#like they're never not together and they!! play!! chess!!!!!!
stargatebarbie · 11 months
it's SO important to me that they play chess together. and that they play prime not prime, quiz eachother on tv & movies, play with rc cars, play virtual golf. but especially the chess
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bhaalsdeepbat · 5 months
Tfw a scene hits you with such force and clarity, it's absolutely like a religious vision
When Astarion gets up in the middle of the night to handle the twins so they will be quiet and let Mercy sleep, Mercy sneaks off to the undercity ruins. Theyre gone for hours hunting any Bhaalists who are trying to maintain the ruins, slaughtering the Bhaalists, and then going to the altar to yell directly at Bhaal, only to be met with silence. Mercy screaming that he couldn't take anything else from them. They'd make damn sure of it. Just never saying "You took everything you wanted from me, but you cannot have the twins." And it's a threat. One that isn't answered.
Then returning to a fretting Astarion (bc they're both still unlearning their codependency)
#bat rambles#durge and astarion are still working through toxic habits after the tadpoles are dealt with#they're both codependent and until this point havent had to be separated#or even like exist in a way that wasnt together#Mercy’s his emotional support person#and mercy is a guard dog who needs a job and their job is protecting Astarion so no one can get close#while he shoots an arrow through their throat#but now mercy also is feeling protective of the twins#not even maternal projectiveness or anything#they just can see who they were in the twins and if they got a chance#even with them spilling so much blood their body remembers what their mind cannot#mercy got a second chance and theyre going to extend that to the kids#it's just complicated and scary#astarion is still very much in his head and just performing so he doesnt have to think about the Horrors#he's just playing 5D short-term chess but he doesnt think of the twins as people yet#at best theyre like disgusting little gnolls#tolerating bc he can see Mercy isnt rejecting them#and mercy is like preparing for him to be like. this is NOT what i want#even tho he's absolutely thinking to himself it's barely a blip in his immortal life span#the time needed to rear the kids enough to be self sufficient and independent is nothing#but mercy will NOT ask him to stay they would never ask him to do something they think he may not wanna do#but bc no communication he's very confused about why they're so fucking angry at him all of a sudden#bc theyre pushing him away#their act 1 relationship was v much defined by communication issues by two people who dont know who they are#never love an anchor
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honestlyvan · 2 years
That's so many wips, mmm, ABACA?
That's the obligatory Smokescreen-centered fic. ABACA is the structure, it's always coming back to Smokescreen training in armed combat with Wheeljack, who's trying to both teach him how to use a sword safely but also, ultimately, trying to push him towards a greater understanding of himself. It goes through from the ground-level barest basics to Smokescreen eventually getting good enough to realise that bladed weapons aren't really his thing after all.
Inbetween, there's other stuff, mainly Smokescreen watching the rest of the team spar amongst themselves (and also fucking eavesdropping in on Bulkhead and Wheeljack stargazing and talking about him, the little shit) in a way that is a little bit just me having fun with characterisation and a lottle bit of Smokey learning through mirroring back what he sees with other people.
It's all building up to the realisation for Smokescreen that the thought of who he wants to become has to come from the inside. He doesn't want to literally be like Wheeljack -- moreso, he just wants what Wheeljack has, and that's something he's come across less through talent (something Smokey has in abundance) but through experience (which... ah. Hm.) and that there are many approaches to self-improvement.
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mecachrome · 2 months
notes from nicole piastri's interview on red flags pod
oscar started playing monopoly and chess when he was 4-5 but he was too good at chess (relative to nicole) that she boycotted it
nicole opened her twitter account because oscar wasn't replying to her at boarding school and she needed a place to chastise him ("can you not answer... i KNOW you're on your phone") (it worked because he started replying to her there)
instead of unflappable she calls him "conservative"
even during christmas and birthdays he was never super excited, one time they went with a group of 5 mums and 5 kids to a hi-5 concert (popular australian kids' musical group) and while all the kids were "going nuts" oscar just sat there "focused the whole time" and didn't smile or move lmfao. they were like 3 years old
didn't know what she was doing with oscar as a baby because he was her first child and her mothers' group was her only reference and they went "isn't the best part of the day when you wake up and go to their crib and they smile at you?" and she was like ??? because oscar would wake up and just SCREAM every single day needing to be out of there immediately and she thought that was just normal... then she had the girls and went "ahhhh... so that's what they're talking about"
when he was younger than 2 he needed them to read car magazines to him and was already obsessed with all things automotive and while they were driving would just name off and point out car brands by their badges
for a long period of time he behaved like he was a car and would "spin" his wheels and pretend to accelerate and run like a car lol
did a big burnout the first time he was on a bike (it had training wheels but he still learned very early)
as a mum she wishes he'd chosen golf or tennis since it's much safer than f1 and sometimes people tell her that she technically had a say in that when he was a kid and she said "but i didn't! it was just in him!!!"
won an academic award when he was 13 and she was president of the parents' community so she presented it to him, normally these events are super formal and you simply shake hands but she gave him a big kiss and instead of acting embarrassed or spluttering he looked at the crowd, nodded silently, and walked off
came back for the summer a few years ago and they were biking on the beach together when she had to brake hard to avoid a kid and went over, when she recovered and got back on he went "are you all right?" very deadpan but after they got home they checked his heart rate monitor and saw that he was totally steady the whole time except for when she crashed and his heart rate went through the roof, told him "ah so you do have a heart... we just don't see it"
"there's no sibling that can piss him off?" "well he's a boy with three girls so he just doesn't go there because he's never going to win"
met lily in person for the first time when he came home for the melbourne grand prix (was still alpine reserve), at midnight oscar was like "hey mum you know the dts film crew are coming tomorrow morning right?" and she was like WHAT... and he was like yeah it'll be chill they just want to film us having breakfast like a normal family or whatever and she was like Mate you haven't lived here for 5 years now do you know what breakfast looks like. it looks like your sisters storming downstairs and grabbing an inappropriate breakfast and storming out the door giving me the finger!!! and then the next morning lily comes down and nicole is like "oh is oscar up?" and lily is like no... i think he's still in bed... (many such cases) and then mae refused to be in it so she got dressed and ran off to school 2 hours early to escape them. and then the mclaren fiasco happened and the whole thing got cut out of dts anyway
when she said "oh my god you met matt damon!" he was just like (shrugs) "yeah... yeah..."
they communicate by facetiming and he's Always lying in bed. one time in bahrain he was leaning back on an ornate tapestry and she asked what hotel he was staying at and he was like oh i'm at the royal palace i'm like a guest of the crown prince. she freaked out and was like "oh my god!!! get your head off the tapestry!!!" and he just looked back like ? no it's fine it looks pretty old lol
called her to tell her that he signed his f1 contract and when he said mclaren she Realized and was like oh no i love daniel!! and he straight up deadpanned "yeah everyone loves daniel. that's going to be a problem..." and said verbatim "of all the f1 drivers ever daniel is the worst one to be replacing"
one time in f4 chris couldn't go to a race and billy monger had just had his crash so she flew to the uk for the weekend to support him and when she was driving him back to boarding school she was happy because she had 2 hours to spend with him and she wasn't sure when she'd see him again but instead he slept the whole way through and the moment they got back to school he went "ahhhh... home sweet home" and she wanted to slap him lmfao
first day of primary school when he was 5 years old he said he didn't need her to walk him to school and she was like "well i actually do mate" so he forced her to walk behind him the whole way and the moment they got there he turned to her and went "all right i'm here you can go now" 😭
the chinese & italian & yugoslavian is on chris's side of the family while nicole's is scottish & irish ("that's where the pasty skin comes from")
red flags pod sent her a shirt with oscar's face composed of His Tweet and she showed it to him and he immediately said he wanted it
he gave her a small warning before he posted the tweet but it was just like "mum so this is going to happen just don't worry about it. it's all under control. it'll be fine" and was very calm the whole time
"we just had to trust that his personality would come through at some point, because the way he came across was not at all what he's like. people will work out who the real you is so just continue to do what you do" 🥺
all of the kids were obsessed with Cars (2006)
likes his mum's golden syrup dumplings and grandmother's rumballs
AT THE SINGAPORE GP IN 2023 HATTIE DISAPPEARED FOR HOURS TO GO SEE A K-POP CONCERT 😭😭😭😭 i think it was p1h lmfao (nicole was asked for her favorite group and went "i have no idea. five boys") ((it's txt)) meanwhile oscar is only into house music and she thinks everything he plays is the same song
did pilates when he went home but never with her and thinks it's a lot harder than it looks
takes him minimum 24 hours to respond to anything she sends
she had an exact conversation with oscar where she asked who he wanted to be teammates with and he said "well if i go up against lando i don't even have to get close the first year because everyone knows how good he is" 😭
oscar you are so you 🧡
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nethereasypeasy · 11 months
Some fluffy head canons I have about the Baldurs Babes
mainly at camp :)
Gale stops tav to lace their boots, sarcastically tutting as he does it.
Karlach holds her hands round someones bowl and cups to warm them if they cool down too much. (Mama K microwave™)
Jaheira and Halsin share nightcaps and chat about the tadpole team. Mainly laughing at their comparative lack of experience - always ends on a 'they're good eggs tho' vibe.
Astarion and Shadowheart rate people's hair to eachother as an injoke, tav hears them mumbling numbers behind them whenever they speak to someone.
Lae'zel asks Gale to explain and pronounce things when no one is around because the 'annoying wizard' won't make fun, he's too eager to teach.
Jaheira has the best bedtime stories but they get Karlach hyped up and she asks a lot of questions till Astarion begs her to be quiet. Wyll takes mental notes for his own storytelling.
Karlach will force a game of 'I Spy' any time there is silence on the road.
Wyll is very good at little random gifts, he just remembers anything someone mentions to him. He's also low-key emotional if you return that kindness, 'you remembered?! 😭'
Halsin stops, kneels and whispers as he points and shows tav interesting plants or animals he spots when walking. 'look there's the mother and her babies' type shit. (He is camp dad(dy) ok)
Wyll teaches Lae'zel fencing. She's too keen though and tries to pin him down. She is not as graceful... But she has fun... chk!
Gale keeps a tiny portrait of Tara on him, you can't tell me modern au Gale's phone wouldn't be full of cat pics.
Astarion watches over the camp at night, he acts like he 'might as well/ I'm the only one lurking in the dark around HERE darlings' but sometimes he secretly gets a little teary looking at his first real friends all together.
Shadowheart writes moody poetry. She would tell Gale but she doesn't care for his taste... Or his possible critiques. If he ever did find her journal though he would be VERY enthused.
Astarion and tav will play with people's wardrobes when looting. Tav loves a funny hat and Astarion will do impressions of who he thinks would wear such god's awful attire.
Gale and Wyll play chess together after dinner some nights. They both say progressively cheesy lines when they take pieces, which is its own game itself at this point.
Halsin would quietly sing or hum to owlbear baby and scratch at night. Little lullabies and he'd probably tuck them in too. OR he'd be big daddy bear and snuggle up, especially when owlbear is scared and misses his mum.
The gang have played 'never have I ever' ONE time and ONE time only. It was a messy night.
... Jaheira was 100% last man standing.
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megu-meow · 6 months
when gojo falls in love - gojo satoru
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gojo satoru x fem. reader
Summary: She fell first, but he fell harder.
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It was hard not to fall in love with Gojo Satoru. He was a ray of sunshine, always lifting the mood in every room, radiating the friendliest, kindest aura you have ever witnessed. His youthful, laid-back personality complemented his intelligence and wit, always having a funny comeback to Suguru's constant teasing.
He seemed so unapproachable to you, the Strongest, the Honored One, the Heir of the Gojo Clan, the Wielder of the Six Eyes, and Master of the Limitless. Those were the titles he was referred to in your crazy world, someone who was to be praised for the immense power he wielded and the enemies he had eliminated. However, you saw Satoru in a different light, finding other reasons to praise him. The gentleness he would befriend a stray cat with, the way he politely bows at the cashier at his favorite bakery, or the fact that he makes soup for everyone after a night out to cure your hangovers. He buys a bouquet of tulips for every girl and woman on Jujutsu Tech's campus, without exception, on International Women's Day. He remembers the lunch lady's son's birthday and gives her the remote-control car the young boy so desperately wanted because he knew Watanabe-sama, as he refers to her, could never afford it. He sits down to play chess with the elderly man in front of the convenience store every day because he knows he lost his opponent for the last 40 years not too long ago.
It is easy to fall in love with Gojo Satoru, however, it is hard for Gojo Satoru to fall in love. Or at least, that's what he thinks. At first, when you join them, he doesn't give much thought to it. He's pleased that there is another girl added to the group, so he and Suguru don't have to listen to Shoko's constant whining about them being gross anymore. He also relishes in the attention you give him, because he knows you're quite infatuated with him, like most of the girls are.
However, as time passes, he realizes that your kindness makes a red hue run across his pale cheeks. Every time he does the smallest things, you praise him for it. Others don't compliment him on his politeness, something he prides himself on because his mother taught him to act this way - the only person who loved him for him so far. Other people praise him for his technique, his unique eyes, and his otherworldly good looks. You're the only one who notices the small things he does and that warms his fragile heart. So he asks you out on a date.
He doesn't give it much thought, just a walk in the park full of cherry blossoms and ice cream. However, he swoons at the fact that you seem like this is the best date you have ever been on, you thank him repeatedly for paying for your ice cream and offer him the Kit Kat chunk the guy stuck into your dessert as an attempt to flirt with you, because you know Satoru loves Kit Kats, they're his favorite candy bar.
Gojo Satoru reaches one important conclusion that night, after walking you to your dorm room. You are, in fact, very easy to fall in love with.
Instead of fighting it, he lets this new feeling flourish. He starts putting in an insane amount of effort, he pays attention to the small things, he drinks up every word that you speak, he takes notes on his phone because he wants to walk the extra mile for you. His new goal in life becomes making you, the first girl who looks past the titles and likes him for him, happy. His enthusiasm in doing so never falters, even after years together or after marriage.
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" he asks you as his extremely perceptive eyes take in your slumped shoulders, the dark circles under your eyes and the slight frown that replaces the pretty smile he fell in love with.
"Long day, baby, long day." you sigh and he is quick on his feet, he embraces you, leaving a loving kiss on the crown of your head.
"Change your wizarding clothes, pretty girl, I'll run you a bath. How does that sound, huh?"
"Amazing, Satoru. Thank you!" you respond, smiling tiredly, leaving a kiss on his glossy lips.
"Everything for you."
Not only does he prepare a bath, but he also lights some candles, drops some lavender-infused salts in the water, and prepares some fruits and your book as well. While you relax your body in the water which is the perfect temperature, he makes your favorite meal for dinner and starts up the fireplace so that the two of you can cuddle up on the couch.
After dinner he holds you close, absentmindedly running his hands over your back, in your hair, whispering sweet nothings into your ear, small confessions that make you feel a lot better about yourself. Satoru would like to think that he is perfect at everything, but there's only one thing he takes pride in the most: learning how to make you feel better over the years. He always knows what to do, regardless of the reason why you're down. He knows how to pick you up.
"Toru?" he hears your voice, calling him by his favorite nickname. It makes him blush every time you call him that and he swears his heart picks up too.
"Yes, sweetheart?"
"Don't you ever get tired of taking care of me?"
"How could you say that?" he asks as he sits up, glaring at you with offended eyes "Of course not, baby. You're my everything, I could never get tired of making you feel good, love. It is also my duty as your lover to ensure your happiness. It's in my contract and everything." he makes you smile fondly, adoring his way of phrasing these things. Because even the hardest of conversations are pleasant when Satoru is there to put things so stupidly.
"Oh yeah? What else is in this contract of yours?"
"That I have to kiss you all the time. And - and that I will have to get you a cat at one point because I know you want one. I have to feed you when you're hungry and I have to do the laundry when you get home late. Oh, and most importantly I always have to split my desserts with you. Only you, not even Suguru gets to do splitsies."
"I see. And what is in my contract?"
"Nothing. You already honored yours." he says curtly and you look at him with confusion.
"Well, the only thing in your contract was that you have to be my lover. Nothing else. I'm the one doing the heavy lifting here, every day I get to spend as your significant other is a good day for me. You don't have to do anything else to make me happy." he explains.
You look him in the eyes, your irises filled with nothing but adoration towards the man in front of you. It is so easy to be in love with Gojo Satoru, because he is a gentleman in a world of boys.
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milunalupin · 6 months
hi hi hi! so many congrats on a 100 followers, what a deserved accomplishment, love!!
you can obviously ignore this if you're uncomfortable writing this/or this doesn't hit your creative spot. because this is so cliched uggh.
okay so i was thinking maybe a little grumpy!reader x sunshine!sirius, friends to lovers trope? (it makes so weak in the knees 🫠.) feel free to take the plot literally anywhere your heart desires, because you'll serve either ways!!
love you, make sure to drink water and eat good. hope you have a great day/night ahead.
hi hi my love ! thank you for you patience <3 and adding more sirius to my blog
— sunshine
sunshine!sirius x grumpy!reader ★ 1.2k words
"Sirius Black if you don't stop tapping your finger against the table, I will not hesitate to hex you."
You sent a glare towards the raven haired boy from across the table. History of Magic was your worst subject and you had a big exam coming up. "Why aren't you with the other boys anyways?"
It's not like you two weren't friends, but Sirius wasn't usually the one to seek you out. It was usually Peter since he was the one who introduced you to his friends, then Remus who at times also enjoyed his peace and quiet. You spent quite a bit of time with the girls too, especially since you all roomed together. James and Sirius had always been friendly with you, but it wasn't like you would stay up in the common room sharing secrets, although Sirius had recently been around you more than than normal.
"Well aren't you just a ray of light." Sirius sent you a lopsided grin, setting his elbows on the table and resting his head on his hands. "They're out somewhere with Prongs looking for Evans, and I wanted to see my favorite girl."
Your quill froze over the parchment. Sirius was such a flirt, you couldn't take anything he said to you to heart, because he didn't mean it, right? You lowered your head and tried to focus on your notes, pretending like you didn't hear him.
"Anyways," he chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. "You know about his problem with Evans, and you're a girl, could you give me some advice to relay back to him?"
"Thanks for noticing. What kind of advice?"
"Well, what sort of things do girls like to receive?"
"I don't know Sirius, I don't regularly receive gifts from boys." You rolled your eyes and scoffed, glancing up at him to see his eyes on you, waiting for an answer. "but I supposed I would quite like it if someone brought me my favorite drink, or book. You know, it shows that they've paid attention to the little things."
"So how would you- girls-" he let out a shaky laugh, his cheeks tinged pink. "How would girls like to be asked on a date?"
How would you know? You didn't want to speak negatively of yourself but there had to be some reason as to why boys never came up to you. You would never guess that it was because Sirius had already warned the whole male population at Hogwarts to back off his very pretty friend.
Groaning quietly, you rubbed your hands over your tired face. "Sirius, I don't know, can you please let me review my notes in peace?"
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"That doesn't count, you're not being fair." Peter whined, pulling on his hair as he looked down at the chessboard. You shrugged and stuck your tongue out at the boy, getting up and taking a seat on the carpet by the fire next to Lily.
It was the night before your exam and as much as you wanted to hole up in your room and cram, your friends had convinced you to spend time with them. Lily was painting Marlene's fingernails while Remus took your place playing against Peter in chess.
"Who wants hot chocolate!" James called out, Sirius and him walking towards you all with trays of steaming mugs. The two passed out the sweet beverages,
"Thanks Sirius." you thanked him softly, his gaze softening as you wrapped your hands around the warm drink and blew gently on the top. Your eyes brightened as you took a sip and tasted a hint of peppermint.
The rest of the evening was spent playing games, dancing to Remus' new records and sharing Peter's surplus of sweets from Honeydukes. You felt your shoulders relax as you looked around at your friends having a good time, catching Sirius already looking you. His eyes darted away as soon as you saw him, the corners crinkling as he laughed as some joke James had made. You felt a nudge in your side, turning to see Lily cocking her head towards the dorms asking if you were ready to go. Nodding, the three of you girls stood up and waved goodnight to the Marauders and shuffled up to your room.
You flopped into bed with a blissful sigh. "Thanks for tonight guys, I needed this."
Marlene waved her hand in dismissal. "You've studied hard, you needed a bit of a break."
"The peppermint hot chocolate was just the thing I needed, it's my favorite."
"Peppermint hot chocolate?" Lily's nose scrunched with disgust, but then her eyes widened with realization, her and Marlene sharing a knowing grin. "Right, the peppermint hot chocolate."
You turned your head to squint at them. "Why do you two have that look on your faces?"
"We don't know what you're talking about, goodnight!"
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You're going to pass the exam, you're to going to p—
"Watch it, you half-breed, or I'll turn you into the little mutt you are." Lucius Malfoy spat at you as you ran into him, pulling out his wand.
"Oh sod off, why don't you put your daddy's money where your mouth is?" you scoffed, reaching for your own wand. He sneered at your comeback, taking a step closer to you.
"Hey sunshine, I was looking everywhere for you! Let me walk you to class." Sirius appeared next to you, taking your school bag and slinging it over his shoulder, shooting a grin to Lucius, canines on full display. "Thanks for watching her for me Malfoy but next time, don't."
Sirius steered you away from the fuming Slytherin, arm around your shoulder. He ducked his head down to speak to you quietly. "You alright?"
"Fine, boys are just jerks." you grumbled, your mind now focusing on your exam as you two turned into the hall where your classroom was located.
"Not all of us though, right?"
The corner of his mouth lifted, your smiled mirroring his own. "Yeah, Pete's alright."
"You're killing me doll." He threw his head back dramatically, his smile slipping as yours did, now standing in front of the History of Magic classroom. "Hey, how about we made a deal?"
"Huh?" you pulled yourself out of a daze, looking up at him. "What's the deal?"
Sirius coughed to the side and straightened his posture. "You get an Outstanding on your exam, and I'll take you out."
A flush crept up your face, not believing your ears. As annoying as he was, of course you had thought about Sirius romantically before, who hadn't? You really hoped your studying paid off, your smile and voice coming out shy. "What if I don't get an Outstanding?"
Sirius lit up like the Great Hall during the holidays, smiling ear to ear. "Then I'm still taking you out to cheer you up. I also have just been dying to take you on a date, sunshine."
An hour later you left the classroom with a giant smile on your face and a big 'O' on your parchment. Sirius immediately took your hand in his and dragged you to Hogsmeade for your first date, the twinkling sound of your laughter letting him know it wouldn't be your last.
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daydreamingleclerc · 1 year
i love you, baby; lewis hamilton
after eloping, lewis and his new wife, y/n, share their honeymoon on instagram.
includes; suggestive content, swearing, mentions of an age gap, use of the 🐶 emoji
thanks @landopeaches & @sainzcaleruega for helping me find piccy’s <3 i tried desperately hard to recreate lewis-type captions and got second hand embarrassment.. but the point is. i tried.
lewishamilton ✔️
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liked by carlossainz55, pierregasly and 5,234,834 others
lewishamilton couldn't wait any longer to make you my wife. here's to forever, mrs. hamilton 🤍
🙎🏻‍♀️: ynhamilton
view all 2,984,628 comments
mercedesamgf1 congratulations Mr and Mrs Hamilton!
ynhamilton i can't believe it's real. loving you always.
hamiltonthegoat did i miss a few chapters??
ynfanforever they were only engaged for like a month i swear?
ynhamilton yeah... sorry... we eloped <3
georgerussell63 congratulations you two!
serenawilliams you two are so beautiful together. thank you for letting me be a part of your very intimate day.
ynhamilton ✔️
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liked by georgerussell63, danielricciardo and 1,083,784 others
ynhamilton mine forever.
🙎🏾‍♂️: lewishamilton
francisca.cgomes you two are too cute!!
ynhamilton you & pierre next bb <3
francisca.cgomes i'd get more luck squeezing blood from a stone
pierregasly you're just as bad as each other
ynandlewisforever the most beautiful pair
charles_leclerc bit blurry
ynhamilton ur a bit blurry
lewishamilton ✔️
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liked by natalie_pinkham, susie_wolff, valterribottas and 6,342,836 others
lewishamilton admiring the sunset with you is how i want to spend my nights forever. thank you for being you and thank you for pushing me to be greater every day. i love you so much.
view all 1,843,045 comments
hamiltonslvr i swear they've only been together like... what? two weeks? and she's like what? 26? they're acting like they've been in love for years
ynhamilton lewis and i have been together for three years. i'm twenty eight, neither him nor me are children and we did what was right for us. if you don’t like it, keep it to yourself.
ynandlewisforever mic drop !!
susie_wolff so glad you two are having a great time away!
cullen_angela i'm so happy you two have found peace.
lewishamilton ❤️
danielricciardo could've smiled lewis bro
lewishamilton didn't want to upstage you brother
ynhamilton ✔️
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liked by lewishamilton, carmenmmundt and 1,893,945 others
ynhamilton i will never in all my lives, ever get tired of loving you lewishamilton. i thank my lucky stars for you every single day.
view all 843,756 comments
pierregasly so much for keeping the honeymoon PG guys...
ynhamilton you have never kept anything PG in your life
pierregasly false! my name is Pierre Gasly... i keep everything PG
lewishamilton 🐶
roscoelovescoco i miss you mums and dads ☹️
ynhamilton lewis…
lewishamilton what? roscoe misses us baby
dannyshamilton yn must be extremely boring if lewis is commenting on this from roscoes account 😂
ynhamilton lewis is literally playing chess rn and you think IM boring… okay queen stay indenial x
carlossainz55 this is why people think you don’t love lewis 😭😭
ynhamilton i love him in spite of his chess playing habits carlos.
lewishamilton ✔️
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liked by susie_wolff, serenawilliams and 4,362,956 others
lewishamilton no matter how many trophies i win, you’re always going to be my favourite.
view all 1,024,728 comments
ynhamilton you heard that folks i am a trophy wife 😌❤️
hamiltonsangels no but… considering the age gap… you literally are a trophy wife 😭
ynhamilton yeah.. my husband is old but that’s okay because he’s got stamina <3
mercedesamgf1 someones trying to beat out george for P1 on thé romantic scale…
lewishamilton ive already put a ring on it and had the wedding… i think i beat georgerussell63 by a mile 😉
valterribottas please ynhamilton don’t discuss lewis’ stamina on a public instagram post
ynhamilton at least i don’t know the average size of a beaver penis. if you don’t like hearing about lewis’ sex stamina, just scroll 😉
valterribottas 🤢🤮
ynhamilton ✔️
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liked by carmenmmundt, alex_albon, yukitsunoda15 and 3,283,749 others
ynhamilton he didn’t want me to leave for new york for work, so he came with me and the honeymoon continues ❤️
view all 1,327,839 comments
lewishamilton i just needed to spend a bit more time with my wife before i have to go back home alone, is that a crime?
ynhamilton never ❤️
f1wagcentral why is yn in new york?!
ynhamilton i’m working on a show & rehearsals start on wednesday so i’m living between new york & monaco 😌
thehamiltonsupdates ooh!! what show is it?
ynhamilton 222: a ghost story!! tickets on sale now 😉
francisca.cgomes how long are you away :(
ynhamilton i’m here from april to august <3 come see me bb
lewishamilton kika can wait until i’ve left babygirl
ynhamilton yes sir.
pierregasly yn you should be banned from the internet
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dc-comics-enjoyer · 3 months
Good Dad™ Bruce headcanons (part 1) :
(because we deserve it and need to heal)
Cass and Bruce connect a lot through shared meditation sessions. Just silently and calmly existing with each other.
Bruce often unwinds by playing the piano alone in the Wayne Manor music room. One evening, Steph heard him and joined in with a guitar she found there. Bruce didn't mind. Since then, whenever he starts playing, Steph often grabs an instrument, turning his solo sessions into lively jam sessions.
Bruce has a habit of calling Dick under the guise of needing his advice on a case. Once they’ve discussed the "urgent" matter, Bruce smoothly transitions to the real conversation to get updates on what's been going on in Dick's life :
"What happened with that noisy neighbor of yours ?"/"Did you find those jeans you were looking for ?"/"How was your date ?"/"How's the shoulder ?"/"Did you get the plumbing issue fixed ?"
Every time Bruce can spend time with Damian, he would introduce him to different strategy board games from around the world. They'd play chess, of course, but they would also play Go, Checkers, Mancala, Backgammon, Mahjong, Barjees, etc.
When they're confronting a bigger threat than usual, Bruce would make sure to leave tiny personalized notes in their utility belts. For Dick, he'd just shove it in his hand while walking past him :
To Dick : "Trust your instincts. You've got this. – Bruce"
To Jason : "Remember your training. I'm proud of you. – Bruce"
To Tim : "Your mind is your greatest weapon. Stay sharp. – Bruce"
To Damian : [in arabic] "You are stronger than you know. Stay focused. – Your father"
To Steph : "Believe in yourself as I believe in you. – Bruce"
To Cass : "Your skills are unmatched. Stay confident. – Bruce"
To Duke : "Your determination inspires us all. Keep it up. – Bruce"
When he was 13, Jason mentioned once how much he liked banana-flavored protein bars. Since then, Bruce always made sure to have some in the batcave. He never stopped, even when Jason was no longer around. It was a small but meaningful way for Bruce to keep a piece of Jason's memory alive. When Jason eventually returned, he was stunned to find the familiar protein bars still stocked, knowing no one else liked them that much.
Duke is a cinephile, so in his free time he loves watching movies. Bruce sneaked next to him in the manor's home cinema once. Since then, they created this unspoken tradition of watching classic movies together whenever their free time coincides.
To show his support after Tim’s coming out, Bruce discreetly hung small bisexual pride flags in multiple places : one in the Batcave, right next to the monitors where Tim often worked, one in the Batmobile on the rear mirror, one placed next to the family picture in Bruce’s room, and one on the training room's wall. It showed Bruce's acceptance and support in a way that blended seamlessly into their everyday life. It made Tim feel seen and valued.
(here's part 2)
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svgvru · 1 year
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𝗗𝗨𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗔𝗖𝗧! vanilla + "fuck, this pussy was made for me" ꒰ afab!geto/kenjaku x top m!reader ꒱: oral ꒰ suguru!receiving ꒱, doggy, public sex, manipulation, slight manhandling, breeding, creampie, possessive behavior from the reader, "marking/claiming," angst 'n smut. the words and phrases change for a reason! we're gonna pretend the curses aren't there and gojo's not...gojo. btw they're fucking on those rectangular concrete thingys that hold up buildings.
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"i— i don't think we are good together." since that day, suguru's words echo in your head. it was a lie of course, suguru would never say that—and his future actions prove otherwise. however, the fact that those particular words left his lips, the love of your life—it burned a hole in your heart that could never be healed.
you, satoru, and suguru. it was always—you, suguru, satoru, and then shoko. you'd swear the other two would forget she existed, but regardless— you were all prodigies of your year. three special grades and a cursed technique unlike any other. the four of you combined were an unstoppable team, but trios never work— why would a squad work? you and suguru were dating, he had stolen a piece of your heart and held it close to his chest. you truly believe it was love. and during that time, "the strongest trio" was a real thing. the teamwork and results the three of you produced made an impression on the jujutsu higher-ups. you were never without eachother, and it was fine!
never had you been so happy and satisfied like when you were with suguru. and then an incident occured when you were, for the first time, pulled away from the two. toji fushiguro and the star plasma vessel. it should've been a simple mission, but satoru and suguru were playing checkers—fushiguro was playing chess.
it was no longer alright. it was the two of them facing a deathly experience and failing—for the first time. suguru had become distant, and satoru had become obsessed with eliminating weakness as if he hadn't just truly become the strongest. "i don't think you're good enough for me." it was as if the world shattered, the world along with that beautiful diamond ring you had been waiting to put on his finger. he took a piece of your heart, one of which was like glass, and he threw at the wall with a force you couldn't bare.
when shoko called you, informing you and gojo where suguru was—your heart thumped in hope. however, the only thing you could hear was the sound of your duo collapsing and the cruel sound of his voice repeating: "you will never be enough for me"— replaying over and over in your broken mind. you couldn't bring yourself to go see him. your mind wouldn't allow your feet to move, to chase after him and beg. it was pathetic, really. you wished more than anything for his return, but you couldn't even chase after him? you sat slumped against your wall, fingers mindelssly rubbing and twisting that familar diamond ring. "suguru," you whisper into the air, as if hoping your call would manifest him to you. as if this were a dream and he'd wake you up with a kiss and soft smile.
but that wasn't reality, it was just a fantasy. so you wonder why you're in a bed with him? why did you destory that hate for him, only to hold him and fuck him in that hotel bed. why— why did you accept him back into your heart, knowing he shattered it? those thoughts could never beat your raw desire for him, your need to make love to him because he— is your soulmate. his existence is etched into your soul— and it cannot be removed by simple and conventional means.
and it only caused you more pain as you watched him slide down that brick wall. you had arrived to late to jujutsu high. satoru's students were beaten bloody, but yuuta okkotsu came in the clutch...by beginning the end of "the worst cursed user" suguru geto. those years of love were all for nothing as you decided to "curse him in the end," sparing satoru's feelings at the cost of your own.
at the result of your own hands, your own words and actions you had ended suffering, only causing more for yourself. but regardless, no more deaths would be caused that specific day. and the spirits of one-hundred and thirteen people (or way more) had been avenged. "the worst curse user" was gone, but suguru geto still resided in your heart with the wish that his soul was at peace. hoping that haibara would finally have familiar company after such a long time. however, nothing you wish comes to fruition. his could likely but resting...but— the soul cannot truly rest until its body has truly rested. learning that was likely the worst experience of your life. 𝗢𝗡 𝗢𝗖𝗧𝗢𝗕𝗘𝗥 𝟯𝟭𝗦𝗧 𝗢𝗙 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟴—𝗛𝗔𝗟𝗟𝗢𝗪𝗘𝗘𝗡 𝗡𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧 𝗔𝗧 𝟴:𝟯𝟬, 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗧𝗪𝗢 𝗦𝗧𝗥𝗢𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗦𝗧 𝗦𝗢𝗥𝗖𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗦 𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗜𝗡 𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗕𝗨𝗬𝗔!
satoru gojo had completed a feat you were proud of him for. yes—you were a bit dizzy, maybe out of it from his domain, but you were proud. he truly was the strongest, and you were no doubt a close second. but being to strongest—having power, is not enough.
"yo!" he calls out your name first. although, it doesn't sound as sweet. its familiar, but it's not warm. the voice of suguru geto would always make you feel as if you were wrapped in a fluffy blanket. the sound of your name coming from his lips was magical. but there was no magic, and there was no love in it. "h-huh?" you stopped and stared at him, you wish you could will your body to move but you couldn't. the man you killed with your bare hands, the love of your live, stood before you in the flesh. "S-SUGURU!" it hurt to see his body have such a reaction to your voice. to see his hand twitch and attack is own neck, maybe the soul and body truly exist in tandem. you were so out of it. you'd barely realized globs of a red, flesh looking substance was binding satoru. and as if in instinct you'd jump to protect him, as if he were suguru.
"ah, ah, ah!" from the black pit in the ground of the subway station arose a curse to stop you. you quickly exorcise the curse and he calls your name again. except its familiar this time. its warm— and you can feel a hint the magical tingle you get. someone must be screwing with you! this can't be real, he can't be real.
the 'stops's from satoru start to sound muffled as "suguru" walks towards you. stop? stop what? you think to yourself, accepting the touch of him. his hand cups your cheek, his thumb gently rubbing your cheek. this can't be real—but he feels so warm. your soul is telling you it isn't him, that the man before you isn't suguru, but your head is spinning and you can't seem to focus properly. and suddenly his lips are against yours. you can hear satoru yelling, you certainly can—but you're not listening to what he's saying. suguru's lips are soft as they move again yours, tasting his tongue again was like a glimpse of heaven. you didn't process the words: "prison gate, close" from "suguru." not until gojo was suddenly gone in your peripheral and there was just a floating box.
the dark red box floated to suguru's outstretched hand, turning as grey as stone when it touches his palm. "wha—" you feel suguru's lips against yours again. "don't pay attention to that, just me," he whispers. it was a shame how quickly you gave into him. suguru chuckles when you become more forceful with the kiss, the box falls from his fingertips as he wraps his arms around your neck.
perhaps the kiss was just to distract you, perhaps he was going to far in his plan. but it seems that this body longs for you a lot more that kenjaku had thought. or perhaps kenjaku himself was longing for something he hadn't experienced in quite a while. but regardless of that, he felt himself becoming wet— turned on from simply a kiss. your relationship with suguru geto was certainly something! he thought to himself as he allowed you to push him against a concrete column of the subway, used for foundation. it seems mahito was correct when he said you could mix business with pleasure.
non-sorcerers stand scattered around the station, mindless from satoru's domain. they probably couldn't hear a thing even if they wanted to. kenjaku allowed you to touch him like that, to desprately pull off his clothes. he even laughed at how furiously you ripped off the gojogesa, perhaps a bit angry possesive that he was wearing something carrying gojo's name. even in suguru's memories, you were quite possessive of him, needing to keep a hand on him no matter where the two of you were. fuck—he was getting ridiculously turned on by your actions! his hands desprately grip your shoulders, his eyes fluttering as your kisses trail from his lips to his neck.
no, this isn't him. just like a few minutes ago, for the first time in centuries a body has acted on it's own. just how much did suguru love you? it was a stupid question, he thought seconds later. kenjaku knows how much suguru loves you.
for all of those years, despite what he said to you—you came back. he's seen suguru's memories. he knows how much you made love to him, especially during those ten years of him being a fugitive. whether you'd fold him over or held him in your lap, your kisses—were suguru's weakness. a pleasured shiver racks his body as you kiss and kiss him, his clothes falling to the ground as you kiss further down. "ah...a-ah!" your lips wrap around one his perky nipples. your tongue swirls around the pink nub, sucking on it lightly. suguru's back arches, surprise filling his eyes. kenjaku is aware how sensitive suguru's body is, although this was a little surprising. his cheeks flush as you move to the other one.
moans pathetically leave his lips, legs wobbling from your actions. he feels as if he could cry just from this, suguru geto really was lucky to have you. you pull away and watch his chest rise and fall, "suguru's" eyes widened and tears pricking at the corner of his eyes.
"you look surprised," you kiss up and down his chest as you speak. "im sure you know how much me and suguru made love. i know him and his body more then he does himself." your voice is soft but there's a hint of anger in your eyes. some part of you hates this—but your heart thumps as you see him. you can't help but pick him, stripping him of the clothes on his lower body as you push him against the concrete foundation peice again. you glance down between his legs, slick painting his inner thighs. your kisses move down to his inner thighs licking your lips at his taste. bending down on the less than sanitary subway floor, your put your face between his legs, giving kitten licks to his clit.
your tongue swirls around his clit—dipping in between his folds for a true taste of him. your nose bumps his clit as you do, a gasp leaving kenjaku lips. your tongue slips inside of him and he involuntarily leans forward, putting one leg onto your shoulders. your hands cup his ass, keeping him this position.
this is a feeling kenjaku hasn't felt in a long time. specifically, the last time he was a woman. the feeling he had then—and the feeling he has now it similar, but it's different, more intense. and he knows why. his body—suguru's body, it feels so hot. he can't help but melt into your touch, fall in your arms and let you have your way. he can't tell if its muscle memory, or if it's suguru's soul interferring—but what's clear is this body loves you. the second he saw you, he felt something. the second he kissed you, he felt a pulse in his groin. suguru truly did belong to you—mind, body, and soul. the moans he was letting slip, higher octave and even whiny, that wasn't him. his body leaning into you, putting his leg on your shoulder, that wasn't him. and the way he humped your face with an eagerness, that surely wasn't him. kenjaku would never be so desperate. but it did feel fantastic.
"ah—fuck!" his eyes roll back, tongue lolled as he grips onto your hair. "ngh—! a-ah...mphf—fuck!" your erection strains in your uniform as he whines and moans. his eyelids flutter and his thighs tighten as he feels it. your mouth brings him to an orgasm as he's practically sitting on your face. you lap up his cum with your tongue, moaning into his cunt at the taste.
suguru kenjaku stumbles off your shoulder, hitting that same concrete column where his clothes rest below. before he could slide down and fall, he feels your hands on his hips, lifting him up as his shaky legs are unusuable. you flip him around and his chest and face are pressed to the concrete. he grabs the concrete column, at an attempt to ground himself before he feels your thick tip press against his pussy. he feels the tip push into him, a loud moan leaving lips. he's quite thankful for satoru's domain, or else the people hear would be getting quite the show. it was smart of him to send the curses away aswell, imagine what they'd think if they saw him— "ngh—AH! fuck— i...please! mphf!" he's panting as your cock slides in, kenjaku slaps his hand over his mouth, ashamed of his noises.
with no mercy you move once you've pushed into his cunt fully. the wet slaps of his pussy fill kenjaku's ears. oh how the memories are returning.
"fu—fuck!" the voice crack in his voice was pleasant as he tried to keep his moans quiet. he was so warm. his body rocks with your thrusts, feeling your fingers delicately knead his ass, rubbing the sore skin from the harsh smacks of your hips. his eyes cross and eyelashes fluttering as your balls mercilessly slap agaisnst his already swollen clit. kenjaku was enjoying this a bit too much. his hand couldn't help but fall— the curses and moans finally being set free. "good boy," he hears you coo. he'd be disgusted by it—maybe even hit you. but suguru's body isn't in tandem with what kenjaku may value. you feel the warmth around you tighten—your cock being swallowed by his pussy.
he couldn't help but arch his back, sliding his front just a bit lower for your cock to reach just a bit deeper. "aAH! ngh—" my, suguru was one lucky man. kenjaku is sure his cheek is red from the sliding, your rough treatment that made him rock helped none.
kenjaku is enjoying this too much. and believes he knows why. the memories of jin itadori were fresh on his mind. it wasn't too long ago that he experienced a woman's view of life— pregnancy, and the pleaures that could be given through the means of a vagina. it wasn't that long ago that he took cock into him, masquerading as a loving wife to conceive yuuji itadori. it wasn't that long ago that his eyes were rolled back and his head was pushed into the cushion as he was plowed into from behind. this wasn't new. it's almost as history repeated itself. his back bent and curved to take a man's cock deep inside of him. the pleasures women could perceive was a godly experience. as if his cursed and wretched soul were blessed to experience this.
up on the tips of his toes, his knees knock inward as you reach a particular spot within him. the spot that could get suguru cumming in seconds—and you spongey tip continued to plow directly into that particular spot. his eyes fluttered closed as he came with a cry on your cock. you slide your cock out quickly, cumming on the back of his thighs. the sound of your rough and pleaured panting aparent to his ears as you hold his bottom half up. you turn him around against the concrete column, panting as you speak. "one more— hah...one more time."
kenjaku couldn't help but reluctantly comply, the heat between his legs continued to grow—never had been so needy. "one more time," you pant into his ear as you hoist him up. a whine leaves his lips as you push one of his legs to his chest. suguru was always flexible, it was one of the things that made sex so enjoyable with him. you allow that leg to rest on your shoulder—holding the other one up with your hand to the back of his knee. it was such an interesting position, a breeding one had the two of you been on the floor, but kenjaku was sure he'd be given the chance to be fucked and filled again. perhaps to the point of cultivating another child?
a loud moan left his lips as you unexpectedly drop him on your cock. this entire time, you've used him as nothing more than a sex toy. a pussy to use to your satisfaction. did you truly love suguru? kenjaku wishes you would allow him his thoughts, but your cock was such an attention stealer! "fuck, this pussy was made for me," you hiss into the skin of his neck, rutting your hips against his.
pathetic girly whines and moans leave his suguru's lips. it was embarrassing how easily suguru's soul could slip in, how he could make his body do things kenjaku wouldn't even dream of doing. but it seems there was no choice at this point. two minds, body's, and souls were lost in the feeling of you. who knows was making the noise at that point. you felt so deep—how did suguru handle this all these years? kenjaku think to himself. your cock plunging over and over into his cunt was a pleasurable experience. your girth stretching him—length filling him to the brim. "i see why he loved this so much," kenjaku whisper aloud in the middle of you fucking him.
it seems you had ignored him, but he meant it. he understands why suguru was so cock addicted with you. he wonders what could possibly be going on in your head, wondering if your thinking through a pussy addiction.
and in one way you are—you're acting on a pussy addiction. an addiction reserved only for suguru. however, your mind was all over the place. your sure the other sorcerers are rushing, running around to get through the barriers. your sure they're getting hurt, but here you are—a special grade sorcerer—fucking the enemy. but the enemy felt so good! it was exhilarating to finally feel suguru once more. and if this was the last chance you would get to see him, you'd do it. you'd do in a heartbeat a thousand times. your cock plunging in and out of his messy pussy. wet and squelching noises fill your ears as he drips onto the floor—a white ring around the base of your cock.
fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. the words left your mouth like a prayer. his pussy felt so good! the only thought was cum and filling him up, your sure his mind was on it aswell. and it was. the thought of you breeding him seemed to be so pleasant. perhaps because it was suguru's body, but who wouldn't want your cum.
kenjaku felt the signs, and it seems you did too. a grunt leaves your lips, a whine leaving his as you both cum. his pussy wraps tightly around your cock, milking you for what your worth. a gasp leaves his lips when you slip out of his leaking cunt, more cum sputtering from your tip and now onto his face since you've dropped him on the floor. his naked body rested on the subway ground, your cum leaky pleasantly from his pussy—face decorated as well. it was bad. terrible—that you gave in. but this sight, the sight of your claim on suguru was enough to make up for it your head.
no matter what, suguru was the most important piece in your game of chess. it was unfortunate that the king—satoru gojo—was not.
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readychilledwine · 5 months
Kissed by Fire pt 3
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Summary - Amelia Archeron, the oldest of the made sisters, sacrificed more than her sisters would ever understand, and more than she would ever allow them to know. Now, they want her to sacrifice her one chance at happiness, too.
Warnings - Amelia was a prostitute, body insecurities, mentions of abuse, and the author's loose understanding of chess, but using it more as symbolism and foreshadowing
A/n - it's happeniiiiiing. Things are short and sweet to allow me to make a giant scene where Eris and Amelia meet in the next chapter, and we get to hear Eris say my favorite Eris line to her 🫠
Series Masterlist ✨️ Eris Masterlist ✨️ Master Masterlist
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Rhys sat across from Amelia, a chessboard set up between them.��
He was ruining a game he and Azriel had been playing before he left for the Mountain, but he could not think of any other way to explain to Amelia how powerful and valuable she was, and this was a language the oldest sister would understand after years of playing with her father.
“Lower fae with minimal powers,” he grimaced at the term, “would be like the pawn pieces.” He held one obsidian Pawn in his hand. “They're able to move one space toward but can not go back. Lesser fae can sometimes winnow, but if they make it is another conversion entirely, and they will be worn magically from the effort.”
Amelia nodded. She watched as Rhys picked a bishop, “Low fae with more magic singing through them would be like a bishop. Larger winnowing patterns are possible but still limited.”
“Most fae who prefer to call themselves by their race, such as my illyrians, would be similar to a knight. Capable of larger movements and typically able to jump exactly where they want, granted, most would rather just fly, so winnowing is not a skill the Illyrians truly care about.”
“All brawn no brain,” Rhys smiled at her statement.
His hand moved to a rook. “High fae would be similar to the rook. Typically they're able to go wherever they like within reason, but the jump may be difficult and use more magic than expected.”
He ignored the king piece, the least valued piece in chess, and moved to the queen. “You, my dear Amelia, are the queen piece. There is no limit on your movement,” he paused, ensuring she was looking at him. “Through our world or into another if wanted.”
“Lovely. What exactly does that mean?”
Rhys smiled at Amelia, watching as she rotated in her seat to stare at the map of constellations he had charted many years ago. “It means you can lead whole armies into new worlds and territories by just looking at one of those strings that holds the fabrics of our world together. It means the realm, our world, can communicate to you where to go when you ask and you can get there regardless of the distance with less than half the amount of effort it takes for a High Lord to winnow from Spring to the Night Court.”
He paused, looking at the map with her. “It means you could pull one of those strings and open a rift to a new world. If they are out there.”
“And why is this such a useful skill that you all are now fighting about taking me to Hewn City?” Amelia clocked Rhys straighten slightly, eyes glaring.
“You've been listening to conversations not meant for you again.”
Amelia leaned forward, wrapped in that sweater that made Rhysand's skin crawl anytime he saw it. “Perhaps you all should not discuss someone like they aren't sitting in the same home as you. Who is Eris?”
Rhys sighed, leaning forward to meet her at eye level and show her he would not, and would never, be intimated by her. “Eris is Lucien's older brother. He is a heartless, cruel, and selfish asshole.”
Amelia rolled her eyes. “I've been around my fair share of bad men, Rhys. 
“Not that were over 500 years old and used words for warfare. Eris likes powerful things. He will see you as an object for collection.”
“Sounds familiar," Rhysand glared at her serpent smile, "You assume I would allow myself to be collected.”
“I assume it would be best to protect you and not risking him charming his way to you.”
“So, he's charming.” Rhys could help but laugh, watching as Amelia smiled too, the air feeling lighter. “I still think you should let me go.” She batted her lashes at him, watching as his chest stilled and smirked.
“You are dangerous as well. Batting those pretty eyes to get your way. Have you always been like this?”
“No,” she replied softly. He watched her mind go back to a simpler time, chasing a young Feyre through the market in fine clothing before going back to the night she sold everything to keep them alive. “I was made dangerous.”
Amelia stared at the scrap of the clothing Feyre was holding up to her. She could have sworn this was Rhysand mocking her, attacking her despite the period of almost friendship they'd had the past week. 
“I'm not wearing that,” Amelia curled into herself, hugging herself tighter. “That isn't even a dress.” The dress, if she caved to Feyre's desires and called it that, was surprisingly white. But it would cover nothing. 
Amelia had worn dresses like it before. Dresses meant to entice and entertain. Dresses meant for seduction. Dresses meant to flaunt. She hated them every time. Her mother and grandmother had beaten modesty into her, and her former line of work had ripped it apart. She had hoped in this new body, this new life, she could go back to the safety fabric offered.
Rhys had promised never again. He promised her safety. This dress wasn't safety. “Ask Rhys if there's something else I can wear.” 
Feyre's smile fell. “I am high lady of this court-”
“Then if it was your idea, I will remind you that you are my sister. My baby sister. Asking me to wear this is so violating, Feyre. I would never ask that of you. Regardless of my status over you." The one you constantly hang over my head was left unspoken. It was resentment on Amelia's end, just annoyance at Feyre's newfound entitlement.
“Do you not want to reclaim your body? Hybern took your human body from you. Don't you want to own what you have now?”
Amelia could hardly believe what she was hearing as she mentally called for Rhys, and he appeared. “I do not have to wear that to reclaim myself.” The High Lord's eyes were wide as he took the dress from Feyre. They were communicating silently between them, the female glaring up at her husband. 
“I had a different dress commissioned in case you said no to this one. We do allow choice in this court,” Rhys started slowly, taking Feyre's jaw in his hand. “If your sister likes this one so much, she can wear it herself.”
Amelia couldn't help but smile at the two of them. Despite her and Feyre never being as close as she would have liked, seeing her happy, seeing Feyre smile, brought Amelia joy. “You look beautiful when you're happy, Feyre.” You watched her sister flush and Rhysand smile wide. “Even if your mate is mediocre.” The male's mouth fell open as Feyre began to laugh, eyes sparkling at the sign of life coming back to Amelia. 
“Lia! You can't say that,” her voice was laced with giggles as Rhysand stood there in shock, seemingly too stunned to speak. “I think you broke him.” 
“Good,” Amelia kissed her brother's cheek softly before taking the dress, caving to Feyre's wants for once in her younger sister's life. “He needs to be humbled every so often. I will wear this once. Then, I want things that cover a bit more. We can compromise on design." Feyre sighed as Amelia kissed her temple, that once motherly love healing a small part of her. "I am going to freeze in this."
“What do you want in return?”
“Freedom for the night. No brooding male following my every footstep. No wings hovering in the distance. Just freedom for one night.”
Feyre did not give Rhysand time to fight. “Deal!”
Eris hated Hewn City. He had since he was first brought to the Mother forsaken place as a child, but now it reminded him all too much of that mountain. Of Amarantha. 
He wondered how Rhysand had the strength to be down or if the strength was just another finely crafted mask the male wore. 
His usual room had not changed since he was last here over a hundred years ago. Eris threw himself on the bed, allowing a few moments of rest on the dark sheets and blanket before he would have to get dressed into the fine trousers and jacket he had packed himself. 
He had no worries about Keir. Dealing with that male was easy. If he believed he was benefiting from whatever he was offered, he normally took the bait without question.
He had packed an exquisite outfit, smiling at the amount of his father's money sewn into each thread. He checked it over, ensuring nothing was loose and out of place before getting dressed. He could already hear the music, the laughter, and smirked, knowing he was late and would walk in while Rhysand was already sat on his throne. 
He walked along the palace walls, waiting until the doors opened before entering. Azriel was the first to spot him, immediately going to Rhysand and whispering in his ear. He felt those violet eyes on him studying him, but nothing mattered to Eris as much as what he saw. 
There, on the dance floor, was the most beautiful female he had ever seen. For Eris, nothing else mattered. There was no one else there.
It was just her. 
That beautiful creature, laughing too hard to be deemed appropriate. Smiling larger than she should. Dancing with every male that asked. 
She was an enigma, and Eris was more than ready to dive into every complex piece of her.
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dazednstoned · 1 year
Modern Rdr2 hcs:
-Abigail dresses like it's the 2000s (I'm talking miniskirts, low rise jeans, heeled flip flops w the fucking sparkles). She will never change too.
-Charles and Arthur go on dates to those adoption events to pet all the dogs and cats
-the whole gang frequently gathers for family bbqs. Every time someone ends up getting punched, passing out, or storming off
-Abigail puts Jack on one of those backpack leashes for kids (John too if we're being honest)
-Tilly, Karen, and Marybeth do full goodwill, garage sale, and vintage market days. They do not mess around either
-the only thing hosea knows how to do on his phone is play chess
-Sean still can't read in modern time
-john plays guitar and writes really horrible love songs for Abigail
-Javier and john r for sure in a band together, they're pretty good when they sing the songs Javier wrote
-Lenny and Sean co-parent an extremely neglected widgetable
-Arthur listens to facebook reels on full volume in public w no shame. Isaac is mortified every time
-john has various tattoos, half of them are god awful. He definitely got Abigail's name or initials tattooed somewhere and she was livid
-Karen gives herself piercings with a really shitty piercing gun
-arthur and John work together in construction, an auto shop, or in the equestrian field.
-Dutch has a very rigid and lengthy skincare routine
-john uses 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner, but he says it's 3 in 1 bc it also counts as bodywash
-Tilly is the only one of her family to graduate college (Arthur dropped out of hs when Eliza got pregnant and john never went)
-Hosea is one of those old people you just see walking around the neighborhood at like 8am
-john and Arthur don't wear sunscreen or put on lotion. Abigail sometimes manages to force some sunscreen on John's face before he goes to work tho
-bill refuses to go to gay bars but uses Grindr
-Abigail cuts John and Jack's hair bc she refuses to pay for something she thinks she can do herself (she cannot do it herself)
-Kieran is a hair braiding god. I'm talking French braids, fish tails, you name it.
-john owns a really shitty pick up truck. Jack was either conceived or birthed in the backseat of it (maybe both)
-Sean falls for those free iPhone scams every time
-the only videogame charles plays is stardew valley. He thought it would be relaxing, it wasn't.
-Tilly and Mary Beth are in a book club together
-Abigail is the type of parent to not let her kid play w nerf guns or watch pg13 movies (John is the exact opposite)
-Sadie spends her weekends at rage rooms
-everyone's fridges are covered in drawings Jack made for them
-John, Javier, and Sean game together. Violence always ensues
-dutch does not tip waiters
-john tried to play catch w Jack once and ended up getting hit in the groin by a baseball. He didn't know 4 yr olds could throw that hard
-Abigail and Karen (& sometimes Charles) drink cheap wine together every Sunday and discuss the dumb things their boyfriends did that week
-Lenny and Hosea do the wordle everyday
-Jack is in little league soccer. John sits back drinking a beer as Abigail shouts at the referee
-Abigail got a tramp stamp of a little bow when she was 17 (she regrets it)
-Hosea exclusively sends emails
-Abigail hides John's weed socks bc she doesn't want Jack to see and "fall into a life of drugs" when he's older
-Arthur is a hiking dad through and through. While John is a sit on the couch drinking a beer w his kid in his lap kinda dad
-uncle is the old drunk that lived in the same trailer park as Abigail and John did when Jack was a baby. He kinda just stuck around after
-Miss Molly O'Shea would be a makeup god and u cannot convince me otherwise
I might do a pt 2 late in the future!
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inbabylontheywept · 1 month
Hey, so for context it's 3:45 AM where I am, and I'm stark awake at this hour because I had to take a nap yesterday due to eating a meal I really shouldn't have that is still wreacking havoc on my intestines. I'm definitely going to regret sending this ask HARD once the sun comes up, but I've been doing a lot of unadvisable shit on the internet over the past 3 days so why not add this to the pile.
I'm kind of having a weird emotional thing right now over your last post because it's just too ridiculous to be true, and I'm realizing the majority of your blog is probably all creative writing not intended to be taken seriously, but I've believed everything you've claimed to be a true story up until this point? And now I'm faced with either being a gullible fool, or an asshole for saying this if it IS all true, and I have to ask or I'll never know? I shouldn't be letting this get to me but it is.
So please, I ask sincerely and with no intention of being a jackass, are your life stories actually all true, or are they supposed to come across as obviously exaggerated or wholly fictional? I'm sure I could piece it together if I lay in bed and thought about it for an hour or two, but I think I'll just take the L and ask outright because fuck it.
But THEN if it truly is just a creative writing blog, would you keep the bit going and claim it's all real when it's not? Like, do you see why I'm going crazy? I am a very gullible, easily lied to person and that has lead me to be on high alert, but I almost always jump at the wrong things and come across as a distrustful asshole, so?? Will you assume this ask itself is LARP because of all the specific details I tacked on, which are intended to garner a sense of sincerity? I'm realizing I may have been playing checkers with someone playing chess all this time and I'm wigging out man
So, I'll start with the small stuff first:
The camp was in Prescott, AZ, in the mountains, over labor day weekend which is in late fall. I don't know the actual temperatures as numbers, but the people at the camp spent more time being cold than hot. The camp organizers also did bring a ludicrous amount of the pink sauce. I don't think the campsite itself was ever intended to provide potable water, just utility water for the showers and dishes and other non-for-direct-consumption tasks. So in that area, the camp people overprepared because Arizonans don't fuck around with dehydration.
I'm also pretty sure they had some water available, they were just very careful with it. I think there were a few diabetic kids, and they were making sure they wouldn't have to subsist on the weird gatorade like everyone else. Maybe. I don't honestly know.
But that's one story, and the thing that you're really asking is, are all these stories fake? Is it all just creative writing? And the answer to that is a soft no.
As a writer, I'm pretty strongly influenced by Patrick McManus. A lot of my stories are told in the American Tall Tale style - which is exaggerated, and dramaticized, but tells a story that is true nonetheless. I am going to keep the specifics of the exaggeration and dramatization between myself and God, but I would look at my stories and say that they're each more than 80% true. I hope that relieves some of your stress.
I wouldn't call what I do creative writing exercises. But I also wouldn't encourage you to take them 100% seriously. Both because I talk a big game, and because they are, at the end of the day, just funny stories. I certainly wouldn't want you to lose any more sleep over them.
You aren't a jackass for expressing incredulity. It's part of my style, and I welcome it. I also wouldn't call you a gullible fool for believing things in the past. We're good, you and I, and I've enjoyed having you as a reader. I hope you keep reading. Just, maybe not at 3:45 AM. Take care of yourself, Babylon
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mybutcheredtongue · 8 months
I'll Love You 'til the Grass Around My Gravestone is Deceased
harry potter timeline sirius black x fem!reader
CHAPTER ELEVEN (see full series list here)
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You find yourself sitting in the Tower again. You dangle a string of wool in front of Dubh and she joyfully bats at it with her front paws. You smile lovingly at her, chuckling when she misses the wool and lands on your knee instead. The sky above you has darkened, and you look out over the grounds.
It's the best view in the castle, of course. You get to see the near-entirety of the grounds in all its glory. The Black Lake is still and calm; the tree' leaves are swaying lazily in the light evening breeze; the dark, scruffy dog is pattering across the grass...
You blink, and the dog is gone. You sigh, falling back to the floor and lying down, staring up at the sky above you.
Twinkling lights dot the sky above you, winking at you. Part of you likes to think that those stars have souls. That they can see you right now, and are wondering why you're admiring them so much. To them, they're just balls of gas. To you, they're the most beautiful thing in the world.
You think on the day, remembering your visit to Hagrid early this morning. The poor man was in bits, all torn up over Buckbeak. Hagrid doesn't deserve such stress and worry, and neither does Buckbeak.
A few clouds are scattered around, passing over the bright, full moon. Your mind turns to Remus: he is no doubt sitting in his office right now, all wolfish, probably having a hankering for red meat. You offered to stay with him on full moons, but he refused. Despite the Wolfsbane potion allowing him to keep his mind during the transformation, rendering him harmless, he stipulated that he wanted to be alone, just in case something went wrong.
You don't want him to be alone, but you respect his wishes anyway.
You've known Remus is a werewolf for a very long time. You weren't even meant to find out about Remus' lycanthropy, but you used to get so worried about him at school. He was always exhausted, always disappearing on full moons, not eating well...it had gotten to the point where you cornered him in the library and expressed your concerns for him. You asked him to tell you what was wrong because you couldn't watch any longer, worried that something bad was keeping him up at night.
And, well, you weren't wrong. But he confided in you, just like he had his other friends, and from then on you did everything you could to help him. While the boys spent full moons with him, you ensured he got enough rest during the remainder of the month, made him his favourite teas, helped with keeping his secret secure...he became like a brother to you.
Your school days are something you treasure immensely. Everything was just so right. When you and Sirius starting dating Christmas of your sixth year, everything clicked into place. It felt like you had another family at Hogwarts.
You and Sirius whispered to each other during late nights in the common room, and you would trace the outlines of his tattoos as you listened to him talk.
You, Lily, and Alice shared things together that you never could share with anyone else.
You and Remus played chess with each other and always forgot about using strategy, instead choosing to just try and annihilate as many of the other's pieces as possible.
You and James played Exploding Snap, which always ended with the ends of his hair singed and him sulking when he lost.
You helped Peter prepare himself for his first date, making sure he was mentally ready and feeling confident.
Life was much simpler.
The clouds part and the moon reveals itself, casting a glow around it. In the distance, you hear a wolf howling, and for a moment you think it's Remus, before you shake your head. He's in his office, probably sleeping it off right now.
Speaking of sleep, you feel extremely comfortable where you are right now. You let your eyelids drift shut and fall into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.
You wake some time later, the cold air nipping at your arms. You sit up groggily, yawning. You nudge Dubh and she wakes, getting up to follow you out of the Tower. As you're opening the door to your room, you realise you left your wand up there and quickly run back up the stairs to grab it.
You locate the item on your desk, stuffing it into your pocket, momentarily getting distracted by a scuff mark on the desk, wondering how that got there.
There's a heavy thud from the other side of the room.
You look up.
Your heart stops.
There, at the railing, is Buckbeak, Hagrid's giant Hippogriff. And on his back is Harry, Hermione, and...Sirius. He hops down, facing you.
You lock eyes and your name rolls off his tongue softly, and never has it sounded so perfect.
He's wearing shabby Azkaban clothes, which are ripped and tattered everywhere. His skin is dirty and his face is sunken with dark bags under his eyes. He's grown a beard and his hair has gotten even longer, but has become matted.
"Sirius?" you choke, frozen in place. "Are you really there?"
He nods, a small smile on his face. "Yes, my love. I'm here."
You take a tentative step forward, unsure really whether you are dreaming or not. The rational part of your brain is telling you to stop, to run in the other direction — this is a convict in front of you, after all!
But your heart makes all the decisions for you. It reaches out, desperately trying to get to its other half because truly, you were half a heart without him.
Your steps are slow and it feels like hours have passed before you finally stop in front of him. You hesitantly reach out, placing your hand against his chest.
"Please, tell me I'm not dreaming," you whisper.
Sirius brings his hand up to cover yours, moving it to press over where his heart is, where you can feel his racing heart beat. You can see a scar on his pinky finger, one he told you he got during a game of 'Pin the Tail on Kreacher' with Regulus when he was eight.
You feel tears prick your eyes, looking back into the face of the man you love more than anything in the world. You bring shaky hands up to his face, holding it delicately, like you're afraid he's going to break.
"I missed you," you say softly. "I missed you so much, Sirius."
"I missed you too," he replies. "How is it that you look just as beautiful today as you looked on our wedding day?"
You give a watery chuckle, sniffling. "Sirius Black, forever the flirt."
You lean forward and press your lips against his. This, this feeling. The overwhelming sense of feeling right where you belong, in the arms of the man you love. His lips are chapped but you don't care. His skin is rough but you don't care. His beard scratches against you but you don't care. You don't care about anything other than the fact that he's here with you. He's finally here.
"Please, darling..." he starts, taking a deep breath and gazing at you. "It wasn't me. I promise you with everything I have to give that I didn't kill those people, I was never a Death Eater — "
"I know."
" — I would never do that to James and Lily — "
"I know."
He pauses, looking at you in surprise. "You know?"
"I know, Siri," you say gently. "I believe you, I trust you. I know you. I've spent the last twelve years of my life believing you're innocent. I know you would never do that."
He opens his mouth to say something but can't seem to find the words. "You — you smart girl. My smart girl. My perfect, smart, beautiful girl..."
His eyes are brimming with tears as he keeps them fixed on you, before he pulls you into his chest and holds you tightly, burying his face in your hair.
"I love you. I love you. I love you so much," he says, kissing your cheek. "Going so long without you has been torture."
"It's been torture for me too," you reply. "I love you. I love you more than anything, Sirius." You smile at him before adding, "And you have seriously got to take a shower. Why don't you come down to my room and get all cleaned up?"
Sirius pulls away, giving you an uncertain look and you sigh. He glances back at Harry and Hermione, who you've pretty much forgotten are even there.
"We...don't have a lot of time left," Hermione says apologetically.
"I'm sorry, my love," Sirius says, pressing his forehead against yours. "I have to go."
You clutch onto his arms desperately, shaking your head. "No, no. You — you can't go. You can't leave me again, Sirius. No, please. Please. Please don't do this to me again. Why leave when I've just found you again?"
Tears stream down your face and Sirius reaches out to brush them away with his thumb. "I have to, darling. The Ministry'll be here any moment now, looking for me. I can't put you in danger like that."
"I'll come with you!" You try. "Please, we can go away together — we'll figure something out, just please, don't leave me again. I've been without you for too long, please — "
"I can't do that to you," he says weakly. "You have to stay."
"Sirius, please — "
"Stay," he says, kissing your forehead. "I'll find you again. I will always find my way back to you, no matter how far."
You let out a quiet sob and kiss him again, desperate for even the slightest bit of contact with him to remind you that you actually have him here with you.
"Please, darling. Stay here," he tells you firmly. "You'll be okay."
"I just — I've been waiting for this for too long," you say weakly. "I hoped I'd have you for longer."
He brings you hand to his lips, kissing your fingers lovingly. "I know, I know. We'll meet again and then — it'll be like I never left."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
He lets go of you, and it takes all of your willpower not to grab ahold of him again and never let go. Harry and Hermione jump off of Buckbeak, looking at each other awkwardly.
Sirius pulls Harry in for a hug, smiling proudly at him. "You are — truly your father's son, Harry."
Hermione looks at her watch nervously. "Quick, quick, you don't have time!"
Sirius takes one last glance back at you as he climbs up onto Buckbeak's back. He sends a wink your way and you shake your head amusedly, sighing.
He squeezes Buckbeak's sides with his heels. The enormous wings of the Hippogriff rise and you step back slightly, watching as it takes off into the air. Sirius and Buckbeak steadily become smaller and smaller until a cloud drifts past and...they're gone.
You swallow hard, sniffling as you brush tears off your cheeks. Before they can leave, you grab Harry and Hermione and pull them both in for a tight hug.
"Thank you, thank you both so much," you say. "You — you are the most wonderful children I have ever met — you brought him back to me, how did you ever do it? How can I ever thank you?"
"It's nothing, really — " Harry says sheepishly.
"Nothing? You have both just given me the best gift in the world," you say with a smile. Hermione is looking at her watch again and you let go. "Go, go on. You look like you have somewhere to be."
Hermione nods, grabbing Harry's arm and they turn to run down the stairs.
"Oh, and Harry!" You call after him. He stops for a second and you give him a smile. "Come find me when you have some free time. I'm sure you have a few questions to ask."
He nods affirmatively and they run off again.
"YOU!" Snape bursts into the Astronomy Tower, looking outraged. "You — what did you do?!"
You look up innocently from your desk, watching as Snape climbs to the top of the stairs, red-faced and angry. He's out of breath — you don't know if it's because he's angry or because walking up those stairs is about the most exercise he's gotten in a decade.
Behind him, comes Fudge and Dumbledore. Fudge is huffing and puffing, and when he reaches the top he lays a hand against the wall as he breathes in and out.
"You — you did something!" Snape snaps. "How else could he have escaped?"
"How else could who have escaped?"
"Well, I'd have a hard time getting him out of Azkaban, wouldn't I?"
Snape looks like he's about to burst. A vein is popping out in his neck and his eyes are bulging.
"HE — WAS — CAUGHT — AND — NOW — HE'S — GONE — "
"Wait, he was caught?" You ask, feigning oblivion.
Fudge nods. "Yes, we had caught him perfectly well...the Dementors were going to perform the Kiss — "
You slam your book down on the table, standing up from your chair, staring Fudge down. "Do you mean to say that the Dementors' Kiss was going to performed on my husband without my knowledge?"
Fudge visibly swallows, glancing at Dumbledore helplessly, who chooses to become fixated on one of the constellations on the wall.
"Well, er...we reviewed our options and seen that — um — we didn't have the time to inform you — "
"Bullshit," you spit. "You could have easily told me, you just weren't bothered, were you? Some Minister you are."
Fudge splutters, face going red.
Snape is still shaking with fury beside him. He jabs his finger in your direction. "YOU DID IT, I KNOW YOU DID — "
"That is enough, Severus. Why, the portrait of Eloria Floria in the corridor told us that she had not left the Tower since she first entered it three hours ago," Dumbledore says calmly.
Fudge glances at his watch. "Well, I suppose there is nothing more to it than that. I'd better go and notify the Ministry of this..."
Snape is seething. Absolutely seething. He gives one fuming look in your direction, before storming down the stairs once more. It's nearly comical because it's purely silent in the Tower but for the clunking of Snape's footfalls against the stairs, his anger evident in his heavy stomps.
It reminds you of a young child throwing a tantrum.
→ all kinds of interaction are appreciated ♡
->-> read chapter twelve here!
sorry for the shortish chapter but I just really wanted to get this one out. They've finally reunited!!!
+ a big thank you to my taglist loves for all their support and kindness:
@wholelottalove05 @izuoyarmin @carpe000diem @hyperspeedo
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ssahotchnerr · 1 year
I just know Aaron has such a dad ig feed 🤭 reader teases him sm about it
you're so so sooo right AH <3333
reader totally teases him about it before they're even together too 🤭 aaron gets blushy and a bit embarrassed when you comment on what he's posted, but then you're like "no!!!!!!!!! it's so cute 🥰" and aaron blushes even more at the compliment hehe <3
aaron will post pics of the team - very Dad selfies, and AW when he's not-so-secretly pining for you, he opts to post the group pics you're in hehe 😭 like yeah he has such a good pic of spencer and dave playing cards on the jet, BUT he has one of spencer, dave, and you playing chess (you're leaning over dave's shoulder attempting to help because there's not way he'll beat spencer LOL) - so that's the one he chooses to post 🥰 and he'll post random sights he sees around dc, pics of his coffee in the morning- he's learned how to make a mad latte, OR he'll post views from the jet 😭 if the sunrise or sunset is beautiful - out comes his phone to take a pic <333
aaron's captions are so Dad and sophisticated too - proper grammar, punctuation, the use of just one emoji 😭 and he never usually comments on anyone's else post either - he'll simply like it and that's it 😭
and of course the teasing from you continues once together <333 hehe aaron will take a pic, and then you automatically go - "are you going to post that on insta?🤨🥰" and aaron rolls his eyes, attempts to hide a smile (and fails) before his head is down, he's drafting the post, and mumbles a "yes." 🥰😭
and the way he'll constantly post about you <3333 UGH pics of you across the table from him on a date night, you and jack cuddling on the couch, or simple pics of you that he loves 🥹🥹🥹
aaron's definitely not the type to post a ton of pics of jack either, he's private on instagram BUT him being him, he's all about internet safety. if anything, he'll post faceless pics of jack, and allll your kiddos if you two have more <33333 he'll post an action-shot soccer pic of jack in the field, the babies coloring together, a photo of their faces buried into himself or you, all the kiddos after jumping into your bed on a saturday morning, buried under the comforter with you, bedheads galore <33333
but he will occasionally post full pics for special occasions, like alll the kids in front of the tree on christmas morning 🥹, birthdays, jack in front of the door, backpack on, for the first day of school 🥹 hehe things like that 🥰
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whispersoftheton · 1 year
Hii! I have a request!! I just finished rewatching S2 and I kept wondering about what married life with Anthony would be, specially with his wife moving to the Bridgerton mansion. Could you write something about that? The wife moving to the house and understanding that she's the new lady and viscountess, realizing her responsabilities for the family and wanting to do them good but also being scared of crossing a line and making Violet uncomfy!! Thank you, I love your work!!
Hello! I put together some HC's (sorry they're so long). Hope you like them! and thank you for your kind words and for taking time out of your say to read my stories, it means so much <3
Anthony Bridgerton x Fem!Reader
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You spent most of your honeymoon in pure bliss with Anthony but now that the two of you have settled into the Bridgerton home it's time to get to business
Violet took her time with you, introducing you to the staff and making sure you were comfortable in your new position as head of the household. She did everything she could to welcome you with open arms but you couldn't help but hold back in fear of overstepping. Often looking to her for unspoken approval.
You tried your best to maintain things as they were. Whether it was always setting out floral arrangements with an array of colors you'd become so familiar with in your many visits to the Bridgerton home or afternoons on end over tea with ladies of society. Never wanting to let anyone down. It was exhausting to be quite honest.
When Anthony wasn't otherwise occupied with his business, he was always there to offer you his love and support. Encouraging you to take more of a lead with your responsibilities while silently admiring how much respect you had for his family. He always knew you'd be his perfect Viscountess no matter what, he just had to make you believe that too
Knowing you bared the responsibility of Anthony's sister's coming out in the next couple of seasons weighed down on you like no other. Violet had done such a flawless job with Daphne's season, you knew you couldn't mess this up. You took the time to get to know each of his sister's, playing chess with Hyacinth until she bested you, taking interest in whatever reading had captured Eloise's attention in that moment, or even strolling the market with Francesca in the afternoons.
It wasn't until it was your time to organize your first ball as Viscountess that you really felt frazzled by it all. Violet took notice, offering you the guidance and reassurance you needed. Lending a helping hand whenever needed but allowing you to make all final decisions yourself. She saw so much of herself in you, how much Anthony cared for you. She knew it to be a matter of time before you grew comfortable as the new Viscountess Bridgerton
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Mini Tag List: @bugnug @queenofmean14 @fiction-is-life @thethreeeyed-raven @ssprayberrythings @fatbottomedvirgo @fictional-hooman (let me know if you would like to added here or dm me if you’d like to be removed)
I do not consent to having my work reposted, translated, or published to any third party site or app. if anyone sees my work anywhere that is not ao3/tumblr or under any other username that is not whispersoftheton, it has been reposted without my permission
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