#like this was the last straw and I'm putting way too much weight on it but still
tardis--dreams · 2 years
What exactly is the point of naming an album and a tour """Give Me The Future""" when you don't play "Give Me The Future"- I'm gonna fucking scream
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goldfades · 5 months
manager literally having to handle every single thing and js bein emotionally exhausted, one day she’s just completely overstimulated from everything and walks out to let herself cry
i love angst sorry🤘
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౨ৎ ─ summary | after a shitty week, manager breaks down over a stupid test score and her teammate helps her through it.
─ word count | 919
─ warnings | NIKA AND MANAGER BONDING TIME YIPEE! angsty af, hurt to comfort, manager putting too much pressure on herself, midterms (BLEHHH), pretty sure nothin else?
─ taglist | @xocherishxo @iienstein @yazmunson @euphternal @uraesthete @hello-nah817 @wanderlusturous and here's a link to my taglist if anyone would like to join!!
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YOUR ENTIRE WEEK had been shit, to put it simply.
Scratch that, your entire month had been pretty shitty. Your midterms had gone terrible, your headaches have been becoming way more painful and more frequent and on top of all of that, you bled through your pants. Twice.
With play-off season arriving in about couple weeks, practices had been running later and later. You spent the entire practice usually on the phone, trying to figure out routes to away games, trying to coordinate transportation for the team, and dealing with the last-minute changes and complications that seemed to plague every plan you made.
As the playoff season even nearer, the pressure mounted to new heights. Every decision felt like it carried the weight of the world, and the fear of letting down your team gnawed at your insides.
Geno had told you that you could leave early if you absolutely needed to, but you hated feeling useless. You wanted to be able to do your job without letting your own personal issues get in the way but right now, it felt like you were way in over your head. Despite Geno's offer to leave early, the guilt gnawed at you, whispering that you were failing in your duties as a manager.
As today's practice wore on, your headache intensified, pulsing behind your eyes with an intensity that threatened to consume you. You clenched your jaw against the pain, willing yourself to push through, but with each passing moment, it felt like the weight on your shoulders grew heavier.
Your phone buzzed against your thigh and you picked it up, reading the notification. Your heart had dropped to your stomach as you read the email ─ you had failed your Geo midterm.
You threw your phone against the hardwood floors, feeling your eyesight become blurry. That was cherry on top, that was the final straw. Tears stung at the corners of your eyes as you struggled to regain control of your emotions. You got up from the bench, picking up your phone as you sniffled.
"Whoa, Y/N? Are you good?" You turned to meet Nika's eyes as yours widened in shock. You immediately wiped your tears as you averted your gaze.
Nika was thankfully the only person on the court right now, everyone else was in the locker-room getting ready for practice. Nika finished up early, like she usually did.
You sniffled again. "Yeah, I'm fine."
"You're not, tell me what's bothering you. Who was it? Was it Paige or Geno, because I swear-"
"No, no." You sighed loudly as Nika's expression softened. "Just allergies. I need to go get something from my dorm, I won't be long."
Nika scoffed as she watched you walk away, her eyes narrowing with concern despite your attempt to brush off the situation.
"Allergies, my ass," she muttered under her breath, though she knew better than to push you further when you were clearly not ready to talk.
You went to your dorm and cried your eyes out, that was the only thing you felt like you could do. You almost debated whether or not you should go back to practice until you remembered that you left all your stuff there.
As you got up to the door, you heard a knock on your door. Your furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as you opened the door, revealing Nika. She held your bag in one hand and hers in the other, a warm smile on her lips.
You opened the door wider so that she could come in. Without a word, she set down both her bag and yours as you closed the door behind her.
"Practice ended early so you didn't miss anything," Nika spoke as she gave you a smile. She sat down on your bed as she gestured for you to come and sit.
"Thanks for bringing my bag," you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper as you struggled to find the right words to express the depth of your gratitude.
Nika waved off your thanks with a casual shrug, her gaze reassuring. "No problem. I figured you could use a break from everything."
Then, with a small sigh, Nika reached out and took your hand in hers, her touch a comforting. "One test doesn't define your entire career, Y/N. I promise you, it will not matter after you graduate. It probably won't even matter in a month, or maybe even a week."
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, Nika had completely read you like a damn book. "How did you know?"
Nika just scoffed, "You think we don't listen when you ramble on about your tests and shit? We do, and trust me we know you better than you think."
A soft chuckle escaped your lips at her blunt honesty, the tension that had coiled tight in your chest slowly starting to unravel. It was true ─ Nika and the rest of the team had always been there to listen, even when you thought no one was paying attention.
"Look, Y/N." Nika kept her gaze on you, her expression serious. "We love you and we need you, but don't ever put us over your mental health. We need you all in one piece if you're gonna take care of us, right?"
"So, for us. Take the weekend off and come back on Monday, alright?" Before you could protest, Nika sent you a stern look and you sighed loudly. Nika's expression dissipated into a warmer one as she smiled, "That's our girl."
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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grandlinedreams · 1 year
Hii I just found out about your blog today! I really like your writing 🤭 Can I request a straw hat reader and law trying to keep their relationship a secret but they failed. Then the reaction from both crews! Thank you!
Hi bb!! Thank-you, I'm honored!! 🥺💖 but oh absolutely!! I hope this is to your liking, bb! (Ig this is a little non-canon? indeterminate setting)
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Palm up, you stare at the little square of white that inches across your skin at a steady pace. There are limits to vivre cards, you know that ㅡ but you can't help but silently will everything involved to move faster.
"You're not sneaky, you know." You whirl, finding Nami leaning against the doorway with an amused look on her face, arms folded across her chest.
"I don't know what you mean," you say warily, mentally kicking yourself for pulling the paper out without making sure you wouldn't be spotted with it, even as your fingers close around it protectively.
Nami's head tilts. "That secret candy stash," she says, "you're not very good at hiding it. You're just lucky that Luffy hasn't figured out where to look yet."
"Oh," you answer, trying not to sound too relieved that she doesn't mean the vivre card you've been watching for the last ten minutes. "Right. I'll have to move it around, then."
Nami studies you silently for a moment in which you're almost certain she knows, but then she pulls from the doorway with a sigh. "We're supposed to be meeting up with the Heart Pirates, so you might want to come out and join us before Luffy figures that something is up."
"Right behind you," you answer, waiting until she turns to put the vivre card away and moving to follow. Outside, you're just in time to watch the swell of waves break, exposing gleaming yellow metal.
"There they are!" Luffy crows excitedly from where he's perched atop his usual seat, waving to the Polar Tang despite the fact that nobody can see him yet.
"Remind me why we're still letting them hang around?" Zoro asks and you turn towards him, though Robin answers for you.
"Because it's important to keep good relations with our allies." She glances towards you. "You agree, don't you?"
You swear there's something in her gaze, a glint of amusement that runs deeper than watching you fumble to agree.
"Whatever," huffs Zoro. "Still think that guy's full of himself."
You bite your tongue, waiting until you're certain you won't say something you regret. "Luffy is our Captain, Zoro. If he trusts them, then we should too."
You feel a lot more than trust towards Trafalgar Law. But though it's gotten easier to keep those feelings under lock and key, it's still hard to not want to bounce forward and fling your arms around him the way Luffy does.
"Traffy!! Good to see you!"
"I've told you to stop calling me that, Strawhat," Law grouses, struggling to free himself from the rubber man's grip. "And get off me!"
Luffy seems far from upset by Law's greeting, cheerful grin still wide and bright as he lets go to offer the same greeting to Bepo, just a few feet behind his Captain.
You pretend not to notice when Law glances at you, your own attention pointedly fixed on some obscure point until you can't feel the weight of his gaze anymore. Only then do you lett yourself look back at him, fingers twitching at the memory of his vivre card on your palm.
Luffy's plan for the ally rendezvous ends up being to anchor both the Sunny and the Polar Tang at the back coast of a nearby island with the intent to keep either crew from being spotted and recognized. (It's more Law's idea, but all he does is roll his eyes when Luffy repeats it with much more enthusiasm.)
After that it's a blur of cooking food in the kitchen, platters laden down with piles of food and lowered down onto the beach, where a bonfire (small and carefully contained) is going at Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper's request.
"Is there a reason you're avoiding me?"
"I'm not avoiding you," you say from where you're picking up dry kindling for the bonfire. "Didn't we agree not to tell either of our crews we're together?"
"True," Law agrees as he approaches, "but I hardly think pretending that I don't exist at all is going to work either. They'll think you hate me."
"I think Zoro has that covered," you mumble. "But you know I don't hate you, Law."
"I do?" There's a hint of amusement in his tone, smirk tugging at his lips. He's teasing you, the jerk. "Could have fooled me."
You roll your eyes. "What if you're the one who hates me? Hm?"
He approaches, the height difference all the clearer for how he seems to tower over you, even as he leans down. "Hate is the furthest word from how I feel about you."
You've only shared a handful of kisses with Law and each time, you've been the one to initiate them. Perhaps a testament to how he's missed you, Law leans in, lips pressing against yours.
Your eyes close, and you're tempted to drop the bundle of wood in your hands in favor of curling them into his shirt ㅡ only to break apart at the same time as Law at the sound of your Captain's voice in tandem with Bepo's.
"Hey Traffy!! Where'd you go?"
"Captain? Captain!"
Law sighs. "So much for that," he says, pulling away from you completely and turning back in the direction that he'd come from. "Don't take too long coming back either, or they'll think you got eaten by a Sea King."
Watching his back, it's only then that you realize he's somehow eased the bundle of sticks from your grip and walked away with it ㅡ effectively leaving you with zero reason as to why you'd left in the first place.
"Jerk," you mutter, but you're smiling, bringing a hand up to trace your lips and the lingering warmth.
Sunset is a milky blend of reds and oranges, vibrant against the deep blue of the sea, inciting a deeper sense of contentment that makes you dig your feet into the sunwarmed sand.
"Comfortable?" Law seats himself beside you without preamble, the brush of his arm against yours intentional. You debate for a moment before you lean against him, gaze flicking upward to watch his lips curve into a softer smile when you rest your head on his shoulder.
"I am now," you mumble, let your eyes drift shut as you try to commit this to memory. "I wish we saw each other more."
There's a deeper meaning to it, a wholly selfish want for something more stable than what you have ㅡ going months at a time without sreing each other, vivre cards the only way of guaranteed safety. (It isn't safety, not really. Just the reassurance that the other is still alive.)
"I know." Law answers. "...every time I hear about whatever stunt you lot have pulled, I check your vivre card." Another deeper meaning, vulnerability where he usually can't afford it. "We could tell them, you know."
You snort. "Tell them what? 'Sorry, we've been dating behind your back for the last two years?'"
"You're dating Traffy?"
You feel Law tense under your head at Luffy's voice, and you turn to find him staring at the two of you.
"Luffy, I, uhㅡ"
"Yes," Law cuts in, "we are." It startles you, how freely he's admitting to it now when he's the one who wanted to be so damn careful about it.
"Oh," Luffy says. And then he grins. "That's so cool! I mean, as long as you're not gonna steal [Name] and make them join you all the time."
You wonder if somewhere down the line, you've hit your head and entered a different dimension. Surely you have, for Law to be so blasé in admitting to your relationship and Luffy ㅡ well, that's on par for him.
Luffy takes it a step further, however, turning and cupping his hands around his mouth. "You guys!! Did you know Traffy and [Name] were dating?"
You flinch, Law's expression unreadable as there's an answering call ㅡ Shachi.
"No offense Captain, but we figured it out last year!"
"I thought they seemed awful chummy! Congrats, you two!" Nami.
And then Luffy is bounding off back to the others, and your shoulders slump. "Well, that was a lot of worry for nothing," you lament, though you reach for Law's hand, lacing your fingers before you stand, tugging him to his feet. "Come on, boyfriend. We have some explaining to do."
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theycalledhimastar · 5 months
I demand your take on ABO 141 with a male reader PLEASE, there's never any good male stuff
Bestie do NOT give me this kind of brainrot, but also I accept the gift graciously-
Also, I had no idea what you wanted the male reader to be so there's a bit of everything so everyone's happy :) They come off a little oc-ish to me, the way I did the reader but oh well, I like it.
Forgive me for anything I got wrong, I'm not an A/B/O master guys. This was way longer than I initially planned, lol. Enjoy!
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Omegaverse!141 x Male reader!!!
I'm not the most bright brained alright, I agree with literally everyone else and I think Price and Ghost would both be Alphas with Gaz and Soap being betas, it just makes sense in my mind. The two Alphas need the cool-headed inbetweens to keep them from toppling everything and/or butting heads from too much hormones going around.
They're all fairly skeptical about yet another person joining them for any given reason, four people is plenty and having yet another person in the fray, while it might be helpful sometimes, is a bit of a balancing act to fit into their already perfect schedule. Changing things to accommodate you, while not the worst thing, isn't the most easy feat for everyone. Especially depending on what you are...
☄. *.
You were an Alpha, purebred, built like a brick wall and about as stubborn as one too. Although you weren't loud about it, you weren't going to let people forget tat you were not to be messed with. Raised with a bit of an ego as most purebred Alphas were, you knew you were destined for greatness from the moment you presented. Started physical and mental training as soon as you were old enough, the goal had always been the military for you, no doubts about it. But you had never imagined, in all your wildest dreams, that you would be a part of the task force.
Most people, upon first glance, would likely assume you fit right in, but shoehorning you in with two other alphas was way harder than anticipated, seeing as you immediately began trying to prove yourself before you had gotten settled in. Which, would have been adorable if you weren't so damn stubborn about it.
Ghost is working out? You join him without a second thought, attempting to lift twice as much as what he's doing. Of course, his numbers were already nothing to scoff at, so all you truly succeeded in, was nearly dropping the weight on your foot and damaging your precious alpha pride. "You alright there tough guy?" Ghost seemed amused by your ambitious failure.
"Shut up." Was all you growled in retaliation, storming off to go sulk elsewhere.
Soap is practicing at the range with Gaz? You grab a pistol and try to show off just how capable you are with it, easy right? Not really. You fumble in a way you weren't even sure you understood, and to put it simply, you missed the target significantly and blew an entire round trying to make amends. By the time you had finished it, the sergeants were trying not to lose their composure and die laughing at your cockiness despite it all. Damnit, you could normally do this all so easy, what the hell was wrong!? You set down the weapon with a nearly frightening calmness despite the seething rage in your chest that demanded respect as an alpha. Your self-righteous upbringing had done you no good now as you stormed off to go beat the shit out of the next inanimate object that pissed you off.
"How exactly did he make it here?" "Eh, cap says he's good. Let 'im cool off, I'm sure he knows what he's doin."
There was no cooling off, of course, as you ended up nearly punching a hole in the wall as you had graciously slammed into the doorway in your blind rage, smacking yourself square in the nose and nearly toppling over in pain. That was, quite honestly, the last straw for your dignity as you snarled something ferocious. Not caring that it had been rather close to the Captain's office until you were unceremoniously yanked back by your scruff, held face-to-face with the unamused John Price. Although you were an alpha, even you couldn't quite deny the effect his scent had on you now. Not one of anger, but certainly not a playful one either. He was projecting his authority, silently telling you to quiet down a little and stop being such a loudmouth showoff. Shame and something akin to an excited fear sparked briefly in the pit of your stomach before you cleared your throat and swallowed hard.
"Captain." You nodded shortly, not missing the way his hand tightened around the back of your neck.
"Heard you've been causing a bit of a ruckus for the others, been busy?" He raised a thick brow, making you swallow back your nerves. You attempted to shoot back some of your own alpha scent, but it felt puny and overpowered entirely by his.
"Not intentionally, sir."
"Let's settle down a little, you've barely been here a week, quit causing trouble or I'll have to take care of your behavior myself. Got it?" He leans close, you could swear he was breathing on the back of your neck now and you know for a fact your heart is racing for reasons you don't think are fear.
Not wanting to find out what he means by that just yet, you give a quick nod that seems to satisfy him enough to let you go. Allowing you to scamper back to your room, the adrenaline cushioning what was going to be a very hurt ego when it settled in that you had been grabbed by the collar and scolded like a child. Damnit, you would prove yourself one way or another...
☄. *.
You were a Beta, always being told you were unremarkable, nearly always forgotten in the squabble between Alphas and Omegas. So, in an effort to at least be something impressive to yourself, you took to bulking up. Genetics and luck both seemed to favor you as you certainly bulked up. To the point where you were constantly mistaken for an Alpha by anyone that didn't truly know you. If they did, they would know that you were far more of the beta disposition in reality. Laid back, cheerful, extroverted enough to make friends, but not gratingly so. The perfect addition to the task force at first glance...
Minus the fact that you were both clumsy, and a little bit ditsy from time to time.
Sure, you weren't incapable, you could definitely hold your own in battle. But it seemed that when the adrenaline wasn't pumping through your veins, you were a tangle of long limbs and jumbled thoughts. It was obvious that you weren't trying to be a mess, but the others seemed to assume you were up to something. Surely, a mountain of a man like you, such a capable Beta on the battlefield, can't be such a... dolt in real life, right?
The same man they had witnessed absolutely nail a small squadron all by his lonesome, had momentarily forgotten how to lace his boots after unlacing them entirely to replace them. And had practically tied his feet together.
"You think he knows he's doin' it wrong?" "Oh he has to by now... right?" "Guys, did I get it? I'm so confused, why is this so weird!?"
Not to say you were entirely unaware of yourself, you knew you were scatterbrained at times. But you didn't know that they had assumed you were taking them for a fool sometimes. The sergeants decided to confront you about it, with Soap cornering you after a particularly amusing incident.
"Mate, ye know we've seen ye on the field right?" He sighed, running his fingers through his overgrown curls. "uhh, yeah?" You kind of stared between the two of them, completely confused as to where the conversation was going. Gaz snuck behind you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder in a friendly manner. "Right, so you don't have to act like a total numpty off the field, you aren't foolin' anyone anymore." He chuckled, nudging your head with his playfully. It would have been a comforting thing, except for the fact that you had no clue what they were on about. "What do you mean?" "Stop acting like such a hare-brained dingus. Just be yourself, mate." He shook your shoulders gently, the two staring at you so earnestly, just trying to convince you to just be yourself around them. "Oh... About that..."
Of course after that, they both felt really bad and you had to explain for over an hour that no, it wasn't on purpose, yes, you were that messy sometimes, and no, you weren't mad for their assumption. Although Ghost certainly seemed to find it hilarious that you were such a gentle giant, and a total hot mess express. Not that he told you that, truth be told, he didn't feel the need to talk to you much off of the field. Not because he didn't like you, he simply felt you fit in so well with the betas and he didn't want to throw off things. Although he did want to know how you had gotten so huge naturally.
Price thinks you're downright precious with the stark contrast between on and off duty with you. It's like you become a completely different person and he can't help but smell the scent of a content beta every time he tells you that you've done him good. He was certain that everyone could tell just how excited you were when he referred to you as "his good lad". It was a simple nickname, rolled off his tongue before he could stop it, but you nearly lit up in elation. So now not only him, but everyone else makes an attempt to give you subtle little praises like that just to see you get all giddy, and to this date you have yet to notice, or at least say anything about it.
☄. *.
You were an omega, not what any of them expected when they were told that someone would be joining them, as omega were notoriously... well... Violence avoidant to put it simply. But you were not the type that wanted to feed into stereotypes. You wanted any excuse to not become some boring old stay-at-home omega that took care of children and housework. The parts of the world you had grown up in were very traditional and expected just that of you. "Settle down with a nice Alpha, have babies, live the peaceful life." Yeah right, it was like they didn't even know what you wanted.
So, in an effort to escape that life, you decided to enlist, and it turned out that you were... actually kinda good at it despite it all. Your fight or flight chose to flee more often than not, but that meant you were quick on your feet despite the stomach churning levels of anxiety that pulsed through your veins at any given moment. Your adrenaline raced and kept you moving before you could chicken out, and that made you a damn good soldier.
Off field was a different story but that didn't really matter seeing as you liked minding your own business and having your own space more often than not.
When you first met all of them, the aura of two alphas was quite a lot, especially as it seemed at least Ghost was projecting a little bit more than he needed to, getting across the point that there was an order to the way things were and you needed to not ruin that. (He's just nervous having an omega around as he isn't used to it and he isn't sure exactly how to act around you.)
Gaz is rather quick to step in and soothe you with his beta scent, like warm coffee and vanilla and something distinct that you hadn't ever smelled before. But it soothed your racing nerves and made you feel a little less alienated. Although with a nudge from John, Ghost realized he was only successfully scaring you, and he cut it out just as quickly.
Johnny is excited to have an omega around, although he doesn't really treat you any different than Gaz. It's the equivalent of short people acting different when they're around someone shorter than them, yknow? Like he doesn't see you as beneath him, he just knows you're different than anything he's been around and he's nosey about absolutely everything.
"Do all Alphas scare you?" "No... why would they?" "I dunno, it seemed like every omega I met before was either addicted to Alphas or terrified of em." "Uh, no, I think you just knew weird people before."
Another thing, is that Price seems to view you as a sort of stray cat. Skittish if anyone approached you a little too loudly or excitedly, but plenty sweet if they got to know you. At least, that was how it was in his head. In reality, you were just an introverted guy who wanted to at least get along with his teammates and they thought you were the cutest thing ever. Sometimes, John would call you into his office just to tell you that he noticed your hard work and he was proud of you. He loved the way your cheeks flushed whenever he got close or projected his scent a little extra, filling the room with the scent of expensive cigars and warm, woody cologne. It made you a little fuzzy int eh head and he could tell, so he avoided using it. But the face you made when you got all spacey and distracted during meetings because you were sandwiched between him and Ghost, it was just too good to resist.
"You alright there sergeant?" "Yes sir, all-all good." "You look a little flushed, you sure you're not coming down with something?" He pressed the back of his hand to your forehead, trying not to smile wider when your eyes widened just slightly. "Positive, Captain..." You squeaked.
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WIBTA to refuse tutoring my nephew even though I'm not sure what he did wrong?
So I (24, F) have been tutoring my nephew/the son of my mum's close friend (10, M) for a couple of weeks now. His mum pays me for the hours I spend teaching him and honestly despite the kid being obviously ADHD I don't really mind him getting constantly distracted because it's clear he still understands what I'm explaining to him, so we had a pretty good relationship up until this point as I was way more understanding of him than any other tutors or even his own mother, although I don't really know him THAT well.
During our tutoring sessions my cat, Pudding (14, F) would usually stay in the same room with us. She likes to stay in the same room as other people but usually doesn't let strangers pet her and will go away if bothered too much. Well, Nephew being distractable as he is would often go up to her to pet her as he would answer a question of mine or just as a thing between answering questions. Strangely enough Pudding did let him do that and didn't seem to be THAT bothered by it, so I too ignored it and just let him do it.
Now, here's the issue: A few days ago after we finished our tutoring session for that day I left the room to wash my hands in the kitchen since we were eating snacks during the session. My house's kitchen is literally DIRECTLY next to the room where we have our tutoring sessions so it couldn't have taken longer than 10-15 seconds from me leaving before I heard a cry from Pudding. "Oh, she must've finally gotten annoyed with Nephew's behaviour, I'll tell him to stop bothering her." I thought to myself as I finished washing my hands, yet before I was even able to make it back to the room I heard a second, much louder meow, the kind of meow a cat only makes if they ACTUALLY get hurt. So now, properly concerned, I round the corner into the room and see Nephew sitting right next to where Pudding is still laying, now with her ears flat and looking at him. He must've seen the confusion on my face because the first thing he said was "We were just playing." to which I blurted out that clearly she was not in the mood to play and walked over to check on her. While doing that, I noticed that there was a blanket slightly covering Pudding's hind legs, so I assumed maybe Nephew accidentally put his weight there without realizing she had her paws there. I VERY GENTLY pulled back the blanket and VERY GENTLY touched her legs to see if they were hurt, and then she BIT me and finally ran away. Of course I don't blame her, and in fact that only strengthened my concern because Pudding is a VERY polite cat, if she's bothered by anything she will just leave and if she bites for play it's always very gentle and doesn't leave a mark, this was not that. Afterwards I couldn't get any useful information out of Nephew as to what exactly he did, he just kept saying that he was petting her and she got annoyed which was clearly not true, so I dropped the subject and just sent him home.
Now it's been a few days since that happening and I've checked on Pudding's legs a few times since then. She doesn't respond to me touching them at all and she doesn't limp or anything so either she didn't get injured, or the legs were never the issue in the first place and me touching her was simply the last straw in that already stressful situation for her. Despite that however, I find myself not wanting to have Nephew over for tutoring anymore as I'm afraid that something like this might happen again when I'm literally gone from the room for less than a minute. It really annoys me that I have absolutely no clue what happened while I was gone, I don't even have a way to know if Nephew did whatever he did intentionally or by accident since him saying they were just "playing" could very well be just his honest perception of the situation, or him lying and being vague on purpose because he knows he did something wrong. The reason why I feel like Nephew might be lying about doing bad things on purpose is because Nephew's family has two cats, so I really feel like he should know better already and be more careful. Another point is the fact that this literally happened the INSTANT I was gone from the room, almost as if he was waiting for me to be gone to do something (as far as I recall I haven't ever left him alone with Pudding before this point), though admittedly that could just be unlucky coincidence. Plus, I find it REALLY hard to believe he'd be able to make Pudding cry like that on accident, I've genuinely NEVER heard her make a sound like that, ever, not even at the vet's. On the other hand however I know that he was failing his math class badly before I started tutoring him and I'm almost certain he'd start to fail again if I stopped helping him. Not only that, I'd have to come up with a lie about being too busy to do tutoring or something else since obviously I can't tell his mother "Hey your son might've done something bad but I'm not really sure and don't really have any proof and can't even tell if it was really intentional or not", since I realize how ridiculous that sounds despite still genuinely feeling incredibly uncomfortable about the whole situation.
So with all of that out of the way, would I be the asshole for denying him my tutoring services just because I feel uncomfortable about the idea of him possibly hurting my cat on purpose, even when I don't really have any proof that he did it on purpose or would do it again?
What are these acronyms?
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bird-inacage · 11 months
Only Friends: EP10 Ray's Therapy Scene (First Focus)
I've been meaning to do a deep dive on this scene, which has no doubt been immensely commended for Khaotung's stellar performance (I'm running out of vocabulary to gush about how talented that boy is). However the purpose of this post is to highlight how equally superb First is, as I fear some may overlook the excellent work he does here.
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The reason why this scene warrants a huge amount of respect is how challenging this dynamic is on both actors. Only Ray is speaking the entire way through, which means the tone and rhythm of the scene is led by Khaotung, whilst First's role here as Sand is to be reactive to this immense outpouring and release of emotion. First is required to be a very restrained and contemplative presence - a projection and visual representation of Sand in Ray's own mind. It's literally acting on a macro (Khaotung) and micro (First) level in tandem.
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I want to start by mentioning how well First portrays this bedded-in weariness in Sand’s demeanor throughout, an expression we’ve seen in Episode 8. It carries this heartbreakingly heavy and worn down quality. A symptom of a man who bears far too much weight on his shoulders, whose mental toil never seems to end; a product of his own nature and those who knowingly or unknowingly take advantage of it. This is the tragedy of Sand's character. And this is the realisation that is well and truly hitting Ray now. His temper and behaviour have inevitably taken its toll on someone Ray knows doesn't deserve all the suffering he's been putting him through.
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⬆️ "I was stupid, but I want you to understand me. I was mad at you because I cared so much about you."
When Ray starts asking for forgiveness, there's an air of slightly deflated scepticism that flits across Sand's face. Sand's immediate instinct is to be hopeful, to give someone the benefit of the doubt. But the reality is Ray has apologised a number of times before and that hasn’t stopped him from hurting Sand still. So Sand’s expression sobers, conscious of how likely it is that Ray will let him down again.
This is Ray acknowledging that he's fallen into a pattern of taking Sand for granted. If that’s all Sand has come to expect, why would his apology this time change anything? Ray has not earnt his redemption yet as he hasn't apologised to Sand in person, and has no guarantee it would be accepted. Which is why he's so upset because he registers that Sand's disappointment in him is fully deserved.
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⬆️ "There's no one more caring or loving than you. Though I've been nothing but an asshole to you."
You see the tiniest lift of Sand's brow that's tinged with grateful disbelief, 'Me? But I'm nothing special'. His gaze softens by the sentiment, a visible breath inhaled in as if taken aback, clearly touched but hesitant to believe it. A humbling trait of Sand's is that he genuinely struggles to see his own value. He doesn't realise just how meaningful he can be to someone. That he could hold such weight.
And all the criticism that Ray has thrown at Sand has only piled onto the insecurities he possesses. Remarks that have questioned Sand's principles, his dignity, his sense of worth.
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⬆️ "But if you don't want to put up with me anymore, that's alright. I get you."
Ray's image of Sand watches on as he begins to fall apart, crushed by a mixture of intense fear, regret, and despair that this may be too little too late. That his last outburst may well have been the final straw, and he failed to appreciate Sand when it mattered.
On the surface Sand may look numb or somewhat devoid of emotion, but you can detect the turbulence brewing underneath. Sand has a habit of holding in his feelings in to an almost painful degree (which begs for release). It gives you the impression he could suddenly burst at the seams at any given moment. But Sand as always holds still, holds strong, holds steady. Other than the slight twitch of his lip, he holds himself together somehow.
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⬆️ "No one can put up with me".
Ray vocalises his own self-hatred, how little he deserves someone like Sand, how guilty he feels for causing this damage. Whilst he does so, Sand appears increasingly teary, lip ever so slightly quivering, brows crumpling. He looks like he desperately wants to break down and cry along with Ray.
What sets Sand apart from everyone else in Ray’s life is he understands. He can sympathise with why Ray is the way he is. Despite everything Ray has done, Sand still very much wants to protect him, shield him, care for him. He doesn't blame him. It breaks his heart to see Ray upset, to see Ray hurting. His compassion for Ray has always been his undoing.
The last thing he would want is for Ray to feel unwanted or intolerable. He tries to be the person who can withstand Ray's temper, his volatile nature, because he knows Ray is still deserving of love. It’s because of this love that he can feel every single thing that Ray is going through.
Sand exudes an incredibly strong parental presence in this scene; a form of unconditional love and patience. As we're often told by our parents, they're not angry at us when we veer off path, just disappointed and perhaps saddened on our behalf - but that won't stop them from loving us all the same. This is beautifully captured by First. You can detect Sand's selfless love for Ray in his every gaze, always.
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⬆️ "Ever since you walked into my life, I've been so happy. So damn happy Sand."
This is where Sand almost breaks down as he displays a small, tentative smile that is laced with pained and tired relief. His eyes close in an attempt to maintain composure. Whilst there’s overwhelm, there’s also finally a glimmer of peace.
This is what Ray knows Sand needs to hear, what Ray wishes he'd said sooner. Ray picturing himself saying this to Sand may be a form of vindication in the event he doesn't get say this to him in-person.
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Finally Ray collapses into Sand's arms. Sand seems to visibly reign in his own emotions, in order to revert back to 'care-taker' mode. Sand nods once, a gesture of kindness and true acceptance that says 'It's all okay, I know.'
He's Ray's pillar, his rock, and his raft. Sand has become Ray's primary source of safety and comfort. Sand's gaze is so endlessly gentle as he nestles in close to hold Ray. Everything about his embrace feels warm and stable in such a reassuring way. Sand is every bit as loving and caring as Ray just described him to be.
What makes this entire portrayal so devastating is this is the Sand Ray sees and knows. Ray mentions in Episode 11 that he’s been stowing away these details. Which indicates that everything Sand has done and said has not gone unnoticed. Whether it was due to denial or ignorance that prevented Ray from confronting it sooner, he has unconsciously taken note of it all. How Ray's image of Sand responds in this scene is based on every interaction he's had with Sand up until now. This imaginary representation of Sand is proof of everything that Ray has come to fall in love with.
First was not given any dialogue in which to communicate in this scene. His entire performance relies solely on the tiniest of micro-expressions and gestures. He symbolises the essence of Sand but not the physical manifestation of him. Therefore his acting may come across as understated but that’s a sign of real talent when you can say so much with so little.
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satrs · 1 year
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ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ; how they apologize after an argument.
ꜰᴇᴀᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ; NAGI SEISHIRO. ISAGI YOICHI. MICHAEL KAISER. NOEL NOA. gn!reader ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ; 1.1k
TAGS; established relationship. fluff. angst(?idk). hurt to comfort.
ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18+(proplayers!)
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When the both of you argued, it was mostly because of his laziness. You knew that he would be exhausted after a game across the globe, but laying in bed for the whole following week? You missed him and wanted to spend time with him, but it seemed like he preferred his sleep over you, since he ignored your pleas.
Then, you thought, he could have his sleep. And the bed. For him alone.
He creeped through the dark and into the living room when he noticed you not next to him, moonlight illuminating your sleeping form, curled up on the couch.
"Y/N. Babe." He lightly shook you, only to be harshly swatted away by the back of your hand. "Leave me alone. You got the bed all for yourself now, screw off." Guilt filled his heart at your words, realizing his selfish acts.
He huffed as he suddenly plopped on top of you, your protest falling to deaf ears. "m' sorry. Don't wanna sleep without you. Anymore." You let out a frustrated groan because he not only stirred you from your sleep, but also put his whole weight on top of you. "I'll take you out for dinner tomorrow. m' sorry."
You sighed in defeat, your arms slowly sneaking around his back. You just couldn't be mad at him for any longer, a soft smile creeping up your lips. "It's alright." The lifted his head lightly at that, relief washing over him. "You can get off of me now."
He just grunted in disapproval, positioning himself comfortably with his arm and leg wrapped around you, laying in the crack of the couch. "Don't wanna. Too much of a pain."
You giggled, snuggling into his touch as you both drifted into sleep.
Seems like the bed would be empty tonight and the both of you would wake up with a cramp.
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Sometimes, his personality from the field takes over when the both of you have a dispute.
"Yoichi, don't you think you're overworking yourself?" He looked at you,
"Don't come at me with your fucking nonsense. Your brain doesn't work correctly, does it? This is my job. My dream." he spat at you, words leaving you hurt and confused. He didn't have to look twice to realize what his words did to you, feet walking after you on their own accord as you packed up your bag, leaving the field.
"Wait, I didn't mean to-" You were too quick for his word to even reach your ear, so he began to jog after you at a fast pace, stopping you from walking any further by blocking your path.
You went to your left, not sparing him another glance, but he blocked you again, and as you went to your right he also did. It went back and forth until you eventually snapped, your hand reaching up to push him out of the way, only to be halted half way.
You looked up at him, tears threatening to escape you from his harsh words. "I'm so stupid. You're right, I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I'm so sorry."
You broke from his grasp, taking his distracted form as a chance to slip right past him, walking off to the car. You cursed under your breath once you noticed that he had the keys, waiting for him to open the car.
Once he did, you stepped in with a frown adoring your darling features, the frown only deepening once he stepped into the driver's seat. He looked at you for a moment before starting the engine, hoping to get right with you.
"Burger or Pizza for tonight?"
It was silent, so silent that it made his heart sink as he stepped onto the gas. But then you broke the silence suddenly, causing him to spare you a quick glance, smiling to himself.
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His naive and overconfident persona really is the last straw for you sometimes. Did you love him? Yes, of course. But did you love how naive and self-centered he sometimes was? No, absolutely not.
"You're being unfair, Micha'. " You earned a pity laugh from him in return, turning on his feet to flee into the living room. "Unfair? It's not my problem that yoz can never read the room."
"Read the room?", you asked in disbelief, "What do you-" "To give me some fucking space. You're glued to my ass like damn gum. God, I hate how clingy you are, it's unbearable." You fell silent at his words, tears stinging your eyes as your lip began to wobble, lashline threatening to let the cascade fall.
His head snapped back into your direction once he heard a sniffle, feet halting with his face still twisted in an irritated expression, soon falling into a fit of worry as he noticed your trembling form.
He was quick to embrace you in a thight hug, your tears straining his clothes as he tried to pacify you, hand stroking your back as his head placed an apologetic kiss to your head. "Didn't mean to make you cry, I'm sorry."
You didn't respond, hand lifting to take his shirt into your fist as you tried to stop your tears from flooding. "I lied." You lifted your tear-strained face up at that to look at him. "I love when you're all over me. Makes me feel loved."
"But you said-" He hushed you with his finger to your lips, blue-rose tattoo visible. "I just say stuff." "Yeah, a lot of nonsense." The both of you giggled at that before his hands lifted your form up to throw you onto the bed, following soon after, cuddling up to your form.
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it was a very rare occasion for the both of you to get tangled into in argument, but today seemed to be the day.
"I'm telling you to stop babying your team Noa. You're not their father. You got your own life and family too, me!" His annoyed sigh didn't got unnoticed by you. "I just got home, can't we discuss this some other time? I'm really not in the mood for your bickering."
Before he could retreat his words you already let out a pity laugh, looking at him in disbelief. "Bickering, huh? Alright." He was right on your trail to the bedroom, trying to explain himself, only to be cut of by the door being slapped right into his face.
"Y/N. Open the door, please." A scoff from you could be heard from the other side. "Why should I? I'm just bickering, right?"
He sighed at your answer, twisting the doorknob, carefully peeking inside. He was met with you, sitting on the bed, with your arms crossed over your chest, expression just like a child that got their favourite candy taken.
Noa had to contain the small smile that threatened to creep up his features."I should've listened to you. I'm sorry." This was all it took for you to rise to your feet, walking up to the pro athlete before wrapping your arms around his neck, placing a kiss soft to his lips.
"You better be."
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©︎𝙎𝘼𝙏𝙍𝙎. all rights reserved. Do NOT plagiarize, copy, modify, republish, or translate my work in any way!
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binniesbobastay · 1 year
First time with TXT
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18+ content below, minors DNI
He's a romantic at heart, so he'd prefer your first time to be planned. Would want to talk about it before so he knows exactly what makes you comfortable ahead of time. he just wants everything to be perfect for you :( when the night comes, he'd take you out to dinner, smirking as he doesn't fail to notice your anticipation. He'd go out and do the whole set up of rose petals, candles, soft sheets all waiting for you when you got back. The moment would be all about you and he'd completely put your pleasure before his, and he's intent on every time after that being the same way. He won't even think about getting off until you're a whining, spent mess underneath him...
"Soobin~" the sound of his name falling from your lips was enough to make his head spin, making him press his own harder into the flesh of your thigh. You let out a whine as his tongue begins to lap at your pussy again... even though he's made you cum twice already like this. "Soobin, please! w-wanna make you feel good too..."
He smiles, looking up at you lovingly. "Oh sweetheart, you will. But tonight's about you, just relax and feel good for me. I'm having plenty of fun, don't worry." He chuckles before suckling on your clit.
your first time with him happens after weeks, maybe even months of tension. The two of you had been pining for each other for so long. Both of you knew one wanted the other but the game of cat and mouse was just too much fun. But it wouldn't be long one day until the two of you were home alone and he finally snapped, fucking you dumb on every surface in the room...
"fuck, fuck, fuck!" you moan as yeonjun pounds into you from behind. He shoves your face further against the table he has you bent over. "c-cumming! i'm cumming!" before you can finish though, he flips you over, strong arms pick you up and putting you on the table. he pries your legs open before rubbing your clit fast with two fingers. "a-ah! yeonjuuuuuun~" you moan as your release washes over you. He groans, letting you ride out your high before sliding back into you. he leans down, pressing all his weight on you as you wrap your arms around each other.
"fuck, i finally have you the way i want you, princess..." he growls in your ear.
You're his best friend he's had a huge crush on for a while now. He loves you more than anything but he doesn't know how to tell you. So he just stay quiet, watching you get together with other guys when he knows that he can treat you better. You've been on and off with a guy for a few months now but you found out he cheated and it was the last straw. You come to him in tears and he's waiting with open arms... then you both realize he can help you with the pain in another way.
"Gyu..." you moan, gripping his arms as he thrusts deep inside you. He smiles down at you, kissing your forehead.
"It's okay, baby. Don't think about him anymore, just think of me..." which was easy to do when you were wrapped in his oversized shirt and his sheets drenched in his scent and your palms were splayed over his smooth skin. Not to mention, the perfect movements of his hips making you see stars.
"I'll take care of you now, I love you so much..."
He's your work crush ;) you look forward to clocking in everyday if it means you get to steal glances at how his sleeves cling onto his muscles and his abs when his shirt rises up as he reaches for something. One night, your ride cancels on you. So you shyly ask taehyun, your only other coworker for the shift, for one. He flashes you a charming smile before gladly offering to take you home. You both become chatty when you're closing up and it's just the two of you. You feel comfortable to jokingly confess your little crush on him. He's silent after that and you want nothing more than to kick yourself... until when you're in his car, he pulls you into his lap for a steamy kiss. He eats you out before fucking you in his back seat.
"Mmm, tae~" you moan, threading your fingers through his hair as you cum on his tongue. He groans before lapping you up.
"Tastes so sweet, just like i imagined..." he smirks, making you blush before guiding you to the back. He lays you down before taking his cock out, teasing your clit with his tip and then sliding into you.
Huening Kai
Your sweet boyfriend! you're his first girlfriend and you're probably his first time ever :( but oh my god he's so pervy. he can't help it, you're so gorgeous. his mouth practically waters at the sight of your breasts or your thighs. during a movie night when he's spooning you, he can't take it any longer. Feeling your plush thighs under his grasp and being able to see down your shirt drives him crazy...
"Fuck... you feel so good!" he whimpers, holding your leg up as he bucks his hips into you. your wet walls make his mind go numb, completely lost in bliss.
"Mmm, you're doing so good, my love." You guide one of his hands to hold onto to one of your tits. He moans, pinching your nipple, the speed of his hips increasing.
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echantedtoon · 2 months
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I finally got her done my gosh!! I got her in color and full body! Took too long. I might change the colors of her clothes and her clothes in general later but for now I'm just happy to get her done.
Warnings: Will contain topics such as abuse, almost selling of a human, scars, wounds, etc.
If you are not comfortable with these things please don't read.
Name: Angel Kowareta
Age: 22
Height: 4ft 6 1/2 in
Weight: About same weight as Shinobu a bit heavier by a few pounds or so.
Personality: While usually quiet, Angel has no problems speaking out if she wants to. Tries to be understanding and kind of anyone who speaks to her but if she doesn't like someone or disagrees with something, has no problem with saying her opinion.
Can come off as rude or blunt. Sometimes not on purpose because she's not used to someone interacting with her who didn't either disliked her or found her rude.
She's very self conscious about her body. Developed a slightly blunt sometimes rude exterior as a coping mechanism for it as a result.
Genuinely will respect you if you respect her, otherwise prefers to remain neutral in most situations.
Angel was born on the outskirts of a small farming community. Her parents were small farmers and really they lived a simple life but it came with complications when Angel was born. Her birth came with many complications for her mother but both did make it. However this would not be the last time Angel would experience complications starting just moments after she was born.
Angel was born albino, a stark contrast to the normal people in her village and her own family. Extremely pale like the dead. More so she was the first girl born in her father's family for nearly twenty generations, marking her as a bad omen in the eyes of many.
As a result, she did not have a very good home life. Many times her father would accuse her mother of cheating and claiming that there was no possible way he could produce 'a walking corpse'. The end result was Angel growing up with physical abuse from her mother, blaming her for her marriage going sour and many other small instances that were unrelated to Angel but she got blamed for anyways. Her father straight up ignored her existence entirely refusing to acknowledge her at all and if he did refer to her he'd always mention her as 'the walking corpse', 'the ghost's, or a far worse name. The physical abuse from her mother left Angel with scars on her body however they're usually covered by the long dresses she wears(and because I suck at drawing scars).
The village wasn't really much better. Most either avoided her due to the rumors of being cursed or hurled abuse towards her/her family for bringing the bad omen to their small village.
When Angel was about 10, a terrible drought really negatively affected her village. A lot of crops died and many animals had to be butchered before they could die from food shortage or dehydration. Her family was one of the worst affected having most of their crops die outside of just enough to get by. This seemed to be the last straw for both parents because they decided that in order to be rid of the luck, Angel had to go. It was only after overhearing their plans to sell Angel to the Red Light District, that she left. Running away from home and traveling far away from her birthplace.
During her travels, she had met an elderly man who could play the shamisen and taught her how to play. This skill has now become her way to earn money. She travels with a her instrument and puts on small street performances where she sings and plays the shamisen, relying on the generosity of strangers to make ends meat.
Other hobbies of hers includes collecting small charms and trinkets from the towns she visits, drawing(she's not very good at it but it helps her relax), and coming up with new songs to sing for her shows but most of the time she just ends up humming to herself and singing the same ones anyways.
(this is all I got for now but more info will be added later)
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Ruffled Feathers 🪶
~ Part 13 ~
Summary: Julia Morgan, Bobby's niece, has always been a royal thorn in Dean Winchesters ass since the day they met 1 year ago at Bobby's memorial. She wants to be a hunter, he thinks she's a dumb kid playing dress up. Will she always be seen as an unwanted load in Dean's eyes or will he see something more?
Pairing: Dean x OC
Warnings: Age gap, language, sexual themes (used lightly) , PHYSICAL ABUSE (Not by Dean).
Word Count: 979
A/N: How we feeling about the chapter? As stated always, this story is cross posted to my Wattpad. Happy reading! ♥️
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Dean had barely pulled into the driveway when he noticed something was off. Julia's car was parked haphazardly, and her usually tidy yard looked like it had been neglected. It had been a week since he'd dropped her off after the Wendigo hunt, and she had gone completely silent—no texts, no calls. And that wasn't like Julia.
After cutting the engine, Dean headed up to her front door, already on edge. He knocked once, then twice, harder the second time, listening for any sign of movement inside. When the door finally creaked open, Julia stood there, looking pale and worn down, a shadow of the woman he'd been fighting monsters with just days ago.
But what hit Dean hardest was the black eye she was sporting. His jaw clenched, anger bubbling up in his chest instantly.
"What the hell happened?" he demanded, stepping inside without being invited.
Julia closed the door behind him and leaned against it, avoiding his gaze. "Nothing," she mumbled, her voice hollow.
"Bullshit." Dean's voice was sharp, sharper than he intended, but he couldn't help it. He pointed at her bruised face. "That doesn't look like 'nothing,' Julia. Who did this?"
She sighed, crossing her arms tightly over her chest as if she could protect herself from the weight of his question. "It's not important."
"It sure as hell is," Dean growled, stepping closer. "If someone put their hands on you, they're gonna wish they hadn't."
Julia shook her head. "Dean, just drop it, okay? I've had enough for one week."
Dean's eyes narrowed, but he stayed silent, waiting for her to continue. Something was seriously wrong, and he wasn't leaving until he got the full story.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Julia relented. "My mom passed away. Last week."
Dean blinked, taken aback. He hadn't known. "Jesus, Julia... I didn't know. I'm sorry."
She shook her head again, her lips pressing into a thin line. "Yeah, well... I didn't go to the funeral. My dad's pissed about it. We had a little... altercation at her grave when I stopped by to pay my respects."
"Your dad did that to you?" Dean's voice was deadly calm, but the anger simmering beneath it was unmistakable.
Julia gave him a humorless laugh. "I guess I didn't expect anything else. He's always been that way—always ready to throw a punch when things don't go his way. This time was just... the last straw. I'm done with him. I'm done with all of them."
Dean could feel his blood boiling, his hands itching to hit something—or someone—but he forced himself to stay calm for her sake. "Why didn't you tell me?" His voice was softer now, the anger replaced with concern.
"Because it's not your problem," she said, finally meeting his eyes. "And because I didn't want to make it one."
Dean frowned, his anger fading, replaced with something deeper. "You're wrong about that, Julia. You're my... friend, and you don't have to go through this crap alone."
Julia exhaled shakily, and for the first time since he'd walked through the door, she seemed to let her guard down. "I've been going through it alone for most of my life, Dean. That's why I was always at Bobby's. Anytime my family got too much, I'd run to him. It was like... my safe place."
Dean's expression softened as the pieces started falling into place. "Bobby never mentioned that."
Obviously you idiot, you never even met her until a year after his death.
"He didn't know the full extent," she admitted. "I didn't want to burden him with all my baggage. I just... he taught me how to fight, how to shoot, how to stand up for myself. Gave me the tools I needed to get the hell out of that house and not look back."
Dean felt his throat tighten. He understood that. God, did he understand that. Bobby had been more than a mentor for him, too. "You weren't a burden, Julia. Bobby would've been proud of you for how strong you've become."
Julia swallowed hard, blinking back the tears that threatened to spill. "I just didn't want to let him down."
Dean stepped closer, his hand resting gently on her shoulder. "You didn't. And you're not alone in this, okay? You've got me, and you've got Sam. We're your family now."
She nodded, the tension in her body easing just a little. "Thanks, Dean."
Dean's gaze lingered on her bruised face. "You sure you're okay?"
"I will be," she said, her voice steadier now. "I just... need to move on. I'm done with my dad, and I'm done letting that part of my life control me."
Dean's jaw flexed, but he didn't push it any further. "If he ever touches you again..."
"He won't," Julia said firmly. "Because I'm not giving him the chance."
Dean nodded, respecting her decision. But that didn't stop the anger that burned in his chest, knowing someone had hurt her like that. He wasn't sure if he was more mad at her father or the fact that she hadn't let him help sooner.
"You're a pain in the ass, you know that?" Dean finally muttered, trying to lighten the mood. "But I'm glad you're okay."
Julia managed a small smile. "You're not exactly a walk in the park yourself, Winchester."
He chuckled, the tension between them easing just a little. But deep down, Dean knew that this wasn't something Julia would bounce back from easily. She was tough, but everyone had their breaking point.
As he turned to leave, Dean shot her one last look, his voice serious. "If you ever need anything... you know where to find me."
Julia nodded. "I do."
And for the first time, Dean felt like maybe, just maybe, he was starting to understand her a little more.
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fakegingerrights · 1 year
Walk By Faith (3)
Prev Chapt Next Chapt Masterlist
"I know what you're going to do." The kid, Omega, said, touching his shoulder. Soulful brown eyes that were so much older than her cadet body met his as he glared at her. "But please, don't."
"You don't know anything." He snarled, pulling away from her.
"I know it's not your fault. You can't help it." She whispered. "I'm sorry, Crosshair."
"Go on, Kid." He grunted. Omega gave him one last look, big brown eyes staring into his soul.
He had a job to do, anyways. Crosshair's new grey armor was weird. Despite the dark color it was too new, no scratches or markings on it. He hated it. The walkway to the platform his brothers were leaving from was rain-soaked and smelt like ozone from previous blaster fights.
Crosshair's hand trembled slightly on the trigger. Shot after shot of live round whizzed by his vode's heads. He couldn't land a hit, no matter how hard he tried to follow his orders he couldn't land a hit except a love-tap on Wrecker. His elder brother's startled yelp at the miss.
"Crosshair?" Wrecker mouthed, before ducking behind cover again. Crosshair had had a clear shot and he had missed. Chose to nick Wrecker's shoulder than take off his head. Wrecker was the first to figure it out, then. That something in him wouldn't let him hit his own brothers. In hindsight, he's appalled that he even tried. The blasted headache had him feeling like he was on autopilot, unable to change his course.
Wrecker was the first to notice. That they had a shot of escaping Crosshair. Not Hunter, with his gentle hands and soft words when a member of the Bad Batch was in pain. Not Tech, for all of his intelligence. But Wrecker, sweet, obnoxious, Wrecker. His big brother. As if from a long way off, he heard Wrecker's shout to make a run for the ship.
Tarkin hadn’t been pleased. It was bad enough, that Tarkin was angry. It was worse, when he was ordered for another surgery. He waited on the table for the anesthesia to take effect.
Only it didn’t.
White hot pain, burning through every nerve ending in his body as he fights to claw himself to wakefulness. Soft words, voices of brothers and a natborn, floated around him just between resting and wakefulness, hearing but not comprehending.
Hands, gentle and soft but callused from working with small objects for long periods of time, stroked across his forehead, a thumb dipping down to smooth the creases between his eyebrows that came from his near permanent scowl.
"T'ch?" He tries, his voice hoarse, his eyelids feeling heavier than Wrecker's training weights. There's a soft chuckle above him... female?
"Not Tech, Crosshair."
His mind fuzzled in and out of consciousness as the ache receded to an unpleasant sensation he couldn't quite describe.
"...M'bones 're wet, Doc."
There's a snort of laughter above him. He frowned slightly as the cool hand moved from his forehead to play with his hand. Wrecker did that a lot when he was nervous.
"That's just the anesthesia talking, Cross. Your bones are perfectly fine." You rolled his long fingers between yours. Crosshair sighed and relaxed a bit. "Wanna try and drink some water?"
A silicone straw was tapped against his lips and he whined softly.
"'S gonna make my bones even more wet." He still managed a few swallows before turning his head away, the remaining water in his mouth spilling out down his chin. You sighed softly and pressed a napkin to the side of his face, something Crosshair scowls weakly at but allows.
"I'm surprised he lets you get this close. Any of us'd lose a finger for that." Crosshair pouts some more, turning his head away from the Reg's voice. "Case in point."
“Let him be, Bev. You did your job, let me do mine.” You put the napkin away.
“I thought you weren’t a nurse.” The Reg’s smug voice is teasing, but it still sends a jolt of rage through Crosshair’s addled brain as he starts the long trek towards proper consciousness.
“I’m not.” Your voice is playfully annoyed. “But he’s my patient. My entire future in research depends on him.” Your hand leaves him and he grumbles slightly, cracking an eyelid open and blinking in an effort to try and clear his vision.
“Your patient. That’s the excuse you’re going with?”
You growl softly. A pretty noise, Crosshair thought idly. “Go on, Bev. He’s fine, you can monitor his EEG from literally anywhere in the facility. You’re stressing him out.”
“Alright, alright.” There’s the sound of a door closing and you sighed heavily, hunching your shoulders.
“Who’s that?” Crosshair rasped, slur diminishing.
“Bev? He’s the one who kept your brain from leaking out of your ears.” You grunt. "Care to fill me in on what you remember?" It's the most unapologetic he's ever heard you, cautious enthusiasm replaced with a long suffering tone.
"Finishing my eyes, I had a headache, then my vision went... odd. Incomprehensible shapes and colors for a second or two. Nothing after that." He listed off.
You shifted beside him, stifling a yawn. "An aura. A state of consciousness that precedes a seizure. You scared me, flopping around like that."
Crosshair frowns a bit more at this. "You're a doctor, and seizures scare you?" He drawls, squinting.
"With a patient like you? Absolutely." You sigh. "Cross, you spent almost seven hours on the table in emergency neurosurgery. Bev got the job done. Barely."
Crosshair glares in your direction. "Why'd you go poking around my head for?" He grunts, sitting up a little more.
"Because your inhibitor chip decided to try and kill you. Between the pressure from your eyes and your inhibitor chip frying your brain we almost lost you."
"Yes, your precious experiment was lost." He ground out. "What's the inhibitor chip for?"
You give an angry huff but ignore the experiment comment. "It's... well, it's a legal mess. It's a biochip in your frontal lobe, the part of your brain that deals with decision making and memory? It changes your thought patterns and memory via electrical stimuli. Normally it's too small to detect but..." You sighed, cracking your knuckles, then your wrists and shoulders. A nervous habit?
"Mine affected me differently?" He guessed.
"No. Yours was amplified. Not long after you and your squad returned from Onderaan."
Crosshair frowned. "So the chip was turned up a bit."
"Enough it was frying your brain from the inside out. Yes."
"And you didn't poke with my eyes?" He asked, fidgeting a little.
"No? Are you alright?" A note of worry broke through the exhaustion in your voice. Crosshair swallowed, closing his eyes.
"It's pitch black in here, Doc."
You froze, stock still as you examined Crosshair’s scowling face as his eyes stared down into nothing.
“Kriff.” You swore eloquently.
Crosshair had also gone ridged, chewing on his lip. His hands, usually so purposeful with their movements skitter around his lap nervously, picking at the blanket and twisting around each other.
You took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as you considered your options. That... complicates things. Heavily.
"Ok. First and foremost, I would like to apologize. While the anesthesia was wearing off you were having a rough time of it, I went to check your stitches and had my hands... pretty much all over your hair. It seemed to calm you down, so I kept the contact as you came out of it. I was unaware you couldn't see my movements and if I startled you or caused you any undue stress, you have my sincerest apologies."
This surprised Crosshair. It took him a moment to speak. "Thanks." He muttered, dexterous fingers still picking at pilling threads on the blanket.
"Second, we'll need to find out what's causing this. I'd like sooner rather than later, but you also should be given time to recuperate after literal brain surgery and weeks of low level electrocution." He could hear the grimace in your tone.
"How invasive are we talking here?" Crosshair asked slowly, having a feeling he'd regret asking. You sighed.
"We shouldn't have to do an internal examination... odds are it's a neural problem that will show up with imaging. Probably.... Probably an MRA scan, followed by a PET scan if that doesn't work out..." You force yourself to take a breath. "Those are the machines that go around you from the outside. Loud and clanky and annoying but they get the job done."
Crosshair relaxed a little more at this.
"There's also the issue of you adjusting to not having your chip. That thing." You spat the words. "Has been altering your perception of reality, your long term memory processing, and even regulation your trauma reactions for weeks, if not longer. I'm wary of putting you in such a sensory intense environment. If you were to suffer a flashback, or a PTSD induced anxiety attack, that would throw off your entire scan, forcing us to stop and start once you're out of it and in a 'neutral' state. And stress is not your friend right now. It would severely delay your healing. I'm not looking forward to my next call with Rampart. But it could be several months until you're even at what you used to be."
Crosshair doesn't say anything for the longest time. "They're going to decom me." He said eventually. "There's no reason to keep me. They pushed too hard and broke me. And now there's no reason to keep me." He scrubbed at his face, going to rub harshly at his eyes.
"Crosshair, you're nowhere near healed!" You scold. "You're going to scratch your cornea."
"Like this shabla empire cares anymore!" He snapped back, his teeth gritted as he pushed himself up into a better sitting position, swaying as the aftereffects of anesthesia screw up his sense of balance and he sways.
"Crosshair, take it easy." Your voice is tired. "I'm right next to you, I'll have to pull your hands away myself if you go digging at your eyes like that again." Crosshair jerked his hands away, turning his head to listen and gage your proximity.
"Doc, they're just going to kill me for spare parts. I don't want them getting the one thing that makes me worth anything." There was a pleading note in his voice as he reached for his eyes anyways. Your hands caught his wrists and he froze.
"Cross, I won't let them. Now, I haven't slept since the night before you went into surgery and I am mentally and physically exhausted right now. Please, don't make my job more difficult than it needs to be and keep your eyes in their sockets. I don't think I could physically fight you right now, so even if I have to resort to begging I will." You kept careful hold of his wrists. In a flash, he flips his hands over and grips yours, glaring in the direction of your voice.
He feels the heat coming off the still persistent bruising from where he had gripped your hand, and the fine tremor in your wrists and fingertips.
"You're shaking." He grumbles.
"I haven't slept in nearly thirty six hours, I'm probably dehydrated and I'm kriffing terrified that you might do something stupid in order to escape the massive amounts of repressed trauma from the chip manually controlling your brain." You don't have the energy to snarl. Crosshair drops your hands like they burned him, reaching up to rub at his eyes but changing his mind to rake his hand through his hair. Silver curls stick up at odd angles before he gives you a look.
"To to bed, Doc. The... reg can do his job for a while." He can hear the disdain in his own voice for the other clone. "If you're serious about fighting for me, you'll need rest."
You laugh bitterly. "Who's the nurse here?"
"Not you. You made that very clear." Crosshair could practically hear you rolling your eyes.
"Yeah, you're just lucky I bothered with nursing school and optometry. Ok. I'm out of your hair." He listened to the rustle of your uniform give way to fading footsteps.
In the resounding silence, with only the heart monitor to keep him company, he mulled over what you had revealed.
He wanted to blame everything on a chip. In part, he knew it had something to do with his struggle to fight orders, with his memories feeling off and stiff, his brothers off and out of character since the start of the Empire.
The anger, the confusion was still there. He knew the Empire was corrupt. He heavily suspected before, killing off refugees and nonhumans without even a second thought. But this sort of control, in every head of every soldier?
He thought back to Omega. She knew. She must’ve known. That his chip was… what? More powerful? Enhanced? She had tried to fight it for him, that day in containment. Before he was formally part of the Empire.
Crosshair was jolted out of his thoughts by a knock on the doorframe of the… recovery ward? The room he was in.
“Thought you were going to take a nap.” Crosshair grunted, expecting you to be back again for some stupid test or to tell him he wasn’t drinking enough water or something.
“She is. I even made her go back to her own quarters and everything.” The voice of the reg came from the doorway. “So, unfortunately you have to deal with me instead.”
Crosshair grunted, surprised he actually felt a flash of disappointment at the reg’s presence.
“I’ll admit, I was shocked the Empire would let her work on the last member of their precious ‘bad batch.’ You’re the sniper, right?” The reg’s voice came from his right as he fiddled with something mechanical sounding, the heart monitor maybe?
“Was.” Crosshair snorted bitterly. “Kinda a problem with that now.” He waved a hand in front of his empty eyes for emphasis.
The reg laughed. “Commander, you’re in the care of the Empire’s finest optician. And-“ There was a flicker of warmth on the bridge of his nose and tops of his cheeks. “She’s outsourcing your case to some of her fancy secret contacts. And you got a decent neurologist for a brother too, if I don’t say so myself.” The reg was smiling smugly; Crosshair could hear it in his voice. He curled his lip slightly at the ‘brother’ comment, but it still struck him as odd. He hadn’t heard a reg call another clone brother since…
“You took your chip out too.” Crosshair realized aloud. The reg chuckled.
“Yeah. A field medic I knew in training reached out to me before the war ended. Not long after he went missing from his own bunk in Corascanti airspace. Figured if the republic cared so much to cover it up to attack their own troops it must be true. Tracked down a droid who knew how to do the procedure and sure it enough it was there.”
Crosshair flinched hard as the bed underneath him adjusted. The reg laughed. “Jumpy, arncha? I think you knew the guy too. Kix ring a bell?”
“I don’t bother with the names of regs.” Crosshair glared, but it was a facade. He did remember Kix, Rex’s medic. He was the quieter of the two others Rex and Cody brought. Hair grown over a tattoo on the side of his head, and sad eyes. The eyes of a man who’d lost too much in too little time.
“He was a good man. Risked everything to tell me.” His reg babysitter tsked softly at the name comment. “I think that’s worth remembering.”
“Maybe.” Crosshair admitted.
“My name’s Bev. Maybe one day I’ll be remembered too.” The reg said. “Right. You try and get some rest, I’ll be back in an hour or two.”
Crosshair would never admit it, but he never forgot Bev’s name either.
[A/N: Chapter three is up, four is finished and I'm working on Five. We're looking at... Eight? Chapters? Eh, between eight and twelve... maybe fifteen, max. Anyways, Tag list!:
@the-hexfiles @moon-wrecked @stunkbiggu @urfriendlyneighbornightfury @anotherschuylersister @endo-bunny @renon4224 @tecker @rinwritesfics @pb-jellybeans @merkitty49 @chicknstripz @bambambunny ]
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danihow · 2 years
Fix you
Song Mingi x Spouse!GN!Reader
Requested by anon who said:
H. Don't cry, you know I'll cry if you cry; husband!au; ateez mingi plss 🤧💗
Summary: After a really shitty day you are met with your sweet husband who hates to see you cry.
Word Count: 0.9k
Warnings: Simping, rain, mentions of not feeling enough, idk what else though.
A/N: was this proofread? No, I don't want to make me erase the whole thing i wrote last night, sooo, here you go. (i'm so deeply sorry about how bad this is after a request that stood in my request for literally a year)
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The whole world seemed to be against you at this very second, you could feel dozens of eyes upon you every time you breathed, waiting for you to finally fall apart, to finally break.
And the worst part is that you don't even know why you felt like this, like the world was crumbling out of your hands without a reason, and there was no time for that right now.
You could handle the weight on your shoulder, you have done it with little to no problem ever since you were a child.
Then, why was it so hard for you to do that same thing right now.
Your gut was twisting on itself, stomach dropped to your feet, heart thumping against your ribcage with brutal force, lungs breathing shakily slow in an attempt not to break down in the middle of the subway.
All you could wish for right now was to get to the safety of your home, everything hurting too much to even think. Pain so sharp you could barely register your surroundings, almost missing your stop, getting down to be met with pouring rain outside.
Just what you were missing.
With no umbrella on hand, just your coat with you, you tried to cover as much as you could and started to run (or more like jog carefully) under the rain to your apartment, after crossing two streets you slipped, falling onto the wet sidewalk and you coat falling on a puddle and your stuff flying everywhere, getting wet.
This was the last straw, everything you had bottled up, everything you sealed with pressure, your glass spilling, the same way that tears were now running down your cheeks, blending together with the rain droplets that fell through strands of your hair onto your face, you could bear the pain inside you anymore.
Getting up, still crying, you gathered your belongings and began walking home, no care towards the rain, nor the cold, it didn't matter that much anymore, you just wanted to go home.
Once there, getting out of the elevator on your floor you began walking to your apartment, wet shoes making funky sounds with each step you took, clothing drenched and cold, sniffles leaving you as you were calmer after the ten minute walk down the rain concentrated now on how cute the color of the floors was.
"y/n?" you heard that familiar voice asks, making you snap you head up, spotting Mingi no more than 4 meters away from you, umbrella and coat in hand.
Seeing your husband there, standing in all his dry and warm presence made you tear up again, frustrated about your day again. "Mingi..." You muttered barely above a whisper, lower lip quivering before breaking down again, his worried form coming to take you in his embrace.
"Oh my god love, you are all soaked, I was going to meet you halfway, if you didn't have an umbrella you could've called." He said, putting his coat above your shoulder before kissing your head.
"My phone died, and if I talked to anyone I would cry more." You managed to say between quiet sobs, hands trying to clear you vision, looking up to him.
"Come one let's go inside." He urged in the calmest way he could, walking you to the inside of your shared apartment, helping you take off everything you carried, rushing to get you some of his warm hoodies and your favourite stay at home clothes. "Wanna talk about it?" He said once you were all dried up, or most of your at least, hair still damp.
He cradled you with so much love, letting you sit between his spread legs on the bed, facing him as his hands run up and down your back, it made you feel overwhelmed, undeserving.
"I'm so sorry I cause so much trouble." You said before breaking once again, tears silently running down your cheeks, no more sobs coming out of your throat, just your body being flooded by so many bad emotions.
"No my love, don't cry, you know I'll cry if you cry." He said, one hand moving to cup your cheek, cleaning your tears with his thumb as the metallic sensation of his wedding ring contrasting with the skin of his hands, his own eyes teary to seeing the love of his live, his light, his own safe place so bothered, so sad and overwhelmed. So broken.
"I just want to stop feeling like this." You said, leaning in his touch, trying not to cry for him.
"I know, I know, just talk to me, I'm here for you, I'll always be." Mingi said, pressing his forehead against yours sweetly, comforting, even soothing your distress.
"I'm just so broken, everything I do is wrong, feels wrong, I feel like I'm disappointing everyone, like I'm not enough, and I hate it." You say, his heart breaking to the knowledge of you feeling like he did, his light so deemed down, so broken.
"You are more than enough love, you are my whole world, and every time you feel like you don't do enough, your don't are enough, I’ll be there to prove you so wrong every single time." He says, right before repeating your words. "If you need fixing, I'll be there to help you grow again."
"Thank you, thank you so much." You whispered, hands resting on his sides, fingers tracing imaginary figures on his skin under his sweater, a bit calmer, noticing the way tears streamed down his cheeks just as yours.
"Don't worry, you've fixed me everytime I felt broken, now it’s my turn to fix you love." He said, a kiss on the top of your head before bringing you even closer to him.
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harryconcepts · 2 years
part 70
thinking about harry laying on you to give you some kisses 🤕 he would put just the right amount of weight on you so you feel like he's surrounding you but not crushing you 🤕 he would have one of your hands above your head and intertwine your fingers so you feel so close 🤕he would nudge his nose against yours and murmur "my sweet baby" as your foot traces up his leg 🤕
oh we're 100% in the same place there miss moon because the idea of him saying "your pretty little pussy's so wet for me, she's absolutely dripping isn't she? wants me so bad, poor thing" makes me feel so 🤕
you would whiiiine and whine because you've already cum twice and it's so sensitive but he just gives you a gentle little slap on your thigh and says "quit your whining, just let me suck on your pretty little pussy for a bit" 🤕
that one scene from dwd where Alice pushed jack out of the way and sat in the chair he was going for... thinking about pissing harry off like that 🤭 not in front of friends maybe but just being a huge brat to rile him up, then you taking his chair is the last straw and he gets so mad🤭 he's seething for a second, then he leans down and grabs your jaw so harshly 🤭 he turns your head to look at him and he says in a low voice "i have had just about enough of you being such a fucking brat to me, you had better shape up before I show you what I do to brats" and he squeezes your face a little tighter on the last word 🤭 he looks down at your lips for a second before he looks back up to your eyes, and he says "understand?" and waits for you to nod before he lets go 🤭 you know you need to be extra sweet to him for the rest of the day or he will fuck you up 🤭
i think we should talk about how harry can be so mean when he wants to be... when you've been a bit bratty and rude and telling him what you want instead of asking 🤕 when he's been teasing you for a bit and you get all 🙄just make me cum 🙄 he would raise his eyebrow and say "you want to cum so bad? fine, I'll make you cum" and you're so relieved that you don't catch how pissed off he is 🤕 he would move down to eat you out just how you like and he would get you there so fast 🤕and you should think it's suspicious how he doesn't even insist you look at him like he normally does but you're feeling too good to notice or care 🤕 but then as you're going over the edge he doesn't stop or even slow down, and you think he's just helping you ride it out but after a few moments it's too sensitive to feel good anymore and you're pushing him away but he just pins your hand down and keeps going 🤕 you're all "no- I can't, it's too much, I can't" but he just pouts and says "that's too bad, isn't it? you wanted to cum so bad, I'm just giving you want you want" and you're shaking your head but he leans up and kisses the corner of your mouth and murmurs "i don't want to hear it, so you can either close your mouth and stop whining or I can make you quiet down" 🤕 you know he's not bluffing and he will definitely shove his fingers or a gag in your mouth so you shake your head and say "don't- i can stay quiet, I promise I can" and he smiles so sweetly even as his fingers are still working and he says "that's my good girl, that's what i like to hear" and he kisses your chin 🤕he says "I can tell you're already close for me, aren't you? so needy for it, even when it's "too much" and you get all whiny" and you nod 🤕 he kisses your nose and says "you can cum whenever you're ready baby, we're gonna be here for a while" 🤕 and a few tears slip down your face because you know he's gonna make you regret being so mean to him 🤕
don't think about how his nose would rub against your clit when he's going down on you and how he would nudge his face a little deeper so he can smell you and taste you and 🤕
ohhhh he would be so mean 😔 why can i see him... okay don't look at me when i say this but he would get you soooo close to the edge, he would be so sweet and gentle with his tongue and his fingers and right before you cum he would pull away and slap your clit 🫣 not like hard but he would do it just enough to make sure you don't cum and hard enough to have you crying out for him 🤕he WOULD he would be all "poor thing, I bet that hurt didn't it ☹️ let me make it feel better baby ☹️" and he would start licking at you to soothe the little sting but right as you get to the edge he gives you another little smack and he would do it again and again until you're crying ..... I'm literally ripping my hair out
I'm going to kms thinking about him being all "oh no baby did it happen again? were you so close? I'm so sorry baby :(" and he's mocking you so hard and he doesn't care that you're crying because he's not done yet so neither are you 🤕
accidentally thought about harry blowing on your clit and smirking and gripping your legs so tight to hold them open and I had an orgasm 😔
i fear older harry would be very stern sometimes🤭ofc he's sweet and gentle with his pretty girl but sometimes he's just not feeling so nice 🤭 saying "you better keep those eyes on me or I'm stopping, and you don't want that do you baby?" and he's clearly telling, not asking 🤭 very much "keep your legs open or I'll tie them down" 🤭 he's always leaving love bites and other marks so you won't forget that you're his 🤭 he always calls the shots in bed and you're very much okay with that, he talks so dirty but so sweet at the same time and it never fails to have you dripping for him (which he then teases you for even more and it's just a vicious cycle) 🤭
you're always whining saying "you're so mean ☹️" and he says "is it really being mean if it makes you this wet?" 🤕
you would pout and turn your head into the pillow and he just smiles and says "oh so now you're all pouty? I don't think i like that, put that away before I give you something to really pout about" and at that point you're so out of it and there's so many tears on your cheeks and you cry "daddy i can't, it hurts I can't do anymore" and he's feeling so sweet so he nuzzles his nose against yours and says "that's okay sweet girl, you did so so good for me, my pretty baby, I'm gonna make you cum now okay? just want to make my girl feel good" 🤕
harry when you're having bad dreams 😔 he would take a bath with you before bed, he would keep the lights off and only have a few candles in the room so it's dim and you'll get sleepy 😔 he would put some lavender oil in the water and have you sit with your back against his chest so he can rub your shoulders and hold you close 😔 when you're done in the water he would wrap a fluffy towel around you 😔 as you're drying off he would stand behind you and braid your hair 😔 just doing everything he can to help calm your system down and get you all relaxed 😔when you get in bed he would get the covers tucked around you just the way you like, and he would ask if you want the night light on because he knows sometimes you feel safer if the room isn't totally dark 😔 either way he would be fine, I feel like he falls asleep easily no matter what so he would just do whatver makes you happy and he would cuddle you close 😔 he would definitely wait for you to fall asleep before he even closes his eyes, he knows that doesn't help much but he likes to feel like he's protecting you for as long as he can 😔 and if he feels you stirring around at all he's awake immediately, sitting up and hushing you, trying to settle you before you even fully wake up 😔 kissing your forehead murmuring "it's alright, you're okay" and he would wait until you calm down before he snuggles up to you again 😔 and if you do wake up he would be so sweet, you're apologizing for waking him but he shakes his head and says "none of that baby, i just need to make sure my girl is okay" and he would let you cry or talk about it or do whatever you need until you're feeling a little bit better 😔 as you're cuddling up to him again with your head on his chest so you can hear his heart beat he whispers "we're gonna be just fine" and he tilts his head to kiss the top of yours 😔
im glad you said that because I'm feeling soft now too 😔it's like my brain went through the washing machine and I'm all good now 😔 anyways Harry after you have a bad dream 😔 I've been having lots of them lately for some reason and I keep waking up so scared and I need him 😔 he would be so soft with you, he would definitely wake up when he feels you moving and he would sit up next to you 😔 he rubs his eyes and says "what's wrong baby?" and you don't say anything, you just wrap your arms around him and tuck your face in his neck 😔 he can feel how fast your heart is beating so he just hugs you a little tighter and says "it's okay, you're alright" just shushing you softly and helping you calm down until you're ready to sleep again 😔
okay but harry putting your legs over his shoulders while he goes down on you, he would turn his head to kiss your ankle then he would get to work 🤭
I fear I am very squirmy during sex and i fear harry would love that... i fear he would be obsessed with how you try to writhe away from how good he's making you feel and how he has to hold you extra tight or even tie your legs down to keep you still 🫣 I fear he would say "where you going baby? I'm not done with you" in such a cheeky voice and then he would pull you back to him 🫣
anyways can harry just breed me already... think about him fucking you so good you're in tears but that only spurs him on🤕 he has a slight cr*ing kink i fear and he loves to see the tearsies running down your face 🤕 he would put a pillow under your hips so he's sooo deep and you're crying out against his shoulder about how good it feels 🤕he would say "my pretty, pretty girl... gonna let me cum in you? gonna let me give you a baby?" and you nod, too out of it to say anything 🤕 he would reach down between your bodies to play with your clit and make sure you cum before he does 🤕 he murmurs "come on sweet girl, cum around me so I can give you a baby" and he would be so filthy talking you through it 🤕 he groans out that he's close as you're coming down and he would grab your hips and pull them up against his so he's as deep as he can be when he lets go 🤕and when he pulls out he sees how much it's dripping out so he clicks his tongue and leans down to look at how messy you are, then he uses his fingers to push it back in 🤕 he says "don't want you to waste any, keep it all inside for me, can you do that pretty girl?" and you nod again, wincing at how sensitive it is but not making any move to stop him 🤕 his fingers keep working and he says "you're gonna cum again for me, just make sure it's really deep in there, hm baby?" and you nod and let out a little "please" 🤕 he would be so smirky and dig his fingers deeper, nudging against your g spot just how he knows you like 🤕 when you cum on his fingers he would praise you the whole time saying "that's my good girl, being such a sweet thing and giving me a baby, my best girl" 🤕then he would definitely use his tongue to "clean you up" but really he's just pushing his cum deeper, and even as you're whining and crying that it's too sensitive he would just say "I know, I know baby, just want to make sure it reeeaally worked" and his words are so sweet even as he's being so mean to your sensitive skin 🤕then when he's really done he would cuddle you close and whisper how he's going to do this all again tomorrow, and again and again until you give him a baby 🤕
I feel like harry is always squishing his baby's cheeks 😭 they're so chubby and he's obsessed with kissing them and squeezing them to make her giggle 😭and he would always be pretending to munch on her toes because she gets soooo giggly 😭 he would just love his girl so much and her laugh is his favorite sound 😭
being pregnant with your first baby and harry just loves you so much 😔 one night you wake up and he's leaned over your tummy, talking softly to your baby and rubbing his hands over it so gently 😔 you sigh softly and put your hand in his hair, he immediately is blushing saying "I didn't think you were awake-" but you shake your head and say "it's okay, it calms her down when you talk to her" and he would be so happy to hear that 😔
and when you ask to touch him for the first time 😵‍💫 he would be all "of course you can, you can touch me wherever you want" and he would guide your hand when you're nervous 😵‍💫 he watches your hand trace down his body and he has a small smile on his face when he says "that's it, so good for me, my pretty baby" 😵‍💫
please your first time he would be obsessed with making you feel good 😔 he would kiss you allllll over just exploring your body 😔 any time you let out a soft little moan for him he's sooo happy, smiling against your skin saying "that feel nice, pretty girl?" and you would nod 😔 he guides your hands to hold his hair when he goes down on you, and he's so soft the whole time just making sure you're taken care of and feeling so good 😔
he feels how shaky you are and he takes your hands in his, he ducks his head down to look at you and he says "you're shaking... we don't have to do anything you don't want to do" and you nod, you take a deep breath and say "i want to, i want you, I'm just nervous" and he smiles a bit, pulling you against him and hugging you so close 😔 he says "there's no reason to be nervous, it's just me, and i just want to make my girl feel good" and when you pull away and try again to get his shirt off he would say "here, let me help?" and he lets you rest your hands on his bare chest while he undoes the buttons 🤕
you know how when you sleep with just a tank top on sometimes the girlies fall out in the night? if that happened when you were with harry he would definitely take it upon himself to hold them for you all night 🤲🏻 or if it was a newer relationship he would 100% very gently move your shirt and the blankets to cover you up again because he doesn't think you would want him to see you like that and he doesn't mention it in the morning not wanting to embarrass you 😔 stop he would be so soft if you hadn't been together very long 😔 he notices your shirt moved a lot while you were sleeping and you're so uncovered so he would move sooo carefully to fix it without waking you 😔 he would shush you gently if you were stirring around and he would make sure you're all settled before he cuddles you up again 😔
running your toes up Harry's leg when you're cuddling together 😌 at first it's just soft and wanting to be close but soon your hands are wandering and your knee is traveling muuuch higher and he's all "yeeeees can I help you?" 😌 you would be all "no my feet are just cold 😌" and he's like mhmmmm because he knows what you're doing 😌 he would flip you over and say "let's see what we can do about warming you up then, hm?" 😌
i fear harry sleeps all cuddled up to you 🤕 you're wrapped so tight in his arms because he likes to hold his girl 🤕and especially when you're sick 🤕 you would be pushing him away at first telling him you don't want him to get sick too but he just shakes his head and says "I don't care, just want to be here if you need anything" 🤕
I feel like aster knows how to sew 😔 maybe angel has a special sleep shirt she always wears and one night she notices a hole in the collar hem and she's so sad thinking she has to throw it out but he's all "wait wait, why would you do that? having a hole doesnt mean it's ruined, but if it bothers you i can just stitch it up for you" and she's like ???? you can do that??? you would do that???? and he says "of course, I'll do anything for you, you know that" and she's just all lovey 😔 she would watch over his shoulder while he stitches sooooo carefully, showing her how he does it and how he's going over everything twice to make sure it's secure 😔 when he's done she slips it on and she's just so emo and wants to cuddle him all night and it's such a small thing for him but it absolutely means the world to her 😔
coming out to the yard and you see him starfishing like that, you go over to him and sit on the sunbed next to him and say "you're such a princess" and he's just like yes i am😌
the idea of harry saying the words "get you off" makes me want to throw up imagine having him lean over you and say "such a sweet girl, just want to touch you, kiss you, get you off... just want to make my pretty baby feel good" 🤕🤕🤕
harry would be such a mother hen when you're sick😔 putting chapstick on for you because he knows you haaaaate when your lips are chapped and you would laugh and say "it's not like I'm in a coma" but he would say "I'm still gonna take care of you though 🥰" and he would bring you water and make sure you're drinking and soup or whatever comfort food you want 😔he would make jello for you because you once told him your mom made it when you were sick as a kid and make sure you get lots of rest 😔
being an artist and asking bf harry if you can draw him ☹️ ofc he says yes and he's trying soooo hard to be the perfect model for you ☹️ but every time you grab his chin to turn his head he would smile so big ☹️ you would fight off your own smile and say "stop, i can't draw you if you don't stay still" and he giggles saying "i can't help it, your serious face is so cute" and he would lean forward to squish your cheeks ☹️ you're all "stopppp I'm going to lose my place" and he would settle back into place, trying to school his face but one look at you and he's grinning again ☹️ you would sigh playfully and say "fine, I guess I can just draw you with the smile... you're cuter when you smile anyways" and he would act all offended but really he's bluuuushing inside ☹️
sorry but I had a thought and I decided to share.... harry probably likes to c*m on your .... hair down there 🤭 he pulls out juuuuust enough that it'll make a mess when he finishes and then he would reach down and spread it around with his fingers 🤭 he would rub it into your clit and he would smirk when you whine at how sensitive you are and how your hips are twitching 🤭 he's a filthy filthy boy 🤕
please you would have a whole snack table set up but he would smile and walk you backwards until your legs hit the bed and he would push you down and say "i want something else first 😁"
harry loooooves your tummy 🥰 when you wear shirt that are a little shorter and he can see some skin he would be all 😋 and coming to put his hands on your hips so he can run his thumbs over your sides 🥰
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babybatscreationsv2 · 2 years
Choose your own fic (Full fic)
We wrote a fic together! I'm putting the whole thing together here for anyone who didn't get to read it as we went.
Peter is on a really terrible date when he spots Tony across the club.
Choose your own tag
Warnings and tags below
Warnings/tags: au fic, sort of cheating but not exactly, alcohol use
Peter leaned against the bar stirring the straw in his drink. He wasn't even sure what he was looking at, but it was violently green. Quentin had ordered it for him, like always. They weren't exactly dating, but this was their third date. Which Quentin seemed to think meant more than it did. Either way, the asshole was on the dance floor sandwiched in between two random dudes because after all "its just dancing, Peter". He was handsome and a good listener and he gave good advice, but Peter wasn't sold on his personality yet.
He sighed and stared out across the club. The lights shined down highlighting a few clusters of dancers. But one man sat alone at a high top near the back. Their eyes met and Peter's heart skipped a beat. He was gorgeous and his smile called to Peter like a cartoon character smelling a freshly baked pie.
There's butterflies in Peter's stomach as the man gets up from the table and starts across the room. Peter straightens his posture and brushes his hair back. He's glad he only had a sip of that drink Quentin gave him so he's not too buzzed to string words together. He only gets more gorgeous as he get closer, well dressed, trimmed beard, salt and pepper hair.
"Hey," he says with a confident smile. One that has certainly gotten a lot of people naked. "What are you drinking? I'll buy you another."
"Oh, I don't know honestly." He glances out at the floor. "My uh... date picked it."
The man follows his eyes to see Quentin grinding against another man. "Some date," he says.
"Yeah..." Peter looks back at him and the man offers his hand.
"I'm Tony."
"Well, Peter, I've got a table at the back. Want to join me?" Tony asks him. Peter spares a last look at Quentin. He doesn't even look towards the bar to see if Peter's still there.
"I'd love to, Tony." He follows him through the crowd to the table he'd spotted him at before. The music seems slightly quieter here, but that isn't saying much.
"You hungry?"
"No, thanks. I ate before I came."
Tony frowns. "That boyfriend of yours is a real charmer, huh? He doesn't even feed you?"
Peter blushes. "He's not my boyfriend exactly. We haven't even made it to that conversation."
Tony smiles. "I'm in luck then."
"Oh yeah?" Peter's smile matches his.
"Yeah. I get the opportunity to steal you away."
"You make it sound like I'm some kind of prize."
Tony's smile is dazzling. "No, I think you're some kind of treasure."
The butterflies are back in his stomach. He's warm all over. He can't help but notice the way he unconsciously started to lean Tony's way. And the way he was leaning back. It never felt like this with Quentin. He said it would eventually, but everything was so clinical with him. Emotionless.
Maybe that green stuff was really strong or maybe it was the fact that Tony was the first man to not be a dick to him months, but his attraction for Tony was undeniable. Peter turns towards Tony and puts his hand on his knee. He lets that hand slide up his thigh just a little, asking for more. Tony's charming grin turns to a more heated gaze and Peter's pulse races.
"What about your not boyfriend?" Tony asks, barely speaking above the music.
"Who?" Tony's leaning his way so Peter leans back. They meet in the middle and Tony's mouth feels so good on his that he feels it in his toes. He leans closer, putting more of his weight against Tony's thigh. He wasn't sure that kissing had ever felt that good, Tony knew exactly what he liked or maybe he just liked the same things. Either way, it was incredible.
Peter doesn't want to stop, even going so far as to put his hands on Tony's head when he starts to pull away, not pulling him back but simply asking. Tony complies, eagerly kissing him until they're both breathless and they're finally forced to rest.
He looks into Tony's dark eyes, watches him breathe heavily, stares at his kissed red lips...
"Do you want to get out of here?" Tony asks. Peter can't help but smile.
"Yeah, I do." Tony smiles back and they walk away from the table together, Tony's arm slung around his shoulder. It feels like taking a leap, he's not the one night stand yet here he is.
Quentin is still there as they pass the dance floor. Peter thinks he finally looks his way, but if he does see them, he doesn't come after him. It wouldn't have stopped him anyway. He needs this.
"How far is your place?" Peter asks.
"Not far. You sure that's what you want?"
"Definitely." He let's Tony lead him down the street past a group of giggling drunk people to the nicest car on the block. Tony opens the door for him and climbs inside. The interior is clean and shiny and comfortable. Tony starts the engine and puts his hand on Peter's thigh.
Tony pulls the car out into the road, but the heat Peter felt inside the club still lingers. He feels desired by Tony more than he has by anyone in a long time and it has him feeling bold. He leans across the car, a hand on Tony's thigh to brace himself, and presses his lips against the man's neck. Tony sighs in pleasure and Peter takes it as a cue for more.
He kisses his way down his neck, only building up his own desire for the man and ended up sucking on his skin making him moan and grip the steering wheel tighter. The hand on his thigh wanders a little higher and Tony shifts his legs apart for him. Peter moans as he grips his cock, hard and hot just for him.
"Fuck, Peter," Tony moans.
"I need you," Peter moans in answer.
Peter let his hand wander along the seam of Tony's crotch, his fingers teasing him through the fabric.
"Can I?"
"Fuck yeah," Tony breathes.
Peter licks his lips and pulls down his zipper. Tony slows the car to help him get him adjust his pants enough to get his cock out. Peter's drooling at just the feeling of his cock in his hand. He spits into his palm so he can pump it in his fist.
"Come on, sweetheart. Your killing me," Tony pants. His hand gently rests on the back of Peter's head.
He smiles and looks up at him. Tony looks like he's struggling to keep his composure. Then Peter wraps his lips around the head of his cock and runs his tongue over the smooth skin there. He goes slowly, afraid to be distracting while Tony's still driving, but the moment Tony puts the car in park he really goes at it.
Tony moans and swears as Peter fucks his own mouth on his cock, his hand pumping the base, drool slobbering between his fingers. It's wet and messy and Peter moans like it's his favorite candy. He can feel Tony's cock throbbing like he's getting close. He's tense and struggling not to thrust up and choke him. Then finally Tony pulls him up and into a filthy wet kiss.
He pulls back and the man looks wrecked but Peter's knows that he looks worse.
"We better get inside before we get arrested," Tony laughs. Peter nods with an embarrassed smile. Tony holds his eye as he tucks himself away before getting out of the car and opening Peter's door. He finally sees where they are and Tony's apartment is at least as nice as his car. It's exciting to get this kind of attention from someone like Tony who could have brought anyone home.
"This is a nice place," Peter says as he gets out of the car. Tony crowds against him, shutting the door and backing Peter against it.
"What kind of men have you been going home with?"
"The kind that couldn't afford this car with their entire life's salary."
Tony sweeps Peter's hair back from his face. "You can do so much better than that, sweetheart." He kisses him and Peter shivers. He's barely aware of being pulled into the apartment building. They're both too busy laughing as they run into things trying to kiss each other on the way up.
Tony opens his apartment door and pulls Peter inside before shoving him into the wall. The kisses are less giggly now, they're more serious, more heated. They're grinding against each other, Tony's hand curls lightly around his neck, Peter's rides his thigh as they kiss.
They're stumbling around again, this time with less laughing and more Peter whining when the kissing stops because Tony backs into the couch. Tony turns them away only for Peter to end up on his back across the coffee table. Neither of them cares, they're too wrapped up in each other.
Peter reaches between them to get Tony's pants off, he wants that cock in him now. It almost hurts to want it this bad. Tony takes over his clumsy fumbling and Peter sits up to strip out of his own clothes. He loves the way Tony watches him as he pulls off his shirt. He strips out of the rest as gracefully as he can, but it's hard work when Tony takes off his shirt and he's all muscle. And it's the hard work kind, not the body builder kind. Shirt off, pants open, cock in his hand.
Peter grabs him by the back of the neck and pulls him back in. They kiss again. Peter legs wrap around Tony's waist, pulling him in. Tony reaches under the table for a box Peter had barely acknowledged and he comes back with too many condoms and a bottle of lube. Peter has no thought for how many people Tony has fucked on his couch except that it feels good to be desired by someone who's clearly very desirable.
Tony rolls the condom on while Peter pulls him down for a kiss. He's rutting into his hip, too eager after too long. Then finally Tony's cock is slick and ready and pushing inside.
"Slow," Peter whines.
"Been a while huh, sweetheart?" He kisses his neck.
"Yeah, fuck. Feels so good." He pulls Tony close, he needs him all the way in, but he's just not ready.
"Don't worry, baby. I've got you." He goes slow, distracting him with little kisses and stroking his cock until finally he's inside.
They're both breathing heavy, wait until Peter's ready for more when Peter's ringtone makes them both jump.
"Shit," he groans. "Can you turn that off? He's probably looking for me."
Tony reaches down into Peter's jeans and pulls out his phone. "Quentin? That's the guy? What kind of loser ass name-" He answers the call. "Quentin?" he says.
"Who the fuck is this? Where's Peter?" Peter hears over the phone.
Tony grins. Peter covers his face in horror. "Oh, he's here- No you can't talk to him- he's a little bit occupied."
He moves, drawing back his hips and pushing slowly back inside, forcing a bone deep moan out of him and he knows Quentin heard that.
"Don't worry I'm taking good care of him." He hangs up the phone with a smirk and tosses it on the couch.
"You're an asshole," Peter says, but he's laughing.
"I just saved you from a lifetime of bad dates. You're welcome." Tony bends and kisses him again. Peter moans against his lips as Tony moves slowly inside him.
"More," Peter moans. He clings to Tony's biceps as he pushes in deep. Slowly, he moves faster, finding the rhythm that has Peter moaning like a whore while Tony pants over him. Quentin's phone call is completely forgotten thanks to Tony fucking him so good that his legs shake and he can barely keep them wrapped around his waist.
"Fuck, Peter," Tony moans. His lips are against his neck, brushing kisses and the occasional scrape of his teeth against his skin.
"So close," Peter whines. His moans turn to high, whimpery, sounds when Tony's hand finds his cock. He tries to hold on, he doesn't want it to end, but it's too good and he gives in near screaming when he cums. Tony moans against against his skin, his hands squeeze his hips as if he might run away and just a moment more before he cums, too.
Tony stops and he kisses his way from his neck to his lips. Peter's drowsy in the haze of his orgasm and his kiss is lazy and made difficult by the smile on his face. When Tony stops he's smiling back.
"Can I convince you to stay the night so we can do this again?" he asks.
Peter grins. "You'd have a harder time convincing me to leave."
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a little snippet that might one day turn into more. a kind of sequel to this
Steve remembers holding his mamas hand every Sunday, the only day they consistently spent together when she was home. Remembers sitting in the pews, trying to keep his eyes open in the midday heat. Remembers looking down at his hand in hers, seeing that his was entirely engulfed by her painter’s hands. Felt like he could survive anything as long as his hand fit in his mom’s.
When he woke up in the hospital, for the third time, for the last time, after he swam his way to consciousness, his mom was at his bedside. And his hand was bigger than hers, his hand was calloused, cut to hell from where he fell running from the end of the world. Her hand was still soft. More wrinkles than he remembered, but still as unblemished. She was gripping his hand like her life depended on it, even in her sleep. Same deceptive strength.
Steve knows it's only been a week since he last saw her. Leaving again, but this time he was grateful. She would be safe.
It feels like it's been an eternity. Just the weight of his mom's hand has brought him back to himself. Time feels like it's passing again, every tick of the clock and every rise and fall of her shoulders rushing through him.
His mom is here. Her hand in his, asleep, but here.
He's alive. It all comes back to him in waves. They all survived, it's over. His mama's here, and it's over.
When she wakes up and sees Steve looking at her, she freezes. Looks at him in disbelief.
They don’t say anything, at first. What is there to say? Where do they even start?
Steve wants to say, where have you been. Steve wants to say, why are you here, just you, and not dad? He wants to say, I did it all without you, I survived without you, I went through hell and lost so much and you weren't there. He wants to say, thank god you were safe, he wants to say, why didn't you protect me?
But he waits for her to speak first, doesn't think he's able to if the dryness of his throat of is anything to go by.
"Oh Steve," she finally whispers. She runs her free hand through his hair and her eyes quickly fill with tears.
"My Steve, my baby, I'm sorry," she says. She could be apologizing for a million things, for leaving him, for the long business trips, for the wounds he's starting to feel, for the years he was left alone, for the horrors he's endured, for showing up now instead of then. She could be apologizing for all of it. And Steve knows he should be angry. Knows that some distant part of him is furious and that that white-hot rage will bubble up to the surface eventually, but his mom is holding his hand, her thumb gliding across his knuckles like they used to in church, and she's here.
"Mom-" Steve chokes out. It comes out rough, through the lump in his dry throat. His mom moves from the chair at his bedside to sit on the edge of the hospital bed, hand never leaving his.
"I know, I'm here, I'm sorry," she says, her voice still soft and wobbly. Tears have started to run freely down her face, and she does nothing to catch them. She leans over and grabs a glass of water, holds it as he takes tentative sips from the straw. When he leans away, she sets it aside, helps him sit up. That same angry relief bubbles up again. Here she is, being his mom, finally. He must have really come close to death this time, he thinks.
They stare at each other again, his mom's hand running through his hair. And it's been too long since he's studied his mom's face, because he can't tell what that emotion is.
"Steve, I-" she takes a breath, struggling to find words. So different from the woman who used to pick out her sentences carefully, used to enter conversations like they were battles. "I don't know what happened, to you or to Hawkins. I know it was bad, that whatever you went through was- that it was bad enough to put you here. There's been a crowd rotating through here and I can't get a straight answer from anyone. But whatever it was, I should have been here. I should have been here a long time ago, and I'm- I'll be sorry for it for the rest of my life. But I'm here now, If you'll have me."
A year ago, hell, a week ago, Steve would've scorned the idea of it, an apology. Forgiveness past the last minute.
But his mom is here. And she's holding his hand.
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HoF/QoS Rewrite
I've had this idea stewing for a little while, but I've been thinking about how HoF and QoS could've been combined into one (albeit longer) book, removing a lot of filler and greatly improving the pacing of the series. Just to make it easy, throughout the post I'm calling the combined book "book 3.5"
Aelin & Rowan
Aelin’s arc in this combined book is essentially her HoF storyline. She goes to Wendlyn, works on her powers, becomes close with Rowan, and finally accepts her title and responsibilities as queen
She returns at the end of book 3.5 to play a role in recruiting Lysandra (I'll get into that in Lys' section)
Dorian, still without control over his powers, accidentally reveals his magic to his father at the end of CoM, only days after Aelin leaves for Wendlyn. His father collars him in the final pages of CoM, like the ending of HoF, but at this point we (the readers) know next to nothing about the Valg, so the cliffhanger of the King putting this mysterious black collar on Dorian leaves us confused and looking for answers
He spends the majority of book 3.5 possessed, like in QoS, and we slowly learn about the Valg from Dorian’s firsthand experiences while Aelin’s simultaneously learning about them with Rowan over in Wendlyn. The interlap between Aelin’s slow information gathering and Dorian’s possession drives the readers nuts bc they kind of know what’s going on but neither Dorian, trapped in his own mind, nor Aelin really has the full story
Ultimately, Dorian’s able to break away from the Valg because of Chaol, not Manon or Aelin, as Chaol pleads to his friend “I know you’re in there”
You know, the classic trope that gets you every single time. It’s not like their relationship can get gayer than it already was anyways… (I'm kidding. Kind of.)
This is also more in character for both of them, as his relationship with Dorian has been a driving force for much of Chaol's life
Aedion & Chaol
Aedion follows his HoF arc more closely. He comes to Rifthold on the King’s orders, working with Murtagh,  Ren and the other rebels from the city rather than the north
Chaol was supposed to leave for Anielle because of the bargain he struck with his father in CoM, but when Dorian is collared and possessed, Chaol decides that's his last straw with the King. He abandons his post early but instead of going to Anielle, he starts sniffing around in Rifthold to find answers about the black collar/Valg. This gets him caught by the rebels but Aedion recognizes him as the captain of the kingsguard and gives him a chance to explain. Chaol’s wary of revealing too much, but he tells Aedion that Aelin’s alive to gain his trust
They spend the rest of the book collaborating (similar to HoF), but with their combined wit (two heads are better than one) they figure out the clock towers and decide to bring one down while Aelin’s still in Wendlyn. By the time Aelin returns, expecting a magical dead-zone, magic has been brought back and the Rifthold clocktower was destroyed
This gives Chaol and Aedion much more importance/weight in the story. Throughout a lot of SJM's books, characters that aren't the main main characters (Aelin & Rowan, Rhys & Feyre) can often fall by the wayside in terms of propping up SJM's favorites, and I want to give other characters more agency.
This one’s hard because I thought the witches’ HoF storyline was very well paced
Basically HoF happens the same for her but instead of training in the Ferian Gap and being sent to Morath at the end of the book, the witches receive their Wyverns and training in the mountains around Morath. This way, Manon meets Elide earlier but the witches’ story remains largely unchanged
She helps Elide escape Morath about halfway through her character development and the book, meaning she’s taken a big step on the way to humanity but at this point, she’s not quite sure why. She felt a connection to Elide and her witch ancestry, but is still cold-hearted enough that her rescue of Elide is an unexpected move for the reader. Manon then moves back a step — confused why she helped this girl, she calls it a moment of weakness and once again resolves to be the stone-cold witch her grandmother expects (Obviously this resolution doesn’t last long)
Her character in 3.5 will see slightly less development  she did in HoF/QoS, and she’ll need some time in EoS to fully separate from her grandmother and become the character she was by the end of the series. Considering how late she came into the main group in EoS and how little narrative purpose she served once she did crash land on their ship (beyond being Dorian's newest hookup), we can make that sacrifice.
Elide’s time in Morath is documented in the first half or so of book 3.5 and she still gets the Wyrdkey from Kaltain with the instructions “Get this to Celaena Sardothein in Rifthold.” She and the Wyrdkey are dropped in Oakwald by Manon, like she was in QoS, and despite her disability she uses her wit to escape both the Ilken (hunting her to bring her back to Perrington) and Adarlanian soldiers.
No, Lorcan is not involved. This gives Elide more agency and a better chance to show off her own ability to survive without another Sexy Brooding Fae Man protecting her. Maybe she pulls a Mulan and pretends to be a guy for safety, though.
Taking Lorcan out of the story also removes a POV character, which helps cut down page count/filler. Lorcan can still exist in the story as Maeve's commander, but he's not nearly as important/prevalent.
Once in Rifthold, Elide finds out Celaena was an assassin who’d been captured, taken to Endovier, and has been presumed dead for years. Knowing Kaltain couldn’t have been that incorrect in her information, she decides to hang around, find work, and look into the Wyrdkey she’s in possession of. Her research ends up bringing her to Aedion, Chaol, and the rebels, as well as Aelin who has recently returned.
Aelin still needs the amulet of Orynth from Arobynn Hamel, who’d stolen it from her all those years ago. Aelin has a history with Lysandra and knows Lys once loved Wesley, who Hamel killed. Aelin, freshly back from Wendlyn, enlists Lysandra to kill Hamel and steal the amulet for her (which she does, like a bad bitch, in QoS).
By the end of book 3.5 Aelin now has the three Wyrdkeys — The Amulet of Orynth, the one from Kaltain/Elide, and the one from Elena’s tomb. The next book (EoS) is spent pretty much canonically as they run around with the wyrdkeys trying to find out how to put Erawan back in his cage.
The end of book 3.5 features Chaol facing off against Dorian. Possessing all three Wyrdkeys, Aelin plans on using them to kill the king but Valg!Dorian still stands in their way. Chaol does the whole “I’ll let you kill me before I kill you” speech á la stevebucky and Dorian almost does kill him, realizing what he’s doing at the last second. He expels the Valg from his body and unleashes his powers in a blast that kills the King, levels the castle, and paralyzes Chaol (similar to what actually happened). This leaves everyone set up perfectly for the next books while condensing two long-ish books into one. 
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