#like she’s smart and capable but also vulnerable and makes mistakes and we are very much present in her process as she grows up
sullyfortress · 2 years
I’m not a hater whatsoever just thought the chemistry Jake and Neytiri had in first movie was kinda…. Not there? Also it only took 3 months for them to mutually decide to be life partners idk maybe I’m a cynic. Like for Neytiri especially I think there should’ve been WAAAAAY more turmoil about having feelings for a dude who’s race is like destroying (has destroyed) everything you’ve ever known.
I've been so ready for this discussion.
One, I agree with you that its a little interesting to look at the chemistry between the two in the first movie. To me, its because a lot of their connection and underlying relationship isn't necessarily about surface level 'romance.'
First off, Neytiri, and the Omaticaya up until meeting Jake, had only really dealt with scientists. Scientists who as Mo'at says, had already full cups.
These scientists already had preconceived notions about Pandora and how the planets life worked. It was therefore harder for them to connect spiritually with the Omaticaya, because anytime the Na'vi spoke, the science avatars would immediately translate and treat everything as data.
Also, for the sake of more research I imagine previous avatars were sickly sweet. They want to get in to do research of course, so they would exhibit alot of grace and hospitality. Which is smart, but I image for the Na'vi, they've been so use to the fake kindness that its fucken annoying. They'd have previous avatar claim they want peace meanwhile their home is being torn apart.
I think we've all experienced false kindness before - its more annoying that straight up rudness I swear - CONDESCENDING
Anyway, then Jake comes along, he's I think easier for Neytiri, and the Omaticaya to relate to, because he's a warrior and he doesn't know anyting. He doesn't show up mansplaining to them about how their world works. He understand the battle mindset.
Any militant aliens the Na'vi had met up until that point had been hostile, but Jake shows up ready to learn and submissive to the people.
I understand why they chose him because I think he was just such an interesting concept: A alien who's not there to poke and prod their lives for data, mansplain or shoot them. Just to learn.
Neytiri is a warrior at heart and also very spiritual. I think the sign from Ewya, coupled with the fact that she say how unique and also vulnerable Jake was, it drew her towards him.
As far as how she could forgive him and fall for a skyperson. I don't think its that simple. For one, if you look at some deleted scenes, we see more of Jake's turmoil about lying to the Na'vi, at one point he says that the Na'vi didn't have a word for lie before humans showed up, that we taught them the word.
I think the Na'vi are just far more trusting and forgiving than Humans, and also capable of seeing people as individuals.
Again, Jake showed up vulnerable - "like a baby" as Neytiri puts it. I think Jake has been isolated and alone in much of his life, moreso since losing the use of his legs. He just lost his brother and is basically winging life at this point, he's lost.
Note: I think Ewya's signs: Seeds of sacred tree and Toruk Makto GREATLY impacted Neytiri's draw to Jake. Which look at it anyway you want, Omaticaya are deeply spiritual and that guides them - so I think if you take their viewpoint, those signs around a single skyperson would help them see past some mistakes he's made. Also I have this suspicion that its the raw dumb-himbo/boldness of Jake that also makes Neytiri go..... damn. Like to become Toruk Makto you do put your life on the line - and this skyperson risked his life in such a profound way just to show how dedicated he was to her and to her people.
Neytiri, is a way I think is also lost. Her home is being invaded, her sister was killed before her eyes, and she was then betrothed to her sisters lover. (Tsu-tey was Sylwanin's love and they were suppose to lead the clan next). Which is part of the custom, but still - could not have been easy for her.
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As I see it, both of them bonded over loss, being warriors, and the desire to be more.
I don't know if that really justified the lack of chemistry in the first movie - but to me it was more of an innocent, learning to trust and to break from their own isolated 'shells' so to speak.
Before bonding to one another, they both were rather grumpy people - I think they free'd something in each other.
AS FOR THE 3 MONTHS: they spent every single moment together( apart from the like 5 hours a day jake was in human body). Plus war and trauma bonds people we know this. 😁
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i love all of the kotlc crew and the deuteragonist boys but can we remember that sophie foster is our main character, the leading lady, and honestly one of the better female protagonists in the middle grade/ya fantasy genre
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lookingforcactus · 3 years
Okay I have more thoughts than I can make into coherent meta rn but the ends of Fringilla and Cahir’s arcs this season?? Everything in the second half of 2.08?? Holy shit so fucking good I’m still yelling about it
ALSO, though, WOW, that ending is a) just a series of amazing character moments, and b) cleverly, smoothly, logically, totally builds them in a direction where they can easily end up journeying toward their book canon characters/arcs
Meta and season 2 finale spoilers under the cut.
Okay OBVIOUSLY a bajillion epic moments for Fringilla, both badassery and character-wise. Like, holy fucking shit, I am still screaming over that banquet. Or, you know, “““banquet””” lol
And obviously there was so MUCH packed into that little “But I would never do that,” holy shit, Mimi Ndiweni is so good. It really shows us a soft side and a vulnerability to Fringilla that we have never seen so acutely before. She’s written off a lot of laws about magic and human sacrifice, but she has REAL lines she won’t cross, she had clearly never even thought of doing that, just the thought of having done it, of taking credit for it, is enough to hurt her
This scene is also the first chance Cahir’s really had to demonstrate that he’s actually GOOD at politicking and strategizing and being a general. Look at how he, within a MINUTE, turns Fringilla barely letting them live into a political advantage for both him and Fringilla, which will ALSO help him build favor with Fringilla and Emhyr
Honestly, “So let me rave,” holy shit, holy shit, such good delivery.
Loving this competent Cahir and how this season really showed us what he’s capable of when he has none of the resources he’s used to relying on (like. the influence and authority to not almost be killed by one of his comrades. for example)
Unfortunately!!! Cahir’s backfires!! But not because he wasn’t smart--he very clearly pegged EXACTLY the sort of thing that Emhyr would praise them for. That Emhyr would think was a brilliant and sufficiently ruthless strategic move
No, Cahir’s mistake? Was failing to realize that HE WAS EXACTLY RIGHT. He has Emhyr’s standards perfectly pegged--but NOT Emhyr’s strategies, and that’s in large part because Cahir himself, for all he’s done, for all the doubts he has about Fringilla’s mission, would never have really done that either (at least not without direct orders from the emperor)
As for Fringilla, I also really like the decision to let her let Cahir take an active part in this spin (slash forcing him to cover for her). Partly because it makes more more complex characters and schemes, and partly because it makes Fringilla three dimensional: She can’t have thought of everything, she isn’t an impossibly good manipulator like Emhyr, and I really like the depth it builds into her and Cahir’s relationship
And as for Fringilla’s mistake? She didn’t realize that Emhyr was that ruthless--in large part because what he did was so unthinkable to her. Throughout the season, we’re really kind of wondering how far Fringilla’s principles go, how much she really cares about helping the elves over conquering the North, and whether she’s going to be put in a position where she can’t do both. Which, of course she is, because this show is smart!
So Fringilla got in trouble because she was TOO GOOD OF A PERSON for Nilfgaard’s military. And like Cahir, she knew that such a ruthless plan was exactly the kind of thing Emhyr would approve of--but she had too much faith in Emhyr’s good intentions
Honestly I think Fringilla DOES believe that they’re liberating people, and genuinely WANTS to help. Unfortunately Emhyr fucking doesn’t
And then this makes it an unusually good villain-establishing-final-shot-of-the-season, too. Usually, in those, we just get a glimpse and an ominous line. But this setup means that a) it actually establishes Emhyr as a good and unpredictable strategist (honestly hard to do), and more importantly, b) it establishes that every single thing we’ve seen so far from Fringilla and Cahir? Every shady, cruel, utilitarian, ruthless thing they’ve done? EMHYR IS WORSE, AND HE IS WORSE WITHOUT HESITATION
Which ofc is great for raising the stakes and making it clear why Ciri should NOT be with him, thanks, it sets up the absolute awfulness that is Emhyr’s ultimate plan (or a less gross version of it, which is personally what I am hoping they’re setting up, but idk)
Also the season really beautifully sets up that Fringilla and Cahir ARE in danger of losing their lives over losing Sodden--that’s how Emhyr pays back loyalty, even among his generals
And, finally, how this sets them up for the future:
They both need something to break their faith in Nilfgaard before they can end up where they end up in the books (i.e., not working for Emhyr). And it needs to be something big, because they’re both true believers, and we already know they’ll both cross a lot of lines in Nilfgaard’s name
And the end of this season is perfect for that, in a way, because sure, they betrayed Emhyr’s generals--but not Emhyr himself, and they only did it in the name of survival (and also power, but more importantly survival). They did what they did because they KNEW either the other generals or Emhyr himself would kill them if they didn’t (this is counting Fringilla as a general for the sake of her threats to Cahir lol. higher-ups chronically backstab, etc. etc.)
This is key: They were still adamantly loyal to Nilfgaard when they took those actions.
But they got caught--and they got caught specifically because EMHYR DID NOT RETURN THEIR TRUST. Like, for that to have happened, the only logical conclusion is that he had spies and assassins in Cintra who were supposed to spy on the generals, not just the situation
Like, he acted without telling them super on purpose. For a variety of reasons, presumably, but one of them is that he clearly considers his generals somewhat expendable
Fringilla and Cahir? Do. Not. Want. To. Be. Expendable.
Also, I don’t think they had any idea how little trust or regard Emhyr was going to treat them with!
Like, you survive a massive inferno of unheard of power, get captured or forced on the run and THEN captured, almost get executed, barely escape with your life and a way home, survive the super dangerous journey to Cintra through hostile territory--but you’re still not safe!! Because your emperor, whom you’d give your life for, will kill you for having done exactly what he said to!!
And juuuuuuuuuust when you think you’ve found a way to save your own neck(s) from your own fucking Emperor,--which itself was fucking harrowing--the Emperor catches you. Because you, foolishly, assumed he wasn’t spying on you and actively murdering your new ally’s ROYAL HEIR, BASICALLY behind your back
What better way to get a true believer to break faith, then to prove that the person they truly believed in broke faith first?
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septembersghost · 2 years
Thinking about Jimmy and his unstable identity issues. Like Saul as he is in Breaking Bad is an imprint of everyone who was important to him (Kim with… everything, I hate the “Chuck made Jimmy Saul” cos too easy but he didn’t help, Marco with the ring and watch, and I’m sure there’s Howard in there too), he tells Kim that he can’t go back to being Jimmy Chuck’s loser brother and she makes the loving mistake of encouraging Saul because she wants him to be happy, some of his traits as Gene come out when he’s in ptsd mode and a lot of the showiness and confidence is to hide anxiety. I just! Wretched sad man beloved.
yessss to all of this! he's SO smart and he is truly caring and he is capable of more and he's disappointing and shady and he's pathetic, and i love him anyway
bcs was so smart in having one of its very first plot conflicts as jimmy being prevented from practicing under his own name - a completely unfair move which he think is howard's fault, and of course is ultimately chuck's. immediately we see him fighting back to claim his identity, but the WAY he plays that scheme out is to intentionally copy howard and the hhm logo on his billboard (which is then still directly connected to the scam in S6, i'm never over the intricacy of this show). his identity is malleable because i don't think jimmy himself has ever been entirely comfortable or maybe even has fully known who he is, so he reshapes himself for given situations. it's why he's good with people, because he can be what's needed and can quickly assess a situation, and it's also unfortunately why he's good at lying and scamming, but the aspect of it that's genuine speaks so much to jimmy's core. he first thinks about becoming a lawyer because of kim (which he should've told the review board! that would've been sincere! i know why it couldn't be written that way, but i always want to shake him and go, "just talk about being inspired by kim!" *cries*), then he desperately wants to make chuck proud of him. kim gives him one little talk about elder law and he goes all-in on it. marco admired and enjoyed slippin' jimmy, so jimmy keeps a constant symbol of it. this is even present in jimmy's relationship with mike - at the beginning of S3, when mike sends jimmy into los pollos hermanos, jimmy's so excited about the team-up! he's disappointed when mike doesn't need him for anything more! jimmy has this deep yearning for acceptance and pings off of people he hopes might provide it, most evident and intimately with kim. chuck not wanting him is one of his most permanent wounds and echoes in every one of his insecurities with everyone else. it's a tragic mix of traits since his more calculated, disreputable side both conflicts with that want to be accepted and underscores it since it bonds him to multiple people he loves, in destructive ways. saul is his outsized gregarious personality writ large but devoid of jimmy's much more vulnerable heart, and gene is all his insecurities and anxiety brought painfully to the surface when that faux confident facade is stripped away. one of the things i'm most curious/sad to see is what of jimmy - the real jimmy - will be left after everything in the end.
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avengerscompound · 3 years
Small Gods: Patience - 4
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Patience:  A Black Widow Fanfic
Patience Masterlist | More Small Gods PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Natasha Romanoff x F!Reader
Rating: E
Word Count:  1786
Warnings: canon typical violence
Synopsis: Every day Natasha prays for more patience to deal with a litany of things from waiting for her target to make a move - to not yelling at Clint for putting empty milk containers back in the fridge.
When her prayers are answered, Natasha finds that having patience is easy, holding on to it is a little harder.
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Chapter 4
Natasha was not good at emotions.  She didn’t like them - so she buried them.  It was better to be the cold and heartless assassin who could be killed at any moment than to risk being hurt in a way that mattered.  She shut people out and pushed them towards others so at least she could see what being happy might look like on someone else, even if she never felt it herself.
Except - Natasha was happy.
It took her a little while to realize that was what the feeling was.  She recognized happiness in those short joyful bursts where she’d be with a group of people you care about and they’ve all let their walls down and just briefly she would too.  That quick burst of serotonin never lasted but always felt good while she had it.
That was nothing like what she was feeling now.  It was a long-term contentedness, mixed with hope, and just enough excitement to keep her interested.  It was scary really.  She was vulnerable.  She had something to lose.
Yet all around her things seemed better.  Food tasted better.  Spending time with her friends felt different - she could connect with them more.  Even Clint’s annoying habits seemed to lean more to funny than annoying.
The others noticed it.  Sometimes Clint would flinch when he made some stupid joke - like he was expecting to get cuffed on the back of the head, and when it didn’t come he’d look at her suspiciously - almost as if he thought she was saving up to get him later.
She put it all down to you.
Natasha was falling for you.  Hard.  She sought you out in her free time, and you popped in her head even at awkward times like on missions.  You had cracked through her hard outer shell and even though she was scared of her soft parts being exposed, it felt good.
“Nat, head in the game,” Steve shouted.
Natasha whipped around to see a HYDRA agent running directly at her.  She flipped forward, kicking them in the head and then following through with her baton.  The agent practically flew backward and landed in a heap.
“Nat’s daydreaming about her lover again,” Tony teased as he blasted his way through a bunker.
Natasha scowled.  She had been distracted, and she had been thinking about you.  This kind of grunt work always felt mindless and repetitive, like putting books into boxes.  She was a spy - not a soldier and it was easy to start thinking about other things when she was doing such repetitive work, but usually, the only thing she had occupying her mind was the job and the mindless banter happening over the comms.
“Please never say lover again, Tony,” Clint teased.  “That gave me the heebie-jeebies.”
“Thor says it all the time!”  Tony argued.
“Yeah, but that’s Thor!”  Clint said.  “Thor can say all kinds of weird shit and it sounds good.  Doesn’t mean you get to.”
“Why thank you, Barton,” Thor chuckled.  “That is very flattering.”
“I’m as good as Thor!”  Tony yelped.
There was a sudden group shouting of dissent and Natasha couldn’t help the smile that crossed her face.  She had always had such a love-hate relationship with the group’s banter during battle.  It was nice being part of them, and she did enjoy dropping her own snarky comment into the mix but growing up the way she did - fights were serious - fun was for other people.  It felt slightly wrong to be joking while you were also fighting for her life.
“Let’s all agree right now that no one, not even Thor mentions anything about my lovers,” Natasha snarked.
The group continued to fight, Natasha pushing all thoughts of you down and focusing on the job.  By the time everyone had been arrested, the operation had been shut down and Natasha had performed the lullaby on Hulk, it was late and Natasha was exhausted to the bone.
She piloted the Quin back silently, just listening to Clint jabber away as her thoughts drifted back to you.  She knew there would be a debrief to go to, but what she really wanted was to go straight to your place and curl up next to you before passing out for a good twelve hours.
She could wait.  She was better at that now.  Besides, it was worth the wait.
She guided the jet down onto the launch pad and as it drew the jet down into the hanger, she and Clint began the cool-down procedures.  The back of the jet opened up and everyone got up and trudged off.
When Clint got up to disembark, Steve took his place.  “What happened out there today?”  He asked.  “You nearly lost your head.”
“That’s why we’re a team, isn’t it?”  Natasha asked.  “Make sure no one misses anything?  Get each other’s backs?”
“Of course,” Steve assured her.  “And we’re all here to pick up the slack.”
“I’m hearing a big ‘but’ coming,” Natasha said.
Steve smiled and shook his head.  “But…” he said.  “It’s not like you, Nat.  You always have your head in the game more than anyone else.  You’re the one I don’t have to worry about.  So when I do, it worries me.  Is everything okay?”
Natasha frowned.  Her head wasn’t in the game.  Steve was right.  She was happy and happiness meant her work was suffering.
“Everything is fine, Steve,” she said.
“You sure?”  Steve said.  “I’m only asking as a friend.  If there was something up, I’d want to help.”
“It’s fine.  I’ll sort it out,” Natasha said.
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Natasha was exhausted by the time she showed up at your place.  She hadn’t slept for almost thirty-six hours and she thought that she’d broken a rib in the battle.  She needed to see you though.  Rip it off like a band-aid.  She liked you.  She liked you a lot.  So much that if she didn’t cut it off now it was going to turn into love and once that happened, she wouldn’t be able to do it.  If she was with you, she would be worse at her job, and if she didn’t have her job, she was nothing.
She knocked on your door.
She could hear you singing on the other side and when you pulled the door open your whole face lit up.  “Tasha!”  You squeaked and launched yourself into her arms.  She made a pained ‘oof’ sound as you wrapped your arms around her, but that didn’t hurt as much as her heart did right at this moment.  You were always so cool and put together, the excitement and pure joy you expressed seeing her were too much.  Natasha was going to hurt you and it was going to kill her to do it.  “I didn’t know you were back.  I am so happy to see you.”
“Krasotka,” Natasha said, closing her arms around you and breathing you in.
You must have heard the pain in her voice because you pulled back immediately and looked you over.  “Are you hurt?”  You asked, pulling her inside.  “Let me get you some ice.”
“It’s fine,” Natasha assured you.  “I’m fine.”
“I can tell you aren’t,” you said, guiding her to the couch and almost pushing her down on it to sit.  “What do you need?  Have you eaten?  I can get you food.  Something to drink?”  You paused and quirked your eyebrow.  “Earth-shattering orgasm?”
“Sit down, Krasotka,” she said.  “We need to talk.”
You narrowed your eyes and took a seat, folding your arms over your chest.  “I don’t like the sound of that.”
Natasha nodded.  “I can’t do this anymore.”
“‘This’ as in ‘us’?”  You asked.
“That’s right,” Natasha said.  Her heart was already hurting.  She wished she was a stronger person.  Someone who was allowed to have everything.  Someone who could be in love and do her job.  Someone who could be happy and not feel like the world was falling apart because of it.
“I supposed I should be glad you’re doing this in person,” you said, sitting back in your chair.  “Do I get a reason?”
“Does it matter?”  Natasha asked.
You nodded.  “Yes.  Because I know you’re happy when you’re with me, and I know you like me, so whatever it is, is stupid and if you say it out loud, I’m hoping you’ll be smart enough to figure that out yourself.  I have faith in you.”
“I do like you,” Natasha said.  “This isn’t about you.  It’s about me.”
“Wow,” you scoffed, raising your hands. “I don’t think I have ever gotten the ol’ it’s not you, it’s me before.  Continue.”
Natasha was getting angry now.  She had expected you to be upset, not hostile.  She had prepared for tears and begging, not to be told she was an idiot.  She sat up straight and folded her arms.  “This is hard for me, okay?  I don’t owe you an explanation.  It was fun.  But now it’s over.”
“And that’s that?”  You said.
“Yes,” Natasha said, getting up.  “That’s that.” 
You stood up too, bailing her up against the wall.  She was half tempted to actually fight you.  If that’s what you wanted to make this, she was quite capable of kicking your ass.  You brought your face close to hers, she could feel the warmth of your breath on her lips.  “You’re making a mistake, Natasha.  I don’t know what happened while you were gone that got you all up in your head and made you think you don’t deserve me, but it doesn’t really matter.  The world is not a place of fairness or balance.  It’s just random chaos and in that, you called to me and I came.  You’re going to realize that breaking up is a mistake.  I know you will because it is.  We’re good together and you wanted me.  I can wait.  I’m very patient.”
A million different arguments popped into Natasha’s head but instead, she just pushed you away and stormed out.  She had never felt the desire to cry as much as she did right now.  Her heart felt like it had been shattered into a million pieces and she’d done it to herself.  She walked down the street not even knowing where she was headed, all she knew was that she wanted to go back up to you and tell you she was sorry and that you were right, but her anger and her pigheadedness stopped her.  There was a bar on the corner, she went straight inside.  She wouldn’t cry but she would drink.  Maybe she’d even find someone to take her home tonight.  Right now she’d do anything to stop herself from thinking that she’d made a huge mistake.
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ramblingguy54 · 3 years
True Colors: An Emotionally Fantastic Serious Game Changer.
If we’re to look back at Reunion as Season 1′s dramatic pay off for Amphibia’s message of toxic friendships, as Anne & Sasha’s conflicting dynamic showed us, then True Colors is a colossal expansive note on this big theme of the series. True Colors makes Season 1′s finale look like a walk in the park for what angst goes down between our three main heroins in Season 2′s climatic resolution. Everything that can go wrong does go oh so painfully wrong for these three kids. Anne, to no one’s surprise, gets double crossed by Sasha leaving things between them a Hell of a lot more bitter than they were previously, as if that couldn’t already be topped when Sasha tried to kill the Plantars before. Anne has had enough of her lies and manipulation not being afraid to tell Sasha straight up how awful of a friend she’s been in general, even hitting her where it hurts most of all saying, “No, I’m done listening to you! I’m done trusting you! You’re a horrible person and I am done being FRIENDS with you!”, going so far as to get a shaken reaction out of Sasha dropping her brave face act, making this girl try to wipe away the frog family.
Right off the bat, True Colors makes it highly evident this isn’t just another story of stopping a bigger threat, but one hitting much closer to home, overall. Yes, King Andrias is certainly a dangerous villain, who makes his presence and intimidating nature known to the others by True Color’s final act, which despite this Amphibia isn’t entirely putting him at the forefront, rather focusing on a more intimate study of Anne, Sasha, and Marcy’s big emotional conflict. This finale knows exactly where to put its focus of importance on, so I love that instead of it being action packed we’re getting the spotlight shined on just how screwed up these three of a friendship have, in spite of Marcy claiming in The Dinner episode, “We’re supposed to be friends for life. We don’t split up!’ . Very ironic stuff right there, indeed.
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True Colors’ most powerful strength it adds to Amphibia’s ongoing profound story about healthy friendships is the thorough deconstruction of these girls defined “ideal relationship” as people. Before Anne came to the world of Amphibia this kid was afraid to stand up for what she believed in, even knowing especially well that stealing the calamity box was morally questionable, but did it anyway. Sasha was super manipulative, abusive, and used her power to control people, like she did a lot of toward Anne in their lives. Marcy, while very smart, wasn’t the most competent physically, who soon grew into being more independent without needing to rely on Anne always having to be there for her. These three were changed immensely by the events of being thrust into this world of sentient amphibian creatures. Anne benefited morally most out out of all three in taking up the mantle of responsibility and ironing out her own issues. She’s become a much stronger person all around. 
This episode asks us an important question though in nutshell with, “Have Sasha & Marcy truly changed for the better?”, since Anne has reached a point in her arc feeling genuinely content with who she’s become and the bonds that have been made with the Plantar family shown most notably with Sprig Plantar. Hence the whole purpose behind the song, It’s No Big Deal, with Anne feeling proud for who she is, yet not noticing a bigger issue right underneath her nose. That previous episode was meant to bring Anne’s happiness up only to bring it all crashing down in a devastating display of new revelations in True Colors. Every dramatic emotional beat isn’t just earned. Each significant moment is completely knocked out of the park by terrific voice acting, beautiful animation, and music composition that gave me serious emotional goosebumps. True Colors did exactly as Not What He Seems accomplished for Gravity Falls in shaking up its own respective dramatic stakes just when you thought it couldn’t get any higher for these protagonists. Shit seriously hits the fan here.
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Did it ever occur to you, Anne? Sasha? That one of you knew more, than she was letting on? That ONE of you might’ve gotten you stranded in Amphibia on purpose...?
The big bombshell twist of Marcy playing a part too in getting them into this whole debacle completely flips everything upside down. Sasha pushed Anne into taking the Calamity Box, yes, but if Marcy never sent that photo because of her desire to stay with them together forever, then they wouldn’t have been stranded in basically a world full of dangerous creatures and who knows what else. Easily my favorite part of the episode, considering it adds more nuance to a situation that defined Amphibia’s story. It wasn’t just one person’s fault at the end of the day. Sasha bullied Anne into taking the box, Anne didn’t put her foot down to make a stand for something morally questionable, and Marcy took advantage of them both to benefit her own selfish desires for supposedly a “happy ending” not involving them staying apart, due to her parents moving away for a new job. All three girls played an important part on why they got landed into Amphiba. It’s why Anne’s statement to King Andrias, “The three of us may have made some mistake, but you...You’re evil and I’m gonna stop you!”, holds such a real weight to it, as this story continues to solidify how genuinely fleshed out their dynamic is.
Marcy’s super desperate plea to be understood by Anne & Sasha when Andrias revealed her getting them thrown into Amphibia purposefully was hard to watch. On one hand, I felt for Marcy because she didn’t want real life circumstances to tear apart that close connection she had to Sasha & Anne. Sure, she could’ve just kept in touch with them over the phone or chatting online, too. However, Marcy had known them since very early childhood. When you’ve been so attached to someone it can be a devastating thing, depending on just how vulnerable you are emotionally, to start drifting apart. Marcy represents that embodiment of toxic need for togetherness and couldn’t bear to let a possibility, like moving away, throw a wrench into her happiness and friendship, as well.
Never mind Marcy wanting to stay permanently in a different reality, rather than face her’s, but it made this person feel like something more. It gave her a chance to feel truly special in being able to live out a fantasy dream of having such power and freedom that a kid, like herself, couldn’t have had. The freedom to know she is plenty capable of making it out there on her own without Anne having to watch this kid like a hawk. So, to have someone, or something, try taking it away from her terrified Marcy of facing a terrible truth. That she isn’t strong enough after all to live a life without Anne & Sasha by her side completely, where Marcy will never feel truly worthy enough to blossom into her own person. It’s why that line, “I just...didn’t want to be alone...”, carries such a deep pain to it all. Marcy just crumbles into pieces accepting her greatest weakness. As much as Marcy fumbled the ball big time, it’s so easy to empathize with her on the idea of feeling competent enough. Marcy never meant to hurt Anne or Sasha, but the sad crushing punchline is she very much did.
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Speaking of which, Anne had every right to be upset and mad, obviously. Anne has been missing so many things from her life before everything went off the wall. Hopping Mall especially highlighted Anne’s emotional desire to give anything just to hear her mother’s singing again. This teenager has been really dealing with a lot of grief in general quite honestly. Anne got into a high stakes battle against Sasha to save new friends, who’d practically became like an adopted family, which left the poor girl traumatized and heartbroken over the end result. She thought finding Marcy would help compensate for it and eventually be able to mend those complications with Sasha to boot. It’s simply painful to see it all blow up in Anne’s face to know not only Sasha betrayed her trust yet again, but realizing Marcy also played a part of responsibility in getting them thrown here. Matt Braly really just decided to slap future trust issues onto Anne finding out Hop Pop, Sasha, and Marcy were all super dishonest in their intentions at one point or another. Damn, I feel so bad for her.
It makes their embracing hug back in Marcy At The Gates so much harder to watch. Anne was super glad to see her again. Anne had wondered what became of Marcy or even possibly started to think she could even be alive at all. Then come to find out later on Marcy having intentionally ripped her away from a normal life must’ve felt worse then what happened with Sasha. Anne, already done with all of Sasha’s bullshit, thought she could at least expect better from Marcy not letting her down, but that too wasn’t the case. Marcy is very much as flawed as Sasha in what she has done. To think, Anne wanted so badly to get back home, yet she’s staring the very person dead in the eye, who ripped her away from it to begin with. Marcy knew Sasha would talk Anne into taking the box from that thrift shop, even if she wasn’t completely certain it would successfully teleport them away. Regardless of whatever good intentions someone can have in why they did what they did, it still doesn’t absolve them of said mistake. Fact of the matter is, Marcy tragically made her own bed, by choosing to mess with forces she couldn’t begin to comprehend and now has to face consequences, in spite of her not deserving them.
What really got to me was when Marcy tried to spin around Anne’s personal growth and close friendship with the Plantars as all entirely thanks to her. When she said, “I gave you this! I gave you everything!”, I was like, “Nope, that couldn’t be any further from the truth.”, seeing everything that has culminated in Anne’s journey of bettering herself. Marcy didn’t give Anne anything, but a one way ticket to cutting the kid off from her family, presuming she’d be fine with this idea. It’s all kinds of messed up, however what it boils down to is Marcy undermining Anne’s independence and agency. Anne’s moral judgement in decision making was what allowed her to create this new life she made for herself in Amphibia. Anne’s honesty as a whole led her down a path of togetherness, while Marcy’s lying landed her in a result of not wanting to be alone, costing her so much.
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“I don’t believe this. We were so focused on each other we couldn’t see what was right in front of us!”
True Colors excels at earning each of its emotional beats because they line up with character motivations down to the last letter. Anne doesn’t want to trust Sasha anymore because of their already rocky past, which leads to her helping King Andrias regain control of his kingdom. Sasha not keeping a lid on her temper, wanting to rule over Amphibia, and trying to reinforce that power dynamic with Anne & Marcy only made things worse for her image of a changed good friend. There wasn’t a chance in Hell Anne would hear Sasha’s reasoning after she flat out tried to take away her frog family, by attempting to use the Calamity Box a bit ago in the episode. Marcy wanted to believe there was a happily ever after in seeing this world traveling idea as their only chance for salvation as friends for life, but it turned out to be something much more sinister, when learning of Andrias’ backstory and his true scumbag nature. All three of their motivations come clashing together, blinding them from a much bigger danger. Something that effectively puts everyone at stake.
Amphibia’s Season 2 finale works so excellently, given it covers important dramatic elements it’s been stirring around since Season 1′s early rumblings. Amphibia is a story centered around people’s need for emotional connections. True Colors builds miraculously off what Reunion already did quite well in showing friendships can become rough and they are never easy to deal with. When you have to make a stand it can be a tough pill to swallow on the reality check of maybe this “good friend” of your’s isn’t as nice as you previously thought them to be. Anne having been hurt one too many times now by her former friend sends that message close to home, so much so even Sasha begins to question her morality as a human being. It poignantly encapsulates how this trio’s complex friendship is a serious growing issue needing to be reexamined, overall.
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What if Anne’s right..? What if I am a horrible person...?
Something I absolutely love to pieces about True Colors, also a testament to Season 2′s darn good writing, is how much introspective we get from each character on what they’re feeling. We’ve seen plenty of Sasha’s vulnerability before in other episodes centered on her issues, but now we’re getting to the root of it. Sasha is really taking everything more to heart, little by little. Sasha’s understanding what kind of an effect she has on people, seeing the damage it has caused made evident by Percy and Braddock in Barrel’s Warhammer. Grime once told her, “Some dreams have a price and not everyone is willing to pay it.”, where she’s questioning that idealism every passing minute the invasion plan proceeds further into reaching success. Sasha isn’t sure what to do with herself anymore feeling aimless. Those previous episodes had a real impact on her priorities more than she cared to let on with Sasha’s typical tough girl act. This kid has let her guard down more, which scares and confuses Sasha. She’s always used to playing the role of protector it contradicts everything Sasha stands for when the roles are totally reversed because now Anne has made her feel the tremendous change in their growth as individuals.
Sasha’s lifestyle has been all about control that after somewhat learning to be more considerate to Anne & Marcy’s feelings she feels beyond conflicted about what truly matters to her. The most screwed up part of it all is Sasha didn’t want to fight anymore, taking up a pacifist approach after seeing what King Andrias had been hiding from everyone. It’s a fitting punishment for Sasha to try bringing Anne over to work together once more, but getting her pleas for companionship outright ignored. Anne was correct that Sasha had wasted all the chances to be reasonable. Boonchuy tried to hear out Sasha before at The Third Temple. One wanted to start things over again to iron out their serious issues, but the other was driven by bitterness, while only remorseful to a degree at best, of seeing their once weak friend become so independent, mature, and stronger that it drove her up wall. Sasha wanted to take away that “problem” being the Plantars, since in her eyes they’re the source of Anne’s strength, driving a wedge further between the two girls in their heated Reunion 2.0 battle.
True Colors demonstrates the horrific price of no trust, communication, nor teamwork from the three main girls that Andrias smoothly took advantage of, as if they were fiddles. 
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“That’s the thing about friends isn’t it? The more you love them, the more it hurts when they go.”
King Andrias is quite literally what I wanted Lunaris to be, where DuckTales’ Season 2 finale didn’t impress me on doing. He’s a serious big baddie to the main cast, who follows through on his threats of violence to demonstrate his wide array of arsenal and power. Andrias doesn’t just emotionally manipulate characters, like poor Marcy, but utterly crush them without an ounce of remorse for his actions. When he dropped Sprig out that window after Anne willingly let him have the Calamity Box back I thought they were legit gonna kill this boy off. The way Anne’s flashback montage of her good times with Sprig were eerily shot really didn’t help either on that note. Anne’s Calamity power finally activating is easily up there among stuff, like Dewey risking his life for Della’s disappearance in Last Crash, where the cinematography is shot and animated brilliantly. You feel Anne’s blind raging sadness in every hit she landed on those robots and Andrias. If anyone didn’t believe Sprig was like a little brother to Anne, then I dunno how anyone couldn’t view their bond anymore as such after this hugely defining scene. Anne went bloodthirsty when she believed Sprig to be dead further evidenced when she hugged him in relief afterwards exclaiming, “Sprig!? You’re alive!? Oh, thank goodness...”, which cuts deep so damn much.
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Anne was ready to fight every one of Andrias’ troops in that castle to the death, if need be. Before Sprig came back from falling, thanks to Marcy’s quick acting, to comfort Anne, her only goal was to slaughter every opponent in that throne room, along with making Andrias pay dearly for even daring to lay a single finger on anyone of the Plantars. I’m not gonna lie, this pivotal power up reminded me so much Gohan turning Super Saiyan 2 after Cell curb stomped Android 16 into pieces with a smirk on his face. Anne Boonchuy’s maddening outburst is a classic testament to the idea of, “Piss off the nicest person and they’ll make it their mission to instill the biggest kind of fear/terror into you.”. showing this kid at her most vulnerable mental state, yet. Sprig & Anne’s cathartic embrace really messed me up in reinforcing just how these two respect, love, and would go above any of their limitations to help the other out. Sprig’s “death” scene was a masterful bait by the writers into making us think someone was gonna die and it was gonna be a poor kid, no less.  
However, it was actually all just a bait and switch for the real, “Oh, shit. They really just did that”, moment with Marcy unexpectedly getting run through with Andrias’ gigantic sword. In a last ditch effort, Marcy wanted to atone for what she had a hand in getting them all into. Marcy was ironclad determined in making her own stand for what was right trying to save the people she endangered. Akin to what Sasha did in Reunion for saving Anne’s life, Marcy does the exact same here. Although, unfortunately this time, no one is here to protect Marcy from escaping death, like Grime catching Sasha from plummeting at Toad Tower. Marcy couldn’t react in time because she was so focused on helping her dear friends out. She wanted to prove to herself at least one time, “I’ve screwed up so much stuff with my friends. Maybe, just maybe. If I get my friends back home, it’ll prove I’m not an entirely crappy person for setting these events into motion.”. Marcy’s own deep seeded remorse is what saved Anne & the Plantars, while being the cause of her own untimely demise at Andrias’ hands.
This scene is what no doubt encouraged the warning sign for younger viewers Disney decided to make for them. It’s impressive how far Matt and his crew are willing to go for intense dramatic content. Andrias trying to crush Polly with his fist after destroying Frobo with casual ease, dropping Sprig out of the window from up sky high, and stabbing Marcy with his powerful sword displays his cold blooded brutality. Doesn’t matter who you are. If you get in the way of Andrias’ plans for multiverse domination, then he’ll throw anyone into their own grave, be it man, woman, or child. That’s the mark of a truly terrifying antagonist.
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Andrias didn’t care who had to be hurt or manipulated to get back the box, so he could invade other worlds with Earth being his next prime target for invasion. Marcy’s fate is a horrifyingly poetic statement, since Sasha stated to Anne in a flashback from Marcy At The Gates, “One of these days, she’s gonna get herself killed.”, with True Colors tying back to this line in a disturbing manner. Something that sends chills down my spine is we get to see the full extent of how far Andrias shoved the sword through her body. We don’t just see the entry point of where it hit her, but it even zooms out to show the whole thing. Real talk, I got serious Avatar The Last Airbender vibes from this scene. Reminded me so much of Aang getting suddenly zapped with lightning by Azula when he tried to enter the Avatar state. Marcy didn’t want to be alone so badly she ended up inevitably dying alone trying to send Anne back home to their reality. One Hell of a way to close off Marcy’s last moments in Season 2, until her inevitable resurrection happens in Season 3 now that King Andrias has her in a tube tank that looks tied to his master.
True Colors ends on a deeply bittersweet cliffhanger leaving the fates of Sasha & Grime totally unknown if they’ll get away by the skin of their teeth, or get captured by Andrias’ soldiers and robots. Anne finally returned home with the Plantars, but at a deadly cost of leaving her other close friends behind in Amphibia. After all the isolation, heartbreak, and endurance she went through with her frog family Anne finds herself at a total loss for words. Once again, Anne is in a state of solitude of not knowing if her friends are really okay or not, mirroring the start of Season 1 when she landed into Amphibia’s world. It’s safe to say to say that, “Finally me and it’s no big deal.”, lyrics have aged terribly for Anne’s realization of finding her own identity came at the expense of getting separated from friends she’s known since kindergarten. Definitely see Anne becoming a lot more protective of the Plantars now more than ever after watching Marcy drop to the ground from being stabbed in front of her eyes.
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Amphibia’s Season 2 finale is exactly how you capitalize on a winning story telling formula of dramatic writing, lovable characters with layered depth, and increasing the stakes of your story in an organic manner. True Colors is a finale that should be talked about for a long time to come, as it not only showed how worth the wait it was, but reinforces why Amphibia is a truly great series. It’s unafraid to take its characters to dark places in a way that feels totally earned.
Amphibia Season 2 is everything a sequel to a first film should be.
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aspoonofsugar · 4 years
Hello, I would like to know what you think about the discussion that Cinder and Watts had.
It is interesting to note that what Watts tells Cinder is that her suffering doesn't make her strong or special or worthy of anything and by extension Watts tells Cinder that as much as she pretends that her suffering made her strong in reality she is still quite fragile and vulnerable because she hasn't been able to overcome her trauma and still wants to give meaning to her life and suffering.
Hello anons!
These two asks can be answered together.
First of all, I really liked that scene! It is probably my favourite moment of the episode together with the sequence in the underground.
I think there are two ways to see Watts and Cinder’s interaction in the episode.
1) Cinder
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Cinder: You’re right. Without you I am nothing. But because of you, I am everything.
As I have written here:
Cinder’s way of thinking is very similar to Mercury’s. Not only have they both endured their parents’ violence, but they have tried to give this violence meaning. It is because of Madame that Cinder has become “everything” and it is because of Marcus that Mercury has become “strong”. They must believe that it was not all for nothing and that the pain they felt made them stronger instead of weaker.
This is why Cinder thinks that deep down her “hunger” is good. It is because it drives her, but she ignores that it blinds her too.
The idea that suffering made her stronger and more deserving than others is Cinder’s main coping mechanism.
She was treated as nothing, so she needs to believe she is secretly worthy of things others are negated. As I have stated here, she deep down wants to be chosen:
I would say that Cinder wants to be chosen. She wants to be special and to be given value. This is probably why she is serving Salem. It is because Salem has chosen her for an important role.
Well, Watts’s speech is about exactly this:
Watts: You think you’re entitled to everything because you’ve suffered, but suffering isn’t enough. You can’t just be strong, you have to be smart. You can’t just be deserving, you need to be worthy.
In a couple of phrases he deconstructs Cinder’s coping mechanism and this is why she is made to feel so vulnerable.
The whole point of Cinder is that she should stop reducing herself to her trauma and pain. By doing so, she both dehumanizes herself and dismisses others.
She dehumanizes herself because she tries to overcome her inferiority complex by looking for power and she does not realize that this is turning her into a monster:
Raven: Aura can’t protect your arm, it’s Grimm. You turned yourself into a monster just for power.
She dismisses others because she is so focused on her own pain that she can’t notice others’.
In short, she must stop pretending everything revolves around her and should start working on herself and her own issues. This is thematically what Watts’s speech is about. It also ties to the teaching of the Fall Maiden about choice. Destiny is not something that is given to you, but something you work towards:
Pyrrha: When I think of destiny, I don’t think of a predetermined fate you can’t escape. But rather… some sort of final goal, something you work towards your entire life.
Cinder is looking for worth outside herself. She wants Salem to recognize her and magical powers to be strong. She misses that self-worth is something only Cinder can grant herself.
However, things are not as simple in-universe because Watts is not referring to this in his speech. What he wants is not for Cinder to overcome her issues and to realize serving Salem is wrong. What Watts wants is for her to become better at her job.
Not only that, but in Watts’s speech there is hidden also this message that @luimnigh and @harostar have discussed here. Their posts are already clear, so I won’t spend much time on it.
The main idea is that Watts is worthy, while Cinder is not and how it goes back to their different upbringings and social status. In short, Watts is an Atlesian elite, while Cinder is a no-one, who was bought as a slave. Cinder keeps feeling this difference and can’t really break free from this kind of mentality.
That said, I think this last point gains more nuance when one looks at what this speech means for Watts himself.
2) Watts
Watts’s allusion is Watson and WoG says that he is Watson if he had connected with Moriarty instead of Sherlock. Personally, I think that as for now another good way to describe his allusion is that he is Watson if he were jealous of Sherlock instead of loyal to him.
As for now, Watts’s defining trait is his jealousy of Pietro Polendina and of his creation:
Watts: She’ll open the vault and she’ll destroy herself...And our little Penny problem would be...
It is not by chance that he wants to blow her up, even if that would not really be necessary. The Little Penny Problem he is talking about is really his problem and not Salem’s, who could not care less about Penny once she has the relic.
Watts wants to destroy Penny because he wants to be better than Pietro. Still, he misses why Pietro is better than him:
Watts: She’s on a set-path now...At least she should be...As much as I hate to admit it there seems to be some part of her capable of resisting...
As we know, the part of Penny who is capable of resisting is her humanity. Penny is a masterpiece not because she is a war machine, but because she is a real girl. This is the core of Pietro’s genius and this is what Watts can’t grasp:
Watts: Our tin soldier's heart has cost him his mind. We need to keep their attention on Mantle for as long as possible.
Watts, just like Ironwood, believes that feelings make you weak and stupid. Of course, this is the anti-thematic statement which has already been proven wrong over and over. Even when it comes to the situation above, Watts is actually being baited by Ironwood and him falling for it results in his arrest. The moment Ironwood is more open about his feelings is also the moment he is acting more logically.
In short, Watts is a brilliant scientist, who bought in Atlas’s ideology that you must pursue success at all costs. You must be strong/clever because only in this way you can be successful. If you let feelings cloud your determination/mind, you are a failure.
However, it is precisely this ideology taken to its extreme that is Watts’s own downfall.
He can’t understand Pietro’s ideal and is overshadowed by him. What is more, the idea of not being the first in his field drives him to disgrace.
His backstory makes so that Inside team WTCH Watts represents Salem’s entitlement.
This makes him similar to Cinder, as well. He is different from her for upbringing and status. Still, they both have the same flaw. They believe they are entitled to things.
Cinder does so because she has suffered. She was no-one, so now she must be the most important person in the world.
Watts does so because he was born an elite and he should stay an elite forever.
Watts is there not only to tell, but to show (both Cinder and the viewers) that the path Cinder is on leads nowhere. Watts had probably everything Cinder ever wanted. He was successful and rich. He did not have to worry about food or poverty. Still, that was not enough for him. He wanted more and this led him to betray his own country and to join a nihilistic witch.
In other words, Cinder will never find what she is looking for in power or success. Watts had both, but he is empty just like her. He is hungry just like her.
This is well conveyed symbolically by Watts being one of the very few characters that never unlocked his semblance. It means he never truly unlocked his full potential. He never truly understood who he wanted to be. He tried to be who his society wanted him to be, but he was not satisfied and decided to destroy it instead.
So, when Watts talks about the need to be smart and the difference between being deserving and worthy, he is actually talking about himself, probably without even realizing it. He is projecting his feelings of failure on Cinder. He was deserving, but not worthy. Pietro was the worthy one.
Other than these two, there is also another level to this confrontation that has been underlined by @misstrashchan​ here.
It is about the parallel between Cinder and Ironwood when it comes to their reactions to Watts spelling them the truth about themselves:
Ironwood: I will sacrifice... whatever it takes... to stop her.
Watts: Oh, I hope you do, James. I hope you do.
The difference, as the post above explains very well, is that Cinder is able to listen to Watts, while Ironwood ignores his words altogether.
This ties to how Ironwood’s inability to recognize his mistakes and to change his mind (literally what his semblance Mettle is about) is why he is the main villain in an arc where we are having the first redemption arc of one of our original trio of villains:
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A redemption, which will probably be followed by other defections among the AceOps themselves.
In order to redeem one-self, a person must accept they were wrong and change their mind. Ironwood is unable to do so and this is why he is dangerous.
In conclusion, I love this confrontation because it is very complex, has many levels and is gray. In terms of complexity it reminds me of Tyrian’s interactions with Emerald and especially Mercury:
 Tyrian is seen tormenting the two kids whenever he gets the chance. That said, he ironically ends up spelling out for them truths the two must face:
Tyrian: Do what makes you happy children… please? I’m begging you…
Tyrian: Of course she is! You’re surprised? Salem is destruction incarnate! Our mistress wishes to see the end of it all! There is no ideal more beautiful.
Tyrian is a great evil mentor because he manages to spell out what Emerald and Mercury should do and to make sure through his body language that they are not able to. He tells them the truth and threathens them, so that they can’t pursue what they need.
Here, Watts tells Cinder the truth by lashing out about how she is so worthless, that a machine must do her job.
It is also interesting because both Emerald and Mercury are clearly set-up to have an evil mentor figure:
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Emerald and Hazel’s foiling has already paid off, while Mercury and Tyrian’s will probably pay off in the future.
I am not sure if Cinder will have a similar foiling/relationship with Watts. Still, it is an interesting possibility. Especially because one thing I would really like to happen with the original villain trio is for the abuse and the manipulation they are subjected to backfire. I would like for them to break free (with others’ help obviously because they can’t free themselves alone) by taking all these thematic truths they are told, so they can be manipulated, and to change them in teachings they can use against their abusers.
In short, I want Cinder to say...”Yeah, I do not need to be deserving of power because I am already worthy on my own”. And I want Mercury to free himself and to tell Tyrian...”This is what makes me happy”.
I think that this has partly happened with Emerald in the sense that Salem’s tactic to weaken her loyalty to Cinder through fear backfired:
Salem: Emerald... I want you to tell me whose fault this was. Now
Emerald: Cinder! We failed because of Cinder...
Salem: That's right. I want you to understand that failure. I want you to understand why Cinder must be left to toil in her isolation until she redeems herself.
The whole point of this interaction was to make Emerald submissive. It is clear Emerald is there for Cinder and not for Salem, so Salem frightened her and forced her to symbolically “betray” Cinder.
Still, this did not work for two reasons.
a) Emerald needs to see Cinder for who she is, so that she can break free from her.
b) Fear is among the factors that motivated Emerald to leave:
Yang: You're gonna have to try and summarize it. Why should we trust you?
Ren: Because she's scared. Just like us.
Not only that, but in an inversion of what usually happens with fear in the series, it is specifically because Emerald and JOYR are all scared that they can overcome their conflict and work together (as @echo-from-the-void​. noticed). Fear has separated our protagonists from the AceOps, but has brought them Emerald.
These are my main thoughts on the scene, thank you for the asks!
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Stranger Things: The actual enneagram types of Mike, Lucas, Dustin, Will, Eleven, and Max
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The Lover: Mike Wheeler [Type 2]
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“El, are you there? El? It’s me, it’s Mike. It’s day 352, 7:40 pm, I am still here. If you’re out there, say something… or give me a sign, I won’t, I won’t even say anything, I just… I want to know if you’re okay.”
Enneagram wing: 2w1|2w3 (Helper along with the reformer and achiever)
Core Desire: To feel loved, needed, and appreciated
Core Fear: Being rejected, unwanted and unneeded
Mike is a loyal to a fault going through great lengths to be there for his friends. He was willing to sacrifice himself off a cliff to protect Dustin. He never gave up pursing justice for Will. He also hid Eleven in his home despite the repercussions he may face with his parents and the evil scientists. The hidden motivation behind his actions are to be needed, loved, and wanted. He is very good at intuiting others needs as we see this in his close friendship with Will in season 2 and in his blossoming relationship with Eleven. He sees the good in others and is very trusting which Lucas, a type 6, doesn’t quite understand. He often asserts himself in situations where he is not needed and we see this become a conflict in his relationship with Eleven in season 3. We see him often go into an 8 in stress where he becomes aggressive, outspoken, dominating, and advocating for justice. I believe he leans on both of his wings equally; he shows to have a strong sense of right and wrong but also a innate desire to succeed, be admired, and respected. 
The Intuitive One: Will Byers [Type 4]
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"Sometimes the bad guys are smart too."
Enneagram wing: 4w5 (Individualist along with the investigator)
Core Desire: Being accepted for one’s uniqueness 
Core Fear: Being inherently flawed, inadequate, or mundane
Will is the stand out of the bunch not just because of his strong introversion but also his imaginative mind and artistic hobbies. He has never been interested in what his age group has been interested in therefore he is misunderstood by his peers. He also lacked a strong father figure and this has resulted in deep feelings of inadequacy. He desires to be seen and understood by others and it doesn’t help his case that he “died” and lived to tell the tale. I’m hoping to see Will grow more into himself in the upcoming seasons because he is a valuable and important character. His link to the Upside Down proves that. I think he leans on his wing 5 for his intellectual hobbies. 
The Defender: Eleven [Type 9]
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“I’m going to my friends. I’m going home.”
Enneagram wing: 9w8 (Peacemaker along with the challenger)
Core Desire: Inner peace and human connection
Core Fear: Instability and separation
Contrary to the life she’s had and the chaotic situations she constantly finds herself in, Eleven is 100% motivated by having inner peace. She is very much values her friends and adoptive family and leans on her wing 8 to protect them. She is a very complex character and this is clearly from the emotional and physical trauma she suffered in her childhood; she is tough but also extremely empathetic and has has the ability to see things objectively rather than emotionally (a true gift of a 9). This is shown in her choosing to spare one of the scientist’s life from Brenner’s lab despite his contribution to her abuse and Eight (Kali) pressuring her to show no mercy. She empathized with Billy and his abuse despite him being a raging bully. 
The Safeguard: Lucas Sinclair [Type 6]
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“We have a lot of rules in our party, but the most important is, 'Friends don't lie.' Never ever. No matter what.”
Enneagram wing: 6w5 | 6w7 (Loyalist along with investigator and enthusiast)
Core Desire: To have security
Core Fear: Being without security
Lucas has demonstrated an innate maturity since season 1. He pushes others to practice self preservation. He likes to have a plan in their action and adventure. Lucas is motivated by his desire to be safe so he calls out others in their stupor, so much so, that his friends are nervous to confess their mistakes to him; this clashes with Mike’s agenda as his need to serve, love, and be there for others. Mike’s potential to be compromised by rose colored glasses, poses as a threat to Lucas’s need for security. Max makes it harder for him in achieving security by constantly raising the bar him in their relationship. Despite this, Max’s challenging nature is what is most attractive to him because it somewhat alludes to security. I think Lucas has balanced wings and draws from his intellectual side as well as his adventurous side. 
The Analyst: Dustin Henderson [Type 5]
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“You always say we should never stop being curious, to always open any curiosity door we find. Why are you keeping this curiosity door locked?”
Enneagram wing: 5w6 (Investigator along with loyalist)
Core Desire: To be capable and competent 
Core Fear: Annihilation, depletion, and being viewed as lacking in capability
Dustin is the clear intellect of the Stranger Kids clan. He is always learning and storing information, mentally retrieving it up when necessary. He is essentially the one who makes the needed mental connections in their quest for victory. He is awkwardly confident yet insecure. He cares a lot about what others think of him and is motivated by a need to be seen as competent. Dustin’s friends mean the world to him and valuing that security from this support/community shows that leans on his wing 6. 
The Advocate: Max Mayfield [Type 8]
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“It's just, I know I can be a jerk like him sometimes, and I do not want to be like him. Ever.”
Enneagram wing: 8w7 | 8w9 (Challenger along with enthusiast and the peacemaker)
Core Desire: Self protection and protecting my people
Core Fear: Being weak, powerless, and controlled 
Max is the toughest one of the bunch with almost bully-like qualities. She marches to the beat of her own drum and doesn’t care what other people think. Her character flaw is that she can be too careless sometimes at the expense of others. She is self aware of that though and does her best to combat it. She is motivated by a need to protect herself because no one ever protected her against the abuse of her brother and step-father. Despite her tough act, she cares deeply for her friends and will do whatever she can to protect them too; She is willing to be vulnerable to bond with them. She does not show to lean on either wing making me think she has balanced wings. She definitely doesn’t like to commit too quickly to anything and keep her options open (7) but also can try her best to mediate (9) when this is required of her. 
Note: In honor of Stranger Things 4 possibly coming out in 2021. See my typing of the Stranger Things adults here: https://enneagramwingmiranda.tumblr.com/post/639047330136522752/stranger-things-the-actual-enneagram-types-of
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The OCs as Jane Austen characters?
everyone is lizzie bennet, remember? lmao
quoted descriptions sourced from the atlantic, barnes and noble, the guardian, and stylist.
and yes, I realize some of these could definitely qualify as hot takes lmao
ivy: fitzwilliam darcy ("I always saw myself as more of a mr. darcy than an elizabeth bennet. we’re both more reserved, and people can mistake our standoffishness for arrogance. but mr. darcy gets the chance to prove what he is really like, and now people often think of him as the ideal romantic hero.")
meredith: marianne dashwood ("marianne is a hopeless, self-indulgent romantic who veers from ecstatic, all-consuming happiness to miserable self-neglect over the unsuitable man she has pinned her hopes on. she is, however, capable of self-improvement and learns invaluable life lessons from her practical and generous older sister, elinor.")
diana: susan vernon ("not all austen’s protagonists are morally sound, well behaved romantics. in her only epistolary novel she presents us with a vicious anti-heroine in the shape of lady susan vernon. a beautiful 30-something widow, she is charming and manipulative towards anyone she can make use of.")
dahlia: isabella thorpe ("in northanger abbey, isabella is one of austen’s funniest characters. she’s a very realistically drawn teenage girl who makes and breaks friends on a whim, is a shallow flirt and loves dancing, shopping and giggling.")
alassie: mary crawford ("in mansfield park, mary crawford is the character all men fall in love with. vivacious, worldly, musical, funny and kind, she is the ultimate femme fatale. even the dull parson edmund bertram falls for her charms, simultaneously attracted and repelled by her particular brand of sexy charisma. she’s a wonderful actress and plays the harp like an angel. she makes the filthiest joke in austen when she makes a pun about sodomy in the navy, concerning rear and vice admirals: “of rears and vices I saw enough. now do not be suspecting me of a pun, I entreat.”")
ramona: anne elliot ("she may be austen’s most hopeful character. without the native strength of emma or lizzy, her quiet character withstands her own youthful mistake to triumph in the end. since most of us blow it to one degree or another in our twenties, anne represents that painful journey to self-knowledge and courage that most of us experience.")
rhea: elinor dashwood ("on the surface, she has it together, she’s in control, she keeps her family together, and she acts like she has no need for romance. but underneath, she is a deeply emotional person. to me, she is jane austen’s most complex and human character. we all exist in layers and are neither sense nor sensibility, but a mixture of both.")
cornelia: elizabeth bennet ("she is smart, witty, charming, and loyal. I have always admired her self-respect: a self-respect that wasn't entirely vain or selfish. the self-respect that would not allow her to marry her intellectually inferior cousin, just to have a home, or save her family. her self-respect that gave her the fortitude to reject darcy's marriage proposal, though, again, it would have secured her future. Her self-respect that gave her the courage to speak her mind among men and women who outranked her socially and economically.")
kaden: emma woodhouse ("emma is rich, pretty, and thinks more of her matchmaking abilities than she should, but she is also a devoted daughter, a loving friend, and above all is someone who is willing to own up to her mistakes and attempt to right them. emma is a heroine you root for as she not only finds love (as any great austen heroine must), but also as she matures from an often inconsiderate girl to a sincere and kind young woman.")
andreia: diana parker ("diana is a homeopathic health fanatic in austen’s final, incomplete novel sanditon, written when she was dying. diana sips herbal and green tea, has anorexic tendencies and distrusts conventional medicine and doctors. she self-medicates with her numerous homemade remedies and is drawn to the other invalids who are staying at the seaside resort. she plans to take a sea bath in a bathing hut on wheels with a mixed-race girl. what a pity that we’re deprived of the chance to see how that would have turned out")
arely: fanny price ("fanny price is also an odd heroine, meek and quiet without any of the strength of her other heroines. she’s also very difficult to read, with a moralistic streak that comes across as quite judgemental. however, like anne elliot, she is very much the outcast of the family and has to endure a fair amount of humiliation from childhood. to see her finally defy her uncle in the gentlest way possible and end up with her childhood love edmund bertram is satisfying."
suzy: catherine morland ("catherine is a dramatic, gothic-novel-loving teen who is desperate for drama and tries to turn her own life into a ghost story, offending and upsetting her friends in the process. throughout my teens I did my best to make my life something in between a fantasy novel and a sofia coppola movie—I can relate. she’s funny, outgoing, and magnificently stupid. but catherine, in her ridiculousness, just wants to make life a fun story. she is the angsty suburban girl who invites you to join her book club with a message written in invisible ink. I would join in a heartbeat.")
samuel: henry tilney ("funny, good-natured, and forgiving, tilney’s even ready to defy his boorish father’s wishes to marry the woman he…loves? this novel lacks the intense romanticism of austen’s later works, but that doesn’t mean henry isn’t a peach.")
bianca: charlotte lucas (sensible and intelligent, does what she has to do for a successful life)
archibald: george knightley ("he is the epitome of kindness, an underestimated heroic quality. he takes care of a vulnerable woman like miss bates, and steps in to dance with lowly harriet smith when he sees that she has been snubbed by the awful mr and mrs elton. he represents the perfect english gentleman and sets himself firmly against french affectation. he refuses to play the conventional hero and talk the language of love: “I cannot make speeches, emma. If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more.” perfect!")
raphael: charles bingley ("this charming, gallant gentleman wouldn’t hurt a fly, but he would let his chilly sisters talk him out of proposing to the woman he loves, in an era when dancing with her all night has already got half the neighborhood writing up the wedding banns. but who doesn’t keep a spot in their heart for bingley, who’s glad to dance with even the homeliest old maids (we’re talking 27-year-old hags here). he may be suggestible, even a touch weak-willed, but he’s also got a heart of gold. (and if he had a bit more spine, he’d top mr. darcy.)
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iwannaban0nym0us · 4 years
Women in Star Trek Art
I found this amazing link from this post and couldn’t resist going through and pulling out a few(maybe more than a few) of my favorite pieces. I pulled out my favorites, but I encourage you to check out the rest and find your own!
Rico JR | Nyota Uhura “Star Trek”
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“I love the character of Uhura, already since the TV series and this unforgettable kiss with Captain Kirk which is the first interracial kiss on television. That is something important. But I even more adored the interpretation of Zoe Saldana in recent movies. He strength of character and her relationship with Spock was, to me, one of the highlights of JJ Abrams films.”
— Rico JR
Tom Ralston | Guinan “Star Trek: The Next Generation”
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“If the recurring character of Guinan appeared in an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation you knew you were in for several things. First-off you would be in store for a thought-provoking episode, often with a profoundly moving payoff. Many episodes of TNG accomplished this, but Guinan’s character guaranteed a certain level of emotional engagement, as she allowed us to learn about the deeper issues of the crew of the Enterprise; their fears, desires, hopes and dreams. You would glean insight into the inner narrative of one her fellow shipmates, as she offered them her guidance and wisdom. A Guinan appearance also meant rich costume designs and the possibility of one of her enormous hats. Who doesn’t want to see Whoopi Goldberg in a giant hat?! Guinan’s character is over 600 years old and a refugee of an endangered race scattered across the universe. She has a sixth sense and there is a tonne of mystery surrounding her back story. But despite her elaborate origins, her role on the enterprise is designed upon a simple and age-old trope of the of the bartender / therapist. Yet Guinan transcends any tired cliches through Whoopi Goldberg’s masterful performance in which she exudes kindness, compassion and a good balance of strength and vulnerability. Guinan was supposedly the final character Gene Roddenberry created, and as such, seems appropriately emblematic of the entire franchise — emphasizing kindness, compassion, strength and vulnerability and the willingness to listen and support those around her.”
— Tom Ralston
Alan Fore | Tasha Yar “Star Trek: The Next Generation”
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“I’ve always been drawn to Tasha because she was an early example in my life of a strong female character. The glimpses we got of her backstory were so compelling and I’ve always felt there was so much more to the character than we got.”
— Alan Fore
Laz Marquez | Warship Yar “Star Trek: The Next Generation”
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“I remember watching “Star Trek: TNG” for the first time & seeing the character of Tasha Yar represent strength and an important role as Chief of Security on the bridge. This was enough to make me immediately enamored with the character and her story. Then, the spectacular episode “Yesterday’s Enterprise” was released and we saw shades to Yar that weren’t truly explored. The character is strong but she’s also driven by doing what’s right, even if it means sacrifice and facing grim circumstances. Her backstory, explored in bits in Season 1, tells the story of a survivor who joined Starfleet to create a better world. While she was on the Enterprise-D, she did just that and helped each of her fellow team members & friends grow as a result.”
— Laz Marquez
Scott Saslow | Rachel Garrett “Star Trek: The Next Generation”
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“I chose Rachel Garrett, captain of the Enterprise-C, portrayed by Tricia O'Neil in the classic TNG episode "Yesterday's Enterprise." While we don't get to know a lot about her in those 44 minutes, she proves to be a charismatic and capable leader. When faced with the horrible truth of her situation, she finally decides to take her ship back in time in order to restore the timeline and save billions of lives.”
— Scott Saslow
Jamie Fay | Kathryn Janeway “Star Trek: Voyager”
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André Barnett | Seven of Nine “Star Trek: Voyager”
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“I grew up with the original Star Trek series, and I was, at first, a little leery of the later series. But, my daughter Christa was a big fan of “The Next Generation” and “Voyager” and we watched them together, and doing so helped me to appreciate the actors, writing, and character development of these new shows. The Seven of Nine character of course was visually stunning and brought with her the drama of the Borg back story, but at the same time, the writing and character development explored the meaning of being human as the Seven of Nine character attempted to regain back her humanity. It was a storyline that was compelling to me and is why I chose to illustrate this female character.”
— André Barnett
Kristin Wilkinson | Seven of Nine “Star Trek: Picard”
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“There are many characters in the Star Trek universe that I am fond of and have created fanart of. One character I’ve always loved was Seven of Nine. Watching her journey/story has been one of my favourites. Seeing her over the years accept and try to rediscover her humanity after her rescue from the Borg has been one of my favourite story lines. She’s strong, and, well, cool, but also has a vulnerability. She has always been an outsider, trying to fit in, which is something that is so very relatable.”
— Kristin Wilkinson
Andrea Davies | Raffi Musiker “Star Trek: Picard”
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“I have chosen Raffi from the wonderful and almost overwhelming list of choices. My day job is Assistant Head in a special school for teenagers with social, emotional and mental health needs. Many of our kids have challenging and chaotic homelives. Pupils, and often their parents and siblings are fighting circumstance and often addiction. My message is always that our demons, mistakes and bad choices don't have to define us. Raffi is fighting that fight on screen. She shows us that it isn't easy, and most importantly flawed people can still do amazing things. Michelle Hurd gave us an imperfect, but inspiring character. 'The wreckage of a good person' is a line I have adopted. I see that wreckage every day, and know it can be fixed.”
— Andrea Davies
Phil Dunne | Michael Burnham “Star Trek: Discovery”
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Jeanne Delage | Tilly “Star Trek: Discovery”
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“Tilly is my favorite character from Star trek: Disco because she is highly intelligent but seems just like a normal and flawed person, like you and me. She cares about others, is funny, also silly and dorky. A good friend you can have a great and fun time with. In serious situations, she came up with smart solutions and takes charges when needed. Overall an awesome character wonderfully portrayed by Mary Wiseman.”
— Jeanne Delagenote
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adabofblessings · 4 years
Au where MECH kidnapped the kids and experimented on them which gave them superpowers, they tried to brainwash them but kids got away. Atleast one of them is separated from the other 2 and has amnesia (Miko? Miko). The other 2 are with each other and are on the run but they have trackers so can't go back until they get them removed
Okay, okay, Raf, Miko and Jack have multiple superheroes due to MECH overestimating their limits to how they can control the kids. The experiments are terrifyingly painful and are just horrible. The three children have severe PTSD and while they are resilient and hella strong, they are emotionally vulnerable and slightly unstable due to the medications and experiments they've gone under. When team Prime meets them, they know that something is very, very wrong. Why don't we check out the kids super powers! This took way longer than expected lol. (All underlines are links to the superpowers i used on them)
This little dude is the youngest of the experimental children. His powers consists of controlling technology and mastered hacking. Mentally, he's the strongest one, but physically he's very vulnerable and lacks fighting due to him being a preemie. He hacks better than any human being every, almost to the point where Soundwave fears him. Raf is the dude to help Miko or Jack into high security buildings and making sure that all traces are erased afterwards or lock any doors so any the guards can't get out.
Can do technology stuff with his mind easily, that means he can turn off any screens and trolls them for the heck of it. If things go awry, he can power outage the whole USA if he wanted to.Though it is very rare due to being overwhelming with his power. Raf actually has good eyesight, but wears techy glasses so he is always in contact of technology just in case.
His weakness is when electricity is in null, which means hes no longer around electricity. His powers are drawn by electricity and because technology is a part of electric, he needs it to power his powers at times, especially when MECH forces him to over limits his powers. MECH also uses him often and he usually is forced to stay up all day and night and when hes punished, he has to stay in a wooden cage or anything that is made of ground or earth because it nullifies electricity. Poor baby :(
Miko is probably the most unstable out of the three. She has a mode where she goes beserk, meaning she'll go full agression and anger at times when she is triggered. Doesn't seem bad, but when it conjoins with her other power, which is chi-manipulation and pressure points. She draws power from natural energy and often times the encouragement from the only people that understand her. Her other ability is pressure points, which is a good technique if MECH wants a prisoner.
However, her weakness is when she goes into beserk mode. Can occur when MECH is hurting Raf or Jack or when someone just pisses her off. Its an advantage because she can be fueled by angry or any energy she can get through her body but it's a high disadvantage. One: she gets in trouble for going beserk mode on MECHS. Because of her agression, MECH puts her in a secluded, metal cage with chains on her wrists and feet. That weakens her and it absorbs the energy from around her, but not too much to kill her. MECH says its supposed to 'protect her' but she knows it's a punishment and to control her...which begrudgingly its true.
The second disadvantage is that she forgets before the events of going beserk. She won't know where she is or how she got there but knows that Jack and Raf is her safety. If they are not there with her, she'll tear a while building to find them until she does. Sadly, MECH expects her to remember and when she doesn't she goes straight to isolation as punishment, which is sort of often.. Hence why she is so unstable. Not having her only family around and not sensing their only loving energy course through her own makes her unsteady at times.
MECH will also deprive the senses around her, depriving her from anything that she can sense energy. It's the most cruelest punishment shes gone through. With just a flick of a switch, the energy will just disappear, it will be pitch black, hearing and movement is not heard, not even her cries. She won't be able to even feel her own skin if she touches her wrist or face. She prefers the cage because she'll at least have the capability to feel weak pulses of the energy in her.
But in that voidless box, she can't sense anything inside her. Miko calls it the void because not even Jack or Raf will be able to handle the complete devoid of sense. It makes them feel powerless, as if they weren't alive. That's the highest punishment they can go through.
Jack is the most powerful yet the most hesitant one to use his powers. His power is called molecular manipulation. He can separate, conjoin or destroy molecules into anywhere he wants it to be. Say if someone targeted him with a bullet: he could immediately separate the molecules inside the speeding bullet and let it avoid him and pass it before he'll form it back into a bullet and to his enemy. He can use whenever because he himself and the surroundings are molecules. Hes the only one with only one power, but MECH doesn't mind it because Jack is their 'super child' due to his manipulation of molecules.
However, even though he has only one power, Jack has an ability to have empathy. MECH doesn't consider it a superpower, because its his biggest weakest.
Jack can look into the deepest parts of the soul with just one touch of his fingers and he'll understand their whole life in a matter of seconds. Every fight he is involved, he sees his 'enemies' painful past, their soul broken and misguided, just like his. Even kind people who are victims.
Whenever that happens, he refuses to fight anymore. He Doesn't want to fight, but is forced too. He'll do anyways just to keep his friends protected. He's tried running away, teleporting his and his friends molecules away from MECH, but they always find them because of a tracking device honed into their DNA. Every fiber and strand of DNA. He's tried using his powers to crush or remove the teeny tiny tracking device from his body, but its futile.
When hes punished, its the most simplest of punishments, yet so scarring. Every mistake he gets branded with an iron, making his skin skittered with burning scars and even whiplashes. He tries to take the blame whenever his friends are blamed, even willing himself to go into the void.
They are all very intelligent and uses most of their smartness to create weapons and armor to help them with fighting. They are also very distrustful of everyone, especially their new 'enemies' the Autobots and definitely the The Decepticons.
These weird robots have no idea what they're getting themselves into.
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asterkiss · 3 years
Claimed Pt IX, X and XI
Summary: An attempt to make a deal with a certain demon doesn’t go as Mabel planned. “Sorry kid but regardless of the pitch you’re selling me, your soul’s already claimed.“ Wait, what? 
Read from beginning here. Also being compiled on AO3 here.
Really trying to finish this off so have multiple parts.
Seducing a fairy king wasn’t as easy as it may appear on paper.
Mabel may be a renown flirt queen when it came to guys in her own dimension, but the Erlking wasn’t exactly on the same standing as the cute boys in hoodies and sweatpants. His beauty was an unnatural scale where the very air around his seemed to bend to his will so as not to put a single hair out of place. 
Mabel had the feeling he wouldn’t simply bow down to her from a stupid pick-up line as was her normal routine. (No matter how good the pick-up line may be).
It was everything she could do in her power to not be seduced by his inhumane charm and beauty, how on earth was she meant to turn it the other way around so she could rob him?
That said, the Erlking often invited her out on short “dates” where it was just the two of them alone.
Each time he would ask:
‘Will you break your deal with that demon?’
And each time she would reply:
She could tell it frustrated him even if he tried to hide it beneath his handsome features.
‘You are a stubborn one, Schatz,’ he sighed, turning to peer out across the lake with emerald eyes.
‘You don’t know the half of it.’ 
He had invited her out that morning for a walk, and Mabel had taken the opportunity of requesting it be by the lake so she could scope her so called “exit” out, at least according to Bill. It was large with pristine clear water and an abundance of colourful, glowing plants beneath its surface. And apparently at its centre deep beneath the surface lay a gate in waiting. 
Mabel would get to it no matter what. 
She just needed to get this guy away from his staff for five minutes but no dice, he acted like the thing was attached to him.
‘So, what exactly was the deal I made with you?’ Mable asked, peering up at him as she tried to consider the best way to steal from this guy.
‘You and I promised ourselves to one another.’
If Mabel had been drinking she would have promptly spat it out at this moment. ‘R-Really? Wow, I, uh… I would have thought I’d remember that!’
He gave a small chuckle as he turned towards her, raising a hand to push a stray lock of hair behind her ear. ‘You were young, but a promise is a promise.’
Mabel could feel her cheeks becoming somewhat flushed at the intimate gesture. She’d agreed to marry a guy when she was a kid? That… definitely sounded like something she would do. Hell, she’d probably made similar promises with whatever cute boys agreed to it. She just never expected one to actually come and see it through let alone for him to be a fairy.
The hand on her ear traced a path line down her jawline and she shivered at his icy touch. No, bad Mable, stay focused. ‘So, you’re saying we’re like, engaged?’
Oh God. She swallowed thickly, heartbeat pounding in her ears. ‘A-And my deal with Bill is stopping that?’
The king’s expression darkened at the mention of the demon. ‘My dear, you are beautiful.’
‘Oh, ah, thank you.’ Random change in topic but she was flattered none the less.
‘The promise we swore upon one another was important enough to be ingrained within your delicate soul. It was proof to others that you were not to be touched. And yet…’ His face twisted, beautiful features transforming into something unpleasant.  ‘To allow a demon to stake claim on your soul is to allow him to mar your very innocence. I cannot carry out my promise and welcome you into my kingdom when your soul is blemished by his very touch. To allow entry of such an ugly and vile mistake would stain my very ruling upon mu kingdom.’
Mabel wasn’t sure what to say, she could only stare in surprise as he spat his words out venomously. He seemed like an entirely different person. 
Noticing her expression, the fae quickly amended his face and smiled serenely at her. ‘I do not blame you of course, he is the one filled with deceit and manipulation. However, as I have said, he will happily agree to you rescinding the deal.’
‘Which would mean… we’d be able to get married?’
‘And I could never go back to my family.’ 
‘You cannot leave this realm, no.’ He grinned. ‘But do not worry, we will become your new family. You will breed several beautiful offspring for us―’
She blanched.
‘―and our lineage will be strong and capable.’
‘O-Oh yeah?’ Mabel faltered over her words in surprise. Wow, this guy was already talking about kids? Talk about forward. Also, the way he said “us” was slightly unnerving. He meant that as in the two of them, not like him plus other fae here? Right? 
She found herself unable to voice that question, somewhat terrified of the answer it might procure. Instead, she asked: ‘Why me?’
He took a step forward, leaning over her with a piercing gaze as he cupped her face in his cool hands. Despite the uneasy feeling in her stomach heat still rose to her cheeks. 
‘I chose you for it was you who rescued me from peril many years ago.’
She stared in wonder, lips parting. She had? 
‘You are my saviour, my Schatz.’
‘Oh yeah, the fae sometimes snatch up creatures from other dimensions to breed with. I don’t know the details but something to do about strengthening their progeny and race.’
Mable peered out across the tree-tops from her window for a moment, watching the sun setting in a splash of colour. Eventually, she turned her attention to Bill  currently laid across her bed looking like he owned it, arms folded beneath his head.
‘I guess humans have something they want to add to the fae mix.’
‘What would they want from me? Or, I mean, humans?’ It wasn’t like humans had special powers or anything fancy like that.
Bill shrugged. ‘Beats me. They bred with a Eldanechk ten thousand years ago which gave them the ability to see in the dark but also made them vulnerable to iron.’ 
She frowned. So any human would have satisfied the fae, she just so happened to be picked because she apparently saved the Erlking? With a sigh she pushed herself away from the window and approached the bed, taking a seat on the edge. It was odd to be sitting so closely with the demon in such a casual manner but her mind was more attuned to other dangers outside of this bedroom right now.
‘I really wish I could remember meeting the king when I was younger but I just don’t.’ She’d tried and tired to no avail. 
‘Probably because he didn’t look like that.’
She perked up at that. ‘What do you mean?’
Bill pushed himself into a sitting position, meeting her gaze. ‘Most fae folk can’t exist in their true form when they travel to another dimension, certainly not for long anyways.
Most creatures have limitations when visiting worlds they’re not native to.’
‘You mean like how you’re unable to use your powers here?’
The demon’s expression soured at that. ‘Yeah.’ A pause. ‘But hey, I can use my powers in most dimensions! It ain’t my fault that like eight of them can’t handle me at my full strength!’
Mable snorted as he tried to defend himself which only made his scowl harden. As she stood up to walk away he yelled after her, even going so far as to grab her hairbrush. He was mid-way in the process of throwing it before his shock collar activated.
‘Gyckh-! S-Stupid fairies!’
Mable wasn’t entirely sure how but one day she somehow found herself taking a walk with none other than Bill Cipher for company.
The demon had been getting a bad case of cabin fever after being holed up in their accommodation but unfortunately wasn’t permitted to leave without “supervision”. Every time he tried to leave the place he got shocked.
It turned out however that because he was her “pet” the fae would allow him outside if he was tagging along with her.
There was just one condition.
‘Hey, stop pulling,’ Mabel scolded, yanking on the lead. Bill let out a short choke as he was tugged back, stumbling a step before he turned to glare at her.
If looks could kill.
But hey, it wasn’t Mabel who had attached a leash to his shock collar! (Though, admittedly, she was enjoying the whole situation).
‘When I get my powers back I will end you.’
‘If you get them back, you mean.’
He released a cruel laugh as they continued walking along. ‘I will! You’ll be swayed by that fae’s looks one of these days. Everyone knows you’re not the smart twin.’
Her lips turned at that remark and she gave the leash another yank. 
‘I had enough brain to outsmart you,’ she retorted.
He didn’t have a witty comeback to that.
The pair continued walking through the woodlands that made up the fae kingdom and surrounded its small city. They had been advised that a perimeter surrounding the area was enforced by a magical barrier and therefore escape was impossible. It was the only reason they had been allowed to scamper off unsupervised by anybody else, the fae were that confident they had them trapped.
Even so, Bill wished to go check it out which was the reason for their outing this morning.
It was obvious when they did eventually come across it. Upon crossing a river, Mabel noticed that the air up ahead seemed to take on a shimmer and the air hummed with magic. The nearer they approached it, the warmer their surroundings seemed to get.
Bill stood up against the barrier and studied it with a sharp eye whilst she took it in with wonder.
She noticed a rabbit on the other side of the barrier and watched it curiously. It came up towards the barrier before abruptly turning and going in the other direction.
Mable looked around and picked up a broken branch, after a moment of consideration she threw it.
It sailed past the barrier without incident.
Bill watched her actions with curiosity before turning to search for something on the ground. A moment later, he also picked something up.
‘What is that?’
‘A beetle. Want to taste it?’
Mable made a face. ‘Ew, no, that’s gross.’
Bill shrugged. ‘Your loss then.’ He threw the bug at the barrier.
There was a shock of electricity when it made contact, and both Mable and Bill jumped at the eruption of sizzling that permeated the air. 
When all done and gone, there sat a fried and crispy bug on the floor.
‘...Huh. So my theory was correct, it doesn’t let things through that are alive.’
Mable gave him a pointed look. ‘Did you really have to fry a beetle alive to confirm that?’
‘Would you rather I use you as a test subject instead?’ he asked, arching an eyebrow.
Before she could respond, a pair of distant voices reached their ears. But they were getting closer.
Two humanoid shapes came into view in the distance, and before Mable could do anything Bill yanked her aside and pulled the both of them out of sight behind a tree. The demon slapped his hand over her mouth and she would have protested had the voices not come into focus.
‘...wonder how much longer we have to wait.’
They peered around through the thick foliage to see two fae dressed in clothing that gave a sentiel appearence. 
The shorter of the pair shrugged casually. ‘Not long. Have you seen how the human acts around our King? She’s one step away from giving in. I heard humans like to play hard to get when they’re courting, that’s all she’s doing.’
‘Hm. What about her pet though?’
‘The demon? I heard that once the human breaks off their deal, the King’s going to hand him over to the scientists for experiments.’
‘Hah! Serves him right for messing with one of our claims.’
Their laughter faded until they were completely gone, and Mabel and Bill were left alone.
Bill remained still, his hand covering her mouth. Unlike the Erlking’s cold touch, the demon actually felt warm. It was weird, when they’d made their deal his flames had felt like ice shooting through her veins but in this form he felt, well, human.
She didn’t like it.
‘Urgh! Did you just lick me!?’
Mabel took the opportunity of his surprise to jerk away from him, turning to meet his annoyed glare.
‘Are you okay?’
He faltered. ‘H-Huh?’
‘What those two fae were saying...’ She trailed off. 
‘Those imbeciles? Like I’d be bothered by their idiocy! Have you forgotten who I am, Shooting Star? It won’t be so easy for drivel like them to get the best of me.’
For somebody who claimed to be such a good liar and manipulator he was doing a bad job right now of hiding his real emotions. Perhaps because he was in this body?
It made him appear even more human, to the point one could almost forget he was actually a demonic triangle hell-bent on destroying her family and world.
So she needed him to act like his usual self. 
‘Wha- hey, did you just pinch me!? You little brat-!’
‘Jeez, will you give it a rest and just face the facts. Regardless of what you or those guys think, I’m not going to give in,’ she insisted, face set in firm determination. ‘And you have every reason to be on my side now. So let’s work together and escape this place, alright?’
Bill regarded her warily, they were enemies. But right now they had tougher fish to fry. Or they were both done for.
He clicked his tongue in defeat, obvious distaste covering his face. ‘...Fine. But once we’re out of here, I don’t owe you anything anymore, got it? That’s my condition.'
Her face fell at that. Mable thought back to her original reason for tricking Bill to begin with. Their whole original deal which had set this thing in motion.
She had to give that up?
Then again, what was the point in trying to fight for Grunkle Stan if the alternative was being stuck here unable to see him ever again anyways.
Her shoulders slumped in defeat and she eventually gave a small nod.
‘Got it.’
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tamamatango · 4 years
Let’s talk about Kururu, again
Apparently the fandom is growing all of a sudden so I feel like talking about Kururu again cuz that’s all I know how to do and it’s been a while
First off disclaimer that fandom is fandom and anybody can interpret any character any way they want and if you like to portray a character a certain way for whatever reason go for it, more power to you (unless you put them in pedo/incest relationships that are displayed as good in which case fuck you). But in my personal Kirbpinion(TM) the Funimation dub was a fucking mistake because so many fan content creators write a way different Kururu than what he is in canon cuz the dub never got to his best episodes and also upped the sadism to ridiculous levels. Listen I know it’s funny to joke that he’s the kind of guy that has 3 medieval torture chambers but hear me out. Kururu is by no means a perfect person, he’s genuinely pretty rude/blunt (though sometimes his straightforwardness is justified :P), has an ego, sometimes acts pretty gross around others and likes extreme and elaborate pranks way way way too much BUT.
Assuming you’ve watched far enough into the series (like 100+ eps) I do not really understand the interpretation that he doesn’t care about anyone and that friendship and love are things he is totally incapable of. He says that yes but if you pay enough attention to his dialogue it becomes pretty apparent that he displays this attitude for multiple reasons. One is that he does genuinely have a hard time expressing the emotions he feels and often has awkward/guarded ways of doing so. But also he says many times over the course of the series that he has a “reputation” to keep up and wants people to call him a jerk; he wants to look cool and rebellious all the time and he thinks a nasty apathetic attitude is what earns him that status (not claiming that’s a healthy mindset, mind you). He wants to have full control over the way people see him and he gets super frustrated and humiliated when he can’t. This is probably why he gets so upset when people talk about how unpopular he is, because he’s spent so much time honing his image to a T and is like why the fuck isn’t this working?! In other words even though sometimes he is just an actual pain in the neck a lot of his asshole antics are part of a carefully manufactured persona, and he will do anything down to labeling his own memories to prevent other people from seeing through his facade and discovering the parts of him that are vulnerable.
And God forbid anyone does figure out that he does care quite a bit for the people around him, or at least if he didn’t at first he does now. Early on in the series he was commonly referred to as “depressing” and while the meta reason is probably just the anime writers just didn’t know how to adapt the character yet (he started out a little differently in the manga), in canon I believe he was just even more inclined to push everybody away from him, and as he began to get used to working in a group he gradually opened up. He commentates on how “soft” he’s gotten since he came to Earth a couple times, and the fact that he’s surprisingly one of the most loyal to Keroro out of the whole team (in many episodes where everyone abandons Keroro for being dumb he leaves last) and goes out of his way to help when he thinks it’s warranted (he asks for money when things aren’t dire yeah but hey labor deserves compensation :V) shows that he is dedicated to his team. There’s even episodes where he doles out some kind of moral lesson to the squad in his own Kururu-y way, especially to Keroro and Tamama. Even the Hinatas he’ll pitch in to protect when he has to, and we all know he’ll pretty much drop everything if Saburo needs him.
Speaking of which. I think the unspoken reason why he’s best friends with Saburo (besides the surface-level stuff like they’re smart and nerdy and seen as enigmas by everybody else) is because Saburo is the only other person in the cast who understands Kururu’s particular struggle of putting on airs as a means of self-defense all the time. He basically has a carefully managed celebrity life (that he has to constantly work to hide in anime canon), a somewhat formal/reserved public life, and the more quirky enthusiastic side of himself he only shows when alone and to the few people he’s close to and god damn that just sounds like the most exhausting juggling act ever. He has an outlet to free himself through his art but he still has to live with nobody quite knowing what he goes through on a daily basis, which is probably why we see him off on his own for most of the series (until he gets to warm up to everybody better...wonder who that sounds like) and occasionally have his bouts of frustration and insecurity like in 229 where he says “fuck it I’m gonna fight the apocalypse alone because I need something to do,” 354(? I think that’s the number) where he talks about just dropping everything and starting over, and I think one of the Christmas eps where Giroro has to like beg him to go to the Hinatas’ party cuz he says he’s “busy” even though he’s just sitting around pretty much (UPDATE: it’s 294 the implication is probably that he has his show or something but cmon that’s only like an hour lol). I am going off on a tangent now but anyway the point is he and Kururu are the most complicated communicators of the cast and they share feelings only they understand which is why they can more or less read each other’s minds and know exactly what to do when the other is in trouble.
Back to Kururu. Keroro, from what I can tell, is the closest to him out of the Platoon; Keroro gets freaked out by Kururu’s pranks sometimes yeah but they have a lot of common interests as the fun-lovers of the group and Kururu’s also kinda been interested in Keroro enough time follow him around for almost his entire life up to this point so there’s that. He also gets along with the other people he‘s around; we know he and Aki get along from the beginning because of how dynamic their personalities are but later on he gets close to Fuyuki to the point where they just hang out for the heck of it sometimes, and even though Natsumi is very justified in generally disliking him (many of Kururu’s more Eugh moments tend to involve her) even she seems to rely on him often, and in the cursed puppy episode she knows all his favorite foods by heart so she must care in some fashion lol. Dororo and he aren’t evidently super close but I think they get each other on some level as the (in-universe) least popular of the platoon and Dororo at least respects his abilities, and has clearly come to figure out his subtleties based on 229. Giroro and Mois...things get complicated. Just putting on record that I’m not a fan of either ship between Kururu and them. I’ve said this before but I think Giroro and Kururu are in a turbulent sibling-adjacent relationship in that they have completely opposing attitudes but they have a begrudging sense of respect for each other and, ultimately, they’re teammates, so they’ll defend each other when someone they don’t know tries to mess with them. I really don’t think the flirty stuff on Kururu’s end goes beyond teasing and I got kinda sick of that running gag if I’m being honest. (You can probably tell which frog I ship Kururu with by now :P) Mois went from something of a rival to Kururu to his lab partner, which is probably why he goes easier on her than he used to and even strikes up something of a friendship because the only other person he knows that might be capable of handling his technology is an Earthling who’s still against the invasion despite his lax attitude so. She helps :V
Now the question is why Kururu acts like he does if his relationships really aren’t all that bad and I think there’s two components to this. I’ve made it clear by now I think he’s autistic but your mileage may vary there. I think personally his childhood did something to the way he processes things as well. In Secret of the Kero Ball, he’s got a bandage on his head which may imply he got hurt somewhere and then he almost drowned which canonically definitely did something to him lol, was mostly seen alone so who knows if he has a family he still talks to, and then he got drafted into the army and placed into a high-ranking position of great responsibility at a very young age; it’s kind of a no-brainer why he rebeled and got demoted eventually. I’ve got plenty of headcanons about what his early days in the Military did to him but that’s for another day because good God this post went on too long.
In short: Kururu is possibly the most complicated character in the show and the F in Flanderization stands for “Funimation.” That’s it I’m never writing another essay about pee-color frog again I will make real content again at some point I promise
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raineydaywrites · 4 years
Angus’ Alone Year
Summary: Febuwhump Day 3: Imprisonment
Angus was never alone in his life. Not until now.
Notes: This takes place in the future of my fic Nesting! For those who are unfamiliar, all you need to know to understand this story is that it's an Eighth Bird Angus story featuring Taako as Angus' dad.
For those who may have read Nesting, here's a fun little sneak peak into the next story in that series, which will be called "Fly the Coop."
Angus shouted in alarm as the rest of his family were turned to stone around him.
He was alone now, in front of these strange judges, and he was scared.
"What are you going to do with me?" He asked, voice doing its best to waver, but he wouldn't let it.
"That is still up for debate," one of the strange voices said, and it echoed around the room.
"We cannot execute a child," one judge insisted.
"He is no true child," another argued. Normally, Angus would agree with that voice, but he felt that it might not be in his best interest on this occasion. "He has lived for decades.
"But only a half-life. He has not felt the true growth of those years. He is not as young as his body, but he is not as old as his memories," the first judge said.
Angus had to resist the urge to pout at the familiar argument. His family members insisted the same, but he didn't agree. So what if his mind wasn't fully developed? Human minds didn't fully develop until they were in their mid-twenties, and they were still considered adults at age eighteen!
But actually- maybe he should let himself pout. It would make him look younger, which could only be an advantage in this situation.
"Please! I'm scared," Angus said, letting himself cry. It was true.
"We cannot simply let him go. He is destined for horrible things, just as the others," said the fourth judge.
"He cannot do those things if we keep him here. So long as he cannot return to his ship and home, his destiny will be averted."
Angus didn't let the spark of hope he felt appear on his face. If he could convince them to keep him alive, then he could try to reunite with Aunt Lucretia, and he could help her. She wouldn't have to be alone.
He'd have to find a way to avert any measures these judges applied to prevent him from returning to the Starblaster, but there was hope.
"Then it is decided?" The first judge said. Murmurs of assent surrounded him.
"Angus McDonald will be sentenced to imprisonment for one year. If he attempts to escape, he will be executed." The judges spoke in eerie unison.
Well that wasn’t ideal. But he could work with it anyway.
A guard appeared to bind his hands behind his back, one who looked completely unmoved by the fact that he was handcuffing a child.
But maybe there would be other guards less willing to look at an apparent four year old and treat him with cruelty.
Either way, he was still alive and so he had a chance.
The cell that they put Angus in was predictably dark and cold and dreary.
He kept his eyes open for any particularly likely escape options, but he figured he’d be here for a little while. With such high stakes, he wanted to be absolute sure of his plans before he made an attempt.
He hoped that Aunt Lucretia was okay. It was just her and Fisher on the ship now, and for all that Fisher was clearly more intelligent than most animals, maybe comparable to sentience even, they couldn’t really communicate with humanoids very well.
Which meant that Aunt Lucretia was alone. And she was going to continue to be alone until Angus could find a way out of here and back to the ship.
Assuming he even made it out at all.
If he didn’t make it out, she could be alone for the rest of the year. Or for the rest of her life.
Because if anything happened to her- or to the ship- if Aunt Lucretia couldn’t get the ship out of the planar system- then that would be it. They wouldn’t reform on the deck next year. The Hunger would come and they- he, because it was just Angus now- would die here.
It was terrifying. Angus had been afraid that he would be killed by the judges, but he hadn’t thought through the consequences of that potentiality until now, and it was so much worse than he’d realized.
And worse- he had no way to know if Aunt Lucretia was even still alive. The judges had said something about the ‘eighth harbinger’ so they must think that there was at least a chance that she was still alive.
But they weren’t all-knowing, at least, not as much as they claimed. Because if they were, then they would already know where she was. Which was good, in that it meant that she had a chance, but it was bad because it also meant that she could technically already be dead.
Angus doubted they’d offer the respect of telling him if they found her either.
Maybe if he mentioned that he was her nephew. But probably not.
And he wasn’t sure he’d want to know that anyway, if it happened. It wouldn’t make him any more motivated to escape than he already was. It would just hurt.
He was already hurting. He’d watched his dad and aunt and uncles be turned to stone. It was horrible. They still looked so much like themselves that a part of his mind had thought his eyes were simply playing a trick on him.
But they were dead. They wouldn’t wake up until the next cycle, which was a full year away, if the ever woke up at all.
Angus wondered if it had hurt. He wondered if they were aware of anything around them anymore. He wondered if he’d just seen his family for the last time.
Angus hated crying, because it made him look even more vulnerable and young than he already was, but right now he couldn’t help it. He wailed, big sobbing cries escaping his throat as he grieved.
It always hurt to see somebody die, even when they felt confident that they would see them again in the next cycle, and right now, Angus didn’t even have that. He didn’t have anything.
He was alone and imprisoned, and they were going to kill him if he made a mistake while escaping.
The odds were stacked against him, and even though he’d been in that position before, it had never been this unbalanced. And he’d never been alone against his problems either. He’d always had his dad and aunts to help him, and he’d had his uncles for almost as long.
He knew that he was smart and capable and had the memories of a much older person, but Angus had never felt more like a child than in this moment.
And he felt so very lonely.
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kazbrkker · 4 years
Chapter 5: The Way It Was
Chapter summary: Fluff and angst. Price finally makes an appearance! First fight between Alexis and Alex and an interesting revelation...;) & glimpse of Alexis’ childhood. [2404 words]
Warnings: Shitty childhood (mention of alcohol & rough childhood.)
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26 OCTOBER 2019, 2200 "Alexis" and "Alex", Codename Aces CIA agents with Urzik militia Al-Raab, Urzikstan.
"What was that?"
Alexis stormed forward, harshly jabbing her partner's back. They were taking the scenic walk back to the militia's base. While Farah and Hadir walked ahead of them, Alexis and Alex lagged behind to breath in the scenes of their victory.
"What was what?" Alex perplexed, cheekily plucking a few yellow chrysanthemums off the road and waving it in her face.
Alexis took the tiny flowers, a warm smile on display as she admired the adversity these flowers had to bloom in a place like this. Then it faltered upon realising it was an attempt to distract her. "You radioed Viper for me. That's against the rules."
Alex quickly brushed her off and walked into the militia's armory, Alexis hot on his trail. Standing in silence as they waited for the room to clear. "Since when are you one for following the rules? What, you wanted to personally say bye to him?"
What the hell, that took her by surprise. Where did that come from? "I only follow the rules to keep you out of trouble. Sorry for caring."
The hardened look in Alex's eye softened, "I was doing you a favour, come on! Viper was outrightly hitting on you over the comms. If Laswell wanted to bitch about it, you could get dragged into his mess." He shrugged and busied himself with removing his gear.
"Because minor flirting is worse than trashy comms etiquette?"
Alex stretched obnoxiously loud.
"No, fraternization is." That stung more than it should.
"That's a bit hypocritical, isn't it?" Spurts of anger gnawing at her rationale incited her to spit those words without hesitation —instantly regretting it. From the nostalgic look on Alex's face, he must have realised they were in a loop again. The last time they had this conversation, it didn't end well.
To put this delicately, Alexis and Alex were no strangers at fraternization. It happened one time after she returned from St. Petersburg, a drunken mistake that Alex agreed. Overtaken by choking wave of emotions —vulnerability, lust, the need to feel safe. It was the first time Alexis was desperate enough to ask for something, and Alex gave it to her. Like moths drawn to a flame, lonely agents like themselves, cut off from the rest of the world, take whatever comfort they can get.
They left that night without ever mentioning it again. Only the next drunken time (clearly not a good drinker) when she accidentally mentioned it —her mistake for assuming it meant... more.
Alex assured her it wasn't. It did some serious damage to their friendship for a while. After a few weeks, everything snapped back into the exact same, best friends and partners for life.
Now, leaning against a counter, she searched for any answers in his eyes. One thought crossed her mind —maybe he was jealous...? Impossible, she deserted the thought, Alex had never been the jealous type.
Plus, what happened was a one-time thing. It wouldn't, or rather, couldn't happen again. Alexis couldn't lose him too.
"Maybe." Alex murmured, refusing to meet her eyes, his jaw clenched tight while cleaning his rifle, the chiselled jawline highlighted from his profile. Wide-eyed, the female agent slowly cleared her throat, scattering to form a reply.
Alex's satellite phone rang, breaking the tense silence. Saved by the bell.
Speak of her and she shall appear —it was Laswell.
Alex hesitated, did Laswell really wanted to bitch about it? He was blindly shooting from the hip. The palpable tension dissolved, replaced by a flustered Alexis. His lips pursed in amusement, "Laswell wouldn't. I'm pretty sure she has a soft spot for you."
Alexis was smart, confident, witty, resourceful, strong —the strongest person he knew. Resilience built steadily like a rock, he could write lists after lists. Alex wasn't blind, who wouldn't have a soft spot for this woman.
"This is Bravo 6, Echo 3-1 and Saint, do you copy?" It was Price.
A nudge shook Alex out of his trance. Excited at the appearance of her mentor, Alexis snatched the phone from his grasps. It was a relief to know Price was on the mission too. Looks like this assignment was really bringing her old friends back together.  "Price? Send traffic, Cap."
"Good job, hitting the airbase. Now that you have limited Barkov's air capability, we'll do our part."
"Glad we could help. What's the plan?" Alex replied to his field commander.
"We traced the masterminds of the Piccadilly attack to a townhouse in North London, we'll take care of it. You can put your feet up and rest."
"That is a command I can follow. Have fun, cap." Alexis spoke, ready to end the call.
"Not so fast, young lady. I was at the debrief, I managed to keep you out of trouble. If it was up to Norris, you'd be running laps like Viper. Don't get stupid, Alexis."
Alexis exhaled frustratedly. "Thanks, Cap." She replied in between scowls in response to the burning triumph look from Alex. His hands covering his mouth to muffle his wide smile. By taking his side, Price had inflated his ego unnecessarily bigger.
"But, you still have to run 5 miles for your insolence towards Laswell." Price delivered the ultimatum.
Her jaw slacked. "You're joking. Says Norris?"
"Colonel Norris." Price corrected with a sigh. "Says me. I told you one day that mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble. 5 miles. Alex?"
Alex exploded into laughters, no longer trying to suppress it. "Hah, roger that! I'll make sure of it. Out."
The call ended. Alexis had respect for authorities, to a certain extent. It wasn't impertinence, but rather her conditioned nature to bypass it. Coming from Task Force Black —a tier-one task force in the JSOC that didn't even answer to the President, falling into the chain of commands was never needed. Also might have to do with the fact that she started to detest the political bureaucracy over the years in the CIA.
John Price, Daniel Maddox —Alexis' commander in Task Force Black, and Samuel Forbes —her CIA handler were the only ones she would willingly abide. Kate Laswell was also close.
"Is this a bro code thing?" Alexis motioned in between them and the satellite phone, inspecting Alex as he raised his eyebrows in feigned innocence. "Price doing the dirty work on your behalf?"
"You heard the man, he said it was for your insolence."
"Wipe that smirk off your face." She mumbled, trying to use a dirty cloth to wipe his chin but he stopped her. If looks could kill... you know the rest.
"Let's go, babe. I'll time you."
"Aw. How kind." She retorted, thinking how badly she wanted to dig those blue eyes out from that arrogant face of his.
40 minutes later, a very sweaty and out-of-breath Alexis returned to the starting point. "5 miles... 5 god damn miles." She breathed, catching a towel and water bottle tossed her way. The entire 40 minutes was filled with killer glances towards Alex. They both knew the punishment wasn't for her insolence. Price wasn't the type to demand respect for other officers, the man could care less and so could Laswell.
This was an indirect way to lecture her, the brotherhood they had caused Price to take Alex's side. Judging from the glowing delight, this ought to satisfy him. Her punishment attracted a few audiences, including Hadir and Farah, who watched happily with her enemy on the roof.
"40 minutes on the dot. Impressive." Farah shouted from above. Hadir excitedly nodded, showing thumbs-ups.
Past the fourth mile, even her vision started to swirl. Blame the ever humid Urzikstan, it was insane she completed it without hurling. "I don't want to impress... I need a seat!" So she willingly fell on her butt and sat in the middle of the carpark.
They joined her shortly, grinning at her flushed cheeks and breathless words. Farah extended a hand and pulled the CIA agent up, "Steady now. Alex, why did you make her run so much!" She chided, elbowing him.
"Not me. It was Price."
"Keep lying, I'll harvest your toes." Farah gave a weird look at her insult. "All I have to do is look Price in the eye and he's a goner." Alex remained suspiciously silent, but yelped when Farah jabbed him in the gut. As revenge, Alexis smacked her sweaty towel against his tattooed arm, disgusted as he failed to swat it away.
Farah, who supported her to walk, didn't seem to care about her sweaty state. "Farah."
The commander hummed, bringing her inside the kitchen to sit. Hadir refilled her bottle.
"Would you like it if Alex and I trained your people? We can teach them some proper fighting tactics and medic courses. With your permission, of course."
Farah took a seat opposite her, mouth opening slightly before closing, as if she was unsure what to say. Hadir, witnessing this, said with a smile, "That would be extremely kind, Alexis."
A bright glint that could be interrupted as a tear reflected in the commander's eyes. Farah's hand squeezed hers tightly. Eyes crinkling upwards, Alexis knew that was her way of saying thanks.
"Great. We start tomorrow."
The two siblings soon left Alexis and Alex in the kitchen to unload some trucks that just entered the compound. He replaced Farah on the seat, "That is a great idea, Lexi."
Finally, some wind started blowing into the kitchen. She closed her eyes at the relieving night breeze. After today's mission, seeing how Farah's people fearlessly ran into the battlefield was reason enough to help them. Although a good trait, fearlessness can also be dangerous. "I want to help them. We were trained by the best in the world, it would be cruel not to share some of that knowledge."
They sat in silence, feeling the cool air while quenching their thirst. Putting their feet up, as Price ordered. Outside the kitchen, playful insults were thrown around by the pair of siblings. It was heartwarming, seeing genuine smiles and watching them be... normal. It was nice.
Growing up, Alexis wouldn't complain she had a bad childhood. Her dad was an honest man, a construction worker. For a man with such a harsh job, it translated into his personality. Her father wasn't affectionate, but he played a good father by putting a roof over their heads and food on the table.
Her life was normal, up till the very day her mother got into a fatal car accident, then everything changed. It was never said but Alexis knew her father blamed her for it. She only grew up to realise it was ridiculous. How could it have been her fault? But grief knew no sense.
Life waited for no one, years later, her father remarried. Lily was a great stepmother, not conforming to the stereotypical evil stepmom Alexis was so afraid of. Lily loved her, but not as much as her blood-borns.
Loved her, but not enough to stop the drunk shoutings, that much Alexis understood.
Alexis didn't remember much of her mother, only recognizing her face through photos. They looked nothing alike —her mother was blonde and had bright blue eyes, while Alexis inherited dark brown eyes and hair. For a man who held an imperative amount of self-loathing, imagine raising his reflection.
She envied the pair of siblings, even after everything, they still had each other. Seeing them together somehow felt lonelier. Emptier.
"I can hear the gears turning." Alex placed his chin on her shoulder, the action bringing her back down on Earth. She sniffled inconspicuously, pretending to use the damp towel to wipe her sweat. "What's wrong?"
"Why must something be wrong?"
"You're making that face."
Friends for five years, it would be foolish to assume something could escape his eyes. Goosebumps raised over her arms, feeling the stubble on his chin tickling her skin. She turned to examine the man who had been through everything with her. Hell and back, literally.
Alexis didn't know how she could ever live without him.
"Just reminiscing." She replied, a distant look in her eyes while she continued smiling at the siblings' bickering. Alex followed her gaze, knowing.
"The past is the past, Alexa–" Alex almost uttered her birth name but stopped in the nick of time. "Sorry, it slipped." His voice was muffled by Alexis' hand.
"You get my point. What matters is the now, and now you have me."
"I'll always have you." She recited, hands intertwined.
The usual smirk on Alex's face was replaced with a heartfelt smile, their gaze connected meaningfully. "And I, you." He laid a gentle kiss on the top of her hand.
Alexis and Alex stayed like that for a few more minutes, her head resting on his shoulder. Suddenly, a sound pierced through the peace —it came from Alex's stomach. Alexis laughed before tossing him her rations pack.
"Uh-huh. No. You two are not eating that." Farah walked in to snatch the rations away. Their mouths fell open, watching their favourite ration pack out of their reach.
"Hey! That was shrimp fried rice, proper good stuff!"
"Closest to gourmet." Alex backed her up. It was the tastiest ration pack. Alexis even secretly raided the base's stockpile to neat pick the most decent ones —there goes her efforts.
Farah tossed the unopened pack to Hadir, who caught it with ease and wiggled it higher when Alexis tried to reach for it. "You cannot win this war with... that." Hadir inspected it, face twisted with distasteful when he opened it, revealing an unappealing mash of rice compressed into a box.
Farah tugged on her wrist, already pulling her down the stairs. "If you don't throw it away, I will tell Captain Price about your horrible English accent.
Alexis groaned, "If this war wouldn't kill me, Price would."
"Better yet, he'll make you run the miles for real."
Her lips parted with a gasp, pointing accusingly as Farah continued to drag her down the stairs. "So you admit it was you!"
"Come." Hadir pulled away the agent who tried to jump Alex with a punch.
"We will show you the real gourmet."
taglist: @flyboidameron​
a/n: it was my birthday yesterday so i decided we need this fluff.... it's so 🥰. masterlist here. want to be tagged? let me know!
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negans-wifeyy · 5 years
Shake Hands with the Devil pt.1
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Summary: Laila was hungry for revenge ever since the death of her sister. The only way to fight the monster who killed her is to confront him in his natural habitat: the Sanctuary. As she infiltrates the kingdom of the leader of the Saviors in the hopes to kill him, things will not go the way she thoroughly planned. What will she do now that Negan has gotten her in the palm of his hand?
Pairing: Negan X OFC
Warning: None for now but eventual smut
Tags: revenge, hate, possession
Word count: 2361
A/N: Hi everyone! This is the first fiction that I ever post anywhere, and I chose Negan as the male protagonist because I’m literally obsessed with his character. I also chose a black protagonist because I couldn’t find ANY good fics pairing Negan with even a person of color on Tumblr, fanfiction.net or even Ao3. Since there wasn’t anything I could identify myself with, I decided to write my own thing. Hope y’all enjoy. PS: English is neither my first or second language so please be patient and correct me if there are mistakes or it’s not coherent. Also, the text in italics is in the past and time-lapse are separated by asterisks.
A/N 2: This is a repost from the @thoughtsandthotsss​ blog. I wanted this fiction and other content to be on a blog focused solely on TWD. So there you have it again and make sure to like and follow again :) 
For the past weeks, I’ve been doing everything possible that was asked of me to do in the Sanctuary. Attending to my duties, keeping my head down, staying away from trouble and most importantly, avoiding the leading man of the Saviors. But here I was now, sitting face to face with him in his “office” and waiting for my faith.
“Well, well, well” Negan started as he stood up from his seat. “Here we are again, Laila. Just you and me. Last time we were here together, you infiltrated my kingdom, killed a dozen of my best soldiers and then, came to this very room with a gun pointed at the back of my head to avenge your sister’s death.”
I avoided his gaze and stayed silenced. Just being in his presence made me sick to my stomach. Unlike everyone around here, I didn’t fear the man with the barbed-wire bat. Whatever reason he called me in here for, good or bad, he could just get to the point, so I didn’t have to converse with him any longer than I wanted to.
“So, you’re just gonna stay quiet? I remember you being pretty chatty the first time we spoke.” He snickered. “Don’t you wanna know why I called you in here?”
“Not really. Whatever sick, twisted mind game you feel like playing today, I don’t think it’s going to require me to respond back to you.” I finally broke my silence.
“Still quick-witted huh? With your track record, I wouldn’t be so mouthy with me. I mean, I did spare your life and let you become one of my hit women. My most reliable one too.” He responded as he got to the seat closer to me.
“I don’t know how grateful I can be after everything that you’ve done” I caught my breath remembering the terror he caused this past year to me and my entourage. “You kept Sasha captive, you used her life to blackmail the Alexandrians and you led her to kill herself. Oh, and let’s not forget you terrorizing and murdering the members of my community. “
“I thought that we buried the hatchet on your sister’s passing sweetheart. And also, on the deaths of your Alexandria buddies.”
“You mean like Glenn and Abraham? They are not my ‘Alexandrian buddies’ they were my family. And no, I still haven’t let that go since I can’t give anyone of them proper justice.” I said angrily to Negan who just stared at me grinning.
“Don’t really remember the two others but I do miss that strong-headed Sasha from time to time” He said which made my blood boil even more. “Could have used her warrior skills here. Good thing you’re here the replace her memory.”
“Leave her name out of her mouth.” I fired at him. His words were really getting to me.
Talking about my big sister again was making me so emotional but I didn’t want Negan to see me vulnerable, so I held back my tears and stare right back into his sneering eyes. I needed to be as fearless and strong as the day I was going to kill him. Even if it was weeks ago and I clearly failed my mission, I still remember that day like it was yesterday.
Negan was wandering by himself in his office where he holds up his meeting with some of the Saviors and probably torture some others. I peaked through the crack of the door and as soon as his back was turned, I sneaked in with my AK-47 directing at his head and locked the door shut.
“Don’t you move now motherfucker” I spat at him as he raised both his hands up to surrender. Even in that position, I could still sense the smirk from that bastard.
“Can I at least turn around to see the face of my perpetrator?” Negan eventually said. “I wanna match the face to the sweet voice I’m hearing”
“Empty your pocket first ” I ordered.
“Bossy. Just how I like em” He said as he threw on the floor all his weapons.
“Don’t be smart with me. I’m gonna search you now and I better find nothing” I patted him down to his ankles in all the usual hiding spots and found a pocket knife that I threw with the rest of his armoury.
"I usually don’t need to use this one. Forgot I had it on me. Sorry sweetheart”
“Don’t give a shit. Turn around and stop calling me sweetheart.”
As soon as he saw me, he immediately recognized who I was. And that infamous grin of his slowly faded away.
“Remember me?” I asked, my voice getting angrier from seeing his face so up-close. “The name’s Laila. Not sweetheart or whatever pet name you tryna call me”
“Ok. Laila, it is then. I do remember you; you’re Sasha’s sister. I think it’s pretty obvious now why you’re here.”
“Yes, I am. I’m going to fucking kill you. For Sasha and every single person that I cherished that you killed over your ego power trip. You fucking psychopath. “ I snapped at him. His smirky little face might have gone away but he still was unfazed about whatever I was saying to him.
"Darling, if you want to end me for some sort of revenge, you’re gonna have to take a number” He said back mischievously.
“Don’t call me darling either!” I barked at him as I charged my rifle at him.
“Wooah woah Laila!” Negan shouted finally shaking in his boots "Even though I know you’re very much capable of doing it, you don’t really wanna kill me”
“What makes you think that? I want your head on a stick more than anything”
“Well, with the massacre that you already caused downstairs, adding me to the list would make you an even more disgusting person that I am”
“You and I are not the fucking same. You knew about the damage I literally just did to your people inside the Sanctuary and chose to stay in your own little space, turning a blind eye. How can call yourself a leader after that?” I said to him even more furious than ever.
“Maybe it was all part of my plan” Negan confidently said with a malicious smile.
“What pla—” I didn’t have time to finish when a sharp object hit the back of my head.
As I fell on the floor, the two last things I saw in between two blinks were Dwight behind me with a gun in his hand and a walkie under the table that was open during this entire encounter. After that, everything was blank.
I woke up possibly hours later tied up to a chair in a small dark room. The daylight coming from the small window brightened the room which meant that I was unconscious all night. In the corner to my right, Simon was standing there waiting for me to wake up. I immediately started squirming and moaning in pain when I saw him calling Negan with a radio. I tried to scream for help but the clothe wrapped around my mouth prevented me from it. It wouldn’t have amounted to anything anyway since Negan’s tall figure entered the room as I was struggling to loosen my restraints.
“Morning sunshine!” Negan exclaimed as he approached me doing his signature “leaning back” jig with Lucille tightly gripped in his hand. “As much as I love the sound of your voice with your mouth gagged right now, I’m really curious to know what you’ve got to say for yourself after the shitstorm you caused yesterday.”
He gestured to Simon to leave us alone and took off the cloth to let me speak.
“Fuck you, you prick.” I said to him without even a flinch. He could bound me all he wants but he wasn’t going to take my dignity, and I could see that it was getting him mad. Negan took his precious bat to lift it up underneath my chin.
“It’s not a habit of mine to put my hands on a woman but if you keep disrespecting me like that, I’ll make an exception. Got it? “He threatened me with the most dominating expression I’ve ever seen. Knowing what he could do, I just nodded.
“Now here’s what’s gonna happen. I’ve seen some of your work on the guards that you executed on your way to kill me and I gotta say, I’m very impressed. I don’t usually do this type of thing with perpetrators who try to gun me down but for you sweetie, I’ll bend the rules. From now on, I want you to be a part of this community as one of my hitmen or should I say hit-woman.”
“So, you want me to kill other people for you, even though I tried to kill you? Thanks, but no thanks ”
“Well, I don’t think you really have a choice sweetheart. It’s either you work for me or I feed you to the walkers that we keep in a cage at the back of the Sanctuary”
As he said that, he pushed Lucille harder into my chin. I definitely felt more threatened and trapped. With my hands tied, both physically and figuratively, I had to accept his offer. 
“Fine. I’ll do it”. I finally said feeling like I fell right into the trap of the big bad wolf.
“Good. Here are the conditions: You’re going to work solely into protecting the Saviours which means no going behind my back to help the Alexandrians or to try to kill me again. If you don’t respect this, I won’t be afraid to use my Lucille here. Are we clear?”
“Yes..“ I surrounded. As soon as I did, he let go of Lucille off my chin.
“Oh, and one more thing,” Negan said a leaned closer to me and put his hands on the handles of my chair. “Whatever pet name I feel like calling you, you’re gonna have to accept it. It’s my kingdom after all and if you’re gonna be part of it, you’ll live by my own rules. Got it, sweetheart?”
I just nodded back and at that point, I didn’t know if I was more disgusted by his cruel behaviour or by myself for being a sellout.
And just like that, I became one of Negan’s executioner. Although, from my perspective, I became one of the killing monsters who did Negan’s dirty job for him. Any enemy, walker or human, who is a menace to the Sanctuary gets a bullet right in the skull from me whether I like it or not.
The first week was the hardest. I was so miserable being stuck in this place. It wasn’t because I failed my initial mission or even because I was away from my group with no news from them. It was just the daily apprehension of possibly having to gun down Alexandrians who could try to sneak into the Sanctuary like I did. With me going missing and Rick’s thirst for vengeance as strong as mine, it was very likely to happen. Fortunately, another Saviour told me that the day after my infiltration, Negan paid a visit to Rick and the members of Alexandria to tell them that I was now part of the Sanctuary. He also warned them that if any of them tried to come to my rescue, they would risk their life and mine.
It might not have come from the heart, but I still feel like that threat was a gesture from Negan to ease their minds and mine. So that I could accommodate myself better to the situation, I guess. And after that, I didn’t hear from Negan until today.
“Alright now, I won’t speak of her again, especially since she’s not the reason I wanted to meet you today.” Negan said after our back and forth about Sasha. I didn’t understand why he would talk about her knowing how it would make me feel. God, what an asshole he could be.
“What is it then?” I asked him indifferent about whatever he was going to respond.
“Usually, when I meet Saviours in this very room, it’s generally to punish them after they did something wrong, to betray me perhaps.” He said with a deadpan look in his face. At first, I didn’t care about the reason he wanted to meet me but, with those stern eyes staring right back at me, I couldn’t help but gulp. As soon as he saw me sweat a bit, Negan chuckled lightly to himself. “Don’t worry honey, it’s not your case, you can relax”
This motherfucker. He couldn’t help himself but to toy with me a little for his own sadistic pleasure I can only assume.
“You have nothing to worry about precious. Your situation is quite the opposite actually. All I’ve been hearing from everyone around here is how great you’ve been doing. And honestly, their opinions don’t really matter since I’ve been keeping an eye on you daily” Negan surprisingly said.
“Like spying on me?” I asked quite unsettled.
“Not spying on, just keeping an eye like I said.” He corrected. “It’s not like you’ve been doing anything shady babe. I observed you from afar and all I saw was a great warrior protecting her community.”
“You mean forced into protecting it? The Sanctuary is not my community.” I told him very truthfully.
“Whether it was intentional or not, I saw how well you fought and I wanted you to know how pleased I am to see that. Which brings me directly to the point of this meeting”
“I thought we were never gonna get there. Why did you call me here?”
"Hush sweetheart. I’ll tell you eventually, but I need you to keep an open mind”
“I wanted to promote into a position that will give you the best accommodations you can get in the Sanctuary while still being my main hit-woman”
“What position is that?
“I want you to become one of my wives”
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