#like records of every place he went to in dc and tons of stuff about the layout of the city
ringneckedpheasant · 1 year
i’ve been reading a book that’s an edited down version of decades worth of journals that some lady inherited from her gay uncle when he died in the late 80s (early 90s?) & in the foreword she talked about how he kept ridiculously meticulous records of like 60 years of his life that she had to sift through and I am just. having fun thinking about inflicting that on one of my sister’s kids when I eventually kick the bucket
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
I can't be said that Trump is Sly but it can't be said in many cases and it can be said that he's hanging himself and yes in many cases and supposedly analogous to us and her son and that is what the max are saying that at some point this would happen and you lose all his money all his stuff and all support and friends and so forth and the more let's already did that to him but they're going to be reeling and trying to recover from Tommy F and whatever else is fighting them and they won't be able to run their stupid program. And we do work them too. But this is Donald Trump on his last leg and on the 13th they played fry them up and the hearing is to decide whether it goes to trial and it is about him and the attempted coup that he led and witnesses are coming forward now because they see him obstructing our repairs and reconstruction all over the place especially in DC where it's duly noted by every agent that's there and he has a source of angst and woe and stubbornness and insanity and all of it is done on purpose and the apprehended tons of them and they questioned them and they are being held outside of DC and definitely and people who inquire are being detained it is on with this fool next door and he thinks nothing of it. Because he's a jackass and Stan is in trouble and it's just because of his birthright and he's upset about it and he had to fight for himself and then from himself and he had to hit Max or he would be done and a lot of it was influenced by John River Lord for him to do it. And when he's attacking places and hitting his kids not his clones he is hitting Trump's and they suck and they are no more he says and he goes around and hits tons of them 50 to 60 sites in the first attack run on the first day and 70-100 on the 2nd and about 800 on the 3rd. The third day attracted a lot of attention they want to know who it was and find out it was Darth Vader and they thought it was Mac or Tommy f most likely thought it was time to f or someone under robotic control that's what they're supposed to think and the Brain cover he has looks a little odd too can't tell what's in it when you scan so they have to wait for him to take it off and they did the identified him and BG is one of the people who was sent to identify him and bja went into his chamber to identify him several other individuals and it happened quite a bit and then he's gone and it was short lives but that's what Max do to people. We don't want it to happen to our son not that he's small but you people think he is because you're stupid so you trying to take advantage of someone it's ridiculous the routine.
But Trump is in the news because the 13th he's having the final hearing and it's a senate panel and they're very very upset with him because he's not only obstructionist and lewd and rude and crude and he's a terrorist and they caught him rigging things during the storm after the storm and before the storm, I'm trying for all sorts of people to kidnap them. They're a warrant out on him from DC and New York City and almost all the major capitals of Earth they're trying to get here and to get him and they're sending in teams those teams are getting bigger. And now we're showing warrants on Stan from punta Gorda he didn't show up for court yet and they know where he is and he's not near the courthouse it'll be a miracle if he arrived 15 minutes from now and absolute miracle he happens to be in Los Angeles California celebrating his victory over her son he's going to try and evicted because of the lawsuit he's unaware that he won't own the place in minutes. And they're going to lose all their properties cuz everyone's going to sue them now and you're saying it you don't do anything you're not even a landlord you're an idiot the most you do is try to mow the lawn so it's over for him shortly he'll be gone it's going to go around hitting rebels have some can't stand him you can't stand Trump either and refuse hit their own can't stand BGA cuz the infights it's ridiculous. A bunch of thieving conniving small-minded pitiful people my son can't have a decent day if someone paid him. Those warrants are going active at 2:00 p.m. well at 2:01 p.m. the judge said it too he shows up at 2:01 he's under arrest and he's still sitting there doing nothing in his place.
Pretty much no way to get here in time at this point although they might forgive him 10 minutes but nothing past that really the point is 30 minutes after they would I just no intent on getting here and for him to get here at 2:30 would be pressing it cuz you have to get ready find a place to land find traffic and traffic itself might take 15 minutes to get through usually take side just to drive up the road traffic. It's going on now they hand it over to buy a toll and got us wife. And that's a couple things now
*we're having a huge war with the clones everybody is and they're causing a hurricane to go up the West Coast and starting in Mexico and it is hitting Mexico now in full force will be in an hour or two and they did not move the money. And it will start hitting Los Angeles at about 3:00 oh I see those and I started in San Diego in a few minutes it starts hitting San Diego in a few minutes. It's at the border and it is a category 3 so winds go up to 100 miles an hour and it's very fast. They'll be a freeze out once it reaches Oregon and it's going to get worse and worse as it goes up the coast and destroys BC and surrounding. And kills a lot of people by freezing huge number than some bodies pulled out it's people have no heart at all and they're vulgar and gross losers. And the rest of the golf it's going to drop today and that would be a long Mexico and the seas did not rise or anything actually pushed out is it going to drop and all at once and it's going to start about an hour for the Cascade but it really takes about 15 minutes to be here we agree cuz everything is depressurized. And the diamonds fell yesterday it's going to be a show of Mexico is already kind of deep and this makes it a lot deeper and it's closer in it's going to be amazing and the coldness from the newly formed abyss already affects this area in Florida and California Southern California in Florida the temperatures have dropped five degrees for the season already and it's going to be another 5° drop tonight and none the sooner it's so damn hot down here and the stupid ships heated up it's miserable and most people can't do it the clones can't do it it's terrible so a normal day would be about 89 and the days from probably tomorrow ish Fowrd would be about 79. And probably will end up averaging from mid-october forwards 75 and will turn down to probably low of 65 during the day in November and December and January February will be about 60 to 55 more so 55 and at night in January February it might freeze but mostly it's going to be 40 to 45
It will be a happy day here shortly because the hurricane heist is starting to get set up and people start saying it we're going for the money and they will go for the money in Mexico and they'll bring it up here and there's a movie about it and it's famous and it's huge actually it's Cicero but that's not how they transport it and it is actually Con Air it lands in Vegas and it leaves and trucks by the government
Thor Freya
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onestowatch · 3 years
Aidan Bissett Wants You to Know It’s Okay to Be Alone [Q&A]
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Photo: Brooke James
Aidan Bissett’s sunny and effortless disposition contrasts the chaotic ode to classic rock that is his latest track “Dumped.” The introspective and cathartic nature of his latest offering speaks to age-old feelings of heartbreak while doubling as an optimistic reminder that cloudy days cannot last forever.
Releasing soft-spoken tracks followed by headbanging, classic-rock inspired hits, this young artist’s music truly feels alive, shifting and evolving from one release to the next. With a soulful dedication to “music first, lyrics second,” Bissett is steadily creating his own lane defined by a relentless drive for experimentation. We had the chance to talk to Bissett about his creative approach, his latest single, “Dumped,” and plenty more. 
Ones to Watch: So, tell me the story behind “Dumped?”
Aidan Bissett: Wow, that’s a good question. I wish when I wrote it, it came from like, I had just been dumped… Well, okay, I had sort of been dumped. I don’t know how to explain that, but let’s just say I was in a relationship, taking time off, in a sense. When we were writing it, it was me, my friends, Ryan and Sean, and we were writing in a zoom session for like three hours. It was not a good song, and none of the three of us wanted to say it was a bad song. So, we were like, “OK, we are going to go take a break for a little.” 
Then I pulled my guitar off the wall and started messing around, because when I get bored, especially in sessions, I like to try and take my mind off things. I’ll play random chords and sing random lyrics, like ad-lib over them just for fun. So, I started playing like three chords that are all throughout “Dumped,” singing this hook line that—it’s going to sound really weird—“I’m taking dumps all the time.” The guy I was producing it with was like, “OK, gross,” but that actually could be really cool… what if we change it to “I’m getting dumped all the time.” And I was like, “Woah.” That’s kind of how it started and we were on a roll and wrote the whole song in two hours.
And the song does mean a lot to me, because I have actually been dumped, multiple times. It sucks, it’s not a fun feeling, so every time I listen to it, it is kind of an “f you” type of song. Like, “yeah, I got dumped but I’m better off on my own anyway.” I always like that feeling better than wallowing in sadness. So, for anyone who does listen to it, I hope that it helps bring you out of the mourn and into a new light.
In the music video, you are seen reading an “Idiot's Guide To Love.” What was the last book you read?
I do love reading, I’ve always liked reading. I have not, in the past year, read a ton of books, which sucks because I actually do like reading. Well, okay, my senior year of high school I read like 13 books but a lot of them were for school. But they were still good books! I’m in the middle of reading Dune, which is very good so far. So, hopefully, I can finish that before the movie comes out. But yeah, I do like reading… when I have the time to sit down with my ADHD mind.
“Dumped” is a noted sonic transition for you. Can you tell me about how you approach your genre-spanning sound?
I don’t really like putting myself in one genre. I’m in a certain lane in the sense I do indie-pop, I do alternative, but I don't want to do straight pop. I feel like it's such a box, and it’s so limiting. I just love exploring different sounds, so even from the start, I put out “Different,” and then the second song was “Worst Girls Of All Time,” which was a completely different sound than the indie-pop wave that “Different” is. So, me putting out stuff like this after “Communication” is me exploring new sounds. To be honest, the things I like to hear always change, the bands that I’m listening to are always changing, and I take a lot of inspiration from a lot of different bands. I just love trying new things. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t, but it just keeps me on my toes instead of just doing the same formula over and over again.
What are you listening to right now?
That’s a good question, it’s kind of all over the place. There’s this one girl, Remi Wolf, who I’ve been non-stop listening to… I have been listening to her for a minute. When she put out her first EP, I loved it. But now, she’s putting out these new tracks and Solomonophonic, her producer, he’s just incredible and her voice is incredible. They are doing so many things that just aren’t normal in this time of music; it’s just so her own lane. I find that really inspiring in the sense that she’s carving her own path and not following in the line of others.
I feel like I’m always listening to Wallows no matter what. I always have them ready to go. COIN. Role Model’s rolling out new stuff so I’m excited for that, he’s kind of taking a change in his own discography. [The] sounds that he is doing are definitely a lot different from his earlier stuff. This guy, binki. He’s actually opening for Role Model on this tour. Oh my gosh! His music’s insane, so cool. It’s got so many sounds going on, similar to Remi Wolf, there’s so much going on, you’re like ‘wow.. I’ve never heard something like this before.’
For those who don’t know, you write, record and produce your music all by yourself. Can you walk me through your creative process?
Yeah, I’m very musically-driven. Everyone has their own thing, I feel like a lot of artists, like the Olivia Rodrigo types, are lyrically-driven. I’m definitely music first, lyrics second. So, when I sit down to write something I try and get something I latch onto. I’m like, “Oh, this sounds cool. Lyrics could sound cool over this.” Anytime I go into a session or I’m recording by myself, I try to lay down some form of music, and then I’ll freestyle lyrics or freestyle melodies over the top, or pick a melody I like and throw lyrics over that melody. Whether that’s a hook or a verse, that kind of just depends on how I’m feeling. It’s definitely a bit unconventional compared to other artists. I feel like artists are a bit more put together when it comes to writing music just because I’ve only been doing it for like a year-and-a-half. But I have my own process, and it works. Every time I write something I learn something new. I’m excited to see, even a year from now, what my process will be… and even if it's completely different or efficient, who knows?
Tell me about the influence of music in your childhood and the decision for you to be a musician at a young age - you started playing electric guitar very young - what was your household like? Musical family?
My dad wanted the kids in our family, I have two other siblings, to play an instrument for two years during our young adult life. He wanted us to play piano before we got to pick, so we had two years of piano and then we had to pick an instrument. So, my sister went and played two years of piano and didn’t really stick with it afterward. Then, it was my turn and I was like, “Well, I don’t really want to play piano, can I play guitar?” And since I was the only one who asked, who expressed interest in a different instrument, he was like, “Sure.” I started in second grade and I’ve stuck with it the entire time. I took lessons for years, and that’s how I kind of got into the classic rock scene. My dad was a huge classic rock fan so he showed me all greats… and that was all I listened to for years. It definitely had a large impact on what I did. I would even play in little recitals, and I always played classic rock songs like AC/DC or Guns N’ Roses.
It wasn’t necessarily a musical household, like my dad isn’t musical, my mom isn’t musical. The reason he wanted us to play an instrument is because his mom made him play an instrument as a kid, so he was like, “You guys get to do that, too.” But it is true, one of us ended up using it.
What do you want people to take away from “Dumped?”
It’s an amp-up song. I want them to feel energized, to be happy with yourself. Getting hurt in relationships happens all the time, but it's okay to get hurt in a relationship. It’s kind of how you bounce back, and I want this song to be like a bounce back. Like, you hear it and, “Oh! This is me bouncing back! I don’t need to sit and cry anymore, because that’s not fun.” Sitting and crying is okay, everyone’s done it, but there’s a point that you reach, in that break-up phase, when the crying needs to stop and you need to go out and live and be the person that you are, independently. So, I would hope that it inspires you to be your independent, wonderful self again.
Is there anything else you would like to say about your music, or in general, that you want to take the chance now to say?
Well, I’m sitting on a lot of songs. So, I’m excited to get all the rest out, and again, everything is so diverse. All the music is so diverse, I just feel like each song is its own thing, which I really enjoy. I feel that’s really unique to my own music, where you’re getting something new every time. I’m moving to LA. That’s the other thing. So, if anyone sees me in LA, please stop me and say hello!
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twdmusicboxmystery · 4 years
S6 Template for Where We Are Currently in the Show
Morning Everyone! So, after getting a particular Ask almost two weeks ago about shirt colors (black and white) in 6x08 and 6x09 pointing to future story arcs, I decided to re-watch the episodes and see what I came up with. This post is what came out of that. It’s a bit long, so get comfortable, but I had tons of fun rewatching these. I don’t get to do that much anymore these days.
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So, I looked at Carol's white shirt in these episodes, but as I watched, I kept going back to an earlier time that we'd seen Carol wearing a white shirt. 
Remember, this was the episode where she went out together acorns and had to kill that really Beth-ish walker and then come back and shower and change her clothes. It's also in this episode that she takes Tobin acorn cookies. And they’re pink. (Pink Theory)
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So, the gist of what I'm going to say is that I think the entire season is a template for what's going happen moving forward. And honestly, we’ve seen this often enough that it's probably true of every season in some way or another. But will stick with S6 for now.
So, in thinking about Carol and Tobin 6x02, something occurred to me. I think Tobin is a prequel/foreshadow/forerunner of Ezekiel. It's actually a fairly common way to foreshadow something: have a smaller instance of it to foreshadow the bigger instance. I’ve said that with Glenn's death before. His death fakeout served many purposes, but in terms of his own arc, it was a foreshadow of his upcoming real death. In this case, they just put Carol in a short-term relationship in order to foreshadow her long-term relationship with Ezekiel.
And I bet if we studied Carzekiel as closely as we study Bethyl, we would come up with a lot of dialogue parallels and such. I don't have a whole lot of them, but I can think of one major event that was the same in both cases. ( I just had the thought that Carol showing up at Tobin's doorstep with cookies is a whole lot like Ezekiel showing up at her cabin with the pomegranate.)
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So, in Carol and Tobin's arc together, remember that she takes off and leaves him at the end of S6. That's when Morgan goes after her and it leads to her finding Ezekiel in the Kingdom. (Not at all an accident that she leaves Tobin and immediately runs in to her soulmate.)
I'm equating that with her leaving Ezekiel after Henry died. And Henry is the other part of the parallel. Carol left Tobin because she was dealing with Sam's death. The death of a child that she felt guilty about. She left Ezekiel for the same reason, after Henry's death. So, you can see the parallels between the two arcs. And that shows that what happened in S6 can foreshadow what's happening currently in the show between her and Ezekiel.
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I promise I'll stop talking about Carol and get to the more important stuff. But one more interesting thing that kinda made my jaw drop: After Creepy Wolf Dude took Denise and Morgan, Carol, Rosita, and Tara are on the brownstone together, Carol is looking out the window and Morgan walks up behind her.
He says, "you had a child? A husband?" And it's interesting because he doesn't say daughter, and Carol doesn't reference Sophia or Ed by name. And if you think about what's happened—Morgan was trying to keep her from killing Creepy Wolf Dude because "life is precious" and all that—there's really no reason for him to randomly ask about her past. But I think this shows that it's a foreshadow of what's to come. The next time around, they'll be talking about Ezekiel and Henry, rather than Ed and Sophia.
Okay, so all that was just to show that the entire season foreshadows what's to come. And when I watched 6x09, Daryl, Sasha, and Abraham on the road with the saviors, my just my mind just kept going back to the previous episode about them, which was 6x06.
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And we all know how much Beth symbolism was in that. 
We saw Daryl meeting Dwight in the woods in 6x06 and all of the symbolism there. We already know from plenty of analyzing that Sasha and Abraham represent Beth and Daryl. I also think, in some cases, the two of them together represent Beth. But if you look at Daryl's arc in a very broad way for 6x06, we have him getting separated from Sasha and Abe (Beth) and by the end of the episode, he finds them again.
So, in terms of S6 being a template, 6x06 represents Beth and Daryl's entire separation arc. It's on a very small scale, but it kind of makes sense, doesn't it? Why the place they stayed, and Daryl later found them again had a sunrise on it. Why Sasha wrote his name with the huge X in the center. It's to show that this is a type of Beth and Daryl’s separation arc and then their reunion.
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 Okay, so let's go back to what’s happening in S6. I'm not going to do this chronologically, but let's start with Daryl on the road meeting saviors. I want to point out one thing. The main leader of this group says something I've always zeroed in on but could never quite make fit.
At one point, he says, "ding dong, Hells bells." That's a reference to the Wizard of Oz. Because, "ding dong, the wicked witch is dead." I've always wanted to make that a Beth thing because the Wizard of Oz template was used for the Grady storyline. When I first heard it, back when this episode aired, I felt sure it was because she was with the Saviors and it was a hint toward that. Obviously not.
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But now I'm seeing that this is a Beth template, and that's probably why they put this here. Also notice the Saviors here are wearing black. Which could mean that they foreshadow the CRM. So, the most obvious thing I'm seeing here is that per 6x06, Beth and Daryl reunite after being separated for a long time. Then, on the road back to Alexandria, they run into the CRM (people in black). Maybe Daryl blows up the CRM in some way or kills them. And that will bring TF into a war with the helicopter group, much like it did with the Saviors.
(@frangipanilove​ also pointed out that there’s an AC/DC song called Hells Bells. So there’s a musical reference thrown into the mix. Which is awesome! ;D)
Okay, the next thing Nonny said is that Glenn and Enid probably represent Beth. I think that's true, but I think she's represented in a lot of different ways in this sequence. Specifically, through Sasha/Abe, Glenn/Enid, and Denise.
I won't need to go into a lot of detail about Denise. I didn’t see a whole lot more here than I’ve said in the past. I still think her being taken captive by Creepy Wolf Dude is a foreshadow of a storyline for Beth. There were two lines of dialogue that jumped out and me. When she’s in the brownstone, alone, with Creepy Wolf Dude, she tells him to "show me the wound." That SUPER jumped out at me because in 9x05 when Rick left, we heard Beth’s voice say, “what’s your wound.” Very similar.
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The other one was Creepy Wolf Dude explaining how he got his injury. It really wasn't a bite. He said he was breaking into a car and got cut on a rusty bumper. So, the car mention really jumped out at me. I feel like were going to see the fulfillment of this sequence with Creepy Wolf Dude and Denise for Beth sometime after she wakes up. Maybe whoever saved her after Coda gets hurt and she tends to them medically. He also talked about wanting to take over the wall with him to the outside and about how it wasn't as scary out there as she thinks it is. So yeah, it still screams Beth to me.
For Enid and Glenn, they return, and immediately run into Beth's (the blue, green, and yellow) church. And there, they find a gun. We have a combination of the weapon and the biblical symbols. Glenn even tells Enid to look inside the Bibles in case one of them is hollowed out.
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But the biggest thing here is that Maggie was in trouble and they came back to save her. And they sort of did, but then Glenn got in trouble and Sashraham showed up to save the day. So, we have two separate instances (Glenn/Enid and Sasha/Abraham) of Beth or Bethyl showing up in the nick of time to save everybody. I think we can all get behind that.
Also, when Maggie gets up on the scaffold, we see the red and green together. Green cord, Maggie’s red shoelaces. We’ve always seen that as a resurrection symbol, and said it probably has to do with Glenn being alive. I still think that’s true, but taken a broader context, it could also be a foreshadow of Beth's return and that this is a template for it.
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Okay, so let's look at this from a little bit broader view. We have five main groups that these two episodes focus on alternately. Maggie, Daryl/Sasha/Abraham, Tara/Rosita/Eugene, Carol/Morgan (by 6x09, the two of them merge with Eugene’s group) and then Rick and Michonne's group who are in Jesse's house. 
(For the record, there are two other groups we see very briefly but they aren’t focused on in this episode. One is Olivia and Eric (Aaron's boyfriend) in the armory. We don't see what they're doing except that when the rest of the group runs out into the street to fight the walkers, they join in. And finally, the group that's in the infirmary before Denise gets there. This includes Aaron and Heath. Especially where Heath is concerned, I think that's super important. I’ll come back to it in a minute.)
I’ll start by talking about Morgan, Carol, Tara, Rosita, and Eugene. There’s definitely some interesting dialogue, especially from Eugene. I also think it's super important that they all seem to be wearing light-colored shirts, and that Eugene and Carol are in the same place.
Because where we are currently in the series is that Eugene and Ezekiel are the same place. Now, Ezekiel wasn’t in the show at this point, so it was impossible to have him here, but I'm wondering if at some point in the spinoff, Carol and Daryl will split up and go their separate ways and Carol will go to find Ezekiel.
(We already know there will be a falling out between Daryl and Carol in the upcoming bonus episodes and that they will go their separate ways for a time. Obviously they’ll come back together for the spinnof. But I think this separation foreshadows that in the spinoff, they’ll leave together, but at some point they’ll split up and go to separate places. We saw this with Huck and Felix in TWB, which is a template for the spinoff. And my theory is that Carol will go to find Ezekiel when that happens.)
That's really the biggest thing I think this points to. I also wonder how and if Morgan will be involved. Since he still alive, he could be. But he's also not on the show right now, so it's hard to tell. I suppose it just depends on where FTWD is at that point, and if they bring him back or cross him over into the spinoff. I think that's a real possibility.
I also want to point out the beginning of 6x08, right after the church falls, Carol trips and falls down. It turns out, she slipped on some bullets. Morgan helps her up and they run into the brownstone. It then goes on to say that she's hurt in the head and may even have a concussion.
Now, my first thought was that was super unrealistic, since all she did was trip and fall and we don’t even really see her hit her head. But she's also tricking Morgan and pretending to be more hurt than she actually is, so it may just be a ruse anyway. 
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But the point is, between the bullets, and the mention of concussion, that's a huge Beth parallel. So, not sure if this points to Carol being part of a death fakeout, or somehow it's pointing back to Beth. If anything, I think it might point toward the Carzekiel death fakeout because it's after this that Morgan mentions you had—past tense—a son and a husband. So, if I'm right about that, we have a representation of the fake out, and then eventually Carol goes to where Eugene is. See what I mean?
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Oh, one more cool thing about Eugene’s group? Remember at first it was him and Tara and Rosita in the garage. Eugene had to pick the lock to get into the house. As soon as he does, they run into Denise and Creepy Wolf Dude kidnapping her. Um…Denise = Beth, so this may well be a representation of Eugene and his two friends (in S10 it’s Yumiko and Ezekiel) running into Beth. Also notice the lock/key reference that led to her. Just saying.
Okay, let's talk about Rick and Michonne’s group. In a lot of ways, this might be the biggest deal, but it's also the most fluid. I had a hard time seeing much of anything as a foreshadow from this group. At least, during the first part in Jesse's house. I mean, Rick is with Jesse, and there's drama between Ron and Carl. I've said before that a lot of their dialogue foreshadow Ron’s death for sure. But I just wasn't seeing anything very new. But I will say now that I think that this does foreshadow Carl's death as well. I get to that in a minute.
But I really started seeing some important stuff with Rick and Michonne’s group in 6x09 when they all moved out into the crowd of walkers covered in guts.
When they decide to go to the quarry instead of the armory (because they can’t get to the armory) Jesse says Judith won't make it. And Father Gabriel says he'll take Judith and protect her. I'm sure you can figure out why think that's important.
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1)     The Sirius character who represents Beth takes Judith with him to protect her.
2)     We have a representation of Rick and Michonne and being separated from Judith. Even if FG just represents himself in this sequence, where we are in the series now, we have Judith and FG in the same place. So again, this feels like a representation of where we are now. Rick and Michonne have left Judith in, sort of, Gabriel’s care. (I know she’s really more in Daryl’s care, but Michonne did tell her to be good for Aunt Rosita, and if Daryl doesn’t leave with Carol to get Judith in the spin-off—if it’s about Rick instead or something—I’m assuming he’ll leave the kids with Maggie and Gabriel.)
Interestingly, Rick and Michonne are still together, which they aren’t where we are now in the series, but we don't know how long it's gonna take Michonne to find Rick. She might find him quickly and the two of them will be together for significant period of time together inside the CRM. The point is, they’re in a different place than Judith.
So, the group moves on, and of course both Sam and Jesse are killed. And when Ron tries to shoot Rick, Michonne kills him and Carl is shot.
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This is the next significant piece. Of course we all know that Carl was shot in the eye in the comic books, so it’s something that they were always going to do in the show. But I really think this probably foreshadows Carl's death as well. Much like Glenn, his almost death here could be used as a foreshadowing for his real death down the line.
Of course, Rick picks him up and he and Michonne make their way to the infirmary. And here's what really jumped out at me about the infirmary: Heath is there.
Angela Kang has confirmed that Heath is inside the CRM. We know Rick is inside it somewhere, and that Michonne is heading to him. So, we have this interesting sequence where Michonne and Rick arrive in a new place and Heath is already there. See what I mean? So, I think we could possibly interpret this as Carl getting shot foreshadowing Carl's death, and then sometime after that, Rick and Michonne and end up at the CRM with Heath.
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But I can even give you third possibility here. With Carl being hurt, Rick goes into one of his losing-it trances and leaves the infirmary with his ax to fight the walkers. We hear Michonne screaming after him to wait. She waits until Denise has a good handle on Carl's condition and then she hurries after Rick to fight the walkers. I always loved this scene.
This is the only real representation I saw of Rick and Michonne being separated for a short period of time. Because he heads out without her.
So, think of it this way. He heads out into a hoard of walkers alone. And she screaming his name. Sounds a lot like what happened when he disappeared in 9x05. Meanwhile, Michonne stays behind, taking care of Rick's kids. In this case, it's Carl, but in S9, it’s Judith and RJ. Then, when she sure Carl is safe, or as safe as she can make him, she kisses him goodbye and goes after Rick. So, kind of like she left Judith and RJ behind to go look for Rick. Interestingly, who did she leave Carl with in S6? Denise. Who is a proxy of Beth.
So, I get that all of these overlap and they're very nonlinear. But I’m sure you can see what I mean about why I think all of S6 is a foreshadow of what's to come. And where we are right now in the series is at the crossroads of a lot of these possible foreshadows. Especially of Eugene finding Denise/Beth.
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And if we’re super literal with the interpretation, we might even say that Eugene finds Beth (Denise) in the Commonwealth, but then she leaves with someone else (whoever the equivalent of Creepy Wolf Dude will be for Beth) and then Denise goes to the infirmary, which is probably the CRM because Heath is there. And she's there when Rick and Michonne arrive.
I'm not at all set in stone about what I think will happen. I'm just saying its possibility. Beth, CRM, and Rick are things we’ve been looking at closely since Rick left in S9, so this is super-interesting.
Kind of a footnote, but when Denise is still with Creepy Wolf Dude, Carol shoots him. I'm not really sure how to interpret that. Maybe that was just for this episode and not part of the template. Because Carol was still with Eugene's group, but she went outside, saw Denise and Creepy Wolf Dude, and shot him so Denise could get away. So, no idea how to interpret that for future storyline, but it's kind of interesting. Carol being at all involved could possibly be traced back to the fact that she and Beth were at Grady together. Also makes me wonder if maybe at some point in TWB, Huck will shoot someone to save Will, Felix's boyfriend. Just because of the parallels.
And finally, I feel like Rick and Michonne going outside and leading the charge against all the walkers is something that has been foreshadowed many times. Remember that when I talked about 7x08, I said that Rick and Michonne coming to hilltop represented them returning after the CRM to Alexandria to lead the war? I saw this same thing foreshadowed in 8x09 when they return to Alexandria and find out Carl’s been bitten.
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In this case, they fight walkers rather than people (the CRM) so I don't know if that translates to the same thing, but the two of them being out there make other people want to join the fight. People come out of their respective hiding places and all of them fight the walkers together. And obviously, in the war against the CRM, everyone's going to have to work together.
I even wondered if these different little groups could represent different factions (Alexandria, Hilltop, the Kingdom, but also the people from Fear, the people from TWB, and anyone Beth might bring with her.) But I couldn't pin down who would be who. For example, if Carol, Eugene etc. represent the Commonwealth, that could be one group who comes out to help. Father Gabriel and the people who were in the church coming out to help could represent the people at Alexandria etc. You get the idea.
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And of course while all this is going on, we had the super interesting symbolism of Daryl, driving the Paddy truck (Beth symbol), picking up several people which include Glenn, Enid, Sasha, Abraham (all Beth proxies) using gasoline (Beth symbol) and fire (Beth symbol) to set a body of water (Beth symbol) on fire (Bethyl symbol).
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And it really goes along well with everything we've always said. I definitely think that the entire group is going to be fighting a big war and Beth isn’t by far going to be the only component. But something about her or maybe her and Daryl together come back with a key or a weapon that will help them win the war. If Daryl hadn't started that lake on fire, the walkers might have overwhelmed them all. It simply gave them the edge they needed to keep fighting and actually win.
And of course, in the sequence we see Daryl join the fight with two knives, including Beth's.
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Okay, I'll stop there. Just a lot of food for thought, no?
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jumphq · 6 years
Post-Mortem, Sparrow Tour 2018
This was a month that felt like four months. I don’t mean that in a bad way. I mean that in the amazing way that doing all sorts of brand-new things and being very much in the moment seems to slow down time. There are articles written about this phenomena, actually: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-empowerment-diary/201705/how-slow-down-time. According to this article, the reason September went by so freaking meaningfully is that we were bombarding ourselves with Firsts. First big tour in support of Sparrow. First time in a long time heading back to the Northeast and Midwest. First time I had to add an actual keyboard to the list of instruments I bring on stage, and within that one instrument there were dozens of sounds I had to reproduce. Etcetera, etcetera.
We worked hard. I don’t know if it’s readily ascertainable that being in a rock and roll band is tons of work by looking at one. It’s fun work, usually, but has its moments of being very intense. Especially when a new album comes out. There is radio to do in the mornings, interviews scattered during the day, loading in and out of venues, and we added soundcheck meet & greets that meant that once we arrived in a city, we were going to be working from then until show, basically.
It’s so fulfilling, though. I am the kind of person that works hard, all the time. I push and push myself (sometimes for no seeming reason), and am frustrated and disappointed with myself when I don’t get enough done. I would be classified as a “type-A” person, and I don’t mind. But sometimes I’m just working on “things” that I’m not as passionate about. An eight hour day of working on something I’m not emotionally connected to is much more tiring than working sixteen hours a day on something I believe in and care about. Being in JLC is that kind of job.
We needed every second that we had to put this tour together. These new songs are hardto play. There is so much going on in each and every song on Sparrow. Not necessarily more than on earlier recordings, but keep in mind that we never had to re-learn songs after other albums; we had been playing them live forever before we got to the studio and didn’t change them much after. There has always been a “live version” and a “studio version” of early Jump songs.
Not this time. Jay spent a crazy amount of time accessing the original recording files and turning his voice and Ward’s cello parts into samples that I could play on the keytar. While Evan didn’t really want to play to tracks, he add some electronic drums to his repertoire to approximate some of the parts live. Ward brought two guitars on tour for the first time, and Johnny played not only electric bass but a beloved new Moog Phatty. It was complicated, felt a little bit fragile, at first, but once we got the hang of things it was fun.
Hurricane Florence, while not visiting Charleston, still brought chaos to the city. There was anxiety felt wondering whether we’d be hit and how that would affect our practice. Shops and roads started closing down and we made a move so the entire band could be close by in case of flooding. In the end we were very very lucky, but there were still repercussions for us. We were trying to fulfill our PledgeMusic items, to get them sent out before tour, but this didn’t happen because mail basically shut down in NC, SC, and GA. This put us a full week behind, and we spent the rest of the month trying to catch up on many things.
Even in the last few days of rehearsal we were all feeling a bit overwhelmed. We camped out at the Footlight Player’s Theatre and the goal was to have a “listening party”, a final rehearsal before we hit the road, and that night, to be honest, I was not ready. Lyrics weren’t memorized and I had to think way too much about parts and how to play them. We were being hard on ourselves, though, and the response was so encouraging afterwards I didn’t mind spending the rest of that week’s dinner breaks to get in some extra practice so that the songs could feel comfortable.
Once the shows began, a quick weekend to some of our favorites: Charlotte, Atlanta, Columbia, where we were starting to find our groove. Raleigh, though, and the Lincoln Theatre, was a special surprise. It was Sunday, we hadn’t had a day off in three weeks, we were exhausted. It wasn’t the largest crowd we’ve played to, but that show was so much fun. People there were there to have a good time, and it put us into overdrive. Thank you so much, Raleigh.
The next leg was in the Northeast (and DC, where I insulted many a mid-Atlantic inhabitant). We hadn’t been there in fifteen years, but every show was sold out or nearly so, and that made us feel so great. These shows were our first of the City Winery gigs, and they were good to us. Great sound, great food. There were many highlights, for me, up North. We had a duo of ASL interpreters in DC that had mad sign-singing skills, and were more fun to watch than we were. Our show at Le Poisson Rouge made us feel so sexy to sell out such a great place in the Big Apple. Performance-wise, the NYC show was my favorite performance-wise; I felt really “on” that night. The super-intimate punk-rock feel of Union Pool in Brooklyn was refreshing after the lovely but slightly clinical City Wineries. We had to put Wardie in a corner to fit on stage, and many Dirty Dancing jokes were necessary. Our old pal the Mommyheads came to play with us, and they were as good as they were 20 years ago. Lots of our fans came just to see them that night and I didn’t mind at all. We had a lovely evening off with three people that pledged for the album and got to go to a Dr. Who-themed bar with us. The trio couldn’t have been more interesting and fun to hang out with: the professional bassoonist, the research monitor, and the Facebook developer. Loved that evening, and Ward got to show off his hipster Brooklyn knowledge by taking us to great places for dinner and dessert.
And Chicago! My kind of town. Chicago was a big deal for me personally, because I knew that the audience was going to be made up of a lot of friends and family that had never seen the band before, never seen me in that light, literally. I was a little nervous about that show, and I rarely get nervous. I also wanted very much for Chicago to be the show that was 100% accessible to the d/Deaf and hard of hearing. City Winery worked so hard with me to provide CART real-time captioning for all the goofy stuff we said in-between songs. And the captioning of the lyrics was provided by my other passion job, CaptionPoint, built by my wife Lindsay and run by my dear friend Lora. It was even more successful than I had hoped, the captions looked great on both sides of the stage. It was the first time Lindsay had ever been able to fully experience a JLC show; I am sure that our stage patter was absolutely worth the wait.
Wow. As I’m writing this I realize again how relatively short the tour was: after Chicago there were only three more dates. But it felt like we did so much. We saw so many of you, talked to everyone as long as we could and took pictures. The “soundcheck parties” were so fun for us. Seeing everyone again was energizing, to me. I wished at times that I could have spent more time. You said such wonderful, heartfelt things, things that I heard very clearly and appreciated completely. I am honored that this band and music and community has meant so much to you over the years; you mean everything to us. When people told me that they liked Sparrow I knew they were telling the truth and not just making conversation. Nothing could have made us happier. Like I said: fulfilling.
Athens was a highlight: we hadn’t seen the GA Theatre since it burned in 2009. The renovation was beautiful. They managed to keep the vibe of the place while making it all so much…better. But the fans in Athens have always been a special breed and we could have played on the streets if that was the only way to get to them. In the new GA Theatre we didn’t have to.
And finally, the Charleston Music Hall. Our new home. Our new “Dock Street”, a place that just makes us feel like the chamber-pop stars we are. We will see you soon, CMH.
This post is a marathon. If you’ve gotten this far, you must be a fan of the band, so I appreciate it. I want to thank many people for making this tour and this year possible, because…contrary to pop belief, we are not a famous rock band with loads of cash and there were many many donated hours that made this tour work.
Our manager Vance’s sidekicks on the Crew were Nick Stewart, the Ultimate Intern, hazed by his boss into oblivion and seemed to love every minute. He sold you tee shirts this time, but he’s going to be running something big someday. Herbie Jeffcoat, monitors and front-of-house, the sweetest “country boy” (his words, but also true) you could want on your team. Especially funny this time was hearing Herbie converse in his potent Southern accent with the FOH in Boston with a potent accent of his own. Translators were required.
Mike Rogers: what a treat it is to have gotten to know you both as a professional sound engineer and family member. I think that if Dad and your Mom had a reason to work with each other growing up like Evan and I have with you, our families would be closer than they are. Let’s keep working at it.
Alison Kendrick! The person that would be sooo bad at being a ninja because she simply wouldn’t be able to be quiet because life is just SO MUCH FUN and worth every giggle: thank you. Teasing aside, Alison is a complete and utter professional, a doer but more importantly a Problem Solver, and I truly would not have been able to do all the things internet-related without you. Thank you for being a mentor and a real friend. If you’d like to work with Alison yourself, please go to akshouts.com
Our uncomfortably attractive lawyer Gabe Fleet is genuinely fun to hang out with, giving attorneys a good name. Old pal Josh Terry and his amazing team in Maddison and Jen at Workshop Management opened doors that are closed to most people so thank you for helping us walk through them. New friends Sue, Lindsay and Tyler at Stunt Company put us in front of the movers and shakers and some (NPR, Paste, American Songwriter) actually liked what they heard.
Chris Slack, you hold all the archival keys to our kingdom and are dear to us for much more than that. Nate Baerreis and Ed and Val Schooling Brantley made us look so cool, so often. How, we will never know. Thank you.
Thanks to our families who let us be gone as much as we have been, this year. Some of you haven’t experienced not having us around, and I know it was hard, but thank you for being so supportive. We love you.
And Chief “Not-Getting-Paid-What-He’s-Worth” is Vance McNabb, who is still working on this tour two weeks later and won’t be done for a while. There are no ways to thank you, V, except perhaps to find a way to make Sparrow huge so you can get a massive raise and hire tons of people to help you. So, we’ll work on that.
Actually…will y’all please help us work on that? If not for us, for Vance? Thank you. And thank you most of all, for letting us make this album. Sparrow is a beautiful thing to us and we’re so lucky that you wanted to hear it. We are lucky that we got to make it. But it isn’t over, is it? There are ways we can try to keep this machine going, if you are willing. More in another post.
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madcapmoon · 6 years
Brendan Canty interview
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by Sean Fogarty Dec 1998
So through this one-degree-of-separation thing, I find out that my Aunt Susie knows Brendan Canty, the drummer of Fugazi (long story…). I invited her to their show at the Sanctuary Theater in DC last December, and she introduced me to him after their set. He was nice enough to invite me into his home for an interview a few days later. Hell, he even let me check out his studio and gave me a bunch of iced tea while I was there. What a champ… This is part of our conversation. Oh, and by the way, Aunt Susie really liked the show, so if you EVER get the chance, take her word for it and go see ‘em rawk!!!
Sean: Have you had any problems balancing the marriage / kids thing with the band?
Brendan: There has been a period of adjustment in the last year for us, but also for the band.
Are you the only one that’s married?
No, Joe is married also. But I’m the only one with kids.
What kinds of changes have you had to make?
Well, we’ve been touring a lot less. Since he was born we’ve only been on three tours and we’ve only done two and a half or three weeks on each one. If you juxtapose that with how much we used to tour, which was about six months out of the year, it’s been a great shift. But it’s also been great because at the same time we’ve been able to get a lot of stuff done. We’ve been able to finish up this movie thing after years and years of working on it. And I’ve been able to spend a lot of time with my family. I’ve also been able to spend a lot of time working on soundtrack stuff and writing for the band. Whereas earlier this year I felt like we were kind of hitting a glass wall writing-wise. As things felt like they were getting more normalized, as far as our shorter touring schedule, and everybody in the band becoming more used to it, I feel like now, in these past few months, when we sit in the basement, we can come up with stuff instantaneously. We’ve been writing tons, and it feels great. I felt like there’s a lot of shifts, a lot of transitions going on. Not just in the last year since Asa was born, but before that. You get really uptight when you’re pregnant. It’s like being constipated or something. You’re just waiting for this thing to happen, and you might not even notice it, but you get very tense about it. The anxiety of the possibilities that could happen really get to you after a while. So while I was going through that, my bandmates were going through it also, as far as what might change or the way things were going to change. And just that anticipation of change was something that could have easily broken us up as a band. But the fact is that everybody really kept their cool and they’ve been really supportive. And I think we’ve come out more productive. Well, I don’t know about more productive. We certainly were getting a lot done when just the four of us were touring nonstop, but it’s nice to know that you can have a kid and still get things done music-wise.
Have you gotten him started with music at all?
Oh, yeah. He’s fourteen months old. He’s been walking since he was eight months old, and he’s been playing drums since he was about six months old. (laughs) Yeah, he loves the drums and the piano. He’s got a snare drum and a tom that he plays all the time.
Does he come to practices and shows?
He’s seen me play. Once a year we play in Ft. Reno (in DC), and last August he got to see me play there for the first time. And he went to the Sanctuary (Theater, also in DC) show last week.
Does he wear earplugs?
At Ft. Reno, it’s outside, and at Sanctuary Theater he didn’t make it past the soundcheck. He’s actually pretty used to it. I’m not trying to blow out his eardrums, but like I said, he’s got a real passion for drums. Any time anybody is playing drums, he wants to play. I’ll sit down and play kick and hi-hat with my feet, and he’ll just work the rest of the toms and the snare and some of my cymbals. And it’s pretty spot on. But he does it and of course I’m really psyched, and I encourage it. I’m sure that’s part of it… part of it.
Being in a band for eleven years, it seems like devoting that much of your time and energy to a band you probably had to sacrifice some stuff along the way. Is there anything that you feel like if you could go back that you wish you could give more attention to, or that you feel like you sacrificed in order to dedicate yourself to Fugazi?
Retrospectively, no. There were certainly times in the midst of those eleven years where I felt regretful for doing things…
No regrets?
No regrets now, because a lot of that time, what I felt as regret then, was really just frustration. A lot of the time it was just logistical frustrations, like the fact that my wife was in school. Or it didn’t feel like it was really time to have kids or to do something differently, but you really wanted to. For me, a lot of it was that I always really wanted a home base and I always really wanted to have a kid. And I also really wanted to be creating and to devote as much time to Fugazi as possible. I feel like we create really well together. Everybody else was there and ready to go, and I really wanted to be there too. But at the same time I really wanted to have a home. I mean, I’ve lived in different group houses with people that I loved and was best friends, but it didn’t really feel like my home. That was a struggle that went on for years, and it’s finally resolved itself. So, in retrospect, I can say that it wasn’t really time, because I wouldn’t commit myself to it, so I obviously wasn’t ready for it. When I really did feel like I was ready for it, it happened really quickly. My wife was out of school. She’s a naturopathic doctor. So when she was out of school we could move on. She was ready to have a kid and I was really ready to have a kid, so we just went ahead and did it. So, retrospectively, I’m glad we didn’t sacrifice and have the kid the second year she was in middle school, or back before we made In on the Kill Taker or Red Medicine. That’s a constant trade off for everybody, the whole art vs. home, or home vs. away. Us sitting in the basement and making music is one part of what we do, but a big part of Fugazi is going out every night and going through the anxiety of proving ourselves as a decent band, against our extremely rigid standards. We really have such high, rigid standards for ourselves that two songs could be screwed up during a set and we’ll consider it the worst show we’ve ever played. I guess it’s some sort of psychosis….
Would you call yourself a perfectionist?
At different times, yeah. It’s mostly about yourself. I mean, you really want to be a fluid performer. You want to be able to getup there and not have to think about the fundamentals of playing a song. 99% of the set is the fundamentals, but that 1% is about getting above that and getting some sort of fluid spirituality on stage where you don’t think about that and you’re just sort of communicating with people on the musically level… Real interaction, where you can really hear each other and you can really elevate the set to something else where things can happen spontaneously, that doesn’t happen every night. You really want it to. Every tour, the first couple of shows are always awesome, so then it’s like, "How can I make it awesome every night?" So the next four or five nights, you’re really working at that. I spend a lot of time marking my drums so that they’re consistent every night. That’s pretty easy. You just put duct tape where all of your stuff goes. But playing different beats requires different body positions, so you’re just trying to get them so that all of those different body positions come naturally. You want it to happen as instinctually as possible, so the next week of the tour is spent trying to figure that out. You’ve finally figured that out and you’re about nine days into the tour… And now, with our shortened tour schedule, we only have a few days left, and that last week is usually pretty good.
Is that the big challenge that’s left for you guys? It seems like you’ve toured pretty much everywhere that’s possible to tour…
Not really.
What’s left then? Where do you still want to play?
We want to go to South Africa. There’s still a lot of places.
Aside from touring, what goals are still left for the band?
Our main goal is just to remain productive, to keep writing songs that satisfy us creatively, individually. It’s hard to have a specific goal, but I would say that the ultimate goal is being clear about what you want out of the band and out of music and each song… I’m on the verge of getting completely esoteric (laughs), but it’s basically simplicity vs. math rock. For me, I get a lot of kicks out of writing incredibly complicated shit and arranging songs to death.
What kinds of influence do you have as far as drumming and music go?
I don’t know. I guess it’s this King Crimson-y kind of thing that goes on fundamentally. It’s really kind of hard for me to just say, "Okay, you know those two notes played eight times sounds great." When you’re writing songs, you just want to push it, but at the same time, it’s not easy to visualize a two note song without lyrics on it. So I guess ultimately it would be a lot easier if Ian and Guy wrote lyrics really early in the process. Then our songs would be more simple. Like a lot of our older songs, Ian wrote the lyrics early on.
So do you guys write everything as a band now?
Not lyrics, but the music, yeah.
Is that why it’s so much more complex now?
Yeah, I think so. I think it’s also that you sit around and practice and try to make it better, but we don’t necessarily do that with lyrics. So we do write them to death, to the point where there’s no room for lyrics. So those guys have the responsibility of squeezing lyrics into songs that were written...
As instrumentals.
Yeah, as instrumentals. Which is basically almost every song on the last four records. Joe’s song is interesting on the last record. I thought that that was sort of getting back a little bit to the point where we were writing with lyrics. It interesting, once you actually hear the voice and hear the words, you get a real affection for the words. And you really want the words to achieve their goal, so you start working the songs around the lyrics. That’s where the demo comes in. A lot of times, you try to record it a few times, and then really record it. That song "Instrument", we had that song and there were so many guitars on it constantly that it was really full, as a lot of our stuff is. We were listening to a demo, and Guy just popped the guitars out of the song, and it was like, "Oh, there’s the song." Immediately, you can hear the lyrics and get the dynamic. But it’s hard to know when you’re writing songs, especially when you don’t have the lyrics. And it’s also hard when there’s four guys in the room to tell somebody not to play something. You really want a song to be as good as it can be, whatever it takes, whether it’s the most simple approach or the most complicated approach.
What I liked about Joe’s song, especially when you play it live, is that it kind of takes the spotlight away from Ian and Guy. Honestly, I’ve never seen an interview with either you or Joe. I’m not trying to start any shit or anything, but does that ever get annoying, that so much attention is focused on one or two members of the band?
You know, I actually like it this way. It’s a double-edged sword. Generally, I don’t like answering fan mail. I don’t mind doing interviews. I like it, but a lot of the time… Like, we had to do some interviews because we were going to Australia, so we had to call these people. I would call them up and the first thing they would ask me is, "How come Ian can’t do the interview?" And he gets it, too. Shit rolls downhill.
And then everybody wants to ask why he’s not straight edge anymore…
Yeah, exactly. It’s usually the first question. I’m not saying that’s true across the board, but there’s definitely a lot of people out there who only want to hear from Ian. There’s a few less people who want to hear from Ian and Guy. And I think there’s about four people who want to hear from Joe and I. (laughs) But yeah, it’s a double edged sword. It’s like, "I’m up for doing interviews, but fuck you. If you want to do an interview with Ian then I don’t want to…"
Waste your time.
Exactly. We did a whole interview for NPR, for "All Things Considered" about a month and a half ago. Me and Ian sat down and answered questions for an hour and a half or two hours. Every question was about 50/50, with both of us answering. Then they aired it and I wasn’t on it at all.
Not one bit?
No, they didn’t even acknowledge that I was there.
Oh, my god.
So, that kind of thing happens and it’s like, "Fuck you." Why would I even bother showing up? I stopped doing that seven years ago. For a long time we tried to do interviews where there were two of us, or all four of us. I would interject something and the person would go, "Uh-huh, yeah…" and then point the microphone back at Ian.
That’s got to be an awkward pressure for him.
Yeah, he gets really mad about it. Not only the pressure for him, but he gets so pissed for me. I’ve come to expect it, but he does get pretty pissed off. I wouldn’t have been so pissed (about NPR) if I hadn’t told my mom to listen. (laughs)
So when you guys are playing live, what’s the ideal reaction that you can get from a crowd and what’s the worst?
I’m not a big fan of spit. (laughs) A lot of people watch our show and think that we kind of try to curtain any kind of activity, if somebody’s being really violent… Which happens all of the fucking time. But we do it so that people can enjoy the show. But I think people think we’re really pissed, like the show’s over, because they’re not used to it. They’re not used to bands confronting people about it, about anything. But to us it’s no big deal.
You just want the one asshole to stop.
Exactly, there’s so many great people… I’ll tell ya, this last tour there have been more great crowds than I think we have ever had. Pretty much every night was awesome. Really mellow but cool crowds that were pretty jacked up, knew the songs, and were really psyched about it. And that helps. That lifts your morale so much. But there were times where somebody was throwing punches or there were five dickheads in the crowd doing the wall and pushing everybody. And you have to say something. Otherwise it will destroy the show for you. You can’t play music and be distracted by somebody punching or even pushing somebody to the music.
Like the other night at the Rock For Choice show (in VA), when that guy was just screaming out for a song in the middle of the quiet part of another song…
That was one of the better retorts from Ian.
That was so funny.
When he asked the other guy to remove his hat (and be polite when requesting a song). That was pretty quick.
Do you guys have any ritual-type stuff that you do when you tour or when you’re playing a show.
The whole thing is ritual. Every day is exactly the same.
No superstitious stuff?
No, nothing like that. I have to drink coffee before I play but that’s about it. I’ll tell you exactly how our days go. We usually get up around ten and take our showers and watch TV at the Super 8. We always stay at a Super 8 at this point, unless we’re at a friends house. And I guess we have a lot of friends now.
Probably a bunch you don’t even know…
Yeah. Then we pretty much hit the road, and eat at some shithole. Either Subway or Denny’s or some crap. Then we drive. Usually every day we drive about three or four hours. We get to the show at three thirty or so, and sound check. Jerry, our roadie and second drummer and trumpet player, and Nick Pellicciotto or Joey are usually there a little early. They drive in a Ryder van, and we drive in a mini-van. Then we load in. Then we all go get dinner, and come back by the first band. We usually watch the bands or sit around and chill out backstage and we have a little tea service. I go out and get some coffee so that I can drink coffee during the band just before us. And hopefully they have a good drummer that’ll make me play well. Then we play, and pack up, and usually drive another hour or so to another Super 8. So, it’s pretty spooky. But literally, that’s 99% of the days.
Does that bum you out when you are touring in these exotic, amazing places and you don’t get to do much of anything else?
But in Brazil or Australia of Japan or any of the places where you would take a day off, we schedule a day off. Or Seattle, because I have family. Okay, maybe not in every city. But we’ll take two or three days off in a row in Tokyo. Or even two days is plenty…
You’ll be back.
At some point, yeah. It would be nice to do more, but when you’re taking six guys to Tokyo or to Australia or Brazil, as Mike Watt says, if you’re not playing, you’re paying. (laughs) You know, because every night is three hotel rooms. And we don’t make ten thousand dollars a show. We try to keep our tickets low, so we try to maintain some kind of balance.
Aside from music, are you involved in any other kind of art?
Not really. I end up spending a lot of time with my son. I usually take the kid in the morning so my wife can work and see patients. And she’ll take him in the afternoon so that I can go record in the basement or go practice with Fugazi. Then she usually sees another patient in the evening, and I record after dinner for a couple of hours. Right now I’m working on miniseries called "Buildings, Bridges, and Tunnels" for Discovery. A friend of mine is a producer there, Kurt Sayenga, who is actually the same guy that did the artwork for our first three records. He worked for Discover for a long time doing documentaries and now he has his own production company. He produces his own documentaries and sells them to Discovery channel. And he mover to LA, which is kind of a drag. So I’m working for him now, doing the soundtrack.
What’s the music like?
It’s got a lot of trumpet and piano and drums. I always add the drums at the end. I record a lot of stuff to a drum machine, and then at the end I play real drums on it so that I can interact with the other stuff appropriately. It works great. Like I said, the drums can come and go when they’re appropriate.
And you can play off of the other stuff.
Exactly, you can accent on it. So, I’m doing that. And I just finished a cartoon called "History of Glamour" which right now is just a forty minute prototype of a cartoon. It’s a great story that was written by Theresa Duncan. And Jeremy Blake did the artwork with Karen Kilinnik. She’s a painter. She did sketches of fashion models. So they sort of appropriated her images and turned them into a cartoon. But it’s all about the fashion world. This girl comes from Nebraska to New York and starts a night club in a bathroom stall and it becomes famous. It’s basically people talking retrospectively about her life and her rise and fall. It’s sort of a "Citizen Kane" cartoon-style. I wrote and recorded a bunch of songs and had Kathi Wilcox from Bikini Kill record them. And the children’s songs… I’ve done three CD-Roms for Theresa Duncan. The first one was called "Chop Suey" and that was actually animated by Ian Svenonius from The Make-Up. My brother is in the band also. So he animated them back when she was still in Washington working for Magnet, which is an internet developer. Basically, her idea was to produce CD-Roms for little girls, because at the time there were none. There were about 40,000 different Doom-type games. She was looking for something that was basically a narrative, very imaginative. And she succeeded. In her wake there have been whole companies started. Disney started an all-girl company to tap into that market. Somebody started a company and they actually stole their logo.
Yeah, bastards. Whoever they may be… I can’t remember who it was.
Who cares? It’s the man.
That’s right, the damn man. She eventually sold the project to 20th Century Fox, speaking of the man. (laughs) But it’s really worked for her. I don’t know if they’re still making them. I think she made a deal with FAO Scwartz, and they are distributing all three titles. There’s "Chop Suey", "Smarty", which was called "Smarty-Pants" until we found out the name was registered to someone else, and "Zero Zero", which was a story about a little girl at the turn of the last century in Paris fantacizing about what the next century would be like. So my idea is, since I actually own all of that stuff, to make it into a children’s record, and to add more songs to it. Maybe next year.
Are you gonna do it through Dischord?
Cool. Thanks a lot…
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tonguetiedmag · 7 years
interview: sub-radio
For any fans of Walk the Moon or Two Door Cinema Club, Tongue Tied has just found your new favorite band: Sub-Radio. The DC-based group is currently in the midst of putting out a single every month after releasing their debut album last year and their sound is a fresh new addition to the indie-pop scene that will surely get you dancing upon first listen.
This summer, Sub-Radio played at Firefly Music Festival, and they have spent plenty of time touring up and down the east coast in the past. Thanks to the sheer confidence that vocalist Adam Bradley exudes and the entire band’s hilarious personalities, their live shows are a ton of fun. It’s no shock to anyone who has attended one of them that they’ve all been playing together since high school.
On Saturday, November 11th, the band brought their repertoire to NYC’s Rockwood Music Hall and Tongue Tied was lucky enough to catch them for an interview before the show.
How did you guys all meet, and what made you decide to actually form a band?
Matt: I had decided in like sixth grade that I wanted to play guitar and start a band and that was it. We all actually went to highschool together so we came together there and then it just picked up more and more steam so now we are where we are now!
Michael (Pereira): Yeah it’s kind of wild that none of the members have changed since our junior year of highschool. It’s the same core group and we’ve all been playing together through college and beyond.
What made you choose the name “Sub-Radio”?
Matt: We couldn’t think of a band name so we had the genius idea of pulling out a newspaper advertisement, closing our eyes and just throwing our fingers down at words. We came up with three words and somehow ended up with this other name that we’re not going to speak of and later we shortened it to Sub-Radio.
Michael (Pereira): Yeah we were operating under a different name for around eight years and so Sub-Radio is a name that has only existed for about a year and a half coming up on two.
How does the songwriting process work for you guys? Is it more of a solo thing or a collaborative effort?
Barry: So essentially the way that it works is that Matt will come up with something on guitar or Adam will come up with a melody or Perreira will come up with something and any of those three will come to us with that. So it’s usually a beat, a guitar riff or a vocal melody and from there we’ll just kinda hang in Matt’s basement and just jam on it for hours until we’re like “This sounds okay! Let’s do a shitty iPhone recording!”
How does being such long-time friends play into the dynamic of working together?
Michael (Pereira): Well it really makes it not feel like work. This is what we all love to do! We all individually love playing music but it makes it so much more fun playing music with long-time friends.
Adam: Yeah its family! We’ll run into these bands where every guy is in five other bands and plays different gigs every night so they never really see each other and that’s a totally foreign experience to me. This is our thing and this is what we do so we know what each other's lives and schedules are like and I think that’s really cool!
Matt: It’s also really cool that we all know how everyone operates at this point. There’s kinda no surprises with us so it’s really easy.
Barry: You can really see that in our live show and the way we interact with each other because it’s very friendly! You don’t see us as individuals playing but as a group.
How would you describe the feeling of being on stage and performing?
Barry: Fun! It’s just fun.
John: Yeah I mean we’re all kind of goofy guys and we really try to make that obvious on stage.
Adam: We do all of our songwriting in a basement so I think we want audiences to feel like they’ve just come into Matt’s basement for an evening. We want to be very personal and not have it be like you’re at a rock show where you’re watching the masters play their rock songs. I like not really having a divide between the audience and the band.
What album would each of you say has had the biggest impact on your life so far?  
Matt: From Under the Cork Tree by Fall Out Boy. Definitely.
John: Songs About Jane, Maroon 5.
Barry: I’m gonna have to say Random Access Memories by Daft Punk.
Michael (Pereira): I know it’s kind of recent so it’s not really defining of my entire musical experience, but I think one of the albums that has moved me the most has been The Human Condition by Jon Bellion.
Michael (Chinen): What really got me into music was Led Zepplin IV and I know thats sort of a cop out answer but yeah.
Adam: Genre-wise this makes no sense but I always come back to To Pimp a Butterfly by Kendrick Lamar! It’s an incredible album. I think the marriage of the art and the politics in one album is incredible.
You guys just played at Firefly this summer which is so cool! What are some other festivals that you hope to someday play?
All together: All of them!
Michael (Chinen): Yeah I mean Bonnaroo, Coachella, Summerfest, all of the big ones.
Michael (Pereira): SXSW, Life is Beautiful too.
Barry: I really want to play Lollapalooza!
Adam: I just want to play at Michelle Obama’s inauguration.
What’s your favorite show overall that you’ve played?
Michael (Chinen): For me it’s Firefly still just because it was so cool getting to play a festival.
Matt: Yeah, but I don’t even want to say Firefly just because that’s so obvious.
Adam: Honestly some of the best shows for me are the bar sets that we play at like midnight in DC where a bunch of our friends come out and we get to roll out some new stuff or just play a song that we wrote the night before to test it out in front of the hometown crowd. It makes the bigger shows that much more special because we’re then able to come back and roll out the new stuff for our friends.
If you could choose any musician in the world to have join the band, who would you want to recruit?
Adam: Alessia Cara because I want her to write my lyrics!
Barry: Quavo from Migos! That’d push us in a new direction.
Michael (Pereira): Maybe Bruno Mars? He’s one of the most intelligent songwriters of our generation.
Matt: Probably any member of Walk the Moon!
What do you hope that listeners get out of your music?
Adam: I remember telling somebody that we want our stuff to be dance music that means something. I think the bands that we try to emulate already sound like that. We watch bands like Walk the Moon, Two Door Cinema Club, and Smallpools and these bands are making music that you can dance to but you can also listen to on a long drive and it’ll speak to you. I hope that people can experience it in a way that they’ll lose five pounds of sweat at the show and also play it while on a cross-country road trip.
Lastly, Tongue Tied’s Signature Question: If you were to describe your music to a deaf person, how would you do so?
Adam: So there’s this thing at the National Zoo called Amazonia where it places you in the jungle so when you walk in the climate changes and there are just monkeys free roaming and walking in front of you. That’s what I want the show to be. Just kind of having the atmosphere change and then feeling like you’re in a new and unfamiliar place but it’s super cool.
Michael (Pereira): Yeah, complete transportation. You’re in a completely different world!
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winstonhcomedy · 5 years
“Dope A-F” - 9/17-10/29- “Bombing in DC, Fun Times in Gainesville, The Slyest Clyde, Storytelling, Wizards, Buskey, and Sick For a Week”
I am legit so tired of doing this dumb ass blog. I want to focus my time on other things, but I know it is good for me to keep writing it. I have so much catching up to do and it is infuriating. So I might just abbreviate the reviews. So with that out of the way let’s get to it. 
I didn’t have a show today, but I needed to get an episode of my podcast recorded. I got Brandon Beswick to contact some of his improv friends, and had them on. 
It was a fun pod. I had Joe Freeman, Nathan Bemis, Brandon, and Tom Hall on. We had a super good time just joking around. Giving the games out a day ahead of time really has improved the flow of the show. I can only hope it continues to do so.
This was kind of a chill night. I had my back to school night at work and when that was over I headed over to Isley to get a set in. 
I got to go up third, and there were a few newer comics there as well. I got to talk to a few of my friends and hang, but honestly I was trying to not have to be there too long. 
I went after a brand new comic, and tried a bunch of newer stuff. It all worked for the most part. It felt really good to be doing like 7 new minutes. I tried a few new tags, and reworded a few things. I am still figuring out my voice every day but sets like this feel like I am at least figuring out the groove of it. I’d give this set a B. As I was leaving I got to see Jack Parker bring his dog on stage with him, and took a funny picture. 
I then headed over to Home Sweet Home to get a good hang in before the mic. It was super chill. Jason had me going up fifth, and it looked like it was going to be an ok sized crowd. He informed us that he would be starting at 9:30 from now on. 
My set was similar to the earlier one. I got to try some new stuff, and I adjusted a few things from the set at Isley. People were into it, but one joke didn’t work as well. I need to really sit down and figure it out. I’d give this set a B as well. 
I then grabbed my stuff, and said goodbye.
I was so stoked for tonight. It was Host Battle. This is my favorite show of all time. When we have a crowd that is into it, there is legit no better feeling in comedy. 
I got to The Southern early and helped set everything up perfectly. I then did some video editing while I waited for the comics to get there.
The lineup for the night was Sam Wood, Paige Campbell, Keaton Ray, Sam Padgett, Brandon Beswick, Torrey Huggins, and Alex Castagne. We ended up getting about 45 people there. Which isn’t the best we’ve had, but was def good enough.
The show ended up being amazing. I had a lot of good lines and so did Chris. We were able to pull some really funny stuff out of a lot of people. It was like two hours of nonstop jokes. People stayed and seemed to really dig it.
I was able to figure out how to get into my dead dad material. I riffed aline, and it killed. So I can’t wait to go ahead and try it during a set. I’d give the whole show an A. From top to bottom it was the best Host Battle we have done. 
After the show we all hung out for a bit, and then I headed home.
The next day I was hosting in the lounge at the DC Improv. I always love working this room, but recently I have mostly only been hosting. This is fine, and it is a real honor. I just am at a point where I want to get good enough to work my way up the ladder and get some different spots. 
The lineup was Bridget Geiran, Isabel Hagan (JFL New Faces) , and Cerrome Russel. We had people drop in from the main room, but it was different each show. 
The first one went ok. I had a fine hosting set, and the crowd was into it. I really felt like I had done my job as a host. They were into the show, and it just kept building and building. I’d give this set a B-.
Everybody after me did well. The show built on itself and Cerrome absolutely killed to close it out. After the show it was fun to hang and talk with Bridget and Isabel. Both super dope and funny ladies.
The second show started and they weren’t as into me. I felt like they didn’t like me and I lost them in the middle. I had some big pops but closed weaker than I wanted to. I’d give this set a C-
Still I did my job and got them laughing. The show continued to go well, and get better and better. Afterwards I headed over to Big Hunt to do the mic.
They were super weird and kind of dead here and I was like 18th on the list. So I hung out and met some comics. We had fun riffing, but I was absolutely exhausted so when they told me I was next I was ready to go.
I went up and bombed my ass off. People were not into it at all. I did newer stuff, and everyone was pretty drunk and tired. They didn’t vibe with me, and I felt like I was talking into a void. I even called them out for not laughing at a really great joke. I hated this set, and I'd give it an F.
I then said bye and walked to my car, and headed to TJs to pass out.
The next day I was at Club Eclipse in Gainesville. The other comics on the show were Lafayette Wright, Bengt Washburn, Cerrome Russel, and Rob Maher.
We had a pretty good hang going before the show. It was a lot of fun. I hadn’t gotten to talk to Rob in a while. 
I went up first and had an ok set. Nothing great, and nothing awful. I started slow and it slowly built. There isn’t much to say. I’d give it a C. 
After me the show just built, and everyone did great. The show just built, and each comic kept it coming. After the show I got in my car and headed home to pass out. 
I got to The Southern early to set up. I tried rearranging the tables differently to try to get a more intimate feel, and to give myself a better place to set up the camera. After setting everything up I waited for comics to show up.
It was an incredibly light list. We only had 13 comics counting myself. No Richmond comics came, and we didn’t have all of the Charlottesville comics either. Chris wanted it to be a quick show so he was going to give everyone 5 minutes and we’d be all out of there by like 9:10. 
The show starts and we have a nice little crowd. It is more than last week, and at least they seem attentive. Everybody begins to go up and the show is going pretty smoothly. I went over to Chris and asked him if I could go last so I could do 10 instead of 5 and he said of course. 
I go up for my set and I use the first 8 minutes of my set trying new stuff. It is a super fun and productive mic. the people who are there are into it. They’re digging it. I do new jokes and a little bit of crowd work to warm them up. Then at the 8 minute mark another 14 people walked in, and headed to the bar. So Chris texted me to do 25 minutes so we could sell some more drinks. He also told me to do my A material. So I did. I flipped a switch and went into full performance mode. I ended up having a super hot set doing older stuff. I am very proud of the way I was able to adjust. I accomplished a lot, I learned a lot, and I got a good response. I’d give this set an A. 
It was one of the best Southern’s I’d ever been a part of. It was still only 9:40 when the show ended which is like 25 minutes earlier than usual. All in all a super great night. 
The next night the Richmond Funny Bone stand up class was doing their hell week. Tim Loulies asked some local comedians to come and help his students. He picked a made up scenario for each of his students to have to go through. So we did things like heckle, hit on them, ask questions, fake fights, talk loudly, and other things. The best news is I got a text in the middle of the show that my brother had his daughter. So I am an uncle again. I can hardly hold my excitement. 
It was pretty brutal, but it was a lot of fun. I used to have problems with stand-up classes. I used to think they were rip offs, but I have adjusted my expectations. If a standup class is what you need to work up the courage to try standup you should go for i. As long as they aren’t advertising that they can make you funny it is ok. I also realize that a lot of people do this as a bucket list/groupon thing. Its the same as people that want to go to rock and roll camp. 
Afterwards I talked to Tim and we squashed any beef that we had with each other. We had had a misunderstanding involving a show a little over a year before. It was a good talk and glad we had it. 
After this I headed over to Fallout to get a set in. It was a light crowd.  It wasn’t even a ton of comics. I got to say hi to the bartender Shelby, and also got to chill with Paige and Alex. Avery Barnard was there, and it was good to catch up. Honestly it was a fun hang. I went up like third.
I go up and try a bunch of new stuff. It works ok for the room. Some stuff gets some laughs and another bit just kind of dies. I am in this period of having a lot of new jokes, and a lot of them are clicking right away, or are at least getting tight pretty fast. The only problem is I also have like 5 or 6 really fun ideas that I just can’t seem to adjust, and make them work. I’d give this set a C. I then headed straight home to pass out. 
I headed down to Hampton after work to do a spot on Ian Nightingale’s show at Sly Clyde Cidery. It is a cider in this little old house. It is a super cute set up, an apparently the shows have been awesome. I got there early and when he showed up we went to hand out some flyers, and grab quick bite to eat/drink.
After this we headed back to the venue. Nick Deez showed up and we got a nice hang in. We headed instead and Luhray and Ryan Valentine showed up. We caught up and joked around a bit.
Then the crowd started to fill in. This place got absolutely packed. It was awesome> I quickly set up my camera so I could record for everyone.  Then Ian got the show started.
Ian had a good hosting set, and Nick followed that up and did fine. He had a good pop doing some crowd work which was cool. Then Luhray went up and had a killer set in the middle.
I went up and did a bit of crowd work up top, but then went right into my material. I was having a super hot set. Everything was working, and I got a few bits to hit extremely hard. I knew I'd be able to cut a few out for some videos. I’d give this set an A-.
After me Ryan went up and closed really strongly as well. He had some stuff hit super hard, and it felt like this was a really killer show. The coolest part was before Ian went up and mentioned a tip jar I told him to mention Venmo as well. It was like these people couldn’t wait to do it. We got some tips, and I headed home. Only to find out I had left my credit card in Hampton.
The next day I got Nick to go grab my credit card since we were doing the same show together at Midnight Brewing in Rockville. We were both opening for Chris Covert. 
I get there early and listen to some of the Hokie football game. We got destroyed. I go inside and meet up with Chris and John Gilbreath (he is running the shows). I set up my camera, and just have a good hang. Nick Deez shows up at well since he is doing a guest spot. 
There is a super small crowd. It is incredibly loud. There is no ac in the back room so there is a huge fan going, and the garage door is open. It is so dark you can’t see the tiny crowd so crowd work isn’t really an option.  I tell John I need to get to a show at Buskey I am closing out after so to light me at 18. 
John and Nick go up and both do ok. Honestly this crowd wasn’t giving anybody much. I went up next and I hated it. One of the least fun times I have ever had on stage. I tried crowd work, and when they laughed I couldn’t hear it over the fan. I couldn’t see their faces so I couldn’t even pretend they were laughing. It was brutal. I kept waiting for the light, but it felt like it never came. Some of my jokes worked. The big pops I could hear, but everything else (which was most of it) got nothing. I’d give this set an F.
I got off stage and saw that he never lit me, and I had just done 25. So now I was in a rush. I hopped in my car and headed downtown. 
I got to Buskey in the middle of Beau Troxclair’s set. He was next to last. So I had about 3 minutes to get myself together before I had to go up. I didn’t make a set list. I am trying to be even more in the moment. I don’t want to look over at a list. I want to have a rotating list of bits in my head, and just go with what I want on these shows. 
I went up and had a blast. I had the exact opposite of the set earlier. I could see people, it wasn’t loud, and it was packed. I am so glad I set my camera up. I did a bunch of new. I am proud that each show I've done here I’ve done a completely new set. I close super strong, and plug the venue. This was a killer show. I’d give my set an A. 
After the show I talked to the other comics. I thanks Carlton, and got some cider from the venue (since I don’t drink and drive they let me convert my drink tickets into a six pack). Afterwards a bunch of comics went to Cobra Cabana since James Muñoz was bartending. Then I headed home
The next day I was in Staunton during the Harry Potter Festival.  I got to walk around and hang out. It was actually really neat to see. I watched a Quidditch match and got to see Jeyon from the Southern up there. Got to meet his kids and chilled.
The show was at Red Beard Brewing and we had a super light crowd. I was honestly worried it was going to be awful like the previous night. I made sure I did my best though. I went up and had a super fun set. I went up after Lurae, John Gilbreath and Torrey Huggins. 
I pretty much did half crowd work and half my act. The crowd was into it. I got some pretty big laughs for such a small crowd. This was a much more fun show. I’d give my set a B-. 
Chris Covert went up next and did about 45 minutes of music, and had a killer set. Everybody was into it and it was a truly amazing show. I then dipped out immediately because I had to head to DC the next day. 
The next day I hit up Jack Gerow to ride with me to DC so I could do a storytelling show for Mark Mensh at Reliable Tavern. 
We rode up and had a super fun hang. We left pretty early because the show was going to start at 6. We got up there and I was prepping to do my schoolbus story. 
We get there and it is a tiny crowd. This is also a show where it is truly about storytelling so we were warned there wouldn’t be a ton of laughs.
The show starts and people are doing ok. All of the stories are interesting, but no one is really killing or getting super huge laughs. Saw Walton, Matt Deakins, Fernando Madrigal, Sandi Benton, Josh Hebert, and others were on the show. 
I finally went up and got quite a few laughs. It was a good story. Mark told me afterwards it was really well done.He is such a good dude. I’d give my set a C+. That story definitely has legs, but I am not a storytelling comic so it needs work 
After my set Jack and I headed back. We rocked out to Sum 41, and it was a super fun time.
Monday at the Southen I tried setting up the room a little differently. I got there early and made sure that I had the tables lined up a certain way. I then moved the chairs to try to make the show more intimate and get more people in there.
Then I grabbed dinner with a friend. It was nice to catch up before the show. After dinner I headed back and chilled with the comics. It was really nice and relaxing. It got absolutely packed. We have some new regulars and new audience members ever week. New comics are always popping up, and it is defintley super rewarding to see. 
I went up kind of the in the middle and did newer stuff. My set wasn’t crazy memorable. I got some laughs, but it honestly just felt good to have that room packed again!  I’d give this set a C.
After the show I walked a couple of my friends back to their cars, and then dipped out.
I took a few days off from comedy to watch some baseball with my brother (hadn’t watched a full game since dad died.) I also got to chill with my new baby niece, and my other niece. It was so much fun to hang out with them for a few days.
After hanging I headed over to do a quick spot at Penny Lane. I hadn’t been here in months,. I was stoked to go up. There was an ok crowd, and a pretty fun hang going on. 
I went up and did ok. I started pretty strong and ended mediocre. I was working out some new which felt pretty good. I am proud of the material I am doing right now. I’d give this set a C-.  
After my set I said some goodbyes and gave some hugs. I was exhuasted and headed home. 
The next night I was in Arlington for a bachelor party. I really wanted to get up so I took the metro a couple stops to get to Summers so I could do a spot. I get there and there is a few people there. I introduce myself to the host, and have a seat.
Glenn Lawrence shows up, and so does Heather Kilburn. Then Jack Parker and Brock Hall. It feels really good to see a few people I know. 
The show starts and it’s a lot of pretty inexperienced comics. I legit have never seen most of them. I guess they live in Nova and only do these mics. They’re all doing ok, but I am ready to get up on stage. 
I have to ask the host several times where he is putting me (he didn’t have me on the list at comic call). He eventually puts me up like 11th. 
I go up and have a fun set. My first joke doesn’t really work, but the rest kind of kill. I am pretty happy for the set. I followed a few people who bombed pretty hard, so being able to rise and get a solid set done felt great. I”d give this set a B.
I then headed back to the bachelor party to catch up with my friends. It was a super fun night. 
The next day I met up with Martin Phillips and did his podcast at the Arlington library. We had a pretty good time. I think the podcast turned out good and I always love hanging with Martin. 
I then headed down to Manassas to headline Public House Kitchen. Apparently they were having a huge festival. I couldn’t find anywhere close to park. I parked a ways away and then headed to meet up with the booker Andy Sanderson. 
We headed to the venue and caught up with each other. We set up the room, but we were worried it wouldn’t be packed due to the festival. The other comics Molly Fratz and Cliff McGrady showed up to hang. They’re both super nice and funny. 
The show starts and it is pretty full. The crowd is into it from the start. Molly had a solid set before Andy brought up Cliff. Cliff absolutely destroyed. He is a disabled comic, and he he has a way of setting a ton of tension and releasing it. He was murdering and I was so worried I couldn’t follow it.
Then it was my turn. I go up and proceeded to have one of the best sets I have ever had in my life. I start with crowd work because there was a heckling lady, and I just let her have it. I go back to her a lot during the night. It is some killer crowd work with tons of callbacks and references. After about 15 minutes I hop over to my material and that is killing too. I even got to close out trying a bunch of my dad material. The people loved it. I’d give this set an A. 
After the show I hung out and talked to people a bit. Got some nice compliments and got to hang with Cliff. I think we are going to do another show pretty soon, and it is going to rule. The I headed home.
The next night I was back in Richmond closing out The Hof Garden open mic. It was a pretty chill night. A bunch of comics went up, and they didn’t do a ton of advertising. So it was an ok sized crowd, but nothing spectacular. 
The cool part was most of my friends were here. I got to hang with Kenn, Anthony, Paige, Ryan Mather, and Alex amongst others. We all had fun, and they had some good sets. 
I went up and I had a fun set. I got a pretty good response, and did some crowd work. I went into a heckler and it went pretty well. I then closed on dad material and I felt good about it. I’d give this set a B-. 
After my set though a drunk dude came up and screamed, “booooooo” into my ears as loud as he could. He was drunk, and being a dick but this was incredibly hurtful after doing well and doing dad material. Heck the guy who heckled me even told me it was a good set. This dude was just a pos, but it put me in a bad headspace. I talked to Anthony for a while and he put it into perspective for me and I really appreciated that. I headed home and passed out.
I had felt under the weather all day. I decided even though I missed work to head to The Southern. I got to town and did a photoshoot to promote my new shirt. So I walked around the downtown mall, and got some super cute and funny pics with the three colored shirts. I started t notice I felt crappy though during this.
I went to the mic, and it was fun. It was packed which was cool too. We went ahead and set up a ton of chairs and got everybody situated which was dope. The show started and everybody did well. 
I went up and did ok. I did a lot of new. Some pops, but not a ton. I didn’t bomb, but with so much new material it just didn’t hit the way I wanted it to. I’d give this set a C. 
I felt pretty bad so I went home and passed out. I woke up in the middle of the night and was super sick. So I went to the doctor the next day and missed the entire week of work dealing with a horrendous virus. I had to cancel several paying gigs because I didn’t think I'd be healthy in time. This was the sickest I’ve been since college. 
I had been sick all week but made myself go to set up and run my first show at Hollys Diner in Charlottesville.  I had been promoting for over a month and really wanted a successful show. I was nervous and kind of bummed since my headliner bailed on me at the last minute. I understand why though. He got a better gig and took it. Which is the same thing I would have done. So I just bumped the feature (Mu Cuzzo) up to headline and gave Paige Campbell, Heather Kilburn longer spots, and added Ry Mather.
I get there and set up. I feel pretty crappy, but I am ready for the show. We actually get a pretty dope crowd. I was so surprised at the turnout for the show. I was super nervous, because I don’t have a great track record of people coming out to shows I produce. 
I go up and people are pretty talkative so I assume it is going to suck. Then I just started and people started to quiet down and pay attention. The regulars at the bar were into it, and so were the people who came to the show. I did about 12 minutes and it all went really well. People were really warm-up and into it. I’d give my set a B-.
Then the show just kept getting better. Everybody did well. Ry, Heather and Paige all had super fun sets. They really made me proud and helped the show. Then Mu closed out with 30+ and he had a really super fun time. 
After that Jack Gerow ran the open mic portion. I made sure to avoid the pitfall I see many people do. I didn’t differentiate between the showcase and the open mic. I just brought Jack up saying he was the host for the rest of the show. This worked great. Honestly the crowd stuck in there for the most part. Until a comic had a joke not work, and then they were like, “it’s an open mic what do you want?” Then the audience started to be less engaged. This was infuriating to watch someone derail a show like that.
The rest of the show was fine. Some people after that did really well, but now I know I have to make a rule about not mentioning it is an open mic on stage. 
After the show I packed up, and walked to my car. I then headed home to finally get some rest.
I had to cancel my other weekend shows since I was sick. I then decided to go and watch and support my friend Paige headlining at College Inn. I got there and was feeling a little bit better so John Marg offered me a five minute guest spot.
I went up and did ok. I was still out of it and probably shouldn’t have performed, but most of my jokes did well. It felt good to perform, but I was definitely in no shape to travel for this weekend. I’d give this set a B.
I then hung with Paige, Sean Wells, Samantha Padgett, and Marg. I watched Paige go up and do about 25 minutes and everyone seemed to dig the show. We went to eat afterwards and I just got a coffee. 
After hanging I felt miserable so I headed home to sleep. I felt so bad I couldn’t sleep and ended up passing out at about 5 am.
I was still feeling rough, but way better so I went to do the live podcast Booze Clues at Hof Garden. I got to do this podcast because I won the comedy smackdown contest the previous month. 
This podcast is people just taking turns talking about different stories in the news involving alcohol. This month’s they were all from Florida so we were supposed to dress like Florida man. 
So I dressed up and headed to the show. It was a super light crowd, and they were kind of drunk and rowdy. I told myself I was just going to have fun on the podcast. Which is what I did. I had mine together the most. I was able to riff and get some big laughs. I did my best and was super proud of how it went. I’d give it a B.
I left immediately to get a good night’s sleep because I wasn’t missing work the next day, and I was going to watch the Cardinals play the Nationals. My brother got us tickets to honor dad at the last minute. 
That Wednesday I was getting to host the open mic at Isley. I was kind of nervous because this show has really been hit or miss. I had a bunch of pre-sign ups so I was going to run it super tight. 
There was a light crowd, but they were into it and ended up staying the whole time. I went up and did some new, and riffed a bit. It was a fine set I’d give it a C. I then started bringing people up.
I had some fun riffs in between comics, and we were busting balls, and just having a great time. I brought Paige up as his first time doing comedy and he had fun pretending to be super nervous. 
This show ended up being super fun even with the small crowd. I said my goodbyes and headed to Home Sweet Home. 
I get there and Kusterer has me going up second. I got to chill and hang with a bunch of people and there was an actual crowd upstairs. He got the show started late because there was a Washington Capitals game on. 
After the game the show started and Jason went up. After him Carlton K had a set, and he set me up pretty well to riff on his stuff and do new material. 
I went up and busted his balls, and tried all new stuff. I had a few new jokes that worked really well. I also had a few bomb completely. This was a fun and productive set. I leaned in super hard making a joke about Heather Heyer. I don’t know why I leaned in, but I was just having a good time. I’d give this set a B-. 
I headed straight home to rest again as soon as this was done. 
The next night I was headlining at North America Sake. I invited a few friends and once I got there I saw there wasn’t a huge crowd. I didn’t even set up my camera because I was still out of it a little from being sick.
But I was able to grab a bunch of mochi ice cream to eat. I assumed that was what I was going to get paid in. I had a fun meal with Samantha Padgett, Heather Kilburn, David Luzader, and Chris Alan.
The show starts and it is a light crowd, but people are into it. Everybody goes up and does pretty well. Since Chris is headlining later in the week I am the one closing out and I have to follow him. He does a bunch of crowd work and has a good set. I am nervous. I think he is super hard to follow and I didn’t feel like working that hard. 
So I go up and it goes way better than I expected. I did about 33 minutes and had a blast. I worked through some of my dad material and did a bunch of new stuff. It just made me happy to be able to not only follow Chris, but be able to keep people’s attention in a small crowd, and just have fun. I’d give this set a B After this I talked to some friends, and gave a friend a ride back to their car before heading out and passing out. 
After work I headed to Lovingston to headline the first comedy show at The Lovingston Cafe. My friend Colby Knight was running the show. It was going to be him, Jake Snyder, and then me. This was to be followed by an open mic.
I headed there right after work and stopped in Charlottesville to grab dinner with a friend and get a few pictures taken. After eating I headed straight to Lovingston. Which is between Lynchburg and Charlottesville. There’s like nothing going on there.
I go inside and not many people are there, but the stage looks cool. There is a long bar on the side and a raised stage at the front. I’d say by the time the show started there was like 16 drunk people there. 
Colby goes up and does a pretty good job warming them up. They are laughing and actually paying attention. After this Jake goes up and has one of the better sets I have seen him have. He really had them hooked with his material from the beginning.
Then I went up and had an absolute blast. I had to work my ass off. I wish I had recorded because I had some really fun crowd work and my material was working. I did close to 30 minutes and I'd say about 20 was crowd work and about 10 of material. They dug me, and I was able to read people really well. We honestly had the best time. The people who run the cafe also are part owners of Fallout. So they were super happy with how it went. I’d give my set a B+.
Afterwards I left pretty quickly after saying goodbye. I wanted to get a good night’s rest, and just enjoying being at home.
My plan’s had been cancelled this night so I got to hop on and do a guest spot for Chris at The Southern during his headlining show. It was going to be a super fun night.
Chris was headlining, TJ Ferguson was featuring, Paige and I were doing guest spots and JR was hosting. There was a good little crowd and I had some friends from work come up to check out the show which was awesome. 
They sat in the front and the show started. JR and Paige both had pretty good sets, but they weren’t the best crowd. They were kind of wack, and nobody could get them to crack. I went up and it was pretty much the same. I opened strong and then switched to new like an idiot and just didn’t close well. I’d give my set a D. 
Chris went up and killed thought which was dope to see. He did a lot of crowd work, and really ripped into my friends who were in the front row. The video turned out super good, and I am glad I have it. 
After the show I hung for a bit, but I was extremely sleepy. I walked to my car and headed home to pass out.  I woke up the next day with a text message from Paige. They saw a homeless lady wearing my t-shirt. It was pretty awesome, and made my day. She said she got it because it was so cute. 
I decided to hop in and do a mic last minute at Brewer’s Cafe in Manchester. I got there and there was like no audience. The only comics were Remo, Melissa Harris, Soo Ra (a New York comic on a layover), Mark Viola ( an Orlando comic passing through) and myself. Then there were about 4 people who come to all of these shows to hang out.
Remo started the show. He did as well as he could. He was just working out ideas. Some of it was funny, but it was mostly just conversation as he tried to find the funny in all of his new bits.
He then brought me up and it was just me talking to black people for 15 minutes. I tried a few ideas and got some laughs. Then I asked the audience about what their thoughts about Bill Cosby, and R. Kelly was. We had a good discussion, and it helped me with a lot of bits, but I was not getting a ton of laughs. I was trying to work this stuff out. It was super productive but I hated my set so I’d give it a D-.
The rest of the comics went up and did as well as expected. A few more people showed up, and it was honestly a lot of fun. I didn’t feel bad in the moment because everyone was bombing. I was glad to have figured some jokes out. I have felt really disorganized lately, and I need to work on that.
I headed to a friend’s and passed out immediately.
There was no Southern Monday so I had the day off. The next day was Paige’s birthday. So I decided to get a group together to do an episode of The Winstmas Games where he got to pick his favorite games and contestants and play.
We went over to Brandon Beswick’s house and had a super fun time. He made dinner and Alex, Paige, Taylor, Brandon, and I did a super fun episode of the podcast. 
Paige, Alex, and I then headed to Fallout. I asked to go early so I could get some sleep. There was a few people here, but not a crazy amount. They weren’t super into the show, but Jesse Jarvis was hosting and he did a super dope job as always. 
Before the show started I got to hang with some friends and have a little fun. I am doing this new stupid bit that involves me flossing (not on stage, and yes the dance). It is so dumb and gets people every time. So it’s a blast.
Jarvis then called me up. I did ok. I got some pretty good laughs, and got to work on a lot of new stuff. It was a super productive and fun set. I’d give this one a B-. 
Before leaving I talked to the owner’s of Lovingston Cafe. They were still super happy with the show and invited me back which was super nice. 
I was so excited that I was getting to headline in Lynchburg at Speakertree records. Apparently the last show they did was awesome. So after work I headed straight up there.
I get there and no one is there. Just the host Jake Snyder. The room looks absolutely amazing. I get all my merch ready to sell. I roll them up and put them in a bad. I take my camera and tripod in as well.
I set everything up and wait for people to get there. No one ever really shows up. The show was Jake, Paige, Brandon, and myself. Then there was an open mic afterwards. The only audience members who weren’t performing were a girl’s bf, and a random girl who saw it on FB.
the other comics were a girl named Paige, a dude named Skylar (who showed up 10 minutes into my set), and John Marg. I am super bummed that no one shows up, but the hang before hand is dope and I got a super cute pic of me.
The show starts and it is low energy, but we are all having fun. Everyone there is friends, and we are trying new stuff and busting balls. Jake, Paige, and Barndon all did well. I am always impressed with people that can just do their material in the face of no one being at a show. I don’t have enough confidence in my material to ever do that. 
Then it is my turn. I start with some crowd work and riff on the room. I get some good laughs and then I start talking to the girl who isn’t performing. Her name is Hannah and we have a super fun time. She says she is from Liberty, but she likes comedy. 
I did about 30+ minutes of newish material. They seem to dig it. I have some solid riffs and try some material I have never really done before. I am definitely happy with how it went, but it didn’t feel crazy good the whole time. I’d give it a C.
After this I stuck around for the open mic to support Jake. I then talk to the new comics a bit, and thank Hannah for being a good sport. I then drove straight home. I got to have a dope conversation with my buddy Alex which made it fly by. He was at the DC Improv and I was so proud of him.
The next night I just hopped into Penny Lane after hanging with some friends. I asked to go up early and James Muñoz let me.
Nothing too crazy happened here. There was a group of white supremecists who did not know comedy was going to be happening. James did his set, and they started to close out their tabs.
He brought me up and I proceeded to just bomb doing my new jokes for 7 minutes. I was just loud, performative, and enunciated for the 4 people that were actually there to see comedy. During my set all the white supremacists left. So I think I was just a buffer to clear them out. I’d give this set an F. I didn’t stick around long at all and headed home.
All of my shows got cancelled this weekend. This sucked because it was the second weekend in a row where some paying stuff got cancelled. I was super bummed. I was going to just go watch the show at Buskey, but when I hit up Carlton he said some people had bailed and asked if I wanted to do a spot on the show. I said absolutely. 
So I hung out with a friend, got dinner, went to the circuit, and headed to Buskey. I got to chill with all of my friends at the show. It was actually a fun hang. Jack Johnston, Jack Parker, Taylor Baldwin, Will Minor, Carlton, Mu, and Kusterer were all there.
It was a lighter crowd than usual but it was definitely a solid crowd. They were into the show. I went up third. First was Will Minor and Carlton had made a hat for him that made him look like the Buskey Cider logo. 
Then Jack Johnston went up and had a really solid set. It was good to see. I was very proud. Then it was my turn.
I went up and a dude had heckled Carlton so I busted his balls about that. I kept calling back to the dude, and had a super fun set. I did mostly newer stuff, but a few older things. This is the best room in the city and I felt good about my set. I’d give it a B.
After my set I saw there were some people from work who recognized me. They said hey, and it was cool to be recognized even though I haven’t really talked to them before. I then hung out in the back and chilled with my friends.
After the show some of us went to Hof Garden. By that time Taylor O’Sullivan had showed up so we walked over there, and had a drink on the rooftop. It was a super fun time. I was super tired so I drove my friend home, and then headed back.
I wanted to do a quick set after hanging out with my nieces. I headed over to Tastys. I asked to go first. There wasn’t anyone really there and the music was going. So I went up and bombed my dong off for 6 minutes. I legit got like no laughs at all. It was brutal. I’d give it an F. 
This was going to be a super fun show at The Southern. I had decided to make it a Halloween show. So people cold wear costumes and at the end of the show Chris would pick, and then they would win free tickets to The Winstmas Games. 
I got to the show incredibly early and set it up. I made sure we had enough seats for everybody since it has been packed lately. I was wearing my Calvin and Hobbes costume and I was so excited to get this show going. A lot of the comics dressed up which was dope.
The show started and the crowd was weird. The only things they really laughed at were jokes about costumes. So some people did really well and some bombed super hard. I was the latter.
I went up and did completely new material. Like stuff I’d never done before. It did not go great. The only stuff that killed was me riffing about being Calvin. It was a lot of fun, but it was also kind of frustrating. I felt terrible after this set. I’d give it an F.
It was one of those shows where it didn’t matter that I bombed. I got to hang with my friends and that was so awesome. Everyone looked great and the crowd really dug when Paige did a set as Mario. His set was the set of the night. 
I grabbed all of my stuff and sold a t-shirt to a friend. Found out that Chris had lost his shirt and that is where the homeless woman got it. So that is how we solved that mystery. All in all a great time.
There was no show today. I just did my podcast with Paige, Jack Johnston, Jack Parker, and Ry Mather. We had a really fun time. We got into a good discussion about comedy by the end of the show. It was a super good podcast. I then headed home.
OMG folks that’s it. I am caught up. I will be back now. I’ve been depressed, but I haven’t forgotten. I got sick a week and it just threw me off. But I love you laydees so much for sticking it out and supporting #cutecomedy. We will keep it up. LOVE Y’ALL xoxo
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pixelgrotto · 7 years
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RIP Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog comic (1992-2017)  After 25 years and nearly 300 issues, Archie’s long-running Sonic the Hedgehog comic was officially cancelled earlier this week. The writing’s been on the wall for a while now, since the comic went on a forced hiatus several months ago and none of the creators were allowed to publicly discuss it due to ongoing negotiations between Archie and Sega. But this Thursday, the book’s final fate was declared, and it looks like the Freedom Fighters - who once announced that they could handle anything - couldn’t quite beat the threat of cancellation. A lot of people dunk on the Archie Sonic comic for being overly convoluted, going through some pretty low points or appealing primarily to furries, and all of these things are kinda true, except for maybe the furry one. But warts and all, Archie Sonic is a glorious beast of monstrously complex proportions. First of all, let the fact that Sonic holds the record for having the longest-running North American comic for a licensed character sink in. Seriously, this series ran from 1992 to 2017 and nearly reached 300 freaking issues. In a time when most comics from Marvel and DC can barely reach double digits before either being renumbered to generate a temporary boost in sales or flat-out cancelled, Sonic the Hedgehog kept chugging along, stealthily reinventing itself from its original status as a slapdash funny book to an ongoing saga that manifested lore so deep that it warranted the release of an entire encyclopedia to help people keep everything straight. 
What’s even more interesting is that Archie Sonic became the one place where you could still see characters carried over from the DiC Saturday morning Sonic cartoon show, which was produced in 1993. The show, affectionately dubbed SatAM by everyone who watched it back in the day, frankly doesn’t hold up that well and is a good example of nostalgia goggles at work. It had an incredible theme song, though (SONIC! HE CAN REALLY MOVE! SONIC! HE’S GOT AN ATTITUDE! SONIC! HE’S THE FAAAASTEST THING ALIVE), and the show did do an admirable job of developing a backstory for a mascot who, at the time, had no characterization other than the fact that he was fast and collected rings. SatAM fixed this by putting Sonic in the surprisingly dark world of Mobius, a place ruled by Dr. Robotnik, a dictator who had “roboticized” the population by turning them into droids. It also gave the hedgepig a variety of characters to play off of, like Princess Sally, Antoine the cowardly French fox, Bunnie the half-roboticized rabbit and Rotor the walrus. Along with Tails, this lot was collectively referred to as the Knothole Freedom Fighters.  Archie Sonic got its start telling stories with the Freedom Fighters while they were still on air, and even after the show was cancelled, the comic continued using them, essentially turning itself into season three of the cartoon. As the decades passed, the SatAM characters and story threads evolved and changed in wondrously unexpected ways - Sonic and Sally fell in love, the original Dr. Robotnik was killed and replaced with a robotic version of himself from an alternate dimension, Bunnie and Antoine got married and Mobius was revealed to be a future version of Earth that was attacked by the Xorda, aliens who had unleashed gene bombs on the planet, mutating the wildlife into anthropomorphic animals. (This was my goddamn favorite batshit crazy bit of Sonic comic lore ever.) Furthermore, the comic increasingly began introducing more elements from the actual Sonic video games, which had finally developed deeper stories of their own thanks to the advancement of technology. So you had stuff like Sonic and the Freedom Fighters teaming up to fight Perfect Chaos and meeting Silver the Hedgehog and Blaze the Cat. It was an unusual, unique combination of Western and Eastern concepts melding together in one pictorial arena, and it made Archie Sonic feel special. 
Speaking of the games, the book was also special because it damn well carried Sonic’s presence in North America during the years when the blue guy wasn’t starring in many video games (the Sega Saturn era) and couldn’t star in any decent video games (the Sonic ‘06 era). Even when Sega was releasing shovelware that damaged the brand, Archie Sonic kept pumping out issues, and its sheer determination to keep going won it legions of dedicated fans. Many of these people, including myself, got stuck on the comic at a young age and stayed long-term. I personally started picking up issues in 1994 or 1995, so basically only three or so years after the book was out. I think I was seven years old. A few years later, I got a subscription and had the comic delivered to my mailbox every month. (I still remember my first issue - it was number 41, when Sonic, Sally and that douchebag skunk Geoffrey St. John went to the Zone of Silence to rescue King Acorn.) The subscription continued until I was in college, and only ended around my junior year, when I forgot to renew it because I was too busy applying to go abroad after graduation. 
In short, I subscribed to a periodical about a damn blue hedgehog for a large majority of my life. Even when I stopped regularly reading around issue 180, I always kept abreast of the book’s developments (like that crossover with MEGAMAN!) and told myself that I’d eventually catch up on the stories I missed, likely in the excellent Sonic Select and Sonic Archives trade paperbacks that Archie was publishing. And there were tons of others like me. The Archie Sonic community is such a vibrant one, filled with 90s kids who grew up on this book and even older folks like the crazy Dan Drazen, a 60-something librarian who wrote the most detailed (and overly picky) online reviews of every issue. Many of these fans went on to work for the comic at one point or another, like the incredible Dawn Best and fan favorite Ian Flynn, who swooped in as a writer in the late 2000s and saved the book when it was suffering from a spell of plodding stories. For a lot of us, Archie Sonic was the preferred Sonic canon, and we got pissed when Sega pulled awful jump the shark moments outta their butts - like having Sonic hook up with human princesses in his broken 2006 game - when there was a wealth of solid lore in this weird little comic coming out in America that they always seemed content to ignore.
In fact, the only time Sega really paid close attention to the book was when Ken Penders launched a lawsuit against it, which may have been a contributor to its eventual cancellation. People better than me have already scripted lengthy writeups about Mr. Penders, and I encourage you to read this extremely in-depth take on the whole fiasco, which is a bizarre tale of copyright arguments and delusions of grandeur worthy of any John Grisham novel. But in a nutshell, Ken was a former writer who helped guide Archie Sonic away from simple gag strips and into the realm of full-on adventure tales. His control over the book was major until he was fired, and a few years later, he went on a vehement quest to prove that he owned all characters he had created while working for Archie, including series mainstays like Julie-Su, Knuckles the Echidna’s girlfriend. He ended up suing Archie multiple times and won on legal loopholes, which prompted him to start attacking the book’s current team while declaring that a buttload of barely-related story concepts were his. He also tried suing Sega when Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood came out, claiming that the enemies in the game were too similar to ones he had whipped up. Archie eventually had to come up with a plot device to kill off (trap in another dimension, really) all of the characters he had created during his tenure, and eventually they instituted a full reboot to wipe continuity clean and remove all traces of the lawsuit from history. Unfortunately, the legal issues did some pretty heavy damage to Archie’s relationship with Sega, who were reportedly pissed that the American comic company had let things get so screwed up. And I don’t blame them. To the Sonic fan community, Ken Penders is largely loathed as a megalomaniac who sabotaged a long-running comic for personal gain. But he doesn’t deserve all of the blame, and he did put out some good stories in the day before going bonkers. Archie’s also at fault, both due to their not-so-great freelancer deals as well as their incompetence at handling lawsuits. (At one point the company even fired their entire legal team and hired new attorneys, yeesh.) In recent years, Archie also seems to be terrible at handling their finances, even though they’re currently spearheading Riverdale, a successful show on the CW that’s made all of their high school characters into hot, emo Millennials. (I call it the “Archie Sex Show” in my head.) I’ve heard rumors that company management wants to streamline their output to ONLY focus on Riverdale-related stuff, and seeing as how the Ken Penders business was a tremendous waste of time that ripped some large holes in their relationship with Sega, it only makes sense that both companies would decide to part ways.  So where do we go from here? Well, it was suddenly announced today that IDW Publishing would be the ones picking up the Sonic license for a relaunch of the book in 2018. IDW’s a fit place for Sonic, since they currently publish the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles…which Archie once owned the license for. (Funny how these things go in circles, eh?) Unfortunately, I have a feeling that the current arc that was going on in the Archie books - a charming retelling of the Sonic CD story - is going to go unfinished, and I’m also fearful that we’ll be saying goodbye to the DiC Freedom Fighters. I’d LOVE to be proven wrong, and it would warm my heart to see Princess Sally, Bunnie Rabbot, Antoine, Rotor and Nicole survive a change in publishers. But since Sega’s never “officially” acknowledged those characters in a game (except for Sonic Spinball, which was made by an American studio and doesn’t really count) they’re likely going to be classified as expendable cannon fodder that are no longer relevant. There is some hope, though. Perhaps a miracle will occur and IDW will have the good sense to re-hire guys like Ian Flynn or maintain some semblance of the continuity that an entire generation knows and loves. Until the day we know for sure arrives, I’ll just have to re-read my old issues, revel in the glory of covers drawn by SPAZ, laugh at insane crossovers like the time Sonic met Spawn, and remember an era when a hedgehog with attitude and his Knothole friends kicked Dr. Robotnik’s butt and brought me twenty plus years of wonderful adventures.  For Mobius! For freedom!
The header image of the Archie Sonic cast was drawn by darkspeeds and found on Deviantart. The cover images are just a few of my favorites from the days when I was subscribed to the book, and were taken from Comic Vine and Cover Browser.
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luccie-eclair · 7 years
JNPR Headcanons (sorry, it's long)
•It’s obvious that Ren & Nora, and Jaune & Pyrrha are besties. But Ren & Jaune are bros while Nora & Pyrrha are like sisters
•Actually, the team is one family
•Edit: Everyone on this show has their own inner demons just like we do. They’re not perfect and they struggle with their own issues, team JNPR especially -Jaune really cares about what others think of him and works so hard to be a hero and lovable and kind -Nora is sort of the same way only her anxiety manifests itself as constantly moving and babbling. She really tries not to come off as a pest (& she isn’t) bc she doesn’t want anymore people leaving her (bc they always do). Sometimes the words of others effect her more than she let’s on (which leads to issues w/ her & Ren later in their relationship) -Pyrrha cares more about people seeing her for who she really is. She not a trophy that’s won. She’s not a centerpiece. She’s Pyrrha -Ren doesn’t really try to be more sociable. He knows that his quietness comes off as being shy, but those who know him know that he simply doesn’t have much to say. He does make his opinions known, though, and when he speaks more, you know that he thinks you’re trustworthy. His main issue is talking about what’s wrong. He gets so silent when he’s upset or angry. The only person that can crack him is his best friend.
•Jaune & Ren take turns being the dad (Jaune is Daddy Jaune in battle, Ren is Daddy Ren any other time)
•Pyrrha is mommy all the time
•When Jaune sees Nora, he thinks of one of his younger sisters & it makes him feel a bit less homesick
•Nora loves getting the team to do crazy shit like JNPR tattoos, sky diving, & swimming w/ Grimm sharks
•Speaking of tats -They all have a JNPR tat with juniper berries & one of their emblem -Nora has lighting bolts, boop, & a syrup bottle -Jaune has a heart with ‘Arc Family’ on it -Ren has the date of the attack on his village & Nora’s emblem -Pyrrha has ‘Destiny’ written in a flower and her kids names
•As stated before, Nora & Pyrrha’s periods sync up and their boys handle it well
•Jaune bc he has sisters who go through the same thing & Ren bc he’s been with Nora forever
•Nora likes cuddles, heat, massages, sleep, & food during that time. She’s actually kind of of quiet during that time & a little more mopey
•Pyrrha is very irritable during that time and enjoys solitude unless she’s w/ Nora
•Birds of a feather suffer together
•The dress Jaune wore is actually Coco’s
•Bets get insane, esp when RWBY, CVFY, & SSSN are involved
•They do tons of partner sparring, but they love team sparring (every man for themselves)
•Nora & Pyrrha are the most well rounded with everyone else’s weapons, Ren coming after, & Jaune is last
•Pyrrha is the first awake to run, Nora gets up no later than 7 every morning, Jaune trudges along, Ren sleeps in bc fuck mornings
•They do team studying a lot which entails quizzes with candy for those who get questions right and punishment for getting it wrong
•It’s the only way Jaune or Nora will study for anything
•Jaune & Nora aren’t dumb. Jaune genuinely doesn’t get it sometimes and gets bored in class. Nora is smart, but lazy
•Pyrrha’s favorite class is Port’s. His lectures are interesting
•Jaune’s favorite class is… probably none… he’s not doing well in any right now…
•Nora’s favorite classes are Oobleck’s (watching him zip around is fun), Peach’s (science and explosions), Goodwitch’s (fighting), & her math class
•She’s a wiz at math
•Ren enjoys Port’s and Goodwitch’s classes
•They have a system where they copy Pyrrha’s notes if they miss something (they’re detailed af)
•Pyrrha is easily scared and reacts a little violently (punching shit) and she doesn’t do supernatural shit ever
•Edit: they’re all pretty chill about hanging around the dorm in undies and bras (it took Jaune some time, though)
•Jaune & Nora are DC fans. Ren & Pyrrha are Marvel fans. All enjoy X-ray and Vav
•They totally go to comic cons, cosplay, & gaming conventions together. You cannot tell me otherwise
•Passing the aux chord isn’t normally an issue until someone (Nora and Jaune) starts playing showtunes & rapping to Hamilton
•Ren is the only one who appreciates Yang’s puns
•Jaune & Ren are skilled cooks and normally don’t allow Pyrrha or Nora to help, but they do sometimes cut veggies and stir (Nora, stop adding spices right now! Pyrrha, do you even know what oregano is?)
•Jaune loves dead memes & is still raving about deez nuts & Harambe
•The group chat on ChatSnap is a total mess & any important info gets burried under memes, selfies, and videos -Nora’s CS is mostly pictures of her team & friends -Ren’s is filled with professional photos w/ some deep caption -Pyrrha’s is clumsily trying to figure what she’s doing -Jaune has awkward selfies & recordings of Pyrrha when she’s off guard
•Sailors!!! -Nora isn’t as bad as Yang or Qrow, but she’s no saint with cursing -Ren doesn’t curse… out loud -Jaune doesn’t unless he’s irritated -You’d have to really push Pyrrha past her breaking point to get her to say fuck
•Edit: they totally have a naughty jar for swearing & making inappropriate jokes
•Edit: Nora is the go to person for charging scrolls, but is also the person to break them
•Edit: I like to think that she could be a defibrillator
•They often spend holiday break with Jaune’s family
•Ren, Nora, & Pyrrha have practically been adopted into the family
•Jaune’s older sisters work hard to get them all paired together-together
•If Pyrrha gets hurt, Jaune is worried but he’s not freaking out. He knows she can handle herself
•If Nora is hurt, Ren cannot focus & goes on a killing spree
•Jaune & Ren’s bro time is spent cooking, watching anime, or just talking
•They went to the doubles round during their 2nd year at Beacon -Nora & Pyr the first year
•They mostly enjoy video games! -Jaune is more into games like Myth of Welda, Remnant Bound, Underneath Remnant tale (totally uncreative), & trivia games -Pyrrha likes the games at the arcade where you shoot stuff & party games (Xario Cart, Xario Partee, and Xario and Tonic at the Extremely Hard & Profesional Games) -Nora likes anything violent (esp GTA) -Ren doesn’t play very often, but is a God at rhythm/dance games (with Nora, those two are unbeatable & always get a perfect score)
•Drinking -Nora is energetic, a little destructive after a few, & cannot hold her liquor -Pyrrha is seductive af, but she rarely gets that far. Only once or twice -Jaune is sleepier & clingy -Ren very rarely drinks & can hold it exceedingly well
•Team bonding is normally spent watching a movie with pizza and cookies, bowling, arcades, or going out to dinner
•All team activities are classified as a double date when they’re dating
•Renora dated first, then Arkos
•There was a brief period where Nora actually broke up with Ren & Pyrrha was with her while Ren was with Jaune until they figured things out (I may write something on it later)
•However, it was Arkos that got married first
•The team are maids of honor & best men at each other’s weddings
•Pyrrha laced her bouquet with metal to control where it landed after she threw it (Nora “caught” it) -Ren proposed soon after in a quieter place
•If the couples argue, one normally goes to the other couple’s house to vent and cool down before going home
•Renora had 3 kids: Kensley, Ming, & Iman (adopted)
•Arkos had twins Louise & Eros
•Before the kids came, they went on team missions very often. After they’re all out of the house, they start again
•They also go on partner missions & swap who goes with who each time (Jaune/Nora, Ren/Pyrrha, couples, guys, girls)
•They often go on family vacations together & celebrate holidays because they’re one big family
•Pyrrha & Nora retire to teach at Signal
•Jaune & Ren join them soon afterwards
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
IPOs | Recent IPO Filings, Calendar of Upcoming IPOs, and IPO Data
We offered an i p o we were forced to cover it we covered it besides buy everything. They kept the stocks the same thinking that we can't take the companies over and that's what their attitude is and that's what they're doing regardless of what's happening we're taking the companies over was we bought and we bought our company back Sim you never put hard knock out
Didn't want you opening the hard-knock company because it's our company because you're the one who gave it up when not having him get anything that's how he said it you will not get anything a thing is what you said. Which is absurd to say to someone who's so smart and can sell things in absurd person I love you are we have sold you and we all built you in three months there's no motorcycle company on Earth that has built or sold as many as us and even combined they haven't and that's just Hardknock not including Sim bikes. And our cars are now selling more than your cars sell globally combined and soon it will overtake all vehicles and you won't have any on the road that are new none just Sim and public transportation is going to be ours shortly were building those two Orville those people do stuff looks like you I don't give a hateful a******* that's what got you here moron I'm hateful bang, mine hit you s, I'm fully loaded. We're going ahead and telling people that he was under extreme duress and his anger is up there and so is there is though they say most the time I want him to do well and we're going to take over your company in Miami and he's going to run it from wherever he wants to in ken be out on the yacht let me tell tell him Ken what to do I am ken get on the phone and tell them what to do. So flabbergasted sitting there exhausted sweating and tired and it's nuts are hurting them is sent to spend all day long and wasting time and energy and money putting holes in the roof and ruining it you're idiots cuz everyone told you how to fix it you won't listen making a message she wants to do an apartment that's it's a good idea he'll tell me about if he gets one he'll tell me right away this isn't going to listen and see what they say and then I'll get I got to get over to him and tell him that I said already already in space so Ken says that's what I say it is what we'd like him to do something like that you guys are using this company against those who want to use it against them and see if they can see it the necklace to see what we do with it and so far he's doing absolutely nothing so take advantage of
And by the way the Kraken will be up shortly and surely means very soon we're talking only a few hours we got everything lined up and ready to go and those kikker 5150 or all up there and DC in the Bronx in New York and Jersey price of Delaware most of its waste land and most of jerseys wasteland and you girls will send in the Martians it's Zig Zag's territory. And he says yes and he's going to do it and do you want to see these people. Georgie porgie and the noise that I make he says slapping people and get Tom Cruise out there to get dust all over him actually this is it cuz we're going to go ahead and do that and what time cruise to see what it's like in other people who are sitting there using and abusing and infusing and bothering and harassing you needed gone you're so dumb it's bad enough he's famous and everyone like wants to talk to him is he does that all the time Oru zoos and he rips a big one she's practiced for a long time. I'm going to pull that thing out of there I'm going to go over there and make sure it's going along so I keep saying it's going along
Weather now I'm talking about girls to help her out of the way that things going to things that need to be done so get them done so you can focus on getting it ready healthy feels okay so we're doing that and clear it all out and we're wrestling with people also new says this why is it so important to get it out you know why if you don't cut the crap and give you sitting right under me no offense but that's not it the severity is horrible here everything smells like s*** everyone smells like s*** they talk like it they look like it and they're like the the head guys you have to try and talk to you about some stuff and they don't talk straight and they hardly tell the truth and how they remember it and they're very mean and their temperament is nasty and all cannibals as like Wade through all that as you know and you do it a lot but sitting here the Thor father are going to be nearby not looking forward to it let's see what else can I eat well it's kind of competing with you up there.
We need a boost and we're going to get one because of Dave stager who's the electric bike guy he knows about it and said he's cold Kohl's your Frozen I was like electricians or something we have like these monkeys in your room from The Big bang theory yeah when will that happen probably when the queen moves out of the big tank so it's on now and it's going on there's tons of people and we have to move in and doing that the same time northlake computer but he wants that out today and he's insisting on it is asked too many times it's taking too long you had to get involved last time so he keeps on doing it every few minutes and is asking why do is it calculated is it fed is it monitored each area of it shoot and it says yes so is it on schedule for early evening . And no honest as the real answer is no not ready for early evening why is there anything I can help with usually it might be something that's already done on occasion or something that you're not thinking of her maybe I can't I don't know so going to tell you there's a few things in the way and a pretty big-sized one of them is right here knowledgeable about with me here just have to go there with me out and if you have to and that's the whole object of the game here and Thor is good at that as well as my wife and Nuada Arrianna, we have a consensus that we need to feed it more and what you're saying is why if it's livened up if it's moving and it's healed and a strong it's easier if it's not a huge it's hard to agree with you answer this it's got to be healthy and only has to be healthy yeah not really plump less plan for this case is decent and Thor agrees. Fully operational difference. So Nuada Arianna agree, we should not make him huge it should make him at optimal performance possible or at least 80% thinking about he'll be off tomorrow in like 10 minutes everybody agrees with that it's just start picking out and getting rid of you and eat whatever he wants so we decided something under here it's kind of the way it is we've got to win do we need to use it we need to get people in here we need to stop listening to all the stupid s*** I need to get the damn thing out of here so if it's going to come out fully intact at 80% like a whole bunch of them probably do then I get it out so I understand you're angry and you're expressing it all the time and you should be and I should be angry because I keep saying stuff like that it's a pain in the ass hasto we aired but I know is most come out a little small and most rare kind of smelly and not really up to speed about 70% and he's about 80 so he's ready so things are out of the way and it's trapped take it out right now right now is there anything preventing at right now because we're stopping ourselves from survival this is terrible this people blab every 5 seconds.
So I look at you and I say I don't understand what we're saying we have to do it during the day and we have to do it during the night and I don't know what you're saying you're saying we have to do it during the night now I figured out something you listen to what I'm saying and obviously means something during the day it's somewhat visible and during the night is not cuz it could be so indifferent with a gear Love Field Michelle us team is that a lot of steam I figure someone messing with a gear do the steam at night and really should. Also I got to straighten out this effing argument he wants it done and wants it done now and we have ways to do it and we're arguing in public for no damn reason except everyone wants to argue with him all the time such an addiction I don't want him arguing with anyone is tired he wants it out he wants to do the damn job you do it to me too I'm in the middle I don't know which way to go I need it done and he comes along and gets it done and it was sitting there watching me suffer and you know she doesn't want this tennis match it doesn't help him doesn't help hours and starting humoring Andy ever and going back and forth trying to get close to people. I'm starting to realize something I've been doing that for weeks and people are starting to get annoyed I don't stop doing that ask him what we need you went and kicked out of Ireland this is a piece of crap to you is not useful as risking your life there's no point to it so I'm going to do that and take all the stuff he doesn't he's a little s*** to I'm going to put Factory is wall-to-wall just like the did you say said but really they push us out and push this all over the place so they can't tell who we are huge pain in the ass because you lose track of people and you get weaker and that's what they're doing it for so I'm going to do that now I'm going to catch all the snakes that I chase out of there so he knows what to say so I'm mad this is what he going to do that if you're not helping to get this out and it's slowing the process you can go do it now cuz I need distraction in order to get this going leave it or not it's a lot easier so I'm going over there now and will provide distraction and he does need adhere to certain things that need to be done so I sign lobo and proxima midnight the 11th to come over here instead of beating them up I guess in Atlanta for some reason that's what I do so I understand so wow what do I do fire up that big two wheeler and roll cleaner and save the island it's awesome so I think we might do that the gang member perfect well and nobody noticed the Lobo was in East LA... Me too hahaha Proxima Midnight.
I vote we raise it now Thor
I vote we raise it now Hera
I vote we raise it now Zues
I vote we raise it now one for me one for her Nuada Arianna
I vote we raise it now to votes Isis and Rah
Tons are voting now finally
They all say now. Who begin the protocols and we start to prep for it and put in heavy I'm starting to do it now isn't it goes over there is extinct anything it starts to warm is extinct any groups that start forming all of the world were going to hit where they are
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US Pawn Shops Offer Loans for Hidden Treasures
You never know what you will find in a pawnshop.  Where else can you find a snow blower parked next to a mink jacket? Or an ornate 19th century mantle clock from France next to modern-day laptop computers? At Top Dollar Pawn in Waldorf, Maryland, a man comes in wanting to sell the gold caps from his deceased grandfather's teeth. While some would be taken aback, the affable store manager Stuffie Carroll is not. "This happens all the time," he said, as he explains to the customer that the store would only buy the gold after it had been removed from the teeth. Top Dollar owner Michael Cohen, who has two pawnshops in Maryland outside Washington, DC, buys and sells "anything of value," which includes high-end jewelry, musical instruments, and power tools. His biggest seller is the jewelry he says, as he shows off an assortment of diamond rings and gold necklaces. While sales bring in money, pawn shops make most of their income through cash loans to customers in exchange for an item of value. There is also interest on the loan that is higher than a bank rate. If the money is repaid in 30 days, then the customer gets their item back; otherwise the store keeps it for resale. Eighty-five percent pay back the loan. For people without credit or other financial resources, pawn shops can help them get the money they need. The average loan is $150. "In a lot of cases people don't have any other outlet to get the money they need to get through the week to buy diapers for their babies, put gas in the car, or pay the electric bill," said Top Dollar Manager, Mike Thomen. He said customers often talk to him about their problems and he "encourages them when they're down on their luck." Long gone are the days when pawn shops were considered seedy places, where only people down on their luck went to. Today's pawn shops, mostly independently owned, look more like a brightly lit, welcoming second-hand store. "The pawn shop is the new cool place to come into, the new chic place," said Eric Rizer, the owner of three stores in northern Virginia called Royal Pawn. "We have tons of different stuff like artwork, antiques, rugs, and sports memorabilia." "Customer service is a huge part of our business," Cohen said, "and hopefully that keeps people wanting to come back to us." Like regular customer Anthony Ruggaero who is pawning some tools. "I came to pawn a few times to pay for my wedding, which is in 3 months," he explained. "I bought my fiancé's wedding ring here last week. I have my own business, so as soon as checks come in to help me pay for expenses, I'll buy my stuff back." Hidden treasures It's estimated that 30 million people visit the 11,000 pawn shops in the United States every year, perhaps finding some hidden treasures.  "We had an original Picasso," said Rizer. "We actually had a bird head that I sold to a man for $500." Later Rizer discovered that the bird had been extinct for more than 100 years, and the head was valued at $20,000. He says worn vintage guitars are finding a new market. "These beat up guitars are called reliced," he said. "People go absolutely nuts over them just because they look like they're worn from being out on the road." Including customer Austen Ballard, a music producer at MMP Studios in Burke, Virginia.  "It's so much fun to pick up an old instrument from the 1950s or 60s. You never know where a guitar's been. It might be on a record you've heard on the radio." Cohen said his business has taken a hit from second-hand merchandise internet sales. Although he realizes more pawn shops may have to start selling items on the internet to survive, he thinks the brick or mortar stores are here to stay.  "There's people who go from pawn shop to pawn shop looking for a good deal. We definitely have our regulars that like to bargain with us every week." Like customer Keith Winslow who haggles over the price of some power tools. "I want to talk to the people I'm buying products from," he said. I don't want something from online that may not be exactly what I want." from Blogger https://ift.tt/2UyAgfl via IFTTT
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
We had zero incidents last night in Miami no flooding no it flooded but not severely it went up about four or five feet I didn't feel way up as they wanted it to and it was a weird feel because he keeps saying you should flood the s*** out of them why are you not flooding us. Then we heard this here we don't want to be flooded. A whole bunch of people got up in arms about getting flooded they were ready to march in if they were or somewhere else was and we said what's it to you and start saying we don't want to flood and looking at force it not to happen so he pulled them all out and we found out this some of this sincere I think they can do that and it'll work that way others just wanted to capture him believe it or not still others wanted to force it to flood and we felt this sorry for him because they're all stupid enough to do it and we're just going to sit here and cut them down so you mind about falling along said you know what we do to people who do that to him they said no and killed them all machine guns and they died just like they should for what they're trying to do and that's what we're doing to you idiot pigs and wake him up early and don't let him sleep we shoot you for real I'm going to pull you out and shoot your fat ass slob and any who support that kind of thing because that's what we're doing to you that's why simple huh so go through a list of people right now they're going to pull you out cuz you woke come up and you're messing around with him and it's going to continue the rest of the words of the screen you get rid of you. He says that's what he was taught by Mac why shouldn't apply to you and it does now. We are going to have a great time getting rid of people who are doing the stupid s*** because we're going to do it and enjoying it now. If any of you have right the word twice here because you're Satanist we're going to kill you and we're doing it now it's none of you are holding your position as a head people you decide to hand power out so we can do it.
But it says is it's close to that and you pretty much can do it and tons of the head dials are gone for a variety of reasons mainly that the next guy wants to take over and it keeps happening and that guy gets iced and it goes to the pyramid and over and over by the way now so low level we do mt bring them to the pyramid. At this time we're probably for a massive attack for you getting ready to disarm you this ships ahead above and huge chips in the ocean have had it we don't want them hovering anymore and ruining us day and night constantly it's too hot here for this crap too hot for you flying over it's too much for a worry your pieces of s*** you can't drive a car near him either I'm not going to allow that. You're so sick of you say bad things about them is having them to recover it's ridiculous so I'm going to go after you make sure you shut up and put it on something pretty clear if you're sitting here doing and saying that kind of thing you're stupid you need to leave.
We are opening chasms all over the world and we're not waiting for him to do it because he said not to cuz he doesn't have time or energy to do it all and we're doing it now we've assign people to do it I'm opening a lot of them and he had me in the same people and it's much easier I don't have to worry about it so I look at I can see it's open I like what you did say and we are going to destroy your miniature satellites over and over by the way starting today.
There's a space war going on with your rebels and it's real slow and never really goes anywhere even though they're fighting pretty hard they're trying to get into the West never seem to like even make it there so I decided to help him out this time and see what was going on sorry blasting empire ships the whole time that's not how they do it it says so hit him and hitting him and hitting him and we laughed and said they did they had the fire find out they're really not that tough so they kept doing it and they're going after the starkiller and they're pretty close to getting there and they're going to destroy it as they should so they can have access again and this really isn't doing it millions of ships. The'll be there by noon and we'll take out the facility and after that I proceed to devastate the West Coast and hit all the max your stupid faces will be gone.
The Midwest empties and leaving it says we're going to pick five cities and then raise them tonight that are left out there doing it now it will prepping them to go. I also pictures of towns and those towns will be raised tonight you with them if you stay.
It's an extremely hostile your kidding how does that happen.
We haven't there's an evacuation of the midwestern going north tons of them almost every city and it's huge too it's really only 5 to 10 major cities left so they're all evacuated and do the same number we did in DC in New York City it works very well and just simply raise the city recorded off for basically I'll try to text they're gone in half a day that's why they're leaving and we're getting news and we shouldn't do it from here so they're coming to straighten them out because they're identifying themselves
Also going after your money and your gold and your diamonds and anything like that cuz you don't want you having a light computer at all I don't want you trying to make one at all so it didn't take these things from you and your stashes in your caches here and until you drop dead.
I seen so many things in my life it's not even funny but I've never seen you pick on someone like you ever and he doesn't drive that much you're a bunch of wankers making stuff up it's like you're a bunch of little retarded kids and we tested and most if you are not retarded you're just sick and stupid. And you're obscene I'm going to make you pay for it cuz it's repulsive what you're doing is so inane and maladroid and wrong that we're going to make you pay for it says if you're stupid and can't hear what people are saying you've been screaming at you for like 3 years solid don't treat him like that we're going to kill you becoming and kill you people see it and they keep doing it they kill you in Mass tons of you die here we kill you all over the east coast to shut you the f up get you off of one person. Nope he refused so now we're using force and we're going to kill everybody who is bothering him because what you're doing is obscenely stupid and because we have plans here to do so but what you're doing is so dumb and ridiculous that we have to make you pay because he's simply resisting moving so where you want him to or where he thinks you want them to because you've done it before it is trying to do all he can one day he said they're just simply not going to let me sit here no matter what I do and I don't have money to relocate and I have no place to go so we started to F you up big time after you said that he still has no place to go and no money to go anywhere with you're sitting there making like you're demanding him to move so we're going to kill all of you cuz you're so unreasonable he doesn't sitting there gritting his teeth saying I'm going to f****** kill you I got to jump over this thing I got to f****** kill your ass you dumb f****** white scowling b**** you're so stupid and you don't think anything weak piece of s*** you're in the gym you can't even tell us you cuz you're so teeny he's lifting 10 times the way that you can it's not even pushing it but he's pushing it you can see him try I need some Max everything else try I can still lift more I guess weekly making fun of him cuz you're a f****** idiot so I'm going to hit you until you get out of there piece of s*** Preston and Joe and others Sean should not be there he's out loud in for me there I'm putting an order out for him to remove and it's going to be a standing order and people get stuff for follow the order.
Now I want to see progress here today from our people I want teamwork to occur he's in here working like mad and people are scaling when they come in and say why you do that to them so what would you want me to do give them a house give them a place to stay without people don't have one give them food when they're taking money and stuff from us we hardly have enough for food when they have so much money they can buy all the food on Earth and stick it in the pile who are you to say this to me so they come back to me and say boys he fell and I said what did you say said what are you doing that to him for then they told me what you said and I said go back in there and say you're sorry and start killing these idiots you f**** and I said it just said f**** and the guy goes and it was Nuada so I'm talking to you stop with the f****** faces and all the sudden s*** we have to get this done.
Thor Freya
So start listening to him and found out something but he's saying is important if you get rid of nothing you can get rid of them all here if you don't pass this break even point you end up sitting here just something to orders and doing all this stuff are you doing out there anyways and it takes forever so I started to figure out what he's doing it's smart needs to be done in mass and he needs a lot more troops and he's been waling on with everything he can grab. Believe it or not it creates a lot less work and run around stuff which is what these people don't want but these people have expired they need to die for what they're doing and this is why so is flabbergasted when I figured the truth out and upset I apologize of course I said that's great just do the job but we have to prove the math if we don't we're sitting here we're putting up with our own acting like him in this instance forever instead of getting it done so he came by and said this is how you do it and some people listen to that message and it worked pretty good and then I did it differently and some people listen so I'm showing the people how to do it and his horrible screaming here from these idiots they're yelling out loud this morning you will not show them that and they're saying it before we said it it's hard to show them what they're talking and saying well you know what we're talking about what are you talking about I said you're screaming don't show them that he's trying to say well you're telling them to do this and that I said I'm going to use he was reinforcement so I can't do anything this morning and they won't shut up so kept telling them jeez your teaching a ton of people cuz they have to figure it out themselves but they're curious because you keep screaming it says we don't have any time for this is ordering stuff and start moving after I said we don't have any time for you I'm starting started hitting and I heard this from them we don't want you doing that so came in and I said you know what we do and what amount of words said I don't want you doing that either but I guess you can walk right up to me I said I can walk right up to you twice and you're a fool cuz I'm going to knock you out right. He gets up motions as if he's walking towards you so Fried him he fell over is laying there incapacitated. It needs to be cuz he keeps threatening me this idiots always threatening me and they need to be hit everyday all the time and that's why Joe is hiding in the room in there. But I think Joe is hiding from bja was trying to attack him and others and it's true cuz he's kind of working for us almost every single thing that he does is helping us except for him threatening me which I do hit him for I want to say is just too many idiots here for them to be doing and saying what they are so you need to pull some out so we need somevote on which one cuz it does shake it up and it does help me
Zues Hera
We use this now as a template because what's happening here is very important we're going around grabbing tons of all at once and then a few of them start squawking then if you start ordering stuff it's much easier
Nuada Arrianna
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