#like regaling a tale i heard a long time ago
i know leaving sw is the right thing to do but god i feel so alone now, man.
#i know the friendships were a bit triggering but fuck#i don’t have friends! i am not alone but my partner is so busy#i can’t ask him to spend even more time with me when he’s now the sole provider#and the sole provider so i can rest!!!!!!#it just feels like shit going from talking to people literally all day#to barely talking. like i talk to my love a lot don’t get me wrong!#but i was literally spending all day chatting with people#different people#strangers and friends and more you know?#it’s hard just being in my head now#i have so much to say and no one to say it to like. 60% of the time#and i am processing so many fucking feelings#and they SUCK they hurt so bad#i’m learning who i am after not really being here for a while and i don’t like who i was while i was gone#i was doing my best but jesus christ#i was just acting from trauma all the fucking time#which makes sense! i’m super fucking traumatized!#and like all that time i was able to just ramble about my life. it was just because it didn’t feel like mine. i didn’t feel like me.#i was just telling a story i heard#you know?#like regaling a tale i heard a long time ago#but now when i talk about it… that was…. Me#i can feel it. hear it. it’s so different#and there have been things that have done this to me like my SA had this effect but#ALL of my bad memories are doing this now.#i really am the girl from wisconsin whos father was abusive and whos mother escaped him with her and who was bullied#i really was bullied man. i really was fucking weird. i really was in and out of therapy from age nine.#i really do have all of those memories. those are mine. that was me. that is me. fuck.#i don’t know how to that#how do you just. live with your experiences. how do you do that
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trulybetty · 7 months
honey, I won't be home.
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pairing: jackson!joel x reader word count: 1,712 warnings: tlou2 spoilers, angst, mentions of a wound, mentions of blood, neither in graphic detail, bee stings, mention of alcohol, no descriptions of reader, use of a nickname, no y/n estimated reading time: 9 minutes summary: ellie arrives at your door with news that turns your world upside down ao3: linked
a/n: I went back for a rewatch of tlou2 play through for research and ended back in my jackson!joel feelings and leaning into what I want to write as opposed to trying to make other things work and this was the result. if you want to read it in relation to Drip you could read them as the same reader.
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honey, I won't be home.
It was early evening, you were drying dishes when the first shouts could be heard through Jackson. The glass in your hand slipped out of your wet fingers, hit the lip of the sink. The crack of glass on ceramic sounded like a shotgun in the quiet of the kitchen while the screams and shouts from outside echoed. Your attention torn you reached into the sink and recoiled instantly when the bite of cut glass hit your open palm. 
“Son of a bitch,” you hissed as you pulled your hand back, the soapy water already turning pink, the gash on your hand hard to see for the blood muddled with the watery suds. 
As you rinsed off the soap and inspected the wound, you winced at the sight of the jagged cut as the metallic tang of blood tickled your nose. Your eyes darted around for a clean dishcloth, panic at your heels for both the open wound on your hand, and for whatever it was going on outside as the shouting sounded like it was getting closer. 
Just as you found a dishcloth there was a booming knock at the door. 
“Dammit,” you cursed again as you wrapped your hand with the cloth you’d just been using, wishing you could have found a clean one. But the shouts were coming from behind the door now and with the continuous banging of the door, it felt like if you didn’t let them in they’d knock the door down. 
“For Christ's sake,” you muttered as you unlocked the door swinging it open, half expecting to see Joel there sheepish for being gone so long for the patrol he’d left in the early hours for and then for forgetting his key again. 
But instead, it was Ellie. 
Maria was at the bottom of the steps, frozen in a shout she’d been poised to let out at Ellie, but with your arrival, she’d fallen silent. 
You looked at Ellie, her face pale and bruises blooming at the side of her face, her lip split. If it weren’t for your hand wrapped tightly in the damp dishcloth pressed against your chest coupled with the intensity of the moment, you would have reached out to take her face in your hands to inspect her injuries. 
The usual spark in her eyes was gone, left was just a hollow emptiness that seemed to age her beyond her years. You looked down to the bottom of the steps, Maria, usually the picture of authority and composure within Jackson stood as a silent sentinel, her expression unreadable and her eyes avoiding yours.
“Honey,” Ellie’s voice cracked.
You still inwardly cringed still at the nickname all these years later. You wished you’d adopted it through a means of a term of endearment, something sweet bestowed upon you as the name suggested.
Eugene had christened you with the name years ago. You’d tried to remove a beehive from a property being prepared for new residents. You’d thought the hive was dried and inactive, but no — you were wrong. In the process of trying to remove it, you’d been stung multiple times, earning you a painful trip to the infirmary.
Then, that night, under the dim lights of the Tipsy Bison Eugene’s deep voice had carried over the general chatter as he regaled the tale. The clink of glasses and laughter had echoed around you as you sat centre of unwanted attention. Eugene had raised a glass of whiskey, sweetened with his prized honey salvaged from the hive, and toasted to you with a mischievous glint in his eye, using the new nickname he’d bestowed upon you.
It was also the night you’d first met Joel.
Your heart, already racing from the accident in the kitchen, now threatened to beat out of your chest. Your throat felt tight and your mind was swimming with possibilities of what the tension between Ellie and Maria meant, what the shouting before you opened the door was about. Then came your sudden realization that Joel should have been back from patrol with Tommy by now, especially if Ellie was back.
It all accumulated in a fear so intense, that it was nearly paralyzing.
“Ellie,” you spoke cautiously, breaking the heavy silence. It took a moment or two to control your breathing with the new weight that sat on your chest, so heavy it threatened to have you on your knees, “Ellie,” you said again, your voice strained and barely above a whisper, “what’s happening?” the weight was crushing, the tension in your body only serving to keep you on your feet, “Where’s Joel?”
Ellie’s tear-rimmed eyes looked up at you, she looked as if she was carrying all the weight in the world. For a brief moment, you mourned the childhood she should have had. That she shouldn’t be outside of the walls of Jackson on patrol, that she shouldn’t have witnessed the things she had in her short eighteen years. 
“Joel,” she started, her voice a volatile cocktail of grief and anger and you felt the heckles of panic at your heels again, working their way up to your chest, the moment stretched out so far it felt like hours before she spoke again, “He… he’s gone.”
The simplicity of her words belied the complexity of emotions they unleashed.
The term was too small, too simple for the enormity of what it implied. Joel, your Joel, the man who had been a constant in your life since arriving in Jackson. The man who had seen you through so much, who had become not just your partner, but a part of you, could simply not be ‘gone’.
Your mind reeled as you tried to make sense of Ellie’s words, but it was like grasping at smoke. The world was suddenly tilting, just falling into confusion and disbelief. 
“Gone? Ellie, what do you mean gone?” The urgency in your voice rose, the panic evident, the grief in your throat growing, threatening to choke you, “What happened? Ellie?”
Your voice now a desperate plea for this to be a misunderstanding, just all a mistake.
Ellie’s eyes flooded with tears, spilling over as she looked at you, a tempest of tragedy on her face.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, her voice barely holding it together, trembling with the weight of the news she was delivering, “I– we… we were too late. The weather delayed Dina and I. Something went wrong. He–Joel… he was attacked. He was attacked. He… he,” she bit her lip as she tried to force the words out, “he didn’t make it,” her words broke, shattered by the sheer force of her grief.  
The cold winter air around you felt thick as time itself paused in the face of such inconceivable news. Ellie took you through what had happened, you tried to listen, but the pounding of your heartbeat in your ears threatened to drown her out. Left only with your thoughts of Joel, Joel Miller, the pillar of strength and safety in your world, the man who had survived against all odds, whose resilience and will to protect had been unbreakable, almost stubborn, was no more.
The newfound foundation of your life in Jackson, built together with him, had been ripped away in an instant. 
The pain in your hand, from just mere moments ago in what felt like another lifetime, once sharp and demanding, faded to nothing against the gaping wound in your heart. 
But as you clutched to the doorframe for support, the world spinning out of control, you saw Ellie. Really saw Ellie. Not as the bearer of some of the worst news possible, but as the young woman who had been thrust into a world of loss and survival from too young an age. The girl who had lost so much, yet fought so fiercely for those she loved.
The girl who in that moment, needed you just as much as you needed her.
Instinctively, without even realizing it, your stance softened, your grip on the doorframe released. Ellie, who had seen Joel as a father figure, even through the hard moments, who had been a constant presence in your lives, was now a part of your family through shared grief as much as shared love.
With a shaky breath, you reached out with open arms. She paused, just for a moment, causing you to hold your breath in anticipation. Then before you could say anything she collapsed into your embrace, her body wracked with sobs. You held onto her so tightly, as if your hold on her would keep you together, that as long as you were holding each other, the world around you couldn’t completely fall apart.
You stroked her hair, whispering words of comfort, that felt hollow in your own ears, but it was all you could offer, “It’s going to be okay,” you lied, because in that moment, nothing felt like it would ever be okay again.
But for Ellie, you could be strong. You had to be because if you couldn’t, you knew you would surely fall apart.
The cold Jackson air whipped around you, your bare feet were numb a contrast to the warmth of Ellie’s body pressed tightly to yours, her arms tight around you. You could feel her heart beating against your chest, fast and frantic, mirroring your own despite your seemingly straight face.
“You did everything you could, Ellie,” you whispered into her hair, knowing full well that nothing you could say could possibly erase any of the weight of guilt or responsibility she felt for Joel’s death.
Maria, who had silently been observing until now, approached cautiously. You glanced up, meeting her eyes, a silent exchange passing between the two of you tears glistened in her eyes mirroring the ones threatening to fall from your own that you were fighting to hold back.
The night was falling fast, the shadows of Jackson stretching long across the ground, it felt like an ominous presence mirroring the grief that had crossed the threshold of your home, a sanctuary no more. 
As the first stars of the evening began to peek through the dark clouds you squeezed Ellie a little tighter.
For now, you hoped it was enough to get you through the night.
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rottingfern · 7 months
strap the wing to me (death trap clad happily) || a Bad Omens fanfic
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Pairing: fae!Noah x gender neutral reader (yes the smut is gn too)
Summary: He’s beautiful, so, so gorgeous, unless otherwise he’s completely grotesque, a scent of something eldritch you’d rather not acknowledge. When he kisses you, he tastes of burnt wax and antimony, straps candlewick wings to your aching back, and you don the death trap happily.
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: unbeta'd trash. overly flowery written pretty much entirely in prose. smutty smut smut. oral sex. just a tiny whiff of dubious consent by way of fae trickery
A/N: I drank a lot of wine and listened to Hozier on repeat the other night and then saw a very mind-meltingly beautiful pic of Noah on the dash and had a really weird dream and this is the result. Enjoy the ramblings xoxo Fern
Brainrot Club: @familiarscarsxelectrichearts @throughwoodsanddirt @cowpokeomens
Masterlist here.
Title taken from Sunlight by Hozier; banner made by @throughwoodsanddirt; dividers by @saradika
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“You lost?” he asks, and that is what ruins you. You’ve heard the old stories of wicked fae-men and how to avoid them - beware strange beings in the wood, don’t stray from the path - but in all the stories, none author had bothered to mention they’d peek around a tree with wide, irresistibly innocent curiosity and ask you, You lost?
There’s a flash of a glint in his eye, a bare twitch in his lip predating what might’ve been a smirk, but you can’t help but smile at the childlike confidence in his voice, and then he smiles back and –
That too is your ruin. There perhaps hasn’t been a sweeter smile - not in your years, not in the years of all of time, you reckon - to grace a human being, and it steals your breath sure as he’d picked it from your pocket. He takes it as an offering, slinking around the trunk with the air of something much smaller, more slight than he; gravity must be a friend, lover, even, with the grace she offers to his motion.
His eyelashes flutter on his cheeks as you take his tattooed hand - an imperious command, or perhaps a childish invitation - granting you the proof of satisfaction you hadn’t known you’d been waiting for, a breath of relief expelling from its locked chamber you’d ignored until now. 
You stare, because how can you not? He is beautiful, yes, but his visage flickers from soft to vulpine with a flicker of shadow and moonlight, something inhuman, dangerous, alien turning well-bred beauty, like the kind some are just born with, masculinity encapsulated by that rare softness. 
He’s beautiful, so, so gorgeous, unless otherwise he’s completely grotesque, a scent of something eldritch you’d rather not acknowledge. Within a breath, he moves from shy, soft smiles to something aloof, something dangerously mischievous, something terrifying when the moon shines just so and you’re reminded of that glint in his eye. You only need blink for that chipped granite of his cheekbone and hardened brow to give way to that downy smile once more, like it had never gone.
You walk over roots, vines and ivies and he is barefoot, feet uncalloused and unscarred.
The trek back to the path is as treacherous as he warned, for which he never lets your hand go - vines threatening to trip you up with each step, roots growing where there were none minutes ago. He regales you with faerie-tales - his childhood, he calls it - and you follow his younger self through burrows and glades and loss and loss and loss and to the rivers and all the girls (and boys) that live in them, the monsters that he’d fought and the girls (and boys) he’d had there after, and to the mountains and still you follow and –
And he pauses, and you’re overcome with the bodily realization that you’re exhausted. You’re not sure how long you’ve walked, but your legs burn. Your feet are torn, shoes and socks evidently long gone somewhere along the way. Your head swims, and he barely turns before you collapse into him. 
You don’t register the hawthorn he’s pressed you up against, solid as stone, until the bark digs through your shirt to chip and stab at your skin, oozing wet warmth down your back that’s conflated blood and sap in your mind. A tsk from his mouth - the sound forms so prettily on his perfectly formed Cupid’s bow - produces a golden fruit in his hand, taken from a bush or his pocket, or somewhere else entirely. You’re too dizzy to follow the movement of his hand. It’s so splendidly shiny, citrine flesh pulled so taught it aches for just the single prick to burst the saccharine juice within. 
Before he even presses it to your lips, the scent makes your molars ache to grind it to a pulp. He teases it, hovering it before your mouth, reveling in your fight against the strong thigh he presses to your core to reach it. 
His fingers brush your lips when he finally acquiesces, and he blushes with a bashful smile like it’d been a mistake, and between his smile and the alchemically intoxicating scent of the fruit, you forget all about the warnings of eating Fae offerings and - 
It bursts like an eyeball with just the barest graze of your teeth, blessed wet rushing to coat your throat liquid as the taste has done to you; it is the sweetest, sharpest flavor you’ve tasted, salty too - though perhaps that’s the tears streaming down your face. Your core throbs a drumbeat. You’re nothing more than meat and nerves and blood in a sac of skin, pulsing as the seeds and pulp slither down your throat. 
Your head dips - involuntarily - to suck the sap from each digit. You want to wrap your legs around him, to grind shamelessly until you too are nothing but sap. 
When he kisses you, he tastes of burnt wax and antimony, straps candlewick wings to your aching back, and you don the death trap happily. 
He draws you down to the bed of moss with kisses and gentle strokes, soft and spongy and earthen and cool and moist beneath your naked skin. His great coat envelops you both, secreting beneath it the dance of his nails (not nails, but claws, unpainted black and whispering a deadly promise) along the planes of your burning, overstuffed skin. He swallows down your whimpers and gasps, curiosity painting his face lent by innocence to understanding his touch is the cause; too light a touch, you think, you need more. 
The callus of his fingers speaks of handiwork as they brush you, painting you red hot and wanting. He watches his brushes as they stroke lower with open fascination, like you’re the one alien and not he. 
You arch into him, begging for your flesh to be flayed from bone, for him to sink those razors he calls teeth down to the marrow. There they are at your chest, dangerously grazing the delicate pebble of your nipple, plump damp lips suckling it as though it is the fruit itself. There is his hand at your thigh, hot palm pressing your leg up his waist, clever, spindly fingers teasing the apex, wandering but never finding home. 
He laughs when you reach for him, for the heat beneath his trousers weighing heavy in the cradle of your hips. “Later,” he tells you, swallowing down your indignant whine before it can burst forth. Now, you want to beg, but then his hand reaches the destination you desire most, shackling you to the singular sensation in short, strong strokes, and you think, okay, later.
Your skin burns, stretched taught and oversensitive as he probes you, knuckles bulbs as they puncture the precipice, only the cool damp of the moss beneath you granting reprieve. You paw at it helplessly, unmoored, gripping up great chunks of it in Sisyphean effort to ground yourself against the fullness.  
He chuckles. “Never said you couldn’t touch,” he mutters against your belly, words muffled by your skin as the vibrations run straight through your core. Something ragged wrenches from you as you dive your hands in his hair, pulling at soft and silky and ink-dark even in the twilight canopy of the wood; a slippery purchase at best as he journeys downward, leaving lush, slick trails in the wake of his mouth that nearly steam against the cool of the breeze. 
He laughs, exultant, and curls those clever fingers inside you hard, bifurcating within you, plying and playing, and teasing and then, then, finally, his head dives between your legs. A hot breath first, a nudge of that pointed nose, then his wicked tongue, licking and lapping and curling, and then those sweet lips wrapping and sucking around you, tongue pressing until you’re reduced to faint breath, until you can only cling with the white static tuned to the red-earthen-hot tune of want. 
You come, spread apart like a dam on the moss. He leeches to you, stroking and sucking and curling and pressing until there’s nothing left in you but shallow heaves and twitching limbs. 
The smirk spreading his mouth when you finally settle in the cradle of his arms is so absurdly silly, so endearing and human, so real, you can’t help but laugh, curling drunkenly into it, each breath a stabbing pain you receive gladly. He gathers you, watching as you laugh, seeming pleased with himself as a cat with cream. 
Together, when you’re once again able, you gather what can be salvaged of your clothes. It’s not much, so he cloaks you in his coat, the unstarched fabric simultaneously stiff and soft against your bare skin, sliding silkily with each step. He guides you along by his lithe arm, veins dancing up the tattooed lengths like sinew upon bark, hand now sticky from being buried within you. 
The fallen leaves ease your way, damp earth gathering between your toes, sluicing off the pain with the cool of it. 
He leads you where? There is no door, no hawthorn trees nor spiderwebs, no shimmering air to pass through yet for a moment you are distracted, and then you are in the woods no longer. The walls are earthen, ancient vines thick as elk climbing like supporting pillars, illimitably, impossibly, reaching for nothing but night sky. The stars, though far above, seem sharper, tangible, and close as you might reach should you choose as you stare into the boundless void between; a darkness luring so sweetly you’d tumble into it for a single unsteady step. 
For the first time since he found you, you do not struggle to look away from him. Walls give way to great earthen colonnades, thousand-story balustrades housing hanging gardens of lady slippers and cowslips and columbines glimmering in the light of torches tall as men. Above it all is still the fathomless, terrifying sky, and everywhere there are people, throngs of faerie folk in every direction as far as you can see. Most pay you no mind but those that do, do so with blessedly parlous curiosity, curling lips clueing teeth that’d bite. 
The sheer number of colors and shapes and bodies has your memory grow fading, evanescent. Some have hooves or scales or feathers, beaks or antlers, and others - just a face the wrong side of sharp, limbs lengthened just past that boundary of eldritch. A few stand out: a man, long-haired and goateed who’d pass human were he not nearly twice the size of a regular man, with sclera deep as bitter licorice; another, flat-faced with the lightest eyes you’d ever seen, veins and sinew and muscle coiling and rippling beneath transparent skin; a creature you struggle to wrap your mind around, a great wolf’s maw forced where the young man’s mouth would be, slitted pupils twitching as he watches you pass, hackles raised. 
Your skin erupts in gooseflesh, and Noah bends his head to nip at it. 
There are three girls standing with heads bowed together, faces painted in warm knavery, identical in all but where they split the embodiment of moon, sun, and void. One’s hands look capable of melting your skin off, and another’s claws drip an ichor you’d let run poison deep below your sluicing skin as you’re blinded by the radiant glow of the third. 
You imagine them spreading you apart, tasting you, tasting them. You’re acutely aware of the heady sourness of your arousal, a scent so human amid bark and earth and animal scent, among burning floral oils.
They are beautiful. They are all beautiful, and you’re struck with a pang of precipitous, desperate hunger. You want all of them. Blisteringly. 
“All of them?” he chuckles, nuzzling the side of your face, insectile fingers gripping your jaw firm with practiced precision. “Greedy.”
Your veins already are hot, pulsing iron, overstimulated and frazzled, but now they spill crimson across your cheekbones, hairline tightening at the tone of his accusation. But he only coos, bringing you in with tangling arms round your waist. 
“Spare me,” he sighs against your temple. “Greed is good. You’ll have it all and more later. But first, let us sate that hunger.” Yes, let us, you think. You never could refuse his command. You hope he will feed you more of those delightful fruits.
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I love selkies. Can you do a horror based story with selkie rook from twisted wonderland please!!
The Selkie's Chosen Bride
The content below the read more is Yandere content and is part of a Halloween Event. You have been warned.
He was knocking at the door again.
Every night for the past month, without fail he would be at your door, hoping to be let inside. And every night you've huddled up on your bed, praying for him to just go away until sleep finally claimed you. Then he'd be gone in the morning, but you knew if you strayed too close to the shore when the sun was out he'd be waiting for you.
You'd heard tales of selkies growing up here in this coastal town, mostly from your grandfather as he regaled you with stories from his sailing days. He'd fill your head with images of sunken treasures, underwater cities that were home to mermaids, and of course of those strange creatures who could take on the form of a seal using a coat. You hadn't put much stock in them of course, they just seemed like the stories any loving grandparent would tell their grandchild that you could look back on fondly as an adult.
The stories had even come to mind when you freed that seal tangled up in that fishing net a month ago. But you didn't think much of it at the time. All you saw was an animal in need of help, and you didn't hesitate to take out your pocket knife and cut the poor thing loose. A small act of kindness to add a little more good to the world, and then you went about your business after making sure the animal wasn't injured.
It was later in the day, as you started to walk home from the pier with the fish you caught for dinner in hand, did you run into a man you had never seen before. Short blonde hair with fringed bangs, pale skin, sharp green eyes, and a very pleased grin on his face at the sight of you. In his hands was what looked to be a seal's skin, much to your hidden disgust.
"Mon amour, there you are! I was hoping to run into you!" He exclaimed as he stopped you right in your tracks. You only gave the man a confused look as he held the seal skin out to you.
"Um...What are you doing?"
"Giving you my coat of course. It's only customary that I do so for the one I've chosen to marry."
"WHAT?!" You shrieked as you jumped back in shock, causing him to chuckle a bit.
"You saved my life Ma Cherie, so it is only right that I give it to you in return. I promise I'll be a wonderful husband to you. I will happily provide for you, and make sure you never want for anything."
Saved his life...
You took another look at the seal skin, realizing that it looked like it belong to the seal that you had rescued that morning, and your thoughts drifted back to your grandfather's stories. Mainly, about how those who wanted to take a selkie as a spouse would steal their coat. And now one was handing you his willingly after you detangled him from a net.
You quickly gave him a no before running to your home and locking the door. You had no interest in taking a supernatural creature as a husband. You had heard countless times of how badly those ended, and you were not going to be added to the list. But of course, he had followed you home, bringing to what had become a part of your daily life.
Him knocking at the door, trying to persuade you to let him in every night. You avoiding the shore, knowing that he was there waiting for you with his coat in hand. There was no end in sight for this nightmare for you, it seemed like this cycle wouldn't end.
But he decided to end it tonight it seems, as you heard him start breaking down the old wooden door that kept him at bay for so long, and heavy footfalls began to make their way towards your bedroom.
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ladystarksneedle · 6 months
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Golden age
A/N: Got inspired to write a little drabble for Alicent based on this song
Summary: Alicent reminisces on time lost and memories of love.
Word count: 508
She holds the dress in her hands close to her frame as the doors to her chambers shut for the night. It is the hour of the bat and she finds herself unwilling to call upon Talya to help her undress. The fabric crinkles as she struggles to slip it on, the act in itself feeling sacred yet scarred. The green soothes her skin, clings to her like a cloak, a shroud of protection despite being delivered to duty in it all those years ago. 
She finds herself brushing her fingers over her waist, noticing how the velvet tightens around her womb, now long past bearing fruit and wonders how her mother felt when she wore it last. She remembers a banquet, of days past, a happy smile, restrained yet content as she gazed at her father. Love the word in itself holds no meaning anymore. 
She remembers a girl from the past, excited for the royal tourney, eager to bestow her favor to a knight she'd only dreamed about. The ballads and tales that regaled her fell in a swoop that day, lost to the death of the late queen. The tears don't come anymore as she recalls her wedding day.
“Somber and solemn as it should be” her father had said as he'd walked her down the aisle.
“We'll change history today, daughter. You've made our house proud”.
She hadn't felt brave then, letting in a man who'd brought in the very pain that afflicted him, drowning her in a pool of blood and tears. 
“This is the price we pay for greatness, for the good of the realm” she'd heard.
Whispers and assurances passed over meals, in the corridors and great halls as she floundered with the veneer of her head held high. Perhaps it was her. Anyone else would have rejoiced at the position bestowed on her yet how could she claim this to be love when she'd felt it once before, even in a dream.
“You're the most comely girl at court Alicent, why do you ruin yourself so”.
His words rang true even in absence, as the people she trusted dwindled and the drapes and tapestries changed, her enclosure remaining the same guarded by bloodied hands, four instead of two.
The green catches the light of a withering candle nearby and she can see her eyes illuminated by it, feeling the depth of emotion coursing through her.
 “You look just like your mother in certain lights” 
She sees it now, not in the weight of her sorrow but the flecks of gold that cast their shadows. A memory emerges, of fire and uncertainty, a kingly remark of succession whispered with drunken callousness “I had a dream” 
“My son shall be anointed in the way of the Conqueror. Let the people remember the ancient strength of House Targaryen”
Green and gold greet her as she emerges at dawn, straight faced as she gazes at her son shouldered with duty.
“Gold shall eclipse green henceforth and perhaps I'll have lit my way through the dark.”
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wilcze-kudly · 10 months
@zukkaonthebrain here's part of the draft of that pirate fic i mentioned lol. Judge for yourself if it's any good.
Four years ago, had you told Hama of the Southern Water Tribe that she would be dreading returning home, she most likely would have boiled your blood. And yet, here she was. Savouring the cold, arctic air from the comfort of the Fire Navy ship she had grown to call home for the last 3 years.
- Feeling nostalgic?- she didn't have to turn around to recognise lieutenant Jee's voice at her side. She had to crane her head to look up into his stern face. He said nothing more, hands still clasped behind his back, regal like the naval officer he once was.
- Perhaps. - she finally answered, looking back into the cold, barren, yet homely snowy wastes.- It's been so long. I don't think anyone would remember me as anything but a cautionary tale.- she shivered a little. Her bones were old and now used to the warmth of the fire nation or the sunkissed deck, after all.
But it still felt as if she had betrayed her homeland.
Jee, ever the gentleman, placed a shawl over her shoulders. The crew had amassed a staggering amount of blankets and furs over the years. All different colours, from various places. On warm nights they would sometimes lay them out on the deck and sleep under the stars.
Today was not warm.
- It's been so long since I've seen these waters. I believe everyone's most likely forgotten me. - she repeated quietly. She flicked her wrist and a trail of water sprung upwards to her command. As if she had to remind herself who she was. Hama of the Southern Water Tribe. Not Hama of the Fire Nation. And certainly not Hama of the Umihebi. Certainly not.
This was always the plan. This had always been the plan. Ever since she was confronted by an eleven year old princess Azula, demanding transport in exchange for amnesty.
The full moon was the only light she needed. She had almost managed to corral old man Ding into the mountain. The man was a nuisance in the village, always loud and brash and had occasionally stormed into her inn already heavily drunk and demanded another bottle of wine. She took great pleasure in pupeteering his blood.
She had just about forced him into the cave when the bushes rustled behind her. Concentration broken, she whiped around just in time to see a flash of red disappearing behind the leaves and hear a tiny squeak.
Oh great. More than 30 years of secrecy out of the window in just 5 seconds. She vaguely heard Ding's footsteps as he sprinted back down towards the village. So goes her success streak.
- I can see you.- she snarled, summoning an ice spike to her hands. - You'd best come out of there before I make you.-
This was no idle threat. Despite the moon waning, she had more than enough time to easily kill whoever had ruined her plans.
There was shuffling and what Hama did not expect was for 3 children to emerge from the brush. Little girls, about 11 if she were to guess. Dressed in noble's clothes, but slightly dirty and dishevelled.
The one in the front held her head high, looking down her nose at Hama. -Waterbender. I am princess Azula, daughter of the Firelord and I have just caught you committing a crime.- those were the last words Hama expected to hear out of her mouth. - However. - the tiny princess continued. -I am in need of assistance and if you prove useful, I offer to pardon your crime. -
- And what if i don't help you, little one?- Hama bit out. This was the grandchild of the man who ruined her life. This was the blood of the family that brought her to this hell, that killed her brothers and sisters, that left her to rot in a dungeon. - What if I kill you right now?-
The princess looked unaffected, as did the stonefaced pale girl behind her. The one wearing pink at least had the decency to squeak and hide behind her companions.
- Then i shall simply defeat you in combat and hand you over to the proper authorities. Or kill you, if you force my hand.- Honestly, the gall of this child. The princess continued, boldfaced in the face of potential bloodbending. - My frien... My companions and I are travelling to the port in East Kidaro. Unfortunately, our transport has become... incapacitated. -
- She means our mongoose lizard ran away.- deadpanned the other girl, who had the audacity to look bored. Princess Azula glared at her, before turning back towards Hama.
- Threrefore. We require your assistance. - the little girl finished. As she stopped talking, her entire body sagged a little, as if she were just putting on a performance.
Spirits. Hama's head was spinning. She could probably wipe the floor with these kids. Probably. The princess's confidence was unnerving to say the least. But did she have it in her to kill three 11 year olds all at once? Perhaps. But for her own sanity she'd rather not think so.
- So. What is your decision?- The little royal put her hands on her hips. Hama sighed. The moose dragon carriages were leaving soon, she had enough money and time and she'd rather not kill a bunch of children so why not?
- Fine. - she muttered, the ice spike melting and clattering to her feet in a puddle. She turned, motioning for the kids to follow her.
It was only once they were on the carriage, halfway there, that Hama thought to ask.
- Why would you be travelling to East Kidaro, anyway?-
The girls all flinched, as if she had just slapped them all simultaneously. The princess glared at her tiny hands balled into fists in her lap.
- I have a ship to catch.- she bit out. - If you must know.-
- There's always time to reacquaint yourself with your people.- Jee gently pulled her out of her musings. - I'm sure they will be ecstatic to have you back. -
He tried to smile reassuringly, but his attention was immediately drawn by Hotaru, their resident navigator and helmsman (and amateur scholar), yelling something about map discrepancies. With one last reassuring squeeze of her shoulder, Jee rushed towards the conning tower.
With no other thing to catch her interest, Hama turned her attention to the two young royals training, a pleasant heat emanating from them. When she first boarded the ship, she had flinched away from the benders, but soon she grew used to it.
It probably helped that she had taught them to assimilate some waterbending techniques into their skillset. She had no waterbenders to pass her knowledge down to, she might as well teach someone.
Even right now, the two were doing the fire version of streaming the water, passing a ribbon of flames between each other with a fluidity one would seldom see among their kind.
Hama couldn't help the pride that swelled in her chest. They may not be the waterbending students she had dreamed of, but they were her students.
Once she saw fire only as destruction and pain, but she had since come around to it's beauty.
One could not help but admire how the golden-red flames turned a cold blue as they left Zuko's vicinity and swirled around Azula, only to warm in colour again as the prince summoned them back.
Azula caught Hama's eye, and inclined her head with an impish smile. Zuko had yet to notice her, but Hama did not hold it against him.
She was in his blind spot, after all. Despite her incredible, if she does say so herself, healing prowess, Hama had been unable to save the sight in the boy's left eye.
Yes, Hama thought bitterly, as she eyed the angry red scar, there was still much destruction and pain left in fire.
To say Hama was lost the first time she boarded the Umihebi would be an understatement. The ship was small, ridiculously small, but still it made her feel even smaller. The metal under her feet. The sound of the engine running. The smell of smoke. Bile rose in the back of her throat. She could almost feel the phantom imprints of cuffs around her wrists.
Of course, princess Azula strutted around like she owned the place, because technically she did. She marched right up to the surly greybearded soldier who stood at the helm.
- Where are my brother and uncle, lieutenant?- she demanded, hands neatly folded in front of her. The man looked down at her, raising a bushy eyebrow. Azula tapped her foot. The man cleared his throat.
- The prince has yet to awaken, princess. - he choked out. - He is currently in his quarters being attended to by our medic. The general is with him. -
- Very well. You will take me there. - the little tyrant demanded. The lieutenant sputtered a bit in indignation, but folded quickly under the piercing amber gaze. He stiffly motioned for them to follow.
Once Hama had been dragged, kicking and screaming down halls like these. Now she was following the princess of the fire nation through them, like a dog. She could at least chuckle at the irony.
She mulled over the lieutenant's words in her head. The prince had not awoken. Hama had heard of the Agni Kai and the boy's banishment. Everyone had heard. But was the burn so severe? She could not imagine a father, even as cruel as the Firelord, hurting his child in any meaningful way. Surely the burn was not that serious. Surely.
They reached the metal door and the man hesitated. He looked back down at the princess, and her young companions. A look of pity crossed his face as he placed a steadying hand on Azula's shoulder.
- Your highness. We're here. - he said quietly -I must warn you... It's not pretty. Not a sight for children. No one would think differently of you if you waited a little to see your brother. -
For a moment the little girl seemed to hesitate, before her face once again gained its signature look of superiority.
- That will be all, lieutenant. - she said, shrugging his hand off her shoulder. - You may return to your post. -
The man stiffened again, saluted and left wordlessly, jaw only slightly agape. Meanwhile the princess confidently opened the door, and marched into the room, her friends funnelling in after her. Hama stayed outside, giving them at least a little bit of privacy.
Not ten seconds later she was nearly barrelled over by the little pink one, who sprinted out of the room, tears in her eyes and hands over her mouth. The girl rushed to the deck, nearly colliding with a wall on her way there.
Well now Hama was curious. She carefully peaked into the room. Right at the entrance stood the princess's other friend, still as a statue. The tiny royal herself was standing next to an older gentleman, another noble by the looks of him.
There indeed was a healer, a young man with spectacles, whos darker skin implied he originated from the colonies. The lad was kneeling next to a mattress on the floor, applying an ointment to the face of the small figure that lay there.
Applying an oily, greasy ointment. To a fresh burn.
- What the fuck are you doing?- she demanded, long dormant healer's instincts kicking in. She brushed past the quiet girl, stomping up to the mattress. - Do you WANT to give him an infection?!-
The healer jumped, dropping the jar of ointment. Hama sat at the mattress, assessing the kid's wound. Spirits. Half the boy's face was covered by a nasty burn. It looked awful, but she steeled herself. She could think about it later. Since no one had yet tackled her, she assumed she was free to continue her examination.
There was a bucket of water. She checked its temperature. Ice cold. Tui and La, it was like they were trying to kill the boy. She passed the bucket to the, for once stunned, princess Azula.
- Heat it up. Not hot. Lukewarm. - the little girl sputtered a bit, and the older noble took pity on her. He gently pulled the bucket from her shaking hands. Soon Hama felt a sliver of heat emanating from him. She turned to the healer. The poor man looked so lost and maybe Hama would have felt bad for him if he weren't just about to commit medical malpractice.
- What kind of healer are you? You don't even know how to treat a Spirits damned burn !-
- I'm uh, actually supposed to be the navigator. - the young man stuttered out.
- Then where is the fucking healer?-
- We don't have anyone else. I was given some first aid training and dispatched here..-
- Well, you're just making things worse. Get out. Out I say! - she shooed the man away and he dragged himself out of the cabin, metaphorical tail between his legs. Hama turned to the old man.
- How is that water coming along?- he simply passed her the bucket. She checked the temperature again. Acceptable.
She paused. This would usually be the moment she would start waterbending. But she didn't fancy getting set on fire. Sure, the princess knew what she was, but the old man...
Oh fuck it. She wasn't about to let a 13 year old die on her watch, if she was worth her salt as a healer. She quickly drew the water out of the bucket. The old man took a rather loud breath, but other then that did not react.
Emboldened, Hama gently led the water to the boy's little face. She let the liquid settle on the mangled flesh, charred skin and frayed nerve endings. Then she reached inside of herself, for the power she had been hiding for so long.
The water began to glow faintly and Hama felt a sense of peace she forgot she could feel. It was almost like she was young again. Back when there was a lull in the fighting and they could actually tend to their wounded.
Her hands trembled a little bit.
Why was she even doing this? She didn't care if a member of the royal family died. She might even rejoice at the news.
But the boy was so small and pale, and the burn was so horrific and apparently inflicted by his father, and he was trembling and sweating and bleeding and he wouldn't survive the night without her... And he was just a child.
So she kept at it. She focused on the wound, daring not turn to face the two other royals. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the princess's other friend, still motionless and looking a little green in the face. Poor kid.
As if sensing Hama's thoughts, the old noble cleared his throat. - Mai, was it? - the girl gave a little nod -Perhaps you should go make sure your friend is doing alright.- she nodded and stiffly turned around, silently stepping out of the room.
There was a second or two of silence before the man spoke again. - Princess Azula, you have yet to introduce me to your friend. -
- Hm? - the little girl mumbled, as if startled out of her thoughts, Hama felt the mattress dip as the Azula sat down at her brother's feet. - This is Hama. We requested her assistance in the journey here and she obliged. In exchange she is to be exonerated of her past crimes. -
- Hmmm.- Hama could practically imagine him stroking his beard. - It is a good thing that you did. I do not wish to think of what would have happened had you not. Thank you.-
Hama grunted, waving a hand, before returning to her work. She wasn't doing this for THEM. She was doing this just because it would insult her status as a master waterbender and healer if she were to let a child die on her watch. That's the ONLY reason.
For a long time after that there was silence, save for the soft hum of the water's healing process. It had probably been at least an hour before Hama was satisfied with her work.
The burn had begun healing over the edges. It would take more work for it to fully heal, and of course it would leave an awful scar, but the boy would live. Looking down at his face he seemed more peaceful too. She felt good about that
She straightened her back, wiping the sweat off her forehead. Spirits, her spine was killing her. Finally she let herself take her surroundings in. The princess had fallen asleep, curled up at her brother's feet like a polar bear dog puppy. The old man sat in his chair, watching Hama intently.
- Thank you.- he said quietly, bowing his head. Hama didn't know what to say, so she just pretended to be checking on the prince's wound again.
- I hear my niece offered you a pardon for your services. Understand that things do not work like that.- Ah well, this was what Hama was afraid of. Serves her right for listening to a fucking eleven year old. At least she could take three fourths of the royal family hostage. But the man she now recognised as prince Iroh continued.
- But, should I employ you as the official healer of the Umihebi, you would be safer. The Crown often exonerates criminals who join the army. After your services are no longer required we will set you off at a port of your choosing and you will be free to go. - he smiled reassuringly and extended his hand.
-Do we have a deal?-
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vpofcookies · 4 months
I lost a friend recently. Let me tell you a bit about her.
I met her when I was 11 or 12, quite a long time ago now. She was my coach then, but as time goes by those teachers become friends. My other coach calls me his sibling now, but I think she saws us all as her kids. She taught our head coach for years before he even founded the club, and she certainly treated him like a misbehaving kid when he tried to teach drills differently than she would have.
She was funny, and had a dirty sense of humor that always threw everyone off gaurd until they knew her well enough to see past her facade of "innocent old woman." She went to see Kinky Boots for her 82nd birthday and declared she would become a playwright. Her friends argued that she was already a playwright. And a poet. And an artist. They told me later that she was the lead playwright for two different local groups. At her birthday party she kept yelling at the band to let her in with the accordion. I found our later (as she joined them and played) that it was her band and they were trying to prevent her from playing to enjoy her own birthday party.
When she was diagnosed with blood cancer she conspiratorially told me that, while she was sad to cut back on her hours linedancing (and bemoaned missing the competition with her team) she had found something else to do! Those poor old men on the veterans pickleball team have no idea how much trash talk there was about them between their practice days. After all, it's no linedancing.
She gave me my first set of gear, and regaled me with tales of her past competitions. She was a 4-time national champion, after all. I got to hear all about her losing gear on international flights, getting lost in big cities, and getting banned from the train system of a foreign country because she tried to forge a transit pass when she forgot her wallet in her hotel room. She often complained that the 60+ veterans tournaments were no fun because there weren't enough people to make it worth her time to beat them. She'd do a little impatient hand gesture when you were against her that either meant "hurry up and do something already" or "I'm tired of this and you're about to lose." Usually both.
Once she made an analogy that struck me as being so accurate that I hoped others had heard of it, and wondered if maybe it was a well known phrase that I hadn't heard before (my other coaches had mentioned it a few times after as well). I looked it up later and found a news article with the same quote! It was an interview she had given a decade earlier.
She gave me a knife for my high-school graduation. I'm still not sure why.
She was funny, and kind, and creative, and determined in all that she did. I think she did more sports than I knew existed, and every tournament I went to there was someone asking after her when they saw the patch on my jacket. They usually were someone she had either taught or defeated and they respected her either way. She was a smart-ass, and a good teacher, and a great friend. She was someone who was incapable of not being actively in the middle of something, whether that was sports, or art, or one of her many businesses she ran.
She was a cancer survivor, until she wasn't.
But always, always, she is loved and remembered.
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iamstartraveller776 · 2 years
Petrichor with Emma/Killian, please :)
Petrichor - The smell of dry rain on the ground.
A/N: Thank you for the prompt! I hope a little Lieutenant Duckling will suffice.
In the Quiet Moonlight
Killian stumbles across her late at night in a secluded glade. This is the place he escapes to on occasion when his ship is in port—when the past digs its claws too deeply in his thoughts. She’s like a specter, her pale, slender fingers hiking her skirts up to her knees as she picks her way through the damp grass on bare feet. Her long flaxen hair is wild, glowing in the moonlight, and he thinks she might have been out in the downpour that passed an hour ago.
When she settles on a large worn boulder in the center of the clearing, when her face tips up toward the glittering sky, recognition makes an uncomfortable knot in his throat. He remembers the day his brother received his naval commission years ago—and the adolescent girl who had made faces at him behind her father’s back during the stuffy ceremony. A teenage Killian got an elbow in the gut when he snorted at her crossed eyes and wagging tongue. Her triumphant grin, more teeth than lip, was endearing, and for a moment, he forgot the asperity that seemed to have been inked into his bones from birth.
Her delicate features, once rounder with youth, have been honed with time, but they’re no less familiar. No less beautiful. She lets out a forlorn sigh, and he wonders what woes could beset a princess who has everything. He’s heard the tales, of course, of her impetuous nature, of the wild antics that gave her parents their graying hair. A sailor regaled the crew with the story of her stowing away on another vessel, playing a cabin boy for half the voyage before she was discovered. Another swore that he’d once been served by her under the guise of common wench in a seedy seaside tavern. Each account was more outlandish than the last.
But the rumors stopped some months ago. He supposes she’s finally grown into her royal obligations.
He spares another breath as a voyeur before deciding to leave her to her ruminations. He’s hardly in the mood for company himself when he’s in such a state. Unfortunately, his quiet retreat is stymied by the crack of a twig under his boot, and he curses under his breath.
She jumps to her feet, dagger in hand. “Who’s there? Show yourself.”
Her mettle draws a smile from him. He rather likes that his sovereign isn’t easily cowed, unlike the simpering political figureheads he’s had the disagreeable opportunity to bow before during his quests for crown and country.
Schooling his face to proper deference, he steps into the glade and offers her the expected obeisance. “I apologize, your highness,” he says. “I didn’t mean to intrude.”
Her lips purse briefly at the title, but she lowers her blade. “Yes, well…” She pauses, eyes narrowing. “I know you. Captain Jones’s brother.”
He swallows down the turmoil this familiar honor-by-association drums up. Sometimes he dreams of breaking free of the oppressive weight of his brother’s shadow. But he loves Liam fiercely; he’s desperate to make him proud. Particularly when it was his own flaws that nearly cost them this life of military glory before it could begin.
“Aye,” he replies. “Killian Jones, at your service.” Another bow seems to be in order, so he ducks his head.
The princess studies him for a beat, then nods as if she’s made a decision. She squares her shoulders and, despite her unkempt appearance, seems to become the very image of regal heir as she returns her dagger to its hiding place. “You may stay.”
Stay? He raises his brows, but doesn’t voice his bewilderment. “Of course, your highness.”
She rolls her eyes, nose scrunching in a way that is reminiscent of the impish child he remembers. “If you’re going to keep that up, you might as well leave.” She climbs back onto the rock and crosses her legs beneath her skirts. When he stands in place, she gives him a pointed look. “Well? Are you staying or not?”
He ought to go if he wants to keep his head—the king is notoriously protective of his daughter—but curiosity is a siren song he can never deny. “If it pleases you, your—” He cuts off at her glower. “I mean to say, as you wish…Emma.”
“I do.” She pats the space next to her, flashes him a small smile, and it’s the sun peeking over the horizon after a stormy night.
Odd that. He’s never short of comely lasses tossing him a wink and grin. Yet it’s never been like this, though he can’t name what this is. He joins her, leaning against the stone rather than sitting lest he has to make a hasty getaway. No doubt a servant or guard will notice her absence and come searching for her.
Silence stretches between them, marred only by the distant crash of the tide against the pebbled shore. He’s not keen to broach the quiet with frivolous conversation, but he feels he ought to do something. So he pulls the flask out from inside his coat, unscrews the cap, and offers it to her.
She eyes the bottle with suspicion, but accepts it anyway. It only takes a sip before she’s coughing and sputtering, shoving the drink back toward him. “That’s foul,” she says, wiping the back of her hand across her mouth.
He makes a noise of agreement as he takes a pull from the flask. The sweet, smokey liquor is an old friend, though as a naval lieutenant, decorum keeps him from becoming a lush. “It does the job of drowning your cares well enough.”
“Oh?” She turns to face him. “And what kind of troubles does a hero of the Nine Seas have that need drowning?”
Plenty, he lets his wry look say for him. “A mite more than a princess, I imagine.” The words are out before he can think better of them.
She laughs, though there is a brittle edge to it. “You’d be surprised.”
He notices her gaze follow him as he takes another swig of rum. She nearly snatches the flask when he offers it again. This time she only coughs once after a generous gulp.
“I didn’t ask to be born a princess, you know,” she says.
That’s true enough, he supposes. He didn’t ask to be born a pauper. And yet, “You have more than a poor sod like me could ever dream of.”
She makes a derisive noise. “More rules. More expectations. More responsibilities.” She waves a hand in the direction of the capital. “All that luxury comes with a price. My life has never been my own and it never will be.”
The defeat in her tone is a prickly bur behind his sternum, and he frowns. “What would you do with it if you were free to choose?”
Her eyes gleam with fervor. “I’d burn every damnable gown I own and only wear trousers.”
“Trousers?” He grins at the image it conjures. She’d look fetching in them.
“Yes,” she says. “And I’d sail away to find adventure. I’d command my own crew, and we wouldn’t be beholden to any crown.”
He huffs a quiet laugh. “A mercenary, then? Or pirate?”
“An explorer,” she counters, gesturing wildly. “One who also comes to the aid of others.”
He gently pries the flask from her hands before she can pour out the rest of his rum. “Worthy aspirations, princess. But pray tell, how will you feed your crew?”
Her enthusiasm dips as she seems to consider his question. “I suppose we can take on cargo and passengers or the occasional job—so long as it breaks no laws.”
“Of course,” he agrees with feigned somberness. Truthfully, there’s a certain appeal to her fantasy. Perhaps when he finally grows weary of his regimented existence in the navy, he might chase the vision she painted. The thought has a tang of betrayal to it, though, as if he hasn’t the right to savor that freedom if she can’t.
“I’d…” she begins, gaze dropping to her skirts as she picks at the fabric. “I’d marry for love. I’d choose who gets my first kiss and who…” Her cheeks color over what she leaves unspoken.
The bur in his chest becomes a spiky vine twisting through his ribs. “Would your parents truly deny you a love match?” After all, King David and Queen Snow were famous for their own enduring devotion to one another.
“Maybe not,” Emma says, resignation bowing her shoulders. “But if there is a man with an acceptable pedigree that I don’t find revolting, I haven’t met him—and I’m pretty sure I’ve met them all.”
Killian can’t hold back a soft laugh at her candor, but he quickly sobers at the melancholy in her eyes. “I’m sorry,” he says helplessly.
“Why?” she asks. “You’re not the cause of my suffering.”
“I’m sorry that I can’t save you from it,” he says with all sincerity. For a foolish moment, he entertains the idea of helping her run off. But they’d be chased until the end of time, his own brother likely leading the charge.
“No one can.” She stares out into the shadowed forest.
He wants to turn away from the ache drawn in her features, but he finds he can’t. Why had the fates seen fit to lock such a fierce, vibrant soul in a gilded prison? Will all that passion be smothered one day by the weight of her birthright? If so, it would be a travesty.
She glances at him with a guarded expression. “There is something I would ask of you.”
He can’t begin to guess what it might be. “Anything, lass.”
Without a word, she grasps the lapels of his coat and drags him to her. Her lips are suddenly on his, and he’s frozen from the shock of it. As quickly as she ambushed him, she pulls back with an embarrassed apology. No, no. That won’t do at all. This can’t be what she remembers as her first kiss.
He brushes back the veil of hair that had fallen across her brow, hooks it behind her ear and traces a line to the hollow of her neck. Her breath quivers to match the erratic cadence of his pulse. Slowly, so that she can refuse him if she wishes, he leans forward, pressing his mouth over hers in a tender caress. Her skin is soft beneath his palms where he cups her jaw, her lips supple against his. That indefinable something swells in his chest as she slides her fingers through his hair, as she relaxes into the kiss. He’s never had an interlude so full of desire and yet so innocent before, and he wishes they could dwell here indefinitely.
But the need for air eventually overcomes them. The need for reality too.
She rests her forehead against his. “Thank you,” she whispers.
Words tangle on his tongue. There are promises he wants to give her—of the independence and recklessness she craves. But he can’t give them any substance. “Aye,” is all he has left to say.
She doesn’t speak as she slides down from the rock. He doesn’t chase after her when she disappears among the trees, though he’s certain she’s taken something precious from him all the same.
The Jewel of the Realm takes to the sea once more, and he ignores Liam’s concern each time his gaze drifts in the direction of Misthaven. Because it isn’t gloom that darkens his thoughts when he recalls the scent of loamy earth mingled with the scent of her beneath the stars. No, it’s the seed of a treasonous story that’s taken root in his heart.
The tale of a navy deserter who steals away with a princess.
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allnighter8 · 9 months
i bring you today another player character starring in the pathfinder 2e campaign im gonna dm soon: Ioma, the holy spider of Iomedae!
so why is it a spider? because the guy who will be controlling her watched that one isekai anime years ago (kumo desu ga, nani ka?) and hasnt shut up about it ever since. roleplaying a literal spider was his dream, so i caved in. then again, he worked really hard to come up with a way to make me accept the concept and i wanted to reward that. he wants his personality to be like power from chainsaw man, so this was really fun to write!! rly different mood from my other player (faraam)
You are awoken by pleasant sunlight coming through the window and into your chambers, the biggest in the entire Iomedaean monastery, where you have all the room you could ever ask for to stretch all eight of your magnificent legs. It has been a smooth ride ever since you saved the monks from an infestation of assorted vermin which were threatening to overrun their holy site, and boy, did those monks know how to reward you handsomely! Minutes after you awake, a novice shows up with a tray of different delicacies for you alone. Iomedae blesses you one more day! You eat them greedily, making sure to leave no scrap on the silverware, it will be a while until you can enjoy these pleasures again. Today your holy quest begins: you part in search for a capable doctor to save Andor, the abbot of the monastery, your loyal friend, and, why not, occasional teacher. Only when you feel like it, of course, everyone should be listening to you! The wisdom of The Inheritor guides your way and your deeds!
You have seen his health deteriorate slowly but steadily and, albeit lesser doctors are telling you his end is near and inevitable, you know better, as per usual. Iomedae works in mysterious ways, it’s not the fault of those poor doctors, they did their best, with their decades of study, practice and research. It’s endearing, really, how those not blessed by a higher power struggle fruitlessly to become enlightened. But alas, that’s why Iomedae herself sent you, to aid those in need, and thus, it is your responsibility to handle this. You imagine with great pleasure how Andor will one day get up from his bed, smiling at you with the candor and warmth you adore, and how he will proceed to praise you and scratch you in that lovely way that makes you fall over in bliss.
You peek one last time into his bedchambers to say goodbye with a little smooch as he sleeps. Well, it is similar to a kiss, as spiders don’t have lips, but you tried to mimic the action once and Andor laughed so hard he teared up. When he feels better you might give him another one, if the mood strikes.
And so, after a warm goodbye by the rest of the monks, you part ways, determined to complete your quest and, while you are at it, to do some sightseeing and allow others to sightsee you. Blessed be those who will gaze upon you! Such is the reason why first you get annoyed, then angry, then infuriated by the fact that most people throw rocks at you from a safe distance. Uncultured swine, ignorants, philistines! Have they not heard of the great Ioma?! Have they not been regaled by tales of your many miracles?! Do they not know the wisest of men pilgrimage to your beloved monastery to contemplate and spoil you?! You learn, begrudgingly, that only a minority recognize you, while most either run away or attempt to protect themselves as if you were some common beast. Or they scream. Or they cry. Especially children.
Fortunately, the route to Kenabres is short and straight, so you don’t need to put up with this disgrace for long. What is even better is that the last inn on the way is run by a family who recognizes you almost instantly, offering you the best of the place for free, as it should be. Maybe, once Andor is healed, you go on another adventure so that your holy exploits become greater, and thus, reach those unfortunate souls still ignorant of you.
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cfs-melkire · 1 year
"Why are you here?"
He hadn't gotten further than perhaps a hundred fulms past the tree line before he was confronted. This was a good thing; it meant that standards had not fallen and skills were still sharp. As expected, as ever, from the wardens of Tulque Grove.
Hakan stood there and he smiled. He couldn't help that his regrets, buried for so long, surfaced long enough to twist that expression into a rueful one. He stood opposite his number in all regards: Turan Rewh-Marouc, he of the Spring. Turan kept his hair short where Hakan grew it out long, favored the spear where Hakan had favored the bow, had proven himself useful when Hakan had proven himself useless. Many things had changed after the coming of the Great Boar, whose life Hakan had taken; in so doing, he had risen to Djt-Dvre, he of the Thunderstrike. One thing had not: Turan and Hakan had remained rivals. Friendly rivals, but rivals nevertheless.
"You know why I am here, Spring. I want to see her. There were many things left unsaid."
Turan frowned. "You know the Green Word."
"I do."
"You should not have come."
"I know."
"...wait here. Rewh-Dvre has drawn on you, and Djt-Setlas waits to break your neck should you advance farther."
Hakan suppressed a shudder. The strength of Djt-Setlas was legendary, and Rewh-Dvre had been his mentor and partner – though it had been Rewh-Gilda who had fetched him from the village all those turns ago. It often fell to the elder of an elemental pair to train their new comrade.
Turns… he was one hundred and twelve, give or take a few. A full sixty turns he had dwelt in Thavnair, in Radz-at-Han, venturing forth on occasion on official business. The latest such journey had brought him back to Camoa – the town, not the village – and he had sworn to himself that he would try. 
He would do what he could to honor Iona's last request, her dying wish for him.
So he waited as Turan left him there, waited while he took word back to the village. The wait was long, but he had brought his pack and broke bread there beneath the boughs. How he must have looked to his former comrades! A true city Viera! A disgrace!
It mattered not.
Soraya came to him.
She looked no different than she had when they'd last parted. Timeless: the dark curls of her hair, with the occasional streak of white here and there; the sweet curve of her face, the hint of a wry grin ever lurking and awaiting any excuse to emerge; the fullness of her, enticing and the talk of all the men; the gleam of her eyes which spoke to intelligence deep and wisdom profound. He was, as ever, stunned into silence for a good long moment upon catching first sight of her.
They spoke for a long time. They left Turan behind, walked the perimeter. Hakan knew that they were being watched, but he also knew that she would be afforded privacy as was her right. She wanted to know if he was alright, where he had been, why he was back. He regaled her with the tale in parts, doling out pieces here and there. He asked after her well-being; she was fine, as ever, and her studies as an apprentice had culminated in her appointment as village herbalist. She wanted to know what he had learned, what he had seen. He shared everything with her, impressed upon her that outsiders were not all so terrible, that – like the Rava of Camoa – they came in many kinds, many of them good and trustworthy. He told her of their vast stores of knowledge, of their arts and crafts and techniques, of the medicine they had developed. He bid her to invite learned men and women to the Grove, so that the village might benefit. She heard him, but commented not on the matter.
They spoke at length. They walked the woods. They enjoyed each other's company, and – when night fell, and the wardens withdrew a ways – they made love, such as they had not in turns upon turns.
She told him that there had been no one else.
He confessed weakness where she had strength.
She accepted him anyway, and he swore to her that never again would there be another.
When dawn came and birdsong woke him, Hakan bid her farewell and he left.
He left and never again returned to Camoa.
He left not knowing that he had kindled in her the desire to turn the medicine of the outside world to the village's benefit, not knowing that this new course of hers would turn the village against her in the fullness of time, not knowing the many repercussions this would have.
He left not knowing that he had gotten her with child, nor that she was full glad to have something of him for her to cherish forever after.
He left. She thrived.
Some hundred turns later, Thekla Camoa followed in her father's footsteps when she left Tulque Grove behind her.
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chronal-anomaly · 2 years
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@avalior asked:
Embrace + reverse - might I humbly request Lena seeing Markus again post Recall to kick his bum into coming back? 👀|| Indulgences ( accepting! )
Lena was tired.
Her last meal and a shower was twenty-one hours ago, her last time in bed was longer, probably, she didn't remember. Launching the Recall had consumed her waking hours and some of her sleeping ones too, plans on bringing back whatever pieces of the team together, and blueprints on how to avoid the watchful eye of the United Nations, at least for now, had swallowed the hours away.
The past three days had been spent with Winston, wrangling bits and pieces of the old team back together. Lena had managed to get a message off to Cole - still waiting on a response - and Reinhardt had responded with his usual, intense enthusiasm. Travel had consumed her other waking hours, forced onto a commercial plane that made it impossible to sleep - they really just hired anyone to fly these days. But getting the Orcas back online was an endeavor she was putting off for another few weeks, so Swiss airlines would have to suffice for now.
So excuse her appearance as she sat against one of the benches in the refugee camp, watching a small crowd of children play idly in the dirt. Lena heard the whispers, the word "hero" like a stained phrase, tossed so casually among strangers that still she would defend with her life. One of the children eyed her, old enough to know the cartoons and the catchphrases, and the passion burned into his eyes stirred something in her. They needed Heroes.
And Lena played the part, sitting up straight and giving them the strong, two fingered salute. The comments eventually devolved into regaling the children with stories of omnic defeat, of the good guys winning and Null Sector being crushed into the dust. A twisted tale lay plain, one to rival the Grimms Brothers themselves, if only to make the kids feel better for a fleeting second. There was still hope, somewhere in the dredges of strung-out and exhausted heroes. Otherwise, why would she be there, recruiting one of the few lifesavers that still lived.
But for everyone else, time moved on. Someone called for chow, and the lines of children that had seen so much slowly filed in for their nightly rations. The camp grew quieter, people finding ways to busy themselves, while Lena remained on that bench, reserved, exhausted, ticking off the seconds that always seemed a little too fast in her head.
Finally, after the hourglass in her head flipped again, the tent slid open, revealing the ramshackle, exhausted prize she had travelled around the world for. Suddenly, the exhaustion melted from her figure, and the caged bird in her ribcage beat once again against her chest.
Energy restored and boots crunching against the dirt, Lena dashed, pushing herself into Markus' chest and knocking him back a step or two with the fury of her force. All other comments from the surrounding parties went unheeded as she pulled back, considered him, and hugged him tight once again.
The look of unfiltered emotional lit up the already drawn eyes and mused hair was enough to spark a sense of familiarity, of connection that only life at war would provide. There was another pause, Lena looking Markus up and down for any new, terrible injuries, before stumbling back onto her heels.
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"Heya, love. Good to see you. You look good - well, as good as anyone working in a dusty refugee camp would." Her tone was light, words kind, for she knew the immensity of the coming request would impact their friendship for a long time to come. "Do you have a minute to talk? I brought Snackajacks."
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momolady · 3 years
The Mask He Wore: Part One
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A woman gets a job within the Prowd Home, a famously large and mysterious mansion in the country. There she's commanded by her boss to follow certain rules, one of which is to never ascend the stairs, and another is to never talk to the man of the house.
(Warning: Contains dark themes and elements)
Female Main Character x Male Monster (both cis)
I was hired onto the Prowd staff when I was very young. Lady Blythe had taken me in despite my youth and gave me both employment as well as a roof over my head. For that I will be forever grateful. The only thing that bothers me about my job is that, aside from Lady Blythe, I’ve never really seen my employer.
Mr. Prowd bought this place a long time ago and revived the vineyard to where it became a very thriving winery like it had been once before. He had guests and customers coming all the time to sample his wine and buy it from the source. But I had barely ever captured a glance at him, aside from once when I saw him on the third floor landing with Lady Blythe. But even then, I only saw his legs.
Long ago, the previous owners of the vineyard had killed themselves here in the manor. I had heard many stories about how there were notches in the bannister on the third floor. The stories started back when the drought was at its peak. Robbers would come into the house, and they would claim two skeletons hung from the banister on the third floor. The stories started there, only growing over time.
The staff now told stories of how the manor was haunted. Some told about ghostly visions they saw in the halls. I had lived here since I was small, and I had not ever seen anything strange. At least, nothing I could place. Once, I saw a man who was sitting on the stairs. He had his head in his hands. His clothes looked disheveled and it sounded as though he was weeping. There was such sadness surrounding him, a gloom and darkness that sucked inwards like a vortex. The stairs around him appeared to be darker, and a cold chill crept up my spine. He was as still as a statue, but from behind his hands I could see his mouth contort, and his eyes crinkle from crying. I had never seen someone so sad before, and I Ifelt the need to reach out to him. I was told not to bother guests though, so I walked past him. I never saw him again.
Such stories of the notches on the third floor banister, and the sighting of the supposed ghosts were popular subjects amongst the staff. During the evening, when too much drink had been had, I could hear many a braying tale.
“I say you go up there and prove it,” one huffed. “ I’m sick of hearing about it. Go see the damn notches!”
“You can see them from the ground floor. Just look up. You may even see old man Prowd too!” The other snorted.
“Or up Lady Blythe’s skirt!”
This caused the table of men to burst out laughing. I was not too enthused with it, but their voices were the only ones you could hear and all I wanted to do was finish my meal.
“No one’s allowed on that third floor,” the first one slurred. “Bet if you went up there you’d see old man Prowd with his cock out.”
The groans and jeers echoed my own thoughts.
“I heard he and Lady Blythe take their guests up there for all sorts of fun and games,” the second babbled on. “You know there are all sorts of perverts amongst the rich.”
“When you got money you can put your cock in anything and no one can say nothing about it!”
I sighed heavily and picked up my plate to the basin. I intended to leave, but as I turned the whole room went quiet as a tomb. Lady Blythe stepped into the kitchen and looked around with a cold look upon her face.
“I came to fetch some water to make some tea.” Her hand smoothed down the door frame as her eyes cut around the room. “No need to go quiet on my account.” She walked into the room, watching the men at the table as they ducked their heads and averted their eyes. Lady Blythe was an elegant woman, she held herself with such a regality and moved with such elegance. Since I was little, I had always wanted to somehow be like her.
Like us in the staff, she always wore red. The whole house itself was filled with the color. I used to consider it quite garish, almost frightening, but upon Lady Blythe with her pale skin and dark hair, the color felt as if it belonged upon her.
Lady Blythe came up beside me, filling a kettle. A low murmur rose back to the room, but nothing like the roar it was before.
“Let me help you with that, my lady.” I took over pouring the water into the kettle for her, then walked out with her carrying it.
Lady Blythe remained quiet until we reached the end of the hallway where she sighed heavily. “I should have been patient and waited for the morning.” She lifted her hand to her face, touching her cheek then smoothing her elegant fingers down to her jaw. In the darkness of the hallway, she looked ghostly white.
“They’ve been drinking, my lady. I would not take what they say with a grain of salt. Even if it is vile.” I tried to reassure her, but I’m sure it’s difficult to hear the things she did in the kitchen.
“I could shut them up easily if that was the issue,” she tutted. “I know you can no more stop a man from talking than you can an ass from braying. The more you push the issue, the more it will become an issue. It’s best to make them fear the unknown.” She then looked at me with a slight smile upon her face. “Why were you even there, Ms. Ellen?”
I did enjoy her smile, but there was something about it that seemed forced. “I was trying to finish my supper. My chore this evening took much longer than me and the other girls planned, so we arrived late when they had already had a few drinks in them. They usually get that bawdy each night.”
“Perhaps I should start watering down the staff wine,” Lady Blythe murmured. She stalled at the foot of the stairs and held her hand out for the kettle.
I took my chance. “I can take it up for you, my lady, if you’d like?”
Her cool eyes looked me over while her smile faded away. There was a chill in the air, a darkness to her eyes that made me pause with slight fear. Something in her gaze was razor edged, but I knew it was sharpened because of my own doing. She pushed her hand out further to me and I offered the kettle. “You know better, Ms. Ellen.” Her tone was frosty, almost making her breath appear in the air. “Only select staff are allowed beyond the ground floor.”
I nodded while folding my hands together. I kept my head down, a bit ashamed of my behavior. “Yes, I know, my lady.”
Lady Blythe slipped her fingers under my chin and lifted my head. She gave me a smile and I returned it. “There are no notches on the bannister. It was replaced long ago.”
“That was not my reasoning.” My cheeks grew warm from such an intimate touch. “Although, my reasoning was buried in curiosity.”
Her fingers slipped away from mine. Those long elegant digits curled back into her palm and her long nails pressed against her flesh. “There is nothing fascinating about the third floor. It is very much like the staff quarters in the basement, I assure you.” Lady Blythe rose to the first stair. “Go to bed, Ms. Ellen.”
“Good night, my lady.” I walked away, but then stood in a spot where I watched her ascend the stairs. The way the foyer opened up at the ceiling, you could see all the way to the third floor. Above that it was dark, an endless inky black hole. I knew there was a ceiling somewhere up in those shadows, but from where I stood, it felt as though one could get lost forever in such dark.
I saw Lady Blythe walk across the third floor, taking her kettle to her room. Often I watched from this exact spot to catch a glimpse of life up there. But I rarely saw much of anything. The most I saw was that blackness, that void. I would stare up into it, wondering if something was watching me back.
A few days later, Lady Blythe left the manor in order to find new workers for the upcoming harvest. The vineyard had expanded during the winter, and now we needed more hands to bring in the remarkable crop. Lady Blythe often left for long periods of time to bring in new employees to the manor, for the vineyard or otherwise. The house felt rather strange without her presence, some took advantage of it, while others kept on like it was normal.
I found myself alone in the library because of this. The other two who were supposed to help me abandoned their posts, claiming as long as the bottom row of books was dusted, no one noticed if all of them were. I took the opportunity to indulge in the quiet and solitude. Rarely were there moments to be alone here.
I dusted the books, taking as much time as I wanted. I skimmed pages, reading what I could understand or glancing through pictures held within. I was barely paying attention to anything around me. The book I held had pictures inside of bats devouring small animals, of insects ripping off the heads of their mates. There was a gruesome illustration of a mountain lion feasting upon a lamb. The black ink on the page turned red in my eyes. The blood of the lamb seeped from its sagging carcass, running down into the words below the picture. Its frightened face, whether alive or dead, looked out beyond the paper, it stared into me. I gazed back into its wide grotesque eyes, and I worried that I was looking back at myself.
The red I imagined fluttered in the corner of my eye. I looked up in fright, turning to see there was a man standing in the library. At least, I assume it was a man from the way he was dressed, because his head was covered by a red scarf. He looked up at me, staring at me like I had been that poor lamb. His head tilted to the side.
I gasped in fright and dropped the book which slapped against the ground with a loud slap. The air sucked from the room, going quiet as the book settled. The man bent over to pick up the book, which he looked over.
“Be careful,” he said with a deep but tender voice. “Not with the books, but with yourself.” He held the book up the ladder towards me. “It would be much worse if you fell.”
I climbed down a few rungs and took the book back. “I’m so sorry,” I murmured. “I got startled and I just-” I shook my head. “I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.”
The man chuckled softly. “No need to apologize. I have that effect on people.”
The scarf was wrapped around his head in such a way it hid his whole face. I could see the movement of his mouth when he spoke, but no other features were present. The excess then wrapped around his neck and draped over his shoulders. The color of it matched the red uniforms we wore day in and day out.
“The manor seems quiet today,” he said simply. He opened the book I had been perusing. His gloved fingers smoothed over the pages, turning them slowly before he closed it again.
I stepped off the ladder and bowed to him. “I was almost done here. I can leave if you want some privacy.”
“You’re working, there’s no reason to be chased off.” He held out a gloved hand to me. “I’m sorry, my dear, but what is your name?”
I was afraid to take his hand. I had no clue who this man was or what he was doing here. I simply bowed my head back down. “It is Ellen.”
“Well hello, Ms. Ellen. I’m Edmund Prowd.”
Every hair on my body stood up on end, bristling and tingling with this revelation. I looked back to where his face would be with held breath. “Mr. Prowd! I am so sorry, I did not know who I was speaking to, sir!”
“Now, now, calm down,” he chuckled. “There’s no reason to get so worked up.” Mr. Prowd approached me and took my hand, which he shook. “If I am being honest, I must say I am relieved. It is so lonely here without Lady Blythe.” His head tilted down and his thumb smoothed over the back of my hand. “What beautiful hands you have.”
I was knocked breathless. “Thank you.” His hand was big and warm, and the glove he wore was so soft. I smiled sheepishly, gently pulling my hand away when he released it. “I’m sure she will be back soon. It will probably be easier to find workers for the vineyard than the manor.”
He gently stroked each finger, carefully looking over the back of my hand and palm.
“I told her to take her time. She rarely gets any time to herself these days.”  Mr. Prowd tilted his head to the side. “You remind me of her, actually.”
I smiled shyly. “Really?”
“Tall and willowy, you even have similar eyes.'' He captured my chin between his fingers and I gladly looked up at him as he turned me. “Yes, you look a lot like her when she first came here. She was such a beauty, and so kind. She never failed to steal my breath.”
I picked at the embroidered flower at the top of my apron. I smiled shyly, drinking in the compliment. “I am not the one to steal breaths.”
“I think you are.” His gentle voice rumbled, causing my heart to leap in attention. “You’re also very beautiful, Ms. Ellen.”
My smile forced itself through and the corners of my mouth curled upwards. “No, no,” I shook my head.
“Yes, yes.” he took my chin again. “You’re a lovely young woman. You have such soft skin, beautiful bright eyes, adorable lips.”
My cheeks were set aflame. I’d not been so taken by words like this in such a long time. “Thank you, Mr. Prowd.”
“Please,” he murmured softly, “call me Edmund.”
“Edmund,” I said his name and it tasted like syrup on my tongue.
He chuckled then motioned towards the sofa in front of the fireplace. “If it is not too much of a bother, would you enjoy sitting with me at the fireplace?”
“I shouldn’t.” I said it, but I did wish to join him. All these years I had worked and lived in his home, yet I had barely seen his shadow. “I should be working.”
Edmund placed his finger where his lips should be. “I won’t tell if you don’t.”
I smiled excitedly and joined him on the sofa. He sat beside me and sighed heavily. “I know I ask for this solitude, but when Lady Blythe is gone I actually notice it.” He placed his hand over his chest. “If you don’t mind, just a little company is all I ask.”
“I don’t mind at all.” I looked at the scarf around his head, trying to see through it and see something of the man inside. “Is there a reason you want solitude?”
“It is too much for me to explain,” he sighed. “I have my reasons, but I do not wish to take away your smile with them.”
“You do not need to worry about me. I would love to talk to you about anything, sir-I mean, Edmund.” I blushed and worried if I offended him.
Edmund just laughed. “You and Blythe have much in common. But I do think you are cuter than she is.” He touched my hand upon the sofa. “There is an air about you that relaxes me.”
“Really?” I asked shyly.
“Hold still,” he then whispered with urgency. I did as told and his finger brushed against my cheek. The touch was so soft. “There was an eyelash.”
I watched him, barely able to breathe.
Edmund held his finger out to me. “You get to make a wish.”
I smiled, pursing my lips as I thought of the wish that was growing in my heart. I blew the eyelash away and a chill crept up my spine.
I met him in that library each day while Lady Blythe was away. At first we just talked, or I listened due to my shy nerves. As a few days passed by, I got over that. I would sit closer to Edmund, I would touch him freely.
“Do you mind if I hold you?” He asked.
My heart ran freely in my chest and I gazed up at him, marveled and enraptured. “If you’d like.”
“It’s been so long,” he chuckled nervously. “I know it must be a strange and sudden request. But a hug is all I really need.”
“It’s okay.” I turned to face him and I opened my arms to him. He came closer and I accepted him in, wrapping my arms around him as his enveloped me. “There now, is that better?”
“Yes, thank you,” he breathed. “That feels so much better.”
“I’m glad, Edmund.” I rubbed his back reassuringly and I felt a quickening in my pulse.
When we parted and I went down the hall, I saw someone standing at the other end. Fearing I would be caught, I went the other way. I came into the kitchen which was dark and empty, but if I left through the dining hall I could bypass the hallway. I was nearing the second door when the first opened. Someone came through and I rushed, running out the door and into the dining hall. I hid under the table.
I held my breath as the door opened. The shadowy figure from before stood there as still as a statue. They then moved, walking around the table. Their strides were long and silent. I only heard the dullest thud of their heel as it hit the floor. A chill seeped through the air, aching my fingers the closer it came.
The figure stood at the end of the table for the longest time, long enough that the chill caused my breath to spill white from my lips. Once it felt like eternity had passed, they left. I heard the door shut and I exhaled in relief. I laid my head in my palms and my fingers felt like ice. I started to leave from under the table, slowly pulling myself out. Just as I was on my knees, something grabbed my ankle and pulled me back under.
I screamed in fright as I was pulled into a shadow. The space under the table was much darker than before and I couldn’t see anything. The light from betweens the chairs shone much brighter and I scrambled to try and reach it, all the while the hand pulled me deeper and deeper below. I kicked free, knocking over chairs as I clawed my way out.
I looked back in fright, seeing the table and only the table. There was no darkness, no bright engulfing light. I stared in disbelief and quickly ran, leaving the chairs toppled as I made my way back to my quarters.
The others were already in bed, so I had to be quiet. I took off my clothes and slipped into bed. My heart was still pounding, my skin clammy from fear. I could still feel the pressure of the hand that held my ankle. I closed my eyes, imagining Edmund and his embrace. As I fell into his arms, a hand came down over my mouth.
My eyes flashed open, seeing a man standing over me. He had blonde hair that hung ragged and filthy around his face. The hand that gripped over my mouth was cold and rough and it felt like there was a finger missing. The cold wrapped around me, gripping me tightly so that my blanket was powerless against it.
“Leave. Him. Alone.” The man’s voice was stilted and quiet. He took in deep, raspy breaths and choked on the air. “Do. Not. Return.”
I was paralyzed with fear, unable to move or make a sound. I worried about the other girls in the room with me. I prayed they didn’t wake. I prayed they were even still alive.
“Leave. Him. Alone.” His voice choked like there was something lodged in his throat. “This. Place,” he took a long drawn out breath. “Not. Safe.” He removed his hand and I remained frozen. I didn’t move until morning when the others began to rise. I shivered and shook the rest of the day, jumping at voices that came from behind me.
It wasn’t until I was back with Edmund that I felt as though I could relax. Once again he held me and I felt a mixture of fear and excitement. It bubbled up in my chest then flowed through my body. I knew this was wrong, but I didn’t want to let go of him.
“Ellen,” he murmured close to my ear. “I don’t want to let go of you.”
“Then don’t,” I breathed. “Hold me as long as you need.”
Edmund’s arms tightened. “It’s not right.”
“No one can see us. Keep holding me, Edmund. Please.” I dug my fingers into his back, grasping his jacket while I felt his face bury into the curve of my neck.
“I shouldn't but...Ellen, I need you.”
Those words sang through my body with triumph. “I’m yours, Edmund.”
He sat up and cupped his hand around my mouth. “Be careful what you say. Should you say such words again, I might fall for you even faster than I already have.”
I could cry. This was dangerous, so very dangerous, but I wanted it to happen regardless. I held his wrist and he moved his hand away. “Do you mean it?”
“Yes,” he breathed. Edmund turned and looked around the room before focusing upon me again. I bit back my excitement as he lowered down closer to me. “Blythe will return soon, come to the third floor tonight and wait at the top of the stairs for me.”
My heart was soaring with so much awe and excitement. “Really?” I gasped.
“Yes. But do not move from that spot until I come for you.” His finger smoothed across my lips. “Promise me.”
I nodded. “I promise, Edmund. I promise.”
“You really are precious, Ellen,” he whispered into my ear. “I cannot wait to see you tonight and hold you until my soul is full.”
I wrapped my arms around him again. I went to place my hand upon the back of his head, but he quickly pulled away, taking my hands and kissing the palms and wrists through the scarf. My heart swelled, but I felt I owed him an answer to something heavy in my heart.
“Leave. Him. Alone.” The choked voice rattled in my head and I grew deathly cold again.
“But-” I murmured unsurely.
Edmund lifted his head. “What is it?”
I looked away, feeling doubt grow in my chest. “I have a fear,” I confessed. I clutched my hand over my chest. I wasn’t sure how to put it into words. The man I saw last night, his hand, the unbearable cold. “I care so deeply for Lady Blythe, I owe her my life.”
“I owe her mine as well,” Edmund stroked his finger down my cheek. “But I cannot deny my desire for you. It is a need I wish I could forget, but it gnaws at my bones, it rips at my flesh.”
I remembered the images from that book; the bat ripping the neck of the rabbit open, the insects devouring their mates. That poor terrified lamb. I slowly lifted my head to look at Edmund and the red that surrounded him.
Edmund touched my face. “I want you. I want to taste you upon my lips because that is all that matters. You and you alone.”
“I do too, Edmund.” I knew I should have minded my fear, but he made it so easy to ignore. “I want to taste you too.”
“Such sweet words,” he moaned. “Remember. Stay at the top of the stairs. Do not go anywhere else.”
“I promise.” I stood. “I should return to work. I’ll see you tonight, my darling.”
“Save those words for tonight.” Edmund pressed his finger over where his lips would be. “Do not waste them when I cannot enjoy them.”
I smiled brightly, blowing him a kiss as I left the library.
Come evening I waited for everyone to be asleep before I made my way to the stairs. I looked up at them and held my breath. Edmund was waiting for me and so that gave me the courage to ascend. I came to the second floor, which had red carpeting and paintings of the vineyard along the walls. I had never been here, so I lingered a moment to look. There was an open hallway with a table down the center. I had heard they had wine tastings here. Then, the walls were lined with doors and paintings. I figured this was where guests stayed overnight.
The cold crept over me again and there came a knock from one of the doors. In my fright, I returned to the stairs, going up to the third floor. I stopped at the top like I was asked. I waited for Edmund to arrive, scanning the darkness to see what was there. No one except Lady Blythe and Edmund were even allowed up here, so all I had ever heard were theories and rumors that had been tossed around by the rest of the staff.
It was so dark though I could barely make out any details. I could see down a narrow hallway, and then to my left I could see the banister that looked down over the foyer. This was the bannister where supposedly the previous owners had hanged themselves. I left my spot, going over to the bannister to look at it for myself.
Lady Blythe said it had been replaced a long time ago and that no notches were there. But as I went closer, I noticed markings in the wood.I touched them, feeling divots there where rope must have dug in. I suppose Lady Blythe had made up that lie so no one would talk about it anymore. I ran my fingers over the notches one last time but then arms grabbed me from behind. I screamed and a hand cupped around my mouth.
“Ellen,” Edmund whispered.
I relaxed only slightly, but Edmund had still scared my heart from my chest.
Edmund pressed even coser against my back. “I told you to wait at the top of the stairs. You promised me.” He moved his hand away.
“You frightened me!” I whined.
Edmund’s hand wrapped around my jaw, holding my head in place so I couldn't move. “What about your promise?”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t go very far.”
He sighed and his grip grew tighter. “It’s disappointing, Ellen. There are rules here I maintain. Rules that must be followed.”
“I’m sorry,” I whimpered again. “I won’t do it again, I promise. I just want to spend my evening alone with you.”
Edmund chuckled, and there was a sharp edge to it. “Then promise you’ll do what I say from here on out.” He released me then kept his hands upon my shoulders. “Close your eyes.”
I nodded, shutting them tight. He then moved me, turning me and pushing me forward. “Go inside,” he breathed. “Keep walking forward.”
Following his command, I walked forward, but I grew afraid and peeked open my eyes slightly. I could see the dark room before me and I stopped just before the door. “It feels cold.”
“Go inside,” Edmund urged again.
I turned around to look at him, but he was standing with his back towards me. I took a step towards him. “Edmund, I-” His arm whipped back, grabbing me around the throat. I begin to choke and struggle against his hand. The other came back, grabbing me around the throat as well. He shook me, and began to laugh.
“Bad girl!” A voice that doesn’t sound familiar comes from the red scarf. “Bad girl!” It cackled, both wicked and deep. “Bad, bad, bad girl!”
My knees grew weak, and I gagged as his grip tightened. He threw me through the door and walked backwards to chase after me. I couldn’t scream, so all I could do was run from him. I scrambled through the dark room, tripping while he continued to rush backward at me with ease and speed.
“I like when they’re bad!” He grabbed me again, picking me up off the floor and holding me in the air. I kicked and struggled, clawing at his arm and hand, but it wouldn’t let go. I then grabbed the scarf, pulling hard on it, tightening it around his throat. He threw me again, dropping me and the scarf went with me.
I looked up, seeing a face in the shadows at the back of his head.
“So very, very bad,” the awful little face grinned. “Because then they’re mine!” He lunged at me but no scream would leave my throat.
The body was left in the fireplace like it always was. Parts of it were missing, I knew the hands were gone, and when I saw who it was, I did mourn for a moment. I left the corpse there, going to bed where Edmund lay in the dried blood from his feeding. He was still in his clothes, but his hood and gloves were removed. His hands were an unseamly white, so pale and covered in coarse silver hair with thick knuckles. I placed my hand over my eyes and I gently woke him, rubbing his shoulder until he stirred.
“Don’t look, Blythe,” he whimpered.
“I’m not. Put the pillowcase on.” I sat down on the bed while he did so. He moved my hand away once it was safe.
“I liked her,” I told him.
“I’m sorry, Blythe, but she was so good.” Prowd put his hands upon my face. “I smelled her and I knew I needed her.”
“It’s okay. I don’t bring anyone here with the intention of keeping them.” I held his hands and gave him a smile. “You missed me, didn’t you?”
Prowd nodded. “Yes. I get lonely and then I get hungry.”
I kissed him through the pillowcase, all these years and he can still be so sweet. “I’m home now.”
Prowd wrapped his arms around me, hugging me in such a tight embrace. I held him back, careful not to touch the back of his head. “It’s so loud in this place when you’re not here, Blythe.”
“I know, but these things must be done, and you still have urges I cannot satisfy.” I cupped his cheek in my hand. “I won’t have to go again until later when we go into production.”
“Did you find some more good workers?” He asked.
I nodded, standing back up from the bed to search for his gloves. “I also found some staff for the house too. Which will be needed now that Ellen has decided to leave us.” I saw her hand clutching one of his gloves under the bed. Once I found the other glove, I placed them back upon his hands. “We need to clean up,” I told him softly, and got ready for the day.
Prowd nodded. “Can I keep her for tonight?”
I glanced towards the fireplace. “Are they still hungry?”
“Yes, especially for her.”
I turned back to him. “Fine, just one more night. Now, help me change the bed.” I took hold of his hand as he stood. “Once that’s done, I’ll tell you all about the new workers I got for the vineyard. I found a very lively bunch.”
Prowd rubbed his hand across his chest. “I’ll reward you tonight, like always.”
A shiver went through my body and I began to smile. “Like always,” I whispered.
“In the dark,” he whispered close to my ear. “I want you naked tonight and on your knees, waiting for me.”
I grinned from ear to ear. “I’ll do whatever you tell me to, my darling.”
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zuko-always-lies · 2 years
Zuko Lying
Zuko is very much not adverse to lying if it helps him:
“The Southern Air Temple”:
Zhao: That's quite a bit of damage. Zuko: Yes... you wouldn't believe what happened. (He gives his uncle a sideways glance and immediately passes the buck.) Uncle! Tell Commander Zhao what happened. (Iroh's eyes go wide and an audio effect is heard as he blinks in response to the burden Zuko has just placed on him.) Iroh: Yes, I will do that. It was incredible. (Leans over and whispers to Zuko.) What... did we crash or something? Zuko: (uncomfortable) Uh, yes! Right into an Earth Kingdom ship. Zhao: Really? You must regale me with all the thrilling details. (He smiles and puts his face right up to Zuko's in an obvious challenge.) Join me for a drink? Zuko: Sorry, but we have to go.
Zuko averts his eyes guiltily. Cut back to Zhao's eager face.) Zhao: Unless you found some evidence that the Avatar is alive. Zuko: (still looking away) No. Nothing. Zhao: (rising from his chair) Prince Zuko, the Avatar is the only one who can stop the Fire Nation from winning this war. (cut to front view of both.) If you have an ounce-- (he leans his face into Zuko's) --of loyalty left, you'll tell me what you've found. Zuko: (defiantly) I haven't found anything. It's like you said. The Avatar probably died a long time ago. Come on, Uncle, we're going.
The entire Blue Spirit nonsense.
“The Waterbending Master”:
Zhao: I didn't know you were skilled with broadswords, Prince Zuko. Zuko: I'm not. They're antiques. Just decorative. Zhao: Have you heard of the Blue Spirit, General Iroh? Iroh: Just rumors. I don't think he is real. Zhao: He's real all right. He's a criminal, an enemy of the Fire Nation. (He hands the broad sword to Iroh) But I have a feeling that justice will catch up with him soon. (Zhao moves to exit the cabin) General Iroh, the offer to join my mission still stands if you change your mind.
“The Cave of the Two Lovers”:
Song: You two must not be from around here. We know better than to touch the white jade, much less make it into tea and drink it. Iroh: (sheepishly) Heh heh heh. Whoops! Song: So where are you traveling from? Zuko: (standing and talking quickly) Yes, we're travelers. Song: Do you have names? Zuko: (hesitantly) Names Of course we have names. I'm... Lee. And this is my uncle, uh... Mushi.
“The Tale of Zuko”:
Zuko: (Turning back to her) My name's Lee. My Uncle and I just moved here.
Zuko: (Trying to find something to say) You have... quite an appetite for a girl. Jin: Um, thanks So, Lee, where were you and your Uncle living before you came here? Zuko: Um, well, we've been traveling around for a long time. Jin: Oh! Why were you traveling so much? Zuko: We were uh, apart of this traveling circus. Jin: Really? What did you do? Wait, lemme guess, you juggled! (Zuko, arms folded, pauses for a moment before responding.) Zuko: Yes. I juggled. Jin: I've always wanted to learn how to juggle. Can you show me something? (Jin holds out an assortment of objects apparently from the table that Zuko takes in his arms. He then throws each one up in the air, one after the other, and then prepares to catch them. He succeeds in catching none of them and one manages to fall onto his head and break into many pieces. Jin doesn't laugh, but smiles gently.) Zuko: Whoah! I haven't practiced for awhile. (He wipes the shards of pottery from his hair.) Jin: It's alright. Hey, I want to show you one of my favorite places in the city.
“The Crossroads of Destiny”:
Katara: I thought you had changed! (Katara swings her water down at Zuko. Cut to an overhead shot of Zuko's tendrils of fire and Katara's tentacles of water clash together over the channel, both equal in strength. Cut to a close up of Zuko.) Zuko: I have changed.
“The Awakening”:
Zuko: No. There's no way he could've survived. (Cut to and zoom in on Azula staring Zuko down, and then to Zuko matching Azula with a glare. Cut to a shot of Azula from over Zuko's shoulder.) Azula: Well, then I'm sure you have nothing to worry about.
“The Western Air Temple”:
Zuko: Argh, I can't believe how stupid (thrusts both arms outwards as he exits the screen) I am. I mean, (walks back into screen) what was I thinking? (lays a head on his forehead as his expression turns into sheer despair and utter horror) Telling them I sent an assassin after them? Why didn't I just say Azula (thrusts his arm out behind him) did that? They (He brings his head towards the camera) would've believed that. Stupid!
“The Boiling Rock, Part 1″:
Warden: Well, well, well. (Cut to the warden) I never thought I'd find you in here, Prince Zuko. Zuko: (Cut back to Zuko's side view) How did you know who I am? Warden: How could I not? (furrows his eyebrows) You broke my niece's heart. (Cut to a side view of the scene to show Zuko leaning dismissively against the wall.) Zuko: (stands straight) You're Mai's uncle? (Cut to Zuko's guilty stricken face) I never meant to hurt her.
“The Boiling Rock, Part 2″:
Zuko: What are you doing? Where are you taking me? (Cut to the inside of another cell as it opens. The guards shove Zuko in. Cut to a chair in the room as Zuko lands on it. He looks back at the guards.) Zuko: I didn't do anything wrong. Mai: (off screen) Come on (Zuko looks to the source of the voice) Zuko. (Cut to show Mai with her head down at the corner of the room) We all know (looks up and walks into the light) that's a lie. Zuko: (Cut back to Zuko's surprised face) Mai.
“Sozin’s Comet, Part 1″:
Zuko: If you want to lounge around (Cut to the top of the steps to show Aang running towards Katara and accepting the watermelon with glee and proceeds to slurp the juice noisily and greedily) like a bunch of snail-sloths all day, then go ahead! (Zuko turns and walks away)
However, it’s interesting to note that people who have actually met and know Zuko(Azula, Zhao, arguably Iroh) seem to be very good at seeing throw him when he does lie. It seems like he’s a bad liar who lies often enough that his tells are well-known to people who actually know him.
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One Shot Werewolf Story
So... first of all, Next part of PFTS should be coming out soon. It's going to take some work to make sure that I pull all the threads that's I've placed in all the worlds together without plot holes, so apologize for how long it's taking. Will probably finish this last world in 2-3 parts, with possibly 1 or two extra parts from Liam and the Traveler's perspective.
Now, back to the story at hand. About a week ago, I wandered into the werewolf side of Wattpad. It was very... interesting. Never written about werewolves before. Thought it might be fun to try my own using my own style. (Women who constantly think they aren't pretty or good enough for the man, men who force physical intimacy and growl "mine" aren't really going to work for me.)
Anyways, It's about a 13k oneshot. It's a bit out of my norm, so I hope you guys enjoy! (Also I would love to hear ideas on what to title this.)
Here it is:
“I can’t believe you read this garbage!” Alyssa’s coworker held up the book in her hand, staring at it with disgust. “What do you see in books like this, anyways?”
Alyssa sighed, looking up at the book in question. The cover showed a shirtless muscular man holding a busty woman while scowling at the camera, with the title written across the top in bright orange words: “The Alpha’s Timid Mate.”
“I don’t read it for fun.” She muttered, reaching up and snatching the book back. Opening the large roller suitcase behind her, she found its place among the hundreds of other werewolf books and put it away carefully.
“Then what is it?” Her coworker asked with a tone of disbelief.
“Really? Research? For what? When your werewolf boyfriend shows up out of nowhere? “ She let out a derisive snort. “Sure.”
“…You don’t understand.”
She doesn’t understand us. The wolf in Alyssa’s head spoke up silently.
“That’s what I said.”
Can we eat her? Her wolf seemed excited by the idea.
“No. You know we can’t. You don’t even really want to. You’re just acting out because you’re upset I won’t let you watch horror movies any more.”
I am not acting out! But since you mentioned it… bring back the horror movies!
“What are you talking about?” Her coworker frowned; confused by the conversation she could only hear half of.
Turning to her briefly, Alyssa shrugged. “Sorry, I’m just having a small discussion. I’ll be free to talk shortly.”
“Don’t bother.” The girl walked away, whispering under her breath. “Freak.”
Should have just eaten her.
“Wolves don’t even eat people. Stop pretending.”
How do you know? Maybe WEREwolves DO eat people! You have no clue! You haven’t found a pack yet. Even though you PROMISED!
“I know, I know.” Alyssa rubbed her forehead tiredly. “It’s harder than I thought it would be.”
I’m lonely and bored! I want to go run! I want a pack!
“Anything else, Your Highness? A bone on a silver platter?”
The wolf paused at that, pouting quietly … I’m hungry. Feed us something tasty.
“That I can do. We’ll eat on our lunch break.”
“…We’ll see.”
As her wolf silently cheered, the door to the bookstore she was tending opened. A strange smell reached her nose. Mint and pine along with another scent she couldn’t quite place.
Alyssa looked up and was startled. The man who walked in looked like he had stepped off the cover of one of her werewolf books. Muscular, handsome… his brown hair just long enough to frame his green eyes. And tall… Alyssa had always known she was short, but never felt quite so at a disadvantage height wise as she did at the man’s approach.
He looks like the lead from book #298. Her wolf suggested in an interested tone.
“I was thinking book #645, but I see your point.”
Why do you think he’s here?
“I don’t know.”
As he moved closer, his gaze meeting her own, Alyssa stepped back, the sound of her wolf’s growl filling her mind.
HE’S A WEREWOLF! … even better, he smells strong… an ALPHA? QUICK, MATE HIM!
An alpha? Crap. Alyssa had done enough research to know that was bad news. “Look here, missy, I am not assaulting some stranger just because…”
Then let’s switch over to wolf so I can do it!
“Excuse me…” The man spoke up, his voice hesitant and trailing off.
Alyssa turned and hurried out the back. Passing through the bookshelves, she heard someone following close behind, and picked up the pace. The door squeaked loudly as she forced it open, slamming against the wall as she broke out into a run towards the back alley.
“Wait!” The man’s voice called out.
Seeing that they were now alone, she stopped in her tracks, and turned, more irritated than nervous. “What?”
“…” He seemed thrown off by her sudden change, but shook his head, studying her closely. The man seemed to recognize something, and moved quickly to stand next to her. “You’re…” His eyes widened, and he reached out to grab her. “A werewolf? My mate?!”
YES! I knew it! Her wolf’s scream of excitement echoed in her mind.
Alyssa sighed tiredly, reaching into her bag. “Well, crap.”
It had been a terrible day.
Lewis listened to his family arguing, wishing for the thousandth time that he wasn’t in charge.
“Nightfang’s pack could wipe us out!” Gary, his Beta, slammed his fist on the table, the force of it scattering plates and cups.
Lewis’s mother stood up, and despite her height only coming only to the enormous man’s chin he shrunk down in fear. “…Did you just mess up my kitchen?”
“Then you’re gonna be a good boy and clean that up right now, yes?” She raised an eyebrow. “Or you won’t have to worry about that Nightfang pack. There won’t be enough of you left for them to fight over once I’m through.”
“…I’ll clean it up right away, Ma’am.”
“That’s what I thought.” She turned to Lewis, patting his shoulder comfortingly. “What’s you plan to deal with this, dear?”
“My plan?” His voice came out slightly more stressed than he meant it to.
“Well, you’re the alpha. Your father left it to you to protect us. “
“Yes. Of course… a plan… which I definitely have.”
Gary and his mate Berta glanced at each other from the other side of the table.
“He doesn’t have a plan.”
“Did you really expect him to?”
“Hey!” At Lewis’s hurt exclamation, Gary shrugged.
“No offense, Alpha, but since your broth… since Nightfang left and took half the pack with him, things have been a little disorganized. You have to admit that’s true.”
Lewis walked over to the window of the cabin, leaning on the sill and staring up at the cloudy sky. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. We were supposed to help each other. Help the pack. But now it’s all just one huge mess and I’m the only one left to take care of it.
Hey, you’re not alone! His wolf’s irritated voice burst out. I’m always here. We’re stuck together for life!
I’m aware. He chuckled quietly. Glad to have you, Buddy.
So… Can we go find our mate now?
You know we can’t. There could be an attack any day now. Besides, I’ve already visited all the packs within driving distance. She’s not there.
Maybe she’s human, like our mom. We should go to town and find her.
Yeah, just go to town and pick up a mate like going to the grocery store to pick up milk. No problem with that.
She’s probably waiting for us! She’s wondering what’s taking us so long to find her. What if she thinks we can’t provide for her? Hurry, you have to find her…. Bring steak… no… four steaks… fatty ones! It will show that we can feed her… make her fat! She’ll definitely want to mate with us then!
Nothing turns women on more than shoving red meat in their face and telling them that you’ll help them gain weight.
Like you would know? Who have you dated? Regale me with tales of your vast experience.
Hey! You haven’t dated either.
I have instincts, at least.
“Lewis?” Gary’s voice broke him from his silent talk with his wolf.
He turned back “We’ll tighten up the patrol schedule.” He rubbed his forehead.
“It will mean giving up territory.”
“I’m aware.” The words came out as a growl. Territory was everything. In the old days it was a pack’s survival. The instinct to protect it at all costs remained, but Lewis had no choice. “Their safety matters more.”
The pack has to be protected first.
Agree. His wolf sounded unhappy, but stood by him, as always.
“Alright then. Continue with training, and preparing for if Nightfang brings his pack for war.” Lewis sighed. “Hopefully they’ll wait until the colder weather passes.”
Although it might be just delaying the inevitable.
“You are all dismissed.” As he stood up, however, his mother stopped him with a smile.
“Can you pick up some milk, dear? I’m out.”
“… Sure, Mom.” He held back a laugh thinking about his conversation with his wolf, knowing that no one else would get the joke. Maybe I’ll pick up my mate while I’m there.
He headed into town.
As he parked his car and walked towards the supermarket, however, his wolf suddenly started shouting in his head.
She’s here!
Lewis frowned. Who? Nightfang or one of his followers?
No, you idiot! Our mate!
Where? He skidded to a halt, staring around frantically. His heart started to race, as he prepared to meet his soulmate… the one he had been waiting for his entire life.
In the bookstore! His wolf wasn’t much better, barely able to communicate in its excitement.
He opened the door, ignoring the soft chime that sounded out to alert a new customer’s arrival. His eyes scanned the room, trying to spot… something. A familiar face, a special feeling. How do you know if someone is your mate…?
His silent voice trailed off in shock as he stared at… her.
She was beautiful.
Dark curls, the tips just barely brushing her shoulders. She was short… very short. He felt awkwardly tall, wondering if she would dislike his height. She seemed to be packing a book into a suitcase, but then turned to face him.
Her grey eyes widened at the sight of him.
Does she feel it too?
With what?!!! I don’t have any food!
Why didn’t you bring the steaks?!!! Now she’s going to think we’re weak and she’ll starve as our mate! What if she leaves us?!!
Human women don’t need steaks for courtship… watch.
Lewis cleared his throat. “Excuse me…”
She turned and rushed out of the store.
…You were saying?
…Maybe you were right about the steaks.
He followed her out to the back of the shop, cringing at the suspicious looks that the customers in the shop gave him.
I’m chasing after a girl into a back alley. I’ll be lucky if no one calls the cops.
She’s our mate! We could never hurt her!
They don’t know that. She might not even know that!
To his shock she stopped and turned around once they were out of the store. Placing her hands on her hips, she glared at him. “What?”
“…” She was even more mesmerizing up close. Lewis nervously cleared his throat, stepping closer.
Her scent filled his senses. Lilac and spring and… wolf?
She’s a werewolf! That’s awesome! Let’s shift and show her how strong our wolf form is. It’s much better looking than the human look.
“You’re…” Feeling stunned, he reached out, wanting to touch her, to hold her hand. “A werewolf? My mate?”
This is amazing! His mate, his soulmate was standing right in front of him. Would she be happy too? Was she excited to meet us?
She didn’t seem shocked. Didn’t seem happy either… or angry, or afraid. Her face just showed mild… annoyance?
Does she not feel the bond?
“Well, crap.”
As she spoke out with a matter of fact tone, Lewis’s hand neared her shoulder, only to spasm and drop as he fell to the ground shaking. His mate stood over him, staring down at him blankly, the Taser in her hand still sparking.
Well, crap. He silently echoed his mate’s words as darkness overcame him.
Alyssa sat on her favorite chair, holding her favorite mug, drinking her favorite tea, wrapped in her favorite blanket, hoping it would improve her mood.
It wasn’t working.
Mostly due to the large man on her living room floor, just now waking up from the effects of her Taser… and the large animal sedative she stuck him with after he went down. He blinked his eyes, seeming confused and disoriented.
He’s adorable. I bet his wolf is good looking! Can you ask him to shift? Her wolf hadn’t shut up since they met the other werewolf.
“Shush. He’s waking up now. It would be rude to ask him before we’ve talked. “
Spoilsport. At least show him all the hamburger meat we have frozen.
“Why would he want to see our hamburger meat?”
THAT will show him how effective we are at gathering food! We can be an asset to his pack! If he doesn’t have a pack he should follow us around, and we can fatten him up! … he’s too skinny.
“He’s not skinny… he’s very muscular.”
What if there’s not enough prey in the winter? His muscles will go away. He should have a nice little layer of fat.
“Do not fatten him up! I like him like this.”
“Excuse me?” The man on her living room floor struggled to sit up. Leaning back against her TV stand, he blinked a few more times, obviously still fighting off the tranquilizer. Looking around, he just seemed more confused. “Where am I?”
“My home.” Alyssa told him, taking another sip of her tea.
“Ah.” He paused, awkwardly shifting his weight and raising his hands which were tied together with silver chains, like his ankles. “Why am I tied up?”
“…” She stared at him silently a few moments. “You’re a werewolf.”
“…Yes. So are you?”
“You said I was your mate.”
He blushed at that, avoiding eye contact. “Sorry. I know that was awkward. I was surprised. I’ve been looking for years since I reached adulthood.”
“You’re an alpha?”
“Yes.” Straightening his spine, he forced a cocky looking grin. “A strong alpha of a great pack.”
“So now you know why you’re tied up.”
Alyssa rolled her eyes. “I’ve done enough research to know when an alpha finds his mate, it tends to get physical… and non-consensual… real quick.”
He still seemed confused. “Research?”
She set down her tea and blanket and dragged over the enormous roller suitcase. Opening it, she displayed hundreds of paperback romance books. She pulled one out, showing off the cover, which showed a half-naked muscular man holding a woman tightly as she half-heartedly pushed him away.
The bound man looked at the picture. “The Reluctant Mate of an Alpha? What is this?”
“There are 983 books on werewolves in my possession.” She pulled out her notebook, quickly flipping to the “alpha” section. “88% of them feature an alpha werewolf as the male lead… and 92% of those characters force their mate to engage in physical intimacy… mostly hugging and kissing… within the first few minutes of meeting them.”
“You… you’re getting your information from romance books?” He looked horrified. “Where’s your pack?”
“No pack. Abandoned as a baby. I grew up in the foster system.”
A low angry growl sounded from his chest. “What pack abandons a child?!”
“The kind of pack that I’m probably better off being abandoned than raised by.” She tapped the book again. “Back to the fact that I’m apparently the mate to an alpha wolf.”
“Not apparently!” He looked distressed still. “You ARE! Can’t you sense it?”
She ignored him, putting the book back carefully. “You know that alpha wolves aren’t even a natural thing… only happens with wolves in captivity. Wolves in the wild tend to form family units. “
“…But we aren’t normal wolves? We wouldn’t have the exact same pack structure.”
“Exactly. Thus I can’t use my wolf encyclopedia to gain information.” She frowned. “That would have been preferable, honestly. I don’t really like the alphas in these stories.”
If you’re not going to mate with him… can we eat him?
“Stop asking to eat people. You know the answer.”
Lewis’s eyes grew wide. “Did you say ‘eat PEOPLE?”
“Don’t worry. There’s a strict ‘no eating people’ rule. It’s just a phase she’s gone through since I let her watch 80s horror werewolf flicks. She thinks its funny, but its not. “ She threw her hands up helplessly. “This is WHY we are on a horror movie ban!”
This is unfair!
“It’s perfectly fair! Even if you ignore the moral implications, you wouldn’t even like the taste of human flesh!”
What about hot sauce? Didn’t you say hot sauce makes every thing taste better?
“Yes… hot sauce does make everything taste better.”
“Wait… are you going to EAT me?” Lewis questioned with a panicked tone, scooting backwards closer to the door.
“No. I told you, there’s a firm ‘no eating people’ rule in place. We’re done discussing that.”
“We’re discussing whether or not hot sauce would make your flesh taste better if we ate you… hypothetically.”
“Oh.” He thought it over. “I do like hot sauce. But I don’t think wolves do.”
“No. It would give them diarrhea, probably.” Alyssa nodded. “See. Even hot sauce wouldn’t help.”
Then if we aren’t going to eat him, can we please just MATE with him?
“No eating. No mating.”
“Wait, can we not put a strict no mating rule in place just yet? At least not a permanent one?” He paused. “Also, if I promise not to engage in any alpha behaviors like you see in your ‘research’, can I please be untied?”
“…” She studied him warily. “I suppose.”
“Great!” He held out his wrists, smiling with relief as she started to untie him.
“I have plenty of tranquilizer anyways.” She muttered.
The bonds slipped free. The man rubbed his wrists, careful to not make any sudden movements. Relieved by his apparent honesty in not trying anything, Alyssa headed back to her chair and wrapped herself back in her blanket.
Grabbing her tea, she took a sip of the lukewarm liquid and smiled. “So what brought the great alpha into my place of work today? Were you looking for me?”
Lewis was unsure how to answer his mate. Panicking, he said the first thing he thought of.
“Actually I was going to go buy milk.”
She raised an eyebrow. “In the bookstore?”
“Yes! I mean, no!” He covered in his face. “I was on my way to the supermarket, when my wolf… sensed you.”
She tilted her head, seeming more interested. “Your wolf? What’s he like?”
“Umm… he’s strong…”
How else will she know I can provide food for her and our children?!
No. I’m not saying we’ll make her fat!
“Are you okay?”
“WE’LL MAKE YOU REALLY FAT!” Lewis blurted out… and then stared at the ground in embarrassed horror.
“…” There was a long silence.
“My wolf says that’s very attractive.” She shook her head. “She wants you to know that we have several pounds of hamburger in our freezer and that we are happy to contribute food to you and your family.”
She’s smart and stores plenty of meat in her freezer! Please convince her to stay as our mate!
“So would you like to come visit our pack? He asked, wincing as she pulled what appeared to be a miniature Taser out of thin air. “Just visiting! No mating!” He relaxed as she hid the Taser away again “…Where were you even keeping that?”
“Secret pocket in the sleeve…. It’s not my only one, so don’t think I’ve given you any advantage.”
Lewis tried to think of something that would appeal to her. “I know you don’t have a pack… it would be a chance to get to know others like you… “
“… I would be able to refine my research…” She muttered, staring down at her notebook. “Plus my wolf really wants to…”
“Sure. Why not?” She shrugged, holding out her hand. “I guess we should officially meet if we’re going back to your pack together. I’m Alyssa.”
Alyssa! Her name is pretty!
“Nice to meet you Alyssa.” Lewis smiled brightly. “I’m Lewis.” He shook her hand, trying to stay calm at the shocking feeling of touching her. It was almost painful, as if every cell in his body were screaming at him that he’s met his soulmate. Overwhelmed, confused, he glanced over at his mate, only to see her calm expression.
Does she not feel this? Are we just delusional?
She’s our mate! Of course she feels it!
She’s not acting like it. Maybe we’re wrong? Lewis felt a stabbing pain in his chest at the thought. She was his mate. He had waited his whole life to meet her. He belonged to her.
What if she doesn’t want us?
… His wolf didn’t have an answer to that.
Maybe she can sense our weakness… our failure.
No… we’re not weak! We’re alpha of a strong pack!
That’s fallen apart because most of them felt I wasn’t the best one for the job.
We have to be strong. We can’t fail our pack or our mate. Don’t show weakness!
I’ll try.
Lewis forced a calm smile as he looked at Alyssa. “Should we head over and meet the pack?”
“Hmm… Aren’t you forgetting something?” She angled her head, studying him.
“Didn’t you say you were on your way to pick up milk when you met me?”
“OH SHOOT!” He jumped to his feet. “I’m glad you said something! You saved my life!”
“By remembering milk?”
“You don’t realize how horrible my death would be at my mom’s hands if I had forgotten it.”
“…” She raised an eyebrow, a slight smile at the corner of her mouth. “You’re welcome, then.”
I like her smile! Let’s help make her smile more!
Lewis ran to pick up some milk while she packed a bag for the trip. When he returned, he was shocked by the number of suitcases she had brought with her.
“Are all these clothes?”
“Don’t be silly.” She looked at him like he was an idiot. “It’s my research.”
He was almost afraid to ask, but felt he had to. “… They’re all filled with werewolf romance books… aren’t they?
“Not just books… “ Alyssa seemed a little defensive. “There’s some weapons. And a few changes of clothes.”
“If you’re staying a few days at least, do you need to take off work?”
She shook her head. “No need.”
“Yeah. “
“…Okay.” He didn’t want to pry. At least not yet. Maybe one day she’ll trust us enough to tell us more.
He packed her bags into the car, glad for his superhuman strength as he lifted the suitcases filled to the brim with books. Alyssa sat in the passenger seat, clutching a notebook and a small messenger bag, which also appeared to be filled with books. As they headed outside of town, an awkward silence fell between them.
Say something witty! His wolf finally lost patience with Something that will make her think we’re smart!
Open to any suggestions, Buddy. I’m having trouble thinking straight with our mate so close, much less think of something smart to say!
Aren’t you supposed to be the more intelligent half? I’m supposed to be the stronger one.
You’re the one always saying that wolves are super intelligent creatures and I should listen to you more!
Now we’re being silent for too long! What if she thinks we’re an idiot?!
You’re not helping…
“So how do werewolves mate?” Alyssa asked calmly, the question almost causing Lewis to swerve off the road in shock.
“Sorry, I don’t think I heard you. Could you repeat the question?”
“How do werewolves mate?”
… I think I preferred the awkward silence.
No! This is good! She’s showing an interest in mating!
“Umm… Not differently than humans… you learned about that in health class, right?” He desperately hoped he would not have to have a “birds and bees” talk with his mate right after meeting her.
“Oh.” She sounded slightly disappointed. “So we don’t mate in wolf form?”
I’m game.
“Typically no… I mean I guess it’s possible…” He felt himself turn bright red, feeling super uncomfortable. “But usually its in human form… at least from my understanding of what mated couples say.”
“Hmm..” She seemed to be listening to something. “No, I don’t think his wolf is impotent. I think it’s a cultural thing.”
We are currently driving down a highway! We are not shifting any time soon! Besides, what on earth do you think you’re going to do in wolf form that’s going to convince her otherwise?
I’ll show her my genitals, to reassure her.
“So I bet that means that werewolf pregnancy follows human rules then. “ She sighed, frowning while pulling out her notebook and writing a few things down. “There was only 3% of books that presented mating and pregnancy while in wolf form, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.”
“… I see.”
“How long does pregnancy last? 19% of the books depict a shorter pregnancy cycle, but I wasn’t sure if it was just to get the plot to move faster.”
“Normal 9 months.”
“Number of children per pregnancy?”
“One… unless you have twins.”
She groaned, leaning back in her chair. “So no advantages at all? So disappointing.”
“Twins run in our family!” Lewis nearly shouted.
“Really?” Alyssa studied him, looking slightly interested. “Do you have a twin?”
Great. I really had to bring HIM up.
“I do… but he left the pack.”
“Does that happen often?”
“I see…” She made a few more notes. “Obviously the villain.”
“…” I mean, she’s not wrong. “Any other questions?” Please be something easy.
“Will mating with another werewolf change my menstrual cycle?”
Do you know?
Nope. Nothing in the instincts about this. Do you?
He cleared his throat. “Sorry, I don’t know the answer to that question. One of the pack might be able to answer it. Maybe Bridget? She seems pretty knowledgeable.”
“Bridget? Your sister?”
“No… she’s just one of the warriors in the pack..”
“Hmm…” Alyssa thought that over. “Is she pretty?”
Lewis shrugged. “Seems pretty normal.”
“Do you two get along?”
“She follows orders, so I guess?”
“I see.” He could hear her pen scratching against paper again. “The female side character who will try to chase we away, maybe? How exciting.”
“…” Lewis decided he didn’t want to ask anything about it. For the sake of his sanity if nothing else.
They spent the rest of the car ride in silence.
Alyssa felt increasingly nervous the closer they got to pack territory.
I think we’re almost there. This area smells different.
“Different how?”
It smells like our mate! I like it!
“Hmm… Do you think he pees on trees to mark his territory?”
Isn’t that normal?
“It’s normal for wolves… do you think he does it in human form too?”
“I DON’T MARK TERRITORY AS A HUMAN!” Lewis spoke out frantically. “Can you stop talking about me like I’m not here?!”
She turned to him, curious by his reaction. “Don’t you talk to your wolf?”
“All the time, but I do it SILENTLY!” He paused. “Do you not know how to?”
“Oh I know how to, I just think it’s really rude to leave her out of the general conversation. She’s here too you know.”
“That makes sense… I guess…” He sighed, rubbing a hand through his hair. “Well, I assume you know since you were commenting on the scent markings, but yes, we’re in pack territory. “
Alyssa nodded, her heart rate increasing slightly. She didn’t like this. Going to unfamiliar places. Meeting new people. Especially people who may have a culture or rules that she didn’t understand. They might not like her.
How could they not love us? We’re a strong, beautiful female… at least when we’re in wolf form.
We’ll be just fine.
“I hope so.” She took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves.
A warm hand hesitantly grasped her own. She felt an electric shock traveling up her fingers from the touch, but kept her face expressionless. “Are you okay?” Lewis’s voice was quiet, a comforting sound.
I like his voice. His touch his very warm!
“If you’re worried… I know that you might not believe me, but the pack is very friendly. You’ll feel very welcome.”
“In 42% of the books the pack is welcoming to a stranger… usually because she’s the alpha’s mate. In the rest they are either wary of the unknown person, or distrustful or unfriendly. “ She thought it over. “I guess it’s not bad odds.”
The car came to a stop. Lewis squeezed her hand one last time, and then stepped out, getting her suitcases from the trunk and back seat. Alyssa stared down at her now empty hand, feeling frustrated.
I trust him.
“You trust everyone. It’s my job to keep us safe.” She got out of the car, staring around at the area. There were several nice houses, all scattered far from each other. The place was quiet, peaceful, surrounded by woods. She liked it.
He won’t hurt us. He can’t. It would be like hurting himself.
“You’d be surprised how low people can sink if they want.”
No I wouldn’t. I lived through all the same experiences with you. But wolves do better with a family. We’ll do better with a pack.
“I haven’t agreed to that yet.”
We’ll see.
Lewis carried her many bags without seeming stressed by the weight. “I’ll bring these into the main house. Do you want to come along? Or you can wait here, I can show you around.”
She glanced around at the forest around her. “I’ll wait here.”
“Ok. I’ll be right back.” He looked slightly worried about separating from her, but after a brief hesitation, he walked away.
Alyssa strolled around the clearing by the car, feeling calmer as she took in the fresh air.
I like it here. We should live here.
“We’ll see.”
Also mate Lewis before another female gets him.
“I don’t think that’s how it works. In 82% of the books, being mates meant soul mates. Only small exceptions made for if mates rejected each other and such… for the drama, I suppose. “
Don’t take chances. Even with an impotent wolf we should claim him sooner rather than later. He has fatty steaks in his house. I can smell them.
“That’s what’s important to you? And I told you, I don’t think his wolf is impotent…”
“WHO ARE YOU?” A strident voice called out.
Alyssa turned to see a beautiful young woman walking towards her with a suspicious expression. She had shorter, curly blond hair and bright green eyes, towering over her in height. Alyssa sighed slightly as she realized she would probably be the shortest werewolf here by a good amount.
We’re short but feisty! Don’t underestimate us!
“I’m Alyssa.” She waved cheerfully. “Who are you?”
“…” The young woman seemed confused. “Bridget.”
The bitch side character! Maybe she’ll shout at us to “stay away from her man!”
“You don’t know that. Maybe she’s nice. She’s pretty.”
She is pretty… but it would be more fun if she were hysterical and tried to scare us off.
“…Who are you talking to?”
“My wolf.” Alyssa grinned at her. “She’s wondering if you are going to scream at us and tell us to stay away from Lewis.”
The woman seemed stunned. “Why would I do that?”
“All the books have it.” She pulled out her notebook and spread out the books from her messenger bag. Holding up one where a woman in a ripped dress stood next to a large wolf titled “The Alpha’s Runaway Love”, she pointed to a smaller, angry looking woman in the background of the cover. “See… in 79% of these stories there’s a strong female side character who is desperately in love with the alpha despite him being mated to the main character and tries to drive her away.”
“… Are those… romance novels….?”
“But I really hope you aren’t that character type. I think you seem like an awesome older sister type.” She stepped closer, which highlighted the height difference between them. “We’ve always wanted a cool, pretty older sister like you. “
“…” Bridget seemed genuinely overwhelmed. “Umm… first of all… I don’t want to scare you away from Lewis… I grew up with the guy. He wet the bed once when I slept over when we were five… ruined my favorite princess sheets…”
Alyssa started taking notes.
“I was just curious about who you were…” She rested a hand on Alyssa’s head, almost seemingly despite herself. “Are you Lewis’ mate?”
“Yep! He found me in a bookstore.” She paused. “Do you know if mating with a werewolf changes your menstrual cycle? I asked Lewis, but he seemed like he was having a seizure and said he didn’t know.”
“…” Bridgett’s face spasmed at that, she seemed to be holding back a laugh.
“Also… I brought hamburger meat… do you want some? “
“So…” Bridget’s voice trailed off.
“So?” Alyssa tilted her head, confused.
“SO CUTE!!!” Alyssa was pulled into an enormous bear hug, squeezed almost uncomfortably tight as Bridget continued to yell. “YOU’RE ADOPTED!”
“What are you doing with my mate?” Lewis’s strained voice made Alyssa want to look over, but she was still trapped in the hug.
“She’s my little sister now, Alpha.” Bridget’s voice was calm, but stern. “If anything happens to her, I will destroy you.”
Alyssa smiled at her as the tall woman set her down. “Really?”
“Really.” Bridget grinned back. “I’ve always wanted a sister too.”
As the two girls began chatting excitedly, Lewis cleared his throat. “Guys? I hate to break up the love here, but the pack is gathering to meet Alyssa.”
He walked over towards Alyssa, stopping in his tracks as Bridget grabbed her first and tugged her in the correct direction. “Come on, let’s hurry up! I can’t wait to introduce you to them!”
“She’s MY mate! I want to introduce her!”
“Too bad, so sad, bedwetter! If you weren’t so slow maybe you could have grabbed her first.” She laughed.
“Hey, you promised never to mention that again! What if you scare my mate away?!”
“Even better, she’ll just live with me and my family.”
As they moved, Alyssa tapped her arm, leaning close. “Is this really okay?”
“Is what okay?”
“I mean… he’s your alpha… is it okay to be like this with him?”
Bridget smiled. “Don’t worry. He’s a good alpha… a strong fighter, a capable leader… but he’s very kind. He prefers his pack feel comfortable enough to joke around with him. Says if they can trust him enough to make fun of him that it means they’ll trust him enough to have the uncomfortable conversations as well.”
He’s a good leader.
Let’s mate him!
Alyssa groaned at the expected response from her wolf, shaking her head slowly.
They arrived in a clearing in the woods, where twenty or thirty people had gathered. Everyone looked very different, with skin tones, eye and hair color varying widely from person to person. People of all ages chatted excitedly, watching their approach. They did have one thing in common though:
They were all tall.
We’re… tall… too.
“We’re short.” Feeling uncomfortable, she hid behind Bridget, who growled at the crowd.
“Don’t you guys make my sister uncomfortable! Sit down, you’re scaring her.”
The crowd looked very confused at that, but sat down on the grass anyways. Besides the three of them, only one man remained standing. He was enormous, a head taller than even Lewis, who Alyssa already considered very tall. He was broad as well as tall, his muscles nearly bursting out of the flannel shirt he was wearing. His face was covered in a bushy beard, his dark hair cropped close.
Overall Alyssa thought he looked very intimidating. She watched as he approached, a hand grasping her hidden Taser in her sleeve.
“This is my Beta Gary.” Lewis’s calm voice was reassuring, but she refused to relax her vigilance as the large man bent down to look her in the eye. “Gary, this is my mate, Alyssa.”
“Hey there, Alyssa.” The hair-covered face broke into a friendly smile. “We’ve been hoping Lewis would find a nice mate for a while now. Glad you’re here. If anyone gives you trouble you let me know, I’ll knock a few heads in.”
Alyssa grinned back at him. “Nice to meet you, Gary. You’re really large.”
Ask him if we can sit on his shoulder! I want to be tall!
“It would be rude to ask to sit on his shoulder right after meeting him. We’ll ask him later.”
Before her wolf could complain too much, Gary reached out and picked her up easily, placing her on one broad shoulder and steadying her with a single hand. “How’s this?”
Alyssa looked around. “This is GREAT!” She laughed.
Bow before us mortals! WE ARE TALL!
“My wolf is very happy right now. She was sad that we were so much shorter than everyone.”
HEY! You were sad too!
“Well you can ride on my shoulder anytime you want.” Gary laughed. “My mate Berta and I always wanted kids, but…” his voice trailed off slightly. “Well, anyways, feel free to come to us if you ever need help.”
“OR ME!” Bridget burst out. “I’ve already claimed her as my little sister!”
Lewis stared at the three of them, looking slightly tired. “Do I get any time with her as her mate?”
Gary and Bridget glanced at each other. “… We’ll see.”
Putting Alyssa down in front of the pack, Gary winked at her as if to reassure her before taking his place standing behind the Alpha. Lewis stepped forward, his manner becoming stronger, more confident as he addressed the crowd.
“Everyone, this is my mate Alyssa. She’s one of us, but she doesn’t have a pack. So I expect you all to make her feel safe and welcome.” He looked around, smiling as everyone nodded obediently.
“We’re glad you’re here!”
“Maybe Lewis will stop moping so much now!”
The cheerful voices of the pack made Alyssa feel calmer. She waved at them, speaking up. “Hey everyone! Like Lewis said, I’m Alyssa. I don’t know much about werewolves… I’ve only grown up around humans, but I’m excited to learn more.”
They seem nice.
Her wolf was happy about the packs’ reactions. No one seemed thrown off by her introduction. No one was glaring at her or even seeming suspicious of her.
It’s a good thing, right?
Before she could respond, Lewis spoke up, distracting her. “Let’s take you back to meet my mom.”
Lewis was relieved that the pack introduction went so well. Not that he was overly surprised; most of the more disagreeable pack members had left in the split with his brother. Who was left were either the ones too reasonable to be sucked into his rhetoric, or the very loyal ones to himself or his father.
Either way, I guess it’s a good thing.
He led his mate towards his house, breathing a small sigh of relief when Bridget and Gary didn’t insist on following. He liked them both a lot, but they could be a lot. Especially since they seemed to have instantly bonded with Alyssa.
Just admit it. We’re jealous. We want to bond with Alyssa too.
We don’t know what all she’s been through. She was abandoned by her pack as an infant. Her only knowledge of us doesn’t paint Alpha’s in a good light… or at least they don’t seem to. Lewis resolved to get his hands on some of those books and read through this. It might help us understand how she views us… and how to reassure her.
I like her. His wolf’s voice was filled with a patient care. Even if she doesn’t like us just yet, I hope she’s happy and feels safe here.
I do too. Lewis desperately wanted to reassure his mate. He could feel her anxiety through the bond. Even when she was smiling she didn’t feel safe. But he didn’t know how to help just yet.
They reached the house, and as they were about to enter, the door swung open and Lewis’s mother rushed out. Making a beeline for Alyssa, she hugged her tightly, grinning.
Alyssa seemed shocked at the sudden appearance of his mother. Lewis tried to step in. “Mom, don’t scare her…”
“Finally someone normal sized!” Alyssa burst out, hugging his mother back.
“I know, right? They’re all way too tall!” Lewis’s mother stepped back, patting her head fondly. “I forgive them since they’re all such good people, but still, I’m happy to have someone I don’t have to strain my neck to look at.”
“Mom, this is Alyssa, my mate.”
“I figured as much dear. You’ve never paid so much attention and care to a single person before. “ She grabbed Alyssa’s hand. “Come in, I made food.”
Our mother understands! She’ll show our mate how much food we can provide!
Alyssa glanced at him. “My wolf wants to make sure that the hamburger meat we brought got put in the fridge.”
“I took care of it.” Lewis puffed out his chest, feeling accomplished.
His mother just shook her head. “Boys. Why don’t you take her bags up to the room next to mine while I get her something to pad her stomach?”
“Yes, Ma’am.” He grabbed the suitcases full of books, weapons and clothes and rushed up the stairs. Her room was on the opposite end of the house from him, right next to his mother’s rooms.
Why is she staying so far away from us? His wolf whined in his head. What if something happens? How will we protect her?
She already doesn’t trust us. Hopefully the living arrangements will make her less nervous. If she doesn’t like it, she might go stay with Bridget instead. Do you want that?
No. Stupid Bridgett. She brought up the bedwetting incident. Our childhood shame bared in front of our mate! What if she doesn’t like us now?
We were young. I can’t imagine she would hold it against us… although yes, it is very embarrassing.
As he neared the kitchen once more, he overheard Alyssa and his mother talking. About to announce his arrival, his mouth slammed shut as he heard his mate’s question.
“So Lewis’ brother is a villain, right?”
“…” His mother sighed. “How much has he told you?”
“Just that he has a twin, and he’s not with the pack.”
“Well, I guess you haven’t known each other long… you’ll hear it anyways, might as well be from me, since he’s my son.” She sat down at the counter, rubbing her forehead tiredly.
“I had three children, actually. Twins boys and a younger girl. My husband was the Alpha of the Western pack, and although it’s not set in stone, usually one of the children of the Alpha will inherit the position.”
Lewis could hear Alyssa’s pen moving as she frantically took notes. He silently laughed, even as his chest hurt at the sound of his mother’s disappointed tone, leaning against the wall to hear how she would describe their situation.
“Now, I’m not a werewolf, you know. I’m a human who happened to be mates with a werewolf. So maybe I didn’t instill the idea of pack values as strongly as I could have.” She sighed. “Lewis seemed to get it naturally. He got hurt when he was ten… the first time he transformed, just to protect an elderly pack member who was being attacked. He’s got a large scar on his left elbow from a hunter’s arrow. Werewolves heal well… but the scars remain.”
My other son… Benjamin… he wasn’t nearly as concerned about the pack’s well being. Just obsessed with being strong. Being in charge. My daughter Emily seemed to feel very similar.”
“Seems pretty Alpha-like… at least how the books describe them.”
“But that’s the thing. Alphas SHOULD be strong. My mate was very strong, in fact. But their strength exists to protect and feed the pack. Strength and power for its own sake has no purpose… and often leads down a dangerous pack.”
“My mate died.” His mother whispered, the pain in her voice breaking Lewis’s heart. “Lung cancer. Even werewolves can die from disease. They heal… but not fast enough for more aggressive wounds or diseases. They’re not immortal.”
“I’m sorry.” Alyssa seemed genuinely concerned. “How did you survive losing your mate?”
“It helps that I’m human.” Her voice was still quiet. “The pain is still there…it’s like a piece of your soul missing. But I had family, pack … people who needed me to keep waking up each morning. And I’m glad I have.”
“So what happened next?”
“My mate’s will left the pack to Lewis.” His mother shrugged, turning back to stir the contents of a pot on the stove. “It was an obvious choice to us. He is strong, careful… puts the pack first.”
“But Benjamin didn’t agree?”
“He rebelled. Said Lewis was weak. Tried to fight him, but was pushed back by the loyal members of the pack. In the end he took almost half the pack with him to start a new one… including my daughter who also thought Lewis was too weak to lead.”
“…” Alyssa was silent. Lewis leaned against the wall, desperately trying to sense his mate’s emotions. Was she disappointed in him? Did she think he was a failure.
“He goes by Nightfang now… his group is our pack’s greatest threat.”
“…” Suddenly in the silent kitchen, Alyssa chuckled. “Seriously? Nightfang? Did he think that was a cool name?”
Lewis’s mother laughed too. “I know, right. I mean, it’s a serious situation and all, but seriously… he sounds like a villain in a Saturday morning cartoon.” She looked over, and chuckled again. “Alright, Lewis. Stop hiding around the corner and come join the conversation.”
Shamefully, Lewis ducked his head and entered the kitchen. He noticed Alyssa didn’t seem surprised by his presence.
She probably can sense when we’re nearby. It means our bond is slightly stronger!
It also means she knows we were eavesdropping like a creep!
Well we were… not like it’s much better if she doesn’t know.
“So…” He spoke up, trying to appear less awkward. “Can I help with dinner at all, Mom?”
She smiled, reaching up high to pat his head as well. “I’m pretty much done. How about after we eat you show her around the territory?”
Alyssa seemed a little more relaxed, to Lewis’s relief. “I’d like that.”
Play it cool! She already knows that half the pack left because we’re too weak to convince them we’re a good Alpha. If we look like an idiot too…
OH SHUT UP! His wolf snapped at it. Don’t pretend you’re not super excited. We’re the same person!
…Stupid wolf.
Silly human.
... Lewis was excited. So excited he could hardly breathe. His mate was right here, in front of him. She was smart, beautiful, friendly… at least to everyone else… more than he could have ever dared to dream of.
I just want her to like us… any ideas?
I still vote for bringing her food or showing her our genitals. .
… Never mind… I’ll think of something.
A few weeks passed.
Alyssa sat on the cool grass, watching Lewis in wolf form teaching some of the younger pack members how to fight.
“Watch out for each other.” His voice resounded her mind. “You can’t be so focused on the enemy that you lose track of what’s behind you.”
Having never spent any time prior to this visit around other werewolves, she was interested to find that although she did understand some of wolf language – a combination of scents, sounds and body language – the majority of the time werewolves simply spoke through mental communication.
Lewis batted one of the young wolves aside, snapping at another’s flank and using his weight to push a third to the ground, baring his teeth. The fallen wolf whimpered slightly, more with frustration than pain.
“Alpha, I thought we had to focus all of our attention on the attack, and not stop until the enemy was dead?” The youngest of the three, a male wolf named Teddy, finally spoke up, his tail between his legs. “How are we supposed to do that AND watch our backs?”
“Who told you that?” Lewis seemed shocked. “You are nothing without your pack! Only by working together and looking out for each other will you be at your strongest.”
“It was Uncle Ben…mmph” Teddy’s voice was muffled as the other two wolves tackled him.
“Sorry Alpha, he’s a little dumb.” Teddy’s sister Lara apologized, grinding her brother’s muzzle into the dirt with a paw. “Of course we aren’t going to follow what the traitor Nightfang taught us.”
“But LARA…”
“SHUT UP and let me get us out of this, idiot!”
Lewis stared at them for a few minutes, and then laughed silently in our heads. “It’s okay. I know he was in charge of teaching fighting for years. It’s a different strategy, but give my idea a shot before you dismiss it, okay?”
“YES ALPHA!” The three younger wolves shouted in unison.
“…” Alyssa studied Lewis with a thoughtful expression. He was kind enough to the pups, even when they challenged him and brought up his brother’s name. He didn’t lash out, just calmly guiding them forward. If she didn’t know better, she would think the mention of his brother didn’t bother him at all.
But she could feel it.
Behind his kind words, there was a deep agony. Fear, hurt, betrayal. He resented that his brother left the pack, that he split the pack with his leaving. He regretted that he had let his brother teach the pups… that he taught the pups to be killers rather than to defend and protect the pack. Feared being compared to his brother at every turn.
But mostly… he blamed himself. Hated that he wasn’t a strong enough Alpha to force the pack to stay together. He wished desperately that he could be a better leader… more like his father.
Alyssa rubbed her chest idly, feeling a pain in her heart that wasn’t physical but still wishing to ease it. She could sense his self-doubt, his feelings of helplessness, but was unsure what to do with the knowledge.
Over the last few weeks, they had spent a lot of time together. She had come to recognize that he was as kind as he first seemed, very different than what her book research had led her to expect. He was strong… she could see that in every move her made, especially in his wolf form… but he didn’t seem to place his importance on that strength.
His mother had described him well. He was strong, careful… and he put his pack first.
The closer they got, the more she learned about him, the more she could feel through their bond. His emotions, his mental state. She couldn’t hear his thoughts, not unless he was mentally communicating in wolf form. The information she was getting, however, was almost more than she could bear.
It made her terrified to guess what he could sense about her.
That’s how bonding goes. He is our soul mate. We can’t hide from him.
“…” Alyssa ignored her wolf, mad that she was telling the truth.
“Are you okay?” Alyssa looked up at Lewis’s mental question, startled to see his wolf’s face right in front of her own. “Did something upset you?”
“… What would you do if something did?”
“Help you. No matter what.” His mental voice was firm… reassuring.
“What if it was you that upset me?” Alyssa was curious how he would answer that.
“… If I did something, please let me know… I don’t want to hurt you, even by accident.” He paused. “If you don’t feel comfortable telling me… then my mom or Bridget would be happy to listen. And of course beat me up for whatever I did…”
SORRY WE UPSET YOU MATE! WOULD YOU LIKE MEAT?! Startled, Alyssa realized she could hear Lewis’s wolf directly. He sounded a lot like Lewis, but slightly more… straightforward.
TELL HIM WE LIKE MEAT! Alyssa’s wolf shouted with frustration. OR SHIFT SO I CAN TELL HIM MYSELF!
“How can I hear your wolf? I thought that could only happen after mating?”
Lewis shook his head, the motion strange appearing when performed by a wolf. “I’m not sure… I’ve never been mated before… but I think as our bond deepens we’ll hear more. I can’t hear your wolf now… if she’s speaking…”
“…But if you were in wolf form I might. Their control is a little stronger in that form. One day we might be able to hear each other’s wolves even when in human form.”
We like you, Mate! We think you are smart and pretty and smell nice! We spend a lot of time arguing over what would make you like us! Lewis’s wolf chimed in.
“Shush…” Lewis tried to interrupt, but the wolf kept talking.
I wanted to bring you meat and expose our genitals to reassure you of our virility, but he insisted that would make you mad.
His wolf is smart. Alyssa’s wolf approved. That would have made me happy.
“…Your wolf and my wolf are on the same page. I have no desire to see genitals, though.”
“No worries, there’s a firm ‘no flashing’ rule in place. “
Her stomach rumbled. “Wouldn’t say no to a steak though!”
Hooray! We’ll bring you the tastiest of the steaks!
See, he loves us enough to bring us the best steak! We should mate him now!
Lewis ran behind a tree and shifted, quickly changing into loose fitting shorts and t-shirt. Alyssa had learned the hard way that the pack had very little sense of modesty.
After numbing her brain to the sight of naked people who had transformed back from wolf form multiple times, she had come to somewhat accept it as normal.
She was still glad that Lewis tried to not be naked in front of her. Although she was now realizing that this might have more to do with avoiding his wolf’s desire to show off genitals then anything else.
“Let’s go.” He smiled, the expression causing her heart to skip a quick beat, and held out his hand. After a short hesitation, she took it, feeling as always the thrill that came from touching him.
They walked together in silence.
As they neared the house, Lewis spoke up. “You know everyone likes you here.”
Alyssa tensed up. “But…?”
“No buts. They just like you.” He let out a quiet sigh. “You don’t have to try this hard.”
“You look relaxed when you’re talking with the pack. You’re smiling and joking around… you’ve even got half of them addicted to those werewolf romance novels… I mean your research…” He chuckled, squeezing her hand with his own. “But I can feel it, Lyss. I can feel how stressed out you are… how hard you’re trying to make them like you.”
“I…” Alyssa started to talk but then fell silent.
I told you he knows us.
“I’m not judging.” He smiled bitterly. “I wish I had met you much earlier. I don’t know what your life has been like leading up to now. I just want you to know that people like you for the weird, lovely person you are. You can try to relax a little.”
Alyssa thought his words over. “Growing up… being liked… it was safer. Especially if you were the weird kid who had a wolf voice in her head. I learned early how to read people, and act the way they wanted. I’ve grown out of it some… it does get very tiring. But I don’t know if I could completely stop, even if I wanted to.”
“That’s okay.” He grinned. “Just know that I care about you... honestly maybe more than that, although it’s just been a few weeks. You never have to try to get on my good side.”
“I don’t think we ever tried to do that.”
We tried to scare him off. And instead he treated us better than anyone else.
He grinned. “Good. Then I guess I got to see a closer side to you than most… even if it was not meant as a compliment.”
Alyssa felt scared by this. His care. His acceptance of her. Even worse by the fact she could feel through the bond that it was completely genuine.
“Don’t let it worry you too much. Let’s just take it a day at a time for now.”
She sighed with relief at his words. “Thanks.”
“No problem.” He thought it over for a moment. “Wait? What about your job at the bookstore? You’ve been here two weeks without notice? Do you still have a job?”
“You don’t need to worry about it.”
You’ll have to tell him eventually.
“If you say so.” His expression and mental state were a little sad, but she ignored it.
She would take it one step at a time, just like Lewis suggested.
Lewis was going a little crazy.
It had been a month. He spent every day at his mate’s side. Every day talking with Alyssa, laughing with her, getting to know her more and more. As they grew closer, he couldn’t help but wish for more.
They had just returned from a run through the forest in their wolf forms. He loved spending time with her wolf as well. She was much smaller than him, with silver fur and grey eyes that saw right through him. Her wolf self was much more open and playful, often pulling him to play or run through the forest. His wolf was enamored with her, yelling out offers to feed her or provide her with pups… or both. Her wolf was in hearty agreement, only to be silenced by Alyssa, who still seemed somewhat uncomfortable about the whole situation.
Lewis was happy. He hoped she would continue to stay with the pack… stay with him. He just wasn’t sure how long that would last. Fortunately she seemed completely unconcerned about how much time she took off the bookstore.
He shifted back behind a tree, changing into his clothes stuffed nearby and staring down at the ground until he heard she was done doing the same. Stepping out of his hiding spot he grinned and offered his hand.
“Should we get something to eat?”
Alyssa took his hand without hesitation. “Sure. What should we make?” Lewis felt his heartbeat speed up at her casual use of “we”.
Their wolves chimed in, making them both shake their heads.
“How about pasta?” He asked. Feeling the wolves’ disappointment he added “We can have meat in the sauce.
Our mate is the best!
Lewis couldn’t help but chuckle at that. Her wolf likes me at least.
“ALPHA!” Gary’s panicked voice caused him to turn, seeing the large man running towards them fully naked.
Seeing Alyssa look towards the ground, Lewis couldn’t help but growl with annoyance. “Can’t you put pants on?”
“No time.” He skidded to a halt, trying to catch his breath. “It’s your brother…”
His heart stopped.
Benjamin. Nightfang. His brother. His enemy.
“What has he done?”
Gary’s face was grim. “He’s invaded. The South Segment.”
Lewis pulled off his clothes, shifting to his wolf form.
“Are there any of our pack patrolling in the area?”
“I let Teddy and Lara take that segment… it was supposed to be our safest area…” Gary rubbed his face looking horrified. “I thought it would be okay.”
“Stay here. Protect the pack. I’ll get the young wolves.”
His silent voice projected across the entire territory.
“Everyone. We are under attack. Go to your designated areas. The Nightfang pack has definitely invaded the South Segment, but it could be a distraction. DO NOT LET DOWN YOUR GUARD! Watch each others’ backs. I’m going after Teddy and Lara who were last seen in the attacked area. Listen to the Beta while I’m gone."
He hesitated mentally, continuing to run as fast as possible to the south segment, and then reached out privately to Alyssa.
“Please keep yourself safe. If you want to fight I won’t stop you, stay near Gary. If you want to stay out of the fight, go hide in the house with my mom. The pack is instructed to guard it. “
“I… “ He trailed off, unsure of how to finish the sentence.
He wanted to. He wanted to express the thoughts, the emotions that had slowly sprouted within him in the time they had spent together. To say everything he had wanted to say when he was by her side.
But he couldn’t.
We’re not strong. We can barely protect our pack. She won’t want us. She doesn’t trust us yet.
He reached out for what he hoped wouldn’t be the last time to his beloved mate.
“Stay safe.”
With that, he continued towards the south sector.
Calling out for Teddy and Lara as he neared the attacked area, Lewis wasn’t getting any answers. He tried not to think too hard about what that could mean.
They might just be unconscious… they might not be… His wolf trailed off, hesitating.
I don’t know what Ben… what Nightfang is capable of. He might kill them. But if there is a chance they are still alive… we have to try.
He slowed down, his paws silently stepping on the soft earth. He stayed on high alert, listening for any possible signs of the intruders.
Don’t let your guard down. Someone is close. His wolf could feel the intrusion on the Packs’ territory, it bothered him.
There, in the clearing! Lewis spotted two small wolf forms laying still on the ground. Praying they were just knocked out, he crouched down and inched closer.
They were breathing.
He let out a silent sigh of relief. Scouting around, there were at least two from the NightFang pack in the clearing with the pups.
Only two.
Where’s the rest of that bastard’s pack?! Where’s Ben? His wolf snarled within him.
It’s a distraction.He had known there was a possibility. But he couldn’t leave the two young wolves for dead. He couldn’t.
And Nightfang knew that.
Let’s save them quickly and head straight back. Hopefully Gary will keep things together until we return.
I miss our mate. I hope she’s okay.
… Me too.
Lewis attacked from the shadows. Normally he would owe them a noise, some sort of warning of his approach. He should give them the chance to surrender. To run away.
He didn’t warn them. They had invaded his pack’s territory. Kidnapped and attacked their young wolves. They knew the consequences.
One wolf screamed in pain and fear as his hamstring was shredded between Lewis’ teeth. He shifted in his confusion and shock, the bloody mess even worse in human form. Lewis had already turned to the next one.
He snapped at the enemy’s flank, and as the wolf dodged to avoid his teeth, used his much heavier muscle mass to push him to the ground. He grabbed his throat, resting his canines against the carotid pulse. The wolf grew still, not wanting to push him into ending his life.
“SPEAK! What is that traitor’s plan?”
The wolf whined at his mental command, but stayed silent. Lewis began closing his jaw. We don’t have time for this. The pack is in danger. Our mate is in danger.
“He’s attacking from the West!” Sensing death close by, the wolf began to mindspeak. “He wants to wipe out your pack while you’re distracted.”
Lewis opened his jaw slightly, considering his options. If I let him go he could warn the others.
Kill him.
He surrendered.
The pack must be protected.
Let me knock him out.
“Weakling.” A snarl came behind him, and he realized it was the man whose hamstring he had torn out. Swinging a metal bar at his head. At the same time, the wolf he had pinned bucked with teeth bared, trying to throw him off and attack.
Lewis dodged, clamping down his teeth as he moved, tearing the carotid and jugular with the sharp points of his teeth. He let go, tasting blood, knowing that the wolf beneath him was dead.
One left.
Before the attacker could say anything, Lewis jumped, fangs bared, and tore his throat out as well.
We did it.
He nudged Lara, the older of the two wolves, relieved when she woke up right away.
“Grab your brother and go to the main house.” His tone didn’t allow room for argument. She nodded silently, shaking awake her brother, and the two ran into the forest.
Lewis couldn’t help but chastise himself as he watched them move away. I hesitated.
You’re our kind half. I am the viciousness we hold, the killer instinct.
I’m weak.
We have to have both, or we’ll either be a tyrant killer or a ineffective Alpha. Now stop having a personal crisis and go SAVE OUR MATE.
Lewis nodded grimly, padding off into the forest towards where he could sense the pack.
It’s time to end this.
He ran into more enemy wolves as he neared the center of his territory. This time he sighed, giving up control to his wolf. His wolf seemed relieved at taking over, fighting both enemies to severe injury or death before moving forward.
Mate. He picked up the pace.
Alyssa had never been in a fight before. At least not with other wolves.
Don’t worry, I got this. Her wolf took over and leapt at the nearest attacker. Gary and Bridget were to either side of her, their much larger wolves defending her flank.
“There’s a lot of them, but I think we’ve got control.” Gary communicated calmly, his frantic attacks never slowing.
“They seem disorganized. “ Bridgett’s silent voice conveyed her disapproval. “Did they come here just to die?”
As her wolf continued to fight, leaping nimbly in between the snarling wolves, Alyssa studied her surroundings.
This is too easy. They’re injured… starving… what have they been doing in their territory?
Her wolf had no sympathy. Bad alphas make bad packs.
She looked around in the chaos. Everywhere she looked wolves were snapping at each other. Blood stained the cold ground, trampled into the dirt churning it into mud. Howls and whines of pain filled the air.
“I don’t see him.” She communicated to the other pack members.
“Who”? Gary trampled his enemy into the mud, his jaw locking on the throat of the other wolf. “Lewis?”
“No. Benjamin. I don’t sense an alpha in this group. Shouldn’t he be larger or stronger than the rest? Where is he?”
“Maybe the Southern Sector? An alpha fight?”
“No.” Alyssa’s mind was racing. “He doesn’t seem like the type to respect Lewis enough to fight him head on. 64% of the stories show the villain attempting some sort of sneak attack. The South Sector was a distraction… and so is this. They sent their weaker, injured members to fight us.”
That means….
She took off for the main house.
Alyssa! Bridgett called out. Where are you going?
To where the real fight is.
She crashed into the house, skidding to a halt at the sight of Lewis and his mother.
No… it’s not Lewis.Their faces were very similar, but everything else was wrong: his scent, his expression, his posture.
He smells dangerous… aggressive… Her wolf complained. He’s everything our mate isn’t.
I don’t like him.
Me either… he’s scary.
We should be careful.
She kept a defensive posture, her hackles raised, her teeth bared.
Benjamin looked down at her with a mocking smile. “Ah. The princess is here.”
His mother glared at him, holding a gun in her hand. To Alyssa’s shock there were already two large wolf bodies on the floor, cooling blood spilling from multiple bullet wounds. “Don’t you look at her, Ben! You came here for me.”
“It’s Nightfang now, Mother.” Ben laughed. “And you can’t tell me what to do. Not anymore. You lost that right when you betrayed me to side with my weak brother.”
Alyssa advanced closer.
“Oh don’t give her that crap, Benjamin. You might pretend to be mysterious and evil but you’re just pathetic. You aren’t Nightfang, or Eveningclaw or even Morning-freaking-wood. You are Ben. A bitter little boy who is mad at his mommy and daddy for giving the pack to your brother.” She kept her gaze on his, and his green eyes had trouble continuing to look into her own. “Never understanding why they made the choice, even though it’s obvious to anyone else.”
“Oh really?”
“I’ve only known you for a single minute and I wouldn’t trust you to be in charge of a self-cleaning litter box, much less actual people’s lives. “
“Well, well, Princess. That’s just needlessly cruel. Trying to rile me up? Distract me?” He shook his head sadly. “That only works in stories. It’s true that I’m very disappointed in my parents’ choice. They thought I was too violent to lead. That I didn’t care enough about the pack. But I did. I’m the only one who does.”
“Sure.” She circled around, spotting one of her bags close to the wall.
“Be careful, Alyssa.” Lewis’s Mom called out, still pointing her gun at her own son. “He’s dangerous.”
“You used up all your shots in the initial attack, Mom. Don’t embarrass yourself by pretending it’s still a threat.” Benjamin reached out and took the gun from her. “I forgive you for killing my men. But you should some respect when addressing her.”
“What are you…?” She looked over at Alyssa, who stayed silent.
“You didn’t tell them? ...Interesting.” He rubbed his face, a mocking grin starting to form. “Maybe you don’t even know?”
“Shut up. “ Alyssa leapt forward, reaching for his throat. Throwing himself backwards, Benjamin shifted as he moved. At the change she miscalculated, slamming into the much larger wolf, her teeth closing on only the fur around his neck.
“You want to fight? I’ll fight.” His wolf charged, snapping at her flank while she twisted desperately to avoid him. He was larger, stronger… but she was definitely more agile.
This isn’t a winning strategy. We can’t face him head on. Her wolf was directing the movements, keeping them alive from moment to moment as Benjamin pressed the attack.
I know that… Circle around towards the back of the room. I have an idea.
They growled, running in and taking a small chunk out of his foreleg before darting in the direction Alyssa had spotted earlier. Benjamin howled in pain, slamming her with his weight, throwing her smaller form enough to slam her against the wall. At the impact she shifted, turning into her more vulnerable form.
I don’t like this. We’re easier to kill this way.
“Not excited about being naked either, but it’s necessary.” She muttered, her hands working quickly.
“He should have protected you better than this.” Benjamin laughed silently in her head. “He didn’t even realize what a treasure he had.”
A grey form jumped through the air, landing on Benjamin and knocking him to the ground. As they straightened up Alyssa recognized her mate with a sense of terror and relief. Relief that he was here. Terror that he was now in danger.
The two alpha wolves circled each other.
“You should have just found your own territory.” Lewis silent voice was grim, full of his authority as Alpha. “Even with your treachery, I was willing to let you go.”
“That’s because you’re weak. This is MY territory. MY pack. You are the one who has to die. And as for your lovely mate who you know so little about… how about I take her too?”
He sighed at his brother’s words. “You’re forcing me to kill you.”
“Lewis, push him my way!” Alyssa called out silently through their connection.
“That’ll put you in danger!”
“Trust me!”
Lewis ducked his head, the almost submissive posture throwing his brother into confusion. As Benjamin hesitated, Lewis charged forward, aiming not for his throat or other vulnerable points, but at his feet. Throwing all his weight behind it, Lewis tripped him up, pushing him back- straight towards Alyssa.
“Here you go! Be careful!”
“You just put your mate in harm’s way! She’s defenseless!” He snarled, turning his attention to Alyssa’s vulnerable state. “Fool!”
His form seized for a brief moment and collapsed to the ground,
“Nope!” Alyssa grinned and held up her Taser. “He just trusts his mate!”
There was a brief stunned silence.
“I’m so glad you’re okay!” Lewis’ mother leaned against the counter, looking relieved.
“Just one more thing.” Alyssa held up a finger. Reaching down, she grabbed her overly loaded suitcase filled with her research books.
BAM! And raised it over her head, slamming it down on top of Benjamin.
“Oof.” Both Lewis and his mother winced, but made no move to stop her.
“That’s for attacking me. Not to mention what you’ve done to Lewis!” She then reached down and pulled an ampule out of one of the pockets, stabbing Benjamin in the arm with it.
“What is that?”
“Tranquilizer.” She answered, making sure the drug injected okay.
“It’s very effective.” Lewis laughed silently in their heads, and then slowly shifting back to his human form. His green eyes met her own, and neither looked away for a long a moment.
“Are you okay?”
“Are you alright?”
They asked at the same time. Alyssa smelled his blood and panicking, ran over to look at him closely. “Where are you hurt?”
She grabbed his arm, finding a small cut there, and continued to look at his limbs.
Lewis froze. “Umm… Could we do this with clothing on?”
“…” Alyssa stepped back, rubbing her forehead as she realized that they were both naked and she had been feeling him over. “…Sure.”
“…Well” Lewis’s mother broke the silence with an awkward cough. “I’m going to go see to the pack. You two… talk.” She gave them a thumbs up and slipped out.
“That’s not even a wolf mating ritual.” Lewis hissed. “Will you leave it alone?!”
Don’t worry! Her wolf chimed in. We don’t think you’re impotent anymore!
So we should just get straight to the mating!
Lewis and Alyssa sighed slightly at their wolves’ excitement, and looked down at Benjamin, still unconscious on the floor.
“What do we do to him?” She asked, feeling tired.
“Do you still have some of those chains?” Taking the object she handed to him, Lewis bound the now human form of his brother, sneaking in a single kick in the process. “We’ll send him to the Council. He’s broken every law that I know of.”
“… You know in all the stories where he’s not killed the villain escapes and causes trouble again.”
Lewis sighed at that. “I know it would be safer to kill him. But… I…” He trailed off, looking conflicted.
“It’s okay.” She patted his arm, avoiding the injury she found before. “If you were able to kill him so easily you wouldn’t be you.”
“I worry sometimes that I’m too weak to be an Alpha.”
“I know. And I’m sure there’s probably some perfect balance of strength and mercy… but you don’t have to have everything figured out right away.”
She shrugged. “Besides, isn’t your sister still out there? Maybe the council can use Benjamin to figure out where she is.”
After handing Benjamin off to Gary and Bridgett to guard (And having them both fuss over Alyssa to make sure she was okay) the two went back to their rooms to change. Alyssa stared at the wall of her temporary bedroom, feeling conflicted.
He’s our mate. He’ll understand.
“I know. And that’s what scares me.”
Finishing her brief hesitation, she walked over to Lewis’ room, knocking on the door.
“Come in.”
“We need to talk.”
Lewis was extremely nervous as he waved his mate to sit down on the bed. He took the chair on the other side of the room.
What if she doesn’t want to stay?
She’s our mate! His wolf answered his nervous thoughts. She won’t abandon us!
“I don’t know what you told him, but your wolf is right.” Alyssa spoke up. “We won’t abandon you. Not over something silly like your evil twin brother trying to invade and kill us all.”
Lewis let out the breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. “That’s a relief.” He leaned back in his chair. “So what do you want to talk to me about?”
She stared at the ground a few moments before painfully continuing. “So I told you I grew up in the foster system, right?”
“So the part I didn’t tell you… is that a few years back, around the time I turned 18… a weird guy came and found me.”
Lewis growled. “Did he try to hurt you?”
“No. Quite the opposite. He said he was a friend of my family. He wasn’t one of us… definitely human.” She ran her fingers through her hair, obviously unhappy. “He wouldn’t tell me who they were, or why they abandoned me. He just said they had no choice.”
“That’s crap. I don’t know their situation but their only option was to abandon a baby?” HE shook his head. “Something’s off.”
“I thought so too. I told him to get lost.” She hesitated. “And he gave me a million dollars.”
“He said it was a small gift from my parents. I don’t know who my family is, or what they were involved in, but it’s probably big… and definitely not good.”
Lewis processed this for a few moments. “So your job at the bookstore?”
“I actually own it. But I have a manager run it. I stop by occasionally and shelve books while I look for new research.”
“So…” He grinned. “Does this mean you can stay longer and not worry about losing your job?”
“… Is that what you’re thinking about?” Alyssa demanded, her hands twisting in the fabric of her t-shirt. “You’re not worried about unknown schemes, powerful families… who knows what nonsense could happen! I swear, haven’t you ever read one of these novels?!”
Lewis picked up the book on the table nearby. “I started reading through a few at your suggestion.
“The Seductive Alpha’s bride?” She raised an eyebrow. “Really?”
“It’s research! I’m trying to learn how to be a better mate!”
He’s hoping to learn how to make himself more attractive! His wolf added.
We already think you’re both attractive!
Great! Let’s mate then!
“Not yet!” Alyssa stepped in as their wolves got carried away once more. “Although she’s right… we do think you’re attractive…”
“But how about we go slow… like a date, first?”
“A date!” Lewis jumped up, his mind racing. “Yes! Let me grab my car…”
“We were just attacked… remember?”
He stopped at her gentle reminder. “Oh. Right. How about after we get things sorted out?”
She smiled, the expression causing his heart to race.
“I’d like that.”
They fell into a comfortable silence.
“So how accurate has your research been so far?” He asked after a while, curious.
“The books?” She thought it over. “You know, considering the Alphas and the relationships I’ve read about?” She looked him over again. “I’d say I was a little surprised.”
“In a good way?” His tone was hopeful, he couldn’t help it.
“Yes. As for the future though?” She leaned in and kissed his cheek. “The majority of these stories have a happy ending. But we’ll just have to see.”
Lewis touched the spot that had been kissed, smiling. “A happy ending, huh? I’d like that.”
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ventisehe · 3 years
being in a relationship with bennett and razor / genshin impact
i main these boys and they make such a great team, i love them so much. i had a lot of fun writing this hehe. again, all characters are aged up, 21 or older unless stated otherwise. this includes chongyun and xingqiu.
requested by: pastelpeachyposts
includes: bennett, razor
warning: unedited, not proofread
You, Bennett, and Razor were an unusual trio, and many will attest to this statement. You differ in personalities and ambitions, even favoring completely contrasting delicacies, and yet there will never be a more lively and iconic dynamic than the three of you.
You and Bennett were the first one to meet when he rescued you from a group of vicious Electro Slimes. He was successful in his intent, but you had to escort him back to Mondstadt where he can be healed by the Deaconess.
You met Razor the next after you grew comfortable with your friendship with Bennett. The latter excitedly told you about another friend of his who resided in Wolvendom and was quite well acquainted with the wolves. Your first encounter with Razor was rather tense, and understandably so. He was wary of you, watching your every move as you strolled around Wolvendom with a gleeful Bennett who was oblivious to the atmosphere between the two of you. Most of his experience with humans are less than ideal but as Bennett unknowingly forced the two of you to spend time together, his walls slowly broke and he accepted you as one of his Lupicals.
As time passed and the three of you grow closer and closer together, a revelation descended upon you, and a startling one at that. You acquired feelings for both boys. It wasn't difficult for you to understand why you grew to like both of them. They were so easy to fall in love with. Bennett is an adventurous and motivated boy who, although had a streak of bad luck in him, has a positive spirit and is very generous and caring towards everyone. Razor is a strong yet gentle soul who is protective over those dear to him, and will always go out of his way to show his affection with his uncommon but innocent gifts.
Unbeknownst to you, the two share the same feelings for you. Bennett knew he liked you when you refused to leave after he saved you, even after he insisted this was a normal occurrence for him. Razor took a while to understand what was that hammering in his chest after you took the responsibility of caring for the wolf pups his Lupicals gave birth to.
It was an awkward situation for the three of you when Bennett and Razor decided to confess to you at the same. When the two of them professed their love for you and offered their gifts with bowed heads and tightly closed eyes, they slowly turned to look at each other with puzzlement, heads tilted and eyebrows furrowed. You, however, stood in front if them with redness coating your face and a thundering heartbeat.
"You like ( Your Name ) too, Razor?" Questioned Bennett, gaping at him.
Razor nodded once. "Like her, very."
Normally, when two people discover that the a close friend of theirs holds the same affection to their person of interest, a quarrel will ensue, and estrangement will follow. But Bennett and Razor were very unlike such an example and instead of compromising their close friendship, the two came to an agreement that whoever you should choose - if you indeed have feelings for one of them - they will remain friends and accept your decision.
Imagine the surprise on their faces when you leaned forward and gave each one of them a small peck on their nose, admitting shyly that you have feelings for both of them.
It took some time for the three of you to get used to your relationship. After all, none of you have ever been in a relationship before, not to mention there was the three of you in it. You carefully treaded through uncertainties and tribulations of inexperience, and it took a while but the you, Bennett, and Razor got the hang of how to make your relationship work.
Bennett is always the one dragging you and Razor to adventures. He will come knocking at your door with a wide grin, Razor lingering behind him and giving you a small smile and a shy wave.
"We're going to Windrise today! I heard some adventurers saying they spotted a weird looking Hilichurl with a briefcase! Wanna join us?" Asked Bennett excitedly, eyes shimmering.
Razor glanced at the other boy before returning his gaze at you with firmness. "I will protect you both. No worry."
You can't ever say no to them, especially when both of them look so happy and thrilled.
Razor is the protector of the relationship. With the dangerous enviroment he grew up in and the training he took under the supervision of a human, it was to be expected. He was always on the prowl, prepared to draw out his claymore and defend you and Bennett from any enemies with an evil intent.
You and Bennett are never worried of being attacked out of nowhere with Razor around you.
Razor takes his responsibility as your protector seriously. The rare times he and Bennett come over at your place, he will never allow himself to fall asleep and would sit by the window where he can oversee your residence. You and Bennett would have to drag him to your bed and convince him that you were in a safe enviroment to make him ease down and actually take a rest.
You three share the same bed, and it's always you in the middle. Bennett will cling on to your slumbering form and would snore from time to time, but when you stroke his hair or when Razor softly nudge his head against his, Bennett will quiet down for a while and continue snoring again after. Razor was quite a sight to see when sleeping. Being raised and cared for by wolves, it was to be expected he would mimic their position in sleeping. He would curl up beside you or Bennett, always nuzzling his face against the crook of your necks. You and Bennett will never say it but he looks so adorable when sleeping like that.
You and Razor know of Bennett's unluckiness. Unfortunately, because you're in a relationship, you two are more involved in his bad luck. Bennett is always guilty of putting the both of you in difficult situations and will apologize profusely, even when the two of you insist that it wasn't his fault.
"It kind of sucks that I'm also giving bad luck to the two of you. I mean, you're one of the few good things that ever happened in my life." He admitted in a gentle whisper, a pout forming on his visage as tears begin to appear at tbe corners of his eyes.
You and Razor felt like an arrow shot through your hearts at what he said and you spend your time cheering up Bennett. Although his unluckiness always seemed to hinder your attempts, Bennett appreciated and loved your efforts, which is enough to bring back his big smile.
When the rare times come when one of you are busy and cannot find time for the other two, the latter pair will frequently visit the missing member, often with gifts.
Bennett loves giving you kisses. Not just on the lips, but all over your face. When your relationship was still at the early stages, Bennett would lean forward towards your face and pull back after an awkward amount of time of hesitation. But when you told him that he is allowed to give you kisses and you would love to receive them, Bennett will take all the chances to shower you with kisses. He loves giving kisses more than receiving because he has so much love to give, but when you do the same to him, his cheeks will be painted in a rich scarlet color and his tongue will be tied, unable to anything except stammering.
"A-Ah, ( Your Name ), please, stop - " Stuttered Bennett as he covered his blushing face with his gloved hands, embarrassment palpable in his posture.
You let out a giggle as you took his hands and tried to pry them off. "Aww, don't be like that, Benny. Let me see your cute face. And I know you love my kisses."
Bennett splutteted.
Razor prefers to give you hugs over kisses. His hugs are big, warm, and welcoming. You'll always feel safe when you're in his arms. When you're in his embrace and you're both comfortable, you won't be leaving his arms for a while. Sometimes Bennett will wiggle himself into the embrace and the three of you just cuddle.
"You're so warm, Razor." You whispered as you nestled yourself on his chest.
Razor showed you a small smile. "I make you feel safe?"
You let out a laugh. "And loved."
More often than not, Bennett and Razor will convene and think of something to surprise you. These boys are filled with love for you that even if there's no occassion, they'll come together to buy you a gift they thought of together.
Bennett gives you trinkets from his solo adventures, but even if most of the time they're broken or burnt, you heartily accept them. Razor always gives you items that are found in the wild such as sweet flowers, mushrooms, pinecones, windwheel asters, sometimes wolfhooks, and if he was lucky, an abundant amount of fowls. You mentioned once how you needed ingredients to make food while you're out adventuring alone, or some things for this thing you call ascension. You love their gifts and always make good use of them or take good care of them.
Bennett had long introduced Razor to his dads (a group of adventurers who saved Bennett long ago). When he introduced you to them, you were immediately flocked and you regaled with tales of their adventures back when they were young, and Bennett was just a wee baby then. You stayed with them for hours, just listening. All the while, Bennett just enjoyed watching you get along with his family so well. Since the adventurers were old, you visit them often and help Bennett take care of them.
Some would think meeting Razor's family would be difficult. They are wolves, after all, and they were known for being vicious. But they couldn't be more wrong Anyone Razor trusted, the wolves trusted so they immeditely accepted you in their pack and treated you the way they treated Razor. They surround you whenever they sense danger, ready to pounce on whatever enemy emerges. The wolves would stay close by and let you snuggle into their fur when the weather is cold. Razor really likes it when you play with the wolf pups and help in hunting dinner for his family.
Bennett and Razor talk about you with their families. Bennett's dads approved of you the very second they saw a glimmer in his eyes when he mentions you, and even though the wolves cannot understand Razor's human speech, they can sense the love in his voice and the frequent drop of your name makes them understand it was directed to you.
" - she and Razor helped me fight an Abyss Mage earlier!" Bennett exclaimed, beaming. "If it weren't for them, I would've probably returned back here with more injuries, hehe."
"( Your Name ) made Bennett and me flower bracelets." Razor then proceeded to lift his arms to show the wolf pups the bracelet he mentioned. "Now, Razor need to take care of it, so me not moving around much."
The three of you always walk hand in hand together, you in the middle. You will swing your linked hands together and Bennett will follow your lead. You and Bennett will have to encourage Razor do the same and have to explain the process of it. Razor will be a little confused at first but then begin enjoy the hand swinging once he get used to it.
Dates are frequent, and it'll always be with the three of you. You all promised never to have a date with someone missing. There will be times where the boys will want a private date with you, but most of the time, it's always you three.
Bennett's dates are adventurous - of course - and unique. He'll find some place you haven't seen before or find an activity you three can try. You'll experience a lot of things in his dates, this includes being attacked out of nowhere and having to save Bennett from time to time. Nonetheless, his dates are always fun and will your heart palpitating.
Razor's dates are simple and peaceful. He'll find a nice and safe place with a beautiful view and the three of you have a picnic there. He's always the one preparing the food for you to eat, but you and Bennett will always bring desserts for Razor to try. Razor insisted that he wanted to learn more human dishes and he can find motivation in doing so by having you and Bennett eat them. His cookings at first were not up to standards - or consumption - but the more dates he arrange, the better he becomes. You mentioned once you liked his hash brown shaped as a puppy paw print and strived to perfect it. If you're lucky, he'll even bring a wolf pup or two.
In your dates, you always make sure you cater to your partners interests. You will do something Bennett likes to do, and then what Razor likes, and then something the three of you can bond over. With that, your dates are always chaotic (not as chaotic as Bennett's dates though) but extremely fun.
Bennett and Razor are suckers for your compliments. They always love getting them from you. Although the two have different ways of accepting them.
Bennett cannot easily accept compliments. It was rare for him to receive one with his bad luck and whenever he does get one, he malfunctions. What more if it comes from you?
Bennett will shake his head vigorously as redness painted his cheeks, waving his arms as though denying your compliment.
"( Your Name ), y-you can't mean that! I-I'm not that great!"
"But Benny," You cooed, as you leaned closer to him, smiling. "You're one of the best person I've ever met! You're kind, sweet and - "
As you continue praising him, Bennett will slowly, slowly accept your compliments, and you might not know, but your compliments are building his confidence in himself. Bennett is a happy and positive boy but his bad luck caused him so much troubles and backlash that his self esteem plummeted. Continue supporting and praising this boy, you're making him super happy.
"I guess I do have some good qualities . . . thanks ( Your Name ). You're really cool, too. And very pretty." Bennett admits as he rubbed the back of his head.
Razor's compliments to Bennett are simple and straightforward, and somehow Bennett accepts them easier than yours. Probably because it's simple and straightforward.
Unlike Bennett, Razor accepts your compliments with a smile and always returns your compliments with one of his own. He doesn't know why some people are embarrassed being complimented. It was a nice thing to do, after all.
"You're really strong, Razor!" You exclaimed after watching the Cryo Abyss Mage he was battlinng evaporate in thin air.
Razor faced you, a smile gracing his briks as he wiped a sweat from his brow. "Thank you. You strong too."
"I can fight Hilichurls, but I'll need some backup if it's Abyss Mages." You laughed. "But thanks, Razor!"
Razor and Bennett insisted that they help you train. You have seen how they fought and trained, and you were a bit reluctant because of its harshness, but after contemplating over its benefits like being able to defend yourself, helping more in adventures, and being able to finally properly protect Bennett and Razor, you accepted.
Bennett is very eager to teach you what he knows and has brought you and Razor to a nearby Hilichurl camp to showcase his abilities and give you pointers after. You and Razor end up carrying him back to the Mondstadt with his arms over your shoulders, the Hilichurl camp up in flames behind you two.
"Did I . . . defeat them?" Questioned Bennett. He couldn't lift his head from the exhaustion and pain.
"Yes, you definitely did." You answered.
Razor's training was a bit more proper but you haven't learned much because his training required claymore, and you were far from being a claymore user. Razor demonstrsted how to pick up a claymore but you couldn't even lift it off the ground.
You pouted as your hands lets go of the handle of the claymore. "I couldn't do it."
Razor approached you and patted your head. "Good effort. Maybe claymore not for you."
Bennett and Razor now always goes to you when they need patching up. Now, they could go and visit Barbara like they used to but they preferred that you tend to their wounds for two reasons. One, they love you and love spending time with you. Two, they get kisses on each wound you cover.
Bennett has a habit of running towards you and Razor at full speed and tackling you both down to the ground, hugging the two of you. You and Razor don't mind it and actually enjoy this sort of thing.
Razor named wolf pups after you and Bennett. This causes confusion when you visit him at Wolvendom.
"Bennett, sit." Ordered Razor.
Bennett and wolf pup Bennett both sat down at the same time.
"( Your Name ), stop playing with food." Razor reprimanded sternly.
You looked down at your plate of neatly cut steak strips while wolf pup ( Your Name ) who sat by your feet poking at the meat it was eating whimpered.
When a fight ensues between you three, it won't take long before you relent and make amends. You three have soft hearts and can never stay angry at each other for too long. You apologize and promise to be better and more understanding.
But if a fight arises between only a pair, the one who isn't part of the fight courts the other two to make up already. If you and Bennett have an argument, Razor will push Bennett to talk things out with you. If you and Razor are the ones in the argument, Bennett will panic and will have a hard time choosing who to approach first. You and Razor make up after the two of you try to comfort Bennett at the same time. If Bennett and Razor were the ones in an argument, you can easily talk to them individually and the two will approach the other and apologize.
Bennett and Razor never compete to be your favorite. They know you love both of them equally, and they love you just as much. You have never felt unloved when you're with them. You three are content and happy.
The most wholesome relationship ever.
"And you two got ambushed by a Geovishap - wait a minute - " Your eyelids curtained your retinas as your digits delicately massaged your temples, trying to ease the pressure in your head as Razor and Bennett averted their guilty gazes from you. Their skis were marred in cuts and bruises, their hair disheveled, and clothes torn from what you suspect were large and sharp claws from a humongous creature. " - how did you two even encounter . . . what was it again - a Geovishap? I know there isn't one in Mondstadt."
Bennett reached out to rub a his hand of his over his neck as he tried to dismiss the mystery at hand with a chuckle. "Uh, well, we kinda . . . " He trailed off, clearly not fond of the idea of continuing his sentence.
Your eye fluttered open and you lifted a brow at Bennett. "You what?"
Bennett opened his mouth to answer but right when you thought he was about to speak, he nudged Razor with his elbow and whispered, "You tell her."
Razor turned to you and looked at you with reluctant eyes, shoulders slackening. "Me and Bennett," He began, " - went to Liyue."
You let out a deep at their answer, your hands slipping from your hips. "I knew it. I heard the two of you talking about doing a commission there. I just didn't think you'd go through with it, and without mentioning it to me." You stated. "Do you know how worried I was when the two of you didn't visit me earlier? I had to learn from Katheryne you took on a commission."
Bennett and Razor casted their gazes away, guilt crowning their expression.
You heaved out a sigh. "At least you two are back safely. And alive."
You approached the two boys who have yet to return their sights on you and assessed their forms, scrutinizing each of them carefully. "You poor things. Those look painful." You murmured. "Need me to patch you up?"
Bennett's and Razor's eyes shimmered at your offer, and the two nodded eagerly in response. Any traces of shame vanquished for they know your disappointment has evaporated and they were forgiven. "Yes, please." The two answered in unison.
You permitted a small laugh to escape your lips. "Alright, alright," You tittered. "Follow me, then."
Before you can even move, Bennett interjected. "W-Will we still get kisses . . . " The white haired adventurer turned completely red as he realized how silly his words were. " . . . you know what I mean . . . "
Razor looked down, a shy expression encompassing his features, to which surprised you. "Razor wants kisses too . . . from ( Your Name )."
Your heart jumped in your chest at the sight of their hopeful and coy expressions. Even if you wanted to tease them a little for this as payback, your heart couldn't. You shook your head at them and clasped their cheeks, one hand on the other as you stared into their eyes.
"You two . . . " You whispered, breathing out. " . . . you make it so hard to be angry with you."
Their only response was a grin.
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fenlock · 2 years
Hello folks, I’m once again here to regale you with tales of how possessive and manipulative kelpies can be. Buckle up.
A few months ago, I’d run across a kelpie(we’ll use the initials LR for him) I was interested in working with and arranged to have him visit so we could get a feel for each other. This is fairly common for me, I tend to draw waterhorses like a magnet, but another pair that I work with(they use the aliases Fate and Fable) were feeling especially territorial at the time and let me know they were displeased with this idea. I sat down with them and explained that it would just be a short visit, maybe an hour or two, and didn’t mean I would for certain be working with this other kelpie. It took a fair bit of extra attention and reassurance, but in time the two of them agreed to allow the visit.
So, the day of the visit rolls around. Fable and Fate remind me that they’re not thrilled, but again I reassured them that I would still have plenty of time for them, whether LR and I decided to work together or not, and spent most of the day spoiling them with attention and gifts until they relented and agreed to discuss the issue further after LR had visited.
I put it out of my mind for the time being and start to prepare for LR, but about half an hour before he was scheduled to arrive I received a rather upset text from a close friend, who I hadn’t heard from for several months, asking if she could come see me. I replied that she could, but that I did have a spirit coming to visit soon, if she was ok with that. She does spirit work as well, and said that was fine, she just wanted to leave her house and see me.
She got here, with several obvious injuries, and after a short while broke down and admitted her boyfriend had become abusive. I’m not going into any real detail here because it’s not my story to tell, but suffice to say it was bad enough that when LR arrived I immediately gave him a basic explanation of what had happened and sent him away with plans to reschedule our visit later.
Now, we did manage to get my friend safely out of her situation, but that’s not really the point of this story. The point is, Fable and Fate later admitted to arranging this. They didn’t cause the abuse, of course, didn’t do anything harmful at all. Just gave my friend a subtle nudge to contact me and a boost of courage. However, they did it not out of concern for her, but because they knew I would drop everything to help her. And the frustrating thing is, I can’t even be mad at them for it, because given the choice I would absolutely prefer to have my friend safe rather than work with another waterhorse.
So yeah, long story short, kelpies are sneaky mfs and will manipulate things to get what they want. Do with this information what you will, I just wanted to share it. They may manipulate you in a way that is overall beneficial, but it’s still manipulation and something to watch out for.
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