#like not a smirk but also so feel-goo-about-yourself-after-scoring-a-goal-in-soccer-against-the-other-team kind of way
animazed · 2 years
ngl fam
I smoked not too long ago and I am in a great and really nice mood
a really fun headspace, especially while listening to chill music and relaxing and unfazing my eyes
Just really relaxing and nice and happy
I need to do this more often man 😌
This is so fucking NICE (like serene and sweet and happy-awareness nice) and just happy and it is such an amazing mellow, happy frame of mind. No wonder people do this so much - it puts you in a nice frame-of-mind. I’d also totally destroy my life for this 24/7 all waking hours. So worth it to be feeling this
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