shame of being a human like the rest of them rather than the perfect ideal he's been forging is scarier than anything that could actually physically kill him. He blames N, he blames MC, Colress, just about anyone and anything that doesn't end up pointing back to his own shortcomings.
And still! N probably loves him! And it's probably genuine! He wants to connect with him and breach that gap and give him ibuprofen because even if he's shown himself to be cringe, that's still his father, which is something he values enough to try and hold on to. And the ninja guys remain ride or die, so there's clearly something to him other than schemes and trickery, something genuine and beautiful that might not in practice be worth fighting for but it sure feels like it.
A beautiful man who's warped himself into a demon because he couldn't stand his own humanity because he's probably autistic and traumatized from his undefined childhood, and when he's beat down, rather than taking that L at long last, he'll curl up in his little cage, continue to snarl and tell himself over and over that this is what he is. What he will always be. He couldn't become god so he resigns to dying a devil. Because even still, that is preferable to him over taking that L, admitting to himself he is just a little guy like other little guys with problems he couldn't cope with, and that it caused hurt and destruction.
Devils don't feel regret or shame, humans do. And he'd have a loooot of that to chug through if he decided to face it. So he won't.
which is just very sexy and milfy and babygirl of him i think. this is my "why ghetsis is like so sexy actually" manifesto, without even tapping into the juice that is him going "nuh-uh" over his own dang disabilities but that too ties into how he can't cope with his own imperfect humanity so u know. Also that he's just kinda sassy and petty. Amazing. 10/10 best written character not in the games but in my brain.
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by-kilian · 11 months
I don’t know if you read the aot manga ending or seen the anime’s finale ending- but if you have. what’s your thoughts?🙌🏻
Hey lovey dovey! I have read the AOT ending (forever ago when it released?) but I haven't seen the finale because I no longer watch the show (which I'll explain lol). I'll try to put my thoughts below a cut to avoid spoilers.
I truthfully wasn't a fan of the ending. 🥶 When it originally came out and I read it, I absolutely hated it and I still honestly hate it to this day, so much so that I flat-out stopped watching the show because I knew that it was heading towards that end and I didn't want to be invested in something that ended so poorly. A lot of people stopped being fans of the AOT once that ending came out. I vividly remember texting a friend who loved AOT as much as I did like, "bro...wtf?????" We were so upset. We had just come off the tail-end of the horrendous ending that was GOT and felt like we got smacked in the face with yet another horrendous ending for AOT. I just think the ending did not do the story justice. It didn't do the themes of the story justice either, if anything, it went backwards on them. We went on this incredible journey with these characters for 10+ years only for them to kind of end up right back where they started. The ending made the entire story and the character's hardships and journeys feel like it was for nothing, which is never a great feeling for a story. I don't think that was always the original intention. I truthfully think Isayama forgot the story, and his characters, and as a result of that, he changed a lot in order to satisfy some people, foregoing whatever his original end may have been for an ending that he thought audiences would be more receptive of (he's also admitted to changing things because of stuff he's read online).
Isayama himself also admitted that he "lost" his characterization of Eren and imo, you see it in the text. He said Eren didn't make sense to him anymore. WE SEE THAT. Eren's motives made no sense. EREN made no sense. Nothing he did made any sense, and nothing in that entire finale made a lick of goddamn sense 😭. I think he lost his story and what we got in the end is a result of that.
I, and a ton of other people, were so disappointed. And I remain as such. It is a shame to me. Isayama built such a cool world with so many memorable, iconic characters, and the story fell off with a flat horn sound that wound up confusing and upsetting more people than it made them happy.
The only thing that made me happy in the end was that Levi survived. That was about it. My man lived, that's all I cared about 🤣.
I am so sorry for the rant. I hope that my analysis or thoughts won't change your feelings either if you enjoyed it! On the flip side of many of us who didn't like it, there are those who did. I'm happy for the people who liked it because I certainly wish I felt the same since AOT will always have a place in my heart.
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So I'm running @battlebotschampionshiptournament and right now we're doing a revival round. Normally I try to keep my opinions on what bots are sexy and not to myself as I don't want to influence the vote. But I think that in this specific case that there are enough participants that are being voted on, and so long as my opinions aren't posted to that account that it won't change things much. Because so far... There are some things that are very entertaining about how things are turning out thus far!
Group 1: It is very funny to me that there are 4 rookies in that group, so it's not surprising that HYDRA is winning by a decent margin! But damn... I like Big Dill and Beta... Like, Big Dill's builder only has one hand, and he's still a really good driver! I can't help but to like Big Dill for that! And why do people not like Beta!? It's a hammer bot like dark horse Shatter! And it has that big ol' honkin' wedge! That wedge is sexy as hell, and so is its big ass fuckoff hammer! One hell of a scary hammer! It's a shame that not many people are voting for Beta! I love Beta! Also poor Banshee with no votes. Makes sense, but still.
Group 2: It's surprising just how well Ominous is doing, and how not well Skorpios is doing! I thought that people like Skorpios! That plow of theirs? Hella sexy. But more people should be voting for Kraken. Kraken is a sexy bot! (Though I think that previous versions of Kraken were sexier than this current one. It has a few problems that it still needs to work out to be my top sexy vote!) But what hurts me the most... No votes for Jackpot...? I LOVE Jackpot! Jackpot is a favorite of mine! I like that it's a budget bot, and anyone who can show me a good time and save money while they're doing it is sexy in my opinion! I like its theming! I just love Jackpot alright! How dare you not vote for my boy like this! ;O; I voted for Gruff because Gruff is the best flamethrower in the game and is built like a shit brickhouse, and I had doubts that anyone else would be voting for Gruff and if Gruff got no votes, that would break my damn little heart! BUT IT ALSO BEAKS MY HEART THAT JACKPOT IS GETTING NO VOTES! ;O; I love two boys! Why can't I vote for them both!? JACKPOT NO!
Group 3: The person who said that this is the most mid group was right lol. And yet this is the group that has the most votes!??? How is the most mediocre group getting the most votes!? How does that math work out!? Weird to see. Almost double of group 2! (Which currently has the least number of votes at 25. Meanwhile group 3 has 49 votes!) Black Dragon is sexy tho. Also shout out to the guy who wrote "gigabyte sweep" into the tags... And then apparently didn't vote for Gigabyte! Gigabyte still has no votes! So people just don't think it's sexy lol! Gigabyte no sweep apparently! :p
Group 4: Probably the most exciting group and the most difficult to pick who to vote for! I am very surprised that Whiplash is presently winning! I didn't expect anyone to want to vote for it and no one said that they were voting for it in their tags or anything! SO surprise surprise! Rotator is still super sexy tho and honestly I felt like I was betraying Rotator by not voting for it and voting for Whiplash instead! I usually vote for the losers! So I'm sorry Rotator! You deserve the win! I just didn't expect Whiplash to be winning! ;O; Also I'm surprised that more people haven't voted for Fusion! Fusion is so hot that it's on fire! I would expect the Whyachi's to all be doing well in this given how popular they are! But apparently not!
So there you go. My opinions as the person running this whole thing. :p We still have a week to go on this, so I could be surprised! But go vote while you still can!
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nonokoko13 · 2 years
Maybe twilight needed to adopt 2 children for his mission to look like a normal family. That's when Child! reader comes in. Since Twilight is a spy, Anya a psychic, Yor an assassin. Why not have a robot child? So the reader is a robot that can change their appearance. Robot reader will look a normal 10 year old. But it's odd that Anya can read reader's min since they're a robot. I just want fun headcannons of child robot reader and the Forger family! (You don't have to do this, it's just an idea I wanted to get out of my head haha.)
I hate how much I love this idea, thank you anon, now I need a robot kid in the series and since we're not getting it I have to write about it, shame on you!/j thanks for the idea anon 💖
Sorry for the late reply, hope you like it as much as I did writing it. Did you know that the engineer Leonardo Torres and Quevedo built the first truly autonomous machine capable of playing chess in 1912 and the term "robot" was invented in the 20s? The concept per se was already around before in the ancient ages and stories like The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900) so it's no so unlikely to put a robot in the series as it may look like
I haven't checked up yet so sorry for any mistakes. If you want more like this just ask!
Forgers x robot!child reader 🤖
Tw: None. A bit long though
───── ❖ ─────
✧ Another day in the Forger residence went by as normal when Anya saw an ad about the oncoming Science Exposition in Berlint's Science Museum. Anya asked her parents if they could go; which both Loid and Yor agreed to, deciding they would go in their day off
✧ Tables turned when Loid had to scape of his family to do a mission once again, leaving the ladies and Bond alone with some excuse that somehow Yor believed
✧ During the event Anya needed to make a stop to go to the bathroom, so Yor and Bond waited for her outside
✧ That's when she heard something weird among all the thoughts and exit the girls' bathroom without being seen
✧ Following two men she found a back door and went in what she thought it would be a short adventure. Only a few minutes, she would be back before Ma starts worrying–she thought— just a little peek
✧ Anya entered and discovered it gave directly to some kind of big haunted store. Pa told her those were *water-houses where people keep things that aren't exposed or were *"deaf-eggtive". Weird name for a place where they don't keep water
*the words are warehouse and defective, Anya sometimes has trouble with spelling sometimes lol
✧ The little sper walked through the endless corridors until an invention caught her eye. Cute, funny kid-sized creatures with big eyes who looked as if they were asleep. They were the toys "robofriends" they had seen in the Con!
✧ Footsteps near where she was scared Anya, who hid behind some boxes. There, the men she saw before would talk about their plans without being aware of the little presence
✧ Anya finds out that within the freelancers the small group that owns the robofriends is a front to develop ilegal technological weapons. Those were the first step to create high tech weapons, including advanced robot soldiers
✧ The exposed ones were simply toys to pass the general review by the government
"Isn't it soon to sell them? I mean, some are in their early stages" "Well, these are the most functional result of all the previous works, but as long as it sells I don't care. With how much the rich spend on bullshit for their kids we'll have enough to finance our plan, then we'll sell them to whoever pays more and blame those toymakers for it" "Ok, let's take this batch and activate them before replenishing the shelves"
✧ Anya was shocked, she had to get out of there and warn Pa! But how?
✧ As they talked she saw a bunch of numbers and letters appear in their minds. That could stop the robots? Or will it be dangerous to use it?
✧ Once they disappeared Anya came out of her hiding in such a hurry that she tripped over one of the boxes, falling to the ground
✧ Not sure why, but said robot started moving its legs without standing up, just like a character when it keeps trying to walk while being stuck in a wall in videogames
✧ The noises caught the men attention, who were coming back to the place the sound was coming from. Panicking, Anya tried to shut it down; usually Bondman would have to insert the code in a secret panel –there it was!– But, it seemed like a calculator, no letters, just numbers and symbols
✧ With no options left, she wrote what the men thought in the panel, but nothing happened. Why it didn't work?!? Oh-did she has to use that phrase?
✧ After clumsily saying it... Nothing happened. DAMMIT
✧ One of the bad guys found her just when she was trying to scape. Anya screamed him to let her go when a strange metallic "Required activation code confirmed. Displaying order", followed by the man thrown against the wall, unconscious
✧ Everything happened in an instant, leaving Anya confused, only to see you standing between her and the bad guys. Are you... a good robot?
✧ The sper discovered Twilight's mission was brought by the suspicion of an illegal weapons' sale at the Expo, which turned to be true since it led him and the SSS to the group behind the robofriends
✧ All the robots were going to be retrieved but the chief pulled out a self-destruction plan, claiming that they prefer to destroy their own work and allies that let the government nor any other organization make profit of it, leaving only death and scrap behind them
✧ Fortunately, Anya could disable the self-destruction mode you had. With you telling her every step in order to do so, but oh well, let her savor the victory
✧ After a day full of action and misunderstandings, with Yor and Loid being involved in the problem, the family reunited once again. Yor had to go through the whole place until she found Anya, for which the latter apologized
✧ She hid your identity from them, fearing you would have to taken away or die. This would have been your ending if it wasn't because the creator/s underestimated their creation: they were so smart that unintentionally made you autodidact
✧ With seeing Twilight changing his face once you learned how to imitate human skin and look like a kid. Changing your high, metallic pitch was more difficult, but it was only a matter of entering through your system and play with the wires until you made up a seemingly-natural voice, piece of cake
✧ With some lies about your origin as a homeless orphan and a lot of crying from Anya her parents decided to give you a chance. Welcome to the Forgers!
Now, onto the general headcanons:
✧ Loid and Yor have several problems with you. Since they adopted you they have never see you eat, only going to the table to take your plate to your room and return it completely empty, which leads them to think you are uncomfortable when others watch you
✧ Yor is relieved that you're eating all. Furthermore, you're the only one who eats her food! And every time she asks you how it was you say it was good, which makes her really happy. Loid thinks you're either lying or you went through a malnutrition or some rough childhood and now your taste buds tolerate anything
✧ Still, when Loid infiltrated in Eden after your adoption he didn't see you with any lunch at the cafeteria or accepting other kids snacks, which started to worry him until you started buying something and go to the restrooms to eat it. He wonders what you're so insecure about, and decides he might need to give you therapy or talk about it, but at least it's a beginning haha as if
✧ Another thing is, you didn't like water, always avoiding contact with it. It seemed you just needed to get used to, because months later you were playing outside in rainy days
✧ Little they know you discovered fake human skin protect your system from water, although you are trying to find methods to make your whole armor water-proof
✧ And you seemed to not have had a social interaction in your life. It felt as if you were born yesterday, but you quickly became aware of basic social skills. Worth to say, your references were the Forgers, so perhaps you are far away from "normal social interactions"... Or anything normal really
✧ Anya thinks it's pretty cool to have a brother. At first she thought you were one of the bad guys, but then you looked after her during the "robot army arc" and she wondered if you had feelings too, which is why she thinks you are like her: both have something your species don't, that's why you understand each other so well!
✧ Whether you actually have feelings or just seem to project them it's something I'll let you to your imagination
✧ Bond likes you! It's unsure whether he gets you're not human despite acting and looking like one, you know, since he is a dog. But he is smart enough to see you "work differently", and he has your back whenever you need him!
✧ However, as much as Anya can read minds yours was one of a experience. The first time she read it she almost fainted. Your "thoughts" are an incessant thread of numbers, equations and letters that translate into actions or sentences once you talk/act upon them, but for her it's like all you think is math
✧ It makes her easier to find you when you disappear though, all she has to do is read the atmosphere. When she hears something like "3(27 – 21) = 81 – 63 = 18. 0100 0001 100110101 || 100110101 + 11010101 =1000001010" there you are! Though she avoids reading your mind unless it's necessary because she gets headaches worse than with crowds
✧ When you're malfunctioning and you start trembling they have different thoughts. Depending on the situation people may think you're nervous or scared or you need to go to the bathroom. Loid starts theorizing possible disorders or spectrums you may be developing after "connecting the dots" he hasn't connected shit
✧ Yor gets worried as well but she imagines you're different from other kids she has met and her lack of a reference from what is usual she relies in what Loid acts about it and wholeheartedly believes you are perfect the way you are. Remember she has raised Anya and Yuri, neither of them gets what common sense is like regarding a kid
✧ For Anya is either funny or makes her pity you/your parents. Nobody even phantom the idea you are a robot, except if it's as a joke, like, how could it be? there's no way, it's ridiculous
✧ And then you think this is smartest race on earth who think they would spot on an anomaly like a alien invasion or can spot transgender people from a cisgender person if they came across with one. If you have feelings you must have good laughs with humanity
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1863-project · 2 years
Idk if you know anything about this, if not, I apologize.
I somehow convinced my sister that I want to go on a vacation (from canada) to New York to see the trains/subways. I've looked around the internet for some tours, and found some really interesting ones!
Though, do you know of any special places to visit? Either museums or locations that'd be interesting? Apart from the pokemon center shop of course lol
(A few years ago we went to NY and the tour guide told us to stay on the train past the last station -where it would turn around- to see an abandoned station. I spotted the entrance but that's it. Are there any other cool locations in your opinion?
Of course, only if you don't mind! Trains are just so interesting! Like, how the NY subway runs on metal wheels, compared to my city's subway tires (like a car, so rubber tires), and how the NY subway somehow chose to have the interior of the cabs have AC but all the heat is thrown out into the platforms? It's hilarious to me! And apparently they started including the Japanese point and call technique?? I love trains and subways!)
OH MY GOD, THAT WAS CITY HALL! That's my favorite subway station in NYC! It's the oldest, built when the NYC Subway opened in 1904, and it's gorgeous, with Guastavino tile on the ceilings. Here's what it looks like when it's lit up:
Tumblr media
City Hall has been closed since the 1940s because the trains got longer and couldn't fit alongside the platform anymore, which is a shame because in my opinion it's the prettiest subway station in NYC. Right now, unless you go in via a New York Transit Museum tour, it might not be the safest to try to do the ride-through, because there's currently an initiative that forces everyone off at the end of lines (they're trying to "combat homelessness," but I suspect that isn't going to use the solution I would, which would be to house everyone so they had stability, give them access to mental health treatment and drug rehab programs, and help them find employment when they were settled).
If you're into trains, I highly recommend these places specifically:
Grand Central. You HAVE to see Grand Central in person to truly appreciate that ceiling. Check out the whispering gallery down by the oyster bar - if you stand diagonally across from someone and talk into the wall, they can hear you all the way on their side of the room! There's a library there that has the carpet from the 20th Century Limited (it's above the Apple store, which is currently trying to unionize), but I haven't even managed to get in there yet - it's by appointment and I've been busy.
If you want to cry, Penn Station. If you can find the brass rails from the original building, touch them and be sad with me. Moynihan Train Hall is an improvement, but it's not the original Penn Station and it never will be. Nothing will be.
The High Line! The High Line is a park that used to be a freight railroad. The New York Central used to own said railroad, and it used to go straight down 10th Avenue at street level to get to St. John's Depot. This did not go very well and a lot of people managed to get hit by trains, to the point that they started calling it Death Avenue. They actually hired men on horseback to precede the trains and warn the public they were coming - these men became known as the West Side Cowboys. Eventually, they figured out that they could elevate the line, which they did, building a new freight terminal (St. John's Terminal). The line was eventually abandoned, and it was rehabilitated into a park. It's a nice, relaxing walk with a lot of cool plants and art, and you get to pass through and near some old factories and drop-off points.
The New York Transit Museum. They're out in Brooklyn, so it can be a bit of a hike if you're mostly centering your trip in Manhattan, but if you like trains it is ABSOLUTELY worth it to go visit. Their collection of vintage equipment is amazing, and the station itself that the museum is housed in was a filming site for The Taking of Pelham One-Two-Three. You have to register for visiting times in advance right now, so if you're planning on including them in your trip in a few months book it now! They also have a secondary gift shop in Grand Central.
Hoboken Terminal. It's just a PATH ride away from Manhattan, and the ceiling of the waiting room has Tiffany glass skylights. Absolutely stunning, and you can then take the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail to...
Communipaw Terminal, in Jersey City, which I talked a bit about in this post. Both Hoboken Terminal and Communipaw Terminal have Bush train sheds, which were considered a revolutionary design at the time and are now historically significant.
Now, if you're looking for non-train stuff...
Nintendo NYC. I’m there frequently because, y’know, video game merch. If they do a Splatoon 3 release event I’m going to try to go to it, actually. If you’re looking for Pokemon plush, go to the second floor!
American Museum of Natural History. My favorite place in the entire world and where I wanted to work as a child (I wanted to be a paleontologist). I did my archival internship and practicum there when I was in grad school, fulfilling my childhood ambitions in a way. If you like dinosaurs, this is the museum for you! (Also has a great subway stop with cool art - 81st Street!)
Metropolitan Museum of Art. If you’re more into arms and armor, ancient Egypt, or historical art in general, this is the museum for you.
MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). MoMA has free admission on Friday nights, and it has some classics, like Andy Warhol’s soup cans and Van Gogh’s Starry Night!
Take a walk in Central Park. If you want to avoid the tourists, get up to the northern part of the park.
If you like Seinfeld, you can eat at Tom’s Restaurant. I was actually there just a few days ago. It’s a good place to get the real NYC diner experience.
Get a hot dog or pretzel from the street vendors. Trust me, just do it.
The real-life Casteliacone can be obtained from a Mister Softee truck, if you happen to see one!
If you want to go to the Statue of Liberty, that has to be booked months in advance, so be warned and plan ahead.
If you’re interested in LGBTQIA+ history, visit the Stonewall Inn. There’s a cool augmented reality history project associated with it called Stonewall Forever that I recommend as an archivist.
If you’re more punk, St. Mark’s Place used to be the center of punk activity in NYC. It’s toned down now, but there’s a rather NSFW (...interesting art within) izakaya called Kenka (lit. “brawl”) that’s the best place to get a meal for under $20 in NYC. You have to get there around 4:30, get your name on the waiting list, and then be there when it opens for the night around 5 pm to get in at a reasonable time without waiting too long. The waitlist WILL get long. Kenka actually appeared in the Love Live movie, and New Yorkers who saw the movie recognized it instantly and were extremely happy.
I hope this helps, and have a great time! If you get lost underground message me and I’ll get you to where you need to go safely - I’m verrrry good at giving subway directions!
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merakiui · 3 years
then yanven anon is fine by me!! im looking forward to interacting more with you (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
i feel the same!! luckily, we might get some events that feel more fun soon enough hehe
ahhh that's so great!! i picked up on wishing soon enough (which is why i have been using yanfei ever since), but ill admit it kinda hurt my heart to replace my starters, save for kaeya who's still by my side (;ŏ﹏ŏ) i really admire starter mains, tho. best of luck on resource farming ୧( ˵ ° ~ ° ˵ )୨
aha i guess clownery's part of why the games so fun, tho,, and that's understandable! i personally figure out that if nobody's gonna talk, then i will, and luckily i have never gotten any unpleasant experiences either!!
and i'd like to try my hand at writing for him, someday (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) i don't write often, but reading so many works with him definitely makes me wanna try!! (i can understand why you like it. i also really love everything you've written about him (•ө•)♡!) and thank you!! i can only hope there will be a re-re-rerun of him someday, but i guess i can live without it too haha
thanks again!! i guess ill have to make lots of efforts to save up on my side orz. the anemo hypostasis is an annoying foe indeed, tho personally i like think of it as less annoying than most of the other elementary cubes... (╯︵╰,)
hehe, that's the plan ᕦʕ •ᴥ•ʔᕤ! it's already arrived, so all i have to do is wait for the banner!!
riddle??? that's such a good choice omggg!! he was definitely close to being a favorite for me, but i have been in love with ace ever since i decided to take his hand (●♡∀♡)
ahh i'm so looking forward to it if you ever decide to share your writing about twst!! ill admit i don't know much about the characters, yet, shame on me ...(´-﹏-`;) im a new fan, but im definitely set on consuming as much content as i can to really get into it, since the characters look really appealing to me 😚
and the adeuce duo is such a fun one!! deuce is probably one of my favorite characters too, atm. it's fun to see all the shenanigans they get into, especially when poor mc is dragged into it as well;;
riddle has really captured my interest, tho. his controlling nature and 'obsession' with upholding the rules gives me food for thought, even if it's sad to see what made him like that. it would no doubt be hell for a darling, too, if he doesn't get any more lax (´;︵;`) well, i think, at least, im not too informed on the characters yet so i might be off there.
(he also has a really cute face. i can't help but think that his little strands of hair look like antennas. it's funny (。•̀ᴗ-)✧)
Yay! I'm glad you're okay with it! (❁´◡`❁)
I'm excited for the upcoming events, especially Lantern Rite. Do you know which four star you'll choose? It seems like a really difficult decision because they're all great characters and I could use constellations for any of them. >_<
And thank you for the good luck wish!! When I first started all I had was the starter characters, so I built them and did the occasional experimental pull here and there. My first ever banner four star was Chongyun, but I never built him because I was trying to build Kaeya, Lisa, Amber, and Aether. Now he's c6 and somewhat built! Since you're a Kaeya main, do you have any of his constellations? I main him as well and haven't been lucky enough to get any yet. T^T
Omg if you ever write for Childe I'd love to read it!!! He's a stinky gremlin, but I still love him lol. I think everyone should try writing for Childe at one point because he's a character who can be written in the most interesting situations. And writing mind games between characters is always fun. Hopefully you can add him to your party one day!
I have so many drops from that boss, but due to the fact that I've built Kazuha, Jean, and now Xiao I'm very low on the gemstones. Xiao is stuck at level 80 until I can get enough to make 6 of those stones. But I'm just relieved that it's an easy enemy! :D Luckily you don't find it too annoying either!
Omg the arrival of the Venti cosplay... Manifesting Venti's rerun for you so that you can lure him home with the outstanding cosplay!!!
The moment I saw Riddle I went :O!!! Maybe I like him so much because red is such a lovely color and Heartslabyul is red all over. Or maybe it's his personality... Either way, he became an instant favorite! I'll admit I almost took Azul's hand for a second. ;;; The power of a businessman is strong. (°ー°〃) But despite that I took Riddle's hand in the end!!!
If all goes well, I hope to post my first twst fic soon!!! It will be my official debut as a twst writer omg. After that I'll finish a Dottore fic and post it. And then I might write a fic for Azul or the Leech brothers. The level of intensity in each fic really varies... ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
Adeuce has my heart!!! They're so much fun. I love seeing them interact. Poor mc, though... Always becoming part of their shenanigans whether they want to or not. I also really like Deuce! He seems very nice. <3
Riddle and his rules... Yikes. He can be really extreme. I think he would have high standards for his darling because he was raised with high standards. :( Outsmarting him might be difficult considering he's a very intelligent student and could probably figure out your goal the moment you slip up.
Oh, and his face!!! It's very cute!!! I love how his strands of hair are shaped like a heart. Somehow he became even cuter in nendoroid form. T_T But it is funny when they look more like an antenna.
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cerriddwenluna · 2 years
In your fanfic writing, would you say you tend to favor Kurt more than Blaine? Like subconsciously, you make Blaine weaker, or more vulnerable, or the joke of any idiotic scenario?
Hmm, thats an interesting question, but to answer I'd have to split it in four parts. Strap in, cause its a long one lol
I don't know if I favour one above the other per se. I write best when writing what I know, and I identify with both on very different levels. So it would very much depend on the situation they are in, I guess.
However, if you mean to ask which one I like more overall, then I honestly can't choose. I love them both equally 😁 ♡
I would definitely never write Blaine as being 'weaker', but I do believe he is a lot better/experienced at expressing vulnerability than Kurt is. To some, that ease with showing emotion/inner struggle could be seen as weaker, but I have always believed that it takes a lot of strength to allow yourself to be vulnerable. To ask for help and depend on someone else.
The armour Kurt has built up during the course of his life, has kept him sane and alive when it felt like the whole world was out to get him. He feels intensely, but he does not always feel safe to express that. As a result, he can come across as colder, or aloof. Like nothing gets to him, even when it does.
My headcanon has always been that Blaine is mostly led by his emotion, whereas Kurt is mostly led by his ratio. That does not mean that Blaine doesn't think or Kurt doesn't feel, but that their instinctive reaction to any given scenario would have a different origin. And they know this about each other and they have a mutually beneficial balance of support built between them based on those differences.
And as a result, they have created this safe space between them, where they seamlessly switch between supporter/supportee, based on who needs it most in that particular instance.
Now, when it comes to idiotic or odd scenarios, I haven't written many of those besides the second drabble I did for the Carrot prompt. In that one, I chose Blaine to get a job as a performing carrot, because I genuinely believe that he would do that.
In canon, he performed in shows at amusement parks and says he has developed a thick skin because of it. He has also shown that he does not take himself or his ego too seriously by dressing up in his many, many clubs in s4.
So, in the scenario of the carrot prompt, I imagined that they are fresh out of school and live in financially hard times. Thousands of people are vying for hundreds of jobs in the arts, and I can't imagine Blaine being someone to reject an honest paying job in his chosen field, just because he might look silly doing it. I imagine Kurt to be working at Vogue or something else fashion related, and thus bringing in a steady income. It is not enough to support them both while living in NY, however, and Blaine would never want to feel like a freeloader anyway. Kurt knows and supports this, so while he might poke a little fun at his cute carrot, he is actually really proud of Blaine for not giving up his dream of performing, even if he isn't getting his dream roles yet.
And when Blaine does eventually make it big, he will talk proudly about his early days as a dancing carrot. He worked his way up fair and square, and neither he, nor Kurt, lets anybody shame him for it.
I have some plot outlines written down for a fic where Blaine needs someone to lean on, and Kurt is there to support him. It would be written from Kurt's perspective and because of that pov, the scenario could be interpreted as Blaine=weak/Kurt=strong, which would not be how I intend it.
In that case I'd identify heavily with Blaine due to my own RL struggles with life and mental health. But I'll write Kurt's side, because then I can write someone taking care of their loved one, like I would want someone to support me when I need it.
In the end, whatever I write will always be written for myself. It will be because I have something I need to express. And because my chosen medium for that is fanfiction, I publish it online for others to read.
I hope this answers your question! ;) ♡
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absolute-snzaster · 2 years
It's a shame, that I'm not familiar with your ocs, bust still... kind of like to get to know them! If you care, could you do ☺️ and 👀 for your fav oc?
thank you mimi!! I love getting to do these, especially because I know I haven't posted that much with my ocs yet. (imagine finishing a fic... lmao 😅) anyway you're getting Dahlia 🖤
☺️: How much do they enjoy being sick? Do they like staying home from school/work, or do they feel guilty about not being productive? Do they need to be forced into being taken care of/taking care of themselves?
Dahlia's actually pretty good about taking care of herself. If she has to work (she's a stage manager/theater tech) she'll load up on meds and power through it, otherwise she's gonna stay home to netflix and chill. Colds don't usually hit her that hard so if she's working she's probably not sick enough for anyone to make her go home. That said, if she doesn't have a show on? She will absolutely take the excuse to skip all her classes and stay in being kinky about it.
👀: Do they or their partners look forward to their sneezes? Is this a secret, or is it relatively well known?
Sooooo Dahlia has the kink, and yeah, she will absolutely take any chance she gets to sneeze dramatically and sexily into her own cleavage. She's just built different lmao. UNFORTUNATELY I have yet to give her a partner who's as much of a snzfucker as she is so as of now the person who enjoys her sneezes the most is still her. There's like one partner of hers (someone else's oc so I'm keeping quiet on who for now 😉) who's kinky and enough of a pleaser that he starts picking up the kink a little bit from her, and I think he'd enjoy seeing her sneeze from a cold and be a little surprised that he did? But for the most part her partners just enjoy it in the sense that they know she's having a good time and they're happy for her 😅 they definitely know she has the kink, considering how hard she kinks on all of them sneezing, lol.
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