#like mother like daughter! the ladies of this family have a type! <3
nagy-bari · 8 months
musings on Mrs. Tims - aka Chilchuck's wife
she left Chilchuck after 12 years of being married they brought up the girls together, they were moving for 11 years of their marriage she left after meeting the adventurers Chilchuck was currently working with. this we know.
now the speculations and round up info:
as they grew up together as friends they probably talked about their dreams and hopes.
they were adventurous enough to move out of their home village with 2 toddlers and a baby on the way
they did not settle down for the next 10 years, living a traveling life all the while Chilchuck probably did some adventure on the side. but as professional Chilchuck is now there bound to be some early mistakes. still right until he started up the guild for half-foots his job did not cause too much problem.
from how their daughters are Mrs. Tims does not seem the extreme adventurous type - she probably never went into dungeons as dangerous as Chilchuck, but as we learned from Marcille's memories, natural dungeons can be found all over the place, she might have went to safer waters.
Chil says May is the one most like him - taking up the profession and keeping a level head at all times, while Fuller is the social connection of their family. she's housing her mother at the time, probably keeps tabs on Patty as well and sends gifts and letter to Chilchuck. visually she's the least similar to her father, but she has his eyes (round and youthful, with a bit of a mischief there)
as sharp tongued and bitter Chilchuck can be, he knows how to have fun, he's just way too serous about what is important (making sure he does his part well because the others do depend on him) he probably took his family serous as well (hence the remaining anger at not understanding his wife) because 4 of them depended on him for a while.
even so only the eldest has the usual "eldest sibling responsibility" heaviness at first glance the other two turned out to be bubbly, cheerful little ladies.
is it proof of the parents being easy-going traveling between towns and islands, staying here and there while a job lasted, having fun all the same because they were together?
i've seen some speculation that the wife was the more serious of the two, while Chilchuck was the easy going, easy to talk with guy. for me their dynamic is more on the 'we were so similar for so long, that to see other sides of them with how they act around others reminded me that i might not know who they really are - who am i really...'
if Chilchuck is around the midlife crisis age, maybe the wife is as well. Maybe seeing her husband start up a guild for other half-foots, taking responsibility for them and expanding his serious care for strangers made her feel just a bit left behind. the guild was for adventurers, dungeneers, something she wasn't really a part of - maybe it never interested her, maybe it was always reinforced that since it's always the two of them, they divide the tasks, and the dungeons are just not her world. maybe she wanted to join but realized she'll never be as good with the tools and traps as Chilchuck, and didn't wanted to add on another stress.
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if we go with the speculations that she is the kid on the right side of this picture with the little dragon plushie we get an even (bitter)sweeter arc for their life: two little half-foots growing up closely together, always playing together, one dreaming of going on adventures (wife) and the other wanting to go with them no matter where (Chilchuck) slowly growing up and learning their skills and limits (short term advantage and benefits gained by deceit can lead to long term negative consequences / Chilchuck is not a fighting type, neither is the wife, and maybe her sense of adventure never really took the threats seriously enough that came with the task and discovery) only to shift again. You can't go in a dungeon with 3 little kids. One of them have to stay behind and since Chilchuck is the more talented he goes to earn a living, working really hard to get an early retirement so they can live comfortable settled down with him as a locksmith. She's okay with following him around cause they do share their dreams, they have their own way of talking and trusting each other.
but. what did upset her then? that he was enjoying being in an adventure that she wanted to go on years and years ago? that their gap in skill and knowledge will grow only bigger and bigger even if she would to join him now that their kids are all grown up? that no matter how hard she would work, most people would only know her as Chilchuck's wife, you know the guy who set up the guild and all? that even though they were always the same, she became a shadow? that even if he retires early he won't have these lively nights with her because there are no such grand adventures to reminisense about as with the others?
or was it the settling down that was wrong? they were on the move for half their lives, maybe she was a true traveler - but only if they go together. we know she is with Fuller and Fuller herself has simple life-goals - marry a rich dwarf. not exactly the up and about attitude. but Patty sounds just like that, not taking things too seriously, (maybe not understanding the gravity of situations) she sounds like she fell in love with the constant on the move, traveling life she was born into. and maybe their mother really just waits for Chilchuck to once again offer to travel with her, no matter where her wanderlust takes them. but they don't talk.
Chilchuck says he's still angry because he doesn't understand. Or he understands but feels like she's just acting dramatic for drama's sake and he hates that. So he's angry. and because he avoids emotional decisions if possible he does not initiate any reconnection as of yet. above all he respects others, if his wife says this is the end then okay. maybe it is the end. he's not big on romantics anyway
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he loves the person not the concept of 'being in love'. he's practical like that. knows his preferences and all, but he cares. deeply. for the person, not the feeling. this is really important.
so he will respect his wife's decision, cause it might just be true - they are no longer in love. or never was, not in a sense Marcille (and the fandom) thinks love works.
being friends first builds up love of practical ways, the intimacy starting with mundane little habits, gradually building up to something more. and how strange could it have been for these two friend from childhood to see their daughters start as well in a set. but that's another topic. so what i'm trying to mumble out - Chilchuck being a practical man first and a cautious one, likes to keep his head calm when making decisions. and he feels he cannot keep calm enough to decide if he wants to go and talk with his wife over this strange misunderstanding or not. he knows when to admit if he's wrong, so he probably is not in the wrong. or is he?
we have this wonderful cover depicting his view on the whole socialization and it's traps mentality with feelings and such. lovely lovely details all around.
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we see him hesitating between obvious options, things people usually say and things he knows he has to say. or would like to say. we get an early tease at Patty and the others here, right at his feet.
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see how he accepts Izutsumi just as she is (that cursor is searching for the prompt to 'pet' - fight me on this, i dare you)
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and see how he usually is with people he's comfortable with
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and this right here? that's the wife (me thinks. no evidence, just a hunch)
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the little heart meter with each ask box? check them to see how much he cares for the other.
Patty's full - he is a proud dad, knows how to say no but clearly loves his daughters.
Senshi's almost full - and we know they bond well after clearing up the no communication problem. hey even his succubus forms are kinda- look the story is amazingly written, i'm not here to profile the character's sexuality, i'm here to discuss the relationships and motives.
we don't see Izutsumi's but i have a hunch it's similarly up.
Laios's almost full as well, while Falin's is pretty low. the memories are from different times, Falin's is probably the first time he was healed by her (pretty early on in their adventure, he was only joining their group because a friend asked him and the siblings paid up front) Laios's is a memory we saw happen - after about 3 years of adventuring together, he finally admits he cares about them.
there's a little indicator of his mental state (drunk, scared, deadly injured, average) all together a lovely concept that depicts so much so well.
if we take the layers into account as well, they represent how much he thinks about them. the guild, the daughters and the mysterious hands on hips are all in the background, (as is Izutsumi and Senshi), comfortably tucked away but not forgotten.
the chapter starts with him being moody cause Marcille went full on fangirl gossip girl mode and it's a bit too much for him.
when they try to lure in the bicorn with the sins, we see this little interaction. he's setting up a little game here, we see how he's at ease, this is friendly banter for him. so when Marcille reacts the way she does, because he was too mean, we see the 'other route' he thought this could go. just like the cover. a or b.
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then he's busted. he started the chapter with snapping at Marcille saying he cheated on his wife but turns out, by the laws of monsters and virtues he's all good.
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he's threatened yes, but he also has to face the reality of admitting he doesn't understand this situation. which is hard.
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the more speculative Marcille gets, the more dread comes over Chilchuck as she 'unlocks' some secrets about these little games for him. he probably knows his wife better than anyone, yet he can forget just how mean he can sound like. or how aloof. but sadly we'll never know which part did Marcille nail in her rambling, the part about the wife or the part of how the wife saw Chilchuck.
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cause she's too eager too, we'll never know WHAT exactly struck the uncanny valley projection for Chilchuck. ah well, pity
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Marcille being a good friend doesn't let him have the existential crisis only, she gives a good advice - and reminder. he might be horrible with words describing feelings so honest and raw as loving someone, but he has his actions and reliable nature. and if they were friends first, she would know that as well.
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Chilchuck being his realistic self is catious but this not quite smile/grimace feels timid and genuine. (also once again we see him reach out of the frame, think outside the box, yada yada visual story telling, i'm no expert but it's there, as well as Laios and Izutsumi's face just a tad bit curious and surprised - not just Marcille would love to know more about this man's family)
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and once again the whole chapter ending with this. from the thank you letter we know he meets up with the daughters, the wife is still a mystery hence the whole post but i rambled on too long again.
whatever, i cannot help being Marcille with this.
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pinkcreamypeach · 2 months
Teehee Mareach and Luaisy fan children
(Didn't feel like drawing so used picrew for these + why they're POC? Because I made princess peach, Daisy and most of the Mario characters POC for my Au. Gave Daisy a last name too, Daisy Azalea)
1. Peonia Pera L’Albicocca Toadstool (18 years old)
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2. Molise Giacinta Toadstool (11 years old)
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3. Lusia Tuscany Azalea (18 years old)
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Have info for these three if y'all wanna read.
Firstly Peonia
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Peonia, the elder daughter of Mario and Peach, is a strong-willed and independent young lady who is passionate about racing and competes in roller shaking competitions. Despite her sweet demeanor, she can be quite sassy and stubborn, especially when it comes to protecting her cousin and brother. Despite her love for girly things and her admiration of vintage fashion and makeup, Peonia is also an adrenaline junkie and loves high-risk taking. She is a champion roller shaker and often hangs out with a group of friends at her school, some of whom are gyaru girls.Peonia's physique takes after her mother's side of the family, giving her a thicker body structure, and she was bullied for her Italian accent as a child. Despite this, she has embraced her curly hair as well as the tooth gap that she is self-conscious about. She is a fan of horror shows and movies, especially those that involve horror romance and found family storylines. Peonia's favorite dessert is strawberry shortcake, and she enjoys watching magical girl shows in her spare time. She loves to playfully embarrass her siblings, especially her baby brother, and is fiercely protective of them.
Secondly Molise
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Molise, the baby brother of Mario and Peach, is a child.At times, he can be a bit of a brat and wants to take control of situations, leading to him being quite bossy. However, he means well and is genuinely naive and smart even despite his young age. Despite his occasional bratty behavior, he has a kind heart and cares deeply for his family and friends.Molise shares some of his mother's traits, such as his pointy ears, and blonde hair. He's a bit of a neat freak and prefers to wear protective gear whenever he plays outside, so his clothes remain clean and dry. He has a blunt and honest personality. Also prone to being quite clingy and a bit spoiled at times. He also likes to keep himself entertained by watching cartoons and cheesy TV shows from the 90s and early 2000s, and playing card games. However, he's not a fan of horror movies, and in fact, he hates being scared or feeling spooked in any way.He is quite picky and tends to stick to the foods he likes. His favorite snacks include cookies, and he loves sharing Cassata ice-cream cake with his family. He's also not a fan of fart jokes or gross humor, finding them to be immature and childish.
Thirdly Lusia
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Lusia, the only child of Daisy and Luigi, is an avid sports enthusiast and lover of literature. She shares some of her mother's fiery determination but is also known for her nervous nature, something she inherits from her father. Despite being a bit self-conscious about her appearance at times, Lusia finds solace in the fact that she has a sassy cousin in Peonia who helps boost her self-esteem.Lusia is particularly passionate about baseball and archery, two activities that she enjoys thoroughly. Though she loves sports and reading, she can sometimes overwork herself and is guilty of comparing herself to others, especially with respect to her body type. Lusia is a lean and athletic woman, stands 5’8ft tall and wears braces thanks to a childhood habit of eating metal. She has sharp fangs, and also has freckles with light black spots due to acne. Her favorite outfits are sporty ones and hates wearing dull and boring clothes but on weekends she prefers comfort and rides her skateboard while sipping her ice slushie. Lusia strives to live a comfortable and relaxing life, but sometimes she just can't control the urge to be active and adventurous.
@bberetd @maceincognito @house-of-xiii @magnas27 @peaches2217 @awesomewolf27
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urfavlarry · 7 months
So you have any hcs for Carmilla and her daughters?
hope this was what you had in mind!! enjoy<3
warnings: mentions of death, bad grammar
———————— general hcs ————————
to be honest a lot of people say that carmilla was a sinner but her daughters were hell born but i think other wise!
I think their family were apart of some mafia gang in italy and provided people with weapons (illegally ofc) and they just got unexpectadly jumped ome day, Carmilla protectinf her daughters until her last breath.
I strongly believe Carmilla was the first to die that day since she protected her daughters, trying to buy them time to escape, sadly they just weren’t so lucky and died just a few minutes after their mothers death. I think Carmilla swore to protect them in hell since she couldn’t do that in the living world and made her way up to the Overlord status, making the chance of people not messing with her family more likely.
I 100% think they have family game night and no one can change my mind. Though a lot of swearing most likely happens that night (obviously from Carmilla, her daughters just snickering at their mother’s tantrums.) But I believe Carmilla shows this side of her to her daughters only, keeping her composure in front of others to not seem weak.
I think Carmilla would be the type of mom that if you got her she would just say something like “Is it broken? Are you dying? No? Okay, well you’re fine stop being a baby.” LMAO
But she of course is caring and would tend to her daughter’s wounds but she acts like a strict mother, scolding and mumbling swears under her breath. But they know deep down that she loves them a lot.
I really think her daughters would cause mischief when they were alive. They would go around and steal and pick pocket tourists and mess up the old ladies laundry from next door, getting chased with a broom soon after that.
Overall i think their relationship is super sweet and that they just have the most normal one in the series haha (except for Charlie and Vaggie)
—————— Some reader insert hcs ——————
I think that Carmilla would find reader after an extermination, badly injured and she would just be like “Your coming home with me”
Her daughters would totally take you in as their sibling right away and would include you in everything. Making sure you always got some attention and make sure nobody messes with you.
You would 100% gossip with them and prank your mom together, having to run for your lives and pray she doesn’t beat what ever life is left in your dead bodies.
Carmilla wouls take you to meetings like her daughters, introducing you and warning the Overlords (Vox, Valentino) to not touch you if they value their souls. And I just see how Alastor sends you funny (and creepy) faces during the meetings and you just chuckle at the old Overlord.
I think Carmilla would try to teach you ballet, wanting to bond with you over something and gives you a proud look and hug when you manage to do a hard trick she has been teaching you for some time.
In general you guys would just be a family of chaos!
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Hello hello! If I may, I'd like to request for fuegoleon fic
Where his wife s/o is busy with work or something so she leaves their 2 year old daughter with Fuego and he takes her to his office? Cue the crimson lion kings going crazy over their captains adorable little baby girl and they all sorta get distracted throughout the day taking care of the little bundle. But eventually she gets really fussy and sad and Fue understands it's because she misses her mom and he kisses her forehead and says he misses her too
S/o comes back home to fue and baby waiting for her and it's just a huge fluff fest basically
I love your writing so much❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hello hello!!
AAAAAAA this is so sweeeet!!! I was more than happy to write this one! I hope it makes you smile!!! AND HUGS AND KISSES RIGHT BACK TO YOU <3 and thank you!!! I might or might not be happy sobbing
Pairing: Fuegoleon x f!reader Genre: Nothing but family fluff fluff fluff Fanfic type: Oneshot Length: ~0.9k
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Sunlight filtered through the glass of the window and cascaded onto the floor of Fuegoleon’s office. The crimson carpet was practically illuminated by the gentle soft glow, against which the steam rising from Fuegoleon’s tea cup on the table could be seen.
But he wasn’t looking at the carpet, or the steam rising from the tea. He was looking at his daughter playing on the carpet. Her hair, which reminded him of his own, but was much more vibrant, glimmered in the light of the sun. And her eyes, which also reminded him of his own, sparkled full of joy and hope. But she did have a lot of your features. Which was something he’d muse while tapping the tip of his daughter’s nose at times, while telling her that she has a cute nose. Just like her mother.
She was drawing something, while occasionally glancing at, very intently, at her lion plushie.
Another masterpiece in the works, he smiled to himself, radiating nothing but pride and love he held for his daughter.
“Father watch!” She called out while stumbling onto her feet and picking up the paper.
“Hm?” He lifted his head while putting down his pen, as she stumbled over with a wide grin on her face.
“Us!” She said while showing him a picture with 4 blobs. “Mother,” she pointed to a shape on the right, “father” she pointed to a shape on the left, “me” she pointed to a shape in the middle, “Lele” she pointed to a shape below the three other ones, because she had wanted to include her lion plushie.
“Excellent work,” he patted her head. “Father is very proud,” he told her, which made her smile even wider.
There was a knock at the door, and Randal appeared from behind it.
“I’m sorry to disturber Sir, but I … thought the little lady might want something to drink,” he said while crouching down and holding a few juice boxes in hand.
“Thank you,” Fuegoleon nodded as the daughter was already happily making her way through the first juice box.
“Watch!” She showed Randal her drawing.
“Magnificent job my lady,” he smiled while getting up.
“Mhm!” She nodded her head vigorously. “Show mother?” She asked while looking back to Fuegoleon, as Randal lingered in the doorway.
“Mother is busy dear,” he told her with an apologetic shake of his head.
“When?” She asked with a frown.
“In a few hours,” he replied.
But all it did was make her teary eyed.
“But mom now!” She cried as Fue got up from his chair and Randal took a step further into the hallway.
Fuegoleon nodded to Randal who took it as a cue to leave, and closed the door, while Fue picked up his daughter into his arms.
“I understand dear,” he spoke with soft syllables while cradling her in his arms. “I miss her too,” he admitted while placing a kiss onto her forehead. “And she surely misses us too,” he told her.
Evening had started to set as you made your way back to your bedroom, or living quarters as it could be better described, since there were multiple rooms adjoined. And though you were tired from the long day, you couldn’t wait to see your husband and daughter again.
A  smile crept onto your lips as you thought about it, about how you’d see them soon again, and that smile only widened as you opened the door, entering the bedroom.
“Mother!” You heard as soon as you opened the door, having barely had time to enter.
“Well hello darling,” you said while pushing the door closed behind you and crouching down with open arms to welcome you daughter, who was already stumbling to you as fast as her little legs could carry.
“Miss you!” She said to you while clinging onto you.
“I missed you too,” you smiled while picking her up.
“Welcome back,” Fue greeted while making his way to you as well.
“Thank you,” you smiled to him. “I hope the knights weren’t too inconvenienced by you having her today.”
“No, not at all,” he shook his head as amusement was painted over his lips. “In fact, she was quite the star of the day,” he said while wrapping his arm around your waist, and pressing a kiss onto your lips.
“Hmm,” you hummed into the kiss, feeling loved and cared for. “That’s good,” you continued while looking adoringly at your husband, and who looked equally, if not more, adoringly to you.
“We missed you,” he still said while glancing to your daughter who was now pressed against your chest in your arms, and clutched to you with closed eyes.
“Looks like she’s tired,” you mused with a hushed voice.
“She had a rough day,” he chuckled under his breath.
“By missing me?” You chuckled back with a glance to him.
“It is far more taxing than you give her credit for,” he mused with a twinkle in the corner of his eye.
“I see,” you giggled. “But she should get her ready for bed,” you told him, to which he agreed. It really had been a long day for all of you. But now you were together, as a family, as it should be.
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The Wayne Family is a mess
Parental figure is Bruce, but calls Clark ‘dad’ sometimes just piss Bruce off <3 (Ignore Gotham War, Ignore Gotham War)
Favourite sibling is he doesn’t have one :3. Okay, he likes Jason a teeny bit more, but he’s pretty fair to all of them.
He sees Damian as his son, but they both refuse to acknowledge it completely. They’re comfortable with how they are now.
He is SO older sister coded. Feels like he is responsible for everyone, and tries to hide when he’s mad/sad, but most of the time his siblings force him to tell them how he’s feeling.
Him and Cass CONSTANTLY exchange ‘I swear to god, these losers’ looks when everyone is fighting/doing something stupid.
While his favourite is Jason, and views Damian as a son, he spoils Tim and Duke HORRENDOUSLY.
Him and Steph gossip about different celebrities 24/7
Is currently dating Babs :3
Him and Selina have more ‘friendsies’ relationship, than mom-son type relationship. When one of them get into a argument with Bruce they start slandering him SO BADLY.
I can hear you guys from on the other side of my screen, but him and Bruce are not on Father-Son relationship stance right now. Bruce sees him as a son, but he doesn’t view him as a father (anymore). But he can talk to him without fighting now. (Ignore Gotham War, Ignore Gotham War)
Favourite siblings are Duke, Cass and Tim. Because yes. He makes it obvious too lol.
Dislikes Damian, but helps him get away with shit just to give Bruce grey hairs.
Jason ‘I hate modern technology’ Todd
Him and Dick teaming up give people HEADACHES. If Bruce/Alfred want to scold them, they MUST be separated.
Stephanie and him are besties and bully Tim mercilessly, since he luvs to steal everyone’s friends. (Damian ur next)
He gets Alfred presents on both Father’s Day and Grandfathers day, and everything in between.
Spoils Cass tbh. It’s all with Bruce’s card, but what people don’t know won’t hurt them :D
He is constantly like ‘Selina u can do SO much better’ but he does like her. Just not as strong of a relationship.
100% Views Bruce as a father figure. Hates David Cain, and just does not care about Lady Shiva.
Favourite sibling is Tim, and is best friends with Stephanie.
People constantly think that Damian and her are biological siblings, so when they ask, she looks them dead in the eyes and tells them ‘He’s my dad’. It gets the reporters confused every time.
Obnoxiously acts like a little Angel, but everyone knows she’s not. “Cass. We all know you crashed the Batmobile. No, you smiling will not change my mind. Yes, your smile is very pretty, BUT STILL.”
Her and Dick are forced to be the responsible ones when everyone is hanging out. With Cass in charge of Dick, and Dick in charge of Cass. It oddly works out.
Loves spoiling Damian, it’s getting concerning. In turn, Damian’s pets love her.
Stephanie spills tea about EVERYONE to her. Even about her classmates, who Cass has never even met. Fake dating Steph as well so that nobody tries to flirt with her during galas, and to explain why Steph is so close with the family.
Babs is a major role model in her life. When Cass needs advice, Babs is the first number on her phone.
She loves Selina. But sometimes doesn’t trust her. Otherwise, she approves of Batcat :) Not that strong of a mother-daughter relationship, but she buys Selina a gift for Mother’s Day, just because she can.
Yes, he does view Bruce as a father figure. He also still views Jack as a father figure but he’s dead now <333 As for Janet…she’s a complicated situation.
Favourite siblings are Dick and Cass. He’s besties with Stephanie, basically tells her almost everything.
Both him and Damian are petty, so they trade insults a lot, but it’s more bantering than fighting lol. They do go out to places together, but they are always acting like they are forced to, or that they would be anywhere else (even though they like hanging with each other)
He will not stop with the ‘middle child’ jokes. He will purposefully make Bruce ignore him just so he give a long monologue about being the middle child. He will then ask Bruce to give Damian up for adoption to redeem himself. Damian is still here :D
Cass is Tim’s wingman. (Which is why it took so long for TimKon/Timber to get together)
Tim gives the best Christmas gifts, followed by Damian. This is mostly because he’s a STALKER.
He likes Babs a lot, but acts like a CHILD, because she’s better at hacking than he his and therefore she stops him from doing a few things. He threw a tantrum once when she activated CHILD-LOCK on his computer.
He adores Selina. Sometimes suspicious of her, but mostly trusts her. Selina spoils him, Duke and Damian to no limits.
Bruce is NOT her parent figure, but she still views his kids as her siblings. Crystal is her mom, she does not consider Arthur her dad.
Favourite siblings are Damian and Tim, Cass and Jason are her besties.
When Jason is mad at the family and going someplace without telling them, he only tells Steph where he is going.
Once, Tim asked how they were her siblings when Bruce or Selina aren’t her parents, so she declared that Talia was her other mom, and made weird stories connecting each of them :D
Cass knows ALL of Steph secrets, because Steph keeps venting to her 24/7.
When Tim and her are together, they start collectively working on a singular brain cell, making the other person next to them having to be the responsible one. On one memorable occasion, it turned out to be Damian.
Stephanie, Dick and Tim love stalking there siblings when they get a date. Just for fun <333. Stephanie and Dick however are the quote on quote ‘embarrassing parents’ energy when it comes to dates. (Tim and Duke are pretty chill when it comes to dates, Bruce, Damian and Jason are the ones who do the shovel talk, and Cass is just staring at you menacingly during the first family dinner.)
Stephanie and Duke are the ones who sneak off to do underage drinking. Tim and Jason are the ones trying to stop them LMAO.
Stephanie likes Selina a lot. She is constantly pestering her to let her see Harley and Poison Ivy. Selina let her one time, and they caused SO MUCH chaos. (Steph is Selina’s second favourite)
He doesn’t see Bruce as a father figure fully yet, but he does love him. He still considers his parents (minus the weird god dad) as his parents.
Favourite siblings are Damian and Jason. Because, in Tim’s words, he’s weird like that. Him and Damian go to movies every month, and we’re especially excited for the FNAF movie. (They LOVE FNAF.)
Duke is also super younger-sibling coded. If everyone gets super defensive of Damian, then he’s the one who can say ANYTHING and get away with it. As a joke, Jason starts referring to him and Damian as twins because when people ask who they’re ‘youngest sibling’ is, everyone keeps alternating between Duke and Damian.
At first he was downright TERRIFIED of Cass. Like he was scared to be in the same room as her. Now they team up to scare everyone else. (Duke is just recording, Cass does the scaring)
Damian only does ‘puppy eyes’ VERY rarely, and it works effectively every time. Duke? He does it for Every. Little. Thing. And most of the time? He gets it. Tim and Cass are the only one who can resist it. Sometimes.
Dick is Dukes idol. He wants to be like Dick in the future :3
Jason and Duke call each other ‘narrows’ and ‘alley’ respectively. Duke also does a lot of shit, just Bruce never finds out because nobody tells on him, so Jason is JELLY of that.
Stephanie and Duke have the most similar taste in food out of everyone else. VERY, VERY sugary. Nobody listens to them when they suggest to eat something. It’s too sugary.
Selina acts like Duke is her biological son as a joke to the press. The press still thinks it’s true. It’s downright hilarious.
Parental figures are Bruce and Dick, though they don’t acknowledge it :) (Ignore Gotham War, Ignore Gotham War) The relationship with Talia…is messy, to say the least.
Favourite siblings are Stephanie and Duke (because obviously???) They use there gremlin nature to a MAX to prank everyone else.
He is the most younger sibling coded person ever. He’s a little gremlin-demon, but if you mess with him, you’re messing with ALL OF THEM.
Upset that Tim and Stephanie broke up, and started shipping Steph and Cass (for shit and giggles, they are the type of besties who act like there in a relationship, and Damian knows this) and constantly asks Cass when she’s proposing so that Steph can be his sister legally as well <33
Constantly bantering with Tim, but they love each other. They just have weird ways of showing it :3
Dislike-Dislike relationship with Jason, but can and will team up with each other to ruin everyone’s day. They also don’t want each other dead ig :)
Only accepts Babs as Dicks girlfriend. No in between. But he will respect Kori. Begrudgingly.
Respects Jim Gordon so much lmaooo.
Has learned the Alfred eyebrow raise. He is now tormenting everyone with it.
Selina is Bruce’s fiancé, but they have a ‘chaotic aunt, and chaotic nephew’ type of bond. Damian is 100% Selina’s fav.
Add your own ideas in Reblogs/Comments!
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bustybounty · 5 months
When you went to visit your girlfriend's family, you thought they'd be muscular body builders like her. Instead you were greeted by her brother, a femboy with the fattest ass you've ever seen, and her mother, with her 500 pound gut.
((Just a side thing, I hope you all don't mind that most of these asks that involve something like "your girlfriend", I type in the 2nd person, instead of 1st person. It feels comfier for me and helps me tell the story better- Now, onto the caption))
"I want you to finally meet my family, my brother and my mother. I lived with them for years before you moved into my personal home, and they're very important to me." She said, you had fallen in love with this massive lady that was as strong as she was beautiful. She was also quite dominant, and most times in bed you found her riding your growing cock over and over again for what always feels like hours of pleasure. She had the stamina and endurance, and her big tits kept bouncing around as she did this, too, so it was a wonderful sight...
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You imagined that to have such a strong desire for bodybuilding and working out, her mother might have been an influence, and so possibly a bodybuilder (or former bodybuilder) herself. You would assume that her brother was this big muscular jock type of guy as well. Maybe you weren't into men, or were but still felt like your girlfriend had the perfect body. Either way, you were shocked when you finally met her family.
"Oh, nice to meet you! You must be my daughter's partner. She said a lot of nice things about you! You look like such a lovely person!" Her mother said, welcoming you with a grin and opening her arms for a hug. The thing was - this woman looked like the opposite of a bodybuilder. That doesn't mean she wasn't strong - just that she didn't have a defined hard sculpted body, with perfectly visible abs, but instead, had a massive, 500 pound belly. Yes - her belly alone was 500 lbs. She weighed 700, being quite chubby overall, but 500 of that were composed of her blubbery gut.
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Hugging her, you felt her blubbery belly touch your own stomach, as well as your hips...your crotch...your thighs... it was such a soft, warm embrace, you felt like you might have hugged her for too long, but luckily she didn't make it awkward. Just as you were trying to smile at your girlfriend and regain composure, her brother walked in. "Yooo! We finally meet huh! My big sis said you played the same games I did! That's cool dude!" And her brother went for a handshake, that you accepted, even if your brain froze for about 2 or 3 seconds. "N-nice to meet you too."
Despite that way of talking, this was anything but a 'bro dude', or a gym bud, or a jock...he looked 'feminine', especially because of the size of his enormous ass. It wobbled every step he took in an exaggerated, erection triggering faction. Even if you didn't think you were into it before, something was definitely tingling down there. Holy fuck - how did he even get through the damn door? He was wider than your gf and her mom combined, and had the fattest ass and thighs you had seen.
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Holy fuck, you got yourself in quite the damn predicament. All three were staring at you, waiting for you to say something...what now? You still needed to have dinner with all 3 too. Uh oh~
Who would you pick if you had to choose one of the three~?
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islandtarochips · 6 months
Call of Duty OC: Kanoa Toa 🇦🇸
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Commission Art by @moonaliluna (not in tumblr but in instagram and tiktok) 🔼
The Captain of the US Marine Corps and the Leader of the Warriors Task Force. A man who has confidence for his team that they will protect and save the people from any threats. A funny guy to keep you smiling in any serious situations. And it questions everyone of how he became CAPTAIN with that kind of attitude.
UNIVERSE: Modern Warfare 2/Modern Warfare 3
🇦🇸 Name: Kanoa Toa 🇦🇸 Alias(es): Noa, Alpha 6, Toa, Captain Funnypants (Only Tiala can call him that) 🇦🇸 Gender: Male 🇦🇸 Age: Early 30s 🇦🇸 Birthday: April 1st 🇦🇸 Nationality: United State National (American Samoa) 🇦🇸 Place of Birth: American Samoa 🇦🇸 Home: Kahaluu, Hawaii (Living with his sister) 🇦🇸 Spoken Languages: English, Samoan 🇦🇸 Sexuality: Heterosexual 🇦🇸 Occupation: Captain in the Marine Corps, Leader of the Warriors Task Force
🇦🇸 Eye Color: Dark Brown  🇦🇸 Hair Color: Black 🇦🇸 Height: 6’2”/187 cm 🇦🇸 Scars: Scar on his chest, back and on left side of his hips. 🇦🇸 Face Claim: Alex Tarrant
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🇦🇸 Color: Any Shades of Green 🇦🇸 Food: Pani Popo and Luau Pipi 🇦🇸 Drink: Diet Coke 🇦🇸 Flower: Not into flowers but will get some for the pretty ladies 🇦🇸 Hairstyle: His hair are short so…don’t know what hairstyle he likes🤷
🇦🇸 Myers Briggs Type: ESFP If you think that Kanoa is the kind of Captain who is VERY serious. You guessed wrong. First time meeting, when you salute him first and he’ll do it back. And give you a big HUG (He’s a hugger by the way). He will be the first responder without even THINKING. Like going into the battlefield not caring of other dangers but focusing on one main thing. Just like Tiala, he chooses his words carefully since he doesn’t want to upset or offend other people. He’s also an older brother figure for his comrades. Since he always bail them out from any troubles that they have caused. But he still needs to think of a punishment if they went TOO far. 🇦🇸 Hilarious: Kanoa is the most FUNNIEST guy you will ever met. He will always find a way to bring up some ridiculous story or jokes to his team. And they’ll laugh with him. And sometimes AT him too. 🇦🇸 Strong Common Sense: Even though Kanoa is the funniest and the nicest guy you’ve met. Don’t think that you can take him down so easily. He has good common sense. He trusts his own judgment but is open to other suggestions.
Negative Traits:
🇦🇸 Kanoa always so prideful for his team and his own work. You can hear him bragging about the good thing about himself for HOURS. 🇦🇸 Good at hiding of his pain (mentally). He also has “Smiling Depression”. Smiling in front of everyone making them think that he’s alright but on the inside he’s just a stressful Captain. 🇦🇸 Kanoa is like Tiala when it comes to deal with an enemy who has family. 🇦🇸 Kanoa is another one of those TERRIBLE driver. He can drive perfectly in a very calm state but when you ask him to speed up. This man will just ZIG-ZAG left and right.
Skills and Abilities:
🇦🇸 Fighting Style: Hand-to-Hand Combat 🇦🇸 Weapons: M4A1, HK416 and M550 🇦🇸 Distinct Weapons: Fixed Blade Dagger 🇦🇸 Special Skills: Has a good sense of improvising last minute. Like, when a mission goes wrong and it doesn’t go as planned; Captain Kanoa Toa got your back by finding another way around  to finish it.
Nakoa Loe Toa (Father, Alive)
Elei Toa (Mother, Alive)
Hōne Toa (1st Older Brother, Deceased)
Sami Toa (2nd Older Brother, Alive)
Serah Toa (Sister-in-Law, Samis’s Wife, Alive)
Penny Toa (Niece, Sami’s Daughter, Alive)
Dinah Toa (Niece, Sam’s Baby Daughter, Alive)
Rangi Toa (3rd Older Brother, Alive)
Tiala Toa (6th Younger Sister, Alive)
Hemi Toa (5th Younger Brother, Alive)
Iosefa Toa (4th Younger Brother, Alive)
Tamah Toa (3rd Younger Brother, Alive)
Fetu Fetuao Toa (2nd Younger Brother, Alive)
Iona and Kiona Toa (Youngest Brothers, Twins, Alive)
🇦🇸 Kanoa is the only funny kind of siblings in his family. Always make a good joke to keep them laughing and make them forget all of the bad things that happened. 🇦🇸 He’s the 2nd brother that Tiala is really close to after his older brother, Hōne, had passed away 🇦🇸 Kanoa will give you dad jokes 24/7 and even gives you the most embarrassing story about his brothers and his sister. But NEVER about himself. 🇦🇸 He’s always the first one to ask his comrades of who wanted to arm wrestle with him. If they win, he’ll get them ice cream. 🇦🇸 Give good love relationship advice but never get one for himself. (He’s single as heck man and he’s in his 30s!)
Background Story:
Kanoa was proudly born and raised on the island. The funniest man you will ever meet. He joined the Military at the age of 17. Which means he signed up right after High School. Just to keep the family lines going. He was really inspired by his dad, Nakoa, hearing his stories of joining the military.
He signed up with Rangi, his 3rd eldest brother, for the Marine Corps and they both started working hard on reaching to the top. He had also met his other older brother, named Hōne. Who was a Lieutenant at that time. Always make good fun with him during their military times. Until he heard the news of Hōne being KIA from one of the missions. It really took a toll on him.
But he kept going as he worked even harder to pass up the ranks. Until he reached up to the rank of being a Corporal. That’s when he met his sister, Tiala, who is a Private. He was happy and proud to see his little sister working hard to honor their older brother’s name. Until 4 years later, he found out about Tiala volunteering. To go on a solo mission to find out about the intel of the next location; by being the pretend victim for one of the human trafficking.
He’s not very sure about this mission until he gives in to Tiala reasoning with him. But how much he wishes he could take his words back. Finding out that his little sister has been taken away by the enemies. He was devastated and angry to hear this news. So he asks permission from the General to let him and the team he chooses to find her. FAST.
He didn’t give up on searching for Tiala until 2 months later. He finally found her. From the location where no one even KNEW it was there. He raided into the enemies hide out and unalive almost everyone without hesitating.
He took her back and stayed with her in the medical bay. Kanoa was heartbroken to see her in this state and that’s when he decided to make his own special team. He named it “Warriors Task Force”. And started working under one of the Generals of the Marine Corps, Alana Kalani.
He promised himself to bring protection and justice to the people who were victims from the trafficking and being hostages. And that’s when he became Captain of the Marine Corps.
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ljxlj48 · 1 year
My Duty As Princess
Chapter 07
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Lee Jeno x fem reader
in collaboration with @urlocaltrash28
preview, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, epilogue
Genre: arranged marriage au! royalty au!
Warnings: none
Word Count: 5K+
Author's Note: I'm not back guys, honestly. To give a little update, I stopped writing because it stopped being fun. I only wanted to do this, if it continued to be fun and after a while it stopped being fun. Right now, I'm in such a better place that writing is starting to be fun again, but there's no telling if I'm actually going to continue to put out content. Thinking of something to write, is actually a lot of work lmaooo. I will say that, I will never delete any of the content I have out. This page and all the stories will be here for whenever you guys want to enjoy them. hugs and kisses to anyone reading <3
When the Princess and I returned to the palace, night had already fallen.  We tried to quietly usher our way to my chambers, after entering did we notice a parade of people awaiting for us.  Father sat at my desk chair, Mother and Taeyong stood behind him. Mark, Haechan, and Jaemin sat on the couch, the three of them looked to be making themselves comfortable.  Grandma Lee and Grandmother Na sat on the two chairs that were on one side of the room.  There was more standing around, I spotted Chan, Hyunjin, Johnny was with them huddled in one corner, Lord Park stood lonely in another part of the room, Fei and Mei were in front of my bedroom doors.  Lord Na and Lady Na were also here, the two of them stayed near Grandmother Na.
“My boy,” Father said when he saw me enter the room. 
“What is the meaning of this?” I asked, looking around the room, full of people. 
“Now my son,” Mother started off making her way towards me, I took a step back when she came near, it felt like I couldn’t trust any of them.  
“Lord Park has asked to speak with the Princess,” Taeyong said, his tone was all business, Taeyong was never the type to sugar coat things.  Lord Park stepped forward at the mention of his name. 
“I would like to formally apologize to your royal highness,” He got down on one knee, lowering his head, arm over his heart, “for the actions of my children.”  I reached down for the princess’ hand, which she easily took. “I did not know of their plans or their intentions.” 
“Then why apologize?” The princess asked, her tone matching the one she used on me when she was angry.  She stood tall in front of the kneeling Lord. 
“Excuse me, your highness?” Lord park looked up at the princess, as did the rest of the room.  
“Why apologize for actions that you did not know about, and actions you could not have prevented.  Quite frankly, it feels like you're apologizing because you know it would save face, not because you really want to.  Don’t be ashamed, Lord Park, you would marvel at my death, the prince could go back to your daughter and you could have royal status after their wedding.  You are not sorry about the actions of your children, you are sorry they did not succeed, and you are apologizing to me because you need to save face.  Make yourself look like an innocent bystander in order to remain in power.” The princess paused, taking a deep breath, then she spoke again, “Lord Park, I do not despise you.  To be fair, I do not have room in my heart, nor time in my day, nor space in my mind to hate you, but I do feel absolute pity for you. Pure pity, for your son has committed treason against two kingdoms in a single night, and I do not know how your image will recover from such actions.  I do, however, trust that you will not take any more violent actions against me again, considering, should your family fail again, you could be faced with much more dire consequences.” 
“Of course, your highness, I can assure you no harm will come to you from my family ever again,” Lord Park looked down again, red rising to his ears.  I wanted to laugh, everything the princess said was the truth, that wasn’t meant to be spoken.  
“Is this all you had for us?” I asked my father. My tone, coming off more rude than I initially intended, I directed my gaze to my father, it felt as if he was a stranger ready to disrupt any little happiness I had with the Princess.
Father opened his mouth to speak, but Taeyong beat him to it,  “Hansol took a plea deal, he’ll get 25 years in prison for attempted murder,” 
“I want to see him,” the princess cut off Taeyong before he could continue on.  The attention of the room back on the princess, Taeyong's face was clear that he was not gonna let that happen, watching his reactions allowed me to remain calm. “General, will you please let me see him,” the princess let go of my hand, she stepped closer towards my brother, “I need to see the man that nearly killed me.” 
Taeyong’s face shifted, like he understood her request, he nodded.  “No,” my mouth opened to speak before my brain could form a reason, but I know she can’t see him, “no, you’re not stepping a foot anywhere near that man,” I felt tempted to shove Taeyong’s head through the glass balcony door, for even considering agreeing to the princess’ request.
“Jeno,” the Princess spoke, her voice soft. 
“No,” I know my voice came out too rude, she flinched, and I saw the minute fear flash before her, this isn’t what I wanted.  I took a breath before speaking again, “(y/n), no.” 
“Jeno,” Taeyong’s tone, I knew where this was going, his tone was the same one as when he scolded me for punching Haechan, after he stole my car for a joyride.  To be fair, I was aiming for the wall, Haechan just got in the way.  “This is the princess’ decision,” he took a breath, almost like he feared to say more, “you don’t have reason to prevent her from seeing him, should she choose too.” 
I let out a breath, turning my attention back to the princess, “you’re not going alone.”  She smiled and nodded, I felt like I couldn’t breathe for a second there.  
“The news of the attack has been kept within the palace walls, but the people will notice something is wrong, especially with the wedding approaching so fast, there’s more eyes on the two of you than normal.” Taeyong continued on and looked at me.  
“We think the Princess should make a charity appearance at the ladies luncheon for the war relief programs.  It would do good if the Princess attended, she can show the people that she is willing to help Northcy war victims as well.” Grandma Lee spoke, she was standing up from her chair, she looked at me.  They were all asking the princess of things, but they looked to me, as if I was the princess.  
“(y/n), if you’re not ready, you don’t need to come,” Lady Na, I should say Aunt Jennie, spoke, she made her way towards the princess, taking the princess’ free hand in her own.  Her eyes only met the princess’, I looked at the princess too.  The princess was looking back at me, is that why everyone was looking at me, because so was the princess?  I squeezed her hand and nodded.  
“I shall be there,” she let out a breath, looking to the room, “Queen Hye-young is right, it’ll be good to make an appearance.” Her hand started to shake, she wanted to do this, needed to do this, but it didn’t mean she didn't fear it.  
“Leave, all of you,” I wanted to relax, we needed to relax, to forget this just for a moment longer, “just leave.” I pulled the princess towards my bedroom, they started to file out of my room.  A few strayed, I stopped right in front of my door, watching them leave. I let the princess into the bedroom.  Mark was at the chamber door, Jaemin and Haechan on his side.  Chan, Hyunjin, Fei and Mei stayed behind as well.  “Why don’t you guys stay, I’ll be back out in a minute.” 
I entered the bedroom, seeing the princess sitting on the bed, typing on her phone. “Princess,” I reached out to pull at the princess, “there's people outside for us.” 
“More people?” She questioned, looking tired.
“Friends.” We both walked back into the seating area, seeing our friends standing and sitting around.  “Just relax,” I whispered in the princess’ ear.  
We sat there, and talked, and exchanged stories, and laughed, and relaxed. I looked at the princess, she was smiling, laughing, and relaxing. There were so many bad things that had happened. I just wanted her to calm down, I wanted her to feel safe.  
“Don’t forget the time Jeno almost got the princess to leave Northcy,” Jaemin laughed out, grabbing my attention.  I tried to signal him to shut up, but obviously he didn’t notice me.  There was a silence that fell over the room.  
“Huh? What are you talking about?” the princess questioned exchanging looks with Chan. 
“He didn’t…” Jaemin looked at me wide eyed, “I’m sorry, I misspoke.” 
“No I don’t think you did,” the Princess said, giving me a look. 
“Look, I am so so sorry, I was being selfish,” I’m scrambling for words, anything to make this better, pleading she's not too angry with me, “I wasn’t thinking straight, I just wanted out of this marriage.  You know how it was…”  The Princess was looking at me with a smirk, as she began to laugh.
“Jeno, calm down, I’m not mad,” she spoke, still giggling away.  I must’ve looked like a madman.
“You’re not?” Why isn't she mad, I would be mad, she should be furious with me, she has every right to be. 
“No, I probably would’ve done something similar if I was in your position, but now I owe Chan 5 mons,” she laughed more, shaking her head.  
“What?” I looked at Chan and he just smiled at me.  
“When we got back to the palace, after leaving the airport, Chan made the joke that he bet this was the prince’s idea to get out of the union, I said you’re on.” I don’t know if I should be relieved or worried, “your highness, I should, and would be angry with you, heavens know you deserve it” she took a deep breath, “but having nearly died," she paused, it looked as if her eyes became glossy for a second, blinking away any tears she continued on, "I don’t want to waste time being angry with you”  She smiled at me, her eyes were caring, filled with something.  We stared at each other for a moment, a time stopping moment.  I stared at her, I could hear the breath she let out, the calm beat of her heart, the flutter of her eyelashes, I never felt more captivated by another person.  
The rest of the evening went on, I don’t think I ever took my eyes off the princess.  I wanted to memorize every word, breath, tick she let fall past her lips.  I can’t recall a single thing that Jaemin, Mark, or Haechan said that night, but I could tell you that the princess covers her mouth with the back of her hand whenever she's about to laugh too hard.  Or that she tucks her hair behind her ear when she's being teased, or that she raises her ears when her name is mentioned, or that she sticks out her tongue, licking her bottom lip when she has something to say.  It seemed as if the princess had me under a spell where I could only pay attention to her.  I must say I don’t mind being spellbound to her.  
The next morning , when you awoke the sunlight was peering into the room.  You opened your eyes, and for an eighth of a second you forgot the events of the past two days, until you felt the arm draped over your waist.  Sleeping in the same bed as Jeno the past two nights has been more comforting than you could’ve imagined.  You slid out from Jeno’s embrace, grabbing your phone from the nightstand, and you called your mom.  You haven’t spoken to her since last week, the last thing she knew was that you and Jeno were getting along nicely, and you didn’t think this marriage was gonna be that bad.  
You wore another pair of Jeno’s sweats and an old shirt, his old clothes being more comfortable than any couture pajama sets you had.  You slipped on one of his hoodies, exiting the bedroom, to call your mom.  As the phone rang, you sat on the couch, staring out the glass balcony doors, watching the snow, the kingdom has been covered for nearly a week now.  The palace being in the mountains, the snow was always falling, never melting, you were finally getting adjusted to the cold, but still always wearing long pants and long sleeve tops.  
When your mom finally answered the phone, the sound of her voice moved you to tears.  You weren’t the closest to your mom, but after your sisters died, you two became more dependent on each other.  You were her only child left, and she was the only one that could tell you more about your siblings.  You explained everything that has happened since you last talked to her.  Not a single detail escaping your retelling.  Your mother listened attentively, asking questions far too often for the average storyteller. By the time you finished, she was almost convinced that she needed to hop on a jet to come up there and save you.  You laughed, telling her that you’re starting to feel better.  You’re ready to move on past the whole event, you need something new to focus on.  Your mother reminding you that a wedding should be a good distraction, especially considering her and your father are to be arriving in exactly one week.  
“I should just come up there now, say I’m there to help you prepare for the wedding,” your mother stated from the other side of the line.  
“Mother,” you laughed out, “I will be okay for another week without you or daddy.  Not to mention Queen Jaeyeon really took care of everything for the wedding, all I really need to do is show up.” 
There was a knock at the chamber doors that took half your attention, “are you sure there’s everything you wanted?” Mother questioned you, you opened the chamber doors to see Mei and Fei on the other side. 
Moving out of the way to allow them to enter, “in all honesty mother, I don’t know if there’s gonna be anything I like or want.”  
“What do you mean? You had a say, right?”  Your mother questioned from the other side. 
“I did mother,” you placed one hand over the mic, now looking at Mei and Fei, “what are you guys doing here?” Lifting your hand from the mic, “but I didn’t really use my say,” you spoke to your mother. 
“You have a final dress fitting this morning,” Mei responded back gently.
“Why didn’t you use your say?” Mother barked into your ear at the same time. 
You nodded at Mei, “Mother I was too busy trying to find a way out of my wedding to focus on making decisions for it,” covering the mic again, “I need you guys to go to my chambers and find me something more appropriate to wear,” you say, this time speaking to Mei and Fei. 
“Why can’t we use the clothes you have here?” Fei asked, making her way to the bedroom, your mother scoffing in your ear at the same time.  
“Well did you get your surprise yet?” Your mother questioned you, you were signaling at Mei to get her sister.  
Covering the mic still, “Fei, No, the prince is still asleep,” Fei stopped the door slightly ajar.  Quietly closing the door, again, Fei turned around bowing in apology to you.  “What surprise, mother?” you question your mother on the line. 
“We’ll find you something,” Mei whispered, dragging Fei out of the chambers behind her. 
“Oh,” was all your mother said before rushing to end the call.  You looked at the phone, seeing the line going dead.  You sighed, but truly feeling better that you talked to her about everything that had happened.  
The bedroom doors open up to Jeno standing on the other side, “good morning,” you speak up gently. He smiled a soft gummy smile at you, causing a fit of giggles to come up. Coming up to you, holding you into his embrace. 
“Good morning,” his voice the exact opposite of his smile. He was still tired, you could hear it in his voice.  
“I spoke to my mother this morning, she asked if I got my surprise yet,” Jeno threw his head back and groaned, you couldn't help but giggle a little, “what’s my surprise?” 
“Don’t you have somewhere to be this morning?” Jeno let go of you walking away.  
“You’re not answering my question,” you watched Jeno’s back, as he pulled off the shirt he was wearing, making his way into the closet.  You never quite took notice on how physically fit Jeno was until this moment.
“You didn’t answer mine,” Jeno responded back, still in the closet, you sat on the edge of the bed waiting for him, to walk back out
“I asked first,” you and Jeno moved about each other as if this was how the two of you have been living for a lifetime. Something so routine, you could only hope this is exactly how life would play out after the wedding.
“You’ll see your surprise soon enough,” Jeno came out of the closet in a new dress pants, shoving his dress shirt in.  The top buttons still undone, as he was zipping up his pants, your eyes raking over his body, pulling your lip in between your teeth.  “Princess,” Jeno said, grabbing your attention, his face having a knowing look.  He came up to you, pulling at your chin forcing you to look at him, but the top few buttons of his shirt remained undone.  
“Let me help you,” you said softly, pulling your face out of his grasp, you stood from the bed, now doing the buttons for him.  You could feel him watching your fingers move, slightly brushing against him, you were overly focused on doing the buttons. Jeno cleared his throat grabbing your attention, you stepped back, the blush dancing across your cheeks. “What is your schedule like today?” you asked, turning back around to walk into the bathroom, stopping yourself from helping anymore. 
“I have a meeting with Taeyong and Father this morning about the Parks, then after that I have a council meeting to attend.  The acts of Jisung are considered treason, they need to be brought to the entire council's attention,” Jeno followed after you into the bathroom, no wonder he was dressed so formally you thought.  
“What's going to happen to him?” You looked at Jeno through the vanity mirror.  You could see Jeno adjusting a tie around his neck in the mirror.  
“Currently there’s a formal investigation conducted by the palace guard unit, from there he will be taken to court before the council, privately because of his family’s power.  His crimes being of a higher regrade, Father will carry out sentencing personally.  You will be asked to make a statement.”  You felt your breath hitch, you didn’t like this.  You just wanted this nightmare to disappear already.  Jeno fixed his watch on his wrist, checking the time, “I’ve got to go princess,” Jeno came up beside you kissing you on the cheek, you leaned into his touch.  The act felt routine, but foreign at the same time.  Jeno pulled on a vest, buttoning it, before grabbing his jacket,  “I’ll see you tonight at dinner,” it looked like he wanted to say more but opted not to. You nodded watching him leave, from your position in front of the vanity mirror. 
You sat there for a minute just examining your neck, the bruises were in full bloom, you began to cover them up, trying to erase any memory of them.  There was a knock on the door signaling that Fei and Mei were back.  You just shouted for them to come in. The two of them bringing you a more than appropriate outfit, they stayed with you escorting you to everything through the day.  
“I’ll see you tonight at dinner,” ‘I love you,’ I should say it, I’m going to say, I have to say it.  I don't say it, opting to just leave instead.  I made my way to my father's private drawing room. What I didn’t tell the princess was that the investigation is over, sentencing will be tomorrow.  The question is not about who did the crime, but more of who aided and abetted the crime. 
When I entered the room, Father and Taeyong were already talking amongst themselves, I sat down across from Taeyong. The two of them exchanged a look, “we showed Jisung the video footage of the Jisoo when she was talking to Johnny and when she was talking to Mark, he,” Taeyong paused giving father a glance, to which father just nodded, “he confessed to Jisoo being the one behind the plan, and he just hired the attacker, however he refuses to put it on paper. He’s refusing to turn against her, both of them will be brought forward in trial.  However, there isn't any hard evidence against her, everything at the moment is circumstantial. It will be difficult for the council to unanimously agree to convict.” 
“Majority of the council is aware there is something going on through the whispers of everyone but the official ruling will be held tomorrow, the princess will be expected to give a statement.”  Father spoke, I internally groaned at the thought.  
“I assume the princess’ own maids  have been keeping her informed of everything that has been discussed by everyone, but you will still need to go over everything with her.  She can not be surprised by anything that is said tomorrow.” Taeyong said, looking at me, I could tell that he cared, he always did what he could to protect those around him.  “Jeno, we’re trusting you to go over the evidence with her, emotionless.  The council is prepared to rip her story apart piece by piece.  If you can’t make sure she’s prepared, let us know now.” 
“I will go over everything with her, she knows she will be asked to make a statement,” I let out, I would do anything to go back to yesterday when I didn’t have to deal with this.  I would much rather deal with that priest than having to walk the princess through the steps of a trial.
“We have to go through everything front and back, we need to make sure that we cannot allow the council to misinterpret anything,” I nodded my head, Taeyong pulled out the files, the three of us going through every piece of information. 
You stood in the middle of a room that was turned into a salon. There was a panel of mirrors, and a platform, like one would use for dress shopping. There was a section divider for one to change, as well as a seating area, you looked around the room. There was no one here except you, Fei and Mei. 
Suddenly the doors opened to reveal Queen Jaeyeon, Grandma Lee, Grandmother Na, and a team of people just swarming in. You felt the energy leave your body, the swarm of people filling you with exhaustion, you exchanged a look with Fei.  Fei just shrugged and shook her head. 
“My daughter,” Queen Jaeyeon called out, you still cringed at the nickname.  She pulled you into an embrace, she was so much smaller than her son, but the embrace held so many similarities.  You had been away from him for less than a quarter of the day but you longed for him and his calming presence.  “Are you ready to try on your dress?” 
“I am,” you answered.  Queen Jaeyeon had insisted you wear her wedding dress, there were certain design changes made to try to replicate your perfect dress, but it just wasn’t it.
Queen Jaeyeon signaled to someone, they brought forward a box. The person, the seamstress, showed you the contents of the box, it didn’t look like Queen Jaeyeon’s dress at all. The seamstress and two other girls pulled the dress out, it was your mother’s dress.  The sight bringing tears to your eyes, never in a million years did you think that your mothers dress was your dream dress.  However now, seeing it before you, you couldn’t imagine anything more perfect.  
“What a beautiful dress, but that’s not Jaeyon's I thought she was gonna wear yours Jaeyeon?” Grandmother Na said examining the dress, neither her or Grandma Lee attended your earlier dress fittings.  
“She was, but Jeno had another idea,” Queen Jaeyeon answered, looking at you, gauging your reaction.  She was initially resistant to the idea of you not wearing her dress, however Jeno already made the arrangements before informing her.  Now watching you almost being brought to tears by the sight, she knew Jeno made the right call.  
“This was Prince Jeno’s idea?” This is what your mother was talking about, your surprise.  
“He said that it was unfair to you.  You were forced to have a wedding in a foreign place, surrounded by foreign people, so to offer some semblance of a wedding you would have liked, he got your mother to send her own dress.” Queen Jaeyeon looked at you like one would to their own daughter, and you so much longed for your own mother, you opened your mouth to ask ‘how.’  “He made the called about a month ago, finding it, sending it to the seamstress to be altered, and some details were added based on what you said, it arrived just a little while ago, in time for the last fitting,” Queen Jaeyeon answered all your questions, and you couldn’t stop the smile spreading across your face.  
“Thank you,” you bowed lowly to Queen Jaeyeon, you felt so much gratitude, it overwhelmed you.  
You changed into the dress, standing on the platform looking at yourself in the mirror, you felt like a bride.  The compliments flowing from everyone were endless, you glanced at Fei and Mei, both of whom nodded in approval, but it didn’t calm your nerves nearly as much as you thought.   Everything was perfect in every way, but it still didn’t feel right, you needed something else, something more.  “Fei, Mei,” you whispered to call their attention, the two of them ushered over to you, “I want everyone to leave, and I want Chan, please.”  The two nodded their heads and made quick work of it.  Before you even turned back around, everyone was leaving, you don’t know what lie Fei said to get them to leave but you were thankful, and Met set off to get Chan. 
You waited a mere 10 minutes before the door opened again, this time, Mei was accompanied by Chan and Hyunjin.  The two boys ushered in looking around confused, not entirely understanding the reason for their presence.  You smiled at the sight of confusion, it reminded you of times long forgotten.  
“Princess,” Hyunjin bowed, and you grimaced, he looked up to you, “(y/n),” he apologized.  It was an unspoken thing between you and Hyunjin, he would call you ‘princess,’ if you nodded along, he was your guard, if you flinched, he called you ‘(y/n)’ as an apology and he was your friend.  “What’s wrong?” he plopped down onto the couch casually, you enjoyed seeing him relax, it put you at ease to remember he was still a friend.  
Chan stood further back than you would like, taking in all of you in that dress.  You had no idea how many times Chan imagined you in a wedding dress, he just hoped that when it became a reality he was standing at the end of the aisle, not in a salon.  “My princess,” Chan finally let out a breath.  
“What do you think?” The question was meant for everyone, but it was directed to Chan. The rest of the group turned to Chan, watching his every move.  They held their breath, waiting for either of you to make a move. 
Chan took a deep breath, reminding himself you were not his fiancée, “you look absolutely stunning,” he smiled at you fondly.  
“Do you really think so?” You turned back around examining yourself in the mirror, it seemed as if every imperfection was circled with a red marker. 
“(y/n),” Chan looked at you through the mirror, “it looks amazing on you,” you turned back around facing him, “you are an embodiment of beauty,” Chan took your hand as you stepped down from the platform, pressing against him, “and you look nothing less than perfect in this dress.”  There was a moment, you just stared at Chan and he stared back at you.  Just a moment, where it was just you and him again, and everything you wanted to say was said.  “Prince Jeno is very lucky, and he will think the same as I when he sees you,” Chan said, taking a step back away from you.   
Chan’s reassurances made all the previous nerves disappear, almost vanishing into thin air.  “Thank you,” you pulled Chan in for a hug, that probably lasted longer than it should have.  “What do you guys think?” you turned to the rest of your friends, all of them holding big smiles.  The outpour of compliments came again and this time, you believed them.  
You had Mei bring in Queen Jaeyeon and her team of people, while Fei sent Chan and Hyunjin away.  You felt undoubtedly happy about the dress, about the wedding, about your friends, even about Chan.  You felt like even without being intimately with him, he was still in your corner, he was still your friend.  That reminder puts you at ease more than anything anyone could say. 
After measuring some readjustments with the seamstress, you changed out of the dress, and back into your original outfit. Queen Jaeyeon reminded you of this afternoon’s luncheon, which was to be held in the city, at one of the resorts that the Na noble family frequented.  You were to ride with Queen Jaeyeon down to the luncheon. She reassured you that even though there was gonna be lots and lots of press, that you weren't required to talk to anyone, all you had to do was show your face.  “All you need to do is look happy to be there, that's all we need,” was Queen Jaeyeon’s exact words.  
You had exactly an hour, before you had to be back downstairs to ride with Queen Jaeyeon.  You made your way to Jeno’s chamber, since the majority of your stuff was there.  When you entered you were greeted by Jeno sitting behind his desk, he was writing something down, his eyebrows knitted together in what appeared to be frustration. His fingers pushing in on his temple, he was so deep in thought not even noticing you standing on the other side of the room.  You turned to dismiss Fei and Mei, the two understanding seamlessly, your gaze traveling around the room.  
Jeno’s jacket was tossed onto the couch, “you know,” Jeno looked up to see who, relaxing further into his seat when he realized it was you, picking up the abandoned jacket, “if you just toss this around, there's going to be wrinkles.” You tried for a stern look but failed desperately as the prince smiled at you.  
“My apologies Princess,” Jeno watched you enter the bedroom, pulling a hanger from the closet, hanging his jacket before gently laying it on the couch, ensuring there weren't any unnatural bends.  “Did you like your surprise?” He asks with his infamous head tilt and smirk. 
“I did very much,” you smiled, remembering, “did you meet with the council already?”
Jeno groaned at your question, “No,” he glanced at his wrist watch, “I have to be downstairs to meet with them in half an hour,” he went back to the papers on his desk, before going back to look at you, “I just came up here you look at some paperwork.”  He started to flip a few papers over, not wanting you to see the images of your bedroom, on them.   
“I have to leave in an hour to attend the charity luncheon,” you said to change the subject, Jeno nodded along.  
“Come, sit with me for a moment,” you looked at Jeno as he pushed away from his desk, turning his chair and patting his thigh.  The red that danced across your cheeks became very noticeable.  Jeno smirked seeing you become flustered with the suggestion.  Nevertheless, you sat, Jeno’s arms sliding around you, finding purchase on his waist, your arms going up around his neck.  
The two of you sat there in utter silence just enjoying each other, you felt the urge to kiss the prince.  Your gaze shifting between his eyes and lips constantly, you allowed yourself to lean in.  Jeno did the same. 
“Jeno!” The chamber doors barged open, walking in, Jaemin and Haechan, Mark being nowhere in sight.  You jumped, pulling away from the prince, standing up.  You willed the blush to settle, as Jeno let out a slight audible groan at the interruption.  Jaemin’s mouth made an O-shape, while Haechan’s eyes went wide, “didn’t mean to interrupt.”  Jaemin’s expression changed into a knowing smirk, as Haechan hung his head to stifle a laugh.  
“Then leave,” Jeno’s face screwed with irritation. You cleared your throat, in a way to reprimanded the prince, “what do you want?” Jeno asked, with a much annoyed look. 
Jaemin plopped down onto the couch, rested his feet on the coffee table and whipped his head to look at his cousin, “just wanted to see you.”  Jeno’s expression became more irritated, and Jaemin let out a laugh not taking his cousin seriously, he turned more to look at you now, “my apologies if I embarrassed you princess.”  
“No apology needed Jaemin,” you smiled at the boy, “If you boys don’t mind I need to get ready for a luncheon.” You looked at Jeno, and he smiled at you, nodding his head.  You made your way into the bedroom, closing the doors behind you.  After a few seconds you heard the commotion of a fight, but before you went back out it was followed by laughter. You smiled to yourself, your smile growing as you remembered what could've happened.
Taglist:@floweronacloud@cookydream@nctstrawberrycow@marklexleaf@jvjsssnaa@thejeongjaehyun@thejungjaehyun@jackyeongljin@terjeno@tyongf-sunflower99@tgnctzen131@gooreumic@jenotation@nctdom@ficklehoe@itsveronicaxxx@actually-vl@her33n@tomorrowbymoa-together@bangtan-jam@sweetsubakk @onlyoursol-ace
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pruneunfair · 17 days
How I think the OG stories of otome isekai would be viewed if they were real.
Sodom and the holy grail (How to get my husband on my side)
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From the tidbits of the og story we get, Sodom and the holy grail focused more on politics then romance with the plot being about rebelling against Ruby's father and other corrupt church members, Rudbeckia would be a minor antagonist in the way of the main ship of Izek and the FL Freya and as we are told, the entire Borgia family would've been killed off by Izek after Rudbeckia poisons Ellen. It'd probably be well liked for focusing more on gritty politics and tragedy than shojo romance and as far as we know, Freya wouldn't be a terrible FL since the narrative would have no reason to make her awful: 8.5/10
May rest be at your side (the tyrants only perfumer)
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there isn't a lot revealed about this one, only that Ariel was the villainess and the og fl would show up on time instead of waiting to make her big entrance. It looks like a basic rofan so I'll just guess it'd be an underrated and cliché story: 5/10
Snow white (not sew wicked step-mom)
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Its literally just another iteration of snow white, so it would have all the basic stuff in snow white. The apple, evil step-mom, magic mirror, dwarves, and a healing kiss. Plus some historical points for the fact that the cannon ending for Abigail in the og story was being forced to dance with burning hot shoes which was how the evil queen died in the Grimms brother version. :7/10
Lovely princess
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As the title implies, Jennette is a lovely princess along with her sister Athy. It's been described as a basic unoriginal found family tale with Jennette being loved by everyone including her murderous father with a backstory that she had a wicked mother who used magic to have Jennette. It ends with Athy being unjustly executed for the false crimes of poisoning Jennette while the latter lives on with a happily ever after. This would probably be universally despised if it were a real story for the bullshit reason Athy was killed off and the lack of care for it: 2/10
Lady Lily (the villainess maker)
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Its another basic damsel in distress and Prince charming tale that's canonically a dumpster fire since it was written by a 14 year old, from what I could remember Charlotte invents a new form of skirt/dress for women to wear at balls and she catches the eye of a few men, it's so terrible that it ceases to function and ends up in a loop if things dont go according to how they are supposed to, so it's basically the average wattpad fanfic. 1/10 for being such an inconsistent mess the villainess maker plays into how stupid it is.
I don't think this one ever got a name but it's the og-story from Today the villainess has fun again
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Iris is a poor Viscounts daughter who sets out on her own and becomes a maid. After a while of hardwork, she finds herself back into regal life after the crown prince and Reilynns fiance takes a liking to her, from there Iris has multiple men to choose from and along the way she opens up a perfume store I think?. This sounds like the type that would do so well on a webtoon but everywhere else would roast the shit out of it and side with Reilynn. 3/10
The flower from another world (divorcing my tyrant husband)
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The FL Aisha travels to another dimension where she meets the Emperor and they fall in love. The "villainess" Robelia gets shoved to side and dies while Alexandros makes Aisha the empress. I feel like if this were a real manhwa, they'd probably vilifiy Robelia to justify Aisha butting into another relationship but as is, this story would probably also be despised for its treatment of Robelia. 1/10
Bridgette wants to be happy (Seducing the villains father)
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The og plot was Bridgette as the FL and her love interest learning to heal from the traumas of the past that affected their parents lives. Characters would be mostly different since Yerenica and Erudian would be dead and Soleia may not even be a main character, that would be her son Dekalb. So we are talking a tragic story with a happy ending. This sounds like something I would actually read and I can see it being popular if it were real. 9/10
Stop obsessing over me brother! (Not your typical reincarnation story)
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Self explanatory. I feel like this would just be some weird as step-bro fetishist crap judging by the title and the fact that Killian and Cliff really are Rhyses de-facto older brothers. Edith really did this one a favor by stepping in: 0/10
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adelacreations · 5 months
Wip Tuesday! I was tagged by @fizzigigsimmer (sorry I just got to it, my brain was bad lmao)
WIP 1 - What was he so worried about?  Steve. Yeah, his name was Steve Harrington. What was the thing he had forgotten about? Did it matter that much to him? He tried to think about it but all he felt was a thick haze… Ah, he’ll figure it out later. He gazed around the environment before him, Watching the landscape slowly take space around his body. Right now, he had work to do, so much work to do. He had to-need to turn this place into something wonderful. Larger than him. He didn't understand the urge, he just knew that it needed to happen. 
From How to Pretend
WIP 2 - “Is there anything we should know about the Terrasct, Captain?” Billy turned, Hopper raising an eyebrow at him, “You should have left it in the damn ocean, Hop.” The director of SHIELD said nothing to that, only moving closer to him. “Since when did you get yourself a piercing?” Ah, that. Billy shrugged, throwing a punching bag over his shoulder with ease even Hopper did a double take. “Felt like getting it, it suits me.” Billy hasn’t really gotten a call from SHIELD about that new job of his, them saying that they wanted him to settle enough in the modern world before they put him on missions. Well, he most likely suspected that Heather had a part to play in that. He had went and visited her just that day and- She wasn’t have the best of days. 
From we'll be given the world… in the right time
WIP 3 - “Most of the ladies from other kingdoms swears by this type of gown. It has been a trend that increasing.” Still, didn't mean that she had to like it. So many layers…Max was positive she would be sweating her arse off in it. So, she made quick work to escape the confines of her room, the heavy wooden door only creaking slightly. The guards will be making their rounds in about the next five minutes, their armour creaking with every step they take. Most of them loyal to her father-Neil Hargrove.  No matter what her mother says, that man will not be her father. Her father had been lost in battle…a war that the Hargrove kingdom had in a hand in. And in her grief, her mother had fallen into the arms of the first man willing to take in a widow and her daughter. Her only daughter as her mother has struggled to conceive for a while passed Max’s fifth saint name day. Her father had said that it didn’t matter, that it was time for a woman to take on the role of head of their noble family. However…when her father had died…her mother hadn’t been up to the task. Leaving the responsibilities of their house to the greedy men that were too quick to offer their hand in marriage.
Anddd finally from my upcoming Fae AU XD
No pressure tags: @shieldofiron @half-oz-eddie @whenyouwishuponastar7 @neonponders @billyharringson
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A Mouse in a Lion’s Den Pt.9
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Pairing(s): Rhaegar Targaryen x Lannister!Reader, implied Rhaegar Targaryen x Lyanna Stark, Jaime Lannister x Cersei Lannister, one sided!Jaime Lannister x Lannister!Reader
Warnings: cersei just being ugly, both rhaegar and jaime are in the wrong, heartbroken reader consoled by little brother tyrion
Words: 2521
Summary: He claimed he never meant to hurt you, but Rhaegar (and Jaime for that matter) happened to accomplish just that reaffirming your speculation that you’re just difficult to love. 
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18
Book One of Heir of Ash and Fire
Little Cersei stomps her feet. “But I don’t want another sibling!!” Her charming face twisted and turned into something ugly. Red flamed her cheeks and brimmed her eyes. She was always given everything due to her childish beauty, this however was a matter that she would not win. There was nothing she could do; no amount of tantrums or tears could stop what was going to happen.
Her younger twin, Jaime, was perched next to their heavily pregnant mother. His tiny hands pressed against her stomach with slight wonder. A small index finger taps against it, half expecting maybe to hear or feel something back. Jaime presses his ear against Joanna’s bulging abdomen, unconcerned with his sister’s outburst.
Joanna chuckles patiently, weaving her fingers between strands of Jaime’s golden hair. “Now now Cersei. I’m sure you’ll love them. You haven’t even met them yet.”
She huffs, crossing her arms haughtily in front of her. “It better not be a girl. I want to be the only girl!”
Her lady mother shakes her head, still smiling at her eldest child. Cersei had been acting like this from the very moment Joanna told her children that she was expecting another child.
“Why do you have to have another baby? Aren’t Jaime and I enough?”
“Enough Cersei.” Lord Tywin tsks and puts down his quil to softly glare at his daughter. He was started to get annoyed at her constant complaining. “The more children we have the better. All families thrive on heirs. It makes our family stronger. The more lions, the louder the roar.”
She didn’t care about lions. She cared about the attention she would lose from her parents because of a new baby. The attention she might lose from Jaime too. Cersei hated the idea of someone taking her Jaime away. It already looked like Jaime was growing fond of their new sibling. If it were to be born a girl. . .
That made her all the more angry.
Cersei still remembered the day when she gained a sister.
That day was branded deep into her memory as the day she lost her dear mother’s favor. Beautiful Joanna Lannister who possessed the palest skin that Cersei had ever seen. Much like fresh milk, she always liked to compare it to. On that day though that her sister was born, Joanna’s smooth cheeks were glowing with a vibrant red hue that told everyone of the strain she had to endure to deliver her long awaited third child. Even back then Cersei always thought of (y/n) as an ugly little beast. Perhaps even more so than Tyrion.
Her life went down hill the moment (y/n) popped out from Joanna.
Oh how Joanna was just so in awe of the bundle in her arms. There was a shine that Cersei had never known in her mother’s eyes. Of course Joanna beckoned her twins closer so that they too could get a look at their new sister. The joy that was on Joanna’s face was enough to make the jealousy rise in Cersei. She had always been the jealous type, she acknowledged that. How could she not when both her mother and brother were preoccupied with the squawking baby in her arms? Jaime had taken a brave step forward, curious to look upon the face of his new sibling.
“Her name is (y/n).” Joanna cooed sweetly. “Isn’t she beautiful?”
Cersei scrunched up her nose. That was the last thing she thought the baby was. A loud, ugly, monkey was more like it.
“Do all babies look like that mother?” Jaime asked innocently enough until Cersei added snidely “Yeah, do they all look that ugly?”
The smile fell from Joanna’s lips and a part of Cersei felt bad for making her mother upset. Just as quickly as she had lost it, her smile returns as does her gaze toward (y/n).
“You’ll understand when you have your own children. Babies are always beautiful in their mother’s eyes. I had a dream just before I went into labor. About (y/n). One day she will be a queen. I know it. She’ll be a wonderful and kind queen too.”
“What about me?” Cersei could already feel her cheeks redden with indignation. “I’m gonna be a queen too!”
Joanna didn’t seem to listen as she brought her heart shaped lips to (y/n)’s tiny head. “Yes. I know you’ll be a queen my sweet (y/n).”
Cersei felt like she was losing to (y/n) all over again.
Bitterly looking out from her window she felt bile form in her throat as she furiously called back to but a few hours ago. She had invited Jaime to her room so that they could make love. After all she was celebrating. It was all over the Keep that (y/n) no longer wanted to marry Rhaegar. A fool she was. Cersei had half feared that her mother’s prediction was becoming true. From the moment their engagement was announced, Cersei had been haunted by Joanna’s words. It just couldn’t have been true.
She had been overjoyed at the news. But when she was expressing said joy, Jaime seemed less enthused. Even going so far as to snap at her. Jaime had never snapped at her. Never in all the years they had been alive. He had snapped at her though and taken (y/n)’s side.
That green flame of jealousy licked at the walls of her belly.
She didn’t want to think that perhaps Jaime loved (y/n) the way he did her. No. (y/n) wouldn’t get Jaime. She had already gotten Joanna and Rhaegar. Cersei would never allow her to take Jaime away from her.
“I was- no- I am a fool.”
Jaime scoffs. “That much is clear.”
You quickly shoot a tentative glance at Griff, expecting him to jump out of his seat and once again defend his prince’s honor. The red haired knight controlled himself very well. All you noticed of his agitation was the tightening of his jaw and the hardening of his eyes.
The four of you had been called into Rhaegar’s personal quarters to discuss the events that had just transpired. You wanted to be anywhere but there yet even you knew you had to listen to whatever Rhaegar had to say despite your still wounded heart. It throbbed painfully inside of you as it felt like the freshly made scab was being viciously ripped off.
Rhaegar ignores your brother and looks at you with such naked honest that squeezed at your heart. “I made a mistake. A terrible mistake. My heart betrayed you. Such a sweet girl that I care for so deeply. A girl that-”
“Get on with it. Tell me what you did. Say it out loud!” Your brother barks. You flinch at the harshness of his voice. You never did like it when men yelled. It was such an aggressive sound that always made you nervous.
Violet eyes actually narrow to glare at Jaime. He keeps his tone level as he continues. “I dared to think that I had fallen in love with another woman. A betrothed woman.”
Right as he said that you felt all of Jaime’s anger radiate off of him as he struggled to stay in his seat and remain somewhat calm. He was lucky that the other guards swore to be silent about what had happened in the courtyard. They respected Rhaegar and would never betray him. Even if it meant keeping quiet about a threat made toward him.
Just to placate your brother you hesitantly place your hand on top of Jaime’s. His skin jumps at the contact but he visibly settled down; his green eyes glancing from his periphery to look at you.
“You dared to think? What does that mean?” Voice tight you wish it were more smoother and that it didn’t convey how you really felt.
Running a tongue over his bottom lip Rhaegar looks down for a moment before returning your gaze. “Whatever I felt for Lyanna Stark means nothing. Perhaps I romanticized that mere meeting. I was just. . .” He chose his next words carefully. “I was just so caught off guard by her.”
You knew Rhaegar had not intended his words to be painful, but they were. No matter how he phrased it, Rhaegar had still felt attracted to another woman. Evidently someone who was much more beautiful than you.
“What connection would we have though compared to what you and I have.” Rhaegar says gently. “I still want to marry you (y/n). Not out of duty but because I want to be with you.”
Tongue feeling incredibly heavy in your mouth you look away from Rhaegar.
“I’ve heard enough.” Jaime hisses and takes your arm. “All I hear from you is a half assed way of trying to fool my sister into marrying you. For what? So that you could betray her again? So that you could sneak behind her back with a northern girl?”
You yank your arm away from him and finally spit out “Don’t touch me! Like you’re any better!”
All three men flinch at the venom in your tone. It was even something new to you. You didn’t know what was happening to you. You were just so fed up of people lying to you. So tired of being someone’s second choice. You didn’t want anyone to pretend to love you anymore.
“How can I trust either of you?” Hands shaking you fight your way toward the bedroom door. “The both of you are nothing but liars!”
Perhaps you weren’t being fair yet at that moment you didn’t really care what was fair.
“My lady?” Thalina frets about you. You knew she meant well but you didn’t want to be around anyone at the moment.
“Can you make a fire and send Tyrion here please? I could really use a bit of cheering up from the one male who has yet to disappoint me.” You slump down in a chair with not the least bit of grace.
Thalina presses her lips together, wanting to say something, but knows better and does as you had told her. Once she sets a fire up in the fireplace she leaves to go fetch your brother.
Sullenly you stare at the fire, watching the flames dance so effortlessly in such a tangent of movement that had you slightly hypnotized. It was so soothing the way it moved and licked around the logs. You move from your seat and go to the fireplace to curl closer to its warmth. It filled up the hurt that had seemed to make your chest so vacant and empty. You felt the very fire from the hearth set ablaze in your chest. Lulling you into a cozy tiredness, you felt your eyelids droop. That was until you caught something odd in the orange glow of the fire that reminded you of the beautiful marigold flowers that bloomed in the garden of the Keep. You will your eyes to open and gaze deeper into the fire. It flickered oddly, movement that fire wasn’t normally supposed to make. Moving in a strange arrangement you felt the pull of something otherworldly that made you train your eyes on it. An image appeared to you in colors of yellow and gold. You felt your heart race for some unknown reason and your fingertips curling against the stone of the fireplace. A winged creature flew among the flames that you knew very well to be a dragon. What other creature could be so massive and have such a great wingspan? On it’s back was a figure. You couldn’t make out any features of the figure, try as you might.
Thalina’s voice made you jump away from the fire, panting from the intensity you had just experienced. She’s startled by your wide eyed expression as she hesitates to bring in Tyrion who stands excitedly in the frame of the door, unaware of what has perturbed you.
“A-Are you alright, my lady?” She simpers, standing back a bit. You must’ve looked like a wild, frightened animal sitting so close to the fire.
You run your hand over your warm face and turn your face away for a moment to regain yourself. Surely you hadn’t just been imagining things. The image you had seen. . . It was as clear as day. Not just some trick your mind was playing on you.
Taking a deep, calm, breath, you said “Yes. . . yes I’m fine.”
Your maid hesitates but advances with your little lord right behind her. “I have brought Tyrion just as you asked.”
Having the energy like any normal child his age, he pushes past Thalina and hobbles over to you. Your brain still felt murky and sluggish as if you very well had been asleep the entire time.
You manage a lazy smile as Tyrion wraps his short arms around your neck. His golden Lannister curls softly tickle your cheek as you hold him close to you.
“Is it true you’re not gonna marry Rhaegar anymore?”
Gossip sure did spread quickly, even to small children like Tyrion. Pursing your lips you glance uncertainly to Thalina who ducks her head and exits your room. “Where did you hear that from?”
He rolls his mismatched eyes a bit and it makes you grin. You should’ve known better. Everyone thought him an invalid due to his dwarfism, but he was as sharp as a tack. “Everyone talks around me, thinking I don’t pay attention. Is it true?”
“Things have happened that have made me think twice about this engagement. But. . . I suppose it’s too late to call it off, huh?”
“What happened? You were so happy a few days ago!” He was highly observant too.
You knew that Tyrion would’ve made a great lord of Casterly Rock had it not been for your father.
How could you put it in terms that a young child could understand? For even if Tyrion was incredibly smart for his age it was highly unlikely that he would understand the adult heart. He need not worry about things like that yet.
Sighing deeply you sit him down right in front of you. For a moment he glances at the fire and you wonder if he saw anything like you had. Those thoughts are dashed away as he returns his concentration on you, clearly uninterested in anything the flames had to offer. You open your mouth, uncertain where to begin. Gazing at his intelligent eyes you knew that you could only tell the blunt truth.
“Rhaegar does not love me. He loves someone else.”
Tyrion’s pronounce brows furrow. “How can he not love you? You’re the nicest person! Who does he love?”
You were amused by Tyrion’s outrage and all moodiness escaped you. “It doesn’t matter. Not anymore. Many people marry without there being any love.”
“Doesn’t that make you sad though?”
“Of course it does. It’s just something I’ll have to learn to live with. That’s how the adult world works.”
His hand reaches up to caress your cheek.
You find yourself crying again at Tyrion’s gentleness.
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
could you do jon snow and robb stark w a sister reader? not like separate headcanons, like just the reader being ride or die besties with them their entire childhood. she's robb's younger twin sister? thank you!
I did my best ~ I love stuff like this, also it reminded me of one of my first pieces I posted 3 years ago ... man. A lot of stuff from there can also apply to this, but I try to not repeat myself.
The birth of the twins was a grand event in Winterfell, a huge spot of hope amongst the gloom of war. On his way home, Ned already had a heavy burden and grief to carry - and when he arrived to see not just one child, but two, he felt dizzy with worry, relief and happiness.
Naturally, the twins are positively doted on by by everyone in Winterfell, not just their parents. I like to think that while Robb inherited his mother's looks, his sister would be closer to a Stark. Ned would never give her the name of his beloved sister - the wound was too fresh - but perhaps his mother, or Catlyn's.
Beyond that, you can't remember a time that Robb was not at your side and Jon wasn't right by his. Jon was always just there, just as your twin was. You didn't understand why he was disliked, why he was your father's but not your mother's. It was something no one wanted to explain to you, yet they expected you to follow unspoken rules regarding how to treat him. Your lady mother, who was nothing but adoring of you, would become more closed-off and cold when you played with him.
The three of you are a trio around Winterfell, well-known and well-liked. Your personality determines the dynamic of this group; if you're more outgoing and tomboyish, it's usually you and Robb always competing. Jon is the quieter, mediating personality, often having to be the "go between" when you and Robb fight. Not that you and your twin stay angry for long; you've never gone more than a day before apologizing. If you're the more introverted and quiet type, it's you and Jon following Robb's lead, him playing the "lord" while you and Jon pretend to be loyal knights. Having a more sociable and clever personality would make up for the boy's collective awkwardness and lack of intrigue, and they'd often look to you in new social situations, especially as the three of you grew older. Being more shy or nervous leads to both boys being incredibly protective of you, willing to throw down with anyone attempting to mock you.
(While no one would dare mock Robb, the future Lord Stark, Jon and even you are not so lucky. It doesn't take long before you all realize the insult that "bastard" carries, and by being a girl, you are also lesser. More than once the boys have had to drag you off some kid who was throwing insults.)
No matter what, the three of you have a tight bond that leads you to protecting each other. Between you and Jon, there was always this unspoken rule of protecting Robb above yourselves - maybe not just because he was meant to be Lord, but some odd, nagging feeling that he may need it some day.
The older you become, you're expected to be a lady who doesn't run around with boys in the mud or the forest. If you're the sort who wants to ride horses and go hunting with the others and play swords with Jon and Robb, well ... it's very difficult for Ned to deny you anything, though your mother has plenty of scoldings, worrying about what sort of lady you'll turn out to be.
This is especially true when Theon arrives, as Catlyn would not want an Ironborn captive associating so closely with her eldest daughter. Robb lets him into the circle first, so you and Jon follow suit. Theon doesn't always hang around the three of you - he doesn't begin to think that he'll ever be part of that bond, and on the days he misses his family most, it stings. Still, it's hard to keep his usual biting remarks when Robb, you and Jon are willing to include him.
(He most certainly gets a crush on you and handles it in the most awkward, annoying way a teenage boy can. Jon notices it right away and Robb is clueless.)
Sansa and Arya are incredibly fond of you, and your mother certainly encouraged you to set a good example for your little sisters and take on some caretaking duties when they were much younger. They go to you for comfort, and drag you away from the boys so you might play with them instead. If you're more tomboyish, it's likely Arya is closer to you and she feels less alone about her "strangeness"; while if you're more ladylike, Sansa admires you as much as Catlyn and often follows you around like a duckling. Striking a balance between the two means you're the best to play peacekeeper when your sisters get into spats.
By the time you and Robb are nearly considered "grown" by Westerosi standards, you're the confidant of Robb and Jon, and they're the same for you. You three often discuss your futures, either with hope or trepidation. The fact you'd have to be apart from them, to go off and marry some lord like a proper lady ought to do - even if it may be the future king of Westeros - was a constant worry. Then there was your father's increasingly sorrowful looks when he looked to you, haunted by old memories you were never told in full ...
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thegoofiestofgoobers · 10 months
i love jack stauber so much, I love opal, I love Shop: a pop opera, I love every single one of his albums, I would pay 20$ to see what goes on in this man's brain.
also not so mini mini opal rant below (tw child neglect and abuse, also smoking)
FUCK I LOVE OPAL SO MUCH. so basically if you haven't watched it GO WATCH IT PLS and if you have, RAHHH. I've watched it about 7 times now so like over an hour of my life spent on it + analyzation videos so like another hour added. But it starts with this girl is eating with her family, she is given a burger, and then she dances with it, never even biting it, until her attention is drawn to a weird house across the street, her family says to not go there, and then tells her to go sleep. She sneaks out of her seemingly perfect house at night to go check a house across the street out because the top window of the house is calling out to her. So she goes into the house tiptoeing cause it isn't her house, until this man talks to her asking if it is Claire and also asking her to bring him his cigarettes telling her to not hide them again, Opal looks really scared as the man starts coughing blood saying he wish he could breath, breaking into a song about how it looks so easy to breathe on tv, and how he uses smoking and tv to cope with his poor health.(random but somewhat important detail, the man is old and seemingly blind) After his song he realizes that the girl isn't Claire and starts slowly chasing her, then while trying to escape she runs into this one room with a guy sitting in front of a bunch of mirrors talking to himself about how great he is and then re-adjusting his mirrors over and over so there is no way of seeing opal's face while talking to opal, saying how her outfit would look so good on him, and then just randomly insulting her ankles. You can see that he has endured some traumatic event that makes him obsessed with himself. Then he breaks into THE BEST SONG OF THE WHOLE THING, talking about his insecurities and how he is trying to make himself perfect. after he finishes the old man catches up to opal but then she runs to the next room, close to the attic that was calling to her but then this lady who was clearly drunk grabs opal's ankle and tells her how she feels terrible for everything, she almost says for everything that she's done but she stuttered and stopped before she said anything. She then sings about how she needs a little girl to comfort her and basically be her therapist, basically flipping the mother daughter relationship. Opal finally breaks free from the lady's grip running to the attic locking herself in the attic as the adults bang at her door. She looks outside the window and looks at where her house would be but all she sees is a billboard ad from a burger place with her "family" surrounding a kid holding a burger. She falls on her knees, crying. trying to escape her reality, we then fade to the start again. ok now time for analyzation! (this is the longest post I've done)
So basically Opal's name isn't really Opal, it's Claire, she changed her name because Claire reminds her about her family. The guy in the mirror is beloved to have been beaten by the mother in the attic, messing with his appearance, which is why he is so obsessed with appearance, because he knows that he will never look the same again. Opal is also heavily malnourished because if you compare her to the child in the ad with her family, she is more scrunched up. which makes sense because everyone in the family is too busy with themselves or not fit to care for her.
there is some other stuff but I'm tired of typing. thanks for reading my rant abt my current hyperfixation <3
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ozrockbitway · 8 months
Do you have any Vanguard OCs? 👀 (Or possibly any ones you'd want to see in a deck)
no unit??? OCs??? YET....but I want my funny Solrairon/Kheios/Mikani ship to have a kid...who let you have 3 dads??? they could be related to glitter or be one of those duel nation units
anyway SLAPS DOWN MY OC info that I still have thank god I saved this- I really should use toy house............
I've only draw a semi full pic of Michi...everyone else has a picrew cuz Im lazzzyyyy...mamoeni kid does have a headshot tho
Tumblr media
renai fankid. Kagero user. Psyqualia. A really nice kid. A bit lethargic and has his head in the clouds. He’s mostly daydreaming about vanguard and Cray. He keeps an optimistic attitude regardless of how others treat him. He can be a little sneaky and playful, using things to his own advantage (ie. using his cute charms for a headpat) but never had any ill intentions. Thanks to his best friend ‘mothering’ him he is a little spoiled and tends to expect the same from others. When he was younger, he was bullied and kept that to himself, not wanting to make his best friend or anyone else worried. He doesn’t want to feel like a burden to others. Is aware that he is a little ‘weird’ and is labelled as an ‘outcast’ so doesnt want others to fall into that same pit.
Link Joker user. transfer from Hong Kong (chinese/japanese) and knows the Soryuu family. Was supposed to be an Aqua Force user. A very serious cardfighter. Dislikes nicknames. Has a hard time getting along with others who are the ‘fooling around’ type. Isn’t mean but does speak his mind. He is actually a very chill and kind person but loses his chill when around kousuke and michi (mostly Michi). Doesn’t laugh a lot, more on the stoic side. Can knit. Might be nominated for Student Council president??
Momoka (Momo)
Mikuru’s daughter. Pale Moon user. A vanguard nerd who keeps up to date with everything, it helps that she works at card capital. Keeps her job a secret bcuz she’s not supposed to have one but she doesnt work all the time. More like 1-2 days a week, 3 at most. Her mom wanted to be an idol and she does to so she has a stressed life. She’s not that popular, yet. Hardworking and determined but doesn’t really give herself a break. She comes off as tired but its worth seeing people smile, on or off the stage. Her stage name is the Pale Moon Witch? Uses a wig or lets her hair down as an idol, keeps it a secret.
Tatsunagi OC (I never named her cries)
Tatsunagi family (takes over after Nome). Like the others, she is simply an observer watching between Earth and Cray. Knows about the half units on Earth.
Shadow Paladin half unit. One of the Dark Dragon’s Grade 4 kids. Meant to oppose the Ezel half unit. Emotionless and sticks to the mission. Is somewhat curious about Earth and doesn’t know how some things work. Goes to Fukuhara. Clueless about relationships and is just a pawn to the Dark Dragon.
Mamoeni fankid (never named her either RIP)
nonbinary? Angel Feather/Gear Chronicle. Good and quiet child with a heart of gold but stricken with an illness.
Mamoru’s gf. Shadow Paladin user. Has a bad habit of smiling when nervous. Has to live up to older sister’s legacy but can’t handle it so she tries to come off as indifferent/nonchalant. Family thinks she’s heartless. Doesn’t know if she hates her sister or not because thanks! you left me with shit to deal with. Not lazy but hates being compared to her sister. Good but snarky.
Haru (not pictured here waaaaa)
Angel Feather user. sadistic/masochistic type of person. works as a bartender. an ex-delinquent. is still physically strong and can kick your ass outside a cardfight. doesn’t always think plays through, but lady luck is on his side so it turns out in his favor. doesn’t cuss at work but will 100% cuss outside of work.
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kmomof4 · 1 year
Teaser Thursday!!!
Hello all! It’s been a long while since I posted anything, so I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon that booksteaandtoomuchtv started this morning. Calling it Teaser Thursday instead of Things I’m Typing Thursday (TIT Thursday) because while I am currently working on a new fic, I haven’t had time to work on it all week, so I can’t say I’m currently TYPING anything… anyhoo, I do have 3 fics waiting in the wings to post this fall and holiday season, and hopefully this new project will post sometime this fall as well, we’ll see… so I thought y’all would like some sneak peeks…
Orphan Girl is waiting on a beta read and was inspired by a song of the same name my local chorale group sang last spring as part of our concert featuring Songs from the Enchanted Isle, Folks Songs of Ireland, England, and Scotland. The song was originally written by Brendan Graham for the Annual Great Famine Commemoration in Sydney in 2012. The ceremony commemorates the relocation of about 4k female orphans to Australia after the potato famine took its toll.
Welcome to Drogheda Station, Miss Nolan,” he began. “My name is Killian Jones, and I am in need of a governess for my young daughter. She lost her mother closing in on a year ago now, and I just want to meet you myself before introducing you to my Alice and make sure you’d be a good fit with our family.” Emma nodded, but remained silent. His crystal blue eyes remained on hers as he spoke and she had to give herself an internal shake to keep herself from getting lost in them.
“So, tell me about yourself.” He looked down at a small stack of papers on his desk for a moment before looking back at her again. “I have quite a lot of information about you from your file provided to me from Granny, but I’d like to hear some of it in your own words.” He smiled and Emma instantly relaxed as she returned it.
“Ah,” Emma began, “the name… of the station? Drogheda? That’s Irish isn’t it?”
His smile lit up his face and Emma thought she would swoon at the pleasure she saw in his beautiful eyes.
“It is,” he affirmed. “My father was from Drogheda in County Louth on the east coast of Ireland. He immigrated here when he was a teenager. He died when I was small, but when I bought this land, I wanted to honor him and the roots he left behind by naming the station after his hometown.”
“I see.” She smiled back at him. “That’s a lovely tribute to your family. Thank you for sharing it with me. I’d never been to County Louth, but I had heard of it. I’m from County Mayo on the west coast.”
Killian smiled softly at her statement and nodded for her to continue. He watched the young woman in front of him intently as she continued speaking. Her manners were impeccable and her appearance was most pleasing. Her long golden hair was gathered at the nape of her neck in a ponytail against the summer heat, but it positively glowed in the sun shining through the windows of his office. There was a sadness in her green eyes that Killian found himself responding to. It was the look that he himself saw in the mirror every day. The look of an orphan. Given her circumstances, and where she came from, he wasn’t at all surprised.
What did surprise him, however, was how strongly he was responding to it. He wanted nothing more than to care for and shelter this lovely young lady. Her education and decorum were obvious in her comportment and Killian was sure she’d be a perfect fit for the position. He rarely had trouble discerning the character of a person upon their first meeting, and after just this brief introduction to Emma Nolan, he had no compunction whatsoever in bringing her on as Alice’s governess.
Our next sneak peek is from the Family Affair universe! After the response I got to the fics in the series, I wanted to share the couples Happy Beginnings, as well. And what better way is there then to gather the entire extended clan for Christmas? This fic picks up one year after Robin and Regina’s wedding, when David finally came home, and will post on Christmas Day.
Christmas was just a couple of days away. Emma, Killian, and Henry were feverishly getting everything ready to host the entire extended Swan and Jones families. They were expecting a total of sixteen extra guests for the holiday and excitement was running very high.
They didn’t usually have much snow in December, but this year, they were predicting around three inches on Christmas Eve. Henry had never seen a white Christmas, and with all his aunts, uncles, and cousins, in addition to his grandparents coming, this was sure to be the best Christmas ever!
Henry peeked into his baby sister’s bedroom, not surprised to see her awake and standing in her crib. Henry grinned and came in, followed closely by Shep.
“Eny, Eny,” Hope babbled as her big brother approached.
“Do you know what today is, Hope?” Henry asked his sister. “Everyone’s coming today! Mimi and Papaw, Aunt Ruby, Uncle Graham and Poppa, and you’ll get to meet your baby cousins in person, Aunt Regina and Uncle Robin, Aunt M’s and Uncle David, Aunt Elsa and Uncle Liam, Aaron and Dale, and Grandpa Nemo!”
Henry lowered the side of the crib and lifted Hope out, setting her on her feet on the floor. She wasn’t walking independently yet, but she was close and Henry just knew that she’d do it sometime in the next few days while everyone was here. He stood behind her and held onto her hands raised in the air as she started toward the door of her bedroom.
He followed along behind her as they toddled the short distance to their parents’ room. Once they reached the door, Henry knocked.
“Mom? Dad?” he asked, opening the door slightly. Shep pushed the door open the rest of the way with his nose.
“Mamamamamamamama,” Hope babbled. “Dadadadadadadada.”
The lights were still off, but the sun was poking through the blinds. Their dad sat up, his mouth opening on a huge yawn and swung his legs off the side of the bed, motioning for them to be quiet.
“Mom’s still asleep,” he whispered. “Let’s let her sleep just a little more. Go downstairs with Hope, Henry, and I’ll be down in just a minute to get breakfast started.”
Henry nodded and turned Hope around, back toward the door of the bedroom. As soon as they were gone, Killian leaned over to Emma, pressing a kiss to her brow and whispering in her ear.
“You can sleep for a little while longer, babe. I’ll send Henry up to get you once breakfast is ready.”
All he got was a muffled Mmmph in reply. Killian chuckled and made his way to the bathroom.
Our next fic is a continuation of A Christmas Surprise. Told mostly in Killian’s pov this time, it begins with Killian and Alice’s reunion and goes all the way to Killian and Emma’s wedding day! This is a long one and so will have two parts. Part One will post on Dec 8, and Part Two on Dec 15.
Killian Jones sat in the darkness of the giant present in which he was hiding, waiting for his daughter’s Christmas program to begin. He couldn’t wait to see his starfish when he surprised her after she sang her solo this evening. He was proud to serve his country, but the long deployments made things especially difficult. Having Liam and Elsa so close by and willing to care for Alice when he was gone was a blessing he didn’t take for granted in the least, but he was so thankful that he was home for good now and was eligible to retire in just a few more months.
Which made him think about what would come next. What the future might hold and how the lovely Emma Swan might fit into it. He’d been thoroughly gobsmacked when he laid eyes on the golden haired beauty who was Alice’s teacher when he arrived at the school earlier. And then the revelation that she was single sent his heart rate ratcheting up like he hadn’t experienced since he’d met his late wife. It had been six years since he’d lost his beloved Milah, and the thought of re-entering the dating scene hadn’t crossed his mind once in all that time. He was still relatively young and handsome, but with his very young daughter and Navy career, he didn’t have the time or inclination to put himself back out there.
But Emma Swan might just change his mind on that front.
He knew his countenance sported a goofy, thoroughly besotted smile when he heard movement on the outside of the present in which he sat. Bright light from the auditorium flooded the dark space as the box’s small door opened, helping him immensely in the schooling of his features before being confronted with the object of his thoughts as she handed him his dinner.
“Do you have enough light to see to eat in here?” Emma asked, looking around.
Killian grimaced. He hadn’t really thought of that. “Perhaps not.”
“I can stay for a bit while you eat, turn the flashlight on on my phone. So you can see to eat,” she stammered. The blush on her cheeks was adorable, and Killian’s heart rate picked up yet again.
“That would be great. Thank you, Emma.”
She smiled as she moved into the space with him. It was a bit cramped with them both sitting on the floor, but he didn’t mind it at all. He tucked into his Christmas meal of roast turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes, green beans and cranberry salad as Emma told him about some of the antics Henry, Alice, and her cousins had gotten up to this semester.
She told him about Liam Jr and Colin hiding Alice’s pencil box on the first day of school. Meant as an initiation of sorts, it had made Elsa’s morning that much more hectic and stressful trying to find it and make it to school on time. Emma related how she’d had trouble containing her giggles when the twins confessed what they’d done, handed over the pencil box, and got exactly what was coming to them from their mother. Later on the same day, in retaliation, Alice and Henry had hidden away the twins’ lunch boxes. Killian had to stifle his laughter at the story.
Then Emma told him about the time just a few weeks ago when Alice was delayed coming back from the restroom. When Emma went to look for her, she found the child peeking into the auditorium where her cousins were engaged in a basketball game with another school in the area. Colin had just made a shot, and Alice was cheering loudly for her cousin from the hallway when Emma found her. Killian’s heart swelled.
And finally, the new fic I’ve been working on is inspired by Francesca Bridgerton’s story. I wrote the entire first ch of the fic, almost 8400 words, in five days, so I’m hoping I’ll be able to finish it next month and post it sometime in November. No promises, but that is the hope…
There is a moment in every man’s life in which his future becomes clear. A turning point of sorts. The moment when he becomes a man, when he leaves the irresponsibility and temerity of youth behind and turns his eyes to the future. A future that he’d never allowed himself to think about before. Unfortunately, that moment came for Killian Jones when he first laid eyes on Emma Nolan, at a supper celebrating the imminent marriage between herself and Killian’s brother Earl Liam Jones.
After years of chasing anything in a skirt, Killian grimaced at the irony. In all that time, he’d never allowed his heart to become entangled with his many, many romantic exploits. Allowing himself to be chased until he conquered, his reputation as a rake and a scoundrel was well deserved. He’d even stopped attending church, although he assuaged the pricking of his conscience by telling himself the derelict stones of Kilmartin Abbey on the Kilmartin estate up in Scotland couldn’t withstand a direct strike of lightning, which would surely happen if Killian Jones ever showed his face inside. No originality among his ancestors there, when it came to naming. They were so proud of the title when it was newly bestowed about 300 years ago, that they attached it to everything they possibly could.
Killian Jones
Worst of Sinners
He would have had it printed on calling cards if he didn’t think it would actually kill his mother. He may never have seduced a virgin or slept with a married woman… Oh very well, if he couldn’t be honest in his own head, then what was the purpose? He’d slept with plenty of married women. But only those whose husbands were tossers, and only when they’d already produced at least two male offspring, three if one of others was sickly. He may have a modicum of honor left in his blackened soul… because this was the one thing that truly did it. Blackened his soul beyond all redemption.
He coveted his brother’s wife.
And had since that fateful moment two years ago. The day he met Emma Nolan. Emma Nolan Jones now. Lady Kilmartin. Countess Kilmartin. Wife of his brother. The Earl of Kilmartin.
He could torture himself for days thinking of every iteration of Emma Nolan Jones, but it would never change the simple fact. He couldn’t have her. She’d never be his.
I hope this whets y’all’s appetite!!
Tagging the usual crew. Please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed.
@jrob64 @teamhook @winterbaby89 @hollyethecurious @artistic-writer @xarandomdreamx @undercaffinatednightmare @the-darkdragonfly @stahlop @superchocovian @pirateprincessofpizza @tiganasummertree @anmylica @cosette141 @motherkatereloyshipper @zaharadessert @jonesfandomfanatic @ultraluckycatnd @jennjenn615 @allons-y-to-hogwarts-713 @kymbersmith-90 @booksteaandtoomuchtv @wistfulcynic @mie779 @snowbellewells @lfh1226-linda @aprilqueen84 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @pirateherokillian @elfiola @ilovemesomekillianjones @justanother-unluckysoul @poptart-cat-78 @myfearless-love @goforlaunchcee @searchingwardrobes @gingerpolyglot @gingerchangeling @djlbg @cocohook38 @cs-rylie @thisonesatellite @donteattheappleshook @deckerstarblanche @veryverynotgoodwrites @wefoundloveunderthelight @fleurdepetite @alexa-fangirl-forever @bluewildcatfanatic @qualitycoffeethings
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Incorrect Quotes
Capcom vs the Gays Middle Finger
Astronomy Class
Dani's Pet Spider
Lady Dimiclawscu
The Talk
Social Skills
The Stench
The Stench 2
Call From a Drunk Reader
Viagra for the Lady
Megan the Stallion
Who's a Good Girl?
Modern Tech for the Dimitrescus
Thanksgiving Turkey
Gif Reactions
Reader in Tight Pants
Reader with No Gag Reflex
Reader Eating Yogurt with Just Tongue
Reader Masturbating
Reader Masturbating with Large Dildo
Being Called Daddy
HC for the first time the sisters attempt to use a strap on the reader HC for how each of the Dimitrescu family members would react to having their crush (the reader) walk in on them pleasuring themselves? Thanks in advance!
HC's for the resident evil girls feeding from you ;)
What perfumes would Lady D and daughters use? Expensive that's for sure, but which brands? Or maybe handmade? P.S. i adore your blog ❤
Hi, how about some headcanons about facesitting? Especially with Lady D and Daniela. Ps. Thanks for your lovely writtings;)
HC of what the Dimitrescu daughters are like during sex?
How would Alcina react walking in on her daughters riding their maiden's strap? And how would the daughters react on walking in on Alcina absolutely wrecking her pet from behind?
the dimitrescu's reaction to finding their lover(the reader) masturbating ;)
how would the daughters react if reader got their kiss mark tattooed over their heart
How would the Resident Evil Village ladies react to reader coming without permission >:3 and I love your blog!!
hey hey i'm back (sorry I just love your page so much it makes me happy C: ) But it's my b-day tomorrow and I wanted to ask what would all of the RE8 ladies do on reader birthday! Thank you and sorry for the many asks C:&lt;
Headcanons for the Dimitrescu girls with a chubby nonbinary s/o who loves food but gets super flustered over being handfed and/or groped?
HCs for the ladies with a Reader coming home from a shitty day at work.
HCs for period sex
just a lil' fluffy thought i had: imagine growing and plucking some flowers just for a bouquet for the dimitrescu ladies 🥺
The Ladies cock sizes
how do you think the RE ladies (including Sal) would react and make the reader, who is sad because her dog is old and she doesn't know how much longer she is going to live, feel better?
Ladies' reactions to reader confessing their feelings. While they're stargazing.
The Dimitrescu daughters bugging their Mother on Halloween because they want candy and they can 🤣
Ropes anon here with a very serious question! From largest to smallest, how big would you guess the ladies of re8’s boobs are? As in cup sizes maybe?Very serious topic here lol.
How do you headcanon the neathers of the ladies look like?
Wedding HCs
About the Dimitrescu Sisters being rich and their gf (aka reader) being broke af (like me-) it would be funny how the sisters would literally spoil the reader 😂
Headcanons for the Ladies' favorite cuddle positions?
Ladies' favorite type of underwear?
ladies reactions to reader squirting?
Had a dream about my girlfriend giving me all kinds of praises that would make anyone blush and it got me thinking what kind of priases the re ladies would give the reader
Okay but how about reversed? 😯 The ladies reactions to reader praising them for something? 😯
How do you think the lovely ladies of Re8 would react to an s/o who needs to sleep with a certain stuffed animal every night in order to sleep?
Can you do some embarrassing things that happened during sex w the sisters and their girlfriends?
How would the ladies react to reader breaking up with them?
so my ask is, if the ladies have cocks do they get morning wood? and how do they react to having one? If they have a s/o do they help?
Okay, the breakups broke my heart so I need their reaction to reader coming back to them with tears and flowers and telling them someone blackmailed them to break up but they just can't do it
Never thought I'd love to hear my partner asking me if they could come and now I wanna know what the re ladies would do of their s/o asked them if they could cum?
Ladies favorite candies/seasonal treats
So. It's evil Wednesday. Short headcanons for the ladies finding their lover killed by Ethan.
Multiple Characters
The Dimitrescu daughters bugging their Mother on Halloween because they want candy and they can 🤣
Ahem.. I have no ask for this as it was a birthday fic written for a dear friend 👀 Transfem!Sal x Bratty Reader x Donna.. I.. ahem.. hope some of you will like it! ♥️ Gonna put it all under a cut since I know not everyone is into ships like this.
Someone I love dearly isn't feeling very well 🥺 Can they get something with a sick Reader being comforted by Alcina? Or Sal? Or both 👀
Ropes anon! Here after a few days of no sleep and several mental break downs on my floor! It’s my bday on the 28 and I was hoping you could indulge me in an Alcina x reader x Sal poly relationship? If not, then a simple happy birthday is all I’d like.
.... threesome with a bratty enby, Alcina and Sal? 👀👀
Hi! It’s been a long time since I sent in anything to you, things have been wild, but I was wondering if you could write anything about Donna and Daniela sharing a transfem reader?
Just a little Mother's Day drabble for our favorite Lady 💋
Sasha ABCs written by demonofpuns
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