#like the customs n stuff- not the series lol
creek-ink · 9 months
do you have an interest, special or otherwise that you’re scared to tell real people abt?? Also you are very honk🦢
what could be more embarrassing than creepypasta/slenderverse in 2023?
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vynnyll · 2 months
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Boyfriend material (ft. Gun Park)
Other characters in this series: Jake Kim | Samuel Seo | Goo Kim
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— Featured: Gun Park x fem!reader — T.W: possessive actions (?) — A/N: Though I said that I hate him before, I still can't help falling for this walking red flag, lol. This is the consequence of thinking about him 24/7.
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✮ Would be a great listener. Could definitely hear you rambling all day.
✮ As "nutrition is also important," you'll be pleased with a full stomach of homemade dishes from him daily.
✮ Would be overprotective towards you but still teach you some fundamental moves in order to defend yourself in case he is not around.
✮ Would love to have you in his arms at the end of the day.
✮ Would love to lay his head on your chest/belly/thighs.
✮ Would find it adorable to see your smaller figure overwhelmed by his large-sized shirt. He buys lots of such things just for you to wear (not for him, because he loves being half-naked when he's at home).
✮ Would love to buy you something revealing and see you wear it, but only for him to admire, not for other men to observe.
✮ Would leave love bites/hickeys on your exposed areas to mark you after your intimate time together. Conversely, he also loves to get his back scratched, a good way of showing he is taken.
✮ Would keep your relationship lowkey to protect you (although he is confident that you are the safest person in the world when you're with him).
✮ Wouldn't be able to spend time with you 24/7 (because he's busy with Charles Choi's shit) but always make sure that you get whatever you want.
✮ Wouldn't smoke when you are around.
✮ Wouldn't let you dress in anything inexpensive. Likes to buy you something from renowned designer brands or custom-made outfits.
✮ Wouldn't show much affection in public but is willing to hold your hand, carry your stuff, place his hand behind your back, etc.
✮ Wouldn't allow you to be out alone during the late hours.
✮ Acts-of-service type of man. Wouldn't be able to say he loves you on a daily basis but is willing to do anything for you.
✮ Also loves to devote quality time to being together. Wouldn't spend his days off without you.
✮ Wouldn't call you by pet names, but sometimes you might hear "princess" or "babe."
✮ Used to fool around, but once he stepped into a relationship, you're the one and only for him as he treasures loyalty.
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exilepurify · 2 years
I want to talk about this photograph!!!
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It’s the one on Reigen’s “With our satisfied customers!” corkboard hung up in the office and it appears specifically when seen by Tsubomi in s2e8.
This corkboard displaying all of Reigen’s satisfied clients didn’t show up until s2e6—after Separation Arc begins. Reigen realizes he’s completely alone at the bar, has his panic attack in the alleyway, and then starts his big push for fame with the livestreams and stuff. He puts up this corkboard around that point in the episode, partially to showcase his efficacy to potential clients, and probably also to try and convince himself that he’s not alone.
Upon first—and even subsequent—watches, I didn’t think anything about the picture. Like, yeah, of course Tsubomi would see some evidence of Mob in the Spirits n’ Such office. He’s been there multiple days a week for years. But I’ve been thinking about it more this time around and it kinda just hit me how sweet it is.
This picture of Mob and Reigen is on the corkboard for satisfied clients, where it doesn’t really belong. Mob isn’t a client. It’s markedly more casual than the other photos all taken in the field because it’s literally just them hanging out together in the office. Also, Reigen has his arm on Mob’s shoulder, so this is the only picture on the entire board where Reigen is initiating contact and demonstrating affection (the one where the lady has her arm around his shoulder doesn’t count because that wasn’t his personal action).
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The picture is also pinned beneath two other photos that are layered on top, insinuating that they happened after his picture with Mob. I like to think that Reigen hung this picture up on the board after he and Mob reunited, even though it’s a board for clients, just because he loved it and wanted to have it in the office. I think he wanted to have tangible evidence of his connection with Mob after spending so long alone, especially in the office. And the two pictures on top might just be clients that came after the end of Separation Arc but before the events of episode 8. Sneaking photos of a loved one into office space is such a classic dad/big brother move lol.
In addition to this, there’s an illustration that came in the Mob Psycho 100 II DVD/Blu-Ray set that’s very similar to this. (I couldn’t find a full version without the “SAMPLE” 😭)
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It looks like another version of the “satisfied client” board with another picture of Reigen and Mob pinned on it, both of them making peace signs and smiling at the camera. I think Reigen just really likes taking cute photos with Mob and pinning them around the office lol. It’s incredibly endearing when you think about it—especially since Reigen tried to act so cool and unaffected by everything near the start of the series. No one is immune to Mob.
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asahicore · 1 year
iced matcha latte - sjh
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part 2 of the coffee mini-series // prompt 70 of the 100 kisses list, an accidental kiss that confuses you both, but only a moment passes before you crash your lips back against each other’s
pairing. coworker!junghwan x fem!reader synopsis. Neither you nor Junghwan have said anything since he confessed to liking you at the end of January. You like the way things are slowly progressing, and anyways, you both know that the other likes you - or at least, that's what you think. Even though he's staying quiet about it, Junghwan might not be as reassured in your feelings for him as you think. genre. spring au, coffee shop au, just lots of fluff, they go on a date and are in love basically, also noona!reader word count. 4.5k a/n. hello lovelies sorry i took a thousand years to upload this second part but hope you guys like it <33 @zreamy cried beta reading so hopefully that means it's good 😣 as always lmk ur thoughts!! will try not to take three months to write the next parts next time lol
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Flowers in bloom. A slight rise in temperatures. That weird in-between season where winter fruit isn’t good anymore but summer fruit isn’t quite ripe yet. Going to school or work when the sun’s already up, and heading back home before it’s gone down. The first rays of bright, warm sun making everyone shed their winter coats and wear lighter jackets instead. Turning down the heating a few notches. Maybe even having a picnic outside.
Where you lived, these were all signs that spring had arrived. They were all punctuated by a general sense of relief that the harsh coldness of winter was over and of anticipation for the even warmer days of summer. But for you and everyone else that worked at the café, as well as your regulars, spring made itself known through yet another sign.
“Six separate people have ordered iced matcha lattes. Six. We opened two hours ago.”
This was how your manager had greeted you as you came in for your shift, a look of worn-out exasperation on his face that you chuckled at. Yeonjun had turned his dislike of iced drinks not only into a personality trait of his but into a feature of the café as well - from early October to late March, no iced drink may be sold in his shop. Every spring, he acted like pouring hot drinks over ice cubes was costing him his life, even though those drinks made up most of the profit of the café during the spring and summer months. People particularly loved your iced matcha lattes. 
“It’s a nice drink, Yeonjun. Refreshing,” you shrug, heading to the back to drop your stuff there and put your apron on. 
Yeonjun’s still sulking when you come back out. “Milk shouldn’t be consumed with ice,” he almost hisses. You’re thankful for the customer that comes in then and unknowingly puts a stop to this conversation that you’ve had a thousand times before.
You give them an apologetic smile when Yeonjun lets out an audible groan upon hearing their order - an iced matcha latte.
What can he do? It’s spring, after all.
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“Y/N, it’s been two months since the guy told you he likes you. How much longer are you gonna make him wait?”
If your manager complains about iced drinks every chance he gets, this is how Jayoon decides to fill the silence as soon as there are no customers during the shifts you share. 
“Have you been counting the days, or something?” you say, trying to get her off the subject. You have to fight back a smile, though - the simple mention of Junghwan makes your heart skip a beat. 
She’s right, though. It has been two months since Junghwan’s quick confession as he got on the bus, and neither of you have really mentioned it since. But the air between the two of you has changed - if before, you forced yourself to think of him as a friend because you didn’t think he saw you as anything other than that, now, you let all the eye contact and every discreet touch linger and let yourself bask in them. 
With the way you react to every little thing he does, you don’t think there’s any way Junghwan doesn’t know you like him back. You’re not even doing it on purpose, you just can’t help but laugh at all of his jokes, funny or not, ruffle his hair (which is very, very soft) when he does something cute (which is often), or keep casting glances his way when you work a shift together.
You like that he’s not pressuring you to give him an answer. Of course, you want to date him, and you have no intention of leading him on, but you just want to cherish those heart-fluttering, innocent moments before things get more serious. You like how it all feels new, how his good morning and good night texts still surprise you twice a day and how your heart still skips a beat when he beams at you. Although, you have a feeling that even if you do get used to it, you won’t get bored of it.
Jayoon rolls her eyes impatiently at you. “Whether I have or not is not the issue here,” she says in a way that makes you think she has. “I have to admit I just don’t really get it. You know he likes you.  You like him. He probably knows you like him. Why don’t you guys just date already?”
The volume of her voice increases as she speaks, garnering amused looks from customers in the café, and her frustration at someone else’s love life gets a chuckle out of you too. “You know that two of our regulars have straight up asked me if you guys were together? That means that plenty other people have thought the same, just didn’t ask.”
This fact makes your cheeks heat up. Were you and Junghwan really being that obvious? You couldn’t tell Jayoon that you’d also been asked about Junghwan by regulars that had noticed your recent chumminess - she’d only use it as another argument against you.
“I like the way things are right now, Yoon. It’s nice. We text everyday and hang out or study together when we’re not on the same shift. We’re just… progressing from colleagues to friends, if you will. That takes time,” you explain with a sigh. A customer comes in, and because they’re paying more attention to their phone than to you, Jayoon continues grilling you as you prepare their oat latte.
“But you like each other!” she whisper-yells. “Why can’t you progress from colleagues directly into boyfriend and girlfriend? You already act like it anyway. The guy walks you home, texts you cute shit, and I saw those heart-shaped cookies you gave him for his birthday. How come I never got heart-shaped cookies? Or any shape cookies, for that matter?”
You ignore your friend for a short moment as the customer pays for their drink. When they’ve walked away, you turn to her with another sigh and feign a concerned expression. “Is that what this is about, Yoon? Do you want me to make you cookies?”
“Of course I do, but I’m not letting you change the subject.”
“I swear this is at least the fifth time we’ve had this conversation. I’m telling you, it’ll happen naturally. I don’t want to force anything.” 
“But aren’t you scared your spark will fizzle out?” she asks with a pout.
You think for a second. Every time you see Junghwan, your feelings for him grow. He manages to make you feel all giddy inside but wipe all your worries away at once. So, no, you don’t think your spark will fizzle out - you think it will grow slowly but steadily until it becomes warm and welcoming like a fireplace fire, the kind you want to bundle up in front of and feel the flames of on your face during cold winter nights.  
As the pleasant thought crosses your mind, Junghwan enters the café, big brown eyes finding you immediately and lips coming up in that boyish grin of his you love so much. You return his smile, then look back at Jayoon. “No, I’m not,” you reply, smiling at her too. She shrugs, and you hope this was the last time she branched the topic. 
You turn back to Junghwan as he crosses his arms over the counter, bending down on his forearms so that he’s the one looking up at you. The two of you probably look like idiots, smiling at each other like you’ve just shared amazing news, when all you’re happy about is simply seeing the other. “Your usual?” you ask, and he nods.
You get to work on his latte - two shots of espresso and one pump of vanilla syrup - then ask him what he’s doing here, since he’s not working today. 
“I didn’t want to go to the library to study. I’m so tired, I’m probably just going to stare at my computer screen for a couple hours then call it a day. Being around people who are hell-bent on getting their essays done will just stress me out,” he explains with a sigh.
You chuckle. “Yeah, I get that. Students working to make a deadline are some of the scariest people I’ve ever seen. You don’t need that kind of bad energy.”
As you start on your latte art (he likes it when you make a bear, so you’ve perfected your bear-shaped milk foam drawing over the past weeks), another smile tugs at the corner of his lips. “Plus, I wanted to see you.”
Junghwan always says things like this, and yet, it manages to make your brain stop working every single time. Your hand freezes and the hot milk continues pouring into the cup, effectively ruining the bear’s face. 
Jayoon’s loud groan snaps you out of your daze. She then says something about not needing your kind of bad energy and heads to the back storage. You laugh at your friend’s dramatic antics, but when you lock eyes with Junghwan, you grow shy again, finding sudden interest in the marble countertop. You vaguely notice Junghwan’s smile only getting bigger at your reaction. 
“You look really pretty today, noona,” he says, voice dropping in volume so that only you can hear him. You purse your lips together, making it obvious that you’re trying to suppress a smile, but you can’t help letting out a small giggle at the compliment anyway.
“Go study,” you say, handing him his drink then shooing him off with a smile and a tilt of your head. Three teenage girls have come in, and you don’t want Junghwan’s presence messing with your concentration. They look like the type who won’t say anything even if you completely mess up their order, but you’d still rather get it right. 
“Yes, ma’am,” Junghwan replies, standing up straight and picking up his drink. Your eyes follow his movements, and you’d be lying if you said his height and the inches he has over you didn’t make your heart flutter. 
It’s a slow afternoon, and Jayoon takes over for you once you’re done with the girls’ drinks (two vanilla fraps and one iced matcha latte - Yeonjun would throw a fit if he was there), so that you can go sit with Junghwan until the usual five p.m. rush. He complains that you’re distracting him, but even when you stop talking and busy yourself with your phone, he’s the one who breaks the silence or tries to get your attention again. You feign exasperation but he’s too adorable for you to pretend for long - all it takes is a smile from him and you simply melt.
“Noona?” he calls out suddenly after ten minutes of studying. You look up and hum, waiting for him to go on. His smile makes its way back to his lips before he speaks again, and you mirror it almost unconsciously. “Do you wanna do something together when your shift is over?”
Your grin widens, and you rest your forearms on the table, leaning in closer to him in a conspiratory-like manner. “What do you have in mind?” you whisper.
He imitates your position, and even though the sudden proximity takes you aback, you try not to let it show on your face. The way his smile turns into a slight smirk when he notices your eyes quickly darting to his lips doesn’t help you in the slightest. “Get take-out somewhere and eat at a park? The weather’s nice enough.”
Your face lights up even more at the idea. “Sound good?” Junghwan asks, seemingly relieved at your excitement.
“Sounds perfect,” you reply with a giggle, leaning in close enough to bump your forehead against his before sitting back in your seat. The small action takes the both of you by surprise, but if Junghwan’s growing blush is anything to go by, it’s a good kind of surprise. 
Then, Jayoon calls you for help, so you send Junghwan an apologetic smile, to which he responds with an understanding nod of his head. For the better part of an hour, the constant stream of customers keeps you occupied, but the last quiet minutes until the end of your shift seem to drag on and on. As soon as the clock strikes six p.m., you hurry to the backroom and take off your apron, looking at yourself in the mirror to fix your hair before coming back out. 
Usually, you’d stay an extra hour to keep Jayoon company and help her close the store. For once, you’re glad that your friend is such a fervent supporter of your and Junghwan’s relationship, so she lets you go easily - actually, she’d been telling you to just go for the past ten minutes.
Junghwan is already waiting for you outside when you leave the café. The sunlight of the late afternoon turns his dark eyes a golden color and reflects against his hair. You make sure to commit the sight of him like this, beaming as he holds out his hand for you to take, to memory. You gladly take his hand, heart swelling at the feeling of your fingers interlacing for the first time, and yet so naturally. He leads the way and tells you about the different spots you can pick up food at. You decide on a fried chicken place nearby that’s only a two-minute walk away from a nice park. Both of your stomachs are growling, so something you can eat quickly is the best. 
Ever the gentleman, Junghwan insists on paying for your food. Once at the park, you find one of the last unoccupied patches of sunny grass and set camp there. Junghwan lays a blanket down, and with a small blush, admits to having thought of this before getting to the café. “I was just hoping you’d say yes.”
You tease him for about a minute, until his bright red face and the hunger in your stomach make you relent. You both dig in, letting out satisfied hums at the crunchiness of the chicken. He seems to go for all the pieces with bones, and although you like those too, the sight of him happily eating them is enough for you to gladly accept all the boneless ones. 
Usually, people are quiet when they eat, and start talking afterwards; but for some reason, you and Junghwan are the opposite. You talk so much as you eat that it takes you over an hour to finish your food, and by the time you’re done, the sun has started making its slow descent in the sky. 
These are your favorite moments with him - laughing as you share silly childhood stories and tell each other about the many stupid things your friends have done, or getting to know the other better as you listen to what’s been weighing on their mind lately. You just love hearing his voice and talking to him, no matter the topic. You also like pretending to be mad at him when he steals some of your fries, even though he has a lot of his left - if you pout hard enough, he’ll feed you to make up for his theft. 
Either a food coma hits the both of you at the same time, or you’ve both decided to admire the sunset peacefully, but a comfortable silence falls over you. 
His legs had been stretched out in front of him, upper body resting on his palms, but after some time, he decides to lie down completely, hands coming up behind his head in a makeshift pillow. You stay in your cross-legged position and try not to pay him too much attention, but the thought of snuggling up to him and using his body warmth to protect yourself from the growing cold is pervasive in your head. For a minute, you’re so caught up in the idea of being close to him, of being able to touch his hair and bury your head in the crook of his neck, that when he touches your hand, you jump back in surprise. This makes him laugh, but you feel too much like you’ve been caught red-handed to smile too - you barely even register as he intertwines your hands together and brings them to his chest, right atop his heart.
“What were you thinking about?” he asks. As if intent on betraying your thoughts, your eyes swipe over his upper body before you can stop them. You look away, hoping he doesn’t notice the flustered look on your face, the slight crease of your eyebrows.
“Nothing,” you huff in reply.
“Are you sure?” he insists, giving your hand a slight tug, and another one when you don’t react. “Wanna know what I’m thinking about then?”
When you look back at him, a playful smile is dancing on his lips. “What?” you ask, trying to keep a disinterested tone, even though you’re hoping he’ll have the same thing on his mind as you.
His smile widens. “Come here,” he whispers, releasing your hand to reach out to you. A sort of relief washes over your body as you let yourself lie down against him, head resting on his bicep and hand circling his middle. He’s kept one of his hands under his head to hold it up, but the other one rests on your shoulder, fingers sometimes trailing up and down your arm. You hope that he assumes the shivers that rake through your body aren’t due to his actions but to the chilliness in the early evening air.
Indeed, after some time, he sits up for a second to get his jacket out of his bag. “You must be cold,” he says with what sounds like genuine worry in his voice as he places the denim over your body like a blanket before returning to his lying position. He brings you closer to him, and your head shifts from resting on his arm to his shoulder. You just need to turn your head to brush your nose against his neck and breathe in the warm scent of his skin. Instead, you lift your head slightly to admire his face in the orange glow of the last minutes of sunset.
His eyes are closed and he has a peaceful smile on his lips. You’re suddenly overcome with affection for him - all you can think is that you want to keep seeing his smile, and you want to keep being the reason behind it, for as long as possible. You’re also grateful for all the moments spent together, for all the times he’s made you laugh or done something in the hopes it’ll make you happy, for his patience and his understanding. 
You’re not thinking much, more letting your body do what it’s been longing to do when you bend down to press your lips against his cheek.
“You know-”
Whatever he was about to say is stopped by your lips against his, and you both lean back immediately with wide eyes. You’re not crazy, right? You had been aiming for his cheek, but the gods of bad (or perfect) timing had decided he should turn his head to look at you and speak just at that moment.
After the initial shock has subsided, you both burst into giggles. Even though embarrassment makes heat rise to your cheeks, you’re glad that Junghwan doesn’t seem to mind the incident, just lightly pinches your shoulder and continues laughing. You bury your head in his shoulder to hide your face from him.
“Well, that wasn’t how I was expecting our first kiss to go, but I’ll take it, too.”
The playfulness in his tone tugs at something in you, and your insides twist at the thought of him thinking of kissing you, much like you had over the past couple of months. You force your shyness away and look back up at him, a similar smile to his playing on your lips.
“Oh yeah? How did you think it would go?”
His eyebrows raise at your uncharacteristic forwardness, but you can tell that he likes it. His eyes drift down to your lips and stay there as he speaks, and his voice is so low, you almost don’t hear it. It makes you feel like it’s really just you and Junghwan in the whole park. “Should I just show you?”
“I think you should,” you reply, voice just as low as his.
So he does. He lifts his head to find your lips with his, on purpose, this time. The kiss is slow and tentative as you focus on finding your rhythm together, but it’s perfect. It makes you feel all fuzzy at the edges, makes you feel like your fingers are filled with electricity. As your lips move against each other, settling into a nice, comfortable pace, you can’t help but smile. Now more than ever, you’re glad the two of you hadn’t rushed into anything, because every single moment that has led up to this has been worth it and makes this moment even better. Your noses bump into each other, and you’re not sure where to place your hands, and you’re both so nervous you sometimes have to stop to let some giggles out, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Everything is just right. The last warm sun rays and the slight breeze picking up, the soft blanket underneath you, the chatter in the park, the boy who has stopped kissing you only to leave quick pecks all over your cheeks, nose and forehead as he hugs you close to him. He finds your lips once more, pecks them once, then a second time before kissing you properly again. You’re not in his head, but it’s like he’d tried to control himself when you started kissing, but now the nerves and excitement and giddiness have caught up to him and he can’t help but shower you with affection. You remember your hands and bring them up under his head so that you can rake your fingers through the soft locks of his hair. That seems to calm him down instantly - he hums against your lips and you fall back into your previous, slower rhythm. You can’t help but laugh at this, pulling away slightly to look at him. His eyes are filled with adoration, and his expression is nothing but bliss.
You peck his lips one last time before laying back down next to him to take a breather. He whines at the loss of your warmth and presses a kiss to your forehead, then to the top of your head, nuzzling his face against your hair. After a few quiet moments, you remember he’d try to say something before your happy accident, so you ask him about it.
“Oh, that…” he starts, but says nothing more. You look back up at him, even more curious now.
“That?” you echo. His eyes dart all over your face as if trying to commit every millimeter of it to memory and a smile grows on his face.
“Yeah… I was gonna ask if you, um, if you remembered what I said that day at the bus stop.”
How could you have forgotten? “You mean, as you got into the bus and gave me zero time to say anything in return?”
His cheeks flush slightly but he keeps on grinning. “Yeah, that. I didn’t wanna say anything, but you also haven’t mentioned it, so I was getting a bit worried…”
Even though he’s smiling, his words alarm you. Had Jayoon been right? Maybe, all along, you were sure you were being clear, but Junghwan had no idea what you were thinking. 
“I’m sorry, Hwan. I was sure I was making it obvious.”
“Making what obvious?”
How did he not know? “That I like you, too.”
His eyes light up at your words. He shoots up, almost knocking his head against yours in the process, but is too excited to notice it. You sit up too, his jacket falling off of your shoulders as you do. He looks at you like a kid whose parents just told him they were going to Disneyland. “You do?!”
You giggle, pushing away some hair that had fallen in his eyes. “Of course I do.”
He pulls into a hug so tight, you can barely breathe. This boy really needs to learn to assess his own strength. “This is the best day of my life,” he says, making you laugh again. You wrap your arms around his middle, bunching up some of the fabric of his t-shirt in your hands. 
“Did you really not know?” you ask.
“Well, I thought you might. Or at least, I really hoped so. But I wasn’t a hundred percent sure…”
“I’m sorry,” you repeat, but he stops you quickly.
“Don’t be.”
“But I am.” You pull back to look at him but keep your hands where they are. “I just… I really liked the way things were going.” You’d never been in a serious relationship before, never found someone that you really wanted to take that step further with. But now that you had that someone, you realized you had no idea how to take things from here.
His smile softens. “Nothing has to change. I like the way things are going, too.” He takes a breath here, as if trying to steady himself before saying what he wants to say next. “I just want to be able to call you my girlfriend at the same time.”
It takes you a second to process his words, but when you do, you smile so hard, your cheeks start to hurt. Was it that easy this entire time? Just say, hey, let’s be boyfriend and girlfriend now, and everything could go on as it had been before?
“Your girlfriend?” you echo, half to make sure and half to tease him.
He nods fervently. “Mh-hm.”
You press a chaste peck to his lips. When you pull back, he’s kept his eyes closed, as if savoring the moment. “I’d love that, Hwan.”
He opens his eyes as his smile gets impossibly wider, and engulfs you in a tight hug once more. He holds your face in his hands as he kisses your cheek, then the top of your head. You think you hear him mumble “my girl” against your hair, but the sound of your giggles is louder than his muffled voice.
The two of you stay at the park until almost everyone has left, chased away by the cold, chatting and holding onto each other for warmth. As always, Junghwan walks you home, but this time, he doesn’t let you walk through your door before getting one last kiss or two. You only break away when the upstairs neighbor has to awkwardly clear his throat to be let through. 
Junghwan texts you not even a minute after you’ve exchanged goodbyes to thank you for the amazing afternoon. You reply immediately, and the two of you text the night away, until your phone screen starts to hurt your eyes in the darkness of your room and you really need to start sleeping. 
Tomorrow, you’re doing the closing shift together - you already know that it’ll feel like an eternity, waiting most of the day until you see him again. But you know you will, and that’s all that matters. So you fall asleep with your phone on your heart and a smile on your face.
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permanent taglist: @zreamy @sunghoonmybeloved @lalalalawon @sd211 @w3bqrl @raikea10 @wntrnghts @moonlighthoon @4imhry @rikisly @loves0ft @iamliacamila @theboingsuckerasseater9000 (ask to be removed/added!)
series taglist: @ineedsomezzz
treasure taglist: @mosviqu
© asahicore on Tumblr, 2023. please do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works. feedback and reblogs always appreciated!
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plzu · 1 year
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solo - (Adrian Chase x Reader)
part six ☕️ <;< series masterlist☕️ ao3
a/n: please note that i will be taking liberties with the show's timeline here now that Chris is back. i believe everything took place in the span of… less than a week? i'm going to be stretching it out a little so we can fit in some stuff for the Reader, otherwise there won't be time!!! summary: Vigilante's BFF is back from prison! Which is exciting, and not something at all to worry about. warnings: bad relationship with parents (mommy issues haha lol), reader is struggling with depression, brief mentions of masturbation, no Y/N wordcount: 4.2k
Very few things could snap Adrian out of the tedium of Fennel Fields. Usually, while mechanically wiping down tables and pouring refills of water, he is deep in thought strategizing over how to capture the next criminal, or contemplating what went wrong from the aggravating nights that someone got away so he could avoid mistakes like that in the future.
It used to be Taylor's hot cousin that would come in from time to time, snapping Adrian's attention out of his thoughts as soon as he spotted her (much to Taylor's dismay). He wasn’t really all that into her, she was just really pretty and was nice to Adrian, like, once, and with Peacemaker in prison, Adrian was a little bored and just craved the distraction.
Lately, it's been his old high school classmate and now-barista, who, truth be told, didn't even have to physically be in Fennel Fields to be a distraction. Ever since running into them for the first time since high school graduation, Adrian's thoughts would wistfully wander to the glow of their laughter or the heat of their skin through their clothes. Coffee-scented daydreams and caramel kisses.
(Luckily, his apron did a pretty decent job of obscuring the growing bulge in his pants when his fantasies grew too steamy.)
So the days you did stop by? Every other customer's face became an indescribable blur. The drug dealer or car-jacker Vigilante was planning on going after would be fully pushed to the back of his mind. He did everything he could to keep you in his line of sight, at that point. And you'd giggle at the attention, and he'd smile all goofy in return, something like pride beating in his chest.
But there's no you tonight. It's the one day you're not at the Evergreen Bean, which is why you planned your outing for last night, you had explained to him.
So, instead, the thing that makes Adrian Chase do a double-take--momentarily distracting him from work--is the all familiar flash of bright crimson stretched snug against the all too familiar muscular chest of Peacemaker.
Holy fuck, Peacemaker is back!?
Adrian would hardly believe his own two eyes if it weren't for the shine of Peacemaker's iconic helmet, and the fact that Vigilante was intimately familiar with the sheer size and shape of the man. They're best friends, after all; Adrian would've been able to clock him even without his glasses.
He watches -- ogles, really -- as his best buddy sits down in a booth with some other people, strangers that Adrian doesn't recognize and can't currently be bothered with even trying to identify because, holy shit, Peacemaker's back, he's really back!
So absorbed is he in his elation that Peacemaker is out of prison and ordering Zoodles in his restaurant, he doesn't realize the very open-faced, dopey grin that he's slipped into, head lolled to the side like a lovesick puppy. All previous worries have instantly vanished from his heart. It’s ridiculous he was ever worried about the cops knocking on his door this morning.
Oh, Chris is looking his way! Adrian sighs and waves at the attention, and does an encouraging, celebratory gesture with his fists when Peacemaker glances back again. Momentarily caught up not in being Adrian Chase the busboy, but in being Vigilante, the... vigilante. Who also happens to be Christopher Smith's best friend.
This has got to be in the top 10 best days for Adrian. His high school crush told him he's their best friend and his crime-fighting bestie is home from prison, all within the same 24 hours??
He can barely contain his enthusiasm, he needs to sneak out back to do his famous butt dance in the dirty alley behind the restaurant.
If only he had someone he could gush to about Peacemaker's glorious return to Evergreen!
Wait. He does..!
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Ever since you moved back in with your parents, every waking moment not spent at work or with Adrian is spent in your bedroom. Usually miserably watching Netflix, or scrolling mindlessly through your phone, or, well, masturbating until exhaustion finally gives way to sleep.
You hide away, avoiding your parents as much as possible. If they can't see you, they'll forget you're here. If they forget you're here, then there won't be any questions about what happened, or lectures on what a monumental fuck-up you turned out to be.
It's a childish hope, really. This belief that you can occupy space in their house without going noticed. That you can tiptoe past their bedroom door to the bathroom and they won't hear the water running. That you can just disappear, despite attributing to the water and electricity bill, despite using their wifi to peruse shitty memes to distract you from the growing numbness in your ribcage, or the anxiety that chatters in your teeth.
The sensible part of your brain frets, knowing that this behavior will just make it worse. The more you prolong coming face to face with them, the bigger the ticking time bomb of your mother's anger will be when it finally goes off. It is a wrath you hate to be on the receiving end of.
Yet you delude yourself with the idea of Out of Sight, Out of Mind.
Only when it is past midnight, when your parents are certainly asleep, do you feel any sort of relief under this roof. But that relief grows smaller and smaller with each passing day, and it gets harder to pretend everything's okay, harder to distract yourself with things that are supposed to bring you joy, like comfort movies, or your favorite songs.
Even rubbing one out barely does anything to ignite the signals in your brain with fake happiness. It’s like even the dopamine fizzles away quickly, knowing this is bullshit. 'Like, dude, c'mon. Give us the real thing! Let the hot busboy touch you for REAL-'
So you're in your room again, nearly 24 hours after the incident in the alleyway, the bloodshed and revelations, and it should be the same as every other night, where you just wallow in silence. Maybe worse! Should definitely be worse considering the aforementioned 'bloodshed' and 'revelations.' But instead, holding a pillow tight to your chest, you blink up at your ceiling until weird splotches of light dance at the edge of your vision, utterly fucking baffled. You've been trying to make sense of the encounter you went through earlier after walking through the front door.
It had been too much to hope that your parents were either still asleep or not home once you shut the front door. Immediately, your dad appeared from the other end of the hall, and, as expected, he looked none too pleased to see you.
Your face slipped into its usual stony mask at the sight of him and his crossed arms. Inwardly, though, you grimaced, and hoped that the stench of alcohol and vomit had been successfully washed off.
“Where have you been?” Dad asked, stern and to the point. 
“I told you,” you responded tonelessly, “I went out with my old friends yesterday.”
“That doesn't explain why you didn't come home.”
While being grilled by your father, you instinctively try to listen for any sounds that your mother is around. Your dad's disappointment sucks, sure, but your mother's anger has always been worse, and difficult to shield yourself from.
Staring at a spot on the wall near your father's head, you explained that you spent the night at one of your friends last night, to make up for lost time. It wasn't a complete lie; it's what you had originally planned on doing anyway. Besides, you DID sleep over at a friend's house.
They just didn't have to know that it wasn't one of your old girl friends.
Your dad brought up the bodies that were found behind the club you went to, and how it's all over the news. That was enough to make your eyes widen just a fraction, nearly breaking your stony facade.
“So you can understand,” he continued, voice dipping slightly more into a venomous fervor, “why you going out, getting drunk, and not answering our texts could make us worry.”
“Sorry, my phone died-”
“And that's irresponsible of you.”
A twitch of your eyebrows had indicated a crack in your mask, the bubbling frustration that even being about 10 or so years out of college, they still treated you like a child. “Well I'm fine, obviously. I'm here,” you bit out without thinking.
Your dad raised his voice. “Are you?? Because we never see you. Ever since you moved back in, you're either hiding in your room like a moody teenager, or supposedly working every day of the damn week! You come home late and then leave the next day without barely speaking to us.
“Your attitude has been making your mother worried sick, and it's driving us crazy. I kept trying to convince her to give you your space, but it's been months. I can't defend you anymore, not if you keep acting like this.”
The mention of your mother had your eyes shift to the stairs, to the entryway where your father stood, then back to the stairs, nervously looking for her. Sure enough, she appeared alongside your dad, quietly announcing her presence with an impassive stare. Your fists clenched, then, nails biting into your palms.
“Your mother has some stuff to say about this, too.” Dad glanced over at her expectantly, and there was almost something... eager about the look on his face. Which was odd. He was never one to derive pleasure from you getting in trouble.
But when your mother opened her mouth to speak, it was unexpectedly calm. “What? You mean about her?” The look in her eyes as she glanced in your direction was eerily… unrecognizable. “The lack of communication since your return home. You’ve been distant, and it has been… frustrating. Being gone from home so often without speaking to… us, and not answering your messages while out all night was very upsetting last night.”
She had spoken like she was recalling the thoughts. And, more shocking, she hadn’t raised her voice the entire time. Not a single expletive. No seething, bared-teeth rage. 
Your dad seemed just as bewildered as you at the lack of emotion in her tone. “That’s it? Last night you were screaming up a storm before storming out.” 
Then she shrugged, looking back up at your dad. “She’s an adult, right? Like you? …like me?”
She started walking towards you, making your heart leap into your throat. You didn’t dare take a step back. 
“Where did you even go last night?” 
You thought the question was directed at you, but your father was staring, concerned, at your mother’s back.
She paused. “I went out to... clear my head.” 
When she continued walking, she brushed right past without sparing you another glance. 
A text alert from your phone pulls you out of your memories, and your heart skips a happy little beat. Adrian! 
There’s been this uncomfortable feeling of uncertainty about Adrian, like he might disappear now that you know his big secret. It was a secret you really would not have minded not knowing, to be honest. Not if it meant potentially driving a wedge between you and the only source of solace you have in this town.
Ignorance is bliss, and all that. 
Adrian's text message is asking if you're gonna still be up by the time he gets out of work, because he has really cool news to share. You very quickly shoot back confirmation that you'll be up, and have things to share of your own.
Something tender balloons in your chest as you stare at the cracked phone screen, a sort of mushy happiness. None of that fake joy. It's a very Adrian-specific joy, and it further confirms that you need to keep him around for as long as you can, vigilante business be damned.
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“Wait, who?”
Adrian has settled into his car. After making sure there were no other stragglers in the parking lot, or suspicious passerby this late at night, he excitedly pulled up your contact and called you immediately. In an overzealous rush, he skipped the customary 'hello's' and jumped right into the highlight of his shift.
Seems like you were having a hard time keeping up, though. Which, cute as you are, was still kind of frustrating for him.
“Peacemaker! You know, the kick-ass hero with the super cool eagle sidekick? Eagly?”
He hears something like a snort on your end. “Wait, seriously? That's not very creative.”
“What are you talking about? Eagly's the coolest. I wish I had our country's national bird as a sidekick.”
Your chuckle comes through warm and fuzzy through the phone. “Of course you do, Adrian. So, Peacemaker? Where has he been this whole time?”
“Are you- are you serious? Do heroes go to prison? Well- I mean, cool people to go prison all the time but I'm talking specifically, like, Batman-level heroes, not civilian ones-”
“It's not his fault,” he says defensively. “They just don't get what we do.”
“We? Oh. He kills people, too, huh.”
It wasn't a question. It was a conclusion you came to, and Adrian is wondering if he messed up by reminding you about how he conducts his job as Vigilante.
But then you continue, almost... cheekily. “He just got caught.”
“Yeah..” he says, drawing out the word, not quite sure where you're going with this but surprised you don't sound as distraught as you did this morning.
“So that means he probably isn't as good as you, huh.”
“What? No way, Peacemaker's awesome, he's the best! He-”
“Dude,” you laugh. “I'm trying to compliment you.”
 “Wait, really?” Adrian feels his face warm at your snuggly 'mm-hmm.' The praise was a complete 180 from the way you freaked out this morning in his bedroom, but he supposes you’re more so complimenting the Getting Away With It part of the whole crime-fighting gig.
“Well, I guess you're right,” he continues, a bubble of tentative pride swelling in his chest. “I mean, of the two of us, I still have a secret identity. Everyone knows that he's Chris Smith. Also, as cool as his helmet is, it really doesn't do much to hide his face. And honestly, the lower half of his face is arguably his most prominent feature. Aside from his physique. Man, he's huge! Honestly, it's impressive he was able to keep up all that bulk in prison. Can't imagine they feed you very well-”
“Adrian, oh my god.”
“What! What is it?”
“Are you, like, in love with him? Because it kind of sounds like you have a massive crush on this guy.”
“What? Hah! No.” Adrian's neck itches with warmth. “We're best bros. It's normal to talk about your BFF with a deep sense of admiration. I wouldn't be- I wouldn't be who I am today without him!”
Also, it's been four years since he's seen the man. It's perfectly reasonable to gush, for lack of a better term. Besides, Adrian can never pass up the opportunity to praise Chris to others.
The line's gone quiet, and Adrian thinks the call may have gotten disconnected or something. “Hello?”
“Mm. Still here.” You sound quiet and distant, suddenly. Well, it's pretty late. You're probably just tired.
“So... you said you had something to talk about, too, right?”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah. No, it's nothing, just- my parents were acting kind of funny this morning.”
“Okay... funny how?”
“Well, you know how I've kind of been... avoiding them? Well, today they finally confronted me. And, like, I knew this was coming. I'm not surprised. But they didn't react the way... I expected?”
“What were you expecting?”
“For my mom to blow a gasket. For my whole life, she's always yelled when she was angry, or disappointed, or whatever. But this morning, she just... talked. Like, emotionless, too.”
Not knowing what to say, and not really knowing your parents, Adrian just sits and waits for you to continue.
“She didn't even seem angry. It was almost like she didn't care. And... I dunno, I can't decide if this is worse.”
“Well, getting yelled at is no fun,” Adrian helpfully supplies. “So this should be better, right?”
He hears you sigh. “Yeah. Maybe. Whatever, this is bumming me out. See you tomorrow?”
The shakily hopeful lilt in your voice makes him feel special, and he promises you tomorrow and bids you good night.
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You're alone in the cafe, having let the last barista leave as soon as closing time hit. Aside from your still-sore knees and bandaged wounds, being back at work almost felt normal.
You didn't tell Ashe or the others about what happened the other night. For one, how pathetic would it be to admit that you got stood up by the people you were super excited to see? Lame. Second, admitting to getting assaulted would lead to unnecessary concern. You're fine. Nothing even happened and those guys are, like, super dead.
(the way their hands linger on you in your nightmares so far is no one's business, either)
Three, the conversation would have inevitably led to Vigilante, and Matty would have stayed past his shift just to bombard you with questions about Evergreen's Most Wanted.
It was almost comforting to drown your senses today in the scent of coffee and idle customer chatter. You even hummed along to the standard cafe playlist, which you usually found dull but today, you found yourself grateful for having another chance to listen to the indie guitar strumming in the first place.
You're counting the money from the till when a knock startles you, making you jump and lose your place. You look up across the store to see - squint - wait, is that a familiar red visor??
Vigilante stands on the other side of the thick pane of glass. When he sees you've noticed him, he raises his hand in a friendly little wave that almost looks unnatural considering the armor on his chest and the very clear handle of a fucking sword on his back.
But then you visualize Adrian beneath the mask, and your heart goes back to beating at a normal pace.
“What are you-” you falter as you lead him into the cafe. “Why- why're you... Vigilante?” The end of your question peters off into a quiet hiss. Secretive.
The masked head of his tilts to the side a bit, and he crosses his arms over his chest. “Well, who else is going to rid the streets of Evergreen of criminal scum? The cops? Hah!” He throws his head back. “Not likely.”
This makes you smirk, despite yourself. “No, I meant- why are you here wearing that?”
Sizing up Vigilante’s appearance, you can see in the lighting of the cafe what you couldn’t see before in the dim street lighting and drunken haze. The armor on his chest is well-worn, the accented teal V-shape clearly scuffed and dirtied from constant use. There’s some stitching on the lower right side of his torso that almost, but not quite, does a decent job of blending into the rest of the black material. 
If you scan lower, you find more of that same stitching on his pant legs, below his holster (which he has two of, one on each side of his tapered waist).
Which, holy shit, you never really noticed his build before. His body is always hidden underneath looser fitting tops. Maybe it’s just the chest plate and shoulder pads, but it really pronounces the wide breadth of his chest and shoulders. That combined with the utility built, whose wide V-shape points directly down to his crotch, narrows his waist. It makes filthy thoughts of straddling him between your thighs flit through your imagination before you snuff it out.
“Oh.” Adrian's arms unfold and drop back down to his sides as he glances down at his get-up. “I'm meeting up with Peacemaker tonight. And, honestly? Now that-” his voice lowers and he leans towards you just a little, “now that you know, it's way faster to just show up already dressed. Then I don't have to spend more time afterwards changing!”
You pause on your way back behind the bar, then look back at him. “We're not hanging out tonight?” Your shoulders slump in dejection. “Wait, you've been going out as Vigilante afterwards this whole time?”
The idea that after each time you've parted ways, he's been going out and potentially risking his life doesn't sit well with you. Not knowing if each good-bye was the last time you'd see that dopey face of his post make-out sessions.
“Not all the time,” Adrian -- Vigilante -- corrects. “Considerably less since we've started hanging out, actually. But now that Peacemaker is back, I gotta step it back up! Don't want him to think I've been slacking while he was away.”
A strange mix of pride and guilt weighs in your chest.
It's good that you've kept Adrian distracted recently, right? It means less chances that some jay-walker will get pulverized to a pulp by a well-intentioned freak in a mask. And maybe you've been keeping Adrian unintentionally safe, too. The cops can't capture Vigilante if he's not out and about. No bullet to pierce the softer bits of his costume. Uniform. Whatever.
But then, there's all the good he's done, too. And the fact that, judging by his clear giddiness and the reverential way in which he rambled about Peacemaker last night, he loves doing this. There's a very clear, unbridled enthusiasm about him now that you never quite saw before. The thought that you may have been keeping him away from something he so obviously loves (and is, apparently, quite good at) kind of hurts your heart.
“Sooo.. are you gonna make me a drink before I go?”
“Hm? Oh-” you step towards the espresso machine, but then remember the first time he showed up in your store, five minutes before close, saying something about really needing the caffeine that night.
“Wait.” You spin and face him, looking at him with wide-eyed accusation. “Have I been giving you an energy boost this whole time so I can help you kill people?”
Does that make you, like, an accomplice? Indirectly?
“Hey!” He points a gloved, defensive finger in your direction. “I do not just kill people. Don't simplify it like that. I do a lot of surveillance and strategizing, too! It really is not all as easy as killing someone.”
Killing someone is easy!?
Because you're slightly annoyed with him, and because he clearly doesn't need the caffeine, you pull a single shot of espresso for Adrian. You pass him the tiny cup.
He handles the paper cup like an empty bottle of prescription pills, lightly wiggling it as if weighing its contents. And then he snorts.
“Listen, I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job, but I think you forgot to add the rest of the drink, silly.”
His voice held the cadence of a tease, like he was just about ready to crack up at your goofy little mistake.
“I didn't forget,” you snap, rolling your eyes. “A shot of espresso is the whole drink. It's called a solo.”
“Uh, no,” he chuckles. “I'm pretty sure a solo is when you...” he makes a crude gesture with his empty right hand, slowly bringing it back and forth against his crotch like he's lazily jerking off ghost-dick.
He's being fully serious, and your mouth twists in an effort not to laugh.
“Well, that's all you're getting tonight,” you say with finality, shutting down the espresso machine. “'Sides, I really doubt you need that much caffeine tonight. You seem plenty awake.”
Staring at the tiny drink in his hand, he concedes, but not without sounding disappointed.
“Well, gotta run!” He turns around and starts heading for the door. “Don't forget to lock up behind me.”
“You're leaving without giving me a kiss!?”
You clap your hands over your mouth, surprised at your own outburst. You stare, wide-eyed, as he whips back around. You can't see his facial expression, but you can only imagine he's also surprised. Adrian's been the most outspoken with his neediness. You've always been plenty good about holding back just how much you want from him. (Verbally, anyway.)
“Aww, that's cute!”
Your face immediately warms at the remark. It feels like you've given the power over to him, now, which you hadn't realized you'd even been withholding all this time.
And, worse- something about his exclamation, the near-condescending tone of it, coming from his masked face? The red visor, the taunting tilt of his head. Something pulses low in your gut, and your thighs squeeze together reflexively.
What the fuck?
“Anyway, as much as I'd like to, I can't take my mask off here. Secret identity, and all that.”
“But there's no one else here,” you say, hands finally lowered from your mouth.
“Cameras.” He points overhead to a discreet camera on the ceiling that you never quite paid much thought to before.
All you do is frown. Maybe pout a little, but you'd deny it if anybody asked.
When he rushes out the store without another glance back, it leaves you very, terribly, alone.
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taglist: @whatevermonkey @nobodys-baby-now @hiddlebatchedloki @pokoyolfhw @navs-bhat @afraidofshrimp @training4theapocalypse @abbaenthusiast
[ if you would like to be removed from the taglist, pls let me know! it wouldn't hurt my feelings, i 100% understand if you come to find it annoying or just not currently interested in the fandom. likewise, if you want to be added, i'd appreciate a reblog and/or comment/feedback ]
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beemers-hell · 7 months
I've seen a lot of fashion doll posting on your twitter and like, I don't exactly know how to ask but if you ever want to infodump about it on here that would be so genuinely interesting
Not pressuring you in any way of course! I just like seeing your fashion doll posting
rubs my hands together maliciously
Ok so I don't actually have anything I feel like talking about doll wise atm, I prefer making one off posts here n there about the dolls I'm into on twt more than tumblr cause I feel like twt is better suited for one off thoughts while tumblr is better suited for dedicated n thought out posts, at least with how I use it. Which is why you see a lot more wips/shitposts from me on twt than tumblr. so instead I'll just show yall my current collection!!! ANYWAY long ass post time
I've been working on finding and filling out various release lines from different doll brands im fixated on and have been rearranging my collection set up a lot cause of it lol. My shit is scattered all around my room because of how me and my little brother have divided up space for us to display both of our separate collections of things (we are both autistic and insane about our special interests) so there's gonna be a lot of photos lol
TO BEGIN: here's my display case of all my old g1 Monster High dolls I managed to hold onto since I was a kid! I got all of these back when MH initially debuted (when I was around 8 or 9) and all of these dolls have survived through my childhood/teenage years, hence why they're not in super great shape unfortunately lol
the only exceptions to this being the Día de Muertos Howliday Skelita, since obvs that's a recent release, as well as the misc. dolls I have scattered around the top of the case, those are dolls that s0uless has gifted to me over the past 2 years teehee
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Moving on, to my current collection of dolls I began purchasing for myself over the past year: starting with this set of shelves next to my bed! I'm mainly using this as my Bratz shelf, but I ran out of room to fit my Skultimate Secrets Fearidescent Dolls where I usually keep my Monster High dolls, so they're there for now.
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I only have Jade's reproduction doll because when the Bratz reproductions first began releasing, I was being strict with myself about not indulging in dolls again so I only let myself get Jade since shes my fav. Which I'm sad about, cause I'd love to have all the girls together for both their 20th anniversary reproduction dolls and their Alwayz dolls together. Also, there's a spot left empty next to my Alwayz Cloe bc I have Not been able to find Alwayz Sasha in stores like ANYWHERE for the past 2 months, so I gave up and ordered her online. She'll be arriving here in a couple days!!
Next up is this series of shelves above my dresser that I mainly use to display misc. figures n other shit I've come to own since I was like 12 (you can tell bc of the MHA stuff lmao) but I recently cleared some space so I could fit my Skultimate Secrets Series 1 Dolls (and Spa Day Lagoona + Scare-adise Frankie and Draculaura) somewhere, as well as having a place to display my current set of LOL OMG dolls! And also Bank art doll cameo lmao
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Then we have the top shelf of my desk, which mostly has various Knicks knacks compacted into a corner but I put my two LOL OMG Tweens together there, as well as my single Licca doll that s0uless got me for this past christmas and the custom doll they made of my sona for me! <3
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(fun fact me and s0uless are currently in the process of making more custom dolls of Eb, Bank, and the triplets but you'll have to wait n see on that one hehe)
And finally for dolls, here's my desk setup, where I display my main Monster High dolls! I mostly just display each Signature Doll + Their Core Refreshes here, but Monsterball Draculaura didn't have space anywhere else so she gets to chill there too lmao
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Thats it for my actual dolls, but I have two other photos to share, which is just how I set up my Skultimate Secrets Series 1 Lockers + where I put the posters that come with each Bratz doll I have lmao
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ok thats all I'm done now, ill update this when Sasha gets here lmao
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To Ascend Again
Summary: After falling from the Celestial Realm, the seven brothers must rely on each other emotionally to cope with the loss of their sister, Lilith. Meanwhile, they are also trying to adjust to their new forms and heal both the physical and emotional wounds caused by the Celestial War. Their bonds become stronger than ever since the fall, and they learn to rise again from the calamity that befell them.
Genre: Angst/Hurt
CW: Blood, Mammon swearing, very minor violence
A/N: This is the first chapter released since Nightbringer came out! 🎉 I honestly was holding out for NB's release to get a feel for the story so I could figure out exactly how I wanted the future chapters to go. Now I know the situation of RAD in NB, but I had already mentioned it before i prior chapters so to keep it consistent, we're just going with it lol I'll try my best from here on out to include some stuff from the game, so i'll be sure to include if there's potential spoilers. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy!! I also apologize in advance for what i'm about to do to Satan 😬
Taglist: @amberrskiies @delphi-dreamin @obey-me-posts @sassykattery @bite-sized-devil @flemmingbamse
fill out this form to be added to my taglist!
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Chapter 8: The Fall of Satan
The brothers stared as Diavolo placed a rather large catalog in front of them on the dining room table. “Uh, what’s this?” Mammon asked, tilting his head. “This here is a book of all of our Uniform options at my Academy!” The demon prince boasted. Lucifer pulled the catalog closer to himself to get a better look. “So, we can choose whatever we’d like?” he asked. Barbatos nodded from his place at the end of the table. “Yes, that’s correct. Most demons go for a standard, traditional uniform. But you can customize any of the pieces such as the style and color of the ties.” The brothers all crowded around Lucifer as they looked at the wide variety of uniform styles that Diavolo offered.
“Feel free to browse for the rest of the day. As soon as you decide we’ll get them ordered and you will be able to start attending the Academy.” Lucifer hummed as he glanced up at Diavolo, clasping his hands together in front of him. “And how exactly will we be paying for this?” Diavolo chuckled. “You needn’t worry, the Academy takes care of the costs for all of the student uniforms.” Barbatos nodded in agreement. “That is correct. However I must mention that you now have a household fund that the Demon King has set up in honor of your rankings.” Lucifer gaped at him as Mammon’s head shot up, abandoning the catalog. “Did ya just say ‘household fund’? Like, we have actual money?” Lucifer nudged him harshly, noticing the golden hue that began to shine in his younger brother’s eyes. “Mammon, that’s enough.” he hissed in warning. The white haired demon ignored him, his mind clearly clouded by greed. Diavolo tossed his head back in laughter as he slipped Lucifer a small rectangular piece of plastic. “Now calm down, Mammon. This credit card here is exclusively for household spending. You should have plenty in there to buy some more clothes to start out as well as ingredients to stock the kitchen.” Mammon huffed, crossing his arms to his chest. “Fine, I really do need new shirts. My wings keep rippin’ holes through ‘em.” “Me too, I’m so tired of it.” Asmo whined, resting his chin in his hand. Lucifer ignored them as he held up the small card. It was black with gold lettering that spelled out his name as well as a series of numbers. “When you go to buy something here in the Devildom, you can either use the physical form of currency as you had before, or simply hand over this card. It’ll automatically take out the funds from your account.” Lucifer glanced from the card back to Diavolo. “Is it really that simple?” he asked. Diavolo nodded. “Indeed. Almost too simple. Now, be sure to keep that away from Mammon.” he chuckled, nudging his shoulder. 
Once Barbatos finished explaining the uniforms, Diavolo plopped a big box down on the table, catching everyone’s attention. “Now, these are another important thing that will assist you greatly here in the Devildom.” One by one, he brought out a small, rectangular looking device and set them on the hardwood surface. “These are called D.D.Ds, which stands for ‘Diavolo’s Devildom Device’. They are manufactured by a well known company here in the Devildom called the Three-Legged Crow Conglomerate.” Levi reached for one and touched the screen, causing it to light up. “Woah, no way! These are kind of like human world cell phones!” he said, his voice rising with excitement as he unlocked the screen. Belphie shuffled his way through his older brothers to stand next to Leviathan, his violet eyes sparkling with interest. He watched as Levi tapped his way through the different apps on the home screen. “I’ve heard of cell phones. Li-” the youngest demon paused, his face falling almost immediately. “Um, I mean I just used to hear the other angels talking about them, is all.” Diavolo smiled sadly at the youngest brother as he handed the rest of the D.D.Ds out. Lucifer glanced over at Belphie, who was now staring at the ground. He knew that Lilith had a fascination with items from the Human world, Lilith was always telling them about her new discoveries. Diavolo’s voice brought him back from his thoughts and he noticed he was now holding one of the devices. “Belphegor is right. They do work very similarly to human world devices. These will allow you to stay in contact with each other when you’re away, and you can also browse the many applications that come with it.” Lucifer gently held the D.D.D. in his hand as he stared down at it. “So how do we use it?” he asked, quizzically. Barbatos cleared his throat, holding up his own device in his gloved hand. “Allow me to show you.” For the next several minutes, the butler assisted with showing the brothers how to send messages, calls, and also access the variety of apps that were installed already. “There's one more thing. If you happen to need any aid with your D.D.D, it comes with its very own virtual assistant.” The brothers watched curiously as he pressed a button on the side of the device. All of a sudden, a giant hologram of a crow appeared before them. “Greetings, I am Karasu.” Barbatos smiled as he watched the brothers gasp in surprise. “This is Karasu, he serves as a helpful assistant whenever you need help with your D.D.D. Simply just say the words, ‘Hey Karasu’, or press this button here.” he said, pointing to the small button he had pressed just a few moments earlier. Lucifer stared wide eyed at the crow as it sat floating in the middle of their dining room. “This is…. Amazing.” he muttered. Levi nodded in agreement. “Yeah, way beyond technology the human world has.” 
As the brothers continued to browse through their D.D.Ds, Diavolo and Barbatos saw it as an opportunity to excuse themselves. “Please, let us know when you have decided on the uniforms. We’ll have them sent to the House of Lamentation and then we’ll discuss the details of the Academy. We’d like you to start attending as soon as possible.” Lucifer nodded as he led the two demons back to the entryway of the house. “Thank you for your help. Words cannot express how much I am grateful to the generosity you have shown me and my brothers.” he said, dipping his head. Diavolo smiled as he reached out to place a large hand on his shoulder. “There’s no need to thank me, Lucifer. You shall repay me soon, but for now, I’d like you to focus on settling in.” He winked before turning around and heading out the door with Barbatos following closely behind. Lucifer sighed as the large door creaked shut. He really didn’t know what he meant by ‘repaying’ him, but he decided Diavolo was right. That was a problem for the future. Now he just had to focus on not only taking care of his brothers, but a whole house. 
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The rest of the evening was quiet. After a very chaotic afternoon deciding with his brothers over what to order from Akuzon, Lucifer found himself in his room, scrolling through his D.D.D. and enjoying peace and quiet. They had been instructed by Diavolo to leave the house as little as possible, as the Devildom was quite shaken up from the word of their fall. However, they needed food and clothes desperately, so they took up trying out the Akuzon app on their D.D.Ds. They were successfully able to order what they needed to be delivered within just a few hours. He had finally got his brothers to settle down and gather their things from the order to head to their rooms for the night. As he was browsing through a Devildom news app, his phone suddenly emitted a high pitched ding and he flinched, almost dropping it. He saw a message pop up from Diavolo.
Good evening, Lucifer.  Are you settling in okay? Lucifer sat up, rubbing his forehead. He really didn’t understand why the Demon Prince of all people was messaging him at such an hour. Was that normal? Sighing, Lucifer tapped on the message and began to type out a reply. 
Yes, thank you Diavolo. 
We’ve picked out uniforms, I’ll send the order your way.
Very good! 
Now Lucifer. 
I mean no offense by this but…do you know how to do that?
Lucifer stared wide-eyed at Diavolo’s message. On second thought, how did he go about doing that? 
No. My apologies, Diavolo. 
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It’s quite alright. How about we meet tomorrow at my Castle? Come by whenever you are ready for the day.
Have a good night, Lucifer.
Lucifer blinked. Was he…laughing at him? Is that what that picture meant? The eldest demon sighed, setting his D.D.D down on the bed. The demon prince truly was a mystery to him. He still couldn’t understand how one of the most powerful demons in the Devildom could show this much compassion and kindness towards him and his brothers. Lucifer groaned, sliding underneath his covers and pulling them to his chest. He hated to admit it, but the generosity that Diavolo was showing to them was cracking the surface of his already fragile state of pride. He knew he didn’t deserve it. It was his fault they were all here anyways. His fault that Lilith was gone. But he couldn’t bring himself to tell his brothers the truth about their sister’s fate. He was failing them, and he could only sit here keeping secrets. He allowed his eyes to flutter shut, deciding to try and get some sleep since he would need to be at Diavolo’s early on the next day. However, flashes of Lilith’s bright smile filled his mind and kept him awake. She used to be the light in their lives. She always took care of them, cheered them up when they were upset. She was always smiling, and it made him smile. Lucifer could just barely remember the days when he didn’t constantly frown. Then one day, in the blink of an eye, her happy disposition was ruined by the corrupt laws of the Celestial Realm. Lucifer’s eyes shot open once more. Since when did he think of their laws as corrupt? He never thought of them that way before. He was always more than happy to uphold the commandments of The Celestial Realm. Obviously Lilith’s actions were forbidden by Celestial Realm law, so he should have had no opposition to their ruling. Lucifer rubbed his eyes. Just another sign of the pitiful creature I've become. Lucifer felt tears beginning to stream from the corners of his eyes, leaking onto the satin material of his pillowcase. There he was, crying again. He’s been doing a lot of that lately now that he didn’t have to share a space with Mammon and Leviathan. He wouldn’t dare to allow a single tear to slip in front of his brothers. He stuffed a fist to his mouth and squeezed his eyes shut, allowing himself to give in. An audible sob broke the silence in his room as his shoulders shook, unable to control the involuntary shudders wracking through his body. He wasn’t sure how long he cried for, but he began to feel his eyelids growing heavier and heavier. Lucifer sniffed as he wiped the tears away with the sleeve of his shirt. His head was becoming fuzzy, but it was almost…pleasant? Relaxing? He wasn’t sure exactly what the word for it was, but he sighed softly as he closed his eyes once more, allowing himself to give in and slip into a deep, much needed slumber. 
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When Lucifer awoke the next morning, his head was surprisingly clear. He didn’t feel groggy like he normally did when he fell asleep with a tear stained face. Almost like…magic, he thought as he remembered the hazy feeling that overcame him last night. He snorted at the thought. Who in the hell would be working their magic on me? I simply exhausted myself once more. Shaking his head, he swung his feet over the side of the bed and stretched. He decided he should begin to get ready for the day, as he needed to go meet with Diavolo to get their RAD uniforms settled. He made his way to the bathroom and glanced in the mirror. He noticed he had shifted into his demon form at some point, his two large black horns curling from the sides of his head. His raven black hair was messy, sticking up in various places around his horns. He sighed as he pulled his shirt over his head and turned around. He was trying to get a glance at his back in the large mirror where the 6 wounds resulting from his terrifying fit of wrath stared back at him. He hated being in this form lately since his wings were beginning to grow back. It was unbearably itchy and sore, but the warm water from the shower helped soothe them for a short period of time. He practically groaned when he stepped under the warmth of the shower, enjoying the feeling of the hot water hitting his bare skin. 
After he was finished showering and dressed, Lucifer headed downstairs to the kitchen. He was surprised to see that the Twins were already there, getting breakfast ready for them all. “Good morning, Lucifer.” Beel said, flipping a couple of the biggest pancakes Lucifer has ever seen. “Good morning, you two. Thank you for getting breakfast ready.” he said, glancing at Belphegor. The youngest demon nodded. “Yeah, we settled on pancakes since we’re still getting a taste for Devildom food. Hope that’s okay.” he paused, then gave Lucifer a small smirk. “How did you sleep?” he asked. Lucifer blinked, confused at his expression. “...Very well, thank you. And you?” Belphie giggled softly. “Of course I slept well. I’m the Avatar of Sloth, remember?” Lucifer crossed his arms, beginning to piece together the situation. “Belphie…did you use your powers on me last night?” The 7th Born winked at him, his long, cow-like tail swishing excitedly behind him. “It’s possible. I was coming to talk to you about something but…I heard…” he trailed off, his tail suddenly stopping its movements and lowering to the ground. Lucifer smiled, reaching out a hand to ruffle Belphie’s hair. “I appreciate it.” he murmured softly. Belphie’s cheeks flushed, clearly flustered by Lucifer’s compliment. He turned to Beel, nuzzling his face into his arm. “O-Of course…but you don’t have to treat me like a child…” he muttered. Beel glanced away from the pancakes he was making and down at the top of his brother's head, obviously confused. Lucifer only laughed, “Come by my room this evening and we’ll talk. I have to meet with Diavolo today about our RAD uniforms, so I'll be out for a while.” The young demon nodded, still pressed into his twin’s side. “Wait, you’re leaving us alone? With Satan?” a voice sounded from the doorway. Lucifer turned around to see Levi, looking horrified. “It’s going to be fine, Levi. I’ll only be gone for a few hours.” Levi groaned, spinning back around and running straight into Asmo. “Ow, Levi! Watch where you’re going! You almost made me drop my D.D.D.” the 5th born whined, clutching the phone to his chest. “Oh shut up Asmo, Lucifer is leaving us to babysit the little ball of rage that is Satan.” “What?! You demon! You evil creature! You can’t do this to us!” he shrieked. Lucifer rubbed his temples in agitation. “Will you stop screaming? Listen, I have to go discuss this at Diavolo’s castle. I can’t keep having him come here all the time.” A chorus of groans filled the kitchen, all except for Beel who was shoving a pancake into his mouth. “Hey, Beel, save some for the rest of us.” Belphie sighed. 
Breakfast was thankfully uneventful. Satan didn’t come down from his room, so Lucifer took it as an opportunity to discuss the fact that he’d be leaving them alone for the first time since their fall. Of course, Mammon wasn’t happy to hear the news either. “What are we supposed to do if he flies off the handle again, eh?” Lucifer sighed. “Here’s hoping you all can stay calm for long enough that it doesn’t happen.” Mammon groaned. “Fine, but you better hurry up.” They all finished their breakfast, saving a plate for Satan to eat when he eventually came down from his room. Lucifer pulled on a large, wool jacket over his shoulders that he had gotten from last night’s Akuzon order. “I’ll be back soon. Please behave yourselves.” he said. The brothers nodded, shooting each other worried glances. Satan was in his room for the time being, but with his wrath being so unpredictable, they were all feeling incredibly anxious. “If you need anything, just call me. I’ll get back as soon as I can.” The brothers nodded as they watched Lucifer head out the door, leaving them alone in the giant house. 
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About an hour went by after Lucifer’s departure, and the brothers found themselves hanging out in the living room together. “Did you guys see this app? It’s called Devilgram.” Asmo said, excitedly scrolling through his D.D.D.. “I’ve been scrolling through for hours! I’ve already made my first post! You guys need to follow me right now.” Mammon hummed, pulling up the app. “Can ya make money from it?” he asked, curiously. Asmo rolled his eyes. “Not everything is about money, Mammon.” Levi finally broke his silence from his spot on the couch next to Mammon. “I just downloaded this game, look.” he said, turning his phone for them all to see. “It’s called Ruri-Tunes! Isn’t the character so cute?” Mammon scrunched his face up, “Cute? Eh, I dunno about that.” Levi rolled his eyes, pulling his phone back to his chest. “Fine, you don’t get to be graced by her cuteness if you can’t appreciate it.” Mammon scoffed, a small smirk forming on his face. “Weirdo, who thinks a cartoon girl is cute?” Levi was about to retort when a voice interrupted. “Shouldn’t we text Satan and tell him food is down here for him?” Beel wondered out loud. “Awe Beel, you’re always so worried about food.” Asmo cooed, “But we probably should…I guess…” he sighed. “I’ll do it. I’ll start a group chat with us all.” Levi said, bringing up his messages. Group Chat: House of Lamentation (7)
Hey Satan, we have breakfast down here for you if you’re hungry.
Yeah, we noticed you didn’t come down so we wanted to save ya some before Beel inhaled it all.
They all watched as the tiny dots appeared and disappeared again. “...Is that him typing?” Belphie asked, glancing up from his phone. 
And you guys didn’t come get me?
You’re always leaving me out of things. That’s fine.
I don’t belong here anyways. 
Seriously, I can't stand being around you all. 
The brothers all jumped as they heard a door from upstairs slam shut. “Oh shit.” Mammon muttered, listening to the footsteps come down the stairs and echo down the hallway. “He’s coming down.” The 2nd Born got to his feet, standing protectively in front of his brothers with his wings spread out wide. They watched as the small form of Satan finally entered the living room, his green eyes glowing with uncontained wrath. “Satan, hey, just calm down for a sec! I’m sorry we didn’t come get you, we thought you were asleep!” Levi jumped up next. “Y-Yeah t-that’s all! W-We didn’t want to wake you is all!” Satan only glared at them, “Shut up! You guys don’t even care! You think I don’t hear what you’re saying?!” he shrieked, his tail lashing back and forth. “Satan, knock it off right now, ya damn brat!” Mammon growled, baring his fangs. “Mammon, that's definitely not guaranteed to calm him down.” Beel said, slowly rising from the couch. “I’m leaving, you all can fuck off!” Satan yelled, making a break for the entryway of the house. “Oh no ya don’t, you out of all of us can’t leave!” Mammon said, grabbing the smaller boy’s arm. Satan spun around, letting out an inhuman-like growl as he sunk his fangs into Mammon’s forearm. “Fuck!” Mammon hissed, letting go and grasping his arm. “Someone call Lucifer! Now!” he yelled back at his brothers, who were looking horrified as they saw blood dripping onto the hardwood floor of the living room. Asmo shrieked and jumped up to head to the other room to call the eldest demon. Satan once again made a sprint for the front door, but was stopped by Beel who grabbed him from behind, squeezing him to his chest. Satan wailed, attempting to wiggle free from the Avatar of Gluttony’s grasp, but it was no use. He was strong, and Satan’s small frame was not nearly powerful enough to break free from Beel’s strength. His tail, however, lashed against Beel’s legs, back and arms, causing the red haired demon to stumble. “Guys, I can’t hold him for much longer.” Beel hissed through his teeth.  Suddenly, a burst of magic filled the room, and the brothers all looked up to see Barbatos entering through a portal out of thin air followed by Diavolo and Lucifer. “Beelzebub, drop him.” Barbatos said, sternly. Beel obeyed and released his grasp on the wrath filled demon. Satan dropped to the ground, gasping as he attempted to get to his feet once more. The next thing he knew, he had no feeling in his limbs and he fell forward, his head hitting against the tile of the entryway. “I've immobilized him. It should last until we get him contained.” Diavolo said. His normally cheerful voice has been replaced with an uncharacteristically serious tone. Lucifer made his way over, rolling his little brother’s small body over with his foot. Satan’s eyes lit up once more at the sight of the eldest demon, his lip curling in disgust. Lucifer frowned, noticing how his face was stained crimson from what he guessed to be Mammon’s blood.
“Satan, what have you done?”
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Title: Slumber Party!
Part 2 of my “Every Other Friday!” series. Part 1 here.
Parings: Platonic
Another Friday passes and it's time for yet another Housewarden meet, so how about a slumber party in the Ramshackle Dorm?
Cw: Light angst but nothing too big
a/n: This was like the second fic I’ve written for this fandom, and it’s been sitting in my docs since last year lol, anyways, enjoy!
Reblogs are appreciated, just use my custom tag, #TheMaladaptiveWriter12, if you do!  ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
Cross posted from my Ao3: TheMaladaptiveWriter12
It was the Friday after next and this week was “Slumber Party.” What better place to throw it than Ramshackle Dorm. Mirai was excited. None of them, besides the inhabitants of Heartslabyul, had ever been to his dorm, and that was only to help clean, and now it was. There were no more squeaky floorboards, no holes in the ceilings, no torn and dirty wallpaper, no chipping paint, no more water damage, no more flickering lights, and no more dust. Mirai was proud that he was able to host this event, and everyone chipped in too. Trey and Jamil were bringing food, Kalim was bringing blankets and pillows, Idia was bringing board games, junk food, and a movie projector, Azul was providing drinks, and all Mirai had to do was provide housing, since he didn’t really have anything. So Mirai made sure everything was in place. The floors had been swept and mopped, the carpets were cleaned, miscellaneous objects were put away, Grim’s cat toys, or that’s what Mirai likes to call them, were put away, and as for Grim, well, Mirai couldn’t stash him away. But Mirai also wanted to bring something to the table, so he called Jamil, who picked up on the third ring.
“Mirai? Has something happened?” Jamil asked through the receiver. 
Mirai tended to see Jamil like an older brother, although Jamil worries too much, which Mirai hated sometimes, but he always was looking out for Mirai. 
“No, I’m fine. I wanted to know if I could make something for Kalim if you were there to supervise the process?” Mirai asked carefully. 
“Well, Kalim always says that he can’t eat anything but your cooking, and I know you being his advisor makes you weary of what he eats, and I wanted to bring a little bit of home to the party, so I-”
“You wanted to make it in front of me so Kalim could eat it?” Jamil finished.
“Yeah. Is that okay?” Mirai asked. “You can help if you want.”
There was a long silence before Jamil made a noise of affirmation, “I don’t see why not, but I can’t leave Kalim by himself.”
“What about Cater or Lilia?”
“Ah, of course. Be there in twenty minutes.”
“Thanks. See you then,” Mirai beamed from his side of the phone.
“You are quite welcome, Mirai.” Jamil said, a hint of a smile in his voice.
“See you in twenty. Later.” 
“Good bye.”
Mirai hung up the phone and rejoiced, dancing a bit. He had been racking up some courage to ask Jamil, but couldn’t do it. He really wanted to bring a piece of his home to his new one, and what better way to do that than food. 
“What’s got you in such high spirits, human?” Grim asked, walking into the lounge chomping on an apple. 
“I’m excited for tonight. I finally have the right stuff to make something from home,” Mirai exclaimed. 
“Is it edible?!”
“Yes,” Mirai laughed, “And you’ll get some if you be a good little cat and do not cause any trouble.”
“I’m good! Ima be good,” Grim said eagerly, practically drooling. 
“That reminds me, did you want to hang with us tonight, or are you gonna disappear like you always do after eight?”
“I don’t know yet, but you better save me some snacks,” Grim demanded little paws on his little cat hips.
“Of course,” Mirai said, racing down to pet Grim between his flaming ears. 
“Hey! Hey,” Grim shouted, “Enough with that sappy stuff! You’re weirding me out!”
Mirai laughed as Grim scampered off to somewhere in the dorm, and went to prepare the things for when Jamil arrived. 
A while later, knocking at the door had Mirai jumping from his kitchen cleaning. 
“Grim! Could you get that? My hands are full,” Mirai called from the kitchen. 
“Who are you to be bossing the Great Grim around,” Grim griped, but did it anyway.
Not long after Jamil was following Grim to the kitchen. It was five-thirty, and the party started at seven-thirty. They still had a good amount of time. 
“Hey Jamil! Glad you could make it,” Mirai said, washing his hands. 
“Hey,” Jamil chuckled, “It looks great in here.”
“Oh, yeah, thanks man,” Mirai said, quickly busing himself with tying his hair up into a bun, sliding his favorite blue cloth headband over his bangs, “It took a while, but without the help from the guys at Heartslabyul, this probably wouldn’t be happening.”
Jamil was silent for a second but Mirai ignored it. He was used to the stares when people saw the state of the left side of his face.
“Hope you don’t mind,” Jamil said, lifting up a duffel bag in one hand, and a tiered cake tray of food in the other, “But I didn’t know how long it would take, so I bought my stuff with me.”
“No, no, you're fine. Just stick the bag in the foyer and the food can go on the kitchen table.” 
Jamil left and came back shortly after, and Mirai just got done putting a glove on his prosthetic hand. Jamil walked up after Mirai finished and washed his hands.
“So, what are we making?” Jamil asked, drying his hands. 
“Shoofly Pie,” Mirai beamed. 
“Shoo-Shoofly Pie?” Jamil stammered.
Mirai cackled. “Yeah, Shoofly Pie. It’s a pie from where I come from. It’s mainly molasses and sugar, but once it bakes, it’ll have a cake-like texture. Hence why we call it the cake baked in a pie shell. No actual flies needed.”
“Sounds good. What do we need?”
Mirai scurried around the kitchen, preheating the oven, getting out the flour, the dark brown sugar, some cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, molasses, baking soda, and a stick of butter. Jamil watched with amusement, letting the Prefect do as he wanted.
“Oh wait! Bowls,” Mirai gasped. 
Mirai raced over to the cabinet where Grim and he kept the bowls and began climbing the counters.
“Woah, woah! What are you doing?!” Jamil yelled, rushing to the Prefect’s side.
“Don’t worry, I’m fine,” Mirai waved off, setting two mixing bowls down next to his knees, then he closed the cabinet.
Jamil sighed, grabbing the two bowls and set down at where they were cooking, before racing back over to Mirai. “Here,” Jamil said as he grabbed Mirai by his bony hips and lifted him up off the counter, and then lowered him onto solid ground. 
The whole moment seemed to slow down time. All Mirai could focus on were Jamil’s large hands, clamped around his waist, and the straight face Jamil seemed to always carry. Even if it was so little, his face still told a whole story, held so much weight, so much emotion. 
“I-I was fine, r-really,” Mirai stammered, when Jamil let him go. 
Jamil sucked his teeth in annoyance, thinking about a certain white haired Housewarden, “Now you are. So what’s next?”
Mirai walked him through the steps of measuring the flour, salt, sugar, nutmeg, and cinnamon and put them in a bowl. 
“Now we slowly add the butter,” Mirai muttered, breaking off bit by bit of butter, mixing it into the dry mixture.
“Is this the filling?” Jamil asked as he mixed up a decent pie crust.
“Uh, no. It’s for the crumble on top.”
After the crumble topping was made, Mirai grabbed their third bowl and started on the filling. Mirai added the light molasses, water, baking soda, and one lightly beaten egg. 
“Is that really all?” Jamil asked as he kneaded the pie dough.
“Yep,” Mirai chirped, mixing the filling. “I’ve had it a couple of times for the holidays, it’s quite sweet.”
Jamil didn’t look too convinced, but he kept his mouth shut. 
The two continued in a comfortable silence, the two of them doing their respective jobs. Jamil finished the pie crust and started the process of rolling it out. Mirai on the other hand began cleaning up around him, putting things back where they belonged, putting their used dishes in the sink, and cleaning off the countertops.
Jamil was still rolling out the dough when he had gotten a call from Kalim. “I gotta take this. Finish rolling that out for me?”
“Sure,” Mirai said, changing the glove on his prosthetic, “One sec.”
Jamil didn’t say anything as he left the room. 
Mirai walked over to where Jamil had been rolling out the pie dough and took over. But as Mirai began to roll out the dough, or in this case, tried to, he realized that he was struggling. He was too short, well, short enough to where he needed a stool to actually get a good push on the rolling pin.
“Give it here,” Jamil said.
Mirai jumped, Jamil scaring him, and allowed the Scarabia Vice to take the rolling pin from Mirai and began rolling out the pie dough like a pro. 
“How come you make that look so easy?” Mirai pouted.
“It’s nothing really,” Jamil mumbled, rolling the dough. 
“Well, I wouldn't say that,” Mirai said, looking over his shoulder, “I surely couldn't do that, and it looks like you have a lot of experience in the kitchen. I admire that.” 
Jamil was silent, but from the way Jamil lost his steady hand, and the way he turned his face to the far left, Mirai could tell he was flustered, but he didn’t comment on it.
Now that the dough was rolled out, Jamil filled the pie tin, Mirai filled the crust with the filling, and once the crumble topping was added, Mirai put the pie into the oven to bake.
“Well that’s done,” Mirai sighed as he stretched his arms over his head. 
“That wasn’t too bad,” Jamil said, drying off his hands, “You did good.”
“Anything else I can help with?”
“Uh, you don’t have to, but I was gonna make some hot dogs.”
“We still have some time to kill,” Jamil said, looking over to the clock on the wall. “Just tell me what to do.”
Mirai and Jamil spent the next hour making hot dogs, they were the prepackaged kind, but they had to make quite a lot of them. But halfway through, Jamil suggested also making a chili to go on top, and so they divided the work until there were thirty hot dogs and a pot full of chili.
“Thanks Jamil,” Mirai smiled, taking a sip of his water.
“Why are you thanking me?” Jamil asked. “I just helped you cook.”
“You're smarter than that Jamil,” Mirai chuckled, untying his hair, and removing the cloth headband, “I think you can figure it out.”
Jamil looked taken aback, beautiful dark eyes going wide. “I didn’t do anything, really,” Jamil mumbled, playing with his bangs, “I should be thanking you.”
“You’re welcome, Jamil.”
Jamil smirked, before patting Mirai on the shoulder, “You’re welcome, Mirai.” 
“Now let's get cleaning,” Mirai whooped, rolling up his sleeves. 
Jamil shook his head fondly. 
Just as they finished cleaning the kitchen, the oven timer dinged.
“Pie’s done,” Mirai chirped just as a knock sounded at the door, “And just in time too.” 
“Human,” Grim called from the lounge.
“I’m busy,” Mirai sang back. 
The door sounded and muffed talking could be heard. Mirai checked the time, it read six-twenty.
“What’s cookin’ good lookin’?”
“Cay-Cay,” Mirai cheered. 
Cater laughed, opening his arms in invitation, “Didn’t I say it was Cay-Cay if you were cray-cray?”
“Well, there’s your answer,” Mirai laughed, returning the hug.
Mirai snuggled against Cater. He liked hugging Cater. He was warm, he always smelt good, like something fresh and crisp, with a little hint of spice, and he always felt safe in his solid form.
“You comfortable there, Hon?” Cater asked, one hand scratching through Mirai’s hair, and his other was rubbing at Mirai’s waist.
“Yeah,” came Mirai’s muffled reply.
Cater chuckled fondly.
“You just smell really good,” Mirai groaned, letting Cater go. 
Cater laughed loudly, and Jamil chuckled from his spot next to the stove.
“You here by yourself?” Mirai asked.
“Yeah,” Cater said, “Riddle is helping Trey, and Kalim is with Lilia.”
“Thank the Seven,” Jamil sighed. 
“You know I wouldn’t leave him by himself.” 
“Well, we’re almost done,” Mirai said, pointing to the table full of food. “The pie just came out of the oven.”
“Ooh! What kind is it?”
“Shoofly?” Jamil asked more than said.
“You remembered,” Mirai smiled.
“Never heard of it,” Cater said. “Does it come from your home world?”
“Ding! Ding! You would be correct!”
Cater and Jamil chuckled at Mirai’s sound effects.
“We also made hot dogs and chili dogs for those who don’t want pie,” Mirai informed.
“Aww, look at you,” Cater gushed, pulling the Ramshackle Prefect into a hug, “Always so thoughtful!”
A set of knocks echoed throughout the dorm and Mirai perked up.
“I got it,” Cater called, letting Mirai go to answer the door. 
There was shuffling from the lounge and shortly after Trey and Riddle entered the kitchen. 
“Evening guys,” Mirai greeted
“Evening, Prefect,” Trey greeted, “Where should I put this?”
“The kitchen table is fine! We can fix it when everyone gets here.”
“Sounds good.”
“Evening Mirai,” Riddle greeted happily. 
“Hey, Riddle, how are things?” Mirai asked.
“Everything is in order, as it should be.” 
“That’s good.”
“Oh, we didn’t know where to put our bags, so we just sat them with the other two. Hope that’s okay?” Trey asked.
“You’re good.”
“Well now that we’ve got more hands,” Cater chirped, “Let’s get this party started!” 
Cater pulled his Bluetooth speaker from his bag and began playing wherever he felt fit the mood, and with the help from Jamil, Trey and Cater, Riddle directed from the top of the stairs, Mirai rearranged the lounge so that everything faced the window. The couch that was in front of the window was moved to sit along the rug, the couch in front of the stairs was moved horizontally to the window, the rocking chair was moved to the base of the stairs and the end table and coffee table were moved to sit horizontally to the window. Grim just sat there on the couch as he read, letting them move him about. Halfway through, Vil and Rook showed up and watched it all unfold.
“Evening, Rook, Vil,” Mirai called over the music.
“What fun this looks, Roi du Sommeil,” Rook commented. 
“It’s getting there,” Mirai huffed, walking over to the two, “Just set your things there, we’re almost done.”
“I was told to bring fairy lights,” Vil said, holding up the two large plastic bags.
“Fairy lights?” Mirai asked.
“Those are for later,” Cater cut in, taking the bags.
There was a knock on the door, and Vil opened it to let Kalim, Lilia, and Malleus in.
“Hey guys, drop your stuff in the foyer for now,” Mirai instructed, “After we get this situated we can go from there.”
“Okay,” Kalim complied, “I bought even more blankets!”
As Trey rearranged the food on the coffee table, Mirai, Jamil, and Malleus laid out the blankets so that the hard wooden floors were covered and cushioned, then Kalim added the pillows. Cater and Jamil stopped midway through and had a dance break, then Lilia changed the music to something harder, the base loud and booming, which he screeched along to. Riddle and Vil perfected everything, looking as pretty and important as ever as they gave orders. With help from Rook and Trey, Mirai brought another end table down to the lounge just as the Octavinelle trio arrived. 
“Little Shrimpy,” Floyd called, “Where are you?”
“Lounge,” Mirai called, “Just drop your stuff near the door.”
Azul, Jade, and Floyd entered the lounge, the drinks in a cooler. 
“Oh, that goes next to the coffee table,” Mirai directed, pointing to the space next to it. 
“Of course,” Jade said, walking the cooler to the coffee table. 
“Shrimpy,” Floyd yelled, tackling Mirai onto the floor.
“Floyd,” Azul chided, “Be careful!”
Mirai grunted as he hit the floor, taking the entire weight of the six foot two eel human.
“You okay, Prefect?” Jade asked. 
“Y-Yeah,” Mirai coughed, strain in his voice, “Fl-Floyd, it’s nice t-to see you too, b-but you gotta be c-careful. You might b-break m-me.”
Floyd cackled, snuggling his face into Mirai’s hair, “Shrimpy’s weak.”
“Yes I am, that’s why you gotta get off me,” Mirai laughed, patting Floyd on the back.
Floyd sat the two of them up, sitting cross legged on the blanket pallet. 
“What time is it?” Mirai called.
“It’s seven-ten,” Malleus answered. 
“Idia’s here,” Vil called.
Idia entered the lounge with his projector equipment, and a long black bag. 
“Heyaz,” Mirai waved from within Floyd's hold, “Set it up whenever you’re ready.”
Idia nodded, walking his equipment over.
“We’re setting it up in front of the window, right?” Idia asked guesting to the small blank end table next to the surge protector plugged into the wall. 
“Yep. Is that okay?”
“No, no, that’s fine. Just making sure,” Idia said with haste.
“Cool, just tell me if you need something.”
“Here Cater,” Idia said tossing the long black bag to him. 
“Thanks,” Cater chirped, “Okay Ima need help from my tall guys for this!”
“For what?” Mirai asked. 
“It’s a surprise,” Cater said with a finger to his lips. 
Cater left the room to gather everyone else, and Floyd followed shortly after being called by his brother. 
“What are they doing?” Mirai muttered. 
Mirai turned his body around to look at Idia. Mirai thought he looked cute in his hoodie as always, and this time, he wore his hair in a ponytail, a baseball cap atop his head, and with the light of the golden afternoon, Mirai thought he looked even prettier, ethereal even. And the way he worked with the equipment, he looked more in his element than ever. His hands were working fast as he positioned the projector and his laptop, plugging in cords here, there, and everywhere, his eyes were narrowed in concentration, the tip of his tongue peeking from blue tinted lips, with a flash of his sharp teeth here and there as he muttered to himself. Mirai found the tall gamer all too cute.
“Wh-What is it? Did I d-do something wrong?” Idia asked after realizing the Ramshackle Prefect was staring.
“N-No,” Mirai stammered, “I was just watching.”
“O-Oh. It’s nothing interesting,” Idia muttered.
“You just seem really good at that kind of stuff, and that’s what makes it interesting.”
Idia’s mouth opened and closed repeatedly, as he tried to come up with an answer. Mirai laughed while getting up to leave Idia to work.
“W-Wait,” Idia called, grabbing Mirai’s arm. 
Mirai was surprised, but so was Idia, his face was red, hair growing pinker and pinker. He looked like he was surprised with himself, like didn’t mean to do that.
“Leona and Ruggie are here,” Lilia called from somewhere in the dorm.
Idia let go of Mirai and quickly busied himself with the projector again. Mirai took that as Idia wanted to forget what just happened, and got up to greet the last of his guests. 
“Oi Herbivore,” Leona called, “Move your dorm. The walk here is too long.”
Mirai laughed. “I don’t think I can do that, but I’ll ask the Headmage and let you know what he says.”
Leona smirked, a quiet chuckle escaping his lips.
“How come we’re the last one’s here, but on time?” Ruggie asked, dropping his stuff next to everyone else's. 
“They were helping set up,” Mirai explained. 
“Hey Ruggie, come here,” Trey called from somewhere.
“Coming,” Ruggie called back jogging off.
There was a sound of pattering feet from behind, Mirai turned around to catch Trey, Azul, Malleus, and five Caters scurrying into the lounge.
“What are they doing?” Mirai questioned, walking off.
“Hey herbivore,” Leona said, running his whole hand across Mirai’s head, tangling his fingers in thin blonde strands and pulling, “you smell good.”
Mirai made a surprised noise akin to a choking cat, and tilted his head back, bending his body, as Leona pulled him by the hair.
“Good?” Mirai grunted, trying to get Leona’s hand out of his hair, “I’ve been cooking and moving around all day. Ya sure it’s not just sweat?”  
“No, like, you smell really good,” Leona muttered. “Like meat?”
“Leona,” Mirai whined, face flushing, “That’s just gross. Even if I was just making hot dogs, that’s still gross.” 
Leona chuckled. “Yeah that’s what it is.”
“Ugh! Now I wanna change my clothes. That’s just plain nasty.”
Suddenly there was a crackling sound and then the whole dorm went dark. 
“Guys?! What happened?! Are you okay?!” Mirai yelled, wringing himself from Leona’s grasp. 
Mirai tripped over the bags as he scrambled to the lounge, thinking of the worse. When he entered the whole room was pitch black. 
“G-Guys?” Mirai called wearily.
One by one, strings of fairy lights lit up the room, little balls of light danced around the room like golden fireflies, making the huge blanket fort more and more visible. The top of the fort was peaked, hanging from the chandelier, a side was connected to the fireplace and the railing of the stairs above the couches. And at the front, there was a little pathway leading from the entryway into the fort, and the little door was made of blankets and sheets, tied on the edges to keep them out of the way. Mirai was in awe. He’d never seen anything like it. He just stared at the setting in front of him. 
A flash broke Mirai from his stupor, making him startle. Cater was smiling from behind his camera.
“You gonna come in or just stand there?” Cater chuckled. 
“Wh-What’s happening?” Mirai asked, voice a little distant.
A push at Mirai’s back had him whipping his head around to Leona who was smirking at him. 
“C’mon,” Cater smiled, grabbing Mirai’s hand, leading him in. 
They had to crawl in the little path way, but once they pushed past another set of blankets, the fort opened up. Kalim’s red, orange, burgundy, and purple blankets looked even better from the inside. Fairy lights lit the inside of the fort, and the little balls of light from outside also floated around in here. There were poles situated in the corners, where the fort, keeping it all in place, and in the back, there was yet another doorway, just like the one Mirai had crawled through. Mirai honestly didn’t know how they did it. 
Azul and the twins were chatting on one of the couches, Kalim, Jamil, Trey, and Riddle were sitting around the coffee table on the blanketed floor. Malleus, Lilia, and Vil sat on the other couch, Rook sat at Vils feet on the floor, Idia sat next to the projector, and Ruggie sat around one of the other tables. Leona scooted in from behind Cater and Mirai, crawling over to Ruggie, where he promptly got comfortable. 
“You can thank Cater for orchestrating all of this,” Azul said from the couch, “It was all his idea.”
“The light’s were from Vil and I,” Lilia added. 
“Idia engineered the fort layout,” Malleus imputed. Idia flushed at his honorable mention.
“I bought extra blankets and sheets,” Kalim cheered, raising his hand. 
“Rook and I concocted a potion that glows in the dark, mimicking fireflies,” Trey said racing up to a ball of light. 
“What’s happening?” Mirai muttered again, still in shock, “H-How, why?”
“Because we wanted to,” Cater said looking Mirai in the eye, “And according to a little kitty cat, a certain Prefect was feeling down, and wanted to find a way to cheer him up.”
Grim poked his head in from the other blanket door, ears flat to his head. 
“You weren’t supposed to go blabbing all that,” Mirai chided
“Well you said you were homesick,” Grim mumbled, “And you were all mopey. A-And it was annoying, so…” 
Mirai was taken aback by Grim’s confession. Yeah he was feeling a little homesick. He missed the food, he missed the music, he missed the familiarity of it all, he missed not having to try and understand everything that was thrown at him, but he wouldn’t trade this for the world. He now had friends that cared for him, he now had a purpose, even if it was small in the greater of things, he now had a reason to look forward to tomorrow and what was to come. Yeah it was hard sometimes, yeah some of these guys could kill him with their pinky finger, but he was happy with life, more than he’s ever been for a long time.
Mirai threw his head back laughing, mirth spilling from his lips before it boiled over into misery. Tears filled his eyes, and Mirai bowed his head and cried into his hands. 
Everyone was everywhere at once. Mirai couldn’t tell who was who, or what anyone was saying over his own sobbing voice. But he was trying to stop the tears that just wouldn't stop falling.
“I-I’m f-fine,” Mirai sobbed.
Mirai was pulled into a pair of soft arms. They smelled sweet like strawberries and something floral, like roses. It was Riddle.
“Ramshackle Dorm Rule by default, Mirai must confide in his upperclassmen whenever he’s in trouble, no matter the problem,” Riddle muttered, petting into Mirai’s hair.
Mirai pulled away, sniffling as he wiped his face with his sleeves, voice wet and raspy, “Thanks guys, I mean it.”
“You’re welcome,” chorused around. 
Mirai smiled, wiping at his eyes again, “You guys are the best, you know that?”
“I mean, I already know that,” Leona boasted, a snarky smirk on his lips, “But I don’t mind hearing from you.”
“Please,” Vil scoffed, “If anyone here is the best, it’s me.”
“I think it is I whom he was referring to,” Malleus’ deep baritone voice rumbled.
The three began to bicker, much to everyone’s chagrin and Mirai watched the scene unfold in front of him.
“Ready?” Cater asked, bringing the Ramshackle Prefect from his thoughts.
“Yeah,” Mirai nodded.
“Alright! Party in the Blanket Castle of Ramshackle is a go!”
Everyone filed out and changed into their pajamas, and Mirai found it a funny sight. Riddle was in a red button up pajama set rimmed in white, the cuffs of his sleeves and the hem of his pants lined with white lace, Trey was wearing a green T-shirt and red plaid pajama pants and Cater was wearing a black muscle tank, an orange and white striped pair of pants, and a cardigan that matched them. Leona was in nothing but a pair of yellow pajama pants, Ruggie was dressed in an yellow oversized t-shirt and light blue shorts. Azul wore a purple button up pajama set rimmed in black, Jade and Floyd both wore blue pajama pants with little shells printed on them, and instead of the white tee like Jade was wearing, Floyd wasn’t wearing one. Kalim was dressed in a loose champagne pajama set, and Jamil was in a red tank and loose blank pants. Rook was in a dark blue button up pajama set, and Vil was wearing a flowy dark blue satin gown. Idia was in cyan blue pajama pants and a black graphic tank, and black ankle socks, Lilia was in a large magenta shirt and black leggings, and Malleus was wearing a black satin pajama set, rimmed in a fluorescent green. 
“Everyone ready?” Trey asked, from inside.
“Coming,” Mirai called, crawling on his knees, back into the blanket fort. 
Mirai was wearing a loose long sleeved shirt, the sleeve that held his missing arm was tied a little ways below the stump. His loose black shorts reached his thighs, and on his feet were black ankle socks. 
“C’mere you,” Cater cooed, holding Mirai under his arms, and pulled him into the fort.
“Cater,” Mirai laughed as they both tumbled inside, Mirai ending up lying on top of Cater, both of them giggling.
“Getta room,” Leona hollered.
Cater stuck his tongue out at the Lion Beastman.
“Where’s Grim?” Mirai asked.
“Over here,” Trey laughed.
Grim, who was currently pouting, was dressed in a tiny blue t-shirt and gray pants, and he looked absolutely adorable.
“Aww,” Mirai gushed, “You’re wearing clothes!”
“Well he had to fit the dress code,” Kalim laughed.
“Wait,” Mirai gasped, untangling himself from Cater, and reached up onto the mantel to grab the Ghost Camera.
“Is that a Ghost Camera?” Cater asked.
“Yeah,” Mirai nodded, turning it on, “The Headmage said to use it to take pictures of my time here, to record all the nice moments, and why not use it now?”
“Then allow me.”
The ghosts, Biggie, Smalls, and Rangy, materialized and took the camera from Mirai.
“Good idea,” Mirai chirped, getting into position.
Everyone shuffled around, pushing and shoving here and there. Floyd made a scene about sitting next to Mirai, which caused Kalim to act out as well. Eventually to make it fair, Riddle made everyone sit in height order, shortest in front, tallest in the back, and Grim in Mirai’s lap.
“Everyone ready? On three,” the Rangy said, “One, two, three.”
The camera sparkled and shook, white mist swirled around it before it stopped.
“Thank you,” Mirai thanked them, putting the camera away as they dissipated once more.
“So Jamil says you made something for everyone?” Malleus asked.
“Oh yeah,” Mirai shouted, scooting over to the snack table. He only fell on his face once, but no one commented on it. “I made Shoofly Pie!”
“Fly?” Floyd asked. “Is it made with flies?”
Mirai snorted a laugh, “No. It’s just called that. It’s mainly molasses, and it’s kinda like a cake, well, a cake in a pie crust. But it’s really sweet.”
Trey cut the pie beautifully, serving it to those who wanted some, topping each piece off with the choice of a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of ice cream. Mirai waited for everyone to get a slice before eating a piece.
“It’s sweet,” Riddle said, surprised.
“It kinda tastes like chocolate,” Kalim said with a smile. 
“It's weird,” Floyd laughed. “It’s like cake, but it’s pie.” 
“That’s the point,” Mirai laughed. “That's why we call it the cake in a pie shell.”
“You did good,” Jamil said, smiling as he ate.
“Thanks,” Mirai smiled, finally being able to taste home. Mirai felt like crying again, but refused to cry again for a second time. 
“Well don’t stop here,” Jamil said, “There's plenty of food to go around.”
And like that, the slumber party was in full swing. Trey passed around cakes and cookies, Jamil dished out a slew of finger foods like fries, wraps, sandwiches, and more. Idia bought out the chips, some dip, and some candy, Azul passed around bottles of soda, water, iced teas, and fruity drinks. Mirai bought the hot dogs and chili out, Ruggie, and Leona were more than happy to have some meat, and Cater and Lilia were more than happy with the added spice from the chili. Once the food was passed out, Idia pressed play on the movie, starting the movie marathon, and apparently it was a series about a magical dark academia. Mirai dug into almost everything. The sandwiches were amazing, so were the chicken and lettuce wraps, he also had some fries and some chips. And before he could forget, he made a plate for Grim. As they ate, Mirai tried not to look at Leona as he devoured the meat in his plate. For some reason, the look Leona had when he bit into his food, Mirai would flush, and he didn’t need to have to go down that route in explaining himself.
“Shrimpy sure eats a lot,” Floyd chuckled.
“I could eat an entire pizza if I wanted to,” Mirai answered, gulping down some cream soda.
“That’s disgusting,” Vil cringed, “Do you know how much grease and fat is in that?”
“A lot, but hey, I’ve eaten worse.”
Vil scoffed, eating his wrap.
“Mirai,” Kamil called, “Try this!”
Kalim was in his face in an instant, in his hand was a plate of spherical pastries, swirled with chocolate.
“It’s called Luqaimat,” Kalim said, sticking one of the dumplings with a toothpick, and bringing it up to Mirai’s face, “Here, open!”
Mirai complied, opening his mouth, letting Kalim feed him the dumping. 
“How is it?! How is it?!” Kalim asked excitedly.
Mirai chewed thoughtfully, eating the sweet dumpling. It was soft and fluffy, deep fried, and smothered in chocolate. It was good.
“It’s good,” Mirai laughed.
“See,” Kalim cheered, eating one himself, “Here, here! Have another!”
Mirai laughed, finding Kalim’s excitement adorable. And he complied, letting the eager Housewarden feed him.
“I want some,” Grim called, bounding over to Kalim.
“Here,” Kalim said, feeding Grim.
Grim’s big eyes lit up at the taste. “I want more!”
Kalim laughed, “There’s plenty!”
  Later on Idia, Azul, Trey, Riddle, Jamil, Ruggie, and Lilia played a very intense game of Old Mage, which resulted in a screaming match between Riddle and Idia. Mirai could vaguely hear Riddle saying something along the lines of something being against the rules, which turned into him screaming his little red head off. Trey tried to calm him down but he seemed too far gone to care, Idia started going on about something like ‘you noobs being no match for me’ which resulted in an even angrier Riddle. Ruggie laughed the entire time, and Mirai was pretty sure he was cheating somehow. Cater had a photo op, taking pictures of everyone and everything, Malleus, Kalim, Jade, and Rook were very engaged with the movie and its storyline, Vil sat off to the side, having a very extensive conversation about potions with Rook, and at some point, Mirai ended up lying between Floyd and Leona. 
Floyd lay to Mirai’s right, stuffing his face with treats, while he read a comic book, and on the other side of the Ramshackle Prefect was Leona, the Beastman playing with the back of Mirai’s hair as he dozed, his long tail hitting the back of his leg as it swished lazily. Mirai knew he was doing it on purpose, but it didn’t bother him, so he let him be.
But right now, Mirai was internally having a crisis. He was stuck between the tall, pale, lean muscles of Floyd, his shoulder blades sharp, and the tiniest hints of his rib cage showed through his skin when he moved. And on the other side was tall, broad, and bronze Leona, who was pure muscle, so Mirai distracted himself by reading a book he had been meaning to read.
“Will Shrimpy’s arm grow back?” Floyd asked, lightly touching the shoulder of his remaining arm. 
“No,” Mirai laughed, “Human’s can’t grow their limbs back.”
“That’s not fair. Azul can grow legs back in his Octopus form.” There a moment before Floyd asked softly, “Does it hurt?”
“Sometimes, but it doesn’t really bother me anymore,” Mirai said, looking up at Floyd. 
Floyd was pouting, heterochromatic eyes distant. 
“Don’t worry about it,” Mirai giggled, smiling. 
“Shrimpy’s too nice to me,” Floyd whined, throwing an arm over Mirai, “I can’t be mean to him.”
He was changing the subject. Mirai guessed he didn’t like, or more like, he isn’t used to genuine niceties being given to him.
Mirai laughed, “That’s called being conscious of other people’s feelings.”
Floyd was silent, a thoughtful expression returning to his face. For a moment, Mirai thought he was gonna just ignore his comment, or worse, squeeze him for it, but it never came.
“Well I don’t like it,” Floyd finally said, pouting. Floyd got up and crawled over to his brother, draping himself around Jade from behind. Mirai could tell he was just embarrassed, and Mirai found it was endearing.
“Is that also where the scar on your eye came from?”
Mirai rolled his head over to look at Leona. He was dreading having to face Leona again, because he didn’t know how he would act having to be totally aware of his state of undress. 
“Mn,” Mirai nodded.
The scarring was pretty bad. It mimicked a burning pattern, flesh dark in some spots, light and shiny in others. It started at his forehead, and it traced down over his eyebrow, splitting it in two, down his left eye, over his cheek, and chin, ending a little ways down his neck and shoulder. It was so bad that his once green eye was now mixed with a cloudy white, little flecks of green now only shown through the top of his iris. Only on the worst days did it throb with pins and needles of pain.
“Does it still hurt?” Leona asked quietly.
“Sometimes,” Mirai answered. 
Leona reached over, running the backs of his finger across Mirai’s cheek, turning his hand, he ran the pad of his thumb tenderly over the scars across Mirai’s face. Mirai stared intently back at Leona. His eyebrows were frowned a bit, eyes not looking anywhere in particular, filled with an intensity Mirai couldn’t name. When Leona’s thumb reached Mirai’s eye, he closed them. It was too soft, and too intense, and Mirai didn’t know if he could take it.
“What about your scar,” Mirai challenged, sounding too soft, too raw for his liking, trying to revert the attention away from him.
“That’s a secret,” Leona smirked, letting his hand fall, catching the hint.
“Fine, I’ll come up with my own story behind it.”
“Oh?” Leona chuckled, “And what would that be?”
“You are six years old, and stuck in a tree,” Mirai smirked.
Leona growled something deep from within his chest, and Mirai was sure the noise would be engraved into his brain for the rest of his days. But the smirk stayed on his face, so Mirai knew it was okay to continue.
“You’re calling for help as you're stuck, and your brother comes to your rescue. The branch breaks, landing you into your brother's arms, but in your descent, you cut your face in the process.”
Leona laughs, like, genuinely laughs, and Mirai is absolutely smitten. He ends up laughing too. After their laughter dies down, Leona speaks up again.
“You okay?” Leona asked, propping his head up on his hand.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” Mirai asked, tilting his head a bit.
“Well earlier, you were upset.”
“Yeah, I’m fine now. Jus’ a lot of stuff going on, and I failed to remember what was in front of me.” 
“Oh yeah, and what’s in front of you now?” 
Mirai was genuinely going to answer his question, until he noticed the slyness behind it. He knew, Leona knew.
Mirai stuck his tongue out, making a little noise as he did. 
“Careful, Prefect,” Leona warned, “I just might have to bite it off.”
“Bleh,” Mirai said, sticking it out again.
Leona growled, and lunged at Mirai. 
Mirai yelled as was pushed down as he and Leona wrestled, rolling around in the blankets, pushing and shoving.
“No roughhousing in the Blanket Castle of Ramshackle,” Cater laughed chidingly, even if he was taking pictures of the two.
“He started it,” Leona said, trying to keep Mirai still.
“Did not,” Mirai shot back.
Everyone stopped what they were doing and watched.  
“That looks fun,” Floyd commented, “Shrimpy fight me next”
One of Leona’s hands ended up skirting Mirai’s waist and Mirai squealed, pushing Leona away.
They both went stock still.
“You’re ticklish?” Leona smirked.
“N-no,” Mirai denied, panic slowly going on his face.
Leona started inching closer.
“Le-Leona, st-stop,” Mirai demanded, shooting away from his assailant. 
Leona lunged forward, legs bracketing the Magicless Prefect below him, his attacks switching their target to Mirai’s waist, fingers skittering his belly.
Mirai laughed uncontrollably, as he kicked and wiggled, trying to get away.
“Say I win,” Leona breathed a laugh, “Say I win. Say you yield.”
“Y-you win, you win,” Mirai cackled, “I y-y-yield!” 
Leona stopped his assault and looked down at the boy beneath him. Mirai was panting, face flushed red from laughter, mouth stuck in a smile as he giggled as if he could feel the tickle. 
Leona chuckled, “You-”
Leona grunted as Mirai whopped him upside the head with a pillow.
“Now you’re gonna get it,” Leona roared, snatching a pillow from behind him, and started beating Mirai with it.
“Hey, he’s defenseless,” Kalim yelled, grabbing a pillow and whacking Leona with it.
“My turn! My turn,” Floyd cheered, grabbing a pillow, and smacking Leona.
“H-Hey! Why am I getting hit?!” Leona asked, shielding himself as he tried to hit the other two.
Mirai gasped as he was yanked from under Leona by under his arms. Looking up, Malleus was smirking down at him. 
“Thanks,” Mirai said, going in to hit Leona again. 
“Ruggie, help me,” Leona yelled. 
“I don’t know,” Ruggie said in fake thoughtfulness, “You look okay ta me.”
“Don’t worry, Leona! I’ll help you,” Cater yelled, raining his attack on Kalim and Floyd. 
Floyd whipped and flung his pillow around, smacking anyone who got to close. On one of Floyd’s backswings, it ended up flying from his hands, hitting Vil in the face.
“Hey,” Vil shouted, picking it up and throwing it back, it hit Riddle.
Riddle yelped, as it smacked him dead in the face. 
“You,” Riddle growled, grabbing the cylinder shaped cushion, swinging it by the tassels, flinging it back, it hit Azul. 
Azul screeched, picking up a pillow and throwing it back.
The chain continued until everyone had a pillow, attacking each other. Floyd was in no man's land, hitting anyone he could reach, Jamil had joined Floyd's side, tag teaming Riddle and Trey, getting his hits on Kalim during the battle. Malleus joined in some time after, using magic to throw pillows at Leona with a vengeance, and then that was when Ruggie and Lilia joined their charges’ sides. Jade and Azul took turns fighting off a very unpredictable Floyd or they set their assaults on Vil and Rook, who had deadly precision. 
“Fl-Floyd! Floyd! Floyd,” Azul shouted at the cackling eel twin, “You’re hitting me in the face!”
Floyd laughed as he wailed on Azul, before turning around and hitting his brother.
“A dangerous game you play there, dear brother,” Jade said, a sinister smile gracing his lips.
Grim kept a stash of pillows at his side, using to hit anyone who got too close. Mirai found it cute as Grim tried to lift some of the bigger pillows and throw them. Mirai on the other hand, ended up crawling from Cater, who made it his mission to hit him, and in the process, hit Idia, who was sitting very still in the corner. 
“Oopsie, sorry babe,” Cater apologized. 
It was like night and day, one second Idia looked like a cornered rabbit, then next he was a hawk, sinking his talons into his prey. In a flash, he was snatching a pillow from beside him and was wailing on Cater. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Cater chanted, trying to get away from Idia. 
“Thanks Idia,” Mirai laughed.
Idia nodded.
Mirai laughed and playfully hit Idia in the arm with his pillow, Idia snickered and hit him back.
Slowly but surely, the pillow fight ended, everyone huffing and puffing as they lied there in a pleasant silence. Kalim giggled, then he went silent, then he giggled again. And like a virus, they were all laughing.
“‘M tired,” Floyd giggled, still catching his breath.
“As I,” Jade agreed.
“I can’t believe that just happened,” Vil said fondly, “You have quite the hit, Azul.”
“As do you, Vil. But you can thank Floyd for that.” Azul laughed, glasses long gone.
That tidbit earned him a couple of chuckles. 
“The Great Grim wants a do over,” Grim huffed from where he was spat on the floor, “All you guys did was hit me.”
“You’re an easy target,” Leona gruffed.
“Fynya! Am not!”
Laugher rang out once more.
“I suppose this should be a good time to settle down,” Malleus muttered, looking off to the windows.
Riddle hummed in agreement, “It is already nine-thirty.”
“Then I suppose some cleaning is in order.”
“Then let’s hop to it then,” Mirai said, sitting up.
After the food was cleared out, the tables were moved for the right, to give more space. Mirai helped clean up the best he could before Trey and Cater sent him away. Mirai helped out elsewhere, and in no time flat, everything was cleared out for the night.
It was late, Mirai realized, the sun had long set, making way for the moon and the stars in the dark sky. Everyone was beginning to wind down, the energy from earlier melting into something more calm and cozy. Mirai entered the fort once again, and found Idia sitting by himself, knees to his chest, biting his thumbnail as he watched the movie.
“You seen this before?” Mirai asked Idia as he sat down next to him, shoving a chip into his mouth.
Idia jumped, but settled back down when he realized who it was, muttering, “Yeah.”
“So what’s it about?”
Idia started out small, telling Mirai about the story from its origins as a novel, but once he kept going, he couldn’t stop.
 “The film is a masterpiece all in itself,” Idia rambled, flames growing brighter, and larger, his smile turning into a smirk full of sharp teeth, “Like the storyline, totally S-tier, the producers were fans themselves, so they wanted to make sure the movie hit the best points, and it did! The acting is great, although I think Henry’s acting skills are a bit mid. And like, the special effects team totally out did themselves, everything is on point. And don’t get me started on the OST.”
Mirai giggled at Idia’s rambling. Mirai found it cute when he geeked out.
“Like the use of the fog machine in this scene, genius! And-”
Idia suddenly clamped his mouth shut, face flushing a lovely red.
“Sorry,” Idia mumbled.
“What for man? So you like the makings of films that originated as literary masterpieces? We all have our likes and hobbies, so why be embarrassed about it?”
There was a beat of silence before Idia’s eyes narrowed harshly. Mirai was about to ask what was the matter when he spoke once more.
“Why are you so nice to me?” Idia finally asked, tone harsh. 
“Why not?” Mirai asked nonchalantly.
“Well you’re not gonna gain anything from this, so you might as well stop your efforts.”
“You just seemed like a really cool dude.”
“Cool? You think I’m cool?” Idia asked, unconvinced. 
“Mn,” Mirai nodded.
“What’s so cool about me? Who wants to befriend an introverted trash-tier Housewarden, who won’t leave his room unless he really has to, to only binge play MMORPG’s all night?”
“The introverted trash-tier Magicless Prefect, who never left his room unless he had to, binge playing FPS’s all night,” Mirai deadpanned.
Idia clamped his lips together, eyes widening.
Mirai sighed. “Being here has let me see the other side of things,” Mirai spoke quietly, “Being here has let me make friends. That little Housewarden meeting was the first time I actually felt seen since coming here. Being here has let me cook with someone, for someone, and talk to people who actually care about me. So even if it’s for a little while, why not try and start over and befriend the S-tier Housewarden with the cool flaming hair?”
Idia hid himself, pushing his blushing face into his knees.
“You’re not trash-tier,” Idia mumbled, “Definitely S-tier with some cool DLC.”
Mirai laughed.
“But seriously,” Mirai said, “Next time, if you need a gaming buddy, call me! I need someone who will binge play all night with me.”
Idia laughed loudly, accepting. 
“Prefect, come!”
Mirai waved to Idia and kneeled his way over to Vil, who was sitting on the couch with his legs curled underneath himself.
“Sit,” Vil said, gesturing to the space in front of him on the floor with a brush.
Mirai crawled over and sat.
Vil ran his fingers through his hair, combing through the thin strands, starting from the root, manicured nails scratching softly at Mirai’s scalp, as he pulled gently down to the tips. Vil said nothing as he did this, they both sat in a comfortable silence. After a while, Vil ran his long thin fingers over Mirai’s forehead catching the headband with the tips of his fingers, pulling it back and down off his head. 
Vil was terrifyingly beautiful to Mirai. He was a force to reckoned with, he let no one in his way, and he let no one tear him down. Mirai loved his presence, his confidence, the way he held himself, he was like a diamond, so pretty, yet unbreakable.
“Your hair is so thin, though it’s soft, like bird feathers,” Vil muttered, “you have to take better care of it.”
“It’s always been that way,” Mirai answered. 
Vil sucked his teeth in annoyance as he grabbed the brush and started running it through his hair.
“Rook,” Vil called, “Get that purple bag.”
“Yes, Belle Vil,” Rook obeyed happily, crawling out of the fort.
“No, no,” Mirai stammered, twisting his body from Vil, “You don’t have to-”
“Hush child and sit still,” Vil scolded softly, tapping Mirai’s shoulder with the brush.
It wasn’t long after Rook came back with a travel bag filled with hair care products, and another filled with tubs, tubes, and vials of creams.
“Here,” Vil said, passing the bag of creams, “Do his face.”
Vil busied himself with opening various vials of oil and dumped them into his hands, rubbing them together, then from root to tip, Vil began running his oil hands through Mirai’s hair. Mirai’s face contorted as Vil tugged at his roots, head lolling back every time.
“Roi du Poison’s grip is strong, non?” Rook laughed, mixing various creams into his large hands.
“Am I hurting you?” Vil asked, hands in his hair stilling.
“N-No,” Mirai stuttered. 
“Good,” Vil said, continuing. 
Rook rubbed his hands together, as he stood on his knees, scooting closer to the Ramshackle Prefect until his knees bracketed Mirai’s crossed ones. 
Mirai found Rook pretty. He was strong, yet so soft, it made his beauty even more intense and overwhelming. His jaw was sharp, but his eyelashes were long and soft. His green eyes were a fierce green, while his lips were in a soft smile. It made Mirai’s stomach flutter. 
“Head up,” Rook commanded and Vil tilted Mirai’s head back.
Rook got closer, placing his large warm palms on Mirai’s cheeks, using his thumbs to massage the creams into his face.
Mirai winced at his touch. 
“Son visage est si rouge,” Rook laughed. Vil leaned forward and looked down, he smirked with a chuckle, sitting back and continuing his work.
“Smells good,” Mirai mumbled, closing his eyes and Rook worked his thumbs higher on his face.
“Which one,” Vil asked.
Vil grabbed a comb this time, and started at the tips, working his way up to the roots, getting the knots and tangles. Rook grabbed another cream, it was pink, and began working it into Mirai’s cheeks and the dark purple bags under his eyes.
“Your freckles are magnifique,” Rook mumbled softly, “Like the stars in the skies of the Savanna. And your scars, they’re like a map, joining those constellations together.”
Mirai could feel his face flush, lips pursing themselves together.
“Beautiful,” Rook cooed, massaging Mirai’s temples.
“Don’t hide your insecurities, you’ll never learn to live them. You’re far too beautiful to hide yourself away,” Vil mumbled, his voice bitter, “Learn to take compliments, learn to love yourself. If you continue to compare yourself to others, you’ll never learn of your own beauty.”
“There’s nothing beautiful about me,” Mirai mumbled bitterly.
He thought he came to terms with himself, with his appearance. But then again he wouldn’t be so beant on hiding his face with his hair, and hiding his prosthetic with a glove, calling a fashion statement. He wouldn’t be holding back the tears that were threatening to fall. He spent his whole life comparing himself to others, indirectly downgrading himself into nothing. It was hard to see himself as anything at all.
“Don’t cry, Roi du Sommeil” Rook soothed with a sad smile, holding Mirai’s face in his hands as he leaned in to place a chaste kiss on his temple, “You’re too pretty to cry.”
“There is nothing pretty about too thin lips, too thin hair, a body that’s too thin, too boney, too pale, too many freckles. There’s nothing pretty about missing an arm, or the scars that burn my face, and the discoloration of my left eye,” Mirai bit out, angry and bitter.
“If you don’t see it, then I’ll make you. I’ll shower you in the love you deserve, until you see it,” Vil threatened.
“Where you see your flaws, I see your assets,” Rook whispered, “Don’t see yourself short.”
“Hush, now. Let us take care of you,” Vil chided, lips brushing the crown of Mirai’s head.
Mirai sighed, keeping his eyes down, because if he looked at Rook, he didn’t know if he could take the feelings those green eyes held.
The night waned on and the party atmosphere was starting to dwindle. Vil took up one of the couches, a light-up hand mirror in Rook's hand as he applied his face creams. Leona was asleep towards the back entrance, snoring a little loudly. Floyd was dozing against his brother as Jade, Azul continued to watch the movie. Idia was dozing as well, but continued to watch, even if he had seen it many times before. Jamil and Trey were discussing their vice Housewarden duties quietly, Malleus took up the rocking chair, book in his hand. 
“Hey guys,” Lilia whispered, “Come look.”
Everyone looked to where Lilia was referring to, and as Ruggie got up, he stepped on Leona’s tail.
“What is it?’ Leona asked, waking with a snort.
 In the far corner of the fort, Mirai and Kalim were sleeping. Kalim was clutching Mirai like a stuffed animal, snoring quietly into his hair, and Mirai was snuggled into Kalim’s chest, legs wrapped around the Scarabia Housewarden like a koala. 
“You stepped on me for that?” Leona gruffed, lying back down.
“Oh, I gotta getta pic. Where’s my phone?” Cater whispered excitedly.
Kalim muttered something in his sleep, his body curling over to hold the Prefect a little tighter, and Mirai twitched at the movement, his breath stuttering, but the two never woke.
Mirai woke up hot and sweaty, his shirt sticking to his back like a second skin. He looked up and found Kalim’s sleeping face above him, his lips slightly parted as he drooled into his pillow. Giggling, Mirai shimmied himself out of his grasp, which caused Kalim to promptly turn over and snuggle him into Jamil’s arms. Sitting up, Mirai stretched his back, looking around the room. It was quiet. The only thing lighting the room was the fairy lights at the peak of the fort, and even with that, it was still quite dark. Mirai felt around for his phone, but he never found it, and he didn’t dwell too much about it. The movie was no longer playing, Idia’s laptop closed with a sleeping Idia lying next to it, his giving off a dim blue glow, the flames tame and low. Vil had his back turned to everyone, taking residence on the couch next to the stairs, thin body wrapped in a soft purple blanket, and Rook was below him on the floor wrapped in his own. Riddle was on the one above Mirai, leg and arm flopped over the edge, Jamil was to Kalim’s right and next to him was Trey. Cater was to Mirai’s left, sleeping facing up, and next to him was Malleus, who was facing Lilia who was next to him. In the front, Azul was squished between the twins, their long legs tangled together, Floyd muttering in his sleep, chewing on Azul’s collar. In the back lies Leona snoring like a freight train, with Ruggie at his side. Grim was nowhere to be found, probably in his room.
“You’ll be tired come dawn, Dear Boy.”
Mirai jumped at the deep voice, whipping his head around, a pair of glowing half lidded magenta eyes started back at him. “Lilia,” Mirai pouted, his voice quiet. 
“Apologies,” Lilia chuckled quietly, sitting up, “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“N-No, it’s fine.”
“Did you have fun?” Lilia asked, tilting his head to the side, a smile in his voice.
“Yes, I did,” Mirai whispered.
“I’m glad. You deserve to-”
Leona’s snoring stopped abruptly, making a sound akin to someone choking. Mirai and Lilia froze. Leona's ears twitched, as he rolled over into Ruggie, throwing an arm over his shoulders, cuddling more into hyena, and a moment later, he was snoring again.
Mirai laughed quietly. 
“You deserve to live your youth the way you want to,” Lilia continued, a chuckle in his voice, “You only get one chance.”
“I know, and yet I still asked for a second. That’s why I can’t mess up this one,” Mirai whispered. 
“A peculiar child, you are. Come.”
Mirai slowly as he tried no to step on anyone, made his way over to Lilia, who grabbed him when he was within arms reach. Lilia situated them so that Mirai was in between him and Malleus. 
“Says the vampire,” Mirai chuckled, once he was comfortable, pulling the blanket over the two of them. 
“Is that what I am to you, a Vampire?” Lilia asked mirthfully.
“Are you not? You have fangs, pointy ears, red eyes, and every time I see you, you have a bat next to you. Not to mention that you speak like you’re older than everyone, and when you tell stories, they sound too personal to be just a story.”
“Lilia, sleep.”
Mirai looked up, and Lilia craned his around. Malleus’ glowing green eye cracked open tiredly.
“You too, Son of Man.” Malleus mumbled, throwing an arm around Mirai, fingers brushing against Lilia’s as he closed his eyes once more, “You’ll be tired come morning.”
Lilia chuckled, wrapping his arms around Mirai, “I’ll be whatever you want me to be. Now sleep.”
And Mirai did.
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. busy bee mother of a sassy baby lefty eyebag 😅
Awesome! So you're going to leave us with a cliffhanger.. so mean hahaha just kidding. When you make covers for your fics, how do you decide that the picture is the right one for that fic?
Has anyone ever crossed the line before?
Hahaha you're weird. Has anyone ever drunk texted you and it was something you didn't understand? Have you ever drunk texted someone?
That's so nice when your customers think of you and bring you stuff. I wish I had customers like that when I used to work at a fast food place lol
What is your dream car?
I would buy land and stuff to build my dream house. Then I'll hide the rest and keep working. Just use it for emergency.
Has anyone ever given you a weird gift before?
Hello you! Haha u always find nicknames for me. That was a good one!
Welp, the third part isn't end with a cliffhanger, so dont worry. 😅 i actually cant wait to post it tomorrow the first part. 😁 let me know what u think.😁
Well, when i designed it, i googled all the pictures that has the aesthetic of the theme of the fic that i want to show without telling too much the plot of the fic.😁 so when it's done n i look at it a few times n that's it.haha
Yeah there was one dude sent an inappropriate ask.it was a long time ago.
yeah sometimes i got drunk text. n yes for sure i drunk text few times. lol
well, it's probably different whn u work in fast food n non-fast food restaurant, i guess. i meant i work in sushi, so people sit for a long time n it's a pretty famous in the city where i used to live, n people always come there n order same stuff. n sometimes the nice customers really talk to us servers.
it's nice actually. i work at the same restaurant for like 6 or 7 years so they know what happen with my life n i know what happen with their life.
my dream car is Volvo the XC series. even the older models look good. but the newest one is so cool i think it's the XC90. what's ur dream car?
ah yeah, i got what u meant. that's what i thought too. buy some property. i will still work but also start a business so it will be a passive income in the future. :D
hmm i dont really remember. i think the gifts i got were pretty normal. lol. have u?
next question?
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foryoumyheroes · 4 years
[Bakugou + Todoroki] are in love with the anime character [Name]. 
A/N:  Gender-neutral reader  Crackish?? 
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Bakugou Katsuki: 
He’s sort of picky with the genre, be it fantasy, horror, shonen, but his favorite character has to be a super cool, super powerful one. No excuses. 
You know, the type of anime character that’s probably introduced through a silhouette of them posing dramatically with their notorious group whose image is teased throughout the first few episodes/seasons. 
He goes pretty hard for All Might, and he’s definitely the same for your character. 
Reads the manga (but he buys it super secretly, like in a hoodie at night and the cashier probably thinks that they’re being robbed until he brings the entire [Series] collection to the register). Watches the anime the moment it’s broadcasted, reads metas and watches youtube videos that talk about conspiracies/analyses of your character. 
He’s taking his anime phase to the grave. 
For some reason gets super aggressive when you’re being flirty or being shipped with another character?? He hates all the scenes that tease any potential romance between you and other characters. asdfgj He’s like, “No one is good enough for [Name]!!! Except for me.” 
He even tries to think up ways he can legitimately square up with them LMAO. Like he wonders how he could defeat your potential S/Os in a fight but y’all are like ,,, anime characters SO WHY DOES IT EVEN MATTER LOL 
“Three-sword style?? Tch, I’d fucking blow that bastard to bits.” 
“Who’s this Gaara of the Sand looking ass and why is the author getting so bold.” 
He even tries to think of how well your abilities match up with his own Quirk, this dork. 
If you were a real life person and your dislikes are lets say spicy food or loud, overbearing people, Bakugou would be like, “Tch I’m right, they’re wrong. Shut the fuck up!!!” But if his ultimate wifu/husbando has those dislikes he would be like, “Omg...😳😳 opposites attract...👉👈” 
He honestly tries to be a low-key fan (as in, not be a fan at all to outsiders), but if one day during class Kaminari ends up saying that in [Series], you’re the weakest character in your group/squad, Bakugou would get super angry. 
“Hey, Dunceface!! It’s so fucking obvious that you’re an anime-only fake fan, so don’t talk as if you know shit!” 
Bakugou is those “um actually” ;; fans 
Bakugou is a manga reader, so by the time your introduction scene or Ultimate Attack scene is being aired he becomes super OOC. He’s hyped for it for days, incredibly nervous at how the animators handle the scene. 
By the time he watches it?? 
He’s legitimately sweating buckets by the time the episode is over. A whole-ass fire hazard. 
Probably knows how to play your character theme on the drums. 
Omg but if your character dies/is hinted toward dying/or the most recent chapters ends with a cliffhanger where you’re fatally injured he will become legitimately depressed. 
Like holes himself in his dorm room for a whole day without contacting anyone and with the blinds drawn type of depressed. 
When he comes to class the next day with eye-bags and is slouching and his classmates think that something horrible has happened, it’s probably only Izuku who knows what’s going on. 
He’ll say, “You’re upset about the most recent chapter of [Series], right? I know it must be hard for you right now.” He’ll give Bakugou an officially licensed rubber strap of your character and Bakugou will just ;; cradle it in his hands softly. 
In complete seriousness, your character is probably someone who is strong physically, but publicly rallies for things like, “Failure is fine.” Your character arc would probably explore what it’s like being not good enough or feeling constantly disappointed, so he feels comfort in your character. 
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Todoroki Shoto: 
In comparison to Bakugou, he’s probably a more low-key fan unintentionally, but goes just as hard. 
Buys all of the merch, limited-edition or not, has your picture set as his phone lockscreen and homescreen, has a little acrylic charm of you on his phone, follows several fanartists that draw your character on social media. He buys enough merch that his room looks like a glorified shrine. 
It’s canon that he reads manga, but I headcanon that he’s even less picky with his genres and willingly reads things like slice-of-life or shojo all the way to shonen or adult fantasy, so your anime could come from any possible story. 
Your character is probably someone who is sweet and kind but has a traumatic character backstory. 
He probably ends up thinking stuff like, “If [Name] was with me, I would never let them get treated like that.” asdhj he’s a dork too. 
Unironically dramatically quotes you during battle and thinks that it’s still badass because he’s a teenage boy in his anime phase. 
Doesn’t get into debates with people who don’t like your character. He’s like, “Everyone is entitled to their own opinion :)) even though they’re wrong. >:(.” 
If you’re from a sports/competition anime he’ll try to learn all of the rules, and even try it out for himself (if it’s not fighting) but he finds out that he’s... not very good at it. That doesn’t make him any less amazed though! 
If your character is from a different culture with different customs and traditions, he’ll even learn more about them outside of your anime! 
Forces his siblings to watch the anime with him. They don’t necessarily have to, but the Todoroki household has one big TV and he hogs it all the time watching your anime over and over. 
Natsuo is begging him to watch something else and Shoto will just pout angrily from the other side of the couch.(  ̄^ ̄)
It’s so jarring because he doesn't look or appear like a hardcore anime fan, but sometimes he’ll just butt into conversations randomly and talk about you. 
Like you know those tumblr Naruto posts that talk about it as if it’s some sort of Renaissance literature. That’s Todoroki. 
[”Man, they’re so hot--!” 
“You want to see someone hot?” Todoroki asks with a perfectly straight face, and he’ll just... turn his phone around and show them a picture of an anime character.] 
When his dad tries to set him up with someone else: “You think they’re my type? Do they watch [Series]? Do they know what true friendship is?? Do they understand pining and love the way [Name] does?” 
Endeavor: who the FUCK is [Name]. 
Gets into fanfiction because of your character and series. He’ll just be reading on his phone during break times at school and everyone thinks that he’s being so well-read but he’s just reading pure smut with a straight face. 
Doesn’t mind when you’re shipped with other characters necessarily but he is super picky. If your character is hinted toward a potential romance with another character that’s pretty crass and doesn’t necessarily treat you well but you’re sticking together through the power of friendship, he won’t ship it. 
He’s just like “[Name] would be so much happier with someone else like me.” ://// 
And if your character goes through something traumatic or terrible during the series he’ll be so sad, like soooo sad. :((( Deku would probably be comforting him on the couch in the common room and everyone is concerned because he looks like he’s mourning a lost pet, but it turns out to be over some anime character pshhhsdfh. 
Deku would just be patting his shoulder trying to console him and Todoroki’s just sitting there with a big frown on his face going, [“But they’ve been through so much throughout the anime already...” 
“I know, Todoroki-kun, I know...” 
“The author can’t do that to them... It’s just not fair.”
“I get it,” Midoriya says mournfully.]  
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Plot twist: They like the same anime character 
They’ll probably find out when they have to retake the license exam together. 
Todoroki will just take his phone out during off times and Bakugou’s eyes looks over because it’s drawn by the noise but then his head just snaps to the side when he realizes its a little charm of you, like, he’s going to get whiplash from that. 
“What the -- is that [Surname] [Name]?!” 
Like they have never really hung out together before this, so when they both first realize that their favorite character of all time is [Name] they’re left ,, just standing there ,,, pointing at each other like the spiderman meme.
At first they’re both inwardly excited because FINALLY someone cultured and with taste. They spend the entire time talking about your stats, your attacks, your post-timeskip character design, and your personality, and then they delve a little bit deeper and then they realize ,,, oh. 
Bakugou says that you don’t belong with the dumb protagonist, you should be shipped with someone strong, confident and loud, but Todoroki is like noooooo they deserve to be with someone that treats them gently. 
They connect the dots. 
[“Bakugou, you aren’t compatible with [Name]. It says so in their trivia page.” 
“Says you! They won’t want some bland-ass pretty boy! They would want a real man!”] 
They’re such fanboys ;;; they do realize that you aren’t real, right asdfghj?
One day Kaminari and Sero separately invite them to an anime convention, but they both say no and that they have plans or “something better to do” that day. 
Then Bakugou and Todoroki both turn up to the convention at the same place because they both reach for the last limited edition [Name] figure and they just stare at each other wide-eyed (ʘoʘ╬) like that. 
They start verbally fighting each other over the last figure and then physically fighting each other andddd then they get kicked out of the convention. 
Izuku ends up swooping in and getting the last box. 
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petersnya · 3 years
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Warnings: SMUT, Fluff, Angst?? Idk lol
Word count:2145
[A/N]Heyyy! Soooo this is part of this series (I’ll link part one). Hope you guys enjoy it! PLEASE COMMENT AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK AND IF YOU WANT YOU CAN SEND ME MESSAGES AND ASK QUESTIONS I'LL ANSWER LOL. Anyway, I had fun writing this chapter so I hope you like it! -J.T.S xxx
During physics class, Peter was working on an upcoming project with Ned, but he spent most of his time sleeping. He was basically sleep deprived from patrolling the town and stopping crimes.
“Late night huh Pete?” Ned asked, nudging Peter's arm that was supporting his head in the palms of his hands as his eyes got heavy, starting to close. 
“Yeah, had to stop some petty theft last night,” he began, a yawn interrupting him, “took longer than I thought.” 
The bell rang, dismissing the students to their after-school activities, if you had none you would just go home. Peter and Ned gathered their things and headed to the school’s front doors- MJ catching up with them how she usually did. 
“Man, you look terrible,” MJ said with a slight chuckle. 
“Wow, thanks. You're such a great friend.” Peter retorted sarcastically. Ned wasn’t riding the bus home today, he had to go with his mom for something he refused to share with anyone but Peter; so Peter just decided to ask MJ to walk home with her. 
“Sorry Parker, Y/N is picking me up today. You’re welcome to ride with us if you want though.” 
Peter didn’t respond for a while, debating if it was worth the anxiety attack of being around her. Y/N was the only thing that was on his mind now. His attraction grew even more when she wore those glasses. He zoned out for a while till MJ snapped her fingers in front of his face. Blinking rapidly, his vision focused on MJ who was now reaching out to grab the handle of a car door. Y/N’s car. His breath hitched in his throat once he saw Y/N wearing those same glasses from last Friday, her hair in the messiest high-ponytail he had ever seen- but it was cute to him.
“Ya coming lover-boy?” Y/N said, looking Peter right in his wide brown eyes. He blushed at the nickname before answering. 
“Yeah… I’m coming.”
The three teens got into the car and started on their way. “Hey losers, wanna go shopping?” 
“Y/N you only wanna go to the mall to eat,” MJ said to Y/N who was now laughing loudly, throwing her head back in agreement with her. Suddenly, in the middle of her laugh, she let out a loud snort. The car went silent as Y/N covered her mouth with her hand. MJ and Y/N burst into laughter, Peter soon joining. They all joked and sang to the songs that played on the radio all the way to the mall. 
“Jeez Y/N, you scared me! What is it?” MJ said to her, clutching her chest from being startled. They all had gone to the food court and were now just walking around the mall and into random stores. 
“There's a Build-A-Bear Workshop here!” she exclaimed excitedly, pointing at it like a child. Peter couldn't help but smile at how adorable she looked freaking out over a child’s store. 
“Let's go in,” Peter said to the two of them. Y/N looked at him wide-eyed with a goofy smile on her face. Her eyes looked like they twinkled with excitement. She shoved her drink into MJ’s hand, fixed her glasses, then grabbed Peter’s hand while running into the store. 
“Oooohh, I should get an H.P-themed bear!” Before Peter could even answer, Y/N dragged him to one of the workers, asking if she could get a custom bear. They went over to the station and started to build. 
As Y/N was finishing up the bear, she turned to Peter, “Ok, I have a very serious question. What accessories should I get?” they were standing in the Harry Potter section, looking over all of the things they had to decorate the bear. Peter shrugged, but then, he had a great idea, “I-I think you should get the uh, the glasses. The ones like your dads…” he said in an unsure tone. Y/N looked at him with a soft smile on her face. She couldn’t help herself, she had no idea what came over her as she pulled Peter into a tight embrace. Peter hesitated before putting his arms around her waist- her arms draped over his neck. 
At that moment, Y/N inhaled Peters sent heavily. She felt so… safe in his arms. Like nothing bad could touch her. She never wanted to break away- MJ’s voice brought them back to reality.
“You guys done, I need to get new converse,” she said with a smirk plastered across her face. Y/N quickly pulled away from Peter, a million thoughts running through her mind, but only one seemed to overpower the rest. 
I would be in his arms forever if I could.
“Ma’am, would you like to add a voice to your bear?” the lady said to Y/N, causing her thoughts to disappear. 
“Actually,” Y/N paused looking at Peter and MJ, “yes, I would.” She grabbed the recorder from the worker’s hand and sent her a small smile. She looked at the curly-headed girl and the brown-eyed boy was on either side of her. She explained her plan, “Ok, I want all three of us to say ‘Mischief Managed’, ok?” 
“What does that mean?” Peter questioned, looking at the two girls. They both sent him a deadly stare. “Nevermind,” he mumbled. 
“Ok, on three, one… two… three…” 
“Mischief Managed!” the trio yelled, causing some customers in the store to turn their heads and stare at them. They all mumbled small sorry’s as they laughed. 
“Ok, Peter what's one thing you hate?” MJ asked, turning to face him. They were all sitting in the car at a drive-in movie. Peter was now in the front seat while MJ was in the back. They all decided to just talk because the movie was pretty boring to them. 
“Uhh, I can't stand sleeping with socks on.”
“I don't think anyone can Parker,” Y/N said, laughing slightly. 
“Well what about you then?” he asked her, turning his full attention as he anticipated her answer. 
“Easy, liars. Ugh, I hate liars! What’s the point? It’s not like I’m gonna judge you,” Y/N answered confidently. “See, that’s what I like about you, Parker. You are very honest,” she said with a genuine smile. Peter just loved her smile, the way it lit up her whole face.
“Welp imma go get some pizza from the stand back there,” MJ said as she got out of the car. Y/N and Peter sat there in silence for a moment- comfortable silence. 
Y/N was the first to break the silence, as usual, “Hey, Pete. I just wanna thank you for the whole glasses thing last Friday. It really helped me realize that I should’ve worn the glasses the moment he gave them to me. It’s like I have a part of him with me now... And I love Harry Potter, obviously. Ya know, I took a quiz and found out what house I’m in! Can you believe that I’m in-“
“You’re welcome, Y/N” Peter interrupted her rambling, sending her a small smile. They stared into each other's eyes for a while, admiring one another. Peter got this warm feeling inside and had that same surge of energy he had when he first met her. Before even processing what he was about to do, he grabbed her hand without breaking eye contact. He fiddled with the ring she had on her thumb. 
Y/N breath became shallow as her heart pounded at her chest. 
“I’m in Slytherin,” she said randomly, looking down at how Peter’s hands played with hers. He let out a breathy chuckle. Their eyes met once again. 
Y/N gathered all of her courage and quickly reached out her hand to grab Peter’s cheek, pulling him into her. Their lips were centimeters apart. She ran her thumb along Peter’s bottom lip, slightly parting it as she leaned in closer, catching his lips with hers. Their lips interlocked and it felt like heaven to the both of them. 
They pulled apart from the soft kiss and slowly opened their eyes, starting again into each other's eyes searching for the words that weren’t said. Peter couldn’t contain himself anymore. His large hand grabbed the back of Y/N’s neck, pushing his lips into hers in a lust-filled kiss. Just like the one he had imagined. 
This was the moment he had dreamt of and it was finally happening. 
He ran his tongue over her bottom lip, begging for an entrance. She gave it to him without hesitation. His tongue slowly slipped into her mouth while her tongue ran into his. 
Peter snaked his hands to her waist, lifting her from her seated position in the driver's seat. She complied and started to adjust to where she was sitting in his lap. His hands ran from her waist to her butt and gave it a tight squeeze.
Y/N let out a soft moan into Peter’s mouth. She slowly started to trail kisses down his neck as he massaged her thighs and ass. 
Y/N hands got tangled in Peter’s brown curls. She began to suck on Peter’s neck, wanting to leave a mark. Peter let out a low groan at the sensation of her soft lips and wet tongue on his skin. 
He lifted her head and connected their lips together once again. His veiny hand slipped between their body making its way down to her core. 
Peter never did stuff like this, and neither did Y/N. all of this was new to them but their connection was so strong that they were willing to push the limits.
As Peter’s hand reached Y/N core, he placed two fingers right on top of where her clothed clit was. He began to draw circles against it. Y/N started to rock her hips over his fingers, yearning for more friction. She started to let out moans uncontrollably, whimpering at the euphoric feeling of his fingers pressed against her dripping core. 
“Peter,” Y/N breathed out trying to catch her breath. Peter hummed in response while moving his lips down to kiss her neck. 
Suddenly, Peter snapped out of the trance that he seemed to be in. This moment was the best moment of his life, but his damned mind couldn’t help re-play Y/N’s words on a lope: I hate liars. Why? Before they went to the movies and were still at the mall, Y/N had asked Peter about his Stark’s internship. And, of course, he couldn’t tell her the truth. So he just lied. Y/N looked so intrigued in the conversation but Peter couldn’t bear lying to her over and over again. He felt so guilty...
“Y/N,” Peter let out. “Y/N, we can’t do this.”
Y/N head snapped up, her glasses left crooked on her face. She looked stunned by his words. Her shoulders slumped as she started asking questions.
“What? Why? Am I not a good kisser? I’ve only kissed one person before but I don’t even really wanna count that. Does my breath smell bad? Ugh, I knew this was a bad idea- wait no! I didn’t mean it like that, I just knew you didn’t like me how I liked you… I’m so stupid.”
After Y/N was finished rambling, she put her face in her hands, trying to avoid eye contact with the chocolate-eyed boy. 
Peter was speechless. He didn’t know what to say, because what he wanted to say was: no Y/N that’s not it at all. You are the most amazing girl I’ve ever met, I- I lied to you… 
No. he couldn’t say that it would absolutely crush her and he couldn’t bear to hurt her. Peter put his hands on her waist, making Y/N jerk her body in shock. She let a small smile spread across her face, thinking Peter was going to hug her or make a cute gesture or even continue what they had started. He lifted Y/N and slid her back to the driver’s side.
Her smile dropped from her face and she pushed herself the rest of the way to the driver’s side. Peter sat there awkwardly, praying she wouldn’t say anything. It killed him to see the gloomy look on her face as she fixed her glasses. 
“I’m back with pizza!” MJ announced as she made her way into the backseat. “Woah, hey, cuz what’s wrong?”
“We’re going home,” Y/N replied with a cold tone of voice. This shocked Peter and MJ. Y/N was usually so smiley, even after her dad passed. She always tried to find the light in every situation. But something was different with this. One thing Peter knew for sure,
I fucked up…
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jaehyunfirstlove · 4 years
Tumblr media
Your best friend, Jungwoo, wants you to take his current roommate off his hands. You agree, but what are you really getting yourself into?
Pairing: Jaehyun x f. reader (eventually :)
Special appearances: Jungwoo, possibly other members
Genre: fluff, smut, angst, hurt/comfort, roommates to lovers, (extremely) slow burn
Warnings: none for this chapter
Word count: 0.7k
Taglist: @jaehyunnie77 (send me a message if you want to be tagged)
A/N: This is going to be a bit different, instead of a multichap this is more like a series, just little scenes that will be interrelated (but may not necessarily be in chronological order? Hope that makes sense lol). I'll also try to post at regular intervals but no guarantees :)
Ch. 1 - Jungwoo
“Hey babe,” you exchanged cheek kisses with your best friend, Jungwoo, before taking a seat at the cafe where you had your weekly meet-up. “Sorry I’m late, had a deadline at work.”
“No problem, no problem,” he waved in the air with the back of his hand, then took a sip of his coffee and looked at you. There was a cheeky grin on his face.
“Oh fuck, what is it now,” you knew that look, and it usually meant you had to pay for something, either literally or metaphorically.
“What! What do you mean?” he asked all innocent, and you would almost believe that puppy-dog face but you knew Jungwoo too well.
“The last time you looked at me like that you made me call your boss pretending to be your sick mother so you could get the day off work.” You rolled your eyes.
“It worked, didn’t it? You did a very good job, by the way, sounded exactly like her,” he winked at you and you just shook your head.
“So what is it, really?”
“We-ell, now that you’ve asked…” he looked down sheepishly, making figure eights with the tip of his finger on the table.
“Spit it out, Jungwoo!” your patience was thin and you hated when he dragged things out like this.
“I was wondering if you maybe needed a roommate?” he grinned widely as he said it, raising his eyebrows repeatedly, like those overbearing salesmen in the ads that wanted to sell you an air fryer, special deal, only for today.
“I don’t actually, but where are you going with this?” you narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously.
“See, Jiwoo and I are getting serious, and I asked her to move in, and I know you have that spare room so I was thinking…” he tilted his head, eyes upturned, and put his finger to his temple.
“Jungwoo, are you trying to pawn your roommate off on me?” you laughed as you said it, there was no way he could be serious. His roommate, Jaehyun, was a perfectly nice guy although you didn’t know him too well, as he had only recently moved in.
“Wow! You’re good at this!” he took a hold of your hand and shook it, like he was congratulating you on winning a new car or something.
“You’re serious.” It didn’t even come out as a question, you already knew your best friend well enough. Especially since he was looking at you with a mixture of admiration and sympathy.
“Listen, he’s a sweet boy, doesn’t come with a lot of stuff-”
“I just have to feed him the right brand of food and take him for walks? Jungwoo you make him sound like a puppy,” you chuckled humorlessly.
“He is! He’s a big puppy, a six foot tall puppy with beautiful cheekbones and the most adorable dimples you could swim in,” he smiled sweetly at you.
“Now you’re making him sound like a baby,” you grumbled.
“Sweetheart, he can be anything you want him to be!”
“Now that just sounds wrong,” you shook your head.
“Seriously, Y/N, you’d be doing me and Jiwoo a huge favor,” he took on a rare serious tone, sincerity in his eyes.
“Jungwoo, I like living alone!” you complained, but he just scoffed, rolling his eyes at you.
“Says the person who calls me at three in the morning to say she’s lonely!”
“Oh fuck,” you whispered. You’d forgotten about that.
“He keeps to himself, he’s quiet, he works crazy hours, you’ll literally never see him!” he still kept trying to sell you, his actions getting animated, “Plus he cooks! And he’s, erm, relatively clean…” he shrugged his shoulders at the last statement.
“Oh god,” your eyes wanted to roll so far to the back of your head they’d be stuck there. This time he actually got down on his knees, hands pressed together in supplication.
“Please, Y/N! I’m not above begging!”
“Ugh!” you screamed, pulling at your hair in frustration, “Fine!”
“Yes!” he jumped up and pumped his fist in the air, the customers in the vicinity turning around to look at him.
You hung your head, staring into your coffee cup, wondering what you had gotten yourself into.
“You owe me big time for this one.”
255 notes · View notes
miraculouscontent · 3 years
(non-Miraculous asks)
Anonymous asked:
Lmao I don’t like winter either, except for me it’s because in the winter I don’t get to wear cute clothes and I don’t even have a cute jacket to make up for it, much less a jacket/hat/headcuffs/gloves matching set. Even on the rare occasion I do wear a skirt in the winter I have to wear super thick leggings/thermals, although at least there’s legwarmers. I don’t actually dislike winter itself, actually, just that it’s damn near hard to dress stylishly while also warmly during that season.
...You know what, fair.
I don’t like wearing “cute” clothes, but I’ve played character customization games before and tend to adjust my outfit based on the weather and snow leaves like no options--
Cardcaptor Sakura
Anonymous asked:
I've just figured out why you love Cardcaptor Sakura so much! Because it's...SOFT! Honestly, can relate.
Anonymous asked:
May I ask why you didn't like the Clear Card arc(I faintly remember you possibly answering this question before so I'm sorry if you did!). I've only watched the regular Cardcaptor Sakura and pretty much the only scene in the Clear Card arc that I can remember is Syaoran confessing to Sakura, which I adored(and would make me tear up if I had a soul.). The opening is sweet, but I remember hearing that it coasts by on everyone's nostalgia. Is that true? Please don't be Sailor Moon Crystal Part II!
Syaoran confesses in the original as well, and then Sakura confesses back in the “Sealed Card” movie.
First things first, they do this weird thing where they take from both the manga and the show, which causes quite a few continuity errors. I haven’t seen the series in a while but I remember a particular issue with the two bears.
Furthermore, the series recycles a ton of past things from the original seasons.
Sakura being kept in the dark? Check.
“Mystery” villain? Check.
Dreams that Sakura barely remembers anyway until it’s convenient for the plot? Check.
Sakura being “at fault” in someway (the first+second season was her being inexperienced, the third being her not being powerful enough)? Check.
Characters know things and then intentionally keep Sakura out of the loop no matter how much it might hurt her. Also, without spoiling aspects of the series, it’s really annoying that the problem Sakura has this time is the exact opposite of the problem she has before, so it’s like oh, so she can’t win then. Fantastic.
Sakura is extremely powerful and yet is kept in the dark while everyone who knows just sort of coddles her. The series ruined a lot of characters for me (they’re still fine in the original) like Touya, Syaoran, and Kero/Yue, all because they keep being vague to keep the already uninteresting mystery stuff a secret.
It’s too the point where I just stop caring about the plot because characters will keep dancing around it, and the big mystery of these “clear cards” doesn’t actually make sense in certain episodes. Again, without spoiling it, the reason doesn’t line up when you go back to past episodes based on the knowledge that Sakura has.
It’s just a very exhausting series and it left me angry and dissatisfied. I put it on the same level as Yashahime in terms of “continuation of a past series but that I become frustrated watching.”
Anonymous asked:
I just found out on Wikipedia that in the Cardcaptors dub of Cardcaptor Sakura, Tomoyo was not only changed to Madison Taylor, but her elegant, polite, and refined speech was changed to VALLEY GIRL lingo! The reason for this was apparently that viewers wouldn’t know what to make of her ladylike-ness and deference to Sakura, which is also why they removed her crush on Sakura in the dub. So the producers think American kids are idiots?! Wow, I mean...I knew the dub was dumb but not THAT dumb.
lol, I saw a few seconds of the dub and was like, “n o p e.”
(I also got another set of asks from this person that I couldn’t really recover because I’m missing multiple pieces from it, but I’ll say that I 100% agree that Syaoran is bi erasure to some degree and people listing him as a “bi antagonist” is just--ugh, and also that people calling him a “simp” simply because he respects Sakura is incredibly annoying. Reminds me of how people treat Luka, because men who respect and adore their love interest are "weak.” Also agree that the show does the gay male relationships way better since Tomoyo’s and Tomoyo’s mother’s feelings are unrequited.)
(I did get this though:)
Anonymous asked:
Hi, yes, I am the same person who wrote about bi erasure in Cardcaptor Sakura! And, yes, I am right, thank you! I was at first worried that you’d disagree or that I’d come off a little too harsh or so but I’m pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t the case and I’m glad you liked the ask! I’m also the same person who talked about Syaoran being called a simp by fans, because how dare you respect girls and not think they have cooties! He’s ten years old, can we not please? The bar for men is in hell!
Nah, you’re absolutely right. I feel like people are so used to the generic male love interest who treats the girl like garbage “bUt haS a hEaRt oF gOlD sEcReTlY” that wholly-respectful love interests get criticized for being “simps.”
other media
Anonymous asked:
I saw that yandere ask and your response and I can't believe you were able to find a way to make yandere simulator wholesome in some way. I would unironically read that fanfic idea
Aww, thank you! I appreciate it!
I’m a huge sucker for happy endings even in the face of very dark concepts.
Anonymous asked:
finally watching svtfoe and i might have only just finished season 1 but i just can not see the appeal of $t@r¢0 like i get that they're the mcs but the whole relationship seems like the type that wouldn't last long term living together
even the l0v3 squ@r3 somehow makes more sense
and that's a low bar to cross
I don’t remember enough of Star VS the Forces of Evil to list specific moments, but I do remember not being invested in Star and Marco as a ship. I was disappointed knowing that they’d inevitably be endgame.
Anonymous asked:
On the TV Tropes Heartwarming page for "My Little Pony: Equestria Girls--Magical Movie Night" it says under General "Twilight Sparkle has been through so much during the Friendship Games and at Camp Everfree, that it's extremely heartwarming to see Human Twilight finally being allowed to be a normal and happy teenage girl playing with her new best friends and not have life constantly finding new ways to torture her." And I was like, "Gosh, do i wish I could say the same thing about Marinette."
True. I’m not crazy about SciTwi but I do want Marinette to get her happy ending.
Anonymous asked:
I watched a video that went over what went wrong with Star vs. that not only showed that shipping was a major factor in the shows demise, but it also showed that the show had a Continuity Coordinator until the episode "Coronation". Guessing Miraculous never even had one to begin with?
Continuity?? In Miraculous?
Anonymous asked:
This is coming late but I remember you mentioning Candace before. Did you not like P&F because of how she was treated? Though at least she got her laid-back, supportive, understanding guitar boy. ): Luka and Jeremy would likely get along well. Do you think Candace and Marinette would? Maybe they can help each other out with their stresses. Maybe Marinette can meet Stacy and see what a real best friend is like. ._.
She was part of the reason, yeah. “Doomed to fail” characters just make me feel so bad for them, and then there was that one episode that had the scenario of “what if she managed it” and everything went to hell. It wasn’t “Chat Blanc” bad, but I just didn’t like the implications.
And yeah, I think Candace and Marinette might get along.
Anonymous asked:
How did Princess Tutu end? Because I’ve been meaning to see it for a long while now, as I love Magical Girl and it seems like a “darker” take on the genre done RIGHT, since it’s not about tearing apart this genre made for girls to force the girls to suffer without any empowerment, or punishing girls for having power fantasies with some stereotypical trait applied to all girls tacked on, and it’s also shonen which PROVES that a Magical Girl show aimed at a male audience doesn’t HAVE to be about destroying the feminist basis of the genre in order to stroke their egos(I feel like I’m always repeating this, but it’s the only way I can say it that makes sense to me.). But I think you said somewhere that it has an unhappy ending. As far as I’m concerned, Ahiru went back to being a duck and Fakir swore to always stay by her side anyway, which I think was meant to be happy, although I hate the trend of “Magical Girl has to get rid of her power for love”. But was that the actual ending?
I don’t want to look it up because I’m scared, and I understand if you don’t want to answer this ask because it brings up bad memories and your followers who are currently watching Princess Tutu might not like it, but I really am curious. I still plan on watching it, but I wanna prepare myself for disappointment in case it’s not the brilliant “Dark Magical Girl done right” show that I was hoping for and that everybody else says it is. Then again, everybody says Madoka is good so there’s that.
It’s a sad ending from what I know, so just be warned; what you said I think is how it actually ends.
Anonymous asked:
Out of topic but you're reading "My gently raised beast"? I love that webtoon :D!
Yeah, I’m really liking it so far! I adore how Belinda/Blondina can be such a savage and a little morally gray at times.
Sex/Race Issues
Anonymous asked:
Isn’t it weird how attraction to men is considered feminine regardless of gender?
...I’ve never thought about that. Huh.
Is that related why bi women are usually seen as something “sexy” by men? Because I don’t know a lot about women’s stereotypical reaction to bi men but I imagine it’s not the same.
Anonymous asked:
What are your thoughts on Magical Boy anime(Cute High, Is This a Zombie, Mahou Shoujo Ore!, etc.). I personally do not like it, since the genre has always been about female empowerment and using femininity to fight evil(although there is a good number of gender fluidity in these shows as well, so one could easily say it’s weaponizing girlhood and womanhood, as well as femininity), and telling the not often told story of a female coming-of-age. It was always meant to be something female-dominated to contrast every male-dominated action genre out there ever, which is part of what made it special even if it shouldn’t be. So to see Magical Boys at all is a huge downer, because it shows yet another example of men hijacking a genre or safe space meant for women. Speaking of which, while most Magical Girl shows nowadays are of the grimdark “girls must PERISH for having power and ambitions ‘cuz PATRIARCHY”, most Magical Boy shows are not the type, and are usually lighthearted and fun like Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Precure, and Tokyo Mew Mew, which sends the message that girls can’t have wants and dreams or try to be powerful while guys can, because anything girls have for themselves that makes them special and empowered will eventually be taken from them and given to guys, who really need it. Somehow. My last problem with it is that these shows are almost always parodies, which creates an unsettling picture of things that empower girls being laughingstocks. Your thoughts?
I’ve never seen any, though it does feel a little weird like - sort of like you said - we’re not allowed to have our own things, y’know?
Like if the boys at the park didn’t allow the girls to play the sports they were playing, so the girls invented their own sport/game, and then the boys steal the idea and start doing it themselves.
Like--they can do it, doesn’t make it feel any less sad.
Anonymous asked:
Hey, remember how you all said that someday people will look back on shows like Miraculous Ladybug and characters like Adrien and Chat Noir with disgust? Well, maybe people will feel that same way about dumb faux deconstructions like Yuki Yuna or Madoka Magica. I think we're on our way to that too as I see more people questioning and despising their fucked-up shit. For example, in 2018 Madoka Magica won the Sisterhood Award in Japan's Sense of Gender, because it supposedly shows relationships between girls in new and original ways that have never been seen before.
Fortunately, the comments were full of people who were upset at this, saying "I have no idea why Madoka Magica is so popular" or "male otaku-aimed anime featuring girls tends to be shitty with developing their bonds with each other and just delve into a cesspool of les-yay baiting" and how other Magical Girl shows aimed at women deserve that award more. Someone else blogged this and stated that if anything, Madoka Magica teaches the lesson that friendships between girls will always end in suffering, one or both parties dying, or catfighting over a man(and dying because if a boy doesn't love you then why keep living?).
And the comments were full of not people dissing her for her views or for "not understanding", but agreement, with one person pointing out how Heartcatch Precure, which just finished airing before Madoka, had more intricate relationships between the Magical Girls, and how every single one of them had a working mother, arcs dealing with their sisters aunts and grandmothers, and had Magical Girlhood be matrilineal(which other shows like Saint Tail, Devil Hunter Yohko, and Sailor Moon also do), which is more than the bog standard token working mom in Madoka when everyone else has dead female family members, if they're not outright living alone.
Or how Hugtto! Precure had the message "you can pursue any career you like; screw gender roles", with the blue girl sticking it to her brother by playing the guitar although he said it wasn't "ladylike" and showing a boy who unashamedly wears dresses. Or how Cardcaptor Sakura has a canon lesbian character(with unrequited feelings, but at least she isn't outright TORTURED by the narrative for having them, and her bond with the female lead is one of the cornerstones of the plot) who also had a working mom and all-female bodyguards, and a canon gay male couple(with none of the uke/seme bullshit). Or how Sailor Moon develops the friendships between girls in a genuine and stabilized way, doesn't punish them for having power, and doesn't have subliminal sexist stereotypical messages about them.
A user on Quora said it best(mildly paraphrased): "This show doesn't treat teenage girls like useless idiots, even if it allows them, occasionally, to behave like useless idiots." And Naoko Takeuchi explicitly said that she wrote Sailor Moon with the intention of showing strong heroines who bond with each other and that "a girl's best friend is another girl".
Meanwhile you have Gen Urobuchi saying that Magical Girls(read: girls with power) are destined to become detached from the world and that they need to be punished for their hubris like they're Al Qaeda(and yes, he used them as an example.), saying he was inspired by porn games as opposed to Faust, and sending messages to girls that they're all over emotional, weak-willed, naive, and destined to be victims of the world just for having dreams and sexualities and power fantasies (aka "hubris"), and how this is the natural order of things(not a critique like other people love to claim).
UranusxNeptune is proclaimed canon by Word of God, HomuMado and Kyosaya are left ambiguous at best. And yet Madoka gets the award over all these shows because it being male-written and male-aimed alone makes it superior to the female-written and female-aimed shows that have been doing this for longer and better(even though it reinforces lots of the misogynistic concepts prevalent in the real world.). It's insane. Even people who LIKE the show were saying that Madoka Magica does not deserve this award, or any credit for being "feminist" or "revolutionary". And I agree with them, even if I don't like the show. It's infuriating. I hate it, and I'm glad that other people hate it, too.
Ah, so we’re making progress at least!
Just... very, extremely slowly.
Anonymous asked:
Hi, I sent that “white man triggered about representation” ask and the missing part was him saying that the reason women and/or minority groups don’t deserve representation is that they haven’t contributed enough to society at large and made no accomplishments in society because they were too busy being an oppressed grain percentage of the population(for minorities at least).
Yeah...he also said some shit about how if media was “realistic”, then there’d only be five minority members in the secondary cast(not even in the main cast; SECONDARY!) and they’d all have five lines between them. Yes, really. And that “blackwashing”(still laughing at that word) is bad because it both makes white people feel “marginalized” and that black people get a bigger idea of their role in society than they actually have, much less deserve, citing that “Everybody looses(sic).” Kinda like how white people have felt for an eternity?
And when I told him that white people only choose to feel marginalized, and that nobody wants to see white male leads and predominantly white/male casts anymore(he kept coming up with excuses for his stories to be about White men, saying that execs kept telling him to make his characters diverse even though everything he makes is apparently sex Ed for teenage boys or park safety that’s somehow aimed at white men because they can’t relate to a black woman) he claimed I was being offensive and tone-deaf just for using brutal honesty, and only responded to the things
(another missing ask?)
Medieval times, because history doesn’t give a damn about teaching us anything about women and/or people of color if it’s not about oppression, slavery, and subjugation. Which he explicitly stated he agrees with, that we learn about Civil rights all the time in school because/but that there isn’t anything else to the culture of those who aren’t white men. He even had the nerve to ask me how represented I thought he was as a white man in this country(how about “TOO DAMN MUCH!”)?
And asked if the representation in media should be proportionate to the percentage and contribution of certain groups of a given population, which is obviously trying to trick me into agreeing with his shitty logic that white men are the only ones who deserve to be represented in media because they’re the only ones who did anything influential and life-changing in the real world.
But by his logic, we should all be represented equally because men AND women from ALL ethnic groups have made contributions to this society. And if he’s shitting about population, then there are actually more people of color in the world than whites, seeing as the term literally means “anyone who isn’t white” and white is one of only so many groups out there, and there are slightly more women in the world than men? So shouldn’t that mean that women of color should be the most represented(I don’t really think that, of course, I’m just showing his hypocrisy.).
I don’t know why he even likes My Little Pony, a female- dominated show, if he thinks shit like this. Why doesn’t he just go watch those male-dominated shows about White people? After all, there are a lot of those to choose from. Ugh. You’re right, I should have blocked him. I can’t stand people who think like this and don’t know why they do so! It’s like those straight white males from the 50s who are all like “those Mexicans/women/gays are taking away everything from us!” This is basically every straw man argument in the book and I fucking hate it.
I have to do a double-take whenever I see the word “blackwashing.”
I don’t know, I just don’t understand this whole thing about white people getting more representation, and the whole thing about secondary casts is dumb. Like, why does “the majority of the world is white” (for example) equal “well I guess we have to make our main cast white” then???
So I guess shows that feature Mexican characters should be white then if it’s made by an American studio? And if the answer they’d give is “no” because “well in THAT case, it makes sense because white people aren’t as prominent there,” then what about fantasy stories where it’s a world not based on any real life locations? Maybe black people are the majority in that world? Is there a problem then (no but for real; fantasy series that inverses everything and the least represented people are represented the most, and straight people barely exist)?
Not only that, but what about personalities? I guess that means that you can’t make a personality for a character anymore; it has to be based on what the majority of people’s personalities are.
Even if they wanted to run on the logic that “we have to follow the percentages the world has,” wouldn’t that mean that black people technically deserve more rep based on all the past films/shows from like--decades ago where black people were basically nonexistent? Sounds like we’re just evening the scale now.
Anonymous asked:
The other terrible thing about guys saying “we included girls in our shows so now it’s your turn; when are you gonna include us?!” is that it’s so sexist and hypocritical not just because the playing field is already non-equal as I said before and you did as well, but because even the demands are not equal. I just noticed it today, and it infuriates me. Women ask for the bare minimum when it comes to being included in(already ubiquitous) male-dominated shows, like they might ask for a girl to be included here and there, but they almost never ask for the main character or even most of the characters to be female.
Like in the Death Note fandom for instance, I hear loads of people complaining(and rightfully so) about the show’s sexism, and one of the most common complaints I hear is that Near or Mello should’ve been a girl; I’ve never heard even one person say that L or even Light should’ve been a girl as well, or even both(or all four); it has to be one or the other. Granted, this might be because they understand the genre is aimed at boys, but it’s more likely that women are expected to not ask for too much for themselves.
Meanwhile with guys it’s the opposite, when they ask to be included in female-dominated shows(which we already don’t have enough of), it’s always a demand to put them front and center, to make them the main characters, sometimes even to remove all the women and replace them with men.
Take the Precure fandom for example, a lot of male fans say they want a male Cure, but they don’t stop there, they say they want a male Cure to be the lead character. There’s even a petition online to get Toei to produce a Precure installment with a male lead Cure. Some go so far as to say they want an all-male team of Cures. Their reason? To show guys that it’s okay for them to be feminine heroes too.
So you see now why I have a problem with men intruding upon a show meant for girls and demanding they be put front and center? And it’s not just Precure either; men in the Sailor Moon fandom think it’s sexist that they make only women able to be Sailor Senshi, and that they treat masculinity as weak just because they herald femininity as strong(ignoring the existence of Makoto and Haruka), that Project MC^2 should have had a male character in the main cast who was just as competent as the girls, that SIX: The Musical should have a version with all kings(even though it’s about the REAL LIFE wives of Henry VIII reclaiming their stories once and for all, like I’m fine with genderbent covers on YouTube, but these men are literally ignoring the cultural impact of misogyny and how it influences these women’s stories, tearing apart a feminist narrative, to make it center around men.), and, most aggravatingly, that MLPFIM is sexist and needs to have a male pony in the mane cast, if not as the de facto mane character.
It’s infuriating how men can’t handle it when things are simply NOT ABOUT THEM. It’s like someone said in response to the male Precure petition I mentioned above: “Let the women have this one.” When will men get over their whataboutery and realize that some things are just NOT ABOUT THEM?! It’s infuriating. I love when men get into “girly” shows, but I’m also worried now because they’re always stomping all over girl-power, female-centered, and feminist works and demanding that they be made male-dominated and put men front-and-center like everything else.
It’s like if you’re a mother and you only let your son have cupcakes after dinner and never your daughter, so she asks for one of her brothers’ cupcakes, not even the biggest, cutest, tastiest cupcake, just any cupcake, even if it’s the smallest one. And then when the daughter finally gets cupcakes after all this time, the brother basically tries to take them all away from her as if he hasn’t been having all the cupcakes this whole time. It’s not FAIR.
Women ask for the bare minimum of female representation in male-driven works; men ask to be given all the spotlight in female-driven ones as if they don’t have enough already, when women actually DON’T have enough already. Yeah, it might be because women realize those stories are still meant for boys, but then guys should realize that these shows are made for girls, or maybe guys should suck it up and allow a show aimed at them to star a girl(plus shows shouldn’t be gender-segregated in the first place.). It feels like women are used to not asking for too much, while guys think they can get whatever they want.
I feel exhausted just reading that, omg. The entitlement on display.
Watching this anon and the above anon at the same time is just a big showcase of over-represented people feeling under-represented because other people asked for a smidge of attention.
Didn’t basically the same thing happen with BLM and feminist movements in general? Entitled white guys were just like, “tHEY JUST WANT SO MUCH ATTENTION. SO SELFISH. U_U”
I s2g, if these same people were flung into an alternate dimension where they got under-represented and discriminated, they’d just break down crying over hOw iGnoReD tHEy aRe.
Anonymous asked:
So, as you know, I’m working on a Magical Girl story and the main character’s best friend who is part of her team basically has a Knight complex where she thinks she has to be a perfect flawless hero who saves everyone and if she can’t then she’s not a good Magical Girl. And she’s developed severe depression  because of it, thinking she’s worthless if she doesn’t live up to her self-imposed standards of a hero, until her friends help her to realize that her worth doesn’t come from being a hero and that she puts herself under too much pressure to fit that perfect, unrealistic, unattainable mold.
And over time, she heals and realizes that not being perfect and always on the lookout for help is okay and that she can find a balance and make mistakes and do things for herself. It doesn’t make her any less of a hero because of it and she still gets to be brave and awesome and kickass alongside the other girls! Showing that it’s okay to be heroic but not to revolve your whole life around it.
Now, if Puella Magi Madoka Magica had done the same thing with Sayaka Miki, showing that it’s okay to be a hero and want to protect your loved ones(or that boy you like) but to not push yourself too far, then I would be totally down for that! It would’ve been MUCH better than the crap we got. But instead we got a girl putting her life on the line and fighting to protect those she cared about and being brutally tormented for it by the narrative, because girls shouldn’t want to protect anyone. ;(
(Congrats on your story though! That sounds really interesting!)
Anonymous asked:
I’m watching a video about the sexualization of Kim Possible and how Sadie Stanley got hate for being a teenage girl playing a teenage girl because she looked her age and then people couldn’t project their mastubatory fantasies on a live-action child character while pretending they’re not ephebophiles...ick. And in the comments someone said that teenage girls have various body types and shouldn’t be sexualized for it.
Then someone asked them how you would design a busty teenage character without fan service or problematic elements(just because of the tail episode or the fact that the cast is nearly entirely female), but also deny any elements of sexism that are actually there by pulling Death of the Author all the time?! Anytime something problematic comes up in the show they just ignore it or say they’ll pretend it doesn’t exist so that they can keep hyping it up as feminist. And it sucks.
Madoka is aimed at adult men. It is a show that tears apart a female-driven power fantasy and makes the girls suffer for their hopes dreams and ambitions for grown men. It explicitly says that the reason this happens to them is BECAUSE they’re ALL overly-emotional, and that if Kyubey didn’t crush their dreams and make them the emotional expendable power sources of the universe, humanity wouldn’t be able to progress. The writers compared them to terrorists and said they didn’t watch a single Magical Girl show and instead based the anime off of porn games.
And while the original anime admittedly wasn’t very obviously fan service heavy, there’s still plenty questionable shots if you notice carefully, such as the camera zooming in on Sayaka’s crotch at the tail end of her transformation, episode 9 having Kyoko’s crotch take up the entire screen as she slomps down to eat, and focusing on Mami’s breasts as they jiggle. And the ongoing focus on other girls’ tits and ass as they transform, not to mention the swimsuit transformations which even have figurines.
The wiki has an entire ARTICLE on Mami’s “mammaries” and describes them as their own character in replacement to Mami, even having a lineup of all five girls in order from least to most busty. And obviously the flatter girls(I think Homura was the flattest) looked ashamed because you have to want to cater to that fetishizing male gaze. There are even eyeroll-worthy pictures of Sayaka and Madoka groping Mami’s breasts while she makes a blushing and wide-mouthed expression, and one of Mami riding a motorcycle in a bikini while smiling at the viewer, showing off her ass. And there’s one where Mami looks pissed because she’s no longer “stacked up top”.
I don’t give a shit what people say about “the show has no male gaze!”. A bunch of grown ass men made torture porn about teenage girls suffering and crying, it’s male gaze in its definition. And if it weren’t, the fandom wouldn’t pick up on it. The Sailor Moon fandom has a joke about Sailor Jupiter’s “talents” but the difference is that the joke is about making fun of the dub’s decision to censor any mention of breasts(aka censoring the female body/sexuality), while keeping in the “boing” sound(they were talking about playing the lead role in Snow White, hence the word “talents”.), so “talents” became a code word for “busts” similar to how “cousins” became a code word for “girlfriends” Oh, and the Sailor Moon wiki doesn’t have a whole page about her breasts themselves that reads like grown men were fapping while writing it.
Plus, the original scene was made for comedy and was about her OWNING her sexuality, rather than it being taken from her and molding her into a sexual commodity like Puella Magi and it’s fandom does to Mami(and let’s face it, the fandom wouldn’t be able to do so if the show didn’t endorce it first.). And let’s not forget that these are not only teenage girls, but LICHES, the show goes on and on about how being a Magical Girl makes them undead zombies and how horrible that is(what an excellent way to tear down a female power fantasy; women gaining power or fulfilling their dreams will make them monsters who ultimately lose their humanity; what hubris!), and yet does crap like this and everybody seems to forget. So it’s either that or they’re necrophiliacs ON TOP OF being ephebophiles. I dunno...I’m just pissed, I see this shit, and I’m pissed. I wasn’t even gonna send any Madoka salt today but then I saw this and I had to get it out to whoever would listen. So thank you for giving me the chance to vent.
Hey, no problem! Glad you could vent to me! Going through all of these sexism-centric asks is so sad, omg.
Anonymous asked:
You know when you really think about it, TV Tropes actually has a lot of nerve making an “Improbably Female Cast” trope when so many films have casts that are improbably male-dominated even when they have absolutely no reason to be and actually shouldn’t be. So many movies have an unrealistically large amount of male characters in a setting where there should be just as many if not more female characters. Crowd scenes tend to be over 60-80% male for virtually no reason, and unless a character is there for romance, to be ogled by the male gaze, to be a STRONG FEMALE CHARACTER LIKE OMG, to be motherly(if not an actual mother, unless it’s the type of story where she gets killed because you can’t have too many women walking around, that would be IMPROBABLE!!!), or any other stereotypical female role, they’re male by default, even when they could’ve been female.
Even non-human or fantasy creatures will have no female creatures in the species for no good reason. What’s the reason for the fucking Minions to all be male? And I mean the in-universe reason, not the “women are too smart to be funny haha I’m so respectful of women” bullshit that Pierre Coffin keeps spoon feeding MRAs that they think women should take as a goddamn compliment. Why are all the rats in Ratatouille male?! Why are all the dogs in Up male? Why are all the giants in the BFG male(there was even an entire scene dedicated to mocking the idea of giant women ever existing; giants are always male, you see.)?
And the worst part about this shit is that even when a species should be predominantly female, the writers will make them all male anyway, or make an animal male when they should be female! Like seriously, it’s like the male writers in charge of this shit don’t care about “realism” in their stories, unless it serves to include women(more on that later). The hyenas in The Lion King are all stupidly male even though hyenas in the real world are matriarchal and the males among them are pathetic weaklings who don’t do—and can’t do—shit. In The Bee Movie the major bees are all male despite bees being a female-dominated species where the males are literally just drones. In Finding Nemo either Marvin or Nemo should’ve changed to female to mate, but ah, then we’d have to write a female character. And she’s a fish who can’t be sexualized so what are we and the straight men watching this going to do? In Frozen Sven should’ve been female because female reindeer grow their antlers in the winter rather than the summer. In Barnyard the cow should’ve been female for obvious reasons. Where’s the Improbably Male Animal trope?
Where’s the Improvably Male Species trope? There is none because TV Tropes sees men as able to encompass a wide variety of roles, while women are seen as in the wrong the second they step out of line or take center stage. And when they do have women it’s often to have them spout some crap about sexism as a testament to equality, which is ultimately just an excuse to let your films stay male-dominated while pretending to pay homage to feminism.
And also because women must be endlessly hopelessly oppressed of course, and their gender must be their all-consuming identity. Why did Scarlett Overkill from the Minions have to be the first female supervillain in a fictional universe where yellow mad scientist aliens exist? Why did Colette from Ratatouille have to be the only female chef in her kitchen when a rat can cook and nobody questions it? Easy, because it’s a cheap way to keep your female characters in the minority. These male writers are using sexism as a gimmick to keep female characters contained.
These stories are never centered AROUND the female character and her push to be taken seriously in such a male-dominated field, nor do they push for more women to be encouraged to pursue such fields; they’re merely the Cool Girl who can hang with the boys, and the ONLY girl at that, meanwhile the justification for this is that “that’s just how it is” even though it’s a fantasy world where gender norms and sexism could simply not exist and it could just be taken for granted that girls can do things, instead of little girls who watch these movies always have to see that they’re automatically lesser than the boys around them just for being girls.
But when animals that should be female are male? Nobody questions it because “it’s just a movie, don’t take it too seriously!” It’s not about realism; it’s about excluding women and having as little of them as possible, then revolving their character around their gender and oppression so you can get applauded for being feminist(while still being allowed to make male-dominated movies) when you really just did the bare minimum. What if a movie came out with a female-dominated cast, had animals be female when they’re male in real life, and crowd scenes were pretty much 76% women? What if, in said movie, a male character showed up and instantly went on a rant on how whatever female-dominated job he’s in that the story focuses on goes out of its way to exclude men, or how he was discouraged from pursuing the job because he’s a man?
However, the main character is still female, and he’s just her hot, sexy accessory—oops, I mean boyfriend! A man in a sea of women. People would talk. What if most movies were like this? That would be insane, wouldn’t it? Then why isn’t this seen as equally implausible. I mean, just look at the tropes made on the rare occasion that they DO do something right. The discussion section will be full of men saying it’s wrong. Just look at the discussion section for Most Writers Are Male, which claims it’s sexist to recognize that media frequently underrepresents women because “sometimes the guy making the show doesn’t have any female friends to star in it!”, or the one for Missing White Woman Syndrome, which is full of white supremacists saying that nobody sees black girls as less worthy to be searched for than white girls, and that this trope is racist for saying that white girls who go missing don’t deserve to be looked for or found. So of course they’re gonna play it safe and criticize and invalidate women for daring to want to make themselves seen, because it’s too much of a risk to upset the status quo. Or else you’ll be attacked by people’s whataboutery. Damn, I hate it here.
All of this!!
May I also throw in stuff like Pokemon, where Pokemon like the Machop line can be female and don’t even look different?? Also that reveal where they showed that there were plans to make female forms for Pokemon like Psyduck and Charizard and Ariados and then were like ehhhhhhhh--
Anonymous asked:
Hi, so remember when you said in response to that Improbably Female Cast ask that people would be absolutely crucified for saying that a show has “too many pocs”, well, it turns out that TV Tropes does have a trope for that as well: Black Vikings. Like, that’s literally what it’s called, Black. Vikings. You don’t need to be black or a Viking to qualify for the trope, all you need to be is a person of color where you don’t “belong”. Somebody even pointed out that this trope is racist.
Anonymous asked:
I was just watching a video called “The Curse of Minky Momo: Anime’s Unluckiest Magical Girl”(for those who are curious, she basically gets run over by a truck at the end of the story, don’t you just love the 80s?! 🤦🏾‍♀️), and I was liking it until the part where the guy in the video(because of course it was a guy.) was talking about the plot and said “it’s a Magical Girl show, they’re not exactly known for their story.” and I just stopped watching the video after that. A guy condemns female-driven and centered power fantasies and wish-fulfillment, that show traits seen as “for girls” as a GOOD THING, and allows men to take inspiration from them by handling Theo problems in a “feminine” way, hence getting over their toxic masculinity and showing boys that it’s okay for them to support girls and have female role models, that show girls heroes who are girls, fighting together, befriending and empowering each other even if they like the same guy, saving/carrying dudes, and having power-centered things are looked down upon while female ones are praised.
I will fight them because no, it’s the fucking other way around. No one says “it’s a superhero story, it’s supposed to be bad” or “it’s an action flick, it’s not known for its quality content” or “it’s a buddy flick so you can’t exactly expect it to be good if you know what I mean!” People only say this shit about Magical Girl, about Princess movies, about chick flicks, about Barbie, about shojo, about anything female-oriented.
Granted, much of the stuff I said about why Magical Girl is awesome and inspiring to girls is taken from Precure, Cardcaptor Sakura, and of course Sailor Moon, and I haven’t actually watched Minky Momo and am not very familiar with pre-90s shows. So for all I know, perhaps Minky Momo did NOT have a good, structured story. Maybe Magical Girl shows at the time really were badly-written. But that’s different than lumping an ENTIRE freaking genre under the “badly-written shit” umbrella just for the vile sin of being...GASP! By, for, and about girls!
However bad Minky Momo was, it canNOT be bad simply because it’s a Magical Girl show, and suggesting otherwise is sexist. The only Magical Girl show I can think of that I dissed on first sight was LoliRock, and that was mainly because I was already well-versed enough in Magical Girl to see every trend and cliche repeated beat-by-beat. I thought it was bland and added nothing to the genre, that the stick-thin figures and lack of body diversity made them look like Barbie dolls(though I’m kinda right on that one.), that the lead Girl was still white, fair-skinned and blonde with long hair and blue eyes, that the songs were too auto tuned(which they are but they’re still pretty lit.), how cliche it was that they were princesses from a magical land, and that it took too much from Sailor Moon, Precure, and WITCH.
But NEVER because “yuck it’s Magical Girl it’s too girly and not enough men ew”. And I was still able to recognize its merits. My point is, a girl who is well-versed in Magical Girl and aware of its trends and generally loving the genre and taking empowerment from it(especially when she is MEANT to take empowerment from it) pointing at one show in the genre and saying “I don’t like this one, I’ve seen it all before” is ENTIRELY different from an outsider guy who the genre isn’t even meant for saying the entire genre is bad and incapable of good storytelling unless it’s willing to amp up the suffering and angst for him.
And the worst part is? None of the commenters said anything about that blatantly sexist line. No one condemned the guy in the video for basically insinuating that girls’ shows can’t ever be good “because, you know, Girl”. Although I will admit that I was sickened and didn’t read far much, and even if someone did say it, the response was probably “well I mean he’s not right except for Madoka”. So glad I didn’t watch that motherfucker. And for the record, I actually ended up loving LoliRock!
In a perfect world, you would’ve seen the top comment of, “dude, not cool, don’t stereotype all Magical Girl anime as not having good stories”
Heck, even from beyond the sexism thing, I just don’t like generalizing like that?? It feels so... wrong? Not only that, but being like, “meh, it’s a Magical Girl anime so my standards for the story was already low”??? It feels like that, anyway.
Anonymous asked:
Yeah the whole “white femininity overshadows Black femininity” thing is a really common racist notion in society and sadly bleeds into our media as well, even children’s media. Think of how Tiana from The Princess and the Frog is forced to be a “hardworking oppressed black woman” whose story takes place in New Orleans during segregation, while none of the other Disney Princess movies’ stories demand that their character be oppressed for their race(gender, yes, sometimes, but never race) and get Disney literally couldn’t expand their horizons enough to even think of making a Black-led Disney Princess movie that wasn’t shrouded in racism and hardships, as if Black people are defined by their race.
Now that I think about it, as a little girl, I remember liking Tiana but also thinking that she wasn’t a “real” Princess because we never saw her with a pretty castle and she barely got to wear her dress for long. Instead they put her to work. And on top of that is the fact that they purposely discussion. The point here is that Rapunzel’s white femininity is designed to overshadow Tiana’s Black femininity. The fact that the first and only Black Disney Princess is a frog for most of her movie and constantly has her hair tied back(unlike literally any of the others) is succeeded immediately by a blonde white girl who dances, bakes, paints, and twirls around in a purple dress with flowers in her hair, long luminous blonde hair that is rubbed in our faces, is not a coincidence.
An article I read stated that Rapunzel came on the heels of Tiana to reset the status quo, so that Disney could redirect back to what femininity and Princesshood REALLY means. And I agree with them! It’s like Disney created Tiana and went “good, now we finally got creating a Black Disney Princess out of the way, now let’s go back to designing a REAL Princess, by which we mean white, blonde, green-eyed, and our ideal representation of femininity. Phew, that’s better.”. And this isn’t an attack on Rapunzel! I actually really like her and her movie. She, Tiana, and Merida are actually tied for my favorite Disney Princesses. But that doesn’t mean she’s perfect. And while it’s obviously not her fault nor is it something she consciously does, her character design and concept is designed around white femininity, and when she comes directly on the heels of Tiana, it’s also designed around eradicating Black femininity. Could you even imagine how revolutionary it would be if Rapunzel were Black? It would
(missing ask?)
little White girls already get to see and be every single day in this society. But no, you can only have one Black girl represented one way, while white girls can be whatever they like. I know that Merida was tomboyish but it just reinforces this notion further as there are already so many white Disney Princesses. It just feels as if white girls don’t risk losing their white femininity even when portrayed as masculine. As if even the most masculine white girl is more feminine than the most
(missing ask?)
Honestly, reading this clears up so much I’ve always wondered about... idk what you’d call it. Black-targeted media? Black characters in media in general maybe?
I did notice the way they were often written but I didn’t know if that was just that black people had such different experiences that they had a “culture” of sorts that writing falls into automatically, or if they preferred to be written that way (I know I say it like it’s a hivemind and I swear that’s not my intent jfkdgjfg; basically what I’m saying is that I was always confused because it felt like white people could be written in any role even if they didn’t fit it whereas black people fell into a category).
I guess the way I can compare it is how LGB people often fall into the trope in media of “WE HAVE TO TACKLE THE STRUGGLES THEY FACE DATING SOMEONE OF THE SAME SEX” instead of just telling a normal story.
So hearing the whole thing about black princesses makes so much more sense.
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ebonyslasher · 4 years
How would the slasher’s react to their male s/o’s variety of durag’s
( I’m out here with a dragon ball durag and I don’t regret it 😌🤚🏾)
.....They make dragon ball durags???  Ima need to step up my game. You’re fucking cool 
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Slashers react to their male s/o with a cool ass durag collection:
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He likes looking at your collection. The different designs and colors really grasp his attention.
His preference is towards ones that have cartoon characters on them. He feels a bit smug when he can recognize who the characters are.
Warning, he’ll steal some that you’ve worn a couple of times just to smell it. He thinks your hair smells good.
Also, his weird self stuffs it with the underwear he’s stolen from you too. If it appears again....just know to wash it first.
It’s also easier to identify who and where you are if you wear it outside. You’re the only person really wearing one and no one else has a collection like you.
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They think you’re the fucking coolest person around. They love your collection.
When they first saw it, they viewed it with awe. It was like a gold mine. They are lowkey jealous.
I mean....they can’t really wear them. But if you let them try them on, they will be so excited.
Goes crazy when they see the dragon ball one.
“Babe......you got a DBZ one?! Hoolyy Shitttttttttttt that’s fucking awesome. I knew you were the one for us.”
You’re the best and most stylish boyfriend ever.
They’ll take pictures of you with each durag on, so that you’ll have a photo album dedicated to them.
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Mans’ is a rich bitch, so he helps you add more to your collection.
Hired contractors will build a section of the closet to be dedicated just for your du-rags.
Jesse will obtain the top of the line designer ones. You want Gucci? Louis Vuitton? Name it, he will get it custom made for you.
The quality of your collection is high -as it should be-, and he respects your dedication to expanding it.
He likes Deathstroke (DC), so you may get one with him on it lol
Rubs on the du-rags when you aren’t looking. He likes the smooth and silky feeling between his fingers. Even the stitched parts are soft......
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Asa is into any collection you may have...like hellloooo.
He has his collection too! Even if his collection is.....realll different. But hey! Collection boyfriends forever!
For him, this is another way to bond. You two can chat about them and what you’ll add next.
Asa won’t really recognize any cool cartoon/anime ones that you have unless you’ve made him watch the series.
He appreciates any of them with insects on them...you may see some added to your collection that appeared out of nowhere.
He thinks you have good taste though!
Whenever you get a new one, he wants you to model it for him.
“Let me see how it looks on you.....very nice y/n. You should get more like that.”
151 notes · View notes
drxwsyni · 4 years
Petrified (pt. 8)
Yandere Erasermic x f!Reader
a/n: OOOOH THINGS ARE STARTING TO GET INTERESTING. Now that we’ve set this up, expect each chapter to be VERY yandere. I know it’s been pretty chill for like half of the series, but not anymore! I’m really excited to write the later chapters, cause I think the twists are gonna be pretty good lol. Anyways, thanks for reading and enjoy the new part!
A huge thanks to @yanderart for beta reading this part <3. Also, ty to @reinawritesbnha, @yanderart (again lol), @shorkbrian and @sawamooora for helping me brainstorm. I suck at writing smut big time and you guys rlly helped me flesh everything out. Love y’all <3
*Sidenote*: Please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from the taglist!
5.6k words
Warnings: Dubcon, threesome, dumbification, recreational use of drugs and alcohol, coercion, gaslighting, implied stalking, ambiguous implied themes
“I think this calls for some drinks, whaddya say princess?”
Hizashi was already rising from his spot on the couch before you could answer. Making his way into the kitchen, he quickly disappeared from your line of sight to fix up whatever concoction of alcohol he sought fit.
Much to your appreciation, neither of the two heroes had pressured you just yet into discussing your agreement from a mere few days ago. Thursday morning had passed by in a blur, and to nobody’s surprise, you continued with business as usual.
And what seemed to be a recurring factor in your life as of late―luck was never quite on your side.
You made it out of the work week by the skin of your teeth. Between a surplus of particularly unruly customers, and the burden of your own conscience, catching a break was an unobtainable reprieve. Anyone in their right mind would’ve looked at you and told you to stay home. To cancel your dinner date with Shouta and Hizashi, and promptly treat yourself to some much needed slumber. But you were everything but in your right mind as of late.
Not a moment went by where you didn’t question yourself. Part of you alarmed in the need for rest, the other wanting to keep going. Unsure of whether you were just overreacting, or if the voice in the back of your head telling you to run and never look back from the two actually had some sense to it.
You went with the former. Which was why you were back in their quaint little home, nestled amongst the bustling city. And in the observant nature you’d been subjected to time and time again, they both immediately picked up on the fact that you were worse for wear. After a dinner that was as appetizing as any other meal they’d made for you, the three of you holed up in the living room.
It turns out they had a pretty long week too. With hero work, teaching, and―what they just had to bring up―making sure you were doing alright, they were thoroughly beat. Almost as much as you.
Hizashi returned, towing three drinks in his hands. What looked like two beers, one for him and one for Shouta―and a colourful, bright looking mixture of god knows what for yourself.
The glass was cold in your hands, a chill offsetting the warmth brought on by both the fireplace and the heat in your cheeks, quickly rising after Hizashi handed off your drink to you with a wink.
The blond was about to retake his seat, until he paused, setting his beer on the coffee table. “Hold on―I actually brought a lil’ somethin’ extra.” The chipper man dug into the front pocket of his jeans, pulling out a small ziplock baggie. The package was a gunmetal grey, with some indiscernible label on the front. Letters too small, and you too far away to see what they read.
“Now, somethin’ tells me you’re probably a newbie to this kinda stuff, but don’t worry ‘bout it!” Hizashi strided closer to you as he spoke, opening up the package with nimble fingers.
“I’m not sure that’s such a good idea, ‘Zashi.” Shouta sounded unamused, but the small smirk forming on his face told a different story.
“Nah, this’ll be good for her! Take the edge off and all that shit, yeah?”
You looked at the baggie curiously, eyebrows knitted as he fished around inside of it. “...What is it, exactly?”
The blond revealed a small gummy between his fingers, holding it out to you. “Edibles. Go on.”
He gestured for you to take the candy from him, and not really knowing what else to do with his insistence, you did. Hizashi retrieved another from the bag, popping it into his mouth. He held the grey package out to Shouta, but he shook his head, a dismissive sigh escaping his lips.
Hesitantly, you stared at the gummy in your hand. “I, uh...I’m not really sure about this. It’s just that―”
“You’ll be fine.” This time it was Shouta to push you, despite having just been more unfavouring of the topic.
You regarded the man worriedly. However, much unlike before, something new had overtaken his expression. Anticipation, expectancy―it was hard to place. But it told you one thing.
Something had changed his mind, and whatever it was, it was enticing enough for him to disregard the possibility of you reacting badly to the edible, and your concerns over the substance in general.
Clearly, he caught on to your apprehension. And, unfortunately for you, his demands were always so much harder to defy than his partner’s. Not that you did much of defying either these days. Still, as of now it was easier to comply than face the consequences of their incessant convincing.
“Think of it as making up for lying to us. You get to relax a little, and we’ll put you back in our good books.”
“Not that you ever left! But ya did hurt us with that, so it’s the least you could do. Right, sweetheart?” Hizashi grabbed his beer from the coffee table, before taking a seat next to you on the couch. Lazily, he threw an arm across the back of it, you tensing slightly at how it was close enough to be resting on your shoulders.
You knew it wasn’t the best idea. But maybe, just maybe, this small piece of laced candy would be what got you through the night. You should still be able to keep your wits about you, but if this meant getting them off your case? Then so be it. Frankly, being trapped in your mind of stressed thoughts was something you sought to escape all the time. This was a decent opportunity to do just that.
Copying Hizashi, perhaps just a little less enthusiastically, you indulged them in seeing you down the gummy. It left a strange aftertaste, so you washed it down with the brightly coloured drink you’d been neglecting this whole time.
Much to your dismay, that didn’t taste any better.
You resolved to leave the drink be, not wanting to deal with the issues that might come out of mixing  the two inhibitors. The two of them didn’t really care, as soon enough you all fell back into line, talking about whatever first came to mind.
Times like these honestly made you resentful. How you wished that the two heroes weren’t so suffocatingly bothered about your wellbeing. If they weren’t, maybe you could have nights like these more often. They took up so much time policing your actions―checking up on you, hammering in their agenda, hovering. It was time that could be spent just being your friend.
A normal, no obligations relationship was what you wanted with them. Not the reality of you being their little pet project. Trying to change your long standing ways for the ‘better.’ Genuinely, you enjoyed these moments of reprieve. Where for even just a short while, you could all just look past the reasons as to why you were in their home. Just mindless conversation. Entertaining, engaging―normal.
It wasn’t your fault that they had to go ahead and ruin it.
Or maybe it was. You could’ve said no. Tonight, or when they first roped you into their lives.
It didn’t really matter now.
The concept of time was...difficult to grasp.
You didn’t know when Shouta had taken up residence right next to you, so close the two of you were touching. Whatever they were saying, you liked it. You were giggling, almost spilling your mostly untouched drink. The condensation on the glass was dripping down your hand, a chill that you didn’t even notice. After a particularly amusing jab at who knows what, you nearly let the contents of the liquid slush out over the rim.
Hizashi laughed at your sedated carelessness, “Woah there, songbird. Lemme take that from you before ya stain the couch, yeah?”
“Clumsy little thing, isn’t she?” The deep baritone of Shouta’s voice next to you sends automatic shivers up and down your spine, muscles tightening for a split second.
By now, you had no clue how much either of them had to drink. Or if they even drank at all. Combing your hazy memory, you couldn’t quite place a moment where you caught them doing anything other than chatting away. Shouta’s beer was still on the side table next to where he was sitting. As for Hizashi’s, well―it was too much effort to crane your neck to see where it lay.
The blond faced you again, “She’s such a cutie like this―all buzzed out. You feelin good there?”
A crooked, goofy looking smile was spread across your lips. “Mhmm…” The drifting response matched your expression, light and pleased.
“What are we gonna do with her?” Shouta, speaking through his actions, and very uncharacteristically, wrapped sturdy arms around your waist. Blissfully dazed, you only let out light and bashful laughs as the man pulled you into his lap. Your legs hung off the side of his toned thighs, while he kept an arm around your waist, the other squeezing your plush hip.
Inhibitions having left you about five minutes ago, you failed to see the predatory glint in Hizashi’s eyes. He moved closer to the both of you, “Oh, I can think of plenty of things we can do…” His hand ran up the length of your thigh―exposed, given how you chose to wear a dress this Saturday.
Lazily, your gaze trailed his movements. Slow, teasingly, letting you feel with anticipation as it crept higher, and higher.
“Eyes on me, kitten.”
Another hand―Shouta’s―lightly gripped your chin. Turning your head, or more like him turning your head, your focus met his darkened one. “...Such little tease, you are.”
Something distant, uncompleted, clicked in the back of your mind. You tried grasping at it, straining to get a hold on whatever that thought was trying to tell you. “I...what do you m―”
So much for that thought.
Shouta’s lips collided with yours, ending any coherent understanding that was developing in that swift movement. His hand, once cupping your face, switched to firmly cradle the back of your head.
Whatever remained of your common sense had you weakly attempting to pull away. But it was no use, when Shouta held you in place, the force of your feeble resistance not bothering him in the slightest. If anything, he found it cute.
How hard you tried to fight them, even now.
His lips moved against yours, the day old scruff tickling your skin. That small sensation pierced your fogged thoughts, intaking a sharp breath of air through your nose. While you focused on that, you barely noticed the blond’s wandering hands.
At least, not until they found their destination. You let out a drawn out moan as Hizashi pressed two fingers against your clothed mound. Your legs would’ve shut, but he had already settled in between them, kneeling over you with a satisfied look.
An amused grin spread across his face as you unconsciously ground yourself into his fingers while he rubbed you through the soft material of your thin panties. “Ohhh, yeah. She’s feeling good all right.”
You should’ve stayed home.
Shouta detached himself from your lips, and Hizashi was quick to take his place. With his free hand, he’d done like his partner and turned you to face him.
While he wasn’t as graceful, you didn’t really have a mind to care. Not when it was overwhelmed with the suffocating closeness of the two men.
You should’ve left once they offered you a drink, or the edible.
The erasure hero peppered small kisses down your neck, stopping only to speak. “Bet we could make her feel even better…” The seductive tone of his voice, spoken low into your ear shot straight to your core, feeling butterflies at his words.
You shouldn't have let your guard down.
Gasping in response, Shouta nipped at the sensitive skin of your neck, sucking and working to leave a mark in his wake. His partner took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, tongue exploring every inch of your mouth. Even in your disoriented state, the sensation of a piercing was a stark contrast in comparison to everything else Hizashi was making you feel.
Too fixated on that, you once again failed to keep track of what was going on around you. It was more like you simply felt it, absorbed the way it was making your body react, without much of a care for the circumstances.
A common occurrence, nowadays.
And it didn’t matter what you should’ve done anymore. It wasn’t going to stop the inevitable.
Shouta’s calloused hands squeezed your hips, kneading them and relishing in your softness. Always the direct one, he grasped the hem of your dress. The hero smiled against your neck, pleased with how compliant Hizashi’s little treat had made you.
If only you could be like this all the time.
As his partner’s fingers continued their ministrations, not being nearly enough to help you seek release, Shouta lifted up your dress.
Catching on soon enough, Hizashi parted from you, a string of saliva connecting your lips.
“Let’s get you outta this, huh pretty girl?”
The dots didn’t connect. You didn’t know why things felt just the slightest bit off, only that the familiar and nagging hint of doubt was currently fighting tooth and nail to keep its place at the back of your mind.
You didn’t respond. But they didn’t really care.
Hizashi held your arms up as Shouta peeled your dress off. The flimsy article was quickly discarded on the floor, landing somewhere out of sight. Not really comprehending whether you regretted the actions that led you here now, you let yourself get caught up in their movements, the air of room hitting your exposed breasts.
The blond noted with a low whistle at the fact that you’d neglected to wear a bra, too transfixed at the moment to deduce why.
You knew why, distantly―everything felt distant right now.
While Shouta resumed littering your neck with open mouthed kisses, his partner got to work on making a mess of your front. You couldn’t tell which hands belonged to whom, only that they were on your body. Groping, kneading, taking in how much more delicate you were compared to them.
A fragile little thing.
...How did they hold out this long?
A small yelp escaped you as one of them pinched your hardening nipple, making you squirm fruitlessly in their grasp.
Shouta chuckled at your reaction, “That was a cute noise, kitten. Why don’t you make some more for us?”
The voice hero was slowly leaving marks down your chest, along the curves of your breasts. “Yeah, you can do that for us, right?”
Punctuating his words, his mouth enveloped your pebbled nipple, swirling his piercing tongue around it. His other hand was still steadily rubbing circles into your clothed pussy. You mewled at the sensation, mind still trying to make right from wrong.
“I...I don’t…don’t think this....”
Small tears of frustration threatened to well. You wanted so bad to know where this incessant feeling was coming from. Why it was lingering.
Shouta was quick to shut those worried thoughts down though. “Shhh...just let us take care of you.”
Hizashi’s voice sounded strained―needy. “Fuck, Shou’. I can’t hold back any longer…”
His partner, being the only person in the room with a clear mind, paused before replying. Ever the hard-headed one, now technically shouldn’t be any different. But, with the way you were moving on his lap, unconsciously grinding against him...maybe his head wasn’t as clear as he thought.
“I’m not stopping you.”
The look of pure relief at the erasure hero’s words was instant. Because really, the only reason he hadn’t fucked you senseless yet was because Shouta was doing everything in his power to control him. They needed to wait until you were ready, even if it meant giving you something to make you a bit more open to the idea.
Deft fingers looped under the hem of your panties, Hizashi’s eyes glistening at the thin string of arousal on the fabric as he pulled them away from your core. He quickly dragged them down your legs and discarding them in a similar fashion as your dress.
Maneuvering you so that your back was to Shouta’s chest, the erasure hero spread your legs, holding them apart by draping them off either sides of his own. The blond dropped to his knees on the floor in front of you both, taking in the way your folds glistened with the flickering light of the fireplace.
But before he could make a move, Shouta spoke up.
“Wait, maybe we should take this to the bedr―”
“Fuck that.”
Without uttering another word on the subject, Hizashi buried his face in between your legs. Unable to restrain yourself, you cried out as his tongue slid up your heat, the piercing deliciously adding pressure to your clit.
Shouta laughed a bit at your reaction, letting you mindlessly throw your head back on his shoulder. His hands came to grope your breasts, sighing in satisfaction at their soft give against his fingers. “You’ve been holding out on us, kitten. You’re lucky we’re going easy on you right now.”
His counterpart hummed in agreement, sending pleasurable waves of warmth throughout you. His tongue continued circling your clit, noting all the things that made you squirm and whine in response, using them to work you over even more.
Unable to recognize the true meaning to his words, you simply let your body succumb to their ministrations. Your mouth hung open, small noises leaving you in your blissed out state, body completely bare while they were still fully clothed.
You were under a lethal combination of sedating exhaustion from the week, coupled with the ingredients in the gummy Hizashi was ever so quick to offer. It left you pliant, melting into their hold.
You felt good. Really good.
Hizashi’s right hand drifted up, fingers coating themselves in your dripping essence. You writhed as they dipped into your folds, toying with your puffy clit. He replaced them with his tongue once again, letting them tease at your entrance.
The lust filled side of you bucked your hips against him, urging the voice hero to fill you up with his slender fingers.
“Someone’s a little needy.” You ignored the condescending tone coating Shouta’s words, distracted with the way the blond’s fingers refused your insistence.
“I...please…” You didn’t really know what it was you were begging for. Just that you needed him to do something, anything. If it meant he’d stop teasing you.
“I got ya, pretty girl. Just relax now.” Putting you out of your misery, a long and nimble finger pushed past your entrance. The digit skilfully curled inside of you, repeating the action with each thrust.
Desperate for something to hold on to, you gripped the arm that Shouta had wrapped around your waist, keeping you pinned firmly against him. A precaution, of course. They weren’t going to have you backing out of this now. Not after you’d let yourself go so much, and they finally had the chance to prove how good they could be to you.
The stretch of Hizashi adding a second finger felt incredible, but even more so was when they hit that sensitive bundle of nerves with pinpointed accuracy. You jolted from the sensation, toes curling as he targeted the spot while simultaneously keeping his mouth busy in ways that sent your mind reeling.
He pulled away for a moment, enjoying the sight above him as you squirmed in Shouta’s hold. “That your sweet spot, baby?” Putting emphasis on his words, he began delivering even harder thrusts, going back to repeatedly flick at your clit with his tongue.
“You take his fingers so well, don’t you kitten?”
You could feel the coil beginning to tighten, a sedating warmth spreading across your body. If you were facing Shouta, you would be able to see the devious smirk stretched across his lips.
The man was growing impatient―for once in his life when it came to you. But, could you really blame him? Here you were, splayed out across his lap and oh so vulnerable. So cute, so fucked out of your mind.
It was time to move things along, if only so he could get a taste.
His free hand weaved itself into the long and loose blond locks cascading down Hizashi’s shoulders. The man in question gave an inquisitive look, before quickly being cut off. Shouta yanked the man forward by his hair, causing him to press even harder into your sensitive cunt. He groaned as the pain shot through his scalp, the vibrations of his voice, semi-quirk activated, shooting through your core.
That was enough for you. The buildup of heat, how your body felt like it was melting under their touch―in an instant it was amplified tenfold. Your eyebrows furrowed, muscles tensing as you came around Hizashi’s fingers, and on his tongue―both of which were still relentlessly stimulating you through your high. Even when you finally calmed down, the blond continued to greedily lap at your juices, causing you to shake and whine as you were still far too sensitive.
Shouta, a hand still gripping his partner's hair, pulled Hizashi away from you since he realized that clearly he would just keep going if he didn’t intervene.
Your whole being feeling more ragdoll like now, if that was even possible, gave way easily to their hurried repositioning. Having nearly passed out from that alone, the scene unfolding around you went right over your head. Clothes being torn off, belts hastily undone, two very painfully hard men trapping you in between them.
At some point, one of them had put you on your hands and knees on the couch. Well, it was more like you had your ass raised in the air, while you tiredly slumped against the soft cushions. However, the feeling of something running up and down your folds managed to stave off that threatening exhaustion.
“Don’t go passing out on us just yet, kitten.” The gravelly voice came from behind you, letting you know that it was Shouta who was gripping your hip with one hand, the other guiding his cock to your sopping entrance.
Which meant, the pretty and pierced cock in front of you must belong to Hizashi.
“Open up for me, songbird.”
Through semi-wet lashes, you peered up at the voice hero who was towering over you. The hand that wasn’t pumping his length gripped your jaw. And, with a little pressure, he forced your mouth open.
You just needed a little encouragement, is all.
He let out a strangled moan as he pushed his way past your wetted lips, nearly cumming right then and there at how warm you felt around him.
Shouta wasn’t doing much better in the area of self restraint, using his partner’s distraction to sheath himself inside your pussy. His want for control wore thin as your walls fluttered around him, deliciously sucking him in inch by inch.
Both of the men were on cloud nine, finally getting a taste of how you really felt. Those moments of consoling weren’t always innocent, touches yearning to go further. And now that they’d gone to those lengths, now that they were going through those long desired motions, the two realized you were so much better than they could’ve ever imagined.
You moaned around Hizashi’s cock as his partner bottomed out inside of you. His length filled you up in ways neither yours or the blond’s fingers could. Even when he pulled out and thrusted back into your heat, he’d already managed to hit that perfect angle.
Both going at their own pace, your body rocked back and forth as the men took advantage of your delirious state. You couldn’t exactly call it abusing your holes―they weren’t being that rough. But Shouta’s cock was stretching your walls just a bit more than you were prepared for. And Hizashi was slowly forgetting with each passing second that he couldn’t just force his whole length down your throat.
Actually, maybe they were overestimating your limits.
Could you blame them, though? Seeing you day after day, doing their best to not scare you away as they held back the near uncontrollable urge to just take what they wanted. Having to watch you let yourself get run down, when they could’ve been taking care of you.
Why did you have to put up such a fight?
Shouta didn’t think he'd agree with Hizashi when he suggested offering you the edible. Oh, how glad he was for letting him do so now. Because he had to admit, seeing you bent over, deepthroating the blond while he got a nice view of you from behind―it was worth the wait, and the hint of shame that came from inducing you to accept them in such a way.
His tired eyes were lost on the way you took the both of them, shamelessly moaning against Hizashi, hips unconsciously rocking back against him to garner some more stimulation. It was only when the voice hero pulled you off of his pierced cock, the sounds of you gasping for breath meeting his ears, did Shouta break out of that trance.
“Hey...ya think I’d fit in there too?”
The blond was referring to your already decently stuffed cunt, dripping with arousal that was running down your thighs.
Shouta’s lips quirked into a slight smirk.
“...We can make it fit.”
You didn’t quite know what to think. Your mind felt...strange. Weighed down―by exhaustion, some indiscernible veil, but also the need to feel more.
The two helped you sit up, Shouta’s length still fully inside of you. Hizashi eagerly positioned himself in front of you, hands wandering across your body, searching for purchase to ground him.
You did the same to him, mindlessly throwing your arms around his neck, nails digging into his back as the tip of his cock teasingly nudged your clit.
Hizashi laughed a little at your fucked out face, drool seeping from your mouth and running down your chin. His thumb wiped away some stray falling tears, before giving your cheeks a few gentle pats. He found your blissed expression, albeit a lot more intense than he’d seen before, a familiar and amusing thing. “I’ll never get sick of seein’ ya like this, songbird.”
The meaning to his words went directly over your head. Must not have been that important, right?
Unable to really register what was going on, just that suddenly, you felt much more full than you had been a second ago, your brows scrunched in...discomfort?
It didn’t really feel bad, it was just a lot to handle.
Hizashi’s head fell onto your shoulder as he slowly let you sink down on his cock. He let out a hiss, feeling your walls clamp down around him, impossibly and deliciously tight. The small noises that escaped your lips as his piercings dragged against your sensitive spot nearly made them both abandon caution that second.
But they would never hurt you, not unless it was necessary. They wanted to take care of you―even if you were too out of it to realize.
The seconds ticking by as you adjusted to them felt like hours in their book. Finally, after what could’ve been an eternity, Hizashi bottomed out inside of you. The blond relished in the way your nails threatened to break the skin of his shoulders and back as they began thrusting in and out of you, your cunt welcoming them in.
No coherent words could form in your mind, reduced to nothing more than a dumbed down puddle of pleasure. You couldn’t care less about the lewd wet and slapping noises, or how you were quite literally a ragdoll in their arms. Not when the only constant on your mind was how you felt good. Better than you had in a long time. It wasn’t a feeling of safeness, but still, it wasn’t something you wanted to get away from. For now, at least.
Both of the heroes could tell how well your body was reacting to them―by the way your head lolled back against Shouta’s broad frame, or how whimpers and cries of ecstasy spilled from your parted lips.
“...Is our kitten enjoying herself?”
You didn’t respond. Not with words, at least.
Hizashi responded properly for you. “Look at her pretty little face, ‘course she is. Y’know...I could get used to this―what about you, Shou’?”
Arms tangled amongst each other, the two held you upright as they rutted against you. Much like yourself, the pleasure they felt was greatly dulcifying their inhibitions.
You probably wouldn’t remember anything they had to say, though.
The erasure hero grinned at that thought―having you like this for them all the time. Something to look forward to after a long day. The sight of you, safe in their home, waiting for their return. Ready for them to spoil you in every which way possible. Just like you deserved.
“...You saying we should speed things up?”
Now that idea, it gave Hizashi purpose. He was aching to swoop you up―had been for a long time. His hips pistoned in and out of you faster, harder than before.
The blond grasped your jaw in one hand, forcing you to look at him. “Bet you would like that, pretty girl.” With a particularly sharp thrust of his hips, you cried out as he thoughtlessly spoke to you. “Bet you want us doting on ya all day...fucking you ‘till ya can’t walk―that’s what you want, right?”
Your tongue felt heavy in your mouth, the task of forming a response, one that held your truth, being absolutely impossible. You didn’t know what they wanted, and all you craved was to give them a reply to keep them doing whatever it was they were.
Wrong answer.
The both of them moved with a new sense of vigour, leaving you clawing at anything you could get your hands on in a feeble attempt to steady yourself.
“Hear that, Shou’? Our baby’s askin’ for us to take care of her.”
The erasure hero gripped your hips in an iron like hold, sure to leave tender bruises the next day. “Can’t say no to that, now can we?”
The warmth pooling in your belly was growing more intense with each passing second, leaving you to writhe in their grasp, not really knowing how to handle yourself. Every little thing they said, whether to you, or just about you didn’t exactly register. As their speed picked up, the heroes nearing their release just as fast as you, Shouta weaved a hand in between yours and the blond’s body.
You jolted at the feeling of two of his fingers pressing tight circles into your puffy clit, still being jostled as their movements quickened. The two men groaned as your walls clamped down around them, the sounds that met your ears going straight to your core.
“You gonna cum for us, baby?”
Hizashi’s hand, still on your jaw, moved to the back of your head. He held it so that you didn’t merely lay limp against Shouta’s shoulder, propped in his grasp so that he could see your dazed and lust filled expression. You could only nod in response, his question somehow permeating through the thick fog settled over your rational thoughts.
Picking up on the small acknowledgement to Hizashi’s words, Shouta’s ministrations focused on bringing you to release. His fingers never ceased in aimedly toying with your clit, spurred on by the way you reacted so well to them.
The white hot pressure building inside of you was reaching its crescendo. Where one of them left your heat, the other was there to fill you right back up, constantly crashing against your bundle of nerves. That familiar and intense sensation washed over your body as you reached your second peak of the night, convulsing in their arms, eyes rolling into the back of your head.
Your walls fluttering around their lengths, somehow making it even tighter, a reaction deliciously consuming to the two. Truly better than their imaginations could’ve conceived, the feeling of you coming undone caused them to tumble over the edge of their release as well.
Shouta’s head dipped, face buried in the junction between your neck and collarbones. He grunted into the skin covered in a sheen of sweat, painting your walls white while you continued to tremble in their embrace. Hizashi’s grip on the back of your head tightened, pulling on your hair and making you wince as a sharp pain shot across your scalp. Ropes of cum coated your insides, mixing with the already existing seed, now spilling down your thighs and dripping onto the couch.
All three of you were heaving with acute exhaustion, you maybe slightly more. Coming down from your high, the adrenaline that had just spiked was leaving your body, taking nearly all of your energy with it.
You slumped against their bodies, falling against Shouta while Hizashi still cradled the back of your head. It felt as if lead was weighing down your whole being, threatening to pull you into a deep slumber. And, seeing as you couldn’t find the reason to fight it given your mentally reduced state, you let it.
Your eyelids fluttered, shutting with relief as fatigue enveloped you, drowning you in its sedation.
But someone’s voice, you couldn’t place who’s, ripped you from the respite of sleep. The message igniting that strange, unidentifiable nagging of worry. Yet, it faded as soon as it came, overshadowed by the insatiable movements returning in the two men.
“...We’re not done with you yet.”
(End of part 8)
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iovnyu · 4 years
aeipathy -- park sunghoon
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genre: ice skater! au, school boy sunghoon, fluff
warnings: cursing, tba
summary: as y/n is trying to juggle being a C student and working at a ice rink, she meets sunghoon - a figure skater with straight A’s who needs to prove his passion to his parents. they just so happened to be in each other’s lives at the right time.
a/n: hi !! this is my first one shot (?) i guess,,, so please be easy on me lol. im going to be making these in parts but i don’t know how long i want it so ig we will see!! but if u didn’t notice i am now taking requests for headcanons or oneshots so please look over the request guide here before requesting things!! also please let me know if you want to be added to a tag list for this series !!
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all that was heard was the crisp ice being broke in. y/n sat behind the check-in desk, on her phone playing a food game. she knew that she didn’t have to be aware of the boy on the ice since he came almost everyday to skate. 
although y/n did not know his name, she knew that he had always came at 4:45 -- right after school. he would have his duffel bag hanging off his right shoulder with his skates in his left hand, a tired smile on his face. it was always a mutual relationship, he would smile at y/n and she would smile back. 
it did bug her at times that she didn’t know his name. in her mind she called him the ice prince -- partly because he looks like a literal prince and he seemed like a pro when he stepped foot into the ice rink.
it was nearing 7 and y/n was slowly getting bored of losing her game. she had been stuck on one certain level for the longest time and could not find a way to a customer happy. 
y/n felt a sudden spark of confidence to ask the ice prince his name as he held onto the outskirts of the rink, catching his breath. getting up, she tried her best to flatten the wrinkles on her uniform that was caused by sitting in the same position for her whole shift. 
the sudden movement of y/n’s chair scooting back alarmed him. it was clear that he has never seen her move from her spot at the desk unless it was to close the rink. quickly, he skated off the rink and hopped onto the carpeted floor. 
looking up, he saw y/n walk closer to him and felt his heart beat faster. it definitely wasn’t because he thought she was pretty or anything -- he was just nervous because she looked like she was going to kick him out. y/n saw his fast movements and quicken her pace.
“i-uhm, i never got your name?” y/n blurted out as she reached him, out of breath. at times like this, she figures out why she can’t run for shit -- if she can’t even walk at a fast pace then how in the hell can she run?
looking up, he silently let out a sigh of relief. so she wasn’t trying to kick me out. 
“sunghoon. my name is sunghoon.” 
what the fuck. y/n was stunned to say the least. he had a pretty face and a pretty name?? that is a literal gift from the gods. meanwhile she is there with a boring name. y/n. out of all the names her parents could have picked, they picked y/n. 
knocking back into reality, y/n saw sunghoon looking at her. “oh, i’m sorry. what did you say?” she said, embarrassed because he basically caught her in the act of admiring him. 
“uhm. wh-what’s your name?” sunghoon asked, tilting his head in a puppy like manor. 
“y/n. it’s-it’s on my shirt” y/n looked down and moved her hair out of the way. “see!”
sunghoon nodded. he had already knew her name but he didn’t want to sound like a creep and scare her. he had been here for a long time so, it was natural for him to memorize the employees’ names. 
y/n’s had stuck with him the most. to him, it sounded unique. it rolled off the tongue in a perfect way -- almost like it was honey. 
smiling, sunghoon pointed to the rink. “so do you come here often?” 
shit shit shit of course she comes here often dumbshit-- SHE WORKS HERE
“oh! i-i mean uhm...” sunghoon said embarrassed. “you know what? i’ll see you tomorrow. sorry.” he said while quickly grabbing his bag and zoomed to the doors. 
“okay!! have a nice night!” y/n yelled to him. 
looking down, she noticed he had left something behind. bending down, she picked up a heavy book that looked like it weighed like the declaration of independence. 
flipping it over and examining it, she discovered that it was a math book with messy writing over the front cover. “park sunghoon’s math book” the pages were scattered with random doodles and formulas that looked too long to remember.
y/n looked back up to see if sunghoon was standing outside but she was met with the sun slowly setting. oh shit i need to get home 
she ran to the changing room and quickly took off her uniform and changed into the clothes she came in with. making sure everything was in her bag, she took a quick glance around the rink and behind the desk. 
well it looks ... okay
grabbing her bag, y/n looked to sunghoon’s math book. if i have time before school tomorrow, i’ll give it to him.... he probably needs it, it is exam season anyways.
she grabbed his math book and ran to the door, locking it so no annoying teenagers break in and play in the rink. it has happened before and y/n’s boss gave her a earful the next day, she was not willing to hear him yelling at her again.
y/n sped walked to her tiny honda car that she had named roxy. roxy has been there for y/n through almost all of her high school life. y/n believed that roxy was on her last straw when she broke down a few months ago, but she had managed to still work properly. i mean, she still drove properly. it is the thought that counts right?
arriving at her house she saw her mom’s car already parked in the driveway. shit i am so dead
getting out of her car, she silently prayed that her mother had just gotten home. she walked towards the door and opened the door, “hello, my beautiful mother. how has thee day been for thee highness?” 
“it’s okay, y/n. im not gonna kill you because you came home late from work.” y/n’s mom said, laughing. 
walking into the kitchen, y/n saw her packing food for the morning. “how was work?” y/n asked, grabbing chips from the snack cabinet.
“it was okay. nothing really happened. how was the ice rink?” 
“ehh, nothing special.” y/n shrugged. “i’m gonna go do homework now, please pray for me.”
“will do, honey.” her mother laughed. 
bringing her stuff to her room, she laid the math book on her desk. assuming that sunghoon probably lived somewhere near by, she began to rack her brain for any schools near by that uses the same math book. the math book looked like it was for sophisticated students. he definitely does not go to a public school
he does wear uniform when he comes in .... fuck
there was only two private schools in y/n’s neighborhood. she decided she is going to chance it and try to wake up early tomorrow to attempt finding sunghoon. why the hell am i trying so hard to give him his book....
“it’s just a damn book. it’s not like he needs it tomorrow right? wait -- he might have a math test tomorrow.... shit.” y/n said eyeing the book.
it can’t hurt to give it to him... right?
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