#like motherfucker just because you have like. 6 weeks here on me? even less on the senior mc he was here WHILE YOU WERE IN HIGH SCHOOL
not-freyja · 3 months
New Zelda Game!
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Okay cool, cool cool cool cool, I am calm, I am so fucking calm. Looks like Nintendo is staying true to their word that Wild is not getting another game, so now the questions are, what Link is this, where are we in the Timeline, and what information about the game itself can we pick out of these crumbs?
Whose Zelda is it anyway?
So two options:
New boy.
Legend. It’s fucking Legend again sucks to suck bro
Case for new Link and Zelda:
Less messy for the Lore
That’s it, that is the only argument
Case for Leggy boy and Fable:
LA animation style! While it can be fun to bring back older styles of animation for nostalgia/artistic reasons, that seems like a poor choice for *LOZ* games, which are always on the edge of what a game can do. Moving “backwards,” so to speak, in any aspect, would be a disservice to the franchise. However, doing it to maintain consistency for a particular character, and to use the animation style to make sure the audience knows this is the same character from LA is a very simple but effective tactic.
The map! So that shot was so BOTW and so fun, but the view we got wasn’t just recognizable as “Hyrule,” is was, down to the relative heights on the mountain cliffs against each other, the map from ALTTP/ALBW. Nintendo has never repeated a map without it being the same Link. So! Checkmate motherfuckers.
The character designs. That… that was just Legend and Fable, come on. Look at the dress. Every Zelda has a slightly different costume design, and that was hers. Look at Link. Baby boy!
I want this. Let me have it.
Timeline positioning
Okay so if we assume that this is in fact Legend, the next question becomes, “When is it?” Leggy boy currently has 5 games that are canonically his. (Triforce Heroes could be a random other Link, so while we like to say 6 we can’t *prove it.*) So. Let’s break it down.
ALTTP: canonically his first game, can’t be before this one.
Oracles: canonically happen after ALTTP, and he is very much still a child in here.
LA: the game this one is artistically modeled after. Narratively this fits nicely right after Oracles, and in the canon timeline, fits between Oracles and ALBW, so I think a whole new game being crowbarred prior to this one would be… not great for the narrative.
ALBW: This is trickier. No canon time between LA and ALBW is given, it could be a week, it could be years. It is entirely possible that Echoes of Wisdom occurs prior to ALBW, which would make it a direct sequel to LA, which makes the art style make even more sense. It could also be after?
…hang on a fucking minute, lets get the fucking map.
Left, ALTTP. Right, ALBW
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Basically the same map! Duh, it’s the same Hyrule. But. BUT. Bottom right, in the lake. Do you see that?!
ALTTP: no log bridge. ALBW: Log bridge. Now, let’s look at the pretty picture from the EOW trailer.
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This is before ALBW. Therefore, the game order for The Hero of Legend is
*cue manic laughter*
Lore Implications
There being a Ganon at all actually has me pointing my finger at the Oracle games and screaming. The TL;DR in those is that there was a plot to resurrect Ganon, each game Twinrova gets closer, but Link stops them. Now, there were also supposed to be three of those games, which means that it is entirely possible that the third unseen Oracle plot—please Nintendo let Link and Farore hang out, I am on my knees barking like a dog—could have resulted in his resurrection. This is the only explanation I have that doesn’t break the Lore or involve Time Shenanigans.
Also, Link does KO the bitch in that opening scene in the trailer. His presence is either just that—a set-up plot point—or him and Link are currently duking it out in the hole. Fun!
Link and Zelda
Now this game is going to put their relationship in the front in the “I have to save them because I love them” way that we usually see from Link’s POV.
Getting it from Zelda’s POV is going to be very interesting. We might be getting a look into her head, into her feelings and thoughts about the whole ordeal of the Legend itself. I hope so. But also, this isn’t just Link and Zelda, this is *Fable and Legend* specifically. The two that were meant to be be siblings but the dialogue that established them as such was cut from the final version of ALTTP. So. This game has the possibility to do three things
Canonize the Prince Legend thing, like they were going to do in the nineties.
Not address the topic at all, leave it nebulous.
None of these are bad choices, but option two is definitely the safest. Both options one and three will cause an uproar from part of the fan base. I can already see the ship wars. Please don’t do this people. Please.
The Holes 🕳️
What are they? Where did they come from? Ganon’s Trident Where do they go? No actually, where do they go? The Dark World (doesn’t make sense in the Lore)? Lorule (that would be a choice)? The Twilight Realm (I am convinced that Lorule and the Twilight Realm are the same place actually and you cannot change my mind)? Some new never seen before parallel dimension? A non-place, like a gap between realities (sexiest option)? I have no idea!
That fucking “Fairy”
Tri? Don’t trust it. Will not trust it. Never trust that a companion in a LOZ game is what they first appear to be. Who does Nintendo take me for? A fucking amateur?!
Anyway, I am about 40% convinced that’s Link. I have evidence, but it is circumstantial.
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xxavengingangelxx · 3 months
Graves Defragged 1/?
As promised, here is the first part of deconstructing Graves. This part touches on the first half of the psychopath traits I want to discuss. Below is my take! I am NOT licensed to make these decisions. This is just for fun. It also touches on why I write Graves like a heartless mf'er in my longer fics. Because Graves is a heartless motherfucker.
Not proofread. I'm posting this before going to bed cause it's the only time I got between working 60+ hours a week, house chores, keeping hubby fed, etc.
To touch on my sociopath vs. psychopath post earlier, there are some in the field who argue that a sociopath is made and a psychopath is born. We don’t have enough information on Graves’s background to see whether or not he’s shown the same callous disregard for human life, disregard for rules, and narcissism earlier on. But he certainly shows those traits now.
And we do have this:
Graves: "That uniform was a limitation. I shed that skin..." Soap: "Like a fuckin' snake-" Graves: "Like a fucking soldier, son." — Soap confronts Graves about his past.
Let’s assume Graves was born a psychopath. It’s certainly possible. And if Adler is his father, then he’s got the genes for killing, anyway. Yes there are theories that say there are genes for criminality but I can post more on that later if y’all are interested.
How many traits of a psychopath does he actually have? Based on the behavior, we’ve seen, quite a bit!
Robert Hare, a Canadian psychologist, created the Hare Psychopathy Checklist (known today as the Hare Psychopathy Checklist Revised). Let’s go through the items with our crush man Graves in mind. Each of these items is rated a 0 if it does not apply, a 1 if it kind of applies, and a 2 if it definitely applies. They are added up at the end. Max score is a 40.
Item 1: Glibness and superficial charm = 2
You’re kidding me, right? Graves is the man of charm and glib. His good fuckin’ looks certainly help him out.
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Image credit: @Vault21 on Tumblr
Remember Dark Water? Yeah…they trusted each other like brothers. Soap even hugged Graves! Graves had them  (and us) fooled because not much later he betrayed them like they were enemies.
Item 2: Grandiose sense of self-worth = 1
Graves is narcissistic. We can all agree on that, right? He thought he was too good for the Marines, that the Marines were not good enough for such a special person like himself. And I could be wrong here, but he is massively successful, likely a billionaire so doesn’t he get to be a little narcissistic?
Item 3: Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom = 2
Graves was so bored in the Marines, one of the toughest branches of the military, that he saw his uniform as a limitation and sought out to make his own company of mercenaries who don’t really answer to anyone. Also, how many CEOs do you see in the field like Graves is? Close to none. He lives for getting shot at and chased. He has a scar on his face to prove it!
Item 4: Pathological lying = 2
Is this even a question? Graves lied so well to 141 that they trusted him and saw him as a brother in arms. Also, remember the scene from Congress?
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Image credit: BabyZone on YouTube.
Which leads me to…
Item 5: Conning/manipulative = 2
Phillip Graves is a conman. If you look up conman in the dictionary there’d be a picture of Graves or there should…it’d make the dictionary less boring. According to Google’s dictionary, the definition of conman is, “a man who cheats or tricks someone by gaining their trust and persuading them to believe something that is not true.” I can think of a few examples. Again, Dark Water
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Image credit: Wallpaper Cave
Also, the Congress scene where he lies (about WAR CRIMES) like he’s talking about the weather.
And when he pulled the rug out from under 141 in Las Almas.
Which in turn takes us to…
Item 6: Lack of remorse/guilt = 2
Graves betrayed 141, the men he had fought next to, defended, befriended all while gaining their trust.
All while smiling about it!
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Image credit: halgalvv on TikTok
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Image credit: Call of Duty Wiki
Which also reminds me of the war crimes Graves committed in Las Almas. Some argue that Graves cleaned house by killing off people who were supporting the cartels but based on what I’ve been told there were children in this town as well.
This also brings me to the topic of Graves’s Shadows. These men are okay with war crimes. Shadows are okay with killing people just because Graves said to. In one (or more?) of my fics I portray Shadows as I see them: callous and even sadistic with how they agree to torture a prisoner of war (POW), going so far as using rape as a weapon if Graves gives the word.
Are there some Shadows who can’t engage in this kind of behavior? Perhaps. So Graves knows which men to pick to carry out war crimes. At least that’s how I see it.
Psychopaths have physical differences in the make up of their brain that make them UNABLE to feel guilty, remorse, or fear. So when I hear people asking how serial killers and other criminals deal with their guilt, I say they do not because it doesn't exist to them. They have no idea what guilt is.
Remember: It’s not that psychopaths choose not to feel/ignore guilt. It’s that their brain is completely INCAPABLE of this emotion.
You might be asking why/how: Psychopaths think the same thing about you…how can you feel guilt? Why would you want to?
Item 7: Shallow affect = 1
Only because we are unable to see how Graves functions emotionally away from the battlefield. My forensic psychology professor said that psychopaths have 2 emotions: rage and joy. Have you seen Graves portray anything else, really? In another fic, Graves supposedly says he loves OC. Like he even knows what that means. He doesn’t. He loves controlling her and abusing her, yes.
If Graves had a kid like he does in the same fic, he doesn’t feel much affection towards him. He just likely sees him as an extension of his partner. A future soldier, someone Graves can start training from young. Something he can use to control and keep his partner in line.  That child, from the moment he was born is seen as an asset by Graves. Plus, there are some good chances that kiddo might have inherited Graves’s genes that pass on his psychopathy. And even if that child does not, there’s a good chance he could develop as a sociopath because he’s not likely to see much more other than Graves continuing to abuse and control his partner and battlefield conditions.
Item 8: Callousness/lack of empathy = 2
This relates to a lack of remorse. You might ask how can Graves not feel empathy for how 141 must feel after he betrayed them? Because, like the shallow emotions and lack of remorse, Graves’s brain cannot do it. He doesn’t have the neurons for it. He doesn’t have the brain structure for it. It’s not that Graves chooses not to feel or ignore empathy. He CANNOT. It’s almost like asking someone with very low math ability to do a PhD in physics. It’s not that they’re lazy. They do not have the aptitude for it.
Graves does not have the aptitude for remorse or empathy because he doesn’t have the brain structure that makes that happen.
He think's it's funny.
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Image credit: Einstein Ibraheem on YouTube
Item 9: Parasitic lifestyle = 0
Finally, one that does NOT apply to Graves. This man refuses to depend on anyone. He’s a fucking billionare that can get whatever the hell he wants whenever he wants it.
Item 10: Poor behavioral controls = 0
Hear me out! Graves is not impulsive. Lots of psychopaths are due to limitations in a part of the brain called the prefrontal cortex as well as other parts to include the limbic system. Graves is not limited in that manner. He plans, he’s meticulous, he’s detailed, and he gets away with a lot of shit because of it. Graves is not impulsive. Get him mad and he might smack the shit out of you (more than once if you make him mad enough) but when it comes to important decisions, he takes his painstaking time.
So fear we are up to the score of 14! He has scored positive on 14/20 possible points.
More to come!
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sunwarmed-ash · 28 days
WIP Thursday
@harrgrove helped me tear through some fucking AWFUL writers block this morning so im gonna post the next part that I have written for neverender as a treat 😘
you can read chapters 1-3 here!
Ch 4 preview
Billy stays at Steve’s as long as it takes for the bruises to heal. And then, without a word to anyone, he takes off. 
He doesn’t go far. He can’t yet. Mostly because he’s broke, but also because someone has to clean the blood off the floor before it sets for good if they want to have a prayer at selling the house. Now that Neil’s out of the picture, locked up without anyone to call and post bail, there’s nothing tying any of them to Hawkins.
It takes over three hours but finally, the wood is starting to resemble the chestnut color it began at. He’s exhausted, his hands burn and his knees ache, but it’s done. All final traces of Neil Hargrove have been scrubbed clean from the place. 
Billy could really go for a shower and an ounce of weed right now. Wash away and burn out all memories of the last two weeks. Even the good ones. Because Billy knows from personal experience, even the good ones don’t stay that way for long.  
Steve and Max will be pissed when they wake up and notice he bailed. Even more so when he finally does for good, but they will get over it. Move on. They already have once, and that was when there was still something left of Billy to miss. 
He digs into his jeans for his wallet. After all the fucking cleaning supplies, gas, and a 6 pack to make the day a little less miserable, Billy’s left with barely enough money for either lunch, or a carton of cigerettes. 
With a heavy sigh, he chooses the cigarettes and gets in his car headed north. 
-The Diner-
“Hey you! Got a table that just opened up, come on in.” 
Within seconds of his arrival, Debbie’s waving him inside with a friendly smile. Her motherly affection feels like an assault after spending so long face down over his fathers blood. He needs to do this now, before he loses his nerve. 
“Hey Debbie, I’m uh not actually here to eat.”
“Well, I know you can’t just be here to see little ol’ me,” she smiles, putting both painted hands on her chest for emphasis.
Any other day, he might play along. He doesn't have the energy today.
“I uh, I’m looking for work, actually.”
“And you wanna work here,” she asks, suspicions raised. 
The best part about Debbie's transplant status is she didn’t the full exent of Billy’s tragic backstory. Which is also why she’s realistically the only person in Hawkins who would hire him. He desperately needs the money. He’s gotta get the hell out of here. Fast. 
“I’ll take whatever you got.” 
Just then, their cook shouts as he burns himself on something for seemingly the last time. 
Debbie, Billy, and the 3 other customers watch as the line cook tosses off his apron, grabs his stuff and storms out in a huff. 
While every eye in the restaurant blew wide, Billy’s included, Debbie barely reacts. She just keeps chewing her gum, watching as the man leaves before returning her eyes to Billy.
“Know how to cook?”
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teecupangel · 1 year
Here for the same every week.
Pd: I was scared for the look in the face of Noah :(
My thoughts on Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
Official English translation (the free chapters anyway) here
So, before we get to the ‘meat’ of my thoughts for this chapter, Edward is doing good on his part but the mystery is mostly contained in the modern-day part right now so that’s where I will focus on.
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I will have to ask, is this something that Edward knew on his own?
Or is this meant to be something Noa did that goes against history?
Are we saying Noa’s Animus has the ability to change the past as he sees it? (Not the real past though but the past that the Animus is loading)
My head pretty much hurt when I was reading the modern-day part because it sorta doesn’t make sense?
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This dialogue makes it seem like rejecting the memories would worsen the Bleeding Effect but that’s not what happened to Cal’s father in the film. He went blind because he refused to cooperate with the memories yet there was no mention of how he suffered from the Bleeding Effect.
I supposed the film’s side effects would have less canonical standing than ‘Shimazu’’s words in the webtoon?
Also… this part…
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Are we saying that Edward, who wanted to meet his daughter after learning about her, the same Edward who returned to London with her, the same Edward who made a name for himself as a noble and made sure to provide for both his daughter and his son…
We’re calling Edward a deadbeat dad???
Look… let’s be clear, Edward made grave mistakes. How he left Caroline is a big red flag that points at him being a deadbeat husband even if he says he’s doing it for them but the ending of Black Flag shows that he wants to be better, he wants to be a good father.
Edward: Will you stay with the Assassins? Anne: No. I haven't got that kind of conviction in my heart. You? Edward: In time, aye... when my mind is settled and my blood is cooled. Sailor: Sail ho! Coming into the cove! Anne: You're a good man, Edward. And if you learn to keep settled in one place for more than a week, you'll make a fine father too.
And Edward's part in this webtoon is set 3 years after Edward and Anne had this conversation.
Edward was a lot of things but I refuse to believe that he was a deadbeat dad to Jenny growing up.
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Dude, don't do Edward dirty like that.
I think this is Noa projecting his hatred for his father but Edward is not the right person to be used for this entire thing.
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Hey, Noa. Wanna know who fucked up the Kenway family so badly?
This motherfucker.
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The whole Kenway family drama started when he had Edward killed, Jenny sold off and indoctrinated Haytham into becoming a Templar.
For all Edward Kenway’s shortcomings and foolish decisions, I refuse to believe that he was ever anything but a good father to his children and Noa’s words, while I know came from the eyes of someone who don’t know Edward enough and someone who has a very bad relationship with his own dad, still managed to irk me.
At least Desmond had an actual bad dad to push his daddy issues to with Haytham and we can't even really call Haytham a deadbeat dad since his 'lack of contact' is because he didn't even know he had a son in the first place.
I'm just saying the Kenway men (actually, the Auditore-Kenway men) are not the right people to call 'deadbeat dads' in this scenario. An argument can be made for 'deadbeat husband' for what Edward did to Caroline but NOT deadbeat dads.
Now, for the other ‘main character’ of the modern-day era…
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This line does not bold or add single quotation marks on the Shimazu so this could mean that she does believe she’s a Shimazu but the boss lady doesn’t believe she’s a Shimazu. Of course, this could also be an indication that the boss lady calling her ‘Shimazu’ with quotation marks was meant to show that she was stressing the name instead of implying she’s not a real descendant of the Shimazu clan.
Another thing… (this is more of a personal thing than anything so you can ignore this)
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God, no. Please don’t.
I already have a low tolerance for tsunderes in general, if this webtoon makes ‘Shimazu’ a tsundere with the development being she’d become more and more ‘dere’ for Noa, I’ll probably lose any interest I have in her. Tsunderes aren’t really my thing, especially if they physically abuse their ‘dere’ target which ‘Shimazu’ kinda did using the goons she had with her.
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valen-dreth · 2 years
really feelin like the ex army guy we work with just doesnt grasp that civilians dont appreciate being treated like. the army
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user21340 · 3 years
my only exception
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(i don’t own this gif or any of the characters in this fic)
summary: you and nat are separated when in the Red Room. you both are reunited. after holding onto a couple things to give her for a couple years you both realize love is well and alive.
warnings: violence, abuse, swearing, lil angst, fluff
pairing: natasha romanoff x fem!reader
word count: nearly 1.8k
a/n: omg i don’t know what to say! thank you for all the support on the stuff i’ve released so far. it’s super crazy seeing some of my favorite writers following me. thank you so so much for 30 followers! much love 💕💕
(italics in dialogue mean the person is speaking russian)
sorry for any mistakes i wrote this at 3am and have to get up for school at 6 😪 no bueno
It was a cold and stormy night as the power in the Red Room continuously flickered on and off even with the help of a high powered generator.
You and Natalia had been waiting for an event like this to occur so you could break out. Even though both herself and you lived only a small bit of life outside in the real world before you were taken in and trained to become a weapon, both of your humanly morals knew right from wrong. The Red Room’s treatment definitely being a wrong.
Madame B and the other monstrous staff at this facility put all you girls to bed roughly an hour ago. Nat and yourself undid your cuffs connecting your wrist to the metal bedframe so you could pack the few things you both owned before you made your escape. Both of you had talked this plan over through and through so you both were on the same page as soon as you saw that flicker of a power outage surge though the site.
At the moment you both were eighteen years old meaning both of you had proven yourselves worthy enough to hone a spot at this academy and had graduated a couple months prior.
Some information you had gathered which the staff weren’t aware of was every time the power flickered off, it disarmed and unlocked the exit door/s for nearly five seconds. The weather has been dry but cold lately not making this discovery too useful. The plan was to sneak over to uncuff yourselves in the middle of the night when these brief power outages were occurring, pack your items, and as you were about to escape bang on the wall of the large room where the girls kept at the academy would sleep to create enough of a distraction before you were out and free for good. Easy right? How wrong you’d be.
When it was time for the distraction, Nat stood by the door waiting for the next surge of lightning of whatever broke the electricities stability as you walked to the far side of the sleeping quarters where you were sure you’d have enough time to bang on the walls and sprint out of that door.
You heard a crash of thunder so you knew your escape chance would be soon. As you were about to start banging on the walls you see a door knob parallel to Nat but far away none the less start turning.
Lightning strikes, what seems to be right outside of the building. You sprint for the door only to have your arm caught by one of Madame B’s henchmen.
Just like that the power flickers.
Without much thought you break away from the man’s grasp lunge at Natalia who happened to be at the door.
“We’ll meet again Natalia.” you speak softly
You shove her out of the door with all of your might.
You use all of your remaining strength that you can muster up to slam the heavy metal door closed.
The door locks once again.
“You stupid little bitch. Get over here NOW!” the man practically growls.
You slowly and steadily walk over to the man as he gruesomely pummels and kicks you.
Sure the beatings, mind torture and manipulation hurt, but you’ve never experienced any kind of pain on the same caliber to what being separated from Natalia feels like.
Madame B is more than disappointed, enraged and annoyed with one of her ‘star students’. You receive daily beatings and long, tiresome training hours for helping Natalia escape. Although everyone is ‘replaceable’ in the minds of the staff as well as Madame B, they just lost Natalia so they couldn’t afford to lose you as well.
Months later the beatings finally slow down to a couple a week which you are able to endure. Madame’s mission now is to make a monster out of you by pushing you to and past your limits when training.
One night you finally drift off to sleep. You hate sleeping. It’s a constant replay of your last night with Nat. Only hoping that she made it to civilization safe and sound and is living a normal teens life. However, tonight’s dream is different. In this dream you see yourself shoving your packed-escape bag between your mattress and bedframe as you are bleeding out on the ground from the beatings. You wake up in a cold sweat and manage to kneel on the ground and slowly lift up your mattress only to find that same, small bag filled with the few, but important belongings of yours and Nat’s. You open up the bag forgetting all about what you both had packed. The most important items you see is a picture of Natalia as a toddler with alongside her mother and father, a small metal ring which you had made for her after stealing a small teaspoon at dinner, banging it against the concrete floor with a rock to flatten it out as you’d continuously bend it back and fourth so only the thinnest part is of the spoon is left which you bend into a ring before surprising Nat with it after you know she had a pretty rough day training, and lastly Nat’s papers containing important info about her such as her full name, birthplace, parents names, and birthdate.
November 22, 1984
November 22, 1984
November 22, 1984
November 22, 1984
You make sure you have this date burned into your head, latching onto any important information about her you can learn.
You hang onto those three items keeping them hidden.
Two and a half years later...
It’s late at night when you hear gunshots and fights breaking out throughout the facility. You quickly get up out of bed (once again undoing your cuffs) and grab those three items from under your mattress. You place them in your pocket getting ready to make a break for the outside world. As you reach for the door you turn back taking one last look at the place you’ve been living for pretty much the entirety of your life, only before a man in a funny red, white, and blue costume enters your view.
You bring your hands up ready for a fight.
“Look kid, I’m not here to fight you. We are breaking you out.” the man ensures
“Who even are you?” you sternly question
“Steve Rogers. But the public calls me Captain America.” his gaze settles on your figure, “Mind telling me who you are?” he pushes
“Names y/n, but look I’ve got places to be ma-“ you are cut off when Captain America’s jaw drops.
“No, we both know you don’t. But, you ARE coming with me.” you know there isn’t much room for protest but that won’t stop you from trying. You lunge at him and push him to the ground as you wave a small goodbye and sprint towards the door only for your body to fall on the ground limp. Realizing you’ve been stunned by something temporarily.
“YOU MOTHERFUCKER!” you shriek, he only chuckles.
“God, Nat was right about you.” she shakes he head with a small grin on his face.
“N-nat?” you whisper as you vision fades black.
You regain consciousness and look around only to find yourself in a weird windowy, loud vehicle type thing. You see a group of people standing around you but you see one particular familiar face hovering directly over yours lightly combing through your hair with one one hand and gently outlining your jawline with the other.
“NAT!” you screech, your brain is feeling too many emotions to comprehend at the moment.
Once she sees and hears you are awake she pulls you into a bone crushing hug.
“Y/n/n I’m so sorry I left you and you had to stay in that hellhole for so long alone I don’t know how I would’ve help up it if that-“ you cut her off
“Natalia, all that matters is I’m here with you right now.” you reason.
After getting off of what you learned is a ‘plane’ you and Nat spend hours together clinging onto one another as if, as soon as you separate you will be absent in her life for another couple years, vice versa.
Months pass by. Even though you and Nat have yet to label yourselves as a couple your hearts belong to one another after being attached to the hip to one another for pretty much every activity or mission you both do. In this time you were also recruited as an Avenger due to your skillful hand to hand combat and your masterful types of fighting you have nearly perfected from your time in the room.
The date just happens to be November 22. You are pretty sure no one in the compound is aware of Natalia’s birthday, hell, you aren’t even sure if she’s aware.
Today is the day you decide to return the missing items from her bag that you recover after she left.
You wake up next to her and wake her up with a long, graceful, soft kiss on her lips to which she responds shortly after by kissing you back as you feel as tiny smirk against your own lips.
“Hey, what was that for?” she asks playfully
“Ohhh nothing. Just maybe it’s for my favorite girl’s special day today.” Nat blushes.
“H-how’d you know?”
“Oh honey, I know e v e r y t h i n g.” you reply
Before she can respond you pull her to sit up on your shared bed and hand her an envelope containing her papers as well as he one and only photo of herself and her family.
As soon as she sees both items she sobs into your chest. (more because of the picture, you really only included her papers so she too would know all the most crucial parts of her life pre-red room era.
“Uh, uh, uh’” you tut,”One more thing.” you reach for her hand slowly and tell her to shut her eyes. You slowly slide the makeshift ring on her finger.
“Open.” you instruct
To which she gasps at the sight and just like the day you both were reunited you hugged and kissed for hours on end.
“Nat, will you be my girlfriend?” you ask with a sheepish smile.
“Of course y/n/n, I thought you’d never ask.” she takes a breath,“I know love is for children, but you are my only exception.”
“Ditto.” Natalia chuckles, “That is what the Americans say, right?” you backtrack with flushed cheeks.
She holds you tighter and presses a soft kiss to your forehead.
“Sure.” she breathes out.
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scriptmedic · 4 years
Or, How to Abandon Pants & Save the World at the Same Time
Hey all. Seems like it’s getting tough out there. 
Seems like shit is getting really real, really fast. 
I’m here in New York, doing ICU transfers for one of the hospital systems, and I can’t lie to you... it’s bad. 
We’re storing bodies in refrigerated trailers because the morgues are full. 
The City is reopening potter’s fields and digging mass graves. 
Hundreds of people a day are dying. Soon, thousands.
Mostly older. Some previously-healthy adults. Mercifully, not many kids. 
It’s real, and it’s bad. 
But I promise you, the world is not ending. 
And I also promise you this post will end with HOPE, even if it’s hard to read. 
But I want to talk about something... a misconception I’ve been seeing over and over again. 
We are NOT the “Front Line.”
I keep hearing the term “front line responders” used for our nurses... doctors... PAs...
We’re the LAST line.
We’re the failsafe. The oh-shit, I can’t-fix-this-any-other-way line. 
We’re the everything else has gone wrong line. 
The FIRST line of defense against COVID is YOU. 
You, sitting at home, wondering how the world will ever get back to normal. 
You, hoping that your job will still be there in a week, a month, a year. 
You, resisting the urge to walk the dog again because you’re bored. 
YOU are the ones who are going to make the difference in how many people live, and how many die. 
Not us. Not your health professionals. 
How You Can Stay Safe & Save the World 
I want to talk about something .... RISK. 
A lot of people I know are pretty risk-tolerant. We’re young, we’re healthy, and if we DO get COVID, it will likely just seem like a cough, or even like...  ...nothing. 
Here’s the problem. 
There are a LOT  of people testing positive (in countries doing mass testing, i.e. not here) who had NO IDEA they were infected. 
It’s called being an Asymptomatic Carrier. 
So even if you literally do not care if you get COVID...
Even if you feel completely fine...
ACT LIKE YOU HAVE IT ANYWAY.  Act like ANYONE you come into contact with could die if your breath touches their skin, their mouth, their nose. 
Act like everyone you meet is your granny, or your mom, who’s sick. Someone you love. 
It’s not about YOUR health, it’s about EVERYONE’S health. 
I’ve put together a few guidelines to help you stay safe AND save the world. 
I’m about 6 feet tall... ...so remember to keep a distance of 1 (one) Scripty apart from each other. NO EXCEPTIONS (unless you’re fluid-bonded with someone). 
Wear a mask in public, even if you have to make it yourself.  No, this does not mean you can violate social distancing!  REMEMBER -- KEEP ONE SCRIPTY APART, MINIMUM!  Yes, I know masks are direly hard to come by. Yes, I know they’re uncomfortable. Yes, I know they make it hard to breathe. I am literally wearing TWO OF THEM at the same time, between 40-60 hours per week.  WEAR ONE ANYWAY.  Not on your chin... Not hanging off of one ear... Over your nose AND your mouth. .
If you can’t find a mask, DO NOT cough out of your facehole. The correct direction to cough is due elbow.  Then make sure you SCRUB dat bendy boi.   .
Scrub dem grippy bois Hand wash for 20 seconds. Make sure you’re getting between your fingers, under your nails, and around your wrists. Sing Happy Birthday to yourself.  Just like the Mars Rover did.  . 
STAY. THE FUCK. HOME.  I know you miss normal life. Time with your friends. Visiting your family.  I miss it too. I would LOVE to spend time in a park, to go hiking again, to go back to my GYM, to just... live my freaking life.  There are SO many people I’m craving hugs from.  But here’s the truth.  THE MORE YOU STAY HOME NOW, THE SOONER THINGS CAN GET BACK TO NORMAL.  I CANNOT stress this enough. Staying home is saving lives. Period. Full stop.  I don’t know the last time I saved a life with no pants on, but you can. Right now.  TAKE OFF YOUR PANTS AND STAY HOME AND YOU WILL SAVE LIVES I PROMISE.  (it’s okay to save lives with pants on tho. your roof, your rules.) 
I promised you this post would end with HOPE. 
Here’s the thing... 
Yes, a lot of people are going to die.
Yes, a LOT of people are going to be out of a job in the short term. 
Yes, this really is THAT BAD.  .
Everything in Nature has a niche. Something it’s better at than anything else.
Dogs? Dogs are the best on the planet at loving people. (That’s the #1 reason we bred them from wolves -- because they loved us.) 
But humans do ONE THING way, WAY above and beyond ANY of our competition. 
We are the adaptivist motherfucking species on Planet Earth. 
We live in more environments than any other warm-blooded species I know of. 
We got cold... so we figured out how to make fire. 
We got hot... so we learned to harvest ice, and then to MAKE ice, and then to make air conditioners. 
Our food was going bad... so we made iceboxes, and then refrigerators, and then takeout (because we got too lazy to cook). 
The point is, we ADAPT. 
We adapted to the influenza pandemic in 1918, twenty years before we ever saw a virus under a microscope. 
We adapted to smallpox... and then fucking eradicated it. Smallpox literally no longer exists because we decided we’d had enough of it. 
We CAN and we ARE and we WILL adapt to COVID, too. 
Smart motherfuckers are making vaccines. 
Recovering patients are donating antibodies to help save lives while the smart motherfuckers get their shit in gear. 
And y’all are STEPPING the FUCK UP. 
My heart is overloaded with love and appreciation. 
For grocery store workers. Supply chain workers. Truckers. Food service workers. 
For all the people who can’t stay home. 
I nearly cried saying thank-you to a barista about an hour ago because a cup of coffee was enough to make me feel human. 
You’re busy praising us in the health care trenches, but the truth is, we owe our ability to live our lives right now to you. 
To the guy busting his ass in a restaurant for less than minimum wage. 
To the girl making round after round of deliveries even though she’s tired AF. 
To the people who are keeping us going. 
And most especially, to those who might have the hardest job of all...
...the people who are staying the fuck home. 
I love each and every one of you.
And it’s gonna be tough. It’s gonna be tough for a WHILE. (This is a marathon, not a sprint.) 
But we will get through this together. 
You... me... everyone. 
So, so, SO much fucking love, 
xoxo, Aunt Scripty
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fukurodaze · 4 years
fear of losing
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pairing: exboyfriend!oikawa tooru x fem!reader  genre/s: angst, pining, some kinda fluff word count: 2k warnings: mentions of inferiority complex (both reader and oikawa), mild swearing, reader passing out from over exhaustion synopsis: you never realised that hurting oikawa tooru meant hurting yourself.
lowercase intended.
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oh, god. you hate him. so much.
so much that you refuse to loop your arms around oikawa tooru’s neck when he carries you, bridal style, across the hallways of aoba johsai high school. you’re only half conscious, but you use every bit of consciousness to stay limp in oikawa’s arms, as if making it harder for him to carry you; as if he would give up on carrying you and leave it up to someone else. as if.
it’s as if you hate that he still cares about you. and it makes you feel so utterly shit because you’ve spent so much time shutting him out, yet he welcomes you in his arms, his heartbeat fast in your ears.
he still cares, huh?
it’s all a blur until you wake up to the smell of antiseptic solution and a hard mattress underneath you. the white light is bright in your eyes, which doesn’t help with the painful ache in your temples. your throat is dry, your limbs weak. you turn to your side, body crawled up in a little ball. you feel small. somewhere in the room, you hear dialogue between the nurse and a familiar male voice nearing you, and you debate with yourself whether or not to keep your eyes closed or sit up.
“oh. she’s awake.” too late.
the nurse calls your name and you have no choice but to get up and rub your temples. it still aches. 
“she passed out during fifth per-”
“during maths. fifth period.” you throw a glare at oikawa, and he takes a step back. when the nurse asks you whether or not you’ve been eating or sleeping properly, you only attempt to answer.
“it’s exams next week.” the nurse only raises a brow, and you’re told that answer’s not good enough.
“i like to revise. and it’s not like i’m going to pull all-nighters during exams. i’m not that stu-”
“you shouldn’t be pulling all nighters, l/n. not at your age, at least.”
you stop yourself from scoffing at her words, and your eyes roll ever so slightly in annoyance when the nurse goes to get some vitamins from the drawer. oikawa sees it, and makes a mental note to rephrase the nurse’s words to you once you’ve swallowed the vitamins.
your eyes flicker over to oikawa, eyebrows furrowing at how he isn’t leaving. rather, he’s sitting on the chair opposite of the bed, and as you set down the glass of water, your mouth dries up again, this time not because you hadn’t drank anything for twelve hours, but because you’ve seemingly forgotten how to talk to oikawa tooru.
when the room is quiet and the nurse goes back to clicking on her desk, oikawa stirs. “when was the last time you slept?”
“i’ve done this before, i’m fine.”
“you’re not answering my question.”
there’s a cracking silence that strikes the room. “i told you, i’m-”
“no. how long?”
“i still eat regularly, so it’s-”
“one day? two days?” his voice is soft, but firm, too firm, that you can’t take it.
“since monday.” you mumble, but you know he can hear. it’s thursday afternoon. you tuck your hair behind your ears, eyes downcast, not ready to meet his disappointment.
oikawa stands up halfway before he sits himself down again. his laugh is dry when you hear it. “you finally broke.”
your voice quiets down, but you force it out. “how are you any different?”
oikawa stirs in his seat once more, as if he’d been well aware of how he overworks himself, too. 
“how are you any different when you need a fucking knee brace when you play? how are you any different when you can’t seem to catch a motherfucking break, but you still act like you’re above it all?”
“this isn’t about me!” oikawa grips the sides of his chair, holding himself back. he wants to storm off, because he knows what you’re about to bring up, but he stays back.
“no. it is. you don’t have the right to talk to me like a little child because we are the same. and i know that because you and me, we both know that we,” and you voice starts cracking, “that we- we are never going to be-”
“stop it.”
“we will never be... there.” you curve your words a little, not wanting to feel the pain yourself.
push him out, push him out, you tell yourself. it doesn’t matter if you hurt yourself, as long as he’s gone, you think. you don’t want- no, you don’t need him to care for you. all he’s going to do is treat you like some spike for his ego, as if saying, look here! this person can’t hurt me! 
you look back at oikawa, and his head is turned away. his arms are folded as he slouches on the chair, his uniform rolled up to his elbows. you hear no response.
“that’s enough,” he speaks, and you feel the tears prickling in the corners of your eyes. they’re hot against your skin, and as they threaten to come out, your neck feels itself warm up with the rest of your body. you’re frustrated. so, so frustrated that it makes your blood boil. so, so frustrated that you can’t even look at oikawa because he’s your reminder that there are people who can get into class 6 without trying as hard as you did. 
now that the tears are falling, your hands fly to your face, embarrassed that you’d dare to cry. it’s a sign of weakness, isn’t it? you believed that tears were better released on stuffed pillows and thick duvets, not in front of people who would, eventually, see you melt down, peeling away layer by layer. 
and you can’t stop crying. your breathing is fast and you don’t think you’ll be able to come back for seventh period, so you fold your knees into your chest, as if curling yourself up into a ball meant disappearing from the world, even if it was momentary. 
but you find that you can’t disappear even when you’re so tired you feel like you could stop breathing, because there’s a dip in the mattress and you find yourself leaning into oikawa’s side, craving anything more than the feeling of hot tears down your cheeks. his right arm wraps around your side, rubbing up and down the top of your arm. your mind travels back to the end of your first year, where you had first seen oikawa tooru in all his inglorious glory, laying limply against the gym wall, volleyballs scattered left and right. it was a time when you had barged into the gym, asking if you could stay there for a little while since all the teachers had locked up the other classrooms. you remember he looked surprised - offended, almost - but you paid him no attention as he practiced hundreds of rounds and you revised tens of times.
it was also the first night he walked you home, even if your houses weren’t near each other. one night after another, oikawa was the boy you shared big small talk with on sidewalks and asphalt platforms. it was him, almost every day. oikawa became well acquainted with your taste in music, and he’d take it up on himself to hum to each song on your playlist as he walked you home, one of your earbuds in his right ear with the other in your left ear. you, on the other hand, made friends with most of the volleyball club and the cheering squad due to your frequent attendance at his volleyball games. you had even learned how to do an underhand volleyball serve, and you remember oikawa’s stifled laugh as you knocked the ball into the ceiling and onto your head. he was sweet. 
and it seemed like you two worked out - really well. one day, your late nights at the gym turned into an early afternoon after class, where he came up to your desk and asked if you wanted to “go together”. you found that it had been a date after he kissed you at your doorstep, and you took his hand when you found out you wanted to kiss him again.
but screw him, right?
yeah, screw him and his group of fangirls. screw him and his soft smile. screw him and his know-it-all-i’m-so-much-better-than-you petty personality. you’ve convinced yourself you hated him because stress and a fear of losing built up in both of you to the point that you two had thrown at each other words as poisonous as mercury. that was the catalyst of the end of it all. and you feel even worse now because you are crying on oikawa’s shoulder two weeks after your “breakup”; two weeks after you told him things made to hurt him. 
oikawa stays in silence, running a hand through your hair as you grab onto his school button up for dear life. he’s hardly seen you cry before, but in this moment you feel like oikawa is the only person that you’d let yourself be so weak to. you hate it, but you start to think about oikawa for once.
the brunette’s feet swing back and forth, and soon, yours are too, following the nonexistent rhythm of his legs hanging off the elevated mattress. 
you feel your sharp grip on his shirt loosen into softer edges, your arms coming to hug the entirety of his torso instead. you know you’re going to walk around with swollen eyes for the rest of today and maybe even tomorrow, but you couldn’t care less now that the tears have finally ran themselves thin. you breathe steady.
oikawa doesn’t stop the hand in your hair or the swinging of his feet, but he turns more to face you, meeting your glossy gaze. it’s when you look into his deep eyes that you find kindness and care, something you’ve overlooked far too many times.
you don’t want to hear his voice, or see his face, or ever interact with him ever again. but right now you can’t help but tear down your own walls just to end up in his arms because the truth is that you miss him, so, so, so much. 
the pads of your fingertips shake around his middle and your cheeks start to rise when oikawa takes his other hand in yours in a slow movement, and, surprisingly, your fingers intertwine with his. it’s a wave of relief oikawa doesn’t know how to describe, feeling like nothing and everything at the same time.
your head presses against the wet patch on his shoulder, and you take a deep breath.
“can i walk home with you?”
oikawa’s hand in your hair freezes for a moment before it travels down to your waist, keeping you close to him. 
“rice balls on me?” his voice is low, almost like a whisper. 
your eyelids are heavy enough to give up on staying awake, drawing themselves like magnets. but you manage a nod and a positive hum as you unknowingly drift off on his wet shoulder. you think you’re calmer now, your mind going blank, finally, temporarily, as you let aside your pride for today. frankly, you’re still embarrassed and scared and nervous, but there’s always something unmistakeable about oikawa’s care. 
it makes you feel like maybe, just maybe, you don’t have to stay up all those nights or score full marks on everything - the same way oikawa felt his aching muscles soothe when you’d drag him out of the gym late at night. it makes you feel content, and oikawa can see it; a slow smile planted on your face as you finally fall asleep.
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heauxplesslydevoted · 4 years
Under My Skin (Ethan x MC)
Warning: 18+, NSFW
Summary: Set in the middle of chapter 6, Ethan and Naomi have it out over the current state of the diagnostics team.
Tags: @colourmeshy @virtualrain202 @fanmantrashcan @writinghereandthere @ao719 @x-kyne-x @paulfwesley @ramseyandrys @a-i-n-a-a-s-h @perriewinklenerdie @aworldoffandoms @thatcatlady0716 @drakewalker04 @canknot @hatescapsicum @lapisreviewsstuff @akacalliope @senseofduties @badchoicesposts @ethandaddyramsey @the-soot-sprite @chasingrobbie @zodiacsign1 @choices-lurker @miyakokurono @trappedinfandoms @my-heart-beats-for-ya @adrian-motherfucking-raines @riverrune ~v~
Naomi stares at the textbook in front of her, eyes tired and blurry. She checks the time on her cell phone and 3:22 AM stares back in bold, white letters. Craning her head slightly, she spots Ethan standing at his kitchen island, looking at something on his laptop. 
She never thought she’d be back in his apartment, but he invited the entire diagnostics team over so they could get some research done on Leland Bloom’s case. Ethan wants it to be solved as quickly as possible, and he wants to be rid of the tech billionaire, so after work they all congregated in his apartment, eating Chinese food, drinking wine, passing around textbooks and throwing out theories. 
They’ve been at it for almost 6 hours now. 
The energy in the room is off. Ethan’s been pissed ever since the board told him they’d need to be for-profit and start accepting wealthy clients and potential donors, and everyone feels it. June, Baz, and Naomi have been walking on eggshells around him, but aside from occasional snark from Naomi, they’ve been extremely curt.
Jenner likes her though. The golden retriever took a shine to her the moment she crossed the threshold to Ethan’s condo, sniffing at her feet and attaching himself to her hip. He’s now lounging with her, head in her lap and she pours over this book, and she’s glad. The friendly dog provides an excellent distraction and Naomi is thankful, because his owner currently sucks.
Naomi has dealt with a lot of Ethan’s moods before: upset, defeated, angry, happy, the works. But she’s never had his ire directed at her before. They’re in this mess because of her, and it’s a tricky space to occupy. It’s not fun.
“As much as I love reading, if I look at another word, I think my brain might melt,” June says, breaking the tense silence. She stifles a yawn.
“I’ve tapped out for the night as well,” Baz adds. “I’ve looked up every possible kidney and bladder disease and disorder known to mankind. I’m on sensory overload. I think it’s time I go home.”
Ethan looks up from his laptop. He knows his team is probably exhausted. He can’t believe they’ve actually stayed over this long. “Well, thank you for staying. Go home, get some rest, I’ll see you at the hospital.”
June and Baz gather their belongings and all of the study material they brought along with them, returning Ethan’s living room to its original tidy state. Muttering goodbyes, the two of them exit the apartment. 
And then there were two. Naomi ignores the tension, ignoring the fact that they haven’t been alone together in over a week. Instead, she buries her face in her book, trying to focus on the words.
Ethan doesn’t bother sparing Naomi another glance before asking, “You didn’t want to leave with them?”
“Why, are you about to go to bed?”
“Then, no.” She’s not going to stop now, and give him the satisfaction of thinking she’s given up for the night. Her stubbornness won’t allow it. “I don’t want to disrupt the process. I want this guy diagnosed and treated as badly as you do.”
Ethan scoffs. “I doubt it.”
Naomi has been giving as good as she gets when it comes to the passive aggressive snark, but it’s just exhausting at this point. She refuses to be his emotional punching bag any longer. She whips around in her seat. “God, is being a petulant little crybaby a second full-time job for you?”
That manages to get Ethan’s full attention. He levels a cool glare at the young resident, eyebrow raised in challenge. “You’ve gotten real comfortable calling me out of my name recently. Care to repeat that, Valentine?”
“You heard me loud and clear, Ramsey. You’re being a petulant little crybaby. You’ve been trying to pick a fight with me for the past 2 weeks. Look, I apologized, multiple times, for going behind your back or over your head, but I will not apologize for doing what I believe is right, not just for the team, but the hospital.”
“And you’re an insubordinate know-it-all!” Ethan shoots back. “You’re the type to touch the hot stove despite being repeatedly told not to because you think you’re a special snowflake who’s above getting burned. You lack foresight and analytical thought and self-preservation.”
Naomi recoils, having not expected Ethan to snap at her like that. “Excuse me?”
Jenner recognizes the change in tone between both adults. Not wanting to be caught in the crossfire, he moves from his spot on the couch and trots out of the living room, disappearing into the hallway.
“You thought this was going to be easy, that patients would just come flocking to us, but look at us, and everything would be perfect. We’re part of some social media...something or another’s video diary, we’re competing with a subpar hospital for patients despite being better than them, wasting time and resources because he wants to treat this like a reality show contest, and who knows what’s next, because you’ve opened Pandora’s box. We’re whoring ourselves out to the highest bidder, and the integrity and core foundation of this team has been compromised. So please spare me the martyr act, Naomi, and while you’re at it, please remember that I’m still your boss the next time you want to spout off at the mouth.”
Naomi’s hands are shaking, and she can practically feel the anger boiling in her blood. The nerve of this man. She stands up, ignoring the heavy book that fall out of her lap and onto the floor as she does so. She charges over to him, and sizes him up. Ethan’s almost a foot taller than her, but Naomi doesn’t care about the height disparity. She tilts her head back so she can look him in the eye.
“I’m not a martyr, but you’re a self righteous hypocrite. You’ve been pouting and waxing poetic about Naveen’s mission when you were the first one to mess with his legacy.”
Ethan’s nostrils flare at the accusation. “Excuse me?”
“Last year, you got into bed with Declan Nash and big pharma, compromising your own shaky moral code in order to save the life of one person. I’m trying to keep the team around in order to save a lot more people than just Naveen!”
“That was different!” Ethan argues. It doesn’t even feel right coming out of his mouth, but they’re far too deep in the argument for him to do anything besides dig his toes in.
“The only difference is you were the one in control then. But because it is my idea, you’re rejecting it. You’re being completely unreasonable here, Ethan. We’re standing in the middle of a sinking ship. Edenbrook is in trouble. My friends and I didn’t get our new salaries upon becoming residents, there’s talk of them shutting down the free clinic, and they’ll be coming after our team next. Who knows, maybe they’ll decide that mental health isn’t important and the entire psychiatric department should go. And then the nurses. And then they’ll start ordering less and less supplies, just to stay above water. And maybe you don’t care, because you’re Ethan Ramsey, you’re so wealthy that you only get a one dollar salary from the hospital, you’re established, your livelihood isn’t on the line, and I’m sure any hospital in the world would kill to employ you, but the rest of us? The little guys? We don’t have that option, so again, if you’re looking for me to kiss your ass and grovel because I made an executive decision, you’re going to be looking for a mighty long time.”
Ethan studies her, his gaze coolly fixated on her as she rants because he’s waiting for the second she stops talking, so he can jump back into his own argument. He realizes that it’s not an effective way to debate, and he falters slightly.
“What’s wrong?” Naomi goads, her voice taking on a singsong tone. She’s embroiled in the fight now. “Cat got your tongue?”
In his 37 years of living, Ethan can confidently say Naomi Valentine is the most infuriating woman he’s ever met. A stubborn, impulsive, hot-head with a smart mouth. 
And fuck, he’s made a mistake.
Her mouth. Now his gaze is fixated on it, her full lips that she’s repeatedly bitten down on during this argument, the tackiness of her lip gloss, the way her tongue darts in and out.
Their argument is now the furthest thing from his mind, and he’s actually annoyed by it. What is it about this…woman that completely bewitches him? He wants to argue, not be transfixed on how pretty she is. She doesn’t even have to do anything and he’s under her spell again. 
A sharp jab in the middle of his chest pulls Ethan back to reality. He looks down and realizes that Naomi poked him in the chest, out of anger or to get his attention, he’s not sure.
“Hey!” The fact that he’s ignoring her only makes her more incensed. He started this fight, he doesn’t get the right to dissociate and shut down in the middle of it. “Have you listened to a word I just said?”
“No,” Ethan answers honestly. Naomi’s eyes darken at the response. He didn’t say that to piss her off further, but he won’t lie and say he doesn’t enjoy the sight.
He can tell she’s going to launch into another tirade, one that’s completely separate from their original issue, because that’s just how things are between them; they spiral before either of them knows what’s happening.
Before she can even fix her mouth to call him another name, his hand cups her jaw, tilting her head back, and he slants his mouth over hers, kissing her fiercely.
She gasps. This is the first time he’s ever caught her off guard and initiated a kiss. She’s usually the one to be in control.
All too quickly, Ethan pulls back, locking eyes with the young woman in front of him. She’s dazed, chest heaving and eyes glazed over.
“Did you do that to get me to stop talking?”
“No, I kissed you because I wanted to. But the fact that it got you to stop running your mouth is a personal bonus.”
Naomi huffs, but doesn’t say anything else. God, he could be such an asshole at times.
“I want to do it again,” he says, his voice barely above a whisper. His blue eyes pierce into her own, and it suddenly becomes hard to focus on anything other than him. “Can I?”
She doesn’t know why it’s so sexy, him asking for permission, but she feels the butterflies in her stomach rumble at the question. She’s barely able to nod her head before Ethan launches himself at her, sending her flying back into the kitchen counter.
It’s so different from any other kisses they’ve shared. This one she can feel all the way down in her toes. His tongue darts out, gliding against her bottom lip and demanding access to her mouth, which she eagerly grants him.
Everything about him invades her senses: the feel of his calloused hands touching her jaw, the scratch of his beard against her face, the smell of his cologne (something by Gucci that she’s been yet to narrow down), his taste (she can still taste the wine on him, even though he drank it earlier), his sounds (the little groans that only she’s privy to, always gravelly and smooth, that make her knees buckle). It all culminates into this one man that is so all-consuming, it makes her lose her mind.
The kisses become shorter, more teasing, allowing Naomi the opportunity to actually breathe. He leaves kisses along her jaw and neck, making her whimper.
Ethan wraps an arm around Naomi’s waist and spins them, pushing her against the wall. She winces upon contact. “Warn a girl next time.”
“You want to know what’s been on my mind recently?” Ethan asks, nipping at Naomi’s earlobe.
His hands find purchase underneath the grey Henley she’s wearing and he lifts it up. Her stomach clenches under his touch and it’s maddening just how responsive she is to him. “I haven’t been able to get the sight of you out of my mind since I came to pick you up from your apartment the other day.” With trembling fingers, Naomi helps him remove the shirt, and it’s tossed somewhere behind them.
She’s not wearing the grey bra he saw the other day, this one is a soft pink, and he groans at how it contrasts against her skin. There isn’t a color that doesn’t look good on her. “I stood there…” he only pauses to place opened mouthed kisses on her collarbone. “...like a floundering idiot…” this time he kisses slightly lower, earning a sharp inhale from Naomi. The noise does nothing to soothe the erection straining in his jeans. “...while you decided to tease me.”
“You’re the one who decided to stay,” Naomi shoots back with a shrug. “So I had to put on a little show.” He hums in agreement. His tongue darts out, flattening over her lace covered nipple. “Fuck, just take it off!”
“You still have no patience,” Ethan observes. He yanks at the material, until he hears a loud tear.
“That’s La Perla!”
Ethan blinks, struggling to find the significance in that statement. Was it supposed to mean something to him? “Okay?”
“It was expensive, you jerk!”
“I’ll buy you 10 more,” he replies with a shrug before resuming his previous activity, pulling one of her nipples between his lips, sucking lightly. Naomi’s breath comes out in quick bursts, and it’s becoming harder for her to stay grounded to reality. She reaches out, wanting to touch him, but he intercepts, catching her wrist. “Hands to yourself, Valentine.”
Ethan’s fingers make work of the button holding her jeans together, and he drags down the zipper. He yanks at her jeans with the same care he afforded her shirt and bra, tugging them down until they pool at her feet. Naomi does the rest of the work, hopping around until the pants are fully off.
“You and the thin scraps you call underwear, have been driving me insane all week,” Ethan confesses. “The other day when I came to pick you up, part of me was so mad at you because of your blatant defiance, but the other part of me wanted to push you onto that bed, and do very, very inappropriate things to you.”
The wetness that floods her panties is overwhelming. She clenches her thighs together in hopes of alleviating some of the tension, but it doesn’t help. Figuring out a new strategy, she wraps a leg around his waist, pulling him flush to her. She rolls her hips, grinding into him. The growl that escapes his lips only fuels her and strokes her ego. “You should’ve.”
Ethan kisses her again, reveling in the needy way Naomi claws at him. Her fingers are desperate, fingering into his t-shirt, twisting at the fabric. He’s unsure if she wants to take it off, or if she’s impatient enough to say ‘fuck it,’ and just rip it.
Whatever the case, he doesn’t let her continue. Grabbing both of her hands, he forces them on either side of her. “You really do have a problem with listening. No. Touching.”
The gruffness in his voice sends a shiver down her spine, but whatever rebellious side of her that wants to challenge the command is squelched with one look into his eyes. She can tell he means business and now isn’t the time to challenge his authority.
With restraint she didn’t know she had, Naomi places her palms on the hall behind her, and she stays as still as she can.
“Good girl.” Ethan smirks and drops her hands. He untangles himself from her and steps back an inch to admire his work. “You followed directions for once.”
Whatever smart aleck reply that was about to fly from her mouth is stifled by Ethan pulling her soaked underwear down and slipping two digits past her folds. The noise she lets out is a mixture of a high pitched yelp and a strangled moan, something that threatens to choke her.
The pace he sets is random and uneven, never giving Naomi a chance to settle into a rhythm, and she wonders if this is his way of punishing her, keeping her keyed up and writhing on him for what feels like eternity, trapped in her own form of purgatory.
She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth, and bucks her hips wildly into his hand, trying to keep pace with him.
“Stop doing that,” Ethan demands, using his free hand to pull her lip out of her mouth. “I want to hear you, Rookie.”
Something about the use of her former nickname makes her moan, and it doesn’t go unnoticed by Ethan.
“You like the nickname,” he states. “It’s funny, you know.  You take every opportunity to defy me, argue with me, and push my buttons, yet you get off on me controlling you.”
She can’t focus. He’s too close, it feels too good, and her brain can’t function properly under these conditions. He presses forward, the heel of his palm pressing into her clit, earning a hiss.
“Admit it.”
At this point Naomi would admit to committing armed robbery if it meant he’d keep doing this. She nods frantically. “Yes, Doctor.” He groans at the use of his title, and he pumps harder, curling his fingers inside of her. 
Naomi stands on tiptoes and desperately claws at the wall behind her. “Fuck Ethan, please!”
“Please, what? What do you want?” His lips find her neck again, and he sucks on her pulse point, only making things more hazy. “Use your words, Rookie.”
She wants a lot of things. She wants to cry out, she wants to dig her nails into his back until she draws blood, she wants him to keep talking her through this, his gruff voice in her ear as she shatters around him.
Unfortunately, Naomi cannot form a coherent sentence to save her life. She just rolls her hips, shamelessly grinding herself into his hand. “I...I…” The pleasure mounts, building in the pit of her stomach, spreading out. She’s so close, she can almost taste it. 
“Do you want to cum for me?”
“Yes! Yes, yes, please, I want–” Ethan rewards her for her honesty and his thumb drags into her clit and he rubs the sensitive nub in tight, quick circles. That’s all it takes, and she orgasms with a strangled cry and she’s thankful Ethan is right here because he holds her upright as her legs momentarily give out.
When Naomi regains the ability to stand on her own, Ethan lets go and slowly removes his fingers. Moving fast, Naomi grabs his hand, and without breaking eye contact with him, she slides the two digits into her mouth, licking them clean.
Ethan’s next breath is a shaky gasp that leaves his lung far too quickly. “Fuck, Rookie.”
“Why don’t we move this to the bedroom?” Naomi suggests, releasing his fingers with a loud pop.
Ethan shakes his head. “No.”
He registers the confusion on her face, but Ethan doesn’t give her a chance to respond. He grabs her by the waist and kisses her again, walking them towards the living room. He only breaks the kiss to pull his t-shirt over his head, and it joins the growing pile of discarded clothing scattered around. Naomi helps him speed the process along, getting rid of his belt and popping the button on his jeans. Her fingers hook into the belt loops of the pants and she pulls them down.
Before she can do anything else, Ethan stops her wandering hands. “Wait, wait.”
“Wait for what?”
Ethan knocks his forehead against hers and he sighs deeply. “Naomi, if you don’t want to do this, please stop me now.”
She thinks it’s cute that he’s giving her an out, but she doesn’t need it. Her fingers slip past the waistband of his soft cotton boxers, a warm dainty hand wrapping around him.
Ethan shudders as a warmth spreads through him at the touch of her hand, and he mentally curses himself. He pushes her hand away.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“I’m not cumming into your hand.” Ethan spins Naomi around and bends her over the arm of his couch. 
While it’s not the desk in his office, Naomi won’t complain. She feels one of his calloused hands trace the length of her spine and her eyes flutter shut in anticipation.
No patience left, Ethan tugs down his underwear, letting the material pool at his ankles. Without another word, he lines herself up at Naomi’s entrance and thrusts into her all at once. He groans at the sensation.
Naomi has never been more thankful for couch cushions, as they muffle the scream that escapes her.
“Fuck, Naomi.” He digs his fingers into her hips before pulling out and slamming back into her. He doesn’t give her any time to adjust, but she doesn’t mind. They both know patience isn’t her forte. “You’re...so...tight.” His words are punctuated by sharp thrusts that threaten to steal the air straight from her lungs.
He leans forward slacking against her, but Naomi welcomes the weight. His beard scrapes against her shoulder blade, his breath warm against her ear, his fingers which are no doubt going to leave a bruise, all of it makes her dizzy, and god, this isn’t going to last much longer.
His thrusts become sloppier, more frenzied as the pleasure mounts, his blood boiling in his veins like molten lava. The only thing he can hear is the sound of the skin slapping, and his ragged breaths.
“Are you close?” He asks. But Naomi can’t think, let alone actually speak words, even if something monosyllabic would suffice. Why does he keep trying to make her speak? Her head drops with a thud and she mumbles something incoherent.
“For someone who had so much shit to talk earlier, you’re mighty silent.” Letting go of her hip, Ethan tangles a hand in her hair, yanking it back so she can’t hide her face in the cushions anymore. His other hand reaches around and he rolls her clit with his middle finger. Still way too sensitive from her last orgasm, she thrusts back, clawing at the couch with her nails, but he holds her in place, refusing to let her move.
“Ethan, fuck, don’t stop!” The words fly out all at once, shaky, fast and jumbled, but it’s all Ethan needs. 
With a burst of energy he didn't know he possessed, he drives into her, plunging deeper. “Cum for me, Rookie.”
Naomi screams. Loudly, and she’s sure his neighbors might be very annoyed, but she doesn’t care. Everything goes white behind her eyes as he all but pushes her over the edge. She clenches around him and Ethan hisses as she’s holding him in a vice-like grip. A few quick thrusts later, and he’s joining her in ecstasy, spilling inside of her. The hand holding her hair tightens for a second, then relaxes.
She’s pretty sure she blacked out for some period of time because when Naomi is finally able to focus, they’re no longer obscenely bent over the arm of Ethan’s couch. They’re on the floor, in the cramped space between the couch and the coffee table. 
She’s hot and sticky and absolutely exhausted. She places her hand over her heart, willing it to stop beating so erratically. Stealing a glance, Naomi peers up and looks at Ethan. He looks as disheveled as she feels, his hair tousled, lips swollen, chest and neck flushed red.
Her voice is horse and completely shot to hell when she finally speaks, “If that’s how our fights are going to play out from now on, I’ll let you pick more fights with you. And I’m a Cancer, we’re stubborn people.”
“I think we can find a happy medium somewhere.”
Naomi rolls over, until she’s nestled into his side and her head is on his chest. She can feel his heart beating rhythmically under her cheek. “Are we still fighting?”
“Are you still mad at me?” He doesn’t answer the question right away, and a sense of dread fills her.
“I was never really mad at you,” Ethan admits after a long bout of silence. “I’m just mad at the entire situation. I’m mad at the budget cuts, I’m mad at our country’s healthcare system, I’m annoyed with your inability to listen to me. I’m mad at Leland Bloom’s obscene wealth and the fact that he gets to dangle his money in our faces like we’re horses waiting for carrots.”
“You made the right call, Naomi,” he continues. “But it’s a call you shouldn’t have been forced to make in the first place. I’m sorry for making you carry the brunt of my misplaced anger.”
“Apology accepted. And since we’re apologizing, I’m sorry for calling you a petulant little crybaby.”
Ethan chuckles. “Do you apologize for calling me a goddamn diva, as well? Don’t forget ‘entitled jackass’ and ‘spoiled child’.”
“You co-signed ‘spoiled child’ so I am not apologizing for it.”
“Fair point,” Ethan concedes.
Blindly searching with an outstretched hand, Naomi finds her cell phone and checks the time. She has to be at work in 2 hours, though she’d much rather get into Ethan’s bed and go to sleep.
“That happy medium that you mentioned? I think I have it figured out.”
Ethan raises an eyebrow, his interest piqued. “Oh, yeah?”
“First and foremost, I promise to never go over your head again, if you agree to do a trial run on whatever ideas I may come up with. You can’t shoot me down immediately.”
“I’m...willing to agree to that.”
“And once this all settles down and the hospital isn’t on the verge of complete financial collapse, maybe we can convince the board to only take on one or two billable patients a quarter.”
“That’s actually not a bad idea.” 
“Yeah, I tend to have those every once in a while,” Naomi teases.
Ethan stares at Naomi as she laughs at her own poor joke. Everything about her is an anomaly to him. She blew into his life a little over a year ago and here he is, willing to adapt his entire ethical code for her. And here they are, entangled together as if he didn’t spend 2 months on a different continent in order to get her out of his head. What is it about her that he can’t shake?
He gently cups her jaw and kisses her as if she’s a precious gem, like he didn’t just try to devour her. “What are you doing to me?”
Naomi smirks, recalling that it’s the same question he asked her in Miami. “Hopefully something good.”
He kisses her again. “Better than good actually.”
Realization washes over her that once she leaves this apartment, things are going to go back to being the way they were. He’ll go back to pushing her away. “So does this mean you want to have another reset?”
The question throws him off, but he soon understands what she means. “No.”
“No,” Ethan repeats. If there’s a happy medium to be found between his team and the board, maybe there’s one for him and Naomi.
She doesn’t allow herself to get swept up by his words, but instead she braces herself for the chance that he pulls the rug from under her feet. “Well, what does that mean?”
“It means you and I are going to take a shower together, go to work, and we deal with our obnoxious patient. And after work, you’re going to put on something fancy because I’m taking you out to dinner. How does that sound, Dr. Valentine?”
Naomi can’t stop an annoying grin from spreading across her face. “I think it sounds pretty damn good, Dr. Ramsey.”
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athrialuxegna · 3 years
Stronger than she thinks Part 2
Triggers warning: mental and physical abuse, violence, swearing
Part 1 | Part 3
Fanfiction | Archiveofourown | Wattpad
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It was 6 a.m when I walked out of the cafeteria and nearly choked on my saliva when I saw Eric and Brent. They were laughing at some joke. I couldn’t help but feel a slight twinge in my stomach. If only Eric knew what monster Brent was. Who was I kidding! Eric would not give a shit about this. They stopped in their tracks when they notice me. My face contorted with disgust at the sight of Brent’s horny eyes looking up and down my body. A cold shiver ran down my spine.
“Christine, long time no see.” Brent’s smirk was full of himself.
He had me cornered. Eric was staring at our exchange. It was really bad. If I backed away it would give too much information and the same if I retorted. Ugh, one week of more or less peace wasn’t enough. I became a real ninja since my encounter with Eric. I have succeeded to avoid both men, but my luck was wearing off today.
“My life was brighter without the sight of you. Such a shame you just ruined it.” My sarcastic tone enraged him, his ears turned red and his eyes shot fire. Good. Then he smirked. Oh, crap.
“You know you miss me, Chrissy.” His voice was hushed and seductive.
All color was drained from my face. My nails were digging in my palms, blood slowly spilling from the crescent wounds. This nickname rang a bell. He had called me that when he was all over me. I bit my lip so hard I tasted blood in my mouth. Motherfucker!
“I have something better to do than talking to a prick like you.” I hissed back, turning on my heels.
“You’re so hot when you’re angry Chrissy.” He called after me.
A wave of entangled emotions was bubbling inside of me. It won’t be long before I break down. I began to run when I turn the corner. I went straight to the roof. The rain was pouring hard. Thick drops fell on my face and soaked my clothes. I screamed at the top of my lungs to the raging sky. I couldn’t take his attitude, his face nor his fucking nickname. I took out all my pent up anger and desperation onto the wall beside me. My knuckles hit the wall harder and harder until my knees gave out.  I imagined his face, as bloody as my hands, as shattered as my soul. I wish I could just disappear or forget what happened. Hot tears were streaming down my cheeks. Okay, maybe I was not drained yet.
“Why did you do this to me?” I asked to the raging sky, defeated.
“Why who did what to you?”
Eric’s deep voice startled me. He was standing right at the door, the only escape from the roof. Wonderful. I sighed deeply. I am so fucked, I thought. I felt like I was ready to jump from a cliff without a safety net awaiting me at the bottom. Everything was crashing down around me. I had nothing to lose now. Still, a part of me refused to admit what happened. My bruised ego wasn’t willing to let go. I closed my eyes a second before answering, my back still facing him.
“It’s none of your concern Eric,” I replied dryly.
The tears had stopped as soon as I heard his voice. I appeared weak enough right now to not turn around crying my eyes off. Eric came in front of me, crouching down to be near my level. His eyes more intense than usual as if he was trying to read my thoughts. I wished I wasn’t in the cafeteria earlier. I wished Eric would just ignore me.
“I know this is related to Brent.” I hold my breath at the name. “Tell me, Christine, what did he do to you?” His cold voice chilled me to the bone.
I shivered but held his gaze nonetheless. I shook my head in complete denial. Eric was the last person I wanted to confess to. Eyebrows furrowed and teeth clenched, I held my ground.
“Nothing.” My voice was surprisingly strong.
Eric huffed then closed the gap between us. His breath fanned my face, our noses nearly touching. My breath quickened at the sudden intrusion into my personal space. Tears brimmed in my eyes and I cursed my body for trembling like a leaf. Eric’s eyebrow quirked up, his piercings glistening at the movement. His icy blue eyes tore into my soul, curiosity burning inside them. However, his face was void of any emotion.
“Now, tell me why are you in such a state? You can’t fool me, Christine.” His low voice reached a deeper octave.
Seconds passed, I couldn’t bring myself to tare my eyes away from him. Even though I hated him to follow me up here. Didn’t he have better things to do? I closed my eyes and whispered finally.
“Brent raped me.”
My surrender cost me a lot. It was the final straw, the confirmation that my life became a living hell. Silence followed my confession. I found the courage to open my eyes. Eric was fuming, his gaze fixated on the ground. A hole would appear any second in the concrete at this point. His clenched jaw and fists told me that he was on the verge of losing his self-control. I didn’t know if it was a good or a bad thing. Was he angry at Brent for doing this? Or was he angry because Brent might lose his job as his consultant? So many questions swirled in my mind when his sharp voice cut the dreadful silence.
“Monday night,” I replied curtly, not trusting my voice further.
“Son of a bitch.” He muttered under his breath. “We have to report to Max. Brent has to respond to his crime.”
His words held a finality that scared me. Will he report with or without my consent? His entire demeanor screamed that he was ready to bolt for Max’s office any second. I shot him a wary look and shook my head. It can’t be happening so fast. I hadn’t processed the whole thing yet.
I needed some time to prepare myself for the incoming battle. Should I say the truth or should I lie? An investigation won’t do anything without my word. Brent set up the whole thing, there was no proof. Unless… I went to the infirmary to be examined. No way, no one would ever touch me again or see my lady parts.
“Max won’t know anything. Brent can’t be judged for his crime because of the circumstances.” I retorted with annoyance.
“What circumstances? Rape is rape for fuck’s sake.” Growled Eric.
“You wouldn’t understand because I can’t even figure it out myself,” I admitted bitterly. “Cowardice is my crime.”
“What do you mean?” Something flickered in his eyes.
“While he was…” I trailed off. “I couldn’t move a muscle, my body won’t cooperate. I was helpless, an empty shell. I could just watch and... feel.”
The words ran out of my mouth before my brain could register. I wished I could disappear or that Eric would magically teleport somewhere else. I felt my cheeks burn from embarrassment and shame. I lowered my gaze onto the floor, I couldn’t look at him after saying this.
“It is pretty common during a traumatic experience. Your brain shuts down to protect you, it’s a defensive response.” He explained with a rather know-it-all voice.
A surge of unknown anger bubbled inside of me. His nose side triggered something deep. I huffed and threw my arms around to avoid punching him. His psychological bullshit wouldn’t help me to get rid of my guilt.
“I was a coward nonetheless and I’ll remain as long as I can’t forgive myself. Where’s the Eric I know, the ruthless leader? He would just say to suck it up and get on with my life or I would end up Factionless. Why do you care anyway? Just throw me over the roof already to end my misery!” I yelled.
Eric stood still, unfazed by my sudden outburst. He crossed his arms over his broad chest and waited until I calmed a little bit. His eyes boring holes into my skull.
“Enjoy, this is the only chance you’ve got to shout at me.” He smirked briefly. “No matter what you think of me Chris, this is part of my job to ensure the security of all Dauntless members. The only way to protect you and other women is to send him to justice.”
I growled inwardly. He was right. Brent should be stopped as soon as possible. He could do worse in the meantime. I sighed deeply and bowed my head. I was conflicted. Part of me wasn’t willing to give in. My intimacy had already been violated. I didn’t need a nurse looking down there now. I was selfish, I knew, but it was easier to ignore it than to face it. Tell me about being Dauntless, huh.
“I’ll tell you when I’m ready to report this,” I muttered.
Eric’s lips twitched up at the corners in an almost genuine smile. My heart skipped a beat at the sight, his face always tight and closed was a bit relaxed. Bewitched Eric returned. His changing demeanor was unnerving, I didn’t know what to expect next.
“We should go back inside to take care of your knuckles. Unless you want to catch the flu.”
He turned on his heels and stalked away. He didn’t seem bothered by the rain drenching his clothes and hair. I followed him down in the compound. The cold hallways made me shiver. My soaked clothes clang awkwardly to my body. I certainly looked like a penguin with a stick shoved up his ass or a pathetic excuse of a cowboy, walking after hours of riding a horse. We didn’t say a word until he took a turn I hadn’t expected. He was leading me down the leaders’ quarter. I stopped dead in my tracks.
“Why do you bring me here?” I questioned warily.
“You prefer Marlene’s questioning?” He retorted coolly.
I began to walk again. Marlene was the head of the infirmary, a curious young woman who couldn’t hold her tongue. Eric’s smirk returned to his lips. He was himself again. Good. We entered his apartment. It was huge, tidy, and neat as if no one lived here. There was classical furniture, a black leather couch, a table, a full bookshelf. Three closed doors faced us, which lead to the kitchen, the washroom, and the bedroom, I presumed. Eric went into one of the rooms to get me spare clothes.
“You can use the bathroom to take a shower and change. We’ll take care of your knuckles after.” He pointed to the door closest to me.
I nodded and took the clothes from his hands. He disappeared quickly through the same door. I guessed he had a bathroom connected to his bedroom. Perks of being a leader. The hot water hit me and washed my emotions. Reality dawned on me. Eric knew. He was the only one other than Brent. How will it go between both men? They were working together, how was this supposed to go well?
I hoped that Eric would not do anything impulsive. It would only worsen the situation I was in. I didn’t even know what was the law regarding rape. Did it even exist? I wasn’t sure. Rape was a rare occurrence in Dauntless, exceptional trials that I’ve never seen in my twenty-five years here.
I tried to escape from my thoughts while drying myself. I get changed. Eric gave me one of his shirts, a large hoodie, and jogging. It smelt like him, his scent surrounded me. A mix of mint and leather. A strange sense of security settled in me. A knock on the door resonated.
“Are you finished?” Eric asked through the door.
“Yes, you can come in,” I responded, slightly surprised by his thoughtfulness. He could have barged into the room with no care in the world. We were in his apartment after all.
The door opened and Eric walked in. He changed into a similar outfit to mine. I couldn’t recall the last time I’ve seen him in anything other than his leaders’ attire. His tight shirt outlined his toned chest and his jogging hang low on his hips, I could catch a glimpse of his smooth skin. I adverted my eyes elsewhere, disturbed by my wandering mind. I was raped a week ago and I drooled over him. Something was definitely wrong with me. Did Brent hit me too hard?
I’d lie if I said that he wasn’t handsome, but Eric was Eric. He was untouchable, a leader, and most importantly the bearer of my secret. I needed to suppress the reminiscence of my crush on him. It wasn’t the time nor the best circumstances and, let’s be real, Eric could have any other Dauntless girl. So why bother with me?
Eric opened a drawer and took a first-aid kit without glancing at me. I had washed all the dry blood from my hands. The cuts were visible now. I let him take care of them. His rough hands were gentle and he kept space between us. I appreciated the gesture even though his changing behavior unsettled me. He bandaged my hands then cleaned all the supplies.
“If you want to fight find a real opponent. Next time the wall will win. Your bones are not that tough.” He remarked, his eyes resting on me.
“I wish I could kill him with my bare hands but it would do me no good.” I huffed while rolling my eyes.
“You could call me next time.” His voice light as a feather.
“What? You’ll do worse than the wall, Eric.” I responded, crossing my arms over my chest.
His laugh filled the bathroom. I’ve never heard it before. I was stunned for a second, processing what I was witnessing. I must’ve looked at him like he had grown two heads because he composed himself and raised an eyebrow.
“What?” The ghost of a smile lingering on his lips.
“I’ve never heard you laugh before,” I said without thinking.
His serious expression returned as well as his cold blue eyes. The Eric I knew was finally back.
“Now get out of here. I have work to do.” He dismissed.
I was about to leave when I look at him with worried eyes. He sighed and rolled his eyes.
“Come on, I won’t do anything about your secret without your consent.” He practically growled.
“Thanks, Eric.” I nodded slightly then walked out of the apartment.
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Once alone dread fell onto me. I went to the tattoo parlor, my safe haven. Tori was cleaning her stuff when I walked in. She smiled at me and beckoned me to come with her to one of the tattoo stalls. I joined her and sit on the tattoo chair as if I belonged in here.
“Hey, Chris you want something today?” She asked, taking a sit by the chair I sat on.
“Yop Tori. I think I’ve got an idea.”
I explained to her what I wanted. She drew the design, it was better than what I have expected. The buzzing of the machine soothed me. It was a tough pleasure to get tattooed. The needles were in and out of my skin, the dull ache growing in my back. Tori hadn’t talked since the beginning.
“Now, would you tell me why you’re wearing man’s clothes and have your knuckles bandaged?” She asked out of nowhere.
I tensed slightly then relaxed not to mess up the tattoo.
“I ended up getting caught in the storm outside. Someone get me spare clothes. ” I answered carefully.
Tori hummed in response. Silence fell upon us once again. I must have fallen asleep because Tori woke me up by shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see a large smile on her face.
“Good nap, sleeping beauty?” She mocked.
“Sorry, I won’t do it again,” I replied, stretching my sore muscles.
“Don’t do promises you can’t keep, Chris.” She laughed.
Every time Tori tattooed me I fell asleep in no time. I smiled and get up to see my back in the mirror. The beautiful Phoenix, wings spread, was looking back at me. It was stunning, the fine details made it seem real. A masterpiece that took my entire back. Satisfied and happy, I turned to Tori.
“This is wonderful. Thanks, Tori.”
She nodded and was called by another customer. I waved goodbye and took my leave. I didn’t know what to do on my days off. Even more so now that I didn’t have any friends to spend time with. I missed hanging around with Jenna and Kate. I have encounter neither of them since their visit in my apartment. A dull ache crushed my ribcage, I was alone. Brent took everything from me. He took more than my innocence, he destroyed my life. I couldn’t trust anyone, not fully at least. There will still be a doubt, a “what if” that will ruin my relationships. I wandered in the Pit like a lost soul. It was becoming full. I sat on a rock and watched Dauntless members passing by.
A hand fell on my shoulder. I jerked away and turned around to face Four. My eyebrows furrowed as my heart calmed his frantic beats. He looked tired, working in the control room took its toll on him. He seemed more dynamic when he was training the initiates. He arbored a somber expression, his eyes boring into mine.
“Chris we have to talk about something. In private.” He muttered.
I gulped, it wasn’t something good. Four had to know something to appear out of nowhere to talk. He had seen something. Cameras were all over the compound. Brent couldn’t avoid all of them. I didn’t want anyone to see what happened. If they were a trial, it would be watched by so many people. My body shivered and I get up to follow Four in an empty hallway. We stood a few feet apart, staring at each other, choosing our words carefully.
“Chris, I saw what happened Monday night. Eric and I were talking about the next initiation when the screens showed you and Brent.”
Eric knew before I confessed. I felt betrayed that he didn’t tell me. I swallowed thickly and shook my head. The situation was getting out of my hands. I needed to get out of here. The pitiful gaze Four cast on me made me sick. I couldn’t take his soft eyes. I turned around and ran as if I was chased by a werewolf.
I turned the corner and crashed into a strong body. My eyes settled on Brent. He had his arms wrapped around my waist to keep me from falling. His intense brown orbs plunged into my emerald irises. My body stiffened and I wriggled in his grasp to get free. It only made him tighten his grip.
“Oh Chrissy, I knew you would run after me.” His low voice rang in my ears.
I tried to pry him away from me to no use, he was way too strong. His lips graced my neck, a cold shiver ran down my spine.
“Brent get off me. I don’t want you.” I growled.
Footsteps echoed in the hallway. Brent let me go and I bolt out of here. Eric was right. Brent had to be brought to justice or he will continue. I went into my apartment and closed myself for the rest of the day. I didn’t eat this evening. I was feeling sick at the idea of explaining what happened to Max and the other leaders. My night had been restless, haunted by horrible nightmares.
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dontshootmespence · 4 years
Through It All
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Part 10
Summary: Now married, Spencer & Y/N navigate the D/s lifestyle. How will their relationship change?
Words: 1,086
Warnings: Morning handjob, Spencer shooting off like a bottle rocket. 
A/N: My first entry for @cm-kinkbingo​​ run by my beautiful girlfriend @heycasbutt. This fills my handjobs square.
Your due date is a week away. Technically, Charlotte could decide to make her entrance any day now. The past two months haven’t been great for you. Your back hurts like a motherfucker. You’re tired all the time. And being so round makes you feel seriously unsexy, as in you’ve had sex like twice in the past two months.
Spencer hasn’t made any stink about it at all. He’s massaging your feet and rubbing your back any chance he gets. But you can tell he misses the closeness and you do too. Given your stupidly huge belly, there really isn’t a super comfortable position for you to have sex, or sleep honestly. Sleep is elusive.
When he wakes up, you feel his length against your ass, but you have to turn to face him because you’re starting to get uncomfortable in this position. “Morning, Spence. I need to pop already. I wanna meet our baby.”
“Me too,” he mumbles. He hasn’t even opened his eyes yet, so you decide to surprise him. Just because you aren’t feeling your sexiest doesn’t mean you don’t want to make him feel good. You miss being able to do that for him.
Pivoting your legs back so your stomach doesn’t get in the way, you reach down and palm his cock over his boxers. When his eyes pop open, you laugh. “Shh,” you whisper against his perfect pink lips. “Wanna make you feel good.”
Spencer chokes on his words as you lick at your hands and return them to his cock, gently gliding up and down and in between your fingers. He’s already bucking into your hands. “Missed this.”
“Me too.”
“I might be embarrassingly quick today,” he chuckles.
You don’t mind. The first time you have sex after Charlotte gets here, you’re probably going to shoot off like a teenage boy discovering masturbation for the first time. “It’s okay, Spence. Just let go for me.”
“Fuck.” He bites down on his lower lip as he thrusts into your hand. With what purchase he can find, he grasps your face in his hands and tongues at your mouth, groaning as he spills into your hand. “You’re amazing.”
“I may not be comfortable enough to have sex right now, but I still want you to feel good.”
He reaches behind himself to grab a tissue for you. “Well, I do. And you’re right, you really need to pop because I wanna see her. I want that next level of realness.”
Slowly, you both manage to get up and start the day. Since you’re the size of a watermelon, Spencer goes out to do the grocery shopping, leaving you to wander into the nursery. You would’ve done laundry or dishes or something, but Spencer’s been on top of all the chores lately, so you have nothing to do.
After the baby shower, the nursery is nearly filled to bursting with all things baby. Your mom and dad bought all the necessary furniture that wasn’t the crib. JJ and Will got you a set of Winnie the Pooh drawings to hang on the wall. Emily bought the diaper genie. Derek and Savannah gave you what seemed like 6 months worth of diapers that Savannah said would probably only last three months or so, much to your horror. Even though she and Luke bought the crib, Penelope still bought Charlotte a stuffed unicorn. Toys, books, stuffed animals, and pretty much anything you could think of was purchased already, even some formula, which you planned to use to supplement breastfeeding, mainly because Spencer insisted that you shouldn’t have to get up every time Charlotte had to eat just because you were the one with boobs.
The only wall that still doesn’t have anything on it is the one with the dresser against it. Painting had always been a hobby of yours, though you’d indulged less frequently the past few years, getting caught up in your relationship, marriage and impending parenthood. But as you stare at the wall, you have an idea and go to grab what little paint you have. You only have black left, but it’ll work for the idea floating around in your brain.
You squeeze out some black paint onto a paper plate and lay it on your stomach as you walk back into the nursery. Without thinking, you dab the brush in the paint and start to glide the bristles across one of the plainer white walls. In one of the older Winnie the Pooh books, you remember an image of Pooh and Piglet walking away from the ‘camera’ and talking to each other.
As you’re thickening the outline for Pooh Bear and starting in on Piglet, Spencer returns with the groceries, but you barely register it as the brush continues to move.
“Hey,” he says softly. “What are you doing?”
“I just had a feeling.”
“It’s Pooh and Piglet right?”
“Yea. I’ve missed painting.”
Spencer kisses your head and goes to unload the groceries before coming back to just sit in the nursery and watch you paint. You finish off with one of your favorite Winnie the Pooh quotes.
“How do spell love?” - Piglet
“You don’t spell it, you feel it.” - Pooh
“I’m not even the pregnant one and I’m about to get emotional,” Spencer says when you turn around, your impromptu project complete. “Now go sit and relax for a little while.”
You didn’t realize until just this moment that your feet were starting to hurt. “Don’t have to tell me twice.”
Hours later, while Spencer is cooking, you get up to use the bathroom. “Uh oh,” you breathe, ending your thought on a laugh. “Spence, I-I think my water just broke.”
Instantly, the calm, cool and collected Dom and husband that you know turns into a frenzied father-to-be, running into your bedroom to grab the diaper bag he’d prepared the week before. You follow him inside and change your underwear and pants. “What are you doing?”
“I’m not about to go in there looking like I pissed myself.”
“We’re having a baby!” He says emphatically, like this is somehow news to you.
The next 14 hours fly by in a blur of needles, beeping heart monitors, doctor’s voices and searing, fiery pain the likes of which you’ve never experienced. Was this how the Salem witches felt?
It’s the worst pain in the world. You want to die. But the moment she’s out, you burst into tears, reaching out for her as she’s placed on your chest.
She’s perfect.
@heycasbutt @ultrarebelheart @katherineisagubler @proud-slytherin-ghost @randomwriter23 @fandom-queen67 @sixx-sic-sixx @xqueenofthecraziesx @aofay02 @groovyreid @criesinreid @jdougl-love @xreider @cringeemospntrashassbutt @prettyboyeffect @prettyboyreid @themanip @spencerreidsthings @augustgraceful @whollytaciturn @prisonreid @factualfic @jasmine-negron @snitchthewitch @ellabobella051419 @crazyforsstuff @katiebriggs004-blog @jane-dough @dreatine @bitter-post-millennial @adlerorzel-blog @hallieedrew @psychedelephantt @krisymccall996 @4ueijos @mclaujac @ray-likes-starwars @nurseemilyblog @slightlyvicked @she4567 @guesswhosback129 @princessdolan @happycreatorfangirl @fallwhisper @nyemadowell @sammy-jo1977 @sin-bin-and-tragedies @imsuperawkward @ahhahahaheehee @crispygiantsaladgarden @reputay-swift @pizzarollsfordayz @andiebeaword @timey-wimey-lovi @garbagecanfics @friedparadisetale @dereksbetaa @idontevenknow2 @holyfishloverfarm @nohemi2500 @typeshitbih @sadgirlhan @kmc217 @bigbuttsowhatuniverse @charmedfandomgal @im--blushing @dangerouspersonllamabagel @fichoe21 @yes-sir-hotchner @thefandomallrounder @mrsenos08 @walkerchick007 @letsdisneythings @winchesterqueenie @specialagentleigh @spn-wheresthepie @haileymew @bitchyoulied @geniusgub @urdicksmol @6lack6erry @slutlanna976 @downondilaudid​ @baileysb1tch @la-vie-en-amour1​ @letsdoit-tomorrow @eideticprettyboydrreid​ @lazynoodledragon​ @shybaby231 @aimzonicles97​ @grace-superpowers​ @softestlavender​ @ssa-dr-ladylock​ @drprettyboy​ @patricks-fabulous-face​ @tearosaria​ @shxdowofdarkness​ @marvels-gurl​
164 notes · View notes
lokisasylum · 3 years
Check In Tag!
Tagged by : @parkandblues (thanks, hun  🦋)
1. Why did you choose your url?
“lokisasylum”... I think i’ve explained this a lot, but “Loki” is a nickname I was given since my school days because I was a hardcore trickster & would get away with anything and everything. I also recall being VERY persuasive when caught until I got off the hook. While “Asylum” comes from an album by Disturbed (one of the bests I own).
2. Any sideblogs? If you have them name them and why you have them?
Yep, @arsenicbutterfly which is like an aesthethic/anime/cyberpunk/steampunk/grunge blog, and I also have @lokirasengan-fc which I originally created with the intention of moving all my fanart/artwork (also promote my Society6 & Redbubble shops) to in order to separate my main blog for BTS news/post and that one for artwork but none of my mutuals really followed me on it so its basically a dead blog >_>
3. How long have you’ve been on tumblr?
I think since 2010 which is the same year the (Disturbed) “Asylum” album came out.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
I don’t know, never really thought about it.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Hmm... I remember 2009-2010 to be a very chaotic years.
- the Death Note fandom went up in flames due to the MILLIONS of cases of cyber bullying (some ending in s**cide). I remember being part of this RP group within the fandom that I ended up quitting when I got admitted into Graduate School and because 2 of the oldest members ended up being actual PSYCHOS. (Which is why I also quitted roleplaying)
- Deviantart was rumored to either be shutting down or heading into a worse fate since they started censoring Mature Art/Literature/Fanfics (I remember all the artists who had their 20something chaptered fics and comics OBLITERATED off the site without a reason). So many people left DA for other blogs and I remember thinking the same, that I needed to migrate elsewhere. I tried 2 new social medias that eventually disappeared with less than a year of existence and then there was tumblr with had apparently been created for that very purpose (as a refuge for artists & people in general who were disappointed or got screwed over by the system). Which is funny because tumblr ended up the same way...
I still kept both my DA accounts active and I still post ALL of my artwork/photography there.
6. Why did you choose your icon?
I usually changed my icon frequently, but this recent/current icon is special to me, because it was made as a tattoo design for my Jikook Vampire fic (Forever, You Said) of a butterfly trapped between a Full Moon/New Moon. Its a matching tattoo between jikook (Jimin’s is a yellow butterfly inside a new moon, while JK’s is a blue butterfly inside a full moon). Meant to symbolize how both existed in the same timeline separated by two worlds with Jimin being a vampire and Jungkook being human, but their lives got intertwined since their first meeting.   
7. Why did you choose your header?
[I legit had to go back and check what my header was ‘cause i forgot]
Because I mean... Its Park Motherfucking Jimin.
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
Like... this month? I think its the post about BTS as Flower Spirits from the HYBE museum.
9. How many mutuals do you have?
Few but I love them (same)
10. How many followers do you have?
635... damn, when did that happened?? WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!
11. How many people do you follow?
Like 14ish? Most of them were fanartists I really admired, but sadly most of them aren’t active or left for Twitter cause people kept coming to tumblr to steal their art and post it on twitter/instagram. So they moved to twitter in order to have some “control” over their works, but now people steal their art from Twitter and come to post it on Tumblr 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
And this is why I still post most of my art on Deviantart.
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
I... I dunno, have I? Oo
13. How often do you use tumblr each day?
24hrs/7 days a week, I never really log out of tumblr. So I just wake up, eat breakfast/lunch (whatever’s available at 11am), do chores around the house, make sure my fam’s healthy, fed and comfy before I jump back into tumblr where I kill off most of the day and night. If I’m not here I’m on deviantart or Ao3.
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
I usually avoid going to other blogs to argue per se because most of these blogs that shitpost for the sake of creating conflict are very young and very ignorant. They never see reason/logic even when you slap ‘em across the face with receipts. So I don’t bother.
HOWEVER, ain’t afraid to calling people out through my own posts from time to time without the need to name names. If it fits, it ships and if you offended that’s a YOU problem.
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I avoid them as much as possible. I’m like Taehyung on that note, I’m the type of person that if you try to force me to do something and I see no benefit (for me) in it? I won’t do it.
16. Do you like tag games?
Yes, they’re fun and break the monotony.
17. Do you like ask games?
I do... but no one ever interacts with me for them 🙃
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Eehh.. maybe @utopiajeon , @debrenner , @aikimei
19. Do I have a crush on a mutual?
I mean I love them and think they’re awesome people, but I also think of them as the children I don’t plan on having in the future. LOL
20. Tags?
@utopiajeon @doctorcerberus  @i-like-plain-rice @corkytheguar   anyone who wants to do it!🌸
7 notes · View notes
savnofilter · 5 years
I think you're hilarious in such a good way and Im new to Tumblr. Your work is amzing and i was wondering if you have any bnha blog recommendations or must read fics?
WARNING! this gets long as SHIT. so im sorry. im on mobile so liek,, also there are shit ton of amazing writers on here but my memory has been terrible as of recently, so sorry about that. all the people mentioned have really good fics so going through their masterlist is the bes option i have on here for you!! also sorry this was so late, i did a lot of username checking and now finally got the balls to post this with their @s cnuidwneovn- also!! be mindful because i was iffy in tagging some because i wasnt too sure if they wrote for bnha anymore. so w/o further adieu!!!now for my fave ao3 fics (with no ranking)~
His Tryanny by goodboysensei (tumblr; @tobobio)
au: fantasy
summary: “Deep in a land just like in the fairy tales, lives 4 different kingdoms. But when a hot headed king of one kingdom wants to take over, he seeks for more power. A girl locked away in a tower for her entire life because of her forbidden power, finds a new life when an ash blonde male comes flying through her window. How will their life play out?”
my thoughts: FUCKINGT AMAZING BOOK LIKE I FUCKING STAN. TT its so fucking good! the angst, the tension, angry bloody bakugo?! fucking check! amazing book!! 12/10 will always recommend. mc will say “million reasons” i be like “his tyranny tho, 👀” (and other books but we have to appreciate my highness rq).
completed: yis!
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My Angel by goodboysensei (tumblr; @tobobio)
au: greek mythology
summary: “The infamous fallen angel, serving under Hades (AFO), Bakugou Katsuki, was known for constantly wreaking havoc within heaven. Defying against God and other deities, he was blacklisted from Heaven. (l/n) (y/n) being an elite archangel under Athena (Miruko), is set on a mission to rid of Bakugou Katsuki but takes a 180 when you sudden began developing feelings for the crooked angel during the confrontation – him reciprocating the feelings. Though relationships between a worker of God and a demon was the greatest sin, and faced consequences to those who are caught. ~ Having to sneak around and hide your relationship with the fallen angel how would an archangel keep her status under God while simultaneously keeping an accursed romantic affair.(sorry i suck at summaries lmao)”
my thoughts: you know, i just have a craving to live a life in greekish-mythologyish and reading lore of olympus makes it partly redeemed. but this takes the cake. LIKE?! oh my fucking god! absoluetely love and im still reading it cause im slow asf but its so good so far! and she doesnt at all, the summaries are what got me interested!!
completed: neh~
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I’m Broken Too (Shigaraki x Reader x Dabi) by Kikyo851 (quotev; kikyo851/tumblr; @heroes-among-us-all)
au: canon
summary: “What’s a girl to do when she can’t quite make it as a hero? Become a villain, of course.”
my thoughts: okay so youre thinking, “that summary is short asf” but godtdamn the book is motherfucking good dawg. lieke,,, this absolutely fueled my villain spark way back whenever. (you can gladly thank this book and all the dabi fics from @lord-explosion-baku, who also has a book called “thorns” which is also on ao3. i havent read it because im not into that au but it has many good reviews!!)
completed: neh~
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Million Reasons by Chub_Rye (other socials; not listed)
au: future canon (?)
summary: “This is not a happy story, you really wished it was but how can it be when your marriage is falling apart. You truly love your husband, the thing is…he doesn’t seem to feel the same anymore ((Trigger warning: this is a very emotional heavy story, you have been warned.)) Inspiration: Million Reasons by Lady Gaga”
my thoughts: 
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*if i had the time i would edit to: “im fucking sobbing fam”* because this shit hurtedt. like, HURTEDT. this book, this very book is the reason why fucking katsuki fucking bakugo slapped down the damn rankings on my list. didnt fucking like him for like two weeks, just thinking about him made me mad as FUCK. but its written so good i cant be mad?! i… okay moving on before i start crying and listing reasons why katsuki needs to CHOKE in this damn book. also if you dislike deku then this story will change. you.
completed: neh~
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Muted by HecateSG (other socials; not listed)
au: canon
summary: “A collection of short one-shot stories where the reader has lost the ability to speak due to an incident that ranges from accident, to intentional, which now leaves you in the care of at least one of this dashing and intrepid cast of characters. There will be a variety of scenario’s explored and kinks touched upon for all you curious depraved little ones. ~ The only thing these all have in common is that the Reader will remain almost exclusively quiet the entire time ~ The tags will be updated as more chapters are released.”
my thoughts: this is a one-shot book (no cohesive storyline unless chosen) but its so good. so good. i thought shigaraki, dabi and all might in one book was interesting but never the less, super good! i never was interested in the mute concept but its written good? (but thinking about it all the other mute!reader fics are good but they wont nsfw so it didnt interest me-) furthermore, its so good. so pure. so hot. 11/10 would recommend.
completed: neh~
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Nightclub AU by sour_pink29 (tumblr; @heros-amoung-us)
au: well… nightclub
summary: “U.A. is the most prestigious and well known nightclub in the world. It takes a high price and a creditable reputation to attend the club, but only because it makes your wildest dreams and fantasies come true. The workers are the best of the best: the 1A class; with the sexiest dancers, flirtatious waitresses and waiters, master bartenders, and high class security. It’s truly no wonder why the rich and famous travel from all corners of the world to have one special night at U.A. ~ As a waitress at the club, you were used to dealing with rich, handsome, high maintenance bachelors. But when 6 mysterious men enter the club and your life, you feel something different spark between you and them as they turn your life on it’s head. For better or for worse… ~ AU where you and the 1A class (and some other characters) are workers at the club. Kaminari, Kirishima, Katsuki, Shoto, Tetsu, Izuku, and Sero are all competing for your attention. ~ WILL INCLUDE NSFW IN SOME CHAPTERS ;)”
my thoughts: THGIS BOOK FUCKIN SLAPS. HANDS DOWN WOULD TOOT MY ASS UP FOR THIS! (thought about dropping my studies and just fucking doing stripper work-) like wow… its a good book and the writer was prob one of the first wirters i followed on here?! (thats if tumblr didnt fucking remove my damn following like it usually does. ._.) enough about that, its really good. i think about it often.
completed: neh~
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Plus Ultra! One-shots and Requests by MistressPikachu (FinalVolition) [tumblr; @adelheidvonschicksal]
au: varies
summary: “A place to store all my smaller drabbles for BNHA. NSFW and SFW requests CLOSED!”
my thoughts: um so she write for *everything* but not like everything, everything. so sometimes it be like a red flag so make sure you are reading it carefully on the story you click on! personally, since theyre a good asf writer i usually dip my toe in all of them but sometimes i just cant but the ones i can, i read over and over and over again. worth a million reads tbh. 12/10 would recommend if youre nasty like that (and i KNOW you guys are).
completed: neh~
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slutty one shots by cherrykwrites (tumblr; @cherrykwrites)
au: varies
summary: “Collection of some slutty short scenarios. Mostly Bakugo, could include other characters too. ~ Everything will be NSFW in this collection. ~ Themes like non con, underage, alcohol, bdsm, daddy kinks, ect could occur in these writings. ~ These are purely works of fiction and do not reflect reality, I do NOT condone any of the immoral actions written in these.”
my thoughts: so of course i could not leave the og, the real home slice, cherry-mother-k-fuckin-writes- CAN WE CLAP FOR THE QUEEN? so essentially, her shit is good asf. you should read it cause its good asf. shes not around that much but she def is really good! (also has my thinking about writing some tattoo artist!bakugo these days, or even a series for my husbandos…). never thought about sandwhiched between kirishima and bakugo until i came across her fics~
completed: neh~
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Euphoria - NSFW Series by NekokoaFanfiction (tumblr; @nekokoafanfictions)
au: varies
summary: “Just a bunch of BNHA characters involved in several different kinks with you. ~ Summary of first chapter: ~ “Katsuki…”That mewl you made was hard to hear but somehow it reached Midoriya’s ears and he gulped as he saw said man standing up from the ground in front of you. A smirk as wide as it can be with his tongue brushing the corners of his mouth as if he just finished eating the best meal of his life.————————- Basically, Midoriya is in for a emotional ride lol”
my thoughts: they are such a good writer. another one-shots book but they will appear once again on the list but this book is just beautiful. and im a perv. so. have fun.
comepleted: neh~
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⚠️okay so this is a series of fics from one writer, but instead of making a shit ton on the list (because if this isnt long already) its by the user QuillMind (tumblr; @quillmind) here are some of my faves:⚠️
Incendiary ~ a/b/o, “Mating season has come yet again. Bakugou has even more trouble controlling it than in previous years… and it’s all your fault.”
Mating Hunt ~ a/b/o, “You and Bakugou have been together for some time. Though you both know you only want each other, your bond won’t truly be permanent and known to all until he claims you during mating season. And as impatient as Bakugou is, as an Alpha, he loves a good chase. You decide to give him one.”
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Story Time - A Reader x BNHA Multific by WhenSarahSmiles (tumblr; @makethiscanon)
au: fairytale/storybook/canon-ish
summary: “Whilst fighting a powerful villain, you find yourself sucked into the world their quirk created with no memories of your old life. Yet, the men you meet along the way have a familiar feel to them. Perhaps they can help you unlock your memories? ~ A Hero Academia/Fairy Tale mash up, there’s plenty of chaos to follow even if you think you know the classic stories well. ~ [Warning: Explicit Content from chapter 3 onwards] ~ [I will warn you which chapter features the non-con]] ~ “
-> Story one: Little Red Riding Hood (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)-> Story two: The Little Mermaid (Shouto Todoroki x Reader)-> Story three: Jack and the Beanstalk (Eijirou Kirishima x Reader)-> Story four: The Three Little Pigs (Denki Kaminari x Reader)-> Story five: Sleeping Beauty (Shouto Todoroki x Reader x Katsuki Bakugou)-> Story six: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (Midoriya, Tokoyami, Sero, Monoma, Ojiro, Shinsou x Reader)
my thoughts: bitch i have no thoughts. i only have THOTS. this is a masterpiece, like ive been lacking, the one im on rn is the kirishima one and it worth the read, and i bet the ones after that have been just as amazing! amazing work 11/10 would recommend.
completed: neh~
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Wolves Among Us (Mini Series) by NekokoaFanfiction (tumblr; @nekokoafanfictions)
au: fantasy
summary: “Something about watching him lick your chilled skin was stirring something within you. Your legs started to shiver, but not of the cold that surrounded your slightly exposed body but of a feeling blossoming in the inner regions of your lower stomach. You were getting lost in the rhythm of his pants, wandering in the hazy want of his intense eyes. Your breath began to tremble, and you tried to squeeze your legs together to withstand the odd sensation growing, but he held your leg still and showed no signs of letting go. You were suddenly aware of his hand on your lower thigh, and you noticed that it was the first time a man’s hand had touched there. ~ You were a flower that had yet to bloom in the late of spring. Pure, untouched and suddenly, bombarded with desires. You never shivered in the way a man could make you, and curiosity—maybe naivety, was keeping you from your fear of the beast. —————– Basically, you fall in love with a rude wolf man. ~ Mini series!! Werewolf!Bakugo x Human!Reader, Fantasy AU ~ Inspired by The Company of Wolves by Angela Carter”
my thoughts: i ride this books ASS for updates. my favourite bakugo au’s are fantasy (wit da dragoons) and were!katsuki (haluween). i fucking love it, i love their works. theyre busy with school (like i should be but scholars are all different-) trust me its so good. it has that good spice that make fill my heart with sexy uwuwuwuwuwuwuwus. love it.
completed: neh~
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Katsuki Bakugo Scenario Collection by Hvalross (tumblr; @cutesuki–bakugou)
au: varies
summary: “A collection of oneshots and scenarios I’ve done for Bakugou, both personal works and requests on my blog Cutesuki-Bakugou. ~ Please note that the rating of each story will be in the notes of the chapter. Stories range from TEEN to EXPLICIT.”
my thoughts: oh my god. i reread this one chap over and over and over and over and over and over- and over again. the stories range from cute to just good smut and its so good. so beautifully written. and i cant help but just appreciate it. love it sm. (also sorry if i tagged the wrong tumblr im confsued as to which one you use ahaha)
completed: neh~
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Wish the World Away by hoshigalaxy (other socials; not listed)
au: canon
summary: “bakugou katsuki is the number one hero. but with this title comes a huge target on his back. sometimes it’s better to stay single when you’re a pro hero. there could be accidents. ~ but that’s three years in the past now and bakugou is slowly moving on from what’s happened. that is until he runs into his mysterious new neighbour and things get complicated again.”
my thoughts: ;-; this one hits different. almost like a million reasons type of different. i dont want to spoil it but godt damn man. there is so much to be uncovered but it really hasnt been updated. (cri) its a beautiful book tho. fingers crossed for when it updates next.
completed: neh :
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Up in Smoke. (Soulmate AU) by Grapelimeade (tumblr; @gojirabbit)
au: well,, soulmate
summary: “Bakugou doesn’t want a fucking soulmate.”
my thoughts: may i say…it is such a stark contrast to Million Reasons. it is so fucking captivating i will not shit you. this book, is amazing. im just saying, that midoriya scene tho,, 👀 that kirishima friendship,, 💪🏽 its so good…? got me panting for the next chap (and no not like that weirdos but there is nsfw because when tf do you catch me reading a fic without nsfw…?) but i recommend. mc: million reasons tho me: up in smoke tho-
completed: neh~
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Vermilion by Morgana_Ren (tumblr; @morgana-ren)
au: canon
summary: “Tomura Shigaraki had a goal. It started out simple enough. Kill All Might, and watch the society that revered heroes above all else crumble to dust alongside their idol. However, what originally starts off as a chance encounter with a UA student during the battle of USJ sends him reeling down the crooked path of obsession.”
my thoughts: its just…? my shigaraki thirst was sparked from this very story. it good, supplies my shifty hands needs and it suffices the boiling lust in my clit. wish we’d see more cause i love it already and it blends the story line well. love it. 11/10
completed: neh~
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words hurt [Bakugo Katsuki x Reader] by QueenExplosionMurder (tumblr; @strawberryandspiceandchocolate)
au: canon
summary: “*more tags to be added* ~ when Bakugo Katsuki friendzones the reader, their friendship takes a nose dive off of the face of the earth and he doesn’t hear from her for a while. that is until she is suddenly thrown back into his life, quite literally actually…”
my thoughts: well you think i can go a post without tagging my president? youre fucking wrong. i have actually posted my own prev of her book which you can find here. i am just astonished at well the mood is (because tb when all i would talk about is mood) because mood is just good. it doesnt seem cliche to me. cant wait until the next update.
completed: neh~
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You and Yamada by Jo_Rutherford_Lee (other socials; not listed)
au: varies
summary: “Just a few short Present Mic/Reader PWPs I needed to get out of my head.”
my thoughts:
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i love this book. couldnt find the yamada book i was looking for but i would be lying if this doesnt revive my yamada love every once in awhile. (jk i found the book but this one is really cute and a quick read!!)
completed: yis
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Singed Rose Petals: (Alpha) Dabi x (Omega) Reader by Smutsy (other socials; not listed)
au: a/b/o
summary: ““The villains were always ugly in books and movies. Necessarily so, it seemed. Because if they were attractive - if their looks matched their charm and their cunning - they wouldn’t only be dangerous. They would be irresistible.” - Nenia Campbell”
my thoughts: ohhhh because you guys thought that i’d go through a post without mentioning dabi? LOL so,, this book has brought many many many happy coochie tingles to me. i would murder to be dabi’s omega. and DAS on baby. never was really interested in a/b/o stuff till i read this. love it so much 11/10.
completed: yis
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special mentions:
BNHA Brothel by orphan_account [multiple, unfinished]
Hero Killer’s Charge by VulcanCaptain [stain x reader, unfinished]
Mouth Moods by Koalolive (twitter; renlup) [present mic, unfinished]
and god please dont fucking roast me i had a hawks faze. Birb Office for Birbs by insanityrunsinthe_family
458 notes · View notes
mythrilhusk · 4 years
Korosensei Never Dies - Chapter 5
Words: 1689 Ao3 Version Chapter 4 (Last)
Chapter 6 (Next)
AN: This is NOT RPF, this story is based solely on the characters of Dream SMP, not the people playing them.
It's a hobby some would call obsessive or even creepy. Wilbur Soot doesn't care what anyone thinks, it's his world and everyone else is just living in it. His pencil scrawls on the page, scratching black onto white.
--Tommy needs encouragement. He's latched onto Philza as a fath- role model worryingly fast. Have I not been enough for him? He told me he wants to kill Technoblade, but I could see the lie in his eyes. He's too kind, and now he's being torn in two directions. Should I ease the strain? Or should I see how long it takes for him to break?--
Wilbur doesn't care what others think of him. His sly gaze flickers from person to person, lingering on the bright ray of sunshine that is Tommy. 
--Tubbo worries me. He's been mostly silent ever since Technoblade showed up. Is he planning something?-- 
--Eret wants to kill Technoblade purely for the money. I saw the way their eyes lit up at the bounty. Which brings to mind another question. Why hasn't anyone outside of this class actually tried to kill Technoblade?--
--Ranboo never lets go of that notebook. I could swear it had a different cover. He's creepy. Avoid him.--
--Quackity has an intense grudge against Technoblade. But he's always with his gang, so I haven't been able to talk to him.--
--Hannah Rose started sparring with Foolish and Charlie last week. She's good. Too good. I don't trust her.--
--I can't get a read on Sapnap. He's always with Quackity, so I never have a chance to have a nice little chat, a good old tete-a-tete.--
--Connor wants to kill Technoblade. Boring.--
--Charlie hasn't shown any bent towards one side or another. He goes around with his saccharine "humour" and fails all his quizzes like he doesn't want Philza to train us. Maybe I should get him expelled.--
--Foolish says strange things. I don't like him.--
Wilbur pauses when he's finished silently dissing all his fellow students. The teachers are next. 
--Ponk just sort of showed up one day and then stayed as the math teacher. His quizzes are so goddamn annoying. He hasn't shown any signs of wanting to kill Technoblade, though.--
--Punz was here for like a day, and then was sent to the hospital as the result of Techno's completely just and righteous defense of Philza. Unknown if he will find the guts to return or not.--
--Philza. Ah, Philza. Mere words can not convey the sheer respect I have for that man's dedication to chaos. Why, just the other day, I saw him feeding birds as they perched on him. He then used them for target practice. Magnificent. If we all endeavor to succeed in our classes, he will teach us how to kill his friend.--
--Technoblade is an enigma. Seriously. Does this mutant man ever sleep? By all accounts, he should be a terrible teacher, yet somehow he finds the time and tenacious willpower to teach all the subjects in a concise and understandable way. Not to mention his casual sprinkling of anarchy propaganda. I wish to know his secrets. I will drag them out of him if need be.--
"Whatcha writing?" Tommy inquires. 
"Nothing!" Grinning innocently, Wilbur snaps his notebook closed. 
"Is it about me? Are you writing how good I am at luv?" 
"No, Tommy." Wilbur ruffles his friend's fluffy hair, ignoring Tommy's complaints. "I'm writing a diary. You can't read it." 
"Fuck off, I'll write my own diary!" 
Wilbur smiles and sits back, listening to Tommy rant. It would be interesting, wouldn't it, to see how he deals with the conundrum of looking up to Philza while being pressured to kill Technoblade. Wilbur can't wait to see him break. 
Badboyhalo paces in the Duckling's treehouse, wincing with every step. Antfrost binds George's wounds. "This has gone too far, Bad!" George complains. 
"Shut up! I know we can think of something!" 
"Our reputation is on the line! If anybody looks even slightly deeper into our pasts, we're all screwed." 
"Shut up!" Bad screeches. "We are Professional Assassins, that's all we ever have been, and nobody is going to question it unless you two screw up again!" 
Antfrost glowers, tightening a bandage on George's arm. "You screwed up, too." 
"How was I supposed to know?? He's a highschool student, a teenager, he shouldn't be good at fighting!!" 
"He's better than us. You think Dream taught him?" George tries to scratch at his bandages, but Antfrost smacks his hand away. 
"I don't know, you muffinheads, but we need to figure something out. Maybe take some martial arts classes." 
"You want us to go back to school??" 
"No! Yes?? Maybe? I don't know." Bad replies miserably. "We've gotta get outta here before Quackity and his gang show up." 
"Too fucking late." Quackity snarls behind Bad, dropping through the window. "Why the fuck didn't your motherfucking special weapons do a single goddamned thing??" 
"Language," Bad mutters half-heartedly. 
"Why the fuck are you buffoons planning to take classes for fighting?? You said you were professionals!!" 
"That is true, we are professionals. But we may have been a teensy bit misleading about our line of work." 
Quackity's scowl darkens and he draws his revolver. "I want blood, Bad. I want your blood so motherfucking badly right now. Fucking tell me the truth." 
Bad raises his hands, heart in his throat. "Wait, wait! I- we're not actually assassins, okay? We're just, uhh, our business is in, uhh-" 
Quackity cocks the gun. His eyes show no hint of mercy. 
"Wait-wait-wait-" Bad cries, trembling. "We're just con-men! It's our business! We go around, telling people we can take care of whatever their problem is, then we take the money and dip! Haha!" 
"We bit off a bit more than we could chew when President Skeppy paid us to help you kill Technoblade." George sighs. "Go ahead and shoot Bad, he's our leader. It was all his idea." 
"N-no!!" Bad screeches, glaring at George. "Don't shoot!! Please!" 
"Fuck you." Quackity flicks open the casing and empties the bullets onto the table. "Fuck you and your motherfucking lies. You don't even have a supplier, do you?" 
"No, we stole the prototype weapons from HBomb's lab!" 
"I'll forgive you on one condition." Quackity gives them a small, hard smile. "Break into the lab and get us actual weapons that'll actually fucking work on Techno. Nothing explosive, just knives and guns."  
"Deal." Antfrost says. "Do we still get a cut?" 
"Ten percent, but that's only if you don't fuck up again." 
"Ten??" Bad cries, forgetting his former fear. "That's only one billion!!" 
"That's about a billion times more than you fucking deserve, so don't test me, assholes."
Bad clenches his fists. Quackity is just a kid. He's just one kid. Bad, Antfrost, and George could easily win. 
But that's what they thought about Ranboo. Bad huffs. "Deal." 
Creeping around in the forest is not exactly what Awesamdude expected his career to lead to. But here he is, laying down a perimeter, alone. 
Not quite alone, however. The two kids stalking him could do with some more practice staying silent. He's already learned their names from their hissing whispers. 
"Niki, Jack, you shouldn't be here." He straightens after planting another post in the ground. 
A girl with violently pink hair drops down from a tree. A boy with clashing heterochromatic sunglasses hops up from behind a stump, brushing the leaves off himself. "How'd you know we were there?" Jack whines. 
"You were hardly quiet." 
"What're you doing?" Niki crosses her arms, scowling. 
"Do you want to die?" Sam asks darkly. He's bluffing, of course. He wouldn't kill innocents. 
"Can you kill people?" Jack asks, excited. 
"I could, if I wanted to." 
"Can you kill Technoblade??" 
"Why isn't anyone else trying?" 
"His location was a secret." Sam sighs. "It's not anymore, but I'm going to ensure nobody else interferes." 
"How are kids expected to kill an immortal??" Niki cries. "Why is the bounty so high?? Why is he teaching school instead of rotting in a prison??" 
"Curious, aren't you." Sam scratches his head. "Well, I suppose I can answer the first two. You're not expected to kill him, you're being used to keep him in line. And the bounty is so high because he wanted it that high." 
Niki glares at Sam. Jack's expression is unreadable behind his sunglasses. "Why-"
"Shoo." Sam waves a hand at them. "Go home before I lose my patience." 
The two converse for a moment in hushed whispers. Then, simultaneously, they cry, "Teach us to kill Technoblade!" 
Sam represses a smile. "No." 
"Why not??" 
"Because I have a job to do, and that involves not interfering." 
"Is President Skeppy stalling??" Niki snaps.
"I can't answer that." Sam raises his crossbow upon hearing cautious footsteps sneaking past in the shadows of the trees. Niki and Jack both leap back into cover, but Sam ignores them. "Show yourself, or I put an arrow through your ribs." 
"Please don't." Another teen steps out, raising his hands. The hidden weapons on his person wouldn't be obvious to someone less experienced, but are painfully visible to Sam. 
"What are you doing out here?" 
"I don't know?" The teen replies plaintively. "I was just taking a walk." 
"Hm." Sam lowers the crossbow slightly. He activates the sensors in his false eye with a blink, scanning the teen. The scan glitches and sends a flash of pain through his skull. "Agh!" 
"Are you okay, sir?" The teen steps forward. Warning bells chime in the back of Sam's mind, danger, danger, but Sam ignores them. This is just a kid. He's harmless. 
"I'm fine. You should go home." 
"Oh." The boy lowers his hands and opens the book he was holding. For a moment, Sam's eye glitches again, and the boy's form distorts; scales crawl across the boy's arms, twelve wings fold like fractals- Sam winces at the twinge of pain and the hallucinations fade. "I have a home, now." The boy mutters, and then wanders off. 
Sam sighs and continues his job of setting up a fence around the school building for class 3-E. Niki and Jack have scampered off already. He's alone again.
Chapter 6 (Next)
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Imagine: PRT THREE.
Reader gets a surprise visit from nasty Erik.
This was requested for another part. May be the final part because I didn’t plan for this lol. Wrote this today.
Part One. Part Two.
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You had a certain pep in your step that didn’t go unnoticed. Heading towards your Micro Biology classs, books in hand and a blush on your face, you try and discreetly enter the classroom only to find eyes on you. Head down, you pull your hoodie further over your head, sitting down slowly so you wouldn’t gain anymore attention.l
Erik put it on your pussy last night. You ended up spending the night and fucking another two times after the first. After each hard fuck this man’s fat dick would just plump up and harden with the tiniest look in your direction. He loved the way you looked dressed in his large t shirt with your curly hair pulled back from your face. He would kiss your cheeks and stroke it with his thumb lightly, causing you to bite your lip and blush profusely.
He knew what he was doing to you. He was your new addiction and it had only been one night of him. As you open your laptop to begin typing, the vision of him burrowing deep inside of you with your legs over his shoulders had you rubbing your hands over your face. Your shoulders begin to bounce with excitement as you laugh, still perplexed that you even opened your legs and gave your tight pussy away to a 30 year old man.
A hung, freaky, pro of an older man.
“Miss Y/N?”
You hadn’t noticed that your Professor had been calling you the entire time.
“Your research paper, please?”
Your heart sank.
Fuck. You forgot to grab your written paper from your desk within your dorm this morning when you came back around 6:00 am. Brandy, your room mate and close friend, was knocked out on her bed, snoring and all. Brandy didn’t have an 8:00 am class like you did. And to top it all off your paper was also on a flash drive you forgot to bring to class.
“I’m so so sorry, I-“ you shake your head with disappointment in yourself. So much for a 100%
“I forgot to grab it from my desk this morning. I didn’t wake up to the alarm.”
Your professor nodded his head slowly, “Okay, you know how I feel about late assignments, correct? That will be a five point deduction from your grade, Miss Y/N.”
Your professor left it at that, returning back to the discussion about virology and parasitology.
“You know, this shit ain’t really like you, Y/N.”
That deep voice made you laugh. Your assigned partner and school friend, Lakeith, has to have something to say about everything you do.
“Lakeith, mind your business for once, please.” You sass in a hushed tone.
“I would if I wasn’t enjoying the fall of a supposed future Nurse Practitioner.”
With a death glare, you turn to him, his chestnut eyes always a hypnotic thing for you. Then he decides to smile, showing off his dimples.
They weren’t deep like Erik’s but they were still something.
“I got my shit on lock, Sir, worry about scoring higher than me on the TEAS, Mr. Future RN.”
“Baby girl,” he chuckles low, “My shit always on lock. Coming up in here like you just left a dick appointment.”
Your heart flutters. Was it that obvious? I mean, the dick appointment was hours ago but damn it was still written all over your face. You decided not to respond to that portion. He didn’t need to know.
“So, somebody hitting that and you down played every chance I offered? Wow.” He laughs to himself, leaning in towards you, practically all up in your grill.
“You getting some dick, Y/N?” He smiles, his shiny teeth almost blinding. Damn him for being this fine.
“Why are you checking for me so much?” You roll your eyes into your head.
“I’ve been checking for you. Don’t act brand new because you let some other nigga wow you.”
He smelled like cinnamon. Lakeith always smelled good.
But Erik smells like sandalwood and citrus.
Even Erik’s sweat smelled like cologne. The thought of him had you shivering down the spine, you focus your attention back on your typing.
“Yeah, you got a noticeable arch in your back that wasn’t there before.”
You heard a chuckle from Lakeith’s partner in crime, Marvin. Both of them, two Kappa brothers that joked like teenagers.
“Fuck you.” You fire back, flipping him off, “sit on it and spin, nigga.”
“Yeah, okay,” He puts a base in his voice, “I’ll have your little ass sitting and spinning on something if you keep playing with me, big headed ass.”
“You started with me!” You argue back, trying your best to keep your voice low.
“Whatever,” he shoves your head, “do some damn work.”
Kissing your teeth, you throw your led pencil at his head, watching him scrunch his face with discomfort, rubbing the spot that stung.
“Bitch ass,” you end the argument there, cracking your knuckles to get back into the grind. Lakeith wasn’t about to fuck up your A average.
How about Erik and his big Daddy dick fucking you? Remember, he said you can come see Daddy anytime you wanted some dick.
You press down over a series of keys, typing out something like dmcbcdjendh.
“And again, this tutoring shit will not help me get through Calculus I. I don’t need some student tryna teach me.”
You ball up the flyer that your calculus teacher gave you for tutoring help. Tossing it in the recycle can, you march out of her office, fuming with fists balled and cheeks puffed out. Yes, you were a straight A student but the last calculus exam you took you received a 79 on it. That had you crying into a bowl of cookies and cream ice cream. Now, she was offering you tutoring yet again. The students who tutored acted so self righteous. She didn’t need for any them laughing at her behind her back or hounding her because they had the upper hand at the moment.
“Y/N!” Your young, chipper, Calculus teacher called out to you. She reminded you of Daria but less moody and socially awkward.
“Yes?” The annoyance in your voice was clear.
“Would you like another referral? There is a guy on campus who is here as a Graduate Student receiving his Doctorate. I graduated with him and he’s basically a genius. If you want, I can set you up over the next few weeks to meet with him during library time.”
Another teacher? Maybe this would help. She lectured crappy and it had you zoning out every few seconds. You had to result in teaching yourself.
“What’s his name?”
She motions for you to re enter her office. Closing the door behind her, you take your once vacated seat, staring at her accomplishments from M.I.T.
“His name is Erik Stevens. He is back getting his Doctorate in Engineering.”
Your Calculus professor handed you his business card. It was laminated, perfect watermark and everything. She didn’t understand the pure shock on your face. How could you forget that name after you moaned it and imprinted it within the hippocampus of your brain.
“Is there something wrong?” She asked with a slight smirk on her face. You must have looked crazy.
“No!!” You take the card, placing it in your hoodie pocket, “No, I just thought of something out of nowhere. You know how that happens sometimes.”
“Yeah,” she laughs it off awkwardly, “Give him a shot, Y/N. He’s really good at what he does.”
“Mhm,” you felt a sudden wetness in your panties. He sure as hell is good at what he does. Even your own teacher recommending him to you had you horny as a bitch.
This fucking man.
“I’ll give him a call today.” You look up at your teacher one last time before grabbing your bag, exiting her office.
Erik: Call me and put that pussy on the phone, lol. I wanna hear her talk to me cuz I know she wet as a motherfucker.
You bite on your thumbnail while sitting in one of the study rooms within the Library. You were surrounded by Lakeith and a few other Micro Biology class mates to study for the next exam. You didn’t inform Erik about him tutoring you yet because you wanted to drive over to his apartment and tell him in person.
Y/N: It is wet, but I’m in study group right now I can’t show you. 😩
You were NEVER this damn bold with a guy.
“Y/N, you’re supposed to be the one writing on the white board what the fuck you doing?” Lakeith startles you from your sexting.
“Shit, my bad,” you stand up, grabbing your phone and expo marker. The group began telling you information to write out, your mind in tune with education. After applying the top to your marker, you hear a soft knock on the door as if knuckles were tapping it. Craning your neck, you make out the outline of a guy around 6’3, new balance on his feet and a navy blue Champions sweatshirt with matching pants. He had a black North Face beanie on his head, with an artistic pair of gold rimmed glasses on.
At first glance you didn’t recognize him but the moment you stepped closer to the door to open it, a deep pleasure ran through your veins like lava. With a sly smirk on his face, he leans into the door further, staring down at you while curling a single finger for you to come here. He bit down on his bottom lip the moment you were staring at him face to face, the only barrier between you both was the door. He jiggles the door knob, motioning with a tilt of his head for you to open it before he did. Sighing nervously, you open the door, his body smelling like testosterone and patchouli. The thought of the pheromones he produced after sex had you buckling at the knees.
“You in here studying?” He asks with a whisper.
You knew eyes were on you at that door.
“Yes, Biology.” You respond, but not with a whisper. You didn’t need any of them wondering why you were being secretive.
“What kind?” He asks with a tilt of his head, his finger discreetly stroking your hand. You pause to breathe, shifting on your feet.
“Micro.” You meet his gaze, blinking away as soon as you saw the heavy lust there. Why did he have to bring his fine ass over here? Clearly he was in the library the entire time. He did say he’d been watching you around campus and he wanted your thick ass for a long while. So maybe he was watching you study with friends?
“Were you keeping an eye on me, Erik?” You smirk.
“That’s all I can keep on you for now, ma. Ain’t like I can keep this dick on you while you in front of your friends.”
Erik looks over your shoulder. His eyes fell on Lakeiths. He knew from that moment that homeboy wanted you. It was all over that niggas face.
“Let me help I know a lot about Micro Biology.”
Erik wasn’t asking really because he pushes past you, fully within the room. You shutter slightly before closing the door, taking in calming breaths.
“Can we help you?” Lakeith speaks for the group like he was the leader.
“Nah, looks like y’all need it though,” Erik takes it upon himself to spread your notes out on the desk, craning his eyes behind his glasses to read what you had. He takes his other hand, stroking his gotee before turning to the white board.
“Y’all sure y’all know how to study for this?” He asks with a joking tone. Lakeith and Marvin share a look before turning back to Erik.
“Yeah, we got this, bruh. You looking at the top students in the class.”
Erik nods his head slowly, “How about you, Y/N? He speaking for you like he know you smart.”
Lakeith laughs, “we work close together all the time. I know she got it going on.”
Erik lifts a single brow, taking your notes to stack neatly, “Y/N, this nigga always speak for you?”
You bit the inside of your cheek, staring from Erik to Lakeith. There was clearly a weighing of dicks in this room but Erik would come out on top for sure, gold metal and all.
“Not always, but he has a habit to sometimes,” you hide your smile, focusing back to the white board.
“Y/N,” Erik calls for you. He had the right to do that you felt. He opened your pussy up and ate your pussy like a bowl of ice cream, licking his fingers and all. He could call you and you would answer.
“Yes?” You turn to him, giving him your undivided attention.
“You want me to help you study? I can do that right now I got time before my evening class starts,” he places his hands in his pants pockets, waiting for your answer. You both knew you would say yes, and you didn’t hesitate either. This could lead to what you needed.
“Okay, sure,” you try and pack your things but Erik was already on it, zipping up your back pack and throwing it over his shoulder. He walks to the door, opening it for you to leave first.
“You not gonna say goodbye to your little friends?” He says with a smirk before licking his lips.
“Bye y’all, see you this Wednesday,” you step out of the study room, Erik’s arm around your shoulder. Before you could leave the library, Erik pulls you in between an aisle full of history books, slamming you against the shelf. He pauses, trying to keep the solitude of the library at bay.
“Who is that little nigga?” He asks you with a calm that had you squirming.
“His name is Lakeith.” You respond with a whisper.
His eyes look from your toes and back up to your face. Erik takes off your hood, your messy curly bun frizzy from wearing it all day.
“Damn, you ain’t even fix this after I was all in yo’ shit last night.” He laughs with a deep raspy tone.
“I didn’t have time,” you whine, pouting like a baby.
“Why the fuck are you so cute? He had a slight tendrill of anger building up, you could tell from how his brows furrowed, “why you so damn cute, lil mama? Out here having these weak dick niggas craving you.“
You swallow spit, shrugging your shoulders nervously, “I don’t know.”
“What I tell you about that I don’t know shit?”
You forgot he didn’t like for you to tell him that.
“All you gonna do is say the shit again. But it’s cool, I know you remember how this strong dick nigga had you crying.” He was even closer now, breath on your cheek.
“I mean, to be honest, aint like you can do much about being the cutest bitch on campus. Cutest bitch with the tightest pussy.”
You could feel him grabbing your breasts with no restraint. Anybody could spot the both of you. You watch as he unzips your hoodie, the thin t shirt you wore underneath giving him a clear view of your big ass nipples.
“Y/N....shit,” he takes both, pinching your nipples and playfully slapping them.
“Big ass titties.” He kisses your neck on both sides with a little tongue.
“Erik,” you moan out with a shiver.
“I’m the only one allowed to put it on you, you hear me?” He whispers. Erik pulls you from the shelf by the collar of your shirt, palming your ass hard before slapping it.
“Daddy is gon’ be all in your shit girl, you wait and see,” he bit your ear, taking you by your hips to make you grind on him from the front. It was the wildest shit ever. You never did anything like this in public. For the most part it was kissing and ass grabbing but not this.
Erik pulls one of your legs up, his hands on the shelf while he dry humped your crotch.
“Damn, babygirl, that leg all the way up there, huh?” He pulls you with three quick pumps over his clothed and now fully hard dick. You could feel it against your leg and it was long as hell. He had you so open last time...Damn, he was gonna do that shit again.
“Let me stop before I have a big ass nut,” he chuckles, lowering your leg but never moving his hand away from your ass, “girl, when we get back to my place, I swear to God your ass is mine.”
“You’re so hard, I can feel all of that big dick, Daddy.”
You moan while grinding on his crotch, wet pussy wrapped around his bare dick. The minute you stepped out of his car and entered his apartment, he started undressing you without a word. Now here you were, fully naked and coating his dick with that good sticky shit. Erik has his fingers on your clit, rubbing in a slow circle while he instructed you to keep wetting his dick down to his balls.
Erik places his fingers within his mouth before grabbing your waist, angling you and making you bounce on his dick in rhythm with his grinding. It was an erotic sight to see, legs spread wide, pussy wet, hard dick all slick.
“Fuck, Y/N, got me ready to buss a fucking nut, damn girl!” He slaps your ass, “You ain’t all sweet, your little ass a fucking devil. What kinda sweet girl put a pussy like this on a nigga? Ain’t never heard of that.”
Erik grabs his dick, smacking your pussy with it, “Get on your fucking knees. Go on, ma, get down there.”
You were on your knees now, grabbing his dick with one hand, licking yourself off of him.
Damn this girl.
“Y/N, don’t be shy girl, c’mon, lil mama,” Erik motions for you to take him more, “open up...yesss, just like that. Mhm, good girllll.”
You gag on him. He was just so big. You had to stop and look at his dick like it was from another world. He laughs at your tear stained face and swollen lips. The spit on your chin he had a lot of fun with it seems, smearing it in with his fingers.
“I ain’t say you were done,” he jerks his dick, smacking you in the chin, “let’s go, ma, dick ain’t gonna suck itself.”
You grab him up, sucking him again. This time, he was fatter than before. What the hell was this! Your pussy was leaking, no lie. You could feel it on your thighs. Fuck if you weren’t sucking his dick. Erik rolled his eyes, head falling back when your tongue snaked up his dick.
“And you was tryna play scared?! Shit,” he shakes his head, “scared of what Y/N? You ain’t afraid of all this big dick.”
Erik grabs your hair, fucking into your mouth. You grab his thighs, eyes on him while he fucks your mouth.
“Damn, I’m balls deep in your mouth.” He grunts, pushing one final time before releasing your mouth, a thick stream of spit caught on your lips.
“Sloppy mouth bitch.” He slaps you with his dick. You were so astonished. He just hit you with his dick.
“Fuck. Me,” he looked from his dick to your wet face, “Come ride Daddy.”
You climb up, watching him apply a condom again. You pout with sadness, looking down at him roll the condom over all that spit on his dick. The vision was covered and it had you rolling your eyes.
“Fuck you doing all that for?” He caught that shit.
“If you fuck me raw I won’t act like this,” you speak in a timid tone. Erik licks his lips leaning back to admire you.
“You want some raw dick?”
You nod yes.
“Ard...take the condom off then.”
Quickly, you snatch it off, throwing it to the ground.
“Like I said, a slut for this dick,” he pulls you over him, “Get up here and fuck me since you want it raw. Fuck this dick like you tryna mold my shit in that little kitty.”
You squat over him on your tip toes, rubbing his dick over your clit a bit before lowering over him. He slaps your ass extremely hard, the connection complete and your lips in a full pout now.
“Yeah, thats my fucking girl, such a good little girl. Making that face I like, that dumb struck face with all this dick in you balls deep, fuck.”
You start bouncing, hands on his shoulders and head thrown back.
“Ohmygodddd ohmygoddddd.”
He was really hitting different. It was so much pressure you were sure to squirt. The dick was knocking on your walls for a squirt in return. Damn, his big dick was all the way in there. Shit didn’t make no sense.
“You hear all that?” He speaks to you but you were dickmatized, “you are splashing on me, girl! What the fuck!” You sure were. You could hear it loud and clear.
“Yes I am, oh my Godddd,” you gasp.
“Yes I am, Daddy. I’m so wet, Daddy.”
“You taking this big dick girl, it’s okay for me to keep fucking you like this? Fuck, Y/N this pretty pussy so wet.”
His hands were everywhere. He was low on the couch, hips pumping up into you with his eyes low and on your face. You were in an eye lock with him and it made the moment even better.
“Never thought you would be bouncing on this dick did you?” You both shake your heads at the same time, “I already know I just wanted you to agree with me, sexy bitch.”
You watch as he presses his hand into your back, lifting your leg with the other hand, pounding into you, beating your shit in.
“Damn, ma, I got you looking possessed,” he says all of this while fucking you deeper, flesh smacking louder, “mhmmm, this cool? Huh? Daddy hitting that spot, right?”
You were in no shape to speak. This man had a tight grip on your leg while he beat the brakes off your pussy.
“Shit better than the first time? You getting all of me girl ain’t no holding back. You want this raw dick you taking it like a big girl.” He slows down, making you feel every inch. It was literal murder.
“You a big girl,” he looks down at the way his dick was fucking you, “big girl when you getting this pussy fucked.”
“Fuck, yes.” You moan out. You’d be a big girl and take anything. This man had you wide open.
Damn, hold up, shit,” Erik slips out, arching you over the couch now. He used your shoulders, pushing you down so your face was pressed into the cushions. Your ass was pointed so far up, pussy spread wide for him to slip inside with ease. Your pussy was already wet anyway so he would be in that shit with no problem real soon.
“Throw this phat ass back on me.”
You move with as much energy as you could force. He had you tired. You move your hips seductively while throwing it back, your eyes on him to watch his every reaction. You watched him take in a deep breath, several to be exact, trying his best to control the urge to cum.
“This little pussy finna make me buss.”
You were about to buss from the way his head stroked your sweet spot.
“Ahh, I’m about to cum, Daddy,” you grab the back of the couch, legs shaking and cum spilling out like warm sugar.
“Pussy so sweet, Y/N,” he grabs your hips, taking control now while drilling you. The change of pace had your mouth wide open and eyes glossy from the pressure.
“Damn, you really in there!” You yell, back muscles flexing from the intense feeling. This man was stirring your guts around like a bowl of noodles.
“You putting it on me Daddy I don’t wanna stop!!!” You yell with literal tears in your eyes. You were being completely honest. You didn’t want him to ever stop. You wanted him to keep going and going.
“Putting it on this tight pussy?” He asks with a smirk, “This my tight pussy, you hear me? My tight pussy, little mama.”
“Yes, it’s for you!” You couldn’t believe it, you were cumming again, “DADDY MY PUSSY!!!”
The way you reacted to him had his balls tight and dick rippling, ready to cum.
“Best believe little girl I’m taking. this. SHIT.” He started fucking then stoping, fucking then stopping, like a pattern of torture. Your body would jerk forward in surprise, and then he would stop for about three seconds leaving your clit a throbbing mess. Each time he started back up you would gasp, the surprise of it leaving you motionless and breathless.
“Mhm,” he stops, slapping your ass, “Mhm.”
You reach back, hoping for him to grab your wrists. When he does, you prepare for the pounding of your life. Arching more, you feel him increase momentum, eyes growing lower and lower each time. He had you hooked. That’s it. You were fucking Erik Stevens from now on.
“How you feel about me bussing this pussy open?” He says in a breathless tone.
“I feel so good, Daddy.”
You watch as he sucks on your nipples, your shirt lifted over your head. You just got out of the shower, your legs weak. He had you against his front door, wet hair all over your face and chest arched forward into his mouth. You cry and do it loudly like a whiny brat, his tongue flicking your nipples in the best way.
“Daddy...stop...” you push at him weakly.
He starts sucking like a damn baby and you extend your head back, hitting the door with a loud thud.
“Chill out,” you say between breathless moans. He was a damn animal for you.
“Daddy, what the fuck,” you rub your thighs together, “ooo...stop,”
He doesn’t say a word as he tongues and sucks on your titties. Nipple play never aroused you this much. Erik was a man of firsts for you. How was it that you could feel your pussy throb and drip from this? His eyes meet yours while he flicks his tongue over your right nipple. Damn, he was a fine motherfucker with a mouth you wanted to sit on. Imagine having a tongue like that slipping from front to back and side to side in your slit.
“Daddy eat my pussy,” you ask with no regard.
“Suck on that pussy?” He lifts with spit on his chin, “If I eat it you ain’t going no where for the night cuz im only gonna fuck you again.”
“So?” You sass, “plus, I’m gonna be here more often anyway. My calculus teacher recommended me to you for tutoring.”
He looks at you with dark eyes of lust while twirling your nipples, “Damn, forreal?”
“Yeah, I figured you could reward me with more dick if I do well.”
“Yeah, I can do that. But that means you gotta do well though.”
You kiss your teeth, “Okay, I’ll do my best.”
“Put that bag down and undress. Squat over the couch with that pussy sitting over the edge, okay?” He said it so casually, his naked chest looking edible.
“Okay,” you put your bag down, undressing again. You know you looked a mess but he didn’t care about that shit. Walking to the couch, you watch him as he takes a hit from his blunt. You get into position, arching with your legs wide and pussy sitting for his mouth. Erik admires you while blowing smoke from his lips, walking over to you and getting on his knees.
“You gon pop that ass and pussy while I eat your juicy shit from the back?”
“I’ll do whatever you want me to.”
You could feel him turning around, his arms up and on your ass, spreading you wide. You feel his lips kissing your pussy, eyes closing with bliss. He tongues your folds apart, his tongue dancing with your nectar. He slobs, then slurps, slobs, then slurps, a continuous pattern. Each time you would flinch, your clit jumping each time he did it. Fuck if you would get your pussy ate from someone else. He knew your pussy like the back of his hand. His tongue started flicking upward, only the tip of it teasing your clit and inner folds. It moved all over, Erik working that thing. You claw at the couch, turning your head no matter how painful to try and watch how he did that. This man was full of surprises.
“Daddy, how you doing that?” You ask with a sweet tone. He responds with a sloppy kiss to your clit. You fall against him, giving in to his dance.
“Fuck, Daddy.” You start popping your ass, the feeling of his gold slugs making you shiver. Shit, he was making you cum. Already this man was making you squirt. You were overwhelmed.
“SHIT,” you shake, pussy squirting in his mouth. He applauds you with a slap to the ass before going back to work. Now your clit was overworked and sensitive. The more he slobs the more you cum. And just like that, you were creaming.
“Oh, fuck yeahhhhh.” You talk into the couch cushion beneath you.
“My dick hard again. I told you.” He stands, dick ready to rip through his sweats.
You could hear your phone ringing, sure that it was Brandy but all that didn’t matter, Erik had you up in the air. You could see yourself in his mirrors that he had on his living room wall over his TV. You were so small compared to him. He’s taller, extremely taller, and so toned and cut, not one part of his body was covered with fat. He looked into that mirror too, eyes on you at times but also on the way he held you up like you were as light as an infant, bringing you down over his dick. Each time you both connected he would look back at you to catch your reaction. It didn’t matter how this man fucked you, it was great each time.
Erik walks over to the mirror while he still bounced you, turning sideways now, those full lips of his pouty and his eyes low and hazy.
“Creaming on me something serious,” he rewards you for that buy fucking up into you quickly. Your toes curl, hands around the back of his neck squeezing.
“Y/N, damn,” he scrunches his face, hands palming your ass to keep you up and open for him, “Baby girl, look at me.”
You look at him, moans stuck in your throat.
“Why you letting me take this pussy like this? You not afraid to fall for a nigga?”
You were already falling. It was only day two. He knew what he was doing. He played the game well.
“You not afraid to fall for me?” You catch your breath, “you’re not afraid to get pussy whipped by a girl like me? A little mama?”
“Nah, ma,” Erik shakes his head with a smirk, “not at all.”
You blush, your pussy gushing further over him. He may be your fuck buddy now but the thought of him being more excited you. He made you forget about your ex. Erik was the man of your dreams now a reality.
“Shit, I’m about to have a big fuck nut!!!” You watch as he fucks you at full throttle, body bouncing, wet pussy sliding, moans and groans loud for the entire apartment complex to hear.
“Fuck, girl!!!!” Erik slips out, resting you on the floor while cumming on your face and titties. You catch as much as you could and scrape up the rest to put on your tongue. Erik watched you with primal eyes, his sweat dripping on you. The sweat that smelled like citrus and patchouli. While you tasted and swallowed his cum you wished he would cum in you. You know why but damn his dick was good that’s where you wanted it next! You could only beg for it honestly.
“Ard, ma, time to get up we got some studying to do.” He picks you up, throwing you over his shoulder. You watch him pick up your back pack Erik walking you back to his bedroom. How were you going to study and get through the semester with Erik’s dick in you at any given opportunity? This was going to be tough. Erik drops you on the bed, your body bouncing. As you sit up and fold your legs, Erik opens you bag while his blunt rested between his lips, pulling all of your things out that you needed.
“I’m serious about this studying, shorty. Education is important. You want me to help you out you gotta pay attention to everything I tell your little ass, Aight?”
“Okay, whatever you say, Erik.” You pull your hair up into a top knot bun.
“Gotta work hard for what you want,” he looks at you, a smirk growing on his face, “you hear me talking to you?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Daddy Erik when I’m in that puss, professor Erik when we hitting these books,” he takes a puff of his weed, “you smoke?”
You take the blunt without answering, smoking a little.
“Aight, what you get on your calculus exam?”
You felt embarrassed to say. You knew he would frown at you if you told him what it was.
“I’m an A average student, Erik.” You try and ease away from answering his question. His eyes were on you like he was ready to fuck you yet again.
“Ma,” he shakes his head, “just tell me. What you get?”
“A fucking 79.”
“You can do better but that’s better than shit I’ve seen. Stop beating yourself up, Y/N.”
His words had you dripping on his bed. You bounce, titties jumping and a seductive smile on your face. Your eyes focus on him, his still hard dick pointed to your mouth. He bites the corner of his lip, eyes peeking at the way your big ass titties looked bouncing. With a shake of his head and closed eyes, Erik grabs you by the chin, making you look up at him. He opens his eyes real slow, trapping you.
“Just suck my dick again, ma. You did that shit right the first time. I like the way you look chocking on my stick.”
Yep, this was going to be difficult.
@dameshaemonique @sheisexcellent1 @blktinkerbell
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shijiujun · 4 years
The Lost Tomb Reboot Season 2 Episodes 1-8 - Recap & Review
MAJOR SPOILERS below the cut!!! DON’T READ IF YOU DON’T WANT SPOILERS!!! (I’m tagging #chongqispoilers if you wanna block it for the next three weeks heh)
But first I would like everyone to know that Xiao Bai has been sworn sibling-zoned as fourth sister to Big Brother Xiao Ge, Second Brother Pang Zi and Third Brother Wu Xie (Ep 3/4)
And also secondly, WU XIE GETS HIS OWN TEAM?!! AND THEY ALL HANDSOME MEN!!! INCLUDING THAT DOCTOR!!! So it’s apparently the antagonistic frenemy doctor from Season 1 (like actual S1, not Reunion S1), and damn he damn frickin handsome in this one okay guys?!!! Like I AM IN LOVE!!! AND HE FIRSTLY SAVES WU XIE, THEN TAKES CARE OF WU XIE SO WELL EVEN THOUGH HE KEEPS CURSING WU XIE TO DIE SOON LMAO (Ep 8)
So yes I’m telling all of you guys how much I frickin love that doctor - I am absolutely in LOVE <333 He’s so capable?! And he talks about Xiao Ge and Er Shu with so much familiarity? He totally like takes charge with a critical eye, no nonsense, just starts commanding people. Hates Wu Xie but then doesn’t wake him up when they arrive at their destination so he can sleep more because HE BE DYING SOON? AND THEN PATS WU XIE TO TELL HIM NOT TO BE RASH when Wu Xie wants to rush to help, and then offers to go in his stead without another word (EVEN THO HE HATES HIM?!!) 
And yes I binge-watched all eight episodes today and damn too much shit happened!!!
Eps 1-2:
OKAY THE DEATH ZONE AREA in Warehouse 11 finished up way faster than I thought it would to be honest, and it’s a little anti-climactic but that’s okay, but anyway it’s hilarious that there are two people still living in Si Dang Qu to guide Wu Xie and Xiao Bai, and okay CREEP FACTOR IS UP OKAY!!! Wow damn it so many tentacles?!!!
Anyway, Wu Xie and Xiao Bai are not supposed to go into Si Dang Qu but they do it anyway, Xiao Bai gets electrocuted and then some, and they meet two weird people in Si Dang Qu, and also the funniest thing is that there is WIFI IN THIS GOD-FORSAKEN DEEP HOLE (IT’S TWO DEEP HOLES BY THE WAY) and these two people are just like hello guys, we live here, let me point you to where there’s wifi.
And then they both seem to make it out just fine even though San Shu was stuck there for like more than three years, and boom these two make it out in less than 24 hours - Wu Xie gets fired, Xiao Bai is suspended, Jia Ke Zi (they guy with the good hearing back in Warehouse 11, also VERY HANDSOME) and Li Jia Le were also fired because they were working with the bad Supervisor Ding from Reunion Season 1, and then!!!
I think the most touching part is every single warehouse person like sending him off standing in the surveillance room in the dark, watching as he walks out? I mean, not discounting the people who are genuinely like “DAMN YES, CAN WE GO BACK TO OUR NORMAL LIVES NOW TYVM”, I just felt really touched that they all feel enough for Wu Xie and he’s actually made some impact on their lives or smth, so much so that they’re willing to watch him go off
Eps 3-6:
Okay so Xue Wu Ye, the bad guy, big brother number five, is plotting something, but that’s for later. Wu Xie heads home, and starts researching again - they decide to go back to the place where they found Yang Da Guang’s body to find more clues. In between, he meets up with Xiao Bai for dinner, they get drunk, Pang Zi turns up to pick em up but gets drunk too, then they all swear to be siblings with kebabs, like literally, in place of joss sticks. It’s all filmed by the shop owners. Xiao Bai is crying because NO DAMN SHE WANNA BE WU XIE WIFEY, NOT WU XIE FOURTH SISTER
And anw at the place, they find another map and Wu Xie gets electrocuted and faints, and then they manage to call Er Shu who’s about to head into a cave with Xiao Ge and everyone else - They do a video call, and damn it’s so cute to see Wu Xie and Pang Zi going “XIAO GE XIAO GE WE’RE HERE!!!” And then they go in, but they meet a trap, Xiao Ge and Hei Xia Zi are trapped and considered dead, and Er Shu is in trouble. Kan Jian manages to call Wu Xie and then Wu Xie gets him to tap out morse code message, and sure enough, XIAO GE AND HEI XIA ZI ARE ALIVE. But Xiao Ge says there’s a mole, and so they all pretend they’re dead, then Kan Jian and Jing Shu promise Wu Xie they’ll get Er Shu out, and Kan Jian sends Wu Xie coordinates to their location and then he goes MIA
At the same time, Xue Wu Ye has found out about Er Shu’s predicament (or was part of it) and his role is to basically snatch over the Wu family’s business. I’m not going to go into details, but anyway Wu Xie and Pang Zi are like bullied really badly by them, but good news is Piao Piao, Pang Zi’s gf, finally realizes he’s the one who helped her daughter out and then they affirm their feelings for each other. However, Piao Piao decides to still be undercover at Xue Wu Ye’s place - unfortunately, he finds out and as she’s fleeing, a truck hits her and she dies FUCK THIS SHIT.
Eps 7-8:
AT THE SAME TIME TOO, the mute girl, who’s Hei Xia Zi’s potential girlfriend, is captured by big bad Boss Jiao but she can talk now. And then he kills her too apparently!!! WHICH IS LIKE WHAT THE FUCK CAN WE PLS DON’T KILL ALL THE WOMEN IN THIS STORY?!! But her death isn’t super confirmed, because she falls but no body, no confirmed death in this show, damn it. Unfortunately, Piao Piao is legit ;-; and Pang Zi and Wu Xie only find out way later because Xue Wu Ye hid it from them that motherfucker!!!
Anyway, Xue Wu Ye’s plan is to basically take over the Wu family’s business and to prevent Wu Xie from gathering resources and a team to go and save Er Shu - so Wu Xie’s goal is to get money, defeat Xue Wu Ye and go find Er Shu.
Wu Xie schemes and then he manages to defeat Xue Wu Ye for good, and Xiao Bai goes to find Jia Ke Zi (omg who’s so sad, because while he was away, his wife cheated on him?!! and won’t let him return to his home?!!) and Li Jia Le is getting cheated out of daily salary working at a construction place, when Xiao Bai finds them for the job.
THEN THE TEAM ASSEMBLES!!!! Xiao Bai turns up with the two guys, and then FRENEMY DOCTOR TURNS UP TO MAKE SURE WU XIE DOESN’T DIE ON THE WAY!!! And he’s really fricking handy, and like I said above while Wu Xie is sleeping in the car, he makes sure no one disturbs him. The rest of the team survey the place and then he’s like, “Guys, what’s the use of hiring and bringing y’all if Wu Xie has to do everything himself? We’ll split up.”
And leaves Wu Xie sleeping in the car I WEEP!!!!
Thoughts on this:
Not gonna lie, the front parts in Warehouse 11 are a bit like... illogical to me and done too quickly, but I guess it doesn’t always have to make sense. I’m still quite sad Piao Piao died?!! And that mute girl might be dead?!!! I can’t wait for the reunion which seems to be coming up soon, but I AM REALLY, SO HAPPY THAT WU XIE HAS A TEAM OF HIS OWN DAMN IT. 
Also really worried about Er Shu and the identity of the mole, HOPING IT’S NOT LIU SANG OR JING SHU OR KAN JIAN PLS!!!!
So far the Wu Xie Fainting Count is - 2 in 8 episodes.
There are 2 more eps each for Monday and Tuesday, cannot wait for FOUND FAMILY VIBES DAMN IT!!! THEY BETTER NOT BREAK UP MY FAMILY!!! 
And srsly I hope handsome doctors survives because... I really like him HAHAHA
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