#like the choreo ??? the looks ?? cmon girls get on the floor ???
jisoirs · 2 years
cant believe ppl didnt like fun ?? tho i personally think fromis's best tt is love bomb but fun is SAUR GOOD
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boymeetsweevil · 6 years
bts as boyfriends
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a/n: tbh this was basically a list of things i just had swirling around in my head and its basically a continuation of my moments w/ bts and sleepovers w/ bts
Kim Seokjin
Squishes your cheeks together in his big ol’ hands because he can and because he thinks you look cute that way
Is highkey a fan of having matching stuff, but not full-blown couple outfits
thats where he draws the line >:|
Created a separate instagram account just to document the meals you guys have together on your date nights
Dumb (but cute) snapchats of him doing that fast yelling thing he does but he just tells you how much he misses you rly aggressively
also spams you with selfies and videos from other members’ accounts
Pets names hmmm
prefers to call you Doll 
yeobo seems too serious (its what his parents call each other)
Sweetie/Honey makes him feel like an old woman
On your one year anniversary he gave you a 5000 dollar watch but presented it in a box wrapped in printer paper that had his face printed all over it that he made in Microsoft word with some of the editing crew’s help
all of his gifts get wrapped this way 
Jin Is scary serious when you take a selfie together
“Babe, this isn’t the angle--quick lets move over here so we can still catch the light” ***proceeds to sprint ahead of you to some random spot where the lighting is optimal and hurry u over like “ >:( cmon the sun is setting” ***
Is not your typical PDA type, will do weird things just to embarrass you
puts his hand in your back pocket while you’re in the starbucks line and smiles when you give him incredulous side eye
rests his phone on your head to mock you for being shorter than him
Links arms with you like old lady gal pals while you’re walking because he knows you HATE IT
fake moans when you swat his arm for being weird and embarrassing
you shushing him and ending up just glaring because he has no shame and there’s an old man glaring at u on the subway
You can bet he tests out recipes on you!
some of ur most romantic nights have been when you come over just casually but the whole house smells like food he’s been tweaking
you sit at a stool by the kitchen island and he comes by with like 8 different sauces you need to try and noodles to test for texture
He is the type of boyfriend that thinks its funny to gross you out
he eats food the fell on the floor just to piss you off
will kiss u while he’s chewing gum :(
touches u with his bare feet  :((((((
Min Yoongi
Is less bold but NEVER lacking with his affection
Likes to take walks in any weather
E.g. Loves when its rainy because then you have to huddle close because he INSIsts on sharing an umbrella
E.g. Will even walk in the winter/end of fall because he likes to share mittens and scarves - this is the closest thing to cheesy you will ever get with him
Isn’t the type to send selfies
if he does, its just of his shoes of the day with an ironic caption like “rate my fit and i’ll follow back” 
Readily accepts all of your selfies, though
Upgraded his phone 2x just so he could have the extra storage to save all your photos
a lot of them are blackmail worthy, which is the reason for saving them half the time
Yoongi Is a champ when you get drunk
will hold your hair back
lets you spit your gum out into his bare fucking hand before u hurl and will not flinch 
rejects all of your lewd propositions, but may record you and play back your whiny drunk voice the next morning to make you reconsider taking shots next time (PS u dont ever reconsider)
he likes home dates too, obvi
usually you schedule naps at his place because everything about his bedroom is better than yours
mattress is huge and the perfect firmness
sheets are higher thread-count 
can sleep with his hand up your shirt all he wants because he doesn’t have any roommates at his own place
pillows are always cool to the touch BUT
he might schedule dates at your place if he’s been away and just wants to bury himself in your smell. Speaking of...
...Yoongo is a smeller
he is always smelling you, loves how you smell
He smells your hair while zoning out waiting for his americano to come out when ur at a cafe
He’ll wrap himself around you from behind and sniff your neck idly while he plays candy crush on your belly while u try to cook dinner
Nicknames vary on his mood/your behavior
brat - for when you’re being a brat duh
kid - default, all purpose and a little mocking
your last name when he’s feeling rowdy
your first name when he’s emotional
Jung Hoseok
Hobi always runs full force at u when he sees you even if you’ve been in each other’s faces all week
Whenever he’s bored and you’re nearby he’ll moonwalk around you
You love to watch him practice but you also hate it because if you make eye contact he’ll come over and try to pull you in to teach you
He’s tried to teach you to dance dozens of times and you never get any of his choreo
usually it ends in him maneuvering you into a slow 2 step
which then always becomes a tiny makeout session
but honestly so many other random activities you do together turn into makeout sessions because tbh hob is a bit of a greaseball
this means that half the time you’re ignoring him pawing at u and making cheesy jokes during inopportune times 
the other half of the time ur dragging him by the collar and looking for an empty room to take him into because u dig him and his cheesy horndog antics
He’s also lowkey highkey a dudebro
crowds you because he wants to chest bump and ur like “-.- again?”
kept trying to get your secret couple greeting to be that little surfer hand thingie he does with tae sometimes and u said no because neither of u are 8 anymore
likes spontaneous dates, so usually you’ll text him wyd and if he’s free he’ll just answer ‘coming to get u now’ and then you sigh and slip on your shoes and wonder when you’ll be able to have a date where its not 10:30 at night and you’re not wearing sweats and ur not going out just to go eat some chicken by the Han
You utilize all your privileges that you have dating him to visit Mickey
any time there is a break in the guys’ scheduling you say you want to visit mickey
He lowkey hates those days because you just lie on the floor next to mickey and eat the snacks his mom puts out and COMPLETELY ignore him
u and his sister take turns petting mickey and telling embarrassing stories about hob while he sulks in the corner
he gets revenge by taking 20 pics of ur back and doodling horns on ur head and spamming u with them
Probably would call you a bunch of weird things as a pet name
ducky, peaches, cutie, hotpot, captain etc.
sometimes calls you sweet thang but only when its after dark and he’s trying to make moves
Hobi is the type to always want idle touch but its not exclusively sexy u kno?
if you’re watching tv together he’ll have an arm slung over you
if you’re out to dinner, he gravitates towards booths so he can press his shoulder against yours
if you’re chilling in bed you HAVE to be rubbing his arm or else he’ll give you the most ridiculous pout [its so cute tho :’C ]
Thinks you’re the funniest person alive, is always laughing at stuff you said whether if was supposed to be a joke or not
which means he does that deep hiccuping giggle all the time and you just :’))))))
He’s so patient and let’s you test out all your new skin care products on him because he likes having your hands on his face and the way you talk softly half to him, half to yourself while you talk about what you’re doing
maybe its ASMR lmao
Kim Namjoon
The first thought you had after you started dating was that you could touch his dimples any time you wanted
so naturally you do
he has long since gotten used to you just touching them while he’s driving, reading, listening to music, just existing
the first time you did it he was just talking to you about something and when he felt your finger nudge his dimple 
Joon: “I feel like if we visited in the spring we could go frog catching and maybe then we could-----*you jam your finger into his dimple*
You: and? what were you saying?
Joon: uhhhh I forgot :0
a fan of couple outfits but not in the same sense Jin. its more like he likes to plan your outfits
he gets really excited when he thinks of something you would look good in and always gets really bashful right before he shows it to you because he wants you to like it
he has great taste and is very observant of u and ur style so there has never been a time where he has planned an outfit for u and u looked less than amazing
same for photos, he takes really good artsy photos of you all the time
thats what 80% of dates with him are
walking through the city at night so he can take a picture of you with the city scape behind you
or going to those instagram-able cafes in the city during their slow hours so he can pictures of your coffees and you sitting next to a pastel neon sign that says like Love Hurts or something edgy like that
taking photos like that one girl and her bf who travel alot on ig, u know the one
but u never actually manage to get a good shot like that because ur always like ‘joon my arm hurts why dont u be the girl’
He’s in general big on googling popular activities and getaways and making a big deal of documenting it 
as a result: he’s been working on a scrapbook and he thinks you don’t know but you and all 6 other members and even Bang PD know about the scrapbook
he gives it to you on your anniversary and even though youre expecting it, you cry
he takes photos of that too and it goes in the one for next yr lol
He calls you baby of course
but not in an exaggerated/pronounced way
it comes out super naturally and he says it more than he says your actual name
u better Get used to just turning around and catching him giving you that one soft smile he does with his whole face 
“is there something on my face?” 
“no, just enjoying the view <3”
Always wants to make your plate when u visit his home, and always ALWAYS gives you too much food
going there and realizing that maybe its a family thing as you watch his mom heftily scoop vegetables onto his dad’s plate while his dad looks on in worry about where he’s going to fit it
Using Joon’s lap as a pillow!!!
he can read and stroke your head while you snooze
him humming off key because he thinks it helps you sleep
Park Jimin
Before you started dating, Jimin seemed like the guy that everyone loves because he’s effortlessly cool and charming
And he is even after you start dating BUT
He is also a little praise monster and lives for your compliments
Jimin takes advantage of the fact that you are obviously enamored with him and will do things to fluster you on purpose
runs his hands through his hair because he knows you can’t look away
gets unnecessarily close to tell you things because he knows you get goosebumps when he whispers in your ear
plays chicken with you all the time
slow looks at u until u squirm
HE’s a menace
but also reminds you of a bumblebee
Jimin loves to go to see the latest comedy movies and those are always fun
Not because the movies are actually that funny (lowkey he has really bad taste in comedy movies), but because he will LOSE IT in the middle of the theatre and end up slumped over the armrest just laughing his head off
Cue the high squeaky laugh where he can’t even see the movie screen anymore because his eyes are squeezed shut :3
After the movie he always tries to retell funny scenes like
“And then *laughs* did you see the part where the guy *laughs* *laughs more* and then he *dolphin noises*
“Yeah, Minnie it was funny”
He always wants you to come to the gym with him because he gets an unnecessary amount of motivation from those gym couple accounts on instagram
You go in your big t-shirt and shorts and he goes in a similar outfit 
It always ends up with u watching him because again he looks good when he lifts weights and does squats
he likes the attention too 
Calls u cutie
but thinks its funny to sometimes address u as his favorite anime villian’s name ur always like hmm time to go now
He’s a feeder kinda like joon
YOu can’t ever eat anything by yourself, he always wants to cut things for you, spoon feed you 
he’s very caring
This means he also is super attentive when ur sick and will bring u soup and play cards in bed and always refresh ur water and bother u about taking medicine
Kim Taehyung
Everything with Taehyung is beautiful and u feel beautiful with him which is so amazing and crazy at the same time
He is a big cheerleader for u he loves everything u do
You made a badly folded origami and he shouted cute and was so genuine and got it laminated somehow and keeps it as a keychain accessory
He’s always showing you things
like some of his favorite classical art pieces that he’s saved pictures of on his phone
sometimes he tells you about how he can’t wait to plan the perfect trip to europe with u so u can visit some of his favorite pieces face to face
Always showing u his new (and old) favorite songs and movies
some of ur dates are going to see old films or foreign films at this one really hip theatre in the city
he bought a gramophone a little while back before u started dating and he loves to play records for you and lie with you on the floor and show u  the best parts of the song with his hands in the air
He has a fancy camera too that he uses to document “special moments”
when u asked him how come he always uses it to take picture of u then he was like everything with u is special and u had to tackle him and cover his whole face in kisses because he cant just say things like that without facing the consequences
He keeps a journal where he doodles in the margins and writes songs and poems that only some people have seen like yoongi or jimin
he tried to draw you once and it came out looking a little strange but he’s still learning and u love him for it
He also gets soo sooo excited when you show him your favorite things
u dont do it as much because they dont seem as cultured or pretty but u show him a movie from ur childhood that u still watch once or twice a year and his eyes were huge the whole time and he was so glad to watch it with you
Calls u Jagi because he likes what it means and its truly accurate
U guys are just on the same wavelength and he really appreciates that u dont find him weird or quirky or overly pretentious even
u finish each others sentences and can predict moods pretty well its a little scary for the guys to watch u talk to each other in half sentences and know what the other means
When u first met, it was through Joon because he thought u guys would click and he was super nervous and worried because a lot of ppl don’t really GET him
Maybe at ur blind date a song came on in the restuarant u were in and it was a song he really liked
and then u were really shyly like “it feels like when you find a really special spot in the woods that nobody knows about” and hes like
“yeah, it really does” and then goes home and writes ur name 20 times in his notebook before getting the courage to call u about a 2nd date
Jeon Jungkook
You already know what it is with this kid: MEME CENTRAL
seriously ur texts are like 80% reaction pictures you downloaded off the internet that just get cycled over and over again because they’ve started to replace certain common phrases and emotions
Yoongi tried to jack JKs phone once and read the messages out loud to the members to try and embarrass him and he actually couldn’t read the last 24 hours of messages because it was literally all pictures/emojis
JK thinks ur laugh is the best sound he’s ever heard and is always trying to bring it out
he makes so many weird faces
those also become memes in the chat
he does so many exaggerated moves from choreo just to get u to crack up
does random weird things with his voice at inappropriate times to get u to choke
Like Jimin he is a praise monster
he wants u to think he’s impressive because he thinks ur very accomplished and cool and he’s still very much the young shy boy he was before joining the band.
Does flips because he knows u love it and won’t leave u alone until u confirm that u are in fact watching
JK: “Hey, hey, watch this LOOK are u looking?”
YOU: “Yes oh my god what?”
JK:*Does a backflip*
JK: *internally* i can die now
Get ready for some next level cuteness OMG
the little nose scrunch will become the most frequent thing
u will be ruffling his hair and it’ll tickle so he’ll scrunch his nose and u’ll just explode its amazing
The BABY SMILE every time its been a while since you’ve seen each other
You’ll practically tackle him and he loves it and spins u around a little too fast
Those big sparkly eyes that he has?????
prepare for those when its his night to cook but he doesn’t feel like it and says he wants to order pizza for the billionth time
You can’t say no to him ever
gaming is not your thing but he will rope you into a 3 hour Fortnight tutorial because u love him
Not really big on pet names, or like any names for that matter
but he will use your actual name for when he wants ur undivided attention
Is scared that you think he’s immature so sometimes he’ll try to go a day without making a joke and then its ur job to try your hardest to crack him up
this is good because ultimately u also love his high pitched loud laugh 
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