#like of course i'll go on strike what am i stupid
garbagequeer · 2 years
today i understood a lot about my workplace when i realized i was like the only one on my team who didnt work yesterday bc of the strike. im surrounded by insane people
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mekochansblog · 8 months
hiii I just want to ask! this is my first time asking! so what if the umbrella academy is caught and surrounded by people with serious weapons. (Is it okay if Y/n is the guardian of the multiverse for their power?) And Y/n says something along the lines of "Hey, Hey maybe you could take me and leave them? I mean.. I AM the guardian of the multiverse. i could do anything to stop you if you dont erase me." And the men put down their weapons and negotiate. but when they do so, Y/n freezes them and skips along. and maybe one of the siblings (Not five) asks "Shit. i thought for a second you might sacrifice yourself for us." and Y/n replies
"For you dumbasses? Never." but then points at five behind her and says "But for THAT dumbass? anytime." And them maybe five smirks a litte
Uni.. what?
Five Hargreeves x reader
- multiverse, peter Parker is mention lol, slight curse
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Five knew he was fucked the moement he saw the commission coming out of nowhere. He was fucked and so was his family. Who the hell was going to rescue him when he couldn’t even use his powers. He was trapped, hands behind his back and so was his family. Allison was the only one with tape in her mouth to not use her powers. Five wanted to laugh. He wanted to laugh until he couldn’t breathe. First of all Five didn’t even know where his wife was. Second of all the handcuffs they put on him and his family were for some reason; handcuffs that deactivated his powers. Lastly these people that look like the commission but are actually from another dimension wanted to know where you are. Five of course didn’t know where you were, he instinctly remembers you telling him you'll be going to A dimension he can’t specifically remember which one because they needed your help. He didn’t know what that dimension was.
“Number Five Hargreeves, fifth child out of the seven child, where is what they call on Earth your wife Y/N Hargreeves?”
Five sighed, they’ve been asking this same stupid question over and over. He was tired of it, his eyes were dozing and trying not to sleep. He tried to keep his head up but keeping him and his family for two hours late at night gives him the tiredness. They have tried asking his family but they don’t even know your whereabouts. He did remember what you told him in the morning.
You both woke up. You were the one that got up to go make breakfast for both you and Five. You felt hands around your waist and giggled while making coffee.
¨Hello darling, how was your morning?¨ you ask him, knowing he slept really well since he was hugging you at night. You felt him lightly squeeze you and then he let go and sat down on the chair to the dining table.
“I slept like a baby thanks to you, how about you darling?¨ He questioned you, you smiled and headed his way to give him his coffee in his favorite mug. He gave your jawline a kiss and pulled you to sit on his lap. You sighed and bliss and looked at him with loving eyes.
“I slept wonderfully thanks to you.” His striking emerald eyes looked at you; the same look he gave you when he asked you to marry him. You smile lovingly at him and ruffled his hair out of playfulness. He groaned playfully and smacked your hand lightly to not hurt you. You laughed and hugged him.
You both feel a strong presence in front of you both and turn to it, it’s a portal, you get up ready to fight whatever comes out until you see a familiar face. You look at the person in confusion. 
“Pete, what are you doing here? The reason I gave you the watch wasn’t for you to tra-" "I know I know but I need your help, ummm ... .so I might have, maybe, sort of, kind of, opened a portal in my dimension ... .maybe more than one…”
You blinked and looked at him. You sigh and pinched the bridge of your nose. “Peter Benjamin Parker I swear to god….” Peter gave you a nervous smile. You sigh and mention for him to move to the side so you can open a portal to his dimension.
Once you open a new portal you look at Five and give him a kiss. “I'll be back, I promise I just have to help the kid. I'll have to take him to Earth 616-B he’s an idiot.” “Hey!” 
You turned around to stare at Peter and playfully glare at him. “I don't want to hear it from you right now pete.” you grabbed his ear and waved at your husband while finally leaving through the portal to Earth 616-B.
Yeah… Now he remembers Earth 616-B. Was he going to tell these weirdos? Fuck no. That was his wife. He was getting tired of being asked the same question and also them trying to torture him. He was ready to just knock himself out with Klaus’s shoulder but he heard a familiar sound. He looked up and saw a portal opening. He sighed in relief, closing his eyes for a moment. He knew it was you. You came out with new clothing on yourself and weapons. You close the portal and look around. You sighed and looked up, probably praying for someone, anyone. When you were coming back you didn’t expect for your husband and your family in law to be tied up like fish.
“Hey now, hey now maybe you could take me and leave them? I mean… I AM the guardian of the multiverse. I could do anything for you guys if you don't kill me?” You slightly smirk. You waved your hand and opened a small portal to show them the different dimensions. The alien commission men looked at each other and nodded their heads. 
“Fine, we can come to a conclusion.” One of them said, you nodded your head and they started asking you questions. Your face turned to a bored face and you froze them. You groaned and looked at the family, your head tilted and you looked at them with an annoyed face. Klaus looked around and sighed dramatically.
“ Well shit! And here I thought for a second you were going to sacrifice yourself to us! Five would have been devastated if you did. The little shit finally gets married and his wife sacrifices her life for us!” Klaus exclaimed looking at Five with a smirk. Five sighs deeply and looks at him with a glare.You smirk and scoff.
“ For all of you guys dumbasses? Never in a million years.” You then point at your husband.”But for THAT dumbass? Anytime. I'll give my life for him.” Five laughs and smirks at you. You shake your head at the family.
“Okay but can you untie us please?” Klaus whines.
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bun-lapin · 9 months
The Gingerbread Gauntlet (part 1)
Summary: The housewardens have a gingerbread house competition
A/N: I meant to have this ready for before Christmas but of course, life had other plans lol The good news though is that I have a whole bunch of new writing ideas and I'm hoping to bust out of my little creative slump once the holiday chaos dies down a bit <3 The overall fic is a bit long so I decided to break it into smaller parts for readability. I'll be posting one part per day and will add links for the other parts after they post <3
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4/END - AO3 (whole fic)
Word Count: 1.6k CW: crack, silly, shouting, insults, mild swearing, candy/gingerbread
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Winter at Night Raven College was a time even more magical than usual. Although the cafeteria was mostly empty, the sight of festive winter garlands draped elegantly along the walls, combined with the soft sounds of crackling flames in the grand fireplace, brought a cozy sense of winter cheer to the room. The alluring scents of sugary treats and winter spices wafted through the warm air from the kitchen nearby and from a long, solitary table set up by the doors to the kitchen. Already covered with an assortment of candies and plates of oddly shaped gingerbread cookies, the table was the very picture of a sweet and festive feast. Around the table, seven striking figures were seated an equal distance from each other and, as the snow softly began to fall from the sky outside, they quietly worked with the bounty of sugary confections before them.
“I swear on the Noble Rulebook of the Queen of Hearts, if I find out someone has been hoarding all of the rose-shaped peppermints, it’s off with everyone’s heads!”
Leona drowsily raises an eyebrow at Riddle and smirks, “What’s the matter, housewarden? We just started. You losing your temper already?”
Riddle scoffs and wrinkles his nose at Leona’s slouching posture, “I’m not losing my temper! I’m trying to make sure there is an equitable distribution of candy decorations for everyone present to construct their gingerbread houses!” He picks up a paper that looks like an architectural blueprint and angrily jabs a finger at a particular section of the diagram. “I am building a gingerbread model of the Heartslabyul rose maze–to scale, I might add–and I require exactly 68 rose-shaped peppermints to construct it.”
Leona slowly blinks at the intricately detailed design in Riddle’s hands and then shakes his head with a soft chuckle. Reaching under his seat, he pulls out a large, glass bowl of rose-shaped candies and passes it to the Heartslabyul housewarden. Ignoring the death glare from Riddle, he turns to the other housewardens seated around the table and asks, ”Can someone remind me again why we’re doing this stupid gingerbread house competition? This seriously feels like a waste of my precious free time.”
Vil looks up from his gingerbread construction with an expression of withering scorn on his face, “We just went over everything not even a moment ago. Did you actually forget or were you just not paying attention in the first place?”
Kalim lets out a bright and hearty laugh from his seat at the table, “I think this is going to be a really fun activity!” He holds up a small gingerbread cookie decorated with dark colored icing and licorice in the image of Dire Crowley, “Plus, we have to do this because the headmaster asked us to!”  Waving the Crowley cookie in the air, he speaks in a surprisingly accurate impression of the headmaster, “I’ll be damned if I let those fools at RSA take home the trophy for the Isle of Sage’s gingerbread house competition another year in a row!”
Leona shakes his head with a slightly aggravated sigh, “I’m still failing to see why I, or any of us for that matter, should care about this useless endeavor.”
With a piping bag of white icing in one hand, Azul laughs softly and adjusts his glasses with the other hand, “There’s also the fact that whoever makes the best gingerbread house here today will receive a free PE class credit.”
Leona’s eyebrows rise in mild surprise and then he smirks. “Is that so? Well I suppose that explains why that guy over there is actually here in person for once,” he says as he points down towards the other end of the table.
Idia peers up from his work, the expression on his face equal parts gloomy and irritated, “Listen, I will do anything if it means I can miss any amount of PE.” Turning back to his geometric gingerbread design with a pout, he mutters under his breath, “Although, the main reason I’m actually here is because Ortho literally shot down my gingerbread construction drone.”
With a softly amused smile on his face, Malleus turns in his seat next to the Ignihyde housewarden and says, “Do try to cheer up, Idia. I’ve always felt that festive occasions such as these should be attended in person. A contraption built for the sole purpose of constructing with gingerbread could never replace someone special like you.”
“Oh-! Uh-! Th-thanks Malleus-shi! Th-that’s really nice of you to say,” Idia replies with a nervous grin. While keeping his gaze pinned to his work on the table, he then smoothly reaches into his pocket and rapid-fire taps out a message into his smartphone: AAGGGHH!!! WHYYY IS THE HEIR APPARENT OF BRIAR VALLEY SITTING NEXT TO ME?? SO DISTRACTING  (╥﹏╥)
A message notification chimes out from the phone in Azul’s front jacket pocket. After checking to make sure his hands are clean of icing, he takes out his phone and reads the message. With a playful smirk on his face, he taps out his reply: Honestly, I’m more surprised by the fact that Crowley actually remembered to invite Malleus this time. What a rare event!
Idia’s phone buzzes quietly in his pocket and he looks down to swiftly check the message. He glares over at Azul with a small frown and quickly types: yo speaking of rare events! are you wearing the glasses i made for you?? the ones with the built-in camera and mic?? because i deffo remember you saying that they were useless and not your style (¬、¬)
The sound of the cafeteria door loudly creaking open suddenly cuts off Idia and Azul’s silent conversation. All of the assembled housewardens turn to see two fluffy ears atop a head of messy, sandy-brown hair enter the room. With a mischievous grin and a hissing-kind of chuckle, Ruggie waves to the group, “Heya, everyone! I’m here for the gingerbread house competition.”
Riddle frowns at Ruggie while balancing two pieces of messily frosted gingerbread in his hands, “No, you certainly are not! This competition is for housewardens only!”
Leona lets out a loud yawn as he waves Ruggie over to the table. Turning to the rest of the group he explains, “It’s alright, I’m the one who called him here.” Handing Ruggie a piping bag of icing, Leona adds, “He’s gonna build my gingerbread house for me while I take a nap under the table.” Cries of outrage erupt from around the table and Leona’s ears twitch angrily as he raises his eyebrows at the grumbling housewardens.
While carefully setting down a slanted piece of gingerbread atop his elegantly constructed house, Vil states bluntly, “Ruggie is not allowed to build your house for you, Leona. Crowley explicitly instructed us to build these gingerbread houses without any magic or outside assistance.” Raising one perfectly shaped eyebrow, he smirks and adds, “If you want this free class credit, you’re going to have to put in some amount of work for once in your life.”
Leona directs a questioning look towards Ruggie who, in turn, raises his shoulders and shakes his head in resignation. Leona waves a hand dismissively at Ruggie, effectively shooing him out of the room, and clicks his tongue with annoyance, “Fine, fine. I got it. You don’t have to be such a bitch about it, though.” Grabbing a handful of candies and pieces of gingerbread, he then quickly and expertly begins assembling them together.
Without looking up from his work, Vil smoothly pipes extra icing on the corners of his house and replies in an even tone, “Call me by that word again and I’ll shave off all of your hair to weave into a throw rug for the Pomefiore common room.”
“Hey Vil,” Leona chirps out a soft whistle to catch the Pomefiore housewarden’s attention.
Letting out a short, aggravated sigh, Vil rolls his eyes and then looks over at Leona. “What,” he flatly asks.
With a heavy thud, Leona sets the end result of his hard work for the last few minutes on the table in front of him. Made from rounded pieces of gingerbread and decorated with brightly colored candies, is a large replica of a hand with a raised middle finger. Standing up from his seat, Leona flashes everyone a triumphant little smirk and then saunters out of the room without another word. 
The remaining housewardens silently watch him leave and, as the cafeteria door creaks shut, they return to their work with a softly murmured chorus of disapproval. An uncharacteristic silence settles over the group as everyone focuses on their individual gingerbread designs for the next few minutes.
Kalim finally breaks into the quiet with a bright laugh, “It's too bad Leona decided to leave early! I just finished making his cookie counterpart!” He holds up a Leona-shaped gingerbread cookie decorated with chocolate candies and a tiny feline scowl drawn in icing.
Looking up from his work, Vil studies the little cookie with an irritated glare. Wordlessly, he reaches across the table to pluck the Leona cookie from Kalim’s hand and then snaps the head off of the gingerbread figure. Handing the beheaded cookie back to Kalim, Vil flatly states, “My apologies.”
After carefully laying the broken pieces of Leona on a plate, Kalim holds up two additional gingerbread figures. One is decorated with marshmallow pieces and little wolf ears. The other is decorated with fluffy peanut butter frosting and hyena ears. Waving the wolf-eared cookie through the air, Kalim yells in a low, gruff voice, “Oh no! Housewarden Leona! I'll find out who did this to you and avenge the honor of our dorm!” Wiggling the hyena-eared cookie, Kalim says in a smoother, teasing voice, “Shyeheehee! Does this mean I get the rest of the day off?”
-continued in part 2-
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mysterymanjoseph · 2 months
Undercover Misadventures: mysterymanjoseph and a-den-of-demons
Ever since the creation of the 'Galactic Empire' by one time Senator Palapatine, Joseph's home world has been on edge. His people were an independent sort, barely really having anything to do with the Republic when it existed. Now, it seems that a dictator was in charge, and those always wish to control more. So, his homeward began building up their military, knowing in time, Imperial Forces would make their way to them. Joseph had been 'drafted' by the intelligence branch of the home world's military, his past service putting him at the top of the list for some 'special' mission, that being, planting automated sensor pods on isolated planets between the core worlds and the outer rim regions where his people live. Using the cover of a 'independent prospector', gives him reasonable cause to be going to those isolated planets, hoping to 'strike it rich'. So far, all was running smoothy, until at one of the small outposts where he would resupply, and get any instructions through the secure communications network that was set up, he was met by an actual courier, undercover of course. Joseph was handed and actual, physical paper file folder in a sealed paper envelope. Most would think this was a stupid way to send information, but, a lot of times, 'dumb, outdated tech', defeats modern sophisticated types. Taking the file back to his own ship, securing the hatch, Joseph opens the envelope and reads the file. It seems that an Imperial officer, someone high up in communications, is disillusioned with the new government, and has deserted. Joseph has been tasked to find this person, and bring them to the home world for debriefing. Joseph thinks, "I am in no way trained for this sort of thing, coming in hot on a drop ship with a platoon of troops is what I'm familiar with doing, not this sort of 'sneak in and out', operation." "The intelligence people back home must be beyond desperate, and squeezed for time to send this my way." The file details the deserter is likely on the next planet Joseph was going to anyway, and what settlement they were thought to be hiding out in. He thinks, "Well, won't be suspicious for me to go there, already have an approved travel plan from the locals to go there." "How exactly I'm supposed to 'bump into', this officer, and convince them to come with me, that was not in the mission packet, guess I'll have to improvise." Joseph stashes the file in a safe place on his ship, resumes the resupply, then sets about readying his small vessel for takeoff.
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sinful-morningstar · 1 year
Spartober day 12 Spanking (VerNero)
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Author's Note: This was Really fun to write i am a sucker for Father/Son shenanigans, again as usual there is no outright smut just alot of kinky foreplay and dirty talk my usual jam of course. I hope you all enjoy today's prompt! Prompts by whatsanapocalae1 ( I use a combination of SparTober and Devil MayTober Prompts) 12: Spanking (VerNero) "Nero you foolish boy!" Vergil chided with seething rage his voice stern as he almost growled his anger was more like a strike to the heart than a booming bomb of ballistics…He shook his head gently, Nero had done something wrong during their hunt risking his life in the process and it aggrieved Vergil to his core the thought of losing another loved one was his biggest fear, he didn't want to lose his only son, especially not due to such recklessness.
Nero threw his arms up in defence as he let out an exasperated sigh “.What’s the matter, Vergil? Not impressed by your own son’s courage? Let me tell you something. A real devil hunter doesn’t back down from a fight, even if it means risking his life. If I have to die to protect others, then so be it!”
"NO!, you cant be this wreckless i wont allow it!, no son of mine is going on a suicidal mission just to prove his worth!" Vergil raised his voice slightly as he grabbed Nero by the shoulders bringing him close. his heart raced and his mind was clouded with rage and fear
"Don't you Dare throw your life away for some pathetic human, we are the lineage of Sparda, while we dont back down from fights there's bravery in knowing when to stop and what you did was stupid not brave…"
Rolling his eyes Nero shook his head as he continued to defend himself “Father, I can take care of myself just fine. I don’t need you to tell me how to live my life, or how to fight demons. You’re just trying to protect me because you’re worried I might end up like you. But here’s the thing: I’m not you. I’m me, and I’m ready to prove it.”
"You dare accuse me of such foolishness, I know full well you and i are not alike, but for goodness sake why throw yourself so willingly into danger like that, you're worse than Dante…" Vergil sighed trying to compose himself as he sat down trying to save himself from his inner Demonic side .
"Come here…" he said, patting his lap gently.
Nero raised a brow in surprise..pleasant surprise as he spoke gently “I’m glad you’re not as controlling as I thought, Father. I’m sorry about yelling at you. But I can’t just sit back and let demons have their way with humanity, y’know? I have to fight for those who can’t defend themselves, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. No matter the cost” he sighed gently as he did as he was told and sat down on Vergil’s lap.
"My dear sweet thing…my darling boy…I know you wish to serve a great cause here with Dante and i..and while that is admirable..I can't allow you to keep putting yourself in harm's way, what if I lost you..hmm?, would you really want that? '' Vergil sighed softly, lifting Nero's chin gently, he knew of a way for Nero to make up for his transgressions..he knew full well what he had to do, what any father would do…
Nero’s eyes widened with shock as he realised what Vergil was about to do. They had agreed in the past that if Nero ever got out of line with Vergil they wouldn't brawl or spar the way Dante and Vergil did no..this was..special, they decided on a proper punishment fit for family…
“Father, no! I didn’t mean it, please! I can fight just as well as Dante. I know I can. Please don’t do this!”
He tried to get up, scrambling out of Vergil’s lap but to no avail, Vergil held him tight using his demonic strength to grip him by the wrist and keep him by his side.
"ah ah ah…Nero..we've discussed this, when you misbehave like this, I'll take care of you the way any father should..and spare me the waterworks…i know full well you'll learn from this..you always do in the end.." Vergil purred gently stroking Nero's cheek.
“Father please, you can’t do this! I can change, I swear! Just give me another chance!” Nero pleaded with a whimper.
Nero writhed and struggled against Vergil’s grip, desperate to escape his grasp. But it was futile. Vergil had far greater strength than him. He let out a defeated sigh, realising that he had to accept his fate.
"That's my boy, look at me" Vergil said as he lifted Nero's chin brushing his thumb against his bottom lip, he smirked softly at Nero's blush. letting out a content sigh he almost chuckled.
"You struggled earlier ..but you gave in, you always give in to me in the end..so eager to please…"
Nero looked away, hating himself for giving in to Vergil. He didn’t want to be like this, but he couldn’t deny it was true.
“I guess you’re right, Father…I always cave eventually. I don’t have to like it to admit that. But this time felt different, I’ll do my best to make you proud. No more misbehaviour. I promise.``
He returned his focus on Vergil. He noticed their positions weren’t helping his situation. It felt…too close. Too intimate.
Vergil hummed in approval "I accept that about you my boy, but we're finished yet, we still need to settle the matter…" he said as he noticed how close they were he enjoyed it as he grinned deviously.
"now…over my knees.." he said as he clicked his fingers gesturing for him to do as he was told.
Nero’s face turned a bright shade of red. He felt embarrassed but also…curious. He did what he had to do. He crawled over to Vergil and bent over just the way he was told. He tried to resist but he ended up obeying his father nonetheless.
Vergil smirked softly as he brushed his hand over Nero's backside with a sigh "now…the matter of how much you deserve for your Arrogance…"
Nero trembled. A nervous sweat formed on his forehead. He felt his cheeks flush with a burning heat that would put an inferno to shame. He wanted to look away, to escape the embarrassment…He couldn't help but feel…aroused. The way Vergil's hand caressed his body…the way it made him feel so vulnerable. A part of him wanted Vergil to do more. He knew this was wrong…but he was so weak to resistance.
"Nero..i asked you a question.." Vergil said sternly as he lifted his son's chin up to face him, his eyes cold but his gaze warm, a powerful contrast of how they both felt; this irresistible pull toward each other they had felt it years ago in the Qliphoth it was written that they'd give in.
Nero trembled from excitement and fear, his mind running rampant with lust and confusion.
“W-what? What do you mean, Father?" He knew full well what Vergil was implying, but he didn't dare tell him the truth.
"Don't play coy with me Boy, I asked you how much you deserve for your punishment, and your serious lack of judgement.." Vergil hissed almost swatting then and there but he resisted gripping Nero's thighs instead.
Nero flinched with nervous anticipation from Vergil's touch. Every single one of his nerve endings felt like they were on fire. He was so excited…and yet so nervous. He wanted Vergil to keep going…but he also knew he shouldn't…Nero could barely speak, his voice a soft whisper as a result.
"I deserve…at least…ten, Father…Nero let out a soft moan as he whispered the last word."
"Ah an even Ten hmm?, Twenty would too cruel of me wouldn't it my boy?" Vergil asked with a dark chuckle tracing his hands along the curve of Nero's backside. he was teasing of course both verbally and physically , he knew just how to get a rise out of him. even if it was wrong, even if this wasn't an ideal form of parenting, its what worked for them.
The caress of Vergil's hands sent a shiver down Nero's spine. He bit his lip in anticipation for whatever was coming next. He knew how his father's punishments went, and they were never pleasant by any means. Yet despite the pain, he couldn't help but feel pleasure from the way Vergil treated him. It confused him, but he couldn't deny the feelings anymore. Nero moaned softly again.
"Mm?, you are aware you aren't meant to be enjoying this….perhaps Twenty is good enough for you…" Vergil said coldly as he slid down Nero's jeans and proceeded to grip the tender flesh against his hands the sensation of Nero's bare backside made his head spin.
Nero let out a moan of delight. His heart was racing, but his body felt so relaxed…so hot and flushed. He felt so vulnerable as he stood there, naked in front of his father. But at the same time, he felt free. He couldn't help but close his eyes and let out a faint grin.
Vergil chided "Naughty Boy, you know better than that~" he purred low in his voice like velvet as it echoed in the halls of the Devil May Cry office. He swatted him gently as a warning showing he was just warming up.
Nero clenched his teeth to hold back any other moans. That one swat was already enough to send him over the edge. But Vergil's warm voice, and his caress sent his body into a frenzy. He struggled to stay quiet, but each swat sent jolts of pleasure coursing through him.
"Ah..it seems we need to start over, you got up to 5..and yet I didn't seem to hear any counting…" Vergil said as he lifted Nero's chin up to face him wrapping a hand around his son's throat as he spoke in a sultry tone "Just the moans of a needy ..dirty...boy…"
Nero whimpered as he felt Vergil's hand grip his neck. As much as he hated it, he loved it too. To be dominated by his father, to feel his fingers run over his body..to be called…dirty…Nero had never felt more alive, more vulnerable. He looked up at Vergil with burning passion in his eyes. He wanted…no, he needed more.
"Answer me when i speak to you Nero, i said…." he paused, gradually getting more aggressive with his tone, he swatted at him as he spoke one last time "Count, them, all, Now!" he said in between harsh blows to Nero's already pink tinted behind.
"Y-Yes..Father…" Nero took a deep breath. He could do this, no matter how hard it might be. He was going to count and he was going to do it right this time. "One…two…three…four…five…six…seven…eight…" *Nero paused as he felt Vergil swat him. His vision blurred with each blow, but he forced himself to continue. "Nine…ten…eleven…twelve…thirteen…fourteen…" Nero struggled to keep his voice from breaking. The pain…the pleasure…it was both overwhelming and euphoric.
"Good boy, serves you right misbehaving like this not only putting your life at risk but submitting to me so easily, such eagerness, you might as well had shaken your hips and begged to take you right up against Nico's van , with the way you've been moaning for me~" he chided his voice low and velvety almost mesmerising to Nero's ears he continued.
"Keep going, you've reached Fifteen, you have another five more to go…"
Nero's face was bright pink from the embarrassment and pleasure. He could feel his insides being turned upside down from the way Vergil caressed him. Every swat sent shivers down his spine. He didn't care. He wanted more to happen. "Fifteen…sixteen…seventeen…eighteen…nineteen…twenty." He let out a low growl of satisfaction.
Vergil gave one last extra blow, nice and hard and swift so quick it had the same effect as a whip due to his demonic strength and speed. "That's it…there…I believe you've had enough, any further and you'd make a mess of yourself just from the mindless pleasure this brings you…but remember my boy this a punishment ….not a hand out…"
Nero let out a moan of pleasure as the last blow landed. He had never felt so alive…and so filled with desire. A part of him wished Vergil would hurt him more. He was so close…just one more hit…would've driven him over the edge. But he knew his father was right, any more and he would've given in completely. Still, he wanted more, so much more. He struggled to catch his breath as he glared up at his father.
Vergil raised a brow as he gripped Nero's jaw forcing him upward so that his son sat in his lap " You haven't learned a thing you wanton Minx…" he chuckled darkly. "Perhaps you need more than just my hand…"
Nero felt a rush of blood fill his face as it flushed bright red. He suddenly felt extremely embarrassed and vulnerable, but at the same time…a strange thrill ran through him. To be called…a wanton minx…by his father…Nero shuddered…was Vergil flirting with him?
"My dear boy, now's not the time for embarrassment, you wanted this , you suggested it as form of punishment, and here you are moaning and squirming for me…don't pretend i didn't notice just how excited this made you…i can feel it up against me…so eager..so vulnerable..so..delectable " he chuckled softly with a smirk.
Nero felt the blood running through his body heat up. His heart was beating out of his chest, he could feel his cheeks burn with excitement as Vergil spoke in such sultry tones. His eyes were glued to Vergil's. And yet…he hated it. He knew his father was just teasing him, and yet it had such a profound effect on him. It was humiliating…and yet, thrilling, too. Why did this feel so…good? It was wrong…
"You want more don't you?" Vergil asked with a purr, stroking his son's cheek delicately, his eyes locked on his enjoying the puppy eyed expression he received from him. "Use your words Nero, you're a big boy…say it…out loud. Say it loud and clear for me…tell me what you want…"
Nero hesitated, but before he knew it, the words were already spilling out of his mouth. He had to admit it. His father was right.
"Yes…Father…" It was such a simple word, but his voice sounded so lustful, so desperate. And he felt it at his core too. "I want…more…"
"No..No i want to hear you beg for it…this is your punishment, I should've done this sooner, teasing you with what you desire, your forbidden fruit just within arms reach but i won't let you have it, no…ill use to my advantage..make you behave and maybe…just maybe..if you're a good boy…." Vergil hummed in thought as he brought Nero close to his lip barely an inch between them as he paused.
"I'll give you a reward beyond your wildest dreams….".
Nero was already feeling weak in the knees as Vergil spoke. His voice was so close now…Nero felt his breath become heavy, but he needed that reward…He needed it desperately. With that last word from Vergil, Nero's heart was racing. He had to play his cards right. He couldn't mess up.
"Please Father…give it to me…I-I'll behave from now on. I'll…I'll be a good boy for..for you. I promise. But don't tease me anymore, this is torture…I can't hold back…p-please Father…"
Nero's whimpers brought joy to Vergil, like music to his ears a symphony of pleas that made him shiver, he knew his Son would behave in the end but he needed full confirmation before continuing. "Then say it, tell me you'll behave, tell me exactly what it is you'll refrain from ever doing again, the One thing that got you into this mess in the first place…"
Nero struggled to hold back. He didn't want to say it, but he knew he had to if he ever wanted Vergil to stop teasing him like this. He closed his eyes and inhaled. His mind raced as he looked back up at his father. He knew what had to come out of his mouth next, but he was too embarrassed to say it. But he had to, for both of their sakes. So he bit his tongue and let out the words, even though it was painful to speak them. He needed that reward.
"I…I won't be reckless ever again…"
Vergil smirked "Never ever?, not even if Dante tempts you?, or Nico or anyone for that matter..would you go against your fathers wishes again and earn the truly hard way not to cross me?…"
"Never again, Dad…I swear it…" Nero said with desperation in his voice. He felt so embarrassed to admit it like that, but he had to. He wanted Vergil to stop teasing him, to stop dangling the reward in front of him just out of reach.
"I won't disobey you…I won't go running off on my own. Not even for Dante or Nico…just for you…Father…"
"Good boy…you'll learn soon enough, now..get out of my sight before i change my mind and take you where you stand…" he paused blushing darkly seeing Nero in his lap obviously his words were in a metaphorical sense.
Nero felt his face turn bright red as he realised how close they were in all senses of the word. He couldn't meet his father's eyes, but he could feel Vergil's hot breath against his face. He needed to put some distance between the two of them, but he didn't want Vergil to stop. The punishment was over, but the teasing wasn't. The feeling made Nero feel…excited, anxious, nervous, and confused all at once. He needed…no, he wanted more.
Vergil raised a brow as he saw Nero closing in on him that mere ich of space now gone as he felt his son's soft plump lips up against his own, he froze with a shiver as he closed his eyes and kissed back deeply running his hands through Nero's hair.
Nero was overwhelmed as he felt Vergil's lips press against his own. His heart was pounding like never before, but despite the nerves, it felt…good. Vergil's touch was so soft…so delicate. And yet, so passionate. He felt like he was soaring through the clouds, free from any worries or inhibitions. He wanted this feeling to last forever. And yet…there was some regret in the back of his mind. He should not be doing this. But he couldn't help himself. He let out a soft murmur.
"Mmm patience…be patient my boy, all good comes to those who wait…." Vergil purred with a smirk as he let his tongue meet with Nero's in a lust filled frenzy as he slowly caressed his chest and rested his hands at his son's hips gripping them with authority.
Nero felt his body go limp as the two of them locked in a passionate kiss. His senses were sent flying as his head spun. The sound of Vergil's dark and sultry purrs drove him wild. He felt each inch of Vergil's body caress his as they held each other close. It felt as if time stood still. Nero's whole world was consumed by Vergil, and he wouldn't have it any other way.
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oneeyedoctogod · 1 year
I promised I'd share the notes I had on what happened after the end of my fic We'll Build A Dynasty (one the heavens can't shake) and since today is my birthday I thought it'd make a fun treat (for you and for me :P)
Under a read more because this is LONG. And I guess it has spoilers for the fic itself too, if that matters haha.
So here we go! These are the main "questions" I left unanswered on purpose.
Does Wei Wuxian ever let his practice of the ghost path become known again?
Yep. Honestly the way I see it, the only reason the sects had a problem with it in the first place was because Wei Wuxian was the son of a servant. They never had any problem reaping the benefits of his inventions (all of which were a result of his new cultivation) so since Wei Wuxian now has the legitimacy he lacked in his first life, they might grumble about it if they’re particularly uptight but he’ll never become the reviled Yiling Patriarch.
In any case I don’t see Wei Wuxian disregarding an entire path (and the very very useful things that come with it) just because he can use his sword again. He’ll just balance both because he is that good. The ghostly path will also seem a lot less powerful since Wei Wuxian doesn’t have a good reason to raise an entire army of the dead, and the Yin Tiger Tally never was created. So that's one less difficulty to face.
(there will always be rumors of course, but he’ll never confirm them one way or another and the Wen aren’t stupid enough to let such a secret out, both because it'll draw the ire of their new sect leader and because aside from a few stubborn Elders, they're not that confident they can win a war without Wen Ruohan around)
He might even take on thoroughly vetted disciples since it’ll attract less… questionable people (I'm not actually that sure on that point, it depends on the day.)
Do Jiang Yanli and Lan Xichen get married?
Yes they do. Sorry Jin Ling. </3 (although who knows, maybe the universe is nice enough to give them a son that for some reason will end up being a little prickly for a Lan and a love for dogs!)
I'm actually not overly fond of the Jin Zixuan/Jiang Yanli pairing and I liked the idea of Jiang Yanli and Wei Wuxian actually being related through their respective marriage. I hesitated with Nie Huaisang/Jiang Yanli at first but the Jiang Yanli/Lan Xichen really grew on me as I wrote the fic haha. They’re very very cute. Lan Xichen strikes me as an even bigger simp than Jin Zixuan ended up being in canon. He WILL talk to you about his wonderful wife if you let him.
What about Nie Huaisang and Wen Qing?
I'm not actually sure about those two. Maybe they get engaged and never marry, maybe they marry but only as friends, maybe they marry and fall in love (in that order, I don’t see Wen Qing falling in love at first sight), maybe they hate each other on sight and stay far, far away from each other, maybe they like each other just fine but don't marry anyway because Nie Huaisang is a romantic and wants to love his spouse romantically or because they know they’ll drive each other crazy within days, maybe they stay engaged because neither of them is interested in marriage and this helps them get their family off their back, maybe they marry and then Nie Huaisang gets a second wife they both fall in love with and they have a really healthy and happy polycule.
As you see, there are plenty of interesting possibilities. :P
Do Wangxian still adopt A-Yuan?
Yes. I’m not cruel enough to delete both Jin Ling and A-Yuan from existence. I’m not clear on what happens to A-Yuan’s birth parents (do they still die, do they give him up or is he adopted to be raised as a heir but they still participate in raising him? I am planning an extra with him in it so I'll have to decide soon but so far I HAVE NO IDEA haha), but yes, Wangxian get their son back, don’t worry.
What happens with Su She, Jin Zixun and Jin Guangshan?
Su She still eventually defects but since he doesn’t have Jin Guangyao sponsoring him, he never manages to become someone important enough to matter in the long run. He’s extremely bitter about it, like he’s bitter about everything else.
After his thorough public humiliation, Jin Zixun fancies himself the “rival” of Wei Wuxian once again. Wei Wuxian wouldn’t care except Wen Qing is very serious about any potential threats, even minor ones so she keeps him updated. They have fun about it. He might try something anyway but Jin Guangshan isn’t dumb enough to defend him so he just digs up his own grave and he eventually offends someone enough that he dies like a loser, like in canon.
As for Jin Guangshan… He’s a very serious threat, always was, but he lacks the political power he had in canon and this time Wei Wuxian has a much better support network who isn’t as easily manipulated into betraying him so things are much better on that front. Wei Wuxian never drops his guard obviously but he’s not vengeful enough to try and start his own conspiracy to get rid of him.
(Wen Qing, on the other hand, has absolutely no qualms about whispering some ideas in a few people’s ears. And because he is still a terrible person and quite a lot of his crimes haven't been erased by the time travel, Jin Guangshan dies quietly and painfully and though no one dares point fingers, Madam Jin looks just a little bit too smug while wearing the traditional white for it to be a coincidence and the family doctor mysteriously decides to retire right after the funeral).
What about Xue Yang, Jin Guangyao, etc.?
Honestly? Don’t know, don’t care. There’s no war so Meng Yao has no opportunity to get close to either Lan Xichen or Nie Mingjue. Maybe he still manages to join a sect as an outer disciple. If they meet, Nie Huaisang hates him on sight, though he can’t tell why. Because this is a kinder univser, both Meng Yao and Xue Yang probably get the opportunity to be better than they are in canon. Do they take that chance? Up to you. I haven’t thought about anyone else’s fate sorry but you can bet they probably have a much better life this time around (or, if they already had a happy life, then they get to be happy again).
And Jiang Cheng? Does he actually grow as a person? What about his mother?
Honestly, I like to think he does. I’m not a big fan of him but I think he’s still young enough here that he might choose differently, especially after being forced to face so many hard truths. At the very least, he never becomes the man willing to participate in a genocide or the serial killer he is in canon. He and Wei Wuxian will never be close again though — like in canon, Wei Wuxian is ready to let go of that relationship. But Jiang Cheng still has his sister and his father and both of them have had a pretty big hm… Wake-up call? I suppose?
Not in a bad way or anything like that but Wei Wuxian’s defection shook them both and since neither of them die anytime soon, they’re here to push Jiang Cheng to be better. It takes time and effort but who knows, maybe he does manage it (he tries at the very least, because if there’s one thing he craves, it’s his father’s approval).
AS FOR MADAM YU... She still blames Wei Wuxian for every little thing, she thinks it's his fault that her son's self-confidence visibly decreased after the lectures (L O L), she hates with a passion the fact that Jiang Fengmian accepted to let Lan Xichen court Jiang Yanli and didn't give yet another chance to Jin Zixuan... She started as a bitter woman and a bitter woman she'll stay.
How exactly did Wei Wuxian go back in time? Why does only Lan Wangji get to remember?
Because I wanted to. I don’t have a better explanation sorry. Maybe a mischievous god (me, the author) decided Wei Wuxian deserved to get a different second chance, that other people deserved to stay alive and so they did.
As for why only Lan Wangji got to remember, the romantic explanation is that they’re soulmates. The boring explanation is that I’m really bad at writing teenage Lan Wangji so I speedran his character development.
Why do some characters find themselves trusting Wei Wuxian when they just met him?
When it comes to Wen Qing and Wen Ning, it’s because they were dead and I like the idea that the dead have no concept of time so time travel doesn’t have an effect on them. Since in the new timeline Wen Qing and Wen Ning aren’t dead yet, they only have fragments of their memories (the dead of the Burial Mounds on the other hand, never forgot their Patriarch. It’s why it took so little time for Wei Wuxian to tame them this time. I expend on that a little more in the Wei Wuxian POV but since I have no idea if I’ll ever finish it, never mind publish it… You get the short explanation here haha). It's also why Wen Chao knew it was the dead of the Burial Mounds and why he was so scared. And Nie Huaisang… Maybe he just has really, really good instincts. Or maybe the “mischievous god” isn’t actually a god at all but him scheming behind the scenes like in canon. Who knows? Certainly not me. ;)
Oh dear, this got really long haha. I hope you enjoyed these explanations. If there are other things you'd like to know, hit me up with an ask, I'd love to talk some more about this universe hahaha.
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
anyway was daydreaming and trying to include all the characters and finally came up with stuff for beel and belphie
Beel is a mukbang content creator casually bc he once got invited to a stream with Levi so the food wouldn't go to waste and everyone enjoyed him so much they begged for him to start a channel
Belphie is an event photographer bc he always snagged really cool photos on his phone and attended lots of concerts and made a name for himself. He always got barricade and has an amazing time because beel is always right behind him and keeping him safe (basically a shield). He saved up for a camera and Dia asked him to photograph some events with the company to really build his portfolio
Mephisto is the pr manager and social media person for the hotel
Raphael is also a fashion student maybe?? But a year above asmo and solomon
OKAY THIRTEEN IS A TATTOO ARTIST WITH HER OWN SHOP. SHE DOES TATTOOS AND PIERCINGS AND HER OWN HAIR. She's the only one I trust to touch my hair and trim/dye it. She's done some tattoos on me, a piercing on mammon (heh), and a few tattoos on solomon. I gotta figure out what she did on Solomon. They're childhood friends and he was her practice canvas, but definitely probably things like stars. Maybe the nightmare banner skull ?!
there's probably more but I'm rushing bc it's hot af outside (90 degrees my ass i am dripping in sweat from walking from the bus stop) and im clocking in as i type this wkdkfj maybe I'll think of something better for Raphael but he probably does like. Really nice intricate pieces. And maybe handmade lace OKAY BYEEE
- ✨ anon
Okay Beel doing mukbang is genius, I would absolutely subscribe to that guy's channel.
And omg Belphie as a photographer! I love that, too!
Of course Mephisto is in PR adlkjfkldfj.
YES I looove Raphael making handmade lace! And you know he does it really old school style with all those billions of pins and such... He just totally strikes me as the type of guy who'd be into something really complicated like that.
I would sell my soul to have a tattoo or piercing done by Thirteen omg. Also what do you mean heh? Where is Mammon's piercing, huh?? I personally have a lot of piercing headcanons for him sdkfjdjff I can't help it. Also love the Solomon and Thirteen as childhood friends, absolutely excellent. Not to get nsfw here but I think it'd be cute if you all had a Thirteen tattoo or piercing but you didn't know until you were getting frisky 'cause it's all covered up hee hee~
Anyway, it's stupid hot here too but I hope you had a good day despite the heat!! I know this is a few days old now, I'm getting caught up on asks tonight!
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dementedspeedster · 4 days
Unintentionally adopted this meme || (IC) Send me 💒 or 'wedding' and I'll tell you what i think your character's wedding would like. (doesn't have to be a ship-centered! although if you want it to be specific to a paring/ship please mention it!) @reddrakebird
"Uuuuuuh..." Thad hadn't expected to be asked this as he was arm deep into a supersized bag of pretzels, "I'm pretty sure you got the wrong number for this one, but I can give it a try." He says pulling his arm from the bag, dusts his hand off on his jeans, and shrugs.
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"Let's see....I honestly don't know much about you, but you don't strike me as someone as someone who'd want a big fancy wedding. Nothing over the top, it wouldn't be gaudy, or reek of money. You seem a touch more down to earth. But I don't doubt for a second that your wedding wouldn't be wild considering you'd be inviting all your Young Justice and Teen Titans pals. Just knowing there's a guarantee that Bart, Kon, and the others are at the venue ensures that something wild and stupid is gonna happen." Thad nods certain of that. Bart got into enough trouble and wacky adventures on his own, now, combine that with the rest of YJ? Thad was certain nothing short of an explosion at the venue would happen. "If I were you I wouldn't dream about getting any deposit money back."
He tilts his head at Tim, "Hm...You strike me as the indoor type when it comes to venues. Privacy is probably important to you, but depending on whoever your partner is I bet you could be talked into an outdoor venue." Maybe on a family farm or something like that.
"Like I said, I don't think it's be a huge wedding, but probably still large enough to accommodate friends, families, and some hero colleagues, out of costume of course. Not everyone though. I think it'd be more personal rather than an event for the whole hero community, y'know?" Thad says crossing his arms and giving Tim a look over.
"Food-wise, I doubt you're gonna scrimp considering the people you're inviting." Cough-atleastonespeedster-cough, "Maybe something classier than a buffet, but eh, I think it could go either way. What else? Ah, cake." Clearly the most important part of the wedding.
"You seem like you'd go with a tried and true classic for weddings: Multi-tiered, white frosting, understated, but you can never go wrong with it. Plus it makes for good photographs if you plan on documenting cutting the cake."
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"Annnnd yeah. That's all I've got at the moment. So how wrong am I, Drake? C'mon tell me. My feelings won't be hurt."
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lemonfairy-yearns · 18 days
BrnPrThnkr LOGs: 22-30 BCFB LOGs: 70-77
an intersected real time compilation. each employee wrote these logs themselves and are marked with an emoji. which is which should be evident.
🧠: He looked at me with those big sad eyes again. He wasn't trying to get anything from me. It looked more like pity. I can't stand it. He shouldn't pity me. I am the best there is. I am the smartest. I'm …. Good.
🐰: I saw him again today. I bet if I'm careful no one will see me go into the schoolhouse basement. I just have to time it right. If anyone asks, that's just where a book I like is kept. Cog, if he only knew. I mean, I told him… but I don't think he believes me. I don't blame him. If he came into my house and brought a bunch of friends to beat me up I wouldn't like him much either. Maybe I should just give up. It's not like there aren't other people who'd love me more. Love. What a Freakish word for it. I don't have a better one.
🧠: why can't I just tell him to stop coming back here? If I didn't see him so often my judgement wouldn't be so clouded so frequently. He'll give up soon I suppose. Everyone else has. It's a matter of time. I can wait out his foolishness.
🐰: I need to stop shaking. Everyone already thinks something is wrong with me… why is loving others so scary? Why can't I just go back to before I cared about everything???     That's miserable.. I'm not doing that. I should just go grab a book. I don't have to stay and visit, I'll just go get it from the schoolhouse. He won't even see me.
🧠: he came down for that entomology book. I found it for him and he… didn't linger like usual. If he comes back I'm going to tell him where to buy a copy. No. I'll give him one. No, that's weird. Avoiding it is weird. Everything I can do in this situation is too weird. I can't just not talk, that's impossible. He didn't say goodbye. That's weird. He's weird. Why do I mi…… no not going to say that…. I'll get back to this later.
🐰: Mildew taught me how to steer the ship today. It's harder than it looks. Rhubarb said I did a good job. Then they joked about boatfulls of Bagholders. I wonder if they’d still run them into the shoreline if they knew his name was Rodger and his favorite food is SteelBerry Pancakes. But maybe I wouldn't actually care because he's a jerk who revels in making little toons cry and also cheats at Rummy. I need to go look up some definitions for words. 
🧠: I'm going to call him. I just… won't freak out if he doesn't answer. He might be busy. He might not want to. Nope, not calling actually, strike that. I should do something. I feel myself boiling over. I think stranger, less rational things. Like if I was in trouble, would he come save me? And if he did, would it just be part of his usual work of keeping his coworkers in working condition? It probably would. He's a good person, he'd do it for any of us. I can't keep spending my time dreaming nonsensical things like this.
🐰: I was asked to look through some recent disciplinary files. I should visit Brian. I'll bring something. And not just the book I have to return. 
🐰: I bet he'd like sugar water… No, that's dumb. Stupid Bex… I'll just grab some… nothing coming to me. Stuuupid…
🧠: I can't track him but I found a bug book he hasn't quizzed me on yet, that'll have to do. He can keep this one. I don't care what that moron Pete says.
🐰: He’ll probably hate it. I don't know. I just think he can do cool stuff with it if he wants. He's good with delicate materials like this. Ok someone's asking for help Fighting him. I don't think I can do this. Ok I'm going in with them. They're strangers, maybe it'll be less weird.
🧠: he's behind a group of other toons. Of course he was planning an attack. I'll show them.
🐰: everyone else is greened. But the desk jockeys stopped attacking. Maybe I can explain.
🧠: why is he crying. Don't do that. Don't do that don't do that don't do that don't do that- the following is a conversation recorded by my staff, desk jockeys 3, 4, and 5. if this leaks, no it didn't.
[BFCB] Im sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I don't want to fight I didn't mean to bring them here-
[BrnPrThnkr] why DID you come here then?
[BFCB] I just wanted to give you something nice because I was reading records today and I don't know I just wanted you to have a nice thing because people keep taking away your things and it's not fair and I couldn't bear it but maybeyoucanandIlooklikeI'mbeingcondescending but Idon'tmeanto and I want to be nice even though that makes me stupid like a real toon and-
[BrnPrThnkr] ok. Slow down…. please. Look at me. What did you read about me?
[BFCB] you only have 2 infractions. They were projects you didn't get to finish. They took them away before you could refine them. It's not fair.
[BrnPrThnkr] so you… know. About. Buck.
[BFCB] they won't let you fix him. Which sucks because he won't let me fix him. He misses you. He won't say it, but I think he'd let someone repair his head if the someone was you. I don't count. I'm not permanent like a cog. Or real like a toon. I can't even be a good repairman. I'm not anything.
[BrnPrThnkr] you're everything.
[BFCB] ….. I …what…
[BrnPrThnkr] UHHH I didn't mean to say that!!! Ignore that !!!
[BFCB] oh. sorry….
[BrnPrThnkr] WAIT- … I JUST. Ne-e-eed to get my w-rds right. I'm not done. Don-n't…
[BFCB] I still need... to give you this.
[BrnPrThnkr] …. Origami paper. How did yo-ou know I needed th-s?
[BFCB] I just thought because you're good with your hands.. you could make something. Something no one could take away…
[BrnPrThnkr] you meant i-it didn't you. When you said you … l-ved me-e….. I-I'm so-o-rry I don't usu-lly cut o-t like thi-is.
[BFCB] I did mean it. I do. I don't know if it was fair. Just leaving you with it sounding like a joke. It's stressing you out isn't it? 
[BrnPrThnkr] no-o-o it's f-ne I just need to get my-elf in or-r-rder. One mom-nt
about 9 seconds pass.
[BrnPrThnkr] see? Good as new. And look. 
[BFCB] an arachnid book!
[BrnPrThnkr] I was ready for you to come over. I… don't mind having you here … sometimes. I know your work has you here as one of them. It's annoying, but I don't judge you for it because it's not your fault. When it's just …. Us …it's. Not bad. Pleasant, even. 
[BFCB] you're too wonderful, you know that?
[BrnPrThnkr] no, I think I'm just the right amount wonderful actually. 
[BFCB] so you'll believe me now? That I love you?
[BrnPrThnkr] how do you say that so easily? It doesn't gunk up your circuits at all.
[BFCB] it's easy because I mean it.
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Shelby Clan- Safe Now
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My father was cruel man who only ever thought about himself. From as early on as I can remember my father would drink and then pass out on the sofa leaving me alone. The first time this happened was just after my mother left with another man. I was 5 years old. After an hour of waiting for him to wake up I had given up and left the house, looking for something to do, but that's when I bumped into Thomas Shelby and his youngest brother Finn. Quickly Finn and I became friends, I would always be over at Polly's house for supper. She became like a mother to me, while Arthur, Tommy and John became my brothers. Ada was my sister. Finn however, we had a different kind of bond.
When the eldest brothers left for war I cried for days, but they wrote me letters telling me stories about mermaids and fairies. Of course now being 18 years old I know that's what they were, stories to hide the reality of war from me.
Now I'm sat in front of my vanity on my wedding day, not to Finn although I truly with it were. My father, wanting some money and to get rid of me sold me to an Italian-American Mobster, Luca Changretta. I have no clue where I actually am, I haven't seen the Shelbys in about 3 months and I've heard through the grape vine that Luca has been striking deals with Thomas and Polly.
"You look gorgeous amore" Luca walks through the door with a smirk making me instantly feel like I'm going to vomit "look at me" I slowly turn in my seat to face him
"You shouldn't be in here" I tell him coldly
"I just wanted to make sure you hadn't escaped"
"I wish" I mutter which earns me a slap then he grabs my face
"I'll see you at the alter. Just wait till the Shelbys hear I've married their beloved YN. Think it might just give them a heart attack" he laughs before walking out of the room. I sigh looking back at myself in the mirror hoping that someone would come and save me. I had managed to send a telegraph to Tommy a week a ago but I have no idea if he received it or not
"Are you ready YN" my father says walking in
"No" I say with no emotion
"Oh stop being stupid girl. Come here now then you can fuck off with your new husband and get out of my way"
"Love you as well father" I say standing up
"Shut up" he slaps my face just adding to the redness that's already there from Luca. I'm walked to another room where Luca is stood next to a table with a pen and paper
"Ahhh beautiful YN please come here love and we will sign our names" he smiles an evil smile. My father pushes me forward to Luca "kneel down" I say stood looking at Luca "now"
"And what if I don't?" I challenge him
"Get on your fucking knees and sign" I'm pushed down by the shoulders. That's when the doors open "what the fuck are you doing here?" he growls. I look at where he's looking and see the Shelby brothers. Thank fuck Tommy got my telegraph
"Well you see, my friend here got a message to me, where you were going to be today. Now both of us want you dead and so here I am"
"You won't fucking kill me"
"No your right I won't"
"But I will" Arthur points the gun and then then there's an awful ringing in my ears. I look down at my dress that is now coved in blood
"YN" Finn shouts running up to me "are you ok? did he hurt you?"
"Just slapped me, I'm ok" Finn helps me up
"Let's get you home ay?"
"Home? Tom I'm afraid I don't think I have one"
"Of course you do. Polly said you can stay with her, Micheal and Finn. Now the cars running so let's go" Tommy tells us. I sit next in between John and Finn still in my bloodied dress
"Your safe now YN don't worry" Arthur tells me
"I just want to get out of this dress" I tell the brothers also now feeling the cool air on my arms making me shiver a little. A blanket is then pulled over me by Finn "thanks" I lean my head on his shoulder and sigh "why can't our fathers just be nice and supportive and caring?"
"Who knows YN" John says
"You look tired YN, gets some sleep" Tommy says looking behind himself to me
"Didn't sleep last night" I yawn snuggling more into Finn
"It's ok. I've got you. Sleep" Finn tells me wrapping his arm around my waist and sleep soon consumes me.
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exitpursuedbyavulcan · 6 months
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
My mom raised me and my sister on:
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And especially after working retail, I continue to stand by it with everything I am. BUT that doesn't mean you can't vent to your friends about the stupid shit people do!
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
I have this idea that makes me SO happy but I know I can't do it justice. I've been meaning to message an author on here to bequeath it on her, but I haven't done it yet. But I'll do it here! So, @anjelicawrites enjoy my gift of this plot bunny:
Daemon marries Aemond's twin sister at Viserys' order request, but isn't super thrilled about it, since he obviously wants Rhaenyra. On the wedding night, he's prepared to just go through the motions, maybe rub it in Alicent's face that he got to fuck her precious little girl, but he doesn't expect Aemond to sneak into the room himself to try to protect his sister. Of course, Daemon is pretty drunk at this point, so instead of kicking Aemond's ass, he just thinks "Hey, it's a two-for-one" and they all have a super sexy threesome (Aemond takes a little convincing, but he'll do anything for his sister). The end.
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
This is something I obviously struggle with myself. My go-to method for unblocking my creative juices is to step away from the keyboard. I don't open the doc and just stare at it, I focus on other things and let the inspiration come to me when it's ready. I often keep a small notebook on me so I can jot down notes if they strike me in a weird place (like the grocery store). Writing by hand can also help a lot!
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ben10-daily · 7 months
Day 39
Part two of yesterday's daily
"Access Denied. System shutdown will occur in two attempts"
Psyphon slammed his fist down on the console in frustration. If he couldn't get the access code correct all of his planning would have been for nothing. It was even mire frustrating since he had already spent twenty minutes getting to this point in the security system and if those damn plumbers came back he'd be screwed.
"Alright Psyphon, times up"
That damn Tennyson was here. Of course he was, whenever someone caused problems that cursed brat would show up to save the day. With a press on his omnitrix Tennyson transformed in a flash of light into his tetramand form but it seems he didn't mean to transform into that species by the look on his face, which gives him a chance to strike. Activating his wrist laser Psyphon fires at Four arms grazing the side of his neck. Surprised at his own hit Psyphon fires another but Tennyson dodges the second strike.
Ben runs at Psyphon who just shot at him twice! He's lucky Ben doesn't kill people or he'd pummel him into the ground. Pushing away the thought of striking Psyphon down for good he grabs his wrist crushing the laser and lifts him up.
"Alright Psyphon. You're starting to piss me off, what's your angle for breaking into the plumber base at 2 in the god damn morning"
Now eye to eye with Tennyson he can see that the teen hero is not in his usual state and if there's something he learned from serving Vilgax is that if Tennyson is serious you had better not piss him off further. Deciding it's probably best for him to fold immediately he explained his plan.
"I was going to release the members of my gang, don't break my face please"
Ben sighs before throwing Psyphon to the ground, this is the reason he'd been calle out for? Jerry could handle this, no offense to Jerry. Now walking over the exit of the control room Ben contacts Rook.
"Psyphon is dealt with, he folded almost immediately. Get someone down here so I can get out of here and back to bed"
Within 10 minutes two plumbers from Alpha squad were cuffing Psyphon and Ben was on his way out of the base when he was stopped by Max. Unfortunately for Max, Ben did not want to stop and just wanted to head home.
"Where are you going Ben? You need to give a report of what happened down here. A full report, not just a two line summary of what happened"
Ben paused before answering, usually grandpa Max let him head home if it was a late night before he did the report in the morning.
"I'll just do it in the morning Grandpa, I'm absolutely wrecked."
Not too impressed at his Grandsons unwanting to do his job Max raised his eyebrow.
"You've put your reports off too many times Ben in situations like this Ben. Other plumbers manage it all the time so I'm sure the "saviour of the universe" can manage it"
Ben who was already becoming increasingly fed up almost snapped at his Grandfather's emphasis on his title. Keyword almost, fortunately he was able to keep a handle on his sanity for now.
"Look Grandpa, I was called out here at ass o clock in the morning to deal with Psyphon who cracked the second I busted his wrist laser. I did not need to be called out to deal with this so I'm leaving and I'll do the report when I'm here tomorrow"
Turning around to leave Max puts his hand on Bens shoulder to stop him.
"No, you'll do this the same way everyone else does even if I have to shut down the elevator for you to do it"
Even though he knew Max didn't mean the threat it was enough for Ben to lose his cool.
"Thus is the third time in the last week I have been called out for a minor situation that was thought to be an emergency and I am getting very fed up with how this is playing out. I'll fill out your stupid report but I won't be in contact for the next two weeks unless it's a world ending threat. Do you understand?"
Ben shrugs Max's hand off his shoulder and went to a nearby station and filled in the report before transforming into Big Chill to leave undetected, the less people who knew he had left the better.
Now back in his bedroom Ben decided to try something he would never do willingly. He was going to ask Azmuth for a favour.
"Omnitrix, contact creator, direct line"
Surprisingly the call was answered and Azmuths voice was heard from the omnitrix.
"This had better be important Tennyson if you're calling me on the emergency line"
"I need to go to dimension 23. I know you have an interdimensional portal or whatever it's called. I need a vacation of some sort and that's probably my best bet to still be productive while I'm gone"
Azmuth audibly sighed before he could be heard fiddling with something and suddenly a portal opened in Ben's room.
"That's a direct link to dimension 23. Call me again when you're ready to come back here"
Surprised that Azmuth didn't ask for an explanation or put up any sort of fight against using his dimension hopper for personal reasons Ben just thanked him before going to cut the line.
"Tennyson. Before you go just make you stay safe over there."
Ben smiled at the first thinkers words and promised he'd be careful, at least by his standards anyway.
Taking a deep breath before entering the portal Ben looked around his bedroom and walked through. It'll be good to see 23 again, and even better to have a break.
And that's a wrap. I hope you all enjoyed this two part fic of mine that may or may not end up becoming a full series at some point, who knows.
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starg1rlie · 2 years
(is it too late to participate in this wonderful idea ?! i've never seen someone do sumn like this so i'll give it a try if its still open or so!)
💍 w/ xiao if u don't mind !! i am a very open minded person who is also straightforward when i have to & a bit shy but once you get to know me personally, i am very clingy but i also know my boundaries. hobbies are Uh i don't go outside so i tend to play rpg or fps games instead at home! But of course I still Touch grass when i feel like it ^^ WOO SURPRISE MEE
(hey, sorry for taking so long to fill out your request! hope you understand, and here it is! (p.s: i may or may not have previously written most of this when it was 5 am, so i literally had no idea what i was doing...i only proof-read and edited it a little bit. nonetheless, i hope you still like it!!)
matching frog hats & dino onesies
xiao feels absolutely humiliated right now. wearing this itchy and ridiculous-looking hat made him feel like burrowing deep within the earth (six feet sounds about right) and staying hidden in the ground for the rest of eternity. the fact that you were recording everything on your phone made it all worse. stop, i look stupid, he said, tugging the frog hat further down to cover his pink cheeks. you merely laughed, as if you relished his embarrassment, and forced him to show his face for the camera. say froggie! you teased, snapping a pic after your reel finished and saving it onto your phone. i hate you, xiao muttered under his breath, yanking off the hat and unzipping the dinosaur onesie you bought for when it got cold. i love you too, you replied, giving him a kiss before dashing off to put the finishing touches on your posts.
lighting sparklers on new years
he didn't understand what the point was for lighting sparklers on new years eve when there was a large firework showcase going off right now. but you insisted and since he didn't really have the power within himself to deny your request, he reluctantly agreed and was immediately dragged out of the household, box of sparklers loosely gripped in his hand. honestly, you're acting like it's christmas day all over again, xiao said with a delicate snort, striking a match againt the box and lighting two sparklers, one for you and one for himself. do we really need to do this? he inquired when you whipped out your phone once more to "capture the moment". you only nodded, focusing on changing the lighting and filters on your phone so that the picture turned just right. see, look how pretty it looks! you exclaimed, holding out your phone for him to see. but his attention drifted elsewhere, particularly on the happy smile that adorned your features. yeah, pretty...ahem, are we going to just let them go out or do you plan on doing more pictures? xiao cleared his throat awkwardly, tugging desperately at the collar of his shirt to cover the blush that threatened to creep further up the nape of his neck. you thought nothing of it and continued snapping away, gleeful as could be.
he's obsessed w/sanrio (keroppi and kuromi)
he'd probably not admit this to anyone except you, but he really enjoys sanrio merchandise, more specifically, keroppi and kuromi. call him a geek all you want, but he'll immediately make a beeline for the sanrio items whenever the two of you head to a daiso* store. look, this reminds me of you, xiao will say, holding up a my melody plushie, pointing at her sweet expression. you, on the other hand, looked less amused and simply went back to testing out the different pens and highlighters they had to see if there was anything you could add to your stationary collection. can we get this? xiao asked, holding up a kuromi keychain (no doubt for his car keys) and a kuroppi pin. you nodded and headed towards the cashier line. at least now i know what i can get you for your birthday, you said jokingly as the two of you made your way back to the car. xiao wasn't really paying attention, focusing on pinning kuroppi on his sweater.
hosting game night
he's not really interested in playing video games, but he has tried a few, specifically animal crossing and a pokemon game called pokemon remix cafe. xiao prefers chill and relaxing games, not ones where you feel the need to scream at your screen and throw your controller across the room. so when you suggest a game night, xiao can't help but feel a bit wary what he's getting himself looped into. he's absolutely relieved when you introduce him to a rpg game and soon, he became hooked (although, he still prefers watching you play than himself playing it). he'll come sit next to you and watch the story unfold before he gets so into he decides to start the game for himself. results in the two of you playing side by side and sharing each other's progress within the game.
doing his hair
since xiao has short hair, the only hairdo you could manage with him was a weird-looking pair of pigtails and the occasional ponytail if he lets his hair grow out. one time, he let it go past his shoulders and you attempted to do a french braid. is this really necessary? he said while you kept tugging on his hair, braiding it together. yes, yes it is. now quite whining, i'm almost done. with that, you swiftly tied the end of the braid and swung it over his shoulder. there. what do you think? you brought him over to a mirror, gesturing dramatically at his new hairdo. i look like a woman with this hair, xiao said, deadpanning hard. no you don't, you look fine. xiao looked up at you and reached up to touch his braid. take me to the barber's. you reeled back, horrified. all of his luxoriously soft locks being cut? you wouldn't stand for it. no! xiao sighed and got up. fine, then i'll just cut it myself.
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gamesception · 1 year
lets read rgu chapter 19
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Last time Utena lost her duel - and with it Anthy - to Touga, and now she's so depressed that she, gasp, wears the normal girls' uniform. "Boo hoo, I was just a normal girl this whole time," says Utena. "I guess I might as well stop pretending to be weird and different."
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*strikes the most ridiculous, elbows out, imitation fashion model poses* "This is how a normal girl sits, I think? I am nailing this."
In the student council chambers Miki and Juri are both giving Touga a hard time about it.
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"That was a dick move Touga, and you suck."
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Even cringefail Saionji's getting in on it. Everyone's ragging on Touga and it's hilarious.
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God Dammit Saionji, you were cool for like five fucking seconds.
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Meanwhile Utena's still moping about being a "normal girl" in the least normal way possible, and, like, in the anime this bit makes me legitimately feel bad for her, but in the manga version it's just hilarious, and like I get that this is a big emotional low point of the story but I'm pretty sure this is funny on purpose. Like, look at that stupid little face on the would be suitor as he slips past Wakaba to hand Utena his confession letter, and Utena's reaction to it... "Maybe I'll ~try~ going on a date with somone... That's what makes ~normal girls~ happy, right?"
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Saionji shows up, and if he could keep his damn hands to himself and stop slapping Anthy around for five fucking minutes he'd really be earning a ton of points with me in this chapter. Like first he slides in doing his knock off of Touga's knock off Akio bit like he's going to neg Utena into bucking up and getting a grip, but he's too bitter and sincere so he can't help but sneak in a 'well now you know how I felt' bit in, and Utena's just leak "boo hoo yeah I dooooooo" and he's so fully taken aback that it like snaps him out of his entire affected personality?
And then there's this whole bit where Touga shows up and hangs all over Utena, half hitting on her and half gloating over how far she's fallen while Anthy just stands there and Saionji disappears. But Wakaba's still there and she's so offended that she tries to throw her glass of water in Touga's face, but of course...
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Which leads to Wakaba blaming Anthy for Utena's depression instead of apologizing, and Utena half snaps out of her doledrums to, of course, leap to Anthy's defense, leading to a fight between Utena and Wakaba, and the whole thing's great drama, and for a moment I think that, like in the anime, Wakaba forcing Utena to recognize her feelings about Anthy is what's going to snap her out of her depression. Like, we'll get that cathartic moment of Utena deciding to challenge Touga to a rematch not simply to protect Anthy, but because she wants to be with Anthy herself, and if Anthy's decided she needs to be the champion duelist to do that, then so be it.
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But this is Manga Utena, and for Manga Utena everything comes back to Prince Licky-Licky. So instead Wakaba runs off, and Utena goes home, and finds a gift from her prince with a new boy's uniform and a new letter.
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And now that she has her man's permission to get over herself and go fight for Anthy, she does.
Yeah, by comparison the anime's choice to downplay Utena's search for her prince and put the emphasis more on becoming a prince herself was a good call.
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Meanwhile Anthy's having a sincere emotion about it, and it's been so long that she doesn't even know what's happening.
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These pages are great - Utena showing up in her new outfit, Anthy's heart leaping when she sees her, the duel challenge... only slightly brought down by Utena thinking about her prince.
Utena follows up her challenge with a big speech, and Touga accepts, but wants to put an extra wager on things, which Utena agrees to. If Utena wins, Touga will quit the student council, but if Touga wins, utena will be his girlfriend.
The next day the student council is gossiping about the bet, and they all think Touga's taking things too far. Meanwhile, Utena bumps into Touga on campus for a bit of smack talk & in the middle we get like the first sincere dialog from Touga so far, where he talks about his extremely abstract motivations, and...
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What a nerd. What a teenager. This is very high school, and yeah it's kind of cute actually, and for the first time in this manga I could actually see these characters working as some sort of friends.
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Of course, Utena ribbing him a bit in this moment of unintentional vulnerability causes him to disappear back into his defensive play boy routine.
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So the actual duel starts, and I'm just going to rush through it because it goes basically the same as the anime...
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Touga has Anthy power up the sword to Super Sword Level 2.
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Which cuts through Utena's sword, leaving her with basically just a hilt, calling back to her first duel with Saionji.
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Utena clasps her hand over her rose, risking physical harm rather than losing the duel.
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She catches super sword level 2 on what's left of her normal sword, and Anthy starts waver.
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Utena says she'll protect Anthy even if she gets hurt.
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Anthy shuts off the sword's power, shocking Touga who sincerely thought Anthy had no agency what-so-ever (this is more excusable in the manga because Anthy hasn't been pretty blatantly choosing the winners of almost every duel to this point like she had been doing in the anime).
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And between losing the sword's power and Touga's momentary distraction, Utena seizes victory.
But while the anime more or less ends the episode there, with Utena and Anthy walking off as the bells sound, leaving a shocked Touga speechless behind them, in the manga a bunch more stuff happens. The castle starts coming down, Dios comes out of the castle to bless Utena's victory, and she recognizes him as her prince, but not as Anthy's brother even though Dios is even more clearly Akio's double in the manga.
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And in the most striking twist/divergence from the anime, Touga not only quits the student council, but swears himself to Utena as her follower, like Genos to Saitama. Which is probably sincere but could just as easily be a bid to annoy Utena until she releases him from his promise to quit the student council just to get rid of him.
All in all, this chapter is pretty good. We've been on a strong run since moving away from Miki and Juri.
I'm also not sure where we go from here. We're on chapter 19 out of 27, so I don't think there's really time to do the Black Rose business, but there's a bit much time to go straight to the Akio duel, and in any event need to build up drama between him and Utena first. And if the manga actually follows through on 'Utena's Squire, Touga' then that'll be completely new.
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yourfifitherealone · 2 years
Our Irregular Exchange...
(Non-binary friendly)
Cw: One curse in paragraph 8 and 9
"I know...I'll go visit him today...I swear! I won't forget. I'll go visit the Undertaker right after supper." You swore. You weren't a fan of visiting the undertaker but as a demon, what Ciel asks he gets. They'd send you for Undertaker duties because they knew of his love for seeing you and if you were there 90% of the time he'd give Ciel what he wanted. When you first met him he striked you as a weird individual but you assumed he wouldn't cause unnecessary harm to you. But after a few times you started feeling him watching you, despite his eyes usually being curtained by his long grey hair and when you turned to look all he did was giggle.
After serving food with Bard and Mey-Rin on dish duty and Sebastian ready to bathe Ciel, you walked to the Funeral Parlor. You knocked on the door and impatiently waited for a response.
"Yes?" Undertaker slightly opens the door and looks down on you. He's wearing pink and purple pajamas including his sleeping hat with a dangling ball on the end of the hat. You look him up and down, "Afternoon 'Taker, May I come in?" His hair stands up when he notices it's you. "Oh, oh of course," he murmurs as he opens his door wider for you. "What brings you here on this beautiful, eerie night ?" You chuckle, "I am always sent. Trust, I don't come here by choice" "Why is that?" "Nevermind that, I need something from you."
You explain in the exact words Ciel demanded of you. "That little... hehehe. He's such a demanding child" "Tell me about it" you said rolling your eyes reminiscing in the hard times Ciel gives you and all the other workers. "Well that is a very big ask. Would you give me something in return?" He says flipping his wrist. "Like what?" You ask annoyed "Look If you want another stupid corny joke I've got a thousand you laugh at literally anything-" "Not that."
As he's moving towards you he's biting the rubber band on his wrist while attempting to make a ponytail. Tho it's messy, it fits him.
His green eyes meet your red. Surprisingly, for the first time. You were so focused on seeing his green eyes you missed what he was saying as he's walking towards you, "What your asking if me...is..quite a big thing but if you absolutely have to...I think I should get something out of it. Don't you think?" "What are you implying?" "I want more than a laugh. I want pleasure from you~"
You thought about it, he's a very pretty man, annoying but handsome. "Okay. Fine I'll do it. You promise me you'll give me what I need?" "I'll give you whatever you want."
You hoped off the table and started putting on your clothes. "Hehe. I hope we do this again" "Yeah right." You said struggling to put on your boots. He leans you back on the table and gets on his knees. He grabs ahold of your foot and properly puts on the shoe. "After this experience. Haha I'll DEFINITELY be charging you extra" "Huh?! That's bullshit!" "Technically I'm charging you less. No money just...times like these. Do you comply, my firefly?"
You sigh "Your so fucking weird but yes, fine whatever now give me the whatever it's called 'kay?"
"Right over here"....
You open the door and peek out to check for people.
You swing open the door and start walking.
"Thanks for the exchange, Dear~" he says waving and his big grin is again, covered behind his hair.
You don't even turn, simply give him the finger and walk home.
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stargazeraldroth · 1 year
Questions for the Horse AU :v
- Are the Oreo Bros part of this at all, or are Ink, Reaper, and Cross unrelated- Assuming they’re in the AU in the first place? Do they have horses, if they are, and what do you think they would name them? And what about Fresh and Geno- Are they here, and if they are, are they related to Error at all?
- Are the murder trio here? If so, I feel like Killer and Dust should have horses named Mischief and Mayhem. Horror… I’m not sure, but probably something food related, like Sourdough or Paprika, though I guess he could also name his horse something like Hatchet?
- Is this intended to be a completely fluffy AU or will it have a bit of hurt/comfort? Either way is fine, of course! You just posted about it after remarking that you wanted to write something fluffy, so I wasn’t sure if that’s what this was intended to be :>
- Do you have any color schemes for the horses, yet? I feel like Broomie would be a brindle coated horse, if you go with more natural colors (plus, some patterns make it look like there’s ink dripping down the horses back, which could be a cute little nod to Ink himself!), and Sugar and Spice strike me as white/silver and black/gold, respectively. Im nit sure about the others, though.
- On the note of Error’s horse, if you really wanted, maybe she was initially named Mistake by a shitty past rider and is actually a former rescue? And now Error calls her Missy and she takes pride in “being such a lovable mistake that she couldn’t be turned away” or something. I dunno, I thought it was cute-
- Are there other animals the characters have as pets, here? Because I could see Ink with a little Welsh Corgi named Canvas… Just a tiny herding guy who rides around with him on Broomie. The theme of art supplies must be upheld, okay? And I like the idea of Ink with a corgi.
I can't believe I'm being serious about this Horse AU. Why am I like this
I'm gonna be honest with you guys... I forgot to include characters like Cross, Epic, Geno, Fresh, Reaper, etc. But for the sake of Oreo Bros and CQ Bros, they'll be here. Cross and Epic are stablehands for the most part, maybe they share a horse. And the horse is gonna be named... Majesty. Epic probably tried to name it something stupid and Cross said no. Look guys, this is Memelord the horse! Rubber Chicken the horse! Cookie the horse- COOKIE! That's the horse's name, Cookie.
No, the Murder Trio's not allowed near the horses. Get them away from Broomie, Sugar, and Spice. And everything nice. Maybe they're the troublemakers of the ranch, I don't know what role they'd have. Maybe Horror makes the food, he's the community chef.
There's gonna be some hurt/comfort, but it's primarily a more wholesome AU. Gotta have some conflict. I remember an episode of Full House where... shoot, I forget if it was Stephanie or Michelle, but one of them was a horse girl and got into an accident that made them lose their memories. Something like that could happen. And the damn eating disorder episode, man. What the hell. If anything, I'll do a social anxiety "episode" where Ink thinks everyone's judging him for literally existing, I'm sure many of us can relate
One of my favorite designs for the horses, and I forget all of their names except Pepper and Sunburst, is the black horse with red streaks in her mane. That's what Spice looks like. As for Sugar, she's a white horse with pastel streaks in her mane- she looks like a Galarian Rapidash, doesn't she? These are the only ones I can think of. I think your suggestion for Broomie is good, with some colored streaks in the mane to match with Ink.
Error's horse is a rescued horse that Ink was taking care of, and then Mistake bonded with the glitchy boi. Because I have an agenda- I have an Errorink agenda, and I will push it at all times. Error renames her because he's not calling his horse a Mistake.
Ink gets all the dogs. A corgi, a husky, a golden retriever, a chocolate lab, a German shepherd- okay, I'll stop, but you get the point. We have Canvas the Corgi, Paperjam the Husky, Glaze the Golden Retriever, Paint the German Shepherd, and Gradient the Chocolate Lab.
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