#like the only thing telling them apart here is the uniform + that wanda has a bit curly hair gfthdgv
wandaxpietro · 1 year
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[X-Men: First Class (2007) #7]
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frostedfaves · 3 years
Naive (3)
Pairing: demon!Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Summary: You pick up on the lies in Wanda’s life and she decides to show you the truth.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, dark!fic, demon things™️, more hints at dom/sub because I’m a whore for demon!Wanda
A/N: I can’t believe that it’s been a month since I posted the last one 😭 I have some things planned for the next part and so on but I also kinda wanna take requests again??? idk we all know how I get overwhelmed easily with that so we’ll see what happens there. anyway tell me your thoughts on this please!
Previous part
Waking up feels like gasping for air after being trapped underwater. You aren’t sure how long you were asleep, but the mid afternoon traffic quickly alerts you of how much of the day has passed. 
Despite your head feeling like it’s made of cement, you manage to stand up, slipping off thin pajamas as you walk into the bathroom and stop at the mirror. Your skin seems tender in places and you’re a little bit startled when there isn’t a single indication of the bite marks and scratches you feel, even after rubbing your eyes a few times and turning in every direction possible. Deciding to let it go for now, you reach for the shower stall to turn on the water, detouring to the bedroom instead when you hear your phone ringing.
“You didn’t save my number, did you?”
“Wanda?” You pull the phone away long enough to quickly clear your throat. “I mean hey, Wanda! What makes you think I didn’t save your number?”
“You answered like you didn’t know who was going to be on the other end.”
“Okay, you caught me,” you admit after a moment of silence. “I promise I’ll save it as soon as we hang up. Anyway, what’s up?”
“Remember that pet adoption center you pointed out to me?” You acknowledge her with a hum. “I was thinking about getting a cat…Wanna tag along?”
“Absolutely! I was just about to shower though so I can be ready in an hour or so.”
“Perfect! I’ll text you when I’m outside.”
The two of you say your goodbyes and you keep your promise of saving her number, typing in her name and hesitating on the emoji keyboard. Realizing you’d spent far too much time contemplating this, you simply save what you have and hurry back to the bathroom, something in your brain urging you to not keep her waiting.
Within an hour, she sends you a text in all caps and a smiley face that tells you she’s arrived, and you can’t hide the fact that you’re surprised when you come outside and she’s waiting on the passenger side of the car.
“Hey! How are you?” she greets cheerily as she approaches you with a hug, and you shiver when her hand touches your lower back. “Are you cold?”
“No, I’m okay.” You smile and thank her when she opens the door for you, attempting to collect yourself as she crosses to the driver’s side again. “I’m really happy to see you again.”
“You are?”
“Yeah,” you admit quietly as she pulls away from the curb. “Is that such a bad thing?”
“No no, I just didn’t want to assume you were enjoying our time together as much as I was.”
She places her hand over yours while she glances at you, smiling as she squeezes your fingers and thigh lightly. You feel a rush of something traveling from the places she touched to your brain, only slightly aware of the fog settling in your mind.
“Well I didn’t want to be too enthusiastic about it and scare you away if all you wanted was friendship,” you clarify, meeting her eyes when she reaches a red light.
“I suppose you’re looking for more too, then.”
“I am now.”
The light turns green and she breaks eye contact, but the little smirk that follows tells you everything you need to know. At least, you hope it does.
“I think he’s the cutest one we’ve seen yet,” you comment about the kitten that hasn’t looked away from Wanda since you approached his area. “He seems really drawn to you, too.”
“How did he get the name ‘Baby Satan’?” Wanda inquires with an employee, who approaches you with a chuckle.
“It’s actually Baby Stan, because we used to have an adult cat named Stan as well and needed to tell the two apart. We were going to give him a new name but decided to leave that up to his new family.”
“It says ‘Baby Satan’ though,” you cosign with Wanda, gesturing to the extra A mixed in with the magnetic letters that spell the kitten’s name.
“Oh, I’m so sorry! I don’t know how that got there,” the employee apologizes as she reaches over to fix the sign, and you watch her freeze as Wanda touches her arm.
“Don’t be sorry. Keep it; I want to adopt him.”
“Okay, right this way,” the employee mumbles as she turns awkwardly and stumbles over to a desk, and as the two of you follow her, you look back to see Baby Satan still staring at the woman beside you.
“What was that about?” you speak up finally once you’re in the car with her new furry friend, and Wanda frowns at you while fastening her seatbelt.
“Why did that employee react to you like that? You touched her and she started acting really weird after.”
“Oh, Kim’s fine!” she assures you as she fixes her mirror before pulling out of the parking lot. “I actually asked her about that while you were looking at scratching posts and she said I’d overstepped her boundaries and made her uncomfortable. Don’t worry, I apologized and everything’s good again.”
“She told you her name?”
“She was wearing a name tag, babe.”
Babe...that’s new. Still, the sudden nickname doesn’t completely distract you from the fact that you’re certain there was no name tag on Kim’s uniform. You’re debating with yourself about bringing this up when you notice her heading toward Lane County.
“Are you taking me to your house?”
“Yeah, if you don’t mind.” She glances at you and over her shoulder toward Baby Satan before turning back to the road. “I figured I could introduce both of my kittens to the place they’ll be spending a lot of time in.”
Her fingers brush over your knee as “my kittens” leaves her lips, and you’re almost embarrassed when your hips involuntarily buck slightly. Noticing the small change in your behavior, she takes advantage of your head turned toward your own window and allows her instincts to continue driving while she stares at you, placing her palm on your thigh and rubbing circles on the fabric covering it that brings her closer and closer to your core.
“Home, sweet home,” Wanda announces as she pulls her wandering hand away to park the car, jumping out a second later and grabbing her furry son from the backseat. “Hey there, Baby S.”
You step out of the car in a similar fashion of pulling yourself out of a swimming pool, taking in the fresh air and trying to relax yourself as you follow her into the apartment building. The hallways reflect the quiet and clean neighborhood as you make your way into the elevator and up to the 6th floor, suddenly entering the most empty apartment you’ve ever seen.
Of course there’s furniture: a couch with a TV mounted on the nearest wall, a dining table with a set of matching chairs, a few stools placed at the island and kitchen appliances that are shiny and new. But there isn’t any personal artwork, posters, books or even just a lamp that you could tell Wanda purchased herself with one glance.
“Are you staying in an AirBNB or something?” you ask as she carefully places Baby Satan’s carrier next to the couch, and she chuckles.
“I guess technically it was one before I moved in, but I’ve been here for two years.”
“Okay...so where are your pictures?”
“Where are your pictures?” you repeat, maintaining a steady voice despite the expression she gives you as she faces you again. “Pictures of your family, friends, you as a child?”
“If you knew my family, you’d understand why you don’t see them here.” She startles you by practically growling her words but you press further.
“Okay but you also said you love plants and we’re the only living things in here.” You step back to put more space between you while quiet shuffling noises are heard inside the carrier. “What’s really going on here?”
You can easily spot the shift in Wanda’s emotions: going from defensive, arms crossed and eyes glaring to resigned with slightly sagging shoulders and a defeated sigh.
“Fine, you got me.” She bends over to pick up the carrier again and passes you on her way to the door, stopping a few feet away. “If you’re serious about pursuing a relationship with me, then I should probably show you my real home.”
“I don’t know...”
“Come on, love.” She comes just close enough to bring your hand into hers and a tingle spreads through your body, causing you to pull away but her grip only tightens. “I promise I’m not going to hurt you, and this is the only time I’ve lied.”
You find yourself being drawn closer to her, and an almost familiar feeling washes over you when her thumb begins rubbing gentle circles into your jaw. The metal on her ring is so cold it almost burns upon contact, yet you nuzzle into her more with each pass along your skin.
“Don’t you want to be good for me without being forced to your knees first?”
If the fog surrounding your consciousness wasn’t so thick, you might’ve been shocked by this side of her, so calm yet demanding you serve her. But the hand on your jaw seemed to cover every inch of your body and sink into your nervous system, forcing you to fall into her and let her lead you back to the car with a simple arm around your waist. You’re buckled into the passenger seat again and a slightly blurry grin greets you from behind the wheel seconds later.
“I can’t wait to make you mine.”
Your head falls against the car window as she drives to the edge of Lane County, and your altered vision picks up on businesses turning into isolated suburbs into grassy fields into forests. You travel along narrow, winding roads past the tallest of trees with very few spaces in between, and your hazy state of mind prevents you from panicking when Wanda turns onto a dirt path that doesn’t even seem to be safe for bicycles. The wheels bump along the forest floor until she comes to a stop just outside of a two foot dwelling, similar to a cave.
Once the two of you are out of the car again, she holds your hand with her free one until you reach the cave, instructing you to sit in front of it while she does the same. She places her palm on the door, and her rings seem to come alive as they interact with it for a few moments before it swings open and the three of you are sent flying through a tunnel. You land with a groan on the hard floor and dust yourself off as you carefully stand, any questions dying in your throat as you face Wanda again, now standing before you in her true form.
“Welcome home.”
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Left Behind - Chapter 6 - Once a Promise, Always a Promise.
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Gif was made by my official gif maker friend @abimess
Summary: The one where you lived in the apartment under the Maximoff family in Sokovia, or, your journey as a Sokovian civilian to Avenger.
Warnings: (+16) Violence, fighting, cursing, civil war environments, abuse of power, assault, torture, underage kissing, psychological torture, substance use, mention of assault/fighting of children, smut, kissing, teasing, insinuation of sexual and moral harassment, verbal offenses.
Words: 4.753k
A/N> It's been 84 years... I just hope someone still reads this haha Let me know what you think
All Works Masterlist || Read on AO3 || Series Masterlist
Chapter 6 - Once a Promise, Always a Promise.
When you wake up, you get your ass beaten up by an unknown woman.
You awaken all at once, advancing against the woman who was watching you sleep. Her surprise only lasts a second, however, as the next she returns your blow and knocks you to the ground, a gun pointed straight at your face.
Wide-eyed, you realize where you are and raise your hands.
"Sorry, sorry." You can quickly. "I thought I was in the lab again. Who the hell are you by the way?"
The woman raises her eyebrow at you.
"Cap, get over here before I shoot her."
And the next second, a blond man is running into the area of the ship where you are, looking worried.
"Let's all calm down, okay?" He asks as he sees the gun extended, and waits for the woman to put it down. You sigh lightly, rising to stand up.
"I'm sorry I attacked you, Miss." You ask as soon as you are on your feet, and massage your shoulder, which hit the ground hard when she knocked you down.
"It's fine, you just got beat up anyway." She teases, making you give a short laugh.
You were about to ask if they could let you off the ship anywhere, but a low groan of pain beside you caught your attention.
Just then you noticed the man lying on the stretcher next to you a few feet away, a large wound in his rib. You are also able to notice the rest of the ship, there is a man piloting a few meters away, and two men sitting further ahead, talking to each other.
"Hey, I can help." You stated immediately, but as soon as you moved, the woman stood in front of you, looking at you with suspicion and defiance, and you swallowed dryly. "I-I can heal him." You clarified, but the woman only changed her posture when the man next to you touched her forearm.
"Can you do that?" He asks you, and you nod. You wait for the woman to take a step back to approach the man on the stretcher.
"Hey, are you guys sure of this?" The man lying down asked uncomfortably, and you raise your hands in the air.
"Hi, I'm Y/N, I won't hurt you, I promise. "You guarantee it." Can I heal your injuries?" You ask and wait for him to confirm.
The wound is deep, but you have dealt with much worse.
"How did you do that?"
"It was nothing." You say as you put your hands down. His skin was completely intact again.
"This sure is cooler than lightning, huh, Thor?" Commented the blond as he sat down on the stretcher, clearly feeling better. The long-haired man at the back of the ship looks at you curiously as he stands up, and when he notices his colleague completely healed, he looks impressed.
"This sure is an interesting skill for a mortal." He says to you, and you don't know exactly what to make of those words, but you don't have time to comment, because he is already approaching to introduce himself. "My name is Thor Odinson, god of thunder."
You frown.
"G-god of thunder?" You repeat confused. "Sorry, is that some kind of joke?"
The woman next to you giggles, moving to sit on the stretcher next to the man you healed. The blond man in front of you looks slightly offended, but his expression softens immediately.
"I understand that at first, mortals may be incredulous at such a..."
"No, I just thought the title was funny." You interrupt the blond man, surprising him. "You guys are the Avengers, aren't you? My master has already told me about you."
“Your master?”
It is the other blond guy in the blue uniform who asks. You mentally repress yourself.
"Damn, sorry." You say. "It's what I used to call the soldiers and doctors who gave me orders."
"Your files say that you disappeared in Sokovia when you were younger, and what we found at the base were the records of the experiments they did on you." He adds, and you twiddle your fingers nervously. "I just want to make sure you're not going to try to bring the plane down with everyone inside."
The attempted joke is enough to make you smile, but you are beginning to feel overwhelmed. You really were free. After all this time, the idea seemed almost absurd.
You try to control your emotion at once, and the man seems to notice, because his expression softens immediately.
"Hey, come have a seat." He asks, signaling to one of the empty chairs, and you obey. "My name is Steve Rogers, and I promise you're safe now. Hydra will never hurt you again."
You nod frantically, feeling the tears in your eyes. But you try to normalize your breathing, not wanting to cry in front of strangers.
"I'm sorry, I just... I've just been trying to get away for so long." You confess next, wiping your eyes quickly. "It's weird to think I succeeded."
"We are going back to the Avengers tower now. Is there anyone you would like to get in touch with?" He asks, and his words make your stomach sink.
"Yes." You say. "But I have no idea where they are."
"Who? Your family?"
You give a short laugh.
"Yeah, I guess so. They were..." You start trying to remember exactly. You didn't even know how long it had been since the time you saw the twins at the Hydra base. You had no idea if they were alive, but you wanted to believe they were. Taking a deep breath, you continue. "They were my friends. Wanda and Pietro, we grew up together. They... I saw them once. When I still had the serum in my head. I..."
Seeing your difficulty in organizing your thoughts, Steve interrupts you by touching your forearm.
"It's okay." He says. "We'll find the twins."
"So they really are alive?"
Steve smiles.
"Yes." He answers and you feel your body relax all at once. "They ran away, I imagine they were scared, but we'll find them."
You gasp, unable to control your tears. Neither Steve nor the rest of the Avengers seem to care.
When you calm down, Steve introduces you to the rest of the team.
You are not exactly happy to meet Tony Stark. The mention of his last name makes you frown, because you know it was a Stark bomb that blew up your home at Sokovia, but when you accuse Tony, he seems really upset.
"Well, I guess you can get on the list of people who hate me then." He grumbles and you cross your arms, the whole team sensing the tension in the air.
"You could at least apologize for blowing up half of Sokovia with your weapons." You retort angrily, and the man rolls his eyes, not getting up from the armchair you were in.
"Sure, no problem. I'm sorry, kiddo. Happy?"
You clench your jaw, but before you can say anything, Steve steps forward.
"Tony, try not to be a jerk, okay?" The captain speaks and the other man lets out a wry laugh. "Have at least some respect for the girl's story."
"I have respect, Captain." He assures as he stands up, looking impatient. "What I don't have is time to revisit the past while our enemies get more and more powerful." He says and you frown in confusion. "I've already banned weapons production in the industries, and we've already taken on Hydra in that place. Now we can move on, because I need to get back to the compound and understand exactly what that thing is."
He speaks and finishes by signaling to the opposite side, and it is only then that you notice the shining scepter on the far side of the room and let out a surprised exclamation, taking three steps backwards.
"How did you guys get this?" You ask horrified and the team looks at you curiously.
"Have you seen the scepter before?"
"Of course I have!" You reply. "That's what gave me the healing! The damn stone went through my chest."
Thor steps forward, looking at you in surprise.
"So Hydra were able to decipher the scepter?
You laugh humorlessly.
"If by decipher you mean press the scepter against my chest while preening me in an iron chair, then yes." You reply, but take a deep breath to calm yourself. "A yellow stone came off as soon as the scepter touched me. And well, it went right through my skin. When I woke up, I could heal. But whatever it is, it killed all the soldiers who were holding me."
Thor seems to consider your words as Steve tells you that he is sorry for what you went through in Hydra.
Suddenly you remember where you first saw him.
"The man on the bridge!" You exclaimed, surprising him, but you were getting your memories gradually, and your heart was racing. "You are Captain America.... My god, where is Bucky?"
"Great, another fan of the metal arm." Tony comments sarcastically, but no one seems to care.
Steve looks at you with a frown.
"Is he safe? Is he free? Can I see him?" You ask promptly next, and Natasha chuckles.
"Hey, calm down." Steve asks and you swallow dryly, trying not to feel so overwhelmed with so many memories coming back at once. "How do you know Bucky?"
You blink in surprise.
"He...he didn't talk about me?"
It takes a second, and then Steve's eyes widen.
“Oh my god, you’re the guardian!
"I am what now?"
Steve lets out an incredulous laugh.
"The guardian." He repeats as if you were going to understand what he meant.
Natasha clears her throat.
"Captain, perhaps you'd better explain." She asks and Steve gestures quickly.
"We've been looking for you for months." Steve then adds, causing you to widen your eyes in surprise. "Bucky he... he's been trying to find you since he escaped. But he didn't know your name. All he knew was the nickname you got from the soldiers. The golden guardian of death. It's been our only tip to find you."
"I thought it was just golden guardian." Clint adds next, Nat makes a noise of agreement.
"No, I'm sure it was just Guardian of Death." Thor comments, but you are barely listening to the teasing, feeling your thoughts racing.
Steve raises his hands to your shoulders.
"Thank you so much for saving Bucky." He says before hugging you. You feel your neck heat up at the sudden contact, but do your best to reciprocate.
Steve lets you go then, smiling.
"He's going to be so happy to see you."
"Where is he?"
"At the compound." Steve replies. "He cannot attend field missions, it's part of the pardon. It's too much bureaucracy to explain now.."
"I think he's just lazy." Tony adds wryly, making the Avengers giggle.
And Steve's smile dies briefly.
"What's with you today, anyway, Stark?"
Tony sighs impatiently, finally rising from his armchair.
"I'm sorry if I'm not reacting in the way you consider proper captain, but I'm concerned about getting to work soon." He says as he moves toward you two. “I need to find out what this thing really is.”
"No, Stark, you won't touch this." It is Thor who announces, and all the avengers look genuinely surprised.
"I beg your pardon?" Stark retorted, but Thor didn't hesitate before he looked at you next.
"Describe to me again how you got your healing, mortal."
You sigh lightly.
"They locked me in an iron chair and brought the scepter." You narrated. "But they lie me on the chair next, and I could only feel the metal against my skin, and then I saw a yellow light. Something went right through my chest, and then right through." You say. "I blacked out for a second, the room was completely empty like a vision. When I blinked, it was back, but all the soldiers holding me were dead. And then they knocked me out."
"Before you said you saw a yellow stone?"
You nodded in agreement.
"I dreamed of this memory for several days." You clarify. "I was back in the room, but this time I watched myself. I saw when they put the scepter to my chest, and when the golden stone came out and went through my skin. It was the stone that released the wave of energy that killed the soldiers .I don't know why I didn't die too."
"A single blow that killed a group of soldiers at once." Thor mutters more to himself than to the rest of the teams. "It's decided then, no mortal must touch this. It's clearly far more power than anyone should have."
"This is ridiculous." Thor accused the next moment, making the team look at him curiously. "You can't just deny knowledge about something like that and..."
"Why are you so insistent on this, Tony?" It's Steve who asks suspiciously. Tony sighs, and gives a short laugh.
"You guys are unbelievable, you know." He says. "I'm trying to find new alternatives to our problems."
"What problems?" Steve asks with a confused grimace, and Tony rolls his eyes, looking nervous.
"Our enemies, Captain!" He snarls. "In case you haven't noticed, it hasn't been too long since we faced an army of robots coming from a hole in the sky!" He accuses. "We don't have the power to face this kind of thing. The scepter is exactly what I need to prevent the worst from happening."
"Where did that come from, Tony?" Steve retorted confused.
Stark gave a short laugh, rolling his eyes.
"I don't have time for this." He grimaced and moved to grab the scepter, but Thor stood in the way, arms crossed. "Really?" Tony impatiently charges, but Thor doesn't move. Stark clenches his jaw before declaring angrily. "I had a vision, okay? I saw all of us, defeated. Defeated because we didn't have the power to win. And I... I could have prevented it."
The avengers look as confused as you are, and remain silent. Tony sighs and runs his hand through his hair.
"It was New York again, but this time the enemy won." He continues, visually upset. When he lifted his face in Steve's direction, his look was angry, but his eyes had tears in it. "And you told me that I could have stopped it."
“I wouldn't do that.” Steve says. “If we ever lose, I wouldn't blame you, Tony.”
Tony gives a short laugh.
“Wouldn’t you really?” He retorts. “I’m pretty sure you would, cap.”
Steve takes a step forward, his eyes soften as he looks at his friend.
“I promise you, Tony. If we lose, we lose together.” He declares. “That’s what being an Avengers means. I’m sorry if I was not clear before, and made you feel any different than this or…”
“Stop it!” Tony angrily interrupts. You flinch because you think you saw a familiar red light in his eyes. “Cut this sentimental crap, Steve. I’m just trying to do what’s necessary here.”
“Back off, Stark!” You order as you noted how he has moved his wand to the scepter, he seems surprised by the action too. You move in his direction as he takes two steps back, looking irritated. You gave him no time to answer however, as you raise your hands over his head and touch his forehead with your fingers before he can complain.
Immediately, you can feel the remnants of magic on Tony's head. You don't recognize it at first, but as your own magic removes the other energy, you sigh slightly. It feels familiar, but you don't know why. The energy is still harmful though, probably due to the intention of the one who cast it, but you manage to clean it all up.
You succeed because you coordinate your magic to wipe the other energy like you usually clear and heal wounds, and it seems to work, because Tony raises his hands to your wrist, his wide-eyed eyes soften and he looks almost startled.
"I'm sorry." He asks and swallows dryly. You remove your fingers from his forehead completely, watching with curiosity. He takes a deep breath, blinking several times as if waking up. "I'm sorry, everyone, I... Damn, it was like a horrible dream. I need to lie down for a minute."
And with that he leaves.
You don't ask questions anymore, because Steve is going after him, and you are trying to figure it out why you still feel the unknown magic tingling at your fingertips, as if it is trying to merge with yours.
You cry when you see Bucky again.
He lets out a disbelieving laugh, and then he's running up, hugging you tight.
Your conversation is long and intense, and is almost mostly made up of gratitude.
The other Avengers seem very happy to see the whole interaction, especially Steve.
Tony isolates himself in his room as soon as you arrive, and Thor looks upset. He and Bruce discuss something, and then they go to talk to Tony.
You don't pay attention because you are listening to Bucky tell you about getting all his memories back, and living with the Avengers since you helped him. He was now free from Hydra's control, and was pardoned by the state on condition that he was no longer the Winter Soldier.
Nat also added in his narrative the information that he and Steve were "making fondue" and the joke made him laugh with red cheeks but you didn't understand what that meant.
You are very happy to see him, but you can't help but think that he was not the one you wanted to find when you were free.
When he introduces you to the rest of the compound, and to your room, you hug him in appreciation, and you both exchange a knowing look, finally acknowledging that you are safe.
Your first night in the compound is a strange one.
After meeting the whole team, who were polite despite having fought you a few hours ago, you received a full meal and then locked yourself in your room.
But you were not used to having such a soft bed, not even before Hydra, so sleeping seemed kind of impossible.
Figuring that the Avengers wouldn't mind you taking a late night stroll, you left your room.
"Are you lost, girl?" A female voice suddenly sounded making you jump in fright. It was Natasha Romanoff, or as she introduced herself earlier, Black Widow.
"S-sorry, ma'am." You retorted clumsily, and the woman raised her eyebrows at you. "I can't sleep."
"First, I'm not old, so don't call me ma'am." She commented wryly, and you tried to smile. "Second, I know the feeling. If you want, I can distract you."
Your last social conversation with a woman happened a long time ago, and then you find yourself asking:
"Are you inviting me to have sex?"
Nat lets out a surprised laugh, crossing her arms.
"Where did that come from?" she asks, and you scratch your neck lightly.
"Sorry, I learned how to talk to women from television shows that Hydra soldiers watched in the labs. Bad references. What did you mean by distracting me?"
Nat laughed, impressed by your words.
"I meant like have some tea and tell a story." She clarifies, not sounding the least bit upset. You put your hands in the pockets of the pajamas you've been given.
"R-right. That sounds more appropriate." You mumble with flushed cheeks, eliciting another laugh from the woman. As you begin walking side by side, she comments.
"You know, I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with you around here. You are just as awkward as Steve and Bucky."
You end up hearing a story about agents in Budapest, but it seems Nat doesn't tell the whole story. It's nice, though, you missed talking to someone.
"That thing you did earlier with Tony, that was really cool." Nat remarks after a pause in silence.
You take a sip of your tea after shrugging, but she seems inquisitive.
"How did you know it was Maximoff who messed with his head?"
You almost choke at the sudden mention of the name and Nat's watchful gaze makes it impossible to disguise. You sigh.
"I... They are my friends." You confess looking down at the cup, "Or they used to be."
Raising your gaze to Nat again, she only seems curious to know, and you shrug slightly, deciding to trust her.
"We grew up together in Sokovia." You count twirling your fingers on the handle of your cup, "They were the only family I had in the orphanage. And well, it was for them that I broke into a Hydra building."
Nat listens to your story intently, and you swallow dryly before continuing.
"When they captured me, the serum, it... well, it didn't exactly leave me conscientious." You try to explain. "It was like pushing all my memories away, my mind would become completely empty."
“"Is that what they did to Bucky?" Nat questions and you shake your head.
"No, they used electric shock on Bucky." You return with a grimace. "With me, they couldn't hurt me permanently, so they needed something that would make me obey without me being able to heal. It was like being drunk, I guess, only much worse."
“I’m sorry.”
"It 's fine.” You say with a sad smile. “I was dumb enough to go there, i knew the risks.”
“Don’t say that.” Nat asks with a serious voice. “It’s was not your fault they torture kids.”
"And whose fault is it, then?" You retorted, upset, with yourself more than with Nat or anyone else. "My friends for being stubborn idiots? Of Stark for throwing a bomb in my building? I'm tired of looking for reasons to justify what happened to me. Nothing is enough, and I just want to see my friends."
Nat sighs lightly, and raises a hand on the table to reach for yours. You want to hold back the tears, but they are already falling before you can do so.
"I promise we will find your family." She assures you tenderly, and you feel your heart soar at the possibility.
You nod in understanding, taking a deep breath to stop crying.
Nat squeezes your hand, and it takes a moment for you to speak again.
"Wanda." You begin, and almost sob. It has been a long time since you have spoken that name. "She... She must have gotten her powers the same way I did." You say trying to remember everything you witness in Hydra at that moment. "I remember the soldiers talking about the twins being the only ones to survive the stone besides me."
"From Shield records, we know she can manipulate energy and Pietro can run really fast." Nat informs as she releases your hand. She sits thoughtfully for a moment."Maybe because you all got the magic through the same source, you can heal what she can do to Tony's mind. But that's not really my area, maybe you should talk to Thor as well."
You sigh lightly, wiping away the remainder of the tears falling on your face.
"I will." You say. "But I want to find Wan-the twins first." You correct yourself quickly, hoping Nat doesn't notice your flushed cheeks. She does, but says nothing.
"Try to get some rest." She asks as she picks up the teacups. "We have a party coming up, and then Thor is supposed to return to Asgard. I imagine you will want to have a little chat with Bucky before you return to Sokovia."
"I would go back to Sokovia right now if you ask me." You mutter making Nat chuckle lightly. "But I don't want to disturb any of you. I've waited for a long time, I can wait a little longer."
When Nat turns around after putting the glasses in the sink, she has a soft expression.
"You are not a nuisance here, kid." She assures with a smile. "We've just been caught a little by surprise with a new person, but it will be a pleasure to help you find the twins." She says and then has a mischievous expression. "I shouldn't tell you yet, but Steve is pretty excited about the whole thing. He wants you and the twins to join the team eventually."
"Really?" You ask in surprise and Nat just mumbles in agreement, still smiling.
She turns around on the countertop and before she leaves, she turns to you.
"If you ask my opinion, you seem to care a lot about both of them." She says. "I think that no matter how much time has passed, or if they are fighting on opposite sides, she will be happy to see you."
You swallow dryly, looking away.
Nat smiles one last time before leaving and you twiddle your fingers nervously, sitting for a while at the table before returning to your room.
With much to think about, you are surprised that you fall asleep almost instantly as you lie down.
The Hydra serum is still in your system.
You realize it in a rather embarrassing way actually.
After waking up on the couch, you went to the kitchen.
Bucky tells you that all the team is having a meeting and they will join you two soon, so you just lay against the wall while he reads the newspaper out loud for you.
The Avengers stay in the meeting room for a long time, and don't seem very pleased when they leave, but Tony seems intrigued.
You are surprised that he comes to talk to you as soon as he sees you.
"I didn't thank you for yesterday, kid." He says with a smile. "Whatever you did took away that bad feeling. Now I can work without having to hide that I'm trying to help."
You didn't quite know what to respond, but it didn't matter because Tony was patting you on the shoulder before smiling contentedly at the rest of the team.
"While I figure out a way to decipher the stone, which won't be hard since I'm incredibly smart." He begins his speech, causing the group to let out debauched laughter. "You guys can get busy with whatever old people do for fun. Except you Thunderlord, I'm going to need your help in the lab."
"Wow, Tony Stark asking for help." Thor teases and you watch the interaction with a smile on your lips, moving to join the table. "What a little magic doesn't do to your head, heh?"
"Don't tease me, Thundercat. I'll throw you out of this building, and you won't get any breakfast." He says with false seriousness and you laugh lightly as you pour yourself a cup of coffee. "Hey, kid, give me some too?"
"Ja, Master." You respond mechanically, perhaps even a little sleepily. The Avengers look at you with curiosity and confusion as they see you mechanically pour the coffee, and hand it to Tony, who looks shocked.
"He is not your master, kid." It is Natasha who breaks the silence, and you blink in confusion looking around for a moment.
"R-right." You say. "Sorry about that, Tony. Old habits I guess."
Tony thanks you for the drink, and you think the subject is going to die, but then Natasha keeps looking at you.
"Hey, Y/N, come over here." She asks and you move immediately. Shit. Natasha raises her eyebrow. "Take two steps to the left." Your body obeys. “Now to the right.” She asks and you obey again. This is terrible. The widow looks at you impressed.
"That looks bad." Tony quickly mocks before waving for Thor to accompany him to the lab, justifying that they should get to work soon.
Nat continues to look at you incredulously, but then Steve gets up from the table as well and snaps his fingers in front of your eyes, making you jump in fright slightly. He assumes a worried expression afterwards.
"You are obeying our orders as if we were your masters." He says. "Let's go see Bruce in the lab, he'll want to run some tests."
When you reach the lab, and Steve explains to Bruce what happened at breakfast, you are not surprised that he puts needles in your arm. You hope the news will be good when he finishes assessing your blood.
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wannabe-fic-writer · 4 years
WandaNat x Reader : Safe
Summary: What is it that they say about a woman in uniform?
Warning: Violence
Word Count: 2,481
* * * * * *
“Lieutenant Colonel Y/ln.”
Hearing your name, you stand up straight, the brown paper grocery bag in your hand clutched a little tighter as you do an about-face. 
The mystery man himself, Nick Fury, steps from the shadows of your apartment buildings hallway. Right off you can tell he wants something from you, if not for him just showing up, it’s written in the smirk on his lips.
“It’s been a while Lieutenant Colonel.”
Steam billows from the mug as it fills with coffee, and after dropping a spoonful of sugar in it, you carry the mug over to Fury. Then move to lean against the wall opposite his spot on the couch.
“I don’t think I’m the fit for your special team Nicholas.” 
After you had invited the man in, he’d informed you that he wants you to join the Avengers. His reasons somewhere along the lines of you having special skills and being able to relate to a number of the people on the team. 
You’d given it a little thought as you fixed him some coffee. 
Having just left active duty, you assumed you would have some down time until your next deployment. Not that you were going to be “relaxing” anyway, but still.
“That’s where you’re wrong.” He sips from the mug and sets it on the table,“ you are more than fit. And I’m certain you’d appreciate the distraction.”
You lift your head, taking in his words. They hold deeper meaning and you know what he knows. He knows you go to group therapy with other Marine Corps members, both active and retired. He knows you struggle with dealing with what you’d seen out there. 
“I have an obligation to serve my country Nicholas. That would come before your special team.” You inform him while also avoiding that topic.
He nods,“ an obligation you won’t have to neglect. The second you’re assigned for deployment you can go, until then, you’re an Avenger.”
Just like that, one meeting with the man, and you were walking up the graveled path to the Avengers compound. Fury waiting for you beside the door.
The man smiles at you,“ everyone’s inside waiting to meet you. Follow me.”
Walking into the usual meeting room, Natasha pulls a chair out for her girlfriend. Wanda smiling up at her softly.
The woman takes a seat as well, looking to Steve,“ what’re we meeting for again?” 
Steve shrugs,“ Fury didn’t go into detail.” 
Everyone in the room waits patiently for the arrival of Fury, filling the time with light chatter until the door is pulled open and the man walks in.
Eyes widen at the form that enters behind him.
Natasha’s gaze subconsciously wanders down the uniformed woman. She takes in the way the pristine navy blue and red striped pants fit her legs and the form fitting coat adorned with medals. 
Trailing up her body only to be a little shocked when she meets the woman’s striking e/c eyes. 
The two hold eye contact until Fury speaks.
“Ladies and gentlemen, this is Lieutenant Colonel Y/n Y/ln. Lieutenant these are the Avengers.” Fury gestures from the uniformed woman to the group surrounding the table.
All eyes follow you as you go around formally introducing yourself. Starting by shaking Steve Rogers hand as well as Bucky’s. Then saluting Rhodey and mentioning that it’s an honor to meet him.
When you reach her girlfriend, Natasha notices the seemingly nervous pause Wanda has, before rising and shaking your hand. She holds it a little longer, held titling to the side and Natasha knows her girlfriend is reading you.
Based off your expression, you know as well. And you let it happen. She let’s go before it becomes obvious to everyone else and with a nod you move to Natasha.
Up close the woman can’t help but appreciate how good the uniform looks on you. How the coat fits but still leaves much to imagine. 
“Natasha.” She introduces personally, shaking your hand.
Again you nod,“ it’s a pleasure.”
From there you shake Tony’s hand and Peter’s, who does so over excitedly. You then reassume your spot beside Fury.
“Lieutenant Y/ln will be joining your ranks until her next deployment. Simply lending a helping hand on missions.” Fury explains your presence.
Hands linked behind your back, you look at them all, adding,“ but only when need be. I’m not here to take anyone’s position, nor will I be overstepping.” 
Wanda’s little smile at your words isn’t missed by Natasha and she makes a mental note to ask about it later.
“In that case, let me give you the grand tour.” Tony cuts through the silence, walking over to you.
“Lead the way.” You gesture for him to walk first and follow after.
Fury leaves shortly after. In the silence, everyone non-verbally agrees to make you feel welcome unless you prove you should be treated otherwise. 
And it’s a decision that everyone is glad they make. Especially Natasha and Wanda. 
There had been an instant physical attraction toward you from the moment you walked in. That attraction grew the more they saw you and learned about you.
In the beginning the physical part led it. They would see you in the gym at the early hours in the morning, adorned in your uniform camouflage pants and a perfectly fit green t-shirt. Or in that same outfit as you ran with Steve around the compound.
It was clear that the team was growing fonder of you by the day. 
Rhodey had begun speaking with you about your served time and his only to find other common interests with you along the way. Both Steve and Bucky found your loyalty and dedication inspiration and took to that. 
Tony had grown closer to you over a conversation about his company’s departure from weapons manufacturing. You’d simply found it admirable and later became interested in what he was currently doing.
Obviously, impressionable Peter Parker was taken with everything you did. He worked out with you, asked about your service, and took a genuine interest in what you do daily in and out of the Marines. 
But Wanda and Natasha.
The two women learned about you at a slower rate than the rest of the team. For a number of reasons.
Wanda didn’t want to learn about you. Having had been so physically attracted to you the second she saw you, she made it a point to avoid you. She loves Natasha and didn’t want her seeming crush on you to get in the way of that.
Natasha mainly wasn’t sure if she should trust you. You’d come off to her as too perfect.
Personally, you thought the women didn’t take a liking to you. Which kind of sucked. Not only had they seemed like great women based off what you saw from their interactions with the team, but they were incredibly beautiful.
You knew they were together but that didn’t stop you from doing your best to be friendly toward them: speaking in passing or starting conversation when together. In the end you assumed they just didn’t want anything to do with you.
That all changed in the span of two nights.
Both being particularly hard nights for you. Where your PTSD had become too much. 
The first night, due to nightmares, you found yourself awake in the common room with a glass of straight vodka. And Natasha had found you. The far off look in your eyes was one she was familiar with and the pure human side of her carried her to you.
She’d simply sat with you. Her surprise set in when she felt your head resting on her shoulder. A conversation had barely begun between you two, one simply about nature as you both looked out the window, and you’d fallen asleep.
The second night you spent in another country.
Both yourself and Natasha, as well as Wanda, were sent on a mission in Egypt. You all settled in, ate, and went over the mission before heading to bed. 
Wanda couldn’t bring herself to sleep though. Since you couldn’t bring yourself to sleep. 
Your thoughts were loud and she wasn’t trying to listen but she couldn’t ignore it. You’d sounded so scared and anxious. Both emotions she never would’ve associated with your strong and confident persona.
So there was no way she would leave you in that state by yourself. After knocking on your door, she’d offered to make you tea and the two of you sat together. When Wanda noticed that your thoughts hadn’t changed. She used your powers to calm your mind. 
As you fell asleep that night, head resting on her shoulder like you had Natasha the night before, you had no idea how hard your actions had made her fall for you.
People had always been scared of her powers and you just trusted her to use them to help you. Not a single hesitation in your eyes. 
What they didn’t know was how safe they’d made you feel in such a short time.
On your own, there was no way to get the nightmares to stop. You had always just distracted yourself when woken up by them. You’d read, watch nature, workout, and occasionally drink. But going back to sleep wasn’t a thing.
The fact that their presences were so comforting spoke to you.
It all came to a head the next day on the mission.
First having seen how good you looked in your desert camouflage uniform made their hearts flutter, something Natasha would only admit to Wanda. And then on the mission. 
Your group had been clearing the enemies base and were under heavy fire when you saw Wanda using her powers. It was clear the young woman was concentrated and so she hadn’t seen the people aiming their guns at her. 
Natasha had watched in slow motion as you ran to protect her girlfriend. Effectively taking a bullet for her as you ducked for cover and then throwing back a grenade they had thrown in the first place.
Shielding Wanda’s body from the blast sent you both crashing into the wall behind you. But you took the brunt force of it and had fallen unconscious.
Both women were beyond worried for you but had to focus on clearing the building. The second they did, they gave you their undivided attention. 
Working together, they got you back to the safe house and set out to clean your wounds. 
“Wan, remove her jacket and shirt I need to get a better look at the entry point.” Natasha instructed before going to grab a first aid kit.
It was a bit of a struggle to shred your unconscious body of your uniform but the second she did she froze.
Taking in the sight of your mostly bare torso. On both you sides sat tattoos. Tribal tattoos. Your sports bra covered the top of the tattoos that seem to start under your breasts, and stretch down below the hem of your pants.
“Staring isn’t po-” Natasha’s teasing falls short as she sees the cause of her girlfriend’s staring.
But she manages to pull herself together faster than the younger woman. Telling her to stare later because they have to help you.
After having successfully cleaned your wound, Natasha removed the bullet and thanked whatever higher power that no internal damage seemed to be done, and stitched you up.
The two showered and sat in the living room. It was clear they had a lot on their minds.
“I have feelings for her.” 
Natasha almost misses the whispered words from her girlfriend. Almost.
Sighing, she leans back into the couch.“ Me too.”
Wanda scoots closer and snuggles into Natasha’s side,“ so what do we do?”
“Tell her.” 
“Is that-”
“Tell me what?” Your groggy, slightly pained voice meets their ears and they look behind them to see you walking from your room, hand clutching your side.
You hadn’t put a shirt back on which served as a momentary distraction.
Smirking, you ease into the arm chair beside the couch,“ staring is rude.” You joke, effectively pulling them from their daze.
They see the question still in your eyes and look to each other. Should they tell you? How would you react?
“If you aren’t comfortable telling me it’s fine.” You assure, laying back with a a groan.
Wanda takes a deep breath and sits up,“ Y/n, Natasha and I know that this isn’t the most normal situation. And we know that things could always come up, especially with the chance of you being deployed-”
Natasha, seeing the confusion in your eyes, stops Wanda with a hand to her thigh,“ we have developed feelings for you.”
“We?” You’re quick to ask.
Both women couldn’t be saying they like you? Both? 
They nod.
You hum,“ what does that mean? How would it even-” you cut yourself off.
It’s silent as you all think. One solution seeming to circle all of your minds. It’s not unheard of, just unorthodox. 
“You become our partner.” Natasha finally speaks, looking at Wanda then you.
A hand raises to run through your disheveled hair,“ you mean, the three of us in a relationship.”
The smallest of smiles tugs at Wanda’s lips at the idea. Is it scary? Yes because nothing is written in stone and as she said anything could come up. But she’d still like to see where this goes.
You’re special and neither of them could deny that.
A number of thoughts run through the women’s minds when you stand and move to sit on the coffee table in front of them.
They watch cautiously as you hold your hands towards them and just as cautiously, they accept them. Instant warmth. Instant safety. All in a single touch.
“We all know this could end badly, correct?” You ask, knowing full well that it would most likely end badly for you before them.
Scooting to the edge of the couch, Wanda’s thumb strokes the back of your hand.“ We know.” She nods, confirming it with Natasha through a look.
“But we want to try.” Natasha adds, scooting closer as well.
A moment of nervous hesitation sets in. And shockingly to everyone, Wanda breaks it by moving forward to kiss you.
It’s simple, her lips pressing to yours as her free hand cups your cheek. But it’s still an incredible feeling. One you hadn’t felt in seemingly forever and one she finds similar to her first kiss with Natasha.
Said woman joking about missing all the fun and then kissing you as well. 
From there, the three of you spend an extended amount of time(after reporting back to the team) talking about what this relationship truly means. New fears linger, as to be expected, but it’s nothing compared to the anticipation and genuine trust you all have in this. 
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justreadingfics · 4 years
It’s a Deal (Chapter 5)
Chapter Summary: Movie nights are the best.  
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 4.8k
Warnings:+18 only, smut,  boytoy!Bucky, fingering in a room with other people in it, blow job, oral (female receiving) casual sex, opened relationship, 
A/N: I’m sorry it took me so long for this one. I can’t promise it won’t happen the same with next chapter, but I sure hope not. I previously said the next chapters would be less smut, but with these two you never know… Thank you to my sweet Les for having my back. The link to my masterlist, where you can find the other chapters, is on my description. Feedback is highly appreciated.
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Your breathing is heavy.  
The silky slide of his tongue makes you moan, deep, and you dig your nails on his scalp, pulling his hair even harder. He groans and the vibrations hit your core. He was right the other day, you love grabbing his hair, especially when you’re on his bed and his head is between your legs first thing in the morning.
No, you haven’t slept there that night. It would be your first day in your new job position and you thought it would be best to have a good and uneventful night of sleep, free of any action that could keep you up. But the thing with good nights of sleep is they’re actually not as relaxing as Bucky Barnes’s sweet tongue and you decided you needed it before you started the day.
Good thing he lives where you work and he didn’t turn you down when you called him at that ungodly hour.  That’s how you end up there, at the verge of a morning orgasm, your skirt and underwear tossed somewhere in his bedroom and you only wearing your heels and your white blouse while he’s eating you out on his bed, butt-naked, because that’s just how he sleeps every night. 
“Oh, fucking shitballs,” you curse when he closes his lips around your clit. The throbbing little nub is swollen and aching for a release.  
He chuckles against your sensitive and wet pussy, pulling you harder against his face, deepening his fingers on your thighs. Deeply focused on his task, he flattens his tongue and laps at you.
The change of movements doesn’t go unnoticed by you, who cries out at the waves of pleasure rushing up your body. A few more talented strokes of his tongue and you lose it. You moan a loud chant of courses and your back arches as your shivering legs shut around his head and your heels cross over his back.
That’s when a huge bang breaks into your dreamy state and makes you shout and jump on the bed, your face snapping towards the loud sound.
“I fucking knew it.”
Natasha’s voice isn’t one you were expecting to hear at that moment, and it takes you a moment to understand what is happening. There is your friend, in full tactical gear, arms smugly crossed in front of her body while she stands by the door she has just kicked opened. It takes you an even longer moment to remember the position you’re in. You look down to see Bucky, smirking, peeking at her from between your thighs, his face glistening with your juices all around it.
“What the hell?” You shout, finally releasing him from the clasp of your legs and pulling the first piece of fabric you find on his bed over your exposed lower half as you swiftly drag yourself away from him.
“Does Fury need me again?” Bucky asks, completely unbothered by Nat’s presence or his nakedness… or his extremely evident hard on, you notice, when he stands up from the spot he was bent down, before jumping to lay down beside you.
Something tells you this isn’t a one-time occurrence, but it doesn’t change the fact that is happening to you and how hot your cheeks are from sheer embarrassment in getting caught in such a situation.
“Nice hair, stud,” she comments, gaining a smug expression in response, before continuing, “He needs her, actually. Congratulations on your promotion, by the way,” Natasha smirks, pointing at you and your heart rushes up to beat against your throat at the mention of Fury’s name.
“What? Holy fuck,” you curse, wrapping the sheet around you before flying out of the bed and moving to pick up your pieces of clothes tossed by the floor.
“Told you she would be here, Steve,” Natasha tilts her head to behind her shoulder.  
A low, strangled grunt comes from the living room.
That makes you halt at once as you bend down to pick your underwear. Incredibly widened eyes snap at Natasha. As your cheeks burn hotter than ever, she covers her mouth with the back of her hand, obviously holding back a mischievous laugh.
“Hey, Punk,” Bucky shouts from the bed.
“You should’ve seen his face at fucking, shitballs.” Nat bursts out in uncontained laughs, followed shortly by Bucky. 
You can’t believe it. Captain Fucking America is waiting on the next room as you pick up your clothes after he heard the mind-blowing orgasm given by his friend to you on your first day on your new job - one that will require that you’d meet with the Avenger often - and you’re as mortified as you’d ever be. You know Nat enough to know she doesn’t mean any harm by it all, and you’ll know that eventually you will laugh with her about that moment, but eventually it’s definitely not now and she’s obviously having too much fun with your misery, so a little wish for vengeance burns up inside you.
“She told me you gave her the best orgasm of her life,” you blurt out, looking at Bucky, but the underwear in your hands at her. You bolt to the bathroom right after, locking the door behind you, but not before glimpsing the outraged expression on her face.
“You damn traitor,” Natasha yells, as you rush to put yourself together inside the bathroom.
“Well, looks like we’re a good pair,” you yell back.
“Calm down, ladies…” Bucky says and you can hear the amusement in his voice, as you work to freshen up, “Don’t worry, Steve would die before acknowledge this ever happened,” he raises his voice for you to hear, as an evident attempt to soothe you, but you can’t say it’s as effective as he would expect. “And you,” you guess he’s speaking to Natasha, “like I didn’t know that already. You were very vocal at the time and seemed like you’d forgotten I understand Russian perfectly.”
As put together as you can be in that situation, dying to bolt away and having Fury waiting for your ass, you open the bathroom’s door soon enough to see Nat flipping Bucky off as he cheekily winks at her.
“Ok.” You tap your hands down your skirt to straighten the little wrinkles on the fabric, “How do I look?” you ask Natasha. The formal outfit is way different from your usual jeans and sneakers, but it’s your first day in a very important position. Dress to impress felt like the right choice.  
“Stunning.” The answer comes from both Nat and Bucky and you can only let yourself soften as they smile at each other, a clear sign of peace.
“Alright,” you nod, walking to grab your purse on the armchair next to his bed, “Ahm… thank you, Bucky,” you seriously don’t know what else you can say to him at that moment.
“Anytime, sweetheart, you know that,” he makes a reverence, before linking his hands behind his head with a very pleased tug on the corner of his lips.
You clear your throat, trying to not indulge him in a less than perfect circumstances, before turning to a too amused Natasha. 
“See you tonight?” she asks, tilting her head.
“Yeah, of course,” you sigh, all the annoyance completely gone, “Welcome back, talk to you later.” You say goodbye by placing a kiss on her cheeks.
As you rush across the living room and towards the way out, Captain Fucking America looks absolutely guilty and red as the stripes on his uniform, “I told her not to, but-“
“I know,” you sure do know how determined Natasha Romanoff can be, “Can we please never talk about it again?”
“Gladly,” he quickly answers, looking as relieved as you before you bolt out of Bucky’s apartment.
His cell phone buzzes in his pocket and he picks it up as the elevator runs up to the common floor. He’s dying for one of Wanda’s cookies, which she usually bakes at this hour for everyone. Unlocking the screen he sees the text. It’s from Olivia, asking if he has plans for that night, with a winkie emoji at the end. Emojis… he loves them, one of the best things from the future.
He's about to type the answer when the elevator doors open and he hears the sound of a movie playing loudly in the TV room. Oh, so there’s one of those movie night things going… the cookies will definitely be there.
He quickly steps towards the sound and opens the door to the dark room, meeting a few squinting expressions at the light that shines from behind him. As soon as he finds one particular scrunched face among the other ones his lips curl in a smirk and, before putting his phone back in his pocket, he types a quick reply saying he’s already got plans, the same answer he’s given to every other message he’s received those last few weeks that wasn’t from the woman greeting him with a small and discreet smile right now.
“So soon at home?” Natasha asks, munching a mouthful of popcorn. Along with her in the room are Sam, seating next to her on one of the sofas, Steve and Sharon sharing an armchair and a bowl of popcorn, Wanda  laying on some big cushions on the floor, eating one of her cookies while she, the face that got his attention and instant interest, is comfortably seating all by herself on a big and inviting sofa, cozily tucked under a blanket.
“Didn’t even go out,” Bucky shrugs, “Movie night, huh?” He peeks in, averting his gaze from her to the big screen, “And one of my favorite movies I see..” he says, having absolutely no idea which movie that is and why there’s a creepy guy talking to a ball in the middle of an island.   
“In or out, dude,” Sam throws some popcorn on him, “Shut the damn door.”
“Alright, alright,” Bucky does as he says, not even engaging with Sam’s teasing. He has other things occupying his mind.
And said “other things” eyes him suspiciously as he walks towards the sofa she’s been occupying alone. He doesn’t say anything before throwing himself on the cushions, right next to her, despite all the space left. He can feel everyone’s eyes, maybe except Sam’s, lingering on him for a little too long, but it doesn’t bother him at all as he makes himself comfortable, reaching over to grab a cookie from the plate on the small table in front of him.
“Hi,” he whispers, turning to face her.   
“Hi,” she answers back with a small smile, before focusing on the movie again.  
“You don’t mind do you?” Bucky once again whispers, pulling the end of her blanket while he munches the cookie.
She eyes him for a moment and he has to hold back a laugh. She has to know where he’s going with this and if that time they’ve spent together because of their deal made him get to know her at least a bit, he bets she’ll play along with him.   
“No?” her answer comes out on a wary whisper and he doesn’t waste a second before sinking beneath her blanket, dragging himself a bit closer to her.
When he’s cozy enough, he turns to the movie again, pretending to be paying attention to the screen while she does the same. He knows it’s all a façade and she’s waiting to find out what he’s up to. He loves it. It’s only after several minutes – teasing her is always good fun – that his hand under the blanket casually navigates through the cushions and rests on her thigh.
As soon as his hand touches her skin, he senses the flinch of her body. While he shoves the last piece of cookie in his mouth, with the corner of his eyes, he catches when she glances not at him, but at the rest of the group in the room.  The fact she doesn’t bat his hand right away, encourages him to give her thigh a pointed squeeze and that’s when she shoots him a warning glare. Which he ignores, of course, in favor of letting his hand snake up her smooth skin. The small hitch of her breath doesn’t go unnoticed by him.  
He smiles to find out she’s wearing a skirt.
When his hand moves down to the soft inner part of her thigh, she shuts her legs, trapping it in place. He doesn’t look at her while he just waits… all he has to do is to wait. He can tell she’s a bit nervous as he feels her eyes on him before they turn to the others, but a light and sweet scent, which is now very familiar, teases his nostrils, ever so lightly, and he knows she’s more than up to that little game. He hopes for the other super soldier in the room to be focused enough on his girl next to him so he doesn’t catch the faint scent in the air.
He waits.
The confirmation of her true disposition comes when she slowly opens her legs and shifts on the sofa, lifting one knee up so the blanket makes a tent, making it hard for anyone to spot where his hand really lays beneath the blanket.
Bucky is then more than happy to resume his ascend until he cups her mound through the cotton of her underwear. He keeps his touch light, barely brushing her mound, noticing a little wetness pulling at the fabric and smirking. But what makes him almost lose his shit is to find out how impatiently up to his game she actually is, when she dips her hand under the blanket and guides his hand  beneath the cotton, letting his fingers rest on her clit before she removes her hand.
Goddamit, he has to hold back to not let a loud moan both at her initiative and the warm and smooth feeling on his fingers. He can’t believe how lucky he is to be spending this time and sharing moments like this with her. He has to admit that this deal he has set with her is the best thing that has happened to him in a while. Yes, he has a great deal of women he can call his friends and has been spending time with. But with her…
Bucky’s sure he has found his partner in crime.
He’s aware of the long time she’s been in a relationship and he knows the ending wasn’t that great. But in spite of that, she trusts him completely to make her feel good and not hurt her in any way, and he loves that he can do that… Make her feel good.
He starts caressing her clit, noticing how her body responds, a tiny hitch on her breathing, her lower lip between her teeth… He doesn’t want to make her wait much longer, seeing how eager she definitely is. Another thing he adores about her… she’s always up to go a bit further with him, to break some limits. He would never do anything she’s not comfortable with, but it’s addicting her willingness for more, to go beyond herself to reach the goal or finding pleasure and a good time.
Truly a partner in crime.
Her gaze remains on the screen while he fingers her under the blanket, but he can hear a particularly louder sigh as her head falls back on the sofa.
Bucky looks around but no one seems to have noticed anything, paying attention to  whatever is happening in the movie. Discreetly, he grabs a small pillow from the sofa and places it over his lap to hide how much the mission to drive her to the edge  and the wetness gathering around his fingers under the blanket are affecting him.
He has learned the way her body works enough to know she’s almost there. Also, he knows she has a thing for exposed and dangerous situations like that, the thrilling possibility of getting caught, the filthy actions in an otherwise innocent situation… Fuck if his cock isn’t aching for some attention, too…If had his way he would bent her over that couch and take her right then and there, to hell with everyone else.
Glancing at her, he spots the clenched jaw and fluttering eyelids. She comes all over his fingers without making a single noise and, damn, she turns him on so much.   
After a few more strokes to ease her down, he pulls his fingers away and, as she watches him from the corner of her eyes, he brings them to his lips, licking them deliciously as he stares at the movie. Her sweet taste makes him painfully hard beneath his jeans and that’s when she surprises him by throwing the blanket to the side and swiftly getting up.
“Are you ok?” Nat asks as all the faces snap to the woman standing up.
“Yeah, sure. Just need to go to the bathroom. No need to pause the movie, I’ll be quick,” she answers, but she doesn’t leave the room without glancing at Bucky with a small tug on the corner of her lips.
His cock twitches at it… That’s his cue, right? It has to be, or else he’ll explode right then and there. He waits a few minutes for good measure before pulling his phone from the pocket. He pretends to be reading something on the screen before clicking his tongue, “Got to go. That was fun, though, let’s do it again sometime.”
Bucky’s damn sure Natasha not for a second buys the excuse as she shoots him a knowing smirk, but the others seem to at least don’t care about him leaving - suspiciously right after her- only mumbling their goodbyes as their attention remains in the movie.
When he opens the door to the bathroom, which is only a few feet away from the tv room, he’s greeted with a pair of lips crashing against his. Responding right away to the kiss, he kicks the door shut behind him and wraps his arms around her as he relishes  the feel of her hands exploring his whole body, grabbing his muscles and flesh. Good, she’s as excited as him.
“That was fucking hot,” she says through the kiss, pulling a handful of his hair.
“Agreed,” he pants, not parting his lips from hers, “Check out how happy I was to find you here,” he grabs her hand and places it over his throbbing hard on.
She chuckles as he walks her backwards to the counter, “I’m glad I accepted Nat’s invitation to see a movie with her after dinner, then,” she pulls away just enough to say that before launching back on him, making him moan as she palms him through his jeans. “We need to do something about it, now,” she teases, parting her lips from his to drag them down his neck, adding a bit more of pressure on his cock.
“Damn straight,” he manages to say, as her mouth and her hands on him make him light in the head. Desperate to feel her, he grabs her by the waist and places her on the countertop and positions himself between her legs, reaching down to unbutton his jeans, “How was your first day as the boss?” Just the thought is enough to make his cock twitch inside the annoying confines of his pants.
“Fucking fantastic,” she answers putting a stopping hand on his chest and grabbing the one on his jeans by the pulse.
“Hey,” an embarrassing whine slips out of his lips.
“Nah-ah,” she smirks in such a mischievous way that the sight alone could result in him making a mess of his pants if he didn’t focus, “I’ve got my own tricks, too, you know?” she coos, pushing him a bit backwards before sliding down from the counter and sinking to her knees right in front of him.
Since she just ended the possibility of any coherent thought to be formed on his mind, all there’s left for him is to let his arms fall limp on each side of his body and watch her, dumbfounded and horny as ever, as she nuzzless his dick through the jeans and swiftly work on his buttons and zipper.
His cock bobs in front of her as she pulls down his pants and underwear just enough to expose it to her. Bucky is entranced by the sight of her licking her lips before leaning over and slowly sliding her flattened tongue over the length of the prominent vein on the underside of his cock. Then his tip is engulfed by the wet and soft heat of her mouth and a strangled yet loud noise slips out of his lungs as his eyelids flutter.
“Be quiet, sweetheart,” she pulls back, making him already miss her lips around his dick. He looks down at her and she shoots a cheeky wink at him, wrapping her hand around the base and peppering sweet, torturous kisses over his length and head, smearing the leaking precum over her lips before wrapping them around him again.
Bucky is in a  complete daze as she works her lips and tongue beautifully on him, producing sloppy and enticing sounds. Surprisingly enough, after trying a lot of stuff together, that particular act hadn’t happened yet and goddammit why the hell had he waited for so long? Maybe because he’s been focusing completely on her pleasure, which can’t be considered an unselfish act at all, since giving her pleasure is insanely hot, making him get off on that easily. But, man… that woman knows what she’s doing and it’s driving him completely nuts right now.
Especially as she keeps jerking him with her hand while her lips adventures down his sack. All he sees is the top of her head moving as she is shamelessly licking and sucking his balls, the slurping sounds of her mouth on him makes his cock jerk in her hand. Bucky can’t hold back the moans and his hands grip tightly the counter before him, the blood rushing away from his fingers with the force he uses.
Her lips come back to suck on his dick, hollowing her cheeks as her other hand grabs a handful of his butt. She squeezes the flesh harshly and grunts around his dick.
“Fuck,” Bucky lets out in a breathless whisper, barely holding together as the vibrations reverberates through his pulsing cock, wrapped in her heat. He’s not gonna last long, he knows that.
With a pop, she releases his cock from her mouth, but keeps her hand wrapped and moving up and down his length. Bucky would’ve protested if he could form one coherent word, “Bucky,” she purrs, brushing her cheek on his cock, as if she’s worshiping it. He feels himself tighter and tighter, rushing to the edge, and that sight is no help for him trying to hold back and prolong the little heaven he’s in, “I want you to fuck my mouth, Bucky.”  
That’s it. He always knew that after more than one hundred years he would die in a situation like that, “What?” he breathes out and it sounds like a groan as he clenches his teeth.
“I want you to fuck my face and I want to taste you, all of you, understand?” Her words sound more like a command as she looks up at him and lazily fists his cock, coated in her saliva.
“Copy that, ma’am,” he quickly obeys, capturing his lower lip in a tight bite, “But if it’s too much you have to let me know, ok? Stop me, punch me in the stomach, if you have to.” As desperate as he is to do as she wants and fuck that pretty little face of hers, the last thing he wants is to hurt her in any way. But they’ve been pretty comfortable with each other to let the other know exactly what they want to do or not, so he doesn’t have to worry much about it.
She smirks and nods before brushing the tip of her tongue over the tip of his cock.
Fuck… she’s perfect.
More than happy to comply with her command, Bucky grips the hair on the back of her head as she invitingly opens her mouth to welcome him, letting her hands rest on her thighs.
He pushes back inside her. He goes slow at first, but goes deep, testing her limits. His breath hitches as he watches his cock disappearing inside her mouth, and oh, man… his head reaches her throat and he hears a strangled moan out of her as she chokes lightly on it…
He fucking loses it.
Bucky does exactly what she asked for and fucks her mouth, holding her face steady with one hand on her hair as with the other he grips the counter as he thrusts inside her, moving her head as he pleases, guiding himself by the muffled but sweet sounds she makes along with him. He goes deep, fast…
He locks eyes with her and sees the sheer lust on them as her swollen lips take his cock, saliva sliding down her chin, “Take that cock, sweetheart. You look fucking beautiful taking it like that.”
The fluttering of her eyes at his words is what takes him on the edge of his climax, “Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he warns, his voice a strange rasped sound in his ears, “You want that, don’t you? You want my fucking cum deep down your throat, right, beautiful?”
Her answer is to bring both hands to grip harshly his butt and pull him even deeper into her. The tightness coiling inside him is too much before he reaches the best damn orgasm of his life.
A dangerously loud grunt of him resounds around the small bathroom as he spills his climax deep down her mouth and throat, just like he’s promised. The world around him dissolves into the image of her swallowing around him, taking all of him. He’s body falls a bit forward and he has to tighten the hold on the counter as fingers tangle around her locks.
He remains under the effect of the powerful and insanely pleasurable sensation, the aftershocks jerking his body and turning his mind into a total blankness as she slowly and gently sucks and licks him clean, making little humming sounds that only add to his utter state of bliss.
When he feels his strength rushing back to his limbs again, he moves his hand from her hair and helps her up by the arm and without thinking twice slams his lips to hers. 
Her inherent sweetness immediately mixes with his own taste, invading his senses and damn if he doesn’t wanna feel that again and again and again… He swirls his tongue around hers, loving how her arms curl around his neck, like they usually do when he kisses her.
Bucky doesn’t notice he’s been prolonging the kiss for maybe a little too long and maybe a little too intensely until she lets out a muffled giggle through his lips and taps lightly on his shoulder.
He parts away immediately, but doesn’t completely let her go, keeping her close by the waist, only then realizing how breathless he is. Both of them, actually as he notices how deep and fast the up and down of her chest is. But she’s smiling… and that alone makes Bucky smile, too.
She looks thoroughly fucked. Her hair is a complete mess, eyes a bit reddened and teary while her lips are swollen tinted in a darker shade and from taking his cock that hard. He simply can’t move his gaze away while she holds the smile, looking… content…happy…
Right there, just like that, completely undone and disheveled, she’s the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.
He’s not even thinking straight yet when he reaches over and cups her cheek. Spotting a drop of his own pleasure that slipped from the corner of her mouth, he swipes it with his thumb and brings it to her lips, entranced by the way she welcomes it right away, swirling her tongue around his finger before sucking it inside her mouth while her eyes are stuck on his.
His heart skips a beat at the sight. There’s an urge rising in him. A whole new kind of urge he hasn’t ever felt before and he can’t pinpoint exactly what that desperate need is for while she lets go of his thumb before placing a kiss on it and moves her back to him, to face the mirror and put herself together, depriving his arms from her warmth.
He just can’t take his eyes off of her and all he wants is to grab her back and hold her close to him, to feel her skin, smell the sweet scent of her shampoo, listen to her sweet voice in his ears telling him all about her day while she softly runs her fingers through his hair…
Wait… he forces himself to interrupt his own weird line of thoughts.
What the hell is happening?
 Chapter 6 coming soon.
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fluffymcu · 4 years
Letting Loose
This series is TICKLE related.
Series Summary:  You’re the little sister of the one and only Captain America. You’re also the youngest girl on the team, so that automatically makes you the avengers’ little princess. And they spoil you as such. They have become your amazing family and you don’t know where you’d be without them. This series will show random adventures and fluffy events in the daily life of the reader and her family, along with an unexpected turn later on as you read.
A/N: I’m so excited to be writing this series! This is my first time writing one and I’m a bit nervous but I hope it all goes well. :)  Hope you enjoy!
Word count: 1,962
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It’s been a few weeks since the outdoor movie night. You were looking around in the kitchen for something to eat when you heard Sam make cooing noises from his place on the couch. You turned to see him flipping through a small book. You walked up to him to see what he was doing.
“What are you doing?” you asked. He looked up from the book and smiled.
“Just lookin’ at your baby pictures.” He said. 2 or 3 of them were from the 40’s that Steve had in his uniform pockets while he was looking for you when you were kidnapped by HYDRA. Others were pictures that Steve took of you during the year that you lived in an apartment when you were 5 or 6. The rest were pics that the team took of you as you were growing up after you moved to the tower then the compound.
“Aww, look at you here.” Sam said, pointing to a picture of you with cake on your face. You internally cringed. “So adorable! With your little bows and everything.” He chuckled. You rolled your eyes.
“I’m not adorable Sam.” You said.
“Oh, so you think you’re grown now? That you're not adorable anymore?” Sam asked amused, raising an eyebrow at you. You pursed your lips and crossed your arms.
“I may not be grown but I’m not adorable.” You sass. Sam chuckled at that.
“Well I have proof right in this book that says otherwise. Look .“ he smirked, flipping through many pictures or tea parties, days in the pool, the team playing dress up with you, and much more. Through them all, Sam was cooing the while time. You groaned and covered your face in mild frustration. You flopped down on the couch and sat there with your arms crossed. Sam didn’t pay you any mind at your little attitude and just kept looking through the book.
Bucky walked in at that moment and noticed your body language. “What's y/n so worked up about?” he asked Sam. “I mean, I know she’s talking to you and that’s enough to make anyone upset but is there any other reason?” he said, smirking a bit when Sam rolled his eyes.
“Little y/n here is getting all blushy because I keep calling her adorable.” He says, going the extra mile and pinching your cheek. You whined and leaned way from his touch.
“I am not!” you could feel your face heat up. Bucky chuckles.
“Aww this is what you're cranky about? You are adorable! Look at these pictures of when you were a baby; just precious!” he says, taking the book from Sam. You growled and slumped down further on the couch. And so begins the endless teasing session.
“Look she's pouting. How cute. But as adorable as that is, I don’t know how I feel about having a pouty y/n. Buck?” Sam asked.
“Oh, absolutely not. We can’t have that! We love a happy girl!” You pout even more to show your annoyance.
“Nothing seems to work, Buck. What do you suggest we do?”
“Well, I suggest we do the thing that always makes her smile when she's pouty!” he smirked. Your eyes widened at that and you tried to make a run for it. Of course, the super soldier got to you before you could and thew you back on the couch. You were already giggling, your annoyed facade melted away. Nervousness overcame your senses as you realized not only Bucky is about to tickle you to pieces but Sam as well.
“Wahahait! Guhuhuys! I wont pout anymore I promise!!” you begged. Sam raised an eyebrow at you.
“But will you admit you're the most adorable thing ever?” he teased. You pursed your lips in a scowl.
“I'm not adorable!” you growled.
Bucky and Sam turned to face each other at the same time and nodded. “Denial.” They immediately pounced on you, eliciting loud and bubbly giggles. Bucky was wasting no time, drilling his fingers into your ribs while Sam was repeatedly squeezing up and down your thighs. You threw your head back as you laughed, keeping your arms pressed to your sides, even though it did nothing to stop the ticklish feeling.
“We can do this all day, y/n. We won’t stop until you admit it.” Bucky smirked, slipping his hands up further up to wiggle his hands under your arms. You yelped and erupted into high pitched laughter, kicking out your legs. Sam had gotten a hold of your ankle and was now scratching the soles of your feet, making you cackle. “Tickle tickle tickletickletickle! Aww look at that adorable smile!”
Your face was burning as you blushed and tried to cover your face with your hands. Bucky chortled and shook his head, lifting your shirt and blowing a long raspberry, tasing your sides at the same time. You shrieked and shot your arms right back down. “I CAHAHANT BREHEHEATHE!” You cried, shaking your head side to side. It became clear then that they really weren’t going to stop until you gave in. “AHAHAHAA OKAHAHAY OKAHAY ILL SAY IHIHIT! EEH!” You squealed and fell right back into hysterics when Sam started to squeeze your knee.
“Well? On with it then.” Sam said, not letting up on his torture. Bucky smirked, tickling your waistline, making your giggles more desperate.
“Lehehet me go fihihirst.” You giggled.
“NOPE!” Bucky said, blowing another raspberry. You arched your back with a loud squeal and finally gave in.
“NOOOHOHO OKAY IM ADOHOHORABLE!” You cry, scrunching up your neck when Bucky feathers is fingers around your neck.
“Damn right. And you better not forget it.” Bucky said, pointing a finger at you warningly. You blushed and turned on your belly to hide your face.
“Okay, yes, I get it.” You whine feigning annoyance. Bucky and Sam shook their heads at you fondly and left, leaving you to rest on the couch. You didn’t even realize you had fallen asleep until you woke up to the soft chatter of the team in the kitchen. You hadn’t opened your eyes yet and were still half asleep but you could tell you were covered by a blanket. Someone must have put it on you when you were asleep. 
You stirred a bit and woke up a little more at the sound of chuckling and you sat up on the couch. You had wrinkle marks on the side of your face that was on the couch and you turned to see the team gathered around the island, having a conversation. Bucky has the first one to turn and see you, smiling and winking at you. You giggled, drawing the attention of the other team members. Steve smirked at your sleepy look and put a hand on his hip. “Look who finally woke up.”
“How was your nap, Sleeping Beauty?” Tony teased, taking a sip of his coffee.
You giggled again and fell back onto the couch to cover your blush with the blanket. “What are you guys talking about.” You asked, your voice muffled a bit. Steve walked over and sat on the couch next to you, lifting up your legs to sit. 
“We’re trying to see where we wanna go to eat. There’s a nice new Wing place a few minutes out of Town Square. Think you’d like that?” He asked, rubbing up and down your legs comfortingly. You nodded with lazy smile. 
“Alright, it’s decided then. Everyone get ready, we leave in 20.” Tony said, clapping his hands once. You got up and headed to your room to change. 
You had all just gotten seated at a table after waiting for a bit. The place was still new so there were many people there wanting to try it out. You sat next to Wanda and Bruce and across from Peter and Steve. Nat was sitting next to him. As you all were waiting for your food, you looked up to see Steve sit back and wrap an arm around Nat’s chair, kinda on her shoulders while Nat scooted closer with a small smile.
You grin to yourself and dig in your food when it arrives, making a note to yourself to tease Nat about it later.
You got home and followed Nat around all the way to her room, without saying a word until you closed the door behind you.
“So...? You and Steve have been getting pretty close, huh?” You asked, bumping her with your elbow and smiling smugly.
“What makes you say that?” She said, folding the rest of her laundry and obviously trying to play dumb. You rolled your eyes playfully and scoffed. 
“Oh come on, don’t act like you don’t know. I think you should tell him and the team already; that you officially like him.”
“And why should I feel the need to do that yet?”
“Because... if you don’t tell him, I will.” Of course you were joking, you would never reveal a secret like that to someone. You turned on your heel and went for her bedroom door. “Oh, steeeeve!” You sang. 
You didn’t expect Nat to quickly come up behind you and stick her hands under your arms. You immediately clamped up and fell to the floor in a fit of laughter. “Y/n don’t you dare-I will stuff you in my closet and keep you hostage if you tell him.” She playfully growled, following you to the ground and wrapping herself around you like a koala and tickling your sides. You were in hysterics.
“OKAHAHAHAY I WONT TELL HIM!” You cried. You were basically trapped in her hold and could do nothing but laugh your heart out. She dug her nails in between your ribs, making you cackle and arch your back.
“Promise?” She smirked, pinching mischeviously at your hip bones.
“YEHEHES, I WOULD NEVEHEHEHER!” After that, she let you go from the hold and you sprawled out on the floor, panting. Nat smirked at your exhausted state.
“Good.” She hummed. She stood up and leaned against the bed, her lips pursing a bit as she gulped. “So... how do you feel about it?” She asks a little more serious now.
You sat up on the floor and raised your eyebrows at her. “Seriously? I ship you guys so hard.” You chuckle. “If I’m being honest, I was rooting for you guys since... years ago.” You chortled. “I really hope you guys become a thing in the future. Just know I’ll always be your #1 supporter.” 
Nat smiles at that, pulling you into a hug. “Thank you y/n. That means a lot. Really. I don’t know what would be possible of us if you didn’t support a relationship between us. Maybe now we actually have a chance.” She says. 
“Of course!” You smile and return the hug. 
Tonight was Movie night with the team and you were snuggled up to Thor and Bucky. You smiled to yourself and leaned your head on Thor’s shoulder. You looked around to see everyone on the couches, sitting net to each other nd having their snacks with smiles on their faces. Right then, you had a moment where you became aware of the life you had. You had an amazing family that loved you so much and you loved them back. You wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. You glanced over at Ruby Anne to see her sitting net to her dad. You couldn’t wait until Ruby started to feel the same feeling you feel about your family now. You sighed happily, resting your head back on his shoulder.
  “Goodnight. Love you guys.” You sighed before closing your eyes. The rest of the team smiled at you and bid you goodnight as well. 
“We love you too y/n/n.”
I hope you all enjoyed the series! this was really amazing and stressful and fun and interesting to write and although some of these chapters may not be that good, just know I put my heart and soul into this series and I was really happy to share it with you guys. <3 
Remember if you’d like to request a plus chapter continuing this storyline, feel free to request one but please be specific as to what you’d like to see in that chapter. Thank you so much for reading! :D
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anika-ann · 4 years
The 5 Times Steve Felt Betrayed - Pt.3
and the 1 Time He Felt Like He Was Betraying You
Type: mini-series to a series (part 1 & part 2 & Part 3),  Avenger!reader AU.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader, Matt Murdock & reader        
Word count: 2750
Summary: The airport battle comes to pass. Steve is not impressed. However, his major facepalm is coming in 3, 2, 1...
Warnings: violence, language, angst, physical pain, mention of human experimentation
A/N: This part of Melting Hearts’ verse follows the events of CA: Civil War, sometimes only referencing them and kinda expecting the readers to know what’s up ;)
Posted in double chapters (1st &2nd time, 3th & 4th, 5th+1)
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Previous part
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5. (Turning Tables)
When Tony showed up at the airport, just according to their plan… you were side by side with him.
Steve felt sorry for not burning the letter when he had changed into the uniform. He had promised himself that he would definitely read it when having the time, so he had secured it into a zip-zap bag and hid in the pocket of his pants instead. Now he knew that every word you must have written into the letter was poison and his right leg felt a ton heavier than his left one.
Steve knew that for the most part, it was the feeling of betrayal talking – but he was revisiting every single interaction with you, all of your words replaying in his head, and wondered, where he had gone wrong. What he had missed. How could he not see you as you truly were? A traitor. A liar. A coward, because while you were standing right next to Natasha, you weren’t even able to meet Steve’s eyes – unlike the spy.
He desperately wanted to meet your eyes. To look deeply into your soul and see if you were ashamed at least. For leading him on for so long.
The truth was, you were; ashamed, horrified and a little bit proud. But Steve didn’t seem to know that – which meant he either was as good as you were, or he hadn’t even touched the letter, which was pretty understandable actually.
“You’re gonna turn and come with us. Because it’s us! Don’t you see what you had done?! You tore the team apart – you even drove the woman who had ridiculous amount of trust in you, who loved you for god’s sake, away from you!” Tony yelled at him, apparently losing his nerves.
It made Steve’s blood boil.
“You don’t talk about my relationship with her like this! You have no business in that!”
“Yeah, and what about her? Does she have any business in that? She apparently has more reason than you do! Try to use your brain for a goddamn second, Rogers!”
“Tony…” Natasha whispered warningly.
It was the exact moment Sam’s voice sounded in Steve’s ear, informing him about the quinjet in hangar five; their plan of escape.
Despite the bitterness of this reunion, he couldn’t help but feel a bit of hope and satisfaction. He raised his tied hands above his head and a second later, Clint’s precisely aimed arrow freed him of the strange organic cuffs that dangerously reminded him of an actual cobweb.
It was time to punch their way out of this one, only to do a lot more punching later if they succeeded.
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Steve was really busy trying to keep T’Challa from Bucky, too much to keep an eye on you. But when he had a second, he sought you on the battlefield subconsciously, checking if you were alright. He didn’t even have the energy to feel like a hypocrite with his own action, with the annoying habit.
He only found you staying out of the fight, keeping a careful eye on each of the individual combats – but never interfering.
His stomach rolled over, his vision blurring for a moment as his head spun. You were standing aside, watching your friends and him getting beat up. Like a coward.
What else were you? A back-up for if Tony and his friends would be losing? The ace in their sleeves?
Steve felt the bile rising up his throat at the thought. How had that happened? When?
It was only when Vision appeared that you looked up, all of your attention focused on the android who had entered the fight and literally drew a line between the two teams.
You joined the line created by Tony, Rhodey, Natasha, Vision, T’Challa and Spider-kid, standing against Steve’s team. Seven versus six – Steve was outnumbered.
And that was on you.
For the first time since you had encountered him at the airport, you met his eyes for a split second. Steve was shocked when he found the windows to your soul, usually so sincerely open, perfectly locked, your expression unreadable. He couldn’t bear it and looked away as he eyed his team and started jogging towards his former teammates and friends. And fiancée.
The opposite side broke into a run too.
And then you abruptly stopped, your hand hitting the ground hard, creating a thick layer of ice under your supposed teammates’ feet, knocking three of them off balance. And the remaining three who had managed to get in the air – Vision, Rhodey and Tony – were soon busy avoiding icicles shot from your hands.
Steve froze and it had nothing to do with your powers.
Wanda seemed unfazed by your action, throwing herself into a fight; the ice seemed to be conveniently melting under her feet as if she was the one controlling it. Which was impossible. It must have been all you. Which… what?
“Alright, does that mean Miss Iceberg over there is on our side now?” Scott yelled after everyone and it snapped Steve from his trance.
Well, it looked like it now. Steve didn’t spend much time pondering about it and rather went after Tony, who was getting dangerously close to him.
“She always has been!” Wanda cried out in response, sending Vision crashing into a plane.
“SHE WHAT?!” Steve shouted over the roar of the fight, punching Tony’s metal-covered face. The mechanical voice had asked the same question and seemed stunned – it bought Steve enough time to shoot you a look.
Oh, you were definitely fighting on their side with the way you trapped Spiderman’s hands in an impressive column of ice growing from the ground. It reminded Steve of their own arrest and confused the hell out of him.
Wanda threw away T’Challa who had come down on Bucky with a battle cry. “The letter! I was trying to tell you!”
It felt like a punch to Steve’s gut and only a second later, an actual punch followed.
Really? Was that what was written there? That you were on their side? What, the whole time? But that was impossible! You had sabotaged their escape, you had held back at every other occasion, you hadn’t come with Wanda! You had signed!
…but had you? Had you really signed, or had you just been stalling? Didn’t the fact you hadn’t arrived with Wanda give you the advantage of knowing Tony’s plan, learning any possible aces in his sleeves? Had there been a reason why you had helped the agency to get Steve and Bucky too? What kind of game had you been playing?
Steve quickly shook off the confusing thoughts. You would have to be playing Tony and everyone from the beginning. Or maybe you had changed your mind during the process?
An iron fist hitting his jaw brought him back to reality very quickly and he decided the reasons you had weren’t important – not now.
But before he could block another punch, Iron Man was gushed away by what looked like a cubic meter iceberg. Steve only gasped, his head snapping to the source. You gave him a quick smile and nodded.
“You need to go. I’ll help with holding them off.”
“Go, Steve!” you cried out, your voice urgent, your sincere eyes glaring into his.
He saw it now. He saw you. His heart skipped a beat with the realization; you truly were fighting for them. For him. But how?
“You owe me an explain-“
“That can wait! Just go!”
“Then come with me!” he blurted out hastily, which only made you shook your head.
“Here, I can buy you some time! Go!”
“Goddammit, Snowflake, I’m not leaving you! They— I don’t know what they’ll do to you!”
“Duh, what else is new. Just move your ass, Captain!” you yelled and tiny icicles came at him from his left. He shook them off, only to realize they were fragments of the cobweb, frozen and useless thanks to your quick reaction – you had just prevented a whole new set of sticky trouble coming at him.
It made him sick all over again, because he just didn’t know what was happening, what had been happening. He shot a you a desperate glance.
He set his jaw tight, his feet as if frozen and itching to run at the same time. Before he could make up his goddamn mind, a wall of ice appeared, shielding him from you and his assailant.
You had decided for him. And as much as he hated it, as much as he felt like a complete ass, he had to admit you were right. He had to go.
And so he did.
The quinjet was already in the air when you fell to the ground with an agonized scream as the sharpest pain you had ever felt attacked the base of your spine and paralyzed you for several moments. You blacked out only seconds after you found a way to move your fingers; the last thing you saw was Natasha’s worried and pissed off face.
────── ·❆· ──────  
+1 (The Reversal)
The hum of the quinjet was so low no ordinary man would hear it; but now, it was two supersoldiers in it, Steve piloting, Bucky sitting beside him, and at least one of them found the white noise comforting. It muffled Steve’s loud thoughts a little. But sound could never prevent his emotions from coming at him and since he didn’t have to fight at the moment, he was failing at pushing them away.
"What’s gonna happen to your friends?" Bucky’s low tenor cut the silence like a knife, directing Steve’s thoughts exactly the where he didn’t want them to go.
His eyes absently traced the sky, his mind getting all too loud. For a moment, he didn’t even know what to say. He didn’t know the answer and he wasn’t sure he wanted to. And it wasn’t just his friends he was worried about. Even your fate was in the hands of people who didn’t really care; those who might still care must have been furious with you and their hands were tied by the stupid document that had divided the team in half anyway.
Steve had no idea what the future held; the only certainty he had was that whatever would happen, it wouldn’t be pretty.
"Whatever it is, I'll deal with it," he replied instead, trying so damn hard to keep his voice even.
"I don't know if I'm worth all this, Steve.”
As if something truly broke in Steve, he cracked a sorrowful smile. Worth. Worth fighting for. Worth saving. Worth a chance at redemption. Steve couldn’t help but wonder if it was just him being a magnet for people with self-worth issues of if it came with the job description.
"What you did all those years… it wasn't you. You didn’t have a choice."
"I know. But I still did it."
The sentence was hanging in the air for a long time, too truthful to be disproved. Steve knew all too well he couldn’t change the past – but what he could always do was to fight for a better tomorrow.
"Even so, you still deserve a chance to redeem yourself."
"At what cost?” Bucky asked, his voice heavy with regrets. The knot in Steve’s stomach tightened. “This gal of yours-"
"Bucky, don't-" Steve pleaded silently, tears pricking in his eyes at the mention of you.
"-she seems... nice. I honestly have no idea whose side she was on, but she saved our asses there, kicking everyone else's.”
"I... I don't know either,” Steve admitted honestly, sighing.
What he did know for sure was that leaving you there was wrong. It felt like betraying the trust you had put into him; no matter the fact you had been the one who had told him to get out of there.
“She's good. Pretty. Badass fighter. I sense a pattern," Bucky brought up with a hint of a joke. The corners of Steve’s lips barely twitched.
"It wasn't like that when we first met."
"What do you mean?"
"Her... being like this."
Steve didn’t know what had possessed him to give in – perhaps it was the kind of talk he missed, mixed with Bucky keeping him company. With Bucky, who cared for him, who was curious about what he had missed from Steve’s life.
"What was it like then?"
"She was… alone. Scared of what her powers did. She gave me a frostbite the first time we met – without intending to. She was wallowing in guilt, because she hurt people, not knowing how it happened. Terrified she would hurt more. How's that for a pattern?"
Steve was confident Bucky had noticed the obvious nudge at their resemblance, but he didn’t take the bait. His friend lived to surprise; he snorted silently.
"You have the weirdest taste."
It brought an honest smile to Steve’s face, a warm feeling he wouldn’t expect filling his chest. Bucky continued though.
"You called her something, when we were fighting. It was cute. It was... what was it?"
Steve cleared his throat awkwardly. Bucky was cool and all, but the he would never let Steve live down the nickname he had given you.
"The whole team— what used to be a team, they all have a nickname for her.... Thor, you haven't met him, he calls her Lady of Ice."
"Oh wow."
"The public... they call her Frostbite. She doesn't like it much. Stark-“ and the name tasted way too bitter on Steve’s tongue, “-calls her Elsa – it's from some new fairy tale."
"Cute. Speaking of fairy tales, anyone calls her Snow Queen?"
"No. But... uhm… a friend calls her Gerda."
"A friend, huh?" Bucky emphasized knowingly, making Steve actually blush a little. There was no way Steve could ever supress the feeling of jealousy towards the man in the Devil costume or the lawyer he was disguising as in the daylight.
"They went on a date. Right before... before we got together."
And for some reason, she had sought him out after the mission in Nigeria.
"No way,” Bucky laughed excitedly, his mood shooting up towards the stars. Steve couldn’t hold back his own smile at the happy sound. “Did you have to like... fight him to win her favour or something?"
"No. She... she picked me, without a fight."
"Ah, I can feel your ego boosting."
"Yeah, well. She… she chose me and...”
Steve thought of what Bucky said before and what he said to him – about a pattern. He thought about him almost dying when he had been injected with the anti-serum and you had almost dying, pushing yourself to your very limit to save him. About you saying no to Matt. About you pulling Steve behind you when he had laid down his shield, which had left him somewhat unprotected. About you deciding to stay with the Avengers instead of disappearing off the grid with your parents. About you running away in attempt to keep the danger from him. And now about risking everything – including his trust – when turning against Tony while standing by his side.
You had always chosen him. And this was how he was repaying you. With leaving you behind.
“And I guess she always has,” Steve stated softly, his expression missing the flicker of happiness he felt just a minute ago; the dark thoughts swallowed it all. “Worked for her well."
"What happened to dealing with what's to come?"
Steve sighed, gripping the stalk tighter. There was a lot to come and he had in fact no clue how to deal with it.
"I'm glad you have someone like her, Steve," Bucky announced, patting Steve’s shoulder brotherly.
If I still have her, Steve thought bitterly. Even if he was about to get you out of the lurch he had left you in… there was no guarantee you would forgive him his ignorance.
He didn’t say any of that out loud though.
"Yeah. Yeah, me too. It's just..." he said instead, his voice trailing off rather than finishing the sentence.
"You will deal with what's to come. You're too stubborn to give up, punk."
That he was.
"I'm not giving up on you either, Buck."
"Thanks, Steve… but that was cheesy as hell."
Steve couldn’t but chuckle. It was good to have his friend back. He just wished the circumstances were way different. If nothing else, he wished the attempt to save Bucky and take care of the potential Winter Soldiered men didn’t come with the price of leaving you behind. Leaving you with the mess he had caused and betraying you – just like he had thought you had been doing for the past few weeks.
The universe had a very twisted sense of humour. But it was something Steve would have to deal with later.
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Bonus chapter
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That would be it – six chapters are kinda the point of 5+1 stuff.
BUT there’s a bonus coming, for much needed closure. Pretty much a cheesy one too, set after the rescue one-man mission from at The Raft. Because me and my brain apparently don’t understand the concept of a 5+1 work. Also, it offers a bit of Reader’s insight, so… hopefully it’s not such a capital crime.
Worse things have happened, right? You can always just cut it here ;) (please don’t, I mean, if you have made it this far… :D )
Also, Snowflake’s hurt at the airport was caused by the fail-safe she was installed with in Hands Too Cold, in case you forgot :-*
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aries-writingblog · 3 years
Atlas (1)
Summary: After years of being imprisoned on the Raft, Tony negotiates freedom for his sister Tessa. When she’s free- so is her past, and it will never stop hunting her.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OC(Stark)
Chapter Word count: 1,666
Warnings: PTSD (subtle ish), trauma, torture (in later parts), suicidal behaviors and thoughts, mentions of death, character death, injury, violence, angst, and a lil bit of fluff in there
Disclaimer: Atlas is my own, original work with characters belonging to Marvel (except Tessa and Dr. Clifton). Plagiarism is not cool kids.
A/N: this is my first work Im posting to this platform and I’m really excited and nervous about it. Hope you enjoy- constructive criticism is always helpful as well!!
The Avengers Tower. Former Stark Tower. 93 floors of office space, labs- people carrying out their business. People going about their day. At the top of all of them is Tony Stark. Waiting. Waiting in silence. Typically, he isn’t one to wait on anything or anyone but today... today is different. Today is special. Finally, the silence is broken by a shrill ring of his phone. Tony snaps it up, immediately accepting the call.
“Mr. Stark? Reid Kerrings.” The man’s voice carried through the phone, introducing himself. “Listen, I hear you’re trying to to negotiate a prisoners freedom?”
“She shouldn’t even be a prisoner,” Tony grumbled before plastering on a thick business tone. “Yes, that’s what I’m trying to do here. Thing is, I have a plan that I ran by Fury and Coulson and they seem to think it’s a great idea. Only thing is- that prisoner of yours is apparently ‘dangerous’ and she’d need stipulations on if she were to be released into my care.”
Tony hated this- speaking about her as if she were a terrorist. He hated that she’d been in maximum security prisons for six years. He hated that she was on the raft now. But, if he wanted to play ball, he had to agree to the terms. And unfortunately, that was one of the terms. He’d tried it his way two years ago and it got shut down. Several times.
“Well... you’re a damn maniac- prisoner 067112 is a psycho-“
“Her name is Tessa and that’s my sister you’re talking about so if you’d like to see your job another day I’d keep quiet.” Tony snapped, clenching his jaw. The phone fell silent before Kerrings cleared his throat.
“She would have to meet with an appointed therapist three days a week. She would also have to have a check in twice a week with a parole officer. If there is any flare up of her enhancement that is not accounted for by a member of your team, she comes back here and is no longer allowed parole. She is to be on a tight leash.” Kerrings read through the conditions of the agreement that Tony and Fury had worked out. “She must agree to these terms before her release. If she does, she will be escorted to your property tomorrow at 10:00 AM. Do you agree to these statements made today?”
“Yes.” Tony felt an excited, nervous bubble form in his stomach. He was doing it. His sister was almost free.
“Excellent. The escort team will run a security check on the building and perimeter.”
“Oh, well, not to brag or anything but- it’s the Avengers Tower. I ’m pretty sure this is the best it gets in terms of security.” Tony scoffed, turning when he heard the door opening. Steve Rogers stepped into the room, intending on speaking with Tony about another comm unit. He broke his. Again. He stopped short, hearing the man on the phone.
“This woman shouldn’t even be out of her cell here- she’s dangerous, I don’t care if shes your sister or not. The power of this woman is something that should be contained. not roaming around New York on a Thursday afternoon.”
“She’s a human being. No telling what you freaks have put her through in the raft- that’s probably why she’s going insane. You don’t even allow sunlight in that dingy of a prison. You treat someone like an animal, that’s what they become. Now, if you’ll excuse me, i’m going to run my own safety diagnostics on my own tower.” Tony quickly ended the call and lifted his eyes to meet Steve’s. “Can I help you, o wise elder of the yonder village?”
“Just... a new comm piece.” Steve stepped forward and tossed the broken pieces to the desk before meeting Tony’s eyes again. “What was that all about?”
“That is a surprise for the team I’m arranging.” Tony sat down at his desk, pulling up an image of a new weapon system, one that they’d encountered a few weeks ago on a mission. “These thugs were dealing with now... they’re sophisticated. They’re playing on a new ball field. So... I’m leveling it.”
“You can’t just do that without consulting the team first.” Steve scolded, his arms crossing over his chest. “What are you doing?”
“You’ll see- tomorrow morning at ten, have the team all meet in the conference room. I’ll bring my surprise to you.” Tony grinned, feeling strangely optimistic for once. Steve only sighed, knowing he wasn’t going to get anywhere with Tony.
“Fine- I’ll call a meeting.” Steve spun on his heel and marched out of the office. Tony sank further into his chair, spinning it to look out of the window.
“Friday, make sure floor ninety two is fireproof.” Tony called out, a twinge of doubt forming in his mind. He was quick to shake the thought from his mind, funneling all his belief into his sister. It had to work. For her sake.
Sitting at the oval conference table, Bucky felt an impatience he hadn’t felt in months. Steve had let it slip- more like Bucky could tell there was something and kept prying- that Tony was on the phone with someone, talking about a prisoner. A woman prisoner. Bucky wasn’t sure what to expect and that caused a great deal of anxiety to pit in his chest. He didn’t like being kept in the dark.
Beside him, Steve sighed heavily, leaning his head on his fist, resting on the table. Being roommates with the guy, he knew Steve hadn’t gotten a lot of sleep last night, like most nights. He knew this because he himself was also up, roaming the apartment, watching tv and staring off the balcony.
“Anyone know what this surprise it stark mentioned?” Natasha pressed, becoming quite impatient herself. They’d all been sitting at the table for fifteen minutes. Waiting.
“No clue- I hope it’s better than the last surprise- the one that exploded while in use on the field.” Sam commented, scrolling absentmindedly on his phone.
Finally, the door to the room burst open, revealing Tony Stark marching in with purpose. Behind him, a woman in heavy chains, with metal cylinders encasing her hands, was being escorted in by two men in fire retardant kevlar uniforms. Her head was bowed, dark brown hair shifting to cover her face. Bucky sat up, seeing the woman marched in, heavily restrained. Tony clapped his hands, rubbing them together afterward. He gave the crowd a large smile and nodded once.
“Surprise, Avengers! This is my favorite sister, Tessa Stark, Tess, this is everyone. I’m sure you were given the brochure.” He turned to the two men. “You fulfilled your duties, you can go now.”
The men unclipped the chains and then pressed their thumbprints to the pads on the cylinders. They released with a hiss of steam, Tessa rubbing her wrists once they were free.
“I know you.” Sam’s voice broke into the conversation. Tessa’s jaw clenched and her eyes stared into the floor. She swallowed harshly, keeping her back ramrod straight and her hands in front of her. “Stark... oh, shit- where have I seen you...”
“Anyways folks, she is here to help out on our new group of rogues... she has a, ah... particular set of skills. Mostly explosives and fire. And since that’s what we’re dealing with, I’ve brought in the big guns.” Tony explained, settling in his chair and gesturing for Tessa to take a seat as well. She seemed wary of sitting beside Wanda but did it anyways, sitting barely on the edge of the chair. “Now, we’re gonna need a new plan of attack with-“
“Atlas!” Sam snapped his fingers, pointing at her. Tessa stiffened, caught off guard by the level of his voice. “That’s it! Code Name Atlas, Operation Dry Sands! You served in the army- I’m Sam Wilson, I flew with-“
“Riley...” her voice was raspy and low, rusted with disuse. “I remember you.” Bucky watched as she seemingly tried to melt into the chair, trying to hide herself.
“You were baller, man! She cleared missions like it was nothing!” Sam praised her, excited to finally meet her. “There was talk of her all over camps- everywhere!”
“Atlas?” Natasha asked, a brow raising. “That’s a peculiar code name- sounds... specific.” Tessa didn’t respond, keeping her head low. When the room fell silent, Steve took control.
“Right, well, Tony you mentioned a new plan of attack?” He expertly guided the topic over to a new path. Bucky couldn’t help but let his attention drift back to the new mystery in the room. He allowed his eyes to scan over her, stopping on her forearm where there was black ink. A tattoo of the army symbol, numbers below it. Maybe her squad number? Her arm shifted and Bucky looked up, meeting her eyes. He knew he’d fucked up.
Her dark brown eyes smoldered- a red tint glowing under her irises. Her lips were pulled into a scowl. He quickly lowered his gaze, catching a glance of her veins in her arms. glowing lightly orange. Bucky clenched his jaw and leaned back into his chair, a fierce scowl building on his lips. He didn’t like this woman, She seemed... violent. closed off. Hell- maybe she was just too much like him. And maybe he shouldn’t make a snap assumption but for some reason...
“Alright well, that’s all for now, Tessa- welcome to the team, please make yourself comfortable and if there’s anything we can do to help out- let us know.” Steve nodded as he stood up.
Tessa only nodded, stood up and spun on her heel- leaving the room without a word. Everyone glanced to Tony. He only shrugged and stood up.
“I’m gonna go make her feel at home- just got out of prison and all, see you around.” Tony gave a small wave over his shoulder and walked out, trailing out after his explosive sister.
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anonthenullifier · 4 years
An Awakening
Vision learns the truth of his life prior to Westview which leads to an honest conversation with Wanda.
Ao3 link
There is nothingness and then there is a calliope, it’s jaunty little ditty shocking his mind enough that Vision’s eyes snap open. Blades of grass tickle his cheek and an aura of flashing lights draws him up, palms pressed firmly onto the ground as he hoists himself up into a seated position. His body aches, a faint echo in his mind of being violently torn apart, but it is a feeling that fades the faster he thinks about it. Since it seems important, he tries to move his mind away, hoping that if he doesn’t explicitly focus on it that it will not be forgotten.
Vision nods, goes to stand up, but finds his legs not responding fully, knees buckling under the weight of a fleeting memory of immense pain. A hand loops under his right bicep, the woman’s other hand coming to rest on his back as she helps him up with an aggrieved, “Why can men never admit when they’re hurt?” The snark behind the comment feels forced, the same underlying terror on her face as all the other residents here.
That’s when he remembers, most of it at least. He was on his own reconnaissance patrol, inching ever more methodically toward the edge of town to see how far Wanda’s influence reached. The horror of his findings, their frozen, crying faces, almost knocks him back to the ground, but luckily the woman’s hands are still there to steady him. “Thank you.”
“Did you go in the funhouse?” It’s not really a question the way her voice falls, more of a statement with a rhetorical uptick at the end. “Heard it’s really disorienting with all the clowns.”
Vision doesn’t recall such an attraction anywhere in Westview but then he looks up, following the still present music in the air, and finds an entire carnival before him. Red and white striped tents tower out of the ground, stalls for food send plumes of greasy smoke into the air, and numerous game stalls are lined up where stuffed animals and blowup hammers hang joyfully from the walls. This is new. What is also new is that there are houses and roads beyond Ellis Avenue, which seems right, as if it was always like that, but there is a niggle of unease that tells him this isn’t true, if only he could access the information that makes him feel that way.
“Oh, um , thank you.” His costume is, at least by his understanding of how Billy and Tommy reacted, not sick by any means. Regardless, he finds his hand moving on its own accord to grip the cape, wanting to feel the object of her jealousy. It feels different, slicker and more aerodynamic than the one Wanda left in the closet. He yanks it a bit farther forward and notes that it is also a much more subdued gold with flecks of crimson in parts. A glance down also confirms that his green and yellow ensemble is gone, replaced by teals and reds, no athletic shorts covering the skin tight ensemble.
This is all wrong.
Vision knows the town never had a circus, nor the rows of houses beyond Ellis, he knows that he was not in this outfit and that everything feels just a bit off.
“Do you want some coffee or a ride back home?” The concern in her voice goes deeper than one would expect, even though she did find him injured on the ground, something more wavers in her words. Vision decides that he needs more answers than questions and, even though he hates taking away people’s autonomy, he reaches towards her temple. “Woah,” the woman swats his hands away, “I have pepper spray.”
“I will not harm you.” Oddly her face softens and she drops the threat, allowing him to send a pulse of golden energy into her head.
The change is instantaneous, the woman’s face becoming far more animated, “Vision?! Oh my God, you’re okay!” This is now the second awakened person to recognize him, to be excited at the prospect that he is there to help. “Oh what the hell!” Vision watches the woman’s hand run along her gaudy canary and ruby diner uniform, one that is common in little run down diners on the highway, a thought that he doesn’t quite know how to substantiate since he doesn’t seem to have a memory of such a stop and yet the knowledge is there. As she inspects her clothes, grunting in disbelief and irritation built into every movement, she confuses him further, “I’m an astrophysicist and this is what I get? So disrespectful.”
Neither Norm nor Agnes responded in such a...laid back way to be awakened, both in immeasurable pain that this woman seems to show no signs of. “Miss, are you okay?”
“Doctor, not Miss.”
“My apologies.”
She turns a bright, closed lip smile towards him, reaching out her hand as she says, “I’m Darcy.”
He takes the proffered hand and gives it a polite shake. Even though it is clearly unnecessary he adds, “And I’m Vision.” What he says next is a bit of a surprise to him, mainly because he doesn’t feel like he has a basis for the assumption that she will know the answer, but for some reason he has full faith she can help him, that she wants to help him. “Who am I? What,” he surveys the carnival around him, “what is happening here?”
“Straight to the big questions.” It is not derisively or caustically stated, in fact there is far more affection than one would expect from a stranger. Darcy glances around, nervous for the first time, “I’ll try to be quick, I’m sure your wife’ll be here soon.” This fear is not new, sadly, the same insinuation made by Norm about Wanda’s involvement. “Let’s see, you’re Vision, obviously,” a small, self conscious chuckle goes along with the statement. “You’re an Avenger,” luckily, she senses his desire for more, quickly adding, “group of super powered people, well, not all of them have super powers, some just have really amazing tech, but anyway you’re a team that fights bad guys and saves the universe.”
“Wanda and myself, we were-“
“Yep, joined at the same time and then fell in love, really cute.”
This confirms what Agnes said, which suggests that perhaps her other words were true as well. “Am I...dead?” All joy leeches from Darcy’s face, a deflated nod going along with the tightening of her lips. “How?”
Darcy looks around again and Vision can’t help but join her in the action, can’t help but feel a little bit nervous about who doesn’t want him to know this. “Shortened version - big purple angry grape named Thanos was collecting all the infinity stones, this includes the Mindstone,” Vision’s fingers rise up to brush the gem. “Wanda had to kill you to try and stop him.”
“She killed me?”
Quickly context is added, “Only because you,” she levels a finger at his chest to emphasize his role and take blame off his wife, “insisted she do it.”
None of what she says makes sense. “Why would I do that?”
The next statement is said in a way that typically is coupled with a playful fist against the shoulder that leads into a jovial shove. “Being all self-sacrificial’s kinda your thing. Which is super noble, don’t get me wrong, but a bit rough on the people around you, like asking them to kill you for the greater good.”
Which is a fair point and one he will need to cogitate on at a later time, “Why did Wanda, specifically, have to kill me?”
“Oh because she was the only one strong enough to destroy the Mindstone.”
A logical assessment that he can easily believe his former self to have made. “Was she successful?”
Darcy’s voice quiets somewhat, a slight tremble in her words, “She was. But then Thanos reversed time, brought you back, and murdered you right in front of her.”
Suddenly his worldview shifts, new meaning and understanding emerging as to some of Wanda’s actions and her strong reaction to his accusations the other night. Despite this dawning of understanding, there is still a major question he feels hasn’t been answered. “But then how are we here? How am I,” he falters on the next word, as early as this evening not thinking it was something that could be false, “alive?”
“That’s the million dollar question. No one knows.” A high pitched whizzing vibrates in the air, punctuated by calls of Vision! “I gotta go,” she begins to walk away, but turns back with an anger not yet present in her words, “Quick FYI, if you meet a guy named Hayward, don’t trust him, he’s a dick.”
“I um, will not, thank you.”
She starts to leave again and then stops, “Also, we don’t have proof it’s all Wanda. Food for thought.”
Vision appreciates the comment, “Thank you.” It is when she actually walks away that he is the one that has a realization of not re-invoking whatever trance the people of the town are in. “Darcy!” She turns expectedly towards him as he approaches with his hands out and ready to take the pain from her, except she swats his hands away, yet again.
“Stop it, I’m a better ally awake.”
Based on the prior two people he has spoken to in their awakened state, this seems a poor choice for her. “Does it not hurt?”
“I mean, yeah, feels like I went on a tequila bender last night and haven’t had water in weeks.” How she remains so lighthearted is beyond him, but he admires it immensely, “but I can’t help you if I’ve forgotten.”
Though he isn’t sure it is in her best interest to remain in such a state, the idea of a confidant is appealing. “Very well.”
Seconds after she walks away, blue streaks materialize around Vision, both his sons and his wife appearing suddenly in front of him. This is unusual but he doesn’t get a chance to inquire about their speedy entrance, Billy rushing towards him first with a relieved, “Dad!” Vision catches him, using the momentum of his son’s leap to lift him and hold him close, Billy’s arm wrapping protectively around Vision’s neck. Tommy follows shortly after, his run far more powerful as he slams into Vision’s torso with a tight hug.
It is Wanda who hesitates, her eyes faintly glowing red, a deep, concerned frown on her lips. “Vizh,” her voice cracks and his heart breaks at the pain she tries so valiantly to mask. Vision manages to get one of his hands free enough to motion Wanda closer. She accepts the offer, one arm winding around his waist and the other laying on Tommy’s shoulders.
They have only been home for three hours and yet this is the tenth Wanda has found herself standing in the doorway, hand propped along the wooden frame. In the room Vision lies in bed, eyes closed and resting, Billy is wrapped around him, his arm thrown across his father’s chest and head buried just under the vibranium dot of Vision’s chin, and Tommy is curled snuggly into Vision’s other side. The boys are still in their costumes, Billy’s cape sprawled behind him on their mattress and Tommy’s now flat hair looking a bit crusty from the spray dye. It’s an idyllic scene and yet Wanda fights back tears, shoving the drops away from her eyes as if they are an enemy that needs to be thwarted.
She almost lost Vision...again. The boys almost lost their father at ten years old, an age for which grief is overwhelming and confusing, can shape a life forever, or so she intimately knows.
Reluctantly her body pulls away from the door, arms crossing over her chest as she walks back downstairs, not once considering peeking in on her brother in the guest room. That is a problem she is still trying to figure out, the man a stranger, an antagonist, but with her brother’s name. There are too many inconsistencies in his behavior, too many contradictions in his words, half of them true to her brother and the other far too knowing of events that occurred after his death. Unsurprisingly he and Vision clash, a thought that briefly makes her mouth perk up, always having a belief that if her brother lived he would have begrudgingly accepted her relationship while also making it his personal duty to make jabs at Vision, who Wanda always knew would take it with a silent dignity that was then removed late at night when he’d insist on lengthy conversations with her to figure out the insults. That’s what life was supposed to be. What life is now, technically.
The gurgle of water washes away these thoughts, her focus now solely on filling the kettle and getting it on a burner to boil. Except the distraction is short lived as she sits down at the kitchen table to wait, fingers interwoven and glowing faintly of the residual scarlet energy she had to use tonight. Wanda fixates on her fingers, bending and straightening them, unsure how she knew what to do or even had the power to expand the town. But that’s not the most troubling incident of the night. No, what pesters at her resolve is a simple thought: Why did Vision want to leave? They have everything here - a house, Billy and Tommy, each other, and the time they always tried so hard to find.
Wanda startles at the creak of the kitchen cabinet, heart still racing as she takes in the curve of Vision’s shoulders and the vibranium band along the back of his head. Silently he makes her a cup of tea, hands moving calmly through the ritual he created, the cup always the same distance from the kettle, bag placed at the bottom with the string hanging out precisely two inches, both hands holding the kettle (one on the handle and one at the base) as a perfect arc of water fills the cup, and finally one and a third spoonfuls of sugar. The sequence completed, Vision walks the cup to the table, placing it gently down with barely a clink from the porcelain. She expects him to sit down across from her, to silently stare for a minute or so before bringing up the town again, reopening the wounds of their last fight because they never actually resolved anything other than to try and act normal around the boys. But he doesn’t, instead he takes her hand, tugging it until she stands, and then he hugs her, engulfing her entire being in his presence. The firmness of his chest and the tinny waft of vibranium are just as soothing as the kisses he peppers along the top of her head, each one more doting than the last. “Vizh,” Wanda reluctantly pulls back a few inches, hand squeezing between their bodies until she can cup his face, “are you…”
“I know,” he kisses her properly now, not like the emotionless peck earlier in the day, this one imbued with all of his love and all of his concern. “I know enough.”
A chill moves through her body, limbs growing rigid and heart almost coming to a complete stop. “What do you mean?”
Vision’s fingers move up to trace lines through her hair, palm coming to rest on her cheek. The surety of his prior statement lessens, mouth sinking lower until it’s a shallow frown. “I know that I am,” it is unlike him to pause like this, to seem to want to avoid a conversation he himself brought up, “that I was dead.”
Her denial is immediate and viscera, “What are you talking about, why would you…” but then his doleful gaze meets hers, the ridges of his synthetic skin bunched together in a show of deep, aching pain, though it is clear from the way he holds her, the way he places a far too gentle kiss to her forehead, as if the action itself might knock her over, that he is more concerned for her than himself, which is the epitome of who he was...who he is. If there is anything she can offer that matches this unerring compassion, it has to be honesty because clearly hiding the truth from him will not stop his incessant march towards the truth. But that is easier to think about than it is to actually commit to doing. Wanda swallows down a sob and fights to keep her voice calm. “You were.” The confirmation is too much, her chest heaving as all the memories rush to the forefront of her mind--her hands erupting in red at the feel of the Mindstone fracturing, at the almost silent I love you , and then having to watch him come back only to die in a far more brutal way.
Strong arms that shouldn’t exist continue to encase her, draw her deeper into the comfort of his embrace, the feel of his fingers running through her hair with the same gentle “Wanda” he always said when soothing her. Deep down she knows it is all a lie, this life, this man, this blissful existence. Because as a Maximoff there is only one constant in life and it is sorrow, biting, empty, unavoidable sorrow. Which begs the question of how, exactly he found out. A question that infuriates her and invokes the well know feeling of being caged in by the inevitability of her life.
Wanda steps out of his arms, trying her best not to show how much pain that simple movement creates, her body screaming to remain against his forever, but selfishly she needs answers more than anything, needs information to help her regain some level of control over her emotions, has to know why he put his family through so much just to find out this awful truth. “Why aren’t you happy here?”
A denial forms quickly, his body taut at the accusation, “I am happy Wanda, how could I not be?”
“Because you left, you...you abandoned us today,” Wanda knows she shouldn’t use the next part in anger or for gain, but she needs her husband to understand the severity of it all. “Did you know Billy can sense you?”
Vision’s “He can?” is hard to read, both concerned and in awe, with something else she can’t quite pinpoint.
“Yes, and his first experience of that was feeling you try to die because we apparently aren’t important enough to stay alive for.” The comment hits as intended, Vision stepping back, horror forming in the spasming muscles of his face as he looks up towards the ceiling, towards where he left their sons. “What are you trying to find out there?”
Vision’s simple, “The truth,” is aggravatingly vague, thankfully, or not depending on how this goes, he clarifies, “There is something wrong in Westview, Wanda. The people are in agony.”
A fed up laugh comes out with her “Aren’t we all?” Only Vision can’t find the humor, the gears in his eyes twisting clockwise and counterclockwise while he stares at her, face ladened with a suffocating sympathy.
He takes a step towards her and she steps back, not missing the way her reaction hurts him. “Wanda, it is not like you to inflict pain on innocent people.”
Since they started this new life, her memories have been hazy, coming in and out of consciousness, enough clarity to understand that whatever is happening in Westview is preferable to outside of it. After tonight, after Pietro’s comment about her dead husband, it’s all there and she realizes that she’s never gotten to say out loud what she did, what Thanos forced her to do, the Avengers too scattered with all that needed to be attended to after his defeat to focus on anyone but themselves. So she squares her shoulders, lifts her head and puts all of her self loathing into her next comment, “If that’s true, then why did I kill you?”
This time when Vision steps towards her she lets him grip her arms, let’s him guide her until her face is pressed into his chest, allowing her to hear the beating of his synthetic heart. “You were only doing what I had asked.”
“Well it wasn’t worth it,” her voice is muffled by the teal sweater he’s wearing, “and I can’t, I can’t forgive myself.”
His arms tighten around her, one hand gripping the fabric of her sweatshirt and the other holding her head to his sternum. “You did nothing wrong. If anyone is to blame-”
It doesn't take a telepath to know what empty words he is about to mutter. Wanda forces herself from his embrace and stares hard into his eyes, “Don’t, Vision, just don’t. It won’t change what happened.”
Reluctantly he accepts it, moving cautiously back to the original topic of their discord, “Is this,” he gestures vaguely around them, “the result of,” it is still hard for him to say, which she appreciates because she can’t say it easily either, “my death?”
“I don’t know,,” this time he seems to accept her ignorance, which allows her a chance to actually consider it more. All she can really recall is the crushing loneliness and the suffocating despair of losing the last person she loved in the world. It’s not a stretch to assume that had something to do with now. “Maybe?” If he knows about his death, she reasons that she might as well tell him the other nightmare she discovered upon her own rebirth, something she’s tried to block out as best she can. “It could also be from finding out some shady government organization was experimenting on your corpse.”
Shock is too gentle a word, hatred a tiny bit too strong for the tone of his voice, “That does not seem like an activity I would condone.”
“It’s the exact opposite of what you requested.” Wanda thinks back to that day, and unlike Vision, pure, unabashed hatred flowed through her veins when she received an anonymous tip. Hatred at S.W.O.R.D, at the scientists going against Vision’s will, hatred at the world for being so awful, and hatred at her teammates who let it happen, who didn’t seem to consider that agencies like that lie, that they would never want the body only for “safe-keeping.” All Vision wanted was a burial and she was determined to provide him that, to allow herself the closure she needed. So she broke in, sickened at the way they’d disassembled him and had separate monitors attached to his limbs and head. “I broke in,” Vision holds his breath as she talks, “I took you from them and all I remember is flying away. I was going to bury you in the forest, like you wanted.” That’s where her memory stops and where Westview begins. “And then we were driving to our house after getting married.” Finally he releases his breath with a shuddering gasp. “That’s all I remember, you have to believe me that I have no idea what’s going on.” Unlike the other night, he wordlessly accepts her ignorance, mind likely still reeling from the revelations she shared. It is this lack of judgment that emboldens her to say what’s been swirling through her mind whenever the knowledge of reality sets in, a thought that should carry with it guilt but she can’t muster up guilt when she finally has what she has been denied over and over again. “But I’d be lying if I tried to convince you that I don’t prefer what we have in Westview.”
With a hand on her back, he leads her to the table, pulling out the chair in front of the barely steaming tea, and then he sits directly next to her, tenderly taking her left hand in his own, thumb rubbing absentmindedly along her wedding ring. “I cannot fault you in any way for that feeling. If not for being complicit in the pain of so many, I would wholly embrace this life we have now.”
His tacit disapproval is only slightly less painful than his yelling, but she has to begrudgingly accept that he may not be completely wrong. Whatever pain he has sensed in others was enough to make him tear through the barrier and risk losing his own family. “But what if,” still she fights against figuring it out, unsure she can handle what it might lead to, “what if fixing this means I lose you again,” which is already incomprehensible, but is made even more harrowing by the next possibility, “what if it means losing Billy and Tommy too?”
Tears lick at the corners of his eyes, a war waging on his lips of how to proceed. “It will be horrifying and it will be immensely difficult but you,” he grabs her other hand, his fingers forming a vice around her own and she isn’t sure if he is trying to convince her or himself more, “are so remarkably resilient.”
Sometimes she wishes his density manipulation applied beyond just his body. “Clearly not, Vizh. Look around us.”
Vision doesn’t, instead he looks down at their enjoined hands, a shaky breath recentering his thoughts. “I think we may be, as they say, putting the cart before the horse.” The verbal shift is so utterly ridiculous that she chuckles, an action that causes him to smile nervously. “Did I use it wrong?”
“No, it just, you always say it so academically.”
“I see.” Finally real, genuine amusement flits across his face. “Well, regardless, we don’t know what is happening, unless there is something you aren’t telling me.” It is not an accusation in the slightest, in fact it is said as an aside, almost hopeful that she’s waiting to surprise him with the solution.
There is a lot she hasn’t said, but none of it seems vital other than perhaps one observation. “I definitely have control here,” this itself is painful to admit. Where he is merely complicit if he remains here, she is actively continuing it, “but, I don’t, I don’t know how to explain it, but I don’t know how I’m doing this.” Vision takes in the admission, brow furrowing as he no doubts files it away in his future mysteries to solve mental folder. “Like tonight,” she thinks back to when Billy told her about the soldiers, to the moment she realized what Vision had done, “All I knew is that I needed to save you because I couldn’t lose you again. I didn’t have any idea of how or what to do, but I felt like if I just put all of my powers into it, that something would happen.”
It’s amazing how easily he transitions into his cool and clinical investigator voice, “Is this the first time you’ve felt that?”
“No. I mean sometimes I have an idea of what I’d like,” such as when she saw the beekeeper come out of the sewer and then vanquished it, “but other times I just have a hope it will be fixed.”
“That is a start.”
Wanda waits for more and when it doesn’t arrive,she pushes for it, “What does that mean?”
He releases her hands and pats his legs, an odd energy reinvigorating in him. “We must figure out the source of these alterations. Clearly it is not just you.” A fact she can’t say for certain but doesn’t have the heart to correct him on, enjoying how it feels like they’re a team again instead of bitter foes. “I met someone tonight who has knowledge of our prior lives.”
This is unexpected and terrifying. Perhaps the only good thing is that she knows it is not Pietro, because she is not willing to trust him, but to be fair, she isn’t sure she can trust whomever Vision found. “Who is it?”
“Her name is Darcy, she says she is an astrophysicist and has a seemingly strong grasp on what happens outside of Westview.”
Vision is not a very strong judge of character all the time, quick to trust and slow to lose hope in a person, as evidenced by his continued trust in her, yet she asks him anyway. “Are you sure we can trust her?”
“I believe so.”
“Okay.” For now she lets him hold on to that belief, knowing that she will be able to assess this person when they meet. Which also means she knows, deep down, that if this person ends up like Monica, one of S.W.O.R.D.'s cronies, that she’ll be forced to take control again.
The sincerity of his “Thank you,” and the tenderness with which he grabs her hand again, bringing it to his lips with a bit too much romantic melodrama, brings about a fluttering warmth in her chest she has so dearly missed, one that chases away all the disparaging thoughts of what is to come, “truly, for your honesty.” Wanda simply smiles in return, not entirely certain her honesty is worth much at the moment.
It is a relief when Vision maneuvers the conversation to a happier topic. “You said Billy could sense me tonight?”
Pride spreads her lips into a toothy grin, “He’s a natural telepath.”
Vision shares her feelings, sitting back with a satisfied smirk. “We shall have to see if he has your telekinesis as well.”
“We will. Also, Tommy has superspeed.”
Vision’s paternal delight perks up his entire body. “Remarkable.”
“They’re pretty impressive.” Wanda finally picks up the tea and takes a sip, not caring it no longer holds any warmth, far too enamored and distracted by Vision launching into a suggestion of a training regime for their sons, the Maximoff family seeming to be front and center in his mind. If there is any kindness in the world, they deserve at least one night to care about themselves and no one else.
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waywardodysseys · 4 years
Comeback - Oneshot
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gif by @captainamericas
Pairing: Steve Rogers x female reader
Warnings: angst, smut, oral receiving (f), unprotected sex (wrap it up)
~   ~   ~
The water is hot against your skin as you stand under the shower. Your eyes look down at the wet tile floor. You see red swirling down the drain as the blood washes off your body. You had been on the west coast dealing with matters when you had an alert from your personal Quinjet’s com system. Your mind thinks about Rhodey’s message.
“Stark’s gone Y/N. Bruce has returned.” He had paused. “It’s time you come home.”
You had to take a moment before Rhodey’s words finally absorbed themselves in your mind. You had then set course for the compound and returned home.
Home, you think.
The Avengers compound had been your home since Stark hired you to run it. The people living inside of it had become your family. Then Tony divided everyone, and home crumbled and the family fell apart.
You weren’t one for choosing sides, you went where you were needed. You had made a promise to the man you loved to stay behind.
“Stay,” Steve had pleaded with you two years ago.
He had been on his way to fight Tony regarding Bucky. Out of everyone on the planet you knew Bucky vitally mattered to Steve. A human needed air to breathe in order to survive, and in the case of Bucky and Steve they needed one another in order to survive even through the tribulations life had pushed upon their friendship.
“You know I can help,” you had pleaded back in a whisper. You didn’t want to stay behind; you couldn’t lose him.
You had no powers; you had a set of special skills valuable to the Avengers. You had become essential to the team as Nat and Clint had when they were recruited to join.
Steve had cupped your cheek, “I love you and I don’t want you having to pick me or Tony. And,” he had paused, kissed your lips lightly, “I want to know you’ll be here when I return.”
You had waited for days, then days turned into weeks. You had gone to watch over the Parker kid at Tony’s behest. The kid had become like a brother and you eventually moved on, even though he annoyed you every chance he could get it.
You had then returned to the compound but with its quietness and the stir craziness creeping up on you, you had to leave.
“Please Rhodey!” You had nearly begged him with tears in your eyes. “I need to go. I can’t stand to be in these walls. Alone.”
Rhodey had sighed heavily, “you aren’t alone Y/N.”
You had wiped the escaping tears. “I know you’re here but,” you paused and sniffled, “but he’s not here.”
Rhodey knew you were referring to Steve. Rhodey had sighed in defeat and stressed, “if you need to go then go, but remember when I call you home, you come.”
And now, Rhodey had called you home.
You hear movement in the showers as you turn off the water. You know from the heavy footfalls who it is. “You’re horrible at sneaking up on people.”
Steve leans against the wall and crosses his arms, “says the sniper.”
You grab the towel from the hook, wrap it around your body and open the glass door. Your eyes glide over the Avenger.
His blond hair’s grown, and a beard graces his face. His steel blue eyes lock onto your body. The silver star’s missing from his uniform. You take it as a sign he didn’t consider himself an Avenger anymore, let alone someone worthy being known as a hero.
“Rhodey says you’ve kept busy.”
You shrug one shoulder, “there hasn’t been much to do. Besides waiting. And I was tired of waiting,” you pause, “when did you return?”
“Sam, Nat and I were keeping track of Wanda and Vision. We came all the way from Scotland since we got word Tony went missing. We returned about an hour ago,” Steve pauses, “why were you out west?”
“Doesn’t matter.” You retort.
“I thought your old life was behind you.” Steve remarks hastily.
“Like I said Rogers, I was tired of waiting!” You shout at him. “Besides how would you fu—you checked my jet’s GPS?”
“Rhodey knew you were doing jobs again, but he didn’t tell me where. He promised not to ask questions when you checked in. I figured I could find out!”
“You left me Rogers! Me! It shouldn’t matter what I had to do to past the time!”
“Were you with him?” Steve sneers.  
Your ex – the reason you left the west coast for the east coast. Your past job was what got you hired to run the compound – a hit woman for your ex’s mafia family.
“No, I was not with him. I was working for somebody else I had connections with. They asked no questions and paid well because they knew I would get things done.”
You had divulged your past to Steve one rainy night while stuck in a cabin deep in the forest in the backwoods of New York. You thought he’d turn away from you once he learned the truth about you, but he didn’t. He had wrapped you tightly in his arms, placed a kiss on your temple and told you he’d protect you from the past if it ever found you. He then made love to you slowly that night in the glow of the fireplace, and you knew you had fallen in love with Steve Rogers.              
You close the distance between you and Steve. You keep your hands at your side. Your voice is a whisper infused with sadness. “Two years.”
You hadn’t been with another man in two years because you were waiting for him to return. Your body was aching for him as a heatwave rolled over you. You wanted to know what his beard felt like against your flesh, you wanted to know how long his hair was when you weaved your fingers through it.
“I know.” Steve utters.
Silence stretches between the two of you as you look into each other’s eyes. Love, longing, desire is seen in the vessels to each soul. Your heart and Steve’s beating steadily as one force between two lovers meant to be.
Steve reaches out and touches your cheek. He swipes away the lone tear then brushes his mouth against yours. Your lips as soft and welcoming, just as he remembered. He feels your hands travel over his shoulders then weave themselves through his hair as his arms pull you into him.
Steve moves his hands down your back and over your ass. He lifts you up and feels your legs wrap around his waist. He pulls faintly from your lips and begins walking away from the locker room, and towards the living quarters inside the compound.
“Yours or mine?”
“Yours. I,” you pause, “I stayed in your room for a time before I left the compound,” you smile as bury your head in the crook of his neck, “besides everyone knew I was sleeping in your room before you left.”
Steve smiles and remembers everyone knowing he and you were finally together after they made him make the first move. “I know. We shared plenty of memories inside my room.”
You blush because you recall a memory then you look at Steve. “Have you been with—”
Steve silences you with a kiss, “no one. There’s been no one since I left. Only you. Only your eyes, your mouth, your body has experienced me.”
You hadn’t been alarmed when Steve revealed to you he was a virgin. Everyone on the team believed he was one. You on the other hand had enough experience yet you were still hesitant to take it away from him but he had reassured you countless times he had wanted you to be the one to take it, the one he loved, the one he trusted.
“I should be asking you the same question,” Steve mumbles now as he enters his room.
You look deep into his blue eyes, “there’s been no one Rogers,” you sigh, “no one. There’s only you.”
Steve captures your mouth with his, kissing you deeply and feverishly. He feels your legs slide down, hears them softly hit the floor. He pulls you up against his body as his fingers move over the towel and finds the knot holding it together on your body. He undoes it seamlessly and lets it drop to the floor.
You return Steve’s kiss in the same fervor as you run your hands over his suit. You feel the material against your bare skin, but you need the suit off his body and him between your legs. You undo the belt, move your hands up to remove the holster.
“Steve,” you breathlessly whisper.
“On the bed,” Steve pants as he walks you backwards to the bed while moving a finger down your naked flesh. It’s feather light as it moves between the valley of your breasts and over your stomach.
Your legs hit the bed making you sit, looking up at Steve. He bends over and places a chaste kiss on your mouth while pushing you back against the mattress. He moves his mouth down, following the trail his finger made earlier. His beard is prickly against your skin which sends more pleasure sweeping through your body. When he reaches your stomach, you open your legs, giving him an open invitation.
Steve dips his head between your legs and opens your folds, revealing your sensitive nub to his eyes and tongue. He flicks at your clit teasingly and takes in your sharp intake of breath and low moan.
“Steve,” your voice is airy as your hands grasp the bedding tightly. You roll your hips trying to help your slow pace orgasm increase.
He moves his tongue faster against your clit. Steve sucks the nub lightly into his mouth as hears your continuous sharp intakes of breath. He places a hand on your inner thigh to keep the rolling of your hips to a minimum.
“Fu—mmm—,” you breathlessly moan as your orgasm reaches its crest.
Over the last two years you’ve had to resort to self-care with your fingers and a few toys you had hidden away in your own living quarters. And now with Steve’s tongue against your clit, it feels as if it’s the first night with him all over again. You had to tell him what to do, and he followed every instruction that night and every night after, when he pleasured you with his tongue.
Your orgasm erupts inside of you as both hands clutch the bedding in your hands. Your body trembles as Steve licks your overly sensitive nerve center, teasing you as he enjoys feeling the aftershocks of the orgasm he’s given you.
“Steve,” you pant in a low moan, “Steve.”
“Y/N,” he whispers as he moves his mouth against an inner thigh.
His beard against your sensitive skin sends shivers down your spine. You feel his fingers drum lightly against your stomach. The man was teasing you when he knew what you wanted, needed – him inside of you.
“I need you,” you whisper.
Steve runs his mouth against the skin of your other inner thigh as his fingers tease your folds. He feels your warmth, feels your wetness. He knows how badly you crave him.
You bite your bottom lip and moan, “yes. Please!”
Steve places a kiss on your stomach then stands. You feel small as he towers over you in the bed. You lick your lips as Steve pulls off his gloves. You watch as he finds the zipper to his suit then strips it off in a hurry. You inwardly moan at seeing his naked skin after being apart for too long. He stands naked at the foot of the bed as you sit up and reach for him.
Steve kneels on the bed and dips his head in the crook of your neck as he feels your hands travel up his arms and over his shoulders. He nips at your skin as he feels your naked body against his own naked one.
He should’ve brought you along when he left but he didn’t. He wanted to protect you, needed to protect you because you were the woman he loved. He couldn’t bear losing you if something tragically happened when he finally confronted Tony. So, he asked you to stay behind, asked you not to pick a side because he had to make sure you were still alive when he did return.
Steve looks down into your eyes. He reaches down and strokes his cock along your folds then enters your core in one thrust. He’s missed your slick walls around him. Steve moans lowly as he feels your walls clench around him tightly. He moans again, loudly, as you move your hands up his arms then down his chest and around to his back.
“I’ve missed you,” Steve whispers as he looks down into your eyes.
“I’ve missed you too.” You whisper in return.
Steve brushes his mouth against yours before he begins thrusting in and out of you slowly. His orgasm rising steadily inside of him as he takes in the delight of being between your legs after two harrowing years of not being around you. He knows he doesn’t want to go this long again without seeing you, without hearing you, without feeling you against him.
Steve’s pace increases as he feels the rolling of your hips. Both of you moving together as one, finding each other’s rhythms quickly. Your orgasm and his building rapidly as pleasure moves through your body and Steve’s.
“Steve,” you whisper as you feel your second orgasm crest inside of you. His thrusts and the rolling of your hips makes the pleasure sensors inside of you hum as you dig your fingers into his flesh.
“Y/N,” Steve half pants, half whispers as his orgasm crests within him. He thrusts deeply into you as he empties himself of your depths.
You feel him spilling into you which causes your orgasm to erupt inside of you. Your slick walls pulsate around his cock as he thrusts again inside of you, making sure he’s buried deep inside of you as he orgasms.
Steve captures your mouth as he feels your orgasm against his cock. He enjoys feeling your slick canal clenching against him and milking him as he gives you another orgasm. He’s glad to be back home, glad to be in your arms and between your legs once again.
You kiss Steve in return moving your hands up and through his hair. You never want to let him go. He’s comeback to you and you can’t lose him again.
Taglist: @random066​
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bitsandbobsandstuff · 5 years
The (not naked) pin-up calendar
Summary: When you ask for a favor, Bucky (very) grudgingly agrees. What can you do to thank him? Return the favor, of course.
Characters: Bucky x Reader; a plethora of Avengers Warnings: Hardcore fluff. Soldiers wrestling like immature children. Steve being weirded out by nut sacks. Harry Potter references. A hint of naughty times at the end.
A/N: This is silly and fun and what can I say, writing sassy Bucky makes me happy. This is for @beckzorz 1k Writing Challenge (go follow this incredibly talented, beautiful lady), and my prompt was ‘Pin-up calendar’. Thanks a million for hosting Becca, I love you 3000! ♥️
Want to find all my stories? Search #bitsmasterlist or try the link in my bio!
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Overnight, the list gets tacked on the corkboard in the kitchen.
Bucky’s rummaging through the pantry, searching for his breakfast Doritos and a jar of salsa to dunk them in, when he glimpses his name from a distance. Snatching up a butter knife, he wanders over to the wall. When he sees the list header, he whirls around in a flurry of tangled hair and irrational grumpiness.
“What the hell is this?”
Bucky complaining first thing in the morning is par for the course, so both Sam and Steve, strolling in to search for breakfast, ignore him. Sam veers toward the sugary cereal cabinet, Steve heads for the oversize Ironman container housing granola, and Bucky stomps his foot like a toddler.
“Don’t get your panties in a twist,” Steve says seconds later, through an overflowing mouthful of flaxseed and yogurt. “You already agreed. You’re not backing out.”
Bucky spins around and reads the flyer again.
“Avengers Calendar Shoot”
See below for your name and photo call timing.
Monday: Carol (10am), Wanda (2pm), Scott (6pm)
Tuesday: Rhodey (10am), Sam (2pm), Steve (6pm)
Wednesday: Tony (10am), Bruce (2pm), Natasha (6pm)
Thursday: Thor (10am), Clint (2pm), Bucky (6pm)
Stomping his foot again, Bucky stabs the flyer with the aforementioned butter knife.
“Someone better be yankin’ my dick right now,” he warns. “I definitely didn’t agree to bare my wrinkly nut sack for the whole fucking world to see.”
Sam dry heaves over his Lucky Charms.
Steve’s now filling his Black Widow coffee mug and rolling his eyes.
“What is it with you always trying to be naked? It’s not a naked thing, it’s a charity thing. Innocent children who don’t know what an asshole you are will see this, so you better be wearing clothes,” Steve gives his mug an annoying slurp. “Besides - you already agreed. No takebacks.”
“Steve,” Bucky crisply pivots, launching metaphorical murder darts from his eyes. “We’ve talked about this. Don’t tell me how to live my life.”
“Well it was your girl who convinced everyone to do it, so good luck telling her you’re a liar.” Instead of responding, Bucky holds up a Dorito in front of Steve and peers around the silhouette. Draws a few angles in his head. “What?” Steve asks brusquely.
“Nothing,” Bucky mutters. The chip cracks between his teeth with a puff of toxic orange. “Just makin’ an observation.”
“Just wear your scary leather bondage uniform with your scary mask and stand there all scary. You don’t even need to smile,” Sam says. Spooning cereal in with one hand, his other is attempting to worm its way into Bucky’s bag of chips. Cradling the Doritos under his arm, Bucky twists away, blocking the attack.
“Good way to lose a finger. Don’t touch my things.”
Sam swallows his cereal, ignores the lethal look in Bucky’s eyes, and tries again.
Steve joins in.
And so, when you roll into the kitchen a few minutes later, here’s what you find: three Avengers, three veteran soldiers, wrestling over a bag of Doritos. Bucky has Sam in a headlock, Sam is kicking Bucky’s shins and hitting him with a milky spoon, and for some reason, Steve is dancing around trying to tickle them both.
Clearing your throat, the trio freezes.
You smile.
Flailing arms and legs instantly break apart. Sam and Steve have the good grace to look chastened, both stammering embarrassed apologies. Bucky simply shoves a fistful of Doritos in his mouth and smiles triumphantly. Striding over to you, he wraps an arm around your shoulders.
“Babe, take my side here. You don’t want the whole world to see my nut sack, right?”
“Stop saying nut sack,” Steve hisses. “Nuts are gross.”
“Maybe your nuts are gross Steve,” Sam pipes up, rubbing his shirt with a wet rag, trying to clear away Bucky’s orange powder fingerprints, “but my nuts are awesome.” After a few harsh scrubs, he sees the futility and throws the rag in Bucky’s face. Stalking from the kitchen, he shouts something about laundry wheels and Oxyclean.
When you pluck the bag of Doritos from Bucky’s grubby hands, he releases them easily and grins at your exasperation. Sidling close, he rubs up against you like a needy kitten, so you hug him tight, dipping your fingers down to squeeze his butt.
“Please do it Bucky, I already told them you would. Wear anything you want, you don’t even have to smile,” you murmur in his ear, knowing precisely which buttons to push. “And besides, I bet I’m not the only one who wants to see those pretty blue eyes. Right?”
Bucky purses his lips. Wrinkles his nose. Grumbles under his breath.
And because you’re looking at him all wide-eyed and soft, he gives in.
Like he always does.
“Fine,” he huffs. “Fine. I’ll do it for you.”
“So much drama,” Steve mumbles through his granola. Bucky lunges for him, but Steve drops his bowl in the sink and skirts past, rushing for the door. Looking back, he throws Bucky a challenging smirk, before smacking into the doorframe. There’s a brief ricochet and then he’s scurrying down the hall, laughing as he goes.
“Idiot,” Bucky mutters.
Folding your fingers behind his neck, you turn his face back to you and kiss his stubbly cheek. “Thank you. Reason number one billion and two why I love you.”
At the brush of your lips, Bucky promptly grabs the back of your thighs and hoists you in the air. Spinning around, he shuffles over to the counter and drops you on top. Settling between your legs, hands flat on the counter boxing you in, his mouth finds the open space above your shirt collar and he proceeds to kiss every square inch.
“The things I do for you,” he breathes, sucking his favorite spot along your neck. It makes you shiver, that thing he does with his tongue. “You realize now I gotta go on a diet.”
“What? No, you don’t. You look perfect.”
Disappointingly, he stops that whole talented tongue thing and leans back. Grinding your heels into his butt, you kick him, urging him to stay put. Instead, he sighs in that tragic, pay attention to me way that only Bucky Barnes can do.
“Obviously I’m perfect, so are you by the way, but the camera adds five pounds. I have to preemptively lose it.” Crinkling up his now empty bag of Doritos, he throws it at the trash can and misses by a mile. He gives you a hangdog, pathetic sort of look. “This sucks.”
Bucky Barnes, ladies and gentlemen. The most dramatic human being on the planet.
“Don’t be ridiculous, you don’t need to diet. You could weigh a thousand pounds and it wouldn’t matter, you don’t - “
“Maybe not, like, a thousand pounds,” Bucky interrupts. “That’d make sex super hard. And not good hard. Just awkward hard. You know? Like when Hagrid’s mom and dad had sex. Which I still don’t understand how that’s supposed to work and I’ve done a shitload of research on it, been on all kinds of forums and talked to some experts - there’s a guy at SHIELD who specializes in interplanetary species relationships, I don’t know if you knew that - but anyway it just makes no sense because she would have killed that little guy if he tried to bang her, and I’m sorry, that’s the tea and I’ll fucking fight anyone who disagrees.”
Pausing for breath, he looks so earnest you almost hate to stop him.
“Buck, maybe we try one day where you don’t reference Harry Potter? I know you’re a fan, but - “
“I drew some diagrams,” he continues. “Boning diagrams. But like, I still can’t get it to work.”
Staring into space, he lets his marvelous tactical brain run every scenario of sexual acrobatics required to establish the feasibility of human-giant sex.
This could go on forever. Once Bucky gets knee-deep in fan forum theories, hours will lapse before he swims up for air. Many a morning has found him still in his boxers, laptop on his knees while he smashes the keyboard, arguing with virtual enemies about the physical features of Hogwarts house founders or the complex nuances of international Wizarding trade law.
The truth is - Bucky Barnes is a god damn nerd.
Clapping your hands, you drag him back to real life.
“Focus please. You’re good to do this then? Without the diet?”
“I really really hate it,” he replies, matter of fact, “but I really really love you, so if you want me to, I guess I’m in. But I’m still losing five pounds.”
“You’re my favorite, you know that?” Slipping your hands up under his shirt, you massage the tight muscles alone his spine and he hums happily. Flashing a lazy grin, he boops your nose.
“You know what? I think you should do it too. Be so great to have a sexy poster of you for those long nights when I’m gone and can’t sleep,” he waggles his eyebrows suggestively. “If you know what I mean.”
“I’m going to pretend I don’t know what you mean.”
“Whatever. Like you don’t have a folder full of dick pics with my name on it,” he laughs.
“I wish you’d stop sending me those,” you say sternly. “You know this is my work phone.”
“So? You always need fresh material for your diddle box. Keeps the romance alive,” he says. Reaching up behind you, he tugs open the snack cabinet and rummages for a new bag of Doritos. The airtight blurp of a new jar of salsa follows.
“I’m sure I’ll regret this, but - what exactly is a diddle box?”
Massive Winter Soldier eye roll.
“All the pictures and videos and sexy shit you use to masturbate. Clearly.”
“Why do I ask you questions,” you sigh.
“I’m starting my diet tomorrow,” he answers instead, before dunking a fresh Dorito in the salsa.
The next two weeks are spent with Bucky mostly eating raw vegetables and baked chicken breast and loudly commenting on the sorrows of dieting to everyone he encounters.
“You’re being ridiculous Bucky. No one told you to lose weight.”
“No,” he says glumly, crunching a celery stick with a martyred expression. “I need to be hot. Beauty is pain.”
“You are a pain.”
He sighs dramatically. Stares wistfully into the distance. Snaps a carrot in half.
“The things I do for you.”
Remember to be on time, or we will choose the worst picture of you and print that.
We’re assholes that way.
(SEPTEMBER: Danvers, Carol; Captain Marvel)
Carol throws her bomber jacket over her red, blue, and gold uniform, and adds a sleek pair of vintage Ray Bans. Climbing into the cockpit of her fighter jet, she turns herself all glowy and golden, the color bouncing merrily off the control panel. Tipping her face down to the camera, she flashes the Shaka sign and gives the photographer a huge smile.
(FEBRUARY: Maximoff, Wanda; Scarlett Witch)
Wanda goes all out on all things red. Clad in a long red dress and long coat, surrounded by hundreds of red flowers - tulips and roses and carnations - she curls her fingers and everything around her begins to glow with a warm red light. When she smiles at the camera, her head tilts shyly.
(OCTOBER: Lang, Scott; Antman)
Is Scott actually in the picture or did someone spill coffee? The photographer sees a white sheet and a black spec, and scratches his head in confusion. Antman is kinda weird.
(NOVEMBER: Rhodes, James; War Machine)
Rhodey shows up dressed head to toe in gunmetal colored armor. When he snaps the faceplate down, the photographer timidly asks if maybe he wants to show his face. Rhodey flips the faceplate back up, reminds the photographer how badass this armor is, and says nope. He’s all good, thanks.
(APRIL: Wilson, Sam; Falcon)
Sam has spent the last few nights practicing his Zoolander pout in the bathroom mirror. He decides to wear a tight black t-shirt and comfortable jeans, with his wings spread wide, Redwing hovering beside him. At the last minute, his sultry pout melts into an animated belly laugh and they decide to use that one instead.
(JULY: Rogers, Steven; Captain America)
Steve goes back to his roots. Wearing a too small shirt and holey old jeans, he gazes pensively at the easel in front of him, glossy blond hair combed in a perfect wave. Fingers dusty with charcoal, he points to the picture he’s drawing and insists they capture it in the photo as well. They later realize he was drawing a picture of his own ass. That month gets labeled “Steve Rogers and America’s Ass”.
(MAY: Stark, Tony; Ironman)
Tony wears the bottom half of his suit and his favorite Black Sabbath t-shirt. Posing in his lab, he floats a few feet off the ground, crossing his arms and giving that trademark smirk. Scattered around him are random bits of technology and a few arc reactors, with Dum-E and a steaming platter of cheeseburgers in the background.
(JUNE: Banner, Bruce; Incredible Hulk)
Bruce looks a bit rumpled. The publicity shy scientist in him detests these things, but he’s a good sport for a good cause. Surrounded by microscopes and beakers of dazzling green liquids, he allows the teeniest quirk of his lips. Hands tucked in his pockets, messy curls fall over his forehead, and Bruce just feels happy to be included.
(JANUARY: Romanoff, Natasha; Black Widow)
Natasha asks for her photo in black and white. Dressed in shadows and tulle, she is nothing more than a dark figure against a white backdrop. On her feet, are a pair of ballet slippers, their satin ribbons looped and laced around her ankles. When she arches slowly up on pointe, her arms curve gracefully over her head and there’s an ethereal stillness about the image. Natasha is amazing.
(DECEMBER: Odinson, Thor; Thor)
Thor wears an enthusiastic smile when he arrives - and not much else. Dressed in a cherry red speedo, black boots, and his swirling red cape, he stands with one fist on his hip and Mjolnir held lovingly in the other. When the photographer asks about his outfit, Thor proudly describes something called “fan art” he saw online of himself wearing this outfit, mentioning how many “re-blogs” it had. He thinks he might wear this outfit more often, if that’s what the Midgardians want.
(AUGUST: Barton, Clint; Hawkeye)
Clint has a cup of coffee in one hand, a pot of coffee in the other. He wears purple sweatpants and a grey tank top and he yawns every five seconds. When asked what pose he’d like to use, he pretends his hearing-aids are broken. He lays down for a nap and the photographer goes with that.
(MARCH: Barnes, James “Bucky”; Winter Soldier)
Bucky leaves his leather bondage gear, his excessive collection of knives and guns, and his murder scowl at home. Instead, he arrives in black jeans and boots, a dark blue t-shirt stretched across his broad shoulders, his tousled hair brushing the collar of his jean jacket. Perched casually on the seat of his restored Harley, he looks carefree and sweet, offering that signature smile that always sets hearts aflutter.
When the final photo is taken, Bucky ambles over to where you stand with the photographer, reviewing proofs. Snuggling up beside you, he moves in for a kiss and stops in surprise.
“What’s with the lipstick?” he asks, bemused. “That’s new.”
You seem momentarily flustered by the question, stuttering something about losing your chapstick and trying new things. Bucky shrugs and dives in anyway. It makes no difference to him. Painted red or completely bare, your lips are always his favorite flavor.
“They’re here!”
The box of calendars lands with a thump on the kitchen counter.
“Excellent. Are we hot?” Steve asks, his mouth full of cheesy pizza.
“I’m always hot,” Sam answers, ripping into the box. “Yesterday I saw a Buzzfeed post about how hot I am, and it said 11/10 recommend.” Yanking out the pile of calendars, he throws one to Steve. “That means more than 100% would recommend. I’m beloved.”
“Yeah, well, I’m a national treasure,” Steve argues. Reaching for a calendar, he flicks impatiently until he finds himself.
Leaving the team to laugh and bicker and poke fun of each other, you grab your bag (and another small package), heading off to search for your favorite assassin slash model.
His door is cracked when you reach it, low music in the background. Knocking lightly, you push it open.
“Hey Buck. Are you busy?”
Surrounded a chaos of metal, Bucky sits cross-legged on his bedroom floor. A tin of gun oil lays open beside him, a shredded old t-shirt in hand, while he cleans and reassembles his guns. This particular task has taken him literally all day, because Bucky Barnes has yet to meet a gun he doesn’t need.
(Seriously. He needs them. All of them. Stop questioning him, Steve.)
At your voice, an adorable smile scrunches up his face. Bouncing to his feet, he leaps gracefully from the middle of the mess and scoops you up, twirling in a circle and stealing your breath with a warm kiss.
“Hey sweetheart, what’re you doin’ here?”
“Something arrived. Thought you might like to see.”
Handing over the calendar, Bucky wipes his hands on his jeans. A nervous energy makes his fingers fumble when he riffles through the pages.
He stops abruptly at March.
“Huh,” he says, observing his portrait from every angle. Turns it sideways, upside down, pinches his lip. Squints a little. Finally, he nods. “Yeah. Okay, yeah. I look pretty great. I think? Right? I don’t know, what do you think?”
It’s funny.
Sometimes, you hold your breath when you watch at him. There are these little things. The bright excitement in his eyes maybe, or the way he scratches his jaw when he gets nervous, or the absentminded way he tucks his hair behind his ear.
It does things to your heart.
“Yeah,” you say, mesmerized by those little things, “you really do.”
Bucky looks up. Sees your face and breaks into a wide grin. He loves when you look at him like this, like he’s the only thing that matters. Like he’s your whole world. Like you love him.
It does things to his heart.
Snapping the calendar shut, he flings it on his bed. Blue eyes rake you up and down and he pokes his lip out in an exaggerated pout.
“Still think you should’ve done it too,” he says. “Bet you would’a looked so hot.”
At his comment, you reach into your bag and pull something free. Silently, you hand over a second square, this one wrapped in black paper, a silver bow taped along the edge.
“What’s this?” he asks curiously.
Shrugging, your expression stays neutral.
“Open it and see.”
Like a kid on Christmas morning, he rips the paper away.
He freezes.
Blinking rapidly, he looks up. Silver fingers delicately trace the shiny picture and he swallows hard.
“Honey, is this - did you do this for me?” he asks softly. Flipping gently through each page of this special, one-of-a-kind calendar, he shakes his head in slow disbelief.
Because there you are.
Posing in March, holding his favorite confetti cupcakes adorned with birthday candles in front of your naked breasts.
Posing in July, dressed in a vintage red, white, and blue USO uniform, white boots on your feet and crackling sparklers in your hands.
Posing again in October, wearing a slutty pumpkin dress with cut-outs revealing slivers of your sweet, sexy assets.
Each picture is incredible. Full of vivid colors and your sunny smile. No air-brushing, no fake poses, just you. Indescribable and undeniably beautiful, bursting with love.
All for him.
Bucky rubs his chest absently, feeling his heart thumping with every turn of the page. And then he reaches the last month, and there’s a strangled squeak. He stares intently at the page. Looks up at you. Back to the page. Back up at you. Closes his eyes briefly.
This is it, this is his favorite, his absolute fucking favorite thing of all time, the image instantly wiping all other thoughts from his proverbial spank bank.
Tacked above you is a sprig of mistletoe, a concession to the holiday theme. But it’s the outfit that does it. Black combat boots, lacy red lingerie, deep red lipstick, and an empty thigh holster. You’re pointing one of his favorite guns at the camera and giving a sly wink.
Mind-blowingly, devastatingly, breathtakingly gorgeous.
Bucky awkwardly adjusts the rising situation in his pants, raising lust-blown eyes to yours. Licking your lips, you give him a hesitant smile.
“Do you - um, do you like them?”
It makes you panic when he says nothing. He simply stares. But then he sets the calendar carefully, reverently, aside. Slipping a hand behind your neck, he hustles you backward until you bump the door, slamming it shut. His warm mouth slants over yours, that talented tongue returning to sweep over your lips. The kiss is hot and frantic, tinged with an edge of wild excitement. When he finally breaks away, his voice is low, dark gravel in your ear.
“Listen. I’m gonna need you to get all those outfits and put on every,” he kisses your throat, “single,” he trails his lips up to your jawline, “one,” and now he’s panting in your ear, “and then I wanna take pictures of me taking everything off, before I fuck you so damn good. How’s that sound?”
Sliding a hand between his legs, your answer makes him tremble.
“Sounds like a deal.”
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bucky-barness · 4 years
sunshine / bb x daughter! reader
summary: with her dad gone, y/n didn’t realize how hard it would be, but she learns she has some people on her side
an: this is set after endgame, noting the lack of tony, nat, and steve
requested by: anon
warnings: tw for relapsed eating disorders, mention of bullying
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The last five weeks had been the longest five weeks of Sam’s life. Bucky was gone on a mission, taking down an underground base that had come out of nowhere. Cut one head off, two grow back.
Sam was tasked with checking up on Y/n from time to time, but with his job, he didn’t have much time to see her in person. So instead, he had many phone calls with the girl, and sent her meals to Bucky’s apartment. She seemed content with the way it was going, and that was that.
Bucky has been gone for nearly five weeks now, and Sam was growing restless. He had expected the mission to last a week or two. But five, without an end in sight? Sam was missing his best friend, and he was sure Y/n was missing her father.
What Sam wasn’t expected, was recieving a call from Y/n’s school, informing him that the girl has passed out in her gym class. He had been in a meeting with Wanda, Fury, and Parker when his phone started ringing, and he had to pick up. He was the girl’s second and only other emergency contact other than her father. The other Avengers didn’t know Y/n was Bucky’s daughter, he didn’t want the information getting leaked to the public.
When Sam walked into the school nurse’s office, Y/n looked frail, her body curled up in the office chair. Her friend sat next to her, an arm wrapped around the girl. The nurse stood, and walked out with Sam into the hallway, leaving the two girls alone.
“Mr. Wilson, several students said the same thing, that Miss L/n fell in gym, but she looked ready to pass out for most of the day. I spoke with a few of her friends, and they said that she has been skipping lunches for a few days. I would really like to speak with her father about this, but he wouldn’t answer his phone.”
Sam was floored. How could he not notice?
“Uh, yeah, her dad is away on business. He’s been gone for a few weeks. I didn’t get to check up with her as much as I wanted.” Sam manages to get out, while sneaking a look at the teen girl, who hasn’t moved from her small position.
“Y/n shouldn’t be staying alone right now. She needs help, Mr. Wilson.” The nurse looks over to the girls, a pain captured in her gaze.
“Of course. She’ll stay with me til her dad gets back. I promise.”
Now the two are sat in the car, heading back to the Tower. They have yet to say a word.
“I’m sorry.”
Her voice is small, desperate. She’s looking out the passenger window.
“Y/n, you have nothing to apologize for, okay? I should’ve been there for you, okay? I should’ve made more time to see you. You’re family.” Sam grabs her hand, eyes glistening.
She nods, not quite believing it.
“I’m staying at the Tower this week, are you okay with that? I can come stay at the apartment if you want.” He asks.
The girl shakes her head. “No that’s fine. Are other people there?”
Sam knows she just means other Avengers. None of them knew about her, other than Fury.
“Yeah, just a few. Wanda, Spider-Man, and Fury. The rest are with your dad or just somewhere else.”
Y/n nods, looking back out the window as they pull into the parking space. She grabs her backpack and exits the car, Sam leading her into the building.
She had only been to the Tower on one other occasion, when the rest of the Avengers were gone and her father had needed to pick something up.
It had seemed so big then, probably because it was empty, and she was a couple years younger.
The two walk out of the elevator onto the floor where Sam’s temporary room is.
“There’s an empty room right next to mine, no worries there, and I can get some of your stu-“ He catches sight of who else in the room, “uff?”
It seems the remaining Avengers decided to have a reunion in the short time he was gone. It wasn’t just Wanda and Peter that didn’t know about Y/n, now the Guardians and Thor were back, as well as Pepper, Morgan, and Rhodey.
What luck Sam had.
“Uh, hello.” He says, Y/n frozen next to him. He shoots her a look saying ‘I had no idea.’
“Hey Cap.” Rhodey smiles, then eyes Y/n, “Who’s this?”
“Uh, that’s a, that’s a good question.” Sam manages. “What’s everyone doing here?”
Pepper raises a brow at his deflection. “The rest of team is coming back, in like, 10 minutes. Didn’t you check your messages?”
Sam didn’t even think about his phone after he arrived at the school. He pulls out the device, seeing dozens of missed calls and messages.
“Oh.” It escapes like an exhale.
The elevator doors open behind him, and standing in it is Bucky. Behind him is Scott, Hope, Bruce, and Clint.
“Y/n?” The name leaves Bucky’s lips like a cry.
“Dad.” The girl drops her bag and runs into her father’s arms, not minding that he was still in full uniform, weapons strapped to him, almost covering his whole body. 
“Hey honey.” He wraps his arms right around her.
Sam looks to the voice. Parker is stood in shock. The rest of the Avengers are wide eyed, not sure what just happened.
“You’re telling me he has a kid?” Rhodey asks. “Between the Snap and Hydra, when did you have time to go off and start a family?”
Bucky doesn’t let go of Y/n, rather nodding at Sam to answer.
“Buck adopted Y/n four years ago. She was one of the dusted, but both her parents died during the five years. Turns out they were friends with the Barnes family, neighbors to Rebecca’s grandkids. She tracked down Bucky and told him about her parents. They connected instantly.”
“Huh.” Scott says from the elevator. “Nice to meet you, Y/n.”
After hours at the Tower, explaining and catching up, Bucky and Y/n were home. Y/n curled up on the couch, her dad’s arms wrapped around her.
“Baby, Sam told me about what’s been going on.” Bucky shifts to face his daughter.
“I’m sorry. It just. Kids are mean. They learn one thing about you and tear it apart. A few older kids at school found out about my parents and used it against me. It’s nothing.” She doesn’t look in his eyes.
Bucky takes her hands in his. “It’s not nothing, Y/n. Your health matters. But I won’t force you to talk about it until you want to.” He picks up the remote. “Now, I’ve been gone for five weeks, that’s plenty of Brooklyn 99 to catch up on.”
Y/n smiles, laughing as the intro plays, and leans against her dad. Bucky holds her close as the show goes on.
It’ll be okay.
136 notes · View notes
CSI: Rogers and Barnes- The Serious Cereal Serial Killer
Ch 6- Shots In The Dark Co-Written with @icanfeelastormbrewing
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Episode Summary: Katie and Bucky head to the 99 to dig out some old case files that might help them on the case. Steve comes back to work, but he shouldn’t be there really, coz like he was banged up pretty bad. They go to a bar and there’s a fancy fireman called Johnny knocking around with the Nine-Nine crew. Steeby doesn’t like him…and it all kinda goes a bit wrong.
Episode Warnings: Bad Language words.
Episode Pairings:  Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark (Yeah, it’s nice and friendly now…)
Song for Episode:  New Rules by Dua Lipa
A/N: This entire series contains dark humour (CSI + Brooklyn 99=CSI Steeb) Avengers and Stark Spangled Banner Easter Eggs and jokes. You don’t need to have read the SSB series to understand or enjoy this, but we’ve used the Universe to spin this off from so somethings might puzzle a few of you if you ain’t, but feel free to ask. Also, our knowledge of American Policing and Brooklyn is limited, so bear with us if we slip up, but at the end of the day this is a fiction so we’ll claim any mistakes as creative license!!
Enter the NINE-NINE! We’ve used a lot of quotes from the series, that we know are not in their original settings but just indulge us because dammnit, it made us laugh!!
As always we live for re-blogs and comments  
CSI Rogers and Barnes Master List 
Main Masterlist 
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“And the wanderer returns!” Jake Peralta greeted Katie warmly as he stepped out of the elevator to greet her at the front desk of the 99 Precinct Building. “Good to see you Jake!” She beamed, giving him a hug before she stepped back “This is Sergeant James Barnes, or Bucky.” “Pleased to meet you.” Bucky said, grasping his hand. “So how’s DC treating you?” Jake asked as they stepped into the elevator. “Not bad.” Katie shrugged “The work is good but, well it’s not home ya know?” Bucky shot her a side glance, that was the first time he had heard her admit that she missed Brooklyn, and he had a feeling that her reconciliation with Steve had something to do with it. “Well you know what they say?” Peralta smiled “You can take the girl outta Brooklyn” “And then bring her back” Bucky quipped, earning him a dig in his ribs. The elevator door opened and they stepped out into the open plan office and Bucky winced at the cacophony of noise that hit his ears. Katie grinned and hugged a smaller, short haired man before she moved on to an Auburn haired woman, and then smiled and fist bumped a taller, darker haired lady. “Hey Diaz.”
“Stark.” The woman’s face flickered into a grin as she pulled Katie into a hug “good to see you”
“Wait a minute. Are we hugging?” Katie pulled back “Have we ever done this before?”
“No,” Diaz replied “And if you tell anyone, I’ll slit your throat.”
Katie laughed. “Does Terry get a hug?” Bucky looked up to see an absolute unit of a man strolling towards them. The man was dressed in a normal shirt, with a tie and suspenders but Bucky couldn’t help but stare because, well, he was fucking huge. He was even bigger than Steve and that was saying something. “Oh Terry gets a hug!” Katie laughed, stepping forward again. “Good, coz Terry missed Katie…” “Does he always refer to himself in the 3rd person? Bucky turned to the shorter man. “Oh yes.” He nodded “I’m Boyle by the way” “Bucky.” He said, shaking his hand.
“So…” Jake turned to them “All the boxes and case notes are ready in the archive rooms down stairs. I would have brought them to you but my cars in the shop so I rode in on Rosa’s motorcycle. I guess you could say I’m a gear head now.” he nodded, clearly pleased with himself. “He held on to me so tight it was like a two-mile Heimlich.” Diaz shot back, where she was lounging in her chair, phone sandwiched between her ear and her shoulder “No I won’t hold…”
“Those things have no walls on them!” Jake hissed as he walked to his desk “Let me just grab my breakfast and we’ll head down…” “Are those gummy bears wrapped in a fruit roll-up?” Bucky looked at him in horror as he picked up the film wrapped item.
“Breakfast burrito, but yeah” Peralta shrugged as they headed to the elevator.
“I pity your dentist.” Bucky shook his head.
“Joke’s on you. I don’t have a dentist.” Jake shot back as they all headed towards the elevator.
“Not so fast…” a deep voice said, and Bucky spun round to see the 99’s commanding officer, Captain Holt striding across the floor. “I believe Sergeant Stark has one more person she needs to say hi to.”
Katie narrowed her eyes playfully “Why? Is Cheddar here?”
“Who’s Cheddar?” Bucky asked.
“Holt’s corgi.” Peralta supplied
Holt’s face twitched, into what Bucky supposed you could call a smile, maybe, as the man stuck his arm out and formally shook Katie’s hand.
“Good to see you again. Congratulations on the promotion.” Holt said “I knew you’d get your break eventually.” “Thank you sir.” she smiled.
He nodded at her and then turned to look out over the office. “Ok 99, I just had an email. Our monthly crime statistics are due. I want paperwork on all your closed cases by tomorrow. Scully, you can just write ‘I didn’t close any’ on a piece of paper.”
Bucky looked around to see two, rather large (and by large he meant fat) men sat at desks, both eating some form of wrap. One of them, the one with the strange hair cut that made him look like he had a lego doll head looked up.
“What? I’m confused…” he said slowly.
“Huh.” Holt raised an eyebrow “From your expression, I would have guessed constipated. Or chilly.”
Bucky heard Katie snigger besides him as a nasaly voice from the Auburn haired woman cut across the office.
“Hey, Craptain, you ready to get curb stomped?” “What?” Jeffords’ eyes shot up.
“At chess.” Gina looked at him.
“We have a weekly match. I’m teaching Gina to play. And she, in turn, is teaching me to trash talk.” Holt said, waving his hand in explanation before he turned to Gina “The hospital called. Your test results came back positive. You’re a stage five dumbass.”
Katie looked at Peralta before the pair of them burst out laughing as Gina stood there, nodding, like a proud sensei.
“Oh! You have come so far.”
Bucky simply stood there, mouth hanging open. What the fuck had Stark dragged him into. He dug her in the ribs with his elbow and as she turned to look at him, he shook his head “This…this is…” “The Nine-Nine.” Katie said, fondly “And you spent 5 years here?” Bucky looked at her in disbelief.
“Actually it was just over 6.” Katie said “I moved to the 101 a year after dad died when the opportunity came up to train as a Profiler. I do miss them all though, and their little quirks…which reminds me…Hey” She turned to Jeffords who was now sat at his desk. “Still writing Fan Fiction Terry?” “Fan Fiction…” Bucky dead panned.
“Well, shows and films leave Terry wanting more.” Sergeant Jeffords shrugged “I’m just filling in the gaps.”
Just when he didn’t think shit could get any weirder… Bucky blinked.
“So what grabbed your imagination this time?” Katie continued
“He’s actually writing an original piece.” Boyle smiled.
Terry grinned “Yeah, about a group of super heroes, who save New York from aliens…”
“Let me guess…” Bucky grumbled and they turned to face him “They all dress in lycra and have capes?”
“Not all of them.” Terry looked at him. “Only one has a cape and only one dresses in Lycra, the others are in leather apart from one who is a kind of beast when he gets angry and the other has a flying, metal suit and…”
“Why can’t anyone make super heroes normal people who wear normal clothes?” Bucky shook his head.
“They don’t sit on their couches in their superhero outfits.” Terry looked at him, frowning “They’re normal on their downtime…”
“What is it with you and superhero costumes?” Katie looked at him.
Bucky shrugged “It’s just all, oh I dunno, ostentatious…” “Says the man who owns a rhinestone encrusted denim jacket, yeah, I heard…Steve told me about it ages ago.”
Bucky smirked and shrugged “It’s from the 90s, it was the fashion when we were a kid.” “Hmmm.” Katie pondered, before she looked back at Terry “You’ll have to email me a copy when it’s done.” “Will do, Terry always likes feedback.” “And Katie likes to read, speaking of which…” she patted Buck’s chest with the back of her hand “We need to get digging into those files, Buck.”
He agreed and Katie turned to Peralta. “Lead the way…not that I don’t know where it is but…”
She was cut off by a loud squeal and she spun to see a dark haired uniformed woman, hair pulled back into a ponytail. Bucky just caught the name “Santiago” on her tag before Katie wrapped her in a hug.
“Oh my God!” Santiago smiled, “I knew you were back in town but…”
“I know I should have called…and I’m sorry Amy but, we got a lot to get through so I need to get to it. But, Romanoff suggested a night out. You too Diaz?”
“Drinks sound good” Diaz nodded.
“The Compound? This weekend?” Katie asked “Sure I can wrangle us the VIP treatment seeing as the owner is practically my sister in law.” ““I am sooo up for that!” Santiago grinned “There’s nothing better after a long shift than going to The Compound It’s like Cheers, where everybody knows your name”
Diaz looked at her “A place where everybody knows your name is hell. You’re describing hell.”
The doors of the elevator opened and Katie emerged from it followed by Bucky who was carrying a box with the files they had brought from the 99. Thankfully, out of the three boxes Peralta had provided on Rumlow’s case, they had been able to reduce the files with meaningful information to only one.
“Is Stevie’s office open, Wanda? Need to pop these files somewhere safe.” Katie said once they were close enough to the reception desk counter.
Bucky saw Wanda’s eyebrows squeeze together in a wrinkle and her mouth twist with annoyance at Katie’s use of Steve’s pet name. He could tell she was pissed. And to be honest, he was also surprised at the new situation. How Stark had gone from hating the Captain’s guts and going haywire at him calling her sweetheart, to easily referring to him as Stevie, and in public none the less, was something that he couldn’t quite grasp. But then again the dynamic between those two was unique, which was the polite way of putting it.
“Yeah, it’s open. He’s in there.” she answered trying to conceal her animosity.
“What?” Katie shrieked and Wanda shrugged. She turned to Bucky “Can you believe that?”
Bucky just shook his head and muttered “Punk” as both headed for the Captain’s office. They were about to barge in when the door suddenly opened. Steve, who was carrying a cardboard cup holder with two coffee cups, had to raise his right hand above his head to avoid scalding both detectives with the hot liquid.
“Whoooa, easy there!” his voice faltered at the end as his ribs complained at the sudden movement.
“What the fuck, Steve!” Katie shouted “You should be resting at home, you’re still healing.”
“She’s right, punk.” Bucky added as he made his way past Steve to leave the box on the desk. “What? You don’t think we can handle this without you?”
“That’s … that’s not…” he said turning and glaring at Bucky but stopped when he saw an amused expression on Bucky’s face “Enjoying yourself?” he asked and Bucky nodded and laughed.
Steve sighed and turned to Katie who was still at the door arm crossed and he smiled softly, his bruised face lighting up as he spoke.
“I’m ok, sweetheart. Just have to remember not to move like I’m a cheerleader.”
“Now, that’s an image I don’t want imprinted in my brain.” Bucky mused leaning on Steve desk as he prepared for the storm to unravel.
“What’s in the box?” Steve asked.
“Files from the 99.” Bucky said as he watched Katie who was still observing Steve with narrowed eyes.
“Well don’t leave them there, take them into the incident room.” Steve said, “It’s safe enough, we can lock it and-“
At that point Bucky saw Katie’s eyes flicker like a light bulb, the way they did when her brain was trying to spot the missing link and she interrupted him.
“Wait! How did you get here? You can’t have possibly driven yourself.” she said tilting her head, staring at him like he was the suspect of a petty theft. “Oh, you didn’t ride the bike, did you? Steven, tell me you didn’t ride that old, dusty piece of junk!” she carried on ranting.
“What bike?” Bucky inquired now curious while taking a packet of gummy bears Peralta had given him out of his jacket pocket.
“An old bike my father had. Tony doesn’t like bikes so he passed it on to Steve.” Katie explained “It’s a rattletrap…”
“It’s not a rattletrap.” Steve protested “And it’s unique, the handlebars are made from Vibranium. You should show more respect for Howard’s legacy.” he said pointing at her like she was a little brat.
“Whatever.” she said rolling her eyes. “Are you going to tell me how you got here?”
“Sam drove me. He called to tell me he had news on Ross report, he said he was in the area so I made him pick me up.”
Bucky saw Katie’s stance relax a bit with Steve’s explanation but suddenly her eyes darted to him, and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t a bit scared.
“Who did you say you had breakfast with before we went to the 99?” she asked Bucky with a sly glance.
“I didn’t say.” Bucky said, putting a bunch of gummy bears in his mouth before he diverted the conversation to Steve again.
“You shouldn’t be here, Steve. You’re convalescing”
Steve sighed, lowered his head for some seconds, a demeanour Bucky could read like the back of his hand. Steve felt tired and lost, he needed to go back to his natural element.
"Look” he said raising his head again, the hand that wasn’t holding the drinks dropped to his hip and he looked at Bucky “I’m tired of being at home doing nothing but watching TV and thinking. I can’t even go for my morning run or go to the gym to blow some steam against a punching bag. I know I should be more relaxed now than ever, but I’m not. Doing nothing is driving me crazy. Surely being in the station can’t be that physically demanding?”
Bucky felt a pang of guilt at his friend’s word. Steve was right. Bucky knew that Steve, for as long as he could remember, had always wanted to do what was right. Even if sometimes that meant a bunch of dumbass decisions. The Captain wasn’t one for sitting back and doing nothing. He even had bags under his eyes and Katie must have noticed too since she asked him
“Trouble sleeping?”
Steve turned to look at her with a huge smile on his face and a sparkle of something in his eyes, Bucky could tell from the way he was standing.
“You could say that.” he replied.
Katie returned the smile and they both simply stood looking at one another for what seemed like way more time than should be acceptable. Bucky suddenly felt like he was a fly on the wall, so trying not to step on the moment, he grabbed the box of files and made to leave the office.
“I will be in my desk if you…” he said when he walked past Katie but she wasn’t noticing him, she was still locked in eye contact with Steve.
“Whatever.” he mumbled and headed for his desk “I feel like I’m invisible. I’m turning into Steve when he was a skinny punk.”
“Now, you’re talking to yourself Barnes.” Natasha said walking from the kitchen followed by Sam, Clint and Wanda.
“Who are you, Regina George and her clique?” Bucky bit back while he dropped the box onto his desk and took off his jacket.
Steve chose that point to walk out into the office
“Sam, Barnes and Stark are back.” the Captain spoke striding towards Bucky’s desk, signalling the man over from where he was perched on the edge of Natasha’s desk. Katie headed to her own, and dropped her purse down, slinging her jacket over her chair. “Can you fill us on the new details about Ross’ PM report?”
“Can I go fetch a coffee first?” Katie pleaded as Sam stood up. “It’ll be real quick, promise.”
“Oh, shit, here” Steve said quietly handing her one of the take out coffee cups he had brought from his office and completely forgotten about “I got you your regular on the way. Your round tomorrow.”
In all honesty Steve had been a little nervous buying that coffee. It had been something they had always done, buying each other a drink on the way in, alternating on days. But since she had returned and they hadn’t been on good terms it had clearly fallen by the wayside. Since the air had cleared yesterday he’d decided to chance it and see how it was received but he needn’t have worried. Katie positively beamed at him before she blurted out “God, I love you.”
Steve felt his neck growing warm as all eyes turned to them and he saw Katie’s own cheeks flush and she sipped from the cup trying to hide her embarrassment “Suri’s Vanilla Lattes are the best.” she said in an over the top, dramatic voice “Oh, how I have missed them!”
"You’re welcome, I think.” Steve said, now full on blushing as he rubbing the back of his neck.
Bucky tried to divert the attention from the pair of dorks before Wanda choked on her own bile and Natasha or Clint made a snarky comment.
“I’m waiting. What, you didn’t bring one for me?” he asked and from the corner of his eye he saw Natasha shaking her head at him disapprovingly. He glanced at Steve who was now flushing even more and that was when he realized he had made it worse by drawing even more attention to the fact that Steve had, in effect, displayed favouritism, whether he meant to or not.
“You want in Barnes you can buy the next round then.” Katie quipped and he glanced at her as she perched on the edge of her desk.
“Fair enough…” he shrugged, and then his attention was taken by Sam who was looking at something on his desk with curiosity.
“You like cats?” Sam asked taking Dot and examining her.
“It’s not a cat. It’s a goat and it’s called Dot.” Bucky said with annoyance. How the fuck could anyone mistake a goat for a cat?
Steve groaned and urged Sam to start with the report details so they could move on with the investigation.
“What? Dude has a cat on his desk and you don’t want to know why?” Sam asked Steve.  "Looks like a cat.“ he shrugged now looking at Bucky.
"I think it looks like a llama.” Katie quipped and Clint’s laugh could be heard all through the floor.
Steve groaned again rubbing his forehead but before he could make one of his famous pep talks, Sam interrupted him.
“All right, before Steve McQueen here’s head blows up…the hair we got on Ross’ trousers?” he offered, opening the folder he was carrying and examining the report.
“Yeah?” Steve asked.
“Funny enough, its goat.” the doctor explained.
Everyone went silent, looking at each other, before Katie let out a laugh and turned to Bucky.
“Maybe we should ask Dot if she knew Ross.”
“Fuck off Stark.” Bucky rolled his eyes, grinning.
“Oooh, maybe she did it…” Katie continued “I mean, do you know her whereabouts that night?”
“You’re hilarious.” Bucky deadpanned, shaking his head.
“Ok. Anything else?” Steve asked Sam, cutting across the pair of them.
“Nope. That’s all I’ve got so far. Got you a copy of the updated report.” he said handing the folder to Steve.
“Thanks, Sam” he said and the Doctor just nodded and patted Dot’s head with his index finger before heading away.
“Romanoff, Barton, start working on a link between Ross and …” Steve paused for a moment trying to sound as professional as possible “…a goat.“
Katie choked slightly and then coughed as Bucky looked at her, before they both started to snigger slightly. Steve rolled his eyes at the pair of them. They were like school kids.
"Right away, Cap.” Natasha nodded.
“It would be my genuine pleasure, Cap.” Clint added, nodding to his computer “Searching for goat farms as we speak. God I’d like to have a farm someday.”
“Buck, you and Katie start with those files. I’ve got a tele-conference with Fury to give him an update so I’ll join you as soon as I can.”
Bucky gave him a salute as he turned and started making his way towards his office.
“Stevie, I got your…” Wanda called out for him before he went away but she was cut off by Steve’s fiery look.
“It’s Steve, Wanda.” he said sternly.
“Yes. Sorry Steve” she said gulping “I just wanted to give you your mail.”
“Thanks.” Steve said, slightly less curtly but still with a slight edge to his voice as he took the items from her.
Bucky saw her walk as fast as she could towards the restroom and he shared a quick significant glance with Steve who just shook his head and turned towards his office. He then looked at Katie who simply stood and picked up the box from his desk as she headed towards the Incident Room. Finally he looked in Natasha’s direction who nodded at him as if confirming they were on the same page-Rogers and Stark were back on full speaking and, so it seemed, full flirting terms.
***** “So as Jake and I explained before the victim was a woman called Sara Klein.” Katie spoke as Bucky spread the papers across the large table. “She was walking home from a bar when she was dragged into an alley and raped.”
“And you think the perp was…this Rumlow guy?” Bucky asked, looking down at a mug shot of a man with dark hair and dark eyes. “Who was a Uniform in the 99?”
“Yeah.” Katie said
“So what made you suspect him?”
“When we took Klein to the Rape Centre for her forensic examination he was there, don’t ask me what for. When she came back from the examination room she heard him talking and literally stated shaking and became hysterical.” Katie paused for a moment “We got her back to the station, calmed her down and that was when she said she recognised his voice…”
At that point Steve walked into the room and they both looked at him, and he gestured for them to continue.
“Peralta and I went to speak to Captain Holt, you know, given the sensitivity of it. He told us to bring Rumlow in for questioning and that he would speak to Fury. Obviously he denied it, said she must have been mistaken bla bla bla but Peralta and I didn’t believe a word of it, I know he did it.”
She trailed off and Bucky looked at Steve who gently laid a hand on her shoulder “He knows.” he looked at her as her head snapped up and her eyes locked onto his “I told him what Rumlow did to you, I’m sorry but I was trying to explain the Sitwell situation and…” For a moment Steve feared she was going to blow up at him but she didn’t. Instead she sighed and shrugged “It’s not exactly a secret anyway…” she wiped at her eyes and Steve gently rubbed her back before she jumped off the desk and walked to the wall, looking at the various bits of notes and evidence.
“Long and short of it, Bucky, is that we had no forensics of any sort to link Rumlow to the rape, no DNA left behind, nothing that wasn’t circumstantial…and then up pops Sitwell to provide an alibi that we didn’t believe for a second. But before we had chance to discredit it, Sara turned up and said she wanted to withdraw her allegation. Said that she’d confided in someone, we never did find out who, and they’d given her all these statistics on how many rape cases actually ended in a conviction and that was it, she didn’t want to put herself through it. Nothing we said or did could convince her otherwise.”
“So Rumlow basically carried on like nothing had happened…” Bucky said, leaning back in his chair. “Well his reputation was in tatters, mud sticks…” Katie said, turning to look at him “He pretty much became a social pariah around the force. And then when he assaulted me he was kicked out, well, told to resign…”
Bucky stayed silent as Steve gently reached over to look at the paper work on the desk.
“So has anything turned up in any of this that can link Ross to Sitwell?” he asked, glancing up at them both.
“Not so far.” Bucky shook his head “But we haven’t even scratched the surface.”
“Well until we have anything concrete to go on it’s as good a train of thought as any.” Steve said. “Maybe it’s worth digging into Sitwell’s background a little more. Schools, Universities, dodgy handshake clubs, that kind of stuff, see if we can link him to Ross that way.”
“Say we do make a link…” Bucky said, leaning back in his chair, eyeing Katie “Gut feeling Stark, is this connected to the Rumlow case?”
“I dunno.” she shrugged “But one thing’s for sure, something stinks about all of this. And I don’t believe in co-incidences.”
“Me neither doll face.” Bucky mumbled, dodging the whiteboard pen she sent flying his way.
Three hours and a couple of sandwiches later Bucky and Katie had decided to call it a day. They had gone through Rumlow’s case again and needed a home cooked dinner and a good night’s sleep before they started digging on Sitwell’s school records the following day.
“Ok. My brain is fried. I’m heading home and praying for Tony not being there yet. Wish me luck.”
Bucky smiled at Katie over the screen of his computer. He saw her stand up from her chair and cross her fingers in the air before walking to the restroom. He was saving the documents on his computer and turning it off when he heard Steve.
“Anything significant?”
“Nope.” Bucky said leaning back on his chair and stretching his arms above his head. “Enough for today. And you too, Steve. Finish that coffee you’re drinking and I’ll drive us home.”
Steve nodded and turned around when he heard Katie’s voice from behind him.
“You shouldn’t even be here. Go home and rest, Stevie.” she said casually.
Bucky raised an eyebrow at Steve who rolled his eyes, but he turned to Katie when she let out a little squeal and saw her waving her phone in the air.
“Nat, Wanda come here! Got a message from Diaz!” she said excitedly “GIRL’S NIGHT OUT FRIDAY. How does that sound? She says Amy and Gina are coming too.”
“I’m in” Natasha said grinning at Bucky and turning to Wanda, who had also gathered around Katie’s desk, for confirmation.
“I don’t think I can… I’m sorry.” Wanda hesitated before adding “My cat is sick.”
“Your cat?” Nat asked her with sly eyes.
“Whatever…” Katie rolled her eyes and leant over her desk to switch off her computer “I’m only asking because I’m not petty enough to leave one person out” she muttered only for Bucky to hear.
“Leave it.” Bucky whispered back as he saw Wanda frown and open her mouth to retort to Katie’s initial eye roll and he gave Steve a warning look.
“Wanda.” Steve stepped in “Come to my office. There are some reports I want you to file before you go.” and he started walking away as she followed obediently.
“Ok. I’ll text Diaz saying we’re in Nat. Dinner and The Compound?” Katie asked while grabbing her jacket and purse.
“Perfect. And I’ll convince the little witch.” Nat nodded.
Katie just pursed her lips and nodded before waving everyone goodbye and walking away.
“Ok. All hands on deck. Clint come here!” Nat said her eyes shining with the excitement of plotting. “Barnes. Engage phase 2. We’re going out and we’ll be at the Compound after dinner, I’ll confirm our ETA as we go. You two bring Rogers and I’ll make sure Stark is a little bit intoxicated by then.” she said winking at Bucky.
“I’ll call Peralta, if Santiago is gonna be there, he’ll be up for it. See who else he can drag in.” Clint offered.
“Ok Buck, I’m ready. We can go now” Steve said and looked at them sensing he had stepped into something “Am I interrupting something here?”
“Nah. Nat was telling us the girls’ plans for Friday.” Bucky brushed him off.
“Oh, so you’re finally going out?” Steve smirked at Nat who rolled her eyes at his dig that it had taken her so long to organise something with Katie “But, you do know you and Stark are on call this weekend as Barton and Barnes have done the last two?”
“That we did.” Clint quipped
“It’s ok boss. We’ll behave.” Nat drawled as she spotted Wanda had returned to the reception desk. “Gotta go do something. See ya fellas.”
Steve sighed and shook his head at Bucky “Lets go, Buck. Bye Barton.”
“You’re a pain in the ass. No, you’re worse than a pain in the ass, you know that?” Bucky said while closing the car door after getting into the left back seat of Sam’s grey Mercedes Class C.
“What’s the deal?” Sam asked looking at Steve who was now fastening the seat belt of the passenger seat. Perks of being the Captain and still on recovery.
“He’s been grumpy all day. He didn’t want to come.” Bucky explained.
“I told you, I’m on duty this weekend.” Steve said turning his head to look at Bucky as Sam pulled away from the curb in front of Steve’s block.
And he was being truthful, he was the senior officer on call. It had been Holt’s turn last week, but as Bucky pointed out the chances of getting called in were low. Katie was the on duty Sergeant supported by Natasha and God forbid either of them would admit they couldn’t handle any possible situation and had to call their superior in.
“You have more chances of getting laid tonight than being called in tomorrow.” Clint deadpanned from the right back seat.
Steve groaned which made Sam chuckle and give a significant look to the men at the back through the rear-view mirror.
“Where are we going?” Steve asked trying to change the subject.
“We’re picking up Thor” Sam explained.
“And then?” Bucky asked “I’m hungry.”
“Yeah, what’s new? You’re always hungry.” Steve snorted.
“Tell me about it.” Clint scoffed. “I spent all day with him yesterday visiting goat farms upstate. Dude ate a donut dorito hot dog pizza all rolled up like a burrito! Can you believe it?” Clint asked leaning forward to speak to Steve and Sam.
“Hey, I was just optimizing my time.” Bucky shrugged and the three men shook their heads.
“We could stop at Grimaldi’s to have pizza and beers, feed the bastard. Then we’ll drop into the Compound.” Sam suggested.
Both Bucky and Sam nodded in agreement with the plan. Steve groaned again. He was worried about the case being in a deadlock. After two days of digging, they had nothing solid on Sitwell’s connection to Ross yet. Last thing he needed, if he was being honest, was taking care of a bunch of drunk friends and, what was more, he wasn’t gonna drive any of them home, it was Sam’s car after all, he had called designated driver. But then it dawned on him, they were going to the Compound and the girls would be there, wouldn’t they? Suddenly his spirits were lifted and a soft smile crossed his face. But he was snapped from his thoughts again by Bucky.
“Look, I know you’re pissed. You’re still sore from the accident, I get it.” Bucky started to scold him but was interrupted by Sam.
“We’re here. Can someone text him?” Sam announced pulling in a spot in front of Thor’s building.
“Got it.” Clint offered pulling out his phone.
He unclasped the car belt and moved closer to Bucky so as to leave space for Thor in the backseat while fiddling with his phone. Bucky stirred in his seat feeling suddenly trapped.
“Can you move your seat up?” he asked Sam
“No” Sam said without even flinching a muscle on his face.
“Asshole.” Bucky muttered.
He looked at Steve who seemed to be lost in his thoughts and then he turned to look at Clint who kept on texting on his phone.
“Ok. Peralta says he’s meeting us at the Compound. He’s having dinner with some video games buddies now but he’ll meet us later.” Clint informed the rest.
“Will Tony be there?” Steve asked suddenly.
“Of course he will” Clint snorted. “He clocks in day in and day out.”
“Yeah, Pepper has him wrapped around her finger.” Sam added nodding.
“Women.” Bucky sighed looking at his Captain who was looking at the front stoic as ever.
“Greetings, morons!”
Thor’s voice reverberated in the cabin of the car as he sat in the only free seat and closed the door grinning. Everyone greeted him back and Sam started the car again.
“Why are you carrying an umbrella?” Clint asked Thor “It isn’t even cloudy.”
“Oh! It’s my lucky charm.” he said happily. “My lucky umbrella, my father gave it to me when I was a kid.”
“This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” Steve mused from the front seat.
“And a mistake. I mean are you gonna be attached to your lucky charm all night?” Sam asked, hands on the steering wheel.
“I make grave mistakes all the time, everything seems to work out in the end.” Thor shrugged and tapped Steve on the shoulder. “Captain, what are you doing here? I thought you were still recovering from your car crash. You should be sitting at home in your bathrobe, eating grapes.“
"Yeah, or plums.” Bucky added. “Don’t encourage him. He is enough grumpy as it is.”
“Yeah, not helping blondie.” Clint quipped.
“You’re so petty and tiny.” Thor scoffed.
They continued picking on one another for the rest of the journey and the time they spent at the pizza restaurant. Two hours later the five of them were at the main entrance to the Compound, one of the most popular clubs in Brooklyn in the last few years. The club was run by Pepper, Tony’s fiancé, so they were greeted warmly by Happy, the doorman, who let them in immediately after a short informal chat.
“Welcome, Gentlemen” Pepper greeted the group who had now approached the bar where she was chatting idly with Tony. “What a sight for sore eyes, Steve!” she added now kissing Steve on the cheek.
“Yeah, what brings you here Capsicle? Last time I checked you were in a hospital bed looking like shit.” Tony asked Steve.
“Yeah, Katie told us about it.” Pepper interjected signalling between her and Tony. “How are you now? Are you ok? Is there anything I can bring you?”
“I’m fine Pepper, honestly thank you, just a few cuts and bruises. And a glass of water would be great, thanks.”
“Water coming right up.” said Pepper gesturing for the barman to come and take their orders.
“Water, Rogers?” Tony mocked him. “Beers for all for starters. That’s on me and I’m buying a bottle of the best champagne we have so meet me in our private booth when you’re done.”
The group cheered happily at Tony’s offer and sat on the bar stools waiting for their drinks.
A pretty blonde waitress placed a glass of water and a beer bottle on the bar in front of Steve and winked at him, who obliviously took a painkiller from the blister and swallowed it with a bit of water. He didn’t want to take it but the constant bickering of his friends and the loud music and dim lights of the club were making his head pound.
He was sipping from his beer bottle when someone slapped his back causing him to wince at the pain.
“Hey, Rogers. Nice to see you man!” Peralta greeted.
“Hey, Jake. How you doin’?” Steve greeted back with a sincere smile while Peralta nodded and fist bumped Clint.
“Did you come alone?” Clint asked him.
“Yeah, but meeting a friend at some point tonight. He’s working until later.” Peralta answered as he shook hands with Bucky and Sam. “Barnes, good to see you again. Wilson?”
“Hey man.” Sam nodded, and Peralta looked beyond him towards Thor who was scanning the dance floor while moving his head and feet to the beat of the music.
“Oh, you brought Point Break.” Peralta quipped, turning to Clint.
“Yeah, you can’t get rid of him easily, especially if we’re talking about revels.” Clint commented.
“Revels?” Peralta asked frowning.
“A Party, that’s what he calls it.” Sam offered.
“Wow, and I thought Holt had a weird vocabulary.” Peralta muttered.
A little while later Thor had disappeared onto the dance floor and the rest were already on their second beer while chatting animatedly. Steve was beginning to regret having mixed alcohol and meds. Feeling a bit lightheaded, he was seriously considering calling a cab and going home when he heard Peralta whistle through his teeth and Bucky let out a breathy curse.
“What?” he asked turning around to ask what was going on. They were both looking at the back of the Compound, towards the booths and that was when he noticed what had taken their attention. Katie was stood side on to them, talking to Tony. She was dressed in a dark blue short jumpsuit that sported a large white flowered pattern and a plunge neck line that dipped almost to her navel. Her shoes were high heeled black sandals with a silvery cuff round the ankle and as she turned to say something to Natasha, Steve saw that the back of the jumpsuit was bare bar where the fabric crossed across to each shoulder from the opposite hip.
God she looked gorgeous, scratch that, she looked more than gorgeous.  
“Fuck!” Steve cursed when he noticed his beer had been dribbling down his front. He took a pair of cocktail napkins and tried to dry his shirt while Bucky, Peralta and Sam cackled at him. He groaned and continued wiping as Bucky put one arm over his shoulder.
“Keep it cool, man. It’s not like you don’t know what’s under those clothes.” he said in a low voice, winking at Steve.
“Shut up, Bucky.” Steve snapped but had to do as told as the girls were approaching the bar.
“Hey fellas.” Natasha drawled, “You coming over to join us?”
“Once Rogers has dried off, yeah.” Clint said.
Diaz looked at him, frowning. “Dried off.” “Yeah someone nudged me and I spilt…” he said, gesturing to the front of his shirt.
Katie shrugged “Can’t see anything, your shirt’s black.”
“It’s nice.” Wanda nodded, looking at Steve. He took a deep breath, thinking back to what Bucky had said and merely smiled at the woman politely. Behind Wanda he saw Diaz and Natasha exchange a smirk. Katie, however, was focussed on something else.
“Is that the one I bought you for your birthday last year?” Katie asked, reaching out to gently run her hand over the collar, and Steve nodded and didn’t miss the scowl on Wanda’s face. Totally oblivious to the daggers she was being given, Katie grinned “Wanda’s right, it looks good.”
He smiled at her and then turned politely to Wanda who had said something to him, and Bucky watched as Katie’s eyes lingered on them both for a little longer her eyebrow raised, almost in amusement at the other woman’s attempts to flirt with Steve fell flat.
“You want Stevie to go into cardiac arrest or something?” Buck leaned over to talk into her ear and she turned to look at him “The man is drugged and on alcohol and then you come along looking like that.”
“Fuck off Bucky.” Katie bit back “I wore this because it makes me feel good, you asshole, not for anyone else. And it’s not like I knew you were coming. Why are you guys even here anyway?”
“Boys’ night out” Bucky shrugged.
Katie raised an eyebrow at him “Yeah, of all the places you could pick to go you just…”
At that she stopped and her head cocked to one sided as she caught the first beats of a song playing.
“Oh, God!” she squealed. Bucky was just about to ask her what was going on but he was too late, she leaned towards Steve and gently grabbed his hand, turning his attention away from Wanda as she curled her hand round his.
“Stevie, listen.”
A big mischievous grin crossed Steve’s face when he heard the song and next thing he knew he was being dragged by Katie to the dance floor. Leaving Wanda slack jawed with frustration.
“What the fuck? Is he dancing?” Bucky asked Clint and Nat who were stood at the bar next to him, unable to keep his eyes from Katie and Steve dancing and laughing like crazy to I’ll be there for you by The Rembrandts.
“Yeah, they always dance to this, it’s like their song.” Clint answered before sipping from his beer bottle.
“Give him a minute, he will do his Joey.” Natasha told Bucky while keeping an eye on Wanda who had just sidled back into the booth and was now pouting and stabbing the bar with her cocktail umbrella. At that Steve launched into some kind of odd dance move, which he still manage to make look quite graceful “Oh, yep. There we go.”
“Unbelievable” Bucky mused shaking his head, happy to see his bestie cut loose. “She really brings out that kid from Brooklyn, doesn’t she?”
“You could say that.” Nat said with a side smile while Clint nodded in agreement. They all watched as one of Steve’s arms curled round Katie’s waist, his large hand splaying on her back as they continued to dance around to the upbeat music, Katie’s head tipped back in laughter and a huge grin spread across Steve’s face.
At that point Bucky heard Wanda snort and strut down the club to the restrooms bumping into people on her way.
“Ah leave her.” Natasha said with a sigh, draining her glass.
“So Rogers has two women fighting over him…” Peralta leaned back “Lucky bastard.” “He’s eyes for no one but Stark.” Bucky said, shrugging “So wouldn’t really call it a fight.” “Well, to be honest, I wouldn’t really want to get in a fight with Stark anyway…” Peralta nodded. “Damned she can be vicious.”
***** A few hours later they were all sat together in Tony’s private booth drinking champagne, except for Katie who had finished her drink and had gone dancing with Rosa and Gina, and Steve who had gone to the restroom.
"This bottle is empty.” Thor said shaking the bottle in the air.
“I’ll go fetch another one.” Tony said standing up ceremoniously.
“I don’t want that bubbly shit. Anyone in for some tequila shots?” Thor asked as he also stood up and went to the bar without waiting for an answer.
“Oh…my…God!” Natasha suddenly slurred nudging Clint who was beside her.
"This is better than we expected” Clint whispered, grinning.
“What? What’s happening” Bucky asked.
He looked at Natasha who didn’t answer but he followed her gaze only to spot a tall handsome brunette chatting with Peralta and Santiago.
“What is he doing here?”  Nat hissed to Clint
“Don’t know. Must be the buddy Peralta said he was meeting.“ Clint answered Nat.
"Who is he?” Bucky frowned.
“Storm” Wanda, who was nibbling a piece of lime, explained to Bucky “He’s a fireman and has the hots for Stark” she practically purred.
“Well, this is awkward.” Sam deadpanned.
“You know what? I’m gonna help Thor with the shots.” Wanda said to the group.
“Ok. I’m lost” Bucky said once Wanda was out of earshot.
“Phase 2, Barnes” Natasha’s eyes glinted “The plan was getting them drunk and leave them alone, wasn’t it? But, this is brilliant!” she clapped excitedly. “Steve’s gonna see him here, get all jealous and protective…”
“Ok, but someone needs to keep flash fire dude away from Stark until Captain Slow can make his move…” Sam warned looking as Steve was coming back from the restroom and was approaching the bar.
"Uh oh, too late” Bucky said moving his head towards Wanda who was talking to Johnny Storm and pointing at Katie’s direction before she gestured to their booth.
“Fuck.” Clint hissed.
“Should have seen that coming.” Natasha groaned.
“Can’t blame her, Witchy is only playing the cards she has left.” Clint chuckled.
“All right, Steve coming at your 9. Everybody play it cool. Let’s see how this unfolds.” Sam muttered.
It was only seconds after Steve had sat in the booth with another beer in his hands that Thor came carrying a tray with shots and a bottle of tequila, followed by Wanda and Johnny.
“Here, let me help you.” Wanda offered Thor.
“I told you I can handle this” he said placing the tray on the table “Fortunately, I am mighty.” he said casually tossing the bottle in the air and catching it expertly.
Bucky saw as Natasha gave a filthy look to Wanda who was now sitting between her and Steve.
“What? Wanda whispered.
"You know what.” Natasha muttered at her.
Steve’s eyes flickered up to the dark haired man and he did a double take. That was the Flash Fireman, the friend of Peralta’s that Katie had been talking to at the Christmas Party. He took a deep breath and felt his shoulders stiffen slightly as he looked around, spotting that Katie, Diaz and Gina were making their way over. He took a deep breath and his nostrils flared as Johnny blatantly looked Katie up and down as she made her way over.
“S’Up Fire Boy?” Diaz asked him “No kittens to rescue from a tree?”
“Off duty…” Johnny grinned “And stop pretending you’re not happy to see me Diaz.” “Yeah, that’s her happy face, just for clarity.” Gina nodded, folding her arms “Her angry face…well, no one who’s seen it has lived to tell the tale.”
There were a few chuckles from the table until Thor roared out that it was time for shots. Katie slid into the booth on the spare seat next to Johnny as Bucky and Steve both stood up to grab extra stools for Diaz and Gina. Once they were all seated Thor passed the shots around and Steve hastily slammed his down as he watched Katie leaning slightly into Johnny, the pair of them chatting. As Steve watched he held out his arm of his jacket and Katie smiled, reaching out to gently stroke it.
“You like it?” he asked looking at her “It’s a new material made by my sister, she’s an engineer.”  he said sliding an arm around Katie’s shoulder “It keeps the hot stuff hot and the cool stuff cool.”
“Yeah, can’t have your brain overheating, can we?” Steve jabbed at him, rolling his eyes.
Bucky chuckled at Steve’s comment and Katie tried to hide her smile sipping from her glass.
“I’m not wearing a hat.” Johnny frowned earning a withering look from Steve and Katie choked on her Martini. At that point there was no hiding the grin spreading across her face and Bucky saw her glance at Steve, probably to share another one of those knowing, inside smiles, but her expression slipped.  He looked over to see Wanda laugh at Steve’s joke and hold onto his left arm. And the Captain made no move to shrug her off. Instead, he turned into her, his arm moving only to drape round the back of the bench they were on.
Uh Oh.
“Are you ok, princess?” Bucky’s attention flicked back to Johnny who was looking at Katie. “Wanna dance?” he asked with his playful signature smile.
“Yeah, why not?” She said, shooting another glare at Steve. She stood up and flash fired dude slipped his arm round her, hand gripping at her hip as he steered her into the middle of the dancefloor
“I’m dancing too.” Natasha said standing up “And you’re all coming with me. This is a girl’s night after all…”she added dragging Wanda up out of the seat before she turned around and mouthed do something at Bucky.
Bucky looked at Clint and Sam for support, he wasn’t sure what it was that Natasha expected him to do. The situation was disastrous enough as it was.
The pretty blond waitress from the bar came to collect the tray and empty bottles scattered over the table and gave Steve an intense look.
"Want another drink or anything else, handsome? A dance maybe?”
“No thanks” Steve groaned. He stood up and simply said “Excuse me” before walking towards the bar.
“What’s wrong with him?” she asked Bucky and Sam who were looking at her sympathetically.
“Don’t take it personally. He’s in love.” Bucky shrugged.
“Oh, so is he taken?” she asked apologetically.
“Not exactly…” Sam tried to explain.
“What? Is she blind or something?” the waitress said wiping the table with a rag.
“Something like that.” Clint scoffed.
Bucky sat back and tried to come up with a way to redirect the situation. Jealous and drunk Steve was not a good combination but now it was pointless trying to fix the disaster as he saw Steve perched on a stool by the bar, another beer in hand, looking at the dance floor like a wolf.
And then, it was almost like it was happening in slow motion. Wanda, who had slunk off the dancefloor made her way over to Steve where she draped herself, shamelessly over him. And before Bucky could even move to warn Steve, as he could see what was happening a mile off, she’d slipped her arms round his neck and pulled him down to kiss her.
Bucky let out a groan and he turned to the dancefloor to see Natasha stood there, hand over her mouth and she turned to look at him. He waved his hand over his throat furiously, in an attempt to get Natasha to sort it out but it was too late.  Bucky’s eyes flickered to Katie whose attention was fully on Steve and her face fell.
“You left Wanda unleashed!” Bucky practically yelled, exaggerating his words so Natasha could see what he was saying, as he pointed in the direction of Steve and Wanda at the bar.
“Abort phase two. This is a disaster.” Clint groaned. Meanwhile, Thor laughed loudly and clapped.
“Matchmakers of the year, ladies and gentlemen!” he said.
“Where you even here?” Clint asked visibly annoyed.
In all fairness to Steve, he hadn’t been expecting Wanda to make a move like that. It took a while for his drunken brain to catch up with what was going on, but when he finally did he gently caught Wanda on the hips and pushed her away.
“Wanda…” he shook his head “I’m sorry, you’re a great girl and everything but…”
He stood up and looked around, and then he felt his heart sink. Katie and the Fancy Fireman were heading for the exit, hand in hand. Bucky was also watching the two of them leave, and his attention turned to Steve and the utter look of devastation the Captain wore.  
@the-omni-princess @momobaby227 @geekofmanythings16 @angelofhell-666 @thewackywriter @marvelfansworld  @cobalt-gear  @asgardlover75 @jennmurawski13  @jtargaryen18 @saiyanprincessswanie  @navispalace @patzammit  @joannaliceevans-fanficblog  @icanfeelastormbrewing @djeniiscorner  @ayamenimthiriel  @coldmuffinbanditshoe  @disneylovingal @madzmilllz  @sgtjaamesbaarnes @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @southerngracela  @goldenfightergir @kellymat @official-and-unstable-satan​ @charmed-asylum​
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holylulusworld · 5 years
Right decisions
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Summary: It’s just wrong…but at the same time so good. But all the wrong things have their consequences.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, bitchy parents
Warnings: pregnant reader, fluff, comforting, language, angst, mentions of kidnapping, bitchy parents, angry/protective super-soldiers
Wrong-Right Masterlist
 With shaking hands, you end the call while tears slip down your cheeks. Natasha is looking worriedly into your direction, knowing something must be off.
“What happened?” She asks but you can’t answer. You can still hear your mother crying for help and the painful screams of your father begging the man at the other end of the line to stop hurting him.
“I can’t tell you…” Gasping you place one hand onto your swollen belly, starting to shake. “I need…they have…Steve…Bucky…I need…” Panting you need to sit down while Wanda tries to calm you.
“Get Steve and Bucky,” Wanda says as Natasha runs out of your bedroom, not caring about the looks Tony gives her.
“No running in the hallway, Romanoff!” Tony chuckles but his smirk fades seeing Natasha panicked running toward Steve to drag him toward your room.
“Nat? What’s wrong?” Steve gasps running after his friend. “Something is off with Y/N. She got a call and is complete…I dunno. Just come with me.”
Steve runs faster almost bursting into the room to see you shaking and sobbing on the bed. Wanda tries to calm you, but nothing seems to work this time.
“Steve, she got a call,” Wanda whispers.
“Baby Girl? What’s wrong. Y/N, please…” Steve kneels next to you, gently cupping your cheek with his large palm.
“They said …” Lips quivering you look at Steve. “They have my parents, Steve. Hydra wants me and the babies or they are going to kill my mom and dad. I…” Sobbing you let Steve bring you onto his lap while you hold onto his shirt for dear life.
“No one will hurt your parents. We are going to free them, okay. Promise me to stay here with Natasha. I won’t allow these monsters to get hold of my girl and my baby.” Steve whispers rubbing your back gently.
“Nat, call Bucky. He should be on his way back. Tell him what happened…”
“I’m on it, Steve. I’ll inform the others. We need to make sure the building is on high alert too.” Natasha says.
“I didn’t want to eavesdrop, but the building is on high alert since Sharon betrayed us,” Tony says. “F.R.I.D.A.Y. is surveilling this room day and night. No one gets in except for one of us.”
“Doll, we are going to free your parents. Nothing will happen to them. I promise.” Bucky gently strokes your cheek as you try to stop crying.
“They ignored me for years, abandoned me even but still they are my parents. I can’t let anyone kill them because of me.” Your voice cracks seeing both men getting ready to free your parents.
“Tony was able to find the position of your parents. We will free your mom and dad, promised. They will be here in a blink and nothing will happen to them, doll.” Bucky tries to assure you but the nagging feeling something terrible will happen won’t go away.
“Please be careful, both of you. I don’t want to lose Steve or you again. I love you.” Sniffling you let Bucky hug you tightly. “I promise to be careful and watch America’s ass.” Bucky chuckles into your neck.
“I can watch my ass, Barnes. But I’ll take care of your ass if needed.” Steve rumbles taking Bucky’s place to hug you tightly. 
“Let’s roll and kick some asses,” Natasha exclaims. “Don’t worry, Y/N. I’ll keep an eye on these two. Their asses will be intact at the end of the day for sure.”
Anxious, scared and desperate you sit on your bed, stroking your baby bump as you wait for Steve and Bucky to return. Four hours passed and so far you got no message.
Praying no one got hurt or worse you stare at the door, hoping one of your men will enter the room every minute but the hour's pass, and your eyes grow heavy.
You are almost asleep when you hear the door open, followed by someone whispering your name. Watching Bucky steadying Steve you get off the bed as fast as possible to check on Steve’s wound.
“Steve. What happened? Are you hurt? Do you need my help? Please…” Sniffling you touch Steve’s arm gently as Bucky helps him sitting on the bed.
“Just a scratch, Baby Girl. Almost healed.” Steve pants smiling as you move your fingers through his hair. “We got them. Dr. Cho is checking on your father and mother right now. You can see both later.”
“Let me check on you first, Steve. Bucky, are you hurt too?” Helping Steve out of his uniform you gasp seeing the deep cut at his abs. “That’s not a scratch, Steve.”
“I’m fine, doll. Help Stevie. He was so worried to leave you and the babies all alone in the best-secured building in the world.” Bucky chuckles.
“You were the same, Buck! Nagging all the time about leaving Y/N alone.” Steve retorts. “We were both worried.”
“Steve let me check on your wound first and then we can talk about you worrying about me while I almost went nuts waiting for you to come back. I was so worried…”
“We are fine. Look…” Pointing toward Steve’s wound Bucky smiles. “It’s almost healed. We don’t die that easily. Not with two babies on their way and a sexy fiancée waiting for us.” Now he wraps his arms around you, kissing your pulse point softly as you watch Steve changing clothing.
“Bucky is right. We are here and won’t leave. Only right decisions from now on. Now let’s freshen up and you can see your parents before dinner.” Steve orders and you salute.
“Yes, Captain…Sir.” 
Steve is holding your hand as Bucky opens the door to the apartment your parents are waiting for you in. To say you are nervous would be an understatement. You are happy to see them again but also worried.
Tightening the grip on Steve’s hand you look at your mother while she checks on your father's injured arm.
“Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N, your daughter is here now. We wanted to give you some time to settle in before we get here.” Steve rumbles seeing the angry expression on your mother’s face. 
“We had to calm her too. She was so worried about you two.” Bucky adds.
“Worried about us? She has no right! This…” Pointing toward your injured father your mother angrily clenches her jaw. “…happened as you are a whore! Laying with two men at the same time. I always knew we should’ve never encouraged you to not marry Bradley. He would’ve known how to handle you!” Your mother spats and you flinch at her words.
“He was hitting me, mom.” You sniffle holding onto Steve’s hand for dear life. “I didn’t plan to fall in love with two men. I didn’t…”
Grimacing your mother storms toward you, trying to slap your face but Bucky grabs her hand just in time with his metal one, squeezing it tightly almost to the point of pain.
“Don’t touch my fiancée.” He warns narrowing his eyes. “She’s pregnant you heartless bitch!”
“It was you ruining our angel. The moment she fell for you Y/N was lost. I always knew you are the devil Bucky Barnes. I prayed Captain America would save my girl but in the end, she ruined the golden boy too.” Every word leaving your mother's lips cut deep into your heart.
You had hoped after seeing the pictures she was crying on your mother would be happy for you, happy she will have grandchildren soon. “Why were you crying?” You whisper.
“In the mall?” She asks scrunching up her nose in disgust. “I was crying as I saw the way Captain America stroked your baby bump. I knew you managed to get pregnant to make him come back to you.”
All your hope gets shattered with your mother turning her back on you once again. Your father remains silent. He doesn’t need to say a word. Not defending you or his grandchildren says more than a thousand words.
“I didn’t get pregnant on purpose. It was…” Sniffling you turn around, hiding your face into Steve’s chest.
“This was our fault. We forced your daughter and she got pregnant. Y/N was hiding from us, but we found her and Hydra too…” Bucky curses seeing you trembling in Steve’s arms.
“It’s her fault we got kidnapped and hurt. Her fault we can never go back…” Your mother yells and you flinch in Steve’s arms.
“Bucky…” Steve whispers letting go of you so Bucky can take his place, can soothe you.
“Do not defend her, Captain.” Your father says finally finding his voice. “We know our daughter is no good for you.”
“ENOUGH!” Steve yells and you look at him. He’s angry, no beyond angry. Ready to explode Captain America towers over your parents, trying to tame the boiling rage inside of him.
“Y/N is the woman I love; the woman Bucky loves. We all made mistakes, we hurt her, and she hurt us but now we are a family. We are going to have a baby and sadly there will be no grandparents to see my daughter and Bucky’s son grow up.” Your father turns pale seeing Steve clenching his fists.
“No, Y/N. I’m not done.” Steve glares at your parents, clearing his throat. “Tony organized a new house for you, enough money for three families to live a luxurious life and security beyond anything you can imagine. You could’ve stayed here and watched your daughter become a mother, but you will leave as soon as possible. If you ever try to contact Y/N, I’ll call Hydra with pleasure to leave you to their hands…”
“You should know Y/N was ready to sacrifice her life and her babies to save you. You’re a pitiful excuse of a mother.” Bucky spats leading you out of the room.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry,” Steve whispers as you cry into his shoulder. Bucky is watching you and Steve on the bed, pacing around the room. For half an hour he tries to tame his anger and fails.
“We saved these people. Risked our life’s and they come here and ….” Throwing a lamp into the wall Bucky curses and yells. Nostrils flaring he groans. “How can these people treat our girl like this?”
“Maybe they are right, James. I’m a whore…” 
“Shh…no…no. You’re our girl. Our fiancée and the mother of our children. We love you. Everyone loves you, Y/N.” Bucky whispers crawling onto the bed to spoon you. “I love you, Steve loves you. No one else counts.”
“I love you too, both…” 
“Now let’s get you ready for bed and forget about these people. We are going to have a family. Steve, you, the babies and I. Strong family. We don’t need your parents.”
“Can we just lie here, and you two hold be tight?” You whisper and both men press their bodies close to yours, whispering loving words into your ears.
While Tony brings your parents away to start a new life you do the same. Eyes closed, drifting into sleep you can feel the love between the three of you and that’s enough. 
You don’t need anyone else…
The End? - There might be a sequel...
All works Tags
@yolobloggers​, @meganywinchester​​, @shikshinkwon​​, @miraclesoflove​ ​, @mogaruke​, @shatteredabby​, @soryuwifeyxx​, @letsdisneythings​, @i-love-superhero​, @satansglow
Marvel Tags
@stuckys-whore​, @notyourtypicalrose​, @voltage-my2dlove​, @thedoctorscamanion , @officialmarvelwhore​, @randomgirlkensy​, @juniorhuntersam​, @lumar014​, @doctorswife221b​, @badboysdoitbetter2​​, @sister-winchesters99​, @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​
Steve Rogers/Chris Evans Tags
@hhiggs​​​, @roonyxx​​, @stylesismyhubs​​, @multisuperfandom​, @mrspeacem1nusone​
Wrong-Right Tags ​
@allonszassbutt​, @joe-mazzello-is-my-dad​, @gracethegeek9902​, @geekysimmerthings​, @mood-pancakes​, @siren-queen03, @secretsihideinside, @chook007
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sunriserose1023 · 5 years
Burden of Proof (1)
WORD COUNT: 5340 WARNINGS: THIS IS AN AU; mentions of past domestic violence/abuse, divorce, poverty, hunger, lawyers, bounty hunter, high school flashback, police, blood, murder mystery, death, arrest AUTHOR’S NOTE: This little project was inspired by this anonymous ask:  Hello SunriseRose, I don't know if you take requests but I was wondering if I could make one StevexReader as I love your Modern AUs. One where Steve is always a former captain and an artist but also a famous public defender and has to defend the reader, who is the love of his life he hasn't seen in years, because she was wrongly accused and he's all protective but has to be professional and she still loves him. Now, I almost didn’t write this, because the ask reminded me a lot of @captain-rogers-beard‘s Just Desserts series. I didn’t want Mimi to think I was trying to copy her, but I talked with her and she gave me the go-ahead. Which I’m so grateful for, because my muse just would not let this go. So, I hope you guys enjoy!
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You set your bag on the rickety table in the corner of your tiny apartment, wincing as you toed your shoes off. You groaned when your socked feet touched the carpet and you yawned, stretching your arms over your head. Your stomach growled, reminding you that you’d forgotten to take Wanda up on her offer to have Vis cook you something before you left the diner. 
Maybe tomorrow.
You untied the apron from around your waist, folding it and setting it beside your bag on the table. You shook your head and put the apron in your bag, to ensure that you wouldn’t forget it. You made your way to the fold-out sofa you slept on and sighed, making a mental note to see if Wanda could trade you some quarters for a few dollars so you could do some laundry. 
You made your way to the tiny bathroom, washing your face and hands before you looked at yourself in the dirty mirror. No matter how much you’d scrubbed—even borrowing cleaning supplies from the diner—the mirror was filthy. The whole place had been filthy, but you’d scrubbed until your fingers bled, painstakingly making your shoebox apartment into a space you were semi-proud of. 
Well... You were proud it was clean. You wouldn’t be inviting anyone over anytime soon, but it’s not like you had any friends to invite. Except for Wanda, who was a Godsend. She was the only one who’d stood beside you through the farce of your divorce, the one who’d offered you a job when you didn’t have any options, the one who’d given you a place to stay until you got back on your feet. She hated that you lived in this rundown building on the wrong side of town, but it was all you could afford, and she and Vis deserved a place to themselves. 
You yawned and stepped away from the mirror, unzipping the gray dress you wore as your work uniform and hanging it over the shower rod. The apartment was too small for a closet. It practically was the size of a closet. You had a couple of boxes that held your clothes—the few you’d bought at the local Goodwill, the few Wanda had collected and washed for you. There wasn’t room in your place to put a dresser—or much at all—and you had more important things to put your money towards than furniture. 
Like the massive attorney and court fees for both you and your ex. He had plenty of money to pay his own fees—and yours too, and not even blink an eye—but that’s not what the judge had ruled. No, the judge had piled the blame on you, despite the mountain of evidence that Brock had cheated on and abused you, thereby nullifying the pre-nup he’d insisted you sign just before the wedding. You’d known the judge would do just that, since Alexander Pierce had always attended the dinner parties Brock had made you host, along with playing golf with Brock every Tuesday. You’d tried to get him recused from the trial, but Pierce—and Brock—had many friends in high places. 
So that was how you found yourself at rock bottom, in an apartment even the roaches turned up their noses at, with an aching stomach and no food in the refrigerator. Well … if you’d even been able to afford a fridge.
You dug through one of the boxes and found an oversized t-shirt, one that advertised the annual Stark Expo from 2010. You pulled it on and smiled as you ran your hand over the faded picture on the front and sighed, pulling the blanket back and crawling onto the lumpy sofa bed. You stared up at the ceiling, until your eyes got too heavy to keep them open. You sighed, your last thought hoping that you’d be able to sleep this one night without dreaming. 
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Steve took a sip of the bourbon, exhaling as he stared out the window at the lights of the city. 
“Got him.”
Steve raised an eyebrow as he looked over his shoulder. Bucky smiled at him, plopping himself on Steve’s plush couch, kicking his booted feet up onto the coffee table and crossing his ankles. Steve exhaled and pointed at Bucky’s feet, but Bucky just shrugged. 
“Who, you ask? That little rat bastard that jumped bail.” “Not—“ “Yep. Jasper Sitwell. God, even his name gives me chills.”
Steve glanced into his glass, speaking before he took a drink. 
“He wasn’t one of mine.” “Nah, he was Rumlow’s. That bastard sold his soul a long time ago to be defending creeps like Sitwell.” “Where’d you find him?”
Bucky grinned. 
“The Jersey Shore. He was meeting up with who he thought was an underage hooker.”
Steve glanced over his shoulder, raising an eyebrow. Bucky just shrugged. 
“Can’t help it if Michelle looks younger than she actually is.” “Michelle? Not Peter’s Michelle.” “The one and only MJ. She’s completely legal, Stevie. In the academy now, unfortunately.”
Steve smiled. 
“Just because the NYPD wouldn’t take you—“ “The hell they wouldn’t!”
Steve chuckled, finishing off his glass of bourbon. Bucky sighed, crossing his thick arms over his chest. 
“Anyway, I wouldn’t be surprised if Sitwell tries to call you to defend him.”
Steve glanced into his glass and shook his head. 
“He can try.”
Bucky smiled again. 
“There’s my guy.”
Steve rolled his eyes, walking towards the liquor cart, ignoring the blue eyes watching his every move until the silence grew too loud. 
“Don’t you have a boyfriend to go check on?” “Eh, Clint’s got a big project coming up at work and I’m just in the way.”
Steve shook his head. 
“So you’ll let Clint work in peace, but you come over to annoy the piss out of me?” “Well, you don’t give me sex on the regular, so…”
Steve made a gagging noise that made Bucky laugh. After a moment of silence, Bucky spoke again.
“I noticed what tomorrow was, and I wanted to come check on you.”
Steve exhaled, setting the glass down on the cart and uncapping the bourbon.
“I’m fine, Buck.” “How much of that have you been through?”
Steve sighed. 
“Half a bottle. But it doesn’t affect me.” “I know.”
Steve ran a hand over his face and Bucky stood up, walking over and standing just over Steve’s shoulder. 
“It wasn’t your fault.” “I know it wasn’t.” “Do you?”
Steve closed his eyes, setting the bottle down on the cart before his hands started to shake. 
“I gave the order.”
Steve’s voice was barely a whisper, but Bucky heard it anyway. 
“We didn’t have to go. We chose to, Cap.”
Steve shook his head and Bucky stepped forward to grip Steve’s shoulder. 
“Sam would kick your ass if he could see you acting like this.”
Steve gave a ragged exhale. 
“Well, he’s not here to see it, is he?” “Don’t try and pick a fight with me.”
Steve squeezed his eyes shut and Bucky made him turn around, wrapping him in a hug. Steve put his face in Bucky’s shoulder, soaking in his strength until he could breathe again. He nodded, patting Bucky on the back before he straightened and stepped away from him. 
“I’ll be okay. I just … every year, I can’t help but think about him, what he’d be doing.” “I’ll tell you exactly what he’d be doing. He’d be right here with us.”
Steve smiled as he met Bucky’s eyes. 
“With me or with you?” “Well, Sam was excellent at straddling the fence. He’d do some legal stuff with you, but I figure he’d spend a fair amount of time on the less than legal side with me.”
Steve laughed at the grin on Bucky’s face, then nodded. 
“You’re right.” “I know I am.”
Steve rolled his eyes and Bucky tilted his head. 
“Want to crash with Clint and me tonight?”
Steve shook his head. 
“Nah, I’m fine.” “You gonna call Nat?” “For what?”
Bucky grimaced. 
“If you have to ask that question, you definitely need to call her.” “Oh my go—Bucky!”
Bucky cackled as Steve shook his head. 
“We don’t do that anymore.” “Right, right. That was a one-time booty call.”
Bucky rolled his eyes and Steve punched him in his shoulder. 
“It wasn’t a one-time thing, but we’re just better off …” “Not mixing business and pleasure?” “Yes, you ass.”
Bucky laughed, shaking his head as he raised his hands. 
“All right, fine. Whatever you say. I do think it wouldn’t kill you to get laid, but you do you. Oh, wait. Ew. Don’t actually—“ “Stop talking.”
Bucky nodded, closing his mouth. Steve shook his head, a smile playing at his lips. Bucky reached out and squeezed Steve’s shoulder.
“If you need me, don’t hesitate to call.” “I will. Thanks, man.”
Bucky nodded, squeezing Steve’s shoulder once more before he turned and put his hands in the pockets of his jacket as he waited on the elevator. 
When he was gone, Steve sighed. He made a face when he lifted his hand and turned to walk through his penthouse back to his bedroom. He slid the jacket off his shoulders, removing the cuff links from his sleeves before he loosened the tie around his neck. 
He hadn’t even bothered to get comfortable when he’d left the office. He’d just gone straight for the liquor cabinet. 
He sighed, shaking his head to try and clear it of the thoughts that plagued him. He dropped the tie in the hamper, then unbuttoned his shirt and dropped it on top of the tie. He sat on the bench of the vanity—wondering yet again why he had a vanity with a bench seat in his bathroom—untying his shoes and tossing them out into the bedroom. He dropped his socks and slacks in the hamper, walking into the bedroom in his boxer-briefs. He took in a breath and let it out slowly as he climbed into the California King, moving a hand behind his head and staring at the ceiling. 
He was exhausted, but he knew as soon as he closed his eyes, he’d be back in Afghanistan. He’d be back to that day, when he gave the order, when Bucky nearly lost his arm and Sam lost his life. He braced himself as best he could, finally giving in to the exhaustion, body going slack as he drifted to sleep. 
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“Here, taste this.” “I’d much rather taste—mmph.”
Steve took a bite before the cupcake was shoved into his face, chewing as he listened to the quiet giggle. He nodded, swallowing and meeting her eyes. 
“That’s delicious.” “Lemon cake with raspberry frosting.” “Little sweet, little tart. Like you.”
You rolled your eyes, turning back to the cupcakes you were frosting, smiling when Steve’s hands slid over your hips, his warm chest pressing against your back. He started kissing your neck and you sighed, leaning back into him. 
“My parents will be home soon.” “Guess we better get it in quick, then.”
You laughed, shaking your head and leaning forward, forcing him backwards. 
“Come on, baby.” “I have got to frost these.” “But we—“ “Can sneak away later. I’ve got to get these ready and delivered before it gets too late.”
Steve groaned and you turned to face him, a cupcake in your hand, frosting it as you spoke. 
“I promise I will make it worth your while if you can help me pack these up and deliver them.” “Who’re they for?” “Wanda’s mom for her open house.”
Steve sighed, rubbing a hand over his hair. 
“I’ll let you touch my boobs.” “Sold.”
You laughed, setting the cupcake in the box you’d been packing up, closing the lid and walking to him, looping your arms around his neck. You closed your eyes and shivered when his big hands slid up and down your sides, leaning in and pressing your lips to his, speaking softly. 
“I love you.”
Steve smiled as you went on kissing him, and he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer. 
“I love you.”
He broke the kiss, smiling down at you. 
“Whoever would have thought I’d fall in love with my tutor?”
You rolled your eyes. 
“Oh, shut up.” “Just imagine if I’d have been good at English. We may never have met.” “Oh, we’d have met, Mr. Quarterback. You just wouldn’t have had anything to do with me.”
You squealed as he gathered you up into his arms. 
“Guess I’ll just thank my lucky stars, then.”
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Steve sat at his desk, twirling a pen between two fingers, absently swaying his chair back and forth. He glanced over at the knock on his door and a smile spread over his lips. 
“Hey, you.”
Natasha smiled. 
“Hey, back.”
Natasha walked into the room, looking effortlessly gorgeous in her simple navy blue dress. Her fiery hair was curling gently around her face and she moved with grace, despite the sky-high heels she wore. She took a seat in the chair in front of Steve’s desk, crossing her legs. 
“What’s on your mind?”
Steve pursed his lips and shook his head and Natasha rolled her eyes. 
“You’ve got this pensive look on your face. What’s up?”
Steve sighed, turning his head and glancing out the window. 
“Do you have a one that got away?” “Doesn’t everyone?”
Steve smiled at that, flicking his eyes back to hers. Natasha smirked at him, shaking her head. 
“That’s for me to know and keep as my secret.”
Steve nodded, and after a moment of quiet, she spoke again. 
“What about you?”
Steve nodded again, staring at the pen in his hands. 
“High school sweetheart.” “Did you love her?”
Steve nodded, rubbing a hand over his chin. 
“She was my first love. My first … everything.”
Steve bit his tongue as he ran his fingers over his lips. 
“I haven’t thought about her in years, but I dreamed about her last night.” “What was the dream?”
Steve shook his head. 
“Nothing, really. She was baking; she was always baking something. She was incredible at it. And I was just there, nagging her like I always did.”
Steve shook his head again. 
“It wasn’t anything special, but looking back …” “All those seemingly ‘nothing special’ moments end up being everything.”
Steve met her eyes, and she smirked at him again. 
“So you’re in here, drowning in nostalgia while we’re all working our asses off.”
Steve chuckled under his breath. 
“Our case load is pretty light at the moment. Want me to go stir us up some business?”
Natasha rolled her eyes. 
“Please. Just one glimpse of you in the Times or on any of the news channels gets our ‘case load’ going. Everyone wants to be defended by America’s sweetheart.”
Steve laughed out loud, shaking his head. 
“America’s sweetheart. That’s a good one.” “Where is the lie?”
He shook his head again, a smile on his face. 
“Go bother someone else. I’m sure Peter would love a visit with the Black Widow.”
Natasha’s eyes widened and Steve shrugged. 
“You got a nickname for me, I got one for you.” “A couple little divorce settlements and I’m a deadly spider?” “Little settlements? Nat, you drained the men for everything they had and money they hadn’t even made yet.”
Natasha smiled, shrugging her shoulders. 
“They deserved it.”
Steve nodded, a smile on his face. 
“I’m just glad to be on your team.” “And don’t you forget it.”
Natasha put both feet on the floor and leaned over in the chair. 
“But I do have one thing I’d like your professional opinion on.” “Hit me.”
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You set the plates you’d been carrying into the soapy dishwater and made a face as you rubbed your left wrist. You’d found that in working this job, old injuries liked to make themselves known, as if the throb of pain was a reminder of everything you’d been through. You closed your eyes as your fingers massaged your wrist, trying to block out the memory of Brock’s hands coming at you, the feel of the marble floor as you were thrown onto it, the snap of the bone as your wrist broke—
You opened your eyes to see Vis standing at the stove, glancing over his shoulder at you. He raised an eyebrow over his glasses when you looked to him and you shook your head, dropping your hands, pushing a smile onto your face. 
“If one more dirty old man smacks my ass, I swear...”
Vis gave a laugh, shaking his head, turning back to the stove.
“You’re still shiny and new to them. Wanda’s threatened to break all their fingers at least once.” “What is it about men? Why do you like it when we’re mean to you?”
Vis raised his hands, then sighed.  
“I already hate myself for this, but not all men …”
You laughed, and he smiled. He nodded his head towards the front counter. 
“Wanda’s counting up the register if you’re ready.”
You nodded and walked through the kitchen doors and Wanda smiled when she lifted her head and saw you. 
“Hello, lovely.”
You smiled, pulling your tips out of your apron. 
“Hello. Can you spare some quarters? I’ve got to do laundry before you fire me for indecent exposure.”
Wanda laughed, pulling a roll of quarters from her bank bag. 
“No worries, love. Now, I don’t want to tell you what to do, but the less laundry you do, the more tips you may get.”
You shook your head, a smile on your lips and a flush in your cheeks. Wanda bumped your shoulder with her own and nodded towards the kitchen. 
“I put an order in for you and me a couple of Vis’ juicy burgers.” “Ah, sounds great. Want to take it out of—“ “Don’t finish that sentence. You work doubles every day. The least we can do is feed you.”
You nodded, hoping your face didn’t give away the relief that was all but seeping from your pores. Wanda counted out your tips and exchanged your ones for bigger bills, and you smiled when you slipped the money into your apron pocket. 
“Not too shabby tonight.”
You shook your head. 
“Not bad at all.” “You okay?”
You met Wanda’s gaze and sighed. You nodded. 
“I’m fine, just …” “What?”
You tapped your fingers on the counter, watching Wanda count the money. She flicked her eyes towards you and smiled. 
“I can multitask, you know.”
You smiled. 
“Do you remember Steve Rogers?” “Love of your life Steve Rogers?”
You rolled your eyes. 
“Wanda.” “Sorry, were you not there in high school?” “That’s exactly my point. It was high school. Nobody finds the love of their life in high school.” “Lies. What about Nathan and Haley?”
You laughed. 
“Wanda, they aren’t real people. That’s a TV show.” “Yeah, but it’s pretty true to life. Don’t start with me.”
You giggled, shaking your head. She shut the cash register and turned to face you. 
“Why are you thinking about Steve?” “I have no idea. I haven’t thought about him for years, but I dreamed about him last night.” “Seriously?”
You nodded, and Wanda leaned closer. 
“Sexy dream?” “Stop it.”
You smacked her shoulder and she laughed. 
“What was the dream about?”
You shook your head. 
“Nothing special. I was making cupcakes for one of your mom’s open houses.” “Oh, I forgot about how much you loved to bake.”
You smiled sadly, glancing towards the kitchen. 
“I haven’t done it in so long.” “Really?”
You nodded, that uneasy feeling you’d grown accustomed to making itself known in your gut. 
“Brock was so … consumed with his appearance. I made him a pie one time and he completely freaked out. Said I wanted to make him fat, and then no one would take him seriously and he’d lose his job, and it would be all my fault.”
You left out the part about the bruise on your hip that stayed there for months after he threw you across the room. You shrugged, shifting your weight, ignoring the phantom pain in your leg. 
“After that, I stopped baking altogether. I tried to focus on healthy food until he hired the nutritionist/chef.”
Wanda blew out a breath, leaning in and hugging you. It jolted you at first, the gentleness of her touch, the easy way she showed affection. You still weren’t used to human contact in a non-harmful capacity, but you relaxed into her touch as Wanda stroked your hair. 
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that.” “Wanda, it’s okay. It’s over now.” “Thank God.”
She leaned back, taking hold of your arms and staring into your eyes. 
“He’s never going to hurt you again.”
You nodded, making yourself smile. Wanda nodded back at you, giving your arms a gentle squeeze. 
“So tell me more about this dream.”
You shrugged, walking around the counter to sit at one of the stools. 
“There’s not much to tell. I was baking, he was bothering me, like he always did.”
You smiled, then sighed. 
“It was nothing, but everything all at the same time. It was one of the last times we were together, one of the last times I ever felt … happy.” “Why are you dreaming about it now?” “That’s the question on my mind, too. Maybe it’s because I’m starting to feel happy again?”
You and Wanda turned at the sound of the bell in the kitchen window. Two plates of burgers and fries appeared a second before Vis poked his head through the window and smiled. 
“Order up, ladies.”
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After you sat at the bar and devoured the burger Vis had made for you, you swept the floor. Wanda, despite your protests, insisted on mopping, and she would periodically hop across the wet floor to take a bite of her own burger. That only happened twice before Vis walked out of the kitchen, taking the mop from her hands and dropping a kiss to her mouth, ushering her to the seat beside you. When she’d taken a huge bite and was working on chewing it, you nodded towards the man pushing the mop around. 
“He’s a good one.”
Wanda smiled as she nodded, glancing over her shoulder at him. She was still smiling when she looked back to you and she shrugged. 
“He is. I know he’s a bit older than me, but … I’m happy with him. He makes me feel safe. Not to mention what an amazing cook he is.”
You gave a soft chuckle, taking a bite of one of the fries left on your plate. 
“I don’t know what that’s like.” “What?” “Feeling safe.” “Oh, honey.” “No, it … it’s okay.”
You reached over and laid a hand on Wanda’s arm. 
“I was under Brock’s thumb for a long time. Now I can see what that meant. What he did to me. But it’s over now. I’m still picking myself up and dusting myself off, but I’m here, and not with him. He’s Maria’s problem now.” “Better her than you.” “Took the words right out of my mouth.”
You lifted your water glass, clinking it against Wanda’s. You took a sip as the phone started to ring, and Wanda made a face before she leaned over the counter to answer it. 
“Thanks for calling The … May I ask who’s calling?”
She made a face, covering the mouthpiece of the phone and meeting your eyes. 
“It’s Maria Hill. She wants to talk to you.”
You blinked, mouth dropping open before you nodded. Wanda handed you the phone and you straightened your shoulders, trying to prepare yourself to talk to the woman you once considered your best friend. 
“He—Hello?” “Y/N, it’s Maria. Look, I have a few of your things put aside that I think you’d like to have.”
You blinked again. That was not what you were expecting to hear. 
“Really?” “Yes. If you could run by here, you can get it. Brock’s working late tonight and this might be your only chance.”
You nodded. 
“Yeah, I … I’ll be right there.” “The door’s unlocked. Just come on in.”
The dial tone sounded in your ear and you blinked before handing the phone back to Wanda. She set the phone in the holder, then spoke softly. 
“What is it?” “Maria said she put some of my stuff aside and I can come get it.” “Really?”
You nodded. 
“I thought Brock threw all of my stuff away.” “Guess not. What do you think it is?”
You shrugged. 
“Maybe some clothes. Or maybe some pictures. A few of those little knick-knacks that were my mom’s?”
Wanda nodded. 
“Let’s go.” “Oh, I can’t ask you to—“ “You didn’t. But I can’t let you take a bus over there this time of night.”
You sighed. 
“No, it would be better if I went alone, I think.” “What if Brock’s there?”
You shook your head. 
“Maria said he’s working late. That means he won’t get in until sunrise, if he doesn’t just sleep in his office.”
Wanda bit her bottom lip, then shook her head. 
“Let Vis and me drive you. He won’t mind.”
You smiled, reaching over and gripping her hand. 
“Wanda, I’ll be fine. I promise. I’ll call you just before I leave there.”
She sighed. 
“I really wish you’d let me get you a phone.” “Wanda—“ “It’s just so convenient! And you can pay me back whenever. No rush.”
You exhaled. 
“I’ll think about it.”
She smiled. 
“Plus, it would give me peace of mind whenever you’re in that rat-trap apartment you stay in.”
You laughed. 
“It’s not that bad.” “Don’t lie, baby girl.”
You finished off your water, setting it on your empty plate. Wanda waved you off when you tried to take the plate into the kitchen. 
“Don’t worry about it. We’ll take care of it. Just be careful.” “I will.”
You leaned over and kissed Wanda’s cheek, then gathered your stuff together. You waved to Vis and walked across the street to the bus stop, sitting on a bench and smiling as you looked down at your hands. 
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You stared up at the front door of the house you used to live in, taken aback again at how big everything was. It was too much space for just you and Brock. 
But then again, your marriage was hardly ever just you and Brock. 
You shook your head and twisted the knob, pushing the door open. 
“Maria? It’s Y/N.”
You didn’t hear anything, and you closed the door behind you. You walked around the first floor, but your search for Maria and/or your things came up empty. You made your way up the marble staircase, going for the library that Brock had turned into an office. You’d always loved the library, and as soon as Brock kicked you out, he renovated it.
The door was closed and you knocked twice. 
“Maria? Are you in here?”
No answer and you sighed. You should have asked her where she put your things, instead of just barging in like this. You had a feeling that what you were looking for was behind this door, because Maria had known how much you loved the room. You knocked again, then turned the knob. The room was dark, and you patted your hand over the wall, making a face when you felt something wet against your hand before you found the light switch. 
Your mouth dropped open and your blood ran cold at the sight in front of you. Every surface was splattered with varying shades of red, the pristine white carpet was soaked a dark maroon, and just a few feet away from you in an office chair, eyes glazed over and staring at nothing, was your ex-husband with a jagged cut across his throat that was still oozing blood. 
Brock was dead. 
You started to cover your mouth with your hand, glancing down and seeing the blood on your palm, looking up and seeing a smear from where you’d turned the light on. You pressed your lips together and staggered out the door, turning your back to the gruesome sight and urging yourself not to vomit. You stopped when you reached the stairs, breathing a breath of relief when you saw the policeman a few steps below you, gun raised.
“Thank God. I don’t know what—“ “Don’t move.”
He spoke calmly and clearly, with authority. You went still and he slowly nodded. 
“Raise your hands in the air. Keep them where I can see them.”
You did as he asked, shaking your head. 
“I just got here. My friend said the door was open and—“ “It’s in your best interest to stop talking right now.”
Your eyebrows furrowed and you shook your head as he kept his gun trained on you, turning his head to speak into his shoulder. 
“This is Officer Rollins, requesting backup at—“
His voice suddenly went fuzzy as he repeated your former address. You shook your head, feeling your legs start to grow weak. 
“I—I’m sorry, what—“ “I thought I told you to stop talking.”
You nodded, glancing around.
“Ca—can I just—“ “Don’t move!”
You flinched at his harsh tone, closing your eyes. You tried to take in a deep breath, but panic was wrapping itself around your body, slowly squeezing. Your eyes flew open at the next words from the officer’s mouth. 
“We received a call that there had been a murder at this residence.”
You nodded. 
“I j—just found him.” “Oh really? Then how’d you get blood on your hands?”
You glanced at the hand you had raised by your head, your voice coming out as barely a whisper. 
“I just turned the lights on.”
The man shook his head, eyes cold, gun still trained at your chest. You could feel your body begin to tremble and you spoke as calmly as you could. 
“I need to sit down, please.” “Don’t fucking move or I swear I’ll shoot.”
Tears came to your eyes and you shook your head. 
“I just—“ “Didn’t I tell you to stop talking? Shut the hell up!”
You let out a sob, gasping as the house was suddenly flooded with police officers and a S.W.A.T. team. You flinched as officers flew by you, doing your best to stay still and calm as voices overlapped and chaos ensued. You closed your eyes and tried to breathe, eyes flying open when your arms were suddenly wrenched behind your back. You yelped as handcuffs were placed around your wrists, tightened so tightly the metal bit into your skin. You tried to look back, to see who was touching you, but you were pushed forward. A pair of arms righted you when you slipped, gasping at the thought that you were going to fall down the marble stairs. You were pushed forward again, but this time, you took a step, forcing your panicked mind to focus on getting down the stairs in one piece. The blood was rushing in your ears, blocking out all sounds, until you were outside. 
You squinted your eyes at the brightness of the flashing blue lights of the police cars lining the street and the driveway. You continued to walk forward, shaking your head as you grew closer to one of the patrol cars, as your brain finally registered that the person behind you was speaking. 
“Do you understand these rights as I have read them to you?” “What?” “Do you understand these rights as I have read them to you?”
You shook your head, turning to look at the officer behind you. She was a woman close to your age, blonde hair pulled back in a tight bun. The golden nameplate on her chest read S. Carter. You felt like everything was moving in slow motion as you shook your head again. 
“What’s going on?” “Did you hear anything I just said?”
You shook your head and she narrowed her eyes. 
“You’re under arrest for the murder of Brock Rumlow.”
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TAGS: @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan, @captain-rogers-beard, @rhapsody-in-flannel, @iamwarrenspeace, @songforhema, @notyourtypicalrose, @beardburnsupersoldiers, @little-smurf, @capandbuckylvr, @anbrax5553, @hista-girl, @capsiclesdoll, @iminlovewithenchilidadas, @hookaddict, @evanstush, @james-bvcky-barnes, @shygamergirl01, @isaxhorror, @rogerstheheartthief, @icysquares, @juliae03, @cluelessnitwhit, @shhhs3cret, @superpug815, @trickstersteve, @lunatictardis, @bucky-rrogers, @ivoryhazlewood, @abschaffer2, @rainbowkisses31
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link to the sing is HERE
A/N: a little pick-me-up before the weekend 
Sam Wilson x reader
Word count: 1590
Summary: For some reason, a mission was scheduled over Christmas, leaving you and Sam separated for the holidays
Warnings: lots of swearing
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Oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
'Cause no matter how far away you roam
When you pine for the sunshine of a friendly gaze
For the holidays you can't beat home sweet home!
  Why did Fury have to do this to him?  Well, everyone on the mission was pissed, but especially Sam.  Who the hell PLANS a mission that extends over Christmas?  Instead of being cuddled up on the couch watching Christmas movies with his girl or thrift shopping for quirky white elephant gifts with his friends, Sam was stuck in the middle of northern Canada.
“Pass me another blanket?” Bucky shivered, trying to turn up the shifty motel’s crappy heater.  That poor machine was running the best it could and still the heat it was cranking out was barely enough to make the room above freezing temperature.
“There are only three blankets and you already have two of them,” Sam sassed, struggling to open the pack of Oreos he’d purchased at the gas station.  Damn things froze in the car!  They were solid as a rock! “And there’s no way in hell I’m giving mine up,”.
Steve rolled his eyes, opening the multiple cans of soup they bought and dumping them into a large bowl.  “Ladies, calm down! I don’t want to get kicked out of the only shelter we have right now because of your yelling,” he grumbled, covering the bowl with a paper towel and putting it in the grimy microwave.
 I met a man who lives in Tennessee, and he was headin' for
Pennsylvania and some homemade pumpkin pie
From Pennsylvania folks are travellin'
Down to Dixie's sunny shore
From Atlantic to Pacific
Gee the traffic is terrific!
  Steve handed everyone a mug of hot soup.  Unfortunately, they didn’t have spoons so they had to drink their soup like unemployed college students.  It was inconvenient, they weren’t about to complain about a hot meal.  “Eat up,” Steve hummed, sitting by his friends on the floor, which was, by far, much cleaner than the beds.
Sam grinned up at him, thanking him briefly.  “Here Cap, take this,” he said, giving Steve his blanket, “that suit isn’t enough to keep you warm,”.
“Aw, Sam, you don’t have to do that, you need it more than I do,” Steve said, pushing the quilt back into Sam’s clenched fist.
“Take it, I’ll be okay,” he insisted, “if winter boo bear over here won’t share, then I will,”.  He chuckled a bit, glaring over at Buck, who had bundled himself up like a little homeless lady.
“Hey!  Part of my body is fucking metal!  I’M COLD,” Bucky defended, wrapping himself up tighter into the blanket nest.
  “So Fury says we’ll be stuck here longer than he thought… we might not be back until the new year,” Steve sighed, knowing neither of his teammates would like it.
“What? C’mon, man, I promised (Y/N) I’d be back before then!” Sam groaned, “I’ve been gone since the beginning of the month!  She’s had to spend this whole holiday season alone,”.
“I know, Sam, I know…” Steve nodded, trying to keep him calm, “it’s less than ideal, we all have people at home we’d rather be with than out in… the arctic,”.
Sam just scowled at Steve, sick of him and Fury’s bullshit.  “Nah man, I ain’t taking this!  (Y/N) and I had this whole Christmas planned!” he ranted, nearly spilling his already cold soup, “instead of sneaking slices of rum cake when she’s not looking or hiding mistletoe around the apartment, I’m stuck here, with two other dudes, one of whom I’m pretty sure has fleas!”.
Bucky punched Sam’s arm with his metal one.  Damn, that vibranium really was cold!
 Oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
'Cause no matter how far away you roam
If you want to be happy in a million ways
For the holidays you can't beat home sweet home!
  Sam’s phone buzzed in his pocket, waking him up from his uncomfortable sleep.  He was still freezing his tail feathers off (that joke was not as funny as Bucky thought it was when he said it) but the heater seemed to be working better.  He groaned, cracking his stiff back before answering the facetime call. “Hello?” he groaned, yawning.
“Hi baby,” you greeted, smiling at him.
Sam immediately perked up at the sound of your voice.  He got up and jogged to the bathroom so he could turn on lights and talk to you in private.  “Hey sugar, how’s my girl doin’?” he smiled, eyes shining at you.
“Lonely without you,” you replied, “how’s Canada?”.
“Fucking freezing,” he scoffed, “and Barnes keeps hogging blankets,”.
“Oh, I know how you feel.  That’s what Wanda did on our last mission to Russia,” you hummed, getting more comfortable on the couch, “I heard Fury is pushing back the return date,”.
“Yeah….” he sighed, “it sucks, but I guess that’s what being an Avenger means; long work hours,”.
You grinned, laughing half-heartedly.  “I’m trying my best on my end to get you guys home,” you said, hoping that’d make him feel better.
“Eh, good luck with that, Fury's as stubborn as they come,” he sighed, “so what have you been up to? I hope you’re still having fun, despite all this,”.
“I am,” you nodded, getting up to show him the pumpkin spice cake you made, flipping the camera.  “I made a lot of goodies!  Chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter bars,” you listed, padding to the kitchen, “and a spice c- HEY!”.  You caught Wanda and Nat stealing treats.  You shooed them away as they slunk off like raccoons with their plates and mouths full.
Sam laughed at the scene the camera was capturing.  “I see the ladies have taken over for me while I’m away,” he chuckled, “there better be sweets for me when I get back!”
“Oh there will be,” you grinned, putting a lid over the cake to keep it safe, “and a few presents, and a clean bed, and a hot shower, and a big blanket that you don’t have to share,”.
“That sounds so good right now,” he sighed, closing his eyes, fantasizing about coming home, “damn I can’t wa-”
“SAM! SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Bucky groaned from his blanket cocoon by the heater, his voice muffled by the various noises in the hotel room, “THE BATHROOM ECHOES!”.
Sam rolled his eyes. “I’ll talk to you later baby, okay?” Sam whispered, catching the kiss you blew to him through the phone, “love you,”.
“Love you more,” you grinned, hanging up.
 I met a man who lives in Tennessee and he was headin' for
Pennsylvania and some homemade pumpkin pie
From Pennsylvania folks are travellin'
Down to Dixie's sunny shore
From Atlantic to Pacific
Gee the traffic is terrific!
  Sam plopped down into the car, very ready to fall asleep.  “Do we have to go back to the motel? I’m pretty sure sleeping in here would be more hygenic,” he sighed, taking off his goggles, the eyewear having left uncomfortable imprints on his skin.
Not that the car was too much better.  It was an old, rented van from a sketchy rental place.  Steve advocated for a smaller, but newer minivan, but Fury insisted that this would be less inconspicuous.  
“Actually, yes, We do have to go back,” Steve hummed proudly, “Fury said there were extra supplies dropped off for us,”.  
Bucky and Sam let out a tired ‘woo’.  “Does that include a space heater?” Buck asked, taking his boots off, “or better mattresses?”.
Steve smirked, feeling truly proud of himself.  “Well, my ‘nagging’ worked, and we’re now staying in Holiday Inn,” he answered, “clean beds, free breakfast, and functioning showers,”.
The other men let out a more enthusiastic ‘woo’ this time, somewhat surprised that Fury caved.  Normally he’d tell Steve to, “shut up and quit your bitching,”.
 Oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
'Cause no matter how far away you roam
If you want to be happy in a million ways
For the holidays you can't beat home sweet home!
For the holidays you can't beat home sweet home!
  The boys walked into the hotel, smiling as the heated air warmed up their cold bodies, the snow clinging to their uniforms melting away.  “Much better,” Bucky grinned, flopping face down onto the clean couch in the little sitting area. 
“Who wants dinner? There’s plenty here!” Steve cheered, opening the fully stocked fridge, “ooh, even spice cake!”.
Sam paused for a minute.  “Spice cake?” he thought to himself, “Steve I don’t think it was you who convinced Fury to send us here,”.
Steve raised a quizzical brow.  “Well it certainly wasn’t Buck,” he said, throwing an apple at the sleeping assassin’s head.
Peeking your head out of the closet, you surprised the boys by shouting, “MERRY FUCKIN’ CHRISTMAS!”.  Buck was so surprised he fell off the couch with a hardy, "oof,".
“(Y/N)?” Sam greeted, giving you a big hug and kiss, “you did all this?".  You nodded.  "How… how did you pull it off?  How did you convince Fury?”.
“I didn’t.  Natasha just took over the mission and I convinced her,” you grinned, snuggling into Sam’s side, “figured I’d pay a visit as well…”.
“But-” Sam stammered, confused, “why not stay home?  Or shorten the mission?”.
“As much as I hate to admit it, Fury is right, there is a lot of work to be done here,” you sighed, squeezing his hand, “and I am home.  I’m with you,”.
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