#like rogues raiding a dragon's horde of treasure
romioneficfest · 3 years
Romione FicFest 2021 - Kickoff Post
Good evening/afternoon/morning to everyone. Welcome to the FicFest 2021.
This year has a few additional upgrades including....
Gmail address for submitting all fics
Our own collection for Ao3
and currently working on headers and other décor as well as an updated FAQ. (This one is the one from Last year so working on a new update for it.)
If anyone needs audio in addition to alt-text for any graphics, please let me know so I can figure a way out to add it as well. But if no one does, then I’m not putting in the additional time which can be spent on other things.
This isn’t a sign-up kind of fest but a prompt one. Since so many lovely people submitted prompts - across 4 entry points! - there will be plenty to choose from for writers. There’s various tropes & genres, settings and situations, and prompt words/ideas/items.
Day 1 prompting starts tomorrow @ 6pm GMT.  Link to World Clock.
Pick 1 from the daily list. If you wish to incorporate more, more power to you. If there is something not on the list you want to write, there is a Free Day prompt going up sometime. Use it if there isn’t anything else you like.
Write it how you will - from the trope busting genre to using an object in an unusual way - heck, even take a prompt and crack it like Mary Wollstonecraft’s headstone - that’s fine for me. I love seeing the creativity in action.
For those who don’t speak English as a first language:
By all means, submit your work in English - but it doesn’t have to be perfect. No one (gives side-eyes to all entrants!) will hold it against you for not speaking perfect English (and if they do, they have to deal with me.)
Want to write 50 entries? Send them all in. The more the merrier. Only have time for one? That’s great too. I take any and all entries - if they are under 1500 words. (Though if it was like last year and an entry is over such, it will still be posted but not entered into the voting for the prize(s).) 
Only 2 things are exempt:
No Infidelity for the main couple. ‘Tis my squick - and my fest - so that’s my rule. It doesn’t mean anyone else isn’t open for such - but not Ron & Hermione. This is a fest for them, after all.
No bashing. Criticism is OK but not bashing. 
Also, like last year, I will submit at least one. It will be labeled and ineligible for voting consideration. I win because I get to read the entries first.
While they aren’t required, it does make for a more pleasant reading experience. If anyone needs a beta and doesn’t have one (or their normal one is busy) email/IM/DM me and I will post a need - and if no one reaches out, I will pinch-hit as a beta for you - and make note of it in the author’s notes for transparency.
Any rating is fine - from G to NC-35. I am the final arbiter on ratings & if I think that it’s rated too low, I will bump it up - or add tag warnings for it. Not everyone wants to read lemon citrus works or not safe for work items so active and ongoing consent is mandatory.
Also, if someone has a trigger warning they need me to keep in mind for any entries - no matter how embarrassing or strange you think they are - please let me know. Really. No judgment on my part on what is a trigger. No, I won’t ask why, either. That’s not my business. Your comfort for this fest is my business. That’s why Anonymous stays open.
Submission forms:
This year I have the email address up and running
[email protected] as well as the collection point on Ao3 up and going. But submitting it on the Tumblr form - and me doing the legwork - is there as well. If you email it in, it doesn’t have to be in Ao3 html markup. I have a script on Google Docs I use for that - and check it before entry. But if you do, it saves me much time on validation of the coding.
The less time I work on coding means more time for other stuff.
Back-stage administration:
All behind the scenes items are open for inspection so anyone saying I have my scaly talons on the voting/nudging anything will see that isn’t my objective. I win because A) I get to read these works first! and B) I get to watch healthy drama unfolding.
If there are any criticisms, I gladly accept them. I won’t bite if you put your name to your criticism and will take it in consideration. I have some amazing Romione writers who have already reached out to help the behind the scenes administration for this fest whom will help if there are any ethical or moral concerns. Come in blasting on anonymous and.... well, that never goes well. There’s ample rusted chainmail in my caverns from those who tried and failed. I have zero qualms blocking via IP address. So, please, be civil & cordial.
Yes, there will be voting again this year. I will, once again, put up a grand prize. While @hillnerd​ is too busy being amazing for art, I will find another suitable prize for the winner - and some prizes for the top 4. What they will be.... remains to be seen. Yes, this goes for everyone - including those internationally (I have my ways!)
I’m finishing up the links, updating headers, and other goodies. Stay tuned for further updates.
And if you want to turn on notifications, that’s brilliant too.
Sincerely from the bottom of my stone primed scaly talons,
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elizabethemerald · 4 years
Best role in a fantasy world? Beloved Shopkeeper
Ok, the best job in a fantasy land has got to be beloved shopkeeper for an adventuring party. Like, imagine: you’ve owned this small enchanting shop/ potion shop for years. It was your dream to run just such a shop ever since you were a little girl. 
One day, a new group of “Adventurers” wander in. You’ve seen adventurers, mercenaries, local toughs of all kinds come in through your doors claiming to be hot stuff. They want your finest healing potions and to peruse your enchanted items. Turns out they aren’t as flush as they think they are and have to beg for a discount, even then they have to scrap together every copper to afford it. 
You roll your eyes internally, but give them a small discount. Sometimes its nice to help a new adventuring group get on their feet. A little kindness early on could help shape their whole journey. 
And you can definitely tell they have only just gotten together. Half of them look like, up until very recently, they were homeless and they all wear their trust issues like a uniform. Still they have some coin and you’re more than happy to take it from them, expecting to never see them again. 
Except they come back. The next time they come through your door there is the jingle of gold in the coin pouches. They come to you and immediately purchase some of the enchanted goods they couldn’t get before, restock their potions and head for the road again. 
And they keep coming back. They buy out your stock of healing potions every time they come through town. They commission spells or scrolls. They refill their magical components at your store even though they have probably come across cheaper options during their travels. 
Each time they come to see you, you can tell they are about to head off another grand adventure. They come in request a helm of water breathing. The next time they trade the helm for your entire stock of potions of fire resistance. They still smell like smoke and ash the next time they drop by ready to sell a dragon’s horn, and a large handful of red dragon scales. 
As they grow as adventurers they grow to become your close friends. You keep an ear to the ground for any gossip they might be interested in the next time they come in. They keep an eye out for interesting potion components or enchanted items they don’t need that you could sell. 
One time, they dash in, grab a single potion of strength and throw some coin on the counter and run out before you can even greet them. When you count the coin you find its short the cost of the potion. You dismiss the difference as a best friend’s discount. However you are surprised when they return the next day to pay the difference plus more. 
“We can’t be shorting our favorite shop keep!” They say. 
You smile as they leave. This is the first group of adventurers who had done that. It warms your heart. 
Another time they come in and you’re tired but you try and put on a good face. The quiet one in the back notices and asks you whats wrong. Eventually you tell her that a local criminal element is threatening you. They want to extort protection payments, or they’ll destroy your work. You tell your friends that you fear they are being funded by one of your rival enchanters. 
She asks you some pointed questions, this may be the longest conversation you’ve had with her. Normally she’s completely silent when she visits your shop. The party leaves with an oddly serious air. You feel better for having a chance to complain about the threats. Hopefully the Watch will catch the culprits soon. 
The next week the miscreants are in chains, brought before the law master. Your competitor has fled town after rumors spread of his involvement with the slave trade. Your favorite adventurers come in shortly after. The quiet one assures you that you will not be bothered like that again. 
Once they leave on their next adventure, you close the shop early and sit against the closed doors sweat pouring from your brow. You hadn’t asked them to go after the criminals, much less to expose your competitor. They took the chance themselves because of your close friendship. 
As time goes by, you watch them grow. They are quickly out growing what you are capable of making them. Yet they continue to shop with you, mostly just to enjoy your company it seems. Now they are selling back to you items they had to scrape together every coin for when they first bought it. The rings of water walking are being traded out for rings of protection, or even more powerful items that they are digging out of dragon hoards or lich dens. 
Eventually powerful folk begin entering your shop with the names of your friends on their lips. Some are interested in purchasing their own enchanted items or potions, mentioning the party’s recommendation. Others are interested in business arrangements, saying your friends thought you would work well together. And still others...come with worse offers. 
You stare at the heaping pile of gold and platinum. Create an item with a hidden curse. That will trip your friends in a dire moment, leave them open to attack when they most need their strength. You have your morals. As a shopkeeper, as an enchanter, and most importantly as a friend. You proudly cross your arms and turn down their offer, a smirk on your face, this fool thinking your loyalty can be bought like this. 
The next offer is more serious. Create the cursed object, or die, burning in your own shop. You sweat. You are many things, skilled in many ways, but you haven’t faced death like your friends are. You’re terrified. You try to rebuff this person, who wants you to hurt your friends, and they make you regret it. 
You create the cursed piece. When your friends return you try and dissuade them from buying it by pricing it exorbitantly. You know they won’t be able to resist it, you know them so well, the enchanted item is exactly up their alley. You however didn’t expect them to put down the money gladly, laughing and cheering after their successful raid on a dragon turtle’s lair and the horde they found within. 
The quiet one, who always notices so much, who always stopped the rogue from stealing from you, who assured you that you wouldn’t be troubled again, notices your fear. She pulls you into the back room. With spells of warding against scrying and other magical spying cast she gets the truth out of you. The truth of the offer, and the threat, and the trap hidden under your enchantment. 
The faces of the party are stern. Maybe you think they are angry with you for what you’ve done. However they say that no one should dare threaten their favorite shop keep. You can’t help your relief that they don’t hate you. 
As quickly as you can you shove what items you can into a bag of holding. Your wand and tools of your trade. They stand guard around you, ready to kill anyone who would try and enact their threat. 
You are snuck out of the city that very night. It takes you days to hear about the explosion. Your shop, your life’s work. Destroyed. Nothing was left after the flames were extinguished. You are now presumed dead. 
You cry in her arms. The quiet one. Who had been so loud, so ardent that her companions would protect you. You cry yourself to sleep, while she watches over you, a silent sentinel. 
The party agrees that the threat to you, by this powerful enemy of theirs cannot stand. They march to the door of their enemy’s tower, and with flying spells and powerful blows, rend that door to splinters. You can only watch, jaw agape as the battle unfolds. You hadn’t truly realized how powerful they had become. Or maybe it was just that they fought harder and more ruthlessly because someone had dared to threaten you. 
After the battle, you and the quiet one find a side chamber of the tower and she absolutely rails you. 
The party sets you up with a new establishment near their residence. A new shop, where you can once again weave your spells, and work your craft. They are more powerful than even your strongest enchantments, and so are no longer your most loyal customers. Instead they sell their old equipment and other artifacts they find on their adventuring to you and you turn a tidy profit selling them in turn to the next generation of young adventurers. 
Each time they leave you on the path to a new adventure, a new monster to hunt or mystery to explore you wave goodbye from your shop door. You Watch them ride away, watch them vanish into a teleportation circle, watch them take off into the air. And you wait for them. You wait for them to return. For her to return. 
And they do. And she does. Each time they return, battered and bruised but alive and triumphant and more importantly alive, you are there to greet them. You buy their excess treasure, tell them of the news and rumors in town. And with lingering eyes, lingering hands, and lingering lips welcome her home. 
Eventually a fight comes that could be the end of the world. It could be the end of the party of adventurers. It could be the end of you and her. 
They all buckle on their armor. Ready their weapons. You give them any potion or enchantment you have. Anything to bring them back to you. 
She finds you in the press of her friends. She pulls you aside for a quiet moment, just the two of you. She presses a ring into your hands. Its a simple thing, especially in comparison to the magical rings she’s been trading in in recent years. There’s not a scrap of magic to it. 
“Keep this safe for me?” She asks. Its her mother’s ring. She’s carried it on a silver chain around her neck since her first days on the road. You hold the ring on its chain tightly in your hand, and hold her just as tightly. You press a ring of your own into her hands. 
“Keep yourself safe for me?” You ask. The ring has the most powerful protective spells on it that you are capable of casting. She smiles and nods, tears in her eyes. And she turns away from you with out another word. 
You drag any civilians into a local shelter while the battle rages over head. You can hear the crash and din of combat, louder than any thunder and the earth shakes like the entire world will be torn asunder. You do your best to keep those around you protected from the rubble that falls down. Until suddenly, everything grows still and quiet. 
Trepidatiously you lead the others out of the shelter. Tears jump to your eyes as you see your merry band of heroes triumphant. They did not escape the cataclysm without damage but they are here, and slowly it is setting in for them that they survived, that they won. Laughs and cheers slowly began to echo around. 
You are smiling so wide your face hurts as you are looking in between them for her. Where is she? You are looking for any glimpse of her hair or the shine of her armor. But you can’t find her. The smile dies on your face and tears spring again to your eyes. They run down your cheeks as your despair grows. You are gripping her mother’s ring so tightly you are afraid you might break it, the stone is cutting into your palm. 
Then you hear it. The laugh. Her laugh. For someone so reserved she has the most beautiful laugh. It is a laugh that is exclusively heard by her closest friends. Her closest friends, and you. You turn and see her there in the crowd of people starting to celebrate a new day they never thought they would see. 
She wraps you in the tightest hug. She kisses away your tears. 
“Did it help?” You ask. Pointing at your ring on her finger. 
She smiles past her tears. And she nods. You try to offer her mother’s ring back. 
“Keep it?” She asks. “For our children?”
You nod and she puts the ring on your finger. And she kisses you in a way you’ve never been kissed before. 
Years down the line, you two are living together. She is, mostly, retired from adventuring. You are still running your shop, though you no longer need the money and are doing it mostly for something to keep you busy. You children have her eyes. You have her ring on your finger. 
The two of you wonder which mother your children will take after. Will one of them take over the shop when you are ready to retire? Will the call of adventure be to strong to resist for one? Who is to say. You certainly don’t know. Children need to forge their own paths in life. Though their story is one for another time.
Please reblog if you like! Let me know what you think of this story!
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doctordash · 6 years
Rydrion Tales: The Story So Far
Given the amount of interest our dear @gay-aasimar has been getting in the campaign, I figured I would help her out and take it upon myself to provide a write-up of our beginnings. This should cover the story about the Foxes of Fadun up to the point where she started telling our adventures. Because after all, what good is a story about heroes without a proper beginning?
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In the world of Rydrion, months are measured in increments of approximately 60 days. Our story begins about half a year ago, in the autumn of the year 932 PLB, or “Post Last Battle.” Nearly 1000 years ago, Gods and Men fought side by side to save the material plane from destruction, and the Last Battle was the turning point where the Light’s Blade (one of the gods) sacrificed himself to forge the Divine Gate and seal away all the gods, both good and bad, for the survival of mortal races.
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[A Pre-War rendition of the Light’s Blade]
A band of misfits came together from all across the continent and beyond, following postings of work for the promise of adventure to the coastal mercantile city of Terus. A surly dwarf named Thelgrun Fadun was putting together a team, and we were the ones who answered the post. A fateful occurrence if there ever was one.
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>Zylfyr Foreyum, Half Elf Paladin of the Voice of the Tempest, god of strength, storms, conflict and battle.
>Xan’dur Foreyum, brother to Zylfyr, Half-Elf Bard
>Morg Boden, Half-Orc Barbarian
>Drakon Stoneflesh, Half-Orc Fighter
>Ailinon Alden, Water Genasi Cleric of the Weaver, goddess of time, life, death and balance
>Arctus Gravenport, Wizard
>Asher “Kane” Crawford III, Cleric of the Heart of Knowledge, goddess of knowledge, philosophy and intelligence
>Varis Syndrus, Wizard
And yours truly, Louis Beaumont, Rogue and undercover Prince of Goldenhill.
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The newly assembled group quickly found their first contract, a distraught widow named Laurel Wisenbaum came to us in the hope we could track down her lost child, who’d gone missing near the City of the Dead, the massive district-sized graveyard in Terus. Hijinks ensued, including an abandoned mine, phase spiders, toothless gravediggers, a pair of benevolent ghosts and their lost family heirloom, an intricately carved crystal rose. Eventually, we found the lost boy in the Elven catacombs underneath the city, as well as the starving Mindflayer that had chased him down below. The creature was easily dispatched, and Laurel’s son returned, along with the crystal rose to help the pair get back on their feet.
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Word soon spread of our merry group, and henceforth we dubbed ourselves the Foxes of Fadun, to give a colloquial title to our adventuring escapades. After being featured in the local paper, we caught the attention of a merchant captain named Barry Hiddleston. He was one of many suffering from a rampant bout of piracy in Anchor Bay, the waters off the coast of Terus, and his pleas to the city guard had fallen on deaf ears, thanks to lack of influence among the merchant guild.
We agreed to help the poor man, and found ourselves dragged headlong into a swashbuckling pirate adventure, eventually meeting the cause of the merchants troubles, an elven captain named Allisande. She was cursed by a witch, bound to her vessel, the Pero Terminus, and had been in pursuit of tracking down its cause. We offered to help her break the curse, in exchange for her leaving the merchants of Terus alone, and she agreed.
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Eventually, we discovered the truth behind her curse. Allisande’s ancestors were worshippers of the Boundless Midnight, the dark god of undeath and destruction, known as the Shadar-Kai. Once followers of the Weaver, they turned their backs on the Light and were corrupted. We uncovered a scroll of dark power in an ancient shipwreck at the center of Anchor Bay, triggering a massive storm brought on by the weakened planar boundaries in the area.
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[Except instead of Geoffrey rush its an Elven woman, not nearly as good]
The remaining crew of the Captain had mutinied in the meantime, stealing Barry’s ship, the Cricket, and launching us into a ship-to-ship battle around the churning waters of a raging maelstrom. Allisande succumbed to the darkness within, transforming herself into a terrifying Death Knight and crippling her vessel in the process. One of the Midnight’s Black Templars, she left us to our fate, wherein we escaped the maelstrom and last we saw, sent the Pero Terminus straight to the bottom of the sea.
Some negotiation with her remaining crew later, we returned to Terus having narrowly escaped our first real brush with far greater forces we had yet to comprehend. On our return, we were greeted by the steward and Royal Spymaster of the Queen of Terus, Bartholemew Ailheart. He had a job for us, on behalf of Queen Faile Rai herself. The Nobles of the city were being murdered and raided in their homes, and panic was beginning to set in.
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An investigation into the raids led us to meet a half-orc by the name of Khaddash Dreamsong. He despised the nobility of the city and was leading the attacks against them, transporting his army by way of the World of Dreams. The World of Dreams exists in a parallel to the waking world, and people born as Dreamwalkers can enter it through sleeping. A powerful spell known as Gateway can open a portal through the World of Dreams as well, enabling transit across vast distances in the blink of an eye.
We discovered Khaddash was seeking the dwarven stronghold of Khundrakar, a mountain fortress that was his father’s former keep, stolen from the dwarves by orcs long ago. We acquired a contract to find the place ourselves from a dwarf named Khurdin Ironeye, and set off into the mountains to beat the half-orc at his own game.
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Thankfully, we found it first, and after clearing the place out of its current orcish inhabitants, met a band of friendly Duergar that became our allies. It was here we left behind Ailinon, for the cleric was called home to her city by her goddess, and instead discovered a very unlikely ally, a half-drow bard by the name of Apsenin El’yar. We met another fearsome Death Knight in the hallowed halls, and after beating the Dragon that lived in the cavern below the fortress, made off like bandits with a horde of gold and treasure.
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It was here we added a new member to our group of would-be heroes. Fadun called us back to the dock ward, telling us he’d hired on another adventurer. Another wizard, a strange and mysterious blind Elven fortune teller simply going by the name of Sesha. Her first trip with the group was on our trek to confront Khaddash.
Khaddash left the mountains after his failure to find the stronghold first, and we returned to Terus having put a stop to the plot against the nobility. We attended a banquet in our honor, and became friends with Queen Faile before discovering a plot to poison the wine at the party and presumably kill a good number of the attendants. It was done by a female Drow, who spoke of some sort of mass extinction event before killing herself before us.
Their backup plan was to assassinate the Queen herself, but we managed to thwart it just in time, returning to the Palace to find her held at wand-point by a raving madman. One standoff later, and a lucky shot by me to knock the wand from his hand, and we found ourselves rewarded handsomely for our work. Fifty thousand gold, a plot of land to be bequeathed to the Foxes, and a personal piece from the Queen’s collection. Mistral’s Eye, the Glaive of the Four Winds, the first Remnant from the Last Battle to come into our hands. As the only finesse-weapon user in the party, it was given to me.
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[The Glaive in question]
For our chosen plot of land, we decided to find the lost fortress of Emberhold, high in the mountains north of Terus, in the Broken Ring. Emberhold was the site of the Last Battle against the Darkness, and had been lost for nearly a millennia. We set off with our map and a dream, and eventually came upon the reason behind its disappearance. A series of trials belonging to several different Gods, meant to test our worthiness and bestow upon us the title of the Lightbearers. We succeeded, the powerful magic hiding Emberhold from the world was wiped away, and the fires were lit once again. The Last Bastion of the Light shined with renewed hope, in a world that was soon to desperately need it.
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Emberhold needed work, however, and after some magical messaging we convinced our Duergar friends to travel and begin mining the rich Mithril veins under the fortress. Along with them, we made a new friend in Vigil, a planetar bound to an enchanted statue, the last remaining guardian of Emberhold’s walls. We discovered writings from before the Last Battle in the office belonging to Loremaster Shen, a high cleric of the Heart of Knowledge, along with his most prized possession. A control amulet, paired to a lost construct named Vorn, the First Sentinel. We would need to find its resting place for the amulet to be of any use.
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End of Part 1
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greyhawk5e · 6 years
Raiding Tal’Dorei for your Greyhawk Campaign
A lot of D&D players (including me) like Critical Role, and Matt Mercer has created some great content for his campaign.  The “Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting” book has a bunch of stuff that is suiable for any campaign world, and the “Blood Hunter” class is now on DnDBeyond.com.  Just as the “Sword Coast Adventurers' Guide” had a couple pages on how to convert the sub-classes to an Oerth-based campaign, here are some suggestions for incorporating some Tal'Dorei goodness in the Flannaess.
The Blood Domain Cleric description sites neutral and evil deities as patrons for these Clerics. Basically they give evil options and one option that uses Blood Magic against villains, the Lawful Neutral Death deity the Raven of Matrons.  Probably the closest Greyhawk equivalent would be Wee Jas, The Suel goddess of Death, Magic, and the Law.  Also, when in doubt, any creepy ancient magics on Oerth always make sense for the Suel.
I feel like the Blood Domain would work for some clerics of Wee Jas and also for evil clerics of Erythnul and possibly Hextor.  For Blood Hunters and Blood Clerics who are opposed to evil, I feel an ancient sect of Wee Jas followers who have preserved Suel Blood Magic from before the Rain of Colorless Fire would be a great stand-in for the Claret Orders.
The Gunslinger Homebrew class from DM’s Guild should only have one highly specialized usage, as a multiclass choice available to high level Clerics of Murlynd, the only known Greyhawk character to use revolvers.
The Path of the Juggernaut seems like it would fit Ice, Snow, and Frost Barbarians, as well as the warriors of the Hold of Stonefist. The various Nomads and Rovers seem more into mounted combat and the Juggernaut seems very much to be an on-foot thing.  But Juggernauts coming off of raiding ships and marching into towns in the north seems to fit the setting well.
Because of the Nordic origins of Runes, I'm going to suggest the Suel of the Barbarian North once again for the Runechild Sorcerer.  But any nomadic culture without scholarly magic could producer a raw-power sorcerer like this.  Flan nomads of the Bright Desert might also be prone to producing a Runechild here or there, or villagers born in the strange lands of Blackmoor.
The Way of the Cobalt Soul, like most other Monk fighting styles, has only a few possible homes in a Greyhawk campaign. One is the Baklunish East, where the strange hybrid of Asian and Middle Eastern culture that is the Bakluni produces monks of Xan Yae and Zuoken.  Another is the Scarlet Brotherhood, where the Suel study monkish combat to help their racist crusade against everyone else.  And finally, the far Asian inspired lands of Shao Feng and the Celestial Imperium are perfect for producing monks who have wandered far into Eastern Oerik.
Backgrounds can go as-is, with the Greyhawk Thieves' Guild filling in for the Clasp, Grey College for the Lyceum, lots of candidates for Recovered Cultist, and Fate-Touched being applicable to anyone.  Only the Ashari has no Greyhawk equivalent.
Any of the new Feats can fit into a Flannaess campaign.  
The Vestiges of Divergence are all very cool magic items, and the idea of a three-stage magic item that increases in power along with the character is one of the best concepts in the book.  You don't need the concept of the Divergence at all to use them either.  Just explain that some very powerful magic items take a long time to attune to their wielder and require an extraordinary person with a strong will to unlock all of their might.  After that it's just a matter of applying a Greyhawk appropriate origin to each item and keeping the stats the same.
Agony seems like the kind of thing an ancient Cleric of Erythnul or a powerful Gnoll Shaman created.
The Armor of The Valiant Soul was worn by an ancient king of Furyondy and is buried under a battlefield.
Cabal's Ruin was a Cloak of Zagyg, and is buried somewhere beneath Castle Greyhawk.
The Circlet of Barbed Vision goes to the Drow, and is somewhere in the Underdark.  The Tal'Dorei setting's Spider Queen , after all, is clearly Lolth.
Condemner was the weapon of the founder of the Assassin's Guild of Greyhawk.
Deathwalker's Ward is an old artifact of Wee Jas, and was last seen in possession of the Silent Ones of Keoland.
Fenthras is a Bow of Ehlonna herself, lost somewhere in the forest by a great elven warlord of Celene.
Honor's Last Stand was created by Bahamut (who else could the Platinum Dragon be?) and is now in the hoard of an evil Ancient Dragon somewhere in the Lortmils.
Kiss of the Changebringer was given by Olidammara to one of his faithful rogues and is now somewhere in the Bandit Kingdoms.
Mythcarver was the sword of the founder of the Old Lore college of bards and is now lost somewhere in the Wild Coast.
The Plate of the Dawnmartyr was worn by a great paladin of Pelor and is held by the Pale in a deep vault.
Pyremaul was forged to kill Giants by the Dwarves.  It was taken to Geoff by a great Dwarven hero who died doing just that.  It now lies in the treasure hoard of a Fire Giant.
The Spire of Conflux is held by the Great Druid of the Old Faith.
The ancient Titanstone Knuckles are in the personal possession of the Wizard Bigby, fascinated as he is by all manner of “hand magic.”  
Whisper was used to assassinate many an Overking as it was passed down among the rogues of the Great Kingdom.  It lies somewhere in devil-haunted Rauxes.
The Wraps of Zuoken are held by a great order of Monks in Zeif, usable only by their greatest master.
Any of the Optional Rules fit in just fine.
Ignore the irrelevant monster backgrounds as Greyhawk has its own monster origins.
The Ashari don't fit in, but the stat blocks of the Firetamer, Stoneguard, Waverider, and Skydancer would make great bosses for the four factions of the Cult of Elemental Evil.
A Cinderslag Elemental makes a great servant of evil Baklunish wizards, or any of Greyhawk's Archmages.
The Clasp Cutthroat and Enforcer work well in the employ of the Thieves' Guild or Assassin's Guild of Greyhawk, Dyvers, or any other big city, as well as the Scarlet Brotherhood or the Slave Lords.
The Cyclops Stormcaller and the Goliaths are at home among the Giantfolk conquerors of Geoff and Sterich.  Tribes of Goliaths make great occupiers of subjugated human towns for Giant warlords.
The Kraghammer Goat-Knight can fight for any mountainous group of Dwarves.
The Ravagers would be great in the hordes of the Pomarj fighting for Turrosh Mak, or up in the northern hordes of Iuz
The Whispered One of the Tal'Dorei setting seems like a version of Vecna so the Remnant Cultist and Chosen would work great in any Cult of Vecna.
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I’m Back!
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Atos has returned! Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work! A very special thanks to Fehl for looking after the Tumblr while I was away! I hope you all enjoyed her work as our substitute director! Let’s see what all we have remaining in the month of April...
April 27th: “Beautiful Beast” Special Encore Presentation
(Ruins of Lordaeron - Pavilion behind the wall where the Silvermoon Orb is, 6:00 PM Wyrmrest Accord realm time)
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(Artwork by our beloved friend Erialin, who gifted this piece to us back when we first premiered the play. We miss you, Eri) To celebrate the life of a good friend of the troupe who passed away last month, Erialin of the Dragonlore Enclave, the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe will be doing a special presentation of Beautiful Beast, a play we retired earlier this year. This play was a favorite of Eri, and we feel it would do her memory honor to perform it once more for everyone. Please enjoy this classic story, retold in Warcraft form, as we perform it at the Ruins of Lordaeron starting at 6 PM server time.
April 28th: Tirisfal Transmog Tournament - “Flights of Fancy”, A Dragonflight Themed Transmog Tourney
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(Located in the Rogue’s Quarter of Undercity, over by the empty shops across from the Heirloom Vendor, starting at 7:00 PM realm time) Fashion isn’t always about who looks the toughest or most beautiful. Sometimes, there’s a different...aspect to it. There’s a scale to looking good that cannot be achieved through archaic standards of what looks good. Sometimes, it’s about how well one sticks to a theme, and how one shoes their true colors in flight. I suppose I won’t let this drag-on too long, and just get on with it; Dragons! You know ‘em, you love ‘em, you slay ‘em, you ride ‘em, you see ‘em. Azeroth is full of dragons, despite there apparently being some lore about them being infertile due to the Aspects exhausting their...power or...something, I dunno, that part gets a little tricky, BUT POINT IS, dragons are pretty neat. We want to see your best Dragon transmogs! Don your flight of choice (you may enter in one of the five categories) and arm yourself in colors that correspond to said flight, while keeping a draconic theme! The categories are Red, Blue, Green, Black, and Bronze. Bear in mind, the sets you come up with don’t even have to be strictly dragon-like - maybe your attire is that of a dragon in hiding? Show us how one would dress, you know, inconspicuously! We judge based on the creativity of the outfit, so just know that full pre-made sets from the likes of tier or ensembles are unlikely to win, but mixing and matching a few pieces with some parts of a set is always a good idea. The winner of each category will win 40,000 gold! You may enter in up to 2 categories, but you may only win one. There will be time to mog between each round, at which point you will take turns standing in the spotlight and posing before the crowd, and our panel of judges! At the end of each round, the judges will decide who was the best dressed, and then at the end of the night, the five winners will line up for one to be chosen as the Dragon Champion, a title that awards 50,000 bonus gold! It’s like stumbling upon a hoard of dragon treasure! There are no armor categories this time - merely flights. The rules are as follows; - Each slot that appears on you must be mogged - yes, even the Warglaives you use must actually be the new Timewalking versions mogged over something, even if you don’t have it. This is to prevent everyone and their grandmother from using the Warglaives of Azzinoth for the green flight category, something we anticipate will be a thing. - No mounts, pets (even hunter pets) or toys to help the appearance. Show us what you can do without that, and if you happen to win, show off whatever you would have liked to use only then. - Participants must be present, and be on a Wyrmrest Accord Horde character to compete for and receive prizes. CLARIFICATION: Artifact weapons will be required. The transmog tournament is intended to be a creative outlet for current gear, and since we’re stuck with artifacts till BfA (and since some people may not know whether or not we will be using them, this keeps things on the same page), we’d like to see what everyone can do within the realm of what is currently being worn in dungeons, raids, etc.
We hope to see you all there and looking dressed to fly high! Till then, please remember to keep your treasure stash safe!
These are our remaining events for the month of April! Please note that at this time we are still not recruiting, but that may change in the future! Remember to contact us if you have any questions or inquiries! Have a great day, Wyrmrest!
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